#and a custom suit for another cosplay which is more fun
theafrochick · 2 months
I've got $80 in my bank account but the demons say I should buy books.
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14dayswithyou · 9 months
💖 Slight 14DWY + Blog Changes! 💖
Leon will now move away from Corland Bay when he’s 10 years old. Originally, I never really put that much thought into it because it won't be explicitly mentioned in the game, but I figured I might as well make it more accurate now ^^;
Teo is now 26 (instead of 27). Again, zero thought went into this aside from wanting a wider range of ages for the cast — but now I want him to be closer to Jae and Violet’s age — especially considering they were all childhood friends and Violet was in the grade below them.
Elanor is now 30 and Kiara is 29. In the 2017 version, Elanor was originally the eldest sister, but it just didn't feel right to change it in the 2020 version. Day 3 will still be lore accurate, but everything on this blog will need to be retconned.
14DWY Purple (unofficial) will now be changing from #A14BF4 to #9D64FD.
Not a change, but adding more clarification: Angel will still attend university (and Jae and Teo will still be their university friend), but whether or not they enrolled will remain ambiguous! Day 1/2 kinda insinuates that they studied something ("Teo attended some of their classes"), but I wanted it to imply that they could've attended orientation and/or took "mock classes" after high school to see what it's like as well. I may change a few lines in the demo (in the future) to reflect that.
I'd like to (hopefully) try to remind everyone that whenever I write about Angel on this blog, they are gender neutral. Because if my ass had a dollar for every time someone assumed they were female because of the cutesy/pink themes or how "soft" I made the MC, I'd have enough money to fund voice actors, translators, custom soundtrack, and pay the $100 Steam fee /hj
Changed the crackpot theory tag into an actual tag!! About time sdghjdg
Also not a change, but to solidify Haruko's appearance + Ren's likeness a bit more... Haruko is supposed to be an anime character with pink/blue hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. He's a modern day "sorcerer" (a reference to JJK, not a literal fantasy wizard lmao) from an anime called "Attack on Giants" (another reference to "Attack on Titan"); and is very kind, ditzy, and empathetic. All Ren has copied is his hairstyle, vibe, and demeanour. Ren isn't outright cosplaying Haruko, and it'd take an avid anime enjoyer to notice that Ren is attempting to mimic Haruko.
I'll make a poll one day, but I might change Ren's left sleeve tattoo to the spoiler-free placeholder I used in this artwork. A lot of people seem to prefer it, but I'll wait until the poll to make any final decisions.
I might also make another poll to see if perhaps a new BGM theme would better suit the demo. Because in my mind, the "summer/beach location" = acoustic guitar (rather than piano) — and for some reason I get lo-fi vibes from 14DWY??
I don't think anyone has picked up on this subtle shift yet, but Ren will mainly use "he/him" over "he/they" now (since Haruko is a he/him enjoyer 👍). [REDACTED], however, will still greatly prefer "they/he", and will continue to use them interchangeably.
21/02/24 — or search through Obsidian. (Future Sai here.... I have no clue what this means???? What??? T_T)
I'm gonna cut down on the Teo and Ren bullying on this blog (and in general). I don't find it fun anymore, and it genuinely upsets me when people put down certain characters to make others look better (i.e. "Ren has no ass which makes Leon superior >:)" Just say you like Leon... I beg T_T). It also makes me doubt whether Ren is genuinely a good character or not, and it's gross seeing y'all tear down people who genuinely enjoy Teo. Be kind.
Eventually, I'd like to turn this meme into an event in the 14DWY Discord to help create an actual landlord for Day 3. The current landlord has always been a meme-y placeholder (I thought the idea would be funny), but looking at how the game is currently, I want 14DWY to be more "serious". The current landlord will eventually be turned into an easter egg!!
Whether or not Jae had bottom surgery will now remain ambiguous. Everyone is now free to headcanon whatever they'd like, so long as it's not offensive or too OOC.
From now on, I'll also try my best to remind everyone that Jae is gay and Kiara is lesbian. I tried not to bring it up frequently because I was afraid it'd come across like "being gay" was their only defining personality trait, but I'm tired of people sending in asks that don't apply to these characters ^^;
I might move all of the curiouscat questions to this blog and archive the account. It's becoming too much of a hassle for me to manage 3+ social media accounts sgkshjj
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In The Coffee Shop
Summary: You work in a coffee shop and preparing the special of the month starts something you’d never thought would happen at your work place.
Pairing: Sharon Carter x Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff x Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Dubcon (sex pollen), smut, oral sex (m and f receiving, m and f giving), fingering, anal
Word count: 4.6K
A/N: This is my entry for @tinymalscoffee 400 follower writing challenge. Congrats on that milestone and thank you for hosting this challenge! I chose the prompts sex pollen and coffee shop AU. The graphics I used are by the amazing @firefly-graphics
It was, surprisingly, a slow morning in the coffee shop. Well, maybe not that surprising. There had been a warning for an extreme weather phenomenon and judging by the lack of customers in suits, several of the big employers had for once decided to not force their employees to come into work during this. You could already see the dark clouds forming on the sky.
The bell above the door rang and in came a red head with shorter hair. You didn’t look up from the flat white you were preparing and put some chocolate powder on it when your colleague yelled to you to get started on a double espresso. The flat white was done and snatched up by someone who visibly thought himself a hotshot, and even more visibly, wasn’t. Probably why he was out, to show his unwavering dedication to the company…
Then came the red head into your line of view directly. She was beautiful. And your hands trembled when you pushed the cup over the counter to her.
“Here’s your coffee, ma’am. Enjoy” You were surprised you were able to keep your voice steady.
“Thanks. Sugar is…?” Her voice was beautiful.
“To your right, ma’am.”
She smiled. “Do I look that old?”
“N-no, miss” You felt yourself get hot in the face.
“Don’t worry, just pulling your leg.”
You smiled at each other. Her smile made her even more beautiful. She nodded once more to you and then went to find a seat in the farthest nook of the shop. Your shift went on like usual after that.
Some days later, you had the afternoon shift. Your favorite. There were mostly students chatting about their lectures and during ordering, they were the nicest of customers and even chatting with you and the other baristas about their own side jobs, often in other cafés like yours.
This time you were on the register. Because of the influx of customers, you didn’t register the black-haired man and the blond one next to him until they stood directly in front of you.
“What can I get you, sirs? Our feature of the month is the flat white and the blueberry muffin.”
“I’ll have a latte macchiato and one of those blueberry muffins. Sound delicious.” The black-haired man grinned at you.
“And for you, sir?”
“Just a black coffee, thanks.” The blond one smiled.
“Right away, just wait for it over there.” You pointed to the end of the counter.
“Thanks” The black-haired one smiled. “So, Steve about that idea for Veterans Day…”
A week later, right at noon, a blonde woman and a brown-haired man came in. You were just finishing up an americano when they came over to you and you caught a snippet of their conversation: “… but knives-“ Said the blonde woman.
You had expected normal talks about work or whatnot. But not about knives, and apparently that had shown on your face.
“Don’t you scare the lady that’s granting you tea, Sharon!” The man said and smiled at you.
You smiled back as you gave them their tea and coffee and they smiled back. Like customers and employees smiled at each other.
Days later, when you were on table cleaning duty, your eyes swept over the customers’ heads. There was that cute couple that had had their first date here. You had no idea what number date they were on, but they were clearly progressing. The redhead putting her hand on the hand of the other woman after she put down the cookie she just broke in half.
The next table already had drunk their orders and the crumbs on the one plate in front of the brown-haired man signaled them being finished.
“Can I clear away?” You asked.
The brown-haired man and the redhead woman nodded.
There was even more traffic than usual in the morning today. Some conference was happening near you. And it wasn’t the fun kind for comics or books or games or a combination or all three with people in cosplay and sometimes, literally, screaming about who they saw and who was gonna be where and what they wanted to do and fandom discussions you got way to invested in for the fact that you were working. No, it was some business conference. It meant even more suits and even more snatched drinks without so much as a glance. It shouldn’t have bothered you, but it still did.
On one table though, there were two blondes and a black-haired man next to them. When you yelled out their orders, the blonde woman came up and took them with a genuine but tired “Thanks.” It was the first thanks you had heard that day by a customer.
When you went to do your cleaning rounds and came to their table the black-haired man and the blonde woman seemed to be dozing. The other blond smiled to himself. You took the cups and remembered how they all had wanted a double-caffeine shot.
“Thank you very much, ma’am” The blond man said.
You looked up at him, aghast. Thanking customers were one thing. They made your day. But this? This much manners? Calling you ‘ma’am’? Wow.
“O- of course. You’re welcome.”
You came out of the back room and had to grip the doorframe to hold yourself up. Your head was swimming.
“Hey! … okay?” You heard a voice in front of you.
You clenched your eyes and opened them again.
“Hey. You okay?” The blonde woman came into focus.
“I feel … weird…” You mumbled.
“I’ll take a look” The blond man said and went to the back room. A few minutes later, he came back, carrying a tray with a coffee grinder and half of the beans already ground.
“Did you just work on this?”
“Yeah… it’s… it’s our … special feature … the coffee with … with our special… home-ground beans…” Speaking was hard, you slurred, but somehow you managed while the blonde woman stroked your back.
“And you prepared them for tomorrow?” The redhead asked.
You nodded.
“Right, there was an ad about the new monthly feature” The brown-haired man mused.
You nodded again.
The blond man bent over the tray and took a whiff.
“Steve, no!” The black-haired man shouted.
“That’s been a losing battle for decades now, Sam” The brown-haired man sounded almost resigned.
“It smells a little weird.”
“I don’t smell anything” The redhead said. “But if you sense something, it must be there. Probably not strong enough for her to pick up.” She nodded to you.
The brown-haired man stood up from where he sat and went into the back room. He came back shortly after and pinched his nose in what seemed disbelief. “I think I know what it is. And all of us already inhaled it.”
“What are you talking about, Bucky?” The blonde woman spoke up.
“There were rumors about a substance that could be both used in liquids and in air to heighten sexual arousal. At the moment I don’t yet know who exactly produced it or why they need this and I also don’t know who ‘they’ are but the rumors I could listen to years ago when they were slow with wiping me, apparently led to something.”
“So, ‘they’ isn’t Hydra?” That was the redhead.
The guy shook his head.
“So, what happens now?” The blond man, Steve, asked.
“Most likely, all of us will go more or less crazy unless we…” Bucky scratched his neck and trailed off.
“Getting ourselves of by ourselves isn’t an option?” Sam wanted to know. “The whole thing would be weird if it was just people we knew from work, but she” He pointed to you. “doesn’t know us, we don’t know her and besides introducing ourselves, there won’t be much getting to know each other.”
“I know your orders, but that’s about it. I can’t even tell if you have a routine for which you need caffeine, because you all came in at different times and all the time” You mumbled with a tight-lipped smile.
“They say something about ourselves, right?” The man who was called Steve.
You nodded and looked at the blonde woman. “You have someone British in your family.”
Now Steve. “You want something simple. Maybe you don’t care for all the special things coffee shops have, but maybe, you’re also overwhelmed by the sheer amount of choice.”
The one called Sam was next. “You want something sweet but unlike others, you don’t want it contrasted with a drink on the bitter side of the spectrum. You want something toned down. You don’t need another stark contrast.”
“You” You looked at the redhead- “want something strong and sweet. Always. It’s both a pick me up and something to calm down but stay energized.”
“And you, ordering a black coffee but with caramel and peppermint syrup. There are people who order one of the two syrups in their coffee. Maybe caramel and hazelnut together. Peppermint on its own. But caramel and peppermint? That’s very unusual.” That was the last one of the group.
As much as they looked stunned, you looked proudly at them.
“How do you know I have someone British in my family?” The blonde woman seemed a little lost for words.
“Tea in this shop is either ordered by people who wanna seem fancy but not too fancy to hinder their career or by people who have an emotional response to tea. That’s why we sell almost no tea when there’s a conference, even to those suit-wearing people from around here who normally order one.”
“But how?” The one called Sam wondered.
“If you know all that just by our drink orders and we’ll probably have sex with each other tonight, we should probably know each other’s names, right?” Steve said.
You nodded. “I’m Y/N.”
“I’m Steve and this are Sharon, Natasha, Sam and Bucky.”
You shook their hands and looked them in the eyes when their names were called and they smiled at you. You shook hands with people you barely, if at all, knew and who you were going to have sex with in probably a few minutes.
“Is there somewhere where it wouldn’t be that uncomfortable?” Natasha asked.
You nodded and led them to the very back of the shop, right where Natasha had once drunk her double espresso.
“The first time I came in here, you made the coffee and I went to this nook. You make a mean double espresso.”
“How do you remember that one coffee?”
“Because the first time it wasn’t you who made it, it didn’t taste as good.”
“Oh. Thanks.” You smiled; the barista part of your ego needed that and getting that compliment from someone like her, was an added bonus.
“May I?” Sam asked and untied the apron, now working on your shirt and you nodded.
Your clothes went one by one, slowly and when you were just in your underwear, you saw the others had taken off their clothing as well, except Sam of course.
You looked at Sam and when he smiled at you, you took off his clothes, first the sweater, then the pants.
Someone took your hand and you looked to your right to see Sharon pulling you with her on the couch. She put her hands on your cheeks and slowly kissed you. Her lips moved with yours and left you breathless when she let you go.
You felt someone on the other side of you who rubbed your waist. Turning your head, you saw Steve who looked encouragingly at you. He kissed the junction of your shoulder and neck. You could feel his chest pressing to your back and leant into him.
