#and already rejected by the villainous boss he looked up to!
airyairyaucontraire · 2 years
it's just occurred to me that Team Rocket would freaking LOVE the Ballonlea gym leader Opal. She's theatrical and eccentric and demanding.
James: she's exactly how I want to be when I'm her age!
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burntoutdaydreamer · 10 months
To Write Better Antagonists, Have Them Embody the Protagonist's Struggles
(Spoilers for The Devil Wears Prada, Avatar the Last Airbender, Kung Fu Panda 2, and The Hunger Games triology).
Writing antagonists and villains can be hard, especially if you don't know how to do so.
I think a lot of writers' first impulse is to start off with a placeholder antagonist, only to find that this character ends up falling flat. They finish their story only for readers to find the antagonist is not scary or threatening at all.
Often the default reaction to this is to focus on making the antagonist meaner, badder, or scarier in whatever way they can- or alternatively they introduce a Tragic Backstory to make them seem broken and sympathetic. Often, this ends up having the exact opposite effect. Instead of a compelling and genuinely terrifying villain, the writer ends up with a Big Bad Edge Lord who the reader just straight up does not care about, or actively rolls their eyes at (I'm looking at you, Marvel).
What makes an antagonist or villain intimidating is not the sheer power they hold, but the personal or existential threat they pose to the protagonist. Meaning, their strength as a character comes from how they tie into the themes of the story.
To show what I mean, here's four examples of the thematic roles an antagonist can serve:
1. A Dark Reflection of the Protagonist
The Devil Wears Prada
Miranda Priestly is initially presented as a terrible boss- which she is- but as the movie goes on, we get to see her in a new light. We see her as an bonafide expert in her field, and a professional woman who’s incredible at what she does. We even begin to see her personal struggles behind the scenes, where it’s clear her success has come at a huge personal cost. Her marriages fall apart, she spends every waking moment working, and because she’s a woman in the corporate world, people are constantly trying to tear her down.
The climax of the movie, and the moment that leaves the viewer most disturbed, does not feature Miranda abusing Andy worse than ever before, but praising her. Specifically, she praises her by saying “I see a great deal of myself in you.” Here, we realize that, like Miranda, Andy has put her job and her career before everything else that she cares about, and has been slowly sacrificing everything about herself just to keep it. While Andy's actions are still a far cry from Miranda's sadistic and abusive managerial style, it's similar enough to recognize that if she continues down her path, she will likely end up turning into Miranda.
In the movie's resolution, Andy does not defeat Miranda by impressing her or proving her wrong (she already did that around the half way mark). Instead, she rejects the values and ideals that her toxic workplace has been forcing on her, and chooses to leave it all behind.
2. An Obstacle to the Protagonist's Ideals
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Fire Lord Ozai is a Big Bad Baddie without much depth or redemptive qualities. Normally this makes for a bad antagonist (and it's probably the reason Ozai has very little screen time compared to his children), but in Avatar: The Last Airbender, it works.
Because his very existence is a threat to Aang's values of nonviolence and forgiveness.
Fire Lord Ozai cannot be reasoned with. He plans to conquer and burn down the world, and for most of the story, it seems that the only way to stop him is to kill him, which goes against everything Aang stands for. Whether or not Aang could beat the Fire Lord was never really in question, at least for any adults watching the show. The real tension of the final season came from whether Aang could defeat the Fire Lord without sacrificing the ideals he inherited from the nomads; i.e. whether he could fulfill the role of the Avatar while remaining true to himself and his culture.
In the end, he manages to find a way: he defeats the Fire Lord not by killing him, but by stripping him of his powers.
3. A Symbol of the Protagonist's Inner Struggle
Kung Fu Panda 2
Kung Fu Panda 2 is about Po's quest for inner peace, and the villain, Lord Shen, symbolizes everything that's standing in his way.
Po and Lord Shen have very different stories that share one thing in common: they both cannot let go of the past. Lord Shen is obsessed with proving his parents wrong and getting vengeance by conquering all of China. Po is struggling to come to terms with the fact that he is adopted and is desperate to figure out who he is and why he ended up left in a box of radishes as a baby.
Lord Shen symbolizes Po's inner struggle in two main ways: one, he was the source of the tragedy that separated him from his parents, and two, he reinforces Po's negative assumptions about himself. When Po realizes that Lord Shen knows about his past and confronts him, Lord Shen immediately tells Po exactly what he's afraid of hearing: that his parents abandoned him because they didn't love him. Po and the Furious Five struggle to beat Shen not because he's powerful, but because Po can't let go of the past, and this causes him to repeatedly freeze up in battle, which Shen uses to his advantage.
Po overcomes Shen when he does the one thing Shen is incapable of: he lets go of the past and finds inner peace. Po comes to terms with his tragic past and recognizes that it does not define him, while Shen holds on to his obsession of defying his fate, which ultimately leads to his downfall.
4. A Representative of a Harsh Reality or a Bigger System
The Hunger Games
We don't really see President Snow do all that much on his own. Most of the direct conflict that Katniss faces is not against him, but against his underlings and the larger Capitol government. The few interactions we see between her and President Snow are mainly the two of them talking, and this is where we see the kind of threat he poses.
President Snow never lies to Katniss, not even once, and this is the true genius behind his character. He doesn't have to lie to or deceive Katniss, because the truth is enough to keep her complicit.
Katniss knows that fighting Snow and the Capital will lead to total war and destruction- the kind where there are survivors, but no winners. Snow tells her to imagine thousands upon thousands of her people dead, and that's exactly what happens. The entirety of District 12 gets bombed to ashes, Peeta gets brainwashed and turned into a human weapon, and her sister Prim, the very person she set out to protect at the beginning of the story, dies just before the Capitol's surrender. The districts won, but at a devastating cost.
Even after President Snow is captured and put up for execution, he continues to hurt Katniss by telling her the truth. He tells her that the bombs that killed her sister Prim were not sent by him, but by the people on her side. He brings to her attention that the rebellion she's been fighting for might just implement a regime just as oppressive and brutal as the one they overthrew and he's right.
In the end, Katniss is not the one to kill President Snow. She passes up her one chance to kill him to take down President Coin instead.
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skzstannie · 9 months
"I'll take care of you"
SKZ-> Felix x Reader
genre: angst, hurt/comfort, stranger to lovers wc: ~3,100 cw: Abusive/toxic boyfriend, yelling, violence, Felix is literally the biggest sweetheart
summary: you'd never expect the coffee shop down the street to be your saving grace, but a certain sunshine had other ideas
A/N: Hellooooo! I reached 200 followers today, so THANK U AGAIN! Should I do something special for it?
Part 2 is now posted!
Happy Scrolling! | Masterlist
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"Baby, please," you sob, your cheek throbbing in pain.
"Don't 'baby' me, you know this is what happens when you don't do your chores." His smirk is villainous as he stands over you. "Don't be a bitch! Get up and go do what you were supposed to do," he seethes, making you flinch.
You slowly get up off the floor, brushing yourself off as you stand. You feel his eyes on you as you scramble into the kitchen.
You forgot to do the dishes again. You should've known better than to forget; you know he gets like this every time. You don't necessarily blame him, though. He does so much for you, and you can't even remember to do a simple household chore.
You scrub the plates clean, the hot water burning against your skin. His footsteps echo into the room, coming closer to you.
His hands wrap gently around your waist, holding you close. "You know I don't like to hit you, baby. Why can't you just listen?"
"I'm sorry. I'll be better for you," you tell him as you lean back into his touch.
"I know you will be."
~ ~ ~
"One medium Iced Americano!"
You stand from your seat in the coffee shop, making your way towards the counter to grab your drink.
The cafe is crowded, the queue at least 10 deep. You squeeze past people, muttering the occasional "Excuse me" as you pass.
You're disappointed when you get to the counter, seeing your drink nowhere to be found.
"Excuse me," you call out to the barista behind the counter, "What happened to my drink? The Iced Americano?"
"Oh, some guy just took it. It was yours?" she asks distractedly, another cup already in her hand as she pours coffee into it.
"Yea..." you trail off, your eyes scanning the shop for the drink-stealer.
"I'm sorry about that, I'll whip you up another one. What size would you like?"
"Medium, please." The barista nods her head and gets to work. "Thank you so much."
You sit down at a table near the counter to wait. Your mind starts to wander, thinking about all the work you have to catch up on this week. You're an editor for the local newspaper, and your boss decided to dump a bunch of stories on you last minute. While they weren't set to be published for another few weeks, you were incredibly meticulous with your work, so it usually took you longer than necessary to get through them.
You're brought of your thoughts by a boy walking up to your table. "I'm sorry, but I think I accidentally took your drink. My friend ordered a large iced Americano, and I think this is the medium." His cute face is twisted in an apologetic expression.
"That's ok, she's making me a new one. No worries," you reassure him, giving him a soft smile.
"Oh good, sorry again." You expect to him to walk off, your original drink in his hand, but he continues to stand in front of you, his eyes never leaving yours. It's a little uncomfortable, and you're about to get up to avoid the awkward tension when he speaks again.
"Mind if I sit? You look like you could use some company."
You hesitate to answer. If your boyfriend found out you let some random man sit with you, he'd freak out.
"I was actually just about to head out. I have to get back to my boyfriend," you answer, deciding that rejecting his offer was for the best.
"Here you go miss, one medium Iced Americano," says the barista. Her arm is stretched over the counter, your drink in hand.
"Thank you so much," you immediately stand, stepping around the man to grab it.
As you go to step away, the man stops you, "My name's Felix by the way. I've seen you around here before." His eyes twinkle from the dingey lights overhead.
"I'm Y/N," your lips morph into a smile at his kindness.
"I'll see ya around?" there's a questioning twinge to his voice, a hint of hope peaking through.
"Sure. See ya around, Felix." With that, you walk towards the exit, heading back home.
~ ~ ~
"What took you so long?" your boyfriend's voice booms through the house as soon as you open the door.
"Someone else took my drink, so I had to wait for them to make me another," you explain, hopeful that you're calm energy will have the same affect on your boyfriend.
"You think that's a good enough excuse?! For all I know you could've been cheating on me! What am I supposed to think when you're gone for so long?!" he yells, his heavy footsteps approach you quickly from the living room.
"Babe, I promise it was nothing like that," you panic, your eyes darting around the foyer for an escape.
"Next time," he's in front of you now, his face red in anger, "tell me if you'll be longer." His rough hand reaches towards your face, roughly grabbing your jaw between his fingers. You wince, sure it'll leave yet another bruise. "Got it?"
"Yes," you mumble, your jaw stinging from his tight grasp.
"Good." He releases your face and wipes his hands on his pants, like he's disgusted by you.
You hurry off to your bedroom, quietly closing the door behind you.
~ ~ ~
It's been a couple weeks since you've been able to stop by the cafe. Your boyfriend's been stricter since the last coffee incident, not letting you leave the house without him.
"Hi Y/N!" your eyes glance above your computer screen, meeting the happy face of the man you met the last time you came here. What was his name again?
"Hi..." you say, hoping he'll fill in the blank.
"Oh yea," you chuckle, embarrassed by your forgetfulness, "Sorry, it slipped my mind."
"That's ok!" You're heart warms, his bright and happy personality filling the emptiness of the coffee shop. "May I sit?" He gestures to the chair across from you.
You think on it for a moment. You really need to finish this article, but you guess a little break won't hurt. "Sure."
You didn't know it was possible, but his smile turns brighter at your answer. "Thanks!" He pulls the chair out and sits. It's silent between you for a minute, and you go back to typing away on your computer. "What are you working on?"
"I'm an editor for the newspaper, so I'm just finishing up this story," you reply.
"Oooh, that's cool? Do you like being an editor?"
You and Felix hit it off right away. He asks you more about your job, and you love the way he genuinely seems interested in what you have to say.
You ask him a few questions about himself, too, and you find out he's in a band with his friends.
"That's so cool!" You've finished you're article by this point, and you're nearing the end of your coffee, as well.
His eyes light up as he talks about his friends. They sound like an interesting bunch from all the stories he tells you.
"And then," he stops, letting out an adorable giggle, "he fell right on his ass, in front of everyone!" He laughs again and you join in. Something about Felix's aura just makes you feel so comfortable around him, like you've known him forever.
You both quiet down, and you become a little uncomfortable under his intense gaze. His eyes focus on your chin.
"What happened to your chin?" It's obvious he doesn't mean any harm with his question, pure curiosity taking over his features. However, the attention to your bruises makes you severely uncomfortable, and you instinctually look to flee.
"Oh, it was nothing," you think for a second, trying to come up with an excuse, "I'm just clumsy and hit my chin on my nightstand. No biggie," you tell him distractedly as you hurry to pack up your things.
His eyes widen at your panicked movements. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry," he apologizes, standing up as well.
"It's ok, I actually had to go anyway," you lie, swinging your bag over your shoulder. "I'll see you around." You quickly make your way out of the cafe, not even giving him a chance to say goodbye. He stands there with a slight tilt to his head, watching you rush out of the shop.
~ ~ ~
Weeks go by before Felix has the chance to talk to you again. He waits for you on your usual days at the cafe, hoping to see your familiar figure walk through the door, but you never do.
His eyes light up one particular Monday morning as you walk through the door, the little bell dinging, alerting the employees someone came in.
His smile falters a little upon seeing the man holding your hand. You're expression is stiffer than normal, your lips pursed in a tight line, replacing the bright smile you usually wear.
Felix watches as the man orders for both of you. "One medium iced Americano and a small Hazelnut latte," he says.
The man looks nothing like he thought your boyfriend would look. His eyes are cold and emotionless, practically burning holes in the side of the barista's face. Felix doesn't miss the way he rudely tosses the money onto the counter, not even gracious enough to hand it to the cashier.
Felix's gaze shifts down to your hands, your boyfriend's grip looking unnecessarily tight around your small hand. He notices the way your fingers are white from lack of circulation, and his blood boils.
Felix manages to catch your wandering gaze, your cheeks heated in embarrassment from the way your boyfriend was treating the staff.
He gives you a small wave, the corners of his lips upturned.
Your eyes widen at his show of friendliness, and you give him the smallest of head shakes. Your expression conveys, "Please don't say anything to me", and his heart clenches at this. Who does this guy think he is?
As much as Felix wants to go up to you and rip his hand from yours, it's clear you don't want him to acknowledge you right now. He knows it is because of the man next to you, and he begins to wonder if those bruises he saw on your chin weeks before weren't from your clumsiness after all.
~ ~ ~
"You never order anything when you're here. Why is that?"
