#and I'm not talking about betas because I do have people looking it over and letting me bounce ideas off them
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shipmistress9 · 3 days ago
Blueberries & Chocolate Chips
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Fandom: The Empyrean (Fourth Wing)
Pairing: Riorgail (Vioelt/Xaden)
Rating: Mature
Tags: Modern AU, unplanned pregnancy, talk of infertility, talk of abortion, plot with porn
Summary: Violet hadn't felt like partying after just dumping her ex for cheating on her. But maybe Rhiannon had been right. Maybe going out to celebrate Liam's birthday hadn't been such a bad idea. After all, if she'd stayed home that night…none of this would have happened.
AN: Weird how a tiny random thought can take over your entire brain in less than an hour. 😆 This is not a trope I ever thought I'd write...yet here we are. Buckle up and enjoy the ride. 🥰
Also, big thanks to @theoppositequeens for betaing this story and chearing me on so wonderfully. 🥰
. o O o .
"Vi? Why aren't you getting ready?" Rhiannon frowned as she poked her head into Violet's bedroom. "What are you waiting for?"
Violet lifted her head from the book she'd been reading, cuddled up in a warm blanket and her comfy pyjamas already. "Getting ready? For what?" Honestly, whatever it was, she wasn't going. She'd had more than enough 'entertainment' over the last two weeks and was happy to just spend this night here in her bed. Or maybe even the days after, too. Fuck everyone else.
Rhiannon stepped fully into her room, her hands on her hips. "Liam's birthday party? You told him you'd be there, remember?"
With a groan, Violet let her head drop back against the headboard. "Shit…that's today?" If there was one person she didn't want to let down then it was ever-happy, ever-encouraging, ever-supportive Liam. But still, just the idea of getting out of this bed and putting on sensible clothes seemed like too much effort, let alone joining her friend at some club.
Sighing, she shook her head. "I'm sorry, but I'm not going. Can you excuse me? I'm really not feeling like partying."
Rhiannon pressed her lips into a thin line and regarded her with a long look. Then she shook her head, too. "Nope, I'm not doing that," she announced, coming closer with purposeful strides. "Because you are going to come with us. You had your time moping around after that asshole cheated on you, but now it's time to keep living."
"Rhi…" Violet pleaded, but she just shook her head again.
"None of that, Vi. What you need now is a distraction, some fun. Even if only to rub it in his face that you're better off without him. Because you are! I'd suggest getting laid by some hot stranger, but I know that's not really your thing. So what's better than a night out with your friends? You can drink as many cocktails as you like, I'll watch out for you, and we'll dance the entire night away, if you want. But you are coming with us."
Violet wrinkled her nose. But she knew Rhiannon well enough after their years of friendship, knew that, when she used this tone, then there was no arguing with her.
. o O o .
Okay, maybe coming here hadn't been such a bad idea, after all. Even after only five minutes at the club Liam had picked, Violet already felt more alive than she had in…a very long time. Even since before she’d found Halden in bed with another woman and he'd tried to explain away what he'd done instead of apologising, if she was being honest.
Maybe it was the beat of the music that made her forget about her gloomy thoughts, or maybe it was laughing with her friends, the true joy she'd seen on Ridoc's, Sawyer's, and most of all Liam's face as she joined them at their table. Maybe it was the vibrant life all around her, people dancing and laughing, that reminded her of how good things could be.
Yep, she truly had to thank Rhiannon for making her come.
"You'll have to excuse me for a moment," Liam shouted over the loud music, squeezing her shoulder where he'd had his arm around her until now. "As much as I love you all, my other guests just arrived and I at least have to greet them." He gave Violet and the rest of them a wink then disappeared into the crowd, and Ridoc instantly turned his head to gaze at where he was heading.
Rhiannon and Violet shared a knowing smirk across their drinks. While Liam, who'd only recently joined their team, had become a solid member of their 'squad' at work, he of course also had other friends. And even though this was the first time their two groups truly met, they'd already met one person of that other group before. Bodhi, a guy with black curly hair, warm tawny skin, and an easy smile, had come over to pick Liam up for some group activities once or twice, and even though those meetings had been barely enough to exchange more than a dozen words, Ridoc was already entirely smitten.
"He's my soulmate," he kept exclaiming whenever one of them teased him about his cute infatuation. "I just know it, okay?" Which only made them grin wider, of course.
"So, are you going to make a move tonight?" Sawyer inquired with a grin.
Ridoc huffed a laugh. "Is grass green? Of course, I will. That man is just waiting for me to pick him up, whether he already knows it or not."
"Oh, I think he knows," came Liam's voice from behind them again, his eyes gleaming with glee.
Behind him, Bodhi appeared with a bit of a blush around his ears, and he headed directly for Ridoc, not needing any introductions, after all. Yeah, it seemed like they wouldn't be seeing much of those two tonight anymore.
As they moved away to talk, some new people took their places around the table, and Violet could do little but gawk as Liam introduced them all to each other. There was a woman named Imogen whose pink hair stood out even in a club like this. A guy named Garrick had his arm around her shoulders and greeted them all with an open grin that made Violet instantly like him. And then, there was him.
He looked so much like Bodhi that they had to be related. Brothers, maybe? At least cousins. He had the same dark curls and tawny skin, the same muscular build and handsome features. But where Bodhi seemed open and approachable, Xaden was cool and aloof. He also was a bit taller and broader, his features all around a bit harder, sharper, his eyes so dark they seemed nearly black in this light.
And he was absolutely gorgeous.
Violet couldn't pin down what it was, just something about the way he moved, how his eyes took them all in, the timbre of his voice. Sometimes, Violet thought to herself, sometimes, life is good. Yep, letting Rhi drag her out of her gloom for this was definitely the right decision.
. o O o .
"May I join you here?"
Violet looked up from where she sat alone at their table, even though she knew in an instant who it was. Only twenty minutes had passed since Liam's friends had arrived and he'd only spoken a few words since then, and yet Xaden's voice had already burned itself into her memory. "Uh, sure!" She grabbed Rhi's and her purses to put them on her other side, making room for him to sit.
He slid into the free space with a grace that made her instantly jealous, but momentarily forgot that thought again when his broad arm came to rest next to her own. Fuck, he was massive. And why did that make heat curl in her lower belly? She really needed to get a grip.
"You're not dancing?" he asked, nodding to where the rest of their combined group was moving on the dance floor. Minus Ridoc and Bodhi, of course, who were nowhere to be seen anymore.
Violet snorted and shook her head. "I have pretty stupid joints, they don't like staying where they're supposed to. Dancing is generally not a good idea for me."
He huffed something of a laugh. "Fair enough."
"And you?" she threw back, glancing at where Rhi and Liam were throwing curious glances at them. "What's your excuse?" Because, clearly, he wasn't dancing, either.
His beautiful lips pulled into a half-smile that made her heart skip a beat or two. "I just didn't feel like it."
"Fair enough," she replied, drawing another devastating smile from his lips. Violet had to swallow at the way he looked at her, all hooded lids and heated eyes, and quickly took another sip from her drink to cover it up. Being this attractive and flirting with her? That had to be illegal.
Especially when he let out a low chuckle all of a sudden. At her questioning glance, he nodded at her drink. "I was just… What is this? It certainly earned the name cocktail, that's for sure. That has to be the most colourful drink on their entire menu."
Violet eyed her glass— and couldn't help but giggle as well. "Well, it is called a rainbow cocktail. Mocktail. So it should be colourful, don't you think?" It didn't help that the bartender had apparently felt the need to add not one, not two, but three pieces of colourful decoration, including a rainbow-coloured feather. It really looked a bit ridiculous.
For comparison, she glanced at his drink, probably coke with some rum or whisky, and had to suppress another chuckle. All black, that seemed to be his thing as it matched his clothes, tight-fitting denims and a short-sleeved shirt of the same colour.
Xaden hummed. "No alcohol?"
Violet shrugged. "No, just juice and soda for me. I had one cocktail earlier, but I'd rather not get too drunk today." Which was a change of plan she'd decided on about two minutes after Liam's friends had arrived, but she refused to think too deeply about why she wanted to stay more sober all of a sudden.
"Same as me, then." He held up his glass, his lips twitching into a smirk at her surprised look. "Just coke. I don't drink and drive."
Damn, attractive, interested, and responsible? Where had this guy been when she'd met Halden? He could have saved her from a lot of trouble.
"So, how do you know Liam?" she asked, just to cover up how his eyes alone were ruining the panties she was wearing beneath her skirt. Maybe she'd had too much alcohol after all, if only this short exchange was already enough for her to be nearly drenched.
Xaden huffed a small laugh. "We're brothers." When she whipped her head around to stare at him, dumbfounded, he put on that devastating smirk again. "We were fostered together," he explains more softly. Okay, that made more sense. "And you're working with him?"
Violet blinked, then nodded. "Yeah, he and I share an office. Rhi, Sawyer, and Ridoc are in the one next to ours. We started out all getting lunch together, and now…" She shrugged. The friendship between the five of them was something special to her, not easy to put into words. They always had each other's back.
"I see," Xaden mused. "So…are you the one with the asshole of an ex?"
Violet nearly choked on her drink. "Liam gossiped about that?" That didn't seem right, not like Liam at all.
But Xaden shook his head. "Not directly. He was just…very agitated when he learned about it, stomping up and down our living room and cursing. I didn't get any details, just that he felt like hunting down someone's boyfriend and punching him in the face— which is pretty unusual for Liam, he's not a violent guy. And then he was all smug one day, told me one of his colleagues finally ditched their partner. So I was just putting things together here."
Violet huffed a humourless laugh, filing away the comment about their living room for another time. "Yeah, that was all about me. He cheated on me and, eventually, I dumped him. I deserve better than such an irresponsible and unreliable idiot."
Xaden murmured something that again sounded like his words from before, same as me, then. But before she could be sure, he already went on. "Agreed," he murmured. "You certainly do." His eyes were even more intent on her now, making her squirm in her seat. By Amari, if he didn't stop looking at her like that, she'd have to excuse herself to the bathroom and try to contain her mess with toilet paper or something. "So, did you only come here for Liam's sake?” he asked, shifting in his seat. “Or are you looking for a rebound fling?"
Violet sucked in a breath, her eyes meeting his. Was he…offering?
Thoughts crossed her mind at lightning speed, pros and cons warring until one thought stood out to her. He was Liam's friend. So he had to be trustworthy.
Her expression shifted into a sly smile, her lower lip tucked between her teeth as she let her gaze wander over his body, the muscles beneath smooth inked skin, until she met his eyes again. "Maybe?" she replied, her tone more seductive than she knew she was capable of.
Xaden's eyes flared with sudden undiluted interest. His tongue darted out to wet his lips as his gaze wandered through the room, searching until they found the corridor that led to the bathrooms. Looking back at her, he cocked his head, nodding in that direction, the question clear in his eyes.
Violet hesitated for less than a second. Was she really going to fuck a stranger in the club's bathroom? She gave him a nod.
Apparently, she was.
. o O o .
Violet gasped as her back hit the wall of the tight broom closet. Or was it the door? It was too dark in here to see much. They hadn't even made it to the bathrooms, Xaden pulling her through the hidden door, and his mouth had been on hers before the door was even closed again.
His kiss was rough and urgent, like he was starving and she was the first meal he had in days. His hands were all over her, pinning her between the door and his body, his tongue gliding against her lips, begging for entrance. She granted it happily, wrapping one leg around him as best she could. She just needed him closer. The motion made her skirt ride up all the way to her waist and brought her soaked panties right to his crotch, but she didn't care. How could she when the most gorgeous man she'd ever met was kissing her within an inch of her life?
"Fuck, Vi," he groaned as his fingers found the wetness between her things. "I need…" He grunted and shook his head as if to clear it. "How quiet can you be?"
Oh, Gods, this was really happening.
"Pretty quiet if I have to be," she shot back, grinning as she let her hand run down his front to where she could feel him hard beneath his denims.
Xaden all but growled. "Excellent."
Instead of fumbling with his button and zipper, however, he unwrapped her leg from his waist before he dropped to his knees in front of her, his hands beneath her skirt before she could wrap her head around the sudden change. "W-what…?" she sputtered as he slid her panties down her legs.
"I want to taste you," he groaned against her inner thigh where he'd lifted her left leg back up again to place it over his shoulder. "Fuck, you smell so good."
He wasted no time, his tongue flicking out against her slick folds. Violet couldn’t contain her surprise, a breathy cry slipping off her lips, and she instantly clamped a hand over her mouth, her eyes blown wide. Gods, what was happening?
Xaden's eyes— they really were black, weren't they?— flickered up to meet hers. "Everything okay?" he rasped against her sensitive skin, and Violet's leg threatened to give with how it trembled.
Not daring to take her hand away from her mouth, Violet nodded, mewling at the way his eyes flashed with a devious smirk, how it made her all but melt into his hold on her.
And then he really started to put his mouth to work on her, and all Violet could do was at least try and keep her gasps and cries muffled. Her free hand scrambled for his hair just for anything to hold on to as he pushed her higher and higher, his tongue licking at her wetness, his lips closing around her clit to suck. It was maddening, a roller-coaster of sensations. The way he groaned into her heated flesh when she tore at his hair, how his hands tightened against her thighs to hold her in place.
"Xaden!" she gasped as she felt her orgasm building— so quickly, she couldn't believe it was really happening— her other hand flying into his hair as well. To keep him there or to push him away for a reprieve, she couldn't tell. All she knew was that she would die if he didn't—
Her breath came in short little gasps as the wave was building, and the coil drew tight in her stomach. And when she came— flung over the edge violently like barely ever before— it was all she could do to bite down on her lower lip, hard, to keep the screams building inside her as low keening, as Xaden completely wrecked her with his mouth.
"Fuck, that was hot," he grunted as her senses returned to her. He was standing again, so close that she felt him against her entire front, felt all the hard muscles beneath his skin, yet the moment was also oddly soft in how he bent to rest his forehead against hers.
Violet gasped a breathy laugh, her head still swimming in the afterglow. "That…that was… Just, wow." From the corner of her eye, she saw him grin. "Do you want me to return the favour?"
Xaden groaned, a tangible shudder running through his body, and his cock notably strained at her words. But he shook his head. "I don't think I could even try to be quiet right now," he grunted, his hand twitching where he'd grabbed her shoulder.
Violet sucked in a breath, the entire situation making her head spin. Fucking a stranger at a club's bathroom was wild to her— but not uncommon, all in all. But having one go down on her, giving her such an amazing orgasm, and then not insisting on her returning it? Fuck, this guy was too good to be real.
"Then how about we go to my place instead?" she heard herself suggest, and didn't regret it one bit. This night was not going how she'd imagined it, but that was okay. Because it was better, and she wasn't yet ready to let it end here.
Another groan rumbled through him. "Are you sure?" he grunted. "You don't have to—"
"I am sure," she interrupted him. "This was great, but I want you to fuck me, Xaden. And I don't think I could be quiet about it here, either."
He gasped a low laugh and shook his head. "Fuck, you'll be the death of me."
. o O o .
Chat history with RhiBee
Hey, would you mind spending the night at Tara's? 😇
Oh, my Gods! Violet Sorrengail, are you telling me you're bringing 'company'? 😏
Is it Riorson?
Who's Riorson?
Hahaha, haven't laughed that much in a while. 😑
That guy you were eye-fucking about half an hour ago? Bodhi's cousin?
Oh, you mean Xaden.
Uh, yeah, it's him.
Ha! I knew it! Sawyer owes me a 5er. 😁
Sure, I'll go to Tara when you feel well enough again.
See you tomorrow. And have fun. 😏 That guy looked like he knows what he's doing.
Violet fought hard to keep her lips neutral, but ultimately failed. Oh, Rhi had no idea. But after that first taste she got in that broom closet? Yeah, Xaden clearly knew what he was doing.
"What's so funny?"
She glanced up to where Xaden's eyes were safely glued to the road ahead. How had he…?
"Just my roommate, Rhiannon." She held up her phone as if that alone answered all questions. "She's going to spend the night at her girlfriend's. So we can be as loud as we want," she added in an entirely fake innocent tone.
Xaden’s hands tightened around the steering wheel and his next exhale came a little louder. "Nice to see how much trust you have in my driving skills that you dare say something like that without being worried I might get distracted."
Now, she gladly let that smirk spread across her face. She shifted in her seat to face him, aware of how her blouse hugged her curves. "What, am I distracting you?" she hummed, letting a finger glide down her cleavage as if by chance. Weirdly, she really did trust him. Implicitly.
The car came to an abrupt halt, startling Violet, but when she glanced ahead, they were standing at a red traffic light.
And when she looked back at him, his dark eyes were burning into hers. "I've been hard since the moment I laid eyes on you in that club. And that's after I swore to myself that I wouldn't—" He bit back whatever it was he'd sworn not to do. "So, yes, you are distracting me. And if you don't stop that—" He reached for her hand and gently pulled it away from her breast. "—then we're not going to make it to your flat because I'll be fucking you senseless on some dark parking lot, public indecency be damned."
Heat flushed through Violet, painting her cheeks pink, and she could only hope that she wasn't leaving some stains on his seat from how his words affected her. Her panties still lay somewhere in that dark closet, after all. But somehow, that 'threat' of what he might do didn't even sound so bad. Fuck, what was happening to her?
"Okay," she breathed, sitting straight again, and thankfully, the lights turned green again at that moment. The faster they made it home the better.
. o O o .
His lips were back on hers the moment the door to the flat fell closed behind them, and Violet knew that if he'd touched her any sooner, they indeed wouldn't have made it behind closed doors. Because when he kissed her, everything else around her instantly seemed to drop out of existence. The slide of his lips, the way his tongue ravaged her mouth, his hands all over her, it was everything.
"So, now for returning that favour," she gasped once they had to part for breath, throwing him a promising smile from beneath her lashes. Her hand slid down his front, and the groan rumbling in his chest along with how his cock strained in its confinements made a fresh wave of heat roll through her.
Xaden's eyes fell shut as she palmed him through his denims— apparently he was massive everywhere— and his hands grabbed at her shoulders, as if he needed to hold on to something, too. "Y-you don't have to do that," he grunted after a few moments, clearly fighting to keep a clear head. "I love eating out my partners, don't do it to make them reciprocate."
A hot wave of a different kind washed through Violet at that, appreciation and maybe something else. He really was too good to be true. But she didn't pull her hand away from him. "That's good to know," she breathed against his neck, standing on her toes. "And you're happily invited to go for a snack again at a later time. But right now, I want to suck you off." It wasn't even a lie, she was dying to get her mouth on him.
"Oh, fuck…" His hips pushed further into her touch, without his help as it seemed, and his head dropped back.
She flipped his button open and pulled the zipper down, then let her hand glide beneath the fabric, humming as her finger wrapped around his smooth length. She stroked him a couple of times— Gods, he felt fantastic— but then drew back and reached for his hand instead. "Come over here," she said, tugging him towards the sofa. He followed easily, then helped push his denims and boxers down and off before she manoeuvred him to sit down. Placing a cushion onto the floor beneath her knees, Violet made herself as comfortable as possible before returning her attention to his cock, standing hard and beautiful now, and her hand around it looked tiny.
"So, what is it you like?" she asked almost casually as she started to stroke him, slowly. "Do you want me to be thorough, to make you scream as I suck you dry? Or do you prefer hot, quick, and messy with how pent-up you already seem to be?"
Xaden's eyes flared with lust, precome beading at his tip. "Hot and quick sounds good," he grunted, hips flexing into her hand. "I'll be screaming either way."
Violet's breath hitched. "And should I suck you to completion or rather stop before?" She leaned in and dragged her tongue along his cock, humming. "I do want you to fuck me tonight, too, you know?"
At that, he let out a breathy laugh. "Don't worry about that. I don't think I could stay soft for long around you even if I tried."
And now she'd ruined the cushion, too. Fuck, why did he have such an effect on her?
They didn't talk anymore after that, nothing meaningful, at least. Violet took a minute or two to explore his cock and balls, his size, which spots seemed to be sensitive, to get accustomed to him. But then, she closed her lips around his tip, her eyes holding his captive, as she slowly pushed down.
Xaden's eyes grew wide as she kept on going until he bumped against the back of her throat, her tongue flickering along his underside. "Oh, shit," he growled, his fingers digging into the cushions.
Violet threw him something of a smirk, as best she could with his cock in her mouth— and then started to move. He'd wanted it hot and quick, so that was what she gave him, dragging her lips up and down his shaft, her cheeks hollowed. Xaden made good on his promise, moaning and shouting freely, and, fuck, was it hot to see and hear him enjoying her mouth so openly.
"Fuck, Vi!" he grunted as she pushed him even further down her throat and swallowed around him. "I'm…coming!"
She appreciated the warning but didn't pull back, only hummed in delight, and a moment later, hot come was shooting down her throat. Her eyes fluttered shut as she swallowed it all down, at his primal shout echoing through the flat, at how her entire body grew tight in reflex.
When she eventually pulled back, Xaden was panting, his eyes on her blown wide. "By Malek's balls," he groaned, "That was…fuck! So hot."
Violet grinned as she pushed herself back up on her legs, rubbing her knees. "It was my pleasure."
Xaden huffed a laugh. He reached for her, and Violet didn't resist when he pulled her down on top of him, claiming her mouth in another heated kiss, nor when he guided her to lie on the sofa beneath him, his hand once again sliding beneath her skirt.
"Fuck, I forgot you aren’t wearing any underwear anymore," he cursed when he found her bare and dripping. "Did you really walk through the club like that?"
Violet gasped as his fingers found her clit, her eyes momentarily fluttering shut. "Obviously?"
Xaden laughed, low and deep, his body rumbling against her own where he touched her. "You'll be the death of me, I swear…"
Violet meant to give him some witty reply but instead moaned as one of his fingers dipped into her without resistance.
"So hot," he murmured, awed. "So wet, all for me."
Mewling, Violet gave in to his touch as he kept fingering her, too much of a mess to do anything but take it. He started slowly, pushing in and out with one finger, then two, then three. Before long, his movements sped up, his wrist stiff as he fucked his fingers into her, drawing one shout after the other from her with the way he had his fingers crooked just so, how he drove into her mercilessly.
Violet clung to him, her fingernails surely leaving marks where she was clutching at his right arm, his shoulder. But neither of them cared, not when he was pushing her into her second orgasm of the night, this time with her free to vocally release her pleasure as well, amplifying it.
"Has anyone ever told you how devastatingly beautiful you are when you come?" Xaden murmured into her ear as she was floating down, feeling like a puddle of bliss beneath him.
Chuckling, she shook her head, her lips gliding along his neck, his shoulder. "Don't get sappy on me now," she teased and placed a hand against his still covered chest. Gods, how was it possible they'd made each other come three times now but still wore nearly all of their clothes? They had to rectify that, soon.
"Who, me?" Xaden smirked, holding out his hand to help her up after pulling his boxers back up. As if he'd been able to read her mind and wanted to tease her. "Don't worry about that. I'm just warning you that I might make you come a few times more, just to watch."
Ducking her head, Violet turned away to hide her blush. And how was it possible for her body to react to that already when she'd just come on his fingers? "Maybe I wouldn't even mind?"
His answering grin could only be called devious and made her toes curl against the carpet.
. o O o .
