#and I never had anyone to talk to about it
verareids · 2 days
feel the same - s.r. x reader
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spencer misunderstands a conversation he overhears between reader and derek. tags/cws: misunderstandings, confessions of feelings, use of 'y/n', gn!reader, fluff, mild angst, derek morgan has big brother energy wc: 1708 (much longer than I thought lmao) a/n: I'm truly obsessed with season 1 spencer as of late so I HAD to write a fic with him in mind. <3
also posted on ao3
“You know Pretty Boy likes you, don’t you?”
Spencer had been trying to get some sleep on the flight back after working a case that had drained all his energy when the sound of Morgan’s voice caught his attention. Without opening his eyes, he knew exactly who he was talking to. Spencer had never outright admitted to anyone that he had developed feelings for you but it was getting harder to deny. Once Derek had started pointing out the way he’d look up when you entered a room or the way his eyes lingered as you walked away, he was becoming concerned that this crush was more obvious than he’d like it to be. 
He’s been trying to ignore it, telling himself it’s unprofessional when really it’s because he believes there’s no way you could possibly feel the same. There’s a myriad of reasons why he wished Derek would keep his big mouth shut but honestly – that was probably the biggest.
“Likes me? How old are we?” The smooth sound of your response makes Spencer smile to himself in spite of the current situation. 
“(Y/N), come on…” Derek chuckles and is immediately met with a long stretch of silence. Spencer can picture the death glare he knows he’d see on your face if he were to look at you in this moment. “Look, you know he’s never gonna ask you out himself so maybe you should just–”
“Derek.” You interrupt with an evident sternness in your tone. “I’m not having this conversation with you. I’ve told you, it’s not happening.” Ouch. Spencer had never allowed himself to dream that you would reciprocate his feelings but he definitely wishes he had been asleep for that one. With that, he forces his eyes shut tighter than before and takes in one deep, slightly shaky breath and decides to try to go back to sleep, if only so that he doesn’t have to hear you reject him even harder.
Spencer wakes up as the jet is landing and he quickly gathers all of his things, walking out and across the strip with much more urgency than usual. This detail doesn’t go unnoticed by you, not much does – especially where Spencer is concerned – and you make a mental note to check in with him later. He had caught your eye the first day you met him which must be, what? Half a year ago now? And he had been on your mind ever since. You had bonded quickly as friends, being the two youngest members on the team. About a month ago you had finally allowed yourself to acknowledge the fact that you had developed feelings for him. You’d sit next to him at any given opportunity, listen to his infamously long rants much longer than anyone else would, spend just a little too long staring at his lips as he talked you through his theories. It didn’t take long for people to notice. Elle had her suspicions, JJ made a comment every now and then, but Derek – he wouldn’t let it go. He teases you about it constantly. You haven’t given him the satisfaction of admitting it, you haven’t been able to deny it either.
When you eventually make your way into the building along with the rest of the team you notice that Spencer had already left. It’s only then you start to be concerned. It’s unlike him to leave in such a hurry, even more so to not even say goodbye. You rack your brain trying to come up for a reason for this strange behavior. Is he sick? Upset about something? Was it you? You begin to go over every interaction you’d had with him recently when you have to stop yourself before you spiral. He’s just tired. If it was serious he’d tell you… right?
The next morning you walk in to find Spencer at his desk working on the report he didn’t write last night before he had basically ran away.
“Morning, Spence!” You greet him, making an effort to sound cheerful as you lean on his desk. He doesn’t look up, like he’s trying extra hard to look busy.
“Morning, (Y/L/N).” He replies without looking up. His tone seems normal, his use of your last name is what sounds the alarms in your head.
“Hey… are you feeling alright?” You ask tentatively, not wanting to pry too much in case you really had done something wrong that you clearly weren’t aware of. “I noticed you kind of left in a hurry last night.” He finally looks up and meets your eyes, easing your nerves slightly. His eyes shift away and then back to yours before a soft smile graces his lips, one that doesn’t quite reach his eyes.
“I’m okay.” He responds after a while in a way that sounds like that’s not all he wants to say. You go to reassure him, make sure he knows he can tell you anything, but stop yourself when you notice the way he tenses when you place a hand on his shoulder. Retracting your hand quickly, you begin to fidget with your fingers before running them through your hair nervously.
“Spencer… I–” You start and stop and Spencer feels a little guilty as you seem to stumble over your words anxiously. “Is it me? Did I do something? Because if I did I–”.
“(Y/N).” Spencer cuts off your panicked rambling. You take a steadying breath as he slowly rises to stand in front of you, your eyes trailing up when he towers over you. He looks around the room and sighs before focusing back on you. “Can we go somewhere to talk?” You nod and begin walking towards a storage room with Spencer following close behind, quickly checking that there's no one in there before stepping inside.
“What’s going on with you?” You break the silence as Spencer closes the door behind him. “You know you can talk to me about anything.”
“I’m sorry if I’ve been acting weird.” You notice the way he dodges the question. He can’t meet your eyes anymore, his gaze shifts around the room and he smiles awkwardly at you.
“Spence, that’s not–” You interrupt yourself, trying to find a way to put your thoughts to words without overwhelming him. “I only want you to be okay. You’ve been acting differently since last night… If there’s something going on I want to be there for you.” When you say that he smiles sadly. He looks down in thought as if he’s considering something.
“I heard you talking to Morgan…” He mumbles, still staring at his feet – wringing his hands together. You furrow your brows in confusion. Talking to Morgan? “On the jet on the way home…”
“Oh.” This isn’t happening. You figure you should’ve known Derek’s relentless teasing would be your downfall. He must know you like him now. There’s a reason you never wanted him to know how you felt. You couldn’t stand the thought of anything ruining your friendship. Spencer visibly deflates even more in front of you at your lack of response. You begin scrambling to come up with a way to get out of this horrifically embarrassing situation.
“Look, I– I didn’t mean to make this awkward…” Oh god. The way he’s stuttering and tripping over his words. You stare blankly at him, then duck your head, bracing for the impact of his rejection. “It’s not like I thought you would feel the same way I just–” Wait what? Your head snaps back up to see his face, eyes widened, which seems to startle him a little. “I wasn’t going to say anything but I guess I just got really in my head about it.” He begins to look a little panicked. “I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, I’m sorry if I did.” You just keep staring up at him, mouth agape in disbelief. “(Y/N)?” He says your name with a sad desperation and it reminds you that you should respond.
“Sorry, I–” You say slowly while shaking your head. “Are you saying that – Do you like me?” Now it’s Spencer’s turn to look confused, but it was all starting to make sense to you. You had thought he was acting weird because he had found out about your feelings, when in reality, it was the other way around.
“Yes?” He replies hesitantly.
“I like you too.” You say simply with a shy smile but Spencer looks completely taken aback. 
“You do?” The way his eyes light up with a subtle excitement was adorable. Soon after, that look was replaced with skepticism. “But I thought— you told Morgan you didn’t like me.”
“I told Morgan to stop teasing me about you because I didn’t think this…” You gesture between the two of you. “Was ever going to happen.” Spencer let out a sigh of relief and smiled bashfully.
“You could have just told me.” You feel his eyes scanning your face as if he were still looking for proof that you weren’t messing with him.
“You didn’t tell me either.”
“I thought there was no way…” You make eye contact as he trails off in thought. “I guess it doesn’t matter now.” Spencer takes a tentative step closer to you but doesn’t move to touch you in any way, so you reach out to take his hands in yours, lacing your fingers together.
“Well… maybe if we don’t have to fly out for a case today, we could go to dinner tonight?” You’re staring down at your intertwined hands, squeezing once before looking back up. When you see his face he’s still looking down with a big dopey grin on his face and you can’t help but smile right back.
“Yes— definitely.” You giggle at his obvious enthusiasm. 
You both stay in the storage room for another couple minutes, mostly just staring starry eyed at each other. Eventually you both decide that you should get back to work. You try to hide whatever was now going between you as much as you can but like always, Derek Morgan figures you out within minutes and he, along with the rest of the team, teases you relentlessly. (You wouldn’t have it any other way.)
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pirateprincessjess · 2 days
When I was a child I was struggling at school, and I was unhappy, so my parents started taking me to a therapist. I ended up telling this therapist that I wanted to be a girl. I hadn’t heard the term transgender yet, but I knew I wasn’t a boy.
This therapist told me that it was a fetish. It was my first time hearing the word fetish. She told me that wanting to be a girl was something bad that I should be ashamed of. I was told not to tell my parents because they would be disgusted, and that if anyone found out it could ruin my life.
I held onto that shame for a decade until my senior year of high school when a transgender student started going to my school. I never met her, but I saw her around, and heard people talk about her. This was a transwoman living her life openly and publicly. She was doing the very thing that I was told would ruin my life, but her life didn’t seem ruined. She had friends, and seemed happy. Happier than me.
A year later in October 2013 DC comics published Batgirl #19 by Gail Simone. In this issue Batgirl’s roommate Alysia Yeoh came out to batgirl as a transwoman. Batgirl was so loving and accepting in that moment. My favorite superhero didn’t see anything wrong with being transgender. I sat at my computer reading peoples reactions and reviews to this comic for hours. I sent the author an anonymous message on tumblr thanking her for helping me find the strength to love myself.
I still had a long way to go before I was able to come out, but these things helped me start to heal. This is why visibility and representation are so important. Seeing another trans person in real life, and seeing trans people in the media I was consuming helped me be less afraid, and helped me hate myself less. In october 2019 I started HRT at 25 years old. Nearly 5 years later I’m happier than ever, and I love life.
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theyluvkarolina · 3 days
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· . ୨୧⭒๋࣭ ⭑ ` ` because we are living in a material world! ` ` ⊹ ‧₊˚
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 ୨୧ Charles loves to gift… well, gifts. What can he say?! It’s his love language! Well, it’s hard to get used to such luxury items when coming from such a normal life.
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ୨୧ Charles Leclerc x Fem!Reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ୨୧ none that i know of 🩷
𝐀/𝐍 ୨୧ it’s pretty short lovely, and i’m so sorry about that but i loved the idea sm to write it today <3 as for the plus sized reader, i wasn’t too sure who to incorporate it into the story so i just didn’t put any implications on the reader’s weight, i’m so sorry! 😭 but i really hope you can still enjoy this my love!
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YOU ALWAYS FOUND joy in the simple things. Whether it be homemade meals, walks in the park, heartfelt conversations, or even something as simple as reading a book in the cozy atmosphere of your bedroom. But after meeting and eventually dating Charles, the Charles Leclerc, your world flipped upside down.
Where simple homemade dinners turned into fancy, exquisite restaurants, walks turned into rides on his expensive yacht anyone could dream of, and your cozy bedroom became hotel suites in glamorous cities around the world. It was a life anyone could dream of, but one you had never imagined for yourself.
Charles was a whirlwind of excitement, his life a constant race against time, both on and off the track. But even with the fast cars and glamour, he found solace in your simplicity. They grounded him, reminded him of the beauty in the mundane and he wouldn’t change it for the world.
Charles is a gentle lover. Always so kind and nurturing, where began to see the world through your eyes and not the rose-tinted glasses of Monaco. He found joy in the simplicity of homemade dinners together, where he eagerly helped chop vegetables and stir pots, laughing at his occasional culinary mishaps. He appreciated the walks in the park, holding hands as you talked about everything and nothing, away from the flashbulbs and fast pace of his public life.
However, most of all, he had a noticeable love language. Gifts. All sorts of gifts. Almost anything you can think of? He gave it. Handbags, necklaces, rings, bracelets, hell, even a dog! Only issue was how unnatural it felt to be receiving all of these.
· . ୨୧⭒๋࣭ ⭑
“Charles, mon amour, we’re home!” You called out as you entered the shared apartment, removing your shoes before unclipping Leo’s leash, scratching the blonde pup behind the ear as you do so before he waddles his way hastily to wherever Charles is.
Usually, Charles replies in his usual cheerful voice saying where he is or walks on over to the door to place a tender kiss onto your cheek, however, he gave no reply and the only sound in the apartment was muffled whispers and rustling objects.
You hesitated for a moment, setting down your bag and Leo’s leash, before following the faint sounds deeper into the apartment. The soft murmur of Charles’s voice reached your ears, mingled with the rustling of what sounded like wrapping paper.
With your peaked curiosity, you turned the corner into the living room, where Charles sat on the floor amidst a sea of boxes and tissue paper, his brows furrowed in concentration.
Leo bounded over to the paper with a wagging tail, but Charles remained absorbed in his task. As you approached, you caught glimpses of shimmering jewelry boxes, each undoubtedly holding something precious and undoubtedly expensive.
“Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc,” you began in a surprised and scolding tone that makes him look up at you with a boyish smile on his face, “What in the world is all of this?”
"Y/N, mon amour," he began, his voice warm and earnest, "I wanted to do something special for you. Something to show you how much I love you. Like thank you for all your support you give me.“
You couldn't help but feel a flutter in your chest at his sincerity. Despite your reservations about his extravagant gifts, you knew they came from a place of deep affection. Still, you couldn't shake the unease that often accompanied such displays of wealth.
"Charles," you said softly, moving closer to him and kneeling beside the scattered boxes, "you don't have to give me all this… y’know how I feel about-”
“Me wanting to pay for all of this? Mon ange,” He reached out, taking your hand in his, "I know, but I want to. Please. I have more than enough money to spend and give. Besides, I would rather all these gifts go to you out of everyone.”
You sighed, feeling torn. On one hand, you cherished Charles's efforts to make you happy. On the other, you struggled with the disparity between your backgrounds and the implications of his lavish gifts.
“I appreciate everything you do,” you said sincerely, squeezing his hand gently. “But sometimes, all these... things, they make me feel uneasy. I mean- It’s a big change… I never grew up in this… lavish lifestyle that you have with all these… gifts.”
Charles glanced at you with a look of understanding, his ocean colored eyes searching yours for reassurance. He gently placed a box aside and took both of your hands in his, his touch warm and comforting.
“I know, Y/N,” he said softly, his voice steady. “I understand that this isn't what you're used to. But please believe me when I say that these gifts, they're not just about luxury or showing off. They're a way for me to express how much you mean to me, how grateful I am for you. How much I love you.”
You nodded slowly at his words, feeling the sincerity in his words. Charles had always been thoughtful and considerate, even with the whirlwind of his fast-paced life. His gestures, though grand, were always accompanied by a genuine desire to make you happy.
“I appreciate that, Charles, I really do my love,“ you replied honestly, your voice tinged with warmth and tenderness. "And I love you for it. It's just sometimes overwhelming, you know? I worry that I can't reciprocate in the same way…”
Charles gently brushed a stray lock of hair from your face, his expression softening. "Y/N, you don't need to reciprocate with gifts or lavishness. Your love, your presence, your laughter, just you—those mean everything to me. You ground me in ways I never thought possible. You take my mind off of racing, Ferrari- everything.”
He took a pause searching for the right words, his thumb tracing circles on the back of your hand. “I want you to be comfortable, to feel cherished without any reservations. If these gifts make you uneasy, we can find another way for me to show my love. Maybe something simpler, more aligned with what makes us both happy.”
Your eyes widen, “Oh Charles, no, no no! If this is how you want to share your love, I’m more than happy by it. It’s just that this all takes some… adjusting is all.” you offer a smile, making Charles return the favor.
You leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek, feeling a surge of love and gratitude for the man who had turned your world upside down in the best possible way. Together, you knew you could navigate the complexities of your different backgrounds and find a balance that honored both of your perspectives.
“Hm… how about we hold onto some of these for holidays, hm? I don’t want to ruin all of this wonderful wrapping work you’ve done.” You offer a slight chuckle, picking up bits and pieces of the paper left around before Leo had the chance to start eating them.
“I like that idea.” Charles responds, now also picking up after his mess. “Y/N?” he starts.
“Yes, Charles?”
“I love you.”
You lean over and place a soft kiss onto his lips. “I love you too.” You replied before a whine interrupted the silence, causing you both to look down to the little Leo, waiting for some form of attention.
“Don’t worry Leo, we love you too.”
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purplecoffee13 · 2 days
The Silent Type*
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Summary: “Harry, the quiet guy in the office, has silently admired you during your time working for the firm. Now that your work there is done, Harry finds that he can’t let you go just yet…”
Wc: 5k
Tropes: colleagues (ceorry/nerdrry)
Warnings: SMUT, overstimulation, daddy kink, switch sub/dom dynamics, oral, choking
A/N: SUP Y’ALL!!!! God I have just been waiting to be able to write again! I still have some exams coming up next week, but I spent all evening writing this one shot because I have been dying to get back into it😋 This is my first time writing a more subrry tinted fic, so I hope you enjoy it!
General Masterlist
if you want to support me more than liking or sharing, you can consider buying me a coffee!
Harry has never been one to talk much.
It is one of the reasons why he chose the career of software developing. Most of it, he could do on his own.
It wasn't so much that Harry hated people, he just preferred his own company. More people tend to complicate things, and Harry is a more logical guy.
That was until he met you.
About three months ago, the company for which Harry worked had started their expansion, and he was to lead the people transferred to that section of the firm. With the expansion also came new employees, and that’s where you came in.
You had been temporarily hired by the company to weed out applicants, and assist the current HR manager to help with the job interviews.
Harry still remembers that first day when you walked into the office, all nervous and fidgety. He had spotted you through the glass walls of his office, and couldn't physically tear his eyes off of you.
It wasn't until your third day helping in the office, that you actually met Harry. You had no idea what to think of him. Well, besides the obvious, of course. He was ridiculously handsome, and from the way he was staring at you, you figured that maybe he was thinking something like that about you too.
But he didn't talk.
Your first time meeting consisted of nothing but a gruff 'nice to meet you' from Harry's side, and no input in the rest of the conversation whatsoever. It was only a couple days later, when you asked the HR manager about it, that you found out that's just how he was, that he didn't really talk to anyone. From that moment on, there had been a surge of motivation to let him make you the one exception.
Harry was just fascinated by you, and he had no idea why. You were a ball of energy, talking so fast you'd think someone had clicked on your 'sped up' button, and you were chaotic, all over the place. The amount of times he watched you bump into people was impossible to keep count of.
Then, one day, you bumped into him. It should have angered him, the spilt coffee on his pants. But he had an extra suit, and you looked so worried, he didn't want to make you feel worse. You still felt bad, though, so you decided to make it up to him, and started getting him coffee every morning.
By the end of the first week, he looked you in the eyes when he thanked you. By the end of the fourth, he'd ask you how you are and recall things you'd told him. By the end of sixth, he told you things about his life, and by the end of the tenth week, you were having longer conversations with him.
It was difficult to keep up the small talk with him in the beginning. You soon found out that his lone wolf attitude may had something to do with his awkwardness. You thought, perhaps people weren't willing to work through that, and eventually he just stopped trying.
Such a prospect made you sad, and it only motivated you more to get to know him better. Of course, the longing glances, and standing unnecessarily close to each other with his knuckles barely touching your arm, those things helped too.
There was an undeniable tension between the two of you that you found incredibly difficult to decipher. The way he'd let you catch him looking at you gave it away quite clearly, but the lack of any real initiative confused you.
Had you read it all wrong? Did he even think there was something there too?
Unfortunately, there was no way to find out, as your assignment at the company was coming to an end. Today had been your last day, and tonight is a launch party to officially celebrate the expansion of the company.
You were a little sad to leave the company, especially since you really liked the people working there. It is why you are most excited for tonight.
Wearing a long yellow dress—it is your favorite color—you stride into the building. You are mesmerized by all the balloons and how pretty everyone looks. Wearing expensive suits or classy dresses. You immediately realize you might be a bit too happily dressed; everyone is wearing darker colors.
It does make it easy for everyone to spot you, though. By the time you've gotten your drink, five people have already walked up to you. About half an hour into the party, the CEO of the company takes the stage to give a small speech.
"I would like to thank everyone who has participated in making this expansion go as smoothly as it did. Your work does not go unnoticed." He says through the microphone. Everyone claps for a few seconds, and the man waits to go on until it is quiet again.
"Now, I have a special announcement to make. I have wanted to make this expansion happen since I began working for this company in 1988. Now that I finally have, I feel that my job at this firm is done. And so, I have decided to retire from my position as CEO."
Your eyes widen at the speech; you had no idea this was even a thing. By the sound of the gasps and murmurs traveling through the room, you deduce that the news is unexpected for the rest of the company as well.
"It is also with great pride that I present the new CEO of our company, chosen after careful consideration. If mr. Harry Styles could please join me on stage."
Your mouth falls open at the mention of Harry's name, and you are certain you will never be able to close it again when you see him walking onto the stage. He wears a black suit, perfectly tailored to his body, and the sight of him has you concerned that you may be drooling.
The bald man hands the microphone to Harry, who does not look very pleased to be on stage; it almost seems like he is regretting his decisions. Until his eyes meet yours, that is when you see him let out a breath.
"Thank you, Mr. Johnson." He says, breaking eye contact to look at his former boss.
Right, that was his name, Johnson.
"I look forward to leading this company into more successes, and I promise that I will put my heart and soul into it. I have worked at this firm ever since I graduated college and they offered me a job during my internship, and it is safe to say that I have not regretted that decision a day of my life. I have always been loyal to this company, and I will remain loyal to you. Thank you."
You are perplexed. Why did he never tell you about this? You are very happy for him, but you do find it weird. It also makes you doubt again. Did whatever you had been building up the last months not mean as much to Harry as it did to you?
Well, it doesn't really matter, you're gone after tonight anyway.
Once the shock of the news has calmed down a bit, the party resumes as normal. Most people visit Harry one by one to congratulate him on the position, but you steer clear from him. It is no use, after tonight you will probably never see him again anyway.
Time passes, and you think you're ready to go home. There was a file in the office you forgot to sign earlier today, so you head up to do that first. The office is entirely dark when you walk out of the elevator. It's kind of eerie, so you are quick to turn on the lights.
It takes you a few minutes to find the file, since the receptionist placed it on someone else's desk. You find it on your colleague's desk, and walk over to the receptionist desk to sign it. Laying it on the keyboard of her computer, you pray that she won't displace it again, and make your way back to the elevators.
A loud shriek escapes you when Harry suddenly walks around the corner. He covers his ears at the high pitched sound, shocked by how much he scared you. With your hand on your chest you try and steady your breathing.
"Jesus, you scared the crap out of me."
"Sorry, didn't mean to." He says, a bit of worry in his tone. You look up at him.
"What are you even doing up here?"
"I was looking for you." He shrugs.
"Why?" Your eyebrows furrow, that same old tension in your stomach settling like it does every time Harry looks at you for longer than two seconds.
"You've been avoiding me." He answers casually, and you feel your heart drop. You didn't think he'd catch onto it.
"Congratulations by the way, for being the CEO. That was definitely a surprise." There is a bitterness in your tone. It is Harry's turn to frown. He hears the condescension, but his mind can't seem to come to a conclusion. Why are you angry? It's so hard to tell.
This is why he doesn't do people.
"You're mad that I am CEO?" He guesses, and your mouth falls open, much like it did when Harry's new position got announced.
"What?! Of course not! I'm very happy for you." You sputter out. The last thing you'd want him to think is that you don't want him to be happy or satisfied or successful.
"But you're still avoiding me." He repeats slowly. "You know, I didn't tell you about it because no one was supposed to know. I had to sign for it and everything. It's nothing personal."
The painful grip that his potential distrust in you had on your heart releases at the sound of his words. You could have known that it was due to something like that, you work in HR after all. That fact alone makes you realize how invested you unknowingly had become in Harry.
"I...I figured." You give him a weak smile. Harry's eyes search for yours, holding onto your gaze once he has found it. You stay like that, staring at each other for a while until you break the silence.
"I'm heading home. I don't think I'll see you again, so good luck. I'm sure you'll do wonderfully."
With much difficulty, you manage to look away from Harry and walk past him. At least, you try to, because halfway through, Harry's hand grabs your arm. You stop in your tracks, looking back at the man who stopped you. The man who has been sending you mixed signals for the past few months.
"D– do you want to join me in my office?"
You refrain from the shiver that threatens to run down your entire body, and nod. Harry's hand slides down your arm to your hand, and he intertwines his fingers with yours before he leads you to the glass doors that belong to him. On your way there, he flicks off the lights, leaving the two of you in the dark.
