#and all i care about is SKYRIM again
lanaevyssmoved · 1 year
i just looked at my hidden oc page that houses all my ocs pre-bg3 and there's nearly 70 ocs on that page. i under estimated.
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what-even-is-thiss · 10 months
It’s interesting how in-jokes often turn into regular surrealist jokes to outsiders.
There’s this recurring character in the elder scrolls series named M’aiq the liar who says things that only really make perfect sense if you’re familiar with previous games in the series, previous versions of M’aiq, and fan discourse leading up to the game. And there are people like that. But most people playing the game don’t know he’s a meta developer insert character and don’t know everything he’s referring to.
I was one of these people until literally two days ago when I got confused by running into this seemingly useless weird cat man again and again and wondering what the hell he was doing there. I dove down the rabbit hole and now I understand. And I understand both sides of experiencing this character.
Take for example this quote he has in Skyrim:
"Werebears? Where? Bears? Men that are bears?"
This is a weird line out of context. Funny, I guess. What’s a werebear? I haven’t come across any of those yet. Later I’ll come across one as an enemy on Solstheim but I don’t know that yet. What is this cat talking about? Whatever.
But what this is referring to is twofold. In Oblivion, the previous game one of his random lines was:
"Werewolves? Where? Wolves? Men that are wolves? Many wolves. Everywhere. Many men. That is enough for M'aiq."
THIS was a reference to werewolves being cut from Oblivion. The player can’t be one and they don’t appear as enemies.
But the werebear line also refers to the fact that in previous games people claimed there were werebears in skyrim so a bunch of people hoped they could become a werebear in Skyrim the game. That was never made an option and werebears weren’t added as an enemy until the Solstheim DLC.
But to me who doesn’t care about discourse outside of the games just running into this cat asking random things about bears is just… what is this man? He’s dressed like a priest, he’s talking about bears, his name is “the liar”. Funny, I guess?
Inside jokes, author self inserts, 4th wall tapping. Your experiences of all these things depends on how who you are and what you know and who you know. As a writer studying this one example is weird to me. I’m dissecting M’aiq like a frog. And not in a fandom or blorbo kind of way. Like as a professional inspecting someone else’s technique.
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handsomeamoeba · 11 months
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Try again.
Actually let's get into this. As someone who loves a great many fantasy RPGs including BG3, Skyrim, and Dragon Age, let me explain what BG3 gets that Skyrim misses, in my opinion.
And this is the big one: the characters in BG3 feel like real fucking people. They have backstories, demonstrable feelings about the events and the other characters, they react to the things you do and they develop as people as you further your relationships. Even minor NPCs often feel fleshed out with distinct personalities and opinions. Hell, going out of my way to cast Speak to Animals is usually rewarded with at least one charming remark. I have never given even a little bit of a shit about 99% of Bethesda NPCs. I usually choose to travel without a companion rather than with unless I need a pack mule to carry my stuff, because their primary function seems to be to get in my way, set off traps, or attract aggro. I can't remember most characters' names unless I'm actively playing. I'm more likely to casually murder people in Skyrim than I am in BG3 or DA because Bethesda hasn't really made any of their NPCs feel like real people, and consequentially I feel no guilt. By comparison I tried to do an evil run of DA:O and gave up the instant I had to kill Wynne (the grandmotherly spirit healer) when she refused to let me go through with my plans, because I hated doing it. Lydia will watch me gut an innocent man and do NOTHING because she has no life, existence, or personality outside of me, the player. This extends to romances, obviously. While optional in all the games, most people will pursue a romance path in BG3 or DA for the additional character arcs it brings to the characters, the emotional nuances they unlock. In Skyrim romance is a box you tick of tasks to complete. In fact, once you marry them, most marriage candidates personalities change *completely* because all spouses have the same few stock dialog lines. That is, if they had a personality to begin with (again, see Lydia). You know how everyone wants to romance unromanceable characters in Bethesda games? Like Brynjolf in Skyrim, or Nick Valentine in FO4? It's because Bethesda actually bothered to give them stories and opinions.
Honestly, this extends to the player character themselves. To a certain extent every player character is a blank slate, but in BG3 and DA it at least feels possible to develop a feeling about who that character is and what they would or would not say or do. I've tried to do that with the Dragonborn and rarely feel strong feelings about them or have strong opinions about what kind of person they are. The only one I've made who I have much of an idea about is my wood elf Parafina, who is Chaotic Evil. Which again is an option I only pick because no one in Skyrim feels real.
The stakes also feel more real in BG3, more personal. Obviously there's the central quest involving the tadpoles, but more than that, it is about a credible threat to your world and the people and communities in it and the people you love. There are tons of reasons to invest yourself emotionally in the narrative. I have never, ever completed the main storyline in Skyrim nor picked a side in Skyrim's civil war. Why would it? Basically nothing happens if I choose not to. Furthermore, if you're not playing as a Nord (which I usually don't), why would you care about Skyrim as a place? You are a faceless, voiceless (pun intended) outsider who gets microaggressed at every turn being asked to choose between two different flavors of fascist. Also dragons are back but like... listen, I don't care? They get pretty easy to pick off at a certain point, it's like swatting flies, they're just a nuisance on the way to my daily errands. And isn't that such a common story? Don't you know so many people who don't really bother with the main storylines of Skyrim? Yeah it's one of the bestselling games of all time but I feel like the fact that most people don't really care about its narrative should be a sign of failure. We all know it's mostly maintained its popularity due to the modding community.
Ultimately both games have rich worlds which reward exploration with little secrets and environmental storytelling. But BG3 feels more "meaningful" because they give me reasons to care about what happens. The writers worked hard to give the game emotional resonance. So I come to the two games for different experiences. I go to BG3 to engage with an interesting story. I go to Skyrim for the quick serotonin hit of completing tasks and hoarding items.
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beestalesofarcadia · 8 months
Could I request some reactions from Draal, Blinky and Aargh on a teen human(gender neutral reader pls!) Who has the same personality as Marcy from Amphibia, showing them a bunch of video games they love please? Especially some being more gruesome then others, would love to read it! :D
Heck yeah dude!! I absolutely love Marcy <3 BTW this started off simple but I went off the rails completely lmao so sorry about that TwT
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You are a close friend of Jim and Toby, having grown up with them on the same block. You became a trio: inseparable. You were with Jim as he picked up the amulet, you were running beside Toby as Bular hunted you three down, and you were beside the two as you graced the grounds of Trollmarket. Your mind is completely blown by it. You were already off running around: taking notes in your math notebook of what you saw, the types of trolls that were around, facts Blinky spewed out, and even that big blue grumpy one that threatened Jim in front of you!
While your intellect proves to be insightful on the battlefield, your clumsiness also poses a potential threat to yourself and others. Regardless, you’re a valued member of the Trollhunters and have garnered respect from most of Trollmarket (and even Vendel himself). You have helped countless times, and even put your life on the line for others. Now… here are the thoughts of some specific residents of Trollmarket! >:]
Before the duel with Jim, your optimism confuses him, if not annoys him. He legit just threatened to kill your best friend, and all you can do is stare at him with stars in your eyes. Great to have admirers, he supposes. Even if they are some imposter, wannabe Trollhunter’s ally. As you walk away with the group, he can’t help but guffaw as you trip over your feet. If these were the Trollhunter’s allies- the supposed saviors of man and trollkind- then the world truly was doomed.
After getting humbled by Jim, his attitude begins to shift more. Yes, there are moments of annoyance (especially when you ask to measure his horns or teeth and ramble about things he doesn’t understand), but overall you’re strange, and it’s amusing. You are easily impressed by nearby anything he does, and that’s fine. It’ll start to fuel his ego again.
You start to hang around Jim’s more often than not and Draal enjoys having you around. The majority of the time you’re taking notes, and when you’re not, you’re geeking out about some vampire books and other fixations. He tells you he’s met a few, and when you ask if they’re anything like in the shows you watch (attractive, seductive), he hits you with a hard “no” and laughs at your disappointment. Human’s obsession with vampires was so strange.
