#and a great looking hairstyle to boot
astro-royale · 9 months
AstrologyObs: Appearance
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Disclaimer:my opinion
Cancers are the cutie of the zodiac!! Round facial features. Cozy, comfy, warm and inviting. They may look great in Asian make up styles or old classic make up styles. Bohemian. 70s look or even 50s.
Gemini have a cheekiness to them that’s apparent in their features. They look like troublemakers in a wholesome way. They usually have quite sharp smiles. They have a very on the go energy , and I think they can get away with being sporty or even messy. But they also look so good with a basic 90s style which reflects their logical mind.they may also have a “rebel” “punk” or even Avril Lavigne vibe.
Pisces just feel like a wave of tranquility and I just want to chill with them. They have such dreamy eyes that make you want to get lost in them. They look so good with shimmers, in make up and clothes. Also metallic colours. Glowy make up. MERMAID. They suit modern style of clothing a lot.
Sagittarius, the free spirits, can actually look great with more revealing looks. They can get away with over the top things, and they will make it look cool, like their way of dressing is part of their philosophy. I feel like Sagittarius also has a lowkey sense of humour to their style, “ I did it for the fun of it, why not” also look so good in red:::
Scorpio.. you guys just remind me of Johnny Depp in pirates of the Caribbean, looks wise that is. Very alluring, darkness around the eyes. You change and transform people so no one will ever experience another you again. Your dress sense may have elements of danger. Leather jackets. A sense of shock, uniqueness . Darkness. Alternative or femme fatale.
Aries yall look good in office things, or just sophisticated and sharp styles tbh. There’s an angularity to you but it looks very cool and dramatic, it makes you interesting and cool. Lush, and sharp.it gives lip gloss and matte outfit vibes.
Capricorn, your organisation influences your dress sense so much and i actually think that Capricorn represents a mainstream dress sense or something conventional and basic you see everyday. So you look good in that. Simple. Classy. Timeless. Capricorns with Aquarius placements may disagree
Taurus, yall look really good with heavy makeup up looks, or full face glam. you guys look good with mullets. And electric colours. Graphic liners. Cool eyeshadow looks. IG baddie make up looks. May also suit dip dye hair styles or highlights.
Virgo, I feel like many of you may have had a hipster phase, plaid shirt and boots situation. Or some kind of lowkey emo phase . Even a tomboy phase. But anyways, you look great with slicked back hairstyles, neat loose natural hair. You Look Royal, in a laid back way. No matter your aesthetic. Virgo, you look best when you take care of yourself, when you look very clean, and tidy. Clean girl aesthetic
Leo, Animal prints look so great. You’re royal in a flashy way. You may feel like you look great in designer clothing or higher end brands. The quality and brand may be of importance to you and you won’t just buy things from anywhere. You’re going to attract looks, because the planets revolve around the sun. You look good being flashy and fully expressing your authentic self and uniqueness, don’t hold back your greatness.
Libra, yall could wear a potato sack and still look great asf. Your facial features are usually very proportionate and balanced. I think your natural glow is what suits you best, and an elegant outfit. You look great showing everyone the embodiment of Venus on Earth, and I think you have “aesthetic” in your genes.
Aquarius, you look good in unisex or androgynous, long or short hair, any colour, you will make it work. Doesn’t matter if things clash, you can make it work. The innovated. Unique style. Dreamy aura, they have an intelligent vibe. You’re giving the audience a taste of the stars. Of intelligence beyond this earth. Cyber /rave styles can look great on them too. Or very artsy looks. Many of them also get into cosplay. They look ethereal so they can embody what isn’t real (anime, cartoons, movie characters etc) People may even say they look like an anime character.
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getinthefuckingjaeger · 6 months
the problem with Scamanders
for @jakes3resin (you did a lot, my turn for presents now)
“You could have written, you know.” 
Bucky’s legs stopped as though glued to the cobbled street of the little village he found himself wandering that night. His shoulders fell back along with his head, neck tilted almost painfully to the night sky as he heaved a great sigh. Christ and Merlin, here we fucking go.
He stayed stubbornly still, ignoring the crick in his neck the longer he tilted his head like that. It's not a bad view - an explosion of stars in the night sky fills his eyes in the absence of a German air raid. The shops in the highstreet of this unassuming village in Ipswich are all asleep around him. Thin fog that isn't really a fog flows languidly between his military-shine boots before climbing his legs like vines to a tree. The magic is warm like sunshine and soft as a caress when it touches Bucky’s hands. He flexed his fingers to disperse the white wisps and tuck them into his trousers pockets. 
He still absolutely refuses to budge. No, sir. 
“Merlin, you’re still as stubborn as a Hippogriff, aren’t you Johnny?” A low chuckle cuts through the otherwise quiet night and Bucky can hear the sounds of expensive Oxfords getting closer to where he stands, until there is a wall of flesh and magic by his side, a firm shoulder pressing against his. “Come on, then. Give us a smile.” 
Bucky grimaces at the sky. Looks down at his feet with another sigh. Then looks to his side, and into a face so much like his own. 
With wizards' lifespan as long as it is, the face Bucky sees had barely aged from the last time he saw it. The same gold skin tanned by Quidditch, the same dark mahogany curls falling from its coiffed hairstyle and hanging over the same dark blue eyes - almost navy in the darkness.
But where there’s an absence in signs of age, there is stark evidence of war on that familiar face. Bucky notes the discolored scars peppering the left side of the man’s face like something exploded too close for comfort, the way his nose sits a little crooked like it was set-wrong and far too late to rectify, and - Bucky paused a moment to stare - a thin, barely visible line that runs from under his left ear to his adam’s apple. 
Familiar aftershave fills his lungs, reminding him of a childhood on a vast estate and the summer sun warming his back, as he paddles through cool sparkling waters of the massive fountain on the cul de sac of their mansion’s driveway. He can almost hear his aunt’s exasperated complaints and boisterous laughter of his cousin and uncles, the sounds of struggle as his father tried to push Newt off his perch on the edges of the marble fountain. 
That was another life, then.
“Auror Scamander, sir.” Bucky lets the mask of Major Egan take over as he steps away from his cousin. “Hope you’ve been well, sir.” 
Only years with Buck could ever prepare him to withstand the quiet, appraising look that Theseus is giving him. The stare weighs heavy on his chest as he looks just over Theseus’ shoulder as he would to any senior officer in the USAAF.  Theseus, damn the man, tilts his head just so and catches Bucky’s eyes - his smile is tired, resigned. 
“I’ve been better - the ah, hunt keeps me on my toes, so to speak.” Bucky watches as Theseus tugs lightly at his coat and white silk scarf. “Newt sends his regards, as does Tina - he also sends his thanks, for looking after Frank the... Thunderbird?” 
Bucky and Theseus share a commiserating look, the first one in almost a decade since Bucky was sent back. It wasn’t a chore to disapparate from Texas to the deserts of Arizona after lights out a few times a month. Certainly one of the most rewarding things he’s ever voluntarily done, to be able to run his hands over the beak of such a majestic creature. It’s through Frank that Bucky realizes the calm that one can find sitting in the middle of a literal storm as the massive avian flies over his head. 
I fell in love with the big birds, Buck told him once. Bucky had agreed, but couldn’t explain that his big bird is a little more literal than Gale’s. And that it creates thunderstorms when it flies. 
The glint of Theseus’ cufflinks pulls Bucky away from desert storms and back into the cold English night air. The Scamander crest twinkles under the starlight like a taunt. Bucky didn’t even realize Theseus had put out all the street lights. Goddamn aurors. 
He moves to a parade rest to remind himself of who and where he is now - that he’s no longer just John Egan, cousin of Newton and Theseus Scamander, the three remaining Scamander. 
“Why haven’t you written, Johnny?” Theseus remains a respectable distance from him, but Bucky can tell how much he’s probably itching to shake him by the shoulders in frustration. “Years of silence from you and your mother’s family in Wisconsin. Newt tried to look for you when he’s stateside, but you’re always never there. It's like you vanished - if Frank hadn’t hinted at it, or if your likeness weren't still moving on the family tapestry we’d have thought you dead.” 
Bucky tenses just as Theseus rocks back on his heels like the weight of his anger was a physical thing. 
“What was it all for then, if we thought you died, too?” 
It plays out like a picture reel in Bucky’s head - him, at eight years old with his right hand in Theseus’ left as they walk down the carpeted floor of the Scamander ancient mansion. 27, a war hero, as tall as the suit of armors that used to dot the hallways and the greatest wizard he’s ever known. Then there was Newt, only a year younger than Theseus, his figure painted in hues of red, purple, and green from the large stained glass windows - Bucky can still recall Newt’s excited chatter about all the wonderful creatures on the estate and the Hippogriffs that Aunt Artemis has in her enclosure. 
Then Bucky, at thirteen years old and shaking with barely suppressed excitement as he clutched his shiny new broomstick that Theseus gave him for Christmas. The grand bubble of joy that buoyed him through the entire afternoon of flying lessons with Theseus, half the family sitting on picnic blankets spread over snow covered grounds, the fabric charmed to be warm and dry. The lightness he felt as he shot himself across the estate grounds despite Theseus’ yelling is something he has tried time and time again to recreate as his fort lifts-off. 
And finally at eighteen, once again walking down the carpeted floor of the Scamander mansion. Alone, at night, confused and hurting. Aunt Artemis had gone to town that autumn morning with his parents but none returned. Newt has disappeared - likely on another errand for Dumbledore - and he has never seen Theseus so angry as he threw Aurors, his own colleagues, out of their parlor. 
The subsequent argument he had with Theseus - just the memory of it brings him shame of how it inevitably ended. 
“You need to go, Johnny - Grindelwald is hunting us down.”
“I can fight, T - I’m of age!” 
“I know, I know, you can. I just can’t allow you - think of the family, Johnny. Grindelwald will try to kill you and Newt to get to me, and I can’t protect both of you at once.”
“Fine, I get it. Can’t trust the half-blood to take care of himself, huh?” 
“You said I needed to go and I did what you told me to.” 
Bucky drops the parade rest and shoves his hands in his pockets where Theseus cant see how they shake. Un-fucking-believeable that he’s flown multiple missions, have survived so many things he shouldn’t up there where hell resides above the clouds, but his hands have never shaken like this. Not once. “I had a lot of time to think and I realized - as much as I fucking hated it- you couldn’t afford distractions.”
“It’s not like that-”
Bucky shakes his head and shuffles in his boots. He itches for a cigarette. “I ain’t saying that to be an ass, T. I understand that now more than ever - this war I’m fighting… it puts things in perspective.” 
