seraphimfawn-fallen · 8 months
Helping Love (Revamped AU & Family Tree)
Lance's Family.
Mother: Melenor Father: Yjok StepFather: Alfor StepMother: Maria McClain Siblings: Allura, Luis, Marco, Veronica & Rachel Kids: Sylvio, Nadia, Mela & Cole Mate: Keith - Omega - Heart of Voltron - Galra-Altean Rapist: Yjok (Didn't get him pregnant), Luis (Succeeded), Lotor (Succeeded) - Paladin of the Blue/Red lions (Can Pilot all of them)
I had to fix the Character relations, so- here they are!
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 98
   It was weird to have slow weeks again with all the excitement Keith had brought into his life. Keith had called to update him on things in Platt which weren’t exactly good. A scuffle had broken out between three vampire clans, so Lotor, and his generals, were now calling VOLTRON home for the foreseeable future. Asking far too much over Lance for Keith’s comfort. Keith and Shiro were both back in with Blades after the failure of a mission, though Keith was two weeks out of loop, so he’d had to work extra time to catch up on everything he’d missed. Then the last two weeks August had seemed to disappear into thin air, without seeing Keith. Lance honestly didn’t know where they’d gone, only that they were wankers for leaving him without Keith for so long.
  Filled in far too much, Sendak seemed to be the cause of the recent vampire fighting. The four clans suffering heavy casualties, which meant pretty much every night hunters and Blades were on the look out of for potential vampires turning humans to bolster their numbers. Plus they had to deal with werewolves getting all uppity with their mangy noses out of joint. Two murders had made their way into the news, the reports on the details varied differently with between each printed news report. Someone had brought up the question of it being related to the theft he and Keith committed, with that particular story disappearing within 6 hours of making it to socials. The Blades could make anything disappear, maybe even him if they got sick of all these vampire drama. Lance didn’t envy Keith at all. He knew his boyfriend was working hard, even harder as he tried to avoid his approaching birthday weekend... despite how freakin’ long it was until their holiday. The broody anger loaf as as bad at him over birthdays. He could have easily pushed it to the back of his mind, but instead he wanted all the information and considered hiking it ahead of time so they wouldn’t get lost.
  Lance was working in his own way. Pidge found them a “case” a few towns over. Lance didn’t want to go. He felt wiped from his heat. Pidge had no pity for him after a “romantic week away”, Lance ending up going. Matt coming along for the night and succeeding in pissing off Pidge by explaining away phenomenons with science. He was kind of right. There wasn’t the feeling of death in the building despite its age, nor any annoying shadows to ignore. Hunk saved them all from Pidge’s bad mood by suggesting the turn the video into a “debunk” video for the watchers. It was nice to have part of his old life back. He felt as if things were finally settling down for the Garrison Trio, and that they’d worked past his whole “vampire” issue. A new video landed him a couple of new clients seeking advice, giving him a chance to feel helpful in a different way from tagging along because Lotor wanted it.
  Vegged out on the sofa, their new family member mooed loudly from outside. Yeah. They’d kept the damn cow. Three weeks seemed too long to now be going out and finding the owner seeing she hadn’t been reported missing. They’d even named her Kaltenecker. Blue wasn’t fond of her. Her Royal Highness was sulking as it was. She and Kosmo had gotten pretty close, Lance feeling she missed the hyperactive pup as much as he missed Keith. She’d tried to be friendly with Kaltenecker, but was out the moment Kalternecker’s long slobbery tongue passed over her head. He didn’t like to admit that he slept with one of Keith’s shirts over his pillow these days, because it felt kind of stalkerish and really rather lame. He couldn’t help that he slept better with Keith’s scent close to him, despite the fact he felt a 45 year old man should probably have grown out of nightmares long ago.
  Matt and Rieva both tried to help with his nightmares. Lance appreciated the thought, but his dreams had been so weird lately that he had no idea what to make of them. Sometimes they were about him being turned. Sometimes he’d turned Keith in them and they were having the weirdest adventures. He’d had one dream where he was pregnant and Keith was on a quest to find him shorts... though, the worst dream he’d had was when Nyma and Rolo had kidnapped Keith and he’d come home to find his boyfriend dead. It took calling Keith to calm him down from that one.
  There was also one big change in the house that made Lance happy. Curtis had moved back in. When he’d come to check on him at the hotel, they’d talked, entertaining the idea of finding an apartment in Platt, only to decide that it was more practical if Curtis lived there. It was nice to have him back. Curtis felt as lost as he did over not being able to be in the field with Keith and Shiro. Having found a home outside VOLTRON, where his curse wasn’t such a big deal, Lance fully supported Curtis moving in and having fresh air and freedom. Plus, it helped to have someone get as emotional over soap operas as he did. Matt forced to watch the pair of them make fools of themselves as they’d yell at the TV over the script.
