#and a commission that I'll be getting in the mail this week
tj-crochets · 2 years
Crafting forecast! Or update? not sure which lol - The quilt sandwich is assembled* for the rainbow stripes/polka dots quilt, so I should get that finished tomorrow or Monday - all my fabric scraps are neatly put away into either the “needs to be cut to usable size” bin, the “too small for scrap quilt, just right for crumb quilting” boxes (sorted by color), or the “cut to size for scrap quilt” drawer so I’m setting aside the scrap quilt for now - next up I think I might make some fleece beanies to donate? I prefer to donate the knit or crochet beanies, because I think the wool content makes them warmer, but the fleece beanies are way faster to make and it’s still pretty cold where I live so I want to give the shelter a bunch of beanies to give out asap - after that my break from working on my to-do list is over, so my goal for this year is to get at least one item from my to-do list crafted every week until I get them all done. It’s a lot of Bucky Bears, mostly, but there’s also a crocodile Loki, some pride creatures, and a teddy bear prototype to figure out so I can make the Bearvengers (Avengers but teddy bears). If anyone wants to see it I can dig out the actual list? *the quilt sandwich is backing fabric, batting (the innards of the quilt that help make it warmer), and the quilt top, stacked on top of each other and pinned (or glued) in place so they can quilted
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endivinity · 2 months
Hey yall!
it's been one of those weeks. a very, very expensive week. my savings will be completely wiped, but I can't open commissions, so it's not looking too hot for me right now. I'm not in any danger of eviction or other major consequences, but I can't front the costs by myself.
If you'd like to help out by chipping in a little bit, I've got the tl;dr over here! https://ko-fi.com/endivinity There's a pack of every public deathclaw artwork available through that as well, if you'd like a bonus incentive.
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Long version and plan of attack under the cut!
I've been medically unemployed for a couple of years now. I've also been recently diagnosed with ADHD - inattentive. I was given an initial trial course of meds for them, which so far aren't working in any helpful ways. NZ has free prescriptions... but it does not have free mental health diagnoses, and especially not for adults. The initial diagnosis appointments cost me $1100, and there are at-cost followup appointments and other medical related costs that are chipping away at it. My medication will need reviewing and possibly switching, which requires more at-cost appointments. This was fine for me to pay! But. Miraculously, I barely self-medicated prior to diagnosis but when I did.... it was with sugary foods. I'm sure you can see where this ends up :'D
The other day I got hit with a dental bill that was not only staggering, but the treatment itself was a gutpunch. I'm not quite at root canal level but two of my teeth are tending towards it, even as the dentist commended my brushing and flossing. The quote is between $3200-4000 (give or take a couple non-priority preventative treatments). I can get government funding assistance up to $1000, and anything beyond that is a loan.
And unrelated I NEED new glasses, because the vision in my left eye from uveitis has deteriorated significantly. this costs less at i think $200-300, but the government does NOT assist with this for... some reason??
The plan of attack:
I'd - hoped, that the meds would let me focus more on owed work. I'd hoped I'd be able to clear the board. That's not the case right now. I'll keep trying, but for now I have to focus on the present.
So, the Ko-fi page is open! There's PWYW files of every deathclaw art I have, so if you'd like to help me out and get convenient lizards instead of browsing my posts, that's the option for you. I will also be making deathclaw designs to auction. I'd like to do customs in future because there's a hungry hungry market out there, waiting for me to do so, but that'd be a commission and I wouldn't complete it. So, premades it will be. My Inprnt store is currently barren; I will see about getting it filled. That'll be linked later. I can't mail out my print stock I use for cons, because I don't have a car or easy access to shipping packaging for larger prints. (And shipping would be immense because, NZ)
So far those are my only attainable options. If you have other suggestions though, please let me know! <3
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OMG Clandestine is done!
I am so so so excited to say I just posted the epilogue to Clandestine! Featuring a beautiful commission from @itslotuseater!
Ships: Jegulus, background wolfstar, dorlene, pandalily, rosekiller Rating: M Length: 142k (FINISHED! COMPLETED! AHH!)
He was crying. “You can do that?” He repeated, feeling like he was in some sort of dream. And then, Sirius seemed to realize. Because for a twelve-year-old, he was decently smart, and knew him better than anyone. “D’you…d’you want to do that, Reggie? I thought…I thought it was just a game?” But he could only shake his head. Because it wasn't a game. He was a boy. And he could tell from Sirius's nervously resigned expression that Sirius knew it, too. "It's...not a game." --- There's not enough Trans Regulus Black, so here's a fic to help fix the problem. Rated mature for lots of references to transphobia and Walburga Black being a piece of shit. COMPLETED (I'm not crying, you are)
Ahhh, my long-winded thank-you note:
First and foremost, thank you to Arson, my amazing Alpha Reader who brainrotted with me throughout almost the entire process. I literally could not have finished this without you, and I am so thankful to have you in my life. You've helped me through so many cases of horrible Writer's Block, encouraged me whenever I needed it, and you're an amazing friend. I hope you love your "Barty and Evan's Bitch" shirt :D
Second, to my wife, who literally dealt with me talking about this fic for TEN MONTHS. You're literally the most amazing and supportive person in my life, and I love you more than words. Thank you for being the James to my Regulus.
Third, to my Beta Reader, Kat, who is still wading through the trenches of this fic finding all my mistakes. I am so glad to have you and thank you for dealing with all of my errors and answering my messages at odd hours of the night.
Fourth, to all of the people who have encouraged me: Abby, Danielle, Kelz, everyone on the discord servers who has seen me struggle, you guys are amazing and I am so thankful to you.
Fifth, to the lovely people who created fanart for this fic. You all are amazing and you brought this to life. I bow down to you, truly, you are so incredibly talented.
Sixth, to the people who I interviewed about dysphoria and being on T, so I could have a more well-rounded understanding about Regulus's experience. Though I identify as trans, I am so thankful that other trans people were willing to give their experiences in areas I wanted to describe as accurately as possible.
And last, to all of you, who read and kudosed and inboxed and recommended and commented and kept me going. You all are amazing, and you've made this such a positive experience. This fic really was for me, to work through my own gender an discover about myself, and I am so thankful you have been here along this journey.
I want to reiterate that this is one trans person's journey, but I think it's so important to have representation in all forms of media. I'm hoping that my version of Reggie has helped with that a little bit! He's my baby, and he deserves all the good things.
Keep an eye out for the B-sides of this fic! I'll add a chapter to this work linking to it, so if you're subscribed to this, you'll get an e-mail. I'll also be editing this work to fix all the errors, and I'll be doing the B-sides as I go. It probably won't be for a couple of weeks, since I am now working, and I won't have any strict posting schedule, but I'm excited for those as well!
I love you all. Thanks for being a part of this journey.
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t00thpasteface · 3 months
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MY NEW TABLET CAME IN THE MAIL!!!! and it was TOTALLY FUNDED by you guys!! i seriously can't thank yall enough for the OVERWHELMING outpouring of support!! hell, i can barely even believe it! i feel so seen and appreciated... i can't wait to get right back into the usual chaos with this!
(⁠*⁠❛▽❛⁠)☞ some relevant updates...
it's gonna take me a little bit to get used to how this thing works. sorry if things look a little awkward for the next couple days! i'll probably just practice with a lot of small quick doodle projects instead of tackling anything huge and complex.
on that note, digital commissions are going to stay closed for a little bit longer... probably until the end of the week. i'll announce it when they reopen. one slot is currently occupied already because my tablet died right after i accepted the payment for it!
the pencil sketch commissions will also be closing. i had a lot of fun with them and i really felt like they expanded my brain! i noticed i was doing less and less post-scan tweaks and cleanup as they went on... this definitely won't be the last you've seen of detailed pencil works from me. however, i'm closing the pencil commissions because one, they were deliberately underpriced in a way that's unsustainable, and two, they kinda hurt my wrist! i may reopen these later at a higher price point, but we'll see.
