#and a second 'proper' apology scene if it turns out the first one did indeed get subverted
Never Again || Thomas Shelby x reader
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credits to @saralou23​ for the gif
Anon requested/summary: “can I request a fic where the reader is found unconscious or faints in the shop or something and tommy freaks out? I just find protective tommy so ❤️💓💟!! Thank you, your writing is absolutely INCREDIBLE” (Thank you so much honeybun, you’re making me blush, pls, forgive me for being late ❤️)
Warnings: swearing, bossy Tommy, basically Tommy freaking out and being overprotective, me always loving him with all of my mangled soul
Author’s notes:
I hope you are okay darlings, I love you, please stay safe ♡
I’m so sorry for being this late, I have no excuses, forgive me. Also the end sucks, but I’m struggling with my writing lately, so, sorry again.
I love protective Thomas so much, he’s an ass, but he’s a softie, and I’m gonna lose my mind some day.
Behind each one of these works there are sleepless nights and something really close to multiple mental breakdowns, so, please, take a minute to send me a message about it, I need actual actual feedbacks to understand how to improve my skills and grow ♡
If you want to be added to my tag list, please, directly message me
I’m Italian, English isn’t my first language, so I apologize for every possible mistake I made. Also, please, help me improve my writing by telling me if there’s something wrong
Birmingham’s gelid air hit your sensitive skin with no mercy as soon as your red mary-janes crossed the doorway of the Garrison, only to disgracefully sink into the greyish muddy loam in which the whole of Small Heath seemed to be covered.
Your fingers felt like rigid appendages burdening your already wearied arms, while you tried your best to wrap them around your coat’s edges, in a disperate effort to keep that warm tissue on your bulging clavicles left exposed by the woollen dress you were wearing. No matter how many heavy clothes you decided to put on, that implacable cold still succeeded in making you feel constantly out of forces, debilitated to the core; it had always been that way, since you were nothing more than a little girl obliged to spend one every two months confined in your bedroom, afflicted by incredibly high fever and sometimes even bronchitis.
Truth was that your body had never got used to England’s humid weather, yet, even though you poor healt had previously put you in danger, for your sake, thanks to the enormous progresses made by medicine in the past fifteen years, it was now easy to fight against the ruthless chill of those endless winters. Plus, since the earliest days of your attendence, your wardrobe had been perpetually refreshed with high-quality pieces perfectly in step with the times, for your fiancée had been literally covering you in furs and duvets of all kinds, concerned as he was that you could’ve eventually caught another bad fever, whose deathly consequences he had already experienced on his own thick skin. And for no reason in the world he would’ve even risked to lose you too.
So, as everybody could’ve easily predicted, Thomas was perennially paying attention to your wellbeing: the most famous specialists from inside and outside the United Kingdom had come directly to your country house; if one thing could be taken for granted, it was that your medications would always be settled on your side cabinet, together with a glass of fresh water, every day and every night; and, come hell or high water, he would accompany you during your routine visits to the hospital, even when it meant leaving all of his business without any prior warning.
Needless to say, you were perfectly able to do those things on your own -pheraps except for getting a crowd of world renowned doctors in your living room- and you sure as hell had tried to persuade him that there was no need at all for being so preoccupied all the time; still, he was Tommy Shelby, he simply couldn’t help it. 
The concern for his loved ones’ lives kept stealing his sleep, even on those nights when there was no trace of imminent dangers on the horizon, it kept excoriating the insides of his drained brains, to the point that, more than once, you’d had to sleep alone in your immense king-size bed or reach for him in his study, curling up on one of his uncomfortable armchairs, ready to appease his fears as best you could. In short, for as much as you needed him to relax, you were still able to understand his protective behavior, against which, as a matter of fact, no one could do much; thus you at least tried not to give him more reasons to be worried by paying some extra attention to all those small things you could solve without Tommy even knowing about it. Regularly taking your iron tablets, for example. Nonetheless, it had now been already a week since the Peaky Blinders had started a brand new business involving in effect every metalworking factory in and around Birmingham, and the whole family, you and Tom included, had been so turbulently tied up with work to let every other thought and need slither on the back burner. As a direct consequence, your doctor’s latest prescription was unfortunately left lying on the bottom of your drawer, that being the fourth day in a row you’d spent without taking those pills, and, even though everything appeared to be going well until then, that one Thursday morning your period eventually came and stroke the fatal blow, having you feel so faint and aching that, all of a sudden, the few metres separating your side of the street from the betting shop seemed to implausibly dilate right under your blurred vision, a vexing sense of nausea assaulting your empty stomach led you to lean against a lamppost, your skin still crawling beneath all those heavy tissues.  Dizziness and lethargy almost took over your sore mind, before you shook your head with an abrupt move in a bid to dispel those unpleasent sensations; clients would’ve arrived in less than a hour, Esme had taken John’s kids on a brief fieldtrip, Michael was already in his office, the boys were making their usual rounds of the mills, Finn and Isaiah were dealing with a couple folks in need back at the Garrison and Polly was nowhere in sight, which made you the only available blinder for the opening and, with Friday’s race approaching, there was no way the box-office could remain shut. Hence, more determined than ever, you chocked down the knot forming in your throat due to queasiness and just forced youself to put one foot in front of the other onto the dusty road, until you reached the shop door, not without the risk of tripping over multiple times in the process. Your frozen fingers clutched to the small side-wall now carring all of your weight, whilst your lungs tried to let in as much air as possible. And it worked, each plodding breath seemed to fight your sickness, also your heartbeat was gradually slowing down, thus you shut your eyelids and continued to inhale deeply for a full minute, before your trembilng hand managed to finally turn the key in the lock, giving you free access to the place. 
However, the small click produced by the latch closing again did not live to reach your ears, for they were already brimful of ominous hisses, in a scant moment a bulk of hypnotic grey worms prevented you from seeing anything else, they relentlessly squirmed in front of your dilated pupils, that repulsing view sending brutal shooks straight to your clenched stomach, again. And, before you even had a chance to realize what was going on, your brain completely blacked out.
                                                    ~ ~ ~
Words would not be sufficient to describe the fright taking over Arthur’s features the second your inert silhouette entered his line of sight. Just returned from their daily patrol, he had indeed noticed a small crowd waiting outside the office, cursing and fussing because of the lacked opening, and that alone had been weird enough for him to punch and kick his way up to the entrance, profanities spilling from his mustached mouth every time somebody’s elbow digged into his ribcage, inducing him to hit back so to stand his ground, only to eventually find himself powerless in front of that ghastly scene. It took him a while to recover from the shock, yet the eldest Shelby eventually regained control of his limbs and moved towards your shape with a single step.
“Polly! Pol, come here, for God’s sake!” Those hoarse yells filled the room, reverberating through the brickwalls, so loud that they could’ve been heard from the other side of the city, Arthur fell on his knees right beside you, gently placing a hand under your nape in order to lift your head. Blind panic streaming in his veins kept him for thinking clearly, he didn’t know what to do, thus he simply shook you from your shoulders, hoping in vain to see your eyes fly back open, but your neck just bent backwards.
“Where the hell is that bloody woman when I need her?!” he grunted those words in between his teeth while tigthening his grip on you, then his chest raised in a sharp move: “Jesus Christ, Polly!” He shouted once more, this time conveying all of his breath and blood towards his larynx, his abrasive voice shriveled and insisted on the last letters of his aunt’s name, until swift strides frantically hit the creaking steps, announcing Polly’s arrive. Her eyes struggled to remain open, her left palm was pressed against her forehead in a silly attempt to soothe the tremendous headache resulted from the previous night’s booze, she didn’t even have the time to put proper clothing on, since her mad niece was apparentely going berserk. “You, son of a bastard-” cursed words died underneath her tongue when she understood what was going on, soon her feet took on a life of their own, as they picked up their peace, leading her next to your body now held in Arthur’s arms.
“She’s freezing, Pol, she’s a fucking chunk of ice!” Hiccoughs shattered his worried cries, he almost whined, shifting his gaze from yours to Polly’s face over and over again, she, on the other hand, used the whole lenght of her right arm to clear in one smooth motion the closest desk. “Quick, lay her here” The deafening noise produced by those items colliding with the pavement barely grazed her hears, whilst she nodded to herself in the effort to impose some order on her obfuscated head, searching for a prompt solution that was late in coming, to the point that Finn beat it to the draw and stormed in, pointing a loaded gun to each corner of the room with fear in his cerulean irises. “What the hell’s going on?” That hysterical question echoed through the place, even though the young boy was finding it hard to get his breath, due to the crazy run he had made to reach the shop immediately after hearing that insane screaming. Nonetheless, in the space of an instant, he saw you as well and fell utterly silent, violent dismay caught him off guard, his wide eyes hesitated on your motionless figure; all of a sudden he didn’t know what to think, nor he could get the thought of your death out of his brains.
“My God, she’s as pale as death” Finn let his mind talk through that throttled murmur, regretting it right away, for silty goosebumps crawled on his skin under the pungent pressure of his brother’s instantaneous lethal glare. “Don’t talk shit, kid! Just fucking go and get Tom!”
The redhead didn’t waste any time, he somehow managed to recollect his guts and steadily disappeared behind the door previously left open. While struggling for air and internally searching for the right words to say in front of Thomas, Finn covered the whole distance between the office and the Garrison. Labored gasps coming out of his slightly parted lips in louder groans as he slammed the heavy pub’s doors open, using only his strongest shoulder; both Harry and Isaiah watched him run towards the back room where Tommy was going through the books, they did not dare spill a word and, after all, the boy didn’t even look in their direction, such was his concentration. Still, once he reached the place, all of a sudden his tongue felt dry, his well-organised speech faded away.
“Finn?! What’s wrong?” Tom’s icy eyes were now staring at him through his round glasses, the paper he’d been reading was instantly dropped, although his tone remained steady. “Y-you need to come, now! She... she’s-” A frown formed upon Tommy’s marble face at his little brother’s furious rambling, something wasn’t right, that was crystal clear, yet he wasn’t able to keep up with those hasty and stuttered sentences, so he approached him, putting both his hands on Finn’s shoulders in order to give him a little shove and maybe get some decent information. “Breathe, kid, and tell me what’s going on” That deep, adamant tone somehow sounded scarier than usual roaring inside the boy’s head, hence anxiety definitively won him over, gaining complete control of his mouth too. “It’s Y/n! I don’t fucking know, Tom, s-she looks dead!” All at once, time and space seemed to collapse around him, one single second dilated, covering the space of a whole lifetime beyond his vacant blue irises now fixed on an undetermined spot of the white wall behind Finn’s back.   A gruesome, yet familiar sensation raided his petrified body, it felt like having a beast’s fangs gnawing his throat off, lacerating his flesh to the bone, he could sense every little laceration, his chest being plundered, till even his sable heart was eradicated and then mauled. A strangled wheeze barely lived through his plump lips, that being the only sound he uttered, then his black pupils shrinked and immediately twitched, nailing his sibiling’s gaze. Without receiving an order from his brain, his fists violently gripped Finn’s jacket at the height of his biceps, bringing him a span away from his gnashed teeth with a sharp pull. “Where?” He snarled liked a rabid dog, striking, if possible, geater terror in the young man who struggled to spit an almost inaudible “The shop”, before being shoved against the doorframe as Tommy dodged him and rushed out.
                                                     ~ ~ ~
Polly held the bottle of her almond parfume she’d just put under your nostrils as if her life depended on it, Arthur’s rough palm, instead, began to pat your pasty cheek. “C’mon, love, wake up! Don’t play games, c’mon!” The dorsum of that same hand now poking the left side of your face, and then going back to the other, at incredible speed. You started to feel your face again when his nudges grew in intensity, until he was practically slapping you; soon a tremendous metallic taste invaded your mouth, or rather, you finally sensed it, whilst your eyelids battled against gravity to get back up. Arthur noticed it, he detected that brief flinch and it felt like being pampered with a fresh breeze after days of unsustainable heat. “Oh, fuck, I think I’m having a stroke” His tone held extreme urgency as he grasped for air, tugging with two fingers at his shirt collar; sure, he was great at knocking people off, maybe the best, yet, unfortunately, after that he’d never tried to bring somenody back with the living.
Blinding light rended your shrouded eyes, everything appeared blurred to the point that you couldn’t distinguish Polly’s features, although she was right beside you; nor your hearing was working, since the loud thud produced by the wooden door hitting the brickwall, and then your name barked by your fiancée’s coarse voice, sounded muffled to your ears. With a superhuman effort you succeeded in tilting your face towards the entrance, you recognized the navy-blue suit Thomas had chosen to wear earlier in the moring, still those nebulous images reached your brains with extreme delay, it was like watching vague movie scenes stream in slow motion. Your eyelids blinked as if a plumbeous burden was anchored to them, each flutter seemed to last a full minute, so that you perceived Tom coming to you in multiple shattered motions, while he kept calling you. The moment Tommy furiously jostled against Arthur, in order to take his place by the desk, you gradually went back to see and hear clearly, now being able to seize pure dread sailing those mesmerizing ocean eyes. “Thank goodness, y/n” His big palms envelopped both your cheeks, slightly squeezing them as he lift your neck, revealing all of his hidden delicacy that you, and you only, were able to bring out. “Y/n, love, talk to me” That order came out like a prayer, his voice betraying him once too often, his fingers shaking with worry, while one of his hands held your chin and the other went to caress your locks. Those loving strokes brushed against your skin, slowly infusing a little warmth into your gelid body, he touched you with the unbearable fear of watching you pass away in between his arms, having him struggle to breathe properly. “Do you hear me?” a single, salty drop fell from his long eyelashes and poured your lower lip, you heard his voice crack, distorting, until it became nothing more than a faint whine: “Please, love, talk to me” When his forehead pressed against yours, he finally gave in to the tears that had been held back with drastic ostination, shutting his eyes for a few instants he allowed brutal sobs to trounce his already aching chest. However, that moment of raw weakness was soon restrained, so that you returned to stare into his blue irises. Then, a small grin crossed your pale mouth and, even though your throat felt like gasoline on fire, preventing you from pronouncing a single syllable, you managed to guide your tiny hand to cup his sharp cheekbone. A burning kiss was pressed on its dorsum, before Tommy completely leant into your touch, giving you a look halfway between relief and disperation, he covered your hand with his own, holding it tight. “You’re okay, you’re safe” Those soft murmurs escaped his lips, probably aimed to placate the axphyziating terror still intoxicating his veins. Indeed, as hard as it was to conceive for everybody in that room, although you were the one just recovering from a sudden collapse, Tommy was now the one trembling like a fallen leaf, his arms rested on each side of your shape, sustaining his weight, as he barely stood on his own two feet. Slowly, you regained the necessary strenght to lift your bust, leading him to flutter in your direction, promptly enlacing his forearms around your waist in order to support your movements. “Hold onto me, darling, take it slow” His raspy voice was still unsteady and full of concern, he was holding his breath out of fear, gazing at you with wide eyes and tightening the grip on your hips as if to make sure that you wouldn’t vanish in his palms. You, on the other hand, gave him a rassuring smile, caressing his face mutliple times and placing a brief kiss on his mouth. “I’m fine, Tommy, I’m here with you” you eventually spoke close to his ear so to keep that conversation between the two of you “Let go, my love, I’m here” Your lips accidentally brushed against his forehead once he listened to you and abandoned himself to your tender embrace, gradually drowning into your soft chest while his arms clung on to your figure, his fingertips almost piercing the thick material of your dress as your cheek covered his head, totally annihilating the distance. “Don’t you ever do that to me again. Never again”.
tag list: @spidey-pal​, @shadow-of-wonder​, @stassaurus​​, @peachlle​, @livvtheangel​, @myjbphase​, @namelesslosers, @crazyonesarethebest​, @vxxn128​, @keithseabrook27​, @spaghettirogers​​, @writingstudent​​, @hp-hogwartsexpress , @eggingamazinglove​, @geeksareunique​, @cailoleaf​, @simonsbluee​ , @hereforsmutandfluff​, @starxtt​, @jenepleurepasbaby​, @staygold-bebold​, @marvelschriss​, @captivatedbycillianmurphy​
3K notes · View notes
dekus-afro-pic · 4 years
Smile For The Camera
Dabi x Fem!Reader x Hawks
⚠️ warning ⚠️: This fic includes the use of Dabi and Hawks real name which are spoilers to the manga. This fic also includes non-con sex with Endeavor, murder, crying, SWEET SWEET REVENGE, and Villan Hawks
Summary: After months of being held captive by the number one “hero” you finally snap. When you reunite with your childhood friends, whom you thought were dead, your opportunity for revenge is brought to you ona silver plater. Art by @brttpaige
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Burns and bruises littered your body and the man on top of you was to blame. You scratch at the hand that was around your throat as you felt yourself losing oxygen. The “hero” slaps your hands away and strikes your face as he continued to thrust into you.
“Just take it,” He grunts above you “Give me what I want”
Tears were no longer streaming down your face but that didn’t stop you from wailing in pain as his hips met yours. You refused to look into his eyes when he hurt you this way. Knowing that if you did, he’d only go harder. You didn’t want this at all. How could he not see that? You didn’t expect your close friend’s father to be such a…monster.
How could you not know y/n? He killed his own son for Christ's sake. And soon, he’d kill you too.
After Endeavor finishes his load inside of your womb, he zips up his pants and leaves. You laid there, in the bed of an apartment that he kept you captive in, and shuddered. You knew two things for certain.
You are not going to bear his child and you were going to kill Enji Todoroki.
You crawl towards the nightstand and pull out a plan-b from beneath it. After swallowing the pill dry, you make your way to the bathroom to tend to your injuries and cleanse yourself of that monster.
Unbeknownst to you, someone watched the whole ordeal take place. Dabi’s blood was boiling. How the fuck could the number one “hero” be capable of such actions. But then again, heroes weren’t all that they seemed. His chest tightened as he watched you use your water quirk to heal your bruises. You shouldn’t be going through this. You should be out there getting rid of villains like his “father”. He knew he had to get you out of there. He pulls out his phone to inform the others of his plan. But for it to succeed, you were going to have to make the first move.
And that you did. Once your body was back to an ok state, you start packing everything you could. Your toothbrush, clean clothes, the little food you had in the beat down apartment, 2000¥ ($20 USD) you stole from your abuser, and your only second pair of shoes. You were on a mission to get out of there as fast as you could.
It was a Friday night, meaning that Endeavor was out playing pretend with his family. The looks on their faces once you reveal his secrets were ones that you want to cherish forever. You couldn’t wait until the world finally knew who it was idolizing.
You wasted no time opening the bedroom window and sprinting down the fire escape stairs. You held the duffel bag close to your body as you ran down the dark alleyway. You were free. You were finally free.
After running for what felt like 20 minutes you finally stop to give your aching lungs and legs a break. You didn’t know where your legs had taken you but from the looks of it, you were farther away from the apartment than you had imagined. You weren’t complaining though. The farther away you were from that wretched man the better.
You sat in a quiet alleyway for some time. You reach into your bag for a water bottle as you pressed your back against the brick wall. When you looked back up from your bag three men were standing on the opposite side of the alleyway. As the men inch closer to you, you realize that there weren’t three men. It was one man with gigantic wings.
“Hey kid. I know this might sound crazy but” He said grabbing you and your bag with both his hands “You’re a package I need to deliver.”
“What the fuck let me go” you struggle against the stranger's hold. Your actions are stopped as he rose in the air. You cling to his chest for dear life hoping he wouldn’t drop you.
“Where the fuck are you taking me bird brain?” You yell against the roaring winds. He didn’t answer you, he only smiled as you continue to spew curses at him. “I swear when you land I’m going to DROWN you”
Finally, he lands in front of a relatively big house in the woods. Once his feet touch the ground you use the water in his body to make him punch himself. Before you could swing at him with your fist, his feathers lifted you off the ground and carried you into the house.
“Hawks is back” you heard a girl squeal “And he brought her too.”
Hawks’ feather dropped you on your bum as the man walks off. The girl from before comes into your line of eyesight and smiles. She had blonde hair which was tied into pigtails and her canines were long.
“Hi I’m Toga” She introduced, holding out her hand to help you up. “The birdie who flew you in is Hawks, he’s Dabi’s boyfriend. Welcome to the new and improved League of Villains super-secret hideout. Don’t tell anyone though. Or I’ll have to kill you”
“Y/n” you reply as you take her hand. “Why am I here? I’m no villain.” At least not yet you weren’t.
“Dabi has told us all about you. Which is why you’re here. He should be around here somewhere” She wonders off. You hear her yell “DABI” Before she returns with Hawks and another man, who you assumed was Dabi. You flick your middle finger at the birdman as he walked closer to you.
“Aww don’t be like that kid. I was only trying to help” He said with a smile. With the proper lighting in the house, you got a proper look at the man. His wings were a bright crimson color and his blonde hair was done messily. He had a long scratch from above his right eyebrow down to the middle of his cheek. Overall the man looked familiar.
Damn this man is gorgeous. If he didn’t have a boyfriend I’d want a piece of that.
You flinched when you feel his hand touch your shoulder. On the defense, you twist his arm behind his back and push him away from you. When you realize what you’ve done you quickly apologize “Oh shit. I’m so sorry I didn’t mean-”
“No it’s fine” He reassured with a smile “it’s obvious that you're on edge. I shouldn’t have done that”
“Yea...on edge” you turn to the other man. His eyes were bright blue and the majority of his skin was covered in burn scars. Staples pierced his skin in various places. “You must be Dabi”
“Correct. But you can call me Touya”
“Follow me” He interrupts. You follow the couple down the hallway. You passed multiple rooms. In one room, a man with visible dry skin sat in front of a medium-sized tv with a game controller in hand. Maybe he’d let you relieve him one day.
“I’ve been watching you Y/n” Touya begins “I’ve seen the things that man has done to you”
You stopped in front of a brown door. Hawks stepped in front of you with a softer look.
“You’re going to get your revenge little birdie. But for now,” Hawks opened the door to the room. It was gorgeous, to say the least. A queen-sized bed was centered in the room with the smell of vanilla faint in the air. “You’re going to relax”
You dropped your duffel bag as you slowly walked through the threshold. You make your way to the bed with tears blurring your vision. Hawks place your bag on a vacant chair while Touya makes his way towards you.
“So you’ve been in hiding this whole time?” You question the man standing in front of you.
“Yeah pretty much” he nods, rubbing the back of his neck “I was supposed to come back for you but you went off the grid. Now I know why”
“Where’s Keigo?” You ask.
“What did that monster do to you?” The blonde reaches out to caress your face but you flinch away. “I’m Keigo, Y/n”
“Some friend reunion we have here” You joke.
When you realize that you were indeed not captivated in some beat down apartment panic sunk in. What if he finds you? What if he’s already sent out people to look for you? What if these were the people he sent out?
“Hey” A single feather lifts your head to look at both of them “Don’t worry your pretty little head. He won’t find you here. And if somehow he does...we’ll just kill him”
Dabi nods his head in agreement. You wrap your arms around both of their bodies with tears running down your face. Keigo leaned into your touch while Dabi just pats your head stiffly.
They tell you to adjust to your new room and get cleaned up as they leave your room. Once Keigo closes your door, he buries his face into his hands.
“Did you see her arms and legs Touya?” He sobs, “She looks like she hasn’t eaten in days”
Dabi places his hand on his lover’s back, guiding him to their shared room. “Don’t cry Keigo. We’ve successfully finished phase one of the plan. We need to get ready for phase two”
“Ok you two. What’s going on?” You ask your two best friends.
“It’s a surprise y/n, we can’t tell you” The blonde laughs as Touya guided you through the wooded area. The white blindfold did its job at hiding the world from your view. You felt the boy to your right stop walking as the other untied the white cloth.
The view before you was breathtaking. “Happy Birthday Y/N” frosted onto a small cake with balloons tied to tree branches.
“Guys you shouldn’t have” You giggle.
“You’re our best friend Y/N. You’re going to have to get used to celebrating your birthday” Touya scolded.
Little did the three of you know, that was going to be the last time you would be together.
The scene started to change. The woods were engulfed in bright flames, screams were heard in the distance.
“KEIGO!” you scream. “TOUYA!WHERE ARE YOU?”
The smoke covered everything around you. You choked on the thick smoke as you tried to avoid the flames. You scream louder for your friends. But you never found them. You trip and fall over a fallen tree branch. You look up and see your abuser standing over you.
You try to crawl away from him but he catches you by your hair.
“No. Please” you cry. “TOUYA! KEIGO PLEASE HELP”
“Y/n. You can’t escape me” He growls in your ear.
Just seconds before he could throw you against the burning tree, your eyes shoot open as you send icicles flying everywhere. You scream as you feel hands grabbing your own. Your eyesight still blurry from waking up, you swing at the person in front of you. “LET GO. LET GO! GET OFF ME. KEIGO, TOUYA HELP ME”
“Y/n calm down it’s me. It’s Keigo” The blonde whispers. Your eyes frantically search for his. Your body shakes while you sob as you held Keigo’s face in your hands.
“Keigo, where were you? Keigo don’t let him get me please don’t let him get me” You choke out, “I don’t want to go back please don’t send me back. Don’t leave me again, please.”
“He won’t find you baby bird” He cooed. He places your head on his chest as he rubs your hair soothingly. “I’m here now. I’m not leaving again” He stays true to his word and drifts back to sleep with you in his arms.
Touya woke up to an empty bed. Confused, he brushed his teeth and went to check up on you. When he opens your room door he finds you asleep on top of his boyfriend’s chest. His boyfriend, on the other hand, was wide awake. He looks over at the door when he heard the floorboards creak.