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devilssacrament · 3 months ago
I need more info on this pornifest of yours 👀
oh anon buckle up because it's a lot. well no it's really easy to explain it's just- anyway
okay so basically last year I decided "hey the 22/23 season was so much fun let me write something" so I brainstormed a bit and came up with the idea that for every goal nico and jack score they have sex. or make each other come in some way or another. at first it was probably an established relationship funny gimmick thing but it devolved into a friends with benefits situation since they're both single and picking up all the time gets a bit annoying
so we have the basic premise of jack and nico agree to have sex whenever they score a goal. obviously we need a friends to lovers situation or else it would be boring (to me) so we have nico being in love with jack and jack being. well. not
a normal person would have gone and picked a couple games to write about, add in a sprinkle of off days to progress their relationship and voila you have a story
unfortunately I am not normal and decided to just. make this story span the entirety of the 22/23 season. because I have problems that I am not getting into right now (I am not being serious)
which leads us to the present day where the pornifesto is currently 156 (planned) chapters and 425k words long. I have made it to the end of december 2022. nico is still pining, jack is still an idiot, people around them are like ???? but too afraid to ask, and I am losing my mind a little bit
it's a long-term project as you can imagine given that very rough estimates have us set at ~1.5M words when all is said and done. it's really more of an episodic story than anything else given that every chapter correlates with a day of the 22/23 season. the interested reader can of course check the schedule from that season and get excited and speculate what whacky sex adventures they get up to next while also wondering what mental gymnastics the two of them use to explain away their very much "they're dating why don't they realise they're dating"
so yeah there you have it. the pornifesto in a nutshell. and because you've asked and I like to yap, you get a snippet ❤
“You wanna get take-out on the way back?” Nico asks when they’re outside the Lindt store, out of the way of people rushing past.
When he looks at Jack, the other man grimaces. “I would love to, but I’m meeting up with a bunch of the boys this evening.”
It’s not unusual for them to spend their days with each other and then go their separate ways in the evening, but Nico can’t prevent the sharp sting of disappointment. Clearing his throat, he nods. “Of course, no problem.”
He starts walking and waits until Jack has caught up to sigh. “I’ll just spend the rest of the evening all by myself. With nobody to cuddle on my big couch. Watching TV and eating a home cooked meal. Alone.” 
The weight of Jack’s bags full of chocolate slapping against his leg startles a laugh out of Nico. 
“Oh my god, you are so full of shit, Neeks,” Jack says. “I’m sure you will survive one evening without me.”
Shaking his head, Nico grins. “I’m honestly not sure that I will, you know? It’s going to be cold and lonely, with nobody there to keep me warm.” It’s complete bullshit and they both know it, but hearing Jack laugh because of him makes Nico want to keep going anyway. “And what if there’s a spider? You know I hate spiders.”
Out of the corner of his eyes, he sees Jack fight a smile. “Fuck you. I’m not that bad. This is slander.”
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navybrat817 · 13 days ago
Where Worlds Collide - Intro
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Pairing: Silver Fox!Sugar Daddy!Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Female Reader
Summary: Your boss forces you to be eye candy for an alpha at a gala, but things take a turn for the better when you meet another alpha. Does it matter that you don't belong in his world?
Word Count: Over 9.2k
Warnings: Smut, v. fingering, possessive behavior, dirty talk, instant connection, A/B/O dynamics, talk of bonding, misogyny, unspecified age gap, insecurities, world building, choking (not our reader… yet), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?)
A/N: I'm pretty proud of the intro to this world, lovelies! @whisperlullaby, @targaryenvampireslayer, @tavners, here it is! Ant thanks to @queenoftheworldisdead as well. ❤️ Beta read by the lovely @mumbles411, but any and all mistakes are my own. Bucky edit by the beautiful @nixakimbo. Divider by the talented @saradika-graphics. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Soft music drifted from the ballroom as you stepped into the lavish venue. You’d never been to a gala before. Your family wasn’t wealthy enough to receive an invitation, nor did your last name carry any influence. The only reason you were there tonight was because of the alpha on your arm, all thanks to your boss’s insistence that you accompany him.
It was an evening of style, grace, and luxury, and you didn’t belong.
You held your breath as you walked deeper into the ballroom, the glittering chandeliers casting a refined glow over everything. A mix of alphas, betas, and omegas socialized and gossiped, their glamorous evening wear glittering under the lights. You had designed a few of the dresses and suits, but none of the people wearing them would recognize you. The alpha you worked for always took the credit. Complaining about it wouldn’t help. After all, you’d only sound like an ungrateful omega and hundreds of other omegas would beg to take your place.
You couldn’t wait for the day you quit.
Chet’s grip on your arm brought you back to the present. “Keep quiet and smile,” he ordered, a haughty expression on his face as he led you through the place. You didn't want to judge all men named Chet, but you had pegged him as a douchebag the second he went in for his fitting and he was proving you right. You couldn't even enjoy that he was objectively handsome since his personality made him less attractive.
“I am smiling,” you said. Wrinkling your nose at the overwhelming mix of scents and expensive colognes and perfumes, you did your best to make your smile look natural. The servers looked like they were doing the same as they served everyone. It was strange how a room so enormous could make someone feel so small.
“Then keep smiling,” Chet ordered through his grin. “What you do or don’t do is a reflection of me.”
“I know,” you muttered. Because it was all about him and you were just his omega arm candy. You really should’ve demanded overtime pay from your boss, but that conversation wouldn’t have ended well.
“As it stands, perhaps I made the right choice by bringing you,” he said, nodding to a few older gentlemen. “I can smell their envy.”
You did notice a few more men looking your way. A few women as well, not hiding that they were whispering about you. Trying to hide your vulnerability, you held yourself the way you thought a goddess would. You also held yourself with pride since the dress you wore was your own design. A sleeveless black dress with a middle slit, it was bold and alluring. The glitter throughout the fabric made you shine like stars in the night sky. The finishing touch was the matching collar, a tasteful way to protect you from any alpha who even thought about marking you.
Reaching up instinctively to run a hand over your collar, you felt your heart ache. Your inner omega wanted a mark, but the thought of being tied to someone was somewhat terrifying. You respected omegas who wanted to go the traditional route by staying home and being submissive, but you didn’t want to be submissive outside of the bedroom. You wanted a partner who would view you as an equal.
Your false confidence didn’t last long when Chet’s grip on you tightened, your body immediately going stiff. You’d have to take a long shower and dry clean your dress just to get rid of his scent. “Loosen up,” he ordered.
“Maybe I’d loosen up if you weren’t digging your fingers in,” you whispered.
“You’re my date. It’s my right to touch you,” he sneered. He had no right. It didn't matter if he was an alpha and he was rich. The urge to slap him across his face was so strong your palm itched. “So, get the stick out of your ass.”
A shiver rolled down your spine when you heard a low growl come from another alpha. Glancing around, you didn’t see anyone looking directly at you. It probably had nothing to do with you because why would anyone care if an alpha was bossing you around?
Chet’s hold on you loosened nonetheless. “And just so we’re clear, you have no intention of sleeping with me?” he asked as an omega in a revealing dress sauntered by. Your date didn’t bother to hide how he was undressing her with his eyes.
“That’s right,” you said. You made it clear to your boss that sex wasn’t an option, and he was oddly on your side. Maybe he thought Chet could sway you if he tried hard enough. If he even thought of using some sort of alpha command on you, nothing would stop you from lashing out and making him sorry.
“Then you’ll have no problem finding your own ride home should I choose to leave with someone else,” he said.
“So, I can’t make you look bad, but you can leave with another omega?” you asked.
“You got it. You’re smarter than you look.” He tapped your nose with a condescending grin. “And here I thought you were just a pretty face.”
The prick was pushing his luck. “Listen you-”
“Chet, my boy! Good to see you!” A man interrupted, uncaring that you were speaking.
“Shane,” Chet smiled. “Always a pleasure.”
The bulky alpha shamelessly looked you over, his scent almost making you choke on your next breath. “And who might this be?”
“Pretty, isn't she?” Chet cut in before you could answer, puffing his chest out. “Doesn't say much, but I’m not exactly interested in her conversational skills, am I?”
You bit your tongue when they chuckled. Be seen and not heard. It was insulting.
“Come join me, but leave the omega,” Shane said unapologetically, taking another look at your chest. What would happen if you threw a drink in his face? “As entertaining as she would be, we have business to discuss, and we don’t need the distraction.”
“Of course,” Chet smiled, turning you toward the bar as Shane walked away. “Since he doesn't want you around, why don't you take advantage of the free drinks until I get back?”
“I’m not-”
“And not that you’d have any extra cash to tip, but it’s taken care of,” he continues, your face hot at the assumption that you couldn't afford to tip the staff. “Just behave and try not to make a fool out of either of us, you got it? Wouldn’t want your boss to hear about it if you do.”
Biting back a retort, you freed yourself from his grip. There wasn’t enough liquor at this party to get you through the rest of this evening. “Don’t worry about me, alpha. Go have fun,” you said, your eyes burning as he walked away. A few heads turned your way when your scent soured. It wasn’t enough that you had to attend an event where you didn’t belong, but your date just had to rub salt in the open wound by reminding you of such. “Fucking asshole,” you muttered, making your way over to the bar to order a drink.
Plastering a smile back on your face when you got the bartender’s attention, you ordered a whiskey on the rocks. You wanted something that would go down smooth but leave a little burn. You also preferred opting to watch the bartender make a drink in front of you instead of grabbing a glass of already poured champagne. The drinks were likely fine, but better safe than sorry. And like hell would you accept a drink from your sorry excuse for a “date” if he offered you one. He was lucky you-
An intoxicating scent hit you out of nowhere, making you grip the bar as you inhaled. Plums, whiskey, sandalwood. The blended aromas had your mouth watering, and a whimper threatened to slip out. Your heart pounded against your ribs. Desire burned in your stomach. As quickly as the scent excited you, it seemed to wrap itself around you in a soothing embrace. How could a smell leave you hot and bothered and also feel like a hug?
No… It couldn’t be your mate.
You caught a small movement out of the corner of your eye, and you stopped breathing when you found a pair of blue eyes fixed on you that belonged to a devilishly handsome man. He leaned against the wall, his wool-blend black suit fitting his thick body like second skin. Streaks of gray lined his luscious brown hair and peppered his beard, too. He looked like the kind of alpha who would have omegas kneeling at his feet, and it frightened you how badly you wanted to get on your hands and knees and crawl toward him.
His. Mine.
Lifting his tumbler to his lips, he kept his eyes on you as he sipped the expensive liquor. You wanted to look away but couldn't as the air crackled between you. He had you under some sort of trance you couldn't snap yourself out of. As frightening as it was to have a scent hit you so strongly, a feeling like this hit you square in the chest, the thought of him staring at another omega that way nearly made you hiss because you didn't want anyone else on the receiving end of those blue eyes.
He smirked like he read your mind and pushed himself off the wall. You did whimper out loud when you realized just how large he was. Dominant, assertive, yet there was something almost playful in his smirk when he finally broke his gaze. You greedily inhaled with the hope of catching more of his scent when he strode toward the nearby balcony, smooth and fluid as a server quickly took the empty tumbler from his hand. The men at the gala were all posturing, but no one could match the confidence of that alpha.
So how were people not surrounding him, begging for a scrap of attention? Was he untouchable among those who deemed themselves untouchable? He certainly didn’t look like the kind of man who chased after anyone. No, people went to him.
He wanted you to follow him, right?
Downing your drink in one gulp, your feet moved before you could stop yourself. “I don’t need this alpha,” you whispered, the words bitter in your mouth as you followed his path. If you were smart, you’d walk the other way and not look back. Yet the thought of never seeing him again made your heart ache in a way you didn’t want to examine.
Does he know?
Studies over the years showed that not every bound pair was the same. Some couples felt the bond instantaneously like a firework exploding. Others felt it like a small burn that slowly consumed them over time. For a few, the spark took a long time to ignite. You couldn't ignore this burn if you tried.
You welcomed the slight chill in the air as you stepped onto the large balcony. It was lit up with sparkling lights, yet it didn’t take away from the stars that shone in the sky above. The alpha who caught your eye stood by the railing, alone, like he was looking over a kingdom. You felt foolish for going out there to bother him.
Steeling yourself with false confidence again, you walked over to stand beside him. You weren’t close enough to touch him, wanting to leave him a respectable amount of space. You could always use the excuse that you just needed some fresh air if he asked what you were doing.
Stealing a glance at him, you didn’t want to believe that you had a true connection with this man, that he could be your mate. No way would an omega like you be his match. Would he even want an omega like you? One with dreams to do more, be more?
“Beautiful,” he said, his voice thick like honey and the whiskey you drank. Of course, his voice would be a powerful weapon. But he wasn’t scenting you, or trying to tear your collar off, or doing anything to indicate that he felt the sort of spark you had. Maybe that was for the best.
“It is,” you sighed, looking out at the view. You couldn’t deny the beauty and how much easier it was to breathe since you weren’t surrounded by the suffocating bodies and scents. “It really is something.”
“I was talking about you.”
You whipped your head toward him so quickly you nearly hurt your neck. The flare of heat in his eyes hypnotized you again, but this time you didn’t want him to draw you in. A man of his stature, his power, he could chew you up, spit you out, and leave you a shell of yourself. But seeing him up close, his laugh lines, and the touch of softness in his gaze, you wanted to know all about him and the life he lived.
You were in so much trouble.
“Thank you,” you breathed.
“I don't think I’ve seen you at a gala before. I would've remembered you,” he stated. You weren't sure what to say to that. “I’m James, but you can call me Bucky if you’d like.”
You blinked a few times. “You’re James Barnes,” you whispered, not having to belong in the inner circle to know who he was.
James Buchanan Barnes. One of the wealthiest alphas in the city, his family came from money and it was no secret that Bucky, as he liked to go by, wasn’t bound to anyone. People assumed that he didn't want to share his wealth with anyone beyond his charitable donations, or that he was either extremely picky in choosing a mate. And here he was talking to you. This was the man you thought could be your mate.
You were in way over your head.
“I am,” he said, looking at you expectantly.
It took a moment, but your name tumbled from your lips as you shifted toward him. He inhaled when a breeze rolled in and you hoped your scent got to him the way his scent got to you. The way his eyes darkened, it had. Your inner omega wanted to purr with delight.
Time stood still when he took your hand and brought it to his lips. “It’s a pleasure,” he whispered, his lips brushing your knuckles. “I hope you don’t mind me being forward, but…”
“But what?”
You held your breath when he turned your hand and ran his nose along your wrist with a small growl. It was bold, intimate, possessive, and you got impossibly wet from the action. Had Chet or another alpha done that, it would've been a different story. “You smell divine,” he whispered against your skin.
You whined before your inner hackles went up, making him pull his mouth away immediately. He at least had some level of respect and sensed the shift in your stance. “How many omegas have you said that and done that to?” you asked when you had no right to feel jealous.
He didn’t look put off by your question, and he didn’t let go of your hand either. ��I’ve come across a few delectable scents before, but I don’t think I’ve ever described anyone as divine,” he answered, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. An intense longing behind his eyes had your knees weak. “I haven’t smelled anyone like you.”
This alpha was telling the truth, but he wasn't a boy scout either. He knew how to fuck, you could tell, and he likely broke hearts without intending to. You didn’t want to be the next victim if a quick fuck was all he was looking for.
“I haven’t smelled anyone like you either,” you admitted, grudgingly pulling away. His heady scent made it hard to concentrate. And standing close to a man who wore a suit that cost more than half a year’s rent was another reminder that you were a girl playing dress up, nothing more. “I should go. I shouldn’t be here.”
Bucky stopped you from turning away, his grip on your arms tender so you wouldn’t feel threatened. “And why is that?”
“Because I don’t belong here, and I don’t expect you to understand that,” you replied.
It was bad enough to let your guard down by following him out there, and you couldn’t let him seduce you more than he already had. You were lucky the very presence of him didn't trigger your heat. And how would your story end? He was a rich alpha, and you were a struggling omega. Was happiness really in the cards?
Your eyes widened when you heard the rumble in his chest, his scent producing a soothing aura that wrapped around you. Your lip trembled slightly as the rumble faded. Bucky could’ve let you walk away, yet he was comforting you. It made you want to cry.
“I may understand better than you think,” he whispered. Did he? Did he feel alone in that crowd of people there? “But help me understand why you feel that way.”
You rapidly blinked to keep the tears at bay. What was there for him to understand? “Okay,” you whispered back. The fact that he wanted you to talk to him meant something. “For starters, that crowd is kind of… well, awful from the short time I observed and interacted with them. They think they’re better than everyone else because they have so much, but they have no right to look down on others.”
The people in the gala simply flaunted what they had without a second thought. Being there made you appreciate your friends and their genuine interactions more. They worked hard for everything they had. They wouldn’t have anything against people born with a silver spoon in their mouths if they showed a little humility.
Bucky's chuckle surprised you. “Money doesn’t equal class, and believe me when I say they aren’t worth taking up any space in your beautiful mind,” he said, giving you a small smile. “To be honest, I came out here to get away from them because, save a select few, they're fucking assholes.”
You found yourself smiling, too. No wonder he has been standing by himself. “Is that the only reason?” you asked curiously, reaching up to touch his perfect hair simply because you could.
He looked at you, a mixture of lust and something soft. Standing like this you felt like a couple. “I may have wanted you to follow me, and I’m glad you did,” he said, his tone calm and casual as butterflies filled your stomach. “You’re the first person I’ve considered approaching in a long time, but you looked a bit upset when you went to the bar. I didn’t think bothering you would win me any favors.”
You exhaled. Was he the alpha who growled when Chet gripped you too tightly? “I…” you shivered when another breeze rolled in.
He shrugged his jacket the moment he spotted you shivered. “May I?” he offered.
You hesitated. Bucky had a powerful scent, and how would it look to Chet if you wore another alpha’s jacket? Chet wasn’t your alpha, but he could run his mouth and get you in trouble with your boss. It didn’t matter that you wanted to quit one day. Today wasn’t that day because you financially weren’t ready. That was the excuse you made up in your head.
But your inner omega wanted Bucky’s scent to surround you and you replied in a small voice, “Yes, please.”
Bucky carefully placed the warm jacket around your shoulders. “I know the crowd bothered you for good reason, but who specifically upset you and how can I fix it?”
“My date,” you answered. You didn't have it in you to lie to him. It also wasn't up to him to fix it.
Bucky hummed, running his hands up and down your arms. It helped warm and relax you. “What’s his name?” he asked, his eyes landing on the collar around your neck. You wondered what he would do if your mating gland was exposed, and you had to push that thought away.
“His name is Chet and he’s discussing business with some alpha.” The change in his scent was subtle. He seemed too confident to be jealous, but he didn’t seem pleased either at the thought of you being with someone else. “They were extremely condescending, and I couldn’t exactly throw a drink in their faces or put them in their place since I’m just an omega.”
Bucky snarled quietly, his eyes blazing. “You’re not just an omega,” he said. He was upset on your behalf. Was he not like other older alphas who wanted omegas to be subservient? “Maybe I should have a chat with them.”
You purred before you could stop yourself. Bucky offering to stand up for you felt better than you wanted to admit. “You don't have to do that,” you said, running your fingers through his hair again. You wanted to soothe him the way he soothed you. “Besides, I’m not really on a date with Chet. He just wanted me to be eye candy for the night.”
Bucky almost snarled again, but raised an eyebrow instead. “And you agreed to that? I have the feeling you aren’t the arm candy type.”
You giggled. He was right about that. “Didn’t really have a choice thanks to my boss,” you told him.
“Your boss? What exactly do you do for work?” he asked carefully.
He asked a lot of questions, but you didn't mind since he seemed genuinely interested. Maybe he assumed you were an escort. “I'm a designer,” you answered, smiling to yourself. “At least, I want to be. I’m just an assistant at the moment.”
“Let me guess. Your boss is an alpha, makes you do the grunt work, and takes the credit?” he mused, humming when you solemnly nodded. “And he convinced you to come here tonight because Chet is a client?”
“Something like that. It was either that or I get fired,” you laughed bitterly. “And if he fired me I’d get blacklisted, then I’d have no job, no money at all, and I’d lose my tiny apartment and…”
His nose wrinkled when you trailed off. You were so embarrassed, and you couldn’t stop your scent from souring. Talking to one of the richest alphas ever about your problems wasn’t something you thought you’d experience tonight, but that soothing rumble and smell came out again to help you breathe easier.
“I’m sorry you have to deal with that,” he said with a touch of firmness so you knew he didn’t pity you. You could take a lot of things, but not pity.
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” you said, smoothing out some of the fabric on your dress and not wanting to dwell on the topic. “I actually made this,” you told him. It was silly, but you specifically wanted to hear something nice from Bucky to make you feel better, which was bad. You shouldn’t want compliments from him or want him period.
He parted his jacket so he could look you over. Unlike Shane leering at you earlier, Bucky seemed to take in the details of your design with a careful eye. “You made this? It’s stunning,” he said with pride that rivaled yours. You lost your breath when he ran the back of his finger along your torso, heat spreading through your body like a wildfire. “Like you.”
Your mind raced, the heavy weight of his gaze pinning you in place. The longer you stood there, the more you wanted him. You had to snap out of it. “You’re dangerous,” you whispered, shaking your head as his hand fell away. “I should go inside.”
He stepped back, his eyes searching yours. “Am I making you uncomfortable?”
“No,” you replied honestly. Some of his actions were forward, but he wasn’t pushy. He was the sort of predator who probably gently played with his food before he sank his teeth in, yet you weren’t completely afraid of the bite. “Though I’m wondering why you don’t have a date tonight. Keeping your options open?”
Maybe he really did want to live the bachelor life.
The corner of his lip tugged when you narrowed your eyes. “I come to these things to make a short appearance. That’s all,” he explained. Even the wealthy had obligations. “Unlike some alphas my age, I’m not interested in having a date for the sole purpose of eye candy. And because most of the people here are fucking assholes, I don’t usually find anyone to take home.”
“So, you aren’t interested in taking me home?” you tried to tease. If he said no, you could lick your wounds later since you’d likely never see him again. If he said yes, you… Well, you didn’t know what you’d do.
He reached out and placed his hands on your hips, pulling you close enough that you felt just how big he was. A shudder wracked your body, wanting nothing more than to have him inside you. “I’m very interested in taking you home,” he breathed.
You lifted your eyes to him, his desire matching yours. “I-”
A young giggling couple stumbled out to the balcony reeking of booze. They took a few steps forward and Bucky moved you out of the way before they could crash into you. The ferocious growl he let out made the laughter cease, but it had you purring like a bitch in heat. “Leave,” he ordered, keeping his arms tight around you. The underlying threat in that single word had the couple rushing back inside, but they had effectively ruined the moment.
“I think that alpha almost pissed his pants,” you teased to cut through the tension.
“He’s lucky he didn’t tumble over the railing,” he said, loosening his hold on you and taking in your expression. You felt naked under his stare. “You aren’t ready to leave with me just yet.”
“I’m still here with a ‘date’,” you reminded him to cover up any feelings or doubts in your mind.
Other than Bucky being wealthy, powerful, and smelling like a sinful kind of heaven, you didn’t fully know him. Something within you felt like you did, but going home with him for the night… What if you disappointed him? What if he decided he didn't want you?
He gave nothing away as he stared at you while you felt like your eyes told him everything. It wasn’t fair how in control he looked when you were close to spiraling. “Let’s go sit inside,” he suggested, finally cracking a smile when your face scrunched up. “No one will bother us, and I’d like to keep talking to you even if you don’t decide to leave with me.”
“I guess it wouldn't hurt to sit with you for a few minutes,” you said, especially if he would keep others away from you.