Draal teases you a lot, and even if it’s mean-spirited you just go along with it the majority of the time. If you do mention something, he’ll back down from it. But it doesn’t stop him from occasionally knocking that new novel you got from the library out of your hand.
Video games are rather confusing to him. Not that he hates them of course! But he doesn’t quite enjoy them as much as Arrrgh does. Of course, he’ll play the more violent games you have, but he doesn’t care for the shooters. He’d much rather tear them apart with his bare hands, thank you very much. There was one time when you had to beg Draal to not destroy your TV the first time you introduced him to Skyrim.
Table-top games on the other hand? Absolutely! He loves playing DnD with you. He likes having more interaction and freedom with the choices he makes when compared to video games where you have to follow the plot. Blinky or Toby often narrates when you have game nights with the group. Out of everyone, you and Draal are the most competitive. You two both get into character and often come up with strategies. Sometimes a little too much for everyone’s liking. The table often gets crushed, and there have been times when you both were at each other’s throats. 
You’re now his little sibling. No questions asked. You jokingly mention something along the lines of a “found-family” trope, and after a brief explanation of it, he just subtly agrees with that being your relationship with him. Prepare for a protective big brother, even if you know your way around trouble. 
You both are automatically besties. That’s it, I don’t make the rules. There’s no doubt about it that you’re all over him when you first get to meet Arrrgh. While Jim is stressed about trolls in his home and Toby is freaking out, you’re bombarding the giant, green ball of moss with millions of questions. He thinks it's adorable and while slightly overwhelmed, he doesn’t mind responding to them. His answers are short and vague though, and Blinky ends up intervening and answers with more detail. 
It honestly doesn’t take a lot for him to grow attached to you. He finds your energy very endearing, and you manage to light up the room with it even during the most hopeless times. You surprisingly don’t get as overwhelmed compared to everyone else in the group, though it doesn’t stop Arrrgh from checking up on you. You might wanna write down how much of a good comfort buddy he is.
Speaking of which! If you are down, he won’t hesitate to do what he can to comfort you. If you need to vent, he is all ears. He isn’t much of a talker, but by God, he is a good listener. His advice is short and simple: usually straight to the point. Regardless, it doesn’t undermine how sweet and thoughtful his words are. Most of the time you talk about how overwhelming your parents are, and often he assures you that only wants the best for you but doesn’t know how to show it. A part of you thinks otherwise, but you know that they do mean well. 
When you visit Toby’s house, the three of you have movie nights. A pillow fort is made in Toby’s room and you both bring all the movies you can. There’s finally the night when you manage to convince the two (mainly Toby) to binge-watch Twilight. You get so giddy it was hard not to laugh at your reaction for Arrrgh. He doesn’t understand the plot, but he’s interested in it. As much as Toby wanted to hate it, he couldn’t help but rant about Bella’s decisions with you and listening how she could’ve bettered herself. Arrrgh just nods, having been seated between the two of you and not able to escape the conversation. 
This troll is pretty protective of you. You’re very capable of yourself, there’s no doubt about it. But again, your clumsiness is what gets you into trouble the majority of the time. There have been instances where you indirectly killed a goblin leader. Taking them head-on during their frenzied state is near impossible, but for Arrrgh, he’s more than willing to take it as a means of defending you. Thankfully, you are pretty witty, so you do find ways to drive them away from you.
As seen in the show, Arrrgh does love video games! You have a considerable amount of video games, ranging from violent ones like Mortal Combat to non-violent ones like Animal Crossing (one of Arrrgh’s favs). Knowing his past, you tend to stray away from the more mature games and settle for the “kiddie” stuff. Arrrgh loves Cooking Mama and Little Friends. Just remind him to be gentle with your switch- sometimes he forgets his strength.
Blinky would not hesitate to admit it, but it’s nice having someone who shares the same enthusiasm as he does! Especially when it comes to learning. While the troll cares deeply for Jim, he can admit that when it comes to their lessons, his less than enthusiastic attitude towards it can be drab. If not, a bit discouraging. With you, however, it’s a complete 180. He always sees you taking notes, commenting on their cultures with genuine intellect, and your analysis is always endearing to listen to. Although you still have much to learn, you are on the right track.
Besides that, you’re always a delight to be around with! He can’t help but admire your charming nature, even if at times you are ditzy. He knows you always mean well, so he can’t hold it against you. He’s most definitely “Marcy-proofed” his library; AKA, he’s put his more “delicate” items in safer places, and the potentially dangerous ones are hidden away.
While Blinky teaches you all the ropes of troll culture, you return the favor by explaining human culture to him. It’s honestly a mix of easy, and difficult. It’s not that Blinky’s dumb (no, far from that actually) or that you’re a bad teacher, it’s just the fact that he’s misinterpreted human customs and inventions for so many years. 
When he turns human, you are most definitely the one teaching him how to drive… which was, all in all, a terrible idea. You knew how to drive. You had just gotten your permit for Pete’s sake! Blinky on the other hand? He’s a wild rider. You lost track of how many times you both almost crashed into a divider just because he assumed you were able to drive on it, or how many times you prayed he wouldn’t take the yellow light. When he finally stopped driving, you insisted you could both walk home.
Video games aren't his forte. The concept of them is interesting, especially with how much they are able to fit into a small disk! But alas, they are but treats to the normal troll. Although it doesn't stop him from being interested in what you have to show. The gruesome games intrigue him. Do humans really like violence that much? It doesn't really shock him that much. They haven't changed much even after centuries, have they?
Like Arrrgh, he’s a good listener. His advice is genuine too, especially when you run away to Trollmarket when things aren’t going well at home. You’ve come there an alarming amount of times to a point the conditions of your home were concerning him. Especially when you break in front of him, wailing about the pressures and stress you feel from your parents and the potential of moving out of Arcadia. At home, you feel unloved if you don’t achieve your parents' goals. They have given you so much, yet you feel you give so little in return. You love your parents, but being with them is draining.
Although Troll's culture is different when it comes to humans, he knows the burdens of expectations are all the same. That pressure of knowing that your best isn’t enough… he’s felt that. He assures you that you are doing your best, more than others could. He assures you that your tears are not a sign of weakness, but a glimpse of your strength. He assures you that you are enough. It surprises him when you suddenly hug him, though it doesn’t stop him from embracing you as well.
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*knocks the door* Hello there! 💙 I hope you're doing great, because an idea came to my head again!)))
I apologize in advance, because my post will be long and it will be about my OC and his city, so the request will only be at the end. And here's the idea...
I was thinking of a story where my OC would finally be able to feel helpless again and learn to appreciate more that Hualian is around, and at the same time learn to ask for help. A old and basic idea came to mind, BUT... I like it. My OC, a demon and the god of Quiet death, manages his city as your OC and Hua Cheng do. Only for me his city at first looks like a large dark forest with lights of blue flame and animals whose fur is highlighted.. You know, like in Avatar, if you've watched it, or in Skyrim, there are such animals in one of the missions (google the "skyrim vale deer" and that's it)). And then the main part of the city is hidden under the arches of a cave in a huge mountain, where plants and tree grow thanks to magic. And plants highlighted too. It looks like an elven town in the Lord of the Rings, only in Chinese style. A very quiet place where demons and souls come to seek peace, a life they might not have had before death.
The main palace in black and blue tones, dark wood, elegance, expensive, but not fancy things around... HUGE collections of fans and poisons...
And of course, a temple for Xie Lian... It is not big, but extremely cozy, quiet, almost personal, as if the person who created the temple did not show how much he is ready to give to his god, but rather is ready to give extremely little, but no less valuable... His own heart...
So, near the city, an unknown creature began to rage in the village and my OC went to deal with it. Alone. Because, why not actually. Nobody wants to put loved ones' lives in danger, even if they are much stronger than you. And he defeated this creature... But he was cursed and turned into a child. Like... A newborn baby... (If you are not comfortable with children, then you can make him a kitten, small, white fur, frightened eyes and trembling from any rustle)
And just imagine, Hua Cheng and Xie Lian are worried that their beloved has disappeared, and then snakes come to them (pets of my OC, you can change it to birds if you feel comfortable) and bring them their beloved under a curse...
