#and THAT’S why he goes so easy. like they’re both skating up to the fight at the same time to pull the guys off? make it fair? but the refs
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 months ago
Imagine this pre-S1 and at first after they get transformed everyone assumes that they’ve been transformed both mind and body into little kids because they’re still fighting like toddlers XD Like Homra and S4 are going after the same Strain and there’s a confrontation, Munakata stepping forward to inform Mikoto that this is S4’s job and Mikoto just telling him to shut up. Fushimi naturally goes right to tease Yata into a fight, and the two of them end up separated from the rest of their clans. That’s when the Strain jumps out of nowhere to attack them, both of them looking up just in time to get hit by a wave of power. Meanwhile Awashima and Kusanagi are trying to work this out like adults away from where Mikoto and Munakata are flirting posturing and they spot the Strain running away. Kusanagi hears Yata yelling and he and Awashima immediately go towards the source of the sound where a pair of six year olds in oversized clothes who look suspiciously similar to Yata and Fushimi are fighting. Awashima and Kusanagi reach in to separate them (imagine them each picking up their respective Sarumi by the collar like mother cats collecting naughty kittens). Fushimi is dangling there miserably while Yata swings around like come on Kusanagi-san, I’m trying to teach that stupid monkey a lesson. Fushimi snorts like how could an idiot like you teach me anything and Kusanagi sighs like well I guess their personalities are intact at least. 
The two of them are taken back to their respective clans, Munakata suspiciously has a small S4 uniform already prepared for tiny Fushimi. Fushimi clicks his tongue and calls Munakata creepy but takes it, imagine him trying to adjust his knife harness so he can get at least a couple knives in here while the alphabet boys get all nervous because what if he cuts himself. Fushimi’s getting annoyed at being treated like a little kid, insisting that he’s fine even at this size and that he can go out and do missions and things like normal. His powers are still working but maybe weaker than normal, even so Fushimi doesn’t intend to relax just because he looks like he’s six. He also doesn’t particularly want to stay at the office anyway because Captain keeps offering him candy and trying to hint that Fushimi is welcome to sit on his lap while he works so Fushimi decides to sneak out and go patrolling all on his own. 
Meanwhile Homra buys Yata a nice sweatshirt and shorts and he’s hanging out at the bar, annoyed because it’s even harder to reach high stuff than normal and the Homra guys keep teasing him. Kusanagi tells him to take it easy and that maybe he should go home and rest. Yata says he’s fine but decides he may as well go home since he can’t do much right now, a little down because he can’t even really use his skateboard that well. He decides he just needs to practice more and he’s dragging his skateboard to the nearest skate park when he hears someone laughing at the ‘little shrimp with the skateboard.’ Yata immediately looks up and is like you don’t get to call me short you chibi monkey. Fushimi scoffs, smirking as he wonders why Yata was allowed to go off on his own, he might end up following someone to their van for candy. Imagine they start fighting but rather than using weapons and powers like usual it turns into a kid fight, Yata just tackles Fushimi and now they’re scratching and biting at each other.
Someone suddenly steps in and pulls them apart, a police officer off duty saw them and is like kids where are your parents. Yata starts stammering, trying to think up an excuse, while Fushimi coldly says he’s on official business and flashes his S4 badge. The police officer is unimpressed though and asks where Fushimi stole the badge from, Fushimi’s about to say something acid when Yata just grabs his wrist all come on Saruhiko and takes off, dragging Fushimi behind him. When they’re finally away from the police officer Fushimi pulls away, panting hard as he’s like stupid Misaki what are you doing I was taking care of it. Yata’s all sure you were, I’m sure that guy was gonna believe you’re a government official. Fushimi clicks his tongue and looks away, annoyed because he totally knows Yata is right and no way is he admitting that. Of course now it probably turns out that they’re lost because Yata wasn’t paying attention to where he was going and Fushimi’s PDA with his badge is back with the police officer so they have to stick together to get back home, arguing like the six year olds they appear to be the whole way.
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harringrooves · 3 years ago
Inspired by the #cherrylanechallenge day 1 prompt knife but this is not spooky at all so technically this is just a random little ficlet! AO3
The chair outside the principal's office is already taken when Billy gets there. He lets his eyes follow the trail from the clean, white sneakers up the impossibly long stretch of denim clad leg and even further upwards over the two toned striped polo shirt to the moles peeking out from just under the collar.
Steve Harrington glances up at him, then grimaces. Sighs.
"Jesus Christ," Harrington mutters.
"What are you doing here?" Billy grunts. There's no where left to sit, so he flung his jacket onto the linoleum and drops down onto it, back resting against the wall directly opposite Harrington.
Despite the distance of the entire width of the hallway between them, when Billy stretches his legs out the scuffed points of his boots almost touch the edge of Harrington's sneakers.
"Waiting for Mrs Reyes."
"Yeah, no shit."
That earns him a glare from Harrington. Billy's stomach turns a little at the disdain in Harrington's dark eyes, but it's the curiosity shining through that makes him squirm. Like an ant under a magnifying glass.
"Why're you here?"
Billy rolls his eyes, letting the familiar motion draw out the equally familiar sneer. "Same as you, dumbass."
Harrington huffs and turns away again as they both fall silent, glancing at the door every so often as the minutes tick by. It's not at all a comfortable silence. Harrington's not looking at Billy so Billy shouldn't be looking at him. But the walls are blank and the only other remotely interesting thing is the name plaque on the principal's door.
So Billy traces the letters dutifully, keeps going even when he gets nearer to the end of Reyes and stripes creep into the very edge of his vision. Even when he hears Harrington shift in the chair, moving his legs under him onto the seat then over the arms than back down to the floor. Even when Harrington asks, "You go crazy on some kid again?"
Billy goes round and round the shape of the capital R. "No. The fuck is that supposed to mean?"
Harrington laughs. It's loud and braying, and not what Billy would've guessed King Steve's laugh would sound like. He imagined something smooth and dark, something that would exude effortless charm with an undertone of something mysteriously rich and out of reach.
It just sounds like a teenage guy laughing, if a teenage guy was also part donkey. Billy would find it funny, if Harrington wasn't laughing at him. "What?" he repeats harshly.
Harrington eventually quiets. "What do I mean? The night at the Byer's, you went like, fully psycho. Your eyes were fucking dead. Did you get like that again, is that why you're here?"
Finally, Billy tears his eyes away from the plaque and meets Harrington's head on. "No," Billy says firmly. "I didn't fucking- no."
Harrington shrugs. "Whatever. Wouldn't surprise me if you did, sooner or later."
That stings. In California he was good at skating and surfing and babysitting and he was top of his class in English and History. Even after she left everyone knew him as Rosaline's boy (never Neil's), with the blonde hair and the yellow surfboard and the white smile that was a little too charming for his own good. Here in Hawkins, he was the Hargrove kid, the one who fucked and ditched, the one who fought and drank.
Maybe Billy's fine with everyone else thinking that about him, but not Harrington. Billy won't let himself think about why, but he wants Harrington see him. To look at him and think he's better than that night.
"I got kicked out of shop class," Billy bites out quietly. Harrington blinks at him.
"You got in a fight in shop-"
"I didn't get in a fight, for fuck's sake!"
Harrington holds his hands up in mock placation, bobbing his head mockingly. "Alright, alright." He stretches his leg out and lazily nudges at Billy's foot. "What'd you do then?"
"Made a knife," Billy mumbles, eyes back on the plaque.
Harrington laughs again. "You what?"
"I made a-"
"A knife, yeah." Harrington cocks his head like a little dog, some of his fringe flopping into his eye. "You know that just makes you sound even crazier, right?"
Billy just shrugs and lets his head fall back against the wall. "Wasn't for me, it was s'posed to be a gift. For- for Max." Harrington freezes.
"You were gonna make Max a knife as a gift?" It sounds like Harrington's struggling with every implication of that sentence. That Billy would gift Max something. That a knife was an appropriate gift. That Billy would care enough about anything to create something hand made.
"Yeah." He can't help but let a little bit of defensiveness slip into his tone. Billy kicks Harrington's foot away, probably a bit harder than necessary. "It was a replica of that one her character has in that stupid game her nerd friends play. Demons in Dungeons, or whatever." Dungeons and Dragons. Billy's not that stupid, but he's also not that shameless to admit to knowing what it's called. "It was a full scaled up one, even got the pattern on the handle half done."
"That's- cool," Harrington says hesitantly. "Didn't know you cared, Hargrove."
"Shitbird's birthday soon. Thought she'd like it." Billy glances over to Harrington, who's watching him with narrowed eyes. Billy coughs, shifting his shoulders a little to roll off the weight of the scrutiny. "Doesn't matter, that fucker Morrison confiscated it anyway."
Silence falls again, still just as awkward as last time but lacking a large amount of the hostility. Harrington's still watching him. The plaque's lost it's draw and Billy resorts to tracing the seams of his jeans with a fingernail.
"I'm failing English," Harrington offers abruptly. Billy's head snaps up, but for the first time Harrington's looking away as he speaks. "That's why I'm here. They're not sure if I'm gonna graduate."
"Sucks," Billy says roughly. Harrington nods slowly.
Billy swallows, fingers clenching into fists atop his thighs. "I could, uh, give you my notes."
"Why would I need your notes?"
"'Cause you're failing English." Billy doesn't mean to say it like Harrington's an idiot, but those big brown eyes are wide and confused, like he's never thought about actually asking for help. "And 'cause I'm acing it."
Harrington's nose wrinkles in obvious disbelief, but he doesn't challenge it. He just sighs and lets his head loll to the side, propped up by his fist. "Yeah. Whatever. I'll do anything, at this point."
Billy nods silently. Harrington opens his mouth again, but he's interrupted by the click of the office door finally opening. Mrs Reyes pokes her head out.
"Steve," she greets him warmly. Her eyes slide over to Billy on the floor and her lips thin ever so slightly. "William."
"Hi," Billy says as obnoxiously peppy as he can manage.
"I'll see to you in a minute, after I've spoken with Steve." And then Harrington steps through into the office and the door swings shut once again.
Billy could get up and sit in the now vacant chair, but he stays right where he is until it's his turn to be called in. Harrington looks at him as he passes him in the doorway, but it's obvious that he's a million miles away, frowning at Billy but his mind no doubt occupied by something else.
Mrs Reyes doesn't ask what happened, just gives him a Friday detention and a lecture on how badly his behaviour is going to affect his record and how that's such a shame given his academic achievements. Billy lets it wash over him, not bothering to really pay attention. He's heard it all before.
When school lets out and Billy makes his way out the Camaro, he almost trips over his feet at the sight of Steve Harrington leaning against his car, twirling a knife in his long fingers.
"Here," Harrington says as soon as Billy gets close enough, holding the knife out to him blade first. Billy takes it gingerly and slips it into his jacket pocket.
"How'd you get it back?"
Harrington's chest puffs up in some god awful display of smugness as he smirks at Billy. "Morrison leaves his office unlocked during lunch. Everyone knows, it's like the number one place to make out. I was in an out, the couple in there didn't even notice me."
"That's disgusting. But, thanks, I guess-"
"Don't." Harrington holds up a hand, wincing a little. "I didn't do it for you, I think Max will really like the gift so if anything, I did it for her. And consider this payment for the notes."
"Payment?" Billy's brow furrows. "I didn't ask you to pay me." But now that Harrington's mentioned it, he definitely should have. Harrington's rich, everyone knows that. Billy could've got an easy $100 or some of the good weed Tommy's always talking about Harrington having.
"And now you don't have to," Harrington says smugly. "I give you the knife, you give me the notes. I don't want you asking me a month down the track to give you like $80 or a bag of weed or whatever in return. So there's the knife, aaaaand we're even."
Billy glowers as Harrington grins smarmily at him. "Fine. We're even. Now fuck off, some of us got places to be."
Harrington dutifully pushes off the Camaro, walking backwards towards his own car a few rows over. "Cool. Give me the notes whenever this week."
Billy doesn't say bye, just gets in his car and drives off, studiously not watching the fading image of Steve Harrington in his rear view mirror.
Max loves the knife. She doesn't hug him, but she nudges his shoulder with hers and declares that she's going to tie it to her belt and carry it with her at all times from now on. Neil goes purple trying to hold back his commentary on just how ladylike and appropriate for a young woman that is. Billy gets a cuff to the back of the head later, but it's worth it.
Harrington does get to graduate. He leans over from his seat beside Billy's (alphabetical order) during the opening speech of the graduation ceremony and whispers closer than necessary into Billy's ear, "Thanks, man." He doesn't so much as glance at Billy for the rest of the three hour ceremony, or during the party later that night that goes until daybreak the next morning, but it's worth it.
Billy bides his time. He can handle one more summer if it means getting enough cash to be independent when he leaves for college in a few months. Neil sucks as much as always, and driving Max everywhere cuts into the hours he's able to put in at the pool, but when she drags him to the new mall after his shift and right into the blissfully cool ice cream shop, Steve Harrington's eyes catch tellingly on the bare skin between the bottom of Billy's crop top and his tiny, red shorts and it's so, so fucking worth it.
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writhingcreature · 4 years ago
I LOVE the idea of jock/nerd Mericcup and cheerleader/jock Rapunstrid, do you have any more headcanons for that au?
I tried writing this and got distracted and now O have to start from the beginning so... let’s try this again
- Hiccup keeps trying to ask Merida out but his awkwardness and self Doubt keep tying his tongue and hands and feet and he fails again and again. Merida knows what he’s trying to say but she wants to give him the chance to do it since she knows it might hurt his pride if she asks him. Eventually she does anyway though and Hiccup is so relieved he’s been put out of his misery he kisses her right then and there and everyone’s like OoO
- Hiccup and Astrid are neighbors and they grew up right next door to each other. Like, saw each other through the window and climbed onto each other’s roofs and such. They did that thing where they opened their windows and just... talked if they were too lazy to climb up onto the roof. So they’re like actually really close friends. As kids Astrid always found Hiccup annoying and it was like “your mom is friend with my mom” but eventually he started tutoring her and she thought she was doing fine at school but suddenly she was acing everything and it all made sense and after that she thought Hiccup was cool
- Merida and Rapunzel live quite a bit from each other but Merida skateboards and Rapunzel goes on morning bike rides and walks and jogs and skates (on rollerblades) and really ANYTHING that gets her out in the morning. They end up meeting when Merida falls off her skateboard and busting her knee - Rapunzel took care of it with the med kit she always takes with her everywhere. After that they were best friends and upon hitting middle school, joined sports together to figure out what they liked. Rapunzel was good at cheerleading, being very petite and acrobatic, and Merida was better at the classic sports (soccer, hockey, baseball, football, etc.). They do figure skating together. When Merida had to fight to be on the guys’ team, or just. Create a girls’ sports team, Rapunzel was there to support her every step of the way.
- Astrid and Merida are on a team together. Astrid does either hockey or soccer (or maybe both Idk which seasons they are but it feels like they’d be in different ones) but eventually Merida talks her into joining every one that Merida is in too. They get each other SO much and eventually develop like a secret language. No one knows if that’s true for sure, but these two girls can communicate without moving their body or saying a single word and it’s so effortless and perfect a system that people thought they were dating for the longest time. When someone finally brought it up (it was Snotlout) the two laughed so hard and so long that he blushed, and they NEVER let him live it down. It was just so absurd to them....
- Astrid and Rapunzel actually happened pretty fast. Everyone thought Astrid would take charge, and normally she does. She’s confident and sure of herself and has fingers in SO many pies, and she doesn’t ever shrink from any competition. Everything seems very easy for her and she never falters off fumbles... that is until she tries to talk to Rapunzel. Because Astrid can affectionately bulky Hiccup and Merida already gets her so well that she doesn’t have to try to communicate with her. But Rapunzel is... her opposite in a lot of ways. She’s small and soft spoken and artistic. Her mind is creative and her hands are gentle and her eyes are huge and her smile is warm. Rapunzel is this golden stream in a fairytale and Astrid is.... probably a rock. Of some kind. Anyway, the point is Rapunzel approaches her with that pretty smile and those large eyes and very clearly asks her out and Astrid’s lucky that Merida’s there to say yes for her because her mouth forgets how to move
- Rapunzel cheers SO LOUD for Astrid every game, and they start to sit on the bench together if there’s any free time. During the half time show, Astrid cheers just as loud for Rapunzel and the phrase “THATS MY GIRLFRIEND” gets thrown around a. Lot. They get super competitive all the time and end up having so much fun. Rapunzel is a bit of a softie and let Astrid win a lot in the beginning until Astrid called her out and called her a loser (affectionate) and from then it was ON. No one thought anyone could beat Astrid at anything until Rapunzel came around.
- Hiccup tries to follow what’s happening in the games but he often gets really distracted and confused and ends up analyzing the plays and bombarding everyone with questions afterward. Astrid and Merida eventually directed him to Rapunzel, who actually listened to him and realized how genius his ideas and observations were. They started to talk with the coach about ways to make the team better, and Hiccup eventually starts to just. Help the coaches in general and no one even asks anymore.
- Hiccup has a cat named Toothless and he and Rapunzel are the BEST of friends. Astrid didn’t like him at first but softened upon seeing Rapunzel and Hiccup be so adorable with the little creature. Toothless HATED Merida for the longest time no matter what she tried and it made everyone laugh constantly. Eventually the little thing warmed up to her but for a while there Merida stayed by Astrid “where it’s safe” as she said.
- Rapunzel also has a pet chameleon and she DOTES on that thing. She knows everything about them and anytime anyone asks about Pascal she just wants and rants and rants about fun facts. It’s the only time Astrid will without complaint Listen to someone just talk facts and knowledge. Astrid usually finds it so boring but Rapunzel is so adorable when she goes off about this thing she’s so passionate about that Astrid doesn’t even mind.
- After watching Hiccup with Toothless for a while, Astrid gets her own cat named Stormfly and they are a DYNAMIC duo. Stormfly is almost as well trained as Toothless a lot sooner, and they just have this very clear understanding. Stormfly doesn’t hate Merida, so the red head prefers this cat, and Toothless often glares at her for hours for it. Rapunzel and Stormfly take to each other even faster than Rapunzel and Toothless did. Rapunzel smells like Astrid and Stormfly is HERE for it
- Rapunzel and Merida take riding lessons on the weekends. It was something they looked into when they were really young and when they finally convinced their parents to let them it was the single best thing to ever happen to either of them. Riding Maxmimus and Angus are the best parts of their week in most cases (unless something special happens) and the horses are considered as much their pets as the cats or chameleon. They end up buying them after they get out of college and securing a house for all four of them with a big enough back yard to keep the horses in. It’s a good time.
- Hiccup works as a mechanic, fixing mostly cars but also small stuff like bikes and the such in his free time. Toothless came to him missing a leg, so Hiccup comes up with a lot of really clever contraptions and systems to help Toothless move around the house without Hiccup’s help. He still prefers to be lifted into bed, but anywhere else is free game.
- Rapunzel gets a job at first at a diner, where she spends her highschool and college career working her butt off. It wasn’t the best experience but it achieved the goals Rapunzel needed to so she could go to college and become an art teacher instead. It wasn’t the best paying job, but it allowed her to show others why she valued painting so much, and left plenty time in the year to also go traveling if she wished. She’s very good at saving money so she makes it work.
- Astrid works a lot of fast food at first and even takes a stint at the diner with Rapunzel, but her short temper ends up getting her into a lot of situations where she hates her job and ends up leaving after six to eight months. Nowhere was very good for her until she finally got a job at a gym where she ended up learning a lot of really fun skills like self defense and axe throwing. She did it for so many years and got so good that she was hired on as the instructor, and she’s never been happier than in a position where if a man pushes the limits or a Karen tries her patience, all she has to do is sink an axe into a target and turn to them with a raised eyebrow and ask, “What was that again?” It works every time and unless someone has an actual problem they don’t bother her.
- Merida struggles with work. She gets every job under the sun, taking stints at the diner with Rapunzel and the mechanic’s shop with Hiccup and even eventually at the gym and fun enter with Astrid. She gets bored very easily and doesn’t keep a job more than like four or fives months at Max. Ever. She doesn’t think she’s good at anything and might have peaked in high school... until she discovers archery. In an attempt to help her out, Astrid pitches to the fun center to add archery as an activity, and Merida begins to come to it. Unfortunately they can’t really find a teacher who knows what they’re doing and Merida is the only one who shows up so for a while it’s threatening to shut down. But then Merida teaches herself via the internet and insane amounts of practice, and tries out for the job. They give her the position, but tell her that without customers it’s still going to go down.
- the four gather ALL of their friends and begin mass sharing any and all information they can get out there about the fun center and Merida’s growing skills and how helpful she’ll be as the teacher. They just spread the news and encourage people to at least try it out. Through sheer force of Will and hard work, they get enough people with interests peaked who end up coming. Merida’s classes are full of all kinds of people of all kinds of ages, and she loves it.
- none of them get paid a LOT, but Rapunzel and Hiccup are very good at saving money and slowly, Astrid learns as well and between the three of them they can get things figured out even if Merida doesn’t want to waste energy on budgeting and planning everything out and such. When the fun center is out for winter time, and school is out for Summer, they start taking temporary jobs that pay a lot more money. These jobs end up being labor intensive, but they always try and work together and combined, they can find the fun in even the most annoying jobs. Sometimes Hiccup will join them if he’s having a slow time at work, but he never lasts long and the girls tease him a lot about it.
- Yes the hall live together and yes they have “family nights” where they all go out and do something fun once every month, and they eat dinner and breakfast together as much as they can and they’re all very close and mean a lot to each other god I love them.
There are obviously a ton of other characters in this little world I’ve built so if you have any questions feel free to ask!
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[[TW for abusive language and canon typical violence. Reader discretion is advised.]]
Johnny doesn’t know when he started walking through a crowd of people in a ballroom. It feels like he’s been doing it for a good while, but he can’t be sure. He just knows he has to find his partners. He pushes through until he finds a clearing in the middle. He looks about for fiery red hair and a tall man in a suit. There are a lot of people dressed up. Even he’s dressed up- but his clothes are torn and bloody. He recognizes them from the night Dwight was impaled.
In his distracted walking state he stumbles and trips over something large and ends up falling onto his knees. After gritting his teeth against the pain, he looks over his shoulder and his eyes widen, tears already forming.
He goes over to Dwight’s side and pulls the bleeding, beaten man’s head into his lap. “Dwight! Dwight- what happened!”
Dwight’s eyes open and lazily roll over to look at Johnny. There’s a coldness to them, like the smaller man woke him up from a good restful nap.
“You happened, Johnny.”
A shiver runs down Johnny’s back and he blinks and Dwight is gone, he’s kneeling down in a thick puddle of blood. He shakily rises to his feet and walks aimlessly. He almost doesn’t recognize how the fluid turns into solid. A blanket. Or a towel. Covering what looks to be a body.
With trembling hands, Johnny peels back the layer of cloth and screams as he scrambles backwards. There’s no way- no- this can’t be real. Leera’s not dead. She’s not. This is all a dream.
He gets back to the feet and suddenly becomes aware of the wood at his feet. He could recognize the floor of 777 with his eyes closed- every ridge embedded into memory. Every creak.
A mirror stands beside him as he fumbles around the dark room, grabbing for something- a light switch- a door. He finally grabs something until that same thing grabs onto his wrist. And pulls him roughly.
“Leera?” He says before tears are coming to his eyes. “Oh- thank fuck - I thought you-“
“Stay away from me, you monster! How could you? You should have died, not him! You!” She grabs onto the back of his hair and slams his face into the mirror repeatedly, saying the same thing over and over. He should have died. He should have died.
Johnny wakes up, panting, sweating, sobbing. He feels about his face, feeling a bandage over one of his eyes and yards of cotton-padded skin. There’s an IV in his hand and he’s laying on a hospital bed.
It was just a bad dream.