His hand on your hip felt like it belonged there as he guided you back inside. The scents and mindless chatter didn’t bother you as much now, likely because all you could really smell and concentrate on was Bucky. Did his kisses taste like plums or whiskey? Both?
He brought to a corner near the bar, far enough away from the mingling crowd that you still felt a bit of privacy. You kept his jacket around you though the room was considerably warmer than it was outside, not quite ready to give it back to him. “Drink?” he asked, angling his chair so that his knees were touching yours. There was no table in front of you. Anyone looking would see how close you were.
“No, thanks,” you said. You already downed a glass of whiskey and your head was spinning thanks to him.
You felt his gaze on you for a full minute before he spoke again. “Your ‘date’ isn’t the reason you’re hesitating to leave,” he said, scratching along his beard. You bet it would feel wonderful between your thighs. “Is it me? Am I too old for you?”
You had to laugh. “You’re a gorgeous silver fox, so that isn’t the problem,” you said. Beneath the suit you knew he was in great shape, too.
He smiled a gorgeous smile, appreciating the compliment. “So it isn't my age. Do you think I won’t treat you well?”
“I know you’ll treat me well,” you answered, avoiding his gaze. You knew that in your core. “But I’m afraid of what happens in the morning.”
He forced your gaze back to him with a large hand. “What are you afraid of?” he asked, his thumb brushing your cheek.
“I’m afraid if I get a taste of you it won’t be enough for one night,” you said, your heart pounding as he stared into your eyes. Like he was staring deep into your soul. “And it isn’t fair that you have that kind of power over me.”
He looked almost impressed with your answer. “I appreciate your honesty,” he praised, his thumb sweeping over your lips this time. “And it won't be enough. Once I get a taste of you, I won’t let you go.”
It wasn’t a matter of if with him, but when. “You couldn't possibly want me for more than one night,” you said. He knew you were just a struggling designer’s assistant and didn’t run with this crowd. You lived in different worlds.
“I’m going to want you every night.” He tilted his head when you shifted in your seat. “You feel it, don't you?”
You feigned innocence when he held your gaze, your heart racing. God, he had felt it. Was it an explosion, a slow burn, or something else? “Feel what?”
Bucky smirked, not at all fooled. “That you’re my-”
“Don’t say it,” you begged. Speaking the word would make it real and it wasn't something he could take back. “Because if you don’t want that or me, we can just go our separate ways and ignore it.”
He hadn’t marked you, and you hadn’t claimed him either. You didn’t know what it would feel like to have his knot, so you couldn’t possibly miss it. And neither of you would have to depend on the other. You could walk away with as minimal damage as possible, and you’d find a way to remain whole. So would he.
The low growl Bucky emitted made the nearby guests move away, but you weren’t afraid. “Ignore it? I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone else. I would've fucked you right out there on the balcony if that couple hadn't interrupted us,” he said, your body hot and needy at the thought of him fucking you while you looked out at the view. “I’m lucky finally finding you didn’t send me into a rut.”
You thought the same about your heat. “Bucky-”
“Our scents call to each other. We call to each other,” he said, placing his hand on your chest. How did your heart feel fuller from his touch? “Tell me you didn't feel a connection when you caught my scent and looked at me.”
“I felt something,” you admitted.
“And it compelled you enough to follow me outside, to open up to me,” he said. You couldn't deny that. “You may say you don’t belong here, but something inside you says you belong with me.”
“And that doesn’t bother you? Scare you?” you asked. Having mates could be wonderful, but what if he wanted that pull with someone who wasn’t you?
“No, it doesn’t,” he said. There wasn't even a whiff of fear, likely because he had nothing to lose. “In fact, I think you should quit your job and move in with me.
You looked at him like he suddenly grew another head. “Quit my job and move in with you?”
“Yes. Your boss doesn't deserve to have you as an assistant, and you wouldn't have to pay rent if you stayed at my place.”
You didn’t attempt to laugh off his request since he was completely serious. “You realize that sounds insane, right?” you added. It wasn’t completely out of the ordinary though. Some couples who took their time building their bond still moved in right away.
“Insane would’ve been marking you the moment I saw you and dragging you home the way some alphas do,” he said.
You bristled. “It’s too soon for you to mark me,” you said, even as your mating bond throbbed.
“Don’t worry. I won't mark you tonight,” he assured you. Hurt crept up for a split second before he ran a finger along your collar. You visibly trembled and realized that he did want to mark you. He just wasn’t doing so tonight out of respect for you. “But you can still be mine in every other way until that day comes.”
You opened your mouth to argue. He hadn’t marked you, but you still felt owned. “You really think people want you with an omega outside of your tax bracket?”
“You think I give a fuck what they think?” His handsome face twisted in a scowl as he looked around. “And if they even think about insulting you, I’ll ruin them. It’s that simple.”
“It isn’t that simple,” you said.
“Why not? I know you're meant to be mine and you know it, too.” He touched your collar again, your mating bond throbbing almost to the point of pain. “You won’t need to worry about money or a roof over your head because I’ll give it to you. And a space to design your own clothes and make your dream come true.”
It sounded too good to be true, and nothing in this world was free. “I have my rent. If I break my lease-”
“I’ll pay what you owe.”
Your rent was probably pocket change to him. At least you didn’t have a roommate you’d have to worry about. It was always too risky to rely on someone else to help with bills and utilities. “And all that in exchange for what? Being your whore?”
He snarled, and you were delighted to hear that sound. “Trust me, doll, you may want me to fuck you like a whore, but I’ll treat you like a goddess. Like my equal,” he replied, his promise touching something deep inside you and drowning out most of your fear.
You just wished the remaining would fade away.
“I want us to be equals, but do you realize that you’d have all the power until I get my designs off the ground, right? I’d have to rely on your money, your roof over my head,” you said, swallowing the small lump in your throat. Did he realize what he was asking of you? To push aside the small amount of pride and independence you had? “I’ve done fine on my own and to have to depend on you is something else altogether.”
You hoped he at the very least realized how vulnerable you were right now by opening up more.
He looked vulnerable, too, as he moved closer. “I know it’s a lot to have to depend on me, but with me you wouldn't have to do this on your own. My finances don’t mean I have power. You’d have power, too,” he said. You wanted to believe you would. “In fact, I think you’re the only person in this entire city who could bring me to my knees. That’s power.”
You smiled a little. Could you really bring him to his knees? “As flattered as I am that you want to take care of me, do I have to decide tonight?” you asked. He was saying all the right things, and it was tempting, but there was so much to figure out beyond the living arrangements.
“We can discuss it more tomorrow if you’d like,” he said, looking around as you let out a breath. He had no doubt in his mind that you would spend the night. “Have you seen your date?”
You looked around, too, not at all worried when you spotted him. A complete contrast to how you felt at the beginning of the evening. “He’s…” You gestured to the bar where Chet was flirting with the loosely dressed omega from earlier and staring right down the front of her dress.
Bucky growled and swept his eyes over you, no doubt catching how you pressed your thighs together from the sound. A growl really shouldn't be that sexy. “Not a very faithful alpha, is he?”
“Well, he isn't my alpha, remember?” you pointed out. Someone like Chet would never be. “My boss only ‘suggested’ that I go with him tonight, and I made it clear I wasn't going to sleep with him.”
There was another hint of a growl before he smiled. “Wait right here. I’m just going to tell the young pup that you’re going home with me.”
You gripped his arm as he tried to stand. “Easy, old man. I didn't say I was going home with you,” you teased, knowing full well you were in fact leaving with him.
“Old man?” he smiled.
You shrugged. “You called me ‘doll’, which sounds like something an old man would say.”
“I think an old man is exactly what you need.” His eyes flashed with a deliciously dark promise that he was right and you’d enjoy every single inch of what he’d give you. “And you didn’t explicitly say you'd go with me, but we both know I’ve swayed you to go to my place.”
“You alphas are so cocky.” You refrained from rolling your eyes since he was right in this instance. “But maybe I should just stay here a bit longer and make you work for it since you want me so badly.”
He chuckled. “You’d rather stay here? Fine by me,” he said, leaning in close. “I’ll just slide my hand up your dress here and now and feel just how wet you are for me. I doubt anyone would notice if I made you come on my fingers. They’re too caught up in themselves.”
Your eyes closed when he touched your thigh. “You think I'm wet for you?”
“I know you are. I can smell it. Can practically taste it. You’ll let me taste you, won't you?” he purred, and you could only tremble as his hand moved higher, your legs parting to give him more access. “In fact, why don't I drag your ‘date’ over and let him watch while I lay you out and feast on your cunt? Show him what you'll never give him a taste of?”
You weren't sure if the pool of arousal was from the thought of Bucky eating you like a starved man, making that sad excuse for an alpha watch while he got you off, or both. You wondered what it would be like to taste yourself on his lips. “And why would you let him see what I look like when I come?”
He seemed to consider your question. “That’s a good point. He shouldn't see how you look when you come.” Bringing his hand to your face, your breath hitched when he caressed your cheek with such care. “But you’ll never have to hide that beautiful expression from me.”
You pulled away from Bucky in time to see Chet storm over. “Shit,” you whispered when he furiously looked between you and Bucky. You were shocked smoke didn't come out of his ears.
“What the hell are you doing? I said enjoy the free booze, and do not embarrass me. You can't even follow a simple instruction,” he snapped. You refused to bare your neck when he showed his teeth. He wasn’t going to embarrass you either. “The only reason you can even step foot in this place is because of me. You fucking sl-”
Bucky was out of his seat before you could blink, his hand wrapped tight around Chet’s throat and cutting off the remainder of his insult. A few patrons gasped and stopped to watch as Chet clawed at Bucky's hand, but no one stepped in to help. The anger that poured off your alpha was enough to deter anyone from getting involved. And you were loving every second of it.
“She’s my mate,” Bucky said through his teeth, making Chet’s eyes bulge out of his head. “Biology may say you’re an alpha, but you’re nothing. And I’m tempted to crush your windpipe for insulting her.” He squeezed harder and smirked when Chet wheezed. “When her boss asks how the gala went, you’re going to sing her praises. If you don't, I’ll hunt you down and make sure you can never knot anyone ever again. And that’s just the start of what I'll do to you.”
It was almost humiliating how turned on you were by Bucky's dominant display. You thought you’d be an omega who wouldn’t want an alpha acting like, well, an alpha, yet his defense of you meant a lot. “Bucky.” You stood up and smiled when he looked at you, his anger shifting to something softer. “You can let him go.”
Chet fell to the ground and coughed once Bucky released him. Your alpha bared his teeth with a snarl and Chet showed his throat like an obedient dog. It was clear who the top alpha was.
“Apologize,” Bucky commanded. Not only did Chet cough out an apology while avoiding your gaze, a few others said “sorry” as well. That was how powerful this man was. And you wanted him more than anything.
“Thanks for the free booze, Chet. And don't worry about me getting a ride home. I think you should worry if that omega still wants you after your… performance,” you smiled, linking your arm with Bucky’s. “Have a great night.”
There was no need to fake your confidence as you and Bucky walked out together. It didn't matter at the moment what they thought of you. All you could think about was how Bucky defended you, and how he called you his mate. It was out in the open. He…
Oh, God.
“Thank you for defending me, but you do realize you just told everyone that I’m your mate, right?” you whispered. That gossip would spread before the night was over.
“Is that what I did?” he asked, smirking when you hissed and glared. “And you don’t need to thank me. He had it coming.”
The smirk was still on his handsome face as the valet brought his car around. What the hell were people going to say? He didn’t care what they thought and neither should you.
“Listen, Bucky, just because you…”
Bucky held your face in his hands, leaning in so close you felt his breath against your lips. His mouth barely grazed yours, carefully teasing you with the promise of what was to come. “Just because I what?” he rasped, and you swear you felt more slick stain your already ruined panties.
“You better get me off before we get to your place,” you said instead of finishing your original statement because you truthfully forgot all about it when his lips touched yours.
Your insides tinged with more heat and desire when he nipped your bottom lip. “You better say my name when I get you off.”
“Should I say Bucky or James?” you smirked.
“Bucky. Reserve the name James for when you’re upset or extremely serious,” he winked, thanking the valet before helping you into his vehicle. You had never been in a car this nice.
“And you won’t mark me tonight?” you asked once he got up, touching the back of your collar to make sure it was still secure.
“We still have a lot to figure out before I mark you,” he said, leaning over as you sighed in relief. “But before we go…”
His mouth landed on yours, both strong and soft as he took possession of yours. The entire gala could've gone up in flames and you wouldn't have noticed since all you felt was him. You tasted his hunger when his tongue plunged inside, and there was a hint of desperation, too. He was starving for you and you moaned, deepening the kiss to show that you were just as eager.
You panted when he broke the kiss. “Don’t make me regret trusting you,” you breathed, your eyes once again giving everything away.
His nose bumped yours affectionately as he dragged his lips to your forehead. You didn't expect such a fond gesture from him, and you had to bite your tongue so you wouldn't blurt out how nice a kiss to the forehead felt. “You won’t regret it,” he whispered, sealing the promise with a kiss against your skin.
Your heart felt full, and your inner omega wanted to shout with joy. “Take me home then.”
Bucky sped off a moment later, keeping his eyes on the road in front of him. Your core ached as you looked at him, giving you a chance to once again take in his profile. The saying of aging like fine wine probably rang true for him. You imagined he was always good looking, but he was both rough and refined thanks to his age. People who said perfection didn’t exist clearly never saw him before.
“You like what you see?” he asked.
“I do, but you know that,” you answered, his jaw clenching when you pulled your dress up to reveal your legs. “And didn’t you promise to get me off before we got to your place?”
The sexual tension that had been building up spiked, and you sensed his need to claim you in some capacity was rising to the surface. “Give me your panties,” he ordered, giving you a sharp look. “Now.”
“You’re bossy,” you smiled, pushing your dress higher. He swore under his breath when you gripped your underwear and slid it off, your slick practically dripping from the flimsy fabric. No one ever got you that wet before. “But I kind of like it.”
He chuckled, licking his lips. “You like it because it’s me,” he pointed out, snatching the underwear out of your hand once it was within reach. You watched with a whine as he brought it to his nose and deeply inhaled. “Fuck…” he growled, bringing the fabric to the tent growing in his pants next and rubbing all over it in a filthy display. Watching him ruin his pants with the scent and slick of your pussy had you soaking the seat beneath you. “Spread your legs and show me that pretty cunt.”
You trembled when he took his eyes off the road. Pulling your dress over your hips, you obediently spread your legs and let him get a good look at what would soon belong to him. “You like what you see?”
“Just wait until I tie you to my bed and get a real look before I fuck you. It’ll be a shame to wreck something so pretty, but you’ll thank me for it,” he replied, looking back at the road as he sped up. Oh, you’d thank him over and over. “Touch yourself, but don’t put your fingers inside.”
Bringing your hand between your legs, you gasped at how sensitive you were. It was like you were in heat, but fully aware of your surroundings. “Like this?” you asked, moving your fingers along your folds.
“Just like that,” he whispered, his gaze darting between you and the road. You hoped one day he’d fuck your throat while he drove. “Now give me your hand.”
You presented your glistening fingers to him, giving him the opportunity to grip your wrist and suck the wet digits into his mouth. You felt his mouth water from your taste, the groan of arousal in his throat making you shake. He didn’t stop until he licked your fingers clean. “You taste just as divine as you smell,” he said, releasing your hand and reaching over to cup your mound. “And I need more.”
“I need more, too,” you moaned, his palm rubbing your clit and building that ecstasy within you. He teased your dripping hole with another finger, but didn’t push inside yet. You arched your hips, trying to get him to breach you. “Please.”
“That’s a good girl saying please,” he praised, finally pushing a thick finger inside. You clenched around him so tight, your body wanting more. “Fuck, you’re tight. And wet. Made just for me. Imagine how good you’ll feel once you’re stretched around my cock.”
“Want your cock,” you moaned, opening your legs wider. “Want your big cock inside me.”
“Yeah, you do. You want my big, bare cock in your soaked cunt,” he said, pushing another finger in, your slick coating them. You didn’t let anyone fuck you bare before, but you’d let him. “You want my knot, too.”
You moaned, an image of you on your hands and knees flashing in your mind, Bucky’s strong hands pulling you back to meet every thrust until he locked your bodies in place. You could practically feel his teeth sinking into your neck to fully seal your fate. Or would he make love to you, linking your fingers together and kissing you with care as he tenderly pushed his knot in? It didn’t matter. He’d give you everything, and you wanted it all.
“Are you hard just thinking of fucking of me raw?” you moaned, the need to rip the top of your dress open to reveal your breasts strong. No… If your dress was going to get torn to shreds, he could do that himself. “Coming so deep inside me you’ll drip out of me days later?”
The next growl he let out was inhuman, his fingers curling until you cried out. “My good little omega has a dirty mouth on her,” he smirked.
“I do have a dirty mouth. You should fuck it sometime,” you smiled sweetly before your mouth fell open, his expert fingers fucking you deep. Talking dirty to him helped stamp down your emotions a bit, but they were threatening to surface the more he touched you. “Bucky.”
“That’s it. Say my name. Tell me who you belong to,” he demanded. Your back arched, gripping the leather seat until your hand ached. Your body certainly knew who owned you. “Tell me who’s going to take care of you.”
You bit your lip to hold back your whimper, your heart pounding out of control. No one took care of you. No one wanted to until tonight, and you hadn’t wanted that either.
He stopped moving his fingers, keeping perfectly still as you hissed in frustration. Was he really going to build you up and not let you finish? “Tell me,” he demanded again, gentler this time.
Your eyes burned, but you swallowed your pride. Again. “You, Bucky,” you whispered, trusting that he’d be an alpha of his word. “You'll take care of me.”
He cooed when you whimpered, slipping a third finger in and moving them again. “That’s my girl. My good omega. I know that wasn’t easy for you to say,” he praised, so proud of you. Part of you was proud of yourself, too. “Do you need to come?”
“Yes!” you cried out, desperately trying to ride his fingers as the pressure grew. You were so close. Just a little more…
“Then do it. Get that slick all over my hand and seat,” he said, pushing against your bundle of nerves once more as your body locked up. “And say. My. Name.”
Waves of pleasure rolled through you, colors blurring your vision as you cried his name. Your eyes rolled back as the squelching sound of your cunt filled the car, his fingers helping you ride it out. You were drowning, unable to breathe until you broke through the haze. You felt ruined already by his fingers. Oh, his cock was going to destroy you.
“Fuck, that’s it. Give it to me. That’s my good girl. Can’t wait to feel that all over my cock.”
He only removed his fingers when you whined and licked your essence away with a low moan. The beautiful bastard still looked so put together, and hadn’t swerved once while he drove. “Holy shit,” you exhaled, your walls still fluttering. The orgasm took the edge off while leaving you wanting more. “Did I… soak your hand?”
“You did,” he confirmed, your face hot. “Fuck, I’m going to need an entire weekend to eat your sweet cunt just to start,” he said, flashing you a smile. “And you make very pretty sounds when you come.”
You managed a smile as you slumped in the seat, your dress still bunched around your waist. “What do you sound like when you come?” you asked breathlessly.
“You’ll find out,” he promised.
You trembled again when he put his hand back on your thigh, your hand immediately covering his. You needed his touch to ground you, but didn’t want to say so. “I just realized something,” you said once you fully caught your breath.
“What’s that?” he asked.
“If you’re my mate but you haven’t marked me yet, and you plan to pay for… well, everything for me for the time being,” you said, a laugh bubbling up when you saw that your window was fogged up. You drew a little smiley face, making you laugh more before you glanced at him. “You’re kind of like my sugar daddy.”
The look on his face before he laughed made him look younger, the sound affectionate and happy. How many managed to make him laugh like that? “Does that mean you’re going to call me ‘Daddy’?”
“Don’t push it, old man,” you giggled. Though if anyone could sway you, it would be him. “Why don’t we just stick with ‘alpha’ for now?”
“That and Bucky,” he suggested, turning his hand so your palm rested against his. “I like hearing you say my name, doll,” he added in a whisper.
“I like saying your name, Bucky,” you said, your brows furrowing. “But who came up with that nickname?”
He chuckled again, your skin tingling when he lifted your hand to kiss it. “You don’t want to hear about that.”
“Yes, I do,” you said.
He stole a glance at you. Through the heavy scent of your orgasm, you detected joy seeping from him. It made you feel happy, too. “Okay,” he smiled, running his thumb along your hand. “I got the nickname a long time ago…”
You twisted more in your seat to face him as you listened, lost in his voice and smile. There was so much you had to learn about your alpha. His likes and dislikes. What he would be like before, during, and after his ruts. He had a lot to learn about you, too. You wouldn’t give up on your dream of becoming a designer, and accepting his help may not be such a bad thing.
And maybe accepting the fact that you had a mate to depend on wouldn’t be such a bad thing either.
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So, what do we think so far? Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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metalheadsagainstfascism · 2 years ago
Heat Intolerance
This disability pride month I'd like to talk about heat intolerance. Because honestly although it's not the first health issue that presented symptoms in my life. It was the first time I was like "I don't think my body works right".
And honestly given disability pride month is during one of the hottest months in the year. It seems fitting. Especially because there's a lot of disabilities and medications that cause it.
What is heat intolerance?
Simply speaking it's the inability for the body to regulate it's temperatures especially in hot settings to cool itself down.
Why is awareness important?
Because gaslighting people or worse not providing them a place to cool down just because you "feel fine" is extremely fucking dangerous.
What are the medicines that can cause heat intolerance?
Antihistamines (Allergy medications) . Decongestants (Sudafed or any medication that has the D at the end of it). Stimulants (ADHD medications. Steroids. Caffeine.) Beta-blockers (blood pressure medications). Overactive bladder treatment. Psychiatric medications (including but not limited to medications for depression and anxiety). Pain relievers. Antibiotics.
What medical conditions can cause heat intolerance?
EDS (Elhers-Danlos syndrome). Autism. ADHD. Migraines. Brain/spinal-cord injury. Sensory processing disorder. Chronic fatigue syndrome. Endocrin problems. POTS. Menopause. Hypothyroidism. Diabetes. Heart Disease. Multiple sclerosis. Mental health disorders.
What should I do if I suspect I have heat intolerance?
Reduce time outside during hot months. Keep your electrolytes up. Drink plenty of water. Stay out of the sun whenever possible if outside. Be aware of the symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
Clothes that are best worn for heat intolerance. Loose lightweight breathable fabrics. Natural fibers. Long sleeves that protect from sunburn as sunburns will increase your risk. Light clothes that reflect light. Wide brimmed hats that shade the face and neck.
Cool. So what are those symptoms I'm supposed you be looking for?
Headaches. Excessive fatigue. Mood changes. Muscle cramping or weakness. Nausea/ vomiting. Rapid heartbeat. Excessive sweating or not sweating at all.
When should I do to the doctor?
If you suspect you have heat intolerance you can go to your PCP to discuss what medications you may be on and what you can do about it. Otherwise, please go to the emergency room if you have symptoms of heat stroke.
This is good information and all but why are you making this post?
To raise awareness. Not just for the people that have it but weren't aware of what it was called. But for all of the idiots that tried to gaslight me when I was in school because I was like "I don't think this is normal. Every time we do our mile run outside I vomit all over the place but other kids aren't doing that."
Also because people always blame me for over heating if I wear long sleeves or pants. I always like to take notes from what people in the middle east wear because they literally live in the excessive heat and spend long hours in the excessive heat. Often in clothing that covers most of their body. They've gotta know what they're doing, right?
