#this snarky bastard is still fun to write
scary-lasagna · 10 months
hi if you still do yandere can I have some yandere EJ? your version of him is my favorite !!
Thank you!! :] I like writing for him, he's fun to play around with, just as he does to his victims darlings. It's a little long but you know I love setting the mood.
tw: kidnapping, semi-nekedness, dead bodies, family death, noncon kissing
Yandere!Eyeless Jack
Quivering. Shaking. Only shreds of your clothing remained in tact to cover whatever was left of your modesty.
You sat in a cold, dead corner. There was no light whatsoever. Even if you could move your hand, you'd no doubt wouldn't be able to see it right in front of your face.
It smelled pungently of rancid rotting meat, urine, and what you believed to be the underlying metallic smell of blood.
It was hours ago that Jack climbed in through the basement window, and started dumping dull, heavy, heaps of garbage bags across the floor of this abandoned basement.
You didn't want to think about what was inside them.
Jack didn't eat food, he ate humans. You could only assume this was his calorie income for the next week. But, six bodies? You only hoped he wasn't hosting a party for any other freaky demon friends he might have.
You hoped you weren't next.
Jack had already ripped your clothes to shreds in an effort to get you to shut up about the damp basement. He was the one to ask if you needed anything in the first place. Kindly. Foolishly, you thought he had somewhat of a change of heart.
"Ohhh, I see. The dampness is making you so miserable down here, isn't it? If you had no clothes, you wouldn't be so damp, now would you?"
It taught you quickly not to ask for things.
If his talons could easily shred through the fabric of your denim, there would only be a grim end if he decided your life was making you miserable.
And there it was, the jiggle of the basement window latch. The horrors beyond your imaginative mind terrified you.
This man, no- this creature, this monster, plucked you from your safe haven and dragged you kicking and screaming into an abandoned house in the city.
You didn't know where he received the supplies, or if they were already there and he decided on a whim to tie you to a pipe with a heavy rope.
The rope thickened with both blood and that black tar that leaks down Jack's mask. There was no escape and the only time you tried biting off your restraints, the black tar almost choked you to death, worming its way down your tongue and into your throat.
"Good evening, my precious gem." The bastard cooed, and slithered down the wall. The floor squelched as he paced across it toward you. It was wet over there. Luckily, whatever it was hasn't reached you yet.
You knew it was blood, but deep down you just hoped it was a leaky pipe.
"How are you doing today? Less damp, I hope."
He must be able to see in the start, noting the uneven steps mostly stepping over the garbage bags of dead bodies.
You couldn't manage anything but a fearful sob, choking out past your puffy and cracked lips. Jack's shoes squeaked as he squatted, a small puff of breath ghosting on your face.
"I asked you a question." Jack quickly grasped your jaw, squeezing it with such force you were afraid the bone may snap. You cried out in pain, desperately pulling away from his claws.
"Better, but not exactly an answer. I'm in a good mood today, so I'll let it pass." He coos. His grip softened, but by no means did he let go.
"From now on, I expect a loving kiss when I get home. Let's start now, hm?~" Despite the darkness, you could hear the end of his sentence upturning into a snarky smile. He quickly pinned you down with his weight, sitting on your lap.
That's when you started thrashing.
You weren't even sure if you could stomach the kiss alone. His mouth smelled of rotting meat and blood, but the teeth, those were a problem. One swift bite and you're left choking on your own blood pooling in your windpipe, whenever he decides to bite the bottom of your jaw off.
You kicked, you screamed, you punched, and you even attempted to rip his hair out. It was all futile; This creature was inhuman. Your stupidly weak attempts were no match to this demonic being.
Your head suddenly met the pipe ungracefully, and Jack's lips smooshed against yours in the middle of a curdling scream.
Multiple meaty, fleshy tongues jousted forward between your teeth, assaulting your own tongue, gums, cheeks, and eventually sliding down your throat to trigger your gag reflex.
You punched his collar bone and attempted to bring your knee up hard enough to push him off but to no avail. If anything, you were probably tickling him.
Your chest convulsed as you attempted to breathe, until you realized he was blocking your entire airway with his tongues. You desperately hit him with the last of your remaining strength, and pushed him. Even going as far as shoving your thumb into on of his eye sockets.
It only made him hungrier for you, pressing his body against you and tilting your head upward for a better angle to reach your throat with.
That's when the power to the building finally flickered on. You stopped fighting. A spotted haze worked it's way into your vision, locking eyes with the naked corpse hanging from the ceiling above you.
Dead, yet familiar eyes, of the person that you loved most in this world. Gone.
You gave up. There was no escape. Never will be. The power went out again, or maybe it was the darkness of death finally engulfing you.
You hoped you were dead.
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thegnomelord · 6 months
i remember how hound accused price of replacing him w gaz when they first got hound back, but that will be a 1000 times worse w alpha!gaz 🫣
just imagine how betrayed hound would feel, the angst....
Oooh head that would be fun to play around with, but I'm still unsure if I will end up including abo to the main story despite the poll. A moot of mine gave the suggestion of doing like occasional ficlets with abo Hound but keep the main story as it was without the omegaverse.
But I think it's the same either way, Hound a young man eager to prove himself, someone that can be molded by Price's experienced hands. And in his eyes, he was thrown away for a shinier model that Gaz is.
Okay I am so eager to actually get to the writing part where Hound gets to be a snarky bastard at Gaz and Gaz gets to be the same to him lol
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ech0schamber · 1 year
Hello, I read your post on Dazai and Ranpo if their s/o fell into a coma for a year. I was wondering if I could request Dazai and Ranpo running into the person who caused their s/o to fall into a coma, how would those two react and what would they do?
I hope your doing well, feel free to ignore this if you don't want to write this. ♡
I am doing well, thank you! <3 and honestly, i was hoping someone would request this as i didn't want to make the other post too long :,]
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☆after months of physical therapy, you were finally able to walk without mobility aids! to congratulate you and to make up for lost time, dazai took you out on a date!
☆honestly, this date mainly consisted of walking around Yokohama and going to all your favorite stories. he'd never tell you, but while you were in a coma he saved up a shit ton of money to spoil you when you woke up
☆all was going great until you ran into the bastard that sent you into a coma
☆you, somehow, remembered what they looked like, and it made you panic. what if they wanted to finish the job? what if they had been stalking you?
