#and also also aslo the said brothers are not with them anymore
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agent-tempest · 2 years ago
Regulus Black from Art Heist, Baby! is Modern Kaz and I don't need to elaborate further
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zepxyr · 3 years ago
When they're jealous 😈
Note : Please tell me if you want me to do the undatables.
Characters : The brothers
Obey me brothers x gn!mc
Lucifer 💙
I am sorry but he will probably ignore you at first. His pride refusing to admit that he's jealous. Mr. Prideful-I'm gay for Diavalo mf 😑 But when he realized his plan backfired and saw the hurt in your eyes, all those pride immediately vanished into thin air. He coughes as try to comfort you and tell you that he didn't mean that way. ofc he has to🔪. When you realized that he's just jealous, you ofc teases him. He gave you a glare but don't worry, there's nothing a few reassuring kisses don't work!
Mammon 💛
I think y'all know that his jealous meter is 10000/10. He kinda like drags you away from whatever person you were talking to when he's jealous and said you have plan with him. After he shooed the person bothering you you're talking with and successfully drags you away from them. You're like when did we had plans? 🤔🤨 He kinda like stutters out how you should be spending time with your first man instead of those nobody's 🤥
Leviathan 🧡
Please his jealous meter is slightly under Mammon or sometimes the same. He's not Avatar of Envy for nothing. When he sees you with classmates yours, he feels his jealous rising and he immediately goes into self-degrading mode and you have to reassure him and tell him that you're just helping them with homework, not dumping him to hang out with your classmate just like he is thinking. He basically stalk you two because of his jealousy. Get this guy away from Yandere simulator lmao. And no, Levi. You're not a yucky otaku and we all love you 😘💞.
Satan 💚
He doesn't really get jealous easily. The only thing that could throw him off is when you're spending time with Lucifer. Why are you spending time with him when you has him? Why him, mc? Answer now🔪 Calm down, you hello kitty Adrian looking mf 😒 He always tries to prank Lucifer when he's hanging out with you so he lose his face in front of you. But one time, it backfired and he also accidentally pranked you along with Lucifer. He feels bad and cuddles you and offers to read bedtime stories for you 💕
Asmodeus 💗
I feel like he doesn't get that jealous either. But that doesn't mean he doesn't get jealous. Oh boy, he's a total menace when he's jealous. To make him jealous, whenever he is hanging out with you, someone Mammon interrupt him and your attention is not on him anymore and it was on the person instead. When he's jealous, he acts like a drama queen and literally clings onto you. Good luck prying him off 🤭 You have to promise him hundreds of kisses 😘 and he's satisfied.
Beelzebub ❤️
Beel 😍😍 My precious and wholesome baby 💞💞. Anyways, he rarely jealous unlike some guys 🙄. Boyfriend/Husband material. He gave you space you deserve. But when he sees you a little too close with Asmo, his chest tighten and he suddenly feels sad. He get the need to pry you off and have you to himself but he doesn't. Good boy. He doesn't drag you away nor starts ignoring you. He just tells you about it after. You better reassure him and gives him 10 pounds of human world burgers and cuddles, kisses as bonus🔫
Belphie 💜
You're a brat, total menace to three realms but ilysm 😘💕. He gives death glares to the person you're talking with and when you look back, he's like what? 😇 You little sly cow-fox-demon-alpha hybrid. And when he knows you have a study session with that person, he accidentally purposely fall asleep on top of you. Man's sleep like a rock so Good luck prying him off 0.2 ☺️ . Aslo you have to promise him to cuddle him the whole week after that 😒
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batfam-nalu-onepiece · 4 years ago
When Brooke awakens his Devil Fruit
Brooke never really thought he could awaken his devil fruit. It’s not like he can turn everything around him to string like Doflamingo. But along his journey and when Luffy becomes King of the Pirates, what he discovers is his awakening allows him to call back the souls of the dead. And he takes full advantage of this.
Brooke specifically waits for the right time to use it for his crew
He waits for Luffy, Sabo, and Garp to be back at their hole town with Makino, Dadan and the other Mountain bandits to have them speak to Ace one last time and tell him he was able to achieve his dream of becoming King of the Pirates. Ace tells Garp that he loves him and that he is sorry for all the pain he has caused him. He is overjoyed to see Sabo alive and thanks him for looking out for Luffy when he couldn’t and Sabo thanks him for the same. Dadan and Makino are overjoyed seeing those three reunited again. Maybe call White beards Soul and Gold Rogers for Ace as well. Roger meeting Luffy and being proud to have someone like Luffy be the next king of the pirates. Luffy made sure to have Shanks and Rayleigh there too so theycan see his old Captain. Roger tells Shanks that he did a job and gave his hat to a worthy man. Rayleigh gets to see his bestfriend one more time and Roger thanks him for helping train Luffy. Roger thanks Garp for taking care of Ace for him and Garp just punches him because he is about to cry (Maybe have Kobe there as a Bonus because Luffy values his friendship and wants to introduce him to his brothers)
They travel to Zoro’s hike town with his sensei and call back Kuina’s soul so he can tell her he achieved his dream and became the worlds greatest swordsman. He tells her that he made sure to take extra care of her sword and that he never forgot their promise to each other and trained hard every day. He even pokes fun at her talking about how Tashigi looks and acts just like her and how she has been chasing him all over the world so it was like Kuina was also chasing after him, trying to achieve her dream which made Zoro train even harder.
They return to Cocoyasi Village to meet up with Nojiko and Genzo and call back Bellmere soo they can talk to her again and Nami tells her she achieved her dream of drawing a map of the entire world. She tells her mom about all her travels and how she found a family that can always make her smile. She even shows her the Tangerine trees in the Sunny saying she grows them exactly the same way to make sure her nakama get to have a taste of Bellmere’s tangerines.
They call Usopp’s mom’s soul at his home town so he can tell her he became a brave warrior of the see like his father. He tells her all the adventures he has been on. He starts off by saying “Hi mom. You came back to us” like he used to say about his father. His Dad standing beside him saying that Usopp keep his promise and became a brave pirate, even more great than himself. He introduces his mom and dad to Kaya. His mom absolutely loves her and is happy he found someone. They bond when his mom tells Kaya that it will be hard to love Usopp since he is a pirate and neve home and Kaya responds saying she knows it may be hard, but if Usopp is free, and happy that is all she could ask for. Besides, that the kind of man she fell in love with in the first place.
They meet up with Zeff at the Baratie and call back Sanji’s mom’s soul to tell her that he became and amazing chef and found the all blue. Sanji’s mom thanks Zeff for looking after her son and for teaching him how to be a great chef. Everyone at the Baratie wonder how someone as annoying and argumentative as Sanji could ever come from such a sweet woman. Then Sanji kicks them and they all laugh. (Luffy asked Nami to contact Reiju and tell them to come because he knew she would want to see her kids again and they would love it so Sanji is with his siblings, Judge, and Zeph. Sanji wasn’t happy about it but he realized they were her family too and he couldn’t just keep them from speaking to their mom one more time. Even if most of them are jerks) Sanji shows his mom his cooking by cooking a special meal for her. A variation of the first meal he ever made for her. She says it’s the most wonderful food she has ever tasted and can tell that she actually meant it (i know I know. How can she eat if she’s a soul? Just go with it) Reiju tells her mom she loves her and how sorry she is for not taking better care of Sanji. Her mom tells her what a wonderful job she did and that she loves her. The other brothers finally show emotion that they never knew they could. Seeing their mom again after she died woke something up in them and they apologize for being dicks their entire life and that they love her. She responds by saying that they are her sons and she loves them no matter what. She tells her children what fine and strong people they became. Judge even apologizes to her for everything he’s done (What Sanji did during the Whole Cake Arc really made them reevaluate their life)
They return to The Sakura Kingdome to see Doctor Kureha and Dalton, where they call back Dr. Hiriluk’s should back to tell him that his son went out to see and became an doctor and travelled the seas as a pirate just like Hiriluk wanted. They also recreate his powder again and show him the cherry blossoms one last time before his soul returns to beyond the grave. Chopper even teacher Hiriluk the new things he learned while at sea and all the different diseases and things he has cured. Hiriluk is happy his son went out to sea and thankful when Chopper tells him what Luffy did for him and his flag even before he really knew chopper.
Even though they cannot return to Robin’s home, they sail the Sunny to where the island used to be located and call back Robin’s mom and the others archaeologists so Robin can see her mother again and tell them about the lost history. She tells her mom about the Poneglyphs and the other ancient cities she found like Skypiea. As a bonus Brooke also calls back Jaguar D. Saul and Robin tells him that she found her nakama who will protect and cherish her and will never leave her. Saul thanks the Strawhats and after hearing what they did for her at Enies Lobby, he knew she found an amazing crew. He even laughed and smiles at the story saying that Robin has joined one crazy crew. Saul took one last long look at the people who would challenge the world if it meant protecting Robin and knew that she would never be lonely and sad again. Her mother gave her a hug and said she’s happy that she survived the buster call and how proud she is for becoming an archaeologist and finding out the lost history.
They return to Water 7 and meet with Granny Kokoro and call back Tom’s soul. Cranky gets to tell him that he created a ship that sailed across the entire world just like he did and is now the shipwright to the new King of the Pirates. Iceberg tells him that he is working on or completed making Water 7 float. Tom is proud of the man iceberg became, and how successful and beloved he is as the mayor of Water 7. Tom takes a look at the Sunny and says it’s even greater than anything he could have built including the Oro Jackson, Roger’s ship. He admires the work and detail Frank put into the ship and could tell that the crew loved their ship very much. Tom meets Nico Robin and apologizing for doubting her and believing she would use her knowledge for evil. Robin smiles and says it’s ok and they talk all night. Tom meets the Franky Family, the people willing to storm Enies Lobby to save Franky. He thanks them and The Strawhats for saving his son hd apologizes to Franky and Iceberg for even putting them through that by passing down the Pluton blueprints. They laugh it off and Franky says he is actually thankful to have had them because without it, he would have never joined the Strawhats and build the ship of his dream.
They return to Fishman island where they reunite with Shirahoshi, and her family. With Jinbe, the recall Fisher Tiger and Queen Otohime’s soul. They get to tell the two that the relationship between fishmen and humans have gotten better. Jinbe can tell Fisher Tiger all he had accomplished including jointing the Strawhats. Shirahoshi and her family can tell Otohime that they returned to they participate in discussions with the world government and other countries and have a good relationship with humans. Shirahoshi tells her mom about how Luffy taught her to be brave. They both leave knowing their species is in good hands and thank the Strawhats for being the gateway to the fishmen co-existing with humans
When they return and see Laboon again, Brooke calls back the spirits of his old crew so they can all keep their promis to Laboon. They play their music for Laboon again so he can hear the real thing instead of the recording (don’t ask me how they can play jules if if their dead just go along with it. It’s sweeter that way). Brooke can introduce his old crew to his new one, telling his old captain not to worry because even with them gone, he has found a new place he can call home.