Suddenly there was something cold on your left leg and you flinched away, only to be stopped by soft hands.
“Sorry” Bucky mumbled and when you looked down you saw him massaging your leg with his hands, one flesh, one metal and you couldn’t help but think of how his metal hand would feel between your folds.
On your right leg were Natasha’s hands, massaging, kneading higher and higher until you felt her between your folds. She rose up until you could feel the tip of her tongue when you heard Steve say: “Nat, wait a second.”
You tore your eyes away from Natasha and saw Steve push a pillow under Natasha’s knees. She turned her head to give him a quick smile of thanks and then licked a stripe on the junction between your vulva and your right leg and then on the other side. Her hands had left your leg to hold you down at your hips and not too soon, because as her tongue was on your vulva longer than a second and she moved around, licking up and down your lips, your body bucked into her mouth on its own.
Sam moved behind Sharon, pressing himself into her, pushing her on you and both of you a little more into Steve. He somehow got his hands under your butt, letting his fingers dance over it, rubbing all the spots that you didn’t even know would make you moan. And then, he removed one of his hands. You just heard a wet pop and felt Steve’s forefinger at your hole.
You tried to nod but in that moment Natasha inserted two of her fingers in your channel, and already, you could hear your wetness. So, instead of a nod, a moan escaped your lips and that was the non-verbal “Yes” Steve needed and he pushed his finger in.
Your mouth, still open from your moan, fell open even more and Sam traced it with his thumb. You moved your head forward a bit and closed your lips around it and sucked. You wrapped your right hand around Sam’s wrist to keep his hand where it was and linked your left hand with Sharon’s. You could feel her thighs next to yours on the couch moving. You looked at her. She had her eyes closed, whimpering into your neck.
“Y/N, hold her hip” Sam ordered.
You moved your hand from his wrist to her hip and Sam held her other hip. He moved forward and Sharon whined when Sam sank into her.
“Good?” You asked her.
She smiled lazily at you and nodded. You rubbed her neck and with each thrust of Sam, he squished her and your chests together. You angled your head a little to easier to kiss Sharon. You traced her lips with yours, she traced yours with hers when you pulled back for a second. She caressed your cheekbones with her thumbs and only when you opened your lips a bit further, did she use her tongue. She poked yours playfully, you poked back and could hear her giggle that traveled straight to your core. You entangled her in a light dance until you both had to breathe.
You leaned against each other, foreheads touching. You felt Sam moving his arm but couldn’t see where it went. You just noticed Sharon jolting and looked down to see him rubbing her clit.
“Baby, open up” Sam purred and pulled down your bottom lip with the thumb of his other hand.
You parted your lips immediately.
A second later, Natasha pulled her fingers from you and held them up in front of your face. She scissored them a bit and you could see your wetness between them.
“Oh, yeah” He chuckled and removed his thumb from your mouth to a whine from you but that turned into a moan when Nat pushed her fingers into your mouth. You moved your tongue around, tasting yourself on her and maybe, just maybe, putting on a little show for her.
Steve kissed your shoulder blades, your neck, your collar bones while he moved his finger in you.
“Ready for the next one?”
This time you could nod, and you did.
“Alright” You could hear the smile in Steve’s voice.
He inserted his middle finger alongside his forefinger slowly and gently. He waited until he felt you relax and suck on Natasha’s fingers again. Just enjoying the feeling of being full and you felt your pussy clenching around nothing.
Now, you felt Bucky moving up a little. He looked up at you through his lashes. He massaged your tummy, going in circles until his hands gripped you were Natasha had had her hands. Bucky dove in, kitten licking your pussy and Nat’s soft hair was one thing between your thighs and definitely something you’d enjoy later when you were alone, even if it was just a memory, but Bucky’s shorter hair combined with his stubble was something else.
You couldn’t help but put your legs over his shoulders and link your ankles.
“Good… so good…” You moaned. Natasha had pulled her fingers back by now and kneaded yours and Sharon’s breasts.
“Yeah? What exactly feels good, baby?” Sam purred as he thrust into Sharon.
“Nat’s… Natasha’s fingers… and Steve’s as well” You could feel Steve’s grin on your shoulder blade and his fingers thrusting a bit deeper. “And-“ Bucky’s tongue entered you, going back and forth, in and out and you clenched around him.
When he pulled back for a moment with a grin, he said: “You were saying?”
You swallowed thickly and summoned your will to answer him. “Your beard! It feels so good on my thighs, never had one between them before…” You moaned again.
“Then I’m honored to be your first” He winked and dove back in.
He continued right where he left of. His tongue fucked up into you, his hands pulled you down onto him and soon your hips were basically riding his face. After a very pointed movement of his tongue, perfectly timed with Bucky squeezing your hips while pulling you down again, made you come undone. Your pussy spasmed around him, your mouth opened and your eyes closed.
You couldn’t hear anything, you couldn’t move anything but when you came down back to earth, you could still feel your pussy spasming. Apparently, you had gripped Bucky’s hair at some point and carded your fingers through it and scratched his scalp to ground yourself. But that plan backfired. Your scratching of his scalp made him purr. Understandably because having your scalp scratched was nice but after such an orgasm it was too much for you and you whimpered.
Bucky moved his metal hand to cup your pussy and the pressure of the plates without much structure plus the coldness soothed you and you sighed.
You felt several hands stroking you, calming you down and Sharon and Natasha kissing you.
“All good?” Steve wanted to know from behind you.
You nodded and turned your head to kiss him, moving your tongue against his.
They all pulled back a bit, Natasha and Bucky sitting back on their heels, Sam pulled Sharon from you and leant back and Steve removed his fingers and while you still felt Steve’s chest at your back and Sharon’s thighs next to yours but other than that, nothing.
You whined at the loss of contact and of the confusion until Steve lifted you up by your waist.
“Spread your legs, love” He commanded softly, and you did. As he lowered you down, you could almost feel his thighs under yours and the tip of his cock at your spread butthole.
“Then breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Steady, okay?”
You followed Steve’s advice and you felt him slowly inch in. He stopped every few seconds, letting you adjust to it all until you felt his hips digging into your butt.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and slowly leaned back, until he laid flat on the couch with you on top of him. He rubbed your arms
Bucky climbed between your and Steve’s legs, holding his dick and looked to you for confirmation. You made grabby hands and he chuckled.
Bucky bent over you and looked you in the eyes. And he continued to hold your gaze as he entered you. You couldn’t have looked away if you wanted to.
“Wet. So warm and wet” His eyes were screwed shut and he leaned his forehead on your collarbone.
Natasha moved to your head and you moved so your head was on Steve’s shoulder. You put your hands on Nat’s hips and pulled her down until her clit met your lips and she hissed on contact, while facing away from Bucky. She slowly began to ride your face and you moved your tongue a bit to touch her.
Seeing Natasha in this position, you below her, your mouth on her clit, her using you for your pleasure and her stiff nipples and her breasts moving made you wish for two mouths. You wanted to taste her but at the same time, you wanted to suck and bite her nipples until they were swollen and she’d push you away because it felt too good.
Bucky and Steve held you close, sandwiched between them, their arms around you and each other and when they started to move, they moved in unison. They made you feel almost completely empty and then full again and Bucky rubbed your clit with his left middle finger and forefinger.
That was the moment Sam softly took your left hand from under Bucky’s and Steve’s arms. Sam wrapped it around him and started moving it up and down. When you looked to your left, you saw Sam, but you also saw Sharon looking straight at you as she quickly rode Sam’s thigh. She smiled and reached out to stroke your forearm.
You were so glad Sam helped you, because on your own, you wouldn’t have been able to do something. The stimulation of Bucky’s slow and deep strokes that hit all the points in you, Steve grinding and keeping you close, Sharon’s touches a contrast but at the same time not to it all, the heat of them around you, Natasha on your face and moaning. It was all too much.
Natasha rode your face rhythmically, you licked and sucked on her until the rhythm she had built stuttered, her moan broke off and her legs twitched. You could see her bending forward to rest on her forearms.
Sam moved your hand along him, he squeezed your hand around him, lessening it a bit when he came to the tip and twisting your hand around it.
You moved your right hand from under Bucky’s arm and put it on Natasha’s hip to stabilize her. She moaned at the contact and the moan morphed into a whimper when you switched from using your tongue to nipping and sucking on her with your lips.
At the same time Steve gripped your hips and used what leverage he had to chase his release and soon you could feel him cumming with a groan. After the last spurt, he pressed you to him.
The slightly new angle seemed to trigger something in Bucky. He started rutting arrhythmically in you. With each thrust, he bent over you a little more until he effectively blanketed you with his body. Bucky softly rubbed and pinched your clit and you clenched around him. He stopped moving and you heard his growl as he started cumming in you.
And then you felt like you were floating up and away from the earth.
For a short time, nothing.
And then you felt like you were floating back down to earth.
You could feel your pussy still spasming, although now around nothing, and you could hear voices. You couldn’t discern who said what.
“Hey. Hey! … Oh shit, I think that was too much.”
“Too much of what exactly?”
“Of everything.”
“That wasn’t me, was it? The weight of my body?”
“Don’t think so.”
“Hey, Y/N. Hey. Come back to us.”
“Oh, good, you’re back. Thought we’d lost you there for a second.”
“You probably did, but I’m back now.”
You were maneuvered to lean against the back of the couch and just breathed in and out a few times. When you calmed down and got your beating heart a little more under control, your eyes fell to Sam’s cock, which still stood at attention.
“May I?” You asked and looked at him, at his cock and back at his face.
Sam just nodded and that was enough to lick long stripes up and down, only sucking on his tip for a second before you went back to the base of him and massaged his balls until you could feel him twitch. You waited until the last second to put your mouth on just his tip and sucked.
You continued sucking on Sam, letting him buck up his hips and swirled the tip of your tongue around the slit until he couldn’t take it anymore. Sam came and spurted in your mouth until he literally tore your mouth off his dick. You swallowed and grinned at him like a Cheshire cat.
You turned to Sharon, and this time, you pulled her on the couch. You pushed her back until she laid on her back. You moved down her breasts and tummy with little kisses and bites. You ignored her whimpers when you neglected where she visibly wanted you the most in favor of her thighs. You altered between nips, kisses and bites that would leave a memory for a few days, until you reached the junction between her legs.
You pursed your lips and only moved them over her. When your mouth was back at her entrance, you flattened your tongue and licked up until you swirled your tongue around Sharon’s clit. First in bigger circles that went smaller and smaller up to the point where you sucked her clit in your mouth. You continued sucking on her with alternating pressure until you could feel her twitch and buck her hips into your mouth.
Each time Sharon bucked into you, you made it a point to get closer to her, until she couldn’t take it anymore and came. She whimpered, she wailed, you could see several hands stroking her body, soothing her and you felt her thighs shake next to your head. After some time, her thighs stilled and you gently uncrossed her legs and took them off your shoulders. You licked your lips and grinned at her.
Sharon only nodded with a smile.
One day after this one-of-a-kind night, Natasha came back in the morning and left with a little black container under her arm and a double espresso to-go.
One or two weeks later, you had the day shift and were solely on coffee making duty. Your coworker had just told you the next order and it was a big one all at once.
“Latte macchiato, one blueberry muffin, black coffee, double espresso, black coffee with peppermint and caramel and a black tea!” You yelled out.
Someone came up to you and you recognized Sam.
“Good to see you” He winked with a smile.
“Not like I work here” You retorted with a smile of your own.
“Buck! Help me carry all these things!”
Bucky came up and looked at you. “Hey. Nice seeing you.”
“Surprisingly, I work at the place that I also call ‘my workplace’” You deadpanned.
Bucky let out a dry laugh. “Yeah, should have expected that.”
They both took half of the order in their hands and went to walk to the table where the others were sat. Although you couldn’t see the entire table, you knew exactly who sat at it, just from the orders.
Sam turned his upper body to you again. “When do you get off work?”
“In an hour. Why?”
“Wait for us here?”
“Who is ‘we’?”
Sam only winked and he and Bucky went to their table.
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inkabelledesigns · 3 years
Sam and Jan’s Apartment - Nightmares are Reality Sims
So as of late, I’ve had a LOT of ideas brewing for yet another Bendy fic, and in some of my planning for it, I’ve built one of the locations in the Sims 4 to use as reference. It’s been busy at home, and I needed this to relax, so I’m glad I took the time to do that briefly. You may have seen my previous post about Nightmares are Reality, but if you haven’t, here’s the short version: Samantha Lorenzo from 2021 and Sammy Lawrence from 1946 wake up one morning with their bodies switched, and now both have to embrace the other’s friend group to not only find a way to get back, but also stop the inevitable fate of the studio staff as shown in the novel Dreams Come to Life. There’s angst, there’s fluff, and it get pretty rough, but there’s so much to play with for this story. 
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Come with me, and let’s dive into Sam and Jan’s apartment!
So first, we gotta talk about Sam and Jan themselves. Samantha is the curly haired one, and Janet is the one in the hat (she wouldn’t be caught dead without one). Unfortunately the Sims does not allow me to change heights (and I don’t have a mod for it), but imagine for me if you will that Jan is significantly shorter than Sam. I did not have a ton in mind in the way of colors for them, but together their wardrobes have a LOT of red and black, with a little white and tan thrown in. I have Sam with the lifetime goal of being a successful author, which falls in line with her love of storytelling in modern media. Jan on the other hand is a songwriter and musician that’s still trying to find her path. The two met in college and graduated not too long ago, and now they’re both hunting for work (which Janet has part time when the fic begins). 
