#and a lot of it is just obnoxious tropes and stereotypes
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whereconfusionisarhyme ¡ 2 years ago
okay the way the fandom draws hobie brown is such an interesting indication into the way subconscious racial stereotypes play into characterization and it's,,,it's just interesting.
now, i spend A Lot of time in this fandom. and something i've noticed a lot of is hobie brown being drawn HUGE. like, they're making mans into a TANK. and he's just,,,not that??
like yeah, he has broad shoulders, and he's tall, but that's literally just most any black teen boy let's be honest. if you look at his actual canonical character design, he is LANKY. and yet everyone is drawing him super buff. now at first i didn't think much of it--people like buff men, and fanartists are always gonna take some liberties (honestly, i love when they put their special little twists on the characters). but as i saw it more and more, it bothered me more and more and felt a lot more indicative of some underlying biases within the fandom.
hobie being mischaracterized and stereotyped isn't shocking or new, but that mischaracterization leaking into physical depictions of him is! not to get too deep into it, but throughout american history*, black men have not been able to protect their loved ones in any way other than physical thanks to slavery and horrid mistreatment within an inherently racist system. thus gave birth to the trope of the big, aggressive black man who solves his problems with his twists. and after that, the big aggressive black man who is actually a sweetheart on the inside, but just has raging anger issues (and probably an abusive father as well).
*im aware that movie!hobie is not american and that not the entire fandom is either, but seeing as a large chunk of it is, and are going to be viewing hobie through an american lense, i think this is an appropriate connection to make. also, african slavery was very much a thing outside of america as well. also ALSO, the rest of the worlds perception of black men is affected by american (and english) views just because of how huge the two countries are within the global landscape.
now, the reason this was even bothering me at all in the first place is because when i first watched the movie, the fact that hobie wasn't overly muscular was super novel to me. i was glad that we got to see a black male character who was strong without taking strength from others, loud without obnoxiously talking over others, violent without being aggressive, assertive without being framed as forgetting this place or naive about the world. in terms of personal experience, it pisses me just that bit more than the last time whenever i hear my father insist to my (very sensitive and emotional) brother that the proper way to deal with any and every problem was by fighting. i was glad my brother (severely lacking in good black male role models) got to see this cool guy, someone you're meant to look up to, who is strong without being ripped and punching all of his problems. that black masculinity is more than how well you can fight.
so, the way a lot of the fandom forces hobie into this box, this preconceived idea of what a black man (or boy, more like, but the erasure of childhood from black kids is a topic all its own) should be, just. sits wrong.
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bushkit ¡ 6 months ago
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Soooooo for this MiD rewrite, I might have replaced Ava-
Now I have my reasons for doing so, which I will explain now. First off, I don't like Ava, I find her really obnoxious and frustrating. I know we will only have one season so she can’t develop, and that upsets me a bit. I also find her “anxiety��� issues stereotypical, coming from someone who has been diagnosed. Some of her behaviors are relatable, but there's only a few times that I feel like I can relate to her. It feels cheap and forced to me. This is a smaller complaint, but I also don't like her design. She’s just Aphmau but with magenta eyes and a bitchy personality.
The second reason I changed the Mc is because of a massive issue I have with MiD in general. Harems. I fucking despise harems in any shape or form. I think they are one of the absolute worst tropes in media. In most harems the main character is boring, usually they have no personality whatsoever. Luckily MiD doesn't really have this problem, Ava’s personality makes it at least watchable. However, the other much more glaring issue I have with harems are the other characters. They are almost always one dimensional and cliche, and unfortunately MiD does have this problem, especially with the daemos and some other side characters as well (ex: Jake, Lorelai’s friends, Avas parents). I find Harems unhealthy and boring, as it almost always ends with the Mc choosing all potential lovers, or none of them. Its just extremely frustrating to watch. For this rewrite, I need to change the harem into something else, and the best way I can find doing it is to replace Ava. Now I am a huge, huge fan of the “found family” trope, it is far more meaningful and interesting to me. Of course as with all things it can be done badly but I find myself enjoying most shows that use it.
So lets talk about Jaiden! :D
Name: Jaiden Woods Species: Human Pronouns: She/her
Theme song: I made an entire playlist cause I couldn't pick, but I'd say World’s Smallest Violin (Ajr) and Could’ve Been Me (The Struts) are perfect for Season One.
Background: Jaiden is a thirteen year old human girl from a wealthy family in Portland, Oregon. She was originally born in San Francisco, California, but when she was very young her family moved to Portland. Because her parents are wealthy/of nobility, she's used to having a lot of things, knowing a lot of people, and sadly, knowing what its like to be lonely. Her parents run a business, so they don't make much time for her and are often out of the house. So at a young age, Jaiden had to learn how to take care of herself. In what would be season one of this rewrite, her parents have left on a business trip that will last a couple months. So Jaiden needs to find ways to entertain herself and keep her spirits high. But with no siblings and hardly any true friends, its getting more and more difficult.
Jaiden doesn't understand why its so hard for her to make connections with people. She likes to think she's the nicest person ever, she's optimistic, energetic, willing to try new things, and always willing to help others. But the people she's surrounded with aren't normal people who have emotions like she does. They're all grown adults that are all wealthy and stupidly snobby and boring. The school she attends isn't much better. Nobody wants to talk about Anime, animals, videogames, pop culture, or anything Jaiden finds fun. So she finds herself a weird outcast, and outcasts are targets for bullies.
She’s constantly being picked on by bratty rich girls at school and in her neighborhood for her interests and behavior. They are making sure Jaiden understands that bubbly, excitable, and loud people are not welcome in their town. Jaiden tries her best to ignore them and not take it seriously, but over time those words begin to take a toll on her emotionally. Jaiden no longer enjoys learning at school, she's always anxious awaiting for someone to call her a freak again. For most classes, she's picked on even by teachers. Except for her P.E class, more specifically, Track. Jaiden can run very fast, and is even titled with being the fastest kid in her school.