The city lights light up the otherwise pitch dark office that belongs to Harry, for now. He will be moved to the CEO's office when he starts his new position.
You don't say anything as Harry closes the door, or as he walks to the closet and pulls out a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. You wait, in anticipation of what he's going to do.
But then he sits down. He just sits down on his chair.
You stand there, staring at him, utterly confused about this man and his intentions with you, while he obliviously pours the whiskey into the glasses. In that moment, there is a switch inside of you, one that says: fuck it. This is your last day, you need a way to release this pent up tension, and you probably won't see him ever again after this. What have you got to lose? Nothing.
You walk over to the desk and sit down on it, extremely close to Harry. The split of your dress shows your bare, freshly shaved leg, and he seems to notice. His eyes pull to your legs like magnets, and he has to force himself to look you in the eyes as he hands you the glass of whiskey.
You try your best not to smirk at the effectiveness of your plan, focusing on your next move instead. Straight for the kill.
"So, why am I here, Harry?" You ask nonchalantly, taking a sip of your whiskey. It tastes very strong, and it takes you a lot of effort not to have an expressive reaction to it.
"What?" He asks, eyes wide like a deer in headlights.
"Why'd you take me here?" You ask again, setting down your glass at the table before moving to stand in front of him. "To admire the view?"
Harry looks out the window, but his head shoots back to you when he noticed you're sinking onto your knees in front of him. He thinks he may have forgotten to know how to breathe as he observes the lustful look in your eyes. His eyes travel down to your tits, even more visible from this angle.
"Because I've admired it every day for the past three months." You continue. Harry swallows, frozen by the overload of his brain and the sensitivity of the growing constraint in these pants. "Why don't you take your pants for me? Just enough to give me your cock. I like you in this suit."
Harry doesn't let another second fly by before he is unbuckling his pants, sliding it down just enough for you to have access to his cock and his balls. Your mouth waters at the size and girth of it, your cunt getting wetter with every passing moment.
You shimmy forward, leaning over his cock and grabbing it with your hand. Harry sighs at the minimal contact, making you feel even more powerful. Looking up at him through your lashes, you ask him one more question.
"You'll hold my hair, won't you?"
With that, you take Harry in your mouth as far as you can, before pulling away from him. A gasp leaves his mouth, and his eyes fall shut as you pump him with your hand while your mouth kisses and sucks on the head of his cock. You begin licking and kissing down his cock, while your hand softly feels up his balls.
Harry feels like he is in heaven already, and he forgets everything around him. It is only when you completely remove yourself from him that he opens his eyes again, and he sees. Catching on quickly, he leans forward and gathers your hair, twisting it around his palm.
Satisfied with Harry's obedience, your mouth attaches itself to his cock again. You take him slowly, teasingly, and move your head up and down. With every movement, you take him an inch deeper.
"Oh, f–fuck!" He groans out when you gag on him because you took yourself too far too fast. You steady your breathing, which is a bit more complicated as you can only breathe out your nose. You resume sucking him off for a bit longer, bobbing your head down a bit faster. The small sounds that leaves Harry's lips, along with his scrunched up face, gives you enough indication that he is approaching his climax.
So you remove your mouth from his cock.
He lets out a whine at the loss of contact. If your panties weren't wet before, they certainly are now. You smile at the state of him; desperate and needy for you. The fact that you've managed to make him fall apart like this makes you incredibly horny.
"I want to take all of you in my mouth, daddy." You tell him, looking up at him with your big eyes. "You'll have to help me."
You went out on a bit of a limb when you decided to call him daddy, but he doesn't seem to mind at all. In fact, Harry's eyes light up and his jaw slacks at the mention of the pet name.
"Shit– anything, sweetheart. Whatever you need." He croaks out.
"I need you to fuck my mouth." You respond sternly, not wasting any time and taking him between your lips again. You push yourself down his cock as far as you can, breathing deeply before moving your hand to Harry's hand, which is holding onto your hair, and pushing your head forward to indicate that he needs to push his cock down your throat.
Again, it doesn't take him long to listen, because Harry's hips thrust forward, his dick gliding into your throat. You moan at the force with which he pushed, and keep your mouth wide open as you let Harry navigate your head.
Once he fully understands that you are allowing him to let him use your mouth, the true fun begins. With the firm grip he has on your head, he pushes you up and down at an ungodly speed. Your jaw is already tiring from its locked position, but you power through it because the sounds that leave Harry's mouth make up for it.
"Fuck baby, such a good mouth. Never had anything like this... Jesus!" He pants out as he begins to thrust up into your mouth, and you feel like you might pass out. Suddenly, he pulls you away from his dick.
You frown, and realize as he is grabbing for a tissue that he is avoiding messing up your face. You don't stand for it, though, and wrap your lips around his cock again just in time for him to come inside your mouth. You take him deeper and feel the way his sperm shoots in the back of your throat.
"Fuck! Shit, shit..." The not so wide arrange of curse words are the only thing Harry is capable of saying as he dumps his load inside your mouth. The fact that you were so adamant about having his sperm in your mouth made his orgasm even more intense.
Your mouth lets go of his cock with an exaggerated plop, and you swallow every last bit of him, grinning at his fucked out face.
"That was... amazing." He sighs, his gaze flicking from your mouth to your eyes. You hum in agreement, and get up from the floor as he pulls up his pants. You are about to walk away, when Harry grabs your wrist.
"Where are you going?"
"Home." You answer with a smile, but Harry's grip on you only tightens. He shakes his head, his lips pouting.
"No, you need to stay. Let me make you feel good too." He protests. You squint your eyes at him.
"I don't need to do anything."
Harry's eyes widen. "You're right. But just let me make you feel good before you go, please? It's the least I can do."
Your mouth slowly forms into a grin, glad to have him where you want. Well, almost.
"Beg me."
Harry scoffs. "Are you serious? I don't really do begging."
You shrug, smiling at him. "That's fine. My vibrator can get me off too."
You take a few steps towards the door, while Harry contemplates his decisions. However, those were all clouded by the sole moment to please you the second you mentioned your vibrator. The image of you getting off like that is too much to bear. He needs to do it for you.
"Stop." He says. You turn around, and walk back to him as he gets out of his chair and gets on his knees. Grabbing your waist, he pulls you closer, his nose digging into your dress. His hands run up and down your legs, and it is making you weak in your knees.
"Please, let me eat you out baby. I'll do anything to make you feel good. I need to taste you so bad, please let me pleasure you."
You swallow, eyelids ready heavy, as you sigh out. "Alright."
Harry grins at your admittance of defeat, and stands up. He leads you to sit on his desk, your dress hiked up. He removes the stuff behind you, so that you can lean back entirely in case you want to, and waltzes over to his chair.
Spreading your legs, he rolls himself closer to you, and assesses your soaking wet panties. Chuckling, he leans to the side and grabs a pair of scissors, before he cuts the skimpy material from your body. You'd say something of it, but the sight of him admiring your pussy like this is too fascinating to interrupt. So, you keep quiet.
When Harry's thumb suddenly presses on your clit and begins to rub it, you can't help but gasp. His touch feels too good, and that blowjob got you really worked up.
"You have no idea how many times I've fantasized about this." Harry says, marveling at how reactive you are being.
"Me too."
His eyebrows rise up. "Yeah? Tell me more, baby."
You bite your lip, too obsessed with the pet name he's given you. It sounds so sexy coming from his mouth. He awaits your response with bright eyes, lazily rubbing your clit.
"Your arms... I'd think about them so much. And your hands, I'd imagine you choking me with them. They're so big..." You begin, and you know that you could go on for hours if you had to tell him about everything you've thought about doing with him, or doing to him.
Harry doesn't say anything, instead responds with two fingers entering your pussy. You moan at the feeling of his large fingers pumping in and out of you. It feels way fuller than your hand already. His two fingers is the equivalent of your three fingers.
"We can definitely make those fantasies come true..." Harry says softly. "But first, let's make you come, hmm?"
You nod, your head falling back and allowing yourself to fully indulge in the pleasure Harry's giving you right now. You let yourself lay on his desk, wrapping your legs around his shoulders.
"Fuck, that feels good– oh fuck!" You shriek out when Harry tongue begins attacking your tongue after he adds a third finger. He speeds up the movements of his hand to match those of his tongue, and holds onto that tempo until your mind can't conjure up any more words to speak to him.
With the control entirely out of your hands, you let Harry guide you to your orgasm, which washes over your body like a tidal wave. You unconsciously push Harry's head further into your pussy with your legs. With an arched back, you moan at the sensitivity of your clit.
Harry lets you take a minute to catch your breath before he pulls on your arms to have you sit up straight. He is smiling sweetly at you, and your heart warms at it.
"You okay?" He asks, kissing your hands. You nod, trying to ignore the flutters in your heart at the way he is being so gentle.
"Thank you for letting me make you feel good, baby." He says, getting up and leaning into your face. His nose brushes against your cheek as he plants his lips on yours. Your arms wrap around Harry's neck as you kiss him deeper, too caught up in how good he feels and how much you want him.
You're never this greedy. You've never felt like you needed a man's cock inside of you. Like it was the only feasible option. You feel it driving you crazy, and you're sure it is the only reason you say— no, ask:
"Please, fuck me."
The grin that forms on Harry's lips makes you feel like you should regret what you said. A grin like that usually belongs on your face in situations like these. But you need him so bad, you don't really care that you are the desperate one this time.
"Oh, you're begging now too, huh?" He says cockily. You glare at him, pissed that he's acknowledging your neediness and mocking you for it too.
"It's alright baby, I'll give it to you. 'M cock's already hard again from watching you come like that. So fucking sexy..." He says. He pulls his pants down and lifts you off the table, turning you around to the glass windows and pushing your hands against them. "Bend over a bit and speak your legs for me, baby."
You do as he says, biting your lip at Harry's hand that pushes away your dress and roams over your ass. He positions his cock at your entrance and pushes himself into you, sighing in pure relief. You shut your eyes tightly at the size of him filling you up.
"Fuck, you feel good baby." He says, slowly beginning to move in and out a bit. You let out a soft 'yes', causing Harry's jaw to clench. He spanks your ass, watching as it bounces from the impact, and his cock twitching at your yelp.
"Perfect fucking ass... perfect fucking girl, aren't you?" He groans, now lazily thrusting into you. He wants to give you time to adjust, but he learns your wishes when you begin to push yourself back into him.
"Ah, I see. Greedy girl wants to speed things up, hmm? Your wish is my command." He mocks, but does speed up his pace. His hands hold your waist as he begins to pound himself into you, your ass shaking at the impact. He spanks your ass again for good measure, obsessed with the way it moves.
You nearly lose yourself in how good it feels, but you know that he can get deeper than this.
"I want to ride you... want to feel you in my tummy." You spit out, hoping he understands what you're saying in your croaky voice.
Harry listens, pulling himself out of you immediately and taking a seat in the chair. You turn around and walk over to him, throwing your legs on both sides of his lap, before grabbing his cock and sinking yourself down on it.
It goes smoother this time, but Harry's really deep now, just like you wanted. The sensation is everything to you, but you can tell how good it feels for him too. Glad to have a bit of the control back, you start to bounce on his cock.
Fascinated by the way you are moving  above him, Harry's eyes travel over your body. His hands travel to the straps of your dress and push them down until he can get your tits out of the top part of your dress. He begins to massage them as you keep impaling yourself on his dick over and over again.
"Fuck, daddy, you feel so good... so good for me. Listening to me. Knew this was the best way to fuck you... you love it." You slur happily. Harry nods profusely at your words, jaw slack and moaning out in pleasure.
"Yes, needed it so bad baby. You're fucking daddy so good..."
You smile at how caught up Harry looks in his pleasure, like he doesn't know what to do with it. You, however, do know what to with it. You grab one of his hands and wrap it around your throat, before you do the same to him. With his hand on your neck and yours on his, you begin to fuck him as fast as you can.
"Ah, fffuck... shit! Holy shit!" He yells out, and automatically thrusts himself into you, reaching an even further level of deepness that you had never thought possible.
"Come inside me daddy." You pant out, and he does. It is as if your permission set him off. You smile in delight at the feel and knowledge of his cum being so deep inside of you.
You fuck Harry through his orgasm, and even after. He squirms in his seat. "Wait— too sensitive."
"I don't care, I haven't come yet. Don't you want to make me feel good? Have me coming around your thick cock?" You say sensually, and Harry nods. "Words."
"Yes– fuck! I want you to come, please come around my cock. Please, please..." He begins to beg, a tear rolling down his cheek.
Your toes curl at his whiny voice, and soon your juices are gushing all over his cock. Your pussy contracting around him seems to set Harry off even more, as you feel even more sperm spraying out of his dick and into your walls.
You ride out your high until you can't move anymore. You sit there, forehead pressed against Harry's as you both come down from what just happened.
After a minute or two, you decide to pull out. Slowly but surely, you manage to get Harry's dick out of you without hissing too much at the sensitivity of every single body part down there.
You lean against the desk, too wobbly to stand on your own, and you let Harry wipe you clean with the tissues on his desk. After cleaning himself up, he stands up and positions himself in front of you.
"Hey." He says. Your hand cups his jaw and your thumb wipes away the tear that is far down his face now.
"Hi." You tilt your head. The both of you burst out laughing, still surprised by what went down just now.
"That was really good." He says once the laughter has died down. You nod in agreement.
"Good enough for a repeat?"
Harry pretends to think it over, before he responds: "under one condition."
"And what would that be?" You quirk up an eyebrow, intrigued by his vagueness. He smiles at you so wide that you wonder if his mouth might be hurting.
"You let me take you out on a date first."
You roll your eyes, pretending not to be amused as he chuckles at your reaction. But the second you see the look on his face and the sincerity behind it, you realize that he is being quite serious about this request. You bite your lip, wanting to kiss him right then and there.
"I would love that."
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punkshort · 2 days
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Roll Call 2
a Roommates one-shot
Pairing: pornstar!joel x f!reader
Summary: Joel convinces you to watch one of the videos he's starred in and you like it more than you expected.
Warnings: reader and Joel watching porn, smut (18+ MDNI - I don't know what came over me but it's surprisingly soft), language, dirty talk, infidelity, unprotected piv sex, creampie, alcohol consumption
WC: 2.9K
A/N: this was inspired by these asks and is not considered canon, it's just for fun
"It really ain't as bad as you think," Joel teased, watching with glassy eyes as you tossed back a shot with a wince. You swiped the back of your hand across your mouth and shook your head.
"It's porn, Joel. It's pretty black and white."
"See, that's where you're wrong. You must be watchin' some low budget shit if that's your impression," he said over his shoulder as he lead you back to your table through the crowd of people hovering around the bar.
"What're you saying? Your porn is better somehow?"
"Yeah, that's exactly what I'm sayin'," he said with a grin before sliding into the booth. You plopped down across from him and greedily took a sip from your water. "My stuff's produced by people who actually give a shit about quality and storylines."
"Uh huh," you said with a giggle. The two of you were waiting for Tommy to get off work but the bar was busier than expected that particular evening and you had been stuck for almost two hours with nothing to do but drink and kill time.
"You don't believe me? Lemme show you," he said, pulling his phone out of his back pocket. Your eyes widened and you began to sober up.
"N-no, Joel, I believe you."
"C'mon, it's no big deal. We've slept together, for fuckssake, it ain't nothin' you haven't already seen," he said, eyes pinned to his phone as he scrolled on some website that had a suspicious amount of ads and pop ups. His eyes lit up when he found what he was looking for and fished his AirPods out of his other pocket, handing you one and shoving the other in his ear. You held it in your fingers, your mind reeling. You've never seen Joel's porn before, but Maria had, and she told you it was hot at the time but you'd never felt the urge to look it up for yourself.
Joel finally picked up on your hesitation and paused. "If you really don't wanna, it's fine."
You chewed your lower lip as you thought about it. You couldn't deny you were curious and you didn't have to watch the entire thing if it made you uncomfortable, so you took a deep breath and popped the earbud in. "Play it."
He grinned and glanced around. "Come over on this side, don't want anyone walkin' by to see."
You rolled your eyes, finding it laughable that he would even give a shit, but did as he asked and settled in next to him.
"Roll Call 2? Will I be lost if I didn't see Roll Call 1?"
Joel snorted and shook his head. "Shut the hell up."
He pressed play and you watched as the black screen faded to a classroom where Joel sat hunched over behind a desk looking busy as he scribbled on some papers. He wore thick rimmed glasses and a white button down shirt with a navy blue tie. You laughed and poked him in the shoulder.
"Maybe you're right. This is the most professional I've ever seen you dress."
"Yeah, yeah," he muttered.
A door squeaked open and he looked up to find a young looking brunette enter the room with a stack of books pressed against her chest.
"Excuse me, Mr. Ryder, do you have a minute?"
"Ryder?!" you cackled, "are you fucking serious?"
Joel grinned but kept his eyes on the phone. "Yeah, alright, that was less than subtle, but the rest is good, keep watchin'."
"Tiffany? What can I help you with?"
You hid your grin behind your fist and kept watching.
"Can I talk to you about this test? I-I really can't fail this class or else I won't graduate."
"Tiffany" set her books down on the corner of his desk and pulled out a paper, putting it down in front of Joel and leaning over. Her own button down shirt only had three buttons fastened, at best, so when she bent forward, her tits practically spilled out of her shirt.
"Mhm, I noticed your grades have been slippin'. Maybe you could do some extra credit to help boost your grade?"
"Really? You'd let me do that?"
Joel's hand gently brushed up against the back of her thigh, his gaze dropping to take in her plaid mini skirt.
"'Course I would, s'long as you do somethin' for me."
"Joel, this is so corny," you said as you were about to pull out the earbud. He stopped you and scooted closer.
"It ain't 'bout bein' corny or not, it's 'bout the production and the set and how the actors are treated. When you have good people 'round you, it comes through on the screen and the performance is better."
You sighed and continued to watch as his hand snuck up the back of her skirt. Tiffany gasped and pressed her hips into the desk then looked down at Joel, who was gazing up at her like she was the only woman in the world.
"I don't know, Mr. Ryder..."
"Why not, darlin'?"
"W-what if someone finds out?"
"No one'll know," he assured her before taking her hand and placing it over his lap. She moaned softly and bit her lip before sinking to her knees and undoing his belt. He groaned and leaned back in his chair, watching her with a pleased smirk.
"Yeah, that's it," he whispered when she took him in her mouth. Suddenly you remembered you were in the middle of a bar watching porn with your ex and you yanked the earbud out.
"Okay, I think I get the idea."
Joel chuckled. "Fine, I don't wanna make you uncomfortable," he said, setting his phone down so he could take a sip from his glass, but the video still played. You couldn't hear the audio anymore but you saw his head tip back and his eyes squeeze shut in pleasure. You wondered what kind of noises he was making, knowing he was the type to be more vocal during sex, an attribute you always appreciated. You tried to look away, focusing your attention on the people around you, but your eyes kept finding his phone. On the screen, Joel pulled Tiffany up by the shoulders and pushed her up against his desk. He slotted himself between her legs and pushed up her skirt before plunging his tongue into her mouth and rubbing slow circles over her clit.
"See somethin' you like?" Joel teased when he caught you looking. You pursed your lips before rolling your eyes and shoving the earbud back in just in time to hear him groan deeply into her mouth when he began to sink his cock inside her. You had to admit, it was nice when the video didn't cut to a godawful closeup of her pussy but instead took advantage of her wide spread legs and chose to capture both their reactions. You swallowed, throat suddenly dry, as you continued to watch the video. Much like Joel in real life, he was attentive and caring, subtly making sure Tiffany was comfortable. He didn't jackhammer her, he didn't remain awkwardly silent, but instead he rolled his hips leisurely while lavishing her with praise until he tugged on her shirt and wrapped his hand around one of her breasts, biting at her nipple. She moaned and grabbed his hair, whispering how big he was and how good it felt and fuck me harder, Mr. Ryder, I can take it.
He pulled out and flipped her around, pushing her hips into the desk before sliding back inside, her pussy and thighs glistening from her arousal.
"Goddamn, you're so tight. Oh, good girl, look at you. Takin' my cock like a champ. Fuck, y'feel so good."
He was slamming his hips into her faster now, so much so that the desk was beginning to move. Tiffany's fingers clutched around the edge of the wood, knuckles white, mouth agape and eyes rolled to the back of her head.
"How much of this is fake?" you asked breathlessly, unable to look away. He shrugged, no longer watching the phone, but instead his eyes were glued to your face. Your lips were parted and your breath was coming a little faster now.
"What'dya mean?"
"Like, is she faking it?" you asked.
"No," he chuckled, casually draping his arm behind you. On the screen, Joel gently pressed a palm against her spine so she laid flat on the desk, then he reached down to pick up one of her legs to open her hips even wider. The noises she was making were so loud at that point, you didn't need to keep the earbud in anymore, so once again you took it out. He could tell how aroused you were, even though you initially tried to hide it. You squirmed in your seat and you rubbed the back of your neck before taking a deep breath. Your eyes met his and he saw you swallow thickly, your gaze flickering from his eyes to his lips over and over again.
Your voice was low, suggestive, as you leaned into him a little more. The heat between you was growing thick. It was probably made worse by the alcohol coursing through your veins but he didn't care, and neither did you. He nodded and tore his eyes away.
"C'mon," he said.
He grabbed your arm and shoved his phone back in his pocket before leading you through the crowd, his cock straining against his zipper, knowing full well how that night was going to end.
"Where are we going?" you asked when he bypassed the bathrooms in favor of a third closed door.
"Basement. Where they keep the booze."
He swung open the door and flicked on the light before pulling you in after him and ushered you quickly down the stairs. He swiveled his head back and forth until he spotted a corner of the basement that had a small amount of privacy hidden behind boxes of liquor, then turned around and cupped your jaw before crashing his mouth against yours with a deep groan.
"We gotta be fast," you murmured before breaking away and tugging your jeans down.
"Yeah," was all he said, his heart thumping wildly in his chest when you pulled your jeans all the way off and started on your underwear. "Jesus Christ," he added when he realized you weren't messing around. Fast meant fast.
You tested the weight of what looked like a repurposed workbench before hopping up and grabbing the collar of his shirt, yanking him forward just as he undid his belt. You helped him unzip his jeans and slid your hand past his waistband, wrapping your fingers around his cock as you nipped greedily at his throat.
"Fuck, baby, you liked that, huh?" he murmured, grabbing onto your hips, letting you pull his cock out and line him up against your opening without his assistance. He hissed when the tip of his cock prodded at your folds, feeling just how wet you were from watching that video.
You didn't answer. You just spread your legs wider and scooted closer to the edge of the table. Your heels dug into the backs of his thighs, urging him forward. A whimper fell from your lips when he slowly eased inside you, then tipped your head back with a gasp when he pushed all the way in.
"God, that feels good," you moaned, your arms draping lazily around his neck, forehead resting against his chest.
Slowly, he pulled his cock out, leaving just the swollen tip before pausing and pushing back in. You both watched in a daze as he slid in and out, emerging slicker than before with each thrust. Calloused hands ran up and down your thighs. Slowly, leisurely, adoringly.
"Faster," you mumbled, eyes fluttering closed, forehead still pressed against his broad chest.
"I don't like goin' fast with you," he whispered, then wrapped his arms around your waist, tugging you even closer as he continued slowly feeding you his cock.
You moaned and dug your nails into his neck when he hit a spot just right, making your thighs shake and your breath stutter.
"L-like the video," you managed to stammer out. You pulled your head away from his chest and hazily looked up at him. "Don't you wanna make this table move like the desk?" you asked him with a teasing smile, but he didn't give you one back. He shook his head and rubbed the pad of his thumb over your lower lip.
"No," he said softly, still fucking you agonizingly slow. His eyes were warm and sweet as he stared down at you, scanning your face. His fingers slid through your hair, cupping the back of your head as he continued to look at you, watching the little flickers of pleasure cross your features every time he hit that one spot he knew made you come undone. "Don't wanna fuck you like them. Wanna take my time 'n really feel you." He rolled his hips, pushing inside you extra deep and you melted against him, giving up and letting him take you the way he needed.
