#and I need to shower but that might have to wait til tomorrow
gaytobymeres · 2 days
Sat down whilst cleaning the house and now I can’t get up :(
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7ndipity · 1 year
Going on tour with Yoongi
Yoongi x Reader
Summary: headcanons and blurb about traveling with Yoongi
Warnings: little angst in the blurb, not proofread
A/N: I had two different requests come in regarding Yoongi's tour, so I decided to combine them, I hope that's okay. Thanks to the lovely anons who requested these, I hope you like it!
Requests are open
He was honestly so happy and excited when you agreed to his suggestion of going with him.
(He didn't want to admit it, but the idea of being away from you for weeks at a time made him feel physically unwell.)
He loved being able to take you to so many places that he'd only been able to tell you about previously.
Obviously, he was usually super tired following a show, so you would typically have a lazy half day, sleeping til noon, before going out sightseeing.
Having you around helped give him a better sense of balance, and gave him something to focus on in the middle of the chaos of tour life.
You two had developed several little routines and habits, even if it was just sitting with you for a bit after he had his hair and makeup done, going over the same checklist that he does every night to make sure you have what you needed for the show.
• "You got everything? Where's your lanyard passes?" He asked, fiddling with a strand of your hair before tucking behind your ear.
"It's in my bag." You said.
"Go ahead and put it on, I don't want you getting getting caught without it or losing it."
"Yes mom-OW!" You teased, earning a pinch from him.
He knows he might be over doing it sometimes with how he fussed over you, but making sure you had everything you needed and were okay made him feel much more comfortable going up on stage.
As much as he worried over you though, you were no better when it came to him, always fussing at him to eat enough, get enough sleep and rest, etc.
You're still one of his biggest supporters tho, always wearing tour merch or something bts related to the shows, even if it's just to get a rise out of him (he laughed for nearly ten minutes when you showed up with a shooky headband)
It made him smile though, knowing that somewhere out in the sea of lights, even though he might not always be able to spot it, there was a particular army bomb with your names scribbled on it.
"Are you okay?" You asked quietly, as you lay in bed.
""I think so, it was just... a lot you know?" He mumbled.
You hummed in response, combing your fingers through his hair, still damp from the shower, as you looked down at him resting against you.
The makeup had been washed away, the stylized waves now resting limp against his face, even the slightly cocky air seemed to have been packed away like his clothes. He was back to Yoongi, not Suga or Agust d, your Yoongi.
The tour had come to a close. Somehow, four months had flicked by before either of you could really grasp it, leaving behind a whirlwind of emotions. Pride, regret, gratitude, fear, joy. Tonight had been especially emotional with so many of his members there to cheer him on for the final show.
"You did really well." You whispered.
He didn't respond, only letting out a grunt as your fingers found a knot.
"Is there anything I can do?" You asked.
"You're already doing it." He sighed. "Just by being here."
You were both fell silent again, you would've thought he'd fallen asleep if it weren't for the rhythmic tapping of his fingers where they rested against your sides.
"Thank you," He said suddenly. "For coming with me. I don't know how I would've coped without you."
"You would've managed," You tried to say lightly-heartedly "You made it before without me."
"Yeah, but I don't want to." He said, squeezing you and making your heart tighten in response.
"You have me," You said softly. "Even when I can't be there in person, you've always got me."
So much uncertainty lay ahead, but all that could wait til tomorrow.
Right now, all you both wanted was hold on, keeping each other close as you felt his still slightly uneasy heart calm to a more steady pace against yours.
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kawaiikenna · 8 months
Hi! I wrote a thing! I’ve gotten myself sucked into the DSMP fandom cause of my little sister and I decided to write something for it. :3 Here’s the ao3 link for those that want to keep up with this fic because I will not be tagging people if/when I update. Time Lapse on ao3.
Tommy loses his memory and gets taken in by Tubbo and Ranboo. Plot twist, Tommy is actually Prince Theseus of the Antarctic Empire and the imperial family, his family, is looking all over for him. Sadly they don’t think to look in the little village of Snowchester.
Heavily inspired by the 1987 film ‘Overboard’. Just with the romcom bits switched out for friendship and found family. :3
Without further ado here’s the first chapter of the fic!
Ranboo wasn’t entirely certain about what happened or even how it happened. But when Tubbo had come back from his trip into town with a bloody and very much unconscious teen about their age there wasn’t much time to ask questions. Instead they busied themselves with helping Tubbo clean and bandage the mystery teen’s wounds. There weren’t many, thank Prime above, but there was a pretty severe gash that ran across his forehead and ran a bit into the matted and dirty blond curls. Ranboo suspected that that specific wound would be trouble in the future. They would need to take him to the healer in town to make sure nothing was wrong.
For now the teen was sleeping on their ratty couch in their tiny front room. His clothes were pretty much destroyed so Ranboo started to mentally go through some items that might fit the sleeping teen. He would probably want to change when he woke up sooner or later. They might have a set of pajamas floating around that should fit.
“I think he’s some kind of noble.” Tubbo finally said after a long moment of silence. “Because even if his clothes are all dirty and kind of destroyed-“
“Kind of?” Ranboo interjects, sarcasm prominent in their tone.
“-they’re made of ridiculously high quality fabric.” Tubbo finishes with a mildly teasing glare aimed at his platonic husband. “He has to be someone high up because I’m pretty sure that the trim on his shirt is actual gold.”
Ranboo hums. “Did he have any kind of jewelry on him when you found him? Nobles usually carry something with their family crest or a coat of arms on it.”
Tubbo shakes his head. “No. If he did then whoever did this to him probably took it. We’ll have to wait ‘til he wakes up.”
Ranboo sighs softly as they gather up the various items from the open med kit on the floor. “I’ll put this away. Why don’t you go take a shower. You’re covered in blood and dirt.”
Tubbo scrunches his nose in disgust, only just noticing how gross he was from the whole ordeal. “Yeah, I’ll do that.”
And with that Tubbo ambles off into the bathroom, leaving Ranboo to finish cleaning up. After everything is picked up and packed away, they decide to start up dinner. It’s a bit early but they might as well get started since there wasn’t much else to do.
By the time they were finishing up Tubbo came out of the bathroom, hair still dripping and towel around his neck. With Tubbo’s normally fluffy hair laying flat against his head you could actually see the little horns that were normally completely covered. His ears flicked about, trying to get the water off of them.
“I made dinner.” Ranboo says as they dish up their own plate before sitting at the tiny table.
“Awww, Boo, you shouldn’t have. And I mean that. It was supposed to be my night to cook.” Tubbo says as he dishes up his own plate.
Ranboo shrugs nonchalantly. “I think you’ve had enough stress for today considering you found and helped someone that was fairly injured.”
“I’ll take dish duty tonight and do dinner tomorrow night. But thank you. I appreciate you.” He says the last bit with more than just a little bit of overdramaticness that made Ranboo roll their eyes with the fond softness in their gaze.
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It took nearly two full days before their guest finally woke up. Ranboo was incredibly anxious with how long it took him to wake up whereas Tubbo was more excited to finally find out what had actually happened. Ranboo had been changing the teen’s bandages when he opened his eyes. It had entirely startled Ranboo to the point that they ended up teleporting outside of not just the room, but the entire house. Putting them squarely in the front yard at the very edge of the property. Tubbo poked his head into the room to see what the commotion was about where he found a dusting of purple particles where Ranboo had been.
“Um, hi?” Tubbo says when he finally notices that their guest had woken up.
The teen just looks at him with a slightly confused expression before squinting. “Hi?” He responds. His voice is rough and croaky sounding. “Where, where am I?”
“You’re in my and Ranboo’s place.” Tubbo answers as he hands the teen a half full bottle of water. The teen accepts and drinks it with little trouble.
“Ran-boo?” The teen questions, his confusion becoming more prominent in his voice and expression. His voice sounds a little better but not much.
“Yeah, Ranboo’s the one that was here when you woke up. I guess you scared them enough to make them teleport out of the house. They’ll come back in when they’ve had a chance to calm down.” Tubbo moves to sit on the chair across from the couch.
“Oh.” The teen says, turning his head to look back up at the ceiling. His brow furrows before he asks another question. “Where exactly, is here?”
“We’re in Essempi, in one of the northern provinces. The closest town to here is called Snowchester. It’s close-ish to the border. I found you in the forest not far from here.” Tubbo tilts his head with a curious gleam in his eyes. “How did you get there anyways? Snowchester is the only town for miles and miles. The only other thing out here is the Antarctic military base about 50 miles from the border. Which is like another 75 miles from Snowchester.”
There’s a long silence. Tubbo almost asks if the teen had heard him when he finally answers.
“I don’t know.” Is all he says.
“Ok. Well, that’s not optimal but we’ll come back to that.” Tubbo says.
Just then the front door opens to reveal Ranboo on the other side. They calmly walk inside and shut the door. They notice just what they had walked into and slumped into themselves out of shyness. Their tail coming to wrap around their left leg as they nervously thread their fingers together.
“Um, hello.” They say quietly, not daring to look up from the ground. “I’m glad you’re awake now. We were getting really worried about you.”
“Nah, I wasn’t worried about you. I knew that you’d wake up at some point.” Tubbo says with nearly imperceptible faux confidence. Ranboo glares at Tubbo. It doesn’t take long for him to crack. “Ok, ok, maybe I was a little worried. But only a little!”
Ranboo nods. Now feeling a bit more comfortable they look at the blond teen. “If I know Tubbo, and I do, he probably forgot to introduce us. So I’m Ranboo.” They put their right hand on their chest. “I’m an Enderman hybrid. And that’s Tubbo.” They gesture to the other. “He’s a goat hybrid. What’s your name?”
The teen hesitates for a moment before saying, “I don’t know.”
“What do you mean you don’t know?” Tubbo asks sarcastically though his tone sounded a little harsh. “You lose your memory or something?”
“How the fuck am I supposed to know? I literally just woke up somewhere I don’t know with people I don’t know. Yeah my head’s a little fucky and I can’t remember a lot at the moment so cut me some fucking slack!” The teen suddenly bursts out. His face pinched into an angry expression.
“I’m just trying to help dude! Calm down!” Tubbo shoots back.
“Ok!” Both Tubbo and the teen startle when Ranboo raises their voice. “Yelling and cursing won’t solve anything.” They glare at Tubbo again then turn to the teen. “If you don’t remember your name we can always come up with something to call you right now until you remember. That way we have something to call you instead of just calling you ‘boy’ or something.”
The teen opened his mouth before closing it then opening it again, almost like a fish. He sat in an almost contemplative silence before giving them some kind of answer.
“I-I think it started with the letter T?” He knits his brows together in a kind of desperate concentration. As if it was on the tip of his tongue but just out of reach.
“T? Alright then I’m just going to start saying names that start with the letter T.” Tubbo replied, an almost evil smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
Ranboo thinks about trying to stop him but thinks better. So instead they just sigh heavily and go into the kitchen to hopefully find a snack or something. This was going to be quite a process but hopefully a short one.
“How about, Tim.”
“What the fuck? No.”
“Ha! You hesitated! I’m going to call you Theodore from now on.” Tubbo crows in victory. A smug smirk on his face.
The temporarily named ‘Theodore’ gives the other a death glare. “If you value your life you will not call me that.”
“Okayyyy. Fine, fine, how about Tobias?”
“Isn’t that your name?”
“Eh, legally it is but I don’t use it so you can have it.”
He rolls his eyes. “Gee. Thanks.”
“Uhh, Taylor?”
“Isn’t that a girl's name?”
“It’s actually a unisex name.” Ranboo pipes in when they come back from the kitchen, snack in hand.
“Huh. Anyways, no. Not my name.”
And hoo boy, did that get a reaction. The teen’s face screwed up in an odd kind of anger. The kind that speaks of siblings teasing each other. “I hate that name. You know I hate that name.” The same kind of venom as a hissing wet kitten is put into those words. He crosses his arms and legitimately pouts.
Tubbo and Ranboo glance at each other. So some kind of nickname for Thomas was their best bet.
“Tommy?” Tubbo tries hesitantly.
The teen looks up. Recognition in his eyes. “Yeah?”
“Cool. Looks like we figured out your name boss man.” Tubbo says as he stretches his arms above his head.
“Huh. I guess so.” Tommy answers. His name was Tommy. That sounded familiar but almost not quite right. He elected to ignore the feeling.
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It had been a few weeks since Tubbo had found Tommy in the woods. Since then they had settled into a cozy routine. Some days Tommy would stay at home with Ranboo to help them clean and prepare meals. Other days Tommy would join Tubbo when he would go into town to sell various knickknacks and such as well as buy groceries and supplies for the week. And when Tommy found himself with some free time he would sit out in the chilly autumn air and try to remember things.
The healer in town had told him that he did lose his memory but to not worry. With how Tommy had lost his memory it should come back. Whether slowly as things just popped up as he continued to live life or suddenly all at once from a single trigger.
Tommy had hoped that it would slowly come back to him. Some things did, like how he woke up and knew that he had a family, but most things didn’t. All any of them could do was hope for the best. They had already checked around town to see if anyone recognized who Tommy was but there was no luck.
The only rumors they heard about nowadays were about the youngest prince from the Antarctic Empire. Apparently he had gone missing during a visit to one of the Military bases. None of the villagers knew which base the prince had been visiting so there was no way of knowing if Tommy could possibly be the prince. But with all things considered, it was a fairly low probability. So they didn’t look into much more.
Instead the three of them prepared for winter the best they could. First and foremost they needed to get Tommy outfitted with his own snow gear. Otherwise it would be far too much of a hassle to try and piece together things that they had around the house. It would also make it easier for when they all needed to go somewhere. With that out of the way, and a fairly pretty penny spent, they turned their attention to other things that needed to be done to get ready for winter.
Gathering blankets, storing away extra food, chopping or procuring wood for the cold days and even colder nights that lay ahead, things to keep themselves preoccupied during the expected weeks snowed in. Some things Tommy knew how to do, others not so much. When the winds took a turn for much colder temperatures they stayed inside and canned a good portion of their fresh produce. That way they could enjoy them throughout the winter when access was limited. Tommy had been put on bedroom winterization duty.
It was a strange thing for Tubbo to witness for the first time. After Tommy had been staying with them for at least two weeks, when they finally got around to clearing out their guest room to set it up for Tommy to stay in. In the beginning they all stayed in their separate rooms but after a few nights, Tommy somehow convinced them to all sleep in the master bedroom together. Once they had all moved in, the single full sized mattress was traded in for a king. Soon after Tommy turned it into what could only be described as a nest. Comforters made up the base as smaller, thinner blankets were intricately woven together to build up the sides. Inside were a plethora of pillows and various thickness blankets. There were even a few stuffies hiding amongst the bedding.
At first they thought that Tommy was some kind of avian hybrid but he didn’t have wings. So the only reasonable explanation was that Tommy was raised by an avian hybrid. Meaning that they passed some of those habits and such onto Tommy when raising him. Which was a great thing to learn since that meant they were just that much closer to figuring out who his family was.
They spent many days and nights working themselves nearly ragged to prepare for winter. It was worth it though. So that when the first snowfall came they were able to tuck themselves away in the warmth of their small cabin. All of them with a steaming cup of chocolate or tea in hand as they watched the snow fall outside the window to the soundtrack of the fire snapping and crackling.
During one of those snowed in weeks, Ranboo tried to teach Tommy how to knit. It didn’t end well. Somehow Tommy had gotten himself completely tangled up in the yarn then ended up throwing the knitting needles at Tubbo when he laughed at him. That then turned into a light hearted tussle where Tubbo was ensnared in the yarn still wrapped around Tommy. Tubbo ended up with not quite a black eye but a decent sized bruise on his left cheekbone from the needles thrown at him. Tommy now sported several small cuts and his own bruise that started blooming across the right side of his jaw from where he had tripped and smacked his jaw on the leg of the wobbly coffee table.
Once the two boys had finally calmed down some, Ranboo helped them untangle themselves from the yarn. And even with the two sporting battle wounds there were only smiles to be had. From there Tommy and Tubbo decided to get started on dinner. Talking jovially between the two of them as Ranboo continued to sit quietly on their armchair, knitting away.
Winter was a somewhat lazy season. Most of the time was spent making the various knickknacks and crafts that Tubbo took into town to sell. Although there were a surprising amount of times that the three of them had to get up on the roof to shovel the snow off.
“It’s because the original cabin is so old.” Tubbo answers when Tommy asks why they had to do it. “If there’s too much weight on the roof from all the snow there’s a high chance of parts of the ceiling, if not the whole ceiling, collapsing in.” He continues to keep throwing shovelfuls of snow off the edge of the cabin roof. The snow mound at the bottom is almost as tall as the damn roof at this point. “The expansions and add-ons are less likely to collapse since they’re so new. But since this portion of the roof is not only old but flat as well, we have to be extra careful when the snow starts piling up.”
“We’ve been able to put more supports in so this old gal can hold way more weight than when Tubbo and I first moved in, but it’s still better practice to just shovel the snow when it starts getting too high.” Ranboo adds on, only slightly out of breath and leaning on their snow shovel. “I’d really rather not wake up from the ceiling collapsing on top of me.”
“True, good point.” Tommy says. He shovels with just a bit more vigor now. He’d rather not wake up from the roof collapsing on him either.
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
By the time the snow finally started to let up and showed the first signs of possibly melting, Tommy had read just about every book in the house, semi-successfully learned to knit a wonky and fairly misshapen scarf, and could make potato stew without looking at the recipe.
