#and Urbosa says he's still the same boy he ever was
cactusisconfused · 5 days
I give you more ghoap botw ideas cuz I love the au
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Here are the boys :DD ghost is designed more after link in totk cuz I felt that suited him more, and soap’s in a version of Zelda’s ceremonial dress (for him it’d be robes or some kind of suit)
For the ghosts/champions i also had some ideas
Revali - Nikolai (mainly cuz hehe pilot) or Gaz
Urbosa - Laswell
Daruk - Price or Alejandro (I lean more ale on this one, but I’ll get to why in a minute)
Mipha - Roach
Sidon - Rudy or Alex
Riju - Farah
Teba - could also be Nik
And I have no clue who Yunobo would be
King Rhoam - Price
Now hear me out, I know in hyrule warriors Rhoam was kinda a dick. I say Price would be the king because as a captain he had to make hard decisions same as a king. So in this au let’s say that Price sees that yes soap isn’t paying attention to his studies/training nor has unlocked the goddesses power yet, but he does see his son trying to help his people. (though in a really dangerous way)
So as the King, Price orders the swords champion as Soap’s personal guard to keep him safe with all the dumb shit he’s been pulling. While he’s still hard on Soap with unlocking his power; he understands that you can’t really rush it, and over all is just proud of how far Soap has come already. When the calamity hits Price fights with his people until his last breath, and prays to the goddess that Soap and Ghost are ok. (Whoa that got sad, i’m sorry 😅)
Ok sorry that this is very long, I just really like botw and totk and love the idea of this au!! Also have my recreation of that one memory :DD
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Honestly I agree for the most part about the characters. Ravoli I feel is hard to place given he has a very cocky and self assured personality that none of our guys truly fit. I want to say Nikolai would fit the most, but I also think he would work great as Teba as well (mainly cause of the pilot thing.)
I wonder though, if roach would be a better Teba given Teba in game is seemingly a man of few words (but I also head canon roach as quiet but an absolute menace, so another problem there.)
Anywho, I also have no clue who yunobo would be either 😅
I feel Ghosts family should also somehow be implemented into the BOTW lore. I’m thinking that when he was going through the process of getting the master sword and training to be a royal knight, not because he felt he had a duty to the royalty of hyrule, but to gain enough respect and fear so that he could finally protect his family from not only his father but from monsters and other intruders.
However, he gains more than he ever thought he would, becoming more than just a simple knight. He has less time with his family, his mother, brother, Beth and Joesph.
Eventually, some event happens were Ghost has to go against the yiga clan. In response, the yiga clan sets out to massacre Ghost’s family, much like how they did in the comics.
I think that event, that failure to protect his family, is what drove him to go completely mute, on top of already being quiet in the first place.
Idk, this turned into a long ramble. I am living for your thoughts though, love them! :)
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writerwithbrainrot · 7 months
How do I tell someone I love them?
A story for the ever lovely @trippygalaxy go check them out. Valentines Day special!
I had fun with this-
Warnings: Kissing, wholesome fluff!
"You should buy her an animal." Twilight said, sitting with his legs open on the Cafe bar stool, his hat and accent telling everyone in the vicinity that he was clearly not from Hyrule city. "Ladies love a cute thing they can hold."
Sky frowned, looking at the hot chocolate in his hands, shaking his head. "No, Sun is more of a bird person. She owned a Remlit when we were 8, but it scared her. So she prefers birds." he said
Wild, who's long hair was in a loose ponytail, took a sip of his Caramel frappe, and hummed. Twilight turned to the man next to him, as did the others. "Well. . . I'd ask Mipha or Urbosa. . . but Mipha is in physical therapy for the next hour and a half and Urbosa is visiting family."
"I'd get her some nice, big roses." Hyrule said, smiling next to sky, his fluffy brown hair falling infront of his eyes a bit, still wearing his brown Jacket. "You know, the red ones at Magda's floral shop are great! I got some orange ones for Aurora myself!" Legend turned up his nose at the name, his beenie still covered in the outside snow as he sipped his mocha black coffee.
"Oh heck no. She is scary and those roses are too expensive, especially since Valentines Day is tomorrow."
Sky slammed his head on the counter, groaning. The boys looked concerned at him as he raised his head. "I should just ask Wars. . . he is good with women, right?"
"No." the others all said at the same time. Wind walked up to sky, holding a shoe box decorated as a pirate ship, school bag on his back. "I'd get her some cards and lollipops!" he said, shaking his box, and hearing candy rattle within. "Or some peeps!"
"Those are just cavity causers." Legend said, scowling. "And shouldn't you be in class?"
Wind frowned "Well, I was going to give you some candy, but never mind."
Hyrule brightened. "Ooh, may I?" Wind grinned maliciously and held out the box to Hyrule, who shot his hand in, and screamed as a rubber skulleta spider shot out. Wild and Legend laughed as Twilight sighed, shaking his head as Wind cackled. "Already, you scallywag." he said, standing up, "we've played hookie long enough, let's go." he said, and Wind let out a sound of complaint but followed Teilight out, both saying goodbye to the group.
"Maybe I should ask Four?" Wild said, taking Twilight's seat. Sky shook his head. "No, don't. I don't wanna bother him. He's out of town with his girlfriend."
Hyrule patted Sky's back as Legend stood. "Welp, I gotta head out before Ravio starts blowing my phone up." He said, and Hyrule and Wild waved goodbye as Sky looked defeated.
»»————- ★ ————-««
The grocery store was packed, and Sky was biting his lip, ears down as he looked around the candy isle, tapping his foot impatiently. He was frustrated, the others and been no help to him whatsoever.
He couldn't just by a rose for Sun, he'd have to by 10,000 and even then that wouldn't show her how beautiful she was to him. He couldn't just by candy, he would have to fly to the best chocolatiers in the world just to make her the best chocolates she'd like, but would that tell her how sweet she was to him? And he couldn't just get any card, he'd need to bring Leinardo de Vinci back to life to paint her a beautiful portrait! But would any of it be enough?
"You look troubled." A familiar, fatherly voice said and Sky jumped. He turned to see Time, a spirited man with the heart of a child. He was older than all of the guy's, and wad related to Twilight, yet they still didn't know his age.
"Time!" Sky said "I . . . it's nothing." he said, looking back at the shelved items, moving a back a bit as a teenage girl reached for a bag of candy, standing on her toes, apologizing to him as she did. Time smiled and grabbed the bag for her and handed it to the girl, who smiled and thanked him before rushing off.
"Rupee for your thoughts?" he asked with a kind smile. Sky huffed.
"Sun . . . I love her with my entire soul, I've known her since before we were born. How do I tell someone I love them?" he asked, looking back at Time. "I want to get her the best things, I want to show her how much I live her, but I don't know how. You're married to Malon, what should I do?"
Time hummed, thinking his words before speaking. "Well, what do you like about Sun and why?"
Sky smiled, that unmistakable love struck smile that made his ears perk back up. "Well. . . She has always put her all into everything. Back in school, when she sewed a sail cloth for the ceremony for the church's event back in high school. . . She's so kind to everyone she meets and never afraid to be social or put her foot down. . . she's got this flare to her that makes everyone take another look, and she always takes time to help those in need." He listed. Time smiled at this.
"What have you two done together?" He asked "What kind of events have you both attended. What are the most memorable moments with her that you remember?"
Sky thought about it, starting to play with his red earing. "Gee . . . Well, when we were 10, she held my hand in the ice cream parlor near our elementary school when Groose knocked my ice cream down and shared hers. And then we got lost in a haunted maze during Halloween in freshman year and we fell into a bush together." he started, his smile growing brighter and face became more red. "I remember confessing to her in the city park under that one tree that was said to once bear the fruit that cured all diseases. And our first date was to the zoo. We got lost in the reptile exhibit trying to find where all the butterflies were."
Time patted Sky's back, pulling him out of a trance. "Use those as inspiration." he said. "Let them fuel your fire. It doesn't have to be a fancy gift, whatever you do for Sun should be meaningful. It should remind her of why you two love one another."
Sky gasped and started to bounce. "I've got it! Time thank you so much but I've got a date to plan!" he said, rushing off as Time watched him run off, sprinting down an isle as Malon appeared, looking confused. "What's going on? Dear?"
"Oh-" Time said, looking lovingly at his wife. "It's nothing, darling."
»»————- ★ ————-««
"Still no text?" Flora asked Sun, frowning. The girls had decide to have a sleepover, just to relax and spend time together. Sun sadly nodded, looking at her phone on Dusk's back with her cheek in her hand. Aurora gave a kind smile.
"I'm sure he's just sleeping in, you know he doesn't wake up no matter what." Lullaby nodded. Sun sighed again, clearly upset.
"It's Valentines day!" Sun said "I expected at least a 'good morning, happy Valentines day!' you know?!", her long golden hair in a braid nearly walking Flora in the face.
Dusk entered, a smile on her face. The girls turned. "I found something on my door step. It's for you, Sun."
In a second, Sun was rushing to the front door of Dusk's apartment, the girls following behind excited as they went to the front door. Sun opened it and on the door step was a letter and a small bundle of daffodils. Fable and Dot giggled and squealed seeing the flowers, Sun looking a bit confused but smiled seeing her name in Sky's familiar shaky cursive on the letter.
"oooh!" Dot squealed, bouncing up and down as Sun closed the door. "What's it say?! What's it say!?"
Sun smiled and quickly opened it. She started to read aloud, holding the daffodils in her hand. "Dear Sun, I have known you since before we were born, and even when we were playing other for the first time, I knew that you and I would never be apart. This is to our first time together." Sun pulled off a photo, and smiled. "This is the first photo our mothers took of us together." Su. said, eyes filled with familiarity ad she showed the girls. they all fawned at the cuteness.
"Daffodils mean birth and new beginnings." Flora said, gently examining the Daffodils.
"There's another thing." Sun said "Go to Piper's ice cream parlor. Order the first ice cream we had together at 11 o'clock."
"It's a scavenger hunt!" Fable exclaimed. "He set up a scavenger hunt!"
In what felt like seconds, the girls were dressed and rushed out to catch the metro, all rushing and giggling in excitement. On the metro, Fable got a text and she gushed about how Legend wanted to talk to her, and she left after a few stops to meet him.
On the way to the ice cream parlor, Lullaby also got a text, and she gave a knowing smile to Dusk. "Oh, Malon wants help to make a pie for Time, and wants Dusk and I to help. We have to go."
"Strange." Flora said, Watching to two scurry away, giggling.
»»————- ★ ————-««
"Could I get one scoop of chocolate and a scoop of vanilla?" Sun asked Piper, who looked so happy to see Sun. "With some extra sprinkles?"
"Comeing right up!" Piper said, and she went to make her the ice cream. Sun stood there, rocking back and forth on her heels. Dot, Flora, Aurora, and Artemis (Who had bumped into them (randomly)) stood behind her as Piper handed Sun a bowl of chocolate and vanilla ice cream with wrinkles, a note, and a yellow rose.
Sun took them and rushed to a table, past a small group with books and some with glassed and one wearing a blue scarf and to a small table to sit, the girls following them. Flora took the rose as Sun opened the letter. "A yellow rose is symbolic for friendship." she said instinctively, and proceeded to get shaken by an Excited Aurora.
"Dear Sun, Remember when I lost my treat, ans you shared yours. I think that is when I realized how sweet you were, and I wanted that sweetness forever. Your kindness knows no bounds. At 12 o'clock, Go to the maze that hosts those awesome Halloween events and look for the scarecrow with a bucket hat."
"We gotta go!" Aurora said, Dot having gone missing, grabbing Sun and Flora and rushing out.
»»————- ★ ————-««
One by one, they collected more notes and flowers, Sun reminded of the best moments with her and Sky, even if the girls were suddenly dissapearing. Soon, now in the park as the sun was setting, she was alone, holding daffodils, yellow roses, pink carnations, daisies, larkspur, marigolds and chrysanthemums. Her feet aches, and she was hoping this wasn't just some wild goose chase when she saw him.
Sky stood under the tree of life, dressed in some nice clothes, in front of a picnic with lit candles and nice food. Sky's face lit up as she rushed to him and hugged him tight. "You know, I nearly had to fight a penguin for one of these." she said, and Sky smiled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry about that." he said, taking her hands and helping her sit down. "But did you have fun?" He asked
Sun nodded, abd placed her flowers next to her. "Oh, but I had to do the last bit of it alone. All the girls ran out, and I haven't a clue why!"
Sky's ears dropped a bit, "Oh? Strange." he said, before he helped her fill her plate.
It was wonderful, both talking about their day and Sun just gushing over everything Sky had done for her before he cleared his throat, turning a heavy shade of red. "Um ... we've known one another since. .. . well since birth. And I'm. . . just so greatful that through everything we've stuck together. I don't have a memory without you in it." he said, helping Sun stand up. "And. . . I want you to be with me forever. I want to look back in the future and see you and I together in white."
Sun's eyes widened, and she gasped realizing where this was going. "Link-"
Sky got down on one knee. "Zelda, I wnat to grow old with you. I want to start a family with you, I want to be by your side as you make all your dreams become a reality. Zelda. . ." He pulled out a box as Sun shook. Opening it, a ring stood in a slot. "Will you marry me?"
Sun burst into tears and Sky began to panic "Oh goddess! I'm sorry, are you okay?! Did you not want-"
Sun kissed Sky and he became tomato red ad he kissed back. Sun pulled away, smiling through tears. "Yes! As many times as I have to say it, Yes!"
Sky's eyes filled with tears as he shakily put the ring on her finger and kissed her again. The sounds of confetti cannons going off and cheers erupted from around them as the chain and girls celebrated, the sound of Hyrule yelling in joy and Dot and Aurora crying was heard, Wind loligaging with Tetra, and other sounds of excitement were heard.
When Sun and Sky pulled away, the boys patted Sky's back, cheering for him. The girls swarmed Sun, all going on about wedding plans and such, the excitement so contagious that if anyone else had gone by, they been smiling too.
Sky looked at Sun, and both knew that this would be the best memory and Valentines day gift they'd ever received. . .
Hahah! at 1 am it's done! Do tell what you think!
I went just a little over board I believe, but who cares I'm a hopeless romantic and @trppygalaxy deserves comfort and love. So bamb! Toothrotting fluff!
Have a wonderful day/night!
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Okay, but... who else has thought when Age of Calamity Link eats all those rocks that look like coal, that very soon afterward he had a case of the runs like no other Hero's ever seen?
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enduracarrotchips · 3 years
YouTuber AU
Hello welcome to Dating Scandal but with Twitter Involved (nightmare)
A little exposition here: 
Link, Zelda, Sidon, Revali, and Riju are the most popular group of youtubers on the internet and have a huge fanbase that likes to theorize, draw fanart, and write fanfiction about them. Disclaimer, I don’t actually interact with real-person fandoms myself lol there’s just too much potential for drama and misunderstandings & they’re always bound to end in a dumpster fire but that is sort of what this au is about so.
Impa, Mipha, Daruk, and Urbosa are family friends that appear in a lot of their videos/streams. 
(This is an art blog I swear)
enter vidcon 20XX
blows stuff up/sets stuff on fire with a side of cooking vids and gaming
most are filmed outside, he does those challenges where you try to cook stuff with limited ingredients/materials
has the largest fanbase of all of them, but not the most…intimidating.
does a lot of collab videos, mostly with Impa, Daruk, and Riju because they have similar interests/channels, but Zelda appears in his videos and is seen filming and the stans read too far into it
simps. i’m pointing at you.
Most popular videos are “shield surfing on rock!—how I broke my leg” “can Daruk eat Impa’s motorcycle?” and “how to inhale ranch dressing.”
Twitter handle is @ arsonistslullabye because he’s a hozier fan
45m subs
theories, analyses, conspiracies, and the occasional e x p e r i m e n t
she once got link to eat a frog for 50 bucks.
most people argue that she’s better than more popular YouTubers because she actually has quality content to give to the world and she has a lot of defensive supporters
She used to get a lot of hate before Urbosa spoke up about it and scared the bejeezus out of everyone
has an actual posting schedule
“Happy Sunday everyone, it’s Zelda Hyrule and today we will be talking about cryptozoology and why blupees exist, you cowards.”
Twitter handle is @ zeldaofhyrule and she is pan. just so you know. One of those calm extroverts that mystify me to this day.
18m subs
fashion/life hacks. Like gourmet troom troom but if they were real people.
Has the 2nd largest fanbase
most of them are girls
Sidon has a boyfriend though, which he told everyone at VidCon a few years ago
cue the drama and shipping and the entire fandom trying to figure out who the boyfriend is. A well known reddit thread emerged that presented the common guesses being Link, Sidon, and Zelda.
“But it can’t be Zelda, Sidon’s gay.”
“I’m not in the fandom but I thought Zelda was a boy??”
“Did you just say Sidon? Is that a typo? Are you saying that Sidon’s dating himself?”
Sidon x Sidon became a fandom joke.
Don’t look at me I’m just setting up all the worldbuilding. every fandom has their weird dark sides and Sidon x Sidon is the Linkcest of the Sidon YT fandom.
Mystery BF is actually Bazz, a pretty inconspicuous guy who appeared in a few of his videos. This was confirmed a year ago, but everyone still ships him with other YouTubers because they’re convinced he was lying to throw them off his scent. He really can’t catch a break and this is why you should not ship real people.
Twitter handle is @ officialprincesidon
says “beguiling” a lot
21m subs ᕙ( ͡❛ ▿ ͡❛)ᕗ
Sidon’s sister, hasn’t posted a single video but just has the channel for show because she appears in so many of Sidon’s videos as a model for his makeup tutorials and whatnot
has 328k for that. Everyone loves her, she’s great. @ mimipha
Link’s sworn rival
Link thinks they’re friends
He kept popping up in link’s Twitter threads and making snarky comments until zelda called him out for not even following link (so why was he stalking his acc) which kept the Twitter drama to a minimum
Revali was the catalyst of a few popular memes and that’s where most of his subs come from.
drags link into a few challenges that always get a ton of views because of how competitive they get
“ITS JUST ASININE” is a running joke that everyone tries to get him to say. His @ is itsjustasinine as well
Urbosa is the only person who can win an argument with him
5m subs and growing rapidly. newer to youtube than everyone else.
Doesn’t have a channel she’s just a mutual friend of Mipha, Zelda, and Link
Rides a motorcycle, so she is used in a few of Link’s videos.
@ ihaveamotorcycle because she thinks having a motorcycle is a personality trait. the most unruly on Twitter when it comes to replying to fan’s stuff, leaking upcoming videos and generally causing chaos.
Mipha’s girlfriend. That’s how she met Zelda and Link.
Is actually a model, but she has a ton of YouTuber friends because she’s known Zelda since birth.
when she entered the youtube community she didn’t realize she would be adopting like 15 children
5m subs. her videos are professional & related to her modelling career. @ urbosasfury
I feel like she would do unboxing vids. I’m not sure what she’s unboxing.
Just a friend of Link’s, fun guy. yells a lot. once ate a rock and had no reaction.
people are scared of him for that reason
yoga & gymnastics & “ha look at how flexible I am its eAsY” videos
you know the type
she also does reactions and is sponsored by save the sand seals charities which she is very enthusiastic about. She’s also Urbosa’s niece and the only minor in the gang (15). I like to think that the champions YT community is actually not creepy so everyone respects her a ton
doesn’t post frequently, she mostly appears in Link’s videos to jump out of airplanes or whatever. And sometimes Zelda’s if she’s interested in the topic. 500k subs, but she’s always really popular when she appears in Link’s videos.
In the months leading up to VidCon, some fans on the internet made a few discoveries: first of all, that the inside of Link’s house is painted green. This is a big deal because all of his videos are filmed outside either in his backyard or on trips that he and the brosquad go on to do…whatever bros do. explosions. idk. The point is he had some announcement about VidCon and filmed it inside. Only the wall and a potted plant were shown.
However, the colour was similar to the the shade of Zelda’s living room. Fans dug through years and years of old videos and found a clip of Zelda walking through a hallway, where there was an open door and a glimpse of a houseplant.
There were 2 types of responses to the theory:
“They could just be roommates guys calm down”
“and they were ROOMMATES?”
others pointed out that Link could just not have a house and had to crash in Zelda’s
Some guy on reddit claimed he had a botany degree and declared that the houseplants in the clips were not of the same genus. Normal people pointed out that the plant would have grown 4 years between the clips and would look considerably different.
#Zelink trended on twitter for a while and people posted other old clips from both of their channels and the frog video blew up again
Impa retweeted a post tagged as #zelink with “rofl” and later publicly apologized for causing confusion.
Fans noticed that in the “can a motorcycle drive over my arm” (it was clickbait he’s fine) episode 2 years ago, Link was eating out of a paper lunch bag with his name written on it in handwriting that a few people claimed to look like Zelda’s, leading people to believe that she had packed him a lunch.
However, this theory was shot down with the counterargument that Zelda can’t cook. although. i mean how much skill do you need to make a sandwich.
No one knows what tumblr is doing at this time
Zelda wore a scarf in her “Save the Sand Seals” video that matched identically to the scarf Link wore when he travelled to Hebra to film a shield surfing video, but it’s been debated wether it’s actually the same scarf or not.
Neither Zelda nor Link has spoken up about the theories, and besides Impa’s one slip on twitter, neither has any of their friends. Zelda received a lot of backlash for the assumption that she was dating Link because he has a lot of delusional fans that didn’t want her to “steal their man” or whatever the hell that type of fan would get mad about
Oh yea and bolson & karson run a zelink fanpage on twitter sorry I forgot about that
after that whole mess, everyone was even more anticipant of VidCon in the hopes that some of their questions would be answered.
The whole batch went to VidCon this year: Link, Impa, Daruk, and Riju are a gang while Sidon and Mipha go together and Zelda & Revali each go separately. Urbosa is there for supervision moral support
Zelda has always been much better at dodging questions that she doesn’t want to answer than anyone else, so her Q&A went without a hitch. When asked to confirm the rumours she said “which one?” and then moved on to the next question (without actually confirming any rumours).
Link is generally a more awkward person but eventually said that he had filmed the video in Zelda’s house because it was nicer and didn’t realize it would cause such an uproar. Fans were disappointed, but Bolson claimed he saw Link and Zelda exiting the hotel elevator on the same floor after Link’s Q&A session. No one believed him.
Fans went back to theorizing over who Link, Zelda, and Sidon were all dating, because apparently they can’t just be dating unknown people and have to be with other YouTubers
Sidon and Bazz got engaged about a week after VidCon, making at least 4 preteen girls cry
actually try 4 million
Sidon x Sidon made a brief comeback but Sidon spoke up about his fandom for the first time ever on twitter and told everyone that no, he was not dating himself. eventually, everyone settled down and accepted that none of them were in a relationship save for a few loud fans.
Link and Zelda still got the occasional “when will you tell us who you’re dating?” comment but most of them were joking and the people who still hardcore shipped them were generally frowned upon. Zelda’s popularity went up after VidCon and she regained the 200k subscribers she’d lost after the first theory dropped.
Two months after VidCon, Link posted a video titled “Zelda and I’s House Tour!” and gave around 45 million people a heart attack
as revealed in the video, they had actually been dating since they were 16 and everyone’s just a fool.
the potted plant is named Hestu.