The hand that was lost in your hair tilted your head so he could kiss you. His tongue, slow and lazy, slipped into your mouth, licking and savoring the taste of tequila and the cigarette you bummed from him an hour earlier.
Eventually, you lost yourself in the moment, raking your fingers through his hair and kissing him back just as deeply. You knew it was too intimate, you knew it was dangerous to be like this with him, but it was too late. Who were you kidding? It's been too late for a while now.
You finally had to break the kiss, your lungs burning for air the same way your thighs were burning around his waist. Tipping your head to the side, you slumped against his shoulder, gasping and panting while he continued to torturously fuck you slow in the dirty basement of your favorite bar.
The setting hardly matched the mood, but it didn't seem to matter.
"You gotta know, I don't fuck anyone else like this."
You squeezed your eyes shut.
His fingers dug into your ribs, the others into your scalp, pressing you against him as if you were one.
"Yeah?" Your voice was breathy and high pitched.
"Only you." He pressed his mouth against your hair, his cock splitting you open in the softest way possible. "Just you."
"Joel," you whined, one hand dropping to grab the thin material of his tshirt, fingers getting twisted as you tugged and pulled at him. You said his name again, a whisper that time. Being so close, you could feel his heart beating loud and fast in his chest. It felt like it matched your own.
"Yeah, say my name," he muttered, hips moving a little faster now. "You gonna come f'me, baby?"
You couldn't respond. You were too close and everything was too intense. Instead, you nodded and squeezed your eyes shut tighter, fighting back the two tears that sprung up out of nowhere.
When you came, you pulled harshly on his hair and gasped, warmth flooding your limbs as your orgasm washed over you. He was murmuring something but you couldn't hear him over the ringing in your ears and then finally, your muscles relaxed and you sighed.
"Fuck, Joel."
"I know," he grunted through clenched teeth. "Shit, you're gonna make me come. Feels too good, I can't... oh, god."
He made a move to pull out but your legs tensed around him once more, keeping him still. His hips slowed.
"What're you-"
"I want you to come inside me," you mumbled drowsily from his chest. You felt more than heard the low growl he gave you in response.
Tugging him by the back of the neck, you pulled him down into a searing kiss, shutting him up. He cupped your jaw with one hand while the other remained wrapped around your waist, still holding you against him. It only took him a few more seconds before he spilled inside you, his moans getting lost against your lips.
Long after you had both recovered, your mouths were still latched together, tongues slowly dancing, neither of you wanting the moment to end, but it was you who finally pulled away.
"We should go before we get caught."
He hummed and pressed his forehead against yours.
"So what if we get caught?"
You practically stopped breathing at the double meaning behind his words, your brain unable to formulate a response. He must have sensed it because he continued.
"What's the worst that could happen?"
"Jail?" you finally offered, leaning back and giving him a smirk, purposely ignoring the real meaning behind his question. What would happen if someone found out about your affair?
He gave you a small smile and sighed. "You make a good point." He pulled out with a hiss, his gaze darkening for a moment when he saw your pussy leaking with him. "Christ," he whispered before backing away and fixing his clothes while you did the same.
"You ready?" he asked once you got your clothes back on and looked relatively presentable.
"Yeah," you replied, but took a step and stumbled. Joel quickly reached out to steady you, his thumbs rubbing affectionately over your arms as he did.
"Don't worry, I got you."
You looked up at him and smiled. "I know."
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ashwhowrites · 2 days
Hi, I love ur stories and I had an idea I was hoping you could write. If not I completely understand and respect that. I loved ur fic where Eddie was the popular one instead and everyone thought hellfire/his band was cool. So would you be able to write another popular Eddie Munson x shy/nerdy reader fic but instead it doesn’t deal with the whole upside it’s more so of Eddie is popular and gets paired with nerdy reader or kind of like a 10 things I hate about you sort of thing where there’s a bet and she finds out about it but a happy ending please:) if not completely fine. I hope you have a great day/night and wish all the best for you <3
I think this got a little long because I squeezed it all in one part. I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
Bet on me
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It wasn't a shock that Eddie could get any girl he wanted. And his long list of the girls he dated could back that up. He never had anyone turn him down and that made him cocky. His friends loved it, boys will be boys. And boys love to play games.
"How was the date with Tracy?" Blake asked, one of Eddie's popular friends.
"It was alright. She was easy so that was nice" Eddie smirked, just another girl on the list.
"Well, you aren't the only one that got laid last night. I got Chrissy Cunningham, which puts me above you" Josh gloated. A pleased smile on his face as Eddie rolled his eyes.
"How did you land her? She's like forbidden" Eddie asked, a little hit to his ego.
"Either way, Josh is now at the top of the list. Getting closer to the $300" Blake said, writing down little dashes next to Josh's name.
"No way. I'm not losing $300. Who do I need to date to get me on the top?" Eddie asked, shoving Josh aside as he continued to brag.
"Um, how about..." Blake said as he looked around. Eddie watched as a twisted smirk showed up on his face. He looked back to Eddie with evil in his eye.
Josh laughed out loud. A laugh so hard he smacked Eddie next to him.
"Dude there's no way she's going to agree to that!" Eddie argued. Y/N was the nerd of the school. There were a few nerds, but she was the smartest out of all of them. She was quiet and kept to herself. How the hell would Eddie get her to date him? How the hell would he even get a conversation started?
"Damn, then it looks like you can hand over that $300 now," Josh said, holding out his hand.
"If anyone can crack her, it'll be you," Blake said, encouraging Eddie as he hyped him up.
"I'll add $200 more if you can take her virginity," Josh smirked, knowing Eddie wouldn't shy away from a higher bet.
"Well gentleman, looks like I'm making $500" Eddie smirked as he walked off, heading towards her direction.
Y/N finished grabbing her books from her locker. She slammed the locker shut and jumped as Eddie leaned against the metal beside her.
"Y/N right?" He asked, putting on his best charming smile.
"Um yeah," she said quietly, not quite making eye contact with the popular boy.
"I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go out sometime?" He asked, putting his arm near her head as he leaned into her. He felt a blow to his ego when she stepped back.
"I'm sorry but I don't think we have much in common." She spoke quietly that he could barely hear her. But she walked past him.
It looked like Eddie had to put in more work than he was used to.
Eddie waited a few days before he talked to her again. He didn't want his sudden interest to be that suspicious.
He walked into his math class, heading straight for the teacher.
"Mr. Munson, what can I do for you?" The teacher sighed
"Can I get a tutor? I need to pass this next test or my uncle is gonna kick my ass." He said, not a full lie. Wayne was getting pissed off with Eddie's grades.
"Language," the teacher scolded, "but I'm glad you are finally accepting help. I have a few options, there is Char-"
"I want Y/N," Eddie said, well demanded.
"Y/N? She is my best student but she doesn't take well to tutoring the popular crowd" the teacher explained.
"I'll make her change her mind," Eddie said with a cocky smile
And just like that Y/N was in the palm of his hand.
It took a few days before the teacher assigned her to tutor him. She tried to fight it but the teacher refused. She was extremely confused as to why Eddie would request her, and the thought made her nervous.
She took a deep breath and knocked on the small trailer. She looked down at the address on the piece of paper, making sure she was in the right place.
She looked up as she heard the door open. Spit caught in her throat as a shirtless and incredibly sweaty Eddie stood before her.
"Sorry. Was doing a workout, come on in" he said, stepping aside as she walked in. He pushed back his sweaty curls and closed the door.
"Do you want me to come back?" She asked. She felt extremely awkward that she interrupted a workout.
"No, you're fine. I'll just rinse off quickly and join you. Feel free to take a seat on the couch and help yourself to anything in the fridge" he said before he headed off into the bathroom.
She sat on the couch, taking in the small trailer. She could see baby photos of Eddie and an older man. The walls were covered in mugs and baseball caps. But it was a place of memories.
She grabbed out her books, pencils, and paper. She wasn't the type to help herself to something in the fridge so she sat and waited. She tried to shake away the thought of Eddie standing in the shower. The water dripped down his toned and tatted chest.
A few minutes later, the bathroom door opened and Eddie walked out, head down as he rang out his long hair. A loose muscle tank top covered his chest, and her eyes were locked on his arms. Then she looked down and took in his sweatpants. She looked away as he looked up. He tossed the towel back in the bathroom and walked to sit right next to her.
She shivered as she took in the smell of his shampoo and aftershave. She yelled at herself in her head to get a damn grip. But Eddie was attractive, everyone knew that. And she was simply a girl sitting next to the hottest boy in school, watching him get out of the shower.
"Where do we start?" He asked, smirking as she jumped out of her skin. He loved that behind all her walls, she was still a girl who found him attractive. At least now he knew what he could play at.
"With your last test," Y/N said, taking out his graded test and handing it over for him to look at. "Tell me what you don't understand" She looked up at him as she waited for him to answer.
"How you are so beautiful and don't have a boyfriend" he replied, his eyes looking nowhere near the paper.
"Oh...uh thanks," she said, "but I meant about the math, Eddie."
He sighed as his words seemed to not have any effect. She was able to compose herself and brush him off.
He figured he needed to earn a little friendship with her first. So he sat there for two hours doing math.
Y/N sighed in relief when the sky got dark and she had a reason to go home.
"Well it's getting dark so I better head out. You did very well today. I think we can get you around a C" she said as she stood up.
"Why don't you stay a little longer?" He asked, grabbing her hand and freezing her in her spot. "Maybe talk without it being about numbers?"
"I uh- I rode my bike here so I really should go home." She said, giving him a small smile as she released her hand from his.
She waved bye as she walked out the door.
Eddie sighed as the door closed. She was a lot harder to crack than he thought.
As the final bell rang, Eddie was already in the parking lot. He stood near the bike rack, not sure which one would have been hers.
"Oh hi, Eddie" she greeted him with a smile as she unlocked her bike.
"I was thinking, what if we put your bike in my van, and I'll drive you to my place tonight. Maybe stay for dinner?" He asked, his cocky smirk made her face heat up.
She looked around as students watched them interact. A few of his friends stared at them, and it made her nervous.
"Then I'll drive you home and you won't have to worry about biking in the dark," Eddie added, the final push to make her sigh and agree.
She sat nervously in his van as the music played through the speakers. She found herself humming along and drumming her fingers against her thighs.
Eddie smiled as he heard her softly singing, he was very surprised the shy nerd would listen to the same music as he did. He turned up the volume, winking towards her as she noticed.
"Don't stop, I like hearing you sing." He said, and for once he was honest.
Wait...did he like something about her?
They walked into the trailer and sat on the couch. For the first few hours, he stuck to the math, knowing she wouldn't move on unless they did.
"I'm starving, you hungry?" He asked as he stood up. His brain felt fried for squeezing in math for the past two days.
"I could eat" she smiled
"Follow me to the kitchen, milady" he joked as he held his arm out.
He silently cheered in his head as she laughed and took his arm. He walked them a few steps into the kitchen. He let go of her arm to look in his pantry.
"Mac n cheese?" He asked, taking out the small box.
"Sounds good to me," Y/N said as she took a seat at the small table.
Eddie began to prep the meal, trying to rank his brain for questions to ask.
"How come you wanted me to tutor you?" Y/N asked, her fingers drumming against the table.
"I wanted to get to know you," Eddie said, and it was the truth. He just had a different reason why he wanted to know her.
"But why? You've never noticed me before" She wasn't dumb. She knew Eddie wouldn't magically like her out of nowhere, no one did.
"But I noticed you now," he said, turning to look at her as the water boiled.
She accepted his answer and continued to drum her fingers against the table.
"Nervous habit?" He asked, nodding towards her fingers.
She felt her face blush as she clenched her hands into fits.
"A bit" she shrugged as she looked down
She heard him walking closer to her, her breathing picking up as he used his finger to lift up her chin. She stared at him like a love-sick puppy and he felt himself loving it.
"Why do I make you nervous, beautiful?" He whispered, she gulped as she bit at her lip. Eddie softly moved his hand up, his thumb yanking her bottom lip away from her teeth. A puff of air left her lips as she gasped. She tried not to squirm in her seat as he leaned down.
She was close enough to see every color in his eyes, every freckle on his skin, and just how pink his lips were.
"Is it because you like me?" He whispered. He smirked to himself when her eyes zoned in on his lips. He was cracking her down.
"Do you want me to kiss you?" He asked, her eyes snapped up to his eyes. He could see the panic, the fear, and the lust swimming together in her eyes.
"I- I've - don't know.." she trailed off, her eyes getting lost in his as the water boiled in the background. The only sound pulling her back to Earth.
"Never kissed someone have you?" He asked, his thumb softly rubbing her bottom lip again. She softly shook her head no.
She felt like she could breathe again when he stood up straight and removed his thumb. Space between them as she sucked in as much air as she could.
"That's a shame. You've got the prettiest lips I've ever seen" he winked, then turned around and finished making dinner.
He was collected, calm, and in charge.
She was a mess, anxiety-filled, and had no upper hand.
She got caught in the Eddie Munson spell.
Y/N felt awkward the next day at school. Knowing she was seconds away from kissing Eddie did something to her head.
He asked if she wanted him to kiss her. Did that mean he wanted to? Or was it a mind game he enjoyed? She knew his reputation and that relationships were not what girls went to him for.
She didn't have it in her to be used and tossed. She was far too sensitive for causal. As she walked through the hallway, her eyes caught a poster.
Hawkins Carnival
This weekend only
"Are you thinking about going?"
She turned her head as Eddie's voice filled her ears. He stood next to her, dressed to impress in his jacket and jeans.
"Oh, probably not. I'm not the best at those games." She said with a small laugh
Eddie knocked his shoulder against hers
"Half of it is strategy and the other half is physical. Which means if we team up, we could win and get our money's worth." Eddie explained
Did he want to spend his Saturday night at a carnival with Y/N?
Hell no. He wanted to be at a wild party and drinking until he forgot where he was.
But he had a bet to win.
"You want to go to the carnival together?" She asked, her head turned to the side as she looked at him. She felt the need to clarify what he was saying
He turned to catch her eyes
"It's a date then, sweetheart. I'll pick you up tomorrow at six." As always, he left with a wink that had her heart racing.
She was going on a date with Eddie.
Y/N barely slept that night. Her head filled with all the horrible things that could happen on the date. But also she allowed herself to get a little excited. Maybe she needed to not think so harshly about Eddie. Maybe he was a good guy and simply interested in her.
She sat on the front step, waiting for Eddie to pick her up. She took a deep breath as his van pulled up the street.
Eddie got out of his van and walked over to open her door.
"You look gorgeous," he said in awe. For once he saw her as more than the little nerd he met. Her glasses were gone, her hair loose on her shoulders, and simple touches of makeup that she probably didn't even need. He never realized how pretty she was just being casual. She always wore sweaters and skirts, but now her arms were bare as she wore a pink tank top. Her chest caught his eyes as he tried to look away. Then her smooth legs showed from her jean shorts.
"Oh thanks," she said shyly, "you look very handsome, Eddie." He wore a band T-shirt, his wrists covered in bracelets, black jeans with a red flannel tied around his skinny waist and his dirty sneakers.
For once in his life Eddie blushed
The drive was comfortable, and both sang along to the music. Eddie never realized how much he enjoyed her company.
The sun was still out and hot as they headed into the carnival. Eddie slipped his hand in hers, not saying a word about it as he walked up to the ticket booth. Once he paid for their tickets, they were walking hand in hand as they walked in.
The loud conversations filled her ears and the smell of popcorn filled her nose.
"Where should we start?" She asked, taking in all the rides and games.
"Bottle ring toss!" Eddie cheered as he walked them over to the small booth.
"Alright, gorgeous. What's my strategy?" He asked, handing the small bills over and receiving the rings.
Y/N leaned in and whispered into his ear, "Aim for the ones closest to you. And aim for the middle, it'll increase the chance that the ring will bounce onto one of the bottles."
She pulled back and stepped back, giving him space to toss.
And he did just as she said, tossing the ring into the middle. The small red ring landed on the bottle. He did it two more times and won.
He bowed as she clapped. The worker grabbed the small stuffed animal and handed it over. Eddie grabbed the small bear and happily handed it to Y/N.
She tucked the small bear under her arm and thanked him. He smiled and slid his hand back into hers as they continued to walk.
After two hours, they were hot and tired of walking around.
"Let's take a seat" Eddie groaned, sitting down on the bench. Y/N laughed but sat next to him.
With the moment to breathe, her head was spinning. She couldn't believe how much fun she was having with Eddie. How sweet he was and how he paid for everything, no questions.
"I'm so sweaty and hot" Eddie groaned, his curls all frizzy.
"Here, this might help," Y/N said as she stood up. Eddie watched confused as she walked behind him, and began to lift up his air. He breathed in relief as his hair was removed from his neck. He smiled to himself as she tied up his hair. A comforting feeling landed on his chest.
She used the binder on her wrist to tie up his hair, throwing it in a messy bun. She walked back in front of him and held out her hand.
"Let's go ride some rides and feel the wind"
Eddie smiled and grabbed her hand. He was actually having the time of his life. He was enjoying every second with her. And as he realized that, he felt a heavy amount of guilt fill his body.
Eddie blindly followed, focused on how terrible he felt.
"Ferris wheel?" She asked as they walked near it. Eddie snapped out of his thoughts and nodded. They walked in line and got on the small cart.
Their bodies smashed together as the ride slowly began to move. Eddie felt sick and he didn't think it was because of the ride.
"The sun is setting. Look how beautiful it is!" Y/N said as she pointed off into the sky. Eddie followed her finger and took in the pinks and purples that decorated the sky.
The ride ticked and slowly came to a stop, their cart at the very top. Y/N hummed as she felt the nighttime breeze start to make it's way. Her hair softly blew in the wind as she reached for his hand.
He snapped out of his thoughts again, looking over at her.
"Yeah?" He asked. He took in how beautiful she looked as the sun set behind her. The way her hair blew out of her face, and the scent of her perfume made his heart race.
Fuck...he likes her
"I want you to kiss me" she whispered, her eyes looking down to his lips as she leaned in.
Eddie felt conflicted as her eyes closed and she leaned closer. He knew he should have stopped her, and he should have confessed. But he wanted to kiss her, even if it would be the only time.
Her lips touched his and his mind went blank. All he could feel was her lips. Her left hand moved up to softly touch his cheek. He softly kissed her back, his hand landing on her thigh. The kiss was short and sweet, but impactful.
She pulled away, nervously. She just had her first kiss with the most popular boy in school.
Eddie had the first kiss that ever made him feel something. He looked into her eyes as she waited for him to say something, but he didn't. He pressed his lips eagerly against hers, already missing the way they felt against his.
Eddie pulled up in her familiar driveway. His stomach filled with endless butterflies. He never knew he could like a girl so much.
"I had a great time, Eddie." She said softly, holding the small bear in her hands. "Thank you" She leaned over and kissed his cheek, then got out of the van.
Eddie watched as she walked into her house. Her lips lingered on his cheek and guilt lingered on his mind.
A week passed, and Eddie and Y/N spent the week doing math. And now that the weekend was here, Eddie took her on another date.
This time at a house party. Y/N wasn't totally interested but she wanted to be with Eddie.
Eddie was terrified, but he had a plan. He wanted to go on a date somewhere else but his friends forced him to come. He didn't want to cancel with her so he bit the dust and arrived.
He was going to call off the bet with his friends and explain it all to her and hopefully, it would work out.
They walked in and all eyes were on them. Y/N gripped Eddie's hand as she tried to hide his body as they walked through. Everyone took in her small black flowy dress and red lips. She felt pretty and tried to keep her head high.
The night went and Y/N was tasting alcohol for the first time. She was a smart girl but didn't know a limit. She lost Eddie in the crowd, but she was on the path to find him.
She was drunk, stumbling around, and about to do something so stupid.
"So I need to talk to you guys about Y/N." Eddie sighed, the alcohol doing nothing to calm his nerves.
"Seems to be going very well, my man. Gonna hit it soon?" Josh asked, patting Eddie on the shoulder.
"About that-" but he was cut off when a body slid up next to his. He looked down as Y/N slid under his arm and cuddled into his side.
"I want to talk to you" Y/N whispered as she looked up at him. He looked down at her pouty red lips, craving nothing more than to kiss her.
"Alright. Let's go outside" Eddie offered
"I was actually thinking we could talk in the bedroom." She said, her finger trailing down his chest.
His friends whistled and Eddie was quick to grab her hand and walk her away.
Eddie groaned to himself as he flipped off his friends. Quickly rushing them up to the bedroom so he could confess everything before it was too late.
As they made it into the room, Y/N had more confidence than ever before. She pushed Eddie onto the bed, landing on his lap as she pressed her lips against his.
Eddie moaned as she rocked against his hips, but he had to focus on what was important. He held her hips still and pulled away from the kiss.
"I really need to talk to you," he said, she hummed but moved her lips to his neck.
"Talk to me," she said as she pulled away. He sighed in relief when she got off his lap.
"I need you to kn-" but the words died in his throat as she pushed down her dress. He felt a growl in the back of his throat as he took her in. The black bra and underwear looked amazing against her skin. He felt his cock grow hard as she unhooked her bra, letting it fall to the floor as she walked towards him again.
"Know what?" She whispered as she ran her hands up his thighs.
Eddie felt like he had an angel and devil on his shoulders. One side begging to cave and feel her wrapped around him. But the other side telling him to go any further would be wrong.
Before he could think of picking a side, the door flung open.
Y/N screeched and quickly grabbed the blanket off the bed. Eddie panicked as Josh walked in with a big smirk and a handful of cash in his hand.
"Well well well, Eddie you actually did it."
Eddie felt his blood run cold as he got off the bed. He snatched her dress and bra off the floor and handed it over to her.
"I'll be right back," he said before he harshly shoved Josh out the door.
Y/N was fast to get dressed, clipping on her bra as she immediately became sober. She slipped on her dress and cracked open the door.
"I don't want the fucking money. I want out." Eddie harshly whispered
"Oh come on Eddie. You put like three weeks into this bet, gonna quit now?" Josh scoffed
Y/N felt her stomach turn as she took in the words.
"Fine, you dated her so I'll give you the $300, but you didn't fuck her so you owe me the $200."
"You made a bet about me?" Y/N spoke, her voice cracking as she could feel the tightness in her throat. She opened the door wider, and the two boys froze upon her feet.
Eddie closed his eyes as he felt the world crumbling around him. He opened his eyes and turned to look at her. He felt his heart ache as the tears fell down her cheeks and the betrayed look in her eyes.
"Yes but please let me explain!" Eddie begged, his voice wavering with nerves.
Before she could think, her right hand slapped across his cheek. The sound echoed down the hallway and Josh yelled out to the party. People rushed up the stairs as Y/N stared Eddie down with the most hateful look he had ever seen.
"I can't believe I ever thought you liked me. I fucking hate you." She said through her clenched teeth, hot tears running down her face as she shoved him. She was fast as she pushed through the crowd and raced down and out of the house.
"Y/N! WAIT!" Eddie screamed, feeling the sting on his cheek as he pushed through the crowd.
But by the time he made it out, she was gone.
He showed up at her house over and over, but she never opened the door.
He had no idea how to make things right but he would die trying.
Monday morning he was off. He stopped by the flower store, picking out the prettiest ones he could find.
He held them in a tight grip as he walked into the building. Half the school was at the party so eyes followed him as he walked to her locker.
She was back to her normal self. Glasses on and her hair up, a sweater on her body, and a skirt on her hips.
"Y/N?" He said gently
"Eddie don't" she sighed as she looked at him
"Please I can explain" he begged
"Explain? Eddie, I'm not an idiot. You don't think I know that people think I'm a joke? I get it, I was a funny target for your popular games. But the game is over so just leave me alone." She said, tears building in her eyes as she walked off to class.
"But you're not a joke! You mean so much more than that!" Eddie said, following behind her and grabbing her arm. She sighed as he stopped her, the eyes of everyone on them. But Eddie didn't care, he was focused on her.
"That doesn't matter. What matters is that you would have never looked my way otherwise. You would have never liked me and you wouldn't have tried to get to know me." She said and walked away.