Vivi: (and the rest of the crew)
If Vivi’s father dies (because it seems like that may happen) They return to Alabasta and Vivi and Karoo get to see the King Nefertari again and maybe her mom too considering I don’t actually know what happened to her. Vivi is happy to meet to new crew members and love how none of them have changed personality wise. Robin apologizes nonstop and Vivi forgives her in a second. She says that anyone Luffy likes is a good person so Robin doesn’t need to apologize anymore. She even thanks her for not telling Crocodile where Pluton is and for all the times she has saved Luffy. While there at Alabasta, he aslo calls back the spirit of the Going Merry. The very same Klabautermann that saved them time after time. They thought about doing this at Usopp’s village but he said that Vivi was once a part of their crew too and deserves the chance to see the Merry again. The spirit of the merry is happy they found a new ship to call home and is thankful to Franky building the ship. It even says that it knew of the ship because part of her spirit is still with them, on the mini merry and thanks Franky for building it out of her wood. This causes every to cry saying how happy they are that the Merry is still with them (yes even Zoro. He tried to not cry but couldn’t help it. He turned around thinking Sanji would make fun of him But Sanji knew that he could never make fun of him for this). Usopp and Luffy immediately says that the mini merry cannot be in the docking stations anymkre and bring her onto the deck. No one disagrees or argues with them.
As a thanks to Trafalgar Law for all his help and everything they’ve been through, they call back Corazone’s soul and he tells him that he loves him and is greatful for everything he did for him. He introduces him to the Heart pirates, named in honor of Corazone and shows him that he made the right decision in saving his life. Law also insisted that Sengoku be there because he loved Corazone like a son. Sengoku at this point is retired and he’s never admit this, but he is happy that Law and Luffy met because it gave him another moment with the man he viewed as a son. (Sengoku also couldn’t help but notice how much alike Luffy and Garp are. Especially when Garp was Luffy’s age and laughs knowing how much trouble Luffy will give the Navy considering the amount of trouble Garp gave the Navy and he worked for them)
They return to Dressrosa and let Rebecca,Kyros, Viola and the other see Scarlett again where she sees that her daughter grew up to be an amazing woman and that Kyros has protected ever since.
They Return to Wano and Momonosuke, Hiyori, kin and the other Samurai can see Oden again and his wife. Momonosuke can tell his father that he is following in his footsteps in order to become a great Shogun to make sure Wano prospers. Hiyori tells her father that she gave his sword, Enma, to Zoro. She thought he’d be mad so she tried to explain to him that he saved her life, Saved Wano, and is a worthy swordsman but Oden stops her midway saying that he doesn’t care about the sword. He’s just happy his family is safe and that if she gave his sword away, he knows that it would have been for a good cause and to someone worthy. The other Samurai get to tell Oden that they avenged him and saved his country like they promised. They even bring back Yasui so his daughter can see him again. Momonosuke also introduce his father to O-Tama and his father likes her and thinks she’s a good math for his son. Momonosuke blushes but Luffy, Kin, Nami, Robin, Sanji, Zoro and honestly everyone agrees and already consider them as a couple. Brooke even brings back Ryuma so they can clear Zoro’s name of stealing Shisui. Zoro spars with Ryuma and Oden. Their fight changes the geography of Wano a bit.
They go to Zou and call back Pedro’s soul so Carrot and everyone can see him. Carrot thanks him and shows him how strong she became. Luffy thanks him for sacrificing himself for him and Pedro is happy knowing the Dawn of the New World that he believed was coming has finally arrived. He never regretted his sacrifice for a second.
I’m assuming there is a 24 hour limit to each soul called back or something like it. But if not consider that after they each have their own individual heartfelt moment with their loved ones that they lost, the Strawhats bring EVERYONE, and yes I mean everyone that was mentioned, to Laugh Tale for a huge party. All the souls of the departed that where mentioned meet each other and celebrate the Luffy becoming King of the Pirates. Roger, Rayleigh and Whitebeard get to see Oden again. Nami ends up punching Gold Roger for doing something stupid on a reflex thinking it was Luffy. It actually really hurts Roger and as Nami apologizes, Bellmere looks proudly at her. Luffy laughs and Nami beats him up twice as hard. Roger, Whitebeard, Shanks, Oden and Fisher Tiger are now scared of her. They know Luffy has the best Navigator in the world, but are wondering if it’s worth it with him much she has punched Luffy in the short time they’ve know her. All while Brooke and the Rumbar Pirates play Bink’s Sake the entire time.
(If someone wants to make art of this, please do and tag me in it so I can see it and cry of happiness)
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inexplicifics · 5 years ago
Here's what I think about Aubry's (possible) partner! :D They've been together for a while, it's just... not really come up? His partner is a blacksmith in one of the towns at the foot of the mountain, so Aubry sees them fairy often. They're level-headed and easygoing like Aubry, but also loyal and funny and really open with their affections - not in the way Jaskier is, but in a really homey way. They met when Aubry needed a place to stay, and they fell in love with (1/2)
Aubry's horse first. Which was the perfect sign that they were perfect for Aubry because the best way to a wandering witcher's heart is through his horse. They're not 100% official until after Geralt's warlordiness is more established, but it's a seamless transition. Nothing big, but one day they have a converstaion, come to some understandings, and are like... yeah, we're basically married, and what of it? I wanted to send this as soon as you posted about (2/not 2 anymore)
Aubry's possible partner :P because I got the idea immediately, because I feel like Aubry's partner would be very complimentary to him in a way that they're really similar, rather than a more opposites attract kind of way like you've got with Lambert and Milena - who I adore! But yeah... They eventually get introduced to the rest of the witchers formally, but for now, Aubry sometimes like slipping away down-mountain to hang out with them when he's not busy (3/probably 4 now?)
ANd speaking of going down-mountain! New idea... so a while ago, I sent an ask about Jaskier possibly leaving the mountain to cope with emotions in a similar way to the witchers (if anything happens that really really requires it, because even he's not that well-adjusted), and since I firmly stand on the mountain of headcanon that Jaskier is now Aubry's baby brother, that I aslo sent an ask about lol, maybe Jaskier meets Aubry's mysterious partner that way? (4/5? maybe?)
BUT he doesn't know it's Aubry's partner, so he tries to suggest a set-up to Aubry, so Aubry just kind of... looks at him.... and is like "we're basically married already?" Becuase it's not like he didn't tell anyone on purpose! It just kind of happened that way. Anyway, thanks for putting up with this ramble, I love your series and the way it's grown :D
Oh, this is delightful! I have not yet figured out who Aubry’s partner is going to be, but I love the idea of said partner being another quiet, competent, level-headed person to match him, and also the idea of them being a little bit of a long-distance relationship is very interesting. I will consider, and in the meantime, thank you for this lovely little ficlet!
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babykyunbun · 6 years ago
Forbidden Love |part 2|| Na Jaemin
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Pairing: Na Jaemin and f-reader
Warnings: smutty, swearing, rough,biting,pantie kink, exhibition. It’s long btw.
I feel like this is bad:/ if it is I’m sorry
Also sorry I’ve added a pantie kink again I can’t help it I LOVE IT - Oh AND ASLO STREAM ‘BOOM’
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Finally, a sleepover without renjun bickering at you every minute for accidentally touching Jaemin or any of the other boys. You just hoped the others didn’t change their minds and tell renjun you were sleeping over without him. He was with chenle and jisung at the 127 dorm, they’d been helping the boys with something and it got late so they were staying over.
“Finally no annoying ass brother to kill my mood” you groaned out, stretching your limbs and placing your legs across jaemins thighs. Oh, you’d have your head chopped off if Jun saw, well not you, Jaemin. He looked down at you and giggled, his hand Coming up to your upper thigh. Slowly rubbing circles.
Not thinking anything of it you turned your head back to the screen, laughing at something Jeno said.
Jaemin stared down at you, biting down on his bottom lip. His hand moving slightly higher to your crotch, his fingers inching up to your shorts. His fingers pinched the fabric moving it up so he could see your panties.
“What are you doing” you groaned in a hushed voice to him, lifting up slightly. He just grinned at you and carried on moving his fingers until they made contact with your clit through the thin barrier. A slight shock running through your body, as you felt your core tingle.
“Nothing really baby, just playing with what’s mine”he whispered, his voice dropping slightly. So it was deep and full of lust. His 2 fingers rubbed slow circles, your hips bucking up to meet his hand. A slight whine leaving your lips as he moved away.
“Me and y/n are going to bed, she’s not feeling well and I’m gonna Look after her because Juns not here” he said, sending you a slight smirk when he mentioned he was gonna look after you. Your cheeks immediately heating up and your heat dampen.
“Yeah you go look after her jaem, make sure you don’t hurt her too much. Um I mean nothing” Haechan giggled out, slapping jenos arm which earned him a glare and a “shut up bro”.
“Yeah shut up before I hurt you dipshit” jaem groaned at, pulling you to the bedroom. You shook your head and chuckled. Stopping when you heard Haechan shouting something out.
“Didn’t know ya liked them feisty y/n thought you were a softie” then you heard him scream, most probably from jeno punching him.
They knew, you knew they did. Haechan being the tease he is obviously has something to say about it. Jeno just didn’t like to get into other peoples business especially this one,because he didn’t want to be killed by renjun just yet. He’s too young for that shit. Just wait until it’s all out, they definitely won’t shut up then.
You were about to say something back but you were pulled into his bedroom and slammed against the back of the door. You winced slightly, you were about to whine at him but he crashed his lips onto yours. His tongue slipping into your mouth, moving his hand so they were wrapped around your wrists pinning them to the oak.
After a couple of minutes he detached himself from you, his and yours breathing heavy. You went to pull him back into you but he shooed you to the bed and pushed you onto it. Climbing onto your frame, his hands finding their way to yours.
“I’ve needed you since the second you got through that door, I just wanted to rip them tiny shorts off of you and take you right in front of them. Making them watch as a take my good girl, you’d like that wouldn’t you” he growled down at you, his hands darting to your shorts and pulling them and your panties off with ease. God he was eager tonight.
He slapped your thigh, his eyes locking with yours. He was waiting for an answer.
“God fucking take me Jaemin I don’t care anymore, let them all hear” your whimpered sentence made his heart race, he couldn’t wait anymore. He’s usually so patient with you but tonight, he needs to take you like he’s wanted to for years. He just never had the time to do it because your always with your brother.
He climbed off of you, getting rid of the barriers on his body.
He layed his back against the headboard, so he was sitting up. He cocked his head to the side and let out a grunt, you knew what this meant so you got up and sat on his lap.
“Hi” you giggled out, placing a kiss to his neck. He just smiled up at you, you expected him to say something back. All he did was buck his hips up to yours, you let out a whimper.
You got up slightly, bending to reach the draw in the middle of the both beds. You opened it and looked through it, your eyes lighting up when you saw the box of condoms. But your smile falling into a grimace.
“Are those his” you groaned out, he slightly shook his head, yes. But further explained to you that he got them from Taeyong while trying to open the little packet. Finally after he opened it, he slid it onto his length.