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sunset-peril · 2 years
Trial of the Zora Armor - Chapter One - Tensions and Secret Matters
A measurable amount of time had passed since Hyrule Castle had seen any written correspondence from Zora's Domain. Typically, any news or information coming from the Domain traveled word-of-mouth through its Champion, Lady Mipha. However, since a typical meeting of the Champions had ended not long before and a council with the Zora alone had not been scheduled; a letter sealed with the Zora crest soon arrived at the quarters of Master Link, a young knight appointed as both Princess Zelda's personal guard and the Hylian Champion.
"Message for Master Link." The guard standing at the door, clad in armor fit more for travelling than stationary work, handed him the letter.
Link nodded once, closing the door once the messenger turned around.
"Who's the letter from?" Zelda asked from within, standing near Urbosa, who had been allowed to stay at the castle a little while longer at her request.
Link flipped the letter over. "Zora." His voice was deeper than one might assume, but not deep enough for someone to say he had a deep voice.
Urbosa laughed. "Laconic as ever, that boy."
Zelda sighed, half-buried in research. "The scourge of Calamity Ganon still looms... he still feels it necessary to bear his burdens silently. The preparations seem to reflect solely upon Hyrule Castle."
Link nodded again, silent once more as he opened the letter, allowing his princess to speak on his behalf.
"It's just amusing... I think he said more at the... Gerudo audience than he has since."
Both Hylians broke a smile, glancing at one another. The Gerudo audience Urbosa spoke of was not an audience at all... but a secret wedding. Link and Zelda's specifically.
Knowing how illegal a non-professional relationship between a knight and royal was, especially a woman with Hylia's blood, the two could never publicly display their affection. When the time came that they wished to marry, they knew no Hylian priest would marry them. This led to some worry, as most non-Hylian priests would refuse to wed them as well out of respect for Hyrule's laws.
However, Urbosa and several Gerudo captains felt as if the couple was being pointed out to them and the Gerudo agreed to wed Link and Zelda. Not only did they agree, they were willing to design the entire ceremony in a way where Zelda's father, King Rhoam, couldn't nullify their marriage. Doing so was very dangerous. The Gerudo risked war, Link risked his life (more so than usual anyways,) and Zelda risked her reputation as well as the perceived holiness of the entire line of Zeldas.
However, the wedding happened beautifully, making Link and Zelda the Prince and Princess of Hyrule. A golden light took control of the entire sky when the wedding began and shone until dawn the next morning; accompanied by a beautiful blue aurora.
All in attendance knew that Hylia was very pleased with the marriage. Even those who were unaware of it still knew that something very divine had taken place.
What amused those few who were allowed to attend: Link's family, the Champions, Impa, the two head Sheikah researchers and most of the Gerudo, was that Link had said more during his vows than most thought was possible for him. For a man who rarely spoke more than a few words at a time while in public, seeing him speak over a paragraph to his divine beloved was like an odd dream. He nearly did the same when Zelda told him she was pregnant, though the news also concerned everyone who knew... aside from Link's sister Sydnei, who at nine years old was too naïve to worry about such things. In fact, when the letter from Link announcing that Zelda was going to have a baby arrived, she was so overjoyed that her and Link's father thought she would burst. Their father was joyous as well, but he was muted with concern for his son and daughter-in-law; a common reaction considering Zelda's age and that her father was unaware of their marriage.
Remembering both, Zelda reached her hand down from the Guardian schematics she was holding to the wall to rub her tiny belly, nearly three months pregnant. The Gerudo anklet she wore in place of a Hylian wedding ring was neatly concealed underneath her long blue dress.
Link and Urbosa smiled, returning to helping Zelda as Link returned to the letter.
"You're going to have to tell him sooner or later, little bird..." Urbosa knew of the strain between Zelda and her father.
"I'm aware." Zelda sighed a long sigh. "It's just that... even when it's just picking up reports to deliver, or even just holding an ancient relic, he instantly snaps 'Quit wasting your time playing at being a scholar!' I'm... afraid. I know how he's going to reply when he learns that I'm..." She lowered her voice to ensure that she had control of her audience. "...not only married but with child..." She sighed once more, almost as if she was cringing at her own thoughts. "...he will certainly make his anger known..."
"I know. That's why I'm here... for both of you." Urbosa comforted softly. "And that's also why you need to tell him. I can get the ball rolling for your marriage and take all the heat you need me too, but you need to tell him."
Urbosa's words reminded Zelda of when she found out she was pregnant... she had been more frightened than elated.
She, along with Link and the rest of the Champions, were travelling through Faron to Lurelin Village. That particular day, Zelda had spent the entire day praying at the Spring of Courage. As she finished up her rituals and stepped out of the water, she felt her stomach twist within her; she fell to the ground and clutched her stomach, panting all the while. Link heard the impact and turned around, gasping to see his then-fiancèe in such a state. He'd helped her to her feet and walked her back to the camp, where Urbosa and Revali were waiting.
Both of them gasped at her newly-weakened appearance, knowing how often Zelda contracted hypothermia or another critical illness after training in the waters. Urbosa evaluated her before they continued any further, needing to know what preparations should be made. She checked Zelda's body temperature and asked Link what had happened, the knight's voice had a weird tone as he tried to keep himself calm. Noticing that Link mentioned her problems were mainly from her stomach, and that she hadn't looked well that morning either, she decided to check there for abnormalities. Just before doing this, she asked Link and Revali to scout so that they could leave as soon as Zelda was stable; they left quickly, Link glancing back with concern.
Being the chief of a women-only tribe, Urbosa knew what a woman's stomach felt like when she was with child, even in very early stages. Regardless of this, she muttered 'It cannot be...' once she felt Zelda's swelling womb and continued to find an alternate diagnosis. Eventually, her findings and Zelda's symptoms all pointed to the same thing. Finally, in a choked voice, Urbosa had no choice but to admit it. "Little bird... it seems like you're... pregnant."
Zelda gasped and was unable to hold back tears of terror. Not only was her and Link's relationship illegal, but they were still unmarried. "Should Father find out before the wedding," Zelda had worried aloud, "he'll kill Link..." Urbosa had gripped her hand, reminding her that the wedding was a week and a half away and that they were going straight to Gerudo Town after Lurelin to prepare. She stroked Zelda's shoulder and softly spoke her wisdom: "What's happened has happened, little bird... we need to get you to the stable. You're cold, wet and tired, staying out here will only worsen your health." before Link and Revali returned to escort them back. Zelda had asked her not to say anything about it, for she was fearful of news spreading too fast... that and she didn't know how to tell Link. Urbosa assured her she would keep her mouth shut, giving her advice on what might be the best way to reveal the pregnancy to Link. Taking Urbosa's advice, Zelda told him during the night while they were in Lurelin. She had asked him if she might go on a midnight stroll, as the moon was enchanting to her. Link allowed her and they walked along the beach together in the moonlight. When they were quite a ways away from the village, Zelda gripped his hand and told him she had something to tell him. He asked what was wrong, and she took a deep breath. "Link... you're aware of the curse among women born of the royal family, correct?"
"Of course, Zelda..." He gripped her hands, the armor-like bracelet infused with ancient technology that Zelda had proposed with glimmering on his arm.
"Link..." Her eyes sparkled with tears as she tried to get the words out of her throat.
"Oh... Zelda..." He realized what she was trying to tell him and pulled her into his arms, the loving action releasing the words caught in Zelda's throat... and the tears in her eyes.
"I'm pregnant."
Even though he could see his wife-to-be was upset, he smiled. "Zelda..." He hugged her tightly around her shoulders. "Are you afraid of what I think?" She nodded, pulling away. "Come back, Zel, come back." He gripped her arms slightly, voice softening even further. "Zelda... We're getting married. I was well aware that this might happen when I said 'yes.' I love you, whether you're afflicted by Ganon, curse or nothing..." He pulled her closer, tilting her head slightly as they nuzzled noses and began to kiss. Their kiss was much more passionate than Zelda had expected... or even wanted considering that she'd just found out she was pregnant. Link realised this only after he pulled away. "Oh! Zelda, I'm sorry... you're pregnant and stressing and I just let that get really intimate and-"
"It's alright, Link. That... actually made me feel better than I have since my stomach started getting queasy..."
"I don't want to make you uncomfortable." The sentence was unreasonably rushed. "If that happens again, you have my full permission to smack me across the face and yell 'Link! You get that biology in check!', alright?"
Zelda snorted in amusement. "Alright, Link."
He became silent once more, smiling at her as if he was not sure if he should speak or not.
"Link, is there something you wish to say? Please, speak your mind."
He chuckled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck. "...Would you mind if I felt your belly? I know that sounds weird but..."
A subconscious smile formed on Zelda's face. "Of course you may, Link. The little one is yours too..."
Link smiled and bent down with an uncharacteristic enthusiasm, sliding his hand up her dress to feel her bare stomach. Feeling her stomach gurgle soon as he settled his hand, he looked up at her with a sympathetic expression. "That doesn't feel too good..."
"It doesn't... but I guess that's what morning sickness feels like."
He stood up and moved to her backside, hand still on her stomach as he began to massage her queasy middle.
Zelda sighed in contentment before she cried out and her right side twitched away from him, her body trying to figure out if he was the one that had created the unknown being that was hurting her from the inside.
"Zelda!" He pulled his hands away from her, but instinctively reached back out. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you!"
She slid her hand to where Link's had been. She already adored the pressure he had put on her stomach, he'd just hit a tender spot in just the right way. "You're fine, Link... my body's just trying to figure out what in Hyrule's happening to me..."
"Y-You sure?"
Zelda nodded. "It felt nice."
Link chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Alright then..." A small smile crawled up his cheeks, looking upwards at her slightly with his hand still on his neck. A small blush creeped up onto his face, Zelda found him all the more endearing. "I guess I'm gonna have to take care of you until you figure yourself out."
Zelda nodded, softly kissing his cheek. "I wouldn't mind that."
Link looked gently into her eyes, which had been so full of fear just a few minutes before, and found deep, gentle love and a flickering exhaustion. "Let's get back, Zel. We both need some sleep."
"We do..."
As they walked back to the village, Link several paces behind Her Highness, he reached out to her shoulder.
"Hmm?" Zelda turned around to see him. "What is it, Link?"
He pulled her into another hug. "We've just gotta make it to the wedding..." Zelda nodded, even though he was unable to finish.
Once they were married, King Rhoam could no longer punish Link for being a knight in a relationship with the Princess, nor could Link be imprisoned or killed for Zelda being pregnant. The Champions were on a countdown, they just had to make it to the wedding without Rhoam getting suspicious and summoning Zelda back to Hyrule Castle. With Urbosa and Link helping to keep quiet, they were able to get to Gerudo Town without issue... and the wedding happened exactly as planned. The Kingdom of Hyrule was none the wiser.
A few weeks after the wedding, the couple sent official announcement letters to all four Champions, the three Sheikah and Link's family, releasing Urbosa and, by that point, Daruk from their promise.
While Daruk had not been told either night, he found out a few days after the wedding when Link and Zelda were traveling with him in the Maw of Death Mountain. Zelda's morning sickness had spiked not too far from Foothill Stable, causing her to become sick on the side of the road. Daruk had been both confused and concerned at what was happening. When he reacted in curious concern for her, she just said "I'll... be fine... this is normal for what's... happening..." in between gasping breaths. He said that this couldn't be normal, as she hadn't been like this at all when she was working prior to her wedding.
She chuckled a little, pausing to throw up, before shakily adding "No... this is a new normal. You see, Daruk... I'm pregnant."
Daruk was entirely confused, but did his best to act polite. "Uhhh, okay." He had replied as he tried to process the information, scratching his head. "But what's 'pregnant' exactly?"
Link pulled Zelda into his arms, laying her body across his lap, holding her head in the crook of his elbow and moving his other hand in a circular motion around her stomach as her eyes widened.
"Oh..." She breathed, surprised at Daruk's confusion, him being an elder. "It means I'm going to have a baby, Daruk. Link's little one is growing inside my stomach." She stroked her lower stomach gently, looking up at her husband tenderly while he kissed her forehead. Holding Zelda, Link gave Daruk a crash course in Hylian biology on the spot as he consoled her and tried to calm her stomach down. Even when they were finished and Zelda was able to continue on, Daruk was still utterly confused on the concept of pregnancy. Uncertain on how to help Daruk understand, Link told him that Urbosa could probably explain in better detail later.
After Urbosa had explained in a way where he understood, he became incredibly concerned. "I feel so sorry for the tiny princess," He'd confided in Urbosa. "she was feelin' so terrible this mornin' but I had no idea what was goin' on. I think I made it worse by askin' so many questions."
"I know." Urbosa had consoled. "However, the only way we can help either of them is strictly through support. Zelda's body is changing to carry her baby and, for her at least, the nausea gets pretty bad. That's actually how she found out: her stomach aching."
"I can't even imagine how she must be feelin, havin' another Hylian in that tiny stomach of her's... how long is it supposed to stay in there?"
"Nine months total... so for Zelda it will be a little more than seven more months. Believe me though, her stomach won't stay tiny for long. When Zelda is close to having her little prince or princess, all of Hyrule will be able to tell just by looking at her. Trust me on that." Urbosa smiled at him, he nodded.
"Mipha's requesting my presence." Link said suddenly, breaking the reminiscence.
"Oh?" Zelda stepped closer, secretly grateful for the change in subject as she slid onto the bed and peeked over her husband's shoulder, her tiny baby bump pressing into his waist as she breathed in and out. He wrapped his right arm around her growing waistline, holding the letter closer to her face.
"Maybe the Zora want to proclaim that they're officially recognizing you as the Prince of Hyrule." Urbosa joked, knowing that wasn't the case. Regardless, Link reacted awkwardly.
"I doubt that's the case, it seems that Link is being requested alone." Zelda leaned closer, placing her hand on her stomach. "We'll have to bring this before Father."
Link heard Zelda's voice begin to shake as her breathing sped up. "H-Hey..." He stammered, heart reacting faster than head. "...hey, don't stress out."
"You... you noticed?"
"...Your face is right next to my ear."
Urbosa rubbed Zelda's back. "Breathe easy, little bird, there's no reason to stress... and besides, it's not healthy for you or the baby." She continued rubbing Zelda's back until she heard her breathing slow.
Link leaned towards his wife for a soft kiss. "You're alright." He smiled gently.
She nodded, blinking slowly.
"You tired?"
She nodded once again, leaning further into him.
"Well then, we'll take you to your chambers so you can get some rest." Urbosa told Zelda, almost like an order, as Link helped her to her feet.
"You've had a busy day... Your Highness." Link took a deep breath as he once again pretended they weren't married, all to keep her and their baby safe. Not only did they have Zelda's father to worry about, but should the news that she was pregnant get out, there would be huge trouble, especially if it were to land in the hands of the Yiga Clan.
She nodded towards him again, readjusting her dress. It had been the same one that she wore when Link had been appointed as her knight, when the Champions were officially recognized and most every other formal ceremony. (She used it a lot.) It wasn't designed for a pregnant woman, and the embedded corset pulled tight against her bump, aggravating her already upset stomach. It hid her bump well for the moment, but she knew that eventually the corset would get so tight that it might cause harm to her or the baby.
Link expected that time to come sooner rather than later, as she was already in constant discomfort from it. He assumed her fears and anxieties from being princess during such a dangerous time were the main cause of why she had not already gone before her father. After all, the same pressure causing those anxieties also strained her relationship with him. Link wished he had the ability to help her, to go before the king for her, but as far as Hyrule's law and authority went, he was just Zelda's appointed knight; not her husband and certainly not the prince. Sure, he was the Hylian Champion and the wielder of the sword that seals the darkness... but to King Rhoam he was still just a knight. He cast a sweeping glance over Zelda, eyes catching for a moment on her stomach. He sighed, then presented his palm to her; a look of concern in his eyes even though his face remained stoic.
"Now, there's no need for that kind of formality." Urbosa began before Zelda could take Link's hand. "No one would think anything of it." She pushed his hand down to his side. "Let us go."
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runolllo-fanboygirl · 3 years
annoying revali anon again... im sorry but I want to ask more, your post about link's age was really thoughtful, even though most of the info is in the game I didn't think about it and I never saw other people talk about it (even if so many people are always aking guesses about link's age!) so I want to ask, do you know Revali and Sidon's age too... please and thanks...
Ok, Sidon is easy but Revali is a tough one! And I don’t have the time to source properly. I’ve actually been writing a post about the ages of all the relevant BOTW characters (that’s why I had this info at hand for that other Link post too!) but adding quotes, screenshots, etc. takes a lot of time.
So here is a very informal answer until I manage to compile everything:
- Adult Sidon is, canonically, older than 100 (obviously XD) but younger than 130, I estimate around 110ish since we know he’s much younger than Rivan (who’s over 130). Sidon is also canonically considered more on the “young adult Zora” side than on the “middle aged Zora” side (for comparison, Bazz and Gaddison are confirmed middle aged). Zora a bit younger than 100 are more or less already considered adults or late teens (like Dunma) so Sidon might had been an adult for a while. I hope this made sense lol.
Regarding the current twitter drama: Zora mature in a very different way, much slower in general, and not necessarily perfectly proportionally slower than the other races. You can’t equate Zora age to Hylians, don’t ask “would that make Sidon around 23 in human age” that makes no sense... he’s a +100 young adult by Zora standards because he’s a Zora.
- Revali’s most likely just barely an adult, and somewhere around the same age as Link (17-19). For reference, this is everything I had to say about Link’s age / LINK /. Anyway back to Ravioli Pasta Boy, we can only make a good guess about him being around that awkward age between teen and adult. I’ll try to explain as short as possible:
- I’ll start saying that, unlike the case of the Zora, Rito age and life expectancy are the same as for Hylians. We can infer this from Revali’s own dialogue in the Champion’s Ballad, as well as from Creating a Champion. The book also tells us that Kass is considerably older than Teba, but we have nothing to compare them to Revali, that I have found. While the Zora talk a lot about their age (since it’s relevant to Link’s past and his old bonds with them) we have no numbers to compare for the Rito, sorry. STILL, go on and read:
- Revali uses “boku” to refer to himself in Japanese. It would be very awkward for anyone other than a male child/teen to use “boku”. An adult man would use boku in some settings, not in the way Revali does in my opinion (I explain why on this other post) but some people disagree... so I won’t say this is conclusive evidence on it’s own BUT I can stack this hint with the next few ones:
- Urbosa's Diary: “Revali is of the youngest Rito generation” (the diary has different wording in the different localizations but ultimately says that).
- Urbosa’s diary putting Zelda, Link, Revali and Mipha in the same age group (yes, Mipha too, don’t ask me I didn’t write this game lol)
- Revali’s considerably shorter than the other Rito adults (and I’m not even talking about Teba who is actually taller than the other Rito men).
- Other more speculative hints: 
- Revali still has the same face markings as the Rito children. It might be just a design choice but why not mention it. A lot of the stuff in this game is very deliberate, so yeah.
- Revali’s emotional immaturity; 
- The fact that he was designed to be Link’s rival (stated in Creating a Champion); 
- The fact he didn’t have any descendancy, unlike Urbosa or Daruk, even though he loves his homeland and his people so much, he gets along with children, and all he ever wanted was to see the Rito thrive. One would think, he didn’t have the time to have a family :(
- The age gap between Revali and Teba matching the trend of the other co-pilots in which one is an older adult (Urbosa, Daruk, Teba and Sidon) and the other a youngster (Riju, Yunobo, Revali and Mipha). Creating a Champion says Yunobo is “a young adult Goron still growing” and I think all of us can see how that’s very possibly the same case with Link, Revali and Mipha.
- Creating a Champion also highlights how adult/big/confident Teba is that he isn’t bothered at all by criticism, being mostly aware of his own shortcomings, feeling no shame and just working hard. A big contrast with Revali, who while being just as hard working, is a bit of a bratty kid and an overachiever who hates being caught in what he considers “a moment of weakness” (a moment of shame). So, again, deliberate decisions while designing the characters.
I might be missing something big but that’s all for now! I’m confident most of the facts are correct (please notice that I mentioned when I make estimations and when I speculate, versus when I’m giving actual canon data and quoting!). Again, I haven’t put together all my sources yet, the quotes are from memory an paraphrased, double-check before quoting me on this ;D
Also! Do what you want with this info, make your own conclusions. Link and Sidon’s age frames are a bit more restrictive and Zelda literally turned 17 the day of the Calamity (I think the only character with her age set in stone lol), but otherwise the game and book would be like “eh, Riju was designed to look around 12 but Gerudo mature faster... Paya was designed to be around Link’s age, between 18-20... Purah is, uh, 120, kinda......... Link found the Master Sword when he was 12 or 13, maybe........¿¿?...?” like, what do you mean, does Link not fcking remember if he got the sword when he was 12 or 15 lmao!!!! Assholes!!! XD  
So like, yeah ahahahha. You think Revali is 17? The game says Sure Why Not. You say Revali’s 24 and a short king? Perfectly possible too honestly. We stan short King Revali, wow much sass in such smol birb. Big bow go brrrr
Last thing about Teba and Revali because I wanted the Age of Calamity SPOILERSSS at the end: 
 - In Age of Calamity *SPOILERSSS*  Teba’s dad instincts kick in on a couple of occasions... there are many battle combos I haven’t seen yet, but at least once Teba goes to Revali to give some emotional support (in the battle before the last, I think); in another occasion to help him speak his true feelings (as in literally voicing them in Revali’s stead because Teba is that blunt and Revali is... you know, like he is.) As it happens between the other co-pilots, the older one often reassures the younger one (Mipha and Sidon still have an older sister/younger brother dynamic even if Sidon came from the future and is now literally older than her lol so the rule still applies! XD). So again, I feel like the age difference between Teba and Revali is noticeable, even though Teba is still a young dad himself... but I honestly feel that if someone wanted to say both Revali and Teba are like, 25, no one could tell them that the canon says otherwise XD
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runtedfiction · 3 years
day 3: flight @zelinkweek2021
AN: i fucking love haikyuu!! also this week has been lots of fun :)
* * *
Revali finds someone who flies nearly as high as he does on the court. The world implodes.
* * *
When Impa asks Zelda to be on an intramural volleyball team, she doesn’t think about it too much. They’re studying in the library, and she nods absentmindedly while organizing her cybersecurity notes.
“You’ll just be an alternate,” Impa says, over-explaining even though she knows that Zelda would agree to hide a body with her. “We have six people already, so occasionally you might have to sub in, but I don’t think that would happen. You can also borrow my gear.”
“Well, you remember how bad I was in high school,” Zelda says with a shrug. “And it’s been two years since then, so.”
“Don’t worry!” Impa waves her hand. “Most of them are Mipha’s friends, so they’re chill. We’re all very casual.”
Zelda nods again, and begins reading about different kinds of web attacks.
(If this were a sitcom, this would be the part where the narrator tells the audience, “They were not chill. Or casual.”)
* * *
She shows up ten minutes late to their first game. It’s not her fault--the exam ran over, and she had to get changed before coming--but it’s a bad look nonetheless. Everyone’s looking at her, already lined up on the court, and she smiles apologetically while dying inside.
“Midterm started late, sorry!”
“No worries,” Impa says. “We’re just getting started!”
The whistle blows, and a boy with black--no navy--hair does a jump serve that slams into the opposing team’s court. Zelda doesn’t know if she’s seen anyone jump this high.
