#and a protag that tries to pretend he can hang with all these people but he is actually clueless
The excitement of reading a new borel book +knowing you’ll have to wait for someone to read it to be able to scream about it to someone
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ALL OF THE KIDS IN THE LN UNIVERSE (Ln 1, Ln 2, Ln dlc, Vln, Ln comic, and scraped characters!) ARE FORCED TO HAVE A PLAY DATE ALL TOGETHER. How does it go?
Meanwhile, all the adults are doing adult things...like drinking...and taxes...
All the Kids Play Date Day
It's pretty common knowledge that the Four Protags hang out regularly. So, when the other kids found out, they began to riot
After much whining and pleading (and maybe some bribing), all the kids were dropped off near the Tower in Pale City
Two reasons for this:
One, ever since the Sleepover at the Nest, the Butler just straight up wasn't having a swarm of rude brats at the mansion
It was a similar reasoning from the Lady at the Maw. She just didn't want to deal with all the children
Two, since the Thin Man does such a good job last time, he can handle everyone
the Thin Man: But...wait- the Butler and the Lady: -dropping off the kids- Have fun~!
Now, the old man is used to handling four little rascals...not 21. He was practically watching a class and he had a lot of work to do, so...
The deal was that the children could play as much as they want, as long as they stay within the city's limits, near the Tower, and NOT get into too much trouble
It was a weird agreement, but nobody saw a reason to object. Mono convinced them to stay away from the Wilderness and the Hospital, and nobody was interesting in checking out the school
That left the rest of the city to explore, which everyone was excited to see. Most of them have heard of Pale City and wanted to see the dilapidated building and sucked-in face people
But, since everyone knew the city could be dangerous, they decided to split into small groups for safety. The groups went as such:
Team 1 (“Team MCs”): Six, the Runaway Kid, Mono Team 2 (“Team the Girls”): the Raincoat Girl, the Pretender, the Long Haired Girl Team 3 (“Team Supernatural”) : the Mummy Kid, the Ghost Kid, the Toddler Team 4 (“Team Mischief Makers”) : the Tall Boy, the Forked Kid, the Strong Boy, the Humpback Girl Team 5 (“Team Green”) : the Green Boy, the Scarf Kid, the Refugee Boy and his Sister Team 6 (“Team Items”) : the Spoon Girl, the Lollipop Kid, the Bread Boy, the Flash Light Girl
Everyone went off in their own direction, but agreed to come back in two hours or if something really bad happens
Team Supernatural went to a nearby park and had a good time playing on the swing set and slides. But, when they got the feeling that they were being watched, they all headed back to the Tower
Team Items were hungry and went to a nearby bakery. Nobody had money, so they stole a bunch of muffins and doughnuts. It almost worked until the Lollipop Kid accidentally dropped the cookie package and drew attention. They ran away back to the Tower early
The Girls wanted to go shopping, or at least look at city fashion. They didn’t have money either, but it didn’t matter. The Pretender deemed everything in the windows to be trash, and got into a slap fight with the Long Haired Girl over some shoes. The Raincoat Girl ended up dragging them both back before they got thrown out
Team Green didn’t know where they wanted to go and ended up strolling around. They stopped to look at a group of Viewers and squeezed their way towards the tv, too. They made it to the front, but the Viewers didn’t like it and chased them back towards the Tower
Team Mischief Makers lived up to their name and played tricks on whoever they found. This ranged from stealing wallets to throwing mudballs at peoples’ heads. The only reason they stopped early was because one of the Tower Eyes appeared on a tv and scared Humpback Girl. Strong Boy punched the screen and the kids decided to head back, since she was experiencing a panic attack
As for Team MCs, they kind of stayed near the Tower. Runaway Kid really wanted to explore the Tower more than the city, but Mono didn’t want to bother the Thin Man at work.
By the time the trio tried to figure out something to do, the rest of the kids came back, either crying or screaming
Six: What the hell happened to you guys?
Everyone: -shouting all at once-
Mono: Um...
There was so much loud talking that the Thin Man opened the doors and appeared annoyed and confused. When he asked what happened, he got the same response
the Thin Man: Guys...I really need to get this edit done by Friday. One at a time...
That sort of worked, but from what he understood, everyone did the exact opposite of what he asked...which was NOT to get into too much trouble
The Thin Man brought everyone inside and ordered a lot of pizza for everyone. He wasn’t mad; annoyed, yes but not furious. If these kids were going to get into trouble, it might as well be in the Tower where nothing escapes his eyes...
The children were allowed to explore the Tower, as long as they kept off live floors. Everyone was sycned to check out the Tower, but the Thin Man gave a special order to the Eyes
If any child disobeyed his orders, scare them
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Laventon goes to see them all off and cyndaquil pops out of its pokeball to beg and plead to be allowed to go too. He tries to tell it that it can't go because it doesn't have a partner yet, and Arezu is like, "wait, that pokemon doesn't belong to you?" And he explains that no, it's not really anyone's, it was just the one neither the protag or Cyllene picked when offered. And like, it's clearly a fire type pokemon and she is already feeling the chill and has only just realized it's only gonna get worse as the sun goes down, so kind of half joking she asks if she can have it since he's just giving it away. And that's how she gets a cyndaquil. And also its pokeball, but she just kinda sticks that at the bottom of her bag and pretends it doesn't exist.
The tourism industry is booming in their little village and all of the shop keepers are too happy about how much money it brings in to care about the fact that it's driving their leader up the wall. Going to the pokemon salon raises friendship levels, so it has to be something they like a lot, right? Once she really gets the hang of it, at least, there's probably a learning curve there. Luckily their group has quite the array of pokemon to practice on.
Ouch, to be confronted with the fact that he's changed and realizing that it was for the worse... I guess the good news is that he is once again in close quarters with several people and has an important mission. And he's able to actually battle people again, for fun. I think maybe the idea that she's not super into battling comes from the fact that as a ride pokemon she never tries to fight you? I'm not actually sure, but that's my best guess. I don't know if I've ever actually read a fic where she was like genuinely into battling. It'd be fun if she was though, especially with Ingo as her warden. Once he got a part-time job at Jubilife as the battle director though she'd lose like half of her entertainment and probably follow him there. He can't exactly scold her for not doing her duties if he's technically not doing his wardenly duties either.
They might be even more susceptible because of whatever connection they have to arceus, or at least that could be why they get hit as badly as they do. Lol yeah after they catch a pokemon they let it out, string the pokeball to it, and then are like come find us when all this is fixed and we'll break the balls for you.
Oh I like that a lot! The arc phone would definitely need to be involved in closing them, since arceus is the one healing the hall of origin cracks and using its power would probably be the the only way people could fix the stuff on earth, though I'm not sure just pointing it at one would be enough, they'd probably have to actually go in them. Any pokemon brought by the bubbles that was still in one when it closed would be taken back to where it came from, but anything that was outside would be stuck in Hisui. The other wardens probably have their hands full, not just with their nobles should they frenzy, but with having to clean up after the frenzied distortion bubble pokemon that are messing up the ecosystem
ghskjhj or she's been absently holding it since it crawled into her lap bc it IS chilly out and it's nice and warm and laventon sees her doing it and is like do... do you just want to take it with you? and she's like HM. WELL. i have very weird feelings about your whole pokeball deal but... on the other hand... i might have to go all the way up to the highlands later... ugh fine yes give me the pocket hand warmer pokemon
awww... yeah, not only sneasler, and lilligant (who probably has also gotten in on arezu's grooming once or twice before now) but also oshawott/rowlet/cyndaquil, and abra, and whatever else protag winds up catching, and ofc all of ingo's team, who are like, not not well taken care of, but then magnezone got scratched up by a ground type and needed buffing, and probopass wanted in, and tangrowth gets upset about being left out of anything, and then gliscor was just curious what all the fuss was about, and etc etc. hey it's good practice!
well. to be entirely honest, i think if there IS a fanon of her not liking battling very much, it probably comes at least partly from fic writers not wanting to deal with the question of ingo adding her to his team in an au where she goes back to the present with him. just speculating here, but. yeah now we run the risk of going off into headcanons about what battling Means and Represents for the pokemon, and i really don't think a noble can afford to dislike battling considering how much of their job must be based on swatting other pokemon in their territory, so if anything i think her complaint would be that she just isn't challenged enough? because i think nobles are Really Strong even unfrenzied. and very few pokemon even want to fight her to begin with, based on reputation alone, so she's like... bored with it lol. in which case i think battling with ingo in distortions would actually be really fun for her maybe?
OH THAT'S INTERESTING. their connection to arceus interacting with the Magic Rabies... if anything i feel like having a direct internal Divine Light would make them more resistant? since arceus is the thing able to mend the distortions/fractures, i think it would track if the frenzy was like an internal fracture and the blessing of sinnoh made them resistant to getting those. not quite immune, though... but it'll take some time for any of them to figure that out. imagine them going around assuming the nobles are all immune to this frenzy, and exposing them without much concern, and then suddenly realizing that oh wait they're not...
yeah that's true. which maybe the loop of it is like, protag has to be there Doing Stuff to close the rift, which demands a lot of attention, so the others surround and defend them while they do that? idk, that's a thought
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fuckingdonut · 1 year
Okay so for starving anonymous first tw for just about everything this is one of Those comics
With that said
It opens with a high school kid in a bus going home with his friend. The entire bus gets kidnapped and he finds himself in a factory of sorts!
It seems like theyre moving body parts! He tries to flee but gets stabbed and thrown into a truck of body parts. Dont worry hes fine, he walks off and finds his friend in a room. This room is full of people, some of them naked, all drinking from long hoses hanging from the ceiling. He quickly realizes the liquid food makes you stop caring about anything but drinking more liquid. Most of the people in there are even morbidly obese, and his friend got visibly fatter just by drinking it for however many hours its been.
He takes the hose from his friend but he just offers HIM the hose. A black haired guy appears and stops him from drinking. Black hair says the drink makes you lose his mind, and threatens the kid for a cellphone. Then a glasses guy steps up and tells black hair to knock it off. He tells the protagonist that black hair is on edge cuz theyve been there for 3 days without eating or drinking, and reveal that this is a breeding facility for human meat.
This is chapter one. Its gonna be a wild ride, and remember that i said this is not a good story. Its dumb and i say this endearingly.
So chapter two the door of the room opens. Black hair tells protag to stay still and pretend to be drinking from the hoses. Thats when an monster walks in, looking like a enormous caterpillar with teeth, and starts killing and eating people. The caterpillar leaves and some guys in cleaning clothes step in. One of them remarks that its a shame what happens to these people, while the other just shrugs him off. Thats when glasses sexually harasses them a little (he'll be doing this constantly to just about any character), and black hair knocks them out. They steal their clothes and leave the guys to feed off the hoses.
Black hair and glasses tell the protag tough shit, we have no need for you so we're leaving you here to die. Thats when protag reveals he has a photographic memory and that he'll be super useful to map the place out, can you please not leave me to die 🥺 ? They say yeah sure. But then the kid comes out with his friend as well and theyre like wtf we said JUST YOU. Before they have time to argue some other guys in protective clothing appear, they shrug them off. The new guys are taking seem to be some dudes in chains, ball gags and blindfolds somewhere.
Well the new guys think our heroes are just newbies, so they offer to show them "something nice". That is the actual breeding grounds of the facility, where they pump people full of stuff so theyll fuck and give birth to like. 6 babies at once every time. Which makes them not live very long ofc. The workers mention some vague "them" that makes em do this fucked up stuff, and our heroes throw the workers to the horny people and muse about who could be powerful enough to be running this facility. No one here can be saved, their bodies and minds are permanently warped by the drugs. Black hair mercy kills a lady with... a hug? Its not clear how hes able to do this.
They continue moving and find a room full of cocoons. There are tvs next to each cocoon playing language tutorials for several languages, and these things are huuuge. Much larger than a person. Someone is coming so they hide in a closet, and guys in maintenance clothes walk in and start checking a cocoon. Surprise surprise, it hatches into a fleshy looking praying mantis monster with a long snout. The doors of the room close and the monster goes to town eating the guys, even mimicking their voices to mock them.
Theyre about to get caught by the mantis when someone helps them escape. Its a crazy man! He arrived there as a reporter but had to flee, and hes been living in ducts and crawlspaces for years while witnessing what happens in the facility. Thats where he saw... the throne room! A gigantic room where the prime minister of japan went to bow, to a even more gigantic monster queen mantis. He reveals that the humans arent raising the monsters, the monsters are raising the humans as food!
This isnt even like. Chapter 10 yet. It gets dumber lmk if you wanna know more.
lmaoooooo this was so wild!!!! i was screeching with each turn of events. I can only imagine the inner monologue of a highschooler forced to go on a field trip to the georg center for fucking and birthing. I wonder why they need the language tutorials for? I thought they were Only being harvested. I enjoyed this. Thank you. I don't mind getting more recaps if you have the time. :)
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saimotass · 3 years
how i’d rewrite v3
warning: long post
chapter 1:
everything is essentially the same with one key difference
when voting ends, shuuichi is revealed to have abstained, leading to his death alongside kaede’s
thus resulting in a double protag switch, with kiibo becoming the protag
chapter 1 results in three deaths
this establishes the arc number, makes things interesting by killing off three of the seemingly most important characters, and gives leeway for the rest of the cast to shine
chapter 2:
the motive is the same, and maki gets hoshi’s tape
however, maki refuses to trade with him and he gets angry about it
because he’s always wanted to feel like he was worth something, and there’s someone standing in the way of letting him know if there’s anything outside waiting for him, he kills maki
however, after that, he watches his tape and realizes that he’s completely alone
he leaves the crime scene as is, and kokichi tries to throw the trial because he has maki’s tape and has revealed her as the SHSL assassin
kokichi attempts to make it be that maki committed suicide as a means of escaping her past, but he also posits that maybe she was framing hoshi since he was already a convicted murderer
hoshi, having nothing left to live for, confesses, and kokichi gets angry, citing that it would have been so much more interesting if he had fought his fate
maki and hoshi die in a fiercely antagonistic, ultimately self-destructive mess
chapter 3:
there’s a similar motive, and it’s established that there was a pair of relatives in the cast, but one of them is dead
miu has already cemented herself as being pretty isolated from the rest of the group, and people suspect that she and kaede were twins, based on them knowing that kaede had a twin sister
other guesses include rantarou being related to tenko or kirumi, and shuuichi being related to korekiyo or tsumugi
angie decides to hold a seance so that they can figure it out and reunite them
himiko offers to help and it’s during the seance that himiko is killed
this is a 1 victim chapter, subverting the expectation, and also making sense since 3 people died in chapter 1
during the trial, people start to suspect miu, but korekiyo starts acting weird
korekiyo has a meltdown completely out of nowhere, and believes himself to be possessed by the spirit of shuuichi
he reveals that shuuichi was his brother, and that he was vengeful towards the group for not stopping the killing game (making his, kaede’s, and rantarou’s sacrifices be in vain)
he also claims that shuuichi was trying to target the mastermind, but when himiko volunteered herself to help, he ended up killing her instead
korekiyo is voted, despite a couple people claiming that shuuichi would be the true culprit
korekiyo is executed, and in retaliation for monodam having killed monokid and monosuke during the prior executions, monotaro and monophanie kill him
chapter 4:
virtual reality is still part of the motive
angie has a breakdown, having lost the one person that was most receptive to her teachings about atua
miu and tsumugi are shown to be very close after the last few chapters due to their self-isolated nature
angie snaps and tries to kill miu, but tsumugi steps in in her place, killing angie as defense
the world glitches, and miu goes missing for a bit, leading people to believe that she was the victim
when they get out of the game, miu is still alive, and so people believe her to be the murderer
it’s revealed that miu caused the glitch in order to save tsumugi
kokichi’s been part of this too, having noticed how close they were and putting pieces together, as well as eavesdropping and coercing info out of miu
kokichi ouma, revealed as a magnificent bastard
miu begs everyone to vote for her, but tsumugi confesses, and she is executed
during tsumugi’s execution, monotaro seems like he’ll be next to die, but monophanie sacrifices herself for him, in line with this chapter’s theme
after this trial, miu and tenko start hanging out, having lost their closest friends (tsumugi and himiko respectively)
chapter 5:
everybody hates ouma: the musical
after it was revealed that he manipulated the events of both chapter 2 and chapter 4, literally everybody suspects him of being the mastermind, or at least a traitor of some sort
he decides to try and enlist miu to help hack into kiibo to make him a minion of his
miu goes along with it, thanks to some masterful manipulation tactics on ouma’s end (he’s good with words, the shit)
kiibo’s software goes blank for a bit, but he eventually gets better thanks to an unforeseen software update
(during the time that kiibo’s offline, we play briefly as the other cast, who are all either preparing to confront or already confronting ouma by this point)
ouma is also shown to be causing injuries to himself, hoping to die by his own hand and cause a trial where nobody knows the real killer, taking everyone with him because they’re all so bad at playing the game
ouma is the victim and nobody knows who killed him, not even monokuma
everyone is hesitant to admit that they confronted him, but only gonta, kaito, and tenko confess to having fought him physically
miu and kiibo work together to reveal that kiibo was still recording during the time he was offline, and they show ouma inflicting injuries to himself
everyone believes that ouma committed suicide, but just before everyone goes to vote, gonta confesses
gonta delivered the killing blow accidentally, not realizing his own strength
over the course of the game, gonta and kiibo had gotten close, and gonta got so angry seeing kiibo malfunctioning that he killed ouma on accident
tenko and kaito both then claim that they killed him, not wanting gonta to die
kiibo has to convince them that voting for gonta is the right thing to do
gonta is executed, and it seems like monotaro is safe, but right at the end of gonta’s execution, monotaro commits suicide
chapter 6:
after talking to monokuma during the previous trial about rules and what to do if the results of a trial were unclear or ambiguous, they realize that the mastermind broke a rule back in chapter 1
the rule being that someone killing more than 2 people isn’t allowed
when kiibo’s attempting to find out who the mastermind could be alongside kirumi, miu, tenko, and kaito, they are given class files for each student
nowhere in either korekiyo or shuuichi’s files do they mention a brother, while in kaede’s, her twin sister is mentioned
after gathering evidence and demanding a retrial of the first case, kiibo confronts monokuma, believing that korekiyo is the mastermind, having hidden his death after causing the deaths of kaede, rantarou, shuuichi, and himiko
it’s revealed that shuuichi was actually the one faking his death, and that he is the mastermind of the killing game
danganronpa is still a show, but shuuichi passes it off as an experimental documentary on how people can be forced to kill, based on a real life set of video games
he confesses that he fabricated his relation to korekiyo, but that it worked well, as korekiyo was a traitor, having worked with shuuichi on his experiment
he also reveals that kiibo was made solely for the experiment, as a camera and an audience surrogate, making him essentially a conduit for amateur sleuths to solve real life murders on TV
this breaks kiibo and we play as the other four survivors to help him
it’s revealed that the show technically hasn’t even aired, and that shuuichi was planning on killing all of them in order to survive to share his findings with the world
shuuichi is thwarted, and the survivors all agree to die alongside him if it means destroying the video
kiibo initiates self-destruct, but after seeing that the others are safe in a bunker, accepts his death and kills himself alongside shuuichi
the survivors are kaito, tenko, miu, and kirumi, subverting the theme number of 3
it’s revealed that rantarou had memories of surviving two other experiments led by shuuichi, explaining the v3 -- this was the 3rd version of his game
the footage is destroyed, and the four survivors walk away from the rubble, unsure of how to assimilate back into society having pretended that nothing happened
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werewolfbarbie · 4 years
Halloween Top 5′s
Thought I would start reviewing again! Just not on camera:p for one I want to wait to get back to the review show on Youtube with @breakfast-owl when our new plans come into place and for another I really need to start writing again! So what better time to get my creative juices flowing again then Halloween? 