“I see.”
And Theseus does see - Bucky holds his gaze for as long as he can stand. He kicks a loose stone and it skids neatly over to Theseus’ toes. His cousin nudged the stone back to Bucky. They share a grin. “How bad is it, your end?” He falls back into parade rest, puts away John Egan who was once Mr. Scamander to his peers in Hogwarts, and brings Major Egan to the forefront once again. 
“As well as it is going for yours, I’d imagine Major.” Theseus, always the best one out of the three Scamander scions at reading people, adjusts his posture from soft and imploring, to hard and imposing. Demanding respect, like the Head of the British Auror Office. He pursed his lips in thought. “You may want to properly practice your wandless magic, Major Egan. I’ll take care of MACUSA and the Ministry.”
Bucky splutters. He thinks of an alder wand that used to be an extension of himself and how the yoke of his B-17 can never replace that kind of power.
“How do you expect me to do that, sir?” He grits out. Easy, John, easy now the Buck in his head soothes his ire. “Between the suicide missions and trying to keep everyone’s head on straight - how the fuck do you expect me to do that, sir?” 
“You’ll figure it out, Major.” It came out like an order. Theseus’s lips quirked. “You apparrated from one state to another back in your Muggle flight school, didn’t you? Apparating from London tonight must have been a breeze. Power like that needs tending to. Particularly when you have talent for wandless casting.” 
“With all due respect, sir, but last I checked you’re not my CO - you ain’t even an American, so you can kindly shove-”
“Do it for Major Cleven and your boys, then.” 
The ensuing silence rings through Bucky’s head as the streetlights come back up one by one. Theseus’ hard look softens just a touch as he walks backwards and away from Bucky.  
“I heard your boys are flying a mission tomorrow morning - Bremen again, I think - arresto momentum and subtle shielding charms will do.” Theseus winks, then apropos of nothing, said “I’ll come round’ for tea.”
That broke through Bucky’s bewildered suspension, but not fast enough to stop Theseus from disapparating with a soft pop. 
“Goddamn wizards.” 
Bucky spun and disapparate just as the last streetlight returned.
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creaman · 1 year
Hello! Just want to say that I absolutely adore your designs for Jon, Edward, and Jervis! They're so detailed and extra. I love them sm. Up in the top two favorite designs. My favorite is definitely Jervis. Which is funny, because in just about every version he's my least favorite of the three. His design is just so fun and goofy and him. It's amazing. They all are.
Anyways that's it. Byeeee<33
Oh? Do you now? Well I’m glad you think so because now you’re getting
Design Notes — Riddler | Scarecrow | Hatter
I drafted up some rogue designs last year, actually. They’ve mostly evolved from those. Content warning for horrific old art.
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The McGriddler — Ah, a grown man with the strength of a baby! I’ve actually had this… horrendous peacock concept in my brain since 2022, back when my Riddler design was a dirty blonde/brunette. I hated him. He had the costume, but not the flair. Not to mention the generic facial structure.
Luckily, New Riddler is now an ostentatiously dressed vain attention whore! Highly fashionable, extensive wardrobe (def designing more outfits for him) and a possible mid-life crisis arc where he just wears a bathrobe and wifebeater for a month straight.
And listen, I’m not much of a writer, but there are notes on his personality.
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Not great ones, though.
And rather than his ambiguous forensics/science job, he now works in I.T. Or rather, worked in I.T. (fired for patronising tech support customers)
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For Jon — He’s always had black eyes with orange ringed pupils (initially blue) from the fear toxins. Drafted him up in high school because I was coping.
I’ve always intended to give him multiple costume designs. With narrative purposes. He redesigns himself. Ofc he couldn’t be satisfied with one thing, no, he has winter, summer, Witch Doctor, stealth etc. costumes on the way.
The initial design was trying to do too much — Patches, stitches, belt straps, arm warmers, utility belts, boots. Clutter. (Does NOT help that I can hardly decipher my old sketches.)
So, we just remove the overtly slutty components from the main design—
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—And put them in a seperate campier Scarecrow design that I use as a Halloween-sona.
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Silly Crazy Zonka Wonka — I think I was looking at pics of the Depp Hatter for the old design, which. May explain some things.
Acute observation! They look nothing alike. So I’ve kept absolutely nothing from the initial design except for the choppy wavy hairstyle.
Completely different colour scheme. Subbed out the TF2 Ghastly Gibus for the Towering Pillar of Hats. (Because ofc The Hatter would have something from the funny Hat FPS, no?) Shorter. Feebler. Every sickness on the planet. Congratulations! Mercury poisoning.
The initial concept for the redesign was to have a sort of reversible coat with his Arkham outfit on one side, and Rogue outfit on the other. You can see I just opted for him to wear a combination of both.
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lunarw0rks · 1 year
Hi!!! I just wanna start by saying I love your writing so much. I always look forward to seeing what you share next!
Can I request a little something about reader who grew up never really having their birthday celebrated/they always downplay it. Then here comes Soap who loves nothing more than to celebrate his loves ones and reader is touched and basically almost sobs at how he genuinely enjoys making their day special🥺
This is totally not a self-indulgent ask whatsoever. If you can get to this, that'd be sweet but if not that's ok too! Have a great day💗
warning(s); sfw, fluff, hurt/comfort, pining? but still platonic by the end, military!reader, gn!reader, no use of y/n word count: 1.6k // not proofread
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birthday celebrations were never on your radar, and especially not after choosing such a rugged career.
there often wasn't time for streamers and light conversation; it was anything but those things. throughout your childhood, there weren't momentous parties or cheery wishes thrown your way. it was... not much of a celebration at all.
after you grew out of your innocence, the sting of it disappeared over time. or you learned to ignore it. either way, you never expected parties, gifts, or anything alike.
it was better this way; you'd repeat to yourself.
yet, when passing a park and seeing a child's entire kin gathered to celebrate the milestone—you have that same cramp in your chest as if you hadn't aged at all.
today was akin to any other; exhausting. long hours of PT and drills, paired with new material to study, courtesy of Price. the busier the better, though, because it was less chance of your captain mentioning the big day, even in passing.
thankfully, he hadn't, nor did the rest of them.
it was the peaceful hours before official lights out, when every soldier retreated to their quarters and occupied themselves with something, or simply slept early. you sat down on the thin cot with a beat sigh, unzipping your tight boots and setting them aside—procrastinating shining them by morning.
through all the uncertainty, there's one thing you're sure of—a steamy shower. the hot beads of water cleanse you of the dirt and grime of today and its meaning.
you figure that once you get into bed and tomorrow rolls around, it'll be another birthday stifled and forgotten.
one moment, you're sitting on the edge and applying lotion to your dry and cracked hands, and next, you're startled by a knock at the door. you gazed at the digital clock on your nightstand;
10:38 PM
at this hour, what could it possibly be? with this task force, you'd been conditioned to expect anything, at any time—and that did not inspire confidence at the moment.
"it's open," you replied reluctantly, not wanting to get the doorknob greasy with lotion remnants. with a few struggling grunts, the door finally opened and closed.
his hairstyle, as recognizable as ever. "there ya are." he said with enthusiasm, in the likeness of an over-excited detective that solved a tough case.
"c'mere for a minute," he curled his fingers. despite his cheeky smile, you indulge his request. slipping off the edge, you approach him and supply only a perplexed look.
you were quickly running out of guesses, "Mactavish, what is—"
an explosion; tiny fragments falling like ash all around your body. some landed in your hair, others on your shoulders, and most on the leaden cement floor of the barracks.
you opened your eyes after they squinted from the startle. you grabbed the dainty rain, looking down and seeing rainbow confetti pieces. soap's palm was open, and he was actively chuckling at your shocked expression.
"hello, you in there? happy birthday?" he says, as a question, because you haven't had much of a reaction. to him, it probably looked like you hated the surprise.
a rush of emotions pumped through you; disbelief, gloom, and overbearing all—consolation.
warmth spread over your chest and cheeks, and you're suddenly overcome with all the feelings at once. you fumbled through a sentence, "oh, you didn't have to— really, Soap, it's... wait, how did you do the...?"
"—the confetti?" soap sneers, as if he'd been waiting for you to mention his party trick. "trick o' the palm, i can't tell ye more; it's classified."
for a few moments, you stare at one another. his beam is genuine, but yours is unsure and borderline awkward. when you're literally smacked in the face with surprise, everything feels unrefined and alien. especially birthdays.
"don't be daft, had to help you celebrate. besides, you didn't say anythin' today." lightly, he smacked your shoulder, knocking the silence from your throat.
"I just don't see the point, I guess," you reply, and soften your expression to make it known that you still appreciate the kind gesture. following, you shook off some of the confetti from your shoulders as if ridding your body of the festivities.
soap furrows his brows with genuine confusion, "in what? confetti or my presence?"
"in birthdays." you assert, a stark contrast to his playful nature. "never really celebrated one before."
his shock was authentic and obvious, pulled together with slightly agape lips, "you can't be serious— never?" you nodded, sticking to your story, because it wasn't a story at all. it was your truth. "don't you want gifts? all the attention? what about the cake?"
"it's not from a lack of trying, MacTavish. you can't exactly... want something you've never had." you scoff, looking the eager sergeant up and down.
he does the same, and his heart sinks when he senses no lies. you really aren't lying, and you really are this indifferent about your own birthday.
to him, it's completely unheard of. birthdays were some of his core memories, his own and his family back home. how could you have been deprived of that for so long, and be so... collected?
"doesn't matter where you came from, or why; you deserve a celebration."
his merriment wasn't posed as a question anymore, and you didn't want it to be either. part of you—so deep down you hadn't felt it right away—wanted to be celebrated on your special day.
all of it caught up with you at once, and without any strength to conceal it, tears brimming at the corners of your eyes. a glimpse of your damaged and long-deprived inner child, presented through a grown soldier's body.
he brought you closer, a supportive hand on the nape of your neck as you clung to him tightly. "thank you." you muttered, chin resting on his shoulder.
"aye, but it's nothing." soap pulled you back, forcing you to stare at him head on. a thumb reached up and wiped the salty tears, then smoothed over your cheek. "y'know what, I know what we've got t' do." he breathes, voice dropping to a whisper, as if concealing his idea from the world.
your face scrunched in confusion. "we?"
as if ignoring your question, he kept rambling, "you have holiday coming up. request time off, and i'll take you all the way home with me."
"all the way home?" you queried, unsure of what kind of holiday to be picture. with him, it could be anything under the blazing sun.
he slowed down his speech and affirmed, "all the way home." it dawned on you what he meant, but nothing sour arose from that idea.