Her excellence in her Track lessons are one of the few things her family and others praise her on. But it isn't all she wants to be. Jaiden truly doesn't want to have a career in Track, or inherit her family’s wealth and business. She just wants to be her own person, and help as many people as she can. This is even why with the money her parents give her, she uses a bit of it to donate to charities. She loves the feeling of being helpful and making people happy, so that is what she devotes her life to doing. Now, if only she had people to help. Jaiden is very lonely, all she wishes is to have people who are not boring “npc” snobs to hang out with. She manages to make some online friends, but they aren't quite enough to fill the hole in her sociable soul.
Until a couple days after her parents left for their business trip, she spotted five cosplayers in her backyard.
Fun fact: Jaiden was originally going to be a Mystreet oc, but I decided to make her a MiD oc because I fell out of the Mystreet fandom. I also think she fits a little better in MiD, especially with the story I've given her.
Y'all will be seeing a lot more about her and her relationship with the Daemos in the future! Bye pookiesss! :D
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n3v3r-trust-th3-living ¡ 6 months ago
And finally....the moment of truth...
So ive been working at a movie theater over a year now and used one of my movie passes to see Beetlejuice beetlejuice and my short review of it?
3-3.5 out of 5 or 6-7 out of 10 so good/pretty good like slightly above mid.
But I still liked and enjoyed it a lot, it was fun and I liked the nostalgia fuel being a fan since childhood in the late 90's and 00's and I plan to see it 2 more times, once in 4DX (thank you employee discount). I also have merch put aside for me at work lol
The good
It was fun, well acted, practical effects were great, music was well implemented into their scenes and great choices of music, Catherine O hara stole the show as Delia, sets looked amazing, especially the netherworld iim glad we get to explore more of it.
I liked the jeremy twist (although the hints were kinda obvious to me At least to me). Their parallels to Beetlejuice and Lydia were good and i also felt a parallel between Jeremy and Beetlejuice's teen death rocker alter ego he used to trick lydia from the original unused script, Maybe iits just mee tho.
It is sad to see Lydia become a shell of herr self over the years not tto mention addicted to pills but i think its an interesting way to go especially with her ptsd from beetlejuice, I can see it. (I just wish they used this more as an explanation on her current state and the rift in her relationship with Richard and Astrid as well as as lydia's powers)
I enjoyed the parallels too the musical seeing lydia sort of adopt Charlie's role and astrid be in the shoes that musical Lydia was interesting. Not sure how intentional it was with that or if it was intentional at all tho.
the not so good
The begining slogs a bit, and once we pick the pace up it feels rushed especially during the wedding after the musical number (which Was good), other parts seem rushed too, it feels like a lot going on at once like they pushed multiple ideas for sequels all together which also gave a lot of new characters barley anything to do and made me feel liike they're kinda useless.
I love Delores, im absolutely self shipping with her but it feels like shes just there for eye candy and to be the ficy "other woman" trope.
Willam Defoe's character is fun in theory especially a cocky actor/stuntman playing a cop who died from a scene and is a wannabe cop in the afterlife but in execution he feels pointless.
I wanted to like Astrid more, im glad she wasn't like horribly written, I LOATHE when activist characters especially young ones are written by people who make them unlikable and obnoxious but she felt kinda .... boring sorta like a bit of a rehash of movie and musical lydia (with a dash of cartoon) in one but we only get glimpses into her interests and a lot of it is similar to Lydia even the activist part. And yeah obviously she can share interests with her parents I get she probably got it from them but i wanna know other stuff about her. Although a thing i do like is she is a sceptic while Lydia knows the paranormal exist.
Sorta related to that above there's a bunch oof cool ideas i wish weren't rushed through or they'd explore more.
we also get more netherworld lore which is cool and good but some of it leaves more questions then i had for years with the original.
lastly because this is my biggest Tim Burton beef is that there was still racial stereotypes in the film, he has learned bit over the years with Wednesday but it's still obvious he has some way to go with the Asian dry cleaner and the Soul Train scenes where we see most of the black characters in the film mind you probably the most black people we've seen in any Tim Burton film LOL (speaking as a black fan)
WOW uh I wrote way more than expected lol i have more thoughts but that's it for now, hopefully I will be posting here more in the near future.
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nezumiva ¡ 10 months ago
I assume this will somewhat be addressed in the podcast for Watanagashi, but I've been reading it with a friend(reread in my case), and the first 2 chapters have just been... really bad and pervy? I love the rest of this series, but god this has been a lot, and I know this is not the end of it. How do you deal with it, and address it to new readers?
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It is a bit of an ever-present dilemma in Higurashi, unfortunately (and while it improves over time in When They Cry as a whole, it's unfortunately a bit of an issue in a lot of Ryukishi's work). I do think the chapters in and of themselves are very good, to be clear, but those types of jokes do tend to drag it down massively whenever they (however briefly) rear their ugly head. As it pertains to generally recommending the work, I'll get to that in a moment, but first and foremost I think it's just good to know the limits of your friends, if that's the sort of reading situation you're in. For me, and the people I know - we all definitely hate the unnecessary sexual humor, but we all also grew up on a lot of anime and manga, back in the late 90's and early 2000's, which had far less restraint about these things than it should have. Obviously it wasn't good, but while we dislike it, we tend to roll our eyes and muscle past if at all possible. Thankfully, in Higurashi's case, while it is often extremely obnoxious, it is easily ignored in the context of the story at large. That's us, though, and everybody's comfort level for ignoring that sort of thing is different. When it comes to general recommendations, there's just no escaping the huge asterisks you're going to have to attach to the work at large. Like many things I love with less than stellar aspects (problematic stereotypes in One Piece, similarly gross humor in Danganronpa, etc.) there's not often a way to soften the blow of these things for people who wouldn't have been able to power through regardless, and that's completely understandable. (And even if it's less problematic, obviously, Higurashi still has a lot of elements that are difficult to casually stomach regardless, so it does sort of inherently narrow the pool of people you can get into it, lol.) This doesn't really make up for it, obviously, but this is almost doubtlessly a product of the game's release timeline and where it was released, as well. This was a self-published game in the very, very early aughts being marketed to primarily otaku at Comiket. Galge was still very prominent, and while it has thankfully managed to grow beyond the need of being strictly pornographic (and thank god Higurashi never went that far), the kind of sketchy, ecchi variety of shit did unfortunately sell and draw more eyes to a game back then. Given how small 07th Expansion was (they only sold 2 copies of Onikakushi at the time, I believe), I wouldn't doubt they felt the need to shove things like this in to push units. (In a sense, I do think some of the tropes are there to be intentionally subverted. While most people know Higurashi has horror now, they didn't then, so in some respects Ryukishi was ripping the rug out from under people who just thought they were here for a dating sim, but attributing that to every instance of weird shit in Higurashi would obviously be oversimplifying the issue.) TL;DR: Higurashi is definitely a product of its time in many respects, and while I think it is a fantastic story that surpasses its occasional failings with gross sexual humor, that is an unfortunate mark of the time and circles it was made in. It may have been a play to help it sell, or to throw off galge genre readers, or both, but either way it still kinda sucks a lot. That is always unavoidably going to be a huge asterisk when recommending it to anyone in the current day.