。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´~`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。 thanks again for all the love!! i can't say it enough!! i know i sound like a broken record but i really do have the best followers EVERRRR and i am so incredibly grateful to have you guys. STAY MINTY!!
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hellofromthehallowoods · 11 months
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It's the last day of ordering for this batch of $25 ink sketch commissions! After this, orders close down and I'll be busily drawing + stamping + mailing out your drawings over the next few weeks. Reminder that shipping is free, and goes to anywhere. Yours will be packaged on a nice card back, in a plastic sleeve, inside an envelope with a stolid 'DO NOT BEND' on the front. Get yours here if that's your thing.
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aliveinacoffin · 1 year
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Deja ya de llorar
Shoto x GN! Reader
You've had a very bad day, and you're very tired, and you have a very cute husband.
little angst/very comfort, mostly fluff ^*^
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The front door swung open harshly before it was more gently clicked into place. The decoration hung on the outside knocking back in protest.
You violently kicked your shoes off, not bothering to put them neatly back in their place in the shoe cubby that rested against the wall. Trying to get on with the settling down process, you went through the motions of hanging up your jacket, not noticing that you missed your mark and instead, it fell miserably to the floor.
"I'm hooome." You sighed, barely loud enough to be heard from the front door to the kitchen. You then limply tripped over the side, flopping down hard on the couch, squishing your face on the plush cushions.
There was silence in the house, no sounds of music or the TV playing. Most notably, no sound of your husband. Usually, he was out in the dining room doing papers or just otherwise bumbling around the house. Sometimes he'd meal prep or work out or even just be doing some D.I.Y project. But today, there seemed to be an absence of him. Which, wasn't a big deal, both of you were heroes, having met each other in class 1-A. Ever since you two had just been inseparable, clung together like magnets. Still, he made no mention that he would be working late.
You sighed and flipped over to your back, and took your phone out of your pocket. Lazily, you dialed his work phone and waited for him to pick up.
"This is Icy-Hot. I'm not available right now, reach either my assistant, partner, or me at a later time. I apologize for the inconvenience." The familiar one-toned voice you had gotten used to bleated back to you, and the phone beeped to leave a message. You made a confused noise before moving over to his personal phone number, the one that not many people had.
Just as the call was going to send you to voice mail, he picked up. "Hello? Is everything alright?" Shoto's voice called out to you, concern lacing his voice.
"No," You sighed, exhaustion taking over you slowly, unable for you to fight it much longer, "You weren't home and I was just making sure you were alive."
He chuckled, "Well I am don't worry. I'm on my way home soon, just another big battle in Tokyo, and you know how traffic can be." He sounded happy and content, and jealousy filled you at his ease.
"I hope it went well, and I'm glad you're safe. I love you, get home soon."
"It did, I'll tell you more at home. I love you, I'll see you soon."
The call disconnected, leaving the house in silence again. Suddenly, without even prompt or major reason, tilled filled your eyes and you were left breathless.
You were so tired, your body and mind so worn down that everything was moving too fast for you to keep up. Your eyes stung all the time, and your joints ached, body screaming in protest for running on fumes for so long.
You also had so many hard cases this month, a tsunami had hit the east, and because of the shortest of pros, you had been sent down there to mitigate the damage. The things you saw only added to the pile of horrors that kept you up at night. Lost little girls, old men torn apart, and young men crying in the middle of the street would haunt you for years to come. The paperwork and reconstruction that took weeks to finish, on top of commission work and public work, you were left beaten and bruised.
You cried yourself to sleep on the couch, too tired to change out of your civilian clothes or even move yourself to a comfortable position to find even a restful sleep.
When you woke up, crusty, thirsty, and hungry, you found yourself in your shared room. Pictures of you and Shoto decorated the space, along with your different families and friends. Books, papers, and other small trinkets littered the room. When you came home after being away from a work trip, it always made your heart warm and fuzzy at your cozy living space, knowing you shared it with the person you loved the most.
You heard soft music from the downstairs, and slowly you drifted out of your bedroom. (You were also pleasantly surprised to find yourself in soft pjs.) Peeking out, a smiled crawled on your face at the sight you were blessed with.
Shoto, still in his hero outfit, was swaying softly to a soft song that you recognized, Hijo del corazón. While doing so he was making your favorite comfort meal. Both of you always had each other's comfort meals prepped and ready to go in case the others needed it.
"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" You said sleepily, hooded bagged eyes looking at him with ease.
Shoto turned to you, jumping a little in surprise before he completely melted under your gaze.
"Yeah, you tell me every day you love me, plus, I get a daily reminder you do every time I wash my hands." He tapped to the ring on his finger, the pale moon gem that was the centerpiece. The weight of your sun ring reminded you of both your vows, in sickness and in health.
"True, but I super love you." You walked closer to him, nuzzling against him while he kept busy.
"I love you, hard day?" He asked, and even though his eyes were on the food, you knew you had his full undivided attention.
"Hard month more like it. I'm just glad we're almost done though." You sighed, dragging your feet to grab a glass of water. Your heart filled with warmth when you saw your respective bachelor party cups.
"I'm glad, I miss you at home." Shoto said almost pouting.
"Just a little bit more recon, and a smidge more paperwork and I'm back to a normal work schedule. What about you though?" You asked, eyeing him up and down with a raised eyebrow.
"What do you mean?" He turned to you, looking at you with his own raised eyebrows while he carried the food to the table.
"You're still in your hero suit, you didn't change back at the agency." You said that the answer was the simplest thing in the work. In truth, it kinda was.
"Oh," He looked down at himself, embracement suddenly flooding his cheeks. "I was just in such a rush to get home, I guess I didn't change." He started to eat with you.
"Why the rush? I'll always make it home." Or try to, at least.
"I missed you, plus, I have a surprise." Shoto suddenly got up, walking over to the kitchen to grab a fancy-looking velvet box.
"Sho' I don't mean to break your heart, but we've already gotten married." You laughed quietly at your own joke, turning in your spot to follow him.
"No not that. I know you don't really like jewelry, but I saw it and I just had to give it to you." He had you the box gently, placing it in your awaiting hands.
You looked at him before tenderly peeling open the box, and a gasp escaped your lips when you saw what was inside.
It was a beautiful golden heart-shaped locket. The design it had was stunning, on the front was an open sort of caged design, and you could see the inside of the locket through it. Around the mini heart-shaped window was a winged sort of design with small bridges on the side. On the back were two interlocked hearts surrounded by leaves and little tiny snowflakes.
When you peeled it open, it was your guy's wedding pictures. But it wasn't one where either of you were fake smiling. Instead, it was you ugly laughing with your eyes closed and leaning toward Shoto. While he had the widest grin ever looking at you so tenderly it made tears spring to your eyes.
"Oh Sho', it's beautiful. Thank you so much, I love it." You stood up to bring him into a tight hug. He hugged you twice as hard, resting his head on your shoulder.
"Of course, I hoped you'd like it." He whispered.
"I love it, thank you so much for being here for me." You sighed into his arms, the warm embrace he protected you into would always bring you inner peace.
God you loved this man, and you knew he loved you ten times as much.
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funishment-time · 1 year
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From now until the end of 2024, I’m raising money for Trans Lifeline by playing Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony…for the very first time.
And you humans can help with bingo cards (to win prizes).
TOTAL RAISED SO FAR AS OF 1/24: $1006/$2500
or learn more about the game by Clicking Through Below!
🌠 About Trans Lifeline:
Trans Lifeline is a grassroots hotline and microgrants 501(c)(3) non-profit organization offering direct emotional and financial support to trans people in crisis – for the trans community, by the trans community.
They also, incidentally, will not contact the cops or emergency services without your consent. Since this is Tumblr, I doubt I need to state the importance of this nonprofit (or that policy).
🌠 About me (Iris Polaris):
I am a polar bear streamer and "VTuber" who specializes in occult, art, and nature content, as well as VNs, sims, RPGs, and survival games, all to learn about you silly primates. Danganronpa is kind-of all of those genres at once. Kind-of.
In the past I've raised about ~$2500 USD across two events. I want to beat that. Just POUND it, y'all. My goal this time around is to raise $2500 USD for Trans Lifeline.