And I wonder how you see Hualian care and how they will remove the curse from their beloved reader X))
Cursed headcanons
Hua Cheng x M!reader x Xie Lian
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I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorryyyyyyyy 😭🙏 I was taking a small break from writing so plz don't get impatient with me guys. However he's I love that so much? Like the detail? The settings? The animals? I love it wtf? You are I fear. Anyways I hope you like this and I hope it makes you for the long wait😭
And I really, really, really hope you don't mind that I wrote him as a toddler 🫠🙏🖤
Also you said like, how your OC was giving his heart? So I used ashes instead.
Also I rlly am not liking my writing rn so I'm rlly sorry if the quality is awful
When Hua Cheng and Xie Lian saw you again they did not expect to see you as a toddler. As in a little boy. As in not your normal form. . .
You were all supposed to meet up at Puqi shrine, just to hang out, cuddle. You know normal lover stuff.
It seems you didn't make it peacefully, in fact it doesn't even look like you remember them.
Your snakes had apparently led the way.
They knew it was you because of the snakes of course. Also not just any little boy would be okay with snakes roaming over his arms, and neck
Hua Cheng and Xie Lian take you inside and start doting on you immediately
They've found nothing out. You don't remember them, or what happened
Xie Lian is worried, initially he doesn't know how to fix it. They don't know anything so how can they fix it?
Hua Cheng is worried but more so angry. Who did this? Was it a heavenly official or maybe a ghost? Whoever it was he'll track them down and take care of them for you
The important part is getting you back to normal first though
Xie Lian asks Ling Wen about what curses it may be
Hua Cheng is trying to think if this might be like the time he turned into a kid too but they crossed that out
At the end of the day they come up with. . . Nothing. Yet.
Xie Lian decides for the three of you that maybe rest is what you all need
So that night in bed a toddler lies between the two of them.
You look comfortable in their arms so at least you aren't crying from fear
Hua Cheng was very happy when you were not scared of him.
The next day Xie Lian and Hua Cheng decide something different.
They know you were at your abode so maybe the problem happened there?
Soooo that's where they go, of course with your snake's help, seeing as you don't remember anything
The whole time you're either in Xie Lian's arms or clinging to Hua Cheng's legs.
They're actually having fun with this whole, you being a toddler thing. Not forever though.
All of you get to your city with no problems. . .
Except when they get to the "city" it's a cave.
At first Hua Cheng is debating to tie your snakes together by the tails but Xie Lian calms him down.
Then they both panic because suddenly you're missing.
The little you ran into the cave!
They give chase and then suddenly are wowed when they see your city.
It was hiding in the cave the whole time. Huh, no wonder.
They also find you petting some strange deer with highlighted fur, like literally glowing.
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng have never seen something like this before, they've never had the chance to see your city.
You're always too embarrassed to let them in
They quickly pick you up and Hua Cheng keeps you in his arms this time.
After admiring the city they follow the snakes again.
This time they've been led to a temple.
Who knows what's going through those snake's minds but apparently they're giving your lovers a whole tour
Because the next stop was a temple.
It's not gaudy but not out of shape either. It's elegant, definitely meant for a well loved god or goddess
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng find out who it's for when they see Xie Lian's statue in the temple.
They look around a bit, surprised there aren't many offerings at all. But they notice why when they look at statue Xie Lian's hair.
A hair pin
It's the only thing that isn't a part of the statue, it's not the same material or anything. So what is it then?
Hua Cheng and Xie Lian carefully look at it. After a few minutes Hua Cheng confirms that the hair pin is made of ashes.
Your ashes.
A hairpin, in Xie Lian's hair, you gifted, your ashes
Oh my
Xie Lian is flustered and puts it back where it was. Hua Cheng is smiling at toddler you
You don't know what's going on just yet but they know what a hairpin means
Once they're done appreciating all the fine details you've made for Xie Lian they're led away once again.
Finally to the spot where you were cursed
Xie Lian guess by the dead creatures carcass you must have been cursed by it.
This won't be a hard curse to get rid of, just destroy the creatures body and get rid of the ashes. Then you should turn back to normal.
So Xie Lian hopes.
Hua Cheng does all of it though he wouldn't dare let Xie Lian touch something so dirty. He places you in the safety of Xie Lian's arms so he can do so
After that's all gotten rid of, toddler you poofs and turns big again
They catch you up to speed pretty quickly, then you get ganged up on by kisses and teasing.
They want to see more of your city before you guys leave
I'm so sorry if it's bad
just tell me in the comments I might try writing something better. I love you guys 🥰🖤
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a-thirst-for-dunmer · 2 years
look i know todd coward cares next to nothing for actual humans but transgenderism in elder scrolls is For Me, a Man with Removable Bits, and my love of this franchise
Here we goes
Argonians can just talk to a tree and get immediate top/bottom surgery. First of all, we knew the Gender Fluid came from nature, humans have been making herbaceous pastes and fluids for centuries that help block estrogen/testosterone. Second, lucky bitches. Where the Hist at can I get an amen
Orcs probably have the wise woman do their hormone potions and then the surgery when needed. I personally like to think Grar the big and bulky is like ‘take this paralysis sleep mixture and then we will remove the organ you deem unworthy.’ Malacath is god of the outcast, and of the strong and worthy, and who would understand that more than a trans Orc?
Altmer just use the Alteration/Restoration school. Their plentiful magicka means they can use some form of Transmute spell to remove bits and Restoration to heal afterwards. Likely takes way more skill and only highly trained mages may do the Transition Spells but it would be funny if i just *skyrim spell noise* grow peepee
Bosmer do a mix of Altmer and Argonian shit, but in a different way. Herbs and potions for the hormone blocking, and ancient forest magic to make things get off the bod. Hircine can and has killed others who hunt the trans Bosmer, for to hunt prey that is already weak is dishonorable to him. (Yeah, OOC for Hircine, but it’s my treat)
Dunmer call upon spells, potions, and the Daedra. Azura warped their body in appearance as a curse, so logically, she could do it again for the removal of tiddy. Doesn’t mean she would, though, so the Dunmer call upon Telvanni wizards to help out with the grueling and difficult magic of gender affirmation. Hey, maybe Neloth will grant you two dicks instead of one for research purposes. Go grandpa go
Khajiit would just…do really problematic surgery in a back alley with nothing but skooma and moon sugar to help them brave the pain. I don’t know how they would do trans shit, it’s a cat with dick barbs. I don’t want those.
All the human races can’t do spells as well, nor can they brew potions with utmost care, but dammit, they want to feel whole, so the try every way they can. Wise women in Morthal, mages in taverns, the College of Winterhold, and every other method under the sun. I’d be bitten by a vampire to go get their magic skills and make myself feel me if i could, but nah that doesn’t exist.
I am glad i live in a state where gender-affirming medical care is still possible, and where trans children have no need to worry about hiding themselves until they turn 18. For the rest of my brothers and sisters, I can’t tell you how sorry I am and how i wail for you. We’ll have our win, we’re still fighting, and we’re still here. I love you guys.
Stay frosty in Dawnstar my bitches
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rosiesmcposies · 10 months
Can you write, like, a Cicero x Reader where we’re just listening to him passionately talk about the Night Mother and his job as Keeper and watching how his eyes light up and how excited he gets and stuff?
OFC!!! Sorry for taking so long! I just got back into playing Skyrim again so I figured why not go through my inbox.
Cicero x GN reader fluff
There was something special about Cicero, something that always caught your attention. Maybe it was his attitude towards things, or maybe his jester charms…but it seems to be something else.
It was a cold night in the dawnstar sanctuary, it always was. The door stood tall but stone peaked through the cracks, and this cold made you simply unable to sleep. Rather slowly you slipped on some warmer clothes as well as some comfortable shoes moving through the halls of the sanctuary. As you move you can hear the mumbling and rambles of the ever so endearing jester you loved to spent your time with. He was loud, as always but at least you could use it to find him in this drowsy haze.