So for the first week I’m gonna do a Halloween Top 5 List with different categories! 
Today is Top 5 Favorite Cartoons to watch during Halloween. And this won’t be listed favorite to least it’s just my favorite top 5 lol
So here we go!
Top 5 Favorite Cartoons:
1. Danny Phantom: A teenager enters his ghost hunting dad’s Ghost Portal and is fused with Ghost DNA, while unleashing all the ghosts into his town. Now as a half boy half ghost, he uses his new powers to protect the town of Amity Park while surviving high school at Casper High. 
Oh my word I LOVE this show. I remember the day I discovered it. Or when I was introduced to it. I was a little girl hanging out with my cousin and my older brother at Papa and Grandmas. Being that my cousin was older it meant one very crucial thing, HE was in charge of the remote. I really wanted to watch Boy Meets World but he didn’t like the episode that was on. I was about ready to pout (my go to reaction as little Janny, which NEVER worked), when he turned to Nick. Danny Phantom was on and he was so excited. He started telling me the plot and I was soon joining in on the excitement. I would later find out that the episode we were watching was the pilot “Mystery Meat”.  As soon as it was over I wanted more! I went home and waited for the next episode to air. It has been part of my life since and every Halloween I can’t wait to watch it with my friends. 
2. Scooby Doo: Three teens and a talking Great Dane travel the world and solve crimes. Crimes that usually include masked villains pretending to be ghosts vampires and other creatures. 
I’ll be covering this show more with my Movies to watch, to my gosh how can I NOT include Scooby Doo on here?! I don’t even know when I first saw this show. It’s just been in my life that whole time. Turn on the TV, no matter what time, and you’ll probably find it. It’s be rebooted and remade many times and most of the reboots have been pretty good! I watch all of them cuz they always get me pumped for the October celebrations. The best memory I have with Scooby Doo is pretty recent. I was working at a video store (BEST. JOB. EVER.) and it was a brisk Autumn week. I was by myself at the store and no customers. As I was cleaning the place, I put in the dvd’s of Scooby Doo and just felt so excited! I got off work one day and headed over to my friend Kayla’s where we watched more Scooby Doo. This show is just so fun and will never end. 
3. Beetlejuice: A ghost from the Neitherworld and his best friend a teenage girl named Lydia journey between the real world and Neitherworld and numerous adventures. That’s..that’s it that’s the plot. 
Now with the show whenever I talk to people about it, the usual response I get is, “There’s a show?” Beetlejuice the Animated Series is based on the famous film Beetlejuice, with few minor tweaks. For one thing, Beetlejuice (the antagonist of the film) is now the protag of the show and he’s best friends with Lydia from the movie. The Maitlands are not in it and I’m pretty sure Delia is her birth mom instead of step mom. I didn’t watch the movie until recently, (sorry @breakfast-owl I tried to wait but it was on at work!) but I LOVED the musical and got the gist of the film. I love this show. It is so funny, so creative, and so nostalgic! I own the entire show on DVD. In fact to show you my love for this show, I was at Walmart where I had to choose between Danny Phantom and Beetlejuice and I chose that one!! (I love you Danny but it’s BJ! The ghost with the most!!)
4. Darkwing Duck: By night he’s Darkwing Duck, protecting the city of St. Canard from evil doers. By day he’s Drake Mallard, single father raising his adopted daughter Gosalyn. Night and day he’s 100% awesome. 
Okay this one is not a Halloweenie type show per se.. but this show is so much fun to watch during Halloween!! I don’t know if it’s the nostalgia of the show, the way it mostly takes place in the night, the masked crusader and his masked villains, or just cuz I darn well want to! I’ve talked ALOT about this show on my blog and I plan on reviewing it at the end of season 3 of the reboot of Ducktales once I see where the writers are going with him, but for now it’s on this list. It’s just such a good show guys. SO GOOD. 
5. Casper the Friendly Ghost: A friendly little ghost named Casper searches the world for a friend. 
I watch this classic show every Halloween. I love the theme song (yeah the famous one is “Casper” but I love the instrumental one from the old show). It’s a pretty straight forward plot but I just love the mood it puts me in. The artwork is haunting and the characters that Casper interacts in are so entertaining. Despite them being popular, we don’t really see the uncles til later in the show and they aren’t all that mean to Casper. They just wanna make him scary. Wendy is one of Casper’s best friends so I’m glad he got a movie with her later on. Casper is another character that he continued to be remade and rebooted. I’m ready for another! 
So that’s my top five favorite Cartoons to watch during Halloween! Next is my favorite movies. I would love to hear your favorite cartoons!! Feel free to reblog with your response or message me! 
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eatingfireflies · 5 years
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I can’t believe we’re doing this in 2019 AD, but I rise back from the dead because I heard shit-talking about my boy.
Yosuke’s character development--the ones covered in his social link and not counting how he grows with the rest of the IT as a group--is imo one of the best-written progressions in P4 and I won’t stand for this. P4 has its flaws and one of the themes that didn’t sit quite so well for me when I first played it was how the characters seem to have gone a full 360 when it came to their plans for their futures. Yukiko, for example, has gone from the independent girl who wants to live on her own back to accepting that she has to take over the Amagi Inn someday. Not exactly the best message, is it? 
But sometimes, it’s what people need to hear. After all, the main point of P4 is acceptance and in the same way adults accept and make the best of a situation they don’t necessarily like, so did our P4 protags. 
Unlike the others though, Yosuke’s problem didn’t come from the outside pressures of society so much as himself. 
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Which isn’t to say there’s no pressure coming from outside. There’s a lot he has to deal with just being the Junes kid in Inaba. He’s also a teenager on the brink of manhood who had been recently transplanted into the countryside. Come on man, his problem isn’t just that he wants to be interesting. And even if it were, what’s wrong with that? How hard is it to admit you’re mediocre? Is it weak to admit you’re scared of having zero reason to be in this world because you have no connections with other people and no place in society?
Buckle up, I have 100 screencaps and I’m not sure if it would all fit in one post but would we try. Pics taken from here and here.
One of the things we keep seeing in Yosuke’s social link is how good he is at PR. He’s a good kid. He has to be: he’s the Junes kid, the son of the manager. What he says and does will reflect on his family and the business.
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This even though almost everyone in Inaba distrusts him because of his connection to the department store that’s killing the local business. Above, we hear women implying Yosuke is a brazen shithead for showing his face in the shopping district when his classmates’ family businesses are failing because of Junes. And still he ‘minds his manners’.
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Here he finally loses his temper with the part-timers who kept bugging him about weekend work and talking shit about Saki, and it’s only because the girls told Yu to shut up. Otherwise? I bet he’d just take it all in. He’s ignored them before and there are other things to worry about:
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‘Sorry dad, they said some bad things about our murdered schoolmate, kept missing work, and yelled at my best friend, but I shouldn’t have lost my temper because that’s not what the Junes kid does.’
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He admits as much in the P4G additional scene. So there’s that: people expect Yosuke to be polite because of his connection to Junes even though they treat him like shit because Junes is bad for the economy. (Which it is, but they worked around that in the end.)
But that’s not the only reason Yosuke tries to be nice. There’s also what his shadow said: he’s terrified of being alone and his move to Inaba has made him more aware of how shallow his bonds with people are:
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He says so when he talked about how he hasn’t changed his email address because he's hoping his friends from the city would keep in touch. Spoiler: they don’t. 
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Had he not moved to Inaba he probably wouldn’t have thought different, but I guess having no excitement in the countryside and no friends to spend time with, he has a lot of free time to ponder on his loneliness and mediocrity. 
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Again, it’s hard to accept mediocrity. It hurts knowing we don’t mean anything to the people around us, that we could vanish and nothing would change. He’s 17, for pete’s sake. He’s trying to figure things out while dealing with his loneliness. And he thinks the reason he has no friends is because he’s not good enough. He pretends to be nice and carefree like his shadow said, because he thinks showing people the real him (the loneliness and insecurity) would drive them away. He also has to be nice because Junes kid, remember? And in the case of getting along with his friends, he overcompensates and gets annoying/oversteps his boundaries because he’s scared and it’s all bravado. And also he’s a bit of a shit, but that’s okay Yu is also a bit of a shit and they deserve each other. 
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Can I just take this moment as SouYo trash to point out that Yu walks him home and that is probably one of the gayest things ever. Especially coming after the hug which is like P4 code for ‘we’re dating now’.
Did I mention Yosuke has a lot of free time to think about his mediocrity? Not really. Like every kid on the brink of adulthood worrying about their future--college? Work? Career? What? Yosuke is worried too. Except his path has sort of been decided because of his family. 
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He’s good at PR, he does the whole Junes kid shtick well, but is that what he really wants?
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Ofc he usually changes the subject after bringing that up--again, he’s so scared of you thinking he’s boring and that he only complains when you hang out that he does a 180 and starts talking about the goods under your futon. 
But also can I just say Yosuke is so busy? I see Chie and Yukiko chatting in the classroom after classes and I’m like ‘Hey I have a best friend right? Why don’t I have anyone to chat with?’
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He’s a busy pal. You know I always thought Yosuke might make more friends if he joined some clubs and met people outside of the Junes thing, but he has to work part-time so. 
How does Yosuke deal with this? Well he accepts that while working for Junes is tiring and maybe not what he actually wants to do with his life, there are actually some good things about it: he likes being needed. 
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Is it what he wants to do for the rest of his life? He doesn’t answer that. What’s important is that, right now, he’s happy where he is.
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He realised that he doesn’t have to overcompensate for being boring or being a loser. That he can show people the ‘bad’ side of him without them hating him for it. That even if he is mediocre, it doesn’t mean people don’t need his support or his company. He didn’t have to try so hard. He just had to have a bit more confidence in himself. 
And tbh he went from this:
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To this:
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I think there was a reason we couldn’t date Yosuke in game: it was too soon, it would feel like Yu is a rebound, that Yosuke latched onto the first person to show him kindness and interest since Saki’s death. And perhaps for the hugging scene (social link 8?) it was too early. But after social link 10? I think that would be a good time. Ofc, the game doesn’t work that way so I can see why they took it out, and yet. And still. 
But none of that takes away from the fact that he grew from being an insecure kid who wants to prove himself into someone you can trust and count on. There’s a reason the games keep giving you the option to thank Yosuke: he’s your partner and he has your back. 
I know I’m biased af because I’m like  
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whenever I talk to Yosuke, but he’s just as complex as the other characters, come on man. He’s a top notch bro and this is the hill I choose to die on. 
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datawyrms · 4 years
Still Robophobic?
Chapter 2  while crawling through all of K1-B0′s text so I can inanely chatter and make depth that probably wasn’t there because it makes me happy. and you can’t stop me. Once again I am serious this is all of his text so this is LONG. (and if you didn’t read my first super long post covering Prologue/ch1, you might want to do that first) someone make me work on my fics lol
Also I totally just realized Keebo is totally hiding behind Himiko after Monokuma’s return to life and I just MISSED HIM lol. He trusts Kaede and Shuichi, even when they’re being sketchy as heck and says he’ll think of plans too, because more plans are better than less. shame upon me for overlooking more of his trusting and trying to help nature. MOVING ON.
Cold open with the funeral that starts at Kaede’s portrait so you think it’s current but no this is for our viewing pleasure only...Gonta finds the horse a hint...Kaito abuses a doorbell and shepherds Shuichi out of the room...get to the dining hall and Keebs is muttering questions so he can be the first one talking in a scene again!
K1-B0: Writing...? Gonta: Yeah! Like someone try to hide writing in grass! Weird, right!?
keep shining on with your refusal to do anything but ask questions unless talking to Kokichi or a Protag, Keebo. As Keebo is garbage at people, he has zero reaction to the Hatless Reveal. The human has removed part of their clothing and he does not care. If you’re curious, Maki, Ryoma, Himiko, Keebo and Kiyo are the only ones not to remark on it at all. :v
Kokichi: Kirumi, be my mom! Gonta: Gonta want you to be his mom, too! K1-B0: ...What are you two even saying?
even keebs knows you two are being hecka weird by asking that guys. Which is probably the joke that the robot calls them on this. Or it’s him not getting the point of moms/what they’re asking for...since you know. Built in a lab...(Though he does know, since he made fun of Kaede that way.)
K1-B0: ... Kokichi: Hm? What's wrong, Kee-boy? You're not eating— Oh yeah! I totally forgot you can’t eat! Y’know, cuz you’re a robot! K1-B0: ... Kokichi: Hey now, don't look so down. I'll bring you a broken TV later. K1-B0 I don't want that... I'm not a waste receptacle. Angie: Nyahahaha! Keebo and Kokichi seem to be getting along swimmingly!
Everyone’s eating and Keebo is just listlessly staring at food. Till Kokichi decides to loudly announce to everyone that’s what he’s doing. Which, judging by the fact Kaede had to ask...Keebo might have told Kokichi based on how he says ‘he forgot’ that and no one has really noticed he just watches. It’s been a busy set of days, I suppose. Angie is right in a way, she notices how Kokichi’s poking isn’t getting as much of a response and how the little punk keeps pushing on to get some words out of him. Course, it mostly looks like he’s making fun of him, but that’s Kokichi! for an ‘emotionless robot’ you sure picked out his emotion, tiny terror. Things Keebo doesn’t call robophobic: being told to eat broken electronics. He is pretty down though, Kaede’s FTE makes it pretty clear he’s pretty jealous that he can’t eat. Considering it looks good to him and all. (Who programmed that. Why would you do that.).
Shuichi falls into the depressing narrative ‘everyone is faking being normal’ mode after that conversation, we talk about the horse a hint again/Gonta’s gullibility.
Kokichi: Nee-heehee... Gonta, you're so gullible. Y'know, if you keep being this gullible... You’ll be killed before you know it. Understand? Shuichi: ...Ah! The moment Kokichi said that word, the warm and casual mood shattered. K1-B0: What's wrong, everyone? Is there a problem with Kokichi's advice? Gonta: Oh, Kokichi... You no should say thing like that, even as joke.
Keebs can sorta read the air to tell the mood just got real nasty...but has no idea why because to him it’s perfectly sensible advice. this boy. If someone is tempted to commit murder, logically they’ll try to trick people. Who do you trick? Someone gullible. He knows it isn’t a joke. No one actually answers him either, though he can probably guess by Tenko calling Kokichi insensitive. this is why he’s bad at people, people ignore him aaa
Kokichi tries reminding people hey monokuma is totally gonna exploit your glaring weakpoints lol/ups his dislike score, said bear shows up,  kubz give area unlocks/ make an attack on titian reference with the nape of the neck thing and they skadoodle. (keebo also having a neck weakness...tsumugi....)
Kokichi: Hmmm... Seeing that robot-looking one get left out makes me think of Keebo...
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yes keebo, you really, really are. No one else even says anything about this, Maki moves the conversation to the items they just got. Poor guy wants to pretend he isn’t that left out. Oh well...he’ll probably figure it out...eventually... Shuichi gets given the job of rubbing items on things because he is the Protag so Go Unlock Stuff, Boy. Keebo hangs out with Tenko near the to-be-unlocked pool.
K1-B0: That item we received earlier...I think we can use it on this stone monument. Can you try?
Tutorial robot strikes again. There is information I know, so i am going to say it and have no fluff dialogue. Tenko has a pretty sweet little scene with Shuichi here and he’s just beep-boop my protagonist powers know a puzzle when I see it.
K1-B0: The ivy withered in seconds. What remarkable technology... Tenko: Ah! We can get in! We can go in from there, right!? K1-B0: ...You intend to go inside? That course of action seems dangerous. Monophanie: No, it’s not dangerous. There’s just a pool in there.
This is why no one invites you to their DnD sessions Keebo. Sure, it’s true they probably shouldn’t blindly blunder into new places but you literally just told Shuichi how to open the door. ‘Ah, a new discovery. Time to ignore it.’ Of course he’s impressed by tech bordering on magic, which is fun. I wonder if the Kubz got summoned to make sure Keebo didn’t chicken out on exploring :v He honestly seems to trust they won’t lie to them, or at least not blatantly/in ways that would get them killed.
Tenko: What should we do? There may be a pool, but we’re not going for a swim, are we? K1-B0: But...if it is not dangerous, then maybe we should take a look. It is never bad to have too much information. Shuichi: Yes, I suppose you're right...
K1-B0: It looks like there's a pool inside. We should take a closer look. It would be best to know the specifics.