It hurt but Eddie knew she was right.
Eddie left her alone for about a week. He wanted to give her time to cry, scream, or whatever she needed to feel. But he didn't give up on her.
It was hard for both of them. He watched her every move throughout school, and she fought hard to never look. She dropped out of tutoring, which he felt would happen. He still worked hard at math, wanting nothing more than to prove their time spent together was for something.
He missed her and she missed him. She still has the bear, she cuddles with it every night. Eddie slept with the moments they had.
Y/N sighed as she walked out of school. It was Friday and she couldn't wait to go home and sleep away everything she felt.
But of course, Eddie stood there at the bike rack
"Eddie" she groaned
"I know. You don't want to talk to me or see me. I respected that for as long as I could. But I need you to know that everything I felt was real. I fell for you." He explained, his eyes pleading for her to stay.
"How can I believe you? How can I look at you the same way? I-I...I'm so hurt, Eddie. I knew getting involved with you was a bad idea. From the first night, when all you did was flirt and try to make me one of those girls. You knew I was fragile, and you used that against me. You toyed me along and made me believe for once I could be someone worthy of someone like you. I had my guard up in the beginning, but you were so sweet-" she got choked up as tears fell down her face. "So sweet that I thought I was the bad guy for thinking so little about you. That maybe you aren't a bad guy and I should see where it goes. But you are that guy Eddie. You are that shallow, selfish, and asshole guy."
"I'm sorry, I know! I'm an asshole, I was selfish. I had bad intentions in mind and you didn't deserve that. But I mean it when I say that you are someone anyone could fall in love with. I've never felt the things I feel for you. The way you make my heart race and the way you make me blush. You make me want to be someone better. I don't want the endless girls and be that guy anymore. I want to be worthy to be with you." Eddie choked out, tears building in his eyes as he made himself vulnerable to her.
She bit her lip as she tried to keep her cries inside. Her heart broke seeing him cry and being so torn up about it.
"That night at the carnival changed everything. We were going out even more after that. All those times together were real. Please just let me fix this." He begged.
"If they didn't walk in, would you have slept with me? Complete the bet?" It was a question she was scared to ask.
"No," he said without a thought, "I was going to tell you that night, I swear. I wanted to tell you at the carnival but then we kissed and every thought I had vanished. Then I was going to tell you at the party, and once you wanted to go further I knew I wouldn't until you knew the truth. No matter how hard it was to think straight when you looked the way you did. But I would never have gone through with it."
Maybe it was a mistake and maybe she'd get burned. But just like the last few weeks, she believed him.
"I'm Y/N, the last guy I liked kinda was an asshole. Think you can make me forget about that?" She asked, a teasing smile on her face as she held out her hand
Eddie wiped his tears and shook her hand. "I'm Eddie. And I'm gonna try my damn best to do so."
And he did. She wanted to go extremely slow. She made them start as friends, slowly trusting him as the months went on. He was patient, in no rush as he worked to be the best for her.
After being friends for three months, she asked him to kiss her. And he gladly did.
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlx @ineedmentalhelp123
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atlabeth · 18 hours
plastic hearts
pairing: spencer reid x fem!gideon reader
summary: spencer gets a front row seat to some gideon family matters.
a/n: full 100% credit to @hotchfiles for her gideon!reader idea and thank you sm for allowing me to take a stab at her w spence, i love messy women and this was actually so fun for me lmao. i owe you everything for getting me out of this mini writing slump!! this just reinforces the fact that arguments are my fav thing to write bc this came out of nowhere lmao
wc: 1.1k
warning(s): very messy family relationship lol gideon and reader argue the whole time. reader's got daddy issues and a one-sided grudge against spence. drama and tension and not a good time for anyone but me
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“Gideon, I was looking over the most recent case file and I—” 
Spencer is just barely able to avoid stumbling over both his words and himself only after he’s walked halfway into Gideon’s office. He’s nowhere to be found, only a pretty girl around his age sitting in the chair across from his desk with taut lips and a frown that you turn on him. 
“You’re not Gideon,” Spencer says dumbly. 
“Very astute,” you say. “They clearly hire the best here.” 
“W— who are you, exactly?” he asks. “And why are you in Gideon’s office? And where is he?” 
“That’s a lot of questions.” You tilt your head to the side. “Not surprised he hasn’t talked about me.” 
And once again, Spencer finds himself just staring at you. He’s pouring over every interaction he’s had with Jason Gideon since he started working here, every knickknack and tchotchke he’s ever seen on his desk, any pictures he might’ve seen from glimpses at his wallet. 
“You’re Reid, right?” Your eyes narrow in, and despite being around you for no more than a minute, he already feels like he’s doing something wrong. “He talks about you a lot. Probably more than me.” 
“Spencer Reid,” he says. “Uh— Doctor Spencer Reid, actually, but—” Spencer blinks and shakes his head, because why are you the one leading the conversation here? “Who are you, exactly? Because Gideon doesn’t really like visitors and he never really has them anyway and I really have to talk to him about something, so if you could just tell me where he is that would be great.” 
“I don’t know, but I’m surprised you don’t. He seems to like you a lot more than he likes me.” You huff a laugh. “I’m supposed to be here. He probably just forgot about it.”
Spencer opens his mouth to ask you again to just please say your name because the last thing he needs on his hands right now is a security hazard with him as the first line of defense, but he’s saved by the bell, because Gideon walks in right at that moment. 
He stops in his tracks as soon as he crosses the threshold, the pile of files and folders in his hands losing his interest—Spencer doesn’t even think he sees him, the way his eyes immediately lock in on you. He says your name, and Spencer doesn’t have to be a profiler to pick up on the annoyance. He swears he gets a hint of guilt, too. 
“I didn’t know you were coming to the office today,” he says. 
“Figures,” you remark. “We only made plans a week in advance and I only emailed you three times and called you today to make sure. How could you possibly remember?”  
“I never got a call.” 
“You never picked up.” 
“I was busy,” he says. “This job—” 
“I know,” you intone dryly. “It’s always the job.” 
“Gideon, I have a question.”
Spencer knows it’s not the best time, but the tension has shot up and the temperature has shot down, and he would really like to get out of here as soon as possible. Gideon frowns as he looks at him, and if Spencer didn’t know who he was working with he would have thought he was noticing him for the first time. 
“How rude of me.” Gideon walks over to his desk, and his voice is oddly restrained as he gestures at you. “Reid, meet my daughter.” 
He doesn’t even get the chance to say that wasn’t his question, because his eyes nearly burst out of his head as Gideon says your name and, more importantly, your title. 
“Your— your daughter?” 
“There it is,” you say wryly. “It’s heartwarming to know how much you talk about me, Dad.” 
“We don’t need to do this right now,” Gideon says as he sets his files down. He looks more tired than usual. 
“No, I think we do.” You lean forward, resting your elbows on your legs. “Because you finally agreed to fit me into your schedule for once, and instead, I meet boy wonder before I meet you.” 
“You don’t need to bring Reid into this,” he says. 
“I think I do,” you repeat. “Because I know about him and his three PhDs and how he’s the youngest agent here, and he doesn’t even know my name.” You look at Reid, a falsely disarming smile spreading across your lips. “You didn’t know my name, did you? I mean, based on that reaction, I don’t think you knew he had a daughter.” 
Spencer’s mouth opens and nothing comes out. He looks at Gideon for help, and he lets out a deep sigh as he says your name.
“I’m sorry,” he says. “Can we reschedule?” 
“No,” you say. “I have a job of my own too, y’know. This was the only spot I could carve out to come see you—I’m blocked in for the next month.” 
“We just got a case,” he says. “We have to brief everyone and be out within the hour.”
“Of course,” you say bombastically. “You always have a goddamn case, Dad.” 
“I have no control over it,” Gideon says, his voice pained. “You know that.” 
“Maybe not over the case, but you have some pull here,” you say. “And you’re in full control when you decide not to pick up the phone.” 
“I didn’t ignore you,” he says, but you’re already shaking your head. 
“That’s not good enough.” You pick your purse up from the ground and sling it over your shoulder, and your glare shifts to Spencer. “Maybe I should get a job here. Maybe you’d give me the same attention you give to him.” 
Spencer blinks. He doesn’t know if he’s ever been more uncomfortable in this office, which is saying something with their field of work. 
“I— I’m sorry,” he stammers, because what else is he supposed to say?
You huff a mirthless laugh and shake your head. “At least one person is,” you mutter. 
You walk out without another word, and Spencer sees Gideon’s jaw clench for just a second. 
He calls out your name, mostly in annoyance with a hint of desperation, and he starts towards the door. He pauses before he can cross the threshold, and he looks at Spencer. 
“Not a word of this leaves this office.” 
Spencer nods far too many times in confirmation, and then Gideon dashes out. He hears him calling your name yet again in the distance. They have a new case, they’ll probably be on the jet within the hour, he still has these files in his hands and that unanswered question, and yet he’s rooted in place with wide eyes. 
“Gideon has a daughter?” he repeats quietly to himself. 
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b0r3dtod3ath · 2 days
Can you write something cute and fluffy with Oscar and he says "i wanted to say the first "I love you" without stuttering but i failed at that."
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a/n: Thank you for the request! This line is so incredibly cute. I decided to make it a high school au because it reminded me of a first love. Oscar is a more introverted, alone but not lonely type of student whereas the reader is liked for her social skills and kindness. I hope you will enjoy it!
Your high school was filled with typical morning chatter. Locker doors slammed, laughter echoed, and friends rushed to each other to catch up on their weekends. You flashed smiles and waved at your friends as you made your way down the hallway. 
As you opened your locker, something unusual caught your eye. A small, neatly folded piece of paper fell to the floor. Although being under the assumption that it’s just a joke or some kind of ad for a school event, it got your interest. You picked it up and as you unfolded the paper your eyes were met with a tidy, sculptures handwriting:
Dear Y/N,
I’ve admired you from afar for some time now. Your smile brightens even my darkest days. I don’t have the courage to tell you this in person, but I hope this note brings a smile to your face. Thank you for being you. You are truly special.
Your Secret Admirer <3
Your heart skipped a beat as you read the note. You looked around, wondering who could have left it. A feeling this could be a joke crossed your mind but the message was so unexpected and sweet that you ignored it. A small smile played on your lips as you folded the note back and slipped it into your bag. Little did you know, a pair of nervous eyes were watching from around the corner, a silent hope burning that you would appreciate the gesture.
The letters became a usual thing. You found them everywhere.
This one was found in your locker. It was black ink on a off-white almost beige color paper:
Dear Y/N,
Yesterday as I walked through the hallway I heard you. I didn't see you but I think I could recognize your laughter from a mile - it always makes my heart skip a beat. Your happiness is contagious, and I find myself smiling just thinking about it. I hope you have more moments like that every day.
Your Secret Admirer. 
You found another hidden in your textbook. You don’t know how it even got there - you didn’t borrow it to anyone, or leave it unattended but your admirer still found a way. The paper was almost baby pink and it contrasted nicely with a dark blue ink. What caught your eye was that the note didn’t look as if it was written with a normal pen. It had tiny splotches - it definitely was a fountain pen:
Dear Y/N,
I noticed you stayed late to help clean up after the school event. That was really nice of you. I wonder what is this new kid that you talked with today like. You definitely made them feel welcome. I think everyone just feels better when you are around. It’s one of the many reasons I admire you. You have such a big heart. 
Your Secret Admirer. 
P.S.: I like that new shirt that you wore yesterday. This color really goes well with you hair.
And many more. Some were short, written on a different paper with a normal pen, almost as if created in a rush. The short ones always contained comments on most recent situations. 
Little did you know, behind all of this stood Oscar. You have seen him here and there and even spoken with him a few times but it had never crossed your mind it could be him. Every other night Oscar sat at his cluttered desk, a small lamp being the only source of light in the dark room. He always wrote at night - the silence and peace helped him pour his emotions. He had a stack of pastel-colored paper in front of him, each one carefully selected. Before starting each letter he took a few deep breaths to calm him down. The words flew with a mix of anxiety and admiration, carefully expressing what he felt. He was reading over the words for what felt like the hundredth time. Were they too cheesy? Too forward? He wanted to convey his feelings without overwhelming and scaring you. After a moment of hesitation, he decided it was perfect and added a small doodle of a flower at the bottom, a final even more personal touch. 
Oscar carefully folded the paper into a small, neat square and placed it in a tiny envelope. He wrote your name on the front and sealed it with a heart-shaped sticker he had found at a craft store. He had visited that place so many times that he became a topic of conversations between the ladies working there. As he slipped the note into his backpack, ready to deliver it to your locker the next morning, his mind raced with anticipation and nervousness.
Almost every night as he laid in bed, his thoughts rushed, wondering if you would ever find out that he was Your Secret Admirer. He hoped that, even if you never found out, his words would bring a bit of happiness to your day. And maybe, just maybe, one day he would find the courage to tell you in person.
By now, you had grown accustomed to these sweet notes from your secret admirer, each one bringing a smile to your face. You carefully unfolded the lavender paper, revealing the familiar handwriting:
Dear Y/N,
I hope this note finds you well. Writing these to you has been the best part of my day. Seeing your smile when you find them brings me more joy than I can put into words. I’ve been gathering the courage to ask you this for a while now, and I hope it’s not too forward.
Would you meet me by the old oak tree in the schoolyard after classes today? I’d love to finally tell you all the things I’ve written in person. If you feel comfortable, I’ll be waiting there. If not, I’ll understand, and I’ll keep cherishing the moments from afar.
Yours always, O.
A mix of emotions washed through you – excitement, curiosity, and a touch of nervousness. You read the note again and again, making sure you hadn’t missed anything. The way he signed himself made your heart beat faster. The idea of finally meeting your secret admirer was thrilling, but also a little daunting. Who could it be? Your mind raced through the possibilities.
The end of the school day approached with an unusual slowness, each minute stretching out as your anticipation grew. When the bell finally rang, you made your way outside, heart pounding in your chest. The old oak tree was a quiet spot, tucked away from the main bustle of the school. It was the perfect place for a private conversation.
As you approached, you saw a figure standing by the tree, nervously shifting from foot to foot and playing with his fingers. Oscar looked up as you approached, a mix of hope and anxiety in his eyes. He gave you a shy smile, and you couldn’t help but smile back.
“Hi,” he said softly, his voice trembling slightly. “I’m glad you came.”
“Hi, Oscar,” you replied, feeling a surge of warmth at his genuine nervousness. “I’m glad you asked me to. I enjoyed your notes a lot”.
Oscar took a deep breath, steadying himself. “I’ve wanted to tell you for a long time, but I was always too shy. Writing those notes was my way of sharing how I feel without getting too scared”. 
You nodded, appreciating his honesty. “They were amazing. They really made my day. I have a special box for them under my bed”.
Oscar’s face lit up with relief and happiness. He looked in your eyes and chuckled which made both of you more relaxed. “I’m so glad to hear that. I’ve admired you for so long, and I just wanted you to know how special you are”. 
You took a step closer, feeling a sense of connection and understanding. “Thank you, Oscar. That means a lot to me”, 
Oscar’s eyes got lost in yours. He stayed silent for a moment before taking a deep breath. His words stumbled out in a rush "I... I wanted to say the first 'I love you' without stuttering, but I think I’m failing at that”. 
Your heart melted at his vulnerability. "It's okay, Oscar," you said gently. "It's perfect just the way it is”. You wrapped your arms around his and rested your head against him. Oscar’s eyes widened in surprise, but he didn’t pull away. For a moment, the two of you stood there, the weight of unspoken feelings hanging in the air. 
“I’d like to get to know you better,” you said, your voice soft but confident. Oscar’s smile grew, and he squeezed your hand gently. “I’d like that too. A lot”. You shifted to look at him one more time “You wanna go on a date? Like right now? A little walk could be nice”.
The following afternoon was spent on conversation and laughter. Oscar slowly opened himself and allowed you to get to know him. You walked together hand in hand as the sun set. When it started getting dark Oscar insisted on walking you home. The day ended on your front porch, with your lips on the boy’s cheek causing them to go red. 
June 22, 2024
(if you have any ideas for a part 2 i'm totally down to write it, i have a few ideas for this trope already)
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nayedoll · 3 days
let the light in
joost klein x reader
word count: 400+ (?)
warnings : fluff / not proof read
a/n: little scrap i wrote at 3am after listening to too much lana del rey and feeling romantic💗🎀🌸 !!!!btw if u have any requests, my inbox is open for u
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“So… did you enjoy the film?” Joost asked as you both sat down on a bench that offered a view of the sea painted in a palette of oranges, pinks and purples from the sunset.
“It was good besides the ending” you answered, taking a bite of the fries you and Joost had bought with the intention of sharing.
“How so?” he furrowed his brows, encouraging you to continue.
“Well, in my humble opinion, she should have ended up with the other guy” you explained before going on to give your whole opinion on the rom-com you and Joost had just watched, as he listened intently with a gentle smile.
You were well aware of the fact that Joost was not the biggest fan of rom-coms, hence you were dumbfounded when he actually agreed to come with you to the cinema. In his words it would be like a little date, something you secretly didn’t mind even if you knew he meant it as a joke. Unable to confess your feelings for him, in fear that he would reject you, you tried to take whatever crumbs of romantic interest Joost would give you, without making your big crush on him too obvious along the way.
As you finished talking, you realized how tiring your silly inputs on the film must have been for Joost, immediately apologizing for talking so much.
“No it’s fine” he laughed, “You’re really cute when you get passionate about something”. His comment caused you to look away, blushing slightly.
The sounds of the waves hitting the rocks and seagulls calling to each other enveloped you in feelings of peace for a while, allowing you to clear your mind.
“What do I know about love anyway?” you jokingly asked, pointing at the irony of having so much to say about the rom-com when you’ve never experienced such love in your life in the first place. Joost laughed softly at your rhetorical question but he could sense the bitterness in your voice.
“What do you mean?” he inquired and you shrugged your shoulders as a response.
“I don’t know, I’ve just never been in a relationship before” you added and kept staring at the sea, somewhat embarrassed about confessing that to someone, especially Joost.
“How come?” Joost insisted, “You don’t have to answer” he stated as he realized his tone had sounded too invasive at first.
“It’s okay” you reassured him, “I just don’t think anyone has ever had a crush on me, y’know?”. Your eyes felt watery now and you tried your best to think about something different in order to avoid crying right then and there.
“There’s no way that’s true” he exlaimed and you finally turned to face him, slightly taken aback by the confidence in his voice.
“How would you know that?” you laughed and rolled your eyes.
“Because you’re the prettiest girl I know” he answered immediately, you paused for a second and looked down at your fingers in an attempt to hide the blush forming in your cheeks.
“Hey” he said in a low voice as he gently lifted your chin, “I mean it”. You examined his face as the sun casted a warm glow on it, highlighting his blonde hair.
His fingers left your chin to lightly brush a few strands of hair away from your face, before he cupped your cheek in his hand, caressing it with his thumb. You both slowly began to move closer to each other, as if a magnet was pulling you together.
“You’re so beautiful” Joost muttered, your lips almost touching. You breathed heavily as your gaze flickered between his eyes and his lips.
Joost leaned in, fully closing the gap between your mouths, gently at first, before he started kissing you hungrily. Your sweaty palm reached for his hair and you played with his hair, causing him to smile into the kiss.
He pulled away hesitantly to catch his breath and gently rested his forehead on yours. You two stayed in comfortable silence, taking in the moment of intimacy that you had just shared. Joost brought his hand to yours, holding it tightly and you smiled shyly at the sight of your fingers intertwined. You kissed his hand, holding eye contact and he smiled at you sheepishly.
“Ik hou van jou” you mouthed and he hugged you gently, kissing your forehead, the warmth of his body comforting you in contrast to the night summer breeze.
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eternaldecisions · 3 days
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ PAIRING. Bestfriend!Chris & Fem!Reader.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ SUMMARY: Since ever Chris and his brothers careeer sky rocketed, he was more away from you, slightly forgetting about you, after 2 months after you saw him, he comes back home.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ WARNINGS: Angst to Fluff, cursing, jealousy??
A/N - A cute little fic before dropping mym 2, AND matt girls don’t give up on me I got 2 fics coming for him! and this been sitting on my drafts; just changed a little.
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You belong to me tonight
Hold me while I cry (hold me while I cry)
Swimming underneath moonlight
Taken by the tide (taken by the tide)
2 months, 43 minutes, 16 seconds that Chris left, the exact time approaching as you saw him leaving with his bags thru the door.
It physically changed you, you weren’t close to him, you didn’t hear his stupid 5th grade jokers, or his all fucked up humor.
You missed him.
You knew he was out there living his dream with Matt and Nick, and you were happy for him, you certainly wasn’t mad because you knew he always wanted that life.
As he was probably meeting new people, collaborating with new influencers or even new friends, you were there rotting in your bed, keeping up with all his fanpages and even the sturnioloteam, to see what he was up to.
Currently he was at the last day of summer smash, as he was onstage with Lil Skies, you were overjoyed, since you knew he was a fan of Lil Skies almost his whole life, you cheered that moment from a far.
“Do you promise to never ever leave Boston?” Your 7 year old says, as you help Chris do a sand castle as he softly giggles.
“Pinky promise?”
“Pinky promise!” You say a bit loudly interlocking pinkies with him, melodies of laughter leaving both of your lips.
“I’m never leaving sunshine.”
“I’m never leaving sunshine.”
That’s what he said.
You and him were only kids, but promises are never broken.
How much you would die to be any of his L.A friends to be by his side, and feels his touch as he used to hit you playfully, or sending you the most unfunny tik toks knew to a human.
How much you missed him.
But you couldn’t change the day he was leaving, even if you had a time machine you knew that either way he will end up leaving.
But you still wait for him.
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“Do you think he will ever comeback?” You utter, you decided to visit Marylou and Jimmy, to make some company, because you were aware that they felt the same, they missed them too, not only someone like you.
“Honey, they are not gonna be in Los Angeles all the time, they have family here and I know that they also miss you.” She says taking your hand in hers running her thumb over your knuckles.
“I know but they become so distant ever sinc-“
“Yes, I’m aware of that, but it is their dream, and we are here to support them, but did really Chris have not been texting you? because he is calling me all those 2 months they are out of Massachusetts.”
“Yes, but-“ You’re cut off by the sound of a heavy door knock, it could be Jimmy that was im the garden, and forgot the keys, or could also be anyone, or even the neighbor next door asking for sugar.
“I’ll get it honey.”
She utters, walking away to the door, opening, as you see the same three faces you saw 2 months ago.
It was them.
Nick,Matt,Chris with the bags in their hands, with the most looked tired faces known to a human.
Marylou soft gasping as she hugs them, pulling them to a soft embrace, you stand there in the kitchen counter the scene unfolding right in your face.
“I was just talking about you all, oh, wait here I need to go get your dad.” She comments, as the biggest smile is planted on her face, Nick and Matt following her.
But not Chris, Chris didn’t move a bit, his eyes darted out of Matt and Nick, as landed on you, his dead blue gaze looking right at yours, he knew the shit he did, and he also knew you were going to be here either way.
“Hey..” He says, taking his bags inside before dropping them on the floor walking closely to you, you didn’t knew if you wanted to cry or scream at him, or maybe both.
“It’s been two months.”
“I know, fuck, I know the shit I did, and I shouldn’t done it and leave you behind, I shouldn’t had disappeared out of your life, I should had left you at least a text, I know that, and I’m extremely sorry.”
He has the most soft and apologetic look in his face, like he was a lost puppy looking for a owner, you feel the same feeling you felt for the last two months, tears starting to fill your camp of vision.
“Why did you do that? you promised me you would never leave me, sunshine.”
A guilty sensation in him aches his heart, the old childish nickname being used, he looks at your teary brown eyes, as he softly brings his hand to clean the watery drop in your cheek.
His arms quickly find your waist pulling you to a soft embrace, you had the guts to wanting to pull him away and yell at his face for all the shit he put you thru, but at the same time you missed his touch, and you always melted.
Your arms find his neck, wrapping around it, as you sob quietly in his arms, the feeling of having him close to you again, the feeling you missed for this long time.
“I’m sorry, sunshine.”
