#and THEN we can edit this bitch and get it on ao3 i swear
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comfortlesshurt · 3 months ago
post canon klance save me.... save me post canon klance......
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mack-mack-mack · 6 months ago
Very Demure, Very Mindful-Toto Wolff
First time posting on Tumblr. I think you all would appreciate this more here than on AO3.
Summmary: Mr. Wolff was the…most interesting person to work with. He was always willing to participate in a trend, but he always took extra convincing. I have to basically beg on my knees every time I step into his office asking for content. He seemed to enjoy watching me struggle and I still don't know how to handle that. It felt like I was losing a game I didn't quite know I was playing.
Toto is very mindful, very demure (We all saw the video).
I love my job. I swear I do. I mean how many get to say they follow the Mercedes Formula One team around, convincing them to participate in social media challenges and trends?
Unfortunately, some days it was an impossible task. On other days, it was the best job in the world. Today was one of those rough days. 
George was the easiest person to make videos with. He was charismatic and funny. The audience ate him up every time. Lewis was an enigma. I was terrified of the man. He was way too cool for TikTok let alone casual conversation with the social media manager. The crew was always eager and the junior divisions often came up with their own ideas…that they would send me at all hours of the day, begging me to do whatever it was the next time they were together. 
And then there was Toto. 
Mr. Wolff was the…most interesting person to work with. He was always willing to participate in a trend, but he always took extra convincing. I have to basically beg on my knees every time I step into his office asking for content. He seemed to enjoy watching me struggle and I still don't know how to handle that. It felt like I was losing a game I didn't quite know I was playing.
He flusters me. He makes me blush and I have to fight the giggles that try to escape when he speaks to me. And then he makes this really intense eye contact and I forget how to breathe. Every. Single. Time. 
It wasn't right to have a crush on the Team Principal. But honestly, who didn't? Have you seen him? Can I be blamed? No. 
I had already collected footage of George, Kimi, and a few others for the day. That was easy and it was fun. Lewis wasn't in today so his photoshoot from the last race weekend would suffice. Huge weight off my shoulders, really. If I had to work with both Lewis and Toto today I don’t think I would have survived.
Maybe I’ll post a Roscoe slideshow and count that for Lewis. I’ll text his agent later. 
I nodded and wrote down a few notes on the outline attached to my clipboard, noticing the limited content I gathered while at headquarters. It was race weekend so everyone was heading to Zaandavort in a few days. I knew I would end up with more footage over the weekend and plenty to edit before we left. 
It was time to visit Toto though. Which meant I had to stop avoiding the office at the end of the hall on the top floor and actually speak to the older man. I checked the watch on my wrist and saw it was 4:30. I had an hour to get up the nerve, talk to him, film things, and not melt into a puddle at his feet. Easy.
Most people had left the office already, preparing to jet off the next day, so it was silent as I made my way to the elevators and up to the top floor of the building, turning left at the landing. I took a deep breath, shaking out my hands as I approached the end of the hall. I stopped in front of his slightly ajar door and gave myself an internal pep talk.
You're a bad bitch and you will not succumb to Toto. He is just a man. You eat men for breakfast. 
I rapped on the door three times, waiting for the response from inside.
I heard the tapping of keys cease after a moment and then an accented voice spoke, “Yes?”
I pushed the door open with shaky hands, “Hi, Mr. Wolff,” 
He smiled when I walked in and shook his head, “I’ve told you to call me Toto,”
“And I told you I can’t do that, sir,”
The man stared at me from behind his desk, his head tilted and the same small smile on his lips. Very kissable lips.
Stop it.
“Very well. Come in. Shut the door.” He motioned me into the room.
I walked in and stood in front of his desk and closed the door behind me. I walked to his desk but didn’t sit down on any of the plush chairs. I was far too jumpy to take a seat. 
“How can I help you, dear?” Toto asked standing from his seat, coming to the front of the desk, and leaning a hip against it.
Did he just call me dear? Why is he so close to me?
I resisted the urge to take a step back, maintaining the foot of space between us. He was close enough I could smell him and it was already starting to cloud my senses. 
“Umm,” I had to remember the question. What did he ask?
He arched an eyebrow at me but said nothing as I stuttered in front of him. Was he smirking? Did he think this was funny?
“I-uh. I need some social media content from you if that's okay. There's this trend that everyone is doing right now and the crew thought it would be the most funny if you were the one to do it. And I have to listen because they are so right. It would be hilarious. Really it would. But only if you want to, Mr. Wolff. It’s silly really,” I was rambling. I shut my mouth mid-thought and stared up at the man in front of me.
“It would be funny if I did it, you say? And why is that, darling?” He was fully smiling now, his eyes sparkling with something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. 
“So there’s this trend, right? And it's really silly,” I was repeating myself. I want to crawl into my skin, “Basically there was this creator on TikTok who made a video and it blew up and now everyone is making videos saying ‘very, demure, very mindful’ and it would be funny if you did it cause y’know…um,” I trailed, fidgeting under his unrelenting gaze.
“Because I’m so very demure, very mindful,?” Toto cocked an eyebrow and crossed his arms.
“I mean, I um well...I mean do you feel demure and mindful, Mr. Wolff? I can’t tell you how you feel so do you feel demure and mindful? If you don’t want to we won’t make the video and I’ll leave you be. It’s really okay, I’ll ask George to do it this weekend. It’ll be funny too,” I couldn't stop talking. I always word-vomited in front of this man. Have since I was hired. I am praying for the day he finally decides to shut me up.
He just stared at me, that same look still dancing in his dark eyes. I stared back at him, frozen in place. I could feel my cheeks getting hot. 
Please stop looking at me like that or I’m going to combust.
“What was that, darling?” Toto asked, licking his lips and leaning back onto his hands. He looked at me from foot to head and came back to rest on my face.
“What was what?” I asked quickly, too quickly.
“You’re going to combust if I look at you like this? How am I looking at you, then?”
I said that out loud. Shit, I said that out loud. 
My eyes widened and I felt my mouth opening and closing like a fish on dry land, “I am so sorry, sir. I just meant. I mean I. I-. Shit. Shit, I can't say shit in front of you. I’m going to stop talking and I am going to leave. Have a great day, Mr. Wolff,” I placed a foot behind me, ready to turn and run out of the office and go home. I wanted to crawl into bed and never come out.
It could've been worse. I could've said a lot worse.
“Wait,” Toto reached out and grabbed my hand.
I froze staring down at my hand in his. 
What the fuck? Why is he holding my hand? 
I looked back up at him and released the breath I had been holding.
“Yes, sir?” I whispered, my voice barely audible through the tightness in my throat.
“You need to stop calling me sir or I might be the one to combust,” He whispered back, equally as quiet.
What? Did I hear him right?
“Sir, you're my boss. It’s kinda the thing to call you,” I replied, confused.
“Ah, ah. I am not your boss. I do not give you directions or sign your paycheck. I already feel wrong enough, do not call me your boss and make it worse,” Toto tugged me closer, taking the gap between us from a foot to mere inches. 
I gasped sharply at the movement, afraid to look away from our hands resting on his lap.
“Make what worse…sir?” I looked at him through my lashes, pulling my lip into my mouth.
He tracked every movement, his hand tightening around mine.
“You don’t want to know, dear. Somethings are better left unsaid, yeah?”
We were whispering in the quiet room as if someone nearby would hear us. As if the building wasn't empty at almost 5 o’clock the day before race weekend began. 
“But what if I do? What if I want it to be said? What if I want to make things worse?” I met his eyes finally, nerves or butterflies churning in my stomach. I couldn’t tell. I don't think I cared all that much. The way he was looking at me was enough to clear any anxiety I was feeling. 
“That’s a very dangerous thing to say, dear. Only say things you mean not things you’ll regret,” Toto’s eyes were hooded, as he looked at me, brushing his thumb over my hand.
“I like living on the dangerous side, Mr. Wolff,” I did not recognize the voice that came out of me.
I do not do dangerous. I don’t ever do dangerous. What am I saying?
”I told you not to call me that,” His voice had gone deep and husky and it was doing something to me that I didn’t want to admit. 
“Make me, sir,” Who the fuck was she? That couldn’t have been me, no way. 
Toto made a noise in the back of his throat and it sent shivers down my spine. He pulled me closer, placing one of his free hands behind my neck. I was inches from him. I could feel his breath on my skin, “I am going to kiss you now, is that okay?”
I nodded, my eyes falling shut, my head tilting up. He pressed his lips to mine and every thought left my mind. He was so gentle, nothing like I thought he would be but somehow so much better. His hand was firm behind my neck, keeping me in place. We were still holding hands and he continued rubbing his thumb over mine. 
He slowly explored my mouth with his, moving his lips with mine. He lightly licked my bottom lip, requesting entrance. I opened my mouth, letting him in, begging him to take me. 
The kiss deepened. He removed his hand from mine and moved it to my hip, squeezing gently and pulling me close. I was standing between his open legs, hands at my side, still in shock from what was going on.
Wait what was going on?
I pulled away, somehow, “Wait, wait, what is happening, Mr. Wolff?”
He looked at me and chuckled softly, “I am kissing you. I would like to continue to kiss you and much more if I am being honest with you, darling. Is that okay?”
”Yes but why?” It took all of me not to fall back into him but I needed to know. I couldn’t just let this man kiss me out of nowhere without some kind of explanation.
”Because you are beautiful. And you are strong. You are kind to others and very funny. You are excellent at your job and I admire you. I want to do this because I want you and I have for a long time. And I see the way you look at me. I see how red your cheeks become and the way your breath catches when I get close. I know you want this too. Am I correct, darling?” His gaze didn’t move from mine, captivating me in its intensity. He was being honest that much I could tell.
I nodded taking a shaky breath, “Yes. You’re right. I do. I really do, Mr. Wolff. I-“
He kissed me again, crashing our mouths together, an effective way of shutting me up. He tugged me to his body, his chest and mine pressed together. His hand on my waist went around to the small of my back, pulling me until our bodies were completely flush. I could feel every inch of him against me. Every inch.
I laced my fingers into his hair, moaning quietly. He bit into my bottom lip, then licked into my mouth. We stayed like that, pressed together, exploring each other for a while. I couldn’t tell how long I was lost in Toto’s embrace.
He pulled his mouth and pressed it to my ear, “What can I do to you?” He pressed a wet kiss to my neck as I took in what he said.
”Anything, sir,” I was breathless, his lips leaving flames everywhere he pressed them.
”Anything?” He asked in my ear again.
I nodded, choking on another moan.
”Lovely,” He stood from his desk and turned us around. He put his hands under my thighs and lifted me onto the desk, pushing things out of the way. Some pens and files fell to the floor and he made no move to pick them up. I placed my hands on his chest, fiddling with the buttons on his white shirt. He nodded and made a soft noise, urging me to take it off. I slowly unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off his strong shoulders. I dragged my hands down his toned chest, taking in every hard plane and soft angle. 
Toto tilted my head to the side to gain better access to my neck. He continued his journey off my neck and down my shoulder, pulling the neckline out of the way to reach my skin. The hand that wasn't in my hair was fiddling with the bottom of my shirt, silently requesting me to take it off. I promptly yanked my shirt over my head and I heard him let out a low chuckle.
”What do we have here?” He asked, raking his eyes over my naked abdomen and breasts still trapped in the dark lace of my bra.
 He ran his hands up my hips and sides and back down, his calloused thumbs a perfect contrast to my soft skin. His mouth was warm as he pressed his lips to my collarbone, working his way across my chest. He hovered his mouth above one of my nipples, his warm breath raising it to attention. He took it into his mouth and bit down lightly with his teeth, then licked it to soothe the sharpness. He moved his mouth to the other side, leaving a wet splotch in his wake, and did the same thing, until my breasts were aching to be set free. I arched my chest, begging him to touch me, please me, anything. 
“Someone’s eager, isn’t she?” Toto’s hands were on the top of my thighs and he slowly spread them further apart. 
He fell to his knees in front of me, and I stared at the top of his head in shock.
Toto Wolff, team principal of Mercedes, was on his knees in front of me kissing my thighs. What the fuck was happening?
“What are you doing, sir?” I asked, placing my hand in his hair and the other on the desk behind me. 
“I plan on eating a little snack. Is that okay?” Toto looked up at me, a smirk on his swollen lips.
Holy fucking shit. He wants to eat me out. How the fuck is this happening right now?
He pulled off each of my shoes one by one, cradling my calf in his hands as he did so. Toto raised his hands to the waistband of my pants, popping the button and slowly taking down the zipper. He let his hands drift back up to the bare skin of my stomach again, gentle fingers dragging across my skin, leaving goosebumps behind. I let out another shaky moan at his touch, fisting the hair I held in my hand.
He drew his mouth down from my belly button over the open seam of my zipper. He used his hands to start shimmying my pants off of me. I lifted my hips so he could continue pulling them down and off my body. He drew a hand up my leg from my ankle to my knee to my thigh and back down. Then his mouth followed a similar path on the inside of my leg. I was in a daze, his mouth had me entranced. My breath was ragged and my hands were barely holding me up. I let out a louder moan as he licked a long strip up my center and continued kissing down my other leg. He let out a hungry growl as he did it. 
I panted quietly, feeling the wetness I knew he tasted through my panties. I needed him to hurry up,  “Mr. Wolff, please, sir,” 
“I love when you beg for me, darling,”
I softly moaned at his words, feeling myself clench around nothing.
”Please,” I said again, reaching for him, to drag him closer to my middle.
”So needy for me,” He whispered on my inner thigh before brushing another kiss there.
He tucked a single finger into my underwear, feeling the desire gathered there. He traced his finger down my slit, gathering some of the slickness, removing it, and then sticking his finger in his mouth, maintaining eye contact the entire time, “So fucking good, baby,”
My thighs tensed around his head and he turned his head to press another kiss to my thigh. I placed a hand in his hair, tugging him forward.
He kissed me through my panties again with a breathy laugh. He placed a finger on each side of my hips, under my underwear, and tugged them off, until I was completely bare before him. 
I should be nervous. I really should. But I wasn't I just needed his mouth on me as soon as possible. 
Toto looked up at me again, waiting for my nod of consent.
”Please, Toto,” I said. 
”Sir. You call me sir,” He pressed his mouth to my core, kissing directly onto my clit, sending a shock through my system.
”Fuck! Yes, Sir.  Mr. Wolff, I need you,” I moaned loudly, my hand clenching in his hair. 
Toto licked a stripe down my slit and back up, circling the little swollen bundle of nerves. He took it into his mouth, sucking lightly before releasing it and going back towards my entrance. He dipped his tongue, lapping up the pre-cum already collecting. He grabbed one of my legs and placed it over his shoulder, changing the angle and driving himself deeper into me. He moved his hand from my thigh and dragged his thumb from his tongue to my clit. His thumb pressed against the bud and worked it in circles while his tongue was moving inside of me.  
The noises I was letting out were filthy. He continued his silent assault and I felt my orgasm building. He removed his mouth and pressed a kiss to the inside of my thigh. He took one long finger, inserted it in me, and curled it, immediately hitting a spot deep in me that made my hips buck in response.
Toto tsked me and lightly bit down on my thigh as his finger continued working me. He added a second finger and brought his mouth back to my clit.
”Mr. Wolff, I’m not going to last much longer,” I panted out, feeling the precipice approaching rapidly.
”Good. Come for me, darling” He curled his fingers again and took my clit between his teeth. That did me in.
My entire body tensed and I exploded on Toto’s fingers, walls clenching around him. 
“That’s a good girl,” Toto purred, continuing to draw the orgasm out of me. 
My body stopped shaking after a moment and he removed his fingers from inside me. He took them into his mouth and licked them clean. 
I stared at him wide-eyed, breaths coming rapidly, watching him clean up. He stood and reached over his desk to grab a tissue. He patted the inside of my thighs, removing the dampness there. He reached down to the chair by his side to retrieve my panties before gently sliding them back up my legs. Neither of us had spoken yet.
He stood up and stepped between my legs, placing his hands on either side of my face.
”Are you okay?” Toto whispered, thumbs brushing my cheekbones.
I nodded and he pressed his lips to my forehead before wrapping his arms around me. We stayed there for a while, wrapped in each other. 
We pulled away when I shivered as the air conditioning kicked on, realizing I was still in my panties and bra.
Toto bent to help me collect my discarded clothing and handed it to me. I pulled on my shirt and pants and tugged back on my shoes. Toto stood watching me the entire time and I glanced up to meet his gaze when I was done.
“Yes, sir?” I asked, a blush warming my cheeks.
His eyes flashed at the word choice and he shook his head, “I want to do that again soon,”
I giggled and looked down, “Okay, Mr. Wolff,”
He shook his head at me, stepped forward, and placed another kiss on my forehead. 
“Mr. Wolff?” I said a moment later when he pulled away.
“We still have to make that TikTok,”
He threw his head back and laughter erupted from him, “Maybe at the paddock we can do something, yeah?”
I nodded and smiled at him, “We can make that work. I’ll draw something up for us to do,” 
Toto stared at me a moment longer, “Do you want to go get dinner, darling?”
I looked at him, slightly shocked, “Dinner?”
Toto nodded and moved behind his desk to grab his things and shut down his computers.
“With me?”
“Yes of course with you. I know it’s the wrong order but I figured we could go out to eat,”
My mouth dropped open “Like a date?”
Toto looked up at me, confused at my confusion, “Yes like a date,”
I nodded slowly waiting for him to say Nevermind.
He did not.
“Okay. Well. Okay. Yeah, let me get my things then. I need to stop at my office,”
Toto grabbed his jacket and his bag and came around the front of the desk, “Let’s go then,”
He took my hand in his and started tugging me out of his office. 
“Yes, sir”
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ramennoodlezzzao3 · 9 months ago
nobody asked me to answer, but I’m gonna anyways 😝
🎱 ⇢ post your AO3 total stats 
Idk how to do that lol
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
I couldn’t find any fics that I wanted bc I’m too specific, so I started writing. It was purely for fun and I wasn’t fully thinking about the fact that people might actually read it AND enjoy it lol
  🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
me and some of my moots from TikTok created this playlist lol (it’s, like, 14 hours long)
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that? Idk what that means but ima go off of what I’m thinking and that is just editing while proof reading and I enjoy it! 10/10
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🙏👉😁🔥💀 (no, it’s not abt the burning church 💀🙏)
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
I’m new here, I have no EXTREMELY close moots so idk. But @paul-ster seems pretty chill so probably them (
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
I HAVE SO MANY I LOVE! But if I had to choose rn Soracha for the author and “Ron Weasley and His First Year at Hogwarts” by snoopy_owl. Two of my favs!
💌 ⇢ how many unread emails do you have right now? 
none, believe it or not. I constantly check it for ao3 updates. But I also have three separate yt accounts so I get regular emails abt comments and updates and I normally check them everyday. The only exception is one email I use for spam sites like grammarly, that email has 408 unread emails.
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
ooo, neither tbh. Unless its a one-shot or a mini fic where I add a S/O or like my unpublished Uber fic where I had to add several OG characters, I don’t like adding new ones bc I think it disrupts the story a lot and I normally don’t read fics when people do that. And personally, unless it’s the ones that are supposed to be halrious and satire, I think self-inserts are kinda cringey bc most people who write them over-sexulize the characters and add weird stuff in that makes me cringe (key word: MOST not ALL) but also I just cant imagine myself dating someone let alone my comfort characters.
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
I don’t think I have any
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time?
I just can’t get into the writing mood. But when I start it’s really hard to stop
  🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
PURLY! I love to think Curly calls pony “Mi Amor” or like calls him pet names in Spanish. I think it’s really cute
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
literally don’t be fake as hell. Don’t be all shy and sweet like, if you are comeback or Yapping king/queen then tell me bc we can yap together. Like, If I can call you Pookie within the first four interactions, we are besties, considered us married at that point
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
I’m redecorating my room, I got a new puppy, and- wait, bitch, who gives a fuck, let’s be honest 💀🙏
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app?
can’t say bc it’s an unpublished chapter of a on going fic 😝
  🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Harry Potter is kinda an ass
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I don’t write anything too bizarre so I can’t think of anything
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
strive to accomplish what you set as a goal, not what society set as a standard or a must
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
My comfort character gets ignored hard core, makes new friends, get into shenanigans, and then a lot of angst ensues. Who would write it best? Mmm…Fictionalcharacter graveyard or Soracha
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
if you have a scene you want to write for a fic, start writing it but ONLY WRITE THE DIALOGUE. You can add who said it but I do it all the time and it gives me new ideas and gradually helps me continue a fic. It’s also easier to add detail in between when you are focused on that instead of getting to the next dialogue scene.
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
Nick Sturniolos iconic “Then he will taste the rainbow while he goes out”
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
“I LOVE THIS, I CAN’T WAIT FOR ANOTHER CHAPTER!” Then they go on an entire yap session about how they think the fic will turn out or parts they’re excited for. It always makes me happy to see someone enjoy my hobby as much as I do even though we have different perspectives 🤭
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
Alr, ik im gonna get backlash but i cant stand Cherry Valence. 1. I will give it to her, she’s a downright badass.
2. her hair is really pretty
3. She was nice to pony at the drive in, I’ll give her some points (still don’t like her too much tho)
🥝 ⇢ do you lie a lot? what's the most recent lie you told?
Not much. Okay, this is gonna sound so fricking clique but that last lie I told was “Yeah, I’m fine, just tired” even though I know damn well I’m probably depressed asf
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
I have only older siblings and every time one moves out, I stop talking to them so I don’t become the annoying youngest sister, so I’m afraid their gonna forget about me, and they probably will. I only have two siblings that still live with me so that’s only two more people left to forget me before I’m totally alone lol. (Depressed, see?)
  🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
book writers that can describe really well.
🍅 ⇢ give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing
I think I’m too impatient and give myself an unrealistic deadline for stuff
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises?
I like them a lot!
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
I’ll add that later lol
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
it was a name my family wouldn’t be able to find. I’m embarrassed to write bc my family LOVES to pick out your insecurities and hobbies and never let you live them down.
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
again, I’m new here, so nobody here is my “supporter” but @shae-pine has liked all of my posts so ig them? I got to say, that “The Youngest (The Favorite)” fic I really liked! Ur also just the sweetest person ever! 😭🫶🏻
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
I have 7 (I had 8 but my cat passed away yesterday, RIP in the comments for Sophie 🩵)
I won’t post pics because that’s a large file 😭🙏
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
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🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
self insert, too much OOC scenes, pairings I don’t like, oc’s/characters unless it’s the character I’m reading abt, pure smut or p*rn, over sexulization or romanticizing R*pe, over detailed non-con, specific characters are dead, and the fic doesn’t focus on a character that I wanna read about.
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b--b-3 · 2 years ago
Sooo I've decided to finally cross-post my Obey Me crack-fic from ao3, I hope you enjoy!✨️
Cheek Clappin' Behavior
summary: Mc gets bamboozled by the game we all know and love 😭. They also happen to get yeeted right into it at full throttle, oops. How, you ask?? Who knows-
warnings: swearin/strong language, a quick innuendo, Mc just bein straight up wild tbh
misc: this fic doesn't accurately follow the story, literally just random shits 'n giggles for now lmao [pls it's so unserious ajfjshsjs] + the memes you see edited were done by me in my absolute mess of a gallery 💀
word count: almost 1k
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It was just an ordinary day for Mc… Well, that is if you could call simping for fictional characters from a story-based gacha game ordinary. Okay, maybe they're a liiiiiiittle bonkers in the head, but we still love 'em 😋.
[Mc's POV]
'You've gotta be clappin' my cheeks unequivocally rn.'
"How tf am I gonna pull up AND get bumblefucked by this yee yee ass game 🤨🤨🤨??" Okay, so maaaaybe I got raw-dogged by a fictional world, but I can fix this for sure‼️
I didn't fix this. Far from it, in fact. Yet another 10 pull, wasted… 😟
Even tho he plays hard to get, he ain't a match for MY sluttish behavior 🤪—
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THIS? FUCKING?? $ Ł Ü ✝️? ? ? "The absolute fuckin' audacity I swear— AND this mf blushin' too? Consider tears runnin' down my leg fr fr for real fr‼️" YOU SEE THAT TUB OVER THERE MAMS?? YEAH HOP IN THAT BITCH CUZ I'M BOUTTA 😩😩—
Caught myself lackin' for a sec there sorry bout that y'all 💀—
I then end up playing this damn game for a psychologically questionable amount of time. Such a long time, in fact, my raggedy ass fell asleep with the game open. O p e n. I didn't even get to charge my shit— hot damn 😬.
Next thing I know, I'm exposing my eye sockets to a ridiculous amount of light.
'Now why in the ass-eatin' fuck does this place look familiar?? This ain't my house OR my room🗿. Tf is goin' on in here on this ass-chappin' day 🤨🤨??'
Like, the more I look around, the more shit's appearance becomes clear to me [no d U h Mc?? C'mon get it together 😭].
'Tho it does look a bit [a fuck ton tf you mean?? 💀] like my room in Obey Me…🤔'
"Did my bitch-ass get isekai'd into the world of Big Boobie Bitches— I mean Obey Me??????⁉️🗣📢🔥"
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' …You've gotta be tuggin' my schlong rn this shit is a different breed. No, literally. Does that mean I'm a whole ass sheep now⁉️ This ain't gonna work. I swear on my left kneeca—'
All of a sudden, someone's headass bursts into the room. I was about to chew them tf out like a baddie, but then I SEE 🕕🫦🕕—
"Yo, human! Ya were s'pposed to hang out with me today! What's goin' on?"