🌠 How to participate:
DONATE. Donate any amount to the Trans Lifeline (minimum $5 USD) here at this event's Tiltify. Leave contact info (an e-mail, Tumblr username, etc) in the comment of the donation or when choosing a reward. NOTE: You must donate thru our Tiltify so I can keep track of the total and contact you.
RECEIVE YOUR CARD. After donating, you will receive a randomized PDF bingo card like this one at your provided e-mail, Tumblr username, etc within 48 hours. Each space on the card represents a prediction I have about v3, a reaction I may have to the characters, etc.
WATCH THE BIWEEKLY-ISH YT VIDEOS. I'll be playing the game offline (i.e. not streamed) with my Manager Bunny. However, every 2-4 weeks, I'll publish a 10 minute or less YouTube video on my account until we finish the game. These videos will be compiled montages of all the spaces participants can mark off that week. These will not be long play videos!
EARN A PRIZE. If you get a bingo, tell me when it happens! Contact me via e-mail ([email protected]), on Twitter (@IrisPolarisEN), on Discord (irispolaris), or here on Tumblr (funishment-time or iris-polaris). All bingo winners get to choose from the prize pool at the end of the event (see below) in order of their wins!
🌠 Prize pool:
For fairness' sake, every bingo winner gets to choose one prize, regardless of how many times they get a bingo. More prizes to be added soon!
Character-themed phone BG commission: I'll make you a lovely little background for your phone based on existing official art. Examples (1 | 2 | 3).
Character-themed icon commission: I'll make you a lovely little 500x500 icon based on existing official art. Examples (1 | 2 | 3).
250-word general tarot reading: I'll pull a single card for you and give you an overview of what's to come. Here's an example.
Short astrological (zodiac) birthchart: I'll give you a short astrological birthchart that includes your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. You must provide me your date of birth and location of birth, so don't choose this if you're not comfortable with that! Here's an example.
Bust-up sketch commission by Tane Aspen: 10 available. The wonderful Tane has donated art commissions to the cause! Here's an album of examples.
Bust-up sketch commission by YogurtFluff: 1 available. Darling YogurtFluff (aka Gracie) has donated another art commission to the cause! Here's examples of their art.
Twitch panel set commission by Jar of Rubies Art aka Zenith: 1 available. Are you a streamy streamer? Zenith, who made my own personal Twitch panels and overlays, has donated a commission for a set herself! Here's examples of her work.
Pixel art commission by @🌸 🌿 Faerieko. 1 available. Commission a chibi pixel bust from my dear Mama Faerieko! See a cute EXAMPLE.
Iris-themed sticker set: 5 sets available. Three different ~"3 stickers by Studio Nekomata featuring yours truly.
Fortune-telling Bear patch: 2 available. A ~3" sew-on patch by Studio Nekomata featuring yours truly.
Iris-themed RPG charm: 2 available. A double-sided RPG-inspired charm by Studio Nekomata featuring yours truly.
Fortune-telling Bear charm: 5 available. A ~3" charm of yours truly, readin' the future and all that, with art by @faerieko.
1.5" Kaede & Shuichi buttons by MachineDean: 3 sets of 2 buttons available. Your delightful totally alive protagonists in adorable button form. (Pic)
DR v3-themed stickers by other folks. 2 available of each sticker. Choose three from these designs (album link - better/bigger images coming ASAP).
Please note that the presence of prizes from independent creators does NOT imply that they condone this event. Or even know about it. So don't ask them about stuff.
Donations to the prize pool are welcome, but not necessary. Please contact at me at [email protected] or here on Tumblr (funishment-time or iris-polaris) if you have a piece of merch or service (commissions, graphic design etc) you want to give.
🌠 Goal incentives:
MONODAM LEVEL: $100 raised. Art sketch request stream. Monodam turns me into a sketch robot for a stream. Beep boop bitch. ☑️ ACHIEVED AS OF 9/8, STREAM HELD 11/28
MONOPHANIE LEVEL: $500 raised. Giveaway. Detective Duo poster by Cheer puppy. Monophanie woke up in a good mood, so she's giving away a 16" by 20" poster of our favorite v3 protagonists...or, well, I guess, the only v3 protagonists. (This item will be given away on stream, date TBD.) ☑️ ACHIEVED AS OF 9/9
MONOKID LEVEL: $1000 raised. Danganronpa WWE content. I use whatever wrestling game I can pirate find and custom-make Danganronpa characters y'all vote on. Then we fight 'em. Offline-recorded video series. HOO YEAH!
MONOSUKE LEVEL: $1500 raised. Giveaway. DR1 Steam game key. Monosuke knows the best way to bring in business is to give people stuff. Any kind of stuff. DR1 isn't the game he's in, but like, does it matter? It's free! (This item will be given away on stream, date TBD.)
MONOTARO LEVEL: $2000 raised. Return of the hot sauce stream. Like Monotaro, I'm forgetful. Specifically, I've forgotten how much my previous hot sauce stream hurt me on my birthday. So we're going at it again, new sauces, new pain, date TBD.
MONOKUMA LEVEL: $2500+ raised. 12 hour marathon Summer Camp stream. Fulfill my goal of being the Ultimate Fundraiser and I'll sit and play Danganronpa S Ultimate Summer Camp for 12 hours nonstop. And do all the voices. Puhuhu...huhuhu. (Date TBD.)
MASTERMIND LEVEL: $3000+ raised. Every winner gets an additional prize. Peasants! We have been waiting for oh-so-long! Knock things out of the park and every bingo winner gets to choose an additional prize...and a sample of my famous home cooking! (Home cooking not included.)
🌠 Important dates:
VIDEOS/EVENT ENDS: When we're done with the game. Probably no later than December or January. Or maybe much sooner. This is going to take a while, actually. But we'll post about it everywhere (here, Twitter, etc), don't worry.
DONATIONS ACCEPTED UNTIL: The event ends. See above. You can get a bingo card up until our last video, which will be announced well in advance (here, Twitter, etc). Note, however, you'll be at a slight disadvantage to choose a prize, as bingo winners get to choose in order of their wins.
🌠 Important links:
Trans Lifeline's website
Our fundraiser Tiltify (donate here! Remember: leave contact info!)
My YouTube channel (the bingo videos go here!)
My Discord, or my Twitter, or my Tumblrs (1 | 2), for updates
🌠 FAQ:
Where can I donate? Via our Tiltify! Include contact info in the comment of your donation if you want a bingo card.
Where can I find updates? You can find updates here on funishment-time or iris-polaris, on my YouTube, on my Twitter, or on my Discord.
Do any donations touch your wallet? Nope. All proceeds go directly to Trans Lifeline via Tiltify. I don't get a cent of it, not even for a second.
Do I have to donate via Tiltify to participate? Yes, sorry. This is the only way I can easily keep track. However, Tiltify accepts any form of currency IIRC.
Can I get a bingo card for a friend? Yes, but you must donate twice (or more), even if it means donating $5 USD each time. I will issue you two (or more) cards, and you can give them out as you wish.
Can I donate without participating in the bingo? Totes. Just ignore all the bingo stuff if you want. But you won't get any cool prizes!
What if, on the bingo card, I see a prediction that I know is true? If, for example, Miu survives the game and you know it, don't mark the space until I get to that point in the game. This means that you do not get a bingo until I get to that point in the game. (Example: if you need the "Miu survives" space to get a bingo, it's not a bingo until I get there. I tried to balance this out by providing spaces about the way I play the game, too.)
Is this really your first time playing v3? Yes. I know like two spoilers (the killer and victim of trial 1, for example) and I understand the characters' personalities from Summer Camp, but I've never played the game.
Isn't it a little weird to play a killing game...game for Trans Lifeline? Yeah, but like, the fandom is super queer anyway so why not.
Are you trans? Sort-of. Queer/genderweird, definitely. Any pronouns are fine. I like to think of my gender as..."bear."
