ollie. 26. writer. they / them.requests open (tentatively)multifandom.masterlist.
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writing masterlist | askbox
─── summary: tom arrives home after a long day at work to discover his partner has the worst surprise in store for him.
─── pairing: tom koracick x fem!reader.
─── warnings & notes: just fluffy fluff! this was requested. no use of y/n. beware, author has not watched grey's anatomy in a long while so this is probably ooc / inaccurate in some parts but. it's still cute.
─── word count: 1.7k.

TOM KNOWS, THE MOMENT HE steps into the apartment and closes the door behind him, that you’re up to something.
You’re leaning against the kitchen counter with a glass of wine already poured and waiting for him. He can smell takeout from his favourite restaurant warming in the oven. And you’ve got that look in your eye, the one that made him fall in love with you, the one that twinkles with mischief.
Yeah, you’re definitely up to something.
“Hi, honey,” he says, eyes narrowing slightly as he hangs his coat up by the door. You’re the very picture of domesticity right now, which is almost enough to make him laugh, because he’s pretty sure you haven’t been ‘domestic’ a day in your life.
You flash a sweet, innocent smile at him, only serving to further his suspicions. “Hi, sweetheart.” You lean in to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth when he reaches the kitchen, before sliding the glass of wine across the counter. “Good day at work?”
“Oh, you know, the usual.” Tom’s mouth curls up at the edges as he accepts the glass, taking a small sip. His favourite.
Now he’s really suspicious. That’s a $200 bottle of wine. You’ve always teased him for his expensive tastes, claiming you don’t see the difference between that and a $20 bottle from Trader Joe’s.
As far as he’s concerned, that’s heresy. Somehow, he loves you anyway. Nobody’s perfect.
“Is that it?” Arching an eyebrow at him, you lean back against the kitchen counter. “Usually it’s all ‘oh, just another day being a big-shot, saving lives, performing miracles, being God’s gift to medicine.’”
A little giggle punctuates your teasing words, and Tom can’t help moving towards you, bracing a hand on either side of your body, caging you against the counter. You have to tilt your head back a little to look him in the eye. The familiar, flowery scent of your perfume makes his head swim.
“And women, don’t forget,” he says, swooping in to kiss your temple, your cheek, your jaw, a tiny line of light pecks designed to make you squirm. “God’s gift to medicine and women.”
“Of course, how could I forget?”
You’re smiling so much when he finally presses his lips to yours that your teeth clack together, but neither of you care that much. Reaching up, arms winding tightly around his shoulder, you draw him even closer, until he can feel your heartbeat pressed up right against his through your clothes.
“So what’s going on?” he asks, lip brushing against your cheek before he finally pulls away enough to look at you properly. A sweet pink flush is spreading across your face, and he can’t quite tell if it’s from his kisses or your guilt. “My favourite wine, my favourite takeout… Did I forget my own birthday or something?”
Tom’s very good at remembering anniversaries and your birthday. He’s got alerts set up on both his work and personal calendars because getting to surprise you is one of his most-adored pastimes.
The only birthday he ever forgets is his own. He never takes it off work, much to your chagrin, because he always insists on celebrating you whenever he can. Despite his ego, though, he tends to avoid any opportunity for you to show him the same admiration.
“No, you didn’t forget anything.” Your fingers stroking tenderly through the hair at the nape of his neck is almost enough to distract him. “Can’t I spoil my super hot super surgeon?”
“You can,” he grins at you, raising an eyebrow. With his arms looped tight around your waist, and the way you’re reaching up to hold him, Tom can brush his thumb along the exposed strip of skin along the waistband of your pants. His touch is featherlight, teasing, but he relishes the way it makes you shiver against him. “Somehow, though, I don’t think that’s what’s happening here.”
Your expression twists in that adorable little frown. Tom always wants to kiss the wrinkle between your brows until it smoothes away. He gets about three whole seconds to enjoy the mock-indignance on your face before your cunning plan collapses entirely.