In addition to them, we have their cat, Figaro (named after the cat from Disney’s Pinnochio, Sam is a nerd like that).
Now, we move onto their apartment!
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I chose the 1020 Alto Apartments lot for this, which came with the condition of the Romantic Fireplace that I can’t remove. But I added on Home Studio and Great Acoustics so they could bump up their skills a little easier. This is my first time playing with a lot challenge, and that is Spooky, which makes it so ghosts will come over now and again, which scares the crap out of both of them. And uh, funny story...
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The ghost of Joey Drew was the third one to come, and he was VERY angry when Sam met him. X’’’D I did not see that coming, but now I kinda want to make more Bendy ghosts just to see if they pop in. Would you guys be into that? I mean Depths Henry is a ghost, so I probably SHOULD make him. 
At any rate, let’s look at the layout. Bear in mind, I am not phenomenal at building houses, much less apartments, but I think this worked out. 
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It opens up into the kitchen, which is filled with all the essentials (these ladies are big on their caffeine). Currently I headcanon that Sam cooks while Jan cleans, but Jan is the better baker out of the two of them. Sam also likes to have fresh ingredients, and while I can’t do a window box on this lot, I can have some indoor vertical plants.
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There isn’t much of a separation between living room and kitchen, but this is the living room! Some stuff is for playing with (since I actually play with my households now and then), like the dancefloor, but others are for actual use. They use a record player to listen to jazz and other music, and the furniture would be all mismatched like that (they were broke college kids, gotta sit on something, right? probably got it from a bunch of garage sales). The photo setup is something they use, but it belongs to their friend Vincent, which brings me to the first bedroom.
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I haven’t made these two as Sims yet, but Sam and Jan have another duo living with them, Jess and Vincent, who are a couple. Jess is a makeup artist who often experiments on her friends, and she hopes to get into the makeup and wardrobe side of the cinematography scene. Vince on the other hand is a photography and film guy who’s an absolute sweetheart. Those two share this bedroom (Jess had more of a say in the decorating, Vince is pretty easygoing about the aesthetic). 
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I had to make sure there was a special corner for Jess’ makeup stuff, she’d want space to move around. The mirror is also something she loves, and they all borrow it a lot. Why?
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Because of this creepy room nextdoor! X’’’D So I just learned mannequins are a thing, and I can dress them however I want, so I put some in this pretty much functionless closet. (Though the two masculine ones have been glitching in a way that turns their heads a little at certain angles, and it creeps me out a LOT) This is the cosplay closet, which mostly Jess and Sam use, but all four of them have some numbers in here. These four are a cosplay group, mostly for Bendy, but for other fandoms too. Jess likes going as Twisted Alice (heavy special effects makeup, go figure), Vincent likes Henry and Joey (he likes scruffy nerds and suits), Janet dresses as Jack Fain (though she’s also done some gender bends of other characters), and Samantha (as I’m sure you’ve guessed by now) is right there as the Sammy for their group. If I can ever learn how to work with custom content, I would love to have a cosplay for each of them on these mannequins, but we’ll save that for later. These nerds are absolutely the types to play around with cosplay photos and tiktok videos, I’m sure they duet often. XD
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We have some bathrooms, which are pretty self explanatory, but then we have Janet’s room. She is big on the posters and loves having her instruments right there and ready to play. She plays guitar and piano, but I may have her pick up violin down the line. Both of them have the geek trait and are prone to playing videogames more often than not, but Jan is mostly found playing her music. 
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We have a small corner of the hallway for the cat. And then last but not least: Sam’s room.
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This is Samantha’s creative space. Much like my space, when she’s working, it gets messy. She loves turning on some jazz while she writes, and while she’s crafting. I gave her and Jan the knitting supplies, since I don’t really know how else to simulate sewing for these characters, and they also have some clutter. Sam has one additional mannequin in her room, and she’s into figures, so there’s one of those on the desk. Her closet and bathroom are pretty simple, but that closet is gonna be really important when we get into the story, you’ll see why later.
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As always, I have their Sims up on the gallery, along with the apartment, in case you want to play with them for yourself. Just note: because of how apartments work in this game, it’s uploaded as a room, so you’re going to have to fill some walls in and add doors if you want it to work like an apartment would (and you can totally turn it into a house if you want to, you don’t need to have 1020 Alto if you wanna use this). Just search for KatAlystDesigns in the Sims 4 gallery! I’ve also uploaded a few other houses recently, including the DCTL cast for my BATIM mermaid collection, and Buddy’s mother and grandpa. 
I had a LOT of fun putting this together last night, and it’s given me a much better idea of how I want to work with things for this narrative. Bear in mind, Sammy’s the one who’s gonna have to live here and put up with it, so having these details established is gonna help me to make the fic go smoother. I may tweak some things, like actually using upper cabinets in the kitchen (which I always seem to forget about), but we’ll see. XD Either way, this was a good exercise.
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I hope you’re all looking forward to exploring these two and their story as much as I am! As a quick final note, I actually have a blog set up for Nightmares are Reality to mimic the one Sam has in the fic, and I’m thinking of using it as a somewhat RP, somewhat fic and content delivery system for the story, so if you’ve got thoughts on that, or stuff you’d like to see, do let me know! Here’s wishing you are all wonderful day!
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alexadru · 4 years
White Knight - Pay & Play to Win (Fate Grand Order edition)
Weiss had often wondered what made Ruby waste so much of her time on her scroll and when she had asked the question one day, her leader had simply shown her.
Fate Grand Order. 
That was the title of the mobile game Ruby was sinking at least a couple of hours a week. Time which she could have spent improving her grades and becoming a better leader. The young girl was the face of team RWBY, after all, and Weiss would not settle for less than the very best.
That said, she did not have any particular complaints about her progress over the months, but she disagreed with all the time she was wasting pointlessly on a silly game. 
A fact which she voiced without any restraint and which incurred another childish (in Weiss' opinion) argument between the two girls.
Ruby: "It's not childish! It's based on the greatest heroes from Earth's history, their stories and it has many life lessons. Plus, it's fun."
Weiss simply shook her head at the absurdity of her argument. She found it hard to believe that some fictional characters and their half thought out stories could ensnare people into playing that game for hours.
Ruby: "Why don't you give it a try first before you say it's childish? I bet you'll change your mind."
Another absurdity uttered by her partner, but, against her better judgement, Weiss, decided to give the game a try. If nothing else, but to prove Ruby wrong. 
After an entire week and a lot of wear to her scroll's battery, Weiss would have an epiphany and would, begrudgingly, agree with Ruby. This game was fun.
From the intriguing story, the likes of which Weiss had never seen or read to the beautiful art of the characters, the heiress could say she was hooked. She continued to play regularly, enjoying the experience as she continued to make progress through the story.
Weiss had not reached the point where she would spend money to get certain characters like she had heard from Ruby that some players did. That was until she saw him and she literally fell in love.
After spending a substantial portion of her allowance to get him when he was in the gacha, her joy could be heard across campus as she literally screamed like a fangirl when he answered her summons.
Her object of adoration? The servant Saber, King Arthur. He was everything she dreamed about. From his kind, loyal and slightly playful attitude to his charming, soft looks which made her blush every time he'd give a smile when she would level him up.
These were all traits that she had voiced quite often to her team, which was present in the room on the day the Weiss alarm rang for the first time. Weiss talked so casually about the game these days that it showed just how much she was sucked into this world.
One Saturday, as Weiss was farming like mad for materials to make her prince perfect, Ruby said something that changed her perception on life.
Ruby: "Hey, Weiss. Don't you think that Arthur is kind of like Jaune?" The girl commented as she busied herself leveling up a well known red Archer.
The innocent remark was met with the heiress looking up from the device abruptly, ready to refute the claim and defend the knight. However, Weiss stopped short to consider her words for a few moments. Moments which turned into seconds which then turned into minutes. Her eyes widened as if she reached a revelation. 
Ruby... was right! 
Abruptly, she jumped on her feet and walked out of the room with hurried steps. The rest of team RWBY heard her knock on JNPR's door. It opened moments later.
From the other side, Jaune had answered with a bit of apprehension. It wasn't often that someone would knock so loudly on his team's dorm room, except for Nora when she'd forget her scroll. What he didn't expect to see in front of his eyes was the familiar figure of his former(?) crush which he was trying to move on from with little success.
Jaune: "Weiss? Is everything alright…" The boy didn't get to finish as her hand grabbed his wrist, earning his full attention.
Weiss: "Come with me for a bit!" 
Unable to resist, he was dragged away by the small girl. Weiss had surprised him by how strong her grip was as she led him somewhere. The poor boy was caught so off guard, he couldn't do anything.
30 minutes later, Jaune found himself in the changing room of a store. It wasn't an ordinary store, however, but one that specialised in cosplay. Outfits belonging to famous fictional characters were sold here and for some reason, he found himself ready to change into one.
Of all the places in Vale, he did not expect the girl to bring him here. Nevermind the fact that she had given him an outfit and was told to try on, something from a game Ruby played if he remembered correctly. 
It was very unusual from the normally serious Weiss he knew. Still, he begrudgingly started undressing and putting on the outfit, having a new-found appreciation for the people who enjoyed cosplaying.
Weiss waited outside the changing room for 10 minutes, her mind a jumbled mess of thoughts. All ranging from curiosity about how Jaune would look to her slightly panicking that she acted so out of character and dragged him without giving a single explanation.
Looking at her feet she considered her thoughts about the boy and found that she didn't know how to feel about him. Given what occurred in the last few months, Weiss genuinely didn't know the nature of their relationship. She never thought of him much before and only recently started noticing him.
Her head snapped back up when she heard the door open.
Jaune had exited the changing room looking awkward. His steps were hesitant as if he didn't know how to walk properly in the extravagant armor. Oddly enough, despite having more layers on him, he felt a lot more exposed as if a lot more eyes were on him. Which could very well be the case, the store was huge and packed with other customers.
In his personal opinion, when Jaune checked himself in the mirror before exiting, he found that the look suited him. The blue went well with his eyes and while the silver armor was not that special, the gold accents brought everything together, matching his hair as a bonus. 
However, he looked nervously at the girl who had dragged him here. Jaune didn't know why, but he felt that she had done this for a reason and while she didn't share that reason, he hoped that he didn't disappoint her.
Weiss was quiet. Almost unusually so, despite her normally verbose self. She had seen the boy exit the changing room, donning the clothes she had picked for him and her mind came to a halt.
Baby blue eyes danced around, drinking in the sight of Jaune cosplaying the prince of her dreams. The boy who had both annoyed her the most and had been the kindest to her.
Weiss: "Jaune, would you smile for me, please?" She requested quitely.
Jaune: "What?" He didn't have a good feeling about the situation. Not with how quiet Weiss was being, her previous scrutinising gaze only adding to his nervousness.
Weiss: "Just… just give me your best charming smile."
And her weird requests kept coming. Jaune was smart enough to not question them, so he did as she requested. He tried to smile once, but it felt shaky, so he stopped, took a deep breath and tried again, his thoughts on how the beautiful girl in front of him made him feel before.
Weiss' breath hitched in her chest as she looked at him. It was impossible how well he fit the look. Everything from the blonde hair, his tall and lean physique to his boyish face was a near exact match to the Saber Servant. The only discrepancy was the eye color, deep blue instead of aqua. No less perfect in her vision.
Her face burned.
The old saying turned out to be true. The clothes did make the man and in this case, they made Jaune into her dream.
Jaune: "Weiss?" He stopped smiling and was a bit worried that she had yet to say anything. 
His words seemed to have been a wake up call as she acted almost immediately. Abruptly, her small hands pushed Jaune back until he was inside the changing room again. The surprise gesture made him trip and fall on his butt inside the small room.
Weiss had followed him inside with no hesitation. After closing the door, she wasted no time in straddling him by sitting in his lap and giving him a deep, hot kiss, catching him completely off guard.
They broke it off after nearly a minute. The two panted as they struggled to regain their breaths, Weiss managing to do so much quicker.
Jaune: "W-weiss? Why di…?" To say he was shocked was an understatement. This went beyond anything he expected to happen when she had dragged him with her.
Weiss: "Where have you been all my life?" Her purring voice nearly made him melt from all the affection it held.
Jaune: "I-I've literally been asking you out for weeks." Did she really not notice him all those times?
Weiss: "Nevermind that. What matters now is that we're here and we can do whatever we want." To prove her point, she had wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned forward until her body was pressed completely against his, feeling everything. She pressed her forehead against his, the intense gaze in her eyes sent shivers down his spine.
Jaune: "I think I need an adult…" As freaked out as he was by her gesture, he could not deny the butterflies he felt in his stomach or how hot his cheeks felt. Weiss Schnee had kissed him and it made his heart start a marathon in his chest.
Weiss: "I'll make a King out of you." With a slow, sensual lick, she wet her lips and captured his again. This time, her fingers went through his hair as she got lost in the sensation. Weiss nearly moaned when she felt his hands on her slim waist, pulling her closer as he began reciprocating.
They continued like this until the staff found them and kicked them out for indecency. Weiss managed to somehow buy the outfit anyway, though. 
Now they simply walked around Vale with the heiress hugging his right arm to her body closely and leaning her head against it. The boy blushed all the way, but remained quiet. 
The day had only begun for them.
