#and all out of the goodness of her heart :) so Please Clap for Ren and also best unironic thoughts and prayers and love
covered in seasoning and cheese dust from various rice cake flavors
so like...... Due To Life Circumstances, Ren will not be able to edit for GOOMT for little while. i'm going to very much miss her and her quips and dragging me to hell and back in google docs every month and lulling me to sleep with her terrorized screams, but i'm sure she'll be back soon enough she cannot fucking quit me or goomt bc goomt is her controversial and illegitimate redheaded stepchild thrice removed. we know this and we love it
......... but you know what that also means.......? :)?
that means i'm on my own. i'm running sweaty and wild-eyed through slippery halls with a knife in one hand and scissors in the other and zero recollection of how to hold either of them safely. i will perform head-on collisions with each and every wall and corner i can find with such cringe and fervor that crash test dummies will be flopping miserably about during the walk flop of shame home. maybe you already knew - maybe you already saw it in ch 69. maybe you had an inkling in your subconscious that maybe, just perhaps, mayhaps it's a possibility, that Some Amount Of Shenanigans™️ are up.
buckle up and pucker up, my lovely field of buttercups, cuz i'm driving with an expired license and we're going to McDonalds for a coffee and prolonged stay in the ball pit, mark my words
which is all to say, GOOMT ch70 soon :)
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Kill The Past - Kylo Ren/Ben Solo X Female Reader
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Title: Kill The Past
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Rey, Rose, Finn, Poe, (OC) Fraye, Palpatine (Mentioned), and Luke (Mentioned)
| Part 1 |
WC: 1,834
Warnings: Mentions Ben's inner turmoil, mention of death, stress, nervousness, mentions of Luke trying to kill Ben, some good old feelings, mentions of nightmares, and terrible writing from 2020
She never knew, but how could she have known? Ben… Kylo, were the same person. Looking back on her past, Y/N could see it. All the inner turmoil that he was going through. She had sensed it, could feel it. But, whenever she tried to talk to Ben, he would always shy away. Saying he was fine. Obviously, he wasn't fine. When Y/N, the only survivor of the fire, besides Luke, searched for Ben. He was nowhere to be found. Y/N had thought, for years, that he was dead. He wasn't dead, metaphorically, he was.
Y/N hadn't heard from anyone in the Empire at all since Kylo and her last meeting. Which, more or less, worried her. Though she never wanted to ally with them, not hearing anything from them after almost six months, was, again, worrying. Y/N tried to push the feeling away that something was wrong. She tried to forget Kylo and get on with leading her land and people. But, he always seemed to be lurking in her mind. In her dreams. She would see him, covered in black and darkness, red lightsaber ignited. Some nights, Y/N would have nightmares, Kylo and his Knights of Ren rummaging through villages, sleighing innocent women and children. Forgetting seemed useless, all she could think about was Kylo.
Y/N woke up for the day and got dressed. Placing her crown on her head, her bedroom doors swung open, starting the Queen.
"My lady, we have gotten an emergency message. From an Empire ship." Y/N's eyes widened as she quickly turned from her mirror and fully addressed Vero and Sora directly.
"What does the message say?" Y/N asked, hands clapping together in front of her.
She tried to stay calm, but from the past weeks of nightmares and looming feelings of the Force, she knew something was very wrong.
"It was someone by the name of Rey. She said that the Empire has fallen and if she, and some others, could find refuge on Ova for the time being." Sora spoke, and Y/N took a deep breath and nodded.
"Of course, quickly send a message back to them that they can stay as long as they need to. We have enough space." Sora and Vero nodded and quickly headed off, to relay the message.
Y/N took another deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. The Empire had fallen. The universe was at last at peace. Though she knew not for long. People would retaliate. Not thinking of leaving the castle today, Y/N had dressed in her "staying in" clothes as she called them. But, she knew she had to meet her guests when they arrived, so she decided to change once more. She then dressed in a nice light blue dress, with a high collar and small train. The sleeves were short and slightly see-through and had the same flowiness as the skirt. It was made with the finest light and flowy fabrics, reminding the young Queen of soft mist in the early morning. It was one of her favorites. And it was perfect for this warm day on Ova. And, finally, clapping her necklace on, she was ready for the day.
Heading out of her room and traveling to the communications room, Y/N found Sora and Vero standing at the controls. Vero turned and bowed to the Queen.
"Your highness, they will arrive shortly at the landing deck. Shall Sora and I accompany you?" Y/N nodded, her mind running a mile a minute.
Leaving the entrance of her home, she traveled with her Captain and Guard, a ship was already parked. The drop hanger slowly lowers and a woman walks off and straight to Y/N.
"Thank you, your highness, for letting us stay here." She spoke, and Y/N gave a smile.
"You don't have to bow. And, please, call me Y/N. You all are welcome here. But, how did you come across my planet?" Y/N asked and Rey nodded with her own smile.
"Ben told us this would be a safe place to go for the time being," Rey spoke and Y/N gasped, her hands coming to cover her mouth.
"He's here?" She asked with teary eyes, and Rey nodded, confused.
"Yes, you know him?" She asked the Queen, and she nodded.
"Yes, I've known him since I was a child." Rey smiled at that and nodded back to the ship.
"He's on the ship. With the others. I came out here to greet you. The others would have come out but they are tired." Rey explained.
"Oh, we have plenty of rooms, you all can stay for as long as you need." Y/N spoke and Rey gave a grateful smile.
"Thank you, I'll get the others. I think Ben would like to see you." She spoke before speed jogging back to the ship.
|\/| |\/| |\/|
Soon enough, Rey and five others came out following behind. And one of them was Ben. Y/N's eyes met his and they stared at one another for a small bit before Y/N nervously coughed.
"Alright, follow me and I'll show you to your rooms." She spoke as she, her Captain, and Guard led the way back to the castle.
As everyone found their rooms and got situated, she led them to the main dining room.
"I have notified my cooks and they have prepared lunch for you all. Dinner shall be at sundown." Y/N spoke but quickly apologized.
"Oh, I haven't introduced myself. I am Y/N L/N. But, you can just call me Y/N." She introduced herself.
The other woman in the group went up and stuck her arm out and Y/N shook her hand.
"My name is Rose, and it's nice to meet you." She spoke with a grateful smile.
"It's nice to meet you, Rose."
Next, Y/N was introduced to Poe and Finn, then they looked expectantly at Ben, who stood by himself, hands fidgeting.
"Your highness, lunch is ready.” Fraye, Y/N’s head maid spoke up, and Y/N nodded in appreciation.
“Thank you, Fraye.”
The lunch had been eventful.
Rey, Finn, Poe, and Rose had explained what had happened an only possible hour before. The return of Emperor Palpatine, Ben going to the light side, and so forth. Y/N listened intently, eyes wandering to Ben every so often. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Palpatine was still alive? Well, now he is gone. As Y/N listened, she fidgeted with her necklace, her mind was full of questions along with so many emotions. Soon enough, the story was over, and Y/N had more questions than answers.
“How was Palpatine alive for all this time? I have heard he died from Luke.” She asked, confused more than ever.
“He was staying alive with this weird life support system. I don’t know how to fully explain it. But he somehow got there and was able to survive for the next, what, thirty years?”
“Well, thank you so much for the lunch, Miss Y/N. I’m going to head to bed until dinner if that’s alright?” Poe spoke, and she nodded.
“Of course. That’s alright with me. You’re all guests here, I wouldn’t even mind if you all raided my kitchen.” Y/N joked as they all laughed.
“I might have to take you up on that. The food here is amazing.” Finn spoke, deciding to stand up as well.
“Miss Y/N, I saw you had Holochess. Is it alright if I play?” Rose asked and Y/N nodded.
“Of course, knock yourself out.” She spoke and Rose smiled giddily, latching onto Finn’s arm and pulling him to the room where she saw the Holochess.
Rey looked from Ben to Y/N and back before she gave a soft smile and stood up.
“I’ll let you guys talk.” She spoke before heading out of the room to roam.
Y/N looked to Ben who had already been looking at her. Standing from her seat, she walked around the table to his side and gave him her hand.
“Walk with me?” She asked softly.
Ben silently took her hand, both not letting go as they headed outside and walked through the castle’s garden and headed into the maze. Their walk was silent, comforting, but they both had so much to say.
“I’m glad you’re here.” Y/N spoke up first after a good while, both of them stopping at a bench in the center of the maze.
“I am too.” Ben answered, voice soft.
“Let’s sit down, I want to get a bit serious here.” Y/N spoke, guiding the man to the bench and sitting down.
Turning towards him, she took his other hand, and held them both in her own, before looking into his now soft brown eyes.
“Why didn’t you tell me what was happening to you, Ben? I know you know I was there for you. I would’ve done anything in my power to help you. Why didn’t you tell me?” She asked, as her eyes began to tear up once more, as did Ben’s.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t feel like anyone could help me. I felt as if Uncle Luke hated me, that he already knew that I was going to the dark side. That night… He was going to kill me, I knew it for sure. And, that’s when I knew… That no matter what I was going to turn.” Ben spoke, looking down at his hands, held in hers.
“Benny, you know that no matter what I would’ve helped you. Even if it was going to the dark side with you if I had to. No matter what, I would’ve stood by you.” Y/N confessed, but Ben frantically shook his head.
“No, Y/N. Even back then, if you did. I wouldn’t have asked you to do that. You had a future ahead of you.” Ben uttered, but she chuckled sadly.
“Even if I did know, you were gone when I woke up… I couldn’t even find you at all when I was able to.” She pronounced.
“I’m sorry, Y/N/N…” Ben softly remarked, but she shook her head.
“No, Ben you have nothing to be sorry for. You’re not Kylo anymore, and the Empire has fallen. You fought for what was right in the end, and that is all that matters And, you’re safe. And, you have a place here, with me, as long as you want it.” Y/N declared, taking his hand into hers.
“And, I want it for as long as you will have me.” She stated and Ben smiled widely, kissing her cheek.
“I love you, Y/N." He said, and she smiled.
“I love you, too, Ben Solo.” She spoke, giving him a kiss on the cheek in return.
“Now, let’s get you back to the castle. I'll show you around."
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razorblade180 · 4 years
More Actor AU
The previous one <-
Ruby:Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful- *pie to the face* Ahhhh! Nora!
Nora:HAHAHAHAHA! I couldn’t resist!
Yang:Do you think she thinks less of me?
Jaune:You and Ruby are sisters. You may fight but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t care.
Yang:Yeah, Ruby...
Jaune:.....Wait are you talking about Blake?
Yang:*caught of guard* Uhhhhh
Jaune:Because why would she think less of you for choosing to act like a first responder?
Ren:*outside* He has a point!
Director:Stick to the script!
Raven:Does she have it?
Qrow:You’re going to have be a little bit more specific.
Raven:*slams hand and leans* Does. Salem. Have. The Tape?
Raven:Yeah the sex tape, it was in the vault.
Qrow:Whaaat? Who’s on it?
Raven:*smirks* Who isn’t on it?
Qrow:Oh shit....*downs whiskey* Tai is gonna kill me!
Ruby:Quick, the door!
Weiss:*shakes it* They’re locked!
Yang:Let me-*trips up stairs* agh! My face!
Weiss:Yang! *snickering* Oh gods, are...are you okay?
Yang:Uuuuugggghh. Imma just lie here. Guess we die. *raise head*
Weiss:Uh oh, bloody nose. Time out.
Apathy:*shuffling backwards*
Blake:*on the ground* Imagine, asking grimm just to leave?
Nora:Psst camera man. Pan to Penny.
Penny:*getting make up done* Yo!
Nora:Ready to die a second time!?
Penny:Hell yeah! Gonna make the people cry twice! *puts in red contacts*
Cinder:*chokes Raven* I’m taking what’s mine.
Raven:Last time I checked your name isn’t Tai. So get your hands off my throat. *looks off set*
Tai:*face palming*
Yang:*red* Mom!!
Raven:Someone was thinking it.
Fiona:*reading lines*
Robyn:She’s very focused right now. I think she’s nervous. *grabs megaphone* Cameras go live in five minutes.
Fiona:*tearing up*
Robyn:No wait! I was lying! Please dry those tears!
Fiona:Stop stressing me out! I’m new here.
Robyn:*hugging her* Ssssshhh I’ll rehearse with you.
[Volume 3]
Blake:*getting first aid*
Adam:*staring at camera* Funny thing about Blake Belladonna, she hates reshoots.
Blake:Do not...
Adam:She hates them so much in fact that she’ll do whatever it takes make the first take an absolute masterpiece. Blake Belladonna however also does about half of her stunts. Good stunts too. All those flips and hand to hand, that’s just her being cool. *puts hands together* I’ve worked with her since day one. I’m in most of those actions scenes. So let me tell how insane this girl is.
Blake:Oh geez...
Adam:Ten minute ago, we’re just shooting the scene where her character and my character are fighting. The plan was I “backhand” her and she falls on the ground. Now we’re not perfect. We’ve accidentally grazed each other before. But when I tell you Blake literally just sat there and watched as my hand swung at her....
Blake:Man, I don’t know what happened! *snorting* I knew it was coming, but then the next minute I had no time to go with it.
Adam:Now normally, a sane person would yell cut, but not Blake. I’m looking at her shocked as she’s staring back mouthing “roll with it.” And against judgment, I did.
Blake:It doesn’t get more authentic than that! Plus it only stung.
Yang:Until we finished the scene! We look at you and this red mark is appearing and you’re like “yeah, Adam knocked the hell out of me.”
Adam:And now I feel bad!
Blake:Nah man, perfect scene. Way to improvise.
Yang:Blake Belladonna everyone.
Fennec: *dies*
Corsac: Corsac no!!!
Ilia:Wait, your Corsac.
Corsac:Shit, really? Damn, read the long lines all volume.
Ilia:W..wait...*smiling* d..did switch roles? Has no caught that?
Blake:N...no? *looks around* We didn’t right?
Sun:*containg laughter* Please...please tell me we haven’t mixed the roles all season? You audition for...?
Corsec:Fennec. I’m playing Fennec right? *snickering*
Blake:I...uh..how’d we-
Corsec:I’m just fucking with you.
Blake:Oh my god! Dude, I thought we messed up so much shit! My heart!
Blake:Y’all are jerks. I type the credits don’t scare me like that!
Ghira:*tears cloak off*
Tyrian and Salem: Dayuuuuuum! Look at that man!
Ghira:Pfft, god damn it. You ruined my roar! Hahaha.
Director:Alright Jaune. So in this scene you punch the wall because you just learned about Salem being immortal. Remember to hit hard enough get a good bang for the mic, but we don’t want you breaking your hand or anything.
Jaune:Got it!
Director:And action!
Jaune:*cracks wall*
Nora:Welp, he didn’t say anything about breaking the wall.
Cinder:*holding sister* Diva in the building yall. Introducing mini me.
Ember:I get paid!
Cinder:Yeah you do!
Everyone:(The resemblance is uncanny.)
Interviewer: Has it feel to work with distinguished talents like Tyrian.
Mercury:There isn’t a moment that man lets me rest. I could have one scene and that guy is offset staring at me and shimming or wearing a prop just throw me off-he’s doing it now! *smiles*
Tyrian:*in Salem’s costume* I don’t know what you mean Mercury? Are you...*props leg up* distracted?
Mercury:Serious doesn’t exist with that man on set.
Interview:Adam, how’s it feel to be the most hated character.
Adam:It’s hilarious. I go the store to get a coffee and the cashier is doing a double take as they stare at me wearing a shirt with Pumpkin Pete on it. Before they process who I am exactly I’m just like, “please tell me you have pumpkin spice?” And their perception is ruined immediately.
Interviewer:Ever get hate at events.
Adam:Oh it’s a game now! Not by my choice. This was Yang’s idea.
Yang:*pokes in* Y’all talking about the game where I make people upset? *sits in his lap* excuse me.
Adam:Against my will...*snickers* anytime I go to a convention with Yang, she enters the room from the opposite door and let the people gather to her while haters gather to me.
Yang:By the time I reach him I see about a dozen people glaring at him while my fans are following me until I get where I need to go. Right before I do, I walk up to Adam as if I didn’t know he’d be there, then jump into his arms happily. Everyone shuts up. They don’t know how to cope.
Adam:That’s with almost any hero in this show. I’m minding my own business and then they cling to me for shock value. Yang and Blake are the worst though.
Yang:I’ve sat in his lap like I am now at a Q&A before because people booed when he showed up. The beef isn’t real people! My arm is fine!
Jaune:*staring at Pyrrha’s statue*.....
*foot steps approach*
Jaune:*looks left* !?
Pyrrha:*holding flowers* A tragedy, this person’s death. You knew them?
Jaune:I...y...no. Just heard of her.
Pyrrha:Really? Cool. Reall strong person. Her people were heartbroken when she chose Beacon. But it was the place she dreamed of. Ashamed she died. Gone, never to be seen.
Jaune:She may be gone, but I know she had no regrets. Pyrrha was a huntress through and through, and I believe she fought like one until the end.
Pyrrha:*nods* Yeah, I think so too. *containg joy*
Pyrrha:This isn’t the real scene by the way.
Jaune:I was about to say! Like, what the hell is happening!? I read the script and missed this part!
Pyrrha:Hahahaha! Good improvising. *claps* way to roll with the nonsense. I can’t believe you said no though! That’s how you get haunted.
Jaune:*laughing* I thought I was! Ghost Pyrrha walking with flowers saying “oh you know her?” I thought I did until you showed up!
Ren:We just shoot random scenes of you talking to Pyrrha and never address it. Jaune is just crazy now.
Pyrrha:I’m down for that!
Director:No! Well....no! Stop trying to get more lines!
Ozpin:You know originally I brought my kid here so we can bond and he was like “awesome!”
Cameraman pans over to Oscar and Penny sitting on a bench eating together, laughing.
Ozpin:*smirking* I was played, but I respect it.
[Volume 6]
Jaune:*walks up to Ruby* Promise that you’ll meet us there.
Ruby:I promise. *smiles*
..... *both lean in*
Ruby:......*kisses him*
Nora:Woah! Cut!
Ruby:Huh? What’s up?
Nora:There’s no kiss!
Ruby:Really? Feels like a kiss should be here. Huh, my bad. Thought it was written in.
Ruby:*posed up in chair* They had to cut out me kissing Jaune. That’s fine, still kissed him.
Nora:All I’m saying is maybe I should get a kiss with him.
Director:Nora, just ask him out on your own time.
Nora:Pffft what? Me, into Jaune? No..... I just think it would make good narrative sense.
Nora:......*walks away* It just would!
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heliosthegriffin · 3 years
Option Three
Jaune looks at his scroll.
‘Ruby- Come to my room, I got something to ask you. I got donuts.’
Then knocks at Team RWBYs dorm.
Ruby: Come in!
Jaune walks into the dorm, it was the same his and the rest of team APLN.
Jaune see’s Ruby and Blake are sitting at a table staring darkly at each other..
There is no chair for Jaune though so he stand in front of the table.
Ruby makes a pyramid out of her hands.
Ruby: So glad you could join us today.
Blake: Quite glad.
Jaune looks at them. 
Jaune: Ok, what’s up? Where’s Weiss and Yang?
Jaune to himself: The letter told me there would be donuts, should I bring up before or after we’re done. I don’t see any donuts in here though.
Blake and Ruby look at each other seriously.
Ruby shrugs and breaks eye contact from Jaune: Um, they’re around.
Blake nods: They’re here, just not in plain sight. We were wondering if you could help decide the answer to a question we have.
Ruby: A very important question.
They both look at Jaune dead in the eyes.
Ruby/Blake: Whose harem are you going to join?
Jaune stunned: Um, what?
Blake sighs and Ruby shakes her head.
Ruby: Buddy, I knew you were dense, but this is a whole new level!
Blake: Jaune, please be serious right now, this matter will shape the future of the world!
Jaune confused: What? I don’t get it, when did you two have harems, and furthermore, why would I want to join?
