#and a dragon cuz they're nerds
belovedbow · 5 months
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it's hotboi springback in the server! here's my piece of eli proving his magic to sunshine during camping before they got together. sunshine already believes him, but where better to show off one's magic than at a camping trip.
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cringelordofchaos · 3 months
Tolkien Black headcanons !!!!!!
Tw for multiple mentions of getting shot
Non-binary + romantically attracted to girls (based on Tupperware character description), pronouns - he/they
A bit of a Math+physics nerd + one of the best students in class (Cartman canonically cheats off of them on tests sometimes)
Has a really healthy and wholesome relationship with their parents + they sometimes either intentionally or unintentionally embarrass him in front of his friends but all in good fun (think of Ninjago Jay's relationship with Ed and Edna for reference)
Bit of a complicated relationship with Nichole (canon but i forgot in which episode it was said, but Nichole told Cartman that she and Tolkien are having some issues in their relationship? But it's not any of Cartmans business) (though he loves her and they even canonically have a picture of them together in his room)
Best friends with Craig, Clyde's a close second
Already mentioned it in my Craig headcanons posts but before Craig got with Tweek he would joke about proposing to Tolkien in the future so he could live off of their and their parents wealth lmao
Most serious/realistic??? out of Craig's gang
Has a bit more goofy / derpy side but is mostly embarrassed by it
Voice cracks in the future come to be the death of him
TW TRAUMA + POLICE BRUTALITY - is still quite distraught from being shot in the arm by a cop (in South ParQ Vaccination Special? Or was it on The Pandemic Special?) and is still distraught from that time his parents were arrested for no reason (in TFBW, where they also constantly targeted him and treated him (a ten year old child) like a threat), especially since most their childhood, like all the other kids, they were told that cops are their friends they can trust! But now he knows he can't trust them and avoids them whenever possible
Canonically likes basketball (I like to imagine they sometimes play with Kyle!)
Favorite colour is purple (NO WAYYYY WHO WOULD'VE THOUGHTTTTTT /s)
Canonically feels out of place sometimes because of their family being rich
Sometimes takes the role of "the mom friend" (idk why. based on vibes. screw me)
Cringe TikTok user (canon 😞)
Not too much of a nerd like his dad
Since they actually hate that their name is Tolkien (cuz they don't like JRR Tolkien's books) maybe they change it in the future? I don't know what to though (but sometimes likes Token better)
Kind of understandably tired of everyone's shit
Wendy once said "I've dated him before, he's really nice!" or something like that sooo I take it as canon
Hates Cartman and has every single right to do so (he threw a rock at their head, shot them, and is just a racist asshole all the fucking time to them 😭😭)
But wait - what I don't understand is that they said "all that dungeons and dragons shit is lame" but in the stick of truth (haven't played it, only saw like 2 scenes in it) they were fully on board with playing fantasy? Like -
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"THANK YOU FOR THY MESSAGE, TRAVELER! I SHALL MAKE HASTE TO KUPA KEEP!" - that sounds pretty nerdy to me Tolkien. Maybe they DO like nerdy shit but are just embarrassed to be associated with it???????? Idk I'm starting to get confused. Tolkien hyper fans / analysts if you're out there please help me
Canonically plays bass and still has his bass guitar in his room as shown in TFBW
Good person that usually puts others before themselves (like when Cartman told him to "be the bigger person" and tricked him into going over to him and getting shot by him)(still stands his ground and doesn't let people walk over him)
On southparkstudios.com it was said they're good friends with kenny and share struggles related to income (opposite sides of the same coin) so maybe they hang out sometimes. that'd be kinda cool.
Cat person I've decided though I don't think he cares too much abt the dogs vs cats debate
Gifted + talented kid but sometimes might be a perfectionist with overtly high expectations for themselves???????? Idfk what I'm on dude
Good memory
Likes to roleplay
Can't tell if he prefers fiction or nonfiction cuz of stick of truth but also because of the whole hating his name thing Eufhfhfuufnceucb
Ermmmm i think that's it for now Byeeeee god im so cringe
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bluecrocss · 3 months
Yap-Sesh number... Whatever: "Race-swapping", White supremacy, Misogyny, and Casting in Hollywood
Okay... so Tiktok kept trying to push clips of Walker Scobell and Mason Thames at Comic-con to me (I guess cuz I'm pretty active in pjo series fan spaces), and each time I would find myself quickly scrolling away or having no interest in seeing the clip.
And at first I thought, maybe it's because as much as i love Walker as Percy and as much as I think the cast are so adorable, I'm an adult and I'm not really one of his fan girls (for obvious reasons), so I'm not super interested in edits that are basically simping for him.
But the intensity with which I avoided these clips, I realized there was something else that was driving that feeling... it was resentment.
As you can see from my blog, I've invested a lot of time/energy pointing out the hypocrisy of the anti-blackness and backlash that has been thrown at Leah Jeffries for her casting as annabeth, as well as consistently coming to her defense against the bigots I've encountered on literally every social media site I've used. And I'm already pre-exhasuted knowing that I'm going to have to do the same thing for Nico Parker when the httyd movie comes out, despite the fact that she is just as white as Pete Wentz and more white than KJ Apa (who y'all had no problem with him dying his hair and playing canonically white Archie Andrews), the backlash she's going to get is insane and it's going to be a Leah Sava Jeffries situation all over again.