☆dazai noticed that you were starting to panic very quickly, he's become way more observant of you theses past few months. he pulled you into a quiet alley way to help you stabilize your breathing and got you to explain what had happen
☆oooh man, if he didn't have a rule about no killing since he joined the agency, this man probably would've killed them on the spot
☆he asked you to point out who it was, and quickly got you out of there. you can always come back later, and he really didn't want to break the rule he has followed for over 3 years now (taking into consideration that you were in a coma for a year)
☆the two of you continued your day as if it never happened. you two had a nice dinner, then a long cuddle session :]
☆once he knew that you were completely asleep, he'd sneak out of the bedroom and call chuuya
☆chuuya didn't have a no kill rule, and surprisingly will listen to dazai about shit like this
☆let's just say that the person was taken care of the next day and you'd never run into him again
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☆same thing as dazai, you had finally 'finished' your physical therapy and the two of you wanted to celebrate that! even though it was mainly ranpo dragging you to different candy stores, while going to the stores you wanted to go to in between, you still had fun
☆i mean, who wouldn't have fun hanging out with ranpo all day?
☆you had been listening to ranpo talk about poe's newest novel when you spotted the person who sent you into a coma
☆ranpo immediately noticed that something was wrong, and of course, figured out what was going on really quickly
☆before you could stop him, he walked right up to this person! you were just staring at him like he was fucking insane
☆he started by bluntly asking if that person had caused the incident, and of course it was a snarky bastard who'd love to boast about what they had done
☆ranpo had let this person keep speaking for a minute before he interrupted them and started talking down to this person. like, we've seen him talk down to someone before, but he took it even further than we're all used to seeing
☆he started to absolutely berating and insulting this person, and probably their full blood line as well. and ohhh boy, he did not hold back. we saw how quickly he figured out fukuzawa, just imagine the type of shit he could figure out about this person
☆but it was starting to cause a scene, so after letting ranpo have his fun for a while, you had to drag him away
☆while he wasn't going to apologize for causing a scene like that, he did take you to your favorite restaurant and had a very long cuddle session once the two of you got home
i would love to see ranpo roasting the shit out of someone
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smilingangel582 · 2 months
Hiii I got a request... sorry for not taking any! I got too much on my plate actually hehe but it's selfish to say so.
Anywayyy I got a lee!Umemiya request ( It might have spelling errors) and hope yall enjoyyy this selfish otaku's writing!
Thank u!
Warning spoilers for Windbreaker
Ume-chan's turn!
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Bofurin's leader, Umemiya Hajime, is as strong as the rumours say. Sakura has seen everything about him during the Shishitorens clash days ago. He wonders how someone could possibly become the top, and Umemiya is the one to show him...
"Ahhhh ahhh! Sugishita I told you to water the other set!"
What the hell is he doing summoning people just so he can show his 'grass'?
Umemiya Hajime is weird...
Hiragi growled now clicking his tongue as he grabbed Umemiya by the collar to drag him back to the centre. "Oi baka-memiya! I told you to pay attention to others! You summoned Tamon teams group just to show off your tomatoes?"
Umemiya dramatically gasped. "Nooo!" Then adds as he gestures to the radishes." I wanna show off these babies!
"Seriously, Umemiya is..." Sakura groans his brow, twitching, and that's when Sugishita steps in with snarl, raising his fist to threaten Sakura (not like he's actually gonna hit Umemiya's precious two coloured Sakura)
"Sugiiishitaa! What did I tell you about starting fights with Sakura!" Umemiya jabbed his side causing Sugishita gasp and whimper like an offended puppy nodding both in mental and physical pain.
"Aww, but you're sweet, always helping your big brother! Come hereeee!"
Tackling the tall long-haired guy, he began tickling him. Sugishita barely fights back his snickers and rare happy noises. Probably because he's a fanatic... Sakura just clicked his tongue.... murmuring "Childish"
Suo smiles playfully, "But very cute... they are like brothers..."
Hiragi eye rolls, now grabbing Umemiya and stopping the fun, "Well our dear leader, why don't you have a taste of yer own medicine!"
"Eh? A-Ah! Hiraaagii??" Suddenly bright childish laughter spills from Umemiya, now squirming and trying to push those nimble hands of Hiragi. Despite his growl and irritated expression, he genuinely seems to enjoy it.
Sakura blush, the leader of bofurin is... ticklish?
Suo claps happily in a graceful way, "Ooh Sakura look at that... our big brothers are really having fun"
Sakura's ears turned red in embarassment, "W-whatever! Just silly!"
Hiragi snapped and Umemiya still mercilessly tickling Umemiya who was begging and giggling like a child, "You bastard... I respect ya but I also hate ya so much that I wanna...! Ugh damn it you are so annoying"
"HIhihihirahahagi jahahaha! Sohohohorry buhuhuhuhut ihihihihihi lohohohove thehehehe nehehehew plants!"
Gritting his teeth, "stop talking or yer gonna make things worst!" He scribbles his hips which made Umemiya cackle, "Ahahaha ok ok! Ihihihihi wohohoont! Ahahaha mehehehercy!"
Hiragi shook his head, glaring playfully, "Noo noo all those times you messed with us... this..." he raised his hands to tickle his stomach in a swift move "is payback..."
"WAAAAH! ahahaha Hiraaahahagiiii pleheheease!"
Sugishita let's a silent pout, sad that his fun with Umemiya had to be interrupted by Hiragi. Sakura meanwhile snaps at Suo for something snarky and Nirei calming him down despite his own amusement.
"Ha? I just said a leader should be this weak to something so... so..." his voice wavering, flustered, "stupid!"
"But Sakura-kun, you speak as if your immune to this -I quote you, 'stupid' weakness" he looms over Sakura, poking him and making him jump like a wild offended kitten.
"N-no stay away!"
Hiragi stops, knowing Umemiya's had enough as he's flushed and fatigued, lying on the ground, a hand over his eyes, "phew... y-you sure dohohont show mercy Hiragi..."
Hiragi helps Umemiya up, sighing, "Jeez... I seriously don't get you..."
Umemiya grinned, "But come on, I just want to lighten up our little brothers... look.. they already resemble us..." he grins adding with a whisper, "Sakura-kun is ticklish too... isn't that precious?"
Gestures to Suo teasing Sakura by poking his side and discovering something marvelous about their grade captain.
"Don't go attacking the poor guy so fast," Hiragi slaps the back of his head, making Umemiya grin mischievously.
Hiragi shrugged now, staring at the group as well from a distance noticing Sugishita watching them mess with Sakura, "Well, idk about similarities, but at least you two have the same allure to move others. And you both are ticklish..."
Umemiya huffed, "Is that all? I think he's got the heart of a gentle kid like me -ah!" He gasped when Hiragi prodded his side, making him sigh.
"Well, whatever... at least i feel at ease since he's here in furin, " he grinned a little, now wiggling his fingers sneaking towards the first years as he skidded towards them.
"Sakuuuraaa-kuuun, here's a little welcome gift! And gotcha!" He tackles Sakura from behind, beginning a little tickle fight. Despite Umemiya being sensitive as well, Sakura does not know how to fight back.