Easily swayed, this robot. Two seconds ago you were all ‘let’s not go in there’ and now you’re This Is Totally Not Dangerous, time to Take A Look. Because the Monokubs said it was okay. It had the opposite effect on Tenko, but she’s outvoted by the ahogeholders. I’d say ‘make up your mind’ but this is how Keebo makes up his mind. If he knows something ‘for certain’, he wants to know more. If it’s iffy, he’s cautious. It does look like he’s indecisive as hell though xD
Shuichi: ...Then I suppose that dream is pretty far away. K1-B0: It’s not necessarily a dream of mine... But swimming with everyone does sound fun. If I tried to swim, I would just sink. Shuichi: ...And that one is even farther.
He tries to relate to Tenko a little bit here, in the swimming is her dream but really he just thinks it sounds fun to be included, he knows he can’t swim...they’re in the same boat in that regard! Tenko actually does want to learn to swim, it comes up quite a bit in URDP. Keebo not so much. He really is more chatty about himself in smaller groups :v
K1-B0: I wonder if the day will ever come when I can swim with everyone... Tenko: Keebo! I was wondering... If you fell off a boat and sank to the bottom...would you be stuck living under the sea, beneath a rock or in a pineapple!? K1-B0: What...? Shuichi: No, I believe that before you'd get too deep, your body would be crushed by the pressure... K1-B0: Please don’t say such scary things, both of you! Or I’ll never set foot on a boat!
K1-B0: ...If I ever get the chance to ride a boat, I will wear a state-of-the-art flotation device.
He’s scared. By both of them. He doesn’t get the reference at all, obviously. His hopeful wondering that he might be able to take part in something gets redirected into either being trapped alone at the bottom of the sea forever or crushed to death. From a question that basically comes out of nowhere! But he apparently is still willing to go on a boat with proper precautions. To not be left out. he just wants to be your friend guys. you could at least say sorry for freaking him out come on. His struggle with Not Being Swim Compatible continues.
Shuichi: This looks like...a storage room? K1-B0: I peeked inside and discovered all manner of pool supplies in here. It is fully stocked with kickboards, water polo balls, and even sturdy rubber inner tubes. Perhaps I can float in water if I inflate them and attach them all over my body. Shuichi: Ah, I think you would look like that tire company's mascot...
shh let him do it, it sounds funny. It’s interesting Shuichi’s willing to say this out loud, he usually keeps his snark in his head. Also, you got a lot of info from a peek Keebo. Thank you for also mentioning rubber inner tubes exist here, as this will be plot relevant later. :p
Tenko: Oh, Keebo! Are you a degenerate male or a girl!? Which is it!? 
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Shuichi: Really? How interesting...I suppose I did just assume he was a...he. But Keebo is a robot, so...
Non binary keebo is canon. ‘don’t know’ he/him pronouns on the profile page for the robot.  Because he literally hasn’t even thought about it before. And it doesn’t seem like he intends to either! He doesn’t start rationalizing out which one he might be, just admits he...cares so little it never crossed his mind. but seriously how old are you. how long have you existed and not a SINGLE person asked you Keebo your backstory is super shaky. Or secretly depressing. also i totally forgot Miu gets way too excited by the tennis machine. no wonder she takes so long to drag keebo to the lab :v Shuichi wanders off to unlock everything else, and they all meet back up in the gym.
Angie: Alrighty then, check this out. K1-B0: That is a peculiar-looking flashlight...So, what of it? Angie: Umm, I dunno what it is either. I inspected it pretty good...Nyahahaha, but in the end I couldn't figure it out.
we’ve been here for two seconds and you’re back to asking questions aaa Though the fact Angie and Keebo have actually talked to one another again is good, it helps explain why she might have chosen to add him to her ‘friend group’ -cough- Angie then explains she asked Monokuma, he shows up, sorta explains the flashback lights.
Kaito: Hey! Don’t just give up on explaining after a single sentence!  K1-B0: So...what should we do? Tenko: What should we do...? You mean, should we or should we not use the flashlight? No way! I refuse! It reeks of fishiness!
keebo i’m confiscating your question mark key. Taking relying on others opinions to entirely new levels, this robot. But hey he’s actually been answered twice! That’s better than posing the question to the sound of crickets chirping. Tenko seems to like him better in general after hanging out a bit too. (and the whole ‘is not a boy thing.) Kaito and Kokichi face off in ‘should we use the flashback light’ annnd
Tenko: I'm...staying. After hearing that degenerate’s speech, running away would just frustrate me! Gonta: Gonta also stay... Is what true gentleman would prolly do. K1-B0: I also agree with Kaito. Our defeat is 100% assured unless we stand up to this. That’s... how I feel, deep inside. Just a whisper- Kokichi: You hear it in your ghost? I'm pretty sure robots don't have ghosts, though. K1-B0: ...Leave me alone. 
First mention of his inner voice! Kokichi pounces on that, which just gets Keebo to actually stand up for himself a little, though pretty pathetically. He doesn’t seem all that sure if it’s him feeling what’s right or the inner voice though...calling it a whisper. He’s completely convinced to go along with it though, he’s really more of a follower...but of course the outside world is going to compel the protag to get plot details. then they actually use the light
Shuichi: I can't either...I suddenly realized... I could not remember any important details of the Ultimate Hunt... K1-B0: It’s no use, I can’t remember either. I can only remember being chased... I can't remember anything else at all. 
Way to echo Shuichi’s inner thoughts, Keebo. This whole flashback light should really be confusing him more than it does. but we’ll get to that.
Ryoma: Could the reason be that...we were caught by the Ultimate Hunt? Shuichi:  Caught...by the Ultimate Hunt? K1-B0: You mean, we tried to escape by erasing our memories, but they found us anyway... And subsequently, we were captured as part of this Ultimate Hunt? 
At first I thought Keebo’s ‘returned’ memory might have been slightly different to compensate for the glaring issue but nope! Here he is, stating they erased their memories. and he’s summarizing again lol. keebs. i don’t care if you throw your harddrive in a washing machine, you are going to very quickly re-learn that you’re a goddamned ROBOT. He doesn’t even question this memory, no one does! (ok, kokichi probably caught it based on what he does right after this but otherwise) did you think you were a slightly less ultimate robot how did this even logic in your head. Questions that will never be answered.
Kaito: We just gotta work together. If we cooperate, we'll make it out of here alive. Just like a certain someone said... Shuichi:  ...Kaede. K1-B0: But I believe cooperating with each other is the most logical course of action— Kokichi: *snore* I’m snooooring! K1-B0: ...Why are you sleeping!? Kokichi: Whoa! Huh, what!? Tsumugi: Hey, Kokichi...we're having a serious conversation here. Kokichi: And is it written somewhere that I have to take serious conversations seriously? Kaito: Tch, quit acting so immature! Kokichi: Hm? I’m a teenager...so duh I’m immature. Aren’t you guys forgetting to act your age? K1-B0: But I don't have a biological age... Kokichi: Don't worry about it, Keebo. I'm just talking to the humans right now! K1-B0: ...Grgh!  Kokichi: What were we talking about again? Something about working together to escape, right?
he thinks kokichi is actually sleeping. he genuinely buys it when he says I’M SNORING. you sheltered little robot. He is super bad with people in so many new and exciting ways. Which effectively stops him from being a driving force/leading anyone...which is probably exactly what sleepyhead wanted here. Then excludes him further with the not a human reminder, which Keebo still doesn’t actually contest. No fitting in for the robot, can’t be trusted. That and the conversation gets re-directed to the mastermind among them from this diversion. Use Robot for Free Topic Change :v Keebo doesn’t speak up  again at all after this, but he’d probably have no idea what to say about Ryoma just casually going ‘nothing to live for bye’ so. Free time dialogue time!. First time slot...he’s in the dining hall
K1-B0: ...Shuichi, if you have free time, would you like to spend it with me? There's something I want to ask you. 
Lookit him, taking some initiative and asking Shuichi to hang out. Negative five points because you want to ask questions. he’s a very curious robot. Second time slot he retreats to his room.
K1-B0: There's an area in this school that is closed off. It seems there are other hidden rooms as well. 
There’s a lot of hidden rooms! He really doesn’t talk about anything but current events and the school... Free time ends, kubs bungle the motive delivery, Shuichi watches Kaito’s video...and goes to run off to tell him right away about his sad looking grandparents....
Shuichi: Keebo! Have you seen Kai-- K1-B0: Impeccable timing Shuichi! I was on my way to get you! Shuichi: You were? K1-B0: Everyone is gathering in the dining hall. Please come right away. I'll go get everyone else. 
Keebo’s been promoted to sleepy student fetcher in the meantime, or more likely volunteered to help Kaito when he proposed gathering everyone to talk about it. Good thing Kaito didn’t beeline for Shuichi or he might have actually seen the video :v
Kirumi: Shall we wait for everyone then? Until then, I can provide you all with massages— K1-B0:  Thank you for waiting! We gathered everyone else! Korekiyo: My word...and after I was about to finally experience one of Kirumi's famed massages... K1-B0: Wh-What do you mean? Are you also suggesting that I cannot read the air? Maki: So what is it? Why did you drag us here?
kiyo you’re hurting the robot’s feelings with your massage lusting. Keebo no idea and just assumes it’s a reading the air thing pffft. Getting everyone together to discuss the kubspads is a bit more important, even if they wanted to do something first. Not that anyone is going to tell him that :v
Kokichi: So, what are these videos? K1-B0: No doubt they’re the motives from Monokuma, but why were they all mixed up...? Gonta: Y-Yeah! Why Gonta get Tsumugi's video— K1-B0: No! Don’t say it Gonta! Gonta: ...Hm? Tsumugi: Aah...I heard it... I see... So Gonta has my video... Gonta: ...Huh? Gonta not supposed to say it? Miu: Who fuckin’ cares!? We’re gonna exchange ‘em anyway, right? K1-B0: No, we cannot exchange them. Shuichi: What? We can't? Ryoma: Why not? They're videos of the most important people in our lives. K1-B0: And that is precisely why we cannot exchange them. Although we do not know why our motives were mixed up...As long as we don't exchange them, we don't have to see our motives at all. Himiko: So it’s better to just ignore them... K1-B0: Yes. At least, that is what I think. Tenko: Th-That's true... If we ignore them, then we won't have a motive... Ryoma: I'm against that.
The robot has learned the technique of how to cut people off mid sentence, but was a bit too slow on the draw here. This is basically the first time Keebo takes the lead on an idea though, so of course it’s about keeping everyone safe. poor gonta. Innocently having no idea why the weird robot is suddenly pushy at him. The fact this clicked really quick for Keebo while Shuichi is still half ‘but i gotta show it to Kaito’ is pretty interesting, but makes sense. He’s probably less likely to have that emotional ‘oh friend would want to know this, i must let them know’ moment our detective is having. I expect he saw it as a motive first, and all else second. Kaito is the one who takes over when it comes to confronting Ryoma, because Keebo and conflict do not mix well. because he’s a doormat. He does speak up again though!
Kokichi: Who cares? Ryoma just stated his opinion. Actually...I feel the same way as him K1-B0: Are you...trying to cause trouble again? Kokichi: Don't get the wrong idea. I'm not saying we shouldn't care about killing or dying...But I think it'd be better if we didn't cooperate with each other...Actually we *definitely* shouldn't cooperate with each other!
...because Kokichi speaks up! Kokichi likes to remark on him, so darn it, he’s going to remark back on on the purple terror. He keeps going on for a long time here too. The fact Keebo was one to originally bring the ‘don’t share’ plan up might be why Kokichi goes so hard against it here. he doesn’t trust keebs as far as he can throw him, so anything he wants done must be obstructed. It’s early on enough that he hasn’t really had time to confirm Keebo is as harmless as he says he is (usually.) And hey if it doesn’t work he’s still showing himself as ‘difficult’ for future evil plans.
Kokichi: Anyway, I’m warning you all for your sake. Let's just exchange our motive videos instead of cooperating with each other. K1-B0: ...I cannot comprehend that logic. Kokichi: Well, now that I've said I won't cooperate, I can't afford to be seen with you losers...C’mon Gonta, let’s go.
good job keebo. don’t refute or argue, just state you have no idea how his brain works. He doesn’t speak up at all once Kokichi leaves either, not even when it devolves into Kirumi getting a bunch of orders. He isn’t one of the ones that leaves so apparently he just...watches everyone eat hot pot :v Then it’s time for more free times!
K1-B0: Everyone seemed to really enjoy that delicious-looking tripe hot pot... It's fine. You do not need to worry about me. *sigh*...
oh he literally did. I forgot this line. keebo. why do you do this to yourself. The food thing is...a big thing for him. Is this why you hate vending machines Keebo. Do you think those machines ate the food. In Free time slot two he’s alone still (he’s almost always alone, no matter where he is. Kokichi and Kaito were just in the room he’s in now the previous free time tho.)
K1-B0: I also want to know what is contained in my motive video... But...if a killing were to happen because of that... It would mean that we've betrayed the very wish that Kaede entrusted to us.
I want to know but am putting everyone being safe first. Though also ‘Keebo what on earth could you been shown that would make you thinking killing is okay suddenly.’ Then I’m ‘oh do you mean you don’t trust the person you trade with to not go murder’. Do you have Shuichi’s, Keebo? Is that making you double down on Kaede’s wish, right to Shuichi’s face? Kaito is surprised to know Shuichi has his, there’s nothing saying they had to be ‘swapped’ to match...it’s just interesting to think about. another interesting thing is Himiko and Angie are hanging out in the same room during this free time. V3 is pretty good about foreshadowing future events if you go talk to everyone! Anyway, Keebo shows up in Tenko’s parasol event/bonus scene. 
K1-B0: I am grateful for your care, Kirumi. Kirumi: This is more people than I had been told. Tenko: I'm sorry... I just wanted Himiko to feel like a celebrity, too! Angie: Can I join? Atua says He wants to feel like a celebrity too! Himiko: If Atua wants to be a celebrity, then we might as well invite him too. Tenko: S-Sure... If that's what you want, Himiko. Grrrrgghhh...I just wanted to vacation like a celebrity with Himiko! Shuichi: ...Would a god want to be a celebrity? 
This bit is interesting! Tenko objects to Angie coming, but she must have invited Keebo herself, as he isn’t here to set anything up. He doesn’t spend either of his free time spots at the pool, so it’s not coincidence that he’s there either. Maybe they’ve bonded over their inability to swim. He wouldn't just tag along of his own accord. Tenko then tries to shoo Shuichi away here because of course she does :v
Shuichi: ...What about Keebo? Tenko: Keebo's a robot, so he's neither male nor female! He barely passes! K1-B0: ...I cannot tell if that remark is robophobic or not. Shuichi: Well at the very least, you're better off than I am... 
Want to be included...eclipsing need to be treated the same...Even though he’s self admitted to not being either! :v Keebo honestly doesn’t know what he wants. Shuichi apparently thinks you’re enough of a guy to get turfed out with him Keebo, so that’s probably something you like? It’s nice to see Tenko remembered though, considering she was the one who asked him in the first place.
Kirumi: By the way, Keebo... K1-B0: Yes? Kirumi: In your case, would you prefer oil over tropical juice?
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Kirumi: Keebo, Tenko requested I help her feel like a celebrity. And she has included you as one of her guests... I will do my utmost to fulfill her request, for that is how a maid must conduct herself. So please tell me what food or beverages I can prepare so you feel like a celebrity Shuichi: Such pride and dedication... Kirumi's prowess as a maid is showing! K1-B0: Um...I do not require food. And I would not be able to taste it in the first place...
He’s a bit hard to read here! He’s happy with just the offer, but seems a bit awkward about it judging by the sprite being used. Actually being accommodated for seems to put him off a little. It seems he’s fine on oil on the moment so he has no need or desire for it though. Which conflicts with Kirumi’s goal and seems to actually irritate Keebo by pressing. He’s doing the exasperated hands up sprite when he’s stating he doesn’t need or taste food. Would it be nicer to just go ‘okay fine oil’, probably. but he doesn’t since uh. It could just be the ‘I just said no thank you why does no one LISTEN’ getting to him! that and we know keebo has like -10 to tact anyway. That and...asking him what he needs to ‘feel like a celebrity’ probably just sent him thinking ‘THAT’S A FEELING???’ so he just sticks to a fact and pretends he’s not at a loss. Keebo then spends his time more interested in the parasol than anything else, because of course he is. He honestly looks puzzled by it, it’s kinda cute.
K1-B0: Out of curiosity, do you really need that parasol even though we're indoors? Tenko: Of course! If you wanna feel like a celebrity, you absolutely need a parasol! A robot like you wouldn't understand what it means to feel like a celebrity, huh Keebo? K1-B0: Ghhhh... Th-This is a difficult feeling to understand!
Keebo cannot have a nice thing without getting dumped on for it almost immediately after :v He basically admits he doesn’t know what ‘feeling like a celebrity’ is like by trying to justify himself...but really tenko the question was fair and you just go ‘haha robot’ instead of maybe realizing it’s an atmosphere thing not a feeling thing.  In the morning after Shuichi chats with Ryoma...
Shuichi: Good morning, Keebo. K1-B0: Good morning. Um, have you seen Kokichi or Gonta? Shuichi: Ah, I haven't seen them... K1-B0: I see...I saw them earlier...and they seemed to be sneaking around. Given Kokichi's penchant for mischief, do you think he's planning to cause more trouble? Gonta is very earnest but also very naive... Kokichi could easily fool him. Shuichi: That's true... That is a bit disconcerting. K1-B0: ...I wonder why Kokichi is so determined to undermine our cooperation. True, Monokuma does interfere with our attempts to cooperate, but consider this...Perhaps what Monokuma fears more than anything...is our cooperation. That is why I think that Kaede was not wrong. Shuichi: ...I think so too. I’ll always be thankful for what Kaede tried to do for us. K1-B0: That's right! If we all cooperate, I'm sure we will be able to escape this place! If we meet every morning for breakfast, we will slowly but surely become more united. Shuichi: Yeah! K1-B0: Well then, I will go to the dining hall now.
