#and Syria
metamorphesque · 2 years
I know that you're armenian and to be fully honest with you I didn't expect you to post about Turkey. I know the relationship between our countries is horrible at best.
human pain is human pain ... and this is a heart beating in my chest, not a stone 🌼
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deesi-academia · 11 months
the world makes me so so sad. and what's even sadder is that just one country has been given so much power to completely shift the narrative in their side every single time. i can't belive how easily history repeats itself and all the people in power stand still to watch it like a story.
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ultimatedreamer104 · 11 months
I just want a happy ending. Is that to much to ask for?
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fancyhandsbakery · 2 months
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Keep your eyes on Palestine. We know the illegal occupation launches attacks when Western media is distracted.
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weepingfireflies · 11 months
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People & countries mentioned in the thread:
DR Congo - M23, Cobalt
Darfur, Sudan - International Criminal Court, CNN, BBC (Overview); Twitter Explanation on Sudan
Tigray - Human Rights Watch (Ethnic Cleansing Report)
the Sámi people - IWGIA, Euronews
Hawai'i - IWGIA
Syria - Amnesty International
Kashmir- Amnesty Summary (PDF), Wikipedia (Jammu and Kashmir), Human Rights Watch (2022)
Iran - Human Rights Watch, Morality Police (Mahsa/Jina Amini - Al Jazeera, Wikipedia)
Uyghurs - Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP) Q&A, Wikipedia, Al Jazeera, UN Report
Tibetans - SaveTibet.org, United Nations
Yazidi people - Wikipedia, United Nations
West Papua - Free West Papua, Genocide Watch
Yemen - Human Rights Watch (Saudi border guards kill migrants), Carrd
Sri Lanka (Tamils) - Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch
Afghans in Pakistan - Al Jazeera, NPR
Ongoing Edits: more from the notes / me
Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh/Azerbaijan (Artsakh) - Global Conflict Tracker ("Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict"), Council on Foreign Relations, Human Rights Watch (Azerbaijan overview), Armenian Food Bank
Baháʼís in Iran - Bahá'í International Community, Amnesty, Wikipedia, Minority Rights Group International
Kafala System in the Middle East - Council on Foreign Relations, Migrant Rights
Rohingya - Human Rights Watch, UNHCR, Al Jazeera, UNICEF
Montagnards (Vietnam Highlands) - World Without Genocide, Montagnard Human Rights Organization (MHRO), VOA News
Ukraine - Human Rights Watch (April 2022), Support Ukraine Now (SUN), Ukraine Website, Schools & Education (HRW), Dnieper River advancement (Nov. 15, 2023 - Ap News)
Reblogs with Links / From Others
Indigenous Ppl of Canada, Cambodia, Mexico, Colombia
Armenia Reblog 1, Armenia Reblog 2
Armenia, Ukraine, Central African Republic, Indigenous Americans, Black ppl (US)
Rohingya (Myanmar)
More Hawai'i Links from @sageisnazty - Ka Lahui Hawaii, Nation of Hawai'i on Soverignty, Rejected Apology Resolution
From @rodeodeparis: Assyrian Policy Institute, Free Yezidi
From @is-this-a-cool-url: North American Manipur Tribal Association (NAMTA)
From @dougielombax & compiled by @azhdakha: Assyrians & Yazidis
West Sahara conflict
Last Updated: Feb. 19th, 2024 (If I missed smth before this, feel free to @ me to add it)
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fairuzfan · 9 months
The World Food Program announced it is ending general assistance to northwest Syria. Syrians get little aid in general and are at risk en mass of food insecurity.
Please consider donating to Islamic Relief so that they can distribute food and other materials.
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i-am-aprl · 5 months
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🚀 People trying to blame Iran for this measured and calculated “escalation” conveniently ignore the facts. The real question is why are the UK and US so quick to condemn Iran for its attacks tonight, but so unwilling to condemn the Israeli attack on Iran’s embassy in Syria?
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shehzadi · 8 months
the US is directly bombing syria, iraq (x, x, x, x) and yemen simultaneously tonight (very early hours of 03.02.24) while, of course, continuing to proudly fund israel’s ongoing genocide in ghazzah. they’re saying that this is only the beginning of their operations in iraq and syria. meanwhile, israel is increasingly targeting rafah, having just martyred 11 palestinians there in one airstrike alone. as a reminder, rafah is essentially the southern most area in ghazzah and is where israel told palestinians to flee to, calling it a ‘safe zone’. this is all happening the same day israel announced it is preparing for a ground invasion in rafah. allah reham kare
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tomi4i · 6 months
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Fuck Israel
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intersectionalpraxis · 7 months
The collective meow when they say "Ramadan" 😭
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eyeonpalestine · 7 months
BREAKING: Israel is currently bombing Syria’s capital city of Damascus, targeting residential areas.
Within a single day alone, Israel has dropped bombs Gaza, South Lebanon and Syria.
This is not victim behavior.
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This is terrorism.
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twinsfawn · 3 days
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and then people act like this isn’t genocide
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ghostingghosty · 5 months
Iran has launched a retaliation against Israel for the attack on a diplomatic iranian building, and therefore Iranian soil, in Damascus, Syria. The attack got little mentions in the news, and media will use this lack of information to favour Israel, as headlines are where most people stop reading. Be aware and stay informed; Israel started this, NOT Iran OR Palestine.
Israel's, with the full support and weapons of the US, ongoing genocide on palestininians, their multiple attacks on land outside their colonisation "mission", and their general military mindset of being in the right are the fault of this. This is a retaliation from Iran, and all further escalations from this situation will be due to the unhinged evilness and ego of the USA, Israel, and the West. All blood will be on the hands of the oppressors; both those who are directly feasting on the meat of their victims, those who refuse to use a leash and those who ignores the blood.
I am afraid of the prospects of the situation escalating by the US's military force being sent to, not only, "Israel" and Palestine but also, now, Iran. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed and injured in the "war against terror" and millions were affected. Not only that, but the prospects of the war reaching outside the region are also getting increasingly more of a reality, and I hope all who, before, could ignore the terrors by turning of their tv's, now will finally look, even if it is for own self-interest.
Stay informed and keep informing those around you – remember, the Western medias are zionists and many will fall for their propaganda. Stay safe. Free Palestine.
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vexheart · 9 months
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Praying for a just world; a world full of love and peace, a world with the right to equality for all, freedom from discrimination for all, right to life, liberty, and personal security for all, freedom from torture and degrading treatment for all, freedom from exile for all, right to freedom of movement for all, freedom to worship in peace for all, freedom of opinion and Information for all, right to education for all, right to water, food, and shelter for all, rights to adequate living standards for all.🙏🕊️
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henk-heijmans · 8 months
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The music over the ruins of Aleppo, Syria, 2017 - by Joseph Eid (1976), Lebanese
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totallynotcensorship · 5 months
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hi hello this is your reminder that google are hypocrites(and bds)
the lay offs were on the 18th this month, pretending to celebrate a native culture as you help the military that is actively ethnically cleansing them, and has been for years, is highly hypocritical and just an attempt to save face
in case someone forgot, google is on BDS' "pressure" list, which means it isn't necessary a 100% boycott but rather a target for pressuring and limiting your use of their services to push them towards cutting ties with israel
additional context on dabka:
it is a folk dance from levantine countries like lebanon, jordan, syria, and palestine. with possible origins in ancient phoenician and/or canaanite cultures
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