Week 1 (9/8): 5 spaces
Week 2 (9/21): 6 spaces
Week 3 (10/12): 4 spaces
Week 4 (11/12): 2 spaces
Week 5 (1/24): 3 spaces
✨ Thank you for spreading the word...or for participating! ✨
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damsels-n-dice · 12 days
after my birthday sale
my two week long birthday sale ended yesterday (or this morning, depending on your particularly timezone), so i thought i'd do a little post-mortem and let you know what you can expect to see from damsels & dice for the rest of 2024 and possibly beyond!
first of all, thank you all so much! we absolutely exceeded my expectations for this sale, and smashed my dream goal of $20 spent during the two weeks. the game is only in playtesting now, but y'all putting faith into it before it's done helps me afford to survive while making this as good as i can for you! the money you contributed will go towards art commissions for each of the playbooks (the first of which is already underway, and looking incredible)
more importantly, though, is when you can expect the rewards from this sale, as well as what else is going on with my games.
i have a mailing list for faster updates + more thoughts
there are 10 free copies of 'til it kills us waiting to be claimed! why not grab a copy so you can see all the changes as they're made?
you can get 'til it kills us, This game is a message., and a whole bunch of cool games by other creators in the ttrpgs for accessible gaming charity bundle (i'll make a post about this later!)
'til it kills us gets an actual cover image with a photograph (probably a temporary one, but nicer than the text one now!)
a pay-what-you-want lyric game releases at the end of september
my games, including 'til it kills us and possibly one or more new games, appear in the pride in fall game jam
previews of the art i'm commissioning for 'til it kills us
'til it kills us (v0.4) releases -- a formatting update with some of the new post-playtest content added for good measure ;)
a fully playable pay-what-you-want game releases by christmas!
the call opens for 'til it kills us playtesters, starting on my substack and then looking on here if more people are needed
'til it kills us (v1.0) officially releases! 🥳
alongside that, i'll drop a character/setting/general lore companion for storytellers to use when running their games
perhaps one of my less ttrpg-related projects? 👀
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tacoma-narrows · 11 months
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Tac's Yearly OC Art Shirt Design - 2023!
IT’S FINALLY HERE!!! For anyone who doesn't know, every year I make a collage of a bunch of art I've gotten of my characters over the preceding year, and get that printed on a t-shirt for myself!! I do this as a way of thanking everyone who's made me something, regardless of if its on this shirt or not, and then showing it off to other people any time I wear it! This is the 5th year in a row that I've made one! :D
I’ve had the design for about a week now, and the shirt actually came really early in the mail this past Friday, so I wanted to make time to finally post this!
But yeah!! The majority of these are commissions, with a good showing from Art Fight as well, and then a mix of trades, gifts and so forth ^^
There are 11 different characters of mine on here, but clearly, this has been the Year of the Starburst lmao, she’s got TEN pieces on here! Can u spot them all? hehe. Overall, included in here we’ve got: Shep, PB, Starburst, Luau, Seabreeze, Rye, Pumpernickel, Wilkołak, Moxie, Isaac and Firecracker!
And of course! Those characters are represented through the 20 amazing artists who were all kind enough to allow me to include their work here!! Again, this is one of the ways I say thank you to anyone who’s ever made me something. Whether I included your work or not, I absolutely love anything anyone takes the time to make for me <33
And here are the people who made the art featured here! Go support their work if you don’t already! :D (Also linked are each piece they contributed!) @macaronichewtoyz! [ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 ] @tsume-is-asleep! [ 1 / 2 ] @lesbianluxray! [ 1 ] @rolyjulioli! [ 1 ] @tropicalfox! [ 1 ] @darkxwolf17! [ 1 ] @creepincrawl! [ 1 ] Giveitapearl [Instagram]! [ 1 / 2 ] LunarGalaxyWing [Instagram]! [ 1 / 2 / 3 ] xThe.Real.Reidx [Instagram]! [ 1 ] FangGraves [Instagram]! [ 1 / 2 ] ToastyTrip [Instagram]! [ 1 ] HeyIsSammy [Instagram]! [ 1 / 2 ] Blootis [Instagram]! [ 1 ] Keeymann [Instagram]! [ 1 ] Band.1te [Instagram]! [ 1 ] Ott [Toyhouse]! [ 1 ] Glow_Squiid [Instagram]! [ 1 ] Honeypaws.Art [Instagram]! [ 1 ] Fruittyfoxx [Instagram]! [ 1 ]
To anyone wondering, no, this shirt is NOT FOR SALE!! This is a very personal thing for me every year, and of course it would be wrong of me to profit off the work of other people
Again, thank you all so much to those of you who’ve made me something at any point, who’s work I’ve included here, and just people who continue to support my work and what I do. It really does mean the world <33
You can see closeups of the design below the cut if you want! I'll also reblog this with my previous years' versions as well! :D
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ambystoman · 8 months
Dragon March dev update - Feb. 3. 2024
Finally getting around to making the actual levels with most of the important systems now in place. Here's the first level
In theory, this level should introduce players to the main game mechanics such as steering Cereal in safe and difficult locations, collecting dragons, avoiding your own line, reaching the level goal, and seeing Cereal behind walls.
Finally getting audio implemented too. For the first time ever, I got a composer; The very awesome Razerek. Funny enough, their art and music inspired me to start working on Dragon March so its a sort of full circle heh. That song in the video is an original composition for Dragon March (WIP of course).
Other things I did include a code that automatically generates and extends walls downwards so I don't have to do it manually
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A visual for the height level that kills Cereal. Fun fact, these are excerpts from the actual code that kills Cereal. The binary lines are just random words like "Ow", "Die" or "Danger"
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I was very proud of the wall see-through code. Looks neat I think.
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Not shown in the video but also made Keys and Locked Doors
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Anyone remembers Minesweeper?
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You got mail. These work like trampolines and launch Cereal far away to a set destination. They don't work exactly how I want them to but I'll get them down at some point.
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Made a couple of HD renders for these letters.
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I might be able to finish the first world of the game; Latency Lobby, this month. I'm getting surgery next week so hope all goes well for me. If I manage to finish the first world, I might get back to doing a bit of commissions again. I need money.
Join my Discord Server if you wish to see more development or art related and unrelated:
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kirikiri1 · 2 years
Surprise Tumblr round of commissions!
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New opening for "commissions"! I say that with quotation marks because I'm not looking to monetize this hobby (I want to have fun! Also, that wouldn't work under their license!), so the process won't be standard.
1) What can you get? One hoop, 10cm diameter (as in the pictures), depicting something from an episode of The Magnus Archives (check episode availability at link in my bio!). I don't do full color portraiture, so it'll have to be more abstract or else line art only. 
2) How does this work? You message me on this app with the episode in question, and, if there's a specific scene or imagery you're interested in or a preference for straight up embroidery versus the mixed fluffy stuff I do, that as well. We discuss if that works, and if we agree, you donate 50 US dollars to The Okra Project (food for black trans folx), your local Food Not Bombs (food for people in need), Palestine Children Relief Fund, Donbas SOS (Ukrainian civilians), RAICES (legal services for immigrants), or ActBlue (abortion funds) and I make you a hoop. There won't be revisions, because a) that's hard to do with embroidery and b) like I said, I want to have fun, so you'll have to trust that you'll like what I make. I will give you process updates though if you'd like, so you can have some input then. Please only do this if you are confident you won't regret it. When the hoop is done, you PayPal me the cost of shipping (typically between 7 and 15 Euros, ships from Germany), and then I mail it out to you.
3) How long will this take? Well, once I start stitching your hoop, it should take about a week or two. But since I'll do these in the order that they come in in and have a day job, it may take a few weeks for me to get started. Figure in another month for it to arrive outside of Europe.
4) Will more slots open up? Maybe! So long as it's fun, I will do more.
5) 50 dollars?? Really?? Yes really, and that's actually very, very cheap given that these take me up to 20 hours depending on the level of detail and techniques used. Plus material costs. Plus it goes to a good cause, so there will be no negotiating on this point.