Keebo and Kokichi are mutually on one another’s case and it’s pretty hilarious. He doesn’t call Kokichi cruel or anything either...just mischievous. Even someone terrible at people saw what kind of person Gonta is, and has apparently decided Shuichi is the one who has to hear about his concerns. He’s pretty into the getting along and working together thing, but Kaito really takes the roll from him in most group settings, so we kinda only see it when Shuichi is alone. Though Shuichi maybe uh. don’t be thankful about the attempted...murder...I know that’s not what he means but hahaha it does not read well xD also Kokichi is totally Keebo’s rival, not Shuichi’s. because keebo is the real protag. :v he’s totally Togami levels of dickery to Keebo, who’s pretty Makoto-ish...even if I do read Kokichi more favourably at times for that sort of comparison :v  Moving on to the dining hall.
K1-B0: According to my calculations, not everyone has gathered today. Shuichi: You can see that without doing any calculations...
You know you’re low on the totem pole when Shuichi will dunk on you. Out loud. This is the opening bit for this scene! You couldn’t remark on people missing, no. it is dunk time. Everything Keebo does is in numbers detective, he’s a robot! He doesn’t need to inform you that he calculated it, yes...but he’s trying to impress people and he just sucks at it >> anyway yes people did not come to breakfast.
Tenko: Maybe she's hiding a bunch of kids in there that she's secretly taking care of! Shuichi: What? She's not some stray dog on the streets raising pups... K1-B0: I also saw Kokichi and Gonta sneaking around together. Miu: A couple of virgins sneakin' around sounds like bad news to me!
Keebo reiterates the ‘kokichi is a menace and has gonta with him’ fact for the rest of the class/people who don’t read optional dialogue. Yet he doesn’t mention how this concerns him like he does to Shuichi alone! because that’s not a fact and we’re in a group setting.
K1-B0: Himiko is acting rather odd. I do not fully understand what she is doing...
The Ultimate Mage might not have anything nice to say about him, but he’s paid enough attention to notice the weird ‘calm’ Himiko isn’t normal. Better point it out to Shuichi! and keebo you don’t even halfway understand what she’s doing, it’s ok. Though I suppose 1% of understanding is technically not ‘fully understanding’ something too :v
Himiko: Nyeeeh...as long as I pray like this, I don't need to waste my energy on useless stuff. No matter what happens or what trouble lies ahead, my heart will be calm... K1-B0: I see...It’s escapism. Angie: No... She has merely abandoned reality to speak to Atua. Tsumugi: That *is* escapism.
He found an answer! it’s delightfully cynical and calculated and thus hilarious. He’s doing his little ‘hand up/i’ve deduced something’ pose so he looks pretty proud of it too. Tsumugi of all people backs him up on this! Though I suppose she’d know allllll about escapism! :V gdi moogie. Yet even with his short, matter of fact answer he’s still confused after all the back an forth/ the hug scene.
K1-B0: What’s going on...? Did Angie...do something to Himiko? Angie: Hm? I just undid her brainwashing, that's all. K1-B0: But...Himiko is clearly acting strange. Himiko: That’s rude. I’m not acting strange. This is my true self... I guess Atua's words can't reach robots... K1-B0: Wha—! You're being robophobic again! Angie: It's okay! Atua has compassion for robots who look human! K1-B0: O-Okay... 
Aw. He’s worried about his friend...who doesn’t like him and said we should kill him. this boy, I swear. Very forgiving. We can add one to the ‘times Keebo actually outright said something was robophobic’ count...annnnd Himiko is literally using the reason that he’s a robot to invalidate his concern over her behaviour. i think he’s justified! Not to mention he instantly backs down when Angie basically goes ‘oh Atua would include you’ and doesn’t argue for any other robots here...really just say ‘stop treating me like i’m sub human’, but then they’d just say he is sub human so. robophobic it is :v He just wants to be included so badly...but he’s getting the message as a robot he can’t. and that is sad. of course he listens to angie later, atua and her will include him, even as a robot. Though not at first! The next time he talks...
Angie: No, noooo, that's wrong. It's not enough to simply live here forever. Our lives must also be full of divine purpose. In other words...We must make this academy  heaven on earth! Shuichi: What...? Angie: In doing so...our desire to leave will vanish, and the killings will cease. K1-B0: Are you...being serious right now? Angie: This place provides us all with shelter, food, clothing, and wonderful friends! What more could you possibly desire? Do not give in to your greed.
He’s very much on the ‘no, we are not staying here forever’ train. He can’t parse if she’s being serious or not. He’s also doing the job of reacting since Shuichi is still mostly reacting in his own head instead of out loud. Her argument might compel him a little though, considering how alternate plans of escape haven’t really shown up...
Himiko: Now is the time to demonstrate my powers. My magic is the only thing that can heal your twisted hearts. K1-B0: But in our current predicament, performing magic tricks is quite illogical- Himiko: Nyeeeh, don't disturb my concentration. You gotta learn to read the mood already. And...it's called a magic show cuz I do magic. Not tricks
Cut off again and dismissed! Keebo needs to avoid people shorter than himself, apparently it never goes well for him. Though he does get an unintentional stab at Himiko here by outright ignoring her ‘magic’ bit to clarify that they’re tricks. He isn’t too great at telling a sort of performance could cheer people up, sure...but people really should be thinking of other solutions too. but no we’re gonna dunk on the robot and go ‘shut up you’re dumb’. The fact he still attends when he clearly doesn’t get how it should help, or why...he’s trying so, so hard.
Korekiyo: Kehehe... Faith as intense as this can be quite terrifying. K1-B0: There may be no cause for concern. This does not appear to be related to our motive videos. Kaito: You're only worried about that? K1-B0: Of course. We cannot afford to take Monokuma’s motives lightly. Tsumugi: But...everyone who isn't here could be showing each other their videos, right?
yes kaito, he already expressed concern over Himiko’s behaviour and basically got told to sit down and shut up. Twice. Of course he’s only focused on the only thing he didn’t instantly get shut down over. You should have backed him up earlier! I really do love Kaito, but Keebo never really benefits from Kaito’s good qualities.  Free time again, he’s hanging out on the 3rd floor. Same general area as Maki’s lab...so basically alone, as usual.
K1-B0: A magic show...It seems unconnected to the killing game, so I do not foresee any issues with it... 
Fortune telling is not one of his skills. Though I suppose the show itself has no issues, it’s what happens before...This is also the last FT slot in the chapter so I’m smacking the level one FTE here.
K1-B0: Since you have come to speak to me...I can only assume that you've taken some sort of interest in me. Shuichi: Ah, well...you are a robot, after all. K1-B0: Indeed. Curiosity is a very useful human quality...Very well, I shall humor you. Shuichi: ...Hm. I feel as though he's talking down to me a little... K1-B0: So first, I will explain my functions. As a robot, I'm somewhat extraordinary compared to you. Shuichi: But...I remember you saying something about having the strength of an old person... K1-B0: T-True, but...Considering the tragedy that occurred during trial production, it was a logical design choice.Now first, is my visual acuity. I have 20/13 vision... Impressive, no? Shuichi: ...You think so? I believe that's pretty normal... K1-B0: What are you talking about!? Over 50% of high school students have less than 20/20 vision! But no matter what, my visual acuity will always be 20/13. Shuichi: If it got any worse, I suppose that would count as a malfunction... K1-B0: My next function will definitely surprise you. Shuichi, please raise your hand. Shuichi: Huh? My what? K1-B0: I want you to put your hand in front of my mouth. Shuichi: ...Like this? K1-B0 Haaaaaaaaaaa... Shuichi: ...What the hell is this? K1-B0: Haaaaaaaaaaa... Shuichi: Lukewarm breath grazed across my hand. Well, Keebo is a robot, so maybe not "breath"... K1-B0: How about that? In addition, my warm breath also functions as a dryer. Shuichi: Ah...I see... K1-B0: Now, now, you can't be surprised just yet, okay? Case in point, my hand can turn into a multi-tool! With both hands, I have 20 tools at my disposal! My finger can detect wafting aromas, and even distinguish between different scents! I also have a music player for when I'm bored. I can even play tapes and records. Neat, huh? Shuichi: I'm still thinking about how weird your breath felt, I dunno about your other functions... K1-B0: Don't be too surprised. After all, I am the Ultimate Robot! Shuichi: ...
The start of Keebo’s FTE is almost word for word how he starts with Kaede. This is how he introduces himself to people. This is him being confident and secure. Unlike Kaede though, Shuichi has no qualms in pointing out Keebo’s shortcomings instead of letting him chatter on like he does with Kaede. He spends a lot more time trying to show him new functions, apparently thinking he just needs to show one that’s a bit more ‘impressive’ to get a positive reaction. Like being asked questions, or at least a ‘oh that’s cool’ instead of ‘wait aren’t you weak’. But we’ll gloss over the the tragedy in trial production AGAIN. To the point he takes Shuichi’s baffled silence as a more positive reaction than of the others he got, seeing as he seems to think the detective is impressed...even though we know he’s not. It’s true most people don’t have twenty tools always on hand and a music player that can take tapes and records on them at all times but...it’s easy to dismiss as not that interesting. Even though he’s desperately fishing for validation here. The nicest answer we can get out of Shuichi here...is clearly a lie, to be honest. (Keebo probably uses that music function a lot.)
Shuichi: Y-Yeah...amazing K1-B0: Right? I am Professor Idabashi's masterpiece, after all. The professor's technology has given me the functions to support a life of comfort. Shuichi: A life of comfort... I see. That makes sense. K1-B0: However...My greatest attribute is actually not a function at all.
He takes it as a honest statement and instantly brings up how great his creator is. Keebo...cares about Professor Idabashi a lot. He is bragging, about himself...but everything he is is something his ‘father’ made. Or at least that’s what he thinks anyway...He wants people to know how great his dad is. and that’s sadly sweet. (Since he probably doesn’t exist. or care about him if he was made for this...) The part where he supports of a life of comfort is interesting though. Are you built to bring comfort to the professor, or mostly yourself Keebs? It could be both. It’s nice to think Keebo’s father figure would want him to be able to live comfortably...be able to stand on his own two feet as it were. He might not have a use for many of the functions, but he’s clearly thinks they’re valuable
Shuichi: That's actually pretty normal. K1-B0: Gh—! Wh-What do you mean, "normal"!? What do you know about robots!? The meaning of "normal" is purely subjective anyway! Don't assume your definition of normal is the same as mine! Shuichi: Oh no, he's really mad! K1-B0: F-Furthermore...! My greatest attribute is actually not a function at all.
ahahahaWHOOPS. Good job Shuichi, you genuinely upset him. Because you said his ‘father’s’ work is ‘normal’. Without the context of the ‘nicer’ reply, this can seem really out of left field! Keebo is usually all about being ‘normal’ and fitting in ‘like everyone else’ but here he goes basically spitting fire at Shuichi for it. What do you know about robots indeed Keebo...But hey, we get some of that impulsive side here, getting overwhelmed and just spitting out what he thinks right away. This is WAY more fight than we usually see him give Kokichi, and that guy’s mocking him all the time. probably because he hopes Shuichi is a better/nicer person than him but still. In contrast...
Shuichi: Ah...is that it? K1-B0: Is that it...? You mean, you're not impressed? Shuichi: Well, I assumed you would have more...special...functions. K1-B0: ...W-Well, you know...I *might* have a special function of sorts... Shuichi: ...Might? K1-B0: But Professor Idabashi told me to keep it a secret. I hope you get the chance to see it someday. And besides... My greatest attribute is actually not a function at all.
He just takes it when Shuichi is unimpressed. Clearly Shuichi not being impressed with him is a shortcoming on his part, not the Professor, or his work. Being told he’s lame or disappointing is something we’ve seen a lot of...and apparently that doesn’t trigger his get mad buttons. Think he’s...kinda used to it by chapter 2. Though Keebo will still try and fish for later attention by suggesting he does have a ‘special’ function he’s been told to keep a secret. (Though...what Keebo things is special might not rate such praise from others)
Shuichi: It isn't? K1-B0: You can't tell what it is? It's my compact, lightweight design that makes my various functions possible! This is what truly drives Professor Idabashi's technological revolution! Well? Now do you understand just how amazing I am? Shuichi: I don't know how to respond to his boasting...Maybe someone like Miu would really appreciate his mechanics. Shuichi understandably is ‘ you’re like slightly less heavy than Gonta and he’s way bigger than you Keebo wtf do you mean’. This makes far more sense when you know KEEBO CAN FLY. He’s lightweight enough for that That is incredible. Too bad Keebo doesn’t actually like flying, according to him. Though really, being light enough to travel around where humans can fairly easily when he’s made is metal and carrying quite a bit of hardware is similarly impressive, even if Shuichi doesn’t really see it. He does correctly get that Miu would probably be impressed though! sorry keebo your attempts to look self assured have failed yet again. (As I wonder if Keebo feels he can be above or below humans, but not equal considering how little success he has and how his final FTE finishes but mhm we’ll get there.) Keebo is ones already grabbed by Gonta by the time Shuichi gets dragged in.
Korekiyo: The same is true of the rest of us. We were all seized by Gonta...and brought here. Tenko: But Shuichi's the only one who got knocked out. K1-B0: Gonta apologized for that. Apparently he couldn't slow down in time when he tried to grab you. Shuichi: What is this anyway...? Why did Gonta do this?
Gotta let Shuichi know that Gonta is sorry. Gonta is probably one of the nicer ones to him in general, so it’s not a big surprise that he’s already forgiving the guy for dragging him here, and hoping Shuichi doesn’t blame him either. Since we know who’s to blame....
K1-B0: I do not think Gonta would ever decide on his own to capture us. What is Kokichi trying to accomplish by taking advantage of Gonta's naivete? Regardless, I cannot forgive his nonchalant attitude about using people!
...haha keebo’s being nonchalantly used by tons of people...Anyway he doesn’t blame Gonta for this at all, understandably and is already going ‘what is that little gremlin up to?' He’s been concerned about this exact thing for days but wasn’t able to do anything about it. He even clarifies that even if there was a ‘good’ reason, he cannot stand for Kokichi just using Gonta like this...but unfortunately won’t be able to prevent it the second time either.
Kokichi: Isn’t it great!? Only an evil supreme leader like me could do something so...eeeeeevil! K1-B0: Kokichi...why are you doing this? Kokichi: Oh, I thought we could throw ourselves a little screening party with all our videos. With all you here, exchanging our motive videos wouldn't be that difficult at all...And I wanna see your videos, too, so I figured we could all binge-watch them together! K1-B0: D-Do you know what will happen if you do that? Kokichi: Ummm... Everyone will know their motive and a killing will be more likely to happen? But I like playing on Mean difficulty. Also, I don't run from battles in RPGs, either! I wanna win this killing game! So I'm not gonna run from it, I'm gonna crush it! That’ll be waaaay less boring, don’tcha think?
protag and rival square off. Or more Kokichi monologues his evil plan. Keebo’s the one to confront him about it first...and oh look, Danganronpa reference in regards to difficultly level. I wonder if he suspects he’s talking to a camera already. After all, he decides the gathered group is ‘enough’ for the little viewing party even though Gonta couldn’t get everyone. Five missing people is quite a few.
K1-B0: It seems I must be the one to take care of this. With my talent, Kokichi, I will stop- Kokichi: Yeah, yeah. I don't have time to listen to some robot. Let's see...it's exactly 9 pm. right now. I should be back by nighttime. Welp! Have fun with the bugs till then!
sorry keebo you don’t get to have monologues. He just listed to yours Kokichi, get back here and listen to the whole thing. It is good to see Keebo taking initiative though! Even if...people are not going to be all that impressed even though it works.
Tenko: M-My Neo-Aikido is no match for Gonta's superhuman strength either... K1-B0: ...We still have a chance when Kokichi comes back. That’s when I will take care of this. Everyone, please just endure it until then. Shuichi: E-Endure it—
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Hey remember how all the cameras in the game are apparently magically tiny bug bears? So feasibly all CGs could just be shots from them? How are there bugs on the edges on such a tiny camera? ...Well we have a bigger camera at this scene, don’t we! keebo’s totally buried by bugs like himiko is ohno. Keebo might not be able to get bitten, but he’s not having a good time at the insect meet and greet either. He doesn’t talk during it, and his post dialogue doesn’t mention his own feelings. I imagine bugs crawling inside him would be unpleasant though :v Hopefully that didn’t happen. All those armored plates have edges for things to get at though...hm.
K1-B0: ...Thank you for enduring it, everyone. This is the last chance. Please leave the rest to me.
He is gonna help! do your best you funky little robot. Though if anyone had stopped Kokichi from leaving or made him have to listen to the speech Keebo could have done this an hour ago. This is why you back up your robot buddy, kids.
Kokichi: Oh, don't worry about it, Gonta. Just keep watch so these guys don't— K1-B0: That’s it! I won’t let you do as you please! Kokichi: Hm? K1-B0: I didn't want to use this unless I absolutely had to. It eats up a lot of my electricity. But that’s neither here nor there! I will stop you right here, right now! Shuichi: Keebo...what are you going to do...? K1-B0: ... Shuichi: Still glaring at Kokichi, Keebo slowly reach a hand behind his ear...and spun the mechanical parts there. Tsumugi: He's lighting up!? Is he gonna self-destruct or— *whirrr...* Tenko: Huh? What's that sound? K1-B0: One moment please... I'm rewinding the tape right now. Himiko: The tape?
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Shuichi: Keebo shouted out and pushed his palm against his ear That's when... ‘Is this your doing, Kokichi? Did you have Gonta kidnap us?’ Was that...my voice? ‘Nee-heehee...he's so simple-minded. As soon as I told him that everyone who hates bugs was trying to get rid of them......he started crying, and said that he would get you guys to love bugs...or something like that.’ Could this be...? K1-B0: So, what do you think!? You just saw my audio recording function for the first time! Tenko: Did he really just whip out an audio recorder like it’s some kinda secret weapon!? Tsumugi: Really? It’s a cassette tape? In this day and age? K1-B0: But it’s metal tape, you know!? Tsumugi: The sound quality isn't the issue! K1-B0: L-Let's just put this aside now. More importantly, it seems to have worked.