Hiragi watched fondly, recalling all the times they've fought together and even the times they messed with each other.
Suo and Umemiya joining to wreck the poor Sakura who was hissing and giggling trying to escape the wild tickles.
Bofurin is home... even for him.
(Hey hey hope it's good... kinda got awkward at the end because I don't have anything else to add, and trust me, Ume-chan is the best!)
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OFMD S2 EP 4-5: Izzy Hands (from a S1 Izzy fan)
I'll admit. I teared up at the Izzy shit in ep 1-3. Not a full-blown cry. But close. I was stressed, and tired, and hurt more than anything. I only cried in my car driving home. It hit, but it was more prolonged.
Do you know what got me crying? Izzy opened that letter, revealing 'For The New Unicorn'. He looks up and smiles. I went from 0-100 dry eyes to crying in seconds. I had to rewatch it because HELL.
The entire episode, hell, debatably from (S1ep4) we see Izzy go through it. Socially isolated and losing his identity. Leading up to S2ep4. Drunk and sad and heartbroken. He tries his best to stay afloat without a lifejacket as his self crumbles around him. He doesn't care anymore. He thinks his life is over. He lashes out because there's no one there to help him.
BUT THEN THE LEG. He cried and I cried during both scenes.
GOD, and the way that leads into EPISODE 5. Izzy slicked his hair back and regaining some of his own personal identity. Izzy genuinely bantering with Stede, and gently helping him to be a better Captain. The way he desperately asks Stede if Ed said anything else nice about him? Showing that. Yeah, he's not all the way there yet, but he's working on it. The training scene where Izzy just looks on in fascinated horror at Stede's skills? THE LITTE OKAY HANDSIGNAL AT THE END WHEN STEDE USED HIS GRUFF VOICE? He smiles, and jokes, and TRIES. Izzy is pissed, obviously, but he's getting there.
He is kind and caring, all WHILE STILL BEING A PRICK? Him being a total nerd during the curse monologue? Izzy mutters 'rude' and pointedly crosses his legs as Stede ruins the vibe. I laughed harder at Izzy sitting at that desk than I did at most of the jokes in the show. THAT'S MY FUCKING BASTARD!! I'm so happy I saw a character and have been rewarded by showing, yes. He is kind, and trying, but he needs to learn to let himself become new.
I fucking love him. I can tell from the teaser that Izzy is just going to grow closer with the crew (and with himself) and I can't wait. (Even if it means his imminent capture, whoops).
I do think they'll do something with Izzy/Lucius, at least a single happy (Izzy no longer holding himself back from wanting) consensual kiss or genuine discussion about life(post-wedding) to show their growth as characters because I had to pause with the cig and shark interaction. Jesus Christ. I didn't really ship it before, but they are so snarky and it's great.
I'm a bit sad as Izzy's current arc likely means he might not get the big 'fuck you' moment of anger to Ed that Lucius got. Mainly because Con would make me cry, but If Izzy is genuinely just shoving this shit down, ignoring the years that Ed ignored his existence, then...idk.
They purposefully gave Izzy and Ed no scenes and thank god we get a TINY break. Because Ed will try to patch things up, and I don't think it works like that with Izzy. He needs proof that Ed is trying. Add to that Ed ACTUALLY saying sorry to him, and not expecting Izzy to immediately accept it(my theory as to why Lucius pointed it out: Ed will ACTUALLY say sorry to Izzy and mean it. This will heal something for Izzy, and hell). I can't wait for Ed to come back and see him. See him for who he is, a silly prick who is loyal to a fault, who is loved.
This is likely the happiest two episodes we'll get, and fuck, I loved them both SO MUCH. After a rewatch I'll write about the crew. Ed/Stede is actually working for me as we watch them both learn, and Fuck, Lucius/Pete...my darlings.
THE IDEA OF SEEING CON IN DRAG AGAIN MAKES ME SO HAPPY! Especially what it means for Izzy. Izzy lets his hair down and has fun with Wee John as he explores what actually makes him happy. Hell, him opening up to being a bit of a masochist as a joke while tied up is...actually my favorite thing (while obvious, given his propensity to put Ed before him in all matters, Izzy casually mentioning 'I like to be roughed a bit up' in front of the crew is the type of openness about himself that I crave). Izzy "cocksuckers" Hands letting himself joke about SEX-GAY SEX(probably)- Kill me now.
(To clarify: I don't think he or Ed ever got off to the abuse, hell, we see Ed flinch away when Anne/Mary do it. That's not the face of someone who knows what that's like as the Sadist).
I just love the way Izzy has so obviously relaxed into a person that he'd never let exist. Hell. I hope Izzy gets to rub this happier version of himself RIGHT in Edward's sad face. I need a 'he was never like this with me' moment of Ed watching Izzy SMILE to parallel Izzy's jealousy in S1.
Con obviously loves this character, you can see it in the performance. He fills the role perfectly, from his ups to his downs. Con smiles and hell, that's not Con, that's Izzy fucking Hands. Striding along proudly pretending his world isn't changing, because it is, and he is healing and I LOVE IT.
I am so proud of our growing Izzy loving community. For some, we've been through a lot of shit. Probably in life, and hell, maybe even in this fandom. Even if you haven't been harassed, you loved Izzy, you saw yourself in him, and I hope you felt the show giving us a big fucking hug.
We grow, we recover, and hell. We get a happy fucking ending (with a few yet-to-be-seen bumps in the road).
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agent-calivide · 8 months
I've been seeing an uptick in people saying they don't get why John Juniper is a fan favorite or why the fandom is so over saturated with Phoenix x Juniper or just plain Juniper content, which is valid in all fairness. I know I sure as shit contribute to it a lot.
But seeing this consensus kinda got me thinking, outside of Juniper being a trademark Tumblr Sexyman, what was it that made him click so much with the fandom and got this feral, almost obsessive pedestal treatment compared to the other villains.
And I think I've figured out beyond just the Internet's love for a basic skinny white dude, though I do think that's a big contributor.
I think John Juniper is this fandom's companion cube. Bear with me-
In Portal, you spend all of your time alone. It is just you and GLaDOS, who's a voice you cannot see or talk directly to, you can only hear her. You are completely and totally isolated, your companion is snarky and a bit rude at times, and you have to figure out puzzles and die repeatedly without any meaningful support.
Then, after all this time, these ages of complete isolation, you get a cube. It doesn't look different from the other cubes on a fundamental level, but it's got pink hearts, and you're told this cube is special. It's different. It's meant to be remembered.
Suddenly, you're attached to this thing that, objectively, isn't special. It's just not. But you love it and you cling to it because it is the only thing you are given to break you from your torturous isolating shell.
