#what to do with Gabriel always comes to mind as there are options
imthepunchlord · 1 year
I don't think anyone was happy with how Gabriel's whole arc was handled, so I am curious what people prefer on what should've been done or could've been done instead.
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twost3ps · 5 months
Hazbin Oc voiceclaims LETS GOO
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Ok so I've been brewing a bit and have been kinda busy. I got one last exam coming up and then I'm FREEEEE but I wanted to push something simple out so I decided to do voice claims because that is somehow easy (not)
These are partially for the scott pilgrim au, it makes it a bit more immersive to me
Anywayyysss: Heres the video of the voices (it's 4.5 min I'm so sorry)
and if ur interested: let me break down whyyy :3 + small oc blip (I still don't really know how to chracterize them it's all over the place) they go in order of appearance
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Micheal: Johnathan Groff
Micheal is pretty closed off and cold. His answers are cold and short, and he doesn't like wasting time. Working 24/7 is his way of ignoring everything bad that has ever happened to him, until recently. He's trying to go back to his roots and have some fun. B4, in Eden he was basically a fun loving party guy who liked to bend the rules, but since his brother's betrayal, he grew angry and to snuff it out he just worked super hard. Super straight laced. But after a while he's trying to be silly again, people find it weird though because it's just been so long.
Initially, I wanted something deep- like deep deep. And while true, Micheal could have a fitting deep voice-
I think Groff just fits really well. He hits all my boxes.
His voice is rich and smooth but has a bit of dorkiness to it?? (Kristoff) The closest thing I can go into describing my Micheal is, again, an ex frat boy that caught depression when things got too real but now is recovering and healing. Idk Groff's voice just gave the vibe. His voice is kinda similar to Jordan's (Lucifur's va) imo, especially when they sing. Of cousre they're not gonna sound identical, but its like Emily and Charlie, it's just similar when they sing. Also Groff can pull off a rocker voice (the Bohemian Rapsody clip) and I need that. I want that rocker Micheal FEAFSEF
In general though, Groff has been my #1 option. Not just for my Micheal, but like, a lot of Micheals I've seen. I look at them and all I can hear is Groff soooo. Yeah. I also think that if Micheal were to be part of the actual series and be Lucifur's twin he'd be the kinda guy they're looking for. But yeah, hes always been #1 choice
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Gabriel: Chris Fleming/Jshlatt
Gabriel balances out Micheal's colder demeanor. He's loud and a bit obnoxious about. But overall, this man is a goober. He's a man that can't keep a secret and keeps it real, a bit too real this man is way too honest. Won't shut up once you get him going especially when he's excited. It's bad when he peaks at one emotion because he goes all out. Overtime he's gotten better but still out af.
I wanted Gabriel to have some sort of gruffness. Some edge. Gabriel's thing is spreading the word of God and all but I can't think of him having a smooth voice. (I mean he yells all the time, how can he not???) I wanted something expressive, loud and gruff. A voice that you know does not stfu and does not hold back.
Fleming came to mind when I head him from bigtop burger (love that series) his voice is fun, low and gruff. Jshlatt was recommended by one of my friends when I showed them Gabriel. I was pretty unfamiliar with him b4 and when they showed me him my jaw dropped. His voice is what I kinda want it to be, just a bit higher. And the singing voice fits really well too :)
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Raphael: James Earl Jones/Thurl Ravenscroft/Nat King Cole
Raphael is supposed to be this chill soft guy you can go to for comfort. He's like a marshmallow of a man and can be very empathetic. But underneath all that is a unit of a man who could throw you thousands of yards away.
I wanted something rich, deep and smooth. I had to ask my friend again with this one and we got Mufasa (James Earl Jones) Fits really well! So yes, smooth and soft, but an underlying tone of powerful. I also wanted his to have just a lot of bass to it. Something you could sleep to. Why Nat King Cole for the last option? I genuinely have no clue but it fit to me so I slapped it on this bad boy.
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Azreal/Dumah: Steve Blum
Ok. Both of them are idiots. My version of them anyways. They fight a lot. I mean when you are suck together it’s bound to happen (They share one body but only one can take full control at one time- mostly Azreal because Dumah hates people. I’ll just show you guys one day. They can separate but only when they are given permission. Big fussy babies). They finish each other’s sentences a lot when talking. Azreal is the goofier brother who likes making jokes and Dumah is the more serious one. When retrieving souls Azreal is the one who takes it while Dumah judges. Dumah hates when people joke while on the job (he hates Azreal for this this) but he hates it even more when they go against God's word. Azreal could give less of a crap, he just finds reaping super fun.
Blum fit for me after watching Puppycat seeing his role as space outlaw. It shows his ability to be goofy but his other roles consist of also very serious characters which fits Dumah and Azreal pretty well. Blum has this crazy rasp about thing going on (is that what it is?) it makes him stand out which fits for the angels that deal with the dead. Makes you very awake imo. Idk there’s just something about it. While Azreal and Dumah share the same voice, Azreal is higher than Dumah’s. What I mean by that is (when looking at the audio clip from the video) when Blum’s voice is generally higher, that’s Azreal. When it’s pitches lower that’s Dumah. Dumah in general doesn’t speak much unlike Azreal- they’re what comes to mind when people think of introvert and extrovert lol
Sadly I couldn't find a sining voice for him :(
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Eve: Lisa Hannigan
To me, Eve holds a lot of motherly energy. She's soft and kind, but she actually holds similar feelings to Adam about sinners. Don't get me wrong, she feels bad for their eternal punishment, but in the end, it's on them. Like, if she was presented with the hotel, she'd comply but try to take over it becoming this overbearing presence that would put you in your place without lifing a finger if you didn't fird her standard. If she'd hear one complain shed be like, "i know it sucks but really, you did this to yourself." But besides that, to everyone else, she's kind. In heaven, she's recluse, only really going to Adam for anything. Her punishment on earth did something to her, and unlike Adam, she does not like seeking comfort from others. Shes subtle about it, but you can easily tell by the vibes she gives off - they are STRONG (Idk about this over all this may change)
I feel like this is kinda a given. Then again it could be just me. I wanted Eve to have this soft motherly vibe. Like her voice is just barely above a whisper sometimes, but is still kinda deep. Blue diamond came to mind like immediately. There were other options like Esmeralda’s VA, especially the one from the musical, but I wanted to give Eve this sense of solemn, sort of driftyness and chill. Ngl her character really resonates with blue diamond so it kinda just fell into place. It’s in contrast to Adam’s sharper and more gruff voice, where he can hit more highs, she hits more lows.
Eve is literally Adam’s other half (and while in my au they aren’t in love anymore or maybe they were never in love at all idk, they were definitely soulmates who loved each other dearly)
Again, notes on the floor and everywhere. They thoughts are always super scatterbrained
But yeah that’s pretty much it! If you guys have any recommendations or suggestions yourself feel free to tell me I am welcome to anything!!!
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harrystylesfan2686 · 10 months
Lewd Thoughts
Pairing: Cassian x Reader.
Summary: Just reader simpin' over cass😁
A/N: Again unedited🫣 I changed it a little from the original story plz dont mind😅Also I'm 5'1 so I wrote this from my perspective. I hope you like this!❤️
The Winter Solstice has always been an important day in Night Court. The celebration and gifts and everything about it is always perfect. It has to be and Rhys makes sure of that. This time especially since it Feyre's birthday too. He goes all out. Doesn't matter if it's just between family, he still did his best.
I wear red cotton dress with white puff sleeves and stockings, matched with pearl earrings. Mor dressed me up tonight making sure I look my best. She even painted on my face with somethings and even though I thought it'd be too much, I love how I look.
We were allowed to bring one guest if we wanted tonight, I didn't invite anyone but mor didn't let the chance go. She invited two people a female who she met at Rita's and a male named Gabriel, I think. When I reminded her that the option was only one guest she told me Gab can be my date to which I had laughed but agreed.
We sit around the living room, talking and waiting for others to come. Rhys, Feyre and Azriel were already there when Mor and I arrived, our guest informing us they'll be a little late. We are now waiting for Cassian, Elain and surprisingly Nesta. I have to admit, I was a little shocked hearing she said she was coming too but then I got to know that Feyre had threatened her to come, using the small apartment she is living in at the moment.
I and Mor were conversing our gifts to everyone when Cassian came exclaiming his arrival. I take him in while he wishes everyone. His tan skin and tousled half ponytail, those silky hair I always wanted to run my finger through and those amazing Hazel eyes that I wished were always on me. His casual clothing hiding those strong muscles that always make me drool. I never could pay attention to my morning training sessions because if he was near, all I can ever think about is how hard they'd feel against my body.
A pinch to my elbow makes me yell out and snap my eyes to the provider of my pain. I glare at mor, rubbing my sore skin I exclaim,"What?!". She raises her eyebrow at me and says,"Stop looking at him like that. You're drooling."
I gasp,"I am not! You-"
"Hello my dear friends." Cassian interrupt me. I turn to him, towering over me he smirks. I look at the end of his tugged up lips. Oh what I would do to feel those full lips wrapped around my nip-
Nope, not going there. I blink out that thought as quickly as it came and smile in return. I greet him back, hearing Mor do the same. They talk about something which I'm not paying attention to and use that time to adore him. Oh how good he looks. My eyes trail from his eyes to his sharp jaw and his stubble. I wonder how those tiny hair would feel like if we kiss. They'd tickle my chin, deffinately. I'd like that. And I'd for sure like feeling them on my sensitive skin when his head is between my le-
I avert my eyes and scold myself for thinking these lewd imagines with him right in front of me. I sigh to myself and try to fosuc on what he is telling Mor. I fix my eyes to his neck knowing if I see his lips again I'll go crazy. But their voices again drone out in the background when I focus on his neck. How is it that I find even his neck so sexy? I want to suck on it. Leave a little trail of red markings with my lips. Even bite a little as I sink down on his co-
"Are you even listening to me?" I hear his voice, bringing me from my imagination. I blink up at him in embarrassment when I realized he had said something to me and I didn't listen. My face flushed with heat as I try to recall what he said.