It's a nice, sunny Monday morning, and you and Felix sit in the corner of the cafe.
"I don't actually like coffee much," he chuckles, his face flushing in embarrassment. You raise your eyebrows at that, waiting for him to continue. "I just like the atmosphere here, and now I come for you, too!"
Now it's your turn to blush, a pink shade creeping up your neck. "For me?"
"Yea, I figured we're friends now, and I like to spend time with you." his voice is deep and charming as he speaks, his eyes soft.
Friends aren't something that have come easy to you. Your boyfriend rarely lets you go places by yourself. Work is the main exception, and after some begging a few months prior, he allows you to come to the coffee shop by yourself, too.
Being friends with Felix sounds nice. It's been months since you first met, and most weeks you both sit at the same table, you working on your articles and him doing various other activities. Sometimes he'll bring a book to read, other times he'll just play on his phone until you're finished working.
The silence sits between the two of you as you think, and Felix worries he's made you uncomfortable. "I mean- we don't have to be, like friends, or anything. I just thought-"
You cut off his rambling, a smile gracing your lips, "I'd love to be friends with you Felix."
His shoulders slump in relief, and he gives you a relaxed smile. "Oh good, I was worried I'd scared you off."
"You're practically the nicest person I've ever met. How could you possible scare me off?" you laugh.
"I know I can come off a little strong sometimes, but I'm just a friendly guy, and I like your company," he explains to you, and you can't help but agree with everything he says.
That first day he talked to you he did seem a little overzealous. Now, after hanging out with him numerous times, you know that's just him, and you're ok with that. You love how Felix is able to bring a little sunshine into your life, even if it's only for a few hours every week.
"Well, don't worry about it. I wanna be your friend, too, and I like hanging out with you just as much," you assure him.
"Perfect! As my first duty of being your official friend, I have to ask you to stop lying to me," his voice goes serious, the light in his eyes dimming.
Your breath falters a little at this. "What do you mean?" you try to play it off, taking a swift drink of your coffee. You know he's not stupid; anyone with eyes can see the various bumps and bruises that litter your body.
"All these bruises... nobody's that clumsy, Y/N."
The familiar urge to escape fills your body, and panic bubbles in your throat.
"Felix," you choke out, your gaze lingering on your hands nervously rubbing against your pants. Tears gather in your eyes.
No one has ever confronted you about this. You pushed your family away long ago; it was upon your boyfriend's request, but who were you to tell him no? You've not been close with someone since then. You had friends before, but after so many unanswered texts, they just stopped texting. Stopped calling. Now their contacts sit in your phone as constant reminders of what used to be.
Felix's heart softens as your eyes well with tears, but he stands his ground. If he was going to be your friend, he couldn't let this slide any longer. "No more lies."
"Felix, I can't," the anxiety becomes too much, and you're quick to run out of the cafe, leaving your bag and coffee sitting on the table.
Felix quickly gathers your things and follows you out, earning a few curious glances from the people standing in line.
His eyes find your form, speed-walking down the sidewalk in the normal direction you leave in. "Y/N, please wait!" he calls after you, jogging to catch up.
He only has to run for a few seconds, catching up to you quickly. He reaches out to grab your elbow, and he immediately recoils upon seeing the way you flinch at his touch.
You stop walking, knowing there's no point in running anymore. Your head hangs low, your gaze permanently set on the ground in front of you. You allow Felix to guide you towards a secluded bench, sitting on the side of one of the buildings.
Felix's body immediately kicks into comfort mode upon seeing the tears flowing down your face. He softly sets his arm around your shoulders. You don't flinch, so he takes that as his sign to wrap you up into a hug, pulling you further into his body.
You continue to cry into his shoulder, not sure how else to deal with the emotions that overwhelm you.
"Y/N," he whispers as he rubs your back, "Can you look at me for a second?"
You raise your head from his shoulder, your eyes glossy with unshed tears.
"Please let me help you," he begs, his arms firm around your body.
"Felix, I can't," your sobs return, your arms leaving Felix to cover your face.
"Y/N, you've let him control you long enough."
Your lips wobble, and you don't know what to say. You've dated your boyfriend for years; he's all you know, all you have.
You've listened to his verbal abuse for so long, his words constantly swimming in your head:
"No one else will love you like I do."
"Nobody cares about you."
"Your family and friends left you, but not me. You can trust me."
His physical abuse marks your body. Old scars litter your arms and legs, bruises coloring your jaw and neck. You're always aching, different parts of your body always healing. You know your body needs a break.
"I know you probably feel stuck, like you have no one to go to," Felix continues, hoping that there's room in your cluttered mind for his words to get through to you, "But I'm here now. I'll help you. I won't let him touch you anymore."
Your mind is full of every emotion imaginable.
You know you can trust Felix. The problem isn't whether or not you can trust Felix. After all these months, he's proven to be one of the greatest people you've ever met. He's kind, loving, caring; everything you're boyfriend is not.
No, the problem isn't whether you can trust Felix; he's one of the most trustworthy people you've ever met. You just don't know how.
"Please, Y/N, I can't sit by and continue to watch you walk into the cafe with new bruises every week. I'll help you get out of this mess; you don't have to stay with him anymore."
Felix's pleas swirl around in your mind. The kindness he emits mixes with the words of your boyfriend like oil and water. If Felix was ice, your boyfriend would be fire; the two polar opposites in every way.
"That boyfriend of yours is no good for you," you remember your mom telling you. It was one of the last conversations you had with her before he made you cut all contact with her.
Maybe she was right. Maybe it is time for a change. Felix has always made you feel safe, like you could tell him anything. He could help you.
"It's your call, don't let him think he has power of you. All you have to do is tell me, and it'll be taken care of. I'll take care of you, Y/N."
You sit in silence for a few moments, nothing but the sounds of your sniffles filling the air.
The cold wind whips past your clouded head, bringing you back to reality. You finally gain the courage to look up at him, and his eyes have never looked softer.
"Please help me, Felix," you sob, your hands going to grip his hoodie as you lay your head against his chest. Your ear presses against his heart, the gentle beat soothing you better than words ever could.
"Oh, sweet girl," he whispers, running his hand through your hair. He's holding you so tight now, like he never wants to let you go. "You'll never have to see him again. I've got you now, nobody will hurt you anymore."
Part 2
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lostcausedsoul · 17 days
Kokichi likes to get closer to ppl who he thinks has the means to crack the game, like Rantaro and Shuichi, both smart and resourceful enough to scout out the mastermind and are unafraid of truth.
This is why i imagine he would have trouble dealing with Nagito. At first glance Nagito's blind trust in hope might piss him off, but Kokichi could probably tell that Nagito's hope isn't a response to the game, since Nagito could even nurture suspicion and turmoil (which Kokichi claims to like, but perhaps is really just coping with the horrors in this way) to confirm hope's superiority. Kokichi would have mixed feelings about this approach, but there's no doubt he'll try to thwart it, bc Nagito is forcing his classmates into a war no one asked for.
The death game meant nothing to Nagito if not another battlefield for hope vs. despair - and although sdr2 is set in a simulation within an already fictional world, Nagito's perspective on the game would make him closer to a viewer among the audience instead of a player or an NPC. Nagito uses the game's mechanisms to achieve his own ends, but he's never a desperate participant, since he is probably used to being under life-and-death circumstances and the game could really be just another typical day for him.
Nagito clings to the higher forces and, like an overly enthusiastic viewer who is sure that the show would have to amount to something, imagines himself as the protagonist.
Kokichi thought he was written to be the villain of the game - we might say he's an NPC in denial, and pronouncing himself a liar is his rejection, instead of accepting his role in the narrative as readily as Junko did.
His mindset is similar to that of Nagito's, but he's a lot more constrained within the frame of the game than Nagito is, because he wants to win the game on hard mode betting everything he had, while Nagito wants and knows there's going to be victory would in the end and he just wants to be the one who enabled that winning process.
Nagito doesn't need to crack the game. He would gladly play into its rules to get what he wants. Like the rest of his character's contradictions, he is both surbordinate to the killing game and rises above it (similar to how protagonists despite always being in the story have certain otherworldly buffs that feel like cheating i.e. the power of friendship; luck in Nagito's case).
Kokichi meanwhile is pushed into the corner, bc he may have sensed his role in this show and thought that since the game had decided to make him the antagonist, there's no going back, he isn't free to take a step back and think for himself now bc he's not meant to win the game in this position. He knows he wouldn't be the one to achieve the final victory so that's why he tries to stick with protagonists and survivors.
If Kokichi is in sdr2, he in a similar fashion would later approach Hajime and Chiaki (he would first get close to Kazuichi, and Akane/Nekumaru, for equipment and muscle). He's likely garnering resources at his side so he doesn't get killed before he could find a way to beat the game. Now we know that Hajime plays dual roles, as he's the one who piloted the story but also brought the final boss into the program. So Kokichi might have the sense he should team up with Chiaki; he would even probably have deduced that she's something of an observer figure early on.
Neither Hajime and Chiaki is looking for a way out of the game, tho. Kokichi, with a lack of survivors to tag along to, would probably be left with no other option but to tackle the wildcard that is Nagito, who's both thinking outside of the game and has enough brains to figure things out, always being one step ahead.
However, Nagito could possibly be a threat since there's absolutely nothing he wouldn't do for hope. Kokichi would have it way worse in sdr2 bc his main opponent wouldn't just be optimistic and overly trusting ppl like Kaede and Kaito, but the suspicious character of Nagito. At least they both enjoy the trials somewhat...but when time comes to choose, Kokichi would have to tread the line very carefully and tries to be on Nagito's good side. And Kokichi isn't good at being careful. His plans are executed with great unpredictablity; he's climbing the ladder of lies to get to the truth.
Jeez i really wonder how these two could co-exist in a game. What could possibly go down. The only thing i can be sure of is that it definitely wouldn't be boring, but to have them playing the same game is one variable too many.
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glassartpeasants · 2 years
Holding Onto A Dying Flame
Dabi x F!Reader
Warnings: strong angst, mentions of drug use, death, drug over dose, threats of suicide, childhood trauma, mommy issues, body issues, verbal abuse, SMUT
A/N: I promised you guys a smut fic so here you go. And since I'm feeling generous, i left a surprise at the end. But seriously everything in the warnings is in here so you have been warned
Loneliness is something you’d wish on no one. Not even your worst enemy. Cause you don’t know how someone can survive on this feeling. 
It was so cold without someone to hold. Without someone to tell you how much you mean to them. You’ve always heard how amazing the feeling is to know that someone cares about you. Someone that loves you and gives up the world for you. But you’ve never felt it. You’ve only heard the stories everyone tells of the one in their life. 
You’ve tried to get close to people, to try having that connection that everyone raves about, but nothing ever works. They either ghost or downright reject you when you ask them on a date. Of course, you knew that no one was obligated to care about you, but you just were so desperate for that comforting feeling that anything would have been better than nothing. 
So when you met him, the only man to show you a small amount of affection, you fell head over heels. You are already so attached to a man who only calls you up for a fuck. Madly in love with a man who’ll leave you on read for days. In love with a man who never fucks you in his own bed. 
Desperate for a man who tells you that he adores you in the sheets but ignores you when he's out walking the streets. Always confuses you with his words and actions and never offers an explanation. 
You remember the day you were walking with him when a minor villain asked for your number. And before you could even get a single word out or anything, a blazing blue light lit the alleyway.  All that was left was ashes as he walked away from you, not looking at you.
You weren’t even dating him at the time, hell, your still not dating him. You were just walking home from having a hookup at a hotel, and you both happened to be going the same way.
He didn’t even say anything when he did it. Just a burning blue flame before walking away, leaving you to stare at the thug's cremated remains.
Another incident is where you were getting robbed by a different villain, and he happened to pass by. You called out to him, hoping he’d help you, only for him to look at you and walk away. Not even bothering to spare you a second glance. 
Thankfully a hero happened to be nearby, so you were saved and still had all your stuff, but the thought of him seeing you in distress and not bothering to help shot a hole in your heart. 
You didn’t know what to do. While you were hurt, you couldn’t just give up the only person to show you affection. Even if it was only for your body.
“Im prescribing you an anti-depressant. We’ll start with 10mg, alright? Do you want to read the side effects? I advise that you do, Miss (L/N).”
“Okay. Thank you, Doctor.” He hands you a packet and the address to the pharmacy to grab your medication. 
“Would you like me to hook you up with a therapist?” If only you had the money for that.
“No, thank you. Thanks for the offer, though.” You grabbed your stuff and walked out the office door towards the lobby. 
The feeling of a million eyes staring at you was enough to make you want to run back to the small room you had just left. Luckily your boss was somewhat kind to you and gave you the day off for this. 
Looking around, you see that everyone seems so normal. People could be here for entirely different reasons or the same thing you were there for. Even so, you couldn’t help but feel judgment. So you just tried to walk out fast and avoid eye contact with anyone. You just wanted to get your meds and go home.
Stepping inside your car after walking across the parking lot felt like a weight had been put on your shoulders. Knowing that you're just going back to your life but having to take meds to simply make you feel something didn’t sound like something you wanted to do for the rest of your life.
Getting out your key, you go to start the car. Looking up into the mirror to see if anyone’s behind you, a memory hit you once again.
“Mommy where are we going?” You asked as you sat in the back seat looking out the window before at your mom.
“Gonna go beat the fuck out of my cheating ex and his side whore too!” Looking at the dash you see your mother speeding up. Speeds way past the speed limit and fear started taking over you.
“Can you go a little slower please? Your scaring me…” Your mother looked up from the road with an angry expression on her face.
“Not everythings about you! So sit down and shut up!”
‘What if he calls the police?” Your mother slowed down before pulling over on the side of the road. Getting out of the drivers seat she made her way over towards yoru door. Your heart started pounding and without thinking you locked your door just as she tried the handle. 
“Unlock it you little shit!” She banged hard on the window making you think she’d break it. Fear filled your being as you felt tears brim your eyes. It went on like this for two minutes before she finally stopped. Stomping towards the drivers side, she got and started on the road again. She gave you a look that made you curl up closer to the door.
Just then, her phoen rang.
“What is it Manny?” You saw yoru mothers eyes go wide before she let out this ear piercing scream.
“He proposed?! How could he do this to me?!” You turn your head to face outside as you sat in your thoughts. How could she be so in love with a man that didn’t love her back?
The sound of your car door opening made you scream in terror before calming down after seeing who it was.
“Relax, it’s me. I need a lift.” The sound of his voice calmed you but, at the same time, saddened you. Your heart was still beating from the earlier fear, and you tried to talk a deep breath to avoid other thoughts. Thoughts like how he came to you because he knew that you’d say yes no matter what. You never said no to him.