“Way to go, Revali,” the burliest person she’s ever seen says. He pulls Revali in for what looks to be a bone-crushing hug.
The other team doesn’t score a point until Revali misses his fourth monster serve; the ball goes just outside the lines. But even when the other team finally gets the ball, it’s easy for the burly boy to receive, Mipha to set, and her roommate (Urbosa?) to spike.
Zelda realizes very quickly, much to her horror, that everyone on this team is good. She can’t even do an overhand serve--what was Impa thinking, what was she thinking--but she doesn’t have time to continue to despair because someone else is serving now.
He has a powerful overhand; again, the ball goes straight into the court. But for his second serve, he takes a few steps back, and flies for his jump serve. He’s shorter than the first boy, but he’s jumping almost as tall as him. Zelda’s mouth opens slightly.
“Nice one Link!” Urbosa says. Revali snorts.
Their team--the Champions--wins the game in what must be under half an hour. Zelda thinks about how she hasn’t done an underhand serve in two years and wants to scream.
* * *
After the third game (another ridiculously easy win), the burly boy--Daruk, she’s learned--suggests that they all go out for frozen yogurt. It’s 11pm and the brunt of exams have passed, so everyone is free.
“Perfect!” His voice booms throughout the gym and matches his giant smile. He claps a hand on Link’s shoulder. The force of it undoes his loose ponytail. “Let’s celebrate the little guy for his final block!”
They go to Selmie’s Spot and eat on the sidewalk. It’s a chilly night, but the chocolate is so delicious that she can’t complain.
“Link,” Revali asks, “where did you learn to play like that?”
“I started in middle school,” he says. Zelda wonders if she’s taller than him--they’re definitely the same height at least. “And then I played through all of high school.”
“Nice,” Revali says in a way that makes it clear he does not, in fact, find that nice.
“Your vertical is quite impressive,” Mipha says. Revali’s eyes look like they could shoot out murderous laser beams.
When everyone’s finished with their ice cream, they figure out logistics for walking back home. Impa, Mipha, and Urbosa head north; Daruk and Revali accompany them.
Zelda finds herself alone with Link, who doesn’t have much to say.
“You’re quite good,” she says.
“Did you ever consider playing for real in college?”
Zelda shuts up quickly, and they reach her gate soon enough.
“Thanks for walking me here,” she says.
“No problem.”
Euch, she thinks as she walks him away. The night swallows his bright blue hoodie. Standoffish.
* * *
For the next two games, Zelda sits on the sidelines and alternates between clapping and getting work done on her laptop. Everything goes swimmingly. Link and Revali rack up points from serves and general talent, Daruk receives steadily, and Mipha and Impa set to Urbosa for spikes.
Then Zelda gets called into the next game. When Revali mentioned that he needed to leave for someone’s birthday party, she agreed to sub in, assuming that the game might end before them anyway.
The game, however, is not ending early; the Guardians might hand the Champions their first loss.
They’re one point behind when Zelda steps in, and then they’re five points behind. The best server on the opposing team aims the balls straight for her, and even though she can get the ball up most of the time, it’s punishing. It slams into her forearms, sometimes spiralling off (Link manages to dive and save it once), and rarely making it to Mipha.
Finally the serve goes out of bounds, and it’s a relief. But then it’s her turn to serve, and oh God, it’s match point.
“It’s ok, you got this!”
Impa’s too kind. Zelda takes one swing at the ball--underhand, how humiliating--and loses the game.
* * *
On the walk back, she’s the quiet one this time.
She doesn’t understand why she’s so upset; intramural volleyball doesn’t matter. Her grades are excellent, she probably has a second date with that cute classmate, and she definitely has a second interview with the university research lab.
Link speaks, unprompted, for the first time in her presence.
“You don’t need to look so worried,” he says.
“I don’t look worried,” she counters. Are her brows furrowed? They are. She makes a conscious effort to smooth them out.
He smiles. “Whatever you say.”
She spends the rest of the walk wondering if she looks worried. Then she remembers how she lost the game for everyone tonight, and that awful feeling pools in her stomach again.
“Hey,” she says when they reach her gate. “What did I do wrong tonight?”
He looks surprised. “Oh, hm--”
“Too much to count?” She tries to say it as a joke, but it comes out a bit desperate. Fuck.
“My roommate books practice courts sometimes, and always asks if I want to come,” he says instead of answering. “Maybe we can practice this week and I’ll show you some stuff?”
She nods. Her brows are furrowed again.
"Don't worry," he says. "It'll be chill."
“I’m not--I’m not worried,” she says.
“Ok,” he says, and she thinks he’s laughing as he walks away.
She scowls. Annoying.
* * *
At the practice court, he teaches her how to serve. Thankfully only Impa and Link’s friends get to dodge her serves that first go into the net, then way too deep, before finally she starts hitting the court.
“Nice,” he says after what must be two hours. She’s exhausted. “Remember you want to hold the ball steady in your left hand before you pound it with your right.”
“Uh. Ok.”
When they’re all walking out of the gym at the end of the practice, Link turns to her. “Sidon booked the court for Sunday night too, if you want to come then.”
“That would be great, thanks."
“He’s cute, right,” Impa says when Link leaves.
Zelda raises her eyebrows. “What?”
Impa just laughs.
On Sunday, he teaches her how to receive.
“Bend your knees more,” he says. “Instead of swinging your arms upward.”
They fall into a rhythm where he does a light spike and she gets the ball back to him. Her forearms are red when they break for water.
“Nice. You learn quickly,” he says. The compliment, said so matter of factly, makes her a bit embarrassed. “Before the qualifying game on Tuesday I got the sand courts up by the track if you want to practice a few hours before. I want to do my serve and Daruk said he might need to come late to the game, so.”
“Yeah, I'll come!” she says. She wonders if she hears a “please don’t mess this up” hidden between the lines, but she has a feeling he’s too nice to think that. He’s patient and an understanding teacher and--frick.
She examines his face more closely.
Impa wasn’t lying. He is cute.
* * *
Zelda subs in for Daruk, and surprisingly it isn’t a disaster. She gets all her serves over the net, and only messes up two digs. Revali and Link's jumpserves are also particularly nasty this time around, and they win easily.
They make it to the elimination round, and then semifinals. Frozen yogurt at Selmi's becomes a regular tradition after each game.
Before they reach the finals, she asks Link to practice with her once more. It’s very likely that the Guardians will beat the Zorans, and they’ll have to face them again. Impa has a conflicting exam this time around, but can sub in once it ends.
“Sure, I’ll book the sand courts again,” he says. When they reach her gate, he smiles. Cute. “Night.”
Her mouth still tastes like chocolate when she smiles back. “Goodnight.”
She meets him at the court on a sunny day. They have a small rally, just the two of them serving, bumping, setting, and spiking to each other. Even though it’s late autumn, it feels like summer. They take a water break in the shade of the tree.
His water bottle is empty, she notices.
“Here,” she says, holding out hers. “Have some.”
“Ah, that’s ok--”
“Have some.”
“Ok.” He pauses before taking a small sip and handing it back to her. Huh, his eyes are really blue. “Thanks.”
On their way back, they reach the intersection that they normally split at when they’re walking during the day.
“Hey,” he says. “You want to get lunch?”
Her heart is pounding. “Sure.”
* * *
When they face the Guardians again in the finals, she’s the most confident she’s been in her skills. The monster server is back and targeting her, but she only misses once, and even then Daruk is there to cover for her and get the ball to Mipha.
Mipha sets it to Zelda this time, which catches everyone by surprise. Urobsa’s been hitting the entire time, barely getting past the blockers.
Zelda sets up for a spike that ends up rolling off her fingers and functioning more like a tip, but no one is covering her, and they’re one point ahead.
“Yes!” Impa yells from the sidelines. It looks like she ran from her test; there’s still a pencil in her hand as she punches her fist in the air.
“Thanks,” Zelda says as she subs out.
“No problem,” Impa says. “You did great!"
Zelda watches as the Champions go toe to toe with the Guardians. She cheers when Mipha does an elegant dump, when Urbosa hits the ball so hard it goes off the blocker’s fingers, when Daruk digs balls with gnarly spirals, and when Link and Revali pull off superstar plays.
The game ends when Link hits from the back row with impossible strength and precision right on the line.
“Nice!” she yells along with everyone.
(But she could swear that he smiles right at her, and it floods her with warmth.)
At Selmie’s Spot after, even Revali gives Link one of those boy handshakes where they do a one armed hug.
“Nice one,” Revali chokes out, sounding only minimally pained.
“Oh come on,” Daruk says. “The little guy won us the whole thing! Your yogurt’s on me.”
“No, no.” Link shakes his head. “Team effort.”
“Yeah,” Impa agrees, putting her arm around Zelda. “Team effort! To the Champions!”
Zelda smiles. ”To the Champions.”
On the walk home, they’re both quiet at first. She keeps racking her brain for funny things to say to break the silence, or excuses to see him so regularly again.
But then he reaches for her hand, so easily, and that’s all she can think about as they walk. His hand is warm and rough and lovely.
Hm, so lunch the other day was probably a date, she thinks. But I didn’t get that specific vibe? But hm, he’s holding my hand now, fuck. He’s holding my hand. Ok, concentrate--so lunch was a date. Ok but even if it wasn’t--maybe we should talk about this. Do we need to? Is there a “this” even?
The stress makes her palm sweaty. He probably notices, but thankfully he doesn’t break his hold and keeps the same steady pressure.
In the end, she manages a lame, “That was fun.” when they reach her gate. Instead of entering in the code immediately like usual, she turns around to face him. She drops his hand so he doesn’t drop hers first, but she wipes it on her sweater to have an excuse.
“Yeah,” he says, smiling faintly. The warm feeling starts to come back. “Really fun.”
“I definitely got better thanks to you,” she says.
He shrugs. “You were really determined to get better. Stubborn, even.”
It’s so easy to joke back. "Worried about it?”
“Oh, yeah. Always. I feel like you’re worrying right now.”
“Well, yeah,” she says. His eyes are so kind when he picks up her hand again. He laces his fingers around hers, and squeezes. The warm feeling multiplies tenfold. It makes it easy for her to ask, “Let’s do something tomorrow?”
He's really smiling now. “Let me cook for you.”
The seed of hope in her chest blooms. “Sounds good. See you tomorrow?”
“See you tomorrow.”
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OOC; To Mod - hello! I’m doing a fun thing where I hop into the askboxes of different writers and ask them about their favorite works! This specific blog is like. A huge undertaking, so if you wanna geek out about it, go for it! This can include anything, from arc development shit to fun facts about the blog and how it operates. This is such a cool idea anyways, and I’m sure people would love to hear about it. :)
I am going to geek out about this so hard that you’ll regret ever talking to me.
Hmm...What to talk about that won’t spoil the future of HKU...Oh I know! How about I ramble about
HKU and the Long and Arduous Process of Making Characters and Themes
I will try to avoid details when I can, but I will be discussing the latest developments with Siv, Larc, and Astor, so consider yourself warned for spoilers and catch up if you haven't yet! :3
Waste not, want not: Why I find it important to not waste characters and time
In Hyrule Kingdom Updates, Asivus "Siv" Hartell is the protagonist. Zelda(Mallory) is the deuteragonist. Then finally, LinkLink is the tritagonist. They are the perspectives that I would find most important. However, all in all, I would consider there to be six really important characters in order for HKU to work, that being: Siv, Zelda, Link, Larc, Astor, and Zavis.
Now, I say "really" important for demonstrative purposes because really, all characters are important. Every single one of them. Characters are the lifeblood of HKU, and I spend a lot of time making sure that they don't give off the impression of being self-inserts or just there for fun. I mean they are, but I spend a lot of time making sure they don't seem like that *wink wink*
This is what I define as the essentials for any "good" character:
Someone who provides an interesting/new perspective on the themes of the story
Someone whose wants and needs enhance the plot
Someone that can be understood as an individual
Yet someone that wouldn't be important to the story, without their bonds and relationships to the other characters
I don't really care about how likable a character is, or relatable, or how funny or badass they are; that's all secondary. Third-endary, even. If a character doesn't do enough to serve my story, I cut them, and merge their ideas with an existing characters. Caricautures are for comic relief, and in order to maintain a reader's interest an immersion into my story, I want to consistently give them characters that are well thought out and important. Whenever there's a new face, or an unexpected appearance, I want it to be wordlessly understood that I'm not wasting their time, that there is something this character has to offer.
A reader finding value in something/someone is one of the most important things a writer can have, because it is that particular investment that drives the story, or at least, my story. I cannot stress enough how vital characters are to HKU because this quite literally wouldn't work if you removed even one person from the plot. If you don't find these people important and interesting then EVERYTHING'S ruined. Everything. Every post is a battle for your attention and time, every piece of dialogue is a line I cast into the sea just hoping that there's someone swimming in the ocean because at any MOMENT you could click away, and I know this because I AM a reader, and I WOULD click away if I found something boring. So every plot point is just a battle between the writer me, wanting to spew everything, and reader me, who knows what the essentials are, and what to do to keep a person's investment.
This cycle of writing the story and characters, and understand what is essential and interesting to a reader is what led to me cutting over 20 characters and arcs from HKU.
That's how much time I spend on these fictional fuckers, no one is wasted or expendable. I think the only character that I could write out if I wanted to would be Hestu, and that's mainly because I did actually forget they existed until the Lost Wood's arc rolled around.
So with those points in mind, let's look at some of the characters that I spent a lot of time writing for, that is Siv, Larc, and Astor.
Welcome to the shitpost blog: First Impressions and Establishing...Everything
Welcome to @hyrule-kingdom-updates, and thank you for following! This is just a little comedic blog featuring funny posts from characters who live within Breath of the Wild Hyrule.
Hook, line, and sinker.
There's a lot of reasons why I started HKU this way, (one of them mainly being that I knew no one would read it if I opened immediately with the plot) but the main reason being I believe it was the fastest way to get you interested in the world and the protagonist.
The theme of HKU centers around trauma, and asking the question of what's the right way to deal with the malice(not the goop but like, real-life malicious things) of the world.
So if you want to move a story into a direction that plunges a fictional fairytale kingdom into the realities of life, you first have to establish that fictional fairytale kingdom and it's characters,
Even from the very first post I am working to establish character.
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Now, it might seem silly, but there's actually a lot of information that you automatically take in from these two posts alone.
The diction and lack of proper punctuation implies that the narrator is more casual and down to earth
The narrator is aware that people are reading these "updates"
The immediate contrast between the "professional" introduction and humerous shitpost provides insight as to the sense of humour present
The orator is new at their job, and perhaps wants to keep their position
The narrators updates are under the influence of the Royal Family, perhaps more specifically, King Rhoam.
The establishment of Rhoam being in power and Urbosa being alive tells as to when in the timeline of Hyrule we are
Addressments like "don't worry" and "wish me luck" imply that there is value in the reader's opinion and perspective
The goal of the shit post says was basically to establish the world, and what kind of person Siv is. On a meta level, I want you to laugh at the shit posts because that's what Siv is doing. I KNOW you're enjoying the shitposts, therefore it more believable for you to understand that this is something Siv does as well. There's an unspoken distance between you and the world, even if your asks impact it. For you, this is just another funny day in the life, and the same can be said for Siv, but the difference is that for him, it actually IS a reality.
That's why I really enjoyed these days because I was just schemeing behind the scenes, knowing how I was going to turn this all over your heads.
So, you know how he is at the start. Siv is an apathetic individual, he laughs off whatever shit comes his way, and cares only for himself. His view of the world of Hyrule is through the lens of someone who seems to have accept that he has no control over his life, his very job is dictated by royals.
And though he has no respect for authority, and has been deemed a lowly criminal by most people, he still seems like a pretty decent guy. Human. It seems pretty apparant that even though he pretends to not care about the world, he obviously has human morals and wants, and would more than anything like to have control over his life, but he seems to have accepted that's not going to happen.
Siv isn't just sarcastic, or just apathetic to everything, or just a rebellious person. There's a subtle layer to everything, but it's all wrapped in a clearly understandable line of logic. Therefore he is
Someone that can be understood as an individual
At this point in time, if you asked him how to deal with the woes of the world, he would probably shrug his shoulders and say, "laugh it off. Sometimes that's how it is." Whether this idea is something he will main remains to be seen. Therefore as our protagonist, he is
Someone who provides an interesting/new perspective on the themes of the story
Oh brother, it's time to go on a journey: Change and motivation
Now, another way that I break down characters is like this
Want - what they want on the surface
Lie - the belief that they have that prevents them from obtaining their need
Need - what they need to do in order to become better
So, let's break down Siv at this point.
Want: Siv wants to have control over his life, and to do what he wants in order to be happy
Lie: Siv tells himself that there's nothing he can do about his situation, and to just accept the world as it is
Need: Siv needs to learn to give a shit. About himself, and others. He needs to understand that while not everything in life can be controlled, the aspects that we do have power over, like our actions and relationships with others, are important.
Now, Siv doesn't actually go our searching or acting towards his want OR his need, as his lie tells him that he should just take what he can get, and dig in. So far in the story, there is still a distance between him and the reader and the world, because he can choose when to answer asks. He can choose when to confront questions.
So in order to really kick off the story, we have to take that choice away from him.
Enter: The Quill of Roost. Well, more like the quill enters Siv, as he eats it, and we soon discover that now, he can't really escape the questioning voices. Notice that Siv only did this in an effort to do something good, to be a hero. Maybe we'll come back to that later.
So now that we've forced Siv to leave his comfortable apathetic lifestyle, we can start to poke and probe him into a new person. He now has to listen to people more, both literally and metaphorically.
Siv's brother, Arcadius (also known as Larc, by Siv) is a foil, in that he's his opposite. He's not a criminal, he's the respected Captain of the Royal Guard. He's the golden boy, a hero in his own right. He generally respects authority and likes order. I mean, the first time you meet him, he talks like a "how do you do fellow kids" school teacher.
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AHe's adored (and simped over) and has a loving family, and lives society's definition of a perfect life.
Yet, despite all of this, there is a deep saddness to Larc that is ever present. He seems to greatly sympathize with Asivus, and has a lot of (yet unseen) regret and guilt. Simiarlly to Siv, he constantly thinks about the unfairness/malice of life, but since Larc seems to have gotten the good end of the stick in life, Larc just convinces himself that any malice or negative emotions he might feel are unjustified, that they don't exist. That he's pathetic to think as such.
But of course, ignoring it doesn't make it go away, Larc still has these emotions, he's still not happy, but he's become to accustomed to them being there and not dealing with them, that's he's almost apathetic about it, similarlly to Siv.
He attempts to find happiness and satisfaction in authority, the the order the kingdom has to offer. He believes that the best thing he can do is be autonomous to whatever the world hands you, whether orders from a king or a father.
But despite this, he understands that deep down, this isn't making him happy. He still hasn't directly dealt with the regrets and guilts he has, even though he tries to hide it under "orders" and the like. He's too much of a coward to do so. Thus, he just concludes that he doesn't deserve to be happy.
Want: Larc wants someone to tell him what to do to be happy. He doesn't want conflict or confrontation, just peace.
Lie: When the life Larc lives doesn't clear his regrets, Larc tells himself that it's because he doesn't deserve to be happy. Thus the very least he could do is do as he's told, and someone like him doesn't deserve to talk back
Need: Larc needs to learn that he does deserve to be happy, but the road to doing so isn't smooth. He needs to learn to care about himself, and actually confront and deal with the problems in his life, instead of running away and being autonomous.
Therefore, Siv and Larc's outlooks on life have contridictions, theirfore their actions also oppose each other at times, and that conflict helps move the story, and make things more fun to watch.
Overtime, we can see their lies start to break down, based on their interactions with other characters, and in their attempt to even help themselves and each other. The autonomous nature and apathy they have starts to break down, whether despite, or because, of their wants and desires.
Now, Siv and Larc just on their own are cool, but with the way they're designed to highlight the theme, and affect the story based on their character driven actions, it makes them both interesting and perhaps even relatable characters, as they are
Someone whose wants and needs enhance the plot
And of course, this pattern isn't just present in the Hartell bros, but in pretty much every character (Except Hestu)
Hey what's that?/We have an older brother/You thought there were two but there is another: Character interaction is pretty cool
So. Siv has allowed himself to open up a little. He dares to be vulnerable for the sake of being happy. He's actually started to rekindle and create bonds, with characters like Larc, Zelda, Link, and Zavis.
But the thing about being open to change and love, can inevitably lead to pain. It's just a reality of life.
Enter: Didymos Astor. Just as the Champion gang comes together, Astor comes along to fuck things up.
On a meta level, Astor is an intriguing character simply because the expectation for him didn't amount to much to begin with. Age of Calamity Astor was just evil for....unstated evil reasons. Therefore writing him was practically just creating an entirely new oc.
So playing with the meta-ness of Astor, there's a lot of mystery to him that I maintained, but in such a way were I actually made sure to eventually answer those mysteries.
At first you don't know why he does what he does, but you do understand that his goal is to help Calamity Ganon rise. He also seemed absolutely confident in his decisions, he believes that his path is the best one.
Then slowly, information is revealed that allows you to understand Astor. And you can bet your bottom dollar that I purposefully did this in parallel with Siv slowly being hurt and betrayed by the people he once let himself be vulnerable with. The understanding of Astor comes with Siv's lack of understanding of the world around him.
Astor at this point in time, is basically a representation of listening to that little voice in your head. Both metaphorically, and quite literally. An "if you can't beat them, join them" attitude.
And of course, because this is HKU, he's not purely an evil villain, and he has an understandble line of logic in his actions, and even morals, as...different as they may be. I try to be very precise with my characters as I don't want to use backstory as an excuse for their actions, I fully intend to let their consequences play out, but at the same time I do want you to understand why someone does something besides just "he evil."
Astor used to have a close relationship with the old Queen of Hyrule, a literal symbol of hope for the kingdom given she possessed the power of Hylia. He himself wasn't a very important person, just some random orphan that probably only got a place at the castle because he was friends with the queen. But when she died, and the fate of Hyrule was apparantly sealed, so too did his hope. A much more depressing outcome of the "you can't control life so be apathetic" view that Astor shares with his brother.
He tried to apply logic to his situation, whether by trying to justify the end by saying that everyone in Hyrule is a fool, or a bad person, or by twisting the memories of his better days into something worse so that he doesn't have to feel as bad.
But of course, the TRUE and absolute reason he does all this, is to save Zelda, because as much as he would loathe to admit it, there's a part of him that still cares. If siding with the Calamity is the only way to save the last connection to the light of your life, then so be it. In a cruel world like Hyrule, why should he be able to enact just a sliver of justice in it.
And honestly he might be right. In the hundreds and thousands of timelines out there, I think there's only two were Zelda actually survives. Not very good chances *wink wink*
He couldn't care less if he looks like a villain as he does this. In fact, he would probably want to. He's been ignored his whole life, so some dramatic time in the spotlight to prove everyone wrong would be euphoric.
Want: Astor wants power over his life, even just a little bit. Just enough to rid the world's vermin, and save Zelda.
Lie: Hope is a lie and everything is doomed. We deserve to lose
Need: If Astor wants to be an actually good person, he needs to learn there are aspects and realities of life that you can't predict or control or assign logic to, yet despite that life is good anyways. Hope isn't always about winning, but about letting yourself live as best you can, and persevere.