"I-um," I stammer glancing at Mor in hopes she helps me a little but all she does is give me a knowing look. Cassian chuckles above me and I look back at him.
"What's gotten into you? Are you alright?" He gives me a soft smile. "I-yeah! Yeah of course I am! Yeah." I nod and give a, what hopefully is a, convincing smile. My few loose hair strand away in front my face, before I can raise my hand to put them back, cassian's hand tucks it behind my ear. I freeze. The callus skin of his hand feel too good against my ear. It lingers their for a second before droping back down. I stop myself from shivering from the intensity of these situation.
A yell of Mor's name catches our attention and we all look at the female and male that just walked through the door.
Right. I forgot we invited plus ones. Gabriel's eyes lock with mine and he smiles, walking towards us. I observe him. His white skin and ocean blue eyes with high checkbones and sharp jaw. I have definitely seem him before. I juat dont remember where. Mor introduces five of us and walks away with her friend leaving Gab, Cass and Me alone.
"Y/N, Its been a while." Gab smiles. I, in return, and nod to him, stilling trying to remember him and failing miserably.
Maybe I should juat ask him... No that would be rude. Wouldn't it? Oh I don't remember anyway so might as well.
I clear my throat,"I'm sorry if I offend you by saying this but I don't really remember you." I smile apologetic, watching his face fall and nod. "It's alright," He nods,"I understand, I mean it was almost a century ago. But I can try to make you remember." He tilts his face.
"I would love that." I breath out a chuckle. I notice cassian's face switching between Gab and me depending on the speaker.
"Well, it was seven decades ago, on starfall. We met in the celebration party and got along well, wether that be our personalities or the alcohol, I don't remember." We laugh. Cassian still listening. "That night I walked you to your house and well, we kissed." My eyes widen as forgotten memories flash through my eyes.
"Oh, I remember! We kissed and I invited you in and we-" I abruptly stop remembering how the rest of the night went. We didn't even make it to the bedroom. After the adrenaline ran out along the drunkness, we had been so tired that we fell asleep on the floor. "Yes, We did." He eyes fall to my lips, down to my body and come back to my eyes.
Cassian frowns. He clears his throat and I look at him. Confusion fills me when I something like anger in his eyes. Gab's words makes me look at him again. "So how have you been?"
I go to answer but the words get stuck in my throat when I fell a pair of arms hug my waist. I look down, seeing the arms of the man I adore so much. My heartbeat fastens when he pulls me back to his chest. I gasp when my back touches his hard muscles. He puts his chin on top of my head and my heart feels like it will fall out of my chest. Gab's eyes take in the massage Cassian is clearly stating.
Stay away.
I know almost all versions of Cassian. His friend version with me. The brother version with Az and Rhys. The teacher version during training sessions. This is new. I love this version of Cassian too whoever he is. It's exciting.
"I'm doing really good." I answer Gabriel's question, blushing profoundly. "And you? What are you doing nowadays?"
He answers but I hear none of it, thanks to a certain lord of bloodshed wrapped around me. I'm sure he can feel how hard my heart is beating right now and still choosing to ignore it.
All I can think about how hot the veins on his arms are. And how large his hands they are. How they fold around waist perfectly. How his two hands cover my entire stomach. How good it would feel it they tighten around me. How his big palm would feel covering my neck. I bet I'd look and feel so small with his chest passed tightly to my back, one hand choking me, and other wrapped around my waist holding tightly so that I don't move and have no choice but to take everything he gives me while thrusting-
"Are you listening to me, Y/N?" Gabriel's question intrupts me. I try focus on him again, smile and answer,"Yes. Of course."
This is gonna be a long night.
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buggachat · 2 years
I'm so curious to hear your thoughts. do you think Gabriel will ACTUALLY die? Or Nathalie? or will they both get healed??? Will Emilie actually get revived? The latter was always something I thought the show would do, but I also feel like this show is hard to predict sometimes. If Emilie does come back, I can't imagine she'd be too thrilled when she learns what Gabe's been up to that the two of them would go back to being a happy loving couple. #eminath2022
honestly it's SO HARD to predict how this series could possibly end. Adrien's story is so clearly set up as a tragedy, completely doomed by the narrative, and there's sufficient foreshadowing that he could possibly die/be sacrificed.... but I also believe that IF that happens he'd be revived and will ultimately receive a happy ending, because he's a main/beloved character of a children's show (also future-chat noir was alive in timetagger). So how will Adrien get a happy ending? Who will parent this child? UHHHHH
Personally, I really hope they don't revive Emilie, even if that's maybe the most obvious way for Adrien to have a happy ending. I think it'd maybe be a little questionable for kids who watch the show and relate to Adrien's struggles of losing a parent, and also I think that it'd kind of... prove Gabriel right? I think Gabriel would happily sacrifice ANYTHING, including his own life, to save Emilie, and I think him essentially doing that, sacrificing EVERYTHING to revive Emilie, and then everyone in the show being better off for it and it being the "happy ending" would kind of mess with the themes. Gabriel isn't supposed to be right. He's supposed to be wrong, he's supposed to be deluded that Emilie can be saved, he's supposed to be wrong in refusing to mourn her properly and move on, and with those themes in mind I don't think it'd make sense for her to be brought back. Maybe temporarily, but not permanently, y'know?
As for the fate of Gabriel and Nathalie.... I DON'T KNOW.... I DON'T KNOW!!! I feel like I almost want to say that Gabriel will just flat out die, but can they do that??? It's a kids show??? WOULD they kill Gabriel??? I don't know!! I DON'T KNOW.... but also there's something so poetically beautiful about Gabriel being the cause of his own demise, y'know? He did this to himself. This is his punishment. Ladybug and Chat Noir don't even have to decide his fate, he decided it himself, and I love that. And even if they find a way to heal the cataclysm, would it heal his mind after being driven mad by all the miraculouses? I...... I don't know that they can do that. How weird would it be, if the series ended with Gabriel suddenly healthy in body and mind again? And then what? He goes back to raising Adrien like nothing happened? It's almost easier to picture him flat out dying, or going to prison with an implied shortened lifespan or something. Gabriel should not continue to have custody of Adrien after all is said and done.
Nathalie would make more sense to survive, I suppose, because even if her fate has been sealed for longer and more solidly, she's a more redeemable character. In fact, I'd say Passion implies that she's very redeemable now, and is even actively trying to step in and be a mother-figure to Adrien now, which makes her a solid contender for being Adrien's post-plot guardian... but it still doesn't feel quite right, because just like Gabriel, Nathalie did this to herself, and her illness is her poetic punishment for her crimes, and we have no reason to believe that her illness can be cured, and we know it's fatal because of Emilie. That, and even if she regrets it now, she still aided and abetted Adrien's abusive father.... so........ I................... .....?
I'm really at a loss here, because I can't predict at all where this could all possibly go. If not Emilie, Gabriel, or Nathalie, who will take care of Adrien?
I know a lot of people use Gorilla for this role, and I don't blame them because there's really no other option, but I've never bought it. Gorilla is.... essentially just.... Some Vaguely Decent Man™ who works for Gabriel, and I really don't get anything from him or from his relationship with Adrien beyond that. Like yes, he's nice to Adrien in a way that probably any Vaguely Decent Man™ would be, and Adrien likes him fine in the same way that Adrien likes everyone, but that's... kind of it? Fanon takes Gorilla and Adrien's relationship and runs with it, and that's fun and all, but in canon there's virtually nothing there, and I'm sure that if Gorilla adopting him was the intended ending, they'd be developing their relationship more than the nothing that we've gotten.
All that really leaves is Amelie, his aunt, who lives in a different country? That seems the most logical, but also would have a huge affect on future seasons of the show if Adrien left the country. Maybe there's some interesting plot stuff they could do with that, and with Adrien and Félix living together, but it almost feels too AUish for me to comfortably predict that it would happen in canon.
sorry this turned into a long ramble where my conclusion is basically a big "I don't know". But anyway, I'm actually really excited to see where this all ends up! I love how unpredictable this show can be.
My only semi-Serious prediction is: I can just picture an episode where Gabriel actually wins, where he recreates his world, and maybe Adrien isn't in it, like Adrien was the one transferred to the casket in the basement (or maybe Adrien was the one who made the wish, and willingly chose to sacrifice himself, because of Adrien's established sacrificial tendencies? idk), and Emilie denounces Gabriel and walks out on him and Gabriel realizes that everything that he's done has been for nothing, that his dream was never real and never could be, and then they somehow undo that timeline and bring everything back into the regular timeline. Idk how any of that would happen, but I'd like it so :)
("It's just bad writing" No Fun Allowed responders DNI)
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vroomvroomwee · 1 year
I don't think enough people realise how incredible Aziraphale is.
He's always known how good and kind Crowley is. Even from the beginning. Now imagine being in his place, after meeting such a wonderful and sweet angel, and hearing that he's fallen, that he's evil and wicked. No wonder he was sceptical and on edge at the garden... except Crowley was still the same, chatty, witty, and funny angel he met before the beginning. Crowleys fall terrifies him because in his mind, if someone like that can get sent to Hell, then what hope is there for me?
So he learns just how thin the line is between being an angel and a demon, just how close he's cutting it, just how little it takes for him to fall as well.
In his eyes, Crowley's brilliant. He's resourceful, intelligent, capable, everything he wants to be. Everything he's told he should be. And it creates so much confusion in his mind. How can someone like that fall while I'm still here? And it doesn't help one single bit that he's falling in love with him.
Aziraphale isn't stupid. Despite what everyone says, he's very in tune with his emotions. So much so that Crowley fails to keep up with his logic and decision-making. He realises that he's falling in love with Crowley, and that causes panick in him. He's an angel. He's not supposed to fall for temptation.