“Okay. Where do you want to go?”
“My house. You know where it is.” He was right. You always had to drop him off at home. It was common for him to just step in your car like he owned it. You locked it all the time, so you don’t know how he gets in before you sometimes. Despite being annoying, it was nice to have his presence in your usually empty car. 
“Well, here we are. I’ll see you later-” The door shut before you could get another word out. The sound of the door slamming so hard made your finally calm heart pick up its pace once more. It hurt more than you like to admit. Was it so hard for him to say goodbye?
“Okay, let’s just go to the pharmacy. I need to pick the meds up before they close.” With the car driving away, you turn the radio on, and no matter what station you switch to, it was always some stupid talk show. Sighing, you just left it alone on one and tried to tune out the talking as you looked at the road.
The smell of cigarettes lingered in your car as images started replaying in your head. Pictures of him sleeping after sex while drunk. Images of how he once curled up next to you in his sleep. How he turned so calm when he laid his head on your chest, and you ran your fingers through his hair. 
Scenes of his body on top of yours as his lips kissed yours. When his hands ran up and down your sides as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear. The way his body was so warm, and you always felt safe when you were held by him. His beautiful eyes tell you stories that he’d never tell you himself. Remembering his voice as he told you how perfect you were. How you made him feel so good. 
You didn’t notice till you parked in front of the pharmacy that you were sobbing. Your cheeks were wet as tears clinging to your eyelashes. God, this was perfect. You looked like a mess getting something that was supposed to make your life not so messy.
Luck never seemed to be on your side.
The sun shined against your face as the morning finally arrived. Opening your eyes, you look around and see that, once again, your alone. No one to tell you good morning. With all that in mind, it just made it harder than usual to get out of bed. 
What was the purpose? You didn’t even have work today, so what was to stop you from staying in bed all day? You didn’t even have the meds you were supposed to take. When you went to pick them up, the store said they were out, and you’d have to wait a week. 
You almost jumped over the counter from the sheer anger you were feeling. But you couldn’t do anything. Mother always told you that it wasn’t good to go to bed angry, but who was she to talk?
Always screaming at something. Let it be her kids, exes, god, or the world. Nothing was safe. The amount of times you found her on her knees screaming out as she shook her head violently from side to side. Screaming about an ex that she couldn’t get over. Screaming at you for being so goddamn useless that you were a pathetic excuse for a daughter. Screaming at the sky about how god is nothing but a lie. 
You couldn’t be like her. That's what the meds were for right? Trying to get better to avoid a seemingly never-ending cycle. 
“These pills are fucking useless! I pay so much for these things and they don’t even work! It's been months, and I don’t feel anything!” You screamed at the half empty pill bottle before chucking it across the kitchen. The bottle hit the wall with a bang before the contents exploded all over the ground. 
“What's the damn point in taking them if they dont work?!” Your yelling echoed the across the house as you try to hold yourself back from screaming at the top of your lungs. You could feel hot angry tears pour down your face as your heart raced. You were about to yell at the broken bottle again when the sound of the door opening stopped you.
“Hey (Y/N) you home?” God he couldn’t see you this way! Wiping yoru tears quickly as you took deep breaths before answering.
“Yeah just in the kitchen!” 
“Alright.” The sound of his footsteps felt like a timer as you quickly tried to pick up the broken bottle and pills that laid scattered on the floor.
“I need to ask a favor from you.” Thankfully as soon as he stepped into the kitchen you were able to throw everything into the garbage can.
“Oh? What do you need?” 
“I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend. This fling won’t leave me alone.” Oh. A fling.
“Okay.” The words left yoru mouth before you even got a chance to think.
“Thanks, I knew i could count on you.” Stepping towards you, he put his hand on your cheek and pressed his lips against yours. 
The warmth his body radiated made you want to push yourself even closer to the man in front of you. It's been so long since you’ve felt his lips against yours that you almost forgot his taste. 
The feeling of his hand leaving your cheek only to slowly glide down your sides as you feel his lips kiss down to your neck. His hands glided underneath your shirt as he covered your neck in love bites. 
“Dabi…” The way he kissed your skin took air out of your lungs as you were so happy just to have him touch you again. It's been so long it felt like. You were simply losing your mind over the way he touched your skin. 
You moved your hands towards his face as you gently caressed his non-scarred cheek. The skin that was untouched by his quirk was always so warm and soft. Every inch of it you’d kiss if he’d let you. You didn’t dare touch his burned skin. The thought of causing him pain was something you’d never dream of. 
The feeling of his fingers dipping underneath your pajama pants and panties made your toes curl in excitement. Who would’ve thought that today you were going to be taken by him?
You could feel him sliding them both down to above your knee before you did the rest and kicked them off. His hands grabbed your thighs and wrapped your legs around his waist. You could feel his cock through his pants as he rubbed up against you. 
Moving your hands towards his pants, you quickly undo his belt. You looked into his eyes, and the way he looked at you had you rubbing your thighs together. 
“Please Dabi.” You sounded so pathetic but you knew he loved it. He loved it when you begged for him to fuck you. When you cry out that he’s too big and that you feel like you might split in half. Crying in overstimulation as he fucks you to the point of not being able to form words. 
The sound of shuffling echoed in your ears as he pulled his pants lower to expose his hard cock. You bite your lip when you feel him line up with your cunt. 
“Beg harder.”
“Please, please, please, Dabi! I need you to fuck me! I can’t stand not being filled with your cock!” Your pleas sounded like music to his ears as he didn’t even give you a chance to say more before ramming his cock into you. 
Grabbing his sleeves as some sort of stabilizer you begin to shake as the feeling of him slamming into your cunt repeatedly made you almost lose balance. He filled you so much. It felt like his cock was exploring every inch of your cunt. You could feel every detail of him, and engraved it into your brain so that even when he wasn’t there, you’d remember what it felt like. 
He laughed at your form as you desperately tried to keep a steady mind. You got so lost to the feeling of his cock inside you that you were always so dumbfounded quickly. But that’s his favorite part about you. Watching you so quickly come undone gave him an ego boost that he always loved. 
You pressed your lips against his once more, and the kiss was much more intense than it was before. Lust is a powerful thing but even more powerful when it's someone that you love. 
You could feel your legs quiver as a familiar feeling started to rise in your gut. You curled your toes harder as you held tightly onto his shirt before going rigid as the feeling of intense pleasure washed over you. 
Even though you were still coming down from your high, he never stopped ramming his cock into you. You could feel him hitting your cervix every time, and even the pain gave you pleasure. Anything gave you pleasure as long as it was from him.
The feeling of his fingers digging into your thighs as his pace fastened made you smile. You were making him feel good. You were the one making him come undone. Your heart started pounding as you held onto his shirt tighter. 
With a few more harsh thrusts and the sound of his enjoyment falling on your lips, you felt him cum inside you. The feeling of being so full and so close to him let your walls down as three words fell from your lips.
“I love you.” You could feel Dabi’s body go rigid before he quickly pulled out of you. He backed away from you, leaving you leaning against the kitchen counter. 
“Pfft, the sex is good, but I can’t ever see myself being with someone like you.” Your eyes widened as he straightened himself up. A smile was plastered on his face. You could hear the faintest laughter coming from his throat. 
He looked at you before laughing a little louder and walking towards the door. You just stood there in shock. Legs still wobbly, and you could feel his cum dripping down your thighs. Your pants were underneath you, but all you could do was watch the scarred man walked towards your door. 
“I think we should see other people.” That's all he said before closing the door, leaving you half-naked with tears rolling down your face.
What day was it? You lost track. You haven’t stepped outside since Dabi closed your front door. You ran to go after him, but remembering your lack of pants and you tripping in front of the door stopped you. You remember hearing the door lock from the outside. He must have used the key you gave him.
You only looked at the locked shut door before you started bawling your eyes out. Tears pooled against your floor as you felt so pathetic. Sitting on the floor half naked, crying into the night as you feel your legs getting sticky. 
Collapsing to the floor, you curled up in a fetal position before crying even harder. 
What was so wrong with you that he laughed at your face? Were you not pretty enough? Did he find your body disgusting? Why would he say such cruel things so normally?
Your stomach growled loudly as it begged for food. Leaving your bed was like asking to raise the dead. Impossible. Plus, why would you even want to eat food? What if your eating habits caused him to run? You drink enough water, so you should be fine, right?
The only time you even left your bed was to go to the restroom and grab more water. You didn’t even have to leave your bedroom as you had a bathroom in your room. 
You obviously stopped taking those stupid pills. Putting something into your body is pointless if it doesn’t even help you.  You even turned off your phone to stop getting the stupid notifications that a prescription was ready to be picked up. 
Looking at the ceiling as your body was covered in blankets, you could feel tears forming again. You were surprised you still had any water left in your body as you’ve lost count of the amount of times you’ve cried since Dabi walked out. 
Even now, your heart constricted as it felt like your heart was being ripped in two. It hurt so bad that you swore you could throw up. You’ve surrounded yourself with all the toilet paper and tissues you could find. You’ve already gone through a good amount.
Your tears started pouring down harder as the pain in your heart hurt even worse. You couldn’t help but let out a scream of heartbreak and pain. It echoed throughout the house and only made you cry louder. Why did it have to hurt so bad? You couldn’t even breathe from how hard you ever crying. You don’t think you’ve ever cried this hard before or felt this much emotional pain all at once. 
“That fucking piece of shit! Cheating on me with some common whore! Am I not good enough for him?!” Your mother's voice boomed in the kitchen. You and your brother ran out of your rooms to see what could be causing her so much distress. 
“What's wrong mommy?” The sound of your little brother's voice made your heart beat in your chest, and you stood next to him to offer comfort. 
“What's the point in fucking living if no one fucking loves me?!” Your mother screamed once more as she rummaged through a random drawer. 
“Mom, we love you….” The tiredness evident in your voice as how late in the night it was. Your mom found something she clutched in her hand before looking at you and your brother.
“I might as well stab this through my fucking neck and kill myself!” Your mother pushed what you saw to be a two-prong fork against her neck hard enough to see it make dents in the skin.
“Mom, stop it!” You scream at the top of your lungs as you pull your now crying brother towards you. The sound of your brother heaving and gasping for breath as he cried in fear.
“Like you guys would fucking care if I died! You would go live a perfect fucking life with grandma and grandpa!” Tears pricked at your eyes. You had to stay strong for him. You had to be the big sister. You had to be his rock. 
“You don’t need him! There are plenty of other fish in the sea!” You said as you tried to calm down the situation. Your mother only looked at you before throwing the fork harshly on the counter and started stomping towards her room.
“You’ll never know how I feel! You’ll never know real love!” The sound of her slamming her door shut made you flinch as you held onto your brother tighter. His cries only worsened as he held onto you tight. His tears drench your shirt as you try to calm him down and push back your own tears.
“It’s okay. How about we have a sleepover tonight? Those are always fun!” You could feel your brother nod in your shirt as he grabbed your hand, and you both started walking towards his room and getting ready for a sleepover.
You cried even harder as you lay in your bed. God, you really were pathetic. Acting just like your mother over a man that doesn’t love you. You’ve stopped taking your meds just like her. Screaming and cursing at the world just like her. You promised yourself you wouldn’t be like her, yet here you are.
Just then, something inside of you told you to turn on your phone. 
Through teary eyes, you go and grab your phone off the nightstand and turn it on. A random number and text appeared on your phone. Unlocking it and looking at the text, your eyes went wide as if it was from someone you had never thought of.
You sat up and quickly rubbed the tears away as you looked at your phone more carefully. You press the call button, not expecting an answer, only to hear a voice you haven’t heard in years.
“I’m so proud of you! You look like a completely different person!” The voices of your friend ran through your ears.
“Thank you!” Putting your things in a box, you see a picture of you dropping out.
It’s crazy. Seeing yourself from all those months ago. You swore that if you didn’t know this was you in the picture, you thought it would've been your mother. Looking at you now, you knew you’d be okay.
The day your brother texted you is the day your life changed. You don’t know what you would have done if your brother didn’t text you that day about your mother's death.
You stopped talking to your mother the day you moved out. You did the same with your brother. Your mother had started to favor and slowly turned him against you. You remember the names he called you as well. So when you moved out you were so happy to finally be free. Your brother was teo years younger so now you didn’t have to see him and talk to him everyday. You didn’t want a miny version of yoru mother in your life.
The day he texted you was the first time you’ve talked to him in five years. So many tears were shed as you both cried into the phone. Your brother apologizing for everything and telling you what lifes been like since you left. He told you that the day before he texted you, your mother had died.
Her death was a shock yet not surprising. You always hoped in some small part of you that she’d get clean but, guess she didn’t want to. That or she was just to far gone. They found her sitting in her bed cold as ice with the needle still in her arm.
And only then did you break down once more and you told him everything. How you’ve been feeling. About how you stopped taking yoru meds. About Dabi. Everything. He was silent through it all before offering up a option that was never in your budget.
“I know a good place for you to get the help you deserve (Y/N).” THe place in question was a mental hospital/rehab center. 
You spent six months in there. Your brother paid for your house bills and the entire time. He even paid for the stay at the hospital. He told you it was the least he could do for treating you like shit all those years ago. And now today, you can finally go home after benign cleared by everyone.
“I’ll keep in contact!” You said as you hugged your friends goodbye and stepped into the car where your brother waited for you. Luckily enough you managed to make friends while in there. You haven;t had friends in years so it was nice to have someone to talk to about fun things. For the first time in forever, you finally felt happy. Happier than you ever were with him.
A loud knock woke you up from your sleep. Rubbing your eyes you look around and notice you fell sleep watching a movie on the couch. You looked at the clock and yoru eyes went wide. Midnight?! Who the hell knocks at midnight?!
Grabbing the bat from your shoe closet, you look through the peep hole as you clutched the bat tight.
“No fucking way.” Swinging the door open with an open jaw, you couldn’t believe what you were seeing. Someone you hoped you left in yoru past. 
“(Y/N).” A big bouquet of flowers in his hand.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
“I came to say i’m sorry. Ever since that night i haven’t been able to get you off my mind. You did so much for me and i took advantage of that. So i was hoping that you might be able to forgive me and maybe we could start over? This time together?” You look at him dumbfounded. You couldn’t find the words to say as your eyes kept going to the flowers then him.
“It’s midnight Dabi. I was sleeping.”
“I know, I just-”
“I’mma stop you right there. It took you six months for this? For such a pathetic half assed apology? After laughing at me and crushing my already vulnerable heart? You must be a fucking didiot if you think I’d ever want to be something with you.” Dabi’s eyes went wide as he just stood there listening to your words.