Ruby starts laughing: From the very beginning my dear boy! From the very beginning!
Jaune scrunches his face in confusion.
Blake: I admit it, I started out small, It began when Ilia realized she liked carpet and Adam suddenly wanted to pound tuna. But, then it really started to grow when I got to Beacon and met Yang and Sun. They both quickly swore to my Booty. Unfortunately, we pegged Adam too hard and he is intensive booty reconstruction hospital. So, I’m currently down a member and need a new one.
Blake said to Jaune smugly, looking at him like a piece of meat.
Jaune looks at her in confusion: I don’t even know who any of them are, besides Sun. What is that supposed to mean to me?
Blake chuckles: Oh, don’t you worry you’re adorable himbo skull, just listen I already have two blondes and brunette, so what do you say Jaune want to be my third?
Ruby interjects: Not so fast sister!
Blake: You’re sister in supporting my booty.
Blake said glancing down to beneath her.
Jaune looks over the table and see Blake using Yang as a chair... And Ruby using Weiss as one too. Weiss and Yang are red-faced but clearly enjoying themselves.
Jaune sighs and looks at Ruby tiredly. 
Jaune: Alright, what do you have to say.
Ruby looks at him cheerfully.
Ruby: I’m glad you asked, bestie soon to be my restie. I was at one time just a modesty young woman with even modestier dreams. Then I met Weiss, who I quickly showed who should be leader, then Penny, who I gave friendship and a heart too, and then Oscar, who I peg to show dominance over. I never thought I’d be in my position today, but here I am. So what do say Jaune? To be honest I’ve always considered you to be an unofficial member of my harem, why not make it official?
Jaune squints his eyes at Ruby and Blake.
Jaune to himself again: What’s their game? I’m starting to think they’re won’t be any donuts.
Robyn Hill and the Happy Huntress emerge from the ventilation shaft.
Fiona falls out all fours and Robyn takes a seat at the table with May and Joanna flanking her.
Robyn: So you two, sneaky bitches though you could pull a power-move? Just because you two nearly have four doesn’t mean you can poach the local fuck boi population!
Robyn yells and slams down her hands on the table.
Blake and Ruby look at each other, then nod snapping their fingers as Sun and Ilia jump through a window and flank Blake, while Penny breaking through the roof with Oscar in her arms.
Blake narrows her eyes: Robyn Hill, so you were spying on us!
Robyn growls: For good reason you traitorous bitches! I thought you were a harem lord like me! But, you two are merely power hungry, Harem Conquers!
Ruby waves a finger at Robyn: Like you’re any different, why else would you be here. Rather than calling the Harem Leader’s Conclave in order to stop us, admitted it, you hypocrite! You’re just here for that piece of man, like the rest of us!
Ruby points at Jaune whose talking with Sun and eating donuts.
Jaune eating a banana cream donut: I have no idea what going on. I just came for some breakfast.
Sun: Me neither, but Blake put this collar on my tail and say I’m her property, so I was like ‘Ok, I guess I’m your’s now.’ It’s alright, I like Blake, but I miss my team though, But Blake says If everything goes according to Keikaiku-cake, what ever that is, she says my team will be her property too and they can stay with us. Oh, and I dig the new do by the way.
Jaune blushes: Thanks, I haven’t gotten too many opinions on it and I was feeling nervous about, I thought Nora was just being nice.
Robyn slams here hands on her table: So what, if I am?! Maybe I’m just here to protect the local himbo and keep him in his natural habitat!
Blake looks at Robyn scornfully: And where might his natural habitat be, inbetween you’re legs!? Or bending you in half!? Be honest to us Robyn, you’re just here to get the fourth to your harem in order to take our own, jealous we have been close time before, and are this close to greatness!
Robyn: You put your would be fourth into intensive booty care, and Oscar doesn’t count as two, it’d be weird if Ozpin stared popping out.
Ruby filing her nails: That’s why I peg him to assert by dominance over him, and in case Ozpin tries to get fresh with me.
Robyn: Regardless, I point your argumant back you Blake and Ruby, you’re trying to attain a Fourth Member in order to assert dominance over the other harems and absorb them into your own! That is why you’re making a power grab over the himbo!
Blake and Ruby say nothing.
Robyn: Your silence is telling.
Ruby and Blake both start to slow clap.
Ruby: Well, well, well, you figured it out. The one with the largest harem has the most power.
Blake: Our schemes are known to her now.
Robyn: What you’re doing would be going against the charter, you cannot forcefully make a himbo enter your harem, he must come on his own will! And you cannot have more than three, it would upset the natural balance. Only if the himbo choose you naturally, can you become a Harem Over-Lord! You twos attempts to become artificial Harem Over-Lords will be recorded and marked against you at the next Harem Leader’s Conclave.
Blake and Ruby look down mournfully.
Blake: Was it so much to ask to see Jaune and Sun get it on while Ilia is between my legs and I play with Yang’s tits?
Ruby: I just wanted my besties all in one place, seeing Jaune rail Oscar into the ground while Penny vibrates her hands inbetween Weiss and I!
Robyn: Your selfishness would have been your undoing, come let the Himbo go.
Jaune walks up eating a donut, Sun hanging off his back like a monkey.
Jaune: Still have no Idea whats going on, where are my donuts? I want more.
Robyn in her nicest voice: Don’t you see you poor Himbo, they were just trying to manipulate you into their harems to achieve ultimate power.
Jaune raises an eyebrow: Why would I want to join one, when I already have my own?
The three harem lord look at him stunned.
Ruby: Bullshit! I’ve never seen you at the meetings!
Blake: You aren’t even registered!
Robyn: You think just because you’re the local fuck boy, it makes you have a harem? Ha, what a joke!
Jaune rolls his eyes and whistles sharply. 
Nora and Ren appear behind him, followed by Marrow, Cinder, Willow, Kali, Raven, then the thristy moms, and then finally Pyrrha in a new android body.
Jaune: I don’t need a piece of paper to tell me I have game. You have a week to submit to your new Overlord.
With that Jaune left followed by his harem, leaving the stunned lords in his wake.
Blake: He took Sun with him.
Ruby: He took Oscar with him.
Fiona raising up from the ground: He took Robyn!
AN: Don’t ask me, I don’t know either, the original idea was deciding who geets to be the main character by who had the biggest harem, so they decided to recruit Jaune only for him to play the reverse Uno card.
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babbushka · 4 years
It’s All Worthwhile
Lawyer!Kylo Ren x Reader
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3k, mostly fluff based off the song Baby It’s Cold Outside, with some NSFW (vanilla sex [PIV, lots of kissing])
Available on AO3
It’s snowing gently, when the last of the guests leave through the door of Kylo’s penthouse apartment. You can see the flurries passing across the great big windows that span across the living room, Manhattan a glow of golden lights. Windows, traffic and the little illuminating bulbs on the bridges twinkle in the dark, evening finally turned to night. Though it may be dark out in the world beyond these windows, inside Kylo’s apartment is comfortably lit and cozy.
Decorative lamps and of course the flame of the candles in the large menorah on the mantle fill the living room with a warm orange glow, one that has you hating the thought of leaving. But it was Kylo’s apartment, and you didn’t want to overstay your welcome, so you push yourself off the couch and make your way to the foyer where Kylo is closing the door behind the last of his guests.
He turns towards you, looking painfully handsome. It was a work party, upscale and exclusive for the top lawyers in his circle. Why Kylo decided to host the Hanukkah celebration at his place rather than the office he holds in the Freedom Tower was obvious – he had a damn good apartment and you could tell he was eager to show it off, to impress.
As much as you hated to admit it, you were impressed.
“I’m really glad you came, you know.” Kylo approaches you, leans up against the wall of the hallway.
He took off his suit jacket, loosened his tie. There was something about the more casual appearance that make you blink quickly, remembering that this was your greatest rival, your biggest enemy. He wasn’t handsome, he was a pain in your ass…or so you keep reminding yourself half-heartedly.
“It was a great party, I’m exhausted.” You lie, “I should probably head out.”
“You don’t have to.” Kylo’s eyes are hopeful, especially as he doesn’t even spare a glance to the giant windows before trying to come up with the excuse of, “I mean, well, look at this weather.”
There is nothing in your body that tells you to leave, and everything that is screaming at you to stay. One look at Kylo, and you can read in his body language that he doesn’t want you to go either, and that’s a comfort. Still though, he is on the other side, he’s on the rival team, he’s your competition. Did you have strong feelings for him? Of course! But…
But lately it was becoming harder and harder to figure out exactly what those feelings were. You had been convinced in the beginning that it was hatred – because damn Kylo really managed to piss you off sometimes – but now, now you’re not so sure.
“I really can't stay.” You say slowly, carefully, hoping hoping hoping that he’ll pick up the game you want to play.
Maybe both of you can get what you want without having to admit to it.
Maybe, just maybe, neither of you have to wear your hearts on your sleeve.
“But baby…it's cold outside.” Kylo catches on immediately, a great big grin slowly spreading across his face.
He approaches you, rolls the sleeves of his dress shirt up over his forearms. The act is so casual, and yet your eyes are drawn to it instantly, unable to look away from the thick cords of muscle that flex as his hands reach for you. You’re all alone now, just the two of you, no one is around to see if maybe you should kiss, if maybe you should allow Kylo to hold you close.
“I’ve got to go away.” You allow him despite the words, allow him to slip an arm around your waist, pulling your bodies together.
“But baby, it's cold outside.” He shakes his head, biting at the inside of his cheek. He wants you desperately, wants you more than he’s ever wanted anything in his life. You are the first and only person to ever match him so well on so many levels, it’s absolutely intoxicating.
“This evening has been – ” You start, pulling away from him, finding your pulse beginning to race, your lungs beginning to squeeze as you hold your breath. You were so sure he would kiss you just then, but then he hadn’t, so away you go, just another step in the dance.
“I was hoping you'd drop in – ” Kylo talks at the same time as you, the two of you always did have a problem with interrupting one another, he hated that about you. He loves it.
“ – So very nice.” You begin to search for your gloves, taking a real long time, surely they haven’t gone too far. Maybe you spot them over by the long couch, and maybe you ignore that, maybe they weren’t yours after all.
“ – I'll hold your hands they're just like ice!” Kylo’s fingers twine through yours as he grasps your hand, spins you around and pulls you close to him once more.
His eyes are brown and sparkling in the warm glow, his chin tucked in to look at you properly. He had a good couple inches on you, even with your heels on, and you find that you don’t mind craning your neck up to bite back a smile at him, not one bit.
“My secretary will start to worry,” You say, licking your lips, your eyes on his mouth. They flick back up to his gaze, and he notices, of course he notices.
Kylo leans in, presses his forehead against yours, your noses rubbing together.
“Beautiful watch you're wearing…” He murmurs, turning your hand in his so he can see the diamonds catch the light. You’re so elegant, everything about you makes him sweat in his Louboutins.
“So really I'd better scurry.” You tilt your chin up a little, just barely a little, your bottom lip catching his ever so briefly. It’s not a kiss, not really – someone could come back in, couldn’t they? Maybe one of his friends forgot something behind, maybe someone was watching from a building across the way, maybe --
“Beautiful, please don't hurry.” Kylo brushes his lips back against yours, his eyes slipping closed, hand cupping your jaw, your cheek.
Beautiful? That was a first, your heart leaps in your chest. Kylo had called you a lot of things over the years that you have been butting heads together, how strange that this time, with your foreheads literally touching, he calls you something so sweet?
“…Well maybe just a half a drink more?” You finally start to show your cards, finally start to give him some proper leeway that he can take and run with.
And run with he does – he steps away from you abruptly, clapping his hands together once with excitement, already making his way to the elaborate home-bar that he has set up. The bartender he hired for the party is long gone, but Kylo knows his way around his spirits.
“Put some music on while I pour.” He gives you a cheeky grin, and you have to hide your face in your hands, chuckling out your happiness.
He could be such a jackass sometimes, but he could also be so incredibly thoughtful and charming and funny and smart and – oh no, you can practically feel yourself falling for him. You find that maybe, you don’t necessarily dislike the sensation of the butterflies in your stomach, as you step out of your heels to be more comfortable, and go over to the smart speaker mounted to the wall.
The baby grand piano sits comfortably in the corner of the great room, a few guests having taken a turn on the ivory keys, and you think that maybe one day you’d like to hear Kylo play. For now, the speaker will have to do, as you select a seasonally classical playlist of soft romantic music that immediately resonates through the room.
Kylo offers you a cocktail, and much to your surprise, there’s no alcoholic taste to it at all. You appreciate that, appreciate him not pressuring you to get tipsy or anything. Kylo wants you for you, wants you to be with him because you want to be with him. Still, you give him a bit of a hard time, even as he wraps one arm around your waist, the two of you slow dancing to the music.
“You know, the neighbors might think…” You raise a brow at him, and that makes him laugh out loud – he doesn’t have any neighbors, certainly not any that would matter. He’s all alone up here in this beautiful box in the sky.
Well, not entirely alone.
“Baby it's bad out there.” Kylo just shakes his head, giving you a spin that has you nearly missing your footing, the two of you giggling over the silliness of it all.
“Say what's in this drink?” You tease, knowing full well there’s nothing in it at all other than some sprite and pomegranate juice.
“Don’t joke like that.” Kylo stops moving entirely, grasps your jaw in his big hand and gets your attention with a scowl. You smile, both an apology and an understanding, not wanting to have caused him any offense. He rubs his thumb across your lip, the crease between his brows already slipping away, “In any case, you’ll never get a cab out there.”
That has you laughing again, just the realization of what you’re doing.
You’re in Kylo’s apartment, just the two of you, and you’re having fun. No yelling, no arguments, no name calling or temper tantrums for once, and it’s so nice. Now why couldn’t he be this agreeable all the time, you can’t help but wonder?
I wish I knew how, You think, casting a gaze over to the menorah that’s starting to burn down to nothing, to break this spell.
 Her eyes are like starlight now, Kylo thinks, regarding you softly, watching you watch the candles. He walks away from you and blows them out the rest of the way, not wanting his apartment to burn down if he leaves them unattended – and he was getting tired of staying in the living room.
He wants you in his bed, if you’ll allow him that privilege, if you want it too. Only if you want it, but fuck does he.
“I'll take your hat, your hair looks swell.” Kylo offers, holding a hand out for the beret that’s fastened to your head with a couple pins. He wants to touch your hair, wants to card his fingers through it, wants to caress and kiss and fuck you, if you’ll let him.
“I ought to say no no no, sir – ” You duck your head, unpinning the beret anyway, shaking your hair out from underneath it. Trying not to think about the possibility of hat-hair, you hand him the beret, his big hands folding it gently, resting it on the big glass coffee table.
“Mind if I move in closer?” Kylo steps out of his dress shoes, leaves them right there on the plush rug in the living room.
“—But maybe just a cigarette more.” You grin, taking his hand when he extends it to you.
“Never had such a blizzard before!” Kylo beams, practically pulls you up the stairs, leading you down the hallway to the master bedroom.
You don’t have much time to really look at any of the furnishings, but it’s neat and clean and well kept, the sheets crisp, everything varying shades of white and cream. Finally finally finally, Kylo surges forward to kiss you, his hands on your face, your neck, wanting you everywhere, wanting his hands on you everywhere too.
Kissing Kylo was always everything you thought it would be, you think as your hands fumble with your outfit, trying to get your clothes off and away. You and Kylo had had sex before, hard angry fucks in offices behind closed doors – but never anything like this. Never these soft laughs and gentle groans as Kylo helps get you naked, wanting not a single stitch of clothing on either of you.
Once your body is exposed to the slight chill of the air, you shuffle yourself under the covers of Kylo’s pristinely made bed. It’s a silent signal for him, one that tells him you’re spending the night, you’re not going to get out from under these blankets and sheets once you’re in them. Kylo reads you loud and clear, and practically trips over himself to get naked too.
He crawls under the covers with you too, and immediately you roll to face him, to get as far into his space as you possibly can. His hands grasp your face again, kissing you and kissing you and kissing you some more, sucking on your lips, your tongue, swallowing you whole. His hands move all over you, grasping at your body, wanting to feel every inch of you.
You throw a leg over his hip, his hard cock brushing against your stomach. It’s hot and throbbing, you wonder how desperate for you he must’ve been all evening. Kylo lowers one of his hands to your pussy and thrusts a couple of his thick fingers up inside you, stretching you just enough to take him, kissing you, breathing hard. Your head sinks into his soft plush pillows, and your body opens for him, especially as he rolls over on top of you. Legs falling apart, Kylo thrusts his cock into your wanting cunt with ease, the two of you letting out a moan when he finally bottoms out.
You’re both electrified by this, both wanting it, having wanted it all evening – wanted it for years. But that was a scary thought, so you stick to something safer like just tonight. The way he was such an effortless host, champagne glass in hand, laughing and smiling with ease at his guests, the way everyone was comfortable and not a single person had a single complaint was so sexy to you.
You had no idea, how could you have, but he threw the party for you.
Just for you.
Kylo grunts into the crook of your neck as your legs wrap around his waist, his arms caging you under his body as his cock rocks in and out of you, feeling too good, feeling right. It just feels right being here, and if he were to ask you, you know you’d agree.
“I got to – oh don’t stop – get home.” Still, the game isn’t over yet, there isn’t a clear winner, not yet.
Was it you? Or was it him? You both wanted the same thing for once, were both on the same side, what a Hanukkah miracle that was!
“But baby you'd fucking freeze out there.” Kylo pants as he speeds his hips up, watching the way your breasts bounce from the effort, from the sheer momentum of his thrusts. He shifts up enough to grasp the headboard for leverage, and your back arches up into his touch, mouth falling open and eyes pinched shut as you take the pleasure he so eagerly gives you.
“So lend me your coat – yes!” You’ve got so much spirit, so much stubborn strength, Kylo can’t help but laugh at your remark. You always have to have the last word, don’t you?
“No way, it's up to your knees out there.” Well, so does Kylo, and he smacks your thigh a little, watches as the flesh jiggles for him, your pussy soaking wet and velvety and tight around his cock, wanting nothing more than to come deep in you, claim you as his and let you claim him as yours.
“Look, you've really been great – ” You stumble and bumble and hiccup around the words as your toes curl, chest heaving, pleasure washing over you in waves and waves, “– Oh fuck, please?
“How do you do this to me?” Kylo groans out, dropping down back to your neck, worrying the skin there as his hips rut against yours, shallow thrusts with his cock practically buried in your hot pussy, not wanting to be anywhere else other than right here.
“There's bound to b-be talk tomorrow…” You moan, pinching at your nipples, trying to get some more friction as your orgasm builds builds builds, Kylo moving the whole bed, the entire mattress shifting on the supports.
“Think of my life long sorrow – ” Kylo grunts, thrusts growing erratic as he gets closer, pushing into you deeper, harder, faster, more more more until your whole body shakes and rattles and trembles.
“Oh – oh yes, yesyesyes right there Kylo!!” You’re loud, practically shouting out his name, the word echoing and bouncing around the ceiling.
“ – If you caught pneumonia and died, ohhh fuck.” He comes then, hearing his name on your lips, on your tongue, that frantic beating of his heart making him dizzy, making him sweat. He can feel his come spreading through you and your body goes limp under him, star-fishing out on his mattress.
You’ve got a big blissed out smile on your face, and Kylo thinks that as much of a fucking thorn in his side you are, he’d do anything to keep that smile there.
Not that he’d ever tell you that. You were rivals, after all.
“Hey Kylo?” You pant, wiping the sweat away from your brow.
“Mhm?” He’s collapsed down on top of you, and he’s half expecting you to tell him to get off, that he’s crushing you, that you can’t breathe and you’re dying and a million other things.
“I’m really glad I came too.” You whisper instead of all of that, and that wasn’t something that Kylo was prepared for, not really.
So he doesn’t say anything at all, grateful that you chose to be here with him, chose to accept his invite, chose to make this entire party worth it.
Because it was worth it, just getting to be with you.