You slowly make your way into the dining hall, eyes falling upon Cicero who was tending to the nightmother as expected. A smile curled upon your lips grabbing an apple from the table and moving your way up the stairs and to Cicero. He seems oblivious to your presence as you stand near the alchemy table. Biting into the apple, the crunching interrupting Cicero’s train of thought. His head swiftly turned over to where you stood, a smile painting his face as well.
“Well good evening dear listener!” he chirped as he continued to tend to the nightmother “Cicero takes it…the listener cannot sleep?” he questions setting his eyes upon the night mother once more. “yea.” Muttering as you rub your eyes. “so…you tending to the nightmother?” questioning as you move closer to him, taking in his handiwork. “You do a good job of it.” Praising his work as your hand places itself upon his shoulders. A smile flashes on his lips once again, seemingly flattered. “Oh listener, poor Cicero has been doing this job for…for well a while, he hopes he’s good at it!” He chuckles softly, eyes scanning you for a moment. Chuckling in return, your eyes scanning the nightmother once again.
“I wonder…” saying as you move to the other side of Cicero, your hands tracing the bottle of oil. “How do you even do this? What all goes into it?” A faux curiosity. You know how it’s done. You’ve seen him do it oh so many times, but it’s obvious he loves talking about his duties as the keeper. Cicero’s eyes light up as he takes the oil from your hands. “Perhaps cicero will show you!” You can tell he was excited. He swiftly got to work with his duties, explaining some…rather odd things, like how to move the nightmothers limbs without them cracking. “Oh listener Cicero had no idea you were interested in his work!” His demeanor changed. From the usual dedication that could be seen in his eyes, it seems to be replaced with just…just excitement. “Cicero has never had someone ask about his duties!” He says turning to you for a moment. A smile forms on both your lips—almost in synch. “Oh what fun! Perhaps the listener would…Care to try it?”
“To be honest I just like listening to you talk” Cicero smiles brightly, as a giggle escapes his lips. “Oh dear listener I could say the same.”
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argisthebulwark · 12 days
Break Me Down, Make Me Get Better
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summary: Vilkas has watched you run yourself ragged and decides to impose some mandatory relaxation time. Vilkas/f! reader warnings: explicit sexual content, minors should not read or interact. masterlist
Being the Dragonborn is a busy job - meetings and errands and assignments halfway across Skyrim, every Jarl and noble clamoring for whatever shred of free time you're able to claw out. Stepping into Kodlak's place had been one of the highest honors you've received but gods, does it wear you down. More meetings. More assignments to keep track of. Recruiting, budgeting, training, organizing - it's all too much. You haven't had a second to yourself in months. You aren't even certain what day it is when Vilkas pops into your office asking for ten minutes of your time, but fuck you're eager to accept. You had no clue it would end like this - your body boneless in his lap, Vilkas' strong arms keeping you upright and pressed to his chest. One hand covering your mouth while the other shoves aside your pants and his gruff voice sending shivers down your spine with each word. "Missed you so much," he grunts, warm lips brushing against your ear. Your cheeks burn under the hand thankfully masking the filthy moans that escape your throat when his other hand slips into your undergarments. Fuck, missing you doesn't even begin to cover how he feels. Vilkas feels you bucking against him when his fingers dance over your clit and he's nearly cumming right there. He's watched you running around, fixing everything and solving each problem dropped in your lap. He knows you're busy but you're wearing yourself too thin. With his nose buried deep in your hair, Vilkas takes a self indulgent whiff of your scent. Somewhere deep in his gut the beast dwelling within him revels in the pounding of your blood and the scent of your skin, sweat and your flowery soap mingling into something terribly addictive. Your back arches against his chest with the first careful circle of his fingers over your clit and Vilkas has to grit his teeth to contain himself. This is about you. Your nails digging into his skin and the mindless way you nod, whimpering into the sweaty skin of his palm. Your hips bucking against his lap as he swipes his fingers against your clit over and over, just harsh enough that he just knows he's got your eyes rolling back. "So busy these days." He doesn't seem to know he's talking, hips grinding into your ass. Every sense is so overwhelmed by him that you can't think of anything that isn't Vilkas. His fingers bringing you higher and higher, his sharp teeth skimming down your throat, his cock throbbing under you, everything is him. "Need to feel you cum." He's growling it into your shoulder, fingers unrelenting against you as little sparks fly along your nerves. Usually he likes to take his time but your needy sounds has him seconds away from finishing in his pants and he refuses to do so alone. "Fuck, baby - that's it," he pants, blood pounding with each breath. He can feel how close you are, desperate hands grabbing at his arm while you're writhing in his lap. The endless fucking paperwork on your desk is finally forgotten when ecstasy floods your mind, washing every anything that isn't him. Vilkas can control himself. He swears he can. Even as his cock throbs against your ass he clamps down on the overwhelming urge to bend you over that fucking desk, focusing only on wringing out every second of your orgasm. You can hardly hear him over the blood roaring in your ears with each slam of your heart, that rough voice of his only feeding the arousal already building up again. For the first time in months, you're relaxed. Vilkas' hand slides away from your mouth to comb back your hair, gentle kisses pressed to your cheek. One thick arm wraps around your middle to draw you deeper into his chest and you can hardly believe you've gone months without this. "I love you." Vilkas sighs the words over and over, mumbling them between kisses. "Love you, missed you so much." "I think we should head home for the day." You aren't getting any more work done, not with Vilkas' hands sliding under your shirt. His lips are at your throat when an appreciative groan rumbles through his chest. "Thank fuck."
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servantserah · 2 months
✨ A guide to my Good Omens comics, fics and AUs ✨
Finally a new, reworked version! I've tried to compile this list with all my comics, AUs, fanfictions etc with links and tags to help everyone navigate them better! Please let me know if there are any questions or you'd like me to add/change something!
👇👇 Click "read more" to get to the full list! 👇👇
Please note that this list only includes AUs and works that consist of several parts/are a series; one shot comics are not listed here.
All of these works can also be found on my instagram, some of them on Twitter/X under the same tags.
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🌱 Myosotis 🌱
Main comic (completed):
Myosotis is a flower, also known as ‘Forget-me-not’. It symbolizes faithful love and memories. According to a German legend, God forgot naming this flower and said “I forgot you once, I shall never forget you again.” This comic takes place one year after the events of Good Omens season 1. Crowley and Aziraphale have lost all their memories about each other. They meet again, thinking the other is human and feeling drawn towards each other, they soon develop a strong connection.
➡️ Start reading ⬅️ | Tag: #myosotisAU
Myosotis: Falter (completed):
This mini comic takes place 3 years after the conclusion of the Myosotis comic. Crowley and Aziraphale spend a rainy night at home when they get an unexpected visitor.
➡️ Start reading ⬅️ | Tag: #myosotis falter
So, you stopped Armageddon! ...Now what? (completed)
This fanfiction takes place after the final scene of season 1. Crowley and Aziraphale celebrate their newfound freedom and Crowley wonders if and how things between him and the angel were going to change. And what should they do now that they’ve retired? So many doors have opened before them all at once, it’s a little overwhelming.
➡️ Start reading ⬅️ | Tag: #SYSA! ...NW?
Crêpes (onging)
This comic takes place after the events of Good Omens season 2 and shows how Crowley deals with Aziraphale leaving.
➡️ Start reading ⬅️ | Tag: #Good Omens crepes
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⚜️ GoodGardenerAU (ggAU for short) ⚜️
In this AU Warlock actually is the Antichrist and his demonic Nanny Lilith 'Ash' Ashtoreth has been tasked to take care of him and ensure he brings upon Armageddon. What happens when the Antichrist's nanny is actually a terrible demon who doesn't want Armageddon to happen, who forms deep friendships with the other humans at the ambassador's estate and, worst of all, falls in love with the human gardener? This AU isn't one consistent long comic, but a collection of several shorter comics, fanfictions and artworks. They are listed chronologically below.
Tag: #GoodGardenerAU
Lilium (completed):
This comic tells the story of how Ash became Warlock's nanny.
➡️ Start reading ⬅️ | Tag: #ggAULilium
Three Months (ongoing):
This fanfiction takes places immediately after the events of Lilium and is a glimpse into Ash's first three months living at the Dowling estate. It showcases their mental struggles and how they eventually let down their walls to befriend some of their new colleagues (among them the estate's gardener) and start their process of healing from millennia of trauma.