“I’ve spent six months choosing to better myself and get over the hurt you caused me and you have the balls to give me some dying flower bouquet?” You start laughing hard at his face before an even brighter smile filled your face as you grabbed the door handle.
“I think we should see other people.” You close the door on him, locking it as well before going back on the couch. Grabbing the remote you turned on yoru favorite movie and applauded yourself for remembering to change the locks when you got home.
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Golden Rule PlaceHolder Members
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Made some placeholder Golden Rule Members for my fanfics until the canon ones comes out (Hopefully in 2023 👀) in format of Flug’s Journal notes.
I wanted them to have the same vibes as the Villainous characters, so I based them off comic book characters, the Villains in the show, and how the fight between them vs Flug, Demencia and 5.0.5. if they we’re to ever face them.
They're kinda also based on the frat and sorority or mean group of popular kids you see on movies on TV, but I also want to give them more of a backstory and layers to their character, to give them more depth, like the background characters in the show.
Based on my headcanon they also have gold accessories to show that they are part of the Golden Rule.
Golden Tres: I thought of these 2 characters based on the Trinity (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman) They are basically the Trinity of the Golden Rule alongside GoldHeart and are GoldHeart's right hand men and he appoints them to be in charge of things when he's not around. Cosmic Queen (CQ) uses her charm and media personality while Armour-Geddon (AG) uses his violent intimidation tactics in order to achieve what they want. Both of them are supposed to represent Flug and Demencia respectively. So Flug and Demencia will have to put aside their differences and work together to defeat them 2 v 2. Their relationship is like Lady Dimitrescu and Karl Heisenberg, and they argue a lot but they are able to put aside their differences to work together when it comes down to it. GoldHeart represents Gold, so I thought Cosmic Queen and Armour-Geddon should represent Diamonds and Silver respectively.
Cosmic Queen: Everyone, as you know today P.E.A.C.E. day, so just a friendly reminder to all heroes to look extra happy when you encounter the press later today.
Armour-Geddon: Anyone showing insufficient happiness will be killed.
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Fight: I thought of this character because it would be cool Flug to fight a magic hero (ability not mentioned in Flug’s notes because he doesn’t believe in magic) in a magic vs science fight. She can move around her comets like missiles while the gang has to dodge it. Flug has to build a mind-blocking device and attach it on her head to stop her using powers, but she uses a lot of long distance attracts so it would be difficult, so Demencia and 5.0.5. would have to distract her while Flug would try to sneak up on her.
City: Nova City (The city of fashion and extraterrestrial presence)
Gold Accessory: Long Hand Rings (can be used to control her powers)
Inspiration: I was inspired by Miss Heed and Space themed villains. Cosmic Queen is a fashion diva and a model like Miss Valdoom, and Stardust because she was stealing some gems so I decided to incorporate it into her outfit (the gems might have something to do with her power haven't decided) As well as Amora the Enchantress (Thor) and Star Sapphire (Green-Lantern), Superwoman (Crisis of Infinite Earths) and Amora the Enchantress.
Reason Why She Wants To Be A Hero: Her main motivation is fame, money, and popularity.
The Reason Why She Is In The Golden Rule: She met GoldHeart in hero school and actually asked GoldHeart out in order to boost her popularity which he rejected and says he's not interested and can see through her fake personality (she's glad later because she finds dealing with him as a boss is already extremely intimidating and stressful) but notices that she has a manipulatively charming personality like him like an uncut diamond, so he says to her 'Why settle for one guy when you can have thousands on them chasing after you and doing your bidding without giving them anything in return' and says he can help improve her skills which she agrees and that's how she ended up becoming one of the OG Golden Rule Members.
Additional Notes: She is the definition of a gold digger and dates guys for their money and/or popularity.
She is the second most popular hero in the Golden Rule, next to GoldHeart and third strongest member. She likes to use people to get ahead, power hungry, the second most charismatic member of the team, next to GoldHeart. Despite her loyalty, GoldHeart predicts when it all comes down to it she will be the most likely member to betray him.
GoldHeart hates diamonds and makes it clear to her that he thinks diamonds are overrated compared to yellow gold.
Songs to describe her are One Good Man, Material Girl and Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend.
In addition to being a model she also has her own reality tv show, is a judge for several reality shows.
She has a cat which she adores and calls him "Big Boobs", (BB for short) just to troll people when she talks about it.
Both she and GoldHeart thinks the other’s superhero outfits are gaudy, she doesn’t say it out loud though.
Cosmic Queen likes to hang out with Siren because she likes having a quote "rich but less attractive friend, she easily can manipulate to do her bidding".
She has a genuine hatred for Miss Heed because of how similar they are and always trying to steal her position as the top female of the group and she often tries to unbrainwash her followers to spite her.
They often fight with each other and even though they roast each other for things that they also do. Like she roasts Miss Heed being a cringe influencer while she has her own cringe reality show.
She believes she is better than Miss Heed because she can do what Miss Heed can do (make people love and be obsessed with her)
[Miss Heed's follower]: Miss Heed is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen!
Cosmic Queen, smirks: Until now you mean ~
Cosmic Queen: You and I are both similar. We use people that care about us to get to the top.
Miss Heed: I'm way more attractive than you will ever be!
Cosmic Queen smirks: Is that so? *shows her the hero ranking numbers on the phone stating she is the most popular heroine* Even with that stupid cheap perfume of yours your popularity ranking is still subpar at best as compared to mine, shorty.
Cosmic Queen : You have to try much harder than that Miss Mediocre~ *cackles before flipping her hair and walking away*
Miss Heed: Grr
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Fight: I thought it would be cool if the Villainous Gang fought someone strong and invulnerable like the Hulk. Their battle would involve a lot of physical fighting, violence and smashing of walls, buildings and properties. Demencia tries to smash him with a hammer, Flug crashed his plane onto him, 5.05. even accidentally sat on him but he still manages to overpowers all of them together so Flug have to figure out something to defeat him. His has weakness is similar to Wolverine. The only way the could defeat him is by using his own metal against him. Flug managed to get some DNA skin samples and made a metal tomb. Then Demencia and 5.0.5. would have to lead him into the tomb to trap him.
Inspiration: He is inspired by chaotic and juggernot Villains like Tri-Skull and Épsilon. As well as Hulk (Marvel), Wolverine (Marvel), Mr. X (Resident Evil 2, Remake), Niragi (Alice in Borderland), Giriko (Soul Eater)
City: Sledgehammer City (City with large and tall metal buildings and violent criminals.
Gold Accessory: Brass knuckles
Reason Why He Wants To Be A Hero: He wants to do whatever wants as much as he can and get away with it looking like the good guy.
The Reason Why He Is In The Golden Rule: is because of his brute strength and intimidating personality. GoldHeart uses him to scare, intimate, and beat up Villains and sometimes other heroes in order for the GoldHeart to make himself still look like the good guy while he handles all the dirty work, that's why he is the least popular Golden Rule Member but GoldHeart puts up with him and defends him from public scrutiny because of his important role. When GoldHeart approached AG to join a super hero club he was starting up while they were all in hero school he refused saying being in a group drags him down but GoldHeart convinced him to join the Golden Rule by beating the shit out of him in a 1 v 1, which was the first time he lost.
Additional Notes: He is the second strongest member next to GoldHeart and but also the least popular member of the team due to his violent, intimidating, and extremely rude and blunt nature and has a PR Team working overtime to make him look good.
Sometimes he gets carried away by emotions and gets into random fights in the wrong place and wrong time and the other Golden Rule members (mostly Garuda and Green-Go) have to hold him back in order not to make the Golden Rule look bad.
Aside from his loud mouth and blunt personality he is relatively chill and gets along with the other members with the other Golden Rule Members (aside from Cosmic Queen who he bickers and fights with outside of the public eye)
If you throw a chair at him it would just break into pieces and he would barely even notice it, it's like throwing a paper ball at him.
He likes hanging out with Green-Go and often goes out with him to parties and thinks his dance moves are awesome and finds his sense of humor hilarious.
Despite their opposite personalities both Armour-Geddon and Garuda consider each other as best friends who balance out each other. They also like to compete with each other to see who has the higher kill count when fighting or defeating Villains.
He considers both of them their bois.
He enjoys participating in street racing (which he made legal in his city) and monster truck rallies for fun. He also knows a lot about fixing cars, motorcycles, and trucks in his free time.
Armour-Geddon: STUPID VILLAINS! YOU CAN’T HURT ME I’M INVULNERABLE, but if you like to try I’ll crush your skull!
GoldHeart: Meeting's in 5 minutes where the hell is Cosmic Queen?
Armour-Geddon, shrugs: It is raining outside. Maybe she melted.
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Fight: I wanted to design a hero that would challenge Flug in his shooting abilities and Demencia's tracking abilities like sense of smell. This hero’s aim is so accurate that he is able to shoot down the Hat-Ship with a single bow an arrow. Flug challenge him in a laser gun vs arrow fight while distracted 5.0.5. covers him with a bear hug and Demencia goes off and attacks him. However his skill fighting enable him to win the first round. With limited resources Flug, Demencia, and 5.0.5. will have to escape him on foot while he hunts and tracks them down with his hunter senses. They managed to escape by masking their sent by rubbing dirt, leaves, pine needles on their clothes and hiding behind a cave of a waterfall. Flug, noticing tin the fight that the hero is very protective of the the juncture of the wings connecting to his back and realised that the source of power comes from is wings, they have to out hunt the hunter. Flug devised an elaborate plan to defeat him which results in 5.0.5. creating a replica scarecrow of the gang with twigs and leaves as bait, as Flug set up traps for him and Demencia releasing an army of raccoons she befriended over him, before Flug shoots a makeshift arrow at the juncture to separate his wings from his body.
Inspiration: This hero was inspired by Hawkeye, the Villain Lady Naga, the legends of Garuda vs. Naga, Imakandi (Samurai Jack), Hibari Kyoya (KHR), Kraven the Hunter and with a bit of Batman vibes.
City: Devine City (A city known for its mythical and divine entities. Currently ruled by the Tori Clan)
Gold Accessory: Hand guard (for shooting arrows)
Reason Why He Wants To Be A Hero: To defeat Lady Naga and continue the family tradition of being the protector of Devine City.
The Reason Why He Is In The Golden Rule: is because of his wealth, connections, and his strong super powers which are useful for tracking down and fighting Villains. GoldHeart often uses him to find high profile Villains which are on the run or are difficult to find.
Additional Notes: The reason for his hatred of Lady Naga was because there was a competition of who could be the defender of the city. His family has been protecting the city for many generations he was worried he might lose the competition because they were nearly evenly matched when they sparred. So he cheated, without anyone knowing. Lady Naga was enraged with this so she stole the prize to be given to the winner - a rare elixir, created once every generation which will give the next city's protector super powers. Enraged he joined P.E.A.C.E. to get his super powers and eventually the Golden Rule because he likes to be surrounded by strong and skilled people that will better his heroic fighting skills and abilities to defeat Lady Naga.
His family also runs the city he is protecting and has a prominent business so he also gets into politics and business.
Despite his stoic nature, he is actually quite chill with the Golden Rule Members and willing to go with the flow of things, and even crack a few jokes (though sometimes his face is so stoic it's hard to tell when he is telling the joke). Just don’t bring up Lady Naga in front of him or it will bring down his mood, make him angry and he might go off with a long rant on how much he hates her, but he won’t let anyone have the honour of killing her except for him.
His can make his wings disappear and appear whenever he wants to. Which will transform into a tattoo on his back when he does not feel like using it.
His stealth and sneaking abilities are so good he sometimes has a habit of being in a room without anyone noticing. He even surprised Dís a few times, and she is a ghost.
He has a friendly rivalry with AG (who affectionately calls him Garu, much to his annoyance) and they often compete to see how many Villains they can fight or kill.
He and Siren are in a casual dating relationship. She thinks she's cute and has a lot in common and even agrees to have matching hair dyes together.
When Garuda first joined the Golden Rule, Cosmic Queen planned to make him one of her simps in an attempt to use him for his money and connections but he was already warned of a gold-digging ways by AG, which threw her plans out the window so instead she pesters him to introduce and connect her to rich and powerful politician friends and associates which he finds annoying and often refused to do so.
Aside from Lady Naga, he enjoys hunting other Villains for sports which sometimes Siren and AG joins in as well.
Garuda: If you prove you are a worthy prey in this hunt I might let you live.
Armour-Geddon: Hey Garu it's your Pucca *points to Lady Naga*
Garuda, aggressively flies off to attack her: SHE'S MINE!!
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Fight: Made this hero affectrd by 5.0.5's cuteness to the point it becomes an obsession, has animalistic tendencies and craziness like Demencia to challenge her in a 1v1 fight and for Flug to overcome his fear of water. When fighting the Villainous gang, she became obsessed with capturing 5.0.5. because he is literally the cutest thing she has ever seen and his fur colour matches her superhero aesthetic. She to make him her pet and personal playmate for her two pet sharks. Flug obviously didn’t want to give his son to this crazy fishlady and 5.0.5. didn’t want to leave his dad. The fight would take place on both on a large boat and sea, with her able to chase the Villainous gang crawl on walls and squeeze though small spaces while she is screams at them with her sonic scream. Flug managed to gather some basic materials on the ship to cancel out her sonic screams and Demencia will then be able to 1v1 her, while dodging attacks from her triton. As the fight progressed, she gets more frustrated and declared that if she can’t have 5.0.5. as a pet, then maybe she can will have him as a fur coat instead, then proceeds to throw her triton at him, it misses, but he lost his balance on the boat and fell into the water with the sharks, Flug jumped in to save his baby from being torn apart, despite his fear of water. He then fights off the sharks by shooting them with his laser gun. Demencia managed to land a punch on her, while she was distracted by the scene which made her scream hysterically before charging at her with all her might. Demencia dodges and she slams her head into the metal wall of the ship, before knocking himself out. "What a lunatic," Demencia declared before helping Flug and 5.0.5. out of the water after Flug managed to defeat the sharks.
Inspiration: Inspired by sea and aquatic themed villains such as Nango, Menta Laguna, and Capitán Fuego. As well as Aquaman and Disney Princesses.
Gold Accessory: Belt
City: Reef City (A city known for its famous resort, aquarium show, and concentration of pirates and sea monsters)
Reason Why She Wants To Be A Hero: Wants to have the brand and prestige of being a hero and to promote her family hotel.