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funkymbtifiction ¡ 2 years ago
In a recent ask you said "Being artistic and sensitive is not 4". Can you please similarly say what's something people constantly get mixed up about each dominant function? Like I constantly see Fi doms described as artistic and sensitive, but is it really an IxFP thing or just a general human trait? Also: I wish you the best on your new ventures and thank you for all the work you've done for the typology community, you'll be missed 💐
Fe-dom: [stereotype] "unselfish." While EFJs usually care about their larger impact and reputation, they are not nicer to people or less selfish than any other type -- they can be selfish and want their way. It varies between EFJs. You will meet a lovely one who is so sweet and words things so carefully to avoid hurting your feelings and lets you "be," and then meet an EFJ who pushes their values off on you, and thinks that they can say whatever they want and it's all "okay" even if it's hurtful to you.
Fi-dom: [stereotype] "selfish." Yes, Fi-dom is self-centered, as in, their sense of everything is centered in their inner lens, but this does not make all of them exhibit what society calls "selfish behavior." The stereotypes about IFPs not being considerate of others are erroneous and cause many IFPs to mistype; IFPs can spend a lot of time and effort being a "safe space" for other people, and trying not to hurt their feelings (because they wouldn't want their own feelings hurt). As with the above, you may meet an IFP who is highly considerate of you and your feelings, or you may meet one who says what they think, without concern for whether it will offend you or not.
Te-dom: [stereotype] "workaholic." Yes, ETJs love to get things done, they are highly organized and motivated individuals, but the workaholic trope comes from very specific Enneagram combinations rather than is standard for all ETJs. Many of them know when to go out with friends, go home, etc. Another stereotype is not caring about people -- they care a lot, it's just that their brand of helping their loved ones tends to center around how to find solutions, as opposed to just crying with someone. As with the above examples, you will find an ETJ who cares a lot about their employees and does not want to fire anyone, and finds workarounds to keep them on staff even though it is costing their bottom line, or you will find one who only cares about the bottom line.
Ti-dom: [stereotype] "obnoxious, argumentative, hair-splitting." Not every Ti-dom is "Sherlock." Many of them just want to do their own thing, and for things to make sense. And not all of them are inventors or mechanics, either. Some of them are artists, actors, or writers. They can and do understand how things 'work' and want to make sense of them in their own mind, but not all of them are gifted in innovation or technology or in building an airplane from scratch. Some of them will be obnoxious and hammer people for their bad logic, but others don't see the point in trying to change your mind.
Se-dom: [stereotype] "party animal, shopaholic, unfaithful." Yes, they are energetic and outgoing and can do a lot in a day, but not all of them enjoy excess socializing, care about their wardrobe, or can't keep a relationship going due to a roving eye. Se is about hands-on learning and opportunism, seeing a good thing and going after it, rather than a certain set of expected behaviors. Some ESPs will work at things (including relationships) and others will "skip out."
Si-dom: [stereotype] "remembers everything." No, they only recall what is of specific interest to them, such as their favorite author's books or hairstyles from the 1950s. They don't have better memories than anyone else for generic facts and daily remembrances. Another stereotype is having no interest in trying new things -- wrong, some of them hate new things and some of them want as many experiences as possible to build their collection of memories or internal experiences.
Ne-dom: [stereotype] "can theorize about anything on the spot." Yes, if it interests them, but if it doesn't, they won't generate any ideas related to it. They are not automatic idea-machines, they need something to bounce off of and inspire their creativity. If they deprive themselves of those things (books, movies, music, etc), then their creativity can get stifled. They also don't have a thousand ideas in their mind all the time; rather, once they start working on and thinking about something, ideas "occur to them" along the way. Some ENPs have way more of a busy mind than others (7s).
Ni-dom: [stereotype] "mastermind." Not all Ni-doms have a life plan or know what they want ten years down the road, but all of them have a future focus, tend to get strong impressions and/or instincts about where life (theirs or yours) is headed, and they trust their insights. But they are not all evil masterminds who plan things down to the smallest detail; their mind is more impressionistic than that. And yet, there will be occasional "genius" INJs who do just that.
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nictelsm ¡ 1 year ago
In addition to my MSPA ideas
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Prison Part 2, also known as Jailbreak: Extended Play, is basically a different version of the Jailbreak adventure, including dialogue, animation, narrative shiftings from 1st person to 2nd person between characters, and even interactive pages... IF I CAN CODE THEM. Each stick figure character will be named, and some will look distinct.