  With Rieva at her waitressing job, Lance having cleaned through the house, and nothing much to do, Lance was curled up against Curtis, Christmas shopping for their friends group, and trying to ignore the feelings of anxiety that came with waiting for Keith to check in with him. Seeing he was giving Keith a twin set of blades for his birthday, Lance was facing he dilemma of “Did he buy Keith another blade” or “Should be he buy him camera equipment without knowing anything about cameras”. His boyfriend really did get excited at the idea of stabbing things... Maybe too excited so he shouldn’t give him a potential murder weapon?
  He could always gift Keith a voucher to a camera equipment store, but he didn’t want to spend too much on the voucher and have Keith feel guilty over the cost of the gift. He could probably pick up a vintage camera as a gift...
  Then again, he’d seen some amazing antique blades. As well as custom jobs that seemed to scream Keith’s name at him. It was hard containing himself. Huge gifts would be nice, he’d spoil Keith rotten for every single bad birthday memory he had, yet a heartfelt gift was worth more than spending thousands. That’s why he loved that he had a small selection of Keith’s photos. His photography so super personal that the vampire felt kind of honoured. He adored it. He adored the photos of them all, the photos of the caves, but his favourite was of Keith and Kosmo cuddled up together, even more so of the ones where he was kissing Keith’s cheek. Now he was missing his boyfriend again. God. Okay. No more swords. Time to move on to Shiro and who better to ask than his boyfriend?
  “Hey, Curtis. What are you getting Shiro for Christmas?”
“I’m not going through this again”
Tilting his head back, Lance frowned up at Curtis
“What does that mean?”
Curtis sighed at him
“It means Keith nearly had a mental breakdown trying to decide on your gift. I will not go through that again”
Lance blinked at him, a warm feeling in his belly that his boyfriend cared that much. He didn’t blame Curtis for not wanting to go through that again, a stressed Keith could be very bossy and uncooperative
“No, I’m being literal here. I don’t want to get him the same thing as you. I’m tossing up between getting Keith another blade, or some camera equipment. I thought I’d move onto Shiro”
“Oh. I was sure you were edging into asking what you should purchase for Keith. He was quite the wreck the morning of your birthday. 5 cups of coffee, all in different cups. Pacing nonstop. Freaking out because he hadn’t purchased a present and it had to be just right and in no way lame”
  Lance huffed at Curtis. He really wanted to call Keith now... Their camping trip seemed so long away... 52 days. Every day counting down was being marked off on his office calendar and his friend calendar
“I am trying not to think about how much I miss my boyfriend. What should I get Shiro?”
Shiro was filled with “Dad” vibes. Sometimes it felt he was the only mature one around them
“You could get us matching T-shirts. I’m with stupid pointing to him, and his saying “I am stupid””
“Dude, that seems more like something you should give him. Maybe I’ll skip him for now”
“You could get him an ugly sweater?”
Lance hummed. Shiro was a closet nerd. He’d seen the bobble head collection... and the movie collection...
“That could work. Maybe some socks to make it feel like a dad present. Thanks for the idea. What are you getting him?”
“I’m thinking I should get him an ugly sweater now”
Lance rolled his eyes
“That’s what you told me to get him”
“But it’s such a good idea. Why don’t we all get him ugly sweaters?”
“Because you’re the one who’s going to have to live with the consequences”
“I don’t mind”
“Fiiiiine. But you better gift him something else to make up for it, or he’s really going to think we don’t like him”
“I think I’ll manage. Why are you shopping now?”
“So it’s all out the way. Postage gets hectic around Christmas and if there’s going to be delays than I want the extra time”
  He was letting his age show. But with two months to go before everyone started going mental for Chris, he wanted things all organised so he didn’t have the last minute rush to deal with. He had his eye on a nice outdoor setting as his birthday gift to himself, a little late, but if he timed it right he couldn’t always say it was an early Christmas present. He wanted something bigger to fit them all comfortably, once he’d extended the brickwork... maybe built a pen for Kaltenecker... ohhh... Kaltenecker could have her own stall near the house. They could build a doggy training course for Kosmo... and Matt...
“Curtis, do you know anything about construction”
“Not particularly. Dismantling measures... Explosives. Survival measures”
“Do you want to try building a cow pen with me?”