Now, IEYTD is not the little bit to the left of horror like Portal is, but JJ isn't an emotionless box either. When putting the first IEYTD and Portal in a venn diagram, in the middle you get:
Two puzzle games where you're mostly alone with only one voice overwatching you as you partake in risky, deadly games. The voice doesn't outright loath you, but it doesn't help frequently and will often mock the silent protagonist throughout the levels. Even though the Handler's is teasing, it's still mocking. While there are other things/people, they don't interact with you personally in a meaningful way outside of their puzzles and serve their own purposes outside of the player. The closest we get to personal interaction is Solaris, but she fills in the Handler's roll for the level, taking on an almost more GLaDOS approach.
Then enters Juniper in IEYTD 2/The Companion Cube. Something/one that the game inherently tells you is special in its introduction, that you are meant to interact with in a meaningful way, and have near constant exposure to once its introduced until they meet their untimely end. There is one level in IEYTD 2 without Juniper physically in it, and even then it's still all about him. Meanwhile there is only one level where the Fabricator directly interacts with the Agent, Stage Fright. While the Fabricator is there, she's more of a support antagonist.
The main difference between Juniper and the companion cube is that Juniper can talk. He has a personality, you directly interact with him, he responds to your actions. And that is the main difference in how you still get that clingy reaction, even in a game that doesn't have more horror like themes in its isolation. The tone of the overall is lighter, but the personality makes up for him not being a literal cube.
Add on to that the fact that Juniper is, as far as I've seen, the most talked about villain other than Zor themselves outside of the games (and even that's debatable), and it's no wonder people love the guy. He had a singing contest, a riddle of the week that lead to a bunch of concept art/photos of him, a T-shirt, he was the first villain we directly saw a character model of for more than a split second like Caliente or the sniper in Squeaky Clean, and he has a classic bastard personality that a lotta fanfic authors love to write.
I think all of the IEYTD villains are fun, if you asked me pre IEYTD2 who my favorite was I woulda said Solaris in a heartbeat. But we just don't know as much about them as we do about Juniper.
As for shipping, Juniper, unlike Prism, doesn't inherently have ship fodder anywhere other than his dynamic with Phoenix.
Prism very easily clicks with Reginald, the two bonding and joking back and forth, Handler regularly showing concern for her and feeling a bitter-sweetness when he sees Prism still has the photo of her hugging him and Director Morales. Handler explains her little habits, clarifies things for Phoenix, and is terrified when she almost dies. All of this absolutely can be platonic, I like it either way, but it's still a notable emotional attachment for her to connect with a character other than Phoenix. Sure, you can absolutely ship Phoenix and Prism and simp for her and ship her with other characters, but this is the most positive chemistry we've seen between any characters in this franchise so far.
Juniper meanwhile has... his staff? That he treats like shit more often than not? The Fabricator? Who, let's be honest, gets along with Juniper like water and an oil fire and has a leg up over him at Zoraxis? Phoenix feels like the only equal Juniper has, which is why pissing him off is so fun! It's spitting in the face of the bratty bastard while flipping him off on the way out. No one is punching down there, there's no power dynamic like Juniper and Gibson or Fabricator, Phoenix can fuck with Juniper and Juniper can do it right back, and they're still on ground one. And that's what makes it fun and what's fun is popular.
And I do wanna finish this with- if you are sad there's not more content of your favorite ship, or hell even your favorite character, write it yourself! Not in a shitty passive aggressive way, genuinely, write it. Even if you've never written a fanfic, even if it's a 300 word oneshot, even if you think you're the only one who wants this thing, write it.
I promise you, there are people who want to read it.
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some-pers0n · 5 months
16 - Can't understand why so many people like this thing (headcanon, trope, characterization, etc)
What joy and whimsy is there in the Nazi Medic headcanon. I'm being serious. I don't think there's a single interpretation of a character I despise more than that one. Not even when he's like stubborn and a mean workaholic and doesn't have that charming vibe to him, though that often comes packaged in. I genuinely do not understand how anybody would like that one.
It genuinely baffles me so much how a person could look at that and think it's anything interesting or remotely fun to indulge or write in. What the hell. Why. Like I get Reddit likes it since their exposure to TF2 is mainly though the game and. well. being a Redditor doesn't help either. Yeah Tumblr likes the whole "Medic is a flirty and cheeky guy" characterization (that I also don't care for but whatever) but I have seen the odd Ao3 fic with him as that. Not even as a WWII Red Oktoberfest AU where they're on opposing sides like Medic was straight up a Nazi and is just an asshole all around.
Why. Why. I get him being a bastard is a good part of his character but he is a Funny bastard! He's charming and goofy and light-hearted despite his occasional snarkiness. That's what makes him fun! Biting at the bars of my enclosure I swear to god maybe like twelve people in this fandom know how to write him.
I don't get it. I don't get it at all. What fun is there to be had in that. I like indulging in the goofy and whimsical nature of TF2. I like playing along and mimicking its style of writing and jokes since I admire it and think it's great and it makes my fics feel more in-line with canon. I get people love their melodrama and hot sexy dominating possessive guys in a uniform, but for god's sake it's just bad. It's boring and uninspired as well as just generally people incredibly distasteful. You have the entire wacky world of TF2 to work with and yet people still take the lamest option possible. Eughghhghgh,...
Not to also mention the slight Jewish coding in Medic's character. He is Jewish to me and you can tear that away from my cold, dead hands. That makes him somewhat interesting. I like me subversions.
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blackkatmagic · 1 year
:3c Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
Cher how dare you make me say nice things
Since I already did this once, I'll use different fics this time. So...
1 - efface the footprints in the sands
This fic is one of the ones where I really had a firm idea of where I wanted to go right from the start, and following that all the way through let me really play around with foreshadowing and character arcs in a more concrete way than a lot of my fics. Agen's growth and slow understanding, and the shared theme between him and Anakin that violence isn't a good way to solve things, is one of the arcs I'm most satisfied with having written. (And it's complete, what a miracle asjfskjs.)
2 - on the other side of time
I think the concept of this one is the most fascinating, personally, even though I haven't gotten far enough to explore much of it yet. The idea that a time-travel fix-it that depends super heavily on the understanding of one or two characters isn't actually a fix-it for everyone, and that time, when twisted out of its set path, leaves grooves like a dry riverbed, things that exist even if they're left empty, is such a fascinating idea to me, and exploring that is incredibly fun. Particularly through the eyes of Savage, who was done so fucking dirty in canon.
3 - Time in the hourless houses
Kind of similar to the last one, I love the concept of the Force as something that isn't quite conscious in the way most of humanity thinks of consciousness, but is still alive, and it has a plan even if no one else understands what that plan is. Also, I love prophecies as like...that one quote from The Old Kingdom books: "Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker?" It makes for such an interesting exploration of choice. And Xanatos is just a vicious, snarky bastard, which makes him a lot of fun to write.