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This is the "Beyond Canon Mockery" adventure I mentioned on my previous post, also known as "Homestuck: Beyond Fucked Up" or "Beyond Awful." It's a changearound of Beyond Canon's story, with worsened content, but mocked in a self-aware way, has a lot of pop culture stuff, also mocks the controversy and culture around Homestuck, and introduces a character named " The Story Wizard," an obnoxious, plot fiddling, story changing, retconning, King of Town alien who's always here to make the story worse. In this adventure, John actually hates everything around him, probably just me making fun of his descent into depression, wheras in the original comic he's an emo James Rolfe, while here, he's nihilistic.
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Freeplay is an adventure with no plot, no story, no gods, no masters, no author, just fun, but a few set of rules. You can do anything you want here. It's the infinite canvas of MS Paint Adventures, with loads of creativity for one simple panel.
There are a trinity of commands, however. NULLIFY will reset everything, REGRESS will revert a command that someone has submitted, and DISORDER will scramble the story you create into random, inconvenient places.
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Nepal Silo was an adventure I was thinking about earlier this year. It's about a group of young researchers who live on a cold, snowy landscape, sometimes peppered with aliens and oddities. It's gonna have the same style as Homestuck, but it's not gonna have that "There's a teenager in his room and he shall be named, plus a world ending supergame" bullshit.
I was also planning to give this adventure a Kelly Bailey inspired soundtrack, obviously because of the planned influence from Half Life.
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And here is one I dare to create. Adventure Boy! Planned to be an adventure about some kid (oddly looking similar to Zoosmell Pooplord) in a fantasy world that doesn't know him at all. The main, titular character is extremely joyful, almost stereotype joyful, and yet the world he's in ranges from dark to careless. Yeah, it's obviously one big trope made into an MS Paint Adventure, but I don't care.
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Another one I'm thinking about is this oddball. It's a story about your favorite spider bitch doing really stupid stuff towards every other troll in the style of a Homestar Runner storybook (See: Sbemail 100 or Homestar Enters the Strongest Man in the World Contest). Later in the book, the protagonist redeems herself off of being too mean.
But least could we forget, another project in the making. It's been done before, but we'll do it again. Comedy gold, adequate. Irony, stunning.
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Yes, I'm doing a Sweet Bro & Hella Jeff adventure. This one is more gaming based than slice of life or adventure. Think of it as early SBaHJ.
There's also gonna be a few new "bros" introduced into this comic. One's with a green shirt whom I call "THAT DUDE," and a pink shirt named "STAN-SO-CASH." Does Geromy count as a bro? WHO KNOWS!
At last, we have this.
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An MS Paint Adventures adaptation of Homestar Runner's "Thy Dungeonman." This is basically gonna be a warm-up to everything else I'll do on MSPFA, sort of a practice to see if I can actually work on what I can correctly. I ended up doing Jailbreak: Extended Play first. The command system of Thy Dungeonman would be really hard to replicate in the MS Paint Adventures format, so suggestions will be sent one by one. Or I could just do the Bard Quest treatment.
So uh, BYE!
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yuripira4e ¡ 5 months ago
ur points are fine but do you really have to put an obnoxious anon in the mgs tag talking shit abt one of the few games with gay male rep "made up yaoi" and claiming bb/eva is like a Real Canon pairing and not they fucked one bc eva was trying to get something from him and if you want to talk about women her feelings towards him were clearly a lot more complicated than it just being a ship. virtue signaling is also acting like you have to publicly blog about female characters to show that you care and respect them. also strangeboss WAS very popular, more so when the game came out for what its worth. if you really want to get into the nitty gritty im always pretty disappointed that ppl interpret their relationship as cute mutual attraction and ignore that strangelove has an obsession with the boss that likely makes her an unreliable narrator, which imo isnt a bad thing!! i legit think thats really interesting, zero and bb talk a lot about the boss and her will from the pov of soldiers but strangelove equally puts her on a pedestal imo. yeah thats not a good trope for a lesbian character but again! if you want to get nitty gritty. theres a really clear pattern in the mgs series where only villains are CANONICALLY bi/gay, but theres a lot of heavy handed queer coding among the "good guys"
I agree with you too. I’m sorry for putting discourse in the tag. 1. strange boss is a complex dynamic and as much as I love it it is ultimately from Strangelove’s pov. I think that’s just a reoccurring theme with the boss in general. I mean the entire game is centered around the misinterpretation of her will and everyone taking what they thought she meant from it and warping it to for their own perception. I do think strangeboss was mutual but Strangelove was definitely not healthily crushing on the boss either. I haven’t been in the fandom that long so I actually didn’t know the ship was that popular at one point but you have to admit it does get overshadowed as do a lot of female pairings (straight or queer) in the fanbase
2. I already said I don’t ship bb ships. I love Eva and I think her complex relationship with bb and other characters should absolutely be talked about and I enjoy their dynamic so that’s why I said I liked their relationship but not endgame
3. I do think the made up yaoi thing was kind of rude bc I don’t think it was made up at all (I should have said that on that but I don’t really feel like starting arguments or defending shit). I think the mlm representation in the game is honestly really groundbreaking even if it does adhere to a lot of stereotypes and unfortunately villainize it a lot. But it has multiple relationships and single characters in queer or queer coded mlm relationships that differ in age, ethnicity, dynamic, and backstory which is just insanely cool. From like canonically queer characters like volgin and vamp and I’m gonna say ocelot bc I think pw put him past queer coded and into fully implied queer territory to deep, healthy, interesting queer coded relationships like otasune and even liquidmantis I think it’s amazing and should not be minimized even if it could be improved or there are faults in the way other characters are treated because of it at times which is something every fanbase has. Even other ships that I don’t like have a lot of really interesting dynamics and feelings that are undeniably queer coded and I think we should just look at all of it and enjoy the queer media we’ve been given while being able to critique it and not turn on each other
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alexturne ¡ 2 years ago
8, 12 and 49 for the ask game!! and 50 :3
Thank yoooouuu 😘 I'm stealing your very brilliant idea of screenshotting the questions!
