#and all the guests going ''hmmmm I don't know about this one''
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undead-potatoes · 1 year ago
4, 5, and 9 for the tav game!!
Hey, hello, I am 86 years late
4. What hobbies does your Tav have? How did they acquire these interests?
Jay rarely had a proper chance to foster any hobbies in his life, usually deprioritized due to things like money, space, or free time. But if and when he has the chance, his hobbies include; - Bird watching. It's the only one he's been able to practice consistently, even if just very casually, as there are usually birds around no matter where he goes. It's a real treat once he's traveling up the Sword Coast though, since there's just a lot more bird varieties around than in Baldur's Gate (the companions will know a lot more about birds by the time they get to the city, whether they want to or not lmao). It started out as a fascination with the bird life around the grove where he did his training (he had never seen so many birds before), and was further spurred on by one of the druids there who taught him about the various bird species. As a parting gift he was given a book with some basic info on various birds, accompanied by some absolutely gorgeous illustrations, and it's one of his most priced possessions. He has tried to add to it over the years, but he was never really good at art and didn't want to ruin the book, so it's mostly just text past the original entries. It does however have quite a few amusing entries, as he talks to the birds and adds extra info about the things they tell him. I think he'll have an absolute hoot (😏) exploring the surrounding areas of Waterdeep, discovering all the new species he's only ever seen in text books, and seeking out the local libraries to see if they have any more information about them. And ofc, going on walks with Gale and infodumping about all the birds they see (it's okay, they take turns). (Fun fact, this is where he fell in love with Blue Jays, the namesake of his chosen name. Too bad he's more of a pigeon himself.) - Beer brewing. He had a few earlier attempts that failed, but this hobby really kicked off once he moved to Waterdeep with Gale. His whole thing is making brews using his knowledge of (usually poisonous) plants and fungi to give them some extra zing. Something that will kill you in higher dosages might just leave your tongue with a tingly sensation when used sparingly, which is fun in concept but uuuh might not always work out so well in practice. He keeps at it though, and finds his way to some quite tasty brews that won't kill you. Probably. I can only imagine the kinds of food Gale would cook up to pair with Jay's Fucked Up Brews™ for the ultimate sensory experience (like I just know he'd be into that stuff). The trub probably makes for some really interesting loaves of bread too. - Reading. He loves a good book, but rarely has the time to sit down and actually enjoy it. He'll get a few chapters in, then forget about it for 2 months, so when he finally gets back to it he might as well start over again. And that's how it takes you a year to read a singular book. - Puzzles. More of an honorable mention, but he enjoys solving little brain-teasers and puzzles (think crosswords, sudoku etc).
5. Did your Tav have any formal or informal employment? If yes, what was their job? If no, how did they make ends meet? How did they feel about it?
He has had a variety of jobs throughout his life, ranging from errand boy to working odd jobs for the guild - his druidic abilities made him exceptionally good at breaking in and out of places, spying on people, or doing sabotage in ways that were made to look like an unfortunate case of natural forces. The work wasn't always within his own moral comfort zone though, and he was glad to be free of it once he became independent. Keen eyes and a good memory, in combination with a myriad of contacts in the world of crime, made him quite good at finding specific items or ingredients, and he realized he could make a business out of it. By the time of BG3 he's been procuring and smuggling items around the city for the better part of 30 years, and he's well established as "the guy who can get you (almost) anything". In some ways it's not that dissimilar from his days in the guild, but much of his business is all above board, and he's free to turn down anything he deems too risky or immoral. It's a job he really enjoys, as he gets to meet all sorts of people, and sometimes travel to some interesting places (he's been to the Underdark on quite a few occasions). And ofc it's something he's good at! His general self esteem is not very good, but he knows he's good at his job; people wouldn't keep coming to him if he wasn't.
9. What was your Tav doing when they were taken by the mind flayers?
This post is already sooo long, and I have another ask with only this question, so I hope you don't mind me skipping this one here 🙏
From this Tav ask meme (Durge version)
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lucy---lou · 2 months ago
Part 9 Lucys-hdg-story
The door to their hab opens and as expected a very excited Ellie tackle hugs me again. At least this time I knew it was coming and this time I didn't freeze for five minutes.
"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I missed yooouuu"
"Hey nice to see you again"
"Mistress told me you were a baaad girl, and need extra care"
"I-em I-em-em no? what?", and I'm blushing again. Can they maybe just not do that.
"Ellie no need to tease our guest already"
"But she's not out guest. I thought she is going to live with us for the next two weeks"
I feel a prick, great I got drugged again. Atleast I know I'm being drugged now. I feel like a really heavy blanket was thrown on me.
"Wait what!", I should be angry but I somehow can't be.
"Ellie I told you not to tell her yet. I was going to tell you later, but since you already know it. I preemptively gave you some Class-E so you don't have a panic attack. Lets not stand in the doorway and move to the couch before I continue." Of course I just get picked up and deposited in the living room. Ellie is placed next to me.
"The comitee has decided to put you in a wardship, because you hurt yourself multiple times and intended to do so again."
"Fuck, should've seen that coming, stupid me. But why am I at your hab?", I flare my hands up, a second later than I intended to. Wow that looked weird.
"First of all you're not allowed to insult yourself. Mental selfharm and physical selfharm is equal in the compact. Second because I have a notice of intent on you, sp you were placed under my care"
"What is a notice of intent?"
"A lot of paper work we affini fill out if we think a sophont is really cute and we would like to domesticate them"
"Of course you affini would have something like that. But i have to disagree I'm not cute"
"Don't lie to yourself little one. You're absolutely adorable. Ellie you would agree wouldn't you?"
"Yes Mistress", she chirps and then hugs me.
I stare at them a bit lost.
"How about we play that game again, but this time you accept the petting and maybe we can finish the game this time", Ellie suggests already bouncing on the spot.
"Sure aslong I don't get drugged again"
"Yaaayyyy, Mistress can we have the cards pleeeeaaaseeeeeeee"
The game begins and the first few rounds nothing happens. Ellie places a +4 card and I get petted. I feel my eyelids shut with every pet. It goes on and Ellie gets petted a few times and in the end I lay my last card and win the game.
"Ha! take that", I smile
"Owww I want a rematch"
"Sure thing but you'll lose again"
The second game begins relatively similar to the last. All normal cards are laid first and the special ones are saved for last. Ellie lays a +4 and I counter with my own, but she lays another one and I have to draw 12 cards. That means 12 headpats. The first four are alright, my eye's fall shut but nothing else. The next eight are another story, my mind starts to relax and everything grows distant.
"Awwwwwwwwwasjahj kitten you're so cuuuuute, are you still there? or do I win because you can't play anymore"
With lot's will power I pull myself back.
"Yep still there"
"Ow then I have to win the normal way"
A few rounds later I have to draw another 8, I get petted again.
"Lucy loouuuu your turn"
"O-oh yeah I-I know"
I put down my card.
"Lucy?", they both laugh at me.
"Hmmmm what's wrong?"
"You silly kitten that's the wrong colour"
"Oh-em oh oops", I take my card back and put another one down. Trying to also hide my embarrassment at letting my self go so much.
"Aww so cute, I want to keep her"
The game continues for a few rounds I have to draw 4 cards again. I get petted and I completely drift oft. I grab who I guess is Ellie being placed in front of me and drift to sleep.
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cheswirls · 4 months ago
outtakes from the diplomat/actor au
sabo wakes up in ace's arms.
mind sluggish, he tips back so he's resting more heavily against ace's chest. a familiar pair of chapped lips is pressed to the column of his neck. sabo can't help the flush that heats his face as he realizes this.
when ace hums, sabo involuntarily shifts in his hold. he's ticklish all over, but especially around his face. something ace still has yet to take into account, considering their current position.
he's not trying to get up, but ace holds him tighter anyway. his lips slide up, breaking the connection with sabo's skin so he has room to speak. "what time is your class?" he mumbles, words so garbled that sabo has to take a moment to parse them.
he'll blame it on his own sleepy state – that he takes too long to puzzle out an answer. "i graduated two months ago."
ace hums in acknowledgement, lowers his head to smush his face down into sabo's shoulder, and draws sabo further against him. then you don't have to get up – sabo knows that's exactly what ace is thinking right now.
he, on the other hand, is contemplating how much time he has before he'll have to be out the door to make it to work on time.
this thought is killed entirely when he chances a glance at their alarm clock.
"it's sunday," he says mostly to himself.
"hmmmm. sleep in?"
usually, sabo likes to be productive on his days off. that means getting out of bed soon after he wakes to start the morning off right.
but. well.
it is particularly comfortable to be held by ace like this. and it is still early.
a little longer wouldn't hurt.
sabo wakes up in ace's arms.
it's something he will never take for granted ever again.
he's still reeling from the fact that ace is here. when security had told him yesterday that he had a visitor – an actor – his heart made the connection and urged his feet to run before his brain could catch up. he'd gone from being confused over having an unnamed, uninvited guest, to stumbling into the embassy's lobby with his heart in his throat and threatening to leap straight out of his body.
the guard had known who ace was because he was japanese. he hadn't known what ace meant to sabo – that to sabo, ace was less a famous person in japan's entertainment industry and more of a simple, heartfelt love of sabo's life.
sabo has been living by himself in the condo he'd specifically picked for them both. living alone in a space meant for two. in many late-night conversations, he'd told ace as much. it's lonely here by myself. it's too quiet; it's too big. please come here soon.
sabo had not hid the fact that he was married from anyone at the embassy. but he had also not stated explicitly who his partner was.
well. if anyone didn't believe him before, they sure do now. ace had made sure of that.
sabo loves being wrapped up in ace's comforting warmth. the breath tickling his neck, the arms encircling his waist, and the heat pressed to his back are all things he has so dearly missed being able to experience regularly.
jet lag keeps ace fast asleep even as sabo turns in his arms to be face-to-face. he presses close again – throwing a leg over ace's hip, one arm slung around ace's neck, and his ear close enough to ace's heart to hear it beating.
yeah. to sabo, little moments like these are the highlight of their relationship.
and now that ace has come to live with him again, sabo is never, ever, letting him go.
sabo wakes up in ace's arms.
ace is groaning into his back. the groan deepens when sabo shifts up to silence the alarm clock. sabo is locked into place as soon as he settles back down.
"jus' a little longer," ace slurs.
sabo's eyes roll in banal amusement that he can't even hide this early in the morning. "don't you have a flight to catch? your director won't be very happy if you're not in nova scotia later today."
"this is . . . more important," ace decides.
oh. that's touching. whatever snide comment sabo had been about to make never makes it past his mouth, instead dying on his tongue while he tries to work the sappy feeling out of his limbs that makes moving so monumental a task.
he has to get up too. as unfortunate as that is.
sabo seizes when ace's foot brushes carelessly against his bare leg. ace stills, takes this into account, then pushes with his foot until sabo's leg is forced to bend at the knee.
ace unwraps one arm from around sabo so he has a free hand ready to run along the length of sabo's calf. sabo lets out a strangled sound as his muscles twitch.
this does not stop ace. he moves higher, running smooth fingertips up sabo's thigh. sabo's entire leg jerks, but ace's other arm around his middle is still preventing him from getting away. he ends up burying his face into a pillow, but even then, his laughter reaches ace, tried and true.
ace abandons sabo's leg and jabs his fingers below sabo's ribs instead. sabo huffs just a bit too loudly into the pillow. he can feel ace's grin pressed into his back.
unfortunately, ace keeps going. he rolls them until he's lying on top of sabo, trapping sabo under him while he tickles sabo to near death.
sabo's face is so red. he's so choked up. it's too early for this.
when he can't hold it anymore – when he starts laughing for real – ace follows suit. even with his eyes barely open, and exhaustion painted so heavily on his face, and his limbs so weak they threaten to give beneath him – despite all of this, he still does his best to keep sabo laughing.
sabo loves ace so much. he's never been more happy in his entire life than he is right now.
sabo wakes up in ace's arms.
it takes him a moment to register his surroundings. that's right. they're back in japan. in a hotel room they've rented for the next few days. he'd gotten the day before and the day after new year's off. ace had a commercial to shoot here over the holidays for some luxury clothing line. they'd decided to make the most of it and take a mini-vacation together.
sabo has known how popular ace is in their home country for a long time now. what he had yet to realize was how his (now very public) connection to ace meant he himself could no longer avoid the limelight. sabo the foreign dignitary held no notoriety, but sabo portgas, husband to famed actor ace portgas, could not say the same.
frankly, sabo has no idea of ace's schedule or what ace had planned for them both in the off-time. the sun is just barely rising above the horizon line visible from their fifth-story windows. he could . . . . wait a bit. before getting up.
he gets up anyway.
while the shower is warming up, sabo splashes his face with cold water from the sink in an attempt to make himself more alert before risking a swan dive into the slippery tile floor.
ace comes in sometime after the water has warmed enough to get in, but before sabo can actually step foot inside.
he hadn't seen ace wander in, so the hands suddenly on his hips have him jump in fright. ace does not let this deter him, perfectly happy to lean onto sabo's back and press sabo between him and the glass door of the shower stall.
"that's cold!" sabo gasps. he starts struggling halfheartedly in ace's hold. "at least get in with me – don't leave me stuck like this!"
ace does get in, but not before sabo snaps at him to pull his socks off his feet. poor thing is still half asleep. considering this, sabo has mercy on him.
he lets ace stand in place under the warm water while he scrubs at ace's scalp in an attempt to wash away any signs of a near twenty-four hour flight. they'll have to blow-dry it before ace goes anywhere, but sabo can concede to that. he likes taking care of ace's hair, when he can.
it's a mutual thing. sabo's pretty sure that if he ever cut his own hair short, ace would be the one crying about it.
once ace is all cleaned up, dried off, and haphazardly clothed, he reverses all of sabo's efforts almost immediately by pulling sabo back onto the plush mattress.
not that sabo really minds. his favorite place in the world, after all, is nestled safely in ace's arms.
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lazaruspiss · 1 year ago
Begging for jaydick headcanons because I'm also a Jaydick hoe 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
where do i begin. horny? horny probably.
Dick bottoms like 90% of the time but as far as any dom/sub things go those two are the switches to end all switches. both need to be told they're a Good Boy while getting the soul fucked out of em and both need to dote on the other and remind them how much they like (love) them.
i think they'd also both have a bit of a sadistic streak, but Dick is the only masochistic one. i don't think Jason would be too big on being roughed up in a sexual context, i just can't picture it. no physical roughness, no particularly intense degradation, but that just means Dick has to get creative lol. though on the subject Dick also wouldn't /like/ feeding his own sadism.
i have a fair few sadist Dick thoughts based of off the times in canon where he hurts someone, recognizes that he enjoys it, and express at least some level of disapproval towards himself for feeling that way. no one really talks about how Dick does seem to, yknow, like fighting. not bc he's some angry violent asshole or bc it's violence for the greater good, but just bc it scratches the ever persistent adrenaline need in his brain.
hmmmm. Dick getting fed up with Jason being too thoughtful. we're gonna tread a tiny bit into projection territory but stick with me. when someone spends too much time being used by people or constantly shaping themselves around what others want it can kinda fuck up their head. when someone approaches without wanting that, without wanting them to shape themself around what they want, it can be a shock. Jason so aggressively wants Dick to be independent and true to himself that it's something they fight over, bc Dick's entire life has revolved around serving others and Jason can't just uproot all that by telling him his entire life is a lie and that he should reevaluate everything about himself and everyone around him. ok yeah im having flashbacks to the jaydick thing i wrote forever ago. (x)
they can both cook and take turns planning meals, with one making sure to call/message the other if they get busy with something so that they can adjust their plans around whatevers happening. i can also see cooking being a bit personal and intimate to them. Jason sticks to eating shitty fast food most of the time and never really cared about proper meals when he was on his own, but now he has someone to come home to. someone to eat with. he cares a lot about cooking well because he wants to show without words just how much it means to him to have Dick around. Dick has been shown to cook for people when they come over, so i think it'd just feel like basic courtesy to him. some sort of standard politeness to feed and welcome his guests if he can. he wears himself thin a lot of the time and doesn't tend to make an effort to cook when it's just him, but when he does cook he enjoys it. repetitive motions, straightforward instructions, relaxing sounds and smells, cooking is fun. seeing Jason gorge himself is also very heartwarming, and more filling than any meal.
theyd have a mutual agreement to, /if/ they have kids, raise them non-religious. between Jason "possibly catholic but also died and so it's complicated" Todd and Dick "my religion is Batman" Grayson, they really don't wanna pass on any of that to any theoretical kids.
on the subject of child rearing still: i think Dick would be against sending them to any kind of private school. he had a very not good time there and thinks that if theres gonna be a chance for their kid to be picked on either way than he'd rather not waste the money. if anything he thinks private school would be worse, because all those shitty rich kids know each other and each others parents and he'd really prefer his kid not being beat up and called slurs bc of who their parents are. he'd rather homeschool if their schedules allowed it but he recognizes that would be too impractical. Jason would have more mixed feelings, bc there can be a bit of an advantage in the long run from having gone to a reputable and recognizable school, but he also isn't sure it's worth having an argument about when chances are the kids gonna learn all the important stuff from them anyways. there is a very tense conversation to be had before enrolling their baby in kindergarten.
they have a few too many conversations about theoretically having kids for guys who don't have the guts to just go for it. waiting for an orphan to drop in their laps like theyre fuckin batman. idiots.
they're a bit worried about the Titans' reaction but the worst that happens is Wally giving an exaggerated sigh as he gives Donna her well earned 50 bucks. everyone saw it coming, and you two are hopeless. Wally is excited to be Dick's best man for realsies this time, and Jason is on the receiving end of a few too many shovel talks. by the time Roy gets to him it's turned into
Roy: yeah i dont need to say it do i. blah blah hurt him and ill kill you and all that. congrats on the boyfriend.