With spring slowly coming upon them it marked nearly six full months since Tommy had come to live with Tubbo and Ranboo. Tommy hadn’t remembered a lot in that time but he had come to accept that he possibly wouldn’t get any more of his memories back at all. So instead he spent his time enjoying what he had.
“Tubbo! Hurry the fuck up! We’re already a half hour late getting to town for the market and we still have to pick up groceries!” Tommy shouts from his place by the door. He’d already packed up what they needed to take into town and was now just waiting on Tubbo so they could leave. “If you don’t get your ass in here in the next thirty seconds I will fucking leave you!!”
There’s a thump from the bedroom that they all share. Sounds like Tubbo was finally finished getting ready. Good, they were wasting daylight here. Tubbo came scrambling out of the bedroom. His hair a fluffy mess and his clothes bunched up in some places like he hadn’t pulled them on fully or properly.
“Fucking finally.” Tommy said in a mocking manner, though the slight smile on his lips spoke of fondness instead. “C’mon, let’s go.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.” Tubbo responds, his voice a bit muffled from the hoodie he was pulling on.
Once on their way, the two lapse into a comfortable silence. It isn’t warm enough for the animals to have woken up yet so the only sounds they could hear were their own footsteps and breaths. The walk to town doesn’t take too long but it still leaves Tommy slightly out of breath. He still isn’t used to walking this far with so much weight on his back.
Snowchester was fairly large but was still considered a village. It had at least one chain grocery store but the rest of the businesses were all mom and pop shops that had been there for generations. The outdoor market had been moved inside for the time being considering that there was still at least four feet of snow on the ground. Which was better than the twelve feet they’d had for months up until recently but still too much for the outdoor market.
They walked down Main Street, heading towards the market, when they passed a music store. The front window caught Tommy’s attention almost immediately. He stopped and stared through the glass at a beautiful grand piano. It had definitely seen better days but it was perfect. While staring at it, vague memories of laughter and music echoing through impossibly large rooms flitted through his mind.
At this point Tubbo had noticed that Tommy was no longer walking beside him. Looking over his shoulder he spots Tommy staring through a shop window.
“What you looking at?” Tubbo asks as he walks back to where Tommy stands.
Instead of answering, Tommy heads into the shop. He walks up to the counter where a kind looking older man sits. Tommy assumes that he’s the store owner. The man smiles warmly as Tommy approaches.
“What can I do for you young man?” The possible store owner asks.
“That.” Tommy points over his shoulder to where the piano sits silently. “Would you allow me to play it?”
The store owner gives Tommy a pondering look. “Do you know how to play?”
“I-I think so?” Tommy responds, not quite as confidently as before. Could he play?
“Hmm. Sure, I’ll let you play. I don’t get many people to come in and it’s nice to see young folk taking an interest in musical instruments.” The older man smiles widely then gestures towards Tommy then the piano. “Let’s see what you got kiddo.”
Tommy just nods as he heads over towards the piano. He takes off his coat and pack and hands them to Tubbo then sits on the piano bench. Tommy stares at the keys for a bit. He can hear music being played but would he be able to play it? Was that something he could do?
Hesitantly, he presses a key. A clear strong note rings out in the silent store. Tommy presses another key. The two notes don’t sound right together. But then something happens. It’s almost as if something clicks into place, providing Tommy with years of knowledge that he didn’t remember he had. His hands positioned themselves over the keyboard then confidently started to play a song.
It was slow at first. Each note purposefully played in a way that almost sounded like grief. But there was a budding hope that started to grow and bloom as the song progressed. A beautiful melody that echoed in Tommy’s ears. Everything sounded correct but it felt as if something was still missing. As if there were other parts that were needed for the whole and full experience.
Out of the corner of his eye, Tommy could’ve sworn he caught just the barest glimpse of long pink hair woven into a complex braid, the sound of a violin accompanied. Then there was a quick shining flash of gold rimmed glasses and a red beanie as a bow was dragged across the strings of a cello. The two played in tandem to the melody as his fingers deftly pressed the keys, completing the song in a way he couldn’t even begin to imagine. But when the song came to an end and Tommy looked around, he could only see Tubbo and the store owner there with him. Had he imagined them?
The owner clapped enthusiastically as he walked towards Tommy. “I’ll have to say young man, that was some of the best playing I’ve heard in a long while. My name is Jonathan and you’re welcome to come back and play anytime you’d like.”
Tommy thanked him then hurried out of the shop. Tubbo sputtered the entire way to the market.
“Dude! When were you going to tell me that you could play the piano?!” Tubbo shouts after Tommy.
“I didn’t know until today. It kinda just happened. One second I had no idea what I was doing and then bam, I played whatever song that was pretty much perfectly.” Tommy says as he starts to unpack in their booth space. “I’m also pretty sure that song has accompanying cello and violin pieces. At least if my memory is right, which let’s face it, it’s not in the best shape.”
“True, true.” Tubbo starts to help set up their booth alongside Tommy. “Are you going to go back and play again?”
Tommy doesn’t say anything for a long moment, as if carefully considering his words. “Yeah.” He finally answers. “I think I will. If it’s the only thing that I can remember then I want to hold on to it. It’s not like I know when, or even if, my memory will come back.”
Tubbo hums and they finish setting up their booth. It was going to be a long day.
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clunelover · 2 years
Omg another thing about this weekend - so, tomorrow sister and BIL are coming over for the family dinner that we try to do monthly, and will be projecting their honeymoon pics from computer onto our TV screen to tell us about the trip. This is a policy I have implemented for sharing vacation pics because I am a control freak…but also, really, it’s so much better than my sister having to pass back and forth her phone to all of us and answer the same questions multiple times, or have us all try to huddle around a computer.
Depending on how it all shakes out time-wise, if they stay past kids bedtimes and stuff, I think I will broach the topic of that wedding loan. As I have mentioned, I loaned them $4k for wedding. At the time, it was phrased as “too many things all due at once, I should be able to pay you back quickly.” But it has now been three months without any mention of it. The whole thing is a bummer, because when I initially offered the loan, I was thinking that if it was $1-2k I would have said “and let’s just have it be a gift” but $4k is more than I want to give! I really wish it had been a smaller amount so this could have been a nice thing that was already all wrapped up. But, alas.
I talked to my therapist about it and she reassured me that it is VERY normal to be asking for repayment of a loan. That it was always phrased as “loan” and not “gift.” That even if we technically could give that much and be okay, it’s quite a lot and could set a bad precedent where they think they can ask for a “loan” and then never have to pay it back. Which may become relevant because they I think want to have a kid but are quite broke and might find that undertaking more expensive than they are anticipating! Oh and that if we decide to just call the whole thing a gift out of awkwardness rather than generosity, that will leave me feeling resentful and that’s actually not fair to anyone. I am also now remembering that I spent almost $2k throwing them an engagement party…then another $300ish throwing shower…and then the cost of going to Denver for her destination bachelorette weekend. So, all this to say - I have already paid so damn much for this wedding!! I realized I need to say something when sister started saying things to me about wanting to spend her tax refund on a used spin bike (I forget the exact cost but I think $1k, maybe more).
So anyway therapist said I should just say “I wanted to talk to you about the wedding loan. I was letting it wait til after the honeymoon and the holidays and all that but I do need to know your timeline for paying it back. What I’d like to do is give half of it to you as a wedding gift. And then the other half - it doesn’t have to be paid back all at once or anything, but let’s work out some kind of timeline.” I am scared she’ll react badly or imply that the whole thing should be a gift. I think she thinks we’re like rich when in actuality we do make a lot but we also have a SHIT TON of expenses and are probably in the same “we couldn’t afford for either of us to be out of work for more than a few months without the situation becoming dire” state as a lot of people are. Therapist reminded me that seeing as we had always called it a loan, if she reacts badly to having to pay it back that’s her being unreasonable, not me having done anything wrong. Which is hard for me to remember! I also have to remember that just because we technically could give that much, it is TOTALLY OKAY if I’d just prefer to spend that money on something else.
So yeah anyway wish me luck for a conversation that feels incredibly difficult for me to have!!
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dp1nk · 2 years
looked away for two minutes and 23 pornbots followed me, but some of them aren't porn bots, they just liked the one sonic fanart
now we want to draw more. we forgot how much we liked sonic (again)
so here's my obligatory update since i've been trying to fundraise help for my move. basically i got quiet because i've been in moving mode.
tomorrow is day one of an enormous ordeal i undertake, where i have to drive to my new apartment 5 hours away, get my keys, drop a few things off, possibly take a shower or have a snack to test my appliances and water, then drive back 5 more hours.
after that, i need to finish packing, because i'm far from finished. i haven't even canceled my power or net, because i didn't know when any of this would happen. so once i finish, i get a cute little uhaul van, and i load it all alone. that means i'll be forced to leave a few things behind, like a really awkward l-shaped desk that might not even fit in the new flat. (it won't be a big loss; just two desks that i'm not confident i can get down the stairs with one of those dolly things. i refuse to leave without the mattress so i'll figure that one out. lol)
i'll have company in the form of lena of course, but lena is just a voice in my head. that means once i get this uhaul to my new flat, i have to unload it by myself too. i'm hoping that we can hire a passerby to help with some of the funds from our gofundme, since all of this is being sponsored by that campaign (which was successful and still hasn't sunk in. maybe it never will. the prospect we faced if we didn't get a miraculous bailout was really scary for us, and we somehow got that miraculous bailout. we're simply keeping with what we planned and trying not to appear like we ran off with $5k. still, it might not process for a while.).
a lot of the money has already gone into supplies, food, bill payments and gas, but we're right on schedule and our cost predictions were accurate - we cut corners a bit just to save as much as we can for a possible pc upgrade we've been waiting on, but i can't know if that'll happen til this is over. anything can happen when the next step of this entire situation is to take the uhaul i just freshly unloaded and drive it BACK to texas yet again.
that will be my last round trip, because after that, i will be able to take some kind of rest in my empty texas flat with zelda, do a little cleaning and vacuuming, and then take her with me up to the tulsa studio during one last trip.
TL;DR: tomorrow i gotta pick up my keys in tulsa then spend the next week moving with no help, causing me to need to make this trip a total of five times:
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please pray for me, my cat, and my sanity.
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aajjks · 7 months
mommy issues!JK
once again, you’re line is quiet and all that can be heard are the sounds of people talking as they pass by but none of their voices are yours and keeping quiet is your best way to listen to every word someone tells you. when alina finishes, you’re taken back on the ‘he was honest about his past’ part. so, you should go with him because he opened up to you? you thought his backstory was supposed to help you understand seol better not as a debt that needed to be repaid. do you say that to your dear friend though? no. because as she said, it’s your decision.
“o-okay? that’s it?”
“no, ‘okay’ as in if he waits ’til tomorrow to ask me again, i’m going to say no”
“wait, so is that a yes?”
“if he asks tomorrow my answer is no, that’s all i said”
“okay, okay okay. before i hang up, are you mad at me?”
you scoff “no, i’m not mad. if i was mad, i would’ve hung up already”
“oh, phew, okay. just had to make sure. you sound so—“
“tense?? i know but i’m cool, i promise. i’ll talk to you tomorrow, k?”
“k. bye, y/n”
once alina gets off the phone with you, she quickly dials up jungkook’s number but before she calls, eunwoo quietly comes up behind her and pulls her close. “so?” he says “areum got her bath, she playing in her room” but as he’s telling alina what he finished for his wife, he trails butterfly kisses up her neck to her cheek.
“what did y/n say?”
“she wants jungkook to ask her now and not tomorrow”
“is that a yes?”
“i think so”
“you seem tense”
“cause being your middle man nearly costed my friendship!”
“but we love youuuu~”
“whatever” alina say with a roll of her eyes. she clicks on jungkook’s contact number and tells him how the conversation with you. “she said to ask her now and not tomorrow. not sure if that’s a yes or a no but just ask” says alina and jungkook doesn’t waste a second to thank his best friend’s for helping him out before hanging up. it’s safe to say, jungkook isn’t the only person who feels as though he’s walking on a tightrope.
when you’ve finally made it to your apartment with all of your groceries, you sit all your groceries down on the counter and fall face first on your beed. “finally” you groan as you roll over onto your back and just stare at your ceiling for a few minutes. today was such a long day, sure it was good, but you’ve been on your feet all day and finally at 7:20PM, you can finally put your feet up and immerse yourself with your cold pillows and blankets.
unfortunately, you can’t stay in your comfort spot forever, so you get up to put your groceries up, take a long shower, brush your teeth again, and FINALLY you relax. you don’t bother to cook anything and just lay on the couch while watching a random movie on your television screen you’ll surely fall asleep to.
with every blink, your eyes get lower and lower and you feel your body slowly being overcome by sleep; your gold award for working your ass off from 7 to 5. but before you finally succumb to your sleep, you hear a knock at your door and you already have a feeling who it might be. you slowly get up, rub your tired eyes, and open the door to see jungkook standing at your door.
“hi mr. jeon. um, come in” you step aside to let jungkook in and shut the door behind him once he’s in your apartment.
“i’m sure alina passed my message on, so if it’s about that, my answer is yes. all i ask is that if i’m feeling uncomfortable, can you bring me home? that’s it. you don’t have to buy me a dress, shoes, none of that. i just want your word”
You don’t even let him speak a word.
And he’s taken aback because he was ready to be rejected once again but to his surprise, you let him in your apartment and even say yes.
He’s not sure if he heard you right. “Y-You have my word- Ms yn.” Of course your comfort matters the most to him, he’s going to do anything you want, and it’s not like he will let anybody make you feel uncomfortable.
He’s going to be like your shadow from now on. “I…I am so sorry that she asked you on my behalf but I just wasn’t sure on how to go about this with you… nonetheless thank you for agreeing- yn.” He decides to directly address you as yn, this is a start for something new and he’s not going to fuck this up.
Jungkook watches you and you look exhausted, you know he really wants to take care of you, spoil you, treat you like a queen but you’ll have to let him in
And honestly you’re trying.
And Jungkook loves you so much.
“I..I’ll make sure that you have a good time- no one will dare to bother you.” He smiles at you and damn it his heart is beating like crazy right now.
“W-Well I’d better go now- but I brought these flowers for you… I’m not sure what kind you like so I had them put every single on in.” He scratches the back of his neck as he brings the flowers forward.
“Enjoy your night, yn. I’ll see on Saturday, 7 pm sharp.”
And just like that, the man takes his leave, smiling like a goofball.
Suddenly? Life feels so beautiful.
Friday is not too eventful and like always he sees you at the school, you let him know of Seol’s weekly progress and he’s so proud of him because he’s starting to make you happy and less concerned about his behavior.
And the day at work is normal as well. People are a little sad that their boss is actually leaving but maybe this is for the best because he gets to have a party dinner with you as date.
Eunwoo has decided to become jungkooks little love guru, and he also told jungkook that his wife has strictly announced that she’s not going to put her friendship with you on the line just for the sake of his infatuation with you anymore so don’t expect any more favors.
Which, Jungkook thinks that it’s fair, because who would be dumb enough to want to lose you, and whatever relationship they have with you? And as soon as he returns home, he’s in a really good mood. He goes on to have a few drinks with Eunwoo as Seol’s nanny is there with him so he’s not a little worried.
She’s barely available, but this time she was.
Since tomorrow is the day that he’s been waiting for all of his life and Seol doesn’t have school tomorrow so Jungkook makes sure to pay the nanny a good amount of money so she will stay with him the whole evening and maybe until midnight, and take care of him.
And now it’s finally Saturday, even though he barely had any sleep last night out of excitement this time, Jungkook takes a long shower, shaves and now he’s dressing up.
He hopes that you’ll compliment him this time, he did manage to clean up nice for you.
And he cannot stop thinking about what you’ll be wearing and how beautiful you always look, he’s a little excited to see you.
Jungkook sprays on his Armani perfume and just like that, he goes to Seol’s bedroom to give him a kiss, and it’s a little hard to make the toddler understand that he cannot come with mommy and daddy to this party.
“Okay? Be good.” He says before peppering his face in kisses.
“Okay Ms Ahn… please take care of him and let me know if anything’s wrong.” He says as he bow’s his head to the Middle aged woman.
And soon he’s out the door and knocking at yours. It’s 6:50 but so what if he’s 10 minutes early.
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trans-xianxian · 3 years
I have been sitting mostly naked and very cold on my bathroom floor for the last like 45 minutes just on my phone instead of just getting in the goddamn shower you've gotta Love executive dysfunction
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vanillanaps · 3 years
Unfaithful | Steve Rogers
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Summary - You promised yourself it was the last time you’d see him. The last time you canceled on your boyfriend to meet up with him. The last time you’d lay naked beneath his sheets as he was buried between your thighs, but promised where meant to be broken.
A/n - y’all it’s been so long since I wrote smut, please just bear with me. The ending is also lowkey bad, idk y’all.
Category - Fem!Reader, angst, smut
Warnings - poorly written unprotected sex, arguments, cheating (I do not condone cheating) fluff at the end, I guess?
Word Count - 3.4k
You shouldn’t be here, doing this, with him. It was wrong, it was so wrong and you knew that. Your boyfriend didn’t deserve the pain you’d been putting him through this past year, but you couldn’t help it. The way his calloused, soft hands felt running up and down your naked sides, his plump pink lips trailing kisses from your lips, down to your neck and across your shoulders. Or the way his piercing blue eyes gazed into the souls of yours, reading you like an open book. He was new, exciting and adventurous. The moment you met him, you knew it was something different about him. How he walked, talked and even presented himself. When he made that first move against you and even then you couldn’t resist him, not even when your boyfriend was a few feet away from you.