Suddenly, the light comes on in his room and Leera and Dwight are sitting by his bedside. They look- conflicted.
“We need to talk, Johnny,” Leera starts, then looks over to Dwight for support.
“About- where we should go from here- once you’re healed up. We just- need some time to really think about what being with you means for us- for our family.” Dwight holds his girlfriend’s hand and Johnny has never ached so much for the same touch, but it’s like they’re deliberately not making an effort to touch him at all. Like they’re trying to keep him away.
“We just believe that maybe we rushed into this too fast. That we were just happy you survived and- we got a little too excited. But I think we’ve had plenty of time to… mull it over.” Leera explains.
Johnny feels his throat constrict and his body tremble- he’s already starting to sob- trying not to show it. Trying to show he’s stable, that he’s a good partner and that they don’t have to leave him. That he can be good.
“Oh boy, and he’s crying- look, Johnny, this is exactly what we were talking about. We haven’t even said anything and already you’re starting to get overwhelmed. We just don’t think we can keep walking on eggshells like this around you. Certainly not for the rest of our lives.”
“I’m sorry,” his voice is wavering as more tears come out, every word feeling like a stab at his heart. “I’ll- I can be good. You don’t have to walk on eggshells around me- im- im fine- I-“
“No, you’re not fine. You need help, Johnny, and frankly I’m tired of acting like your therapist. Every moment we’ve been together has been one session after another. It’s just not healthy or right- for any of us.” Dwight’s voice is stern with a finality that makes Johnny feel like his world is crashing down. Which it is. He feels like he can’t breathe and before he has time to try and settle his racing heart Dwight and Leera are already leaving his room.
“Wait! Wait please—!” He yells in pain as the IV in his hand keeps him there even as he tries to get out of the bed. He yanks it out and tries to get up before someone is pushing him deep into the mattress, keeping him there.
“Hey- hey it’s okay. Just a nightmare, Swallowtail. Just lay back for me.”
Johnny stops struggling for a moment as he hears that nickname, before looking up and finding Vargas hovering over him, a hand pushing into his shoulder, trying to get him to lie down again.
“That’s it. Stay right there. You’re okay. There- much better.”
He moves quickly to try and roll out from under the man but Vargas quickly takes both of his wrists into his fists and keeps Johnny pinned.
“I said fucking stay dammit.” He growls, tightening his grip until bruises appear on Johnny’s wrists. Johnny looks frantically around the room but nothing is visible other than Vargas. He doesn’t know where he is. How he got here. Where is his Counselor and Cornflower?
“Don’t you remember? They didn’t want you. Nobody did. Not after what they saw you do. When they saw who you really were.” Vargas says, a grin on his face as he lightens the grasp on Johnny’s hands.
Johnny’s head snaps back to stare at Vargas who just laughs and strokes the side of Johnny’s face with the backs of his knuckles. “There there- it’s alright. You’re with me now, and I already know every piece of you. I made you the way you are. I’m all you have now. So I would stop fighting back if I were you.”
“But… they said they loved me. They - they told me they wouldn’t leave me. They wanted me. They-“
“Lied- I think is the word you’re looking for. I’m sorry that you’re the last to know, Swallowtail, but unfortunately you just never could learn the easy way. Did I not warn you countless times that no matter how believable it may seem- no matter how infatuated they claim to be- nobody will ever love you?”
Johnny blinks back tears again; Vargas had told him that. But they’d been so sincere. They’d held him, kissed him, they’d even gone farther than that. Or at least he had with Dwight. They acted like they cared so much- that they would be by his side every step of the way. How could they just throw him to the side like this?
And what about his family? Was he no longer worthy of their mercy of their love? What did he do? What did he do wrong? Why does he keep fucking up like this? Why was he so broken and worthless?
“Chin up, my boy. At least you can no longer ruin their lives and make them live in fear that one day you’ll snap and kill them. They’re much happier without you around. Isn’t that what you wanted? For them to be happy? To be safe? Then why are you so upset?”
“Oh- is it because you only wanted them to be happy and safe as long as you’re around? You never truly cared about them either. Only wanted them for their love and affection and attention. It’s only natural.”
Johnny’s teary gaze shifts to the side. Was Vargas right? Did he really care? Shouldn’t he be happy he can no longer hurt them?
He only feels empty and sad and lifeless. Vargas lets go of him completely, backing off the bed. Johnny’s eyes widen as he watches him leave. He hates this man- but his mind is screaming for him not to leave. He doesn’t want to be alone right now.
“I guess in the end you were always meant to be all on your own, Nny. After all, you just push everyone away. And one day, they won’t come back.”
With those departing words, Johnny watches as Vargas fades from his sight and leaves him in the dark room. At some point the man had cuffed Johnny to the headboard or some other thing because when he tries to chase after him or even get up from the bed, he’s completely immobile. He screams for him to come back, for Dwight, for Leera or Chance or Addie or Midge or anyone to please just give him another chance. He can be good. He doesn't want to be alone. He sobs to himself, screaming until his lungs nearly give out.
Finally, he actually does awaken, screaming into the dark room. He feels around his wrists for cuffs that aren’t there. His breaths are wheezy, panicky and he feels like he’s wearing a blindfold but he’s not. There’s something on his eye that feels like cloth. His entire body comes alive with sharp pains with every movement and he skates his fingers over the bandages wrapped around him, shaking as he remembers what comes next.
But when only the beeps of his own equipment resound back to him, he settles into the bed and tries to regain control of his breathing.
Just a nightmare.
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ourmiraclealigner · 4 years ago
Easy CO. Holiday Reacts
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Gif not mine! Credit to owner.
a/n: happy holidays everyone! i know everyone doesn’t celebrate Christmas, so if you don’t, no specific holiday is mentioned in this so everyone can read :)
warnings: none
taglist: @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @mavysnavy @ivy-miranda-2390 @ya-yeeteth @rayofshanshine @primusk @punkgeekchic @inglourious-imagines @wexhappyxfew @vintagelavenderskies @easy-company-tradition @meteora-fc @teenmagazines @order-of-river-phoenix @contrabandhothead
Richard Winters:
- When the holiday season rolls around, Richard can’t stop the excitement that arises in him.
- It’s not the gifts that excite him, Richard always tells everyone to not get him anything and that he already has everything he needs.
- He’s excited about the time that he gets to spend with you- decorating, cooking, and shopping for presents for friends and family.
- He loves the little break from work he gets, content with getting to sleep in, with you in his arms.
- He knows it’s time he’ll never get back, and he cherishes it more than any gift anyone could possibly get him.
- He finds himself happier than he ever thought he could be when he wakes up with you in his arms, protecting each other from the cold air that is just outside your mess of blankets.
- After a few minutes, he can’t stop himself from pressing light, fleeting kisses to your face, smiling when your eyes flutter open.
Lewis Nixon:
- Unlike Richard, gifts are a big thing for Lewis during the holidays.
- Since he grew up with a wealthy family, he uses his money to show his love.
- He showers you with gifts all month long, handing them to you with a smile, his hands sweaty with anticipation.
- “I know you mentioned wanting this a while ago, I just couldn’t find it anywhere until a few days ago. I’ve been looking all around.”
- He looks at you nervously as you unwrap the box, smiling when you realize it’s a book you had told him you were interested in reading.
- He wraps his arm around you as you thank him, pulling you into his side.
- “I’m glad you like it, sweetheart.” He mumbles as he presses a kiss to your forehead.
Ron Speirs:
- Ron is indifferent when it comes to the holidays.
- He’s not overly excited or overly annoyed by the holiday cheer, he doesn’t care either way.
- He doesn't spoil your fun though, taking you to go see the lights in the city and in your neighborhood.
- You both get bundled up, hands intertwined as you walk around with smiles.
- He’ll kiss your temple whenever your face lights up, mumbling “You like this one? It’s pretty.”
- As you walk back to the car, he’ll unbutton his coat before pulling you into his side, wrapping his arm and half of his coat around you.
- “You’re so cold, baby, let me warm you up.”
Eugene Roe:
- Growing up with a big family, the holidays always meant chaos for Eugene.
- When he went away to fight, he spent too many away from home, experiencing a new kind of chaos.
- So, when you and Gene spent your first December together, he was shocked to find himself relaxed every night.
- He’d sit on the couch, exhausted and eyes half lidded as he watched you hang up the decorations and hum to yourself.
- “Come here.” He’d always end up mumbling, patting the open spot next to him. “I miss you.”
- When you did, he’d wrap his arm around your shoulder, leaning his head against yours as he let his eyes finally shut.
- “Let's keep the decorations up until after the New Year… they’re too cute to take down right away.” He sleepily mumbles, fingers rubbing soft patterns into the skin of your shoulder.
George Luz:
- George loves the holidays, and he’s not afraid to show it.
- Every year he goes above and beyond, coming home with more decorations than the year before.
- He’s always humming some sort of song as he’s working around the house, and even loves to help you in the kitchen.
- He’s always gently tugging on your waist after a few minutes, whining and begging you to slow dance with him.
- When you finally agree, his head immediately nuzzles into your neck as he softly sings whatever song is playing (somehow he knows them all).
- After a few songs he lifts his head, pressing a light kiss to your nose as he mumbles, “I’m so lucky I get to spend another holiday with you.”
- He’ll press a chaste kiss to your lips before pulling away, stepping closer to the counter. “Teach me how to make these.”
Joe Liebgott:
- Joe tries to act like he hates when the holiday season rolls around, but deep down, he loves it.
- He’ll help you decorate, feigning a few sighs as your favorite record plays softly in the background. After some convincing, he’ll start a fire in the fireplace, your small, shared house cozy as his cat hits some of the decorations with their paw.
- “Joe, you really don’t have to help me.” You say softly, “I don’t want you to be miserable.”
- He feels his chest tighten, his cheeks flushing as he realizes how pretty you look as the soft light of the fire hits you.
- “No, no, it’s fine.” He responds, his tone gentle. “It’ll be quicker if I help, right?”
- You chuckle, knowing Joe was having a better time than he was letting on. “Right.”
- He kisses your cheek, hand lingering on your back before he mumbles “Let me help you with this..”
Don Malarkey:
- Don gets quiet during the holidays.
- December always brings back memories he’d like to forget, and he finds it hard to come back after he shuts down.
- But, you brought new life back to the month, replacing the sorrow and dread he felt with love and happiness.
- You prefer to stay in most nights, forgoing endless invitations to dinners and parties to be able to stay inside, exchanging small gifts and kisses as you listen to the radio.
- You stay wrapped inside of a blanket, pressed against his side as he runs his fingers through your hair most nights.
- He’ll quietly sing if he knows the lyrics to whatever song is playing, his deep soothing voice lulling you to sleep.
- And once he realizes you’ve fallen asleep, he’ll gently pick you up and carry you to bed, pressing a kiss to your cheek before slipping in next to you.
Chuck Grant:
- Chuck tries to be home a lot earlier than usual when December rolls around.
- Other months, he finds himself working later than he planned, always feeling guilty when he walks through the door to find you haven't eaten dinner, and were waiting for him.
- So, he makes a point to always close on time in order to be home as you start cooking, so he can talk to you and help you.
- You don’t do much for the holidays, opting to just spend it with your families when the days roll around.
- Of course, you’ll get each other gifts and drive around to see the lights, but nothing much besides that.
- Growing up, Chuck's family never did much for the holidays, so that was what he was used to.
- As you lay in bed, his hand running up and down your side, he’ll mumble “I love doing this with you..just you and me here, nothing to worry about.”
Floyd Talbert:
- You and Floyd are very seldom home or alone during the holiday season.
- You’ve both made a lot of friends, so almost every weekend you’re having dinner or at a party celebrating.
- You spend a lot of time and money on gifts for friends and family, and it seems as if you’re trying to figure out a new dish to bring to every party.
- He still tries to make the month special for you, making sure there’s a few days that you both can just stay home and relax.
- After a few years, though, Floyd gets tired of the constant get togethers, so you both decide not to attend anymore.
- You spend the nights at home, alone together, sometimes venturing into town to see a holiday movie.
- He prefers it this way, always telling you how much he loves being alone with you.
Shifty Powers:
- Shifty prefers to spend his time outside during the holidays.
- As soon as he gets home from work he’s changing into warmer clothes, wanting to get outside as quickly as possible.
- Any winter activities, you’ll end up doing.
- He loves sledding and building snowmen (even though it always ends up in a big snowball fight).
- You went ice skating once, but it ended in a lot of bruises between the both of you as neither of you could keep your balance.
- He prefers somewhere private anyway, as he likes to press kisses to your red nose to try to keep it warm.
- “You look so cold, baby..why don’t we start heading inside?” He’ll always say as the sun begins to set.
Bill Guarnere:
- December means lots of time with Bill’s family.
- It’s quite a stressful month for the both of you, trying to figure out what days to go to his family, what days to go to yours, what gifts you’re going to buy, what dish you’re going to bring, etc.
- Bill is hardly any help, he’s awful at relaying information between you and his mom and sisters.
- He tries, but always forgets by the time he means to tell you.
- He’s used to the holiday stress though, so he doesn’t let it cloud his joy.
- When he sees it start to affect yours, though, he does what he always loved to do as a child- go get candy.
- With a big smile, he takes you to the candy store he often went to as a child, getting a bag full of his favorites and new things to try, so you can both go home and enjoy.
Joe Toye:
- Joe is the only one that genuinely does not like the holiday season.
- He pretends it isn’t happening, and treats the whole month like it was just any other.
- He is clear about not wanting any gifts, and will get upset if you try to give him any.
- Of course, he’ll get you one or two, to try and show how grateful he is for everything you’ve done for him and how you’ve stuck by his side.
- But, there's no decorations, or baking, or strolls through town looking at the lights.
- After a few years, he loosens up, but still has no interest in doing anything except getting gifts and letting you make cookies.
- He’ll always apologize, though, feeling awful for taking away your fun, but hoping you’ll understand.
Babe Heffron:
- Babe’s excitement is up there with George’s, but is not quite as high.
- He loves it more than you, and will spend all month talking about how excited he is, and how much fun he’s having.
- He’s used to getting spoiled by his mother though, so he keeps bugging you to make all of these recipes his mother does until you give in.
- Babe is also constantly slipping and falling on ice, so you’re constantly cleaning and bandaging small cuts and scrapes.
- You swear he comes home with a new one everyday.
- Once you finish, he’ll always press a light kiss to your lips, a soft smile on his face as he looks down at you.
- “Thank you for taking such good care of me, baby.” He’ll softly mumble.
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justaghostingon · 4 years ago
Shady Deku AU:
This au is dedicated to a friend, who doesn’t understand villain deku, and my sister, who does.
Created with @mosaicofdreamsanddragons
Arc 1
It starts with Deku’s Father cutting him and his mother off in late middle school.
No explination, just no more money. In the middle of a global resession.
Inko is scrambling to find a job, but the only ones she can find don’t pay well at all.
Deku also tries looking around, any odd job he can do, but its hard when he’s got school.
Ends up taking a job at an ice rink, he doesn’t know how to skate, but hey, its money.
Then one day, he sees a girl near yhe back door as he’s closing up. She slips in, and Deku, panicking that she’s a burglar, follows.
Below the rink Deku finds a fight ring, full of quirk on quirk battles and a screaming audience. And in the ring, he sees the girl, fighting for her life against another opponent.
The man next to Deku says to his friend that its an easy match, but Deku mutters to himself about how the girl’s quirk could actually be super effective, cue long ramble.
The man asks who Deku thinks he is, and the friend says he’s actually an employee from the front, turns out to be Deku’s boss, and the manager. The manager tells Deku he’s got a talent, and he could make money here, or he could go out the back in a bodybag, its his choice.
Deku, being ingrained in hero society, points out that what he’s doing is illegal. But the manager says its not really, since its private property, and although their is a bylaw that prevents quirked people from using their quirk dangerously in that private property, it doesn’t hold if the owner is quirkless, which the owner is.
Deku thinks this kind of logic is stupid, but he knows if he told a hero, they’d tell him off for wasting their time. Agrees, but only so he can find more proof.
The fight ends with the girl defeated, and Deke reluctantly agreeing.
Deku’s new job involves analyzing fights for announcing and betting. But he’s not allowed to use his info to coach any of the fighters, and if one analysis is used, its for the stronges players and the manager takes the credit
One day he wanders into the lockers, to find the girl he followed, who introduces herself as Ochako and apologizes for accidentally leading him here.
Deku says its ok, and asks her why she came, to which she explains about how her parents company went under in the recession and she had to drop out of school. The worst part was they were going to send her to UA, but that’s a pipe dream now. Deku can relate, and offers to help her realize her potential in the fight rings, so as to earn more money
She’s really happy, but warns him they’ll have to be careful. Because the owner is dying, and needs a quirkless heir. The manager is gunning for that position, and intends to use this tournament to prove it to him.
Deku thinks this is great, because if they can prove a better team, they can take over, and finally free themselves from the threat of leaving in a bodybag
And so the partnership begins, with Ochako and Deku working together, and figuring out the ins and outs of partnership
All while dodging the manager
Deku at one point early on, briefly gets blackmailed into helping another fighter who caught on, a young man called Dabi who’s got a rage in him Deku can’t comprehend. Deku helps him win his match, to which the man promptly gives all the prize money to his sister’s secret bank account. (Because yes Fuyumi has another account, she’s not stupid)
Deku and Ochako decide naively that maybe he’s not so bad, just like a really grumpy lion, but then some enemy fighters and thugs start to go missing.
The whole place is in an uproar, its really bad for buisness when deaths start attracting cops and heroes, which is proven true when an undercover Eraserhead shows up.
Neither Deku nor Ochako know who it is, but they want it to stop because the manager starts using this to tighten the noose around them too.
Eraserhead gets close to them as a possible patron for Dabi. He also investgates why their are children fighting in the rink, and if it ties into this somehow.
He’s pretty sure its Dabi, but Deku and Ochako stay subbornly in denial until Dabi nearly kills someone who was hirassing Deku at work, and genuinely terrifies the both of them.
Eraserhead chases him down, but he escapes. Eraserhead returns to try and threaten the manager to release the kids, but the manager is able to produce to legal contacts that bind them and their is nothing Eraserhead do. Frustrated but not about to give up, Eraserhead warns them that if they harbor a criminal like Dabi their place wil be shut down, and goes back to investigate possible ways to free the kids.
Meanwhile Deku and Ochako, knowing nothing of Eraserheads plan, decide to be more careful of who they trust from now on.
Eventually they hit a snag where they can’t improve Ochako without support equipment, which they obviously can’t get their hands on.
Deku takes a frustrated walk in the park and meets a boy in a wheelchair chair named Iida. Iida explains how he used to be a UA student, until Stain took his legs.
Deku thinks its a great idea to bring him on board, since some of his old tech would really help them out, but Ochako is against it.
But manager followed Deku, and offered Iida a chance to train in his “facility”
Desperate for a chance to be useful again, Iida agrees, not realizing until its to late what this place really is.
Deku finds him, and although Iida is originally angry, feeling betrayed, Ochako and Deku are eventually able to make him realize they didn’t betray him and are in just as deep trouble as he is. Deku offers him a chance to be a hero again, by saving Ochako and Deku from the manager, and he accepts, becoming a part of the team.
Arc 4
The yakuza attempt to recruit, and Deku, Ochako, and Iida must avoid them
May end up rescuing Eri by mistake, until Eraserhead saves her properly
The tournament ends with Ochako and Iida tag teaming to victory. The owner, who came for the last fight, is so impressed with their ability to succeed despite their disadvantages he names them heirs, to the fury of manager
Unfortunately thry can’t just leave, as the owner is still alive, and watching them. They’re gonna have to run it until he dies
Which doesn’t seem like that much longer, but still
Ochako, Deku, and Iida struggle to run the rink
Iida is on management, and is surprisingly good at it, comes to their rescue
Deku runs the fights and analyzes, while Ochako is their star fighter, but also helps on match up and security
With the league of villains on the rise, any info on them is crucial Eraserhead sends Shinso and Todoroki on an undercover mission to find out what Deku and Ochako knew
Eraserhead is very upset that Iida, his former student, is apparently going here too now
Todoroki has to go in disguise as a fire user, (since without Deku he didn’t use his firehalf in the sports festival) but seems more quirkless because he struggles to use his father’s flames
Deku and Ochako, who remember another dangerous fire user, attempt to reach out and help him avoid the mistakes of their old friend.
Meanwhile Shinsou meets Iida, and strikes up a friendship, wondering what could drive a hero in training to turn to a life of self-distruction.
iida shows management that comes in his job, and how he’s trying to use his place to help those like him who don’t know enough, and how he hopes when the owner finally dies that they can go properly legit.
Also at one point Kaminari drags Bakugo and co to the rink to try out the underground fighting. Everyone has to avoid them and chaos ensues
Ends one of two ways
Either Eraserhead finally succeeds in saving them (from the manager who returns to take his revenge) and gets them to go back with him to UA to train as underground heroes
Or Deku, Ochako, and Iida stay with the rink and turn it into a legit practicing place where young people can come and experiement with their quirks, incorporate martial arts, and have a place to vent frustrations in a safe way. They even rent to UA students for training
Or both
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maybeimamuppet · 4 years ago
someone gets hurt
“Janis! Janis!” Cady calls, rushing up to her at the end of the school day.
“Babe, you good?” Janis asks worriedly as her girlfriend barrels into her.
Cady nods rapidly. “Yes! Principal Duvall just told me I’m the valedictorian!”
Janis gasps, wrapping her in a hug. “You are? Oh my god, baby! That’s great! I’m so proud of you.”
“Thank you,” Cady giggles from in her embrace. “Are you staying to paint today?”
“Yeah, you want to come?” Janis asks, plotting in her head. Cady has worked so hard this year, she deserves to be valedictorian, arbitrary as the title is. Janis should do something.
“Always,” Cady grins, leaning up for a kiss and taking her hand to lead them to the art rooms. “How is Damian?”
“He’s fine, it’s just a sprain. Texted me earlier high off his ass on painkillers though, that was funny,” Janis chuckles. “Said there was a dragon in his mashed potatoes.”
“Janis! Don’t laugh at him, you know he has a phobia of broken bones. He’s lucky it was just a sprain. Poor guy,” Cady chides.
“He fell down the stairs! I’m allowed to laugh,” Janis defends.
They’d decided to have lunch in the auditorium today, just for fun. Damian had finished eating early and showed off some complicated choreography from his college audition cuts. He’d absolutely nailed them, but during his bows and basking in the applause of his friends, had fallen down the stairs and sprained his foot. He’d fallen into a panic attack, thinking he had broken it, and was taken to the hospital almost immediately.
“He’s your best friend! I’m gonna tell him you laughed,” Cady threatens.
Janis snorts. “You little narc. Go ahead, he laughed at me when I broke my tailbone when we went roller skating.”
“Hmph. Who are you texting?”
Janis had pulled out her phone to text Regina. She loves throwing parties and giving gifts, she might have some ideas for something Janis could do to surprise Cady.
“Uh, my mom. I actually can’t stay today, uhm... Jules is... sick. I have to go help my mom take care of her,” Janis lies through her teeth.
“Oh. Okay. Do you need me to get her anything?” Cady asks, miraculously not having noticed. She struggles reading people sometimes.
“No, don’t worry about it, baby. It’s just a cold, but she gets really whiny and stuff whenever she’s sick,” Janis explains. That’s true, at least.
“Poor thing. Tell her I hope she feels better soon. I’m going to go visit Damian,” Cady says, popping up on her tippy toes to kiss her goodbye.
“Okay, baby. Tell him I said hi,” Janis responds, kissing her back. “I love you.”
“I love you too. Good luck,” Cady says back.
“Thanks,” Janis chuckles.
“Hi, Dame,” Cady says sadly as she knocks on the door of his hospital room.