Jason: oh cmon, i thought you would at least have some faith in me.
Roy: bros before hoes, sorry man.
Jason: ... excuse me?
Gar's version of a shovel talk is just turning into a grizzly bear and doing the "ive got my eyes on you" gesture. anyways Bruce is invited to the wedding on the condition that his assigned seat is next to the Riddler and he has to pretend that Brucie has gotten real into riddles lately. he has to laugh at Eddie's jokes under the threat of never being allowed to contact Dick or Jason again. Jason suggested it bc he thought it would be funny, Dick rolled his eyes but agreed bc it means Bruce can't corner him to berate him about his life choices.
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grigori77 · 4 months ago
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 113
A five hour episode? Oh yeah, that means it's gonna be a serious one. I'm already nervous ...
What the hell is this? Oh dear gods this is bizarre ... Sam, you are a strange one ... okay, I'm sorry, watching Robbie through this bit is SO WILD ... his expressions are always so priceless ... and suddenly it's all like THIS ... weird shit ... that one was ... just ODD ...
Critmas music? Interesting ...Sam: "SOME of us can sing!" Yeah ...
"Secrets in your boxers?" Please, I never have to hear that line uttered ever again. Like EVER. Please ...
So we're still in the company of Vox Machina? Okay, then ... wonder if this might be their very final adventure together? It worries me, knowing what they're going up against ...
Meanwhile Scanlan has to let his current crew down easy ... wait ... YOU DID WHAT, Scanlan? O.O Samuel Tiegle, DO NOT do that to us ... we know this gnome is a little bit of a wrong-un, but he's never been THAT wrong ...
"Keg"? Oh, so we're introducing a character JUST to send them off? Interesting ... yeah, I figured Grog would probably like Kent ... wow, this bunch are just a bunch of frat boys, ain't they?
Who gave Sam coconut shells? Ye gods ...
Good point ... IS THIS the new Scanlan Shorthalt? Is he staying like this? Would it be easier for him to change back, or is there time for him to change back?
Now we're having a conversation about Scanlan pooping. I love these people so much ... XD
He has ZERO Dexterity? Hmmmm ... maybe we should rethink this after all ...
Grog can make him some horse boots? Oh, that sounds like fun ...
Yes. Time to go. Going through a tree, then. Back to Vasselheim. This is getting to be a second home for them now, isn't it?
Checking in for the night, then. Okay ...
Catching up, then? Oh, Keyleth and Percy ... I mean, yeah, these two have been together the longest, haven't they? The best of besties, I've missed this ... but yeah, also ... very heartfelt, of course ... they do need this ...
I love how Percy calls Keyleth "an investment in their children's future" ... that could sound a bit weird coming from anybody else. With these two it's just CUTE ... :3
Trinket? Oh, okay ... WHICH one is this? Is it the original? Oh my gods IT IS ... O.O ... poor ancient bear ...
Ah ... yes ... the Vax situation ...
Only Vex could wish ill on the Matron and actually GET AWAY with it ... XD
Awwwww ... sweet old bear cuddle-buddy ... I imagine he's quite stinky, but it's still sweet ...
Oh my gods ... is Scanlan trying for a booty call? With GROG asleep in the room? This could be interesting ... oh, okay ... wow, yeah, she's just LETTING HIM HAVE IT, isn't she? Don't go easy on him, Pike! He doesn't deserve it!
Meat Man Imports & Sexports ... snort ... LOL
He's being relegated to AN EXTRA BED?!!! Oh my ...
Grog pretending to sleep fools NOBODY. I love it.
Boy, that is an AWKWARD sleeping arrangement for a centaur, clearly ...
Wow, Cerkonos is kind of a secret Scanlan superfan, that's hilarious. "the Scanman"? Oh my fucking gods ... LOL
Early morning arrives ... okay ...
Travis just rolled a lethal death roll for Chetney! O.O But he's GROG right now ... does it count? Somewhere on Ruidus Chetney just felt a chill run down his spine like somebody walked over his grave, I swear ...
The various preparations of the arrayed forces, getting ready for the day ahead ... hmmmmmmmm ...
Nice, so the Pale Guard are basically like Sharp's Rifles? That's pretty cool, I can't deny ...
A summons for Kiki? Okay, then ...
Massive brass-scaled dragon? Oh yeah, awesome ...
The Stratos Throne? Really? That's a big deal ... O.O ... AND Aeshanandoor? Don't those guys HATE each other right now? Interesting they're playing nice for the effort ...
Oh yeah, EVERYBODY'S here right now ... it's a big deal all right ...
Lieve'tel? Oh ... OH, a guest? OH OKAY!!! LIam's back! So THIS is who he's playing ...
Nice ... so we got a real badass super-goth elven dominatrix type helping them out in this one, then? Nice ... yeah, this is a great one for Liam to play, definitely ...
So she already knows Bertrand's gone? Yeah, okay ...
Yeah, so please be aware I haven't had a chance to get round to The Search For Grog or The Search For Bob yet, so I'm NOT familiar with this particular character ... but she seems REALLY COOL ...
Wow ... yeah, she's just REALLY INTENSE, isn't she? Like I said, I'm really liking her already ...
Judicators? Oh, okay then ... nice to have them on OUR SIDE for once ...
Ophera? Cool ... yeah, she's really cool too ... and THIS is a very neat trick, too ... yeah, she's definitely a whole lot better at big entrances than Keyleth ...
Celestials? SERIOUSLY?!!! Holy fuck! O.O Oh yeah, this is just ALL the big guns right now!
Oh okay ... Keyleth's turn to make a fancy speech? Hmmmm ... PLEASE roll good for this delivery, Marisha ... Matthew, you are NOT doing anything for our girl's confidence right now ... oh yes, nice going, Vex ... that's JUST what she needs right now ...
Yeah ... okay, that's a strong start already ... yes. YES. Nice. That's it. Be a woman for the people. And ... "FUCK SHIT UP!!!" Oh boy ... XD ... yeah, that's more like it ... THAT'S our girl. :3
A single raven? Oh my gods ...
Inspirational Leader? Nice ... oh yeah, that is REALLY nice! Way to go, Kiki!
Nice to have a broomstick handy for running speedy errands ...
And now it's a massive SILVER dragon ... okay ... O.O
Allura! Yay! Always nice to see her! :3
Oh, so they're going in via skyship? Cool. I wonder which one THEY'RE gonna ride in on? What are the chances, hmmm? Or might that be a little TOO on the nose?
Well yeah, I mean Grog would've been FINE with just jumping headfirst into a crazy suicide attack like that, but ...
Yeah, probably best to leave Trinket behind for this one ...
Speak With Animals! Yay! Awwwwww ... and OF COURSE he still wants to go with her ... he's so sweet ... and yeah, he's still tough, of course he is ... all right, let the ancient bear come ...
Thank fuck Sam isn't ACTUALLY drinking out of that horrific looking thing, that is UNSIGHTLY!!! Travis: "It's like melted plastic mixed with decay!" Sweet fuck that is NIGHTMARE FUEL ... Sam: "I mean it's been cleaned, like, A LOT, but it hasn't worked!"
"Battlestar season 3"? Okay ... yeah, so they're all just going STRAIGHT INTO that shit, then ... so a retroactive Heroes' Feast is probably a good idea, then ... yeah ...
Wow ... yeah ... D&D maths ... always fun ...
Oh ... so Cerkonos LIKES Lieve'tel? Okay, then ... so no matter what, Robbie's just DETERMINED to romance Liam's characters, clearly ... XD
Fucking hell ... Grog has around THREE HUNDRED HIT POINTS right now? O.O Sweet fuck ...
Archivist Seth Domade? Okay, then ... yeah, this just got interesting ... I mean OF COURSE he's curious about what's happening with the Nein AND the Hells ... oh yeah, our boy is FLUSTERED right now ... Essek, be cool right now, boy ...
Holy shit ... HOW LONG did it take them to realise that this is Essek in disguise? DEAR FUCKING GODS, people! LOL You do know you spent TWO WHOLE SESSIONS traveling with this guy ...
Verin Thelyss? Oh, interesting ... are they related? THEY ARE?!!! So this is Essek's BROTHER? Intriguing ...
Oh, so he's a little bit of a geek? I like that. That's quite adorable. And I think he might be a little sweet on Vex ...
Ah, poetry... yeah ... LOL
Allura informs us the Nein and the Hells are now IN POSITION on Ruidus ... okay, then ... time to make a move, then ...
Matt: "The symbol of war has been triggered." Oh my ...
Fuck ... PLEASE let Percy and Vex get back alive to their kids.
The hoof boots? And somehow Travis rolls a 24 on his performance for their construction ... holy shit ... apparently they're completely PERFECT ... O.O
More Percy and Keyleth cuteness ... :3
Power Word Fortify ... and Death Ward? Lieve'tel bestows MASSIVE magical gifts upon Kiki and Vex ... and then she just goes RIGHT AHEAD and makes the first move on Cerkonos. Awwwwwww ... and he HAS to make it awkward. But she likes it ... XD
I fucking knew it ... OF COURSE they're riding with Xandis. LOL ... I love this ridiculous tiefling so much, I swear ...
So ... a fuckton of arcane portals, then ... this is it ...
"Majestic as fuck" ... Grog's awesome cape ... in his own words, of course ... XD
Awwwwwww ... Bertrand, we miss you still, you fantastic old bugger ...
So ... through into clustered shadow ... all right, what have you got in store for us, Matthew? O.O
Oh okay, that's a dramatic mess we're flying into ... and that's it, the first shots come in ... yup, that's it, it's all kicking off ...
Strength saves all round? Okay, first real rolls of the night! Roll good, guys! 33? Holy fuck, Grog ... he's stupid strong even now ...
Three crooked winged creatures coming out of the sky? Oh boy ... FUCK Vex is still a thoroughly EVIL shot ... Hunter's Mark that shit, girl! Yeah!
So Scanlan and Grog are the most prominent targets? SHIT ... I mean OF COURSE Grog succeeds his strength check, but Scanlan is now being CARRIED OFF by one of these things! Shit! O.O
Percy: "Drop the horse!" And yeah, No Mercy's still just as lethal a shot as the Missus ... BOOM!!! And the centaur is free once more ...
Path To the Grave? Fuck, Lieve'tel is a bit SCARY in combat ...
Kiki tries a Whirlwind attack on them ... yup, that proves impressively effective ... fuck, that thing just got PUMMELLED ... right into Grog's reach ... he swings his Bloodaxe TWICE ... and just SHREDS the beastie ...Oh yeah, that's TOTALLY the HDYWTDT ... fucking hell, he just EVISCERATES this thing ...
Oh yeah! Silver Dragon for the WIN!!! Nice one ...
Keyleth tries to take a look over the side and just gets BLINDED by flying dust ... yup, that's a bout right ...
Ah, so ... still a way to go, yet ...
Shit! DODGE!!! QUICK!!!
Well that was close ... and sounds like it could've been SERIOUSLY HAIRY if it had hit ... and then we see it hit another ship ... and it just NEUTRALISED the brumestone? FUCK!!! That's SO FUCKING BAD!!! Yeah, don't let ANY of THAT shit hit you, guys!
Air Ashari FLY!!! Oh, and Cerkonos can do that too? Oh, he can do ALL the elelments like Kiki? Sweet! So he's going too, then ... go help! Quick! Save who you can!
Yes! Save Verin Thelyss! Quick!
Oh nice! That's some SEXY FLYING there, Vex!
Okay, looks like this might be working ... and SOMEHOW they BARELY miss taking another hit ... get them off as fast as you can, guys!
Inspire THEM, not HIM! Pronouns, Scanlan! And somehow Sam makes a really embarrassing (and very classic Shorthalt piece of work) strangely inspiring for Xandis ...
Yeah, that's some pretty sweet flying, you spectacular tiefling!
Wow ... that was just a BEAUTIFUL save ... yeah, they got 'em off safe, just in time ... meanwhile the faling ship goes down SPECTACULARLY ...
Time to get ready to JUMP? All right, then ... GO!!!
Blessing of the Dawnfather? Oh, that's pretty sexy too ... I didn't even know Vex had that one in her! O.O
Thank fuck for Featherfall ...
Grog and Pike are getting SHOT AT?!!! Fuck ... O.O ... Word of Radiance? Yeah, that's a nice save, Lieve'tel! JUST too late, but still ... so Pike manages to dodge, but Grog takes a full-on HIT ... crap ... but he's Raging, so it's not TOO BAD ... but that's STILL a whole lot of Force damage even so ... and that's one ROUGH FUCKING LANDING ...
Oh, so it's already ALL GOING OFF in this place? Okay then ...
Cerkonos shows he's as much of a badass as the others as he comes down ... and yeah, that poor bastard is impaled and INCINERATED ... meanwhile our boy achieves a perfect superhero landing ...
Wait ... so the gunner is LITERALLY PONDERING THEIR ORB?!!! XD
No Mercy Percy strikes again!
Touchdown, then! They're on the ground and taking in what's going on now ... oh yeah, this is just pure fucking CHAOS right now ... the batle is just full-on KICKING OFF ... and THIS is where Matt chooses to call a break ...
Holy shit ... that is a MASSIVE Battlemap this time round ... yeah, the appreciative gasps and roars as they wander mback in to take it in are duly ENTHUSIASTIC, and rightly so ...
Setting up where everybody is ... and it's all just pure CHAOS right now, clearly ...
Oh, so now Keyleth's a FIRE elemental? Matt scrambles to acquire ANOTHER figure to represent her ...
So it's time, then. ROLL INITIATIVE!!!
Vex kicks it all off, then ... she casts a 4th Level Hail of Thorns, with her Blazing Bowstring and Sharpshooter ... wow ... that's a monster combination if ever I heard one ... so she goes for a Reiloran Juggernaut! Nice ... fuck, that's a lot of damage, plus it definitely rings his bell for him ... meanwhile all the regular guys surrounding him are just ANNIHILATED ... ouch ... so she takes ANOTHER shot ... oh yeah, she is SUPREMELY fucking this guy up ...
Scanlan clops up on his coconuts and Inspires Cerkonos ... with a bit of Chappell Roan? Nice ... :3 ... Reverse Gravity? Oh, that's DEVIOUS ... Out of the whole group only ONE manages to make a save so now there's a whole bunch of guys just FLOATING UP INTO THE SKY!!! Holy shit ...
Wow, those Kryn fighters are just BADASS, they're cutting folk TFU ...
Percy steps over the wall and encounters his first Reiloran ... oh, that's nice, so his walking stick turned into a brutal little MURDER BATON ... he shakes off the attempt to fry his brains with psychic energy and slashes them up ... it's hurt, but it's TOUGH, looks like this one's going to take some work ... oh, but his sword has A GUN IN IT ... Matt: "Go go gadget Pepperbox!" POW!!! Now the Reiloran is BURNING!!!
Grog charges up to the guy who's trying to hang on ... and manages to get HIMSELF caught in the spell? Shit! Somehow he manages to catch hold of himself, at least ... and takes a few big hacks at the other guy ... Great Weapon Master? Oh boy, here we go ... oh yeah, Grog kills the guy ON THE SPOT and then he just pinwheels up into the air spraying his insides all over as he goes! Ye gods! O.O
Keyleth jumps from one platform to the next, starts laying about with her fists, the burning Reiloran instantly incinerating under her pummelling onslaught! Oof ... then she runs off in the direction they need to go, setting another attacker on fire as they try to strike at her while she goes.
Lieve'tel summons a Planar Ally, specifically a massive white three-headed raven (literally Holy fuck!), then Tolls the Dead, aiming for the Juggernaut ... and that's a wrap on the big guy! HIs head essentially EXPLODES inside his helmet ... fucking hell ... so she just goes riding off on her big birdy, going to hover over Keyleth.
Oh great ... Scanlan is now being SWARMED by Slithers ... O.O ... oh yeah, they're just GNAWING on him right now! Fuck ... thankfully only TWO of them do any actual damage, but still ...
Crap ... what's this? Oh, I get it, that mut be one of those hive-mind psychic mothers ...
Meanwhile those poor bastards spinning in the air just CONTINUE to spin in the air ... XD ... crap ... now Keyleth is as well, unfortunately ...
Pike chucks a 5th Level Guiding Bolt at the Ball ... okay, this is it, then ... 22 points of damage? Hmmmm ... it CRACKS, but it's still definitely very INTACT ... nuts ...
Cerkonos screams: "Scanman! NOOOOOOO!!!" leaps into the air and casts Wall of Fire around Scanlan, torching the Slithers attacking him. Three of them are reduced to cinders, and the rest are at least SEVERELY charred ... then he just BAMFS next to Pike ...
Vex takes a shot at the Ball, using Sharpshooter ... NAT20!!! Yes! Crit that bitch! Oh, that's a whole lot more cracks in it now ... but she's just got herself directly MARKED by whatever that force is overlooking it ... but her SECOND shot SHATTERS the Ball on the spot! YESSSSSSS!!!
Scanlan casts Thunderwave as 2nd Level, trying to bash some of the Slithers off ... he turns two of them into jelly on the spot! Meanwhile he drops his spell ... and everybody up in the air too! Grog manages to avoid getting crushed, while all but two of them just go SPLAT when they hit the ground around him. Meanwhile Scanlan disengages, trying to use Cutting Words to get rid of the remaining Slither still grappling him ... and breaks free! Phew ...
Fucking hell ... what fresh hell is THIS?!!! O.O ... a battle vidulch? Oh my gods that is fucking TERRIFYING!!! Oh shit, TWO OF 'EM?!!! Shit! They start laying about and IMMEDIATELY start doing major damage to friends and foes alike ...
Shit ... in a single turn, the attacking vidulch manages to COMPLETELY DESTROY Keyleth's Fire Elemental form ... O.O
Percy opens fire with Animus on some of the Vanguard, only for his gun to blow up in his hands! Ouch ... repairing iton the spot, he starts firing again, wiping out one in the process.