 Oh baby it's cold,
Baby it's cold outside
 (tagging some lawyer!kylo friends, I hope this is alright no pressure to read of course! @safarigirlsp​ @direnightshade​ @barbers-glimmerin-darlin​ @steeevienicks​)
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #679: Joker's Birthday Speech (Persona 5 X SSBU)
It was a nice and beautiful afternoon Smash Town and the Smash Mansion itself has gotten loud and lively inside for a certain Phantom Thief's birthday party today.
After being genuinely surprised and then become very happy by the fact that his friends and newfound family had went out of their way to prepare this special occasion for him, Ren Amimaya took it upon himself to do something that he never done before. And that is to.....
Peach: (Standing Behind the Microphone) Everyone! Let's all calm down and-
Peach: ('Sigh') Guys! Please! Let Ren-
Peach: (Already Starting to Lose her Patience) QUIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!
Everyone: (Finally Silenced Themselves with Fear in Some of Their Eyes) ...........
Peach: (Smiles Brightly) Thank you. (Turns to Ren) Everyone's ready for you now, Renny dear.
Ren: (Makes his Way to the Microphone With a Bit of a Scared Look in his Face) Thanks for that, your majesty.....
Peach: You're welcome!~
Ren: (Turns to his Audience While Clearing his Throat a Little) You know....('Heh') If I knew sooner you crazy people would throw me a party at all today, I would've already written down my speech last night. Or even earlier this morning if I was ever that lucky.
Almost Everyone: (Starts Chuckling Lightly)
Bayonetta: (From the Audience) LOVE YOU, SWEETIE!~
Ren: (Waves at Bayonetta) Love you too, witch mom. (Chuckles Lightly Once More Clearing his Throat Again) But in all seriousness though, I just wanna thank all of you for.... literally going out if your way to do this for me.....(Starts Shaking his Head a Little) You know what? No. That's not the only thing I wanna thank you all for today. It's also for.... making a really huge impact in my entire life. For some of you who don't know already....('Sigh') Let's just say that my life before all of this was.....(Frowns a Little) far from great...or even good for that matter. So much so that I... almost thought about giving up all together....
Peach: (Covering her Mouth in Shock While In Tears)
Ann: (Frowns Sadly for her Friend) Oh Ren.....
Ren: (Starts Smiling Softly Again) But meeting you all over those three or whatever years has helped me become more of a better and stronger person, inside and out, and to have confidence in myself than I ever had before. You even helped me realize that there's more to life than just being sad and miserable everyday. And honest, I wouldn't be how I am- Scratch that. I wouldn't be STANDING HERE, speaking to all of you in a microphone, right now if it weren't all of what you've done for so far. To all of the amazing friends I made along the way....
Ann: (Smiles Softly in Tears While Holding on to Shiho's Hand)
Ryuji: (Already Starting to Grin Happily While Tears Are in his Eyes)
Futuba: (Starts Clapping her Hands Loudly While Tears Are in her Eyes)
Lavenza: (Softly Pats on Futuba's Back in a Reassuring Manner)
Yusuke: (Smiles Softly Towards his Friend)
Haru: (Begins to Crying Softly Holding Onto Morgana, Who is Smiling Proudly at his Partner and Friend)
Ren: To those who actually stepped up and continue to raise to this very day.......
Palutena/Bayonetta: (Already Crying Loudly into Each Other's Arms) OUR BABY BOYYYYYYYY!~
Sojiro: (Chuckles Lightly) Honestly. If anything....(Wiping a Single Tear Off his Eyes) I should be thanking you for making a better man.
Ren: To those I already considered as my brothers and sisters.....
Pit: (Already Starts Crying his Eyes Out While Viridi Starts Rubbing his Back Reassuringly)
Dark Pit: ('Tch') Crying already, Pit-Stain? (Turns Away While Crossing his Arms) Pathetic..........(Tears Starts Falling Down on his Eyes Before Getting Pulled into a Group Hug by Kyoko and Misako)
Ren: (Turns to Makoto) To the beautiful queen whom I love each and everyday, for the rest of my life.
Makoto: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness While in Tears) ('Sniff') I love you too, Ren-Ren. ('Sniff') So much. (Begins to Cry Softly)
Sae: (Put her Arm Around her Baby Sister Reassuringly)
Ren: And to all the people who put with me since day freaking one! I wanna say, from the bottom of my phantom heart, from all the crazy shit we been through over the years. All I wanna say today is.....(Tears Fell Down from his Eyes with a Sincere Smile on his Face) Thank you. Thank you all so, very muc-
Before he could finish his speech, Makoto, Ryuji, Futuba, Bayonetta, Palutena, and eventually almost all of his friends and family has begun to Rush over to Ren and overwhelmed him with all the love and hugs they could all give the young Phantom Thief. This was, indeed, the best birthday he ever had in a very long time.
Happy Birthday Joker
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kylorengarbagedump · 4 years
Little Bird: Chapter 42
Read on AO3. Part 41 here. Part 43 here.
Summary: It turns out that what most men discuss behind closed doors is the same as what they discuss when the doors are open.
Words: 3750
Warnings: men being gross
Characters: Kylo Ren x Handmaid!Reader
A/N: Hi! This is an early chapter because I will likely need 2ish weeks to write these last three each! Maybe I'll surprise myself and crank them out, but they need to be perfect, and I won't compromise, lmao.
I hope you enjoyed this. If you're suffering, please hang in there. We can get through this together!! I promise.
I love all of you very much, am grateful to everyone forever. Stay safe with COVID. <3
When the Council Chamber doors opened, your humanity fled the room, leaving a husk, a red dress scrutinized by a dozen strange men. 
Your Commander sat next to you at the head of the table, clad in an all-black suit, glossy hair sweeping his shoulders and pink lips pursed in thought. His greeting of the Council members  was as generous as a brief flicker of focus, watching them and their expressions as they filed in. One by one, they were seated, and you stared at your hands, sneaking glances at Kylo, avoiding the temptation to be rapt in his beauty. Despite it all, his perfection stirred you--but you couldn’t decide if that stirring was from admiration or irritation. 
With the Knights slated to be dismissed post-meeting, he’d requested you accompany him (come), given that the meeting’s purpose involved you, anyway. It was interesting, this new level of dashed intimacy between you and Kylo Ren--his desire to control you fettered by the shared knowledge that he would inevitably fail to do so. Under any other circumstance, you would have declined his request, but in the end, you’d agreed to come out of sheer determination to find something for the Resistance to use. 
After all, the switchblade was back in your possession, stowed in your dresser, awaiting its own destiny.
“You expect us to have a meeting with a Handmaid present?”
The mention of you snapped you to reality, plunged now into a chamber where your only sanctuary was a man from whom you would refuse any refuge.
Kylo was unfazed. “The meeting concerns her.”
“Does it?” one of them--older, balding--asked. “You’ve become so interested in Handmaids lately.”
“It’s funny, isn’t it?” Another older man, a full head of white hair. Most of them were older, really. “Don’t you remember all those years ago? He hated the idea.”
A third man laughed. “He did!” 
“What did he say to Snoke that one meeting?” the balding one asked. “Something like, how we need to build resources, something something, rather than spend… Spend our time with a harem, or something, was it?”
“No, no, Quinn,” said the white-haired man. “It was, we need a foundation before wasting our time designing a fantasy harem.”
“God Almighty, that’s it! Fantasy harem!” the bald man--Quinn, apparently--replied. “You do have a way with words, don’t you, Ren?”
Kylo said nothing. Deep, deep inside of your chest, a twinge of affection, of hope. That seed of doubt inside of him, the one he’d claimed to have shorn free, had never quite lost its root. You imagined him--younger, less exhausted, the words rolling from his mouth in droll disdain--and fought the urge to smile.
Quinn looked at Kylo. “What finally sold you?” Even with your gaze aimed at your lap, you felt his focus rest on you for a heart-sinking second. “I guess some of them are like good pets. Some are even nice to look at.”
“Like little parakeets.”
“Yes, like those. Or canaries.”
Your stomach churned, and you glimpsed Kylo. His eye twitched.
Quinn nodded. “Anyway. You brought a Handmaid here. Into the Council Chambers.” A pause. “Slightly inappropriate. We’re hoping to get a decent explanation.”
“She’s pregnant,” Kylo said, as if this was a perfectly obvious and thorough answer.
A pause, and a handful of men chattered in congratulations, another couple clapping their hands. Kylo stiffened next to you, like he was shocked by the reality of it, like it hadn’t been his cock cumming inside your pussy that had landed you both in this position. Heat crept up your neck as the semi-celebration peaked and died in murmurs of assurance that, of course, your child would be a boy. It seemed as if no matter where you went, there were groups of strangers hoping to claim your pregnancy and invest its future with their own delusions.
“I get it now.” Quinn shook his head knowingly. “Now that you know how it feels to stake your claim, you’re like a proud owner. You want to show off.” He slapped the table. “Good on you.”
“I don’t know about that,” said the white-haired man. “Pregnant Handmaids should stay at home.”
“Oh, please, Peavey.” Quinn waved him off. “As if you wouldn’t want to do the same thing with yours.”
A man in the back snorted. “He’d have to get her pregnant, first.”
“That goes for all of us!”
Laughter resonated into the high ceilings of the chamber. Spindly spines of disgust crawled down your back.
Quinn sighed in relief. “At least Ren and I have something in common, now.” The smug slug of a man looked at your Commander. “Can’t blame you for wanting to brag.”
A younger Council member, speckled with a short beard, sighed. “I’m jealous,” he said. “I’ve had mine for six months now, and nothing.”
“Ren’s just more of a man than you are, Gideon,” Quinn said.
“No!” Gideon scoffed. “I just need a new one.” His beady eyes raked over you. “Ren, once you’re done with her, I need a chance.” 
Your heart fluttered in your fingertips, and you peered at your Commander from the corner of your wings. His brow quirked. He swallowed. But still said nothing. 
“Yes!” Peavy stared at you now, too, like this was a meat market, and you were the only flesh for sale. “We know she must be a good one. She’s only been there, what, three months? And already pregnant?”
The man in the back clapped. “We need something to show off to God, too!”
Kylo shifted next to you, his nails scraping across the frame of his chair.
“My Handmaid isn’t pregnant either, can I have a shot?”
“Gideon called it first.”
“It’s fine!” Gideon chuckled, smile evident in his voice. “She’ll come to all of our homes.”
The giddy static between the Council members crackled and died, excitement sliced to ribbons by Kylo’s tone.
He cleared his throat. “She won’t.”
In silence, a humming crescendo of confusion. Blood burned your face as you peered from under your wings across the table. A few sputtered, demanding Kylo repeat himself, others settling for blatant disbelief.
“What?” asked Peavey.
Gideon scowled. “What are you talking about?”
“Come on, now.” Quinn sighed, tapping the table with his palm. “I know you’ve grown a little attached to your Handmaid, but you have to realize how selfish that is.”
Shaking his head, Gideon inched forward in his seat. “We need children, Ren. The birthrate is--”
Peavey shushed him, gesturing to you. “Not in front of the Handmaid!”
“Well,” he grumbled, chewing his lip. “Whatever. You can’t deny us the opportunity to use--”
Kylo’s jaw tightened. “She’s not for your use.” 
“That’s her purpose!” Gideon replied. “What else is she there for?”
Quinn held up a hand, quieting the ruckus. The other men settled, furious focus switching between him and your Commander. Your heart roared in your ears as silence descended in the chambers. Kylo blinked softly, observing his own reflection in the lacquered table.  
“I see what’s happening.” There was no friendly tinge to his voice, now. “She’s not here because she’s pregnant. She’s here because you have some plan for the future with her.”
The other Commanders muttered to each other, sniping you with side-eye.
Gideon shook his head. “You’re serious? I know you were having fun with your little Handmaid project, but really? A future? With that?” 
Dread thickened in your throat.
“Give it up, Ren.” Peavey sighed. “Even if we ignore the implications of a possible affair--”
“An affair!” Gideon gasped in realization. “Imagine that. Righteous Ren, sleeping with his Handmaid.” He chuckled, leaning back in his seat. “I just can’t imagine a woman wanting to spend time with you.”
“Gideon,” Quinn growled.
“What?” he protested. “I’m not being disrespectful.” He sat forward, hands held up in deference. “Please, believe me, sir, I’m just saying. You don’t have the sunniest disposition.”
Peavey cleared his throat. “Even if! We ignore the implications, Ren. She’s still not your Wife. She never will be.”
Kylo exhaled, straightened in his seat. “There’s nothing stopping me from making it so.”
The other men glanced at each other in disbelief, remained silent.
“All due respect, sir, but laws aren't for you to decide. They're ruled by God, and we’re bound to uphold them.” Quinn placed his elbows on the table, folded his fingers together. “And I don't know if any of us are going to agree with you, here. You're married to Johana, not... this,” he said, gesturing to you. “Your marriage is a sacred bond gifted to you by God.”
“The marriage is irrelevant.”
Another rumble of disagreement throughout the room, like the clinking of cracked glass. 
From the back, an anonymous mutter. “Dear God, he’s lost his mind.”
Kylo grit his teeth, his fists balling in his lap.
“Ren.” This was Peavey, holding out a pacifying palm. “I know you can’t be serious. You remember, right? The roles we created. God’s design. Separate and equal?”
Quinn nodded. “We have different roles for a reason. Wives. Handmaids. Even the Marthas all serve their specific purposes.” He smiled--sycophantic and shit-eating. “It’s not personal. A Handmaid simply isn’t meant to be a Wife.”
Gideon slapped the table in agreement, like this was a jovial discussion, and not a debate about the course of your future--a future which, for the record, was still being decided for you, rather than by you. 
“Exactly. And, I mean, really. Let’s just say we could make her your Wife, after, of course, she’s gotten too old and is infertile.” Gideon laughed. “Would you really want to be married to that? After she’s been used up by so many other men?”
“And who knows how many men she was with before that!” interjected some random member. 
The room erupted into laughter. Fire coursed through your veins, words tingling on your tongue. You glanced at your Commander, who was currently unable to conceal the rapid flutter of muscle under his eye. The knot in his throat bobbed, his voice a hidden dagger.
“Interesting,” he said. A pause. “You sound like Pryde.”
Quinn flicked his wrist, dismissing the insinuation as ridiculous. “Come, now. Pryde was a loose canon with converts.” He looked to Kylo, shaking his head. “You're not foolish enough to murder your entire government without reason. The Eyes would take you before you even got started.”
“If the Angels didn’t get to you first,” Peavey added gravely.
The room fell silent again, all attention aimed on your Commander, awaiting his response. But, characteristically, he said nothing. 
Quinn sighed. “I’m sorry, Ren,” he said. “We’re just not going to approve this.”
 A murmured agreement washed over the room, the dozen men nodding to themselves and to each other. Of course, you’d known this to be the outcome--predicted it the moment you’d sat in his study and he’d asked you to be his advisor. And you knew that there was a part of Kylo that had known it, too, despite his reckless insistence. Nothing else would explain the collection of cadavers he’d cast in his footsteps, all slaughtered to strangle his subjects into subservience.
And it still hadn’t been enough.
Gideon rubbed his stubbly chin, glanced around the room. “It’s just how it’s going to be,” he said. “We’re not afraid, here.”
“You can’t intimidate God’s message,” said Peavey.
Kylo spoke through clenched teeth. “His message.”
“You are meant to serve Him,” Gideon replied. “Just like she is.” 
Peavey nodded. “We all are,” he said. “We all know Snoke trained you well, but even he understood God had final say.”
“Your role isn't to create, Ren. That belongs to no one on this planet.” Quinn leveled your Commander with a solemn stare. “You're just His tool. “
Gideon chuckled. “A weapon, right?” he said, looking around the table. “That’s what Snoke always called him?” 
Another wave of laughter. Underneath the table, like a shadow, Kylo’s hand grasped your knee. You almost choked, stuffing the urge to gawk, chancing a glimpse instead. His lips trembled from the war within his mind, the battle between the side that had its claws in Gilead and the side that was in Gilead’s claws. But it wouldn’t matter if he sharpened his talons to raptor-points; in comparison, Gilead’s were crushing bear paws, pulverizing him in their grizzly grip. In his eyes, behind the churning storm, you saw him, the vulnerable reality of Kylo Ren--the lost, empty, desperate man, starved of love, fed with fury. 
His nails bit into your flesh. Holding your breath, you enveloped his hand with your own. 
“I just… wonder.” It was seconds before you recognized the voice echoing in the empty air as yours. “If we're really meant to serve anybody.”
The Council was silent, speechless in realization of what you’d just done. Beside you, your Commander was equally quiet, staring into the table, his body tense. But he swallowed.
And his fingers curled around yours.
“That’s…” Peavey cleared his throat, face flustered pink as he glanced around the table. “That’s… ridiculous. God decides our destinies.”
“Well,” you replied, “what if we’re destined to make choices? About who we are. And what we want.”
Quinn shook his head, smiling, as if you’d said the dumbest thing he’d ever heard. “No, no. God doesn’t want for us to make the wrong choices.” He looked to your Commander, imploring him to interrupt you. “That’s the purpose of Gilead.”
“God gave us the ability to decide, though. The ability to grow.” You squeezed Kylo’s hand. He squeezed back. “Why would he give all of this to us, but then put us on track to be just one thing for the rest of our lives?”
“Because we create chaos without guidance,” replied Quinn, lip curling in ire.
You knew it was stupid. That the words shouldn’t leave your mouth. But to feel Kylo’s fingers in yours, his strength pulsing through your palm, to wallow in his broken gaze--you couldn’t resist. No matter how deeply you hated him, you could not suppress your desire to save him.
You snorted. “What part of Gilead isn’t chaos?”
Gideon rolled his eyes. “Shut her up.” 
“There’s constant war, constant upheaval, constant danger and death--”
“Ren?” Peavey glared at your Commander, gestured toward you.
“--your population is failing, your people are disappearing, your women kill themselves and your men are miserable--”
Quinn snarled. “Ren, what are you doing?”
“--you're all liars! To yourselves and everyone else. Your government is founded on sanctimony and hypocrisy!”
Quinn shot from his seat. Kylo lunged, snatched the back of your chair and yanked it behind him, throwing his body between you and the Council. You were breathless, staring into his heaving back as you spied the other men rising to their feet in confusion. They peered around his broad frame, seeking your gaze, curious to understand. Curious to understand what it was about you that had fractured Kylo Ren’s facade.  
“Back down, Ren.” Quinn’s voice slid like a spear through the thick air. “You’re making a mistake.”
Kylo was still. “No.”
The room was quiet again--your fingers found purchase under your chair, your heart bounding in your throat. Heat radiated in violent ripples from Kylo’s shoulders, like smoke signaling the fire in his blood. Around the table, the Council tensed, and Quinn released a long, slow breath.
“Look,” he said. “I get it. I do. But whatever you think you feel for her, you’re wrong.” His tone was placating. “We all know someone who thought they had some sort of bond with their Handmaid. But once that Handmaid was gone, they realized how foolish they’d been.” 
He received no reply. 
“Because she’s pregnant with your child,” Quinn continued, “we’ll overlook this obvious, flagrant disregard for the law. After she gives birth, she’ll go for re-education, or she’ll head to the Colonies.” He paused. “Either way, you won’t keep her. Not if she endangers Gilead.”
An extended silence as the Council waited for your Commander to respond--a foolish venture which earned them nothing. Kylo’s knuckles were white, quaking with restraint imperceptible to anyone but you. His back swelled, and he drew in a breath through his nose, exhaling as he surveyed the other men in the room. All of them hunched into their invisible shells, terrified to be plucked free and gobbled whole. Fascinating, his power, that even in admonishment, he still inspired dormant fear.
“Another incident like this, and we’ll overlook her pregnancy, next,” said Peavey. “I’m sure the Eyes would be interested to hear your take on your relationship.”
“We are servants of God, first,” Gideon added. “Gilead second. And you third. Remember that.”