So he has two options: try to prove to himself Crowley's good and therefore justify his own feelings, or to prove Crowley's evil, and that's why he fell. So... in a way, he does both.
Every time Crowley tries to convince him of his malice, Aziraphale proves him wrong, sees right through him. All the while constantly putting a wedge between them, of good and evil. "But, you, are fallen." "I'm good, you, are evil." Even though he knows deep down that's not the truth, which is precisely why he's saying it, he knows Crowley is good, just as he knows he himself isn't fully. And no one must ever find that out.
Not only is he keeping Crowley at a distance for his own safety, but also for Crowleys. Sacrificing both their happiness for each others safety. He knows precisely what Hell will do to him if they ever find out how kind he really is.
And it would be very very simple if he just stopped hanging out with Crowley, except... he can't. No matter how hard he tries he's always pulled back to him. And over time he's testing his limits, what can I do? Am I allowed to do this? Food? That's forbidden? The Arangement? etc.
And you can't really blame him for fearing Falling. Not just burning in boiling sulfur as each of his cells is being transformed in the most agonising way, but also having to spend eternity there as well as the humiliation and resentment he'll get from Heaven. "My lot don't send rude notes." he knows how horrible and terrifying it is down there, and he is all too aware how he won't be able to cope. Too weak, too mellow, too soft.
Crowleys kindness is constantly putting him on edge because he just can't understand why he's a demon. While angels like Gabriel and Michael, who always put him down, are apathetic towards humanity, are narcissistic and emotionless... are still up there. 6000 years he's spent wondering when his time will come. When he'll be pulled down to Hell.
He's so goddamn kind that it took him 6000 years to realise Heaven is not all that it should be. Kinder than Heaven could ever hope to be (and after the "stay back" from ep6 we can see how thay he is capable of being harsh and ruthless, which means he actively chooses to be kind, which makes him all the more extraordinary and astonishing for it). And I'm not even going to go into the strength it takes to manage to break out of the brainwashing that Heaven has done to him. Thousands of years of being humiliated, feeling worthless, not good enough, not angelic enough, not even appreciated. And despite all that feedback and ridicule, he's never given in, never relented, never let anyone modify or change him, has never lost his kindness, his softness, his generosity even after all that he's seen and been through. And that is so fucking incredible.
Validation and praise being at his fingertips, if only he could let go of his individuality, his uniqueness. Of himself. Thousands of years of it, and he has never surrendered to it. Never betrayed himself, kept his pride and his self-worth despite other people trying to rid him of it.
And he knows this. He's too clever not to. He knows just how thin the ice is he's standing on. Even at the beginning, which is not long after the Fall if I might point out, he's defying orders and keeping Adam and Eve safe, risking his own safety for the safety of others. And he still doesn't back down.
But he can't for the life of him keep away from Crowley. Because of how much love he has for him, how much affection. "He's risking his entire existence," and he'll do it again because that's who he is. (Not many people will put their lives on the line for the person that tried to annihilate them, completely destroy them in every plane of existence. Actually, no one ever will. Except him.)
He. Never. Backs. Down. Not from Armaggedon and not from the Second Coming.
It's not that he doesn't love Crowley enough, it's that he loves him too much. This is an angel so full of love that he's scattering himself, breaking himself, tearing himself apart, trying to give it to everyone. To Crowley, to humanity, to Earth. He's risking destruction for the things he loves. Both physically and emotionally. He would sacrifice his own happiness, his own future with Crowley just to save humanity. And he does it again and again and that is so fucking amazing, so fucking incredible that I don't believe such a selfless character exists in any other piece of media or television.
(Also, this is all mostly referring to his emotional strength, but let's not forget how he faced literal Satan and smote around 20 demons in just a matter of seconds.)
Edit: Just wanted to add what one of you pointed out in the comments.
Aziraphale realises that running away with Crowley isn't really a relaxing and peaceful life as Crowley thinks it is. Far away from humanity and it's pleasures that they both love and engage with, something that brought them close in the first place due to their shared love for it, and constantly on the run from Heaven and Hell. Aziraphale is doing this for Crowley, so that he can be happy, so that both of them can be together. Not only that but he offered Crowley his angel status back, since he thought that would make him happy again, since he hoped that he could one day see that same smile that Crowley had when they first met, that smile that he hasn't been able to bring back all these years.
Aziraphale is now in Heaven, the last place he wants to be, the place he barely escaped with his life from, a place that hates him, filled with angels that despise him and want to see him suffer or worse, and he's utterly and completely alone.
He's trying to save the entire universe alone.
Think about that for a little bit.
Edit 2: I think it's worth noting that Aziraphale isn't perfect. And that's the point. He doesn't need to be perfect. He's naive and gullible and sees the world in black and white. He still needs to learn, to grow, to deal with these things. Soon enough, he'll realise that despite all the hope he has that he could fix Heaven, it just can't be mended, something Crowley has learned a long time ago and desperately tries to shoe him. He'll realise the system is corrupt, and no matter how hard he tries, it won't change because it wasn't designed that way. And it just makes him all the more brilliant. He isn't perfect. He has flaws, and he makes mistakes. He's an angel, but he's the most human of them all. And he's incredible all the more for it.
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froggibus · 2 years
In celebration of that shimada brothers 'let's have a baby' how about a shimada brothers + reaper headcannons of how they would be as parents?
How They Are As A Father - Shimadas + Reaper
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Genre: headcanons + fluff!
Word Count: 600 (like 200ish each)
CW: mentions of S*jiro, lots of fluff, christmas + halloween tropes, genji is a soccer mom and you can't change my mind
this was such a cute idea and im glad i could bring it to life for you anon! i hope you enjoy <3
strives to be better than his father 
very overprotective of you + the baby when your first child is born
calms down over time tho
would do anything for his child
definitely reads them a bedtime story every night (bonus points if he makes it up)
he loves to play outside with them—rain or shine
would teach them self defense 
also would give them the option when they’re older if they want to learn to shoot a bow/use a sword
if they want to do a different activity instead? he still tries to be supportive
films everything
also for some reason i picture him making scrapbooks??
volunteers to be a parent supervisor on all of the field trips
and knows every single one of their teachers
he would definitely go up to the door to trick or treat with them too
and christmas?
you have to stop him from buying the whole toy store
still they end up with way more gifts than originally intended
would make a big deal of Santa coming
like would set up a whole scene after they go to bed—reindeer tracks and everything
also he’s an excellent gift wrapper
would have a distinct wrapping style for himself, Santa etc
10/10 father he loves his kid(s) so much
also tries to be better than their father
tries to be firm but always caves
definitely the type to accidentally swear/do something he’s not supposed to in front of the kids
“I’ll buy you ice cream if you don’t tell mommy”
they end up getting lots of ice cream
worries sometimes that they’ll be embarrassed that he’s a cyborg so you have to comfort him sometimes
i feel like he would sing them to sleep every night??
is extra about everything
he’s on the PTA and bakes cookies for every event
Halloween? he’s coordinating everyone’s costumes
would definitely use “dad tax” as an excuse to steal some of their candy afterwards tho
also he dresses up as Santa to put gifts under the tree
“babe, the kids have been asleep for hours, you don’t have to wear the costume” “but what if they wake up”
also definitely is a part of the carpool + always talks about ‘that bitch Karen’ 
he would be a great father
definitely very sleepy and always takes naps with the kids
is the type to patrol their room if they complain about monsters under the bed
somehow knows exactly what to do too
you’re kind of jealous of it actually
until you see how close he is with them and how cute it is
doesn’t initially want to volunteer for anything at their school/extracurriculars
cannot resist puppy dog eyes though and gets roped into it anyway
the “idk ask your mom” type
plays with the kids for hours 
they will literally be using this man as a jungle gym and he doesn’t even flinch
carries them to bed when they fall asleep in weird places
if some kid was bullying them at school, he would definitely have some strong words for them
“kick them in the shins” “gabriel!”
not a big fan of Halloween but will hold their hands if they get scared
also insists they wear a coat and even when they refuse carries it the whole night for when they inevitable get cold
loves to play in the snow with your kids
absolute snowball fight master 
holds them up so they can decorate the top of the tree
helps them write letters to Santa + gives them letters back covered in white glitter and candy cane stickers
he’s so soft
would move heaven and hell for his kids 
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If you had to pinpoint the main issue of MLB, the root of all evil if you may (aside from Astruc), what would it be?
If we're going super high level, it would be narrative consistency (I believe this is a synonym for "narrative coherence" or, at least, I've always used them pretty interchangeably and googling one finds you stuff on the other). I wanted to get an official definition of this term and wikipedia gave me this from a larger article on the theory of narrative paradigm:
Narrative coherence is the degree to which a story makes sense. Coherent stories are internally consistent, with sufficient detail, strong characters, and free of significant surprises. The ability to assess coherence is learned and improves with experience. Individuals assess a story's adherence by comparing it with similar stories. The ultimate test of narrative sense is whether the characters act reliably. If figures show continuity throughout their thoughts, motives, and actions, acceptance increases. However, characters behaving uncharacteristically destroy acceptance.
I also found a pretty good overview of the topic on the blog of a random editor. You can follow that link to read the whole thing, but I wanted to highlight this section on characters as I thought it was particularly relevant to the stuff I talk about on this blog:
Your characters will have their own personalities and behaviours that the reader will become familiar with as the story develops, so if you deviate from these patterns, the reader will notice. That’s why it’s important to maintain character consistency – that they would act in a way that is right and in keeping with their personality, rather than making them act out of character to make elements of the story fit.
As you can hopefully see from the above sources, the stuff I've talk about on here, and just generally thinking about the show, most of the issues with Miraculous have to do with the show being narratively incoherent. Characters do whatever the writers want them to do. Plot lines get dropped and picked back up then dropped (Lila) with no rhyme or reason. Big, meaningful setups lead to nothing (Gabriel learning all the temp heroes identities). Twists come out of nowhere (Kagami being a senti). They all indicate that something is majorly wrong here.