"Nana, she'll put on one hell of a party for you, trust me." finally, his rambles had calmed, awaiting your reaction. it was near impossible to refuse his puppyish demeanor, the one he shifted into when he wanted something the most.
"cake?" you questioned, surprising him with almost no argument. the nonchalance had to look uncanny, considering your cheeks were still stained with streams.
he grinned with satisfaction. "aye, 'course there's cake. can't forget the streamers, and best of all—the MacTavish rugrats, and brood, in one place."
well, now that sounded more like a nightmare; your mind filled with the image of a hundred little mohawks reaping havoc on your birthday party. but in the middle of the chaos would be you and soap; the only mildly convincing part of this scheme.
"i can't expect your whole family to gather and plan a party for someone they've never met. let alone m—"
"well, actually, that's the kicker," he interjected, unveiling a new layer to his little birthday scheme. one he could've been planning for god knows how long. "Nan is having a get-together around that time, it won't be a fuss f' her."
you would be nearly stunned if it weren't for a few pressing questions. what he'd said early hit you like a ton of bricks, and now it was full-on suspicion. "wait a minute, johnny. how did you know i had holiday time?"
it all seemed too much of a coincidence. and that's because, it wasn't.
for a man trained to endure the worst kinds of torture, he cracked under the pressure almost instantly.
"may have... done some digging in Cap's office. that's how i figured out your birthday." he figured it better to rip off the bandaid preemptively than have deflected now and have you throwing him out the airplane window.
you gasped slightly, "christ, is privacy illegal in this place? actually, that probably is illegal, MacTavish, i could have you—"
"—are ye goin' with me or not?" soap interrupted.
it wasn't like you said no. just like it wasn't the first time he'd mentioned you to his family. but that was a skeleton to uncover on another day, and hopefully not during the plane ride.
you outstretched a hand, "if you're paying? a deal is a deal."
"see? wasn't so hard. besides, i know i'm hard to deny." he ran an arrogant hand through his hair, instead of shaking your hand proper.
instead of complaining, you knew just how to press his buttons. "come to think of it, johnny." you tilted your head, reading to have the last laugh.
"you have any embarrassing juvenile stories? or better yet, does Nana have any baby pictures i might like to see?" you continued, watching his haughtiness fizzle instantly.
he took a few steps back, cheeks rosy, "you know what— in two hours that birthday of yours will be over, and you know what happens then? first dibs on my knuckles, soldier."
that tells you the answer was yes.
on second thought, this was going to be a very fun excursion.
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˗ˏˋ divider cred. - cafekitsune ˎˊ˗
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chaifootsteps · 3 days
Idolmantises probably have the best fan redesigns of the Hazbin Hotel, I still can't stop looking at their version of Alastor (I love skull-headed monsters with an elongated muzzle). I also really like their Cherri Bomb and Angel Dust. However, he redid his redesign of Angel around the time of the show's release. It's not bad at all and I like it too, but to be honest, I like his first (or rather second) redesign of the spider a little more. His hairstyle, four eyes, two big fangs peeking out and just an amazing costume with killer boots (I can just imagine him ripping open someone's belly with these heels) look just great. I would give a lot to see these redesigns animated.
Yeah, his redesigns are super fun. His Alastor is my favorite, personally, but I also really like his Niffty.
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mirrorsims · 2 years
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Sooo.. I may have a tiny bit of an obsession w the 60s, 70s & 80s, and therefore I've accumulated a lot of CAS custom content both made for and capable of working in that time-frame! Here is a (very non-finalized) master list of said CC. I will most likely edit this, or post a part two. (I am also 100% open to WCIFs regarding these decades, vague and specific!) Full list below the cut, but creators shown in the preview are @ridgeport @simduction @ice-creamforbreakfast @feralpoodles @hezzasims @simstrouble @joliebean @zombietrait @its-adrienpastel @deathpoke1qa, @leeleesims1
(an * denotes a TSR link)
@enriques4 & @serenity-cc's Back to the 60s set is a must have for bright 60s basics to mix and match
@sentate & @trillyke's 1990s-themed 2020 Collab has pieces that are perfect for mod fashions
From babydoll to boho, Sentate's April 2021 Collection has it all for late 1960s & early 1970s looks alike
For some gorgeous turn of the decade looks, be sure to nab @ice-creamforbreakfast's Date Night Collection
Clothing & Footwear
Create more early 1960s looks with @gilded-ghosts Earth Angel dress!
I love @ridgeport's Birdie skirt as a mod mini! It comes in tons of colors & excellent patterns
amythesailor's Twiggy dress is full of fun patterns and colorways!
If you need something bright, @deathpoke1qa's 60's dress and matching go-go boots are the way to go
@simduction's blog is full of big fun retro hairstyles, but their Nancy, Peggy, & Beecky hairs are some of my favorites of the bunch.
@daylifesims also has a ton of fun picks, Shades of Cool, Hammer Horror, Heavy Bangs, & their Daphne and Fred Hairs are best suited for 60s style
@joshseoh's Blaire hair is cute and curly for a peppy 60s chick!
@feralpoodles' Monique & Monica Hairs are sleek and modish, they're perfect on their own or with some accessory bangs
Lets talk beehives. @ravensim's Terri Hair is loose and wavy, ridgeport's Fleur Hair is stacked and layered. @candysims4 has two beautiful beehives, Follow Me & the long and sleek Bee Hair.
@glimersims' Sugar Hair is an adorable flippy half-updo
A more 50's style like @birksche's Higher Twist Hair is perfect for your older sims
And @okruee's Bordeaux Hair is a wonderfully messy bun
Lets start the decade off strong with Gilded-Ghosts & @surely-sims' Perfect Party Set, which includes some gorgeous Build/Buy items as well (and BB could and should be a masterlist of its own..)
@joliebean & @clumsyalienn's Slavic Allure set lends itself perfectly to hippie and prairie style looks in a gorgeous Eastern-European inspired package.
On the topic of hippie, clumsyalienn's Heatwave Pack is perfect for all your free-spirited Sims
And so is serentiy-cc's Bohemian Child collection- that fur coat is a must have
Now for something bold and fun, straight out of Sears, ice-creamforbreakfast's 70s-inspired November 2022 set
Clothing & Footwear
@glumbut has never let me down with their Sonny and Dahlia jeans, and their Aroa top is recent favorite of mine
I love using ridgeport's Phia Suit for some good late-70s professional girl vibes
I've got some more feralpoodles hair for you, her Diana Hair is perfect for all your flower children & the layered and windswept Lara & Farrah hairs are straight out of the late 70s
And of course more ice-creamforbreakfast, another Fawcett-inspired look with their Farrah Flip, and their Milla Afro is a must have, whether you make vintage sims or not.
@simstrouble's Mirela hair also lends itself to a more subdued 70s style
And if you're looking for a long shag, @kamiiri's got you covered with their Phoebe Hair
Joliebean's 5th Avenue Conversion is great for both 80s business & 80s-does-40s looks.
@zombietrait's 80s Goth Pack is perfect for, well, trad goth looks. It's a must.
@dogsill's Upside Down Pack is full of great basics and rockin hair.
A multiparter, @aniraklova's Wild and Stylish 80s sets are over-the-top in the best way possible. Make sure to check out all 3 parts!
Clothing & Footwear
Now, it wouldn't be the 80s without some Wall Street goodness, and @quiddity-jones' Double-Breasted Suit is perfectly patterned for all of your business needs.
Part 2 of @jius-sims' Retro Collection is sweet and classic, perfect for the 80s housewife, or your girl-next-door.
@cooper322's Blondie Jacket is just so splendidly rocker-chic.
More from joliebean, their Ultraviolet & Daytona dresses are wonderful for all sorts of patterned & neon looks
joliebean's Beatrix Hair is a fun cropped style, it works for all sorts of fem looks, but I especially love it combined with a classic powersuit
@goamazons' Gloria Hair* is equally classy, and even bigger
Now, it wouldn't be the 80s without curly (often permed) looks, so here's some, ranging in volume. Goamazons' Floris Hair*, simstrouble's Beatrice Hair, & @softerhaze's Rhiannon Hair are all long styles with cute curly bangs. simstrouble's Eddie Hair is similar, works for both frames, and rocks a shaggier mullet-style.
@candysims4-ccfinds' Bonnie Hair is a shorter curled look with plenty of volume
Kamiiri's got two hairstyles I *love* for this decade, the Simone Hair is a full, long, curly style, and the Celine Hair is shoulder length with beachy curls and just the right amount of volume.
As hilarious as it is, ice-creamforbreakfasts' half of the My Wedding Trauma Set has some awesome pieces. The Kelly-Marie Hair works great for 80s looks, and the dresses involved are right out of the class of 1987's prom. It even has an Elvis-inspired jumpsuit. (Check out surley-sims' half for the matching sunglasses)
Clothing & Footwear
@melonsloth's Jolene Outfit is a wonderfully classic outwear piece
@casteru's Bodycon Wrap Dress is just that! It's simple and works great on 70s-80s ladies.
Jius-sims' Retro Collection has some great footwear as well, they're simple and classic enough for all sorts of decades looks
@hezzasims released some beautiful 50s-inspired pieces, though I think they work great in any decade!
daylifesims' Long Rose Petals hair is simple enough for any decade, though I particularly love it in the late 1970s & early 80s.
The same goes for simstrouble's Rhoda hair, it reminds me so much of my mom's when she was a teen in the 70s & 80s.
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shortnotsweet · 11 months
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growing pains
It’s only been nine years. They’re not in their thirties yet—and won’t be for a while—but it’s worth noting that things are different. Maybe it’s them, maybe it’s the boardwalk, or maybe—well. Logan is a different person than when he was a high schooler. He’s less assured than he was. That could be it. Louise is almost certainly different than she was then, but even now she still hates his guts. Maybe some things don’t change after all.
Notes Transcription
Main Episode Outfit Variations
Louise would be into layering, I think. She’s multifaceted, practical, and resourceful. Harsh structure in conjunction with more layered pieces; tendency towards color blocking, but she keeps it sharp. She’d be into casual, pragmatic clothes. If not very structured, she has loose-fitting, draped fabrics like sweatshirts or heavy pants (cargo material, corduroy, denim?)—draped and bulked, but not baggy. Something easy to run and move in; sneakers or combat boots.
Not opposed to dresses. Keeps it compact, simple lines. No frills but does lean into triangle shapes or rectangular blocks. Color blocking => neutrals will take up negative space, highlight colors are accented.