The presence of a body pulled you from your thoughts as the steam of the hot water pouring from the shower filled your senses, “You alright?”
You nodded softly, pushing away the intrusive thoughts and letting yourself have this moment. Your bottom lip was brought in between your lips at the feeling of those cherry red lips being traced against your steaming skin, “Steve, we can’t. I have to go.”
“I just need you once more before you go.” He whispered to you, his hands resting on your hips while he pressed his front up against your backside, letting you feel his hardness for you all over again. A soft moan escaped your mouth at the touch of his hard shaft flesh against your ass. You weren’t sure why you tried, knowing that each and every time, you’d melt right back into his arms without him doing much convincing.
You turned in his hold, not wanting to loiter for a moment longer, your lips found his. His hands circled around to your back, pulling you close to him. Turning the two of you around, he pushed you up against the cold titled wall, he took the chance of your lips parting with a gasp to slip his tongue in. The kiss grew heated and hands began to travel. Yours around his neck and his down to your thighs to lift you up, wrapping your legs around his waist.
“Steve, please.” You muttered against his mouth, sighing when his shaft brushed against your folds, teasing you tremendously.
“I’ve got you.” He’d answer back. It was true, he always had you.
Your head fell back against the shower wall as he sunk himself into you. His breath shuttering against your neck as your walls squeezed him like no tomorrow, still a throbbing mess from your earlier sessions that you were supposed to be scrubbing off. His grip on your thighs tightened, thrusting up into you. Your moans filled the steamy shower as his heavy cock stretched the walls of your pussy, nails clawing at the nape of his neck while he fucked you endlessly. Steve dipped his neck down, tongue trailing against your breast, trying to bring you the most immense pleasure he could before you left him again. He knew you wouldn’t last long around him, but he figured he’d make you cum once more before you were gone.
“Fuck, please don’t stop!” You moaned, now tucking your head into his neck, trying to pull him impossibly closer to you.
“Gonna cum already?” He asked, not even needing the answer. He knew by the way that sweet cunt of yours tightened, just nearly squeezing the life out of him, “gonna make a mess all over me again?”
You nodded desperately, your back trying to arch, “I’m so close.”
Steve widened his foot stance, repositioned his arms to hook under your knees to spread you wider for him. Picking his pace up, his hips snapped against yours, pelvis brushing up against your clit and his balls slapping up against your ass. He smirked through his groans at the feeling of tightening up around him, “That’s it baby, cum for me.” A cry left your throat as you followed his commands and released all over him, continuing to fuck you through your orgasm til his thrust sputtered to a complete stop and his load shot heavy into you.
If he was being truthful, he didn’t want to let you go. If he had it his way, he’d lay you in his bed and cook you a nice lunch as you slept away the last five orgasms he gave you, but that wasn’t his place. He was there for a fuck and then you’d go home to the man you claimed you loved. But how could you love him when you were here with Steve? How could you love him when you went back home nearly every night with Steve’s cum still leaking out of you. How were you still his?
You felt his eyes burning holes into your back as he watched you dress yourself. Pulling that black dress he bought you down over your hips to wear for another man, “When can I see you again?”
There it was, the question that you knew he’d been itching to ask. Lately, you've been distant with him. Trying to dodge his phone calls and avoid his text, only making it at least two days but then you’d find yourself tangled in his sheets for the next few nights. But tonight was supposed to be different, it had to be. This was the last night you’d spent with him. The last night you’ll put more strains on your relationship for the man that lounged on his bed in nothing but sweats, “I can’t do this anymore.”
You didn’t need to turn around to see him rolling his eyes, you heard it, “You do this bullshit every week. You say you’re done and then I end up right in between your legs. Just stay.”
“Steve, I can’t and you know that!” You avoided his words, knowing the truth behind him.
“Give me one good reason why you can’t?” He questioned, getting up from the bed and following behind you as you collected your belongings.
“Because I love him. He’s my boyfriend and I should be there with him, not you.” You shot back.
Steve scoffed, “You love him, yet you’re here fucking me on your anniversary with him? Oh wow, he’s a lucky guy!”
“Don’t you fucking dare!” You whipped around, pointing a finger in his face, “You knew what this was when we first started! I told you from the beginning what it was going to be and it’s not my fault that you caught feelings! I’m happy where I am!”
“I’m not gonna sit here and act like I don’t see through your facade.” Steve stepped to you, pushing your hand from his face as he slowly backed you into a wall, “You don’t love him, you’re comfortable with him. He’s all you know, your safe place. Someone who will always be there when you crash and burn. You’re scared to let me in because I actually make you feel something. I challenge you, I put excitement into your life and that scares the shit out of you because you think one day it’ll come to an end. That I’ll leave and we’ll never see eachother again.”
“You’re wrong.” You spat, he’s right.
“No, I’m not.” Steve shook his head, his anger fading away. He didn’t want to be angry at you, he wanted you to see the truth. He wanted you to see what good you had standing in front of him and what you could make a life out of, “He bores you. It’s been the same thing since high school. You told me this. You’re keeping yourself in a relationship that’s already over. It’s been over the moment we came in each other’s lives, why can’t you see that?”
“Steve..” You breathed, lip trembling as his words started to hit home. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt you, he only wanted you to see him.
He let his thumb softly wipe away the tear that dared spill over your tear duct, his hand coming to caress your cheek before his fingers slide down to take your chin between them and titling your head up, “Let me be the man that makes you happy. That keeps you feeling young and excited everyday. Let me be the one to tell you that I love you everyday for the rest of our lives.” His eyes searched yours finding them completely conflicted. A small slither of hope filled his chest, this was the furthest he ever got with you in this conversation. His head lowered to place his lip on yours, placing small pecks upon them, “I love you, let me love you.”
For a moment, you took pleasure in the situation. His lips repeatedly pressed against yours in a soft manner as he confessed his love for you. You let yourself have a glimpse at your future with Steve. He was right, he did excite you, challenge you and bring adventure into your life. With Steve, there was no telling where the future might take you. The infatuation you had with him is what kept you coming back to him, but it’s also what kept you an arms length away. Knowing that at any moment, this relationship you’d built with Steve could be taken away. He could start loving someone the same way he started loving you. What if he got bored of you? What if you were only excited because you belonged with somebody else and there was a thrilling edge of being caught when he would be balls deep into you as your boyfriend called. There were too many what if’s. With the man you called yours, you knew it would be forever. That’s why you couldn’t let yourself love Steve Rogers.
“Stop, stop.” You muttered, placing your hand on his chest to push away, “I-I can’t.”
“Don’t do this, please.” He sighed as you slipped from his grip and continued to gather your belongings. His heart was nearly ready to jump out his chest as he watched you walk towards his front door, hand on the knob, “If you leave, then that’s it!” He called, stopping you in your tracks, “I’m tired of being your back up when you aren’t happy with him! It’s been a year and I’m tired of waiting. If you—if you walk out that door, then I’m done! It’s over!” Steve’s chest bounced heavily, nerves running through his body as he watched your frozen stance, but what could he have expected? You didn’t leave your boyfriend then, so why would you leave him now?
“I hope you have a nice life, Steve.” Without even a glance back, you walked out of his apartment and out of his life.
Checking your eyes once more, dabbing away in puffiness in your eyes just before you crossed the threshold of Darren’s apartment, “Babe? Baby, I’m here!” Closing the door behind you, setting your keys and purse on the entry table, “I’m sorry I’m late! Traffic was crazy.” You lied smoothly, turning the corner to see your boyfriend sitting at the opposite end of the dining room table, hands folded in his lap, candles burned down to the middle and food that had looked like it had been sitting for a while, “What’s all this?”
“Well, I had a dinner planned for our anniversary.” He spoke, getting up from his chair to make his way over to you, “But clearly you had better things to do.”
You were taken back by his words. There had never been a time that Darren had spoken to you with that kind of tone, but then again, there had never been a time you’d been late for an anniversary dinner, “Darren, there was traffic. What did you want me to do? Tell them to hurry up? Run through it?”
“Yeah, well that excuse would be valid if it didn't take you nearly three hours to get here when you only live twenty minutes away.” He moved around you, blowing the candles out.
“Okay, baby wait.” You sighed, grabbing his hand to stop him from clearing the table, “I woke up from my nap late and was just completely off schedule and you know how much I hate when you comment on my time management.” Darren stopped letting you pull him towards you, “I’m sorry, okay? I’ll make it up to you. I’m here now so let’s just warm the food up and enjoy it, yeah?”
He looked down to your pleading eyes before giving you a small nod, “Okay.”
“Okay, good. I’ll go warm up the food and meet you on the couch.” Placing a small kiss on his cheek, you grabbed the plates of food and made your way to the kitchen. A breath of relief came from you as you loaded a plate into the microwave. You knew that you’d be late, but being three hours late and using traffic as your excuse nearly blew your cover. You knew you couldn’t keep doing this to him, which is why you ended it with Steve. Darren had been nothing but good to you and you were doing him wrong in the worst way because only did to fuck another man, but you fell in love with him.
The night was slow and awkward. You tried to converse, ask him about his day, how work was, and what his plans were but all you got back was ‘it was okay’, ‘it was work’, and ‘probably nothing’. You slightly frowned at his responses, but it wasn’t like he didn’t have a right to be upset. Deciding to make it up to him, you set your plates down and crawled into his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck as you kissed him slowly, “I’m sorry.” You muttered against his lips. At first, you’d thought he’d forgiven you when his hands came to your waist, but it was to only push you away, “What’s wrong?”
Darren sighed, letting his head fall back against the couch staring up at the ceiling, “...You still smell like him.”
You faltered, pulling away slightly, “Wh-what?”
He brought his hands up, rubbing them over his face, “Usually when you come back from being with him, it’s faint. No matter how much you try to scrub him off you, I assume it’s because the two of you shower together, but it’s like today you didn’t even try.”
“You knew?” You questioned. Since when? For how long? Why is he just now saying something? Had he known each and every time you’d come from Steve’s apartment? Did he know the few times Steve came to your apartment?
Darren scoffed, slowly sliding you off his lap, getting up from the couch, “Is that all you have to say to me? If I knew? Of course I knew! My girlfriend is out there getting fucked by another man and you think I didn’t know? All the late night calls and text messages. When you're ‘working overtime’. Being too sick to come see me, but in reality, you’re with somebody else. Coming here with missing panties, yeah I’ve noticed! All these new clothes that you can’t fucking afford because you make minimum wage and can barely pay rent for that apartment you have!” He raged, pacing the living room back and forth, “Then you come in here, three hours late on our fucking anniversary, smelling like him! You fucked him. You fucked somebody else on a day we were supposed to celebrate our relationship!”
“I'm sorry! I broke it off with him! It’s done! I’ll never see him again!” You tried to reason, tears threatening to spill, getting up from the couch as you made your way towards him, trying to take his hands into yours to keep him from pacing, but he only snatched his away, “Darren, please! I swear it’s over!”
He stopped his pacing, his breath deepening as he tried to calm himself, “How long have you been seeing him?”
You gulped figuring that you lied and hurt him enough. He didn’t deserve what you put him through, you’re causing him nothing but pain, “A year.”
He scoffed, shaking his head, “A year. A fucking ye—“ He paused, eyes finding yours and looking into what felt like the depths of your soul, “Do you love him?”
Your heart dropped, mouth running dry, “Darren, don’t make me answer that.”
He took a step closer to you, “Do. You. Love. Him?”
Tears finally fell, wetting your cheeks as you nodded.
“Get out.” He started, you went to testify but he just shut you down, “I don’t want to hear anymore of your excuses. Just—leave! Go! I don’t wanna see you ever again!” You watched as he stomped around the apartment before finally getting to the single bedroom, the door slamming shut behind him.
This is what you deserved. You didn’t have a right to cry, to be upset for him kicking you out. You had sealed your fate months ago when you first stepped out on him with Steve. You sealed your fate once you continued to sleep with Steve even after you had fallen in love with him and now, you’d lost both of them.
The days passed slowly as you fell in a rut. How did you allow yourself to end up here? Alone, sad and broken. The two most important people no longer in your life. Both had been completely fed up with your shit and could you blame them for it? No. If you were being truthful, you would’ve done the same. If you were Darren, you would’ve left him the moment you knew. If you were Steve, you wouldn’t allow him to string you along as far as you did to him. God, were you a bitch. But a bitch who couldn’t help what she felt.
The days didn’t slow because Darren wasn’t in your life anymore. You could live without the schedule days that had been the same since you met Darren. There was no change, the excitement started and ended in highschool, but you stayed for your own selfish reasons that had now turned its back on you. It had left you cold and alone in the world, with no one to turn to, not even friends. They’d left you behind to go travel the world once college was over while you chose to settle down with the man that had no true desire for the adventures of life. He still didn’t deserve what you did.
But then there was Steve Rogers. The man you had gotten so easily infatuated with in so little time. You were at his beck and call, more of him crawling to you as you kept him on a string. Again, for your own selfish reasons. Steve’s life scared you. His days weren’t planned to a T, he didn’t schedule out breakfast, lunch and dinner. There wasn't any planned bedroom time and the sex was far from vanilla. Steve was wild, reckless and carefree while still being wholesome and loving all in one. You knew what your heart wanted. Back then, you were scared to follow it. But now, after having a taste of loosing it all, you said fuck it. You’d dive headfirst into this if you had to, if you even still had the chance to.
Your mind ran a mile a minute as your legs carried you into the apartment building and up the familiar staircase you had been through so many times before. Flashbacks of you being pressed against almost every inch of these walls at least once by him as the two of you could barely make it to his apartment on the third floor. A soft smile at the memory as you came face to face with his front door. Taking a deep breath and raising your fist, knocking against the tall wood.
Moments passed before the door swung open, your eyes meeting those stunning baby blue ones that you didn’t realize you missed so much, “Hi.”
“Hey.” Steve responded, leaning his body against the doorframe. The silence took over for a moment before he spoke up again, “I’m guessing you two..?”
You nodded, “Yeah, we did. You were right.”
A soft sigh escaped his lips as he stood straight, motioning towards him. Relief ran through your body as you allowed yourself to be buried into his chest, inhaling his intoxicating scent. The smallest of smiles curled into your lips as you felt his press against your temple, his arms wrapping around you tighter for a moment longer, before he guided you into his apartment.
This was the start of new beginnings.
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dabisqueen · 2 years
Okay, so it hasn’t been a bad week, persay, but I had spring break last week/went on vacation so coming back this week really has just made the whole week feel like it was hard and dragged on. I usually use this thought every now and then but it has plagued my existence this week so, now that it’s almost the weekend for me, I thought I’d share. (This is about to be extremely long and I am so sorry but it has been building for forever and the little voice inside me is screeching to write an actual thing for it but I don’t have the time right now so enjoy my current brainrot if you so choose)
So I’m a generally busy person. I’m a school teacher (5 days a week), I have a second job where I’m a retail manager (4 days a week), and I still attend graduate program classes at the university in the next city over (at least 2 days a week). Then I come home and make sure there’s dinner on the table for myself and my partner, clean, do laundry, etc. So I just generally feel like I’m constantly in charge and need to be on top of things and productive all the time.
So just imagining coming home to Dabi after a particularly hard day/week. And just you come home and he can just tell that his baby needs love and to be taken care of. To destress. And so he’s just so sweet to you, he lets you vent about it if you want to, gives you light and loving touches, maybe alcohol (if you drink it) to numb the edges a little bit, to let go a little bit.
And then he decides what you really need is just to not think. He decides to turn you into a moaning mess for him. Coos at you to just forget it all for a bit. Hand it over to him. Let him make you feel good.
He decides he doesn’t want you to think of anything but him. And then he makes you think of nothing but him. Convinces you to hand over your control. To let him take care of you. Let him make the decisions for you, even just for a little bit. And he takes control, and true to his word, ravishes you until there’s nothing but him. The all-consuming fire of Dabi erasing everything else away. Erasing, consuming, until you’re nothing but a pile of whimpers, cries of his name, conflicting pleas of ‘too much’s and ‘keep going’s. Your usual witty banter with him replaced by your incoherence as you go dumb around him. But you’re letting him have you however he wants because he knows what his baby needs.
And after you forget everything but him. When you come back and want to fall back to taking care of things. He’ll force you to relax, to take a hot bath (or a shower) while he finds the two of you food. Let him feed you and then let him pull you into cuddle and everything but him and you can wait until tomorrow. Let him take care of you for a bit.
(Geez it’s like 8am on a Friday and I’m not off til 10pm but my one day off is tomorrow and all I can think of is going home to him tonight)
Hey Kaze, so I finally got around to answering your ask. I have to say that this is soooo lovely! Thanks for writing so much.
To be honest, we all imagine Dabi as a jerk, a douchebag (he might be though *laughs*), but I also imagine him as very vulnerable.
I mean, look at young Touya. He was such an adorable boy, trying his hardest to please his dad. And was always rejected.
So with you, he has found his safe haven. A place he can be free and relax and be really himself.
I genuinly think that this could happen, him taking care of you, pampering you, feeding and washing you. Because the love he receives from you he wants to give back to you multifold.
Thanks for sharing this. This is so fluffy, if my WIP list wasnt already to long and I would have more time, I would write a fic out of this.
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kouomi · 4 years
Family Secrets
Summary: How long would you be able to keep your relationship with your brothers’ best friend a secret? (F!reader x Suna Rintarō)
Warnings: slight jealously (basically none!)