“Shh. She had a rough night” He whispers.
“What happened?”
“Night Terror about him. She was screaming our names so I came in to check on her. She almost cut me with an icicle.” Keigo explains.
Touya slides underneath your cover on the other side of you. You stir at the sudden movement which causes Keigo to stop breathing.
“Goodmorning Keigo” you groan, rubbing the sleep from your eyes “and Touya”
“Goodmorning little one” the latter replied, “how are you feeling?”
“Tense” You yawn. You wiggle out of Keigo’s hold and walk towards your duffel bag. “Where’s the bathroom? I’m going to uh..take a shower”
“Across the hall”
You say a quiet thank you and exit your room. The couple let out breaths that they didn’t know they were holding when they hear the shower starts.
“We have to do something. And quick” Keigo whispers “Did Toga and Shigaraki already leave?”
“Yea. They should be back later tonight with our special guest. But for now, we need to calm down y/n”
The water dripped off of your skin as you stepped out of the steamy shower. After drying off, putting on clean clothes, and brushing your teeth, you walk back across the hall to your bedroom. Before you could sit back down on your bed, Keigo’s there with his hand stretched out for you to take.
“Hey, there birdie. Come with me” he says.
You take his hand and followed behind the blonde. He brings you to the kitchen, where a tall shadow man was making lunch.
“Hello young y/n” He spoke “I’m Kurogiri”
“Nice to meet you” You smile faintly. “Keigo I’m not hu-“
“Yes you are y/n” Touya scolds from behind you. “You haven’t eaten since I don’t know when. At least eat the seaweed out of it”
He pulls the chair out for you to sit and sits directly across from you. Keigo takes the seat on side of you as Kurogiri places your bowls in front of you.
“Shoyu Ramen?” You inhale the steam coming from the bowl. It smelled delicious. How long has it been since you had this?
“You always ate this after training and I suspect that you hadn’t eaten a proper meal in-“ Touya was cut off by your loud slurping “years”
“Stalker” You laugh before stuffing your face with more ramen. “So how long have you been watching me?”
“Well, we’ve been looking for you since we turned 20” Keigo answers. “Touya here found you just last week”
Your response was a loud hum as you drank the broth of your meal. You couldn’t help the satisfied sigh that escaped through your lips. The food was just that good.
“I’m kind of grateful that you abducted me when you did. I’d probably still be sitting in that alleyway.”
“Y/n if you don’t mind me asking” Touya begins “How long has he been..”
“6 months” You sigh, “I was dropping Shoto off at home one night and that’s when he took me to the apartment. I had no contact with the outside world. No tv, no phone, not even a god damn newspaper” You felt your quirk activate, causing the water in the glasses before you to boil. “I swear, the next time I see him I’m going to boil the skin off of him”
“Whoa there princess” Keigo uses one of his feathers to rub at your thigh to calm you down. You relax at his touch and bring the raging water to a stop. You grab Keigo’s hand in an attempt to regulate your breathing.
“So what’s the plan?” You ask, “I know you two are up to something”
“It’s a surprise” Touya smirks “you’ll find out after dinner.”
You spent your day sandwiched between the two men in your new bed watching movies, catching up, and enjoying each other’s company. It was strange how you didn’t feel like a complete third wheel. Instead, you felt like you were apart of the relationship and you were happy. You can’t even remember the last time you had a good time like this.
At last, it was dinner time. The two left your room minutes prior to “prepare your surprise” in Keigo’s words. You decided to change your clothes while you waited for the ok to come down. Just as you finished up, one of Keigo’s feathers tapped your shoulder.
You were greeted with blue and yellow eyes when you entered the dining room. Feathers pulled out your chair while the others sat down in their seats.
Fish, rice bowls, and other foods were placed on the table. You ate in silence, mainly because you didn’t want to choke, while the others talked amongst themselves.
“Y/n-Chan” Toga whined “Why are you so quiet over there?”
“The food is so good,” you say after swallowing a mouth full of rice, “I want to eat as much as possible”
Kurogiri nods in your direction at the compliment. Dinner goes on with Dabi and Shigaraki arguing over who’s the strongest and You and Keigo exchanging flirty glances and middle fingers.
“Hey Y/n, Trynna steal my boyfriend?” Touya teases.
“You’re going to have to share Mr. Blueflame” you tease back. Everybody laughs as you two keep going back and forth.
“Alright Alright. Dinners over. Time for your surprise Y/n” Touya announced.
Everybody looked at you with sinister smirks as Keigo helped you out of your seat. You were led to the basement where two seats were on opposite sides of the room with a camera in the middle.
You sat in the chair closest to the door and watched Touya and Shigi bring in someone in handcuffs with a trash bag over their head.
“Guys what’s going…” you stopped talking when Shigaraki dusts the bag off the person’s head. But it wasn’t a person, no.
It was him. The monster that kept you captive for months. The monster that stripped you of your innocence and ruined your life plans. You felt your blood begin to boil as you stood out of your chair.
“Y/n?” The older man groaned. Touya punched him in his jaw before he could speak again.
“Don’t you dare say her fucking name” He spat. He then turned to you with soft(ish) eyes. “Don’t worry. The cuffs are quirk canceling”
“Do your worst baby bird” Keigo whispered into your ear.
You motioned for everyone to move out of the way as you walked towards your new captive. “Remember this face in your next life” You whisper.
You boiled the water in his body and smiled at the bubbles visibly forming on the surface of his skin. As the man before you screams in pain, you walk towards the camera that was recording the whole thing.
“Smile for the camera Enji. Why don’t you tell little Shoto where’d you take me all those months ago. Why I could no longer pick him up from school on Fridays” You toy with the corpse. You watched as blood began to seep through his skin “You’ve always told me to give you what you want. This time it is you who will give me what I want”
“Hey Dabi” Keigo whispered “Is it just me or is Y/N kinda hot when she’s committing murder”
The ravenette nodded at his boyfriend’s statement. You were indeed hot as hell murdering his father. Your abuser. He froze, just as he was about to add a comment, when you spun the camera around to face him and Keigo.
“Say hi Dabi” You smile at the two. “Hi Hawks”
“You’ve officially lost it baby bird”
“I agree. Crazy looks good on you” Touya adds.
You turn the camera off and hand it to Kurogiri. You walk over to the couple with a pout on your face “He’s dead now. My fun’s over”
“Oh no no no” Touya teasingly pulled you into his chest by your waist “The fun is just beginning. Right, Keigo?”
Keigo pushes his groin against your ass and nibbles on your earlobe.“That’s right babe” he whispered “We’re going to help you reclaim what’s yours”
A/n: So there’s smut to this fic😭 but I won’t post it unless this does good. Anyways, HAPPY NEW YEAR.
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serahlink · 4 years
Dancing in The Dark |Assassin!Reader x Royal Vampire Prince
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Summary : In a world ruled by ravenous vampiric royals, you are sent to assassinate their new heir, only to have your plans suddenly go awry when you’re dragged into the ball by no one other than your Highness himself.
Word Count : 2,302
A/N : this is for a gender neutral reader or for anyone of any gender really. :) so I hope all can enjoy this enemies royal core thingy.
There were many nights where you took your resting spot at the top of your league’s tower balcony and looked down at the castle across the kingdom. Unlike the mangled dead forest you’ve grown up in, the lights were always bright, boisterous and proud around that damned castle. The people were no different either. Each year almost tons of high class and rich people would come gather for a ball. It was the most grand day of the year after all, as it was the only night where it is said the prince would come out of hiding for once to dine and dance with everyone else.
Just thinking about that pampered fancy pants boy made your blood boil. To think he can live it up in the glamour his castle had to offer while your own people can barely scrounge for scraps down here was enough for you to want to take your pristine knife to his throat. Needless to say, when you got the opportunity to do so, you clutched tightly to it.
You can’t remember much of your childhood. From what the people who took you in told you, they mentioned finding you abandoned at the end of the dead woods, where they were surprised you weren’t starved to death or mangled by a wolf. They took you in and from then on, they raised you to become the best assassin you could be. It was the least you could expect from being taken in by an underground assassin’s league, or as they’d like to call it, a revolutionary squad. A group of people who are destined to change the order for their own idea of good and who are frankly tired of bloodsuckers running it all.
They assigned you with the job the night before you were sent off away from the woods and from your home.
“Kill the prince,” You remembered them saying bluntly. Instead of using your own weapon, they provided you with a wooden stake. “Use this to kill him.”
You asked them why you couldn’t just slash his throat with your knife and be done for, but they instead scoffed. “It’s more efficient. Vampires do bleed, but a stake will surely do the trick.” Although you already knew this, you surely liked the idea of using your own blade. Still, you took the stake reluctantly.
With no more need to stall at home, they had sent you off with a proper disguise. Obviously you couldn’t show up to a grand ball in rags with a stake tied to your belt. Instead they provided you with a formal outfit that while anyone else would find grand, you found way too tight and fancy. Through a broken glass, you saw your reflection and fought the urge to barf. Never did you want to see yourself look like that ever again.
The castle was a long ways off, far away from the dead woods you claimed as home. Just as all royals do, you arrived in a carriage thanks to the courtesy of some other higher ups that actually were involved with the group. Out the window, you slowly saw the brightness of the castle and all other attendants too close for comfort.
This was it.
The deep breath you took in was clean, way too clean. You got out and as you began walking your way up to their royal highness’ palace, no one seemed to bat an eye. You blended right in. You couldn’t help but smirk just a little. None of these pampered bastards knew what was coming. That you were coming.
The inside of the castle was more grossly exquisite than you could’ve imagined it to be. The gold and white color schemes were nearly blinding, almost evangelical. Most others were dancing already while some were enjoying a feast or talking amongst one another. You didn’t really take notice to any specific people, as you were only here for one person.
“Your Highness, Astrid Federline.” One of the staff introduced.
Instantly, as if beckoned by his name, you snap your head around to see the smug prince in all his glory. Astrid Federline was sashaying down the royal staircase, looking over knowingly at the flustered maidens who were gawking over him. You didn’t get what their was to even look at. So what if he was pale as the moonlight? Who cared if his hair looked like blonde silk itself and draped just over his shoulders in the best way? What was there to see if his narrow blue eyes grinned over at you? Nothing. Nothing at all, as far as you could tell.
Soon enough, his gaze moved from the ladies and paused when it came to you. Those eyes, a mystery just as he was, narrowed at you. His face faltered, merely a second, before his lips quirked up again with newfound curiosity. All of a sudden, he was coming to you.
Your hand jolted to where your stake would be and thankfully, it’s small bump reminded you that, yes, it was still there and open when the opportunity was right. You relax, and just as he approached you, you forced a smile.
“Lovely ball, your Highness.” Speaking those words were the worst part of the job. You bow anyway, and when you pull back up, he’s smiled at you. You didn’t expect him to be so tall.
“Of course it is.” He proudly said. “Just like every ball before it.”
“I wouldn’t know,” You said truthfully. “I’ve never been to one.”
“I see.” Astrid hummed before he offered you a hand. “Care to let me show you the wonders the ball has to offer?”
You eyed his hand with much hesitation. Maybe this was his way of being a gentleman, each giving a maiden a certain special treatment before acting like it never happened. Not that you’d care, he’s falling easily into your plan. He’s only making it easier for you.
You took his hand then and he smirked, gently grasping it and then taking you into a different direction. You arrive at the food table, where a bunch of pristine foods you’ve never seen before and never thought you’d be able to taste were laid out in front of you.
Your mouth watered. The food was very tempting.
“Go on,” said Astrid with a wave of permission. “Take what you please.”
You turned to him with an arched brow, yet he only nodded. The food was still there when you turned back and did not get eaten any faster. First, you scan the foods until one catches your eye. Some long red thing.
“That’s crab.” He pointed out.
While you’d roll your eyes originally, you were indeed curious. You’ve never tasted this crab meat before. Straight from its place, you take a leg and begin gnawing on it. You jolt as the sharp shell hit the roof of your mouth, glaring down at the food.
“You need to crack the shell, you know.”
“I know that.” Wasn’t your fault that crabs had shells apparently.
Astrid sighed and took the crab leg after your couple failed attempts to crack it. He used what you could only guess was a metal opener to crack the shell, revealing its meat.
You snatch the leg away from him, muttering a thank you.
The meat better be worth while, going through all the trouble to embarrass yourself and nearly blow your cover like this. Just as your tongue and teeth bit into its flavor, you could easily confirm that, oh god yes it was worth it.
It was unlike anything you had eaten before. You couldn’t get more meat into your mouth quicker, savoring the taste as much as you could before it could leave.
Astrid chuckled, “Good, I presume?”
You turned back and narrowed your eyes once you saw the smirk. “It was fine, I suppose.”
“Good then.” He said and just as another dance was coming up, he turned to you. “You aren’t too full for a dance, are you?”
A dance? That was the only thing your league hadn’t prepared you for. Hell, you never really danced ever. “I,” You fumbled. “-Actually I think I am.”
“Come on.” Astrid insisted. “The night is ever so young. Besides, a dance would make your first ball, wouldn’t it?”
Not with you, or anyone. You wanted to say, yet you couldn’t pass up his offer. Something told you he’d keep on insisting. Besides, that would make for an awfully good dramatic death scene wouldn’t it? One and two and one and— STAB. Perfect.
Reluctantly, you do agree. The soft strings pluck, pianos ring and Astrid lead you to the dance floor with your hand in his. Although the dance was awfully simple, your feet couldn’t comply. You were outside your energy yet each time, Astrid strayed you back to where you were supposed to be. The swaying made you feel like you were on air, constantly being held upright by his hand. Yet you knew you needed to keep an eye on the ground and your weapons carrier place, you could only seem to look up.
Tilted downward, Astrid’s eyes look down at you. Something about it made you feel like the only person in that room. Everyone else was merely blurs to you, the only focus being you and him. You remind yourself then, of course it’s the main focus. You’re there to kill him, not live up some false royal dance.
The strings reach a higher octave and you are thrown into a dip. Your arms throw themselves to whoever they could latch on, which happen to be Astrid’s neck. He looked down on you with much amusement before throwing you back up, your body ended up bumping against his chest.
“I know what you are.” He said as his dancing led the two of you away from the crowd and near a balcony. Still in his arms, you scoff.
“Really.” You respond, yet he chuckled, much to your annoyance.
Astrid’s smile tightened. “You think I’ve never had an assassin placed on my head before? You’re wrongly mistaken.”
“And yet you send no guard on me. You give me the punishment of feeding me luxurious food and a dance. Do all of your assassins get the special treatment or am I lucky?”
A hint of a smirk tugged at his lips. “Lucky, according to you.”
“Then allow me to apologize for calling the night short but I have a prince to slaughter.” You said, as you launched out from the dance and swiftly to take the stake you kept to your thigh.
Astrid himself grinned, his eyes holding a glint they didn’t have before. “This prince wouldn’t happen to be drop dead gorgeous, charming and witty, would he?”
You scoffed, watching his every move. “Not at all.”
The lunge you decided to take for him backfired, as he managed to dodge and slip you back into that dance, wooden dagger still in hand.
“Do you always dance yourself out of being killed?” You struggle against his grip, trying to remain confident. “I’ll have you know that I’m not as easily persuaded by good looks and swift moves like those maidens out there.”
“Then shall I dangle some crab meat above your nose?~” His teasing jab to your gluttony was enough for your anger to forcefully yank one of your hands out of his grip. You throw the dagger straight for his throat, yet you miss by what seems like yet another swift dodge.
How does this prince keep evading you?
“Temper, temper~” He grinned, throwing you back into another dip. The weapon you once held is tossed to the very edge of the balcony, where it hangs on by nothing more than an invisible thread. “To think the revolutionaries would send someone as hot headed as you are.” He smirked, “Pathetic, if I could say personally.”
You throw yourself out of the dip. “I’ll show you pathetic!” You snarl, and make a head start for the stake. It slid and in just a second to spare, fell all the way to the bottom of the castle’s yard.
Your eyes shot wide as saucers and your throat dried. Your fate was sealed. Either you were going to be killed or thrown in a dungeon somewhere. Either way, you’d die.
“With those eyes, you look like a distressed rabbit.” Astrid remarked.
He walked over to you. You expected him to throw you over the edge, just like that stake, except he doesn’t. He offered you his pale hand.
You eye him, as if he were crazy.
“Come on.” He said. “Up.”
When you don’t take his hand, he took yours instead and lifts you up to your feet. “You assassins are too serious nowadays. You’re at a ball of all things, might as well enjoy it.”
You look at him questionably. “I try to kill you and when I fail, instead of throwing me away in a dungeon or killing me, your answer is to throw me back into the ball? Are you as mad as they say?”
He grinned again. “Maybe I am. Plus, it’d be a pity if I did, wouldn't it? I’d hate to have to deal with the rest of your little club if they found you dead.”
“We are a league.” You correct him sternly.
“A hell of a one, for sure.” Astrid hid his chuckle. “Where were we last?”
“I was trying to nab that head of yours.” You recount, still freshly annoyed.
“Dancing.” He corrected your sentence. “We were dancing.”
He then took your hands and since you didn’t have any weapons on hand, you had all but none left to do but to follow his lead again.
“I’m surprised no one told you that you are absolutely brash when you dance.” He muttered near your ear. You roll your eyes.
“You won’t be saying that the next time I’m here.” You promise. “A stake would be deep in your chest before you could even get a word in.”
He chuckled. “I’ll be waiting.”
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brownandblackpearls · 3 years
📜 🖋 𝒞ourting with 𝒟r. 𝒟evorak (Julian x BlackReader) Pt.3
You are a reputable, young beauty of means in Vesuvia, enjoying the winter courting season. An odd letter from an odd doctor finds its way to your door. You are on the second segment of your first date, attending a play in Vesuvia.
─── Julian x black female reader
─── imagery + fiction
─── explicit smut
─── regency/historical/fantasy, courtship rituals, wealthy! MC, love letters, drama, handsome redheads
☾ previous. next. 
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The obsidian carriage was a comfortable reprieve from the glare of the chilled sun rays. Drifts of snow were all too happy to try and reflect the light into your eyes, but the dark, shrouded curtains of the doctor’s vehicle saved you from the visual spotlights. 
Swept in by your courter, you sit and watch Julian seat himself before his man yips the horses and pulls you all off, down the snowswept cobblestones.
You watch Julian watching you, thinking quietly to yourself about the events that have happened thus far, and letting the moment of silence cover you both. Sometimes, silence was just as good as words. What kind of man was Julian, in silence?
Shy, it seemed. He tries to pretend to glance out the window before being reeled back into your gaze, and finally, staying there. Shoulders stiff, you could almost feel the thoughts running through his mind.
You graced him a gentle smile, an offering.
Julian is more than eager to return it, nervousness be damned.
You were beginning to understand a little better why you felt so fond of him so fast, you realized. He was so…eager. Open. Even with all the little charades of character he pulled from time to time, they were more entertaining than anything. It did not come off as malevolent or manipulative. It was more experimental than anything. As anxious as your presence seemed to make him, Julian seemed comfortable enough in himself to try different things, different ways of being.
It didn’t hurt that he was very easy to read, and he read a tale of a soft heart on his sleeve.
You were very good at keeping yours under your sleeves, and something told you that Julian—as well as many others—liked the challenge enough to rise to it.
“You’re enjoying yourself,” Julian says rather than asks, hope tingeing his tone.
“I am,” you confirm easily, showing your cards.
Pleased, his chest almost seemed to puff up in pride. You realize that Julian wants this courtship to be not just enjoyable, but memorable. Memorable enough for you to call upon him once more, memorable enough for you to savor spending time with him, to become hooked to it, and in turn, to him.
“What play shall we be seeing...?” You wonder aloud, tiring of your mental courting maps.
“It is a new showing,” Julian answers brightly, “’To Rake a Shrew’. One of my old friends behind-the-scenes, he explained some of the outline. It sounds delightfully dramatic.”
Your eyes widen. 
You’ve always enjoyed a good, romantic drama.
“Do tell.”
Julian leans forward, looking every bit the cat that caught the canary and intended on sharing its prize. His large frame and sweeping height becomes much more apparent in the tiny space as he forgets himself and his nerves, confidence gleaming through his silver gaze as he speaks excitedly on the play. 
He’s such a large man…yet graceful when he desires it…like reedgrass curtsying in the wind on a breezy, summer’s day. The whole of him is enough to cover you entirely. He’s visibly strong, you realize as your eyes rake over him. Yet he moves with such gentleness, especially when it concerns you. A helping hand, an assisting palm to elbow, a touch’s kiss above the lower back. You can feel the ability course through him, yet he remains composed and contained, as a proper doctor would.
Under the doctor however, there is yet a man.
With him this near, your senses flare.
His cologne is somewhat sharp, if not heady. All of him sticks out, dark, dashing, and enough to do whatever he’d like with you…to please…to pursue...to protect…
You suppress a shiver, taking in the sight of him. You’re not new at this particular game of attraction, but you’re still made of flesh and blood, and behave so. You swallow slightly, ignoring the way your heart picks up speed.
“…?” You suddenly realize Julian has called your name, and you’ve yet to answer.
“Forgive me,” you apologize. “I was caught in a thought! Please, tell me once more. I shall not wander again.”
Julian tilts his head curiously before smiling. 
“It’s quite alright. I can be a bore, I’ve been told! What thought draws you away from me?”
‘You, actually.’
“Nothing of imminent concern, I assure you. I’d much rather hear you tell me of your friend and this play.”
Julian pauses before nodding, dropping the matter easily. 
“Well, ‘To Rake a Shrew’ is about a Casanova descending upon a bustling town to find more conquests in love. He is a slave to beauty, but unfortunately for him, the most sought-after beauty in the town is a shrew unlike any other. She will bend to no one, especially not clownish, predictable seducers such as him. He changes his tactics to try and best her at his own game, however she wins in the end and dupes him while entertaining the love of another. And so...he attempts to seduce them both! The outcome of that mess is yet to be determined.”
You clap, terribly excited now. You love interesting plots and twisted triangles of romance, tripe and as common as they may be.
“Ooh, how devilish!”
“Indeed,” Julian agrees. “Do you think he’ll succeed in the end?”
“Well,” you suppose, “I’d have to see this Casanova. I want to know if his wooing is actually something of interest, or if he is simply full of his own air. Seducing two lovers at once? The gall! The work!”
Julian chuckles.
“Some could manage, I’d assume.”
“Oh?” You wonder. “Like who? You know people who could draw even those already entangled, in? That’s quite a feat.” 
Surely he didn’t mean himself...? Julian seemed the shy sort, but was it all really an act? Could he be a playboy? He was certainly handsome enough to pull it off...perhaps you'd gotten ahead of yourself thinking that he was easy to read? It hadn't even been a day.
Julian pins a heavy gaze on you before flicking his eyes down to his hands casually, adjusting the hem of his glove. The leather creaks in a wonderful, quiet way over his regal fingers.
“I think perhaps, I know a few who could make that Casanova look like child’s play.”
“A few, you say?”
“Perhaps less than that, even.”
“Would it please you to hear so?” Julian teases lightly, a low heat simmering underneath it all.
“Only if it pleases you, to please me,” you test, returning the flame. “So it is one.”
“Hm…an allure like no other is on the loose in our city…Dr. Devorak, should Vesuvia be afraid?” You jest, playing along with him.
Julian’s fingers halt at the sound of his title in your mouth. He levels another look at you, a smirk drawing up his face.
“Vesuvia will last. I, on the other hand…”
The carriage door sounds out a rapping of knuckles. Neither of you look away from one another. The challenge you both find there is too sweet.
“Sir Devorak, Lady _______, we have arrived at the Theater!”
You finally decide to turn away from your suitor then, the heat of Julian’s interest surprising you a little into your own nerves. 
You like what you see there, you had simply…not expected to see it so soon in such a...heated manner...? Where did his nerves go?
‘So much for shy!’
The carriage door opens and Julian steps out first before clearing the snow with one big sweep of his boot, and lifts out a gloved hand to assist you. You gently take it, allowing him to ease you down onto the stones of the street. Though the sun is high in the sky now, the chill of winter has crept further into the air. 
You do your best to suppress a shiver, but the concerned look on Julian’s face tells you that you’ve been caught.
“Allow me?” He asks, offering his arm for you.
“Naturally,” you consent, taking his arm in a deeper hold and stepping close to leech the warmth from him. Julian, though blushing now, seems all too pleased to have you nearer than propriety allowed, excluding chilly winter walks of course. No suitor would let the one they were courting be left out to the elements, unguarded! That was a quick recipe to losing out.
Julian leads you both away from the carriage, past the doorman, the playbill boys, the ushers, and down to the head seater.
“Tickets?” The staff member crows.
“We’ve our own box in the center section,” Julian says, his voice clear and assured. 
You quietly watch as he easily discusses your seating with the somewhat confused staff member before watching as the worker realizes his grave error and bows, showing you both your way to your accommodations. 
“Right here sir, madam! Watch your step! Ring the bell if you need anything—!“
A sudden noise makes all of you turn to the entrance to the private box, curtains now swishing aside as an angry, bustling man launches towards the staff member.
“This is my box!” The man bellows, puff sleeves flying. “I am gravely insulted. How do they train you louts these days? Even in Vesuvia’s worse I’ve never seen such a display of disrespect. I’ll be seeing your manager about this, most certainly.”
The man advances but Julian moves before anyone else really can, cutting the stranger off at the throat of the box’s entrance and herding him back with his own immense volume and size.
“Surely we can settle this like gentlemen,” Julian says in a soothing way, with a tone that is anything but.