Quinn held out a hand, extinguishing the hidden threat in Gideon’s words. “Relax. I’m not interested in starting a mess.” He nodded. “But. This will be your only warning. We don’t want to see or hear about this--” he gestured to you, “--again.” He smiled. “I think that’s enough for today. Let’s meet again in a week. See how you’re feeling then.”
The tiniest puff of air left Kylo’s nose. “Yes.”
“Good.” He straightened his jacket, nodded in farewell. “Under His Eye.”
You sat, shielded by your Commander, as the Council members turned from the table and shuffled out, muttering to each other as they took their exit. Quinn was the last to leave, knowing stare darting between you and Kylo before the massive doors creaked and slammed shut behind him. With his departure, Kylo’s shoulders fell, a black volcano collapsing onto the table, and he ran a hand through his hair. Muffling a sigh in his chest, he turned to look at you--his jaw rigid, his eyes exhausted. He swallowed.
“Come.” He beckoned you forward with his hand.
Blinking, you stood--and Kylo tugged you against his chest, shifting you around so your side was flush with his, his palm steady at the small of your back. Your mind went blank; you gazed up at him, baffled as he shuffled you forward, keeping his strides in pace with yours. There were no real words that would come to you, but you suppose it didn’t matter. He didn’t seem intent on talking, anyway; his attention was trained forward, head on a swivel when he opened the chamber doors and ushered you into the halls.
It was strange, to be this close in public, to feel his solid, strong body like a barricade along your own, to feel his warmth against you, heating your bones free of fear. And despite the electricity in the air, he did not urge you in haste, but sought the rhythm of your heels on the hardwood. It was if he was wanting your guidance. As if you were leading him to the exit. 
But that couldn’t be right, you thought--not this man, not Kylo Ren, the one who had spent the past two nights detailing his desire to possess you in perpetuity. Then again, there was also the man in the chambers just minutes ago: this man, this Kylo Ren, the one who had held your hand, allowed you to shield your dignity.
Your tongue was stone in your mouth. For once, you were grateful for it. Especially when you turned the corner and saw Finn, dressed in a Commander’s suit, walking down the hall.
Thoughts like a blaze--there would be little time to explain to anyone your position, let alone a member of the Resistance, but you knew three things: Finn was in front of you. You had the switchblade. And no matter what your Commander’s hand at your back looked like to you or anyone else, there was no happy ending the two of you could ever have.
Pulse pounding, you caught Finn’s eyes, widened your own, an unseen signal to Kylo Ren while he held you close. Finn held your gaze for a split-second, questioning, confirming--you coughed, giving the slightest nod, and broke away. Without a word or acknowledgement, he passed you, face aimed ahead, and you marched forth, the firm reminder of your enslavement at your spine. The distance grew in seconds, the click of his shoes ricocheting in the silence, a meeting time and place decided even in its presence. Sweat tickled the back of your neck, and with every new step, you released another portion of trapped breath.
The sun screamed into your sight when you walked outside--you expected Kylo to abandon you there, but he maintained his position, fingers inching toward your waist to stabilize you as you walked down the stairs. Despite the undeniable and regrettable comfort of his presence, the skipping of your heart hadn’t slowed, the dry scrape of your mouth unrelieved. 
If what you’d just done worked out, the Resistance would meet you at Kylo’s home in the night, and you’d give them everything that you had.
You and Kylo reached the Audi in the parking lot, tucked under the shade of a tree. He left you in the approach, as you expected, but what you hadn’t expected was for him to pop open the passenger door. Confused, you almost paused, met his gaze--crystal amber shimmering in the hot summer air, memorizing like you’d evaporate if you baked too long. More sweat--you weren’t sure of its origin, this time--and you scurried into the car, seated by the time Kylo eased the door closed.
He stood there, for a moment, meandering around the front of the vehicle with long strides--and like a whip, he snapped, whirled and slammed his fist into the hood of his car, denting the steel. You yelped, clapping your hands over your mouth, watching as he remained there for one, two seconds before jerking back his arm. Kylo wagged off the burn, crossing to the driver’s door, throwing it open and tumbling inside.
Gulping, you observed him, quivering chin, red knuckles, tight jaw. He was wound, taut like copper wire coiled over lightning. A shaky break leaked from his nose, and he wrapped his hand around the steering wheel, his eyes drifting to yours. You stared at each other, everything unsaid, words worthless in this reality where the both of you had lived too long in your bonds to erase their scars. 
For some reason, you wanted to apologize. But then Kylo turned away, pushed the key into the ignition, and cranked the engine.
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snowpeawritings · 4 years
Hi, I would like to request a Ren/Akira story where the reader got caught up in the palace transfer thing with PT and unlocks her persona after being told she will never be able to be as strong or of use like the others. Thanks and I really love you work!
yessss always wanted to write an awakening scene!
Reader is female
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You wanted to change this rotten world for the better but you were a pacifist.
Your parents raised you to never fight violence with violence, lest it would continue this toxic cycle that will never end. As much as you hated the fact that you can’t do anything to change things physically, just being there emotionally is enough for you. As such, you weren’t easily the most picked on. No one disliked you, but no one particularly liked you.
And you were fine with that.
With the coming of the transfer student, students and teachers were already giving him shit. You knew Kamoshida's… actions in order to become the school’s fan favorite. It honestly pissed you off to no end, having a scumbag like him walk like he owns the place, but you really couldn’t stand up to him and his adoring fans. All you could do whenever the transfer student (you believed his name was Kurusu?) is getting ostracised from the school is giving him your time and becoming his first friend.
And you were fine with that.
Turns out he wasn’t the delinquent everyone made him out to be. He just wanted to have his normal future back and a normal high school life. While you could never grant him that wish, you’ll be his support when people weigh him down. Even the threat of expulsion of him, Ryuji and Mishima would keep him up, you would always be there. Even if there’s nothing more you could do than offer half-empty words.
And you were fine with that.
When news of Kamoshida’s confession spread, you really didn’t know what to think. The calling card that was posted across the school bulletin made you believe these ‘thieves’ but it was a far stretch. You were still Akira’s friend whom he hangs out with from time to time but you never knew that he was friends with Ryuji and Ann. Then the circle grew to Mishima, to a student from Kosei High, to Makoto Niijima–
And you were fine with being outside of his circle.
He certainly looked happier when he was with them. While he rarely smiles, you could see that glint of life in his dark eyes whenever Ryuji makes a corny joke and Ann has to smack him upside the head or when he says something witty that just encompasses how much of a dork he is. He even went so far as to try to serenade his cat when the feline clearly did not want to be held[1] (who knew he had such a great voice?).
He did smile when you were hanging out with him, but you never seen him truly look happy with you. For some reason, you were fine with that.
Akira still tries to hang out with you. You could tell when his eyes winced at his own disappointment when he rejected you spending some time with him. His circle of friends were his top priority as he always goes out with them seemingly every day. As much as you wanted to respect his private life, you yourself had to guess just where the heck they kept going, especially when they were a fairly big group.
You didn’t want to follow them but to be fair, it was sheer coincidence that you were there when the entire world shifted. And no, it wasn’t because you wanted to follow Ryuji because he still hasn’t paid his debt to you to buy that entire pack of Black Thunder chocolate.
The dilapidated and destroyed train station is what you saw when you opened your eyes. You were sure this was the station that you wait for your train but never in complete chaos like this. Honestly, the place isn’t what made you scream. What you screamed was when the weird-looking cat in front of you transformed into a van in front of a group of equally weird-looking people.
When the fellow in the black coat whipped his head, you knew those dark eyes anywhere.
“It’s you!?” You screeched, your voice echoing across the tunnel endlessly. “Y-You mean… this entire time, the Phantom Thieves were you guys!?”
The girl in red who you were sure was Ann waved her hands rapidly. “No, _______! We’re not—”
Her eyes widened in surprise at her mistake before slapping her gloved hands over her mouth. “Wait, no! I mean—”
The blonde boy beside her, Ryuji, stomped his foot at Ann’s glaring mistake. “Great way to eff it up, Panther! Now she knows who we are now!”
The way that ‘Panther’ had smacked Ryuji upside the head proved your hunch right; the ragtag group of vigilante thieves that steal hearts were also your own classmates.
“I mean…” You said shakily, trying to diffuse the fight between Ryuji and Ann. “It’s pretty obvious from your voice and hair. But seriously, w-where are we? What is this place?”
The comment about them being obvious was ignored for now. Instead, the brunette you knew to be Makoto stepped in and explained everything to an extent: the Metaverse, them being the Phantom Thieves of Heart, and a magical cat.
“But please, please keep this a secret.” Makoto-or Queen- pleaded with you. “Our entire work would be gone if you tell anyone else what we do.”
You waved your hand to calm her down. “I’ll keep this a secret, don’t worry. Besides, no one talks to me so it’s all good.”
You looked over to Morgana, the cat bus that seemed to regard you with what you guessed was slight interest. “So… how do you guys normally get out of here?”
Akira-or Joker-answered you. “There’s this app on our phones that lets us go in and out of the Metaverse. And right now, I’m getting you out of here.”
As much as you wanted to stay and see how they do their job, you nodded in agreement with him. He stepped close to you, phone in his hand as his finger hovered over an eerily-looking red eye. 
“I promise,” He whispered to you, his breath fanning against your ear which made you shiver,  “I’ll explain everything to you once we’re done here.”
Him being so close has your heart churning. And you were fine with that.
But the fleeting moment ended when you heard the sound of metal clanging against each other before Joker had been sent flying from you. Just a second he was standing so close to you. Now, he was sprawled on the floor, Queen healing him as the rest of the Thieves huddled together to protect their leader.
The being that attacked Joker looked like someone from Buddhist lore; its fists crackled with lightning before hurling a large bolt of thunder towards the group. The resounding clap of thunder soon followed, electrocuting everyone who and especially the severely weakened Joker. It was only Skull who was still standing but even he looked like he was about to faint from how everyone couldn’t stand up.
“Th-The hell!?” Skull gasped out, shakily bringing out an iron bat before sizing up the figure. “Where the hell did you come from!?”
Mona groaned out from his spot. “Don’t bother fighting it, Skull! He landed a critical hit on us!”
“Get ______ out of here!” Joker gasped out, his hands inching for his mask. “I’ll hold him back for you two to escape!”
His voice brought you some clarity. The gravity of the situation had just sunk in and right now, you didn’t know whether you wanted to collapse, vomit or both. The rest of the thieves were still trying to stand up in the face of the enemy but with it raising its fists, you don’t think they could dodge it in time.
With Skull quivering, with Joker yelling, and with you panicking, you had to move. You had to move you had to move you had TO MOVE–
“And what is this?”
The next moment you blinked, you were standing in front of the large figure with the Phantom Thieves behind you. The blood pumping in your ears muffled your hearing, the sounds you could only make out were your rapidly beating heart and the booming voice of the Buddhist deity.
“Quite a brave one to stand up to me,” he said to you, “you’ll be the first to die.”
You swallowed in your bile. “I… I can still hurt you, you know!”
He slowly moved down his fists and crossed his arms below his chest. “And what good will come out of it? Your comrades are down–”
Your ears cleared for a bit, only to hear the group’s desperate shouts for you to move.
“This one is still shaking–”
Skull was already heaving at this point.
“And you can do nothing about it.”
You can do nothing about it.
That’s always been your entire schtick. You can do nothing about it. You said you wanted to change the world for the better but you were just a teenager who has some social problems. You were always the last choice when all of the good ones are used up. You were always the one in the sidelines–
“And are you fine with that?”
A sharp pain, resounding across your head before battering against your brain like a ram.
“Are you fine sticking to the sidelines, only watching others change while you stay frozen?”
Your hands grasped your head, your saliva mixed with some bile dripping down on the ground as your head pounded. Nothing could be heard except the voice in your head and it felt so goddamn right.
“Nothing will change if you yourself won’t follow through with it. You’re only continuing this tireless cycle that you wanted to desperately break. And you’re fine with that?”
“I’m not…” You growled out. The pain was unbearable but it only fueled your spite you kept hidden all this time. Within your rising rage, you barely registered getting Skull’s bat.
With a roar, you ran towards the beast, raising the bat before smashing the side of his face. “I’m not going to stand still anymore!”
The voice chuckled. “Good. That anger coupled with my power… no one can stop us.”
“I am thou, thou art I… become the winds of change that fuels the rebellion inside people’s hearts! Show them the anger that you swallowed all this time!”
A red mask lined with gold adorned your face, the feather on the left temple danced wildly with the winds blowing from you.
As your fingers gripped the mask, your lips quirked into a smirk. “Sing your heart out… De Beauvoir!”
Everything blew back; the beast, the rest of the thieves, and your self-loathing. The navy blue that adorned your body whipped around from the wind, the coattails behind you gave the appearance of wings ready to take flight. From your hip, you grabbed your sabre and flourished it before pointing the tip at the beast.
The thieves behind you stared in awe at you and the feminine figure appearing behind you. Her ball gown danced about, showing the white petticoat underneath as a pale red veil covered her flowing locks.
“What awesome power…!” Mona breathed out. “I knew there was something special about her!”
De Beauvoir’s face was covered with a masquerade ball mask, a golden band that stretched across the upper part of her face in order to highlight the rage that was building in her azure eyes. Her painted lips parted, and a single note rang out that slowly transitioned into a vibrato as a pale green light shined on the group.
“A healing spell?” Queen questioned, her strength slowly getting back as she stood up.
Yusuke-or Fox-who had been silent since your arrival, gasped at your transformation. “Such form… I never expected her to have this much power.”
“Sorry for blowing you all away.” You called out to the group, your eyes narrowing at the beast. “But with me and De Beauvoir, allow us to thank you for granting us this power!”
You felt movement beside as you turned your eyes to see Joker smirking at you. His dark eyes shone with that same glint of life when you realized that he finally gave that look to you.
“Don’t run away now.” He jested.
You scoffed but your smirk still stayed. “Same to you!”
[1] OKOK this was hella inspired by Xander Mobus and Robbie Daymond singing together and im sO ATTACKED BY XANDER!!!! 
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darksaiyangoku · 4 years
RWBY: The Song of House Valkyrie
It was time. Everyone was packed for the perilous journey to Atlas. On their walk to the station, Nora noticed the glum look on everyone’s faces.
Nora: Hey guys? I know that this is a matter of upmost importance and all, but there’s no need to be so gloomy.
Ozcar: Sorry, Miss Valkyrie but we are pressed for time right now. We need to get the Relic to Atlas without any delays.
Nora: I know, I know. I just thought maybe I could help lighten the mood a little.
Weiss: What did you have in mind?
Nora: *smirks* Well... my voice isn’t as angelic as yours, Weiss, but I’m pretty good at singing.
Ren: She is. Can confirm.
Ruby: Ooooh! What song are you gonna sing?
Nora: An ancient song that was passed down by my ancestors for centuries; Sovngarde!
Jaune: *snickers* It’s a song inspired by Skyrim.
Nora: *deadpans* Damn it, Jaune! You couldn’t play along just this once.
Jaune: *laughs* Sorry, I couldn’t resist.
Yang: It would definitely make this trip less of a slog. Count me in.
Blake: It couldn’t hurt to listen.
Ozcar: Well alright then. Miss Valkyrie, take it away.
Nora: Gladly!
As they continued walking, Nora closed her eyes and began to sing. What followed was one of the most beautiful sounds they had ever heard.
Nora: From the mists of the mountains a deafening call bellows down over the plains on a host of battle-worn ears it does fall, pushing out through the thunder and rain.
These men of the north they have suffered too long. The anger it swells in their veins of the spirited roars of lost warriors' songs. Distant echoes are all that remain.
Weiss: *eyes wide*
Ruby: *mouth gaping*
Nora: And my voice is my violence! Clear the sky's frozen tears! And no more we'll be silent with this Sovngarde song in our ears!
And we stand tall, sons of the snow. We will not fall under these blows. For our hearts they are hardy, our spirits are strong and our voices are lifted into this Sovngarde song.
Blake: *almost dropping her bag* Oh my-!
Yang: *low whistle* Daaaaaamn!
Suddenly, Nora started clapping her hands, making the beat go faster. A wicked smile crossed her lips and she continued her song.
Nora: Conquer the anger and ravenous rage Make it a part of your power! Pummeling down let your bloodlust engage! Under your force they will cower!
Feeling the fury so pure and so bright! Breaking the bonds of surrender! Under the moon for our home we will fight! And we will die to defend her!
And my voice is my violence! Clear the sky's frozen tears! And no more we'll be silent with this Sovngarde song in our ears!
And we stand tall sons of the snow! We will not fall under these blows! For our hearts they are hardy, our spirits are strong! And our voices are lifted into this Sovngarde song!
Jaune: That’s our Nora. *smiles*
Ren: *nods* You got that right.
Nora: These perilous peaks onthe rim of the sky. I move in the midst of the clouds drifting by. At the top of the world onn a white doomful day, men of wisdom will show me the way.
And we stand tall, Sons of the snow. We will not fall unnder these blows. For our hearts they are hardy, our spirits are strong and our voices are lifted into this Sovngarde song.
Ruby: That... was... AWSOME!!!!!!
Nora: You like that? You should hear the original. I have it on my scroll! *whips out scroll*
Ruby: Send it to me!
Nora: Can do! Yang?
Yang: Do you even need to ask?
Nora: Blake? Weiss?
Blake: *smiles* Definitely. That song was amazing!
Weiss: It sure was. Send it over, please.
Nora: *finger snap* You got it!
Ozcar: It would seem that spirits are indeed lifted. Good job Miss Valkyrie.
Nora: Awww, thanks cute boy Oz! *hugs him*
Ozcar: AGH!!! Miss Valkyrie, I told you to stop calling me that!
Nora: Hmmm... Nope! *hugs him more*
(I was listening to Sovngarde Song by Miracle of Sound yesterday and my first thought was of Nora. It’s just perfect for her!)
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mandochlorian · 4 years
ben (ben solo x reader)
Request: May I request “I never really liked my name. Not until I heard you say it.” with redemption Ben? Maybe he’s just come back to the light and he reunites with the reader? Thank you so much!
prompt list
general masterlist
star wars masterlist
There are cheers of triumph and smiles all around the base on Ajan Kloss. Though there are tears mourning the many lives lost, the resistance fighters are victorious. You, however, are not. You sit beside the last place General Leia once lay, unable to stop the sinking feeling in your heart.
Did Ben make it out? Or did he fade away the same time his mother did? You anxiously await Rey’s arrival. “Y/N?”
Looking up, you see Poe standing behind you. His brown eyes are dismal as they land on your hunched figure. “Oh, Poe,” you smile, standing to wrap your arms around him tightly, “Shouldn’t you be celebrating?”
He hums, hugging you back before pulling away. Poe rests his hands upon your shoulders, “Shouldn’t you?”
Letting out a forced chuckle, you look to the side. “I don’t...” stopping yourself, you see a ship landing. It can only be one person. “She’s back.”
Turning around instantly, Poe recognises the ship. The two of you waste no time in rushing up to it, like many others. Your heart is beating extraordinarily loudly in your chest and you feel like you can’t breathe. As the hatch opens, and the ramp descends, you keep your eyes glued to it. There are people everywhere and it’s easy to get lost in the crowd, people push and shove and block your vision. All you can see is the blurry figure of Rey descending the ship as people cheer.
Pushing slightly, you aim for her. “Excuse me... sorry, can I please-” When you bump into a tall figure, you excuse yourself as you look up. “Sorry, can I-” you stop, looking up at the man. You hear the crowd go quiet, filled with the realisation of who the man is. Though there are many eyes on the two of you, all you can do is stare at one another. He stops in his tracks, Rey behind him guiding him forward. He’s no longer avoiding the crowd like he was two seconds ago. Tears brim your eyes, from being held open so long or from emotion; you’re not sure.
“Y/N.” He whispers, his lips too afraid and shy to form into a smile. Do you want to see him? What if you’re one of the people who want him hung, shot down, imprisoned. Though you once held love for him, what if that’s changed now. He watches you closely, lips parted but he says nothing.