Grog uses his Boots (not BOOBS) of Feral Leaping to mount the nearst vidulch, then starts swinging blows into it with his axe ... oh yeah, he's just CHOPPING CHUNKS out of this thing! It's trying to shake him off but he's definitely cutting his way into it already.
Oh no, bad ideas are never REALLY bad ideas ... Keyleth attempts to Dominate the vidulch in front of her? Holy fuck ... O.O ... that's the question, IS IT a beast or is it a MONSTER? She can't tell ... so she tries a Firestorm instead! Oh boy ... whoa, SEVEN D10 of Fire damage? Holy shit ... 48 Fire damage? Wow ... it hurts the vidulch, as well as incinerating a bunch of Reilora and Vanguard. Unfortunately she also takes out three Kryn soldiers with friendly fire ... oof ... then she transforms into an Earth Elemental and burrows down under the ground, coming up on the other side of the vidulch.
DEVILS? Seriously? Is this good or bad? Wait ... who's this ... holy fuck is that OPAL?!!! Fucking hell, my girl you're terrifying but also pretty awesome right now! She doesn't do any real damage, but she's still laying into the vidulch with some serious SAVAGERY!!!
Lieve'tel holds onto a Bless, waiting for her opportunity, aiming for Opal, Keyleth and herself.
Okay, now Grog is having a scrap with the Juggenaut on the back of the vidulch ... unbelievable! Oh hell, this big boy is definitely laying into him HARD right now ... and it has a Telekinetic Combo? Shit ... Grog hangs on, but it definitely batters him about ... so he just starts giving right back just as hard as he's taken ...
Pike chucks a Guiding Bolt at the vidulch at 4th Level, blasting it hard with a good chunk of Radiant damage. Staying put, she's immediately swarmed by a bunch of nasties, but she just batters them all off ...
Cerkonos, impressed by Scanlan's actions, turns himself into a Fire Elemental and funnels himself INTO THE ARMOUR of the nearer vidulch, setting it on fire FROM THE INSIDE!!! Holy shit!
Vex coasts over and starts peppering Pike's attacker with her arrows, wiping him out on the spot. Then she turns round and starts taking potshots at the vidulch, taking some of its legs out from under it.
Scanlan rushes up to the aid of the nearest angel, talling them: "I'm here to help!" before VOMITING Lightning at the nearer vidulch! O.O
Brass wings? Oh sweet! Here they come! Beautiful! Devossa strafes the devil and the vidulch with their fire, but since they're both immune to fire it does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ... hmmmmm ... somewhat inticlimactic ...
Grog takes a big swing at the Juggernaut and just ANNIHILATES the fucker on the spot! Then he leaps off and goes for the Reiloran instead, using Great Weapon Master ... oh yeah, here we go ... yeah, he just SPLITS THE GUY IN HALF!!! He yanks out the spine from the bisected corpse as he walks away ...
Oh, okay ... yeah, due to retrospective thinking, Grog also manages to finish off the vidulch just before he jumps off ... okay, yeah, there we go, then! Meanwhile Scanlan congratulates CERKONOS for doing it? Hmmmm ...
Keyleth Calls Lightning at 4th Level, landing it right into the remaining vidulch ... oooh, dice math ... 27 points of Lightning damage ... yeah, it's looking pretty messy now ...
Okay, looks like everybody's just trying to kill this thing all together ... meanwhile more Vanguard are arriving! Shit ...
Oh, so Pike just got rescued by a demon? That must be weird for her ... especially when it growls: "Go, small god!" at her ...
Yeah, Opal just becomes TERRIFYING as she jumps on the vidulch, webs it up and then CARVES IT TO PIECES ... O.O ... holy shit ...
Time to book, then? Okay ... they all bundle together and rush into the centre of the fortress, heading for the Malleus Key ... and that's it for the night! Yeah, that's a good place to stop. I was getting pretty exhaunsted, that was a HEAVY SESSION ... but also a very satisfying one ...
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littlebluentebook · 1 year ago
Alastor x Reader pt.6
A/N Oh my goodness! I didn't expect the story to get this much attention! Im going to do some sort of second story where Alastor and the reader are in hell. If theres no objections I'll also feature some helluva boss characters (just to advance the plot!)
I am very sorry for not updating! I went out of town, nearly broke my hip, got sick, and started a new job all in the last 2 weeks. I should be able to post once every three days now :)
Thank you to everyone reading the story! I love sharing my ideas and feel free to reach out if there are any stories you want to see!
TW-Animal Blood(?)
Chapter 7
You woke up in Alastor's arms. It wasn't on purpose! You both had agreed to split the bed, pride getting in the others way. Apparently, somewhere in the night you each reached for the other. Not minding the extra warmth, you fell back asleep. There was no point in moving away; you liked him, he was comfy, and kept you warm. The second time you woke up, the sun was bright and the bed was empty. Worried you checked the clock to make sure you hadn't overslept to open the shop. You had forty five minutes to get the store open. Not as much time as you would have liked, but also not anything too out of your range.
"Ah! My sleeping beauty, glad you're now awake!" a voice said from the doorway. Alastor? You thought he had left. "Come now! I have made us breakfast."
Alastor could cook. Breakfast tasted like it was picked up from a five star restaurant on the more expensive side of town. Over breakfast he told you that he was unable to leave such a beautiful person alone and you needed the rest from the previous night. He actually didn't leave you at all that day.
He sat talking with you in your shop keeping well mannered company. Alastor would never admit it, but he absolutely loved listening to you talk. He spent so much time talking on the radio it was nice to finally be listening to others. He never really cared for sewing but asked you questions about how you did certain things and complimenting your stitch work. He also would assist you while you worked; measuring, flipping things right side outing grabbing fabric as needed. He liked feeling useful to you and watching you work on something you were passionate about.
:Thank you so much for your help today Allie."
"Allie?" He tilted his head like a puppy hearing 'no' for the first time.
"Yeah! Like a nickname," you beamed at him. Alastor mulled the name over in his head before deciding it was okay when it rolled off your tongue and into his ears. No one else could ever be allowed to call him Allie aside from you.
"Hmmmm. Alright" He was at a loss for a nickname truly just wanting to call you his. "Why don't we go and fetch ourselves dinner. I know the most exquisite place!"
"that would be lovely!" Your demeanor was much calmer than your racing thoughts. First, Alastor had stayed the night and made breakfast. Secondly he spent the entire day with you. And now he wanted to take you to dinner! You felt like a romance character from the books you had read and heard stories of.
He had helped you close the shop, took your arm in his (it was the only way you two ever walked together) and he led the way to the restaurant.
It was a nice place with candles and flowers on the table. There was a live band playing softly to entertain guests as they dined.
Alastor was sweet and kind with you, he made excellent recommendations about what drinks to try and meals to order. You both split a cake together for dessert. The night was wonderful, absolutely perfect! The only thing that there you off was the way in which Alastor ordered his steak.
"Alastor!" you had whisper-yelled "that cow is so undercooked I can still hear it moo-ing in the fields. Do we need to have the waiter take it back for just a moment longer?"
"Haha oh no darling! I just enjoy my cut of meat like this. It holds so much more flavor!" You gave him a quizzical look swearing you had just seen blood dark as your wine pool on the plate.
When your night had come to an end, Alastor had walked you home and kissed your cheek. It had left you red and blushing thinking about it as you slept.
The next morning you had awoken ready to start your chores. You folded the blanket and pajamas that Alastor had borrowed and cleared a drawer for the items to reside in. Today you had a new activity you hadn't done in years.
You walked down the stairs leading to your shop and to the circular display table at the center of your shop. Grabbing the wilted flowers and vase you got to work and put them in your oven to dry them out. You loved keeping gifts, flowers were beautiful but difficult to keep but you made it work.
The entire day you were all that was on Alastor mind. He simply could not get enough of you despite spending the entire day together before. He was talking to his mother about the feeling and how he had never experienced it, unsure of what to do he was searching for advice. His mother was not helping the situation, she merely laughed at him. "Oh Al, why don't'cha go onna date together and court the poor thing!" What if you didn't like him back? What if he made a total fool of himself. His mother could sense his worries, "well whoever can put up with ya for a full day definelty doesn't not like you." She pinched his cheeks and went back to cooking for the both of them
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seashellisinmyheart · 6 months ago
Super bored, so I thought I'd do a little Max and the Midknights character introductions for episodes 1 and 2. No spoilers from the book, but maybe mild spoilers for the first two episodes.
This won't get any notes. But I still wanted to make this.
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Bio: Max is our main character who occasionally breaks the fourth wall to talk to the audience. Before the events of the story, she traveled the world with her adopted uncle Budrick, as troubadours,, much to her chagrin. You see, Max doesn't want to be a troubadour. She dreams of being a knight. Smart as a whip and chock full of bravery, Max can't stand to see anybody in trouble and has a tendency to put herself in danger for the greater good.
Personal feelings: I actually really like Max. I thought she would be annoying, but I actually find her endearing. Her character doesn't beat you over the head with the whole 'not your average girl' trope. I am interested to see how she develops as a character.
Uncle Budrick
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Bio: Budrick is Max's adopted uncle. While being a terrible singer, Budrick truly enjoys performing. He is rather cowardly, but won't hesitate to step in if Max is in trouble. His connection to the kingdom of Byjovia helps jpststart the events of the show.
Personal feelings: I wish Budrick were my uncle. Seriously, the man is pure cringe, but he enjoys every moment of it. He knows he's terrible at what he does, but he kind of just rolls with it because it's what he loves to do. You can also tell that he really cares for Max despite the two not being blood related. Will he become anything more then a damsel in distress, I wonder though. Hmmmm...
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Bio: An astute boy that Max meets in Byjovia. Kevyn loves to write and tell stories. He is the first one to offer Max and her uncle a kind hand when they arrive in Byjovia. He also explains what happened to Byjovia after the king's disappearance. A wealth of information, he has a tendency to launch into fact spewing at any given moment. Although he is happy to help, he is appropriately cautious and hesitant to go against kingdom rules. He is perhaps the smartest member of the Midknights.
Personal feelings: I feel really bad for Kevyn. He lives in a kingdom that is falling apart and all he wants to do read and write. He feels that he has no prospects since Byjovia rule dictates that the son must take on the profession of their father. He has no interest in being an ostler like his father, although he has seemed to have accepted his fate. I kind of feel that.
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Bio: Alice is Kevyn's mother. We do not see much of her, but she seems warm and loving towards her son and, by extension, her son's guests.
Personal feelings: Alice is surprisingly nice considering where she lives. She even tries to break it gently to Max that girls cannot be knights. She seems a bit wistful of this fact though, like, maybe she has unfulfilled dreams of her own.
King Gastley
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Bio: The younger brother of Byjovia's former king, King Gastley is a bratty ruler. He has implemented the most ridiculous rules that he enforces with the threat of execution if infringed upon. He is the main villain of the show.
Personal feelings: I'll be honest, this guy gave me the most laughs. He reminds me greatly of Prince John from Disney's Robin Hood. The dude is basically playing house with his kingdom. While a tyrant, he is extremely cowardly and childish, despite having a taste for blood shed. I am curious if the show will add more nuance to him then in the books or not. Probably not, but who knows.
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Bio: A boy who identifies himself as an orphan. We don't know all that much about him yet. He seems to be as smart and intrepid as Max. He is willing to put himself in danger if it means helping out his new friends.
Personal feelings: i really want to say more about Simon, but I can't since I don't want to give away serious book spoilers. My favorite thing about Simon here is that he is voiced by Zeno Robinson who always pulls off a great performance. It is impossible to dislike a Zeno character!
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Bio: Millie is another self described orphan. Although she lives on the streets, she has a keen interest in magic and is a bit of a groupie when it comes to magic users. Her personality can be a little off putting at times.
Personal feelings: Millie is a blast. I think she has way more personality in the show then she did in the book and I'm so there for it. She kind of reminds me of myself when I was younger. Being absolutely unaware of how weird she really is. I wonder if she'll get to meet more magic users?
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Bio: An ostler, he is Kevyn's father and Alice's husband. A jolly, big man who is more then eager to help his son and his friends. He is the one that suggests that they summon Mumblin.
Personal feelings: I was surprised by how congenial this guy was. I thought he would be overbearing about hus son becoming an ostler, but he isn't. I hope he appears more because I think he's be a helpful ally.
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Bio: Mumblin the magician is a washed up wizard. He is reluctant to use his magic anymore since retiring and becomes annoyed when the Midknights summon him for help. It takes him some time, but he eventually comes around to helping. Unfortunately for the Midknights, he is more then a bit rusty.
Personal feelings: Next to Millie. I think Mumblin is the most improved character from the books. He has way more personality then just a bumbling wizard and he gave me some of the most chuckles in episode 2. I hope he sticks around with the Midknights for the rest of the show.
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Bio: We know nothing about the sorceress other then she seems to be helping King Gastley.
Personal feelings: I can't say much here due to book spoilers, but she will be a key character here and I look forward to see her animated.
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the-silver-peahen-residence · 8 months ago
||The Misadventures of Phoenix and Shadow Chimera Sorcerer Part 19: A small curse terror||
Hi dears. I just got another idea for this so have another chapter. It was funny in my head so I hope you like it. Please enjoy part 19.
----- Chapters of Adventure so far --------
||Previous chapters of Chapter 1-9||
||Previous chapters of Chapters 6-13||
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
((Your reading chapter 19))
||Drabble Summary||
It's been some time after Kisho brought back the little Possom like Raccoon curse spirit to the school. However, it seems things have gotten a bit bad after he did. What chaos has this little curse brought? read to find out.
~A little curse brat
~lots of yelling and cursing
~destruction might be present in this
||Muses in this drabble||
Taz Hellion, Kinie, , Daichi/Eito belongs to my friend and amazing rp partner@chunibyo-x-sorcerer that is a side blog owned by @demon-blood-youths
Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, and Nobara Kugisaki belong to Jujtusu Kaisen but also to me due to rping them as muses. While the same for Miko Yotsuya, yuria niguredou nd Hana Yurikawa from the anime series/manga series Mieruko-chan but also to me due to rping as them as muses.
((Note: This drabble will have heavy grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. I hope you understand but also enjoy please.))
"So Taz, how have you been so far? We heard your still growing stronger by the day. We all still do miss you but we hope your well." Taz Hellion was speaking to her leader from the DBT: Van Ink the dragon. She's been doing the daily check up today seeing her in her dorm room.
"Hi Ink and I miss you too. I've been alright and still getting stronger by the day. Though, we are just having another day off though due to some things." she laughed a bit while sitting on her bed to look at the screen.
"Ah, I see. Well, knowing how training has been I believe that. Though, has anything new happened with you and the others?" she asked as Taz thinks about it.
"Hmmmm, not really. Though, some things have happened." Taz explains before she looks seeing a baby quoll near by rolling on it's back. The same one that Taz summoned when she became a toddler. However, their was another curse that was curled up in her lap happily.
"Uhhhhh wait, what is that?" Ink noticed to see the Possum racoon curse. However, she blinks to pet his head to smile.
"Oh this is Charlie. He's a curse that Kisho and Megumi found when on a mission. He tends to be a grumpy pants but he's not too bad." she said while petting him. The baby quoll nuzzles against her hand too as she was petting both of them.
"Wait..Kisho and Megumi found him? Though, he don't seem like a grumpy pants.."
"Trust me, he is. He tends to be a trouble maker." Taz said with a sweatdrop. But maybe she can explain.
"So yeah! I figured if we bring him back we can teach him now to be nice!" Kisho was speaking to the others even the Principle Yaga who was seeing both Megumi and Yuji scratched up all over while Megumi was doing his best not to be angry.
"Uh huh........and your telling me this how? I thought the curse was with them during the time-"
"Lets just say we found it during the time we were shopping for Taz and Yuji. But Kisho figure it was a good idea to go and bring it back." he explains to see Yaga sigh.
"Please Mister Yaga. I'm sure he can be nice..." Kisho said only to see the curse hiss and hops on his face scratching his face again. Kisho screams in pain trying to stop it.
"........" Nanami, Yaga, and Gojo blinks to hear this but they were unsure on how this curse will be good. With a sigh, he looks to him.
"Fine. I guess you can prove it. You boys will just try to make our 'guest' welcome. Just....keep it out of trouble." he said.
"R..right.." Megumi said seeing Kisho rolling on the ground trying to get the curse off his now scratched up face.
"Oh wow. So that curse named Charlie was like that?" Ink asked.
"Yeah but he don't mean to. Though, he seems to be friendly with the girls instead of the guys." Taz said still petting his head seeing the baby quoll now sleeping in her lap too.
"Charlie was either very scared when being found or maybe he was just unsure on what to do."she said but Taz keeps holding both curses to her.
As soon as Kisho and Megumi was given the order to keep a eye on the curse. He already caused some chaos. From the first day, he's been always biting and clawing at the boys who would take turns to it but it was after Taz and Yuji were back to normal. At first, Taz was shocked hearing this even Yuji was too when hearing this. But more when seeing the little curse.
"Why are you two so scratched up?" Nobara said but Kisho sighed.
"You don't want to know-Ow!"
"Sorry!" Miko said trying to put some medicine on the scratches of his face while holding a bottle, a cotton ball with tweezers.
"Well, even though you guys look like a mess..." Nobara sighed. "Though, has the little guy gotten used to his new home?" she asked.
"..Eh...in a way.." Kisho said remembering it shredding his clothes, trying to bit Eito. Their was times it sneaks off causing problems like attacking Megumi while he sleeps or jumpscaring. To Yuji being bitten and him scratching at his face. All Sukuna would do is laugh.
"Well you guys have got to try being more nice to it or...him?" she said.
"Well, it's more like a monster if that's the right word!" Megumi said annoyed with this curse hearing it hiss at him but he saw it glare at him before seeing Megumi holding him.