“You ready baby girl, remember don’t hold back let them all hear” his voice silky but choppy because of his excitement.
You nodded down at him, with innocent dark eyes full of lust and love.
He slowly sunk you down onto him until he bottomed out in you. You slightly bucked your hips, earning a beautiful groan from his lips. You closed your eyes waiting for him to move but all you felt was his fingers wrapping around your wrists before pulling them to your back. You felt the soft fabric of your panties wrapping around your wrists.
“You sure like using my panties for something, don’t you?” You said, a chuckle followed by a loud moan leaving your lips as he brought his hands back to your hips and pulled you up before slamming back into you.
“Fuck- i do, like it- reall-y turns me on” he groaned out, stopping every second when he thrusted into you.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into him so you were secure as he delivered harsh thrusts. Screams leaving your lips as he picked up pace. They could definitely hear now.
“I needed th-is so fucking much, I love being de-ep in you. My good fucking whore” his voice soft at the beggining but soon turning raspy. The groans leaving his lips making your whole body tingle. You leaned your head in the crook of his head, your mouth right by his ear.
“Yo-u treat me so well, I-I love you fuck ke-eep going” you whispered, your breath fanning his neck.
He whispered he loved you back before snapping his hips harder. The sound of skin on skin filled the room, his groans and whimpers ringing through your ears.
You clenched around him letting him know you were gonna cum, the moans flowing out of your mouth stopping you from talking.
He began swivelling his hips, groaning little praises to you. Begging for you to cum on his cock.
You wished you could touch him, run your fingers through his soft hair. You wanted to touch all of him and make him feel good. You just didn’t have the strength to signal him to remove the panties and honestly you wanted to keep them on too.
You felt your high approaching, your moans growing in pitch. You hips meeting his sloppily.
“Cum for me, fucking cum for me now” his voice growly. You desperately nodded your head.
After what felt like half a second your tight coil burst, your whole body started to shake. Broken moans and whines leaving your plump lips.
You felt the last buck of his hips as he spilled into the condom, the prettiest groan you’ve ever heard leave him.
You just sat there with him, both of you trying to calm down your breathing. The layer of sweat covering your body making you slightly uncomfortable but you literally couldn’t move. Your legs already felt like jelly.
“ god I love you y/n” he chucked out, his hand rubbing your back. You placed a kiss to his shoulder, as you attempted to try and get up but instantly failed.
“ just stay here for a moment” he said, his voice relaxed but still quite choppy. You slowly nodded your head and returned to your relaxed position. You closed your eyes, the feeling of him going soft inside you, slightly comforting you. You were slowly falling asleep before you heard an annoying scream.
Yes, yes you did Haechan.
This was bad I’m so sorry://
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xsecretblastsx · 5 years ago
i1x16 - All about my brother
Last week was so busy for me and my brain was so fried I didn’t think I could do this until today. I’m excited to though to reach this episode, only two more two go and S1 will be done. So here we go.
As usual recap under the cut.
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Thoughts I had while watching the episode:
This one of my fave uniform looks of Blair. I don’t even know why, but it is.
I so love the Jenny vs Blair dynamic. Because even if I’m rooting for Blair I can’t help but admire Jenny here.
Chuck and Bart are at the Bachelor party in Montecarlo, and he still calls Serena to see how she is. Brother and sis in the making.
Hello Georgina, oh sorry Sarah. Having watched the series already this is a plot I can’t help but roll my eyes at
Jenny telling Eric that he has a crush on her, actually that whole since she reminded me a lot of Regina George when she was fake nice.
Asher was really bad a hiding his relationship, like the dude is kissing his boyfriend right next to the school where anyone could see them.
I wonder who was Mr Spitzer and why he couldn’t be seated near Serena at the wedding, I want to believe there’s a funny story behind it, and not because he’s a perv.
Sure, Jenny’s being a bitch to Dan, and for once he’s in the right, and yet I can’t feel bad for him. 
“Don’t go to France, I’ll be there for you” a throwaway line from Blair, and yet bits like this are what fueled the fandom scale towards Blair for so long, Blair’s drama is petty compared to Serena’s and yet... still to this day people still argue about this mostly against Serena. 
“You look stressed even for you” an acurate description of Dan Humphrey at any given time. And Serena’s so eager to have that in her life, poor girl.
Serena’s turning around while Blair’s describing Jenny as self obssesed, self serving, self centered is hilarious, but hey she knows what she’s talking about
The four G: guys, girlfriends and Gossip Girl.
“Now you know how Vanessa Hudgen feels”, that is so 2008. Worse thing is I remember it.
“Wasn’t me, wish it was”, so Blair.
“Is your brotherly duty to save her from becoming the next Katie Holmes” Seriously this episode is getting quite savage with the not so nice pop culture references, also I dind’t want to remember this.
Dan being like “I don’t want Jenny to get hurt” and Blair pointing out that he should have thought of that before telling all of Manhattann that she’s a  glorified hag is why Dan sucks so bad.
Rufu’s seeing Lily on that wedding dress 
Jenny having a rude awakening, and even though she hates it she still goes along with it. 
Again, he may be right, but thanks Jenny for telling Dan to stop judging everyone all the time.
Serena blowing up Blair, and for once this actually was important. Too bad she couldn’t know that.
I so wish Georgina had refered to Blair as Snow White more in the show. And I guess people loved it because I’ve seen it more than once on fanfic. Also Eric being like “Oh, snow not so white, did you hear that...” but in Eric’s favor that was juicy gossip. 
Now I feel bad for pointing it out earlie the same thing Georgina says here, that was so in plain sight, this was really mean though.
Eric calling Chuck after the fall out, and he sums it up pretty well, the guy may have flaws, but being a judgmental ass  is not one of them. 
One of my fave bits of S1 was all the heartfelt moments between Serena and Eric. 
Blair’s arrival at Jenny’s party: EPIC. “The most importants parties to attend are the onew you’re not invited to” girl is serving. Also one of her most underrated looks in Season one
Georgina, Vanessa, Serena and Dan sitting at a table, talk about akward, also  I don’t know how to interpret this because either: half of the table are sociopaths, or just roll my eyes becaue the writers totatlly forgot about this plot when writing the final season of this show. 
Penelope and Hazel bitching about how their first time’s were awful. Not cool.
I wish we had got a nice moment between Blair and Eric, because they did care about each other, and we got so little between them. Because these kids were family, dysfunctional one for sure, but family nonetheless.
I know Asher was a jerk, and this was a moment of empowerment for Eric, but outing people is never good. Like I get why Eric did it, and he’s also really young, but still. 
Seriously Blair look’s gorgeous this episode.
That scene with Lily and Eric brief as it was really made me emotional, it’s one Lily’s most honest  and realest moment as a mom.
 Jenny raising the white flag, this scene is my second fave scene between them,their power struggle may be over for now, but it was a ride. And I love how honest they get with each other.
So Dan can tell Serena what to do, what not do, talk about her friends, but the moment she tells him she has misgivings about someone, he’s like how dare you! why don’t you trust my judgment... and then list all the bad things she did, and just leaves. He’s the biggest hypocrite ever.
Seriously angry Scrabble? And the words are like... ugh. I just can’t with him.
This is one of my favorite moments of Blair and Serena because Blair’s words are such a perfect description of the bond between them.
That’s such an ending for an episode “I kill someone”
No Chuck or Nate this episode. 
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So this episode... it was quite packed. It’s basically the set up for the finale of Season One, putting and end to the Blair vs Jenny storyline and leaving us with Georgina breaking havoc front and center, only to drop the bomb that Serena killed someone. On first watching I remember I was like what? and hitting next episode really fast. Now not so much because this episode was one of those were rewatching reallly felt diferent from the first time. It’s also the one so far were knowing how the show ends was really distracting
I remembered this episode mostly for being the final round of Blair vs Jenny and it being quite a thing to watch, feeling bad for Eric,loving his scenes with Lily and Serena, and that last scene between Serena and Blair. And unlike the episode of Jenny’s birthday, I didn’t enjoyed their struggle for power as much this second time around. Not because I hated or anything, in fact Blair arriving to that party was still epic, I guess it had a lot to do with the fact that this was my favorite Jenny storyline, back then I didn’t knew what to expect, and I was excited about seeing where her character goes next, and now I know, and I didn’t like it how it went in the end, and it was sad to see her so defeated here,because she is never happy, whenever she gets something she wants it turns out it doesn’t make her happy at all, and even knowing that, the way things go, the way she acts, make it hard to root for her.  
I still loved her last scene with Blair though, because it didn’t matter how much antagonism there was between them, they also still saw a bit of themselves in each other, they hate it but they admire each other, and it’s was make their relationship so interesting and why they have these moments of such honesty between them, and sure, here Blair was condecending and Jenny basically tells her that she destroyed her life just to be like Blair, as if being like her was not something good, so each of them believe she’s better than the other, and yet it ends on a really sad not because Jenny’s words “I don’t expect anything anymore” are actually really depressing for a 15 year old girl, and as soon as she turns back towards the elevator, Blair drops the smile, because she gets it. So like I said, a really good scene, and even though I may not be excited about Jenny’s storylines anymore, I’m excited about a certaing scene betweem them in S2. That’s my fave. You can probably guess which one it is.
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The other main plot this episode was Georgina still breaking havoc on Serena’s life, this time by blackmailing her, and becoming friends with Dan and Vanessa. Now, I normally don’t like to think that much about future events, particularly how it all ends, because I like enjoying the episodes trying to yes get more insight on why things happened the way it did, and it’s easier to analyse the characters actions and motivations in the moment, rather than focusing in their whole character arc, but this episode I found it pretty impossible to do because, knowing Dan is Gossip Girl means he’s pretending the whole time in a more obvious way, playing it up next to Georgina who’s presented as manipulative, a tad crazy and evil, is hard not to notice how he’s basically the same, and at least Georgina was honest about her nature, Dan on the other hand is not, Penn and the whole internet has being pointing out since  “You” came out about how Penn’s character Joe, is Dan upgrading to murder, and this is where the comparison really cames to life.  It kind of creeps me out. 
Dan aslo makes me really angry, becausse to top it all he gets mad at Serena, for basically not trusting her judgement because he is the trustworthy one in this relationship and she is not, and he drives the point home by listing all the times she has lied to him, never mind that part of the reason she lies is beacause he’s a judgmental ass who has lowkey constantly drilled her with how he loves the good Serena, and this episode he’s even critical of her haning out with Chuck who is a) her soon to be step brother b) someone she’s been reluctant friends with since she was a kid, and he also is critical of her partying, so basically the things she did before she met him, and that’s wrong on itself, but having Dan Humphrey acting all high and mighty because he doesn’t lie to Serena, makes me angry because he being a hypocrite not capable of seeing his own mistakes, never asking for forgiveness is what I dislike the most about his character.