“No. And you will not be building one either. Go back to your Christmas shopping”
  Lance pouted. Not liking being told not to do something. It wasn’t an ego thing. It was something he’d heard so many times in his life. No matter how good he’d been, he wasn’t good enough
“I did all the repairs on the house for like the most part, and things are still standing”
“So you did the electrics, the plumbing, reroofing...?”
Well... no. The walls had to come down to tackle the mould and... his ego didn’t like what Curtis was saying
“I pulled down the walls and replaced them once I got rid of the mould”
“Great. You broke stuff. Speaking of broken stuff, Matt and Rieva broke the bed again”
“I heard. Maybe it’s time to get them another bed for that room? Instead of two singles pushed together?”
“Weren’t they planning on moving out once their probation ended?”
“That’s beside the point...”
  He really liked having them there. Not just because he’d become friends with them, but for the added security of having two werewolves in the off chance of things going south
“You’re acting delusional. Maybe it’s the stress of Christmas shopping?”
“I’m not stressed. And before you ask, I’ve already ordered your present”
“I know. I’ve been on your laptop”
“Dude! Privacy! I’ve got confidential client... you’re an arsehole”
Curtis started laughing as he snapped at him
“You should have seen your face”
“You should see what I’m going to do to yours”
Curtis brushed his hair back from his horn
“It’s because I’m horny, isn’t it? You wouldn’t hit a horny man”
Lance choked on air. Curtis laughing at him as he spluttered. Part of Curtis’s Christmas present might have to go missing in revenge. Sulkily, Lance snapped his laptop closed. His friend was a dick. He was a raisin cookie pretending to be filled with chocolate goodness
“I’m going to go make lunch while you think about your actions”
And check in on Matt who was doing “Top Secret Research”
“Oh, good. Food and free entertainment. This really is the life”
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yourstruly9264 · 6 years
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seraphimfawn-fallen · 10 months
Helping Love - Part 2: He's an Omega
Veronica knew when she walked in the door yesterday from a long few days of night shifts, with one of her friends who she worked with let her stay over with, that something was wrong in her mother's house. She didn't like her stepfather, the way he singled out the youngest among them and the way Lance shook whenever he was near him. It irked all of her nerves badly and she didn't like it. 
So, walking up the stairs, knowing her mother was at work at this time and walked straight to Lance's room and saw a key in the lock. Of course, he got locked in again by his father. Bastardo. She hated him, Rachel would often express somethings that Veronica had a hard time trying to understand, maybe it was because she worked so much? It had to be. 
She turned the key and heard quick shuffling on the other side, fuck she forgot to call him out before she turned the key. She turned the nob and found a discarded blanket halfway on the bed and floor and if she looked close enough to under the bed, she could see blue eyes looking at her. "Sal, hermano, está bien, solo soy yo." she called out gently as she closed the door behind her with a glare and squatted down to look at a certain spot "V?" Lance called out looking at her, she nodded. "Come on, where's my hug?" she smiled as he crawled out with a small wince and hugged her. She hugged him tightly but lose enough so that he could breathe. She noticed bruises on his neck, and she pulled back to examine him, "Lance, what happened and where the hell did these come from?" she demanded softly like a mother would, but she was his big sister, she helped teach him things he didn't know when no one else even bothered to give him time. 
"I-I fell..." he stuttered as she gently pressed on one of the bruises with her thumb, Lance jerked a bit in pain but didn't move away from her. "Lance, this doesn't look like you fell" she tapped the bruise of his arm that he had to put back into place and he bit his lip with a wince, "I fell, I'll be careful next time. I promise" she frowned, he always said he promised when she found him like this, but it made her gut twist whenever he said it. Like he was lying to her. She really needed to take some time off work to be there for Lance, he was alone in this house and with his bastard of a father made her worry leaving him alone at all. 
She eventually sighed, today if she wasn't wrong, it was his presentation day but for some odd reason she had a sinking feeling in her stomach, and it wasn't a pleasant one either. "Do I have to go to my presentation today..." he whispered fearfully almost as she gave him a sad smile. "Unfortunately, yes, you have too. But I want you to remember something," she started making him arch a brow a bit as she grabbed his shoulders lovingly and firm but lose on his left arm because of the big bruise that couldn't have been from a sprain and looked him in the eyes, "I'll always be here for you. I promise" she told him as he looked surprised and looked like he was about to cry, she chuckled a bit and hugged him as he hugged her back. "Thanks V" she smiled, "Always Lance because that's what a big sister does for her loved ones that she cares about" he smiled a little glad to have her as his big sister. 