The Reason Why She is in The Golden Rule: The reason why she is in the Golden Rule is because of her unique powers of controlling and breathing underwater and her wealth. GoldHeart uses her as leverage when dealing with aquatic villains or underwater missions if necessary.
Additional Notes: This hero has an obsession over cute things, but her definition of cute ranges from cute clothes, accessories, attractive model looking people, beautiful beaches, blue seas, sharks seeing people turn blue underwater and seeing their guts.
Her definition of a Villain are people who are ugly.
At times insult Dís and other heroes for her appearance and often complains about having to save "ugly civilians" that are in danger.
She appears to have a sweet nature like a princess and likes to use it to her advantage especially in a fight. But in reality she is somewhat sadistic especially being pushed on the edge. Like going too far during battles with other Villains and having a fascination seeing how long people can hold their breath before drowning.
She likes hanging out with Cosmic Queen because of her fashion sense and being in her in her reality show but is often easily manipulated by her and is treated like her sidekick.
Secretly she thinks she is much cuter and more attractive than CQ and thinks she deserves the top spot as the most popular heroine. She is aware that CQ treats her like crap but hopes she can learn enough to overthrow her top position.
She and Garuda are in a casual relationship. She goes hunting together and he even makes her the water-skin she is carrying from a pelt of the Villain he skinned for her. He tries to defend her against CQ or convince Siren to stand up for herself, but she says that she knows people use each other and will handle CQ by herself.
One of her powers is having the agility and flexibility of an octopus, so she is extremely flexible, bend in almost any direction and can even stick to walls and even snap your neck with her feet.
Her father owns a marine aquarium resort and in her city, as well as multiple , around the world hence she is extremely rich.
Her favorite food is peanut-butter and caviar sandwiches.
Initially there were only resorts but she was actually the one who came up with the idea of adding the aquarium in order to put the aquatic Villains she captures on display and use them for profit.
Capitán Fuego is her arch enemy, the reason for this was because a long time ago, she actually captured one of the aquatic creatures in the sea that turns out to be Capitán Fuego's, who was just a normal fishing captain at the time, friend. He managed to rescue his friend, but resulted in an onslaught between Siren while doing so which resulted in her sinking his ship (by using her brute strength to slam her head first into the ship and making a hole) and ripping his right arm off during their fight. If he did not cauterize the wound he would have died through blood loss or an infection.
Black Hat approached him at his lowest moments and that was where he made a deal to have ability and powers in exchange for his soul in order to defeat that monster.
Black Hat gave him fire powers and built him a new ship to suit his powers. His ability also enabled him to get a new right arm.
Their dynamic is like Captain Ahab and Moby Dick. (Or like Disiree and Klofange for those of you who watch Xiaolin Showdown 😆)
She likes to break out in song randomly much to the annoyance of others but can't sing for nuts (which she is in denial) sometimes her sonic scream can accidentally smash objects due to her singing or squealing in excitement (She still owes GoldHeart for destroying his windows in the Golden Rule building one time.
Capitán Fuego: The only monster in the sea is you!
Siren: Yeah well, you're ugly!
[Siren, gets hit during a fight]
Siren, with tears in her eyes: Ow, oh how could you be so mean?
[Random Villain]: Oh I am so sorry I -
Siren, kicks the villain painfully in between the legs: AHAHAHA. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU VILLAINS KEEP FALLING FOR THAT!
Dís: With all these celebrities showing up tonight, I should go change.
Siren whispering to Cosmic Queen: I thought she had to wait for a full moon.
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Fight: As shown in Episode 2, Flug has a fear of Ghosts, so I thought it would be an interesting concept for Flug to have to face his fears in order to defeat this hero. The fight would take place in a large building with enclosed walls which involve a series of paranoia between the Villainous gang as they tried to avoid being touched on the head by her, like a twisted game of duck-duck-goose as she turns invisible and phases through walls. Flug would give the team members heat vision goggles and a ghost hunting trap like the ghost busters and Demencia's keen sense of smell would come in handy. She would somehow destroy the heat vision goggles from the team, but Flug then realized that she can't phase through while interacting at the same time so Flug devices a plan which involves using himself as live bait and overcoming his fear of ghosts, while 5.0.5. activates the ghost trapping the device. She still struggles to escape the device and almost does before Demencia viciously bit her and the painful shock made the trap able to catch her.
Inspiration: This hero is based on Mother Poltergeist, so She is basically a ghost catching ghost. As well as by Mystique (X-Men), Kitty Pride (X-Men), and Martian Man Hunter (JL), Mira Nova (Buzz Light-year of Star Command)
City: Treesville (The capital city in the country of Yggdrasil, known for its large forests and concentration of paranormal activity, came up with the name as Yggdrasil is a tree in Norse Mythology)
Gold Accessory: Hair Accessory (That doubles as a secret video camera for recording blackmail)
Reason Why She Wants To Be A Hero: To gossip and blackmail from high profile and famous people while appearing to be the good guy while doing so.
The Reason Why She Is In The Golden Rule is because of her extremely useful and unique ghost powers as a hero and she also acts as informant to the Golden Rule through gathering gossip, blackmail, information and secrets from Heroes and Villains so that it can be used in ammunition so that The Golden Rule can stay in power.
Additional Notes: She can phase through walls and turn invisible without an issue but her mind reading powers have limitations.
"That's why her hair is so big it's full of secrets" (jk 😆)
She does so by going to events and connecting with others or secretly listening to other people's conversation by turning invisible or phasing through walls.
GoldHeart would also uses her ability to read minds in order to interrogate people.
She would charge heroes money or in favors in exchange for her investigation services to find dirt or other people or get money from them to prevent the blackmail from getting out.
GoldHeart has prepared some horrible blackmail on her as a contingency plan if she ever decides to betray the Golden Rule, but she is smart not to, knowing the consequences and enjoys getting juicy gossip from high profile and famous people.
She is often bored of her main heroing job like saving people and outsources saving her city to other low ranking heroes such as Bulldozer and often focuses on networking with other heroes to get the latest gossip and secrets, but she does enough hero work to get by and appear like she is working to the media.
She had a bad habit of turning invisible and going through walls to listen to other Golden Rule members conversations as well, that GoldHeart had to sound proof and ghost proof the walls to prevent her from phasing through.
She often hangs out with CQ who being the most well connected hero always has some entertaining gossip.
She would often assist Green-Go in pulling hilarious pranks on others for fun.
She dislikes Siren as she says she is ugly and they will at times bicker and argue with each other and often purposely say things to annoy her.
She has her own video and news blog called Hero-Watch which she reports all the interesting gossip she finds on P.E.A.C.E. heroes. There are also segments where she interviews heroes and asks them spicy questions or have other heroes go on blind dates with each other.
Dís: I blackmail people when I'm nervous. It's kinda my go to...
Dís, smirks: So I heard from Icarus who heard from Konan who heard from Omega who heard from Ringworm who overhead from--
GoldHeart: We have no secrets here.
Siren, side-eyeing Dís: That's because she listens at the door.
Dís: How else would I hear you scratching to get back in?
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Fight: I thought it would be cool if the Villainous gang fought a Flash themed superhero who is extremely difficult to keep up with. Flug tries to shoot him and Demencia tries to attack him but he evades with his super speed. He is also skilled at kick boxing which he used in the fight. Even though he has super speed, he doesn’t have super strength and can still be slowed down in surfaces with less friction. Flug, Demencia and 5.0.5. have to lead him to a large body of water and Flug has to use a freeze ray to trap him in ice.
Inspiration: Flash (JL) and His personality is something like Scout (TF2).
City: Olympus City (A city known for its Sports Events such as the P.E.A.C.E. Hero Olympics)
Gold Accessory: Ankle Guards
Reason Why He Wants To Be A Hero: Fame, fortune and money.
The Reason Why She Is In The Golden Rule is because they needed a speedster amongst the group and he was able to get the position because he is the fastest hero in P.E.A.C.E.
Additional Notes: However, he is insecure about his position in the Golden Rule because his ability and powers don't stand out among the others, GoldHeart also likes to remind him how dispensable he is if he does not pull his weight with the increased number of new heroes in P.E.A.C.E. having speed super powers.
That's why he often does things like compete in the Olympics, even though he has an unfair advantage of his superpowers in order to win.
He would often boast to heroes and civilians and everyone that he is in the Golden Rule and part of the Seven Nobles and to stunts and tricks in order to garner attention. During fights he would also do things like pull pranks on Villains for attention.
He got more fame as well as security in his position in the Golden Rule after he was able to defeat the Villain Metauro, who have recently killed the El Torero and ever since his Metauro vowed to get stronger and break his spine.
He likes to watch sports matches (e.g. basketball, football, tennis) and is an extreme fanboys for the sports players and would at times get over exited at meeting the players that he would cling on to their legs (the Golden Rule Members would say or pretend they don't know him if they ever went to one of the matches with him)
Don't give him too much sugar or coffee he gets super hyperactive and starts bouncing up and down the walls.
He loves to prank Villains and shares his ideas with the other Golden Rule Members. He is so fast that sometimes the Villains don't know what's happening until they are being pranked.
He likes to get advice from AG and Garuda on how to ask girls out.
He and Siren often complain to each other on why the other Golden Rule Members think they're childish.
Green-Go: I mean do you know who you're even talking to? Basically, kind of a big deal.
Green-Go: I'm the fastest hero in P.E.A.C.E.
Garuda: That explains why you can't get a date.
Green-Go: Hey!
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polonium-snap · 1 year
Bkdk plot bunnies pt 3
- Omega Bakugou or Fem Bakugou, but I first imagined this story with Fem Katsuki so I’ll be using she/her pronouns
- Deku and Bakugou are hero partners, and Deku is offered a big opportunity
- An undercover mission, that is very classified and is projected to last about a year
- Bkdk have been dancing around each other for a while but they are not together
- Deku already talked with Katsuki about how he would have to leave in this very dangerous mission
- Katsuki reacts angrily but doesn’t explain why so things have been strained between them
- Then four days before Deku has to go on the mission Katsuki decides it is now or never and confesses
- Izuku obviously reciprocates and they spend the night together
- Izuku says that he would talk with their boss to reject going to the mission and he is very happy now that he is together with Katsuki
- They spend the weekend together and Deku promises he would take Katsuki on a date as soon as possible
- Monday Izuku is going to the agency to tell his boss he won’t go to the mission
- As he turns on an alley he spots a person stealing from a civilian
- Obviously Izuku goes to apprehend the criminal
- However when the man touches Izuku, the hero falls unconscious
- The villain hides the other unconscious person he was stealing from and goes to Izuku touching him again so he wakes up
- “Sir, sir! Are you ok?!” The criminal pretending not to know anything says
- “…oh my god, what happened?” Izuku rubs his sore head
- “I don’t know, I found you collapsed here on the street.” The villain said.
- “Oh, uh, sorry for the inconvenience…” Izuku says and stands up looking at the time on his wrist clock. He has to go to work although he is unusually early. Why was he going so early to the agency?
- Deku gets to the agency and when he gets there he gets asked by the boss to his office
- “So what as it that you wanted to tell me about your decision about the undercover mission?”
- “Huh? What about it?” Izuku asked confused
- “…this morning you asked me to meet you today because you were going to tell me if you are going to take the year long mission.”
- “Oh…uh yes, I’ll take it.” Izuku answered
- “I’m very glad to hear you say that! This will do wonders for your career, believe me
- Fast forward to later that day Izuku notices Katsuki is unusually happy but when he asks, Katsuki rolls her eyes at him with a small smile
- Izuku is relived Bakugou is not mad at him anymore
- Then the next day Izuku is about to board the plane when he receives a text from Katsuki
- “NEVER speak to me again, I fucking hate you”
- Any subsequent text from Deku is answered with a simple “Fuck you.”
- Izuku boards the plane for the mission, with no idea of why Katsuki is so angry at him
- Back with Katsuki, she is a wreck, absolutely heartbroken because the man she loved just slept with her then fucked off to a yearlong mission
- However, she is a bad bitch and she is determined not to let it affect her work
- That is until a week later she misses her period, and that can only mean one thing
- Katsuki doesn’t panic at first, maybe a he’s just a day or two late, but then a week later…
- She calls Mina, hysterical
- “Babes, babes, calm down, what’s wrong?” Mina asks, concerned because she has never heard her friend so distressed
- “…I’m fucking late. My period is a week late.”
- “Oh my god, so you might be…?”
- “Yes…come quickly.” Bakugou almost begs.
- “I’ll be there in an hour.” True to her word she rushes out to buy pregnancy tests and to Katsuki’s apartment
- “I got three different brands!”
- Obviously they are possitive and Bakugou breaks down telling Mina what happened with Deku
- Mina consoles her as best she can but is very mad at Izuku
- Fast fordward seven months and Izuku finishes the mission way earlier than expected so he returns to Japan
- Izuku tries to speak to Katsuki again, texting her, but is straight up blocked
- Then Izuku goes to visit his mom, who is happy to see him and they go for a walk or something
- Then out of nowhere they happen to see Mitsuki Bakugou and of course they go to greet her
- Mitsuki smiles at Inko but when she sees Izuku she starts to frown in anger
- “You have a lot of fucking guts to show you face around me.” The blonde woman says trembling in anger
- “…I’m…uh…what?” Izuku says uncomfortably
- Mitsuki gets angrier and starts yelling, making her husband who was nearby come to diffuse the situation
- But then Masaru sees Izuku
- “I’m sorry for agitating her-“ Deku gets interrupted by Masaru’s right hook.
- Masaru punched him. “Don’t ever come close to Katsuki again” his voice shakes with emotion before both the Bakugou’s walk away
- Inko is obviously scandalized as Izuku is surprised. “…Katsuki-chan’s has been having a hard time since you left…” she tries to rationalize
- “W-what? K-Kacchan has?”
- “Yes, I read on the news a while back that she’s pregnant an-“
- “P-P-Pregnant?!”
- “Yes, and the media started to say that was the reason you took that mission overseas, because you knew Katsuki-chan couldn’t be your hero partner for the time being. Maybe Mitsuki-Chan and Masaru-San feel that you abandoned Katsuki-chan to further your career.”
- “I never would have left her because of that!” Izuku says. “No wonder they’re mad at me! They think I dropped Kacchan as a hero partner.”
- After that Izuku decides to visit Katsuki and try to explain things.
-Katsuki refuses to even look at him, yelling through the door to get lost
-Deku has to go to work the next day and bumps into Kirishima, who is uncharacteristically cold to him
- “Oh, you’re back…” Kirishima says with discontent almost glaring. Izuku is very confused by it.