Tom blinks. That… sounded an awful lot like a cat, except they don’t have a cat. They’ve never had a cat.
They don’t even feed the neighbour’s cat, partly because Tom is horribly allergic (but mostly because that cat has an ego even bigger than his, and Tom has to draw the line somewhere. That cat has no right to be as pompous as it is. It’s not even cute.)
Maybe the neighbour’s cat got into their apartment somehow, and now it’s stuck somewhere in here. An implausible series of events, perhaps, but still more believable than—
The noise is louder this time, plaintive and pitiful, followed by the telltale sound of claws scratching at the woodwork. Tom glances over his shoulder at the bathroom door, which seems to be the source of the commotion. When he looks back at you, there’s a sheepish look on your face that screams guilt.
“Did you…?”
“Don’t be mad,” you blurt out quickly, wincing like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar instead of the full-grown adult you actually are. “We have a cat now.”
Tom tilts his head, not quite sure he’s heard you correctly. “I’m sorry, we have a cat now?”
You nod abruptly. “My friend’s cat had kittens, and they managed to find homes for most of them, but they can’t keep the last one, and she’d be going to the shelter if I didn’t take her!”
His thumb is still rubbing absently along your lower back, but he can feel his eye starting to twitch a little. The corner of his mouth curls with amusement, affection written into every single line on his face, and you’ve got him wrapped around your finger because he knows what’s about to happen, but he still has to say— “Sweetheart, I’m allergic to cats.”
Not end-up-in-the-hospital allergic, sure, but it’s still not exactly pleasant. His nose gets all stuffy. He sneezes a lot. Tom hates being sick. He’s the world’s worst patient whenever he has the flu.
You pout up at him, looking genuinely distressed. “I know. And if you really don’t want her, I completely understand. But… if you could just meet her first?”
Tom finally understands what the wine and takeout were about. You were trying to butter him up to ease the sting of the news that he;s going to be taking a lot of antihistamines for the foreseeable future.
And while he appreciates the effort, unfortunately for him, he’s so far gone for you that he’s pretty incapable of putting up a fight. One of your smiles and he’s done for, honestly.
Still, he nods, affecting the most put-upon sigh he can manage. “I suppose meeting her won’t be too much hassle.”
A pleased squeak erupts from your mouth, and you dart forward to press a quick kiss to Tom’s cheek. “You’re going to love her!” you exclaim, before scurrying off to retrieve the cat from where you hid it in the bathroom.
When you return a moment later, there’s a bundle of black-and-white fur curled up in your arms. If Tom had to guess, he’d say it’s between three and six months old, still small enough to not be fully-grown yet. The cat’s got one paw resting on your shoulder for balance, using the other to bat lazily at a loose strand of your hair.
If Tom were to be really honest, he’s not a cat or a dog person. Like, gun to his head, he’d probably pick a dog, but he’s never really seen the appeal of owning a pet. He travels a lot for work, moving all over the country, and spending more time at the hospital than he does at home. It wouldn’t be fair to the animal.
But he has to admit, as cats go, this one is pretty darn cute. Way cuter than the gremlin that lives next door, anyway.
“Tom,” you say, scratching between the cat’s lip ears and bouncing it slightly like it’s a baby, which he finds ridiculous and adorable in equal measure, “this is Mouse.”
“Mouse,” he echoes flatly. “You named a cat… Mouse.”
“Uh-huh.” The wide, cheesy grin you shoot at Tom doesn’t make him think the name is less terrible, but with the way your eyes are sparkling, he decides to let it go. “Mouse, this is your new daddy.”
He groans, burying his face in his hands. “Dear God, please never refer to me as the cat’s ‘daddy’ ever again.” What the ever-loving hell has he gotten himself into?