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motleycrowmasks · 8 months
do you have a shop/website to potentially buy masks from? I would pay an ungodly amount for the full opossum set or a crow one like in your header :-)
Hey! I see your followup message where you found the info, but this is a fairly common question and I've been neglecting my Tumblr page's info header, so I'll answer anyway!
I don't currently have a website, and although I've thought a lot about possibly setting one up via my ko-fi, it would still only be for mask parts (bases, claws, etc). For finished (premade) masks, I post auction announcements on all my pages.
For commissions, I open up applications 2-3 times a year on average and make a google form available. I send out quotes to everyone who applies, and after a week or two, I close the form and select 2-4 projects to move forward with.
When commissions are open, I update all my social media pages to say so - and you're also welcome to email me at [email protected], to request that I email you when I open next as well! You'll only get one email reminder total, because I clear my mailing list after ever application period.
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melissamasakari · 3 months
Confessions you didn't notice
Chapter two. Birthday mess.
Sam's birthday went according to plan. In the morning I managed to catch her on the way back from training (and I even managed to cover my ears and not go deaf from Paulie’s screams!) and gave her a gift.
“Wow! Is this a ’snakebite’?! I didn't even dream of it. You're an angel!”
“Glad you like it. Evening plans are still valid?”
“Of course. That will be me and you only. Phyllis is on duty today, but I'll take her out for lunch. And Cap,” she turned around, looking at the dust slowly settling after her boss flew past, winding another circle, “had let me go early today”.
“What a generosity!” I deliberately clasped my hands. “Are we sure we’re there will be no one else?”
“I didn’t plan it. Remy is on Patrol around the abandoned ruins, Arlo, as usual, has carloads of papers and reports for the evening. And he also was talking about a bunch of commissions for materials. Well, he probably just came up with an excuse,” she shrugged with annoyance.
“Oh... that will be mine commissions, it seems. The poor fellow will completely drive himself away at this rate.”
“Don’t worry, he’s crazy like this every autumn. Just another week and he will calm down. He’ll just become an ordinary grumbler again.”
“With some itchy feet,” I couldn’t help but add quietly. Sam burst out laughing and ran off.
We had a great time in the evening as expected, collecting a ton of tokens from Django’s. I think we even emptied his entire prize pool till next year. He looked annoyed at first, but then he expressed his joy out loud and called us walking advertisements for an arcade.
Two days later I was persistently reminded that it turned out to be my birthday. Even pa sent a postcard from somewhere in his wasteland. Just amazing! He should have dispatched it at the beginning of summer for it to arrive in time. Ginger sent me a great necklace by the mail. I don’t usually wear this type of jewelry, but she will definitely be pleased if I come to a party in it. Gust sent... what is this, an umbrella? And with my signature stamp? He is crazy or something? By now the whole city should have noticed that I really hate umbrellas! And those hats are also dumb! And just then it started to rain, how predictable!
From time to time appearing at home between trips to work, I was surprised to observe the endless flow of townspeople at my fence gate. They looked around very funny, leaving boxes and parcels at the mailbox. Many gifts were without signatures or cards, but it was not difficult to guess the giver. In the mailbox there was even a note with threats and a demand to sell my workshop and get out. Probably Higgins...or those loser scammers. Well, let's see what kind of loot I’ve got. There is food from Emily and Martha, a cool warm jacket from Carol (I've been meaning to order it for a long time!), a carpet from Gale, another carpet from Sonya, a cool pot of flowers from Alice. Oh, what else is there? The box contained exactly the same black dress as I wore on that ill-fated day. The sweepingly and beautifully signed card read: “Shine bright too! I love you. Antoine!” Wow. ‘Black glow’? That’s unheard of. Well, okay, so there will be a spare one if I screw up somehow. And this is where the boxes end. And letters, too. Oh, wait. At the bottom of the box was a letter from Petra with blueprints and congratulations. And a very official paper from the Civil Corps with an apology for the delay of my commission and hopes for patience and calm. Damn red-block-head! But at least he definitely didn’t eavesdrop.
Sam found me late at night diligently threshing punching sacks. We had a nice chat and exchanged news. She handed me a cool roomy bag with the logos of Flying pigs stitched over as decorations. Hand sewn, that’s amazing!
“Do you like it? I wasn't sure since you didn't answer my question.”
“Amazing!” I couldn’t contain my delight and hugged her tightly. “Where did You get it? There are so many pockets, you are a miracle!”
“I bought the basic one from Carol and spent a long time fiddling with the decorations. It turned out a little clumsily, but I...” She drawled guiltily.
“Are you kidding?! In fact, it’s hard for me to imagine you doing needlework and here it is! When did you found time? No one has ever bothered like this for me before. Well, mom, maybe. And it was very long time ago so I almost don’t remember her.”
“I'm glad I guessed right. Cheer up, kid, I need to run further along the route before anyone notices that I’m skiving.”
Having assured that all the urgent work was going as it should I crawled away to rest. The weather was pleasant in the morning; the mud from yesterday's downpour had even dried out. After reporting on the projects to the guild, I decided to take a leisurely jog around the pond to relieve some turmoil from my head. Relieve, however, did not happen – obsessive thoughts followed me around. We even didn’t have a proper conversation. It's a pity. Maybe I should seek him out again? Come on, that's bullshit. I have much more important things to do. Gale has generously piled me with interesting work again, so I’ll try to throw myself into it and just wait till the rest of the fall. Apparently I made the wrong wish on the Day of Memories when I was releasing a flying lantern into the sky.
Until next Friday I honestly kept my promise to immerse myself in work. I fulfilled several large orders, took inventory, went through a bunch of paperwork, and, while making another small commission, decided to beat up my training dummies.
“Are you training?” out of surprise, I jumped abruptly high in the air and in a turn stroked the visitor with my knee in the shoulder.
And Arlo didn't even wince.
“Didn’t anyone tell you that sneaking is bad? And you have to knock!”
“Somebody once told me. And I knocked. Your fence gates are always opened anyway. Great shot, by the way!” He rubbed the bruised area, shook himself off and continued. “So just how busy are you?”
“It depends on what do you need me for. Are we expected to save the world again?” Remembering the last episode with the sewer repair I asked cautiously. I really didn’t expect that he would show up in person! Finally!
“No, it’s not that bad. I just got a little carried away and broke my training dummy. Can you make me a new one?” He nodded towards my equipment for blowing off steam. “I see you already know how – you don’t even have to look for blueprints. Will you take my commission?”
“Wait a minute. I made one for you recently. What did you hit it with, a hammer or something?”
“As it turns out I need something sturdier.”
“Okay, just how urgent is it?” And why do I keep thinking that I’m missing the chance to ask questions that are of much more interest for me?
“Can you have it done before the Snowball Battle? I don't want to miss my training for so long.”
“I have one condition. No, two.”
“I'm hanging on your words!”
“You still need to have a break from your training. You have been delaying my orders for the third week a row!”
“Sorry, something happened,” he shrank guiltily.
“I know what could have happened to you!” I blurted out, shaking my fist at him. Is it just my imagination or is there someone giggling there from behind the fence?
“What is the second condition?”
“I want to challenge you to a snowball battle. I have already beaten you in land run, but in the martial arts tournament I consider it was a technical draw.”
“A draw? You knocked me out of the finals! I didn't even understand how it happened. Twice.”
“So, you remember. And then Russo almost broke all my ribs. I should have left him to you. Or at least get some proper sleep before that fight...”
“Come on?! No preparation and you just rushed to thrash the butler. And if it’s of any consolation I didn’t have a chance against Russo either. He used to be a Civil corps leader after all.”
“Don't change the subject. I still have to invent an arlo-proof dummy, you know.”
“Yes, sure. I don't usually do snowball fighting, but why not? I haven’t done anything other than work and training for a long time.”
“Well, before I forget. How did your exams go?”
“It’s better not to ask,” he immediately drooped. Was it really THAT bad? He was running around like crazy all month.
“It's a pity. Sorry. So my lucky fist-holding didn't work. Next time I'll cross my fingers for you. They say it works better,” I made an appropriate encouraging gesture.