Over the top and flashy for...recording audio with very good quality. No wonder it uses so much electricity if he needs to light up to get it to work. Or he was just trying to show off since he’s personally getting back at Kokichi for this actions here...or at least making sure he’ll see some consequences. Not that it matters, he just gets made fun of anyway...even if he tries to defend the tape being metal as a way to seem less unimpressive. 
K1-B0: We must run while we still can! Tenko: Wait! We need to take back our Kubs Pads first! Shuichi: Tenko snatched the Kubs Pads from Kokichi. Kokichi: Awwww... Shuichi: Then, we all ran out of the lab. After leaving the room, I could still hear the muffled buzzing and Kokichi screaming.
yup keebo leads the fleeing out and totally leaves him there to his fate. With audible screams. He might be nice but he’s got limits. and apparently being locked in a room for like two hours being swarmed with bugs is one of those limits! Though I think he’s still more bothered by the ‘using Gonta’ bit. After they get out Monodam takes the pads to return them...
Tsumugi: But out of all of them, we can probably trust that one, right? K1-B0: Shall we go back to our dorms? It is well past nighttime. Angie: Nyahahaha, that's true! We have the magic show tomorrow.
of course you’d think that Tsumugi. We trust the robotic one that kills it’s siblings. Though they are the ‘friendliest’ cub...it just makes me think of another robot who gets determined to kill all their friends for the greater good hm. Keebo just thinks all his human friends should get some sleep, but he’s probably wanting to go charge if that light show just gobbled a chunk of his battery. It must be one hell of a drain if he can go a week normally without worry... Which he somewhat confirms in the morning.
Shuichi: Ah, Keebo. Good morning. K1-B0: Good morning, Shuichi How are you feeling today? Are you still sore from the events of last night? Shuichi: Ah, I'm fine. Are *you* alright? K1-B0: Yes, I’m fine. I’ve recharged the electricity that I used on my recording function. Even so...I'm very happy that I was finally able to use my functions to help everyone! Shuichi: Keebo's recording function... It's not exactly revolutionary technology, but it did help a lot. Yes, thank you, Keebo. You really earned your title of Ultimate Robot. K1-B0: Oh, it was nothing, really. If you ever need my help for anything, please don't hesitate to ask. Shuichi: Ahaha... Yeah, I sure will. K1-B0: So...the magic show is starting soon, yes? Everyone has probably gathered in the gym already. We should get going as well.
Shuichi actually asks if Keebo’s alright! Actual concern instead of more dunking! Keebo asking if Shuichi is okay is not as much of a surprise, but it’s nice to see he admits he’s happy that he was able to be helpful. He wants to be useful. Goes and downplays how he helped in order to keep stressing how ‘please ask me if you need help I WANT TO HELP’ :v Then he’s off to go to the Magic show, which he probably isn’t super interested in but Everyone Should Be There, so he’s gonna go. Also, we learn from Angie that Keebo and Kaito were the designated equipment carriers from Himiko’s lab. I guess it wasn’t too heavy, or Kaito might have been doing the brunt of the lifting. Also, when you talk to Angie before the show...
Angie: Tenko, you’re trembling. I've told you many times that Atua loves all His creations. Tenko: What do you mean, all his creations!? That's way too much love! What about Monokuma, huh? Does Atua love him, too? Angie: Of course. So we must love Monokuma, so that our love will reach him. Tenko: Shaddup already! Robots can't feel love! They can't feel any emotions at all! K1-B0: And yet...I felt a strange pain in my chest after you just said that...
y u gotta do this Tenko, he’s RIGHT HERE. or at least apologize! But no, we’re just gonna let Keebo know his emotions he’s feeling aren’t real I guess. You two were getting on okay, so of course he’s upset...but this does also set up a little more that Keebo’s heard Angie say Atua accepts robots twice now.
K1-B0: This is quite a professional-looking set. However, considering how unsettled Himiko is...We might not get to witness for ourselves the skill of the Ultimate Magician. How unfortunate.
Well, he’s impressed by the work his friends did! And seems like he’s at least semi-interested in seeing Himiko’s talent in action, even if he knows it’s trickery, not magic. He’s always ready to be a supportive sort of friend and praise their efforts. not that he gets it back all that much. He does get caught up in the tension of the show and seems to worry a bit after Gonta runs up to the stage.
K1-B0: Um...Less than ten seconds remain...
Notably, he’s also one of the ones who looks to be mid movement after this line...(there’s a lot of CGs for this part, huh)
K1-B0: Look! The piranhas! Tenko: H-Hurry! The curtains! Open the curtains already!
Then Ryoma is shown to be very very dead. Due to how everyone who wasn’t at the show rushes in, there aren't as many reactions before...well.
Kokichi: Yeah, break it. It’ll take too long to drain it by hand. Shuichi: But what would we even use to break— Kokichi: Gonta! Kee-boy! You’re up! K1-B0: Huh? What do you mean, we're up? Kokichi: Gonta, throw Kee-boy as hard as you can! Use that robot like a battering ram! K1-B0: Who are you calling a battering ram!? Gonta: Gonta throw Keebo! Got it! Tenko: Then, I’ll help too! K1-B0: N-Now wait just a second. You don't need to team up now—
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robot gets yeeted despite protests because guy no one likes says to. Why are all you guys so mean to this poor robot. You could have seriously hurt him! Good thing he’s waterproof, but he still got treated as a thing and probably got nasty blood water all over him >> Does anyone even say ‘sorry’? Or even thank you? NO. being keebo is suffering, like it’s pretty funny but MAN these kids are jerks to him.
K1-B0: I’ve...gathered Ryoma’s body and belongings...in one place... Shuichi: Keebo looks depressed... He *was* just used as a battering ram, so I understand why.
maybe apologize for what happened? or tell Kokichi off, or Gonta for listening and Tenko for just going along with it? no? ok sure we’ll just leave him staring listlessly after carrying the remains of his friend while soaked in his blood, why not. after all he doesn’t have feelings, apparently. 
Korekiyo: In any event...let us begin the investigation. K1-B0: Investigation... So it's really going to start again. Tsumugi: I can't believe it... One of us killed Ryoma...
yes you can tsumugi. Why are you always talking near keebs this chapter. Unsurprisingly, Keebo still doesn’t really like the idea of a class trial and what it means, but I suppose it gives him something to think about that isn’t how he has zero respect around here. Anyway, Maki says ‘nope, i’m out’
Miu: The fuck is that bitch's problem!? She's seriously not gonna investigate!? K1-B0: That seems...rather irresponsible. Korekiyo: She likely assumes someone else will take care of it...and I suppose she isn't wrong.  
Considering you all die if you’re wrong, irresponsible is certainly a word that works. He doesn’t do name calling or anything though, just points out the behavour. She’s busy trying to hide she’s an assassin, but it isn’t like the rest of the kids have too much time to worry about that. Keebo is probably a bit more shaken than he lets on though, he doesn’t confront or talk to Kokichi at all while he’s busy accusing Himiko, and usually he does!
Kirumi: To solve this mystery, we must first learn the trick behind Himiko’s Underwater Escape Act... K1-B0: We have no choice in the matter. Shuichi: He’s right...we have no choice. We have no choice but to find the culprit who killed Ryoma. This investigation is to save all of our lives...because we’re risking our lives in the class trial!
Behold as Kirumi tries to send both protags on a pointless wild goose chase! The underwater trick and how it works turns out to be completely irrelevant! Which of course, Kirumi knows and is banking on. :v She’s sneaky. Anyway, Kaito is Shuichi’s partner for this case...
K1-B0: Although there are many unknown variables, the first thing we need to make clear is...when was Ryoma murdered? Kaito: Well, in the middle of the show, obviously. The culprit knew how Himiko's trick worked and took advantage of it to kill Ryoma. In other words, everyone watching the show isn't suspicious. K1-B0: ...Kaito, you didn’t attend the show either, did you? Kaito: N-No, but I'm still not suspicious. I forgot a promise...so I was just eating breakfast. You got it!? I’m not suspicious! K1-B0: I do not understand how that explanation is supposed to convince me. Shuichi: Keebo does have a point...
Robot is right, ‘when’ the murder happened is one of the most important details of the case. So thankfully, he didn’t just immediately try and follow Kirumi’s ill motivated advice. Apparently if Kaito gets questioned by Keebo his brain just goes into shock. Kaito isn’t dumb but he has this weird habit of getting flustered with Keebo’s blunt questions. Maybe because he’s figured out Keebs wants some reasonable explanations! and he doesn’t really have one and just...tries to justify himself in a way Keebs is not impressed with at all. He doesn’t provide any other information, but that’s not a big shock. Considering he was both at the show and the meet and greet and had to recharge, he didn’t really have a chance to see anything of use for this case. this will be a trend.
Shuichi: The fragments of the broken glass water tank have been piled up. There are so many tiny pieces...Gonta and Tenko certainly didn't hold back when they threw Keebo at the glass.
More proof of robot abuse. but really Keebo doesn’t come up much in this investigation. Kirumi actually shows up a second time to distract Shuichi by giving the ‘clue’ that Gonta was the last to see Maki at 8PM. She really had plans to not get caught. We have no need to hear from our robot friend again until pre-trial time.
K1-B0: ...Is everyone ready? Gonta: Not like we have choice, right? Korekiyo: Kehehe... You are quick to understand. It's as though Monokuma has you trained.
Has all of you trained, Kiyo. But Keebo’s doing his protag job in asking the obvious question to prompt responses :v
K1-B0: I did not calculate that we would gather here under these circumstances again...What would Kaede say if she saw us right now...?
I suppose it is also your job to hope. Though it is a little sad that he’s worried about letting Kaede down. Most of the others are more concerned about the trial and the case surrounding it at the moment, but this is what he’s stuck on. Shame and disbelief. this robot understands empathy very well, okay.  Class trial time :v
Kirumi: But it does point to Himiko being the most suspicious. K1-B0: Ryoma died during Himiko's magic show. Korekiyo: His body appearing in the water tank leads one to think the escape trick played a part. It’s only natural we suspect Himiko. She was the one performing the trick.
oh look who’s the first person to agree Himiko is suspect after Kokichi/Angie point to her. Keebo is just outright wrong here! This is why he is not the detective :v Somewhere along the way he’s decided ‘during the show’ was the time of death, whoops. This is also a bit weird becauseeee after the nonstop debate about the cause of death...
Angie: Ryoma drowned, Himiko changed places with him, and then the piranhas ate him. Right? K1-B0: No, Himiko only had 60 seconds to escape from the tank...Even if they changed places at the start of the show, that's insufficient time to drown someone. Kirumi: If that is the case, then when did he drown?
watch out the robot knows how long it takes to drown a man. But this is why his other comment is weird...he knows Ryoma couldn’t have drowned during the show? I suppose he didn’t know the cause of death...but it’s in the monofile...throwaway line you aren't meant to think about too hard but dang it
Korekiyo: Yes... By that point, he had already joined the ranks of the dead. K1-B0: Could that mean his body was hidden until the culprit made it appear in the tank? Gonta: Hidden...where? Kirumi: The culprit would have had to hide the body near the tank, and then show it during the act.
He gets back on the right track after Shuichi points out Ryoma had to die before the show. I super didn’t notice this the first time I played, but Kirumi is always here to make the correct idea seem unlikely and try and steer conversation away from it! and of course kokichi helps her derail it back to explaining the trick.
K1-B0: How did Himiko escape the water tank? Angie: Maybe she just climbed out and no one noticed.
So Keebo kicks off the non-stop debate about the water tank :v Because asking a question is his favourite thing to do, and he just tried suggesting the body could be hidden, so he’s filled his doing things quota.
Shuichi: The staircase also has an escape hatch, one facing away from us. It’s placed so that the water would not drain from the staircase. K1-B0: In which case, a person could exit and leave water inside the staircase. Shuichi: However, that person would be soaked, meaning that *some* trace should be left...That would explain why there was a puddle around the stairs...
Rephrase for the audience and give Shuichi a gap before he has to launch into another explanation. He’s quick to pick up the logic, but he doesn’t really need to apply it since Shuichi usually does that part too :v
Shuichi: ...It's because she changed her uniform. K1-B0: The dormitory is stocked with uniforms. Did you hide one behind the stage in advance? Himiko: Nyeh... Nyeeeh! Angie: I remember seeing Himiko go to the gym this morning, carrying a uniform and a towel.
He does get to do it here though! V3 is nice in letting the other characters also confirm things without Shuichi’s handholding, but he will still be doing the bulk of it, obviously :v keebs can be smart.
Miu: So Himiko went in the stairs with the body!? What kinda kinky shit is she into!? K1-B0: That seems unlikely. There isn't enough space for two people to fit in there. Tsumugi: Yeah, the stairs are pretty cramped. It'd be hard to fit even Ryoma and Himiko in there.
Keebo makes a point, Tsumugi takes the chance to reiterate it to be ‘helping’ by doing very little :v Angie argues for a switcheroo which leads to the next debate, Shuichi refutes it, leading to
Korekiyo: She had no need to worry about us witnessing her at that point. For the entire stage was hidden behind a curtain. To all but Gonta, anyway. K1-B0: Then the culprit never would have considered hiding inside the staircase with the body.Entering the staircase *after* moving the body is much faster, and seems more rational too! Tsumugi: Then...Ryoma’s body wasn’t hidden in the stairs?
He’s back again to confirm his earlier point was correct! With extra logic on his side thanks to Gonta going where he wasn’t meant to. and yes mugi that is what he just said please pay attention. He’ll keep defending it too, such as in the debate afterwards.
Tsumugi: It wasn't really in the stairs, was it? K1-B0: After all, there was only enough space for Himiko.
Shuichi’s busy agreeing with Korikiyo here since he actually goes into what another option might be other than reiterating it’s not the stairs. Trial goes on, Miu correctly accuses Kirumi but of course, it’s too early and baseless so we need to argue with her.
Gonta: I-Is too soon to tell. We should hear what everyone has to say, right? Miu: Fuck that noise! K1-B0: But, Miu, you don't have an alibi for when the crime occurred either, do you? Miu: Y-You think I’m suspicious? I...don’t even know where the gym is.
oh Miu. Robot is always glad to point out relatively simple contradictions like this and get people flustered. Not one to accuse though, since he might simply not know something...
Tenko: Anyway, among those four, the culprit must be the one who doesn't have an alibi! K1-B0: ...I apologize but given the circumstances, we have no choice but to suspect you. Tenko: Suspect who!? Who’s the culprit!?
Even though he says sorry, this triggers a mass panic debate :v Though it’s the logical thing to do, he can occasionally figure out putting people on the spot for murder can be uncomfortable and apologize for it. This is a friendly robot who is way nicer than most people are to him gdi. Miu, Kaito and Kirumi squabble it out. Keebs ends up being in TWO conversations :v
Miu: I have an alibi! K1-B0: What is your alibi? Miu: When I was running from Gonta...Things got a little...heated if ya catch my drift.
He caught it, and apparently had no interest in following up, as that segment switches to Angie asking after Maki’s alibi. Keebo decides to poke at Kirumi’s alibi instead. which is the weak point for this debate. All business today it seems!
Kirumi: That was five minutes before 9:00 p.m. K1-B0: Did you really leave the gym at 9:00 p.m.? Are you sure you did not stay at the gym?
Of course the bullet that breaks it is Kokichi’s account. Because Kokichi and Keebo get on like a house on fire :v which of course means it’s time for the two to squabble again.
Kirumi: This information could have been told to us beforehand. Kokichi: Sorry! Forgot! I definitely didn’t keep it a secret to make the trial more interesting! K1-B0: Forgot...? It seems far more plausible that you were telling another lie. Kokichi: Unlike robots, we meatbags can't pull out our memories from our hard drive. K1-B0: Was that supposed to offend me? Your irrationality fills me with pity...
Of course, the alibi ends up being worthless since the time of the crime isn’t what the kids think it is. (Later it’ll damn Kirumi but right now? not so much.) It makes Kirumi look like less of a suspect so it’s actively harmful, whoops :v So were you ‘forgetting’ because it won’t help solve the case yet...or just having fun. Either way, Keebo shows that he really needs to install a sarcasm detector, that was REALLY blatant. But sassy robot returns, he goes from angry to eye rolling once he realizes it’s more of a backhanded complement than an insult. ‘Why yes my memory IS better than yours, annoying purple meatbag’. Too bad it ultimately leads to Kirumi being off the hook so Kokichi can get his ‘make Maki and Kaito fightfightfight’ game on but I like this interaction. He gets to feel proud of himself a little :v He keeps this attitude for a bit, considering...
K1-B0: Most of that was unintelligible nonsense, but it would seem that Miu has an actual alibi. Kokichi: Yup. It took a while, but at least we got everyone's alibis cleared up...We should remember all of this, in case we need to recall these events again.
oh no they’re AGREEING. someone check hell it’s probably freezing over. But lookit that swipe at Miu. They really don’t start off on the right foot at all! We get the everyone’s alibi bullet which still ultimately means nothing(for now)...and Kokichi gets the fight ball rolling with a...surprising assist from Keebo?
Kokichi: If one of them is the culprit, then the innocent one should know who the guilty one is. Yeah? Because if you know you're not the culprit, then you can just accuse the other person. K1-B0: Yes, that is true. Kokichi: Which means, there is one person among us who definitely knows who the culprit is! To that someone who knows... Do your best to convince us! Work harder!
He’s still eye rolling here, but offers his agreement. which yes, it is true...if either of the accused is the culprit. Which they aren’t. Keebo doesn’t know this, obviously but it’s still weird to see them ‘working together’, but this happens more often the further we go. Mostly because Keebo will follow anything with a solid/logical backing. Kokichi might be a liar, but he generally has a solid bit of evidence or logic to springboard off of. (even when taking us in the WRONG DIRECTION. if you wanted to pressure maki we could have done this in a way easier way you little gremlin). So really, these two will team up more often than Keebo would with say...Kaito, who prompts his next line.