“Hey, Cads!” Damian says.
Cady chuckles as she comes to sit by his bed. “You sound better.”
“I got, like, hella painkillers a while ago. Went on some fun daydreams,” Damian replies. “Not high anymore though.”
“Good, I don’t know if I could handle you all hopped up,” Cady giggles. “Janis said you texted her something about a dragon in your mashed potatoes while she was in math class.”
“I did? Oh god, she’s never gonna let me live that down,” Damian sighs. “Oh well.”
“I’ll make her go easy on you,” Cady says confidently, pulling out an activity book she had made during study hall. “I made this for you. I know it’s a little childish, but I figured you might want something to do.”
“Aww! Thanks, Caddy. Ooh, connect the dots,” Damian responds as he flips through it. “What’s the matter?”
Cady turns from where she’s standing, frowning as she looks out the window. His view goes across the street, looking over a coffee shop. Janis lied? She’s in the shop, sitting with... Regina George. Hm. They’re laughing at something.
“Huh? Oh, nothing, don’t worry about it,” Cady says through grit teeth, coming back  to his side and trying to hide her seething jealousy. He doesn’t need that right now. “So, how long are you stuck in here?”
“I get out tonight, once they’re totally sure I’m not reacting to anything they’ve given me,” Damian replies. “I’m not going to be in school for about a week, though. I’m not supposed to walk even with crutches until then.”
“You poor thing,” Cady responds as she rolls her shoulders to get rid of the tension.  “I’ll visit you as much as I can, but I just got a huge English project that’s gonna take me a while.”
Damian pats her hand comfortingly. “I get it, Cads, don’t worry about it. I have this cool book to work on.”
Cady chuckles. “I’ll send other people to come keep you company on the days I can’t. And you have Pippa in the meantime.”
Damian laughs outright at that. His french bulldog doesn’t make a great caregiver. “Thanks, little slice.”
“So how was Julie?” Cady asks during her daily morning meet-up with Janis on Monday. She wants to hear what Janis has to say, now that she knows she lied.
Janis doesn’t even look up from her phone, tapping away texts to... someone. Probably Regina. “Hm? Oh, she was fine, thanks. Just needed a rest. How was Damian?”
“He was fine,” Cady huffs. Janis had lied again. Janis hums noncommittally. “He went on a quest to fight dragons with a fairy princess and took me. I was an elf. You should really come next time. He’s a wizard, you know. I’m surprised you didn’t notice before. The doctor even had an enchanted sword.”
“Good for him,” Janis replies, having taken in nothing. The bell rings then, making them both jump. “Oh shit. Have a good day, baby. I love you.”
“I love you too,” Cady responds, blinking in surprise at the quick kiss pressed to her lips before Janis runs to class. What the hell is going on with her?
Janis continues acting oddly into the next day. She’s not at lunch on Tuesday, and neither is Regina. Cady plops her tray of meatloaf on the table and sits down with a huff, startling Gretchen and Karen.
“You okay, Cady?” Gretchen asks worriedly. “You look tense.”
Cady stabs her meatloaf so hard that a few of the tines snap off her plastic fork. “Peachy. Has Regina told you guys anything? About what she’s been up to lately? Janis has been acting so weird, and I think Regina is part of it.”
“Um, no,” Karen lies. Regina had told them the plan to surprise Cady, so they actually knew everything. They had been sworn to secrecy.
“Yeah, we don’t know anything,” Gretchen piggybacks. “How has Janis been acting weird?”
“She... she lied to me,” Cady answers, realizing this may be more serious than she had originally thought. “I got chosen as valedictorian, I thought maybe we could go have dinner or something to celebrate after we visited Damian, but she said her sister was sick. But she wasn’t, Janis was in the coffee shop with Regina.”
“With Regina? Are you sure?” Karen responds. “Regina was with us Friday. And they still, like, totally aren’t friends. X emoji.”
“It was definitely Janis, at least,” Cady says sadly. “I guess it might not have been Regina. But how many other platinum blondes that wear full designer outfits would Janis know? Maybe it was before you guys hung out.”
“That is totally strange,” Gretchen responds, anxious about lying. She tries to change the subject quickly. “Has Janis done anything else weird?”
Cady takes the bait. “She wouldn’t stop texting yesterday, or this morning. I don’t know who she was talking to, but she didn’t even listen to me. I made up some story about Damian and I fighting dragons and she just said ‘good for him’.”
“Dragons? That’s so fetch,” Karen responds. “I want to meet a dragon. It’s one of my life goals, sunrise emoji.”
“Karen, sweetie, no. She said she made it up, remember? Dragons aren’t real,” Gretchen says quietly, squeezing her hand.
“That’s not fetch,” Karen huffs, going quiet.
“I know, sweetie. Anyway, I wouldn’t worry too much, Cady,” Gretchen says as she tries to comfort her girlfriend. “Janis is, like, head over heels for you. It’ll work out.”
“It better,” Cady grumbles. “Oh, hey, can you guys pop in to see Damian after school? Just for a little while, make sure he’s okay? I told him I’d have people drop by on days I couldn’t go see him.”
“Why can’t you go?” Gretchen asks, genuinely curious.
“I got this English project Friday, I have to work on it. I’m supposed to pick a career I want in the future and make a presentation about it, and it has to be five minutes long! I don’t even know what I want to do for a job,” Cady sighs.
“You can do it, Cady, you’re super smart,” Karen pipes up again. “Notebook emoji. But, like, shrug emoji, would Damian even want to see us?”
“Why wouldn’t he want to see you? He really likes you guys now. You’re not mean to him or Janis anymore, he doesn’t have anything against you guys anymore,” Cady says sadly. “You guys don’t have to go if you don’t want to, but he’d love to see you. You’re his friends.”
Of course we’ll go, we don’t have anything going on,” Gretchen responds. They need to fill him in on the plan, anyway.
“Oh, thank you,” Cady breathes with relief. “I owe you one.”
“It’s fine, Cady. Good luck with your project,” Gretchen says.
“Ugh,” Cady grumbles at the reminder, slamming her head into the table.
By Wednesday afternoon, Cady is at her wits end. She hasn’t slept in two days researching for her project, and Janis still won’t pay attention to her. She’d gotten confirmation that it had been Regina with Janis at the coffee shop, so Gretchen and Karen had also lied to her face.
She heads to the art rooms after school to watch Janis paint, needing a break from her own thoughts. Even if she is a bit angry with Janis. Maybe this will patch things up.
Cady loves watching Janis paint. She loves the cute way her brow furrows and her tongue pokes out to the side whenever she tries to focus, the way every stroke of the brush seems to have a purpose. Janis can create gorgeous scenes just from her mind, as if the brush in her hand is simply an extension of her imagination. Cady loves watching a few simple sketches or swipes of her paintbrush turn to incredible works of art.
Cady’s tried to paint with her a few times, only succeeding in creating a blotchy mess of colors and a few vague shapes, but Janis always cheered her on and pointed out the things she had done well. Cady decided she likes watching Janis paint more than doing it herself, but they have painting mini-dates from time to time that they both enjoy immensely.
She opens the door quietly when she finally reaches the classroom, in hopes of surprising her girlfriend. She winds up getting the surprise herself, finding none other than Regina talking to Janis. Again. Regina is sitting haughtily on the counter, facing Cady but not looking at her. There’s a strangely excited glint in her eyes. Janis is leaning against a desk facing Regina, so her back is to Cady.
They’re awfully close together, Cady thinks as her face falls and her chest burns with envy. She thanks her lucky stars they haven’t spotted her yet, allowing her to eavesdrop for a second. She tries desperately to tamp down the voice growling ‘get away from my girlfriend’  in her head. There has to be some explanation.
Cady can’t quite pick up most of their conversation, but she does hear Regina say, “Cady’s not going to find out, Janis,” and lean closer.
That’s all she needs to hear. She feels herself let out a harsh sob, turning on her heel and running from the room. Janis whirls around just before the door slams shut behind her. “Caddy! Shit,” she calls as  she breaks into a sprint after her. “Baby, please wait, let me explain!”
“What the fuck is there to explain, Janis?!” Cady yells at her, walking backwards for a second. “Just leave me alone. Go to her, I hope she makes you happy.” And with that, she turns and continues running.
“Baby, please,” Janis begs, reaching for her. Cady doesn’t turn back around.
Cady winds up running the whole mile back to her house without noticing, ignoring the worried calls of her parents as she barrels up the stairs to her bedroom, throwing her backpack off and burrowing under her covers. Her chest is starting to hurt with how hard she’s sobbing. Maybe she’s feeling her heart breaking.
How could I be so stupid with love again? Of course Janis would pick Regina over me. Regina has every American standard of beauty down pat, and a good personality now. What do I have?
She hears her phone pinging frantically, looking to see texts flooding in from Janis and Regina, both begging her to let Janis explain. She flips it to silent after sending her parents a text, letting them know to turn Janis away should she turn up at any point.
How could they do this to me? I understand why Janis chose her, but how could she be so cruel? Regina is supposed to be nicer now, how could she do this? It’s fucking Aaron all over again. I caught feelings for Janis and she snatched her away. And Janis... did she ever love me? How could she do this?
She rolls onto her side and soaks her pillow in tears, deciding she gets the decision to swear off of dating now.
Janis loses Cady as she reaches the main doors, panting with exertion. She turns to head back to the classroom to grab her bag.
“Janis, I’m so sorry, I had no idea she was there or I wouldn’t have phrased it like that,” Regina bursts out as soon as she enters, looking near tears.
“Reg, it... it’ll be fine. It has to be. I’ll go find her and try to explain again, I guess. Better to ruin the surprise than have her think I’m cheating on her,” Janis says in response, slinging her backpack over her shoulder and moving quickly back towards the door.
Regina sighs heavily. “Okay, good luck. I’ll text her too. God, she looked so... broken.”
“Yeah. Thanks, Reggie. Later,” Janis calls over her shoulder, hurrying towards the entrance to the building.
She pulls her phone from her pocket as she walks to Cady’s house, figuring that must be where she’s gone.
Jellybean: caddy that wasn’t what it looked like i promise
Jellybean: are you okay??
Jellybean: please let me explain
Jellybean: caddy you know me you know i wouldn’t do that to you please
Jellybean: baby??
Cady hasn’t answered or even read any of her messages by the time Janis is knocking on the door.
“Cady says she doesn’t want to see you,” Cady’s mother says harshly, protective of her cub.
“Mrs. Heron, please, I need to explain. She didn’t see what she thought she did,” Janis begs.
Mrs. Heron sighs. “Janis, I want to believe you, but Cady has been hurt by this Regina girl before. You need to leave, give her time. I’ll tell her you came by.”
She closes the door before Janis can get another word out. Give her time, Janis thinks as she walks to Damian’s house next, seething with anger.
Cady’s father wakes her up just before dinner, softly stroking her hair. She must have cried herself to sleep.
“Janis came by,” he says carefully. “Your mother sent her away like you asked.”
Cady immediately bursts into tears at the mention of her now ex-girlfriend. “I don’t wanna see her again. I want to switch schools.”
“Shh, binti. You’re a month away from graduation, you’re not switching schools. But you can stay home tomorrow. What happened?”
Cady cries harder. “Janis was-was talking to Regina in the art room and-and they were so close together and then Janis said something and R-Regina said that-that I wouldn’t find out about it,” she wails into his shoulder.
“Shh, ndege wangu mdogo wa wimbo. Did you hear what it was you wouldn’t find out about?” Her father hushes.
“She’s cheating on me! With Regina,” Cady sobs. “What else could it be?”
“Did you hear them say that? Or see them do anything?”
“No,” she admits shyly.
“Then you don’t know. You shouldn’t jump to conclusions, you’re going to jump into your grave one of these times,” her father chides gently. “You don’t have to today, or even anytime soon, but you should hear Janis out at some point, let her explain.”
“Fine,” Cady sniffs. “But what is she hiding? Janis tells me everything.”
“That I don’t know, binti. You take some time to think. I’ll bring up your dinner.” And with a forehead kiss, her father leaves her alone.
“Whoa whoa whoa, what?” Damian asks hastily, interrupting Janis. “Start again and slow down.”
“Caddy found me talking to Regina and now she thinks I’m cheating. She said she didn’t want to see me and won’t even read my texts,” she growls.
“Wow. That’s... out of character for her,” Damian says in shock.
“I know! I don’t know what to do, she won’t let me explain anything,” Janis huffs, terrified she might lose her girlfriend over something so stupid. “And now I’m wondering what the hell she really thinks of me. If she can’t trust me enough to know I would never cheat on her, especially with Regina fucking George, then should we even be together?”
“That’s a fair point, I guess,” Damian admits. “But that really doesn’t sound like Caddy. Something else has to be going on.”
Janis sighs, trying to get herself back under control. She can’t even figure out why she’s so angry. “Can you talk to her?”
Damian looks meaningfully at his wounded foot, but eventually can’t resist the urge to help his platonic soulmate. “I can try, I guess. Maybe convince her to hear you out. But I can’t explain what happened or get her to forgive you. You have to do that.”
“Fine,” Janis huffs. “Just make sure she’s okay.”
“She will be, Jan, don’t worry. I’ll text her, see if she can come over tomorrow,” Damian comforts.
“Thanks, D.”
Cady warily checks her phone when she wakes up the next morning, surprised when she sees her most recent text is from Damian.
Big Slice: Do you wanna come hang out with me after school today?? Pippa is not performing her caregiver duties well enough
She sighs. It’s almost definitely a trap, Damian is Janis’ best friend. That thought gives her pause. If she and Janis break up for good, will she lose her friendship with Damian? And since Regina is involved, will Gretchen and Karen stop being her friends, too? If she doesn’t go talk to Damian, she might go back to being totally alone for the third time in two years.
Little Slice: Yeah, I’ll come. I’ll be over around noon. My parents made me take a mental health day.
Big Slice: 📷
Little Slice: Wait, Janis won’t be there, will she?
Big Slice: Nope just us :) She went to school and has to babysit Juju after
Little Slice: Good.
Cady hauls herself out of bed with a great deal of effort, surprised to see it’s already eleven. She trudges down the stairs still in her pajamas for breakfast, staring out the window at absolutely nothing as she munches on her cereal.
Climbing back up the stairs feels like she’s climbing Kilimanjaro again, but she manages and resists the urge to flop back into bed. She doesn’t even have the energy to brush her hair, tying it up into a knot and spraying a little extra perfume on in place of a shower.
She grabs her phone after she tugs on a sweatshirt and some leggings, texting her dad to tell him she’s going to see Damian.
Cady perks up a little on her walk over, the sun giving her some energy. She has a spare key, so lets herself into Damian’s house and heads to his bedroom.
“Hey, Cads, how are you?” Damian asks when he turns to look at her. Janis clearly told him everything, but he’s pretending not to know.
“Fine,” Cady whispers. She can feel tears burning in her eyes and knows if she tries to speak she’ll start crying. Damian doesn’t need her problems on top of his own and Janis’.
“No, you’re not,” Damian says, reaching for her. “Come tell me your troubles.”
“You have your own problems, you don’t need to hear mine,” Cady mumbles.
“Bitch, please, I live for drama. I’ve been holed up here for almost a week, give me something to do,” Damian begs.
Cady gives in to the cuddling urge, sliding in beside him and resting her head on his shoulder. She heaves a sigh to try and keep the tears at bay, to no avail.
“Did Janis tell you?” She says, choking out a sob immediately after.
Damian sits up to hold her better. “Yes, but I want to hear your side of things too.”
Cady sobs harder. “She was-was talking to-to-to Regina in the art room, and R-Regina looked... excited about something and then Janis said something to h-her and Regina said that-that I wouldn’t find out about it.”
“So what do you think they meant by that?” Damian hums sadly, rubbing her back.
“Are they t-together? Is she cheat-cheating on me?” Cady whimpers.
“Let’s work through this together, hm? You remember how Janis acted when she had a crush on you, yeah?” Damian asks, continuing when she nods. “Disaster lesbian. Has she been acting like that around Regina?”
“No,” Cady sniffles. “But-but she could be meeting her when I don’t know about it, and hiding it when-when I’m around.”
“That’s another thing. Has Janis been lying to you about where she is, or acting suspicious?” Damian asks comfortingly.
Cady is about to say no before she remembers Friday. “Yeah,” she wails. “On-on Friday, she said Juliana was sick... b-but when I was at the ho-hospital with you she w-went to that coffee sh-shop with Regina.”
“Okay, so we have one suspicious thing, I’ll admit that is weird,” Damian says, scolding Janis internally. “Has she done anything else?”
Cady sniffles as she pauses to think. “She won’t l-listen to me any-anymore. She spent all day Monday and Tuesday t-tex-texting somebody and didn’t hear anything I said, and then-then she missed lunch. She did-did yesterday, t-too.”
“That’s some bullshit,” Damian calls. “She shouldn’t be doing that, I’ll talk to her about that. Okay, so a few things. Back to our checklist. Has Janis stopped saying things like ‘I love you’ or giving you kisses and cuddles and stuff?”
“No,” Cady sobs. She misses that, so much. And it’s only been a day. “She hasn’t.”
“Has Janis ever willingly wanted to spend a long amount of time with Regina? In the entire time you’ve known them? Even now that Reggie is a decent human?” Damian asks, looking at her meaningfully.
“No,” Cady admits. “Not unless one of us is around.”
“So does it make sense for them to be together?”
“No,” she sniffles. “But what if she’s with somebody else?”
“Who would she be with?” He asks.
Cady stops to think. The only other lesbian Janis knows well is Sonja Acquino, and she had gotten a girlfriend over winter break. Girls at school still tended to avoid Janis. Unless she met someone outside of school, there’s nobody she could possibly be with. Cady spends most of her time outside of school with Janis, and Janis would’ve told her if she had met a fellow gay.
Cady processes this realization and bursts into sobs anew. “God, I’m so stupid. Is Janis mad at me?”
“No, little slice, no. Janis has been acting weird, you had every right to be suspicious. Janis isn’t mad, either. She’s frustrated that you won’t talk to her, and she’s upset that you think she would do something like that. But I think once you both take a couple days to process and regroup, you should hear her out and make her hear you out, and then you’ll be fine. You two are so fucking grossly in love, you’re gonna make it through this.”
“Thank you,” Cady sniffs. “For listening. I would’ve understood if you took her side. You’re such a good friend.”
“Thanks, Cads,” Damian chuckles. “I try. But really, I’m friends with both of you; I’m talking to you because I want to. You both have shit happening that you’re not telling the other one about; once you clear the air there won’t even be sides to this. And besides, you’re Pippa’s favorite auntie. We can’t let you get away.”
Cady gives a watery chuckle at that, wiping the tears from under her eyes. “God, I’m such a mess.”
“Bitch, you’re fine. Until, like, five minutes ago you thought you had your second major heartbreak in two years,” Damian chastises gently. “We have ice cream in the freezer, can you go get it for us please?”
“Yes,” Cady says, kissing his cheek and grabbing a tissue from the box on his dresser. “I’ll be right back.”
She hears the clacking of small claws following her down the hallway to the kitchen, turning to see the sweet little squished face of Damian’s french bulldog.
“Hi Pip,” she says in her baby voice. “How are you, puppies?” Pippa wiggles excitedly when Cady picks her up, scrambling to lick the tear tracks from her cheeks. “Oh, thank you. Have you been taking good care of Damian?”
She bursts out laughing when Damian calls “No!” from his room, apparently having overheard their conversation.
“Well that can’t be right, your little face could heal any injury,” Cady says as she sets the dog down. She opens the freezer, grabbing two pints of ice cream and some spoons from the drawer before heading back to Damian.
“Pippa would be a terrible nurse,” Damian says when she comes back. “She keeps tripping me every time I try to go to the bathroom.”
Cady giggles. “She’s doing her best, be nice. Here’s your ice cream.”
“Thank youuuuu,” Damian sings. “Now, what should we watch to get your mind off of things?”
Cady crawls back into bed next to him, helping Pippa up as she stands on her hind legs to see what they’re doing. “Have you found any new bootlegs?”
“Ooh, yeah, actually. I’ve had a lot of time to look,” Damian answers, grabbing his laptop from his nightstand and a flash drive from the drawer. “I found a really good quality one of The Lion King, do you want to watch that?”
Cady’s eyes go wide as she opens her ice cream and she nods excitedly. “I’ve just been watching videos of this monkey who’s best friends with a duck on repeat. It kept making me cry harder because they’re so cute. Your plan sounds better.”
“You are the biggest dork I know, I love you dearly,” Damian responds, bringing up the right file. “Alright, time to see some puppet elephants and shit.”
Cady cuddles into his side as the video starts, with Pippa resting protectively at their feet.
“Is Janis okay?” she asks quietly after they finish.
“Yes, she’s okay. She’ll be better after you two talk, but she’s fine,” Damian responds comfortingly. “I found one of Frozen too, do you want to watch that?”
“Yeah. Thank you.”
She stays over through dinner, watching musicals and playing card games with Damian to pass the time. He makes her promise to shower and clean her inevitably messy room when she gets home, and turn her phone back on.
She keeps her promises and heads to bed, feeling much more secure in her relationships than she did a few hours prior.
Janis stays home from school on Friday, having woken up even angrier than she had the day before.
Her therapist in middle school had told her to find a constructive way to deal with anger, since she had a tendency to cause either severe property damage or accidental damage to herself with her impulse decisions. Damian had had to explain her way out of trouble several times.
So, Janis had taken up yarn crafts. She would knit or cross-stitch or crochet, finding the repetitive motions soothing. Plus, a lot of the tools were quite sharp, making her feel like she had weapons.
She’s aggressively working on embroidering new designs on her jacket right around the time she’s supposed to be in school, when none other than Damian comes barreling into her room, as if he’d felt a disturbance in the force and had come to make sure she’s okay.
“Phone,” he says immediately when he sees her face and choice of activity, hobbling over on his crutches and holding out a hand for it.
“Why?” Janis grumbles but shuts it off and hands it over regardless.
“So you don’t do something on it that you’ll regret later. Internet is permanent. You wanna go throw rocks in the pond?” He asks, as if she’s a toddler throwing a temper tantrum.
“Can you do that? You’re not even supposed to be on crutches yet,” Janis asks, raising an eyebrow at him.
“You know damn well I would saw my legs off for you, I’m fine taking a little longer to heal. Plus, I got cleared by the doctor yesterday, so yes I am supposed to be on crutches yet,” he says childishly as he sticks his tongue out at her. “Are we going or not?”
“Yeah,” Janis mumbles, throwing off her covers to go get dressed.
Luckily, Damian’s unhurt foot is the one he needs to drive, so he can still do so safely. He lets Janis play her Angory Times playlist on the way there, which is just a lot of loud, shouty songs one right after another. Damian normally hates this kind of music, but Janis can see him actively trying to be supportive and let her continue.
Fortunately for him, the pond isn’t too far away, and Janis sees him breathe a sigh of relief when he shuts the car off and the noise stops. Damian grabs his crutches from the backseat and heads off, Janis stalking after him.
She bends to pick up rocks on her way, also grabbing the ones Damian points to. His are for skipping, small and flat and smooth. Hers are just for throwing, heavy ones that will make a good splash when they’re hurtled into the water.
Once their respective collections are amassed, they stand next to one another on the shore and go at it. Janis feels her anger chipping away as she chucks her rocks like baseballs into the murky water, delighting in the splashes echoing around them.
This is part of why she loves Damian so much. He knows exactly what to do to make her feel better in any possible scenario, and is perfectly content to do something as stupid as throw rocks into a creek with her in complete silence. On a sprained foot, no less.
“Nice,” she pants when Damian gets six skips in a row with one of his.
“Thanks,” Damian huffs back. “How many fish d’you think we’ve concussed so far?”
Janis laughs at that, hurtling her last rock as hard as she can. It hurts her shoulder a little, but lands almost halfway across the pond. “I don’t think fish can live in this water, honestly.”