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tsukuyomi-e · 4 years
31 days AU challenge
That may interest some people here, so I’ll copy paste my custom prompt list I did for Inktober 2019 ! :)
Hello ! I didn't know what to draw for Inktober and didn't want to do the official list... I didn't find any list I'd like to do (maybe I'll do a goretober someday), but I felt like drawing some alternate universe, so I did my own list ! So feel free to use it, just don't forget to credit me and notice me, so I can see what you drew ! Or what your wrote, you're free to do it in any media you want :D Also you're free to do it with one and only character or with 31 different characters, or more if you draw several characters a day, or less if you draw a character multiple times :) You can do it with your characters or a character from a show/anime/manga etc :) (If you want to use someone else's character, ask permission before !) And of course you can use it for any 31 days challenge, and not only for Inktober :D And if you can’t finish it or keep up the pace, it’s okay, you’ve done your best, so stop or take your time and continue later or slowlier ! :) If your character already have an official version of an AU, stick to the official version or do your own ! If your character canonically fits to one of these AUs (so it's not an AU anymore...), you have solutions : - Draw its normal version - Have a free space and choose an AU that is not on this list - Do one of the AUs on this list twice, differently if possible - Stick with the trope but do it different as the normal one - Do the opposite of the trope - Any other solution I didn't think of, this prompt list doesn't really have rules ! So here is the list ! 1 - Different hairstyle Longer, shorter, curly, straight, tied, untied, braided, shaved... You can also have fun with facial hair ! 2 - Butler/maid If it doesn't fit your character or feel too outdated, feel free to draw them as a cafe waiter or a bartender instead :) 3 - Artist Your character is now an artist, be it a musician, a painter, a photographer, an actor... Draw them in action, do they do it alone or are they famous ? 4 - Pokemon Draw them with a pokemon that would fit them, or even with a whole pokemon team ! You can draw them as a pokemon trainer if you want, or they can stay with their usual outfit. If you're really not familiar with Pokemon, you can still draw a cute scene with a Pikachu, or at least search a pokemon with a type, with a color, or based on an animal that would fit them. If you really don't know, I can help you :) 5 - Mermaid/Merman Of course you're not forced to stick to fishes, you can mix a human with any aquatic creature if you prefer. 6 - Younger or older / Future or past 7 - Japanese traditional clothing If being a ninja, a samurai, or a geisha would fit your character, it's time ! But Japan is not only those cool types of characters, you can just dress them in a simple yukata, or choose an elaborated type of kimono from a precise era ! 8 - Modern There are other modern AUs in this list, but what would they usually wear if they lived in our world ? 9 - Hot springs More a situation than an AU... But still pretty cool, and depending on the world your chracter is from, they may not have an easy access to it ;) 10 - Angel/Demon Choose one... Or do a mix ;) If your character is already one, it's time to switch ! Unless you want to keep this option for role reversal and race reversal days ^^ 11 - Role reversal/change If you draw, that may be quite difficult to show, so if possible change their looks in consequence. Try not making them too much OOC (there is an OOC AU later), though this change may affect a bit their personality. If you don't have ideas, just make them changes sides, heroes become villains. 12 - Pirate 13 - Suit Be it for an office worker, for a CEO, for an important party/dinner, for a marriage, for a crime syndicate leader... Make them wear it ! Of course for girls (or crossdressers~) it can be a women suit or a pretty dress, any way it's formal wear, choose for which occasion ! 14 - Cosplay Your character dressed as any other character, be it from its show or another ! 15 - Animal As an actual animal, as a furry if you prefer, or with animal parts only like ears, tail, wings, scales... Be careful with this last one, because there are mermaids, werewolves, angels and demons and yôkais days ! Or you can draw them with a pet if you prefer. 16 - Genderbend 17 - Chinese traditional clothing 18 - Sports Your character as an athlete ! If they already do a sport, you can make them do a different one ! 19 - Cross-over Your character is now in any other show world you know ! What would their role be, their powers, their outfits... That's different from the cosplay category, because they would have their own outfits and would have been born in this world :D 20 - Vampire 21 - Tattoo Add them a tattoo. If they already have one or some, add them more, or erase them or change their design ! 22 - Military 23 - Beach Swimsuits time ! 24 - Medieval fantasy European medieval times, but you can add magic ! Your character can be from any fantasy race or any role-playing game class you want ! 25 - Werewolf 26 -  Race reversal/change If there is only one race in their universe, draw them as any race from any fictive universe you know :) Or, because with races I mean humanoïds with different powers/abilities, if there is only one race but with different powers between individuals, you can just change their powers :) 27 - Arabian traditional clothing 28 - School Your character as a student, or as a teacher if you want ! 29 - Sci-fi That's pretty large ! But you can draw them as experiments, as zombies, as aliens, as cosmonauts, as cyborgs, as mecha pilots, or mecha itselves, in an intergalactic war, in a devastated world... You have choice ! 30 - OOC Out Of Character. You're not forced to make your character act the exact opposite he usually does, but make him act unusually ! This is the place if you want to draw you character as a tsundere, a yandere, blushing, shy, cold, crual, cute, afraid, badass, agressive... Or you can even give him another character's personality, and/or adding a body swap AU ! 31 - Yôkai Japanese monsters. You have a lot of choice but most famous ones are kitsune, tanuki, kappa, baku, bakeneko/nekomata, yûrei, oni, tengu... Don't forget, let me know if you plan to do this list !
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morethanaprincess-a · 4 years
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@cadcnce​ said:  💍 - what can you say about your significant other, if you have one?
Munday! Send me some stuff so I can chat OOC and make friends! Please be my friend...
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So there’s plenty of things I can say about fiancé. Not all of them I necessarily should say, because my main way to flirt with fiancé is by roasting him. I’m very good at it. We love each other of course, but teasing is how we show we care. With that in mind, here’s several facts about fiancé:
1. We both attended school in the same city and later, the same foreign country, for a little while. I attended university in Chicago and he’s originally from Chicago (and did his undergrad there). We even attended the same anime convention, Anime Central, for several years and never ran into one another. To make this further complicated and/or interesting, we both studied abroad in the U.K. at the same time as well, with me in London and him in Southampton working on his masters. He stayed abroad much longer than I did though, to do his post-doc in Germany to get his PhD. 
2. He’s an inch shorter than I am, but he doesn’t mind that I wear heels quite often.
3. He’s a gamer in nearly every sense of the word besides text-based RP. I’ve showed him some sample posts on this blog and he just shakes his head all “Yeah, I can’t do what you do.” In the same vein, he plays D&D several times a week, computer games, video games, board games, you name it, and most of it just isn’t for me (I tend to get bored and prefer writing, reading, or watching TV/movies to games). He doesn’t tease me for the only games I do play, though: visual novels and otome. He’s trying to show me Final Fantasy VII so I can finally learn what the hype is all about (I only know the characters due to cosplay), and I’m just “ehh...can we skip past the fight scenes for actual story?” We did play Zero Time Dilemma together to round out the Zero Escape trilogy, though. That was fun.
4. His other love is pro wrestling. I like a few wrestling things myself but his wrestling knowledge is far more vast.
5. He knows far too much about fashion and luxury accessories than most men I know (because he has to listen to me all the time). He tells me to turn away when he sees my least favorite designer bags in public and can recognize my favorites at a distance now. He loves when I buy him clothes and accessories, with most of his suits now custom-made to fit him perfectly. Very sharp dresser, this one.
6. You know that scene in Scott Pilgrim where Ramona lists all of her teas? With my collection combined with fiancé’s, we put hers to absolute shame.
7. Speaking of tea, he’s about as obsessed with the U.K. as I am. We watch a lot of British TV together, and I can appreciate anyone who enjoys both Downton Abbey and The Inbetweeners (why yes, we “THUMBS UP FRIEND” each other all the time). We also love things like pub curry, good Indian food, Nando’s, Greggs, and afternoon tea at the likes of Claridge’s and Fortnum and Mason.
8. He cosplays with me on occasion. That occasion being when he doesn’t have to wear a wig, makeup, or anything warm and heavy. This tends to be funny because he’ll then get annoyed I’m getting more attention and photos in my layers of fabric and wig and elaborate makeup. His dream cosplay for the two of us are Dracula and Lisa from Castlevania, which will have to be for a cold weather con.
9. He’s an excellent cook...for anything that isn’t remotely healthy. His parents are Italian and have made their living cooking and catering for parties. His best dish is spaghetti carbonara, which tastes like something you’d get in a restaurant. Which makes sense, because a family friend taught him most of the recipe he uses in his Chicago restaurant.
10. And finally, while I don’t know his favorite character (I’ve never thought to ask, tbh) of anything, his favorite Danganronpa character is Nekomaru Nidai. To that end, it’s no surprise his least favorite character is Gundham Tanaka and he loathes my love for Gundham/Sonia. This is fitting when he’s cosplaying Kazuichi. 
I’m going to show him this post later and see how much he gets annoyed by my roasting! 
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seven-oomen · 4 years
Hi Ben!  I see you’re still enjoying the absolute insanity that has gripped tumblr the last couple of days XD .  As someone who’s been a tumblr lurker for a number of years, this is hysterical enough from my side.  I can’t imagine the sheer ridiculousness of seeing it firsthand.  Virtually every blog I check, no matter if they’ve ever seen a SPN episode or not, has been posting about it.  It is WILD.
I feel like I’m at least a little lucky that I always skewed more ‘lock’ than anything (mainly because my 'who’ took a hard dive into Torchwood and never really recovered), so there’s less emotional flashbacks/richochets/rollercoastering/etc.  (Yes, I did in fact see the news about Sherlock season 5, but I never saw season 4 because of some of the feedback I heard before I got the chance to watch it, so it’ll take something truly impressive to draw me back now.)  Although in a roundabout way Sherlock is what eventually led me to Teen Wolf because of multi-focus blogs, so I guess I can thank it for that.
Work was one of those super fun days where the manager leaving not long after I got there was all “Yeah, it’s been really calm, and both deliveries so far have been small and should be easy to deal with."  So of course, about an hour after he leaves, four more pallets full of stuff show up, so I spent pretty much my whole shift trying to get everything checked in.  On the one hand, yay, less customers, on the other, hauling that shit around in a mask gets hot.
That dish sounds delicious, and definitely better than my sad lunch/dinner at work.  Ngl, I’m extremely jealous.
And omg, the last line post now has me nervous again because there are multiple options of who is saying whatever it is to whom, and all of them hurt.  XD  Also very here for the idea of a pack of three year-olds trying to pull a Parent Trap on their respective dads.  Is there a treehouse or playhouse they can lock them into to talk?  A moment of Jax and Stiles pointing out that they both agree on this, so they should know that it’s serious?  Trying to make them draw or write down why they’re sad, or whatever similar coping skills the dad usually has the kid use?  Trying to take away a treat of some sort/ground them from doing something/etc until they agree to talk to each other?  So many possibilities.
I cackled at that coffee shop guy post, because the sheer obliviousness demonstrated by the op throughout the story is almost the exact energy being displayed by Peter in my fake dating fic and seeing a story of it happening in RL about took me out.  XD
Also, I’m super curious what kinds of rituals you’re planning for the fic.  Good, bad, druidic, wolfy, pack, wedding, birth, sexy, friendship, binding, warding, ???  Inquiring minds want to know (whenever you are ready to share of course.  Inquiring minds can also be patient. ;D )
Oh, a funny moment at work!  I was picking up one of the pallets after I’d emptied it, and there was a knot in one of the boards that I almost knocked out as I grabbed it, and my brain’s immediate thought was "Whoops, almost just popped the knot on that wood”, immediately followed by the thought “Oh god, no, jesus christ, PHRASING, tonight of all nights, no."  (I am super sad that there is no one I work with that I could scream about this with.)
Anyway, I should wrap up because I need to leave for work soon.  Enjoy the continuing thrill ride that is this site, and best of vibes for any writing attempts today!  Take care!  *Hugs!*
Okay I’m gonna add the preview to your fic from your last message to this one so I have it all in one message here. Because after writing over 3K yesterday my brain is just really tired and I keep wanting to nap today. Haven’t done much and replying to two messages is a bit much. 
On the flip side, I did update Final Masquerade today and that chapter is almost 7K long. So yay!
Also, my fucking feelings while writing that. Jesus christ on a pogo stick.
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And in the spirit of “Oh, did you say enemies-to-lovers?  Sorry, I heard idiots-to-lovers”, here is another preview from the fake dating fic, because I love this part, and it features the first appearance of Fashion Consultant Peter:
“Peter, what the hell are you doing in my closet?” Noah’s voice sounded like it was thankfully more bemused than annoyed, but Peter knew that it could be a fine line to walk.
“Trying not to cry in despair, for the most part. Why is everything you own at least a size too big and some shade of brown?” Peter called back over his shoulder, still staring at the somewhat neatly organized rainbow of dull, listless neutrals in growing dismay.
“I’m wearing a green shirt right now, asshole, and not all of us are interested in looking like we got squeezed into our clothing by force. Some of us actually acknowledge our age, and try to dress somewhat appropriately. Some of us also understand the value of blending in.”
“Okay, firstly, age, as they say, is just a number. Secondly, there’s trying not to stand out, and there’s just giving up. Though frankly, I’ve never quite put much stock in either.”
“Color me shocked to hear that from someone I’ve seen wear a cardigan like it was an actual shirt on more than one occasion.”
Peter shrugged as he continued to rifle through hangers and peek into storage containers, though he wasn’t certain that Noah could even see him from within the depths of the walk-in. “If you’ve got it, flaunt it.” The sigh that answered him held a level of long-suffering, begrudging patience that Peter was far more used to hearing directed at Stiles than himself.