-Every time he bumps into someone from the Bakusquad he gets glares and even Kaminari looks at him with distaste
-Izuku is getting desperate because he clearly is missing something, and the Katsuki’s friends know something about it
-In a last ditch effort Izuku tries to talk to Sero, but the other hero is equally cold to Deku until Sero’s partner who happens to be Shinso approaches them with a handcuffed criminal
-Deku recognizes him, as the man who helped him when he passed out on the street several months back
-“Oh god, you ratted me out?” The thief asked making Izuku and Sero’s eyes widen as Shinso pushed the criminal into the interrogation room.
-“W-what is his quirk?” Izuku asks, pale.
-“…His quirk erases three days worth of memories from anyone he touches.” Sero says squinting his eyes at Deku
-Izuku is stunned. “T-the day before I went on my mission I woke up in an alley to that man telling me I had fallen unconscious…”
-Sero pinched the bridge of his nose. “And you didn’t find that fucking weird?”
-They interrogate the suspect, who confesses to having wiped Izuku’s memory.
-“I can’t tell you everything, because I feel like I shouldn’t betray Katsuki’s trust like that…” Sero hesitated. “She confessed to you, four days before you left…”
-“…I told her I loved her back and then left her for a year-long mission…Fuck!” Izuku grabbed his hair in dismay. “I have to explain everything to her.”
-Izuku runs as fast as his quirk will allow to Katsuki’s house, but Mina opens the door
-Mina fumes. “I never expected you to be such a piece of shit b-“
-“I know, I’m so so sorry, the day I was going to cancel my mission I got hit with a memory wipe quirk !” Izuku interrupts
-Mina gets a text from Sero confirming what Izuku said. “She might still not forgive you.”
-“I know.” Izuku enters, and finds Katsuki in her room, having heard everything.
-“is it true?” Her eyes are glassy
-“Yes. Kacchan, I’m so sorry I don’t remember what you said or the promises I made, but I love you, please forgive me.” Izuku is crying
-Katsuki is unsure of what to say, or if he even knows she’s pregnant with his kid. It’s not really Izuku’s fault, but Katsuki can’t erase the months she spent thinking she had been abandoned
-“I can’t forgive you, unless you get your memories back, I need you to know how much you fucked up.”
-Izuku spends the next two months between trying to find a way to recover his memories and trying to fix his relationship with Katsuki
-Katsuki’s water breaks a week before the due date and Izuku is the one that rushes her to the hospital, where after several hours of labor the baby (it’s a boy!) is born and they are given the documents to file
-Katsuki can’t fill it herself so the hospital gave it to Deku, then he has to fill the space for father
-“It’s you.” Katsuki states solemnly.
-“W-what?” Izuku feels his heart in his mouth.
-“you’re the father.” She says.
-Izuku cries because he became a father and out of guilt because he doesn’t remember nor was he there for Katsuki
-Deku can’t get his memories back, but Katsuki has forgiven him, although he will always feel guilty about it
-“Do you really love me? Don’t you dare lie to me.” Both of them know Izuku can’t lie to her.
-“I do, I’ve loved you for so long, Kacchan, and I’ll make up for every second you thought I didn’t tenfold.” Izuku says with urgency
-there’s silence as Katsuki scrutinizes Deku’s answer with blazing red eyes before a small. “Ok.”
-Izuku cries again out of relief
-“Oh, by the way, your parents hate me.”
Part 1|Part 2|Part 2.5|pt 4|pt 5|pt 6
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kitkatt0430 · 6 months
For the AU headcanon game, AU in which Savitar is someone other than Barry? 👀
So I do remember various theories about Savitar's identity and one of them was Eddie. Which... I did not like that theory, so I'm not gonna go that way.
If it was someone the team knew already, then Eobard is the obvious candidate. In the comics, he's made himself look like Barry a few different ways and so there could be a convoluted plot going on that way, but... they've had enough Eobard Thawne as the bad guy on the show, I wanna speculate on someone new.
So the comics Savitar - New Earth version - was a Cold War pilot whose real identity was never discovered. While at top speed in his fighter plane, he was struck by lightning and survived the crash in hostile territory. This could be updated to him being an air force test pilot for an experimental craft using Dominator tech - foreshadowing the Dominator attack xover event later that season - that gets struck by lightning mid test. The test is classed a failure and the craft is unrecoverable - the man who becomes Savitar is assumed dead but of course he isn't.
Savitar therefor isn't obsessed with killing Iris - his existence doesn't depend on her. Instead perhaps Iris' investigation into Savitar's origins puts her in danger as he doesn't want anyone to know who he used to be - maybe he doesn't even remember and having his identity revealed would detract from the story he's selling the cult he's been creating.
Perhaps Alchemy as a stage one/first half of season boss with Savitar being hinted at until he's revealed at the mid season finale. Savitar could still be the man behind Alchemy, with Julian being unaware that he's been brainwashed to take on the persona of Alchemy under specific triggers. To de brainwash Julian, they bring in Hartley who - in this timeline - used a hypnotic flute in addition to his gloves. Julian thus has to come to terms both with what he did under the brainwashing and with the fact that he is a meta... that it was his rejection and self-hatred over being a meta that gave Savitar the in he needed to control Julian in the first place.
Part of the season's focus is on Barry having to accept that he has no idea how much the changes to the timeline are his fault and how much is stuff that was already gonna happen and he just... didn't know things were leading that way behind the scenes.
Revealing Frost's real origins in this season. Caitlin, panicking, goes to her mom for help and things with Carla eventually unravel to the reveal of Icicle. Frost has to choose between teaming up with Icicle or siding with Caitlin's friends... and chooses Icicle. Only to quickly realize she's in over her head and she turns to Caitlin for advice. The two of them form a truce to defeat Icicle and rejoin Team Flash by surprise!!! during the final Savitar vs Flash fight at the end of the season, which would also include Jesse and Wally as well as Savitar's cult.
Savitar would definitely try to recruit Icicle and Frost into his cult, but I don't see them having any of it. Icicle has his own god complex of a sort going on and Killer Frost just doesn't like him or trust him after Caitlin's experiences with Zoom and the Reverse Flash. If you've met one evil Speedster, you've met them all.
One of the things I did like about show!Savitar was that he was a fallen hero - I'm a Tales game series fan, i love fallen heroes as villains, that's basically the main villain of every Tales game and I eat it up every time. So I think part of the investigation into Savitar would be the reveal that he was a highly decorated hero and he saved a lot of lives. That's why he was tapped for the project. But after being essentially left for dead and his amnesia, Savitar grew to feel he was owed the accolades and devotion and it all warped into the god complex he has now. Forcing him to face his past isn't exactly a tomato in the mirror moment but he's torn between horror over who he's become and his desire for security and safety through the power he's accumulated.
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sophsiaaa · 1 year
going home
bnha masterlist
pairing: tomura shigaraki x fem reader
summary: Stranded in another world that eerily follows the plot of your favourite manga, you find yourself sucked into the story, trapped on the side of the villains. You're just a girl who knows too much and wants to go home, but with Tomura Shigaraki watching you, escape won't be easy.
notes: I know this is a kinda cringey premise but I've had this idea trapped in my head for months and I love shigaraki so here.
chapter contains: no warnings
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 
Tomura had never seen someone so hungry.  
The woman was hunched over a bowl of beef stew Kurogiri had reheated from the bar’s fridge. She’d only just agreed to join the League of Villains yesterday, but already she was taking advantage of her new position. She ate like she hadn’t eaten in months, shoveling potatoes, carrots, chunks of seared meat into her mouth. Deep brown sauce dripped from the spoon when she was done and she licked it clean, wiping her mouth with her sleeve.  
She looked up, cheeks flushing. “What?”  
“Nothing,” Tomura said, slipping back into English.  
He looked her over, from her sickly face to her tatty clothes. She still looked like hell. After she’d agreed to join his league last night, Giran had called; his two Stain-loving recruits (Dabi and Toga) wanted an answer on whether they’d been accepted into the League of Villains. Tomura had needed to go deal with them and the broker, and so the strange woman he’d inadvertently saved had left with the instruction of coming back to the karaoke bar the next afternoon to receive her first mission in the League of Villains. Tomura knew she was a foreigner who clearly didn’t know her way around, but if she wasn’t able to find the place, then she wouldn’t have what it took to be in his league anyway. 
And she was here, five minutes early and sweating, eating all the beef stew. He assumed that she must have gone back to her alley to wait out the day. By the circles under her eyes, it was clear she hadn’t tried sleeping there again.  
The woman, whose name Tomura just realised he didn’t even know, paid him no mind as she ate. Today, she looked different. Yesterday, Tomura had thought she looked young. Maybe a high school reject selling herself on the streets. But in the scant afternoon light, with some food under her belt, she looked older. Her face was more mature, her body filled out more in certain places. She was probably closer to his age.  
By her clothes, he guessed she might have been a casual worker. Maybe retail? She wore a dark coat today that she hadn’t yesterday, burnt at the edges like she’d jumped through flames. Beneath it, a dark jumper, professional black pants, and sneakers. The shoes were a nice brand, and everything seemed to fit her well, even if disheveled. Her fashion spoke of money, a job, a normal life. So, how had she wound up here? 
“What’s your name?” Tomura asked.  
She looked up from where she was licking the bowl clean. “My name?”  
“Yeah. It’s pretty rude of you to eat my food and not even introduce yourself.” Technically it was Kurogiri’s food since he’d made it, but Shigaraki was the boss, so by extension, it was his too. 
The woman narrowed her eyes and Tomura could see gears turning behind them. She was probably weighing up whether or not to be honest about her identity. He didn’t exactly blame her in this line of work, but he didn’t need another distrustful subordinate with an alias. Dabi was bad enough.  
“ Name ,” she said eventually.  
“ Name , what?”  
“Just name .”  
Tomura scoffed. Distrust it was.  
“Yours is Shigaraki... right?” she asked. “Tomura Shigaraki?”  
It felt weird for Tomura to hear his name spoken without a Japanese accent. It felt weirder that she’d used the English ordering too, his given name first, family name last.  
He grunted in confirmation.  
Name nodded and turned the empty bowl in her hands, nails bedded with dirt. Without Kurogiri here to at least look busy cleaning glasses, it was just the two of them. And now that she’d finished eating, they were just sitting in silence.  
It was so awkward .  
Tomura was new to this whole leader thing, even newer to social interaction beyond the sphere of his upbringing under All For One. Playing the boss in a video game was easy, there were pre-programed character interactions, no ‘friendship’ quests. But stepping into the role in reality, he hated to admit that it was a lot trickier than he’d anticipated. If it were up to him, he wouldn’t even need to build a league. He could just take an army of Nomu right to All Might’s front door and finish the bastard off over breakfast.  
But his master had tasked him with a larger role, the new Symbol of Fear . If Tomura was going to rule the underworld (and make no mistake, he wanted to) then he couldn’t screw up like he had at the USJ. He needed to form a tight knit group of elite soldiers this time. A vanguard. And to form that sort of group, he needed to step up, build trust and report.  
He needed... he shuddered ... to make small talk. 
The woman beat him to it. “It was good.” She nodded down to the bowl in her hands. “The stew was good.”  
Tomura shrugged. “I didn’t make it.”  
Name pointed toward the curtain Kurogiri had walked behind a moment ago. “Is he your... servant?”  
“What? No.” Tomura’s nose screwed into a ball behind the hand mask still clasping his face.  “Why would you think that?”  
“I don’t know.” she said. “Just trying to figure out how things work around here.”  
“Well, don’t.”  
She folded her arms and stared ahead, jaw set. It was obvious she was holding back a retort. Not the type to say what’s on her mind then, Tomura thought. At least, not with strangers. Interesting .  
“Kurogiri’s my...” Caretaker? Second in Command? “... bartender ,” he offered, and she nodded, loosing a breath.  
They slipped back into silence.  
He wasn’t sure why, but Tomura had to admit, he was curious about this woman. And hey, why not use this opportunity as a character analysis? Her flaws, strengths, fears, desires. She was the newest weapon in his inventory, and if he wanted to learn how best to use her, then he’d have to take her apart and learn what made her tick .  
The bruises on her throat had rushed to the surface overnight. Tomura thought of his fingers there, the pulse he’d felt beneath them. He thought of his hand on her forearm, running over skin. It was strange knowing that there was someone he couldn’t decay. Made him feel itchy .  
“Why’d you lie about having a quirk yesterday?”  
Name’s eyes skirted away from him; she scanned the shelved bottles rather than meet his masked gaze. “I guess I’ve never grown used to it. I’m... bad at using it.”  
This surprised Tomura. With a quirk like hers, he would have expected her to be a pro, or at the very least working in law enforcement. Even research. Some sort of top tier government job. With a quirk like that, so heroic , he would have expected her to be groomed for success since childhood. And yet... 
“You were in that alley.”  
She blinked at him. “Huh?”  
“You were sleeping in that alley. You homeless or something?”  
The woman shook her head. “Not exactly.”  
“Then what?”  
“I...” She looked down, flexed her fingers. “I was... taken . From my home. A week ago. I’ve just been trying to survive long enough to get back.” Her words were careful and precise, like she was watering down her story. A quick thinker then . Clever enough to keep her guard up around villains. That could mean she thought she was too good for this life. Or, that she’d been double crossed before. Either way, if Tomura wanted her loyalty, it meant he’d have to work for it. 
How would he do that? He thought of what his master would do. He could almost see him, arms outstretched as he dove into another lecture on leadership.  
“You are a wolf Tomura, rearing a flock. If you want them to see you as their shepherd, rather than their predator, you must learn what they need. Give that to them.”  
Tomura propped his elbow up on the bar, cresting his chin as he tried to pick her apart with his glare. What did she need? 
I need help . That’s what she’d said when she was annoying him back in the alley. 
He gave her a lazy smile. “Why didn’t you go to the heroes if you’re so desperate for help?”  
A hollowness entered her eyes and she looked away from him. “I did.”  
“ Heh ." Tomura felt a surge of smugness. "So, the heroes didn’t help then?”  
She was taken from her home. What had she meant by taken?  
“Did you get caught up in quirk trafficking or something?”  
Name paused, then nodded her head. “Yeah. That’s right.”  
Liar . Tomura sneered from behind Father. Every one of her answers so far had been thought out, avoiding. She was smart enough to keep her answers vague, but she’d agreed way too quickly then, which meant one thing: she was hiding something. Whoever or whatever had taken her here, she didn’t want him to know.  
Tomura frowned. As a rule, he didn’t want any subordinates keeping secrets that could lead to liability. But... he had time before he planned to launch his next attack against the heroes. He supposed a challenge couldn’t hurt. Just another chance to gain XP.  
