#and WORSE
nelkcats · 1 year
Ghost children and the worthless treaty
The DC dimension had faced multiple dangers: invasions, threats, multiple ends of the world, demons. And yet what finally defeated the heroes were children.
The Ghost King was the one who took care of the children for the most part (because he understood them). Which was a terrible idea considering he was a teenager himself and all of his knowledge was pretty skewed towards his own children. Another thing to take into account: his two children were 24 and 14 years old (but not really? He said it was complicated)
So when the Justice League finally contacted him about establishing an alliance, the king gave them a test, that if they completed it they would establish a peaceful alliance immediately and he would owe them a favor. Danny didn't mind making alliances but he needed a few days off from his own children.
When they heard of the test, the heroes accepted, trusting in his abilities. Take care of children? Piece of cake, they had Young Justice and it wouldn't be much different. The king smiled with all his fangs and told them to take care of his children's friends as well. To which Constantine had a horrible premonition.
The League did not expect the problem that would be keeping "Dan and Dani" Phantom in check. Along with Youngblood and Klemper. The four of them much preferred Danny's care, and were not at all thrilled with the situation.
The appearance of the ghostly "teenagers" didn't make it any better, and Batman began to question if it was worth it. Dan Phantom claimed that it could be worse, since he was technically "grounded" and couldn't hurt anyone. Dani teased him about it.
Constantine knew it wasn't worth it.
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greensaplinggrace · 2 months
unfortunately for antis, any criticism of spuffy that involves a comparison to how much better bangel is just highlights the fact that they really shouldn't be shipping either of them. by their own standards.
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morphogenetic · 1 month
keep seeing 999 analysis posts in the tag where people call junpei the worst (in an affectionate way) and while i dont actually disagree that he kind of sucks (affectionate)...bud if you think junpei is the worst you should see my worstie haruaki fusaishi from visual novel raging loop
bc boy howdy
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this man fucking sucks ❤️💗❤️💗
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thelifeofacactus · 7 months
Just saw a tiktok comment that said "I never knew voltron had a fandom!" BABES.
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jaybirdscoffee · 2 months
thinking about Them (john doe and arthur lester from malevolent)
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ashes-in-a-jar · 2 months
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estomia · 9 months
okay so a friend told me that in the new pokemon dlc there is the implication that clay has a child with elesa????????????????!?!?!?!?!
which is..like your honor..SO FUCKING CURSED I CANT!!!!!!
like elesa is a ten and clay is single handedly responsible for the human made climate change of the pokemon universe or something idk
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unstablequeerbitch · 2 months
It’s been a long time since I watched Transformers Animated. When I did watch it, I was that annoying child where if one thing changed, I hated it. So needlessly to say, I was very harsh to the show.
I’ve now finished rewatching it and I am so sorry to everyone I’ve ever bitched to about the show. It’s not my favorite, but I do enjoy some of the plot lines and was very harsh on it before.
I am repenting and now looking for that article about season 4 possible episodes to try to fill this hole
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vetchtibbles · 3 months
sighhh happy disability pride month to the hundred-year-old extremely inaccessible theatre where I’m literally performing in a play about a disabled character
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nerdygreenhouse · 4 months
Ooooooh I haven’t disliked a character as much as I dislike Kenji’s dad in a while. Man makes me want to punch a screen
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theflirtmeister · 5 months
what is it about Tim Roth that is so special....(also thank you again ily)
he is the babygirl..... he is the prettiest princess.....
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schattenhonig · 8 months
I've not yet thought this through, hopefully I can do so on the go... If not, consider this a brainfart 😜 a very long brainfart. But there's a TL;DR 😇 the long version is under the cut.
TL;DR: Crowley was always rather rational, Aziraphale always rather emotional. This has been going on for 6,000 years and the Final Fifteen™ goes so horribly wrong because they assume that is still the case. But Crowley speaks his feelings for maybe the first time without any plan, any outcome to achieve. And Aziraphale is forced to weigh the very limited options the Metatron has left him. He is forced to plan ahead instead of just following his feelings.
While the first season was about switching obvious signs of their respective sides, in the second season, they didn't swap bodies, they swapped motivations which is much, much harder to tell from the outside. Naturally neither of them notices, neither of them understands, because suddenly everything hurts, their communication doesn't work anymore and they are both forced out of their habits and patterns.