“It’s okay, I’ll survive. Looks like I'm still not good enough.”
“Then they are all blind there if they think so.”
Putting on an air of importance he cheerfully said goodbye and disappeared again into the landscape behind my fence gate. Just like deja vu. Looking for clues for the task he had given me I decided to visit Petra. We spent all day brainstorming and finally came up with a plan. There's just a little bit left to do – I have to get everything done in a week, unless urgent problem is rushed onto me. I had to hang around in the ruins all weekend and replenish supplies of materials; if I’m lucky, I’ll be able to start testing my arlo-proof-something by Wednesday.
On Tuesday morning Arlo reappeared on his own out of the blue. Sure, I don’t usually immediately notice if someone is looming around the fence, since it's such a common thing. There is always someone running around my place as if it is some tourist attraction. And almost half of the heads usually sticking up over the fence here are all red, well, including my own. I perfectly fit into the picture here, nothing more to say.
Why is Arlo acting so strange? So very weird. He just walks back and forth in front of my fence gate but for some reason he doesn’t try to come in or knock. So I decided to hail him myself.
“Arlo? Hey, come in, don’t circle around there or you’ll trample a hole in the road!” I shouted from the height of the second floor of the assembly station. Zero reaction. What's wrong with him? “Sky to the Captain, do you copy?! Captain Arlo, confirm the operation status! Repeat: confirm the operation status, Captain!”
“I asked you not to call me so!” He pouted, but at least he restored his touch with reality. I'll save this feat for the future.
“Come in, I said. I’ll come down soon,” I pointed with my hand into the yard, “or, if you’re not in a hurry, you can wait for me in the house.”
At the second offer he somehow stretched himself out with some nervousness, shook his head negatively, and in a couple of jumps found himself near the workbench. Having finished assembling another very important thing, I went to find out what was going on felling intrigued.
“Are you’re looking for your dummy? I planned to finish it tomorrow, well, Thursday at latest. I still need to test it, at least minimally.”
“Are you going to hit it with a pickaxe?” Hinting at the obvious difference in strength, he nodded towards my rather battered punching sacks hanging near the stable. “But no. That's not what I'm after.”
“Then what's up?” I wiped my hands with a rag and inquired.
“I was thinking. Maybe we can go somewhere together? Tomorrow.”
“Are bandirates invited to this party? Or maybe an ensemble of jumping dancers? An honor guard from the city administration? We seem to have agreed on a fest on Friday.”
“The festival is still valid, of course. But I would like to do something, well, more tranquil.”
“For example? Just don’t offer to go jogging and training!” I wonder if I’m daydreaming again, or is this a date? Judging by what I know, it’s definitely not his promotion party.
“How about we go to Django's? Then we can book an arcade hall or take a walk to the beach.”
“Beach in winter? Your tastes are little specific, you know.” I pointed out slightly sarcastically as I was trying not to show my excitement.
“I would suggest a haunted cave instead, but it’s slippery there now. And also cold. The atmosphere is the best, of course. It's creepy and disgusting. You may get sick, and instead of having fun you'll end up with a full pack of new problems”.
“Fair point. So tomorrow, a restaurant. In the evening?”
“Yeah, let's go in the evening. In the morning the hall is packed. At lunchtime there are always some of the bosses present. This will be no rest either.”
“Then where do we meet and what about the dress code?”
“I can come to fetch you. By seven. Is it fine?”
“Are you ignoring the second question on purpose, or is there some hidden meaning?”
“On this matter I am only a so-so adviser. I'll leave it you. Just make sure you're warm and comfortable enough. I know you’re still not very used to the snowy winter.”
“Acknowledged. I’ll be waiting for you tomorrow,” we bumped fists in goodbye.
In joyful anticipation I cheerfully completed most of the work planned for the whole week. I even managed to go and report on everything urgent. All that was left was that arlo-proof dummy. Sam caught me finishing it the next morning.
“Wow, what a monstrosity you are building here!” Her delighted voice came from behind the fence.“Can I check it out?”
“Come in, just don’t touch anything yet. It's not really bolted. I still need to tighten it up a little more and check it. And just then it will be ready to be screwed to some fairly heavy stand. So I just drove it into the ground so far. For tests.”
“Did you call a tester?” Sam inquired busily and patted her boxing glove with her hand.
“Let the owner test it himself. I really hope that at least he won’t hurt himself in the process”.
“This thing will be moved to the headquarters?”
“Bingo! Certainly. I'm already working on the second design.”
“What a colossus!”
“Yeah, I’m very interested to see how he’s going to get this thing uphill. I have never seen any transport usable to moving up the ice slide that the ramp in the park has turned into.”
“He'll figure it out. For the sake of resuming training he will do just everything. I was surprised that he even cleared away all the papers! Has he sent you all your materials? Or was I running around for nothing?”
“As far as I remember I still need leather and fur. I managed to get some for urgent orders myself. So, I'm not worried yet. But if there’s some lying around at the headquarters, just whistle and I’d better come and pick it up. Oh, by the way. Your order is ready too, I was going to catch you tomorrow. Wait a minute. And pass me that metal thing, please.”
“Oh, great. Glad I dropped by.”
“Are you in a hurry? I could use your help.”
“Not too much. What’s what you need?”
“A trivial girly thingy. I've nothing to wear.”
“Now that is interesting. People don’t usually come to me for something like that,” she laughed.
“I’m not going to ask Antoine for help and then be unable to get away from him. He gifted me a dress, can you imagine? And even signed a postcard.”
“Come on?! Show me!”
As we entered the house together I opened the closet and invited my friend to rummage through it while I washed myself off after the dirty work.
“So how do you like my booty?” I went out in my usual home attire, preparing to inspect my scarce selection of clothes.
“Here is plenty to choose from. So what’s the occasion and plan of the event?”
“I would have liked to know the occasion myself. I've been told it will be a restaurant and a walk. The sequence is arbitrary. Also I don't want to suffer from frostbite. And I don’t want to look like an unwashed miner either. As such, everything is as usual.”
“Okay. Then let's try this out” Sam surprisingly quickly put together a cool set for me. Then another one. And another still. How come I’ve got so many clothes?
As I’ve tried out everything offered, we looked at the clock and found that lunch was almost over. So we had to finally choose and we settled on a practical classic. As result two almost identical girls, a blonde and a redhead, looked at us from the mirror, smiling provocatively. The difference was in the details and some little things. My jacket was warmer and longer still, bright blue – made of Slurpee leather. And the jeans were perfect – gray, with a lot of pockets. My only warm and non-slip boots also fit well. I’ll even wear my new necklace with these. And also I’m going to take with me my current favorite bag.
“You are my savior! Drop by on any weekend – I’ll treat you to home-cooked lunch.
“Splendid! They say you almost beat Django in the Cook off. Sorry I missed everything. Usually that competition includes a lot of my favorite dishes.”
“Let's catch up then. And here's your order.”
To pass time til the evening I decided to tinker with the paperwork that I usually do on Saturdays. However, Arlo did not appear at the appointed time. Nothing new. I was about to go “test” his order, and I even got to made a couple of test kicks when I heard noise from behind the fence.
“Look what the cat dragged in! You can arrange transportation for your new toy,” I began instead of greeting and waved my fist invitingly.
“Oh can I try it out?”
“Just without zeal. I already thought you wouldn't come at all.”
“Sorry. I was sorting out complaints from one workshop. It turns out that you are accused of stealing a pickaxe. A bronze one!”
“What kind of jerk took a risk? I have had only iron ones for a long time. You know that.”
“Yeah, well enough. That's why the investigation took so much time. I had to collect evidence in the first abandoned ruins in order to prosecute him for libel. He will be an eyesore for me until the end of the week in the jail now,” he said indignantly but rather threateningly, and made a couple of test blows at the dummy.
“It was Higgins, wasn’t it? Ugh, I'm sorry. Consider yourself forgiven. And as such you already punished yourself for being late.”
“So generous. And this toy turned outto beexcellent! I had no doubts, of course. You’re a great builder after all. But you managed to exceed all expectations.”