Astor is a blast to write, because sometimes he's a stupid emo teen that you can bully for being called "Didymos," and then two minutes later he's a genuinely terrifying villain, and then two minutes after that you're feeling just even the slightest bit of sympathy for him. He's a cunning, cucking, emo bastard and if Larc didn't exist he might just be my favourtie character.
But another thing I love about writing Astor has to do with my fourth point on how I craft characters:
Someone that wouldn't be important to the story, without their bonds and relationships to the other characters
People being enjoyable on their own is great, but I think the best part about writing different characters is seeing how they fit together, like puzzle pieces. This again goes to my point about how no character is wasted, because a complete puzzle doesn't have extra pieces (except Hestu)
So let me just talk about my themes of trauma and how I use malice in HKU
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I made this venn diagram awhile ago, but it's kinda....bad. Lmao. So let me summarize in a way that's coherant.
When you get traumatized by something, or something terrible happens to you, even if that experience gets solved, you will probably still have that memory for the rest of your life. That experience, and the consequences that it had, will be something you have with you for a long, long time, and the reality is that sometimes there's nothing you can do about it.
And so the question of HKU becomes...well what exactly do you do with it? Is it a strength, or a weakness, or do you pretend it doesn't exist?
Asivus is the protagonist of the story because it is from his perspective that we explore the most viewpoints and angles of the stories theme, not just through Siv himself, but from his perspective of those around him, and his relationships with them. Again, per the "no character wasted," because quite literally everyone has an opinion on the subject.
For now, let's just focus on Siv, Larc, and Astor.
Hartell Bros and using pictures to appeal to the neurodivergent asshat (AKA myself): The Journey to find your need
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This is pretty much where these characters stand at the start of HKU.
Through the beginning arc, Siv becomes less apathetic and actually starts to care, about others, and himself. And eventually, he even follows the hope (ambition) to help Zelda save Hyrule. Now, at this point, Siv doesn't respect Astor, and he envies Larc, so he moves further away from their respective "places" and values. He allows himself to be vulnerable.
Meanwhile, circumstances threaten the most important thing in Larc's life, his family. These circimstances force Larc to go against his usually autonomous lifestyle, and actually act out of personal ambition, and try to take the helm on his life.
Finally, Astor has been in his spot for awhile, ever since he became set on helping to revive the Calamity. And over the first few arcs, nothing happens to him that forces him to change. He stays in his place, because his brother's relationships to him basically make him a moral compass of what they DON'T want to be. (Almost like...getting bad advice, and not taking it.) Astor at the moment is a stationary catalyst who tries to convince Siv to share his viewpoint. And this doesn't happen yet.
So its because of their interactions and relationships that their characters move to here:
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HBut the thing about letting yourself be more autonomous, or vulnerable to other people, is that while it does have great benefits, you still might get hurt by other people, so you need to learn how to handle these situations properly.
Asivus does not handle this properly.
When Zavis betrays him, and makes him look like a fool, Siv books it out of the vulnerability department as fast as he can. When Link seemingly shows Siv that the future is broken, and that the world is unfair and out to get him, Siv detaches himself completely from being content (apathetic) and when Siv see he can't rely on anyone to save him, even Zelda, then he moves further into control.
So yeah, Siv's character quite literally wouldn't exist without his relationship to others, and they, him.
Meanwhile, Larc is forces even further into the control and ambition department by being turned into the literal emodiment of ambition and power: a Hollow. Thanks Astor! So for a brief amount of time, he lives at the extreme ends of purple and red, and once he recovers, he desperately wants to move back towards the blue and yellow areas because it wasn't exactly the best of experiences for him.
So now Larc is no longer autonomous to the world around him, and after he is truly revealed as a traitor thanks to being kidnapped and almost dying and the world finding out about everything the gang's been up to, Larc really cannot return to his "following orders" lifestyle. He's on the edge of being where he needs to be, but he still is of the mindset that he doesn't deserve to be happy. So while he allows himself to be in control of his choices, and to follow and protect his family, he rejects hope for himself, and dips into just not caring about himself.
Finally, Astor. His change starts small, but the fact they he shifted at all when he's spent so much of the story as immovable is significant. In a combination of not liking Siv's extremes, and actually expressing hesitation the more he interacts with Zelda, Astor moves out of the yellow and just barely dips into the side of ambition, and the desire to actually change a seemingly unchangeable situation. But it's just barely, and he still sides with Ganon.
So thus, after all those interactions, the Hartell Bros stand around here:
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And where will they go from here? Who knows! I'll give you a hint thought...things are really looking Up for Siv (wink wink).
The beauty is that you don't even know if anyone will ever truly live in that perfect harmony that the middle offers, because let me assure you, the people that DO live in that perfect middle, are currently dead. The movement toward that center is a positive character arc, but will everyone achieve a positive character arc? People can enter there sure, but the hard part is staying, of keeping those ideals. And Hylia...don't even get me start on how Link, Zelda, Zavis, and everyone else fits into this, I'd be at here for another six hours.
And also, I think my little graph is a good example of my other themes on mortality and how it's not black and white. There's no extreme good end, and extreme bad end; being a good person is a harmony of the different difficulties every day has to offer.
And then ALL OF THIS, I hide under the guise of mystery, and plot, and humour, and shitposts; evil soup, hot sword people, disaster gays, giant robots, cucking, ninjas, knights, musicians and seers...Just a constantly battle between not being too preachy and not going too off the rails, I myself am constantly trying to find that center harmony as I write HKU.
But make no mistake, this is probably the most fun thing I've written...ever. It kicks my ass sometimes, but it's so....I don't even know how to describe it, it's just great. There just so many things that I have to think about to deal with the story and the characters and it's work but I'm really passionate about it so it's FUN and I love it and I will ramble about it again one day because, fuck man...
Writing is badass.
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quillandink333 · 3 years
Scarlet Carnations ~ Part IV
BotW Link X Zelda ~ Detective AU
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Rating: T
Word Count: 5.1k
WARNINGS: death, murder, loss, trauma, blood and gore, terrorism, organized crime, self-harm
Summary: Inspector Zelda Hyrule, assisted by the faithful Constable Link Fyori, is infamous for cracking the most confounding of cases in a town dominated by crime. Her latest assignment is to solve the murder of her own godmother, Impa Sheikah, the late CEO of Sheikah Tech. Incorporated, while staying under the radar of the dreaded Yiga organization.
Part I • Part II • Part III • Part IV • Part V • Part VI • Part VII • Epilogue • Masterlist
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It was nine o’clock in the morning, two days after I’d made my arrest, and Paya’s trial was in its opening stages. I was watching from the gallery. Normally, as the one running the investigations, I would be the first witness to take the stand, but today, for whatever reason, the lead prosecutor, Urbosa Sigatur, planned to summon me second after Auntie Purah. Urbosa was far from a stranger to me, however. She and I had collaborated on several cases in the past, and she shared with me many of my own ideals. She’d once even known my mother before her untimely demise. And so I decided not to question her judgment, however unconventional it may have seemed.
The prosecution’s opening statement had been based on the fact that the stolen Sheikah Slate, along with a bloodstained bullet, had been found in the defendant’s room, which, until recently, hadn’t been searched as it had been deemed irrelevant to the case. With these conclusive pieces of evidence, she’d stated, the defendant had been charged with both the theft of the Slate and the murder of its owner, Impa Sheikah.
The stolen object was the most central piece of evidence in the prosecution’s case. It had once been a target of my own immense interest, even before its theft. But that had all changed following its recovery. The riddle, though having been solved by means of professional reprogramming, still made little sense to me if any. “Carnation” was its answer, according to Auntie Purah herself. Much to my dismay, the secrets that the riddle had supposedly kept hidden had turned out to be nothing but my own fantasy. Every last piece of data that had once been stored in the Slate had been deleted, meaning the possibility of proving a motive for its theft was next to nonexistent. The only thing left in its memory was a diary entry, written by Auntie Impa the day before her murder. This in itself, however, held the potential to serve as a lead to her killer’s identity, at the very least.
The diary entry, as projected onto the courtroom wall by the Slate, went,
“Today was the first day of Zelda’s holiday visit. It is hard to believe that the last long term visit she paid us was already over a year ago. We have all missed her dearly. She seems as interested in my sister’s work as ever. It brought me joy to see the two of them bonding over their shared passion once again.
“However I must admit, I would still love for her to also spend some quality time with Paya some day soon. I sensed some resentment coming from her directed at my dear granddaughter. Perhaps it is something to do with that boy. Either way, it seems their relationship has hardly changed since she left the nest.
“I cannot say for certain whether anyone will ever be able to read this, but I have faith that Purah will figure it out. I am no good with machines like these, but I believe in her. At any rate, I hope she is the one who gets to read this message, but in the event that it happens to fall into the wrong hands, I will sign off here.”
With this, the prosecution’s argument, though a bit scattered across several different points, seemed sturdy enough so far. That Auntie Impa had seemingly known that her life would be taken the following night after writing her final message, combined with the fact that she’d received no threats from the outside world up until then, was one of the strongest pieces of evidence in our arsenal.
Paya’s defence lawyer, one Revali Twii, had made several attempts to dismantle her argument by claiming she had no possible way of knowing whether or not the victim had received a threat from outside the estate by phone. These attacks were easily deflected. As a foreigner to this city, Mr. Twii had been unaware that, thanks to the Sheikahs’ company, household phones here were all equipped with recording devices. Naturally, Ms. Sigatur had already listened to each recorded call since a month before the murder and had detected no discernible threat in any of them.
And yet in spite of all that, the argument shifted heavily in favour of the defence when it then carried out his cross examination. With how confidently Urbosa had stated her case, I never could’ve imagined how easy it would be for the opposing side to shatter it into countless, tiny pieces.
Mr. Twii’s primary line of questioning was a solid one, to say the least. He concurred with my deduction as presented by Ms. Sigatur that the parlour indeed was not the true scene of the crime. However, he claimed that the real crime scene could not possibly have been the defendant’s bedroom either. His basis for this was the gunshot. Paya’s room was in the same hallway that the sleeping quarters of the current witness, Auntie Purah, as well as myself, were in. Mr. Twii had her testify about the sound of the gunshot that she’d heard. In addition to the fact that it hadn’t seemed loud enough to have come from the very next room over, she’d only heard it once: from the parlour.
No doubt he intended to question me about the same thing when the time came for me to take the stand. I’d been itching to speak my mind and set things straight so badly that I’d had to cross my legs just to keep myself from getting up too soon by the time court was finally adjourned for a half-hour recess.
Now the prosecutor and I were together in a private room reserved for witness prepping. Normally I did just fine testifying on my own, but in this trial, everything was at stake, and I couldn’t seem to stop my heart from racing no matter what I tried. Thankfully I had Urbosa here, and simply talking with her had done much to calm my nerves already.
“You’re originally from out of town too, aren’t you?” I noted, thinking back on her performance.
“That I may be, but unlike that lawyer, I’ve spent enough time here to know of the perils this city is facing, and who’s been holding it together in spite of all that.”
“Right.” My lips rested against the curve of my index as my leg bounced restlessly underneath the table. “That schmuck really doesn’t have a clue, does he?”
“No, not likely. Though he’s quite the formidable opponent, I must say.” She leaned back in her chair, looking pensive, but not the least bit agitated. “My case took quite the beating out there.”
My heart rate was starting to pick up again. “You don’t think you’ll...lose...do you?”
“Who, me? Lose?” She let out a hearty bout of chuckles. “Young lady, are you quite sure you know who you’re speaking to?” I returned her laughter halfheartedly, unable to shake the foreboding feeling lying at the pit of my stomach. Urbosa cleared her throat, preserving her calm smile. “All jokes aside, I wouldn’t worry even if we do end up losing this one. The true criminal is still out there somewhere, and there is no such thing as a perfect crime.”
“I suppose...” Perfect crimes may not have existed, but neither did perfect investigations. If they ruled Paya out as a suspect, then only one other, “safe” option would remain.
“Alright, out with it. What’s on your mind?” Her hand had landed on my shoulder as she’d reached across the desk, over my half empty glass of water. “And why are you so set on getting Paya convicted, if I might ask? Sibling rivalry is one thing, but this is...”
I avoided her perceptive gaze, staring intently at the latch on my bag. What could I possibly tell her? “It’s just,” I stalled, eventually settling for a vague, “I’m running out of time.”
After a long pause, she leaned back, letting go of my arm. “I see. Well, whatever it is, know that I’ll be on your side no matter what, little bird.”
Oh, if only she’d known.
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“So to sum up, you were outstandingly negligent in your investigation of the defendant’s bedroom.”
My jaw unhinged at what I’d just heard come out of the attorney’s mouth. I’d just finished giving him an explanation of my findings in as much detail as I could, during which time he’d been surprisingly polite, until now.
“You likely saw the Slate along with the bullet and made your arrest right then and there. You didn’t even stop to consider the possibility that you hadn’t found all there’d been to find in that room, did you?” I opened my mouth to respond, but he cut me off again. “In fact, I’m willing to bet you didn’t even attempt to look for the murder weapon.”
“Excuse me, Sir,” I retaliated with chest puffed up, “but my team and I searched the property from top to bottom, repeatedly, for two whole weeks, and—”
“Yes, I am well aware. However, you failed to complete a thorough search of this so-called ‘true crime scene’ before you arrested Ms. Sheikah. Do you deny it?”
I was floundering for words. Why bother questioning me if he merely intended to cut me off and answer his own questions? “I-I...”
All eyes fell upon the prosecution. I breathed a heavy sigh of relief.
“The defence is harassing the witness, Your Honour.”
The judge gave a slow, considerate nod of his head. “Objection sustained.”
Twii gave Urbosa a subtle but unmistakable side-eye. I thanked her silently. “Speaking of the murder weapon,” he continued in his signature, holier-than-thou tone, “I have here Exhibit F: a list of traits possessed by the elusive firearm responsible for the victim’s life.”
This wasn’t good. The list in question had been compiled by the prosecution based on traits of the fatal wound revealed by the autopsy, as well as other traits shared by the two bullets that were found at the estate. It contained information like its .38 caliber and that it had likely been fired twice at point blank, to name a few examples.
“My question for you, witness, is the following. What did you find during your ‘investigation’ regarding the weapon?”
This was fine, I kept telling myself. He still had yet to present the most fatal piece of evidence in the record. “As I’ve said before, none of our searches turned up any sign of it, other than what’s listed on that piece of paper you’re holding.”
“Is that so?” The sarcasm rooted in his voice had me sweating bullets. “In that case, Ms. Hyrule, I’d like to turn your attention to this passage here at the bottom.”
That was “Inspector Hyrule” to him, but of course, he couldn’t care less for such trifling things as common decency.
But when I read over the passage at which he was pointing, my throat closed up.
“Allow me to read it aloud for the court.” He snobbishly cleared his throat. “And I quote, ‘The murder weapon and the circumstances surrounding it strongly suggest an Octoric M&P revolver,’ end quote. I’d also like to add that this particular model is favoured by the district bureau of police, who issue them out to many of their detectives for self-defence.”
I gritted my teeth, annunciating each word as I spat, “Get to the point.”
The smarmy bastard was hardly even phased by my unmasked hostility. “Now, now, Ms. Hyrule, you’ve no reason to worry,” he waved off. “After all, I have no intention of accusing you.”
When he spoke that last word, my heart stopped, and deep down, I knew it was over.
“Firstly I wish for you to clarify a few things for me, as you were one of the first to discover the scene of the murder when it happened.”
I gave a slow, strenuous nod, losing strength in my knees by the second, but standing my ground all the same. “Go on.”
“The defendant showed no sign of having a gun on or anywhere near her person when you arrived, correct?”
“Correct,” I lied.
“Good. Now that we’ve established that the defendant was unarmed, I’d like to present another piece of evidence.” He laid out flat a second sheet of paper on the stand in front of me. “Exhibit H. This is part of a record kept by the precinct where the witness is currently employed, alongside the rest of her team. It details a list of the firearms given out to detectives each day, as well as the time when each one was issued and when it was returned to custody at the end of its designated officer’s shift.”
And there it was. I’d known all along that it had only been a matter of time until he’d bring out this piece of evidence, but, evidently, I’d failed to prepare myself mentally for this. Perhaps a part of me had hoped not to be on the stand when it happened. All I could do now was hold my peace and pray that it wouldn’t get worse from here.
“This page corresponds with the day before the murder. Now, Ms. Hyrule,” he addressed, summoning a swarm of butterflies in my stomach, “I’m sure you’ll recognize this badge number here. Would you please read it aloud for me?”
I swallowed my nerves and did as he’d requested. “FB7732Z438LL.”
“Thank you.” He flashed me that shit-eating grin of his. “Ladies and gentlemen, this is the number belonging to one Constable Link Fyori, the witness’ very own investigative partner.” A few whispers drifted through the gallery following that announcement. “One who reads this will also notice that, after his revolver was issued out to him the morning before the murder, it was never returned to the precinct’s custody thereafter. In fact, it is still missing to this day.”
With this, the whispers grew in number, creating a din of distrust that had the attorney smirking from ear to ear.
The whispering dissipated. Twii’s shoulders sagged as he hypocritically shot Urbosa a look that said, “What now?”
“Mr. Twii, how is this relevant? Unless you have definitive proof linking Constable Fyori to the crime, I see no point in bringing it up.”
The judge gave a pound of his gavel with a bone-chilling shake of his head. “Overruled. The court will allow the defence to continue, provided that it has good reason.”
My mouth fell open, and so had Urbosa’s.
“Thank you, Your Honour. I was just getting to that, my good prosecutor.” Now even she seemed on edge. The tension in the air was thick enough to cut through with a knife. “I may not have proof as things stand currently. However, that is about to change. You see, I have reason to believe that our witness here is covering for someone.”
The courtroom broke out into an even louder din of murmurs, as if I couldn’t clearly hear each backhanded remark the members of the gallery were making at my expense.
The pounding of the judge’s gavel echoed throughout the room, and the whispering ceased once again.
“You must be mistaken.” I stood as tall as I could with how close my legs were to giving up on me. “I happen to be one of the most trusted detectives in the force. Why do you think I was put in charge of this case despite being one of the first on the scene?”
“Ah, but that, dear witness, was your superiors’ fatal mistake.”
Damn that solicitor. “What do you mean?”
“Although my client has elected not to testify to the court, she has let me in on a certain piece of information—one that I believe will make the jaws of everyone here drop to the floor.”
Surely not. Surely even she wouldn’t dare stoop so low.
“Inspector...” The attorney looked me dead in the eyes. The air was suffocating. “What do you have in your briefcase?”
Everyone was staring at me and murmuring amongst themselves, more raucously than ever before, like I was the one on trial.
“N-No, it’s—it’s not what it seems,” I wavered. Then mustering my shattered courage, “You!” I pointed my finger at Twii. “Prove to me that the defendant wasn’t lying. I demand to see proof!”
But my demands were met with silence. Even Urbosa was looking at me with cold contempt and disappointment.
An officer appeared from the sidelines. He seized my bag.
“Wait, stop!”
I tried to wrest it from his grasp, but he was too strong. I watched helplessly as he opened it up, reaching in and revealing the murder weapon for all to see.
“Bailiff, what is the number engraved on that weapon?”
He seemed to recite the number in slow motion, twisting the knife with every digit. “FB7732Z438LL.”
“No, please!” I screamed. “It wasn’t him, he’s been framed! Please, Your Honour, you have to believe me!”
Amidst the roar of the crowd, I saw the conclusive shake of the judge’s head. With a pound of his gavel, he said, “I hereby order the immediate detainment of Link Fyori under the charge of first degree murder.”
I met eyes with my partner but half a second before I saw him be dragged out of his seat with brute force.
“As for this witness, she shall receive her sentence after being questioned by the police for the concealing of evidence, contempt of court, and perjury.”
I cried out when an overwhelming pain shot through my arm. My family watched from the gallery in either horror or disgust, or a mixture of both perhaps. I tried with all my might just to get the bailiff to stop hurting me, but it was futile.
“Your Honour, just a moment please.”
With the judge’s approval, the man’s grip on my arm lightened up. The one who’d spoken had been none other than that wretched defence attorney.
“Inspector, if you don’t mind, I have one more question to ask you.”
I held my breath, bracing myself. Though there wasn’t much he could say at this point that could possibly make the situation worse.
“Why?” he finally asked. “Why did you feel the need to conceal such a critical piece of evidence?”
My entire face boiled over with heat. I looked around, taking in the courtroom’s atmosphere, and my whole being was filled to the brim with indescribable anger and shame. Barely able to swallow the charged whimper lodged at the cusp of my throat, I choked out the words, “No comment.”
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The trial had ended while I’d still been in the middle of interrogation by my own peers. I was lucky enough to get off with a fine, but it was because of that hour-and-a-half-long lecture that I only found out about Paya’s “not guilty” verdict after the entire courtroom had been cleared out. This was no surprise to me, of course, but still a disappointment, to put it lightly. What was a surprise was that no one, not Paya, nor Auntie Purah, nor even Urbosa, had bothered to wait for me.
That was fine. They could think whatever they wanted of me. I’d simply have to redeem myself by proving Link’s innocence in his trial.
It was to this end that I made my way to the district’s Centre of Detention.
When Link appeared behind the iron bars of the visitors’ room, he was already sporting a worn and faded prisoner’s uniform, surely having just undergone an interrogation of his own. Though, from the looks of him, his had been considerably more thorough than mine.
I cleared my throat. “Hello, Link.”
“Hello,” he replied.
Deathly silence filled the air. The harsh ticking of the clock on the wall behind me was slowly starting to crawl under my skin.
“They, uhm...didn’t go easy on you, eh?”
He shook his head, eyes wandering without aim.
Why did it have to be so hard to talk to him sometimes? He’d never been so unapproachable back in our days as teenagers. Though now, I supposed, recent events were only making things even more difficult for me than usual.
“Look...” I took a deep breath, shifting in my seat. “I’m sorry. Alright? I couldn’t cover for you forever. They were bound to find out eventually. Please, don’t be upset.”
“What? Zelda...” His demeanour morphed from listless to urgent, almost apologetic, as he struggled to find his voice. “Why would I be upset with you? I never asked you to cover for me in the first place.”
“I know.” Now it was I who couldn’t bring myself to look him in the eyes. “I just knew that you couldn’t have possibly... I mean, you would never—”
“I didn’t.”
He’d caught me with my mouth hanging open, when he’d cut me off.
“I didn’t kill her. I promise you.”
Of course he hadn’t. It was obvious, even though the revolver had borne no fingerprints and, with the gloves that he always wore, he wouldn’t have left any. What motive could he have had? He was an amnesiac, and even if he hadn’t been, he still wouldn’t have had a reason to kill my godmother.
I took out my pen and notebook, the only things left in my case that hadn’t been confiscated. “Tell me what you know, Link. Everything.”
A beat. Then he straightened his posture and began to explain his side of the story. As it turned out, my intuition had been spot on. This whole mess was the design of the Yiga organization. Link told me about his encounter with them before the murder. They had blackmailed him into surrendering his revolver to them, after which he would never see it again.
Though, even without a hint of deceit in his tone or manner, I had questions about the means by which the Yiga had blackmailed him. He had virtually nothing to lose. Didn’t he?
In any case, I honestly had considered showing him the gun that I’d found on the scene that night, but somehow I’d had the distinct impression that he’d known nothing about it, despite the very object in question belonging to him. I’d thought perhaps someone from the organization had switched out his weapon for another without his noticing. It was no secret that even the police bureau was infested with their ilk. In the end, I hadn’t been far off the mark.