They broke the hug, and she helped him get dressed and was absolutely fuming when she seen more bruises on Lance, she was pissed honestly because none of these came from him falling somewhere. She worried for him terribly, he was as frail as he was fragile and she's not dumb, she can see faded scars that lay on his skin. "Lance," he looked at her with a bit of a head tilt "Whatever you present as, I won't leave you just because you have an ABO status. I swear to you I won't turn like everyone else" she told him sternly as he smiled and hugged her once more, "I love you V" he said as she chuckled hugging him back "I love you too Little Blue" he giggled, and she ruffled his hair. They heard footsteps coming up the stairs and they were creaking, immediately Lance stood rigid as Veronica stood up with her hand resting on Lance's hair like a mother would as a sign of hesitance and worry. Sometimes Lance got confused if she was his mother or his sister, he preferred either or since she was always there for him. The door opened and Lance bit back a whimper, Joseph looked at Veronica who looked at him in a small glare, "Can I help you?" she asked with a tone Lance wasn't familiar with, maybe she got it from her job? Joseph glared and looked to Lance who was wanted to shrink back from his piercing gaze. "Boy, let's go. Now" he gulped and left Veronica's protection hand to his father's side quickly and glanced back to Veronica nervously, she moved her hand in a gesture he was familiar with but didn't remove her eyes from Joseph. 
Joseph glared once more at Veronica before he grabbed Lance's wrist in a grip and dragged him away with Veronica's eyes following them. Getting in the car, Lance took the furthest seat away from his father and put his seatbelt on like Veronica taught him and they were off once the car's engine turned on. 
Lance watched all the passing buildings with interest, he hardly got to leave the house even going outside seemed like it was forbidden, maybe that was why he seemed a little pale. At least according to Veronica. But he was curious on the world outside the McClain house, it was rare for him to leave the house, but his parents knew he couldn't keep him forever in the house so when he was old enough, his mother planned to ship him out into the Garisson. For that he was excited to escape to the stares he always found himself staring at. 
Tracing his eyes over the blurs of people, cars and buildings they eventually pulled up the center where the tests for those who will get their new status. Now he was nervous and scared. What if he presented as an Omega? Everything will be worse from here on out! He took a breath and followed after his father obediently, he was trained by torture to follow someone without thinking. More often it was those who had more power and authority over him. Watching as his father went to the desk while ordering Lance to a seat which he obediently listened and remained quiet while hiding his hands in the long sleeve shirt Veronica gave him and she frowned at his figure sometimes. Lack of eating and how skinny he is, even his height was something she was worrying about. For his age, being this short wasn't a good thing despite all the males in the McClain family are tall and have muscle, Lance on the other hand, was the complete opposite. Skinny and short and had little muscle. 
He was still a child, almost 9 years old. So, it was acceptable, to a degree. 
He only had two more years before he would go to the Garisson. It was going to be his first escape, his newest safe place that he was ready to grasp. He just had to wait and be patient and hopefully during that time, neither Luis nor his father put his hands on him that would lead to him hurting more than a beating would. He just needed to breathe and pray he wasn't an Omega. That's all. 
His father soon joined him and with a glare that gave his order, they sat in silence with his father messing around on his phone even with the irritation it seemed to bring him. They waited for their names to be called but still Lance was nervous, very nervous he felt like he was shaking with anxiety. Soon enough 10 minutes later, Lance's name was called and the two went with the nurse. Oh man, Lance couldn't stop his nerves from spiking, he didn't like it or the dread in his stomach. She led them to a waiting room and gestured for Lance to follow her to the test room that was across the hall, she pointed to a seat, and he took a seat while she gathered the necessary items for the tests. 
She set them on the table and rolled up his sleeve, but he stopped her before she went further up, she paused looking at him confused "C-can you please do the other arm?" he asked hesitantly while taking a gulp, he didn't want her to see the bruise from his used to be broken arm. She tsked lightly but agreed and rolled up his other sleeve then grabbed a needle, "Now just take a breath, this'll be quick" he nodded fearfully at the needle but took a breath as it went into his skin and began to draw blood, seeing blood was never his favorite even if he's seen his own blood before. She then took out the needle and pushed the handle to let the blood drop out onto a machine, Lance looked at curiously, wondering what it was supposed to do and wouldn't blood ruin it? It's technology, Veronica was always explaining that liquid and Machine did not mix at all. 
The machine made a beeping sound that Lance by instinct covered his ears, he didn't like loud sounds it made his ears ring unpleasantly. She glanced to him and looked back to the machine while pursuing her lips, how was she to tell him? Omegas weren't treated fairly at all, and a Male Omega was rare. Turning to Lance with a frown as he let his ears go and fiddled with his sleeves while waiting, oh dear, she prayed he would have a good life even with his new status. 