Sticks to main colors (green and pink) for consistency, but relies on neutrals like beige, black, and brown. Less cool-toned than Tina, either spring or autumn coloring. Bright colors are muted with exception of a highlight, usually pink (hat or laces). Green varies from lime to olive to sage to forest, etc. whichever tone is appropriate.
Occasional purple or blue in reference to the snowball fight/sled episode with Logan (he was in blue, Louise was in purple). Louise could lean into purple (imposing, mysterious, feminine but still intimidating) for off-episodes. Not frequent, though; too similar to Tina’s color palette.
Hairstyle options include braids, pigtails, or just loose. I’m growing partial to braids; they feel utilitarian, almost boyish, useful. Could emulate the bunny ears under the cap.
Beanie vs. Baseball Cap. I like the beanie, but to me it lends to this aspect of laziness? Not the worst, but i like the structure and sharpness of the baseball cap. Also obscures the eyes occasionally, or could be worn backwards.
Timeline + Basis
Loosely, 9 years post-canon timeline (ambiguous). Louise is 18, Logan is 25. The age gap is too big for them to feasibly be in high school together, so the second storyboard shot by the lockers is him visiting the high school for some errand (maybe Cynthia needs him to deliver something, maybe he’s got a younger sibling by now?), Louise passes by him in the hallway and doesn’t move to accommodate him (almost slams into his shoulder) and he almost looks back at her but continues on. He recognizes her when he visits the diner, which he later frequents because it’s one of the closest places in town that has good food that’s affordable and keeps him out of the house.
That’s one of the reasons, anyway. He isn’t conscious of it, although Gene picks up on it early on an often gloats to either Louise or Logan, both of whom are baffled or irritated at first. Linda is overly supportive of the idea to the point of humiliation, Bob doesn’t want to think about it and refuses to see it, and Tina writes extremely detailed romance novel drafts about it.
Logan becomes ‘aware’ in the following year, then feels really gross about it and avoids the diner for months until confronted (member of the family is up for debate). Realistically, nothing ‘tangible’ happens between them for three years (kiss? Weird face touch? Jealous outburst? Freudian slip? Something fun, idk [Louise: 22, Logan 29]).
I think Louise regresses at this point, and tries to distance herself like that episode of iCarly when Sam realizes she’s in love with Freddy and literally institutionalizes herself in a mental ward. Very much LALALALALALALALALA I can’t hear you, that didn’t happen. Logan is not feeling great at this point. Heart-to-heart with Bob snaps her out of it.
One more year of slow burn, actual relationship starts (Louise: 23, Logan 30).
Logan gets married, eventually, in his early thirties. Gene is an unintentional omnipresent narrator.
Additional Notes
Keep Logan in primary colors (mostly red or blue), but keep him out of dark neutrals/monotones (no black or charcoal gray), because it’s too heavy of a countermeasure against Louise’s color blocking—too unbalanced.
Decent height difference, although it varies depending on Louise’s shoes (sneakers or platform boots, she’s usually in sneakers in the restaurant). She’s right over his shoulder (?)
Concept comparison of them both around the ages 14-16 are for comparison only. Their ages do not coincide.
Occasional pet names, always mockingly derogatory.
Montage shots of her leaning over the counter while they talk. He used to sit in the booth seats but eventually began sitting at the counter instead. No reason. It means he can talk to her more easily and bother her with less effort.
They’re the kind of couple who publicly argues over the pronunciation of ‘egg’ type beat. Bickering keeps it exciting for them, but they make it a point to apologize in any serious disagreements, usually by the end of the episode. Similar difficulty in admitting when they’re wrong, often attempt to compromise by sharing/taking on blame in some equal capacity. Sometimes this is healthy, sometimes it’s more de-facto.
Mother-in-law beef goes crazy
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good-beans · 7 months
Concept that just popped into my head: Milgram characters doing "get ready with me" videos
Aw, this was so fun!! I always love your hc style of normal au/everyone's chilling, and tried to go the same route -- it was so cute to think about :D
Haruka: Puts on his outfit for the day and explains everything in great detail. He has lots of comfortable items and fun colors. At the very end he speaks off-camera and you realize Muu was standing there cheering him on the whole time. He gets a lot of encouraging comments, and Muu and Fuuta keep an eye on the account to delete any nasty ones that may come in.
Yuno: Shows her outfit, makeup, nails, and bag she’s taking with her. She tries out a variety of styles (not just sticking to the more feminine looks we see in canon). She gives a bit of a tutorial and tips as well as showing things off. Has a main account for her daytime outfits, and a more private one for her nighttime looks. Mahiru is the only one aware of the latter account.
Fuuta: Layers. Lots of layers. There will be three sweatshirts laid out in front of him and you wonder which he’s going to choose before realizing he’s putting them all on. He focuses most on his sneakers and sportswear. He plays loud music over the videos, not knowing what to say. Has gotten into comment-section arguments over those yellow socks.
Muu: Also does a full look at her appearance: nails, accessories, etc. She mentions where you can buy everything, and it’s unclear whether she was sponsored by these brands or is just excited to talk about them. (Whether they’re actually together or not,) she’ll have Haruka on as a guest a lot to show off couple’s outfit ideas. She definitely has the biggest following, and loves recommending Haruka and the others’ accounts.  
Shidou: He doesn’t really know what he’s doing, but his account is getting tons of views so the others keep encouraging him to make videos. He’s just glad to be connecting with the other prisoners as they show him how to do it. He dresses in a mix of the sleek patterned shirts and dad fits, and both types of videos are equally popular. 
Mahiru: None of the serious-faced flirts or little pouty faces – it’s all smiles for her. Every video is basically a full tutorial – she has captions and a voiceover giving commentary on everything. She has the next biggest following, and interacts constantly. She loves getting questions “what should I wear on an x type date?” “How do I dress to impress x type of person?” because she always comes up with the perfect outfit to help. 
Kazui: A bit confused as well, though he does know a lot about style. His interro question makes it seem like he wanted kids – I think he’d really get into the account as one of those “Dad How Do I” types. He talks about matching things, clothes upkeep, shaving/hairstyling. 
Amane: Also wouldn’t have made the videos without prompting from the others, but enjoys it a lot. She usually talks about practical things instead of “vain” fashion: she’s excited to show off a new raincoat, sturdy shoes, useful pockets, etc. Over time, she leans into outfits that are more cute and colorful, gaining confidence in them. 
Mikoto: He started the account as something for one of his design classes, and got really into it. He likes to challenge himself with unique styles and clothing articles, making pretty much anything work. He keeps everything professional in case an employer/coworker sees, but isn’t afraid to add some flirting and flaunting in there. If he’s open about his plurality, he’ll have some special videos, “choosing an outfit for John today!”
Kotoko: Like Amane, she’s more excited about practical outfits. She’ll show off clothes that have good flexibility, places to store and conceal objects, and heavy duty materials. She’ll rate jackets, boots, and other “military-grade” things for what has worked best for her. She’s very attentive to the accounts that follow her – she does full background checks to make sure her info is being used for justice, not more crime. Mahiru convinces her to do a special where she puts all her piercings in and talks about why she chose them/what they mean.
Es: Experiments with a lot of new styles, trying to figure out what they like. They also just play music in the back, not having much to say about each outfit. They'd rather focus on their series of dressing-up-Jackalope videos, much to his dismay...
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kinsey3furry300 · 21 days
My top 5 hairstyles from The Owl House that I am very normal about.
Luz, specifically her in the season 2 finale, and post time-skip.
While in season three Luz spends a lot of time wearing a hat or in Halloween costume, which means we don’t get to see her hair, I still fucking LOVE what the animators did to her hair late in season two/ end of season three, specifically, the little mini-pony tail she’s rocking when she rescues Amity. It’s got a very 1700’s short Queue/ gentlemen’s club-tail pirate vibe to it, giving the whole scene a swashbuckling and romantic vibe as Luz literally climes up onto the balcony of her love interest’s boudoir to rescue her from her evil and overbearing mother, It’s wonderfully practical, romantic, tomboy-ish and playful, and seems like a direct fuck you to Bellos who also wears his hair in a similar tied-back style.
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look at those pants tucked into tall boots and tell me they weren't thinking pirate.
It hints at a volume and springiness of hair that make you realise that the animators and design team actually considered Luz’s Afro-Latina roots before promptly forgetting that again for most of season 3, only to bring it back for the post time-skip Luz. 9/10
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Amity, specifically the change in hair colour.
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This is just great character design: using the character’s visual design to communicate information about her to the audience: her hair is neat, prim, proper… restraining, very tied back, not at all free, and not only is it clearly a dye job, but a bad one, with the visible change in colour at the roots. You can tell from her hair, she is not happy with who she is at that point in her life. She’s had her hair done to blend in with the twins and her mother, be a part of a matched set, and you can see how she doesn’t care for it or she would have done something about those roots: bits of the real her, bits of her father’s influence, bleed through without Amity even realising. And then… BLAM.
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Change to a purple do, the colour of abominations reflecting her talents and passions, which incorporates hints of her natural brown hair deliberately and thoughtfully. It’s even called out by the twins that her mom would hate it. It’s also a very similar colour to the purple on the Bi pride flag, and seconds after Luz see’s her with it for the first time, Amity kisses Luz for the first time. New hair, new her. It’s a colour that pairs well with the blues and purples Luz typically wears, and close to the shade you would get if you colour-averaged the Dominican Republics’ flag (thought that’s probably just a coincidence). It’s Amity rejecting who her mother wants her to be, and embracing the person Luz sees her as, and I Love it. 9.5/10
Principle Bump
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You mean to tell be that Pallisman was hiding yards upon yards of the most beautiful silky flowing hair I’ve ever seen in a cartoon? Sir, you can not just drop that much swag mid-way thought season two, and not in the presence of minors, it’s just too sexy. 10/10.
And speaking of too damn sexy… Eda Cawthorne, the Owl Lady.
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Oh my god yes. Just yes. Chef’s kiss perfection. Hair so voluminous it has dominates the outline of the character creating a distinct silhouette even at distance, hair that bobs and move in the action sequences with it’s own weight an gravity. I’m amazed she can walk, let alone strut, given that her centre of gravity must be a foot behind her head. Hair so voluminous you struggle to hide it when you’re in disguise, and so magical it has it’s own pocket dimension for storage and/or is just so big you can keep stuff in there like a handbag.  By the Titan, drown me in your hair Owl Lady.