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Oh, great question! I actually used to be very inspired by AM songs and lyrics when I first started writing. Having a lyric pop out to me and spark a whole story in my head or a simple line becoming the title of a fic I simply had to write. Hence why all my fics have lyrics as their titles 😎
To answer the question! Temptation Greets You Like Your Naughty Friend! I've got a very tiny wip called "keep your charm where i can't see it (and your hands where i can)" because I just LOOOOOVE that line. And it sparks so much tension and temptation and I had the idea of a spin the bottle/get drunk at a house party/accidentally make out with your friend and BOOM find out you feel very differently than you thought about said friend. The whole trying to resist the temptation because it just feels so good but you don't want to ruin the friendship... That kinda thing. Who knows if it will ever see the light of day 😘
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Hmm, I don't know if there are any tropes really to speak of that I didn't like.. But I've gotten a lot better at reading scary/horror themed stories. We have so many incredibly talented writers in this fandom who write the most amazing scary stories and I simply had to learn 😂 Even if they still scare me sometimes! I don't really think I'll ever be able to write any myself tho. The closest I've managed is a very brief wip inspired by What We Do In The Shadows, and let's be real, that's really not scary at all 😂
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Ooohh. My current wip is... Well, it's really my white whale. The one that keeps me up at night. It's the first milex fic I ever came up with, the thing that really started it all. And it's just. My baby. I love it so much and I've literally been trying to write it for TWO YEARS and it's just the most difficult thing I've ever tried to write. I'm at about 70k at this point and every word is a struggle but I want it done. I don't know if the two years of effort will be evident in the final work so don't have too high expectations please, but it's just so very important and special to me.
It will be called "you've got control of everyone's eyes (including mine)". And here is a small snippet:
Miles just looked at him, as if expecting Alex to say something. But if Miles thought his mere presence alone was enough to rattle Alex, to throw him off his game, he thought wrong! If he thought he could come here and ruffle Alex's feathers and get him all worked up he was sorely mistaken. Alex didn't care! Not one bit. He was cool. Miles had no effect on him whatsoever. Not tonight, that was for sure, if that's what he thought. Alex was calm and collected and all that.
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Aaahhhh you made me choose one too 😂🥰
I'll take this cheeky opportunity to talk about question 17, an au I would like to read/write even if no one else will appreciate it..
Because that's the second long wip I've got going at the moment.
I'm writing a high school rivals fic, complete with americanized stereotypes, the hot jock, the mysterious punk badboy, the obnoxious gossipy cheerleaders.. and of course it's just chuckful of cheesy 90/00s romcom teen moments. Something along the lines of movies like 10 things I hate about you, bring it on, good old stuff. I adore it so far and I really hope I'll one day be able to finish it as well! 💅✨
Thank you so much for the lovely questions!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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cielelyse ¡ 2 years ago
My favourite dynamic slash misguided summary of some ships I've been into, which is in no way true or all-encompassing:
Phil Coulson/Clint Barton
"I am repressing my desires for you because being a composed, well-respected, badass g-man means I have to abide by fraternization regs," says Phil, rolling his sleeves up to his elbows, "and also because I think your affections are misplaced."
"That's a condescending thing to say, sir, even for our age gap." Clint grins. "Can I blow shit up? Jump off those buildings? Maybe if I put myself through danger, I can forget all about my pathetic puppy pining."
"That tends to make me terrified of losing you," says Phil, "and then I'd have to do something about our situation."
"Huh," says Clint, "well then."
They end up fucking six ways from Sunday and ruining Coulson's suits with unspeakable bodily fluids. There is a lot of Aww, shirt, no during the whole thing.
Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru
"See, I think our appeal is that we are powerful, attractive, tragic, obnoxious idiots, and one of us is dead," says Gojo. “Plus, there’s a good dose of the found family trope. We don't often get a couple who separated and then simultaneously went into parenting."
"Yes," says Getou, "what an all-inclusive package deal."
"Also whoa, is that your 'I'm so fondly tired of him' look?" says Gojo, once again eating like diabetes is a mere Greek word instead of a chronic disease. "You've been giving me those looks ever since we became friends, and hey, if ‘fondly tired of' means ‘want to bone’, then the sentiment is returned."
"I wish I was fully dead, so I can have some peace," says Getou. "At this point I'm not even sure if you'll be alive for long."
That, somehow, makes their romance that much more fun.
Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
"I am so broken inside," says Remus.
“Same, but in a different way,” says Sirius.
It actually ends up working out really well for them. Until the ill-judged betrayal, that is.
Ronan Lynch/Adam Parrish
"Why do people think I'm the mean, rugged, dangerous one when you're the one who's literally killed a man?" says Ronan. "This is stereotyping at its finest."
"Will you just shut up and fuck me," grumbles Adam.
That, as does most of Adam's plans, seems hella solid.
Guren Ichinose/Shinya Hiragi
“I love you,” says Shinya.
"I love you, too," says Guren — except instead of actually saying it like a normal person, he expresses his affections by annihilating 80% of the population and full-on triggering the apocalypse. Somewhere out there, Eren Jaeger is proud.
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sapphire-weapon ¡ 1 year ago
I think in general people expect too much from the movies. They aren't supposed to be box office sell outs that make it to the Oscars. In short, "hey, of you're a fan, here's some extra story to play around with" is the goal in my eyes and mostly always has been. I enjoyed DI because I went in expecting a trash fire. The fact thought went into the villain and each main character got their small moment was enough to make it really good. That's it, that's my review, it's fun to watch and that makes it my favourite CGI work.
Even the Rotten Tomatoes reviews for CGI works are a total mess (not that I treat RT as a quality bible, but my point still stands). I mean ffs, Degeneration rates higher than both Vendetta and ID. That's absurd. Even Damnation cane out at 100%. I mean... Damnation's fine but it isn't that good, lmao! If I wasn't a fan of the games, it would've been turned off in five minutes.