I’ll leave it here for today, because this carries on to the next episode, and because Dan’s gets even worse on the next ones, so I’ll know I’ll be ranting about him even more so, and I don’t want to repeat myself, at least not that much. I’ll end this by remembering that last scene between Blair and Serena, because it’s such a precious moments and the reason why no matter what happened between and how bad it got, they are sisters and love each other to pieces “We're sisters. You're my family. What is you is me. There's nothing that you could ever say to make me let go. I love you”
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Random bit’s I’ve noticed:
Lily’s schedule was so full, between disscusing her prenup, a final fitting at Mark Ingram’s Atelier, a mani/pedi, a conference call about an article, an appoitment at Barney’s... oh the good life.
So this episode is where the “whoever said money can’t buy happiness didn’t know where to shop” quote cames from. I’ve seen that one on a ton of edits, no one of my fave though.
Funny but if there was one character that really put into practice Blai’rs words about crashing parties it was Vanessa now that I think of it.
Shut up and let me go! I was so obssesed with that song back in 2008. Though when I think of the Ting Tings and Gossip Girl, I have a different song in mind. 
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harryfeatgaga · 5 years ago
The way that I look at 1D is the same way that I look at high school; there were lots of good times with your best friends who, at the time, became your family and you talked about your futures together, and how you guys will be friends forever. But as soon as it’s over, you slowly drift apart from those friends. No drama or anything, it’s just that you’re all grown up and going in different directions. CONT.
u start to text each other less and realize that the one thing that kept those friendships going was the fact that you were together everyday. And when you look back, you cringe a little. You’re grateful for (some) good memories, but overall it’s something that you wouldn’t want to go back to, as you’re super content with the way your life is now. The 1D boys obvi still have a mutual respect for each other, but I think they’re happier separately. No drama, just the natural flow of life
Anonymous said: ALSO (adding onto my 1d ask) I think it’s SUPER cringy when fans believe that they’re still “best friends!!” And “brothers forever!!” Because of what they went through together. Like, if people kept saying that about me and my old friends who I still respect, but don’t really talk to anymore, I would feel super weird. I think sometimes they forgot about people naturally drifting apart from each other, and that it’s totally fine!! I don’t blame them! But it makes me cringe LOL
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procrastination-queenie · 6 years ago
No promises part 11
Warning: again this is so sad, so don't read if you don't want to.
First: If you haven't read part 1 please read it.
Second: you can listen to "No promises" by Shayne Ward.
Third: anything written between two stars *....* Is the content of a letter and it's also considered as a flashback.
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It was in the middle of the day when he got a phone call from you. "Hello darling". "Tom." He sensed your weak voice and immediately there was a frown making it's way on his face. "What's wrong darling?!" His voice was laced with concern afraid of what she's going to say next. "I'm at the hospital". His heart almost stopped beating; he knew this was bound to happen, but never did he imagine it to happen like that. "which hospital?". On saying the word "hospital." Harrison ran to get the car ready as he understood what was happening and why exactly was a phone call was made from the hospital,but the twins remained confused and worried.
"Would just tell us why is she in the hospital?" Sam asked running out of patience as they drove to the hospital. "She's dying okay!!" Every one sat in silence except for Tom's sobs that were heard. Sam and Harry were shocked at the back and Harrison was lost, he felt sad for both of you and Tom. In the short amount that you knew him you became like a second sister to him. It was just the worst day for everyone.
You were sitting in the hospital bed waiting. Just staring at your hands which were on your lap. Tom and the rest made it to the hospital. "You go in first mate." Harrison said patting Tom's shoulder.
You heard the room's door open and you looked up to find Tom in the most broken state you've ever seen him in. "Hey" you said opening your arms for a hug. He ran to you and hugged you so tight afraid that if he let you go , you would vanish.
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He didn't want to ask but he had to; "I-i-is it the time?" He asked already knowing the answer but kept denying it to himself. He felt you nodd with your head resting on his shoulder. Slowly you started to feel his chest moving, up and down as if he was struggling to breathe. He was beginning to cry and it didn't take too long until he was sobbing again. He was in a state of denial , in fact he was waiting for the doctor to enter any minute now and say that a miracle has happened and you're suddenly healed. "Don't cry, I don't want any crying. Do you understand? " You said pulling away from the hug trying to remain strong as possible. You wiped Tom's tears with your thumb as you leaned in to give him a kiss, then rest your forehead on his. You were silent for a few seconds. "Are the others outside?" Tom not trusting if he could utter a word without bursting into tears, nodded his head. "Go tell them to come in, I want to see them." You said giving him a kiss on the cheek. Tom went outside to get them but he almost fell to the ground; luckly Harrison was able to catch him in time. "Ay, mate hold it together". "She wants to see you all." Tom said barely whispering,but they heard him. Harrison, the twins then Tom all entered the room. "Heeey, Haz " you said hugging him. He was sad to see you in such a state nevertheless he did his best to conceal his sadness for yours and Tom's sake. "Don't forget what I told you." You whispered in Haz's ear and he nodded. "Oooh Harry. The funniest guy I've known in the Holland family, but of course after Dominic." You said trying to lighten up his mood. He gave you a sad smile as he hugged you. Next was Sam. "And finally Mr. Freckles" you said as he smiled at the nick name that you gave him a few months ago which he didn't mind, he knew you nick named him "Mr. Freckles" because you loved his freckles. He knew because you told him. They stayed with you for a few minutes, each one saying their goodbyes in their own way, before they left you with Tom. Waiting outside the three slided on the wall waiting, waiting till the end. Harry was crying, Sam was patting him on the back and Harrison was lost in his own thoughts.
Meanwhile Tom lied beside you on the bed hugging you. Your face was in his neck as you played with the necklace that you gave to him with one hand while the other played with his fingers. "Did I ever tell you that I love your hands?" Tom chuckled lightly "All the time, darling". And It was true you always expressed to him how much you love his hands or anything about him in particular.
"Just promise me one thing." You said holding on to him for dear life. "Anything sweetheart." He said as if this promise is the only thing that will prevent you from dying. "Don't forget me." You said with tears falling down your cheek as you couldn't hold it in anymore and looked up at him. "I promise darling." He said hugging you closer to him as if to protect you from what's to become, but he knows he can't, still he held you tight. "Sing to me Tom, please." He nodded with a shaky breath. "Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars
I'm gonna give you my heart
'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars
'Cause you light up the path." He sang with a croaked voice but trying to sound as normal as possible. "You're a terrible singer, thank God you're only an actor." He chuckled sadly at your comment, still he sang to you softly just as he did at the concert. You slowly started to drift in a long deep sleep. By the time Tom finished the song he looked at you ... checking...for what he didn't know. No, in fact he was still in denial and was checking for any sign of breathing but there wasn't any. He slowly started to lose it as he cried and pleaded for you to wake up, " baby, please wake up" he sobbed into your neck. Whispering to you how he was planning to marry you and start a life with him, he said all of this in hopes that you would magically wake up from this deep slumber like Snow White or sleeping beauty, but you didn't. Harrison and the Hollands heard his cries so, they entered quickly. Dominic and Harrison were trying to pull him away from you. Nikki stood in the corner hugging both of the twins as the three of them cried. Nikki and Dominic came immediately when Harrison called knowing that he will need help as much as possible because not only would it be difficult to handle Tom, the twins also lost it. They just couldn't take it; she was perfectly fine the last time they saw her.
(End of flashback)
"Oh shit... Right you probably know about her. You were the only one Sam had told you that he fancies a girl." Tom said talking to you. To anyone he's just a mad person talking to a ....... tomb stone.
*Tom I know you're probably sitting in a corner crying your eyes out as Harrison is reading this letter.* The boys sitting around chuckled at her sense of humour even though she's...gone. Tom looked up, eyes red and puffy, as Harrison continued to read the letter you told him about "don't forget what I told you" Harrison remembered the last thing you told him... It was about the letter. *but please I'm asking you to stop doing so. I know that this is hard for you, I would have done the same probably worse because I really loved you with all my heart. You are the only man who really knew how to make me feel loved. You are the only man who stole my breath away. So, please I want you to do this for me, move on* Tom shook his head as more tears fell from his eyes, down his cheeks and tickling it's way down his neck. *and don't stop yourself from achieving great things in life, which I know you could achieve, just because of this. It will definitely be hard. Just know that this will make me proud of you; it will make your family more proud knowing that their son, brother, or friend passed this chapter in his life.* Harrison smiled as a tear slipped from his eyes, his heart ached at how you counted him a member of the Holland's. *Just know that you are my one and only.*
Both Sam and Harry were sitting on a sofa; each one sitting at each end of it, listening to Harrison as he read your letter. *Sam* Harrison looked up at Sam to see surprise written all over his face. Sam didn't expect you to write for him. *I left something for you with Harrison and I'm sure you'll know what to do with it. It has something to do about what we talked about last time, I wish you all the luck and I want you to know that I approve.* Sam smiled with his eyes glistening he understood what you meant. A few weeks before all of this, he introduced to his future girlfriend and asked for your opinion, now you were encouraging him to go on and ask her out . No one knew of this, except you. That was how close you got to Tom's family.
*Harry*, Harry didn't look up, he too had red eyes, he couldn't believe that his best friend was gone and he didn't know anything about it until the last minute. *You're precious, I hope that you know that* still not looking up, a sided smile appear on his face. * I aslo left you something, Harrison knows where it is. He'll give it to you. Just know that I trust in your talent, because you're a natural.* Finally Harry looked up with tears falling down his face. * I just want you both Sam and Harry to know that you were the brothers I never had.* That being said, Tom couldn't help it but think if things were different they would have been her future brothers-in-law by now.
*finally Harrison, I am sorry I asked you to do all of this, I'm sorry if I had burdened you in any way. It's just I know that you would be the only one who could handle this as they are probably sobbing in front of you right now. Besides you were the only one who knew of my condition other than Tom* Harrison smiled sadly as he took a shaky breath. * I now release you from your duties.* Harrison chuckled, as tears started falling down his face,too. *I just ask of you guys to stop grieving, I was just a chapter in your lives. It'll be hard, but please try for me. It will make me happy to know that you have moved on from this stage. Just don't forget me. love, Y/N *
(End of flashback)
Harrison shook the memory from his head as he focused on Tom again seeing him sitting in front of your grave.
"Sam was really surprised that you left him some of your jewelry to give to his girlfriend. He said that you left a note saying that if she's the one then he should give them to her. And Harry was over the moon when he knew that you got him the newest equipment for photography, and the phonecalls you made to get him an internship with the most famous photographers." Tom sighed. "You just keep on surprising me darling." Shaking his head, he was trying to prevent himself from breaking down again.
"I did everything you asked of me in that letter, the only thing I couldn't do was moving on...... You know that's selfish of you Y/N" tears now were making their way down his face. " You're the one who left. And you expect me to find someone else. You didn't think how this would make me feel. It's not that easy." He said as his voice started to raise as if he was having a fight with you. "If things were different, you would have been my fiancée by now. We would have been choosing the flowers for the wedding together, and the wedding cake." His voice broke as he was still crying. "I knew from the beginning what I was getting myself into, yet I couldn't help but imagine my future with you." He was devastated, how could she ask for such a thing? "You left, and I 'm the one hurting sweetheart. You can't just ask me to move on" He said it bitterly. The word coming out of his mouth as if it's a venom. " I can't do that, I'm sorry, but I just can't." He said calming down a little. "You're asking too much sweetheart."