I am not involved in the production of this show, so I cannot tell you where all of these issues come from. It may be that the writing staff doesn't know what they're doing or it could be that unknown forces like marketing are driving the writers to do things that they'd rather not or it could be a mix of the two. For example, I'm pretty sure the magical charms we get in season four were only added to sell stuff like this and this, which is why I try to approach this show without pointing fingers at anyone too specific unless there's some hard evidence to back up what I'm saying. All I know is that this show has a massive writing problem and I'll end with a little advice on how I avoid this issue. It may or may not work for you. It all depends on your writing style.
When you sit down to write a story, it's very normal to not have a clear path for how to get from story point A to story point B. You don't need to find that path before you start writing. You just need to keep in mind that B is your goal and start figuring out how to logically get there.
I often describe this process as taking a journey with a known destination, but no planned route. However, just like with a road trip, the further you go, the more limited your options become because of the choices you made. If you skipped stopping at an interesting city or landmark, you can't change that fact and we're not turning the car around just so you can get a picture next to the big ball of string. You had your chance and you missed it. Accept that and move on.
Similarly, as you write your story, you have to own the choices you've already made on your journey. If you choose to let a character in on a massive secret (Alya learning Ladybug's identity), then you have to fully own how that choice would impact all elements of the story (Alya's opinion of Lila) not just the short sighted elements you wanted it to impact (note how Lila's not a thing in season four? Almost like they didn't plan out how to handle her and Alya at the same time?) Own the route you committed to and find a way to tell the next part of the story in a way that feels like it's on the same route and you'll be fine.
Does that mean occasionally having to give up on cool ideas that you really liked? Yep, but that's the nature of story telling. It's part of the reason why people are told to "kill their darlings." That's just a thing you have to learn to do if you want to be a good writer.
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girl4music · 2 months
Thank the gods you’ve finally got to ‘THE QUEST’. Xena is many things as a TV show but it’s regarded as THE OG WLW TV show the most. It’s THE FIRST, and in a lot of ways, THE ONLY main characters WLW love story from episode 1 to the last. That’s 6 seasons long.
And the reason why it was able to achieve it?
It was never main-textually canon so it flew completely under the radar of straight people.
But please - don’t let that put you off because I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t matter at all. And even - in a way - it actually really helps it be better WLW representation than anything canon ever will be. Even better WLW representation than WayHaught. And I’ve seen for myself what that WLW couple does but I will always have in the back of my mind each time I watch their scenes or engage in any talk about them, that ‘Wynonna Earp’ WOULD NOT if Xena didn’t do it first. And that’s kind of a catchphrase we Xenites have when it comes to this. “Xena Did It First!”. You can even buy Xena merch that has that caption all over it.
So yes, in a way, Xena did WLW representation in a TV show first because it’s really up to you whether you see it as a WLW love story or not.
I can tell you many do to this day regard Xena and Gabrielle as the greatest WLW love story in TV art/entertainment of all-time, main-textually canon or not. I’m so excited for you.
“So what you’re saying is Xena is inside of Gabrielle?”
Yes, and it does make you wonder why she didn’t just do that in the first place if it was always an option to control her body.
I put it down to that she didn’t want to put Gabrielle in risk of danger but figured it was worth the risk when it came to the high stakes of Velasca getting the ambrosia.
You’ll find that’s a common occurrence. Xena leaving Gabrielle out of the plan in the excuse of protecting her from harm. Cute but condescending. Gabrielle can more than take care of herself now. And this is something Xena would have some struggle with accepting about Gabrielle fighting.
So yes, Xena and Gabrielle are clearly more than friends now. But whether this makes them an official couple is debatable. Now they’ve established somewhat what the nature of their relationship is, the show gets better and better from this point onwards.
What I really like about their dynamic going forward that a lot of people find frustrating today is that even if their relationship is not explicitly sexual, it is overtly romantic. Especially emotionally. And it really works. It works that their chemistry and intimacy is more emotional than it is physical.
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I can’t understand how people are angry with the kiss. Yes, it didn’t come from the best of circumstances but that scene was utterly perfect in all aspects of emotion, music, writing, and acting.
I definitely do not like angst but while I was sad with this scene I was also extremely happy. Even though they is a rift in the relationship. Even though Aziraphale has chosen to leave, they still recognized their feelings.
We saw it first on Aziraphale’s look to Crowley when Gabriel and Beelzebub were being lovey dovey, he wanted that and knew he wanted it. Then Crowley has the talk with Nina and Maggie and actually fully recognizes his romantic feelings for Aziraphale!!
He pleads with Aziraphale not to leave him because he sure as Hell isn’t going to Heaven. He’s always wanted it to be them but now knows why. It isn’t because of an apocalypse that he could also reasonably run away from himself. No. He wants it to just be him and Aziraphale (+ Earth if we’re being honest here).
And Aziraphale acknowledges this. He wants it to be them. Us. But in heaven, a place that Crowley would never want to go unless he absolutely needed to. He knows now that Crowley feels strongly towards him, more than he knew before, he welcomes it on one condition. However that condition is too much of an ask for Crowley, who knows the truth.
Crowley tells him the the nightingale is no longer singing. It’s heaven or him and Crowley knows the choice that Aziraphale is making. But he still wants Aziraphale to truly know what that means.
They both plead more but Aziraphale has had enough and turns away. He can’t face his own feelings head on when he knows Crowley can’t come with him.
For Crowley this head turn is the last straw. He has no more options. Aziraphale has chosen. He’s not going to budge. But that turn shows Crowley that Aziraphale is willing to leave him and the long life that they’ve lived together.
In a desperate plea he rushes over and pulls Aziraphale into a kiss. For most of their time on Earth they couldn’t even admit to being friends. In the past few years they’ve slowly been able to admit that. But they were still closed off.
Demons, angels, they didn’t need to show any physical indication that they cared for each other. They just knew.
For Crowley, he was impulsive and always following the newest fashion trends. He moved too fast for an Aziraphale who held on to what he could of the past. He ran a damn antique bookshop where he refused to sell any books for fucks sake.
For Crowley, once he realized his feelings the decision to kiss Aziraphale was an easy one to make. But for Aziraphale it was catastrophic. It was too much all at once.
But he still tried to hold onto Crowley. He tried to savor something so unusual yet so wonderfully full of love. He’s still scared. It’s evident when Crowley pulls away.
He tries to say the first thing that comes to mind but he stops himself. He forgives Crowley for what he did. He forgives Crowley for trying to influence him one last time.
Tired of it all and his terribly dense angel, Crowley leaves.
Aziraphale needs him so bad in this moment. He almost starts crying as he touches his lips. Something so full of love that had to occur at such a terrible time.
He’s stuck on his decision but can’t help but look back to Crowley before leaving for heaven. Even when he didn’t want to admit it, they were always on their side. But their side didn’t exist anymore.
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I sometimes have an impression that nobody considers Marinette's PoV when talking about S3 Finale (or any other "conflict" where Marinette is one of sides)
Only thing she saw, was Hawkmoth and Mayura attacking Master Fu, and "drunk with power" Miracle Queen "enjoying" her "personal entourage" of mind-controlled Miraculous Holders. Ladybug didn't have literally ANY knowledge about why Chloe was Akumatized.
I headcanon that Ladybug berated Chloe so hard, because it was "Secret Test of Personality". Marinette (being Marinette) just thought that only two options are possible:
If Chloe "stays as good person", then this means that Hawkmoth Akumatized her against her will
If Chloe "returns to being awful", then this means that she betrayed Miraculous Team by willingly allying with Hawkmoth
As you said "Marinette sees World as black-and-white"
Oh no I entirely get that it's just.
The whole thing is set up to where she /should/ find out.
Like there were bits and pieces set up to it being how she's making a mistake here. Mostly in that she let her feelings for Adrien effect her choice and she did a shitty thing by abusing her power to pull Kagami away from Adrien under the guise of 'oh well I /really/ need you to do Hero things right now!' with the double points of Kagami being the other Hero whose identity should be public knowledge(@ that one fucker I'm not arguing this again). And all of this accidentally falling right into Hawkmoth's plan to manipulate Chloé going off better than he could have ever imagined.
We got.... some of this. In having the 'oh no I screwed up and accidentally led Hawkmoth to Fu so he got the Miraculous' payoff, but we don't get the 'Marinette purposely made a selfish and shitty decision' payoff.
Marinette /should/ have found out what happened.
Now like like like
Obligatory thing about how this isn't her fault, it's Gabriel's for being a manipulative fuck, and how Mari didn't /intend/ to do this yadda yadda.
But her actions were still shitty and hurt people. And the realization of this should hit her. She used her powers for selfish reasons and accidentally made things so much worse.
I don't mean this in a 'Mari should be punished' way, but when the show puts blame on her for other things that were far more 'unintended consequences' than this, it's weird that she's not coming to the realization that she made that mistake.
And it's because the narrative shifts. Chloé wasn't 'incredibly hurt by LB's perceived rejection and got manipulated by Gabriel into being the villain', she's just 'always been an evil brat who never actually wanted to change'. If they acknowledge that Marinette's actions had unintended consequences, they have to acknowledge that Chloé /was/ in fact hurt and that's part of why she went darkside.
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shelbgrey · 2 years
Can you do one where the reader is Gabe's soulmate and they have a breakdown cause they were hiding all feelings, good and bad. They break down in Gabe's arms and whilst venting say “I gotta say, I'm not doing so great. I keep trying to start over, but I can't get anywhere because I'm lost.” Then Gabe comforts them?
Love this request. Glad I got to write for my favorite angel again.