“Are you sure you don’t have a basement anywhere? Otherwise it might, uh, break through the floor or something.”
“Don't worry. I won’t put it on the second floor, but it’s the clinic where there is a basement, not our place. Are you ready?”
“If you are ready to give up trying to break this monstrosity. At least until Sunday.”
“Yeah, sorry. Let's go. We should practice together sometime.”
“No way.” I closed the house and checked the gate.“I won’t spar with you anymore.”
“And why is that? It was great! I enjoyed it very much!”
“Because I still plan to beat you in the tournament next summer, of course!”
“And just how will joint training interfere with this?”
“You will be ready for my surprises that way. That's not very interesting.”
“Do you have any other strange techniques up your sleeve?”
“Just you wait and see.”
“We've arrived.” Arlo opened the door, letting me in first. Well, that's nice.
Oh, a cozy little fenced-in nook. Seems like a good spot, not too close to tables intended for large groups or business meetings, but, to my sorrow, uncomfortably close to the entrance and also in a draft. That's where we headed. Why am I so nervous? Well, I only dreamed about this for almost a whole month. Cheer up, girl! So, I allowed myself to be pampered a little tint bit, and we sat down opposite each other. The distance seems to be decent. Calm down, Melissa, breathe. Nothing is happening yet.
“You said that you come here often.”
“Yeah, so what?”
“Then explain such abnormal excitement around.”
“You think so? It seems like it's always like this.”
“I don’t know how to put this. Usually when I get here, that’s either Sam who pulls me out into a noisy crowd of people or I just hang out alone at the counter and sometimes discuss new recipes with Django if he's not too busy. And now it feels like as soon as we entered the entire staff dropped what they were doing and began circling nearby.”
“If you hadn’t pointed this out I wouldn’t have noticed. For some reason such a stir happens every time I come in.”
“So it's clear. This means that in an hour at most the whole city will already be gossiping about seeing us here together.”
“And so what? Just let them say and think what they want. This doesn't bother me at all. Does it disturb you, maybe?” To my surprise he really guessed it! It’s unlikely that he’s always hanging out privately with the girls here. Otherwise Sonya would have already told everyone. Now she’ll definitely talk about this little visit of ours, oh crap.
“Not that much. Maybe on the contrary it will be beneficial and yield more orders,” I said, putting on an overly cheerful appearance. It’s also quite possible that those Nora of his will bite me in the face later. Who knows what these church apprentices are up to?
“By the way about orders. I mean what are we going to order?”
“Let me think. Will we have separate account? I'm quite happy with today's dish of the day, a couple of crepes for dessert, and some hot tart drink like tea or coffee.”
“If it’s more comfortable for you, let’s have separate.”
It is not at all surprising that Sonya was hovering somewhere nearby and instantly materialized as soon as Arlo waved his hand. We said hello again I told what I wanted and discussed the conditions. Then it was my companion’s turn and he immediately ordered a total five of his least favorite dishes. I was terribly surprised and immediately tried to talk him out from this dumb idea.
“Wait, you don’t like sweets. And you’ve said SO many times that you can’t stand steamed potato fruit. Are you sick by any chance? There are also three sweet dishes and even a dessert. Arlo, what's wrong with you?”
The waitress chuckled softly. Really, she knows better than anyone in this small town each persons preferences in food. There is nowhere else to go here to be honest.
“I was quite healthy this morning, thank you. I don't know I just wanted to try something new. Or give this food a second chance, something like that.”
“Okay, we’ll always have time to add something else.”
Sonya accepted our orders and finally left, smiling mysteriously and gracefully swaying her hips.
“So, how it is? Do you regret moving here yet?”
“No way. Apart from this cold winter and an excessively humid, rainy summer, I am quite okay. I'm not swallowing sand each time I need to go outside. And the skin does not crack if I forget to hide it from the sun. And my job is really interesting. I even have made some friends! And there is a small but pleasant bonus: my aunt can’t reach me here and has finally stopped trying to micro-manage my life.”
“How‘ s that?”
“Well, you know. She breathed down my neck all the time with her advice. Don’t talk with these people – they’ll teach you all bad things! Just tie the knot and be fixed for life. But you’re not allowed to be friends with this guy and that gal. Blah-blah-blah and stuff like that. She was so overbearing that she even distracted me from studying and working normally.”
“Understood. Sorry for asking.”
“Come on. Here I can at least breathe normally and be myself. Do what I want. Talk to everyone I like, and not with those who passed Kendra’s selection.”
“Do you think I'd pass?”
“Well, it's a good question. I didn't even think about it this way. Besides, I just don't give a fuck anymore. If she’d not like you, that would be her problem! It’s quite enough that I like you. But if you insist I can speculate what it would look like. Just for fun.”
“Try it, I’m curious, if it will not make you sad.”
“Well considering what I've heard about you from others... Hmm. I suspect she would be over the moon that I have a friend like you. Kendra would brag to all of her friends, driving away their ugly, boring momma's boys. But I just won't let this happen, okay? I only recently stopped receiving trainloads of letters from her demanding to account for every step. “
“Well, I haven’t seen something like this before, and it’s hard for me to comprehend it right now. I won't ask again, I promise.”
“Agreed. It’s like we came to have fun, not to pick at sores.”
“Exactly,” he was still noticeably saddened, even hovered a little. Somehow the conversation wasn’t going well, and I started to get even more nervous.
Our order arrived. Predictably, as Arlo never liked sweets, he turned even sourer. And he also flatly refused the offer to order something tastier or at least filling. Oh, damn it, what to do with him? I should have confessed to him near the house and found out everything! There are too many extra ears here, and it feels like they are all crowding around. I can’t ask about exams as he would have told me about work himself. In a fit of panic I fidgeted with my bag, I don’t quite understand what I was trying to find there except for keys and a set of tools. A first aid kit, maybe?
“Wow, what a cool bag do you have here. Did you do it yourself? I want one too!”
“No, it was not me. And there will be no repeat, this is a one-off.”
“Why is this?”
“It’s a present. Handmade. So it’s really hard to repeat.”
“It's a shame. Wait, a gift? From whom? Was there an occasion?”
“I won’t say from whom. But there was an occasion, yes.” I tried not to dwell on my disappointment from that day about how my “best friend” didn’t show up and didn’t even congratulate me with a postcard.
“I missed everything, right? How long ago?”
“In the fall,” Sonya came to put away the dishes, eavesdropped and tried not to giggle. I'll discuss it with her later. At least not in front of Arlo.
“Sorry. You were probably waiting, right?”
“Let’s just say, I hoped. At least that we could just meet up and chat. I definitely didn’t expect an apology for the delay of my order that arrived by mail. I missed you, by the way!” Oh, that was too loud. It seems like a couple of plates broke somewhere near, just a little short of reaching the kitchen.
“Can you pinpoint a date? I understand that I should have known this myself, but it has had totally washed out,” oh, what a guilty tone his voice has. I almost liked it.
“Not surprised. You were completely absorbed in the upcoming test. Twenty fifth.”
“Exactly. That was the last three days of preparation and run-up for the training ground. I utterly screwed up,” he hit himself on the forehead with his palm.
“Do not worry. I usually don't celebrate. This was I think the first year in the last... ten, or such that I had some festivities”.
“What kind of gifts do you like? Well, for the future,” have he perked up or something? It's nice.
“It’s hard to tell right away. I usually like something practical. The girls gave me a whole bunch of warm clothes. Now there is something to wear for work in and something fancy for special occasion. Just in case, I’ll tell you right now if you haven’t figured it out yet. I DO hate umbrellas! Anyone who dares to bring me an umbrella or any other thing that resembles it as a gift is at risk of getting it back, stuck up their ass and opened!”