“You’re probably right. Feeling better?” Damian asks, skipping his last stone. Four skips isn’t bad.
“Yeah. Can we get coffee?” Janis asks, trying to catch her breath.
“Yeah. Come on.”
Once Janis has her iced coffee and Damian has his latte, they find a bench to sit on and just watch the world go by for a while.
“So, are you ready to talk about why I had to take you to go chuck rocks into the pond?” Damian asks gently.
Janis sighs. “I just... I want to know what she’s thinking. I thought she trusted me, that we trusted each other. If she can’t believe that I wouldn’t do that to the point of completely cutting me off at the first slightly suspicious thing, then do we even... have a relationship?”
Damian doesn’t say anything, just takes her hand and squeezes it to encourage her to continue.
“Like... what else is going on with her? What is she not telling me? I just-I just don’t know what she needs. I’ve never felt so disconnected from her before. I’m-I’m scared.” Janis murmurs.
Damian hums sadly. “Can I tell you something?”
“Yeah,” Janis mumbles.
“I really don’t think this is happening because Cady doesn’t trust you. I think it’s happening because she doesn’t trust herself.” Damian responds. “She was a wreck when she came over yesterday, she had obviously been crying and hadn’t showered, things like that. Her hair wasn’t even brushed. When Aaron got back with Regina she got hot and did our whole revenge party thing.”
Janis takes her turn to listen, letting him continue.
“Cady grew up with lions and shit. If she thought you were cheating on her she should’ve been angry, not sad. Just based on who she is as a person. There’s something more happening.”
Janis thinks on what he’s said for a second. “Doesn’t trust herself? What do you mean? Doesn’t trust herself not to cheat on me?”
“No, no,” Damian says hastily. He pauses, trying to figure out how to word his point. “I don’t think Cady thinks she deserves you. She doesn’t trust herself to be what you want or need.”
“Am I that bad of a girlfriend? How could she think that? Why wouldn’t she tell me she was feeling like that?” Janis asks, trying to hold back the tears burning her eyes.
“Because you might have told her she was right. You and I know you would never do that, and I think she knows that too. But her anxiety about it overrode her rationality for a while. Cady has a lot going on. And no, you’re not a terrible girlfriend. You’re a pretty good one, actually. This is your first argument, it’s understandable,” Damian comforts.
“I just... I don’t want to lose her. And this is so stupid, why can’t I just-just stop being so angry?” Janis grits out.
“I think it’s fair for you to be angry, honestly. Cady didn’t mean for it to be, but this is kind of an attack on your character. She accused you of cheating,” Damian replies, wrapping and arm around her shoulders.
“I guess. Feels shitty,” Janis mumbles, leaning to rest her head on his shoulder.
“It’s meant to. But try to think of how she’s feeling, too,” Damian says as he rests his cheek on her head. “I had to explain to her why it didn’t make sense for you to cheat, and when it finally sank in the first thing she asked was if you were angry at her. For even thinking you would do that.”
That finally gets the tears from Janis, pressing the heels of her hands into her eyes as she feels any lingering anger directed at Cady fade into nothing. “God, Caddy. What do I do, Damian?”
“For now, finish your coffee. She invited you to explain tomorrow, yeah?” Damian asks. Janis nods. “Okay, so tomorrow go over and... do something. I know you didn’t technically do anything wrong, but maybe apologize for... how she took it, I guess? You were acting kind of shady. Make sure she knows you would never cheat, tell her she can trust you, stuff like that. Just take everything one step at a time.”
“Okay,” Janis sniffles. “Is-was she okay?”
“Not at first, I’ll be honest,” Damian replies. “She said she had been watching videos of this monkey and duck who are best friends to try to cheer herself up, and I had to watch two bootlegs with her to even see her smile. But once we had a chat and stuff she seemed a lot more secure. Confident. She’ll probably apologize before you even get a chance.”
Janis gives a watery chuckle at the mention of the inter-species friendship videos. “That’s my girl. Thanks for checking on her.”
“Caddy said the same things. She wanted to know if you were okay, said thanks for even thinking about her.”
“I miss her so much,” Janis sniffs.
Damian takes her hand again. “And that’s how I know this is going to work out. You’re both upset with each other, and yet all both of you can think about is making up so you can be together again.”
“I hope so.”
“I know so. Y’all are the most disgustingly loving couple I know, you both look at the other like they hung the stars. You two are going to be fine.”
“Okay. I love you,” Janis responds, wiping her tears with her sleeve.
“I love you too. You wanna go play with the birds at the pet store?” Damian asks, hauling himself back onto his crutches.
“You know me too well,” Janis replies with a small grin, following him back to his car.
On Saturday, Cady tells Janis she can come over to finally have a talk. Janis decides to come in through the window for dramatic effect, nearly falling out of the tree she has to climb to do so until Cady hauls her in safely.
“What the hell, Janis? It’s pouring with rain, why didn’t you come in through the door? You could’ve broken your neck,” Cady insists like a worried mother, leaving to fetch her a towel. It’s strange, not immediately pulling her in for a kiss or hug. She doesn’t like it.
“I didn’t, though, and that’s the key,” Janis says, rubbing the towel over her hair quickly. Once that’s done she gestures for Cady to sit on her bed, sitting across from her criss-cross applesauce. She takes a breath to prepare herself, but Cady speaks before she can.
“Janis, I’m so sorry. I don’t-I don’t know what I was thinking, I should’ve known you’d never do that, especially with Regina. I hadn’t slept in two days, I was so irrational,” she bursts out rapidly.
“Hey, Caddy, shh. I’m supposed to be apologizing to you. I understand how that whole thing with Regina might have looked to you, so I’m sorry for that, first of all,” Janis says. “I’m sorry I ever made you think I would do that to you. I’m sorry I’ve been ignoring you. I’m sorry I ever made you feel like you’re not enough for me. I love you. I need you to know I would never even think about cheating. It’s important we trust each other with stuff like that, from now on.”
Cady nods. “I do, I know you would never do that. I trust you, it’s just... Jesus, I don’t even know,” She sighs, burying her face in her hands.
“Cads, hey. Can I touch you?” Janis asks gently, taking her hands when Cady gives a nod and squeezing them. She hates this, it feels like they’re back at square one of their relationship. Maybe they are. “What’s going on?”
“I know Regina has worked on herself, a lot, and I hate feeling like this. But she took Aaron away right when she found out I liked him. What would’ve stopped her from doing it with you?”
“Me,” Janis insists. “I would have stopped it.”
“But what if she’s better for you?!” Cady asks pleadingly. “Regina could take care of you. She’s pretty, and nice now. She’s rich, and smart, and she can do art and stuff too. What- what do I have? I’m just some homeschooled weirdo from Kenya who doesn’t understand people and won’t shut up about math. I-I’m autistic, that’s gonna be hard to deal with sometimes, and in terms of looks I’m not anything special. I want you to have someone who makes you happy. You deserve someone like her. Someone.... someone better.”
“I don’t give a hot, crispy, Kentucky fried fuck what you think I deserve. I know what I want, and I want you. I want my Caddy, my Peanut, my Butterfly,” Janis says passionately, cupping her cheeks and looking into her eyes. “I want your pretty blue eyes and your red hair that smells like cherries and your freckles I can find constellations in. I want my math nerd who does calculus for fun and who can’t do art to save her life but tries anyway because she knows it’ll make me smile. I want my animal lover who makes friends with the squirrels in the woods and didn’t notice a deer followed her on her walk to my house, my girl who can tell me facts I never needed to know about lions and fun stories about Africa. You make me happy. I want you, baby. Nobody else.”
Cady throws herself at Janis, knocking her backwards onto the bed and locking their lips together. Janis kisses her back just as hard, gripping her waist so hard Cady can feel bruises forming. She doesn’t care. She’s flooded with relief at the familiar waxy texture of Janis’ lipstick, the comforting smell of vanilla from her soft skin and the safe feeling of being held in her arms. She pulls back for a split second to breathe before diving back in, gasping as Janis nips her lip and twines their tongues together.
When they finally pull back, Janis just cups Cady’s face to look at her, lips swollen and two-toned hair wild around her. “I’m so sorry,” Cady says, pulling back to sit again and burying herself in Janis’ shoulder when she follows. “I hated fighting, I love you, I’m sorry.”
“The only thing you have to be sorry for is not telling me you were feeling that way. This is only gonna work if we both feel okay about ourselves, and tell each other when we don’t. I’m sorry for not talking with you about this kind of thing sooner. This whole relationship needs to be based on trust and talking to each other, okay?”
Cady nods. “Okay. We both take care of each other?”
“Exactly, my girl,” Janis confirms, grinning as Cady kisses her cheeks. “But ourselves, too.”
“Have you ever felt like this? With me?” Cady asks gently.
“Of course. I wonder every day what I did to deserve you. I was so jealous the whole time you were with Aaron, and I thought you were way out of my league for a long time,” Janis responds, chuckling when Cady pulls back to look at her incredulously. “You’re so beautiful, and so smart. You were queen of the school for a good while, I thought you would at least want someone as smart as you, if not as nice and pretty. When we first got together I spent a lot of time wondering why you didn’t pick Kevin or even Regina over me.”
“Then I’m sorry too. You’re what I want, I love you. I love the way you always smell like paint, I love the one little chunk of hair that always slips into your face,” Cady says, brushing it behind Janis’ ear. “I love the way you’re so tough and strong and yet you cry over the snake food at the pet store and try to steal the dwarf hamsters every time we go. I love how you never let my feet touch the ground when we’re together, and how you seem so cold but give the warmest hugs and softest kisses. I love how you’re the only person who regularly asks for stories about Kenya and never tells me to be quiet, and how you let me ramble about math and at least pretend to be interested even though you don’t understand what I’m on about. I love that you let me call you stupid little nicknames even though it ‘goes against your image’. I love that you’re so passionate about everything, that you care so much about what’s important to you and aren’t afraid to let people know it. I. Love. You. So much. Promise me you’ll tell me if you feel that way again.”
“I promise, baby. I love you too,” Janis responds with tears in her eyes. Cady clings to her tightly, happy they seem to be okay again. They sit like that for a short while, content to be holding each other again.
“Janis?” Cady asks quietly after a moment.
“Yes, Princess?” Janis responds, opening her eyes again.
“What have you been talking with Regina about?”
Janis chuckles, kissing her cheek. “I’ve been trying to come up with something to surprise you with, to celebrate you being valedictorian. Reggie likes party planning and stuff, I thought she might have some ideas.”
“Oh my god, I’m so stupid,” Cady chuckles. Janis flicks her gently.
“Hey, no you’re not. You’re the valedictorian, for fucks sake. And I did not go about any of this correctly.”
“I didn’t either, I don’t blame you. But you don’t have to get me anything, Jayjay,” Cady mumbles sheepishly as she nuzzles back into Janis.
“I know I don’t have to, I want to,” Janis replies. “You’ve worked so hard, you deserve something.”
“What have you guys come up with?” Cady asks.
“Regina wants to throw you some kind of party, but that’s all we’ve gotten so far. I’m trying to talk her out of some sort of rager,” Janis answers.
“Oh, that sounds fun. But yeah, I don’t want anything big or crazy,” Cady says.
“What do you want? Since it’s not a surprise anymore. Might as well get your input,” Janis says in response.
Cady thinks for a while. “I dunno. Something with food. Maybe outside if it’s a nice day. I trust your judgement.”
“A dangerous choice,” Janis chuckles.
“I know,” Cady giggles. “But really. As long as it’s not anything crazy or expensive I don’t mind what you choose to do.”
“Okay. I can work with that. I love you,” Janis says.
“I love you too. I missed you,” Cady says.
“I missed you too, baby,” Janis responds. “Was torture without you.”
“We really have to do something for Damian, too,” Cady hums thoughtfully. “I would’ve totally spiraled without him.”
“God, yeah, me too,” Janis says. “You think of something to get him, we’ll give it to him on the same day we do your little bash.”
“Okay,” Cady giggles. She goes quiet for a long moment before piping up again. “Janis?”
“Can you help me with my English project?”
“Yes,” Janis laughs. “Of course.”
“Thank god.”
“Hey, Cady, can we talk?” Regina stops her in the hallway on her way to study hall.
“Oh god, Regina! Sorry, you scared me. Uh, yeah, are you okay with talking in the bathroom?”
Regina grimaces, but nods. Cady follows her in.
“Regina, I’m sorry, I should never have accused you of trying to steal Janis,” Cady apologizes. “You’ve worked so much on being nicer, and it really shows, I’m sorry I ever thought you would still do something like that.”
“Whoa, Cady,” Regina says. “Um, it’s... fine. I wasn’t expecting you to apologize. I wanted to apologize, I should have been more careful with how Janis and I were meeting and stuff. I don’t know if she’s talked to you yet, but she would never cheat on you, especially with me. I think she still hates me. Please forgive Janis, none of this was her fault.”
“Gina, hey,” Cady comforts. “Janis and I talked this weekend, we’re back together. Everything is okay. We’ve all learned some very valuable lessons. I forgive you.”
“Oh thank fuck,” Regina sighs. “The universe has felt out of balance since you broke up. I was wondering what you guys were going to do to me that could be worse than the Kälteen bars.”
“I’m still sorry about those,” Cady mumbles sheepishly. “Let’s just, like... talk about stuff, in the future? Stop having to have moments like this?”
“Agreed,” Regina says. “You want to hug it out, don’t you?” Cady nods. “Fine. Thirty seconds.”
“I’ll take it,” Cady says happily. “I’ll make a hugger out of you yet.”
“Jayjay!” Cady calls, leaping on Janis from behind.
“Jesus fuck! Caddy! Don’t do that,” Janis yelps as she turns around.
“Hi,” Cady says, grinning up at her. “I sowwy.”
Janis glares at her. “You’re forgiven. For a kiss.”
Cady happily obliges, reaching her arms around Janis’ neck as she leans up to kiss her sweetly. “Better?”
“For now,” Janis says, pecking her gently again. “Do you want to work on your project? I’ve been freed from planning your little shindig for the day, Regina wanted to go see Damian.”
“Aww, that’s nice of her. I definitely need your help, it’s due on Friday and I only have a couple slides,” Cady says.
“Tits. You ready to go?”
“Yeah,” Cady says, lacing their fingers together as Janis leads her to her truck.
Janis flops onto Cady’s bed when they arrive, reaching for her laptop to see what Cady has so far. She bursts out laughing when she sees the only slide Cady’s made.
“What’s so funny?” Cady asks. She’d been pretty sleep deprived by the time she actually got around to putting it together, but thought she had done a pretty good job.
“Did you proofread this at all?” Janis says in between fits of laughter.
“I hadn’t slept in two days at the time, but yes,” Cady replies, almost offended.
“Baby, this just says ‘I’m so tired. Please god let me sleep.’ over and over with a bunch of typos,” Janis says breathlessly, wiping tears of laughter from under her eyes.
“Oh. Oops,” Cady replies. Apparently she’s made less progress than she had thought.
“Next time, pace yourself. You need to sleep, Butterfly,” Janis says, reaching for her. Cady comes to sit on her lap.
“So, what career do you want to do this project on? It’s supposed to be what you want to do when you grow up, right?” Janis asks, holding her close.
“Yeah,” Cady mumbles. “But... I don’t know what I want to do.”
“Oh, baby, that’s okay. I don’t know either,” Janis comforts. “Do you have any ideas of jobs you want?”
“My parents want me to go into zoology, like them,” Cady replies. “And I’ve been... wondering if I should go into medicine. Like Rhys wanted to. Since he couldn’t himself.”
“But what do you want to do?” Janis asks. “I think it’s great that you’re considering medicine for your brother, but if it’s not what you really want then you shouldn’t force yourself into it.”
“I kind of want to teach math,” Cady mumbles shyly. “Like, to college or high school kids. Maybe get my PhD in math and stuff. I think math is fun, I want to help other people have fun with it too.”
“You would be such a good teacher, baby,” Janis comforts, kissing her cheek. “You should absolutely do that if it’s what you want. You’ll be successful enough to make your parents happy, and be doing something you’re interested in. That’s a great fit for you.”
Cady looks more than a little relieved at that, but realizes something. “I’d feel guilty though. I promised I’d become a doctor for Rhys when he died. I just... don’t really want to anymore. I don’t think I’d be very good at it.”
“Butterfly, Rhys would want you to be happy with whatever you choose to do. You already honor him every day just by existing. You’re so smart, and kind, and beautiful. I know you’re already making him proud, you don’t owe him anything else,” Janis reminds her. She never met Rhys, but from everything she’s heard about him she just made a true statement.
“Thank you, Jayjay. I guess if I did get my PhD I’d technically be a doctor,” Cady jokes. “I’ll decide later, I have a couple years.”
“That you do. Unfortunately, becoming a math teacher doesn’t make for a very interesting project, though, so maybe pick a fake career and we’ll look into that,” Janis says.
“I did actually want to be a zoologist when I was really little, we could do that,” Cady says.
“Sounds like a plan,” Janis replies as she kisses her cheek. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Cady responds. “Can we just make out instead?”
“Tempting,” Janis says. “You get one minute of kissing for every half hour.”
“Hey, Cady, can you go to the mall with us after school today?” Gretchen asks, flanked by Karen.
“Yeah,” Cady responds. “Is this related at all to-“
“No!” Karen insists before she can finish.
“Karen, sweetie, she knows she’s having some kind of party. She just doesn’t know what’s happening specifically,” Gretchen says quietly.
“Oh yeah,” Karen says. “Then yes. They’re going shopping for supplies today and told us to distract you. Confetti emoji.”
“Ah,” Cady giggles. “Yeah, I can go. I’ll meet you guys by the main doors after school?”
“Caucasian thumbs up!” Karen responds, pulling Gretchen away.
“Yeah, we’ll be there!”
“Okay, Sarkisian, what’s this wonderful idea you’ve had?” Regina asks.
“A picnic!” Janis says excitedly. “She wants something with food and something outside. We’ll have a picnic in the park.”
“That... actually doesn’t sound terrible,” Regina says. “So what do we need?”
“A big-ass blanket,” Janis responds as they enter a party store. “And food. And Caddy loves balloons, but we should get those on the day.”
“Who’s gonna make the food, Jan?” Regina asks.
“Jules can, she loves to cook. She’s been wanting to practice stuff anyway,” Janis responds, looking at their selections of plates.
“How is she?” Regina asks quietly. She hasn’t seen Juliana since she and Janis were twelve.
“She’s good,” Janis answers. “Tall as shit, little evil genius. She’s super smart and sarcastic and stuff. She’s big into writing now, too. How’s Kylie been?”
“I... She... I’m...” Regina stutters. “She’s a good kid, but she’s turning into a little version of me. I’m trying to stop her before she gets to where I was.”
Janis hums sadly. “Well, at least you’re a better role model for her now. And you’re both getting the help you need. Kylie was the sweetest little thing last time I saw her, I don’t think she can get to your level.”
“I hope not,” Regina mumbles. “Cady likes yellow, right? We could do white and yellow, that would be cute.”
Janis gets the sense they’re done talking about their families for a reason, now. “Yeah, yellow is her favorite. We could go buy some white sheets from somewhere for cheap and then do yellow plates and shit.”
“Done. I’m buying,” Regina says, grabbing several packs of plates and napkins.
“No! She’s my girlfriend,” Janis protests. “I’m paying.”
“Jan, just let me have this.”
“Fine. ‘S your money,” Janis grumbles.
“Thank you.”
Cady, unfortunately, has study hall as her last class of the day in the English wing, so she has to rush to meet Gretchen and Karen by the entrance to the school.
She’s so excited to be spending time with them that she almost runs past them, managing to slow down just before she barrels into Gretchen.
“Hi, sorry,” she says breathlessly. “Who’s driving?”
“I will,” Gretchen offers. Riding with other drivers tends to make her anxious.
“I call shotgun!” Karen calls, already heading to the car. That leaves Cady in the back, which she doesn’t mind.
They put their backpacks in the trunk and hop in, Karen dancing along in her seat to the radio. Cady texts Damian on the ride there, since he had an appointment to check on his foot today. He’d been back in school starting that week, but was still stuck on crutches.
Little Slice: How was the doctor????
Big Slice: Good! I don’t have to use crutches anymore, I just have to wear a boot and go easy on it
Big Slice: No dancing for a while :(
Little Slice: Aw :((( You’ll be back to dancing soon though!!
Little Slice: And yay no more crutches!!!!!!!!!
Big Slice: Yeah now Pippa can’t trip me lmao
Big Slice: Wait aren’t you at the mall??
Little Slice: Yeah, we just got here. I just wanted to check on you 📷
Big Slice: Aw, thanks Cads
Big Slice: Go have fun I’m all good
Little Slice: Okay. Love you 🥰
Big Slice: Love you too, go eat pretzels 🥨
Little Slice: 📷🥨
She chuckles and shuts her phone off, following after her friends into the mall. “Are you guys wanting anything in particular or are we just here for fun?”
“Both!” Karen cheers. “We should totally buy you an outfit for your party. But I also want frozen yogurt.”
“Oh, I didn’t bring any money,” Cady remembers. “But you guys should have fun, I’ll just hang around.”
“No, it’s our treat. We haven’t paid anything for your party,” Gretchen says.
“You guys don’t have to do that,” Cady mumbles. She’s slightly embarrassed by all the attention she’s been getting lately.
“Money bag emoji, let us buy you stuff, Cady. We’re both pretty rich,” Karen says.
“Yeah, come on. Frozen yogurt and one outfit from, like, Forever 21 or something isn’t that expensive anyway, Cades,” Gretchen adds.
“Okay, fine,” Cady begrudgingly agrees. “Let’s do yogurt first, I’m hungry.”
Karen takes both their hands and hauls them towards her favorite shop.
Once they’re sufficiently full of yogurt and toppings, they head to find an outfit for Cady. Gretchen wanders off for a second, leaving Karen and Cady to browse some racks. She comes back with a beautiful white sundress, patterned with yellow flowers.
She shyly approaches Cady, offering the dress. “What do you think of this?”
“Oh, Gretch, this is so pretty! Let me go try it on, it’s beautiful,” Cady squeals, rushing towards the changing rooms. It’s a soft cotton, with a pretty tight bodice and a skirt that flares at her waist, and ends just above her knees. Gretchen seems to have remembered her sizes from their plastic days, the dress fits perfectly.
She opens the curtain to go show her friends, both of them clapping happily and squealing as she spins around. It’s different than it was when they went shopping last year. She can tell their reactions are genuine, rather than just trying to appease her.
“What do you think?” Gretchen asks shyly.
“Gretch, it’s perfect. It’s so soft,” Cady says, looking at herself in the mirror. It has short sleeves, so she might get a little chilly, but she can steal a jacket from Janis. “And, I can wear it to graduation too. It’s beautiful.”
“Oh, good,” Gretchen breathes. She’s working on not needing quite so much external validation, but it’s a slow process.
“You look hot,” Karen adds, making Cady laugh.
“Thanks,” She says, kicking up a heel. “Do you guys want to come over? Watch a movie or something?”
“Totally, that would be fetch,” Gretchen says.
“I’m so glad you still say fetch,” Cady giggles. “Let’s go!”
A few days later, Janis is typing the final few slides of Cady’s project as her girlfriend lays in her lap and dictates.
“And... you’re done,” Janis says as she enters the last few words. “Now we just need to proofread it and cite your sources.”
“Mmh,” Cady whines. “I hate citing stuff.”
“I hate it too,” Janis says, leaning down to kiss her gently. Cady rests a hand on the back of her head, keeping her close and kissing her back. Janis gives in for a second, before she resists and pulls back. “Stop trying to seduce me into letting you slack off, Peanut.”
“Fine,” Cady huffs as she sits up, still in Janis’ lap as she enters all her sources. “There.”