In short, RE has never been a meticulously written masterpiece. It's a horror game (... mostly) that often depends on cheesy outdated tropes to move the story along, that's just how the franchise is for the most part. Yes, it can be argued that they're now slowly trying to redo that aspect, but the OG timeline... isn't good. It's enjoyable and fun to analyse and make fun of, but it isn't GOOD. I think recognising that and not expecting a genre changing, award winning writing is a necessary part of allowing oneself to enjoy it.
I like Claire and Jill, I also have to accept that they don't have as much effort put into them as their male co-characters (?). I like Ashley and Ada, I have to accept that they depend on a LOT of really sexist stereotypes. I like Chris and Leon, I have to accept that both (OG at least) are a 90's male-power-fantasy cringefest. Leons clothing choices in Vendetta and Damnation are massive icks by themselves (lol).
damnation was the first time i looked at leon and was like "dude you really need a girlfriend, i can't even trust you to dress yourself anymore"
every part of it is bad
his DI look is pretty bad, too. he literally looks like he just rolled out of bed and didn't bother to change his shirt and threw on a pair of jeans
like can we PLEASE get this man a girlfriend he clearly can't take care of himself
sorry i know that wasn't the point of the ask but
i think that people expect too much from the OG timeline in general. if you come into the series from remake, i have no idea how the fuck you start digging through OG and don't immediately go "wow fuck this canon i'll just wait for the next new one"
especially if you're a leon fan, like
OG leon and Remake leon are so different
like at their core they're not, but their outward personalities super are
and OG leon is kind of an obnoxious fuckboy
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mortallyclearwonderland ¡ 2 years ago
Top 10 tropes/cliches/trends that I'm sick and tired of!
In no particular order.
1. Get down!
Someone screams ''Get down!'' or ''Look out!'' but not everybody gets down. Most of the time it's fine. The characters don't have enough time to react and get hit with an attack or whatnot. What I am actually mad about is when characters have quite a lot of time to get out of the way and they're not distracted by anything yet just choose to just stand there and do nothing.
That also applies to whoever is screaming for them to watch out. You see your friend is in danger, you have an ability that can be useful, do something!
But the most infuriating iteration of that cliche is when they say a character's name before whatever they are screaming and it somehow makes anybody else unable to hear what they're talking about.
''Bob, the train is coming!''
‘’My name is Eric, not Bob. I guess I'll just stand on the track and not even acknowledge what I've heard.’’
Extra salt to the wound when the character can totally see what is coming or at least they should but the animators couldn't be bothered to keep track of who and what is where in relation to each other.
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2. Meta
I fucking LOATHE this new trend where they make self referential humor to mock the earnestness of the old stories.
Can’t they just let us get immersed in the universe without having those “We know it’s cliché *wink wink*” Especially when they do nothing to deconstruct it, show it in a new light, have an interesting spin on it, nothing. They just point it out like in CinemaSins! And it's especially annoying when they're ''breaking the stereotypes'' which have been broken years ago.
‘’She's not like other girls/princesses! She fights, speaks her mind, and doesn't want to get married to someone she doesn't love at all.’‘
Wow, you broke new ground. It's not like princesses in the 90s were already independent, princes Leia was a badass in the 70s, and even the older princesses, Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty, get way too much hate. Go subvert the cliche which hasn't been used in years and replace it with this other cliche. There are adults and children today who haven't seen a legitimate, 100% helpless, damsel in distress. Seriously, at this point, I would've been more shocked if there was an actual romance in a Disney princess movie.
And they act so smug about it too. Do you want to talk about unwanted marriage? How about you talk about child brides right now? Because that would be actually controversial in those countries!
Just make a movie about a badass princess, nobody cares!
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3. Squidward like character
Do you remember how in the bad episodes of Spongebob, Squidward would be just minding his own business, not harming anyone and then Patrick and Spongebob would just barge in and mess everything up. Squidward would straight up say that he wants them to leave but those two numskulls couldn't take a hint. The episode just ends with no consequence whatsoever for the people who made an innocent person's day a living nightmare.
This used to be everywhere! Seemingly every cartoon channel would at least have one cartoon like that if not more.
I guess the idea is that the children are supposed to relate to the annoying obnoxious little brats energetic and innocent little angels who just want to have fun with their parent/older sibling friend but he's being boring and doesn't know how to have fun.
How did the meme go? The older you get the more you relate to Squidward.
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4. Why are you surprised by this?
Don't you just hate when a character doesn't know something that should've been common knowledge?
Ash not knowing pokemon can only say their own name, not knowing what contests are or whatever the gimmick for the season/game is.
People not knowing what mutants are or where to go when they find out they're a mutant.
I know shows and movies need to explain their lore and world building but can't you find a better way than creating that one moron character who asks all the basic questions and gets lectured and info dumped on. At least make them like Tarzan, raised in the jungle not knowing anything else about the world.
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5. Super-let-down
When you have a team of superheroes one, if not the most, important and interesting part is their relationship and dynamic. Who's the parent of the team, who's the heart, who's the jokester? How do their superpowers mix, who needs to be careful to not hurt who, what combo moves they can pull off, how they cover each other weaknesses?
Wouldn't it be cool to see super villains do something like that? Guess what? They just argue all the time and when they fight they just get in each other's way. It's especially frustrating when they stop attacking the hero to fight each other. Even more so when the hero is egging them on by saying something along the lines ''Shouldn't you be the leader?'', ''Who's going to be the one to finish me off?'' or ''Are you going to let them treat you like that?'' It makes the villains look like complete idiots with the mentality of a kindergartner.
What a waste of a potentially great team!
Sinister six from the Spectacular Spider-Man is the closest to the satisfying villain team. Wish they had more screen time! They had great chemistry and their banter went above throwing insults at each other.
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6. Too many supers in New York City
Since the MCU became big average people started to wonder, if all those superheroes exist in the same universe, then where were they when -insert huge event from a solo hero movie here- was going on.
At least DC has an excuse that pretty much every superhero has their own city to take care of.
It's especially outrages when you have the avengers, fantastic four, spider-man, and probably many others I can't remember right now leaving in the same city. What's also funny is when they meet and act as if they never heard of each other.