“I beg your pardon? The only way this will ‘settle’ is if you all escort yourselves out of my box—“
The man tries to sidestep Julian, but finds himself blocked with every motion he makes. Julian is large, imposing, and will not let him pass.
Julian leans in then, his voice murmuring so low and so subdued that you can make no sense of it outside of the rumbling vibrations that do reach you. The staff member looks just as confused and out of the loop as you feel, but the man before Julian seems to understand with crystal clarity as trepidation colors his face. It soon melds into fear, to a quick, prideful facade.
The stranger takes a step back, scoffing loudly before exiting the box in a flurry of curtains and stomping boots.
Julian turns back to you both, a strained, yet somewhat humored look on his face.
“Well! That’s taken care of. Dizzy man, that one. Must’ve lost his way.”
“Ah,” you note, unsure of how to respond.
You were...admittedly nervous when that hostile, aggressive stranger entered the box so suddenly. It felt as if a fight had been imminent with a temper like that. And yet…
…Julian effectively diffused the situation. You’re fairly sure he used his own version of hostility, but he was conscious and chose to hide that side of him from your sight. You’re not sure why, aside from manners. A show of protectiveness does very little to wane your ever increasing interest in him.
Quite the opposite.
Maybe the Doctor is not as harmless or bumbling as he portrays himself to be...?
“Are you alright?” Julian asks you. “Is this box fine, or would you prefer another? That man will not be returning, but if you’re not comfortable, I will ensure that—“
“This is fine,” you insist gently. “As long as you’re here, I have no need to worry.”
When the initial surprise in your full trust finally fades from his eyes, Julian gives you the warmest of smiles.
“I—well, I—yes!”
The usher sneaks out as you and Julian lock gazes. The lights begin to dim in the theater. The crowd rumbles below in the pit, up in the stands, and from the teetering little boxes on all ends. 
The show is about to begin.
“This way,” Julian says, offering his hand.
Julian helps guide you to your seat before securing the privacy of your box and seating himself beside you. For a moment, he is a flurry of cape and leather and boot before settling in to the cushy theater couch. His long legs jut out and he folds them, eyes on the stage, excitement in them. 
You can’t help but follow suit, your eyes trailing the orchestra down below as they prepare to play alongside the show and its actors. 
Suddenly, you feel eyes on you.
You take it in stride, keeping your gaze focused, but you know that Julian is peering at you. The dimmed lights have certainly sparked a more romantic mood than even the lit, dazzling, gilded chandeliers of the theater could evoke. There, in the cover of shadow and stage light, you feel yourself becoming the center of his particular show.
“You could have a portrait commissioned,” you joke lightly. “That would last you far longer, Doctor.”
A smooth chuckle resounds from your side before the words.
“If you’d allow it, I’d be honored.”
Now, it is your turn to look at him.
“You jest, sir.”
“I do not.”
You feel a smile break onto your face, before you turn once again towards the stage, biting your lip in amusement. The heavy, red stage curtains part before you can speak.
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen of Vesuvia! Welcome to the grand debut of To Rake a Shrew…!”
.・゜゜・✧・゚: ✧・゚:.・゜゜・✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:・゜゜・.✧・゚: ✧・゚: *
AN: Do not copy, repost, translate, or edit any of my work. If you see someone do so, please let me know.
☾ previous. next. 
☾ check my blog for more imagines.
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enha-woodzies · 4 years
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starring: enhypen ft. i-land daniel
pairing: jungwon x fem!reader x sunghoon
genres: royal au, romance, angst, slowburn, 18th century setting
word count: 1.8k
taglist: @serendipitysung @angeljungwon @en-sun @affectionaterainoflove @renkiv @softforjungwoo @jislix @fluffi @gyeraniee @stxrryemxlys
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“The morning sun has come, and the evening moon is gone. Dearlings, I am elated to apprise you of the events at the debutantes’ ball that occurred as of late, and must I warn you, they're not for the feeble spirits!
The ton is abuzz with the most beefy tale as Northumberland’s jewel among the lovely rocks, Miss Y//n Park, has earned herself a ticket to glory! She danced with the most favored noblemen in the ton and surely, she went home with a hearty grace as she'll most likely expect an abundant roster of suitors in the following days.
Not only was she offered a dance by our dear second-born, Lord Yang, but she also had the privilege and pleasure to be twirled around the court by the most charming, Lord Lee, and the ever coveted nobleman among the ton, Lord Park, the next-in-line Duke of Northumberland!
Where's the beef you might ask? Well, it seems to me that these men are blindfoldedly playing fire with each other.
Not only does Lord Lee has women wrapped easily around his fingers, he has men too! With a sly steal of Miss Y/n’s hand from Lord Yang last night, he certainly left the chap earnestly plotting for a segue of intrusion- and Lord Yang intriguingly delivered!
With the timing in its most opportune, Lord Yang managed to finally dance with the young miss, in private! Ooh! This is new! My senses told me they spent their waltz in the Queen’s library, alone! How in the world did they let this happen to the ton’s jewel unchaperoned? That is something the Daily Tattle is unfortunately unable to unearth, but the mystery will continue to haunt us for long. Do take note: the more you hide in careful secret, the more people will know and hear about it.
What happened next will have you either boggled, or enchanted! The young lord abruptly rushed out the room before the music even ended! Should that be counted as a waltz at all? Before you ask about the enchanting part, Miss Y/n was seen dashing out the room moments later in tears and evident heartache. What do you think happened in the mere minutes of alone time in that large 4-cornered room?
But come now, enchanting stories aren't as they are without a knight in shining armor. In fact, in our young miss’ case, her knight wasn't clad in shining, silver sheath, but in magnificent and elegant, vintage red tailcoat draped over a loose white jabot shirt that’s cleanly tucked into the black, satin knee breeches, finished off with a pair of shiny Hessian boots. With skin as white almost akin to snow, it complemented perfectly with his ravishing fit. The beautiful marquess certainly dressed himself valiantly for the seasonal occasion. With that stunning presence, anyone would surely presume he went to the ball looking like a duke in careful search of a duchess.
Lord Park and Miss Y/n surprisingly became one of the ball’s highlights as they graced the Royal Court with the most heart-stopping, corset-itching, tantalizing waltz. All the while their faces are almost an inch apart from each other, a brooding identity was found hiding in the crowded corner of the hall! Under the bright gleam of the grand chandeliers, our dearest second-born, Lord Yang, was seen eyeing the two with such stare that even the buffy slice of vanilla cake on Lord Sunoo’s plate could almost melt in a blink of an eye!
Among the splendid tales told by yours truly, which tea do you think tastes like sweet ecstasy of oddity and fervor? It is the ton's tradition to portend the lady’s endgame by the person whom she had her last waltz with. From one man to another, should these prophecies dictate Miss Y/n Park’s fate?
Well, don't turn your heads away now! The story's just begun.”
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The mid-morning sunrays peek through the large leaves and busty trunks of the hibernating redwood trees lining in disarray. Y/n is just about to plummet into her habitual readings in the Kielder forest and the autumnal breeze is keeping up with her bubbly morning approach, fortunately.
The sounds of the birds chirping and the dead leaves crunching under her shoes creep up through her puff sleeves making her tingle in giddiness and enthusiasm. She deeply inhales the aromatic forest and lets out a giggle in the process. With jumpy leaps and crispy leaves echoing in her every move, the young lady surely knows where she's going in this partly mysterious forest that is most often open only to men and men alone.
Somewhere deep in the evergreen woods, Y/n has built a fortress of her own for whenever she needs to run away from the seldom, mundane life in the manor. At the heart of Northumberland's famous Kielder Forest, lies a small, whimsical looking fort made up of translucent voile casually hanging on a tree branch. One of her lady maids helped her out with the fabric one time and it still stood prettily among the chaotic scenes that go around in the forest today.
She enters her slightly sheer fort and sits down on a pillow that she stole away from the comforts of her bedroom. Flipping the olden pages of the aged Jane Austen book she borrowed from a boy several years back, she heaves a sigh at the sight of a dead Catalpa flower resting on a particular page accompanied by a little, worn out parchment dating back to when she was a tiny ten-year-old lassie. She reads,
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Her eyes drifted over the page to where the note and the old flower were situated. The pads of her fingers graze over the certain phrases that were underlined by the book's owner that says, “I cannot make speeches. If l loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more. But you know what I am.一 You hear nothing but truth from me.一”
She suddenly feels a gush of nostalgia and loneliness upon muttering the words she had ultimately carved in her tongue way back; reciting each word with fervor while she bask herself under the brightly-lit moonlight in their garden. How can children of ten gobble up such emotions at once? So much for a pair of hopeless romantic hearts from the distant years of ten, screaming disagreements and would later huddle on a sprawled out table cloth on the flowery fields, exchanging sentimental poesies and stolen stares.
She relives the brief moments they both shared last night in the Queen’s library, and ponders on how one could be so adjacent to the changing of tides in the sea; promptly, and mostly without warning.
“Well, well, well. If it isn't the feelings I've been trying to avoid.” She whispers to the autumn air. Unfortunately, her pondering truncates as snaps of twigs and crisps off dried leaves echoes in her corner. She hastily crawls out her hand-made canopy and brushes away any pieces of tiny crumpled leaves off her dress.
“What are you doi-”
“Who are you?” She cuts off the startled chap cladded in ragged clothing, apparently embodying that of a mainland farm boy.
“Greetings, your ladyship. I come in peace and I am just here to fetch the chopped woods I’ve laboured a day prior for the farm.” The chap with a very odd accent replies with both hands hanging mid-air. “You are fully aware that you shouldn't be in this place, especially unchaperoned, right?” He continues.
“I am fully aware. But such matters shouldn't concern you.”
“Indeed, my apologies. Furthermore, I will respect your unspoken wishes if it is truly your desire to keep your whereabouts hidden from your townspeople. My lady.”
Y/n relaxes from her bold stance as she found a hint of kindness from the odd stranger. Surprisingly, she extends her hand out to the stranger for a greeting.
“Please. Call me Y/n instead.” The boy looks at her open palm for half a minute before shaking it, looking as equally surprised as the young miss with the sudden gesture.
“You live pretty far from the town, huh?”
“I do. Life's utterly chaotic over on your end?”
“Oh, you don't have the slightest idea.” They both share laughters and inside jokes of their own livelihood that made the young miss settle her shoulders down comfortably.
“I'm Jake Sim. Just Jake Sim. Apparently, my name was originally Jaeyun, but the farm folks got used with Jake and so did I. They said it sounds more Australian.”
“Why would they associate your name with something Australian?” Y/n grew more curious as it was, after all, the first time she's ever been with a person that's not of Northumberland's proper.
“I grew up in Australia.”
“That's curious. How did an Australian boy land among the ragged farms of Europe?”
“It's complicated. The story involves a lot of conspiracies so it's definitely not for your ears. Some other time, maybe?” Y/n smirks at the sudden brazenness from her newly found acquaintance.
“Is this an Australian thing where we shift from acquaintanceship to something more?” She teases.
“Certainly, if you're down to it on your next Kielder visit?”
“For sure. But as for now, I must take my leave. My presence is very much needed for the promenade scheduled for me today.” Y/n half-covers her mouth as if reaching out for a whisper, hissing the last sentence.
“Ah! Rich people things that I could never.” The chap could only roll his eyes at the fancy thought.
“See you soon, Just Jake Sim!”
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“Where have you been, princess?” The young miss scoffs at the marquess upon arriving at the town’s park, with a hand immediately sliding through Lord Park’s arm.
“Down with the flirtatious remarks now, aren't we? I went to promenade with myself, Your ever handsome Grace.” Sunghoon smirks at her tiny, playful whispers against his shoulders. They go around and about, traipsing along the cemented pavements as they give away acknowledging nods and polite smiles to whomever wants their brief attention.
The ton is still in amazed shock at the possibility of these two ending up with a ring on a finger. Everyone was subtly betting for Jungwon but as a result of his loss, a much better gent carried his girl off the floor. Something he let himself do, out of cowardice perhaps, or out of pride.
“Remind me the point of all this?” Y/n carefully whispers to Sunghoon.
“To make your man jealous and spit out his genuine sentiments in the process, as well as an advantage for me as we get to keep the marriage-minded mothers of the ton at bay. Now, all we have to do is smile, nod, and appear madly in love with each other if this is to work. Is it clear enough for you?” He jerks a brow at her paired with the most charming smirk he could ever expose.
*send me an ask or a message if you wish to be added on this series' taglist!
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
The Truth Hurts, but does it really?
Kamo Noritoshi x F!Reader
This is Part 2 of the story.
Here is part 1
Extra: Kamo's POV
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You quickly flew straight to the edge of the campus. Thank goodness it's covered in many trees at the border. You gently made your descent and jogged over to a small open field surrounded by trees. There were small bushes of roses here and there. Releasing your cursed technique, you sat down on a flat stone and breathed out a large sigh.
You took a moment to breathe and looked up to see the pink, orange, and blue sky. The sun was beginning to set. It's gorgeous. 'What in earth do I do now?! I just confessed to him didn't I? In front of like at least half the student body?!'
You can literally hear your pulse thundering against your eardrums with how furiously your heart is beating, both from the adrenaline of flying high up and the disaster that just happened.
You remembered the shock in Noritoshi's eyes. He didn't look so happy upon hearing the confession. 'I've gone and fcked up didn't I? How could I ever talk to him again?'. You finally decided to live a life of forgetting him. 'Okay. I'll definitely apologise. Not now but soon". What more can you do? Just do your best to put your feelings for him behind.
"Ahhhh, I wanna listen to BTS." You reached for your phone, only to realize it wasn't with you. Ah shit. What a day this was. You only wanted your phone, but even that was with Noritoshi-senpai.
You closed your eyes and sat quietly. About 10 to 15 minutes passed in silence. It was just you, the wind that you loved so much, the trees, and the darkening skies. Finally, your pulse slowed down to a steady beat. You could feel the fog from your head clearing up a bit more, your thoughts getting more organized as you began to compartmentalize.
You blew out a loud breath and sigh as you felt yourself getting hungry. You needed to go back soon, but you didn't have any courage to do so. The sun had already set, and the sky was turning darker by the second.
But just standing up and thinking about Noritoshi already makes your knees weak. You've always found it a bit harder to fall in love. But when you do, you completely find yourself devoted to that person.
"Why I am I like this?!!" You frustratedly pulled the roots of your hair. "Why indeed y/n". At the sound of your name, you whipped your head towards the source of the sound, only to find Noritoshi standing at the edge of the open clearing by the trees. He was damn good at hiding his presence.
Time froze. The harsh winds have transformed into a gentle breeze. You didn't dare breathe, just stared at him. Then remembered what you had to do. "I'm so sorry for earlier." You blurted out loud as you suddenly stood up.
Noritoshi's expression darkened. You felt yourself shiver and shrink into yourself. 'Ah, I made him more mad didn't I?". He walked towards you, while you slowly stepped backwards. "I didn't mean to confess- I mean, there was this cursed tool that Mai senpai had- and she and Momo senpai told me they wanted to help me look for my phone, but that was after I did what they-".
Your words were brought to a halt as your back hit the trunk of a tree. Noritoshi stopped just as you did. The sky grew dark and another awkward silence stretched between the two of you. He suddenly leaned down and sternly said, "Don't apologize".
"Are you apologising because you like me? It makes me feel bad, like you're trying to take your confession back." He grumbled, confusing you further.
".... How did you even find me?"
"Your cursed energy is leaking everywhere, I could sense it from afar." He stated.
He was still frowning. You found yourself wanting to smooth out the lines on his face, so you cupped his cheek. The edges of his lips quirked up as you did so, and he leaned ever so slightly into your touch. You eyed his features, eventually settling on his lips. 'Does he like me back?'
Finding a burst of bravery, you looked up at him, straight into his eyes and confessed properly.
"Noritoshi senpai. I've liked you for a long time now. I think I more than like you, but I'm not sure if you feel the same way so...." You trailed off feeling more unsure by the second.
He leaned down, placing one hand above yours, and pressed in close to you until his half lidded eyes were all that you can see. You can feel his breath against your lips, only a centimeter apart from his. He smells so good and clean, like warm freshly laundered cotton sheets with fabric softener. You felt the tension seep away from your form as he finally murmured "I love you too", in response to your confession from earlier.
His lips pressed against yours as you closed your eyes. Warmth was all you could feel around you. Your head feels way too fuzzy like you're tucked in the softest blankets in the middle of winter.
You reached up and clasped your hands together behind the base of his neck, playing with the baby hairs there. He shivered then slid an arm around your waist with another hand behind your head, pulling you even closer to him.
His lips were so soft. You nibbled on his lower lip, and you felt him smile against you. He then pried your lips apart with his tongue and slipped it inside your mouth. This was your first kiss, so you just let him lead. Before long, you were running short of air, and you repeatedly patted his shoulder before he got the message and let go.
It was only then you realized how heavy Noritoshi was breathing as well, his face flushed red. Visible even in the dark. "Is it too fast for you?" He quietly asked. Even at a time like this, he is so thoughtful. "N-no, I'm fine." you replied as you stared back at him. He smiled as you brought your hands to his face. Kissing the tips of your fingers, then the inside of your wrist, he pulled you back and peppered kisses all over your face.
He pulled you down to the ground. You sat in his lap, making yourself comfortable before leaning back up to catch his lips. His hands felt hot and heavy, running down the side of your body, as if trying to convince himself that this is real. Noritoshi tasted too good. You were losing yourself in him.
He pulled down the collar of your uniform to suck the skin and leave love marks there, making you moan out and shiver.
"Senpai! I- I've never-". He stopped and kissed you on the forehead ever so gently. "Let's take it slow then love? I've never as well".
You stare at him, unbelieving. The man should have some experience with the way he made you so dizzy. "I'm telling the truth you know." He muttered, ears red.
It was then you realized that he was trying to put on a stronger front. So that he could take the lead and not seem awkward.
He brought his lips beside your ears as he nervously laughed, his breath making you shiver. 'Ah. Her ears and neck are her weak points' Noritoshi thought to himself.
"Be mine?" He asked you while kissing the side of your neck. "Yes I'm all yours. As long as you're mine too." You shook as he latched onto your weak spots. You pushed at his chest. "Can I get a bit of air?" You whispered. He smiled down at you, giving you a bit of space.
A distraction would be nice. "Here's your phone." he handed it to you. "Aaahhh you're the best Noritoshi senpai!!!" He leaned down once again pressing his lips to your ear as he whispered, "Didn't realize that you loved me more than you did BTS." (This man doesn't have any self control when it comes to you apparently).
For the millionth time that night, your brain just stopped functioning. You felt your cheeks heat up even more, realising that he saw the polaroid of both of you that was stuck to the back of the phone case. Just under the Suga photocard.
"Noritoshi senpai, I don't think I can handle anymore teasing." You weakly tried to push him off while he continued kissing your ear and neck. 'Has he always been this touchy??', you wondered.
"Huh?" Now it was his turn to blush and fluster.
"I wanna call you Toshi, if you don't mind. Or darling?" You smiled up at him as you hug him tightly once more. He flushed REALLY BRIGHT RED upon hearing the term of endearment. 'He is so cute.' "Of course you can. Call me anything you want love", he snuggled against you, rubbing your cheeks together.
.. .
"Toshi, we need to go back now."
"Ah" he said. "Five more minutes". He dove back for more kisses. Who knew Kamo Noritoshi was just a fluffy teddy bear?
"Fine. But I'm the one flying us back, we need to hurry later." You pouted up at him, but he just gently smiled and kissed your pout away.
Epilogue (Bonus after story scene)
Five minutes later, on the dot because Noritoshi is proper like that, he was holding onto you, as both of you flew back to the main building. "Oh bloody hell." You muttered as you could see Mai and Momo cheering and hooting from afar. "Nup, detour. Toshi! My room or yours?" You asked him. Putting your cursed technique in motion as you placed another invisible cloak over the both of you.
"Mine", he replied straight-faced as ever. "Y/N-CHAN you owe us deets tomorrow!!!" both girls yelled out loud as soon as they saw both of you disappear. "Oh my gosh, just ignore them Toshi." He laughed above you, still holding onto your shoulders. You both landed in front of the door to his room. "We should thank them for somehow helping us get together. But then again they're the types to hold it against us so best to not thank them." he said as you both entered his room.
Your heart kick-started another fast beat as you walked inside. You're alone, with your lover.
"I'm home" he said. You felt your eyes mist a bit. Oh how you loved him fiercely with all your heart, and now he's all yours. "Welcome home, Toshi".
Second extra side scene:
Arata was still rummaging around, looking for your phone until he ended up in the common dining room. "Good evening Zenin senpai, Nishimiya senpai, have any of you seen y/n's phone? She misplaced it somewhere." He wheezed out.
"Noritoshi found it already, it's all good." Mai found herself laughing at the poor boy who was stressed out from you earlier, freaking out about losing your Lil Meow Meow or something. "Ahh, I can finally get some rest." Arata cried.
(yes reward the poor boy who looked for your phone for hours and still ended up empty handed, while Noritoshi somehow found it immediately).
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Author's notes: Hope you enjoyed reading! This was originally intended as a one-shot. But it grew much longer than I expected so I made it a two-part. And now I can think of extending it for a bit longer. Or leaving it as it is.
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millllenniawrites · 4 years
sparks fly (Poe Dameron x Reader)
part three of dear love of mine
words: 1.6k
warnings: very very slight dom!reader vibes; tension; second hand embarrassment; reader has a last name; regency au for the aesthetic but it’s historically inaccurate for the *vibes*; afab!reader; slow burn; sexual themes throughout; eventual smut; pining; warnings will be added as the series progresses
a/n: this chapter was supposed to be longer but I decided to split up some scenes so I could get it to you sooner!! I hope you guys like it!
Poe did not attend breakfast the next morning.
You weren’t sure what you were expecting. It’s not like you could very well ask him why he decided sneaking into your room in the dead of night was appropriate in front of your mother and your staff, even if he had come.
But your questions nagged at you. Had he known that you were out in another part of the house? Had he expected to find you in bed? What would he have done? He couldn’t very well have come into your room. That wouldn’t be proper.
Not that you were worrying about your prospects. It wouldn’t matter if you were untouched if you were never going to marry.
Not that he’d ever—
As you jolted yourself out of your thoughts, you kicked up, sending Ana’s cup careening off the table. Finn managed to catch it before it hit the ground, which your mother applauded. As if that was some trick of magic and not pure luck.
Ana batting her eyes at him and the way he softly smiled was enough for you to keep your mouth shut, if only barely. The men in your home were here to ensure Ana and Finn were married. And quickly.
You’d returned to your room after breakfast, claiming an entirely false headache before shutting yourself in for the day. Retrieving the note from under your pillow, you read over his words again.
Your humble servant.
Humble, indeed. So humble he dared to insult your mother and your household by not showing up to his first breakfast in your home.
You traced over the curl of his name. Poe. It was strange, how fitting it was. Gentle. Like the slope of his neck…
Crumpling the letter in your hand, you stuffed it back beneath your pillow and lay atop it. It seemed the General did not need to be in your presence to be needling away at your patience.
You retrieved an old copy of one of your father’s favourite novels, intending to distract yourself from the handsome stranger and dive into a well-loved tale. Running your fingertips along the edge of the cover, you squinted your eyes in an attempt to focus.
You read the same sentence over and over. It was as if your mind had refused to cooperate.
A change of scenery. That should do the trick.
With your book tucked under your arm, you snuck out of your room and made for the drawing room on the first floor. The couch in the corner had a beautiful view of the mountains…
A view that had been thoroughly obstructed by one General’s large, curly, unkept head.
Ana sat across from him, and Finn beside them both at one of the smaller card tables in the centre of the room. Lord Barnes spread out a group of playing cards in one hand and leaned over to fan Ana with them, making her giggle.
Slowly, you began to back out of the room, but your sister caught your eye before you could escape.
“Sister! Come sit!” Ana patted the stool beside her. “We can play as teams! That would be much more fun.”
Lord Barnes stood and gestured across the table to the empty seat. “Miss Dean. If you would be so kind as to join us.”
You approached the table as you would a rabid animal. The General stood slowly, as if in pain, though he straighten the moment his eyes found you.
“Miss Dean,” He sounded surprised. Did he find it odd that you would frequent your own drawing room?
Perhaps he was not as educated as he claimed.
At least he was now dressed. His dark coat was fully buttoned, his teasing sliver of chest from the night before thoroughly covered.
“General Dameron,” You bowed your head slightly, only enough to be polite. “I trust you slept well?”
He had the decency to look embarrassed, though he recovered much too quickly for your liking. “I must apologize for my absence this morning. It was a late night.”
Something glittered in his eyes that had you casting your gaze to the ground. There was a darkness to him that you refused to allow yourself to examine, no matter how much it may intrigue you.
You allowed him to push in your chair, though you did not take the hand offered to help you sit, however tempting the warmth of his skin may be.
“Well, what are we playing?”
Finn quickly dealt out playing cards. The game was a simple race to 23 points. Ana and the General played on one team, with you and Finn on the other. You angled yourself as to not brush elbows with the General, though it seemed you could not avoid his gaze, which brushed it’s way over your form as one would brush away fallen leaves. A nuisance, but somehow necessary.
“Where is your other sister? Siena, is it?” The General asked in a lull of conversation.
“With her governess, mostly likely.” Ana answered simply.
The General’s eyebrows shot up his face and you muffled a snort.
“I had not realized she was so young.”
You had more than a handful of things to say if the General had the intention of courting your sister, but Ana beat you to it.