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'Ugh. What a cutie 🥰. Look at him, lookin' at me like that 'n shit 😭💖.'
I stare right back at the white-haired babygworl— I mean demon, trying a lil TOO hard to fight the inner voices that are telling me to jump him unprovoked.
"Well, tbh tbh honestly tbh, I haven't the slightest fuckin' clue Monie.. Buuuuuuut you can still take me out if you want tho 👀." I give him a lil look. Yano, a look. A little lookie look. A look that looks like a lil look because it looks—
"Whatever, let's just go. You've been makin' The Great Mammon wait long enough." He then drags me outta the room as if I'm his bitch.
'OW MY PUSS- now hold on for just a diddly ding dang darn second ☝️🤓— here I thought it was supposed to be the other way around 🤨🤔❓️ ❓️ ❓️'
Welp I'll just have to worry about it another time ig 🤷.
Anyways, now we were makin' our way [downtown] through the Big Ass House of Lamentation, BAHoL for short, trying to get to wherever tf Mammon has plans for. Well, that is until we run into a certain someone.
"Yooo, Levi! Funny seein' ya outside ya room for once." Both Mammon and I then proceed to start gigglin' like two lil bitches lmao.
Until this mf turns around 🗿.
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…My face just about shriveled up inside itself.
"Levi.. you good?? You're looking a bit differently different there bud 😭😭."
'I swear to shit there are literal SPARKLES just shootin' me in the eyes rn.'
"Idk what you're talking abt lol." He blinks and just shrugs at me like absolutely NOTHING is wrong like wtf my g—
"Tbh tbh honestly tbh Levi you're looking MAD ✨️bbg✨️ rn and idk how to cope with that so I think it's best you induce an anime withdrawal for just a singular sliver of a second the sake of my sanity 🗣🗣."
It takes him a couple seconds for the matter inside his cranium to process whatever tf just came out my mouth.
"B-Bbg!? WOOOAAAHHHH❗️🗣🗣🗣📢💥.. I-I can't believe you're calling a no-good otaku shut-in like me that!" He takes a moment to cover his now blushing face sextillion times more than his hair already does with his hand.
'Omg what a lil cutie I swear— got me swooning 'n shit <3.'
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever! We've gotta get goin' now. See ya later, Levi!" Mammon cuts off the ENTIRE interaction quicker than it even started before dragging me away like a fucking rag doll.
'L?? M?? A?? O?? Tf is all this motion for 🫨🥴?'
What the plans are?? I still haven't the slightest of darn clues, buT I GUESS WE'LL FIND OUT 🗣.
I kid you tf not we literally only managed to reach the main entrance before getting jumpscared by none other than Lucifer himself—
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[✨️To Be Continued✨️]
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thesparklingwriter · 2 years ago
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questionable alliances
“Are you bitching about me to our dog?”
tags: pet names, Zhongli is very pure, soft Zhongli, fem!reader, Zhongli and reader are in a relationship, they have a dog, zhongli is a proud dog dad, treats his dog likes it's a baby
masterlist | ao3 link | taglist | next
please do not repost or edit my work without credit. reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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Excited barks float through the house, and as much as you love Amber and would do anything for her, it’s six am, and you should be sleeping.
You creep downstairs to see whether she’s okay, only to hear Zhongli shushing her.
“Amber, please keep it down,” he says, kneeling down to put her leash on. “Remember our deal, if you wake yn, we can’t go for a walk.”
Amber is silent. You imagine her tilting her head to the side.
“I can't believe yn has trained you so thoroughly that the word ‘walk’ means nothing to you,” He huffs and clears his throat. “If you’re not quiet, we can’t go for…walkies.”
Amber whines, only really hearing the negative part of the sentence.
“You know what she’s like. If she sees we’re going without her she’ll be in the most argumentative mood. Rightly so, I admit, but the fact remains.”
Amber growls playfully, snatching her leash out of his hands as if she’s going to walk herself. “Such aggression,” Zhongli chuckles, petting her head. “Did yn teach you that? It seems like the kind of thing she’d do.”
“Are you bitching about me to our dog?” you ask incredulously. Zhongli isn’t even surprised by your presence, so you’re guessing that he either knew you were there or he heard you stomp out of bed. Knowing him, both are viable options.
“Good morning, love.” he smiles, pulling you into a hug. Amber runs at your legs, yipping happily, and you push Zhongli away to pick her up. She nuzzles her face against yours with a playful bark.
“Is your father gossiping with you?” You tease. “He is, isn’t he? He’s a big old gossip!”
“I was not gossiping,” he complains. He picks up Amber’s discarded leash. “I was simply stating the truth. Would you like to join us on our walk?”
“Of course I do.” You smile.
“Then you should probably get changed,” His eyes glide over you and you suddenly realise how right he is—you can’t go out for a walk in just one of his shirts. If you did that, Zhongli would probably hit every person who even dared to look at you with rocks and it wouldn’t be the first time.
“You’re right. Come on, Amber. It’s my turn to gossip with you while I get changed.”
Amber follows behind you, with a valiant attempt at getting up the stairs. She tries her best to do things most things herself, but if she lets out a single whimper, Zhongli picks her up immediately. That should make him her favourite, but you feed her most of the time, so the two of you are equally matched. You slow down so she can keep trying at her own pace.
Amber climbs onto your bed as you start powering through your clothes. “Did you know you’re six months old today?” Amber yips happily. You and Zhongli swear she can understand what you’re saying to her by the way she responds to you both—sometimes she sits by you, listening intently to your conversations.
“Your dad will never admit it, but he remembered and we’re going out for dinner later. He’s saying it’s an advance on our anniversary but I know better.” Amber bounces on the bed a few times, and almost flies off. You catch her, smiling softly. “You’ve not grown at all, have you? You’re still as small as the day we got you!”
“Even though you keep sneaking her extra food,” You hadn’t noticed Zhongli had come upstairs.
“I never!" you hiss, and Amber barks along.
“Your mother keeps feeding you more than she should, doesn’t she?”
That’s new. You’ve embraced the title of dog mum with your whole being. You even commissioned a dress with the words embroidered on it, but Zhongli refuses to wear the shirt you had made for him.
“You said your love for me knows no bounds. If that were the case, you’d wear the shirt.” You huffed, and Zhongli simply laughed.
“I never lied. My love for you does know no bounds. My shame, however, knows plenty.”
Although at the time, you had relented, you promised you’d get him in the shirt some way or another. You’ve always referred to Amber as your child, and whilst Zhongli endures you calling him Amber’s dad, he’s never once willingly called himself that.
“Did you just call me Amber’s mother?”
Zhongli hums. “Is that not what your dress says?”
“Now what has caused this change of pace, I wonder?” You tease, grinning devilishly. Instead of responding to you immediately, he picks Amber up with a tender smile.
“I’m simply seeing things from your point of view,” he smiles.“Amber is quite like a child in some ways.”
“Does this mean you’ll wear the shirt?” Excitement glazes your eyes and Zhongli can't help but laugh.
“Certainly not,” he chuckles. Although, as you go out on your walk, he certainly acts the part of a proud dog dad. Every time someone compliments Amber or mentions how adorable she is, he smiles proudly as you gush about how perfect your dog is. The minute Amber slows down, he’s picked her up, cradling her to his chest the way he did when you first got her. Seeing him be so paternal to her, even though she’s a dog, does something to you, and you often spend the rest of your walks with your head lowered to try and hide the early onset of blush.
“Are you alright, love?”
“Oh, I’m just perfect.” You mutter. It’s not like you’re dying internally, or anything.
“I don’t believe you at all.”
“That’s your problem, not mine.”
Zhongli’s face takes on a dignified impishness as he grins down at you. “Maybe I will wear that shirt.” Despite his attempts to disguise this as his own decision–one he’s made of his own free will, the fact remains. He really can’t bear to disappoint you, and if making you happy involves him wearing a silly little shirt. He’ll do it.
But his words don’t have the effect on you that he expects. You just blush more, turning your face away from him. “I’m hungry.” You huff indignantly. “Let’s go home.”
a/n i, like yn, want to have zhongli's babies
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frostironfudge · 2 years ago
Silhouettes In the Spotlight - Bucky Barnes - Seven
Summary: Bucky Barnes has worked immensely hard to have a filmography expanding across genres and garnering accolades from critics, peers and fans. Y/N Y/L/N, with her debut novel (fan-fiction turned New York Times Bestseller) has two other best sellers under her belt. Next is her highly anticipated fourth book lined up for release. SHEILD Productions has acquired the film rights to her debut novel and they want Bucky Barnes to play the lead (aka himself) by any means necessary. This story is about angst, lust, heartbreak, and love. After all fairytales only exist in books and movies right?
Warnings: angst, fluff, swearing, ptsd scene described, alexander pierce is a creep, steve is an ass, bucky is well being bucky, dolores is a bitch so is sharon, hollywood drama, hollywood tropes
Pairing: Actor!Bucky Barnes x Plus Size!Fem!Reader
Word Count: 7.2k || Dividers: @firefly-graphics
Main Masterlist || Fic Masterlist || AO3
Chapter Six || Chapter Eight
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Cast and Crew Of ITIMYIMDO Enter and Leave With Different People, Did You Expect These Pairings?
Inside Scoop Major Script Rewrite Occurring For Y/N Y/L/N’s Book Adaptation, Is She Being A “Little” Too Demanding With The Script?
Loki and Ace Spotted Chatting Away On Rooftop Of SHEILD While Sharing A Smoke.
Uh-Oh! Dolores Served With DUI, After Being Caught Driving While Under Influence We Have Pictures From Her Alleged Arrest. Brands May Reconsider Her Partnerships. SHEILD Yet To Comment!
Bucky Barnes Opens Up About His Ideal Partner, His Sweet Cat and Body Dysmorphia in candid podcast.
Bucky Barnes Texts Mystery Person During Interview, Blink and Miss Text Messages Flashed As He Dropped His Phone.
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The earlier joke Bucky made about starting another song association earned the two of you a pointed glare each, from Sam and a threat to call Yelena. Which resulted in Bucky and you only laughing more as you entered the production house. 
“She’s scarier than him.” Bucky whispers, you giggle nodding along.
“Him can get scarier if ya’ll continue.” Sam warns walking ahead.
“You ready for the day?” Bucky questions as you three wait for the elevator.
“I suppose, I mean it’s just a read through right?” Your stomach twists, you wince internally. That feeling was never a good sign.
“It is a different process at SHEILD.” Bucky’s brows furrow as he catches your troubled expression.
The elevator dings, doors opening, Sam and Bucky wait for you to move in first.
“SHEILD Productions has a meticulous process,” Sam begins to explain as the doors close,  “The core team — made up of the actors, director, executive producers read through the script. Which is occurring today.” 
You look towards Bucky, he nods. 
“The director and executive producers then select certain scenes from the script. The actors would then enact these selected scenes. If something is amiss a live rewrite and immediate reenactment occurs plus if the actors feel better to do a scene a certain way then those edits are made and then again an enactment done.” Sam’s gaze shifts to Bucky, both knew they were hoping a certain scene isn’t selected.
Bucky clears his throat, “Then fine tuning is done, for flow, as many or as little. The updated scripts are sent in sealed envelopes, depending on the director’s instructions we are given anywhere between a month or three to prepare for the role, which means the next few months you will get busier.” he smiles encouragingly, as you absorb the information.
“So basically what you asked me over the past week or two was much lesser?” You wonder, it seemed work would be cut out for you.
“I’m afraid so, I really get into the mindset and role, I even purchased an additional copy for more constructive character building and making notes.” He grins.
“Oh and he keeps me awake to also take these notes incase his book is forgotten some place.” Sam complains, you chuckle.
“I’d do the same, ugh, I think I should buy those multiple subject notebooks depending on the number of actors.” You begin to wonder what would be a better option, digital notes or handwritten.
The last few floors are remaining, “James, do you like this process?” You wonder.
Bucky purses his lips in contemplation. When he was roped in by SHEILD the movie led him into his more commercial success, bringing him into the mainstream. He found this read then re-read process daunting at first, but slowly acclimated towards it, it was something that only occurred at SHEILD where the actors could also give their two cents instead of only an improvisation as the camera rolled. 
“It is daunting but it feels good to be a part of the development process more, other movies only if improvs occur during a scene and are accepted is my contribution beyond my carved out role.” He answers, then the doors open to the conference room floor.
Sam pulls Bucky to the side handing his own phone to the latter.
There were two worries on your mind as your eyes move across the room. 
One, what was done to the story to condense it into a script and the second, how Bucky would face the scene of Rhys’ arm loss. It was one thing to read it, but you hoped it would not have a negative impact having to act it out. 
You prayed, prayed it would not be the scene he has to act out.
The tables are arranged in a semi circle. Name plaques and character names written to indicate where everyone would be sitting. There was a stage set up at the far end, a table labelled props and another carried refreshments beyond the bottles of water placed near everyone’s plaques.
You feel Yelena’s absence, wishing she was there to speak to you, but she said there was an unavoidable thing she needed to take care.
Your eyes move to the opposite side, Dolores grins while eyeing the plaque next to hers. 
“Hey, there.” Loki greets, you smile and wave at him.
“Ready for the day?” He wonders, “Also I’m upset I don’t get to send the internet into a meltdown with you, I thought we were becoming best friends.” Loki pouts.
“I only give one meltdown a month, next month you can have meltdown rights.” You chuckle, Loki raises his pinky towards you.
“Pinky promise?” he requests, you intertwine your pinky,
“Pinky promise.” you affirm.
“Grand, I’ll tell my best friend the news.” Loki grins with mischief as Bucky and Sam return. 
You trace your plaque, taking a picture to send to your mom.
Y/N Y/LN, Author, Executive Producer.
The nights you spent crying over the plot and nursing migraines flash by your eyes. Pride warms your chest.
Loki and Bucky are off to the side taking pictures with their plaques, you smile at their antics. Ace takes a picture of their plaque as well.
Steve walks into the room, looking up from his phone, he walks right up to you where you stand, “Hello.” He murmurs quietly.
“Hello.” You greet back. When look up at him, his eyes are hidden behind a pair of sunglasses. Your brows furrow.
Steve smiles, swiftly it turns into a smirk, “Missing my baby blues?” 
You roll your eyes in response looking back at Bucky and Loki.
“Aw don’t be like that sweetheart.” He chastises, hand moving to your chin. You shift back. Backing into the table. 
Bucky turns at that very moment, he clenches his jaw, stepping towards the two of you. Loki follows. Steve hums, looking towards Bucky with a cheshire cat grin.
“It’s so easy to rile him up.” Steve leans in to whisper in your ear, gooseflesh erupt at the proximity.
“Steve.” You warn shifting further to the side. 
Bucky’s intense gaze takes you back to the night of the dinner. He taps Steve’s shoulder. 
“What is it, Buck?” Steve scoffs spotting Loki behind Bucky.
“Shut up.” Bucky glares at Steve then offers his hand to you. You grasp it, he gives a slight tug and you slip past Steve. 
“Loki and I want to take pictures with you and the plaques. SHEILD tradition we’ve established.” He explains. You smile,
“I’d like that, James.” 
Bucky grins, the little crinkles by his eyes show.
Steve rolls his eyes, sauntering to his place next to Dolores. He shoots a look to his manager who is perched on a table behind his, typing away on her phone. She looks up indifference colours her features at Dolores approaching.
“Hey Stevie.” Dolores sits on the table, hand placed on his.
“Hello Dot.” His tone is clipped, she pouts. Glossed lips gleaming in the light, Steve tries to not have her pry. It was enough to tolerate her over the weekend.
“Now, now, what has you grumpy? Maybe I can help.” She then scoffs when instinctually his gaze moves to the three of you taking pictures,
“I don’t know what she thinks of herself.” Dot grumbles, “So what if she wrote the book? It’s my movie now.”
Steve gazes to the ceiling sending a silent prayer as Dolores launches in a ramble about her importance to the movie. The remaining actors trickle in, taking their designated places. 
Loki takes a bunch of pictures, even pulling out his instant camera and having Sam take three pictures so each of you could keep one. Sam was all smiles taking the pictures and pulling funny faces to make the three of you laugh.
“I’m keeping this one.” Bucky takes his pick, grabbing the photograph and tucking it into his pocket.
“Hey, at least let me see it!” Loki grumbles trying to grab the picture. 
You chuckle, moving with your plaque to where Ace was sitting.
“I called dibs!” Bucky makes a run for it.
“What are you, four?” Loki grumbles out but still running behind him,
“I’m a child at heart.”
“You’re a child per se.”
Sam chuckles but whips his own phone out to get videos, this is what he liked to post on behalf of his clients, genuine moments not orchestrated crap. Though sometimes orchestrated crap was required. 
Drowning out their sounds, you stand in front of Ace. 
“Would you be okay with us taking a picture together with the plaques?” You ask them, they smile at you. 
“I’d love that,” they stand, the two of you set up your phones, using the timer to take pictures. 
“I wanted to tell you, I finished the book in one night.” They grin as you both approve the pictures.
“Really?” You blink several times, not recalling the last reading binge you yourself did.
“I could not put it down, TMI I took it into my bathroom.” Ace laughs, you chuckle.
“I take my phone with me to carry on writing if I have to pee and it’s a really good scene.” You giggle. They laugh. 
The double doors open and Maria Hill and Nick Fury walk in, you’re relieved to see Alexander is not present. 
Not present yet, a voice in your head warns. 
It takes you back to James’ warning in his car. 
Behind them Sharon rolls in a trolley with iPads. Placing it near the table with Nick and Maria’s placement plaques. 
Nick checks the time and the people present, a non verbal look is shared and Loki takes his place beside Ace. 
Bucky sits next to Loki and your place is next to him. 
The actors playing Doll’s father, then Steve’s father, Doll’s mother is played by Hope Van Dyne, next to her is Dolores and then Steve who smiles at you given that you’re directly opposite him and Dolores opposite to Bucky. 
You wonder who would play Rhys’ boss secretly you hoped it would be Tony Stark because there was no one else in your mind who could replace him. Your mom introduced you to his work and then you absolutely adored him as Sherlock Holmes. 
Steve pulls you out of your thoughts about Tony when his gaze meets your own and he takes off the sunglasses and winks at you. You look down at your hands, Bucky only glares at Steve. The man then winks at him too. 
“Don’t break the iPad.” Loki warns in a whisper, “You can’t unbend it like a fork.” 
Sam snorts but pipes down when Nick Fury throws him a warning look. 
Your gaze shifts behind you, towards Yelena’s empty seat. Taking a quick picture you add the message of missing her to text her. 
“The iPad contains the script loaded onto good notes, we are forgoing paper as part of our new green initiative. The iPads are locked so essentially you are toddlers with access to one app only not allowed to send or receive messages, emails the works.” Maria explains, Sharon begins distributing the iPads to everyone. 
You look up at her as she hands you the iPad, “Thank you.” You whisper. 
She rolls her eyes then plasters a smile handing Bucky his iPad. 
“Thanks.” He begins to unlock it and load the app. 
“You’re very welcome.” Sharon bats her eyelashes, “Anything you need tell me.” 
“Uh,” Bucky shifts in his seat, your eyes shift to his face. 
“Anything.” Sharon emphasises. 
“Sharon some of us are waiting could you not try and flirt?” Ace calls out. 
“Ms. Carter, please get on with the work.” Maria Hill shakes her head disappointed. 
“We have an hour to read the script.” Nick announces and everyone gazes down at the devices. 
The scriptwriters anxiously gaze at everyone especially you. All of your notes on what scenes are important, your annotations everything was laid out for them. They were on your side wanting to preserve everything possible but fit it into the screenplay time. 
Bucky catches it first, the shake of your hands and the nervous fiddling. You’re gnawing at your bottom lip as you read through the script your the furrow in your brow lets him know you’re worried as each line you read has you further descent into nervousness. This was a new take on your work. 
He takes a peek around the room, everyone is invested in the script. He’s almost halfway though given his reading speed. 
Dolores toys with the digital pages but pays attention more to her phone. Loki reads in concentration and Steve rolls his eyes every few lines. 
Ace has a notebook out as they jot down notes of the emotions expected in the scenes. 
The remaining actors diligently read.
Bucky stares at his left palm, it is the only option given you sit to that side. Slowly he reaches out, offering his hand. You look up at him, but he gazes into his own iPad, pretending to read the page but all his attention is on you. 
You take his hand, thumb tapping against his palm and the gloves feel the same as they did in his car. Bucky squeezes your palm, reassurance woven into the action. 
Using your free hands both of you continue to read, each time your anxiety picks up at a scene, he allows you to squeeze, tap, play with his fingers. Squeezing back ever so often to remind you he’s there. 
Your face pales, Bucky’s hand tightens around yours, you take a glance at the page he’s on. You  bring your left hand on his, its the scene of the loss of Rhys’ arm. You both are at the same page. 
You rub circles on the back of his palm. Bucky meets your gaze, blinking back tears. 
“I’m sorry.” Is all you can muster to say in a low tone, he takes deep breaths. 
“Not on you.” He whispers. 
Steve looks across the room, he wonders who did the placement, Bucky and you tucked away in a corner. Loki by Bucky’s side, Ace next to him. Dolores seat next to Steve and the remaining producers in line with them. 
Steve’s gaze follows Bucky’s arm he tilts his head wondering if he’s picturing it but then you look up at Bucky he whispers something to you and you respond making him smile.  
Your eyes move across the room, Steve gives you a smile as you meet his gaze. You return the gesture then look back down at the script. You do catch Dolores’ hand moving towards him.  
Bucky squeezes your hand again as he reads the lines, it’s almost verbatim, they’ve converted the entire scene into a dream sequence that ultimately leads to a PTSD episode which Loki’s character would step in to help him through. 
“Have you both noted the amount of sex scenes?” Loki whispers and then his eyes fall to your hands but he looks back up and you don’t have to wonder about what comes next, Bucky releases your hand. It feels reminiscent of the ‘almost event, some how hurts more. 
“How many are there?” Bucky clenches his fist, he can’t tell you the minuscule space before he completely parted from your hand ached more than letting your hand go. 
Loki’s brows furrow in question, Bucky clenches his jaw. 
“I think eight are there.” He says quietly, Bucky purses his lips closing his eyes. 
He should be mad at the scenes, he should protest but all his mind brings forth is you. You’re next to him and he aches for you. 
You turn your attention back to the script, quickly skimming through it again, there are several sex scenes— the video chat, the immediately post meeting, the rain, the post all the chaos, the car they even threw in a mile high club scene. As well as Loki and Ace have a scene together. 
You internally groan. Why were so many required? The tender moments were there but it felt less intimate in the script. Your mind replays his hand leaving yours, you shake your head as if to physically dismiss the thought. 
You meet the gaze of the scriptwriters and they wait for your approval, you give a slight nod they did surprisingly well though the scenes where Rhys helps Doll see herself, where he talks her down from her own demons, where they slowly go from friends to more is now basically instant attraction. 
You aren’t happy, but you aren’t upset either. It has to be a love story shown within three hours. It has to be fast paced. 
Then your eyes fall to the scene, you pause, your breath halting. Doll’s father and mother, with her observing from far off the abuse. Your hand trembles, flashes of a familiar scene play in front of your eyes. Your throat tightens as his roaring distant voice gets louder to the point where it hurts your ears more than your heart. 
Bucky turns his attention back to you, you’re staring at the iPad, the screen is dimming but you make no attempt to prevent the auto lock. He reaches out tapping the screen the second his hand enters your peripheral you flinch, chair scraping back as you stand. 
The eyes were going to move to you but the doors fly open — Natasha Romanoff enters followed by Yelena. You’re so grateful for the attention being diverted. 
Bucky looks back at you, his had wants to reach out to yours, run his thumb along the edge of your index finger but your curious gaze is fixated on the sisters who’ve walked into the room. Yelena gives you a beaming grin. 
“Everyone please meet your director, the talented, decorated with accolades Natasha Romanoff.” Maria Hill announces, applause greet Natasha as she gives a shy smile walking yo the place at Maria’s side. 
Before she settles in, she turns to you, walking the three foot distance, “I spoke with Yelena before I did with you,” her voice is low so you know this is a conversation that will delve further later, “I will try to do this story justice in the themes that it represents, beyond the love story of two people.” 
“Thank you. I trust you.” You tell her, your words hold a weight and she smiles reaching out to touch your arm give it a small squeeze. 
You sit back down as she returns to her place. 
“Are you alright?” Bucky whispers, you give him a curt nod. You failed to realise this would open the pandora’s box you kept locked away. 
Bucky gnaws at the inside of his cheek, he catches the page number on your iPad opening it on his then it clicks. 
When he looks up at you, you’re nodding his gaze sweeps across to Steve’s side catching him mouthing ‘Are you sure?’ with his brows twisted into that look of feigned concern that Bucky is familiar with a little too well. 
Yelena taps your shoulder motioning to the corner of the room near the refreshments, you gladly leave your place to join her. 