Love of a lifetime (Gabriel)
Paring: gabriel x Soulmate!Reader
Prompt: 1.1) “I gotta say, I'm not doing so great. I keep trying to start over, but I can't get anywhere because I'm lost”
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Call Gabriel what you want. He can be manipulative or harmful to humans if he really wanted to. But one thing is for sure he'd never lay a hand on her or even put her in danger. He'll play all the practical jokes he wants on her brothers or send them to any univers, but when It comes to her no harm will come.
Gabe didn't know how to discribe it. When he first met her and her brothers were after him. Of course he was pissed but when he first saw you all anger seemed to dissolve. He didn't know why... Actually he did but he didn't want to admit it.
Arc-Angels are supposed to have Soulmates or they'll be assigned a person to watch over. Unfortunately God didn't trust Gabe to be a Garudian Angel so he was surprised when he felt the love sick feeling his whole body was feeling when he saw her kind eyes.
That day he voved to always protect her even if she never found out about his unconditional love he felt for the the hunter. He's all jokes and partying but when he promises something he keeps it. When the mystery spot becomes known to her and her brothers, Gabe made sure she didn't get sucked into the time loop Sam and Dean were in.
He knew how much y/n loved her brothers so while Dean was dying and sam was losing his mind y/n was completely clues. But she wasn't too clueless, she started slowly putting the pieces together and soon she had a dozen questions for the so called Trickster.
The third time she was sucked into TV land, but like he promised there was no harm to her. He would put y/n in the same reality as her favorite shows to impress her. But after the Winchesters Cracked the case once again she finally asked her unanswered questions while he stood in the holy fire.
“call I ask you something?” she asked after brothers left. His brooding face soften and he simply shrugged.
“Sure Sweetheart”
“Why us? Specifically why do you target my brothers but not me?” he stifled a laughed and put his hands in his pockets.
He weighed out his options. He could either tell her the truth and get rejected or he could lie and not only protect him but her. He also knew he was bad news and even dangerous. And even if he promised to always protect her its not safe for an Angel to be with a human.
“... Just wanted to see how it would play out” he lied right through his teeth. She slightly nodded with disappointment. She couldn't explain why she had a soft spot for the Trickster or she started to notice how handsome he was.
“see ya around Gabriel” she nodded putting outt the holy fire and walking to the impala. She never breathed a word to her brothers about the conversation she had with the Angel.
--------(1st pov)--------
“GOOOOOD MOOORNING!” my alarm clocked shouted. I sat up suddenly and heard Gabriel's voice shouting through the speaker of my alarm. I sighed and tried to shut it off but his voice continued in a broadcasting voice.
“it's a beautiful day in Kansas with 80% chance of a vengeful spirit flying around, but don't worry the Winchesters are on the case... I'm your host T Rickster”
I sighed and ripped the corde out and tossed the alarm clock to the side. I sighed finally getting some quiet.
“that's not very nice Sweetheart” I jumped at the suddenness of his voice. I looked and he was leaning against the was of my room. I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. I opened the door of my room.
“if you don't mind” he rolled his eyes with a smirk and with a snap of his fingers he was gone.
This happened for months. I woke up to the sound of his voice everyday. And everyday turned into him coming to the bunker to heal whatever scratches or bumps I got from a hunt.
As the months went on we got closer. He always knew how to make me laugh or smile. I also noticed how pretty his wisky colored eyes were and how adorable his smile was. But the harder I fell for him the scared I got.
Then one drunk night I got something I never knew how badly I really needed it. Once his lips met mine it felt too good to be true... I guess it was. He started to distance himself for me. Is voice wasn't heard every morning and it slowly turned to maybe three days a week.
It hurt... I guess it wasn't all his fault do to the fact I was scared to tell him how I felt. Scared of what my brothers would do if they ever found out. After about a week of mopping(as Dean would put it) I admit it to Sam. I knew I could trust him and he didn't get angry like I knew Dean would.
“we can't help who we fall in love with” he told me.
After a particularly hard hunt I ignored my brother's worries and went to my room. As soon as my door closed I let out a sob. Everything seemed to be hitting me all at once. Every possible negative outcome happened tonight. I felt broken and tired, I felt even more pain when I realized Gabe didn't show up like he usually dose.
Dispite the pain I fell backwards on my bed and chocked down a sob. Feeling the acke in my back a rolled over to my side. As I moved I was face to face with Gabe's leather jacket that was just carelessly crumbled on a chair near my bed. It was right where he left it... Right before he started distaning himself from me.
I winced as I got up and wrapped myself in the jacket. The smell of his colone and what ever candy he ate invaded the my sences the closer I pulled the piece of clothing closer. I crawled back into bed trying to get some rest.
“you look like shit” a all too familiar voice said destroying the quiet. I quickly set up and saw gabe leaning against the wall with his head down.
“thanks” I grumbled and slowly set up. He sighed and walked up to me. He raised his hand getting ready to heal me. I slapped his hand away before he could.
Gabe gave me a sorrowful look and pulled his hand away. I looked down not wanting to meet his sad look. “I'm sorry” he said just above a whisper.
I scoffed then looked up at him. “What did I do wrong?” I asked him as tears pricked my eyes. He tilted his head like he didn't know what I was talking about. “you were my friend... Then you just disappeared... Was that kiss so awful?”
“What? No! No... T-that's...” he scoffed and shook his head as he became lost for words. “it's just... I'm not right for you... You need to start over and find someone who will treat you the way you deserve” he said quietly.
I gulped thinking of all the pros and cons of what I was about to say. I thought of the negative out come of it, but it's now or never I guess. “I gotta say, I'm not doing so great. I keep trying to start over, but I can't get anywhere because I'm lost”
He looked up at me and gave me a soft look as I continued. “I'm lost without you... Everyday I woke up to your voice and everyday I fell deeper and deeper for you” I said feeling my chest tighten.
Gabe gently pulled me into his arms. I was engulfed into the smell and touch I missed so much. I finally let the tears fall as hid my face in his chest. “I'm so sorry” he mumbled and kissed the top of my head as he held me closer.
“I love you... And it scares me” he confessed. I looked up at him with watery doe eyes. He softly smiled and placed his warm hand on my cheek. “but I don't plan on giving you up again”
He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my lips. It wasn't like our first drunken one. It was softer and longer. It felt like it was supposed to be our first. It felt like forever was in our favor.
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bil-daddy · 1 year
Final Update on My Date with Aziraphale
It was a close race, but between not taking Aziraphale to Hell (he wouldn't like it) and taking him to Alpha Centauri instead, not taking Aziraphale to Hell won out.
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Taking him to Hell was never really an option. Glad all but 1% of people who voted agreed. (Those 1% though...I'd be enjoying my last days as human if I were you, cause you're all getting turned into lizards as soon as I figure out who and where you all are.)
Course that means I can't tell him last night was a date. Angels and demons don't go on 'dates' (even when they do). And for Aziraphale's own peace of mind, it's best he doesn't know I'd ever hoped we might.
But while I can't tell him it was a date, I can help him with his identity crisis. Let him know he's not a demon just because he told a little fib.
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No one'll ever even know so long as we don't tell anybody. I mean I'm certainly not gonna say anything.
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And when I asked Aziraphale if he planned to tell anyone, he shook his head no. Then, he asked me "But what I am I?"
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So, I told him.
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I already knew what he was gonna say to that.
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And I thought I knew what he'd say next. I thought he'd call me out for lying to him, saying it wasn't lonely being on my own side, a demon going along with Hell as far as I can, but no farther.
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But what Aziraphale actually said surprised me.
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And me--being the self-sabotaging, second-guessing, insecure snake that I am--just couldn't take that for the win it was.
I had to say something stupid.
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After all, Hell's crowded as well, Hell. And I'm still lonely as Heaven.
It's probably the same for Aziraphale, too. Can't imagine him being all that chummy with Gabriel and the rest.
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That's when I realized I'd fucked up.
Aziraphale had just reached out, in his own careful way, and I'd shot him down like an enemy plane, when he was just trying to be a friend.
I had to fix this.
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Aziraphale thought about it for a moment. And then, he turned to me and smiled. It was hesitant, scared even, but it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.
(But then, I think that about all of Aziraphale's smiles.)
It was gone in a flash, like the sun peeking out from behind a cloud then getting covered again, and he quickly looked away. But I saw it. And I'll always remember it.
I'll always remember what he said, too.
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We sat in companionable silence after that, watching the sun go down over the water.
When it was nearly dark, I remembered Sitis' offer to come for dinner, which I'd brushed off with a rain check (not actually intending to ever follow through).
Now, I'm not usually much for food (snake digestive system--can't have too much at a time). But, as we learned from the now infamous Ox Rib Incident, Aziraphale definitely is. So maybe Aziraphale might like to have dinner with the Job Family.
I asked him what he thought. Did he want to go to dinner at Job and Sitis' place? Not with me or anything, of course. I'd just, you know, happen to be there too, since we both had invitations.
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And he said...
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nicgoldomens · 1 year
Shax tells Aziraphale that as he is now "an outlaw" from Heaven and has "no protection", the humans are not safe with him anymore and her demon army can do what they like - this is then demonstrated by one of her demons grabbing Mr. Brown from over the bookshop door threshold and threatening to take the rest of the humans one by one if Crowley doesn't hurry up and get them out. Shax is not scared of Aziraphale and knows he has no friends in Heaven after stopping Armageddon with Crowley.
You can see in Aziraphale's face the effect that thought has on him - the horror of not being able to protect human beings as well as he has always tried to do; feeling helpless about potentially not being able to call on any back up from Heaven as he is already an outcast since Armageddon. He can't stand the thought that any human would be hurt because of his choices, which in that moment and when he is trying to fight the demons with Maggie and Nina, have made him feel weaker.
Of course this is Shax's power of manipulation, using words to undermine Aziraphale's confidence and belittle him in front of everyone - also why she points out how soft he is, implying softness both physically and in a lack of willpower. Aziraphale cannot call on the other angels to come and help him fight as he is hiding Gabriel, who came to him because he was already a "traitor" in the eyes of his fellow angels. This is why the only thing he can think of to do is blow up his Halo - a last resort which he knows could start a war with Hell, but he can't bear not being able to save the lives of Maggie and Nina or protect Gabriel as he promised. He is completely alone and has run out of options.