Special shout out to the pre-curse Eda hair as well: Flaming red, with her golden eyes, her narrow, pointed face and (even for a witch) huge pointed ears and the two hanging bits at the front that look like fox-tails? You just know Raine took one look at this and the carved their Fox Pallisman the very next day (and while it’s cannon that carving Owlbert was an attempt by Eda to reclaim some positive association with owls in her mind post-curse, the fact Raine looks like an owl with their big round glasses and little round face must have been on Eda’s mind:  it’s my headcanon they carved their Pallisman’s to look like each other.)
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11/10, perfect character design.
And finally, Vee, particularly right at the end of season three.
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rayroseu · 1 year
i really thought glomas malleus was the drippiest outfit design we'll ever get @ twst 💀💥💥
!! major spoilers for book 7 pt 3 !! the full body sprite of General Lilia Vanrouge obliterated me 🙏
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there is SO MVUH TO TAKW IN my brain is barely coherent rn !!
ok the armbands were a given consideringvit was prominent on his silouette version-- but are those grey patterns a clothing or his actual skin as well??? @/MoonlightEquin1 on twt stated he has so much covering bcs of his weakness to sunlight, so I'm guessing its part of his cloth as well---SO IT MEANS HE HAS A BODY FIT SHIRT UNDERNEATH A CORSET AND ARMOR MY GOD I AM DAMNED😭💕
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i lOVE HIS SKIRT?? it looks like bat wings im in AWE... and the scales with BEAD TASSELS?? do they clack together when he moves?? sounds impractical-- but totally lethal for aesthetic purposes!
also a nice reference to Diasomnia's Halloween Costume 🥺🥺 Its making me think he's wearing that in honor of the Draconia Family...
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AND RIGHTT... THE B E LT HOW CAN I EVER FORGET THE BELT.... i kinda made fun for overblot malleus for tying his belt like that- BUT WHO KNEW IT LOOKED KINDA OFF WITH MALLEUS BCS ITS LILIA WHOS SUPPOSED TO ADORN IT... im sick💥
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The bat motif AND HARNESSES!!!! ON HIS CHEST PLATE!!!!! YOU KNOW THE OUTFIT FUCKS IF IT HAS HARNESSES FOR ME!!!!! and is the tailor of his outfit him or some other fae?? the corset is literally glomas Malleus shirt KAJKAKSKA whoever designed this you're bringing Heaven on earth👍💕💕💕
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NAD HAVE WE??? TALK ABOUT HIS MASK??? HAVE WE??? If I saw a person hunting me with that mask on in a dark forest, I'd die just from terror 9716662/10 terrific mask👍👍💕💕 oh i shouldnt forget to mention the MASSIVE FANGS OF THAT MASK... absolutely magnificent✨✨✨
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also bYEYEYYE i feel like i took 40 screenshots just from zooming in on the details of his outfit💥💥
i feel like im not doing great in expressing my compliments on his outfit by TRYING. MY VERY BEST. IN DESCRIBING IT!!!! so really, the most profound way is to just stare at it admiringly and let your sight savor the details👍😩😩🤌
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REST IN PIECES my fellow lilia artists, this is our moodboard🥲💥💥 you can do it, you'll achieve drawing him in all his briar-valleys-most-esteemed-general-glory🙏🙏🙏
credits: alchemivich
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MIMIIII I’m alive and I had to say CONGRATULATIONS on 700 followers!! So deserved and I’m so happy I get to be apart of that journey. As for my quote (which is from a book):
“So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.”
(can you do it with either Hunter Star Wars bad batch ofc and MY FAV GIRL KAMBE or just fem reader?? 🥺🥺)
@avathebestx awwww I'm so glad to receive a request from you. I am sorry for the delay, RL got in the way unfortunately. But I hope you enjoy this very fluff filled, romantic fic. Such a great line.
Also thank you for requesting Kambe, it felt lovely writing about The Reunion crew again. The story will be coming back.
Love oo,
Warnings: brief mention of Tech's death, brief mention of Tech's 'surveillance', I think that's it, if I miss anything please let me know.
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Kambe couldn’t help laugh as she watched Hunter trying to braid Omega’s hair. It had been almost five years since they all finally settled on Pabu. It was still hard to accept that Tech was gone. She was glad to have Crosshair back, to know Wrecker was safe, and Echo was out fighting for his clone brothers, even though she wished she could’ve heard from him more often, yet … it wasn’t the same. 
Crosshair had been right when he said ‘Clone Force 99 died with Tech,’ it really did. 
Her mind focused back on Omega and Hunter as she saw the look on Omega’s face asking for help.
“Hunter, love, what the hell are you doing? It’s braiding hair, not untangling the wires of the Marauder.” 
She walked over and tapped his thigh, getting him to move over so she could sit beside him.
“It’s not my fault these hairstyles are so intricate.”
“Explain to me, how Wrecker, with his big hands and fingers, is able to do a fishtail braid, and you can’t even do a simple French braid?”
“Wrecker deals with explosives, love, he’s used to the fine touch. Not to mention him and Lurwa have three girls, he’s used to braiding.”
She giggled as she gently undid the mess that was Omega’s hair and brushed it lightly, “Megs, you want the French braid?”
“Yeah, but two, one on each side.”
“Okay.” Kambe chuckled as she grabbed the comb and the hair ties. She poked Hunter in the ribs, “Okay, pay attention.”
“I’m paying attention, it’s my fingers that don’t work.”
“You’re a trained fighter, a soldier, a sergeant. You can’t handle precision work?”
“I can handle you” he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Um, excuse me, child present” Omega raised her hand to remind them, as she sat in between Kambe’s legs.
“Okay.” Kambe chuckled as she grabbed the comb, “First split the hair down the middle so it’s even.”
Hunter nodded, “I did that.”
“Then tie up the side you’re not using,” she slipped a hair clip to the one side.
“Didn’t do that.”
“Then you start from the very top and take three strands, keeping them separate.” She showed Hunter with her hands. “Then you cross one over and slide it under, cross the other over and slide it under. See?” She started braiding Omega’s hair, adding more hair to the strands as she moved down, “Don’t pick up a lot when you’re adding to the diminishing strands. Good rule of thumb, one row for one strand.”
“Ohhh. Okay, I think I see where I was going wrong.”
“Wanna try?”
“On the other side.”
Kambe finished braiding the one side, moving over for Hunter to give a go. It took him a few false starts but when he finished it wasn’t half bad. “Good job, love” she leaned over and pressed a kiss to his cheek. 
Omega gently touched both sides, “How does it look?” She turned and asked Kambe, she’d been feeling nervous all day, and now that her hair was finished, the reality of her situation hit her. 
“You look beautiful Megs, and I’m sure your date will like it too.” Omega blushed at Kambe’s teasing, and stood, she was wearing the new shirt Phee had bought her, and the new boots Crosshair got her. Kambe’s smile grew as she looked at the teenager before her, she was no longer the little girl that clung to her side during her time on Kamino. “You look beautiful Omega. And very spiffy.”
“It means stylish.”
Omega nodded, smiling, “I like it, spiffy.” She took in a deep breath brushing away her butterflies, “Alright. I’ll be back by lights out.”
“You better, or Hunter is going to come looking for you.” Kambe stood, and kissed her forehead, hugging her, knowing she didn’t have to worry about Omega getting hurt. “Have fun, but not too much fun.”
“What’s too much fun?”
“You’ll know.” Hunter stated as he stood, hugging her, “You have your knife?”
“Yeah” she hugged him back. 
Kambe and Hunter watched as Omega headed out the door, she turned to Hunter, “Ever thought we’d get to a point in our lives where we would see her go on a date?”
“No.” He ran his hand over his face, “I miss Tech, if he was here, he would’ve connected to all the cameras on Pabu and followed them on their date.”
She arched her eyebrow, “Wait …” she took a moment as an idea clicked in her head, “When you and I …” she motioned between the two of them. “… would go on our dates, on Kamino, did Tech follow us via the cameras?”
Hunter blushed and looked away, clearing his throat and moving out of Kambe’s arm’s reach, Kambe’s eyes widened, “WHAT!”
“It was only two maybe three times” Hunter clarified.
“Hold up … did  he …” she closed her eyes trying hard to fight the laughter that wanted to erupt. “Did he see,” she cleared her throat, “the time we got … carried away in … my office?”
Hunter’s face went beat red, as he moved away and towards the kitchen, washing dishes and putting away the dry ones.
“He swore he turned it off and deleted the recording.”
“Oh. My. God.” Kambe’s face dropped out of sheer embarrassment before she covered her face and started laughing. “Oh god, no wonder he couldn’t look at me for a week afterwards.”
He chuckled as he thought back to that week, “Yeah …” he dried his hands and turned to look at her, “he said that moment changed his perception of you.”
“And you didn’t think this was something I may have wanted to know?” She crossed her arms.
He laid the towel on the counter walking over to her as he wrapped her in his arms, pulling her closer, “Myri, would you have wanted to know that Tech saw more than you probably wanted anyone to see?”
She shook her head and laughed, “Well at least I’m not as much of a mess as when we first met.”
Hunter huffed out a laugh, “Thank the force for that.”
“Why do you love me?”
“Seriously? You mean beside the fact you’re beautiful, intelligent, smart, incredible in every way possible.”
Kambe smirked, “Yeah besides that.”
Hunter let out a sigh, “Well I guess,I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you. Think about it, of all the med stations, of all the medics in the galaxy, you were assigned to Kamino. And out of all the days you split between the lab and the med bay, I just happened to walk in when you were the only one on duty. If that was the universe conspiring for us to be together, I don’t know what is.”
“Cheeky” she grinned leaning in.
“Always for you,” he closed the distance and kissed her, a kiss that reminded them of everything they knew to be true of each other. They were meant to be, and nothing could ever separate them from each other. 
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Could you rank Jesse's outfits?
Hell yes I can!!!! Strap in lads, I've decided to put this under the cut because it got... long. Thank you so much for this question anon, I'm sorry if it's not quite what you wanted, it kind of ran away from me!!! But please know that I had so much fun doing this!! I'll take any excuse to talk about Control fashion!!!!
Okay, so:
The Director's suit
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What can I say, just look at it, 10/10, no notes (well, lots of notes, but all about how much I love it!!!) Absolute perfection!!! The details on this outfit!!! The triangle on the back, the little triangle on the shoes, the cut outs on the jacket, the hair pin?????? It's truly everything to me, and I love it's story significance of visually showing Jesse embracing her role as Director, it's just the perfect example of everything the FBC and Oldest House is!!
(Also, fun fact, the first thing I thought when I saw it was 'oh, yeah, I understand why this is one of Julia Drawfee's favourite games now'...)