➡️ Start reading ⬅️ | Tag: #ggAU three months
Why It Doesn't Snow (completed)
A mini comic where Ash and Francis uncover the mystery of why it has stopped snowing in the area ever since Warlock’s birth.
➡️ Start reading ⬅️ | Tag: #ggAUsnow
Ineffable Uncles (completed)
This comic is part of the Good Omens/ggAU Multiverse. Aziraphale and Crowley offer to watch over their AU niece Eden (Francis and Ash's daughter) for a weekened. What could go wrong?
➡️ Start reading ⬅️ | Tag: #ggAUineffableUncles
ggAU Skyrim AU
An AU of my AU? Yes, sue me. This is a The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim AU for my GoodGardenerAU. It takes place in the world and rough timeline of the game. Ash is a Dunmer working at Braidwood Inn in Kynesgrove who seems to live a second, secret life in the shadows. Francis is a Nord working at Hollyfrost farm outside of Windhelm. Warlock is the Nord son of two busy trades people at Windhelm. Ash has been babysitting him since he was young. He is a normal boy who just so happens to have a special soul residing within him.
Tags: #ggAUSkyrim
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These are AUs that exist but I sadly don't draw very often.
📚 Untitled Ineffable Wives AU 📚
This AU is still in progress! Aziraphale is a human working at her family's bookstore, while Crowley is a naga stranded in the human world. I won't give more details until I have it all more refined. They're very much lesbians in this.
Tag: #untitled wives au
🧙🏼‍♂️ Ineffable Hobbit AU 🧙🏼‍♂️
An AU that takes place in Tolkien's Middle Earth, set primarily during the events of The Hobbit movies. Aziraphale Bilbo Baggins lives a quiet but peaceful life in The Shire until a wizard and thirteen dwarves drag him into an adventure to reclaim the dwarven mountain kingdom of Erebor from the terrible dragon Smaugley…. Only that Smaugley doesn’t seem all that terrible.
Tag: #IneffableHobbitAU
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uesp · 9 months
hi! i saw the guide to make sure Skyrim doesnt update, and i have to thank you very much for that!
unfortunately, im running out of space on my pc and have to get uninstall skyrim and all my mods. is there any way to guarantee that, if i ever reinstall, it wont install the lastest version?
i really dont care about having the latest version even months from now, i just wanna make sure ill have an easy time getting mods back when i do reinstall
thanks for any and all help!
I'm not aware if you can prevent a fresh install from being the latest version (my assumption is no, but if anyone knows more please feel free to add on your knowledge), but you can downgrade to any previous version. And here is an older guide I've written on how to do this for Starfield, but the general instructions on how to do this are the same:
How to Revert Updates on Steam
There may be times where you wish to revert an update. For example, there may be mod conflicts from an update, the update may have caused unintended issues for your save, or you may simply wish to experience an earlier version of the game again. Doing so simply requires you to replace the updated files with their earlier version, and disable future updates until you wish to progress to the updated version. However, this will require more work unless you regularly backup your game files. Also, you will likely want to back your game files before you attempt to revert to an earlier version.
It is possible to download the necessary files to downgrade your game version from Steam. First you will need to access the steam console. Using the Run program on Windows and input:
This will open a normally hidden tab of the Steam browser, the Console tab. At the bottom of the page will be a command line. The general format for the command is:
download_depot [App ID] [Depot ID] [Manifest ID]
For Starfield, the App ID is 1716740, and the Depot ID for the updates is 1716741. The Manifest ID is for the specific patch you wish to download. The Manifest IDs are documented on SteamDB. For example, at time of writing they currently are 4447793252473787578, 8383043874900915235, and 3276175983502685135. If you wanted version 1.7.29, you would input:
download_depot 1716740 1716741 8383043874900915235
If you wanted the files for the initial release, you would input the command:
download_depot 1716740 1716741 4447793252473787578
Once the command is inputted, Steam will download the depot. You will be able to tell it worked by this appearing in the console log after your command (this example being for the initial release of the game):
Downloading depot 1716741 (27 MB) ...
Followed by:
Depot download complete : "[Steam Download Path]Steam\steamapps\content\app_1716740\depot_1716741" (21 files, manifest 4447793252473787578)
Note that the exact location of your download location will change depending on where you installed Steam, but as the log helpfully tells you where that is it should not be hard to find. Go to the folder listed there, and extract its contents to your Starfield install location. Replace all files with the files from the depot, and you will have successfully reverted to a previous version of the game. When you start the game, it will be this earlier version once more.
Keep in mind that reverting to a previous version on a save that was created on a more recent version is likely to cause issues, if it works at all.
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ego-osbourne · 13 days
What are the masq goobers favourite activities?
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Ego likes to perform! They’re a bard at heart, so they’re drawn to anything involving an audience. This can be playing an instrument, singing, acting, brawling, etc etc. Their mask gives them great comfort in knowing that they will only be judged for their skill and actions when performing, not by who they were born as.
Erandur likes to care for and style his and others’ hair! I have a headcanon that one of Mara’s symbols is long flowing hair as a sign of good parenthood. Being able to do a child’s hair is a well-meaning gesture from parent to kid, so her followers keep their hair long and groomed to prove that if they can care for their own locks, they can certainly do the same for a child. Erandur likes to get creative and colorful with his!
Serana (yes that’s her, I’ve put her in the netch leather hood) likes to collect shinies! She’s always been a collector, and since her entombment, she has found her old collections of shinies to be long gone. So, she’s picking up the hobby again upon joining the Masq!
Miraak likes to sing! Singing is a great way to temper one’s Thu’um without Shouting, and “dragon choirs”—literally a group of dragons getting together to sing—is heard commonly throughout Skyrim upon distant mountaintops. Miraak feels especially called to join their song.
Sanguine likes gardening! Even though he can simply wave his hand and have plants grow at his will, he much prefers to aid the natural process and hone his botany skill. He finds it very relaxing, being able to be a positive force in something’s life.
Ancano likes to draw! It became a hobby and skill of his from a very young age, and keeps many art journals where he recreates locations he’s visited or doodles people he’s met. He’s got a semi-realistic art style and was often commissioned by his father for new drawings.
And Rakell likes chicken husbandry! Chickens are his all-time favorite animal. When he was with Iren, they used to have a flock of their own that they’d farm and Rakell would find himself very entertained by these birds. I’m still debating on giving him chickens during TDI’s events, but either way he will either love on them constantly or desperately talk about wanting chickens during their travels.
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tastesoftamriel · 1 year
The issue I see with the ESO Dark Heart of Skyrim depiction of Reachfolk is primarily the division between "ethnic/indigenous" stereotypes, e.g. living in "tribes" in the middle of buttfuck nowhere and being hostile to outsiders, and the "civilised" Reachfolk who are depicted as far smarter because they live within the relatively safe confines of Markarth with taverns and banking services and other city crap that are the benchmarks of modernity and Tamrielic civility.
There is no reason beyond blind ethnocentrism that this is a division that exists, either in real life or in fantasy (if we allow the latter to truly break the bonds of fiction into something *better*). So-called "primitive" peoples, be that the Azande or Trobrianders, have been subject to ridicule due to their indigenous knowledge, myths, and beliefs as unaligned with our post-enlightenment, postmodernist, scientific worldview. In the eyes of many writers, projecting what is deemed within their worldview to be "good" for their characters is really a detriment when it comes to original worldbuilding.
At the risk of sounding like yet another unhinged Marxist, my final comment concerns the structures of Reach society. The hierarchical structure of Reach clans is not something I'm super familiar with so I may come off as sounding like an idiot here, but bear with me. Why are Reachfolk, with supposedly primitive and unchangeable belief systems, upheld to the societal structures of mainstream Tamrielic groups? Why would they trade with gold, if they traded at all; and if they didn't, someone needs to do some research on the historical basis of global trade, which cough cough involves cooperation and amicable relations between disparate groups over huge distances and periods of time. Why are the Reachfolk exempt from this cycle of amicability? Is it more thrilling to write them as hostile savages, ready to attack anyone who supposedly threatens their way of life?