This is the very much longer version I typed out before shortening it to the tl;dr. I didn't delete it because it illustrates my thought process in real time. Proofreading it I can still hear my synapses click 😅
In a previous post I pointed out that usually Aziraphale is the one to act out of emotions, like being worried and helping immediately or being excited and oversharing or overdoing something. That's what they usually get in trouble for: Aziraphale letting his emotions take the reigns. Aziraphale worries about the Now. That's not to say that Aziraphale doesn't care about the consequences, he just focuses on the present to not get overwhelmed.
Crowley on the other hand is a strategic mastermind. He rarely lets his emotions show, let alone influence his actions. He mostly thinks through what is happening and what the consequences will be. He is usually planning way ahead of Aziraphale. Crowley worries about the future. That's not to say he hasn't got any feelings, he just keeps them in check because feeling doubtful and questioning God because something felt wrong probably made him fall.
One is usually on the emotional side, the other on the rational one.
Their usual communication patterns don't work in the Final Fifteen™ because they both still assume the others' sides (emotion/ratio), and what's worse: they switched those without the other knowing.
Crowley is maybe for the first time since before the Fall acting because of his feelings, not caring about how this plays out in the future. He confesses his love to Aziraphale although he knows it won't change anything. He knows he will get hurt, he faces it bravely and of course he is utterly devastated when the blow is delivered, as we all are.
Aziraphale on the other hand is forced to think strategically. The coffee the Metatron offers him is most likely a threat (I have an alternative thought about that, but this is not the post for it), so Aziraphale has to think quickly about what his options are here. He cannot rely on what he feels in this very situation, in this moment. He cannot give in to his feelings about the kiss because the Metatron's offer will have consequences he can no longer ignore. If Crowley doesn't accept the offer, he knows this will make Crowley an enemy in the Metatron's and Heaven's eyes. It will put him in even greater danger.
That's what's going on inside them. Problem is, that is not what the other sees and understands because they both are way out of their usual waters here. They don't communicate openly that Crowley acts on feelings while Aziraphale is forced to plan strategically. They don't know they switched sides/motives.
So, why is that a problem? They did what they did, why does that matter?
Because an action always provokes a reaction, and that is based on more than just facts. It's also based on feelings, emotions, assumptions, pain levels, weather patterns and whatnot.
Put yourself in Crowley's shoes for a moment. For 6,000 years he has known his angel to cling to rational thoughts whenever he is reciting Heaven's BS in their discussions and arguments. The real Aziraphale comes through when he is allowed to feel, to act upon his emotions and emotional needs. So of course Crowley assumes Aziraphale chooses Heaven over him on a whim, on a temporary emotion, without even having thought about it. This is how it has always been in their relationship.
Now, change the point of view and put yourself in Aziraphale's shoes. For 6,000 years Crowley has always carefully considered each sentence, each glance. The things he said and did were premeditated and served a strategic purpose although he didn't usually share it with Aziraphale. When Crowley prodded Aziraphale's emotions, it's usually to tempt him and/or to make him understand or do something according to Crowley's plan. So when he chooses this moment to confess his feelings, Aziraphale hasn't understood yet that Nina and Maggie shifted Crowley's view. Aziraphale has no reason to think this isn't some attempt to tempt him, to make him fall in line with Crowley's plan like so many times before; a plan that Crowley hasn't and won't share with him until the very end.
That's why they are still not communicating properly. They don't explain anything. And that's why Aziraphale seems so harsh, and Crowley is so emotionally vulnerable. For 6,000 years it has been the other way around, we and they got used to it, that's why this stands out. And that's why in the end credits their positions are switched. They didn't swap bodies this time, they swapped motivations.
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shaanks · 5 months
do you ever start to type out a message only to realize that whatever you had with this person, you don't really have it anymore, and nothing verbal changed really, but it probably won't ever go back to what it was.
so you just delete the message. because things aren't that way anymore.
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Managed to recruit O'saa on my team and Nas'hrah being categorised as a fucking ACCESSORY now is fucking sending me 😭😭 what do YOU MEAN he used to take up AN ENTIRE PARTY SLOT
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allo-frouto · 6 months
you rubbing your clit fiercely and violently and cumming at the same time the first of my huge rapid loads touches the skin of your face
New fantasy unlocked.
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