Why yes, there is indeed a trip suit shopping in the story.  Basically, I am cramming in every random obnoxiously trope-y thing I can remember from the few rom coms I’ve seen.  Also, there is so much food in this story.  Like, it’s ridiculous how often there someone ends up eating something.  I’m not even sure where it came from.
I’ve been reading this multiple times in the last few days, it’s just so cute! 
He’s in the closet huh? Is he gonna come out?
Sorry, sorry, I’ll can it XD 
And honestly, I think Tumblr’s 2012 insanity streak is the only thing keeping me sane right now. Because holy shit what a week.
I never really got into Sherlock myself or Doctor Who. I think I saw one episode of Dr. who (with David Tennant I think) and three episodes of Sherlock because my mom used to watch it.
I saw 12 seasons of Supernatural though, I definitely had an obsession with Destiel and particularly Dean Winchester. Fun fact; Cosplaying Dean made me comfortable enough to come out to my friends as transgender. Because I realized that I couldn't hide my gender even if I tried so hard for over 23 years.
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And it was Supernatural that eventually led me to Teen Wolf. Well, that and Grimm, which was also a really fun show and really interesting.
Oh boy, yeah whenever a manager told me that I knew I was gonna be in for a very interesting night. For sure, sucks that you had to do that in a mask though. But on the other hand, no customer interaction does sound like it was a nice break in a way. And OMG I snorted!
It’s a good thing we don’t work together, I feel like the jokes wouldn’t have ended. My god I’m still snickering.
And omg, the last line post now has me nervous again because there are multiple options of who is saying whatever it is to whom, and all of them hurt.  XD  Also very here for the idea of a pack of three year-olds trying to pull a Parent Trap on their respective dads.  Is there a treehouse or playhouse they can lock them into to talk?  A moment of Jax and Stiles pointing out that they both agree on this, so they should know that it’s serious?  Trying to make them draw or write down why they’re sad, or whatever similar coping skills the dad usually has the kid use?  Trying to take away a treat of some sort/ground them from doing something/etc until they agree to talk to each other?  So many possibilities.
I do have a bit of an idea to have them go to the cinema with the kids and make them watch the parent trap, which of course leads to all sorts of shenanigans back at home where Allison and Malia are constantly trying to lock the dads in a room together, aided by Derek and Laura because Malia can’t reach the door handles just yet. Meanwhile Stiles and Jackson are coming up with increasingly elaborate schemes for two three-year-olds that involve their dads being locked in tree houses, sheds, and other places. Not to mention, the kindergarten pact.
And I like to think at some point the wives and Melissa start helping the kids as well. I mean I’d really like to build one giant polyamorous family for this fic.
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ask-de-writer · 5 years
DARING DO and the ADVENTURE of the X'IBIAN VASE! : MLP Fan Fiction : Part 1 of 21
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DARING DO and the
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck) @ask-de-writer​
Carmen Pondiego @askcarmenpondiego​
Cover Art by
Doctor Dimension
52630 words
© 2020 by Glen Ten-Eyck
Writing begun 08/26/15
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions, provided that such things are done without charge.  I will allow those who do commission art works to charge for their images. 
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fictions is actively encouraged.
Daring Do was sitting at the bar of the Adventurer’s Guild, sipping her coconut milk and pineapple juice.  She was still steaming about the Royal Museum’s Acquisition Committee trying to put her last find, the Golden Necklace of Pharow Underrock, through “the routine process.”  
The routine process gave them the possession of the neckalce for over a year before she could see any return on the difficult, expensive, and dangerous expedition to obtain the priceless artifact.
Her recovery of it from Count Umber had involved a physical altercation.  The memory made her sweet drink taste sour.
Glancing into the back bar mirror, she casually placed a hoof on her pith helmet.  A business suited pony approached her, proffering a card.  Instead of taking the card, Daring Do swiftly lifted her pith helmet.  A knife, aimed at the suited pony stood quivering in her hat, sunk deep into the cork.
She pulled the knife out and flipped it casually back.  The thump of it striking hilt first was followed by the collapse of the silken robed pony who had thrown it.
She turned toward the shaken business suited pony who had just paled three shades of yellow green lighter.  Brightly, she said, “Well, that was a few moments of rollicking fun!  What do you have for me?”
With a shaking hoof, he proffered a card.  “Please call us at your earliest convenience. If you wish, I can take you to the appointment."
Daring Do raised an eyebrow. “Appointment?  You would make an appointment without asking me?  A bit arrogant, aren’t you?  I have some personal business to take care of first.  I will call later, after it is done.”  She turned her back and pointedly resumed her drink.
It tasted better, for some reason.
She sat at the bar until she was sure that he was gone, sipping her drink, the case with the Golden Necklace of Pharow Underrock safely in her saddlebag.  Daring Do hated what she had to do next.
She and her mother, Carmen Pondiego, master thief and head of V.I.L.E., did not see eye to eye on ANYTHING.  However, her mom’s advice was the best that she was going to find.  Daring Do steeled herself and pulled out her magic net mirror.  She tapped the code that she could not forget and hated.
The glass shimmered before a dark, redheaded figure with a gleaming grin answered the call. “City Morgue, you kill ‘em, we chill ‘em. Oooh! Look who is finally dropping a line.”
Answering in a gritty voice, Daring Do spoke low. “Uncle M, I’m trying to get a hold of-” “Yeah yeah, I know. Don’t go ruffling your feathers. Hey Red! Yer kid is on the line!”
Daring rolled her eyes as the view shakily changed to the beaming visage of a khaki colored unicorn mare dressed in red, her pale green eyes throwing a piercing glance at Daring Do. “Adora!! I am so glad you called! How was your trip? I hope you haven’t come across too much trouble. You know I will send some agents to help you if you ever need it.”
Daring Do rubbed her brow, “Mother, you know I hate that name, and no I don’t need your lawless agents. I… I just need some advice.”
A soft chuckle arose, “Of course, Daring dear. Now what seems to be the trouble?” Carmen lifted her brows as she calmly smiled, and the young pegasus held back a scoff. The thief seemed too friendly and eager to help, but why?
“Listen, its not trouble, I just want your -honest- opinion.”
Carmen pouted playfully, “My dear, you wound me, I have always been truthful to you.”
Sourly, Daring Do replied, “I do know that, Mother.  That is the only reason that I am calling you now.
“The expedition went well.  I even got the legendary Golden Necklace of Pharow Underrock.  The assorted traps didn’t even cause much damage to the Pyramid of Keychops.
“The Royal University would not and will not underwrite the expedition but they want me to DONATE the necklace.  They even threatened my tenure in the Chair of Antiquities to get it for free.  The Royal Museum was almost worse.”
The face of Carmen in the mirror nearly lost it with hilarity.  “The Royal Museum!?  It takes over a year to sell them a glass bead!  Then they will try to push you into letting it go for less than half of your price!”
Resisting a twitch in her eye, Daring Do cleared her throat, “Listen, Ma, what… Would you LEGALLY do if you didn’t get paid for a job that you did over a year ago?”
The thief took a moment to think. “Do you really want to go through the whole legal mess of suing said offender? Of course it would make it easier if you actually had a written contract.
“Heavens knows you don’t use the office here that I gave you and you bounce around from location to location so often without a home base so I don’t have any idea where you would keep such a document anyway…”
Daring’s grip on the mirror tightened. “Mother… I DO have an office.  It is in the Royal University!  I am the Chair of Antiquities!”
“Right.  Well, I would collect whatever you agreed on selling and take it elsewhere.. Are you needing my help with that?”
Daring Do’s grip on the mirror tightened even more. “Mother … Mother.  I have already taken it back!  I also know that V.I.L.E. makes a ton of money on the, um, resale of assorted goods.”
Dryly, Carmen pointed out, “In spite of our REPUTATION, we have NEVER been caught doing or been convicted of ANY CRIME.”  Her face twisted to a cheerfully sideways smile as she added, “Give me a few moments to check our inventory of PERFECTLY LEGAL buyers.”
Instead of “hold music” the recorded image of her uncle Marehem's blue furred, orange maned visage appeared giving the commercial message, “Allstable Insurance, You are in good hooves with Allstable!  Please feel free to inquire about our customized policies and truly reasonable rates!”
Daring Do’s teeth grinding together would have been sweet music to any dentist!
Carmen’s cheerful face came back to the mirror in time to save it from being tossed across the room!
One eyebrow raised in amusement, she poked, “Adora, my sweet.  I COULD move the necklace for you. V.I.L.E. does have to be paid for their efforts, of course.  How does 20 percent sound?  I am only offering such a good rate because you are family, no matter that SOMEPONY managed totally destroy all records of her connection to her MOTHER.”
Carmen grinned as Daring Do’s teeth ground together again.  Regaining her control, she asked her mother, “Oh, another thing. Do you know anything about the ROT law offices? They offered a card, I think they want me to find something for them.”
Silence came over the mirror.
Carmen sighed, “Daring, if being an outlaw taught me anything, its presentation. If you are shady, you pick a shady name for intimidation, for greater intimidation one would use a completely harmless and cheerful name, though that is rare.
“I don’t know much of them but if their name means anything, I would use extreme caution if dealing with them. It could be a bluff or it could simply be an acronym, it could mean that they are rotten to the bone. Are you sure you don’t want me to send someone…?”
“Alright, Adora, dear.  If you are in the area, we’re having lasagna at 7:00,” Carmen shrugged, blowing a motherly kiss.
“I’ll be sure to miss it..” Daring Do groaned, turning off the mirror.  She rubbed her forehead, fingers running through her monotone mane.
Daring Do was just getting ready to leave when the unconscious pony in the silken robes started to stir.  He fumbled for and recovered his knife.
Setting eyes on her he got up, made a formal Far Eastern bow and said, “Miss Do, if I may be permitted to say so, that was most ill done.  That pony and a few others with him are treacherous liars and wish to steal a priceless thing to which they have no right.”
Daring Do returned quietly, “It was very bad form of you to try murdering him here, in this club. The alley or even the street outside would have been better.
“As for his character, I already know that much of him and his associates.  What more can you tell me?”
Haughtily he dodged her question.  “You knew of his evil ways and still chose to listen to him?  Perhaps I have misjudged you.”
She made a formal Far Eastern bow to him and replied in perfect X'ibian with an ancient proverb. “The failure to listen is the greatest cause of Ignorance.”
The pony’s eyes flew wide and his face fell.  “I have erred greatly by my precipitous action.  Be sure to listen with wisdom.”
He took his leave, robes making a slight swishing sound against the carpet of the Club floor.
Daring Do followed him out but he was nowhere to be seen.  Consulting the card, she trotted up the street.
The building itself was not even hard to locate.  It had a flagpole hanging over the street with a flag of pale off green with gray letters outlined in brownish red. “The Legal Team of ROT, for all of your legal needs!” was flapping in the breeze.
She entered, thinking ironically of the old joke, “pony walked down the street and turned into a drug store.  After five sales, he bought what he wanted and changed back into a pony!”
She walked up to the receptionist and proffered the card.  The receptionist looked down her nose at Daring Do and pronounced, “You are late for your appointment.  You will have to wait for at least an hour.”
Daring Do gave her a return snooty stare and retorted, “No, I do not.  THEY made the appointment without consulting me.  I informed them that they would have to wait until my business was done.  
“I am only marginally interested in whatever they want me for.  You may inform them that they can call me at their earliest convenience to set a mutually agreeable appointment.”  She tipped her pith helmet and turned to leave.
Frantically, the receptionist called after her, “Miss Do!  Please take the elevator with the bronze doors!  The Partners will see you immediately!”
“That is better, Horstense!” Daring Do entered the elevator, which had an earth pony operator. She serenely pulled a large, double edged knife and began to carefully trim her left hoof.  Conversationally, she mentioned, “If this car gets stuck between floors, you get stuck too.  Not seriously, of course.  You will become qualified for a higher paid job, though.  Castrato in the Fallen Pony Choir.”  He paled at the thought.  The elevator ride was uneventful.
She stepped out into a foyer with big glass doors at the far end.  They had black and gilt letters proclaiming, ROT, the firm for all Legal Work.”  Beyond the doors was an office with three desks placed in a U shape with a single hard chair at the focus of the U.  The desks were not occupied, so Daring Do checked to see if the doors were unlocked.
They were.  With a grin, Daring Do entered and quickly leaped across the desk at the center.  She first lifted the comfortable, padded swivel chair out and replaced it with the hard chair.  Checking the desk itself, she found a large flagon of expensive pomegranate juice and a snifter.  There was only one door that they could enter from.  She took their waste baskets and put them where the door swinging in would just miss them. Checking the other desks yielded an assortment of documents, a number of them were maps with X'ibian characters instead of Equestrian words.
She settled herself comfortably, far back, near the doors, away from the focus of the desks.  She leaned back, smiling, and poured a healthy shot.  While studying the maps, she started sipping.
Looking closely at two of the documents caused her to pull out her Magic Net mirror and make several urgent calls.
NEXT ==>
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tokupedia · 5 years
Japan World Heroes II Preview Night
The event started as all days do, with a nice brunch before heading out to the con.
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In this particular case, I scratched off my food exploration list the fabled Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles, a staple of L.A. since the 1970s and one of the many reasons Chicken and Waffles has endured as a staple of American cuisine. What you see is the Carol C special, one large tender Chicken Breast with waffles and a Sunrise to drink (Its an LA thing. half Orange Juice, Half Lemonade, 100% tasty). 