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“A little more emotion, Dolores.” Natasha orders not even yelling cut this time, she is fed up.
Nicky Fury has a perpetual look of indifference, Maria Hill could be hiding a migraine and you try to keep a neutral expression. 
“The scene isn’t—,” Dolores begins,
“The scene is fine, you’re not bringing the emotion of seeing the love of your life finally after ages of being separated.” Natasha cuts her off, taking a sip of her water. 
“Again from the beginning, Ace please from the moment of pretending on Nia’s part forgetting the phone, Bucky move off stage then come on once Ace leaves.” She instructs and Bucky scurries off stage, thankful he didn’t have to take off his bionic arm, yet. 
He tries catching your gaze but you seem adamant on avoiding it, he doesn’t understand what changed within moments. 
You look towards Bucky only when his back is towards you, when he turns you look down at the iPad. You aren’t mad at him for dropping your hand, you don’t want to read into anything. Given the articles Yelena showed you.
You’re still in over your head at what Yelena told you. It’s taking everything to focus and Bucky would muddle everything going on in your mind. 
“Do you have any notes?” Natasha leans towards you as the actors take their places. 
“Um,” you look down at the observations you’ve jotted. 
“Hmm, I didn’t think switching their placements would work, she bumped into him walking backwards in the original scene, let’s work with that instead of Doll seeing Rhys instantly.” Natasha reads over the notes, her gaze lifts to Yelena whole gives her look of ‘told you’. 
“Are you sure?” You whisper, worried about over-stepping. 
“I’m 101% sure.” Natasha smiles then turns to the actors explaining what she requires. 
Nick turns to you, his poker face not allowing you to place what his mind is going over. 
You turn back as Ace and Dolores take centre stage. 
“Action!” Natasha calls out. 
Ace laughs, “Okay so what? It doesn’t mean you scream at everyone—oh shit I left my phone, wait for me?” 
Dolores shakes her head, turning to face Ace as they walk to the classroom, “I’m going to wait by the car, you go find that device, and for the record I don’t call you out,”
Bucky steps onto the stage, a soft smile on his face as he gazes at Dolores. You’re almost reminded of how it was in your head when it was a fanfic. 
Dolores takes a few steps more, bumping into Bucky, “Oh I’m so sorry,” she looks up at him, “Rhys.” Dolores looks back towards Ace who whips out their phone a grin on their face as if to say ‘Ta da!!’
Dolores furrows her brows then realisation dawns on her features. 
“Rhys?” She questions turning to face him. 
“Hi Doll.” Bucky smiles, you notice him blinking several times, eyes glazing over, your hands grip the iPad tightly. 
“Rhys you’re—, you’re here?” Dolores looks as if surprised but her voice lacks conviction,
“I think I met you in my dreams once,” Bucky smiles, “But now I’m here.” He sniffles. 
Dolores laughs, leaning up to kiss him. Bucky smiles, meeting her halfway. Flesh arm wrapping around her waist pulling her to him, not using his vibranium arm. 
You don’t pay attention to the twinge in your chest.
“Cut!” Natasha yells, “Much better.” She denotes when they part. Dolores gleams. 
“Though Dolores I want you to work on emoting better.” Natasha tsks, then smiles at Bucky“Bucky a little more awe when you see her in person, a little more wonder, otherwise the remainder of your emotions were good.” 
“Thank you.” Bucky says, his eyes shift to you when you wipe the corner of your eyes. 
Dolores rolls her eyes, Natasha ignores her. 
“Ace I loved it every bit happy scheming best friend.” Natasha praises and Ace grins. 
“Thank you.” They grin. 
You look up, Bucky’s eyes are on you curiosity and worry evident. You always admired how expressive he was in his craft with just his eyes. Just, right now being at the receiving end of his intense gaze, you felt as if the first night you met him, being tugged into the eye of the storm.  
‘I’m okay.’ You mouth, when Natasha touches your arm you break your gaze with him. Bucky swallows, trying to find Loki but his eyes settle on Steve instead who has a knowing grin on his face. 
“Fuck.” Bucky mutters, Steve only grins more, standing as Natasha calls on the scene for Dolores and himself. 
“Now, I know just how important she is to you. You have that look on your face.” Steve pats Bucky’s shoulder as if complementing him.  
“She’s just an asset.” Bucky replies, he tries to keep up an air of nonchalance. 
“Is she, Barnes?” Steve shakes his head in disbelief, moving onto stage. 
Dolores hugs him, chatting away about the scene. Steve allows Bucky to stew in his thoughts. 
“What did he say?” Loki pulls Bucky out of his mind.
“He believes there is something going on… between Y/N and I.” Bucky answers, they are to the side so no one can hear them. 
Loki’s eyes lift to where you were sat, watching Steve and Dolores enact out their scene. 
“Is there? Something?” He gazes back to Bucky. 
“No.” Bucky answers too quickly. 
“Do you hope for there to be something?” He changes the question. 
“I—, I don’t know, Loki.” Bucky sighs. 
“Bucky and Loki, could we have you both on stage? I want you to enact the PTSD episode scene, is that comfortable right now?” Natasha looks towards them, Bucky’s gaze falls to you, you’re gnawing your bottom lip with worry. 
“I’m okay as long as Bucky is fine with it.” Loki answers. 
“Yeah we can do it.” Bucky swallows nodding. It doesn’t ease your worry for him. 
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Bucky stands staring off into space, blinking several times to return to the present, flesh hand tracing over his shoulder that used to harbour his left arm. 
He groans, the pang of phantom pain hitting him. He turns, there is an echo of bullets and blasts resounding. His chest rises and falls rapidly. Breath unable to be kept even. 
He steps towards the side table with the water jug, but his step falters, “Please, please, please, save it, save it.” He pleas with someone who isn’t present.
Bucky lands on his knees, hunched over, clawing at his shoulder to feel, “What good is a dead armed soldier? Doc do something!” He wheezes, blue eyes lost. 
“Hey Rhys—, fucking hell.” Loki moves in front of Bucky, “Rhys can you hear me?” 
“The arm, the pain, I can’t—, I can’t feel—,” Bucky hiccups, tears fully falling from his eyes, “I can’t feel anything.”
“Rhys, Rhys its me Levi, you aren’t on the battlefield anymore, try to listen to my voice.” Loki’s own eyes brim with tears. 
“Levi?” Bucky breaks the syllables, eyes in and out of focus,
“Yeah your friend; I’m here. Can you find your way back to here?” Loki questions, gently prying his flesh arm away from his shoulder and holding it. 
Bucky gazes down at the intertwined hands, Loki squeezes in reassurance, “I’ve got you man, I know it hurts, you gotta come out of it, you’re home.” 
Bucky’s breathing evens out slowly, 
“You’re doing good man, that is some good breathing right there.” Loki encourages. 
“Levi?” Bucky looks up locking his eyes with Loki. Finally present after being lost.
“Right here Rhys.” Loki lets go of his breath with relief. Tears streaming down his own face.  
“What the fuck is, ‘that is some good breathing right there?’” Bucky blinks away the tears, bewildered. 
“Fuck you.” Loki rolls his eyes and Bucky laughs, Loki joins him, the former pulling him into a hug. 
“Cut.” Natasha’s voice is thick with emotion, you can’t find your own voice beyond the tears, a clap resounds next to you. 
Loki and Bucky remain kneeling, smiles on their faces at the praise pouring in the small room. 
Maria stands, clapping you join in as does Natasha followed by the rest of the cast. Nick Fury stands when the claps die down. 
“I think we made the right choice with the two of you. Thirty minute break.” He declares walking to the doors. 
Loki helps Bucky up, they move to the side Bucky unbuttons his shirt to fix his arm back into the mounting plate. It does a full circumduction before his shrugs his shoulder. Flexing his elbow and fingers putting his shirt back on and buttoned up.
Then Loki walks towards you, you engulf him in a hug. He appreciates it. Bucky walks towards the two of you slowly, observing.
“That was breathtaking.” You say to the both of them when Loki parts from you from the hug. 
“Thank you.” they speak in unison. 
Ace walks up, “That was brilliant.” 
Loki gives them a tight-lipped smile, you shift towards Bucky’s side to allow Ace space, your shoulder brushes against his, you don’t allow yourself to stop the next movement.
Your pinky finger reaches out to trace the outer border of his left palm. Bucky smiles, it was an innocent way to give a nod towards the hand-holding both of you had begun. He does the same to your palm. You smile.
“Did you think about undergoing military level training to prepare?” Ace questions Bucky,
“I’ve spoken to a few veterans, and my old physical therapist will be re training to balance around without the bionic arm.” He explains, as they nod.
“Y/N, may I steal you away for a bit?” Natasha enquires. 
“By all means.” Ace answers beaming. 
You look back at Bucky, he only smiles at you, your gaze drops to his hand. His opposite thumb traces over the spot where you touched him. 
His gaze falls to your hand as you repeat the same gesture upon your own hands. 
Bucky diverts his attention towards Loki and Ace. He still doesn’t understand why the latter gets on his best friend’s nerves.
You follow Natasha to the corner where Yelena stands as well. She smiles at you, you smile back.
“Alright, let me get down to business, I think you may have seen the articles for Yelena and I meeting, the only reason I agreed to direct is you.” Natasha explains, your jaw drops.
“Me?” You manage to squeak out, she’s an Oscar, Emmy, Everything nominated and won director.
“I read the book, Yelena being your agent was a surprise but I know she sees potential better than the best.” Natasha smiles at her sister.
“Flattery Natalia.” Yelena rolls her eyes.
“Can’t a big sister be proud?” Natasha chuckles when Yelena grumbles in Russain.
“I love you too.” The elder sister only laughs.
You chuckle, emotional displays weren’t Yelena’s forte so you knew her actions speak much clearer for how she feels.
“Now, as executive producer and author your body of work needs to be honoured, I know your hesitancies, even I disagree with some of the cast choices. However I wanted to speak to you about a sort of cameo in the movie? Just as a nod to you?” She seems so hopeful, you look at Yelena.
“Please say yes, small moment, maybe giving Rhys directions to the university or something else.” Yelena adds you chuckle.
Your nod has both sisters squeal and hug you.
Natasha moves away to speak to Nick as he returns, Yelena tugs at your hand.
“Your blue eyed boy is looking here.” She teases, you slowly meet Bucky’s gaze from across the room. The he frowns, his eyes begin to harbour disdain.
The hand is on your lower back before you can react to Bucky. Yelena can’t pull you away quick enough.
“How is my stellar author?” Alexander’s voice has a chill creep up your spine, you turn immediately moving away.
“Mr. Pierce,” You smile.
He gives you a lazy grin, “I hope my absence didn’t cause much trouble.”
“Oh um, I wouldn’t be the best judge of that, I’m sure someone of your caliber can contribute even better so everyone here can learn.” You hope the answer is diplomatic enough.
“Oh you do have a way with your words.” Alexander gleams, you trace the spot Bucky traced his fingers over. 
“Mr. Pierce.” Bucky speaks up, “Missed you here today.” He walks towards the three of you. You take the moment to shift but Alexander looks at you the minute you try to shift.
“How is your mother?” He enquires.
“Getting by… some days are good.” You swallow.
“And your father I hope you spoke to him about the absurd commentary. Defamation suits are very costly.” Alexander only smiles.
“I’ve spoken to him as well.” Yelena adds.
“I hope you have made him acquainted with my legal team.” He questions, she nods. Your brows furrow, when did this occur?
Bucky finally makes his way over, a smile plastered on his face, he gives you a once over. You don’t meet his gaze.
“It is good to see you both well acquainted.” Alexander observes, Bucky chuckles.
“I take time to open up Alexander, you know that. It was a matter of time before I got along.” He says easily, “You know I have to, you of all people know how it is?” 
“If I didn’t i wouldn’t be here, as your boss.” Alexander laughs, Bucky joins him.
Yelena grabs your hand, “Its from the hospital.” she hands you your phone.
“Excuse me.” You whisper, before hastily exiting the room. 
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“Absolutely not.” Bucky seethes, this close to upturning the damn table.
“Oh come on Bucky.” Dolores rolls her eyes, “It’s just for PR.” 
“No.” Bucky presses on, Loki rolls his eyes at the absurd notion. This is not required.
“As the best interest is seemed of SHEILD you will do this PR relationship.” Nick presses on, looking at Sam to talk sense into Bucky.
“Why not have Steve and Dolores be PR.” Bucky offers, he doesn’t want this, he has, well, no one at the moment but he does not want the whole thing with the same woman who cheated on him. 
His mind strays to you, still gone, NDAs were already brought out and signed. Yelena, Natasha both are missing as well. 
“I already did my bit of PR under SHEILD’s contracts, face it, it’s your turn.” Steve glares at him.
“Your agent loves throwing you on front pages, also don’t think I don’t know this is because of her instability and recent DUI—,”
“Gentlemen.” Alexander intervenes, “Do as you’re told Bucky or we can bring up all of your contractual binding obligations.”
Bucky knows what that is code for, he grips the table. Sam places a hand on his shoulder.
“When do we need to start?” He mutters through gritted teeth.
“Today, go sneak off to make out, make sure you’re caught by the paps outside.” Alexander waves them off.
Pushing his chair back Bucky moves to the door with an all too excited Dolores on his trail. They take the elevator down. He ignores every attempt she makes to speak. His heart is screaming at him to fight. His brain brings forth the bullshit of Alexander.
The doors open, he inhales then exhales and they make their way as if sneaking away.
Steve hides his grin as you’re right where he wanted you, pacing the parking lot on the phone. It was easy to produce scheduling conflicts when the right connections were known to the private nursing facility you had hired for your mother. 
Your call ends and you catch laughter, you turn towards the sound, curiosity getting the best of you.
Something in your chest breaks when Bucky grasps Dolores’ cheek with his vibranium palm. She smiles up at him, grasping his wrist. Your breath hitches at how eerily similar it is, limbs locked. Bucky’s lips brush over Dolores’ once, twice, he smiles before their lips meet.
Dolores wraps her arm around his neck, kissing Bucky back with equal fervour. 
You look down then, shaking your head and steadying your breath that seems to be moving towards panting. This is not supposed to affect you.
“Heartbreaking isn’t it?” Steve murmurs from behind you, leaning against a car.
“I don’t understand—,” 
“He says and does things that might hold significance only to not reciprocate what might be in your own heart.” Steve cuts you off, eyes moving towards Bucky and Dolores as they laugh. 
“I think you’re reading too much into things, Steve.” You keep your voice even, jaw clenched. 
“I think I’m reading it just right, sweetheart.” Steve steps closer to you, “Is everything alright? I overheard Yelena say it’s the hospital that was getting in touch.” 
You furrow your brows, “The nurse has to leave from home, I need to get back, my dad isn’t going to return till later. If I’m not there its going to be a whole thing,” your palm touches your forehead, ten things swirling in your head. 
Steve pulls you into his embrace cutting off your words. 
“I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for you. How about I take you home and stay there with you and your mom?” He pulls away cupping your cheek with his right hand. 
“Steve I appreciate the offer but you need to be here for—,”
“Sweetheart, if I leave it makes more sense, if an actor isn’t there they have to pause, they’ll go on without you.” Steve plants the seed in your mind. 
You contemplate, then call Yelena. 
“Hey where are you?” She questions, standing near the window. 
“In the parking lot, listen the nurse has to leave so I need to get home do you think they would you know hold off?” You wince when she clicks her tongue. 
“Why is Steve with you? Actually don’t answer, I’m going to go home on your account. Your mom loves me and your dad can’t say shit to me.” She nods knowing it would work. 
“Are you sure?” You wonder again, Steve’s expression carries worry and you give him a reassuring smile. 
“Positive, come back up I’ll get the keys from you, her medicine schedule is on the counter right?” 
“Yeah, thank you so much Yelena.” You grin. 
The call disconnects and you recount everything to Steve and he seems genuinely relieved. 
“That is good now you can stay.” He smiles offering his arm to guide you back. You hesitate so he drops his arm. 
“I’ll settle for walking side by side.” He chuckles. 
“Really, you aren’t going to make scathing comments?” You deadpan. 
“I’m hurt.” He clutches his chest then grins. Reaching up to cup your chin then he tilts your head and picks at a small leaf stuck on your head.  
Bucky looks up when the clearance from Sam comes in the form of a text, to find Steve cupping your cheek. His left palm forms a fist.
“Oh come on, Bucky, she’s still going to be your shiny toy.” Dolores giggles, he shoots her a glare.
Steve and you make your way inside, Bucky’s mind whirls as he walks reluctantly in step with Dolores.
They reach the elevators just as you and Steve enter them. 
“Hi Stevie.” Dolores gleams, “Hey Y/N.” 
You have to do a double take, “Hey Dolores.” 
She leans into Bucky’s side you shift, to the side taking support of the wall, eyes downcast.
Bucky’s eyes are on you, then he looks to Steve who smirks and raises a brow in question. Needing to rile Bucky up.
The doors open none of you make a move to exit. The air feels different.
“Come on Bucky—,” “You go on I dropped my wallet.” Bucky tells her and Dolores huffs before moving out.
Your phone begins to ring again and you send a text that you will call back in two minutes.
“I have to take call so I’m heading down again.” You look at Steve he nods, brushing his hand over your arm before leaving.
The doors close again, Bucky turns to face you, “You and Steve?” 
“You and Dolores?” You look up at him, locking your eyes with his, Bucky’s jaw tightens.
Bucky bites his tongue.
“Please don’t, not with him.” Bucky closes his eyes, then meets your gaze.
“Why do you even care, James? You clearly held back because of Dolores.” You don’t want him to think there is anything between Steve and you, but you can’t fathom his behaviour either.
He takes the two steps to you, your back pressed up against the cold metal of the elevator, Bucky in front of you, his hand on either side of you on the railing. Your hands on his biceps. 
“James…” You breathe, his cologne engulfing you. You close your eyes. You feel his forehead against yours, his own eyes closed.
Bucky can feel your heart hammering, he needs to tell you but he knows eyes and ears are present. Even in the damn elevator.
“Fuck.” He mutters, then moves away to the opposite end. He knows what you will presume. He hates himself for doing this to you. You don’t deserve it, you don’t deserve the heartbreak that follows him. 
The elevator dings, your eyes open, you bite the inside of your cheek.
“You can’t do things like that anymore.” You warn him, he moves toward you yet again. Defiance in his demeanour. 
“I know.” He says, hand reaching out towards your own.
“James.” You say in warning again.
“Feather.” His fingers trace the outer border of your right index finger that harbours the white inked tattoo of a quill.
“I know it’s a quill.” He explains, 
“I know I should keep my distance from you, Feather. You, you deserve much better.”
You swallow, the nickname a raft in the midst of the blue storm.
“Go.” He says, you don’t move,
“Please.” His voice breaks for some reason, your brows furrow.
“James what happened—,” you reach towards his hand. 
“Go, Y/N.” He moves away holding the door open button down.
You step out, before you can turn the doors close and the nurse calls you yet again.
Bucky rests his head against the floor panel. Trying to compose himself. 
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Rekindled Romance Dolores and Bucky Spotted Out At Romantic Dinner Date In The City.
Uh Oh Dolores Yells at Fans While Bucky Agrees To Pose For Pictures. 
Dolores Shares Snap In The Same Hoodie Fans Love On Bucky Barnes.
Steve Rogers Spotted Outside Y/N Y/L/N’s Home Multiple Times.
Starlet Ace Visits Y/N Y/L/N’s Home Along With Yelena Belova, Spotted By A Neighbour!
Natasha Romanoff and Y/N Y/L/N Meet For Private Lunch At Posh Restaurant In Manhattan.
Shooting To Commence Next Month For ITIMYIMDO, Director Natasha Romanoff Is Excited and Eager To Work With Talented Cast and Crew.
Two Weeks After Almost Losing All Her Contracts Dolores Secures Brand Deal With LVMH And Cover Of Vogue!
Tensions Rise At Hydrangeas Publications As Deal With SHEILD Productions comes to an Impasse, all author works are put on hold for Acquiring/Publication/Selling Media Rights.
Y/N Y/L/N’s first Three Chapters Of New Book Leaked Onto The Internet Amid Publication House Tensions, Fans Divided If They Should Or Should Not Read The Chapters.
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A.N.: should i hide? *hides behind chair* do i get brownie points for the nickname moment? *hides further under a blanket*
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106 notes · View notes
embrassemoi · 4 years ago
when ur sober ☽ R.L
Remus felt his heart pound in his chest and he wondered briefly if he was going to faint. Those words he’d been desperate to hear finally happened. But she was drunk. The ringing in his ears intensified and in a panic, he hung up the phone; shakily texting back: call me when ur sober.
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PAIRINGS: Remus Lupin x F!Reader ft. Jily, Dorlene
CONTENT: Fluff, swearing, sexual jokes, blink and you’ll miss the angst, love confessions, brief mention of food, cringe lol
NOTES: I'm a firm believer that Remus would've loved 'the real slim shady.’ Also, lowkey badly written but I’m too lazy to go back and rewrite
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Remus — my moony Sirius — padfoot Peter — peeps James — evan’s bitch Lily — petals Marlene — marling Dorcas — meadowes in meadows Y/N — me (for her POVs (for Remus it’s: sunshine)) Me — refers to the owner of the cell who’s texting 
EDIT: there's something wrong with the formatting but Tumblr keeps glitching out so I can't fix it. I apologize
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7:45 PM
petals: are we still going out tonight?
padfoot: ofc. don’t back out now
petals: i’m not
my moony: can’t. i got an upcoming exam
my moony: gotta study
evan’s bitch: gonna be late. need to finish something up at work but i’m driving everyone home. pretty sure pete can’t either
peeps: made plans with my s/o. another time?
padfoot: what happened to the MARAUDERS???
(padfoot removed peeps from Besties)
petals: ...
petals: damn. didn’t give him a chance
my moony: ruthless.
my moony: wait
my moony: sirius. don’t you fucking dare
(padfoot removed my moony from Besties)
(padfoot changed the group name from Besties to bad bitches ONLY)
[my moony]
7:50 PM
my moony: he’s insufferable
my moony: can you add me back
me: lol
me: no
my moony: 0:
[bad bitches ONLY]
7:51 PM
marlings: LMFAOOO NO
evan’s bitch: WAIT
evan’s bitch: LET ME MAKE MY CASE
evan’s bitch: i’m the driver! u can’t kick me unless u want to walk home
me: valid point
meadowes in meadows: i agree
petals: still remove him
evan’s bitch: >:(
padfoot: kinda wanna add remus back
padfoot: he’s going to beat the shit out of me
petals: dramatic much
me: tough luck buddy
evan’s bitch: rip. getaway driver?
meadowes in meadows: wait where r we going??
marling: pub?
padfoot: pub
me: we should go to the one in diagon alley
padfoot: !!!
padfoot: good idea! It’s close
8:04 PM
padfoot: babes
padfoot: darling
padfoot: send me a pic of ur outfit for tonight
padfoot: wanna match
me: [sent image]
padfoot: AS FUCK
me: hot as fuck together*
padfoot: is ur bf coming?
me: he’s not my bf
padfoot: moony is literally in love with u. idk why ur not jumping each others' bones yet
me: u don’t know that
me: he’s just friendly
padfoot: …
me: shut the fuck up
[bad bitches ONLY]
8:09 PM
petals: does 9 sound good?
marling: peffffecttttt
me: yup yup
evan’s bitch: i’m off work around 9 30. I’ll meet you guys there
meadowes in meadows: thanks mama james
meadowes in meadows: everyone say thank you to james
me: thxs bambi
petals: eh. thanks
evan’s bitch: whatever you want my beautiful flower
marling: thankkkk youuu
padfoot: 2/4 marauders bonding time!
8:13 PM
petals: did you want to spend the night at my place?
petals: james is offering and it’s been so long
me: sure. of course!!!
me: are my clothes still there?
petals: washed and folded
me: k. def then
Locking her home screen, she tossed her phone to the side, getting up to walk over to Remus in their shared apartment. She made her way soundlessly as he tirelessly worked away at his study notes.
“Hey.” She rubbed a supportive hand up and down his back. “Do you need anything?”
He sighed, finally putting down his pencil to look up at her.
Green eyes had never been so alluring.
“Fuckin’ tired,” he says, pulling off his glasses. “A hug would be nice though..?”
She smiles, gladly wrapping her arms around Remus, his head dropping into the crook of her neck. Her fingers dance with the honey auburn curls on the nape of his neck while his hands wrap around her waist; little ghosts of touch and brushes of fingers. Even his slightest touch flooded her veins with extremities, as she’d just been touched with livewire.
His presence cast a protective bubble over her, safe from the distress that life often brings. With him, she felt a strength and stability she didn’t know she was lacking. And being with him, she felt so loved, despite all her acknowledged imperfections. The happiness of being understood and cared for despite the voluminous flaws was comforting.
Loving Remus is calm. Joyful. Peaceful and sturdy.
Her heart clenched, wondering if he felt the same.
She was the one that pulled away. “I wish you could come tonight.”
“Mmhm. Me too.”
“If you want, I can stay to help out.”
But Remus was unrelenting as he shook his head. “Have fun, you deserve it.”
“And not my little Moony?” She jokes.
“Little Moony?” His lip quirks up, a small blush settling on his face. And every time he laughs, it is even more dazzling than the last. A victory is written in every bone at the sound.