Yes, they would be thoroughly aware of the dangers of colonisation. But why have city Reachfolk been portrayed as sensible citizens of Tamriel while their brethren in the wilderness are presented as wild, IGNOBLE savages? Where is the justice in portraying indigenous peoples as they truly are and are capable of, rather than re-used Western tropes surrounding the division of self and savage Other?
Once again, this ties into the prominent Western tradition of Othering those who don't follow the tenets of a monotheistic, hegemonic, organised religion, or similarly prescribed worldview. By not including Aedra worship in Reachfolk culture, they are seen as savages and people who should be civilised and brought into the fold of the Divines. There is a pervasive undertone of violence linked to so-called "primitive" groups in TES, and this may just be to make convenient NPC bandits, but also perpetuates a stereotype that deeply harms real-life indigenous and culturally marginalised groups.
This is why careful worldbuilding is so so so important because we can project the world WE want, free from the socionormative biases that taint fantasy writing. Yes it's necessary to draw inspiration from real life, I do it all the time, but there's a point where you say "what if real life isn't that great of an idea to project here?"
I'd like to conclude by saying that I'd like to see this decolonisation of fantasy writing extended to other socially marginalised and misunderstood groups in TES, such as Bosmer, Argonians, giants, minotaurs, and the Bandaari (I could rant about them all day but I have other writing to attend to). We can do so much better not only with our ability to create some truly original fantasy worldbuilding, but also by showing others that by decolonising our own writing, we are becoming more sensitive to the worldview of others and incorporating that in an insightful and respectful manner.
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sunshine-and-moonshine · 10 months
141 In Skyrim
Requested: No
Warnings: Mentions of an attack on Ghost’s part but nothing else I can think of
A/N: @arthurmorgansballsack you wanted to be tagged, so here is your tag!!!!
Price - Harbinger of Jorrvaskr
As a Harbinger, Price is often meeting new people. Young and Old alike, all who think they have a shot at being famous. At bringing glory to themselves. But time and time again he turns people away, their hunger for power outrivaling all of their good qualities. None of them ever understood what it meant, to be a companion. To be more than yourself, to dream for more than just yourself. To dream and hope, to live and die, for everyone in Jorrvaskr. None of them understood it, except for you. You who came in, heart and eyes blazing, looking for family over glory. And it turned out to be only you who he could confide in about being wary of the wolf’s blood that ran through his veins. How he grew tired of the hunt and longed for rest and companionship. And it was you who made his heart skip a beat when you placed your hand on his and told him that he could always feel free to seek out your company when he grew weary and lonely.
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Gaz - Dragonborn
Gaz met you just outside of Whiterun. Out of breath and looking exhausted, holding a letter from some Jarl or other. He’d pushed away all the other couriers but…you were just so determined to get him his letter, refusing to leave him until he accepted it. It endeared him to you and he found himself telling you that he’d only take it if you’d have dinner with him at The Bannered Mare. You seemed surprised by the offer but tentatively agreed. Only to somehow end black out drunk and wake up passed out in his house in Riften. An Amulet of Mara laid between both of your naked bodies, a plain gold band on your finger and a matching silver one on his. And he didn’t want to let you go. You were the first person in forever who actually seemed to want to listen to him. Who tried to comfort him when he told you about the troubles of being Dragonborn. And beyond that, of how he didn’t remember anything before being Dragonborn. How he’d woken up in that cart, his mind empty of memories, and the trauma that came from that day in Helgen. With you, he wasn’t just the Dragonborn. He was human. He was….himself.
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Ghost - Dark Brotherhood Assassin
Probably the only member of the Brotherhood who didn’t actually consider it a family, Ghost didn’t care to introduce himself to the fresh meat, you. He figured you’d be dead soon anyways. But something about you drew him in. He tried to make excuses for it, convincing himself he was only interested in the planes of your body that were highlighted by the uniform, that he was only lusting for you. But that didn’t explain why he hovered around you, sticking to your shadows and watching your back. Why he felt his heart skip a beat when a target fought against you, pinning you on your back with a knife to your throat. And it didn’t explain the wave of rage that turned his vision red, that drove him to lunge at your target and beat them into the ground. It wasn’t til he looked into your eyes, his fingers under your cowl checking to make sure you didn’t get cut, that he admitted it wasn’t just lust.
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Soap - Thieves Guild Member
Soap had been a Thieves Guild Member for a long time. Starting as an orphan in Riften’s streets who got particularly good at pickpocketing. Or at least he thought he was, until he tried to pick your pockets in his late teens. You were older than him, an amulet of some kind around your neck. It looked expensive and he had wanted to take it but he knew it was too dangerous. So he’d settled for the coin sack hanging at your waist. Careful, so sneaky, his fingers ready to loosen the leather string holding up the bag when you spoke. “Not bad, but still sloppy.” You’d said, turning back to look at him. He’d wanted to run but found himself entranced by the mischievous look in your eyes. You offered him a place to stay, warm food in his starving belly, and jobs a plenty to get more gold then you’d ever be able to carry in a coin sack. And he’d accepted, gladly. And every job he did, every task he completed, it wasn’t for the gold but to please you. To see your smile when he showed up back home in the Ratway. Years and years he worked tirelessly, putting all his coins into a cozy house with nice furniture that he built all by himself, the leftover money spent spoiling you with gems and jewelry and nice clothes. His fingers caressing yours when he handed it over, melting under your warm stare. Until one day he handed you a necklace of Mara, and asked you to wear it when you came to visit him tonight.
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thequeenofthewinter · 5 months
Work-in-Progress Wednesday
I have been in a bit of a writing slump lately, but fret not, I am back, baby. Today, we have the lovely, the beautiful, and stunning Ralof who meets...Taarie and she completely roasts him. (As she should.)
Tagging: @oblivions-dawn, @dirty-bosmer, @inkysqueed, @skyrim-forever, @umbracirrus, @sylvienerevarine @changelingsandothernonsense @ladytanithia @bougainvillea-and-saltwater , @bostoniangirl21 , @vivifriend , @theoneandonlysemla and anyone else who wants to join me on this crazy endeavor. I don't bite. Come share your words!
Solitude, the bustling metropolis and once capital of Skyrim, is too busy for Ralof’s liking. Why did he decide to follow Elisindir here again? A red blush creeps up from under his collar as he remembers the feel of—
Not now. He swallows and bites his lip, his eyes flicking back and forth across the bustling market square. It is almost as distracting as Sentinel. Produce to the left, expensive dyed fabrics to the right. Would Dahlia like some of the embroidered silks? Ralof shakes his head. That is not what he is here for, and he is becoming too distracted. Perhaps if there is time later he can peruse the wears outside the stall in front of Radiant Raiment, but he has more important things to do.
“You’ve never seen a bath before in your life, have you?” 
A voice calls out to him in the crowd, and when he turns to look, he can see a bored-looking Altmer woman filing her nails as she leans against the eaves of the clothing shop. “Me?”
“Yes, you. Who else would I be talking to?” She clicks her tongue at him as her eyes scan down his body. “I don’t see any other men around her dressed in rags which look right about to blow off of him at the slightest breeze.”
“I take offense to that. High King Ulfric—”
“Blah, blah, blah. All I hear is whining. You’ve wasting valuable time which I could be using to help you when instead you choose to argue with me.” The woman leans forward, nodding down at the many colored fabrics before her. “I saw you eyeing some of these. If you happen to have a wife and wish to keep her—”
“I—I, um,” he shakes his head, but finds himself walking over to her stall anyway. How is it that this woman is doing this? “Well, wife, no, but a friend and perhaps—”
“I don’t really care what your story is. All I care about is alleviating the eyesore from my current vista…and the the coin jingling in your pockets, of course.” She gives him a smile which doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “Taarie, a pleasure or something like that.” 
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suratan-zir · 3 months
What's the lore on your rats?
That's a fun question. I'm afraid it's hard to think of a fun answer when my brain is literally baking inside my skull.