I have some type of xenophobic comment about why people from the middle east cover up
Shut the fuck up 😊
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bitchface24-7 · 2 months ago
Hii! I've been scrolling through all your works and I just want to say I am ✨obsessed✨ so I saw a post where you were asking for fluff or angst request and I really really REALLY wanna see what Viktor and jayce would do if they're jealous or being protective! Like they saw reader at one of the parties and was being incredibly hit on. Would also be nice if it would be like pre-relationship! Like they're gonna confess or something, I don't really know this is my first time asking for request acckkk
(I really really want it to be jayvik x reader too pls 🙏🙏)
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synopsis: everyone knows the three of you are together. It’s no secret either. So imagine their surprise when the three of you go to a council party and a few guests flirt with you. They're not very happy about that…
warnings: unwanted flirting, Jayce and Viktor saving you, pre-established relationship, Viktor hits/trips people with his cane, Jayce is a bodyguard, fluff, suggestiveness, Grammarly is my beta
genre: m/m/f or m/m/m
p.s. Oooh this was fun and funny to write. I'd be so flustered if they acted this way toward me. Hope y'all like it! Love ya ❤️
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This party is horrendous. The food has no flavour, the alcohol isn't strong enough, and too many people are trying to flirt with you.
Viktor angrily sips on his champagne, his knuckles white at how hard he's holding the glass. Jayce's eyes are narrowed as he picks at the food he's attempting to eat.
All because some middle aged man with a heavily receding hairline is looking at you the way a lion looks at an antelope. Like your his prey.
“Whos turn is it now?” Jayce asks, eyeing the man down as he pops a cube of cheese into his mouth, “Mine.” Viktor states as he shoots back the rest of his champagne.
Jayce nods and Viktor casually walks over to where you're awkwardly standing. He completely understands why so many people are flirting with you. You have a sparkling personality and a gorgeous look. Beautiful on the inside and out.
Especially right now. You're wearing form-fitting black slacks, a billowy white shirt with an embroidered corset, showing off your waist and black loafers. Your hair is framing your face in a lovely way.
Your face is in a slight grimace as you sip champagne, leaning back away from the older man.
The man grunts in pain as Viktor whips his achilles tendon with an amazing aim, “Oh I'm so sorry,” Viktor apologizes, his tone full of fake concern, “I didn't mean to hit you, it was an accident.”
You huff lightly as your eyes glimmer at your lover, the older man looks cross. His face worsens at Viktors next words.
“I was coming over to see my partner and I accidentally stumbled. My bad.”
You hide your laugh behind your glass as the old mans face turns red in both anger and embarrassment. “You’re dating them?” He questions you, pointing incredulously at Viktor.
A hum is heard as you sip your champagne again, “I told you that five minutes ago, and you completely ignored me.”
The man sputters and essentially runs away. You and Viktor stand there in silence for a bit before the two of you laugh, and you continue to laugh as you walk back to Jayce.
Jayce's dark look has completely vanished, and he looks like a puppy now. Big smile, sparkling eyes, dimples out. If Jayce had a tail it'd be wagging a mile a minute.
“My heroes.” You croon at the two of them. A smirk on your lips as the two men fake innocence.
“I don't know what you're talking about?” Jayce says, his tone light and joking. You laugh and the two men smile at you. Ironically enough, now a woman comes up to talk to you. You groan in irritation and before the man can start talking to you, Jayce moves in front of you, the only thing you see is his deliciously broad back.
“They’re taken.”
The woman sputters, her eyes wide as her mouth opens and closes, “But—”
Jayce repeats himself, his tone firmer, darker.
“They’re taken, go away.”
The woman huffs and stomps away, her heels clacking harshly against the marble floor. Jayce sighs and falls back towards your side. Both you and Viktor smirk at the tall man. He looks confused.
“Babe that was so sexy.” You tease.
“Got me hot under the collar.” Viktor adds, jokingly fanning himself. Jayce flushes all the way to his ears, grabbing a glass of champagne off the table and throwing it back.
“Shut up.”
The two of you laugh and Jayce's playful irritation melts away. He loves seeing the two of you laugh.
When another person comes up to talk to you the three of you groan. Jayce blocks you and Viktor again as you go to leave the party, the man doesn't read the room and goes to follow you two. Viktor subtly moves his cane a bit further out than normal and the man falls on his face.
You don't see anyone's reaction to his fall since you're already out the door, going back home.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
You sigh and try to take your corset off. You get mad at have a mini-tantrum. You're tired, you want to relax with your boys and slouch lazily on the couch. You can't do that with this corset.
You feel a large hand settle on your waist and slowly untie the laces in the back. You sigh in pleasure as the corset is loosened. It’s fitted to you perfectly, and its super comfy, but you don't have the best posture. So being forced to stand straight for a few hours has made your back sore.
You groan as you roll your shoulders, your back popping. You turn your head and kiss Jayce on the cheek.
Jayce smiles as you plop onto the couch next to Viktor, your shirt now much looser falls down your shoulder slightly. You untuck your shirt from your pants and it damn near falls down to mid-thigh. You unbutton your pants and shimmy out of them.
You're at home with your lovers, you're getting comfy goddamn it.
“What a show we're getting.” Viktor jokes as he lays a hand on your thigh, watching intently as you drop your head onto the back of the sofa. Jayce joins the two of you on the couch and kisses your bare shoulder.
“The amount of money those people at the party would pay to see you like this.”
“Theres not enough money in the world for me to leave you two.”
Viktor hums, “Is that so?” and brushes his nose against the crook of your neck, kissing, biting, and licking; leaving a dark hickey.
Jayce follows suit onto the other side.
You sigh in pleasure, “You two putting a claim on me? What? You two jealous of the people at the party?”
Jayce growls and Viktor chuckles, “Not jealous darling, possessive. We know you're ours, but it seems others don't.”
“So we’re rectifying that.” Jayce adds, nipping your jaw.
You just smile, wrapping one arm around each of them, “I’m not complaining. Rectify away!”
They both stop giving you hickies and both kiss your cheek at the same time, your face squishing together. Then the litter your face with kisses, making you giggle in elation.
Why on earth would you ever go from one of those people at the party when you have the best partners in the world?
No one could ever compare to them. No one.
You're the luckiest person in the world.
(On the other hand, Viktor and Jayce think they're the luckiest people in the world.)
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Oh to be their partner in the arcane world. Why can't they exist irl 😭😭
Hope y'all enjoyed it, love ya ❤️
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taintandviolent · 4 months ago
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Regular ; Oz Cobb x Reader
summary: You live in Gotham City and are a waitress at a little hole-in-the-wall Italian restaurant. Oz is a regular and you've developed quite the crush on him.
word count & w a r n i n g s: 6.4K | older man/younger woman, semi-established history, making out, cockwarming, semi-public sex, unprotected sex, fingering (female receiving, dirty talk, smut with a teensy bit of plot (but not really).
a/n: to the 99.9999% of my followers... I'm so sorry but I am begging you guys to hear me out about him!!!! I thoroughly expect this to flop, but I needed to write it for my own sanity. absolutely massive thank you to @redravenblogs for beta-reading! banner by @/strangergraphics!
↓ full fic under cut! ↓ / playlist here / ao3 link here! / I don’t have a taglist anymore, but please turn on post notifications if you’d like to be notified of future fics!
Ah, Tuesday night. 
In Gotham City, every night is a good night for an Italian restaurant. Especially one that’s been in business since 1964 and acquired a hefty lot of aging locals that know the food is good, and a possibly even longer list of trendy, younger foodies that have heard that food is good because of the aging locals. 
There’s also the… criminal side of the patrons. Have a place with delicious food and wine, and Gotham’s elite underground is sure to follow. You’ve seen your fair share of men who look like they’re here to discuss a deal over a good meal, and a number of elected officials with them. You know better than to meddle, though. You just do your job, and hope for a good tip. Usually, you get one. 
Tonight, it’s raining. Heavily. Surprise, surprise. People flock in from the street as an escape from the deluge outside and the restaurant is filling up quickly. Your section is about three quarters of the way full, and you’re busy. You hear the door open again, followed by the momentary rush of the sound of tires on wet pavement outside. You straighten up, throwing your glance in the way of the entrance. 
There he is. A warm smile spreads across your face as you watch him amble in, shaking the rain from his leather coat. Though his appearances aren’t regular, his habits are. He always sits at the same table in your section, towards the back and next to the corner window. Once he figured out it was in an area you attended to, he never sat anywhere else. 
You only know him as Oz, the big sweetheart of a man who comes in and always orders the chicken parmigiana. Says it’s the best in town. After seeing him a few times, and sneakily taking note of his last name, you took it upon yourself to do a little digging and found out that he’s known for running with Falcone’s gang and that he’s also the owner of the elite Iceberg Lounge. You never bring those things up to him in fear of starting a conversation he doesn’t want to finish. It’s really none of your business, anyway. You give him a moment to settle into the booth, but once he does – you’re immediately headed that way. 
“There she is,” he starts with a smile, watching you as you make your way over to the table, pulling your order notebook from your apron pocket. “There’s my girl.” 
A blush hits your cheek – it does every time. From day one, he flirted with you, harmlessly and has continued it ever since. You’re used to patrons being a little flirtatious, but something about the way Oz does it makes your stomach tighten. 
“Buonasera, Oz…” you say, your lips curling into a warm smile. In the year you’ve worked here, you’ve picked up a little Italian, but the appropriate greetings are mandated by management. “How you doin’?” 
“Better now.” 
You smile again and dip your chin to your chest shyly. He’s always so affectionate, so warm. For being a guy who meddles in Gotham’s seedy underbelly, he’s one of the nicest guys you’ve ever met.
“The usual?” 
He nods. “The usual, sweetheart. But gimme’ a side of fettuccine tonight, huh?” 
You scribble the order down, and snap your book shut. “You got it.”
“What time you off tonight, doll?” 
“Same as every night, Oz. In about an hour.”
“They keepin’ you late every night, huh?” 
“Yeah, but a girl’s gotta’ eat.” 
He scoffs, shaking his head and shifts in the booth before looking up at you. “I keep tellin’ ya, I could take care uh ya, baby.”
The running joke, but sometimes you wonder if he’s serious. He always tips you generously, alarmingly so, and it’s always put directly in your hand, as though he doesn’t want anyone else knowing that he takes care of your groceries for the week.
“And I keep sayin’ I couldn’t do that to you.” 
“Ahh–!” He jerks his head to the side, dismissing those words. 
You reach forward to touch his broad shoulder, giving it a little squeeze. “Let me put your order in, honey. I’ll be right back with your wine.” 
With that, you walk proudly off towards the back, swaying your hips. You can feel Oz’s eyes on you as you go and maybe the way you move is intentional, because you know he’s watching. So, what if it was? Can you really blame a girl for liking the attention?
As you round the corner to the kitchen, you clear your throat and call out to the cooks. Angelo is working tonight, and he’s one of the few guys who knows about your little affinity for Oz. As soon as you pin the ticket, Angelo spins the wheel around, looking at the order. He recognizes it, and gives you a knowing smile. 
“Oh, look who’s back, eh?” 
“Quiet,” you hush, looking back towards the table. You can’t see it from this angle, but you know he’s there, sitting, probably on his phone, or tapping his big knuckles on the wood of the table. 
He looks at the sheet again, noticing the addition, and raises an eyebrow. “Boyfriend’s hungry tonight.” 
“Angelo, will you quit it? He’s not my boyfriend.” 
“Sugar daddy then, eh?” 
You scoff, giving him the finger before reaching for one of the bottles of wine – Oz’s favorite.
You return to his table with a skip in your step. It’s been about a week since you’ve seen him, and you can’t help the giddiness in your gait. As you bump your plush hip into the corner of the table, Oz grins crookedly at you, his gold teeth glinting in the low lighting of the restaurant. You reach into your apron, pulling out a corkscrew. 
“So, whatcha’ been up to, Oz?” You say, as you twist the prong into the cork. “Haven’t seen you in a while.” 
“Ah, y’know… business as usual.”
He usually gives you an answer like that – something that doesn’t reveal too much about what he does. You wonder if he knows that you’ve looked into him. You suddenly furrow your brow at the cork – it’s being stubborn – and quickly situate the bottle between your legs, squeezing it tight between your thighs. This action isn’t lost on Oz, who watches you with a deeply interested grin, watching how your skirt rides up just slightly at the front, not enough to reveal anything aside from some of your creamy soft thigh flesh. Everything you do is done with such innocence, but there’s no way you don’t know what you’re doing to him, he thinks. After a moment of yanking, the cork finally gives way with a hollow POP and you grip the bottle, bringing it up to the table. You mutter a quiet apology and fill the glass, pulling the bottle back to wipe the edge on your apron.
“Well, it’s good to see you. Always is.” 
Someone calls your name from behind you, and it’s one of the other tables, looking for refills. You offer Oz an apologetic smile, and head in that direction. Sadly, you don’t return until his food is ready.  He’s extra present tonight; your eyes meet every time you look in his direction, giving him a timid smile and going about your tasks, but your heart flutters with an adoration for the older man. You’re attentive too, and go over to his table a million and a half times to ask how the food is, if he needs anything else. 
“Only you, doll.” 
You swat playfully at his shoulder, though the little quip has heat pooling in your core. You’d be lying if you hadn’t thought about him taking you over the table a handful of times; lustfully imagining what his hips would feel like rutting against your ass as he sunk himself inside of you. You constantly wondered what his cock looked like. He was a big man, and you assumed that rang true for all parts of him – but the hunger to find out was terrible.  
He’s one of the last ones to leave, lingering as long as he can before it’s considered rude. Tonight, something’s different about him, like something is on his mind, something he wants to say. Each time you’re at his table, he looks like he’s about to ask, but never does. Finally, as you return to clear his table, reaching for the empty plates on his table, he downs the rest of his wine and clears his throat. 
“Listen, sweetheart,” he says, pivoting slightly in the booth with some effort. “You uh, you busy after work?” 
“N-no.” Your heart is pounding in your chest. You straighten up, holding the stacked plates with one flattened palm.
“Why don’t you come down to the Iceberg Lounge? Unwind a little.”
“Oh, Oz, I’m not much of a clubbing girl.” 
There’s a glimmer of disappointment in those dark eyes of his, but he sets his jaw, and gets to his feet. This puts him in your proximity, and you can feel the heat rolling off his large body. Your stomach aches to lean into him, press yourself into his gut, and lace your arms around his neck.
“Just think ‘bout it.” He reaches in his pocket. 
The tip he gives you tonight almost makes your knees give way. It feels thicker than usual in your left hand and when your fingers close around the bills, you swallow down the protests. You don’t dare count it, not in front of him or anyone else. You’ve stopped telling him no, or that he doesn’t have to, because it’s almost like it offends him. He always hushes you, and acts like it’s the most normal thing in the world. You tuck it in the pocket of your apron, and swallow hard again. 
He smiles and steps around you. Your eyes are glued to the visual of him leaving, watching him through the windows as he limps down the sidewalk. God, you want him. It’s a lethal hunger, something that claws and rips at your insides. 
Once the restaurant is empty, you and the rest of the crew make quick work of cleaning up and closing up shop. It’s about forty-five minutes later when you’re slipping your arms into the sleeves of your black, wool overcoat and heading through the door. The rain hasn’t stopped. If anything, it’s gotten worse. You heave a sigh. You’ve got a walk ahead of you, but it’s something you’re used to. 
You stop walking, poised just at the end of the sidewalk. You hoist your bag up on your shoulder and pull your jacket right around your neck, squinting into the rain. 
“Oz? That you?” You take a step in that direction, knowing full well it is. Your casual act is embarrassing to you, but you persist, pretending you’re surprised to see him getting out of his car. It’s a nice one, too… a Maserati. Was he… waiting for you?
“Yeah,” he grumbles. “You ain’t walkin’ home in this, are ya?”
“Just to the station,” You defend. 
“Nah. C’mon.” He limps around the front of his car, rain splattering against his leather coat. “Lemme’ give ya’ a ride.” 
He doesn’t have to ask you twice. What’s the worst thing that could happen? Really. The rain is brutal and you’re cold, a chill settling into your bones. You hurry towards the plum-coloured car, your high heels clacking against the wet pavement as you do. Oz opens and holds the door for you, waiting patiently for you to make your way over. You get in the car gracefully, making sure not to flash him, though, you doubt he’d mind if you did. It’s warm inside, the heat is on, and the leather interior has absorbed some of that heat. You snuggle into the seat, watching in the rearview as Oz makes his way back around the car, and for a moment you’re surrounded by nothing but the sound of rain on the roof and the shlick of the wiper blades as they whisk the droplets off the windshield. The driver’s side door opens, and he tucks himself in. Droplets of rain decorate his shoulders, and he smears his hand over his hair. 
“Where to, sweetheart?” He asks, a familiarity in his voice. He’s used to driving people around, but he’d drive you around the whole city if you asked. 
“The complex on the corner of 7th and Onyx…” you say, almost sheepishly. Sure, it’s not the best part of town, but your little apartment is cozy, overlooking the city. You imagine he’s used to much nicer, and is probably silently judging the location. 
“Oz,” you start, looking at the girth of his fingers as they wrap around the steering wheel. Your mind starts to wander, but you quickly reign it in with a hard blink and an inhalation of breath. “Can I ask you something?” 
“Sure, doll. Anything you want.” 
“Were you waiting for me to get off work?”
 “Gotta’ look out for my favorite girl, y’know?” 
It’s an indirect answer, but an answer all the same. You smile to yourself as he eases his foot into the gas pedal, the car moving forward. His right hand departs from the steering wheel to turn on the radio. Frank Sinatra’s crooning voice fills the inside, and for the rest of the drive, you’re silent, occasionally stealing looks at Oz as he drives. He handles the car beautifully, and you wonder if he handles a woman as well. 
Oz is sweet. You know this. Despite his constant heavy flirting at the restaurant, he’s sweet, charming and at times, awkward. Endearingly so. But you aren’t taking pity on him. Your interest in him is purely selfish, driven by your lust for older, dangerous men. You inhale a deep breath and turn your attention to the road. You’re close to home. A few minutes later, he pulls up next to your building and puts the car in park. 
You reposition yourself to face him, shifting your feet underneath you. He’s watching you, those smoldering, dark eyes following your every move. Carefully, you lean over the center console, enough to close in the distance between you two and press your lips against his warm, scarred cheek. His aftershave wafts into your nose, and you take a deep breath of it, remembering it. You think you hear his breath hitching. 
“That’s for the ride, Oz.” 
“Shit, I oughta’ drive you ‘round more often if that’s what it gets me, huh?” 
You hesitate a moment, looking into his eyes. There’s that look again –  like he wants to ask something. You fill the void with another question. 
“Is our chicken parm really the best, or do you just come for me?” 
Oz’s thick brows flick up on his forehead and he lets out a throaty chuckle. “Sweetheart...” 
“Do you come for me?” 
Now he’s really looking at you, squinting at you. Hearing that question repeated has him twitching in his goddamn slacks. He looks out to the rain, then back to you and you’re still staring at him, waiting for an answer. 
“If you only fuckin’ knew,” he chokes out.
“Well.. what if I wanna’ know?” 
“Doll,” he grins and laughs, almost nervously. It’s loveable and you can’t help but smile, your gaze fixated on his scarred mouth as he speaks. You aren’t staring negatively, quite the contrary. Like everything else unusual about him, you find his scars sexy. 
“You don’t gotta’... y’know, do that.”
You smile again, letting your lids close slightly. He thinks you’re doing this because you’re what? Paying him back for all the tips? Treating him like a charity case? Hysterical. If he only knew.
“Answer my question, Oz. What if I wanna’ know?”
He shifts in his seat. Uncomfortable? You can’t tell. 
“Then uh… I ain’t gonna’ deny you that. Find out.”
You lean back over, and instead of kissing his cheek, you tilt your head and go for his mouth, your soft, plush lips pressing against his. He doesn’t respond… not right away, at least. He’s stunned, but also trying not to devour you like some goddamned hungry animal. Finally, his lips twitch to life, pressing back against yours. 
He ain’t used to this. But, fuck, it feels good. 
As his mouth opens, his large hand comes up to the side of your face, holding you where you’re at. The cool chill of the band of his ring is a stark contrast against the warmth of his digits. His fingertips graze the edge of your hairline, massaging gently. The taste of his tongue in your mouth is intoxicating, the wine lingering on his breath mingles with his own personal notes. You let an open-mouthed moan fall from your throat, into his, and he reciprocates, moving his body slightly towards you. Your tongue slips along his bottom lip, pausing to nibble at it softly. He groans deep, his eyes rolling back in his head. You’re getting him stiff, worked up and all you’re fuckin’ doin’ is kissin’ him.   
This is getting heavy. You feel your own arousal burning between your legs, a fiery, throbbing heartbeat that gets more incessant the longer his tongue is in your mouth, tasting you. Oz is practically taking you in mouthfuls, and your hand crawls over the center console, just far enough that your fingernails scrape against the fabric of his slacks, over his thigh. A desperate attempt to get closer to him without just straddling him in his front seat. 
A deep rumble of thunder and a crack of lightning pulls you two from each other. You lurch away, panting, and look out through the front windshield. The rain comes down harder, and you can hardly make out the outlines of the buildings in front of you. 
“I should… probably go inside before this gets any worse.”
You aren’t sure if you’re talking about the rain or the mutual arousal. Maybe both. He clears his throat in response; he wants to tell you that you’re a cruel woman, leaving him like this, but with the taste of you still on his tongue, he ain’t about to push his luck and get greedy. He unlocks the doors from the panel on his left. You open the door and get out, dragging your bag with you. You lean back inside, looking at him with dreamy, half-lidded eyes. 
“I’ll see you, Oz. Thanks for the ride.” 
But not the kiss? You cringe at your words. There’s that look again – but this time, you know he wants to ask you if you’re coming down to the Lounge later. You know it, and you’ve already made up your mind. 
Instead, he shrugs with both of his shoulders. “Sure, sweetheart. Any time. I mean that.” 
With butterflies in your stomach, you exit the car, and shut the door, careful not to slam it. You hold your purse above your head as you run to the front door and you hear the roar of Oz’s engine as he speeds off. The second you’re inside, you kick off your heels at the door and hurry to the back of the apartment. You flip the lightswitch, illuminating the modest bedroom. You pull the dress from the back of your closet, half expecting a cloud of dust to come with it.  
Thank god it still fits. 
You catch a cab downtown, which is much less luxurious than your previous ride. It drops you off in front, and the line to get in stretches down the length of the building. You knew it was a popular place, but you hadn’t expected this. The rain, nor the fact that it’s a Tuesday evening, deters these patrons – whatever’s inside must really be something. You pull your dress down your thighs, and walk carefully up onto the sidewalk. Deciding to try your luck with the bouncers, you bypass the line, trying not to look at anyone to your right. If you stand in line, you won’t be inside for hours. 
Two men – identical twins – stand in front of the door.
“Can we help you?” One of them asks, sternly. You don’t take offense, they’re only doing their job. 
“Um…” You blurt out your name, adding, “Oz asked me to come.” 
One of the men speaks into a small mic attached to the lapel of his jacket, covering it with his hand. It’s only a moment before one of them opens the door and the music goes from muffled to booming, vibrating your bones. You mutter a quick thanks, and step inside, feeling like you’ve just cheated the system. The visual that meets you truly overwhelms you at first, and you hesitate. 