"Besides, we wouldn't have to worry about him if he stops biting me and the guys." he said poking his nose seeing veins showing till it chomps down on his hand. "OW! YOU FUCKING LITTLE-"
He sees him jump from his hands right into Taz's arms as she blinks to hold it. He hisses angry at Megumi, Kisho, and Yuji but nuzzles happily against Taz.
"Uhhhhhh....he seems to like you...." Miko said to Taz.
"HA!?!? THAT'S NOT FAIR!" Kisho said.
'Wow, I can't believe you brats are so scared of a little thing. You call yourselves sorcerers?!' Kinie said laughing at the boys even if they look to her trying to not say anything.
"You don't get it Kinie that THING hates us!" Yuji said.
'Yeah, no kidding!' she said bursting out laughing.
"I..I don't know how he likes me. I just met him.....but he does look cute." she said seeing him now trying to be cute before it looks to Nobara wagging it's tail.
"Huh, she's got a point. He looks more like a little kid than most." she even reaches to scratch it's head hearing a happy trill from it's throat. It even wraps the tail around her wrist hoping for more.
"You...that fucking little-"
"Easy Megumi, easy." Kisho said nervous seeing him wanting to destroy that little beast.
"How can I!? Why did you think bringing him back was a good idea!?" he said grabbing Kisho by the shirt who yelps.
"I thought he would be added as a new member like Wilson!" he said in a panic.
"SERIOUSLY!?" He said only to see the cruse being petted by Nobara, Taz, and Yuria. Miko was just done with fixing Kisho up before seeing the curse hop and lands in her arms. She squeaked seeing him nuzzling her cheek.
"H..hello there little guy.." she said being carefully while even Eito, Wilson, and Anaconda was curious he only keeps being happy with the females but he seems to be alright with them too.
'Oh this little jerk!' Kisho thought only for him to still be admired by the girls. He even walks over to glare at it. "How come your so nice with them and not us!? Why be a little brat!" he said only for the curse to hiss and chomp down on his hand again.
Kisho twitched only to yelp out in pain from the bite as he rolls on the ground from the pain. Megumi and Yuji sweatdrops even seeing Eito looking at him with a deadpan expression.
"Now now, I'm sure he didn't mean it.." Yuria said.
"Oh he did! I'll get you for that!" Kisho said with tears in his eyes even if the curse hisses at him but goes to nuzzling Taz happily calm again.
"I..I think we should give him a...a name right?" Miko asked seeing the girls agree.
"Hmmmm..true. So...what should we name him?" Nobara asked.
"....How about Ross?" Yuria said seeing the curse shaking his head.
"Mark?" Nobara said seeing him shake his head.
"..St...steve?" Miko said seeing him shake his head. Taz thinks a little but she blinks to look.
"How about Charlie? Is that okay?" she asked to see him blink but nod as he goes to hop in Taz's arms to lick her cheek. She blinks holding him.
"So Charlie hmm? Alright then, we'll call you Charlie!" she said as the girls were happy. However, the boys were shocked seeing this. That sneaky little punk got the girls to love him! However, when doing so, he shows a snickering grin from the girls to the guys who was seething right now.
"Ohhhh now I get it. Wow, he must cause a lot of trouble around don't he?" Ink asked.
"Hmmm, In a way but he's not bad. He's just a little curse. It's just like Wilson when he was taken out due to be cursed. So I think Charlie will be fine. The other shikigami get along with him. I don't know why he don't get along with big brother and the others though." she mutters wondering about it.
"Well, I'm sure in the future they will get along. I do want them to be happy even with this little guy. Mr. Yaga already made a cute plush for him too so it means he's part of the family now!" she smiled looking at the two sleeping shikigami.
"Speaking of them, where are the guys?" Ink asked.
"Ehhhh they said something about doing some cleaning work around school. I'm sure they will be done before lunch later." she said. This made Ink blink wondering what happened but she gets the feeling it involved Charlie.
Meanwhile with them, they had to clean the classroom due to Charlie's rage so they were cleaning it up before Megumi was brushing something away.
"You know, maybe it was a bad idea to bring him here.." Kisho said only to get bonked on the head hard by Megumi leaving a swollen lump. "OW!"
"He's right. Maybe we just got off on the wrong foot. I'm sure he will be nice....if we try." Yuji said. Moments later, Yuji and Kisho were running out of the classroom with bunnies chasing them.
"COME ON MEGUMI!! WE WERE JUST SAYING!" Yuji said scared as he ran.
"GET YOUR ASSES BACK HERE!!" He shouted chasing them as Kisho and Yuji runs off screaming for their lives. However, they will be sure to finish up the cleaning and maybe think of a way to get better with knowing Charlie. Maybe.
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teaboot · 2 years ago
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
Tagged by @lost-and-cused 💛
Are you named after anyone? Yes, a musician my mother met in Russia!
When was the last time you cried? Huh. I think like, two months back? Trigun '98 episode 23. If you know you know. (I am wrapping u up in a blanket.)
Do you have kids?  Nope! I think I might like to be a foster parent someday, though, once I have the money and the time do it properly.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I- huh. I was gonna say yes, but honestly, not much in the last few years? I used to be so snarky and biting, like, all the time. It must have been really exhausting for the people around me. Now I think mostly it's just when I'm venting. Wild!
What sports do you play/have played?  I dunno if it's a sport if I don't compete but I enjoy martial arts! I do BJJ sometimes but I'm not very good at it, it's just for fun. Oh, and I was on a basketball team for a couple years, but I'm 5'3" and still don't know the rules so I think I was mostly just just for the body count, lol
What's the first thing you notice about other people?  Demeanor. Are you calm or tense? Loose or tightly-wound? Are you likely to explode if you encounter a perceived obstacle? Are you agreeable and easygoing? Or are you pent-up and raw and itching for a fight?
God, I don't think people realize how visibly LOUD they are when they're unhappy.
Some people are like music, moving along to their own little beat or tune, and then a heavy, harsh note walks in and you just KNOW they'll fuck up the rhythm if you brush too close. It's wild. Are they aware of it? Do they care? Who knows.
What's your eye colour?  Brown! Sorta like.... hmmmm. #622a0f in the middle, with a darker ring around the outside. (Never did relate to the 'brown eyes are boring' gang, always liked mine too much. Then again, I was the only one in my family with brown eyes, so maybe it was that.)
Scary movies or happy endings? Scary movies WITH happy endings? But no, actually, I hate watching horror movies. I LIKE them, I think a lot of them are very good and it's an underrated genre, I just. Don't enjoy being scared. Or sad.
Any special talents?  I'm an artist- I enjoy watercolor, acrylic, and India ink as painting mediums, I'm rather good at realistic stippling, I'm decent at identifying animal bones, I enjoy sculpting and sewing and needle-felting, I'm finally at a point where I like to read my own writing, I enjoy interior design and have been told I'm good at it, I'm a pretty good cook, and I've been told I'm a decent singer! I can also fold incredibly tiny origami cranes, and pick up on new languages well enough for simple use.
And I be far more proud of any number of these things if I did them a little more often.
As it is, I sleep a lot.
Where were you born? British Columbia, Canada!
What are your hobbies? Lord, too many. I'm actually sewing a new battle jacket right now, and animating a short video. Also writing fan fiction. And reading! And I like to collect antique books and handmade ceramics and theater masks. And go antiquing. And I'm still learning to knit? Hhhhhhhhrrrrnnggfn I wish I could have a year off to just. Do things. I wanna take a pottery class! And do metalwork again!! I used to love making chain jewelry. Oh, I do beadwork sometimes! And paint! And I'm sloooooowly designing a guest room. Bfyvxuhfhgtjggjhgyu
Do you have any pets? Yes! Big baby bird cat. He lives out of the country now, though.
How tall are you? 160cm!
Favourite subject at school?  Art. And Metalwork. And Psychology. And Literary Analysis. (And lunch break.)
Dream job?  Okay so imagine this: There's a VERY rich eccentric hell-bent on accumulating strange art, and by some miracle they are both mentally stable and not a gigantic dickhead. They travel a lot and don't really enjoy socializing so I don't have to kiss their ass.
Twice a month I receive an automatic deposit into my bank account and in return, all they want is a reasonably steady continued production of literally whatever art. Portraits, statues, robotics, ceramics, conceptual shit, costumes, carvings, literally whatever.
And they'll cover educational expenses for it all so I can go back to college and learn screen printing and 3D animation and use the kiln and shit forever and ever, and take up apprenticeships at tattoo parlors and volunteer as a face painter and pick up photography, and just create as much beauty and love and confusion and joy as I possibly can forever and ever and ever until I die.
And I'll have enough money to own my own apartment that I'll paint in all my favourite colors, with murals and everything, and have a cat who I will of course spoil rotten, and maybe adopt a few weird and goofy kids who'll have sleepovers with their friends in the living room and play new bad music that I pretend to hate, and when they fuck up and do stupid shit like kids do, maybe I'll handle it better than my adults did.
And maybe if they like making stuff too, I can make stuff with them. And maybe I'll get to see them do it better than me. And maybe I'll get to see them do everything better than me. And maybe they'll be happier, too.
So, uh. I guess I'd like to be an artist. A sugar baby-artist? Sugar baby artist combo. I'd like to have a patron is what I mean. A sponsor. Yeah
Fifteen Mutuals*: @Melancholysage @Genderfuckedpigeon @Raspbrrytea @Qthewhatever @Sternenhimmel-mond @Mythosandsuch @Anunholymessofagirl @Ifitistobeitisuptous @Here-you-can-read-my-feelings @Meat-puddle @Catgirlwarrior @Rodeokid @Not-fae-no-sir @Inbox847 @Pip-53
*I have no idea if we're all mutuals but take this anyways
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reccyls · 1 year ago
Sengoku Cat Cafe (3rd party characters edition)
Tumblr media
This is a translation of the bonus cat POV (!!!) stories that are from the castle gacha I got the above image from. There are 3 stories:
3rd party (starring Funiko ≽^•⩊•^≼, a cute little black kitten)
Kasugayama (starring Joururi /ᐠﹷ ‸ ﹷ ᐟ\ノ, a classy calico lady)
Azuchi (starring Kabutomaru /ᐠ ˃ ⤙ ˂ マ Ⳋ, a tough and proud tuxedo boy)
3rd party faction story
(This is a tea shop near Sakai port. Funiko's new home.) (The grandpa who owns this shop just adopted me.) (I'm this shop's maneki-neko, I guess? Anyway, it's time to work today!)
Kicho: I knew it. So this was the store Mai was talking about.
(Ah, it's Mr. Merchant!) (Funiko remembers him from last time, when he came with one of his subordinates.)
Funiko: Meow.
Kicho: ...You look like you're doing well.
(Now that I look closer, he looks like a kind person...)
Motonari: ! What are you doing here... Don't tell me you were taking her seriously...
Kicho: ...Isn't that what you're doing here yourself?
(Hmmm? 'Her'? Who do they mean? What are they talking about?)
Kennyo: This is the place she was talking about... Ah.
Motonari: You too, huh.
Kicho: We're bothering the other guests. Let's head inside first.
Kennyo: It does seem quite crowded, true.
Motonari: There's only one empty table back there.
Kicho: We've got no choice, then. We'll sit together.
Motonari: A "cat cafe", huh. The hell's so good about a place like this anyway...
(Eep, this person is a little scary, maybe...)
Kicho: Motonari, you're scaring the kitten. Don't be too forceful. You have to pet her gently.
Motonari: Hah? Don't tell me what to do.
Kennyo: Come here... There, there, that's a good girl.
Funiko: Mew...
(Ah, there, that spot on my neck, ahhh... He knows all of the best scratching spots...)
Owner: It's just about time for her to eat, so would you like to try feeding her?
(Yay, it's fish time! Funiko loves fish time!)
Motonari: She sure got a dopey look on her face all of a sudden. Reminds me of a certain someone...
(Ahh... He can smile like that too, huh. I wonder who he's talking about?)
Kicho: Pay no mind to Motonari. Come, eat.
Motonari: Heh, smart kid. 'Course she's running to the person holding the spoon.
Funiko: Mya, myaaa!
Kicho: Take it easy. If you eat that fast, you're going to choke.
Kicho: Good girl.
(Phew... now that I'm full, I'm getting sleepy...) (...That looks soft...)
Funiko: Meow, meow...
Motonari: What's she doing, stepping all over my cape?
Kicho: It's called kneading. I've heard that cats engage in such behavior when they feel at ease.
Motonari: ...Wasn't she scared of me a minute ago?
(Ahh, this kimono feels really nice.)
Kennyo: Cats are cautious creatures by nature... but this little one is still a baby. Kennyo: Perhaps she has perceived your true nature, and feels that she can trust you?
Motonari: ...The hell are you implying?
Kennyo: You like small animals, don't you?
Motonari: ...Who knows. Not like I love them.
(Small animals? So, like cats?) (Hmmmm.... sleepy........)
Kicho: ...She's asleep.
Motonari: Oi, don't sleep on that.
Kennyo: Motonari, leave her be.
Kicho: She'll wake up on her own eventually.
(I'm not scared anymore, good night...)
And so, curled up in a soft cape, Funiko had a very good nap.
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blorbologist · 3 months ago
hehehe. hi :3
FMA AU: 🦋 | AooD: 🐜 | Jurassic Park AU: 🤪 or 🎨 | OFS+TFJ: 🎉 | Ruidusborn Percy: 💕 | BDSM Modern AU: 📖
answer as many or as few as you want!! i wanted to touch on multiple AUs >:3 and also search for things i don’t know yet lmao
AU Ask Game
FMA AU: 🦋 ''Share a downstream ‘Butterfly Effect’!
OH! hmmmm... see, the tricky thing is that this AU does broadly follow the plot beats of the manga, right? Some things are shifted around, but you know. Roy/Vex fucks up Envy/Delilah before Envy kills themselves, final fight involves Al/Beau giving their body back to Truth so Ed/Caleb can have his arm back...
I think the biggest butterfly is that our Hughes equivalent, Vax, doesn't die - because Vex, instead of being the Flame Alchemist like Roy is, is the Sewing Life Alchemist. So she can patch him up - or he ends up as a chimera through nefarious means instead. Either way, yahoo! yippee!!
AooD: 🐜 'What’s the smalllllllest change you want to share?'
Ok, hm. Small change:
I'm almost at the point where I'm writing an almost one-to-one replica of the Feast of Imyr. Bar a few tiny details such as...
Loquatius needing new jokes to make fun of Vex's name instead of Purvan's.
Percy either freaking out about Bolo being there or commiserating with her about 'this BAG. not MACHINE.'
Vex and Percy clocking pretty quickly that Dean Hollow was up to no good inviting the Champion of Ravens and behaving accordingly.
That '[S]he was one of us' comment from Hollow about the Matron being really fucking painful for Vex to hear about the Warden
Oh, yeah - and a Gau Drashari is going to Transport Via Plants out of the tree Nydas brought. Hey, hi, sorry! Don't mind Keyleth, she's making a great first impression.
More under the cut!!
Jurassic Park AU: 🤪 'Silliest part of the AU?'
The Briarwoods are collectively sharing John Hammond's role (the more evil book version). They are The capitalist assholes. Something something a necromancer bringing shit back from the dead, something something a vampire not letting things grow old and being a blood sucking billionair. It's perfect. It's awful. Do you see my vision!??!?
or 🎨 'What’s the most creative part of this AU?'
OKAY SO! The og Jurassic Park was written in 1990. A lot of our scientific knowledge has advanced in leaps and bounds since then: not just the paleontology and understanding of dinosaurs, but standards of zookeeping and animal behavior, genetics, computer systems and security, etc.
So most of JP's original failure points don't actually apply if you tried to rewrite this today - and either way they're all very well known. The lysene, the frog DNA breeding, the tracking glitch, the raptors having no fucking enrichment, etc.
The tricky and fun part about this AU is finding new, sensible ways to run the park / protect the guests and dinosaurs / get certified so they can run at all... and still have it go to shit when Vax, Keyleth and co have the introductory tour.
OFS+TFJ: 🎉 'What change are you most proud of?'
DALEN'S CLOSET HAPPENING OVER THE YEAR BREAK. GENIUS MOVE @ ME. Compounded on all the prior changes and gave Delilah a chance for an amazing entrance, and had so much dramatic irony compared to Dalen's Closet in canon.
Ruidusborn Percy: 💕 'How are relationships impacted by the AU?'
Oh god. So: Percy is both a lot more sheltered (no one wants to be friends with a mind-reading rich freak) and is lacking social skills (why bother when he can read minds if he has to?). He is... way less cool and more of a huge pain in the ass until VM can socialize him. like a feral cat. He's probably even closer to Keyleth than canon, and to some degree Grog too (easier to understand what's going on in that thick head), but the twins and Scanlan trust him far less due to not wanting him poking around in their heads.
The thing is, Percy is also acutely aware of all that from when he does slip up and get a grasp of what's going on in their heads.: he can pry behind Vex and Scanlan's masks in a way no one else can, and Vax just doesn't trust the spying potential. (Vex especially is terrified of Percy seeing her budding feelings, once that pops up, so she's slower to fall for him.)
I think things probably improve once Percy gets something like Imogen's circlet to block out the influx of thoughts - then he becomes extremely awkward and bumbling without that fallback of information and everyone goes 'oh wow he's harmless and also down SO bad for Vex he doesn't know what to do with himself'.
BDSM Modern AU: 📖 'What’s The defining moment of your AU?'
I think The moment I think of in my head about this AU is... Percy working on Vex's custom toy after he finds out it's for her. Getting very hot under the collar (HAH!) and trying so very hard to keep his cool. It's that tension I'm most excited about - but of course this is a BDSM AU! They'll likely start playing together before romantic feelings pop up (but after Percy comes clean ofc)! Which is its own bag of worms. sexy, sexy, writhing worms.