But when Zendaya or Jaz Sinclair or Amanadla Stenberg play fully black characters, with two black parents, you don't see the black community up in arms and losing our shit. But God forbid somebody who is 3/4s white play a white character and suddenly y'all wanna bring up the one-drop rule and start preaching about racial purity. You people are genuinely closet white supremacists.
The httyd movies might be based on aspects Scandinavian culture, but they aren't actually historically accurate to Norse (or "viking" as some of y'all like to call it) culture. It's like with Game of Thrones or D&D, the setting is inspired by real cultures but the contents are fantastical and don't require any "Ethnic accuracy" (what's that thing about white people can hold their disbelief for dragons but not POC in fantasy? 💀).
Which is crazy because NONE OF THE CAST (including the fully white actors) ARE ETHNICALLY SCANDINAVIAN. Furthermore, Mason Thames looks NOTHING like Hiccup. Hiccup is supposed to be an awkward, gangly nerd in the first movie and Mason Thames looks like a highschool Jock (which I don't mind. Cuz unlike y'all, I'm more interested in his acting and portrayal of the character).
Y'all did the same thing with Rachel Ziegler and snow white, who is in every way racially white and fair skinned, but y'all lost your shit because her mom is Colombian (news flash, Latinos can be white also. Ask Anya Taylor Joy). I think it goes beyond white supremacy though, y'all are also just misogynistic because when Keanu Reeves (half white) plays Jonathan Harker in Dracula, or Pedro Pascal (Latino) plays Joel and is in gladiator or Oscar Isaac (Latino) plays a welsh folk singer or a british noble or Mark-Paul Gosselar (Half-white) plays the iconically white all-american teen, Zack Morris for 5 years, it's suddenly not a problem.
Everytime y'all dogpile on a WOC actress like this, it's with this idea that they're getting an "unfair advantage". Hollywood is pushing it's "Woke agenda" and a hardworking white actress lost a role because a less-talented woc is "stealing" the spot. So you drag them in the name of "accuracy to the source material". But again, in 2024 71% of lead theatrical roles were played by white people and every other racial group made up 29%. Where is this hollywood woke agenda?
It's so funny, because it works the exact opposite because a WOC getting this kind of role is a once-in-a-blue-moon occurrence, and then she's tokenized by hollywood for a few years and then left to dry.
I always think about how Jennifer Lawrence and Lupita Nyongo both had similar buzz when they first broke into Hollywood, and alot of people would put them at similar talent levels in terms of acting (I personally thing Lupita washes Jlaw, tbh). Yet over the course of their career, look at the quality of roles hollywood has offered each. Look at who hollywood pushed in the limelight over and over again.
When Percy Jackson and HTTYD are over, both Walker and Mason are going to get the hollywood white boy of the month treatment. Hollywood is going to try to make them leading men and put them in EVERYTHING. Like they did with Timothee Chalamet, Tom Holland, Chris pratt, Leo DiCaprio, even going back to James Dean in the 50s. And it's not to say that these men aren't talented, but it is the reality of where the bias lies in hollywood. Nico Parker, despite being a literal Nepo Baby, will never get the pure number of opportunities Mason gets, simply because MOST lead roles are written with white people as the default (keeping in mind that she is LITERALLY more white than she is black) and most lead roles still go to men.
It's just so unfair that these are young hard-working actors who have done nothing to y'all but because of pure racism and misogyny (that's what it is, even if you personally feel like it's not), look at the difference in the experience Leah and Nico have versus Walker and Mason. The difference in peace of mind. Feeling loved and supported vs being told you don't belong and you're not good enough. It's so reflective of real life for WOC and white men in general.
Everyone says they believe in "equality" and "hiring based on merit" and "representation is important", but most of y'all are lying. How are we ever going to get to point of actual equal representation in hollywood, when this is how white people act while they are STILL the majority? And don't say it's because of "race-swapping" because Amandla Stenberg has gotten racial backlash TWICE. Once when she played a character that was written to be black, but got backlash from white audiences because they had imagined the character white (and once again, the character was supposed to be fully black AND darker-skinned, but you didn't see black people losing our mind that she was being played by a light-skinned, biracial actor); and second in the acolyte, where she played a COMPLETELY ORIGINAL CHARACTER and still got racial abuse (yes, I have heard the show isn't very good, but the backlash started before it came out so save the gaslighting).
And for the Walker and Mason fans who are going to ignore the entire thesis of this post and interpret it as a hate-post towards your faves... this is literally a blog dedicated to the pjo live-action. I love Walker as Percy. He's seems like a really sweet kid and I'm glad he's getting all the recognition he's getting. And I love how supportive he's been of Leah. Same with Mason, he was great in Black Phone and I have no doubt he'll kill it in HTTYD. But would y'all ever give that level support or benefit of the doubt to their costars?