The whole time he spoke, he had his head lowered, hair falling in front of his eyes, as if something were holding them back from meeting mine. Then he muttered, “When I had my encounter with the organization, I...remembered.”
His limited annunciation meant I had to take a moment to decipher the syllables of the last word he’d uttered. Then they sank in. “Wait. What? You mean you...” It felt beyond strange to even speak the words after so long. “You got your memory back?”
He lowered his head further. Was that a nod?
My mind went back to what he’d said to me on that one occasion in the office, not long after this whole mess had first begun. “Link, you...” My hands curled into themselves around the strap of my satchel. “All this time...why didn’t you tell me?”
“I couldn’t,” he pleaded. “It would’ve been a hindrance to the investigation.” I hated to admit it, but he was right. Dropping that bomb on me would only have thrown my conscience deeper into its already tangled web of turmoil.
Amidst all the questions swirling in my mind, one suddenly appeared, eclipsing all the rest. “Why did you disappear back then?”
At this, he finally looked up and met my gaze. But when he did, his eyes were wide, almost trembling. His look seemed to cast the whole room into a great, looming darkness.
“Oh, it’s...it’s okay if you’d prefer not to talk about—”
“No,” he exclaimed. “I must.” But the way his shoulders came up to meet his ears and how rapidly his chest rose and fell told me it wasn’t going to be an easy story to tell. “It was the Yi—” He choked on his words. “The...organization.”
There it was again. The name of the group I’d been chasing without rest ever since their appearance eighteen years prior. “I knew it...” I mumbled without thinking.
He steeled himself, then continued. “That day, my father was picking me and my sister up after school. Normally we would’ve ridden home with him in his automobile, but that morning, he and I had planned to surprise Aryll by getting...I think it was ice cream, on our way back. Anyway, we decided to walk home that day. But...” His face darkened yet again. “But then...”
Pressing him for more details would have been beyond cruel. I could only imagine the horrors that those blackguards had put him and his family through. “How many of them were there?”
“I’m not sure. All I know is that they had us outnumbered.” I nodded along, without thinking, as he continued his tale. “They were all armed with what looked like military grade shotguns, and they wore those masks with the inverted Sheikah family crest... I’ve always known that I’d seen that image somewhere before.”
No one knew why the organization had chosen this symbol for themselves, though I personally suspected it to be a show of opposition.
“Anyway, after they sh...shot father,” he struggled, a hand coming up to his now quavering lips, “they must’ve felt threatened by Aryll and me, because the next thing they did was...shoot her, too.” The way his tone had started to oscillate and how his face had drained itself of colour made my stomach churn. His anguish was so clear, it was devastating. “One of them had said something to the ends of, ‘We can’t have you scamps telling on us.’ But before they could...’shut me up’ as well, I fled.” Another pause. He kept on breathing. “I was too terrified to notice which way I was going. The whole time I ran, they kept firing at me. They were too reckless to aim properly, though, mind.”
“Well...that’s lucky, at least,” I tried. This was met with a sigh of reluctant agreement. “Still, how did you make it out of that with your life?”
“They stopped chasing me when I made it out of the back alleys and into the open,” he explained. “I suppose they couldn’t risk revealing themselves.”
Now it all made sense. Seven years ago, when he’d vanished without a trace, it was as though he’d never even existed in the first place. No one could get in contact with him or his family, and yet, no one batted an eye about it. It had seemed I’d been the only one who’d thought of it as anything less than perfectly normal. Just like when my mother had lost her life.
“We never had the chance to get ice cream that day.” He looked all but ready to burst into tears with that sentence. That was the moment I realized, no matter how drastically the last seven years of hell had changed him, there was still a fragment of that playful, hollow-legged sixteen-year-old left deep in his dark, forgotten core. If there was a way to bring that bright-eyed child back out into the light, I would find it, even if it spelled my demise.
Even so, there was one thing left that had yet to be explained. “What about your amnesia?”
“Ah...” His brow furrowed in thought. “I don’t know what caused that, to be honest with you.” He seemed to be racking his mind, but to no avail. “By the time those thugs finally gave up, I didn’t recognize my surroundings. I remember trying to find my way home, but I suppose I just ended up getting myself even more lost from there.” It was no wonder. The street names in this town were of little help in navigation, and it wasn’t hard to understand why he might have been apprehensive to ask for directions in such a bustling and hostile environment, especially after what he’d just been subjected to. “So I fell asleep in the streets that night,” he concluded with a shivering exhale. “The next morning, I woke up without the slightest notion of who I was.”
My heart took a plunge at the thought of his young self curled up in some alleyway, like a baby bird who’d fallen from the nest. “It must have been some sort of mental defence mechanism,” I conjectured. “That’s the only explanation I can come up with.” He slowly nodded his agreement. “After that, then, I suppose the rest is history.”
The visitors’ room fell into a deep, reflective silence, one nothing like that which had had me gasping for air moments ago. I watched the weary feelings of dread swim in his once bright blue eyes, tearing him apart.
He’d spent five whole years in that cold, cramped ward without even a name by which to call himself. And now we were back where we’d started. He may have regained his memories in the end, but at what cost?
I no longer felt the need to hunt down those who had wronged me. Now, my only desire was to slip between the bars that stood between the two of us and whisk him away to a far off land, where no one would ever hurt us again. But I pushed the impossible daydream aside. Even if escape were an option, we’d only be running straight out into range of Yiga fire.
“After your trial tomorrow...well, at the very least, I’ll lose my badge,” I smiled waywardly. Then, letting it fade and rolling my shoulders back, “Until then, I swear, I’ll do everything within my power to prove your innocence. Then we can go out for ice cream together.”
His eyes shimmered with unshed tears when he looked up at me then. Now that I thought about it, this seemed like the first time I’d ever seen him come close to crying, even in the time before the incident. Of course, he’d seen me in tears countless times back then. I wondered if he remembered them.
“Zelda...?” My name had started to leave his lips with conviction, but weakened on its way out. “There’s...something else I should tell you.”
Just then, I caught him straightening out the cuff of his black-barred sleeve, concealing the fair skin of his wrist, out of the corner of my eye. “Never mind.” He again cast his gaze downwards, muttering an inaudible, “It’s nothing,” under his breath.
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gleam-and-darken · 3 years
I’ve been listening to the Divine Beast themes and trying to figure them out and ohhhhhhh boy did Nintendo pop off on these, yes I am about to ramble out an essay of my headcanons based on the music so be prepared
1. The SOS. By now, it’s fairly common knowledge that the divine beasts contain an SOS, as well as the fact that Revali’s is last. However, there are multiple other little details about the volume, timing, and delivery of the signals that I’d like to point out, and propose my take on the subject.
Mipha’s SOS comes immediately, before the music even starts, and is the loudest and easiest signal to hear. It’s possible she did this when Waterblight appeared, as most people say, but I like to think she actually sent out her signal when she first saw how corrupted the Divine Beast was. She was a new pilot, the beast wasn’t supposed to be covered in malice, Vah Ruta was in pain, Mipha panicked. She wanted someone who knew what was happening to help her, as soon as possible. In every Divine Beast, the SOS repeats - they were likely programmed to send the message over and over to make sure it wasn’t missed - but the recorded cycle for her is only ten seconds long, which is far shorter than any if the other champions’. It’s likely she died the fastest.
Daruk’s SOS also comes immediately, but is much quieter than Mipha’s. Similar to the zora princess, he was largely unfamiliar with the divine beast but still recognized that something wasn’t quite right. However, he was less prone to panicking, and thought it wasn’t worth distracting the other champions, especially since they were all getting ready to fight Calamity Ganon himself. His signal reads more like a “hey guys, something’s going on over here, so whenever you get the time I’d appreciate a little help.” It’s far less urgent, and quiet enough that he maybe didn’t even want the others to notice, so as not to distract them. His signal is almost constant, which makes sense, since his protection meant he could survive a long time. The problem was, he didn’t deal enough damage quick enough.
Urbosa’s SOS is also immediate, at a volume in between Mipha and Daruk. She recognized the urgency of the issue and that she would need backup, but she was able to keep herself from panicking. It is also consistent, and intermingles with the search and destroy (SAD) signal multiple times without changing pace or volume. She was able to hold her own against all of the monsters within the Divine Beast. Well... all but one.
Revali’s SOS is famous for coming around late - about fifteen seconds in. Unlike the other champions, he didn’t send a signal when he saw the corrupted beast; rather, he waited until he knew he was doomed, as Windblight appeared. Even so, his message has about the same urgency as Urbosa’s, maybe even less. He was still proud, or maybe he’d already realized that no help would come for him. There’s even a possibility that he received the SOS signals from the other champions through his Divine Beast, and made his own signal quieter so they wouldn’t worry about him. Interestingly, unlike Daruk and Urbosa, his signal does not loop consistently. After fifteen seconds of it playing, there is a very obvious gap in both the SOS and the SAD transmissions. His pride led to him dying very quickly as well.
2. The beginning music. All of the Divine Beasts have a distinct theme that plays throughout and picks up in intensity as you gather more terminals, with the final terminal resulting in the music greatly increasing in speed as you go to face the blight. However, in all of the beasts, the theme when you first enter is very different from the theme that plays when you begin activating terminals. The way I interpret it, this is how the champions felt at the time of their death, when there was no hope of rescuer whatsoever.
Vah Ruta’s beginning theme is the closest thing to what could be called “music” in any of them; while the chords are still dissonant and follow a loose excuse for a pattern, they can still be followed as some sort of music. The fairly light chords reflect how Mipha was young, innocent, and far more grief stricken than angry over her death. The opening is much more obviously sad than that of the other beasts, as Mipha mourns how she’ll never be able to see any of the people she loves ever again.
Vah Rudania’s beginning is quieter, similar to his SOS signal. The chords play almost in the background, Daruk’s feelings buried under the mechanical sounds of the beast and the Calamity. His tune is sparse but unhappy, seeming more disgruntled and angry at his death than sad. His anger is harder to hear, like he’s choosing to let it simmer inside of him as opposed to letting it out.
Vah Naboris’ opening is much more violent and obviously angry than all of the others. It sounds more like someone furiously smashing the keys on a piano than a clear musical theme. Urbosa wasn’t sad at her death - she was outraged. She made no attempt to hide her feelings; there’s a reason her ability is called Urbosa’s Fury. Still, it’s almost more of a begrudging anger, like she knows that all of her outrage is powerless in death.
Vah Medoh’s entrance is both discordant like Urbosa’s and light like Mipha’s. He was angry that he’d been killed, but still mournful of his young death and losing his chance at a full life. His theme doesn’t follow any musical pattern, reflecting how jumbled his thoughts were at the time of his death and after. His mismatched chords reflect a sense of confusion as well; how could he possibly have died so quickly?
3. The main theme. As stated previously, once you get the map from the Divine Beast, the music becomes much more consistent. In most (if not all) of the beasts, the SOS confines, but it’s much less apparent. Each theme reflects how the champions’ attitudes change once they realize Link is finally saving them.
Mipha’s would be expected to be the happiest, since the one she loves has finally returned, but her theme is instead the saddest of all. Even though she is being saved at last, she knows that she’ll never have the chance to be with Link, especially since he doesn’t remember her. Her theme is faster than it was before the first terminal was activated, conveying a sense of urgency alongside her despair. It’s almost as if she’s saying “you shouldn’t be here.”
Daruk’s music picks up fairly quickly once Link has started making his way through Vah Rudania. Of all the Divine Beast themes, his is the only one with a hopeful chord progression. He wholeheartedly believes that Link will be able to save both him and his people. Furthermore, he’s willing to put aside any of his own feelings the moment he realizes someone else is there.
Urbosa’s theme drops most of the fury she had for the first portion and shifts a bit into her usually regality. Still, it’s very sparse compared to the myriad of mechanical noises in the music. She’s still angry, but letting it simmer in silence instead of bombarding Link with it. Her instruments come in more as the terminals are activated, gaining life as her faith in Link overcoming her old foe and her desire for revenge overcomes her want to let her anger continue brewing. By the end, her theme is playing consistently with the mechanical sounds, showing how she has decided to stand up and fight once again instead of spending all her time resenting her own loss.
Revali’s music doesn’t necessarily sound particularly happy or sad; rather, it feels like him slowly trying to overcome both his confusion and his hatred of Link. The music stays fairly low, but occasionally rises only to go right back down as he dares to believe Link can save him before remembering no, if he was killed by that creation of Ganon so quickly, then Link doesn’t even stand a chance against him. Still, the theme is always there, showing his interest in Link’s progress and want to always keep an eye on how he’s doing. He always holds on to some form of hope, even if he’d never admit it out loud.
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Ya’ll just love seeing Sooga be an absolute slut, don’t ya? Aight, let’s fucking go.
Sooga wasn’t used to his new life just yet. He knew he was more important to Kohga, vs some of the other’s, but lately he started noticing changes in his life. Like not only was Sooga allowed to bathe with Kohga, not only was he allowed to help him put up his hair (it made him the envy of the clan), but he was allowed to sleep in his bed. Kohga had just gotten back from a meeting with Urbosa, and right when they got back to base, Kohga wanted to nap. Not in his usual napping spot (sometimes Kohga liked to sleep outside, mainly for the sun), but in his own bed, in his own room. And not by himself, but with Sooga. It was how Sooga ended up here, with Kohga resting right next to him. Sooga had been unable to sleep, but he didn’t mind. Watching Kohga sleep was a sight to behold, but this close? It made his heart flutter.
“You...will never know how I truly look at you. How I feel whenever you touch me.”
It was more or less something he was saying in awe. The same way you’d gasp upon seeing a building, or the same way you’d stare at a setting sun. Kohga really was beauty incarnate. Sooga allowed himself to be just a bit inappropriate, holding onto one of his Master’s hands. He looked it over in his own, and sighed dreamily. Kohga’s hands were soft, nimble, everything he had hoped they would be. Kohga was everything he wanted. A sweet, kind man, bubbling with confidence and a ‘go get it’ attitude. A man that made him smile, a man that made Sooga want to give his life for. Sooga looked over his sleeping Master, and softly chuckled. Kohga was just as beautiful on the outside. Nice, soft hair, a gorgeous, plump belly, and of course-
“Mmm...move over Sooga…”
Sooga pushed back a bit for Kohga to no longer face him, but press up against his chest. Sooga smiled under his mask, wrapping his arms around Kohga. Kohga was so soft, so warm. Like a big, loveable stuffed animal. He smelled nice, even, of bananas and mighty thistles. It was a smooth, rich smell. So much so that Sooga couldn’t help but bury his face in the other’s neck. Kohga was still out of it, but he was just awake enough to reach over, and gently rub at Sooga’s ear. The material between them was thin, so intimate touches still held their effect, more or less. Which Sooga was glad for. His touch as slow, firm, affectionate. Sooga nearly purred as Kohga’s fingers lazily rubbed and tugged at his earlobe. And if there was one thing Sooga liked, it was slow, firm. Kohga sighed, as if exhausted, before seeming to wake up, and turned to look at Sooga.
“God you’re SUCH a whore, Sooga.”
Sooga blinked. Those words snapped him out of his daydream, and he had no clue what prompted this. That is, until he looked down. Somehow, with just some tender physical affection, Sooga was half hard, pressing himself against Kohga, all without realizing it. Sooga cleared his throat, before keeping his legs shut. He wasn’t afraid to admit he was attracted to men, but he was afraid of just HOW much he was. He found men to be just beautiful, fascinating. And Kohga? Kohga was the prime example of that fascination. It made sense that his body reacted accordingly, but this still did not mean he was entitled to be some pervert.
“I apologize, Master Kohga. The mind wanders. I could go see myself out if you-”
“No no. You stay right there. You keep trying to get away from me, Sooga.”
Apparently a good nap was enough to make Kohga a little frisky, given the way he seemed to dip his hand in between his legs, and grab a fistful of his junk. Sooga stiffened (in both ways), a bit surprised. Kohga’s lewdness never ceased to amaze him, but he was flattered nonetheless. Sooga, upon a little prompting, opened his legs for Kohga, letting him slowly yet firmly palm at his ever present boner. Sooga chuckled, a bit uneasy at how this turned from cuddling, to rather frisky petting.
“I didn’t think you’d...want me to wake you up. You looked so restful, I was just going to let you nap.”
“How thoughtful of you, big guy. That’s what I like about you.”
Kohga chuckled, peeling his hand away from his crotch, and lightly strum his fingers up Sooga’s chest, right till he lightly flicked at his mask.
“And that’s EXACTLY why I got you a little present.”
“You...got me something?”
Sooga felt a warmth in his heart, and his loins. Even if the gift was perverted, it was the fact that it was from Master Kohga, that meant so much to him. Kohga grinned, and got off the bed, digging into his pile of stuff. Kohga had VERY few flaws, but one of them was the fact that he wasn’t very tidy. It took him a minute to finally find it, but when he did, he brought it over. A wrapped box, with the classic yiga charm on its front. Kohga offered it to him, and Sooga sat up, accepting it. Kohga was nearly bouncing in place, clearly excited.
“Go on! Open it, open it! I’ve been waiting for you to see it!”
Sooga un did the bow keeping it together, before he removed the lid from the box. Inside was a long black leash, and a black, studded collar, complete with a little bell, and a tag. Sooga inspected it, and saw that on one side, it read ‘Kohga’s good boy’, and on the other, it read ‘Sooga’. Kohga gave a light clap of his hands, turning over the collar, as if he was showing it off.
“It’s nice, right?! I even got it with this soft padding on the inside, so it won’t bruise your throat, even If I leave it over night-are you okay?”
Sooga suddenly found himself rather overwhelmed. He found himself covering his mouth, and his other hand hugging his frame. Kohga looking genuinely worried honestly only made it worse. Sooga took a minute to breathe, before nodding.
“I’m fine, s-sorry. I just, am honestly quite touched, Master Kohga. You honor me.”
“Sooga it’s a sex collar, you act like I got you a wedding wing.”
Kohga sighed, before grabbing a hold of Sooga’s chin.
“It’s so cute how easy you are to fluster, Sooga. You wanna take a breather, or you just wanna be a big bab-”
“No. Please. I would VERY much like to continue. I want to earn my title.”
Kohga was so kind to him. So generous and sweet. He wanted to make him feel good, or feel good FOR him-whatever he wanted. Kohga chuckled, making Sooga lift his head up, and carefully strapped the collar to his throat. Kohga was careful, clearly wanting to make sure it was nice and snug. Kohga pulled away after he finished tightening the last strap.
“Too tight?”
“It’s perfect, Master Kohga. Much like you.”
“Flattery gets you everywhere, Sooga.”
The tone in his Master’s voice, the snugness of the collar, even the ‘click’ sound of him clipping on the leather leash, made every hair on his body stand on end. Kohga wrapped the handle around his wrist, making sure he had a good grip, before giving it a bit of a tug.
“Hands and knees. Come to me.”
Sooga obeyed without hesitation. He moved himself along the wooden floors like a dog, right until he stopped in front of his Master. Kohga gave him a light pat on his cheek.
“Good boy. You ready for your treat now?”
“You’re quite giving today, Master Kohga.”
“Eh, you’re cute, kinda can’t help myself.”
Kohga freed his cock from his clothing confines, and Sooga didn’t need to be told twice. He pushed his mask up, just a bit, and pushed it past his lips, slowly pushing his head back and forth, groaning as he suckled on his thick gerth. He stopped only for a moment as Kohga gave a firm tug at his leash. It tightened around his neck, making him feel choked for just a moment. They weren’t as good as Kohga’s hands, but he still appreciated that wonderful sensation.
“More teeth, Sooga. And grope yourself during, I want you nice and hard for me.”
Sooga did as he was told. He palmed and groped firmly at his own bulge, lightly squeezing both his dick, and his balls. All while he sloppily slurped and groaned around his Master’s thickness. Sooga’s mind drifted off, enjoying the feel of his mouth being so full, the feel of Kohga’s gaze falling so heavily on him. It was as if he was going through some kind of test, and Sooga was more than willing to prove himself. However, just when he tasted those yummy beads of precum, Kohga yanked him away, making him whine pitifully. Kohga fondled his hair for a moment, almost affectionately.
“You’ve been SO good, Sooga. You know what this means?”
“I...I get to continue?”
“It means you get another treat. On the bed, all fours, facing the wall. Chop chop!”
Kohga guided him to the bed, making him crawl the entire way. Sooga had no idea it was difficult to walk with such a throbbing pain, but he would not disappoint his Master. Kohga grabbed a fistful of his ass, and Sooga’s surprised yelp made him chuckle.
“You are JUMPY. You have no idea what’s going on, and that makes you so tense. Easy, relax those big, tense muscles of yours.”
Sooga couldn’t help but melt as Kohga’s free hand wandered his frame. Up his arms, down his back, alongside his thighs. It was as if he was being inspected and judged, like some prized pooch. And Sooga adored it. Kohga dug into one of his drawers, before grabbing what looked to be some kind of bottle, before making his way back to the bed. Sooga felt his mouth get sticky, before he finally found his voice.
“M-Master Kohga, I hate to speak out of turn, but may I inquire what’s exactly are we-”
Suddenly his bottom part of his uniform was off, revealing his bare ass. Sooga’s fingers gripped on the sheets, and he felt Kohga grab a big, firm fistful of one of his cheeks.
“Here’s the deal. You can moan, you can whimper, you can beg, and you can tell me how good it feels. Otherwise, you can zip those pretty lips, and let me play with you.”
Sooga opened his mouth to respond, before falling silent. If Kohga requested his silence, then silence he shall have. Kohga proceeded to pour what he assumed was oil, right on Sooga’s ass. Sooga nearly flopped on the bed, feeling it’s warmth, before he suddenly felt Kohga give him a good, nice tug on his leash.
“Ah ah ah. Ass stays there. You’re a big boy, you can keep yourself up. Try that shit again.”
Oh did that send a shudder up poor Sooga’s spine. The domination of his voice, his firm, challenging tone. Sooga nodded quickly, thankful he had enough arm strength to keep himself upright. Kohga’s hand roamed across his oiled ass, firmly and skillfully, and Sooga could tell his cheeks were on fire. Thankfully he could keep his mask on, Master Kohga didn’t deserve to see his face so flushed. Kohga then used two fingers, and carefully slid them between his asscheeks. He tempted his virgin hole with his oiled, trained fingers, making Sooga tremble every time he thought they would enter him.
“M-master Kohga, please!”
“What? What is it, my pretty boy? You wanna feel my fingers in your ass? Is that it? Say it.”
Sooga mentally swore. The things Kohga made him say, JUST to make him feel good. He swallowed, now noticing just how much he had been drooling.
“I...please, Master Kohga. I’d love to feel you inside of me, just for a moment.”
That was when Kohga finally decided to let him have it. His slick fingers dipped inside of him, slowly pushing them in and out. Sooga never knew a man this intimately, and Kohga was treating him accordingly; delicately and carefully. It helped that his throbbing cock and his tightened collar made his mind foggy during. It was almost relaxing in a way. That is, until Kohga’s fingers suddenly hit something. Hit something that made him nearly jump out of the damn bed. Hell, Kohga had to keep the leashed hand on his back. After making sure he stayed still, Kohga laughed.