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A/N - rah this is ass 😭😭
taglist: @fawnchives @et6rnalsun @mattscoquette @carvedtits @xoxo4chrisss @lanas-doll @hazelsbottom @starlace111 comment here to be on the taglist. :)
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notjustjavierpena · 2 days
you mentioned wife being the first person javi opened up to about his mother.
imagine him walking with her around his fathers ranch and just showing her all the places from his childhood, his favourite hiding spots etc and causally just mentioning his mum here and there. reader is clinging to his arm and just basking in the day.
at night they’re staying in his childhood bedroom since it got late and they had quite a few beers with Chucho and eventually javi is holding wife/then girlfriend close and just says “i’ve never told anyone about my mother before like this” or something like that ahhh
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Series Masterpost | Main Masterpost
A/N: This is extremely personal for me to write about as a person who knows what it is like to lose a parent when you are young. I have written this with utmost gratitude to Hubby Javi because I can process some feelings through him. I hope you enjoy this harsh thing. I hope you know that this heals me and I hope it heals other people too. It might not be completely how you wanted it but I hope you like it better.
Summary: Javier opens up about the loss of his mother inside his childhood bedroom.
Pairing: Javier Peña x Reader/You (No y/n)
Tags: +18 smut, angst, talk about abusive parenting, talk about grief, descriptions of a child experiencing grief and the loss of a parent, descriptions of cancer and its effects physically and emotionally, talk about death obviously, hurt/comfort, love confessions, openness is beautiful!!! kisses, clit stim, sex to deal with emotions
Word count: 4.7k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56911576
About two months ago, you promised Chucho Peña that you would help him with the annual apple harvest and suddenly, the leaves are turning brown, and September begins with magazines filling up with apple pie recipes. 
Today, you have dressed the part for a weekend on your father-in-law’s ranch with your boyfriend. Dressing the part means that you have gone out to buy yourself a pair of denim overalls that make you look mostly like a caricature of a farm girl. Javier promises that he finds it sort of endearing, reassuring you every time you bring it up with embarrassment on your face. 
“Stop worrying,” he says as he wipes his forehead with the back of his hand, standing on a ladder that you are holding whilst he plucks apples off what seems like the millionth tree in the orchard, “He likes you, baby.”
“I should have just gone with my usual clothes,” you argue with a little sigh. Javier doesn’t know how much it means to you that you aren’t seen as foolish, how much it would hurt to find out that you are seen as the butt of a joke behind closed doors. He doesn’t know how much you need this approval because Chucho Peña is the kindest and most gentle and attentive older man you have ever met, treating you like his own child with a soft mija (my girl/daughter) that had been enough for you to excuse yourself for a moment the first time you had heard it. He is not at all like your own father. 
“You’re making an effort that doesn’t go unnoticed,” Javier offers as a consolation after you have stayed silent for a little too long, stepping down the ladder and taking off his work gloves. He stuffs them into his belt and kisses you with another reassuring smile, “He likes you.”
“I guess I'll just have to trust you,” you sigh dramatically and Javier pulls you into an embrace, the chuckle he lets out vibrating against your chest. You feel his lips pull into a smile as he rests his mouth against your cheek.
“You are kind and honest,” he compliments and sways you from side to side as he holds you close. You wrap yourself around him too, listening to his sweet words and breathing in his scent, “And he thinks the world of you. I might actually start to feel a little jealous.”
A little smile forms on your face as he squeezes you tighter and when he pulls back just a bit to kiss you, you nod at him, trying to play it cool despite thoughts of self-doubt nagging at you, “I did warn you about how I get around parents..” 
“I know, mi amor (my love), I know,” he acknowledges and holds you close again, “But you did enough to charm him the first time to be invited back. And the overalls really do sell it.”
“Shut up,” you groan as he snickers in your ear. He always manages to make your heart flutter in your chest, teasing you relentlessly but grounding you as he does it. None of your baggage is too big for him, even as you present it with trembling hands from how heavy it feels to you.
“Just a few more minutes here and we can have a well-earned fucking break. I love you but not enough to skive off in my Dad’s garden,” he tells you and starts to loosen you from his embrace, “That okay?”
You nod and then you finally break apart. Javier gets back onto the ladder to pick the remaining apples off the tree in front of you. He starts the repetitive task once again, handing each one to you so you can carefully put them in the basket on the ground so they don’t bruise. While you do it, you find your mind drifting to the day you met Chucho. 
You remember the drive to the ranch, your heart pounding in your chest at a million miles per hour, and the fake smile you had given Javier each time he had asked if you were okay. During your stay for dinner and drinks, and as you smiled and charmed, you hid the anxiety until you were all the way back at Javier’s apartment once more, only then letting your facade crumble and telling him that the dizzying nervousness he had seen on the drive back had nothing to do with his father and everything to do with your own. 
Javier had asked you if your parents had ever hurt you and with a shaky voice, you’d had to explain that while the answer was no, what you received instead of deliberate cruelty was cruel indifference. 
“I don’t know what’s worse,” you had said with stinging tears in your eyes, “Being hurt or being invisible.”
“You’re not invisible to me,” Javier had whispered into your hair. He had held you tightly that evening, right in his hallway, feet planted on the floorboards that have become yours too, his arms a harbor of reassurance that things will never be like that again, “I will never allow anyone to treat you like that again.”
Now, as you place another apple gently in the basket, you think about how different Chucho Peña is from your father. Chucho’s attention is genuine and warm, listening to you with the same interest as Javier shows too, letting you know where some of your boyfriend’s mannerisms come from, whereas your parents’ show of care was always fleeting and conditional to the point where you wondered why they even decided to have you. 
“Hey,” Javier’s voice breaks through your thoughts. He’s looking down at you from the ladder, concern on his face and gloves already off again, “¿Estás bien? (You okay?)”
“Yeah, sorry,” you feel embarrassed that it’s so evident on your face that you aren’t at ease but decide to be honest, “Just thinking about parents and overalls.”
Javier steps down onto the gravel again, laying the gloves on the top step of the ladder. He tuts, face serious for a moment. 
“C’mon, you’ve been standing in the sun too long. Let’s take a break now and go for a walk in the garden. Still got a lot to show you,” he says with his hand reaching out for you. You take it with an unsure smile, but as you are interlocking your fingers and gently swaying your arms between your bodies as you start walking, you find that it feels more than alright to let yourself be comforted by him. 
Javier leads you through the apple trees until you are out of the orchard completely. He talks quietly about the ranch but there’s a slight hesitation to dig deeper than the materials and the construction of his childhood home. You decide not to push it, knowing that it was not easy to reveal your secrets, and instead admire the many flowers that will bloom in next year’s Spring. 
Javier seems to notice you taking in all the different bushes and flowers and you’ll never admit to seeing his shoulders slump slightly just before he starts talking again, “Mom loved this garden, you know. She spent hours here, tending to every single plant until her fingertips were green and dirt-smudged. I used to follow her around, pretending to help but mostly just getting in the way.”
“Didn’t get into trouble, did you?” You tease and lean into him as you walk. 
“Loads and I would hide up there when she got angry with me,” he points to an old and slightly weathered oak tree, a rope ladder in even worse condition hanging down the trunk, “But she’d always soften if I apologized. Once she said she liked her hyacinths without their heads to make me feel better.”
“I’d swap parents in a heartbeat,” you sigh with your head on his shoulders and he moves to let you hold onto his arm instead. He goes a little quieter and you allow him to hold onto her memory by himself for a moment, looking up to see a slight crinkle on his forehead. 
“Even when you’d only have one?” He eventually murmurs into your hair and from the way he exhales, you know that he regrets saying it, “I mean… I know you would.”
“You have beautiful memories of her, I can tell,” you say as gently as possible, “If you ever want to tell me more about her, I’m here to listen, you know.”
Javier clears his throat, “Thank you.”
A moment passes but nothing more happens. This would be the perfect opportunity but the silence stretches out until you walk beside him again, holding his hand instead of basking in his half-embrace. You want to say something but you are at a loss, searching for the right words to comfort him but failing just long enough for him to change the subject. 
“We should go see how far Pop has gotten,” he suggests lightheartedly and steers you back where you came from, out of what used to be his sanctuary with his mother. 
“Yeah, sure, baby,” you reply. 
Another time then.
When the sun has gone down behind the horizon and the cicadas have come out from their hiding places, singing their hearts out, Javier takes you to his old room upstairs. The both of you have had alcohol with dinner and while Javier had offered to take a cab, his father had scolded him for even thinking about such nonsense, telling him that it was a joy to have him home so wholeheartedly. Your father-in-law had looked at you with a warm smile as he had said it. 
Now, you lie in Javier’s old bed - just a little bit too small for the both of you - with the quilted bedspread lying neatly folded in the end. It somehow feels more intimate to be in his childhood bedroom than it would be to go through his underwear drawer. 
Right above you, several posters are pinned to the ceiling and overlapping each other. The corners of the posters curl slightly and their colors have dulled since the 70s but they display the men of rock bands like Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd. Some display the band logos too, they exist on the CDs that you have found in Javier’s glove compartment but he never listens to them when he drives you around. You make a mental note to casually put one of them on during your drive home tomorrow. 
Seeing those iconic faces from the 70s stare down at you, you can’t help but glance fondly at Javier when he isn’t looking but instead standing by the open window on the opposite wall, smoking a cigarette. Suddenly, his wardrobe consisting of denim jeans, colorful shirts, and leather jackets makes sense. 
You try to imagine Don Chucho coming in here with the determination to put out the cigarette in his son’s hand, holding in a lecture that would only have made the teenager roll his eyes. Then the snark that would have come out of Javier’s mouth, his face mustache-free and full of spots, and you smile so much that you turn around onto your stomach to hide your expression in his pillow. 
It smells faintly of sweat and the cheap cologne only a teenager would have bought, so you turn to peek at your boyfriend again. He taps his fingers on the window sill, overlooking the garden that you have come to learn so much about earlier. 
You spot small pieces of who he is everywhere; a stack of sociology books, paperback horror books with titles in both English and Spanish. The most worn down and loved one is El Resplandor which you guess to be The Shining. There’s also a corkboard on the wall with ticket stubs and polaroids, a framed photograph on the desk that you haven’t had the courage or chance to look at yet, beside it a figurine of La Virgen de Guadalupe that’s been tipped over in what seems to be frustration. Your smile drops a little as you feel the weight of the unfairness he must have felt. 
From the window, Javier exhales a puff of smoke and reaches up to rub his eye with his free hand. You glance again at the photograph on the desk, curiosity getting the better of you as you rise from the bed and walk over to it. 
As expected, the picture is of Javier's mother. What you didn’t expect is seeing your boyfriend at the age of what you calculate to be younger than ten. The resemblance is striking; her features are mirrored in his even with how much he still looks like his father. 
You chew on the inside of your cheek as you pick up the religious figurine next to the picture, placing her upright once more so her head is tipped toward Javier and his mother. There’s a surge of emotion in your stomach that you try to suppress, a sense of urgency to reach through the photograph and comfort the little boy who has lost half of himself. 
You hear him stub out his cigarette on the wood paneling outside, followed by the dry sound of him trying to brush the ashes off the wood again with his calloused hands. In his late thirties and still acting as if he’ll get caught by his father. 
He turns back towards you and you act like nothing has happened, holding out your hand for him to take. He glances in the direction of his mother’s photo but decides not to say anything even as he notices the figurine standing upright once again. You flex your fingers to draw attention to your hovering hand, “Come to bed.” 
You’ve both already been in your underwear for a while since it’s late and you’re alone - the overalls hang on the back of his door, scowling at you - so he simply takes your hand and you walk backward until the edge hits the back of your legs. You let yourself fall down onto the bed and into the mattress, moving backward until there’s room for him too. 
Javier sighs the second he is lying down next to you, your shoulders touching from the missing width of the bed. He turns onto his side, propping himself up on his elbow and staring down at your face. 
“What?” You ask with a little smile.
There’s a flash of something in his eyes and the fact that he hasn’t said anything yet makes you want to squirm nervously. He reaches out with the arm he has been lying on, splaying his fingers against your cheek as his thumb rests underneath your chin, and then he crashes your mouths together in a kiss that you know is him resolving back to past methods of dealing with it all. 
However, you find yourself kissing him back at first, grabbing his wrist, and leaning into him to make out with him in a way that his younger self wouldn’t have believed was possible to experience. There’s a warm feeling in your stomach as you tangle your legs together, desire for him swirling below your belly button. 
You gasp against his lips when his free hand slips into your panties, your heart hammering in your chest as he smears some of your wetness over your clit. He rubs you off until you breathe heavily, fingertip dancing back and forth over the hard nub.
“You’re so wet,” he moans quietly and slowly increases the pressure of his fingers. He really wants you to come, it seems. You didn’t have getting laid in your boyfriend’s childhood bed down on this year’s bingo card but you can feel your orgasm approaching so damn quickly that it makes you not able to think straight. 
“Baby,” you babble, horny out of your mind from the intense emotions in the air, “I’m not gonna— in your dad’s house.”
“Yes, you fucking are,” he says in a low voice, kissing your open and panting mouth to shut you up. You might come but he won’t have you making noise loud enough to reveal what you are doing. He growls in the back of his throat, “You want my fingers? Don’t reply. Just nod or shake your head.”
You dig your nails into his wrist hard enough to create little crescent-shaped marks. You want to nod your head so badly but it feels wrong to be nothing but an outlet, a distraction from what you should be talking about. So instead, you shake your head with a moan, on the brink of bursting, “Stop, Javier. Stop.”
Javier raises his brow but immediately brings his hand to a halt, watching as you whimper from being edged. You clutch at your own chest, rolling away to not tempt him to fall back into his bad habit. 
“¿Qué pasa (What’s going on)?” He asks with a crease on his forehead. He tries to kiss you again but you put a hand on his chest to create some space between the two of you. He scowls, “What? You’re not having sex with me because we’re in my Pop’s house?” 
“That wasn’t sex,” you bite with frustration throughout your lower body, reaching down to fix the waistband of your underwear. The fabric sticks to you and your throbbing clit tells you to beg for forgiveness so it can have its release. You ignore it, “That was you avoiding the elephant in the room with intimacy and I don’t want to be a part of that.”
Javier lets himself fall onto his back, reaching up to push the heels of his hands into his eyes. He groans and lets his palms run down his face until his arms rest along his sides again. He heaves a big sigh, “Shit. Shit, sorry.”
“It’s alright,” you promise because it is. You aren’t even mad despite how you probably should be, only feeling the way your heart aches for the boy who had to grow up too fast. Without a word, you reach down to entwine your fingers and give his hand a reassuring squeeze, “I promise. It’s okay.”
“We talk about her but we don’t talk about her,” he says to the ceiling. You go quiet and choose to simply listen instead of breaking the streak of him opening up about something so vulnerable. Instead of using your words, you rub his hand in soothing circles. 
“Pop likes to mention her occasionally but it’s with a little smile on his face and a funny story,” he continues quietly, “And that’s fine. Really, it is. I like remembering the good but he says all the right things without making it hurt. It feels as though he expects me to keep all the bad in check and believe me, there was a lot of awful shit. So much that sometimes it feels like I can’t move when I am reminded of it. Hospitals with never-ending halls, that poisonous shit they shot into her veins, her losing her hair, even her goddamn eyelashes, and suddenly not—“
He stops for a moment and swallows thickly. You turn onto your side and rest your forehead against his shoulder, still clutching his hand to let him know you are not letting go. He clears his throat to sound as if his voice isn’t wavering, “Suddenly not recognizing her anymore. This terrible sight of her turning yellow during her last few weeks. I was just a kid and it was horrible and unfair. I wish he’d acknowledge how horrible and unfair it was.” 
You kiss his bare shoulder a few times. There are so many things you want to say but mostly, it is that you are so sorry for what he went through. 
“I think I learned that nothing lasts forever,” he adds without looking at you, staring down at where his fingers are entwined with yours. He is quiet for a moment and you feel your heart pick up in rhythm as you try to find something to fill the silence with, something that debunks that belief. However, just as you are about to say something, he speaks again, “But I would like this to be. I would like us to be forever.”
“Javi,” you finally say softly. 
He lifts his gaze to lock it onto yours. He looks at his most vulnerable, eyes brown and big as he waits for you to continue. You take just a moment too long and he is off again, suddenly very chatty.
“I know I haven’t asked you to marry me,” he says, “But I promise it’s coming. I just need to get it right.”
“You don’t have to talk about that right now. You know I love you and I know you love me too; I know it’s coming,” you say to reassure, pushing the idea of only letting him speak away because this topic is too big to stay silent on, “I’m not lying here with you because I want a ring on my finger, and I’m certainly not treating it like a condition for you to open up to me. I want to know you, Javier.”
“Thank you,” Javier looks grateful to hear that, saying nothing for a moment before looking at the ceiling again. He laughs softly, “You fucking terrified me, you know, the first time we sat down together.”
“I terrified you?” You furrow your brows, huffing out a laugh of disbelief.
“I pull my grief up to every table I share with a person I would like to have in my life, mi amor (my love). I was terrified the first time we were on a date,” he admits, “I kept thinking when you were going to ask about family… If I was close to my mother. I hated to imagine the way your smile and curiosity would drop but I don’t want to just focus on the way I want to remember her. You were so kind and thoughtful and damn bright-eyed - that was before I knew about your dad - and I didn’t want to share how I actually remember her because you might have not wanted to see me like that.”
“Javi,” you let go of his hand to put your palm against his cheek, turning his head towards you. You weigh your words, “I want to know everything about you. I want to know everything about her too. Especially if you’re gonna marry me.” 
“She was incredible, loved music, always honest even if it meant war, and read so many books that Pop had to build her bookcase after bookcase,” he tells you with a tremble in his voice and a tear that threatens to spill down his cheek even as he smiles in remembrance of her, “But as warm and loving as she was hard. Believe it or not, Pop used to be the softie of those two.”
“I can imagine,” you say fondly. You let your hand fall down to rest on his chest, palm laying just where his heart is. 
“I don’t think I’ve seen a woman so defiant in her ways but she grew up with a lot of expectations of how she should live her life,” he continues, “I think that hardened her a lot. I think it brought a lot of trouble too. She was so fiercely independent. She was fiercely protective of me and Dad too but sometimes even more of herself. I guess I know what it’s like to defend oneself from all the bullshit people give you.”
“Fiercely protective?” You tease, “Sounds like someone I know.”
“Yeah, I guess. Maybe I got that from her,” he admits with both pride and sadness. He puts a hand on your wrist, rubbing it with his thumb as a way to fidget, “That’s why it got so hard when she got sick because that defiance just crumbled. I was just a kid but I was old enough to see through the facade she put up every day. I was happy to eat takeout all the time - I was barely ten, so who wouldn’t be? - but I knew it was because she was too exhausted to cook. The music was too loud, the TV muted so she could sleep on the couch all the time or maybe it had the sound turned up all the way because she was throwing up in the bathroom.”
It seems he cannot stop himself now, hand tightening around your wrist and tears falling from his eyes, “She would look at Pop with a scared expression because she knew she had to leave him all alone with me. I don’t think we ever talked about that fact. I think I just realized it for myself one day.”
Your chest constricts at seeing him cry for the first time in your presence. You’ve seen him in the aftermath of it on the nights when Colombia creeps into his head as he sleeps, where he excuses himself to the bathroom and comes out a few minutes later with puffy eyes and a reddened nose. Seeing him now, upset like this, hits you harder than you thought it would and your heart aches as you listen to him talk about the loss of his life. 
It is years of bottled-up cruel pain and sorrow flowing out of him, so you follow your instincts and throw your arms around him even if his arm is still trapped between you. You hold him tightly and feel his reluctance for a millisecond before he allows himself to tremble in your embrace. 
“I’m so sorry you had to go through that,” you say softly, “You were just a little boy, and you had to watch your mom suffer. No one should have to go through that.”
Grief is a funny thing because as you close your eyes, feeling his shuddering breaths against your chest in the midst of his emotional motion sickness, you swear that it is not an adult Javier that you are hugging but rather the version of him that had to let go of his mother. 
When your muscles start to ache from squeezing him so hard, you pull back a little to stare into his tearful face, watching his eyes glisten. You wipe a tear away but it is just replaced by another. 
“I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want to mess this up,” he says and you’re not sure if it’s him or the little boy in him that speaks. 
“You won’t,” you reassure him, your voice steady like a lifeline that he can hold onto, “I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here.”
Javier sniffles with a hesitant smile. Like the instincts of a mother, you lift the hem of your shirt to wipe a few tears from his face. You lean close to kiss him afterward and then move to lie face-to-face with him, so close that your noses almost touch. Your voice is sincere, “I know she meant a lot to you and your dad, so thank you for telling me. It sounds like she was an amazing woman. I wish I could have met her.”
“She would have loved you,” Javier replies, “She had this way of seeing right through people, knowing if they were genuine or not. And you, you’re the most genuine person I’ve ever met.”
Despite the warmth outside, you feel a different kind flow through you at those words. You brush your lips against his in a tender kiss, “I need to make sure that I tell you that I love you even more when you are so open and gentle with me.” 
He looks tired now but it’s the tiredness that fills the body after relief, “I love you too.”
“I think you should get some sleep,” you say softly. 
“I’ve never talked to anyone about my mother like this before,” he adds, “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“You never have to find out,” you tell him and reach to rub a thumb between his eyebrows, “Close your eyes, baby.  I’ll stay awake until you’re asleep.”
He does as he is told and smiles until sleep takes over, his face relaxing, his mouth going slack, and his breaths slowing down. He is so beautiful like this, looking peaceful, looking like home.
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henry7931 · 2 days
Haunted By A Horny Ghost
6 months ago, I purchased my house and I got an amazing deal for it. Granted I’ve heard some of the rumors about it being haunted but I don’t really believe in that stuff. Or I didn’t until now!
I’d hear an occasional creaking of the stairs or some noise in the hallway. I always told myself that I’m just getting worked up from some made up story. And at no point did I actually see any evidence, no shadow figures, objects floating, idk things ghost do.
And I have a lot of personal stuff going on, being single and young can be tough. And I have a lot of bills to pay.
But a few weeks ago, my step dad’s nephew Brad (or my step cousin) came to me after a bad break up and needing somewhere to live— I figured a roommate for a little bit could help me save up some cash.
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Brad is your typical straight guy, loves sports, goes to sport bars at night when he’s not at his construction job.
I figured living with him couldn’t be that bad. That said, in practicality he’s a bit of a slob at home and his room is a mess. Dirty laundry laying everywhere, he brings over his buds and girls over for late night hook ups. He can be a bit of a pain at times but I have to remember that I’m getting half of my mortgage paid right now.
But one night, Brad came home late like 2 in the morning. I was still up myself. I was supposed to have a guy come over that night since I knew I had the place to myself but unfortunately he cancelled last minute.
So I was a little drunk and horny. When I heard the Brad’s Uber pull up, I peaked out the window to see if he brought anyone home. Luckily, it was just him clumsy climbing out of the car.
As I watch him approach the door, I see him struggling to get it open.
I roll my eyes, I guess I’ll help him out.
I head to the stairs, when I hear the door finally open up. I start to turn back around when out of nowhere I hear Brad screaming on the top of his lungs.
I rush down the stairs only to see something that I never thought I’d ever see…
Brad is standing by the shut door while astral smoke shaped like a person forces itself down his throat.
Unsure what to do, I stood frozen in one spot. I watched whatever was forcing itself into Brad go all the way into him.
His eyes close… and then reopen. He takes a deep breath of air.
“God it feels so good to breathe again! Wait a minute, am I drunk??”
He starts laughing to myself and I try to back up. I take my back leg and try to step backwards. But the floor are wooden and old. As I step back, he hears it and looks directly at me.
“Oh it’s you! Travis right?”
“Ahhh shit!!!”
I rush up the stairs running in a panic. All I can hear in the background is Brad’s voice saying, “Wait!!! Stop running!!”
I get to my bedroom, I lock the door and try to think of a game plan to get out.
I look around my room, think to myself— I could tie my sheets together and go out the window.
That’s when I hear a knock.
“Travis, it’s me. I don’t know what all you saw but can we talk?”