Clearing her throat to gain his attention he looked at her nervously, "M-may I ask what I am?" he was timid with his question, and it made her heart ache, he was such a sweet boy from what she's seen he didn't deserve this much less this status of the three. "You're an Omega hun. I'm sorry" his eyes widen in fear, "I-I... I'm what?" stuttering made her aware that was not what he wanted to hear as she knew from previous patients that this was the expression to look out for when those who present as an Omega. "You're an Omega, these kinds of tests for status are simple. One blood test on the machine and the machine will scan your blood for your status, yours came back as an Omega. I'm sorry" she explained while he felt like he wanted to crumble to the floor and never leave it. The one thing he didn't want to be is exactly what he was. He was an Omega, and a rare Omega at that. He's dead when they leave the clinic. 
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seraphimfawn-fallen · 10 months
Helping Love - Part 1: Commander Yjok
Lance wanted to cringe at the ringing in his ears, but he couldn't move. His body ached terribly, and his arm hurt more than ever. He sucked in a shaky breath and even that hurt to do. He wanted to cry, wail in the pain he was in, but refrained from doing so, he wouldn't gain more pain but doing that. Crying never saved him but he still cried. 
He heard footsteps and closed his eyes again; he heard the floorboards creaking as someone walked over him and he was kicked just a bit that he nearly winced loudly. Listening to the sounds around him he heard his father speak through something, a phone maybe? No, no, no, it was something different. "Have you located the lions?" The voice was deep and gruff almost, Lance wanted to shudder, he didn't like the sound of whoever this was. "No, not yet. I will locate them I won't let you down. Sire" his father replied sharply, who was even talking too? He dared not to move, his father couldn't know he regained consciousness, that'd be a death sentence almost if he was caught to have listened to something he shouldn't. But for some reason, the more Lance listened to the deep voice the more something pinged in his gut. This... man, sounded familiar almost. Foreign, but familiar. Without seeing the face, he wouldn't be able to tell. "You are to locate the lions and bring them to me, your mission is still clear. Do you understand Commander Yjok?" The demanded order was clear and stern, but Lance was confused, Commander Yjok? No, his father's name was Jospeh McClain. Who names someone Yjok much less Commander in this day and age. "Understand, Sire. Vrepit Sa!" What does that even mean! "Vrepit Sa. Do not fail me, Commander Yjok" he heard the voice disappear and his father chuckle, "I will find those lions and bring them to you, Emperor Zarkon. Don't you worry. I may even add in a little mistake I've got as a prize" Lance froze but kept his eyes closed. He could fear returning to his limbs; however, he remained still as if he was still unconscious. 
Jospeh grabbed Lance by his shoulder and limply, Lance was held in the air, begging himself not to show any emotion or jerk from the pain. "You are a prize worth the same amount as those lions, and once you've been trained enough, you'll never even think to disobey an order by your owner. I'll make sure to it" he could hear the grin and he was scared, forcing his body to remain limp. He needed to remain limp for as long as possible. Veronica came home today from an overnight shift, and he knew she'd be livid if she ever found out the truth. 
He could feel his father walking and the creaking of the stairs, seems they were going upstairs, and he prayed that nothing else would happen, he basically pleaded to whatever god there was that nothing else was going to happen and thankfully nothing did. He was tossed in his room, his body rolling painfully on the floor and the door shut with a click. Great, the door was locked. But at least he could move now. 
Pain filled him completely as he whimpered quietly, it hurt. It hurt so much! But he needed to see the damage, he knew his arm was either broken or sprained but he didn't know which it was however he knew the pain he just couldn't decipher which pain it was. Guess he'd have to ask Veronica when she came home. He's the only one he can really, really trust. She was his sister, his mentor, his best friend. She was his safe place, Joseph prevented doing anything to show injury on Lance when Veronica was there, he prevented that, but she was the only one in the dark of what was happening within the walls of the McClain house. And he was afraid for tomorrow, it was presentation day. Status was everything. Alphas were considered royalty. Betas were the normal folk. And Omegas were treated like dirt from what he's heard. He prayed, hoped even, that he wasn't going to be an Omega, he'll be doomed to death if he presented that status. 