“Wow, NO ONES touched you there before, have they?”
“W-what was-”
“It’s what I was looking for. That perfect sweet spot.”
Sooga buried his face in his hands as Kohga’s fingers started to slowly toy with that spot. It made his frame shake, it made his balls ache, even made his toes curl. Then Kohga decided to torture him. His fingers pumped into him, going against just that spot, making Sooga just absolutely weak. He was whining, whimpering, and pleading for Kohga to keep going, faster and faster. He knew he was drooling, knew he was dribbling precum all over Master Kohga’s sheets. But he couldnt help it. No one had touched him before, let alone someone of Master Kohga’s status. Kohga chuckled,
“Aw, no one’s touched you like this before. Look at you, completely losing it. All because I have my fingers right up against that sweet, sweet little spot. I can’t imagine what it’d gonna be like when I first get my cock all up in there-”
“Can it be now? Please?”
Kohga halted. He clearly wasn’t expecting it, and neither was Sooga, but it was too late for him to stop.
“Please, please, please! Master Kohga, I’ve w-wanted nothing more than to be yours! Please, I’ll do anything! I’ll give you my heart on a platter! Just PLEASE be inside of me, just once!”
Sooga always pictured the naughty things they’d do. The blowjobs, the dry humping- but none of that held a candle to what he ultimately wanted. For Kohga to be inside of him. To feel Kohga’s thick cock stretch his ass, to feel his head bump into his prostate, to feel his cum burrow itself deep inside of him. Maybe it was pity. Maybe it was lust. But either way, Kohga finally gave him what he wanted, and pushed his pe cum covered cock right into his ass. Next thing he knew, Kohga’s hips were slamming against his, and his cock was slamming right against his poor, vulnerable prostate. Kohga leaned over him, pushing the lubed fingers right into Sooga’s drooling panting mouth. Kohga’s breath was husky in his ear, and it somehow only made Sooga fall even more in love with him.
“You’re SUCH a whore, Sooga. Whenever I wanna fuck you, you just let me. I stuff my cock in your mouth, you wanna drink my cum. I shove my fingers in your ass, you wanna feel my dick. How’s it feel, huh? Knowing you’re SO hungry for my cock? What if the clan knew? What if everyone knew you liked getting FUCKED by me? What if everyone knew you were such a dirty, dirty boy, Sooga?”
Sooga’s ass was getting destroyed, but he didn’t care. Didn’t care that his ass was getting stretched by his thickness, didn’t care that he was crying out like he was being attacked. All he cared about, was the throbbing cock inside of him, of the smaller man on his beck, making him suckle his fingers like a good, good boy. Then Kohga yanked on the leash as hard as he could, before muttering those three magic words.
“I love you.”
And that was enough. WIth a pathetic whine, Sooga came, leaving a puddle of cum right underneath him. It felt good, not just cumming, but Kohga watching him do so. This was a sight for Kohga, and for Kohga alone.
“Good boy, my handsome little Sooga. Now, on your back for me, mouth wide open.”
Kohga pulled himself out of him, and despite the aches in Sooga’s body, he obeyed, turning around and getting on his back. Kohga sat himself right on his chest, and pumped his cock right in front of Sooga. His hand always pumped himself so quickly, so assertively, it was fascinating for Sooga to watch. But what was even better, was watching him cum. The way he grumbled, the way it spread across his chest. Sooga even held his tits together, wanting to capture all of it. It ended up on his tits, on his mask, and some even made his way to his mouth. He waited until Kohga was completely finished, before swallowing. Not just what ended up in his mouth, but what was on his chest, what ended up on his fingers; there wasn’t a bit of cum that he didn’t eagerly lick up. He was forced to stop after a moment, Kohga giving his leash a good, hard yank, and DAMN did it feel good.
“You’re an EAGER pup, Sooga. It’s what I love about you. You sated now?”
“Master Kohga, that implies I’ve had enough of you. That’s impossible-!”
Yet another tug, forcing Sooga into blissful silence. Kohga leaned his face down, till his mask clunked against his.
“Keep sweet talkin’ me, big boy, I might just let you take the reins. Just once.”
Sooga’s heart fluttered. He was a lovesick fool, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
Oblivious Actions Part 2 of 2
Revali x Reader
5827 words (hey you asked for a big boi so)
Part 1
Thank you for your patience! I really love how this turned out, even though I suck at endings. Critiques and any typo finds are appreciated if I missed anything. Anyway, enjoy!
Music filled the air, the stable was lively, and full of chatter. Understandable, considering it wasn’t everyday the Champions would grace the common folk with their presence. Many travelers were already making their way up the bridges to Rito Village, in anticipation for the Champion celebratory party set for that night. Around Rito Stable, workers had begun lighting up amber lanterns, in preparation for the sun setting in a few hours. A few Hylians were walking about. One Sheikah was playing his instrument by the campfire, humming a familiar tune, while others watched and danced along. Rito and Hylian children zigzagged between the large, wooden crates, painted with the Hyrulean crest. A worker with a maroon tunic was stirring a large pot of stew, its savoury aroma filling every part of the woods. The winds rustled through the dancing trees, creating its own, cutting melody. However, the chill was not felt from within. 
Inside, the curtains by the stable entrance were half drawn, people lounged around tables, talking and eating. Warm, yellow light illuminated the room, the lanterns occasionally flickering. Workers and guests clattered about. A few men in the corner were on their third pint of ale, while a few Rito women were giggling from across the room, staring at a particular Rito and Gerudo. 
He hadn’t bothered to wear his blue scarf, even though he adored it (and he would never say so out loud), he found that its emblem attracted much unwanted attention. Urbosa, on the other hand, had her sky blue skirt on, draped across the stool she was sitting on. It was the figure of a Gerudo so far into the Tabantha Region, combined with her Champion status that attracted attention. So in essence, it was her that negated any efforts Revali made to stay away from the crowds. He leaned back in his seat, staring at the ceiling restlessly, waiting for her to be finished with the last of the lingering fans.
With a flick of her wrist, Urbosa finished writing her name across the piece of parchment. The black ink at the tip of the quill soaked into the paper, leaving Urbosa’s cursive name in large letters. A thin and lanky Hylian man took it excitedly.
“T-thank you, Chief Lady Urbosa ma’am! Really! Truly! This means a lot, I’m going to— I mean… my kids are gonna love this.”
The Gerudo gave him a kind look and tilted her head, her emerald eyes gleamed. There was not a sliver of annoyance or mocking on her face. “It’s not a problem at all, sir. I find it encouraging whenever people come up to greet and support us. Don’t you think, Revali?”
Although the blank, wooden image of the ceiling was very entertaining, Rito pried his gaze away and narrowed his eyes at the two of them. The man was rocking back and forth on his heels, hugging two pieces of paper to his chest. One, already autographed with Urbosa’s loopy handwriting. The other, blank and waiting. His posture was jittery and nervous. The Hylian was switching his gaze between the Rito and the quill on the table. 
“Why yes, Champion Urbosa. It’s always nice to meet the adoring fans.” Revali enunciated the end of the sentence carefully. He continued with a regal tone. “Especially, since we’ve wasted the last hour of our free time watching you write the same word over and over. Theoretically speaking, we have greatly supported the ink business with our presence alone.” He leaned forward, speaking directly to the Hylian. “However, I think we’ve taken enough of this gentleman’s time, so why don’t we send him on his way. After all, I’m sure there are more actually important matters that we all need to attend too.” He flicked his wing in a motion towards the stable exit. 
A beat of silence. Then, the Hylian started to sputter, his cheeks reddening. “O-Oh... oh-oh yes, yes! Of course! I’ll just…” he took a shaky step back, “...be on, my, way, then. Thank you very much for your time!” He shuffled outside, nearly tripping on the step out the exit. 
Letting out a huff of air, the Gerudo Chief muttered under her breath. “Ink business...hilarious as always, Revali.” He let a smirk cross over his feathered face, “Yes, I already knew that, thank you.”
Revali turned his gaze back towards the ceiling, finding comfort in the fact that all the pestering fans were gone. Urbosa rolled her eyes. “Would it kill you to be nice? Or at the very least, polite?” He scoffed. 
“I don’t think having to endure lines of mindless devotees is part of our job description. Last I checked, I was chosen for my masterful skill set and bond with Medoh, not my penmanship.”  
She gave a tired sigh. “We both know that’s not the point, it’s about inspiration and giving people hope.”
“If people are so eager to have my name on a piece of paper,” he picked up the quill the Hylian had accidentally left on their table, “they can write it out themselves. By this point most people have the ability to spell, correct?”
The two continued their idle banter for a bit. The conversation at this point was mostly out of a lack of other things to do, as no food or drink had arrived yet. Then, another Hylian approached their table, cheerfully.
“Excuse me, Champions, I have—”
“OH for the love of Hylia!” the Rito interrupted, “I’m afraid I’m not in the mood to deal with whatever requests you have for me.” He held his head towards the ceiling, exasperated. 
“So pardon my bluntness, but why don’t you—”
“Revali,” Urbosa interjected.
He looked back towards her, a sarcastic response already at the tip of his beak. That was when he caught a glance at the Hylian woman in question.
She was holding up a wooden tray, dark and stained. A large pitcher sat on top of it, and she balanced two cups on either end. Her leather cap sat lopsided on her yellow hair. The symbol of a horse etched onto the fabric of their hat and tunic. The look on her face was that of confusion.
The stable worker cleared her throat with a forced cough. “Um, you ordered the apple cider, right Champion Revali?” She set the cups down without waiting for a response. The Rito fixed his eyes on his drink, mumbling. “Yes, thank you Lucile.” At least, that’s what he thought her name was. He couldn’t bother to remember all of [Name]’s friends. The bronze colored liquid swirled in his cup.
Attempting to lighten the mood, Urbosa quipped in. “It wouldn’t be very responsible of me to let him get drunk, lest he become even more dramatic than usual.” She exchanged a quiet laugh with the waiter. Revali clicked his tongue. “I am in no need of your motherly supervision, Urbosa. Besides,” he laid his wing across his chest, theatrically, “I’m sure I can handle my drink much better than anyone here ever could.” At that, Urbosa gave a wink towards the waiter, whispering something about ego.
After pouring their drinks, the Hylian that was probably named Lucile put the pitcher back on the tray. “Alright, well, call for a refill when you want it. And don’t worry about the price or anything. [Name] said to put the rupees on their tab.” 
At the mention of their name, Revali perked up. “Wait, Lucile, I noticed I haven’t seen [Name] around yet. Are they…?” he let his voice trail off. It’s not like he cared that much, he was just curious. He hadn’t seen them all day. It’s not like he was looking forward to their interactions or anything. Yeah, curious, that was the word.
“If you’re referring to your little get together later, they’re still on for that.” Lucile gave a warm and knowing smile. “The place is busier than usual, thanks to you guys. So it’s ‘all hands on deck’ if ya know what I mean.”  She gave a quick nod outside, where a savoury aroma was starting to swirl its way inside. “They’re making your on the house dinner right now, so just wait a little bit longer.” Lucile tucked her blonde hair behind her ears, and picked up the tray. “Okie dokie, then. I’ll be seeing you.” 
The Rito allowed himself to look outside. The view was partly obstructed by the purpleish curtains on either side, but the unmistakable glow of embers and flickering firelight could be seen. Craning his head forward a bit, he caught a glimpse of a coffee colored boot in front of a cooking pot, tapping along with the music. Huh, only one stable worker he knew would still be dancing along to the music despite working all day. Revali thought back to that time when [Name] would force him to sing along with the sparrows, just to annoy him. Or how he would invite them to Warblers nest to listen to the Rito kids chirp their tunes. I wonder how they’re doing, have they been working all day? Have they taken a break yet? I know I’ve been caught up with Champion duties, but maybe tonight—
“Wandering eyes kill, little Rito.”
Snapping back into reality, Revali quickly blinked and turned to face Urbosa. There was a calm and almost pitiful tone in her voice that he wasn’t exactly thrilled to be at the end of.
“Ah, my apologies. I should have asked for your permission to use my sense of vision.”
Unbothered by his comment, she kept the smirk on her face. “You know, I’ve never seen you laugh so easily until the other day.” He let out a loud scoff. What was that supposed to mean? Am I not allowed to express emotion on duty? Perhaps I should don the same stupid expression as that little knight.
“Well, perhaps that’s because everyone else in the group is boring.”
Urbosa leaned forward in her seat, letting her elbows rest on the table. “Let down the act, Revali. Everyone can see the big picture but you.”
“What are we even talking about?”
“Uh-huh. Right, I think it would save us both time if you bothered to be specific in what you mean.” He lifted his wings in fake surrender. “What about them? You insulted by their choice in flower crowns? ”
Putting his wings down, he went for his drink. Taking up the cup of cider, Revali lifted it towards his face, using it as an excuse to not continue further into the conversation Urbosa so clearly wanted to have. Urbosa let out a huff of air. “Look, I’m just trying to compliment you two. You really are a cute couple.”
Instinctively turning to the side, Revali spat out his drink wildly. His coughing fit caused the surrounding conversations in the stable to trickle into curious whispers. A few other Rito in the back were giggling. Thankfully, he hadn’t sprayed anyone as no one was in range. He wiped down the front of his clothes and part of the table with his wing. He cleared his throat and half stood up, addressing the people that were looking at him quizzically. Revali’s voice raised in pitch and his speech quickened.
“AHEM! Wow, that was absolutely appalling and disgusting. I can’t believe the staff would be so careless as to let a dragonfly swirl around in my cup! I WILL be sure to speak with someone later concerning the cleanliness and hygienic practices of this place. So...yeah…” he let his voice echo in the room for a few more moments before sitting back down completely. Urbosa’s hands were folded as if in prayer, but her fingertips were pushed in front of her lips, as if to keep from laughing.
“Great save.”
“Shut up, will you? What in the hells did you just say? Couple? I think you’re clearly misreading things.”
She let out a short laugh. “Well, the fact that you reacted so enthusiastically says otherwise.”  
“Wha—what…?” He shook his head quickly. “Urbosa, whatever you think you saw the other day isn’t what you think. [Name] and I are very obviously not dating, or seeing each other, or whatever your proper terminology is.”
“You both are very obviously into each other. You always hang out, you have cute banter. You’re dating, no?”
“NO!” He quickly shushed her comment, lowering his own voice and glancing around to see if anyone else was listening in. “The answer is NO because I don’t even like them that much. They’re very stupid, and unattractive, not to mention a Hylian. They’re an acquaintance at most. Maybe a friend.” He propped his own wing on the table and rested his beak on it. “Or close friend. A confidant...or—agh! Point is we’re not whatever you think we are!”
Urbosa let out a huff of air, letting her shoulders slump. “For a Rito, you are quite blind.”
He went for his cup again, fiddling with the chipped white paint that decorated the side. Revali didn’t bother to look up at Urbosa, for fear of unconsciously communicating something with his eyes. “Fine, then. Please, enlighten me into what I am so blind to.”
She furrowed her brows in confusion. Was he seriously not getting it? “You and [Name] seem to talk and visit each other all the time, considering you even know the staff here. You both have known each other since childhood, no doubt you’ve formed a bond. Both of you were so incredibly flustered just being in each other’s presence yesterday. Also,” she held up her head to imitate Revali’s posture, “You look pretty too!’ Does that comment ring any bells? Come on, Revali. And this is only the stuff I’ve seen in one day.” 
Shocked and speechless, Revali let the silence between them settle for a bit. He considered her argument, thinking over what to say next. “OK fine, I tolerate them. Sure. That doesn’t mean it happens both ways…”
The Gerudo Chief looked as if Revali had just told her that the current King of Hyrule was five stacked cuccos. “They practically invited you for a date earlier.”
“But, we do that all the time.”
“You do!?” it was Urbosa’s turn to be shocked.
“Wait,” Revali narrowed his eyes, wheels turned in his head. Did that time he invited [Name] to watch his archery practice count? Or when [Name] had baked him a fish pie when he came to visit them even though they were sick? Wait, wait, no. Friends do that all the time, that’s absurd. Yet, he couldn’t ignore the incessant fluttering in his stomach whenever he thought about braiding their hair...or laughing beside them...or— ah! What did it all mean? He scrunched his face in confusion, lowering his voice to a whisper, “Have we already...what does...are we dating?”
Urbosa held the bridge of her nose with her fingers, sighing. “Everyone with eyes can see it. You are.”
Revali practically squaked. “WE’VE BEEN DATING?”
“Oh, you’re... dating Urbosa?”
Both Revali and Urbosa whipped around in unison to face [Name], who was standing behind them holding two hot bowls of spicy meat stew. 
Spirits bless his quivering soul, [Name] was here. There were still droplets of cider on his clothes, his braids were probably all frizzled from the trip down here. Was what he was wearing too formal? Too casual? Maybe he should have worn something more colorful. Hold on, was [Name] wearing their hair differently? When did they start wearing that yellow ribbon? It looked nice...should he say something? What was that new leather pouch on their belt, did someone give them that? Why all these changes? Are they seeing someone? Well it would be fine if they were...considering they were just friends. Right, they were friends— Wait a moment, did they just ask if he was dating Urbosa??
The Gerudo Champion, ever quick to regain her composure, was the first to respond. “Unfortunately, no. I’m afraid I’m a bit out of the Rito Champions league. We were talking about something else.”
The slight tension in [Name]’s shoulders relaxed, just barely noticeable. They chuckled, setting down the stews. “Ah-ha, well that’s good. Hylia knows Revali’s much more trouble than he’s worth.”
The Rito in question, who had still been sputtering over the several revelations he had come across over the last few minutes, finally regained the ability to formulate words. “...What? Hey! I’m right here!”
“Oh, sorry about that!” [Name] leaned down to face him, “I didn’t see you there. When you’re sitting down, you’re even shorter than usual! ” To further add to their quip, [Name] booped the tip of his beak with the end of a spoon. The feathers on his neck poofed up from embarrassment, though probably no one but him noticed. After placing napkins and silverware on the table, [Name] gave a deep, exaggerated bow. Their leather pouch hung out, half-open, revealing a few colorful hair ribbons. “Enjoy the meal, and thank you for staying with us, esteemed Champions,” their words were more of a tease towards Revali. “Just holler if you need anything, Revali! I’ll see you...later.” And with that, [Name] strode back outside, the brisk breeze fluttering the edges of their maroon tunic.
Revali’s thoughts were racing. Mainly centered around one word.
Urbosa looked at Revali, a twinkle in her eye. “Truly, you are made for each other. They’re the only one I’ve seen with the ability to actually make you shut up.”
Ignoring her comment, the Rito continued to stare at [Name] as she bantered with the other guests and workers outside. Then, he exhaled quickly, muttering comments that would make any mother click their tongue. Attempting to alleviate the tension, Urbosa asked, “Can I ask you a question?”
Quickly rebuilding his walls, Revali let out the usual quip. “You just did, but you have my permission to ask a secondary one.”
“Do you believe they like you back?” 
He rolled his eyes. “Ugh, spare me your useless fledgling gossip and prattle. What are you going to do, exchange handwritten love letters between us? Unfold the schoolyard drama? Maybe later we can skip around in circles as we talk about our crushes before bedtime.” 
She rolled her eyes. It might as well be an exercise when around Revali. “How about you answer the question?”
He turned away, looking outside and watching the dancing trees and people. “[Name] and I have been friends for years. I think I’d know if we had mutual feelings.”
Taking a napkin and placing it on her lap. She focused on enjoying her meal. “Oh but you do. You’re both clearly head over heels for each other already. Considering you're already basically dating.”
Turning back to face her, he started sputtering. “Wait, wait. Let’s back up, shall we? If we’re, as you said, basically dating, does that mean they know this? Do...do they already consider me their significant other? Do they know we’re…” he lowered his voice again, gesturing at himself wildly, “...you know.”
Urbosa slurped her stew, but held Revali’s gaze. She enjoyed its warmth and savory smell for several, several, several long seconds, still looking Revali in the eye. He spread his wings, exasperated. “Your condescending stares aren’t improving the situation.” 
Finally, she finished her sip, giving a satisfied sigh. The spicy taste tingled in her mouth. “Mmm. Delicious. [Name]’s cute and a good cook. You have good taste.”
“Did you just make a pun?”
“Pfft, like you haven’t done that before?” Revali responded with a grimace. 
The Rito asked again, “Can you just please take this seriously and help me with all this? You should already be flattered that I’m even bothering to continue this conversation with you. I don’t just babble about [Name] with anyone. So just...tsk...I don’t know, grace me with whatever wisdom you have.”
Urbosa raised an eyebrow, “Oh? Why should I? I’m not your mother or anything…” She flipped her velvet hair and looked away dramatically. Seems the Rito’s personality rubbed off on her.
Revali rolled his eyes, “Are you really going to make me—”
“Yes.” she said bluntly.
“Well, I’m not—”
“I said—”
“Can you—”
Revali sat there, eyes narrowed. Seems there was only one way he was gonna get her to talk. Urbosa gave a hearty laugh, her chocolate smooth voice echoing through the room. She kept her eyebrows raised, looking at him expectantly. After letting out another sigh, the Rito grumbled, barely opening his beak. “Can you please help me with all this...” Urbosa cupped a hand around her ear, a smirk plaster on her face. Revali quickened his speech. “...ugh you’re insufferable...considering you are the closest thing to a parental figure in my life and you’re more of an expert in this than I am, please tell me what in the hells I should do about [Name]—THERE! Happy?”
She started chuckling again, laughter must come easy for her. Shooting him a wink, Urbosa mused, “I think that’s satisfactory. Was that so hard?”
She snorted. Leaning back in her seat, she jeered him further. “Alright, maybe I won’t let you crash and burn this cute relationship of yours, considering it’s my responsibility to look out for all the little children in my life.” Revali scoffed.
Before he had the chance to nag her further, Urbosa continued. “So, Revali, from my own expert deductions on your whole,” she moved her spoon towards him in a circular motion, “situation, I’ve concluded that you’re both idiots.” He grumbled and shot daggers at her.
“Thank you. Very helpful.”
“You’re welcome. Now,” she set down her spoon, “Listen close and listen well, Revali. You’re both in the same boat here. [Name] didn’t react that badly at the prospect of you going out with me. However, their eyes immediately lit up when I clarified that you were not, infact, taken.  
“This means that they also don’t realize the obvious fact that you’re dating each other. Yet, they reacted with a hint of jealousy, so there’s no question they’ve got it for you.” Revali shifted in his seat, but allowed her to resume.
“They were completely oblivious to Daruk’s earlier comment about you being cute together. Yet, they’ve continuously made moves that suggest they really like you. Did you see their face when you put your wing around them yesterday?” She sighed. “ Who knows what other signs you’ve both been oblivious to all your lives.” Finally, she leaned forward and pointed a finger at Revali.
“You’re both too lovestruck to see how lovestruck your loves are for you.” Then, she went for her drink, sipping it slowly.
Taking her silence as a cue to speak, he asked softly. “Alright, so what do I do?”
“I don’t know,” was all that came from behind the cup.
He practically squaked again. “What? But? You just? Why—”
She held up a finger to shush him. “The best I can say is that you should probably openly confess so there’s not anymore confusion between you two fools. How, where, and when? Well that’s entirely up to you. Maybe at the party tonight you can whip up something.”