4 - to the stars/to the day/to the sun
I enjoy weird writing styles, particularly when I'm the one doing them, and writing Maul when he's mildly mad is highly enjoyable. Like, he makes sense to himself, and keeping that thread even when he's sounding mad to everyone else is such an interesting challenge. It's also fun to like....imply the depth to Feemor's story without ever dipping into his POV. It's like writing his motivations into the negative space of Maul's perception of things, and what they aren't saying.
5 - Arcana
This is probably my least popular/least read long fic ever, but I honestly adore it. Dark romance is a thing I read a fair amount of, and I always love a good exploration of villains, and there's a lot that's cathartic about the clones getting to be the agents of their own destiny even when other characters (like Palpatine) least expect it. Also Fox just. deserves to be emperor of his own city-state. I think that's just fact.
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strangefable · 1 year
oc tag game
thank you for tagging me, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @marivenah, @clonesupport, & @voidika <3 <3 <3
passing no-pressure tags onto: @confidentandgood, @v0idbuggy, @adelaidedrubman, @florbelles, @unholymilf, @henbased, @direwombat, @trench-rot, @detectivelokis, @ivymarquis, @schoute, @dumbassdep, @legally-a-bastard, @wrathfulrook, @incognito-insomniac, @roofgeese, @theelderhazelnut, @poisonedtruth, @fourlittleseedlings, @inafieldofdaisies, @cassietrn, @vampireninjabunnies-blog, @harmonyowl, @redreart, @jacobseed, @euryalex, @mars-colony, @glass-hope, @gayafsatan, @the-lastcall, @shegetsburned, @g0dspeeed, @eclecticwildflowers, @aceghosts, @megraen, @strafethesesinners, @derelictheretic, @sukoshimikan, @inquisitors-grave, and anyone i've missed or forgotten, i'm tagging you too <3
(also forgive me but i'm not making banners for ocs i hardly ever talk about any more, so this post is gonna be mostly text. if you want images of anyone i can share, but i just don't have energy to make new banners and i still want to actually post this so, please forgive me <3)
favorite oc
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she's my baby girl right now. she's got the most space in my head, at all times i am thinking of her. she owns me and i'm not sorry. this is micah's world, i'm just here to serve her, and i would not have it any other way
honorable mentions: niamh gannon & beauregard barrett
they've been with me the longest and once had the strongest hold on me for more than a decade. they're two very formative characters for me and i will always have tiny palaces in my heart for both of them
oldest oc
niamh gannon
as far as fandom ocs that i've written and shared anywhere online, ni is the first baby girl. i started writing her when she was just a wee 11 year old student all the way through to her adult life as a wife, mother, and badass. she's the most developed oc i have, because i spent decades writing her. (she's also a bit of a precursor to what lore eventually became)
newest oc
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i've got a few newer concepts circling, but as far as ocs that fully exist, lil is still the newbie on the team. she's a fun way to stretch and do some things i've never dared try before. fiery little pistol and demon who is out to create chaos in an act of revenge against a world that's wronged her
meanest oc
this is a hard one! i have several evil ocs, but they're not necessarily mean in any traditional sense. they play politics too well for that, though they can be underhanded and they'll fuck you up. of the ones i talk about here, it's probably either lilith or bowie, but neither of them are mean, exactly. lilith just wants to lash out and hurt everyone, and bowie is just blunt and crass. of my older ocs, there's fletch, who's a dumbfuck gay werewolf with a chip on his shoulder and no filters. and daphne, who's the evilest monster you'll ever meet: she wants to cut you open and splay your insides while you're still alive, but she'll talk so sweetly to your face. there's leona and lysandra, who are daddy's girls and spoiled brats. there's lux, who wants to look like a bad boy and live up to his evil father's legacy, but mostly he's just an asshole. and his father, chrys, who is evil. he trains monstrous dogs that are built to attack people. also he's a ruthless murderer but he's a suave and smooth politician, so you'll never catch him. also there's rand, my evil alpha werewolf man. then there's alfie, an absolute shithead of a bully and a punk, but he's really just a sad lonely idiot. there's torvald and romeo, my supercreeps. elena my snarky little shit who lashes out and hates everyone.
yeah, this is too hard, i have several meanies.
softest oc
none of the ocs i talk about here are soft in the least. but i have some old ones who are total cinnamon rolls. dierdre delaney is a soft sweetheart of a seer. there's bethy baby, bethany, who is a shy tiny pixie girl who is full of love and sunshine. liam who is a soft gentle romantic soul. naveen who is a sweet little nerd. rune, my soft gentle werewolf boy. olwen, who is gentle like a fairy. sienna my sweet little miracle baby. kaz the softest cuddliest kindest doctor you'll ever meet. teddy, the most cinnamon roll to ever cinnamon roll. ajlgdjlg agh i can't any more, the soft ones make my heart and teeth ache and i'm missing them so much now
most aloof/standoffish oc
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i'm gonna give this one to micah, though some of my older kids could probably show her up on it. she's the one of my current stable that has the most trouble interacting with people.
smartest oc
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nora by a landslide. she's a certified genius and a savant. the woman knows all.
dumbest (affectionate) oc
oh boy let me tell you, i love making himbos. fletch is one of them, what an idiot. there's rory who's a hardheaded dick. there's junior, declan, and nate, who are the pinnacle of himboness. there's cosmo, my silly class clown boy. there's virgil the clueless. there's pillip, who's theme song is literally 'stupid boy'. and then there's emmy, my flighty fashion icon
oc i'd be friends with irl
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giving this one to the jameson sisters. they're the kind of friends anyone would want, imo. (there's a lot of my oldbies i'd put here, too, but this post is too long already)
if you bothered to read all that nonsense, i owe you a kiss or a cookie <3 thanks for listening to me ramble incoherently about ocs i never share any more lmao
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frommybookbook · 3 months
#1: Farewell, My Lovely (1975)
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OK, here we go, the winner! Farewell, My Lovely is my favorite adaptation and Robert Mitchum is my favorite Marlowe, hands down.
They decided to keep the story a period piece and I think that’s always going to work best for adapting these novels. Chandler’s writing is good enough that it’s timeless and obviously can be modernized successfully, but there’s something about the way a period piece can tap into the melancholy of these stories through nostalgia and the malaise of the past that just works a little bit better. And because this was made post-Hays Code, they could keep some of the raw violence and sex that the early adaptations couldn’t. It's a win-win, in my opinion.