What can I do? Risk the chance of breaking my neck by going out the window or reason with the ghost now inhabiting Brad not to kill me.
“Travis! I promise I’m not going to hurt you!! Please open up!” he says banging louder.
I look around my room for something I could use as a weapon but unfortunately the only thing I can find is a clothing hanger.
“Hey im going to open up but you better not try anything funny!” I say back to him holding the hanger in hand.
“You have my word, I won’t harm you.”
With the coat hanger in one hand, I carefully unlock the door and open it.
Standing outside of the door is Brad’s body, grinning at me.
“Well hi, what are you going to do with that coat hanger?”
“Protect myself!” I blurt out.
He starts laughing at me and says, “well fyi if you hit me with it you’re just hurting this guy. Plus, he’s a lot taller than you.”
“Fuck, fine.”
I lower the coat hanger and let him come in.
He glides into the room and he seems to be enjoying himself.
I watch him and he eventually says to me, “so ask the question you want to know the answer to.”
“I know you want answers, so ask.”
“Okay… are you a ghost?”
“And is Brad still alive?”
“Also, yes— he’s in here but in like a dormant state while I drive.”
I feel somewhat realized to know that Brad’s okay.
“So why are you possessing Brad when I’ve been here longer.”
“Well who’s to say I haven’t possessed you?”
“Kidding, no Brad’s my first time taking over someone. I honestly wasn’t sure if it was due able but I did it! The real question you should be asking is what made me choose tonight to try and take over Brad.”
“Okay, why tonight?”
“Well… Travis, I’ve been watching you since you moved in. I hope that’s not too creepy. Being a ghost and stuck inside a house, leaves me with very little to do. But you and I have a lot in common. Both of us are gay, we share a lot of the same interests. Hell you and I even like the same porn. I guess what I’m saying is that, I have a bit of a crush on you. And after seeing you get stood up tonight, I felt like you deserve someone to uhh— keep you company.”
I was shocked, not only has a gay ghost been watching me for over six months but he’s now flirting with me?
“Sorry if this is a bit much but I find you to be so attractive. And now that I have a body, I was hoping you would be down to have a little fun together.”
“Uhhh I don’t know what to say, it’s a bit strange since that is Brad’s body.”
“Oh really? So you didn’t sneak into his room the other week and take his dirty socks just to jerk off while inhaling them.”
“Oh god you saw me do that?”
“Yeah and it was hot as fuck! Listen, I know Brad’s body may not be your first choice but he’s straight guy cute. And I know you’ve thought about him in ways you’d normally wouldn’t admit. But right now, I’m in control of him and you can do whatever you want with me.”
He starts pulling off all of Brad’s clothes until he’s fully naked. I can’t help but stare at Brad’s massive dick swinging between his legs.
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He gets into my bed and reaches for Brad’s cock. He gingerly play with it while watching me.
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“Travis, please join me. This cock is so eager right now, you can smell my big stinky feet. I haven’t bathed all day…”
He runs brads fingers between his taint and balls. He lifts up his hand and sniffs it.
“Fuccccckkk, you need to come get a whiff of my balls.”
I’m so hard now. I walk over to him and out for Brad’s left foot. I bring it up to my face and sniff it.
I feel myself slowly lose control of the situation and just accept all of the lust running through me.
“I knew you like these feet Trav. Here come taste this cock.”
He holds it up like a prize, I take it out of his hands and press the head of it to my lips.
It’s so warm… I lick the tip of it and rub my tongue down his shaft. When I get to his balls, I take in a breath. Just consuming the smell of them.
“That’s it, doesn’t that smell so good.”
I pull off my clothes and I notice his eyes go straight to my dick.
“You wanna touch it?” I say to him.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to touch it.”
I come closer to him and he gently touches my dick. He makes a moaning sound and I notice pre-cum leaks out of Brad’s dick.
“You have the handsomest dick I’ve ever seen,” he says to me.
“Thanks haha.”
“No I mean it. You’re so cute Travis. Between your green eyes, brown curly hair, that freckle right above your happy trail, your sexy hairy legs, and those beautiful feet. Can I see them?”
I let him take my feet into his hands and watch him press them against his face.
I let him lick my soles for a minute before he stops to say, “ you wanna take this up a notch?”
I nod my head and he pulls me in for a kiss. I can taste the whiskey Brad was drinking earlier.
We start making out and both of us are tangled up, our feet rubbing up and down on one another’s legs. Both of us have each other’s junk in our hand.
I feel around until I grab on to one of his butt cheeks.
He let’s do so much to him. Suck on his toes, sniff his pits, play with his nipples… and in return u let him do the same.
By the end, it’s morning. We’ve spent the entire night just edging each other.
By this point, he has Brad’s toes wrapped around my dick and I try to hold back but my cock has been toyed with for over 4 hours now.
I let out this loud moan and streams of cum squirt onto Brad’s feet.
He keeps stroking it with his toes until every last drop has been drained out of me.
He takes Brad’s cum soaked feet and licks every inch of them off.
He calls for me gesturing for me to finish him off.
I grab his dick and force it down my throat. I do it over and over until he immediately comes down it.
Both of us exhausted, lay back in my bed. I cuddled up to him and say, “hey thanks for tonight. By the way, what’s your actual name?”
“It’s Sebastian but you can call me Seb.”
“Well it’s nice to meet you Seb.”
I curl up to him and soon pass out.
By one the next day, I wake up and thought last night may have been a weird dream. I look over and Seb isn’t in bed with me.
I get up to go pee and walk past Brad’s room. But to my surprise he’s not in bed.
I walk to the bathroom and see Brad naked looking at himself in the mirror.
He turns around to me and says, “Yo! What the hell Trav, have you heard of knocking?”
“Oh sorry Brad!”
“HAHAHA just messing with you! It’s me Seb.”
I feel blood rushing to my dick knowing that last night wasn’t a dream after all.
I walk over to pee and peak over at Seb.
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He’s checking Brad’s body out in the mirror and starts flexing.
��I tried to leave his body this morning but I don’t really know how to…”
“Oh,” I say to him.
“Not that I’m in a rush to leave but I guess I really didn’t think this one through.”
“Well I don’t mind having you around.” I say to him.
I finish peeing and turn around to him. My eyes focus on Brad’s bubbly butt.
I grab his cheek and he lets out a yelping noise. I press my morning wood on his ass and he grins.
“Someone’s perky this morning.”
“I guess I’m just excited to have some more fun with my new ghost friend.”
“Well I have nothing better to do in the after life so I’m all yours for the day.”
I kiss him on his back and say, “whenever you’re done with the mirror come to my room.”
Seb follow me and we start an entire day of fooling around and talking.
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I spend hours with his feet with my head at the end of the bed while does the same with mine. Both of us rubbing and playing with each toe. I just love how hairy and smelly they are.
Seb tells me about his previous life, how he used to live here and died from a freak accident one day. He seems like he’s been lonely all of these years.
“It was so refreshing seeing you move in, I was so bored for so long Trav. Then walks in this handsome guy.”
“Well my life hasn’t been too exciting either, I guess you can I’ve been lonely too.”
I feel him tickle my sole.
“Sorry couldn’t resist!”
Days passed and Seb still could not figure out how to get out of Brad. Which I didn’t know if he was lying or not. I honestly didn’t want him to leave.
And by a month, Seb figured out Brad’s job and all of the things he needed to know to pretend to be him.
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3 months in and we’re officially together. Seb loves all of the new video games he’s missed over the last 20 years while I just love watching him.
And we get soooo kinky! I’ll suck him off while he plays some game.
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He even lets me tie him up. Which is sooo hot to me.
I’d like to think of that night as a fresh start for the both of us. And I couldn’t be happier with my horny ghost boyfriend!
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4unnyr0se · 22 hours
❥ moth to a flame | toru oikawa
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warnings: timeskip! argentina oikawa, fem! reader, ushijimas ex! reader, alcohol consumption, recording, fingering, making out, HEAVY flirtiny/dirty talk, hickeys, rough sex, multiple orgasms, ushijima hate, exhibitionism, degradation, oikawa is a bitch ass motherfucker
MDNI | 18+ content
word count -> 5.1k
a/n: based off of this post right here, i hope i did it justice. also sorry to all the ushijima girlies out there
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Oikawa really fucking hated Ushjima. He hated how good he was. He hated how he could easily get his ass handed to him on a silver fucking platter. Not that he would ever admit that, of course. The Great King had too much pride ever actually to acknowledge that someone was better than him at volleyball. He knew that the ace was secretly talking behind his back, telling everybody that it was such a shame that Oikawa never went to Shirtatorizawa. Fucking dick, what the hell did he know? He had a dumb face. Ushijima was only useful for hitting balls into the opposing team's court. It’s no wonder he got drafted onto the Alders, no universities would accept him. Now, did Oikawa actually have any proof that Ushijima was dumb? Well, not exactly. But he didn’t need proof, Oikawa knew that already. He fucking hated Wakatoshi Ushijima and anyone that associated with him, including the ace’s pretty little girlfriend.
You were too pretty to be Ushijima’s girlfriend, way too pretty. There was no way someone like you would ever willingly be seen with him, right? He was probably blackmailing you into going out with him and posing for Volleyball Monthly; that’s how Oikawa found out about your little relationship. “Shiratorizawa’s Power Couple” the magazine title proudly boasted, using a photo of you standing a little too close to Ushijima for Oikawa’s liking. The only reason you were even featured was because you were the captain of Shiratorizawa’s cheer squad. Probably the only fucking good thing to come out of that school was you. You were wasted on Ushijima, no matter how well he could treat you. Oikawa was furious; Ushijima had a cute girlfriend, but he didn’t. It didn’t make any sense, right? Oikawa could have any girl he wanted, yet he chose you, someone he couldn’t have. What a mind-fuck that was. 
Ushijima kept dating you after high school, much to Oikawa’s annoyance. Rumors were circulating that you would marry and give birth to the next great generation of volleyball, but Oikawa stopped caring at that point. He started playing for Argentina and decided (begrudgingly) that it was for the best that he stopped obsessing over that one Shiratorizawa cheerleader. That perfect, pretty, popular, and so fucking sexy cheerleader. Oikawa was content with his new life in Argentina, especially knowing he would never have to see you or Ushijima again. Boy, was he wrong. 
The beach was sunny that day, and it was full of people doing whatever they wanted: making out, poorly playing volleyball, making sandcastles, whatever they wanted. Oikawa considered joining in on an amateur volleyball match, but he shrugged it off. They would probably recognize him, and while he enjoyed his fame, he preferred his female fans to his male ones. He instead opted to do what he did best: lie there and look pretty. His muscles rippled in the bronzing sunlight as he observed how the waves of the ocean danced, how the children laughed, and how the seagulls terrorized innocent picnic-havers. It was the best thing ever…until he got bored and wanted a drink. Something light, something with lime and coconut. He didn’t care what as long as it had those two things. 
The bar was unusually empty, which was great. His fame got him a lot of special treatment, but cutting the line at the beach bar was certainly different from them. He gave the bartender his order and gave him the pesos, turning his back to the employee as his drink got mixed. Oikawa zoned out for the better part of it, not thinking of much until he was snapped out of his thoughts by a feminine voice. 
“Virgin margarita, please,” you spoke so sweetly like honey was falling from your lips. Oikawa snapped his head in your direction, and his eyes nearly fell out of their sockets. You, Wakatoshi Ushijima’s girlfriend, were standing a few feet away from him, in the cutest little black bikini he had ever seen. He choked on his saliva, pretending to brush it off as a cough. Fuck, did you notice him? There was no way you didn’t. Whatever, there’s no turning back now. Oikawa plastered his signature smirk onto his handsome features, staring at you through his designer sunglasses.
“Well, if it isn’t Ushijima’s illustrious girlfriend. What brings you to Argentina? Let me guess, he sent you to sign me to the Alders?” his voice was smug, annoyingly smug. 
You groaned and took off your sunglasses, nestling them atop your head. “Okay, you’re so wrong on so many levels,” you placed your hands on your hips, raising an eyebrow. “First of all, I’m not his girlfriend anymore. I broke up with Wakatoshi after he got drafted to the Alders, which probably answers your second question.” the ghost of a smirk dusted your lips. 
“Oh,” Oikawa was momentarily silenced. “But you’re still on a first-name basis?”
“And is that any of your business?”
“Wow, since when was Shiratorizawa’s princess so fucking bitchy? I thought you were Snow White or something,” he scoffed, stepping towards you with his arms crossed. 
“And you’re just as pretentious as people say you are,” you snickered. “For your information, Oikawa, I can act however I want. I broke up with his sorry ass, and I’m not telling you why. God, I can’t believe we’re at the same beach.”
Shit, he liked how you were talking to him. No one had put him down like that long ago, not since Iwaizumi. It was nice…did he like it when girls were mean to him instead of worshipping the ground he walked on?
“Hey, don’t get pissy with me, princess. It’s not my fault you just happen to go to the beach near where I live,” Oikawa scoffed. “What are you even doing in Argentina anyway? What, did university not work out for you back in Miyagi.”
You rolled your eyes. “For your information, asshole, I got into every university I applied to. I just…” you signed, rubbing your temple. “I just needed some time away from that place. Everything reminds me of Wakatoshi. It was just better for me to get away for a while.”
The bartender coughed awkwardly, holding your drinks. You both took them as the employee turned back around, visibly uncomfortable. Oikawa took a sip of the drink, nodding in approval. “So, I take it finding me on this beach wasn’t the most relaxing thing?”
“I thought you were going to be nice to me, but I guess I was wrong since you thought I was still with Wakatoshi,” you sipped your drink, the cool liquid drooling down your chin and onto your breasts. “But…I guess I can forgive you. After all, neither of us went to nationals since Karasuno got number nine and ten, right?” 
Oikawa chuckled. “Yeah, you’re right. Fucking Tobio.”
“You know he’s on the Alders as well, right?”
“What? Oh, fucking of course he is,” Oikawa scoffed, placing his drink down at the bar. He looked at your form again, drinking in each curve that your bikini did such a poor job of hiding. Did you wear that thing on purpose to find someone here to fuck? Maybe Ushijima never fucked you right. Maybe he never made you cum. Maybe that’s why you dumped his sorry ass because he was a terrible lover. Oh, wouldn’t that just be a fucking treat?
“So,” Oikawa stared at the ground. “Do you wanna head back to my apartment? It’s within walking distance. Plus, I have drinks that aren’t stupidly overpriced,” he shot the bartender a dirty look. “No offense.”
You thought for a moment, your perfectly manicured finger tapping on your bottom lip. “Sure, that could be fun. Besides,” you leaned forward, exposing your cleavage to the setter. “If Wakatoshi heard about that, he would be so fucking pissed. So why not, hm?”
Holy shit. You were perfect. “Wow,” Oikawa was speechless, which was a rare fucking treat. “And here I thought you were all sweet and innocent,” he casually snaked his arm around your waist, shamelessly feeling your supple skin. “I guess I was wrong.”
“You’re lucky we hate the same person, or else I would have broken your arm off by now,” you snicker, allowing his hand to feel up and down your waist. “Now, where’s your apartment? Let me guess,” you pointed to an expensive-looking building. “Penthouse suite on the top floor right over there?”
“How the hell did you know that?” he raised an eyebrow in suspicion. 
You scoffed, walking in tune with Oikawa. “I mean, it’s painfully obvious. That’s the only apartment complex within comfortable walking distance, and knowing your ego, you probably chose the apartment on the top floor because you think you’re entitled to it, somehow,” you smirked, staring into his milky brown eyes. “Well? How right am I?’
Oikawa frowned, pouting like a baby. “...pretty right…” he mumbled.
“What? I didn’t catch that?” you pretended to cup your ear.
“I said you’re right. Jeez, since when were you this cocky?” he grumbled, pulling you closer to his muscular form. He was ripped, more ripped than he was in the sports magazines from high school. His chest was chiseled, and his shoulders were broad as if he had been sculpted by the gods themselves. You would never admit this to him (not sober, at least), but Oikawa was hot as fuck, even though he was a major brat. 
“I’ve always been this cocky, just not in public,” you looked up at the door of the penthouse apartment complex, the doorknobs brandishing an expensive golden sheen. “Wow, these sure are different than the Miyagi apartments,” you mumbled, rubbing on your arm. Oddly enough, you felt out of place, like you didn’t fit the right tax bracket to be allowed here.
“Well, cutie, I am a professional athlete. I make more than the entire staff does combined,” he bragged, waving to the desk attendant, who had the most annoyed look on her face. Maybe she knew what a dick Oikawa was as well. 
You bit down on your bottom lip, tapping your sandalled shoe against the cool tiling of the lobby. Did he just call you a cutie? You shouldn’t take it personally. He probably did that with every other girl he found attractive. Wait, does that mean he found you attractive? Oh god, did you actually like being flirted with by Toru Oikawa? You slapped your hands over your cheeks, attempting to hide the ever-blooming red blush.
“Are you okay? You look red,” he thought for a second, his lips twisting into a smirk. “Is Shiratorizawa’s Princess blushing?” he leaned forward, smirking as the elevator doors closed. His large and calloused hands pressed against either side of your head, trapping you between the wall and his shirtless frame.
“Shut up!” you slapped him across his cheek, leaving a stinging imprint on his flawless skin. He gasped, massaging his cheek. “You’re a pervert, you know that?”
“I haven’t even said anything perverted yet! No one hits me, no one!” he wined, uncaging you from the elevator wall. “You’re feisty,” he mumbled under his breath, something you couldn’t hear.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, the elevator door dinged. You both left the elevator and walked to his apartment in silence, your hands massaging your arms as the cold air of the upper floor set in. Rich people have excellent air conditioning. 
“This is it,” Oikawa jiggled his key into the lock, pulling open the mahogany door. “Ladies first,” he winked, making you scoff as you entered the vast apartment. 
“Holy-” your words died on your lips as you took in Oikawa’s living space. How perfect and elegant it was. It was massive, boasting a designer kitchen with beautiful granite countertops and three ovens. Who the hell needs three ovens? “This place is huge! Damn, I forgot how much they pay professional athletes!” 
Oikawa chuckled at your childlike marveling, or perhaps it was envy? Either way, he could get used to you gawking over his wealth. “I know, I know. I’m fucking fantastic,” he strode over to the bar cart, mixing some peach juice and vodka. “I know this isn’t the most manly drink, but beer is so gross. Don’t you agree?” he handed you a glass, not even trying to hide the fact that he was staring at your tits.
“Oh, totally. Beer is gross,” you took a sip of the drink, smiling at the peach juice hit your tongue. “Oh damn, this is good. Where did you get this?”
“I’m not telling. You could buy out my entire supply!” Oikawa laughed, taking another sip of his beverage. “So,” he leaned against his kitchen counter, staring into your eyes with his half-lidded ones. “What will it take for me to learn why you dumped Ushijima, hm?” his voice was a purr, like a siren trying to lure you into the sea.
You rolled your eyes and sat down on the couch, admiring the tasteful throw pillows he had. “Well, if it gets you to shut up, I’ll tell you,” you patted the seat right next to your own. “You’re lucky I have vodka in me, or else I’d be really bitchy right about now.”
“Who’s saying you aren’t being bitchy?”
You shot him a glare. “Do you wanna know my breakup story or not?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he rolled his eyes and sat next to you, purposefully spreading his muscular thighs. Fuck, he was sexy as hell. “Well? Let’s hear the story, cutie.”
“Okay,” you took a deep breath, locking your eyes on your pedicured feet. “We started dating because one of his teammates said we would look good together. Tendou, I think his name was. He asked me out, but it wasn’t very romantic. He was stoic, unfeeling. I guess he’s always been like that,” you paused, licking your bottom lip. “He was a good boyfriend for the most part, I guess. He was kind, and he supported me in anything I did. It’s just…volleyball was his top priority, not me. And don’t get me wrong, I loved cheerleading. Wakatoshi prioritized sports over his relationship, so I dumped him once he was signed to the Alders.” you looked up at Oikawa, a soft smile gracing your lips. “I’m happy I dumped his sorry ass.”
“Wow,” Oikawa mumbled, setting his drink on the coffee table. “I’m sorry he treated you like that. I always knew he was a piece of shit, and now I have the proof,” he smacked his lips together, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “C’mere, I gotta ask you something else.”
“Do we have to be this close for you to ask me a question?” you raised an eyebrow, secretly enjoying the intimacy.
“Yes,” Oikawa immediately responded. “Answer me this,” his voice dropped to a deep octave, goosebumps covering your arms. “Did he ever make you cum, or did you have to fake it every time?”
Your breath hitched in your throat, a blush dusting your cheeks. “Well, technically, no, he didn’t make me cum,” you whispered, knowing damn well that Oikawa had a shit-eating grin plastered on his face.
“I fucking knew it,” he pulled you impossibly closer, pulling your lip down with his thumb. “Poor little girl, hm? You’re big, strong boyfriend never gave you an orgasm. Did he even know where the clit is?”
You shook your head. “No, I had to show it to him, and he still has never found it.”
“Oh, that’s pathetic. And adorable. To think,” his lips trailed upwards to the cartilage of your ear, nibbling on it. “That a pretty thing like yourself had a boyfriend that wouldn’t give her what she wanted…that’s just tragic, don’t you think so?”
You looked at him, your eyes ablaze. “I guess so. What, did you wanna do something about that?” your hands slid up and down his thigh, dangerously close to his hardening cock. 
“I think I will,” without any warning, he scooped you up and threw you over his shoulder, slapping you on the ass. You squeaked and were thrown onto his bed, the crisp cotton sheets welcoming your burning skin. Oikawa crawled on top of you, pinning your wrists above your head. “I have an idea, something that will piss Ushijima off. That’s what we both want, isn’t it?” he planted a daring kiss on your neck, the aroma of your tropical perfume filling his nostrils. “I know you wanna see him angry, don’t you, cutie?”
Fuck, his words landed right at your core. You squeezed your legs shut, tilting your head to the side so he could plant more of his blazing kisses on your delicate skin. “Mhm, I wanna see him get so mad he does something he’ll regret,” you purr, gasping as Oikawa sank his canines into you. A soft moan fell from your lips, only encouraging him to leave more delicious bruises. He stopped his ministrations, licking his way up to your ear. “I wanna film me fucking your brains out,” his voice was a low rumble, practically dripping with want. “I wanna send him pictures of you covered in my fucking cum with your tits covered in hickeys. That’ll show him, right?” he shamelessly palmed your breast, wanting to tear that slutty bikini off your perfect body.
“Fuck, Oikawa,” you moaned, breaking free from his grasp. “If you’re gonna do that,” you sat on the bed. “We have to be equals in this, or he’ll think you’re fucking me without consent.”
“What? So, no bondage or anything?” he pouted. “Well, I guess that’s fair,” his milky eyes darted to one of his dresser drawers. “I…I have a professional camera in there, as well as a tripod. Don’t fucking ask why I have those, okay? If we’re gonna film a little something for your ex-boyfriend,” he playfully nipped at your ear. “We’re gonna do it right.”
“Sounds like a plan,” you chuckled, swatting his hands away as he fumbled with the string of your bikini top. “Nope, you have to undress me on camera. That’ll really piss him off.”
Oikawa smirked, setting up the tripod quickly. How many times did he use that thing? “You sure know him well, don’t you, cutie?” he hit the record button, crawling above you again. The camera was positioned to have the side-view of whatever you two decided to participate in. “Don’t worry, I’ll get the money shot with my phone,” he snickered, hovering his lips above yours. “Now, cutie, do you wanna make a movie with me?”
“Fuck yes,” and his lips were upon yours, ravaging them like he had drank a love potion. They moved in sync with your own, relishing in the mango-flavored chapstick you wore. He kissed you like he owned you from the second he saw you in that slutty bikini. The way his teeth clashed against yours was animalistic in his fight to be dominant, not even asking for entry before shoving his tongue inside your mouth. Your wet muscles danced, pulling moan after moan out of your lungs before he pulled away abruptly, cheeks flushed and chest heaving. 
“Gotta fucking catch my breath,” he chuckled. “You kiss like a fucking whore.”
“I bite like one, too,” you smirked, rolling over to straddle Oikawa’s waist. He gasped in confusion before quickly being silenced, the sensation of you harshly sucking on his muscular neck making him whimper. You chuckled, grinding yourself onto his pelvis, your most intimate parts being covered by thin pieces of fabric.