Harrison made his way to Tom with his hands tucked inside the pockets of his leather jacket. "Come on Tom. That's enough for today." He can't stand and watch his friend like that. Tom was literally losing himself, he wasn't the Tom that Harrison once knew. He was afraid that his friend won't be able to find his way back.
Tom nodded as he got up. "I'll visit again darling, don't worry." Tom said as Harrison left to start the engine. Tom looked once again at your Tomb Stone before making his way to the car.
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That's it. I just hope that you guys please tell me what you think. And for those who have lost a loved one, please stay strong.💙@jellybean-gg thanks for your comment, you're the only one who commented 😅, so here's part 2.
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moistlasersguns-blog · 7 years ago
B(w)ITCH - Dan Avidan x Reader PART 1
Prompt: "well this isn't where I wanted to teleport, sorry for appearing in your bed at 2 am."
Explanation: Magic shit is going on.
Witch = Reader
Owner of bed, and best friend = Danny
*Found online, rip
**also onilne lmao kms
***Pronounced Vay-Duh
(r/name) = random name
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"Are you ready to record?" I asked, glanced at the two males I sat between.
Guest Grumps.
I was decent friends with Arin and really good friends with Dan, but because I'm a lead actress in a popular TV show of my own called 'Pots and Pans'*, I didn't see them as much as I wished I could. The show is about a stoner and a pansexual person living together as roommates and dealing with life's bullshit while also not owning pots or pans.
The show was taken really well with LGBT+ youth and of course, stoners, which gave it most of the popularity it now has.
I had been friends with the Grumps for a while since we got to know each other a few years back.
So, they thought that maybe it was time that I made an appearance on Guest Grumps, which I had been waiting forever to do.
And there we were, Arin began the episode while murmuring to me;
"You're fucking funny, so don't force anything, they'll love you." then he coughed, "Welcome!"
"Heyyyyyyyyy!!!" Danny happily exclaimed, "welcome back to Game Grumps, but it's a special Guest Grumps this time!"
Arin nodded, even though there wasn't a camera, and no one would see, "That's right, because today, we are playing Super Smash Bros."
I laughed and elbowed him, "Hey!"
"Oh!" he joked, "and (Name) (l/name) is here too!"
"Yay!" Dan laughed, fiddling with his controller.
"So, (name) while we set up, tell everyone what you do," Arin said, clicking buttons to get to the brawl screen.
"Well," I began, "I'm like a part-time Grump now, and by part-time I mean one time, and a full-time asshole so that's pretty cool."
Dan let out a quick laugh, "Nah, for real."
"Yeah but I um.. I'm in the show 'Pots and Pans' I play the latter, (r/name) as the witty Pansexual who can make weed brownies for her stoner roommate." I laughed, "But that shit doesn't matter I wanna play some fucking Smash Bros."
"Wow, woah, okay jeez." Arin huffed, handing off a controller to me (he hadn't done this before because he was attempting to tease me, knowing I wouldn't be able to reach across him to get it).
I smiled, hoping the next half hour or so would be as fun as these two promised.
"Okay, so I've always wanted to ask this, and now that we're being recorded I thought that this was the best time," Arin said while being destroyed by my skill in-game.
"Yeah?" I asked, "what is it?"
"I've known you for a while, so has Dan, and we see clips all the time but... First off, why can you fight so well?"
I raised my brow, attention not leaving my character, "Um, I have older brothers. And like, neither of them were typical brothers. One was captain of the chess team and the other, with high heels and makeup on, started a riot about rights at the school. I've always had to know how to beat up people bigger than me since the beginning."**
Dan and Arin both turned to me, "Are you serious?"  "Really?"
I nodded.
Arin shrugged and turned back to the game, "Okay, another thing we just recently witnessed is; A bit ago, you were talking to Ross and he said something to piss you off-- jokingly of course--"
Dan, knowing where this story was going, laughed at the thought. I joined in.
"He like, ran away a bit, and you flipped him off, then he immediately tripped and fell flat on his face. what kind of magic shit have you got going for you, because I want some."
"Yeah," Dan agreed, "I could've used that power all of Guild Grumps."
"Fuck Ross," I said, laughing.
"Yeah, fuck Ross." Arin agreed.
"Oh! Also, what the fuck is up with your amazing ability to speak other fucking languages? Like you can just learn that shit?!" Dan brought this up this time.
The themes of these little things were making me sweat, they all had to do with my secret, but I thought I was playing it cool.
"I don't know, I have a good memory."
"Say something to us in another language." Arin mused.
"Uh... Here, I'll do German." I prayed for my necklace, "Fassen Sie mich nicht an!"
There was a bit of silence.
"That means 'don't touch me.'"
They began laughing, "what," Dan wheezed, "are you afraid of being fucking raped by a German person on the daily?"
"Nein!" I laughed, "But like, my favourite thing about German is that like, when you know what the fuck you're doing, like 'step back I've done this shit before', you say; 'Da liegt der Hund begraben.' which means 'that's where the dog is buried.'"
I paused, because the two were busy laughing, "So like, there's a serious fucking thing going on and you know all about that situation you just scream; 'THAT'S WHERE THE FUCKING DOG IS BURIED.'"
"But, German is a truly beautiful language filled with the love of pigs."
The recording session ended a while ago, so Dan, Arin, and I took a seat in the office somewhere to talk about shit.
"So, (Name), you travel a whole lot, do you feel like you maybe wanna get me a nice little souvenir?" Dan joked, nudging me lightly.
"Oh? I know something you should love." I mused.
He raised his brow and looked me over, "Yeah? What is it?"
I gave him a sly smirk, "A shit ton of tea that will, over time, fix your stomach problem. And then you'll be able to eat whatever the fuck you want."
He stared at me in utter disbelief.  Arin exhaled in shock, "Are you serious?" and when I nodded, he looked over to Dan, "Holy shit dude!"
Dan searched my eyes before finally speaking, "I would actually marry you if you got me some of that shit," a blush crept to my face, "won't it cost a fucking dickload amount?" he asked.
I smiled sweetly, thinking about the large tree growing near my home in my gym bag.
"It won't cost me much, promise. I'm going to uh.." fuck. where would they think would have special bullshit enchanted fucking herbs? "Asia.. yeah, Asia, and they have them in a certain spot there. While I'm there also," I said, turning to Arin, "I can get you something, so I think you'll end up with a few more toys for your office, and a few good luck chars so that you don't suck ass at gaming anymore." I shot a wink his way and he groaned with a small smile.
"So do those sound good?" I asked, glancing between the two.
Dan had stayed still, "If you're being serious, I might actually cry, man." he said, trying to laugh it off.
I chuckled, waving it off, "Danny don't cry! It’s all okay, I promise you it will work.  On your ten minute power hour, you mentioned that if you could get rid of one thing, it would be your stomach problem, so I did research. ASLO ARIN," I turned to him again, "I may find something that will take the piss stench off your bookshelf."
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noniin · 6 years ago
Character Development Workshop
On this workshop we choose an random news on paper and created a character of that. Then we created a background for that character.  My character is called Emma Cook
Tag line: Saved by miracle. Twice. 
Once upon time there was a little girl called Emma Cook. She was youngest daughter of Cook family age of 10. She was born with down syndrome but it never bother her or her family. She has five older siblings and a father and two pet cats.  Two of the siblings are no longer living with other family. They have their own families now and they are living far away. One of them is living outside os the country in Spain. But they are still keeping touch to rest of family and tehy are seeing each other on the chrishmast times usually.  
One of Emmas older brother and sister are still living with Emma and they are students in high school now. Emma´s  mum is no longer in the picture. She died in the car accident 3 years ago and in same accident Emmas legs were paralyzed and after that she has been in wheelchair. Doctors said that it was miracle that she survired that  car crash. It took a long time her to recover of that accident and death of her mum. To cheer her up even little her father made a specially adapted  wheelchair just for her. There was an sparkling unicorns stickers and dragons  on the wheels of  that wheelchair. Emma kind of fall love in that wheelchair. She and her family use to live in bigger city but after the accident hey decide to move to Plymouth because it was closer to their granparents. They helped family to get on their feet again. And Emma is close to her grandparents. Both from mother´s and father´s side. She is visiting them quite often. Emma is a happy and curious like any other kid. She loves all kinds of animals especially cats.She loved doing arts and crafts in school and she also loved sports. Footbal was her passion. but after the  accident she was quite depressed for a long time. But after a while she was same  happy kid again. She still feels sad because she can't play football anymore and she does not she her mother anymore. One of her big brothers show her local disablity basketball team and now she has find a new passion on playing basketball. On one day when she and her dad where about going to shopping in the city center a car hit Emmas wheelchair. She was about to crush againts a parked car but she manage to escape with minor injuries because her wheelchair folded underneath neat her and pushed her to safety. The driver who hit her was an elderly driver and she got ticket of traffic offences. Even that Emma got just minor injuries her wheelchair was destroyed.
Then on step two we needed to team up with someone and create a situation where our characters are force to meet and make a short film script of that meeting. I did not team up with any one so I used Random charcter and random setting  generator to make a script. This is what I got from those generators:
Random Character Generator: This character is a man in his late thirties, who can be quite stubborn. He comes from a comfortable background, lives in a terraced house and tends to lose track of time. 
This is Mike Willis. 
And from Create  a setting generator:  
 It's mid-morning. There's ice on the ground. You're in a city park. There's a friendly feel to the place.
And this a short script that I created. 
Ext. Mid-morning, winter time, city park,
Mike, man in his late thirties is sitting on bench at the park.
"I don't want to have a baby."
Emma, little 4 year old girl  hears this and sit next to Mike on the bench.
Mike turns his head towards to young girl, Emma.
“ What?”
“Why don´t you wanna have a baby? Babies are so cute!”
“Uuumh…because I´m not ready to be father yet?”
“ How you know that?”
Mike looks down at Emma.
“ I don´t know….”
Mike and Emma both looking at the playground where other kids are playing.
“ I wanna have babies.”
Mike laughs.
“ Aren´t you too young to think about babies yet?”
“ I´m silly. I was talking when I´m older!”
Emma´s mum is calling her to come back.
“That´s my mum. I need to go.”
Emma hops down of the bench.
“ Okay it was nice to meet you little miss.”
Emma turns her head towards Mike and puffs:
“ My name is Emma not a little miss.”
“ Right Emma, I´m Mike.”
Emma smiles at Mike and runs to her dad.
Mike is sitting on the bench looking how Emma and her mum are walking away from park. He checks time of his watch and realises that he is late from the dinner.
He is also two pictures that what kind of setting I was thinking on the park scene.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Our charcters for FILM102 had a backstories and they were quite believable. So this task is quite relate to our films characters. Understanding character´s backsory is making things more easier to think how character is acting  in different situations. It aslo helps to understand characters morals and motives and why they are acting that way. 