He has to admit, as he watches you coo and fawn over the animal, it’s quite… sweet. He could almost be enchanted by it, if he couldn’t feel the telltale itch starting to grow in his eyes. Mouse is making cute little chirping sounds in your arms, clearly pleased to be held and coddled. Her little ears are doing this adorable twitching thing, and she’s got a pair of big, blue eyes that simply scream ‘I’ve never done anything wrong in my life.’
Tom’s reserving judgment on that front. He’s pretty sure this cat is about to ruin his.
Mostly, though, he’s just watching you. The way you go all soft at the edges. God, he loves you.
“If this cat—”
“Mouse, sweetheart.”
“If Mouse—” Tom grits out the cat’s name like it tastes bad on his tongue, “—gets fur all over my pillowcase, I’m going to turn her into a fluffy hat.” The threat is punctuated by a sudden sharp sneeze that leaves his sinuses burning.
You do, at least, have the good grace to look guilty. “That’s fair. I’ll grab you some antihistamines and then we can have dinner. Sound good, honey?”
Kissing his cheek, you turn away to start rummaging through the kitchen cupboards in search of some meds, leaving Mouse sitting primly on the kitchen counter.
Tom fights the urge to scowl at the cat. Mouse, for her part, just licks her paw. She doesn’t care. She’s already won.
Deep down, Tom knows he’s about to engage in World War Kitty. And he’s definitely not stupid enough to believe that this little monster won’t be sleeping in their bedroom within a single night.
Reaching for his glass of wine, he takes a big gulp, resigning himself to his future.
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💔 please. Love me some Eddie
make me write! ➡ three sentences for 💔 eddie diaz x ex!reader.
thank you for requesting this!! second chance romance is truly my jam and i'm very very excited to get this fic written! enjoy your snippet <3
The sight of your husband entering the house fills you with dread. It didn't used to. Long ago, your heart would flutter with excitement every time Eddie came into view. You miss it. These days, if you and Eddie are in the same room, more often than not, an argument ensues.
You hate that. You hate it more than anything. But some things are beyond fixing.
You watch him drop his bag by the door. You watch him have the discussion with himself, whether to ignore you or talk to you, and the fact that he has to think about it stings. The gruffness of his voice when he talks to you is like a dagger in your heart.
You loved this man. You love him. And it hurts.
Wincing slightly, you flex your leg where it's propped up on the coffee table. "Had a little accident on shift yesterday," you tell him, keeping it short and succinct, offering no further details. Most of the bruises are underneath your clothes. The only really obvious issue is your leg, and Eddie wouldn't care even if you did give him the full rundown. "I'm out for a week while it heals. Sorry."
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make me write! ➡ nine sentences for ⛑️ evan buckley rescuing reader.
thank you for requesting this!! yall really seem to like this fic so i'm gonna try to prioritise finishing it!! for now, though, here's another snippet i just wrote <3
Too nice for your own good. Story of your life.
"Yeah, I'll work on that," you bite out at him. The well isn't too wide. Stretching out your arms, you can touch the wet stone walls on either side, palms laid flat, so you try to use them to lever yourself, pull your leg free.
A pained grunt slips through gritted teeth. You can't move. Your hiking boots are buried pretty well beneath the rubble, and there's something sharp cutting through your clothes every time you move. You try not to think too hard about what that could be.
"Don't do that." Buck's voice is sharp as he watches you try to wrench against whatever's holding you in place, your shadowy figure dipping in and out of the flashlight beam. "Whatever's wrong, we don't want to make it any worse."
The water level is sitting precariously at your ribs. When you first fell into the pit, it had been little more knee-deep. Exhaling a shuddery breath, you call up, "Any chance I'll be getting out of here soon or will I be learning how to breathe underwater?"
Buck chuckles quietly at you. It's a little strange, the way your biting remarks make him smile, but he also finds it charming. “We’ll get you out of there before you need to grow a pair of gills, don't worry.”