The likelihood of someone like [Name] showing up to a party filled with stuffy nobles, pestering fans, and overall loud people seemed slim. From experience, Revali probably thought [Name] would spend the night in the woods or something, searching for wildflowers. “I can assure you that’s not going to happen.”
Urbosa gave a final shrug. “Well then, good luck.” She went back to eating the rest of her meal.
Revali cast his eyes to the floor, deep in thought. What was he gonna do? 
Several minutes passed, and Urbosa basked in the rare occurance of the Rito Champion's silence. Thoughts and anxieties swarmed his head like bees to a courser honey comb. Then, the wind swept past the curtains and through the stable entrance, fluttering something under Revali’s foot. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a feather. It was a familiar deep blue, bordering on indigo, the edges were stroked with white. The color and hue was unmistakable.
Losing one or two happened everyday, sure, but what was peculiar was that this particular feather was that it seemed to be from a fledgling. The white marks faded to grey slightly, indicating the not yet fully formed colors of a young Rito hatchling. 
Tsk. I’ll admit I have youthful looks, but I’m not that young.  
Picking it up off the floor, he studied the stiff end of the feather, he was surprised to find it was decorated. A yellow ribbon was wrapped around its end. At one point, it was a brighter, daffodil like color, but now it had faded with time to a more pastel shade. The color matched well.
Why on earth does someone have my—
Suddenly, Revali stood up, almost flipping the table. “Hey!” Urbosa held the table steady. “Revali? Are you alright?”
Earlier, they were wearing a new leather pouch. It was half open, there were trinkets...ribbons inside.
When they were joking around, they fake bowed. Did this...did this fall out?
“Are you alright? Where’d you get that feather? Is it yours?”
[Name] kept this? After all this time? That idiot, don’t they know about Rito custom by now? Someone might get the wrong idea.
Or the right idea...GAH! Whywhywhywhywhy—
Breaking his eyes away from the feather, he pushed in his seat and started to leave. “Well, you’ve had your free meal, hope your food was good Urbosa. Now I have to go.” Revali started shuffling out towards the exit, hastily shoving the little feather into his own pocket. “I’ll meet up with you at that idiotic party later. Right now I need to be somewhere.” 
Urbosa started to chuckle. “So, heading out early to your date?” Nearly outside, The Rito abruptly stopped and turned to face her. Her eyebrows were raised in suspicion. “And Urbosa, if you tell anyone at all, and I mean even the slightest whisper in the breeze, about our conversation, I have a bomb arrow nocked and ready for you.” He gave her a death stare, but she just laughed.  
Her chocolatey voice resonated through the air once more, laughter must truly come easy for her. After shooting him a wink, she smiled.
“Good luck, little Rito.”
- - - - - 
Ironic, that the Champion of the sky would frequent the area of his first failure. But, the woods had their own calm and beautiful atmosphere, made all the more pleasant when he and [Name] would hang out here through their childhood. Revali knew these trees all too well, from when he first crashed into them as a child to when he practiced his archery in the time before the Flight Range was built.
Walking along the dirt path, he spotted them up ahead. Their secret spot wasn’t that secluded, it was by a small grassy clearing within the forest. Tall pine trees swayed in the wind, the setting sunlight was cut apart by the shifting shadows. The rose, orange, and yellow light coated the sky and shimmered through the branches. The bushes during this time of year held small buds, some had already bloomed into more colorful yellow flowers, although most were still a young green. Kneeling on the ground [Name] was shuffling through a leather pouch, spilling the contents on the ground and searching for something among the mess. A few hair ribbons, a spare quill, a comb, empty elixir bottles, and other junk cluttered the forest floor. Sensing a presence behind them, [Name] spun around to find Revali, standing there with his wings folded behind his back. 
“I don’t suppose all that is to help the fertility of the forest?”
[Name] rubbed the back of their neck, brushing aside their hair, embarrassed. “No, I was just...organizing my things.” Trying to move the conversation away from that, they asked, “So, how’ve you been, Master Revali?” 
The Rito brushed his wings against the pocket on his side, where a certain item was tucked away. Tilting his head, he innocently asked, “Are you sure you weren't looking for something just now? We both know you have a habit of being terribly irresponsible.”
[Name] started to formulate an excuse at the tip of their tongue, but one glance at Revali’s expression told them it would be useless. “Alright, fine. Yeah, I lost something, but I’ll find it later. We don’t need to worry about it right now. Why don’t—”
“What did you lose?” He didn’t mean to come off so blunt, but he needed to know. He wanted to be sure. He needed to remove any doubts from his mind. [Name] gave a hasty shrug.
“Uh, just an old trinket. It’s nothing, really. It’s just this dumb thing I had as a kid—”
“So what is it?”
“Nothing! OK? You don’t need to push it, there’s no need to concern yourself with it…” their voice trailed off.
“Was it blue?”
Both their hearts stopped. [Name] suddenly looked up into Revali’s eyes. The looks they both gave each other confirmed their wordless questions. Letting the silence fall a bit longer, [Name] finally dared to whisper.
“How did you...?”
He reached for his pocket. He meant to do this confidently, to swoop in and present it with flair. Perhaps say a quip like “Aha! Of course you kept this. My feathers are of the most dazzling color and quality after all!” Yet, no words escaped his beak. He held out his feather, the pale yellow ribbon hung lazily in the wind. He held it out in front of him, his usual confidence left him. No need to get my hopes up early, just please tell me, if it’s true.
The feather stood between them, shifting back old memories. The sounds were only that of the forest. Crickets softly chirped, and the wind danced through the trees. The sunset trickled through the leaves. Revali let out a cough.
“Ah, well....I believe you left this at our table.” 
Neither of them made a move. [Name] was just standing there, bewildered, their gaze constantly shifting between Revali and the feather. They rubbed their boot on the ground awkwardly, unsure of what to say. Finally, the Rito started to speak again.
“Did you know—”
“Yeah,” they said. “Yes...I’ve known about the whole Rito culture thing since when we were kids. You exchange feathers to show that a piece of you is bound to that person for eternity. Then you can, like, braid it into their hair or something? You only do it with your soulmate, or significant other, or whatever the proper terminology is.” Memories started to stir in the back of Revali’s mind, but they continued, waving their hands in front of them in surrender. “I mean, when I first asked you for it, I had no idea about the custom. I just thought it looked nice,” they rubbed the back of their neck, their cheeks rosening. “When I got back to the stable, some elderly guy told me about it. But I didn’t have the heart to throw it away or anything. I just kept it under the floorboards so no one would find it. 
“Ah, but tonight there were so many people, plus the Champions… I thought it would be safer on me.” They gestured to Revali, “And, of course, I was wrong, haha….” They let their shoulders slump. “Goddess above, I’m sorry, this is so weird huh. I didn't want to tell you in case you...took it back. I probably should have, I don’t have the right to keep something that should be sentimental...but…”
Their voice trailed off. Revali continued to say nothing. Taking this as a cue to say something more, [Name] added, “I’m sorry, obviously when we were kids you didn’t mean anything that way. I should have told you sooner.” 
His heart was racing. Well, both of their hearts were. Taking in their words, Revali could feel his stomach start to flutter, the winds played with the end of his braids. Still holding the feather in front of him, he extended it towards them shakily. “Well, take it. It’s yours.”
They looked up from the ground in shock. “R-Revali! Don’t feel obligated to do anything just because I—”
“And there’s a comb among the junk you’ve littered on the forest floor, correct?”
They took a step back. “Wait, wait. Does this mean you—”
He suddenly took their arm and twirled them around, facing them away from him. “Yes, now sit down already. I’m not gonna do this standing.”
His feathers were poofed out, from the mixed emotions of pride, embarrassment, and adoration. Plopping [Name] in the grass, he went over and picked out the wooden comb among their belongings. 
Seeing [Name] about to churn out more excuses and questions, he held up his wing to shush them. “Shut up will you? This is long overdue.” He sat down behind them, the grass prickling against his feet. Revali started to carefully undo the yellow ribbons in [Name]’s hair. Softly, they asked “So for you, how long? When we were kids? Teens?”
“A while,” he simply stated. “It just took me some time to really accept it I suppose.” Silence overtook them once more, though its atmosphere was much more pleasant and warm. Parting their hair into sections, Revali started to lighten the mood with a quip.
“Did you know we’ve already been dating over the last few years?”
“Yeah, you’re pretty much an idiot for not seeing it. I mean, all those times we’ve been in each others’ company. I don’t know how you’ve gone this long without realizing.”
They laughed. “Maybe the idiot Rito I’ve been hanging out with rubbed off on me.”
Finally, he placed the feather within their hair. After braiding it halfway, he twisted the yellow ribbon with it, and finished off the braid. The colors of his feather and the ribbon matched perfectly.
“Is it done?”
Before he could give an answer, [Name] brushed their hand against their hair. They both sat there, in the grass, for another eternity. Suddenly, [Name] turned around, and planted their lips on his beak. After releasing him, they stared into each other's eyes for a moment. “Heh, I’ve been waiting a long time to do that.” they mused. “What’s with the look? Should I enlighten you on the Hylian custom then?”
His feathers were now fluffed up mainly from embarrassment, but he regained his composure at their smile. “I’m quite aware of what a kiss is. It’s just that Rito have something better.”
Revali wrapped his wing around the back of their head, moving it gently towards his. Pressing their foreheads against each other, they both smiled, half flustered. His soft face tickled their skin, but they smiled for more reasons than that.
“This works too.”
“Of course, I’m an expert at this sort of thing.”
A beat, and then they both laughed. The sun was almost completely swallowed by the horizon . The Rito Champion was probably going to miss the party, but it didn’t matter. He was busy with more important matters, anyhow.
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queenof-literature · 4 years
I absolutely loved the gerudo story a lot! If you are still taking ideas/suggestions may you please continue on with wild telling them about the others? I liked medoh and the rito the most lol but any will be awesome I loved how happy wild and the others were while hearing the story of Riju and nabrois.. thanks 💚💜
Thank you for your kind words! I turned this into a series on my AO3 (queenofliterature) since it has gotten multiple requests. I hope you enjoy and your cosplay is super cool!
“Pleeeeeease!” Wind continued to beg Wild over dinner. It had been a couple of days since Wild told the story about his time with the Gerudo, and Wind was desperate for Wild to tell more, as he had made very clear. Since the first story, they had traveled to Twilight’s Hyrule, although no villages were close enough to get to tonight.
“Dear Hylia. Wild please tell him another story before he explodes.” Legend yelled from across camp.
“Wind, Wild doesn’t need to tell us anything else if he doesn’t want to.” Time lectured Wind, who was attached to Wild’s back, arms wrapped around him like a stationary piggyback ride. Wild didn’t find himself minding. Ever since he had returned Wind’s hug the first night he told a story, the kid had seemed comfortable with attaching himself to Wild like he would Hyrule and Warriors. It was surprising at first, but Wild got used to it, and kinda liked it.
“Um that’s okay. I can tell more stories. I just don’t want them to be boring or anything. There’s no more dressing as a woman and seducing people for items or sneaking into Yiga bases.” Wild joked although he was slightly nervous about his other stories not measuring up.
“But you still have three more divine beats to go right?” Sky voiced curiously.
“And your fight against Ganon!” Warriors called.
“And all your crazy ideas along the way!” Hyrule finished as the rest of the group laughed, Wild included.
“Okay, just let me pass out dinner.”
Once again, the group was all gathered around the campfire, eyes on Wild. Wild still found it intimidating, but it was far less scary this time.
“Well… I guess I could tell you about the Rito?” There were some questions and confused murmurs among the group, except Wind, who lit up at the mention of the birds who lived on Dragon Roost Island.
“You have Rito in your Hyrule too?” Wind questioned excitedly.
“Yeah I do. Do the rest of you not?” There were ripples of no’s throughout the camp.
“Oh, well they’re basically really big, talking birds? That might be an offensive way to describe them. They’re like Zora are to fish I guess.” Wild stated awkwardly. He didn’t really expect to have to explain what a Rito was.
“I can just show you!” Wild remembered he had a picture of Kass and his children on his slate. When they first saw the Sheikah Slate, all five of the girls had crowded around him and demanded to see it. When they saw the photo rune, they wanted him to take a picture of them and their mother and father. He told them he had no way to let them have a copy or anything, but they just wanted to be with him in his travels. It was a very sweet sentiment and Wild absolutely loved that picture.
“Oh wow, you weren’t kidding about them being giant birds.” Hyrule commented when Wild flipped his slate around for them to see.
“They look a bit different from the Rito from my Hyrule but that’s kinda been a common theme among all of us.” Wind noted.
“They’re very nice and welcoming people.” Wild confirmed as he put the slate back on his hip. “When I first got to the village, I had to walk up a whole bunch of bridges that just kept getting higher and higher. The Rito were really upset and worried, since the Divine Beast, Vah Medoh, was causing chaos and shooting anyone down that flew up too high.” Wild remembered the ear-piercing screech that greeted him when he first arrived. All of the Divine Beasts had a call, but none were quite like Medoh’s.
“Oh no that’s awful! The Rito love to fly! Was anyone hurt?” Wind questioned, genuinely concerned for the villagers.
“Unfortunately yes. Some men went up to try and defeat Medoh, but one got shot down and hurt his wing, his name is Harth. He’s alright now. The Rito that went with him, Teba, got him to safety and was planning to face Medoh once again. I spoke with the chief of the village, named Kaneli. He’s very kind, and he has a very deep and hearty laugh.” That was one thing about Wild the group had noticed. He always remembered odd or specific details of people. It may be connected to his loss of memory, but that was simply the person he was. He wanted to get to know as many people as he could and help them when needed.
“So do any of the leaders know that you’re the hero from 100 years earlier?” Four questioned. He really hoped he wasn’t crossing a line by asking, he was just truly curious.
“It kinda depends. The Zora live to be centuries old, so most of them knew me, well… the old me.” Wild stated uncertainly. The rest of camp knew Wild’s struggles with his past self, almost seeing him as a different person than the one they knew now. They were slightly curious about what Wild was like before. They would never trade Wild for anything, but it would be interesting to see how much he had changed. Twilight, who was sitting on Wild’s left, put a gentle hand on his shoulder, while Legend scooted a little closer on Wild’s right, almost unnoticeable to everyone but Wild.
“The Gorons didn’t care all that much, just as long as I could board Rudania. Riju knew that I was friends with Urbosa, or that she at least sent me. And the Rito thought I was the champion’s descendant.” Some snickers left the group at that.
“Hey, I tried to tell him it was really me, but I didn’t have the Master Sword yet. Even then, I’m not sure if he would have believed I was the actual champion, but he was worried for his people. He asked me to help them with the Divine Beast since I was the only one who could board it.”
“Why are you the only one who can board it?” Warriors asked.
“Well, I don’t have a solid answer for you, but it’s because I’m the Hylian Champion.” Wild answered. There wasn’t a scientific answer he could really give, that’s all he really knew.
“Wait, since you’re a champion, do you have a Divine Beast too?” Hyrule exclaimed, eyes shining with anticipation and mischief. Oh Hylia, if WIld had one of those things and he and Hyrule teamed up... Please say no, please say no, please say-
“Well, sorta.” Wild rubbed the back of his neck as gasps (and some groans) arose around him. “It’s very small, smaller than a horse. But it has two wheels and it’s faster than anything I’ve ever ridden. It’s loud though and has to be powered by materials. I’ll show you when we get back to my Hyrule, I’ve tried summoning it here and it doesn’t work.” Wild wished he had a picture of it, but he would show them the real thing soon.
“That sounds amazing!” Surprisingly Hyrule didn’t yell this, but Legend did. He blushed, realizing how loud it was. The rest of the group chuckled. Legend could pretend to be snarky and cool all he wanted, he was such a nerd for new items.
“It really is. I can run over so many monsters, and jump off so many cliffs without getting hurt! And it goes over pretty much any terrain! I just have to be careful not to fall backward down a hill or something. But that doesn’t happen often and-” Wild rambled on, oblivious to the look of horror on Twilight’s face.
“Um, Cub. We love hearing about your Hyrule but… I think you’re going to give Twilight a heart attack.” Time teased, looking at his protege’s face.
“Hehe. Whoops.” Wild laughed, the rest of the heroes joining in, except for Twilight of course who simply glared at his mentor.
“Anyway.” Wild continued, still giggling a little. “The elder sent me to Teba’s wife and child, who begged me to go to the Flight Range and stop him. She said that I could just jump off the Revali’s Landing, a platform named after the Rito Champion from a hundred years ago.”
“Did you remember him at this point?” Sky questioned reluctantly. Like Four, he was nervous about crossing a line.
“I actually remembered him when I looked at the landing.” Wild’s eyes grew slightly distant. “Revali was a complete and utter asshole.” There were surprised huffs of laughter from around the group. That certainly wasn’t what they were expecting. “But… I understood why.” Wild stared into the fire. “He was hurting I think. I got to read his journal and he worked really hard to develop Revali’s Gale, the wind I use now. He worked to become the best archer and protect his village. And then, some random Hylian kid comes and takes the Master Sword and becomes the princess’ appointed knight. He always taunted me, kinda telling me that I was only getting to fight Ganon because of the sword, while he had to sit in his Divine Beast. But I got the sword when I was twelve, and my training started long before that from what I can remember. And I don’t - I don’t think I ever wanted that.” Wild’s breathing hitched the tiniest bit. Not enough to be noticed by anyone who didn’t know him, but this group knew him well.
Twilight instantly pulled him into a hug, and Wild didn’t fight it. He didn’t cry or feel a huge panic coming on, but the hug felt nice all the same.
“It sucks that Revali went through that Wild.” Warriors stated, smiling at the teen gently. “But that is not your fault. You didn’t choose the sword, the sword chose you.” Wild nodded from where his head was on Twilight’s shoulder, before pulling himself away gently. Meanwhile, Time cursed Hylia in his mind, again. Twelve… He understood there was a fight coming, he really did, but this boy was only twelve. No, he was younger when he was forced into training. Wild mentioned to Time when talking about Mipha that he traveled there with knights as a child. He was a child. He still was a child… Time pulled himself out of his own head. There was no changing Wild’s past. That was over one hundred years ago. They could help him now.
“I’m sorry, Wild.” Wind sighed out. “I didn’t mean to bring out bad memories.”
“You didn’t, bud.” Wild reassured. “Sometimes memories just come into my head, even if I’ve seen them before. I wouldn’t tell you if I didn’t trust you.” That halted the camp entirely. Wild had made a lot of progress in trusting them, but they were happy to hear him say it. Before they could dwell too much on what Wild said, he continued his story.
“So anyway, I talked to Harth, the Rito that broke his wing, and a couple of other Rito. Including the girls you all saw in the picture. They’re Kass’ daughters!” Wild stated excitedly. He told them previously about Kass and how much he adored hearing his songs. Wind once asked Wild to sing one, but he blushed a bright red and furiously refused. Wind bet Wild had a pretty voice and he was just embarrassed about it…
“Their mother was worried sick for her children, along with the other parents in the village, and the children were all disappointed they couldn’t fly and play. Well one didn’t want to go to singing practice, but I still had to get the Divine Beast under control as fast as possible. So I bought the Snowquill Set that keeps you really toasty and rushed to the Flight Range to help Teba. When I got there, Teba said he didn’t need any help but I insisted. So he told me that he would challenge my archery skills.” The group leaned in, what sort of test? “He made me shoot five targets in three minutes with my paraglider.” Wild stated in a deadpan voice. The boys froze, then burst out laughing. Wild could shoot three arrows at once, sometimes five with the proper bow! Five targets in three minutes were nothing! Wild chuckled along with the group. He wasn’t arrogant with his archery, but five targets in three minutes was a little too easy. He expected Teba to continue challenging him, but he never did.
“So he gave me some bomb arrows and told me to jump on his back, we were gonna go defeat the Divine Beast.” Wild continued.
“Woah wait, already? Didn’t the other Divine Beasts take you a little time to get too?” Warriors questioned.
“Well Naboris took a little more time since the Yiga clan were causing trouble, but there was nothing else I could do to prepare.” Wild shrugged. “So we flew up into the clouds, Vah Medoh was huge up close! It had a giant courtyard type structure on its back! And it could shoot lasers and had a shield around it! So while Teba distracted it, I used the updrafts to shoot at all four points the shield was powered by. Unfortunately, Teba got grazed by the lasers. He was okay, but he had to land. So I started the puzzles in Vah Medoh. They were so fun! There was one where I had to get in this ride on a track and tilt the beast so I got to ride to the other side! And I was so high up!” Wild continued rambling on about the puzzles he had to solve.
The other boys in the group smiled softly. One of the reasons they enjoyed Wild telling stories was because of how excited he would get while telling the parts that didn't haunt him. The others sometimes struggle with Wild’s Hyrule because of the ruins of the structures they know, but Wild truly loved it, which made sense, it was just like the hero who came from it, wild and untamed.
“So finally all the puzzles were done and all the terminals were unlocked, and the main control unit was unlocked. Like the others, when I put my slate up the control unit, a Ganon Blight came out. This time it was Windblight Ganon. He was easier than the others, but still hard. He could summon tornados! And I had to rely on arrows a lot since he flew out where I couldn’t reach him. But eventually, I got his health down enough for the final blow. When I activated the main control unit, Revali appeared.” Wild smile became bittersweet like it did when he talked about any of his friends from one hundred years ago. “He teased me again, but this time, it seemed more friendly and less bitter. He gave me Revali’s Gale so I wouldn’t always have to rely on cliffs and high places for my paraglider. I went back to see Harth and Teba, and they and their families were fine! The elder thanked me a lot and gave me Revali’s old bow. It’s in my house with the rest of the champion’s items. I used them against Ganon. A little bit to avenge the other champions. You know?” Wild looked to find them all staring at him. “Uh… The end?” Wild ended awkwardly, not knowing what else to say. The rest of the group seemed to snap out of it. Wild was amazing. And highly intelligent. His stories of battles and puzzles and shrines only proved that. Once again, just like when he ended the first story, Wind crashed into Wild and knocked the breath out of his lungs.
“You’re a great storyteller Wild!” Wind cried happily.
“The sailor’s right, Cub.” Twilight smirked, but the kind look in his eyes betrayed his teasing lilt.
“Well, that was a perfect little bedtime story.” Legend yawned and clapped Wild on the back.
“Legend is right, it’s getting a little late. Warriors, you have first watch right.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know Old Man.” Warriors huffed but smiled and ruffled Wild’s hair as he passed, earning a lot of protests to which Warriors just laughed at.
The rest of the group thanked Wild for the story and headed to their bedrolls. The Links were happy that Wild was talking more, and didn't want to make a huge deal out of it and scare him into science once again. But they also wanted him to know they appreciate him trusting them enough to tell them of his trials.
After making sure no one needed his help with anything, Wild collapsed into his bedroll. He enjoyed telling the others his stories, but he still wasn’t used to talking for long amounts of time.
A couple of minutes later, Twilight, who was preparing his own bedroll, realized he hadn’t heard Wild shuffling about like he normally did. He turned around to ask if he was okay, only to see him completely conked out on top of the blankets, apparently tired from talking so much in one night. He snorted softly at the smaller teen, before slowly going over and tucking him in. If Wild wasn’t completely passed out, he would have denied what he called being treated like a child, but there wasn’t a single protest as Twilight lifted Wild slightly and put him under the covers, tucking them around him. There was only a small sound that Twilight absolutely would not admit not to find adorable, as Wild snuggled into the blankets covering him. Time hummed slightly, making Twilight turn around.