“She is a sweet girl.”
“As most children are.” You followed up, not needing to meet your sister’s gaze to know her intentions.
As much as you differed on your expectations for your futures and the way you saw the world, you and Ana had never once disagreed about Siena. She insisted on growing up too quickly and your mother, in her age and grief, did not have the keen eye she once kept on her two eldest daughters. Even for her clear favourite.
So it was up to you and Ana to look after her, down to ensuring her hems were taken down and her governess reported to you both in secret.
You paid her handsomely to do so and her bore concerns of her own. It wasn’t as if she was going to refuse.
You caught on to the game quickly. Finn was a good partner, keeping up with your quick changes in strategy with such a keen eye that you could have sworn he was reading your mind.
He made you laugh a few times, breaking you out of the overcast mood that the General’s presence put you in.
He’d be a good match for Ana. You were certain of that.
Eventually, his good-naturedness and Ana’s swooning over him relaxed you enough to engage the General in polite conversation.
He asked after your favourite novels and you listed a few obscure titles that he certainly could not have studied. When he admitted as much, you gave him some grace and engaged him on his knowledge of Shakespeare.
“Well, Romeo and Juliet is of course the greatest love story ever told, so I have studied it at length.”
Finn clapped him on the back and leaned across the table as if to tell you a secret. “This one is quite the romantic.”
You rolled your eyes and Finn guffawed, leaning back so far in his chair that you were afraid it might break. He laughed with his whole body, oozing a confidence and joy into the room that you hoped he might bring to his relationship with your sister.
The General cleared his throat. Embarrassment looked good on him. He was a much smaller man without his bravado lifting his chin so high. There was something… sweet, almost, about him.
As he ducked his head, you noticed what appeared to be a bit of a feather stuck in his hair.
You set your cards on the table and started to reach out, but hesitated at the last moment. Hands clutched to your chest, you giggled, “General, you have a bit of…”
The small bit of fluff bounced as he shook his head in an attempt to free it. His curls flew out like wings, but it didn’t release itself.
“Let me.” You reached forward, tipping Poe’s face up with two gentle fingers beneath his chin. At your touch, his lips parted in a small breath that had heat rising to your face faster than you could combat it. You plucked the white fibre from his curls and carefully swept them back into place before leaning away and letting him go.
The way his throat bobbed with shallow breaths did not evade you.
“There,” you whispered, returning to your cards. Your face burned, but you did not meet his eyes. “Fixed.”
Ana loudly cleared her throat. “Lord Barnes, I believe it is your turn.”
You glanced up at Finn. He had hidden his mouth behind his cards, though it did little to hide the amusement shining in his eyes.
This was a plan, a scheme of theirs. Boys. Children.
A plan to embarrass you.
It had to be.
Ana gripped your thigh, as if anticipating you would stand and excuse yourself. “Lord Barnes—” she paused and corrected herself, “Finn, if you would be so kind as to make your next move.”
The game continued on for some time, but the tension didn’t lessen. Ana and Finn flirted in your peripheral vision but you couldn’t concentrate on anything but Poe. Ana had to remind you to take your turns and Finn groaned about some of your choices, but you weren’t really paying enough attention to even try to defend yourself. Every slight movement of Poe’s, a swallow or slight widening of his knees, had you flushed and near-panting.
The game couldn’t end quick enough. You did not meet Poe’s gaze again, even as he helped you out of your chair.
You made the mistake of taking his hand. His palm was soft, his fingers rough against yours. Though the touch was brief, it made you shiver when he let you go and took a respectful step back.
“Thank you,” you breathed before sweeping from the room.
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ouyangzizhensdad · 4 years
what’s ur opinion on the whole ancestral hall thing because I’ve seen many takes on how wangxian were in the wrong and how jc was right to be mad but I always thought that his anger during that situation stemmed from a place different to that of what everyone seems to think 😶
Hi anon,
I do not hold all the cultural knowledge to be able to be a definite resource wrt how wangxian’s behaviour would have been perceived “in-universe”. So take my thoughts on the topic with a grain of salt, and please do not mind that I will focus more on what can be found explicitly in the text itself. 
My understanding from what others have explained is that bringing to the ancestral hall someone who’s not from the “family”, in this case LWJ, is generally disrespectful. Considering WWX’s inner thoughts, where he’s literally asking JFM and Yu-furen to witness their bows, I think that perhaps WWX was so caught up in the fantasy/idea of LWJ as his future spouse that he might not have registered as much how, in the current situation, LWJ was not family. 
It does however make me pause a little that, until JC’s appearance, the narrative does not seem to present the situation in such a manner that we might think that it was extremely presumptuous of LWJ to kneel alongside WWX, and accompany him in burning incense. Considering that LWJ is known to be someone who is very proper, and that WWX is not unaware of the rules of propriety (even if he does not always follow them), I do find it interesting that there is no hesitation from either of them. 
To make up for his thoughtless words, he lit up three more sticks of incense. Just as he raised them above his head, still apologizing in his mind, it suddenly got darker beside him. He turned to find that Lan Wangji had also kneeled down beside him.
Now that they were in the ancestral hall, for the sake of courtesy, of course he had to show his respect as well. Lan Wangji also took three sticks of incense and, sweeping his sleeve to the side, and ignited them using one of the red candles. His movements were proper, and his expression was grave. Wei Wuxian tilted his head to look at him, his lips curving upward almost uncontrollably. Lan Wangji glanced at him and reminded, “The ashes.”
The three sticks of incense that Wei Wuxian held had been burning for quite a while. A bit of ashes had already accumulated at the top, close to falling off. However, he still refused to insert them into the tripod, instead saying, “Let’s do it together.”
Lan Wangji didn’t object. And so, each with three sticks of incense, the two of them kneeled among rows of tablets and bowed down to Jiang Fengmian and Yu ZiYuan’s names together.
Once. Twice. The movements were exactly the same. Wei Wuxian, “That’s it.” He finally placed the incense into the tripod.
In the end. Wei Wuxian glanced at Lan Wangji, who’s kneeling as properly as ever beside him. He put his hands together and uttered in his heart, ‘Jiang-shushu, Yu-furen, it’s me again. I’m here to disturb you two again. But I really did want to bring him here and show him to you. Let the two prostrates we just did count as prostrating* to the Heavens and the Earth, and to the Father and the Mother. Please help me reserve the person beside me for now. I’ll owe you the last prostrate for now, and find some chance to make up for it in the future…’
I am not certain as well how WWX having left the Jiang sect affects his “right”  to be there. JC does seem to suggest that, as an “outsider” who was, still according to JC, “kicked out of the sect,” WWX doesn’t a have right to be there. I cannot tell whether that is an entirely fair assessment due to my lack of cultural knowledge, since JC demonstrates that he is not above bending the truth to fit his own narrative (ie when he says that WWX was kicked out of the sect when we already know at this point in the narrative that this is not what transpired). 
However, it is also important to keep in mind that a character’s anger, just like real people’s, is not always motivated by rational concerns or that these rational concerns might become entangled with other grievances, some of which might not be as motivated. JC’s initial reproaches directly indicate that he considers it a faux-pas at best and an insult at worst that WWX decided to come and take LWJ with him.
“Wei Wuxian, you really don’t take yourself as an outsider, do you? You come and leave whenever you want. You take with you whomever you want. Do you perhaps still remember whose sect this is? Who’s the owner?”
This is reinstated a little bit later:
Wei Wuxian threw him a sideways glance, speaking in a calm voice, “I’m only here to burn some incense. That’s enough, isn’t it?”
Jiang Cheng, “Burn some incense? Wei Wuxian, are you really that dense? It’s been so long since you were kicked out of our sect, and here you are taking unwelcomed people with you to burn incense for my parents?”
That being said, it is interesting to note that WWX calls these remarks “vulgar“ and “obliviously malicious”. Now, the question is, is it because he’s fiercely protective of LWJ that he takes these words so badly or because in this case it is transparent that JC is intentionally overly spiteful? 
Oher reproaches levelled against WWX, or the two of them, also have nothing to do with them burning incense in the ancestral hall. Indeed, JC brings up grievances he still hold against them, some of which we know are not exactly fair. As well, his own insecurities and issues fuel his anger, something directly acknowledged in the text.
Jiang Cheng mocked, “Look how forgetful you are. What does unwelcome people mean? Then let me remind you. It was because you played the hero and saved Lan-er-gongzi, who’s standing beside you right now, that the entire Lotus Pier and my parents went down with you. And that wasn’t enough. With the first time, soon comes the second. You even had to save Wen-gaos and drag my sister down with you. What a person you are! What’s more, you’re even so generous as to take the two to Lotus Pier. The Wen-gao’s strolling in front of my sect’s gates; Lan-er-gongzi came here to burn incense. You’re here on purpose to remind me, to remind them.” He continued, “Wei Wuxian, who do you think you are? Who gave you the face to take whomever you want into our sect’s ancestral hall?”
Wei Wuxian knew that Jiang Cheng had to settle this with him no matter what.
For Lotus Pier’s destruction, Jiang Cheng thought not only that Wei Wuxian responsible, but also that Wen Ning and Lan Wangji were responsible too. He wouldn’t give a friendly look to either of the three, let alone when they were walking right in front of his face at the same time inside Lotus Pier. He was probably infuriated.
“Jiang Cheng, just listen to yourself. What are you saying? Is it appropriate? Don’t forget who you are. After all, you’re a sect leader. Insulting a renowned cultivator in front of Jiang-shushu and Yu-furen’s spirits—where is your discipline?”  
 His original intention was to remind Jiang Cheng to at least hold some respect for Lan Wangji. However, Jiang Cheng was the most sensitive. From those words, he managed to make out the notion that he was not fit to be a sect leader.
Of import to the context of the scene, JC suggests also that WWX insulted the memory of his parents by “fooling around” with LWJ in Lotus Pier, suggesting that their hug (and romantic feelings) “dirtied their eyes and contaminated their peace”. He spells it out once more, a little bit later. 
Jiang Cheng pointed outside, “Mess around outside however you want, whether under a tree or on a boat, hugging or otherwise! Get out of my sect, get out of anywhere my eyes can see!”
Especially so because we get the contextualisation from the narration (one of the few times we are told things that WWX cannot be privy to) that JC had been following them for a while, stewing, until he exploded.
At once, he was almost certain that the two really were in that kind of relationship. He could not turn around and leave, yet he did not want to say a single word to the two, so he continued to hide himself as he followed them. Every single look and movement that passed between them seemed different in his eyes. For a while, the shock, absurdity, and slight disgust that he felt combined to overpower his hatred. It was only after Wei Wuxian brought Lan Wangji into the ancestral hall that the long-suppressed hatred was awakened again, devouring his courtesy and rationality.
I’m too tired to go check the original chinese to see whether the translation conveys well the connotations of the text, but like... “absurdity”, “disgust”, “hatred”, “devouring his courtesy and rationality”: as a writer, if I wanted to show that a character was engaging in a bout of rightful anger, that’s certainly not how I would present their emotional and mental state before they lashed out. 
Now, WWX is not blameless for the situation, as he is quick to react both because of his over-protectiveness of LWJ and his own insecurities regarding his feelings toward him, which make him loose his cool and start the escalation that JC is too happy to continue 
Wei Wuxian raged, “Hanguang-Jun is only my friend—what do you think we are?! I warn you. Apologize right now—don’t make me beat you up!”
Hearing this, Lan Wangji’s expression froze for an instant. Jiang Cheng laughed, “Well, then I’ve never seen ‘friends’ like that before? You warn me? Warn me against what? If you two had the slightest trace of integrity left, you shouldn’t have come here and…”
Seeing the change in Lan Wangji’s expression, Wei Wuxian thought he felt insulted by Jiang Cheng’s words. He was so angry that his entire body was shaking. He did not dare think about what Lan Wangji would think after being shamed like this. The rage from his heart rushed to his head as he threw out a talisman, “Have you had enough yet?”
The talisman was both fast and powerful. It exploded at Jiang Cheng’s right shoulder, causing him to stagger. Jiang Cheng didn’t expect Wei Wuxian to attack so suddenly. His spiritual powers hadn’t recovered completely yet, either, and so the talisman hit its target. Blood seeped from his shoulder as disbelief flashed across his face. Zidian immediately unravelled from his fingers, lashing out with sizzling light. Lan Wangji unsheathed Bichen to block the attack. The three began to fight inside the ancestral hall.
To me the text seems to suggest, as you did, that JC’s anger and lashing out is not actually about the incense burning in the ancestral hall in itself--that he let his hatred overpower any sense of courtesy and rationality, as the narration suggests. It is easy to ponder whether JC would have been that upset if, when he had gone to look for WWX, he had not found him being happy in LP with an ‘outsider’ like LWJ, but on top of it all, acting like he is in love with a man. Would his reaction have been the same if he had just happened upon them kneeling in the ancestral hall? Would his reaction have been the same if he still did not blame WWX, and so many others, for all the misfortunes that ever befell him and his family? As well, one could also easily wonder how in a similar situation a character who is not as prone to anger and flying off the handle like JC would have reacted to the same actions.
TLDR: I do not have the have the cultural knowledge to tell how much “in the wrong” the characters were, however I think it would be disingenuous to suggest based on what we are presented with in the text that JC’s reaction was 100% motivated and rational, particularly since the text literally includes the line “the long-suppressed hatred was awakened again, devouring his courtesy and rationality.”
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kermitbread · 4 years
I am curious about how will episode 12 be in 2p hanako. Will be more angst???
basically not a lot changes here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
getting dragged by supernatural fish down into the deep waters weren't exactly ideal for our poor nene.
now in her fish form, she struggled against the surprisingly tight grip of the big fish on her, trying to escape. but the sea creatures continued to pull her lower into their underwater domain, some fish blocking any sort of exit for her should she manage to leave.
"you should seriously reconsider, princess." the yellow pufferfish spoke. "you should understand your current situation. a thoughtless lady with no taste in males... not to mention your legs are fat! you truly are a failure in the matters of love!"
nene felt those words sting through her entire self-confidence, as she tried to defend herself, albeit weakly. "i-i'm not...!"
the pufferfish tugged her forward to where the rest of the fish were gathered. "oh, you poor thing... surely, you must have been aware, no? you don't belong in the dried-up lands of the near shore... if you throw that and your two ghastly legs away for good, you can do so much better in our world!"
you don't belong there.
it made sense, didn't it? what kind of person would like her, anyway? the strange girl who had weird legs and talked to herself in the girl's bathroom. maybe... maybe she'd do them some good if she weren't around.
maybe this other world would need her more the most.
"so princess, are you ready to finally become one of us?" opening the red fish-shaped bottle, the pufferfish pointed it close to her mouth. "a world of popularity and importance awaits you!"
without a second thought, she opened her mouth, ready to drink the mermaid blood. although, she would have actually did it if not for the fact a large net suddenly scooped her from the water, bringing along a few unfortunate fish with her.
w-what's going on?!!
nene descended down after getting flung off into the air by the net, feeling herself turning back into her human form the moment she fell into someone's arms.
"idiot. don't tell me you're forgetting your own promise now?" she heard hanako say as he held her securely to his chest, not even caring if he had wet his clothes in the process. (he's a ghost, why would he even care)
"h... hanako-kun...?"
"s-school mystery! give us our lady back at once!" the yellow pufferfish demanded, the rest of it's fish companions agreeing. putting nene back to the ground, hanako walked up to the fish, knife already in his hand.
"you pests don't know any proper manners, huh? it's not very polite to take things that don't belong to you. unless..." he took out a sashimi recipe from his pocket and threateningly waved it at their faces with a sadistic smile.
the other fish, having been freaked out, began to swim back down, screaming in fear and leaving the pufferfish and it's bowtied sidekick behind. so much for their plan.
the pufferfish clenched it's fin in anger. "grr! we'll remember this, school mystery! my lady! until we meet again!" and with that, the last of the fish creatures splashed back into their domain, and everything was quiet once more.
awkward silence, indeed.
"u-uh... hanako-kun... i wasn't really going to go with them or anything..." she half-heartedly spoke, not having the heart to meet him in the eye. well, she wasn't lying either, anyway. it wasn't like she was entirely sure on becoming like the fish at first.
the glare on his face darkened, though, which made her flinch. "i recall you saying you wanted a harem, didn't you?"
"i-i'm sorry..." you dug yourself a hole, nene. time to owe up for your mistakes.
hanako pulled the brim of his hat down, looking uncharacteristically shy for some reason. "i'm the one who should be saying sorry."
"about the donuts, and other things. i'm sorry for causing such a scene. i don't expect you to forgive me, but i just thought i'd let you know."
ah. that. the whole disaster of an encounter with who appeared to be his younger brother. so she wasn't the only one bothered by the aftermath of the incident.
guess the two of them had to apologize to each other some way or another soon, and this was it.
through the scales littered on her cheek, through the messy, wet hair, she smiled brightly at him.
"i forgive you."
she could have sworn she saw him smile, although it was so faint she couldn't tell if it had actually been there.
he wiped her cheek with his long sleeve, muttering a "whatever am i going to do with you, yashiro..." with a hidden fondness in his tone.
"that reminds me, i forgot to say thank you from back then." nene blinked in confusion. he rolled his eyes at her cluelessness, pinching her cheek.
"eek—hey! what was that for?!" she cried out.
"stupid! you know what i'm talking about!" he was now flaring up, face flushed with a crimson color. then he turned away to look over her shoulder, feeling too embarrassed to look at her directly.
"you said... that you liked me. to be honest, no girl's ever told me that kind of thing before. so... thanks, i guess."
although his attempt to sound nonchalant about it sucked, nene was glad he wasn't facing her, or he would have seen how red her face was being right now.
"y-yeah." she lamely replied, silently cringing at herself. oh, great answer!
he sighed, walking off from behind her in a few steps, back turned to her. "you know... that kid back at the rooftop... he was my younger brother. but i killed him."
nene didn't expect him to spill that out, much less to her. was he... finally telling her about his past?
he put both arms behind his back, squeezing his hands together, as if trying to hold back some sort of heavy weight on his chest.
just how long was he carrying the burden to himself?
far too long. she thought.
"so... yashiro... you said you wanted to get to know me, right?" he finally turned around to face her, with an unreadable expression. sadness? bitterness? she could never really tell sometimes, but...
slowly, he raised his hand, pinky finger extended out to her. "then... until that day comes, be my assistant just for a while longer. alright?" he had a hopeful twinge in his voice, and a slight smile across his lips.
if she were ever to tell anyone about that wondrous sight, no one would believe her at all.
nene intertwined her pinky finger to his, nodding with a smile of her own, sealing that promise they have made that day.
a promise that would be very important to the both of them someday.
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cascadena · 4 years
Rekindled - Prologue & Ch 1
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SUMMARY: Post-BotW. Zelink. Hyrule now turns to an exhausted Princess Zelda to pick up the fragments of the fallen kingdom. Link, who is still piecing together his own past and traumas from his own journey, realizes that he has to be the one to help Zelda back on her feet. Together, they travel the land to begin the rebuilding process, and uncover a new, mysterious threat along the way...
GENRE: Adventure, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
STATUS: Complete
RATING: T for Teen | Contains Action/Violence, Blood, and (Of-Age) Alcoholic Beverage Consumption, Kissing Scenes.
[Read on FF.Net] - The ENTIRE story is already posted there for your reading pleasure!!
[AO3 Posting coming soon!]
The clouds of malice curling above me dissipated upon the Princess’s eradication of Ganon, leaving behind an untainted sky that shone with a more vivid blue than I had seen since awakening from my slumber. Rising from where I’d landed with my paraglider after sending the final ancient arrow right into Ganon’s core, I rubbed a particularly sore spot on my right shoulder where Calamity Ganon managed to land a more severe blow with an ancient blade in our duel at Hyrule Castle. The bleeding had slowed from my adrenaline rush but it would only hold off the pain for so long. I gripped my arm as I cautiously approached the girl whose voice I had only heard in my mind since my revival. Though we’d just destroyed the malicious Calamity Ganon, my heart still beat quickly in anticipation of the reunion with the beautiful girl from my memories.
The Princess lowered her arm, facing away from me as she took a slow, deep breath. I flinched when she began speaking. Her soft voice was just audible over the whips of wind as the last of the malice storm cleared around us.
“I’ve been keeping watch over you all this time… I’ve witnessed your struggles to return to us as well as your trials in battle. I always thought—no, I always believed—that you would find a way to defeat Ganon.” She paused for a moment as she seemed to consider her next words. “I… never lost faith in you over these many years,” she said. 
Finally, she turned. A strangely familiar warmth pulsed in my chest as she faced me for the first time since I died in her arms a hundred years ago. Her small smile was familiar to my memories. I wondered how in the world I’d ever been able to keep my focus on the demands of my duty to protect her in the past. 
“Thank you, Link...the hero of Hyrule.” Her expression softened. I nodded and swallowed a smile, unable to speak as hot tears welled in my eyes. Zelda seemed to notice, and a weight visibly lifted from her shoulders as she clasped her hands in front of her. “May I ask… Do you really remember me?”
“Yes, Your Highness, I do,” I managed to reply, but my voice cracked as a tear escaped down my cheek. Zelda smiled as she clasped her hands over her face as she suppressed a cry.
“We’ve finally done it,” she breathed, and then her balance shook. 
Within a second of seeing her waver, I leapt forward, just in time to catch her in my arms as her legs gave out beneath her. I cushioned her as the weight pulled us both to our knees. I wondered if holding Hyrule’s Princess so close was proper for her Appointed Knight. However, when I felt her arms tighten a little in gratitude around my shoulders, I knew it was acceptable in this circumstance. “Even now, you protect me from any harm when it threatens me,” she said into my shoulder. 
A smile dared to cross my face, until I realized my wound had begun to bleed onto the back of her dress. I inhaled sharply as the pain began to throb. The adrenaline was wearing off for both of us.
My head flipped to the right towards the source of the voice. A covered wagon charged towards us from the East. I instinctively reached to the hilt of the Master Sword at my shoulder but relaxed when I saw a familiar girl hop out and run ahead of the caravan to meet us.
It was Paya. The Sheikah had come to help us.
Everything that happened next was a blur. The Sheikah caravan halted and Dorian and Cado jumped out to assist Zelda into the wagon. A million pains began pulsing through my body.
“M-Master Link… We left as soon as we heard the rumble of Vah Ruta’s laser,” said Paya. She took one look at my arm before she fetched a makeshift bandage from the wagon and handed me a water skin. “Please, let us assist you…”
We began the journey back to Kakariko Village, where the Sheikah could help us. I insisted on riding Epona, my horse, to give Zelda more space in the wagon, as the exhausted Princess had passed out shortly after being helped inside. Epona was a tough girl, and though she was exhausted from the battle with Ganon, I knew she could make it to Kakariko after Paya fed her a hearty mix of swift and endura carrots.
Epona followed the wagon on a lead as we made our way towards the Dueling Peaks. Hyrule seemed so peaceful as usual, and I briefly wondered if any of the civilians were even aware yet that the calamity had finally been destroyed. Surely, the Sheikah weren’t the only ones to witness the Divine Beast lasers fire. 
I glanced into the open flap on the backside of the wagon and could see Princess Zelda sleeping in a shaft of sunlight. Her mouth hung open as she curled up on the cushion inside. After a hundred years of fighting off Ganon, her nap was well deserved. Looking upon the exhausted Princess in her dirtied, bloodied prayer gown, I felt a wave of guilt pass through my gut and my jaw clenched. If I hadn’t fallen a hundred years ago and just slayed Ganon back then, she would not have had to suffer and fight for so many years. 
Her pain was a result of my own failure.
I knew I would have to apologize to her at some point. But how could one possibly apologize for a hundred years of suffering and a fallen kingdom? My thoughts began to drift as my consciousness faded away with the rhythmic thud of Epona’s trotting. The shadows of moblins, guardians, and lynels flashed through my mind in a hazy dream as my brain processed all I’d just endured. I had fallen asleep on horseback a few times previously, but never for very long stretches of time. It was a miracle that I didn’t fall off Epona and drown in the river right there. 
The golden light of the sunset fell over the mountaintops surrounding Kakariko Village, casting the village in shadow so that only the warm illuminance of the resident’s windows brought light into the streets. When our caravan arrived in front of Impa’s house. I jolted awake as Dorian’s small children called my name. A few other curious villagers crowded around before Dorian shooed them away. 
Zelda awakened, and I was grateful that the evening light would prevent us from drawing much more attention from the villagers as we ascended the steps to the elder’s home under the cover of darkness. Only as I climbed the steps did I begin to realize how exhausted my body felt: navigating through the rubble of Hyrule Castle, defeating Calamity Ganon, and then riding all the way back to Kakariko all in the same day had done a number on me. However, I couldn’t complain, because the girl stepping up next to me had just fought off the ultimate demon for a hundred years straight.
We had not even reached the top of the stairs when the doors to the house flew open. Zelda gasped from beside me, faltering before she whispered. “...Impa?”
Impa grinned down on us. “It has been a long time, Your Highness.”
Before she began preparing food, Paya fetched a red potion from Impa’s cabinet for me. I felt  the pain in my arm and head dull considerably with the first sip. I then went to sit down with Princess Zelda where she kneeled beside Impa’s cushion. We briefly made eye contact and she smiled, though I could see fatigue clouding in her emerald green irises. I offered a crooked grin of my own in return. A flash of surprise crossed  her face, though she said nothing of it.