Word Count: 3,813
A/N: the beginning of this is a little rocky sorry about that(it’s explaining a lil background I didn’t know where to put it)! This is also my first fic for Haikyuu and on this account so sorry if anything is off!
Posted: March 3rd, 2021 6:26 am EST
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Having two older brothers isn’t easy for any girl. Especially if those older brothers are twins and especially if you were all in the same year at school.
Everyone at your school knew you as the Miya twins little sister and while you hated the title it was one that you’d had since you were born so overtime you grew used to it. You constantly lived in their shadow, especially when they started playing volleyball so in an attempt to gain your own title you started playing as well. You’re a setter for the girls team at Inarizaki, set to take the position of captain next year once your current third year captain is out of high school.
Your practice had just ended and after taking a quick shower in the locker room you headed to the other gym where the boys team was still practicing, silently slipping in the door and sitting on the bench.
“Little Miya is here!” Akagi exclaims, a few heads turning to face you. You give a small wave without looking up from your phone, rolling your eyes at the familiar sound of your brothers starting a fight.
“Why are you here?” Osamu asks on one of their water breaks, staring down at you from where he stood.
“Mom won’t let me walk home alone after practice and Yaku wasn’t here today.” You explain with a sigh, “So I have to wait for you two.”
“I forgot we’re going home today.” Atsumu groans, “She’s gonna kill me.”
“He failed the maths test.”
You can’t help the laugh that bubbles past your lips, Atsumu glaring at you and your other brother as you laugh at his expense. He starts going on about how it wasn’t his fault but you don’t pay much attention, instead your gaze meeting another a few meters behind him. Almost as soon as you lock eyes they look away and you do the same, resisting the blush that tries to rise up your face.
After another thirty minutes of their practice they’re finally let go, everyone else on the team heading towards the dorms while you, Atsumu, and Osamu make your way towards the front gate.
“There’s at least two girls on my team that have a crush on you guys.” You add to their conversation after listening in on them talking about their fan girls for the past ten minutes.
“Eh? Why would someone like ‘Samu?” Atsumu asks.
“You literally have the same face.” You blink, watching as he goes to argue but can’t seem to find any words that work in his favor.
While the twins on either side of you kept talking you pulled out your phone, a small smile crossing your face as your fingers danced across the screen to reply to a text. You’d turned down your brightness and tilted your phone closer to your face so your brothers wouldn’t be able to read anything but they still eyed you suspiciously, silently sharing their questions with each other over your head.
“Y/n? What’re ya doin?” Atsumu asks, making you turn off your phone and shove it in your pocket.
“Texting my team.” You answer coolly, “Some of us actually have to put work in outside of practice.”
“Oi it’s not my fault yer a vice captain and we’re not!”
“What about organizing makes you smile like that?” Osamu asks. You cringe at his words; of course he’d be the one to pick up on that.
“When did this turn into twenty questions?” You ask, voice slight squeaking as you spoke.
“Does our baby sister have a boyfriend?” Atsumu grins, resting his arm on your shoulder.
“No, and don’t call me that! You’re not even a year older than me!” You exclaim, shoving his arm off and picking up your pace so you walked ahead of them instead of between.
“Hey, get back here!”
After dinner with your family you sat in your room, repeatedly setting a volleyball into the air above you and occasionally groaning as you hear your brothers through the thin walls of your home. While you were practicing your mind wandered to how close you’d come to being found out by the duo all because of a stupid smile. You’d managed to hide your relationship for nearly five months now but it was getting harder and harder, especially considering your boyfriend was one of your brothers close friends and teammate. You’d wanted to tell them before but it would just cause unnecessary awkwardness and maybe even distrust among the four of you so you decided to keep it secret. It did make things more interesting sometimes but also immensely difficult to find places you could go on dates without risk of being caught, as things as simple as texting nearly exposed your relationship.
Your train of thought is interrupted by a knock on your window, the volleyball above you coming crashing down on to your face when you turn to look at the source of the noise. Rubbing your nose you stood up and crossed the room, gasping lightly when you see the main topic of your thoughts standing on the branch of the tree outside your window.
“Rin?!” You whisper yell after pushing open the glass, sticking your head outside.
He flashes you a small smile as you reach out to help him inside, leaving the window open behind him in case he needed to use it as a quick escape route.
“What’re you doing here?”
“Thought I’d stop by.” He responds, reaching out and pulling you towards him with one of your hands before his arms snake around your waist, “We haven’t hung out in a while.”
“Ya could’ve just waited til tomorrow.” You say though find yourself melting into him, “‘Tsumu and ‘Samu are literally on the other side of that wall.”
“Well I was on my way to the store and thought I’d stop by.”
You shake your head with a sigh as your arms move around his back, one of your hands between his shoulder blades and the other on the back of his neck. He leans down, face hovering in front of yours for a moment before you close the space between you and press your lips to his.
“You really can’t stay.” You mumble, pulling apart momentarily to talk.
“Just for a little bit.” He says, pecking your lips again before lowering his head to the crook of your neck.
“Rin.” You warn though your words lose any authority when he presses a delicate kiss to your jaw making you subconsciously lean closer into his grasp with a slight intake of breath.
“Okay, maybe just a bit.”
You feel him smile before he peppers your neck in kisses, one of his hands moving up to lightly hold the side as his thumb gently pushes up your chin. You turn and press a kiss to his temple before you angle your head up and to the side, giving him more access as you both take a few unstable steps back until the back of your legs hit your bed. Slowly you fall back on to the mattress, Suna following and hovering over you with one of his hands hooked under your lower back.
“Hey Y/n?” He asks quietly, thin eyes baring into your own.
You hum, eyes flickering away for a moment to brush some of his hair out of his face.
“Can we take a nap?”
Your face falls at his question before a small laugh bubbles past your lips, “We can’t, my brothers might walk in.”
The middle blocker gives a disappointed groan before he lays down on top of you, his head resting on your chest as his arms encircle your waist.
“Just five minutes.” He mumbles.
Before you could respond you heard a loud crash from the wall next to you followed by shouting and a yell of your name. The color drained from your face as footsteps approached your room, Suna quickly jumping up and scanning the room for some where to hide. You jester towards the window and he narrows his eyes before climbing out, nearly slipping as he steps on the branches of the tree.
“Y/n!” Atsumu yells as he throws open your door, “Help!”
“What do you-“ Before you could finish your sentence the boy in front of you is tackled to the ground by a flash of grey hair, the two rolling around on the ground of your room.
“Give it back ya asshole!”
“I can’t! I already ate it!”
You watch with wide eyes as they fight, neither paying much attention to you as they carry whatever they’d started on in your room. Even being their sister you had a hard time distinguishing between them with how fast they were moving around, flashes of grey and blonde the only indicator of who was who.
“Stop! You’re gonna knock me over-!” Your words are cut off by the heavy sound of you being sent to the floor, yelling as you’re unwillingly dragged into their fight.
“What is wrong with you two?!”
“He ate my Onigiri!” Osamu exclaims, narrowly missing a punch to the gut, “I spent two hours making that!”
“It’s not my fault ya left it out!” His twin yells back, using his knee to keep down one of his opponent’s legs.
“You’re fighting over food?” You ask exasperatedly, hissing when your hair is violently yanked to the side. As you tried to pull yourself free from their tangle of limbs a swift fist swings into your eye, a yelp of pain leaving you as you reach up to cradle your face.
“Look what ya did now!” Osamu says, reluctantly pulling away from your brother and kneeling in front of you.
“Yer both stupid ya know that?” You hiss, cowering away when a hand reaches out towards you.
“Shit- Y/n I’m sorry, are you okay?” Atsumu asks, any previous fight now long forgotten as they both crouch in front of you with concerned looks.
“Is it bad?” You question, lowering your hand and cringing when you notice their eyes widen.
“Ya think you could pull off purple eyeshadow?”
You groan before taking his hand and letting him pull you up, walking towards the small mirror on your desk and withering at the sight. The area around your right eye was already red and starting to turn purple and swell, reminding all three of you of the strength the brothers had that they often forgot about.
“‘Tsumu, stop eating everything you see, ‘Samu it’s kind of your fault for leaving it out.” You sigh, watching them both deflate and go to argue with you before looking back at your eye, “Now get out.”
“Are you sure? I can getchya an ice pack or somethin?” Atsumu asks but you shake your head.
“Just go, I’ll be fine.”
They reluctantly walk out of your room, flashing you an apologetic look as you trail behind them and close the door with a heavy sigh.
After inspecting your eye a little while longer you pull out your phone, scrolling through your contacts for a moment before finding Sunas.
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You roll your eyes but still do so, cringing at the sight of the ugly purple that’d started to develop before you hit send.
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The next day you after you’d gone back to campus you’d gotten a lot of questions about your eye, especially once you went to your morning classes. You’d started to grow annoyed with the persistent, never ending same question over and over and by the time your free period rolled around you were ready to spend the rest of your day in your dorm. On your way to the front of the building you stopped at your locker, unable to resist the smile that pulled at the corners of your lips when you saw your favorite food sitting in a bag next to your books, a small note attached to the top.
Hope you can see this with one eye
You tuck the note in your pocket before pulling the food out of your locker, making your way towards where you and your friends always met up for lunch. They seemed surprised about your black eye and thankfully didn’t bring up the topic after you explained the story behind the ugly mark.
“You know, some of the boys on the boys volleyball team are pretty cute.” You hear one of the girls say, effectively gaining your attention.
“Especially the second years.” The girl next to you say, “No wonder the twins have so many fan girls.”
“You guys are gonna make me throw up.” You groan, wrinkling your nose at the thought of seeing your brothers in that light.
“Hey, you can’t deny that they’re cute!” She giggles, shoulder bumping into yours as she does so, “Maybe you could set me up with one of them.”
“In your dreams.” You scoff and she frowns.
“What about Suna?” Your other teammates speaks up. You have to resist the urge to shut down the conversation, not wanting to hear other girls talk about how attractive they found your boyfriend.
“Hm, now that you mention it he is pretty handsome.” Another girl weighs in, “His eyes are kind of hypnotizing.”
“What do you think Y/n?”
“I guess he’s cute.” You shrug, trying to seem nonchalant as you refused to make eye contact.
“We should go to the boy’s practice after ours.” Your friend suggests, “We can just watch for pointers.”
“Kori is trying to pick up a new boyfriend!”
As the rest of your team continues laughing and talking about the boys team you find yourself pulled into your own thoughts, worries and insecurities already working their way into the confidence you had in your relationship. What if one of the other girls made a move on Suna? Would he play along with it just to keep the guise of being single? How far would he let her go? Would he realize that he wants to be with someone other than you? Perhaps someone prettier?
By the time you were brought back to reality everyone else was already packing up their things, forcing you to shove the thoughts in the back of your mind though they whispered to you through out the rest of your classes.
“Alright you girls can pack up, we’re done for the day!” Your coach announces. You walk with the rest of your team towards the locker rooms with a towel wrapped loosely around your neck, your breathing heavy from the effort from practice. You were excited for it to finally be over and be able to spend the rest of the night with your boyfriend, though your plans are quickly thrown off when someone calls your name from the other side of the gym.
“Y/n, I need you to stay behind with the third years.” Your coach says making you inwardly groan though you still nod and jog towards the small group.
“You know where we’ll be Y/n!” Your friends call out, waving as they close the door to the gym behind them.
The extra practice goes by painstakingly slow, another half hour passing before you were allowed to shower and leave. You practically ran to the other gym, internally panicking at the thought of what you might walk into when you pushed open the doors.
Finally you made it, wasting no time in stepping into the familiar room and quickly scanning the people littered through out. You notice a few groups split off talking to each other, rolling your eyes as you see Atsumu flirting with the girls around him while Osamu stood next to him with an unamused expression. Moving on from them you looked on the other side of the gym, finding your boyfriend standing on the corner of the court.
Relief floods you as you begin to approach him though it’s short lived when you see the girl standing a little too close for comfort. Suna had his signature neutral expression as he spoke to her, not even flinching when she lays a hand on his bicep and steps closer, looking up at him with a coy grin. A sick feeling makes it’s home in your stomach as you watch them and how unbothered he seemed by it all, even giving her one of his rare smiles. You find it harder to believe it’s all an act, that his actions weren’t genuine and he wasn’t actually entertaining her advances. Maybe he was thinking about other options; he had to be tired of how secretive and sneaky he had to be with you and was looking for someone else, someone he could be public with. Maybe you were losing him.
The final straw for you is when you see her hand trail up to hold his face, the action chilling you to the bone and sending you across the room. You’re quickly within range of the two as you approached from behind the girl, Sunas eyes meeting yours and lighting up slightly.
“Oh hey Y/n, I didn’t know if you were going to make it.” Your teammate smiles, her hand still resting on Sunas arm as she turned around to talk to you.
“Yeah. So, what’s going on?” You respond, getting straight to the point as you shift your weight uncomfortably.
“Just having a little chat with Suna here.” She responds, turning towards the man in question so she was practically shoved against him now. You not so subtly cringed at the action which he took notice to, finally taking the opportunity to throw the girl off.
“I’ve been waiting for you.” Suna says, peeling himself away from your teammate and stepping closer to you, “Ready to go?”
He tightly loops an arm around your waist, his thumb running up and down on your uniform clad hip. You’re caught off guard by his sudden public display but quickly cover it with a smile, feeling relief flow through you as he distances himself from the girl.
“Sorry for keeping you waiting.” You say as your arm goes behind his back, “Coach had me do extra practice with the third years.”
“It’s fine, Kori was here to keep me company.” He responds, both of your gazes flickering to the girl who stood almost dumbfounded next to you.
“Wait are you two...?” She asks, neither of you quite answering though the answer was heavily implied, “Miya? With someone like you as a boyfriend? Either you’re lying or-“
You notice Suna roll his eyes before he pulls you flush against himself, leaning down and pressing his lips to yours in one swift motion. You melt into him as your hand reaches up to cup his face, pulling away with an ethereal smile.
“Or you’re really good at lying.” Kori finishes, blinking at you both as if she’s trying to catch up to the sequence of events. After a few moments of the three of you intensely staring at each other she gives a smile and walks off to your other teammates by the door, a rapid conversation bursting out amongst them complete with constant glances and gasps.
You cringe at the sudden, all too familiar yell of your brothers as they quickly push through the girls around them and rush over to where you stood. Suna tenses slightly and turns towards them, his arm loosening so you could stand beside him though it still stays comfortably wrapped around your body.
“What was that?!” Atsumu exclaims, eyes dancing back and forth between you and his friend, “The two of you just...”
“Are you... dating?” Osamu asks, narrowing his eyes slightly as he spoke.
“Yeah.” Suna answers, watching as their expressions fall and they look at each other before back at you.
“How long?” The blonde questions.
“Five months.” You respond this time.
“Well it was great talking to you but we better get going.” You say, gently pushing Suna towards the door in an attempt to escape your brothers.
“Hold on a minute,” Osamu says, as they work their way between you and your boyfriend, “Suna, do ya really think ya can get off that easy datin our precious little sister?”
“Didn’t you give her a black eye?”
“That’s besides the point! Ya know if ya do anythin to hurt her I’m gonna-“
“Why would I hurt her?” Suna interrupts, the three Miyas turning to face him, “She’s my girlfriend, I care about her.”
It’s silent for a moment as your brothers stare in surprise, their minds finally catching up as they search for something else to say.
“Tsumu if you keep this up I’m gonna tell em about your little crush.” You say before they can start again, watching as his face loses color and his expression falls, “And ‘Samu I’ll take all of your cookbooks.”
“... Yer safe for now Suna.” Atsumu says quietly, giving his friend a soft glare.
You take this as an opportunity to escape the twins, wasting no time in quickly making your way across the gym and out the double doors. A breath you didn’t realize you were holding finally leaves your lungs, Suna looking down at you and noticing how exhausted physically and mentally you seemed. Silently he laces your fingers together and gives your hand a gentle squeeze in an effort to help you relax even if it were only slightly.
“We don’t have to hide anymore.” You say quietly though it’s loud in both of your ears, the sentence one you’ve been wanting to say for a long time. Suna responds by pulling your hand up to his face and pressing a kiss to your knuckles before letting your interlaced hands dangle between you. It was a luxury you hadn’t yet been able to experience, holding his hand out in public. Something about the simple action made your heart flutter, your eyes flickering towards Suna momentarily before back towards the path. It was as if you were confirming your relationship, announcing to the world and more importantly your brothers that Suna was your boyfriend.
“Why do you keep looking at me like that?” Suna asks, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“Just admiring.” You answer, smiling as he gives you a weird look before squeezing your hand.
“I think I’m gonna like this.” He mumbles, abruptly pulling you into himself by your hand.
You stumble for a moment before relaxing against him, your arms finding their place wrapped loosely around his neck while his hold you firmly in place by your waist. Your hand cups his cheek as you lean closer, stopped centimeters away close enough for his breath to dance on your face and lips to barely graze your own.
“Me too.”
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ellewords · 4 years
haikyuu boys + giving their s/o a massage
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request from @mouthbreathers :  Can you do one where a haikyuu character gives you a massage? LOTS OF FLUFF (Suna x reader) ( sakusa x reader ) ( Kuroo x reader)
fic notes : timeskip!suna, sakusa, kuroo x gn!reader, fluff, headcanons, wc: ~0.5k each
from elle ! honestly i could go for a massage rn, oh to have a hq boy to give me one ;-; anyways thank you for requesting and i hope you enjoy <33
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➹  suna r.
suna absolutely adores how hard working you are, the amount of pride that courses through his veins when you tell him about the presentation you just aced or how you’re up for a promotion : unparalleled
but he also knows that working so hard meant that you had very little time to take care of yourself. and it hurts him a little to see you stressed out.
suna does what he can : bringing you food, water, the little things that you would have forgotten to do if he wasn’t around.
but today was different. you were hunched over on your desk, typing away at your keyboard for hours now — starting when the sun was still up and not ending even as the stars had already come out. your eyes held clear signs of weariness, with nothing but the bright computer screen to stare back at you. 
you were in that position when he left for practice, he didn’t expect that you’d still be there when he came back. 