2. Asynchronous suit
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Again, what can I say??? Look at it, this thing is just gorgeous!! Oh, the details!!! The structure is so beautiful, all the different shapes, the Brutalist nature of it all!! Also her cute little boots, I love them and the way they blend into the leggings!
Also, as someone who would desperately love for Jesse to get a skirt at some point, the half skirt and the way it moves in combat is everything to me, ahhh it looks so good!!!
3. Civilian outfit
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I love her original outfit so much!!! It's so simple, yet it manages to be so iconic!!! I remember someone I was watching complain that her outfit wasn't great because it doesn't stand out enough, doesn't make her look like enough of an outsider, but personally I completely disagree! Control is such a high aesthetic game, and Jesse's civilian out so perfectly compliments the aesthetics of the Oldest House through its colour scheme and silhouette! Especially the back of the jacket, I absolutely adore the structure of it, it kind of has a similar energy as the Asynchronous Suit with the sharp Brutalist energy it has. But at the same time, by making it a leather jacket and jeans, it stands out so clearly from the (sometimes unnecessarily extra) formal shirts and trousers/skirts the others wear.
Anyway, love it! Also adore the bright blue of the original jacket!!!
4.Janitor's Assistant
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Love it!! Love it so much!!! I adore the rolled up sleaves and trouser legs (whether this is for fashion or practicality, I do not know, but it is aesthetically pleasing none the less). Also, I love the detail that's she's wearing her original boots with this outfit, it feels like a cute visual cue of how comfortable she feels in this outfit/role. Also, the fact that Ahti gives it to us personally for a job well done just, perfection...
(also look at her little hammer and plyers, she deserves them!!!)
5. The Golden Suit
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I do indeed enjoy the Golden Suit, I mean, it's a variation of my beloved Director's Suit, and has a lot of the same details I love that one for, but it just doesn't hit the same for me. I think I would prefer if it had a white shirt, or the shirt was a little darker as the greyish colour just isn't quite for me, (though it could be the darn lighting in the Oldest House). But still, I do indeed love it, I mean look at her, she still looks incredible even if its not quite my style!
6. Expedition Gear
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You know what, I used to think I didn't like this outfit, but it grew on me as I was looking at it for this, and you know what, I love it now!! Like, to begin with it's one of the outfits that has the ponytail, and I absolutely adore this hairstyle!!! The way it moves in combat is gorgeous, and I enjoy the effort made to give her a high pony style that doesn't make her look like Beth Wilder!! But again, rolled up sleeves, super cute, the zipper/clasp detail on the side, it's all giving practical but fashionable, and I'm so hear for it!!
7. Extradimensional Suit
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She's cool!! I mean, this outfit has the ponytail, so that's already a win! It's not my style, or the sort of thing I'm interested in, but I can appreciate it for what it is. The colour scheme is gorgeous, I love all the textures and shapes, particularly the piping around the neck (it reminds me of the mail room/pneumatics!). And as always, she looks incredible in it, so a solid outfit all round, just not one that makes me go feral, you know?
8. Office Assistant
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I do very much love this outfit, I think she looks adorable, there's just not that much going on. I do love her little sensible heels, and the fact that the shirt is pinstripe rather than plain, it's cute!!! It's also just, it just is the FBC, it's such a recognisable look throughout the game, so I very much appreciate it!!
(Can you imagine if we got the pencil skirt version too????? Sigh, I can only dream...)
9. Candidate P7
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Again, like, story wise this outfit is fascinating- (I've been thinking recently, like, at what point did Darling decide Dylan was a lost cause, and what did that mean for their pursuit of Jesse?? Is there a reason they just happened to have a prime candidate outfit ready for her, exactly in her size???)
Anyway, fashion wise there's not much to say, though I never realised you could run round the Oldest House in little socks, that's cool!! It also looks so cosy, but it has far too many lore implications for that, so unfortunately it does come last, but it's still cool!!
Bonus Round- Pre order exclusives
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1.Tactical Response
You do not understand how unbelievably sad it makes me that this was an pre-order exclusive and I can not have it, because I love it so so much, it is gorgeous!!!!!!!! Look at her, she looks incredible!!!! The pony tail, the monochrome, it's like her civilian outfit but just elevated to the highest degree, I love it so muuuuuuuuuch!!!!!!!!!!
2. Astral Dive suit
I feel similarly about this outfit as I do the Extradimensional suit. Not quite my style, but I highly appreciate it, it's beautiful!! Also her hair, ahhhhhhh!!
3.Urban Response
It's cute!! It has a lot of the things I love about the Tactical Response, but the colour scheme just doesn't hit the same! The top is so cute though, I love it!!!!
And, uhhhhhhh, thats it :) If you made it to the end of this, thank you, I am incredibly impressed!!! Anyway, the clothes in Control are incredible, and this is only Jesse's outfits, there's so many other amazing clothes in this game!!! Like genuinely, the commitment to fashion in Control is incredibly important to me, and will always be one of the things I love most about this game!!!!
(I am literally always ready to talk about it, so never hesitate to message if you want to talk about it with someone!)
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Look change
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This time you had surprised Mike.
It was normal for you to have changes in your look, a new haircut, new clothes or even different ways of doing your makeup. Mike loved every one of those little existential crises you had at least once a year. Abby adored your slightly long hair, she liked to style it or simply admired it for how cute it looked; Your hair was naturally dark brown, it almost looked black.
Mike loved your hair much more, the softness it had and even though sometimes it was uncontrollable thanks to the frizz he still told you how beautiful you looked. It had been 2 years since the last time you had a haircut, Christmas time was approaching and it was thanks to Abby that you had the idea of ​​a change, again.
That happened one day when you took an old box that held all your memories to the Schmidt house. Both Mike and Abby were excited to see what you were like in the 90s and great was their surprise when they saw that you were not what they thought. they imagined.
"You were a rockstar!" Abby exclaimed, taking photos of the box. "I was goth, Abby," you responded with a tender smile as you also looked at the photos. "What a beautiful time."
Mike looked surprised at the photos of his girlfriend. Even though in the images he did not use his characteristic hairstyles that corresponded to that style, he did use makeup and boy did he like it because in all of them he had it along with his black boots.
"It's not so difficult now to imagine you like that," Mike said, looking at you and then smiling, "it's just that, right now everything makes more sense." And it was true, even though now you no longer wear clothes as flashy as the dresses and big, heavy black boots were, you still dressed in black things and there were times when you wore makeup but nothing out of the ordinary.
You liked it that way, it made you feel comfortable in your daily life to carry out your obligations such as keeping your job and sometimes taking care of Abby. Only when you could, of course, that was Mike's excuse for you to stay the night.
"You had green hair! Impossible!" Abby shouted with notable surprise with the photo in her hand, Mike quickly took it from her to look at his girlfriend with light green hair and black tips, she was wearing a long black dress. and she was sitting on the trunk of a fallen tree while laughing with her friends.
Now in the present you were nervous, since that day you felt like changing your hair color but to something that your teenage self could do without a problem even though you weren't old enough for it to look strange but you did feel out of place. Any inappropriate comment could easily hurt you at this time.
Mike on the other hand had picked up Abby from school, today he had the day off so he could calmly be with his favorite girls at home. She got out of her car, noticing that you had already arrived thanks to the white car that was in the garage. Abby was the first to enter the house while her brother yelled at her not to run or she could fall and hurt herself.
The girl started looking for you all over the house while Mike headed to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
"Abby" you said leaving the bathroom in silence, the girl turned around to go hug you as usual but she was surprised to see you and just yelled "what happened to you?!" That caught Mike's attention, it alarmed him a little and that caused him to practically run towards where you were but he stopped immediately when he noticed your new appearance; You had blue hair and you had cut it to your shoulders.
You were crouched down so Abby could get a better look at your hair and start slowly running her fingers through your hair and she had an expression of love at how cute she looked. "Can I paint it too?" I ask, looking at her brother with a smile. "When you grow up and you pay for it," he responded sarcastically, making the girl look bad for his response. "I can buy you a wig" you commented as you stood up straight so that Mike could see you better.
Literally in the boy's mind Schmidt made a circuit when he saw you better, you were fucking beautiful. Apart from your new hair, you had on a black outfit that made your figure stand out; You were wearing pants that were somewhat tight around the hips and thighs but ended in a bell while the shirt was long-sleeved mesh that left your shoulders visible and finally you had a corcet that covered your breasts giving a heart shape and to finish you were wearing boots that made you look 6 centimeters taller than your boyfriend.
Mike was delirious right now and his shocked expression wouldn't go away. You thought that maybe you looked out of place because of your age or the Gothic style was simply not to his taste.
"How do I look?" You asked nervously, you wanted to appear calm but his silence scared you. The boy blinked several times to collect his thoughts and not have a verbal vomit but he only said "I don't know what to say" he confessed "you look...so fucking good, god, I thought he changed it would be a haircut but this surpassed my expectations." .
You laughed at his words, maybe they weren't as sweet as you expected but they were enough to brighten up that moment of your day because at night when Abby is fast asleep in her room, Mike won't hesitate to demonstrate how your new style works. It can get hot in two seconds.
sorry for the spelling errors 🍒💓
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comicaurora · 2 years
This is probably a weird question, but what are some tips you could give on character design? I've been trying to feel confident with my own designs, but they feel kind of bland... what kinds of things would you suggest to help make designs stand out more?
Hoo boy. Hm. I feel like I am not the right person to ask about this because objectively I do almost nothing you're "supposed" to, but if it's working I guess that means I might be onto something?
A lot of my design considerations are practical. I don't want to give anybody a design that's going to be a nightmare to draw over and over again. I've done enough commissions in my time to know when somebody is overdesigned and therefore hugely annoying to draw, and that's a no-no. So I tend to stick with simple patterns at most, not too many layers, no need for five million belts, no need for incredibly intricate hairstyles, etc. This is a practical consideration for the medium of comic art, but other mediums have different considerations - 3D-modeled art, for instance, can overdesign the characters as much as they want because they only need to model them once, and a lot of visual novel characters are limited to a very small handful of poses and some interchangeable expressions, meaning it isn't prohibitively complicated to make them a little Extra. The most time-consuming and frustrating commissions I've ever done were for characters who were frankly never designed to be drawn more than once. A quick sampling of highlights for the design features I swore to myself I would never deal with again-
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So on a basic level, if you're designing a character to draw over and over again, it needs to be something you're willing and able to draw over again. Intricate patterns, a lot of interlocking plates, anything with lace - those are all things I try to avoid.