“You look like you haven’t aged a day,” said Impa as she placed a hand on Zelda’s own. “Some of us aren’t so lucky, unfortunately… At least Link has all those scars to prove he battled in the calamity, even if his memory is still imperfect.”
I almost choked on my potion with Impa’s joke. Robbie must have talked with Impa about how he confirmed my identity. 
Zelda glanced over at me with a raised eyebrow before she shook her head. “I was locked in a state of stasis. Even now, I don’t fully understand how everything has changed since I last walked through Hyrule.”
Impa chuckled softly then nodded. “I am sure it will take quite a while for you to process everything that has come to pass.”
Zelda clasped her hands on her knees in front of her. Her white dress, though stained from the events a hundred years ago, still fell around her in graceful, unwrinkled folds. “We… we must immediately plan the next course of action,” said Zelda.
“Indeed,” said Impa, shifting to lean forward in her seat. She put her hands on her knees and leaned forwards. “Hyrule looks to you, Your Highness.”
“Well, yes…” Zelda’s eyes flickered wide for a moment as if it had only now occurred to her that the leadership of the kingdom now fell solely on her shoulders alone. I frowned as the memory—though still a bit broken in my head—came back to me. A hundred years ago, we’d fled the castle in a hurry when the Guardians corrupted around us. Zelda had not seen her father die in the castle that day, but I knew of his fate from speaking with his spirit. 
She may have not had any time to even consider his death at all, until now.
“Impa… tell me, as my Royal Advisor, what do you think we should do?” Zelda asked in a low voice. Her hands fidgeted with the folds of her skirt.
Impa tightened her lips. “I believe we should start with the restoring of the castle. It is the heart of Hyrule Kingdom.”
Zelda swallowed and looked down at her hands. “Right, the castle…”
“There are monsters everywhere inside,” I said. Zelda glanced at me when I spoke. “We will need to get them out first. I also think there are some things inside that could possibly be salvaged.”
A hint of hope glimmered in Zelda’s eyes but it was lost a moment later. “Who will help us do this? The entire army is gone. The last of our soldiers fell in the battle at Akkala Citadel.” She closed her eyes and clenched her fists. “We could do nothing to save a single soul.”
“The Sheikah have always served the Royal Family,” said Impa. “I will see to it that we do everything we can to assist. Perhaps you can ask the other races of the kingdom for help too.”
I could tell Zelda’s mind raced as her fists clenched the fabric of her dress. “Perhaps. Thank you, Impa.”
“I am sure they will be willing to help,” said Impa. Zelda nodded but fell quiet. 
A few minutes later, Paya placed a tray of steamed vegetable skewers in front of us. My mouth watered at the sight of the colorful vegetables. I hadn’t eaten since I swiped some  raw mushrooms from a moblin’s hoard in the castle’s ruined dining hall. Zelda reached out to take one of the skewers, and I suddenly remembered something.
“Eat slowly,” I said before she even touched the hearty radish on the skewer. She sent me a questioning gaze. I blushed when I realized I’d given an order to Her Highness. I needed to clarify. “Uhm… when I woke up after a hundred years, my stomach rejected food for a few days.”
Zelda nodded, now understanding, and narrowed her attention as she delicately pulled off the radish on the end of the spear. I dug into my own skewer without much regard for table manners, savoring the sustenance while Paya and Impa watched me, a hint of amusement evident on their faces. Apparently, I used to be a slightly more... refined eater when I served in the castle.  After only a few bites, Zelda put a hand on her abdomen and offered the rest of her skewer to me. My hunch was right—her body was still fragile from her long stay in stasis.
Paya served the rest of the meal to us: meat, rice, and fortified pumpkin pie for dessert. I ravenously enjoyed the meal, much to Paya and Impa’s entertainment��but Zelda only took a small taste of each dish to be polite before she said she felt too nauseated to continue. After the meal, I cleaned my hands and asked Paya if I could assist her in washing anything, which naturally sent her into a flustered frenzy as she declined any help whatsoever from me or the Princess. 
I found Zelda outside on the back porch later that evening, leaning against the wooden guardrail, her head inclined up to the starry sky. Her dress, though stained with the blemishes of battle, still reflected the silver light of the moon.  The trickle of the nearby waterfall and stream broke the silence of the night. She glanced over her shoulder when she heard me approach. “May I join you, Your Highness?” I asked. 
She nodded. I stepped up beside her and leaned against the railing. “Are you feeling alright?” I asked.
She bobbed her shoulders and I knew that probably meant ‘no’ but she would not admit it. “I am…” She paused, considering her words, before continuing. “I am worried… the races of Hyrule will be angry at me as I am responsible alone for the state of the Kingdom. I owe them all an immense apology for failing them, and I do not think I can ever repay them for it.”
My heart sank with hers. I leaned an elbow on the railing. “I believe the ones who helped me cleanse the Divine Beasts would each take up the role of becoming Champions—leaders to assist in leading a rebuilding effort—if you wish to designate them.”
Zelda tightened her lips. “It is because of me that our old Champion friends, their greatest warriors, perished in battle.”
“That was because Ganon corrupted the Divine Beasts before we even knew what happened,” I reminded her. “Besides, they will all warmly welcome you with the news of Calamity Ganon’s defeat. That is good news for all.”
Zelda nodded and looked down at her folded hands. A frog jumped into the water below us with a splash. A quiet beat passed before Zelda spoke again. “Thank you for the prompt warning about eating earlier,” said Zelda. “I suspect I would have become quite ill had I forced too much food on myself so soon after coming out of many years of stasis. I’m sorry you had to experience that.”
“You’re welcome, Your Highness,” I said. “I wouldn’t want you to feel sick either. Fighting Ganon was more than enough pain for one day, let alone a hundred years.”
Zelda cracked a small smile. “You know, we never spoke nearly this frequently a hundred years ago. You used to be so quiet. I always wished I had more opportunities to talk with you like this.”
I straightened up a bit and stared at Zelda as I processed this information. Had my personality really shifted that much since my memory reconstruction?
If so… What would she think of me now? How would she feel about me?
Zelda drummed her fingers on the guardrail as she continued. “I do wonder how we will both fit into this world now. We have not aged like those around us who are left that we knew before the calamity.” She shook her head. “I’m still processing the drastic difference of Impa’s age, to be honest. When I first saw Paya, I thought she was Impa because she has such a striking resemblance. But no, she is her granddaughter.”
I nodded. “It’s been strange meeting people who knew me from before, though I didn’t remember most of them at first.”
Our conversation was interrupted by the shriek of one of the villagers in the plaza behind us, followed by the cry of a bokoblin. 
Instinctively, I grabbed Zelda’s hand led her into the safety of Impa’s house. I pushed through the front doors to view the commotion in the village below. I halted when I saw that Dorian and Cado, Impa’s guards, had already taken care of the stray bokoblin and its body disappeared into thin air.
Several villagers gathered in the area below, nervously discussing the monster. Zelda appeared beside me and I heard her exhale heavily in stress. One of the villagers noticed her and called up at us. “It’s the Princess!”
All of the Sheikah turned their heads to look up at us. A few cheered in delight as the crowd migrated towards the base of the stairs. Several people began yelling things at us at once.
“Did you finally defeat the Calamity?”
“Are you really Princess Zelda?”
“Why are there still monsters attacking us?”
“What was that giant laser?”
“Will you defeat all the monsters around the village too?”
Zelda held a hand to her chin and took a step back as the villagers yelled all of their questions at her. Dorian and Cado waved their arms in an attempt to quiet down the excited villagers.
Impa’s voice boomed over the village and the crowd fell silent. I glanced over to find Impa at the top of the stairs. She crossed her arms and frowned down at her villagers. 
Zelda cleared her throat and I could see her hand shaking as she lowered them. “I assure you I will see to the concerns you have,” she called down to the crowd. “Please know that Calamity Ganon is defeated, and Hyrule will rise from the ashes.”
Several of the Sheikah cheered upon the news of Calamity Ganon’s defeat. However, one of the young child villagers ran forward in the crowd. “Then why are there still monsters attacking the village?”
Zelda pursed her lips. “We will investigate,” she said.
More villagers began to ask all kinds of questions. I glanced at Impa and she nodded at me, as if to understand my thoughts. I reached over to Zelda and grabbed her hand before I gently pulled her back towards the door to Impa’s home.
“I will take all of your concerns for the Princess in due time,” Impa called as I pulled the door open. “For now, good night, and stay on your guard for stray monsters.”
Zelda let go of my hand when we reached the sanctuary of Impa’s house. She paced around in a circle and sighed. “Why did a monster come into the village? Monsters should never come into a village on their own, right? What are we going to do about this?”
“Your Highness, it was just a stray bokoblin—“ I started.
“The monsters should all be tame now. We defeated the calamity. They have no reason to feel irrational anger and come to attack people now. We should be able to live in peace with them.” Zelda held her arms to her head and leaned over as she panicked. “I did seal it away, right?”
“Your Highness…” I tried again.
“I must research this. The Calamity may not have been properly sealed away—“ Zelda stopped when I placed a firm hand on her shoulder. She flicked her head around and faced me. Though she was slightly taller than I, her green, anxious gaze pierced directly into my eyes. I prayed I was not acting out of line by touching her without permission.
“It was just a bokoblin. They aren’t very smart. It probably just wandered in behind us when it saw the caravan. Dorian and Cado took care of it,” I said while looking into her eyes. “Everything is fine. You don’t need to worry.”
She looked straight into my eyes with such great intensity that I wondered if I should step away before she broke the eye contact and looked down at the ground. She sniffed and nodded as tears began to form around her eyes. “I’m sorry, I think I’ve… overreacted…”
Impa cleared her throat. “I think the Princess needs to get some more rest. How about we clean you up and then send you to bed? We can continue talk of Hyrule Castle and monsters when you wake up in the morning.”
Zelda nodded slowly and Paya escorted her upstairs to her personal quarters. I wanted to follow and give her a tight hug, although I knew that would probably be way out of line to my duty as her appointed knight. Impa told me I was welcome to stay as well but I decided I would stay at the inn that night to offer them all a little more privacy. 
I attempted to fall sleep early that evening but my mind kept drifting to the events earlier with Calamity Ganon. I decided to instead use the time to address my arm wound once more. I probably should have been seen by a doctor but I was not in the mood to answer a million questions about the battle yet. I retrieved a fresh bandage from Epona’s saddlebag and walked to the peninsula at the pond where Kakariko’s Goddess Statue resided, and sat myself down under the light of the torches. 
The red potion had luckily healed much of the delicate internal damage I’d acquired but the wound from Calamity Ganon on my shoulder would take some time to heal completely. I removed my tunic and undershirt before I applied potion-infused ointment to several minor wounds all over my torso that I accrued from monsters and malice burns in the castle. I smirked when I looked down at my abdomen. A Gerudo woman had once scoffed at me for not even having visible abs early on in my journey but there was… some muscle defined there now from months of climbing Hyrule’s mountains and cliffsides. It was clearly enough muscle needed to defeat Calamity Ganon, anyways.
My ears twitched when footsteps treaded on the grass behind me. I instinctively thought to grab my sword, but then came a quiet, “Link?”
I looked over my shoulder, and relaxed immediately when I saw the figure behind me. “Your Highness, shouldn’t you be sleeping?”
Zelda folded her hands in front of her. Her golden hair was tied up behind her head in a bun and she wore a blue sleeping gown underneath a Sheikah robe that Paya must have lent to her. “I...wanted to thank you for calming me down earlier before I settled in for the night. I was just a little overwhelmed at how suddenly everything has changed.”
I turned around and wiped the remaining healing ointment from my hand onto my arm. “Nobody else seems to understand exactly what we’re going through right now.” I muttered. 
She nodded and pulled the collar of her robe up around her chin as a chilly breeze floated between us. If we weren’t having such a serious conversation, I would have considered more how it was quite a cute thing to do. She held her palm to her face as she sighed. “I...I do not think I am ready to go anywhere near the castle yet. Though it’s been a hundred years for everyone else, the memory of the destruction and loss is still too fresh, too painful in my mind...”
I stepped closer to her and she looked into my eyes once again. The light from the torches behind me flickered shadows onto her fair face. Fear and exhaustion plagued her face. 
My heart ached for her. 
She had just fought an unimaginable horror in the castle for a hundred years and now was expected to immediately begin facilitating the reconstruction of Hyrule. The villagers didn’t understand how they had set off this expectation in her mind, of course. Impa was correct that the castle needed reclaimed as soon as possible—but did Zelda really have to be there immediately?
I realized she had said something to me again but my mind had been lost in my thoughts. “Sorry, can you repeat that, Your Highness?” I asked, shaking my head.
“I said, I can see all of your scars... You have collected so many, if you don’t mind me saying. You’ve endured so much pain for us,” she said with a frown.
I looked down. The scars, a mix of the severe mortal ones I’d endured a hundred years ago and newer ones from my journey, littered in violent slashes across my body. I tightened my lips. People so easily understood I had been through pain when they saw my scars. However, nobody else seemed to notice Zelda’s struggle right now. 
I was probably the only one who could even somewhat understand what she went through with the events of the calamity. And now, she faced the immense pressure to rule Hyrule by herself. Such pressure on a single person was incredibly difficult to bear. In the past—as Zelda had reminded me earlier—the intense pressure of being the chosen wielder of the Master Sword had driven me to silence. I could not let Zelda fall to a similar fate of anxiety. 
  “Your Highness, would you like to go somewhere? To get away from everything for a bit?” I blurted before I could consider my own words.
She blinked in mild confusion. “Leave here? What about the castle? Hyrule?”
“With all due respect, Your Highness, you won’t be assembling the castle by yourself. You just defeated Calamity Ganon. Let some other people begin work on the castle.” I put my hands on my hips. “Your Highness, you need a rest, even if a brief one. To be perfectly honest, I need one as well.”
“What about my sworn duties?”
I laughed. “The land has lasted a hundred years without an active ruler. The people can wait just a little longer for you to recover. A lot of people don’t even know that you’re still alive.”
Zelda folded her arms and tightened her lips. “Where would we go?”
I thought for a moment. “Hateno Village? I have a house there. It’s very safe there, and nobody would bother you. We could visit Purah’s Lab.” I tapped my jaw as I considered the other perks of Hateno. “There’s also a beach nearby, so you could see the ocean.”
Zelda furrowed her brow as she considered my proposal. “It does sound like a lovely place... I’ve never visited there before, actually. I would love to see Purah again too.“ A smile graced Zelda’s lips as she nodded. “It’s decided then. I will direct Impa to lead the Sheikah to begin the reclamation of Hyrule Castle, and inform her that I will be taking a short rest before I begin the rebuilding process.”
I smiled back at her and nodded. “We’ll leave at first light in the morning.”
“Wonderful,” She bowed her head lightly. “Good night, Sir Link, I’ll see you in the morning,” she said cheerfully before turning away and retreating back to Impa’s house.
My cheeks heated against the cool air when she used the formal title. It only then occurred to me that she’d never used any kind of title with me before that I could remember.
...Exactly how close had we been before the calamity? 
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dopescotlandwarrior · 4 years
Sinners & Saints-Chapter 14
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               A special thanks to @statell​ for all your help
Previous chapters at AO3
Chapter Fourteen
The tender ride to the island had Claire’s last nerve in shreds. She was very afraid of having her chip taken out today, even though Jamie already tested the safety of the procedure the day before. The four of them split up at the front of the clinic, Darius and Maia would hang out at the back door of the facility just in case the good doctor made a run for it.
Jamie held Claire’s hand and scowled at the nurse during check-in. The doctor saw them and abruptly turned around but was soon escorted back by Darius. The nurse was decidedly unfriendly today which added another layer of stress to the procedure. Jamie just wanted it over with and pulled Claire to the treatment room when they were called.
The doctor thankfully started with a shot of Valium that put Claire out completely. It was a little unnerving. Claire was not a rambunctious mover when she wasn’t sedated, but this complete stop even unnerved the doctor, so he put a monitor on her heart. Jamie held a glass jar out for the doctor to drop the bloody implant into before closing the incision. He knew women had a thing about their upper arms looking nice, so he watched every stitch closely.
Jamie handed the doctor ten one-hundred-dollar bills and they left as soon as Jamie could wake her up. Claire smiled continuously and said hello to everyone they passed. She stopped to pet a lady’s purse and asked what its name was. Jamie was struggling to keep her walking in a straight line and if he stopped she would go off in another direction, so it took multiple attempts to call Darius.
Once Claire was in the tender, he searched for Darius and Maia, hoping they would hurry. The inebriated Sassenach needed to be locked in her room until the Valium wore off. Everything almost went south getting her onto the aft deck when she fell backward. Jamie was able to catch her before she slipped into the ocean. He was so rattled, he put Claire to bed and watched her from a nearby chair. Maia came in with a tray of food and agreed to sit with her so Jamie could get his sketch pad. He was intrigued by the locals, the tone of their skin, their gestures, and facial expressions. While Claire slept, Jamie roughed in the scene he wanted to paint and the remainder of the day was uneventful.
Jamie had given up hope that Claire would wake up that day. He wanted to talk about Danny and the extraordinary things she said and knew about his paintings, even those not done yet. It would have to wait until tomorrow he decided and slid his sketchbook into his bed table.
Claire’s eyeballs peeked out from under their lids at first light. She could hear the rhythmic breathing of her husband next to her, so she knew it was very early and after almost twenty-four hours of sleeping, she needed to get up. Adso had other ideas and did nothing but purr when she stroked him.
Sipping delicious coffee on the foredeck, the sun energized her to feel more alive by the minute. There was movement on Danny’s yacht and she watched the peculiar crewman standing on the foredeck holding a flat of flowers like a statue. How odd, she thought, until she saw Danny’s head pop up and take a handful of young Petunias before dropping out of sight again. She forced herself to stop looking and jumped at the vibrating cell phone next to her. Javier was the only person who called so she picked it up and said his name.
“No darling, it’s Danny, do you remember giving me this number? If not, I’m sorry to intrude. How are you on this beautiful morning?”
“I feel amazing today, and you?”
“Very well indeed, but I could use a hand with these young plants if you have a moment.” She chuckled, “I apologize for being unacceptably straight forward, dear, please forgive me.”
“No, no, I would love to help, plant flowers? On your boat? I love gardening but never considered doing on a boat. Yes! I would love to help you, Danny. I see your tender is out, can someone come and get me in ten minutes?”
Claire left a note for Jamie and got into the tender waiting for her at the aft deck. She was excited to see Danny again and planting small flowers, however weird that was on a boat, was the perfect activity for her energized morning.
Danny smiled brightly when Claire walked onto her deck, removing her gloves to shake her hand warmly. The tender engines screamed away until it was clear of the yacht, then the crewman pulled the steering wheel harshly for a nautical-donut that launched the young man sideways, splashing down about twenty-feet from the tender.
“Oh my God!”
Danny held her arm before she could jump overboard and rescue the man. “Don’t worry about the cub my dear, he has a racer’s heart and can’t help himself. I had the tender engine modified so when someone let’s go of the throttle it stops moving. He’s fine,” she giggled. “Let me show you our chore for this morning.”
Claire followed Danny along the side deck to the other end of the enormous yacht and stepped down to the foredeck. She watched her step descending the six steps and noticed greenery around her feet and heard the most amazing music. Once on the deck, she looked around at the beautiful garden Danny had created. There were large trees, many bushes, vines, trellis clinging roses, a proper rose garden, and planters overflowing with pansies in every color that lent their sweet smell to the air.
“This is amazing, Danny! It is the last thing I would expect on a boat. It is beautiful but what happens during a storm?”
“If we can’t outrun it the planters are wheeled into a garage beyond that door. You just lift a bit on the end of the planter and the wheels pop out.”
“Oh! That is so clever! Well, I’m ready, where do I start planting?”
Danny showed her an empty planter and they discussed what levels and colors should be included then Claire got to work. When Danny came to check on her a bit later, the planter was done. She and Danny took turns watering the expansive deck full of flowers and talked as they worked.
“Have you always loved to sale or yacht?”
“No, I bought this yacht to get away from my son who wants to put me in a home. Turns out I really like the freedom, the people, and my crew.” She regarded Claire for several minutes and finally spoke to her about the joys of being nosy.
“My dear, I was raised strictly, trained in social graces at the best boarding schools, I was a debutante, and my family is at the top of the social food chain so to speak. I caught a fever in my early thirties that killed my husband and put me into a coma for a month. I had a lot of time to think before I woke up and I was a changed woman from then on. The first change was I spoke my truth, whatever that was. Let me demonstrate.”
Claire was delighted with her perky and fun attitude and listened closely.
“You, my dear, might spend the entire time asking socially acceptable questions and never get an answer to the question that burns in your mind. Give it a try, what do you want to ask me?
Claire watched Danny encourage her to speak up and she finally blurted out “how can you afford this boat and live-in crew? Oh God, it’s none of my business Danny, please forgive me!”
Danny stood straight and held her head high, “nonsense! When I tell you the answer, we will be friends and I want to be your friend so come inside, out of the sun for some refreshment while I explain.”
Claire pulled off her deck shoes and looked up as a glass wall opened to the formal saloon. She was struck dumb as her eyes took in the exquisite furniture and art in the massive room. There was a double grand staircase that went up to the second floor of living space and the boat seemed to go on for a mile. She was barely aware of Danny talking to her until she felt her hand slip through her elbow, leading her through the saloon.
“I can see that you like my floating home, and now there are two burning questions, are there not?”
“What…what does the rest look like?”
Danny chuckled and led Claire on a tour of luxury and abundance she didn’t know existed. The artwork was exceptional and they chatted about several of the artists. The formal dining room could serve twenty-four people comfortably with another dining room for everyday use. The floor to ceiling windows provided a stunning view with glass doors spaced to provide fresh air and an exit to the side deck. Beyond the double staircase were Danny’s expansive office, sitting room, private atrium, and bathrooms as big as Claire’s bedroom. All the flooring was Italian marble that also lined the walls of the shower, which you could fit a basketball team in.
“I don’t stay in these rooms, too big. I live in one of the staterooms and it’s just right for me.”
“What? Why? My God Danny, this is so beautiful it’s making me emotional.”
Danny showed Claire the private deck with a hot tub, full bar, outdoor shower, and lounges big enough for two. They continued the tour to the upper decks, four of them, a large movie theater, an upper saloon that was a bit more casual with flatscreen televisions that appeared when a button was pushed, a bar that looked fully stocked, and a foredeck with formal dining. Another level was dedicated to a full-sized gym with all the equipment, free weights, benches, a huge screen for watching aerobic videos, two saunas, a huge hot jacuzzi, and a running track that circled the enormous room.
They stepped into an elevator made of glass and went down to the lower deck with a large swimming pool and waterfall. The glass wall in front of the pool opened completely to the aft deck that was set up like a beach party with two bars, outside showers, lounges, and a closet full of towels. Danny pulled Claire’s hand and they were somehow back on the main deck walking through the expansive galley that included four of every major appliance needed for entertaining, four commercial refrigerators, freezers, and dishwashers, a two-hundred bottle wine cellar, and huge tables for food preparation.
Claire was in luxury overload and felt sad she would forget half of what she had seen.
“I wonder if you would accompany me for lunch and the second question you asked?”
Claire was delighted to spend more time with a woman she was really starting to like. Danny led her out to yet another private deck off the galley that was smaller and more intimate with a small table for two already made up for lunch. She picked up the phone and spoke to someone about a sore ankle, asking questions that made Claire feel she was really concerned about the person on the other end. Then she ordered avocado toast and tuna stuffed tomatoes with several side dishes and iced tea. Claire was overwhelmed by the experience and the calming water around the deck, about thirty feet down she guessed. When the food came, a muscular young man brought the plates stacked carefully up and down his forearms which were transferred to the table with no apparent effort. He limped away.
“You are very quiet dear Claire. Oh, you’re starving, poor thing, I don’t imagine you had much to eat yesterday.”
Claire’s head jerked up to look at Danny, smiling at her cheeks stuffed with food. How would she know about no eating as she slept yesterday away?
“Well, you eat while I tell you who I am and maybe what I hope to be to you sweet girl.”
“My birth name is Sepora Cornelius Meyer. My grandfather immigrated to America from Poland and worked in a small grocery until he learned to speak English. He purchased the store eventually, but I digress. Everything my grandfather touched turned to gold and he reinvested every dime he made in oil, real estate, and steel. The short version is he became rich and celebrated before he died, leaving a son to take his place, my father.”
The young muscular man came out with plates of cheese and fresh vegetables that were bite-sized. While Claire crunched on carrots she looked to Danny with anticipation.
“Things were different then. The household adopted the opinions of the father and never questioned. They had more money than could ever be spent but an idle life was not allowed, so my father worked, starting at the bottom, learning the business of steel, oil, and real estate. He was quite a man, my hero, never to be replaced.”
Claire waited and crunched celery while Danny took several tiny bites of her avocado toast.
“Before my brother died, poor Alfred, my life was positively glorious! Boarding school in France and Sweden, summers in various countries with my friends, and beautiful parties during the social season where we could be in the same room with boys our age. It was such fun. When we buried Alfred, all that changed. No more school, no more summers away, and parties became a new kind of classroom where I would learn from watching the men. I didn’t like it one bit so I stuck my nose in the air through the first season and won myself a stiff neck and a cross father, more determined to ruin my life.”
“What took the place of school?”
“I spent dreadfully long hours reading communications from my father to other companies, banks, businessmen, and political people. When the steelworkers refused to let me take an active role on the production floor my father set up a small desk and chair and that is where I read stacks of documents. When I could finally wash at the end of the day, I pretended I couldn’t hear my mother saying I was now deaf from the ungodly noise of the production floor. She smiled and told me to set the table when my hearing came back or none of us would eat. I recovered quickly.”