“Fuck, cutie,” Oikawa’s hands squeezed your hips, rolling the fat between his taped fingers. He bucked his hips upwards, making you yelp. “Take off that fucking top now,” he growled, fisting the sheets beneath him impatiently.
You giggled and reached behind your back, undoing the bikini knot teasingly slow. Oikawa knew what you were doing. He’d seen it a million times by now. Usually, he wouldn’t mind. It was just another beach slut taking her time, trying to draw out their experience with the great Toru Oikawa. But this time was different. He didn’t want to wait. He wanted you creaming on his cock the way Ushijima never made you. Besides, there would be a second time. And a third, and a fourth.
His hand cracked against your ass. “Don’t fucking tease me, cutie,” his voice rasped, his hands hungrily grasping onto your tits. “Fucking take this off, or I’ll rip it off of you. Show me those tits, don’t get all shy on me now.”
You squeak, your clit pulsating at the contact. “Fine, whatever you want, baby,” you threw your bikini top across the room, letting your breasts be exposed to the cool air of his bedroom. Oikawa groaned, rolling over so he was on top once more. His mouth found your breast, sucking at the pillowy flesh while his hands rolled over your pert nipple, alternating between each breast. He sucked on your areloas, making sure not to be gentle. He only got more confident with each slutty moan he ripped from your lips, relishing in the incredibly high ones he received when he bit down on your nipple. Your chest was littered with tiny purple circles and covered in his saliva, the desire in your belly practically bubbling over. His cock was painfully hard, pressing against your inner thigh. You swore you could hear it throbbing, begging to fuck your cunt. 
“Oikawa!” you whimpered, grabbing his ashy brown hair and forcefully pulling him away from your chest. “I-I think you marked me enough, right? C’mon,” your hand guided his into your bikini bottom, sighing as his thumb finally found your desperate clit. “I’m so wet down here for you, Oikawa. Don’t you wanna take care of me?”
Your voice was high-pitched like the girls in porn, and Oikawa fucking loved it. You were both putting on a show in shorts. A show to piss off a man that you both despised, but it was a show nonetheless. It's a sexy, depraved show.
“You moan like a fucking slut,” he pushed your bikini to the side, exposing your dripping pussy. Without a second thought, he shoved his middle and ring finger deep inside your heat, curling them slightly. You cried out, arching your back further into the mattress as his other hand still had a firm hold on your breast.
“Oh, you like that, cutie? You like getting finger-fucked by your ex-boyfriend's enemy?” he growled, fucking his fingers in and out of your weeping pussy at a relentless pace. “I wonder what they would say if they saw you like this, a slutty little mess under me. You’re such a whore for my fingers, aren’t you?” his thumb dragged over your clit, his fingers and his arm being so precise in their ministrations. Your pussy squeezed around his digits, feeling your first orgasm in such a long-time approach.
“P-please, Oikawa! Fucking make me cum!” you sobbed, your hands clenching onto the white sheets. You saw stars as your orgasm crashed over you, rolling your head to the side to stare directly into the camera. With your blown-out eyes and bruised lips, you looked fucking ethereal.
“Good fucking girl,” Oikawa popped his fingers in his mouth, tasting your slick. You tasted incredible, unlike anything he had ever tasted before. “Open up,” he ran his finger over your soaked core, gathering up more of your essence to forcefully shove inside your mouth. “Suck,” he commanded, and you did. Your tongue ran over his fingers while you made direct eye contact with him, making the setter impossibly hard. “Little slut.”
“M’not a slut,” you whined, spreading your legs further apart. You were contradicting yourself. You were on display for him as if his apartment was some kind of brothel. The look in his eyes when he saw your gorgeous body, your thighs still trembling in the aftershocks of your release. Fuck, it really looked like he ripped you straight out of a porno. 
“Then how come you’re spread out like one for me, hm? That pussy’s dripping all over my bed, dirty girl.” he slid off his swimming trunks, his cock slapping against his rock-hard abs. He boasted a proud, sensitive pink tip that was leaking with precum. He pumped his cock a few times before aligning it with your entrance, slapping the head against your clit. “Now, are you gonna beg for me to fuck you better than that pathetic ex-boyfriend of yours ever could?” he looked directly into the camera, mesmerized by the flashing red light. “Better than Ushijima, I’m better than Ushijima.”
“T-Toru!” you whined, pulling him down by his shoulders into a passionate kiss. You stared into the camera as well, giving it a wink. Using Oikawa’s first name would surely make your ex furious. It just had to. “Fuck me! Fuck me better than Wakatoshi ever could!” you sobbed, wrapping your legs around his waist so he had no hope of escaping. Your eyes were wet with fake tears, begging him to ruin you.
“Shit,” he groaned, pushing the head of his cock past your entrance. “That’s what I like to fucking hear.” he slammed his lips down on yours once again, bullying the rest of his throbbing length deep inside your heat. “So fucking tight.” Oikawa hissed at the sight of your greedy pussy sucking him in, his teeth nipping at your lips.
“S’fucking big, Toru! Fuck!” you cried, your nails leaving angry red crescent marks on his back. Oikawa revealed in the pleasure, continuing to make out with you as he fucked you harder, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix occasionally.
“You’ve ever been fucked this hard before, hm?” he bit down on your shoulder, leaving an imprint of his teeth. “No one’s ever fucked this pussy as good before, huh? Fucking answer me, cutie,” his hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing softly. 
You gasped, struggling to take his massive cock and breath at the same time. “No one’s, fuck, no one’s ever fucked me like this before, Toru!” you sobbed, sighing in relief as he let go of your neck.
“So fucking obedient. And you let her dump you, Usjijima? Fucking pathetic,” he rolled his hips against yours, hitting even deeper inside your pussy. His balls slapped against the cleft of your ass, the apartment echoing with lustful moans and squeals. He grabbed your jaw and pulled you in for another kiss, his tongue exploring your mouth as his cock ravaged your core. 
“Toru, I’m gonna fucking cum!” you sob into his mouth, your nails now leaving furious red scratches down his back. He whined into your mouth, his hips never faltering as they continued their unrelenting and unforgiving speed. Sweat dripped from his brow and into your hair, moan after beautiful moan being ripped from your lips as he fucked you like he owned you, like you were his. It was more than just a revenge fuck, so much more.
“Fucking cum on my cock, cutie. Be a good fucking slut and make a mess on this cock,” he growled into your mouth, pulling on your hair to force your neck to the side. He planted open-mouth kisses as you were pushed over the edge, crying out his name as your release coated his pulsating shaft. 
Fuck, he wasn’t going to last, not at the rate that your pussy was milking him. He eagerly reached for his phone on the mattress, and just as he felt his orgasm approach, he pulled out of your addictive cunt. The camera app was opened, and the record button was pressed, videoing Oikawa desperately fisting his cock before letting out a guttural, almost animalistic roar. His thick, white-hot ropes of cum painted your stomach and fucked out face, some even landing on your lips. Oikawa stopped recording and took several pictures, each with a different angle of your cum-covered curves.
“Gorgeous,” the setter muttered, tossing his phone back onto the now-ruined sheets. He got off the bed and grabbed the camera, winking at the lens as he hit the power button. The light stopped blinking, and Oikawa was satisfied. “Well, you just made your first porno. How do you feel about that, cutie?” 
You shrugged your shoulders. “It’s more of a revenge porno than anything, but I liked it,” you averted your gaze. “You’re a good fuck.”
He placed a hand on his hip. “Well, obviously,” Oikawa rolled his eyes, grabbed a box of tissues, and handed them to you. “Clean yourself off. I’ll run you a bath in a minute.”
You needed clarification. “You’re doing aftercare?”
“Why the hell would I not?” he sounded offended. 
“Because you seem like an inconsiderate piece of shit,” your words were so casual, yet so mean. Why did Oikawa crave more?
“I made you cum, didn’t I?” he snatched the box of tissues out of your hand. “Twice, I made you cum twice. That’s more than fucking Ushijima ever could.”
“Woah, don’t get your panties in a twist. It was just an assumption, damn.” you rolled your eyes, stepping off of the bed. “Now, I’m gonna need to borrow a shirt before I get the hell out of here. You kind of ruined my bikini top.”
Oikawa shook his head, placing the camera inside his drawer beside him. “You aren’t going anywhere, not until I’ve gotten as many orgasms as I want out of that slutty little pussy of yours.”
You chuckled darkly and pounced on him, straddling his waist once again. “Only if I get to be on top this time, okay?” you licked his neck. “I wanna see how the Great King reacts to Shiratorizawa’s Princess riding his cock.”
Oikawa grinned and pulled you down for another kiss, his cock already hard. You were in for a long fucking night.
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Ushijima woke up to an onslaught of ringing sounds coming from his phone. Groaning, he turned to the side to see who had the balls to be emailing him at 2:56 in the morning. 
His eyes widened as he saw two video attachments, as well as several image attachments, of Oikawa’s cock plunging in and out of his ex-girlfriend's pussy. Her cries and moans quickly filled up his bedroom as Oikawa’s mischievous brown eyes locked with Ushijima’s green ones from behind the screen. He sat up, scrolling through the rest of the attachments. Each image was enough to send him into a rage, but the last one was what got to him. Your head resting on Oikawa’s chest, various hickeys covering your tits and neck as you slept soundly. On the other hand, Oikawa was smirking as he held up the number five with his fingers. Ushijima’s hands cracked his phone, shattering the protective glass.
Toru Oikawa was a smug-ass motherfucker.
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gojotojis · 8 hours
XO pt.1
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“In the darkest night hour
I search through the crowd
Your face is all that I see,”
synopsis: a fellow classmate offers to pay you to teach him how to have sex only things get far more complicated than you could’ve anticipated
pairing: virgin choso x fem! reader
content MDNI 18+: onlyfans, angst, fluff, fingering, light choking, sex 101, sexual conversations, virgin choso, oral (m receiving), dacryphillia, overstimulation, college au
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Most people have always considered you a smart girl, but even smart girls make stupid choices.
You’ve always been confident in your sexuality, so confident you didn’t see the harm in profiting off of it. You had made your twitter and onlyfans a few months ago and though it’s not famous, it has built some traction. You never show your face, too afraid of the consequences that would inevitably follow but you’re desperate for money. So desperate that when your fellow classmate Choso Kamo approached you with the most absurd question, you ultimately decided yes.
“Will you teach me how to have sex?”
The question rings in your ear, you blink at him and laugh. You instantly regret it by the embarrassed expression that takes over his features.
“Why would you ask me that?” You question as he follows you out of your lecture hall. You’re familiar with choso in the sense that you two have a few classes together.
“I heard about what you do, I’m willing to pay” he says and you stop in your tracks, head turning sharply to stare menacingly at him.
“What I do? What is it that you think I do?” you ask, your voice extremely defensive.
“I saw your twitter, I recognized the butterfly tattoo on your back”he says scratching the back of his neck and you feel dread. You must of forgotten to photoshop it out.
“So are you going to blackmail me?”you ask, voice cracking.
“What? No! I just figured you could help me. I haven’t told anyone about it and I won’t ever” he assures as you start to walk and he falls in step beside you.
“To teach you how to have sex?”you ask making his cheeks turn red. His hair covers his face like a curtain and you feel amused, he looks like he could beat the shit out of someone for just looking at him funny but here he is implying he’s a virgin. You eye the sleeve tattoo that paints the skin of his right arm to the metal rings on his fingers. He’s extremely sexy, you can’t lie but who the fuck asks someone that.
“Yeah…”he says and you can’t help but laugh again.
“I’m sorry, I’m just having an extremely hard time believing you’re a virgin” you admit and he frowns, it’s odd that this man two times your size can make something look utterly adorable but he does.
“Why do you want that anyways?” you ask skeptical as you make your way toward the library.
“There’s this girl I’ve been talking to, we aren’t dating but it’s obvious she wants to do stuff but I don’t want to fuck it up”he confesses making your brows raise as he follows you between the bookshelves into the fantasy section.
“So your idea of impressing the girl you like is by having sex with another girl?”you ask skeptical and slightly appalled.
“It’s complicated, she’s talking to other people but I really like her and I know she likes me”he says as your fingers graze over the spines of the books.
“I don’t know, I’ve never been put in this situation before and I hardly know you. I’m not the kind of girl that just goes sleeping with strangers” you say turning to face him.
“I’ll pay you, you’d be helping me and once it’s done you’ll never hear from me again,” he offers.
“How much of my content did you see?” you ask feeling self conscious for some reason. On twitter you simply post pictures in lingerie, onlyfans is another story though.
“Just your twitter, it was in my suggested” he admits, embarrassed. You’re doing slightly well for yourself now that you started onlyfans but extra money wouldn’t kill you.
“If I say yes, then there has to be rules and I get $350 per lesson” you say and he simply shakes his head which surprises you. He must really like this girl.
“One, no means no which goes both ways. Don’t push me to do something I’m not comfortable with and I won’t either. Two, absolutely no one can ever know about this. Three, I get paid directly after each lesson. And finally four, we can only do this on Fridays” you say.
“Okay that’s fine, there’s no rush” he says and pulls out his phone, he hands it to you to see a new contact waiting so you type in your name and number, hoping you don’t regret this.
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The first Friday rolls around and you’re embarrassed to admit you’re nervous. You’re not by any means a virgin but this just feels wrong and strange. The feelings grows worse when Choso shows up at your apartment.
It’s extremely awkward when you let him in, both of you looking anywhere but eachother.
“You a horror fan?”he asks looking at the horror movie posters that line the walls of your living room to the shelf filled with horror movies.
“Yeah,” you say as he walks infront of your Suspiria poster.
“What’s your favorite horror movie?”he asks and you have to think because there’s simply too many.
“Currently Evil Dead Rise, made my skin crawl in the best way” you admit.
“It was pretty good, mines Saw” he says which isn’t too surprising.
There’s a meow and something crawls itself between his legs, tail wrapping around his ankle. He looks down and starts to pick her up.
“Oh she doesn’t like to be picked u-“ you say watching him lift your cat and she purs, nuzzling her face into his neck. He laughs at her affection and your eyes widen.
“She hates for anyone that’s not me to touch her” you explain.
“Animals love me, what’s her name?”he asks.
“Clover” you say watching the brown Persian cat make heart eyes at him.
“Cute” he says as you clasp your hands together, knots growing in your stomach from nerves.
“So, should we start?”you ask and he nods setting Clover down and following you to your bedroom.
Your rooms more muted than the rest of the apartment, you’re still decorating after only moving in a month ago.
He takes a seat on the edge of the bed and you cross your arms, staring at him.
“So have you kissed anyone?” you ask and he’s silent making your stomach churn. You feel like a super villain about to steal his innocence. He’s too hot to have never kissed someone.
“It just never happened, I just kept to myself in highschool and girls terrified me,” he confesses making your eyes soften.
“It’s okay, I just want to make sure you really want to go through with this. There’s nothing wrong with being a virgin, and if a girl truly likes you then she won’t have a problem with that. If we continue I’ll basically be your first everything, to a lot of people that’s serious”you inform and he looks up at you with a shrug.
“It’s fine, it’s just sex”he says, you don’t agree but it’s his choice.
“Okay so let’s just work on kissing for now” you say sitting beside him. His smell is intoxicating like mahogany teakwood with hints of vanilla. You’re trying to keep your composure because it’s just a kiss but you can’t help the nerves you feel. You shove them down and close your eyes.
You wait for what feels like minutes before they open and he’s just staring at you, you can’t help the laughter that bursts out of you.
“Choso, this is where you kiss me”you explain, watching his calm demeanor crumble into one of fright. It’s strange to be doing this with someone you don’t have feelings for, Choso attractive but you’ve at least had some sort of talking stage and feelings before doing this.
“Want me to kiss you?”you ask and he nods making you sit up on your knees to face him. You’re so much smaller than him, it makes him nervous.
Your hands grip his cheeks gently and close your eyes, pressing your lips to his. You hold it for a few seconds before pulling away. His lips are incredibly soft and plump, not like a lot of the guys you’ve kissed before.
“Kisses like that are more about affection to me, making out is more skilled more sensual” you explain to him.
“Can we makeout?”He asks and you smile, his softness and innocence mixed with his scary appearance only makes him so much more cuter.
“I was so bad about making out my first time, but just do what feels natural. I’m gonna let you initiate it” you say watching his hands shake slightly as they mimic your earlier actions and cup your cheeks in his hands.
His hands are freezing as you close your eyes giving him a few seconds to work up the courage to kiss you. You smile feeling his lips meet yours, it’s hesitant but soft.
He tenses when your tongue licks his lips and pokes at his mouth. He hesitantly opens his mouth and your tongue glides against his. He tastes like strawberries and it’s addicting but what surprises you is the tongue piercing.
His hands leave your face to squeeze your hips tightly, it makes you squeak but you pull yourself closer to him, hands moving to grip the back of his head, fingers tingling with his hair. He’s a fast learner because he’s dominating you, his mouth moving against yours like he wants to possess you. The piercing seems to only heighten the feeling.
You slowly crawl into his lap without breaking the kiss, he’s too into it to notice.
Reluctantly you pull away, needing air. A string of salvia connects your swollen lips as you take deep inhales before wiping it away.
He’s hard underneath you which he seems to notice because he’s starts to panic.
“Fuck I’m sorry” he says breathlessly and you shake your head.
“It’s okay, I get turned on from kissing too. You did really good though better than me my first time” you say making him blush.
“I liked it” he says and you laugh.
“I could tell, I was scared you were gonna be those people that kiss with their eyes open” you confess and now he laughs.
“Honestly I was but yours were closed so I followed you” he admits making you laugh.
“Yeah don’t do that or you’ll scare her,”you say making him nod.
“Want to try again or something else?” You ask. He’s incredibly shy, too afraid to answer.
“Choso, this is about you. Just tell me what you want,” you say gently.
“I don’t know it just feels rude if I ask, I don’t want to disrespect you” he says feeling guilty making your brows raise.
“Okay, then I’ll ask” you say moving your hand between you two to the bulge in his pants. He inhales and stiffens, looking down at your hand.
“Do you want me to touch you here?” you ask and he nods.
“With my hands?” You ask.
“Then with what?”you question.
“Your mouth” he answers and you climb off of him.
“You sure?” you ask and he nods making you drop to your knees. Your hearts pounding, even though you knew this would come, it still didn’t feel real till now.
He watches your every every move as you unbuckle his belt, black nails dragging his zipper down.
“Can you stand? It’ll be better that way”you say and he nods.
“If I tap your thigh that means it’s too much okay?”you ask.
“Okay” he says looking down at you, the look sending heat between your thighs. Fingers grip the waist band of his pants and slowly drag them down revealing muscular thighs, there’s no way he doesn’t workout.
He steps outside of his pants once they hit the ground and he stares awkwardly at the ceiling making you giggle. No bodies ever made you laugh this much without the use of words, he’s amusing to say the least.
He looks down at you frowning and you shake your head. “I’m sorry, you’re just incredibly funny without even trying” you say.
“I think you just find everything funny” he says fingers tapping nervously at his thighs.
“Trust me, it’s very hard to make me laugh” you say placing your hand over his to stop his nervous tapping.
“We don’t have to do this, there’s always next week or never. I honestly thought you’d maybe give up after the kiss” you say and he shakes his head.
“No, I’m serious about this. I just can’t help but be nervous” he confesses and you smile up at him.
“Just relax, if you want to stop just say the words. It’s just us and I’m not going to judge you” you assure letting go of his hand and he nods.
His eyes find yours when your fingers grip the waist band of his boxers, in all honesty you both are nervous now. You slowly pull them down and he tenses, he stared straight ahead at your tv too scared to see your reaction.
You’re grateful because your eyes widen at the sight of him, you’ve seen plenty of dicks and the word pretty has never come to mind till now. He’s thick and long, with a few veins and beads up precum pooling at the tip. He shutters when you gently wrap your hand around what you’re able to, your fist too small to completely grip him. He’s painfully hard and hot to the touch.
“Look at me, eye contact is everything” you tell him making him look down at you.
Your tongue laps at the precum and he hisses, hands curling into fists at his sides.
“You can touch me, grip my hair if you need to” you tell him, feeling him hesitantly thread his fingers through your hair. You give him little kitten licks, testing the waters and he’s so responsive to it. He’s biting his lip as he looks down at you, dark purples eyes narrowed in on you.
“Fuck” he breathes when your mouth wraps around him, your cheeks hollow as you slowly suck on him with your mouth stretching to accommodate him.
Your nails press into his thighs as you pull away to spit on him a few times. Taking him back in your mouth, you start bobbing your head, mouth watering with him inside.
His fingers tighten around your scalp as you take in more of him till his tip brushes the back of your throat. You look at him with watery eyes and he panics, pulling out.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you” he says and you shake your head.
“You didn’t, it’s a natural response. I would’ve tapped your thigh if it’s too much, remember ?”you ask and he nods. You’ve never met a guy that’s cared this much for your well being during acts of sex, it’s strange but comforting.
“Yeah, sorry. Can we try again?”He asks and you nod smiling as you take him in your hands. You kiss the tip a few times before taking him back into your mouth, feeling him gather your hair into a ponytail.
He hits the back of your throat, springing more tears from your eyes. His free hand reaches out to brush them away as you start gagging on him.
Your tongue moves to lick the underside of his cock which he must love because his hips slowly start to move forward. He releases your hair to grip the back of your head and starts fucking your throat.
His heads thrown back, losing himself in the feeling of the warmth of your mouth. Saliva drips down your chin as he hits the back of your throat with each thrust.
“Fuck” he moans and your nipples harden, he twitches a few times inside of you which you expected.
“I’m gonna cum” he says looking down at you and you nod around him, grabbing his large tattooed hand to wrap it around your throat. He can feel the bulge his dick is making inside of you and it unlocks something primal because he starts fucking your mouth with abandon. His desire overpowers his concern for you as tears roll down your cheeks while you greedily taking in air through your nose.
He’s rough, chasing his own release as your nails press deeper into his skin.
His hand presses down on your throat, obsessed with feeling himself move inside of you. He doesn’t feel concern for your tears anymore, he feels turned on. Your big watery eyes staring up at him with his cock in your mouth and his hand pressed on your throat, makes him see white and he twitches against your throat.
Several grunts leave him before he throw his head back and shoots thick ropes of cum down your throat, you simply swallow every drop as he continues unloading inside of you. When he finally stops, you pull away gasping with drool on your mouth and chin.
You wipe it away as he sobers up, fingers reaching to wipe your tears before he helps you up onto your feet. He bends down to put his clothes back on
“Did you like it?”you ask, voice scratchy from the beating your throat just took.
“A lot, is it always like that?”he asks making you bite back a laugh.
“Depends on the person I guess but you took control that second time really so that was all you. You did really good, I think we should stop here though for today,” you say.
“Yeah, thank you” he says making your cheeks tinge red, nobodies ever thanked you for giving them head but then again you’re quite literally doing him a favor.
“Don’t mention it, like literally don’t mention it” you say earning a laugh from him as he pulls out his wallet, handing you the money you were promised. This feels wrong as you take it, but you do and thank him as you guide him out of your room.
Clover jumps down from her cat tower and walks between his legs, rubbing her cheek against his pant leg.
“I think you’re her boyfriend now” you say as he bends down to pick her up.
“I don’t mind” he says scratching under her chin which turns her into a purring mess.
“She’s gonna fall in love with you if you don’t stop” you say watching her nuzzle him.
“I think she already has”.
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Much to your surprise Choso didn’t say anything to you when you saw him in class the next day. He simply took his usual seat behind you and followed along with the class.
In all fairness, you’ve never spoken to eachother aside from the times he’s asked you for a pencil or paper but it just feels odd not speaking to someone after something so intimate. Sure the guys you’ve hooked up with were assholes but at least they could muster up an emoji at the very least afterwards.
You internally cringe at the thought as you walk toward your friends, seated at your usual lunch table.
“Pookie!”your bestfriend beams as you take the seat beside her. She wraps her arms around you as you greet the rest of the girls.