“So, you’ve got nowhere to crash?”  he said.  
She shook her head.  
Hook . 
“And you’re all alone, isn’t that sad.”  
She scowled this time. Finally , a reaction. 
Line . 
Beneath Father, Tomura grinned. He relaxed in his stool, king of the bar. “I guess I’ll help you, then. I am your boss now after all.”  
Her eyes glazed over, lit up. The first gold of sunrise. The first sign of hope Tomura had seen on her pathetic face.  
Sinker . 
Maybe he wasn’t so bad at this recruiting thing. 
Kurogiri walked out from behind the curtain. He had a phone up to the purple mist of his head. “Tomura Shigaraki,” he said in familiar Japanese, “you have a phone call. All For One is interested to hear what developments you have made in expanding the League of Villains.”  
Tomura’s grin only widened. It seemed he’d have some progress to report.  
“Yeah, okay. I’m done here anyway.” He jumped up from the stool. For the first time since Stain had waltzed into the picture days ago and saved over all his progress, Tomura felt like he’d had a win. With this woman as his steppingstone, he’d levelled up – no longer just a villain, he was now a boss villain . He couldn’t wait to keep expanding. He had a lot of work to do. 
He switched back to English for her. “You can sleep here. In the storeroom Kurogiri put you in yesterday.”  
She jumped up. “Seriously?”  
“Sure,” Tomura turned away in time to see Kurogiri open a whirling black hole in the side of the wall. He took the phone. 
“Wait, you said you were going to tell me what my first mission in the league was if I came today. So, what is it? What do I do?”  
“You said you were shit at using your quirk. So, figure out how to use it,” Tomura said. “I need you useful to me.”  
As he stepped into the mist, she called after him. “And how exactly do I do that?”  
He smirked over his shoulder. “I’ll send you some target practice.” And then the portal closed around him, leaving the strange woman behind.  
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bizarrelittlemew · 1 year
tagged by @petrichorca, @ghostalservice, and @chocolatepot 💖 Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people.
Stede Bonnet is dead, and Ed has made his peace with it. (Know real love when it aches, post s1-canon reunion fic where Stede comes back injured and Ed bathes and takes care of him, but mostly it's kind of tender smut?)
Hoofs, galloping in the distance. (Matching spark and flame, my Reverse Big Bang fic based on a FANTASTIC piece of art by @milkmothman, medieval fantasy au)
Ed took a satisfied look at his campsite—tent ready to withstand the elements (weather and human), comfortably holding his ultralight inflatable sleeping pad, sleeping bag, and the backpack holding exactly the necessary amount of clothes and items for five days on a grassy field, hopefully with less mud than in ’98. (Wanna share?, where Ed and Stede get together at a music festival after meeting over free condoms)
It was shaping up to be another sweltering day, and Stede had discarded the third outfit he’d tried on, now browsing through the summer linens for a more suitable shirt. (Getting dressed, aka the stockings stay on during sex in the auxiliary wardrobe - pwp inspired by a prompt from @tabbystardust)
Come with us to Jackie’z tonight, they’d said, admittedly with less pity than the last four invitations Stede had rejected. (Cashmere and lace, modern au pwp inspired by this tumblr post)
During my service aboard the ship by the name of the Revenge, a series of unusual and interesting cases came under my care, the majority involving stab wounds of the abdomen. (A Series of Cases of Penetrating Stab Wounds of the Abdomen, fix-it fic in the format of a medical journal paper authored by Roach (and Lucius))
Stede and Mary had to be the two most oblivious people in the world. (Overcompensation, modern au where Ed is in love with his best friend's (Mary's) boyfriend (Stede) - the one where Stede is excellent at cunnilingus and Ed very much wants to know if his skills transfer to fellatio)
Absolutely fucking perfect. (Who are we saying is captain right now?, my achievement of being the first (and so far only one??) to write Ed/Stede/Roach (aka Roasted). modern (90s) au where Roach's car breaks down and he knocks on Ed and Stede's door for help, ends up getting a little more than that)
“Where to, boss?” (Keep your 'lectric eye on me, babe, 70s glam rock au with rockstar Ed and groupie Stede. @aha-my-villainous-thoughts made the art of my dreams and @dickfuckk made a video edit of one of the songs from Hair (the musical) that is referenced in the fic and i love them both eternally etc.)
“Are you sure it’s a good idea?” (I adore seafood, 19th century au where Stede puts a personal ad in the newspaper and Ed answers it, unsure of whether he is reading his (gay) intentions correctly)
thank you for tagging me and i'm sure i'm retagging people here too (and if you already did it and i missed it i'd love a link to the post 💕) but it's no pressure 💖
@oatmilktruther, @xoxoemynn, @zombee, @trans-top-stede, @appleteeth, @karabwrites, @not-nervous-jester, @dracothelizard, @abigailpents, @knotwerk, and of course if anyone else wants to do it consider yourselves tagged 💖
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zanzibarhamster · 10 months
FORGOT THE NUMBERS UBh every oddly number
ALL RIGHT LET'S GO (character is big boss mentioned in another ask)
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
big boss has a really compelling negative character arc and has a lot of grayness to him. he's a hero to some and a villain to others, and we get to watch the slider slowly go from one end of the other, which is not a kind of main character that you see a lot, especially in games. i think a lot of the discourse about him, including the insanely polar-opposite takes of dudebros who think he's a super cool anti-hero vs the queer fans who think he's an irredeemable psychopath from day 1, is because neither one is entirely wrong. also, the che guevara parallel really really works for that reason.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
hayter's voice acting does not always land. sorry but it's true.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
definitely kings by tribe society (spotify, lyrics)
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
i like how many artists reject the way his canon models are mostly hairless with a chiseled six-pack (bc lbr neither one of those makes sense for the character) and go some degree of bear with him. 10/10.
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
...my gut instinct was "no" but honestly he's lived in very tight quarters with other people for many years so he's probably a pretty mindful roommate. the downside is he also probably doesn't know how to function without a KP chart and will be more than a little bitchy if I don't stick to whatever day of the week i'm supposed to wash the floors. i could do worse.
11. Would you date this character?
absolutely the fuck not.
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
he wouldn't use emojis even if he knew what they were and how to use them. but 📦 suits him for obvious reasons.
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
shocking absolutely everyone, bbkaz.
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
not sure how to parse this question so i'm going to hype my other bb ships which are bbeva and bbroy. he's weak to a very specific type of person okay.
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
i don't really have this? i do wish we had more closure on his relationship with eva, the way i make sense of eva pining for him for the rest of her life while he barely even mentions her is that i hc that their last conversation was 1) about the twins, 2) went extremely badly, and 3) she feels guilty about how badly he took it while he just cut her out of his life and never looked back. but i wish we actually knew what happened.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
not sure i have a favorite but my least favorite thing by far is to have him watch someone else fight. choreographing fight scenes is a pain in the ass already bc i tend to try to work within specific arts a character might know like judo or aikido instead of just doing it by vibes, and the last thing i need is to deal with a character that uses every single technical term for all of those techniques and provides running commentary on top of it.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
i'm on mobile but insert screenshot of when he is naked against the wall of a cell in portable ops here.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
mgs3 was the first game i played bc i was told to play in timeline order and my first impression was that he was kind of a dumbass but in an endearing way and his relationship with the boss was cute. which more or less still holds up as part of my opinion on him at that point on the timeline. it got more complicated.
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buzbu · 1 year
I’m watching ‘Ladybug and Chat Noir: Awakening’ (you can watch a really bad quality bootleg recording on most pirating sites right now), these are my reactions while I’m watching . A lot of the points won’t make sense unless you’ve seen it too I’m sorry 😭
If you don’t want to watch the movie but want a vague idea of the plot, here u go
- master fu is soo dramatic
- whoever the singer is for marinette sounds so noticeably different to her it is throwing me off
- the character designs are so cute
- brand placement: 1
- Adrien is brooding so hard with his headphones. I bet he’s listening to something emo
- omg gabriel agreste backstory right away
- Luka cameo
- whyd they make plagg a fart monster
- there are more than 4 background character designs this is crazy
- whyd they make gabe kinda fine
- gabes first musical number as hawkmoth is so insanely Dr Facilier
- they made him such a good villain omfg I’m actually rooting for him he’s got the whole ‘a villain who would sacrifice the world to save her’ thing going for him
- oooo they have the mime villain from season 1 (?), and they are actually showing how op his power is. He could create literally anything and he just made a wall and a gun, he couldve done so much more. They did him justice they made him kinda fine too very Danny Bailey from Schmigadoon
- chat noir calling himself a sidekick is my villain origin story
- didn’t know how much I needed an action montage with a rock cover of the miraculous ladybug song until now
- a slither of adrienette in the montage
- brand placement: 2
- I’m an hour in and chat noir hasnt called ladybug milady ONCE
- oh my god they have the play fighting trope where they end up pinning eachother against a wall this is so them
- I don’t think the songs are very movie like, the words are pronounced like radio songs so you can’t really understand what they’re saying a lot of the time without captions (I don’t have captions 💔)
- the romance feels a lil rushed. Because they spent the first half hour almost exclusively on marinette and setting up her character/insecurities/etc and all the romantic development was in a montage. Now there’s a love song and theyre in love and it feels very underdeveloped to be at this stage already
- this song is cute though I can’t make out the majority of the words but in-love ladynoir content has my heart
- no marichat so far . Waiting patiently
- they haven’t set the love square up to its full potential 💔💔
- ok nevermind they kind of have, ladybug rejected chat noir for adrien, she asked adrien out and he rejected her for ladybug. But there has been no ladybug + adrien interactions or chat noir + marinette interactions yet
- omg gabriel adrien angst omg gabe is so much less of a dislikable character, they actually gave him some depth . Adrien is full on yelling at Gabriel and gabe actually looks like he cares about his son
- this bootleg is terrible quality but even with the bad quality the quality is so obviously good
- I’ve gotten used to the marinette singing voice and now I just love it
- this movie is so dramatic with the love songs and songs about insecurities, I feel like it’s that movie ladybug made fun of in the show
- adrien just said ‘the less interested you are, the more they run after you 😒’ because ladybug called him for help after she rejected him😭😭😭😭 bro rlly said all girls are the same
- idk if this bootleg is just clipped together but it keeps randomly turning french with no subtitles and it’s confusing me so much. I don’t know french, why must they be in paris
- these boss fights are so well animated
- chat noir is so bitter god damn
- ladynoir angst but it’s actually high stakes im loving this
- gabe just turned the water they fell in into lava this is crazy
- they just turned french again I have no idea what they’re saying
- nevermind
- I’m sorry marinette would pick this dialogue to shreds it’s so corny
- this is what ppl wanted for the show . adrien being resentful at first, Gabriel hit in the face with his own guilt and mistakes, having a genuine moment of self reflection, adrien forgiving him and gabe changing instead of getting his wish and being remembered as a hero, plus all of paris finding out hawkmoth was Gabriel, etc. I love this
- brand placement: 3
- omg there’s a masquerade ball everyone looks so good
- so marinette knows that adrien is chat noir but he doesn’t know shes ladybug yet ? That better change in the next 2 minutes
- marinette is so pretty I’m actually so happy with this
- oh theyre talking in french again I have no idea what this ending means
obvs it isn’t canon but I love this adaptation. The superpowers are portrayed as powerful as they actually are, there’s more drama and angst which I needed, the timeline is VERY different to the show. Marinette stands up for herself to chloe the same day that ladybug and chat noir reveal their identities, so it’s like the origins episode of season 1 mixed with one of the various identity reveals from season 4. Also she’s not friends with any of her class other than alya, adrien and nino, so it’s also kind of pre-origins vibes. Idk, it was really good and I can’t wait to watch it in better quality, with captions, and without ads playing every half hour
Also I’m forever thankful that there was no lila rossi storyline
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for-dramas-sake · 2 years
The Starry Love ep 35, 36 thoughts
Did anyone suspect that Husui/Suzhi was going to kill 2 guards?And then the 2 couples just let it go? Even though she's been through some stuff in her past which made her this way, I don't trust her anymore. She's willing to do anything to protect the girls and while I'm for that she can present a risk.
The enemies are surrounding our couples. There are very few places they can escape to. It seems like they'll always be on the run, unless…
Ganging up on the weakest emperor? Cheap move, guys! Not cool.
Then the girls decide to go for the offensive! Ooh. Risky plan, but it's a change from all of the running they've been doing.
I sense a heavenly divorce is on the way after the empress marched into the Ninth Heaven Hall. And then everyone is telling the emperor,"stop, don't do this." Then to make things even more embarrassing, the Void Tyrant mocks him. "Can't keep your women in line?"
I think the Immortal emperor does care for his empress. He's just an asshole, too.
Reunion scene in the mortal realm was cute! Haichou got rejected! And then the boys can call the emperor "father-in-law"!
Woah. Mood change (but unsurprising nonetheless). The boys are captured, and the emperors decided to play it smart and take on the girls alone.
Not Qingkui! She was the best of them! She deserved better! Noooo!!
It IS a fantasy drama. Maybe she could come back? Please?
What an ending! The two guys are passed out from overworking themselves to save their beloveds. At least Yetan was saved by Youqin before he fell to the black sand.
When Yetan wakes up and is calling for her sister, my heart breaks. She just lost her friend and now her sister. The pain is too much. Both times she can't accept it because both girls were right there with her the whole time. Loss of a life is new and terrible. I hope, if just for Yetan's sake, no one else dies.
The Immortal emperor again on his high horse talking down to his son. We don't like him and after the "I wish you hadn't been revived just to fall in love with a mortal woman" line, we REALLY don't like him. And after he sealed Youqin's memory we are starting to hate him, aren't we?
The Immortal Turtle is back. For the record, I'm not excited about this. I like Youqin much better when he had emotions and was in lurv. This earlier version of Youqin is just fun to make fun of.
Void Queen comes to gloat, push Chaofeng around and destroy the necklace he gave Qingkui! He cries and so would I. You've got to hand it to the villains of this drama. They don't just give our favorite characters pain, but they love to relive that pain and make them suffer.
Hmmm. Yes, I see that you're trying to get power from a root using your blood. Would you to try a dose of sanity instead?! Yetan, don't just give into pure rage! And Suzhi, why did you put this ridiculous idea into a grieving girl's heart?
Yetan has joined the Void gang! While we all should take a moment to reflect that this is probably a bad idea, let's also admire Yetan's makeup and outfit. She looks good for the bad girl. She is rocking that black and purple.