And she saves it to auditory memory.
“If you don’t need anything else, I’m gonna get ready.”
He simply nodded his head, sinking into his chair to return to studying.
“I’m staying at Lily’s tonight!” She calls out, only to have Remus shout back in acknowledgment.
In record time, she managed to get in the shower, dry, slip on a beautiful dress and put on her makeup. She shoved her phone into her bag, heels in one hand while heading to the living room, surprised to find Remus not studying, but in the kitchen.
He was dancing a little, shuffling around as the soft playing of music encircled them.
“What are you making?” She questions. Remus’ head snaps up. And the way he looks at her, gaze scorching her skin, maybe she thinks, maybe he does feel something too.
He forcibly coughs, gaze lingering on her a beat before forcing himself to stare at the ground. “Sauce — y’know James’ spaghetti recipe. Ugh  — you look okay.”
“Okay?” She mused, stalking up beside him, staring at the fresh oregano he put into the tomato sauce. “Just okay?”
He squirms a little in his spot. “You’re humble, aren’t you?”
She laughs and Remus relaxes.
“Be my taste tester?” Gesturing to the food in front.
Brow raised, she agrees as he brings the wooden spoon to her lips. Her eyes never leaving his.
“Mmhm.” The sauce is sublime, so much so that she has to close her eyes to take in the richness of flavour. When she opens them again, Remus is staring down at her lips, eyes flashing a brilliant gold in the midst of his green hues. “That’s good.”
He pulls the spoon away,
And then a moment later, his brows raise. “Oh, you got a bit on your mouth just —”
The pad of his thumb brushes softly against her lower lip, wiping away the excess tomato sauce before he rips back his hand. Surprise written on his face and no doubt, hers too.
There was always that air of flirtatiousness, both always pushing boundaries.
“Okay!” She exclaims, nearly jumping back while he pulls away, coughing. “I better head out.”
“Y-yeah. Right!” Remus adds too quickly, forcing his head down to start cutting up vegetables speedily. “Um — text me when you get there and when you leave.”
“Sure! Bye!”
She stumbles out, feeling her skin ablaze as she shoves on her shoes, practically sprinting out the door.
What the fuck was that?
The cool air did nothing to chill the burning of her skin as October wore on. The crunching of freshly fallen leaves were crushed under each step. Only the buzzing of her phone seemed to snap her out of her distant state.
9:21 PM
marling: she’s so beautiful
marling: i’m gonna cryyyy
marling: holy christ almighty i’m so lucky
marling: dorcas looks so pretty
9:32 PM
padfoot: this is it. I’m done
padfoot: i was flirting with this really hot guy and i accidentally spilt my drink on him
Padfoot: where r u???????
She slid open the notification.
me: running late
me: are you already drunk?
padfoot: ...mildy…
padfoot: i just got really nervous okay he’s hot
me: lmfao whore
padfoot: … ok u got me there
padfoot: at least i don’t want to suck my best friends dick
me: fuck all the way off you right dickhead
me: shit. nvm i’m a hypocrite
padfoot: ?????????? spill
me: omg i fucking hate myself
padfoot: TELL ME
me: remus just fUCKING TOUCHED MY LIPS
padfoot: WAHT?????
padfoot: WHATTTTTTT???!?!?!?!?!?!
padfoot: HE KISSED YOU??????
padfoot: bestie what the UFFCk
But then her phone lights up, receiving an incoming call from Sirius.
“What the fuck happened?!” Sirius practically roars from the other end of the receiver.
“I was trying his pasta sauce and —”
“Hah, are you sure it was pasta sauce?”
“Shut up! Anyway, some must have been left on my mouth and he wiped it off with his fingers!”
There was a high, muffled screaming from the other end of the phone and she chuckled, her heels clicking down on the pavement as she speedily walked to Diagon Alley.
“Oh my god! It’s happening! It's been years and it’s finally happening!”
But then there was a familiar ache that returned. “He probably didn’t realize what he was doing.”
There was a long pause on Sirius’ end, the only thing she could make out was the loud music and harsh whispering.
“You dumb bitch and I mean that with love”
That wasn’t Sirius.
“Excuse me?!”
Marlene sighs, and it’s evident she’s already drunk by the slight slur of her words. “How oblivious do you two mother fuckers have to be? I swear you guys could take a shower together, naked — you two could literally fuck and still say, but we’re just friends.’ Bullshit. Open your eyes!”
“Okay Marls. I’m going to hang up now —”
“Stop! You need to listen to me!
“— I’ll see you there.”
With the swipe of her thumb, the call ended and she felt like she could finally breathe.
It was all too confusing.
When she entered the pub, Sirius let out a low whistle, snapping his fingers a few times to gain her attention. She sent a quick text to Remus before shutting her phone off.
“There’s my fucking bestie!” He yells as she stalks up to the group.
James raises his hands. “What am I then?”
Sirius wraps an arm around her. “Moony doesn’t know what he’s missing out on.”
“How much did he drink?” She asks, a bit worried as she has to pull Sirius off from getting on the table.
“Not sure,” James sighs into his seat, keeping a close eye on Lily, Marlene and Dorcas.
Before she could respond, Sirius pulled her away to the dance floor and the familiar buzz settled its way into her heart. Her main goal: get fucking plastered and forget about… him.
The only sound that filled the room was the flip of pages every few seconds.
Remus combed a hand through his hair. He’d been going over his review notes for hours now. All the dates, numbers and facts weren’t sticking as he leaned back against his chair, kicking his feet up on the desk as he listened to the crickets and cars zipping by.
He couldn't stop thinking about her.
Reaching over, he turned off the small night light shining on his table. With a small sigh, he kicked off his feet, opening the table drawer, pulling out a lighter and a package of cigarettes. Making it to the balcony and shutting the glass door behind him.
Remus leaned over the railing of their balcony, stretching his shoulders while a cigarette was pinched between his indeed and pointer finger. With a flick of his lighter, he brought it to his lips. The smell of a pungent herb smell floated around as he pulled back, billows of smoke travelling through the light breeze.
He was a fucking idiot. Through and through.
Remus groaned out in embarrassment, hand wanding to pockets and pulled out his phone. The light illuminated his face in the dim glowing city lights.
He typed in his password, tapping on the messaging icon; sliding straight to her number. But he hesitated.
12:57 PM
me: hello!
No, that looks too exciting. Deleting.
me: what's up?
No, that was stupid. He already knew ‘what was up.’ Deleting.
me: hey
That was good. Sent.
me: wanted to check in. u ok?
Not even a few seconds later, the phone buzzed, an incoming call coming from his sunshine.
Correction, not his.
He picked up, placing the phone to his ear. The music must have been so loud because Remus could hear the blaring nightclub music, having to pull the phone away from his ear.
May I have your attention, please? Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?
“Remusss,” she slurred into the phone and he couldn’t help but feel his face heat and heart-clenching.
She was too cute.
“They’re playing your song!”
He gave a deep chuckle, unable to stop smiling as his weight shifted, already feeling the stress leave his body.
She was still his friend above all else. That triumphed over any kind of awkwardness.
“I can hear. Are you okay?”
“Mmhm!” Her voice was high and giggly and Remus was entranced by it. “I wish you were here to dance with me.”
And he wished he was too.
“Go have fun,” he said reluctantly. “Text me when you get to Lily’s place.”
“No! No, no, no! Don’t hang up!” She chirped bubbly. “I’ll just dance while calling you. Same thing, right?”
“Love, it’s okay. I don’t want to ruin your —“
“Don’t go! Please?”
Remus didn’t have the heart to say no, he never did when it came to her so he simply said, “Of course.”
He could hear her little happy squeal.
“Okay it’s coming up — I’m Slim Shady, yes, I’m the real Shady! All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating —“
Remus felt his eyes brimming with tears of mirth, a smile breaking into a wide grin at her drunken rapping and breaths coming out short and rushed. He subbed the cigarette, that euphoric feeling he got with her never could compare to nicotine.
She was a drug. Magical ecstasy.
“Well, I do, so fuck him and fuck you too! You think I give a damn about a Grammy?”
He didn’t even have to see her to know she was glowing. But really, Remus couldn’t think of a time where she was anything but beautiful.
Everything in his body yearned for her, reaching out for her constantly. His body ached, skin burned at her touch.
He wanted to hold her hands. Wanted her to play with his hair. Wanted to kiss her, hold her, call her his.
Love came to Remus slowly, but once he realized it, it hit him all at once.
Love for Remus is good and bad. Love is kissing each other softly in the mornings, love is asking if they need anything from the store. Love is also fighting but apologizing with sweet nothing and kisses. Crying but having a shoulder to cry on. Love is fighting for the other person, no matter how hard it gets. It's those stupid fucking butterflies that erupted in the base of your stomach that travel up and made you want to explode into pure light.
Love is checking your phone to see if they texted you, and then doing the stupid happy dance when you see a notification from them.
Sharing an umbrella with them in the rain — but them getting the most coverage and your arm drenched in water.
Love was small and big. And to him, she is the very definition of what makes love, love.
“Aw! It’s over!” She whined. “I’m getting another drink.”
“Hold on!” He quipped. “Why don’t you take a second? Breathe some fresh air in?”
She babbled about him being a party crasher, but he could hear the smirk in her voice.
Several voices flittered in and out before she shouted out to James and Sirius that she would be outside. Then it became significantly quieter, only the clicking of her heels and the soft buzzing from cars and her voice could be heard.
“After your exams, we have to celebrate.”
He shifted again. "Sure thing."
“Get you a couple of party hats.”
“Remember the last time we did that?” Remus continued to speak for a while, retelling the sudden memory until realizing that she had been peculiarly silent throughout his story.
“Am I that boring?” He teased, although it’s layered in worry and tension. There was another long pause. “Sorry, I should shut up —”
But swiftly interrupted with a soft whispered but still firm phrase enough that he barely registered it.
“I love you, Remus.”
Even then, the logical part of Remus‘ brain hadn’t quite caught up to speed yet and her confession was muddled with confusion and pure shook for minutes. It was quiet, long and he could hear her soft breathing.
He felt his heart pound in his chest and he wondered briefly if he was going to faint. Those words he’d been desperate to hear finally happened. His heart exploded, body buzzing with a warmth he’d never known before and —
And she was very obviously drunk.
The ringing in his ears intensified and in a panic, he hung up the phone; shakily texting back.
1:12 AM
me: call me when ur sober
me: and then you can tell me how you really feel
He opened the door as a trembling blossom in his heart sent a sharp, warm stab of yearning through him.
The phone rang and he could see her user ID. But he didn’t pick up. If anything that made Remus panic more.
When he gets a call from James around two in the morning, Remus was still wide awake, mulling over her words.
“Open your door. Your girlfriend wouldn’t stop talking about wanting to spend the night with you instead.”
“She’s not my —”
“Shut it. Come out and help me.”
Remus hops out of bed, slipping on his shoes and grabbing the keys before dashing out the door.
James is laughing at whatever she said before she turns to him, lighting up brightly.
He jogs, taking an arm and wrapping it around her waist to pull her flush against his chest. She grabs onto him like a koala bear as he prickles like a cat.
“You’re very attractive,” she whispers into his ear, lips brushing against his skin that Remus almost jerks up in shock. “Good for you.”
James doesn’t help as he begins to laugh, clutching his stomach.
“H-how much did she drink?” His usual deep voice jumps octaves high. A thrilling sensation shoots through him.
James shook his head, wiping the tears from his face. “A fucking lot. I’ve never seen her throw that many back. Make sure she drinks a lot of water.”
James leaves, getting into his car along with a loud Marlene and Sirius, chanting almost ritualistically to a Taylor Swift song while Lily looked like she was on the verge of tears, gripping James’ arm while shoving a phone in front of his face; a picture of a dozen cats reflected off his glasses.
“Alright,” Remus says, mostly to himself. “Let's get you inside.”
He immediately swung open the door, ushering her to lay down on the couch.
A thin ray of moonlight silvered between them as he bent down, kneeling at the couch. He rubbed a hand over her arm, observing. Her makeup was smudged, hair a mess, clothes rumpled, but even then as he held her, fingers grazing the smooth skin of her arm, he was floored by how pretty she was.
“Alright, pretty girl,” he murmurs, “We got to get you cleaned up okay?”
“No,” is all that she manages to get out.
Remus sighs, walking into the bathroom and flicks on the lights, searches through the mirror door for makeup wipes before returning to her side.
He gently wipes it away, dragging the wipe softly against her kin while he watches the fatigue settle deep into her bones.
Remus ran around the apartment, grabbing a couple of blankets and pillows as she but she admittedly refuses to sleep in her bed.
Luckily, she does accept the multiple glasses of water and ultimately, she agrees to brush her teeth.
“Time for you to go to sleep, okay?”
But as he turned to leave, exhaustion written in every scar of his face, he felt a tug on the hem of his shirt.
“Please stay with me.”
Her voice was soft, wavering and he was conflicted.
He couldn’t say no.
He shuffled beside her, and she laid her head on his chest, legs wrapped around him.
“Goodnight, my Moony.” And she pressed a soft kiss to the scar on his nose, falling asleep within seconds.
Remus felt a terrible jolt of his heart. The steady rise and cal of her chest were calming, and he closed his eyes, basking in their warmth while a whisper of a smile was engraved in his face.
He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, bidding goodnight as he slipped into a comforting sleep.
Was this what heaven felt like?
The next morning, when Remus woke up, the first thing he noticed was the body pressed against him. Soft morning rays cascading over them gently and he knew almost instantly that she was awake.
And she knows the moment he wakes too.
He wonders if she remembered last night.
“Yes?” He breathes out shakily.
Is this where their friendship ends?
“I’m sober now.” she shifts her head to peer up at him through batted eyelashes.
She definitely remembers.
She looks more angelic than usual. A ball of warmth and pure glow.
“Ask me again,” she shifted her body to look at him. “Ask me that question from last night.”
A deep inhale. A moment passes.
“Tell me how you really feel.”
“I love you.”
Then another moment passes as he takes a moment to process her words for the second time. Then, he laughs; radiant with relief. Whispers of electricity through his skin.
His hand curled to the shape of her face, thumb brushing her cheek, all the distress and rejection leaving his body instantly.
She’s waiting for a verbal answer.
And he gives it.
“I’m yours. Always have been.”
She beamed and Remus felt his heart expand and thump wildly. She purchased a hand on his chest, bunching the fabric in her hand.
Voices breathy and their faces are barely centimetres away.
And finally, their lips meet.
Her lips were soft and warm, impossibly pillowy against his own. The soft tickling of their breaths was soothing and her lips were slightly parted, allowing his tongue to slip inside. She fit perfectly against him, and he could feel the rapid thuds of their combined heartbeats.
A tingling feeling spread across his body, heart igniting in glowing sparks. Her touch was intoxicating, the scent of her perfume was dizzying, she was so warm and it consumed him.
They only pulled back for a gasp of air, and his eyes fluttered open.
She was already looking at him, eyes alight.
And it washed over him, now realizing that he saw his entire future there, wrapped in his arms with a smile so sweet, so radiant.
Whatever it was, fate or destiny or just by sheer luck, Remus was thankful that his path led to her.
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randomshyperson · 4 years ago
The Scarlet Witch Prophecy - Chapter 13 - The Sixth Year (Part Three)
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My dear friend @abimess, I keep stealing your gifs and making updates without telling you. I hope you never get tired of it.
Summary: As the youngest daughter of Howard Stark, you have ordinary expectations for your years at Hogwarts. Little do you know what adventures await you when your destiny is intertwined with the legendary Scarlet Witch.
Warnings: +16. Adaptation of the Harry Potter Saga, Magical Thematic, Prophecies, Mentions of Violence, Torture and dark magic, Language (swearing and minor/major offenses), manipulation of will, Underage kissing, insinuation of smut with minors, Smut (overage), descriptions of death, aggression, obscurity, angst, fluffy, soulmates analogies. || Chapter Warnings: Magical torture with minors, cursing, angst, ptsd, derogatory thoughts and behavior, dark magic.
Chapter Words: 8.486 K
A/N> Yes, I've gone for a month without warning anyone, and yes that might go on, but at least i'm near ending this (I'm already writing chapter 21). Once I'm finished, I'll just programe tumblr to upload them all for me because i'm lazy. I hope anyone like this yet, i don't even know what i'm doing anymore. Good reading!
Series Masterlist ||  Read on AO3 || All Works Masterlist
Chapter 13 - Part XIII - The Sixth Year (Part Three)
Gossip really starts to irritate you when you go to lunch after potions.
"You want to say something to me, girl?" You charge impatiently when you hear the giggles behind you again, coming from a group of students sitting at Ravenclaw's table.
The group turns around with wry smiles on their faces, and you notice the editions of the Daily Prophet in the hand of one of the boys. It is Hope Summers, your classmate, who speaks first:
"We're just sharing some theories, Stark." She says in a provocative tone. "Some of us find it an interesting coincidence that just now that Mephisto is back, you and Maximoff are losing control of magic."
You frown.
"What are you talking about?" you ask in surprise, referring to Wanda, but Hope thinks you want her to keep mocking you.
"It's just suspicious that no one knows what happened to you in that dungeon, or at the ministry of magic." Hope counters. "And now you two are blowing things up, and we have a dark wizard on the loose."
"Fuck you, Summmers." You curse as you stand up, leaving the girl in shock at your aggressiveness.
The same auror from the first day stands in front of you as you try to approach Slytherin's table.
"Students must respect..."
But you interrupted his speech with a loud shove that sent him staggering backwards, and drew the immediate attention of several people.
You were seeing red by now, the man's wry smile only making you more irritated.
He drew his wand, but so did you. And the room held its breath.
"Put your wand away, Miss Stark." Warned the auror angrily, but you didn't.
Wanda stood up as she noticed the confusion, rushing to reach you, but the auror put his arm in her way.
"Now, miss." He warned again, and you grunted in irritation.
"Get your hands off her." You retorted, feeling your body fever with hatred.
"Stark." The man said, his arm reaching down to push Wanda back, and you exploded.
You didn't even finish thinking about the spell, the magic exploding out of your wand.
The auror masterfully blocked it, and you dropped your wand to jump on top of him.
It was a confusion of shoving, other bigger students pulling you away from the man and he away from you.
" Never fucking touch her again!" You warned snorting in anger, Thor Odinson stopping you from jumping on the man's neck.
"I just pushed her away from the line of fire, you crazy bitch!" The auror retorted indignantly and angrily. "Go to the headmaster's office now!"
"Fuck you!"
Thor pulled you out of the hall as the crowd of students whistled in celebration, excited about the whole fight. The auror was too busy dissipating everyone to follow you.
"Hey, hothead, calm down." The blonde warned as he released the grip of you by the courtyard. You grunted angrily, wishing you could break something.
"Fuck this school, fuck that asshole." You complained aloud, as Thor looked at you curiously.
"You have quite a rage, Stark." He comments, and you grumble in irritation.
But Wanda catches up with you the next moment, and she looks even angrier than you.
"What the hell was that?" she asks and you roll your eyes, running your hands through your hair.
"I think you are going to be fine for now on." Thor comments, smiling at the thank you Wanda says to him before leaving you two alone.
"So?" Wanda insists, arms crossed. You bite the inside of your cheek as you look at her.
"What do you want me to say?" You retort angrily.
"You just started a fight for no reason! Again!" She accuses. "Only this time it was with a wizard who could kill you. I want to know what's going on!"
"I don't know, Wanda!" You exclaim angrily. "Why does everyone expect me to have answers? I don't know! Do you understand that? It feels like I'm going to explode in frustration any second, neither you or Gamora seem to get it. I don't understand what's happening to me!"
"Because you won't talk to us!" She shouts back, just as annoyed as you are. "You're pushing everyone away! Even me! We can't help you if you don't talk to us!"
You grunt impatiently, turning around. There was a strange throbbing in the back of your head, a strange whisper. Like a voice telling you that no one was telling you the truth, that your friends expected too much of you, that Wanda didn't care...
This last thought made you sob. Wanda softened her expression immediately, taking a step toward you and touching your shoulder, but you pulled away from her touch as if burned, wiping your tears away quickly.
"Leave me alone, Wanda." You mutter between teeth. She hesitates, raising her hand toward you again.
"I need some time from you." You insist, pushing her hand away, and walking away.
A part of your brain is begging you to go back and make things right, but there is a cloud of anger and irritation that keeps you walking.
You roll over in bed in discomfort.
Nightmares. Again.
It has only been five days since you had your fight with Wanda, and you are getting worse every day.
With Summers' teasing, you end up noticing other things too.
How the school really found the theory that you and Wanda were somehow related to Mephisto, because the minister had covered up what happened in the dungeons and in the ministry, and everybody thought it was strange that two students were showing an increase in magical potential with the return of a dark wizard.
Unlike you, who were failing considerably in any simple execution of spells, Wanda was demonstrating exceptional abilities. Kaecilius was more than willing to make her the face of progress at Hogwarts, you heard the gossip about bringing in reporters to share the news of the new direction.
You know that the only reason Wanda hasn't come after you yet was because you're running away from her like the plague.
And you couldn't even explain why.
You were also blocking out your real health condition from her. Just like you two practiced during the summer.
Besides hiding this from Wanda, you have kept your friends away too, isolating yourself from everyone else in search of a little rest, only succeeding in taking a nap when you are running away between classes.
And the detentions with Kaecilius keep increasing as you skip classes.
You begin to consider learning to write with a different hand, just so the bruise has time to heal, but at this point you don't even care about the scar anymore.
"You really must like pain." Loki teases wryly as you sit in an empty room, waiting for the aurors' shift change again after your detention.
You don't ask him what he's doing on that floor again, and he doesn't ask why you haven't spoken to your friends in two weeks.
"Sure, that must be it." You joke back, massaging your injured hand.
He assumes a pensive expression for a second.
"Are you sure you haven't been cursed by someone?" He asks, causing you to frown in shock and confusion.
"Excuse me?"
He gives a little chuckle, settling himself better against the wall.
"Everyone's been talking about you being sick." He says. "I heard some of the Ravenclaw people theorize that you became a werewolf over the summer."
You laugh helplessly, massaging your temples lightly.
"I guarantee that's not it." You say making Loki smile.
"If you are sick for no reason, it could be a curse." He says. "I wouldn't be surprised, the way things are."
"But how do I find out if I've been cursed?"
Loki takes a thoughtful stance.
"I don't know." He says. "But I'm sure you can learn that in the no longer reserved session of the library."
You laugh at the joke, but soon you both return to silence. When that hallway's shift ends, Loki sighs, getting up and helping you to stand.
"Still can't perform spells?" He asks, already drawing his wand.
"Only if I want to blow things up." You scoff making him laugh.
"Fine, I'll enchant you." He says. When you are transparent, he looks at you with an amused expression. "See you next Saturday, troublemaker?
"Don't worry, I plan on skipping DADA, maybe I'll be here tomorrow." You retort in the same tone before turning to leave.
It takes three more days for Wanda to finally corner you.
You are skipping class in an empty room on the seventh floor, trying to doze off, and almost fall out of your chair with fright when the door opens and Wanda comes in, looking annoyed.
You grunt impatiently, without lifting your face from the desk.
"I told you I needed time." You complain, but tense up when you notice the tears in her eyes as she moves closer to sit at the table next to yours.
" You want to break up with me?" She asks in a whisper and you raise your head immediately, feeling your chest tighten.
"What? What are you talking about?"
Wanda gives a humorless laugh at your expression. "Why are you acting like this is an absurd idea? You've disappeared. You've been avoiding me, not even talking to me anymore."
You shake your head quickly, feeling the urge to cry.
"I don't want to break up with you." You say. "I..I would never want to be away from you."
"You just said you need time away from me." Wanda retorts with annoyance, and you feel your stomach clench as she sighs. "I don't know what's going on with us. And I miss you, but you won't let me near you."
You are exhausted. So you cry.
You rest your head on your arms, and let your sobs fill the silence, hoping that the tears will take this bad feeling away.
It's Wanda's gentle touch on your back that helps.
"Babe, tell me what's wrong." She whispers to you, her tone concerned.
It takes many minutes for you to calm down. But when you do, Wanda holds your hand, kneeling on the floor beside the chair you are in.
"I can't do magic." You breathlessly tell her from crying, "And I can't sleep. I've been sick for weeks, and I'm angry all the time. Healer Cho doesn't know what's wrong with me, but everyone at school seems to have a theory about it. I think I'm going to suffocate, Wanda. I'm messing everything up. Between us, between my family, and at school." You sob as you finish and Wanda shakes her head, her hand coming up to your cheek.
"Don't say that." She urges. "You didn't ruin anything. Hey, look at me. I love you. Your sisters love you, your friends love you. We'll figure out what's going on."
Wanda hugs you tight, and you sob, shaking.
You want to believe her words, so you push the intrusive thoughts away, and believe it.
Wanda takes you to a door in that same floor you two were before, but you have never seen that door until that moment.
And you are very surprised to realize that it is a bedroom.
"How...?" You ask confused as she closes the it.
"Welcome to the Room of Requirement." She says with a smile, pulling you by the hand around. "We hold our Avengers meetings here." She counters and you frown.
"In a bedroom? Interesting choice." You comment and she giggles.