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7. Stop with all the food!
Recently a lot of Disney movies and shows will have excessively long scenes of food making and I don't know why.
I know that movies that want to showcase some culture focus on the food too because it's part of the culture but come on. I don't want a tutorial on how to cook, put it on a DVD. Animators just want to flex how great they are at animating food, just like anime.
I know it's a weird thing to get hung up on but in a movie, every minute counts and the movie just wasted 1-5 minutes on food porn. Just put the food in the background, make it last a couple of seconds, or be part of the story.
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8. Characters look never changes
I know characters always having the same clothes saves time and budget. Animators even make jokes/try to justify it by showing multiple versions of the same outfit.
It gets confusing when supposedly years have passed yet everybody looks the same. That's why I appreciate HTTYD. They let their characters grow up.
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9.Did you switch bodies or voices?
I know that you want people to be able to tell who is in who’s body but vocal cords aka voice are part of the body and should stay in the body they belong to.
Change characters' posture, body language, way of speaking, etc.
But please don't change the eyes. It somehow makes even less sense and looks creepy.
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10. Fight-cut-Scene
Do you ever see those fights when characters talk for a bit, throw a punch or kick, stop to talk some more, and again and again? Looking at you CW! Also, a massive amount of cutting to hide that the actors don't know how to fight and imitate speed. You know you can just show people being fast, right? Just because something or someone is out of the frame doesn't mean they stopped existing.
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romilly-jay ¡ 7 months ago
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Never Work With Animals (Or - Do? If You Want To? /// Still Trying To Let People Like What They Like... Why So Difficult?)
*** spoilers ***
Sorry, but this one needs to be a spoiler blog because it's a trying-to-figure-out-why blog. I know there's something I'm reaching towards but not quite sure whether I'll be able to express it - yet.
I've just seen 2023's Puppy Love on Amazon and - I really liked it. Not all of it. But tone - YES. Trying to figure out WHY. Like, specifically, what choices did they make that just fell DEAD RIGHT for me?
NB for the title image, I've chosen the cheaty Seattle skyline shot - chosen because I think Seattle is my favourite US city and cheaty bcz a glance at IMDB told me that of course they filmed in Canada. Obvs.
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Here's a lil montage of stills from the trailer. Thank you trailer because once again you have more or less all the best bits. Not all. But many.
In no particular order, I liked:
Gender reversing of the main character traits - he's super nervous, she's commitment-shy, he's obsessively house-proud, she's a slob.
They are flawed but not obnoxious. They are both kind to animals. He complains because she stuck him with the vet's bill, but no, next time they meet, she pays him for half of it. She goes out hurt because she thinks he's rejected him and yes, she has too much to drink but she absolutely doesn't make out with the (terrible) rich guy to lose herself or to get back at him. And when she brings Terrible Guy home, it's NOT because she's planning to heedlessly or vengefully make out with him but because she wanted to keep her promise about taking the dogs for a walk. I really dislike the // let's lie / let's be terrible people // "romance" tropes and appreciate that these people were sweet but just a bit broken in sort of opposite ways.
The stakes are not huge but not ridiculous. He's in a spiral after Covid and struggling to make himself go back to the office. He needs to get past social phobia to cope with his ordinary job-life. She is doing the archetypical romcom job (she stages luxury homes) but that job almost never appears on screen - it's given about the right amount of relevance - and what matters more is the path she didn't take (art school) and the reason she didn't take it (bereavement).
After the showdown. They. Talked. To. Each. Other. OMG. Thank you.
[There was a little bit of slightly weirdo editing in the after-they-reconciled section which suggested to me that maybe the order of how things played out was switched around and they didn't have QUITE enough of the right footage in the can to make it 100% smooth. I might be making that up - just a little hint of failing to remember that they'd done the bust-up/move-out/reconcile/back cycle a mere matter of moments earlier (for viewers, that is). ]
I appreciate the carefully chosen in-unison use of the F-word at the climactic moment. They're nice people but they're not pushovers. This felt earned and it showed them being connected and aligned. Worked for me. Lots about this movie worked for me.
Things that didn't work (for me). The male MC's Black BF/boss was IMO written to be trite and unfunny, stereotypical and presumably thankless to play. Gives terrible dating advice but later, this paradoxically seems to work for him. Is constantly warning the male MC that he's about to be fired - but that never pays off. Supposedly he's the guy's manager but the status tells never ring true.
The female MC also has a POC best friend (two, but the second one is really only allowed to be there to fill out the table in the bar scenes). She's under-used but at least better written than her story counterpart and I think there's at least one scene where she's not simply there to talk about men (but, counterpoint, she absolutely never gets to talk about her own life - only her friend's issues...).
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Bridgerton - which I stalk from the side-lines as opposed to actually watching - does 1000% better at giving Real Roles to non-white cast (even if the cast world of Bridgerton is still far from fully blended).
Back on the topic of things that work or don't work according to one's own framing / tastes / preferences - personally, I felt an instant, unforced, heart-lift of happiness at the reveal that they've gender-swapped Michael Stirling for Michaela in Francesca's story.
It makes sense to me, it sits well with me, it's a way forward into the story that I actually feel *more* happy with than the original. I'm in no doubt that not everyone feels that way and okay, some people think it's a bad solution. Possibly it's a purist thing rather than a bigotry thing (??) and of course I've never really been able to connect with the pitchforks brigade - like, not just on this specifically, but in general - the Not My [conception of the source character] gang.
Okay, you have a different vision for the story or you'd made up in your head that it would be told in a particular way or - sigh. I'm tired. That's great that you like it to be that way. Let the rest of us enjoy exploring this way of telling the story and if you don't like it - that's really okay. I don't need to insist that you like it. Go, read the book?
Finally, little shoutout to The Guardian for their coverage of B3 pt2. No, they didn't wade into the debate / mudslinging around the hottie topic of Can We Accept The Francesca Storyline Being Queered.