I've often seen the advice that character silhouettes should be super visually distinct, that characters should be very strongly shaped like different things. I think that's great if your style is that flexible, but if you kind of want everybody to be shaped like a human being with a skeleton, this advice is not very useful.
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I think a diversity of body shapes is great, but the style I favor requires the anatomy to at least sort of makes sense, which means while there can still be a lot of variation in the distribution of muscle and fat, everyone's bones are gonna be in roughly the same place. I can't just draw a square and fill it with a dude. So instead I try and distinguish my character silhouettes in other ways.
Everyone's hair is different, and because most characters have big hair, this plays a large part in their silhouette. Falst and Erin both have short hair, but Falst's is a bristling mane while Erin's is usually more swept and soft-looking. Dainix and Kendal both have long hair, but even when Dainix's hair is loose it doesn't hang or flow the same way Kendal's does - it gets in the way, drapes in front of his face and overall doesn't move the same. Alinua's hair is bouncy curls. On top of that, everyone's outfits are fairly simple, but no two of them are exactly the same - Erin has a monopoly on poofy sleeves, Kendal has cuffed boots and the back-slung sword, Dainix has the poncho and the poofier pants, Alinua has the v-neck top with slightly pauldron-y shoulders and the slippers, Falst's clothing is ragged at the edges, etc. Even without getting into their distinct color palettes, everyone's at least a little bit distinct.
And this is another place where I purposefully try to avoid overdesigning. If everyone has too much going on it can circle around to being hard to tell the characters apart, because too much is happening. Who can pay attention to the fact that one character is sleeveless and one has asymmetrical boots and one has a mullet when everybody is wearing eight layers of embroidered fabric with four belts and half a breastplate on top?
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Avoiding same-face is hard, and I'm not very good at it. But I do try to make sure everyone's face shape, nose and eyes are at least slightly different from everyone else's. It might not show from a distance and it might not be as extreme as a pixar design sheet, but it's something.
Ultimately the main consideration I keep in mind when designing characters is - perhaps a bit redundantly - their character. Who they are as people, and how that will impact the way they look. Everybody stands differently, and shifts their weight differently when a situation is changing.
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Despite both being short, lightweight guys with short hair, Falst and Erin are wildly different people and are not going to dress the same, make the same facial expressions or hold themselves the same way. Despite both being tall, long-haired, generally friendly warrior badasses, Kendal and Dainix carry themselves very differently and react to things in very distinct ways. Tess and Erin have the exact same haircut and nobody noticed for ages because of everything else.
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The designs aren't complicated, and compared to some, they aren't even that distinct. But I try to make sure that their personality is visible in every aspect of their design. Every "why?" in their design has an in-character answer, and since they're all quite different on the inside, keeping things simple means that starts showing through on the outside.
This is also how I can visually distinguish between Vash and Kendal, who have the exact same body and clothes.
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we can never underestimate the importance of ✨body language✨
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earthtoharlow · 1 year
Flashing Lights
Jack Harlow x SingerOC
Series Masterlist
02) Second Chances
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Jack walked into his apartment, and placed his keys on the kitchen counter before walking towards the fridge for a bottle of water. The last couple weeks have been jammed packed, between making multiple appearances and long nights at the studio he barely had time to catch his breath. 
Tossing his phone on the coffee table and kicking his shoes off, Jack melted into the comfort of the couch with a soft sigh. Happy to be sitting down after a long day. He reached over to grab the remote, deciding to flip through the channels to find a movie. After not finding anything good to watch, he figured he would watch The Tonight Show since that was the only thing on. 
Jack didn’t know if it was his lack of sleep or what but Jimmy Fallon’s jokes were actually hitting tonight. He did always enjoy the thank you notes segments. Jack sat up a little straighter when he heard Jimmy announce the first guest of the night. “I’ve been wanting to meet this talented individual for awhile now, and she’s finally here. Please welcome, first time Grammy winner, Maryse Monet!”
Jack watched as the curtains opened and Maryse’s beautiful smile spread across his TV screen. He couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she looked with her half up half down hairstyle with her curls bouncing as she walked across the stage to Jimmy. Maryse wore a simple black mini dress paired with boots but she looked as beautiful as ever. Jack leaned in closer to the screen with his elbows on his knees, ready to learn more about her. 
“Welcome to the show, I’m so happy you’re here! This is your first talk show!” Jimmy says as he leans against his desk.
“Yeah! Kinda crazy when you think about it, so thank you for having me on!” Maryse replies with another smile, and waves to the audience in front of her as they cheer. 
“Of course, of course! I can’t have you on here and not congratulate you on your first ever Grammy!” Jimmy tells her and claps along with the crowd. Maryse covers her face shyly, trying to hide her blushing. 
“Seriously, thank you guys so much. It still feels like a dream that I hope I never wake up from.”
“And who would I be if I didn’t bring up what happened as you were going on stage to accept your award.”
“Oh what? Me, almost embarrassing myself!” Maryse said with a laugh.
Jimmy tries to hold in his laughter, and nods “Well, yes! Here’s the clip!” 
Jack relaxes into the couch again as they play the clip. He watched as he could be seen quickly walking towards the stage to help Maryse before she fell. He was glad he was able to reach her in time. The video turns back to showing Maryse with her head down in her lap, and Jimmy laughing. “I think my favorite part was your facial expression as you were about to fall.”
“Yeah, I think the only thing that was running through my head was “oh my god I’m about to eat shit in front of Beyoncé!””
Jimmy's head falls back in laughter before he reaches over and peeks over his desk. “I see you’re still wearing heels so it couldn’t have been that bad!”
Jack goans a little as he watches Maryse raise her leg up to show off her heeled boots.
“To be fair, these heels are a lot thicker than the shoes I was wearing to the Grammys!”
Jimmy nods before telling Maryse she had a point. 
“This clip has gone viral on the internet! They’re literally going crazy over Jack Harlow rushing over to save you. He’s so great, I love that guy!”
“Yeah, I honestly should send him a fruit basket or something to thank him.”
Jimmy nodded in agreement. “You definitely should! One of the biggest rappers in the world right now saving the day!”
Maryse leans against the chair. “My friends made sure to tease me before congratulating me that night.” She says with a shake of the head. 
“Yeah, we actually have your Instagram post that you posted after the Grammys.” Jimmy reached behind his desk to pull out the cardboard with your instagram post on it. 
“There’s Doja Cat reminding you about you tripping…”
Maryse leaned over the armchair to point at her comment. “Can I just add that she replied to this while sitting right next to me!”
Jimmy laughed again. “But my favorite part of this post was Jack Harlow himself commenting that he'd be your hero anyday!”
Jimmy and the live audience dramatically awed at Jack’s comment. Maryse couldn't help but smile. 
“Did you guys speak after the fact?” Jimmy asked. 
“No! I’m so upset about it! After I left the stage, I was dragged around doing interviews so I never saw him again to thank him. Not a lot of people know this but I recently got into his music and it’s amazing. I’m a huge fan!”
“Oh man! We gotta get you guys to meet! It’s only right!” 
Maryse looked towards the camera. “Jack Harlow, if you’re ever in town please contact me! I’ll treat you to lunch.”
Jack's breath hitched in his throat. Maryse was starting so intensely into the camera he felt like she was actually standing in front of him. 
“If you get any closer to the screen, you’ll be kissing it.”
Jack jumped and dropped the remote at the sound of Urban’s voice behind him. 
“Fuck! Man what are you doing here?!” Jack rubbed a hand over his face, before placing it over his chest to rest his fast beating heart. 
Urban jumped over behind the couch and plopped down before giving him a weird look. “I live here.” He said with a shrug. 
“not for much longer, if I got anything to do about it.” Jack mumbled.
Jack watched as Jimmy went to the commercial. Annoyed that Urban interrupted him watching the rest of the interview. 
“I don’t understand why you’re still sitting here and not immediately calling her.” Urban questioned him.
Jack rolled his eyes at his best friend. “Now why would I do that?”
“Dude, I know I’m high, but I’m not that damn high. She just got on national television and asked you out. She’s bold as hell. Besides, now’s the best time to do it. There wouldn’t be any awkwardness since she got that out the way when she tripped.” Urban shrugged once more before handing Jack his phone off the table in front of them. 
“I don’t even know her number.” Jack told him. “My brother, it is not the 90s you can slide in her dms and get it from her. Plus, is it not half of Neelam’s job to get important peoples numbers for you. She’s not doing her job correctly!”
Jack ignored him as he pulled up to Maryse’s Instagram dms and typed out a message. 
“Wait, it’s bootycall hours. I’ll send the dm in the morning.” Jack said. 
Urban snatched the phone from Jack before pressing send on the DM before Jack could stop him. “Oh man, you got it BAD. When have you ever cared about any of that!”
Jack huffed before taking his phone back. Jack isn’t scared to admit that Maryse was taking up real estate in his mind since that night at the Grammys. He played that moment over and over in his head. Maryse was beautiful, with an even more beautiful voice. Now after hearing that she was a huge fan, he was dying to meet her properly. 
“I just don’t want to mess things up before we even meet.” Jack said running a hand through his messy curls
“You dming late is not going to ruin anything, she probably won’t even see till morning anyway.” Urban said as he stood up from the couch and patted Jack lightly on the shoulder. 
“Now, you just reminded me. It is demon hours, and I’ve got some ladies to call.”
“Sick freak!” Jack yelled over his shoulder at Urban
“Yeah yeah, call me whatever you want.”
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liked by dojacat, hallebailey, milaj, natewilliams, easymoneysniper, druski, Ciara and 378,045 others
lifeofmonet: What a time. Thank you @jimmyfallon
view all 6,046 comments
user: girl you find as he’ll I won’t u
user: you shooting your shot to jack 🫢
user: pick me, choose me, love me
user: step on me!!!
lilnasx: A STAR!
saweetie: DON’T HURT EM TOO BAD!!
user: need new music bad 😫😫
user: bitch you baaaaad!
user: I know Nate screaming and crying
Maryse groaned out loud at the name that just popped up in her phone. Her ex boyfriend Nate was calling her again. Ever since he found out she moved back to New York after leaving to live with Saweetie in California for a year after the break up he’s been calling her multiple times a day. 
Nate knew Maryse like the back of her hand. He knew she would always have a weak spot for him. No matter what. That’s the main reason why Maryse stayed in the relationship for so long. She was sick of giving him second chnaces. It hurt having to break up with the guy she thought she was going to spend the rest of her life with. She refused to keep setting herself on fire to keep him warm.
When her phone rung again for the fifth time in a span of 15 minutes, she decided to answer. 
“What do you want, Nate.” Maryse was sick of this. It was one o’clock in the morning. She could hear the shuffling of the phone in the background and loud music playing. 