After that indulgence, I headed to the convention hall. Last time, we shared space with a Lego convention. This time, there was a convention for rich fat cats only next door discussing how to market and profit from *ahem* the local herbal supplements, man.
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Upon entry, one of the most notable things was the con had new sponsors/vendors, particularly the Legends Comics and Games shop and even Hasbro made a small contribution with a prize for the upcoming cosplay contest. This is good, this means growth by attracting more businesses and con-goers for future iterations of this still very young bi-annual fandom event.
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CS Toys did coverage of the con and were setting up, I didn’t see as many high profile members of the Toku community I recognized this time around as I did last time, but I thought I caught a glimpse of one or two members of Team Tokunet getting ready for the big weekend. It’s fine, we all have busy lives and sometimes things just don’t work out, what matters is the passion we feel for this genre and that alone means we were all here at least in spirit.
Given who some of our guests were, the viewing room naturally had marathons of Dekaranger and Kamen Rider Blade as well as the Space Squad films.
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Sentai Jackets returned to the con, this time with brand new merch!
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They had little 2017 Power Rangers movie keychains! 
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And metal badges, Power Coins, pins and buckles and all other sorts of shiny shiny goods were at Henshin Vault! I got a new Time Fire/Quantum Ranger badge later on. 
One highlight was that props direct from the vault of Toei Studios were on display!
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GingaiOh’s/Galaxy Megazord’s sword, Gavan’s Laser Blade, some of the Black RX prop belts and the Revolcane..
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Inside a protective case was an actual Kamen Rider Blade stunt helmet worn by Seiji Takaiwa himself! (Which was actually here before at JWH 1, but seemed more relevant given one of the celebrity star attractions)
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Later on, they brought out mannequins and adorned them with the garb of the Child of the Sun and the man who Walks the Path of Heaven! Rider Suits! *geeks out*
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After that shock of awesome, another vendor booth had a former Hollywood prop maker who was selling various oddities such as prop boots of the Yellow Ranger, old scripts of MMPR, vintage trading cards and comics, autographed photos and merch, even a production crew jacket from Power Rangers Lost Galaxy (though that might have been his). He also unwisely left a stack of hundreds on his table, just saying dude, keep it in a safebox or something so its secure, I only bring it up ‘cuz you seemed like a nice guy and I wouldn’t want to see you get robbed.
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A gent by the callname of Nickranger was pleased when I became his first customer, I purchased the Kamen Rider 1 vs. Captain America poster and the Dekared/SPD Red Battilizer art poster. The latter was of course for Ryuji Sainei to sign later. (Mr. McLaren didn’t seem all that interested in the con based on facial expressions, so I didn’t want to be “that fan” and annoy him and gave him space. You have to be considerate of people even if they are famous.)
Lots of vintage toys and collectibles were on display, my first wallet bleeding prize was a metal Cheetah Core Medal keychain, which I wore proudly on the lanyard for the rest of the event. I also, in an oddball moment, prayed to it, hoping my desire fuels it so our precious KR Valkyrie whose totem animal she shares with the coin does not get sacrificed to the Curse of Yuriko Misaki next season.
Of course, if you were not into this stuff, there were bits of hidden prizes that might have piqued your interest at the vendor booths...
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Such as Neoroids from various franchises, the Proplica of Sailor Moon’s wand the Moon Stick, DBZ goodies...
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Stuff from Takara Tomy such as imported Transformers and Gaogaigar dolls and Chogokins, Gatchaman toys, Custom Lego Minifigs of Mazinger and various other characters, Disney pins...
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And Disney owned characters artistically depicted as Meisho period samurai, ninjas, soldiers, noblemen and warlords from the mind of Kamen Rider and Godzilla concept artist Takayuki Takeya!
So yes, even if you have only a passive fan love for Godzilla or none at all, there was at least one bit of plastic nostalgia or curiosity to tickle your fancy and make your checkbook scream in agony. But never despair about that, as you are supporting local business, tourism and commerce. 
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So the first day was dedicated to scoping out the place. A few repeats also appeared such as the Super Dimension Macross Store. The most disheartening thing was the lack of Garo representation...but that was by design in compliance with the “PG-13″ family friendly rules of JWH. 
Garo needs its own con or maybe it would be more welcomed in a spot at Halloween and Horror conventions where its nudity and gore would be more tolerated by its base.
Preview night was fun, but the full mayhem was about to begin....
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sonipanda · 5 years
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Here we go with some glam for my birthday blog! This was supposed to be scheduled for Wednesday as the outfit I did want to wear today just wasn’t cutting it so I opted for this one to be posted today instead!
I love how you can get so many off Amazon that you have never heard of before! I would like to provide more information for you, however they don’t seem to have any about Richtoer.
Now these beauts were gifted by such a lovely follower of mine, and came as a 2 pair pack! I do have a spare unopened one going if anyone fancies them! – Or I just might keep them as a backup instead hehe!
The Spec
Colour: Champagne
Size: One Size
Denier: 70
Materials: Unknown
Price: £19.99
Website: Amazon – RICHTOER 2 Pairs Shaping Socks Oil Socks Shiny Silk Stockings Pantyhose Dance Tights
My Outfit
I have always wanted to do a glam outfit and I thought this would be perfect to pair up with some serious glossy hosiery! I paired my outfit with some platform diamante heels and created a party look!
My Deets
Full Outfit: Custom Made
Tights: Richtoer
Heels: Steve Madden
    The Review
From The Website: SHINY SHAPING SOCKS. Trendy style to show leg curve perfectly.Giving your legs a skinny and unique appearance. Special and modern design makes you more attractive, charming, fashion. The bottom of the garter is thick and not easy to wear damage, ultra-smooth and durable. Say goodbye to the easily teared and ripped stockings. Package Content: 2 pair pantyhose stockings.
HIGH WAIST SEXY OIL SOCKS SILK STOCKINGS Thickness:70D. Size: Free Size Fits 40-75KG(88-165 lbs),155-180CM(5 ft to 5.9 ft). Show leg curve perfectly, pure shimmer dance ballet tights. These tights are great for dance, exercise, recital, costume, and fashion.
SHAPING SOCKS SUIT ALL KINDS OF COMBINATIONS They tend to look better on your feet than in the product photos. Works out great with skirt/cosplay costume/shirt dress/tunics. Go with jeans, short pants, on heels, loafers, etc. Function: Breathable, burning fat, shaping,absorb sweat,prevent beriberi, beautiful body & thin leg.
HOW TO WEAR Please put the pantyhose inside out to wear properly. Hand wash at first before wear to keep it more durable. Hand wash in cold water, lay flat to dry. Do not iron and bleach.
  The Packaging: as I took these away with me, I didn’t bring the second pair to take that picture of how I first received them. They are identical pairs let me just say.
The front and back show 2 different models wearing 2 different colours in this make, so it confused me a little to begin with until I got inside. You will find these are double wrapped; 1 on the outer packaging and 1 when you get in under the card – the tights are in their own packaging. This is probably to preserve the quality of them.
These come flat folded and wrapped around plain card.
  Getting Them On: so it stated on the website to turn them inside out before wear – I did not do this and just went straight for it. Whoops…
Anyways these do get tighter the further you scrunch them down, so do keep that in mind when you’re gonna get them up the legs. These were fine going over the anklets and up the legs. I did make the mistake of creaming my legs before I got these on, so please do excuse any lined marks near the thighs (if you see any) as that will be my little mishap!
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  On The Legs: well by the amount of images below, I can happily say that these were such a fun pair to be in and really worked for me!
Let me start off with the colour; it is one that is closely matched to my skin and gave me such a glowing tan look on the legs when you compare it to my arms. I loved how natural looking they are, like you’re not wearing any from far! I thought these were the perfect colour! I would love to see how these would look in black.
The quality of them are fantastic; I had no rips or snags at all, and even though I creamed my legs and made little wet lines on the thighs, it dried right up without leaving any residue or markings on the thighs like normal tights would do. I thought these were a fab pair!
The fit of them are true to size and I would have had a better glide up the legs if I didn’t cream before putting them straight on. I felt there was enough stretch in these, and I would hope there is plenty for slightly larger individuals as these are supposed to be a one size pair.
The feel of them are super soft and so smooth; you can just glide your legs right off one another wearing these.
I cannot express how much I loved being in this pair!
  The Toes & Ankle: as you can see below, my nail colour only peers through slightly. This shows you how thick it is around the feet. You wouldn’t think it from far, but when you look for little details, this is where you can really tell.
I still had enough room for my toes to wiggle about, but I would recommend shorter nails in these as it is quite fitted around the toes and feet so you don’t want your nails causing you pain in these.
Around the ankles, you won’t spot any wrinkles as these are so thick and fitted!
  The Waistband: now I didn’t manage to get any waistband shots as we was running out of time. But the waistband is damn good but also sits super high. It went past the belly button on me and sat inches away from my bralet! So I had to fold these down and keep them in place the whole time wearing my outfit unfortunately. This wouldn’t have been an issue with any other outfit, but as I was showing off my midriff, it just didn’t look right!
The band as you can see below is slim and pretty tight to begin with. This does loosen up slightly but not much, so you may want to stretch it out a few times before you get them on if this is gonna be an issue for you. It worked for me as I folded mine over and I needed them to be tight to stay in place, otherwise I would definitely have stretched them out a little.
These hold up the tights super well let me add, and they did not let me down once during the day!
They also have a gusset to them, which you may be able to see near the bottom which is stitched into the tights and fits like a dream against the skin. It doesn’t irritate at all, so you can wear with or without underwear.
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  My Thoughts?
These are so good for what you get. If you’re after a nice thick pair of glossy tights, these are the ones I would recommend. I loved being in mine, and especially in this gorgeous tan colour!
RICHTOER 70D Shaping Shiny Tights Here we go with some glam for my birthday blog! This was supposed to be scheduled for Wednesday as the outfit I did want to wear today just wasn't cutting it so I opted for this one to be posted today instead!
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mirika · 5 years
Another Dutch Comic Con weekend, the Winter edition. I went as Ladybug on Saturday and as Mimi on Sunday.
Adding links etc later!
It was a bit of a sad weekend for me for reasons I prefer not to talk about because it’ll just make me more sad, but despite the events I still had fun and I don’t think I had my friends notice much I wasn’t feeling too good. I am still glad I went and cosplayed despite my mood. I will highlight the happier things!
Day one!
On Saturday I went with my two best friends which is obviously a treat. We wandered a lot at the con shopping and I actually saw a different Miraculous holder other than the usual Chat Noir and Ladybug!
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The lighting wasn’t great, but I was happy to see her and we had a little chat. She liked my custom Ladybug look which was very nice, I explained that Ladybug is always someone else over time and they wear different outfits, so it’s not that odd for me to simply be another Ladybug of another era.
She was actually the only one I made a photo with, all the other Ladybug, Chat Noir, Adrien and Marinette.. they were all cosplayers I took photos with before. On Sunday I did see different cosplayers, even someone dressed as Luka, but I wasn’t wearing my Ladybug outfit then. Bummer!
I did get a fair bit of merchandise from the artist alley. Once again... okay, listen. Jonny Cruz, voice actor of Lucio from Overwatch, was visiting Comic Con. My hopes were high: there used to be a lot of Overwatch merchanise, but they rarely sell Lucio. They MUST have got Lucio now, right? Nope. Only new Lucio merchandise I found was a charm. I was a little sad about that, because I know he’s not exactly unpopular. I do very much like the charm though! Merchandise below, Lucio charm is the one bottom left.
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When you flip him over he wears the yellow outfit instead of green. 
I also have my millionth Patamon plushie. I was happy to see Digimon merchandise in the first place, but it’s always either Patamon or Agumon. I love Patamon anyway, so I bought it. The fox plushie... was pure impulse. He is extremely soft and foxes are by far my favourite animal. His name tag says his name is Fred, I wanted to name him myself, but I love Fred as well.
Those buttons are actually commissions of my Dungeons & Dragons hobbits halflings!
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So button commissions are apparently a thing! And I also made another commission that I’d pick up the next day. These two ladies together were only 14 euros. If you want to know more about my girls just ask me. They are actually family, not siblings though. 
Other than that I found an artist that sold Digimon stickers. She only had a couple, so naturally I bought every single one of them.
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If you wonder why some look similar, they are appparently old and new versions. I absolutely love, LOVE how the bottom Agumon turned out. Look at that fireball. Amazing. 
That already sums up Saturday, it was mostly shopping. I saw a Fire Emblem cosplay I really wanted to take a photo with, but after seeing her once, I never found her again. She was dressed as Elise, my favourite female character.
Day two!
This day I only went with one of my two best friends. We went a little later than the day before, which is common when a whole weekend is visited. I went as Mimi from Digimon because I knew a Rosemon cosplay would be there, but I never found her. Since she was the sole reason I went as Mimi of course this was a bit of a letdown, especially after seeing all the Miraculous cosplay gathered together. I even saw a few cosplayers I hadn’t seen before. Maybe next time! I did make a photo of myself which I don’t usually do.
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It’s not my best pic, but let’s be real, I was walking while I took it and still had my bag on and wasn’t in the best mood. Because it was the only photo I took, I decided to upload it. The mother of the lass who did my commission below actually thought I was wearing a wig cause when I explained I looked different yesterday she referred to probably having had a different haircut too. Not sure if that means my hair looks fake, hah. 