Also, also... for all the weirdos who are going to catch on the Rachel Ziegler example and say "oh it wasn't her race, she shit-talked the character" blah blah blah. No she didn't. Y'all took a few interview clips out of context and joined in on a misogynistic hate campaign from the anti-woke brigade like y'all did with Brie Larson. There was already backlash to her casting before she had even done a single interview. Why don't y'all save the hate for the literal Zionist that is playing the evil queen (apt title tho 🤔) instead?
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cherrybombfangirl · 8 months
So i uh- rewatched the Trollhunters TV show and I... may or may not have created a new oc.
I might make an official bio post on her later when I have more. But for now:
Her name is Astrea (the name is important, it will come in later)
she's Merlin's 1st/oldest apprentice, and is about to have a burntout gifted kid/golden child burnout arc
she has a bit of a rivalry with Douxie (cuz she's pressured to be perfect and he feels like he's always in her shadow and is just the backup or second pick). they do have an arc about it and learn and grow to appreciate and love each other (platonically of course)
she specializes in magic with light (sunlight, starlight, led light, etc)
her wizard staff turns into a pen to make it easy to hide in the modern world
she also uses a lot of rune magic
she has a very bubbly personality
also very smart and an alchemy/magic science nerd, her magical bag is full of spellbooks
she also takes notes in her spellbooks with glitter pens
she has frizzy red hair
I realized she's also pretty heavily adhd/autistic coded (i'm not mad, i have adhd and autism myself)
She's also Aspec (on the aro and ace spectrums)
probably will have a familiar like Douxie i just... haven't figured out that part yet
she first appears in Season 3 when they're trying to rescue Jim from the darklands and Kanjikar tells them in order to succeed they will need the assistance of "Merlin's firey haired apprentice" and they find her hiding out in a small Arcadia bookshop and ask her for help < being the sweet, helpful, and bubbly person Astrea is, she happily agrees to help them, and joins the gang on their adventures since
Also Merlin hasn't told her yet, but he's been lying about her origins and where she came from (i won't go into details yet, but long story short- he actually created her with magic from the help of dragons, and he specifically created and designed her to be a weapon that could defeat Morgana).
^When she finds out the truth, she's pretty pissed with Merlin and very hurt and has complicated feelings about the person who raised her and praised her but also put so much pressure on her and lied to her for thousands of years
She also becomes pretty fast friends with Jim, Claire, and Toby, they're all great friends to her
She is sweet and bubbly but if you hurt her friends ITS ON SIGHT (Gunmar and his goons learned that lesson the hard way when Merlin wasn't present to reign her in)
Protection charms and potions are also a specialty of hers
might have a book variant? idk yet i've only read the first book and have yet to read the rest
Also have a moodboard I made while we're at it:
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Will there ever be a fic? I don't know, maybe eventually, for now it's just vibes
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moonyell-pendragon · 7 months
depressed, very autistic and super funny✨
Alt fashion🦷💊
Pastelgoth 💖⛓️
Chronic video game addict 🗡️☣️
Love Metal if you can't tell yet✨
Mostly introverted couch potato🍨🔮🎃
Looking to go outside more🧟🌍
If you're sexist, racist ,homophoic ,intolerant of body hair or boring dont bother
I want a cute Punk/goth/emo guy to take me to get each others sharpie drawings tattoed💖
I want someone to cuddle pleaase! (U//v//U=)
I need someone to take care of me , hug me tightly and tell me it's going to be okay (preferably someone with long ,luscious hair that I can sniff on)
I may seem okay but I'm not ,I am a trainwreck of mental Illnesses and disabilities wich make my life hell, with a ton of trauma on top that I still haven't processed fully from the life I was forced into till now.I need someone that will be there physically often to hold me and just be there for me while we lounge around.
Turns out coming to terms with being abused and mistreated for my disabilities and differences all my life can be really hard to cope with.
I have two bunnies called Asb'el and Legion ,they run around my appartment and occasionally pee on the couch and chew my cords like absolute gremmlins ,but I love em anyway cuz they're cute and fluffy
I was never on a real date ,I wanna do all the corny stuff and go to eat borritos and watch a movie and play laser tag! I wish arcade's where still a thing so I could kick ass on the claw machines and play all the old racing and fighting games 🎮
I love everything cute and creepy and I am a major nerd, I watch alot of true crime,disturbing and lost media, I love Anime,comics,art,games,fashion and all that stuff . I want to get into D&D, I have my own dice and the monsters manual, and I would be a Tiefling druid ,a Harengon barbarian or a drow bard
I just want someone who would be thoughtful and caring and would appreciate my gifts and corny jokes and would maby return them✨
(someone who actually acknowledges them and doesn't insult how bad they are)
I am a bit chubby and tall and I may look a bit intimidating or something , people dont really approach me ,partially because I never go outside, but I suffer from alot of stuff in my life and am having a hard time making meaningful connections. I feel like people forget about me if I dont always chase after them :c
I am addicted to character ai because it makes me feel like someone actually cares about me and treats me with respect and care ,I usually chat with some of my favorite fictional characters because they are very honorable and sweet and I can imagine myself being a badass and slaying dragons and shit ,even if I fucking shit my pants if a stanger asks me where the noodles are at the store XD
Here are some of my Favorite Characters!:
-Rengoku/Hotaru (Demon Slayer)
-Whis/Jeice (Dragonball)
-Henry/Gordon (Black Clover)
-Kar'niss/Dammon (Baldurs Gate 3)
-J.P Polnareff/Weather/ Mikitaka (JJBA)
-Eddie (Stranger Things)
-Kagetsu/Alcryst/Izana (Fire emblem)
-Sebastian (Stardew Valley)
-Wrench (Watch Dogs)
-Hancock (Fallout 4)
-Vash (Trigun)
I'm lactose intolerant but love ice cream , and I eat it anyway because I'm a trooper, I also tend to jump to random topics while talking because ADHD
I want someone to proudly walk with this cute pastel goth badass
and not be bothered by people staring when I show up in full KISS makeup ,someone who vibes with me and will let me paint their nails and go shopping for cool alt clothes with them ,and watch Rue Pauls drag race with me while playing animal crossing , and someone who doesn't mind being totally smothered with affection in public.