"No, my love." She says. "That's how this room works. It is charmed to meet your needs. That's why I asked you to come in first."
"Oh, that's pretty cool." You say looking around. Wanda smiles at you, and then you both reach the bed. "The room thinks I have to sleep?"
"I do too." Wanda retorts, pushing your shoulders gently for you to sit on the bed. "Go on, nice dreams."
You hesitate. "You gonna leave me here alone?"
Wanda denies with her head, pointing to the chair that probably just magically appeared next to the bed. You frown.
"Can't you sleep in the bed with me?"
She giggles. "We don't have much time for you to sleep. If I lie down, you'll want to kiss me. So I'll be sitting in that armchair, studying as I should." She explains seriously, and you pout.
"Stupid rules." You grumble moving your hands up to her waist. "Lie down with me."
Wanda sighs, then nods. You smile, quickly removing your shoes as she does the same. You quickly adjust yourself on the bed, opening your arms for her to lie on top of you, and she gives a little giggle before doing so.
"Are you cozy, sweetheart?" You murmur against her hair, and Wanda squeezes her arms around you.
"Yeah, your boobs are good pillows." She teases, making you laugh with reddened cheeks.
Your eyes begin to heavy quickly, fatigue catching up with your body relaxed by the comfort of the moment.
"Go to sleep, babe." Wanda whispers. "I'll be here when you wake up."
You smile with your eyes closed, surrendering.
It's the best sleep you've had in weeks.
The problem is that as soon as you start to wake up again, you are feeling sick.
You touch the emptiness in the bed, mumbling softly. When you open your eyes you find Wanda sitting in the armchair, the darkhold in her lap.
"Damn it, Wanda, this book again." You complain in a hoarse voice, but she just sighs.
"Why the attitude?"
"I hate that book." You grumble sitting up in bed, massaging your face lightly. "Why do you keep reading it anyway?"
"It's interesting." She says, closing the item to look at you. "Agatha really told me a lot, but there are also things I didn't know."
"For example?"
Wanda bites her lips, appraising you.
"Scarlet witches are forged, for instance." She says and you frown in confusion. Wanda sighs. "Many powerful witches, born scarlet witches, never got to fulfill their destiny because the forging didn't happen."
You straighten your clothes uncomfortably, pensively.
"What exactly does that mean?"
"What the headmistress did last year was my forging." She clarifies and you swallow dryly, feeling your stomach turn. "I'm sorry."
"For what?" you ask confused.
"Everything." She says upset. "I know we've talked about this, but it seems like all I do is cause you problems. With the bond, and with the forge. If Agatha didn't want my powers, she wouldn't have taken you to the dungeon and you wouldn't have suffered."
You poke at the knot of your tie, feeling yourself suffocate slightly. Wanda is speaking, you blink to focus on her words.
"I'm sorry, could you say that again?" You ask out of breath, sweating. You blink to find Wanda's concerned gaze on you.
"Babe, what's wrong?" She asks worriedly, her hands around your face.
You feel your head spin, and everything goes dark before you can answer.
You smell the scent of grass when you wake up.
Then you blink in confusion, getting used to your surroundings to realize that you are in what looks like a ward bed.
"Hey, all right, take it easy getting up, Miss Stark." Asked Professor Strange with one hand on her shoulder. In the other he held a potion that you imagined he had given you.
"W-what happened?" you mumbled confusedly, sitting up in bed. Only now did you notice Professor Munroe and Wanda standing in front of the bed, both with worried expressions.
"You passed out, but you're better now I imagine." Stephen explained gently, but you were still feeling very weak.
"Professor, she simply blacked out." Wanda commented in a tearful voice. " Don't you have any idea what's wrong?"
Stephen sighed, and then pointed at the chair, the darkhold.
"Where did you get that book?" He asked, and Wanda frowned, taking a step toward the chair in a defensive posture.
"What does that have to do with my question?" she retorted dryly, and Stephen looked at you one last time before standing up.
"There's a reason it's called the Book of the Damned, Miss Maximoff." He says."It damns its readers."
"That's ridiculous." Wanda retorted, crossing her arms. "I've been reading it for weeks and nothing has happened."
"Not with you."
Wanda hesitates, widening her eyes. And then she takes a step back, swallowing her cry as she reaches out to grab the book and hand it to Stephen.
She turns her gaze back to you, and lets the tears fall.
"I am truly sorry." She says with a mixture of guilt and shame before turning to leave the room.
You call out to her about three times, but she leaves and you don't have the strength to go after her.
"Damn, couldn't I have said that in a different way?" You complain angrily to Stephen, who just sighs, exchanging a look with Professor Munroe. "How come you two are here anyway?"
"It was Wanda." Professor Ororo replies. "She asked the room for someone trustworthy to help her with you. Then there was a door opening in the potions room. Stephen was there with me, and we both came."
"Great." You mutter annoyed, thinking about how you are going to talk to Wanda and convince her that you were not angry with her. "Would either of you happen to know how to make me better now?"
"Sure." Stephen comments by raising the book in the air, and with a wave of his hand, the item dissolves into several pieces until it is gone. "I didn't destroy it, if that's what you're thinking. I just put it away, to prevent something like that from happening again."
"Congratulations." You grumble wryly as you straighten up in bed, the same migraine from before is now weaker, but it's still there.
"You know, you had a better attitude when you didn't have a magical doom on your spirit." Stephen complains, causing you to frown, but Professor Ororo gives a chuckle.
"Thanks professor." You comment wryly, making him laugh. He sits back down beside your bed, and pulls out of the cover a small notebook.
"Now that Miss Maximoff has stopped reading the book, I suppose you will get better." Stephen says, making you sigh.
"You suppose? That's encouraging." You say moving to stand up.
"Where are you going, Miss Stark? You need to rest." Warn the professor, but you ignore him, and ignore the weakness in your body as well.
"What I need, Strange, is for people to stop lying to me."
"No one is lying, Miss Stark." Professor Ororo states next. "We really don't know the extent of the magic the darkhold carries."
"And why is that I imagine?" You sneer. "Because someone omitted the truth from you, and it's been passed down for generations, isn't it? Well, that's over now. Because we've finally studied everything in this place, including a book that condemns anyone who reads it." You exclaim impatiently, stooping down to put on your shoes. "If you two will excuse me, I'll figure out how to get better on my own. But first I'm going to explain to my girlfriend that none of this is her fault."
Ororo and Stephen are silent, but you wouldn't have been paying attention to anything they said anyway.
Soon you are up and out of the requirement room looking for Wanda.
She seems to have disappeared from the castle, so you must concentrate to use your instincts.
The hardest part is dodging the aurors, but you finally reach the astronomy tower.
You're a little out of breath from the run, but it's the image of Wanda standing on the edge, the sunlight in her hair that leaves you breathless.
"Hi." You say in a low tone, your hands in your pockets as you approach. She startles slightly, wiping away tears as she keeps her gaze forward.
"What do you want here?" she asks in a husky voice. You sigh.
"That you stop hating yourself and listen to me." You say and she lets out a short laugh.
"And what do you think you can say?" She questions turning her body toward you. "All I do is hurt you."
You shake your head, but Wanda lets out a tearful laugh.
"No you don't understand." She says. "Since I met you, you have only brought me good things. Affection, happiness, hope. You've been that kind warm feeling that I need on my worst days. Hell, you're even the memory for me to cast a patronus." She confesses with emotion, her face wet with tears. "But me? All I bring you is pain and suffering. And now I even bring sickness. This is wrong, I hurt you. You need to see this, and understand that we can no longer happen."
"Don't say that." You ask, reaching up to touch her face, wipe away her tears. "That's not true, Wanda. I love you, you make me..."
"Stop it." She interrupts with a sob. "Don't make it any harder than it already is."
"Please, Wanda, listen to me." You plead, resting your forehead on hers, your hands on her cheeks. "You make me happy, you are the only thing that makes me happy, I love you, please..."
Wanda kisses you hard, and you respond with the same intensity, both of you gasping into each other's mouths.
But then she is pulling away, thrusting you farther apart.
"I'm sorry." She cries, taking a step back. "We're over."
And she's running away again, and this time you don't go after her.
Without Darkhold's being consumed, you really start to improve in terms of physical health.
The only problem is the emotional ditch you find yourself in.
Gamora, Nebula and Mantis find you, again in the Room of Requirement, skipping class.
"My god this is worse than last time." Gamora remarks as she looks around at the mess of junk food and pillows. The room had been transformed into a "comfortable place", which basically had the appearance of a living room, with several soft armchairs, and lots of unhealthy food. "Why did you guys break up this time?"
"Please don't talk to me." You grumbled, your voice coming out muffled because you were lying on two soft puffs, your face buried in the pillow, your hand inside a bag of muggles snacks.
"I bet you five bucks they'll be back together before the end of the month." Nebula commented and you sniffled against your pillow, hearing a noise that sounded like Gamora hitting her sister.
"We talked to Wanda." Mantis said. "And with Professor Stephen, too. We're sorry about everything, but have you decided you're not going to study anymore?"
"I don't care about school." You grumble against the pillow. "Leave me alone, I want to cry."
Nebula gives a short laugh, and Gamora elbows her.
"Stop hitting me, you crazy." Nebula complains loudly, moving away from her sister to approach you, taking the bag of snacks you have, and making you complain softly. "And you stop being such a drama queen. Aren't you two like soul mates or some shit? It's just a fight, you'll work it out. You're acting like you've never broken up before."
"Your sensitivity is admirable." Gamora scoffs, pushing her sister away to sit next to you, stroking your back until you look up at her. "Do you want to talk about what happened?"
You feel the urge to cry arise again. "Wanda thinks she is bad for me." You say. "And she doesn't want to be with me anymore, and I want to die."
You start crying again, stuffing your face into the pillow as Gamora strokes your hair.
"How did this happen anyway?" Nebula asks, confused, chewing on salty snacks."You barely slept at home over the summer to be with her, and now you guys are breaking up. It's hard to keep up with this relationship."
"Merlin, Nebula shut up." Gamora asks impatiently, and her sister raises her hands in surrender with an ironic expression. You want to scream against your pillow, but all you do is try to control your crying.
"You can't keep disappearing, sweetheart." Gamora says as she runs her hands through your hair, trying to calm you down. "Kaecilius has already noticed. He's trying to figure out where you're going, and eventually he'll figure it out since you can't stay here forever."
"Maybe I can." You mumble making Gamora laugh softly.
"Come on, I'm sure you miss a decent meal." She says. "Why don't you join us for lunch?"
"I can't sit at your table."
"Who said anything about a table?"
This is how you end up on the edge of the great lake, at a picnic.
Mantis gets several dishes from the house elves, and since lunch is a free social hour, nobody seems to mind that you are eating outside.
Your sisters are not the only students who, over time, have learned ways around school rules.
You grumble slightly as you feel the sun on your face, but lie back on the grass, closing your eyes.
Your mind wanders back to last summer immediately, the memories of Wanda, and you feel horrible. You just want her back. And then you swallow the urge to cry again to accept the juice Mantis offers you.
"We wanted to tell you that we've found a way to help you, too." Gamora says after a moment, causing you to raise your eyebrow. "About the darkhold, and the eternal damnation thing."
"Light topic." You sneer, throwing your arm over your face. The day is hot. "I appreciate the help, of course."
Gamora giggles. "Merlin, I had forgotten how grumpy you get when you're upset."
"I'm not upset, Gamora." You retort angrily. "I'm frustrated."
"Sexually." Nebula sneers, making you grunt in anger, but Mantis holds back a laugh.
"What's your problem with my feelings lately?" You accuse the girl with irritation.
"Not everything is about you, you know." She retorts and you sit up quickly, looking at her with a raised eyebrow.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Nebula laughs, rolling her eyes. "In case you haven't noticed, there's a war going on." She says. "We're all stressed and scared. And the three of us have been in the same classes as you, having to watch the same things. But you only have time for Wanda. And now you've broken up, again, because there's some mortal danger, again, that she's caused for you. So, I don't know, but maybe she is right to break up. Ever since you guys started dating everything has been about her, and the trouble she causes!"
"Fuck you, Nebula!" You exclaim angrily, advancing against the girl in front of you. Gamora and Mantis quickly separate you.
"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Gamora shoves you. "Were you really going to hit her?"
"Fuck this." You curse angrily, taking a step away. "I didn't ask any of you to come after me. I don't need you. I just need Wanda. Fucking leave me alone."
You turn back to the castle, cursing the wild on your way.
Loki is the only friend you have now.
You wouldn't call him a friend exactly.
Kaecilius has put you in detention for three days a week, including Saturday, but mostly you just clean the castle. But when he takes you to the seventh floor, and makes you scrape sentences against your own skin, you don't worry about being alone anymore, because Loki is always on that floor.
It takes a week for you to tell him about the requirement room.
" You could have mentioned it earlier, we would have stuck around here." He comments without sounding upset.
Soon it doesn't take long for you two to start seeing each other even when you're not in detention.
You are not surprised that Loki also skips classes, he has always been quite mischievous, but the reason is different from yours.
He knew dark magic. Much more than you or your classmates. And he has no interest in practicing it in class.
"It's stupid." He comments as you are sitting in the armchairs. "Most people will never have the courage or willpower to cast a death curse. It's useless to learn."
"Is that the only reason you don't agree with the teaching at Hogwarts now?" You ask in surprise, setting up the chessboard for yourself as Loki shrugs his shoulders.
"I feel like you're judging me, Hufflepuff." He sneers but you smile, rolling your eyes.
"Honestly, I don't give a damn."
And you really didn't care.
Wanda was avoiding you in the halls, and you were doing the same with your friends and family.
When Iron delivered the mail to the Slytherin table, including Nebula's birthday presents, you wanted to throw up, but all you did was walk away from the Hufflepuff table toward the requirement room.
Without the darkhold, you didn't feel sick, but the anger didn't go away.
Your magic hadn't stabilized, and you were failing at everything, but you couldn't bring yourself to worry about it.
Erik wrote to you, commenting on the importance of you and Wanda practicing magical balancing together, and you burned the letter while crying on the carpet.
And at this rate, time went by.
It was almost the middle of the school year when things started to take a turn for the worse at Hogwarts, and in the wizarding war as well.
Mephisto is getting stronger, and the order is losing. And Kaecillius must be under some pressure from the ministry, maybe for answers from organizations like the Avengers, which are forbidden, because his detentions get too horrible.
It is Saturday again, and you drag yourself to the room where you are supposed to fulfill your detention, but unlike the other days, Kaecillius locks the door.
You only notice because he seems tense and distracted, and there is no feather or book.
"Professor, what will my punishment be today?" You ask confused, and he is nodding to the center of the room as he stands in front of the desk, a few feet from you.
"Miss Stark, today I want to ask some questions and I expect honesty." He declines as he turns to you.
You hiss softly, putting your hands in your pockets.
Kaecillius doesn't even mind your lack of formality, looking at you with an impassive face.
"What is Mephisto's location?"
You choke in surprise and disbelief. "Excuse me? Why do you think I know that?"
"The ministry has reason enough to suspect that the Order of the Avengers is nothing more than a cover for the death walkers.Your brother, whom I had suspected of being part of that order of delinquents, is no longer at Hogwarts, but you will have to serve." He speaks and with each word you become more outraged. "Now answer me, where is Mephisto?"
" Did you just fucking call my brother a delinquent?" You mutter incredulously. "I have no idea where Mephisto is, what's your problem?"
But you widen your eyes when the professor draws his wand, and you barely have time to swallow dry before the spell hits you in the chest.
It's the cruciatus curse. You know the second it hits you. The sharp pain fills every cell in your body and you scream, not having the strength to stand or with your eyes open, hugging yourself.
"We must not tell lies, Miss Stark." Kaecillius says as soon as he stops enchanting you, the pain disappears in the same instant, but you continue to tremble.
In complete shock and fear, you sob.
"I will ask you again, where is Mephisto?"
You let the tears flow, and shake your head. "I don't know, professor."
Kaecillius lets out a sigh of disappointment. "Some cases are more difficult than others." He comments somberly, taking a step toward her. "Did you know that the record for enduring the Cruciatus curse before madness is six hours? Incredible, isn't it? It happened during the first war, with a muggleborn. You're a half-blood, maybe you can take longer"
He has a devilish grin as he finishes, and you clench your jaw at the threat.
"I don't know where Mephisto is." You repeat, but the professor points his wand at you again.
"My bet is seven hours."
And then the pain returns.
You don't know how long you stay in that room.
But it is long enough for your consciousness to begin to fade. The pain gets so severe that it gradually fades away. You begin to gasp breathlessly, not even able to scream anymore.
Someone help me. Please, help me. Help me. Wanda.
Between the tears you see the floor of the room, and between a twinge of pain, a red light. And everything is dark again.
“Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Warcraft and Wizard is arrested in flagrant by aurors from the ministry of magic this week, full coverage on page..."
You blink confusedly, your eyes getting used to the clarity, while the headline of the Daily Prophet was the first thing your vision caught.
And then you shifted in bed, realizing that you were in a hospital room , and whoever was reading next to you put the paper down when they heard you, and you could behold the curious look on your brother's face.
"Tony?" you whispered confused, and he smiled as he stood up quickly, the newspaper forgotten on the armchair.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked as his hand reached for the loose strands of hair on your face and put them back. "You scared the hell out of me."
"What happened?"
"What's the last thing you remember?"
You thought, and then sighed, closing your eyes for a moment.
Tony bit his lip nervously before speaking.
"I'm sorry." He said, lowering his hand to his own. "I came here as soon as I got the howler from Professor Strange, but honestly, I didn't even need it, because all the newspapers are talking about it."
"What...?" You started in confusion, but Tony hurried to explain.
"Wanda found you, Y/N." He told. "She, well, wasn't exactly happy about the whole thing. I think she lost control. Kaecilius is lucky to be alive if you ask me. She almost destroyed the seventh floor, it was a huge mess. And then the aurors interfered, and soon there were reporters everywhere. I guess now everyone knows she's a scarlet witch."
You widened your eyes, straightening to sit up and grumbling a little in pain. Tony looked at you with concern, asking you to take it easy, but you were already asking about Wanda.
"She's at the ministry of magic." He clarified. "Kaecilius is going on trial for torturing a student, and she will answer for putting everyone in danger."
" What?" you ask incredulously, and Tony sighs.
"Yeah I know it's unfair." He says. "But the minister of magic seems to be looking everywhere for people to blame for his lack of control. The problem is how much of that information will get to Mephisto. The whole ministry seems to be full of walkers."
You ran your hand across your face, frustrated.
"I'm so tired, Tony." You confess in a whisper. "It feels like everything is falling apart around me, and things are only getting worse."
Tony squeezes your hand. "I'm sorry, I really am. This whole situation sucks, and I wanted to help you. I'm trying, sister. I haven't been talking to you as much as I should, but I didn't want you to think you're alone. I'm working on breaking the bond. To free you and Wanda from the prophecy, and the wizarding world from dangers like Mephisto. I'm sorry I haven't been by your side."
You swallow your cry, and nod, trying to smile at Tony. He reaches up to hug you, and you gasp softly, taking a few seconds to relax and let the tears flow.
When you calm down, Tony tells you that he is going to get a Mediwizards to check your situation.
You lie down again, sighing softly. The memories come back with full force, and you choke softly, feeling your body tremble.
It's as if you can feel the curse again, sense the pain on your skin. Opening your eyes and shaking the memories away, you swallow dryly and reach for the glass of water on the nightstand.
You just want Wanda by your side telling you that everything is going to be okay.
You stay under observation for two days.
Doctor Hank makes a joke about you enjoying St.Mungus more than you should since you keep coming back, but Tony doesn't laugh.
Then you' re going back to Hogwarts by train, because the doctor thinks you shouldn't use magical means of transportation for a few days, and it's weird to take the empty express, but as soon as you arrive at the station, Gamora and Nebula are waiting for you with boxes of candy bought in Hogsmeade, and tight hugs.
You are not surprised by the stares you receive from the other students, but you ignore them as your sisters escort you around the castle to the Hufflepuff communal hall.
"Did you get to talk to Wanda?" Gamora asks as soon as you sit down on your bed, sighing with exhaustion from the train ride. The mention of the other sorceress' name doesn't help.
"Not yet." You say. "And I wouldn't be surprised to hear that she's ignoring me."
Nebula exchanges a look with her sister before sitting down on Mantis' bed, who is hugging her knees and looking at you.
"Honestly, I just want to finish this year without any more problems." You confess as you take off your jacket. And there is a moment of silence before you swallow dryly. "I also wanted to apologize to you guys."
Gamora frowns slightly, but says nothing. You take a deep breath.
"I know I was under the influence of an evil book, but that was still no excuse for treating you guys like that." You begin. "Tony told me about how things are in the wizarding world. Everyone is going through something, and it was selfish of me to think that only my problems matter. I'm sorry."
"Really, Y/N, it's okay." Nebula says, surprising you a bit. "We were all stressed, and well, I think an evil book is a pretty fair excuse." She jokes, making you smile. "Maybe things will get a little better now that Strange is the director."
"Oh, that's right" You comment just then remembering the things Tony updated you on while you were at St.Mungus. Like Kaecillius' resignation, and the position being passed on to Professor Stephen. "But honestly, I won't be at peace until I hear from Wanda."
"The trial isn't until Friday. And the way things are going, we won't get any news until it's over." Gamora warned as she sat down on the bed next to you. "I think the Maximoffs are probably too busy to write."
"What do you think will happen to Wanda?" You ask as you tug at the loose strands of the comforter. Mantis sighs lightly.
"I don't have a good feeling about things, Y/N." She confesses and you frown in concern. "And the stars never lie."
"Thank you, Mantis." You mock softly, and Gamora runs her hands through her hair.
"Let's not be pessimistic, okay?" she says. "Maybe the predictions are about, I don't know, the school finals? It doesn't mean something bad is really going to happen."
You grumble unhappily, grabbing a pillow and sinking your face into it. Gamora strokes your back.
"I'm sure things will work out, Y/N." She says. "Wanda will write as soon as she can."
"Do you guys think Kaecilius will be sent to Azkaban?" Nebula asks next, making you raise your head curiously.
"I wouldn't be so sure." You grumble. "I was actually surprised that he was put on trial at all."
"Well, with the whole mess that happened, it was bound to happen." Gamora said. "More than half the school became aware that he used the cruciatus curse on you, and then the daily prophet. And I didn't even know they were in the castle."
"It was because of Wanda really, wasn't it?" Mantis added. "Kaecillius caused his own ruin. He called the journalists to show what he called progress and decided to torture a student while they were in the castle. Then Wanda destroyed the entire floor and the next morning his arrest was all over the pages."
"I'm just really outraged to know that if no one had seen it, he would probably still be at Hogwarts." Gamora says angrily, and you sigh, agreeing as well as the others.
"Well, you must be hungry, shall we go to the great hall? It's almost dinner time." Gamora comments next, pulling you by the hand. You grumble softly, but agree, and soon you are leaving the communal hall to join the rest of the students.
You are tapping your fingers gently against the desk as you wait for the History of Magic class to begin.
It is Friday, finally.
You have barely slept because of anxiety about news of Wanda's trial.
Things at Hogwarts have changed a lot this week, all because of Strange's administration.
He restored the old classes, banned the teaching of dark magic, the scandal at the Daily Prophet being enough of an argument that the Minister of Magic no longer had a defense over this kind of teaching at Hogwarts. The restricted session of the library was also put back, and the seventh floor was off-limits because of the destruction Wanda caused, and you unfortunately lost access to the Requirement room.
Mantis was writing what looked like a lunar calendar for the divination class while Professor Okoye didn't arrive, and you started whistling distractedly.
And then Thor Odinson was poking you in the back to get your attention, and you turned around in your chair.
"Hi, Stark, what's up?"
"Fine." You grumbled suspiciously. "Can I help you with something?"
Thor looked almost unsure. "I was just wondering if you know of anything going on with Loki."
You frowned. "Excuse me?"
"I mean if you know if he's sick or something." He explains. "We had a fight, and well, he's not talking to me. And I've noticed that you guys have been kind of close lately, and I was curious if you knew anything and..."
"No, Thor, I'm sorry." You interrupt with a sigh. "Maybe you should ask him that."
Thor assumes a sad expression. "I would, but he's ignoring me. I think it might be about our mother."
You make a confused expression, and Thor looks surprised.
"Our mother, she...died earlier this year, Y/N." Thor counters, and you widen your eyes. "Our family is a name of reference against Mephisto. With the war, the walkers came to our home. She was there while we were here, and Dad was at the ministry."
"I'm so sorry, Thor." You whisper to him, still shocked by the information. He shrugged.
"I thought Loki told you."
"We don't talk about things like that, I guess." You say. "Sorry, I wish I knew how to help you."
"No, it's okay." Thor says with a sad smile. "You being his friend this year is more than enough. I don't like seeing him all alone out here."
You nod lightly, settling into your chair as you notice the teacher entering the room.
Mantis exchanges a look of understanding with you, having overheard the conversation even if accidentally, but she says nothing, and soon you are hearing about the witch hunt in the United States, and you try to focus on that rather than curiosity about how Wanda's trial is going or Loki's current emotional state.
As soon as lunchtime begins, you join the Slytherin table, where some of the students have placed a radio on the table, equally with other students from the other houses, to listen to the trial.