I currently have only three rats, and I already posted extensive stories about two of them.
can't make good photos because they're all sleeping
Here's the tag of Skritch's story I named him after the pet skeever from Skyrim creation club.
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I'll try to summarize. I saw him on a Ukrainian analogue of Craigslist.
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As you can see, he was living in horrible conditions. So I traveled to a nearby city to pick him up. He was good on the way home, licking my hand and behaving completely normally. Then as soon as we got home and I sat down with him, he attacked me. He kept attacking me randomly, biting everything he could, not only my hands, but my knees, arms, etc. I was covered in bruises and bite marks.
We quickly got him neutered, but it didn't help. It helped with the dominance aspect of his aggression, but he kept on biting. When I thought he wouldn't bite me anymore and we're friends, he would randomly start biting again. All it took was time and dedication. The more time I spent with him, the less aggressive he'd become.
In all my life having rats, I had never experienced anything like it. And he was equally aggressive towards the other rats too. When he got used to me, I tried introducing him to others. They were very calm and never aggressive to him, not even a tiny bit. But the first time he saw my late rat Tsapa, he just snapped and kept on biting until I could untangle the ball of rats, sacrificing my fingers. Even after I was able to get Skritch integrated into the group, Tsapa never forgave him, and I think never fully trusted him again.
But Skritch is a normal rat now. He would sometimes try to warn-bite my husband, and he would definitely bite a stranger's hand if offered, but with me, he's like a plushie toy. He is a very trusting and chill guy.
He is also my heart rat, like Bambook once was (the guy from my icon), so it's gonna hurt like hell...
Skritch is currently ~1 year and 3 months old.
Skritch loves crunchy snacks, playing in the water, pulling other rats by their ears and when I massage him in a very specific way that completely deactivated him.
Syrnyk's tag
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he looks splotchy because he molts into his adult coat
He's named after a Ukrainian dessert – cheese pancakes.
I got him at our local small pet store. He had been living there all alone since February, and I got him at the end of May. His living conditions were slightly better than Skritch's, but not by much. He was very sick, struggling to breathe. He wasn't used to hands at all but wasn't aggressive either. He quickly bounced back from pneumonia after receiving proper treatment.
I was afraid it would be very difficult to introduce him to Skritch, but they hit it off remarkably well. After Skritch took a little bite from his face, that is. They became best buddies almost in a day and now spend their time wrestling, running together and causing havoc like the two doofuses they are.
Syrnyk isn't afraid of hands like he used to be, but a sensitive period of his development was missed. He isn't too affectionate, and when you pet him, he kind of freezes - not terrified, but rather submitting. So he doesn't really understand the concept of cuddling yet.
He and Skritch have one thing in common - they're both meanies. Well, not really, but Syrnyk is now at the age where he's hormonal, so he picks on poor old Baton.
Syrnyk is currently about 5-6 months old.
Syrnyk loves sleeping on hard surfaces and jumping at midnight when everyone's asleep.
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He is named after a chocolate candy bar.
Baton is the oldest of the three and has no history of hardships. He and his four buddies were the first (and the last) rats I got from a "proper" breeder, or so I thought at the time. The breeder seemed like they really cared about the rats, and I saw no red flags.
I prefer to either take in rats who are being rehomed, get rats from oops litters, or from shitty pet stores. And before you say "but you encourage backyard breeding and animal abuse by buying from pet stores," I'll try to explain. These stores here in Ukraine sell rats for like three US dollars. They're making money not on pets themselves, but on the stuff you buy from them for your pet, such as a horrible tiny cage, accessories, food, etc. I don't buy any of this stuff from them, I already have everything, and rat food I order online. So I don't feel too bad about doing it, but it's not the ideal option, of course.
The only reason I decided to go for "premium" (lol) rats was because I was hoping for longer life and fewer health issues. Boy was I wrong. I got five boys of approximately the same age, which was already a bad enough idea. Two brothers, Cactus and Krobus, two other brothers, Plyama and Tsapa, and Baton, who had no biological sibling with him.
As soon as the boys were delivered to me, the breeder ghosted us completely. I only wanted to specify Baton's date of birth because I knew it for the other four rats. No response whatsoever.
In all my years, I've never had a group of rats that were so unfortunate. They were all very sweet, and my heart breaks for them, but there was nothing I could do. Three of them passed away before even turning two (and Cactus was put to sleep the day after turning two), and they had issues that aren't even that common. Like the spinal tumor Plyama had - I didn't even know that was a thing before. Krobus passed from unknown causes, and not a single vet knew what was wrong with him. Cactus and Tsapa had brain tumors, which unfortunately are quite common, but it was still too early for them...
That's an unusually grim statistic. Even though rats on average live 2-3 years, with females tending to live a bit longer than males, this situation is quite unusual. Typically, if I have a group of 4-5 rats of the same age, there would rarely be maybe one who doesn't make it to two years old, but not more than that. Most live to 2.3 - 2.5. So it's really bad.
Anyway, Baton is still here. He used to be a very reserved rat, skittish, not one for cuddles, but now that he's older, he is extremely cuddly and full of kisses. He tries to lick me to death every time I hang out with him. I think it's not only due to age but also because he lost all his friends, and Syrnyk is mean to him, so he seeks consolation from me. This often happens when there is only one old rat left and the rest of the mischief (that's what a group of rats is called) is younger - they often bully the elderly one, making him much more people-oriented.
Baton loves fruits and berries, scratches behind the ears, and has an unusually long and stretchy body.
I'm sorry this response didn't turn out to be fun and interesting, or if I misunderstood your question completely. I don't even know who's going to read through all of this.
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morihaus · 2 months
"I thought it would make for a good story!"
A son of Skyrim sits on a log far, far away from the snowy shores of his birth. Beside him sit two fellow warriors, one from this land of dragons in the East, and the other from a land of swords even further East than that. When Njorri bellows out his explanation, the Yokudan cracks a small smile, while the Tsaesci's eyes bore into him.
"It's a lovely fine country you have here. It's hot! But not as hot as Morrowind, so it suits me more! And I ain't got any ash in my beard, like my cousin Holf is always complaining about."
"That's why you're interfering with our sacred hunt?" Siek-Shirue asks, eyes sharp like her tongue.
Njorri laughs and waves a massive hand. "Oh, nooo, I wouldn't say 'interfere!' I'm fit to help you! My da use to hunt dragons all the time."
A laugh bubbles up from Ensaf, the third who has merely played the spectator up til now. "Quite the name to live up to."
"Ain't nothin' special. Not like traveling all this way out East-- across that cursed ocean no less!"
The armored Akaviri turns to Ensaf now. "And why are you here?"
The trained fighter can recognize an itchiness about her 'host's sword-arm, the way her hand sits on her opposite thigh, inches from her scabbard; she knows that, even without any apparent weapon, Ensaf could produce one out of thin-air with only a breath.
"Me? Well, I'm looking for a story of my own." She adjusts herself on the log, easing up on her posture to try and relax the other woman. "You see, in the land where I come from, just about every swordsman's done something incredible. There's nothing left to make a name for yourself. But here... I can do something no one else has. At least no one from Yokuda." Leaning back, she tears her eyes away from her host and looks up at the clear skies of the steppe where the day is giving way to nightfall. "I'd heard rumors from sailors about an island full of dragons to the West... wasn't sure they were true until today."
"You've got no dragons back home?" Njorri asks, leaning over Siek to do so.
Ensaf shakes her head. "Afraid not. Plenty of serpents, but none that fly through the air like that... I would've picked a better opening if I had realized how fast they move."
"No dragons??? Skyrim used to be lousy with dragons, and so did this place, I hear, before Sek here and her pals--"
At this junction, Siek shoves the tall Nord back with a sudden burst of force, barking out a single syllable as the thrust of her hand sends him spilling across the grass of the camp. "Siek." She affirms, curling her lip up at the boisterous foreigner. Her fellow blades look over at the commotion, hands at their swords before she waves them off, assuring them things hadn't broken down... at least not yet.
Ensaf narrows her eyes in the split second it takes place, perking an ear and trying to tune in. As Njorri's dusting himself off, she leans forward again and looks to the Tsaesci. "That was the same technique you used to disarm my Shehai, wasn't it?"