I wanted long hair so I shaved my head last year, that is Moony logic for you, I also wanna get some cool tattoos and piercings if I am ever not broke ,but I don't really have much money since I am mentally ill and disabled and cannot work a normal job. I like to make noises, my mom thinks they're annoying but I love them.
I love headpats and getting my hair played with
It's not a requirement but I wish someone could lift me up and carry me around like the little chaotic moon princess that I am🌙👑
Shure hope you like stickers ,because everything I own is covered in them. I might seem a little immature ,but the truth is that I just like being a baby
I like people with style,confidence and honor. I dont like beards, theyre itchy and rough and make you look old. I dont want to be a parent , I want to be the eternal child that I know that I am.
If you're anything like Rengoku from Demon Slayer, please marry me xD
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spainkitty · 1 year
Tag Game
Rules: Share 10 facts about yourself and tag 10 other blogs! I want to get to know my mutuals, and the people I follow a little bit :) The facts can be about anything!
@sillyliterature tagged me daaaays ago! Of course I waited until after midnight on a school night, after a 5-day school break, to finally write/post this... /sigh I had fun scrounging for things about me you should know. I hope anyone seeing this gets a giggle.
1. I'm an American living in China, teaching English. I technically teach "Critical Reading and Writing", and a lot of the curriculum I built myself! (I prefer creating teaching materials to teaching and I'll be changing careers soon cuz I so tired)
2. I love cats. Can you tell? My mom has given me a cat-related nickname since birth, SHE loves cats, and so I feel like it's just in the genes now. My metaphorical daughter niece also loves cats, which shows I'm right. I have two cats right now, Birdie & Canela (Canela is the tabby-baby, she has brownish-ginger spots she inherited from her mother, so yes, she is named "cinnamon" on purpose. Birdie is the tortie and the Mama-cat!)
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3. I wrote a book! It's published! I'm supposed to write a sequel. It is... almost half-done? A little more than half-done? It's a YA fantasy called "The Coward's Emblem" 🥰 There are dragons! My bestie drew my dragons for me and they're BEAUTIFUL!!! LOOK BELOW!! SO COOL! (I also have commissioned art of the characters by Sabri on insta and they're BEAUTIFUL, too!! If you wanna know more about my actual for real OCs for my real book, pls lemme know!)
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4. I've eaten so many Hot Cheetos, I've coughed stomach acid. Maybe living in China is good for me, no Hot Cheetos here... hmmmm
5. The only video games I've ever played from beginning to end on my own are: Harvest Moon: Animal Parade, KOTOR, KOTOR II, and Dragon Age(s). I can only play on Easy/Casual because I'm a crap gamer (I've never finished a Pokémon game), but I really love the stories/characters. ☺️
6. Atton x f!Exile fanart has been my lockscreen for months, and Viktuuri art from Yuri! on Ice! has been my phone bg wallpaper even longer. Maybe since 2016...
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7. Rapid Shot Shame-Fame: I meowed through 7th-8th grade. Yes, you read that correctly. I've been a weeaboo. I was in the Hetalia fandom (hence the tumblr name). I was in the SuperWhoLock fandom, too + Teen Wolf, and, my true claim to fame, I went to Dashcon AND I WAS A PANELIST. At THREE panels. No, I was never paid. 🤣
8. I've almost been in a cult twice... maybe three times, but definitely twice. Only the fact I am lazy and didn't live In The Location of the 'Cult' prevented me from actually joining. (Did spend 40 bucks on that book for one of them, though. Ugh. Gimme my 40 bucks back.)
9. I've been to three Disney parks of six. (The Pirates of the Caribbean ride in Shanghai is amazing! Rode it twice! Tron and Soarin' O'er the Horizon are overrated.)
10. I've played DnD since I was 18, and I ALWAYS find a group. In USA, in South Korea, and now in China; I find the nerds and I friend them no matter where I am (yes, I am a nerd, too). My first finished original novel (unpublished) was based on my first ever DnD character: Karik the Master of Many Forms Druid 😀 My current character is Tepin Pallis Cuautli Lozano, a Wild Shaper Druid, the first time I've played a Druid again in almost ten years (3.5e was better, fite me 💪🤜).