“Did it ever get more tolerable for you?”
“Father planted fake letters, several of them during my second year leaning the business. Brazen mistakes in accounting, materials, even which political party he supported. I missed them all because I was daydreaming of lovely parties or who I would marry. Father became distant and terribly unhappy and one night I heard him talking to mother about his shame over not having a qualified heir to lead the business. He was so sad and it broke my heart hearing his defeated voice. It took about a minute to realize I was an utter failure to the most important man in my life.”
“Oh, Danny, how could you know how important it was for you to learn?”
“He and mother both told me and I didn’t listen, until that night. After that, he would hand me a stack of documents and I ran back to his office for more, asking questions about certain decisions and correcting the math where I found mistakes. It took several days to convince him, but soon I was waiting for him to come down the stairs for our walk to the office and I pumped him with questions along the way. It seemed like he grew three inches but it was the weight of defeat getting off of his back, allowing him to stand straight and proud, beaming his smile to the world. I was never so happy, or relieved, to know I wasn’t a failure in his eyes. And that’s all there is.”
“What? How old were you when you took over? Did your family keep all three businesses? How did you survive the depression? What was it like to be the leader of that kind of fortune? What …”
Danny smiled at Claire and her eyes twinkled. “I would love to tell you more after we discuss my coma.”
“I had become my father when I fell ill. My loving husband had succumbed to the illness and I didn’t know it for over a month as I was deep inside myself. I could see how I distanced myself from real life to free my mind for running the business and such. When I woke up I had a new burden to suffer because I could see things in people. Their happiness, sorrow, who they loved, and who they were deceiving. It was like living in a nightmare that never ended. Young people from the best families would shake my hand and I would see their hands around someone’s throat, choking the life out of them. It felt like I had gone insane, especially when my mother had me committed and took over the raising of my son.”
“Good God.”
“You are feeling my pain at the moment because you are an empath, dear Claire, and those that confide in you feel they are truly understood for the first time. It is a rare quality.”
“I think everyone feels the way I do.”
“Wouldn’t that be lovely?”
Claire heard a loud whistle and looked across the water finding Jamie and Darius standing in the tender holding spears up with two large fish impaled. She smiled and clapped a bit in the air, suddenly wanting to wrap herself around her husband.
“Thank you for spending time with me today, Claire. I hope to see you again, but it is time for me to rest. The cub has a boat race later and I will need my strength to endure it.”
Danny walked Claire to the aft deck and was truly surprised when Claire hugged her, thanking her for everything. Jamie helped her into the tender and she waved to her new friend who watched them smiling, until she disappeared into her own boat.
Jamie, Darius, and Maia, were asking about Claire’s morning making her uncomfortable with keeping Danny’s confidence about all she told her. She finally went to her room and drew a bath with bubbles to idle away part of the day.
“Everything alright, love?”
“No.” She looked at Jamie’s handsome face, “I miss you, although I don’t know how that could be.”
“I do, because I miss you too Sassenach. I came to ask you to go to the island with me today. I want to take some pictures of the five lads that will be in the painting. After that, we can play, have dinner, or drinks. But it is a date so look your best, like you do right now, mo chridhe.”
“What, here in the bath?”
“No, that wouldn’t be right unless we stayed right here.”
Jamie smiled and tried to grab her getting a wet sponge in the face for his efforts. Claire pulled the plug and stepped into the shower so Jamie could wash her hair.
When he came back an hour later, Claire was sitting on the deck in a pretty yellow dress that reminded him of something. She had straightened her hair and wore makeup to add the exotic dimension to her eyes. He slid his arms around her waist and asked if she was ready to go.
Once on the island, it wasn’t hard to find the five boys that hung out together. Jamie explained he was painting a picture and they were in it which caused quite a ripple in the calm of the afternoon.
Jamie took several pictures of each of them, close up of the face, one showing some mannerism, the other a body shot. He showed them and they laughed. Once Jamie sat down to sketch, Claire called them to her and when they realized how friendly, and pretty she was, they showed off for her trying to outdo the others. The sun was shining off her hair and shoulders and her smile was like a beacon on her tanned face. Jamie laughed at the playfulness of the boys he guessed to be fourteen to eighteen. Gentle, beautiful boys who had taken over his creative mind. Jamie packed up his paper and tools and they bid the boys goodbye to wander around town.
Jamie could see Claire’s shoulders getting red in the sun and pulled her into a dress shop that had a large section of hats, which he brought to her, five at a time. He chose a wide-brimmed hat and the shop owner was happy to wrap a yellow ribbon around it, tied in the back with the extra length hanging off the brim. They laughed and stole kisses and wandered aimlessly until it was time to find a restaurant and gorge themselves on local cuisine and whisky. Jamie slipped an arm around Claire when they left. If they had been more aware of the people around them, they might have noticed the stares, but they were in their own world.
Claire pulled her shoes off when they reached the sand. Jamie waited to be alone with her on the beach because the full moon provided all the light he would need.
“Sassenach, I have something for you.” He pulled her hand and she turned around with her tipsy smile and sparkling eyes. “God, your beautiful.”
“Do I get some sort of prize for something awesome I did?”
“Something like that.” He pulled a tiny box from his pocket and handed it to her.
She looked excited until she pulled the box open and her eyes fell on the diamond inside. She could not pull her eyes away from it.
“We can take it back and get something you like better. Just put it on, one time, and then decide.”
She handed him the box and never took her eyes off the ring. Offering her outstretched hand she watched him push it onto her finger, and then he pulled her to his mouth for a sweet kiss.
“Thank you, Jamie,” she whispered.
“Your welcome, love.”
Once in the tender, they moved slowly to the yacht, careful to keep the engine quiet as they passed boats and yachts with people sleeping inside. Claire moved to the floor of the tender and leaned against the inflated side and dropped her head back. She was looking up at the moon, directly above her, feeling deliciously happy, slightly buzzed, and ran her hand down her burning nipple. Jamie watched her tipsy arousal and wanted her naked under the moonlight.
When the motor shut off, she looked at him like he was all she needed for the rest of her life. Jamie crept toward her and pulled off his shirt and shorts. He wanted her to remember this night. The dress came off, as did the tiny thong she wore and he pulled her leg up and over the inflated side of the tender. He pushed into her body placing greedy kisses on her face and neck. He wanted it to last but seeing his naked wife and the way her breasts bounced with every thrust was his undoing. He couldn’t help himself, he let it go when her orgasm started and pumped his warm love into her body while she clung to him.
They laid in each other's arms and talked quietly, about love and what was ahead.
“Jamie, I want to buy a new tender. This is like an inflatable raft, so I suppose the previous owner had little use for it. It doesn’t feel safe, but it was a marvelous bouncy thing to make love on.”
“Of course, Sassenach.”
Jamie raised up on an elbow and looked around the tender in all directions. He pulled Claire up with a worried look and helped her dress before getting them back to the yacht. He held Claire with one arm and drove the tender with the other.
“Did you just turn completely around?”
“That I did Sassenach. Lay against me and rest, we’re almost home.”
When Jamie turned again she started giggling. “Sweetheart, are we lost?”
The motor started to sputter and lurch as the last of the gas was consumed. Claire could not stop giggling which calmed Jamie more than she would ever know. Claire dropped to the soft bottom of the tender and held her arms out to him.
“Come here, my darling man, and rest under the stars with me.”
Once she had twisted her arms and legs with his and laid against his chest, Jamie smiled at the moon and decided to relax. When they were dropping into sleep a huge noise woke them up and they clung to each other.
“What the fuck was that, Jamie?”
“It’s gone love, whatever it was. Rest now.”
Claire wasn’t relaxed and buzzed anymore, she was panting with fright and suddenly felt something very large push against her from under the water. Before she could say anything the horrendously loud noise was back and slimy cold water rained down on them.
“Jesus Christ, Jamie, what is that?”
Jamie suspected it was a whale that surfaced near them but had not formed a word before he felt something bump the tender. Claire started screaming as the bump came again, harder this time. Jamie pulled out his cell phone and prayed Darius would answer.
“Darius, thank God. We have a bit of a problem here.”
Something under the surface pushed on the tender again and kept pushing it until they were spinning around clinging to each other. Claire was screaming for all she was worth, and Darius was trying to sound calm for both of them.
“Do you see any lights, anywhere?”
“No, Claire sweetheart please don’t scream.”
“Do you have a flashlight? If you point it at whatever is beneath…”
They were spinning in the tender pushed by something massive under the surface. Darius was running down the stairs as fast as his legs could go, worried they had drifted into the shipping lanes where they would never be seen before a gigantic cargo ship plowed over them, dragging them underneath it.
“Darius searched the water and saw nothing. “Jamie look up and tell me if you can see…”
“The sky is full of clouds now Darius, I can see nothing, it’s pitch black out here and something under the water is pushing us in circles. We need help!”
Darius noticed the lights coming on all over Danny’s boat and two bright searchlights swept the water for as far as he could see. He heard a tender approach and jumped in pointing a direction for the crewman to go. He had his phone on speaker and the young man was getting rattled by Claire screaming. He moved away from the throttle and told Darius to drive.
Claire was screaming the boat was going to tip over and Darius did his best to calm them down.
“Jamie! Hold onto Claire really tight and ask her to stop screaming, I’m in Danny’s tender and I’m coming to get you!”
When it was quiet Darius took a deep breath and played the only card that might save them.
“Be calm and don’t blow this, my friend. There is a flare gun in the water-tight compartment under the steering whflareIt is the only chance I have of finding you so ask Claire to sit perfectly still, take aim at the sky directly above you, and fire.”
A minute later the crewman pointed to a brilliant purple streak climbing into the sky, in the other direction.
“Did you see the flair from the water level?” The boy shook his head no, which meant they were very far away and Darius had only seconds before the flair extinguished.
“Sit down!”
Darius pulled back on the throttle and the dual engine tender launched in the direction of the flair. He noticed both searchlights were now directed at the ocean under the flair and hoped they could see the lights and know help was on the way.
Talking at that speed was impossible because the wind snatched your words away. Darius dropped the speed enough to tell the crewman to keep sight of the flair and then watch the smoke if it went out, then tap his leg when they were close. The tender jerked alive again, like a bullet shooting across the water. Darius was feeling frantic when the boy tapped his leg and he pulled up on the throttle. It was black as pitch above and below them and he knew his friends must be terrified. The boy put something in his hand, it was a flare gun!
“Holy shit, you just saved the day my man!”
“Jamie, are you there?”
“Well, I was about to hang up but decided to stay on a little longer,” said sarcastically.
“We have flairs, shooting one now, watch it for my direction.”
The bright red flair went shooting to the heavens. “Starboard, maybe half a mile.”
The crewman found an emergency box stored inside the bench seat at the back of the tender. There was a light that plugged into the battery port and it almost blinded them both. He held it high above his head and Darius shot another flair.
“Talk to me brother!”
“Portside, same distance.”
“We aren’t spinning anymore, it’s pushing us, a bit rough I might add.”
Darius could not wait. They had to take a risk if they were going to find them before the boat sank from something underneath.
“Your name.”
“Ethan, sir.”
“I’m Darius. It’s only right I know your name before risking your life. How do you feel about that..Ethan?”
“It’s what I came for, sir.”
Darius aimed the light a foot above the water and about 500 yards ahead. Once Ethan took the light, Darius pulled back on the throttle and kept his eyes glued to the direct path ahead.
Claire was on the edge of sanity after being bumped, spun, and pushed, by something large underneath the little tender. She couldn’t see anything in the dark black night except maybe a two-foot space that was lit by Jamie’s phone. She watched that space while Jamie talked to Darius and when an unexpected shape came up out of the water, caught by the dim light, Claire’s scream shattered the night and she fainted.
Jamie looked up at a large head shaped like a torpedo with an eye that regarded him before slipping back under the water. He held Claire on his lap and patted her cheek, begging her to wake up. Jamie was aware of another flare shot into the sky and realized he heard the gun go off this time.
“Darius! You’re close! Starboard and close!”
“Can you see my light, Jamie?”
Suddenly, there it was, like a hand reaching through the dark night to save them. He watched it until the white teeth of Darius’s smile materialized. Claire was rubbing her eyes and crying, waving at Darius in her filthy yellow dress.
Jamie pulled her to him, “thank Christ.” He reached for the rope and tied it tightly to the tow ring at the front of the tender. Darius heard the song of the Humpback whales in the distance and smiled at Claire.
“There’s your tormentor. Probably a female with a calf who had a bit of fun playing with the tender.”
Her ghostly white face peeked out from Jamie’s chest and he could see her shaking and teeth chattering. Jamie asked if she wanted to ride back on Danny’s boat. She moved to the side of her boat and looked down at the water before launching back into Jamie’s arms.
Darius slowly turned Danny’s tender around and moved the boat forward very slowly until the rope was taught and they were pulling the other boat. He turned toward them and asked them to lay on the floor of the tender and hold onto something. They were right in the middle of a shipping lane and Darius wanted to get them out of there pronto. He told Ethan to watch for bodies flying out and picked up speed gradually keeping the tow rope taught. Soon they were flying across the water until he gradually slowed down when the yachts were in view. Darius circled the boats twice, letting his wake provide resistance to slow the towed tender. Danny was waiting on Claire’s boat with Maia and helped bring Claire on board with teeth chattering and pasty white skin. The women helped her into bed and covered her with a quilt.
Danny sat next to her and pushed her hair out of her eyes. “I can’t imagine how terrifying that was for you. Luckily, your man is strong as an ox and would have beaten the sea thing off to save you.” Danny’s voice was soft and caring and Claire was so grateful for her help. Jamie is coming to warm you up and I hope you rest tonight dear. Goodnight.
Jamie and Darius thanked Danny repeatedly, not finding the right words to convey she had saved them tonight. Danny looked at Darius with a sleepy smile.
“You are rather good at what you do, don’t ever doubt that Darius. I saw your brave heart tonight and felt your relief when you found them. Quite extraordinary. Goodnight.
“Thank you for everything tonight ma’am.”
Darius helped Danny into her tender and watched until she was safely on board, the tender was resting in the garage, and the lights flicked off one section at a time. He knew the chance of finding them in time was zero without a fast boat and he felt the gratitude down to his toes.
Small arms circled his waist and he looked down at the incomparable Maia with her head tilted and her chin raised in a healthy come fuck me pose that threatened his very sanity. She would pull him back to earth and make him right again. He gave himself over to her.
33 notes · View notes
a-crimson-lion · 4 years
A Look At Bakudeku’s Development (Based On That One Instagram Post): A Photo-Narrative Analysis
Word Count: 4,287 (Yikes…)
[This got long. Like, REALLY long. Don't expect too many colors. There's a lot to get through...]
For those out of the loop, I recently came across this Instagram post during unhealthy hours in the morning. The purpose of this post, I’d assume, was to debunk any negativity aimed at the Bakudeku dynamic/ship, claiming it was indeed not abusive and that the antis in question are ignoring canon in favor of playing Bakugo’s suicide instigation on repeat. Before addressing the post in question, I would like to state two things:
I am not stuck on Chapter/Episode 1 in the series. I have been caught up proper with every story arc up to the JT Training Arc and am roughly familiar with everything past that point. I don’t just take Katsuki’s now essentially forgotten suicide instigation into account; I’m taking every part of his actions well beyond that moment and how they reflect on him, internally justified or otherwise.
While I’m among the people who believe that Bakudeku as of the latest incarnation of the manga (up to Ch. 280) is indeed abusive, I am open to discussions on why it is not. In any case, however, I cannot ignore the fact that the dynamic/ship is incredibly problematic besides the skeletons in both Izuku and Katsuki’s closets.
So, in order to address this issue to the best of my half-awake brain’s abilities, I will review the screenshots within said post and break down how they factor into the Bakudeku dynamic and the overall development. Be aware that there are some manga and movie spoilers, and this is just MY OPINION. I could be wrong, and I’m okay with that. If you wanna talk without patronizing me, the comments are open. I also apologize in advance if I myself come of as patronizing. All the screenshots I’ll be discussing can be found in the video link above (or here).
Well then, no point in beating around the bush...
1) Izuku Taking Katsuki Out Of The Final Exam Gate (Anime Screenshot)
The first piece of “evidence” used to show the merit of Bakudeku comes from the Final Exam arc, shortly after Katsuki succumbs to All Might’s assault, only for Izuku to come in and deck the #1 Hero in order to grab Katsuki and carry him to safety, allowing them both to pass.
However, this photo marks a recurring trend throughout some of the other photos: they speak more about IZUKU as a character than Izuku AND Katsuki.
Izuku getting to save Katsuki is a major development… for Izuku. One that we’ve seen before. Think about it. The first time Izuku saves Katsuki towards the beginning of the exam, he has to punch Katsuki in the face because he was considering throwing the match just for working with Izuku. And after he’s been saved, Katsuki blows up (figuratively and literally) before aggressively kabedoning him. In this scene though? Katsuki got knocked the f*** out, so he really has no room to protest if Izuku comes in to save him a second time.
Plus, this isn’t really anything NEW with Izuku. We know that he’s aware in an abstract sense that what Katsuki did to him was “wrong,” but he doesn’t hold a grudge or any animosity to him towards that. He’s one of Katsuki’s biggest defenders and supporters, assuming Katsuki allows it. So really, him saving Katsuki isn’t really surprising or a major step forward, ‘cause he was always willing to do it from the get go. And again, Katsuki isn’t conscious during his second rescue, so we don’t really know if he would have let Izuku save him again or if he would have protested.
There’s nothing new here, and nothing balanced to the overall dynamic. Just Izuku being Izuku.
2) All Might Acknowledges The New Bakudeku Rivalry (Anime Screenshot)
Deku vs Kacchan 2 was a big moment for the Bakudeku dynamic. I’m not saying it’s a positive moment, nor am I saying it was necessary, but it was big. And in the aftermath of that fight, where Izuku and Katsuki are having a back and forth, All Might thinks to himself that the two have become true rivals now, or something along those lines. And it’s nice that he’s willing to spell this out for the audience and all, but uh…
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: show, don’t tell.
All Might is essentially telling us that Izuku and Katsuki are rivals now. What does the story have to show for it? A brief conversation during their house arrest, followed by a massive stall due to the Shie Hassaikai Arc and Cultural Festival Arc (albeit with one more instance we’ll cover later), and then what essentially equates to Katsuki yelling at Izuku a lot during the Joint Training Arc.
...that’s ...not much.
And yeah, you could expect me to be a good bean to the author and wait until the later arcs, but even then, the execution… just falls kinda flat, at least for me. Going back to that particular moment with All Might’s thought process, it kind of reminds me of Eraserhead essentially acting as a mouthpiece for the Ochako vs Katsuki fight during the Sports Festival, but that’s a can of worms I won’t be indulging today.
What I’m getting at is this: All Might letting the audience know that Bakudeku have reached rival status is great! Now if only the series could deliver more on that...
3) Standing With Two One For Alls (Heroes Rising)
Okay, seriously, if you haven’t seen Heroes Rising yet, I implore you, GO. WATCH IT. It is an incredible film and I would recommend it with warm words. And I’ll admit, it gives us a better incarnation of Bakudeku compared to the rest of the series.
Yes, I said “better,” not “great.”
Look, I’m all for Izuku and Katsuki working past their differences and the clusterf*** that was their childhood, and maybe Horikoshi not being as integrally involved with the film’s writing as people think he is has something to do with it, but uh… you do not say “put myself as low as to working with Deku” or something like that and expect to be casually tossed aside, at least if you’re me. And while I’m glad there was some genuine emotional tension as Izuku gave Katsuki OFA, some part about it feels… off. Like, nothing was really truly resolved. Katsuki wasn’t given OFA as a sign of forgiveness, as an acknowledgement. Katsuki was given OFA because there was an AFO level villain about to wreck the place and kill some peeps and oh look, the narrative made it so that Katsuki was the only convenient holder around! It kinda stings when you look at it that way.
Not that it matters, because a big thing most people forget is that at the end of this movie, THE ENTIRE THING IS ESSENTIALLY SWIPED ACROSS THE DESK AND ON THE FLOOR. Even if it was going to have some level of effort towards the development of the dynamic, that effort is essentially GONE because Katsuki doesn’t remember SQUAT, and what happens to OFA after the fight is NEVER DISCUSSED. It’s just a hard reset, BOOM, back to normal. *Sigh*
Really, the whole double OFA thing was for convenience, less so for any emotional leveling up that could have been done. And even then, Izuku is still somehow the one putting more emotional input into the entire thing than Katsuki.
4) “I Thought You Were Gonna Get Ahead Of Me!” (Anime Screenshot)
Katsuki’s methods of motivation are… admittedly not for everyone. They seem to work fine for Izuku, as seen sometime after the Cultural Festival Arc, but again, that’s just Izuku. We know how he takes Katsuki’s words and turns it into motivation, but why does Katsuki bother at all?
Well, maybe this comes with desperately trying to find reasons to like a character but progressively despising him and his narrative placement more and more as time progresses, but here’s my angle on it: Katsuki just doesn’t want Izuku dragging his weight for nothing.
Keep in mind, we’re talking about the same Katsuki who held a grudge against Shoto for holding back during the Sports Festival. The same Katsuki who wanted the #1 Hero to go all out and would continuously press to fight him. The same Katsuki who wanted to fight a deadly villain even after being instructed to get back to camp for his own safety. The same Katsuki who challenged Izuku to a fight to finally determine where the gap was, and who was frustrated when he won because the power Izuku possessed was All Might’s, so clearly he shouldn’t have lost.
In short, Katsuki doesn’t like it when people don’t give it their all. And I believe it’s been stated once or twice that once Izuku makes One For All his own, there’s a good chance they’re gonna fight again. So it’s in Katsuki’s best interest to make sure Izuku isn’t half-assing anything, because he wants to prove he can beat Izuku at his best, thus proving that KATSUKI is the best.
So it’s less so for Izuku’s benefit as it is for Katsuki’s own.
5) One Giant Leap (Heroes Rising)
Arguably one of the best moments of the entire Heroes Rising film amongst the fandom is the big handhold scene between Katsuki and Izuku as they make a last gambit effort to take down Nine with two One for Alls. Admittedly this is one of the best if not the best moment throughout the entire progression of the Bakudeku dynamic thus far. I’ll give it that much.
...which makes it all the more frustrating because again: MIND. WIPE. The audience knows it happened, but in canon we never know if Izuku discusses it with Katsuki or if anyone else was aware of the moment in greater specificity. IT ESSENTIALLY NEVER HAPPENED, and I’m starting to legitimately wonder whether or not it was for the best...
6) Datte Atashi No Hero (Anime Screenshot)
First off: how? Second off: huh?
Believe me, the second ending of Season 3 is an absolute bop, don’t get me wrong, but uh… again, it provides NOTHING balanced for Bakudeku, once again relying on Izuku’s perspective on the entire matter. I once read an interesting meta about this ending and how it could be interpreted (take this with a grain of salt), but the biggest contender is that this is in fact Izuku’s fantasy. Think about it:
Izuku is a humble traveling warrior, with nothing to distinguish himself in his own opinion.
Ochako is a magician because she’s alien to Izuku, an unheard of phenomenon.
Tenya being a knight, Shoto being a prince, and Momo being a warrior princess all correlates to their high standings in society, heroic or otherwise.
The reason Katsuki is a barbarian king is because he’s familiar to Izuku in an ancient sense; he’s known him for a long time. The list goes on, but you get the jist.
With this in mind, it’s not difficult to understand that even Katsuki willing to work with Izuku would be another aspect of Izuku’s fantasy: to be able to stand beside his childhood friend once more. And remember the ending of that scene, when Izuku does that big sword slash? That’s him having fully mastered OFA. Both are things that could happen given the manga’s recent direction, but still have yet to happen because this is, again, a fantasy.
And apparently Datte Atatshi No Hero is a reflection on Izuku’s feelings towards Katsuki. Take that as you will, but again, this does not speak for Bakudeku as a whole. Just Izuku’s feelings on the matter.
7) Win to Save, Save to Win (Manga Screenshot)
Since I’ve already penned myself into a short story at this point, might as well take the time to look at this famous phrase from the story.
Personally, I consider it bulls***. It harms both characters overall; yes, I said both. It excuses Katsuki’s need to be a blunt powerhouse that only targets villains, and it redundantly demands Izuku do more of what he was already doing, albeit with less sympathy. I know it sounds corny to say saving is more important than winning, but in the heat of the moment, what gets to the civilians in danger more often? Seeing a guy in a cape deck the latest disaster right in front of them or from a distance? Or said cape guy risking life and limb making sure that this person gets to see life another day?
There’s no perfect answer to it, but that’s my stance.
And this quote, “Win to save, save to win,” justifies the one thing that keeps Katsuki from truly outgrowing his past: his need to be the best. If winning is on the same level then saving, and Izuku has an innate capacity to save, then that means it’s okay for Katsuki to have to win all the time, right?
No. It’s not. And that’s not speaking for all the “Gary Stu” crap, either.
Because being pressured into being the best is what caused Katsuki to hate any kindness offered to him by Izuku. The desire to be the best had him bully Izuku for a decade to ensure that Izuku remained the loser and Katsuki remained the winner. That desire characterizes arguably the worst aspects of Katsuki’s character, and those aspects aren’t gonna fly in the Pro Hero world. Because if Nana Shimura, Shota Aizawa, the Pussycats, Mirio, Sir Nighteye, and a handful of other incidents have taught us anything, it’s that even at their best efforts, heroes don’t win all the time.