Siek turns to face her, but defensive walls are clearly still up. After a moment of eyeing her up, she replies. "Yes. The Kiai is the greatest power we wield as Tsaesci."
"It's a lot like the Thu'um!" Njorri remarks, unbothered as he returns to his seat.
Siek whips her head around to him, riled up by that notion. "NO, it is not!
"You shout, things happen, sounds like Thu'um to me."
"You are a moron and an interloper! Your know nothing of what you say!"
Ensaf interjects. "Care to explain what it is then?"
"Ooh, please! I'd love to hear a story from a Tsaesci!" Njorri enthusiastically chimes in, the two warriors looking to their interrogator with inquisitive eyes.
She stops and takes a breath to center herself, finding it important to tell this story right, even if it's only for the benefit of two strangers who meddled with their hunt.
"Long ago... these lands were ruled by dragons. Our ancestors worshiped them as gods, fearful of their power, but in truth, their power came from the spirits of the world itself. Our arbitrary masters had stolen it with their domineering language. Our Mother, Tserida-Shak, learnt this from the Teacher, Boesha, who taught her the path of Tsaescence and the secret language of creation. Using the world's alphabet, Tserida-Shak spoke the first Kiai into the world, using it to kill the word in the dragon's throat. With our new martial art, we began our hunt to destroy all dragonkind and our duty to defend creation."
Njorri and Ensaf listen intently, poring over the words of this legend.
Predictably, the affable Nord replies first. "Not a bad story, but, it's a little tired, ain't it?"
"What?" Siek asks, disgusted.
Njorri waves his hands to and fro as he talks. "Men ruled by dragons, someone teaches them how to fight back, they do-- I mean, we Nords for example, we learned it from Paarthurnax, since Kyne told him so--"
"'Paarthurnax?'" Siek grows suddenly inquisitively, as well as revolted. "A dragon??? You were taught by a dragon???"
"Well, sure! How else do ya expect a man to learn dragon’s talk?"
Siek suddenly regards Njorri with an odd mixture of pity and loathing, wondering whether his people were still living under a different sort of tyranny, or if they were all-too willing servants who traded their dignity and humanity for power over other mortals.
Ensaf cuts through the tension. "It's actually not too different from how we learned sword-singing..." She offers, successfully distracting Siek from her disgust. With both of the other warriors looking at her, she elaborates. "Our people have always had many enemies, without and within, and many gods of the sword took pity on us. Onsi taught us how to make them, but it was Leki who sang us the secrets of mastery. She made the sword our soul. From there, we learned to make our souls to swords."
The Yokudan stretches out her open hand and begins to speak, or sing, her own language, belting out a few syncopated notes. A bright glow emanates from her whole body before beginning to coalesce, traveling down her arm and taking shape in her hand. With a flash, she now holds a long, curved sword that seems to shimmer like the surface of a pond. Even as Ensaf stops singing, Njorri and Siek can still hear the blade humming the tune.
"That's..." Siek begins, her voice fallen to a hush.
"Shor's Bones! You're doin' that all on your own???" Njorri interjects, leaning in closer to inspect the weapon. "That right there's some clever craft if I've ever seen it! Never thought of usin' the Thu'um for somethin' like that!"
Ensaf laughs, taking the Nord much more lightly. "I'm not sure it's all too similar to what you two do with your voices... I'm not communing with any spirits. Put simply, this is all me." She takes a moment to admire her Shehai, a great point of pride for her as a Sword Saint. Even if the battles she's won or the quests she's gone on pale in comparison to many of her illustrious peers, this sword still stands as her one grand accomplishment, totally unique to herself.
"You're right..." Siek is still quite amazed at the display. "We use our own spirits in the Kiai as well, but we don't... at least, I have never heard of a Blade who could call upon such a well of power from within." She manages to tear her eyes away from the still-singing sword and look Ensaf in the eye. "That aerial slash of yours-- I thought Ilni's winds had carried it for you, yet it was this 'Shehai' of yours?"
Ensaf nods. "Though now that you mention it, I suppose I could've used some help in landing it. Maybe next time I'll ask them." She offers Siek a smile along with this well-meaning jest. In all honesty, the woman's story had piqued her curiosity. It could be interesting to bring a few of her tricks back to Yokuda with her.
Njorri loudly concurs with Siek's observation. "I've heard rumors-- tall tales and all that, not so trustworthy as they are entertaining-- that some Tongues can use the Thu'um to change themselves, the way we can change the Qethsegolle by arguin' with 'em."
"Arguing?" Siek interjects, glancing back at Njorri as he once more leads her to question his morals.
"Aye, arguin'. Y'see, we Nords can't go about it exactly like dragons. With dragons, they just shout so great and loud that the Qethsegolle go 'alright, alright!' and do whatever it is they want. Blast this mountain over there, blow these clouds away, set that man on fire-- that sorta thing." The way he describes the interaction so simply, like a children's game, rubs her entirely the wrong way. Whether Njorri is blissfully ignorant of this or simply affords fellow men the same irreverence as he does the spirits, she does not know, but he continues speaking nonetheless. "We men ain't as loud as dragons by nature, so we've got to be a little more subtle, eh? Persuade the spirits! It's all about spinning the right words with the right tones, making this-do-that or you-go-here or whatever it is you're tryin' for! The Qethsegolle aren't a prickly sort-- 'least most of 'em aren't. They're busy keepin' the house Shor built standin' upright, so they're distracted most of the time. It's easy to slip things by 'em if you say 'em right."
It sounds like just another deceit to Siek, but Njorri, of course, views it all in good fun.
He turns back to Ensaf and guffaws. "Guess your sword-singin' cuts out the middle man, eh?" The Nord bellows out a laugh.
Ensaf joins him, but she also notices Siek still hasn't quite come around to the two strangers just yet, fascinated as she may be by her Shehai. If they were going to have any chance of sticking around and seeing this hunt through, they'd need to find some more common ground.
Her spirit sword still singing, Ensaf looks up at the stars above them. "We have a lot in common... but there's an old saying in Yokuda: 'you can't see the view from atop his feet.'" She gracefully turns the point of her blade down to the ground, resting it against the earth. "No two people can really, truly see the same thing the same way. Right now, we can't see the same stars, because I can't sit where you're sitting. I don't know anything about dragons or earthly spirits because we couldn't be farther apart when we were all children. We could spin yarns all night and we'd still be no closer to understanding it all."
Njorri easily accepts this treatise on subjectivity given his cultural proclivity towards tale-telling, though Siek waits to hear where the Yokudan is going with this.
"But different as we may be, I've always seen two things that all us folk have in common." Ensaf smiles. "We breathe, and we sing."
"Sing?" Siek raises a brow.
"Oh yes! We Nords love to sing! I s'pose I should've guessed Yokudans do, given the sword and all!" Njorri cranes his neck down to look at their captor. "What of you, Siek? Do the Tsaesci sing?"
"Well of course." She replies almost defensively. "But I don't see why that--"
"Go on, share a song with us." Ensaf urges. "All this talk of your great hunts and dragon-slaying, you must have some raucous ballads."
At the continued insistence of these two interlopers, Siek-Shirue relents. She begins to regale them, softly at first, with some anthems of war, rhythmic lyrics that sing to the glories of Tsae and the noble cause of the Tsaesci. Njorri begins to slap his knee to the beat, while Ensaf nods her head and taps her foot. The two even start to pick up some of the words.
Their impromptu and largely unintentional revelry does not escape the attention of the rest of Siek's unit, who become easily gripped by the infectious songs of their people. Before Siek knows what's happened to her, she's leading her whole company plus two foreigners in the devotional ballads of Boesha 1-13.
It's only natural that a Tongue and a Sword-Singer would take to song so easily, learning more, perhaps, from the joint fervor of this merry ritual than they ever could have through idle conversation. As the night wears on and tensions subside, they even share some of the songs of Skyrim and Yokuda with their new fellows, and just as they had learned, now the Tsaesci learn of their new companions through the most expedient method: their breath, and their songs.
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