Sighing he shifted so that he was resting against his bed, thanks to Veronica not taking crap from anyone, not even their parents, she bought him a better bed like hers and a few other things, but she did notice how Jospeh liked to single him out and vowed not to be that kind of person. He loves his big sister. Feeling his arm to try and figure out the pain, he pressed down and shut his eyes tightly and inhaled sharply, definitely broken. Oh boy, this was just great. He needed to put it back into place, looking around he caught sight of one of his old shirts that Luis destroyed and snagged it, ripping it apart with his non-broken hand and his teeth before he again used his teeth to tie it tightly above the area where the bone was broken before he took a breath. Make this quick without shouting out in pain, he could do this. He's done it before which was sadly last week, and he had to do the same thing now. Just breathe. He could do it. 
Grabbing his arm and inhaling slowly biting his lip, he pushed in and wanted to yell and cry, the pain was too much it hurt. He wanted it to end. Slowly the pain began to descend into painful tingling sensations but at least the bigger pain was gone, why did the presentation have to be tomorrow? His arm needed at least a full week to heal completely. 
Feeling around he could still feel the pain but not as bad as when it was broken so, good news on that part. Bad news is that Veronica's going to see his arm in pain and the other injuries. Oh man, he didn't want her to know, she'd blow a fuse and she has a temper. He could hear the front door open and Veronica calling out in Spanish, oh man, he's doomed. 
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seraphimfawn-fallen · 11 months
The Klance Pups - Omegaverse Klance AU
Helping Love Omegaverse Klance AU - Explanation on the kids from Oldest to Youngest, Appearance & ect.
{Oldest Child: Sylvio - Middle children: Nadia and Cole - Youngest Child: Mela}
About Sylvio:
Sylvio is a smaller version of Lance, mocha brown skin since both Lance and Luis have dark brown skin so Sylvio ended up taking after Lance in both skin and Hair color. He has blue scale marks and ocean blue eyes like his papa (Lance) and when he turned 9, he was presented as an Omega with a loving two parents (Keith is who he accepts as his father). He has a height of 4'8 and he's Lance's oldest child. In the story before the Epilogue, he is 5 years old. Because of his Heritage he is half Human and Half Altean and Galran, the Galra DNA in him is because of Lance's blood from Yjok's misdeed towards Melenor when Lance's was still a baby in Melenor's stomach.
About Nadia
Nadia is Sylvio's 5 month younger sister, she got Luis's brown hair and light brown skin but Lance's blue eyes, she has pale pink scale marks like her Aunt Allura and Grandmother Melenor. When she also turned 9 she was presented as an Alpha with her two loving parents (Keith is who she accepts as her father). She has a height of 4'5 and she's Lance's oldest daughter. In the story before the Epilogue, she is 5 years old like her brother Sylvio. Because of her Heritage, like Sylvio, she has 3 species of DNA in her but has Altean marks and doesn't show any form of Galra features. She has Human ears like her birth father Luis and brother Sylvio.
About Mela
Mela is Lance's youngest daughter and the middle child with Nadia, she has Keith's hair but a mix of veridian red scale marks that are a bit dark because of Lance's blue scale marks. She has a mix of her parent's eyes and Lance's skin tone but it's lighter because of Keith's pale nature. Mela also has a mix of 3 species however, her DNA has more Galra in it because of both Keith and Lance possessing Galra blood but in the end she looked remarkably like an Altean but her parents are still looking for Galra features that she may possess. Because of a time issue in Space, she became Lance's youngest child and her younger brother Cole became the middle child so at the time in the story before the Epilogue, she was almost a year old before Cole was born but because of the three year time issue, Cole is three years older than her. She presents as an Omega but acts like an Alpha when she's older, she inherited Keith's hardheaded personality.
About Cole.
Cole was originally Lance's youngest but became the Middle child after the time Issue, in the story he is three years old but shows issues with his vocals making him a possible mute however there are times that he does speak but expresses that he feels most comfortable with Sign language that Lance taught him. He is half Altean and Galran because of his parents but he hates Lotor once he learns the truth and considers and will only accept Keith as his father. Because Keith is also Galra, getting used to his Galra features is something both he and Keith bond over. In the story before the Epilogue, he refused to leave Lance's side because of the upstart Luis started and he was shown to be timid shy boy. He looks Altean with white hair, blue pupils but yellow sclera, and seafoam green Altean marks. His skin is light brown and the only showing aspect of his Galra features are his yellow sclera with his blue eyes. He presents as an Alpha and once he's older he is already close to 5'7.
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seraphimfawn-fallen · 11 months
How Keith turns Galra
I feel like I should point out that I decided to change a bit of the plot from my fanfic Helping Love and here's how I planned it out since when I first wrote Helping Love back in February, I noticed a lot of different things that I realized didn't make sense so that's why I rewrote the fanfic which is steadily turning out to be really good. So best to explain about Keith and his Galra form.