Katsuki needs to learn this, or it will crush him in the long term. But he hasn’t. The narrative has kept letting him rack up wins, and his current actions in the manga were spurred on by the fact that he still has yet to truly take a loss.
Say what you will, but I don’t like this line. For what it says about Izuku or Katsuki.
8) The Only One Who Can Accept His Feelings… (Anime Screenshot)
Me @ #7: Wanna see me go off?
Me @ #8: Wanna see me do it again?
Izuku’s perspective on the entire Bakudeku situation is a major reason why most fans condone it. “Izuku doesn’t appear obviously bothered by Katsuki, so that clearly means it’s not abusive/problematic, so just shut up!” or something like that. Well, I’m no psychologist, so I won’t go into a spiel about people ignoring their pain for the sake of others or people trying to excuse others in order to place fault on themselves whether or not it be accurate.
Really, all I can say is that NONE OF THIS should be Izuku’s responsibility.
I’m not blaming this on Izuku because he hasn’t had actual friends or a healthy support system in a long while, but the fact that he decides to take on and enable Katsuki in his element just… doesn’t sit well with me. The logical conclusion would be talking, not throwing hands. I don’t care if they’re “distressed teenagers,” neither of them should be doing this, and Katsuki was fully aware that the teachers would stop them in the first place; that’s not simply adults meddling in what isn’t their business. Katsuki should have really figured out by now that maybe the best course of action is to actually vent to someone without blowing their face off, and I get that he’s absolute s*** at feelings, but really, that’s more of a red flag that he needs to actually get help. And if you think a little too hard on Izuku’s feelings of the matter, well…
Imagine being ostracized for so long that you lose all sense of self worth.
Imagine being told time and again that your worthless, which checks out for you because clearly if your worthless, the guy that enabled that mindset is obviously better than you, and he’s entitled to use you for his own ends.
That’s what I get from this scene.
And again, this is all from IZUKU at this point; virtually NOTHING from Katsuki.
9) Double Detroit Smash (Heroes Rising)
I’ve already said my piece about the film. At this point, it’s beating a dead horse with a stick. Moving on.
10) Word of God (Miscellaneous)
Here’s the thing about Word of God in fandom: the general consensus is that it’s nice to get confirmation from a credible source, but unless it is portrayed in canon, it’s just more words which may or may not be true.
In this case, Kohei Horikoshi, the mangaka for BNHA, is saying that eventually, Katsuki will have to apologize to Izuku. Eventually.
As in, it still hasn’t happened yet.
As in, Katsuki still has yet to decide that what he did in the past was wrong and he should try to fix it.
As in, it currently shows no bearing towards Katsuki’s current character nor the overall Bakudeku dynamic.
Sure, it MIGHT happen, but in another interview (or mayhaps it’s the same one), Horikoshi stated that Katsuki originally wasn’t intended to get as much screen time as he did. Both of these situations are different of course, but with the recent turbulence of the War Arc shaking up the manga, is it really so hard to believe that an apology might slip away from Katsuki’s thought process?
On the bright side, an apology could happen. But until it’s canon, then it’s only a possibility, and therefore can’t be used fully for the intended argument.
11) X-Catapult Handhold (Heroes Rising)
I bet some people working on the movie and some fans on the movie felt spoiled when they included not one, but two handholding scenes for Izuku and Katsuki.
And while the first handhold is certainly a marvel of battle tactics, again, there isn’t much else going on with it. Is it nice to see Katsuki working with Izuku again? Yes, but contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t go past that. Katsuki’s just willing to work with Izuku, full stop. He’d probably be willing to work with anyone because Nine is f***ing tank. And sure, getting a handhold tease is nice, but it’s only to facilitate Katsuki’s subsequent yeeting of Izuku at Nine in an attempt to do damage. Nothing more pressing about the circumstances of their past or anything like that.
12) A Bit of Advice (Anime Screenshot)
Look, this is one of the tamer, better looks at Izuku and Katsuki’s relationship. He’s willing to put his pride aside and give Izuku some advice. But remember what I said earlier in #4?
It’s not just to make sure Izuku gets better, but so Katsuki can feel like it’s a complete win when he beats his ass.
And if we take the line “It pisses me off” into account, we can look at that flaw from the same angle. Remember, Izuku has All Might’s power, the #1 Hero’s power. To Katsuki, that means he shouldn’t have the luxury of making mistakes. But Izuku does. He makes mistakes, and Katsuki sees them and he doesn’t get to exploit them. He still wins, but not because of those mistakes. And part of that pisses Katsuki off. Izuku shouldn’t get to slack. So, Katsuki gives him some advice. Advice that will no doubt help Izuku in the long run, for his (and Katuki’s) sakes. It’s a good outcome from a not very good reason...
13) Have You Made That Borrowed Power Your Own? (Manga Screenshot)
Yeah, no.
I don’t care if Izuku is used to this treatment, it still isn’t reinforcing an overall positive tone.
I don’t care if Katsuki acknowledges at some level that Izuku’s power is becoming his own, he still has the gall to say it was no wonder he passed BECAUSE of his power. Which may be true, but it’s not like Izuku was relying on it 100%, and lowkey comes off as Quirkist.
All it tells me is that Katsuki is starting to acknowledge Izuku, in the “gadfly I can’t get off my back” sort of way. Is this the “best development” y’all are rooting for? Basic acknowledgement of another human being?
14) Outta My Way Punk! (Manga Screenshot)
Katsuki reflexively tells Izuku to get out of his way.
Izuku is used to it, again, that does not excuse it.
Once again, Katsuki reverts back to his usual behavior instead of showing a more subtle approach to show the audience that maybe he’s changing beyond what a chorus of other characters saying “he’s changed!” has to offer.
...even if it’s not abusive, you can’t really say that’s a “good” relationship, either.
15) Blackwhip Training (Manga Screenshot)
Katsuki willing to train with Izuku to help him master his Quirk(s) is nice.
Still blatantly in his element with lots of needless yelling and dominance assertion, but still nice.
And keep in mind, right after it’s clear they aren’t getting anywhere and Izuku tries to rationalize it, Katsuki decides to dip seeing as it’s not worth his time anymore. And even before that, at least in my translation, Katsuki seems to be more interested in beating out Blackwhip instead of having Izuku get a handle on.
Again, maybe not abusive, but not exactly supportive, either.
16) ??? (Anime Screenshot)
I personally have no idea what they were going for with this screenshot, but if I had to guess, that’s after Katsuki gives Izuku an escape window whilst he faces off against All Might alone during their Final Exams.
While I understand that this is early on in their dynamic’s development, the fact still stands that Katsuki still wants to fight for fighting’s sake. He may have been willing to at least give Izuku a chance, but he still sees Izuku’s retreat as cowardly, even though it’s a perfectly valid way to pass the exam. He still just wants to fight.
There’s no mutuality in that sense.
17) Quote from Justin Briner (Miscellaneous)
I don’t have much of an opinion for Izuku’s English VA, but for what it’s worth, I think overall he’s a really cool dude. The same, however, cannot be said for his quote.
I can buy into Izuku wanting to get stronger because of Katsuki, since that is a major plot point. I can’t do the same for Katsuki seeing the good in people because we don’t ever see it, really? In fact, it’s more like people latch on to Katsuki and he just tolerates them until they’ve completely wormed their way into his life. There’s no scene where Katsuki considers someone a good person because of something Izuku did, or anything even vaguely along those lines, at least to my knowledge.
As for their relationship, there have been more downs than ups, and it isn’t relatable to me in the slightest. Maybe that’s just ‘cause I don’t get the overall appeal, but their friendship never really strikes me as a… well, friendship. You could argue that’s the point and that’s what makes them different and interesting, but I would much rather we see more concrete proof of their relationship being at more understandable highs and lows while actually demonstrating it was mutual.
But again. That’s just me.
18) Joint Training Pep Talk (Manga Screenshot)
I’m basically repeating myself at this point. Katsuki might be keeping tabs on Izuku, but again, it’s not entirely for Izuku’s benefit. He just wants to make sure his new “rival” (successor to the #1 Hero, I might add) isn’t dragging his feet through the mud and actually getting s*** done so their eventual third clash will actually be worth his time.
...this relationship is so one-sided in two entirely different ways, I swear.
19) Speaking With Kacchan So Naturally (Manga Screenshot)
Why are we congratulating Katsuki for adding one more person to his already (surprisingly) sizable tolerance pile?
Why are we congratulating Izuku for bridging a gap other people managed to cross with little to no effort even though he didn’t do anything wrong?
Izuku is essentially saying “Good job on me for finally getting the same treatment as everyone else from that one person after over ten years.” Good on him, but uh… that’s not exactly a landmark worth framing the way the fandom does...
The relationship might not be outright abusive, but HOO BOY the bar has never been set lower...
20) “You’ve got a good friend in him” (Manga Screenshot)
And finally, the pièce de résistance. Which is really more narrative mouthpiece-ing.
Even before that, Katsuki yet again can’t take a compliment from Izuku for whatever reason. Yet again, Izuku just shrugs off all of Katsuki’s discouragement, intentional or otherwise. And I love me some Dadmight as much as the next guy, but really, does he have a good grasp on relationships? His only friends in his life were David and Naomasa, and he’s been shown time and time again to not be the infallible man many think he is due to being the Symbol of Peace? But suddenly he goes “Bakudeku rights” and y’all jump on that with no room for argument?
Katsuki has yet to prove what All Might has been saying. Again, telling rather than showing, therefore removing the meaning from the entire thing. Unless Katsuki proves otherwise, I call bulls***.
So, my final verdict? Bakudeku is fine. It’s just not as great as the rest of you are making it out to be. I’m not gonna dictate whatever you ship or what you enjoy, that’s not my place, but at least keep these perspectives in mind. You don’t have to believe them, but just… stay aware, y’know?
Alrighty, I’ve wasted enough of your time. If you’ve read it until the very end, then… thanks. Carry on.
-Crimson Lion (10 August 2020)
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mimssides · 4 years
Life on Crow Avenue: Part 12
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Warning: Past self-harm by Patton through cutting!
The scene where Patton reveals his cutting scars will be marked like this so you might skip it if you need to.
A little snore came from Roman, which quickly quieted down into a soft breathing in and out. Remus held him for a good while, none of the three speaking. At once Remus began to raise his voice, face turned away from Patton and Virgil. He sounded a bit sad, a bit wary but yet he was speaking and told them quietly: “I haven’t seen him in such a bad state in a while… Screaming doesn’t usually happen.”
“Well, I’d be having terrible nightmares as well if one of my cousins or uncles and aunts would have tried to kill themselves,” Virgil retorted and Remus turned back to look at him.
Virgil regretted his words on the spot. The guilt in Remus’s eyes was soul crushing and speechless Virgil gulped and looked down to his lap unable to think of anything that could excuse what he just had said.
“It’s not your fault that you feel like this, Remus. Roman knows and so do we. Don’t make yourself responsible for feeling the way you do.”
Patton’s voice was calm and kind. His whole personality had always seemed so soothing to Remus and he could barely comprehend it. Could barely understand how one single man could fit so much compassion and sympathy in his chest. Remus forced a smile and ruffled Roman’s hair. He did not budge and Remus sighed.
“Maybe it’s because he made me sleep in the same bed after the last time when it happened… So, he was sure that I was still there and all that. After all, there was nobody but him to keep an eye on me. He had to rely on himself. And now I wasn’t next to him, so that might have freaked him out additionally,” Remus mused more to himself than the others.
Patton furrowed his brows and pressed his lips together while watching Roman sleeping against Remus’s side. He had done the math when Remus had said they were seventeen at the time when the accident happened and that it has been nine years ago. The twins were twenty-six. Young adults, only in their mid-twenties and already had to vigorously fight for themselves to even get a standing in the word. It felt so wrong to Patton. That they went through so much pain and injustice.
“You know I love him,” Patton was suddenly ripped out of his train of thoughts by Remus speaking up, “but he gets fucking heavy after a while. Help me getting him back to bed? I’m not sure I can carry him there on my own.”
For a moment Patton’s brain completely blanked until Virgil got up with a huff and walked over to Roman’s other side. Perplexed Patton watched how Remus repositioned himself and grabbed his brother under his arms before looking up to Virgil and asking doubtfully: “You sure there’s some muscles on those wimpy arms of yours? He’s not a light-weight after all.”
“I could ask you the same. You look just as wimpy as me,” Virgil countered deadpanned and grabbed Roman by the legs.
Remus chuckled a little and mumbled under his breath: “Touché. Now let’s get him back to bed.”
With that Remus hefted Roman up and with Virgil’s help carried him towards the hallway. To Remus’s luck Virgil was indeed stronger than he looked and they had little problem to get his sleeping brother back to his room. Swiftly Remus ordered Virgil to walk backwards inside and wanted to carefully lay him down on bed when Virgil suddenly stood still and uttered perplexed: “The fuck?”
Remus blinked confusedly until he realized that the young man stared at the mattress on the floor and rolled his eyes annoyed.
“Where’s the bed frame? Where’s the rest of the bed, Remus?” Virgil asked again to what Remus only sighed.
“He’s got a mattress. A new one even! That’s ought to count for something right? Also, can we please just lay him down? He’s getting heavy.”
Virgil glared at Remus but helped him putting Roman down on the mattress and waited with saying anything until Remus had tucked Roman in and shooed him and Patton out of the room. With a pout Virgil turned around and started to walk back into the living room, Remus following him with a sigh Patton in tow. Virgil was upset and let Remus know as much when he stared at him the second, they were all back in the living room.
With an offloading gesture Virgil then said to Remus: “Why does he not have a proper bed, Remus? And do you sleep on a mattress as well? Why did you not-”
“We don’t know how to do that!”
Remus’s voice rarely got so loud and agitated. His breath rarely ran so fast. Reflexively, Remus crossed his arms in front of his chest and pressed his fingers into his upper arms.
“We didn’t have the money or the space to buy bed frames for, Virgil,” Remus said so much timider than before. “For the longest time we shared a mattress in the backrooms of the places we rented and only in the last year it was enough to buy two mattresses. I also have an ancient bedframe, which was left in this building. I know it’s not enough and that we ought to have got a bedframe for him but we never did that before. All the furniture and equipment we ever bought was for the store. Never for us. There was no money to get something like that for us. We haven’t done that and it’s - it’s weird to start doing it now? I know it shouldn’t be, it’s not so different from what we already did, but it is and I don’t know how to do it now.”
Virgil gulped and looked down to his shoes. Anger and frustration never helped improving someone’s mental health. At least it had never done himself any good. He remembered the frustrated hisses from his younger cousins when he failed to speak up for himself, the out-worn patience of his mother when he had yet again come home with bruises from other kids or a failed assignment due to his inabitly to speak in front of people.
“Sorry,” Virgil said slightly looking up and watching Remus tiredly scratch the back of his neck, “I should have been more compassionate. Like, I struggle with so many basic tasks, it’s terribly hypocritical of me to judge you for this.”
Remus just shrugged in response and stared down to the floor. He did not really care anymore. Caring took a lot out of him and usually it was all already spent on Roman. Today he didn’t have it in himself to care much more, Remus believed and instead let himself lean back and rested his head on the back lean of the couch.
“You should tell your uncle that I do not expect him to fix Ro... I know it’s a fuckton of work and that he’s a stubborn bitch. I’m not sure if I’ve been clear enough for him,” Remus said at once and he heard a muffled noise which he decided was probably a huff or chuckle.
“I think his problem with you is that you’re too direct for him, not too unclear” Virgil said and Remus grinned a little.
People had told him that his whole life. Too straightforward, which was rather ironic considering how queer he was, and too loud and inappropriate. But then again, he really did not know many children who had such intimate knowledge of human bowels that they could recreate inner organs with felt and sew them into a teddy bear, which they then ripped open dramatically at the weekly show-and-tell back in first grade. His teacher had screamed and many children had run away in fear, while Remus was laughing and having the time of his life. Well, until they had called his mother and he had to write an apology letter for the class. Writing apology letters, well writing in general really, wasn’t his strong suit and Roman had helped him come up with something, despite having been one of the kids who had screamed the loudest. Roman had always been an easy scare. Sometimes a little too easy to still be fun for Remus actually. It was why he had stopped making him his victim but his partner in crime. Which was really fun because no one ever was able to tell them apart and people could easily be messed with when they were uncertain to which twin, they were speaking to or didn’t know one of them even was a twin. That had led to the whole prank with June Bittenbinder, which was up to this day one of proudest pranks Remus had ever pulled.
Revelling in memories Remus hadn’t noticed the ratty blanket being thrown over his legs or that Patton’s arm brushed his from time to time. Only when he heard a little snicker, Remus closed his mouth (wait why was his mouth open in the first place?) and looked to his left where Patton sat and giggled.
“That poor girl! You two really had it out for her,” Patton said gently to Remus’s confusion and he blinked several times.
About what was Patton talking? Remus wanted to ask but found himself rubbing his neck and realizing how dry his throat was. But there was no reason for that, right?
“You did not realize you were rambling, did you?”
Patton patted Remus’s upper arm and Remus leaned against the touch. He frowned and looked down to his knees before he looked back up again to meet Patton’s dirty brown eyes, pulling at something in Remus’s soul he hadn’t known he even possessed.
“I didn’t? I was talking?” Remus asked meekly and watched how Patton’s eyebrow twitched a little as his expression grew a little sadder.
Patton’s hand stayed on Remus’s shoulder and the small, far too cute smile remained on Patton’s face, something Remus was so grateful for.
“You were,” Patton said patiently and motioned with his chin to Virgil huddled against his shoulder fast asleep, “quite a bit even. It seemed like you needed to get it out of your system and so I let you talk and stopped Virgil from disrupting you. I believe, he found your voice quite soothing.”
Blankly, Remus stared at the young man sleeping leaned against Patton’s side. People didn’t find him soothing. They didn’t like him talking. Even less rambling.
“And I liked it too. Quite a bit so even. You’ve got a fascinating way of telling stories, Remus. I enjoyed it a lot.”
Remus let himself gaze at Patton and pulled the blanket on his knees up. With a sigh he nuzzled himself against the fabric and took a few breathes before he decided to speak again.
“Thank you, I guess. I didn’t even notice that my lips were moving. Or that time had passed…”
“It’s alright. It’s not like we’re in a rush…”
An agreeing hum. Silence set itself over them.
“You didn’t hear me.”
Remus grinned a little and just glanced to Patton. He met his look firmly.
“You didn’t hear me when I called for you to wait for me. So, why? Why did you not jump?”
A tiny exhale mixed with the ghost of a chuckle.
“Oh Poppy. Just because my head’s cruel to me doesn’t mean it doesn’t work at all. I saw you running. I knew you were coming for me. You were going to blame yourself if I hadn’t been standing up there anymore. And I won’t make you feel responsible for my suicide. I’m not that mean.”
The silence wrapped itself around them. They sat so close and were yet so far away it seemed. Remus let his thumb brush over the side of his pointer finger and felt himself breath in and out for a while. His throat was dry and he decided that he might want to drink a coffee.
Softly Remus put the blanket down and nudged Patton in the arm.
Patton nodded and watched Remus stand up and disappear in the kitchen. His words stuck with Patton. ‘Poppy’ rang in his ears and he rearranged himself so Virgil looked more comfortable in his position against him. He listened to the water boiling in the kettle and how mugs were sat down on the counter. Remus was not exactly quiet while doing his chores and Patton felt almost a little stupid for not noticing sooner that something might have been off about Remus’s hearing.
“Milk? Sugar?” it came from the kitchen.
“Both! Three teaspoons of sugar please!”
Patton heard a quiet hum and then Remus soon showed up with two cups in his hands. Gingerly he placed one with a rainbow in front of him while keeping his own cup in his hands. Patton looked at it and it seemed to be some cheap merchandise from Ursula from The Little Mermaid. Tentacles. Really fit his aesthetic.
“I get why Roman is so scared at the prospect of losing you…” Patton said quietly but loud enough so Remus could still hear him. “But I also understand why you … you would want to hurt yourself. Maybe not to the extent you want to, but I get it. I’ve been there.”
Patton paused and let his eyes linger on Remus’s face. Sorrow, surprise, disbelieve. He had seen it all before but somehow now they seemed to matter more. Matter more coming from a man who had tried to jumping from a rooftop today. Matter more coming from the man he had stopped from jumping from a rooftop today.
“I… I don’t have a lot of close family,” Patton said feeling his voice waver but pushing through, “only my parents. They were supportive. Always. Even when it meant cutting off ties with their families who were unsupportive of who I was. And I am grateful for that every day of my life. I truly am. My mother did so much for me and – Let’s not go into that. She, she really was amazing and then she got sick when I was nineteen. It got down so quickly; I barely knew what was happening. And then from one day to the other she was just – gone.”
Patton licked his lips and grabbed his right forearm.
“I didn’t take it well. In fact – I was miserable. And so desperately lonely and in so much pain. I did not know what to do with myself so I – I got destructive.”
Patton let go of his arms and softly placed his hands at the hem of his shorts. Quickly he exchanged a look with Remus, before he then pulled the fabric up and revealed the skin beneath. Revealed some faint, some not so faint looking scars from cuts over the inner side of Patton’s thigh. Some of them were quite long, others shorter and piled on top of each other. Wordlessly, Patton rolled his shorts back down and exhaled for a moment.
Patton felt a shiver run down his spine. It was not easy for him to admit his weaknesses. His flaws and mistakes.
A hand on his shoulder. Patton turned his head and saw Remus levelling his look and pressing his lips together.
For this it was worth it.
“I was doing this for around half a year. That’s how long I could hide it. Then I worried my friends from college so much that they called my Dad and he had me take a timeout. Had me go to therapy after ages of discussing and fighting and me claiming that it was for naught anyway. That it would not change anything as it could not bring her back. But after a while of me going, well, it did change things.”
“It fixed you?”
Remus’s voice sounded full of doubt and the look in his eyes clearly showed the scepticism in his word, which made Patton grin a little.
“No, it didn’t. It helped me though. A lot. I stopped cutting and my therapist advised me to pick up something to do instead, among other things of course. For me that was drawing. I became pretty good at it and it eventually helped me get into my current career after I dropped out of college. And there are still times when I need help. I can go months without a meeting but then out of nowhere I feel old thoughts, old patterns appeal to me again. Then I go and make an appointment just to talk it out and recentre myself.”
Patton paused and squeezed his hands together for a moment. Then he entangled them and put one hand on Remus’s which was still residing on his shoulder.
Faithfully, Patton looked at Remus and said sincerely: “I know this sounds unrealistic and not true to you, but I believe that therapy would help you, Remus. Roman will not be able to heal you neither will the others or I. But I believe you can get better. I believe you could be happier. I know you deserve it and I think you should consider trying it at least.”
Remus gulped. Patton watched the micro-expressions of his face change in a hart beat, the thought supposedly running through his head. Patton still held his hand and he felt it twitching and let go of it only for Remus to take it again a second after. They look at each other, having a conversation, pleading at one another to just listen and hopefully accept what they asked the other.
“I’m not sure if there even is something salvageable about me anymore…” Remus mumbled.
Patton’s look fell. But his lips were still kept in a smiling position and Remus sighed. For him he forced himself to remain positive. To remain optimistic.
“But, I guess, considering it isn’t half so bad,” Remus gave in.
There suddenly was warmth. Warmth radiating from Patton’s person and again – this little spark that Remus didn’t think should be there –
Arms were flung around him. Warm, soft arms and breath tickling the nape of his neck. Mechanically, Remus returned the gesture and felt Patton relax in their embrace. Of course. He must have been stressed as hell, if this was his background. And yet he had remained staying here with him. He had shared this with him.
“Thank you, Poppy,” Remus mumbled in Patton’s hair and patted his back soothingly. “It means a lot to me. And I’m sorry for your loss.”
They stayed like that for a few more minutes before Patton moved a little and asked for a second blanket to tuck Virgil in. After a five-minute search the eventually found a second one and Virgil was tucked in, they sat back down nipping at their coffees and let the silence of the night sit in between them.
That was until Remus said, rubbing his shoulder softly against Patton’s: “I probably shouldn’t pry but who else knows about them? Like around whom do I watch my mouth?”
Patton glanced up and shook his head a little, distracting himself from the thoughts occupying his mind.
“I think Logan knows… I haven’t really said it but he knows me from high school and he knew something was different when we met again and I dropped some hints and he’s really smart so. He probably knows. And well, uhm-” Patton broke off and glanced over to Virgil with a flush so dark that Remus could see it despite the dim light.
Curiously Remus smirked and nudged Patton in the side while asking: “I’m sensing a scandalous confession coming, sugar puff. Spill the tea~”
Patton coughed a little to hide his embarrassment a little before admitting: “I, uh, Janus knows about the scars because he kinda saw themwhenweslepttogether.”
Patton was steeling himself for a mocking comment but nothing came. Cautiously, he looked to Remus and suddenly realized that he probably had not understood what he had rambled so quickly. Apologetically, he scratched the back for his neck and took a deep breath so he could try again.
“We had a one-night stand, soon after we met. Well, like on the night we met actually. He didn’t comment on them though, so I don’t know what exactly he gathered out of it.”
Carefully Patton watched Remus’s expression. First it was blank, then it turned into something more impressed to Patton’s surprise.
“Respect. He’s an attractive guy, so I cannot fault you for it. But how on earth did that whole meeting go down?” Remus asked.
Unbelievingly Patton stared at him before he broke into a giggle and started to tell Remus the story of the night, he and Logan had met Janus, leaving the darker topics slip in the back of their minds for the rest of the night.