They went for a different hottie topic - length of ahem intimacy scenes. Again haven't watched it, but understand that everyone who follows Bridgerton is aware by now that there's a LONG scene in episode 5-of-8 (i.e. the first of Part Two). Apparently Billie Piper has a longer - of this type - scene in the excellent Everybody Hates Suzie (which I've also - not seen) - although it's, as the cancelled Woody Allen once put it, "sex with someone I love", and the scene lasts as long as it does because it's the framing for a series of flashbacks.
I enjoyed the journo making jokes about their internet search history being trashed forever and the gossipy lil anecdotes about commuters finding out the up close and personal way that this viewing is NSFT (not suitable for travel). More to the point - on the topic I've been *trying* to explore, above - the article defends the Polin sex as being appropriate and necessary to the story. Moves the relationship along. Builds the storyline. Shows C and P learning something relevant about what they mean to each other, who they can be together.
Hmmm, okay, so, retrofitting that idea - I think I have round-about-ed my way into understanding what frustrates me about these sweet lil stories when they DON'T work for me...
The whole point of romcom is two lonely hearts finding solace and satisfaction in each other - I find that for me (personal thing) I sort of need to want those hearts to be happy. I thought I was anti the "chaos girl" trope. I'm not. I'm anti the "this is a terrible person but I'm supposed to hope that they end up happy even if they are obnoxious and psychopathic for 80% of the story" trope.
Unfortunately for my ability to suspend disbelief for 98% of Hallmark-type romances - I can't take the "problem" seriously. Yes, I understand that you are highly motivated to get a promotion. No, I can't really get on board with the idea that throwing a great party is going to be the decider. I think it's more likely to be, you know, meeting your targets consistently. Hitting those project KPIs. Booking the client business (no, not this one book launch - the entire runway). The stakes are too trivial/small but treated as large. Rightsizing the reactions to the amount of action the plot and budget has room for - totally different matter. We want to throw a great party because we're leaving town and it would be nice to leave on a good note. I want to get into college but other options are out there if I don't make it. Am I doing this wrong? I thought Puppy Love got the stakes pretty much bang on. I extra loved that her big work success was almost irrelevant in the overall story arc.
And now we're at the biggest pet peeve - the makes-no-sense misunderstanding that keeps the couple apart for one extra act. Nobody could possible misunderstand the other person in that egregious way (at least, not if they are in fact supposed to be perfect for each other). He's talking to his ex. Perhaps it's innocent or there's a reasonable explanation? She looks sad, so she can't be into me. OMG. Talk. To. Each. Other. Or. Die. Single. My God.
And breathe. Cool, okay. Thanks. Good chat. I learned something.
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colorfulatlas ¡ 10 months ago
I am just now starting to understand how obnoxious and corny chicano mexican rep actually is, mostly with all the faux bilingual shit which is starting to bother me a lot. I still like most rep even the overdly stereotypical or outdated ones like Speedy Gonzales, I do not think they're "harmful" in the way some people think, but the "familia" bullshit is SO corny (I think this is why we HATED Primos... because that trope got old super quick)
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carterkeller1234 ¡ 1 year ago
2/14/24: Sailor Moon, Beautiful Fighting Girl, and Girl Power
Sailor Moon: I'm so glad that we get to cover yet another classic piece of Japanese media that has had profound impact on the medium as a whole with Naoko Takeuchi's Sailor Moon. The series follows the misadventures of Usagi, a compassionate teenage girl who discovers she's the reincarnation of a powerful warrior named Sailor Moon. This leads to her having many misadventures and battles with these newly discovered abilities, a stereotypical set up for a manga of this era, but with many more aspects that make it stand alone in its field. What I mean by this can best be identified with how the series handles female empowerment and identity, with it focusing on a teenage schoolgirl that transforms into a superheroine, with that very concept effectively challenging stereotypes and trend that femininity and traits like courage and strength are not mutually exclusive. This emphasis on the ideal of female pride and strength is an extremely significant theme that can be bogged down at times in this medium as it usually follows male characters to appeal to the majority population of male manga readers. Aside from that theme of gender identity and empowerment, the series also explores the standard "shonen" ideals like the themes of friendship and teamwork, the ever-present battle of good and evil, and of course in Usagi's case her story of coming-of-age.
Beautiful Fighting Girl and Girl Power: These were both great reads on the analysis and development of the "fighting girls" genre that is still a strongly followed subset of manga even today. With works like Kill La KIll, Madoka Magica, and many others still providing female role models of strength and courage, alongside female villains, showcasing diversity and a breaking down of walls that females can be more than just love interests or side characters. It's interesting to note the amount of empowerment that is present in Sailor Moon but at the same is still muddied by the sexualization of the female characters, with it being in poor taste as a lot of the main cast is in middle school. So while it is important to note that this manga has been a force of positive change in the roles of females in manga, it still has the same issues that are perpetuated by the obnoxious tropes of the medium.
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bonyassfish ¡ 2 years ago
yeah also I really don’t like maisel for a few reasons, though I do know some jews who enjoy it. especially when they felt the need to cast a non jewish actress to play the beautiful lead, but jewish actors could only play supporting side characters in a show that’s supposedly about us?
also if im being honest, the whole thing feels like a strange attempt to portray jewish culture in the 50s/60s but in the most shallow, obnoxious, stereotypical way possible. at best its rehashing the same tropes we’ve seen for years. at worst it feels like a joke at our expense
and hey, if you like mrs. maisel good for you, it doesn’t make you an antisemite. (like I said I know a lot of jews who enjoy it). but just understand why I and a lot of other jews dont enjoy it
As a Jew I will always push for Jewish actors to play Jewish characters. The fact that I enjoy some portrayals of Jewish characters by gentile actors does not mean I don’t think they could be portrayed better by Jewish actors. It just means I’m human and sometimes I don’t practice what I preach. It happens.
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llycaons ¡ 2 years ago
okay I’m going to watch the shadow and bone show at some point. not because I care very much about any of the books anymore I just love to study creative adaptations
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