For 20 years, Keith is Human with no showing Galra features like his mother however, due to the Kidnapping of Lance with no trails on his whereabouts after that- Due to stress- he began turn Galra. He has the very same appearance as @ikimaru's Keith but there is a major change of size. He's 5'9 but after his change he warped up to 6'0 so with Lance having Malnourishment and a growth stunt remained at 5'4 while Keith turned into a 6'0 male, even when he's able to change back with Lance's help, he keeps his height of 6'0.
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seraphimfawn-fallen · 11 months
The Child in the Castle - Part 1 Helping Love - Klance Omegaverse AU
It was just another day in the castle of lions, nothing out of place, nothing out of the ordinary- except for the laughter of a child. A child that wasn't supposed to be in the castle nor was there a child in the first place, "Can anyone find out where the laughter is coming from?" Hunk asked a bit paranoid, it's not everyday you here a child's laughter where you aren't supposed to.
"Not sure, I can't seem to find anyone looking through the cameras" Allura frowned though thoroughly she was a bit nervous, the child's laugher again voiced around them in a small echo. "Wait, where is Lance and Keith?" Pidge asked looking around and not spotting either of them, then immediately after the announcement of the two missing paladins, the bridge doors opened and in walked Keith- with a toddler who was Altean. "Lura!" Allura blinked, "Keith, where did you find him?" she asked him while making her way over to the excited child practically reaching for her, "In our room, Lance was gone and in his place was this little guy" he said as Allura took the child who laughed in smiles, "Lura? Isn't your name Allura though?" Shiro voiced, "It's an old nickname given to me by my little brother, but this is impossible" she said, the child played with her hands "What do you mean?" Pidge asked "My brother was kidnapped when he was 5, we couldn't find him and I don't even know if he's alive" looking at the child who looked at her, she thought that he was possibly her little brother.
"You didn't tell us you even had a sibling" Pidge frowned, "I know because my family and my people were heartbroken because of it so we didn't say much in order to not be reminded that he was missing with no trace" she explained grimly with a shaky breath, "No cry, here" he tapped her chin with a smile, "What was his name?" Keith asked after a few moments of processing, "The same name as our blue Paladin. Lance Altea" the child smiled, "Blue!" he giggled, "Wait, Lance is Human though is there another one just like him?" Hunk questioned, "Possibly but the loss prince can't have been in the castle when number 2 found the child who, judging from his current age, about 2 at the moment" Coran messed with his mustache, "Coran! Up, up!" the old Altean blinked, "Okay then Lad" Allura handed him over, "Where's papa? Momma I couldn't find them" he asked innocently, "What are you talking about there, lad?" he asked the young toddler, "I can't find my momma and papa, Lura is right there but I woke up with the nice man there" he pointed his small finger at Keith, "Hey you woke up in my bed and my mate is missing" he grumbled, "Momma said I would have a good mate when I grow up, Lura and papa kept forbidding it" the Paladins looked at Allura who showed bright pink cheeks in embarrassment, "You did?" Pidge grinned, as she sputtered "He's an innocent boy who doesn't need a mate who may just use him! I had my reasons as his big sister" she squeaked and Pidge laughed.
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seraphimfawn-fallen · 11 months
Helping Love - Character Database on Lance Altea | VLD - Omegaverse AU
SeraphimFawn-fallen Character Database/ Voltron Team - Universe.
Warnings: Abuse, Neglect, Kidnapping Mentions, Dark topics, Rape and body breakage, Mentions of Drugs, Dehydration and Mentions of Lack of eating, Mpreg.
Lance Altea - Male - Omega - Mother - Paladin, Prince, Heart of Voltron. Database Info on Lance: Lance is the youngest child and only son to King Alfor of Planet Altea and the only sibling to Allura of Altea, Lance was kidnapped as a child by a Galra commander named Yjok and was taken to a not known planet called Earth, there for 10,000 years Lance went through much torture and abuse after he was taken from his family as a 5 year old child. His supposed brother named Luis had raped him when he was 14 years old making him produce two children, they are 5 months apart, one boy and one girl that Luis then lied to his wife that they were from a surrogate while Lance was just a toy to him. Being an Omega gave him the ability to create children with his own body however, Luis had taken advantage of his heat twice and later had given birth too his first two children.