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make me write!
i have several wips and very little brain power, and i need motivationg to write them soooooo send me an emoji and I'll write three sentences for that fic and share some of it!!
🩺 eddie diaz x nurse!reader - eddie finds himself in the er again, much to his partner's frustration. a hostage situation makes them re-evaluate what really matters.
💛 eddie diaz x best friend!reader - reader has been acting suspiciously the last few weeks and eddie is worried.
💔 eddie diaz x ex!reader - their marriage is virtually over, but can eddie and reader find their way back to one another?
🗝️ eddie diaz x museum curator!reader - when he chaperones christopher's class trip to the natural history museum, eddie is fascinated by one of the curators.
⛑️ evan buckley x reader - buck and the team rescue the reader from a dire situation.
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make me write!
i have several wips and very little brain power, and i need motivationg to write them soooooo send me an emoji and I'll write three sentences for that fic and share some of it!!
🩺 eddie diaz x nurse!reader - eddie finds himself in the er again, much to his partner's frustration. a hostage situation makes them re-evaluate what really matters.
💛 eddie diaz x best friend!reader - reader has been acting suspiciously the last few weeks and eddie is worried.
💔 eddie diaz x ex!reader - their marriage is virtually over, but can eddie and reader find their way back to one another?
🗝️ eddie diaz x museum curator!reader - when he chaperones christopher's class trip to the natural history museum, eddie is fascinated by one of the curators.
⛑️ evan buckley x reader - buck and the team rescue the reader from a dire situation.
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make me write!
i have several wips and very little brain power, and i need motivationg to write them soooooo send me an emoji and I'll write three sentences for that fic and share some of it!!
🩺 eddie diaz x nurse!reader - eddie finds himself in the er again, much to his partner's frustration. a hostage situation makes them re-evaluate what really matters.
💛 eddie diaz x best friend!reader - reader has been acting suspiciously the last few weeks and eddie is worried.
💔 eddie diaz x ex!reader - their marriage is virtually over, but can eddie and reader find their way back to one another?
🗝️ eddie diaz x museum curator!reader - when he chaperones christopher's class trip to the natural history museum, eddie is fascinated by one of the curators.
⛑️ evan buckley x reader - buck and the team rescue the reader from a dire situation.
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make me write!
i have several wips and very little brain power, and i need motivationg to write them soooooo send me an emoji and I'll write three sentences for that fic and share some of it!!
🩺 eddie diaz x nurse!reader - eddie finds himself in the er again, much to his partner's frustration. a hostage situation makes them re-evaluate what really matters.
💛 eddie diaz x best friend!reader - reader has been acting suspiciously the last few weeks and eddie is worried.
💔 eddie diaz x ex!reader - their marriage is virtually over, but can eddie and reader find their way back to one another?
🗝️ eddie diaz x museum curator!reader - when he chaperones christopher's class trip to the natural history museum, eddie is fascinated by one of the curators.
⛑️ evan buckley x reader - buck and the team rescue the reader from a dire situation.
#i've finished up all the ones you guys sent in but feel free to send more!!!#i'll get to any others tomorrow!!!#sr.
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⛑️ 👀
make me write! ➡ three sentences for ⛑️ evan buckley rescuing reader.
thank you for requesting this!! this is the last of these for now but i'm pleased yall are excited for this fic!
Buck's glad you can't see the way he winces at your explanation. He's pretty familiar with what bad luck looks like, and he decides this is a pretty clear case of it. You were just trying to keep your friend safe and you ended up in a damn pit.
He shines the flashlight all around the well, trying to see what they're working with. There’s a lot of old stone rubble at the bottom. It’s filled with water. He can’t tell exactly how deep it is, but he'd guess it's about twenty feet.
After relaying the information to the rest of the team, he looks back down at you. If he keeps the conversation going, you're more likely to remain calm.
“Sounds like you were just too nice for your own good," he says.