“We should go.” Rey announces, stepping beside Ben. You look up, around at the crowded square and staring eyes. Nodding, you give him a glance before heading to the briefing room. It’s silent. You hear the door close and all you can do is stare at him... Not Kylo, no, he‘s... familiar. The way he looks around, takes a gulp, the way his arms settle on his hips and he becomes slightly shy when he catches your gaze.
You can’t help but smile at him, wasting no time in rushing up to him so you can wrap your arms around his waist. Ben feels like he lets out the biggest sigh of relief when he feels you hugging him. His eyes even close and he leans over you slightly to embrace you back. “Hi, Ben.” You whisper to him, a faint smile slowly making its way to your lips. Now you know you’re crying because of emotion. You can’t help it, you close your eyes as the tears begin to spill past your cheeks. But neither of you pull back, you stay wrapped around one another.
He revels in the sound of your voice. “I never really liked my name. Not until I heard you say it.” He admits, stopping himself from taking your hand in his as you pull away from one another.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” you admit, wiping a tear from under your cheek.
“A lot of people don’t share your views.” Poe announces, catching Ben's eyes, “We need to talk to our people, we can’t stay hidden here.”
“They’re gonna tear him apart out there.” Finn gestures, “They still see Kylo Ren.”
“We go out, all of us, together,” you suggest, heading for the door, “A united front.” 
“I don’t know if that’s going to cut it,” Finn admits, giving Ben a worried look.
“It has to.” You end, opening the door and heading to the small elevated announcement stage, everyone following behind you.
A few murmurs distract Ben, and he turns to look at the staring crowd. It all stops you from telling him how much you’ve missed him.
“What is he doing here?!”
“Rey, what happened?”
“How dare he come back!”
“Give him a chance!”
“He’s a criminal!”
“Let the boy be!”
“Listen!” Rey shouts above the crowd, a step further up the ship’s ramp, “Ben has returned... He is strong, he is smart. And he saved my life.” Giving Ben a gentle nod.
“He’s a traitor to the resistance!”
“My mother...” Ben speaks up, eyes cast to the ground as he takes an unsteady breath, “Leia... She used her last breath to reach out to me.” Ben straightens his back a little, looking up and around at the Resistance members, “She always believed in me, in Ben.” Placing a hand on his chest, Ben adds, “She wanted me to come home... to turn away from the dark. And for a long time, I didn’t listen. I let it consume me. But not anymore. Kylo Ren is gone.”
Rey gives Ben a nod, adding, “Ben Solo is good... He helped us win this war, we owe him a home and a celebration! The Resistance has won!”
Smiling up at her, you clap your hands together and soon enough a round of applause begins. Though some sceptical, the celebrations continue and once again everyone is happy and smiling and laughing and dancing.
Ben watches you, a fond smile on his face. Part of him curses himself for not coming home sooner. If he knew this is what it would be like; feeling free, like a weight has been lifted at the sight of you smiling and giggling happily, you looking at him like he’s the best person in the world, he would’ve come home sooner. But he didn’t. But he’s here now. And that’s what really matters.
“Thank you for never losing hope.” Ben smiles down at you, his hand holding yours tightly.
You smile back, looking into the brown eyes of the man you’ve missed for years. “Thank you for never losing hope.”
Ben solo taglist: tveitjolraas bepo-is-sorry 
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mikrowrites · 5 years
Beautiful People
Armitage Hux x Reader, Kylo Ren x Reader
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Hi! I'd like to request a Hux x Reader in a modern AU where the reader is dating Kylo Ren because of status and for public appearances. And in comes Hux and the reader has feelings for him and he feels the same way but they have to keep it secret otherwise it's a scandal that'll ruin everyone. Also Kylo knows but doesn't want to let the reader go because he's an asshole. Thank youuuuuuu
A/N: I’m so excited about this story, it’s so unlike anything I’ve ever written! I hope you all enjoy! xx
Warnings: angst, toxic relationships, adult situations, sexual references, language, those who love Kylo should not read this it hurt to write him like this oof
Y/N carefully picked up a diamond earring, rubbing it between her index and middle fingers. After a beat she lifted it up, looking into her vanity mirror as she placed on her ear, the other following suit, letting her arms fall to her sides.
She studied her own face in the mirror, to her elegantly styled hair to her perfectly done makeup. Y/N pursed her ruby red lips, her gaze hardening.
She hated the person in the mirror.
Y/N L/N was born into a prominent family, the only child of two political powerhouses. Her childhood had been that of a princess’s, perhaps even of an heir. Fitting, due to Y/N’s inevitable future of continuing her parent’s legacies.
So here she sat, wearing diamond jewelry in a $10k dollar dress, in a penthouse flat. Y/N let her eyes flicker away from her reflection to the opening of the door behind her. She turned, inhaling softly.
“You look beautiful.” Kylo Ren murmured, stepping into the large room. He wore an expensive black tuxedo, his raven hair slicked back and his shoes definitely red bottoms.
“You don’t mean that.” Y/N curtly replied, still planted onto her vanity stool.
Kylo clicked his tongue. “You are.”
Y/N scoffed, standing and walking to her closet, opening the door and stepping inside the walk-in, searching for a clutch. “What would you like me to say? You look dashing and handsome?
“Thank you, I tried.” Kylo responded, infuriating her further.
Y/N finally found the clutch she was looking for walking out and briskly passing Kylo. She paused at the door, turning with a tight smile.
“If you bring home your slut tonight, please be quieter this time.”
The circumstances of Kylo and Y/N meeting were very much prepared. Kylo himself arose from European royalty, but instead chose to leave for America, becoming a citizen and changing his name as a teen and anticipating the world of politics. His distant uncle Sentor Snoke took him under his wing, bringing him up into the desired plane. Y/N’s father found an arrangement of Y/N and Kylo beneficial on many fronts, as much of a 21st Century arranged romance as you could get.
They had know each other for years, since their early twenties when they met during both of their studies at Harvard. Kylo and Y/N were actually friends once, unloading griefs upon each other, Y/N about her stifling parents and Kylo on his past dreams. He once wanted to be an Air Force pilot, once wanted to be an artist.
But as they were arranged, they grew cold, and as Y/N dreaded this appearance-cast relationship, she suspected Kylo did as well, though he tried, sometimes.
The car ride to the benefit was incurabley long with traffic, a thick silence hanging between Kylo and Y/N. The city noises were only apparent, Y/N casting her gaze out the shaded windows.
“Are you going to be like this all night?” Kylo finally spoke up.
“Don’t worry your pretty little head,” Y/N mumbled, still gazing at the city lights, “I’ll be a good little girl for us tonight.”
Kylo sighed. “We should announce an engagement soon. Call a tabloid or two and tip them off. Would be good press.”
Y/N turned to look at him with full eyes, casting her gaze down. “Trapped with each other forever.”
“You make it sound like prison.” Kylo growled, “We can come and go as we please. Put on a show for the idiots.”
Y/N finally met his eyes, biting her cheek. “Give me a few weeks, if you could be oh-so-kind.”
Kylo rolled his eyes as the car pulled up to the venue, the sounds of cameras flashing and paparazzi flooding the night. Y/N exhaled loudly, staring ahead. “Let’s give them a show.”
Armitage Hux was not an obscenely wealthy man. His father was big money, and Hux, he delved into politics to appease his father, climbing the ranks.
The benefit gala was a horrid idea in his opinion, too much frill and preening of celebrity-level politicians, who reeked of corruption and pretentiousness. But Hux went along with it, agreeing to help sponsor and put in an appearance.
Hux dreaded that his life would be married to politics, maybe a wife who was as money sick as everyone else, maybe one day he’d become as ugly as them all and become unbothered by the people he encountered.
He made his way past paparazzi, into the venue where he breathed a bit, walking up to a man in a crisp and ornate Air Force uniform. “I don’t like this idea.”
“Oh come on,” Commander Poe Dameron chuckled, clapping Hux’s back. “A little party never killed nobody.”
“Never say never.” Hux groaned, the Guatemalan-American raising an eyebrow.
“Look, I hate this arrangement too. But Princess Organa needs information, sometimes you have to play dirty.” He smirked.
Hux despised working with the royalty. In fact, he wanted nothing to do with them. But when the offer to bring down Kylo Ren showed itself, Hux couldn’t refuse. He hated that man, his arrogance and disgusting holier than thou complex. So he became a “spy”, if you will.
“So long as the dirt stays off my hands.” Hux spat, walking away from Poe.
Y/N walked down the carpet with Kylo, smiling at the paparazzi as they shouted praises and controversies. She hated this part the most, but Y/N had a remarkable and unreavealing smile.
Inside the venue Y/N and Kylo relaxed a bit, but they still knew the motions of the parts they had to play. Kylo, a ruthless politician and Y/N, a loving girlfriend.
Y/N was standing next to Kylo as he introduced himself and was speaking with someone prominent as she found herself scanning over the room. Her eyes gazed over every person until they suddenly stopped, zeroing in on someone.
Hux stood with a flute of champagne, forcing smiles at pretentious billionaires until he felt a stare embedding into him. He turned, his eyes meeting that of a beautiful girl’s. Not just any beautiful girl, Kylo Ren’s girlfriend.
Hux nodded, Y/N smiling back. He read her expression, it was clear she’d rather be anywhere else. But what could Hux do about that? His heart did not race, his cheeks reddening, a cold sweat breaking out, absolutely not... right?
How could one pretty girl reduce Hux to this? A taken girl, by his enemy! He turned away from the girl, but still felt her gaze on him unwavering. She always held that affect upon him.
Y/N’s smile widened a bit as the red-head turned, still observing him intently. Kylo leaned near her ear, speaking in a deep voice. “Remember what you promised? Be a good girl.”
“Yes, your highness.” Y/N hissed through an unsuspecting smile, feeling Kylo tense at the hated nickname.
He grasped her wrist tight, Y/N gasping in surprise as Kylo pulled her close to him, his breath warm on her face. “Never fucking call me that again.” He then kissed her softly on the cheek, turning away to greet another wealthy businessman.
Y/N smiled sweetly, muttering about using the bathroom as she walked away, rubbing her wrist as she weaves through the crowd.
Hux pulled her aside once in the hallway, Y/N quickly pushing him against the wall. She grasped the man’s suit, ravenously pressing her lips against his. The man, grasped her shoulders, pulling her back. “Missed me that much, sweetheart?”
Y/N smirked. “I like a handsome man in a suit.”
“Obviously.” Hux smiled tightly, tucking a loose piece of hair behind her ear. “You look ravishing.”
“Armitage Hux, such a charmer.” Y/N chuckled. “We should just walk out there arm and arm, give the cameras something to squawk about.”
Hux’s smile dropped slowly, resting his forehead on Y/N’s, sighing. “We can’t.” he whispered.
“No, you’re right.” She mumbled, closing her eyes. “Just... hold me a bit longer.”
Hux wrapped his arms around her, his hand clutching the back of Y/N’s head.
“I’ll hold you as long as you wish, my dear.”
Y/N and Hux had met years and years prior, before she had even met Kylo. She was seventeen, visiting Dublin with her family when she encountered him. Hux was graduated from highschool, enjoying a gap year of foreign policy and preparation to embark to America.
They immediately clicked, becoming good friends and having weekly lunches at a local New York Dinner. They were close for a few years, until the letter from Harvard came and she flew away. Where she met Kylo and the whole mess began.
Whatever was happening between Y/N and Hux, call it an affair or call it a relationship, had been continual over five years.
Y/N suspected Kylo knew, but with unknown women weekly in their spare bedroom, she felt as though it never really mattered.
Hours later Y/N was climbing into the black SUV again, Kylo sitting across from her. The city lights blurred outside the window, a light drizzle of rainfall fogging the windows.
The two were silent. Y/N rested her chin in her hand, staring out the window, as Kylo stared comprehensively at the woman before him.
“You saw him.”
Y/N turned to him, raising an eyebrow.
Kylo scoffed, sitting back. “Didn’t you?”
She leaned forwards as the car pulled up to the apartments, the girl narrowing her eyebrows.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Y/N stepped out of the SUV, Kylo following as she stepped into the private elevator, pressing their floor number and swiping her keycard.
Kylo suddenly grabbed both sides of her face, kissing her deeply. Y/N raggedly gasped in shock, stumbling back as he pushed her up against the wall. She squirmed under his grip, finally breaking away and elbowing his chest, Y/N retreating back. Kylo licked his lips, chuckling as he turned to look at the elevator door as it chimed open.
He turned to look at her. “You’re mine. It’d be better for you not to forget that.”
Y/N’s lips parted, watching as Kylo walked out of the elevator and into their flat. He slammed their bedroom door behind him, the girl finally wandering into the penthouse. She unclasped her shoes, removing them and tossing them on the floor. Her dress hugged her body, but to Y/N it felt like it was suffocating her.
She sat on their plush couch, running her fingers across the fabric as her breath began to catch in her throat, Y/N gasping for air as tears began to trail down her cheeks. A broken sob escaped her lips as she began to rip pins out of her hair, her Y/H/C locks spilling out.
She knew Kylo could hear her despair. Could hear Y/N cry and sob and fall apart. But he never emerged to comfort her.
Y/N woke the next morning on the couch, still wearing the dress she used to love so much. She sat up, rubbing her head and catching her reflection in a wall-hanging mirror. Mascara tracked down her face, her hair a mess. After changing into a different shirt and shorts from the outside closet and cleaning her face Y/N sighed, standing and walking to the kitchen.
She carefully pulled a glass from the cabinet, turning on the faucet to fill it with water.
Y/N whipped her head around. A young girl stood in the living room, her dark hair loose around her shoulders and a dress shirt, Kylo’s red dress shirt from the night before, covering her body.
“Hello.” Y/N softly replied, turning to switch off the faucet, taking a sip of water as she turned. “Would you like a glass of water? Something stronger?”
The girl’s mouth opened and closed, her features contorting into confusion. After a couple tense seconds she spoke. “Why... what’s...”
Y/N leaned across the counter, smiling softly at the girl. “What’s your name?”
She hesitated for a moment. “Rey.”
“Rey,” Y/N sat her glass down, interlacing her fingers. “I’m not stupid. I know you’ve been fucking Kylo for a while now. And honestly, I could care less. But here’s the thing,” She pushed away from the counter, approaching Rey. “you’re in dangerous water, Rey. This tiny world, this life. It’s not glamorous. And the last thing I want is for him to hurt you.”
Rey exhaled deeply, leaning against the back of the couch. “I’m... I’m sorry.” She pushed some hair behind her ear. “Kylo... he’s always been so kind to me. He told me, that you and him—“
“We’re simply a game.” Y/N smiled. “A game we can afford to loose.”
Rey left soon after, Y/N sitting in the living room going over several pieces of finance paperwork for her father’s firm. Kylo finally emerged from the bedroom, Y/N not skipping a beat as her eyes remained glued to the paper. “Rey is a sweet girl.”
Kylo’s face hardened. “Hux is an... interesting man.”
Y/N looked up, the papers falling down onto her lap. “Kylo, what are we doing? We both love different people, maybe we should just call it—“
“No.” Kylo frowned. “Terminating this relationship for other people would ruin us. All of us.”
“What’s the point anymore?” Y/N countered. “You’re powerful, I’m just a mantelpiece, and Rey would make a great—“
“You aren’t listening!” Kylo shouted, interrupting her. “I sacrificed everything to be here. I refuse to do that again.”
Y/N stood, the papers tumbling and fluttering out of her lap and onto the hardwood floor. “Why can’t you just let me go? We never loved each other, Snoke manipulated you into this relationship, into this role!”
“You always blame everything on Snoke, too scared to admit your faults.” Kylo spat.
“My faults?” Y/N yelled. “Mine? You are so fucking toxic, Kylo! You’re a fucking hazardous chemical!”
The slap echoed throughout the room, Y/N stumbling back and clutching the arm of a chair, reached her hand up to her cheek. She shakily looked up at Kylo, her eyes reflecting fear. She always thought of Kylo being all bark, no bite.
Y/N never thought he’d hurt her like this.
“Fuck. You.” She seethed, standing and shoving past Kylo, grabbing her coat and keys as she walked into the elevator, glaring at Kylo as the doors closed.
An hour later Hux answered a knock at his door, only to meet Y/N with sunglasses adorned on her face, her hood up. “Hey Armi.”
“Hey Y/N/N.” Hux responded, gesturing for her to come in. “To what do I owe the pleasure.”
“I want to leave. Somewhere far away from here, from politics and Kylo and the people. I want to disappear, and I want you to come with me.” Y/N insisted in a level voice. She removed her sunglasses and hood, Hux’s eyes widening at her bruised face.
He raised his hand up, carefully running his thumb over the bruise on her cheek before rushing to his freezer, returning and handing Y/N a frozen vegetable bag. “He... did he do this to you?”
“I can’t live like this anymore, Armitage.” Y/N pleaded, the girl pressing the bag against her cheek. “Remember when we went on that holiday to Greece?”
Hux’s face softened. “The one where you publicly fed birds whole gyros?”
Y/N smiled. “Yeah. That one. Let’s go back, let’s go and forget all of this. Please.”
Hux sat on his couch, Y/N settling down next to him. “It’d ruin us. Destroy our reputations, hurt any of our chances.”
“We’d be crazy to reveal such a scandal.” Y/N mused.
Hux reached over to pick up his laptop, flipping it open.
“When do you want to leave?”
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bebepac · 4 years
Look Who’s Talking Now
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I am participating in @emceesynonymroll​​ ‘s wacky drabble prompt #38 “Please don’t leave” , which will appear in bold.   If you want to play along too, please reach out.  I’m enjoying these.  
This is chapter 9 of the Life of Riley.   To catch up on it, please click 
Summary:  Riley teaches Lucky tricks with a little help.  We start to see Riley’s athletic ability develop. 
Word Count: 1825 i know... i know. The prompt worked excellent with this, and honestly, I didn’t want to cut anything from it. 
Warnings:  Dealing with the loss of a child, via miscarriage, mild profanity, sadness, angst, supernatural vibe, ghosts, spirits etc.  If you are sensitive to any of this, as it does take a supernatural turn I suggest sitting this one out.  
Tagging: @dcbbw @queenjilian @loveellamae @burnsoslow @bbrandy2002 @nomadics-stuff @kimmiedoo5 @kingliam2019  @cordonianroyalty@lodberg  @aestheticartwriting@glaimtruelovealways @custaroonie @annekebbphotography @camersworld @queenwalton @xpandabeardontcarex​ @hopefulmoonobject @queencordonia @cordonia-gothqueen​ @janezillow @atha68​ @lovemychoices​ @my0123456789universe​ @indiacater​ @losingbraincellseveryday​ @yukinagato2012​ @the-soot-sprite​@furiousherringoperatortoad​ @marietrinmimi​ @sevenfuckslefttogive​ @ac27dj​ @queen-arabella-of-cordonia​ @mrsdrakewalkerblog​ @islandcrow​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​ @acanthisorbis​ @flutistbyday2020​
He was always by her side.  He had been there since Riley could remember.  Her first memories are of him, always standing by her crib. He always smiled at her. He was always talking to her, keeping her company.  She would talk to him too.  Even before she knew words.  He understood her always.  He was funny and made her laugh.  
He grew as she grew, but he was older.  Riley knew he was different; he was not like her. She knew her parents couldn’t see him, and only she could.  He looked like Daddy.  She knew she liked him being around.  His name was Jaiden.  
When Riley started something, she was full speed ahead.  She didn’t know the meaning of the word "brakes." They didn’t expect talking to be any different.  From the beginning when Riley learned the sound of her voice, she would just babble, in her baby language all the time. Day or night, rain or shine; she was more reliable with this than the postman delivering the mail with her babble!  Sometimes they would wake up in the middle of the night. Riley would be giggling and babbling.  
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Riley being three, wasn't troublesome for Ren and Jason. Two wasn't terrible either. None of their life with Riley was terrible. They had enjoyed every second of being parents to that adorable, feisty, beautiful little girl.