“Damn girl, I can’t even get a hello” Maryse could hear the slur of his voice. Letting her know he was drinking.
“No, you can’t, where are you? I can hardly hear with the loud music playing.” Maryse had to pull the phone away from her ear before it busted her eardrums. 
“Come pick me up baby! The boys and I just went out for a few drinks before hitting a few clubs.” Nate says into the phone, she could hear him a little better now. She assumed he walked outside. 
“I can’t come and pick you up, and you know that.” Maryse sighed with regret. Wishing she never picked up the phone. 
“Damn, a bitch wins a Grammy and she start acting real Hollywood.” Nate cursed into the phone. 
“Don’t call me again, Nate. You can go to hell with gasoline draws on.” Maryse hung up the phone, not giving him a chance to reply back. 
“Stupid muthafucka.” She mumbled before throwing her phone down. 
Maryse grabbed her extra pillow before placing it on her head and let out a muffled scream. Talking to Nate always puts her in a bad mood. Nate brought out the worst in her. 
Maryse felt her phone chime, informing her that she had an incoming message.
“I swear to god, if that’s his bitch ass again…” Maryse says under her breath as she sat up in her bed to see who the message was from. Her eyes widened when she saw it was a DM from Jack Harlow himself. 
Maryse flipped over on stomach and kicked her feet up in the air. Her stomach was doing front flips reading his message to accept her offer for lunch. She wasn’t expecting Jack to respond so fast, or even at all. Maryse immediately messaged him back. “Thank god, I’d have been super embarrassed if you turned me down!”  It was 2am, so she wasn’t expecting a response until morning the earliest so Maryse was shocked when Jack replied back so quickly.
“I mean, I’d be an idiot if I turned down free lunch.” Maryse laughed at his response, as she was typing a response, another one came in. “I’m back in my hometown right now recording my second album, but I’ll be in New York next week for a couple meetings, will you still be in town?”
Maryse was starting to get giddy at the idea of hanging out with Jack. Quickly texting him back that she would still be in town. “Send me your number and we can talk details later this week!”
"hopefully, not during bootycall hours" Maryse laughed when all Jack sent back was the facepalm emoji.
As soon as Maryse got his number she immediately texted him how she couldn’t wait to meet him properly and wished him a good night. Maryse went to bed that night with a smile on her face. 
Maryse was in the studio sitting behind a piano with her songbook beside and microphone in front of her. She slowly starts pressing her fingers against the keys and starts singing.
“No more second chances, chances, Always tryna take advantage, 'vantage. I can't give him no more chances, chances So I'd rather walk away. It'd be wrong for me to stay, 'Cause that means you got your way.”
“That sounded great Maryse, that should be perfect for the chorus. Let’s take lunch and come back with you hopefully having at least verse one done.” Howard, her producer said from the control room, giving her a knowing look and leaving the studio. 
Maryse sighed before pulling her headset off. She had verses written, she just felt like the song was missing something. Walking out the booth she grabbed her phone deciding to catch up on the outside world before she got back to work. 
Turning her phone back on, she noticed 2 missed calls from Jack. Maryse immediately started to panic. She was supposed to meet him for lunch 15 minutes ago. Maryse cursed out loud before quickly calling him back. 
Jack answered on the first ring thankfully, she spoke before he could even say hello. “Jack, oh my god I’m so so sorry. I’ve been stuck at the studio all morning trying to finish this song and I completely lost track of time! I understand if you never wanna speak—“
“MARYSE!” Maryse got silent as Jack cut her off.
She could hear him laughing lightly chuckling in the background. “It’s fine, I promise. I get it, I’m also in album mode.”
Maryse sighed in relief. She still felt like the biggest asshole. She opened her mouth to apologize again before Jack cut her off once again. 
“Don’t apologize again!”
“You didn’t even let me get it out!” Maryse exclaimed.
“Are you still at the studio?” Jack suddenly asked her.
Biting her lip Maryse replied that she was indeed still at the studio and would probably be for the rest of the day. 
“Well, I cleared my whole day out to hang out with you, so how about you send me your location and I’ll pick us up some lunch and I’ll head over there to you?” Jack suggested. 
“You’d really still want to hang out with me?” Maryse questioned. She couldn’t believe that she basically stood him up and he was still willing to meet her, even if it’s at the studio. 
“Yeah why wouldn’t I? Now, drop me the pin!” Jack hung up the phone before Maryse could even reply back.
Jack couldn’t wipe the smile off his face watching Maryse laugh at his story. “Wait wait, so let me get this straight! You walked into the school's auditorium, got up on stage and performed Fergalicious?!”
Jack nodded, covering his mouth as he chewed his food. “Yeah, I was grabbing my crotch and everything! Honestly, looking back I’m shocked I didn’t get in more trouble.”
He watched as Maryse started to calm down from her laughter. Wiping the tears that had fell from her eyes from laughing so hard. “God, that’s freaking hilarious! The only thing to do now, is to make that principle eat their words and make a song with Fergie.”
“That would be a dream come true.” 
“Manifest that shit, it’s gonna happen one day and I’ll be in the audience cheering my ass off when y’all perform it! I won’t even say “I told you so” Maryse said, giving Jack a smile. 
Jack returned the smile and reached over and grabbed her notebook on the table in front of them. “Now, your manager CoCo said I could only stay to hang out if I helped with this track so let’s see what you got.”
“It’s a rough draft so sorry for all the scribbling on the pages.”
Jack responded without even looking at her while still reading the lyrics. “You don’t have to explain anything to me.”
“This is really good, but I see what you’re saying about something being missing.” 
Jack watched as Maryse groaned in frustration next to him. “I think I’m just going to take a break and work on another song.”
Jack started shaking his head at her. “Absolutely, not. I think the song just needs a male perspective.” He reached in his pocket to grab a pen about to start writing in her notebook, before his pen hit the paper he stopped himself. “My bad, I’m just taking over. Is it okay if I write something?”
He watched as Maryse sat up and excitedly nodded her head. “YES! Go ahead!” 
Jack was surprised at how fast it took him to write his verse. After 15 minutes he was pretty much done. He got Maryse’s attention, who was playing around with some chords on her guitar. 
“You’re done already? That was quick!” Maryse questioned
Jack simply just shrugged. “I really like the song and relate to it, so it came easy to me.”  Jack walked into the booth and placed the headphones on and signaled for her to play the song. He loved hearing her raw vocals, so many artists these days used much autotune, it was a nice change. Jack started rapping as her chrous stopped.
Second chances they don't come, so I be real
Walking out on me is just a hard-to-swallow pill
Told her I would speak my mind and always keep it trill
But still I can't pull short, no, that was not part of the deal
I know how to be accountable for everything I've done
Do you wanna walk with me? Just say the word and you can run
Away from everything we built, oh yeah, I know I fucked up once
And it's bad, so I can't front
Guess I'll just smoke this blunt, yeah
Jack took the headset off and nervously ran his hands through his curls. Maryse had gone quiet and was just staring at him.
“Was it that bad?” Jack joked. He watched as she shook her head, seemingly coming out her trace.
“Are you kidding me? That was insane!” She made the mind blown motion with her hands. Jack could tell she was getting excited because she was bouncing on the tips of her toes and couldn’t stop talking with her hands. He wished he could take a picture of the expression on her face without her knowing. It was the perfect mix of wonder, admiration and astonishment.
Jack was happy he decided to visit her at the studio today. When she didn’t show up at the restaurant he was disappointed and a little embarrassed so he was glad that she called and explained what happened. Jack had a feeling Maryse Monet was going to become a huge part of his life.
“Hello, Jack! Are you listening to me?” Maryse questioned him with her hands on her hips.
Jack couldn’t help but think she looked adorable.
“Yes, now I have an idea…what if at the end of the track we ended it with me leaving a voicemail?”
“Shit, that’s fire! And you were definitely not listening to me.”
LIFEOFMONET just posted a story!
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AN: they finally meet properly! 🤭 let me know what you all think. The song in the chapter is called Second Chances by Kiana Lede (ft. 6LACK) amazing artists who you should check out :)
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fourseasonsfigs · 10 months
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Word of Honor Poster Figs
The poster ad for the show is too iconic to not have a set of figs celebrating it!
The fig maker spent a lot of care and time on this set. These are not easy figs to make - there's a ton of detail on the costumes, and the pose is incredibly dynamic. The fans in China seemed really happy with how these turned out, and once these arrived on my doorstep, I could see why!
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I'm really happy these figs arrived unscathed - there's so much going on with these I was worried something might get snapped off.
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The only two assembly pieces were Baiyi and Lao Wen's fan, which were fairly easy to tuck into their respective hands.
Alright, time to get into the fig pictures! Here's the full poster again for reference purposes:
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Dynamic indeed - just their hair alone!
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These figs are a bit larger than the usual - a typical fig is about 8 cm. To the top of Lao Wen's hair bun is 12 cm, and then add on even more for Baiyi.
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These figs actually stand up great. I was really worried about having them standing by themselves, just given the delicacy of the flowing hair, but the wide stance helps support them. The flowing robes do too, so even if they toppled back a bit the robe edges would catch them.
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This is not my favorite hairstyle of Lao Wen's - I like his wispies around his face! But I will say I did appreciate he had a few different hairstyles throughout the show.
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This is my favorite costume of Lao Wen's though!
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Look at those robes and hair flying. Amazing.
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I really appreciate how much detail the fig maker put into Lao Wen's red robe, with all the golden embroidery work even on the back. So nice.
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The red and blue contrast is just gorgeous. The costumes for this show were just brilliant all the way around.
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The detailing work on A-Xu's blue costume is rendered very well here too.
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The fig maker did a beautiful job on A-Xu's hair and face here. Really nice.
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Here's a pic of how they interlock a bit. I could have pushed them a little bit closer together, there's still a little bit of room in there before the flow of their costumes stop them. It actually helps make them more stable when they're interlocked together.
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Here's all the details on the underside. They're all completely modeled out, with their black pants tucked into their black boots. I like the extra effort of the white underlayer for Lao Wen's robes, especially given that you can't really see it when the fig is standing.
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The top front view of our two fighters. You can see A-Xu's sword mudra really well from this angle, and Lao Wen's blade hand as well.
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And the same view, from the back. I really like A-Xu's married bun with hairpin style!
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We also have a nice box card with the art here. I have the figs displayed just like this on my shelf, with the poster art behind them. They look wonderful!
Material: Resin
Fig Count: 492
Scene Count: 31
Rating: A dashing (and deadly) duo
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