It’s a staggeringly massive venue, filled with undulating bodies. The building itself is industrial in nature, all steel and flashing red lights. The dance floor stretches as far as your eyes can see, a literal sea of human beings, all grinding against each other, feeling the music in their veins. You stand, stunned at the start of the crowd, unsure of where to go.
After a moment, you lift your gaze and your eyes meet for the hundredth time that night. Oz stands on the second floor, on almost a catwalk above the crowds. He looks like he did at the restaurant, save for the leather jacket which was replaced by a white suit jacket; he’s wearing the same purple shirt and black slacks. Your shoulders relax, knowing that whatever happens next will be something you remember for the rest of your life.
He doesn’t make it a secret of how he’s checking you out, a devilish sneer on his face. He’s only ever seen you in your waitress outfit, which let it be known, is sexy enough on its own, but this plunging number that gives him a peek at your cleavage, and hugs your hips in ways he could only dream of… He deepens his grin and jerks his head to the side, urging you up. You follow his gaze and clock the staircase to your left. You make a beeline for it, holding the chain of your purse in a fist and climb the steel staircase carefully, until you get to the platform that Oz is standing on. 
“Hi!” You shout over the pulsing music. You’re giddy, like a schoolgirl. It’s embarrassing, really. 
“I gotta’ be honest, doll, I didn’t think I’d see you.” he confesses, leaning into your ear. His voice is rough, but enticing. He pulls back, gauging your reaction. You stare at him for a moment, saying nothing, prolonging the moment and torturing him. His tongue darts out to wet his lips, and your eyes flick down to watch. Something he does a lot, you notice. 
“What?” you ask, leaning into him. “After what happened in the car?” 
When you pull back to look at him, there’s a bemused smile on your face. Confident. Cocky. Like there was an unspoken contest of who would mention it first and you won. He shrugs lightly, huffing out a laugh. You reach for his cheek, palming it softly. Oz keeps his composure, even though inside, he wants to lean into it and whimper like a dog. He’s glad he doesn’t though. 
“I’m the one who kissed you, remember? It’s not like you did anything to offend me, Oz.” you coo.
“I ‘spose not, huh?” 
You nod, slowly, coyly. 
“The chicken parm,” he says suddenly, shrugging with his hands. “It ain’t bad. But I guess you’ve figured out the real reason why I come there, huh?”  
You laugh brightly, looking over the railing at the throngs of people below you, neon red lights washing over them in time with the music. You smile softly, feeling special. It’s not every day that you get private access to an elite club in Gotham City and get to schmooze with the owner. 
“Come upstairs with me.” Feeling like your attention is drifting from him, Oz takes your hand, guiding you in the direction of yet another flight of stairs. Your eyes trail up the steps; they lead to a loft, glass windows on every side. 
You’re stone cold sober, so you can’t blame the alcohol, but the second you’re in his office, above the crowds, above it all, you’re on him like a bear on honey. Your hands smear over his chest, fingers grazing through the hair that peeks out from his open shirt. He smells like cigars and an expensive cologne that you take lungfuls of. 
“You're an eager girl, aren’t ya?” 
“Yeah, Oz… I am.” You reply breathlessly, kissing a path along his bottom lip and chin. 
“How long have you felt this way, huh?” 
You finally pull back, and lick your lips, watching him intently. You knew he was a talker from the restaurant, always chatting. But right now, you wanted nothing more than to kiss him. “Uhm…” Your chest heaves visibly, and Oz has to fight to keep his eyes on yours. “The first or second time you came into Bellini…” 
“Ah, c’moooon!” he says, incredulously. 
“No, I’m serious!” You laugh a little, moving your head to try and keep Oz’s gaze. He looks off behind you for a moment, and when he returns his attention to you, his expression is serious.
“Chicks like you don’t go after guys like me –”
You bristle and take his face in your hands. “Chicks like me? What do you know about chicks like me, Oz? You think you’ve got it all figured out, huh?” 
He sidesteps that with another question. “What, you like older guys or somethin’?” 
“They’re better…” You say in between tiny kisses. “They know better. They’re more experienced. Guys my age…” You pause to run a finger along his lip. “They don’t know how to take care of women.”
Oz smiles. It’s a dirty, devious smile, and it sends a pulse to your core. There’s a mischievous glimmer in his eyes, and he brings his hand up to the curve of your shoulder. “You want me to take care of ya, baby? Is that what you’re sayin’?” 
You nod. A little too enthusiastically, maybe. 
“It’s a busy club, sweetheart.” He says, almost nonchalantly, as though his slacks aren’t tenting in between both of you. 
But… he has a point. You hum quietly. 
“Later, then? Give me a tour of the club and – “ Your voice trails off because Oz looks like he’s just gotten an idea. He smirks, and his hand grips your hip, pulling you close to his gut. “What?” 
“How’s about you sit on it, huh?” 
Your head turns, gaze heavily resting on the room across the way. You assume it’s for the dancers of the club. Whatever it is – it’s right there. You glance at it nervously, and your expression reads strong, apparently, because Oz chuckles next to you, and brings his hand to your jaw, forcing it back in his direction. 
“Hey, hey, hey. Look at me. It’s okay. They ain’t gonna’ know a thing.” 
His hand drops from your jaw to your waist, where his thumb swipes circles over your dress. His hand sweeps around to the back, where your skin is exposed, and begins stroking patterns over the skin, igniting tiny fires wherever he touches. You lean forward, pressing your mouth against his again, hungry for his taste again. After a few minutes, Oz pulls away, ending the foreplay. He turns and ambles to the leather sofa angled in front of the window and you follow, taking slow, careful steps. One foot in front of the other. 
Once he’s seated, you lift your dress just enough to grip the delicately stretchy lace of your panties on either side, and carefully pull them down the curve of your ass. Oz is watching, his brown eyes locked on the tantalizing visual in front of him. You discard them on the sofa cushion, not thinking about where they land. Oz watches though, and his large hand snakes out, fisting them and discreetly tucking them into the pocket of his slacks. If you asked, he would’ve told you that he didn’t want anyone fuckin’ seein’ ‘em. The reality was that his perversions were too loud, and he was going to take a token of this dream he was experiencing.  
Oz reaches down, unlatching his slacks, and pulling the zip down just enough to reach in and pull his aching cock free. As you lower yourself, he lines it up, watching intently. You whimper his name, feeling the cockhead nudge your entrance. 
“Easy, sweetheart, easy. That’s it, nice n’ slow.” He licks his lips. 
At first, you nestle yourself down onto his thick cock gradually. The fat, leaking head pops in first, sending a shockwave through your core. Your breath hitches in your throat, and instead of sliding yourself down his shaft slowly, with a huff, you slam your ass down hard. You’re sitting all the way down on Oz’s wide lap, stuffing the rest of him in. He’s thicker than he is long, but god, it’s everything you thought it would be. He vocalizes, surprised at your determination. You still, letting your walls accommodate the girth of the man beneath you. 
“Hoo, baby...” 
The tiniest little movements have him clenching his jaw, hissing through his teeth. And then… with his hand casually holding onto your hip, Oz starts to rut his hips up into you. It’s just enough to rock your body up and down and move his cock inside you. 
He grunts underneath you, his grasp tightening on the satin of your dress. He craves skin, and his hand slides into the space between your dress and your back. You can’t help but let out the tiniest of whimpers at the feeling of being so full – you don’t remember the last time you were stretched like that. Your dress pools, hanging heavy between your legs and concealing your leaking core. 
Abruptly, the collective sound of high heels approaches, and your eyes snap up to the glass windows. A group of girls crowds the room parallel, and the second one of them spots you two, they’re heading your way. Oz stops moving. 
“Alright… quiet, doll.” He slaps your hip a few times. It’s a warning, and one you immediately heed, straightening up, tucking your hips into a more natural sitting position. His cock twitches inside you, and you swallow back the noise that bubbles up your throat. 
“Ozzy,” the girls coo in unison. One of them has a martini in her hand and asks who you are. God, they’re all so beautiful, you think. Insecurity threatens, but the stretching between your legs calms it.
Leaning to the side to meet their gaze, he tells them your name, proudly – the bastard – and you wave, sheepishly, trying not to allude to the fact that Oz’s girthy cock is buried inside you. Maybe they know. Maybe he’s done this before. You swallow hard, reaching up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear. 
“We was just havin’ a meeting. She’s thinkin’ of workin’ here.” A bold faced lie, but it distracts the women from looking too hard at the scene in front of them. They all titter excitedly, delighted by the prospect of having another friend to play with.  
“Oz takes real good care of us,” one of them chimes in, earnestly. “You’d love it here.” 
You clench around his cock as hard as you can, your internal muscles squeezing him in a vice. You smile as naturally as you can at the girls as Oz continues speaking casually. The man’s poker face must be insane because he doesn’t flinch, doesn’t give away a single thing. 
“Alright, alright. Girls, what am I payin’ ya for, huh? Get down there.” 
In a flurry of nods and apologies, the women disperse, heading back down to the throbbing club below them. The sound of their high heels clicking down the stairs fades away, replaced by the dull, muffled thrumming of the music below. As soon as you two are alone again, Oz bucks his hips up into you hard, almost painfully, pulling a low groan from your throat.
“Tell me how good that feels, sweetheart. Tell me.” The roughness of his voice, the harshness of his accent makes everything sound intense, but the desperation in which he asks that isn’t lost on you. He’s practically begging you to tell him, revealing a deep-rooted hunger for praise. You wet your throat, and lean your head back onto his shoulder, bringing your hand up around to the back of his wide neck; the flesh is warm and damp with sweat.
“It feels so good.” 
“Y-yeah…” You close your eyes, wincing slightly at the way his cock bullies you and stretches you open. “So good, Oz. I’ve thought about this… so many times.”
His hips rut up into you, finding a hungry, incessant rhythm and your slick walls clench around him. The action brings a choking grunt from his mouth, and your ego swells with the control. An idea blossoms. You straighten up; setting your hips and grinding them back and forth on his lap. Beneath you, Oz moans, his grip on you tightening. You feel his large body shudder, and a cocky smile curls its way around your lips. 
“You like that, Oz? You like me fucking you like that?” 
He nods, breathlessly, reaching up to palm the sweat that drips into his brow. 
“Tell me,” you whisper, arching your body against his. 
“I l-like the way you’re fuckin’ me. It feels real fuckin’ good… ” He grumbles, pleased. “Feelin’ that tight pussy uh yours… like heaven, doll.” 
You whine at that, loving the way it sounds coming from his mouth. Your hips gyrate, continuing their ruthless pattern on his cock. His hand strays from your hip and juts between your legs, finding your cunt. His thick fingers slip between your folds, stroking you just enough to drive your orgasm closer to the edge. You whimper, tossing your head back. 
Oz’s gaze drops from your back to your ass, watching as the flesh swells when you push back against him. God damn. It’s a perfect fuckin’ view, and he sucks in a deep breath. Every muscle in his body tightens, even if he ain’t ready for that.  
“Aw, fuck–” he grunts, low. Deep in his stomach, his muscles clench, trying hard to stave off the oncoming orgasm. His eyes open, focusing on the ceiling, the sound of the music, anything except for the way you’re ridin’ him. It ain’t workin’, because he feels his whole body tense up. Fuck. 
His hand goes slack between your legs and you grit your teeth, bringing your brows together in a pained expression. The dual stimulation was nice, but the way his cock massages your walls, stretching them out and filling you in a way that has you gasping is enough to drive you mad. You’re thankful that the music is so loud beneath you, because your desperate mewls and whines are getting higher and higher in pitch. Oz mutters something, something filthy about filling you and you drive your hips back against him. And with that, he loses it. He thrusts his hips up into you a few times, with a frenzied sort of desperation. You feel the heat painting your insides, coating your walls in his ecstasy. Underneath you, Oz’s thrusts have turned languid and lazy. He’s silently justifying the too-quick orgasm with the fact that he had to; anyone could’ve walked in at any time. It had nothing to do with the fact that he’s been like a slobbering dog for you for months. 
Chest heaving, your hips continue rutting back and forth, and Oz shifts underneath you, still panting heavily. It’s tender, but he doesn’t complain. His thrusts continue to slow and you desperately reach between your legs, tapping his hand back to life. “D-don’t stop Oz, please… don’t stop…” 
Behind you, Oz chuckles under his breath and straightens up, having sunk back into the sofa a little too far when he lost it. His thick index finger strokes your clit upwards, and a shiver rips through your body. The coil in your stomach winds tighter as you settle into the oncoming feeling. Still full of him, your slick walls shudder around his cock as the first wave hits. The coil snaps, your thighs clamp shut around his hand, and you look down, sighing loud as he continues flicking between your folds. One of your hands is situated on his thigh, and the other comes to grip his wrist, feeling the cuban link chain beneath your palm.
“That’s it, sweetheart… that’s it…” As you ride it out, bucking your hips against his groin, he coaxes you through your orgasm, both vocally and with the way he massages your clit, the pad of his index finger pressing into it. You can hear the pride in his voice, it’s absolutely dripping with it. “Atta’ girl. Feels fuckin’ good, don’t it?”
You try to speak, but nothing comes out. You furiously nod your head as your legs begin to tremble. He doesn’t stop, and your immediate reaction is to dig your nails into the flesh of his hand, silently begging. 
“You good, doll?” 
“Y-yeah. I’m… wow.” 
Oz removes his hand from between your legs, and strokes the side of your thigh, gently. Tenderly. For a moment, you stay like that, just enjoying all of the post-coital sensations. Eventually, you get to your feet, curious about how the patrons downstairs are faring. Speaking of dripping… You swallow hard, and press your thighs together. 
While still in front of Oz, you straighten yourself out, pulling your dress back down over your hips. Now, you’re suddenly aware of the throbbing beat beneath your feet and make your way over to the window. 
“How about that tour?” You ask, running a nail along the glass that overlooks the dancefloor below you. After a few moments, you feel Oz’s presence behind you, his stomach pressing into the curve of your back. 
“I thought you weren’t a clubbin’ girl…” he murmurs throatily, in between kisses to your neck. You tilt your head, allowing more space for him to smother. 
“Well,” you confess, honesty tinging your voice. “I’m not. But it’s not every day you get invited to the most elite nightclub in Gotham City.” You shrug. “Might as well.”
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countcvnt · 1 year ago
Chapter One: Scrambled
Summary: Your memory is hazy, almost nonexistent, after being plucked out of a safe house and experimented on for months. When you're finally rescued you don't remember the people closest to you. Warnings: Canon Typical Violence (not much else this chapter), me using an english to scottish translator, not beta read Word Count: 3.3k A/N: Had this silly idea and turned it into a serious/angsty fic. I hope you all will like it as much as I do! Also, Reader has a call sign! It's Ace. If you prefer, you can read it here on AO3
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Your eyes are heavy, your body burns, and you can't stop shaking. You aren't even sure of where you are. Your eyes are trained ahead of you, looking at what you assume is a two way mirror. A scientist is standing to the side of you messing with some needles and medicines. Your half lidded eyes cut towards him and you see a thick blue substance in a syringe.
“What's that?” You croak, voice hoarse.
“Hm?” The scientist doesn't even look at you, “curious now, are we?” He asks, pulling the syringe up and turning to you. He doesn't answer your question though, not in a way you would like. “We are about to figure out what this is.”
‘We’. Your stomach flips. He didn't even seem to know what it was. You accept your fate. You have from the very beginning. You don't know how long you've been part of this ‘program’, and to you, it didn't matter anymore. The only thing that matters is trying to get out alive. No one seemed to be coming for you. No one has in all of the days you've been hidden away. You didn't expect anyone to save you now. So, you had decided to save yourself. Figuring out how to do that was becoming difficult though.
You know that behind that two way mirror are a bunch of guards. You know they're heavily armed. You know, no matter what they have juiced you up with, you aren't beating a bunch of armed men. So, you sit idly. Letting them poke and prod and decide you are going to wait until the perfect opportunity shows itself. You just have to hold on until it does.
A loud alarm suddenly rings throughout the building and you cover your ears, flinching. The scientist seems more agitated than anything. He doesn't seem as bothered as you are, by any means.
“Guards!” He calls out, looking towards the large mirror. “Guards?” He questions.
He puts a finger up at you, asking for you to wait a minute. As if you have any other choice. A loud bang comes from outside the room and chills run up your spine. The guard walks towards the door and he peeks out. He quickly shuts and locks the door before returning back to you. He scurries over towards the metal stand beside your seat. He grabs the syringe and picks it up.
Something clicks in you. The alarms are still blaring and the guards seem to be gone to check it out. You watch as the syringe comes towards you, headed right for your neck. You move faster than you're used to, and grab the man’s hand and push him back. A lot harder than you had meant to. He slides back and hits the wall. The syringe does not leave his hand.
You rush towards the door. You wiggle the door knob and try to rip the door open. It doesn't budge. You turn your head back and see the scientist steadying himself. Fear kicks in.
“Help!” You scream, slamming your fists into the door. “Please, help me!”
“That was really stupid,” the man behind you says. “No one can hear you, no one is coming to save you. They haven't yet, have they?”
Tears prick your eyes. You turn back around and your back hits the door.
“Y'know, I'm going to be honest.” He stalks towards you. “I know they picked you because you're so… compliant. But really? I think that big guy with the mask would have been a better choice.”
That stings. “Who?”
“Which one?”
“You know I can't give out classified information. But if this works, I promise, you'll know everything. As for the other guy? I'm surprised you don't know who I'm talking about. But honestly, after all the brain scrambling you've had done to you, I understand how you don't remember him…”
You lose it. Something in you snaps. You lunge forward and grab the man. The both of you tussle briefly. Until you get him pinned. Your body slams into his and you hold him down. You raise your fist and bring it down, slamming it into his jaw. Screams, pleas fall from his lips. He's begging for you to quit. But you don't. You, at that moment, decide you are going to do that to every single person who has harmed you, who caused this.
The door behind you blows open, but you don't falter. Your fists continue to slam into the scientist’s face. Until you hear someone with a Scottish accent say your name. You freeze. You turn to find a man in the doorway, his eyes wide. You furrow your brows when he whispers your name again. You move to get up, without thinking about the man below you. You don't realize he's moving. His hand comes up and the needle is pressed into your neck. Whatever the liquid was is quickly administered into your bloodstream.
You hear your name again, louder this time, but you fall to the side, eyes too heavy to hold open. Your head slams into the now bloodied white tile and you're out.
So much for escaping. _____________________________________ You wake up to beeping. A sound you had grown accustomed to recently. You feel monitors hooked up to you, and an IV in your arm. You twitch ever so slightly, every muscle in your body contracting. And then it hits.
Your eyes snap open. Your legs swing over the side of the bed. You rip every single monitor off of you, the IV flying across the room. The monitor begins to beep loudly and as you rush towards the door, exiting the isolated room, an alarm blares. You flinch momentarily, but do not let the sound stop you. You are looking for someone, anyone to give you a hint of what's going on. Nothing around you looks familiar. But from all the ‘brain scrambling’, that's normal. You're used to not knowing as much as you figure you used to.
A man in a bucket hat turns the corner, rushing towards what can only assume is you. You let out a low growl and begin to sprint. Your body slams into his and the both of you are sent sliding across the floor. You grab his vest and lower yourself to him, all of your weight holding him down. “Where the fuck am I?”
He's looking at you with confused eyes. He doesn't make any sudden movements. He immediately presents himself as a friend, not a threat. You squint and then see someone else coming around the corner.
“Price! Oh my-” the young man freezes. He says your name and your world is instantly rocked.
You haven't heard your name in god knows how long. The Scottish man had called out for you earlier, but before that? You really can't think of a time when someone had called you something other than some experiment number. “Who are you?” You hiss.
You feel the man under you tense up. He swallows hard and he says your name this time, slow and soft. He isn't showing any signs of wanting to throw you across the room or knock the shit out of you. You take it he isn't a threat and shift.
“You don't remember me?” The man in the ball cap asks, brows furrowed. “You don't remember us?”
Your heart jumps into your throat. You push yourself off of the man below you and you stand up. You brush yourself off and watch as he stands up. He radios someone to cut off the alarm and it's promptly stopped. You are thankful for that. You stand in the hall awkwardly and watch him and the other, younger man talk to each other with facial expressions.
“You're probably hungry,” the man in the bucket hat turns towards you, “how about we go get you some food?”
You aren't stupid, you know that also entails speaking with them about everything you just went through. Despite not wanting to talk, you nod. You are hungry and haven't had an actual meal in possibly months. The man reaches out to touch your lower back, to lead you to wherever he wants to go. You flinch away from him, everything in you tensing. You can tell it's a reflex. A habit. He's used to doing that. Your eyes scan him and you're searching your brain for everything, anything about him. But there's nothing.
“Sorry.” Is all he says. He leaves it at that. “Gaz,” he looks away from you and towards the other man. “Please go grab some food and meet us back at room 2B.”
“Yes, sir.”
The tension is palpable. You want to run. Fast. You can. You know you can. But something is keeping you tethered there. You follow a couple feet behind the man who had yet to introduce himself and keep thinking about ‘Gaz’. Your mind is reeling. You keep thinking about his name, his face, everything. You close your eyes tight and inhale sharply.
“Kyle.” It's all you say. It stops you dead in your tracks. Your eyes open and your breathing is heavy. “His name is Kyle.” Your breathing is suddenly ragged. You can't catch your breath and feel like everything is crumbling in on you. You fall to your knees and try to keep yourself from wailing. “I don't even know your name!” You whisper to keep yourself from sobbing. Your voice cracks.
“Price. John Price.” He drops in front of you. He reaches for your bicep. You don't flinch away this time. “Hey,” his voice is low, “look at me.” Your eyes cut up to him. “We're gonna help you through this. I promise.” You nod. You want to trust him. You need to. You feel like you can. You inhale slowly and Price helps you up. “We're going to go to room 2B, you're going to eat some breakfast, and we're going to ask you some questions.”
You nod and start following Price again. You make it to the room in silence and Price opens the door for you. You walk in and find four beige walls, a table, and four chairs. Nothing else. Until you look in the corner of the room and find a little camera. You lock onto it and squint.
“Why?” You point at it.
“Oh,” Price walks in and closes the door behind him, “it’s protocol. Security and all.”
“Fair enough.” You sit down at the table and look at the Price. “You gonna sit?”
Price holds onto his vest and leans against the table. “Not yet.”
You shrug. “Suit yourself.” Your stomach growls. You touch it through the thin white shirt you're wearing. “You think Gaz will be here soon?”
With that, a knock comes from the other side of the door. Two knocks, a pause, and another knock. Price opens the door and Gaz walks in. He has a tray filled with food and you are growing antsy. He sits across from you and slides the tray towards you. You try to not immediately dig in, but you can't help it. You grab a glazed donut first and begin to devour it.
“Oh,” you pause your munching, “thank you, Kyle.”
Gaz freezes. His eyes widen and he turns towards Price. It's your turn to freeze. You look up at him mid bite and blink. Gaz motions towards you and asks, “Did you tell her my name.”
“No.” Price shakes his head.
“You remembered?” Gaz seems ecstatic. “What else do you-”
“Nothing.” You snap. “I don't remember a damn thing.” You huff as you move onto the muffin on the tray. You unwrap it and begin to devour the sweet. “All I know,” You speak through bites, “is that I was locked up for God knows how long and they were experimenting on me-”
“Four months.” Gaz speaks quietly.
“Huh?” You question him. “How do you know?”