You are not surprised that a student's trial is such an interesting topic for everyone, but after the school started talking about Wanda being a scarlet witch, and the theories circulating around the halls, it was to be expected.
So you sit back while biting your fingertips and listening.
"And now directly from the Ministry of Magic, the trial of seventeen-year-old witch Wanda Maximoff, daughter of legendary witch Erik L-"
Your attention is slightly diverted from the narrative when loud laughter catches your ears.
They are Gryffindor and Slytherin students, exchanging coins. You don't need to hear the conversation to know they are gambling about the trial, the mean laughter and glances in the direction of you and your sisters are enough.
And as if she could feel your growing fury, Gamora touches your shoulder gently.
"Just ignore them, Y/N." She urges and you clench your jaw. " Everything is going to be okay with Wanda."
"I hope you're right, Gamora." You grumble, turning your attention back to the radio.
The narration of the newspaper is generic, and you discover that the audience has been closed off to the reporters.
You take a deep breath, concentrating.
No strange feeling, so Wanda is safe.
You wonder if Erik and Pietro are by her side during the whole thing.
It is only at the end of lunchtime that you have the result.
"It's amazing how things unfold in the ministry this afternoon." Counted the reporter with almost excitement. "After a unanimous vote, the witch Wanda Maximoff was found guilty of endangering her fellow students by not registering as a scarlet witch to the ministry of magic, after it was proven that her father, the sorcerer Erik Lehnsherr knew of her condition, as well as the affiliation with the criminal, Agatha Harkness was also mentioned. The ministry finally decided on Wanda Maximoff's expulsion from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizarding"
You felt your stomach plummet.
And everything became a little muffled around you, a soft whistle in your ear. You think Gamora and Nebula were calling for you, but you were getting up, feeling the room getting too small.
Stumbling out, you loosened the knot of your tie, finally stopping in the courtyard as you leaned your body against a pillar.
Wanda had been expelled from Hogwarts, publicly exposed as a Scarlet Witch, and tried as a criminal. You wondered if they would break her wand. Banned wizards led horrible lives.
Your sisters and friends caught up with you quickly, and you let them hug you.
In a few minutes Director Strange is catching up with you as well, and you release Gamora's grip to talk to him.
"Professor, I need to..."
"You cannot leave Hogwarts, Miss Stark." He interrupts with a wave of his hands and you frown in confusion, ready to protest but he is already speaking. "Tony sent a patronus as soon as the results came out, he already figured you'd want to see Miss Maximoff. The ministry is a mess, and Wanda will be staying with her father there for the minister's final decisions. You should stay here, where you are safe."
"That's not fair!" You squawk angrily. "Wanda needs me, I must-"
"She needs you to be safe." He interrupts again seriously, and then lowers his tone slightly as he notices the curious looks of the surrounding students. "Be rational, Miss Stark. Now that the Wizarding community knows the nature of Wanda's powers, how long before Mephisto has enough information and discovers your identity as protector."
You swallow dryly, clenching your fists begrudgingly. Stephen is right. You look away, and he sighs, placing his hand on your shoulder.
"Wanda will be fine, even without her NEWTS, she is an extraordinary witch." He says. "And the year is coming to an end, soon you will be able to see her again."
"She needs me now." You grumble annoyed, turning away from the professor's touch. He looks at you for a moment and then clears his throat.
"I'll see what I can do, Miss Stark." He says."In the meantime, focus on your studies, and be careful."
You frown at Stephen's words, but he is already turning and leaving before you can ask.
As you turn to your friends, Gamora has a worried look on her face.
"Are you okay?" She asks, and you sigh, agreeing to hug her again as you mumble no.
"I can feel how upset she is, Gamora." You grumble against your sister's shirt, wishing you could hug Wanda now. Gamora squeezes you against her arms, and you thank her for her intention even if it isn't enough.
The next few days are like a blur for you.
Many letters arrive, as do many editions of the Daily Prophet.
When the picture of the day Wanda's wand was broken comes out on the front page and you see her tired face, you have to run out of the common room to keep from crying in front of your colleagues.
Everyone writes to you, even Carol, everyone but the Maximoffs.
It is frustrating, and honestly, it breaks your heart in many ways.
The news of a Scarlet Witch after a century is almost as bombastic as Mephisto's return, and you're not surprised that many of your colleagues would start to comment on the possibility of Wanda working with him or against him.
It's overwhelming how everyone talks about her, but all you can feel is how much you miss her around the castle, around you.
You couldn't even remember that your magic is stable, and with everything that has happened, you haven't had time to figure out how to fix things.
Stephen tried to help, but he didn't know what was going on. At least the theoretical part of magic you were able to master, and you hoped to get at least an acceptable score in some subjects.
Only almost a week and a half after the trial, Professor Strange interrupts the potions class to talk to you.
Ignoring the curious stares and whispers of your classmates, you ask Professor Munroe to excuse you, and leave the room.
"What is wrong, professor?" You ask curiously as you close the door, watching Stephen with his hands in his pockets.The dungeons feel emptier without the ministry aurors around the castle.
"Saturday, in the Astronomy tower, nine-thirteen at night." He says as he hands you a small gold key, causing you to frown in confusion. "You will have exactly one hour, Miss Stark. Not a second more."
You stare at the object in your hand, and understand. A portal key. To Wanda.
"Thank you, Professor." You say, and Stephen nods before leaving.
You turn back to potions, the object in your pocket. You could barely contain your anxiety.
Tag list> @imapotatao / @aimezvousbrahms/ @ensorcellme/ @helloalycia || @mionemymind / @abimess / @stephanieromanoff / @yourtaletotell / @tomy5girls / @justagaypanicking / @thegayw1tch / @idek-5 // @myperfectlovepoem // @helloalycia // @ENSORCELLME // @AIMEZVOUSBRAHMS // @drpepperobsessed // @sighsam // @olsensnpm // @sxfwap // @table57 // @madamevirgo // @causeitswhatjesuswouldfreakingdo // @emptysince18x // @xastrydx || @yuhloversxx || @ymzki-haruki || @wouldirunofftheworldsomeday || @lostandsearching || @lezzzbehonesthere || @musicinourlips || @chaekhan || @diaryoflife || @nervoustrack || @aquamarinescarlet || @cristin-rjd || @idamaemann || @fortunatelynerdylight || @iliketozoneout || @blackwow34 // @tiny--freak || @spongebobtentacles || @cyberbonesworld ||
A/F/N> Place your bets for my next comeback (a week, a month or tomorrow?). If I delete the blog, and you're in love with this story for some reason I don't know about because there are so many better things to read, know that I'll post everything on AO3 if I ever do.
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lazydaizies · 2 years ago
What a day! It’s both exciting and scary because who knows where it will go from here….on to more books? In the gutter? Hopefully not lol
Being a writer, trying to succeed is tough, the journey is (for me anyway) anxiety and panic inducing but also so much fun.
I hope you all enjoy the re-worked version of Summer Storm. I would like to say I’m sorry that a few grammar and spelling mistakes managed to slip through despite several beta readers, 3 re-workings by me and two editors reading it several times! I think after a while our eyes just went wonky.
Despite that, it’s still awesome 😁
I would like to thank some people that supported me from the first day I tip-toed into this fandom in 2017… phew, it’s been a minute…
@allskynostars Jenna, you were the first person to reach out to me about my first fic and encouraged me to get an Ao3 account. I remember the endless messaging and some voice chats and bouncing ideas off each other. In the Summer Storm re-write, Jellybean became Jenna, because without me bouncing ideas off you, it may never have become what it did. Your eagerness to read more kept me writing. A tribute to you my friend ❤️
@cheryllclayton oh my Lordy, the absolute queen of my tumblr, and let’s be honest, real life. I think we only got to know each other after Summer Storm but once we found each other…well, we still going baby! Thank you for all your support. Thank you for listening to my endless whining, bitching, and whatever else I dump on you on a daily basis 😂 Thank you for putting up with ALL my crazy and continually motivating me when I didn’t want to do it anymore. You’re the best friend anyone could ask for and I love you! (Also thank you for introducing me to Christian Hogue because he has inspired countless Bughead fics lol maybe one day his fine ass will be on my covers 😏) Your excitement for my accomplishment makes my heart smile 😊 😘😘😘
@daphnesvieira oh Daphne, I don’t even remember when we started talking…I know it was kinda slow and steady and suddenly you were cemented as a dear friend. I want to rewind…I want to rewind right back to the start of this journey and take advantage of all your publishing and editing knowledge and skill lol. I limped my way through this, completely forgetting that this is a world that you know well. Probably because we mostly talked bughead lol but still…you can believe I’ll be picking your brain for the next one! (She said I could, I promise!) 🥰 thank you for your continuous support and love and I’m so thankful to call you friend.
@mullysmyheart babe, you deserve a shoutout cause you’re awesome and maybe my most excited fan. I swear, if it wasn’t for your subtle nudges to move my ass and write, we’d all still be waiting lol I love you. Thank you for ALL your support!
There are so many others, I would be here all day but I wanted to shout out my besties. I love you guys.
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red-talisman · 4 years ago
An unbetaed snippet of post-CQL canon Yunmeng reconciliation, which is mostly extremely morbid and blunt conversation after beating each other hard enough that they’re too tired for their usual conflicting modes of emotional avoidance.
EDIT: now edited and posted on AO3. :D
CW for past suicidal ideation. Part of my “let WWX express some of his cynical humor and creepiness more often” and “let WWX find out about JC’s own sacrifice goddamnit” agendas.
Jiang Cheng stares blankly into the trees, their trunks slowly disappearing in the deepening darkness of twilight. Wei Wuxian’s back is warm against his and heaving for breath just as heavily. He thinks his ankle might be broken, but Wei Wuxian is probably worse off.
“You’re an asshole,” Wei Wuxian says thickly.
“Hypocrite,” Jiang Cheng mutters without heat, and Wei Wuxian manages a snort between his gasps.
“Yeah.” After a moment, he adds, with an echo of the old Yiling Laozu in his voice, “You know that if you ever do something like that again, I’ll probably find a way to do something worse than I did before.”
“If I do what, save your life by pulling the same fucking sacrificial shit that you do?”
“I swear to every god out there that I will bring you back as a fierce corpse and kill you myself,” Wei Wuxian says in a pleasant, albeit still somewhat breathless, tone. “I will dismember your carcass and make Jin Guangyao look like a fucking amateur.”
“Good thing Mo Xuanyu’s core isn’t worth shit, then,” Jiang Cheng replies. All of his attention is focused on the feeling of his brother’s bones and muscles moving against his own spine.
“You’re an asshole.”
There’s a pause. Somewhere distant Jiang Cheng hears the panicked yells of what’s probably the juniors they left behind a few li back. Then Wei Wuxian sighs. “We’re really fucked up.”
Jiang Cheng takes his time considering and discarding several possible responses. His ankle hurts like a bitch; Mo Xuanyu’s core may not be worth shit, but damn if his asshole genius brother hasn’t figured out how to make the most of it anyway. He finally settles on a tired, “Yeah.”
The silence stretches on long enough that Wei Wuxian goes on, more quietly, “You and Shijie are the only reason I didn’t die in the Burial Mounds. The Wens grabbed me before I knew whether or not you’d even survived the core transfer.”
Jiang Cheng tilts his head just enough to glance briefly over his shoulder. “How did you survive the Burial Mounds?”
“Nope, no, I’m not putting that on you. Not even Lan Zhan knows. I can’t...I can’t do that.”
“Fine. Then tell me, is any of it going to come back and bite us in the ass at the worst possible moment?” he asks dryly.
Wei Wuxian snorts, humorless. “Nah. It’s all mine.”
“Would you tell me if it wasn’t?”
When Wei Wuxian hesitates for a few telling seconds, Jiang Cheng mutters, “You fucking asshole.”
“Yeah.” Wei Wuxian sighs again.
“You left me.”
“You didn’t need me.”
“Who the fuck said that?”
The knobs of Wei Wuxian’s spine are starting to press painfully into Jiang Cheng’s. Wei Wuxian snorts. “I was practically a fierce corpse myself when I dragged myself out of the Burial Mounds. Your position as sect leader was too precarious,” he says bluntly. “You were seventeen years old with no real family, a sister who was getting married off anyway, and an adopted brother who’d been controversial years before the war even happened and who was clearly half-mad and getting worse. And I...my mind never really left the Mounds, honestly.” He coughs, makes a wet sound, and spits. “If I stayed much longer I was going to end up dragging you back into Hell with me. I was a risk you couldn’t afford and I wasn’t going to destroy Yunmeng Jiang a second time.”
"Don’t pull that bullshit, Wei Wuxian.” Jiang Cheng is so, so tired. “Mother was wrong. You know Wen Chao was looking for any excuse. You’re as responsible for that as our shidi was for using a round kite.”
Wei Wuxian doesn’t respond. Jiang Cheng makes a mental note to beat that nonsense out of him in the future, when he can lift his arms again and his ankle isn’t most likely broken.
But Jiang Cheng remembers what it was like to try turning weapons, human and sword alike, into tools of peace. There are still whole weeks of the Sunshot Campaign that are just smears of sense-memory: the cacophony of screams and curses; the reek of mass funeral pyres and the soft ash drifting through the air like black, silent snow; the startling warmth of being suddenly drenched in blood after Sandu sliced open another living human. Half the time he’d come back to himself laughing hysterically, unable to see anything through the tears on his face, and as the war dragged on, the tears eventually dried up. It had taken months afterwards to settle into the mindset of rebuilding for Lotus Pier. (If he’s honest with himself, he never really did settle there. There's always a part of him still dragging itself through mud made by blood spilled on battlefields and churned up by soldiers' boots.)
“Jin Ling’s the only reason I never actually killed myself after you died,” Jiang Cheng says. “...Don’t you ever tell him that.”
“Wait, what?” Wei Wuxian snaps.
“You saying I would’ve died without a core - it was never about not having a core, you idiot, not really.” Not to say that hadn’t hurt, and Jiang Cheng really doesn’t know how he would’ve managed life as a commoner. But there were still worse things to lose than a core, which had also just lost and was about to lose yet again. “I had a few ideas on how to do it, depending on where I was and what was available when I decided I might as well get it over with.” He huffs a brief laugh and idly rubs his thumb over Sandu’s hilt. “I thought poison might be a good option, if a little heavy-handed on the metaphor.”
“I’d be laughing,” Wei Wuxian says flatly, “if you weren’t talking about killing my little brother.”
“Am I?”
“You never stopped.”
The silhouettes of the trees start to blur in Jiang Cheng’s eyes. “You left. You left, and everyone died, and somehow I was responsible for keeping our sister’s baby alive while the wolves tried to eat what remained of our sect from every direction. You left.”
“I never wanted to.”
“But you did.”
“Because I didn’t see any other way to keep you safe.”
“Because you chose strangers over family.”
“Because I didn’t see any other way to keep you safe,” Wei Wuxian hisses. Apparently they’re not so exhausted that they can’t get pissed after all. “I was hardly human anymore, Jiang Cheng. If I was going to die, then at least I’d die actually managing to save innocent people this time around and you would be safe from me.”
“I never wanted you to do that for me!”
“And I never wanted you to do that for me!”
The tension that had them both struggling to sit up straight suddenly breaks, and their backs collide again. Jiang Cheng grits his teeth against the urge to groan over the pain that ricochets through his chest and down his limbs. He hears a muffled yelp from behind him.
“You’re a damned fucking asshole and you’re my fucking brother and I hate you and don’t you ever assume you know what I need again, do you understand me,” snarls Jiang Cheng.
“You’re the damned fucking asshole and if you ever do that again then I will brand a reminder into your flesh right over the scar from the discipline whip,” Wei Wuxian snaps back, because he's never held back from fighting dirty if he thought it necessary.
They both stare into the dark forest, in opposite directions. It sounds like the juniors have finally picked up their tracks. Useless, the whole lot - Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian hadn't exactly been subtle in stepping aside for a private conversation that inevitably escalated, how could it take the kids this long?
"Those dumbasses had better not forget that we're on a night-hunt," he says.
"Like we did?" Wei Wuxian replies.
"You started it."
"Did not."
"No, I'm not doing this with you."
"Hey, you started this one."
"Shut the fuck up."
They fall silent again. A cold breeze picks up and Jiang Cheng feels Wei Wuxian shiver, pressing back just a little more firmly against Jiang Cheng for warmth, and he...leans back too. Just a little.
"I'm still fucking pissed at you," says Wei Wuxian.
"And I've got years' worth to pay you back for," says Jiang Cheng.
"Sect Leader Jiang!" they hear. "Senior Wei!"
"If you don't show up for the mid-autumn festival," Jiang Cheng suddenly says, "I'll come drag you out of the Cloud Recesses by the heels."
"But the dogs - "
"Don't be an idiot. Jin Ling's dog is the only one allowed in Lotus Pier, you know that."
Well, come to think of it, Wei Wuxian probably doesn't know that, but whatever, now he does. Wei Wuxian is terrifyingly silent, but before Jiang Cheng can say something that will inevitably bring them back to throwing fists, he hears a quiet, "Yeah, okay."
"Do you think they killed each other?" they hear Lan Jingyi asking loudly. "I mean, Sandu Shengshou versus the Yiling Patriarch - who would win?"
"Don't be an idiot," retorts Jin Ling, and Wei Wuxian's body briefly shakes with a laugh. "My uncle, obviously."
"They're both your uncle, idiot!"
Jiang Cheng just sighs and lets his head fall back against Wei Wuxian’s shoulder.
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angelwars11 · 4 years ago
ℝ𝕠𝕝𝕖𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕪 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕟𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕔𝕙
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I have found myself getting more and more interested in roleplaying and I've been finding A LOT of roleplay and collab writing partners, so much so, that I’ve created this post just for searching for serious partners of any kind! So, let’s get started!!
About me:
I can RP almost anything—angst, fluff, AUs, NSFW, dark angst, mpreg, fandom stuff, OCs, you name it—for hours, and I am good at keeping them going for weeks. I can also do multiple RPs at once! I’ve mastered the skill XD
I’m in the Eastern time zone
Sometimes I might go MIA because of school, but I swear I'll always come back within that day or the next day to respond. Sometimes I have mental breaks—and that's okay—so if that happens, please be patient with me. It doesn't normally happen, but it happens right 😊
I can roleplay with any gender partner (I don't have a preference and I don't care if you are a boy, girl, or etc)
Be literate. I get that English isn’t some people’s first language and that’s TOTALLY fine with me! 😊 Spelling and grammar mistakes happen guys! I make them too all the time! But I am starting to tell the difference between you just not caring to you actually making an honest mistake❤
Be able to write in multi-para! That means NO ONE-LINERS PLEASE!
Write in third person only! (Except in thoughts, which need to be made in ITALICS!)
Be active. Yes, I know you have a life outside of RP. So do I. Yes, I also know time differences are a bitch, loll. But don’t give me a one-sentence reply once a day, or go missing for days at a time with no warning. If you are the type of person to do that, please do not ask to roleplay with me if you'll just leave me hanging (that's happened to me enough times already dammit 😢)
I really prefer to use apps other than Tumblr because Tumblr’s DMs suck balls and we all know this (I can’t see when you are typing. You can’t see when I am typing. And I absolutely do not receive a notification when you have responded) so big no-no. I currently and only roleplay on Discord!
I also loveeee to copy and paste my roleplays into a google doc, share the doc with my roleplay partner via email, edit the roleplay into a story format, and post it online (Via Ao3). I will ask you in advance if you are interested in doing this IF and only IF you want to. ALL of my partners have all said yes to this interesting and very cool offer, so I assume everyone will, but I will ask if not anyway. (I only will roleplay with those who would like to do this or don't care if I don't credit them and I can post it anyway. I'd like to credit you, but if you tell me you don't care then I won't if that's your choice😊)
Edit: sksksk, almost forgot this important crap!! My personal indicator style that I use during roleplay are these two symbols // and @ my username or this >> Now this // with this @ (my username) next to it means that you are done with your response! (Send this after your response) sending this notifies me that you are finished much easier fashion!!
This >> means that you are continuing your response (because Discord has a word limit, so you might have to split your response into 2 or more sections, depending on how long it is)
All 'out of roleplay' conversation stays in parentheses! (Like this)
Please tell me ^ THIS ^ is understandable!! If you need a demonstration, just ask (especially if you are unfamiliar with Discord)
Minor do’s:
MxM relationships— male x male (platonic or romantic) I ONLY DO M X M relationships
Roleplay multi-characters!!
Roleplay genres I do
Any genre (except straight horror. I need to get back into that, I haven’t written straight horror for eons)
Story roleplays- detailed plot, fandom canon characters or self-made OC character bios, serious roleplay partner, roleplay continues for a while until it reaches the end)
Fantasy roleplays- I sometimes do this! This has to do with princes, princesses, royalty and whatnots!
Normal roleplay/modern - based on real life, so no magic, powers, or anything like that
War roleplay - I have wanted to do this for a while! I have an idea down already but will need a partner for it that really knows World War 2. Anyway, I am willing to do any IRL war from the past (American revolution, Civil war, WW1, WW2, Vietnam, or the Pacific War)
Action roleplay - are like action movies, with a mission and a certain goal (Spy stuff like James Bond, that would be fucking cool to write!)
Sci-Fi - fiction with imaginative, but is more or less plausible, such as settings in the future, futuristic science and technology, space travel, parallel universes, aliens, and paranormal abilities
Drama roleplays - contain drama, such as accidents (great angst or dark angst material) cheating, kidnapping, traumatic events (earthquakes, tsunamis, forest fires, makes great angst material)
School roleplays - This includes college, high school, or any level of school (I will only do high school or college, makes good romantic material)
Tropes I do
Baby fics, mpreg, enemies-to-lovers, friends-to-lovers, first kiss, mutual pining, slow burn, soulmate AU, ABO, canon divergence, established relationships, fix-it fics, hurt/comfort, sickfics, pregnancy fics
Minor do not’s: I am very tolerant, but I have learned over the past two years that there are some things I do not like. (It’s a shortlist, don’t worry)
This has happened A LOT to me lately and I needed to move this little pet peeve of mine to the very TOP of this list. PLEASE...please, please, please, do NOT ask to roleplay with me and completely not help or barely help come up with an idea or have me do most or all the work, and then ghost or never show up again to continue the roleplay. It makes me sad that people keep doing that to me😭 It's quite annoying and very rude, especially if you don't tell me beforehand, you just disappear!
I do not roleplay OC/Canon characters (sometimes it depends, but that's a big IF) I only do OC / OC characters or Canon/Canon. Again, NO OC/Canon characters.
No one-liner roleplay partners. That is a massive 'roleplay' pet peeve of mine and I can’t do it!! I am a very tolerant person, but please, if you want to roleplay with me, please be able to write multi-paras (multi-paragraphs) and/or are willing to at least TRY to write the latter. You can do short paragraphs, but give me something work with, that's all I ask😊
MxF- reason, I haven’t done it in forever and I’ve lost my touch with this specific romantic relationship. BUT I can do platonic stuff between male and female characters. And I can do background MxF characters. Some relationships I do go all out on shipping, but I probably won't roleplay. Just don’t ask me to do a romantic relationship, please
Character x reader- Don’t ask me to do this. (That’s it)
I DO NOT MIRROR ROLEPLAY!! Do not ask me to. The roleplay style is so annoying to me because it's repetitive! I can't do it. I only roleplay where one person continues after the other person! (Edit: OKAY OKAY, so I've decided to try and learn how to mirror roleplay and do a mix of mirror and the style that I am more comfortable with to see if I can do mirror roleplay too! I'll edit again after a while for an update on how that's going for me😂)
I do not roleplay with rude people (people who are very restrictive and aren't kind/understanding)
Like a mentioned before, and I have to repeat this because people don't seem to understand this: If you like the roleplay style where you are restrictive and only want to control ONE character the entire time and don't like it when other people write for them, even in the most minor way, like; opening a refrigerator or a simple head turn, then please don't roleplay with me. I can't do that because it makes my responses shorter and my responses are always long. It makes me feel bad if my writing partner makes long responses and I am restricted and can't.
My fandoms: (Will be updated as I remember them. Btw, these are just ships or fandoms I will roleplay, okay!) (If the fandom title is highlighted in green, this means I've watched it already and I understand the lore and stuff. If in yellow, this means I haven't finished it yet and I don't really remember the lore just yet. If in red, means I need to watch it again. Ships are highlighted in purple)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars ✨ (I am very lit in this😏)
Voltron: Legendary Defenders (*cough* Yeah I know… 😂) (Pairiings: Klance only. I also do platonic Lance and Keith as well with other characters!)