0 notes
evildeaduproot-blog · 8 years ago
To start this blog off right, I wanted to share part of my personal blog about the traveling we did in 2016 making Evil Dead Uproot.
Edited down to focus on that and not personal stuff.
Heading to Pittsburgh, PA for what was supposed to be a small side project based on a super fan (Mike) of The Evil Dead movies and how he obtained the workshed from the second movies filming location. We visited his home right outside of Pittsburgh in a small town in West Virginia.
Matthew and I already had our first documentary we were working on, our labor of love. But this idea came up  to make that trip into something much more and he is such a big fan of those movies it fell into place. We thought, what if we could interview the cast and people who worked on the movies, visit the locations and help people who had an interest see what it’s like there today.  In one way it just seemed like another great idea we had, seeing as we have a full length movie floating around, tons of short stories and other ideas we think are great. But this, it felt different.
First order of business, “If we can’t get Bruce, is it worth it?” We just took the honest approach, sent a ton of e-mails to everyone and their brother in hopes ANYONE would be interested in speaking to us. Mike had the inside scoop with the owner of the Evil Dead 2 cabin and we knew the land from part 1 would be a problem later. First e-mail back...... Bruce giving us 15 minutes in Chicago at the Comic Con, it was the closest he was going to be to Nashville.  
Off to Chicago we went in August, which we love Chicago! They have great vegan food and well hell we had our first Press Passes for Comic Con. I won’t go into the nitty gritty of behind the curtain on this process but will say, you must have a drive for the end result, you must be willing to be on standby, stressed out and willing to deal with a lot.. a LOT of hoops. But, it happened and that’s all that mattered.
There he was Bruce Campbell, sitting in front of our cameras looking Matthew in the eye answering his questions. If everyone else told us “no’” at this point it wouldn’t have mattered, or so it seemed at the time. Our 15 minutes that Bruce said we could have, was cut to 10 minutes by Comic Con and to be honest he seemed like he could have talked to us a little longer, so maybe a second time will happen.
The trip home from Chicago was bitter sweet, we were wore out from everything we went through while there again, I can’t put into words how stressful the whole thing was. Oh I should mention Mike brought the shed, we helped carry it in, set it up and run his booth while on “standby”. Those conventions serve garbage food that neither of us were willing to eat, plus the waits in line were up to an hour, an apple, a bottle of water and some popcorn was all we had in 12 hour day, not to mention lugging gear to and from, add in a mad dash into the city for a possible interview that we missed by minutes due to traffic, parking and carrying everything 4 blocks to the hotel. Maybe next time.
But the trip also had us on fire and ready to take this head on!
Off to North Carolina! Deep into the woods once stood the shell of a cabin that is now a pile of wood, it just happens to be on one of the most inspiring, nicest, most genuinely kind mans property. Never, in my life would I think I would be out in fighting huge spiders, looking for rattlesnakes and wild hogs all while photographing and filming a HUGE structure that was used to make a movie.  It was beyond hot and humid, but jeans were a must. Even though it’s not standing anymore, the size alone took me a while to wrap my head around. They built it JUST for outside shots and run ins. The fake trees and pile of coal still there are proof it’s not just a hunting cabin, it was for a movie.  Which, is aslo on the land that The Color Purple was made, going into the house and see the stair case was also something I never really thought I would be doing.
Wadesboro, was a huge success for us. People came out and spoke with us about the movie being made there, dropped off pictures of the set and we found every place they used in the film fairy easy. We still will have to return to bid the cabin site a farewell and show its removal in the spring of 2017.
Luck would have it, the rest of the cast and the special effect guys would be in Cleveland in late September. Holy Cow!  That had to happen and it did, not without issues but it did! You are dealing with multiple people at one place within a few days, do the math and see how that might work out in your head and then times that by at least 6. The ladies worked with us well, as did the guy who played Scotty. Tom Sullivan opened up his room after hours for his interview and brought in Bart Peirce, these two made all the fun stuff in the movie happen. For us, listening to them would be the highlight and at this moment I realized Bruce was not the only one we wanted to hear from. The few hours we got to spend with them were a real look into making movies and for me Tom is such a genuinely nice guy with great stories I could listen to him talk for much longer.
Lastly, Morristown, TN. Evil Dead was filmed there, it’s a small town in East Tennessee and it’s a place that, NO ONE wants to talk to you. We went earlier in the year and put fliers up; those brought a guy who helped on the film when he was in High School, he shared his time on the set with us and had some stories we hadn’t heard yet. Other than that, Morristown let us down. We had very little help from the press outlets there and all the leads we had fell flat. The owners of the property the cabin once stood contacted us before we even contacted them to tell us we were not welcome there. This puts a dark cloud over the film, but we plan to work around it and not make the focus on one spot. 
So 2017, lets keep digging!
4 notes · View notes
optimisticpoetrypost-blog · 7 years ago
gap insurance online quote
"gap insurance online quote
gap insurance online quote
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car scratch - insurance rates?
How much would by insurance rate go up by if I caused a 750 dollar car scratch to another vehicle? My insurance rate monthly is at 62 dollars. I just want to know if that could double or be extremely drastic because i don't know if it would be better to just pay out of my own pocket. thx
What car insurance has the best deals with teen drivers?
I'm 18 and a good student. I want to use the car for school and college. I will probably be putting 10k miles a year. how much will my insurance be? what company has the best offers for this? thanks
Car insurance?
how much would it cost for a 16 year old girl, honor student & drivers ed to start a plan by her self, or would it be cheaper to be added to my parents plan? aslo the car would be a madza 3. THANKS :)""
""Hi Guys, Need your help. I am a first time driver looking for a cheap car insurance for my car?
which company is best for comprehensive car insurance in UK? thanks very much for your time
Car insurance question....?
A stray dog ran out in front of my car causing me some damage. My insurance adjuster writes his own estimate so he told me what the insurance would pay minus my deductible. He said the check would be sent to me, that I can have anyone I want to fix it and to shop around. Does that mean if I can find someone to do it for less I can keep the extra to help me toward my deductible????? even though I need to tell them who is doing it before the check is sent to me. (the check will have both names on it) My friend says if I can get it done for less that agreement is between me and who I chose so any extra is mine?????? I don't want to do anything wrong but I also don't want to give money away that I don't have to.""
Does the cost of insuring a car go down when you turn 18?
is it worth waiting a couple of months to my eighteenth birthday to get cheaper car insurance? thanks guys!
Car insurance legal team?
Do you have to use the legal team that comes with your car insurance or can you choose an independent one? Had an accident and am not happy with the insurance company's attitude - we had a rear end collision.
Is it legal to drive family member's car without insurance in California?
Is it legal to drive family member's car without insurance in California? The owner of the car has insurance tough. Situation is like that: I am 26years old foreign driver right now in business trip to California. I have got the permit driving licenses and the car i am driving is my twins brother's, we are live in the same place .Yesterday I was pulled over by police. however, I did not find my brother's insurance in the car and I did not take the permit with me either. The police gave me a ticket asking me to goto local court two month later. What should I do to solve this thing now ? Can i adjust the courting time? what kind of punishment i will receive ? Will it left in my record to my next year business visa?""
Do i Need Car Insurance?
If i drive my moms car and the car has insurance and my parents both do and i don't have my own and i get in a accident or get pulled over. what will happen to me and my parents? and also i am 16 and just got my license. my parents have AAA insurance and we live in Michigan. My parents do not want to add me on the policy, so can i still drive the car or can i get in big trouble?""
Health Care/Insurance...Right or Responsibility?
I see many on both sides have their own opinion on this issue. Many on the right claim it's a 'responsibility' while several on the left think it should be a 'right'. Why do you ...show more
Car insurance question?
If I am driving a company truck and lets say I got a ticket.. will my car insurance go up.. even though I am driving a company truck that is insured by the company..
I'm really frustrated as i've just passed my test and looking into buying a car and insurance and im quoting on a Vauxhall Corsa that is in insurance group 1 and getting nothing less than 6000 how the hell am i supposed to be able to afford that even with a full time job! its ridiculous i know that im 18 and male which is high risk but even if they said between 2000 - 3000 it wouldnt be so bad for me, can someone please give me an idea of what to do next?! :/""
""What is the best Health insurance, with good maternity coverage?""
I would like to get insurance before I get pregnant because I know they won't give it to you when you're pregnant. So I would like to know who has the best coverage, hospital, pre-natal....etc! Would really like to hear from mothers, and there experience with the providers!!!! Thanks in advance""
Help with car insurance?
I was just wondering if instead of paying me (16) paying a 300 to 400 dollar car insurance payment every month under my name if it is possible for my dad to just put the car under his name and then have a waaaaay lower car insurance payment. Can we do this or is this illegal?
What's the criteria on whether or not car insurance is high?
I'm 17, looking for my first car, and I want something that won't cost my parents a fortune on car insurance. But how can I tell if insurance is going to be high? Would 2003 Acura RSX give high insurance? I've completed a Drivers Education course too, if that counts for anything?""
Pregnant w/o insurance.?
I am 6 weeks pregant and do not have insurance. I don't qualify for medicaid anymore because I make too much money, like 1000 over. The problem is that I can't work less or we can't pay our bills. Does anyone know how I can get insurance while I am pregnant??""
Is insurance for a V6 going to be automatically higher than a 4cyl?
Getting an Audi A4. The 1.8t (4 cycl) is the same cost as my insurance now. I found a 2.8t (v6) that I liked better though, and did not ask if that would cost more... Think it would kill my insurance?""
Cheapest car insurance in Florida?
I need the cheapest car insurance possible for my husband who rarely if EVER drives. His license is suspended, so I drive everywhere (except an extreme emergency), but since we are married, Geico insists we pay for both to be insured. Anyone get around this or find a great insurance company that could get me some reasonable rates in FL?""
Insurance for newborn?
I am on my stepfather's insurance through bluecross/blueshield. I am about to have a baby and she can't be covered on this insurance. would i have to lose my insurance and get medicaid and us be on it together or can i just get medicaid for her and keep my insurance? and what if it isn't all resolved when she is born, will she be able to see a doctor?""
Starting an insurance company in illinois?
So how would you do this and about how much would it cost? People were saying that it costs millions and millions of dollars. But if it costs that much then how would anybody ever be able to start one? Is it a good idea to start an insurance company or do you think that it probably would not be a success? Also, what is the difference between an insurance comany and an agency. do make a lot of money if you start an insurance agency?""
I want to buy a Mazda RX8 with 69xxxx miles. is it a good car and how much does insurance cost for these cars?
How come i don't see many of these cars around?
Renters insurance question
ok, i have renters insurance, and have and had it for about a year from the same company we get our car insurance from. maybe this is a stupid question, but i am asking so please be polite and honest. i am looking into renting (moving) and i was just curious as to if this is something we would want to bring our potetential new landlord (s) and if this will influence his/her decision. also our renters insurance is paid up for another year already.""
Is there some type of dental insurance that is affordable??