Yetan has become the Void Devil she always wanted to be. Her power is immense and the way she walks into the Void Palace like a boss bitch and owns everyone is awesome. However, this comes with loss, friends and family dead and physical pain endured. No one could have predicted this outcome.
Yetan doesn't waste time. The throne isn't even cold yet and already she's claiming territory.
After the revenge taken and the throne of the Void Realm taken, what could be next for the Immortal Turtle and his devil girlfriend? Their reunion, at least for her, is going to be painful.
If you could stomach my outlandish in the moment thoughts, want to read some more? Previous episodes:
33, 34 / 31, 32 / 29,30 / 27,28 / 25,26 / 23, 24 / 21, 22 / 19, 20 / 17,18 / 15,16 / 13,14 / 11, 12 / 9, 10 / 7, 8 / 5, 6 / 3, 4 / 1, 2
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knowlessman · 2 years
bnha ep 10-13 I think. oh yeah, the big boss guy, that's what was up. handface. professor facepalm.
(watching OP) author really said "I am going to make a character that is the most hateable little shit. I'm gonna make sure nothing about either him or his design is likeable. gonna put him in a fucking diaper." -- stg the most mid anime op I have ever seen this many times
League of Villains? not Every Villain Is Lemons?
greninja to the rescue! …did you really have to save him tho? -- see, not having to listen to mineta in english is like, idk, a third of the battle
they want to kill him because he is batman, yes
oh, he didn't even teleport them far, just to random parts of the dome 'XD
the name does stick : ]
stop giving this guy lines, why does he have lines now
'XD it cuts to three of the villains in the water while Deku's talking and you have two normal-ass-looking people and a fucking Cenobite
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k thanks for sharing, worst character
oh stop being generous, froppy, you were always the only way anybody was gonna get off that boat and you know it
"episode 11: game over." well that's cheery. also I saw spy kids 3 recently, dang is that not a good movie but it isn't, like, not fun. they say "game over" so many fucking times tho, I did not remember that and was not prepared for it. fun guessing-game at the end tho where characters keep showing up to fight and only the ones that absolutely shouldn't be here get to have shots of them actually fighting. I wanna see danny trejo punch a giant robot goddammit. -- ahem. anyway. anime.
…so, todoroki. cool guy. how is a guy this cool in the same show as mineta, anyway?
'XD who is this silly goof? "audio girl used Aimed Kick! dumbass learned Volt Tackle!" -- jiro and kaminari. got it. also Quiet Metal Gear's quirk doesn't even benefit from her boobs being out, she literally just shat an entire rubber tarp out of her back, which was covered -- momo, right. also creators please just stop writing teenagers and then Doing This Shit, wtf
"when he overuses his quirk, his brain short-circuits" well that's a problem; he didn't look like he had much dumber to get
nooooo, not hat-n'-clogs D:
six-arm guy's secret ability: really good hugs
bakugo's learning to pretend he's got anything other than violence in his head when somebody calls him on it ("I'm gonna beat up that portal guy! not because he stood in front of me, but because if he's gone, the enemy can't escape"), and I guess that's character development?
he fuckin said the spy kids 3 thing. is that gonna be a thing here, too, have I been bamboozled
also yay for emergency exit makin his exit in an emergency, gotta love it
and now the other guy said it. maybe it's just this episode tho, they've said episode titles a few times
-- "'game over?' what are they planning?" to put sylvester stallone in a giant robot, by the sound of it
im sorry how long has this disaster dome had a bouncy castle in it
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walk faster dude you're gonna go poof any second
"we got a Continue" maybe facepalm is just all arcade lingo and that's his deal. maybe his villain origin is that he tilted a pinball table too hard
gotta be at least one or two heroes here who do illusions, right? could be all might isn't even here.
walks right past Thirteen "sorry, Aizawa"
Kirishima. got it. the guy who reminds me of a certain danganronpa character whose name I also forget is Kirishima
o_o dang, this one-punch villain reject goes harder than I expected -- oh nvm lol he's just a freaky-looking namekian
"the joker is the good guy actually" -- "he's already figured me out?" elle woods what, like it's hard?
aye, the shonen way. all the chips, right now, they'll either come back later or they won't but that's a problem for a future that won't exist if the present isn't saved. -- I thought he was gonna blast mojo piccolo to bits, but instead he just blasted off again
…oh damn, I got confused and thought this was ep 13. welp. was figuring on finishing the season this sitting, so here goes
every time this opening starts and it shows deku in the school uniform I think I'm looking at yu yu hakusho or mob psycho or something, and I've never even watched those
jiro asking a libertarian with a hostage why he doesn't have a job, like that's a good idea
not missing the fact that we're seeing a villain stimming btw : / -- "these casuals are wrecking me, all might OP, plz nerf!"
"it might be the case that I can't move right now, you warthog-faced buffoon" (geddit, might)
holy shit it's mccrassidy overwatch how in fuckaroo did they get the rights to him
there's that spy kids 3 nonsense again
probably ain't much more dangerous than a villain who learns from his defeats and doesn't take it out on his underlings. wassit called, the Evil Mastermind List? that.
CAT PERSON. …the bell is a little much tho
deku: literally exists bakugo: "and I took that personally"
ayup. next season next time. maybe with less of a break between, but fucked if I ever know when I'm gonna do what. : |
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aresrambles · 3 years
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Are You Bored? [Pt. 1]
shigaraki tomura x f!reader - mentions of nsfw, villain!reader (984 words)
a/n: fuck! my 1st blog post please go easy on me </3 it’s 1am and i couldn’t stop thinking of shiggy so i hope this is ok ahh lmk!
part 2 is up!
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
“You know, when I see you, my fingers twitch.”
You hadn’t even registered when Shigaraki had entered the room, however you knew better than to let him recognize that surprise. Instead, your eyes remain glued to your book as you let out a soft hum in acknowledgement.
You realize that you had thrown your bra carelessly somewhere on the floor at some point. Silently praying it doesn’t catch his eye, you attempt to scan the room discretely and almost sigh in relief as you see it wedged underneath the dresser. He won’t see it there, thank God.
“That same fucking bored expression- every time I see you.” Shigaraki’s whiny voice snaps you out of your stupor and directs your attention back to him. Today his crimson eyes don’t seem so cruel, in fact, there’s something behind them that’s a little harder to recognize. “It’s always that same look. So tell me, Y/N,” He leaves the doorway and instead joins you on the bed, guiding your chin to face him with his pinky painstakingly close to your face. He wouldn’t, you know that, but the thought makes your head feel dizzy. “Are you that bored right now?”
Why is your heart pounding? This isn’t fear, no- it’s something worse. Something that makes your lower half ache and twist and beg to shuffle closer to him. He smells like fresh laundry today.
“How could I be, Boss? You’re right in front of me.” You reply coolly. A rehearsed reply. You are in fact ready for anything he could throw at you. With such a temperamental leader, it would be foolish not to be. Shigaraki almost takes a second to process your response before abruptly letting you go, leaning back to stare at the ceiling.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” He grumbles, although not bitterly. Instead, he looks lost in thought, looking everywhere except your face. You don’t want to admit to yourself that you already miss the feeling of him being so close. Your stomach still feels knotty and hot. “Boss, if I can ask, is everything alright?” You regret the question as soon as it escapes your lips, feeling that familiar Shigaraki glare return and settle icily over you.
“What, so I need a fucking reason to be in here now? He snaps. You can only stare at him incredulously until he’s forced to speak again. After all, your place is out of the way so Shigaraki hardly comes by here, at least to the best of your knowledge.
“I wanted to see why you’ve always got such a stick up your ass, especially around me. Around Twice and Toga- I mean fuck, even Spinner, you’re fine. But you shut up around me.” He looks so different right now, eyes wide and focused on your every movement like a wild animal, it didn’t help to soothe the fire taking hold of your body. Sometimes you really do wonder if this is the same Shigaraki who’s killed before, and will undoubtedly kill again. You shouldn’t be alone with him right now; not when your mind is this scattered.
“I didn’t realize, Boss.” You answer sheepishly, knowing damn well it was true.
“Bull-fucking-shit. You think I’m not worthy of your respect, or some shit?” He’s seething, and it doesn’t help when you accidentally giggle. So that’s what it was. Shigaraki mistook your awkward crushing behaviour for some portrayal of dominance. How cute. “What’s so fucking funny?”
Feeling a surge of confidence bubbling up inside of you, you lean forward until your face is centimeters away from his. Shigaraki maintains his glare but inwardly heats up at the sudden proximity between you both. The truth is, he wanted to see you. He wanted to find out what he’s doing wrong, why you didn’t like him. Why won’t you smile at him like how you’ve been smiling at those other freaks? Yes, you made his fingers twitch. But not to hurt you.
His fingers longed to explore your folds, to push dripping cum from your pussy back in through your mouth. He wanted to watch you gag on them and worship him, just like how it was supposed to be. You’re supposed to be his and if you just won’t give in, then how was he supposed to make that happen? How long until you crack?
“Boss,” You murmur, “‘Truth is you keep makin’ me nervous. You’re pretty.”
It takes all the self-control Shigaraki has not to let his jaw slack as he digests your words. You’re lying, you have to be. It can’t have been this easy to get you, how can he-
Ah. Your lips are soft.
The tension really had become too much, and it was of course up to you to do something about it. It was your duty to Shigaraki as one of his humble league members. And what better way to dissolve the sexual tension than to kiss him with everything you’ve got? You smile into the kiss as you feel uncertain, fumbling tugs at your shirt. This was long overdue. Shigaraki’s lips feel rough and white-hot against you as you scramble to get closer to him. Somehow no matter how close you got, it wasn’t enough. You want to be able to fall into his body and lay there, inside of him. And unbeknownst to you, he feels the exact same way.
Except Shigaraki can’t risk his excitement costing you your life.
He pushes you away all of a sudden and stands up, hands in pockets. “Alright.” He declares, before ducking out of your bedroom. You sit there, hair mussed up and taking heavy breaths as you watch him disappear, feeling incredibly embarrassed. Did he just reject you? Did you act way too confidently? Was this all a mistake?
Your questions soon came to a halt however when you glanced back down at the dresser and saw your bra was now missing.
Oh, Boss…
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Common Wario myths and misconceptions.
As someone running a Wario fan blog, I regularly see Wario myths and misconceptions thrown around like they are fact.
Since I don’t want to constantly repeat myself, I figured it would make sense to make a master post, mentioning them all and why they are untrue:
Gunpei Yokoi was Wario’s creator.
Not true, he was the creator of the Game Boy, Wario’s debut system, but had no hand in Wario’s creation.
Hiroji Kiyotake is the one who fits most to be considered Wario’s creator. He is the one who came up with the idea to introduce a new villain and was his original designer.
 Wario was designed as a mockery of Mario, to represent R&D1’s distaste for having to work on a Mario game.
This is a popular myth, possibly the earliest one for Wario. but there is not a single source that supports it. Official sources that talk about Wario’s creation instead talk about him taking inspiration from classic cartoon rivals like Bluto, resulting in a bigger, stronger, more cunning counterpart to Mario.
 Captain Syrup was rejected during Mario Tennis 64’s development, in favor of Waluigi.
We don’t know why Captain Syrup has been completely overlooked. But Waluigi has nothing to do with it. An interview published in Nintendo Power revealed that they wanted to bring in a new character to begin with and it just so happens that we got Waluigi out of it.
 Rudy’s full name is Rudy the Clown.
This one’s odd.
When Rudy debuted in Wario Land 3, he was only known as A Hidden Figure, with no sources giving him a name. Dr. Mario 64 introduced the Rudy name, but without ‘’the Clown’’ anywhere.
Fortune Street did eventually call him Rudy the Clown in one of Wario’s lines, however, the ‘’the Clown’’ part was already around beforehand and likely taken from fan sites during localization.
 Shake It was a sales flop.
The game did struggle initially, but there have been sources to confirm that it did eventually manage to sell a million copies. Even its initially slow sales are generally attributed to a poor economy and low game sales across the board, at the time.
 Wario Land sells less than Ware and is super niche.
Not true actually!
While Touched and Smooth Moves are among Wario’s best selling titles, Wario Land is a far more consistent success, with every game aside from the Virtual Boy entry, selling a minimum of 1 million copies. The series sells on par and usually better than other notable Nintendo series like Metroid and Kirby.
WarioWare meanwhile, after a successful initial era with it’s first 5 titles, saw lower sales with Snapped, the DIY games and especially Game & Wario, taking until Gold to bounce back and Get It Together is looking to bring the series to new heights.
 WarioWare killed Wario Land.
This kind of statement comes from a severe misunderstanding of how different sub-series are handled.
Land and Ware have little in common aside from their main character, are completely different types of games and haven’t shared a development division since 2004. It’s the equivalent of blaming the Mario & Sonic series for the Strikers games being gone, it doesn’t add up.
The truth is that R&D1 is no more, and the producers and directors of the Land games are either retired or busy with other series. WarioWare meanwhile still has the most crucial people behind it around to continue it and SPD1 had the resources and manpower to still handle it, unlike say, Wario Land or 2D Metroid, which they weren’t big enough for anymore to tackle.
 WarioWare is developed by Intelligent Sytems only.
False. IS have been with the series since Mega Party Game$, but they merely are co-developers, assisting R&D1, which became SPD1, which merged with EAD to become EPD1.
 Mona’s full name is Mona Pizza.
Nope. It’s the name of the pizza place and the iconic song, but it’s not Mona’s name.
To add to this, despite the name and it being styled around her, Mona is not the owner of Mona Pizza, it’s Joe who’s the owner and still Mona’s boss.
 Wario is gross in WarioWare.
People who haven’t seen much Ware and are confused about his Smash incarnation tend to think this, but this is not true.
While toilet humor is a part of the series, it’s rare to say, see references to Wario farting and none of them happened before Brawl entered development. In fact, there is only a single microgame where Wario farts vs dozens of microgames where he is being depicted as strong, greedy, or going treasure hunting.
In cutscenes Wario is also the same as usual. We see more of his goofy side, but that makes sense, given the premise of Wario being in the city, rather than on an adventure. It’s no different in tone than the beloved Camelot sports intros, staring Wario & Waluigi.
 Ashley is 15.
The western WarioWare Touched website did state this, but Japanese sources keep her age ambiguous, and her speech patterns imply she is much younger.
To give some context: japanese fans most commonly guess she’s around 8 years old.
 Wario was marketed differently between the west and Japan and Smash reflects the ‘’true Wario’’.
Basically, everything the Source Gaming Wario article claims. I already made a looong counter to that, so I’ll refer to it for a detailed explanation:
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