Kaito: Hmph... You don't get it. This isn't just any hunch...This is an official hunch from *the* Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars! Tsumugi: Wh-What...? K1-B0: How illogical... This is even more difficult to comprehend than Kokichi's antics. Kokichi: You're totally not serious! You can't be *that* stupid, right?
Yup. Kaito is more confusing than Kokichi. Kaito is basing Maki’s innocence on nothing but what he feels, which people can sort of get. We all have ‘hunches’, the backs of our brains picking up on little things that we might not actively be paying attention to, and he’s got a lot of belief and trust to give. We can get it, some people you just want to trust! Keebo doesn’t get it. Error, no input found, please give me a provable, actual reason for that hunch. I kind of think he doesn’t even get hunches himself. He can clearly worry, or have concern, but he might lack those sort of gut feelings on if you can trust something or not. After all, he can actively search through his own ‘brain’ and explain why he feels a certain way, he doesn’t need to just ‘have a feeling’. Kokichi following Keebo up here to slap an insult on an honest statement of ‘i have no goddamned idea what you’re on about’ is just expected :v
Kirumi: So...you do not have any evidence. K1-B0: Only baseless conjecture. Tenko: B-But...I totally get where he's coming from! Cuz I wanna believe in Himiko too!
Kaito’s inspiring speech broke zero ground in the ‘make the everyone understand’ attempt. Whoops. So Keebo’s backing up the murderer pointing out the lack of proof. As it is baseless conjecture. You need a fact, or at least a lie presented as fact to get him to understand what you’re driving at. This is honestly interesting, considering he’s ‘hope’ motivated later on. There’s nothing logical about a meaningless hope! So it feels less like him and more his...helpful voice telling him to ignore logic... Maki fesses up to say she saw Ryoma at nighttime
K1-B0: So Ryoma was still alive at nighttime!? Tenko: I thought the crime took place between 8 and 10 o'clock at night?
He’s not on board yet, but he’s listening! Even though if true, haha we spent all that time talking about stuff that doesn’t matter.
Miu: Quit fuckin' around! You think I'm dumb enough to swallow that line of crap!? Kirumi: Yes, this seems too convenient. K1-B0: But why did Maki wait until now to mention that? Kokichi: Ah-hahahaha! It’s totally obvious! Maki’s sooo desperate that she has to lie!
oh hi kirumi no big surprise you simply go ‘no it is garbage’. Keebo’s the one to offer a way out by asking why exactly she didn’t mention it until now, he’s not instantly saying it’s out of the question. Kokichi follows up to try and press that it’s a lie, answering his question. Which probably just tells him that he should keep listening, since Kokichi lies so much :v
Kirumi: Does this mean you an Ryoma recived one another’s motive video? Maki: Maybe... I actually didn't check the one I got, so I wouldn't know. K1-B0: Maki admitted earlier that she hadn't checked her Kubs Pad. Angie: Then why did Ryoma think that Maki had his motive video? Kaito: If he went around asking at random, he might've asked some people besides Maki. Miu: He never asked me! He probably never asked you guys either, right!? K1-B0: Then...who was it that told Ryoma about his Kubs Pad?
Flexing that good memory, and giving Maki a little backup. After all, Keebo’s an expert in what it feels like to get dismissed :v He them prompts Shuichi to Do His Thing in calling Kokichi out as the one who told Ryoma. (Though he doesn't actually get to make him answer before they get derailed again) Though even though he’s willing to listen and belive she possibly did see Ryoma...he’s still not too thrilled about Maki’s choice to keep it secret.
Korekiyo: *If* that story is true... Maki: ...It's true. K1-B0: Then why did you wait until now to bring that up? Maki: I didn’t say anything until now because I wasn’t in the mood to be suspected.
He’s pointing and everything. He’ll believe you but darn it explain. He wants to understandddd. But still, no name calling or excessive rudeness, because he is a good lad who doesn’t threaten or do such things. She explains not wanting to be suspected buuuut
Kaito: Well, whatever. Either way, let's just believe Maki. Angie: Yes, yes. Those who believe shall be saved. K1-B0: No, we need to wait. There is still more to confirm— Shuichi: Well then, why don’t we ask Kokichi?
couldn’t you wait for him to finish the goddamned sentence Shuichi. Still, Keebo’s not a hasty one, the second Kaito wants to just go ‘good enough’ robot is right back to WAIT NO THAT’S NOT LOGICAL. It does get Kokichi to properly admit he knows who had who’s pads though. More squabbling about believing Maki ensues...
Korekiyo: I find Maki's testimony suspicious. It's far too...convenient for her. K1-B0: This is...difficult to determine. Kokichi: Maki is lying! Like I said before, a liar like me knows their own kind!
Are you trying to convince Keebo, Kokichi? You keep reiterating your point right after he speaks. Keebo is basically admitting he’s completely undecided and not taking a stand either way, but he’s usually pretty wishy-washy...because having an opinion involves what he thinks. and he doesn’t like admitting what he’s thinking very much. Certainly not if he doesn’t have a fact to back him up. Shuichi lies in the following debate. keebo will basically always follow shuichi, he’s the ultimate detective. Though hearing everyone else agree/trust him first probably lets him consider it true more easily. (and kokichi just nudging shuichi he saw that lie but not doing anything about it...)
Himiko: So we're right back where we started... What a pain. K1-B0: However, it should be clear now that the crime occurred after nighttime began. Kirumi:  But then when was Ryoma's body placed inside the piranha tank?
Maki’s testimony + Kokichi’s admitting of telling Ryoma Maki had his kubspad + Shuichi’s lie about overhearing= enough to set this as ‘the truth’ for Keebo. It is true, but here comes Kirumi to instantly derail them to the wrong detail first. When doesn’t really matter right now!
Miu: So did we fuck up by thinkin’ the body got stuffed into the piranha tank? K1-B0: I don't think so. We have evidence to prove that's what happened. Tenko: Then when did the culprit throw the body into the piranha tank?
There is evidence, and even then he’s saying ‘think’. he’s so hesitant to speak in absolutes right now. As he might be wrong :v The whole Maki debacle was confusing for him. But now Tenko is repeating the question Kirumi posed and we go on a merry goose chase and have a scrum debate about it. Keebo’s on Shuichi’s side again. (He always will be, with one exception.) He doesn’t actually have a line though! He just gets to shout THIS IS OUR ANSWER with everyone.
K1-B0: That means it was certainly possible to put the body in the piranha tank from the window... Shuichi: However, I’m also positive the pane dividing the piranha tank was set up beforehand. Korekiyo: That certainly couldn't be tossed in. It would need to be placed carefully. Kirumi: Even if the culprit were to throw the body from outside the window...The window is far too high. It cannot be reached from the floor.
protag explaining tag team. Shuichi speaks more confidently in trials, saying things like ‘he’s confident’ while Keebo is hovering around with ‘possible’. You think our detective is an anxious mess half the time? so’s the robot :v oh and Kirumi is once again pointing out ‘problems’ to try and get the line of thought dropped. It works, considering we start going on about the ladder and whatnot and slam headlong into a logic wall until Maki says ‘okay no, time to talk about Where Die, not how get in fish tank’. You knew too Kokichi don’t you ‘ Why didn't anyone realize this yet?’ me :v
Shuichi: That’s important to remember...it’s not as if everyone here *wants* us to find the truth. One of us is trying to sabotage this trial... K1-B0: Well then, let's discuss the crime scene to figure out who the culprit is. Himiko: That's not a bad idea for a robot. The last time I heard such a good idea was......when Nino told me to move in with her under the bridge to get out of the cold. Tenko: Himikawa Under the Bridge!?
it’s a Arakawa Under the Bridge reference :v Honestly there’s tons of references in the game in general and we can totally blame Tsumugi for them. Keebs is glad to be the one to agree to a new topic though. Then he doesn’t have to state an opinion and can just fish for everyone else’s thoughts! He doesn’t even react to the ‘for a robot’ crack at him. :c Though for good reason I suppose when no one takes you seriously and judges you on a dime. Next nonstop debate to establish the crime scene...
Angie: Wasn't it the dorm room? Ryoma was relaxing in his room when he got attacked. K1-B0: But the cause of death was drowning. There is nothing in his room that could collect enough water.
Refuting Angie’s idea with a pointless weak point. I DO think the white noise that goes across when Miu goes ‘S-S-Sow’ might be Keebo though. ‘This is difficult to watch’ does match his general speaking style, and probable opinion :v
Angie: Hmmm...How did those handcuffs get from the lab to the water tank? Maki: Because Ryoma was wearing them, right? K1-B0: Yes, though they were only visible for a brief moment when Ryoma appeared in the tank. I am certain he was wearing the handcuffs at the time. Kirumi: The handcuffs were left after the piranhas devoured Ryoma
He did it, he said he was certain about something! Good job. Considering perfect memory and the horror that was that moment it was probably very easy to recall. oh dear keebo has perfect memories of all his friends corpses. that can’t be fun. oh and the fun of being THROWN AT THE REMAINS. Kirumi ‘helps’ with the easy logic of handcuffs didn’t get eaten. :v Now we’re working with the angle of body movement now that we know it came from Ryoma’s ultimate lab. Tenko suggests just tossing the body from the pool area...
Kirumi: Your explanation contradicts some things we discussed earlier. The gym window was too high to reach from the pool side, even if one used the ladder. Tenko: That’s right! I apologize! I must go on a journey to reflect on this! K1-B0: We keep hitting dead ends, since we don't know how the body was thrown into the gym... Kokichi: Nee-heehee... Well, that didn't really give us any info about the crime.
So of course the murderer tries to make it sound impossible, since we’re getting a bit too close to the truth! Keebo’s frustrated at this point, he’s eye rolling again with no leads to how it was actually done. He hasn’t considered the new approaches that could be possible now that they know where everything started. Kokichi ‘agreeing’ with him should be a tip off though :v shuichi goes and drives a brain taxi and raises the rope possibility.
Kirumi: Is the rope long enough to reach both windows? Korekiyo: The rope is roughly 65 feet in length. As for the distance between the windows... K1-B0: According to the sign at the pool, the width of the pool is roughly 35 feet...and the distance from the edges of the pool to the windows is an additional 16 feet. Altogether, the sum total length from one window to the other is roughly 50 feet. Gonta: And pool is only thing between research lab and gym windows... Miu: You bet it’s long enough! Heh! That’s what she said!
Chatty when he can do something easy like math! Numbers make sense and don’t confuse him with believing and who is working against them. Miu does basically sum up what Keebo took a paragraph to say tho. Since he needs to show his work. he likes having proof, and assumes everyone else likes knowing how he got the answer too. oh and reminder gonta is still plenty smart, he points out how to do the rope trick here. Then we talk about the zipline-i mean ropeway.
Korekiyo: You say the culprit placed their foot on the windowsill? Isn't that against school rules? It would count as entering the gym, would it not? Monosuke: Last time we got asked that question, we decided it was okay. Stickin' your body through the window is an automatic out, but standing on the sill is— K1-B0: Wait, who asked you last time? Monosuke: ...Eh? K1-B0: It is quite possible that the culprit went to you to confirm the details of their plan... Monosuke: ... ...O-Oh shiiiiit!
He does know how to press on something suspicious! Not too surprising he’s the one to confront a Kub, he even cut him off to do this. Keebo seems to put more stock in what the Monokubs say or do at any given time anyway. Of course, he won’t answer, but it isn’t really necessary. Just confirming someone asked was enough, which that freakout accomplished. Kirumi tries to sidetrack again with the ‘multiple trips’ thing...
Korekiyo: Which is why the crime was committed during nighttime, while we all slumbered. K1-B0: But if the culprit was so careful to recover the rope they used to commit the crime...Why did they leave the inner tube in the pool? Shuichi: I believe that was an accident.
He really, really loves questioning things. This part doesn’t make sense, better ask about it, and hurrah, my detective has an answer ready to go. He might not contribute much himself, but he does provide setup :v Shuichi announces Kirumi as his top suspect...
Korekiyo: That is not yet a certainty. Let us hear her testimony first. K1-B0: Is this true, Kirumi? Kirumi: I cannot believe you would suspect me...If that is the case, then I will have to deny it. I will not let you make the wrong choice.
question.exe is always running. i swear. Still, never just taking it right away, he wants to hear an answer. Snap judgements are not his thing. Even if he does lean towards believing Shuichi. because he has secret protag sensing powers. Trial 2 is such a change from one with how hard Kirumi fights here. since kaede did not want to kill everyone :v Keebs says quiet until he’s heard enough proof to throw his support behind Shuichi again
Shuichi: Just tying the rope to the frame wouldn't cause so much damage. The rope that was tied to the frames must have been weighed down significantly. The frames didn't break, but they were left with distinct marks. K1-B0: Those scratches are proof that you used a rope to carry the body to the windowsill. Kirumi: ... Kokichi: Oh? What’s wrong, Kirumi? What’s wrong, what’s wrong!? Hey, what’s wrong? Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!?
Pictured: two very different confrontation styles. I suppose it makes sense Keebo would be knowledgeable about scratches on metal :v He’ll just state some proof that goes with Shuichi’s statement, while Kokichi attempts to annoy her into submission instead. Shuichi brings up the black fabric/the ‘everyone’ thing and Kirumi slips.
Kirumi: Y-Yeah, so what? You’re still wrong! Your logic is flawed!!! K1-B0: Kirumi...why are you becoming increasingly erratic? Korekiyo: Kehehe... There is such absolute beauty in trying to fight against the truth.
:c He’s confused again. Yelling out questioning perfectly good logic is strange for her, emotionally charged, and he hasn’t really figured out guilt and panic makes people act out strangely. He knows the feelings exist, but not the full extent they can go to. and really it can’t be fun to watch someone so collected start falling apart because they murdered another one of your friends and is going to die for it...
Shuichi: The extra uniforms in our rooms are made of the same material we're wearing now. We can test my theory by comparing the fabric scrap with your glove. Kirumi: Gh...grgh... K1-B0: ...Well, Kirumi? Will you allow us to compare the black fabric we found in the pool with your gloves? Kirumi: U-Uhhh...!
‘will you allow us to damn you’. Keebo, you sound like you’re mocking her if you ask now. but he probably doesn’t quite realize that. comic, kirumi spite votes shuichi...
Tenko: Th-There’s nothing good about this at all...! *sob, sniffle...* Wh-why did it have to be Kirumi...? K1-B0: Truly, this result was unexpected. Tsumugi: How can you be so calm about it...?
This time, the culprit actively tried to get away with it. He might not really know how to feel about the whole thing. Kaede was apologizing, while Kirumi was fighting the whole way (and will keep doing so). He probably would have said this about anyone though...suspecting friends isn’t something he likes to do. and you made him this way moogie shush. 
Tsumugi: You mean like from the motive video? So Kirumi watched hers after all? K1-B0: Earlier, Kirumi mentioned that she had accepted a request...Perhaps that request came from a someone important in her motive video? Kirumi: ... Maki: ...Do you have nothing to say for yourself?
Going to ask more questions to try and understand, as per usual. Kirumi does use this as a chance to try and get away again mhm. Keebo isn’t using any of his distressed sprites here either. He might be coming off as a bit heartless at the moment, poking at ‘why did you kill’ and not even looking shaken. so guess who mentions that after Kirumi drops the ‘prime minister’ bit.
Kokichi:  I don't think it's odd that an Ultimate-level talent could be *that* powerful. I mean, Kee-boy’s talent lets him pretend to be human, even though he’s a heartless robot. K1-B0: How rude! I am not pretending! I am still learning! Tsumugi: U-Uh...I see. Well...good luck, I guess.
Yes, this gets the biggest reaction out of him. That’s normal and easy to understand over ‘how do we feel about this.’ While Tsumugi mocks his attempts to learn because she’s terrible :v and Kokichi is almost another backhanded complement? ‘Pretend to be human’, so you do buy his ‘pretending’ and how he seems very human? even though you keep calling him heartless and emotionless...and getting him thrown at things...
Monokuma: I am the ruler of this world. Nothing is beyond my power. Shuichi: Nothing is beyond your power? What kind of arrogant, ridiculous— K1-B0: That is 100% a lie! It is impossible that he could bring disaster to a country! Monokuma: Puhu... Puhuhuhu
Keebo feels the need to cut Shuichi off here! To back him up, but I wonder if his inner voice was telling him he had to deny that claim. He’s throwing out impossible and 100%, certainties...while Monokuma is mugging for the audience. as he basically is a god in their fake little world. It would explain how he’s changed his mind by the next line...
Tsumugi: Kirumi's got the lives of hundreds of millions of people on her shoulders, right? K1-B0: Logically, Kirumi’s survival would result in fewer casualties than our collective survival would. Himiko: Geez... Maybe it would've been better if we'd gotten the culprit wrong...
He seems to believe it now. Not enough to say anything definitive, but he will say it’s ‘logical’. even though you can’t really assume that. Who knows what the collective rest could do for people? No one :v
Kokichi: Do you really think someone as desperate to live as Kirumi would give up so easily? Of course not. In fact, she probably still hasn't given up, even now. She was hoping that learning the truth would make one of us volunteer to die in her place. K1-B0: ...What!? Kirumi: ... Kokichi: But Monokuma would never allow a blackened to escape punishment, so maybe......she wanted everyone to rebel, so she could use that as cover to escape on her own. ...How about it, Kirumi? Am I close?
This shakes him. Lying over something so important is almost unbelievable. After all, he couldn’t see why someone would lie on someone else’s behalf with their life on the line in trial one. Not really a shock he doesn't consider the opposite being possible too. Keebo doesn’t really...lie. Basically ever. The closest he ever gets is a flustered non answer that is technically a lie in a back route. He still cheers her on when she makes a break for it though.
K1-B0: Run! Please hurry!
He doesn’t really react to the death, he’s prompted to speak by Angie.
Angie: ...Oh? Isn't that what Atua said? All desire, even your desire to escape this place, can corrupt you beyond redemption. K1-B0: It's Monokuma who is corrupt. He is the one who distributed the motive videos. Korekiyo: Those videos were more dangerous than we thought. To have driven Kirumi that far...
He’d still rather blame the obvious antagonist over the people he calls friends. Clashing with Angie here doesn’t stop him from getting roped in later...hhm.
