#bad fan theory
vivaislenska · 5 months
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Maybe one day they’ll be able to flip through their scrapbook and laugh about it all
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This is very funny when you consider that the killer in every season so far has been a woman
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niinnyu · 4 months
Here's why I think the Gojo bait is not great writing and why you should maybe think so too (Spoilers till jjk 260).
We've spent the last few chapter consistently establishing a few things about our protagonist (Yuuji) and our antagonist(Sukuna).
1. Yuuji's father's soul is a reincarnation of Sukuna's twin: This instantly creates a connection between Sukuna and Yuuji.
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As if you needed one outside of Sukuna's constant mockery of his former vessel's lack of "competance", and that most of yuuji's biggest losses can be attributed to Sukuna, building his wrath brick by brick. But surely adds to it all.
2. Yuuji feels incredibly lonely right now: Anyone he's created any sort of meaningful (?) Bond with outside of just 'hey you're an ally I can fight alongside with' is currently either dead or greatly incapacitated.
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3. Also ofc the absolute damage that Yuuji has started incurring on sukuna. Damage that the slew of sorcerors before him couldn't. Forget about everyone teaching him abou love, Yuuji will show him Burning Rage.
This while also having hinted at Yuuji being possibly strong enough to do so on his own. He can go head to head with the King Of Curses with or without the help of his fellow sorcerors once he is able to harness this power.
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Anything that was Gojo vs Sukuna feels absolutely irrelevant with the build up that Gege themself has been creating through the past few chapters.
Gojo's form right at the end of the chapter undercuts the pacing completely. Readers are more interested in those last 2 panels of Gojo which are completely removed from and rather jarring to the buildup between Yuuji and Sukuna. Fan interest in Gojo isn't their fault because that's what the chapter makes you focus on.
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The only way I see this continue the buildup is if this is somehow Yuuji's doing or done with his knowledge, in which case it'd have been better to end the chapter by showing that Yuuji is aware of it and has an ace up his sleeve, bringing it back to the 2 relevent characters, and for people to stew in what Yuuji could be up to for a week.
But no matter what Gojo's visage there means, Yuuji in this moment has been so greatly undermined, not by his lack of strength, not by Sukuna outright demeaning him, but by the writing itself. By Gege.
And oh, how Yuuji deserves better.
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clqwthorne · 3 months
the crew reposting/posting dinostar art and making memes about brookenji breaking up.. its SO OVER for kenlynn fans 💀
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phantoms-planet · 6 months
Super/Fun Danny theory
I don't think Fun Danny and Super Danny are directly showing what Danny's ghost half is/obsession is, nor what danny would be like as a full human, what I DO think is that it shows a very interesting concept of how Danny views himself.
So obviously when Danny does separate into human and ghost as he goes through the ghost catcher his human self is lax, lazy, and a little selfish. His ghost self is high strung, putting pressure on himself to be a hero and on his "responsibility" to help.
In the flashbacks to moments before he gets his powers he doesn't really act the way Fun "human" Danny does. He doesn't act that way in the episode where Desiree changes his past either. He acts the way we see in the show normally, just without powers.
I don't think his ghost half was the side that had all the drive/passion and I don't think his more carefree side is strictly human.
What do I think the separation was? Danny's perception of who he is as a Ghost vs Human.
When he got his powers he had even more responsibility and pressure put on him. As a ghost he needs to fight other ghosts, keep amity safe, keeps ghosts safe from his parents/other ghost catchers, etc.
As a human he needs to keep up his grades, maybe his parents want him to go into a specific career, bullies? All normal kid stuff. Much less demanding than when he's Phantom.
I think Super Danny and Fun Danny is a result of how Danny views the two sides of himself. He knows he can goof off more as a human, let himself be more selfish and act more like a kid. He knows that as a ghost he almost never gets a break, especially as one of the few Good Ghosts willing to fight against the Bad Ghosts.
I also think it's impossible to separate Danny from his ghost side like that. As Phantom he's still Danny. He doesn't act any different. His ghost side is just Danny but dead, it's not a whole new personality or being.