@sammy-is-obsessed / @exhaustedfander
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laufire · 4 years
Supernatural s1
my dash: decries Supernatural every five posts.
me: time to watch it seriously for the first time in my life.
-First thing first: it’s an amazingly well-crafted season of tv. I’m a character-focused watcher, not a plot-focused one; I never connected emotionally to the Winchesters (still haven’t and likely never will, as interesting I might find them as character constructs), so I feared I’d be bored and would want to skip scenes. Nuh huh. I was many things, but none of them were bored xDD. Each episode was a lesson in good pacing and the entire season another in proper build-up. There are one or two or a few dozen tv-writers I would like to show it to, ngl.
-Another thing it excelled at was in its portrayal in abusive family dynamics. The way Dean went mellow and so unlike himself when John gave an order (and what a SHOCK it is in the later episodes when he finally stands up to him!!). How Sam said HE would apologize to his father when they saw each other again, or how he made apologies for his father because “it could have been worse” (at least John didn’t beat them up, like it happened to that poor kid!). John showing Sam more “““respect””” (as far as he’s able at least) simply because Sam already proved he’s capable of leaving him; the way John controls the information he gives them and when and how and how much and how small they feel when they reunite with him. Dean knowing his father had been possessed by a demon because it wasn’t reprimanding him and belittling him. Dean’s psychic shapeshifter (?) expressing his resentment towards Sam for getting to escape. Dean’s quickness to resort to violence when Sam says something that makes him angry, or how he tries to severe ties between Sam and his college friends, or how he guilt trips him when Sam says he plans on returning to his studies, or how he minimizes Sam’s experiences with John or how Sam criticizes Dean’s compliance... (I don’t think Dean’s being consciously manipulative. I think it’s intuitive. Which is far, far scarier. He’s the Elena Gilbert of Supernatural and a walking red flag for controlling behavior). How it’s paired with ~honeymoon periods. The way they use the families around them to highlight their issues. It’s... chilling and terrifying and I can’t look away. I won’t get into the shit John pulls in 2x01 because that’s for the s2 POV, but oh my god I’m so happy he’s dead.
I wasn’t all that sure of how self-aware the creators were about this trend (especially because of how centralized and validated Dean’s POV is in his conflicts with Sam IMO. OTOH... characters like Dean and actors like Ackles are the type to take over a show by charisma alone tbf. The way he swoops in in the pilot and starts disrupting everything, including Sam’s relationship, reminding me of both Angel in BTVS and Chuck in Gossip Girl, Doylist-wise. This comparison is going to make sense to like three people I talk with regularly xDD). At least on early seasons, since certain spoilers about the later ones make me think it grew over time. I’m still unsure but I think they are a little self-aware because of this quote:
Eric Kripke said of Buffy: “I loved ‘Hush’ and ‘Once More, With Feeling,’ but overall, Buffy really taught me about effectively using metaphor in genre. For Buffy, it was ‘high school is hell (literally),’ and Joss Whedon did such a masterful job of grounding his horror and fantasy concepts in this notion, and ultimately telling allegories about high school, which turned what could’ve been B-Movie material into an all-time classic. I used that same philosophy on my run of Supernatural, with the mantra ‘family is hell (literally),’ and always grounded my horror episodes around the notion of families, to the show’s benefit. So thanks, Joss Whedon. I owe you a beer. (Credit: The WB)
everyone wants to be Buffy lol.
-My absolute favourite thing was how competent the Winchesters are (I’m even reluctantly including John here. That bastard). They’re sneaky with local authorities, crafty about fake IDs, credit scams, research abilities, DIY supernatural detectors xDD... I loved the lack of an audience proxy, the fact that the story throws you into the deep end with people that already know their shit. And that the other side is competent too, like when Meg & YED’s plan to trap John relied on the Winchester being competent; on Sam immediately going into the defensive because, what are the chances of finding that cute weird girl a second time, miles away?; on John suspecting it was a trap and only revealing himself after Meg appears to be dead... Another scene that I loved in that sense, from 2x01 (I watched until 2x03, I wanted to see Sterling K. Brown’s first appearance lol) was how upon discovering Reapers are shapeshifters, Dean immediately knew that cute ghost he’d befriended was the one after him. I get the feeling this aspect will get lost in future season and it’s a pity, tbh.
-Related to that, some of my favourite moments: Sam straight up bribing a guy to get into the morgue when Dean’s arguments are failing (with Dean’s money!); Dean’s plan of “well, if this guy is haunting the house and there’s no other way to kill him, we burn the house. No house no haunting”; Dean telling that kid to fake appendicitis to get his parents out of the house; John blessing the tank of water knowing he’s walking into a trap with demons... I dig this stuff.
-I get whiplash sometimes, with the show making a point of (very briefly) telling you racism, homophobia or pro-life attitudes are Bad(TM) and the brothers are Against them (the Racist Truck episode, the one where a woman used a Reaper to exchange “virtuous” lives for those of sinners...), when the rest of the show is err... what it is lol. Dean is toxic masculinity’s poster boy (I was so disgusted by how he acted with Jess omfg), in s2 we don’t get the monsters’ perspective on hunters until we’ve conveniently met our first black one (I love the episode AND the character but it’s fucking true)...
-I need to make a note of paying attention to the writers credits/Bts stuff because I find this show’s progression fascinating on a metatextual level. The only problem is that audience reaction seems to have played a big role (which is a problem on one or two different levels imo xD), and tracking that down is sliiiiightly more difficult lol. Oh well (I don’t even think I want to see too much of this fandom, even to satisfy my curiosity. Some of the glimpses I’ve caught of it are disturbing to the extreme).
-The detail about dead people’s blood being toxic to vampires is SO COOL OMG. I’m tempted to steal it xD
Some random stuff:
-The monsters of the week were some legit creepy stuff.
-I love that Meg has her own hellhounds. Is that still a thing when she returns?
-Dean: you and dad are reckless and I’m going to have to be the one that buries you. / Me, with the power of foresight: 👀
-Also Dean: sometimes it scares me how good I am at killing. / Me: it scares the shit out of me how good you are at killing, too, fam.
-I get the impression Sam loses his demonic-in-origin powers later on, right? What a waste, I love those.
-I’m pretty sure at one point it’s implied John used Dean to honeytrap monsters (when he sends him as a trap for the lady vampire that stole the Colt) and I really don’t know what to do with this information.
-Cassie was GORGEOUS and even make Dean likeable for me while they lasted xDD. But given this show’s track record I’m considering the lack of more appearances a blessing.
-So many guest stars. Everyone’s been on SPN. Especially if they were on the Buffyverse first (I totally get the impulse of casting Buffy actor after Buffy actor lmfao).
-Funny how Luther Hargreeves is exactly who a lot of fans think Dean was (Dean is far, far colder imo), and yet one is constantly called pathetic and evil and the other woobified. Very Funny Indeed *coughs* (funnier still that the character I often see Dean compared to is Wynonna Earp when the parallels are kids-pool deep at best and offensive at worst. Dean is not a Wynonna. Again, Dean is an Elena Gilbert xDD).
-The two paranormal investigators were dumb as rocks, but their motto was “What Would Buffy Do” so I like them (if they ever change that to What Would the Winchesters Do or something like that I’m going to be furious lmao).
-When I want to ~chill I dress about exactly like Dean (minus the flannel I’ve seen in later seasons, you can’t pay me to wear flannel). Like, I think I have a couple of shirts that look exactly like ones of his. I don’t know how I feel about this xDD
-IDK how I’ll feel about Bobby later on (I get the impression every long-term character on this show has their hateful phases xD), but in his introduction he said the last time he saw John he threatened to shoot him (“he causes that reaction in people”), so he’s so far the most relatable character around lol.
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some-cookie-crumbz · 4 years
Howl’s Moving Castle AU for Toshinko please!!
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This is absolutely adorable~! I hope you don’t mind that I went with one scene, and I hope that I did it justice regardless~! x3
She hated having to go out on the city streets alone. She wasn’t brave and bold like Mitsuki, or delicate and ambivalent like Rei. When Mitsuki went out, men knew better than to try and make a pass at her. She would snarl and roar like a beast, tearing into a man’s fragile ego as if they were made of damp tissue paper. Meanwhile, Rei was a master at playing oblivious. Men would try to coo and fawn over her, but she would pretend not to understand their meaning until they just gave up. Midoriya Inko, however, had none of those skills. She was meek and easily intimidated, hesitant to engage in conflict and even more hesitant to defend herself. She preferred to keep her head down and focus on her work as opposed to go out and interact with the loud patrons of their hat shoo.
When she did go out, she found herself in situations such as this.
"It's okay, dear," one of the two soldiers said, taking a step closer. On instinct she stepped back, driving herself further into the alley and farther from the busy chatter of the marketplace. It was a poor move on her part. The more isolated she was, the easier prey she became. “We just want to chat with you a little.”
“Yeah,” the other chirped, stepping closer on her other side, “we just want to talk a little. Maybe buy you a drink.”
She shook her head and tried to step back and to the side, unable to make words come out. She knew what they were trying to do, she wasn’t stupid. If they blocked out any chance for escape, she’d have no choice but to play their game by their rules. And that thought was terrifying.
“Hey now, we’re just trying to be nice here, little rabbit,” the first one groused, an aggressiveness coming to his tone. She could feel her legs starting to wobble as she curled her arms more tightly into her chest, pressing the bag of hat trimmings she'd been picking up closer to herself. What should she do? Should she try shouting for help? If she did, would any even come? Or would they just claim she was being hysterical over a simple invitation?
And suddenly, there was a warm hand enveloping one shoulder and the firm feel of another form against her other and a portion of her back. “Ah, there you are, darling,” a deep, mirthful voice said, “I was looking everywhere for you.”
Shock registered in the faces of the two guards as they stared from her to the newcomer. She herself stole a glance up and felt her breath catch. The eyes that glanced down at her were a deep, luminous blue settled in a chiseled face and slicked back blonde hair with two lone bangs framing his face. The smile he sported was wide and inviting, making some of the tension leave her body. “Who the Hell are you?” shouted the first guard, scowling at them bitterly.
“Ah, where are my manners! Thank you both so much for looking after my darling for me,” he said warmly, leaning a bit closer to her. He loomed over her, but unlike these men, she didn’t feel the uncomfortable prickle of danger. Despite how much larger and stronger he was, she got the distinct feeling that if she wanted to break away from him he would let her do so.
What a strange man, indeed.
The second guard narrowed his own eyes before they snapped open wide and he sucked in a breath through his teeth. “Wait, this guy is-!” he cut off with a small choked noise as her blonde associate lifted his other hand and waggled a finger, causing both guards to stand straight as they had at their post before following Inko.
He dipped his head. “I think the pair of you should be along. You wouldn’t want to risk some ruffians making trouble while you dilly-dally where you aren’t wanted,” he mused, voice still warm but with an authoritative undercurrent. With stiff, wonky movements and quiet grumbled protests the pair turned and started marching back towards where they’d come. Her companion leaned a bit closer. “I apologize for them. A man should never go trying to bully a woman around like that.”
She opened her mouth to say it was okay or that she should be used to it but thought better of it as his grip slacked from her shoulder. "Thank you," she said instead, allowing genuine gratitude to trickle into her voice.
He smiled broad and warm, making her stomach flutter pleasantly. "Where are you off to? I'll escort you there personally," he said as he shifted to take her hand in his own. His were calloused and so much larger than hers, but they were warm and grounding.
"Oh, um, back to my work. The local hat shoo," she explained, allowing him to pull her closer and lead her along.
He dipped his head again to whisper low, "Not to alert you, but I am being followed. Just act normal and we will be fine." His instructions were simple and she forced herself to walk with him despite the unrest kicking back up inside her.
Their steps were precise but also at a leisurely brisk pace, hinting nothing. With each step, however, Inko could hear low, almost animal-like groans cropping up behind them. Her companion picked his pace up a bit, moving to curl his other hand around her wrist. At the other end of the alley, a hulking figure with beady eyes and jagged fangs and what seemed to be an exposed brain appeared, looming towards them.
She couldn't hold in a sharp gasp of horror, pressing closer to her escort.
"I apologize. It seems you've become a part of this now," he said. He took a sharp left down another corridor while drawing her in closer. As they headed down that alleyway, even more of the strange creatures loomed from the shadows towards them, blocking the new exit they’d found. “Hold on tight.” he advised before he released her hand to loop around her waist, pressing her flush against him, and leapt.
And suddenly they were high up in the air, floating above even the rooftops.
“O-Oh, goodness,” she breathed, looking down at the people beneath them.
“It’s okay, I have you,” he reassured, relinquishing his grip around her waist to instead hold both her hands. “Just straighten your legs and walk.” She hesitated a moment before doing as he said, looking at his own legs moving as if on the solid ground and matching him. A small giggle escaped her as she walked, her feet feeling as if there were invisibly cobblestones beneath them with each step. “There you go!” he praised with an excited chuckle, leaning over so they could lock gazes. “You are a natural.”
They kept going over the throngs of dancers and merriment beneath, leaping briefly from a tall point of one tall tower, gliding through the air as gracefully as a bird. Before she knew it, his feet touched the wooden gating of the second floor of the hat shoo, twirling her like a dancer to set her on the patio proper. “Sir,” she breathed softly, clutching his hand a bit tighter as she turned to face him fully.
“I will lead those unpleasant creatures far from here, but you should still wait a bit before going back outside,” he warned, slowly pulling his hand back from hers.
She found herself missing the warmth almost immediately. “Okay. And, thank you, um,” she trailed while tilting her head, hoping it would be enough to get a proper answer.
“My name is a dangerous thing in these parts, I’m afraid. But, I can promise that we shall meet again, darling,” he said, offering a grin before leaping backwards off the sill. She threw herself against the railing to call after him, scanning below for him but found nothing. There wasn’t even the faintest hint of golden hair or his red, white and blue checkered cape in the crowd.
Her stomach flipped as her mind suddenly called the significance of those colors up. That man was Yagi Toshinori, the fabled warlock.
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carolyncaves · 4 years
I’m cheating slightly and saying this is an entry for both Day 9: Shower and Day 10: Rainbow - my excuse is this scene is long enough to count double. From a chronological standpoint, this is the very beginning of the NHS/OC, JC&OC saga, which as I’ve said follows the same post-canon thread as my fic Senseless (on AO3), but the only important background is Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji are Together (because of course they are).
2209 words, Wangxian, Nie Huaisang, OC, Jin Ling, Jiang Cheng. Post CQL, drama at parties, banter, Wangxian feels, Meet Zhang Meihua
The banquet – held in honor of Jin Ling’s accession to Sect Leader – was essentially a very lavish excuse to invite everyone in the cultivation world to Carp Tower to shower him with praise and gifts of goodwill. It was a very Lanling Jin thing to do, but at least they’d thrown a good party to entice and compensate the guests. Wei Wuxian was most of the way through his second bottle of baijiu and felt pleasantly warm from it, and the evening was still young.
He himself had been personally invited, which indicated Jiang Cheng had no control over the guest list. Not that a lack of an invitation would have kept him from his sister’s son’s celebration. Lan Zhan was invited to everything, because he was Chief Cultivator, and ever since they had become more one thing than two, he brought Wei Wuxian everywhere with him without fail and wore a version of his blank look that dared anyone to say anything about it. So far, no one had.
Lan Zhan had paid his respects to Jin Ling (as had Wei Wuxian himself, somewhat more jovially and obnoxiously and overbearingly, as a good uncle should), but with that duty fulfilled, Lan Zhan seemed more interested in doting on Wei Wuxian than in socializing with the other cultivators – or rather staring silently into the middle distance, which was how he usually behaved at parties. Wei Wuxian barely had time to breathe before he was being handed each next cup of baijiu or pilfered blossom or small delicacy Lan Zhan had acquired from a servant’s tray. This time, it was a tiny cherry cordial jelly, with a piece of sugared orange peel on top.
Lan Zhan had been increasingly free with gifts and indulgences now that Wei Wuxian was a permanent inhabitant of the jingshi, and for a while Wei Wuxian had often teased him about it, his own roundabout way of trying to tell him he didn’t have to, that Wei Wuxian was not so very needy, that Lan Zhan could relax because he would stay regardless. Then one time Lan Zhan had inclined his head, almost in shame, and said, “I like giving things to you,” very quietly. That admission, in addition to lighting Wei Wuxian’s insides up like a brand, had made him change course completely. Now he simply made sure to show he liked the things he was given. He tipped the cordial treat into his mouth, savoring the taste and smiling at his companion as he did it. In this case, he wondered if Lan Zhan’s particularly fervent behavior had something to do with the past. The last time they’d been here, Wei Wuxian had been wearing Mo Xuanyu’s mask, and once that had been removed, he’d been stabbed trying to exit.
The time before that, Wei Wuxian had drunk a cup of liquor on Lan Zhan’s behalf and left Lanling at odds with the entire cultivation world.
They were a very long way from that now, in time and in metaphorical distance. Still, Wei Wuxian knew Lan Zhan had suffered greatly when he was gone. Those memories had haunted Lan Zhan through the long absence in a way they never would for Wei Wuxian himself. He let Lan Zhan do whatever he wanted to do, hoping his pliance would soothe him.
“Wei-jiu!” Jin Ling’s voice pierced through all the crowded hall, and the words sent Wei Wuxian’s heart up to lodge in his throat. Jin Ling and Jiang Cheng – who had been carefully distant from Wei Wuxian all evening, this being the first time they’d seen each other since their previous conversation which had resolved some things but not others, and who now looked moments away from apoplexy at either Jin Ling’s active solicitation of Wei Wuxian’s attention, the term he used to do it, or both – were standing over Nie Huaisang, who – Wei Wuxian had been keeping track – was sitting in a well-behaved manner in the Nie delegation’s section of the hall and not seeking anyone out. Nie Huaisang was smiling placidly, but Wei Wuxian could still see he was a little alarmed at being the center of attention of now four of the people who had been present at Guanyin Temple that day. Wei Wuxian wasn’t sure whether that alarm was warranted or not.
Two jars of baijiu deep, he was more than curious to find out. He was halfway across the hall before it occurred to him to check with Lan Zhan, but he was following in Wei Wuxian’s wake, looking cool but placid. He would be all right.
“Venerable Sect Master Jin,” Wei Wuxian greeted, bowing exaggeratedly low to his nephew. He bowed to Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang as well, as courtesy required. It occurred to him that all three of them were Sect Leaders, of three of the main sects. With Lan Xichen in seclusion, Lan Zhan was not very dissimilar from being one himself, at least for now – in addition to being Chief Cultivator. Wei Wuxian considered himself standing among them and chuckled. He didn’t think being the former Yiling Partiarch, brief ruler of several radish fields, made him quite their equal.
“What’s so funny?” Jin Ling scolded. “I called you over here to settle something. I heard you punched my father in the face when you were all at Cloud Recesses together, and Jiu Jiu says you were being hotheaded and foolish, but Sect Leader Nie says my father deserved it.”
“Sect Leader Nie says many things,” Lan Zhan said, eyes narrowing in his direction.
Nie Huaisang fan kept fluttering gently against his chest and he kept his smile up, but Wei Wuxian could see his throat bob. Lan Zhan did indeed sound very threatening, and it would probably be bad luck to have blood spilled on the day of Jin Ling’s celebration, so Wei Wuxian took Lan Zhan’s hand and squeezed it and said, “They’re both right, Jin Ling. I behaved rashly in defense of my sister’s feelings, to be sure, but your father was a young man acting foolish himself. It’s like what I told you before, about getting in some fights while you had the chance.”
“You told him what?” Jiang Cheng seethed, and Wei Wuxian thought maybe in the end blood would be spilled after all, only it would be his own, when they were interrupted by the sound of a voice clearing its throat.
A woman was standing there, having approached their group. She was of their generation, if on the younger side of it, and her hair was worn in the arrangement of an unmarried woman. Her yellow and purple robes were a style that evoked Lanling, and she was smiling, with a similar attitude about her as the floral pattern on her dress – light and carefree. Wei Wuxian didn’t recognize her, so she had to belong to a minor sect or family. She carried no sword.
“Sect Leader Jin,” she began, bowing, “Your Excellency, Sect Leaders, Senior Wei. I apologize for interrupting your conversation, but I was about to depart, and I was hoping to get the chance to speak with Sect Leader Nie beforehand.”
Nie Huaisang sat up straighter, apparently surprised to be addressed. “Well, of course. You look somewhat familiar to me, guniang. Have we met before? Your name is …”
“Zhang Meihua. I believe my father invited you to stop for tea at our family’s manor when you were on your way here from Qinghe. I was out, but I’m often told I and my two elder sisters look very much alike.” She smiled in amusement. “So we ourselves have not met. But later that day, I found this in our hall.” She reached into her wide belt and withdrew a folded paper fan, the same sort Nie Huaisang himself carried. “I believed you may have left it inadvertently, and I thought I should return it to you.”
“Oh my, Zhang-guniang, you didn’t need to come all this way over a paper fan,” Nie Huaisang said jovially. He reached out, and seemed idly perplexed when she didn’t just hand it to him.
“It was no trouble, Sect Leader, I was already thinking I’d attend.” And then, despite her casual tone, she steeled herself just a little – imperceptibly WWX might not have even noticed – before opening the fan and holding it down for Nie Huaisang to inspect.
The painted side was facing out, and the art was obviously not Nie Huaisang’s, at least as far as Wei Wuxian’s eye could tell – it lacked his subtlety. But that didn’t seem to matter. The transverse side of the fan, the side Nie Huaisang often used to write poetry on his own, was angled so as to be visible to Nie Huaisang only. And Nie Huaisang – who was always playing with the fan in his hands, who was always animated with a whole rainbow of inane emotions he was happy to have you see – Nie Huaisang was frozen, his face a rictus of his disintegrating smile mixed with swift horror.
Something was written there, and Nie Huaisang was surprised and very unhappy to see it.
Wei Wuxian had just processed it, was reaching for Chenqing with one hand and Lan Zhan with the other, when Zhang Meihua snapped the fan shut.
“Ah, Sect Leader Nie, I think I’ve made a mistake,” she said, laughing a little, lightly. “I actually think this must be my oldest sister’s fan, which I don’t recognize because she never uses them. I will put this back where it belongs, where it will certainly never see the light of day again.”
Huaisang’s eyes lifted, then – from the fan to her face. His expression was melting toward bewilderment.
“I assure you, Sect Leader, you have nothing to fear. I have no ambitions against your artful style. I suppose I was merely searching a little too eagerly for an excuse to introduce myself to you, because I appreciate the skill of your work.” Zhang Meihua bowed low and proper. “Sect Leader Jin, congratulations again and thank you for your hospitality.” She turned and walked toward the open doors at the far end of Glamour Hall.
Nie Huaisang watched her go like a man transfixed.
“What was that all about?” Jin Ling, characteristically demanding even when he had missed an important thread.
When Zhang Meihua reached the doorway, she looked over her shoulder to see if Nie Huaisang was still watching. She saw that he was, and she inclined her head at him, and then she held the fan out and dropped it into one of the braziers blazing next to the entrance to help heat the spacious hall. The orange light inside it flared briefly, as the flames consumed the paper and whatever secret of Huaisang’s had been inscribed on it. Then it was over, and she was gone.
“Ah, what indeed, Jin Ling,” Wei Wuxian laughed over Nie Huaisang’s still-dazed head. “That was a fellow appreciator of the painted fan, trying very skillfully to catch the esteemed Sect Leader Nie’s attention!”
“Wei Ying,” Lan Zhan said quietly, a gentle warning. Wei Wuxian ignored him.
“Why did she burn it then?” Jin Ling asked, still oblivious.
“She said it herself – she did not want Huaisang to feel she was threatening his supremacy in the fine art of carrying paper fans.” Wei Wuxian knew he was radiating far too much glee. He couldn’t help it.
“Wei Ying,” Lan Zhan repeated, a little more firmly, and Wei Wuxian conceded. A deep rose blush had by that point painted Nie Huaisang’s cheeks, and if Wei Wuxian carried on more about it, Jin Ling would eventually catch the drift.
“Ah, well. An interesting person to have met, wouldn’t you agree, Esteemed Sect Leader Huaisang?”
“Aren’t you going to go after her?” Jiang Cheng scowled. Wei Wuxian couldn’t imagine Sandu Shengshou letting anyone leave the room after a dramatic revelation of a personal secret, assurances of that person’s good intentions to the contrary.
“She’s probably already gone,” Nie Huaisang said, almost absently. “She said she was leaving, didn’t she? It’s a long journey back to Zhang Manor.”
“But at the next cultivation conference …” Wei Wuxian raised his eyebrows, making an implicating face at Lan Zhan – who did not roll his eyes at him but clearly wanted to in spirit – and Jiang Cheng – who did.
“Oh, I’m not sure if she’ll make an appearance,” Nie Huaisang dissembled, his own fan once again beginning to flutter. “If she’s a maiden daughter of a minor sect without much to do with cultivation, she surely has better things to do than travel all the way to Qinghe to attend a cultivation conference.”
“I have a good feeling about it,” Wei Wuxian proclaimed. He truly did, too. Not just that Lady Zhang would absolutely make an appearance at the next public event Nie Huaisang attended. If Wei Wuxian could bet Lan Zhan’s money, he would wager that someday there would be a public event held in their honor.
To make her statement with such an audience, four powerful figures and Wei Wuxian as well … this Zhang Meihua seemed like a person who knew what she wanted, and who would take bold steps to see it through.
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