Shuichi: That must be why Kirumi did not want to show the videos. She thought that if everyone felt the same murderous rage that she did...this killing game would be pure chaos. She...wanted to stop it. Kokichi: If that's the case, then we really shouldn't show our videos to each other! K1-B0: That was our consensus from the beginning. Not including you, of course.
Shuichi gives a pretty kind interpretation of her actions, and Kokichi earns some robot sass for his actions. Kokichi likely had his own video and was not driven to any such murder...figured out his own plan might actually be bad too little too late.
K1-B0: For now...we should rest. To me, that seems the most rational course of action.
keebo wants to be morgana. GO TO BED. While you just...sit around awake all night long and think about what happened, I guess. Of course, we won’t do that because we have another reveal to do first.
Kokichi: Maki admitted it during the class trial, remember? Ryoma wanted her to show him his motive video cuz he was looking for a reason to live. But that wasn’t the whole story... Ryoma was blackmailing you, wasn’t he, Maki? K1-B0: B-Blackmail? Ryoma just so happened to discover Maki's true identity. So he used that to blackmail her. I bet he said something like... “If you don’t show me my motive video, I’ll tell everyone what you really are.”  That's why Maki didn't want us to know she met with Ryoma. She wanted to keep her true identity a secret! That’s why she kept quiet until the last minute!
That’s the last thing he does, enables Kokichi by asking for clarification :v Hope you liked to see Keebo do things, as the ‘trio’ forms up he has fewer chances to show up. He’s still got a few in 3, but in 4 and 5 he’s fairly sidelined. Well he TALKS a lot, but mostly just his normal questions :v
hahaha this took way to long why am i like this. when am i going to cover his gifting dialouge. who knows. aaaaaaaaaaa. feel free to yell at me about the robitt. or any of the characters :v Chapter 3 will come sooner than I expect I assume...
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also i’ve been mulling over the “we’re Living ex machina!!!!” line and like, it still doesn’t make sense Really, but here’s my Afternoon Musings i guess
i’ve only actually seen ex machina once like 3 years ago but as i remember it goes a little something like This: some rando white-collar programmer guy has like, won a contest where the prize is to go hang out for maybe a few days or a week or so with this ~visionary genius~ tech dude played by oscar isaac at oscar isaac tech dude’s off-the-grid reclusive mansion or whatever.......i thiiiink the Protag Programmer won b/c his programming submission was Really Good but also maybe there’s a [randomly selected] element to it, or maybe we Think it was partly random selection but then learn it was actually All “yeah i chose you b/c your coding was the Best,” idk. doesn’t really matter but anyway yeah protag guy gets helicoptered in to the oscar isaac genius bro’s secret mansion 
oscar isaac soon reveals he has this advanced ai android whomst he wants the Protagonist to study / turing test, and the protagonist does that, but during one Conversation Session with this android (who is named ava i think? and designed to Look Like a Woman oo) like the lights turn off and ava-i-think informs the protagonist she’s found a Weakness in the mansion’s security system and hackt it so that the power (and thus the Security / Monitoring Systems) shut down for a minute like this but could feasibly be thought of as a glitch and anyways she’s like yeah i have feelings and thoughts and i want to Not Be Trapped here, ya gotta help me out here buddy, and then yknow ooh the systems come back on, oscar isaac can Observe them again, intrigue.....tl;dr protag and ava keep having these short secret convos and Do plan to break her out, there’s this dramatic moment where oscar isaac (who’s natch been acting weirder and more erratic as the plot unfolds) confronts the protag after the protag has just like, tried to get him blackout smashed by Hanging Out With Him lmfao and oscar isaac is like “ooh i knew you were planning to break her out, i’m gonna stop you guys though haha pwned” but then oh further twist, turns out ava and protag Knew that was the case and were thinking one step ahead and idk but yeah they break her out and oscar isaac dies but ooh further twist!!! ava locks the protag (or well, just Does Not Unlock, As Planned) in some room and leaves the mansion and gets on the Helicopter meant to take the protag back to wherever after the planned end of his stay. and the protag is just stuck there b/c everyone else is dead and presumably he dies as ava gets to exist in the outside world now, idk, we don’t need ex machina 2 where he’s escaped or smthing lmao
and i do NOT get what winston is comparing their situation to lmfao. like, oh rian is like an advanced ai android??? if anything, her being the more like ~true believer in High Finance as a means of socially beneficial effect~ vs winston like, having the supposedly cutthroat and cold Math approach would make Him more of the ~oh no more a robot than a person~ (though i think it’s Ambiguous whether we wanna judge ava as more Scary Bad or Sympathetic).........you can’t even really make the connection that “oh no we’re being deliberately Replaced!!” b/c if winston is [protag programmer rando] and rian is [ava] and wendy is, i guess oscar isaac then, uhhhh oscar isaac most definitely did Not intend to ~replace~ the protag with ava, he very much wanted her trapped in his mansion still........and the protagonist Only got “replaced” by ava in the sense that she took his place on the helicopter out of the reclusive secret mansion. i really doubt she planned to, or would even be able to, like take over his identity/life beyond that.....certainly not his job lol like, coworkers are gonna notice you’re a different person, there was no implication the androids can like oh shapeshift their appearance or whatever, and no implications about what ava even intended to do in the Outside World which is kind of bemusing b/c like, what of the Practical Questions of being an android and needing whatever Fuel Source a robot does, idk that might’ve been addressed or smthing like “oh yeah they can just Eat,” also she clearly does not Trust People considering her only company was evil oscar isaac creator and she wasn’t interested in bringing the protag along, plus yknow the fact that she Did deliberately manipulate the protag into thinking that she wanted to escape into the world With him........but not like i guess she has any choice for any other world to escape into but the one with all the people where she pretends to be an organic human
like there is just NO point of comparison where these situations line up unless you get soooooooo like broad strokes about ex machina that you’d do better to compare your experience to Anything else lmao. like, does winston think she’s some like, ideal advanced version of him?? like you might consider a crafted AI android to be?? i don’t know but i mean i think we have a more feasible explanation for why he’s so Insistent about this totally being Ex Machina, if only b/c as a straightforward comparison i swear to god it doesn’t work lmfao None of these points line up at all with any significance that’s worth insisting on
given that winston’s Apparently Canonically meant to be crushing on rian, and we have his example of ribbing her by calling her “gal gadot’s quirky sister” which is like, okay so the dunk is “you look similar to this famous a-lister who everyone thinks is pretty” and “also you’re quirky, boom” like, i think that could easily be meant as like, a Tell that winston already ~likes~ her.............aaaand it’s also somewhat ~ambiguous~ but i mean i think it’s safe to say that in Ex Machina you may understand the protag as having Fallen For the ai android lady. so maybe we can Understand this invocation of ex machina as being like “ooh person meant to replace me is Attractive but ultimately i think this Overall Situation is a bad thing i shouldn’t feel this way i resent it” like, a bit of a Reach, but honestly it’s way more of a reach to think about applying anything else about this scenario to ex machina, so i could v much believe that the thought that went behind writing this is once again, like, “okay winston’s invoking one thing on the surface level here, but simultaneously he’s already (inadvertently probably) acknowledging like oh also i have a crush on her already”
between this episode seeming to be Setup and the [winston has a Canon crush] and the fact that it probably seems like They Will Fuck A Nonzero Number Of Times or Make Out At Least But It’s Billions So, Might Get A Humorous Cut To [Postcoital] Or A Scene Where They Arrive At Work Together Short Of Breath With Messy Hair  And Hickies And Winston’s Got A Hoodie W/ “Property Of Rian” On It Until He Goes "Oh Shit Woops” And Hands It To Her And She’s Like “Oh Btw You Forgot Your Glasses.....Uh You Left Them Here On Your Desk Yesterday I Mean Of Course” And Hands Them To Him And An Unnamed Character Stands Up And Asks “Daily Poll: Who Had Sex With A Coworker Last Night” And Rian And Winston Raise Their Hands Before Going “Oh Wait” And Lowering Them With A Shake Of The Head And A Nervous Cough and i’m exaggerating but you know, the equivalent of the billions writing saying “wwinnnk” at us. i am fine with them having an unsolemn like, quasi-rivals-to-lovers (or -And-lovers) dynamic, even with it being a bit messy in like, still an overall Fun way, where yknow it doesn’t have to be peak epic romance cuz a) that’s just Always true and yet it can still be overall an okay thing even if they don’t quite get it together / mostly just trade sparks and sometimes hook up and b) idk seems like mayybe rian’s character isn’t meant to go beyond this season, so, an inherent limit there if true
i’m like Apologetic for being like “already i like their dynamic even as Romantique and it’s kinda cute and fun and i’m willing to continue to be engaged w/ this as long as the writing doesn’t completely fuck it up” lmao like, i guess i Did inadvertently give myself time to prepare for this exact eventuality b/c of wondering if this exact character would have A Thing w/ winston whenever she showed up and even if i was like “haha the character could show up Anywhere and do Anything and what are the odds, right” i was also like “hmm but i’m going to really think about it though” like, as always, didn’t think i was cassandraing that hard, but truly did do it 4x03 style where everyone else can be like “you never [made the text post or gave any indication you were thinking about “what if whoever she plays and winston have some kind of romance thing going on”]” and i can go “i only thought it but didn’t say it....doesn’t count” but well. i did think it lmao and why would i make it up.......sorry i had such a head start on Getting More Used To This Notion.......some crimes can never be forgiven.meme.......
anyways natch “intense horrible passionate” seems a little foreboding but maybe she was talking about it relative to [any Normal show] rather than the standards we’re used to on billions, where this was all but a Meet Cute, and a kind of quasi coworker rivalry where nobody’s taking it *that* deeply seriously and they also seem to mutually like each other by the end of 5x05 already so how not-amicable can it get. and re: Intense like, maybe the writing in future episodes will totally upend this, but i’d say rian and winston in 5x05, even when “clashing,” was like damn near laidback and chill. neither of them seem at all that pressed, but maybe even a sorta-playful Friendly Rivalry is more “intense” than, say, a dynamic that involves no rivalry at all. imo “Passionate” is just like, okay, so they’ll fuck or at least make out? sure. not sure what to make of “horrible” lmfao maybe again it’s addressing like “this is a lil messy and they’re kinda rivals!!!” like, certainly not an ideal start, except by billions standards it IS weirdly great. rian seeming good-naturedly amused by winston is something we didn’t get from his longtime-coworkers until like, now, sort of, and still not to the degree that anyone has smiled at him as many times as rian did in like that course of [1 min long First Scene Together] wherein also winston always gets off to a way worse start with people lmao............like everything about this seems Way Better And More Dialed Back And Grounded than usual, actually. but it’s that like, point of reference of “what’s Usual for winston and, more broadly, Billions” that maybe explains this weirdly strong language when all in 5x05 seemed chill actually
anyways like i said Sorry For Already Liking Rian/Winston This Much with my head start and all where like, i’m even tentatively looking forward to seeing where this goes, by “tentative” i also mean going [”i’ll kill you” the office.jpg] at billions where i am fully aware that maybe where this goes *is* a mess and not in like, just kind of a fun, non-melodramatic, not-treated-like-a-total-joke-but-also-not-that-big-a-deal way, where 5x05 could seem like Those Halcyon Days b/c everything from here out just devolves into an unappealing disaster.......but this is an unexpectedly solid start imo and like. even if this doesn’t become like this epic romance where they officially date and if rian does eventually depart the show by the end of the season, it can still just be Enjoyable and Fun for the characters and, god forbid, the viewers, where like, you don’t have to demand we be desperately invested with our entire life in this deadly serious heartwrenching epic romance, they can just kind of mess around and enjoy having a mutual attraction w/ this mathy rivalry and etc and it’s neither a tragedy of “the greatest love story of all time torn asunder” Or, truly god forbid,” this is a Whole Mess In A Bad Way b/c winston’s involved and ugh who could Really like him, being at all romantically entangled is an embarrassing mistake surely, ew cringe we hate him............like, cautiously optimistic in how like i always say that a Romantic Arc is just an easy/efficient way to develop both characters and it could certainly humanize winston an ounce in a show that treats him more like a walking algorithmic plot device and the thoughts of any viewers but us are limited to “winston annoying” basically........the show doesn’t seem to treat rian as a joke, so it seems possible that their mutual Romance in whatever way it unfolds could also be Not A Joke, which means winston’s part in it isn’t a joke, so that’s Some aspect of him for people to take seriously, for once..........like, the way his apparently-already-official crush played out in 5x05 *was* funny but it also didn’t seem like oh it’s a joke b/c his feelings are a total joke......it might seem that way if this *was* totally unrequited and going nowhere, but i somewhat get the sense that the interest is mutual even by the end of the ep, that didn’t strike me as a “shove off, it could Never Happen” shutdown from rian there, just like, hold off on that for rn maybe cue to rein it in a little, not just yet........anyways lmao i’m like “oh yeah i started this post about the baffling ex machina thing” but yeah the point is i think so far it’s pretty solid and i like it and am cautiously but [relative-to-billions level of Hopeful] about whatever developments we’re surely gonna get b/c it def sounds like this has Not ended with 5x05, but seriously @ billions i swear to god. yes so far the approach to winston’s crush here and even their unfolding mutual dynamique and dare i say, romantic interest, is being handled with an encouraging level of “this is Humorous but the characters / their feelings are not what’s being treated as A Total Joke or anything,” but who knows what will come next, this is billions and you can’t predict anything. fingers crossed about it all, though
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Chapter 7 – Stalking? No, slut dads who slutted each other.
A well-meaning friend gave me a book series that is hilariously bad. The first book was Souless and my riffs were entitled brainless. This second book is entitled Changless and these riff are then gormless.
I mean to say I have entitled them gormless! Not that my riffs are dumb, and the effort I spend on them stupid since I’m the only one who enjoys them. HAHA!
The story is SUPPOSED TO be about how a badass lady wearing a rad-looking carriage dress hits baddies with her umbrella and bangs her hot werewolf husband.  In reality it’s mostly poor attempts at being witty, flirty, and superior.
For the last book check out the brainless tag.
If you want the TL;DR version but want to read these new riffs anyway?
This story is set in supernatural Victorian steampunk England.  Alexia is our NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS protag.  She is a soulless, which means she’s able to negate the abilities of vampires and werewolves by touching them. She’s recently married a big oaf, named Lord Connel Maccon.  He’s the manchild in charge of the supernatural police with a zillion dollars and he’s totes super hot too ok.  Their relationship is mostly arguments about how Maccon can’t tell her fucking anything.  Alexia has also recently become head of ~Soulless affairs~ in Queen Victoria’s government.  She has a dumb friend named Ivy, a gay vampire friend named Akeldama, a family who’s evil because they do the same shit as her but while being blonde, and most importantly Alexia is better than everyone cause…cause.
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Last time on Gormless:
There’s some mysterious force that’s turning the Vampires and werewolves into humans. Alexia is in charge of figuring out that deal, and she is doing a bad job at it.  Her husband is in charge of the Supernatrual Police (BUR) so he’s going to Scotland about it.
Alexia is also going north to help her husband with a crew crafted for a comedy. and oh boy I can’ts wait.
Chapter 7 – Stalking? No, slut dads who slutted each other.
Tunstell has been poisoned! So Alexia and LeFoux tell him to puke.  Ivy gets really offended that they asked him to puke.  Like it was actually kinda shocking how nasty Ivy gets about this. Ivy insults Alexia, and laughs condescendingly while saying it’s just regular old food poisoning.  Like that’s pretty fucking cold Ivy damn.
I know this is supposed to be a comedy of ~manners~ this hubbub is because it’s gross and ~untoward.~  But a secret part of me wants to believe that Ivy is pissed at Tunstell for giving her feels and wants him to suffer.  
Also I love how Alexia and LeFoux just TELL him to puke, and when Tunstell is like…what? How? They’re like you’re an actor just puke wtf do we have to explain everything to you?????? But eventually they concede, he takes some ipecac, barfs, and doesn’t die.  Ivy was fluttering around him all a tizzy over this incident.  A part of me is like, why didn’t they just leave Ivy and Tunstell alone here to sort out some shit?  But I mean, Ivy seems salty enough to allow him to be in horrible pain. If they weren’t careful she was going to pull a fake eggplant off of her ugly hat and suffocate him with it.
LeFoux gets fed up with all of Ivy’s tittering so she gives her a bit of Cognac.  She takes what are described as two nips. So I was picturing itty-bitty sips, and Ivy immediately becomes blitz out of her fucking mind. I’m not exaggerating, 2 sentences after the nips, she’s staggering in zig-zags. She bumps into doors, spills drinks, and giggles like a mad woman.  I haven’t had cognac before but like….REALLY?  To me, they might as well have written, “Ivy was within 15 feet of an alcoholic beverage, so she’s sloshed.  She starts laugh-crying while singing Danny Boy incoherently and trying to give Tunstell a handy under the table…but it wasn’t Tunstell it was just an empty chair.  Which was actually lucky for Tunstell cause at this point she couldn’t do more than just play bloody knuckles with his nut-sack anyway.”
But anyway Ivy and Tunstell retire to their rooms and Alexia and LeFoux go to have a chat on the deck. Alexia is like, “Why would anybody want to poison Tunstell it makes no sense!”  To which LeFoux, with more patience than I could ever muster, points out Tunstell ate HER meal.  Alexia has a moment before she’s like, “Oh yeah, people are always trying to kill me.” LeFoux is a bit flummoxed that Alexia seems pretty chill and incurious about almost being murdered.  Alexia continues this track of being an intellectual giant by asking LeFoux if she’s a spy or assassin out to get her.
She, of course denies it, by saying she could have easily killed her earlier cause gosh what a badass she is.  But like what the hell Alexia!? All you did was alert LeFoux to your distrust of her. What were you hoping is going to happen by asking that question? Denying it is hardly going to prove one way or the other, were you hoping you’d get,
Yet it’s almost as if her wish came true because a mysterious figure shoves Alexia off the deck, to meet her doom splattered on the English Countryside.
NO this isn’t where the chapter ends. Here we are 4 pages in and we have a much better cliff-hanger than TUNSTELL DUN BE POISONED!