“baby, please take a break.” suna spoke from behind you, leaving his gym bag by the door, “you don’t have to finish it today, it’ll still be there tomorrow.”
“that’s the problem, i don’t want that.” you sighed, not even bothering to turn to look back at him. 
suna’s heart sinks, but decides not to push you further, heading to the bathroom and taking a shower after giving you a quick peck on the cheek as a small form of encouragement.
the problem came when it was time for bed and you were still out there typing away,, the bed is cold and he misses you >:(
you hear his feet prodding along the wooden floors of your shared apartment and you brace yourself to hear his voice, telling you to go to sleep and just finish it up in the morning. and you were already prepared with a response, it can’t wait til morning.
what you didn’t expect was to feel a presence close behind you. hands gently placed on your shoulders, “relax, yn.”
you let out a shaky breath as suna’s hands begin to rub away at your shoulders, easing away the knots and tension that had formed from your day of working. you practically lean into his touch, finally allowing yourself to relax
there was no technique to what he was doing, he just massaged your shoulders. plain and simple as that is, it was exactly what you needed. you close your eyes, focusing in on his movements as it settles in how tired you actually are
suna notices this too, a small smile making it’s way to his face when you mutter a “thank you.”
he leans down, his face level with your ear, “no problem. come on, you should rest now. you deserve to.”
➹  sakusa k.
it all started when your friend had given you coupons for a couple’s massage. she apparently knew the manager and gave her just a few too many. 
it’s supposed to be the most relaxing experience in the world, at least according to your friend who had already been. granted, she could’ve just been hyping her friend’s place up. but truthfully you didn’t really need much convincing to be enticed by the idea.
work had been a little stressful and sakusa had been gone for most of the week on a series of long away games, this might just be the perfect thing for the two of you to experience together
he comes home that afternoon and you greet him by the front door. to sakusa, this was a bit unusual considering that he insisted that you wait for him to get showered and change into a new set of clothes before you greet him after a while of being away.
yet here you were, hands behind your back, leaning back and forth on your heels, looking up at him with a nervous smile. 
“oh no.” sakusa noted, removing his mask, “you have that look on your face when you’re excited about something but scared of how i’ll react.”
you blush at how well he knew you, or maybe you were just easy to read. regardless, you present to him the rectangular pieces of paper your friend had given you earlier, “how do you feel about getting a massage at the spa downtown?”
“no, we’re not letting strangers touch us.” he said without a single moment’s hesitation, “if that’s all, i’m going to take a shower now.”
yeah, part of you kind of expected that.
listen, sakusa knew that going to a spa wasn’t exactly super high risk. he knew that it was probably clean and well sanitized, otherwise it just wouldn’t be a relaxing experience.
but he’d been gone for a while and all he wanted to do was be alone with you all cuddled up in your bed — but he’d never outright admit that to anyone. 
you were getting a little pouty though:( and he didn’t really like that you were.
“if you want a massage so bad, i’ll give you one.” sakusa spoke out of the blue, startling both himself and you.  
so he has no idea what he’s doing, he wasn’t exactly thinking when he offered.
sakusa begins by doing everything on instinct, his hands placing pressure on different points of your backside and going off on your reactions : taking notes on the parts where you let out a quiet breath of relaxation and the ones that had you wincing in pain, letting out a quiet apology when you do.
weirdly enough, sakusa finds himself relaxing at you being relaxed. when he finally finds his stride a few minutes in, a calm feeling begins to overtake him as well — settling into a routine of where his hands pressed against your skin, at different points and different times. 
when you fall asleep mid-massage, he moved you so that you’re wrapped in his arms and places a small kiss on your temple. ask him if he did this though and he’ll deny it.
➹  kuroo t. 
oh gosh ;-;
okay so your anniversary was coming up and kuroo has absolutely no idea what to do and he’s been trying to come up with one for months now.
he has consulted almost everyone he knows for ideas but they all fall flat on what you deserved
until a couple of days before the date of your anniversary, you mentioned wanting to take a vacation, just needing to relax and destress. it didn’t have to be an actual vacation even, in fact, you’d settle for a massage at a nice spa. 
suddenly, a lightbulb goes off in kuroo’s head. he was going to give you the best spa day you’ve ever had, right from the very comfort of your shared apartment
problem is, he couldn’t exactly surprise you with a transformation when both of you worked the same hours and spent most of your time together. 
“okay so i need you out of the apartment.” kuroo nonchalantly spoke the morning of your anniversary. 
you furrowed your brows, annoyance quickly building inside you, “what the hell, tetsu? where am i supposed to go? and what am i supposed to do?”
“i called someone.”
“hey hey hey!”
“just so we’re clear, you want me to spend most of our anniversary with bokuto?”
“yup! now stay safe, have fun, and be back by five!” kuroo spoke in one breath, pushing you out the door and into bokuto’s waiting arms.
he knows the roles could be reversed and he could’ve spent the day with you and had his friends set up your apartment, but he wanted to be the one to do it because he feels it would be more special <33
went the whole nine yards : a playlist of your favorite soft songs, rose petals, lights warm and dimmed, scented candles !! he really went off on this one because he wanted it to be perfect
so when you returned home after your day out with volleyball superstar, bokuto, this was the last thing you expected
“happy anniversary.”
a hand goes up to your mouth, your eyes scanning around your apartment. your heart swelling at the thought of kuroo remembering something you mentioned in passing days ago, “tetsu, you shouldn’t have…”
“i wanted to babe, now relax and let me take care of you.”
this man knows what to do with his hands and you are shocked but very much impressed
kuroo knew exactly when and where he needed to put pressure on, in love with the feeling your bare skin underneath his hands, trying to ease the very clear tension in your muscles, trailing his fingertips down your backside with expert-like precision. 
you had to ask him if it was his first time giving someone a massage because there’s absolutely no way he hasn’t.
gets a little blushy blushy at your compliment because he did just spend most of the previous night reading up on what to do and he feels warm inside because you liked and appreciated his efforts ;-;
*side-eyes his google search history* mans did his research okay !! wanted this to be an actually relaxing experience for you
and it was :’) it didn’t even have to be your anniversary, kuroo would do this all over again on a random tuesday if it meant you get to be happy. he just loves you that much.
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—  see if you can request something here. 
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The Best Man
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Pairing: Marcus Pike x F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, fluff, a few curse words
Word Count: 2,560
Author’s Note: A fun part about getting older is that all of my friends are married or engaged now, and sometimes weddings bring up some insecurities. A more than a bit of venting going on here. This is my first time writing for the love of my life Marcus Pike and I’m very nervous/excited. 
Summary: When your best friend asks you to be the maid of honor at her wedding, you’re convinced that you’ll never find your own happy ending- until you meet a certain groomsman. 
Taglist Form - Masterlist
You weren’t proud of the feelings of dread that washed over you as you sat in the parking lot of the wedding venue. You’d been sitting in your car for just a little longer than socially acceptable, given that the rest of the bridal party had likely already gathered inside. You just needed to make it through the next two days, and then you could go back to your apartment, wrap yourself in a blanket, and wallow in your feelings. 
You thought you’d be better at ignoring the green-eyed monster that was currently threatening to ruin what was supposed to be a happy occasion. 
You’d dutifully sat through dress fittings, gave thoughtful opinions on flower arrangements and centerpieces and invitations, and meticulously planned the bridal shower and bachelorette party. It was your job as the maid of honor to make sure that everything went off without a hitch on your best friend’s special day. 
You were happy for her- so happy for her. You’d never seen her like this, and you knew that she and Greg were going to have the perfect lives together. A fairytale wedding, a beautiful home, a loving family with two-point-five kids and a golden retriever in the backyard. A cliche to be sure, but you couldn’t deny the pang of jealousy that Melissa had found her perfect match while you were still decidedly and hopelessly single. You buried those feelings down deep, enduring it all with a smile. 
It would happen for you eventually. 
Well, you could hope, right?
When you finally made your way inside, Melissa had already worked herself into a panic. The best man, Marcus, was nowhere to be found.
Mellissa had told you a little about Greg’s best man. You knew that he worked for the FBI, that he and Greg had been in a band together in his younger days, and that he was flying in from Washington D.C. for the wedding. His flight was supposed to arrive an hour ago, and then he would take a cab from the airport to the venue. 
Clearly, that plan had derailed at some point. 
“Greg, we only have the rehearsal space for another twenty minutes-” Melissa reminded him impatiently. 
“He’ll be here, Mel. I swear, the one time he’s late for anything…” Greg sighed, shaking his head. He pulled his phone from his pocket, presumably dialing the best man’s number again before holding the phone to his ear. The silence seemed to drag on forever as Mellissa glared daggers at her husband-to-be. “Damn it, Marcus, turn your phone on...” 
You tried to deescalate the situation, placing a calming hand on Melissa’s shoulder and quietly reminding her to breathe. With patience wearing thin all around, the last thing you needed was for Bridezilla to make an appearance today. 
“Why don’t we just run through the ceremony without him, and he can follow my lead tomorrow. All he really has to do is stand there and hand you the rings, right? Does that sound okay?” You looked back and forth between the couple hopefully, and they nodded in agreement.
“Good. Happy thoughts, you two. It’s going to be the most magical day of your lives, I promise.” 
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You’d woken the next morning with a tension headache from hell, and it had stuck with you all morning. As calm as you’d made yourself out to be earlier, the case of the missing groomsman was still bothering you. 
As you and the other bridesmaids got into your places for the ceremony, you ran through your mental checklist. As long as Greg’s friend was standing up there at the altar when those doors opened, you had everything under control. You’d even managed to wrangle the flower girl, Greg’s rambunctious niece, into a somewhat poised state, promising her an extra piece of cake later if she would just keep it together during the ceremony and pictures.
On the other side of the doors, you heard the music start, and one by one, the bridesmaids shuffled through the doors. When it was finally your turn, you took a deep breath, smoothing your hair to the best of your ability with your bouquet-free hand and hoped for the best as you walked through the doorway. Three thoughts always stuck in your mind during these kinds of things: 
One, you really, really hoped that you wouldn’t trip on the hem of the dress and bust ass in front of all of these people, effectively ruining the ceremony and humiliating yourself in the process. 
Two, Am I taking too long? I’m taking too long. Oh fuck, all of these people are staring at me wondering why I won’t hurry up, aren’t they? This isn’t my wedding, I should just-
Three, you wonder what it might be like if it was. For a split second, your dress is white, your heart is fluttering, and the man of your dreams is waiting for you at the end of the aisle. 
Your eyes go there without really meaning to. Greg is there, of course, sweating bullets. Idly, you wonder if the photographer can fix that in editing. God, you hope so. Poor Melissa. 
Then your gaze moves slightly to the right, and the fluttering in your chest returns. 
Whatever lingering annoyance you had with the best man and his lack of punctuality was out the window now, his warm brown eyes melting your resolve in an instant. He smiled, showing off the dimples in his cheeks and you felt yourself returning it before your brain had time to interfere. Reaching the altar and planting yourself in your designated space, your nervousness has morphed into something you can’t quite identify, but don’t have much time to linger on. The flower girl is already making her way down the aisle, distributing the petals in the way you hand practiced repeatedly last night, much to your relief, and your heart is still racing long after Melissa walks through the doors. 
Time always passes strangely during these types of things. The ceremony begins after you almost miss your cue to take the bouquet from her, and she shoots you a confused look over when it passes into your hands. As the officiant drones on and on about the bigger meaning of what is taking place here today, you find your arms aching as you try to hold both bouquets still. You wonder if you would be sore later from holding your arms this way for so long, and silently hope that everyone remembers not to lock their knees as you all try to remain frozen in place for the better part of an hour. 
Finally, the officiant arrives at the portion of the ceremony you’d all been waiting for, the vows. The words of love and commitment that made your insides all warm and fuzzy. The best part of any wedding, hands down. A guaranteed tear-jerker, and, more importantly, the signal that all of this would soon be over. 
“I, Greg, take you, Melissa, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'til death do us part.”
Oh, what you would give to have that... The thought brought a lump to your throat, the tears in your eyes somewhere between happy and sad. Longing. That was the word for it. You forced yourself to look away from the scene, giving yourself a moment of reprieve from your own insecurities. 
You didn’t mean to make eye contact with Marcus at that moment, but you found him looking back at you. The space between his eyebrows creased slightly as he noticed the pain in your eyes. 
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Receptions always seemed to drag, especially when you were unlucky enough not to check the plus-one box on the invitation. The bridal party had gathered themselves at one long table for dinner, but the cake had been cut well over an hour ago and all that was left was smalltalk and dancing. Or, in your case, people-watching. 
You sighed, your chin resting on your hand as you watched the couple sway to the music. They looked like they were lost in their own little world, their foreheads touching as they spoke in hushed whispers that no one could hear but them. You couldn’t remember the last time that someone had looked at you like that. Actually, you weren’t sure that anyone had ever looked at you like that. 
“They seem happy, huh?” A voice said from beside you. You hadn’t noticed the chair being pulled out or the tall, tuxedo-clad body dropping into it, but you looked over your shoulder to find Marcus beside you. You hadn’t dared to speak a word after the ceremony or during photos, but you had spent a good portion of the evening mesmerized by the soothing sounds of his voice as he gave the speech for his toast. It was low and raspy and warm, like whiskey and honey, and it gave you goosebumps now that it was finally being directed towards you. 
“I would hope so,” You agreed quietly. “They did just get married two hours ago.” 
“Do you want to dance?” He asked, giving you an inviting, hopeful smile and holding his hand out to you. “No pressure, but I wouldn’t really be fulfilling my best man duties if I didn’t ask the maid of honor to dance.” You nodded gratefully, taking his hand and allowing him to help you up and lead you out towards the dance floor.
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“Can I ask you something?” He wondered, his voice quiet at the pair of you swayed to the music. Marcus had, it seemed, become your unofficial dance partner for the evening. He danced like a dork during the fast songs, but the slow songs were where he really shined. 
“Go ahead,” You nodded. 
“Earlier you seemed kind of… down. Anything you want to talk about?”
“Was it that obvious?” You cringed. You hoped that Melissa and Greg hadn’t picked up on your moodiness. 
“I’m pretty good at reading people. Comes with the job, you know? Are you not a big fan of weddings?”
“No, I love weddings,” You shook your head. “Sometimes it just feels like… You know that phrase, ‘always the bridesmaid, never the bride’? Well, that’s the unofficial title of my autobiography.” 
A soft snort escaped his nose, and you narrowed your eyes at him playfully. 
“Excuse me, are you laughing at my misfortune?”
He raised his hands in surrender, temporarily pausing your dancing, and you immediately felt the absence of the warmth from your waist and hand. “Not at all. I’m sort of in the same boat, actually.” 
He took your hand once more, raising it above your head and spinning you before the pair of you returned to your swaying.
“The thing is, I’m happy for Melissa, I really am, but she’s never even wanted to get married. Not until she met Greg. But here she is, getting her fairytale wedding, while I couldn’t even find a date for tonight. I’ve always liked the idea of being married. The whole madly in love, growing old together, building a life with someone kind of thing. I know it’s stupid, but I really, really want it, and sometimes it feels like my life is always just going to be… this,” You explained, gesturing arbitrarily small corner of dance floor the two of you had cut out for yourselves. “Standing on the sidelines, watching everyone else find their soulmate and wondering what the hell is wrong with me.” 
“I know the feeling. I once watched Greg give himself a concussion trying to smash a beer can on his head,” Marcus revealed. “Not exactly a catch, but I guess there’s someone out there for everyone.” 
You laughed at that, the tension easing itself out of your shoulders. “A concussion?”
“I drove him to the hospital and everything,” He grinned, the corners of his eyes crinkling with the sound of your soft giggles. He gave your waist an encouraging squeeze, relieved that the sadness in your eyes had finally disappeared. 
“Alright, so we’ve discussed my deepest, darkest secret. Isn’t it your turn to make an embarrassing confession?” You asked teasingly. You were having more fun than you’d expected to have this evening; Marcus’ presence seemed to eclipse everything around you. 
He hummed thoughtfully, nodding. “Does it have to be embarrassing?”
“Maybe not embarrassing, but it can’t be boring,” You decided, your curiosity piqued. 
“Okay,” He agreed. “I told Greg that I was working a case and that’s why I had to catch a red-eye this morning instead of getting in last night.” 
“Mmm, I’ve gotta say. That is a bit boring,”
“Yeah? Well, it was a lie.”
“Oh? You’ve caught my interest. And what is your excuse for the stress-induced headache your tardiness caused me this morning?”
“I almost decided not to show up at all,” He admitted. “Made it all the way to the airport before I turned around and went home. Turned off my phone, completely unpacked… My fiancé left me for another man about a year ago, and I guess I still have some wedding-related issues of my own to work through. But Greg is one of my best friends, so… here I am.” 
“Oh, I’m…” You fumbled, not quite prepared for the level of honesty that he’d given you in his answer. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know-” 
“No, no,” He shook his head. “It’s okay. I just meant that… I get it. It’s like you said. A life, a home, a family… That’s everything I’ve ever wanted. I thought I did everything right and that clearly wasn’t enough, so I started thinking that maybe there was something wrong with me. But I think the truth is that she just wasn’t the right person.”