Marvel - freaking nerd in this fandom, so I know pretty much everything!🤩 (This also includes the X-Men)I have a lot of favorite characters in this fandom! That includes, but not limited to; Loki, Thor, Tony, StevexBucky, Peter Parker (bi or poly Peter💜💙💖) Miles Morales (bi Miles💜💙💖), T'Challa, Erik Killmonger, MagnetoxProfessorx)
DC - need to get back into it, but I know a lot (favorite ships in this is Jason x Dick Grayson, Batman x Superman, Dick x Wally, and Tim Drake x superboy)
Supernatural - ack!! How could I forget about you after posting this?! Lolllll😂 I'm sorry baby! *coughs* Yes, I would like to roleplay and write this with anyone (Destiel, Sambriel, etc)
Naruto - I've watched Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, and I am watching Boruto. (NarutoxSasuke, KakashixObito, KakashixIruka, BorutoxMitsuki, BorutoxSarada)
Yuri on Ice - already watched this (never roleplayed before)
Attack on Titan - ErenxLevi, JeanxMarco, ErwinxLevi, ReinerxBertold
Dragon Ball Z - GokuxVegeta (Gogeta), FutureGohanxFutureTrunks, OlderGotenxOlderTrunks
Haikyu - (there are multiple romantic pairings or platonic relationships I like here)(I need to watch the show again from season 2 and onward or even start from the very beginning, so give me time here!)
Free! - RinxHaruka (<< my favorite!!), SouxMako, SouxMako
(Future choice, coming soon) - My Hero Academia: BakugouxDeku, TodoxDeku, KirixBaku, TodorokixBakugou
Sherlock BBC - (favorite ships are: JohnLock, MycroftxLestrade, sherlockxMoriarty)
9-1-1 FOX - so much platonic and romantic material here, it's perfect! (Most favorite ship is EddiexBuck😍 romantic and natural disaster angst potential here)
9-1-1: Lone Star - (Favorite ship: TKxCarlos, beautiful natural disaster angst and romantic potential here!)
Avatar the Last Airbender (and Korra) - SokkaxZuko, sometimes AangxZuko, SukixTylee, SukixMai, KorraxAsami
Maybe Percy Jackson XD Might needa watch the movies again for that
The Arcana (Mobile video game) - This is the ONLY possible and must-do OC/Character thing I will friggin do, and with only Asra or maybe Julian! MxM only!!
Thank you so much for looking!!! Again, I only roleplay on Discord! If you are interested in roleplaying me, just DM me on Tumblr and we can get down to business on these things:
1. What's your timezone?
2. Are you able to do multi-para?
3. What is your roleplay style? (What is your indicator 'that you are done or continuing' style? If you even have one)
3. What genre/AU/prompt/trope do you want to roleplay?
4. OC characters or fandom? If fandom, which one?
5. Romantic or platonic?
6. Anything you don't like to roleplay?
7. Are you interested in posting this roleplay in story format with me as my co-author?
8. What's the story plan? (You need to contribute to this please and thank you❤)
9. What's your discord?
Extra stuff: (I need to add this now because people have shown me that I need to add new rules and whatnot)
1. Do not ask to roleplay with me without a detailed/semi-detailed plot in mind. I don't roleplay stories that don't have short plots (meant for One-shots/short stories) or detailed plots for long roleplay. Also, do not try and make me do all the work and think of the plot!
2. I do not roleplay OC roleplays where I am roleplaying someone else's pre-made OC character for many reasons. I want to make my OWN OC character. Okay.
3. Do not ask to roleplay with me if you aren't interested in editing and posting this story on Ao3 after it's finished. I like to post my roleplays as fanfics! You need to be at least interested in trying this method post-roleplay or you have done this before and like this method like me! I don't roleplay just to roleplay. I roleplay to write because I am a writer!
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Sunshine After Rain-- Connor (RK800) x Reader (Part 1)
Summary; After the death of your little brother, Cole, your dad hated androids. He blamed them for Cole's death. Hank couldn't stand to be around them. How the hell are you supposed to tell him that your soulmate is an android?
Warnings; swearing
Word Count; 2.2k
Notes; Originally posted on AO3, this was the first ‘x-reader’ fic I had ever written. Since it’s finals/death season at my uni, I won’t be doing much original writing and figured that this would be a good time to re-upload this old thing to my current blog. It’s full of flaws, but it has a special place in my heart. ((will have minimal editing, so I mean it when I say full of flaws))
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Soulmates aren't all the things the media makes them out to be. Some people have one, while others don't. Sometimes, people's soulmates can change. That's exactly what happened to your parents. Hank Anderson fell in love with a woman he met in during his first year at the Detroit Police Department. He just knew she was the one. Being the suave man that he is, Hank marched up to her, said some cheesy one-liner, and took her hand in his. The moment they made contact with each other, the world around them exploded into color. As soon as he let go, the world sank back into its grayish hues. Over time, whenever they touched, the world seemed less and less colorful. The colors finally faded away when your little brother, Cole, died.
There was a little theme park not far outside the city. Hank had taken the two of you for the evening because your mom drew the short straw for the graveyard shift at the station. As the sun began to set, the snow fell harder. Hank eventually tore the two of you away from the park and got everyone packed into the car. He muttered swears under his breath as the engine sputtered to life. “Can't see five feet in front of me with all this fucking snow,” Hank growled.
“Yeah, look at all of that shit in the road,” you commented. Hank snorted. A lopsided grin crossed his face.
“Don't let your mom hear you say that.”
“’Cause she'll kill me,” he said with a huff.
You and Cole played spotting games in the back seat to pass the time. He was only a few years younger than you, and the two of you usually got along fairly well. Cole was leaning forward to look out of the windshield in an attempt to find whatever blue object you were thinking of. He reached over to unbuckle in an attempt to move and see better. “Dad! Cole is trying to unbuckle!” you tattled. Hank peered up into the rearview mirror to see what was going on.
“Cole, sit down and buckle up. It's snowing too much for you to--” The car skid on a patch of ice. Time seemed to slow. The car spun as Hank struggled to control it. Without warning, the vehicle rammed itself into a nearby tree. The sudden impact caused you to hit your head on the car's interior. Your ears rang violently, and everything seemed out of focus. It didn't take long for the darkness to overtake your vision and consume you.
The first thing you noticed was the yelling of your parents. The second was the smothering smell of cleaning supplies. You started to open your eyes, but it felt like the lights were trying to blind you. A steady, hammering sensation radiated from the front of your head. You began to toss and turn in an attempt to get comfortable. Your parents noticed your movements and quieted. “I'll go tell the nurse that they're awake,” your mother sighed. There was no doubt that she just needed a moment to escape. Hank nodded, pulling a chair closer to the bed. He gently touched your shoulder.
“Hey, kiddo, how ya feelin'?” You turned your head to face him. It took a couple moments to process his words.
“Lights are...” You paused, taking a breath. “too bright.” Hank glanced up at the overhead lights as he stood from his seat. He switched them off before sitting next to the bed again. You slowly opened your eyes, squinting at him. “My head hurts.”
“Yeah, you hit your head pretty hard and got a bit of a concussion, but the doctor said you'll be fine.” You furrowed your brows, eyeing the few cuts across his own face. He shook his head with a scoff. “Don't worry about me. I just got a few little scratches. I'm fine.” You continued to survey your surroundings.
“Where's Cole?” Hank looked away. “Dad?”
“He was thrown from the car when we hit the tree. He's in surgery right now, but...” He sighed. “He's not in good condition. They've got one of those plastic bastards operating on him right now.” A heavy silence filled the room. Neither of you spoke for several minutes.
“That's why you and mom were fighting,” you whispered. Without you having to say anything else, he realized you had picked up on more than he would have liked. Your mom blamed him for what happened to Cole. After all, he was the one driving. Hank opened his mouth then closed it. He wanted to disagree and tell you that everything was okay, but he couldn't. You were right.
Cole didn't make it through the surgery. The android surgeons assured your parents that they did everything they could, but it was no use. Hank wrapped his arms around your mom as she wept. He'd be lying if he said he didn't weep alongside her. When he opened his eyes, the world had lost all its color. They knew the day was coming, but they never expected it to come at a time of such tragedy. They stayed together for a few more weeks, mainly for your sake. They wanted to tough it out at least until you got a little older, but things at home just got worse. They fought more often, which usually turned ugly. They would scream at each other until they lost their voices. Your mom would throw things at Hank, who would then turn and climb into a beer bottle and shut out the world around himself. Then, one day, she just left without a trace. She mailed in her letter of resignation to the DPD, and that was the last bit of contact anyone had from her. You and Hank never heard from her, but then again, you two never really tried to track her down either.
There's no doubt that life was rough after that. You and Hank had an unmeasurable amount of grief weighing down your hearts, but you two tried to tough it out. You had to be strong. You had to be strong for each other.
You always had a fascination with your dad's job as a detective. Every time you walked into the DPD, your eyes would fill with wonder. It didn’t take you long to decide you wanted to follow in his footsteps. As soon as you were able, you joined the department's K9 unit. You loved the dogs and spent most of your time training them. You were quickly able to get even the most stubborn dogs to listen to your commands, which earned the respect of a few of your peers. Several of them, however, still made you the butt of all jokes since you were one of the youngest in the department. The worst one was Gavin Reed. He loved to get under Hank's skin, which often led him to you. Unfortunately, that often left him with a bloody nose and you with bruised knuckles.
You sat at your desk, staring at the mountain of paperwork littering your desk. You groaned, running a hand through your hair. The german shepherd laying next to your feet lifted its head. A grin twitched at the corner of your lips as you reached down to pet it. A steady stream of officers trickled in to start the day. You noticed an android make its way over to Hank's desk. It poked around his desk, analyzing everything. Curiosity getting the better of you, you pushed yourself away from your paperwork and approached the android. You always found the bots intriguing. You thought it was interesting that they made them colorblind to be 'more relatable to humans.' 
"Hey, you must be the android CyberLife sent to help investigate the deviant cases," you chirped before introducing yourself. The android looked at you and tilted its head slightly.
"Yes, I'm Connor. I have been assigned to help Lieutenant Anderson with the investigations." You couldn't help but laugh, which seemed to confuse the poor android. "I do not understand what is humorous."
"You're his partner? No wonder he's been so grumpy lately," you said with a grin. "He's not very fond of androids." Connor furrowed its brows with a nod. As you turned around, you spotted Hank walking into the bullpen. "Speaking of the son of a bitch, there he is." Hank rubbed his face.
"Give your old man a break. It was a rough night." He stopped in his tracks. Hank's face paled as his eyes widened. "God.. I saw you get shot in the head last night." You turned to face Connor. The android seemed unfazed.
"My predecessor was unfortunately destroyed. CyberLife transferred its memory and sent me to replace it. This incident should not affect the investigation." Hank looked disgusted, while you grinned.
"Interesting, so every time you get destroyed CyberLife produces another android that looks and sounds exactly like you as a replacement?" Connor nodded. You crossed your arms with a hum. "How many models have there been before you?" His LED indicator flashed a different color. He opened his mouth, but someone interrupted him.
"Hank! In my office!" Fowler boomed. You shot Hank a look.
"Well, he looked pissed."
"Yeah, wish me luck," Hank grumbled as he trudged into Fowler's office. You glanced back at Connor.
"I'm gonna get some coffee if you want to tag along. I know androids don't eat or whatever, but you might just want to explore the place a little bit," you said with a shrug. A small grin tugged at the corner of its lips.
"I believe it would be beneficial for me to be aware of my surroundings." You smiled and looked at your desk. You whistled, and the dog sat up in attention. You pointed to the floor beside your foot. The dog bounced up from its perch and quickly scurried up to you. As you continued to walk towards the break room, the dog paused to stare at Connor before following you once more.
Gavin sat at one of the small tables, talking to another officer. You nodded at the two in greeting. Gavin stared at you, while the other officer gave you a small wave. They continued their conversation, leaving you to fix your coffee in peace. Gavin stopped talking for a few seconds before going on about ghosts. You turn away from the coffee machine to see Connor standing in the middle of the small room. The android looked at you, and you just rolled your eyes with a shrug. "Hello, Detective Reed," Connor greeted. Gavin approached the android, asking what model it is. You decided to answer the question instead.
"It's clearly written on the front of the jacket, dipshit."
"Fuck you."
"Only if you ask nicely," you said with a wink. Gavin scoffed, returning his attention to the android. He ordered Connor to make him a coffee. No one said a word. They all watched Connor to see what it would do.
"I'm sorry, but I only take orders form Lieutenant Anderson."
"Oh!" Gavin looked around, feigning an apologetic look. Without warning, he punched Connor in the stomach. The android doubled over. Gavin kneeled down beside it, threatening it. You set your coffee down on the counter. Storming over to the two, you shoved Gavin away from Connor.
"Alright, Gavin, that's enough."
"Oh, come on, (y/n)! Don't tell me you're actually humanizing this thing. It's just a tin can!" Gavin raised his voice, pointing at the android.
"If it's just a tin can, then why do you feel the need to assert your masculine dominance over it?" You quipped. The other officer sniggered. "Why don't you go find a middle schooler to steal lunch money from?" Gavin glared at you. He looked over at the android and shoved its head downward. Your dog broke its silence and growled.
"Get control of your dog, (y/n)." With that, Gavin sauntered out of the break room, the other officer trailing behind.
You sighed, sticking your hand out towards Connor. "He's such a dick." Connor looked up at you and blinked. Androids didn't need help getting up, but you were offering assistance as a sign of camaraderie. Connor took your hand, and you helped him to his feet. Right after he stood, your breath got caught in your throat. His jacket was the first thing you noticed, then his eyes. There were bright colors all around you. Connor furrowed his brows. His LED briefly flash red before settling on a steady strum between blue and yellow. He stared at your eyes, then your hair. His eyes roamed over your face, taking in every feature.
You quickly snatched your hand away from his. The color slowly drained from your field of vision. Your eyes were wide and frantic. It felt like someone replaced your heart with a drum. You rushed out of the break room, calling for your dog to follow. Connor watched you retreat. A message clouded his vision.
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magpiemorality · 5 years ago
“I made a bet. I lost. It’s simple as that.” With Platonic Janus and Virgil?
I’m hot, from the bones to the flesh. + Prinxiety - Anonymous
So many POV shifts, this is messy AF, but it felt most natural to write it like this and I am loathe to edit it into something not as fun! 
Roman shrieked, running through the hallway and crashing through the door to his best friend’s dorm room, slamming the door shut behind him. Remus looked up with a raised eyebrow, giving the other guy a once over before hitting pause on his ps4 and pulling his headphones down around his neck.
“Okay what the f-”
“He’s a monster!” Roman yelled, beginning to pace. “An actual monster! I think he wants me to suffer!”
“Is this about-”
“Virgil! My evil roommate!”
“... Right.” Remus mentally prepared himself not to go back to gaming anytime soon and got comfortable as Roman’s vent began.
Five weeks ago they’d moved into their new dorms with bright smiles and heaps of enthusiasm, pleased to be in the same building, on the same floor, even if they weren’t rooming together. Remus had lucked out with Patton, the nicest guy to ever nice, who didn’t mind his odd hours and strange taste in decor. In fact Patton had seemed delighted to have someone to parent, by virtue of being the oldest in a family of six, and only a little morbidly fascinated by the chaos gremlin that was Remus on a daily basis. The going theory was that Patton was probably from a pretty conservative upbringing, and Remus was either his gay awakening or just his introduction into the reality of college boyhood. The bet was still ongoing but Roman remained hopeful.
So yeah, Remus had got very lucky. Roman on the other hand, had been stuck with Virgil. Virgil who was beyond weird. Roman could have handled weird, but Virgil seemed more determined to mess with Roman’s head, and boy was it working. 
“He said, get this- he thinks his eyeshadow is starting to tattoo into his face, but he needs to sleep on his face more. But he’ll use a straw so he doesn’t suffocate overnight. He can’t be real, Remus! And then when I went to close the window because it was getting cold he just, he just said, oh what was it? Yeah! ‘I’m hot, from the bones to the flesh’. What does that even mean?!” Roman wailed, arms wildly flailing to express just how passionately outraged he was. Remus just stifled a snort and the thought that Virgil sounded pretty great fun, offering Roman a vague humming sound of sympathy and a pat on the shoulder. Roman never really needed much of a conversation in these moments anyway, he’d be fine just monologuing. 
Several dorm rooms down the corridor a similar dialogue was taking place over the phone. Virgil groaned as he confessed the random impulsive thought he’d voiced that day as his own best friend Janus cackled on the other side of the call. “You said what?!”
“I know! I know. And his face! Oh god, Jan, he’s so hot and it’s so sad. Do I really have to keep this up the whole year?! I just want to date the pretty boy, Jan!”
His friend’s heavy sigh was music to his ears, signalling a possible end to this terrible torture. There was only so long you could stand being made to convince your hot (and also incredibly gay and available) roommate you were from another planet after all. 
“Fine, Vee, fine. But you gotta keep it up until, maybe Thanksgiving? So you can go away and then pretend you came back normal and he was imagining the whole thing!”
“Janus!” Virgil whined. 
“Okay! Alright. You can tell him. But don’t you dare try and talk about sappy love stuff with me if you actually get together. Swear it.”
“I swear, I swear. Thanks Jan. I gotta go now though, he could be back soon. I want to get this makeup back to normal now I don’t have to play the part of asylum zombie number three.”
“You’re gross and romance is gross but knock ‘em dead I guess.” 
Janus rang off with a click and Virgil made sure to send a spree of emojis to properly finish their chat before setting to work. 
The Virgil that Roman returned to was almost certainly not the one that he’d left. For one thing the crazed eyeshadow had become a tasteful and highly attractive makeup look, deepening and warming his brown eyes. Huh. Now Roman hadn’t not noticed that Virgil was pretty cute, willowy and well-groomed with dimples to boot, but that had been the first impression before all the other stuff started, so he’d kinda forgotten. It all came back as Virgil stood from his bed, wiping his palms on his jeans quickly and offering the most awkward of half-waves and shy smiles. 
“Are you a pod person?” shouldn’t have been the first thing out of Roman’s mouth but, well, it was, and there was no going back from that. Virgil’s hand faltered in the air and then rose swiftly to the back of his head with a sheepish chuckle. 
“Um, no. But I do have a confession to make?” He replied. “About uh, my behaviour. It’s been kinda weird. But that was deliberate. Not that I like, actually wanted to weird you out, that was just an uh, unfortunate side effect. It’s just that, well, okay I made a bet. I lost. It’s simple as that. And the guy who won, my friend Janus, he’s cool but god can he be a bitch. Never ever play any game against him, I swear. But! Back to the ah, the point! So the forfeit was, he told me all these weird things to do and say to my roommate and I had to do it! I mean I guess, I could have just not done them? But it was kinda funny, like a prank. Um, a harmless one. Right? Well anyway that’s done now! No more weird Virgil! Totally normal me! That’s, that’s good. I hope.” He trailed off as Roman continued to just stare at him. 
In all honesty his thoughts were mostly full of ‘wow he’s really cute’ and ‘he’s talking a lot does that mean he’s nervous does that mean he likes me does that mean we can date now’. Only Virgil waving a hand in front of his face brought him back to reality enough to reply, clearing his throat and blinking quickly. “Oh! Um, very good. Yeah, that’s cool. It’s cool you’re not actually a pod person, or an alien sent to study human life through experiencing college. Which was definitely not a theory I had okay let’s just move on from that right now.”
Virgil snickered, shrugging a shoulder. “Okay. I mean, I can see that, it’s a good theory.”
“Right?!” Roman gasped, stepping forwards. “There was the whole utensils thing, and then the-”
“The jelly?”
“The jelly!” They shared a laugh, watching each other closely. “So you’re not actually like that. What are you like, Virgil?” 
“Wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy,” Virgil shot back, sitting on his bed comfortably. He cast his eyes over at Roman when he sat on his own bed, smiling back shyly. 
“Yeah, I would.”
Virgil just returned the smile, ducking his head down when a blush threatened his cheeks. 
The conversations with their respective bff’s the next day would end with Remus laughing for so long he turned purple, and Janus hanging up no less than six times in ten minutes as he tried to avoid the lovesick speeches Virgil was determined to throw at him. 
It was a much better way to continue the year. 
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atiny-piratequeen · 5 years ago
Yknow what?
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Apparently we need to have another fucking discussion. I dont know about who the fuck McCrusties sent Gaia this shit but yall bitch asses can come see me. Keep your private life off line? You came to HER fucking blog. If Gaia wants to post about her personal life, if she wants to post edits, if she wants to take a fucking break from writing, she can do whatever the FUCK she wants.
I K E E P telling yall ugly asses, we writers are NOT your fucking machines. We are NOT here to dance when you say dance and ask how high when you say jump.
NONE of yall are paying Gaia for her work. none of you are gonna pay for her fucking medical bills if she collapses or has a seziure or needs to go to the fucking hospital if she prioritizes fucking churning works out every fucking day.
We are in the middle of a fucking pandemic. People have home lives. Yall dont know jack shit about other people's mental, physical, and emotional states at home, but you gonna crawl your bitch asses on anon to talk shit to a writer for taking time to themselves?
There are SO many platforms to read fics. Tumblr. Ao3. Twitter. The flaming garbage fire that is Wattpad and FF.net. if a writer is not feeling well to update as often as they used to, that's their business. Ask them how they fucking are maybe?
But this shit right here? This fucking nasty ass attitude some of yall have towards us is fucking disgusting. If Gaia wants to take months off, if she wants to take YEARS off, hell if she wants to remake her blog and do some other shit, thats all HER fucking business and if you dont fucking like it, get the fuck out.
None of yall sent that shit off anon, and its because you're fucking cowards. Behind the scenes, Gaia has been doing her fucking best to fucking come up with more ideas and keep posting things and sometimes shit just...doesnt come out. It happens to her, it happens to me, it happens to anyone who writes.
If you cant fucking be paitient or use your last two fucking braincells to find other works to read, if you can't fucking be polite to someone, you can fucking leave. No one needs your nasty ass attitude. We are not your fucking machines. For most writers, yall dont even donate to paypals or ko-fis, but yall swear you're someone's fucking employer with the way you speak to some of us.
Yall can suck my left one, I don't have time for yall coming crazy to my fucking friends when I see these people busting their asses every fucking day.
Literally fuck these anons and fuck anyone like em. Us writers dont have time to deal with yall nasty ass attitudes.
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nostalgic-pancakes · 4 years ago
Watching the starlings as autumn draws in
Summary: Tommy and his friends try on some skirts, and he reflects a bit on how they all got here. (It's a happy story) Title from September by Sparky Deathcap
Pairings: None! Platonic everyone (esp in irl fics_)
Read on AO3 (preferred place to read)
Word count: 2570
Warnings: None, except for surface-level references to the exile/prison arcs, but not much.
Other notes: I wrote this in a fit of madness last night in like three hours at 2 am, so i’ll probably edit it honestly but for now, enjoy! (If the CC’s ever display discomfort with this type of fic I will take it down)
"WELCOME BACK TO THE STREAM, BOYS!" Tommy exclaims, rubbing his hands together as he starts rapid-fire answering questions about the stream, and the stream title from chat. It's funny, how over time, Tommy's come to see Chat as this one entity- an old friend. The nervousness of answering questions as a fifteen year old with nothing but a big personality, a twitch account and a copy of Minecraft is all but gone now, nineteen years old and happier than he's ever been.
Dreadfulzombie19: what are u doin this stream
"THANK YOU FOR ASKING, Dreadfulzombie19, today is gonna be a bit different, innit Tubbo?" Tommy raises his voice a bit at the end of his sentence, just loud enough for one of his flatmates to hear him. When Tubbo yells back an affirmative, Tommy turns back to his setup. Chat's gone a bit wild again, even though he, Tubbo and Ranboo have been living together for over a year now.
"Okay, okay, calm down chat- so recently I was at university, as usual right? And I had an eight AM class again, and… yeah I can see you all can relate."
"BUT! BUT! On my way back to the flat, I saw something really cool." Tommy hesitates in his speech to take a sip of coke again- his blood pressure's been acting up lately and watches Chat to wild again, asking him what he saw.
"Okay, so there was a shop- new place, which doesn't happen often this is fucking Brighton- and they sold skirts and dresses and stuff with adjustments for AMAB sizes!" Chat goes a bit bonkers, but Tommy's mod team- a little smaller than it used to be, now that he isn't the centre of YouTube or Twitch attention anymore, none of them are- are handling it, and pretty well.
"So I had to go, right? As many of you probably know, last year, I made the astounding discovery that gender-based stereotypes and expectations are, in fact, fake and I should not give a SHIT. And so I go in and look through the stuff- it's a really poggers shop by the way, and I find the perfect thing- it was the most poggers skirts and shit, okay? So, today's stream is going to have me wearing this pogchamp shit and wearing it right, with the help of…" Tommy ends his monologue by picking up the joke shaker-things that Phil had gotten him as a housewarming gift last year and indicates for his first two helpers to enter the office.
In walks his mother, face obscured from view as always, waving to the camera, and Wilbur, also wearing one of his only skirts for this occasion. Eret had taught him, on a phonecall in the skirt shop that week about the different types of skirts with a handy diagram. Wilbur's was a pleated circle skirt, brown to offset the bright yellow of his sweater and beanie, the same colour as his hair. It's very swoosh-y, so he's wearing black leggings with his regular shoes too. Motherinnit's also wearing her favourite skirt, a baby blue prairie skirt, Tommy thinks, and it's one he's seen fairly often.
Wilbur ducks down in order to show his face to Chat, and ruffles Tommy's hair while he's at it. Tommy's taller, but not by much, so Wilbur still fucking makes short jokes, That fucker.
Chat is now going so fast that he simply cannot read anything but some of the all caps messages and can barely make out some of the emotes.