It’s said that Mitchum always wanted to play Marlowe and I can see why: the man was made for this role. I’m a Mitchum fan girl in general and he’s perfect in this movie. He’s got reluctant hope oozing out of his ears, he’s weary, he’s weathered, he’s a good investigator, and just the right amount of womanizing bastard. At 58, he’s a little old to be playing Marlowe but that just adds to the tiredness he carries (his speech where he tells Nulty how tired he is makes me weep). His age also helps in that he lived through the time period of the movie, he was a young man in the 1930s, he knew this version of LA and this world of corruption and vice and he brought that to the role.
And the supporting cast is great, too. Charlotte Rampling as Helen Grayle is incredible and Jack O’Halloran is the perfect Moose Malloy. I love John Ireland as Detective Nulty, too. Like Mitchum he really has the weariness and trampled nature down.
Overall movie score: 5/5, it's just perfect, it's a careful and intentional homage to both the source novel and film noir without being a pastiche of either
Marlowe score: 4.5/5, Mitchum is nearly perfect as Marlowe, in my opinion, he's charming and world-weary and a bit snarky; the only points I'm docking are for his age but still, a young Robert Mitchum is who I picture in my head when I read these books
Perry Mason score: 2/5, it has two actors (Jack O’Halloran and John Ireland) who were in two separate TV movies
And that's a wrap! I've now reviewed and ranked all the Philip Marlowe movies (until they try to make another one, which, just, don't). I've had so much fun doing this series and thank you so much if you've stuck it out for 9 of these!
For a reminder of why I started this series and how I’m rating these movies, you can check out my master Marlowe post and follow the tag #Marlowe movies.
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sporkberries · 2 years
I saw your post about Tim and Jason and I’ve never agreed about something more. We need more fics where them getting closer is at least canon adjacent instead of the stuff we get in fanon. A lot of their fanon content really grosses me out because it sort of reads like Tim developing Stockholm syndrome for Jason who repeatedly abuses him but can’t be blamed for it because of “pit madness” 🤢. That might just be because of my personal experiences but it really grosses me out a lot of the time
YEAH NO I 100% AGREE. I think portraying Tim as automatically forgiving Jason for the awful things he does(TO TIM) and ohh Jason wants to hurt him but its not his faulltt. Is so fucking UEGH. I think its not only a disservice to both of their characters but a really weird dynamic to tag as “fluff” and “hurt/comfort”.
I especially dislike the Titan’s Tower stories not just because they misrepresent the actual scene(which is very ridiculous imo) but because having Jason beat the shit out of Tim and then WRITE ON THE WALLS WITH HIS BLOOD and then being like ohh no he’s his care taker now is so 😨. Like imagine someone beating you so bad THEY CAN WRITE WITH YOUR BLOOD and then them kidnapping you and “taking care of you” thats so fucked…
I think the fandom in general can turn Tim into a bit of a punching bag which… fair. Im not going to pretend like i dont like angst BUT when portraying these traumatic events or his interactions with the people around him they kinda make him… spineless? Which IS a valid trauma response but its not Tim. Tim can be literally on the verge of death and he’ll still probably be shit talking you y’know? He can be self sacrificing yeah but… come on.
IDK. Jason pre reboot is kinda not a great person and i think the fandom WANTS him to be and they want to twist it into “pit madness”(which isnt a long lasting thing) or “he protects women and kids”(does he?) when it just… isn’t true?
Fanon Jason as a whole is just kinda an OC with bits of current Jason mixed into him, he doesn’t exist outside the fandom. This is why i sometimes joke about being a “jason todd hater” when i dont really have much against the character(other than most his comics being shit 😔) but because i dislike some aspects of the fandom he represents.
I do think Tim and Jason have the POTENTIAL to get along. They’re both snarky bastards and that dynamic is fun to write and mess around with but there is A LOT of baggage to unpack. Titans tower stuff aside Tim broke Jason out of prison which resulted in Jason donning a batman suit and killing a bunch if people which Tim feels EXTREME guilt for. So even if pre reboot jason wants something to do with Tim(which i think he does as he continually reaches out to him) there is a lot they would need to work on. Which i admit would be interesting to read but sadly a lot of fics dont really follow the comics that well.
Anyhow closing this off i also want to mention again how the fandom prioritizes Tim’s largely fanon(or lobdell written so shouldnt be acknowledged ) relationship with jason over his long lasting canonical relationships with female characters( Cass and Helena[HELENA IS SUCH A VICTIM OF THIS OH MY GOD AND FANON JASON STEALS SO MANY OF HER TRAITS AN-]) 😔
But yeah fanon jason and tim is weird and i’d be interested to see an actual brotherhood develop between the two but i think it would take a lot of work from the both of them(which DC will definitely not put in 😔)
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mmriesoftvat · 4 months
For Wanderer!
What’s a fail-safe gift for your muse?
What’s something your muse has done, in canon or in a thread, that just makes you Love ThemTM?
How important are apologies, to your muse? Do they have to be aloud?
What's a fail-safe gift for Kaminari?
THE SAFEST gift to give to kaminari is a good old fashioned book. he's very into reading, and even has his own mini library in wherever his home is. personally i like to think he carved out a space for himself in the sanctuary with nahida, but that's beside the point. kami enjoys reading a ton. it doesn't matter the book or genre, he'll probably read it if it sounds interesting enough. and for an immortal, he has nothing but time, so he'll basically read anything! it's fun and relaxing for him. so a gift of a book will genuinely make him happy.
What’s something Kaminari has done, in canon or in a thread, that just makes you Love Them™?
i REALLY got my feel for writing him when i bantered with @erabundus! (avalon is now on an astarion blog and i adore the hell out of them forever!!) avalon and i would have dash crack that turned into crack threads, that turned into serious roleplay where we developed an entire verse and had so many feels for each other's wanderers. it was so much fun to develop kaminari even more through that and develop my own voice for him. avalon and i even had similar headcanons, and yet still so different from each other.
i can't pinpoint anything specific from there, but i know i just adore the hell out of kami and he's been the gremlin in my head for a long, long time. personally i feel like he's ALWAYS loveable, but as his creator and writer, i think i might be a bit biased. he's a snarky, insecure bastard who has one braincell about half the time, the rest of the time he's head empty.
How important are apologies, to Kaminari? Do they have to be aloud?
useless. kaminari doesn't like words if they're not followed up with actions. he's been burned and tossed aside way too many times to count on both hands, so words to him mean absolutely nothing. if someone shows they're sorry and actually puts effort into it, he'll probably swallow his pride and hurt and let himself be receptive to said actions. it's too easy for someone to spit words out and use flowery language to try and win him over, but he's a very straightforward person. he's not won over with poetry or pretty words, he needs to see a genuine action that shows intent. otherwise, he's pretty much done. he doesn't have time to waste on false promises and no actual change.