Janis turns her around to face her. “Good job, baby.”
“Thank you for helping me,” Cady says contently as she nuzzles into her. “I love you.”
“I love you too. So much,” Janis hums. “Have you thought of anything to get for Damian, by the way?”
“A couple things,” Cady says. “He mentioned something when you guys were telling me about Phillip last year, um... an... uh-“
“Edible arrangement?” Janis asks with a chuckle, remembering the story.
“Yeah! What are those?” Cady asks.
“They’re like flower bouquets but they’re made of fruit, so you can eat them,” Janis replies.
“Oh. We could make one of those? Does he like them?”
“That would be cute,” Janis says. “He likes fruit a lot, I don’t see why he wouldn’t like one. They can’t be too hard to make.”
“Don’t say that, you’ll jinx us,” Cady jokes. “We should decorate a little vase to put it in, too.”
“Sounds like a plan, Butterfly,” Janis says. “Are you excited for Sunday?” She and Regina had finally gathered everything they would need, and decided to have the picnic on Sunday so Juliana would have Saturday to prep the food, with the assistance of Regina and their moms.
“Yes! I can’t wait to see what you guys came up with,” Cady says happily. “I know it’ll be perfect.”
“Good,” Janis says as she leans in to kiss her. “I love you.”
“I love you more,” Cady teases.
“No way. I love you most.”
“Well... I love you... moster.” Cady stumbles, making them both laugh.
“Okay, fine, you win for today,” Janis chuckles.
“Ha! I win,” Cady says. “My prize is cuddles.”
“I can live with that.”
Sunday finally rolls around, and Janis is shaking with excitement. She’d spent the day before with Cady, putting together Damian’s thank you gift while Regina and Juliana spent the day cooking at her house.
She and Cady had both wound up absolutely covered in paint from trying to decorate the vase they had picked, and painted a Broadway stage on. Once they had scrubbed most of it off, they decided to start prepping the fruit, neither of them quite understanding how to turn a cantaloupe into a flower. Eventually they got the hang of it, putting together a rather lovely arrangement. Damian would like it, at least.
Cady had mischievously decided to chuck a melon ball at Janis once they had finished putting everything together, so Janis had thrown a grape back. Eventually every piece of the extra fruit they had had been thrown at someone, and they had a delicious mess to clean up.
Her jacket had also gone missing, which was slightly concerning. She had planned on wearing it to the picnic as well, but is wearing a backup since it never turned up.
“Janny. Breathe,” Juliana demands. as Janis is frantically running around trying to make sure everything is in place. They’d bought cheap white sheets and stitched them together to make a massive blanket, which is spread over the soft grass, and bought yellow balloons which are weighing the blanket down at the corners.
Juliana had truly gone all out, prepping almost all of Cady’s favorite foods. All sorts of sandwiches, chocolate covered strawberries, a cheese board, pink lemonade, and even an adorable froggy cake.
“Okay,” Janis says as she teases a deep breath. “You really did a great job, kid, this stuff looks great.”
Julie beams up at her as Janis pulls her into a hug. “Thanks, Janny.”
“Yeah, Jan, chill. Everything’s fine, just wait for your girl,” Regina says, adjusting a bunch of balloons.
She doesn’t have to wait long, as Damian shows up about ten minutes later with her blindfolded girlfriend in tow. So that’s where her jacket had gone.
He leads Cady to a good place, where she can see the whole spread, before he unties her blindfold.
Cady gasps excitedly, taking everything in for a split second before she runs to jump into Janis’ arms. Janis spins her around as Cady giggles happily, grinning down at her. She pulls Janis down into a kiss as soon as she’s on her feet again, wrapping her arms around her neck and pressing the lips together sweetly.
“Janis, this is beautiful, I love it,” she says as soon as they break apart. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, baby,” Janis says quietly, leaning down to kiss her again. They only remember they’re not alone when everyone starts making gagging noises, Juliana somehow already on Damian’s back. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Cady whispers, giving her one more peck before going to thank Regina and Julie. Regina begrudgingly accepts a hug, and Julie grins happily as Cady wraps her in a tight hug and kisses her cheek. Once that’s been handled she looks around a little more, smiling widely. “Should we give Damian his thing now?”
“Sure,” Janis says, heading to grab it as Damian does a lazy waltz with her sister. He only has to wear the boot for a few more weeks, luckily. “Dame!”
“What? Aww!” He squeals when they hold out his homemade fruit bouquet. “This is so cute.”
“It’s a thank you present, for telling us we were both being idiots but in a nice way,” Janis replies. “Neither of us want to think about what would’ve happened if you hadn’t been there to talk us down.”
“Aww. I should become a marriage counselor, if I get this kind of stuff every time,” Damian says, eating one of the melon flowers. He gasps with exaggerated drama as they both lean in to smooch one of his cheeks at the same time, pressing a hand over his heart.
“Thanks, Damian,” Cady giggles.
“You’re welcome. When do we get to eat?” Damian asks, cradling his bouquet.
“Once everyone else shows up,” Regina answers, coming over to join their conversation. “Speak of the devil.”
Cady peeks around Damian to see who else has arrived, going to greet the Mathletes, along with Karen and Gretchen with a hug.
She spends the picnic chatting with everyone, but also spends a lot of it stuck close to Janis. She’s either hugging her, in her lap, or holding her hand throughout the whole thing. It’s cute.
Cady and Janis stay behind after everyone else goes home to clean up, deciding to have a moment to themselves first. The sun went down a while ago, so they cuddle up on the blanket and look at the stars.
“I love you,” Cady says quietly after a while, rolling on top of Janis.
“I love you too,” Janis responds as she pulls her down into a kiss. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Thank you,” Cady whispers, ghosting the words over Janis’ lips. “Today was perfect.”
“I’m glad,” Janis says. “Now kiss me.”
Cady obliges, cupping her face to kiss her as Janis rests her hands on her waist. Janis flicks her tongue at the seam of her lips, moaning quietly when Cady lets her in and their tongues meet.
They both know they should get to work soon, but for now their responsibilities are allowed to fade into the background. The picnic was wonderful, but not quite worth almost losing one another.
They lose the world in each other, tasting the universe on each other’s lips as the stars twinkle just for them above their heads.
All is well.
hope you enjoyed! this was a prompt fill for Hayeena and Aubrey_Plaza_Stole_HappiestSeason on ao3.
also, translation for the Swahili: ndege wangu mdogo wa wimbo: my little songbird. I have no idea if its accurate, I don't speak Swahili.
requests are still open! please leave them either here, on my ao3 or on my wattpad. all are the same handle, maybeimamuppet.
lots of love,
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whyqueerbaitingisbad · 4 years ago
movies & shows
cracks knuckles* alright this is going to be more of a rant than an analysis because i’m basing this on both my research, but also how it felt to personally be baited by these shows. there are obviously more pieces of bad (almost every horror movie) and good ones but these are the ones i’ve watched.
please keep in mind that i am but one queer and everyone has different opinions.
Supernatural (CW) 2005
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This show is 15 years old and just ended. From season 5 till 15, there has been tension between two of the lead characters. They were constantly shipped together and not only did the entire fandom know about this ship but so did almost all of Tumblr. On top of that, the actors and show runners knew about it as well. Which is why it makes it ridiculous that it was constantly pushed aside while the romantic coding  kept happening, even after show runners dismissed it as being intentional. The Destiel (Dean x Cas) case has been going on for years, and as the show came to its end, many fans had hope. But N O P E. Instead, we got a love confession from Cas where Dean looked like he was near constipated and the Cas was killed and sent into a fiery place that was not hell but s u p e r  h e l l.
… w hy.
Sherlock (BBC) 2010
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Just like Supernatural, this show was renown on Tumblr for not only how good it was, but its hinting at a potential relationship between Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. But again, like Supernatural, the intentional tension between the two characters was denied by producers. This caused an uproar within the fandom, and even left some people believing that, after the last season aired, it had been a joke and the producers were hiding a “secret, unaired season” because they had felt so robbed by this show that had implied something and denied it.
The 100 (CW) 2014
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We got lesbians. We got background gays. We were happy. Then, all of a sudden, one of them is killed for no reason. Did it advance the plot? No. Was she fighting and died in battle? lol no. She was doing literally nothing and got shot and died. And then the producers kept bringing her back once a season in the form of a ghost or illusion because why? Because she was a fan favourite queer character. ✨bury your gays and sparingly bring them back for profit anyone?✨
Voltron: Legendary Defender (Netflix) 2016
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*deep breathe* This one is a special disaster. Not only was there romantic tension and romantically coded scenes for 7 seasons, but producers, voice actors and artists working on the show repeatedly said “don’t worry klance (Keith x Lance) shippers, you’ll be happy”
. … w h e r e??? You code one of their scenes with a sunset in the background while they talk about love and then one of them goes on a date with someone who has declined his advances for 7 seasons but now in season 8 decides to do a full 180. Not only that, but you announce at a Comic Con (a convention) that a character is gay and has a fiancé, only to kill off the fiancé and never make it explicit in the show except at the last second of the last episode where he marries a no name character. 
Personally, i’d like to say a big fuck you to the show that strung me along for 2 years and never stopped saying we’d be happy to then pull the rug out from under us and call us crazy for thinking anything from the past 8 seasons was intentional.
Scooby-Doo (2002) 
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While not being outwardly queerbaiting, this movie’s filmmaker has just revealed some shocking news, which wasn’t at all shocking to the gays who had watched this movie over the years. In July of 2020, James Gunn, the filmmaker of Scooby-Doo, revealed in a podcast that, initially, Velma was explicitly gay in his script, but then the studio watered it down until it became nothing. This isn’t an example of baiting as much as it is changing a character’s initial design to “better fit an audience”. The worst part of all this is that with Velma’s character having been written with a l i t t l e queer subtext, people had been theorizing about if since the movie came out, but were always yelled at by the internet for “imagining something that isn’t there”. But now, even with it being said that the initial point was for her to be gay, people have no objections to still refusing to accept it. Why?? So we can’t get the subtext gays OR the confirmed gays?? Make it make sense.
Brooklyn 99 (NBC) 2013
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To have the queer characters firstly introduced without mentioning their sexualities and have it brought up naturally was so goddamn nice to see, because no one does a big deal about it unless they ask for that. This show is amazing in general but the way they show their queer characters is *chefs kiss*.
She-ra and the Princesses of Power (Netflix) 2018
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This. Show. My heart SOARS. It's just a remake of an old show so absolutely nothing was ever expected, but then it was sprinkled in and ENDED WITH A BANG. And it was so beautiful and real to see the struggle of two friends who care for each other and want to be together but have different visions of the world fall in love. And they also had characters with disabilities, a non-binary character and jUST SUCH A GOOD SHOW.
Kipo and The Age of Wonderbeasts (Netflix) 2020
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This is a case where you go into it not expecting anything and are BLOWN AWAY by the bare minimum. And not because it’s bad!! It's mind blowing because this is the simple representation we need!! Not something over the top, but an every day relationship. It’s just two boys falling in love and going on dates and being nervous around each other, yet i was so stunned. Because it’s not shown enough. I should not be this excited over something that should be this normal. 10/10 though this show is so good for all kinds of representation.
Steven Universe (Cartoon Network) 2013
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This show did so much for queer representation with its general message of loving everyone and loving who you want. Especially since it was aired on Cartoon Network, a channel for kids, it was able to help normalize something so looked down upon in some circles. It made it easy to watch for s o m e people because it's a cartoon but it's so beautiful to see these ladies so in love with each other, both platonically and romantically and we see them have a family dynamic that isn’t a “nuclear family”. Rebecca Sugar (creator) really said “lemme just break all stereotypes real quick”.
Adventure Time (Cartoon Network) 2010
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It's the “knowing a fanbase shipped something so hard that the creators made it canon” for me. This relationship had been theorized by fans for years, but it had never been explicit in the show. When the finale episode came out and the two shared a kiss, it was a moment of celebration. The producer of the show said that it had not really been planned but when the episode was being made, the choice of what happened was given to one of the artists (bless your soul Hanna K. Nyströmthe). And as the show releases little bonus episodes, its latest was centered around Marceline and Bubblegum and their relationship. AND WE LOVE TO SEE OUR DOMESTIC LESBIANS BEING HAPPY AND IN LOVE.
Yuri on Ice!!! (anime) 2016
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The fact that an A N I M E gave us a love story between two men is mind boggling and it makes me so happy!! Especially because it's a Japanese show and they’re very conservative about these things just makes it more emotional. The creators said they wanted to make the anime take place in a world where gay/straight isn’t a thing, it’s just love (ladies, you’re going to make me cry). So as the weekly episodes came out and fans start speculating, THEY GAVE US THE LAST FEW EPISODES FULL OF ROMANCE AND EMOTIONAL SCENES BETWEEN THE TWO AND THEN THEY GET R I N GS?!???!! You watch for the figure skating, you stay for the figure skaters that are in love.
Shadowhunters (Freeform) 2016
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*insert me being frustrated that the actors are straight so we can move on from that disappointment*
This show really said “let’s name a whole episode after this couple because they deserve it”. But seriously, they gave us two characters whose entire plot does not center around their sexualities while still showing us the differences in a relationship between someone experienced and someone new at this. They were both powerful and amazing characters apart from each other, with their own story lines and goals but they loved each other so much omgs. SO MUCH. 
It was so great to watch.
Love, Simon (2018) 
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There’s a lot of disagreement on whether this movie is good representation or not. However, we need to take into consideration that this was Hollywood’s first movie with a main character that was gay, where the story’s focus was on Simon’s love story. The biggest problem, for me at least, was that the actor playing Simon is a straight man and not queer. My problem is not with him, but the fact that there are other actors that are gay and that could have played Simon just as well. (the love interested was however played by a queer actor so ✨progress✨)
All in all, this movie does represent what a lot of queer kids have to go through: being outed at school, how they then come out, the bullying and doubt they go through.
The book is also really good.
Call Me By Your Name (2018)
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This movie is so aesthetically pleasing and was able to capture the confusion and heartbreak felt by a boy who’s struggling with his own feelings towards a man. His inner conflict and joy and l o v e he feels but doesn’t know how to deal with is so well communicated through the screen and just breaks your heart because it feels so real.
But again, they could’ve gotten gay actors to play gay characters…
through having this list here, i want to show you that it’s not hard for creators to give good queer representation. the LGBTQ+ community isn’t asking for much, we just want to be well represented on screen as just a regular character, not some token queer kid there for the diversity points. having been exposed to so much queerbaiting and just not seeing any representation on screen, i always get over-excited when i see a queer character, and that’s not how it should be. it should be a normal thing, something you can find in most pieces of media, just like there’s a straight white cisgender person in everything.
and they seriously need to start casting queer actors for queer characters...
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cockasinthebird · 5 years ago
ahhh grats on the milestone!! also holy shit youve got 500 prompts stored away somewhere??? im gonna go with my favourite number combo..... 317 👀 im super excited to see what you come up with!! 💖 -bbsitterpng
@babysitterpng  Thank you so much!!! And yes, 500 goddamn prompts, all carefully curated, only the best for my beloved mutuals and followers!!
I got SO ELATED when I saw that you sent me a mystery prompt request!!!! ❤️💕 I would have finished it yesterday, but I got uhhh distracted 😏😏😏
317. “I think you’ll be happy to know I’m not wearing any underwear.”
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again and again and again; I knew exactly what I wanted to write for this immediately, and while I worry the exposition seems too rushed, I am very satisfied with the rest, all near 4k words!
So please, enjoy~
Today has been a long day that started when the sun had barely found its place in the sky.
Neil was beating at his bedroom door, asking why it’s locked, threatening to kick it down, demanding that Billy get up right now to mow the lawn, just to complain about what a shitty job he did after, shouting about how he has to do everything himself.
Billy would beat his pillows, lift weights till his muscles hurt, and smoke like a chimney, all to alleviate stress in one way or another.
At 12 Max was leaving to go play DnD with her little loser friends, ready to skate her way over there, but Billy needed to get out of the house, have a valid excuse, and it doesn’t get better than “watching out for his little sister.”
They’re on good terms now, after they had gotten in an intense fight and she screamed at him to just leave her and her friends alone, and after not spending every waking hour hating and antagonizing her, she’s not as annoying anymore, and Billy thinks that perhaps his anger was the issue here, not her being a little shit.
That realisation helped him a lot in general. It’s around that time he “apologised” to Harrington the best he could, but when Steve was nice and understanding of his issues, it only made him angry again. Billy doesn’t believe he deserves to be forgiven so easily, no, Harrington should have hit him, defended himself, gotten pissed and told Billy to fuck off.
Instead they wound up at Benny’s diner, sharing a giant plate of fries and a milkshake each.
“My treat,” Steve insisted.
And that’s when old issues resurfaced; the same exact issues that meant they had to leave California. The same exact issues that brought Billy’s wrath upon this pretty boy. The same exact issues that led one thing to another, and now Billy knows the route from his house to the Harrington Mansion like the back of his hand; could drive it with his eyes closed now.
But he doesn’t want to seem needy or clingy. Doesn’t want to be what he is - the way he is.
So after dropping Max off at the Wheeler’s house, the fiery redhead even going as far as to offer him a bit of a smile, he didn’t go home. Didn’t drive to Steve’s house either no matter how much he wanted to.
Don’t be needy, don’t be clingy. You’ll see him later.
So for four hours he drove around town, smoked by the quarry, got admired at a gas station when he refilled, passed Steve’s street far too many times, went to the empty pool that’s closed for the year and sat with his feet over the edge and smoked some more, restlessly kicking the tiling. Over the course of this time he checked his watch at least a billion times.
When it was finally 4pm, he drove to pick up his sister and El - the gang having managed to convince both Steve and Billy to take them to the movies to watch the last screening of The Neverending Story, which doesn’t exactly sound like something he wants to watch, but knowing Steve will be there, he agreed all too readily.
And as he pulls back up to the Wheeler’s again, he sees the brown BMW, Steve leaning against the door as he waits for the boys to pile into his car. Billy’s heart is beating like a painful drum in his aching chest, and when Steve sees him sitting and waiting for the girls, he smiles at him and waves.
Billy is as always astounded and breathless by the way Steve smiles, the way Steve looks at him now, like he’s happy to see him. He can’t smile back, he wants to, but his face feels dull and incapacitated. He wants to just kick open his car door, stomp up to Steve and fucking kiss him. Instead he simply waves back.
Then Max breaks the trance as she pulls open the door and crawls in to sit in the back with El.
“What the hell took you guys so long, I’m starving,” Billy complains as he looks over his shoulder at them.
Max is smart and doesn’t answer, and Billy is smart and doesn’t ask again. No he remains quiet as they follow the beemer, Max and El laughing loud and joyous behind him like girls their age do, talking about shit he doesn’t care for, just focuses on the car in front as they drive to Benny’s diner for early dinner before going to wolf down popcorn at the cinema.
The gang is eager and excited, like kids should be, running to the diner as they talk all too frantically about whatever it is kids talk about, Billy is really not paying attention, when Steve is right there.
“Find a booth where we can all sit!” Steve shouts after them, and Billy’s not sure if they heard him at all. “Hey Hargrove, got a smoke?” his voice kinder and friendly, too friendly, as he addresses Billy.
Steve leans against the hood of the camaro, smiling all too wide. He’s dressed in high waisted jeans and a red crop top that shows just enough of a midriff for it to be too much for Billy.
He takes up a spot next to Steve, just far away enough for it to not be suspicious, but absolutely too far away for it to not be enough, yet even from here he can smell the floral soap and honey shampoo. Can’t help but think of how soft Steve’s skin is, how silky his hair is, all newly washed and clean of him. Wonders if the purple hickeys are still visible across his chest, up his thighs.
Even though Steve is trying his best to meet Billy’s gaze, he refuses to look at him just in case it would be too obvious what he’s thinking about, as he unwraps a fresh pack of Marlboro and offers one up.
When Billy ignites his lighter and reaches forth, Steve touches his hand, holds it steady as he leans in to bring his cigarette to the flame. There’s a burning sensation where his pale, soft hand connects them, and when Steve dares rub Billy’s wrist with his fingers, there’s a pain shooting through his heart, a sharp wanting for more. No, a need for more. He’s caught staring at those pretty, pink lips when Steve pulls away and exhales a cloud.
“What’s wrong?” he asks with a wry smile, clearly aware.
“You know damn well ‘what’s wrong’,” Billy snaps a bit harsher than intended as he continues to force himself to look away.
Thankfully Steve takes it well and huffs a laugh filled with smoke.
They end up in silence after that; the comfortable kind that comes from being at peace together, easy and relaxed and pleasant, one where they don’t need words because there’s no longer any doubt between them. Perhaps that’s what love is, as cheesy and gross as that may be, Billy ponders. To be able to just exist together without it being awkward or stilted. Perhaps he’s fallen a bit in love with his ex-rival. Or perhaps he’s just in love with how he feels when he’s with Steve, both physical and not.
It isn’t till Steve finishes his cigarette, drops it on the asphalt and stomps it out, that he speaks,
“Oh, I almost forgot, I wanted to tell you something.” He’s smiling like the cat that got the cream, licking his lips a bit too slowly as he goes to whisper in Billy’s ear, “I think you’ll be happy to know I’m not wearing any underwear.”
Billy’s heart skips several beats at that, before then going too fast - rapidly pumping blood through him, and there’s a certain rush of it going straight to his dick. He stares too long into those deep, dark eyes, mischievous and satisfied with the response as Billy short circuits.
Steve shrugs and tips his head to the side a bit, acting all innocent and oblivious, lips drawn tight in a smile that goes from ear to ear. He opens his mouth and takes a long inhale, insinuating that he’s about to say something, then simply turns around, hands in his pockets as he walks towards the diner.
Leaving Billy behind, baffled, astonished, dumbfounded.
The next two hours feels like days.
They sit in the diner, Billy and Steve across from one another.
The kids are still as energetic as before, their voices a jumble of words and phrases and retellings of DnD from today’s session. Steve chews on his straw as he tries to follow along with whatever they’re talking about, laughing when they laugh, nodding on occasions. Whenever he looks over at Billy, blue eyes flee to stare out the window instead, finding great interest in the pattern of how one street light flickers.
Before the movie starts, they go to let out water by the urinals of the cinema, Billy standing right next to Steve, having hoped to catch a glimpse, see if he’s telling the truth, the urge near irresistible to just take a quick look, but the other men around them might not take too kindly to something like that.
And during the movie they sit together at the end of the row.
Steve, Billy, Max, El, Mike, Will, Dustin, Lucas.
He didn’t care for the movie before, only going along as a sign of friendliness and to have an excuse to not be home, but now. Now he’s almost hating having to sit here, next to Steve, shoulders nearly touching, shoes pressed together on the dark floor, only an armrest between them.
For the first twenty arduous minutes, Steve doesn’t do anything, doesn’t say anything, showing no sign of registering how near they are, just watches the movie in silence with a smile, while Billy is sat next to him, burning up despite his shirt being unbuttoned as always, mind racing with thoughts and images of Steve Steve Steve.
So distracted by all of that, that he nearly jumps when Steve touches his hand. Same softness and tenderness from earlier on the parking lot, the way Steve always touches him with just a hint of hesitance when they’re not completely alone.
But the cinema is dark, the kids are entranced, and there’s barely a handful of people besides them, so maybe it’s safe enough.
Billy raises his fingers into the touch, thinking that Steve wants to hold hands, intertwine them, any of that stupid romantic shit that he loves and Billy pretends to only barely tolerate, but the touch moves past that, a feather across the back of his hand, up to gently and carefully grab him by the wrist.
At that, Billy finally looks down, keeps facing the big screen but pays acute attention to what Steve is doing, where he’s leading his hand, placing it on his knee, Billy’s fingers in between spread legs. He continues to guide the hand further up, towards the heat of where his thighs meet, effectively sending Billy’s heart rate sky high.