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weirdlyfitting · 4 months
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old doodles b4 ct premiered o3o)
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vladdyissues · 1 year
I believe that the only reason Vlad and Maddie didn't have children in Masters of All Time is it would raise a heavy moral conundrum that the writers didn't want to tackle in a kids show.
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Because if that door had opened up and Danny had seen Vlad and Maddie's kids, he'd have to deal with the terrible fact that by trying to fix his own timeline, he'd be erasing his own half-siblings from existence. Not to mention Vlad and Maddie's relationship, their happiness, the life they'd built together. Still ridiculously in love after 20+ years.
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Maddie would undoubtedly love her and Vlad's children just as much as she loves Danny and Jazz in their own timeline, and there's no question how much Vlad would cherish his kids.
And supposing that Vlad couldn't father children for some reason, I think he'd be completely on board with adoption. (So even if Danny wasn't wiping people out of existence, he'd be denying them a loving home and family.) The absence of children is just downright baffling, given the evidence we've seen of Vlad's character. The man was dying for a family, desperate to love and be loved. (See: Maternal Instincts, Secret Weapons, Kindred Spirits.)
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But no offspring meant no "loose ends" to deal with, no baggage, no sticky moral conflicts. Because Danny would certainly be conflicted by a situation in which he had to unmake his half-siblings. In Kindred Spirits we saw how he hadn't wanted to harm Danielle, who was essentially his own DNA assembled by Vlad; by this same principle, I don't think he'd want to hurt his half-siblings, even if they were made by worst enemy.
If the writers had shown Vlad and Maddie happily married with kids, if the audience had sympathized with Vlad, then Danny would be the villain for wanting to rip that family apart.
(Also, they had to show Vlad doing a complete 180 and going full Evil Diabolical Villain with a side order of Lying Husband at the end of the episode, just to reinforce the idea that This Guy Is And Always Will Be The Bad Guy And Don't You Forget It.)
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hillbilly---man · 5 months
been trying out different color filters on my phone to see if there was one that might help my Vision Issues™ (I heard someone on a podcast mention tinted lenses for neurological vision problems)
HEAVY sigh to discover that the one that helps the most is a bright green. I'd never live that one down if I got bright green tinted glasses...
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shaeshark42 · 4 months
So if Emily Axford doesn’t come back as Fig, who would we like to see her play in a theoretical Senior Year?
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months
Imagine if Jin Zixuan DID yeet his brother from another mother (🥲) down the stairs.
Meng Yao: I'm your brother. Happy birthday! 🥰
Jin Zixuan: There can only be one. YEET
I am truly sad he didn't; think of the 'No Doubles' memes that we could have had...
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starlight2634 · 2 months
So what if Noe didn’t actually kill Vanitas?
We all know that The Case Study of Vanitas is from Noe’s POV and how at the end of the journey he kills Vanitas.(which I think for Vanitas is freeing him)
I have a theory. And it could just be bs and all but hear me out.
From my semi vague understanding of the plot, Vanitas’ name isn’t his own but the original vampire of the blue moon’s.
And with Noe saying he killed Vanitas at the end of the journey, and I’m going on a limb here, that he figuratively killed him. Like somehow freed Vanitas from his role as the vampire of the blue moon without killing him.
As in Noe got rid of Vanitas role and thus killing the name of the vampire of the blue moon. The whole anime and manga(haven’t read) revolves kinda around Vanitas freeing Curse Bearers by finding their true names.
What I’m trying to kinda say is that Noe found the blue moon vampire’s true name and set them free, releasing Vanitas role as the blue moon vampire.
TLDR: Either Noe figuratively kills Vanitas and Vanitas is released from being the vampire of the blue moon. Or this is just a 3AM random thought and I’m sleep deprived.