Lance, because of how he was raised from 5 years old, is short for his age at a standing 5'4, while other males are higher in height varying from 5'7 to near 6'3. Because of not being allowed to eat his growth became stunted and he did not grow much even with the small amounts of food he would eat just to prevent his cheek bones to show through his skin. His is also extremely skittish, doesn't like loud noises and flinches when someone comes into contact with him, this is the effects of PTSD he obtained as a child that followed him into his teens. Gradually his bad habits went under once he was surrounded by caring people but ultimately fell back into bad habits when he was once again kidnapped by Prince Lotor of the Galra Empire and raped once more and fell back into his old habits.
Lance considers 3 females his sisters, his biological sister Allura, his mother figure sister Veronica McClain and his last sister being Rachel McClain. He has four children, his first two being because of Luis and his last being because of Lotor, his youngest daughter was from his mate who is an Alpha, despite his bad past with Alphas, he doesn't consider Keith in that list of his bad past. He has one child that is by consent while his other three weren't by consent, but he still loves all his kids equally.
His mate is Keith, and he somehow resurrected his dead sister, Veronica from being fatally stabbed and then reunited with her in space due to both of their surprises. Lance achieved his dream of being among the stars but in reality, he just returned back to the feeling he had before he was kidnapped by Yjok.
Lance has a few scars that are the results of burns, his back was burned a bit from the explosion he prevented Coran from getting hurt but was injured in the process. His right arm at the top of his bicep, was burned by a blow torch and the same to his left thigh. He also has a few breakages, but he makes sure he doesn't overwork himself to the point he causes another breaking in his bones. He also hates being babied, Veronica used to do when he was little, and she came home from one of her many jobs and ended up finding him injured everytime.
His kids rank from oldest to youngest: Sylvio is his oldest son, Nadia and Mela are the middle children and Cole is his youngest son, however there was a time difference between Cole and Mela. At 7 months old, Mela was the oldest of Cole but because of the three year time difference, Cole who is the youngest became the second middle child and Mela the youngest.
Lance is the heart of Voltron and managed to unlock something no paladin had ever even hoped to achieve, he can feel all of the lions and the lions can feel him. They have a connection like no other, it's different from pilot to lion, it's more soul focused. If he could so much as think about it, he can see through a lions eyes and call to the lions if he much as wished.
Because he was kidnapped, Allura was forced to accept the title of next ruler of Altea but she didn't want that, she was fine with being just a princess while supporting her brother to the best of her abilities however once he recovered his memories after going to Oriande, Allura and their advisor worked a full Quintant (Day) to change everything back to the way it was before Yjok had gotten his hands on him.
Lance considers team Voltron, a certain amount of rebels (Including Matt and Veronica) and a certain amount of Blades his family.
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Starry Ocean | Leakira AU Explanation
Leonardo/ Lance (Appearance): Hair: Brown-White hair (Longish, below shoulders to mid back) Eyes: Ocean Blue eyes Skin: Mocha brown smooth Height: 5'5 Age: 17 Male Family: Allura (Sister) Boyfriend: Akira/ Keith Friends: Pidge, Hunk, Shiro, Coran and Lotor. - Bottom
Akira/ Keith (Appearance): Hair: Dark black a little faded to gray Eyes: Indigo purple Skin: Pale Height: 5'10 Age: 18 Male Family: Shiro (Brother) Boyfriend: Leonardo/ Lance Friends: Pidge, Hunk, Lotor and Coran. - Top
Leonardo and Akira are two Meta-Humans born with different powers and lived separate lives until one day that Leo decided to try and sneakily steal from Akira, a Meta-Human with able body powers of hot heat and a high body temperature didn't know that the boy was a little Thief until their worlds collided into one. Friendships and On the run does a lot of things including on making one hell of an adventure all the same.
Leo is a Thief and part time Clubber since he's ran away from home when he was younger leading to him being trafficked by Meta-Human snatchers that he just refers to them "The Snatchers" Usually his type of clothing is a light bluish crop-top, tight skinny jeans, a necklace from someone he never really mentions, gray eye shadow a little bit highlighting his Ocean blue eyes, and a furred jacket for when he goes clubbing. His usual attire is a green long jacket that reaches his waist, a turtle neck shirt that opens at his shoulders and elbows and connects to his middle finger, a hidden gun, tight jean pants (Dark), and white tennis shoes, and of course his necklace.
Keith is an Ex League of Shadows member so he's highly trained but after an incident he left the League of Shadows and is on the run from "The Snatchers" as he usually scowls upon the name when he runs into Lance, a Thief who tried to snag some cash from him one night at a club and ultimately a relationship formed between them.
Wattpad Username: @SeraphimFawn-fallen
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