They were simply happy they had a three year old child. She did everything earlier than planned and excelled at it.
You're with me today kiddo!" Jason said.
"Yeaaaa!!!"  Riley screamed smiling at Jason.
He picked Riley up, putting her in his car.
Jason had his workout gear on ready to do some training.  
He was in the boxing ring with one of his coworkers, when he glanced up, seeing Riley mimic every move he made.
"Your little girl is just like you.  You should get her some little gloves and see if she gets interested."  
"I might just do that. She runs with me in the mornings,  and she seems to be interested in all this. Maybe I should try some martial arts as well.”
He got Riley her first pair of pink boxing gloves that day.  
“Make a mean face Riley!”  Jason said as he took her picture.  She looked more sad than anything.  He chuckled at her facial expression.  Since she was a baby, Riley had very expressive facial expressions.  
“Jason….”  Ren said to him she sounded annoyed.
“Whaaaat?  She loves it!!!”   He was on his knees “sparring” with Riley.   He pretended to hit Riley and she hit him in the face while he was looking at Ren.
“Oooooh!!!!”  He said falling backwards laughing.  
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“I'm sorry Daddy!” Riley leaped  onto Jason, hugging him.  “And Prize Fighter Riley Brooks took down her opponent with one strategically placed hit, and the crowd goes wild!!!!”  Jason cupped his hands together and made the sound of a roaring crowd.  
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Ren shook her head laughing.  “Guess who got beat up by a girl…. Again.”  Ren smirked at him. "I'm beginning to think Riley is out to get you."
He tickled Riley and her infectious giggles filled the room.  “I love you Jelly Bean,”  he said to her.  “I love you Daddy.”    
Every time Jason went to the gym to work out Riley went with him. He set her up a little station right next to him, with small weights. Ren got the fluffy time with Riley, he got the training time.  
Ren lay in bed watching tv with Jason.   They could hear Riley's giggles from the other room.
“Man I wish there was a Jumperoo for 3 year olds.   But I don’t think it would even contain her.  She’s a workout running around the house.”
“And she’s so smart Jason.  She knows so many words for a 3 year old.”
“Yes she does. You’ve been talking to her like she’s your best girlfriend since we brought her home.”  
“I think it’s more than that, It’s so much more than that.  I see 3 year old children daily.  None have her vocabulary, and are able to string sentences together like she can. The only one that came remotely close was a child with an older sibling.”
“She’s our little Einstein, are you really surprised though? Riley has been ahead of every cognitive hallmark, since she was born.”  
The next day Ren was off work.  She was making Riley a snack in the kitchen. Riley was coloring when she left.  
As she walked out the kitchen with Riley’s sliced apples and grapes and peanut butter, she saw her standing in front of Lucky with her hand held out.  
“Sit Lucky,”  Riley said confidently and Lucky sat on her haunches on command.
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Ren gasped.  Jason had tried to teach Lucky tricks for years with no luck.
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Riley clapped her hands,  “Good Girl.” She patted Lucky's head, and she licked her face, and Riley started laughing.  
"One more?"
Riley looked like she was listening.
Riley put out her hand again, pointing at Lucky. She moved her arm in a loop.
"Lucky! Rolloller!"
Lucky did nothing.
Riley looked again to her left.
"Rol…....oller…….. Roll…....ollver…..roll…..over."
"Lucky! Roll Over!" This time when Riley made the loop with her arm Lucky followed her.
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"We did it! We did it Jaiden!"
Ren gasped, slapping her hand over her mouth, dropping the glass she was carrying, making a huge crash as it hit the hardwood floor.
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Riley covered her ears from the loud crashing.  "Uh oh! Mommy!" Riley said loudly.
t“Stay back there Jelly Bean!”  Ren screamed.  Riley stood stationary while Ren tried to pick up the larger pieces of glass.
“Damnit!" She said when she accidentally stuck herself with a small shard of  glass, that broke off a larger piece she was trying to pick up.  She sucked the small blood droplet off her finger.  
“Careful Mommy,” Riley said.   By the time Ren cleaned up all the glass, it was time for Riley's nap.  All Ren could think of was Riley saying his name. She couldn't know his name, she shouldn't know his name. They never talked about him.  HOW DOES SHE KNOW HIS NAME?!?!  
Jason was barely through the door when Ren grabbed him pulling him into the other room. She told him what happened. Jason looked not phased, not worried, while Ren was a complete basket case.
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"Well, did you ask her about it?"
"No, it freaked me out too much, and she had to go down for her nap."
Jason looked down. "When we lost him, I spent a lot of time in the nursery, talking to him. I found a lot of comfort there, and for the longest time, I was sure I could feel him there, trying to comfort me. He stayed for me, I know it. Then when things got so bad between us Ren, and we were both so bitter, I couldn't feel him anymore. I'll talk to Riley, and see what she says. I'll get her up from her nap."
He walked into the room, for a moment he felt transported back to the way it used to look when it was decorated for Jaiden. He shook his head.  Things went back to normal. They had since repainted, and Riley no longer had a crib, but a  "big girl bed" as they called it.
Jason sat on the edge of the bed.  Riley was already awake. "Hi Daddy!"
She jumped up into his arms. "Jelly Bean!” She hugged him tightly.
He pulled her to his lap. "Did you have fun with Mommy and Lucky today?"
"Yes! We taught Lucky tricks today."
"Who's we?" Jason asked her. "Did somebody help you?"
Riley nodded.  
"So Mommy helped you then?"
"Then who?"
She looked up seeing Jaiden standing next to where Jason was sitting.  He nodded.
"Who's that Jelly Bean?"
"My brother." She said pointing to the pictures, on the wall.  "That's him, when he was in Mommy's tummy."
Jason gasped. His eyes filled with tears. 
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"Can you see him Jelly Bean?"
She nodded.
"How long have you been seeing him?"
Riley didn't know the right word to say, until Jaiden told it to her. He would help her with words, and picking the right words to talk.
"Always." Riley responded.  Jason closed his eyes and opened his heart.
"He's here now right? I can feel him."
When he opened his eyes , tears fell down his cheeks.
Riley nodded.
"What does he look like?"
"Like you, with Mommy's eyes.  Why are you sad Daddy?"
"We miss him. We wanted to know him.  Tell him we love him."
Riley laughed. "He can hear Daddy."
Jason smiled despite his tears. Jaiden smiled the same way, looking at Jason. Jaiden reached out to touch his face.  Jason shivered, feeling a cold breeze.
"Did he just touch me?"
Riley nodded.
Ren was not receptive to any of this. Jason tried to get her to understand.  They started fighting. Every night for two weeks they fought. Ren wouldn't even go into Riley's room.  Tonight was the worst it had ever been. They didn't even try to be quiet with Riley in the house.
Riley covered her ears as Jason and Ren screamed at each other from the other room.  Riley began to cry, curling up into a ball on her bed.  
Jaiden appeared immediately,  "I'm sorry Riley."
"Why are they mad?" She asked him.
"Because of me. This is how The Big Sad started. I have to go. Being here is making Mommy sad again. I don't want her to be sad, or Daddy."
Riley jumped up approaching him. 
"Please don't leave me."
"I have to. I promise I will see you again."
"Can we hug?"
He looked up, as if pleading for an answer.  Then he smiled.  "Just this once."
Riley walked up to him. She held up her hand. He held up his.  Instead of the cold she was used to, she felt a warm hand against hers.
Riley's eyes registered shock.
"You're like me now!!!!"
"Only for a minute Riley."
He hugged her tightly. "I love you, little sister."
"I love you too, Jaiden."
"It's time for…."
Jason walked into the room seeing Riley hugging a boy, with dark hair like his. A boy that looked at him with Ren's eyes. Jaiden smiled at him. God, he looked just like him, as a child. Tears filled Jason's eyes as the boy spoke, his form fading away, leaving Riley hugging air where he was. "I love you, Daddy." Jason would never forget his voice, as long as he lived.
He ran to Riley, pulling her in his arms. She had just hugged him. He wanted to feel him too. Sobs shook Riley's small body.
"He's gone?"
Riley nodded burying her head in Jason's shoulder.
"I know baby…. I understand." He held Riley while she cried.
That night, Jason slept in the room with Riley. He had to, he could feel her sadness, the loss radiating off her. He knew what missing Jaiden felt like, and looked like. He was a part of her life for three years. Now little Riley, his sweet Jelly Bean, was grieving his loss too.
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haro-whumps · 5 years
Box Boy Dancing
CW: slavery, brainwashing, stockholm syndrome, dehumanization, creepy + intimate whumper
Tag list:  @thatsthewhump @whump-it @ashintheairlikesnow @fairybean101 @finder-of-rings @comfortforthepain @shameless-whumper @that-one-thespian @burtlederp @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @raigash @im-not-rare-im-rarr @spiffythespook @whumps-the-word @frnkieroismydaddy @whumpity–whump–whump @michelleswhumpyreblogs @jo-castle @newandfiguringitout @lumpofwhump
Largely fluffy, given the uh... everything about this verse
Soren stretched again, eyes on the clock. He reminded himself of how nice it was, that he was able and allowed to read things like clocks. Ren would be home, soon, and he had promised himself that he wouldn’t back out today.
He’d been in dance lessons for a couple months, now, and he practiced every day. He’d even won some begrudging praise from his lyrical dance instructor, which was why he decided to go with that one.
His first performance. He pressed a hand to his collar and took a deep breath. His first performance for Ren. He wanted to be perfect for them. They always called him perfect, but he wanted to be perfect, to be everything they thought he was. 
He rolled on the balls of his feet and jumped, then swung his arms out and around, nerves spilling into an anxious energy that didn’t have anywhere to go. Yet. Ren should be home, soon, some days they would already be home by now. Soren tried not to think of horrible things happening to them. They never left him alone too long, which he was grateful for, and if they were going out for the evening, they told him before they left for the day. He was just impatient. Ready to start.
The sound of their car had Soren perking up, heartbeat rising. He checked over his appearance once more, real quick, giving his hair a short tousle so it looked shimmery and fluffy. Good to touch. He loved it when Ren touched his hair (which was excellent, because they touched it a lot). He ran to the door to greet them--
--and stopped short at the sight of Yanni, laughing brightly at something Ren had said. Oh no. This was not part of his plan. Should he bail? He promised himself he wouldn’t, but, the idea of having an audience was, well, he hadn’t even done it for Ren and he wanted it to be special, and, and, and.
“Soren, angel,” Ren crooned, extending a hand, and Soren’s rising panic was quickly squashed as he ran to them, pressing himself up against their side and feeling their arm around him. “You’re all dressed up for me.” Ren turned to Yanni and said, “More than usual, anyway.”
Soren would tell Ren, and they would decide. It was so simple, so easy, why had he ever panicked in the first place? Ren was in control. “I, uh, was wondering, if you would like me to perform for you tonight, Exalted. S-since lyric dancing has been going so well.”
“Awwww!” Yanni cooed, raising her hands to her bosom. “That’s precious!”
“Oh, pet, were you going to surprise me?” Ren asked with a laugh, raising Soren’s face by the jaw and then giving his cheek an affectionate pinch. He winced a little, but a friendly pinch was far from the worst thing that ever happened to him. Soren smiled up at them.
“I, I wanted to, Exalted.”
“Well, Yanni?” Ren asked, turning to her, leaving a hand at rest on Soren’s hip that made him warm. “Wanna watch my boy dance?”
“How is that even a question!” she squealed, looping her arm around theirs and bumping bodily into them, “YES!”
Ren’s sunroom had turned into Soren’s practice room, more or less, the furniture all pushed to the sides and only his harp was really in regular use. Mats coated the floor, an early purchase, and Soren took a deep breath. Yanni was there, but it was okay. That was fine. Ren was there and they’d approved of her watching him. Soren pressed start on the cd player, and took his first position in the center of the room, arms poised.
As the music began, he took a step forward and dipped. The song wasn’t quite sexual, but it wasn’t tame either; something he’d intended for his owner. For his everything. But it was okay, if Yanni saw it too. Pride, dignity, the belief he had a right to modesty, they’d all been taken from him, beaten out, trained away. He was a vessel for the entertainment of others.
He opened his eyes, leveling a brown stare on Ren, right as the beat dropped. He would entertain well.
He lifted his whole body, arm tossing over him in a long arc, and lifted his leg, careful with his balance, standing knee bent. He angled himself carefully as he brought his foot down, slapping the mat with the flat of his foot so it was louder without much force behind it. Hurting himself this early in would be a stupid way to embarrass himself. He bent to the side, then swiftly shifted in the other direction, ducking into a roll along the mat, landing with his leg crossed coyly over the other. He sent his owner a smile, heart fluttering to see the way they looked so pleased. It bolstered him, to see them smiling with that special satisfaction they kept in tight reserve. He did that. He earned that.
He danced, counting the measure, body moving in time with the music. His heartbeat was high, but he wasn’t… he wasn’t scared. This wasn’t like routine drills or exercises at the facility, and Ren and Yanni were nothing like his trainers. This was fun. He. He was having fun.
He let out a little laugh as the music shifted key mid-note, the reason he’d chosen this song, finding the keyshift captivating. He didn’t know if he’d been flexible before the wipe. But he sure was flexible now, and he had played with it. Toyed with it, had fun with it, he was having fun and it was great and all too soon and not soon enough it was over, Soren back where he’d started, exactly where he started, at the intersection of the four middle mats. His chest was heaving, his eyes on the glass ceiling above him, and his hands trembled faintly, one extended high above him.
“Oh angel that was wonderful!” Ren praised, and Soren lowered his gaze, right to them, only on them, Yanni clapping at their side (irrelevant). He smiled at them, beamed, really, feeling like he’d simultaneously discovered and fulfilled his purpose.
“What a good boy,” they cheered, clapping lightly, and Soren’s heart felt full enough to burst.
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Father’s Day
[Lasting embers au]
Jael is sleeping soundly in her bed until she feels something putting pressure on her arm. Slowly she stirs awake to Adam by her bed in his typical disguise. His hair laid down and temporarily dyed black, tented shades for the scar, and more pedestrian clothing. Jael carefully rubbed her eyes. It was nighttime judging by the light in her room.
Jael:Dad? I didn’t know you were coming home so soon. How was the mission?
Adam:Nothing worth talking about. It’s passed midnight, happy Father’s Day.
Jael:...I think you have this backwards.
Adam:Hehe, little bit but for good reason. Get dressed we’re leaving Menagerie.
Jael:...WH-*mouth covered*
Adam:Ssshh, your mother doesn’t know; I’ll apologize later. I already visited Sienna at her boot camp so don’t worry about you hogging me for the day.
Jael:Where are we going? And how exactly does this count as me giving you a present?
Adam:I get to spend time with my fourteen year old daughter doing something new.
He could see the happiness in her eyes when he said those words. Jael really was simple girl. All she ever wanted was time with him and he felt the same. She hopped out of bed and gently floated down. Jael wasn’t sure what he had planned but getting to leave Menagerie was enough. Finally, a chance to see the outside world.
Several hours have passed since they snuck out. Jael dozed in and out of sleep while on the ride in the airship, barely remembering it. Only that leaning on her father was strangly comfortable and Neo was flying the airship.
Now she rested on his back while he and Neo jumped from rooftop to rooftop in what looked to be Vacou from what books told her about the place. Jael wanted to walk around but apparently Adam didn’t want her to see the chattering streets yet.
Jael:Still haven’t explained why we are here. Not that I’m complaining.
Neo:Patience, baby goat. The sun will rise any minute now. Also you have me to thank for telling your father about this event.
Adam:Father’s day falls on a special day this year for Vacou. When Neo told me about it I knew I had to bring you. This spot should do.
He bent down to let Jael get off then got behind her. She’d be lying if she said her curiosity was running rapid; he seemed proud of himself by the way he spoke. Slowly he adjusted her to a spot that overlooked everything but it was still a little too dark to see.
Then...sunrise hit. Light slowly grew over the land and what couldn’t be seen before quickly became visible, leaving Jael speechless. The buildings, the people, the very sand, it was all bathed in color. Multiple colors that belonged on a spectrum she had told him she was apart of a few months prior. Jael was looking at a huge Pride Parade.
Her gaze on it was finally broken when she felt weight of something draped over her. Jael could barely hold back her tears as she wrapped the flag around her tighter and turned around to see Adam smiling and Neo putting on face paint; the bisexual colors if Jael remembered correctly.
Jael:I...I don’t know what say right now.
Adam:A few months ago you came to me terrified, not sure what I would think if you told me you were lesbian. Remember what I said?
Jael:You were happy you didn’t have scare any boy?
Neo:Oh my god.
Adam:Okay, I did say that, but after I said...
Jael:*smiles* Your love for me as my father is on every spectrum.
Adam:No you know how serious those words are. I love you.
He opened his arms and Jael quickly ran to be embraced by them, happily shedding her tears of joy. Definitely not a conventional Father’s Day gift, but it’s the best one yet.
Ren was having a calm morning. For the pass two weeks Nora and Tenzen had been gone on some camping trip so his days had been quiet. A little lonely but he could handle it. He knew today they’d be back. They didn’t say they would but if he knew his family...
Nora:*opens door* We’re home!
16 yo Tenzen:Yeah!!! Happy Father’s Day!
No way they would miss today. Both of them were dirty, unusually dirty. Specially their hands and knees seemed extra worn out.
Ren:You two okay? You both could’ve washed up before rushing back. Honestly it wouldn’t have bothered me if you came back halfway through the day.
Nora:Don’t worry about us. Nothing is too much when it comes to spoiling you.
Tenzen:She’s right, we’d move mountains for you. Or in this case...rubble.
Ren looked confused by Tenzen’s words. The boy reached into his bag and pulled out a wrapped present to hand to his father. It was small and rectangular; too thin to be a book Ren thought. He unwrapped it gently and gasped when the paper was finally removed. Tears instantly came from him.
Nora and a Tenzen took the opportunity to stand on each side of him and hug tightly. They smelled like the great outdoors but he didn’t care. Why would he when they had just given him a picture of his mother and father holding a infant version of himself. All that rubble that must’ve buried it, and it remained okay. He took ahold of their tired hands and held them close to his chest.
Ren:Thank you...
Tenzen:Like mom said...
Nora:Nothing will ever be too much.
Jaune was having his own emotional moment. It wasn’t unlike Yujin to try and do something creative but this time, she went big.
Currently he stood on his porch and stared at the fifteen year old girl who wore her ‘Proof Jaune Arc Got Laid” t-shirt like she did every year, but that wasn’t the amazing part. What had him speechless was the dozens of family members that stood behind her. Yujin managed to get them all the way to patch.
Jaune:Wh..what’s all this about?
Yujin:I had them all show up so you couldn’t dispute what I’m about to say. Dad, Jaune Arc, I owe you so much. Yes it takes a villages to raise a kid and I know you had plenty of help but that doesn’t change that you were always in my corner. Me, the girl who refused to open up to you sometimes; who truly deserved strong lecturers for her attitude instead of the hugs you decided to give. Every single day you gave me so much love and affection above what I thought possible in order to make up for mom. All the kisses, hugs, late night talks, t-tears....
Her voice started choking up and her eyes began to water as she kept speaking.
Yujin:When I was at my lowest and filled with anger you never lost your patience with me. Instead you made sure I continued to eat and gave me space to go through it all. Then the moment I called for you, there you were, by my side ready to talk. Almost sixteen years of living in that house filled with love has gone by and I just need you to know that even as I get older, act like I might have everything figured out, and go off to Beacon soon thanks to your training. I’m always going to be your little girl and I love you from the very bottom of my heart. So can you please shut me up right now and hug me.
Jaune:*sniffling*You can run over here anytime.
Yujin ran up the porch steps and gave Jaune the biggest hug she’s ever given, crying ever so slightly as he rubbed the back of her head. He could hear the clapping and tears from his many family members, but noticed one thing. No Tai. He felt a sudden surge of warmth as he saw through his watery eyes the main in question through the trees, hugging his own daughters who should be hundreds of miles away.