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megamanrecut · 1 year
I was rereading season 1, which has been very fun, lots of details that stand out more with more context, but there's this one bit with Proto man that shows up more than once that's interesting.
In the first episode, Proto man tells Mega man that "Doc never got around to naming [him]... Too busy with his other inventions." Which is followed up a little during the Mega Pinocchio episode, with Proto man saying he's always been Proto (although not actually saying Dr. Light named him that, which turns out to be true), and when Mega man comments on that sounding a little cold, comments that Dr. Light is "Oblivious to details... I like Proto. It's better than Paaasd or something" (which lol)
Now that I've read the season 0 episode, it caught my eye that the name thing doesn't really get talked about there! Proto names himself very quickly, with no thought or fanfare behind it. Very fitting, but paired with the season 1 lines, I'm trying to puzzle out the incongruity of it (Proto you lying bastard why can't you be easier to understand!!!)
On one hand, if the subtle but present implication that Proto might feel bitter about his name is a retcon, it's one that I wouldn't have spotted if I hadn't reread season 0 recently. It's also just as likely that I'm reading into a set of lines that were just meant to be snarky, he definitely does that a lot too lol.
But I am curious if there's some level of truth to that sort of bitter undertone that I thought was implied! Proto man is a difficult character to understand, especially in season 1, and in general when trying to understand his feelings towards Dr. Light. Their relationship is so interesting to me, so sorry if I really did just read way too deep into it haha!
There was a slight perhaps retcon! (sorry this took awhile, limited internet access atm, also this is long/rambly lol)
I wrote season 0 waaay after season 1 (between Master of Disaster Part 2 and 3 to be exact) and in original s0 drafts, the naming thing didn’t happen as early, but when I finally began editing it that seemed unnecessarily weird/creepy for Dr. Light. So, instead the name thing came up on Proto’s activation day. Some of the emphasis around Proto’s name in S1 (particularly E1) was for dramatic irony.
So for character analysis:
Outside of that, still same deal with Dr. Light/Proto, just more focused on char divisions over specific, resolvable drama. The whole dynamic between Dr. Light and Proto has always been strained at best to total estrangement at its core, and sometimes painful to write. Dr. Light was never really in the wrong, Proto just developed into his own person that wanted nothing to do with ‘domestic human life’ or to have any type of authority figure. Its a huge philosophical difference, but its also a son who feels smothered and hopeless rejecting his loving father who tried his best to understand but could never make it work in time. That dynamic still exists, unsolved, in the good!Proto AUs (Master of Disaster Part 3, Become the Night)
Still, Proto isn’t really bitter by Dr. Light’s actions per se, he was just bitter about living under his roof where he was bored and under stimulated. Even Mega was surprised by this at first. In Mega-Pinocchio he was expecting a specific drama lead to Proto’s defection then was surprised when Proto also denied that Dr. Light really did anything wrong, and even reassured the naming thing didn’t bother him (I had already written the ‘naming’ scene in season 0, which remained unchanged, just happened earlier) It wasn’t until Future Shock when he began understanding Proto a little.
Either way tho, Proto wasn’t really bitter about his name (at least there was never intended bitter subtext there, but can be interpreted however!) I think in a way even if Dr. Light *had* given him a name (like Blues?) he would have been quick to drop that when he became Proto Man (kinda like how he thinks ‘Break Man’ is cringy in Become the Night or how Elec Man calling him ‘Light’ drives him nuts). He doesn’t really like the connection, and would prefer to have no name or a generic one over one picked for him by Dr. Light.
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spctrsgf · 2 years
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summary: when life winds you up, you can always count on a certain man to bring you back down to the ground.
word count: 1.1k
warnings: language, like one innuendo, santi being snarky and then a lovesick bastard because COME ON that’s him
a/n: this is my first time writing for santi (im hella nervous but oh well) and i'm glad to start it off with pure self indulgent FLUFF
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You shuffled into your apartment, tired and about ready to fall face first into your bed. Still, you managed to stumble through your usual routine of locking the door, Santi’s tendencies rubbing off on you. You turned the door lock as well as slid in the chain that was bolted into the wall, heading over to the windows to shut the curtains. Only when you felt you weren’t being watched did you relax, bustling through pulling off your shoes and putting away your stuff with a tired sort of drawl in your step.
You wandered into the kitchen to make your favorite warm beverage, humming softly to a song you’d heard on the way home. The darkness of the apartment was a welcome one as you cupped the warm mug with your cold hands, the couch looking increasingly appealing. You plopped down onto it with a sigh, leaning back into the cushions. As you closed your eyes, an arm wrapped around your shoulders and yanked you towards its owner.
You were on autopilot. You slammed your elbow into their body, eliciting an oof from the person as you scrambled up and to the light switch. The warm white bulbs showered the room in light, and your scowl faded as you recognized his brown curls and wide caramel eyes.
You let out a breath you didn’t even realize you’d been holding, becoming flustered quickly when you remembered you’d elbowed the man hard in the chest. You rushed over to him, hands flying around him as you were unsure on how to help. “Are you alright?” You questioned, voice timid. “Do I-” he tucked his knees up into his chest. “Do I look okay to you?”
“Shit, Santi,” Your worries escalated exponentially at his slightly snippy tone. “I’m so sorry. I thought no one was home and it’s been a long day– I’m sorry–”
“Relax,” he smiled softly at you, yet it was laced with pain. “I’ll be okay.”
You scoffed, eyebrows knit in guilt.
“In a few seconds.”
Your eyes closed dramatically in shame. “I’m so sor–”
“If you say sorry one more time, I am actually going to hurl something at you.”
“Please don’t.”
Santi grinned, a real one. “Then stop apologizing.”
“But it’s my fault-”
“No. Apologizing.”
You rolled your eyes. “Why were you even hiding in the dark anyways? You know I spook easily.”
“Well, hiding is half the fun! Plus, I wanted to surprise you.”
“Yeah, good going on that one.”
“C’mon, it was kind of funny.”
“For you!” You screeched. “Not for me!”
“Jeez, fine! No need to be such a party pooper.”
“Santiago,” You growled. “Do not test my patience right now.”
“Why?” He tilted his head. “Long day?”
Your eyes fell from his and you hid your face behind your mug, suddenly embarrassed at his correct guess.
“Hey,” He got up from the couch, pushing the mug away from your face. “Why are you pretending that you can hide behind that?”
“I’m not.”
“Mhm, okay, very believable. I’ll ask again though. Long day?”
You nodded. “As per usual, sadly, but it was just like the last brick before the stack toppled.”
“You wanna talk about it?”
“Not really.”
“What do you wanna do?”
You shrugged. “I dunno.”
“Netflix and chill?” His lips curled into a smirk.