I heard the door opening and the completely indecent laugh of Sonya and her group of friends three tables away. Antoine cackled louder than anyone, even the chandelier above them swayed. Well, guess who got here... I think I have problems. It's probably too late to leave. I shrank all over in my seat and tried to pretend to be a decoration on the wall, checking the situation with my peripheral vision. The laughter can still be heard, but it seems that the storm had passed. Gust walked past with a poker face and disappeared somewhere at the entrance to the arcade hall. His pig jumped funnily after him. Now it was I who had to hold back my laughter. Arlo without any reaction to Gust calmly continued:
“Do you have any wishes?”
“About gifts, or about this evening?”
“I’m not going to the arcade now, okay?” I nodded towards the person who came in. “I don’t want to see him with his sour face. It will ruin the whole mood for me.”
“Understood. Let's bug out then? “He winked conspiratorially and helped me to get ready to leave. Just in case I left a generous tip for my part of the order. I hope my hint will be taken.
We walked out into the refreshingly cool, clear night. The city had not yet begun to decorate for the winter festivals, it was quiet and calming. The yellow lanterns shone comfortably. I was really proud of making them! The shops had long been closed, and on the way to the Central square we didn’t even meet anyone. Sam's light wasn't on – she was most likely on duty. I was very relaxed so I didn’t even notice how we ended up at the swing near the school. But why not?
“Do you want to swing? New competition?” Arlo perked up noticeably and cheerfully sat down on the second swing nearby, as soon as I sat down on mine.
“You wanted quiet leisure time. Don't overexert - you'll fall out. Or wind will inflate your head,” I slowly began a test swinging, “I have a light form of motion sickness.”
“Then why did you do such tricks at the land run?”
“I had to quickly dust off my rusty skills. I have a complicated relationship with horses. And that stallion, moreover, was rented and too nasty. But it was fun!”
“Never DO that again. No one would even notice in time that something went sideways! You looked so confident.” I can hear rising anger in his voice. “And for your skills, we’ll come up with something if you wish.”
“Personal riding instructor? Sounds tempting. But first I will have to fix the issue with the stable and look for an opportunity to buy a horse. I need to wait until that tame filly I noticed at McDonald's grows up,” I said and then immediately imagined how ridiculous it all would look. Crap.
“Maybe you can start with something more trivial? Llamas are quite good for taming.”
“I hope this isn’t a veiled insult about my petite size. It's enough that Sam teases me about it regularly. But she's allowed to.”
“Why should I tease you? I like the way you are. And, by the way, why should Sam tease you? You two are almost of the same height.”
“It’s not really about height,” I jokingly pushed him under the elbow with my palm, slightly disturbing the balance of the swing. “We quickly befriended, and I got tired of her calling me builder. It was too formal. She called me “little fella” or “kid” one day and it stuck. Strange, because it’s not much shorter than my actual name. But I didn’t argue anymore.”
“Understood. Don't push me, or we'll get swings twisted.”
“Come on, I don’t have the strength to move you.”
“But you still managed to win a spar.”
“I’m still convinced that you gave in.”
“I wouldn’t have thought,” he got from the swing and walked around me from behind and grabbed the chains of my swing right above my hands. Satisfied, he looked down at me and offered to swing me. Starting to blush deeply, I nodded in agreement. For some time, only the rustling creaking of the rig was heard from above. I need to come back here sometime soon and oil all the bearings.
“Is it okay? Not too fast? Not frozen yet?”
“Fine. And what?”
“You look so good with such a blush on you, you know. It's getting late. Do you want me to lead you home?”
“Only if you come up for tea,” the swing gradually stopped.
“I don’t want to abuse your hospitality. Let's leave the tea for another time, okay?”
“Deal,” I got off my seat, and we headed towards the stairs.
Having climbed a few steps up, Arlo turned around, waved his hand at me and said: “See you Friday, sweetie!” and sped up the hill.
I'm looking forward to it. Wait, how did he call me? I definitely misheard!
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shadohood · 3 months
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[OUTDATED, new pricing here] Opening commissions! 0/3 slots taken Payment only via Paypal. If you are interested, contact me at [email protected] . In your e-mail provide following info:
Type of commission - like Sketch bust, half body line art, colored and cel-shaded full body, etc.
Art description - what does the character you want me to draw looks like, the more detailed the description is the better! Include pose, emotion of the character.
If you have any, you can provide reference images too.
Make sure you've read terms of service here:
Pay only via Paypal and in USD.
Refunds are not allowed.
To get your commission done properly, make sure you respond to e-mails with WIP work with either an ask for correction in the art or aproval.
WIP images may contain a watermark and be smaller than the final piece.
Work on your commission may take some time (1-5 weeks), remember sometimes there are a few of you requesting at once. You will be notified about anything that can slow down the progress.
If you request to change something you have previously approved of, I may require additional charges (for example you cannot ask me to change the character's pose when i'm working on the colors of the piece).
You are not allowed to use the piece commercially (unless agreed otherwise, in which case the price is 3 times of the non-commercial work)
You are not allowed to claim the artwork as your own
As I'm new to this, commission of backgrounds more complex then flat color might require additional pay depending on the complexity of the background. Process of working on a commission: Once your e-mail comes in, I'll send you a response with the price of the final piece, questions about the commission if I have any and a WIP sketch (depending on the questions, the sketch can be provided separatly). When I'll have a more concrete idea of your request (at this point you will have a WIP sketch so we are on the same page), I'll require 30% of the price of the final piece pre-payed to continue working on your commission. I'll send you the progress of work on your commission as a final sketch, line art (if the commission is of a sketch, i'll just make it cleaner instead), flat color version and cel-shaded version, of each you'll have to approve (or ask me to change something, in that case I'll send a WIP of every request until I get the approval) for me to work on. When the work on your commission will be over, I'll request the rest of the price (the remaining 70%) and send you an HD commission art immediately after receiving it.
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glittergutts · 3 months
I'm getting some stuff from Amazon tomorrow, and I'm really excited. I fucking love getting boxes. I ordered a huge box of my favorite incense and some pretty sage bundles, some arnica pellets for my teeth, some tea I've been wanting to try, and a few really nice skincare things I was out of. It's going to be nice to get some new things because I only really buy "extra" stuff once a month when Chris gets his commission check. And by extra, I mean things like that I'm going to use or homeschool supplies. So still things we need in some less important way.
I haven't been taking the best care of myself. Specifically my skin and it's been looking kinda rough. So I'm going to empty and restock my little skincare fridge today with stuff I need/want to be using more often. I've reorganized my girl desk like 5 times in the past week. I'll get it how I want it soon I guess. I need to paint my nails and trim my hair and I just keep putting it off even though I know it will make me feel 100× better. There's been so much going on it's been hard to make time for myself. Lola's assmement will be done either today or tomorrow because it literally has to be mailed in by Saturday. So ideally we'll finish it today and tomorrow can be less stressful. This past week of testing has been kinda stressful. Maybe I can focus on myself a little when it's over and we've got the results mailed into the county.
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mo0n-shake · 10 months
⚠️Y'ALL, NEWS!⚠️
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These slides were made for Instagram but i think they fit here:
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I learned how to use PayPal, this means that now i can actually take paid commissions! Now, i've never done this before (kinda) and i already struggle with requests but i need money so i think i will be able to do this...
Here's all the info i couldn't fit in the slides!!
• There's a maximum of 5 slots available, when you ask for a commission, one slot gets occupied, when all slots are full i won't take any other commission until there's another slot available (i'll update the available slots in my bio)
• Send me a reference and/or a detailed description of the illustration, and possibly a color palette
• I can reject your request if it makes me feel uncomfortable
• I will make and send you a sketch of the illustration (heavily watermarked) and once you're satisfied i will take payment and finish the art
• I use euros, which corresponds to 1,09 USD
• No refunds after payment is done❗
• It can take around 1/3 weeks to finish the illustration
• You will receive the final illustration via mail or WeTransfer
• If you post your commission please credit me❗
• I can post your commission, but only if you're okay with it :) (it will be watermarked :>)
• Credit me everytime you use your illustration❗ you can use it for whatever you want (even commercial use but with limits and will be charged more)
• And lastly, please be kind in dms <3 it's kinda my first time taking comms
I don't think i need to explain myself more than this, now if you need an illustration, you know who to call ;)
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