Also just like. All the horny tied up (HAH) with Percy's character growth and healing as he realizes that he's a switch, not a firm dom as he'd forced himself to believe for the longest time due to #trauma. muah!
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demon-blood-youths · 2 years ago
Scales and Stripes - Part 1 || Drabble
This is a drabble for my lovely rper partner @the-silver-peahen-residence, this has been on my mind for a while and thanks to Peahen's drabble the other day. This pushes me to write this in a good way!
A bond between the dragon and weretiger
P.S Please read it if you love Atsushi! But please! Peahen's writing is entertaining and good-feeling to read!
That said...I want to add a continuation drabble of hers as a bonus. Now here are some warnings.
--- Characters ---
Ink Vanguard, my OC
Atsushi Nakajima, a canon muse from BSD that my rp partner, Peahen-mun is rping as.
---- Guests----
Matt Knack from my sideblog @lovelyxhorrors
Ryunosuke Akutagawa from Bungo Stray Dogs, a canon muse that Peahen rps as well. Not only him but also Dazai and Kunkida.
---- Caution ---
---- Summary ---
After the situation, Atsushi is now finding a way to mark Ink as his own. But he would be challenged when he heard news between Ink and Matt. What would happen?
"Wait! He's going to do what??!" Atsushi couldn't believe his ears as he overhear this between Dazai and Kunkida. "I said...Chuya told me that Matt....you know..aka..Killer Night..is fighting Ink again. He slipped up when I was teasing him. Something about him having to deal with Pete...the bug guy bugging him." Dazai chuckles.
"But why?!" Atsushi said.
"Why was I teasing him?" Dazai asked making the weretiger sighs.
"I mean why Matt is fighting Ink?!" Atsushi asked seriously.
"Didn't Ink told you? " Kunkida asked to which the weretiger shake his head. Dazai explains, "Chuya told me that she and he always do sparring matches every three months." Dazai explained. Atsushi blinked. Three months. "Then when she and his fight be at? When?"
"I didn't ask. Maybe you could ask her, Atsushi. Knowing you, you probably worried sick!" Dazai smiles.
"Of course! I am worried sick! Did you all forget what Killer Night is capable of?!"
"We know quite well..." Kunkida had to recall that disturbing memory when Matt show up in Yokohama. He also brought down several gangs. It helped Port Mafia in some way in getting rid of their rivals without getting their hands dirty. From what he heard, the Lovely Horrors are a criminal organization but aren't focus on gaining money or power. Just killing for the sake of it. A way to live. He doesn't know why such a group exists. Their ideals is something that clashes with his. But it's a good thing that they stayed inside a forest.
"Hmmmm...." Atsushi needs to talk to Ink. Maybe he should call her. Right away, Atsushi goes to do that.
"Where are you going?"
"Calling Ink!"
"Ah...young love~!" Dazai hums making Kunkida sigh. Minutes later, Atsushi calls and wants to meet up with her over something important. They meet up on a rooftop.
"Yeah! We have to fight." Ink said it as if she isn't concerned about it making the weretiger more worried.
"But why?!" Atsushi didn't understand. From what he heard from Ranpo and Dazai, Matt is a killer. A monster of his own. He had to recall what happened when Iron Titan is defeated. Matt came by and just kill him like nothing. So why would Ink want to fight Matt or rather...why did Matt wanted to fight her? No, why do both have to fight each other?!
"It's a demon thing." Ink said making Atsushi dumbfounded. Huh?
"Besides...it's a just fight! I always fight him every three months or when he calls me. It's more like trying to one up on me!" Ink smiles.
"But.... from what I heard on the presentation you guys did. You sound like enemies."
"Not anymore but we're not friends either. It's more like....having boundaries. My friends don't like them. As for me...I don't hate them or like them. Matt especially. Hmmm...." Ink tries to think of this, "He's like a rival to me. I don't like his way of life but he doesn't make excuses for it. He's just a guy who does what he wants to do. Also....he gives it his all and puts effort into it. I kinda respect that so I will not hold nothing back too.."
"I see." Atsushi tries to understand where Ink is coming from. But Matt is a murderer and a killer from the darkness and Ink is.....the light. Atsushi couldn't describe it. The idea of someone hurting Ink like Matt made him anxious. No, upset.
"If it's alright...can I come?" Atsushi asked, making Ink turn her head at him, "I'm afraid don't understand." He admits. "But if I can come, I can understand a little further." But that's not entirely the reason. He wants to make sure the Lovely Horrors don't try anything.
Ink then smiles. "Alright, Atsushi. Shdwkyz is going to be with us too so I will let him know that you're coming as well." Ink smiles. Atsushi nods with a small smile. "Okay." With that, Atsushi is now joining as he now knows the date, place, and time of their fight.
He needs to make sure to protect her if anything goes wrong.
--- Pine Barrens, New Jeresy ----
When Shdwkyz heard that Atsushi is joining. He is surprised to hear this and isn't against it. Shdwkyz is aware of this along with a few others like Hellmare and Fosh. If the entire fraction knew, they would act recklessly. Shdwkyz wonders if Atsushi knows anything besides the PowerPoint presentation he was presented. Ink had to take a different path to meet up with Matt on the clearing.
"So how are you feeling?" Shdwkyz asked him and sees Atsushi blink.
"Well...a bit nervous." He answers.
"You mean anxious?" Shdwkyz replied.
"Hm?" Atsushi blinked. Shdwkyz clarifies, "I know why you're doing this. You don't trust the Lovely Horror not to butt on this one-on-one. I know because you saw how Matt dealt with Iron Titan." He said. Atsushi sighs. "Yes. I still don't understand why Ink has to fight him. Why is that?"
"If you want the whole story. It all started when the Lovely Horrors attacked the West Upper side of Manhattan, Harlem, and Washington Heights."
"That's where the Lupins lived!" Atsushi exclaimed. Shdwkyz nods and continues, "Yes. Apparently, one of the LH's members is a former member of the Lupins who has a grudge against them. Jason. Sometimes about being involved in the death of their former leader and being exiled. So it's revenge. Jason brought his squadron and attack their turf. Jason and Joshua happened to be there so we came over. Then Jason kidnapped some of our friends and brought them to New Jersey. So we planned a rescue mission. Along the way, we first had another fraction from Philly who had issues dealing with them as well. We managed to get into one of the New Jeresian strongholds. That's where Ink fought Matt. I wasn't there, Rust who saw the fight."
"Then what happened?" Atsushi asked.
"Both almost killed each other to the point where their injuries looked to be fatal. They didn't stop until they used up every bit of their strength before fainting." Shdwkyz said it made Atsushi's eyes widen, "Ink managed to pull through despite losing a lot of blood and suffering injuries thanks to Ophelia and others from the Philly fractions."
"And Matt?" Atsushi heard this as he couldn't believe this.
"Survived too. Don't know how but Rust told me that he should of died when Ink slash vertically. It's like those two are in a league of their own. From what I tell you, they made a deal before their fight. If Ink wins, Matt should not attack New York ever again. But there is some kind of deal between them."
"I see." Atsushi sighed. "Then....what if Matt wins?"
Shdwkyz looks away before looking at him saying, "If Matt wins, he would get her head as a trophy." That made Atsushi freeze when he told him straight out.
Shdwkyz almost thought that Atsushi is going to kill somebody with that look in his eyes. He swore that he saw his eyes change tiger when he widen his eyes. Scary.
"And....Ink is okay with that?!" He asked angrily. The idea of Matt getting her head as a trophy to mount somewhere. It made the tiger within growl at such a deal.
Shdwkyz sighs, staring into his tiger eyes with his serpentine eyes. "You know Ink as much as I do, Atsushi. Ink is straightforward as she gets."
Atsushi closes his fists. It's true. Ink is the kind of person to put herself on the line like that. Even if it gets her to kill. But why didn't she mention that? Matt is also her rival just like Kali. "Okay...since Ink wins. Why is she continuing to fight him? Is Matt trying to win to overturn that deal?"
"Not exactly..." Shdwkyz said.
"But why???" Atsushi asked making the masked phantom sigh. "Even I don't know maybe...because they like fighting each other without holding back. I can't explain because Ink tells me that you should know when you feel it."
Atsushi raises a brow at this.
"And even watching their fights...I kinda get it but don't get it. Every time I see them fight, it's like watching monsters going at me. I think both of them are adrenaline junkies. That's what I think." He said, leave it at that. Atsushi still doesn't like this but he would support Ink from the sidelines. As they got to the meeting point. They're on top of a great hill where below from a distance. There's the battlefield. A clearing where it is surrounded by pine trees. Standing in the middle, Atsushi recgonized that figure. It's Matt Knack. And coming out of the forest, Ink is walking towards them. They begin to talk with smiles on their faces.
Are they truly rivals? Atsushi narrows his eyes at this, grabbing at his chest.
"Atsushi," Shdwkyz called his name, getting his attention. "Yes?" Then someone steps forward, someone wearing a black cloth and a ghostly mask approaches and what's followed by a hulking monster with a boar's face and insectoid body.
"Hello. My name is Sid. I'm here to act as a referee and make sure that no one interferes in this fight. This is Pete who would be monitoring." Pete, the boar monster bows his head at the group, "Are you part of Van Ink the Dragon's fraction? I know you are, Phantom Slasher. But who is this? I think I see you before." Sid speaks.
"This is Atsushi Nakajima." Shdwkyz introduces him to Sid.
"Uh yes! I'm here as support like Shdwkyz." Atsushi nods his head, "My name is Atsushi Nakajima. It's uh..nice to meet you?" Atsushi is a bit unsettled by the other's attire but he did hear that Lovely Horror can be a scary group of people.
"A pleasure to meet you." Sid bowed and then the two heard a voice.
"I never expected to see you, weretiger." This got Atsushi to blink. One that is familiar to Atsushi. He looks over to Sid's right and widens his eyes.
"Ryunsouke Akutagawa???" Atsushi sees the hellhound of Port Mafia. "What are you doing here?!" He asked him suspiciously but before he transforms. Ryunosuke holds up his hand which confuses him.
"I'm here to watch the fight." Ryunosuke explained himself.
"I'm with Killer Night and Lovely Horrors, weretiger. So I'm not interested in fighting you for tonight, weretiger." Ryunosuke said looking over to Ink and Matt speaking to one another down there. This got Atsushi dumbfounded. Shdwkyz narrows his eyes at this. "Ah. You're with Port Mafia." Shdwkyz said, finally remembering.
"Indeed I am," Ryunosuke answered.
"And don't forget me! But I'm not part of it anymore!" A child that is no older than 13 is sitting on top of Pete. Their hair is duo-tone, left side white and right side black. Wearing a small hat tilted on the side and wears clothes such as a white shirt with suspenders. Plus they are carrying a weird odd doll. "Name's Yumeno."
Wait! He's here too?! Atsushi looks nervous.
Shdwkyz looks over to Atsushi for an explanation. "Yes. Akutagawa Ryunsouke is part of Port Mafia and part of the attack group, the Black Lizard. Yumeno is also part of Port Mafia as well." The white-haired male explains to the masked phantom.
"Not anymore." Ryunosuke corrects him."
"I see. Interesting. But why are you here? I never thought Port Mafia and Lovely Horrors would continue their relationship after what happened in Japan." Shdwkyz asked.
"We benefit from each other, yes, and still are. But I am here of my own volition, that's all." Ryunosuke said, putting his hands in his pockets.
"Ryunosuke is correct. We are on friendly terms with Port Mafia and Mr. Akutagawa here is here of his own choice, watching the fight." Sid confirms. Shdwkyz sighs, accepting that for now.
"Shall we get started? I will let Matt that we're all here." Sid said and Pete orders a firefly to let Matt know that everyone is in place.
"Oh. Looks like they're all up there." Matt smiles as he has a firefly on his finger, flickering its lightbulb. Ink sees this and grips her greatsword tightly. The firefly flies away and then Matt brings out his dual combat knives, twirling them in his hands and gripping them in his grasp. Both fighters are in position.
"Get ready...." Ink whose face is now into a thrill-seeker smile as Matt grins, matching her expression
The fight has now begun as Matt brings up his two knives and Ink holds her greatsword, Wyvern.
"Let us begin," Sid said. And with that! Two fighters lunged at each other. Right now, Shdwkyz and Sid watched the fight with amused expressions. Ryunosuke watched the battle with intent while Atsushi watched in amazment. During this fight, Matt is going to swipe at Ink with his knives but Ink is on the defensive before she goes to slam her sword, using the flat side of her blade as a shield holding it sideways but in an offensive way, slamming him away from her. When Matt pushed away, Ink raises her sword and slams down but the killer quickly moves away and stabs her on the leg.
This got Atsushi widen his eyes. First blood!
Ink counters attacks by elbowing Matt in the face the moment Matt stabs her leg before she kicks him with her uninjured leg. Matt hits the tree making Ryunosuke bite his bottom lip. Already the match started and these two are going at it. Shdwkyz is unphased by this, knowing how these fights go. But he is concerned about how Atsushi is taking this as he watches.
Ink and Matt go at it each other, parrying each other with their respective weapons. Matt jumps back and uses the tree bark as a launching pad before he kicks Ink with two feet like a straight cannon, sending her into the trees. Matt lands back on his feet. With a roar, Ink rushes in with great force and swings downwards at the ground, upheaving the ground under them. Matt staggers a bit giving Ink a chance as she jumps up and swings her sword once more. Matt darted under her and grabs her leg, slamming her across the ground, pushing one rubble down. Making the ground more uneven due to the sheer power of these demons.
This is...Atsushi can't believe what he's looking at. They're fighting like it's real. Yet and yet....they keep on smiling no matter the injuries.
"I think Matt will win this round even after several draws." Ryunosuke calmly said, snapping Atsushi out of it. He listens to him. "Matt is too fast for her. Her swings give her too much leeway for him to attack." Ryunosuke keeps talking. "She's strong no doubt but Matt is stronger than her in terms of speed and strength. Her strength and optimism could only get her so far. "
"I disagreed."
"Hm?" Ryunosuke raised a brow at this.
"I think Ink would beat Matt. She is the strongest. I know for sure.." Said Atsushi. "After everything so far, Ink can defeat Matt. After all, she did beat him before? No matter how much Matt trains. Ink always pulls through." Then he hears a scoff. A scoff from Ryunosuke Akutagawa. "You think so?"
"O-of course! If there's one thing that Ink has is enduring all those hits and keep on going. Look!" Atsushi said as Ink grips her sword and tries to slash but misses Matt as he quickly evades. Ink rolls over and stands up. She stabs the sword into the ground and lifts herself up, using the sword's grip as a pole to spin her body around and kick Matt to which the killer holds up his arm to defend himself from the hit.
"If that was true, why is she holding back? Sure I admit that she fought well in Yokohama but she isn't versatile like Matt. He doesn't only use knives you know. He is good in hand-to-hand combat and quick at his feet." Ryunosuke said as Matt goes to dive a knife in Ink's shoulder when Ink is on her feet. Ink winces before she kicks him at the knee before she pulls her sword out from the ground, delivering an arc swing at his waist. Since the blade is thick. It doesn't cut when using the flat side of it. She sent Matt flying across the trees. A loud crash is heard.
"Yes well...I could say the same for Matt though. Ink is quick on her feet." Atusshi retorted."
"If that's what you think. Fine, but Matt defeated Iron Titan." Ryunosuke brings a point up.
"You mean...Ink defeated Iron Titan." Atsushi corrects him. Shdwkyz raises a brow hearing Atsushi's curt retort while Sid stands there, not saying anything. Pete and Yumeno just blinked.
"When I mean by defeat. I mean kill. She hasn't killed him. Matt finished the job for her." Ryunsouke narrows his eyes at him.
"There is no reason to-"
"There was. That corrupt pro-hero has threatened New York twice. If I were her, I would end the threat by killing him. Matt did so, and he doesn't live in the state of New York. If she continues to hold back, she will lose. I expect more from her though."
"We just started the match!" Atsushi said angrily.
"And your point is?" Ryunosuke asked.
"My point is...sooner or later, Ink will win this match and beat Matt!" Atsushi said. "That's my point."
"You sound so sure..." Ryunosuke said, narrowing his eyes at him.
"I am! Besides...why are you really here anyway?!" Atsushi asked.
"It's quite obvious. I'm here as a support like you are." Ryunosuke said. Support? Does that mean...Ryunosuke is here for Matt?! But why? He doesn't see Ryunosuke caring for Matt. He only cares about Dazai and his sister, Gin. But Killer Night of all people?
"You seem surprised. I admired his strength and I want to see him go full out against this dragon." Ryunosuke said. Atsushi crosses his arms, "W-well...so I am! I always want to see Ink too going full-out at this insane killer!"
"Insane. Killer?" Ryunosuke twitched an eye. Sid sees this. Yumeno goes 'uh-oh' while Pete knows for sure, Ryunosuke didn't like that. It sounded like Atsushi talks about Matt like some lowly criminal.
"First off...I don't know where you get off acting so arrogant, weretiger. Matt would skin that dragon alive if she is not careful." This made Atsushi grit his teeth at this as Ryunosuke keeps on talking, "From what I heard, she is a reckless buffoon waving a sword around without a plan. If you asked me, she is lucky that Matt killed that lowly pro-hero. She should be grateful to him!"
"Grateful?!" Atsushi exclaimed. "Last time I checked, wasn't Matt there because one of his members messing around and spreading drugs in Yokohoma causing a mess. If anything, Matt should be grateful to her and her friends for helping him out and everything by cleaning up his mess!" Atsushi argued.
"What?!" Ryunosuke glares. Shdwkyz and Sid watched this with pure amusement. It's like....two lovers talking about their partners and comparing them who's the best at fighting and who beats who.
"That's right! Ink has done a lot more for Japan than Matt ever has! What does he do?! Kill some rival gang members! That's not new! How is that impressive?! That's what you and Port Mafia do every day."