I am 38 y/o male who needs to finally look into some dental insurance that is affordable/ I have some teeth that needs to be fix ASAP thanks for your Help Bri
""Can you get cheaper insurance, if you are driving on behalf of a disabled family member?
i am currently 19 and just passed my test - my friends of same age - pay 500-700 a year on car insurance and they say they get cheaper because they are acting as carer driver (e.g of grandfather or disabled brother)- basically you say to insurance companies that i am caring for them and need me - my dad just had a eye operation - just got blue badge and had heart attack 3 times - and yeh he gets mobility allowance - (because he had some other problems - not surely no what) - do you think i can use him to act a carer of him - he is driving at the moment so do you think he needs to give up driving is this possble or they mis-understood
Would a Jeep Cherokee cost a lot to insure?
I want a Jeep cherokee for my firs car. My parents are telling me the insurance is extremely higher because jeeps are dangerous, is this right? (compared to a sedan of some sort) thanks!""
gap insurance online quote
gap insurance online quote
""So i have a full coverage on my car insurance, and now this situation, need advice?
The insurance estimator guy told me that i can only take my car to a specific place to be repaired OTHERWISE he is going to tell me that the car being ruined was my fault (it ...show more
Homeowners insurance????
Can anyone give me some good companies for homeowners insurance? What do you use? What is the average monthly payment for the policy? I need this info - I will be closing on a house in a few weeks and need to get homeowners insurance. I'd like a cheap policy so my monthly payment will be lower. (I might increase later). Thanks!!!
How much is the fine for no insurance in texas?
police set up a routine check up on a one way street and everything was good seat belt, DL, inspection sticker but the cop forgot to ask me for the insurance so he sent someone else to chek my insurance and thats when they got me""
If a health insurance company can't deny my pre-existing condition...?
Why should I buy insurance at all?
What if 21st Century Insurance considers my car totaled?
Ok...My car was parked at my work which is privately owned. An ex employee who was inebriated, backed into the driver's side quarter panel. Now, my car has a HUGE dent and it won't lock. I left it at the body shop and the adjuster told me it might be considered totaled. My car was in immaculate condition, mechanically, as well as cosmetically. In addition, my car has less then 93,000 miles on it. What should I expect? I am a student and I rely on this vehicle for my only means of transport. I know the insurance company is going to take advantage of my ignorance on insurance jargon. PLEASE HELP, I NEED ADVICE!!! Thanks~""
Which Car Insurance is better for a teenager in Texas?
I'm 18 years old and trying to look for a cheap car insurance. I am at College seeking a job and the cheapest is Acceptable Insurance,110/month.""
How long do I have to take traffic school after i receive a speeding ticket in the state of California?
I already paid for the ticket that I received last December but my insurance went up, can i still take traffic school to get it off my record? If not, are there any ways I can lower my insurance?""
I really need some good advice for travel insurance please?
Going to thailand and possibly france or spain to for 1 year. Wats good and why?
Family Health Insurance?? Question Help?
I was wondering does family health insurance, for example. like in my situation, i want to go to a dentist to whiten my teeth, but will the insurance cover for that?""
Affordable Insurance for Teens?
Looking to get my first car soon and I got to pay for my own insurance and I need some help for an affordable insurance. Please and Thank You
Whats a good/affordable motorcyle insurance company?
I want to buy a Yamaha R6 but the premiums for a bike are ridiculous.. cheapest ive found was through progressive for 900$/month... thats more than my leased car payment and car insurance a month... anyone? thanks.
Auto insurance question (Mitsubishi Lancer?
I can call Allstate and find this out. However, I don't feel like staying on the line forever. Is the Mitsubishi Lancer consider a sports car according to auto insurance poilcy or is it just your average everyday sedan?""
UK: Are there any other cheap car insurance companies besides Tesco?
I am sick of Tesco, but they seem to be substantially cheaper than any where else!""
How much would car insurance cost?
im 18 going to be 19 the car i was looking at cost 29,155$ so since im young how much do you think the insurance would cost?""
Will my insurance go up more?
So a months ago my car insurance went up because of a driving ticket and i just go another...will my insurance go up even more or what will happen????
What is the difference between non-owner car insurance and a bond?
What is the difference between non-owner car insurance and a bond?
Can I Buy Car Insurance Without Having A Car?
I'm not planning on driving anyone else's car it's just that my mom doesn't want to put me on her insurance because she says that it'll be too expensive for her (even though I would pay her for my piece). Thing is I don't have a car yet but do plan on financing a ar very soon. I've been pre-approved so I'm pretty much set to go but want to just drive my car off the lot without any problems. Also, does 'non-owner's' insurance like roll over should you buy a ar yourself? Like say for instance I did get non-owners insurance, drove my mom's car and then finally got enough money to buy my own car, can I use the same insurance?""
Cheap No fault insurance for 18 yr old?
Cheap No fault insurance for 18 yr old?
Republicans: If your wife or mother died of breast cancer due to Blue Cross terminating her insurance on a?
flimsy excuse, how would you react? This is exactly what happened in California and several women died due to lack of treatment. As a Republican, would you Glad Hand the exectutive responsible for increasing profits, just take the court settlement and start your life over, or would you hunt down the exectutive responsible for her death and avenge it?""
I can't afford my car insurance...?
I need transportation so I can work. But why should I have to choose between car insurance or food and medicine? Shouldn't the Government come up with a single payer plan for automotive insurance too! Its not fair that I have to pay for this out of my own pocket.
Mens car insurace???
How much more do men under 24 pay for insurance than women under 24?? On average??
How can I price/estimate what my car insurance payment will be if I don't currently have a car?
I live in New Jersey. I haven't EVER had my own car insurance although when I was in high school I was on my parents' insurance. I am a 28 year old female. Thanks all!!!
Car insurance rates?
i am a 23 year old male and have a 1993 lexus sc 300 auto 2 dr. i know for a male the rates go down when you hit 25 years old, but is there anything when you turn 23? doesnt it go down a lil. i have had 1 ticket for speeding in nov of 2005, but took that course online to get it off my record since it was my first one.""
Car insurance queries?
its got no insurance but taxed and motd can i drive it on my licence i can drive any car not belonging to me with owners permission
Why does my car insurance cost too much?
I am 19 and just passed my test (UK). I have a 1.0 liter Micra and I have put my details in confused.com comparison website. The quotes I am getting are around 4000. Is this right ? it seems too much. Any ideas?
gap insurance online quote
gap insurance online quote
Why did so many Liberals run away from the ACA as soon as they found out that they'd have to pay for their own Affordable Health Insurance ?
Why are so many Liberals running away from the ACA they declared that they needed so desperately as soon as they found out that they'd have to pay for their own Affordable Health Insurance ? I don't get it ?......Liberals asked for Affordable Health Insurance not Free Health Insurance so why are they running way from Affordable Health Insurance now like it is the plague and even opting to pay a fine rather than buy Affordable Health Insurance for themselves /
Medicaid insurance with another insurance?
I was wondering what the qualifications are for Medicaid. Specifically, I have UBH insurance...since I have insurance already, would I still qualify for Medicaid? I am 19 years old and live on my own now.""
Does my degree affect my car insurance?
I'm looking at buying a Nissan Micra, and I've noticed whenever I enter my information and the websites ask my occupation I enter student and each website asks whether I study Medicine, Nursing or Teaching, and whether I study from home or live away. I am in fact a nursing student (mental health), living away, and I just wondered whether this makes my insurance more expensive or cheaper than someone doing a different degree such as History, Physics etc.""
I need help finding a good cheap sporty used car with low insurance rates.?
Well I turn 16 in december, I've had my permit for about two months and my family is at total loss of cars. My sister and her car are going to College, and my mom is using the Sienna. So my dads been riding his motorcycle to work. However, he wont be able to do so because he has a 30 mile commute to work. So he needs a car before the rain rolls in, so when he gets a car it'll be his, until I get my license, then it becomes ours. However, all my ideas are getting shot down, but as we get closer to needing one, slowly he's getting more okay with my ideas, but I need your help. I want an Rx8, I've wanted one since I was in 4th grade. I know I know. What the hell, why? A rotary engine with not even 2 litres. barely any horsepower and only gets 16/26 mpg. Well I've driven an Rx8 and I think they're amazing. HOWEVER, my dad doesnt want one for one reason, and one reason only. High insurance. So I was wondering if you can help me find a sporty used car, that I could find pretty cheap. For some Ideas I like, Bmw 330ci's, 328i's, rx8's, G37 coupes. OH YEAH, that reminds me, I'd like a coupe, but a 4 door would work well too if it still maintains a sleek style. like a lexus IS250s. Manual transmission or automatic is fine. decent mileage. you know the drill, OH and it must be atleast 4 seater. Thank you, its greatly appreciated.""
What best health insurance?
What best health insurance?
Any estimations on how much my car insurance will be? Uk.?
Im 17 in november, in gonna start to drive but i was wondering if anyone iceby ideas on how much my car insurance would be based on what i tell you. I live in the uk. I cant go on my parents insurance because they dont drive. In gonna get a 1.4 or 1.6 engine car. An thats all i can tell you, can anyone please have a rough estimation on prices?""
""How much is car insurance in albany,ny?""
i had car insurance in brooklyn,ny but now i got verry expensive, so i thought to go to albany to get cheaper nsurance""
About how much does insurance generally run for a commercial semi truck?
Me and my dad are going to start a small trucking company. Only one truck at first. He will be the driver and I'll be putting up the money for it and be the owner. I'll be getting a big of money when I turn 18 from inheritance (about 130,000). I already have a truck picked out, and we're going to lease on with a company. My dad has driven trucks for over 40 years now and knows a lot about the industry. I've talked to a few other owner operators, and I know permits and such can generally run around 5000 or less but the insurance rates are scaring the hell out of me. I know there's no way of giving an accurate estimate without knowing the drivers records and what you'll be hauling or the type of truck. I know it will be a van though. Also, I know the truck will be a 98' model or somewhere around that year. Anyway, I've seen numbers on up to the millions, and then I've seen rates that are only 1500 to 5000 annually. I would just like to know from any owner operators, or people that might have an idea about trucking, about how much does basic insurance cost for a semi truck and trailer? Also, any other information about permits and total costs and expenses would be greatly appreciated. Would 130,000 be enough to get one truck on the road and running with money left over? Thanks so much in advance for any advice :)""
Car insurance for UK female age 21 Peaugout 206??
Anyone any rough idea how much id pay?? And any good, cheap insurers? Also, is it better to get comprehensive, 3rd party fire and theft or just 3rd party????""
What is car insurance?
I tell people that im going to get a lambo when I grow up im going to save $120,000 and then buy it all at once....and then pay for the maintence ad all that too.. but people say that you wont be able to afford the car insurance?? what is car insurance. I thought that's a choice like you pay 100 a month and if your car is broken you get it fixed for free.. so why DO I HAVE TO PAY FOR INSURANCE ON A LAMBO? why cant I just save up all my money and buy it and then that's it.. just take it home and drive.""
How i can get insurance on my brothers car?
How i can get insurance on my brothers car?