“Wow, Marcus… I know there’s an open bar, but I feel like I should buy you a drink after that. That’s horrible…” 
He chuckled, shrugging. “I was pretty relieved when I saw I wasn’t the only one here counting down the hours until I could leave and go home.” 
“So… do you still think the right person is out there, then?” You asked quietly. 
“Oh, definitely,” Marcus said confidently, squeezing the hand that was still clasped in his. His eyes were molten as they looked into yours with an earnestness that set your heart racing.  “Maybe they’re just running a little late.” 
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Melissa glanced over her shoulder to look at the maid of honor and best man, a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips as she turned back to her new husband. 
“You don’t have your wallet on you, do you?” She asked, the I-told-you-so obvious in her tone. 
“You don’t win the bet unless he asks her out,” Greg reminded her. 
“Greg, get real. You see the way they’re looking at each other. I want my twenty bucks, babe.” 
Greg glanced over at his friend, instantly recognizing Marcus’ lovestruck expression. He had to hand it to Melissa, she’s one of a hell of a matchmaker. 
“Double or nothing,” He countered. “I’m guessing…. A wedding within the next… Two years?” 
Melissa scoffed. “Bring it on. I’ll rig the bouquet toss and we’ll have that invitation taped to the fridge within the year.”
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General Taglist: 
@theravenreads @marshmallowtraver @computeringturtle @adikaofmandalore @pascalisthepunkest @supernaturalcat7 @maythxthirstbxwithyou
Pedro Character Taglist: 
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luvidzy · 3 years
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☆ genre: fluff
☆ pairing: hwang yeji x reader
☆ summary: it’s the day of your first art exhibition and yeji isn’t there to hold your hand
☆ word count: 1.8k
Your fork clattered onto your plate, your hand trembling as you took in the news that your girlfriend, Yeji, wouldn’t be able to make it to your art exhibition tomorrow. You had been so excited and proud to share your artwork with her, having spent a long time on the specific piece being displayed. The display that she would never see.
She stared at you with eyes full of sadness, moving to take your hand in hers. You were still frozen, your lips shaking as you tried to stop the oncoming tears that were making their way to the corners of your eyes.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry. I really did everything I could, but we are just so close to our comeback that I can’t miss anything.” Yeji’s voice was soft, almost as if she was afraid you might break if she raised her tone. You squeezed your eyes shut, begging yourself to get a grip on your emotions. You needed to calm down, afterall this really wasn’t that big of a deal.
“No…. No, it’s fine. I promise. Sorry, I guess it’s just been a weird day.” That was a lie. Your day had actually been really good (up until now), but Yeji didn’t need to know that. If lying was what it took for her to feel a little less guilty about the situation, then you would lie until the sun began to rise in the morning.
“Will you take pictures? I still want to see everything, and I want to hear about everything. I promise, the minute I come home, I’m all yours,” Yeji said, giving you the smile that always managed to warm your heart and bring you a little bit of solace. 
“Won’t you be tired from practice?”
“Too tired for my beautifully talented partner? Never.” You giggled weakly at that comment, feeling a small smile make its way onto your face. You were still upset, still cursing the fact that you couldn’t have Yeji there for something so important, but you knew that she meant every word she said about staying up to listen to you recall your experience.
“Okay. I love you.” Yeji lifted your hand and pressed the smallest kiss onto the back of it. You felt your face heat up as she smiled at you, continuing to hold your hand while grabbing her silverware with the other one, determined to give you comfort in her touch, even if it was only the smallest sliver of happiness.
The next morning, after a quick breakfast with Yeji, she headed off to do some outfit fittings while you headed out to do last minute checks on your art before it was taken to the small gallery the event was taking place at. Your teacher was already waiting in the classroom, your canvas sitting on an easel.
You took one last look at the piece in front of you, of the watercolors that splashed together on the canvas to create the perfect image, before you let the black cloth drop over it. Your teacher gave you a smile as she patted you on the back.
“It’s going to look great at the exhibit tonight, Y/N. Just you wait,” she reassured. You gave her a soft smile, though you couldn’t get rid of the pit that sat in your stomach. After all, the one person who you wanted to see the piece most wouldn’t be able to make it.
You knew that it wasn’t Yeji’s fault; that it was the price that you paid for dating an idol. You would simply have to get used to the fact that she wouldn’t be available all the time, and that you would simply have to do certain things alone, even if you wanted nothing more than to hold her hand while doing them.
Upon leaving your classroom, you headed straight to your apartment. As much as you would have loved to sit and mope around til the time came for the exhibit, you knew that getting ready would take much longer than you wanted. Afterall, this wasn’t a simple class gathering, this was a public art exhibition, and you wanted to look your best for the masses.
After showering and spending about half an hour wrapped in a towel looking at your phone, you finally decided to get ready. You sent a quick text to Yeji, wishing her luck on their practice tonight, before throwing your phone gently onto your bed and focusing on getting yourself presentable.
It wasn’t until you were on the way to the exhibit that the nerves began to set in. This was your first time showing art to such a big group of people, and you hoped that they would find it as beautiful as you did. Despite the reassurance from Yeji and your teacher prior to this moment, you still found your finger nervously tapping the steering wheel as you tried to get your heart to stop pounding.
This was right about the time that you would have loved to have Yeji’s hand to hold, to squeeze, to ground you and let you know that everything was okay. But unfortunately, it was just you.
Your anxiety only worsened as you walked into the gallery. It wasn’t your first time here, and you usually loved visiting, but for some reason you couldn’t find it in you to step into the gallery knowing that your art was on the wall, waiting to be seen and critiqued.
You squeezed your eyes and pretended that Yeji was beside you, calming you down. You imagined her hand gently rubbing circles on your back, and it felt so real that you almost got chills as her hands moved from your back down to your hands. You could practically feel the weight of her palm in yours, and you squeezed lightly. You felt your eyes shoot open in surprise as her hand squeezed back, except it was too real to be just in your head.
You turned your head quickly, your breath catching as Yeji smiled from beside you. She looked gorgeous, in a simple skirt and a nice blouse, but she looked so much more magical to you. Your mouth opened in surprise as she smiled giddily at you, pulling you into her embrace. In no time, your hands were wrapped around her petite waist, holding her close as you felt the urge to cry again, this time with happiness. 
“I thought you said that you couldn’t make it,” you said, pulling back to make sure you weren’t dreaming. Her laugh filled your ears and you were certain that, no you weren’t dreaming, you were just dating the most perfect girl to ever exist.
“I managed to talk my way out of practice. I owe our choreographer dinner, but it was more than worth it to be here.”
“But, you shouldn’t miss practice! Your comeback is soon and this is something so small, it really doesn’t matter that much.” Your voice trailed off as Yeji squeezed your hands again. You looked at her, your heart melting at the soft smile that was on her face, along with the look of complete adoration in her eyes.
“But it matters to you. If it matters to you, then it is the most important thing in the world. I know that you were looking forward to showing me your art, and you support me all the time, it’s my job to do the same for you,” she explained, her voice warm and steady. Your arguments died in your throat as you let your joy spread to your face, a smile breaking onto your features. You hugged her again, quicker this time, before pulling her into the exhibit.
You walked around, observing the art and talking about the different artists and techniques used, until finally you came to your piece. Yeji let go of your hand, her eyes wide as she walked closer to it, as if in a trance, while you watched from the sidelines with a smile on your face.
Splashes of neutral colors were painted onto the canvas, the watercolor causing the paint to flow from one color to the other. A large tree stood in the background, the brown standing out against the black and gray night sky. Warm white lights were painting along the branches of the tree, the watercolor allowing them to look as though they were truly glowing steady and bright. In the middle of it all was a beautiful girl, your muse. She looked off into the distance, her sweater pulled up above her palms as she held them to her face for warmth. Her brown hair flowed around her shoulders, perfectly messy in the way that only the girl could pull off.
To anyone else, the painting might have looked simple: a girl by a tree at night. But Yeji instantly recognized the photo. It was one of your favorite photos that you had taken a few months into your relationship with Yeji. You had it as your phone wallpaper, and you always gushed about how the picture captured Yeji’s subtle beauty in the best way; you even said this was the night that you knew you truly and wholeheartedly loved Yeji.
Yeji turned to you, tears in her eyes as she looked back at the portrait, and then back at you. She rushed to you, pressing her lips to yours as she tried to convey all the love that she held for you. You kissed back, your own way of letting her know that you loved her too, and that this picture was just one way of how you showed that.
When she pulled away, she was giggling happily, a single tear streaking down her skin. You brushed it away with your thumb, smiling at her fondly.
“It’s me. You painted me,” Yeji said, her voice trembling as she smiled that smile that made her look just like a little kitten. You kissed her nose, nodding as you pulled back.
“Of course I did. You’re a work of art. I’m glad you think I captured your essence. I was worried you’d think I didn’t do you justice.” Yeji scoffed at your statement, rolling her eyes playfully.
“Didn’t do me justice? Y/N, you’ve painted me like an angel. You’ve done me the most justice than anyone could ever do,” she rambled, which caused you to laugh. She turned back to look it over again, before pulling out her phone to take a picture. Soon, she was typing away furiously, a mischievous smirk on her face. You raised an eyebrow as she tucked her phone back into her purse, a satisfied grin replacing the smirk as she took your hand again.
“What did you do?”
“I sent it to the Itzy groupchat. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t rub it in their faces that my partner made a masterpiece of me?” You laughed at her statement as she chuckled along with you.
“Now come on, I want to see the other art. Though, I doubt anything is gonna top yours.” You rolled your eyes softly, but couldn’t help but smile as she pulled you along gently, her hand in yours. 
Just the way it was meant to be.
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enchantedblackrose · 3 years
Break of Dawn
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He looks kinda sad or maybe thoughtful here? Idk I chose it bc he was dressed up.
Antonio Dawson/ Fem Reader
Summary: A little trip to NYC meant for sightseeing turns into the two of you not leaving each other alone
Warnings: Some plot. Mostly smut. 18+ only. Language. Also I'm sleep deprived please be forgiving of any mistakes
Requested by @fabyoliveira1999 to use Michael Jackson's Break of Dawn as the prompt. Lyrics obviously not mine. ETA: Huge shout out for waiting so patiently. You're a sweetheart.
I remember you and I walking through the park at night. Kiss and touch, nothing much, let it blow just touch and go
You walk hand in hand, so close you're bumping shoulders with every other stride, but neither one of you mind.
"Thanks for dinner, baby."
"You don't have to thank me, mi amor. It's my pleasure."
You squeeze his hand lightly. "We didn't have to go somewhere so fancy."
"I like doing it for you and I love seeing you dolled up like this." Antonio presses his lips to your temple and lets them linger there. His hot breath tickles your neck and you giggle. 
You do look pretty in your body flattering dress and Antonio has complimented your appearance more than once. You're more than thankful to be sharing this time with Antonio, who used some furlough to whisk you away to NYC for a few days. It might seem silly to some, leaving one large city to vacation in another, but you were delighted knowing this whole trip was orchestrated so you could finally visit The Met. But that was scheduled for tomorrow. Tonight, Antonio took you out to an upscale restaurant and now you both are walking through the famous Central Park. A full moon shines directly above.
"I still can't believe you let me order two desserts," you laugh.
"Well, I didn't want to make you choose. I wish I could always give you everything you want."
You stop walking. Concerned, Antonio eyes flicker to your face searching for an answer as to way you suddenly stopped walking.
But you wrap your arms around him for an embrace and then pressing into him, kiss him softly on the mouth. Your lips drop to his collarbone exposed in his form fitting black button-up. His breath catches and you smile. With his hand still in yours you resume walking.
"We should leave," you say.
"I thought we were looking for that statue you wanted to see. Some old dead guy?"
You laugh. "Beethoven," you correct. "We can come back tomorrow, see it in the day. But right now there's something else I want to see more."
"What's that?"
"You. Naked."
Antonio tugs your arm, pulling you back in the direction of the car. You can't help but laugh. The walk is hard as you take turns giving sloppy kisses and teasing touches.
You climb into the backseat of the blacked out SUV Antonio rented. He joins you. Your hands find his belt buckle while he nips and sucks at your neck. You palm his hardened cock through his boxers causing him to moan.
Your free hand undoes the first two buttons of his shirt, your nails lightly grazing the bare skin beneath the fabric and squeezing his peck. Antonio hikes up your dress. His fingers play at the delicate lace of your underwear before moving it aside and pressing a finger inside your entrance. Feeling your wetness, he lets out another groan.
"Baby girl, how can you be so wet already? I haven't done anything to you."
"Fuck me now then," you say, tugging the waistband of his boxers down just enough to spring free his cock. You moan at the sight of it and Antonio chuckles. His fingers hook the sides of your underwear bringing the garment to your ankles. He moves to fully sit on the seat, pulling you onto his lap in the process. Hands on your hips, Antonio helps position you so you're able to take him in. The contact causes you to inhale sharply. You begin to rock your hips. Fast.
"Fuck," Antonio cries. His grip on you tightens as he helps you move against him. Your teeth graze his neck as your fingers get lost tugging his hair. Your pace quickens as you fee al familiar knot forming in your stomach. You cry out Antonio's name as you come and he spills into you just after.
Upon returning to your hotel room, Antonio takes a seat in armchair, removing his dress shoes and socks. You kick off your shoes, leaving them near the door for the moment. You feel Antonio watching you and you inquisitively tilt your head at him.
"What?" You ask.
His eyes shamelessly roam your body from your toes to your face.
"I feel like you didn't get what you want." He answers, stepping towards you.
"Baby, what are you talking about? You know I had a nice night-"
"No, that's not what I meant. You said you wanted me naked. And that's not exactly how it went down in the backseat," he chuckles, placing his hands on your hips.
You grin, inching into him. Your fingers work quickly to unbutton his shirt, pausing only to place small kisses along his broad chest before you help him out of the shirt. You trace the taut muscles of his stomach and linger at the indentations of his V cut. Antonio smirks, knowing how much you admire that part of his body. You work at his belt and slide his dress pants and boxers down his leg. He steps out of them and kicks them off to the side. Your hands reach behind, gripping his tight buttocks. You groan, appreciatively.
Antonio moves to slip you out of your dress, but you playfully swat his hand away.
"Not yet," you say, biting down on your lip as you gaze at him.
"Like what you see?" He quips rather smugly.
"Maybe," you tease.
"Maybe? Alright, you, come here." Antonio grabs your wrist and spins you around and you giggle. He unzips your dress, pushes it off your shoulders, and watches it fall to the floor. He then unhooks your bra. Finally, he slides your underwear down, lightly smacking your bare ass in jest. Gently, he turns you back around so you're facing him again. He takes in the sight of you. "You're breathtaking," he whispers before his lips crash down on yours. With ease and care, he lifts you off your feet. Your legs wrap around him and Antonio takes you to the bed.
The moment you two shared in the back seat of the SUV was about instant gratification. It was fast, and hot, and had you both feeling like kids sneaking around.
This was something different entirely. It was slow. Intimate. Intoxicating. 
...Girl you got to understand, It's the way that I love you, let me show you I'm your man
Antonio explores every inch of your body with his hands and mouth. Squeezing, massaging, sucking, kissing. Every touch ignites you. The sounds of pleasure escaping you are enough to push Antonio over the edge, but he prolongs his own climax.
It's not until you've succumbed to waves of pleasure brought on only by his mouth and fingers that he enters you. Slowly he pushes all of himself into you. His rhythm is steady. He takes time to build you back up and lets you finish another orgasm before he comes just seconds after you.
He rests his forehead against yours as both of you resume breathing normally. Antonio gives you a quick kiss before slowly pulling out of you. He heads to the bathroom to clean up. When he returns you're still in bed with the sheet covering your naked body. Antonio, wearing only his boxers, slides into bed next to you, placing a soft kiss on your bare shoulder. You look up at him through your lashes and give him a warm smile. In a comfortable silence, you lay in his arms.
A few minutes pass and you begrudgingly sit up, knowing you need to clean yourself. A coy grin dances on your lips as you look at Antonio.
"Rest up, papi. Then come join me in the shower," you whisper before disappearing into the bathroom.
You run the hot water, getting the temperature just right before stepping into the oversized glass shower.
I don't want the sun to shine I want to make love. Just this magic in your eyes and in my heart
Minutes later, Antonio joins you in the shower. His lips immediately attach themselves to your neck. His hands massage your breasts. You lean into him basking in his touch. Antonio locks eyes with you, gives you a long, sensual kiss before he turns you around…
I don't know what I'm gonna do I can't stop lovin' you I won't stop 'til break of dawn makin' love
You both lay in bed after some late snacking on junk food and soda from the vending machines. A movie plays on the flatscreen TV in front of you. You curl into Antonio. His hand roams over pajama clad butt.
"Antonio," you giggle. "We have plans tomorrow. We're going to the Met and have to go back to Central Park."
"I know," he murmurs, nuzzling into your neck, breathing in your scent. "But I can't stop touching you, mi amor. The sun's not even up yet. I promise you will get a few hours of sleep in before our trip to the museum."
"Well," you muse. "If you promise…"
Antonio doesn't hesitate pulling you on top of him...
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seongsangi · 4 years
i think about you
pairing: jaemin x reader
summary: you may or may not have a slight thing for your roommate jaemin, where will things go from here 👀
word count: 6.3k
warnings: drinking (stay responsible!! and always!! get consent!!)