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make me write! ➡ three sentences for ⛑️ evan buckley rescuing reader.
thank you for requesting this!! enough of these and i'd probably finish the damn fic ha <3
"Oh, y'know, just figured it was the perfect weather to take a dip in a well," you snark at him, squinting up at the beam of his flashlight. He's 20ft above you, maybe more. You hadn't realised you'd fallen so far.
You think it's a well, anyway. It could be an old mine shaft, but the walls are stone. To be honest, you don't think it matters what it is. You just want to get out.
"My friend wanted to go for a hike out here. I wouldn't let her go alone. Next thing I know, it's storming like a bitch and the ground gives way beneath my feet." There wasn't any signage warning you of an old, abandoned well nearby. Just your luck.
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make me write! ➡ three sentences for ⛑️ evan buckley rescuing reader.
thank you for requesting this!! i've got a lot of these in my inbox, seems like y'all really have a favourite 👀
The others chuckle as your snarky reply ricochets up to them. Buck rolls his eyes, huffing quietly under his breath. He shines his flashlight down into the pit, twenty feet down into the looming darkness, until the beam of light illuminates your face.
You don't look panicked. A little worse for wear, perhaps, a few scrapes and bruises. Your skin is pale, and your hair is plastered in rain-soaked strands to your forehead, but you're not freaking out yet. That's good.
Beside him, Buck hears the clatter of equipment as Eddie and Ravi start setting up the winch.
“How’d you end up down there anyway?” He calls back down to you. He keeps his gaze locked on you, makes sure his voice is casual, conversational, so as not to cause you any alarm. There's no reason to worry, anyway. Not yet.
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Umm….. 🩺 please!!!
make me write! ➡ three sentences for 🩺 eddie diaz x nurse!reader.
laur you mean everything to me!!! thank you for requesting this!! here's some of reader being exasperated by eddie's nonsense before all the drama goes down <3
Your shoes screech against the floor as you round the corner of the emergency bay, finding your boyfriend perched on the end of the bed, surrounded by the rest of the circus known as the 118.
Eddie’s eyes widen slightly as you wrench the curtain aside, stepping into the cubicle. “Uh, hi, honey.”
You raise an eyebrow at him, then at the members of his team, before putting your hands on your hips. "I don't know why you look shocked to see me, I work here." Really, you should be surprised to see him, but you're not. The members of the 118 manage to injure themselves with alarming frequency. You rake your gaze over each of them, slow and piercing.
"Which of you is it and do I need to be mad?"
Shrinking a little beneath the sharpness in your eyes, the other members of the 118 step back and away. It almost makes you laugh, the way they all back away from your arched brow and flat, unimpressed expression, and under different circumstances, maybe you would.
But you’re finding it very hard not to be annoyed with the way Eddie’s grinning at you from his spot on the bed. It’s definitely not helping to make him look any less guilty.
"No, you definitely don't need to be mad, I promise,” he says.
You turn your gaze to your boyfriend, lips pressed into a thin line. "Well that was really convincing, Eddie. Try it again with a little more conviction."
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Hi! 🚨 pls i need my daily buck fix i have a concussion 😭
make me write! ➡ three sentences for ⛑️ evan buckley rescuing reader.
thank you for requesting this!! here's some of buck being a big hero and reader being wonderfully sassy even in dire circumstances <3
Buck can just about hear your voice, echoing up at him from the pit. The heavy rain drums against the ground around him, drowning out everything except the clear irritation in your tone.
Which, you know, he understands. You're having a pretty bad day, all things considered.
Kneeling at the edge of the pit, Buck cups his gloved hands around his mouth and calls out to you. “You stuck down there?”
Are you stuck? Is he serious?
Letting out a scoff, you shout back, voice echoing off the stone, muffled by the storm above. "No, I do this shit for fun!" Every syllable is drenched with sarcasm, and you scowl up in his general direction, unable to see him but for the flashlight beam glaring down at you.