You grinned back at him. “Maybe not.”
“Just Netflix then?”
“How about Disney+?” You called behind you as you made your way to the kitchen, Santi hot on your heels.
“We are not watching the Star Wars sequels again.”
You groaned, head still inside the cupboard as you searched further. “Why not?”
“Because I can’t handle you dying every time that pilot dude comes on the screen.”
“Oh, come on,” you shut the cupboard, placing your found item into the microwave. “Poe is amazing. What’s not to love?”
“I can list several things.” He grumbled.
“Please. He’s hot and he reminds me of you.”
“I’m honored, but still,” You jumped slightly as he wrapped his arms around your waist. “Spare me, would ya?”
“You do know that you say that every time and yet we always end up watching Star Wars, right?”
He sighed. “Yeah.”
You turned in his grip, tangling your fingers in his hair. “What do you want to watch?”
He shrugged.
“That’s not an answer, Santi. Either you tell me or we watch Star Wars again.”
“Can we watch the original trilogy, at least?” The said man questioned.
You nodded with a smile. “Sure.”
Before Santi could respond, the microwave rang and you, much to your dismay, had to free yourself from his grip. You nudged his arm, but he didn’t let down nor go with you as you tried to move. You glared at your boyfriend as you grabbed his arms and tried to move again, this time with more force. “Let me go grab the popcorn–” You squealed as Santi lifted you effortlessly onto the countertop, placing a hand on your chest to halt your move to jump off. “Stay here,” he rounded the countertop, eyes still on your form. “I got it.”
“C’mon, that was supposed to be a gift for you.”
“Well, now it’s a gift from me.” He poured the popcorn into a bowl and ventured over to the couch, grabbing you on the way.
You let him pull you with a smile, let him snuggle you into his chest as he reached for the remote. The sigh that left your mouth was a happy one as you let your body relax into Santi’s warm embrace, finally content for the first time in a while. You marveled at the sheer comfort that he could make you feel, how just seeing him made you remember why you were still hanging on. So, as the movie started on the screen, you were able to focus on it instead of what was happening around you.
From above, Santi beamed down at you, placing a kiss onto the top of your head. He could feel it; the relaxation of your tense muscles as he came into view, the way you curled further into him despite all the luscious space on the sofa. He couldn’t have been more proud of himself for how safe you felt around him, the fact that he had managed to find someone who loved him as much as he loved them.
So, he let himself sink into you as well, throwing his arm over your shoulders and pressing your face further into his chest, towards the heart that beat solely for you. “I love you.” He whispered out into the darkness.
You smiled. “I know.”
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galactic-pirates · 6 months
Hey hey 😄 For the fanfic writer asks!!
10, 17, 29 and 41
Hey thank you so much for the ask!!
10) Do you work on multiple wips or stick to one fic at a time? I thought I had already answered this but must have been for a previous ask meme. I've done a few of them lately and it's such fun, thanks for playing all.
Anyway! I actively work on just one. More live in my brain obviously but ping-ponging between projects just makes progress so glacial it gets really discouraging. So one at a time :)
17) Do you have a writing routine? I guess? I turn the PC on. Boot Plottr, open NovelPad. I get my planner and write down the scene I'm working on that day. I decide what my goal is for the day. Lately it's been more time-focused rather than goal. I have a horrible habit of not focusing if I say "do X number of words" and then I sit there forever being miserable. Much better to give myself a time limit, and whatever I get done is all I get for the day. I keep hoping it will teach me to spend my time more wisely but alas there are still days I procrastinate badly.
29) What’s something about your writing that you’re proud of? Already answered here :)
41) Who’s your favorite character you’ve written? Hmm. What I enjoy the most I think is when I can hear the character, and I feel like I captured their voice. That doesn't happen a lot. It has happened with Claudia (Warehouse 13), and I had it happen quite a bit in my Librarians/Sanctuary crossover. I think it helps if the characters have phrases they often use.
But favourite character to write just generally? You know I'm tempted to say Nikola. I went through a phase where I felt like I should tag every fic I was writing with "Nikola is a good friend" because it was just coming out that way. He's a snarky bastard who talks a good game but he doesn't fool me, he can bluster all he wants but I know how much he cares for his friends.
Although I have liked writing Eve in my Librarians fics.
Bonus question because you had a repeat :)
52) What’s the average word count of your fics? 943,505 / 81 (as I have 2 fanarts on AO3) = 11,648
Given my propensity for lengthy multi-chaptered I am surprised it's that low, but then I guess there are a fair few oneshots as well, and it is an average.
I'm bummed it's close to a million but not over it. Makes me wonder if I scrape my HD for all the prompt ficlets I never posted anywhere other than tumblr, or the fanfic I never finished/posted, if I would get there. I doubt it. I've probably got 20k or so but not nearly 60k. Sad.
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angelselene · 11 months
The amount of WIPs you have is amazing 😱 "25. Fighty Sasuke NaruSasu" made me laugh so I'm asking about that one!
"Amazing" is a word for it, but not the one I'd use. 😅I can't seem to finish a fic without starting one to replace it so the list just won't get shorter.
This is a fun one! It's one that feels like it could end up being a longfic, or like... at least sort of a 20k area one. I started writing it off just a little prompt a friend gave me, and I liked Sasuke being a little bit of a snarky bastard about something he agreed to, he's just unhappy about. Post-canon, Sasuke returns to Konoha but with conditions. I'm just trying to convince myself to build it out into more of a full fic than a snippet.
I think I've shared this snippet on the server, so if it seems familiar, that might be why. Lots of Frenemies to Lovers vibes here. 🖊️🖊️🖊️🖊️
Sasuke's sharingan is sealed. If he has kids, it can still be passed on, but the price of him returning to the village was sealing his doujutsu. It's a new tattoo on the back of his nape that looks lopsided with the one still left by Orochimaru. Technically, it's only one of the conditions. The other is that someone else has to be in charge of his chakra. No one trusts Sasuke being in charge of his own power anymore, so someone they do trust needs to be in control of it. As if Naruto would tolerate anyone else ever being in control of Sasuke. He leans forward and takes a deep breath of Sasuke's hair, sliding his hands over pale shoulders. "You have to fuck me, dumbass. There's no reason to be a fucking girl about it." "I don't have to hurt you, asshole," Naruto retorts. "I'm doing this to help you. You don't have to act like such a prick about it." Sasuke glares over his shoulder. "Sure," he says coldly. "This is to help me. Not because you've always wanted to fuck me." The impulse to deny it is there, but, well, Sasuke's not wrong. "It's either me or you can have all of your chakra sealed," Naruto reminds. "Which is why I'm fucking here. Don't expect me to like it." Naruto is going to make him eat those words. He's going to make Sasuke beg for him.
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