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It's 2 am and you can't sleep. How could you when your roommate has brought home another girl to fuck, knowing your walls are thin as hell? You think they're being extra loud on purpose to get on your nerves and it's working. You're tired and frustrated with Jaemin, can he not do this at her place? This is the second time he's done it, and you told him after the first time that he should respect your wishes to sleep peacefully, especially since you live here too.
You can't lay in bed and listen to this bullshit any more, so you throw the covers off angrily and walk down the hallway, banging on his door. "Can y'all please shut the fuck up!" The moans and groans coming from his room come to a halt and you're glad they got the message. As you turn on your heels to head back to your room, a half dressed girl comes running out of his room and shoves past you, almost knocking you over. She heads for the door before you can even see her face. You turn to look at Jaemin, covering the lower half of his body with his sheets. He's shirtless and sweaty, which would look good on any other day but you're too mad at him to think of him in that way.
"Oh shit, I didn't know you were home, I'm so sorry Y/N," he apologizes. He thought you were spending the night at your friend's house.
"I'm going tomorrow night dumbass. Do you bring someone home every time I'm not here?" you ask, hands on your hips.
"Maybe not every night," he responds, unable to look you in the eye. You scoff and head back to your room, finally able to get some sleep. You snuggle under the covers but feel your phone vibrate from a text.
jaemin [2:30 am] Are you mad at me?
you [2:30 am] yes
jaemin [2:31 am] You weren't home when I got here, I swear I didn't know you came back :(
you [2:33 am] ok i guess
jaemin [2:36 am] Sooo, there's a party my friend is throwing Saturday night, wanna go?
you [2:38 am] ... yes
jaemin [2:39 am] <3
The next morning, you're no longer mad at Jaemin. You did come home after him so you can't blame him for not knowing. You make your way into the kitchen to pour yourself some cereal. As you turn around, you almost drop the entire bowl when you run into Jaemin.
"Can you put some damn clothes on?" you huff, annoyed that he wasn't watching where he's going but even more annoyed at yourself for getting a little warm in the cheeks seeing him in only a towel, fresh out the shower.
"What, not like you haven't seen me like this before," he responds, grabbing some water out of the fridge.
That's true, but you wish he would cover up sometimes. Most days you don't bat an eye, but some days you can't deny that he looks good enough for you to swoon over him. He has to know what he's doing when he waltzes around the place shirtless so often, it's like he wants you to stare at him. You take a bite of your cereal instead of responding, not knowing what to say back.
"I know you like it," he teases with a wink, rushing back to his room before you can hit him. You hate to admit that you do. As much as he gets on your nerves, he's still fine as hell and you've caught yourself fantasizing about him more than a few times when you're together. You imagine how his lips would feel on yours, kissing you til you're out of breath. Or how his lips would feel on your neck, leaving hickies as he moves down to your chest, nipping and biting on your breasts, tongue ghosting over your nipples. Or how his hands would feel on your thighs, inching closer and closer to where he makes you tingle the most. You imagine him with that annoyingly hot smirk on his face, asking you if you want him. You think about how he'd feel underneath you as you straddle his waist, grinding your hips on him. The thought of it all makes you extremely hot and bothered.
You quickly finish your cereal and hurry to your room. If you can't get the thought of Jaemin pleasuring you out of your mind, you might as well do something about it. You need some kind of relief, and you sure as hell weren't about to ask him to help you with it. You'd die of embarrassment if he knew you lusted over him sometimes.
You keep a small box of toys in your bottom drawer, locked with a key so pesky little Jaemin can't stumble upon it if he were ever in your room. You pull out your favorite lavender bullet vibrator, glad that it's pretty quiet but oh does it get the job done wonderfully. You spread your legs, imagining Jaemin is kneeling between them. Your hands run up your body, fondling your breasts, imagining his hands in place of yours. You close your eyes and bite your lip, trying to be as silent as possible so he doesn't hear you from his room. Your fingers slide underneath your shorts, circling your clit slowly, feeling how wet you are even through your panties. This is what he does to you and he doesn't even know. You pinch your nipple, wishing Jaemin was here to bite on your sensitive bud.
When your imagination gets to be too much, you discard your shorts and panties, turning on the vibrator and gliding it along your core, gathering your wetness. Pressing it lightly to your clit, you turn it up to your favorite setting, letting the vibrations take over your body. You let out a small moan, which you doubt he could hear but you turn on some music anyway on your speaker, not wanting to take any chances. Your toes curl as the stimulation on your clit sends tingles up and down your spine, thinking about Jaemin pressing soft kisses to your core. You slide the vibrator in yourself, moving it in and out slowly as if it was his fingers in you.
jaemin [10:12 am] Turn your music down I'm trying to study.
you [10:15 am] since when do u study??
jaemin [10:16 am] I'm trying to ace this exam before I party hard on Saturday
you [10:18 am] oh ok, sorry good luck u can do it :)
You throw your phone back on the bed beside you, letting the thoughts of him flood your mind again. You imagine how cute he would look sitting at his desk, brows furrowed because he's stuck on a question. You imagine yourself distracting him from his studies, running your hands along his chest from behind the chair and nuzzling your face in his neck, kissing every inch of him, leaving hickies for everyone to see. You love the thought of marking him, letting the world know he's yours. He'd tell you to quit but you don't want to leave him alone. You think about how sexy it would be when he gets frustrated at you, pushing you against the desk and giving you his undivided attention that you crave so much. The vibrator is sending you into overdrive, pulsing against your clit as you think of all the ways you want Jaemin to use your body. Your high washes over you and a long drawn out moan escapes from your lips. After you calm down from your orgasm, you check your phone again, throwing it away from you in embarrassment when you see the notification.
jaemin [10:30 am] Wow, I love that song you're playing, what's it called?
Saturday night comes by and you're waiting for Jaemin to finish getting ready so you can head to the party. You're wearing an all black outfit: long-sleeve mesh sparkly shirt with a VS lace bra underneath and your favorite skort with a slit, loving the way it hugs your figure perfectly. You have on your favorite dramatic lashes and a bold red lip for a pop of color. You look and feel good about yourself, wanting to dress up a bit since you haven't been to a party in a while. As you scroll through your phone aimlessly, you're getting impatient waiting for him.
"Jaemin hurry up!" you yell at him from the kitchen. He comes out of his room in an all black outfit too, looking delectable in those tight jeans. "You look hot," he wolf whistles at you. You flip your hair and respond with a cocky "I know."
"Why are you matching me?" he checks you out as he opens the door for you. You scoff, "I was ready before you so technically you're matching me."
You climb in the driver's seat, opting to take your car instead of his. Jaemin directs you to his friend's house and you turn up the music, cruising along the dimly lit streets. As you continue driving, you can sense Jaemin stealing glances at you every once in a while. When you come to a stoplight, you turn your head to look at him. He doesn't look away like you thought he would. He's eating you up with such an intense gaze, it makes you a bit shy, body temperature rising.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Cause you look good," he responds, resting his elbow on the console, leaning in too close for comfort. You can't stop the smile that forms on your face, enjoying the simple compliment from him. You hold your hand up in front of his face, blocking yourself from his view as the light turns green. He pushes it back down, wanting to keep looking at you. His hand doesn't let go of yours, though. He traces small circles on your hand, his light touch making you tense up. You don't know why he's acting this way but you don't pull your hand back. The car ride is silent after that except for the music playing.
When you reach the house, you can tell there's a lot of people already here just by the number of cars parked along the street. Jaemin seems to know everyone he comes across, while you only recognize a few faces. You follow behind him, exchanging greetings with his friends.
"Jaeminnnn, glad you could make it bro," one of his friends turns his gaze to you, happy to see a new face. "And who is this beautiful lady?" He shoves Jaemin aside, clearly more interested in you.
Jaemin pushes his way back between the two of you, "This is Y/N."
"I'm Jeno, nice to meet you." He extends a hand and you shake it. "Do you guys want a drink?" You shake your head, telling him you're driving tonight. Jaemin doesn't waste any time following Jeno into the kitchen where they start mixing drinks. You try to maneuver your way through so many people, finding a seat at the kitchen counter where the two guys are.
"I made an A on that exam I told you about so I get to celebrate now," he winks at you, raising his red cup to do a cheers with Jeno.
"Aw, see I told you you could do it," smiling at him, resting your elbows on the counter and leaning forward. Jaemin glances at your chest, noticing the way your arms are pushing your breasts together. You don't realize it and take a look around at all the busy bodies chatting with each other. You're always doing that to him, so oblivious to the way you make him feel even from a simple act like that.
Jeno whispers in Jaemin's ear, both of them taking a look at you. Jaemin calls out to you, "Y/N, Jeno said he'd let us stay the night since there are two extra rooms."
"Yeah, my parents are out of town and I'm only offering you guys so you don't have to worry about other people," Jeno chimes in.
You're not opposed to the idea, seeing as how they're both good friends and you feel like you can trust Jeno. "But I don't have any of my stuff to spend the night."
"I may or may not have snuck a duffel bag in your car earlier today, don't worry I packed everything you needed," he says as he hands his drink to you, cocking an eyebrow, inviting you to have a little fun.
"...Did you plan on getting me drunk or something?" You take the drink from him anyway, downing it in one go. Fuck it, why not? Jaemin and Jeno cheer you on as the alcohol burns your throat. He's already making another one for you and you laugh at him. So this is what he meant by party hard.
As the time passes by and Jaemin keeps handing you drinks, you eventually have to tell him to stop. You're reaching your limit and you don't want to get too drunk at a function when you don't know most of these people. Jeno sets up a beer pong table in the living room and challenges you and Jaemin. Turns out, Jeno actually sucks at beer pong and he looks like he's about to pass out. When you feel like you can't take any more drinks, Jaemin steps in for you.
"Are you gonna be okay? You've been drinking a lot," worried he might be passing out with Jeno too.
"Nah, I'm okay, I haven't had that much, you've actually drank more than me," he says, landing the ball in another cup for Jeno to drink. You hit him on his arm, "So you really were trying to get me drunk!"
"I wouldn't give you anything you couldn't handle babe," the word makes your heart skip a beat and you feel tingly, unsure if it’s the way he said it or if it’s the drinks getting to your head. "It's your turn, you can make the last shot right?" He hands the ball to you, turning you to face the table again. You aim, hoping you can make it. Your vision is a little off as the drinks are making their way through your system. You jump up and down with excitement when the ball lands in the cup, almost stumbling over. Jaemin holds you steady, hands around your waist and your skin burns where he touches you.
"Nah, I need a rematch," Jeno slurs, obviously past his limit and trying to set the table again. Jaemin calls over a few other people to play, taking your place. "Here, sit down I'm gonna get you some water." You sit on an empty chair in the corner of the living room, trying to come back to your senses. You realize you're not as drunk as you should be given all the drinks Jaemin handed you tonight. Guess he really didn't put as much alcohol as you thought he did. You feel good, eyes a little heavy but nothing too bad. The chair next to you is suddenly occupied by someone else, and you wonder where Jaemin is gonna sit when he comes back.
He hands you the bottle of water and tells you he'll be right back. You watch him as he makes his way back to the kitchen, talking to a few of his friends. You feel a little sad, wanting him to be near you. You feel more comfortable around him than anyone else. But you don't want to pull him away from his friends just to cater to you in your drunken state. You blame your neediness on the alcohol, trying to push away the possibility that you actually want him to be around you that badly.
jaemin [11:40 pm] How are you feeling?
Your face lights up, it's cute he's still thinking of you.
you [11:40 pm] im okay :) thanks for the water i needed it
jaemin [11:41 pm] You sure you're okay? Did I give you too much?
you [11:41 pm] you didn't give me anything i couldn't handle ;)
You repeat his words from earlier, adding a wink as your inhibitions slowly fade, looking up at him to see a small smile on his face.
jaemin [11:42 pm] You're so cute
You smile widely this time, the simple text making your heart flutter.
you [11:43 pm] are u just saying that cuz im drunk
jaemin [11:43 pm] No you're always cute. But you do look particularly good in that outfit
You bite your lip, feeling warm after reading his text. You're glad he isn't saying this to you face to face. It's not much but you still don't think you could handle it.
you [11:44 pm] is that why you couldn't stop staring at me in the car
jaemin [11:44 pm] With the way you look, how could I not?
you [11:44 pm] hmm i'll give u that, i do look good tonight haha
jaemin [11:45 pm] You're confident. I love that about you
you [11:45 pm] yeah? what else do you like about me?
You press further, letting the alcohol take over.
jaemin [11:47 pm] What's there not to like?
You groan because his answer is so vague and not what you wanted to hear.
you [11:47 pm] tell meeeee i wanna know :(
You look up from your text when he doesn't respond as fast as he was earlier, seeing Jaemin lost in a conversation with his friends and not currently on his phone.
you [11:51 pm] jaeminnn come back
                          talk to meee
                         text me back :((( im gonna cry
You don't know why you feel so sad, it's only been a few minutes. You can't believe you just sent that pathetic text to him. Maybe the alcohol is doing more to you than you thought.
jaemin [11:55 pm] Babe, I was just talking with the guys. We're about to go out to the patio but I'm right here
you [11:56 pm] ... i like it when you call me babe
jaemin [11:58 pm] I can do a lot more things you might like.
Fuck, you want to find out what he means by that.
you [11:58 pm] show me what you can do jaemin
jaemin [12:00 am] Don't say that unless you really want me to.
You lock your phone at the same time the text comes in, missing the notification. You have to go to the bathroom, trying to steady yourself on your jello like legs as you get off the chair. After using the bathroom, you feel like you should chill upstairs for now, getting away from the party. You make your way into the room Jeno pointed out was yours for the night. Luckily no one is hanging out in here. You collapse on the bed, head spinning but in a good way. You close your eyes and rest for a bit, listening to the music coming from downstairs.
jaemin [12:15 am] Where did you go?
Shit, you forgot to text him back.
you [12:16 am] im in my room, im ok dont worry just needed to use the bathroom. im probably not going back downstairs tho
jaemin [12:20 am] We're kicking people out rn. We just carried Jeno's drunk ass to his room and he passed out so it's only right people should start leaving. We'll clean everything up
you [12:21 am] ok ill be here. can you get the bag from my car thx <3
The next time you open your eyes, the clock reads 1 am. The music isn't playing any more and you don't hear any voices. The duffel bag is near the door and you head to the bathroom to take a nice hot shower, head still buzzing. When you come back to your room, you see Jaemin sitting on your bed scrolling through his phone.
"What are you doing?"
"Well you took the whole bag with you and my stuff is in there too, so I was just waiting," taking the bag from you and heading to the bathroom.
15 minutes later, Jaemin comes back to your room, looking as fine as ever, clad in only a towel as he always is around you. You're starting to think he does this on purpose, to get a reaction out of you. You're still feeling the effects of the alcohol and your mind begins to wander again as it usually does. His hair is wet, a few droplets trickling down his chest and you just want to throw him on the bed and take your time with him, kissing his skin and leaving all your love marks on him.
"If you stare at me any longer, you're gonna start drooling," he laughs, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"What are you still doing in my room?" Laying down on your stomach and facing him as he pulls out the chair from the desk, taking a seat across from you.
"I didn't think either of us wanted to go to bed yet, but I can leave if you want me to."
You bite your lip, of course you don't want him to leave. You take the opportunity to bring up his earlier text, feeling a surge of confidence rush through you. "Don't go. You said you could do things I might like earlier... show me what you can do." You're beyond eager to find out, core beginning to throb at all your dirty thoughts.
His hand traces his lip, eyes narrowing at you as he takes in the curves of your body on the bed, acting all innocent for him when he knows you're being playful with him right now. "I said don't say that unless you really want me to."
“I wouldn’t be saying it if I didn’t really want you to Jaemin,” you say in a low voice, trying to make it as obvious as you can. You’re tired of him beating around the bush. The sexual tension you feel between the two of you can be cut with a knife and you want to take it to the next level.
"I don't think you're ready for it," he says, leaning back in the chair. You let out a loud groan, wondering why he won't just come over and show you what he's talking about.
You take matters into your own hands, climbing off the bed and making your way to stand in front of him. He looks up at you, waiting for what you're about to do next. You lean on one hand against the desk, cocking your head to the side and ask quietly, "Why do you keep playing with me?" Your other hand fidgets with the hem of your shorts, frustrated with the way he's eye fucking you instead of actually fucking you.
"I don't know what you mean babe," he lies through his teeth.
"That! I mean just that! You can't stop staring at me in the car, holding my hand, touching my waist, telling me how good I look tonight, calling me babe all of a sudden, and then telling me you'll do a lot of things I might like. And then! You come into my room looking like THAT and I'm supposed to just act like you don't turn me on every single time I see you." You huff, getting all your frustrations out.
He leans forward in the chair, pulling you closer to him by your thighs. "You think I don't feel the same way about you? How you walk around the whole place looking so fine when you're not even doing anything? You look good without even trying and I can't believe you've never noticed me staring at you before tonight," he responds, his eyes never leaving yours, sending shivers up your spine.
"So why didn't you say anything about it?" You ask, heart racing at his confession.
"I assumed you just thought of me as a friend. You know that reminds me, I heard you in your room the other morning." A smirk is plastered on his face as you remember. He texted you after you had just finished playing with yourself and you ignored it, thinking it wasn't that big of a deal. He didn't know you were fantasizing about him so you didn't want to say anything more about it.
"Who were you thinking about?" he continues, voice getting lower. He knows now you were thinking about him after your little outburst but he wants to hear you say it.