“We looked for you when you disappeared. It was four months ago when they got you. You really don’t remember anything?”
“Like I said,” You huff, “I just know they were juicing me up.” Before they can question you further, a light bulb goes off in your head. “Wait.” You squint at them, “The Scottish one. Where is he?”
They tense up. Gaz talks first, “You remember Soap?”
“Huh?” You cock your head. “Is that his name? He’s the one that found me. I assume he’s here. Or did he not…” You trail off.
“No, he’s here…” Price begins, “…We don’t want to overwhelm you.”
“Oh.” You shrug. “I guess that makes sense. How am I supposed to, uh, assimilate without being overwhelmed. I mean, why don’t we just rip that band aid off?”
“Trust me,” Price locks eyes with you, “we do not need to rip that band aid off right now.”
“Okay, okay,” You put your hands up. “Do you wanna ask your questions now?” _____________________________________ “This cannae be healthy,” Soap looks at Simon.
Simon shrugs, “Don’t care.” He’s watching the cameras closely.
“Thay aren't even in th' room yit! Ye'r peepin' an empty room!” Soap’s eyes move from the screen and back to Simon.
Simon’s eyes cut from the screen and to Soap, “Shut it. Price wants us to stay away from her for now. He didn’t say we couldn’t do this.”
As he says that, the door of the room opens. Price is visible first. And then, another figure walks in. You. Simon and Soap both tense. You look directly at the camera and point, asking why it’s there. You’re so clear. Soap’s heart jumps. Simon shifts.
“She remembers Gaz’s name.” Simon speaks through gritted teeth.
“A'm sure that's a targeted attack against ye, Ghost.” Soap is trying to find humor in this situation. He’s grasping for straws.
Simon is not enjoying it. “Shut the fuck up, Johnny.” Simon growls.
Soap focuses back on the screen and notices you aren’t even sure how long you’ve been gone. As Gaz gently tells you four months, Simon grumbles the amount of time at the same time.
“If Price doesn’t wanna overwhelm her, why the fuck is Gaz in there.” Simon is seething. “Why can’t we all be in there.”
Simon shuts his mouth as you say they had been juicing you up. He tenses. Soap does the same. They both need to know what it means. Simon feels like he’s going to combust. His eyes narrow once you mention Soap. Soap looks like he’s about to jump with joy, until he realizes you don’t actually remember him. Not past him saving you.
“Fuck this,” Simon pushes past Soap. “I'm going in there.”
“Hey! Price said-” Soap starts. He doesn't finish. “Fine-” he rushes out behind Simon. He guesses they're just going to bust into the room and Simon is going to make you remember. He isn't quite sure what Simon has planned really. But he decides he can't sit in the security room and just watch. He needs to see you.
So does Simon. _____________________________________ You reach for a fork for your eggs and lean back in your seat, plate in hand. You relax (as much as possible) and you look at Gaz and Price. You are studying them. Really digging into their features. You want to remember so badly. You have no reason to trust that they used to know you, a part of you is ready to attack in case they are lying. But most of you trusts them. How else would you remember Kyle’s name?
“Listen,” Price inhales sharply, “we want to help you, without overwhelming you. We need to know what you know.”
“Listen,” You mimic his tone, “I don’t know what you aren’t getting. I remember nothing, nada, zilch.”
“Okay,” Gaz interjects, “What’s your last memory?”
You're sent into deep thought. You place your hand on your chin and look off. “Well-” You begin, “I remember-”
The door of the room busts open. You tense, ready to pounce. Your palms hit the table and you stand up straight. The fork clangs against the ground. Two men walk into the room. The one who saved you and-
Words play in your head over and over again. ‘I think the big guy with the mask would have been a better choice.’ For a moment, your world is completely rocked. ‘I’m surprised you don’t know who I'm talking about.’ Your eyes lock with the large beast of a man. His eyes soften. Briefly. You swallow hard.
The entire room is silent. Until you open your mouth. “He wanted you…”
“What?” Soap is the first to question you.
“The scientist, the one doing the experiments on me-” You are tense again “-he didn’t want me.” Your head hurts. You place your hand on your forehead and groan. You are thinking too hard. Remembering too much.
“Hey,” Price motions for you to sit down, “it’s alright.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Ghost,” Price looks over his shoulder, “not right now.”
Ghost stiffens. He doesn’t say anything else. You sit down and inhale slowly. Your eyes move from the floor, past Price, and they hit Ghost. You feel something stir inside you. Like your emotions know more than your brain does. You want to scream. Every single man in that room seems to think so highly of you, and you don’t even remember them.
“I think I need to sleep.” Your voice is a whisper.
You don’t know the last time you got a good rest. You figure sleeping will help you. Price begins to grab for you, before freezing. You lean into him, letting him help you up. Price moves past the men and you tag along beside him.
“I’m going to show you where your room is. If you need anything, please let one of us know. But for now, we’ll leave you alone.” You are led down the hall and towards the barracks. It’s silent between the two of you, until you reach your room. “You have this room to yourself. I had some things rearranged, if it needs to be changed, and you aren’t comfortable alone, let me know.”
You nod at him. “Thank you. For everything. I’ll see you in the morning?”
“0600 sharp.” Price begins to leave.
“Wait,” You stop him. “You don’t happen to have my phone, do you?”
Price turns back to you. “No, that was not recovered. But, we can get you a new one. I’ll work on that while you rest.”
You nod. You head into your room and close the door behind you. You look around. There are two beds. You groan at the fact you can’t remember who used to be your bunk mate. You’re scraping through your brain, really searching for just an inkling of a memory. But… Nothing. Nothing at all comes to your mind.
Nothing about the four men convinced that you know them, anyway.
You lay down in bed and cover up. It’s not the most comfortable bed you’ve ever been in, but it is the most comfortable bed you’ve laid on in the last four months. Your head hits the pillows and you close your eyes. It takes longer than you’d like to go to sleep, but not as long as you expect it to take. You only hope you don’t dream of anything at all. You can’t be that lucky. _________________________________ “Price!” Simon shouts at the captain. His face contorted with anger and pain, and he is more glad than ever that they can’t see him through his balaclava. “What the fuck was that? We need to know-”
“No,” Price stops him immediately. “We do not need to stress her out further. We will figure this out eventually, on her time.” Price reassures his team. “You did not see the look in her eyes, the way she tackled me to the floor-”
“She what…?” Soap tenses.
Simon bristles instantly. He’s seething again. “What do you mean?”
“Ghost,” Gaz starts, “I know you want to know what happened. We all do.” He’s trying to get through to him. “But something is not right. The way she easily took Captain Price down- That wasn’t the Ace we know.”
“Of course!” Simon growls, “She was gone for four months, being poked and prodded-”
“Ghost,” Price interrupts, inhaling sharply, “she pinned me down and I could not get up. They did more than poke and prod at her. They-”
It clicks. “They were making soldiers… Enhanced soldiers.” Simon whispers. His face contorts again, this time with confusion, “Why did they pick her?” He remembers what you said. ‘He wanted you.’ Simon momentarily feels a pit in his stomach. “Ace couldn’t have been the only one… There’s no way they did this experiment on one person.”
“She was the only one at the underground compound.” Soap shifts. “Maybe she was the only success?”
Simon is stuck on why they picked you. It’s not like you weren’t capable. But you were never on the field fighting for your life. You were always on the sidelines, helping them get into the places, helping them get information. How had they spotted you and decided you were the best candidate? He knows that question is going to keep him up at night.
“Come on,” Price brings Simon back to reality. “We got a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”
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woozisguitar · 5 months ago
kiss me
pairing: jeonghan x reader prompt: you can tell a lot about a person by the way they kiss warnings: kissing, swearing, kinda suggestive towards the end so MDNI, mentions of bad kisser, one mention of kinda bad ex? word count: 715 a/n: i miss jeonghan 😔 im also out of work so too much free time to miss him even more 😔😔 lowercase intended and not beta
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"you can tell a lot about a person by the way they kiss," you snorted as you read another silly piece of advice on a wannabe dating and relationship profile. your friend jeonghan, sitting across from you on the couch, smiled whenever he came across something funny.
"jeonghan? did you know you can tell a lot about a person by the way they kiss?"
jeonghan stopped his doom scrolling and looked up, eyebrows furrowing at the question. "y/n, are you reading those stupid dating tips again? i told you, none of that shit is real."
"i know," you dragged out, "but this one was too funny to keep to myself. like, let's be real, do people really think they can tell a lot about a person by the way they kiss? i'm a bad kisser, but that doesn't mean i'm bad at everything in a relationship," you finished, rolling your eyes.
"wait, you're a bad kisser?"
"at least that's what my ex told me when i asked him why he didn't kiss me more."
jeonghan seemed lost in thought for a minute before he looked at you again and grinned.
"let's test it."
now it was your turn to question him, "test what exactly?"
"you know, both things. you'll find out if you can actually tell a lot about a person by the way they kiss, and i'll find out if you're actually a bad kisser," he explained casually, like he was proposing what you should have for lunch.
"okay, but we already know i'm a bad kisser," you pointed out.
"eh, your ex doesn't count," jeonghan waved off. "i don't like him, plus statistically, one data point isn't enough to draw conclusions. so what do you say?" he leaned forward like he was actually excited for your answer.
"what do i say what? that we kiss?"
he nodded, and you gave his proposition another thought. it's not every day that the pretty-guy-turned-friend you've had a crush on for a long time but decided to suppress it asks you to kiss him.
"okay, let's do this. what do you have in mind?" you nodded and looked at him after a few minutes.
jeonghan grinned and pulled you onto his lap. you let out a squeak, balancing yourself with your hands on his shoulders. he smoothed one hand on your back while the other held your waist. he whispered, "this is what i have in mind. you okay?"
you nodded and closed your eyes as jeonghan leaned in. you felt his breath ghosting over your lips for a moment and opened your eyes to see him waiting for you to kiss him. he was still giving you the option to back out.
for fuck's sake, he's too cute.
you cupped his jaw and pressed a small kiss to his lips. you pulled back, only for jeonghan to hold your jaw and pull you in again. he left a breath's space between you and whispered, "not enough, baby." then he crashed his lips on yours and kissed you deeply. his lips tasted like the chocolate and strawberry ice cream he was eating earlier. you felt him swipe his tongue at the seam of your lips, and you groaned, softly grinding against him. you opened your mouth, giving him access, and he tangled his tongue with yours. you let out another moan, grinding harder against him, before he pulled back, leaving you flustered and breathless.
jeonghan gave you one of his signature smirks. "safe to say your ex lied, baby, because that was the best kiss ever. what about you? did you draw your conclusions?" he cocked his head, the smirk still plastered on his stupidly pretty face.
"huh?" you said, trying to remember what he was talking about.
"told you those dating advice pages are ass! you still didn’t realize my feelings! 'you can tell a lot about a person by the way they kiss,' my ass." he huffed, rolling his eyes.
"guess you're going to have to kiss me till i realize," you shrugged, a teasing smile slowly creeping in.
"guess i'll have to," he said, laughing and pulling you in for another kiss.
safe to say, you definitely drew your conclusions after a long night and a breakfast date.
a/n: just a silly something i wrote because I need a reason to procrastinate!!! my requests are open! send me some fun stuff!
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impishjesters · 1 year ago
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Heavy Petting NSFW
warning(s): kissing, grinding, drooling(?), use of the word dick/cock, no penetration, no genitals used or mentioned towards the reader, overall just heavy petting themes, submissive-like Jax, dominant-ish reader note(s): This is a sort of continuation to my SFW post of touch-starved Jax. So many people, I'm talking so many have asked for an NSFW version and I decided to go far out of my comfort zone to actually write something instead of using the bullet points. (Though there are bullet points for setting up, below the keep reading heads straight into the writing.) A/N: I let Jax have dick privileges (initially I wasn't going to), even though you don't see it. I'm not really confident in my NSFW writing abilities, I've barely held another human's hand let alone bumped clothed uglies with one. Beta read by my mother, yes, you read that correctly.
It doesn’t take long for those little moments of laying in bed together just kissing away at whatever your lips can reach to turn a little more…heated
It was you who brought it up first, asking if he was aware of what more was—he immediately said yes, namely because you were straddling his thigh and your own knee kept nudging against his crotch
Jax for once is a nervous, stuttery mess. If kissing already makes his brain go fuzzy, what the fuck is more going to do??
He oh so graciously lets you lead (let’s face it he’s too nervous, there’s a high chance he’s never done anything like this before)
you start with kisses on his hands and work your way up an arm to his shoulder. it’s nothing fancy, just the standard kisses the two of you have shared before
except now you’re straddling his hips and he’s lying propped up against the pillows in bed
Jax doesn’t know where to look, your position above him has him wanting to look up at you, at your face to try and get some grasp on whatever evil plan is cookin’ up there. But the other half has him wanting to look down at his crotch, sure both of you are completely covered but you’re just sitting, well hovering over his dick.
He knows he said he’d let you take the lead but you are moving slower than he thought. Working kisses over his hands, wrists, all the way up to his shoulders. You even fiddle with the straps of his overalls before brushing them off his shoulders. He’s almost tempted to slip them entirely off his arms as a means of teasing you back but doesn’t get a chance to act on it.
Your lips travel from his shoulder down over the smooth expanse of his upper chest, over his collarbones until you reach his other shoulder. He shudders beneath you and it takes everything in you not to giggle, he’s so sensitive that it’s cute.
A gentle unexpected nip to his neck makes him choke on air, large gloved hands quickly latching onto your hips for leverage.
Perhaps his touch-starved nature ran deeper than you initially thought if he was starting to get this breathy over a few nips and kisses to places you hadn’t focused on before.
Oh, how beautiful he’ll be completely coming undone under you.
“You know the deal.” He swallows hard at the warm breath against his neck, trying to pay attention. “I do anything you don’t like you stop me, and I mean it Jaxy.”
Jax nods, he’s getting a little fidgety just sitting still but it’s not like his usual fidgeting. Irritation is replaced with an embarrassing need, a need for you to hurry the fuck up.
“Nuh uh, verbally sweetie.”
He exhales with a groan, hands tightening on your hips before slipping one of them onto your thigh. “Alright, fine. I’ll say something if I want you to—!!” He’s not even given a chance to finish the sentence before you bite down on his neck.
It’s harder than the nip from before but not painful enough that has him pushing you away. Jax trusts you enough to know that you won’t intentionally harm him. Though he’s pretty sure he’s more worried about the fact that his fucking dick just twitched at being bitten.
If he wasn’t embarrassed before he is now.
Kisses are placed over the bite mark and holy shit you left a mark! You aren’t sure why that’s hotter than it should be, you weren’t actually expecting the bite marks to stick like that? This world is too confusing at times.
Apparently, you’re taking too long, because Jax’s hands squeeze at the flesh under them and he pulls you down, finally sitting you down on his lap. He has the decency to not yank you directly onto his crotch but just a few inches away and wow, that’s…warm.
This whole situation is embarrassing enough he really doesn’t want to embarrass himself more by finishing that quickly.
Somehow, lasting long doesn’t feel like it’ll be an option though because your hands slip up his arms, one hand coming to rest on his neck and the other coming up to an ear. You tug his ear as if it were hair, forcing his head to jerk backward and further reveal the untouched portions of his neck.
A breathy moan jumps out of his throat before he has the chance to try and compose himself. Fuck he almost came, that’s fucking embarrassing.
There’s barely enough time to process the pleasant sting from his ear being yanked before you attack his neck with bites and kisses. To throw even more on him your hips shift forwards against his and fucking hell that is indeed a very warm crotch against his own. Fuck.
Well, there goes all attempts at lasting as long as he can because he’s not positive that he came but the crotch of his overalls is definitely wetter than he thinks it should be.
Tears pool in his eyes, not out of pain but pleasure, he honestly didn’t think you could cry over pleasure. Just something for extra flavour in movies where some poor sap starts crying during sex or whatever. He’s quickly learning that may not be the case.
The hand on his neck vanishes but doesn’t go far, fingers ghosting down his arm until it reaches the hand on your thigh. Bucking your hips you push his hand further up, pressing down onto his hand to let him know he’s allowed to move back against you.
You might be in charge but you weren’t limiting him from being able to seek out his own pleasure and chase after it.
Finishing though? That was your job.
The bites die down but the kisses don’t stop, every inch you can reach of bare skin is fair game. Chest, neck, jaw, lips—err teeth? Jax is too busy being a breathy moaning mess to really process the regular kisses but he returns them when he can. His main focus is on the way you grind down on his cock, it’s not just front and back rubbing. You’re twisting your hips and pulling back now and then, causing his own hips to buck up in an attempt to get that sweet friction back.
“Oooohh fuuuck..” His hand slips back to your thigh, tugging your hips down in time with his own grinding. The other hand goes to your lower back, fingers digging tightly into the fabric and nearly ripping it right off you.
Truthfully, you aren’t even doing much work. Yes, you are grinding on him, changing up the motion and pace, but the majority of the friction is entirely on him.
You have to take a break from kissing him to simply just stare down at him, his ears are pressed flat and there are unshed tears still lingering in his eyes. His usual lilac skin is flushed pink and there’s…a trail of saliva starting to leave the corner of his mouth.
He looks completely ruined and it’s only been a few minutes. Though you can’t blame him for that, when the two of you first started simple kisses in bed it already seemed like he’d just pop a boner then and there. Maybe he did, who knows?
What you do know is that you aren’t going to judge him, regardless of how he behaves or how quickly he finishes.
“That’s it, such a good boy.” Your words are soft, boarding on teasing but overall genuine in praise. He’s an utter mess but he’s doing so well, pulling you against him and working after his own high.
When the kisses stop he struggles to gain a moment of clarity to look up at you and watch you watching him. Your face is so tender and warm, under normal circumstances he’d comment on how dumb you look. No, that’s wrong he doesn’t think you look dumb, it’s just a completely foreign expression he’s not used to seeing directed at him. He’s seen that took on the face of others directed at their loved one, but never at himself.
His hips stop and his hands slip up your back to pull you in closer. It’s not fair that he’s the one getting all this attention after all—even though he doesn’t know that was your intention.
You are only a little surprised when he stops moving and you let him pull you down against his chest. He peppers a few kisses to your face, brushing your hair out of the way before his mouth trails over your jaw and down to your neck.
Jax is loosely trying to copy what you had done to him, though his head was full of cotton at the time so he’s having to make it up as he goes along. But whatever he’s doing gets the job done because you’re letting out quiet little whimpers.
“Jax, you don’t have to do that… this was supposed to be about you.” It’s mumbled through gritted teeth, the little attack was so sudden that you didn’t have the time to choke back those embarrassing little whimpers.
A grin makes its way to his face, one of your hands coming up to wipe away the drool before pinching his cheek. “You wipe that smirk off right now.”
“Nah, I don’t think I will.” He snorts, one of his hands gently stroking at your lower back, fingers dipping under the hem of your shirt. “Bet you thought I was just gonna lay back and let you do all the work without even giving you anything in return?”
Jax let you lead, he never said anything about not including you in this.
It takes everything in you not to roll your eyes, just when he was being cute he had to go and try to take back the control. Whether it was because he needed to be in control to feel comfortable or just because he wanted to get back at you for easily turning him into an embarrassing little mess, though you knew it was likely a little of both. You did sort of take the reigns from him.
His hand slipped under your shirt but never left your back as you sat back up in his lap. Your hand took his free hand and slipped it over your thigh to your ass and of course, he had to give it a good squeeze. This time you roll your eyes, a small smile tugging on your lips. “Then how about we do this together? I’m sure,” you push your hips downwards on his neglected cock, “this little guy is feeling pretty neglected.”
Jax choked out a “rude” at the comment, caught off guard at the action but quickly bounced back. “I’ll have you know it’s perfectly proportionate to my height.”
“Another time.” Your hand returns to his ear but instead of just the one, you tug them both forcing his head back. Jax lets out a loud moan, whimpering and shuddering under you before your hips start moving against his.
The trail of drool returns in no time as the two of you move against one another, your fingers stay tangled in his ears and he makes no attempts at moving, only using one hand to pull you down into a messy wet kiss. It’s not often but his teeth separate enough for his tongue to slip out, the two of you learned early on how to work around his teeth and the rare occasions that included his tongue.
Both of you move like a well-oiled machine against one another, when open mouth kisses become too much, at risk of him biting his or your tongue the two of you move to kiss one another elsewhere. He kisses your neck while you’re kissing his shoulder.
The wet spot at his crotch only grows, an occasional glance downwards shows him it’s not just his own mess now but yours as well and fuck, if that isn’t hot as hell. At least he’s feeling less alone and a tad less embarrassed now that he knows this sticky mess isn’t entirely his fault.
Moans and ramblings of breathy pleas for more fill the room, the kisses quickly get abandoned the closer the two of you get.
The hand at his ears leaves, and both of your arms move to wrap around his neck before burying your face into the space between your arm and his neck. Both of you know neither of you will last much longer, all you want to do is hold tightly onto him, and he takes the lead.
Large hands wrap around your hips, and with little effort, he’s working your hips against his own. The bite of your nails on his shoulders lets him know you are close, and even when you let out a loud cry beside his head indicating you came he doesn’t stop.
It’s sensitive and borders on discomfort but you don’t stop him, he still hasn’t finished. Unraveling your arms from his neck you reach up and take hold of his face, your thumb slips into the side of his mouth against his teeth and applies just a gentle pressure to get him to open his mouth.
His tongue rolls out and you jump at that chance to kiss him. These kisses are his favourite and he’s ashamed to admit that the kisses are more than enough to push him over the edge.
Jax cries out a slew of cuss words that get censored, even the moment of ecstasy can’t be ruined by those obnoxious censorship sounds. His hips jerk a few more times before stilling, all though his hands stay glued to you the rest of him relaxes and slumps into the pillows.
His mind is too far gone to even process that he really just came to a bunch of kissing and grinding. For fuck sake his dick is still covered too. Ah shit, that’ll be an interesting mess to clean up.
You slump forward against him and simply lie there, soaking up the afterglow. Or tried to that is because, of course, Jax had to open his mouth.
“Gross.” He groans and finally removes a hand from your hip to rub his face.
Gross because of the mess in his pants, gross because he’s embarrassed that he didn’t last long—because he knows for a fact now that he came twice. He fucking came from you tugging on his ear and now that memory will forever haunt him and have him more aware the next time you go to scratch his head and ears.
Overall he’s not actually unhappy and you can tell, despite the annoyance plastered on his face you can tell he actually enjoyed it. If anything he’s probably trying to balance out his emotions and process everything that happened.
The annoyance pools into one of his iconic grins and you can’t help but feel a tinge of fear in that grin. There’s something in that grin that tells you that this isn’t over.
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melovrs · 7 months ago
he isn’t the biggest fan of parties. 
he could think of so many more things he could be doing other than mundanely chatting with acquaintances and friends-of-friends. the loud music and shitty drinks make him want to puke his guts out; being sociable was never one of his strong suits, after all.
yet, just as he’s about to leave, he comes across the girl of his dreams. the girl he had been crushing on for the longest time, the girl in his biology class, sitting on a beat up sofa. 
his friend noticed his lingering gaze on you and interrogates. 
“looks like someone’s caught your eye.”
he turned around, his ears tinged with a blush.