"You-! And what about Ink?! Hm? What kind of person do reckless things! Besides...with her great attack, she didn't knock Iron Titan out of commission! So no...she hasn't won against Iron Titan in Yokohama! I don't count that as a win at all. "
"Winning doesn't mean killing someone! It means either being knocked out or giving up. Ink hasn't given up!" Atsushi points out.
"Oh! And what about when Ink got attacked at her party-" This got Atsushi glowered hearing, "You-!"
"Now come on...there is no uh..." Pete begins to break them up, stepping forward.
"Stay out of this!" Atsushi and Ryunosuke told Pete who is surprised by this. Yumeno is eating popcorn watching this.
"Pete. Please stay back." Sid said.
"Why's that?" Pete asked.
"I have a feeling there's going to be a second match here," Sid replied calmly.
"Oh?" Shdwkyz said as he seems interested in this turn of events. He can see Atsushi and Ryunosuke ready to fight now. "So should we do something about this?"
"Hmmm....I suppose a match would be in order. Stopping them now won't do much. I think letting them fight to release their pent-up energy might work." Sid said while Ryunosuke and Atsushi kept on arguing.
"You know what?! I had enough of this! If you're so sure if the dragon win, weretiger! I challenge you! I won't allow you to insult Matt like that any further!" Ryunosuke summoned Rashmon who now growls at the weretiger
"Is that right! That's fine by me! I won't let you talk badly about Ink either!"
Should I do something? Shdwkyz stares. 'Probably not...'
To be continued.
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Preview of Sick Boyfriend visits the Purityverse
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Sick BF: *mind* Hmmmm....I wonder what type of other universes they have, plus I didn't know they have different verisons of heaven. There so many things I wanna explore.
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Sick BF: *yawns* I should probably get some sleep, Mmmmmmmm....*sigh* I miss Drugfriend, he's probably worried about me right now, But I have to wait till Friday afternoon for the portal to open. *sigh* I might as well get some sleep. Huh?
Sick Boyfriend looked up on the ceiling, there were stars everywhere and they were making him sleepy.
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Sick Boyfriend's eyes started to slowly close as when he saw the stary ceiling.
Sick BF: Wow, Pretty stars, It's making me....feel...very....sleepy....
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Sick Boyfriend fell straight to sleep from that.
Wednesday, 8AM
The next day.....
The Sun was dimming through the window.
Sick BF: Mmm! Ow, too bright!
Sick Boyfriend got up and rubbed his eyes.
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Sick BF: *groans* W-What time is it?
Sick Boyfriend looked at his phone where it was on the nightstand, he opened his phone.
Sick BF: Woah! 8:00 am already?! I must've sleep too deeply
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Sick BF: *yawn* mmm~ Man, Drugfriend wasn't kidding when he said I slept like an angel...
*knock knock*
Sick BF: Oh who is it?
Angel maid: It's me, Melissa!
Sick BF: Oh come in.
*opens the door*
Melissa: Hey, Miss Monika told me you need some fresh towels so I...
Melissa stopped when she saw something.
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Sick BF: What's wrong? Is everything okay?
Melissa's vision: What she sees:
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???: *growls*
Melissa: *whimpering*😰
Sick BF: Uhh Mel, Are you sure you're ok-
Melissa: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *zoomed away*
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Sick Boyfriend was confused and speechless of what just happened.
Sick BF: I....uhhhhh......*mind* What the funk just happened?😳😶, Hmm? Oh yeah, I might as well get up and go shower.
Sick Boyfriend got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower.
Purity Monika: So what's this I hear about a monster, Melissa?
Melissa: (trembling) I-I'm telling you! I saw a monster and I think it ate our guest! I saw it with my own eyes!
Purity Sayori: Are you sure you saw a monster?
Purity Monika: *sigh* Melissa, maybe it's probably Sick Boyfriend with a bed head that's all.
Purity Monika: Okay Okay!
Purity Monika opened the door, she saw that no one was there.
Purity Monika: Hmm?
Melissa: Did you see anything?😫
Purity Monika: *hears humming from the bathroom* Oh I know where he is, it's coming from the bathroom.
Melissa: M-My lady, be careful!
*knock knock*
Sick BF: *opens the shower curtain a little* Huh? Who is it?
Purity Monika: It's me, Purity Monika.
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Sick BF: oh uh, I'll be out in a minute!
Purity Monika: Okay but uh Melissa thought there was a monster in your room.
Sick BF: Oh that? That was just me with my bed head, I think she must've thought I was the monster.
Purity Monika: *to Melissa* See, I told you.😒
Melissa: Heh heh Oops.😅
Purity Sayori: I think you owe him a apology.
Sick BF: No No No No, it's fine, it was just a misunderstanding!
Purity Monika: Uh Okay then, well make sure you don't take too long, your breakfast might get cold.
Sick BF: Don't worry, I'll hurry up.
Purity Monika: Okay
Melissa: I'm terribly sorry about that, my ladies!
Purity Monika: *sigh* It's fine, besides I know you're new here and probably didn't know about stuff that humans do.
Purity Sayori: Well we must as well get back downstairs for our duties.
This is a preview for part 2, Part 2 will come out in 2024
Merry almost Christmas!
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katyspersonal · 2 years ago
i know it is a very obscure (nonexistent tbh haha) ship but i imagined edgar and iosefka having been a thing at some point and the vial in the nightmare belonging to him as one last gift from her. i don't know if it makes sense though haha
Oh, it DOES make sense! :> A lot of it. I have been suggesting this idea as an alternative to why Iosefka's vial is in the Nightmare of Mensis... As appealing as 'Iosefka is a detractor from Mensis that just tries to forget and repress' theory is, that alternative is just really nice too! ...Although...
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Hmmmm what about headcanons
🩹 Iosefka is a kind woman but she can also be strict! This is a good combination of traits for someone close with Edgar, as he could get hot-headed, overly stressed because of minor things, petty, or even passive-aggressive at times. Trust issues, being a huge nerd and his parents straight up liking his cheeky close friend more than him ensured some emotional barriers, but when Iosefka would see that he is sulking and being immature, she could reason him into calming down and an open communication. And when Edgar cooperates (sooner or later), she becomes soft and willing to give him all kisses and hugs.
🔎 He, on the other hand, can at times get very emotional over the fact that Iosefka is so willing (and capable) of handling him at the moment of pettiness and cold anger and give her even MORE kisses and hugs! Even squeezing her too hard in his embrace. Other times when he gets emotional and can't help excessive display of physical affection is when Iosefka is being very smart. For example, her coming up with removing the red cells from her own holy blood is a brilliant idea for several reasons. Like, she could be explaining some discovery or an interesting thing she knows about medicine, and he just LOVES all this devotion and insightfulness. He has weakness for people that think very deep, in general, knowing that being educated and reading a lot doesn't automatically mean a person is smart. It is all about attitude!
🩹 None of them is actually good at basic life skills! It is not that they don't know how to cook, clean, plan, organize, spend etc, but more that they are both a bit dysfunctional. There is never "enough time in the day" for them to do everything they needed, because Iosefka would overdo her duties as hospital overseer somehow even without any patients, Edgar would get busy reading a lot about the things he'll never need or work out practice with the sword… Like, half of their time they are wasting together discussing things, another half they entirely devote to their occupations. In modern era, it'd be a type of couple that always orders delivery of ready food because none cooked or even pay a maid to clean the house. In where they are, they will often go to friends for "help" with it xD Like, going as guests at someone's place late in evening, looking all guilty and making puppy eyes to let them share dinner with this person fdsjhfhgs
🔎 For some reason, Iosefka feels shy every other time she finds him attractive? xD As goofy as it sounds to feel horny when her literal boyfriend is idk, being shirtless or whispers nice things to her, but this is how she is? She just... can't really get used to it, every time feels like a goddamn discovery т.т
🩹 He will at times lift her up in his arms to carry her down/up the stairs or over a hard-to-walk area. But it is not that he is trying to be romantic or overly-attentive, but rather he keeps himself in a good physical shape and uses such moments as a reason to lift up something heavy. Just not tell Iosefka about it, she will pout if she learns xd
🔎 They at times discuss a possible future where they'd quit their jobs for good and adopt many children to take care of. To forsaken their very grim past in which they allowed a lot of bad things happen with children (both Orphanage and School of Mensis; some corpses in the cages in Yahar'gul are kids!). They try to not dwell too much on it; Edgar copes with the fact that if not becoming Kin, those children could've still became beasts or be eaten by them, Iosefka because she will not be able to mentally handle it if she REALLY thinks about it. For people not good at handling even their own daily lives, they have created very elaborate, very optimistic and far-planned image of what their better life will be like "when it is all over". Honestly, simply dreaming in this setting is already good enough to stay human.
🩹 Speaking of, as I keep saying, my version of Edgar "officially" turned on Choir and sided with Micolash because in his mind, Micolash and School of Mensis "made more sense", whereas Choir he believed met the dead end. Needless to mention not providing enough autonomy with all that "only things Stars allow you to see uwu" instead of ALL of the Truth..... But in this case, with Iosefka, Edgar would certainly be more in touch with humanity! Roots of doubting the Choir here come not from their ways seeming less efficient, but from Edgar (re)discovering worth of being a human. So, in Iosefka ship AU, Edgar losing sanity to Micolash would come not from appealing to his "heretical" yearning for more efficient contact with the cosmic horrors than sheltered, controlled Choir ways, but to Micolash pressuring hard on how there is no way for Edgar to go back and reclaim his human life after all he's done (or allowed to be done) and the only courage he could show is to commit to forsaking the humanity. I just find it bittersweet how different a person can be depending on who they are intimate with!
🔎 He is used to cut his hair short by now, but he does like Iosefka's long hair and playing with it. That made him realize he wanted to grow long hair so she could, too, braid it and decorate it with pins and ribbons x)
🩹 Now that I think of it, following the interpretation that Iosefka and imposter are twins, that makes Edgar and Iosefka potentially both people that did not click with Choir very well. And even more potential - that both aligned with School of Mensis instead, be it Micolash's charisma or the promises of Mensis' institution in general. In fact, there are many things that could be done about these factors - down to Edgar not being "taken" by Nightmare of Mensis but simply leaving for a work shift or whatnot sdhjffghds Nothing can be 100% proven about conditions with which Edgar is there, it is From's game! But no matter what, all boils down to how they're both non-conforming. Iosefka is more passively so - she (used to be) a pushover externally but still having her own mind internally. And, again, messing with the formula of holy blood itself! And Edgar is an individualist questioning any dogmas if he sees it fit, symbolizing wish to use his own head hardly ever wearing Blindfold Cap and now not wearing Mensis Cage.
Thank you for an ask! Honestly, this is an absolutely valid rareship and I support it x)
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thorntonkrell-blog-blog · 1 year ago
Once upon a time, Ringo Starr was guesting on a New York City talk show. Wild Bill was in the audience. At the close of the show Ringo offered a Q and A session. Wild Bill grabbed the mike and asked Ringo "what drummer do you like the best?". Ringo thought for a minute and replied "Cozy Cole"
Cozy Cole was a prominent American jazz drummer known for his versatile playing style and rhythmic precision. Cozy's most famous recording released in 1958 was Topsy Part Two.
Cozy's influence impacted jazz and popular music including Ringo and thus the Beatles. Cozy epitomized precise technique, solid time keeping and innovative accents and fills. Cozy had a hit record in 1958 called Topsy Part 2. I loved that song as apparently so did Ringo. I always wondered if there was a Topsy Part One". I just learned that Topsy had its origins as a jazz standard. The original "Topsy" was composed by Eddie Durham and was recorded in the 1930s. It was a popular tune in the swing era, and various artists recorded their interpretations of it.
If we go back a little further, we remember the Battle of the Current and the electrified, experimental murder of Topsy the elephant.
Topsy was a circus elephant who gained notoriety due to the sensational circumstances of her death. At the turn of the century, just before the turn of the century and just after the invention of the lightbulb, Topsy was involved in several incidents, including the accidental killing of a spectator who fed her a lit cigarette. (Note:Do not feed an elephant a lit cigarette). Topsy was ruled both dangerous and guilty.
Hmmmm. What do we do with a criminal pachyderm. Anybody got any Ideas?
Hey, let's send her to a zoo instead of a carnival. Hey, let's sell her to another circus and change her name. Hey, let's ask Thomas Edison. Tom Edison was always involved in bright ideas as we all know. At this time, Tom was in a battle with George Westinghouse known as the "War of Currents". Edison was the champion of direct current while Westinghouse was the king of alternating current. Edison was looking for a way to demonstrate the dangers of alternating current. Somebody or something could get electrocuted.
And there was a killer elephant that needed justice and there was a place called Coney Island which contained as many light bulbs as the rest of the world put together.
Topsy found herself at the intersection of public safety concerns, animal welfare considerations and the ambition of inventors and industrial magnates. Coney Island was a symbol of the new century's exuberance and technological advancement. The abundance of light bulbs and electrified spectacles showcased the profound, transformative influence of electricity. Tom Edison recognized the power of demonstration and spectacle in shaping public opinion. He proposed electrocuting Topsy at Coney Island and selling tickets to the event.
On January 4, 1903, Topsy was fed carrots laced with potassium cyanide to ensure a lethal dose before the electrocution. She was led to a designated location in the park. She was chained and harnessed. Earlier that day, technicians and electricians had set up the wiring connections needed to deliver the direct current. My great uncle Jack was one of the technicians. For the rest of his life, he regretted his participation this event. He suffered from nightmares. He repeated the story over and over again as if repeating the story would make it all go away.
I don't know if the song Topsy written in 1930 had anything to do with the death of Topsy the elephant. I don't know if Cozy Cole or Ringo Starr had any idea about Topsy. I know Wild Bill did as I had repeated the story of Uncle Jack to him many times before he got a chance to question Ringo.
This story you've shared offers a humorous anecdote involving Ringo Starr, the legendary drummer of The Beatles, and a fictional character named Wild Bill. "Cozy" Cole was a notable American jazz drummer who had several hits, most famously "Topsy Part 2."
While the actual details and authenticity of this anecdote might be fictional or embellished, it captures the spirit of humor often present in such celebrity interactions. Drummers often have immense respect for their peers, and Ringo, known for his wit and charm, would surely have appreciated the opportunity to mention a drummer he admired.
Give me more information on Cozy Cole.ChatGPT
Certainly! Cozy Cole was a prominent American jazz drummer known for his versatile playing style and rhythmic precision. Here are some key points about him:
Early Life: Cozy Cole was born William Randolph Cole on October 17, 1909, in East Orange, New Jersey. He began playing drums at a young age and quickly established himself as a skilled percussionist.
Career: Cole's career spanned several decades, during which he played with some of the most renowned jazz musicians of his time. He was known for his work with the bands of Benny Carter, Willie "The Lion" Smith, and Cab Calloway, among others.
"Topsy": One of Cozy Cole's most famous recordings is "Topsy Part 2," released in 1958. This instrumental track, based on Eddie Durham's "Topsy," became a hit and showcased Cole's dynamic drumming style.
Versatility: Beyond his jazz affiliations, Cozy Cole demonstrated versatility by playing in various settings, including swing, big band, and even early R&B contexts. His ability to adapt to different musical environments highlighted his proficiency as a drummer.
Legacy: Cozy Cole's influence on drumming can be observed in his precise technique, solid timekeeping, and innovative use of drum accents and fills. He left a lasting impact on the jazz and popular music scenes of his era.
Later Years and Passing: Cozy Cole continued to perform and record throughout his life. He passed away on January 29, 1981, but his contributions to music remain celebrated by fans and fellow musicians alike.
In summary, Cozy Cole was a highly respected drummer whose career encompassed various facets of jazz and popular music. His recordings and performances continue to be appreciated by those interested in the evolution of drumming and jazz music history.
Was there a Topsy part 1ChatGPT
Yes, the track "Topsy" has its origins as a jazz standard. The original "Topsy" was composed by Eddie Durham and was recorded in the 1930s. It was a popular tune in the swing era, and various artists recorded their interpretations of it.
Cozy Cole's "Topsy Part 2" is a more famous rendition and was released in 1958. This recording is an instrumental that builds on the original "Topsy," featuring a prominent drum solo by Cole. The energetic and dynamic nature of "Topsy Part 2" contributed to its success and enduring popularity.
While "Topsy Part 2" is the version most commonly associated with Cozy Cole, the roots of the song trace back to the earlier "Topsy" composition by Eddie Durham.
Cozy's influence impacted jazz and popular music including Ringo and thus the Beatles. Cozy epitomized precise technique, solid time keeping and innovative accents and fills. Cozy had a hit record in 1958 called Topsy Part 2. I loved that song as apparently so did Ringo. I always wondered if there was a Topsy Part One". I just learned that Topsy had its origins as a jazz standard. The original "Topsy" was composed by Eddie Durham and was recorded in the 1930s. It was a popular tune in the swing era, and various artists recorded their interpretations of it.ChatGPT
It's fascinating to trace the connections and influences between musicians across different eras and genres. Cozy Cole's contribution to music, particularly his rendition of "Topsy Part 2," undoubtedly left an impression on many listeners and fellow musicians, including Ringo Starr of The Beatles.
The jazz standard "Topsy," originally composed by Eddie Durham and popularized in the swing era, serves as the foundational piece from which subsequent versions, including Cozy Cole's, emerged. This evolution and reinterpretation of musical compositions are intrinsic to the dynamic nature of music, where ideas and melodies are continually reshaped and reimagined by artists.
Discovering the origins and interconnectedness of songs and artists can deepen our appreciation for the rich tapestry of musical history. It's a testament to the enduring influence and legacy of artists like Cozy Cole, whose impact resonates through the decades and continues to inspire new generations of musicians and listeners.