The commission was my goblin from World of Warcraft and I honestly think this is the best part piece I’ve gotten of her yet, and that while it was a Comic Con commission! (I say this because commissions at an event are less flexible, you cannot discuss design choices well)
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Does she not look absolutely amazing? She was worth being my most expensive button, and even then I’d say it could’ve been worth more (but I would’ve less likely been able to afford it). Let me show you what else I got on the Sunday.
It’s mostly small stuff:
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On the left is a sticker my friend bought me without me noticing it, not really at least. It refers to the Dungeons & Dragons bard and it suits me as in D&D version 3.5 a bard does not get damaging spells until a high level, so I always feel like all I can do is inspire my allies. Inspiring allies is strong, but it feels silly to say every turn “yeah I’m still singing.”
The two dice are d3 dice, meaning they count from 1 to 3. They are often not included in dice sets, and with often I mean always. Some skills do use them though.
The button below my goblin is a commission of my hobbit in Lord of the Rings Online. I found said artist quite late sadly since she had the most affordable ones. I had a hard time explaining what exactly I wanted, so I told her I just wanted her to be smiling.
The last button is of Miraculous Ladybug. Not a commission, just one I found. I liked it cause of the akuma (the butterfly) floating there and her hands being like that. I don’t know. I just liked it.
Other than that my friend and I mostly just finished what she had not seen yet (she left early) and then rested mostly. We visited the Q&A of Jonny Cruz (Lucio from Overwatch) and Boris Hiestand (Sigma from Overwatch). As a Lucio main I was mostly there for Jonny, but it was a fun Q&A altogether. What was also fun was what came after the Q&A: they would play the game against each others and fans from the audience would have to carry them.
Jonny lost all three matches, but I am confident that’s because I think the poor lad does not realise he can heal... erm, let me explain. Lucio has two modes: heal mode and speed mode. Speed mode is actually not used much in combat. What did Jonny do? He left speed mode on fulltime, leaving his team with only one healer instead of two. I lowkey wished I was on stage to tell him he needs to hit Shift to heal, but I purposefully did not participate because I am a below decent player. At least now I know I at least play Lucio better than Lucio himself, haha. Boris was actually quite alright as his character, Sigma!
Some images I took.
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It’s a shame I kind-of forgot the contents of the Q&A other than them saying each other’s voice lines in their own character’s voice, them trying to imitate the cowboy character (I always forget his name, needless to say I never play him), Boris actually killed it at that, Jonny not so much, haha. They also got Jonny to say “boop” and of course “can’t stop won’t stop” (which he referred to as his favourite quote at the time) and Boris of course talked about stroopwafels being lekker. He also said he wasn’t overly fond of a fan-favourite quote of Sigma because it opposes his own point of view, but he does understand where the liking comes from. 
I also tried to take a photo during the match, but didn’t realise how silly I was holding my phone.
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Both Jonny and Boris had some serious game faces on.
After the event my friend and I went to the Dunkin’ Donuts since we don’t have one in our town, grabbed a batch and left for the train.
All-in-all I had a good event despite events that aren’t mentioned. I really hope to see Rosemon next time though, I really was on the lookout for her. I actually just remembered I saw a group of Once Upon A Time cosplayers as well that I wanted to take a photo with... dang.
--- WDCC 2019 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) / Mimi (Digimon) ACC 2019 - no report, little happened
DCC 2019 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) / Mimi (Digimon) DCC 2018 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) ACC 2018 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) DCC 2018 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) RCC 2018 - Mimi (Digimon) WDCC 2017 - Mimi (Digimon) ACC 2017 - Mimi (Digimon) DCC 2017 - Mimi (Digimon) RCC 2017 - Mimi (Digimon) ACC 2016 - Hook (Once Upon A Time) DCC 2016 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) DCC 2015 - Sunday - Hobbit (Lord of the Rings) DCC 2015 - Saturday - Ellie (The Last of Us)
I have been to Elfia in 2015, but I cannot find this post. I was Donna Noble and I actually had a really bad day, which is why I have never returned to Elfia.
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getothefashion · 5 years
The Simple Trouser Pants That Wins Customers under 30$ The pants had to be worn in private while in public, the men used to cover their trousers with another garment called trousers. The pants are long and relaxed and cover a greater portion of the male body from the hip to just above the feet. It is interesting to note that this clothing was defined by the American trousers and We are Showing You The Best Simple Trouser Pants That Wins Hearts lots Of Customers  Fiream Girls Ankle Length Active Leggings Kids Cotton Tight Trousers Comfy Pants -  Material: 95% Cotton, 5% Spandex. Active elastic and breathable fabric, suitable for wearing all the year round. The perfect daily leggings for girls match all kinds of clothes like cute tops, tunics, skirts, coats, casual dresses and school uniforms. Secure fit for a busy day of play, both indoors and outdoors. Your girls must like it. Machine Wash. they are warm enough to wear in the fall, they are really cute. (Note: Maybe Ebay Dosen't Have The Exact Product/Colour) TELALEO Boys’ Youth Compression Base Layer Pants Tight Running Leggings Trousers - 85% Polyester / 15% Spandex (Lycra, elastic fabric) Advantage: comparing to most brands’ leggings (180G/SM or 210G/SM), TELALEO compression pants use Thick Material (260G/SM), they can provide better compression support and protect; Our tights is also made with higher density fabric which gives a more comfortable touch. Moisture-wicking fabric technology offers dry, comfortable wear. Smooth flat seams help reduce chafing; Special design in crotch area for comfort sports. Perfect for soccer, baseball, basketball, football, running and other activities in all seasons. TELALEO Company started with a simple plan to make a superior Neoprene Sauna Vest. Those vests kept heat and provided compression to help people cut extra weight off with better effectivity in their workouts. Founded in 2016, TELALEO is expanding products to more active gears,Theirs mission is to make all athletes better with quality and reasonable priced gears.These Pants are Best Choose For Sports and raaf Use. WULFUL Men's Drawstring Casual Beach Trousers Lightweight Linen Summer Pants - Material: Cotton & Linen Beach pant For Men: This Mens Beach Casual Shorts Get Elastic Waist And Drawstring. It Will Be A Good Chioce As Work pants For Men. This Beach pants very comfortable! Elastic waistband with adjustable internal drawstring for a custom fit. Perfect fit and with a button down shirt makes a nice casual look Men's Casual Comfortable Pants with Pockets, Perfect for Lesuire Outgoing Daily Wear, Beach Wear, Summer Outfit, Summer Activities, Casual Occasions,Wear a Hawaiian shirt and some beach shoes to walk on the beach SIZE NOTE: We recommend you to check our size chart carefully before purchase. If you want tighter feeling,just choose the true size. ; if you want loose feeling or you have big belly or wide waist, please choose one size bigger. The brave casual casual pants A lot of beach or casual pants that are casual, fashionable, fun, trendy, innovative, crazy and summer are waiting for you. (Note: Maybe Ebay Dosen't Have The Exact Product/Colour) Marycrafts Women's Work Ankle Dress Pants Trousers Slacks - 97% Cotton/2% Spandex Imported Zipper and buttons closure 0.7" high 14" wide Please look at the size chart in the description part. Mix and match these pants for any occasion. Added belt loops let you adjust the waist size using a belt. Stretch fabric for easier movement: Cotton and spandex blended material. Higher rise designed to keep them from slipping down when bending or crouching. Suitable for formal styles. Can be paired with heels for office wear or sneakers for a casual look. Great for pairing with anything from a cotton or rayon blouse for a dressy look, to a t-shirt for a casual style. Machine Washable. MATERIAL: Body: 97% cotton, 3% elastane. Pocket: 100% polyester. A Formal Trousers,You can use This for Going On Office or any official Work Thats suits With shirts very well. You Should Try This if You Like Formal Dressup ! LEE Women's Flex Motion Regular Fit Trouser Pant - 75% Polyester, 23% Rayon, 2% Spandex Imported Zipper closure Machine Wash REGULAR FIT. With a regular fit and mid rise, these pants are a work-wear must. These women's trousers have a flexible non-binding waistband for all-day comfort. FLEX MOTION. Made with flexible fabric and a non-binding waistband, these women's dress pants are made for long days. A work-appropriate classic, perfect for mixing and matching with your favorite tops. DISCREET POCKETS. Two front slant pockets and back welt pockets offer convenient small-item storage. Another Like Formal Trouser Pant ! Many Customer Buy This and Their Review is Maximum Avg 4.5 Stars ! Hope You LOve It Also. (Note: Maybe Ebay Dosen't Have The Exact Product/Colour) malianna Women Elastic Waist Patchwork Trousers Casual Streetwear Pencil Pants -  Premium material : This Pants is made of premium stretchy Polyester,Spandex,very comfortable,lightweight and breathable Machine Wash:Available Perfect fit:This Pants can pair well with T-shirt, Tube Tops,Tank Tops,which make you feel comfortable and more cool Pants Feature:Elastic Waist,Lace Up,Camouflage,Patchwork Casual trousers created in a practical but elegant style that can be worn at any time. Wear parks, parties, appointments, movies and more. Harajuku Lightning Pants Pocket Elastic Waist Trousers Streetwear Casual Unisex - A Tottaly New Trousers On Market,Customers Loves So Much and This a Very Wise Quality Casual Pant For Man/Boys.If You are a Boy Try This Latest Design Trouser Pant ! SweatyRocks Women's Drawstring Waist Long Workout Yoga Active Pant with Pocket - Material: 100% Cotton Material: 100% Cotton. Soft and comfortable fabric Front side pockets and elastic waistband. Breathable lightweight fabric. Perfect for yoga, jogger, workout, gym, run errands or casual wear Fabric offers a comfortable wear and allows freedom of movement. Also, has an excellent recovery. A Stylish Pants For Today That Suit You The Most ! (Note: Maybe Ebay Dosen't Have The Exact Product/Colour) Mens Stripe Track Pants Skinny Fit Stretch Trouser Elastic Jogger - 100% Polyester Drawstring closure Made in USA Mens Stripe Stretch Skinny fit Track Jogger Pants Skinny fit with stretch for max comfort / Elasticized waist with adjustable drawstring closure Sits at waist / Easy slip-on / Inner ankle cuff zipper enclosures Two front welt pockets and one back right pouch pocket / Zip Up Mens Stripe track Trouser Pant Snug at Fit Ankels,Drawstring for Style and Comfort! Very Comfort Mens Athletics Pant At a Very Acceptable Price !! (Note: Maybe Ebay Dosen't Have The Exact Product/Colour) Zaxicht Women's Metallic Shinny Pants, Casual Holographic Jogger Sweatpants Punk Hip Hop Trousers Streetwear - 【Novelty Design】Our women streetwear feature with elastic waist, casual loose fit style, the high waisted design will show your slender legs, with a goddess demeanor. Shiny and dazzling metallic appearance is the most fashion design in this year, which combines the look of your favorite pair of hip hop pants with just the right amount of stretch, making a eye-catching casual unique look in crowd. 【Occasions】Liquid look pants are perfect to wear casually or to any party, club, some special festival, or rave. Shiny pants are also a great addition to almost any Halloween costume or cosplay outfit. Wear the shiny pants at any occasions you want to be more charming and get more compliments. It's also a perfect gift for your girlfriend, wife, sister, mom, friend, classmate, colleague and so on. 【Match】Casual loose style makes it perfect fit for pairing with crop tops, tight tops or dress it down with a pair of high heel, matching a modern shoulder bag or modern sun-glass, stylish street style. A must-have metallic sweatpants in your wardrobe, enjoy your time with our pants! A Premium Quality Trouser Pants For Women,This metallic shinny pants is made of classy high quality fabric, soft and lightweight, which offers you a comfortable wear experience.Shiny and dazzling metallic appearance, which is the most fashion design in this year. (Note: Maybe Ebay Dosen't Have The Exact Product/Colour) RIOJOY Women's Side Stripes Cuffed Pants Knit Trousers Athletic Training Casual Joggers Sweatpants with Pockets -  90% Nylon,10% Spandex;The material is super soft,thick and nicely made. Imported Elastic closure 【SUPER COMFY MATERIAL】-These sweatpants are SO COMFORTABLE!They are 90% Nylon+10% Spandex,super comfy and soft material,not too tight or too baggy,comfortable to wear. 【CUTE & STYLISH】-They are really cute and look very stylish,you can wear them with a crop top and some cute sneakers and they would look great. 【ELASTIC WAISTBAND,DEEP POCKETS & WHITE SIDE STRIPES】-The waistband has great elasticity with a drawstring,so they can be tight at the top,deep side pockets for convenient storage,2-stripe design,simple,generous,give you more fashionable,chic look. 【OCCASIONOS】-You could wear them on lazy days,to bed,to exercise,even to run minor errands. RIOJOY is an factory based online retailer that specializes in providing the latest fad of sportswear for women, such as sweatpants, yoga pants, workout leggigns, sports bra, tank tops Long sleeve crop top and so on. All of Theirs products are made from highest quality, top activewear material and four-way stretch fabric just to in response to This brand purpose "RIOJOY-Gives you real joy" (Note: When This Post Publishing Ebay Has Just Only 3 Product On Stock)
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lyonsdenprojects · 6 years
Katsucon 2019 Round-up!
It only took me 2 days to recover (man, I'm getting old!) but we had a great time this year wandering around the National Harbor in DC for this year's Katsucon.