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superhusbands4ever · 6 months
In my most delusional of moments I like to imagine that The Bad Batch will end with Star Wars/Disney announcing a show about how Rex, Wolffe, and Gregor started working together and a clone rebellion in the Empire and how they ended up on Seelos in Rebels but alas, I have little faith
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spoons-posts · 1 month
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Predicting future events in Bendy and Boris in the Inky Mystery
I don't know if anyone noticed that Bill cipher might have made his first appearance in The Inky Mystery in Chapter 252 and not the recent Chapter 338. I was recently re-reading some inky Mystery chapters and came across some interesting things that might foreshadow future events in the series. (Hang in tight because this is going to be a long ride)
In chapter 252, The Eye Looking through the Crystal Ball, the Cup bros decide that they are going to tell the rest of the Questers about them being Debtors. That they are going to reveal everything that they've been hiding, the reason they chased the b-bros, and that they work for the Devil. However, before they are going to tell them they receive a strange letter. A letter that is sending words in real time like a phones call. It instructs them that they shouldn't tell there friends about their debts and Wilson's journal or they'll regret it. Ultimately leading to everyone dying.
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Whoever writing this letter has knowledge of events that haven't even happened yet. Knowing about Cuphead and Mugman's personal lives. How would they know that if the cupbros tell the questers about their debt it will go horribly wrong? Well writer of this letter claims to know the future and is there to help them:
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Through out chapter 252, this letter guides Cuphead and Mugman to ice potion that leads them to get new bullet power-ups in order to prove that they are there to help them and that they could be trusted. They also mention that once the Machine is built, their friends can save them from their debt. At the end of the letter it is signed, Eye Looking Through the Crystal Ball.
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The Cupbros listen to the letter after hearing if they complete the quest, they'll be set free, but they still don't completely trust it. Okay, now notice throughout the letter the writer of this letter signs off as "Eye Looking Through the Crystal Ball" and says "I can see you in my mind's eye". Hinting that they may only have one eye and exist in the mind. Who is a character with one eye and exists in the MindScape, Bill Cipher!
To Prove this, lets look at Chapter 338, Some Demon Errands. In this chapter we seem to be in Bendy's dream or Mind. This is also the first chapter where we physically see Bill. When Bill Cipher meets Bendy he refers to him as I.G., and wants to offer him help on his quest but in return if would need to owe Bill a favor.
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The deal that Bill offers is knowledge and information for the quest to help with the quest. Somewhat similar to the letter in chapter 252 that the cupbros received, giving them a warning that could seen as help. Both Bill’s deal and the letter seem like they want to help with repairing the Ink Machine or the Quest, giving something in common with the letter writer and Bill Cipher. Another piece that is similar that could suggest that Bill cipher wrote the letter is when the cupbros were reading the letter, the writer accidentally wrote their shopping list (I think this could tie with Bill Ciphers unpredictable and strange behavior).Giving a proof that Bill could have been the writer for the letter.
There is more evidence in this chapter that Bill Cipher and letter writer are the same person. When Bill is explaining that he's Bendy's pal. Bill drops some questions that he can answer for Bendy, if he takes him up on the deal.
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In this paragraph notice how bill says "I can tell you ... what the authors have planned for you!" This right here proves that Bill can look into the Future just like the person claimed in the letter in chapter 252. If Bill really did send that letter and can look into the future, this means the subtle dialogue of Bill Cipher and the Letter could predict/foreshadow future events.
Now that we gathered this information, and can establish that Bill wrote the letter and can predict the future. It makes the rest of the interaction between Bill and Bendy much more serious then we thought. As they both continue their conversation, Bill offers the deal again to help fix the machine, Bendy declines to which he says "Nope, I'm good. I can find the Machine and fix it myself." Leading to this interesting bit of dialogue between these two characters:
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Bill does this stunt about Bendy dying before he can fix the Ink Machine and get the cure. Bill does this by showing an ink puddle below Bendy, signifying what happens to someone when the die to the ink illness (They turn into a ink puddle). Why would Bill show Bendy this message and be offering this help? He could be also doing this as a tactic to scare Bendy into making him take his deal. But I think Bill Cipher took a look into the future and seen Bendy dying to his illness because they weren't fast enough to get Bendy the cure. So he gives Bendy this subtle look into the future that if he waits to long he may die. This could foreshadow that Bendy may die at the end of the story.