"Okay, OKAY, CALM DOWN CHAT! WE HAVE TO GET TO FUCKING BUSINESS!" Tommy yells into the mix, like he did when he was sixteen and used the 'many people find me annoying at first' intro. Nowadays he just lets the content speak for itself. Anyone who wants to be here already is, by now.
Wilbur laughs a bit, and that hasn't changed at all. "Tommy, how is chat supposed to calm down if you're not calm?"
"I am their god!! They will obey via sheer digital willpower!" Tommy replies back, pretty zealously (What? An English Literature class is mandatory for his film degree, and The Great Gatsby by Zelda Fitzgerald is a good book, as are most of the other assigned ones. He's had entire conversations with Techno with just lit quotes and it drives everyone insane. Tommy loves it.) Chat seemingly has listened to his godlike abilities, with a few OG's spotting his half-quotation of one of Dream's last lines in the Dream SMP. The rest are spamming 'MOTHERINNIT'.
"If having a shitty magic trick book from a washed-up politician makes you a god, then what does that make me?" Wilbur replies, with one of Foolish's lines and swatting his hand at Tommy. Tommy swats back.
"Bitch" "Arsehole" "Shithead" "Fuckface" Wilbur finishes cheerily, as if this happens all the time. It does. Chat's used their antics now, four years of consistently making content together will do that for you.
Eventually Motherinnit reminds them both to get back on Topic, and Tommy goes back to facing the camera, addressing Chat directly.
"Today, my beloved mother, and my idiot brother-" "hey!" "And maybe my flatmates will be joining me to show off some cool as SHIT skirts! And a dress or two. We all have our selections, right?" Everyone nods in affirmative, even Tubbo and Ranboo. Though the camera can't see them. Ranboo's just come home from his final class, then. He should probably take the first hour back off, and judging by how Tubbo is forcefully judging Ranboo to the shower, he probably gets it. Tommy signs an affirmative to both of them, and gets back to the camera, where Wilbur's showing off all of his (very poggers) very stupid brown or yellow skirts. Tommy's are in cool colours, for fuck's sake.
"Oh yeah, Puffy just confirmed she'll be on stream! She'll be here in about twenty minutes, accounting for fucking traffic, and Niki' going to get onto VC after her own stream, what game is it this time?"
"GRIS." Wilbur answers.
"Poggers- she is the SHIT and will join us soon! So expect some QUALITY QUALITY content this stream!! Remember to not spam her chat to finish faster." Exclaims Tommy, even if it ends up as a light warning, as he picks up his own very poggers skirts from the extra armchair in his office to show the camera.
One is the classic red and white, mostly white but with bright red on the waist (elastic) and the bottom, and it reached to about Tommy's knee, if worn at the hip. It had no pleats, but the red bits were a very nice velvet texture, and while the skirt was heavy, it still had very much swoosh value, and pockets!! Big ones!! He slips the skirt on top of his jeans before entering camera view, the skirt visible in all its classic Tommyinnit glory, as he takes his place right next to Wilbur, who just took. a quick spin at the behest of several dono's., Skirt spying out from his lower shins all the way to his knee, making visible one of his (many) petticoats. ("What? It's cold all the fucking time here, Toms.") Tommy also makes a quick little spin, skirt flying outward, not upward, so it looks like he's hula hooping for a moment there. Lastly, Motherinnit spins around too, and while her skirts do not swoosh, she looks opulent, like she was about to go to waltz with the enemy, for whom she has a dagger in the back of her dress for. (He finished Anna Karenina and the Six of Crows duology within the same week and has not yet recovered. Jack Edwards is laughing at him as he thinks in his English Lit Graduate glory.)
It's fun, trying on different skirts- he and Wilbur accidentally bought the same dress at one point, which they paired up to wear, darting off into their respective changing rooms while giggling like idiots with their checkered blouses and the grindl skirts that Niki had sent over when she heard of this stream idea, laughing the whole time. Tubbo enters as dramatically as possible with Puffy, and while Tubbo looks really fucking good in his handkerchief skirt with embroidered bees and plain white shirt, it's Puffy who steals the show with an exact, real life version of her red banquet dress.
Fans from way back in the SMP, before Tommy had started branching out start going insane and are bringing back emotes Tommy wasn't sure were still available, but she is fucking stunning- deep shades of red and crimson, with slits on either side of her waist and all the detailing. She'd gotten the contact for her dressmaker through Bernadette Banner, Tommy recalls- she was so fucking cool when she streamed with him once, and gotten him to swear less and supplant those world's with bigger ones to intimidate instead. While he still curses like a sailor as part of his persona, it's less so and he does way less in real life these days, unless the situation calls for it. It's also just rude, especially in uni libraries, where he spends too much time these days wondering why he didn't read more as a kid.
Puffy's stolen his audience for a WHILE, and Niki coming on hasn't helped any, so Tommy exits camera view for a while to hug Ranboo really quickly- he's had midterms and has basically been dying all month.
Everyone on this stream- Tommy, Wilbur, Motherinnit, Tubbo, Puffy, Niki and Ranboo enter the camera frame after entering their dressing rooms for the last time on this particular stream, Puffy with full in-character wigs and makeup, Tommy in an Edwardian-Gothic reminiscent black and red dress, Ranboo in something he bought when he gap-yeared in Japan, punk lolita or something, Niki flaunting her pink in a Marie Antoinette style show of finery, Tubbo dressing in all green this time, something like a very deranged biology teacher who hasn't slept in days (Tubbo hasn't-Tommy has to get into that), Wilbur like a forest-nymph, all earthy tones and swishy fabrics and nature highlights, and finally Motherinnit, who hasn't changed but is here to take pictures as they all lean in together to fit into frame, as drastic as their height difference is. Niki is going to be edited in later, and everyone on the 'Dream SMP but nobody does Dream SMP and we're all fucking nerds' discord server is going to get a copy.
The stream wraps up there, after about two hours, and it's only about six in the evening- a far cry from the late nights and long hours from the beginning of Tommy's career, so everyone runs to their changing areas for the last time, into pajamas now, and packs away all of the clothes they wore, properly, as to not incense Karolina Zebrowska, and Jemma, Dan's wife, who would look at them disappointedly and nobody wants a sad Jemma because that means no cooing at their son. Also it just feels shitty.
Everyone huddles in Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo's living room, and they out on UP for like, the millionth fucking time (they still cry when Ellie dies), and Tommy is leaning into Wilbur's side and feeling his mum play with the hair in his very small, stubby ponytail he's developed by being in Uni as he and Tubbo intertwine their legs together and Ranboo rests his head in the tangle of limbs, playing with his fidget cube. Puffy stays on Wilbur's side, intently texting someone and smiling the whole while, and Tommy takes a moment to reflect (something he's been getting better at doing) on how the actual hell they all got here.
The Dream SMP was always going to end- everyone knew it, if course, they were the fucking writers. But by the time they did, not only were their respective brands too closely intertwined to just… sever that quickly, but they'd become too close to even want to. So the SMP discord never shut, even though Dream and George had planned it months ago, and they continued supporting each other with their interests. Wilbur made a lot more music solo, with his band and even just random ass streams where he practiced guitar for an hour. He kept playing Minecraft, but it wasn't his main focus. A bunch of people left. More stayed. YouTube left him alone.
Dream, George and Sapnap are still Minecraft streamers, but their YouTube channels are mostly blogs of them being poor excuses of adults with other former SMP members joining in sometimes. Tommy and the Dream Team were closer than ever, even though the seeds of their friendship had been sowed when they used to linger after heavy streams together, reassuring each other that none of that was true and that nothing like… that would happen in real life, because Dream had used real abuse tactics, and those still hurt unless immediately taken care of. So they were. It was a running joke that Dream was stuck at 99 million subscribers since nobody really wanted the face reveal anymore. The other Dream team members were doing peachy.
Phil and Techno were also still primarily Minecraft streamers, but they also released things like advice videos and mental health stuff, especially for relationships. They had a new scripted series where Tommy was a minor character. The dadza jokes were still as real, and yes, outside of streaming, both of them were lovely people and responsible adults (mostly). They collaborated with DanTDM and co a lot more now.
Puffy and Niki kept doing games, but did lots of different ones, testing point and clickers to triple A titles, and making it all fucking hilarious while they were at it.
So where had that left Tommy?
After the Dream SMP, he'd kind of had no idea what to do, and he was going to University for the first time, so he just… did whatever he thought would be fun. He learned about vintage fashion from the queens themselves- Mina Le, Bernadette Banner and Karolina Zebrowska and had fun learning how to sew for the first time, fixing and making his own clothes for the first time, clunky as they were, Wilbur had cried, genuinely, when he saw the Lovejoy shirts that Tommy had made for the band. He'd found a genuine love for literature in university, so Tommy started talking to booktubers and studytubers like Jack Edwards and Noelle Stevenson. Tubbo and Ranboo had joined him, fucking around in any YouTube niche they found even remotely interesting. Eventually, they all found a happy medium- a bit of everything.
Some people obviously weren't happy with that but Tommy was happy as he was, making what he liked with his best friend's, living together close enough to most of their friends (family) to have fun and drop in on one another at ass-o-clock in the morning to comfort, to laugh. His sub count hasn't gone up in a while- most of his audience is static, with about 80-90k online on a stream at any time.p
It was a nice feeling, to have carved out a space for himself and the people he loves, and be is so, so glad that he got this chance.
Looking at his mostly asleep family, Tommy thinks 'yeah. Life is good.' as the last thought before he sleeps.
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pcprminibigbang · 4 years ago
PCPR Mini Big Bang Fic Claiming Time!
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Today’s the daaaaay!
Under the cut, you will find the summaries of the fanfics our Writers have been working on. They have been posted anonymously, labeled only by number.
Artists, go through the summaries carefully and figure out which ones you’d like to work on the most! Please pick three choices and then hop on over to your email to send your fic claiming email to [email protected]! If you are confused as to how this process goes, please check your email inbox for emails Mod has sent concerning the full details on how to claim a fic.
For those not participating in this event, please feel free to read through the summaries as well to get a sneak peek of what our Writers have been working on!
Okay, that’s enough talking from Mod. Here are this event’s fics!!!
He shuffles to the door, reaching for his gun just in case before he pulls it open, startling the short man who was waiting on the other side.
"Goddammit, Burger!" Vang0 hisses, leaning a little closer, eyes darting to the sides. "Can I come in?" He asks bluntly, as if they had been talking just a couple minutes ago and this wasn't their first chat in about a week. We're not that codependent.
"Wh- why are you out this late? And with a bag?" He frowns when he sees the uncharacteristic plain green duffle bag hanging from Vang0's shoulder, completely contrasting with the man's clothes, even if this time he went for more subdued colors.
"Let me in and I'll tell you," the blonde retorts as he puts a foot in the corner, ready to push himself inside as soon as Burger gives him room for it.
And Burger can't say no, has never been able to say no to Vang0, so he just rolls to the side and lets Vang0 in before slamming the door closed again.
"Why are you here? Not that I don't appreciate ya visiting, just... it's late and yer carrying a bag," he points out, tilting his head a little. "Y’know you can talk to me, Vang0, right?"
"Y-yeah, that's why I'm here, I-" he pauses, taking a deep breath "I got in trouble, I hacked into something I shouldn't have and I need to lay low for a while"
Vang0 Bang0 messed up, big time, he needs help to get off the radar for a while, and of course that his best friend Burger Chainz would help him, and a road trip seems to be the best way to make him drop from the face of earth until things have quieted down. But the empty roads bring nostalgia and an unearths feelings both of them thought deeply buried. They say that road trips change you, why should that be different in the cyberpunk future?
Vang0 Bang0/Burger Chainz, getting together fic, Teen rating, no ao3 warnings needed, maybe some minor canon violence. It's a slightly introspective fic, more focused on how Burger realizes some stuff and how he deals with it.
Turtleneck Heathen Today at 8:15 PM …… did u just ping me to ask if i wore heals
Badass Business Bitch Today at 8:16 PM *heels yes i did and do you?
Turtleneck Heathen Today at 8:17 PM not usually?? ill wear em if its like a big thing or w e i guess (Edited) i mean i havnet really had the oprotuntiy to wear em
Badass Business Bitch Today at 8:19 PM are you intentionally misspelling words to make yourself seem cooler to me?? Vang0 I watched you lick a stranger’s nose
Vang0 doesn't remember his birthday. Or his age. Or his interests, his likes, his dislikes, the password to his CollegeBoard account.
(Well, one of those is less important than the others.)
That being said, Burger wants to throw him a birthday party. Dasha is interested, despite herself. A series of assumptions are made, some feelings are hurt, and some lessons are learned.
Ships: Vang0/Dasha/Burger if you squint but pretty much a gen fic
Rating: Probably G, bordering maybe on T for swearing
Sensitive content: Canon-typical amnesia, a little bit of angst, some oblique canon-typical gun mentions, maybe a panic attack later in the fic- I haven't quite decided if that's gonna happen or not yet?
Other info: It's a pretty lighthearted fic focusing on the relationship between the three of them! No AU, pretty much just comedy and fun all the way through. I haven't ironed out all the details of what's going to happen yet, but that's gonna stay pretty consistent- there'll be some angstier/less funny bits here and there, of course, though.
Vang0 chewed his lip, feeling uneasy.
“What’s up, friend? You’ve got a big ol’ frown on your face.”
Vang0 blushed. “I’m not- I’m just- thinking. I mean, Joltik usually travel with their mother Galvantula, and it’s unusual for them to be seen without one, so these ones might have been separated from their mother.”
Burger frowned. “Well, that ain’t good.”
Vang0 nodded. “And Galvantula can get very angry when separated from their young.”
Burger opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by someone yelling loudly.
“BURGER! Burger, where the fuck are you!?”
Vang0 watched as Burger spun around and started towards the basement door.
“Burger!? Are you down here? There’s a huge fucking-”
“No, don’t come down-”
Burger was cut off as the door flew open, and someone catapulted into the basement.
Vang0 stared, eyes wide.
“Burger,” he said, “why the hell is Dapper Dasha in your house?”
Seven months ago, Vang0 woke up in a half-destroyed laboratory with no memories of his life before that. He's made something of a life for himself fixing people's technology, because he somehow knows how to do that really well.
And Burger Chainz is just another one of his clients. That is, until it turns out Burger's hiding ex-Pokemon Contest star Dapper Dasha in his house - who hasn't been seen in two years and just so happens to be Vang0's role model.
Vang0 definitely isn't freaking the fuck out. And he definitely isn't falling in love with Burger, either.
Vang0 Bang0/Burger Chainz. A Pokémon AU where Burger owns a farm, Dasha is an ex-contest star in hiding, and Vang0 has no clue what's going on. Rating: Teen. Warnings: mentions of blood and violence, nothing explicit
Vang0 Bang0 jumped in his seat as the van hit a bump in the road, speeding upon the old, graying highway. The trinkets they had collected over their various traveled crashed and banged, one almost hitting the window. The loud trinkets and music blaring from the car stereo didn’t phase Vang0. They weren’t sure where he was going, but it sure wasn’t home.
Vang0 wasn’t focused on the road, he was focused on something...else. It wasn’t the other cars; there weren’t any. Most people stayed in Night City, so the roads weren’t full a lot, he knew that. But this road doesn't have anything, anything that would ever prove that anyone had ever existed near here. Not even a bottle.
After an eventful drive, Vang0 Bang0 finds themself on a beach with no discernable exits. No stairs, no ladders, not even a boat. Confused, Vang0 comes to terms with what he’s found in Night City, and what they’ve lost along the way. (Also they/he pronoun Vang0 rights)
There are no ships in this fic. I am likely to rate it Teen and Up audiences, since while there is no explicit or intentionally upsetting content, it might get a little sad at times. I’m not 100% sure about the exact direction my fic is going to go, there might be a car crash (not to graphically described, Vang0 is not hurt very badly, since this is [spoilers] a dream or metaphor about Vang0 coming to terms with memory loss). And since it is a dream sequence with no clear exit, this may be an unreality situation.
CLAIMING RESTRICTIONS: Only minor Artists can claim this fic.
FIC # 5 : CLAIMED!!!
Upon Burger barging into Dasha’s bedroom and announcing that he got tick- stop screaming Vang0, it’s just me, got tickets to a film festival tonight, are you guys in, Vang0 informed him that they had “a job tonight, Burger, did you even check the zoogle calendar, we’ll go tomorrow or something,” and no, of course Burger hadn’t checked the calendar, that’s Dasha’s job, and sure we can get tickets for tomorrow too but the Winston Rider film is only showing tonight and I thought you guys might be interested -- “Winst- do you mean Winona Ryder?” -- and after about five minutes of schedule comparisons Dasha simply shoved Vang0 out of the bed and declared that she was going to the movie with Burger, Vang0 was finishing their job, and Burger was going to make her some coffee because “it’s too fucking early for this” even though personally, Burger thought 11:00am was a perfectly reasonable time to be awake -- he was probably missing something, or maybe Dasha had just been up late, Vang0 was definitely a blanket hog and Burger knew from experience that sharing a bed with them would be more likely to result in a semi-conscious tug of war than a decent night’s sleep -- so Vang0 got up to do their job and Burger went and made some coffee and Dasha relocated to the couch, where she downed the coffee and some eggs and promptly fell back asleep for another three hours.
Burger loved Dasha, of course he did, he loved spending time with her and he thought she was beautiful and the idea that they might be dating -- might have been dating for a while -- sat warm and comfortable in his chest, but, except, it just was that, he hadn’t realized that how they interacted might be how two people that were dating behaved, he was just hanging out with his friend, he did stuff like this with Vang0 all the ti- -- now wait, wait a second, now hang on just a second --
a.k.a. 5 times Burger missed the point +1 time he caught a clue
Dapper Dasha/Vang0 Bang0/Burger Chainz, Rating: Teen, content warnings for implied violence, drinking, implied sexual content
CLAIMING RESTRICTIONS: Only adult Artists can claim this fic.
FIC # 6 : CLAIMED!!!
“What is this? What’s going on? Why am I dressed like I’m straight?” Vang0 hisses, gesturing to everything around him and the wrongness of it all.
“Seriously?” Candella rolls her eyes, unimpressed. “You couldn’t have scheduled your existential work breakdown until after our shift? You don’t see my lesbian ass complaining while I’m on the clock, do you?”
“I—What? Am I speaking another fucking language? You answered none of my questions!”
“Yeah because it’s 9am and the morning rush just ended so I do not have enough energy to indulge just,” Candella gestures at all of Vang0. “whatever is going on with you right now.”
“What’s going on with me right now is that I’ve found myself in a bougie caffeine establishment fever dream that just so happens to have the shittiest store playlist in the history of ever.” Vang0 says, bordering on manic as he looks up at the ancient speaker up in the corner of the shop. “Seriously, what is this terrible song?”
“Hey, Soul Sister by Train.” Candella still, amazingly, does not look alarmed or worried.
Or the one where Vang0 is a barista at Zero and One’s Cafe...except he’s not.
This isn’t his fucking job, this isn’t his fucking life, and it takes a quick look around the horrifyingly low tech coffee shop he’s in and the fact that he’s missing a USB port on his neck to be painfully aware that this isn’t his fucking universe. This is a 2010s over idealistic portrayal of adult mundanity that he and his friends are stuck in and Vang0 has to get them all out of this nightmare before he commits customer service acts of violence.
Bring it on, Coffee Shop AU. Bring. It. On
Dapper Dasha/Vang0 Bang0/Burger Chainz. An absurd existential romantic comedy where the trio somehow get transported into a Coffee Shop AU against their wills. Rating: Teen. Content warnings for slight absurd horror and canon typical violence.
FIC # 7 : CLAIMED!!!
“That guy in my english class,” Dasha could hear through the speakers the distinct sound of combat boots stepping on cement. What was Vang0 doing outside at this time, alone? “The one I told you about! Burger-” “The one you’ve been crushing on for months and you’re too much of a coward to ask out?” Dasha already knew everything about this guy, Vang0 saw him on the first day of senior year in his english class and he hadn’t shut up about him ever since. 5’10, large and muscular shoulders, nice to everyone and just dense enough that everytime he said something you would automatically think “wow… thank fuck you’re attractive,” but not in an irritating way, you know? Vang0 exhaled, which Dasha interpreted as a yes. “Well I couldn’t ask him out even if i wanted to,” “Huh?” Dasha could hear the cogs in her own brain turning, trying to process what was being said to her. “Because he’s dating a blonde g-” she heard Vang0 stop on his steps and his tone becoming more dry, “are you even listening to what I’m saying?” Dasha yawned audibly and tried sitting up again. This time she succeeded, “yeah, yeah, I’m listenin’. How did you find out about this and why did you decide to call me at nearly 2 am instead of just waiting until tomorrow?” “I followed them and I saw them talking.” “You’ve lost it.” - Dasha received a call from Vang0 at 1:47 am one saturday night, and everything went downhill from there. They were not friends, she couldn’t understand why Vang0 acted like they were, but they weren’t, because Dasha didn’t have any friends. Except that, when she sees Vang0 struggling, for the first time in 18 years of life she decides that maybe this one idiot is worth getting soft over. And so she helps him bleach his hair over a cup of coffee and a can of Spunky Monkey. Because why the fuck not. - Main pairing is platonic Vang0/Dasha, background ship is Vang0/Burger. The whole story is from Dasha’s POV. Genre is just a very typical teen romance story except that it’s focused more on platonic bonding rather than the actual romance. Vang0 calls Dasha late at night, tells her he wants to bleach his long dark curly hair and cut his bangs after seeing Burger with a blonde girl, and he goes to her place. She helps him do the deed in her bathroom (she’s still elite) as they realize how much they care about each other. Initially inspired by that one scene in Scott Pilgrim where Knives Chau dyes her hair. Rating: general audiences, content warnings: lots of swearing, implied addiction/addiction enabling, shoplifting mention. CLAIMING RESTRICTIONS: None
FIC # 8 : CLAIMED!!!
vang0 officially disappears on march 23rd, 2040. exact time unknown, but whatever conspires that morning takes place before burger wakes up.
if he’s being honest with himself; he’s seen it coming for a little while now. vang0 isn’t the routine type, he’s young and whip smart and drinks so much redbull that the stuff must pump through his veins.
burger’s an old dog. older than vang0 by at least 2 years, he’s sure. he doesn’t have much, and god doesn’t that sound cliche, but he’s stupid and optimistic- and really. he must’ve known somewhere that the kid wouldn’t stay. he’s got a nasty drug habit that burger cant support and a look in his eyes like he wants the world- burger cant even buy him a fake ID.
this happens sometimes, the coming and going. vang0’ll disappear for a week if he’s lucky, a month if he’s not, but never longer than that.
no use crying over spilled milk.
vang0 goes missing, burger velmently pretends nothing is wrong until he doesnt, and dasha has to pick up the pieces.
missing person fic, burger/dasha/vang0 implied, but nothing explicitly mentioned or talked about, drug use mentioned, mature, canon typical violence, kidnapping, and other canon typical shit- it is night city after all lmao, kind of introspective, alot of burger just thinking back on his relationship w vang0 and shit, but there is some plot as well ig
“Anyway, dude, what’s up? Or did you just come over for a cola because you ran out of your own?”
“Oh, right,” Vang0 says. He is still thinking about the man, and Dasha, and Dasha and that man, and Dasha’s long fingers and Dasha’s hair falling over her face as she purses her lips and blows upwards, her breath scattering strands of brown hair around her sharp cheekbones. “Um, there was something on the forum, I think - I think there’s a thing. For us. Should we call Burger?”
“Oh, Burger’s here,” Dasha says. “Somewhere. Burger!” she yells.
“Burger - but he spent the night?” Vang0 says, brain processing too slow somehow.
Dasha doesn’t respond.
“Did you -”
“Have a threesome?” Dasha asks, in her usual blunt way. Her face is pretty expressionless, eyes severe under the liner and blinking less than a person should, but Vang0 knows her pretty well, he can see the corners of her mouth turning up. That means she thinks something is funny. “I don’t think so. Burg!” she calls over her shoulder. “Did we?”
When Vang0 sees a JumpTrash post about vandalism at a club down town, he figures it will be an easy job for the trio - find out who did it, have Burger intimidate them, done. But things are more complicated than they seem, and the gang ends up drawn into a complex scheme involving the Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss, conspiracies and hit men, and people from their past they thought were long gone. Along the way, they'll have to decide what they want out of this job - and what they want from each other....
This is basically an elaborate CAPER, with a bunch of feelings and shit thrown in. It's a job and then it's a crime story! Its kind of a noir? Can I write a noir? WE"LL FIND OUT. It's gonna be fairly long assuming I can get my act together and put in all i want to put in. Like every good story, it's got plot and whatnot but the plot is just a fulcrum around which to wrap some found family polyamory shit, baby. It's Vang0/Dasha/Burger, duh and it takes them a minute to get there but they'll get there! Its gonna have canon-typical violence, basically - none of the trio die or anything, but other people do, and there's blood. There's gonna be a sex scene because I'm not an AMATEUR. Drug use, too, but mostly in happy fun ways. I haven't fully sussed out some of the flashbacks, but probably some oblique references to past traumas, probably Vang0. Nothing explicit, no reliving events or anything. Also i'm 1000 years old, be warned!
CLAIMING RESTRICTIONS: Only adult Artists can claim this fic.
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