“it’s nothing like that.”
his friend snorted and walked off, presumably to talk to another group of people. with his friend gone, his gaze returned back to you. your face glowed despite the darkness of the room. fluorescent lights danced across the room, and chatter is amongst the crowd, yet all he could focus on was your beauty. 
the thought of leaving the party has been abandoned, not when the girl of his dreams is right before him! he gathered himself up, realizing he was staring at you for far too long; long enough for you to possibly notice him. he turned on his heel and decided to get some water. 
with a bottle of water, he returned to the same spot he was at, looking down at the floor, the ceiling, anywhere but to you. as he was fiddling with his hands, he felt a tap on his shoulder. 
to his utter surprise, it was you, in the flesh. a shy smile was on your lips as you waved at him. 
“hey, you’re in my biology class, right?” 
you started the conversation, noticing how he froze up at your touch. he cleared his throat before responding. 
"um, yeah, i think so." 
he regrets his response immediately. 'i think so?’ what was he on about? he practically noticed you every time he walked into the lecture hall, your face radiant as always. 
you smiled at his response. 
"i was hoping you'd remember, or this would have been weird," you laugh awkwardly. 
the silence between you two was eminent, and he was desperate to break it. before he could speak, though, you started.
"uh- how's the party going for you?" 
he played with the water bottle in his hand. 
"it's alright, i guess. i'm not a fan of parties, my friend just dragged me here, so..." he trailed off. 
you nodded knowingly, agreeing with him. 
"i'm the same as you too, i'm here just because my friend," you point over to the couch, "brought me here." 
you softly laugh and lean closer to his body, your shoulders almost grazing. though the party is as loud as ever, and the lights are blinding, all he could feel was your arm leaning on his, your voice like a melody to his ears. 
maybe he'll start going out to more parties, if it means you'll be there.
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(hq) kageyama tobio, akaashi keiji, tsukishima kei, futakuchi kenji, ushijima wakatoshi, (wbk) sakura haruka, takiishi chika, togame jo, (bllk) itoshi rin, (post wc) kunigami rensuke, nagi seishiro, barou shouei
i've never been to a party in my LIFE so this is probably super inaccurate jsjsdjfj pls be nice !! i was listening to cherry wine by grentperez then this idea came to me !! go listen !! (wbk debut YAY !!!)
thank you so much to @littlemissemeritus for beta reading i love u pooks 🥺🥺
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gotta-winwin · 1 month ago
(🐍) ... minghao x reader
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⭐ starring: minghao
💌 genre/wc: angst, light fluff / 1.2k
💬 preview: you stumble across old records from a damaged diary that seems to hold the conversations between a student and a boy living within the pages.
tw/cw: slytherin!minghao x hufflepuff!reader, diary format, spoliers for the chamber of secrets, needs previous knowledge of hp lore, abstract death, tom riddle appearance
🪽fic rating: pg
☁️ masterlist & a/n: this has been sitting in my drafts for weeks and i'm putting it out in hopes of giving myself some time to work on other stuff hehe. this one's a bit experimental with the format but hope you all enjoy!
p.s thank you so much to @ylangelegy and @diamonddaze01 for beta reading !
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hello. fifth year slytherin, here. i found this journal lying in one of the professor’s cupboards - long abandoned, it seems. it looks to contain the mad ramblings of two people, conversing through the pages. i cannot seem to figure out who this once belonged to, pages have been torn out and blurred by water - so i’m writing in hopes another student might. 
read it, and let me know if anything comes to mind. 
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if i have to sit through another class with professor bins, i will avada myself. 
finally, something worth replying to. your class notes are utterly boring. 
…yes, i speak. 
go away. you’re speaking over my class notes. 
they weren’t good notes anyways. barely competent. abysmally below average. 
i cannot believe i’m being insulted by a book right now.
i cannot believe my pristine pages are being vandalized by an incompetent student, yet here we are. 
mr. book, 
shut up.
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mr. book,
what is it now, incompetent student? 
can you write my notes for me. pls pls pls i will owe you for life.
that is a very dangerous game to play. 
my hand hurts. and you keep saying you’re so smart. write my notes for me.
what house are you in?
hufflepuff. why? 
no. i will not write your notes for you. 
what is a bro ?? 
you know what, never mind. i’ll write them myself. i hope the ink drowns you. 
incompetent student  hufflepuff girl y/n?? respond to me now. 
yes, book?
you refused to tell me your name so i’m sticking with book. mr. book. 
can you go to the dungeon bathroom and check one of the faucets for me. 
uh. why? 
because i said so. 
i’m going to waterboard your pages.
you’re quite snappy for a hufflepuff. just go check. 
say please.
i’m holding a cup of water above you right now.  hello? mr. book?
please. check the faucets. 
see? wasn’t so difficult. i’ll go now.
my name. stop calling me mr. book
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i’m bored. 
silly girl. and what am i supposed to do about that?
tell me about yourself. when were you at hogwarts? 
a long time ago. 
psh. of course i know that. 
professor bins was still alive when he taught me. just as boring, trust me. 
ooo what else? who were your friends? anyone famous? 
i wouldn’t know. i never graduated. 
the faucet. did you check? 
i did. there’s like a snake or something, but it didn’t do anything. 
oh. y/n? 
don’t go to that bathroom anymore. 
just don’t. 
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hao. people are saying there’s a snake in the walls. 
what do you mean?
there was blood on the walls too. talking about the chamber of secrets. 
minghao? do you know something? 
don’t go anywhere alone. promise me. stay with your friends. 
i’m scared
you should be.
stop that. 
what? hao? 
grown fond of your little friend, xu minghao? 
tom. stop.  i’m sorry, my heart. ignore him. 
who? hao, what is going on?
has he neglected to tell you? he isn’t the only inhabitant of this journal. and turns out, he isn’t strong enough to silence me.  keep hiding, y/n. i’ll find you soon enough. 
i’m sorry.
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i think i’m starting to go a bit crazy. 
is everything alright? are you safe? 
i’m fine, hao. you worry too much. 
i must admit that i’ve grown fond of you. 
even if i’m a hufflepuff? 
you’re the most tolerable hufflepuff i know. 
:)  is the uh. tom guy still with us?
my magic suppresses him in short periods of time. we’re alone at the moment. 
i still don’t understand. both of you are…inside the book. 
tom was here first. the journal was given to me my fifth year, and i spoke to him - much like you right now. from what i’ve gathered, this journal holds a piece of his soul. and a piece of mine as well. 
how? why? 
[redacted] [redacted] 
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you are beginning to care for the girl.
i admit she has grown on me.
no. you’ve grown to love her. our souls are intertwined whether you enjoy it or not. do not pretend i cannot feel your emotions. 
have mercy.  spare her. 
are you finally regretting your choice, xu minghao?  you once promised me a life in exchange for your life and access to your soulmate. so i spared you, and stored you here with me.
this is what greed gets you, my dear friend.  you promised me a life. and i choose hers.
finally. you learn to beg. 
she is innocent. 
she is your soulmate. the strongest magic our world has. and for that, she is valuable. 
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my heart. 
i need you to destroy this journal. now.  
what? why? 
tom must be stopped. i will not let him harm you. destroying the journal will destroy his soul too.
but you’re in the journal too.
yes. a small price to pay for your life. 
i won’t do it. 
you must.
no. i’m not killing you.
i’ve been dead for a long time, my heart. 
i won’t. you cannot make me. 
you’re wetting the pages with your tears. stop crying. 
do it. just because the journal is gone doesn’t mean i won’t be with you. every step of the way. 
how cute. 
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> xu minghao: previous slytherin student, renowned potion student. his name is on one of the potion award plaques in the great hall. he died during the second opening of the chamber of secrets, an underground location rumoured to house the slytherin basilisk. 
> y/n: referred to as ‘my heart,’ there is no real indication of who she is. while there is a professor portrait in the headmaster’s office who shares the same name, i cannot be certain they are the same person. 
> tom: he can only be assumed as he-who-shall-not-be-named, a dark wizard who was killed by the-boy-who-lived years ago. 
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> the pages are burnt at the edges, erasing most of the conversation that would allow this to make more sense. it is clear to me that someone destroyed this. 
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> i found something when searching the bathroom mentioned in the first couple entries. i will clip it here. 
is he gone?
for now. i cannot contain him for much longer. you must hurry.
you cannot expect me to do this.
from the short time i’ve come to know you, i know that despite being a hufflepuff, you hold the courage of a gryffindor, the brains of ravenclaw, the wit of a slytherin.  do not be afraid. 
are you not afraid? this could kill you.
i have to admit a part of me still fears death after all this time.  but this is my price to pay. i love you, even in the short time we had. 
i love you. even if this version of you is only a figment of what you were. 
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> a point i must bring up: minghao refers to y/n as ‘my heart.’ at first i thought it was just a term of endearment, but upon further research:  Soulmates are rare in the wizarding world, although not at all impossible. Soulmates share more than their magic, they share their hearts. One cannot die if the other is still alive -- making soulmates the most powerful form of magic to exist. It may be the only way to cheat death without the use of a horcrux.
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burning-omen · 1 year ago
Kinktober Day 1: Breeding + Jason Todd
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Jason Todd x male reader
Kinktober 2023 list | Day 2 | Ao3
(a/n; “hey it's September 30th, right? Tf you mean ‘it's october 1st’ no the fuck it no- AHHHHHH” me about three hours ago realizing that I never finished THE FIRST DAY of kinktober )
Summary: You’re a photographer at the Wayne Family events, after meeting Jason by chance they start growing closer
Warning: Horny Jason, horny reader, top!reader, bottom!jason, Jason moans like a bitch, rude rich people, pillow princess + brat Jason Todd, unprotected sex, breeding, not beta read lol.
Word count: 3.4k
To the shock of everyone involved, Jason Todd attended all of the Wayne Galas, not because he liked them- obviously. No, these things were horrible and stuffy and he hated every last person in attendance. Well, almost every last person. Bruce had hired a photographer a few months back, the first few events that you photographed you were mostly in the background, taking wide shots of the entire party, only recently did you start to mingle with the crowd more.
You met Jason a few weeks back as you tried to navigate through a pushy crowd of rich people who, to no one surprise, all thought they were the most important person there. You got pushed into Jason by a man who looked like he could have been British royalty in the 1800s, he sneered at you like a cartoon villain before walking away. You'd been overly apologetic that day, having nearly knocked the drink out of his hand. He was fine though, if not slightly enamored, you looked nice, but out of place, your clothes weren't quite up to Wayne Gala standards, before he could ask what you were doing here, he noticed the camera hanging from your neck, and offered to be your guide.
He ended up sticking with you for the rest of the night, talking as you took pictures of various people and decor around the event. It made your job a hell of a lot easier, people were quick to bump into you, you weren't rich and therefore weren't fully human to these people, but Jason was one of them, well, he was close enough, and even if he wasn't, if he was just as out of place as you, nobody was going to disrespect the host's son.
By the end of the night, you and Jason were on one of the balconies looking over all the photos from that night, and eventually some of your other work.
Eventually, you did have to leave, Bruce was paying for your ride and you really didn't want him to have to wait any longer.
You only got closer after that, every event that the Waynes hosted, you were there, and on your tail- as always- was Jason.
Your relationship didn't take a turn until the last party the Wayne threw, this one wasn't a charity but a birthday party for Bruce's friend, Oliver Queen, who insisted he needed to have it in Gotham. And even though Bruce gave a perfect speech regarding their friendship, you couldn't help but hear the irritation behind it. The night went on as usual, with Jason acting as your shadow as you weed through the crowd.
Your end of the night ritual is the only thing that changed, as you were showing Jason the pictures from tonight, he leaned over and rested his head on your shoulder, an odd act from the man, considering the most he'd touched you at this point was him putting a hand on your shoulder or tapping you to get your attention.
“Tired?” you asked jokingly.
“No,” he said but didn't elaborate.
As you continued to shuffle through the pictures you could feel him nuzzling into your neck. You let out a short, nervous laugh.
“Are you drunk?”
He hummed quietly, then laughed, “No, I'm just…”
He didn't continue, just pressing further into you, you gave up on showing him the photos for now, instead carding your fingers through his hair. Feeling just how different the white streak felt from the rest of his hair, most of his hair was thick and smooth, running through your fingers with ease. The white part was thick too, but it just felt like air, so light and delicate that you could barely feel it against your fingers.
You didn't stop until you felt his lips press against your neck, again and again as he hummed in contempt.
“Jason…” you muttered but didn't move to stop him.
He eventually moved up to your face- your cheeks, your jaw, your lips- with his kisses. It was only when you made a move and kissed him back did things escalate.
You ended up fumbling around on the floor with him, then in the hall, and on the wall next to his bedroom wall, and eventually in his bedroom. Which resulted in the most embarrassing walk of shame you've ever experienced as you had to run past your literal boss having breakfast with the rest of his family- he looked just as shocked as you imagined he would. Jason's older brother, Dick, made a comment that made Jason shout at him, you couldn't hear it with how hard your heart was beating in your ears.
You expected everything to end after that, your friendship with Jason, your job, your reputation as a photographer.
But to your surprise, the moment the front door closed behind you, Jason grabbed your face and pulled you in for a kiss, sweet and slow, nowhere near as frantic and lust-filled as they were the night before.
You started getting together outside of events after that, he stayed at your apartment most days, because ‘he liked being surrounded by you’. You learned a few things about him too, a big one being that he was a bottom, not just a bottom. A total pillow princess as well. He’ll flirt and tease all day and night long, but the moment you turn around to do the same to him, he becomes so pliant, letting you move him how you like, touch him how you liked, and fuck him how you liked.
Considering how close you'd become with his son, you figured you'd never get a call from Bruce to do another job. But you did, and despite feeling a bit out of place at first you eventually got back into it. Jason was your shadow as always, whispering things he definitely shouldn't in your ear, making it hard to focus.
“When was the last time we fucked, honestly?”
“Babe, I'm working,” you said calmly.
“It’s a genuine question.”
You sighed, “about a week ago, when the power went out.”
He only chuckled, still leaning down in you ear.
“There’s gotta be a broom closet somewhere around here-”
“Jason, stop it-”
“I want you to fuck me right up against the door, let everybody hear me while you-”
Looking over you saw Dick, who was probably the most outwardly supportive of your relationship with Jason out of everyone in his family. The presence of his brother shut him up quickly, his face turning a bit red. You and Jason wandered around the party with Dick for a while, you were having a great time, taking photos as Dick told to funny little stories about Jason.
Jason, however, wasn't having a great time. He’d planned to flirt with you all night then get fucked so hard that his brain stopped working, then getting pampered by you for the rest of the night, unfortunately, Dick had taken an interest in you for the night, purely platonic of course, but it was constant, and even though Dick has definitely seen Jason at his worst, it'd be really fucking weird if he begged you to fuck him within earshot of his brother. So he held out, frustrated and horny as the party droned on.
By the time guests started leaving you'd been informed of every little embarrassing thing Jason has ever done- including stealing the wheels off Bruce's car, some stories had to be left out or changed for obvious reasons, but outside of that, you were caught up on Jason's embarrassment timeline. You could practically feel Jason stewing behind you, horny, frustrated, and, embarrassed all at once.
“I think it's time for us to go, if we stay any longer Jason's brain is going to start leaking out of his ears.”
You said your goodbyes to Dick and turned to Jason, who was glaring after the man as he walked away.
“We can go now.”
The fumble up to his bedroom was exactly that, a fumble as you clumsily avoided the lingering guest, and as you took a few minutes to worship the exposed pieces of his body on the stairs with your hands and mouth, only moving when you heard footsteps.
You didn't carry Jason into the room, but you might as well have with the way you controlled his every move. He fell back onto his bed, spreading his legs subconsciously even though he was still fully dressed. The smile on his face only grew wider when you yanked him by his now loose tie, pulling him back up to you, pressing a kiss on his lips that only got more heated with every passing second. Kneeling on the bed, his legs wrapped around your waist almost instantly, you could feel the heels of the balmorals Bruce had bought him digging into the back of your thigh.
He pulled back, flopping down on the bed. Jason's hands, however steady they were before, became utterly useless in a matter of seconds as he failed to unbutton his pants several times before giving up, wordlessly resting his hands above his head, staring up at you expectantly. The term ‘pillow princess’ came to mind for a brief second as you unbuttoned them for him. Purposefully ignoring the tight bulge in his pants that was nearly demanding your attention.
“Come on, y/n,” he muttered, his voice as deep as ever.
Slowly rocking his hips against yours in a desperate, yet short lived, attempt at getting you to act. You were by no means cruel, and considering his little plan for the night hadn't fallen through, you indulged him. Lifting his still-clothed thigh up to your shoulder, you had to do a bit of maneuvering to get his pants down to his ankles, Jason was entirely unhelpful, you'd be convinced he was a rag doll if it weren't for his inability to stop fucking squirming.
The way his cock twitched in his pants showed you just how desperate he was, thrusting up against nothing, a short whine coming from somewhere deep in his throat as he started up at you with those pretty blue eyes.
You ran your hands over the exposed skin of his thigh, leaning down and kissing them, leaving little bruises and bites before switching to the next. His gaze was intense, almost glaring, but the whines and whimpers he let out told you that he was just desperate.
Then, unexpectedly, you slid your hand all the way down the inside of his thigh, feeling goosebumps rise in your wake, Jason figured you'd stop just before his cock, you liked teasing him like that, liked taking him apart slowly. But that's apparently not what you had in mind tonight, he only realized that when you wrapped your fingers around his cock, the fabric of his boxers tightened along with your grip. He whined, bucking up into your hand.
Far faster than he expected, you stroked him through his pants, the texture of them and the squeezing pressure your hand provided sending shivers up and down his spine. He gripped the bed sheets as you settled into a pleasant rhythm, fast and tight around his sensitive cock.
His eyes hung low, squeezing shut when you brushed over the tip.
Jason came quickly, hips sputtering and muttering incoherently as he did, cum sleeping through black fabric, drenching your hand and the boxers.
You pulled back, putting your hands back on his thighs, watching his chest rise and fall rapidly as he came down.
Hands still gripping the sheets, he sat there and waited, waiting for you to do something, you were in control after all. But you didn't, you just watched him, his chest rising and falling, cum splattered on his underwear and just under his belly button, the bruises and bites littering his thighs.
“Y/n..” he muttered, hard and horny all over again.
You laughed, “yes?”
He scooted closer to you until you hips were firmly pressed against his ass. Even then, you could here him muttering ‘come on’ over and over against under his breath.
“Speak up, you have to tell me what you want.”
He glared, a real harsh glare that you knew was born out of frustration. He should have known you'd be like this, for a moment he thought he'd really gotten off the hook, but you never just let him cum, you never just fucked him, no, he had to beg for it, as though him presenting himself to you wasn't begging enough.
“Just,” suddenly unable to find his words, Jason groaned, “do something!”
You let out another short laugh, then asked, “Something like what?”
The urge to kick you suddenly emereged.
“Anything, please I-” his hands went from the bed sheets to his face, covering his eyes as his brain once again failed to produce the right words.
You leaned down, pressing kisses down his throat and the pieces of his chest that we're exposed.
After a moment you asked, “How about you tell me what you wanted earlier, you seemed to have a lot of ideas then.”
He shifted, his hands finding the bed again, seems like his mind was racing, as his eyes were almost completely unfocused and blush rose on his cheeks with every second that passed, you gave him a moment to sort himself out.
He spoke suddenly, his voice coming out with some force, “I need you to fuck me until I can’t take it anymore, like you did when the power went out and we didn’t have anything else to do but fuck over and over again, I need you to fuck me like that again, I want you to cum in me so many times that it drips out of my ass and ruins the bed- ah- and I- I can’t- I can’t fucking think with you grinding against me like that so can you please just hurry up and do something!”
A wide grin spread out on your face, even though you barely comprehended that you were grinding your bulge into his ass, it was good to see how a bit of gentle pressure was already making him writhe.
You pulled back, before he could stop complaining you flipped the giant of a man onto his stomach with a hard shove. You heard him moan as he bounced against the bed, he liked being manhandled, but you figured that one out a while ago.
Pulling his boxers down to his knees, fully ready to prep him, only to see the familiar shiny glint of lube covering his hole. Without thinking, you pressed a finger in, feeling just how easily he took it you almost laughed.
“You take all the fun out of prepping you..”
“Shut up and fuck me!”
His desperate, panting tone was enough for you to cave, even as he glared back at you. It took you a second to get out of your clothes, well really just your pants, belt, and boxers, but it still took longer than Jason would have ever liked, again, bratty pillow princess of the century.
By the time you let your cock prod against his hole, he'd grabbed a pillow and rested it under his head, still turning to face you as you slowly pushed in. His resolve didn't last long, broken by a long moan as the head of your cock slipped into his hole, already about to thrust a hole into the bed sheets.
You grabbed his hips, pressing them hard into the bed, he stopped moving, an undeniable whimper coming from him.
You pressed further, barely even half way in and you could feel him squeezing around you, you pressed down until your hips were pressed together.
He panted and moaned, his body flexing, then relaxing. You waited for him to give you a sign that he was okay, and when he did you waited more, just to tease him. He realized this a couple of seconds later, dropping his head into the pillow with a frustrated groan, you're surprised he didn't turn around and cuss you out at that exact moment.
Even though you probably shouldn't have, you pulled out slow, and slammed back into him with more force than you meant to, the bed dipped beneath you both and Jason let put a wild moan. You probably should have gone slow with him, made him cum over and over again before filling him yourself, but you didn't, you had a bit of an epiphany while you had Jason fully wrapped around your cock. You were really, really fucking horny. With someone as pretty as Jason it was always so tempting to take him about the slow way, teasing, drawing orgasm after orgasm out of him, but with some that felt as good as Jason does, it's pretty easy to let that idea fly out the window in turn of pounding him into the mattress.
So you did.
Watching him claw and bite at the pillow beneath him in an attempt to bring some stability back. His whole body getting forced forward with every thrust.
Loud, almost pained, moans and the sound of skin hitting skin filled the room. Even with the pillow shoved into his mouth he was still impossibly loud. You could feel just how warm he’d gotten, his skin was hot and sweaty, and in your mind, you'd hardly even done anything to him yet.
Little tears prickled in his eyes, he squeezed them closed tightly. Taking your cock wasn't anything new to him but fuck, sometimes you could be rough. Not that he didn't enjoy it, no, if he had less pride he’d be screaming at the top of his lungs how good it felt.
He could already tell where bruises were going to form, he'd have burning red hand prints on his waist for sure, and an odd one on his ass and inner thighs, hickies and smaller bruises would litter practically every surface his body offered for sure.
Leaning down, you thrust hitting deeper and deeper, you kissed along his shoulders and back, trying to soothe at least a little of the hurt you were causing. You didn't but it felt nice anyways.
Jason's vision went a little spotty when he came again, you never stopped fucking him and he really didn't want you to. His cum soaked into the sheets beneath him, he could feel the sticky sheets cling to his stomach.
You followed soon after, shooting cum deep inside of him, just like he wanted. He whimpered quietly at the feeling, he could still feel you fucking him with your softened cock, trusting much slower, much to his dismay. He knew you were just waiting to get hard again but he really didn't like waiting.
It didn't take long for you to get hard again, you were still fully inside your beautiful boyfriend's beautiful ass so it definitely wasn't difficult. You continued pounding into him like nothing happened, he didn't say anything either, other than incoherent word between moans. Even though he didn't have to wait long, he missed you fucking him already.
You slammed into him hard and he went cross-eyed for a moment, letting his moans flow freely, louder and more satisfied than before.
“Right there-” he panted, “again, please-”
You couldn't deny him, not when he begged like that, you angled you hips so you'd slam against that spot again and again until he was staining the sheets for a second, then third time.