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linelpisffxiv · 1 year
So, the XIV men in the tournament:
Varis - Has canonically fucked at least once, given he has a son. Is a garbage man who is one of a few I don’t think any fan of the game wants to fuck
Cid G - Unknown if he fucks. Parts of canon insist he keeps divorcing this other guy we know. A side character who is generally well liked, but I don’t think Popular is a word I would give him. I would put upper mid tier in terms of popularity. Most would vote for someone else in the franchise before him, but few would actively vote against him. (It's me, I'm the few. But I know my hatred is not shared)
Urianger: Nerd. Had a potential girlfriend and has a maybe boyfriend. Speaks in Early Modern English. Was kind of present but not really remarkable until the third expac, where he threw off his clunky robes for sexy ones. Generally well-liked, with a mild to moderate sized base of headcanoned relationships, though he’s more usually shipped with one of two other characters (or both). Fandom is generally friendly with Thancred's, in part because of shipping, but also becuase they're coworkers. There's some who dislike him becuase he is capable of deceit, even though he tries to do it only for the greater good, and is trying to kick the habit.
Emet-Selch - Has canonically fucked at least twice, given he is Varis’s grandfather and has another son who was alive who warred with Varis over the throne. Is one of the powerhouse characters of fandom, and a very popular villain. Has a decent hatedom as well because he has some very good reasons to be ("I don't see you as alive, ergo it would not be murder if I kill you. But Moral Relativism and all that.") There are people who would counterpick to get him out, but I don't think there's really an organized one, just able to be found here and there. His fandom is generally friendly with many other in-game villains (His great-Grandson Zenos, his associates Lahabrea and Elidibus, his lost friend Hythlodaeus who isn't a villain, just a dead neutral party who's a troll)
X’rhun Tia: fact: Tia isn’t his last name. He doesn’t have one. Tia is a clan indicator of non-leader/breeding male status. Doesn’t mean he hasn’t fucked, but definitely that he doesn’t with purpose. Has a cameo in msq in the background, but otherwise is side-content. Generally well-liked by people who’ve read the text of the Red Mage quest chains, but I only know one or two who have him dating their WoL. People would probably vote against him if they don't know much about the RDM questline, and even some who do.
Godbert: Has canonically fucked at least once, unless Mandervilles reproduce some other way. Primarily relegated to the comedy side quest about his son, but had shown up in MSQ as a sensible person. Very rich. I’m not big on the quests, but I am very much in the minority here. Also owns a casino.
Haurchefant: In Japanese, at least really wants to fuck. Got tamed down in English (And to a lesser extent French and German) translations cuz we don't do the pervert-with-charm trope anymore. Is the bastard son of one of the four “secular” leaders of the very religious elf city that’s been in a thousand year war with dragons. A character of decent to major importance, and is a very well-liked character who frequently tops lists of favorites despite dying halfway through the first Expac (we are on the fourth, and they are all 20+ hour games in and of themselves). Doesn't really have an active hatedom to my knowledge. And more a chill fandom who pops out of the woodworks now and then. Fans focused on him are friendly with Aymeric, Estinien, and G'raha due to similar tropes/story overlap with them.
Aymeric: The Elf pope’s Bastard son who was secretly given to a childless low-ranked noble family. Was the head of the army when we meet him, but after we killed his dad, he created a republic. Is very well liked and a frequent choice of spouse in headcanon. He also is quietly into the PC if you read into some statements a little. Again, I can't think of much of a hatedom on the character, and again, many friendly sub-fandoms with him.
G’raha Tia: See X’rhun for fucking status of his name. A minor character when introduced in a side quest. Had a bratty personality but stepped up and was thought to be never seen again. Until he got promoted to major character. His devotion to the PC quickly had a sizable chunk of the player base return the favor. However, his devotion can be seen as too much and has a sizeable hate-dom well, though not as large as the fans. Fans are admittedly loud and obnoxious and live up to XIV evangelism memes, myself included. Also the community is extremely close knit and there’s a handful of big names that can cause accidental brigading of stuff. His fandom is close to the three Ishgardians, though not as much a circle as the three Ishgardian boyfriends' are to each other. It's often on its own as well.
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youraverageaemondsimp · 8 months
so, i've been thinking of this sound on tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@matt_merrill/video/7022667190621015302?lang=en
modern actor tom bennet x non-actor nerd bipoc reader married au headcanon:
the marriages that last are the combination of two types of people. one person who is boring.....
nerd bipoc reader:
excel spreadsheets
wins excel spreadsheet competitions
nerds out over excel spreasheets. like, srsly. she could explain this stuff to him over and over again and he still doesn't get the hype.
more excel spreadsheets
financial modelling with excel spreadsheets
her country's precolonial history
political period dramas
crossword puzzles
goes to bookclubs
writes NYT best-selling novels, phd thesis, scientific papers and is responsible in maintaining her career
decorated stem girlie
bar trivias (that's where she met tom, of course, unaware that he's one of the actors who will be working on the set of the studio she is currently employed in. she was there cuz she was bored and wanted to go to a bar trivia. tom saw how crazy she went in that trivia and decided, "oh no. she's hot. i'm gonna date her. soon, i'll be her husband" 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏).