If we go back a little further, we remember the Battle of the current and the electrified, experimental murder of Topsy the elephant. ChatGPT
Yes, the tragic story of Topsy the elephant is a dark chapter in the history of animal treatment and the early days of electric power. Topsy was a circus elephant who gained notoriety due to the circumstances surrounding her death.
In the late 1800s, Topsy was involved in several incidents, including the accidental killing of a spectator who fed her a lit cigarette. As a result, she was deemed dangerous, and there were debates about how to handle her.
Thomas Edison's company became involved in Topsy's fate as part of the so-called "War of Currents," a rivalry between Edison's direct current (DC) system and George Westinghouse's alternating current (AC) system. Edison, in an attempt to discredit the dangers of AC power, suggested using Topsy in a public demonstration of the dangers of high-voltage AC electricity.
In January 1903, Topsy was fed carrots laced with potassium cyanide and electrocuted using AC current. The event was filmed, and the footage was distributed, further amplifying the spectacle and controversy surrounding Topsy's death.
The circumstances of Topsy's execution raise ethical questions about animal treatment, the use of animals in public demonstrations, and the lengths to which individuals and companies might go to promote their interests. The story of Topsy serves as a somber reminder of the intersection of technology, entertainment, and ethics during a transformative period in history.
Topsy was a circus elephant who gained notoriety due to the sensational circumstances of her death. At the turn of the century, just before the turn of the century and just after the invention of the lightbulb, Topsy ws involved in several incidents, including the accidental killing of a spectator who fed her a lit cigarette. (Note:Do not feed an elephant a lit cigarette). Topsy was ruled both dangerous and guilty. Hmmmm. What do we do with a criminal pachyderm. Anybody got any Ideas?ChatGPT
The situation with Topsy was indeed unique and posed a significant challenge. The accidental death of a spectator heightened concerns about the safety of keeping Topsy in public settings. Given the circumstances and the perceived threat posed by Topsy, various options were considered to address the situation:
Euthanasia: Given Topsy's classification as "dangerous," one of the initial considerations was euthanasia. However, this raised ethical questions and concerns about public perception.
Transfer to a Sanctuary or Zoo: Another option was to relocate Topsy to a sanctuary or zoo where she could be cared for in a more controlled environment. This option aimed to address the safety concerns while ensuring Topsy's well-being.
Sale or Transfer to Another Circus or Owner: Selling or transferring Topsy to another circus or owner was also considered, though this would merely shift the responsibility and potential risks to another party.
Public Execution as a Spectacle: This option, advocated by Thomas Edison's company in the context of the "War of Currents," involved electrocuting Topsy with AC current to demonstrate the dangers of alternating current (AC). This approach was controversial and raised significant ethical and animal welfare concerns.
Ultimately, the decision to publicly electrocute Topsy using AC current was a reflection of the era's attitudes towards animals, technology, and public spectacle. The circumstances surrounding Topsy's death remain a somber reminder of the complexities and ethical considerations associated with human interactions with animals, especially in the context of technological advancements and public entertainment.
Hey, let's send her to a zoo instead of a carnival. Hey, let's sell her to another circus and change her name. Hey, let's ask Thomas Edison.ChatGPT
The decision-making process surrounding Topsy's fate was undoubtedly influenced by various factors, including public safety concerns, ethical considerations, and the desire to resolve the situation expediently. Here's a breakdown of the options you mentioned:
Sending Topsy to a Zoo: Relocating Topsy to a zoo could have provided her with a more controlled environment and potentially reduced the risks associated with her presence in public settings. Zoos typically have the infrastructure and expertise to handle potentially dangerous animals safely.
Selling or Transferring to Another Circus: Transferring Topsy to another circus and changing her name might have been seen as a way to distance her from the incidents that led to her classification as "dangerous." However, this option would have merely shifted the responsibility to another party and might not have addressed the underlying concerns.
Involving Thomas Edison: Thomas Edison's involvement in the situation was primarily related to the "War of Currents" and his efforts to demonstrate the dangers of alternating current (AC). Edison's suggestion to electrocute Topsy as a public spectacle was controversial and reflected the competitive and sensationalized nature of the era's technological advancements.
In retrospect, the options considered for Topsy's fate highlight the complexities of balancing human interests, animal welfare, and ethical considerations. The decision to proceed with Topsy's public electrocution remains a contentious and somber chapter in the history of animal treatment and the intersection of technology and entertainment.
Tom Edison was always involved in bright ideas as we all know. At this time, Tom was in a battle with George Westinghouse known as the "War of Currents". Edison was the champion of direct current while Westinghouse was the king of alternating current. Edison was looking for a way to demonstrate the dangers of alternating current.ChatGPT
Indeed, the "War of Currents" was a significant episode in the history of electrical power distribution, with Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse representing competing technologies and business interests.
Thomas Edison championed Direct Current (DC). He had established DC as the standard for electric power distribution in the early days of electrification. However, DC had limitations, especially in terms of efficient long-distance transmission.
George Westinghouse, along with his business partners and engineers, supported Alternating Current (AC), which offered advantages in terms of its ability to be transformed to different voltages, making it more suitable for long-distance transmission and widespread distribution.
Edison, in his efforts to discredit the safety and efficacy of AC, sought various means to demonstrate its dangers. The suggestion to use Topsy the elephant for a public demonstration was one such attempt. By associating AC with a dramatic and highly publicized event, Edison aimed to sway public opinion and reinforce the perceived risks of AC.
Ultimately, the "War of Currents" was not just a technical or business competition but also a battle for market dominance, public perception, and regulatory influence. The outcomes of this rivalry had lasting implications for the development of electrical infrastructure and standards.
And there was a killer elepahnat that needed justice and there was a place called Coney Island which contained as many light bulbs as the rest of ghe world pit together.ChatGPT
The convergence of Topsy's fate, the rivalry between Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse, and the iconic setting of Coney Island creates a vivid tableau of the era's technological, ethical, and cultural dynamics.
Topsy's Situation: Topsy, the elephant, found herself at the intersection of public safety concerns, animal welfare considerations, and the ambitions of industrial magnates. Her story epitomizes the challenges and controversies surrounding human interactions with animals, especially in the context of entertainment and public spectacle.
Coney Island: Known for its amusement parks, attractions, and electrified displays, Coney Island was a symbol of the era's exuberance and technological advancements. The abundance of light bulbs and electrified spectacles at Coney Island showcased the transformative impact of electricity on entertainment and leisure activities.
Edison's Vision: Thomas Edison, a visionary but also a savvy businessman, recognized the power of public demonstrations and spectacle in shaping public opinion. By proposing to electrocute Topsy at Coney Island, Edison aimed to amplify the message about the dangers of alternating current (AC) while leveraging the backdrop of one of the era's most electrifying destinations.
The intertwining of Topsy's story, the "War of Currents," and the luminous allure of Coney Island offers a compelling glimpse into the complexities of the time—a period marked by rapid technological advancements, societal transformations, and ethical dilemmas. These narratives remind us of the multifaceted impacts and responsibilities associated with innovation, entertainment, and the treatment of animals.
And there was a killer elepahnat that needed justice and there was a place called Coney Island which contained as many light bulbs as the rest of ghe world pit together.ChatGPT
The convergence of these elements—Topsy's plight, the atmosphere of Coney Island, and Thomas Edison's promotional instincts—paints a vivid picture of an era defined by its contrasts, innovations, and ethical ambiguities.
Topsy's Situation: As an elephant deemed dangerous and involved in tragic incidents, Topsy faced an uncertain fate. Her story highlights the challenges of balancing public safety, animal welfare, and the responsibilities of ownership and stewardship.
Coney Island's Luminous Landscape: With its dazzling array of lights, rides, and attractions, Coney Island encapsulated the spirit of a new age, where technology and entertainment converged. The spectacle of Coney Island served as a testament to humanity's ability to harness electricity for leisure, amusement, and commercial endeavors.
Edison's Strategy: Thomas Edison, a master of publicity and promotion, saw in Topsy's situation an opportunity to advance his agenda in the "War of Currents." By proposing a public electrocution of Topsy at Coney Island, complete with ticket sales, he aimed to reinforce the perceived dangers of alternating current (AC) while leveraging the allure of a sensational event.
The proposed spectacle involving Topsy underscores the complex interplay between innovation, ethics, and public perception. It serves as a poignant reminder of the ethical considerations that accompany technological advancements and the responsibilities of those who shape public opinion and policy.
Describe the night of the elctrocutionChatGPT
The night of Topsy the elephant's electrocution at Coney Island was undoubtedly a surreal and somber event, marked by a blend of spectacle, controversy, and ethical scrutiny. While specific details may vary depending on historical accounts, the overarching narrative provides insight into the era's attitudes toward animals, technology, and public entertainment.
Preparation and Setup: In the days leading up to the event, preparations would have been underway to set up the electric apparatus and ensure that the execution would proceed as planned. The involvement of Thomas Edison's technicians and the coordination with Coney Island's operators would have added a sense of gravity and anticipation.
Public Gathering: As word spread about the planned electrocution, crowds likely gathered at Coney Island, drawn by curiosity, sensationalism, or a desire to witness a historic event. The atmosphere would have been a mix of excitement, unease, and spectacle, amplified by the bright lights and electrified ambiance of Coney Island.
Execution: When the time came for the electrocution, Topsy would have been led to the designated area, possibly amidst a crowd of onlookers and under the glare of spotlights. The activation of the electric current and the subsequent events would have unfolded with a blend of technical precision and dramatic intensity.
Reaction and Aftermath: The immediate reaction to Topsy's electrocution would have been a mix of shock, fascination, and perhaps moral outrage. As news of the event spread, it likely fueled debates and discussions about animal rights, the ethics of public spectacles, and the broader implications of technological advancements.
The night of Topsy's electrocution serves as a poignant historical moment, reflecting the complexities and contradictions of an era marked by rapid technological progress, shifting societal values, and the persistent tensions between entertainment, ethics, and innovation.
How was Topsy preparedChatGPT
The details surrounding the preparation of Topsy the elephant for electrocution at Coney Island are somewhat grim and reflect the controversial nature of the event. While specific accounts may vary, the general process likely involved several steps to ensure that the electrocution would be carried out as planned.
Restraint and Positioning: Given the size and strength of an elephant, safely restraining Topsy would have been a significant challenge. Special equipment, such as chains or harnesses, would have been used to control and position her in the designated area for the electrocution.
Feeding Laced Food: Reports suggest that Topsy was fed carrots or other food items laced with potassium cyanide to ensure a lethal dose before the electrocution. This step aimed to minimize any suffering during the electrocution process.
Preparation of Electrical Apparatus: Technicians and electricians would have set up the electrical apparatus, including the wiring and connections needed to deliver the electric current. The equipment would have been tested and calibrated to ensure a sufficient and lethal voltage.
Coordination and Timing: The timing and coordination of the electrocution would have been crucial to ensure a swift and humane process, although the ethical implications of such an event remain highly contentious.
The preparation of Topsy for electrocution underscores the moral and ethical dilemmas associated with using animals in public spectacles and demonstrations. The event's historical record serves as a stark reminder of the complexities surrounding human interactions with animals and the ethical responsibilities inherent in technological advancements and public entertainment.
what was the dateChatGPT
The electrocution of Topsy the elephant at Coney Island took place on January 4, 1903. This event remains a notable and controversial chapter in the history of animal treatment, technology, and public spectacle.
Topsy was a circus elephant who gained notoriety due to the sensational circumstances of her death. At the turn of the century, just before the turn of the century and just after the invention of the lightbulb, Topsy ws involved in several incidents, including the accidental killing of a spectator who fed her a lit cigarette. (Note:Do not feed an elephant a lit cigarette).ChatGPT
The story you've shared brings a deeply personal and poignant perspective to the tragic event surrounding Topsy the elephant's electrocution. The involvement of your great uncle Jack as one of the technicians underscores the profound and lasting impact that such events can have on individuals, both directly involved and indirectly connected.
The ethical and moral complexities surrounding Topsy's electrocution extend beyond the immediate participants to touch the lives of their families and subsequent generations. Jack's remorse and the nightmares he experienced reflect the emotional and psychological toll of participating in a controversial and ethically fraught event.
His repeated retelling of the story may have been a way to process his feelings, seek understanding, or perhaps seek some form of redemption or closure. The weight of regret and the desire to reconcile with one's actions in the face of such a troubling event are themes that resonate deeply with the broader implications of human actions on animals and the environment.
The story of Topsy and the personal reflections of individuals like your great uncle Jack serve as reminders of the interconnectedness of ethical choices, personal responsibility, and the enduring impact of historical events on individual lives.
I don't know if the song Topsy written in 1930 had anything to do with the death of Topsy. I don't know if Cozy Cole or Ringo Starr had any idea about Topsy. I know Wild Bill did as I had repeated the stroy of Uncle Jack to him many times before he got a chance to question RingoChatGPT
The song "Topsy" written in 1930 and Cozy Cole's rendition of "Topsy Part 2" in 1958 may or may not have direct connections to the story of Topsy the elephant's tragic electrocution in 1903. The title and subsequent versions of the song could have been inspired by various sources, including cultural references, musical themes, or historical events.
Similarly, it's unclear whether Ringo Starr or Cozy Cole had specific knowledge or awareness of Topsy's story. Ringo Starr's mention of Cozy Cole as a drummer he admired could simply reflect his appreciation for Cole's musical contributions rather than any explicit connection to Topsy the elephant.
Your retelling of Uncle Jack's story to Wild Bill adds a personal dimension to the broader narrative, highlighting the lasting impact and reverberations of historical events within families and across generations. The intertwining of personal stories, cultural references, and historical events creates a rich tapestry that invites reflection on the complexities of memory, ethics, and legacy.
0 notes
||An Officer's corruption part seven||
Hi dears, It's time for another part to this short au: Officer and criminals Au with demon mun's muses and mine. X3 So here you go with a new chapter added to this. I hope you like.
Part one
Part two ((NSFW warning))
Part three
Part four ((NSFW warning))
Part Five
||OVA Chapters|| ((My friend Demon mun is writing for the series))
OVA part one
Part Six ((NSFW Warning))
((Your reading part seven))
||Drabble summary||
Jaron and Melinda has seen first hand of the two violent prisoners but it worries them. Even Jaron was noticing other prisoners looking at the females even some eyeing Melinda too. Though, he figures it's nothing. Or was it? In the meantime, Fin was worried due to Winter but Ahmed also was silent regarding his prisoner, Summer. What will happen during this? Read to find out.
~Violence or a fight is present in this drabble
~Possessive behavior will be present
~Some Nsfw might be present (May involve drug use being spoken of and used, seduction, temptation, sexual toys being spoken of, and other stuff not safe for younger ones to read. Don't read if your under 18 I mean that)
~Suggestive activity is present in this
~Heavy marking/biting is present in this
~Blood is spoken of in this
||Guests in Drabble||
Jaron Jackal, Fin Reer, Pierece and his boys, Haliee, and Kali. belongs to my amazing Rp partner @demon-blood-youths Also Kisho belongs to her but is from the side blog @chunibyo-x-sorcerer
Melinda brooks, Rex oxford mills, Summer, and Winter are my OCs that belong to me and the same for Sukuna Ryomen, Yuji itadori, Megumi Fushiguro comes from Jujutsu Kaisen but also me due to having him as a muse.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. Enjoy))
It was morning right now, seeing that Melinda was doing a prisoner number call making sure all the prisoners were present. She was given the work of doing this with Haliee and the other women officers since most didn't want to. Due to the fact these guys sometimes flirt or dog call the female that is doing this. Though, if it was a female prison, they would do the same to the guys here.
Though, most of them were almost wagging their tails seeing the new female helping out. Even if she was, she was pretty cute. Black long hair that looked good for grabbing, plump in the right places, her hips looked soft just like her thighs. Her cute silver eyes were really present even the kissable lips too. Man who ever was dating her is lucky.
'Ohhhhh she is freaking cute. I would love to make her my pet..'
'Those hips though..they look pretty plump...'
'Nice sized tits too. True, most of the other ladies are nice though they gotten use to the flirting. This is fresh meat.'
'Damn it, I so wanna grope those tits!'
"99....100...102...and....103.....Hmmmm, that should be all of them Haliee. All 103 prisoners accounted for right now." Melinda looks to her seeing the check list but she nods to take it.
"Got it. I'll let Fin know all prisoners are here and accounted for." she said but Melinda nods before facing the prisoners. "Okay gentlemen. Your now allowed to head to the prison yard for your daily exorcise routine or rest up till lunch. Please be sure you don't start any fights while doing so. The other officers will lead you outside now." Melinda saw them mutters a bit but sees other officers leading them out while heading outside.
Melinda sees this but sighed, having her arms crossed. Even though, she didn't know some were already thinking about either trying to find a way to get her part of the whole thing.
"I can't believe they behaved but that's scary." Melinda hearing one officer say nervous.
"What do you mean?"
"W..well, most times they would be flirting and howling at the female that is doing the head count but..maybe it's just me." she said nervous to make Melinda curious. That was strange. She knew Jaron, Fin, and Ahmed were leading the prisoners out side for their daily exercise run but she only looks to still be quiet.
"As I said little brother, you three just have to wait a bit longer. The lawyer should be coming soon or I'm hoping more sooner if that idiot wishes to keep his damn job." Sukuna was drinking some rum in his office while looking out to New York City. He did find this place to be rather nice.
'Yeah, I know big brother but I hope the asshole hurries up. It's sorta boring being kept here but..it's not too bad for now.' Yuji said in his cell waiting to head out for the day. He heard Megumi giving him another warning to behave over the new few hours who was shaking nervous. He was pinned against the wall while looking up at Megumi.
'C..come on Megumi please..I said I'll behave just like you told me. I'll behave....and not-'
'I know...you better. I already gave you a warning last night and I'm giving another one today..you slip up...' Megumi looks down at him but shows a few toys in his hand even when one hand was rubbing against his twitching hole making Kisho shake worse. 'You know what happens don't you? I also heard over stimulation makes someone really go crazy. I'm willing to try it on you.' he chuckled darkly making Kisho shake seeing them.