His happiness when Crowley arrives "You came back!" is relief that Crowley is safe, that he brings answers which will help resolve everything but also, crucially, that Crowley is on his side and he is not facing a dangerous situation alone. I think this all has to still have been on his mind when the Metatron made his offer. Aziraphale knew he was going into a potentially dangerous situation as a traitor going back to Heaven, but felt like he was too weak as an outlaw out on a limb on Earth, to keep it's human inhabitants from harm.
He wants Crowley with him. He loves Crowley and Crowley is the one being he can trust to be on his side and work with him for the good of humanity, with the extra status the Metatron has promised. However Aziraphale failed to convince Crowley and is likely not convinced himself deep down. Unable to reconcile his two most conflicting needs of wanting with all his heart to be with Crowley, but wanting with all his heart to be strong enough to protect his human charges and have the full weight of Heaven and it's angelic host behind him.
Then the Metatron tells him about the Second Coming and he realises too late that the people of the Earth actually need saving from Heaven's plans not just Hell's demons...
Aziraphale glances back towards Crowley in a silent plea for him to understand and once more be on his side, then steps into the lift and rearranges his face to hide the emotional turmoil. He is now a double agent determined to protect that which he loves as best he can and he is scared the mask will slip
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thebisexualdogdad · 2 years
Smut Prompt 56, with male reader and Randall please 🤩
Randall Carpio x Male!reader
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The one downfall to living in a house with all of your best friends was that it gave you very little privacy when it came to your… personal activities.
You guys were walking in on each other all the damn time but while the rest of the knights could get away to their significant others homes for alone time you and Randall didn't have those kinds of options.
In desperate times you've had to resort to going out and hooking up in the woods though you have been stumbled upon a few times by joggers who thought all those noises were coming from someone being attacked by a wild animal.
You and Randall hadn't had a moment to yourselves in over three weeks and he was losing his mind, sure you were just as frustrated as he was but Randall's sex drive is so high he would literally have sex five times a day if you let him.
It's friday night and Jack insisted everyone come over for a game night so you, Randall, Hamish, Lilith, Nicole, Gabrielle, Vera and Alyssa were scattered around the living room playing games for a few hours now.
Normally Randall would be enthusiastically spearheading the games but instead he had been giving you looks all night, wanting so badly to sneak off and do anything but play games.
"I think we're out of beer," you announce in the middle of a game, "Randall, you want to help me get some more from the fridge down in the basement?"
"Sure thing babe," Randall nods, throwing his cards down on the table and hopping up to follow you to the basement.
"They're going down there to hook up right?" Jack questions as soon as you're gone.
"Oh definitely," Hamish smirks.
"They at least better bring more beer back when they're done," Lilith huffs, finishing the last of her bottle, she did in fact want another beer but she was not going to get one herself and risk seeing you two fooling around after the incident a few months ago when she walked in on you riding Randall who was handcuffed to the bed.
Down in the basement you have Randall pinned to the wobbly table you guys use as a makeshift ping pong table, lips connected as your hands eagerly wander each other's bodies.
It doesn't take long for Randall to get a boner, he's practically had one 24/7 for the last three weeks and boy is he ready to finally get off to something besides his own hand, you may not have had any time lately to have sex but he certainly could always find the time to jerk off.
Randall groans as you drop to your knees in front of him, haphazardly unbuckling his pants and freeing his hard cock.
"Try to stay quiet understand?" You say looking up at him and he nods again, biting his lip to stifle the moans he wants to make as you gently kiss along his shaft.
Wasting no time you take him in your mouth, you figured your friends probably knew what you were really doing down here but you didn't want them to interrupt the one moment of privacy you finally get to have with Randall complaining about your boyfriend being too loud which has happened many times before.
Randall is biting down so hard on his bottom lip he tastes a slight tinge of blood but he ignores it as you expertly bob your head along his cock.
Fuck he could cum right now just from the way you're sucking him off but he really needs you inside him.
"Y/N, I need you to fuck me," he pleas.
You release him from your lips and get back to your feet, turning him around and quickly shrugging down your pants, Randall gasping the moment he feels your cock press against his ass.
You bend Randall over the table that you hope is stable enough to handle the weight and slip your cock inside, Randall clasping his hand over his mouth to prevent a loud moan from escaping.
There's no time for foreplay, literally and figuratively speaking as your friends are waiting for new drinks and neither you or Randall can wait any longer for an orgasm so you find a steady pace, thrusting into Randall with the intentions of cumming as fast as you could.
You'd make it up to him by taking your time and eating his ass for an hour or two some other day.
Muffled grunts are coming from Randall as you pound into him and with his free hand he reaches down to stroke himself.
In just a couple minutes he's cumming, spurting out all over the floor.
"Oh fuck," he groans and with a few more thrusts you hit your own climax, pulling out of Randall to let your cum join his on the floor.
"Fuck that felt good," you chuckle, looking for something to clean up the mess you two made.
Randall finds an old towel, dropping it to the ground and using his foot to move it around to wipe up the mess, "I've been so horny Y/N, I jerked off four times this week… or was it five… no it was definitely six."
"Well maybe if you're lucky everyone will be too buzzed after another round of beers to notice us sneak upstairs," you grin, kissing him chastely.
"Better yet, let's convince Hamish to break out his expensive whisky to make sure they get drunk," he suggests when you hear the basement door opening.
"Are you guys done banging out your sexual frustration yet we need more beer!" Gabrielle yells from the top of the stairs.
"We were not having sex!" Randall yells back thinking he could cover your tracks.
"We could hear the ping pong table hitting the wall genius you're not that sneaky," she quips.
"Hamish! Where do you keep the tequila?!" Randall states already needing to get away from your friends.
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morphaeus · 9 months
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— MORPHAEUS writeblr reintroduction
— about the author;
hello! I've recently had an unexpected break from tumblr, but as I'm finally back, I thought I'd write a new intro post. My name is Micah; I'm 32, non-binary, and my pronouns are they/them. I'm a caffeine addict, a vegetarian, a college student, a gamer, and a writer. I live in the midwest, and I'm neurodivergent and disabled.
I write mostly speculative fiction, and my protagonist are typically queer. At the moment I'm not posting my stories anywhere, but I'm exploring several options to do so eventually. I'm also in the process of writing and coding two interactive stories. You can find out more on my development blog, @morpheusfiction.
I'm always looking for more writeblrs to follow and more new authors to read, so please interact with this post so I can check out your blog!
— find me elsewhere;
about // wips // instagram // twitter // spotify
— works in progress;
Sadie Nelson's summer is off to an awful start.
Her first year in high school has been a disaster, with failed classes and more detentions than she'd care to admit. With summer school the only thing to look forward to, she doesn't think it can get worse - until her parents sit down and tell her they're getting a divorce. The news comes as a devastating kind of relief. She can't wait for the fighting to come to an end, even if it means split holidays.
So when her parents send her off to her aunt's house in Newfoundland for the rest of the summer, she figures things can't get much worse. Her Aunt Claire is content to leave her alone while she works on her art, and Sadie spends most of her days by the seaside, wandering or drawing boats, and lost in thought.
When she finds a strange girl on an abandoned cove, far from town, Sadie is quick to try and make her first friend in St. Brenden's Bay. But her new friend is stranger than she realizes - and what does her Aunt have to do with her appearance?
empyrean eclipse;
Dr. Hazel Hartley-Pryce is what most people refer to as a genius. The leading cybioengineer in the paradisaical city of New Eden, she’s revolutionizing the very concept of prosthetics. At least, that’s her day job. Most of the time, she’s just Zelle Pryce, awkward and unknown heir of an oil empire trying to make up for her family’s myriad sins.
Lark Donaghue lost their arm and their memory in an accident five years ago — or, at least, they think it was an accident. Ever since, they’ve been doing their best to recover in both mind and body. As one of the recipients of the Hartley-Zimmer prosthesis, they spend most of their time in the labs having their new arm calibrated, or in physical therapy, getting used to having a left arm for the first time.
When they bump into each other in the hospital café, Zelle has no idea that Lark is one of her test subjects. Likewise, Lark doesn’t associate the cute young doctor he meets with Dr. H. Hartley, the mysterious billionaire scientist who invented their prosthesis. Each are determined to keep their past a secret, eager to have something normal in their lives.
But when Zelle is attacked, everything changes. The mystery behind Lark’s amnesia might finally be solved — but at what cost?
wrong witch;
born into a family of witches, morgan has never shown a drop of magical power - no matter how much his mothers insist he has the inherent potential. he’s ready to give up on magic altogether, when, on his seventeenth birthday, he wakes up covered in blood, having sleepwalked into the nearby woods. suddenly, he has more power than he knows what to do with, and all of his dreams are coming true - but at what cost?
and why?
gabriel graves is a warlock, having traded his eternal soul for magic. when his family moves from bustling new york city to a small town in the midwest, he’s taken from his circle of power — his true family — and left alone. the citizens of ashborough, mi, are perfectly normal, and perfectly boring.
except, of course, for the mysterious delacroix family.
morgan and gabriel’s lives collide in the ashborough woods, as morgan seeks to discover the source of his newfound powers, and gabriel searches for a place to call his own.
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sgt-scottymoreau · 9 months
New Year
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(With art!)
Summary: Scotty propose to Ghost to spend the new year with her family. It's not that he doesn't want, but this time of the year, the holidays always bring him bad memories. A past he has buried deep and doesn't want to dig up again.
Warning: None
Word: 4.4k // AO3 // Masterlist
A/N: Because the reboot has given us nothing about Ghost's past, I'm taking his OG backstory as my canon for now. Unless we are given something different, this is it. I wrote this a little while ago as well, earlier this year when I wasn't too sure how Ghost handle the mask situation. So it's a bit all over the place as I tried to correct how I see it now. Surgical like in public, more or less private environment balaclava, at home in intimacy none. Art was done in a semi rush lol ignore the hands please!