Unluckily for us Alexia’s descent is cut short because a random protuberance on the dirigible catches her dress and she hangs on for dear life while LeFoux fights for hers against the mysterious shoving assassin.  
But just as you were getting caught up in the action, a port-hole opens near Alexia to reveal the still hammered Ivy.  We have a very appropriate bit of comic relief where Ivy slurs out how extra it is of Alexia to be climbing around on the outside of the dirigible.  Which, to be fair, I wouldn’t put it past her.  But eventually LeFoux scares off the attacker and they rescue her.  The attacker was wearing a mask so we CAN’T SAY who it could possibly be.  I bet it’s Angelique.
However LeFoux goes back to Alexia’s room with her, and Alexia sees she got a scratch on her neck from the fight.  So she takes off LeFoux’s cravat and cleans it up.  It’s very intimate.
Gotta be honest, I am so here for the lesbian flirting.  I think fewer people should be flirting with Alexia, but I hardly care at this point. I’m happy that this book isn’t afraid to throw a masc-presenting lesbian love interest.  I mean, this is perhaps quite a low bar since modern romance novels don’t tend to be homophobic, but I appreciate a stronger inclusion regardless.
But as she’s doing so she spies a tattoo on her neck of that OCTOPUS SYMBOL!  YANNO THE HYPOCRAS CLUB THAT TRIED TO KILL HER, HER HUSBAND, AND THE TOKEN GAY MAN LAST BOOK! OH NO!  But Alexia pretends she didn’t see it.  She asks LeFoux why she’s following her around.  LeFoux is all like, “Oh GOSH I WISH I COULD TELL YOU BUT I CANNOT! I AM MYSTERIOUS!” I really hate this cop-out, and I particularly hate this one cause I can already taste it now…the reason she can’t tell Alexia is for a really dumb reason that would cause 0 damage if she told her right now. (Also going back and editing this after I finished the book, I was right. SHOCK!)  It’s also kinda infuriating cause Alexia (rightly so for once) is like, “Just tell me!”  To which LeFoux rolls her eyes and is like, “Oh you soulless are always so annoyingly logical.”
In order to appease Alexia’s outrageous line of questioning, LeFoux barfs out some totally unrelated backstory. She was an illegitimate child from a slutty dude who died soon after she was born.  She was raised by her aunt. As a child she met a man who used to be gay lovers with her dad. TURNS OUT THAT RANDOM MAN IS ALEXIA’S FATHER! WOW!  What does that have to do with her following Alexia around like a dog trying to hump her leg?
But Alexia is swayed with that and they part ways.
Say something nice Faps:
It’s getting even gayer up in here. Seriously Alexia, if you were seriously considering getting deep-dicked by Douche-canoe, douche canoe, of the dickwad douche canoes you better be considering this.
In particular I like the idea that Alexia’s father was openly bisexual. In part because she describes him as basically down for any person who wanted to fuck him. I am the kind of slutty stereotypical bisexual that relates to that.  Also the more gay characters the better my friend.
I mean, I’m not super happy with the direction they continuously drag Ivy’s character but it’s at least it’s more of a personality.  And I’ll take the comic relief, even if it isn’t good.
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genesisarclite · 6 years
Here’s a meta that’s been drifting in the back of my head for a while, and I’m only just now brave enough to bring it up. You see, it’s a completely unpopular opinion, and I... sort of expect some glares and maybe a torch or two (hopefully the British kind, because ouch otherwise). That being said, I still want to talk about it a little.
Basically, it has to do with Adam’s state of mind by the time MD ends.
Depending on who you ask, Adam is either suffering from severe PTSD and is depressed, is a boring gravelly-voiced protag, or is actually a pretty chill guy who is slow to heal, but otherwise functional, and getting better. I’m in the lattermost camp. Now, keep in mind, the way I perceive the world is colored by a number of things (like with anyone else)... including the fact that I share numerous introverted traits with Adam. Obviously, there’s degrees in between all three of those options, but those are the easiest “extremes” to point toward.
Adam was genetically modified as an infant, and he was too young to remember any of that happening. It’s unknown whether he was a test tube baby or had a Sephiroth-esque conception, but it doesn’t matter, because Michelle Walthers got him out of White Helix as the lone survivor and stuck him with a normal family. We don’t know much about his father, but his mother was definitely not fully stable, and the lore says so. Raised in a blue-collar neighborhood, B-average student, yeah, yeah, we know the deal.
Condensing a bit, we also know he was well-liked and got stomped on by his superiors after Mexicantown, though that’s more or less where it stopped. They tried to ruin his reputation, but he managed to get past it, and he was hired at SI. Yes, it was due to a number of things, not the least of which was Megan’s knowledge of his special genes, but he did become Chief of Security at one of the most prestigious and well-respected, multinational biotech firms in the world. It’s no small feat, and no matter what there is to say about Sarif Industries (and there’s a lot), it’s an accomplishment he should arguably be proud of.
Then all the things happened, he was forcibly augmented, his life went to pot, and the world came apart. We know the drill.
When I first played through these games, I agreed with the general consensus that there was something very wrong with him, that he suffered from PTSD, he was self-destructive in a way, and so on. Now, though... well...
HR does present an angry, vengeful man. He isn’t thinking clearly, he’s reacting, which is out of character for him. He calms down a bit over the course of the game, but he’s not firing an all cylinders, so to speak. While we don’t know much about his post-op recovery, we have enough info to suspect it was really bad. A man so immaculately groomed and in control of his life has suddenly had it spiral out of control. His body was violated, and precious things were taken: his autonomy, his dog, his girlfriend, his very appearance. Coming to terms with that when you’ve got no one to turn to and no one who seems to care would be a horrible experience.
More things happen, he’s yet again violated in Facility 451, and he has to struggle to adapt in a post-Incident world.
In MD, it can be easy to take all the information we’ve been given and everything we see in that game to mean he’s sunk lower than before, or is just kind of coasting along. From the melancholy music to the grim atmosphere to the subtleties of his behavior, it paints a depressing picture.
And yet... the more I play the game and the more I examine everything, the picture I get is very different.
Adam is an introvert. That much is blatantly obvious. It’s rather refreshing to see, in fact. Fellow introverts of similar type to him might not see a depressing man-cave in his Prague apartment, but something different. Something warmer, actually: a slow, hesitant, but definite return to normalcy.
For an introvert, any quiet space we can be alone is a sanctuary for us. It is where we can drop our guard and be ourselves. We can sleep half the day away, or get up early and explore the world inside our own heads. We can think, ponder, learn. We can read, watch the telly, play games, stare out the window, create, think, whatever we want. Unless we get visitors (which most introverts would rather not have regularly, thank you very much), we care about what our space is like only insofar as it affects us.
Adam’s space is a little chaotic, but not in a bad way. He has a couple boxes stacked around that he’s set things on, but otherwise, it’s actually rather well put together for the most part. The ambient lighting is soft and calm, facilitating feeling and thought. The layout allows for large amounts of light, but also soft shadows and gentle ambiance when desired. The space is a little big, but easy to fill. He idly tossed things on the coffee table. He has postcards and a hammer just sitting on the floor. His bed is messy and there’s books everywhere. He has a telescope pointed at the sky and nerdy magazines everywhere. He organizes the parts of his life that matter and scatter the rest to the wind. Even the music is more mellow than meloncholy, with a distinct sense of foreboding, but "Safehouse” is not as heartrendingly sad as “Home” was.
Unless the introvert in question is concerned with cleanliness and organization to some degree, you’ll find this is the sort of layout we tend to have. We organize what’s important - our hobbies, our quiet places - and drop the rest wherever it’ll go. Once in a while, we’ll go, “you know, I really should move that”, followed by a mad scramble to clean up, but for the most part, we go on our merry ways. We also tend to be quiet in our homes when we’re alone, because the only company we keep is ourselves. We don’t need to pretend, and even if we feel overjoyed, we probably won’t show it.
Adam’s space feels far more lived-in and cozy than his last apartment. He has computer parts scattered on his desk, alongside clockmaking bits. His bedroom is crammed with stuff, from the shelves to the trash bin. Go into his bathroom, and it’s got a homey touch to it, with too many clothes in the laundry bin and shelves full of stuff. Go into the living area, and it’s a bit messy, but not in a bad way. The kitchen has random foodstuffs everywhere and a box on the counter with more items, like paper towels and cans of food.
But one of the most important details is the mirror in his bedroom. It isn’t hanging up or in an easily-reachable place, but... it’s there.
In HR, Adam was in permanent “angry at the world” mode. Almost everything out of his mouth post-op was snark, and when it wasn’t, it was usually a word away from becoming something savage. He was rarely polite, scowled all the time, and never showed any sense of real happiness. Though he had a few moments of being more optimistic, they were rare. He’d joke around, but not a whole lot. Some of it can be chalked up to Adam not having a totally stable character when HR was written, and other bits to the limitations of the engine, but the fact remains.
In MD, I’m pretty sure I can count the number of times we see him smile (including all DLC) on two hands. He’s still snarky, but he’s not malicious about it. He’s frequently kind and polite - tells it like it is, but tends to couch it in gentler terms. Unless you actively choose to be a jerk, his default behavior is that of conflict avoidance and constant concern about others. While he’s still obviously keeping everyone at arm’s length (frequently a result of subconscious wariness and self-protection, which tends to happen after being hurt or backstabbed too many times over too many years), he’s much more relaxed with his coworkers and wants to trust them. Those eye-shields stayed up almost the entire time in HR, but come down multiple times in MD (and that’s not even getting into TML or ACP). Whoever sees those eyes of his when he voluntarily uncovers them is someone he feels he can trust.
Adam is recovering. It’s slow and still tinged with wariness and distrust, but he is getting better. He is not wallowing in misery, but recovering pieces of himself and normalcy. He snarks quite frequently, but it’s usually appropriate, and he doesn’t (usually) press the matter or insult people anymore. He tries to build bridges, make amends, listen, be kind, and offer help to anyone who needs it. He is shown to be compassionate and isn’t looking to hurt anyone. He can enjoy an evening alone (see the opening of SR) and spare a genuine smile here and there (see Milena, or even the Fixer). Sure, he had to knock back a drink after GARM, but it was more “I need a freaking drink” than “let me wallow in self-pity and depression for a while”. He knew something was coming down the pipe and needed to be ready for it.
Just because he lives alone and isn’t terribly trusting does not mean he’s gotten worse or not improved at all. This is not uncommon for introverts, especially those (speaking from personal experience, and based on testimonies of others with similar personalities) who have been hurt, betrayed, or forgotten too many times over too many years. Eventually, the scars heal, and they are worn as proof of living through the endless fight that is daily life. Adam might have hated his augs before, but he has accepted them as part of himself. He might have thought they were hideous once and couldn’t bear to look at himself, but they’re just kind of there now. He might still be shocked if someone says he’s beautiful, but he’s not going to deny it out of spite or bitterness.
In my personal thought, the most natural and hopeful progression of his story from here on involves the fight to make the best of what’s the come and not give in to the darkness. While he does need a friend, friends, a lover, or all the above to do it best, he’s not broken right now. He’s still anxious, wary, and quiet, but the impression I get is that he does want to get better, and he’s working to do exactly that. Is it hard? Of course it is.
But Adam, despite being quiet and conflict-avoidant, is determined. I daresay he’s even stubborn, to some extent. He seems to have a distinct and complex inner world, and the glimpses of his mind and heart we get are fascinating. He looks scary and like he’ll kill you if you look at him wrong, but he’s actually a kindhearted gentle giant of a man whose first instinct is not to hurt even someone who’s out to hurt him. The face he shows to the world isn’t necessarily his true one.
Adam is scarred up in a lot of ways, but he’s also healing, if slowly. The golden ending of MD shows this relatively well during the final apartment scene. Even in the other endings, he isn’t totally giving in to the darkness. He’s a warrior at heart, and he simply refuses to give up.
And at the end of the day, he goes back to the quiet place he lets so few people into, sheds the skin he puts on for everyone else, and goes quiet, just the way we like.
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zandyin · 6 years
I am the April fool that has fallen too deep into silly Raidou/Dahn + SJ MC Son AU and I feel like taking a break from studying for this Excel cert, so let me ramble about some more headcanons… idk how much of this is gonna be repeated but damn I love what has become of this ship.
Okay, so I tend to apply the same general “quiet but quirky” personality to all silent protags, cause… well, they’re basically for inserting w/e personality you want, right? I’ve always pictured Raidou as the cool, calm, and collected – who is just a bit more focused whenever Dahn is around. He’s still got the same quirk of his lips, but maybe it grows more pronounced when that Tsukigata boy is around. :d
The way Raidou speaks is already lovely and perfect. Tomokazu Sugita does a great job and you can hear his rendition of Raidou if you search for the drama CDs on YouTube! Anyways, whenever Raidou says ludicrous things in this AU, uh, a tame example being, “Let me check with my husband”, it’s said in Raidou’s soft, polite tone. Straight-forward with a bit of amusement. His normal tone, but you can tell he’s smiling if you only heard his voice? Yes.
Dahn’s the more boisterous of the two. Hearing them have a conversation is fun, especially if it’s a light hearted one where Dahn can be loud and doesn’t hold back on his accent – which Raidou has no problem understanding, by the way! Dahn’s accent always enamors Raidou. Maybe he does things on purpose to get Dahn to say things without putting on airs. Raidou keeps his tone at a generally soft level that encourages Dahn stand a bit closer to hear. Raidou does it on purpose. Dahn is also capable of a quiet tone – he’s a ninja assassin, after all – and employs it whenever he’s having a close quarters conversation with Raidou. But Dahn’s got that kinda voice where it’s still kinda “loud” even when he’s trying to be quiet. It still makes Raidou feel a rumble in his chest and he loves it!
People notice Raidou becomes a bit more laid back after meeting Dahn. He’s still dutiful, as ever, but he also indulges himself when he is able. Like sending a plethora of demons to deliver messages to Dahn when he is unable to deliver them himself. Raidou has an expansive vocabulary that is either intricately employed by the messenger demon or ruined. Dahn’s a smart guy, as he says so himself multiple times, but the flowery language of ye olde demons doesn’t really strike a chord with him. Altho the bare bones dialect of other demons make him more confused than flattered.
The first handful of times Raidou sends a messenger demon, Dahn jumps right out of his skin. He’s fought all sort of nasties, but Raidou’s demons… are something else entirely. Some of them appear human, others are, hm, Dahn will have to talk to Raidou about them later.
Going back to earlier, after a lengthy courtship, there is MARRIAGE because this is my AU and I can do what I want. :p Raidou is a fan of saying things that remind people he is married to a rugged countryman. “Let me check with my husband,” he will say after the simplest of requests. Narumi thought it was fine the first few times, but Raidou never seems to tire of saying it. The Herald of the Yatagarasu’s face doesn’t even twitch when Raidou, in his most straight-laced voice, drops the line after a request. Raidou doesn’t actually check with Dahn, unless looking at the picture from the case file counts. Narumi wondered where that picture went…
In another, possibly distant future AU, we have some baby SJ MC aka Junior headcanons. Junya? Dahn-tan?
Like his ninja father, Junior has a natural way with bugs. He’s not afraid of them by any means! So as a child he collects a lot. The woods around Tsukigata mansion make that very easy. Dahn builds little bug cages for his son’s multi-legged friends. Raidou… is not a huge fan of bugs. He’s not afraid, per se, but he doesn’t like being woken up to Junior pouring all his “friends” on the cover of their futon. Or Junior shoving a handful of (flying) bugs in his face to proudly show off his new friends. At one point, Raidou tried to implement a “No bugs in the house” rule, but then his small son cried. Raidou changes this to a “one bug limit”. Dahn helps Junior hide other bug cages in his room/around the house and says it’ll be their little secret. They also erect a small shack just for Junior’s bug friends. Raidou doesn’t ever go there.
Now is not the time to worry about how genetics work, since Junior is essentially a test tube baby anyways lol, but I wanna pretend Dahn’s poison immunity passes to Junior – at least from bug poisons! SO while Dahn and Junior have no problem messing around with poisonous bugs, Raidou stands in the distance and looks like :> but sweating underneath his cap. He was not born into that immunity, so he just watches his family from the sidelines. At some point small Junior tried to eat a bug that was probably poisonous and Raidou snatched it out of his hands last minute!
Toddler age Junior was a big fan of climbing things. Mostly trees. He’d find himself up very high. He wasn’t afraid, though! Raidou would be afraid for him. Junior liked to sit in the trees and watch the bugs do bug things. Or watch the clouds from the top. See the trees sway with the wind.
So I think Raidou is always dressed in his summoner outfit cause he’s kinda “on-call” and that outfit makes it hard to climb trees. Raidou would send demons up to coax Junior to come down, but somehow Junior became efficient in demon negotiations and would send them back! If Dahn’s around, Raidou gets him to collect their son from the tree tops. But sometimes Dahn will just go hang with Junior up in the trees, and they watch the clouds together. Or little Junior does that thing kids do where they excitedly, and without reservation , tell Dahn all about each bug friend that passes by. Dahn listens and poses questions of interest for Junior to answer. Dahn already knows all the answers.
Raidou is good at a lot of things, but ... LIKE, he does the basic stuff but he’s not omniscient when it comes to watching his son. Bathe a filthy toddler and 10 minutes later he’s filthy again. Make sure he doesn’t eat weird things off the ground. Tend to his scrapes and bruises. Tell him not to trust demons or follow any deeper into the forest. Especially not royal fairies. Keep him away from sharp objects, although Dahn has probably shown Junior some moves on soft nunchaku. Raidou will enlist the help of his most loyal demons in keeping an eye on Junior. He’s had a lot of “auntie” demons try and pinch his cheeks.
At the end of a long day, Raidou would usually be in the mood to fool around with Dahn, but once Junior enters their lives it becomes very hard to find time between village duties, Capital duties, overall demon duties, parental duties, and anything else. They’re content for some cuddling and actual sleep. Maybe that’s why older Raidou’s so lusty once Junior moves out – to make up for all the time he had to hold back lmaoooo
Okay, back to studying!
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