When he finally turns his head, he finds Steve staring right back, a small and restrained smile, and in that moment, Billy feels like he can read Steve’s thoughts, knows exactly what’s on his mind, never doubts it for a second, and is proved right when Steve stands up and climbs over the seat to walk along the empty row behind them.
Billy whips around to Max, and hisses out, “We’re going for a smoke, don’t fucking go anywhere.”
“Yeah yeah,” she groans all indifferent and waves him away, eyes big and caught in the movie.
The bathroom at the Hawk is as clean as it ever gets, and perhaps not too shockingly, empty. Movies are running and people are seated.
Steve stands looking at himself in the mirror, fixing his hair, not that it looks any different to Billy now than before.
He takes heavy steps towards the brunette, announcing himself and catches Steve’s eyes in the mirror, watching as Billy approaches and steps behind him. Billy leans in to run his nose up Steve’s neck, inhaling deeply and humming out pleasantly, blinking slowly as he keeps pressing his face into the crook there, not quite kissing yet.
Eyes dart back to the mirror where heavenly blue meets chocolate brown, a feverish intensity there as Steve stares back. Gently, but with no hesitation, Billy snakes his arms around Steve’s waist, past the belt and up to touch where skin shows between jeans and the top.
When there’s no ‘stop’, he keeps going, curls his fingers around the red fabric and lifts up, exposing Steve’s chest to the both of them in the mirror. Bitten and marked, purple and red, Billy eyes his masterwork with an appreciative gaze, and with one hand keeping the shirt away, he moves the other up to graze his fingers across each little bruise his lips left just two days ago.
Steve hums a bit, erotic and turned on, and if more were to happen now, it wouldn’t be the first time they’d found their way together in public. And perhaps that thought strikes Steve just as it does Billy, for he pushes back into him, rubbing his soft ass against where he finds a slight bulge already.
“Fuck, Stevie…” Billy huffs and breathes against Steve’s neck, eyes closed as he relishes in the slow friction, kissing sloppy and half-minded against pale skin. “You really wanna do this here? Where the kids could just walk in any moment?”
“I would have maybe pushed you into a stall first,” Steve laughs, a slight stutter to it. “But I was thinking your car? The movie is like two hours, we could find an alley, park there, let me ride your cock?”
A growl escapes by the enchantment of those words, and Billy bites into Steve’s neck, earning him an illicit little hiss and smirk.
“How am I supposed to say no when you put it like that?”
Neither of them feel particularly bad for just abandoning the gang like that, but they’ll be quick, hidden in this alleyway, not too far away from the theatre, a bit of fun while the others gawk and gape at the magic of movies.
But it’s hard to be remorseful, when Steve is moaning like this, Billy two fingers deep in him in the driver's seat of the camaro.
Steve didn't lie about going commando today; told Billy, “When I found out you were tagging along, I hoped I’d get to have you alone like this.”
It took Steve less than two seconds to start getting undressed when Billy turned off the engine, whereafter he crawled right onto his lap, hard and bottomless, knees over Billy’s shoulders, feet locked behind the headrest, back against the steering wheel. 
“Ah-h, mmh, fuck, Billy-” he whines, hands placed firm on Billy’s legs for support as he lifts and angles his ass to allow Billy access with lubed up fingers.
His other hand squeezes Steve’s leaking prick, using the precum to slick up the flesh, keeping him hard and crying like that. His own lonesome cock aches where it lies full against his stomach; the button down having been opened completely to avoid staining it, and giving Steve something to admire.
“Billy, please, just- oh- just fuck me already!” Steve’s voice pitched high with lust and impatience, brows drawn together, his arms shaking underneath his own weight.
“Just don’t wanna hurt you, baby,” Billy purrs.
He watches with great interest as he pumps two fingers in and out of Steve’s wet hole, making a scissoring motion to stretch him properly.
“Mmh, we don’t exactly have time for that, and I need you so bad,” Steve says with the sweetest, most alluring tone he can.
And God if that doesn’t go straight to Billy’s twitching dick.
“You sure?” He wants to double check anyways.
“Yes- yes! Just- get a condom, I don’t wanna ruin my favourite pants.”
Billy chuckles lightly at that thought as he leans to reach for the glovebox, absolutely turned on by the idea of Steve walking around brimming with him, his cum dripping out and running down his thighs. Perhaps another time.
The condom rolls on with ease, Billy having become quite the expert with one through time, but he has been getting a lot of practice lately what with Steve and his more adventurous side, and wearing a rubber when fucking in public makes for an easy and quick cleanup. He gives himself a few good strokes to lube up good and nice, ensuring that Steve gets a smooth ride as he aligns himself with the hole that flutters eagerly to suck him in.
Greedy, starved, zealous, Steve sits himself on that veiny dick, ass fully flush with Billy’s hips, breathlessly gasping and cursing around his name, “Fuck Billy…”
“Mmmh,” Billy hums and licks his lips, staring down with adoration at how he’s buried deep inside of Steve’s ass, tight with lack of preparation, but- “You feel so good baby, taking my cock so well.”
He brings his hands to grab Steve by the hips and guide him in a circular motion, muscles clenching around him that can only be described as beautiful, eliciting groans and causing him to dig in his nails.
Steve’s panting, bangs sticking to his forehead from sweat, the windows fogged up, telling anyone that would walk by exactly what was going on, and when he lifts up to fuck himself on Billy’s fat erection, they shake the entire car with his fervor; each time he sinks down he moans more; moans with less and less self control.
“Take off your shirt, pretty boy,” Billy drawls out and swipes his tongue across shiny and sharp teeth. “Wanna see you.”
It’s a hurried motion that takes less than three seconds for Steve to yank off the crop top and grab on to Billy’s knees again, refusing to wait even one moment in the haze of his neediness. 
Billy, however, faced with marks of his own making, takes time to appreciate how perfectly purple suits Steve’s pale skin, blooming across his pecs, his tits, near nipples that strut now, begging to be touched. And who is he not to oblige. Hands travel up from hips, past the waist, to Steve’s chest - the brunette seemingly lost in chasing his own high, that he doesn’t notice where Billy is going till he presses hard against the sensitive buds.
“A-ah! Fuck, Billy!” And he throws his head back.
Steve’s entire body tenses at that, each muscle flexing and twitching, contracting around Billy’s steely cock, and he can’t help himself but to thrust into the clenching hole, the rim taking a chokehold on the base of his prick. Steve has to bring up a hand against the roof of the car to keep himself from hitting his head, while also giving him the ideal leverage to push down hard, bodies colliding, skin slapping together in a lascivious and erotic rhythm.
“God, you’re such a little slut for my cock, huh baby?” Billy growls like a ravenous wolf as he pounds into Steve, forcing out every little cry and moan, telling him that he’s hitting just the right spot.
“Billy- Billy, ah-a, fuck- fuck-” Steve whimpers and looks down to watch one hand on his hip that pulls him down, another rubbing hard against his nipple. 
“Yeah, harrh, listen to yourself,” and Billy pauses to listen to how Steve mewls, revelling in the fact that he’s the cause of that. “So loud and lewd, baby, calling out my name like that.”
He’s a confident guy, Keg King and lady killer, and while shit like emotions and feelings stuns him, this brings him alive, lust coiling in his gut, burning hot and white, ramping up to a fever pitch as he fucks with wild abandon into Steve’s wet cunt.
Billy hasn’t bothered masturbating in a good while, no, he saves all of that pent up energy for Steve, to fill him up; desire blinding him to anyone else but his princess.
“Mmhnn- ahh, fuck, Stevie, can’t wait to get you alone tonight,” he says, voice fucked out and perverted, Steve looking at him as he speaks, “Drop off all the little shits and then fuck you into your mattress till you’re a mess, pump you full of my cum.”
Steve’s eyes screws shut tight, mouth wide open as he moans, “Yes, oh God, Billy-”
“Yeah? You want that?”
“Yes! Please! Fuck-” He nods the best he can, hair bouncing.
“You’re such a good little whore for me, princess, so needy for my cock.”
“Billy- Billy please,” Steve croons, all pathetic and close.
“Anything,” Billy responds with fast devotion, a promise that he gladly lives up to, knowing well what it is Steve is begging for, wants to hear him say it anyways.
“Touch me, please, ah-h- I’m so so close, fuck…”
Billy grins wide, so self satisfied it’s nearly disgusting, and he closes his fingers firm around Steve’s slick erection; he gets so fucking wet, leaking profusely, swears it only happens when he’s with Billy like this.
“Just like that, yes! Oh fuck, I’m- ah-”
“Yeah, cum for me baby, wanna watch you- show me what I do to you.”
Billy jerks him off quick and crude, knows how Steve likes it, how he needs it; loves being manhandled, talks about that whenever he’s with Billy he feels small and light.
And Steve cums with a loud and unadulterated moan, stilling his entire body in a tense pose as Billy fucks him fast; slamming quickly against his prostate, hand milking him good till he’s emptied out on his own chest.
It is a glorious thing to watch, a masterpiece of performance only for him, a grand show for a one man audience that Billy gets to relive again and again and again. Steve’s jaw drops as he continues to cry out like he’s a goddamn porn star, overstimulated and loving it.
Billy’s own orgasm is far less showy; a few shallow, brutish thrusts, grunting through gritted teeth, he shoves Steve down onto him hard as his hips stutter through completion, waves of impossible heat pouring out and leaving him a puddle of bliss and euphoria.
Time is lost to them, as they sit like that; Steve’s one leg having fallen between the seats as he went limp with exhaustion, still firmly planted in Billy’s lap, who’s soft and complacent and fucking tired, both of them breathing heavy.
“We should… we should go back…” Steve mumbles with closed eyes.
Billy’s watching the way Steve’s cum slowly slips down his chest, running over his abs and nearing his pubic hair.
“Do we have to?” he eventually manages to ask.
And Steve chuckles at that, the vibrations through his body clenching around Billy’s spent cock and he can’t help the sore “ooh”s and “ahh”s as he tries to pull away from it.
“Sadly we do. Can’t have the kids walk home alone in the dark, besides…” Steve grinds his ass onto Billy’s lap, making him wince in not quite pain, not quite pleasure, but definitely too much. “Think you promised to… fuck me into my mattress?”
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pandoraborn · 4 years ago
BORN TO RISE Chapter 5 Also found here
 A twelve-year-old Tommy frowns at the paperwork in Philza’s hands. He knows exactly what that paperwork is for and why Phil is trying to keep it hidden. Tommy also knows he’s not supposed to follow the man into his office, but that doesn’t stop Tommy from doing it anyway.
“Tommy, I’m busy, can this wait?” Phil asks with an eye roll. “I need to be alone.”
“Why’re you signing adoption papers?” Tommy insists. “I don’t want to be a part of this family if it means you’re going to use me for competitions.”
Phil stares at him, with an expression that resembles a deer-in-headlights. Tommy would laugh if the situation didn’t feel so urgent. The young teen moves closer to the desk, pressing the palms of his hands down as he glares at Phil. “I mean it Phil, I know the reputation you all have, and I don’t want to be a part of it.”
“You think we’re using you?” Phil shakes his head, looking sad. “Tommy, I’m giving you a home and a family. Just as I extended that to the others, I’m extending that to you. Of course you’re more than a figurehead. I’m more than a figurehead.”
 “You’re a stupid twat, is what you are,” Tommy scowls. He turns to leave, rubbing his palms against the wall as he exits. “Have fun with your paperwork, I guess.”
 “Does this mean I have your approval to adopt you?”
 Tommy won’t admit it out loud, but he’s glad the legendary Philza is taking him in. Tommy can’t quell the pride rising up inside him, and how much he wants to make his foster father look at him with adoration and pride. Maybe not now, but eventually. “Yeah, I guess. Doesn’t mean I’m gonna start calling you dad though.”
 As Tommy closes the door behind him, he hears Phil laugh quietly. Maybe he won’t call him ‘dad’ to his face, but the man has already been the best father he’s ever known.
Tommy wakes, dream almost instantly forgotten when reality sets in.
It’s not a slow climb back to consciousness, but a rapid, dizzying rush, as if he’s bolting from a bad nightmare. He’s gasping for air, but every breath he takes aches in his chest and he feels it in his sides, like someone is squeezing him a little too hard. His first thought is that Dream is gripping him firmly, as if afraid to let go. But when Tommy shifts, he realizes that he’s a few feet from Dream.
Dream is laying facedown, head twisted to the side. Tommy pales when he sees the mask Dream normally wears is cracked and splintered, pieces of it missing. Tommy doesn’t know when that happened; had they hit the cliff walls on their way down? They had to, otherwise the pair would not be in shambles.
More than that, Dream’s weapons and tools are lying around him. His diamond sword is broken clean in half, laying in pieces inches away from the man. Tommy’s trembling as he tries to get up, but only manages a pathetic whimper instead.
He aches too much to move. He aches too much to rise to his hands and knees to crawl over to the unconscious man lying next to him, and he aches too much to even cry.
Tommy’s pretty sure he’d broken a couple of ribs. There’s no way he’d survive this fall and not break a few bones. It’d be too easy to lie here and suffer in agony, but he can hear the rattling of skeletons. If they stay out in the open any longer, they’re most certainly going to die. He weighs the pros and cons of letting them both respawn, but Tommy knows it’ll be more agony he doesn’t want to deal with, and with Dream being out cold, that’s not a risk he really wants to take right now.
“D...ugh.” Tommy can’t even speak. Is his jaw broken too? Everything aches too much for him to think straight, and any shift results in his vision blinking in and out. He has to try something though. He’s not going to be selfish enough to let Dream suffer. For himself, it’s not a huge deal, but Dream, he feels, has to come first.
Tommy lets out a yelp when he finally sits up. Bones crack and joints pop, and he’s certain each movement is causing even more injury, but he doesn’t have a choice. “Dream?” His voice is quiet, broken and hesitant. He’s not expecting a response from the older man, but he’s hoping for one. He needs to know that Dream isn’t completely gone.
Just sitting up was agony enough. Getting to his feet has Tommy hissing and crying and whimpering, trying to keep every bit of pain at bay. It’s hard when he’s nauseated and dizzy, and his vision keeps blinking in and out. It’s even harder to think when his head is thumping so painfully it feels like someone’s cracking his skull open. He wonders if he’s bleeding, too. Probably; he’d be surprised if he wasn’t at this point.
He doesn’t know how hard he’d fallen, and he especially doesn’t even know how he and Dream survived the fall in the first place. By all rights, they should have died and hit respawn. He glances up to see how far the distance is. From down here, it doesn’t look that bad, but it had certainly felt like a much longer fall than it actually was. At least he knows now how they survived.
There’s not enough light to see anything. He can’t see anything above, so he’s certain he’s completely alone now. Tommy rummages through his sack, trying to find anything he can use. He has a broken pickaxe, and he has a few things to build a campfire. He’s glad he’d gotten plenty of wood when he had the chance. What he needs now is coal.
Ignoring how much his body aches, Tommy starts mining away into the wall, grateful for the iron and the coal he’s finding right away. The process takes a lot longer than Tommy intends, and he has to constantly stop to take a breather. He’s opening wounds more, with blood dripping down his arms. His muscles are screaming at him, but Tommy forces himself to continue. He has to get Dream out of the open and into somewhere they can hide.
When the small hole is big enough, Tommy places two torches down against the wall as a small light source. He has to rely on that to keep the mobs at bay; it’s making him uneasy that there are creepers lurking nearby. The last thing Tommy wants is for one to wander too close and explode, killing both of them.
He bends over Dream, tapping the man on the cheek. “Dream?” Tommy asks. There’s a grunt of pain, followed by faint stirring, but nothing beyond that. He’s either sleeping or more injured than Tommy knows how to deal with.
He rolls Dream over, wincing at the injuries on the man. In the dim, flickering light of the torches, he can see an ugly purple bruise forming underneath the cracked and broken helmet. Tommy hisses when he realizes he’s probably sporting a similar bruise. When his thoughts zero back in on his own injuries, Tommy thinks of how Phil would handle this. Phil would probably murder Dream and Tommy both, as well as the other members of the team. His brothers would be right behind him...
The thought of his family brings a new sort of ache. Tommy misses home. He misses being at home and in bed where it’s warm and he has actual food, and is around people who don’t run him ragged or cause him to get hurt. God, everything just sucks right now. This entire training session had been a disaster from the get-go, and it’s even more of one now.
He pushes thoughts of the Sleepybois out of his head. He can’t afford to think about them right now, not when it’s the middle of the night and there are zombies and skeletons and creepers surrounding them. He hooks his hands around Dream’s arms, trying to grip tightly without screaming in pain. Keeping his grip tight is making him feel like his arms are going to pop right off his body, but he chomps down on his tongue and starts dragging Dream into his makeshift cave, inch by inch.
Even Dream is crying out in pain. Tommy ignores the tears streaming down his cheeks as he backs into the hole, finally dropping Dream when they’re safe enough inside. Falling against the wall, Tommy heaves, fighting down waves of nausea and pain, ignoring how Dream rolls over and goes right back to sleep. He’s too dizzy, too injured, and it’s taking a lot more energy to remain upright than he wants to spend.
He can’t afford to go to sleep yet. He still has to build the campfire, and just the thought of moving again has Tommy wanting to collapse. He rests on his knees, trying to massage sore limbs first. He wants to clean the blood off, he wants to find food. More than ever, Tommy wants to go home.
Again, thoughts of his family take over his mind. He can’t push the thoughts away this time, they’re swirling around as he builds the fire. He’s no longer crying out of pain now, but out of guilt. He can’t do this. He can’t do this, specifically. This whole ordeal hadn’t been worth it. Had he known he’d end up cold and injured at the bottom of a ravine, he never would have entered competitions in the first place.
He can see the expressions of disappointment on Phil’s face. He can hear his brothers mocking him, jeering at him and joking about how he can’t handle the heat. Why wouldn’t they? Tommy remembers the training sessions they’d all gone through, they’ve all pushed themselves beyond what they could handle and have barely broken a sweat.
He’s not like them. He’s competed with them a few times, even earned himself a few victories, but Tommy knows he’s nowhere near their level of skill. He’s always skated by unnoticed. His dad and brothers get all the attention. Dream gets all the attention, he’s just the sixteen year old with a hot mouth and even hotter temper.
“Who am I playing at?” Tommy growls to himself. He lays a few pieces of meat next to the fire in an attempt to cook it. At least moving is getting slightly easier, now that he’s not completely straining himself. “I’m not good enough.”
He sits back down and hunches forward in front of the fire. He doesn’t even bother wiping his eyes dry as he watches the meat sizzle. Behind him, he can hear Dream stirring again, but Tommy ignores him. The stupid bastard is asleep, which Tommy is thankful for. He wants to be even more alone than he is now.
Burying his face in his hands, Tommy groans.
“I wanna go home,” he mutters. “I just wanna go home and forget about all of this. I’ve never been good enough, I’m just a stupid kid, and I have no idea what I’m doing anymore.”
He turns around to glare at Dream, not flinching when he sees the man’s eyes open. Turning back toward the fire, Tommy hunches forward again, ignoring the way his head is pounding now.
“Being friends with you and your stupid team isn’t worth it anymore,” Tommy grumbles. “Sorry, but I’m done.”
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atlafan · 5 years ago
Take it Slow - Part Eleven
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
(This was a tough part to write. TW: mention of past abuse)
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten
Friday night rolls around, Sarah comes over to get ready together at your place after work. You both opt for skinny jeans, something easy to slip into a skate. You find a couple of pairs of thin gloves. Sarah wears a large purple sweater with a chunky scarf. You wear a tight black sweater and a black beanie. Your hair is down and wavy.
“You look so cute!” Sarah says, finishing up her makeup.
“Thanks, so do you.” You smile at her.
“So we’re skating then going to dinner?”
“Yup, I think that’s the plan. Ready for me to order the uber?”
You meet the boys at the ice rink. Mid-October was still warm enough outside that you didn’t need a jacket, but cold enough to start ice skating at night. You used to come to this rink with your friends when you were in college. You immediately spot the boys. Harry has a long sleeve green shirt on, and his classic black jeans. Only these ones don’t have rips in them yet, must be his new ones. He has a black beanie on as well. Niall is wearing a p-coat and some gloves. You and Sarah walk over to them, both of you hugging your men. You get on your tip toes to give Harry a kiss.
“You look so cute.” He says poking your hat. You swat an arm at him.
“Did you guys get your skates yet?” You ask.
“Nope, we were waitin’ for you ladies.” Niall says.
The four of you go over to the skate counter, giving the woman your sizes. She tells you that you all can leave your shoes with her when you’re done changing. You all find a bench to sit down at.
“I always struggle lacing these up.” You say, struggling to pull the laces tighter. Harry chuckles and kneels in front of you. He laces up your skates for you, and you blush. “Thank you.” He winks at you, and goes to bring your shoes up to the woman. Niall also helps Sarah lace up her skates, and takes her hand to help her up. You’ve never seen Niall on a real date, this will be fun.
The four of you get on the ice. You’re surprised Harry is actually a pretty decent skater, considering he hates dancing so much. He takes your hand, and you take a lap around the rink to get your bearings. Niall and Sarah stay back a bit and take it slow on the ice. Sarah isn’t the most coordinated, but she was laughing, and that’s all that mattered. Harry twirls you around a couple of times, and you can’t but laugh as well.
“I’m surprised by you.”
“You’re so good at skating, Harry.”
“You’re not too bad yourself.”
“I used to come here all the time when I was in school.” He takes your hand as you both continue to glide effortlessly on the ice. You look over and see Sarah on her butt. She’s laughing so hard she’s crying, and Niall is trying to help her up, but he’s also laughing. “I’m so glad they’re having fun.”
“Me too. They’re good for each other, yeah?”
“Oh for sure. Sarah came over to get ready with me beforehand, and she went on and on about how great he is, as if I didn’t already know. It seems like she and I snagged the two best guys in the city.” You skate near the barrier, and lean against it. You pull him close to you.
“And it would appear I scooped up the most amazing girl there is.” He leans in and kisses you. You stand there for a few moments, enjoying small kisses, as your cold noses brush past each other.
Niall finally helps Sarah up, and drops her again. His eyes are wide, looking at someone skating on the other side of the rink.
“Niall, everything okay?”
“Yeah, it’s just, that guy over there, he looks really familiar. Oh no.” He looks at the man then back at you. But you’re preoccupied with Harry, so you don’t notice anything. The man is skating with a woman, they appear to be having a good time. “Shit, Sarah, we gotta make sure (y/n) doesn’t see that guy.”
“What? Why?”
“That’s Jake.” Niall points in his direction.
“Fuck, you’re right it is.” She looks over at you.
Her heart could break for you as you detach from Harry, and continue skating. You notice them looking at you, and skate over to them.
“Are you guys alright, you’re giving me a weird look.” Harry is right next to you, still holding your hand.
“Um, yeah, we were just wondering when we should go eat.”
“We like just started skating.” Harry says, not picking up on Niall’s signal.
“No, we know, we were just discussing when we should leave. That’s all.” Niall says. Sarah has her eyes glue on Jake. She has lost all the color in her face.
“Sarah, are you okay? You don’t look so good.”
Before she can answer, you feel a woman bump into you. You turn to see her just about to lose her balance before a man catches her. She apologizes to you, but before you can say anything, you lock eyes with the blue-eyed man, and your heart nearly stops.
He gives you a funny look, like he knows who you are, but he can’t place it. Everything happens so fast, you don’t remember rushing through everyone, and yanking your skates off. You can barely breathe, and run in your socks to the bathroom. You throw up immediately, and rip your beanie off. Sweat runs down your face, you stay there until nothing comes up until you’re dry heaving.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to set her off, I only nudged her.” The woman says. Sarah has gone off to look for you. Harry gives Niall a confused look.