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After everything that happened, they were more than glad when their request had been accepted and were able to take a week of leave, just in time to spend New Year somewhere. At first, they thought about staying in England, probably only the two of them staying at home and taking it easy. However Scotty received a message from her family asking if she would be able to spend the holidays with them. Come to think of it, it has been a long time since she was able to be around for either Christmas or New Year celebrations. Sitting on the couch, she glanced at Ghost who was watching the TV, not paying too much attention to her conversation back and forth with Gabrielle. Scotty was a little torn apart. On one hand, she wanted to spend the time with her family but would Ghost follow? If not he would be alone. Which on the other hand, wasn't something she wanted. 
“Simon?” She asked softly. He replied with just a hum. “Gabrielle is asking if I want to spend New Year with the family and I was thinking that maybe I could accept the invitation.”
“You do whatever you want, love.” His gaze never moved from facing forwards. 
“Would you… come with me?” The question took him by surprise and he did turn to face her this time. 
“I’m not so sure it’s a good idea…” “If it’s because of the mask, Gabrielle and the boys already know you. I suppose only my parents might be surprised, but they will understand. Especially if we say you just have a very bad scar you don’t want people to see.” 
He scoffed at the remark. Scotty could see on his face that he was thinking, probably considering all the possibilities, trying to find the best option. Even outside of work, his tactical mind was racing. His face remained impassive for a moment, before he finally gave his answer. “I’ll pass, for this time.” 
Scotty understood, despite a small pinch to the heart. With a smile, she told him it was fine and she might get a train ticket in the morning. She exchanged a few more messages with her sister, before calling it night. She kissed him on the cheeks before heading for the bedroom. 
Ghost remained in the living room till way past midnight. He cursed himself since she had left, because he had seen behind her smile. It was not completely fine. He understood her desire to have him with her, in a season many considered the time to be with your loved ones and family. But what did he know of that? Whatever family he had, the little glimpse of something remotely close to it had been taken from him long ago after years of hard time. To put it lightly. He knew very little of a warm and lovable family. He saw it when they stayed at her sister's place earlier this year. Not that it had been planned, but Ghost saw how life could have been if his own brother and his family were still there. Maybe not as close as Camille and Gabrielle looked like, but something decent he bet. It was this that he didn’t share anymore. That complicity, that caring, that love. He experienced this but so late in his life and then it has been removed from right under him. It was a bitter taste in his mouth that he didn’t expect to go away, ever. 
Barely listening to whatever program was on, Ghost turned the TV off and went to bed. Silently, he slipped between the bedsheets, trying his best to not make the bed shift too much under him. She rolled around, still sleeping. He watched her. She was so peaceful, so beautiful. It was these kind of vulnerable thoughts he learned to have and accept. Enjoying the moments together, to the point that even the most mundane thing, such as right now, did give him a sense of happiness. He turned on his back, staring at the ceiling while his mind couldn’t turn off. Ghost felt already so undeserving of her; her family would be something else. He could already imagine a disapproving father, an horrified mother and a judgemental sister. The latter probably only sees him enough as a workmate, but not as a partner. His chest felt like he was about to explode, suffocating with so much emotions all at once. In her sleep, Scotty turned around again, this time her arms wrapping on his chest as she held herself close to him. In the silent night, this gesture appeased his raging mind.
 After an hour of battling with his thoughts, and the fact that in general he barely sleeps, his hand flew, slowly, to the night stand to grab his phone. Ghost's fingers quickly typed the location, checked prices and after a few back and forth, he put his phone back down. It was almost three in the morning by now and he had to wake up with her. Or at most, before her.
Scotty woke up the next morning. She was all alone. This didn’t surprise her, it wasn’t unusual for Ghost to fall asleep on the couch, in the most uncomfortable position. He would say that it’s almost natural to him. With the army, you get sleep wherever and whenever you can. A quick check on her phone placed the day at eight in the morning. After breakfast, she could still look for a ticket and hopefully find something either later in the day or early next morning, on New Year’s eve. Scotty grabbed the first sweater she could find, lazily made her way to the kitchen. She wanted to take it easy, before having to possibly rush. She turned the corner to the room she was heading to and stopped in the arch. Ghost was already there, kettle brewing and eggs cooking. “Did you even sleep?” She asked with her usual look of ‘if you didn’t I’ll be mad at you because you know I want you to’. 
“I did. A little five hours or so.” Scotty smiled on her way to the cupboard to grab mugs and sugar. Ghost brought the full plates to the table, picked up the tea and just like this, they started the day. 
“If it’s okay with you, I’ll try to leave this afternoon.” Scotty said, sipping her warm drink. “It’s a long ride home and it’s already so late for New Year.” 
“The train leaves at one this afternoon.” Ghost dropped before taking a bite of his food. Her eyebrows frowned. This had been said way too casual.
“What do you mean?”
“I bought tickets last night… at three in the morning while I couldn’t sleep. Now you have to tell them about my ugly face.” He smirked. A grin spread on her smile so big her cheeks hurted. She knew how much he wasn’t fond of social interaction with strangers and she really appreciated this act. 
After a long five hour trip, they arrived late in the day in Belgium, where her parents lived. Gabrielle was the one to pick them up at the train station. Camille had kept it silent on Ghost tagging along, which explained Gabrielle's confused expression when she saw her sister's colleague. To make himself less intimidating he had his balaclava instead of his stitches mask he wore on the first time he met her, something he switched from the surgical mask he wore in the train once they were out of the station. Still Gabrielle wanted answers.
"Why is he here?" She asked while giving her sister a hug. 
Right! Camille realized she hadn't told anyone yet about her relationship… Between work, the most recent attempt at stopping Hassan, and being unsure how this whole thing would work out, telling her family had been a second thought. "Remember how you teased me about you know what?" 
Gabrielle had to pick up her jaw from the floor. "From everyone in your team, you really went with the masked man?!" 
Ghost watched the two women conversing. Following that it was about him, between the stare and pointing. And by the reaction of the sister, he understood that he was a surprise on many levels. Who said he needed to know French? Deduction was also good. Gabrielle went from a very excited person to a more worried expression once the information sinked in good. "Mom and dad have no idea he is here and still doesn't know you are dating? Damn it Cam! You gonna give them a heart attack!" 
They were in the parking lot while Gabrielle still looked a little upset. Camille rassured Ghost it wasn't his fault. It was her mistake for not telling anyone. "He could at least not wear that thing…" Looking at him in the rear mirror and gesturing around her face.
Ghost finally made his first sentence to her. "The mask stays on because no one needs to see how ugly I look."
Gabrielle blushed furiously when she got caught. "I mean no offense sir. It's just that… this is not really… good for a first impression." 
"Don’t worry Gabby, all will be fine. I can quickly call mom, explain to her the surprise and… yeah tell them about his ugly scar once we are there. I'm sure they will understand." Ghost felt a certain uncomfort all the sudden. The situation was getting awkward, because of him. That is why he kept social interaction to a minimum. Not everyone was fond of his mask. But for Scotty? He would do anything. Being in a tense situation wasn’t so different from their mission right? Scotty called her parents, getting a rather loud reaction on the other side of the phone from her mother. He heard the joy even on the back of the car and wondered if Scotty had gone deaf. He softly smiled, with a pinch to his heart. Some memories he thought he buried deep came back to haunt him. He glanced at the outside trying to change him and hopefully not be thinking about any of them. 
They arrived at a small house a few minutes later. The engine had barely come to a stop, when the door flung open with two little boys dashing to the car. Camille barely had the time to get out; they were already in her arms, much happy to see her again. Nicolas was the first to notice the guest. "You brought the ghost man!" He said with a smile. At least with kids, she had no reason to explain why. They would just be happy. At least for Nicolas, Mathéo shyly said hi to him before running burying his face in her aunt's neck. 
"Mathéo, could you please give your aunt time to arrive before monopolizing her!" An older voice came from the entrance. There stood a woman, with graying hair but still elegant. The boy wiggled to get down and ran back inside. "So is that the man you told me about on the phone?"
Camille nodded. The mother looked at Ghost, as if she was analyzing who he was. "Why the mask?" 
"He… was injured recently on duty and doesn't want anyone to see how bad it is." She lied. Oh she hated doing this but what option did she have? "He doesn't speak French, mom." The old woman looked at her daughter. "He is British." 
"What! Henri! Your daughter brought back a man home from war and he is a british! God." The woman returned inside to find her husband who was still busy with some preparation. Gabrielle looked at her sister with a look that meant everything. She said she would give a minute to explain the situation to Ghost. Which Scotty did. 
"Don't worry they don't hate you!" Scotty said after closing the door behind him. She took his coat and hung it with the others. "It's just a silly thing about French and English getting along so well, right? Even though we are not actually French."
"Can't let go of century old grudges." He scoffed. He looked around the hallway, seeing picture frames hung. Some with very young versions of Scotty, others of more recent ones. Other family portraits that range in the same time line. He stopped on two frames side by side. One was Scotty which seemed to be after her military graduation. The frame next to it had the same idea, but looked older and with a younger man posing. 
"My dad is a retired air force. My mom never really liked that I followed in his step and joined the army." Scotty explained. Ghost nodded. A clearing throat caught their attention. The two of them turned their heads to face an old man who, on second thought, reminded Ghost a lot of Price. With a bit more white in his hair, a lot more wrinkles and a missing eye? ‘’Papa!’’ 
‘’Tulip! So is that the stranger man your mother have been mumbling about out?’’ He extended his hand to Ghost, who quickly handshaked it. ‘’I’m Henri, pleased to meet you young man.’’ 
‘’Thanks, sir. I hope you excuse that I would rather like to be called Ghost, and the mask.’’