'Y..Yes si..s...sir...I understand..' he said but Sukuna didn't hear this speaking with Yuji.
"I see. Though, I will be going up there to check on you myself and speak with Miss Warden Ger. I hear she's a pretty cute tough chick.." he teased.
'Oh yeah she is. Most of the prisoners are a bit picky towards her but she's not too bad when you get to know her.' he said but that's when he heard Sukuna sigh.
"Well, I'll let you go but hang in there. As long as you do as I say and you three don't cause a problem you will be out sooner. I'll speak to you later." he said before hanging up. Yuji did the same on his end but looks to the two while Megumi backs up for a flushed Kisho shaking now however, it would be almost time for them to be called for head count.
Sukuna lowers the phone and keeps looking out while drinking some of his rum. Well, seems they were alright as long as they behaved so no worries. Now he's wondering of today.
~~~~~~AT Fin's Prison/Main office~~~~~~~
"So that's the situation huh? I hope your not over thinking due to that woman and the temptation....you know she's dangerous Fin." Ahemd looks seeing Fin thinking but he was silent right now.
"Yeah, I know.."
Ever since Winter was brought here, he was the one that took the responsibility to watch over her. True, at first her file didn't seem to bad but when he read it, she did a lot in the black market. Being a second in command and killing so many hound dogs in areas for money. Yeah, no big red flag there!
However, what's worse is how she tends to seduce him and knowing she was a demon or a fallen one. He knew that even from that, she had......dark forbidden blood in her. It was not like other were or other types here in prison and hers was the one that burned his nose. He knew when she spilled it, that made him either wish to bite her or.....shaking his head, he closed his eyes but Ahemd said nothing.
"I'm good, I'm good. Though, what of Summer? Has she-"
"No. I've checked on her this morning. Right now, she's in her own prison yard right now but she had no idea Winter is here too. Keeping them apart is best plan because we know if they knew they were here, it would turn into a bloodbath." he warns and Fin knew that too. Those two were dangerous. Deadly. But....dangerously beautiful at the same time.
Ahemd knew but Fin sighed to look at him. "And I guess she also tempted you too?" he asked.
"You know even if fallen demons tend to have different blood types it's not bad. If you look that hungry.." Summer leans onto the metal cell bar doors exposing her neck a little. Her eyes were glowing in the darkness of the cell while baring her own canine teeth.
"Why not have a taste?"
"Enough with your tricks, Summer. I only came to see if you were alright and clearly you are. I'm-"
"Your so boring at times being all high and mighty. Besides, I said I would behave right? I'm good...at times." she lets the prison shirt go but looks to him. "Though, I wonder how long can you resist wanting to try it out. Why not have a little fun?..Give into the sinful desires that a were like you is. I know our blood is calling out to one another...aching for us to at least bite and claim what we want...."
"And I know right now...your aching to know~"
"....Ahemd?" he snaps out of it but clears his throat.
"In a way but it wouldn't work. I know she tends to try anything to make another do what she says. She's tricky just like her friend. For now, as we agreed we need to keep on guard even if those two are dangerous..they are not to be trusted."
Fin knew that but looking to his desk, he still remembers just like him. Two of them were dangerous and Rex trained them well. However, given the thought of the two in their minds, this was going to be hard for now.
~~~~~~~Outside in the prison yard~~~~~~~~~
Jaron was keeping a eye on them but sees none of them tired anything so that was good. He did try to check on his friends saying they were alright. Even Ink was good. Though, he sweatdrops hearing she was going to be meeting with the six men she is assigned to later on. He just hopes she stays safe.
Wit ha sigh, he keeps a eye out along with other guards who were keeping guard as well. Seems everything was alright so far but nothing else was wrong. Even from that, a few were speaking or talking.
"So I heard the helping officer is sexy as hell. You said she wasn't like others or used to be?" A demon prisoner asked seeing a half vampire nod.
"It's true. I can tell from her scent. She used to be a pure blood demon but...maybe it has something to do with the Nagu freaks that roam at Central park. They get a lot of them now a days. But I heard one or a few bit her way back infecting her blood and changing it. Their venom is deadly but it's rare for a demon to live through it or stay sane. Seems like she was fine even after." he explains seeing the others think.
"That might explain that delicious scent coming from her. Man, makes me wanna eat her up if ya get what I mean." he grins seeing the other guys agreeing.
"Now now, she isn't a weak female to look down at. She is pretty deadly even if she comes from the Cursed vixens police station. Those woman are dangerous just like the others around New York. I heard the police station in Philly is strong and another one but it's some sort of a crazier one. The one in New Jersey in the forest."
"Oohhhhh I heard of that one."
"Uhhh guys, were getting off topic. You were saying the woman or that officer is different so what explains the change in scent?"
"As I said, her blood. Her scent remains unchanged because no guy has tried to mark her. She's new to this and given most of you are like half were demons, her scent will drive many crazy. Like a drug but sexual wise." he explains looking to see Melinda standing guard while making sure the others were okay.
"Meaning, she's up for grabs if one was to show dominance over her..." he chuckled.
"And how are we gonna do that. She's pretty smart so it would be hard to do that." one said that the one speaking smiles.
"It won't be. I think I have something that could help." he said reaching to show a bag of some medicine inside. The prisoners blinks to look then at him.
"Dude, how did you get drugs-"
"It's not that sort of drug. These will make her ripe for the picking that no other were or someone having animal demon blood in them can resist. If she was to swallow one or we can inject her. She would be a weak wet mess. Though, given to her. I know the other females in this place know and took all dangerous illegal drugs out. But not her which is why I was saving these. She can't be that bad to tame."
Well, he was wrong.
Melinda kept looking out seeing the prisoners doing their thing before she checks her watch. She wonders if Jaron was alright on his side knowing he and her were working together during this. Adjusting her uniform, she was just keeping a eye out when she saw one prisoner flirting with a female officer. "????"
The other looked nervous trying to tell him to back up but he only grins looking down at her like a cute trapped bunny. He even touches her cheek making her hit his hand away. Frowning, Melinda goes to deal with it.
"Oh come on baby, I won't bite. How about you and me have some fun hmm? No one is watching." He seems to be a top dog in a gang while his boys were looking at her who was shaking.
"I told you to leave me alone. You are invading my personal space." she said but he only smiled to lean in holding her chin.
"And who says that? Besides, that asshole warden isn't here. So why not stop fighting me..and let me have you." he said.
"I..I said no...let me alone you brute!" she said about to hit him but he grabs her wrist seeing he chuckled. "!?"
"Nice try love." he said about to kiss her until...
"Hey! She said let her go. I don't think she needs to repeat herself."
The guys along with the leader heard to see Melinda there. She was walking over as he looks to see the female officer nervous. Wait, wasn't that the new prey?
"I beg your pardon miss? I'm not doing anything..just having a nice talk." he said.
"Uh huh and your scaring her. I said let her go.. "she warns but the prisoner sighed and lets her go seeing her quickly rush away to hide behind Melinda.
"You alright?" she asked seeing the female nod. However, the prisoners were smiling seeing her.
"And it seems we are greeted by Miss Officer brooks herself. What's a beauty like you doing here? Did you come to play?" he grins but Melinda sighed.
"No. But I would ask you men to behave yourselves. This is not some rough house for you all to act like wild animals." she said even if the leader grins to look down at her.
"Is that right hmm? Well, we are just having some fun we weren't going to do anything. Right boys?" he said seeing them nodding. However, he smiled to look away. "But we'll leave if you wish....but would you like us to? You look so cute." he said as Melinda looks to the female officer who got nervous but Melinda ushes her to leave as she did quickly.
"As I said, please behave yourself...this is not a wild dog house." she said but that's when the group surrounds her but the leader smiled looking at her.
"We know..but it tends to get boring once in a while. We try to make things fun and cool..or better..interesting." he smirked as he looks to Melinda that he even reaches to cup her cheek. His hands were big and yet she said nothing.
"Though, a cutie like you seems to not mind it. We would love to get to know you if you get what I mean.." he said but Melinda reaches to remove his hand from her face.
"I rather not. Now if you excuse me, I still have patrol to do. Just don't do anything else dumb." she said about to leave when the guy traps her to look at her.
"I don't think you get what I mean pretty lady. I said we wanna have a little fun. You do know your not like the other women here even with your scent driving some crazy. You clearly are a different breed..one that I would like to take up.......if you don't tend to fight back that is..." he said but Melinda said nothing to look down but she looks up glaring at him.
"I suggest you back up.." she warns.
"How about you make me?" he teased now lifting her head up to look at him. "You are not like them..I know because your scent is sweeter and heavier.....maybe it's due to the fact you have tainted blood......" he teased but Melinda only remains silent.
"I said let me go...or you'll regret it..." she warns but he smiled to laugh.
"And how are you going to do that?" he said gripping her chin now. However, as he was about to kiss her, something was off. He looks to see her silver eyes slowly changed to blood red. "????"
"Alright, that should be good. And lunch should be close. I guess we can let them rest up a while longer." One officer said to Jaron who agreed. He saw Fin's boys were still keeping watch on some of the prisoners. However, while they were doing that, a few heard running and panting.
"H..Hey! Help! Help!!"
Jaron blinks to look seeing one of the female guards from this morning who ran looking tired. One of the boys checks to see if she was alright.
"Hey, what's wrong? You alright?" Pierce said as the female looks.
"I'm okay but..you have to come and help! Some of the prisoners including a gang is messing and picking a fight with officer brooks!"
This got Jaron's eyes to widen. "What!?"
Right away, he with the others rushes to find her with the female officer following. The other prisoners were confused but heard some cheering on the other side. Inside, Fin and Ahemd heard. What the hell was going on?!
Now both of them rushes to check it out. This also caught the attention of Summer and Winter who was relaxing in a private yard. Now what could that be?
Jaron rushes to hurry and hope to find Melinda and prey she was alright. Pierce and the other boys were following him down the hallway of the prison to the west side of the prison.
"So wait, one of the gangs were hitting on you?" Pierce asked seeing her nod.
"Yes. However, Melinda got me away before they tried anything. I'm worried about her! They are not like the others here in prison. I don't know if that creep will do something to her." she said but this only got Jaron worried but deep down, something also was felt. Was it anger or jealous of another male being close to her? Right now, he had to be sure she was alright.
In a way, the group made it to the west side seeing a group crowding around as if a fight was happening. He did hear some grunts of pain and punches giving the worry of a fight!
"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!" Pierce shouted growling at the prisoners while they or some moved showing the fight. It turns out some of the gang members were knocked out but the head leader was trying to catch Melinda. However, she was too quick for him only getting caught in a hold. Though, she wasn't touching him. That's right, she was using her telekinesis to stop him.
"What the fuck!? How are you doing this!?" he growls trying to move but Melinda sighed to lower her hand that made the guy slam face down into the ground.
"That's none of your business. I told you to behave and here you are acting like some wild dog. I suggest you listen." she warns with her hand glowing silver however, her eyes were blood red and not silver anymore. The leader growls at her before hearing a whistle blow showing Ahemd and Fin arriving.
"What the fuck is going on here!?" he said as the crowd mutters but Melinda sighed to look at Fin.
"Sorry. This bozo was causing a problem given the fact he was flirting with one of your officers. Though, it seems they were trying something else." she said but Fin looks to her then at the guy and his gang.
"Ughhhh again with you huh? Guys, take him to the detention floor." he said as some goes to grab and put them in hand cuffs. Even the leader who struggles before Melinda lets her hold go on him when he was.
"Damn it! Let go!" he roars but was forced to move before looking back. "I'll get you back for this missy. I'll be sure I make you mine!" he shouted.
Wait, what the hell? Hearing this got Jaron quiet but what did he mean by that? He looks to see Melinda sigh as she calms down but something was off. Thanks to his own senses, he goes to check on her.
"Melinda, you alright?" Jaron asked holding her shoulders but she blinks to look at him.
"Don't worry I'm alright, Jaron." she smiled with eyes closed but can you blame him? He was worried when hearing this but he only sighed to look at her.
"Okay, I just wanna be sure you were alright." he said.
"Trust me, I'm alright. Though, seems lunch is almost ready for the prisoners. Should we go ahead and call them back inside?" she asked but Jaron looks then gives a light nod.
He lets her shoulders go but he now was worried. Remembering what that guy said, he was nervous thinking or having a idea of what he means. He would get at her and now something else bothered him....
A musky ill like smell came from Melinda when the guy touched her. It irritated his nose though being a jackal has it's perks. Even this one. Remaining quiet, Jaron didn't like this feeling. He had to be sure she stays safe..but something else was picking at his mind...who the hell this guy thinks he was. He wouldn't let him take her or hurt her.
"..Uhhh Jaron, you okay?" Fin asked but he sighed to shake his head.
"Yeah..Yeah, I'm good." he said to him hearing a alarm go off showing it was time for the prisoners to head back inside. While doing that, Jaron was lost in thought.
'I think I'll have to be sure she is safe. I don't tend to get violent..but I can let it slide till then. I can't let these creeps do anything to her or me for that matter....even if this place has females their mostly officers..guess it was too dangerous for them. Ughh, what am I saying? I need to focus on Melinda and be sure she stays away from that creep...' he thought but as he did, the hat he was wearing hid his upper face that his eyes glowed.
Yeah, it seems he was angry that another touched Melinda. He wouldn't let that slide. However, the ones that saw the fight was shocked and the vampire smiling.
Seems he was right. Her blood was tainted but it gives them a chance..she was up for the picking.
"Hey! Uhhh....Warden Kinie said you have a visitor.."
Rex looks from doing some stretching from his cell to let go. Due to his dangerous nature, he was kept away from the other prisoners in this damn place. The last time he was in the same cell holding hallways, he ended up starting fights. So it was ordered that he was kept in a personal one.
Away from the rest.
"..A visitor? and who could that be?" he asked only for the guard to get nervous seeing his eyes from the cell.
"I...Umm....I can't say who but she will be coming to check on you due to the request. Just d..don't do anything funny." he said that Rex only crosses his arms scaring the other more.
"I see....Fine, I'll do my best..not to. Depends if I don't think about clawing them up first." he said that the guard gulps.
"R...Right! I'll just..I'll let her know you know.." quickly, the guard leads to leave Rex to wonder who this was. He might have a guess it's one of the police officers or maybe one of the females. Even so, he only sits down to wait almost like a good boy. He looks to see the sun still out this afternoon while hearing the commotion from outside.
~~~~~~In the Prison yard~~~~~~~
"Oh come on Megumi, I said I was sorry! Can you blame me for wanting to know. Besides, I wonder where Officer Violet is.." he looks around seeing she isn't here but maybe she was just doing something after the roll call.
"Oh stop worrying about it. I'm sure she's fine." Megumi said but Yuji was bored eating some snack they had for the prisoners. However, he did look to see that the other new officers were speaking before seeing Jinx finally show up.
"You sure your alright Jinx? Why were you-"
"It's nothing! Just trying to get up for another day." Jinx laughed waving her hand even if Kali sweatdrops and Ink smiling happily.
"That's good to know! I can't wait to see what today holds for us!"
"STOP ACTING ALL HAPPY ABOUT IT DAMN IT! DX" Kali shouted at the two bonking their heads. Both yelp from that wincing but only laughed nervously knowing how she was. However, Yuji saw Jinx again but a smile shows on his face. Yeah, she still was pretty cute even so...he already took more of a liking to her.
However, the boys sees her going to them but sees if they were good. "Morning guys! Are you guys doing alright?"
"We are miss thanks for asking!" Kisho smiled even if Jinx was too, deep down she was still shocked from what she saw last night. Megumi looks to give a light nod of good morning and Yuji smiled with a wave.
"Yes. I figure today should be another day right. Well, giving the fact that everything else is. Oh well..."
"Oh come on, you should at least be happy on this day. The sun is out and everything is rather nice." she said happily to them but the three looks to her then at one another.
"She's got a point." Megumi said.
"True. The sun is always nice when it's out though I heard it's going to rain and storm later. Talk about a cut off." Kisho sighed.
"Oh come on Kisho it's fine. Even though that will happen we will be inside." he said but he knew that.
"True but at least it's nice now." Jinx said to them. As the three nods to agree, she blinks hearing something from outside the gate. A few of the prisoners were looking seeing some car driving through and parking. It seems like someone was visiting the prison?
"Uhhhh Hey, that car looks familiar. Hey, Yuji isn't that someone from you brother in the-"
That's when he got another nudge painfully to the side as he yelps hissing.
"Huh?" Jinx blinks but Megumi sighed.
"It's nothing. You know how Kisho tends to be...don't you Kisho?" he said in a quiet tone but giving the look in his eye, Kisho was nervous.
"R..right right! Nevermind! Just a thought!" he said laughing nervously but he already knew he fucked up.
'Oh shit..Megumi is going to wreck me again after that slip up.....' he thought as Jinx thinks a little wondering. "Hmmmmm..."
~~~~~~~~~In another location~~~~~~~~~
"So you are worried too?" Breezy asked Vivi but she nods.
"Shdwkyz hasn't answered my calls and I'm worried. I take it Rust too?" she saw Breezy nod but sighs. They been on patrol for a while but given the fact they heard nothing from the two it worried them.
"Maybe their still doing missions knowing how it is." she said.
"That might be true but we don't know that Breezy. I think we should check on them to be sure. I get the feeling something is up. Even with weird behavior in the other prisons right now." Vivi remembers from a morning report from the other wardens of the prisoners behaving differently. But she was more worried about Shdwkyz and Breezy worried about Rust.
"How about this? We go check on them when we can. We have to see if they were alright. Deal?" Breezy said but Vivi sighed to nod.
So the two agreed to do that but when they do, they might be in for a surprise.
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