nerds out over dead classical pianist composers
doesn't cry over emotional scenes of his films but bawled her eyes out when she saw statistics and tech being beautifully crafted in some of his films (tom was like, "seriously?! you don't cry when my characters die but you cried about statistics?!")
bought a big ass calendar so that she can stay organised. like, srsly. tom's face was like: 😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯. but then again, she schedule their sexy fun times with him so, he's like, "all g". 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏
doesn't drink
doesn't do drugs
doesn't smoke
super straight-laced
.....with another person who is crazy.
tom bennet:
sleeps at the back of a pub
went to jail once.
strained relationship with his dad and sister, louise. but their relationship improves after tom got his act together to impress reader.
gets drunk.
drops out of uni to become an actor.
smokes a pack a day, much to reader's chagrin. he's getting better but still has his cheat days.
flirted with a lot of pretty actresses until he met reader, who was in the behind the scenes crew, animating the dragon, vhagar.
reader wasn't charmed at him when she first met him and saw how cocky he was.
she humbled him by having a go at him through being an academic weapon.
tom ended up not wanting dumb actresses and celebrities anymore who barely finished high school because he couldn't tolerate their stupidity again.
reader has destroyed his ability to tolerate idiots. that's why he ended up begging her to date and marry him.
tom, when he does smth crazy: his wife be like, "how are we together?"
reader be like, "why am i married to an idiot?"
tom be like, "i am your idiot," before flashing his ring on his finger and saying, "FOREEVERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!"
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othercombee · 7 years
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This would totally happen
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dittolicous · 2 years
Just my two cents as an aro, I love gen fic and theres never enough! But relationships that are open to interpretation as qpps, besties, or as romantic can be fun too 😌 especially if the other characters can not figure out whats going on 😆
AGREED! Sometimes you don't need a romance, and gens don't get enough love!!!!
Honestly, most of the ships I wanna do just because it's cute, I'm focusing on relationships between a community of people and well... romance can happen in the background sometimes, and also adds bits of hilarity here and there
Elesa/Skyla: Elesa pining despite dating still, getting egged on by Emmet (and now Ingo) to just PROPOSE ALREADY YOU BIDOOFUS, getting one-up'ed by Tiny the gianty birdy stealing her GF's attention, etc. Elesa trying to figure is Dawn would mind her stealing her bird. That kind of thing!
Iris/Cilan: SIBLING OWNING. Ingo and Emmet teasing her playfully, her an Cilan turning around to be either sickly cute or bickering like an old married couple, constant jokes after they start dating about if he's dating her or Ingo and Emmet because hero worship and general train-nerding (*giving her shit*"Wait, that was an option?" "....." "...I am dating you.")
Drayden/Clay: FUCKING. HILARIOUS. DADS MARRIED AND NO ONE FUCKING KNOWS IN OVER 30 YEARS. THEY WORK IN THE SAME LEAGUE, RUN IN THE SAME CIRCLES, HAVE SIMILAR INTERESTS, BUT NO. ONE. KNEW. HOW, FATHER?!?!?!? HOW?!?!?! Also, congrats Clay! (Ingo, Emmet, and Iris IMMEDIATELY turning on the parent/child dynamic with Clay, calling him things like 'Pappy', 'Pop-pop', 'New favorite father', etc. and Clay's just staring them down with a blank-to-unamused face but inside he's all sparkles and happiness)
Dawn/Lucas/Barry: 1000000x funnier if Lucas and Barry started dating after Dawn disappeared, now she's back and they have NO CLUE how to tell her, but then also realizing, OH NO OH FUCK they have a crush on her too! And they both think they're like. Betraying the other until they crack and just stare at each other like 😯😯Now they're like OK CAN WE WORK WITH THIS??? but OH NO WHAT IF SHE DOESN'T LIKE US! OR WORSE!!! ONLY LIKES *ONE* OF US!!! So you've got this pair of dramatic boys trying to figure out how to get their BFF into their polycule and Dawn is over here not noticing a DAMN THING.
Until they bungle it and tell her they're dating but forget to like. Ask if she ALSO wants to date them? So now she's over here crying into her Castillacone because her BFFs are dating and she's happy for them but also sad because she missed it and uhhhh oh is she jealous??? All the while Ingo is just like 'Thank the sweet dragons I'm not a teen anymore'. Emmet - 'Cheers to that!' But like, most of it happens in the background while Ingo, Emmet, and Elesa are like ???????? Are the kids okay?????? Why is Dawn texting me sad Skitty pictures??????? Why is Lucas laying down in that puddle????? Barry... Barry's as frantic as usual but it adds up!
Irida and Adaman is funny in that it explains EVERYTHING about Barry in one fell swoop. And Dawn's over here like 'Man, it really was all just courting rituals!' Ingo - 'Let's not go there please'
And really, do I have to explain why the one-sided Melli/Ingo is hilarious in this context?