Our cosplay themes this year included Fem!Disney Princes / Kingdom Hearts (we had the cutest Heartless in the world, look at her) and video game characters. I just barely got Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn together in time. By in time, I mean 3am the morning of. I did not get any pictures of her though because I was unhappy with the wig being too small. But I learned a lot this season about customizing store bought patterns so I plan on making another Aloy costume in the future.
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This year the crew FINALLY got to do the Lord of the Rings cosplay we've been talking about doing for YEARS and quite honestly I think it was a runaway success. We had SO much fun and everyone looked so good. By the way, if you want pictures of your cosplay but have no idea who to hire, I really recommend Katsucon's Photo Suite. They usually have it at the back of the Artist Alley. They're really great photographers and apparently the best time to go is first thing on Friday morning. We got the entire photoshoot package and had a blast.
The Artist Alley was AMAZING this year by the way! The artists who had tables were all so super talented and there was so much merchandise to buy! We tend to spend the most amount of time in the Artist Alley at any convention, but unfortunately I only have so much room for art prints on my walls. This year almost all of the artists were also selling printed t-shirts, clothing made from custom designed fabrics, enamel pins, acrylic standees and keychains, etc. It was SO MUCH FUN to go shopping! I went way over my spending budget but I was so happy to do so.
I am so incredibly excited to hang a print of Merida from @artofelaineho in my house! Seriously, go follow her, love her. She's writing her own interpretation of Beauty and the Beast and I just love her progress so far!
We also had the additional delight of visiting Yaya Han's booth and talking with her husband for a short while. Yaya Han is someone whom I respect and look up to a great deal as a brilliant business woman. She's worked incredibly hard to build up her brand and is the reason that there are so many more resources for cosplayers in Joann fabrics now. (Seriously, her patterns actually have DIFFERENT CUP SIZES for busty women which is so helpful!). The group bought some Worbla and we're really looking forward to playing with it for Otakon this year.
I will say, though, that I was really disappointed with the panel offerings this year. Usually Katsucon offers a great selection of interesting panels but it felt like either I had already seen the interesting panels in past years or they were all 101 level. For example, there was actually a panel on "Shipping How-To's". WHAT?! It was sad. I didn't end up going to any and I did not hear great reviews about the other panels my friends attended.
However, I DID get Trina Nishamura's signature to add to my Attack on Titan signature collection! Some how I'm missing Josh Grelle's signature though, I'm not sure how that happened...
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Overall it was a great time this year! We got to see some friends (including @momtaku who called me out for saying I'm going to post regularly again for 3 years now but haven't been. You're right! I'm working on it!).
Our plans for the rest of the year are a little dependent on if our panel submissions are accepted and if @lindowyn  gets into Artist Alleys (go love her too, she's the best!) but our current thoughts include:
AnimeNEXT: June 7-9, 2019
Otakon: July 26-28, 2019 (We'll DEFINITELY be here!)
AnimeUSA: November 1-3, 2019
I hope to see people there!
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razzberriezz · 6 years
Challenge Compilation
Since there are so many new blogs and challenges popping up, I thought I’d compile them (or those that I know of) in one post so newer blogs can see if they want to try their hand at some older challenges! These aren’t in chronological order or anything, just in the order I remember them. If I missed any then please message me/send me an ask so I can edit this post! I’ll also try to be updating it every time I find a new challenge ^^
EDIT: Updated on 1/8/2018! 2nd EDIT: Updated on 6/2/2018!
On Tumblr:
1. 25 Day Style Savvy Challenge by lauraplaysgirlsmode
2. 7 Day Style Savvy Challenge by sportystylist
3. Mix N’ Match Challenge by me (razzberriezz)
4. Off-Brand Style Challenge by alinatron
5. Decades Challenge by braviaryaviary
6. Lolita Challenge by thetrueslyblue
7. 30 Day Cosplay Challenge by gracellot-is-tired
8. Upcycle Challenge by lavender-cloud-lounge (is now vintage-angel-doll) --> This challenge doesn’t actually have an official name, but I’m calling it the Upcycle Challenge for now because you take an item you hate and incorporate it into an outfit that you like/suits it, which is essentially what upcycling is (I think?)
9. Disney Character Challenge by eurekanchic
10. Themed Shop Challenge by eurekanchic
11. c-horale’s 25 Day Challenge by c-horale --> On OP’s blog it says 25 Day Style Savvy Challenge, but there’s already a challenge with that name so I changed it a little.
12. Colour Palette Challenge by retro-beat
13. Style Type Challenge by zriana
14. Style Savvy Surprise Me Challenge by alphards-asterism
15. One Style, One Colour Challenge --> Not posted on Tumblr, but has been posted on discord by braviaryaviary. The idea is to create an outfit that match a specific style and colour e.g. Pink Lively or Green Feminine. The reason this challenge is listed under the Tumblr section is because thetrueslyblue has already done something quite similar to this! I’m not sure who had the idea first, so equal credit to both lovely people.
On other platforms:
1. 30 Day Outfit Challenge by Marzipanini
2. Brand Challenges by Marzipanini
--> 2.1 Retrobeat Challenge  --> 2.2 April Bonbon Challenge  --> 2.3 Enid Chen Challenge
3. Daily GM4 Bot Challenges by GM4BOT --> This bot is in Japanese, but basically every day it’ll generate 3 categories (for example, Preppy, Dotty and Cardigan - just use google translate to find out what the categories each day are), and you have to create an outfit using items that satisfy at least 2 out of the 3 categories as a whole. So you can make a preppy outfit using mostly dotty items, but not every item needs to be dotty (and you can leave out the cardigan if you want) - as long as your outfit satisfies the conditions you can go ahead and tag the bot on twitter ^^ Check the #ガルモお題bot tag for example outfits!
There’s now an English version created by Perfidie! You can check it out here!
4. Monthly Fashion Show on the Style Savvy Discord --> Not a challenge, but more of a place to show off your outfits and have fun with others who love the game as well! *THESE ARE NOT CURRENTLY ON A FREQUENT SCHEDULE*
4.1 Weekly Events on the Style Savvy Discord --> While there’s a monthly fashion show on the discord, there are also weekly events to take part in, like Cosplay Wednesday and Fashion Failure Friday lol. I think the titles are pretty self-explanatory.
4.2 Mini Competitions on the Style Savvy Discord --> These happen more frequently than the fashion shows, they’re like mini challenges where we randomly select a theme from all the suggestions on the server (The most recent one was “Make an idol group with 2 NPCs!”) and since it’s all in good fun, you can have multiple entries! There’ll be judging by the owner of the server + our mods but no prizes - it’s just a chance to show off your creativity! *THESE ARE NOT CURRENTLY ON A FREQUENT SCHEDULE*
- To get an invite to the server, please PM me.
5. One Item Challenge by Marzipanini
6. Mismatched Outfit Challenge by Marzipanini
7.  Pannier Skirt Challenge by zriana --> I don’t know if this has been posted on Tumblr, but OP has posted it on the Style Savvy discord! The idea is to make outfits of every style - but using the poofy, princessy pannier skirts! No limitations other than that.
8. Office Look Challenge by braviaryaviary --> Pretty sure this hasn’t been posted on Tumblr, but the idea here is to make an office-appropriate outfit using brands known for more non-conventional looks! So no using feminine/chic/girly items! Another variation that OP has come up with is creating office looks based off of different characters, like making a Bowser-inspired receptionist look!
9. Inktober Challenge  --> Another one posted on our discord! The idea was brought up by Symphony, who found a list of prompts that translate nicely as fashion/outfit themes here! This could also work for any other Inktober lists that you’ve found ^^ Another link provided by Symphony is this Princesstober list, which I am absolutely going to do at some point!
10. IRL Comparison Challenge by Baby✰Doll✰Princess --> Once again, from the Style Savvy discord! Try to remake some of your IRL outfits in any Style Savvy game and post a comparison of the two! Custom items aren’t allowed, but other than that there’s no limitations that I’m aware of.
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
alright, well today was actually pretty good! I had my alarm set for noon which would give me plenty of time to prep for the interview at 3:30. So I woke up then and spent an hour just having a bit of a slow morning getting some food and checking my computer. It was at this point that what was probably the best part of the day happened. Since talking to my old mentor the other day I shot OPG a follow up email asking if anything had changed in hiring status and I received a reply email today saying that while they did not yet have permission to hire, they have started conducting interviews and I will be “contacted shortly to schedule an interview” which was just such a big YESSSSSSSS moment after waiting months upon months for this opportunity that is literally my first choice job at this point. Like yes I would ultimately like to end up at a nonprofit but nonprofits don’t hire people straight out of law school, I need more experience with the system to do that job properly, so this is legit my number one choice right now. And honestly like, I don't want to get cocky or anything but I know I have a pretty good shot at getting hired, the number of people who work there who told me that they clerked there in law school was at least half of the office I’d say, and they keep all their performance reviews on record from their former clerks which means I have 3 semesters worth of stellar performance reviews on file for them to consult, including several from senior members of the office. so, I mean i think my odds are pretty good (but I don’t want to jinx it of course). So we’ll see what happens with that, but it definitely elevated my mood for the day. it’s just that that position would be so, so much more preferable than any of the other options, like they’re not even on the same scale because this one is so so so so much higher than everything else. So I will be very, very happy if this works out. But anyway. Around 1 I started getting ready, doing my make up and getting my suit out (my custom one of course, which I should probably get dry cleaned soon) and getting that on and making sure I had everything I needed before getting an uber at 2. Traffic can always be tricky so I never want to leave anything up to chance and get screwed over so I make sure to leave a solid amount of buffer time so that even if something goes wrong I won’t be screwed over. So I ended up getting there around 2:30, area I was familiar with, not too far from my school and right by my favorite pizza joint in a giant food hall that has so many great selections. So I went to the tea shop on the corner and chilled out until like 3:10, at which point I went to the building and found a bathroom to make sure I was still looking presentable before approaching the office at 3:25 (perfectly prompt). I had to ring the doorbell they had on the wall, which I was slightly stressed out about because I was like I hope this is a doorbell anyway??? since it wasn’t completely clear lol but thankfully it was and I was let in moments after. Got escorted to a fairly big conference room and a few minutes later first guy came in. I ended up speaking to all three of their partners, each one separately which was somewhat odd but not bad. They seemed fairly interested in my resume and cover letter, the first one said he really liked how excited and passionate I sounded in my cover letter, which made me happy to hear because that’s definitely what I want to communicate. I had to do some stretching and bending as far as experience because they’re not a family law firm and most of my Chicago experience is family law related, but I talked a lot about working at my dad’s firm when I was younger since they handle some of the same types of cases, and of course how I felt my experience in family court translated to different court and case settings (which I definitely believe it does). They were all very interested in me currently having my own “practice” which I had to explain was just me basically, and then had to explain to all of them what the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund was and why it was on my resume because none of them were familiar with it, lol. But they all seemed pretty nice, seemed to be a somewhat laid back environment but they definitely stressed they have a lot of work and that often leads to late hours and working on the weekends which is not really the kind of thing I’m looking for right now, so that made me a bit hesitant, especially given my earlier info from OPG. But I carried on with the interview of course. They are looking for someone to start soon but they have a few interviews for next week they said and potentially another one after that so I’m not too concerned about hearing back from them before I could do anything with OPG. But yeah, overall it was pretty good I’d say. It was around 5 by the time I was leaving, I considered doing an uber pool home just because it was cold but the rates were super inflated because it was a high traffic time, so a pool was going to run me $30 and I’m not gonna do that (a normal uber was like $48, yikes) so I ended up waiting for the bus that takes me right up to my neighborhood. There are a lot of law offices right on that street because it’s right by the court building most of them practice in, so it’s pretty convenient transportation wise at least. By the time I got on it wasn’t totally crowded so I managed to grab a seat just before there was a large influx of people who had to stand, so I was thankful for that because standing on buses is so fun. It wasn’t the fastest of course, and probably took me a solid hour, but I managed. I got home and changed, then figured out what the plan was for the night and heated up some leftovers, and ate those while watching the news (mostly for background noise) until Blindspot was on at 7. That was a fairly interesting episode mostly because it featured a serial killer that was supposedly on Long Island (and my county too) so of course that sparked my interest, and the plot was pretty solid too. After that I switched to Crazy Ex-Girlfriend which was a solid episode but somewhat emotional honestly since it was dealing with kinda backsliding in treatment for mental illness which is a kinda difficult subject, but I think they did a very good job with it. The side plot was about Paula running herself ragged studying for the bar exam and when she finally makes it to the OB/GYN for what she thinks is early onset menopause he listens to her symptoms and is like “yeah I’m calling an ambulance you need to go to the cardiac ICU NOW” and she’d basically been walking around with a heart attack for 18 hours because she was so busy and determined studying for the bar and I was just like honestly that’s so believable like I would fully believe that as being something that actually happened, because studying for the bar is THAT intense. So I found that obviously sad plot still somewhat amusing. Once that was over I didn’t watch anything for a little because we were going over some super secret plans regarding stuff I’m not gonna post about yet, and then at 10 I turned the news back on and watched that for a little before deciding to start getting ready for bed, so I showered and then got my laptop and ended up going on a side track regarding a family I used to follow who lost their 5 year old son to cancer 3 years ago now and reading what’s been going on with them for the past 3 years and I just sat on my bed and cried a lot so that was good, then I finally got around to writing this post. Plans for tomorrow include brunch, then thrifting and probably a few other store stops for cosplay needs and of course a few other random things, should be good. And yeah, that’s about it for now, it’s almost 1 am so I should probably be getting to bed now. Goodnight dearies. Happy weekend. 
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