As if by instinct, both girls looked in his direction, also emotional. He knew they couldn’t stay. That Raven most likely opened a portal so they can have a moment with Tai who would’ve been sad not seeing them. Yang looked at him lovingly as she watched him hold their daughter. “I love you” could be easily read from her lips and smile on her face as he mouthed it back. Then, they left. He thought it best not to tell Yujin. He knew Yang would eventually be able to come home, that Yujin would see her mother again. Until then, he’d continue giving his daughter enough love to make up the difference.
Jaune:Yujin, thank you for being my daughter. I know your mother would say the same.
[Twin Snowflakes au]
Valerie:Hey dad, I need your opinion on something. Can you come in the living room for a second?
Ren:Sure thing. What’s-
Right in in the middle of the room were two game pads and Valerie in baggy shorts and a green tank top. Ren looked at the tv flashing DDR in neon colors.
Valerie:So I was in town and found this game store selling this pretty old game. Apparently on two player it’s supposed to be really fun and competitive so I got to thinking.... I bet dad wouldn’t mind a few rounds.
Ren:Nora has been talking about the old days again?
Valerie:Perhaps, so, think you can show your daughter a thing or two? The apple might not far too fall from the tree. Happy Father’s Day.
Ren:*smiles* Don’t cry when I blow you out of the water. Loser pays for dinner.
Valerie:You’re on.
Qrow quietly reads a book at the dining room table like usual during lunch time when suddenly, he feels eyes on him. He puts the book down to see Winter and Sparrow quietly sitting down at the table with their own books. The only difference is the fancy glasses have been placed by each of them, along with a bottle in Sparrows hand.
Qrow:Is that....?
Sparrow:A bottle of the most expensive rum, made only in Salem’s previous territory? Why yes it is.
Winter:The same rum that can only be acquired after slaying countless grimm. Now I know I typically discourage you from spirits and don’t drink myself, but Sparrow is twenty one and did all of this for you. I think that deserves a toast.
Sparrow:Happy Father’s Day pops. Cheers!
Qrow looked at two pour him a glass before raising there’s with excitement. Was getting to drink with him this exciting? He couldn’t help but feel flattered and raised his as well with renewed vigor. A drink with family, now that sounded pretty nice.
Breakfast was in the air at the Schnee Manor. It might’ve been his special day but that didn’t n make anybody suddenly a cooking genius so Jaune was flipping the pancakes like usual. Weiss and Summer were a little red with embarrassment as they shifted around in their Pumpkin Pete onesies he had gotten them years ago.
Jaune:You know you don’t have to wear those every year right?
Weiss:You can’t say that when you smile really big whenever you see us in it.
Summer:We’ll stop when you stop caring, so never.
Jaune:That’s a present all by itself.
Summer:Well prepare for two more. I got something for my number one fan and teacher.
Weiss went around the corner and pulled out a white and yellow electric guitar with his symbol on it. Jaune nearly flipped the pancake too high, he was actually shocked. If she bought that then it meant one thing...
Summer:Let’s go around performing for people and putting smiles on faces today. A father and daughter duet!
Jaune:If this is the first present then what could possibly be the second one?
Weiss:Months ago your kids helped raise some extra money for Argus and Vale. Now Remnant has two Pyrrha statues, both in beautiful condition.
Jaune could feel his heart swell up. Weiss walked over and turned off the burner while he processed that info. A smile came across his face as he hugged both of his lovely women tightly.
Summer:Happy Father’s Day. Nick-
Jaune:He told me earlier before he left. I’m proud of what he’s doing.
Weiss:Summer, why don’t you go wash up and get dressed so you’ll be ready to go after breakfast.
Summer:Sweet! I can take this off. Love you dad! *runs off*
Jaune:Today is a good day.
Weiss:It gets better. You actually have three presents.
Her face turns a brighter red as she grabs ahold of his, making him tug on the zipper slightly. Jaune nearly chokes on his own breath as he discovers Weiss is only wearing the onesie. He regains composer and teasingly makes her yelp by slipping his hand though.
Weiss:*crimson* Happy...Daddy’s Day...
Jaune:....*puts her on the counter*
Weiss:Jaune there is food out!
Jaune:I’ll make more...
At there other estate, Nick warmly embraces Whitley while clutching gifts he didn’t even get the chance to give yet. The older man can only hug him tighter and hold some tears.
Whitley:This means more than you can imagine.
Nick:As far as I’m concerned, you’ve always been a second dad instead of an uncle. Happy Father’s Day.
Lucas sat silently on the the Belladonna steps watching the crescent moon. The cool air making its way from the sea brushed passed his face and put the boy at ease. Moment’s later he heard approaching footsteps get louder before stopping next to him, his caring father took a seat.
Jaune:Waiting for Blake to get back from her meeting?
Lucas:Nah, I needed fresh air. You always get antsy whenever I step aside.
Jaune:It’s a miracle every time I can get you off the couch and into town. Let me guess, you knew I’d come to you if you walked outside.
Lucas:Yep, all part of my master play.
Jaune:To what?
Lucas:Tell you Happy Father’s Day. You know I’m not really good at this sort thing but... here.
He lifted up a small bag by his feet and gave it Jaune. The knight grabbed the bag and instantly let out a chuckle the moment he felt the box. He wasted no time pulling out the cereal box that honestly surprised him on closer expectation. Jaune Arc....was on the box, he was on the box!
Lucas:I may have told mom how crazy it was that a hero like yourself wasn’t on his favorite cereal box and got a good petition going around. Pretty cool huh?
Jaune:You...I...what!? Hell yeah it’s cool! Honestly I thought the plan was stargazing and that would’ve been fine.
Lucas:So why not both? Cereal and stargazing.
Jaune:I say...I’ll go grab the milk.
Lucas:I’ll get two bowls.
Blake:Make it three!
The two gentlemen looked down to see Blake walking up the steps. Jaune quickly walked down and gave her a thank you kiss.
Blake:I wouldn’t mind eating the “breakfast of champions” right now. Especially with that hero on the box.
Jaune:Aww you spoil me.
Lucas:Hehe, three bowls it is.
Jaune: That was dangerous!
Carmine:I know.
Jaune:You could’ve been killed!
Carmine:But I wasn’t!
The two have been liked this for hours. They had gone on a mission together where the point was to evacuate a village under attack. All lives successfully saved fortunately, but it was a close call.
In a lapse of judgement, Carmine had abandoned the her responsibilities to help Jaune with a Goliath that gave him trouble and she had gotten work hurt in the process. If it weren’t for his semblance, she’s sure her ribs would be broken right now.
Ruby had managed to calm them both down and split them up, Carmine opting to go outside. This should be the last day to be arguing. Jaune sat quietly at the table and watched Ruby get closer to hold his hand.
Jaune:She could’ve been killed...
Ruby:Yeah but from the sound of it, losing you today was possible as well. In either scenario, I would’ve been devastated.
Jaune:What’s a greater loss?
Ruby:Don’t even try to put that on a set of scales. Everyday we look at her and worry but I’m not gonna pretend Carmine and I don’t hold our breath when we see you endanger as well; don’t act like you don’t do it for me.
Ruby:Sometimes our nerves get the better of us. We know that all of us can handle things but yet we find ourselves calling out to each other while rushing in. I don’t she’ll ever say it but... I’m sure she’s scared sometimes. She’s sixteen after all.
Jaune:Yeah, sometimes I forget that. She used to fit in my hands for crying out loud. Taking her on missions is still a little unnerving.
Ruby:Give her time. I’m sure-
The door opened and caught their attention. They hadn’t realized Carmine took Garnet outside too. The adorable four year old excitedly pointed outside. Ruby rushing over before he tired himself out.
Suddenly she alone started pointing and looked amazed. Jaune was left no choice but to take a look, he glad he did. The front yard was filled with white and yellow roses shaped in the Arc crest. Carmine was kneeling in middle of her work tired and with her sword stabbed in the ground.
Carmine:Do you remember...when you I asked you how to be a knight all those years ago?
Jaune:I do. I said, I said I wasn’t sure. That I never really thought of myself as a good example of one.
Carmine:I’ve thought about that a lot recently. You gave me such an unexpected answer. How could you not know when I’ve seen you been so kind. The way you fight for us, your loyalty to your family, empathy, wisdom, courage; I saw it all. Then I realized, maybe I was really asking how I could be more like you?
Carmine:We’re different. Our thought process, opinions, etc. I’m beginning to think maybe I can never hold those qualities like you. Which really...frustrates me. Because dad, you are my ideal knight! I know I messed up and-
He walked towards her, unsheathing his sword on the way. Jaune stared at his visibly tired daughter. How often did he see this strong and capable fighter express her woes so freely? Ruby was right, he must’ve really scared her. Jaune lifted his sword and tapped it on each of her shoulders.
Jaune:Carmine...were you scared today? Of losing me?
Carmine:What kind of question is that?
Tears ran down her face. Jaune knelt down and captured her in a hug.
Jaune:I’m sorry...
Carmine:I’m sorry too. Dad I...I love you okay? So please, don’t scare me like that and I won’t scare you. Deal?
Jaune:It’s a deal. And don’t worry about being like me. I do what can do, so you can be like yourself. I know it’ll be just as great.
Ruby held Garnet close and watched two of the most stubborn people on her life hug it out. As far as she was concerned, they were both perfect, as knights or otherwise. They cared about each other. What could be more perfect than that.
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mo-nighean-rouge · 5 years
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You Can Call Me- IV
About a million years ago, @ianmuyrray asked for “FAKE MARRIED AND PREGNANT DO IT” based on the trope prompt below. This is what you get, friend. Some characters show up that you might like, idk.
I didn’t really know when I would have this ready, but then I caved to some writing peer pressure from @lady-o-ren recently, and asked @whiskynottea and @isitgintimeyet for some beta TLC and here we are.
Modern AU: Inspired by a Fanfiction Trope Mash-up prompt - Bodyguard and secret relationship. A look at the life of Prime Minister Claire Beauchamp behind closed doors.
Previously: Part I | Part II | Part III | AO3 | Masterlist
Claire reached for him, hands trembling as she swept her thumb across the cut under his eye.
He hissed at the contact against the open wound, but couldn’t find the energy to truly mind. He basked in her touch, preserved for him after all.
“Oh, Baby,” her voice wavered.
Before Jamie could answer, Claire went limp in his arms, dead weight held up only by her oxters draped over his elbows.
Part IV
Jamie felt like he was swimming through the thick and sterile air as he strode purposefully down the endless hallway. It wasn’t Claire’s weight in his arms that slowed him, but the hollow agony in his chest each time he glanced down at her still form sprawled in his arms. Her limbs swung uselessly with his hurried gait. He couldn’t even protect her head properly as it thumped against his shoulder.
Murtagh had guided the yacht to shore in only minutes, but time had stretched mercilessly ahead as Jamie waited, exhausting the possibilities to coax a response from Claire.
The back-up officers they had radioed had been waiting on the dock in full force, more than equipped to drag the barely stirring forms of Randall, Wolverton, and their bloody goons into police cars.
“Let’s go,” Jamie had commanded the first unoccupied officer he passed.
“But Agent…” the man had squabbled, eyes darting around for someone of higher authority to disagree.
“Drive, damn ye,” Jamie had insisted. He wouldn’t wait for an ambulance to push through the growing crowd when they had been only streets away from the hospital.
Jamie had ducked into the back of a patrol car with Claire stretched over him, Murtagh having promised to report back once he resolved matters at the scene.
He had patted the perspiration from her face and felt for her weakened pulse as the car’s sirens drowned out the mad thoughts rushing through his head. As his fingers had run through her gnarled curls, they had come into contact with a harsh knot on her head, the swelling worsening as time passed.
Jamie’s rapid thoughts matched the pace of his steps as he finally burst through the last set of doors.
Several faces looked up as they entered the confined space. “Please,” Jamie rasped without taking a new breath.
Registering the pallor of Claire’s countenance, an orderly turned to pull a hospital trolley forward.
Much as he didn’t want to let go of her, Jamie laid Claire delicately on the trolley as the staff around him rolled off questions and phrases he couldn’t process.
“By Christ!” The young man’s eyes widened as he examined Claire’s face while fastening a blood pressure cuff around her bicep.
The nurse taking her vitals followed his gaze, her own face going a shade paler. She stepped to face Jamie as the rest of the party rolled the bed down the hall. She stepped in front of him, her badge reading “Phaedre Cameron, Staff Nurse” prominent.
Jamie allowed an infinitesimal nod as his feet set into motion underneath him. “Alexander Malcolm,” he responded over his shoulder as he made his way past her.
The nurse held him back before his steps could quicken to the pace of the trolley as it carried Claire beyond double doors. “Are you family?” she asked briskly.
“Please,” Jamie said again, barely sparing a glance at her as the attendants pushed his heart away from him. “She carries my child,” he said softly, rising to his toes to keep track of her curls through the miniscule windows as they disappeared further down the hall.
“So you’re her husband?” Her voice returned, warily following his gaze through the glass. She surely had recognized the leader of her country by now, but would know of no such relationship.
Jamie grunted, but did not argue. She wasn’t altogether wrong.
The nurse hesitated, nodding before finally leading him beyond the doors. They caught up with Claire and the other nurses just as they rounded the corner into a secluded area.
She left his side to confer with the doctor leading operations, each stealing glances at Jamie as their conversation grew more serious.
Chaos. Monitors flashing, machines beeping, more wires attached to Claire than he could count. He wished he could touch her, hold her. Was she in pain? Or worse, beyond registering the sensations tethering her to life? He folded sloppily into a nearby chair as his legs gave way.
He yearned for her eyes to fly open and for her to give them all a tongue lashing for focusing on her and not checking on her child.
Christ. The bairn. Jamie pitched forward and put his head between his knees, balancing precariously on the edge of the chair. That she be safe, she and the child.
He fell to his knees and raised his chin to the heavens, the motion around him falling away.
The room held its breath in anticipation, creating a silence broken only by the steady pulsing of the heart monitor.
The beat sounded steady, for all Jamie knew. But after a few minutes it was rivaled by the echo of a faster, fluttering rhythm, nearly stopping Jamie’s own heart.
It was the first time their child had made its presence known. There’d scarcely been time to schedule a scan as of yet, though they had estimated how far along Claire might be.
Taing dhia.
The roomful of people trickled out of the door, leaving only three occupants. Four, Jamie scolded himself absently.
The lead doctor snapped his gloves off and turned to face Jamie as he waited in the corner in agony.
A sheen of perspiration glowed over the man’s dark skin as he drew closer. An easy smile rested on his face. “Alex, is it?”
Jamie’s hand rose instinctively to grasp the other man’s. He nodded, focus not trailing away from the chest rising and falling across the room.
“Joe Abernathy.” The doctor stepped into Jamie’s line of sight to hold his attention.
He tried to take in the news the kind American doctor relayed to him, making sure to nod when appropriate. Everything sounded fine, but he couldn’t allow himself reprieve until she set her eyes upon him once more.
Severe dehydration, he said.
“I can guess how troublesome her morning sickness has been. We’ll get her caught up on fluids and monitor things from there.”
Minor concussion, he said.
“I’m sure you know she’s been knocked around pretty thoroughly, Mr. Malcolm.”
It’s up to her now, he said.
“We’ll have to wait for her to wake up. Their heartbeats are both strong, which is our main concern for now.”
Jamie had done his best to follow along and swallow his emotions, but couldn’t control the sob that escaped him at that simple statement.
Abernathy gripped his shoulder. “You did well, man. We might be telling a different story if not for you.”
As Jamie stood and pulled his chair behind him, the doctor clapped him on the back, then pulled the sleeve of his white coat up to glance at his smartwatch. 
“I’m told the Doctors Beauchamp are stuck in parade traffic.” Dr. Abernathy’s finger swiped smoothly across the small screen. “There’s also a small crowd in the waiting room that’s anxious to see the two of you.”
Goistidh. Jamie unlocked his mobile. Eight missed calls from Murtagh. Five from Claire’s assistant, Mary McNab.
“I’ll tell you now, but will also be sure to let the persistent young lady in the waiting room know, that no one on our staff will speak a word.”
Abernathy looked up to meet Jamie’s eye once more, seeming to finally take a closer look at him. “That’s a nasty cut you’ve got there, man.” The doctor gestured toward Jamie’s eye. “I’ll send someone up to see that it gets taken care of.”
Jamie shrugged the doctor off. “‘Tis nothing to fash over.”
“The stitches might help take your mind off things,” Abernathy suggested.
“Dinna want to ‘take my mind off things,’” Jamie mimicked. Another bout of guilt flooded him. “I’m sorry, Doc.” He swallowed deeply. “This is almost more than I can bear, myself.”
Abernathy fixed him with a look. “She was in good hands, Mr. Malcolm. She still is.” 
The doctor exited the room and closed the door quietly behind him, leaving only Jamie’s thoughts to fill the silence.
Jamie didn’t spare space between his chair and Claire’s bed. He reached for one of her cold hands and rubbed it between his own.
“Wake up, lass,” he whispered. A surge of feeling rose in his chest. “If ye’ll ever obey anyone in your life, let it be me, now, Claire.” He scrubbed his dirty, scuffed palms across his eyes. “Please, mo chridhe.”
Motion at the door stirred him from his greeting. A blonde blur sped in and hit him squarely in the chest. “Nunkie!”
“Germain Henry!” drilled a stern feminine voice. “Give yer uncle some space.”
Jamie squeezed the toddler against him and ghosted his own lips over his forehead before Marsali swung him up and settled him against the swell of her belly, patting Jamie’s hand soothingly. Her expression became disapproving as she took in the damage to his face.
He looked up as his future brother-in-law squeezed his shoulder as he circled the bed, pulling forward the chair on the other side.
Fergus leaned forward to brush his lips over Claire’s clammy forehead. “Milady,” he whispered, the light French lilt from his university and medical school days in Paris echoing in the sentiment. He gripped her hand with both of his, eyes not leaving her still form.
Jamie’s heart twisted. The moniker had been bestowed on a prim and proper young Claire by Uncle Lamb when she struggled with culture shock during her first trip to the edge of the earth. Soon after she’d gained her bearings, her passion for the world she lived in had established itself, along with her heart for helping its people.
Marsali allowed Germain to roam once more with a warning to ‘nae get underfoot.’ She washed her hands at the corner basin and slipped on a pair of rubber gloves, helping herself to the cotton swabs and peroxide stored in a high cabinet.
Jamie winced at the sting as she swabbed the wound under his eye.
Satisfied, she ruffled his hair and helped herself to the medical chart fastened near the bed. She surveyed the information with her experienced obstetrician’s eye, her observations undetectable until a gasp emitted from her and her gaze landed on Jamie.
He immediately knew what the file had revealed to her, and nodded his permission for her to speak it aloud.
“Did ye know, a bràthair?” Marsali whispered.
Fergus snapped to attention, both his hands still grasping Claire’s.
“Aye.” Jamie breathed, the barest of grins tickling his lips. “She was – is – sae excited to tell ye both at Thursday night supper.” He clapped his hand over his mouth, unable to stifle the sharp intake of air that followed. He met Fergus’s eye. “Ye should know, man, it’s driven her mad to keep it from ye…”
Fergus nodded slowly, stroking Claire’s wrists. Jamie suspected he was seeking her pulse points himself. “She will,” he said firmly. “She’ll tell me.”
Jamie sniffled hard in an attempt to regain his composure. “I’m sorry I didna protect her,” he whispered.
“You have, ye dolt,” Marsali cut in. Her steady hand smoothed the wrinkled bed covering over Claire’s belly where Germain had tugged it, attempting to check on his aunt for himself. 
“I met Claire when she was but 15, a gangly wee thing gettin’ in her uncle’s way. She’s always been headstrong and determined. But I’ve never seen her so passionate, so content. Not until ye came along.”
“You couldn’t have expected this,” Fergus added, boosting Germain to his lap.