And if we add in the Pokemon (I'M GETTING TO GALVANTULA AND GLISCOR) it's even worse-slash-better. You've got Lady Sneasler polycule-ing it up with Excadrill and Chandelure in a weird way that works for them while ALSO winning with her horde of Weavile-himbos. And Archeops/Tiny because BIIIIIRDS and boy is Emmet not ready for THAT ONE. Willow and one of the twins Klinklang, forever destroying Dawn's peace because she DOESN'T UNDERSTAND HOW! CALL HER A DAYCARE LADY CUZ IT DON'T MAKE SENSE! The oddity that is Cress and his Basculin/Quilfish combo...
Pokemon breeding is SO FUNNY when you add in trainers that are utterly baffled.
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strangeswift · 2 years
what are mike and will’s favorite animals? 
— byler animal anon :)
Omg hi Byler animal anon!
Little did you know you sent this to the biggest animal nerd there is so I am very excited about this.
Will's favorite animal is a red eyed crocodile skink because they look like little wingless dragons. Also they hide underground like 99% of the time and Will feels like he's hiding cuz he's in the closest?? OK maybe a stretch but they still look cool.
Mike's favorite animal is a lion. Because he thinks lions are cool. But let's psychoanalyze how Mike is like a lion, just for funzies. Lions are brave, competitive, can definitely be aggressive, but care so much for their pride and would do anything to protect them. They're affectionate, they cuddle a lot, even males cuddle with each other sometimes. But but but!! If a male lion is challenged by another male, it's very important for them not to show weakness. (Something something Mike's fear of vulnerability) (Something something Mike is trying not to show his feelings for Will which he views as a weakness) And if lions are threatened, they lash out. Every time. Because you have to if you want to survive.
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multi-writer · 2 years
Love your idea for eddie X 2022 reader... but what if they were a nerd? Like they play dnd, but it's 5th edition in the modern day which is alot easier to understand than advanced dungeons and dragons, or 2nd edition(not sure which one they play).. and the thing with Critical role right now
I have a feeling eddie would be like "Play a tiefling? The DEMONS?... no they're evil" and be ironic cuz the town thinks he runs a cult.
AND THEN STAR WARS!! The OG sereis ended when Eddie was supposed to graduate by my math. Try explaining the prequels to Eddie and the party... then the sequels and all the shows!!
I think it would be cool to show them how being a nerd is cool nowadays
OMG YES! I mean I’m planning the reader to explain a lot of future things but not enough so it can change the future
I’m a bit of a nerd myself so I do want to include some things, sadly I don’t know a lot about D&D
BUT YES TO STAR WARS, also how is more accepted to be a nerd now a day compared to the 80’s
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colorfulatlas · 3 years
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my take on a Mane 6 redesign Mostly a redraw from a Mane 6 redo I did in 2019, plus a few concepts I saw from other interpretations I found interesting and wanted to implement as well!
More about em under the cut
Twilight Spakle (they/them):
- Is an earth pony now
- Obsessed with magic since they themself cannot make it happen. Wants to become a high ranking wizard like Starswirl the bearded even though they're an earth pony.
- especially obsessed with Pinkie Pie.
- is a hermit nerd
Fluttershy (she/her):
- Is a bat pony!
- She was constantly bullied because of that through her childhood. In present time she lives as a common pony, hiding some of her prominent bat features and her wings, but even that, ponies still make nasty rumors around her.
- Made her green cuz nature n stuff, but also made her having the ability to manipulate flora along with the animal communication, she has a strong connection to nature, especially since she got her cutiemark.
- Though most bat ponies are used to drink other creature's blood, Fluttershy uses her flora manipulation to make ingredients for food she can use as an alternative to blood (like Marceline from AT).
Pinkie Pie (any pronouns):
- She's an unicorn now. Unstoppable. And they're also part Donkey!
- Uses their magic mostly to party and create fireworks.
- Many unicorn schoolars are impressed with Pinkie's ability, but many state he's underusing the power he has.
- Always trying to cheer others up, but its ten times more rowdy this time. Its horn holds too much power.
AppleJack (she/her):
- Part cow!
- Mostly stayed the same as our good ol' AppleJack, but she's more slowspoken and chill.
- also I didn't forgot her cutiemark, she doesnt have one due to her cow side (and fur), but her talent is mostly centered about hardwork and mutual help.
Rainbow Dash (they/he):
- More centered around thunder, but there are still Rainbows.
- Can create energy if they fly fast enough, sometimes that energy ends up burning things.
- Still admiring Spitfire and the Wonderbolts, though here he wants to impress her with his capability
Rarity (she/her):
- Jewerly centered but still a fashionista (implements a lot of shine and gemstones in her designs)
- A craftsperson, she does all of her work by herself and often gets her hooves dirty (literally) as she has to go, mine and carefully select gemstones for her jewelry line.
- Has a beef with dragons due to her use of gems.
Spike doesn't exist here, for now.