Testing your leg again, you groan. "My leg is stuck. Something cut me when I fell." Your ankle hurts, you know that much. Enough that you can't yank it free, and the water is steadily rising in here.
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make me write!
i have several wips and very little brain power, and i need motivationg to write them soooooo send me an emoji and I'll write three sentences for that fic and share some of it!!
🩺 eddie diaz x nurse!reader - eddie finds himself in the er again, much to his partner's frustration. a hostage situation makes them re-evaluate what really matters.
💛 eddie diaz x best friend!reader - reader has been acting suspiciously the last few weeks and eddie is worried.
💔 eddie diaz x ex!reader - their marriage is virtually over, but can eddie and reader find their way back to one another?
🗝️ eddie diaz x museum curator!reader - when he chaperones christopher's class trip to the natural history museum, eddie is fascinated by one of the curators.
⛑️ evan buckley x reader - buck and the team rescue the reader from a dire situation.
21 notes
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make me write!
i have several wips and very little brain power, and i need motivationg to write them soooooo send me an emoji and I'll write three sentences for that fic and share some of it!!
🩺 eddie diaz x nurse!reader - eddie finds himself in the er again, much to his partner's frustration. a hostage situation makes them re-evaluate what really matters.
💛 eddie diaz x best friend!reader - reader has been acting suspiciously the last few weeks and eddie is worried.
💔 eddie diaz x ex!reader - their marriage is virtually over, but can eddie and reader find their way back to one another?
🗝️ eddie diaz x museum curator!reader - when he chaperones christopher's class trip to the natural history museum, eddie is fascinated by one of the curators.
⛑️ evan buckley x reader - buck and the team rescue the reader from a dire situation.
#i'll be getting to these in an hour or so!!!#@ everyone who sent something in: i love you so fckn much#sr.
21 notes
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make me write!
i have several wips and very little brain power, and i need motivationg to write them soooooo send me an emoji and I'll write three sentences for that fic and share some of it!!
🩺 eddie diaz x nurse!reader - eddie finds himself in the er again, much to his partner's frustration. a hostage situation makes them re-evaluate what really matters.
💛 eddie diaz x best friend!reader - reader has been acting suspiciously the last few weeks and eddie is worried.
💔 eddie diaz x ex!reader - their marriage is virtually over, but can eddie and reader find their way back to one another?
🗝️ eddie diaz x museum curator!reader - when he chaperones christopher's class trip to the natural history museum, eddie is fascinated by one of the curators.
⛑️ evan buckley x reader - buck and the team rescue the reader from a dire situation.
#last reblog and i'll do these tomorrow!!#@ everyone who sent something in: i love you so fckn much#sr.
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make me write!
i have several wips and very little brain power, and i need motivationg to write them soooooo send me an emoji and I'll write three sentences for that fic and share some of it!!
🩺 eddie diaz x nurse!reader - eddie finds himself in the er again, much to his partner's frustration. a hostage situation makes them re-evaluate what really matters.
💛 eddie diaz x best friend!reader - reader has been acting suspiciously the last few weeks and eddie is worried.
💔 eddie diaz x ex!reader - their marriage is virtually over, but can eddie and reader find their way back to one another?
🗝️ eddie diaz x museum curator!reader - when he chaperones christopher's class trip to the natural history museum, eddie is fascinated by one of the curators.
⛑️ evan buckley x reader - buck and the team rescue the reader from a dire situation.
#i don't have favourites what do you mean#make me write#eddie diaz reader#evan buckley x reader#wip emoji game#* ollie rambles.
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heyyyy literally ANYTHINGGG for tom koracick from greys ANYTHING that doesn't involve pregnancy lol. be as creative as you want!! if it's angsty, pls not too much lol my heart can't take it😭😭
hey anon!! sorry it took me so long to fulfill your request, my brain has truly been fighting me the last few months!!!! but here it is, one super fluffy tom koracick just for you!!
➡ a total cat-astrophe.
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