“S’not about you, he set her off.” Harry’s eyes grow wide when he puts two and two together.
“Sorry, do I know you?” Jake says.
“No, but I know you. Miss, I don’t know you, but I would strongly recommend getting away from this man. He’s not a good person.”
“Dude, I don’t know who you are, but I think my fiancé would know me pretty well.”
“Honey, what are they talking about?”
“I have no idea.”
“You don’t remember that girl that just ran off at the sight of you?” Harry grabs Jake by the collar. “You ruined her life about a year ago, you don’t remember?”
“Harry, c’mon, this sick fuck isn’t worth it. Hope you two enjoy the conversation you’re bound to have this evening.”
Harry lets go of Jake, and nearly throws him to the ground with the force he gives off. Him and Niall rush to find you. Sarah grabbed your shoes from the woman, and the boys get their shoes as well.
“I can’t find her anywhere, the woman said she practically threw her skates at her. Do you think she went to the bathroom?”
“In her socks?” Niall asks.
“She obviously was in a rush, let’s go check.” Harry says, pushing through the crowd of people.
You’re shivering, sitting on the bathroom floor, hoping you don’t dry heave again. Your face is plastered in tears and sweat. You hear your name being called, but you can’t find your voice to speak up.
“Sir, you can’t go in there!”
“Fuck off!” You hear Harry’s voice, but you can’t call to him. He walks right by you at first, then back tracks. He drops to his knees when he realizes it’s you. “Oh my god, (y/n), I’m so sorry.”
He pulls you close to his chest, and you cry hard into him. Sarah and Niall come rushing in, and go to their knees too. Niall rubs your back while Harry hold you.
“Mate, can you go get the car started, she’s freezing we gotta get her outta here. Sarah can I have her shoes please?” They both nod at Harry. Once he gets your shoes on, he scoops you up, and carries you out.
Neither of you care how it looks. You keep your face hidden in his chest while he carries you out to Niall’s car. Harry sits in the back with you, keeping you close to him.
“Just bring us to my place, lad, I’ll make sure she’s alright.”
“We’re going in with you, Harry.” Sarah says. “She’s my friend too. God, I could punch that guy in the face.”
“Harry almost did.” Niall says. You stay quiet, trying desperately to stop shaking and still your breathing.
Harry carries you up to his apartment, with Niall and Sarah right behind. He puts you down on the couch, and yanks your shoes and wet socks off. He runs over to his dresser and pulls out a pair of thick socks, and puts them on your feet. Sarah sits next to you, Niall kneels in front of you, and Harry sits on your other side.
“Talk to us (y/n).” Niall says. “What can we do?” You take your phone out, and hand it to Niall. “Right.” He takes it and goes into Harry’s bathroom. A few minutes later, he comes back and hands you the phone. “You can see her tomorrow morning.”
“See who?” Harry asks.
“Her therapist.” Harry looks at you, and wipes his eyes. He’s been fighting back tears, but he can’t anymore.
“I’m gonna make you a cup of tea.” He gets up, and Niall follows. “Did you know he lives in the area?”
“Honestly, no. She never mentioned running into him, so I figured he wasn’t from around here. This absolutely fucking sucks.”
“I’m glad you were here. I wouldn’t have known to call her therapist.” He plugs in his electric kettle, and waits for the water to boil. He wipes his eyes again.
“Harry, (y/n) and I have been through a lot together. It’s okay that you don’t know everything about her. You’re here for her, and that’s all that matters. I think she should stay with you tonight, maybe you could bring her to her appointment in the morning.”
“Of course. What time?”
“I’m on it.” He grabs a tea bag, and rests it in a mug, adding the hot water. The boys walks back over to you.
“I think she could use a shower or something.” Sarah says looking up at them.
“(y/n), we’re going to leave you with Harry so you can relax and get some sleep. If you need anything, I’m a phone call away.” Sarah nods to Niall, and she gets up.
“Take good care of our girl.” She says before she leaves. Harry sets the tea down on the coffee table.
“Right, let me draw you a bath.” You grab his wrist.
“I’ll shower.” You get up, walk past him to the bathroom, and close the door behind you.
You take the elastic around your wrist, and put your hair up in a bun on top of your head. Tears continue to stream down your cheeks as you turn the water on. You stand in the hot water for ten minutes before getting out. You could kill Jake. You made so much progress, and just like that you’re brought back to that dark hole in your mind. You wrap a towel around yourself. When you open the door you see a pair of sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt. You sigh and put both on. Harry is pacing across the living area when you walk into his view.
“All set?” You nod in his direction. “Don’t feel like you need to talk. Your appointment is at eight-thirty tomorrow morning. I’m going to take you. We can leave as early as you want. I don’t know if you want to go to your place first. Whatever you want to do is fine.” You walk over to him. You can’t bring yourself to smile, but you wrap your arms around him. He’s afraid to touch you at first, but he lightly hugs you.
“Can we go to bed?” You say through a cracked voice.
“Yes, of course.” You slowly walk over to his bed, and climb in. “Do you want me to hold you, or not touch you. Either is fine.”
“Please, hold me Harry.”
You turn from him, and he wraps himself around you, pulling you slightly to his chest.
The next morning you hear an alarm go off, it’s seven. Harry rustles out of bed, and you hear his coffee pot begin to brew. You don’t want to move.
“Sweetheart, let’s go brush our teeth, yeah?” You groan, and he stifles a laugh. He knows it’s not funny, but you’re being cute, and he can’t help it. You swing your legs over the side of the bed. You feel sweaty, of course you do. You wore full sweats to bed, and had Harry wrapped around you all night. “Did you want to go home to change, or would like another pair of sweats?”
“Your clothes.” You say as you hop out of bed. You make your way to his bathroom. You brush your teeth together. He goes into his dresser to grab you a fresh pair of sweats, and hands them to you so you can change in the bathroom.
When you come out you see a coffee cup for you on his little island, and coconut milk creamer. You smile for the first time since you were on the ice with him. You pour the creamer into the mug and take a small sip.
“Thank you.” You say to him. He smiles at you warmly. “This tastes much better.” He looks down at his watch.
“We better go, love.” You nod, and take one more big sip of coffee.
You’re silent in the car. You aren’t sure what to say. Your boyfriend was driving you to an emergency therapy session. He walks you upstairs in the building, and helps you check in. Your name is called, and he sits there, waiting for you patiently.
“Hi, (y/n), please have a seat.” Dr. Mara says to you with a slight smile. You sit down on her couch. “You look comfy.”
“Thanks, these are my, uh, boyfriend’s clothes.”
“Boyfriend, hm? Well that’s nice. Was he the young man with you in the lobby?”
“And Niall is still just your friend.”
“Yes, he’s dating Sarah now.”
“How nice for them. I was worried about you when he called. Would you like to tell me what happened?”
“The four of us were on a double date. Me, Harry, Sarah, and Niall. We went ice skating. The season just started, I was so excited to go.”
“You do love double dates.”
“I really do. Harry and I were off, we were kissing, and I noticed Niall and Sarah giving me a funny look. So we skated over to them. Then this woman bumped into me, no big deal, it was starting to get crowded. She apologized, and I was about to say it was fine and then I locked eyes with him.”
“Jake was there?”
“Yes!” You choke back tears, taking a tissue from the box on the coffee table. “I ran out, and threw up in the bathroom. I ran in my sock because I yanked my skates off. Harry found me in the bathroom. I stayed really quiet. The flashbacks came back, it was awful. Harry carried me out of the bathroom, and they brought me back to his place.”
“And the flashbacks, have you had them this morning?”
“No…but I feel shaken up still, you know? I don’t want this to ruin my progress, I’m afraid of regressing.”
“Don’t let a run in take control. You have worked so hard to move on. How long have you and Harry been seeing each other?”
“A little over a month.” You smile. “Niall set us up. He’s amazing, he’s been so patient and understanding.”
“Does he know everything?”
“Yes, I told him pretty early on.”
“And, have you two been intimate?”
“A little bit. I’ve been nervous. Not so much of him using me, I know he wouldn’t do that, but I’m afraid of having a flashback. So we’ve only done oral things, and I haven’t let him use his fingers or anything like that.”
“I see. Not that you need to move fast with him, but do you think if he’s gentle with you, do you think you’ll have the flashbacks?”
“I don’t know. Sometimes when we’re doing stuff, I start to overthink, and then I freak out. I’m comfortable with where we’re at right now. There are other things I’d like to do with him, but I honestly don’t need anything more right now. He’s spoken up about what he needs from me too, and I think he’s content.”
“That’s good. He sounds like a kind man.”
“He is, I still can’t believe how kind. Like, he gave up his Saturday to bring me here and basically take care of me Dr. Mara. I don’t want this ordeal to set us back.”
“Well, you’ve been through something pretty shocking, so it’s okay to keep taking it slow.”
“What if I run into him again? Now that I know he’s around, it could happen again at any moment.”
“Try to not let him control the narrative. Tell yourself that he can’t hurt you ever again. You are safe. You don’t have control of where he is, but you have control of where you are. Don’t let this stop you from ice skating, don’t let this stop you from going to that side of town. You are a strong young woman.”
“Thank you….I panicked. How do I not panic?”
“Well, running was actually a good first step. We all have flight or fight, sometimes running can help ease the anxiety. Are you still working out?”
“Yes, it helps a lot. I go five times a week, and I love it. I didn’t think I would, but it works for me. I’ve found myself, lately, though not liking being alone. But at the same time, I don’t want to be codependent.”
“On Harry?”
“Yeah. He takes really good care of me, but I don’t want to depend on him. He was gone for a whole week, and I found myself not liking sleeping alone. Something I’ve been so fine with and used to.”
“I think that’s normal when you’re starting a new relationship. Don’t think of it as codependent. Think of it as a new partnership. You each give and you each will take. You may find that there will be times you’ll have to take care of him, and be there for him. It’s okay to lean on people. You clearly have a strong connection with him, that’s okay.”
“While he was gone he gave me a key to his place, so I could water his plants. He only has two plants, and he didn’t take very good care of them as it was. I gave the key back when he got home, and I’ve been thinking lately that maybe it was his way of wanting me to just have a key to his place. But it feels so soon doesn’t it?”
“Whose timeline are you on?”
“What do you mean?”
“Why do you think it feels soon? Because other people might say it is? How did you feel while in the possession of the key?”
“I felt trusted. Like he had nothing to hide from me. I have nothing to hide from him. I want him to have a key to my place too. I guess, yeah, I’m afraid of judgement. He asked me to be his girlfriend three weeks in, and Kate flipped. But Kate also has a lot going on, which I can’t even get into right now.”
“You know, I have met people who have moved in together three months into a relationship, and married just three months after that. I’ve also met people who have been dating for three years and still haven’t moved in together. I think whatever progression feels right and natural for you, is the one that matters most. It’s not anyone else’s life, it’s yours. If it feels right for both of you, I think an exchange of keys is perfectly fine.”
After twenty more minutes of talking you feel much better. Your run in does not need to be a setback. You agree to see Dr. Mara again next week to check in. You wondered why you stopped seeing her, she really was good at her job. She never judged you. You see Harry in the waiting room, twiddling his thumbs, and his leg bouncing. You smile at him when he sees you. He stands up and smile back at him.
“Thanks for waiting.”
“Of course, how was it?”
“Good, really good.” You hook an arm around his waist and walk out of the office. “I’m so sorry if I scared you last night.” You say getting into his car.
“You have nothing to apologize for.” He places his hand on yours and gives it a squeeze.
“I’m coming back here again next week, just for a check in.”
“That’s good.”
“Harry, I think I’d like to go home for a little while and just collect myself, but if you’re free tonight, I’d love to go to dinner.”
“If that’s what you’d like to do, then that works for me.” He smiles at you.
You take a deep breath when you get into your apartment. You grab a pillow from your couch and scream into it.
“Okay, now I feel better.” You say to yourself.
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symphonic-scream · 5 years ago
More Differences for my Jocks Kwami Swap AU
Dark Cupid and Stormy Weather edition! Spoilers, I guess.
Okay so firstly, obviously Kim isn't Dark Cupid
I'm gonna keep the general theme of the akuma the same because Dark Cupid was a really general one, could have been applied to almost anyone
So it's either gonna be an Adrien fangirl or another guy tried to ask Chloe out
Kim, Max, and Alix are hanging out being all single and friends, watching their classmates get all lovey
Maybe someone brings up Crimson Beetle and Chartreux Noire possibly dating and the two of them look disturbed
Cause at this point Alix still thinks CB is a stuck up asshole, and Kim thinks CN is trying to steal his glory like a little rat
There's a funny moment where they're both trying to ditch the others without leaving Max alone and Max starts to think he's been third wheeling a date which makes Kim and Alix object more
Alix makes it so very clear that she does not like Kim and Kim pretends to feel sick at the thought to get away
They get away and transform, and Crimson Beetle is clearly frustrated that Chartreux Noire is back
Anyways the fight happens and neither of them needs to be hit for them to glare at eachother
They save Chloe pretty quickly since there's still two of them at that point, and Alix runs off with Chloe while Kim tries to take on Dark Cupid alone
But Kim is being all heroey and reckless and Alix has to take an arrow for him when she gets back
There's very little difference but now she's chasing him trying to kill him
This is the first time Kim starts to realize how easy CN makes the fights for him
They don't kiss, Kim uses Alix to knock Dark Cupid out of the sky and break the item
CB reluctantly tells CN that he wouldn't mind if she helped again
"but only if you don't get in my way, got it?"
On to Stormy Weather!
Marinette and Adrien and Alya still have that weird park thing going on, only Marinette doesn't run off to be Ladybug
Kim was watching the broadcast with his rugby team, and Alix was skating around Paris to get out of the house or something
CN finds Alya, Marinette, and Manon in that ice block, and swears on "Cat's Honour" that she'll save them
Not much is different with the fight honestly
Kim keeps trying to bring Stormy Weather down on his own, and is not impressed that he needs CN to guide him around in the dark
They do work together on the roof, pretty much how it goes down in canon, and Alix goes extra hard on their shoulder jump celebration from excitement
She's just super stoked that Kim is starting to treat her like a hero, she's just happy to be keeping people safe
Before the episode ends, Alix runs back as Alix to check on the trio in the ice, and watches from like the edge of the park to make sure they're not hurt
Manon loudly exclaims about how cool and awesome Chartreux is, and Alix just looks so happy
Anyways yeah here are the next two episodes. I've watched up to Timebreaker now, and I'm making small changes to the chronological order I found to make it fit my AU more, so that's why Dark Cupid is fourth
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allthefilmsiveseenforfree · 4 years ago
Dangerous Minds
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Those of my readers who haven’t known me long may not know that I was once a corps member of Teach for America. I taught 10th and 11th grade English for about 5 weeks, then I was told on a Friday about my “involuntary transfer” to another school in the district, where I’d be teaching 7th and 8th grade English instead. I went from having about 110 students to about 190. My classroom had no books (textbook or otherwise), no pencils, no paper, no markers or chalk, but it DID have one of those folding lamps that come out of the ceiling at the dentist’s office. The kids had been in there for 5 weeks with a rotating roster of subs; they’d done no schoolwork of any kind. I was teaching in a very poor area of the city, and my students were predominantly Black and Hispanic. One of my 10th graders wrote his first personal essay about getting shot the previous year. I say all this to tell you that when Chad asked that I review Dangerous Minds, the 1995 adaptation starring Michelle Pfeiffer of the true story of Louanne Johnson’s experience teaching in inner city schools in California, I was prepared to laugh it off as a cringey, Lifetime-movie representation of my experience. Is that what I got? Well...
For the most part, what I got was a ball of anxiety in my chest. It’s well-worn territory, obviously. A teacher bonds with their students from the wrong side of the tracks, and ends up learning just as much from them as they learn from him/her. Usually poetry or music features heavily as a tool that can set the students free from the depressing circumstances of their lives. Depending on the rating, usually a student dies, and the teacher learns just how Important their job is, so they commit to it even harder even though it pays no money and garners no respect from the administration who just doesn’t “get it.” But these cliches and stereotypes and broad strokes exist because at their core, they’re true, and they make me anxious and uncomfortable and I can’t laugh at them or Michelle Pfeiffer being a Nice White Lady because I’m too busy being angry about the systems we put in place that straight up abandon so many kids, all in the name of white supremacy.
Some thoughts:
Oh we’re starting right off the BAT with “Gangsta’s Paradise.” Fantastic news. Two things I associate so strongly with this song is skating around the skating rink in 2nd grade and buying the Weird Al cassingle of “Amish Paradise” and wearing it out. 
Ooh, the score was composed and performed by Wendy & Lisa! Love that, you don’t see nearly as many film scores as you should composed by women.
God, the salary is $24,700 a year and Louanne acts as though that is appealing - I can’t tell if that’s because it was 1995 or because teacher salaries are so dismally low that this feels like a good salary?
This scene in which Louanne goes into her classroom for the first time and the kids are all shouting at her and getting in her face and sexually harassing her and throwing paper balls at her is giving me stress hives. 
Also her friend Griffith (George Dzundza) saying, “You wanna teach, so teach! All you gotta do is get their attention” is rather disingenuous. Trust me, you can have their attention, and still not be able to teach. 
I’m excited to see Sally-Can’t-Dance from Con Air as Raul (Renoly Santiago). He’s honestly fantastic in this, with a tough exterior but a sensitive and gooey inner sweet boy. All of the teens give pretty solid performances, but he’s a real standout.
I recognize this is based on a true story and Louanne Johnson’s lived experience, but I am not sure it’s wise for any teacher, regardless of grade or subject, to be teaching her students how to fight each other. Or taking them to dinner on what looks to outsiders like a date. I know some people have a problem with the bribery (giving her students candy for speaking up in class) but I have no problem with it - you get paid to do all the dumb stuff you don’t want to do at work, why shouldn’t kids be compensated for going to school if they don’t want to be there? External motivation goes a long way to building up internal motivation.
Mm I do love me some Courtney B. Vance, but he’s such a quiet, condescending ass in this. It’s a different vibe than I’m used to seeing in a principal in a movie like this. 
Ooh, Griffith grading papers and saying “What a fuckin’ idiot” is a real mood. 
“Since when has the Board of Education done anything for us? We barely get fuckin lunch” is legit. The lunches my students were served in summer school were some of the most horrifying things I’ve ever seen. One day it was spoiled milk, white bread, and pickles. And one of my students put his in a microwave that was hidden in the back of my classroom behind some dividers and left it for a week. And just so you know, as stomach-churningly awful as that sounds, the day I found “pickle man” as my student called him, isn’t even in my top 5 worst days teaching list. 
I like Griffith, and I’m glad Louanne has a friend, but frankly I’m not that interested in these interludes between them - they really feel like they slow down the momentum from the scenes of her in the classroom slowly earning the kids’ trust. The pacing is kind of a mess, because the most dynamic sections all revolve around the kids in the classroom, and I feel like that only makes up about a third of the movie. 
One thing I know for sure is you do not get in the middle of a fight between students. I have a friend who worked in the same district I did who interrupted a fight and got punched in the face because of it. And her principal blamed her. 
Oh wow the way the soundtrack picks up when Emilio finally engages in the class is some kinda cheesy. And it continues through the rest of the scene to a distracting degree. Oh Wendy and Lisa, I hoped for better. 
Can I just emphasize that to reach these kids, Louanne uses her experience as a LITERAL MARINE by demonstrating she can kick all their asses, and then she bribes them by paying for 25 kids to go to an amusement park for the entire day with her?
Also, even if they like and respect her now, I call bullshit at any scene in which ALL of  the kids are A) sitting in their seats or B) silent, and especially C) both. 
Um suddenly feeling some weird vibes with Louanne and Raul having a dinner date at this fancy restaurant by themselves. Also, the double standard here is pretty telling - there’s no way this scene makes the movie if Louanne had been a male teacher and Raul was a female student.
Wait wait wait, she’s also loaning Raul $200? Like, is this why I didn’t make it as a teacher? Because I wasn’t a former Marine taking students to amusement parks and fancy dinners and lending them money? I was 25 and could barely afford rent. Maybe teachers who have enough money to take care of themselves are better equipped to take care of others. Idk, I’m just spitballin here.
Oh “Gangsta’s Paradise” is happening again! We already heard the whole song over the opening credits but now it’s happening again about 3/4 way through. I mean this song is definitely the best thing about the film, so I get it, but it feels weird that they think we wouldn’t notice it playing to completion twice.
Michelle Pfeiffer is doing everything she can to make this movie feel less cheesy and more real. Like, you can tell she’s really trying with her performance. Of course, it’s not like the character is a huge challenge acting-wise, but she is definitely committed to the part and can walk the line of both accessible and tough. 
This scene where Louanne tells her class she is not going to be there next year, that what happened to Durell and Lionel and Callie and Emilio made her too sad to stay has not aged well at all. And it’s certainly true to life, and I say that as someone who did the same thing. It’s not something I’m proud of, but it’s a reality - the fact that I’m a nice white lady is exactly the reason that I can choose to leave when things get too hard. Just because the kids convince her to stay at the end in this very rushed “all’s well that ends well” way doesn’t sweep this scene under the rug, and it shouldn’t. 
Ope, “Gangsta’s Paradise” shows up one last time in the credits for good measure. 
Side note: after the film, I researched Louanne, and she’s still teaching, which honestly made me emotional (in a good way). And I’d like to point out the racist ass bullshit the studio and screenwriter Ronald Bass pulled by changing the poems the students read to Bob Dylan lyrics when Louanne originally used rap lyrics from popular artists in ‘89-’90 to teach the kids about poetry. 
Did I Cry? No, but I did get heartburn from anxiety flashbacks.
This genre of film is easy to mock and parody because it tells the same story and hits the same beats to the point that they’ve become cliche. Ultimately, the truth at the heart of the movie (which is the un-nuanced and candy-coated depiction of Johnson’s real memoir, My Posse Don’t Do Homework) is that high schoolers crave someone who will see them and validate them, someone who is willing to put in the effort. The quality of the package that truth is wrapped in varies, and this one certainly leans in hard on stereotypes that feel like cheat codes rather than any real illuminating depictions of living teenagers. But as cringey as it is to watch, maybe it’s not a bad thing to remember that all people - including those who are trapped in poverty and all the cruel injustices that entails - want to be seen and valued for who they really are. 
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alluringfiction · 3 years ago
The series begins with the introduction of the Sajakul family— dad, mom, "B”, and Sorn—who have recently moved from Minneapolis, Minnesota, to Beverly Hills, California, as a result of dad’s job promotion. In the first episode, "B” and Sorn begin attending West Beverly Hills High School, where they befriend several classmates: the self-centered and promiscuous Jang Yeeun, carefree and spoiled "S”, smart and driven Oh Seunghee, ditzy and virtuous Kwon Eunbin, brooding loner "A”, and younger and naive students “C” and "D”. The show follows the siblings as they bear witness and take part in the dramatic lives that their wealthy and privileged peers lead.
Trigger warnings: mentions of death, suicide, addiction, violence, weapons and sex!