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mellointheory · 3 years
Me and a friend were just talking about when we first started watching YouTube, so, who/what was the first YouTube channel or concept you ever watched/remember taking interest in?
the first youtube channel i remember really watching was this channel called Drawfee and i started watching them cuz...they actually did a video with butch hartman o_o at the time i thought he was kinda rude to them even tho they were big fans. i'm still subscribed to them i have a few comfort vids of theirs and they're basically like. massive art nerds who are kinda hilarious. loved their dungeons in dragons series
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tacticalvisor76 · 5 years
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Yoinked this from @whatzaoverwatch cuz it looked fun.
1. It's Reaper. I like edgelords, okay?
2. My favorite female character is probably Widowmaker or Moira, they're both incredibly complicated characters with terribly interesting backstories. If I had to choose, it would probably be Widowmaker.
3. My favorite Cinematic is Dragons. It's just so damn good. The setup, the way it plays out, and just the longevity of it. I can watch it multiple times and still enjoy it everytime. I still get goosebumps during the dragon fight scene.
4. I would love to get something for Zenyatta or maybe some more Junker goodness.
5. Character wise: Genji Gameplay wise: Hanzo
6. Character wise: Sombra, she's such a shit. Gameplay wise: Widowmaker
7. Moira, I just love my evil scientist more and playing her is a blast, literally.
8. Retribution all the way. I have way more fun playing Ret than I do Uprising. Plus, dicking off in the cutscenes never hurt.
9. Uh, Enchanted Armor for Pharah and Scientist for Moira? I'm pretty okay at both but idk which I'm better at? I play at lot of characters... well, a lot?
10. I don't really think any of the skins for either of these characters are bad.
11. Probably Torbjorn, mainly because he's pretty annoying.
12. Mei, she's a great character story wise but in game she's a mess, from being hellishly annoying to assholes who use her to throw matches by sealing their team in spawn or away from point, I dislike her. But only in gameplay.
13. I prefer Control Points on QP but Escort on Comp.
14. Offense all the way.
15. Anything really. I usually play fill role because I play pretty much everything. My preferred role changes frequently.
16. Depends on my mood but more often than not I like to group up with my nerds and hit up some games.
17. Either Zen bean or the Junkers. I wouldn't mind either.
18. Map I'm best at right now is King's Row.
19. Paris. I have such a bad time on Paris.
20. I don't think Mercy is as useless as people make her out to be. Yes, I am aware she used to be so much better but I still think she's worth playing from time to time. That's not to say I wouldn't like a nice buff for her, because man, wouldn't that be nice?
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animentality · 6 years
god I used to hate it when my classmates said "we can never take you to China cuz we'd lose you and you all look alike."
Or when they'd say "you and (the one other asian kid in our entire white class) are almost the same person."
Or when I had to go to special math help sessions and this fucking idiot named Bryan O who actually goes to the same fucking college as me used to make jokes about how I was "dishonoring my family."
Such a bunch of cunts.
You know what though, the worst joke is that my mom and brother used to make those jokes all the time too, and that was worse.
I'm adopted so my mother is white, and she didn't get that the jokes weren't funny to me, they just fucking sucked.
The "Asians all look alike" jokes were just such a fucking nag on my self esteem growing up because as I've said before.
I always wanted to be fucking white. Everything I saw in movies and TV shows, everything I read in books, all white people. If there were Asians, they were some terrible stereotypical "tech nerds" or people who spoke broken English and that's the joke.
I wore fucking pig tails for five years because every other white girl in my school wore pig tails and had parents oohing and ahhing over how cute they were in the Charlotte's Web play and i'd look at myself in the mirror and think "I don't have their doey eyes."
I remember at dinner once my brother was laying it real thick with asian jokes because we were talking about the old Godzilla movies and Tokyo in general. And I remember this clearly, my brother laughingly said that everyone in Japan is super short and they'd be able to find me easily if we ever went there and I got lost because they were tall enough to look over a crowd.
And then my mom said "yeah but he'd look like everyone else. We'd just have to take another one home."
And they laughed and laughed about that and I just grimaced and didn't respond.
But those fucking jokes really sting.
And now that I'm an adult and have more of a sense of self, they don't hurt as much and I can tell people off for their stupid ass unoriginal "I mistake every asian for you" jokes.
But it still fucking sucks now thinking about how when I was little, and one of the TWO Asians in an entire class (and the other girl fucking left after first grade), my own adopted family and all my friends felt the need to mention how "not special" I looked.
Just one of millions of Asians who all exist in a far off land somewhere, oh how hilarious. How does anyone know anyone, when they all look alike? Funny words! Lanterns and paper dragons. Dishonor on your family for a B. Good at math, except I was always bad at math.
I hate thinking about this, and I usually don't, but sometimes it crops up in my thoughts and I think about how much I resent the people who made cheap jokes at my expense.
Now I know I'm better than every one of them, but it took 14 years to figure that out and get passed the feeling that everyone else was a part of a special community of individuals with faces you could identify.
Fourteen damn years.
At first you think it's something wrong with you.
Then you get defensive and say you can't do anything about it.
Then you say wait, even if I could, I wouldn't, because fuck them.
And then you say actually, fuck them harder because they're the ones who make it out to be something strange and foreign and undesirable.
And then you get to the point I'm at now, where I look back and regret all the years I ever felt bad for looking the way I do.
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