“So guess who’s throwing a party tomorrow,” Yuki says making you pretend to be in deep thought, fingers tapping at your chin.
“Mahito!” You say with mock excitement. That guy throws a party literally every week, and you haven’t been to a single one. You don’t like him ever since you caught trying to take a picture up your skirt as you walked up the stairs.
“Yes, and I’ll die if you don’t come” she says dramatically.
“I can’t, I have plans,” you say. Your next lesson with Choso is tomorrow which seems far more interesting than a Mahito party.
“Like what?”she asks skeptical.
“I picked up an extra shift, I need the money” you lie and she shuts up, letting you eat your food while Utahime complains about Satoru Gojo.
When Friday approaches and lesson two is on its way, Choso is at your door with a bag of cat treats in his hand. It’s strange seeing him but not speaking to him for the entirety of the week, even though thats been your normal. You smile, taking the treats from him and offering him something to drink but he’s already lifting Clover up.
You take a seat on the couch and watch them, she’s tiny but looks even tinier in his arms.
“She’s making me want a cat” he says and you smile, you honestly want a second one but you’re nervous about how Clover would react.
“They’re the cutest, though she’s incredibly clingy,” you admit.
“I wouldn’t mind having someone obsessed with me”he says kissing the top of her head before putting her down and she jumps onto her cat tower.
“So I was thinking I could answer any questions you might have before we start,” you say and he sits down beside you.
“Okay, but I honestly can’t think of anything”he says and you chuckle.
“It’s okay, I have a few tips and advice. Now some people like when you let them cum first, but I’ve heard others like if you cum early. I guess to them it’s like you really like them you can’t hold it. No one’s ever made me cum so I don’t really have an opinion it,”you admit.
“You’ve never?”he asks.
“Nope, I mean I can make myself but nobody has ever been able to. I’d like to think I just haven’t found the right one because it’d be sad if no guy knows how to” you say feeling slightly embarrassed.
“If you don’t want to cum so fast, probably masturbate before hand. Always use protection, I’d assume you know that. And the clit is the key to everything, that feeling inside is great but add the clit into play and it’s incredible. Oh and aftercare, it’s nice when a guy helps clean the mess that was made. Some people have different prefences when it comes to aftercare but it’s about emotional intimacy, showing care and affection after the fact like cuddling for example” you explain, hoping you’re not overwhelming him.
“What are your prefences?” He asks making you think about it, you’ve never experienced it to be honest but you can at least tell him what you wish you had.
“Cuddling probably and eating together, I get really hungry after sex or just masturbating” you admit.
“Can I ask you something?”you ask making him nod.
“Have you ever touched yourself like to the point where you came?” You ask not sure what he’ll say. You’re just trying to gauge what you’re working with.
“Yeah and I’ve watched porn but I don’t know, it lacks intimacy and feels so fake that I’m bored watching it”he admits.
“I couldn’t agree more, when I was younger it was cool but now I hate it. I want something with love and affection” you say feeling hypocritical because neither of those components factor in to what you’re doing.
“Same, so what’s on the agenda for today?”he asks, cheeks turning pink.
“You’re gonna finger me” you say bluntly, standing up and grabbing his hand to pull him up. He doesn’t say anything as you guide him into your bedroom and shut the door.
Your hands reach up to pull him down to you as you stand on your tippy toes and kiss him, the peck turns into more and your proudly feel his mouth dominate yours. His hands grip your waist, pulling you into him as your tongues touch.
You pull away to lift your shirt off. Grabbing his hands, you place them over your breasts and tense at the cold touch as your nipples harden underneath him.
He wants to say something but he bites it down, letting his thumbs brush your soft skin. His thumb flicks a nipple and you moan. He watches you take his hand and drag it down your belly until it’s dipping in to your shorts. His pupils dilate when his fingers meet your wet cunt before you grip his wrist and pull him away so you can take off your shorts. He’s staring at his drenched fingers and you take them, slowly forcing them into his mouth.
He’s too distracted by the taste of you to notice you climbing onto the bed till you’re sitting up on your elbows with your legs closed.
“Touch me”you say as he turns to face you. You’re completely naked infront of him, something flashes in his eyes and quickly disappears. A little scream leaves you when he grips your ankles and drags you toward the edge of the bed before he kneels down between your now spread legs.
You sit back up watching him stare at your pussy and it makes you feel incredibly self conscious with how intense his gaze is.
He finally looks up at you and kneels to the floor.
His fingers slowly touch you, it’s more out of curiosity than anything. You can feel your arousal coating his fingers as he presses them into your clit and your belly tightens.
“That’s the clit, key to everything” you whisper as his little strokes against it have you moaning. There’s something about his touch that intensifies everything and you can’t understand why.
It feels really good, too good and you’ve barely started. You have the urge to fall back but you want to see when his fingers push into you.
You can feel them spread you, he puts two at your hole and you tense.
“Start with one,” you tell him and he retracts a finger. His dark purple eyes find yours as you watch his inked finger slowly sink into you.
His finger moves around, feeling the softness of your inner walls before he pulls it out and pushes it back in. He watches the way you bite your lip as he creates a steady pace, it’s agonizing.
“More”you whine and he obliges, inserting another finger and you gasp, arching your back. Your responses fuel him because his fingers start plunging in and out faster, the squelching of your pussy fills the room.
He surprises you when his free hand splays across your tit, grip it roughly. He squeeze the flesh as your hips grind against his fingers, feeling your juices trickle down the crack of your ass.
“You’re doing so good” you cry out and he snaps.
His fingers move brutally as he climbs on top of you, your eyes widen when his lips find yours and he swallows your cries.
He’s a fast learner, and you fear he’s going to be the first person to even make you cum. You’re certain of it when his thumb grazes your clit, his fingers buried inside you mixed with that feeling has your stomach coiling.
“Ahhh” you cry feeling yourself clench around him, droplets of squirt shoot out of you as he pushes you toward a release. Your arms wrap around him, clinging to him when the feeling becomes absolutely too much and you feel yourself cumming on his fingers, spraying your thighs and the duvet.
Your mouths wide, jaw slack as you twitch against him still feeling him fuck you through it. There’s no way he’s real, absolutely no way.
“Choso!” You cry at the assault of his thumb on your clit pushing you toward another orgasm as your stomach clenches painfully and your thighs press into his hips.
You’re too overstimulated to say anything when his lips brush your forehead and you cum again. You cry as he pulls his fingers out, the feeling to much on your sensitive cunt.
You fall back onto the mattress, too exhausted to see what he’s doing until you feel him cleaning between your legs with a rag he must’ve gotten from your bathroom. It makes you want to smile but you remind yourself that this is meaningless and transactional.
You hate when you feel him slowly start to dress you, sliding your shorts back on with gentle ease and pulling you up to help you put your shirt back on. It’s the bare minimum but no one’s ever even done that for you.
You’re like a ragdoll in his hold as he lays you back down, your chest still rising rapidly from your activities.
“You hungry?” He asks making you look at him and you nod which somehow ends up with the two of you now seated at the diner beside your apartment.
This is probably a bad idea for so many reasons but you are hungry, not just from the orgasm but you quite literally haven’t eaten today.
You’re tired but your hunger exceeds it, grateful you changed into sweats for some comfortability. The waitress scribbles your steak melt that you ordered and your cheese fries with a sprite before she takes down Choso’s order of chili cheese fries and a barbecue n bacon burger with a strawberry shake.
Once the waitress leaves the silence is incredibly loud a you pretend to be in awe of the salt and pepper shakers.
“Do you have siblings?”he asks making you raise your brows, you were afraid of this but you answer anyways.
“Nope, only child. You?”.
“Three, I’m the oldest” he admits.
“Yeah, I always wanted siblings but my parents kind of had me as a means to keep their marriage together which still ended up failing” you say, a subject you’ve never told anyone which makes him frown.
“I’m sorry” he says and you shake your head.
“It’s not the worst, at one point they became so competitive to prove who was a better parent that they spoiled me beyond belief. It was nice to for once have their attention even if their intentions were selfish” you supply.
“So you were neglected as a child?”he asks, those purple eyes staring into your soul.
“Pretty much. I had a nanny but she was usually sleeping and I just played alone. I moved out a little over a month ago, they haven’t contacted me which isn’t surprising but still disappointing. I don’t think they’ve ever loved me but at least for a while I deluded myself into believing they did” you admit, not realizing your eyes have started to water.
“Nobody deserves that, you’re the last person to deserve that” he says as the waitress appears with your drinks and you thank her.
“Can I ask you something?”you question, eager to change the subject as he sips from his milkshake and he nods.
“Have you ever been in love?”you ask, you’re curious. It’s an emotion you’ve never felt for another person and something about him seems like the epitome of love and affection.
“I don’t know. There was this girl I use to have a crush on, something about her just felt magnetic. Everytime she spoke it was with passion and this twinkle in her eyes. And when she laughed, it made me smile. I remember my first day of school, she let me use her textbook because I hadn’t gotten mine yet, she took and F so I could do the assignment” he says, his lips tugging upward at the thought of her.
“Is this the girl you’re talking to?”you ask and he shakes his head.
“No, I realized that girl was out of my league but the point is, if I could’ve been in love with anyone it would’ve been her, I’d want it to be her”he says as your food arrives.
He doesn’t comment when you take your straw and put it in his milkshake, before taking a sip. Maybe this is why he tastes like strawberries.
“How long have you had Clover?”He asks inbetween bites as you stuff a fry in your mouth.
“Three years, I really needed something to make me happy and when I saw her at the shelter I practically slapped my debit card at them. It’s sad but I think the only affection I’ve received has been from her” you admit, taking a bite of your melt.
“Well actually my bestfriend too, we met last year and it was an instant connection. It’s still strange getting use to her affection and her desire to talk to me, it’s hard not feeling like a burden at times” you say hating how much you’re over sharing but he listens.
“I don’t think you’re a burden, you’re the nicest girl I’ve ever met and presence is comforting” he says making your heart clench.
He’s easily the nicest guy you’ve ever met but you don’t tell him that because there’s no point, he likes someone else and in a sense he’s using you to please her.
“Your mom must be a really amazing woman” you say making his brows furrow with a laugh that spreads warmth throughout your chest.
“She is but what makes you say that?”.
“You’re just so nice, definitely written by a woman. You’re strange too, like I promise I’m not judging you it’s just fascinating that you’re this big tall macular guys with tattoos and a tongue piercing that looks like he could snap me like a pencil but you’re actually so soft” you say and his face scrunches up cutely like you’ve insulted him.
“I’m just as rough” he says as you eat another fry.
“Oh trust me I know” you say making him blush so hard that it reaches the tips of his ears.
“Shut up and eat your foot,” he says pressing his hand against your face making you laugh.
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Ever since the diner, you feel lighter around Choso like there’s a sense if understanding between eachother. You both still keep your boundaries but he greets you when you come to class now, even walks with you to your next class where you exchange idle chit chat mostly about Clover or him telling you stories about his family. You’ve gathered he absolutely adores his family, especially his brothers. It’s refreshing since you’ve never really had that.
“He’s so cute”you gush as he shows you a photo of his little brother Yuji as a baby. Your insides melt, you absolutely adore babies.
Choso smiles proudly as he show you more pictures of him and his family as he walks you to your next class.
“I hope my kids are that cute” you cry at another picture of baby Yuji and he laughs. No baby should look that adorable crying as they tug at tufts of their own pink hair. Your eyes water at the sight of baby Choso, heart melting at the little onyx pigtails.
“Babies really make you cry” he notes and you nod.
“Just so fucking cute” you sigh feeling baby fever. You’d love to be a mom eventually but given your lack of one and childhood neglect, you think you’d make a shitty mom.
You two stop at the front of your class and you wave goodbye to him, watching him walk off before you go inside.
Yuki’s waiting for you in the seat beside yours with a wide grin as Shoko rolls her eyes.
“What’s going on?” You ask skeptically, taking your seat.
“Yuki’s talking to three guys and needs your help telling her which one she should have sex with” Utahime says making your eyes widen.
“She says you’ll know the answer” Shoko says making all three turn to you.
“Well I need info” you say watching as Yuki quickly sends a text before looking back at you.
“Okay guy #1 kind of an ass but I’ve seen his dick and it’s really nice. Guy #2 is super sweet, shy but incredibly sexy and Guy #3 is hot but he uses way too many emojis every single text” she says with a frown and you laugh.
“The answer is incredibly obvious, guy #2. I’ve learned shy guys are kind of the freakiest,” you say your cheeks turning red as you think of Choso.
Your next lesson is in two days and you’re eager as bad as that may sound. You’ve never found oral enjoyable on you but considering he’s managed to make you cum when no man has, makes you feel like he might change that.
“Are you talking to someone?” Utahime asks and you’re quick to shake your head. It’s been a year since you’ve had sex, led alone talked to someone and after spending time with Choso, he’s starting to make you raise your standards.
Maybe if things had been different, you’d be the girl he’s so desperate to please, the girl he wants.
“Ugh he’s busy Friday night, what the hell am I gonna do now?”Yuki questions.
“Send him nudes, that’ll change his mind” Shoko advises and Yuki grins as she sends Choso nudes.
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cloudcountry · 11 hours
I've discussed this with a mutual but I really need to read it: I'd like to request a confession scenario with Jamil where he goes through the 5 stages of grief.
Basically Jamil is fell head over heels into the Mariana trench but forgot that De Nile is a river in Egypt and pulled a page out of Kalim's book by being purposely oblivious about his own feelings.
The poor reader is also very much in love and has pining for WEEKS. One day, they decide to just tip the band-aid off. The pair are in the kitchen hanging out as usual when the reader turns to him and goes "I'm in love with you. You don't have to say anything and you can pretend this never happened. I just want you to know"
They're expecting a rejection but Jamil just stares a freezes for a good three minutes. While the reader is panicking trying to get him to snap out of it, Jamil is going through the 5 stages of grief.
Ultimately, Jamil's thought process ends with "If we don't kiss in the next 5 seconds I'm overblotting again" and the intrusive thoughts win.
SUMMARY: you confess to jamil. he doesn't know how to respond until he throws his inhibition out the window.
COMMENTS: I LOVE THIS REQUEST??? i decided to play off of the actual stages of grief for this even though its an expression hehe
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“Jamil, I like you.”
“Actually, no, I’m...I’m in love with you. And it’s okay if you don’t, it's okay if you don’t say it back, I just wanted you to know.”
Jamil stares at the fridge in front of him, mind blank except for your words. They repeat over and over and every emotion ever swells up in his chest because what!?
Since when? Why? What did you see in him? What did you see in your future with him? DId you even see one? Did he mishear you? Did you mean to say that to someone else?
No, there’s no way you did. You two were the only ones in the kitchen at the moment. Grim was outside in the living room, talking to the ghosts about something or other and why would you even say something like that to Grim anyway?
You didn’t mean it. There’s no way you meant it. even after he overblotted and threw you to the other end of his dorm? Even after he showed you all the ugliest parts of himself, the parts of himself that nobody ever should have seen because he wasn’t supposed to be a person, only an aid?
And he certainly didn’t like you back. It’s not like he wanted to do things for you to make you happy, it’s not like he got the slightest bit jealous when he saw you hanging out with Kalim, it’s not like he wanted to monopolize all of your time so nobody else could have it.
Okay, so he was lying to himself. Great. He can deal with this for sure.
It’s so unfair. It’s so unfair. If it wasn’t for Kalim and his parents and this suffocating life he’s sure he’d be able to accept your confession in a heartbeat. He’s sure he’d be able to comprehend his own emotions and bring you into his arms. He’s sure he’d be able to process his own emotions and be the partner you deserved, without all the jumbled mess that is his rage and jealousy and resentment.
He didn’t want to be someone else, he just wanted a different life. He just wanted to be free, to be able to exercise his own pure talent, to be able to rise above everyone else.
He wished there was some way to make that reality for you two. He didn’t want you to go be with anyone else, the very thought of it made his stomach turn and his heart brim with anger. He was a selfish, jealous person, but you loved him. How could he make this work? How could he keep you in love with him, keep you by his side, keep you controlled? Did you have to be controlled? You started liking him of your own free will, maybe he didn’t have to do anything.
But falling for him was one matter, staying by his side was another.
There was no way this was going to work.
He had to find a way.
He couldn’t find a way.
There had to be a way.
His mind is moving too fast for him to keep up and he’s still staring at the fridge, and your voice is calling his name and you look so worried, your visage in the corner of his eyes swirling. It’s like he’s not even rooted in reality anymore. How can he make this work? It almost feels hopeless...but Jamil is anything but a quitter. He’s never given up before, and he’s not going to start now.
“Jamil?” you say for what feels like the hundredth time, your hand resting gently on his shoulder.
He’s still not responding. Oh fuck, you didn’t think confessing was going to mess him up this much. If you’d known that, you wouldn’t have said anything and just kept it to yourself forever.
He murmurs your name and finally, finally turns to look at you. His hands grab your shoulders and he meets your gaze, pupils dilated and eyes wide.
“Be mine.” he says, and your heart flutters at how serious he sounds.
“J...Jamil?” you squeak, pliant in his arms and he pulls you close, clinging to you like he never wants to let you go.
“Be mine.” he repeats, words muffled in your shoulder, “I will...always do my best for you. Always. I don’t want you going to anyone else.”
“I don’t want to be with anyone else.” you murmur softly, placing a hand on the back of his head as he crushes you against him.
He shifts, bringing his face close to your neck. You barely have the time to wonder what he’s doing before he kisses the junction between your shoulder and neck, a soft smack of lips roaring in your ears.
“Good.” he replies, the word a hot gust of air against your skin.
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gingiesworld · 1 day
Don’t Shut Me Out
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Wanda Maximoff x GN Reader
Warnings : Ansgt, fluff
Taglist : @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic @dopeyouth @karsonromanoff @bimad (if you want to be added to my taglist, please DM me or comment)
Y/N was always the one person everyone could count on to bring laughter to the compound, they helped Peter and Yelena with their pranks on the other members, they always ran with Steve at 5am every morning, trained with Natasha every chance they could, they even helped Tony and Bruce in the labs with their research, but most of all, they loved spending their time with their girlfriend, Wanda. The two loved to watch Wanda's favourite sit coms together, snuggled up on the sofa, the two loved to cook together. Well it was more Wanda cooking as Y/N distracted her, but as the weeks went on, that began to change. Everyone watched as Y/N had started to fade from the person they used to be, they were no longer the happy person the Avengers had once knew.
Y/N had become closed off, barely talking to anyone, spending most of their time going over files from previous missions in the briefing room unless they were on a mission, which seemed to be every time one had been assigned. Wanda watched as they started to lose weight, barely eating enough, nibbling on a granola bar here and there. Their eyes were sunken and empty, nothing but pain and despair in their eyes. Wanda watched as they had locked themselves in the briefing room once more after returning from a mission.
"They're back at it again." Natasha stated as she stood beside Wanda, the two watching as Y/N combed through old files. "Do you know what they're looking for?"
"No." Wanda told her, her eyes never leaving Y/N's form. "They won't tell me anything."
"Just give them time, Wanda." Nat spoke softly as Wanda scoffed.
"It's been weeks and they have only pushed me away! They have pushed everyone away and for what?!" Wanda spoke, frustration laced within her tone. "No one fucking knows because they won't talk to anyone. They don't even have a small conversation with any of us!" Wanda started to walk away with Natasha on her heels, not realising that Y/N had heard her every word, but their eyes still combing through the files they had found on their family, the one they had lost when they were just a child before they were thrown into the system.
That night, Wanda had done her usual routine, giving up on Y/N ever joining her to go to sleep. Her eyes combed over their side of the bed, untouched and unslept in like it has been for weeks. Jumping when she heard the door open, not expecting to see Y/N enter the room, a blank look on their face as they looked into her eyes. The tension building between them, Wanda's heart racing within her chest, not knowing what was about to unfold between the two of them.
"I heard you." Was the first words Wanda had heard them speak in weeks, their voice almost strange to her. "I heard what you said to Natasha."
"I didn't." Wanda started as she stood up and started to walk towards them, Y/N cutting her off as they chuckled dryly, looking down at the carpet.
"I know you meant what you said." They told her, no emotion in their voice as their eyes then met her own. "And I know you want things to go back to the way they were."
"I miss you, Y/N!" She spoke loudly as she stopped a few feet in front of them. "I miss the person you were, the person who I fell in love with."
"I am still that person, Wanda! I just." They sighed as they looked anywhere but in her eyes. "Right now, I have something that I need to do, something that I need to know."
"Let me help you." Wanda told them softly as Y/N shook their head in denial. "You aren't alone anymore, you have a family here and we are always going to be here for you."
"You know, I have heard those words before." They spoke sadly, their eyes finally met with hers, causing her to faulter as she noticed the despair within them. "My mother said those words to me, it was only weeks before they left me." Wanda watched as they started to pace the floor. "I spent years thinking I was abandoned, thinking that they didn't want me anymore, but that wasn't what happened." Wanda waited as they took a deep shaky breath. "They were murdered! They were taken away from me!" They had tears streaming down their face as Wanda remained in place, listening to them. "My mom, my dad and my baby brother! All three of them taken away from me and for what?! Some fucking document that my mother had kept hidden on SHIELD's behalf!! Not wanting it to get into the wrong hands!!" Wanda stepped towards them slowly, cautiously reaching out to take their hand in hers. "My baby brother was only four." They whispered. "FOUR FUCKING YEARS OLD!! AND THEY KILLED HIM!!"
"How do you know this?" Wanda questioned as Y/N chuckled, moving her hand to their cheek, closing their eyes as they took deep breaths, trying to calm themselves.
"That scientist we captured." They whispered as Wanda watched them closely. "He knew my name because he knew my mother. She was sent on an undercover mission to retrieve that intel and she died because SHIELD can't protect their own agents." She watched as they opened their eyes, gazing into her own. "I just." They paused as they reached for her face, caressing her cheek, their eyes never leaving hers. "I needed to know the truth." They whispered, Wanda's own heart breaking at the pain in their voice. "I couldn't rest until I found the truth."
"Do you know who did it?" Wanda questioned as Y/N nodded their head yes. "Who?" She pressed on as they didn't answer her.
"It doesn't matter." They told her as they moved away from her, heading towards the door once more.
"DON'T DO THAT!" Wanda yelled as their hand touched the door handle. "DON'T SHUT ME OUT AGAIN!" Y/N turned around to face her, tears of her own falling down her cheeks. "I am here for you Y/N, I am always going to be here for you." She spoke firmly as she stood her ground. "Let me be here for you, like you are always there for me because I don't think I can go through these last few weeks again." Y/N waited for her to continue. "I have watched you fade away into a ghost of who you once were, you haven't really ate a meal in I don't know how long. You have barely slept if at all, I just." She took a deep breath before she continued. "Watching you fade into the darkness broke my heart because I couldn't be there for you."
"You're right." They whispered shamefully. "I thought that keeping you at arms length would make it easier on the mission."
"It wasn't a mission." Wanda spoke matter of factly.
"IT WAS MY MISSION!" Y/N yelled as they pointed at their own chest harshly. "IT WAS MY BURDEN TO BARE AND TO BARE IT ALONE!"
"YOU ARE NOT ALONE!" Wanda yelled as she stepped closed to them. "YOU ARE NEVER EVER ALONE! NOT ANYMORE! YOU HAVE YOUR FAMILY HERE!" Wanda took a deep breath before she continued. "We may not be blood or known you since birth, but we are all bound together by our own desire for justice for those who are unable to attain it." She sighed as she soon looked softly into their eyes. "You once told me that family isn't always bound by blood, but the same goal we all have to make this world a better and safer place. To make sure that other children don't go through the hardships we have faced in our own childhood, make sure they don't lose their families in unnecessary wars and battles, but those here, within this compound and this team, we are a family, of the dysfunctional kind."
"I'm sorry." Y/N whispered as they broke down, falling to their knees as they sobbed uncontrollably, Wanda following them as she wrapped her arms around them, humming the lullaby her mother had always sung to herself and Pietro when they were children. She didn't care for the uncomfortable position they were in, she only cared about being there for Y/N when they needed her. Her only goal was to make Y/N realise that they are never truly alone, that they have a whole family there who will pick them up when they need the help.
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