Marsali’s mobile vibrated.
Jamie could hazard a guess at how many times it had sounded that day based on the weary expression that crossed her face as she answered it.
She began speaking in rapid Gaelic, making it clear who was on the other end of the line. She could give Jenny a clear update without worrying Fergus unnecessarily.
Jamie flinched as he overheard rough translations for ‘still out’ and ‘hard knock to the head.’ She kept their big news to herself for now, and Jamie couldn’t help but imagine the sheer joy that would cross his sister’s face when she heard. Not to mention the bizarre hints he’d heard about their father today. How could he drop something like that on her, especially if it wasn’t true…
But he could puzzle all of that out later. As long as his stubborn lass woke up, all would be well.
The moment Marsali switched back to English, stepping toward the door and whispering into the receiver, Jamie knew she was talking about him and his own haggard appearance. There was no language the women shared that could conceal their worries from him.
As Germain’s impatient questions and complaints of an empty belly increased, Fergus and Marsali finally escorted him out of the room and to the cafeteria, promising to bring something back for Jamie. He doubted he’d have the will to eat it.
And so he was alone with his desperate thoughts once again.
Claire struggled against her heavy eyelids as awareness came back to her. Her immediate line of sight was blurred, and she ached all over. Gone was her torn pantsuit, a starchy white gown in its place. Her sorry state was apparent, almost as if she were taking account of her injuries from outside her own body.
She tried to recount what had happened in the last few hours… days? She had a vague recollection of a gun being drawn and shots firing, and someone going down painfully. Jamie?
Claire jolted at this thought, her vision adjusting to recognize the profile standing at the window across the room from her, with dazzling afternoon light refracting off his cinnamon waves as his head hung low and shoulders drooped. Though she could barely make him out in the shadows, she knew she loved him. He appeared healthy and strong, uninhibited by ballistic injury. So how much of what she remembered was actually real?
Could she trust her own tender feelings, anything besides the pull she felt toward him in spite of the weight of her limbs gluing her to the bed?
Had they truly shared all the things she thought she remembered, or was it all just lovely images her mind her created to comfort her as her body healed?
 Jamie lifted the corner of the curtain with just the tips of his fingers. The car park was littered with news vans, camera bulbs flashing as hospital officials created a barrier between the crowd and their front doors. In the hours that had passed since he carried Claire in, it was clearly no longer a secret where the prime minister was recovering, nor how she had fallen victim to betrayal and neglect. He dropped the flimsy material in disgust. Just once, if they would leave her alone…
He barely registered the rustling on the other side of the room, but spun to attention. Claire was moving.
Her head flopped across the pillow as she sniffled, then moaned.
Jamie released a startled cry, just watching in relief as she flexed unused muscles.
Claire stilled, eyes focused on him. She looked awkward and unsure.
He cursed himself for putting distance between them. She should have woken with her hand in his as he watched her closely for any simple comfort he could provide.
Jamie raced back to her side. “Thank Christ,” he whispered, kneeling to adjust the pillow under her as she sat up.
Claire tensed and leaned back into the pillow as their eyes met. Jamie wished he didn’t see it, but there was fear in her expression.
“C—Claire…” he soothed. “It’s over. You’re whole.” His mouth curved into what might have been a smile, but it apparently had no calming effect.
She gulped and took shallow breaths, wild eyes looking anywhere but at him. A panic attack.
Understanding dawned on Jamie. She didn’t remember. Dr. Abernathy’s term returned to him: Concussion. He wondered briefly how bad it would be, whether she would remember him at all. He wouldn’t be able to bear hearing her call him “Alex” or “Agent Malcolm” without a hint of the flirtatious banter or sultry tone of jest that usually accompanied the nicknames.
He couldn’t bear not to know, either.
“Seas, a leannan,” he cooed. He curled his fingers under her jaw. “Breathe with me, mo ghraidh.”
Her eyes locked on his as he spoke the language of his heart. “… Jamie?” Her face lit with hope.
Jamie’s nerves unknotted themselves. “Just me.” His other hand smoothed her tangled curls from her glistening face.
Claire’s breathing slowed as she leaned her cheek into his palm, grimace giving way to peace.
He boosted himself into the bed beside her, relief flowing through him as she curled into him, careful of the IV running between them.
“I’ve been having terrible dreams, I think…” She shook her head. “I was worried I’d dreamt it all.”
“Nay, mo nighean donn.” He kissed the side of her head, her sweaty neck, anywhere he could reach as his palm stroked down her side.
Claire’s hand flew to her middle, features crinkling once more. “Our baby, is everything...?”
“A braw one like ye,” he managed to choke out. “Has a good wee heart, I’ve heard it myself.”
 The door squealed open again just as Dr. Abernathy finished setting up the ultrasound machine.
Claire exhaled as her extended family piled through the door.
Amid the bustle of activity in the crowded room, she and Jamie had barely managed to speak discreetly about all that had occurred that day.
Claire had insisted on letting Jamie squeeze her hand as Nurse Cameron had placed five stitches under his right eye. His grip had been mild, but he had let her see him wince as the nurse had tied off the final suture. They had no secrets, and if she could bear a bit of his pain, she would.
She had stroked his curls as he recounted all the possibilities that had raced through his mind at the mere suggestion that Brian Fraser was alive. Much as he wanted to find out for himself, Jamie couldn’t risk investigating if it meant leaving Claire and the baby behind.
His tears had soaked into her gown as he apologized for not suspecting Frank sooner and taking care of the problem himself.
“Shh, shh,” she had whispered. “You had nothing to go on. I can just imagine it, ‘Metropolitan Police Protection Officer breaks into the House of Commons to tackle Home Secretary to the ground.’” She had scratched his stubbled chin. “You’d still be in gaol now.”
Jamie had snorted against her shoulder, shaking with the force of her own laughter. “It’s no’ funny, Claire.”
“Are you quite sure?” she had asked, lips curled. “I’m looking forward to the joy of seeing both those characters put away for awhile.”
“Aye,” he had rasped. “I’ll see to it, a nighean.”
Claire had tilted his chin to lock eyes with him. “We will.”
Jamie had sniffled and nodded firmly, grasping her palm to place a kiss there.
Fergus set Germain at the foot of her hospital bed, but her nephew jumped onto her sore legs instead. “Auntie Bear!” he cried.
She tried to withhold her groan as she gathered him to her. “Gracious, but you’re getting big, my lad.”
Claire got a lovely whiff of his lingering baby scent as her sister-in-law stooped beside her bed and took her face in both hands. “How are ye, a chridhe?”
Claire grasped her hands over Marsali’s. She had never been able to hide anything from the other woman’s intuitive gaze, so she shouldn’t have been surprised when Marsali glanced down then met her eye knowingly. She darted a glance to Jamie, who shrugged helplessly in the midst of feasting on his newly delivered hamburger and chips.
“My wife read your chart,” Fergus’s voice sounded as he closed in on their huddle to ruffle her curls. “Congratulations, ma cherie.”
Claire laughed and took a wonderfully full breath. “I don’t suppose I could have kept it from you for long. You might have been suspicious otherwise when I booked an appointment with you.” She squeezed Marsali’s hand before leaning into Fergus’s arm around her shoulders.
“Alright, Ms. Beauchamp,” Joe interrupted the lovingly chaotic scene.
Claire smiled up at him. In the half hour since he’d walked in to find her conscious, she had already grown to like the young doctor for his wit and gentle manner.
Nurse Cameron gestured that she was ready with the cool gel.
Fergus swept Germain out of her lap as Jamie nestled closer on the edge of her bed, shielding her as she wrestled the thin hospital gown up over her hips.
A few minor adjustments later and Claire’s eyes filled with tears as she watched a tiny form swim on the screen in front of her. She held onto Jamie – perhaps not as tightly as he clutched her – to make sure it still wasn’t a dream.
She had no idea how she’d do it all, but knew she could with the support of those around her.
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on the verge of realization
Bumbleby Week Day 5 - Beacon Days
She doesn’t question it, the sense of familiarity, of unconditional safety, that comes with Yang’s presence, even though they’ve known each other for less than half a year, even though Blake’s promised herself she’d keep her distance this time, she’d be careful, lest she repeats past mistakes.
Team RWBY is having an early morning training session, and Blake finds herself distracted.
It’s very early - a couple hours before dawn - and quite chilly outside. The autumnal wind has a cruel bite to it, and Blake hugs her sweater, wishing she was wearing something a little warmer than her workout shorts. Around her, Beacon Academy is still and quiet. Most students are probably sound asleep in their dorm rooms, and Blake really misses her bed.
Beside her, Weiss stands straight, unhappy, clad in skintight leggings and a long-sleeved white workout shirt. “Where are they?” she grumbles, heel stomping petulantly against the ground.
Ruby asked them to meet in the central courtyard for an early training session - the Vytal Tournament starts tomorrow, and she wants the team to be in top shape - but neither her nor Yang have arrived yet. They were gone by the time Blake and Weiss left the dorm room, presumably to get something to eat.
“I swear, if this is some kind of prank….” Weiss starts. She’s interrupted by a flurry of rose petals, and the screeching sound of a fast-moving body coming to an abrupt halt.
“Morning!” Ruby shouts, appearing between them with the energy of someone who’s already consumed an unnecessary amount of sugar.
Blake winces at the volume. “Hey, Ruby. Where’s Yang?”
“Right here.” A familiar arm curls around her shoulders, and her partner steps next to her, drawing her in a side hug. Yang smells like coffee, and she feels warm against Blake, and for a minute Blake is overwhelmed with the desire to close her eyes and fall back to sleep.
(She doesn’t question it, the sense of familiarity, of unconditional safety, that comes with Yang’s presence, even though they’ve known each other for less than half a year, even though Blake’s promised herself she’d keep her distance this time, she’d be careful, lest she repeats past mistakes.)
“Alright team! Let’s do this!” Ruby says, cheerful as always, punctuating her words with a light punch to Weiss’s shoulder, which earns her a glare and a shove.
Right. Blake shakes herself out of her morning haze, rolling her neck. Yang lets her go, and they stand side by side listening to Ruby’s instructions.
Today’s program is nothing complex: some sparring, some stretching, some strength and speed exercises. And to start it all, an hour-long run throughout the school grounds. Weiss groans at that prospect, but Blake doesn’t mind. She likes running - how her lungs burn and her legs ache and how it sharpens her thoughts, helping her focus on the moment, and nothing else. After a few minutes of warm-up, Ruby takes the lead, and Weiss follows her, displeased but disciplined. Blake and Yang bring up the rear.
It’s quiet. Peaceful. The four of them are alone, apart from a few students hurrying towards the library, and a second-year team engaged in semblance practice in the West courtyard.
Blake and Yang don’t talk while they run, so the only sounds are the soft thump of their feet against the grass, and the regular rhythm of their breathing. From time to time, they knock elbows, or bump shoulders, and Yang grins at her. Every time, Blake smiles back.
(And that’s another thing she won’t question: the warmth filling her chest when Yang looks at her, like sunlight on her skin ; how easily they fall into pace with one another, like the tide and the moon. No, Blake won’t question it, and she won’t let herself dig too deep into the recesses of her heart. After all, this is only their first year. She has all the time in the world to figure it out.)
The sun rises, timid and pale, as they finish their run. Weiss lets herself fall on a stone bench - she’s breathing hard and fast, strands of white hair sticking to her temples. Sweat drips down Blake’s back, soaking her shirt, and she’s a little out of breath, but otherwise fine. Ruby smiles wide, and gives them all congratulatory high-fives.
“Yay, team RWBY! We’re gonna kick ass in the tournament!”
Blake smiles back, relishing in the sense of pride surging through her, while Yang cheerfully claps Weiss on the shoulder. She’s still not quite used to feeling accomplished after a training exercise. When Adam was her mentor, nothing was ever good enough. She was never good enough. If she closes her eyes, she can still hear his voice, disappointed and angry, she can still see the downward curve of his mouth, the dismissive snap of his fingers. But Ruby is nothing like him, Beacon is nothing like the White Fang, and sometimes it dawns on her: how different her life is, here, with these people. How much happier she is.
“Here,” Yang says, handing her a bottle of water.
As she drinks, she can’t help wondering how much of her newfound happiness she owes to Yang. She cherishes her bond with Ruby and Weiss, of course - and Jaune, Pyrrha, Ren, Nora, Sun, Neptune, Velvet… she’s met so many new friends, in so little time. But Yang is… well, she’s her partner, right? So that makes her different. Not more important, necessarily, just… different.
(She keeps feeling like she’s on the verge of a realization, these days, like something crucial is hovering at the edge of her awareness, and all it would take is the slightest push for her to grasp it.)
Blake swallows her last gulp of water, lost in thoughts, glancing at Yang absent-mindedly, and suddenly finds herself staring. Yang is busy wiping her face with the front of her tank top, and Blake can’t look away from the hard, flat plane of her lower stomach, the way her bare skin glistens with sweat, the sharp jut of her hipbones. She swallows again, hard. Her heartbeat quickens, though she’s no longer running, and when Yang looks up and notices her watching, Blake’s cheeks grow so hot she instinctively presses the cold bottle against her skin, in an attempt to cool off.
“You okay there, Belladonna?” Yang says, with a small knowing smirk that does nothing to help Blake’s flustered state.
“Fine,” she manages. The word comes out annoyingly strangled and Weiss narrows her eyes, frowning with something close to irritation, though by now Blake’s learned it usually covers genuine care.
“You do look weird. Are you coming down with something? Please stay away from me, I can’t afford to be sick this semester.”
“Guys. I’m fine.” This time Blake’s voice sounds firm, and Weiss visibly relents. Yang must take pity on her as well, because she doesn’t say anything else, instead pulling her hair up in a messy bun. Blake decidedly avoids looking at Yang’s arms. She’s embarrassed herself enough as it is.
Ruby claps her hands, bringing them back to the task. “Okay guys, rest is over. Next is hand-to-hand combat. Yang, you’re in charge, since you’re the best at it!”
Yang makes a fist, and slams it forcefully against the palm of her other hand. Weiss rolls her eyes at the display but gets up nonetheless, stretching her arms high above her head. “At least don’t blast your terrible pop music this time, Yang. Let us have peace and quiet while we suffer.”
“Whatever. You can pretend you hate my taste in music all you want, Ice Queen, but you’re the one I caught singing in the shower to…”
“Are we training or having a chat?” Weiss cuts her off, a murderous glint in her eyes, ears a little pink. Blake and Ruby exchange an amused glance, and Yang snorts, but lets it go.
They start with some stretching, then Yang has them repeating precise series of jabs and punches and kicks. The sun is now high in the sky, and it’s a beautiful, clear morning. They’ve chosen the isolated corner of a remote courtyard, far from the main part of campus, so no one bothers them. Which is for the best: unarmed hand-to-hand combat isn’t really Blake’s thing, and she needs all her concentration to mimic Yang’s movements. She’s doing better than Ruby and Weiss, but still, Yang often has to correct her stance, light hands pressing on her hips to get her to turn, or moving her arms to a different position.
It’s casual, practical, professional even, Blake knows it, and yet. And yet. She could swear every touch from Yang leaves a trace on her skin, a handprint, and her nerves flare like kindling catching fire. She’s just not used to being touched like that, Blake reasons, ignoring the craving in the bottom of her stomach. So what, if she’s starved for the kind of easy, affectionate closeness that comes with Yang’s friendship? It’s been a while, that’s all. It doesn’t mean anything.
The unexpected sting on the back of her thigh, just below her ass, makes her jump. Yang just gave her a smack, she realizes belatedly, not hard enough to really hurt, but certainly enough to get her attention. “Focus,” she scolds Blake, not unkindly. The hint of playful warning in her tone is somehow as distracting as her touch, and it takes all of Blake’s self-control to push down the sudden wave of vague yearning, teeth clenched.
Yang is right, she needs to focus, this is ridiculous. The tournament is tomorrow. She exhales through her nose, inhales deeply, and starts over.
“Great job,” Yang praises them eventually, when she deems that the practice has gone for long enough. “Now, let’s do some sparring. Partner up! The lightweights together,” she adds, pointing at Weiss and Ruby, who both hilariously make the exact same grumpy face, before turning towards Blake. “Don’t worry, I’ll go easy on you.”
“You don’t have to,” Blake replies, mildly offended, before she can think better of it. “I can hold my own.”
Yang laughs. “Oh, we’re feeling confident today, huh? Alright. Belladonna. Let’s see what you got.”
Weiss sniggers at Blake, but promptly cuts it out when Ruby tackles her to the ground. “What the hell, Ruby?” she yelps. “Yang didn’t give us the signal!”
“In a real combat situation, nobody will be there to give you the green light,” Yang ponders, sagely, in a remarkable impression of Professor Port. “You always have to be ready to react!”
“I have been in real combat situations, thanks!” Weiss spits out, trying to no avail to dislodge Ruby from her back.
Blake bites the inside of her cheeks to stop herself from laughing at theirs antics and, seeing Yang distracted, takes a chance. She swings her left leg low, hoping to catch Yang’s ankles and make her fall. Yang jumps out of the way before Blake can even touch her, and grins, cocky.
“Nice try.”
Blake leaps, changing tactics, kicking high at Yang’s head with her right leg this time. Yang deflects the hit with a steady arm, and sends a curved left hook Blake’s way. Her knuckles graze Blake’s shoulder but she manages to dodge the brunt of it.
“Good,” Yang says. She raises both fists protectively in front of her face, and motions for Blake to come at her. “Try again.”
So Blake does. She throws kicks and punches, elbows and knees, and a few connect with Yang, but most of Blake’s efforts she evades, easily. It’s mesmerizing, watching Yang fight and turn and deflect and attack, feet light on the ground. Her body moves almost effortlessly, each of her hits powerful and precise. Blake’s eyes follow the ripple of muscles underneath Yang’s skin, fascinated by the strength and the control, and the beauty of it. Of her.
This time when Yang smacks her again, it’s right across Blake’s ass, and her hand lands much harder. Blake can’t help a little gasp, mouth opening in shock. It stings, but the sensation sends unexpected sparks down her lower stomach, and Blake really doesn’t know what to do with that.
“You’re still not focusing,” Yang says, raising an eyebrow, as if daring Blake to protest. Blake closes her mouth, cheeks burning. What is up with her today? She’s never been so distracted before. (She’s never been so distracted by Yang.) There’s something tugging, pulling, inside her chest, like a buried truth trying to burst through, but Blake’s too afraid to let it out. It’s dangerous, she knows, from experience, to look too closely at one’s heart.
Yang’s eyes soften, and she drops her guard, looking at Blake with caution. “Are you doing okay?” She takes a step forward, and hesitates, before placing her hand on Blake’s shoulder, very gently. “Are you stressed out about the tournament? Is something else on your mind? You can talk to me, you know.”
“I’m sorry,” Blake murmurs. There’s that feeling again, like she’s missing something important, something she should know. She grabs Yang’s hand in her own, and squeezes her fingers. “Thank you.”
Yang’s thumb brushes the back of her hand, tracing light circles on her skin. “What’s going on?” she asks, her voice low and serious. Then she smiles, lightening the mood. “Why are you being such a handful, Belladonna?”
Blake huffs, smiling despite herself. “I have no idea. Maybe you’re right, and I’m just anxious about the tournament tomorrow? I’m not sure. Sorry I’m being the worst partner,” she adds with a small apologetic shrug.
Yang shakes her head, and advances on her so fast there’s nothing Blake can do before she’s engulfed in Yang’s arms. It reminds her of an empty classroom, and another hug that took her by surprise. Sighing, she rests her hands around Yang’s strong back, and presses her forehead against Yang’s shoulder. Yang smells like sweat now, and coffee, still, underneath, and the laundry detergent they use at Beacon. Familiar and safe, inexplicably so.
“You could never be the worst partner, Blake,” Yang murmurs in her hair. “There’s nothing you could do that would make me think that.”
Blake nods, and tightens her hold around Yang’s waist, and, like a fool, believes her.
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