“He was too young.” Time said solemnly, referring to what Wild told them earlier that night. Twilight had similar thoughts. Wild had told him after a memory that he was only twelve when he got the Master Sword. Twilight knew he was too young. A lot of the group was.
“Yeah… But he has us now.” Twilight smiled at Time, who looked at his pup with pride in his eyes. Those who weren’t asleep or didn’t have the first watch were soon wrapped in their bedrolls peacefully, the only sound being crickets chirping around them.
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seasons-of-ceres · 4 years
Hello! Hope your having a wonderful day! May I request nonbinary s/o coming out to Revali?qvq👉👈
Link and Yin go bathing together every time the opportunity arises. It is a peculiar arrangement on two fronts – the first being Revali’s complex rivalry with Link and his complex relationship with Yin. All three parties are aware of this tenuous triangle of complexities, and each deal with it in turns being silence (Link), mild frustration (Revali), and the most patience (Yin) that anyone could muster.
           Revali was loud about it in the beginning, and in several senses. Obvious and persistent glares, confrontational body language, and then opening his mouth to tell Link off or else offer his own company. Link didn’t care, a bath is a bath (and this is the same Hylian who eats rocks and other dubiously cooked “food” in a pinch), he can do it on his own or with friends because, hey, washing one’s back can be difficult. Yin, patience incarnate, would brush off such comments, smile warmly, promise cuddles afterwards. And for a while, this worked.
           As Zelda continues to have trouble awakening her powers, there is a subtle thread of tension winding around the group. It reveals itself in different ways; a stronger sternness from Urbosa, Daruk cracking jokes at uncomfortable times, a nervous quietness in Mipha, and in Revali, well…
           “Is my presence offending you?”
           Yin stills, pausing with needle in hand, trying to mend one of Link’s tunics.
           “Because in such rare moments of intimacy afforded to us, you would prefer sharing them with Link, gift to all of Hyrule, may he save us all.”
           A roll of the eyes and Yin drops the needle and tunic into the grass, idly watching Mipha take up the task. Revali huffs and flaps his arms impatiently, not even the cold cut of the wind through his feathers calms him, not as much as his partner’s touch. Yin rises from ground and takes a breath, patting loose dirt from the creases of their pants, and offers a tranquil smile. Revali narrows his eyes.
           “If memory serves,” Yin says coyly, “there are far more intimate moments at night. Which I share exclusively with you.”
           Revali scoffs. “Trying to embarrass me?”
           “Not working, is it?”
           “Hardly, dearest. A word in private?”
           Yin shrugs. “Couldn’t hurt.”
           A short walk away from camp and within view of Urbosa on night watch, Revali folds his arms over his chest as Yin leans up against a moderately tall rock. The Rito’s next words come carefully, presumably after several nights where he was not invited to bathe, and after consideration of his own upbringing.
           Rito are birds. Large, intelligent, but ultimately birds. Bright colours and plumage are typical indicators of gender expression and sex. He does remember outliers, his brother Tori comes to mind—bright yellow and green feathers, a lighter musical voice—and when he insisted on being referred to as Revali’s younger brother, change of pronouns included, Mother and Father did so. Revali was also in that boat, although as a child he did find himself falling back on teasing ‘his younger sister’, ‘Mother’s silly girl’, “Father’s little chick’. Tori’s older now, the yellow of his feathers has matured into a fine golden wheat colour, and the green has mellowed and darkened like the needles of an evergreen. His younger brother. Mother’s silly boy. Father’s little hawk.
           “Is there something you are ashamed of?”
           Yin says nothing, the warm smile wobbles slightly.
           “Is there something integral about you that I don’t know?”
           Yin’s hands, braced over the rock, clench ever so slightly.
           “Because when I begin this courtship, I like to think I made it clear I wanted all of you. Even parts I don’t see, won’t see…”
           “Revali, I… it’s not… I didn’t want to hide anything.”
           Revali bites his tongue from responding too cheekily, and nods slowly. Yin huffs and crosses their arms over their chest.
           “I don’t really know how to tell you, but I’m not a boy. And I’m not a girl either. I’m something else.”
           “And you got it in your thick, Hylian skull that I would be averse to this confession?” Revali chuckles. “Oh, you sweet little fool.”
           “Don’t tease. Not everyone responds like you.”
           “No one is like me.” Revali puffs out his chest. “Still.”
           Yin lifts a hand, sensing the trajectory of the conversation. “Link gets it. He doesn’t… Well, actually, I don’t think he cares who he is unless it affects his duty. But we talk. About stuff. Stuff I don’t think you’d understand.”
           Revali hums, looking off to the side while coming to lean against the rock as well, not touching yet but hovering slightly. Yin shuts their eyes with a grimace, leaning into Revali’s body as some of the tension bleeds out of them.
           “Sorry I made you feel unwanted.” They mutter. “I just haven’t had too many great experiences telling people, much less a partner.”
           “My wounded pride will no doubt recover in time.” Revali sighs. “But you’ve nothing to apologize for, Yin. I happen to give off a very distinct impression and it isn’t a very empathetic one—don’t argue, you’ve said it yourself how much of an ass I am.”
           “I don’t say it to be mean.”
           “I know.” He chuckles a little. “But you can come to me with anything. You could be harbouring a fragment of malice and I’d love you still. Never doubt that.”
           He folds his arm around their shoulders, a secretive smile blooming on his face when Yin burrows into him, soft face pressing into his feathers. He follows the line of mountains in the distance, the wisps of cold night air ruffle his feathers.
           “I should introduce you to my brother.” Revali says. “He’d like you, birds of a feather flock well together, and all that. He should be returning to Rito Village soon, and our party is heading in that direction…”
           “Your brother, huh?”
           “I confess a tiny concern you’ll find him better company.”
           “No concern there, Blue. You have me for life.”
           Revali touches his other hand against his chest, a mock expression of surprise on his handsome face. “Truly? How lucky am I.”
           “Oh, stop. I love you. Really.”
           “And I love you more.”
           “And I love you most.”
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ashleyswrittenwords · 4 years
How to be a Queen [Part 26]
Summary: Princess Zelda is at a loss. Her handed royal responsibilities have begun to weigh heavily on her and she is eventually backed into a corner. Live a life she loathes or run away from everything she’s ever known? Navigating life is hard, and Link forces her to learn that she doesn’t have to do it alone.
Part 1
How To Be A Queen
I hated this.
She stared at me. My own staring had long turned to a steady glower; eyes squeezed almost shut as I tried to pick apart every stitch for some inkling of an answer. Maybe the real problem is that I didn’t have a coherent question.
The fire in my father’s mantle crackled to fill in my silence and illuminating my balled-up place on the carpet. I should be asleep right now, that was the plan anyway, but it was thwarted earlier in the day when my last bedroom was deemed a “risk”.
Still, I hated it all the more. The doll was in the same useless state where I placed it – a slightly slouched perch on the velvet loveseat. It intensely reminded me of when my tutors would make me find symbolism in a storybook where there obviously wasn’t, making me conjure some flowery explanation for why the author used this phrase or that description.
With my knees up to my chin, I fiddled with the hem of my night gown and wondered and wondered and wondered because a head full of pointless thoughts felt better than nothing at all.
There was commotion – arguing, then the door opened and I was met with the burning sight of Urbosa. In her hand was a page, crumpled by her fist, and I understood before she spoke.
“You can’t be serious!” she glowered. Urbosa was a woman who schooled her expressions masterfully yet now she was untamed.
My face reddened, embarrassment probably. “I can explain.”
“Explain what exactly? This man has threatened my life, my countrywomens’ lives, and now yours… and you want to give him a platform to speak on?”
She was outraged, flailing Ganondorf’s letter as she spoke. I pressed my lips together and let her rant on about what I had mentioned to Impa before. My toes pressed deep into the carpet.
“Your anger is something I can understand,” I finally said, frowning when she caught my gaze. “But I’m not a child and this is not an entirely irrational reaction.”
Urbosa watched me for a tense moment and stepped away to pace the room in an attempt to air out her feelings. When she did, I saw Impa accompanied her with a careful presence. I steeled myself for whatever it was she wanted to say.
My father’s quarters weren’t where I expected to be tonight, but at least he was in a safer (and more inconspicuous) part of the castle. If anything, the familiar setting was a slight comfort even if it wasn’t my own room. It was an airy space and not much had changed since the war started. I rose from my spot, trying to gracefully slip the doll into my gown’s deep pockets and perched myself where the toy once sat.
“Okay,” the Gerudo leader breathed again, sitting on the cushions with Impa across from me. “Okay, then explain it to me.”
I breathed in deeply. “No doubt you’ve read what he’s wrote, but I’ve read it more than you have. Let’s talk about it.”
The half impatient nod my way with born out of pure frustration. I could completely understand it, but it didn’t make the feeling of pressure any lighter.
“In his words, he wants to declare a form of parley,” I spoke, slowly choosing my words. “Meaning a temporary truce in war to sit down and discuss negotiation – or the start of them.”
I swallowed as I mentally scanned through the letter word-for-word in my head:
I doubt that my reputation holds well in your circles and it would be foolish to give a nobody’s word any weight.
“Traditionally, it would be held by one party sending an ambassador of sorts to the opposition. We would discuss terms at a distance, however he is willing to travel to Hyrule Castle himself.”
Urbosa scoffed, “That’s even worse.”
“It means he’s going in place of someone expendable. It was the whole point of ‘parley’ as a concept and he is willing to give us leverage to make this happen.”
I could tell there was more she wanted to say, but she chose not to. Impa spoke up instead.
“I realize that I haven’t told you this before,” she said. “But you should consider your image.”
My brow furrowed, “My image?”
“To history, Zelda, there has never been an enemy like this within the castle walls unless force was taken. No other ruler has offered an invitation like this before. Don’t you find that troubling?”
I felt my frown deepen. The fabric of my gown twisted around my fingers. I took another deep breath of the burning applewood in the hearth before saying, “The conflict we’re currently in has surpassed the amount of casualties in any other war I have lived through in half the time. Pray tell, do you find that troubling?”
They didn’t reply; they didn’t have to.
“I am afraid,” I spelled out. “I am afraid to see the country being torn with violence and bloodshed. To consider that I am assumed its leader is another type of fear I haven’t grasped yet, much less what historians will jot me down as. Better yet, let’s discuss how someone I know very dearly is out there; contingent to the choices I make.”
Roughly, I swallowed. My gaze went to the ceiling where engravings of old legends escaped the firelight.
“Let us discuss what I know will be his vehement disapproval of my consideration. My goal here is to mitigate as much as I can and if that means buying time at the cost of my reputation, then so be it,” I conceded. Impa stared at her hands and I could only feel shame, weak. I wonder if that’s what she had in mind. “Horrible rulers have preceded me and I don’t expect to be the last.”
There was a long moment of quiet that made it awful to resist squirming in my seat. I didn’t like our options either, but pride was my father’s forte. I wasn’t about to inherit it now that an opportunity like this is tangible, even if it came about through unconventional means. I’ll let them move me into the royal quarters and I’ll let them squander more of my personal time with increased security – I won’t let them pass this up without a single consideration.
Urbosa and Impa stood, I expected them to leave immediately but instead Urbosa said my name and took my hand in hers. Worry was in her eyes.
“You know I would never give you up,” I said softly. “I really hope you weren’t expecting me to abandon you so quickly.”
The sofa dipped slightly as she took a seat. “Tamen non obliviscar tui et filiae.”
At my slight confusion she merely smiled and said, “It means: Never forget your daughters. We say that when we underestimate our children after they’re grown. I am scared, Zelda.”
Our hand hold slipped into an embrace. She continued, “I worry constantly for you. As much as I want to, I don’t have all the answers. None of us do and maybe that’s why I reacted the way I did. I forgot that and, more importantly, I forgot you.”
  The next days brought sleepless nights. I wasn’t sure if I preferred them because in the darkness was the chilling vision of what Link had become. That dream wouldn’t fade as the days wore on, instead sharpening in the parts that struck me the most. In the mirror of my room, when Anju would prod at the dark circles under my eyes, I would see his eyes staring at me.
“It wasn’t real,” I muttered, almost angrily.
Anju grunted behind me with bobbypins caught between her teeth. “What wasn’t?”
“I had a dream,” I said. “And it wasn’t real, but I feel like it was and it’s ridiculous.”
“Well, ya look tired enough,” she replied with a nonchalant drawl, watching me in the mirror a moment before shrugging. “Everyone has nightmares, Zelda. Even Her Royal Grace Majesty Herself.”
The smile I tried to suppress fought hard. “It was about Link.”
“You’re worried! Welcome to the club. You already know the things Aryll writes to me, halfway between gloating and going stir crazy,” she laughed. “His next present to her has to be twice as shiny as the last.”
Her hands paused in their tugging. “If it’s bothering you, you should talk about it.”
I sighed, relenting quickly because she’d prod further if I hadn’t. I left out the odd parts about the strange man and the dancing and focused more on when I saw Link.
“It was probably me projecting…” I groaned. “But he seemed driven mad, Anju! And I caused that. The only reason why he isn’t with his family or living more peacefully is because of me.”
She considered it, seeming to weigh my words as she viewed me from the front. Her nose crinkled, “Zelda, you know that boy. I know that boy. When we were kids, he would always be the lead troublemaker leading the charges. Shocking, believe me I know, but you must be raving mad if you think he wouldn’t force himself into this mess regardless of your decisions.”
“With or without me?”
She hummed in thought, “Reckless is a word I would use  – no, wait – organized recklessness. But he has always needed help picking up the pieces. It used to be Aryll with scrapes and bruises.” Then, there was a glint in her eye that made me laugh, “I wonder who it’ll be now?”
  “There is no guarantee that the negotiations will come to anything,” Fierlin grimaced, reading through Ganondorf’s letter. “Though I won’t disagree that a truce, no matter how temporary, is a plus.”
He stroked his beard with a raised brow and met my eyes. “Do you… know how to send news to your right hand?”
We were in my father’s study with a long list of staff sitting on my desk, each with a detailed list of any possible connections to the opposition. I pushed it away.
“I have consulted every consultant at my fingertips at the moment; written out the pros and cons,” I said. My head rested on my fist in a dull way to help my sore neck.
“Well,” the man leaned back in his chair as old worn men tended to, “I know the tenacity and unwillingness to quit. I’ve gotten well acquainted with that side of him when he was my captain. Don’t get me wrong, Your Majesty, Link will follow any order you give him… but he will fight and kick every step of the way.”
“That’s only because Admiral Whitehurst is with him right now.”
He raised a hand to negate me. “Not necessarily. Link’s a fine remediator. He doesn’t show obvious favor to anyone under him and is constantly listening. He’ll tune out whatever sees fit. Any resistance you saw came from him alone.”
I glanced down at one of my desk drawers that contained some of Link’s letters and closed my eyes.
“I want him to travel back to the castle if we go through with it.” When, really, but it was hard to believe what was happening myself.
The look he gave me wasn’t remotely hopeful.
“I wouldn’t count on it. It’s not likely he would abandon his men because who is to say this truce lasts more than a day? We don’t know the temperament of this ‘Ganondorf’ and he is largely unpredictable in much else.”
“Will Link resent the idea that much?”
“I predict he will…” Fierlin stopped himself, then sighed. “He will have some complications with it.”
  That night, crumpled papers littered desk. They were filled with words that didn’t string together properly and thoughts that weren’t quite complete. The first letter was a formal inquiry of Ganondorf’s arrival. On the closed envelope, I pressed my father’s insignia with more pressure than necessary.
I kept it in a closed drawer because the second letter was both an order and request for counsel.
In this, my thoughts were far more frayed and there were countless drafts that kept the wick of my candle burning. It was a constant debate on whether I should even forgo pairing the first with it. I recalled his reluctance to retreat and the disappointment that came after. The ink pen felt heavier in my hand.
This was when I realized that this was what Impa was fearful of.
My hand dragged down my cheek and I forced myself to sit up straighter.
She has told me more than once, no matter how indirect, that whatever Link and I had would eventually conflict with my duties. Especially with the dynamic at play now, he was my Commander General and I was his Queen. I have asked the opinion of all my resources both past and present, why should my consideration of his opinion be so weighty?
It had grown to the point where I could barely put pen to paper.
An obstruction of my duties, that is a phrase Impa would say.
The words I ended up writing were addressing him formally. Though I was sure word had been sent about what had happened, I reiterated the events from what Lord Ibauna shouted about to the letter within my room. After that, in the most political way I could muster, I told him I was considering it with the counsel in mind. This time, I wouldn’t slip an additional note because I couldn’t think of anything that wasn’t me trying to influence him.
I bound the two letters and sent them the same night. Once I get the General’s counsel, I will make the final decision and either order him to send a messenger… or not.
  This is grossly miscalculated.
Urbosa was speaking, but it was difficult to truly listen to her. She was walking beside me. I want to say that her gentle suggestions to coax me off the ledge were helping, but it only pushed me to push my nails deeper into my palm. The sharp pain helped me more to keep my mouth shut.
“He was only trying to assert another option.”
I glanced to her and said through gritted teeth, “What he was trying to do was insult my integrity.”
My steps were heavier than they usually were when going to attend meetings with the admirals. On any other day, I would approach it with a cool head. It was a war room, I wanted to be as even keeled and level-headed as I could.
Now, I couldn’t stop seeing red.
Just barely, I turned my head towards her. “He acts as if he has had lifetimes of experience already,” I hissed, pausing briefly while passing a couple of maids with bowed heads. “Link is barely any older than I. Ridiculous.”
Urbosa and I bounded a set of stairs and before I entered the war room, I requested an ink pen and parchment as well as the awaiting messenger. It hadn’t been two days before I got a reply from Link. A set of officers stood when I entered the room.
I wasn’t exactly surprised to see Admiral Whitehurst return almost immediately after the letter arrived. His face was still red from his traveling and I politely acknowledged him.
“Your general isn’t happy,” he said. “He made the carriage ride through the night, gods willing my back is still intact.”
“Oh, no,” I uttered out, splaying the several pages Link had written me onto the table. “He surely is not.”
The admiral blinked considerably. I had never acted this way in front of them, but at this point I didn’t have the luxury to care. The only reason I took a seat was to keep them all from standing awkwardly.
“Groveling at the enemy’s feet, he says,” I glanced at the pages with a casted hand. “How, exactly, is he coming to these absurd conclusions?”
I feared that he would have tried to influence Link more in my disfavor, but I did trust what Fierlin had told me and the handwriting on the correspondence was unmistakably Link. Why he had sent John Whitehurst was a mystery to me altogether, perhaps in an effort to sway me even more?
Well, good, I thought. Maybe the one he is receiving will beat some sense into him.
Whitehurst grunted as he sat back in his chair and took a moment to adjust.
“General Forester is doing what he was appointed to do, fight to win. If we pause, especially in the terms he has relayed to me, I believe that he believes you have given up.”
I reeled back, “When has lessening the toll this war has taken meant ‘giving up’? Did he say those exact words?”
He looked uncomfortable. “Um, yes, perhaps, Your Grace.”
I breathed in deeply. Slowly, I counted from ten.
Tyrant was a bad look on anybody – more so me.
“Okay,” I said finally, calmer. “I think we can now say we have received all the insight we need to make a decision.”
A guard who was outside the door brought in a pot of ink, a pen and parchment. I thanked him quietly.
“I wanted to convene one more time before I decide to send this order,” I said, taking the pen between my fingers. The correspondence on the table, which Urbosa was now leafing through with Whitehurst, was missing the final page. It was burning in my dress pocket.
Reconsider, Zelda.
I caught Urbosa’s gaze while the officers and the sparse admirals had a last discussion about weighing the final options, or their lack of. She watched me with a solemn demeaner. Then, she nodded.
I will not be there to help you.
I don’t need his help.
“Is it decided, gentlemen?”
Delicately, I folded the paper twice just in time for the messenger to walk through.
My only words to him was an order to send my acquisition across enemy lines.
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runolllo-fanboygirl · 3 years
A separate anon butting in for the two cents; first, yes!! Ever since I noticed the pronoun thing for Revali, it seemed to me like a big point in favour of him being younger, so I'm glad I'm not the only one! Also (main reason for the ask) re: Mipha's age/Urbosa considering her part of the younger generation: I figured that she IS actually really young, just looks closer to adult size than other young Zora because she's royalty = bigger than regular Zora? Zora are pretty confusing re: age though
Hi! The thing about Zora age is too complex so if you don’t mind I’ll make another post about that when I’m ready. But I mostly feel like people’s “confusion” stems from trying to find a formula to equate Zora age to Hylian (human) age, as if you could say 5 zora years = 1 human year of development. It doesn’t work that way between real humans and other animals and there is no reason why it should with the Zora.
But anyway, Mipha was old enough that she was about to propose marriage to Link and Dorephan was super ready for it. The way she’s so h0rny for Link in her diary is hilarious, but jokes aside, it’s an indicator of her being physically mature too. The fact that Mipha is so short might be her being a really young adult that’s still going to grow to full Zora size (some lizards and marine species never stop growing so) or she just being kinda short for a Zora, just like Sidon happens to be taller than the average instead. Ultimatedly it’s mostly character design and trying to make them stand out among the Zora NPCs by giving them these unique exaggerated traits.
And yeah about Revali’s very interesting pronouns in Japanese, I’ll elaborate more now, the other post got too long (this post, for context for other readers). Like, yes older men who mostly use “ore” might use “boku” sometimes, for instance in front of their boss or even in front of important older people to sound humble, but:
1) Revali is the less humble person in ALL of Hyrule;
2) Revali NEVER switches pronouns. He even uses “boku” in front of Link when they are alone, just the two of them... if Revali was going to switch to “ore” at any point, that would had been the time. So Revali isn’t using “boku” to sound a bit respectful or subdued in front of certain people (royalty like Zelda and Mipha, tribu chiefs like Urbosa and Daruk, etc.). 
(More under the cut)
I’ll admit though, “ore” might sound a bit strong for someone like Revali, but he could be using neutral pronouns to avoid “ore”... yet he uses “boku” and the fact remains there are many other hints pointing to him being around Zelda and Link’s age that we already explained on the other post. So the most logical simpler explanation is that he uses “boku” because he’s something of a 16-18 years old male. 
Just in case someone is interested: this works very well for those fantastic trans!Revali headcanons too. Not all guys feel comfortable using “ore” even as older adults.
And so, to end this, I want to reiterate: I’m not trying to police people’s headcanons! There is no canon for Revali’s age, just strong hints that he’s something like a late teen or just barely adult. I just like discussing meta and knowing the characters’ ages help me understand them better.
It’s very interesting how the western localizations can make the Japanese fandom and our side of the fandom see the same character so differently. Revali is very condescending in English, so I totally get that he sounds like a 20-something year old guy dismissing Link as just some silly boy with a magic sword. In Japanese, however, the pronouns and tone Revali uses immediatedly tells you that Revali is but a boy himself and he just wants Link to see him as an equal but that would be too lame to say out loud you see Revali has a REPUTATION as stronk Rito Warrior manchild (and this is why people joke that Revali is “tsundere” in Japanese. He’s nicer to Link than in English but in most cases goes very backhandedly about his appreciation for his friend lol).
(Also sorry super late reply the internet started to spoil me Pokemon Snap so I decided to avoid social media for a bit and forgot to finish this draft)
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