If we continue looking at Chapter 338, when the conversation between Bendy and Bill is about to end, Bill drops another piece of important information:
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Since Bill can see in the future mentions that Bendy will be back stabbed twice by one of his of his "friends". It's unclear whether one person will betray Bendy twice or if its going to be two separate people betraying Bendy at different times. At first I thought the backstabbers were going to be the Cupbros since there are two of them. Until I read chapter 320.
In chapter 320, Jake Makes a Choice, we are sitting around a table with Cuphead, Mugman, and Cala Maria. They are discussing the anonymous letter (which could be Bill Cipher) and Wilson's Book. During discussion, Cuphead brings up a little speech about not trusting anyone in the House with Wilson's Book.
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Cuphead gives a list of people that he doesn't trust to know about Wilson's journal. These could be seen as potential people that might betray the rest of the Group. I'm going to list some characters and how they could be become potential traitors in the future. (Aside from Sir Hiss, lets be honest he's not doing anything other than being a criminal informant, and I don’t think he’d want to get in trouble with the Cupbros. Plus I don't think Bendy considers him a friend)
Possible Future Traitors
First person who might betray Bendy would be Alice. I don't think Alice would intentionally back stab or betray the questers on purpose. I think she'd get in some sort of serious trouble from the Upper when they take the Chalice, ultimately leading to her having to betray her friends whether she likes it or not. Like Cuphead said she already got in trouble with her city once.
Second, Boris, this one is kinda a stretch. I think he is going to see something he's not going to like when using the instrument just like when he saw how the Demon-Angel War started because of the Machine (Later on, I'm going to bring this up again and how Bill might relate to the ink machine) which would leading him to trying to prevent the repair of the Machine or only allow a select a few people to use the cure. Which could be a slight betrayal but I'm not really convinced it would be him because we know that he wants to save his brother. (I know Bendy and Boris are brothers not friends but I think he would count)
Next person that might betray Bendy is Reide, Which I think is going to happen. We know at first Reide was pretending to be Bendy's friend so he could kill him. That was until Anzu told him to keep off because he's the Devil's, and that he should only watch Bendy and use him for insights (Chapter 258). I think it's guaranteed that Reide is going to backstab Bendy in one way or another because he believes Bendy doesn't deserve to to be a High Class Demon and the fact he is an Angel-Pet. I don't think Reide would betray Bendy in the sense of killing him because Reide and Anzu are convinced that the Devil or his friendly nature compared to other demons will already get him killed.
These are just guesses on who might be the traitors and I could be totally wrong. I could have overthinked it and just might be the Cupbros, or maybe not. We won't really know until its revealed.
Back to Bill Cipher
I want to say one more thing about Bill Cipher and why he could be so urgent to help out with fixing the Ink Machine. In both the letter and Bendy's dream, Bill really wants to see Ink Machine fixed. The reason why is so he could possibly use the Ink Machine for his own personal gain. In Chapter 244 Boris says how the Demon-Angel War really started when the Past Devil tried to steal the Ink Machine. Bill Cipher isn't the Devil but he's definitely a Demon and could want the Ink Machine and it's parts because of the raw power they possess. Bill cipher may want them to maybe make a Weirdmageddon or cause the another Demon-Angel War using the Ink Machine. But this could only really happen if Bendy or any of the other questers make a deal with Bill. Then again he could want something entirely different.
Finish Line and Thank You
I want to thank anyone that made it to the end of this for listening/reading to my rambling, theories, and predictions. Hope that they made sense and I'm sorry if they didn't. This took an insanely long time to make from gathering information and composing it together. I usually don't make stuff like this but I thought it would be cool and fun to share my findings and ideas. Even if it's not even correct or becomes outdated to new upcoming chapters. I really had fun making this and I hope you enjoyed it too. I want to Thank you one last time again, you are all the best!
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Links to Chapters and Gathered Information
Chapter 244: https://archiveofourown.org/works/10726146/chapters/91272655
Chapter 252: https://archiveofourown.org/works/10726146/chapters/98656362
Chapter 258: https://archiveofourown.org/works/10726146/chapters/101084862
Chapter 320: https://archiveofourown.org/works/10726146/chapters/136348753
Chapter 338: https://archiveofourown.org/works/10726146/chapters/144507862
The Inky Mystery Wiki:
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shinpikurage · 26 days
Every time I remember that big good omens theory doc that says that season 2 is bad and awful cause it's not real and it's actively being edited by the villain I have a laugh
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violetmuses · 27 days
I just thought of something! 👀
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Using the canon "Bad Boys" timeline, if Armando was born in March 1996, Mike's romance with Isabel takes place when the 1995 movie came out!