Car Insurance weird Price? help?
okay im 23 years old been had my drivers license for 3 years. im searching to insurance a 973cc corsa my quote has come 1700 so i thought i make my dad main driver and put it on his name his been driving for 18 years and with 9 ncb the insurance came up to 2500 ? whats happening here my dad hasnt had no claims on his insurance
UK. Do you need insurance to learn to drive with your parents car?
i have my provisional Is the insurance expensive?
Pregnant and no health insurance - Maine?
I am canadian who just got a visa to move to maine to live with my US husband - I still work in Canada and cross daily. 3 nights ago I found out I was pregnant. I called my blue cross to see what it covered in the USA and when I told them I moved from NB they promptly cancelled my insurance. My husband doenst have insurance and because of my salary in Canada we dont quality for medicaid or mainecare. so no insurance, no mainecare and no money...... I also cannot have the baby in Canada now as they cancelled my medicare when I moved...... so this is worst situation I have ever been in...... I have wanted to be a mother for years but I cannot afford 15000 to have a baby ...... I am honestly contemplating an abortion.....""
Is selling mortgage protection insurance a good job?
I have been offered a job selling mortgage protection insurance. All sales leads are pre-generated and there is no cold calling. Of course, like any sales job, the company has assured me that I can earn a six-figure income within the first year; but I don't know what to believe. Anybody know anything about this industry? Is this a waste of time?""
""How much does homeowners insurance cost for a 250,000 house?""
How much does homeowners insurance cost for a 250,000 house?""
What will happen to my insurance?
My brother was in a car accident in my car - he's not on the insurance. My car was pretty damaged, the other car only scratched and drove away. He gave my auto insurance info to the other driver but there was no police report. Can the other driver make a claim without a police report? I only have liability, can I make a claim against their insurance? I live in NY State. How does this work?""
How much would car insurance be for a 16 year old with full coverage?
ok well im going to get 24000 for my car and 3 years of insurance so in just wondering how much monthly car insurance would be because im thinking about 250 but i think that is a bit much please help i need to know how much the insurance would be so i can know how much i can spend on my car???????????????????????????????????????
What is the insurance price for me to buy an 05 Toyota Solara?
I am a 16 year old from MN and I was wondering how much it the insurance would cost to buy an 05 Solara. I have been a B student most of my life. I know that 2 door cars cost more than 4 door. just spill out some price it would be per month. Thanks
Help with car insurance?
I am 16 and my dad wants me to pay for my own and i want to i just want to know the cheapest car insurance so will you please post a url that i can go to?
Texas health insurance plans?
Are there any texas health insurace plans beside CHIP, CIGNA, and Blue Cross Blue Shield because they don't cover insurance for eye doctors and their deductible is too high also. I'm 19 if that helps and I don't qualify for gold member or medicaid.""
Do need Car Insurance to buy a used car?
What is everything you need to buy a used car????
Want the cheapest and most affordable insurance in Florida (Tampa) !!!?
He guys, I'm 19 years old and just received my driving license this week. I want to insure my car that I just bought recently , would someone tell me a name of a company that offer an affordable insurance for student ? Just to let you know , some people say that there is no differences between insurance companies prices. but actually that is WRONG !!!>>>>> Some companies try to get customers by cheap prices > please let me know if you have experiences this situation.""
""Find the total monthly payment, including taxes and insurance?""
Mortage: 72,890 Interest Rate: 5.5% Term of Loan: 15 years Annual Taxes:$1850 Annual Insurance: $545""
Would my car insurance company give me any problems if I get a 2nd car?
I am the only driver in my household but I plan to get my son a car and register it under my name and put it on my insurance. He has a license and lives at a different address. Would the insurance company get suspicious about anything?
gap insurance online quote
gap insurance online quote
Is it possible to upgrade car insurance with an ongoing claim?
Hello, I am a 19 year old male living in England. I had an accident around 2 months ago in my car of which I am the main driver and owner (no dispute here). I have been ensured by a solicitor friend that the crash was not my fault as the other party pulled out in front of me. However, the other party is still disputing liability and I have been told by my insurance that the case could take upwards of 10 weeks. I have a job opportunity starting in 1 week exactly as a delivery driver. I will technically be self-employed, so will have to provide my own business insurance. My question is: is it at all possible to upgrade my insurance to business cover while the claim is still ongoing? If this is possible, would it be allowed on the basis that I would be considered liable for this accident (at least in the short run) and thus be charged a an extortionate amount? Thanks in advance.""
Car insurance rates?
i am a 23 year old male and have a 1993 lexus sc 300 auto 2 dr. i know for a male the rates go down when you hit 25 years old, but is there anything when you turn 23? doesnt it go down a lil. i have had 1 ticket for speeding in nov of 2005, but took that course online to get it off my record since it was my first one.""
How do i get health insurance?
i work at shoprite and i know that we get medical/dental benefits after one year but i just cannot wait that long i need some care like right now ! so how do i get health insurance, where do i go? who do i call ? im lost -__- help me out please! all answers welcomed and appreciated.""
Car Insurance/homeowners insurance?
Is Response Insurance a good company? I'm looking to lower my current rates with American Family. Response gave me some really good rate quotes.
Cheapest car insurance companies for 18 year old female?
Cheapest car insurance companies for 18 year old female?
Health insurance?
Im 18 and live in southern california.Im not covered by my parents health insurance or work(unless im injured on the job)....what should I do?
Should I buy car insurance or not?
I am a teenage driver of 16. Insurance is very high for a teenager. My parents have Allstate Car Insurance for four of their cars including a Toyota Corolla which im going to be driving. The Corolla is covered by AllState insurance. I have a California Driver's License and live in California. About 6 months ago, my mom asked the insurance company whether the insurance would cover the car if she lent the car to someone and the insurance company said that they would cover the car as soon as the person who borrowed the car has a VALID DRIVERS LICENSE. I have a valid drivers license but I am under 18 (I am 16). The insurance person did not say anything about age. My question is whether it is necessary or not to buy insurance for myself. It will be very expensive and I do not want to pay for it but I will If i have to. Do I have to get my own insurance for the car or not? If I dont buy insurance and I drive the corolla and get pulled over, am I okay or will I have problems?""
Best Insurance for Speeding Tickets?
I will be getting married in a month and need to get new car insurance. What insurance companies offer the best rates for people with speeding tickets? I have 2 speeding tickets, and my fiance has 2 accidents on record... any suggestions of the best places to start looking?""
How can we get health care to be more affordable?
55,000 to 100,000+ got an appendectomy is just too much for the average person with a savings under 2,000 ...show more""
How much would insurance be?
how much would insurance be for a mustang convertible perhaps 90's-2002 no more than 2003. the car is around 6 grand im thinking it would be about 3k a year but i don't know. i get bad grades i get about 150 a week at my job. when i bye the car i will be about 18 years old
Please could someone tell me what is the absolute cheapest auto insurance around?
No solicitation please.... Just the real facts. For get Geico, State Farm, All State and Travelers ins, progressive and all the TOP COMPANIES""
Which is best health insurance?
I was wondering whats the best insurance for me im 18 live with my parents dropped out dont go to college plan to get my ged soon. But i have to get some blood work done for my doc out of state and the place i called said its 832$ i can pay for it but im thinking i should jus get insurance since im going to go on TRT soon prehaps.. so what Health insurance can cover my blood work and hopefully everything in future also im not a citizen but i am a green card holder does it make a difference? thanks i didnt reread this so sorry for any errors
Good insurance for my car?
my car's insurance is expiring soon. i have two options one is to renewal the existing policy, which i took when i was bought the car. And second one is to take a new policy from a private insurance company. which one is best and which issues should i consider to take a policy and for comparing both.""
Will I get a car insurance rate hike?
In Pennsylvania, if you are given a traffic citation, and are told points will NOT be accessed on your driving record with DMV, will my car insurance stilll go up?""
Is it illegal if someone else pays for my health insurance?
I lost my job last month, and I need to know if there would anything illegal or wrong if say a relative paid for my health insurance until I get a new job? The insurance is through this new Affordable Care Act program.""
Classic car insurance?
I am looking at buying a classic car but i don't know where is best for classic car insurance.
What insurance coverage should i get?
i purchased a motorcycle for 1800 dollars and parts are cheap for it so what coverages do i need and which ones dont i need
AAA insurance will only pay body shop?
Hi there, My mom was rear ended by an uninsured motorist while driving my car. I have uninsured motorist coverage and AAA estimated the damage to be approximately $1000. I own my car (it's paid off) and I would rather buy the bumper and someone I know replace the bumper, rather than go to the body shop of AAA's choice. AAA does not want to give me a check and is saying they want to pay a body shop to do it. Can they do this? I looked at my policy and it doesn't say anywhere that repair costs are to be paid to a body shop, rather than the car owner or driver. I certainly don't have anything signed that says that and there is nothing in my policy details. Thanks for your help!""
Why should we be responsible for a person who elects not to buy health insurance?
Or any insurance for that matter...
Ideas for quick car with cheap insurance?
I'm 21 and looking to get a new car that's both fast and cheapish to insure. I have 2 years NCB, with a clean license and I've never crashed. I have looked at some hot hatches and fast saloons. I was surprised to find that insurance for a Golf GTi was more than for a C32 AMG, a 180mph car with 150bhp more! I'm tempted by the AMG, but servicing might suck my wallet dry... Are there any other options? Looking for 0-60 around 5 - 6s, good mid range power, 5 seats, and economy at least in the 20s""
How do I get health insurance for my newborn?
I am 6 months pregnant and 21 years old. I am still on my parents' health insurance, as I am an unemployed student. My boyfriend, who is an independent, is an unemployed student as well. He is currently uninsured and, as we have found, is uninsurable due to the fact that I am pregnant. My parents' health insurance WILL NOT cover grandchildren (dependents of dependents) and so my baby will not be covered on their plan. Individual health insurance plans will not cover my infant until up to 30 days AFTER he is born (and we can apply for medical insurance for him). How do I secure health care coverage for him BEFORE he comes so he can start going to the pediatrician immediately?""
Is the cost of car insurance increased when you drive a coupe as opposed to a sedan?
I want to buy an acura integra and i want to know if the 2 door would be more expensive to insure than the 4 door because of the 2 door's sportier appearance. I'm almost 19.
What do car insurance companies have access to?
my friend was trying to tell me what he did to get him cheaper insurance.... he lied through his teeth so do insurance companies in Canada have access to the following: marriage status medical records where you live if you have kids security on house and car driving records and what other info do they have access to because my friend said he lied about all that and pays cheap insurance now
Best Car Insurance Company For A 29yr Old Vehicle?
I live in the UK, and own a 29yr old 3-door Range Rover -- 3.5ltr, manual, petrol, bull bars, social only, 1000 miles years max. Would anyone know a good insurance company - maybe classic insurance - that would give a good quote? Many thanks""
What Insurance Company Insures Someone With Only A Permit?
I bought a car yesterday and I'm 18 with a permit and I can take the test but I have to learn and I have my own car to learn with now. But I need insurance to get tags. Now I need to know what company will insure me? I want the insurance in my name.
gap insurance online quote
gap insurance online quote
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