He made it too easy to want to fuck him.
His body was nearly limp by his fourth orgasm, you pulled out, he let out a little noise, unable to do much about it. You flipped him onto his back, seeing the mess covering his cock and stomach, his eyes tracked your every move, but not many where made, you ran your hands down his thighs just like you'd found before, then shoved your cock back into his mess of a hole.
You chased your own pleasure, dragging an exhausted Jason along with you for the ride. His hands gripped onto you, pulling you down and holding you tight, letting his airy moans fill your ears.
You came soon after, with him clawing at your back and clinging to you like a damn koala. You stayed inside him for a long moment, waiting for him to remember that he had to let you go.
When he did, you leaned back, watching yourself pull out of him, your cock covered in cum and lube. Cum dripped out of his hole rapidly, a puddle forming and growing on the bed, you laughed, still a bit winded.
“Hey, looks like you got your wish, these sheets are defiantly ruined.”
He laughed tiredly before pulling you back down into his arms.
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some-lost-fox · 4 months ago
So there was a Reddit post a while back, talking about Yuu's scars from overblots. So... How would the boys react to Overblot scars <3
Trigger Warnings:
Possible OOC for the boys, no beta, hurt (bcs scars) and comfort <3
Any other important info?: Yuu actively hides the scars
Heartslabyul (You are here!) - Savanaclaw - Octavinelle - Scarabia - Pomefiore - Ignihyde - Diasomnia
Riddle Rosehearts
- In all honesty, Riddle at first didn't notice that his overblot caused more problems
- However, he did notice the fact you started to cover up your neck, but if he approached you with it, you just shrugged him off with "It's just getting really cold!"
- Gaslight, gaslight, gaslight, that was YOUR idea.
- Was the poor Riddle concerned about you? Absolutely. But was there anything he could do? Not really, he did his best to support you, even sometimes turning a blind eye to the dress code. (He did suffer teasing tho, but he was able to put people into their place)
- The problem sadly only got worse, with each overblot, more scars appeared. More clothes to hide them.
- Eventually, there was nowhere to run, lies ran out, and there was just the pure confrontation.
- It was in that moment, Riddle realized how much you were suffering. In silence.
- From scar around your neck (that you hesitantly chocked out with tears that was from him) to burn mark on your leg.
- He saw it all, and you felt awful. The secret was out, and you wanted to hide. He was never supposed to see.
- Yet he took your hand, held it softly, as if you were made of glass. There was sadness, and warmth in his eyes.
"I wish you told be this earlier. You matter to me. Please, don't hide this from me."
Ace Trappola
- Ace sadly has a single braincell, which is shared with Deuce. And Grim.
- So, he absolutely did not realize that you got injured, not in the slightest.
- The random aah scarf you were wearing? He easily bought the 'I'm cold' excuse.
- But he noticed, or better said, he found out.
- It was just another boring class, when your sleeve ended up somehow scrolling up, and the nasty suction mark scar from Azul's overblot was perfectly visible on on it.
- You didn't realize until Ace snatched you by wrist, lied to Crewel that you were feeling sick and left the class.
- You were confused, as he was quiet, not saying a single word but dragging you into infirmary.
- He took a bandage, and wrapped it around the mark
- You realized what he noticed, and just as you were about to open your mouth, he hushed you.
"You got hurt because of me. I'm... Sorry. You better tell me if it happens again!!"
"Why should it happen again?"
"We have luck to get involved with overblots..."
Deuce Spade
- As mentioned, he shares his braincell with Ace, and Grim.
- Unlike Ace, however, he noticed something... odd, about you.
- Ever since Riddle's overblot, you started to wear a scarf... in fall?
- It reminded him of his mother, she also had the tendency to hide things from him.
- So when he asked, he was sad he got a lie as a response from you ("Just cold, don't worry")
- But he was willing to accept it, until the next Overblot with Leona.
- He immediately noticed the way you held your side, trying to stay calm and not show you were in pain.
- The second Leona was dealt with, he grabbed first aid kit, and immediately went to treat the wound.
- He was so shocked, as the wound was of magical property, no matter how the poor model student tried to help, the scars ended up forming - an ugly lion scratch.
- You wanted to cry, currently just from the pain
- Deuce held you close, letting you cry in his arms, not saying a word.
- After a while, you calmed down, and your eyes couldn't help but go to the ugly scar... Hatred slowly forming, not towards Leona, but towards yourself... You got wounded, aga......
"It shows you are brave, please, don't hate yourself over this. Makes you look strong."
Cater Diamond
- Cater LOVES taking photos, so when a scarf appeared around your neck, he thought it was a weird choice to wear
- "It's really fashionable where I'm from!" It was a lie, but Cater just accepted it
- But he did give you a side eye, each time your hands rubbed the scarf... Which happened suspiciously whenever Riddle was around.
- However, he wasn't stupid unlike the two first years that always got themselves into trouble
- However he thought there was a different reason for the scarf.... (and thought that you and Riddle were an item, oh boy he made so many rambling posts about that)
- Sadly, one day you were way too warm, and the scarf was killing you. So you just loosened it up, just a little bit more...
- And Cay-Cay just had a good (terrible) timing.
- "Come here! Let's take a photo together~ Cay-Cay and Prefect~"
- Snap, snap, snap.... you got dizzy from all the photos and flashes of the camera on his phone.
- Cater was checking the phones, being very picky about which he was going to choose (he wanted the prefect to look absolutely perfectly, because that's what you were to him)
- But then, in one of the photos, he saw it, the scar you were trying to hide. Clear mark from Riddle.
- Cater was shocked, and it made SO much sense. He pulled you close, a small hug, which caused you to be confused
"Why did you hide it?"
"Didn't want to make anyone worried."
"SMH. That's exactly what you just did!"
Trey Clover
- The Heartslabyul dad noticed you, very quickly.
- After dealing with Riddle's overblot, he noticed the next few days you were fidgety, and tried to dodge Riddle.
- The scarf was a big red flag. But any attempt at talking about it was met with you changing topics, or running away
- You would not talk about it. You didn't accept help. (What a headache...)
- So, he decided to help in a... unique way. Sweets. Tarts.
- Oh, he started to make way more, which did not escape Ace and Deuce, who were curious
- Too bad, they failed to get any information out of him. If you weren't going to tell him, he wasn't going to tell anyone else. He knew better than to break trust!
- So, even tho he didn't get to see the scar, he assumed there was one. And atleast, he was going to support you like this.
- So when you were relaxing, at the couch, and sipping a warm tea (while being covered in a clover-themed blanket you got from Trey) Trey decided to sit next to you
- He pulled you close, frowning a bit at the scarf around your neck (and a glove nowadays too, probably something from Azul's overblot...) but his gaze was... simply soft.
- He wasn't going to push you, he could wait.
"Whenever you are ready to share your secrets with me, know that I will be here, no matter what, you mean a lot to me."
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navybrat817 · 10 months ago
Would ceo Bucky and his girl attend the met gala? If so, any ideas on dresses perhaps!
They would, nonnie! As far as the dress, it would depend on the theme. Are we talking recent theme, a past theme, or a made up general theme?
Goes With the Theme
Pairing: CEO!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: Bucky thinks his suit goes with a gala theme. You slightly disagree. Word Count: Over 1.2k Warnings: Established relationship, banter, flirting, implied sex, implied breeding, brief mention of past insecurities and bad ex, slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?) and he worships you. A/N: I blame @whisperlullaby and @targaryenvampireslayer. Before our couple has Cupcake and Bean. ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Bucky refused to tell you in advance what he was wearing to the upcoming gala. He said something about him wanting to surprise you. Of course, he knew exactly what you were wearing since he wanted the designer to make you a gown fit for a queen. He would’ve thrown in a tiara if you asked. It was too much, really.
But if you asked Bucky, nothing was too much for you.
The amount of money spent was just about worth it when he exited the bathroom and looked ready to drop to his knees when you spotted you in your dress. The colors suited you. The fit was like a glove. It was a work of art, really.
“Fuck,” Bucky whispered, his eyes turning a darker shade of blue as you carefully twirled. It was exactly the reaction you wanted. “How exactly am I supposed to keep my hands off you tonight? A man can only take so much.”
“Because a lot went into this dress and you’re not allowed to tear apart,” you smiled before you took in his appearance.
Bucky Barnes turned head wherever he went and the head to toe black ensemble would be no exception. The slicked back hair was a good look on him and there was no denying that your man knew how to accessorize. He also wore enough custom suits for you to know what did and didn’t suit him. He would never fail to make you stop in your tracks from a single stare.
The man never missed a thing though, regarding you carefully as you stared. “You don’t like what I’m wearing,” he stated.
“No, I love it,” you assured him. And you did. You didn’t want him to think otherwise since the man could turn a paper bag into a thing of art and beauty if he chose to. “It’s just…”
“Just what?” He asked, holding his jacket open so you could get a glimpse of the shirt beneath molded to his torso. “I think I look good.”
You blinked and took a breath so you could answer him. Why did he have to be so distracting? “Not like you need the ego boost, but yes. You do look good,” you said. His smirk almost made you lose your breath again. “But does it really go with the theme?”
“What?” He shrugged. “Isn’t the theme ‘floral’?”
“It is and flowers are usually bright,” you pointed out. “You couldn't have gone with a floral jacket?”
“This is my interpretation of the theme.” He pointed to one of the black flowers. “Besides, this is a flower and it’s on my jacket. Therefore, it's a floral jacket.”
You tried not to smile. It was tough to argue with that logic. “Okay. Yes. There are flowers on your jacket, but-”
He cut you off with a smug smile. “So, I'm right.”
And wasn’t it just like a CEO to argue like this? And wasn’t it just like you to enjoy it? “You’re utterly ridiculous,” you giggled, gesturing to yourself. “Not to mention, I'm pretty much wearing the opposite of you!”
“And people will still know we’re together, Mrs. Barnes,” he winked. You loved being his wife. “Do you know why I wore this?”
“Enlighten me.”
“Because a black suit? Any man can wear one. I’ll blend in with the crowd. But you in your gown? All eyes will be on you, as they should be,” he explained, your cheeks hot as he swept his gaze over you. “And I know I won’t take my eyes off you for a second tonight.”
“Oh,” you breathed, clearing your throat at the unexpected tears that clogged it. Your ex tried to make you feel bad about your body when all Bucky wanted to do was celebrate and worship it. More than that, he saw your beauty beneath the surface. “Thank you.”
Though you wanted to argue that Bucky wouldn’t blend in with the crowd. It wasn’t possible. He was too striking for that with his blue eyes and jawline. Too dominant with his large body. And too well known.
He didn’t care about that kind of attention. He was the kind of man who wanted to show you off. Not as a prize or because you were his, but because he loved you.
His eyes softened before they went dark again. “Fuck, you are so beautiful. A goddess,” he said, his voice rough as he stepped toward you. “We may not even make the gala.”
As much as his compliment warmed your heart, boosted your confidence, and dampened your panties, you shook your head. “Oh, no. Don't you even think about it. Do you know how long it took me to get into this dress? That doesn’t include perfecting my makeup. We are going.”
You nearly lost your nerve when he groaned and took another step toward you. That sound was one of your favorites, especially when it was your mouth, hand, or pussy drawing it out of him. “Cupcake, you’re always a vision. You don’t need a fancy dress or a stitch of makeup to be beautiful,” he said, licking his lips. “And you don’t need to wear a stitch of clothing right now either.”
“No.” You firmly pointed a finger at him. You were lucky he didn’t grab your wrist to kiss it. “You promised we'd make an appearance and the last thing you need to do is tell people we didn't show because you couldn't keep it in your pants for a few hours.”
The kicked puppy dog expression was one you had seen on Steve Rogers before, but it was adorable on Bucky. You held your chin high because you’d fall into his arms if you didn’t. “Fine,” he conceded, gripping your chin with infinite care. “But I make no promises that I'll behave in the limo on the way home.”
You’d enjoy your small victory over your handsome CEO and husband for the time being because he’d make you pay for it in the best way later. “Yes, Boss.”
“My perfect wife,” he whispered, delicately moving his hand along the column of your throat. Did he feel how fast your heart beat? “I may just have to knock you up before the night’s over, Mrs. Barnes.”
Your womb clenched at his words, imagining the filthy things he’d grunt in your ear as he bred you. It was almost enough to make you skip the gala, but why not build up the anticipation? “I’ll be disappointed if you don’t, Mr. Barnes,” you said, moving close enough for your lips to touch his.
The breath that rushed out of his lungs was like a kiss, teasing what would come before the night was over. “Don’t tease me, Cupcake.”
“Who said I was teasing you, Boss?” You murmured, pulling back before he could kiss you properly. “Time to go.”
He swore under his breath as he adjusted his pants. You were the only one who could get under his skin. “I’ll knock you up in the limo. Don’t test me.”
Your smile widened. What Bucky didn’t know was that underneath your dress was one of his favorite lacy floral numbers. A surprise and reward for him going to the gala. It would make him fall a little bit more in love with you once he undressed you.
Plus, it went with the theme.
“Looking forward to it.”
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Another out of order AU. I'm so sorry, lovelies. And sorry to the nonnie for not fully answering the question! Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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xclowniex · 5 months ago
I got this comment on one of my other posts where I talk about how antizionists who claim they want to deradicalize zionists fail to do so and with their current approach are far more likely to "radicalize" jews.
Whilst this type of set up for a post usually leads into something negative, the comment isn't and I agree with it, I just wanna turn the idea I had of a response into its own post lol
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On its own, it is not a radical idea, however it is radical in the sense of it forces a lot of western leftists to either reevaluate their ideas surronding colonialism, indigenousness, peace and justice, or ignore any opportunities of reflection and be bigoted. And obviously one is a lot easier than the other.
Jews and Palestinians don't fall into the classic colonizers vs. colonized categories as well, our history is different than in the west. Palestinians were not originally arab and were arabinzed through consensual and non-consensual means, and jews have been forcibly removed from the region from multiple groups. It does not play into the dichotomy of "white people came to the land, were violent and gained control and oppressed the native population" which is the overly simplified version of what has happened in the majority of western countries.
In the west, to achieve true peace and justice, you have to hand over control either fully or in part to indigenous folk. But because jews and Palestinians don't fall into western understanding of colonization, peace and justice doesn't look like that. It looks like coexistence with both groups holding power and self determination simultaneously.
Then you have the western view of race also in play. Jews don't fall into the western view of race and ethnicity. Because of multiple exoduses, jews come in a wide range of colors. We aren't just white or brown. Jew as an ethnicity comes from the middle east and is not a European ethnicity. Then wherever jews ended up after being forced out of the land complicates things. If they ended up in Africa, you get black jews like those from Beta Israel (in Ethiopia), if they ended up in other parts of the middle east you get Mizrahi jews (some people consider jews from beta Israel also Mizrahi and some don't, as I am not from beta Israel it is not a conversation I need to be a part of). You also have Sephardic jews, and ofc Ashkenazi jews. You have jews from all parts of Asia. Then you have mixed race/interfaith relationships too, which is how you get black folk in the US who are Ashkenazi jewish or Māori who are Ashkenazi like Taika Waititi.
And the whole forcing western ideals surrounding race, history, etc, onto non western countries, is problematic.
Whilst I'm definitely not the first to call it this in this sense, it is western leftism. It may even fall under white leftism.
And to those in which their belief system is entrenched in western and/or white leftism, the idea that jews don't fall into it, is radical to them.
(Tagging the person who made the addition is screenshotted as I feel weird if I don't @boreal-sea
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lsunstreakerl · 22 days ago
sunny i would die for seb and lewis’s reactions to finding out they neglected max in that a/b/o verse
maybe... maybe more on this later... I'm already at 1.6k words though so here you go!
"I mean, come on man, it can't be any worse than Max."
Lewis's voice is light as he laughs, and he's trying to ease the new rookies into the pack, make them feel at home, but Daniel's jaw clenches anyways, scent sharpening.
He's been butting heads with Lewis for the past year- hard enough convincing Max that his omega status didn't have anything to do with him leaving, even harder to actually leave him.
He'd been hoping with three new rookies maybe the pack would start to ease up- they're closer to Max's age, knew him as kids.
But here Lewis is, using him as some kind of scapegoat, and Daniel-
Hulk nudges him gently.
"Mate- you are going to stink up the whole room if you don't quit."
Daniel forces the feeling back down, gets control back over his scent. Still- when Lewis gets a taste of it, looks over at him with concern- Daniel meets his gaze head on, lip curling slightly in a snarl.
It's openly defiant, and he's lucky no one else notices, otherwise Lewis would be forced to confront it immediately, handle whatever challenge Daniel has for him publicly.
But Lewis doesn't like to lead like that, so he just narrows his eyes before he finishes the rookie tour.
Daniel means to forget about it, scrolling his phone in the lounge when the door swings back open. Lewis stalks back in, and his scent is both confused and agitated.
"What the fuck, Daniel?"
Daniel barely glances up from his phone. He hasn't done anything close to forgetting about it- he's spent the last forty five minutes remembering every slight against Max, getting progressively more worked up about it, and his scent is permeating the room, defensive and angry.
If he's finally going to blow his lid about the Max thing, he's going to make it worth it.
Seb slips in, and both Charles and Hulk follow- two people Daniel is likely to listen to if somehow the pack alpha and omega can't get through to him.
They'll probably have a whole crowd by the time Daniel is done.
"Can I help you?"
Seb's eyebrows shoot up as Lewis snarls softly.
"I don't know what your problem is Dan, but if we could talk about it, instead of you challenging me when I'm bringing in rookies-"
Daniel scoffs.
"What, like bringing in rookies is sacred? I'm not exactly sure when you two started giving a shit about that."
Seb looks startled at being included, but Daniel's certainly not letting him get out of it.
"Daniel- bringing in rookies has always been important to us."
The snarl from his chest surprises even him, the result of years of watching Max, endlessly hopeful for approval and acknowledgment but never getting it, watching a pup- an omega pup- try and hide his heartbreak each time he's passed over-
Garages are not meant to be packs, but Redbull is, because the drivers pack has failed.
"Go ahead and tell that to Max, yeah? I'm sure he'll agree with you."
The scents in the room sour, and Lewis's face scrunches up.
"Okay- I know we dropped the ball on Max, but Daniel- he's a beta. And he's okay, clearly."
Daniel's scent is a thick cloud in the room, ozone and lightning, a near oppressive miasma.
"Alex is a beta. So was Sergey. That didn't stop either of them from being brought into the pack, did it?"
He abruptly stands up, and Seb takes a step back while Lewis snarls back at him, but Daniel's not backing down, not even to the pack alpha, not for this, not for Max.
"And don't fucking tell me that 'he's okay'. You aren't in that garage- you'd love to pretend he doesn't exist, wouldn't you?"
His accent has thickened, and Seb releases his scent a bit, tries to sooth the room.
"Daniel- I think we've had a miscommunication, yes? Max has not wanted to be in the pack."
"Oh don't- don't even start-"
Daniel's growling, low in his chest.
"You wouldn't know, because you never fucked asked- and if you had, maybe you would have realized that he did, he just doesn't know how to say it- and maybe that's because he's a fucking pup!"
He's right up and Lewis's face, and Lewis finally lets go on his scent- there's a brief moment where it's smothering, telling Daniel to stand down, but-
"Or maybe you could use your eyes, or your nose, or if you're feeling really generous, your brain- and you'll notice he's not a damn beta at all, you stupid cunts, he's an omega, and right now Redbull's picking up all the slack!"
Max had- Max had begged Daniel not to tell them, but Daniel can't keep it to himself anymore, can't bear to watch it- and Max feels betrayed enough already, it's not like he can make it worse.
There's a sharp scent change, horror from Seb and a deep note of surprise from Charles and Hulk, but Lewis-
Lewis makes a wounded noise, stepping back.
"No- no? No, we would have- we would have noticed."
Daniel feels the laugh bubble out of him.
"Well, great job on that front, cheers to the pack alpha, yeah? Wrap it up, Lewis Hamilton is soooo great he can decide dynamics now!"
Seb's voice is sharp, the one he used when Daniel was younger, getting into things he shouldn't, toeing the line in press conferences. Daniel doesn't care- he's not the rookie anymore, he had his own rookie, and he's doing exactly what Seb taught him to do- protecting him.
Daniel doesn't want to hear whatever it is Seb has to say- something to smooth over the situation, to make it less than it is, and he doesn't-
He doesn't want to hear it.
"No, fuck that, I'm going out."
He stalks past Lewis, who takes a few steps after him.
"Hamilton, if you don't actually want to fight with me right now, stop following."
Daniel lets the door slam behind him, and some part of him feels the sting- he's treating pack like shit right now, but deeper, tucked underneath it-
He wants to go see Max. If only to sooth the ache in his own chest. Wants to curl up in the team nest and have Max doze off next to him, bury his nose in his hair and smell pine and tart blackberries, the slight edge of milky pup scent he hasn't quite managed to get rid of yet.
No one in Redbull has told Max- as far as Daniel is aware- that when he's curled up in a pack pile, deeply asleep, sometimes he'll purr.
It's a treasured memory, because Max straight up refuses to do it any other time. GP has the best luck in the team of drawing it out, but Daniel is a close second.
Was a close second.
He stops for a moment, realizing he can't. He can't go to back to Redbull and climb in the nest, can't curl up with Max and the others, and this is why garages aren't usually pack- it hurts too much when a driver leaves.
It's Charles that breaks the silence, looking wide-eyed at Seb.
"Max? Max is an omega?"
Seb opens his mouth before shutting it again. He's not-
He doesn't know what to say. Doesn't know how to make it better, hasn't even fully digested the implications of what Daniel had shouted at them.
Max Verstappen is a beta. He's an aggressive beta, cocky and arrogant, who wants nothing to do with them, and he's a danger to the pack on track.
Seb's head hurts. Trying to reframe it-
Max Verstappen is an omega. He's practically still a pup, has pack bonded with his garage, and-
And wanted to be part of the pack. As a driver. Because he is, he's a driver, and he's so young still, and he's-
It's Lewis with his hand on his shoulder, soothing him, and Seb barely recognizes his own scent, drenched in shame and guilt and sorrow.
"We'll fix it- we can go talk to him."
An omega. They're few and far between as is- the loss of Nico to the grid had been rough, and even now as Seb is thinking about it, Nico had spent so much time with Max-
"Lewis- Lewis, Nico knew-"
He sees the moment it hits Lewis as well, jaw clenching as his squeezes his eyes shut briefly.
"Damn it."
Lewis turns to Charles and Hulk.
"You two- none of this leaves this room until Seb and I get it figured out, got it?"
Charles nods meekly, half hidden behind Hulk, and Seb is sure the two of them smell horrid at the moment, but they need to fix this-
Omega. A pup, and Seb had seen Jos, there's no way Max got what he needed, and he's-
He's relying on his garage for his needs, when garages aren't built for it, aren't designed to withstand pack dynamics. They can't function under the strain, and the chances of having a Team Principal who is also a pack alpha are slim. A Team Principal and separate pack alpha leads to issues within the pack, and he has no idea how Redbull has been managing for two years.
God. Max wasn't even an adult, and all Seb had seen was an arrogant kid, hadn't even taken a second to look further.
Maybe if he had they wouldn't have missed it.
Instead, they now have a deeply damaged pack bond with Daniel, a nonexistent pack bond with a grid omega, and potentially an entire team under packbond strain.
How this is only blowing up their faces now is a miracle.
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