If we follow my theory, Mike secretly locked Isabel with prison before the first "Bad Boys" movie even starts!
Tag List: @nelo0wesker @yassbishimvintage @nobodygetsza @peaxhygirl @superstar-t20 @adoresmiles @klssngss @deja-r @hyper-trash-panda 🏷
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nebula-blitzar · 7 months
Just kinda in the mood to post this so like
There’s a lot of rumors and speculations on how Fizz and Oz met and when so I thought I would share my personal theory.
I think when the incident first occurred, Mam freaked the fuck out because he had just signed a contract, had been doing work for him on the side, and made him lots of money. So Mam calls up Oz and asks him for prosthetics for cheap. They were decent quality (especially for the price,) and Oz had written instructions and stuck them to the prosthetics so Mam would see them. Mam, being the lazy ass he is, threw them away and just gave Fizz the prosthetics, with no guidance on how to use them.
Now Fizz was further indebted to Mammon, so he couldn’t really leave. He worked full time for him, and was still paid as much as he needed to get by (decent apartment, food). At some point along this timeline, Mam also had Asmodeus make the Fizz-bots, which lightened the load. But Fizz’s performances became more intense, and further put stress on him.
I do want to note I have a theory that imps with irises (all the time) have chronic anxiety or other problems. Since other imps’ irises only appear when they’re upset in some way, shape, or form. So that would be Barb, Blitzø, and Fizz. Cash didn’t have irises, but Tilla did, and since she was sick and shit, it kinda makes sense.
So with all of this stuff happening to Fizz and around Fizz with no one to help him, he had worsened anxiety. But he kept performing since he felt so indebted to Mammon. Around the four and a quarter year mark, Fizz started to feel some pain where his limbs were attached to his body. So he asked Mammon. Mam, being the asshole he is, said no, obviously, so he just kinda..kept performing through the pain.
Since the pain was persistent enough to get in the way of Fizz’s performances, he kept asking Mammon. Finally, Mam let him go do it so he would shut up about it. So Fizz and Oz finally got to meet in person, and they learned the problem was basically some pretty severe friction burns from not wearing them properly (y’know since Mam threw the instructions away) and so Oz was pissed about Mammon not listening to him (as always) and wanted to call him to give him a piece of his mind.
Fizz stops him, saying it’s a bad idea, and that Fizz will get in more trouble, so he doesn’t call Mam.
Then Fizz leaves, and Oz goes back to work, but not without texting Bee asking if they can meet up (if you don’t hc Bee and Ozzie as friends we can’t be friends/j) sometime soon. Bee is obviously like totes dude and a few days later, they meet up.
Oz asked to hang out to consult Bee on the fact he kinda had a crush on Fizz, Bee is super excited (duh) and is like tell me everything they talk more and come to the conclusion Oz has a genuine crush, and him and Fizz should talk more.
Oz doesn’t want to be awkward and text Fizz just to talk, but lucky for him, a few weeks later, Fizz applies for a job application at Ozzie’s, cause he wants to be able to afford some luxuries, and for that he needs more money, and Mammons not gonna give him a pay raise. Since Fizz actually is a really good fit for the job, he gets it.
Anyway the pair get really close both business wise and friend wise, and Fizz does more shifts at Ozzie’s. Mam isn’t actually that mad since he has the Fizz-Bots to perform, advertise and sell.
At some point near the five year mark, the pair kiss, and while both sides enjoy it, it keeps both of them up late. So the next day after Ozzie’s closes they talk it out and end up accidentally confessing their feeling to each other.
So yeah that’s first meeting, how they got together, and why they got to know each other. I am writing a fanfic about this in more detail, and this is probably not the last time I mention this theory, so stay tuned!
Ps thanks for reading this long ass rant lol
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