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"Everyone here looks like they stepped out of a music video. I don't even have the right hair."
wasn't popular at her old school
is desperate to fit in at the new school
makes bad decisions in order to fit in
falls for bad boy "A"
on and off relationship with bad boy "A"
driven and fierce
really wants to impress Yeeun
takes drama classes with Eunbin and Seunghee
works at one time at a posh boutique and her boss mistreats her
is insecure about driving and initially fails her driver's test
her boyfriend "A" eventually lies and cheats
fights with Yeeun when she finds out she's hooking up with her boyfriend "A"
takes self defense classes with her mom and Eunbin
meets a guy that used to be a drug dealer and they get engaged and plan to elope to las vegas
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"It's usually those with lofty ideals that are the first to sell them out."
stereotypical spoiled type
carries a lot of pain and leads a promiscuous lifestyle due to a troubled past
bad self-esteem
has a fling with Sorn's boyfriend "A"
is voted the school's most beautiful girl but is sometimes troubled by her own appearance, she thinks people only like her because she's physically attractive
becomes addicted to cocaine after her father disappoints her once again; a guy she's dating at the time is addicted but she manages to get clean
gets trapped in a fire and is tricked into joining a cult
overdoses on diet pills
has a nose job done
majors in psychology and is a lot smarter than people give her credit for
ends up dating Sorn's brother "B" after hooking up with and dating her boyfriend "A"
checks into rehab and meets an unstable girl who ends up moving in with Yeeun
unstable girl takes Yeeun hostage at gunpoint and tries to perform a murder/suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning
gets shot by two gang members after they stole her car and as a result she has to go through emergency surgery and suffers complications
those complications leaves her with temporary amnesia
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"I better find a rich guy to marry me."
easy-going and good-spirited but can be quite bold in terms of personality
has sworn to remain a virgin for the foreseeable future
struggles a lot with her insecurities and tries to keep that a secret
rebels by smoking cigarettes, skipping class and hanging out with the wrong crowd
thinks she's stupid when she in fact has a learning disability
comes across as superficial
an art teacher discovers her talent for drawing
dates Yeeun's stepbrother "C"
her boyfriend "C" breaks up with her because she won't sleep with him
is held hostage by a serial rapist and is saved by her ex "C"
eventually gets back together with the ex "C"
works as the weather girl for campus tv and gains an unwanted fan; said unwanted fan turns out to be a stalker
after getting into a minor car accident and hurting her back she becomes addicted to pain killers
overdoses on pain killers and ends up in a coma
marries Yeeun's stepbrother "C"
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"Why is it we call a male assertive and a female pushy? Why is a guy tough and a girl a bitch? What would Walt Whitman say about that?"
the editor of the school's newspaper
is very logical and socially awkward
her goal is to win a scholarship to Yale
tutors kids over the summer
according to her love is the meaning of life
exposes the use of steroids on the school's track team
leads the fight against the school's unrealistic sex-ed policy by distributing free condoms
has feelings for Sorn's brother "B"
is involved in a hit and run that leaves her with a broken leg
is accepted into Yale
she's voted "most likely to succeed" during senior polls
she's the valedictorian of her year
marries early and gives birth to a baby girl but the marriage falls apart a year later when both cheat on each other
BUT they decide to stick together because both think their family is worth it
BUT they divorce a few years later
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"Well, stick with me. I'll teach you how to be heartless."
cunning, strong, smart
has trust issues
manipulates people and situations in an attempt to run from her own trauma
has a taste for drugs and hard liquor
pressures one of Eunbin's boyfriends into an affair
goes undercover as a prostitute to help a bounty hunter with a divorce case
but it doesn't work and she's arrested
hooks up with another one of Eunbin's boyfriends - "C"
has an affair with a married man
when she finds out that her lover lied about divorcing his wife for her she tells him she's pregnant
and she asks him for 100 000 dollars to stay away from him
she isn't actually pregnant though 
eventually returns the money
she can't stand Yeeun
is a hot mess
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"I don't know why I always feel so... Just not good enough, not pretty enough... Not blonde enough."
a former olympic-hopeful ice skater
is fired from her position in a touring ice show
grew up thinking she's Eunbin's cousin
turns out she's Eunbin's maternal cousin AND paternal half-sister
tries to bond with their dad
he suffers a fatal stroke while they're working out together
and she's blamed for his death
dates her way through the friend group
first has a sexual relationship with bad boy "A"
when he's paying more attention to Yeeun she moves on to "B"
grew up poor
with a mean-spirited, bullying stage mother
is enemies with Yeeun
after leaving town she finds work as a professionally successful skating commenter
1 note · View note
hanscom · 5 years ago
reddie enemies to lovers
(I keep trying to convince myself to finish this, but it hasn’t happened yet and it’s been over a year since I started it. So here, have some hockey enemies to friends nonsense.
Fair warning: this is the same game as we all know and love, but the ins and outs of professional hockey detailed here are made up. I don’t know the specifics about what goes on off the ice, okay? Correct me if you must, but I highly encourage you to just embrace the fact that I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about.
Also, I love you all, still and forever. Thanks for following me even after all this time.)
Pairing: Richie Tozier/Eddie Kaspbrak Rating: T Word count: 2,948
It’s cold in the arena.
It’s worse, down on the ice. The air is sharp and stinging on his face, in his lungs. His skates are steady under his feet. The lights are blazing overhead. He can’t smell much except the sweaty inside of his helmet, but he imagines it smells like popcorn and hoppy beer. It smells like game day. It smells like home.
Richie doesn’t think there could be anything better than this.
He’s skating backwards around the rink, gliding fast across the freshly buffed ice, content in the knowledge that no one is going to run into him. His team has gotten pretty good at working around him. They’re starting to become a pretty effortless unit, for the most part. It’s something Richie is pretty fucking proud of.
He whooshes past Ben and around one of the rookies, shouting joyful nonsense that echoes off the ice. They yell back at him, but he can’t make out the words over the sound of his skates and the blood rushing in his ears.
And then Stan skates out from the tunnel and into his way. Richie twists fast to the side, digging down, slowing to a quick stop. Ice sprays up under his blades. Stan, unimpressed as always, doesn’t move. “Are you done showing off?” he asks, his mouthguard hanging from his helmet. The only time he ever takes it out on the ice is to give Richie a hard time.
“What’s that?” Richie says. “I can’t hear you from down there.”
Stan is the smallest guy on the team. He’s almost a solid foot shorter than Richie, and he’s constantly sore as fuck about it. Richie doesn’t get it. If Stan were any bigger, any less quick on his feet, he wouldn’t be half the player he is. Stan’s a winger. His entire hockey career revolves around being fast. And, anyway, Richie’s kind of big for a centerman, but you don’t hear him bitching about it.
They’re close to the goal. Mike is standing there in the crease, suited up, his hulking equipment making him look massive. “Are we really doing this again?” he calls, but he’s laughing about it.
Richie digs his skates in, gliding an easy circle around the goal. “We sure are,” he says, grinning. “You know Stan plays a better game when he’s pissed off.”
“I could play a better game than you in a coma,” Stan shouts. His face is red, some combination of cold air and actual anger. Stan’s normally a pretty level-headed guy, but Richie gets under his skin, shakes him up, makes him mad. His game has gotten a thousand times more aggressive since they met. Bill sometimes jokes about putting him on defense, but he never will. Stan as Richie’s left wing is pretty much the only reason the Portland Pioneers ever score.
It’s not that their right wing is bad, exactly. He’s just… not good. Richie can say that. He’s not the captain, like Bill. He’s not even an alternate, like Stan and Ben. He doesn’t have to be diplomatic. He doesn’t have to play nice. Hockey’s not a nice sport. Hockey’s about being fast and smart and violent. Right winger Patrick Hockstetter might be mean as hell, but he’s also slow as fuck and dumb as a box of rocks. Richie can work with a lot of things, but he can’t fix stupid.
But Richie’s trying not to think about it. He doesn’t need to go into the game expecting Patrick to fuck it up for them (again). It’s bad luck. And Albany’s a good team. Richie has to focus if he’s going to pull this one out.
The Pioneers lose in overtime, which is devastating. Losing always sucks, but it’s even worse, watching Albany celebrate on their ice.
Afterward, the locker room is quiet for a long time, aside from the five minutes Coach spends yelling at them for their admittedly awful performance. When he retreats back to his office, the team slowly strips out of their equipment, made sluggish by defeat. They’re all tired. Richie is already starting to ache, his body finally registering all the time he spent up against the boards. Bill and Ben are in even worse shape. Both of them already have bruises blooming across their ribs, across their backs. Albany played rough. The Pioneers haven’t had to fight that dirty in a long time. It makes the loss feel even worse, somehow.
Richie has just finished dragging on his street clothes when Bill finally speaks up. He has changed into the full three-piece suit he wears to impress the media circus waiting outside for him, and his hair is still damp from the shower. He looks sort of ridiculous, standing there in full monkey costume in front of the team, who are all in various states of undress. But he’s still the captain, so when Bill tells them to listen up, they do.
“You guys played really hard tonight,” he says. He’s trying to sound light-hearted, uplifting, but Richie has known him for a long time now. He’s just as crushed by the loss as everyone else — probably more so. There’s a small waver in his voice that says it all. “I know this isn’t the outcome we wanted, but that doesn’t change how well you all played.”
Richie looks down. It’s sort of worse, knowing they did well but lost anyway. They gave it their all, but it wasn’t good enough. It fucking sucks. Richie sort of wants to punch something. He sort of wants to sleep for a few days straight.
He really, really, really wants a right winger who can shoot a decent shot.
It’s not a very charitable thought. Patrick has played worse games than this one. But Richie’s too tired to play nice, and he can’t stop replaying all the shots they missed, all the times he was open and so was the goal but the puck was nowhere to be found and neither was Patrick.
Richie thinks, without meaning to, about Albany’s right winger. Thinks about the way he had sped across the ice, faster than Richie, faster even than Stan. He’d played a good game. A damn good game. Richie sort of really hates him for it, which isn’t fair. It’s not that guy’s fault Richie doesn’t have a solid line. But he is most of the reason Albany scored and scored and scored again, so Richie reserves the right to hate him, just a little.
Stan and Mike ask him out for a drink, but he declines. He wouldn’t be good company, and besides, he’s beat. So he bids them goodbye and leaves out the back, ball cap pulled low over his eyes to hopefully deter anyone from recognizing him. It works. He gets home without incident, makes himself a late dinner, and flips on the TV to watch a few highlights, because he’s an obsessive masochist. Pittsburgh beats Chicago, then Nashville loses to Dallas, and then he’s watching himself skate furiously down the length of the Pioneers’ rink. He groans, but doesn’t fumble for the remote. Helplessly, hopelessly, he watches Patrick lag behind. He watches Albany’s defense wrestle the puck away without much of a fight. He watches that tiny fucking demon of a right winger swoop in, taking control of the puck with an ease Richie can’t help but admire. God, the guy’s good.
The announcers call him Eddie Kaspbrak. The name sounds familiar, in the way that all good players sound familiar. Richie can only watch so many highlights in a night without picking up on a few things, and this is clearly not the first beautiful pass Kaspbrak has ever made. Richie makes a face and finally shuts the television off. He doesn’t need to relive Kaspbrak’s seamless pass to center, that perfect shot down the crease, the way Mike’s knee guards slapped to the ice a split-second too late. It was hard enough to watch in real time.
One day, he’s going to have a right wing like Kaspbrak, who can keep up and knows how to bank a shot. But today isn’t that day, so he gives up and goes to bed, upset and pissed off and stoking his quiet, irrational grudge against Eddie Kaspbrak.
Trade negotiations roll around. Richie tries not to worry about it, but he does. Everyone does.
In the end, it’s Patrick. Which isn’t surprising, exactly, but feels so much like everything Richie has ever wanted that it scares him. He finds himself waiting for the other shoe to drop.
In late February, two weeks before the trade deadline, it does. Bill makes the announcement after a rough, sweaty afternoon practice. Richie is tired as fuck, still breathing heavy, but all the air jams up in his throat when Bill breaks the news.
The Portland Pioneers have acquired Eddie Kaspbrak.
Kaspbrak, in person and without all his gear, is even smaller than he looks on the ice.
He’s younger-looking than Richie expects. They’re the same age, but Richie has taken a few good hits over the years that have knocked his face a little out of whack. He has a crooked nose, twisted teeth. The entire left side of his jaw had to be painstakingly rebuilt three years ago when he took a puck to the face, which left his smile sort of lopsided.
Eddie doesn’t look like he’s ever taken a hit. He has a smooth, even face. Nice teeth. He’s good-looking, is all Richie’s saying. Richie didn’t expect it. He’s not sure why it catches him off-guard.
They meet for the first time off the ice the day the Pioneers are scheduled to play Carolina. Morning skate is optional, but Richie drags himself in anyway because Bill expects him to, and Richie’s a sucker who doesn’t want to disappoint his captain, even after all this time. It’s not even that early when he stumbles in but he feels bleary and sluggish, pulling on his gear without participating much in the locker talk. Stan tries to rile him up a few times, but gives up fast when Richie refuses to take the bait. Mike nudges him when he walks past. “Rough night?” he asks, grinning like he knows the answer. Richie spent his night with a microwaved pizza and the highlights reel, but that’s nobody’s damn business, so he shrugs.
And then Bill comes out of Coach’s office. The team doesn’t exactly snap to attention whenever he’s around, but the chatter dies down to a dull murmur. Especially when someone follows him out.
Kaspbrak is wearing street clothes — sneakers, jeans, a fucking polo shirt. Richie wonders if that’s the sort of thing he always wears or if he dressed up for them. He looks more comfortable than he probably should, standing in front of a group of strangers who, up until this point, have only known him as an opponent. He’s smiling. He is just — really good-looking. Richie is sort of hung up on it.
“This,” Bill announces, “is Eddie. He’s going to practice with us this morning.”
The season hasn’t even officially ended. Patrick got pulled from the roster when the trade was announced, but he’s still around. His locker’s not even empty. Richie doesn’t like the guy or anything, but that has to be a tough pill to swallow. Richie can’t even imagine what being replaced like that would feel like.
On the other hand, he really, really wants to get out on the ice with Kaspbrak. He wants to see what the guy can do, up close and personal.
It’s a tough thing, being both impressed and annoyed by the sight of someone. It’s made worse by the way Bill stares him down until he manages to force a smile in Eddie’s direction. Kaspbrak grins back at him, easy. His teeth are stupidly perfect. None of them are chipped or anything. Richie can’t remember the last time he met a hockey player with a perfect face. Something about it freaks him out.
Bill claps Eddie on the shoulder. “Welcome to the team,” he says. Most of the guys echo the sentiment. Richie mumbles something that sounds close enough and finishes lacing up his skates.
He doesn’t have to play nice with Kaspbrak. He just has to play well with Kaspbrak. There’s a big difference, and Richie is clinging stubbornly to it.
The thing is, Kaspbrak is really fucking good.
Richie knew. Of course he knew. He hardly ever lets the losses get to him, because God knows there have been too many to remember them all over the years, but he’s been hung up on the Albany game for months now. He’s watched the playback more than once, and has most of Albany’s season saved to his DVR.
But it’s different in person. Kaspbrak is so fast. So steady on his feet. Richie hasn’t been impressed by something as simple as skating since he was a kid, but the way Kaspbrak does it shakes him up. The guy skates like a dream. Richie is so jealous, and so impressed, and so fucking confused. He’s spent the better part of the season hating this guy, and now he’s here, gliding around Richie in wide circles, lapping Bill and Ben and even Stan, looking like maybe he’s not even making much of an effort.
Morning skate is easy, most of the time. Everyone wants to be at their best for that night’s game, and half the team didn’t even show. But Eddie throws the dynamic off, makes them all a little hot and hungry for some actual play, and before Richie knows it, Mike and his rookie are guarding opposing nets and Richie’s facing off with Bill, staring at him through the grate of his helmet, his mouthguard clenched between his teeth. It’s not a real scrimmage. They don’t have enough players to run a real game. But Richie doesn’t care, because Stan volunteered as Bill’s winger, which left Kaspbrak all for Richie. Richie can feel him, on his right, just outside the face-off circle. Richie has this weird, sudden urge to look back at him, but then the puck is on the ground and there’s no time.
Bill is a vicious center. He’s not as fast as Richie, but he’s stronger. There’s a reason he plays defense. His body is one solid line of muscle, and he’s not afraid of using it. He shoulder-checks Richie, almost knocks him off balance with the force of it, but Richie bares his teeth and refuses to give up ground. Bill is probably a better player than Richie is in the long run, but Richie is the best center the team has ever had. He wrestles the puck out of Bill’s reach and bears down on the ice, shooting across the rink. Eddie is ahead of him. Richie hasn’t had a winger faster than him in so long he almost forgets to make the pass.
Eddie doesn’t hesitate. He moves like a blur, so fast it’s hard to keep track of his stick against the puck, driving it effortlessly forward. Mike is braced in the crease, his big body held wide, but he’s just not quick enough. Eddie comes at him from the side, bent down, stick jumping from one side of the puck to the other. And then it’s over. One second, he’s barreling down the rink, and the next, the puck is in the net — a perfect backhand shot.
It’s just practice. There’s no cheering, no booming announcement, no music. But Richie feels the same way he always does, his pulse loud in his ears, his heart tight in his chest.
“Kaspbrak!” he roars. “You son of a bitch!”
Eddie has the kind of smile that could melt the ice. He looks so pleased, so proud. Richie skates to him and throws an arm around his shoulder, smacking his helmet.
“We went easy on you!” Stan shouts, because he’s a sore loser.
“You kidding?” Richie yells back. “You couldn’t have caught him if you tried!”
Eddie’s shoulders shake. Richie leans into him, grinning, thrilled beyond measure. They drift a little on the ice, aimless, anchored together.
“It won’t happen again,” Bill says. He’s a competitive motherfucker, which makes him a great player and an even better captain. It won’t be easy, getting the puck away from him again.
Eddie grins up at Richie like maybe he’s up for the challenge.
Eddie scores two more times. He insists that they don’t call it a hat trick, considering it’s just practice and he’s scared of jinxing it. Richie doesn’t care what they call it. All he knows is Eddie scored three fucking times, and he assisted all of them. He doesn’t even mind that he wasn’t the one to make the shots. It’s better, almost, watching Eddie do it.
Bill lets morning skate go longer than normal, probably hoping to pull out a single goal, but after awhile he finally calls them off the ice. Richie is dripping with sweat when he peels himself out of his equipment. He didn’t realize how hard he’d been working. It hadn’t felt like much, being out there on the ice, falling into Eddie’s rhythm, into his gravity.
Eddie hangs back while everyone files out, looking around like maybe he’s still taking everything in. His hair is wet from the shower and his face is flushed. Richie nudges him on his way out. “Sure you can’t play with us tonight?” he asks. It’s not possible, but it makes Eddie beam.
“Won’t be long,” Eddie assures him.
Richie doesn’t say so, but he can’t fucking wait.
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beecherdrysdale · 4 years ago
Onto the next !
Yesss slow dancing is amazing and I will fight anyone who says it isn’t hehe. It’s just so romantic and cute all at the same time . Kesh I’ll dance w you at the club ! But then you and Kirby 🥺🥺 also you guys chilling at the bar and just watching us look crazy on the dance floor is the best hehe.
Awww slow dancing at the Christmas gala would be so cuteeeeeee. I love hockey players in suits, I’ll make sure to wear either a red dress or a lbd I’m not sure. Anyways this idea is adorable. Kissing under the mistletoe🥺😭
1. Kirby and kes= you are so cute. You guys would be cuddling all the time - esp at our vacay because why not? Softest couple ever, he’s just so careful and caring w you ! And you are w him . Like you would actually answer his texts lol . Nah you are calm, like you won’t accidentally hit each other in the face and then laugh about it 😂. Idk you are just the couple that would do so many coupley things together - like face masks or just watching Netflix together without a care in the world 🥺
Brigid and Dylan = hottest couple hehe. Ya you would be flirty with each other and super competitive. I think Dylan is more daring, so you would be turned on by that. Constantly doing activities together. Ooo I like “baby” as a pet name and Dylan would love it when you call him that! Awww “pretty girl” I love that as well. So you guys are bascially just making each other swoon lol . He would be so protective of tho, he gives me big jealous vibes sometimes. But guys would be scared since he’s tall and a big hockey player. Ooo you can wear your beanies the same way lol.
Brigid and Jamie= softest couple. He’s so cute with you. Aw the soft touches and lingering looks🥺 and tracing each others freckles, believe me you don’t want more than five lol . You would just be constantly looking at each other💗. The hair, you both have really good hair sooo that would be adorable ! Omg him calling “smart girl” and “smart boy” awwwww that tugs on my heartstrings. Yess stargazing would be so cute, and him actually wanting to learn how to braid your hair - but it still doesn’t work out....but at least he tried .
Haha Lexi and Quinner=definitely chaos confirmed. We would keep each other interested all the time hehe. The accidental hitting each other would be a regular occurrence I am so clumsy sometimes lol. Haha yes the constant competition, lmao who can run to the car fasterrrr, who can skate faster. Hehe I love that tbh. Awww you are making my heart melt. Kesh, my god thst made me cryyyyyy. You are to nice, same w you brigid💕. Aw him texting me or making me food 🥺
I love the babysitting idea! It is so cute, this would be a great scenario tbh. But kids don’t really like me lol .
Okkk another date idea: everybody just gathering to go skating together, like the rink or arena w the rink is empty and the team is there!
Kesh I’m not sure if you know how to skate but Imagine Kirby just holding your hand and teaching you to skate and constantly having an arm around you. Him skating backwards to help you 🥺
Brigid- you can skate well so you and Dylan and Jamie would just be skating together or you would be skating w each boy. They would be so watchful so that you wouldn’t fall , and would be glaring at the team so that they don’t interrupt your moments.
Lmao me and Ryan on the ice together would be so fucking chaotic, I consider myself a pretty good skater I think hehe? So we would racing each other and purposefully tripping each other but we would also be trying to do tricks and stuff. Aww I’d make Quinner sad but I’ll skate with him too !
The rest of the boys are just chilling and playing hockey, but we also join them to play some fun games.)
Thank you!😍
haha y’all know the drill, another long post
yesssss omg i love slow dancing, it’s so cute, but then so romantic and i just love it 😍 and if it was at the christmas gala that would be so fun. like hockey boys in suits? yes please sign me up. and then wearing either like a long redress with a slit bc christmas colors duh. or black bc i look better in black lol. but then you end up under the mistletoe so their teammates makes you kiss and then chirp you lol. and yes all of us have to dance together at the club. but then kirby and kesh dancing together 🥺 but then they’re just chilling at the bar watching the rest of us go crazy lol
ok i really have nothing to add on to these relationship explanations other than that i love them and they are amazing and literally like perfect for each couple. except i will say that i would keep teaching jamie how to braid until he at least somewhat gets it and he can kind of do one without knotting my hair. like i don’t care how long it takes and then when he gets it calling him “my smart boy”🥺 ugh i’m soft now. and also yes i forgot all about the boys making food for us. like i feel like quinner def would for lexi and kirby for kesh (although idk how good he would be at it lol) and then jamie and dyl would try, but i feel like neither of them would be the best at it lmao
omg yessss babysitting with them. and then they agree to watch all these kids movies to make the kid happy and doing whatever the kid wants, like they are literally wrapped around the kid’s finger. and then they’re like “i wonder what our kids will be like” 🥺 (only if you guys want kids obvi). and lexi i bet you’d be great with kids
ooooh skating with all the boys i love it! omg even if kesh is amazing at skating, kirby would still have to have an arm/hand on her at all times bc they’re just a soft couple like that. like kirby just loves her sm he always wants to be touching her. and then there’s me with dyl and jamie. and as soon as they get there they’re like we’ll help you with your skates. and i’m just like guys ik how to skate and stuff, i can put my own skates on. but then they really want to and they’re giving me puppy dog eyes so i let them tie my skates for me. and then we’re skating together the whole time, and they’re just giving the other guys looks like i stg if you ruin our moment. but then at some point i would want to like hang out with the other guys and mess around with them and race them lol. and then we have lexi. lexi, lexi, lexi, ignoring her bf to go be chaotic with ryan. like they’re just all over the rink racing and tripping people. but then quinner is kind of pouting and ofc when lexi notices then she goes over to him and feels bad, so then she skates with him and then he’s happy and they’re just adorable together and that’s really all i have to say about it. but then at the end we all have to play hockey together lol and they go easy on all us girls before realizing we’re actually pretty good and so we keep scoring lol
and that’s it for now
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