‘’No worries sonny. Back in my days, I knew a few people like you. Some like privacy. Alright right, come in. Diner was almost ready.’’  The dinner went as good as it could have. Despite the rather strange first meeting with Suzanne, the mother, she showed to accept him. She kept filling his plate to Camille's amusement. Some light chatting, Gabrielle and Nathan saying how everything was going back at home, Camille sort of telling some assignments that happened without too much details and Henri telling his favorite story of how he lost his left eye many years ago while he was still in the army. After getting their stomach full, Henri brought them to the second guest room, which used to be Camille’s room. Completely redone of course. They unpacked some of their luggages and decided to call it a night after a long day of traveling. 
‘’Is everything alright?’’ Scotty had noticed him being stiff during the dinner, even if he was all smiling and respectful.
‘’It was a little overwhelming, but I’m good.’’ He pressed a kiss on her forehead. ‘’Don’t worry, love.’’ However this had been a few hours since he said this and he was still wide awake in the dark of the night while she was sleeping. His mind was flooded by old memories that he couldn’t keep down in the silence of the room. Ghost had tried to put it down, but seeing Scotty’s mother and her nephews, everyone gathered like this… It hurted him. It reminded him of the last Christmas he ever experienced all of that atmosphere. And this was only day one of their trip. He wondered if he would be able to go through all of it. His mind tortured him for another hour before sleep gave him relief.
The next morning, Suzanne was already ready to prepare the big meal for tonight right after breakfast, her two girls and her grandsons helping here and there. Camille was busy with Nicolas mixing the dough for some cookies when her mother asked a question that made her roll her eyes. ‘’Do you even know what he looks like under that mask or you just choose the first man you saw?’’
‘’Mom… Yes I know what he looks like. When we are at home, he doesn’t wear it all the time. At least dad understand.’’
‘’Young lady, don’t put words in my mouth! I do understand why, it just…’’
‘’He looks cool mamie!’’ Nicolas interrupted. ‘’He looks like a badass ninja!’’ They all chuckled at his comment. Mathéo came into the kitchen and pulled on Camille’s jeans. He gestured at her to bend so he could whisper something to her. She was surprised by his request, but agreed nonetheless. Holding him by the hand, they walked to the living room where Ghost, Nathan and Henri were talking. Mostly the two young men listening to the elder telling military stories. Back in his glory days. Camille took a seat next to Ghost, with Mathéo still sticking to her with his toy in his hand.  
‘’Ghost? Little one here wants to play with you.’’ She told him, lifting the boy on her lap. ‘’He’s a little shy. Come on Matt, show him your truck.’’ The boy showed him the toy, telling him that it was his grandpa who gave him it for Christmas. The language barrier and the mask made it hard for Mathéo to see that Ghost was paying attention to him, so Scotty had to play a bit of a translator along the way. Ten minutes later, the boy was sitting on Ghost’s lap with more toys that he brought to him beforehand. Scotty was itching to snap pictures of this moment, but she knew this would mean her getting closer to death. She could already hear him making her promise to never tell any of this to the others. That would tarnish his ‘reputation’. Suzanne called Camille back to the kitchen leaving Ghost alone with the kid. The lieutenant kept playing with him, under the careful watch of the patriarch. Ghost did catch his glances. They radiated something different. He was used to his father’s cold stares and terrible behavior. But here, between Nathan and Henri, it was different. These two men looked like they cared about their children. Was that how it was to have a good father?
Camille finished cleaning her hands when Ghost showed up in the door frame of the kitchen, slightly crouching. Mathéo was all giggling on his shoulders avoiding the wall above him. ‘’Would you look at that!’’ Scotty smiled.
‘’Hey! I also want Ghost to carry me!’’ Nicolas whined before he went to Ghost and begged to be held. The Brit didn’t say anything, simply bent to allow him to climb on his arm. She watched the scene unfold with a smile. No one would believe it if she said how sweet Ghost was with kids. That didn’t stop her from finally giving in and taking a heartwarming picture. She promised him to never show it to anyone.
The rest of the day went rather well, playing board games together, chatting, playing with the kids and eventually setting up for the evening. Ghost had been able to relax more around them and enjoy the time, to his surprise. Till Henri said these words. "You know Ghost, you are a good man. I'm glad to have you here with us!" 
This was followed by everyone around the table cheering for that. But Camille had learned to read Ghost's eyes. She had learned to figure out what he was hiding behind the mask. Thankfully this was just after the meal and she could find an excuse. She stood up and grabbed him by the shoulder. "I'm feeling so full, I need fresh air, you wanna come with me?" 
While the other men cleaned the table, leaving their wives some time to rest easy, Scotty and Ghost went to the backyard. It was cold enough that their breath would fog each time. But the sky was clear, leaving a great view of the stars above them. The outside was calm compared to the living room filled with laughter. Ghost leaned on the balcony rail, taking a deep breath. "Simon, are you sure everything is alright?" She leaned next to him. "You look tense. Like something is on your mind. What is it?"
Where to start? How to explain? Could he even say everything? Should he? Or keeping some secrets? So many questions and no answers. He groaned, taking his head in his hands. "I don't want to ruin this trip…" He let out. 
"How? So far everyone likes you. Nothing has gone wrong. We are just having good times all together."
Nothing has gone wrong… This is what he thought a few years ago before it all went wrong. He sighed and turned to her. Ghost had let himself be so vulnerable with her. He allowed himself to have feelings, to love. She even saw his face before Soap did and he had known Soap for longer than her! He lets her, and loves, when she calls him by his real name! This was more than anyone he let in his life do. But would he be able to be this open to her? No one knew about his past because this was pointless. Or so he thought. "I… used to have a family. A mother. A brother. He had a wife and a nice little boy." Ghost confessed. "I had to drag my brother out of trouble before he had settled down. He was always grateful I did so."
Scotty didn't say a word. She let him say what he had to. He quickly recapped the trouble he encountered with a drug dealer, which was much worse than she expected. Then weeks later on Christmas, he was unexpectedly visited by a teammate from the same mission. They went out for a drink and it was only later that he realized that it was too late. "When I figured out Sparks and Washington were not who they used to be, I ran back home. I had a bad feeling. When I got there, I had lost them all. It was a gruesome scene, I won't lie." He was fidgeting with his fingers. 
"I'm sorry Simon…" Her arm wrapped around his, leaning her head on his shoulder. "That's why you didn't want to come? You knew it might bring memories you didn’t want to think of?" He nodded. "I'm sorry. I forced you…"
"You didn't force me. Remember I'm the one who bought the tickets here."
"Still! I'm sorry if seeing us being happy and festive brought back some bad memories." He rested his head on hers. It did but, it also brought some happy memories before that all happened. He wasn't completely against the whole trip. "You did not mention your dad? Did he also die that day?"
The question pierced him. Of course if he brought up his family, the heartless bastard would also be part of the conversation. "No. He died long before that… He was an asshole. Yours is much better." 
Scotty didn't push the subject more on him. "Well you can have him as your father then." Ghost turned to her, frowning. "Just like you can have everyone else as your family. They consider you family now. Family isn't just blood, it is also the people around you, who care about you." 
Ghost's shoulders began to shake as he tried to keep it together but he eventually let himself cry. Scotty's eyes widened, she never saw the lieutenant like this."Bloody hell, I must look stupid now." He tried to laugh between two sobs. 
"Stupid? No. Human? Yes. Come on Ghost, you went through so much bullshit, you probably never gave yourself the time to grief, to experience a second chance. Now, you just get both at the same time. I bet it's more overwhelming than bringing down a terrorist." He nudged her. She chuckled and pressed a kiss on her his head. 
"Don't tell anyone about what just happened."
"Like anyone would believe me if I said you cried. They will ask me if I didn't hurt my head somewhere." They laughed. Ghost dried his eyes, before turning to face her, lifted his mask above his lips and kissed her. 
"You know, I think my mum would have liked you." He softly said. 
"I bet she was a good person. What about going back in for dessert before they think we ranaway?" Ghost agreed. They returned with the rest of the family. Ghost had a small change, a little more relaxed attitude to what she could tell. The rest of the evening went well till midnight rang. Everyone cheered for the new year, wished each other best and health for it and hopefully they could have more moments like this. The twins tried to stay awake longer but ten minutes after cheers, they were knocked out. Camille proposed that Ghost and her brought them to be, giving the parents a little break. They didn't refuse the proposition. 
When they went themselves to bed, a little after one, and after receiving a bunch of messages from the rest of the 141 for the New Year, Ghost remained awake a little longer, this time the silence wasn't torture to his mind. It was like he made peace with his demons… or some of them at least. He made peace with his past and was ready to look forward. Would that allow him to sleep more at night? No not really, that was another story. But being close to Scotty made him more safe than ever. He was grateful for this. 
A few days later, Ghost and Scotty were back on the train to return home. Her family appreciated their visit and welcomed Ghost into their house anytime. Camille knew that once they are gone Gabrielle will be more than eager to tell all about that one time they crashed at her place and her first impression on the lieutenant. Ghost was mindlessly watching the landscape after waking up from a quick nap, when she tugged on his arm. "Mathéo made me promise to not let you see this before we get home."
"Well then don't show me." He smiled.
She kept unfolding a paper. "Well we just came out of the tunnel, we are in England. In a way home. So… just look at this." She handed him said paper. Ghost looked at it, his eyes still a little dizzy from the fast moving scenery. It looked like the boy tried to draw his family. Well as much as his art skill allowed them. Strange hands, very big or small proportions, attempt at coloring. But he could make out who was who. Everyone was holding hands, even including him. Mathéo struggled at drawing the skull but there was no doubt it was him. He felt another pinch to his heart. 
"Are you not gonna start crying again, are you Lt?" Scotty teased him. 
"You wish." He replied, holding any burst of emotion. Not this time. "I think we have to hang it on the fridge when we are home."
"That would be nice." Ghost held on to the drawing a little longer. He had found another family again. 
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