Your cheeks get hot and you can’t look at him any more, staring out the window to avoid his smoldering gaze. “No one in particular... I was just in the mood.”
“It wouldn’t have been me right?” His hand reaches out for yours on the hem of your shorts, gently sliding his fingers along your thigh. “You could have asked me to help, I was just one door away.” Your thighs squeeze together, unable to stop your arousal from pooling.
“But since we’re already here… do you want me to help now?” His fingers travel further underneath your shorts, inching their way along your exposed skin. He leaves a burning sensation where he touches you.
You can’t hold back any longer. You pull away from him and walk slowly back to the bed, laying down on your back, giving him your best bedroom eyes. You want him and he wants you, no doubt about it anymore. “Come here, Jaemin,” you beckon to him, hands running under your shirt, pulling it up but stopping underneath your breasts, teasing him. He makes his way towards you, standing at the edge of the bed, taking in your beautiful figure splayed out on the bed for him.
“Show me what you did the other morning,” he doesn’t touch you, wanting you to do it yourself.
“I could show you, but I want you to do it. Please?” Pulling your knees up and spreading your legs slightly, an invitation for him to make a move. He can’t resist you when you look so perfect, begging for him like that.
“Like this?” his hand finds his way to your inner thigh, so close yet so far. He gives you a squeeze before his fingers reach your core, sliding them up and down, giving you some much needed friction.
“Mmm, keep going,” you stare up at him as he keeps his eyes on you. He looks so good standing over you, making you feel reduced in his presence. His hand slips underneath your shorts, loving the way your arousal is making a mess of your panties. “I haven’t even done anything and you’re this wet.”
“I’m always like this because of you,” you tell him, knowing it’s true and wanting to feed his ego. He hums, finally making contact with your core, gathering your wetness on his fingers. The sound of your slick is like music to his ears and he can’t look away from you when you let out a soft moan. He rubs slow circles on your clit, just the way you like it. His fingers on you are even better than you imagined and you want more. You pull your shorts and panties off, inviting him back with a smile.
“You’re incredible,” he gives you what you want and slips two fingers in, making you throw your head back as he pumps them in and out of you.
“Just like that baby,” you moan out, lost in the way his fingers are making you buck your hips.
“What else did you imagine?” his thumb rubbing your clit at the same time his fingers are moving in you. You pull your shirt up further, exposing your perfect mounds to him, nipples hard and ready for his mouth. You squeeze one and play with the other, pinching it between your fingers as a silent response. He gets the message loud and clear, kneeling on the bed and wastes no time in attaching his lips to your skin. He leaves soft kisses on your stomach, moving to your chest and sucking everywhere he can. Several hickies are littered across your breasts before he takes one nipple in his mouth, making you sigh in pleasure. You watch him as he closes his eyes, focusing on giving you what you’ve imagined him doing to you. You couldn’t be more head over heels for him with his hand in your core and lips wrapped around your sensitive bud.
You hold his face and bring it up to yours, asking him to lay down, pecking a soft kiss on his lips. He reluctantly pulls his fingers out of you, bringing them to his own lips and licking your arousal off. You groan “that’s so hot” as he lays his head on the pillows, waiting for your next move. You crawl slowly towards him, swaying your hips as he’s getting more and more eager. You straddle his waist, making sure to position your core over his member, grinding back and forth on him as you pull your shirt off. You’re completely naked now and the friction of the towel on your clit makes you bite your lip. His dick twitches at your naked body on top of him, moving your hips against him.
“I imagined this too,” you lean down and kiss his neck, hands balancing yourself on his chest. You run your hands along his skin, finally getting the chance to touch him everywhere. He enjoys pleasuring you but also loves that your lips can’t seem to get enough of him. You bite at his skin gently, leaving hickies just as he did to you. You pull back a bit to admire your artwork, and he can’t look any more perfect underneath you. You’ve got him wrapped around your finger, and you don’t want to let him go. You press more kisses as you travel further down his chest and stomach, settling yourself in between his legs. You tug on the towel, asking him with your eyes to take it off. You’re both naked now, and you can’t be more excited to take him in your mouth and make him moan your name. You grab him from the base, slowly moving your hand up and down, keeping your eyes locked on his as he bites his lip. You lick him from base to tip, repeating the action several times to get his dick wet.
He’s so infatuated with you, so needy for you to do whatever you want to him. He didn’t know how much longer he could hold himself back. When he saw you tonight, something sparked in him and he couldn’t control himself. You looked so gorgeous, so sexy and you don’t even realize the effect you have on him. He originally came to the party to have a good time for himself, but he was more focused on getting you to have fun with him. His gaze would linger on you when you weren’t looking, checking you out every chance he got, wondering how it would feel to have you scream his name. Every time you laughed, your smile would make him fall more and more for you. He noticed several of his friends eyeing you, talking about you like he didn’t know. He would feel a slight tinge of jealousy, wanting you all to himself.
When you wrap your mouth around him and start sucking him off, he loses it. He’s thought about this so many times. He would pump himself in his room on some days when you looked extra good, imagining it was your lips instead of his hand. He had the same fantasies about you that you did about him. Now that you’re here with your pretty lips on him, he can’t help himself. He bucks his hips up, pushing himself further into your mouth. You still, letting him take control. You’re eager for him to fuck your mouth, and he thrusts into you, hitting the back of your throat a few times. You want to make him feel good and you’ll do anything for him. His sighs and pants make you even wetter, knowing it’s you making him get lost in pleasure. He holds your hair, letting his hips do the work. Your moans around him make his head dizzy, the vibrations adding to his pleasure. He pauses for a bit, not wanting to bust a nut in your mouth before he gets the chance to fuck you.
You pull away, hand still wrapped around him, dick wet with your saliva. He takes a mental picture of you before moving to get off the bed, standing by the edge. You follow him, excited for his next move. “Get on your knees and turn around,” his voice turning you on. You follow his orders, arching your back and poking your ass out for him. His hand smooths over your ass before giving it a quick smack, jolting you forward. He lines himself up to you, teasing your entrance with the tip of his dick. Fuck, it’s about to happen and your heart is racing. You grip the sheets as he slides in, a perfect fit for you.
“Fuuuck, you’re tight,” he sighs, gripping your thighs to keep you in place. He’s trying to control himself from going too hard right off the bat, but he just wants to ruin you. When you plead for him to go faster, he grabs a handful of your hair, pulling your back to his chest, a good pain shooting down your spine. His hips snap against your ass roughly, the sound of skin slapping and your loud moans filling the room. His hand wraps around your throat and his grip on your hair tightens, whispering in your ear. “Your pussy is too good,” making you clench around him. This is one of your favorite positions because his tip hits your spot every time, making you curse with every thrust. His hand on your throat makes your head feel light and you reach down to rub your clit, making the pleasure 10x more intense.
“You gonna cum on me babe?” He asks, fucking you even harder. You can only whimper in response, feeling it coming and you don’t want it to stop. He’s making you so crazy, such a whiny mess and you feel like putty under his hands. You let out a half moan, half scream and grab his arm as your legs shake, unable to hold yourself up as you reach cloud nine. You’d fall if his grip on you wasn’t so tight. He continues to pound into you, a bit slower this time to give you time to come down from your high. Your pussy is now unbelievably tight and he can’t bring himself to go as fast, wanting to spend more time in you. He lets go of your throat and hair and you fall face first, too tired from your orgasm to stay up. He stills in you, moving your hair to the side and leaning down to press kisses on your back, making circles on your waist.
“That was hot, but I hope you know I’m not done with you.” You turn your head to look at him and say breathlessly, “I can take it.”
“I know you can babe, you’ve got no choice.” And with that, he’s fucking you again, hands gripping your ass with such force you think he’ll leave bruises. You can’t keep quiet, throwing your hips back to meet each thrust, wanting him to use your body until he can’t any more.
“Jaemin, don’t stop please,” you moan, wanting to let him know how much you love it. “Fuck, you’re the best.” He smacks your ass again.
“I don’t want anyone but you, they couldn’t compare to your pussy,” he pulls out to the tip and slams back in, pushing your body forward. He flips you around, wanting to see your face before he cums. He leans down and kisses you hungrily, swallowing the whimpers you let out. A few more thrusts and he pulls out, pumping himself with his hand, watching as you get on your knees to face him.
“Cum for me,” you beg, wanting him to paint your face and chest with his release. You slide your hands across his thighs and waist, batting your lashes at him. You look so damn sexy to him, he finishes with a loud groan, hot cum splattering your body. You move his hand away, taking him in your mouth again as he spills the last of his cum in your mouth. Your warm mouth is getting too much for him, he can’t believe you drive him this wild.
You pull away from him with a pop, opening your mouth to let him see his release in your mouth before you swallow with a cheeky smile. Can you get any sexier? He grabs your chin and angles your head up, kissing you again, loving that he can taste himself on you.
After cleaning yourselves up and getting dressed for bed, he snuggles into the covers with you. “You have your own room, you know,” you poke at him.
“You don’t really want me to leave,” he says, knowing it’s the truth. His warm chest is the best pillow you could ever find, and he pulls you in closer to him.
“I meant it when I said you’re the best. I think about you when I’m with other girls.”
“Don’t talk about other girls after you just fucked me!” you pinch him and he laughs.
“I always think about you,” pressing a soft kiss to your forehead as you close your eyes, happy that your imaginations have turned into real life.
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justimajin · 4 years
Til Death Do Us Part ♜ Pt.7
➟ Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
➟ Genre: Angst, Fluff, Eventual Smut
↳ (3.8k), Arranged Marriage AU
➟ Summary: If someone told you that you’d be marrying the Kim Namjoon, you would think you were being lied to, or worse, that you were hallucinating. However, fate seems to have it’s own ways of making the impossible possible and before you even know it, the title of Mrs. Kim is bestowed onto you. There’s just one problem: you’re not sure if Kim Namjoon is the person he says he is and the truth of your own identity is dangling by the strength of a mere thread.
➟ Warnings: 18+ rating, the angst is strong with this one
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➟ Previous Parts: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
➟ Next Update: Tuesday, February 2 
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The home is somewhat cozy.
It’s smaller than the one you and Namjoon have been occupying, doors and rooms completely foreign. There’s a serene meadow nearby that remains you of the garden, and within the interior of the house lies a surprisingly expansive assortment of spiraling halls, all leading into different directions.
The aftermath of your sudden kidnapping led Namjoon to the decision of temporarily retreating elsewhere. 
“It’s not much, but it’s definitely doable.” He explains, pacing around the bedroom and double checking the various drawers for clothes, “I don’t think we’ll be here too long, but there seems to be enough supplies.” 
You remain seated on the edge of the bed, eyes staring at the ground in silence. Namjoon quickly glances outside the window before resuming to take apparel out of them. 
“We should be safe here.” He hurriedly says, carefully placing the clothes aside, “I haven’t been able to get into contact with my family either, so I’m hoping they know to stay under the radar after discovering our absence. In fact, I‒” 
“You knew….” 
Your voice is incredibly faint, akin to a whisper. He’s crouched down on the ground, hands clasped around a cotton shirt when they freeze in place. 
Slowing rising from his spot, he turns to face you. The first thing that captures his attention is the accumulation of tears within your eyes, your features twisting. 
“W-Why didn’t you just kill me?” 
He walks closer to you, “Y/N…” 
Your facade snaps, no longer able to play a game of pretend. 
“I was sent to spy on you, Namjoon!” You rise from the bed, stalking towards him and placing your hands on his shoulders. “I was going to kill you!” 
“Y/N!” You abruptly glance up, startled from his tone. 
Namjoon holds a pained expression, and carefully holds your hands, just like you had reached out for his as you stopped him from going to work, “I-I’m not going to kill you….” 
You can only stare, eyes wet and teeth digging into your bottom lip. The discovery has been killing you on the inside, the sinking awareness that he was capable of getting rid of you within any split second and that he knows, he knows of everything you’ve done in that house. 
It’s slowly driving you insane….and it terrifies you. 
“But why?!” You cry out, “I’ve killed Taehyung, I’ve murdered Eunjoo!”
Your hands frantically tremble, voice cracking, “What’s stopping me from killing you…?” 
A wave of tears run down your cheeks and your quivering hands raise to cover your face. Amidst of contemplating everything you’ve done, you can’t understand his actions and it serves to make you wonder why you’re even here. 
Why even bring someone as horrible as you into this house? 
His arms immediately wrap around you, tugging you closer. Your head rests against his shoulder, sobs amplifying. 
Namjoon sighs, his chest rising and deflating, “Honestly nothing is, if you ask me.” 
He truthfully admits it ‒ you do have the power to end his life, and he knows that, “But I accepted that being with you meant that I couldn’t interfere with your work and I wasn’t planning to either, Y/N.” 
“Y-You were waiting… you were waiting for me to kill you….” You shake your head as Namjoon continues to hold you, “I-I’ve killed so many people Namjoon…” 
Somehow, his knowledge and awareness makes you want to confess it all ‒ confess how much your hands have been horribly tainted. 
“I know, Y/N.” He whispers, “I know.” 
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The wedding has commenced. 
An union between families has been forged. 
And Namjoon is no longer a single man. 
“I’d like to leave for bed now.” You smile, painting a look of exhaustion after conversing with Namjoon and his parents, “I’m feeling quite tired.” 
“Of course, of course!” Namjoon’s mother understandably waves you off as Namjoon’s father wraps a hand around his son. 
“Go on, Y/N! We need to catch up anyways!” His father says, smiling at him. 
Namjoon stiffens in his hold as you depart, following after his father into a separate room. 
The moment the door shuts close, the warm tone in Namjoon’s eyes turns cold. There’s a dark look in his father’s irises as he crosses his arms and leans against the wooden desk, staring at his son intently. 
He already knows what words he’s about to spew, and it's something his father acknowledges. 
“You know already, don’t you? Of what those pesky L/N’s sent into your home?” 
Namjoon hums, meeting the latter’s stare intently, “How long do you intend on keeping her around before getting rid of her?” 
“Perhaps for all of eternity.” His father lets out a snarl, but Namjoon challengingly quirks up a brow in retaliation. 
“Are you being serious?” He slams his fist against the table, “Do you even hear what you’re saying?!”
Namjoon’s mouth twitches, “I’ve already told you and mother multiple times ‒ I plan on marrying only once.” 
“So you’re going to have a L/N spy for a wife?! And bury this empire to the ground?!” 
“As the next heir, what I do to the business will be out of my own accord,” He sharply retorts, “And Y/N....has me for a husband. I’m no better than she is.” 
His father’s face turns bright red, angry veins running through his neck. Thankfully he doesn’t notice how Namjoon’s voice softens when he speaks of you, or the way there’s something spurring silently within his eyes, something that begins with pure curiosity and ends with wishing for a reflection. 
“You will bring our empire to its downfall.” 
Namjoon smiles. 
“Then so be it.” 
Kim Namjoon is blind. 
He doesn’t speak nor scrutinize, not a word leaving him as he notices a small wire sticking out from the bedroom window, ironically appearing to just be a simple one used for electricity but perfect enough to be connected to a static code receptor. 
He doesn’t retaliate with anything when you coincidentally arrive at his office with the excuse of bringing his forgotten lunch, painting on naive eyes during the meeting he holds with the shareholders of his company. He becomes aloof to their glares and scoffs, granting you complete access without being intrusive, and yet without any of his own actions, your exterior cracks ‒ breaking it on purpose to protect and defend your own family. 
His eyes flicker at witnessing your intent firsthand and without hesitation, he offers his help even if it meant welcoming deceit with open arms. 
Perhaps that act makes Namjoon hopeful, too hopeful in fact, when he draws more interest in you and wants to know more, even if your words are filled with lies and twisted truths. Perhaps his curiosity of who his wife truly is becomes too much for him to handle, that he must simply know about the person behind the mask, the person he saw at the altar that was avoiding his gaze and looking terrified beyond belief. He sees her again briefly when you begin to indulge him about your life before becoming a spy, but Namjoon can already pinpoint that he’s too hopeful as your mask surfaces again, innocently maneuvering yourself into being allowed to accompany him to his company’s warehouse. 
It makes him wonder, wonder if he was truly playing himself into a trap. If his father was right in a way, if he should simply cut off his hopeful ties and ultimately step away before it’s too late. 
But Namjoon decides to do something different, he decides to do something that you might be horribly frightened by, but he won’t ever hesitate to do. 
He becomes truthful. 
He tells you everything, what his business is, what his family is, what he is, and he can clearly see it. The terror that swims within your eyes, the astonishment that crosses you with being confronted by the truth and the hesitation, the very hesitation that drives his hopes up higher than they could be. 
But there’s one factor that Namjoon underestimated, and that’s how far you were willing to go to fulfill your role.  
He hates how late it took him to realize, scorns at how the combination of your sudden nausea coupled with Taehyung’s departure wasn’t obvious enough for him to decipher. 
The moment he comes back home that day, it’s strangely silent. He assumed that Eunjoo would be around and that you were perhaps consulting with her about your health, but the moment he rushes up the stairs, he can see it all. 
It looks squeaky clean, save for the few drops of blood stuck to the underside of one of the carpets that would have been easily ignored. 
Abruptly, the sound of the shower alerts him, and he knows exactly where the culprit is. 
He knocks on the door, carefully leaning his ear against the wood. 
“Y/N? Y/N, are you feeling better?”
“Y-Yeah...I’m feeling much better, Namjoon.” 
His eyes narrow. The sound of water restricts his ability to hear properly and gives you a sufficient reason not to face him at the moment, and your voice is hesitant and deeper than usual. 
The incident happened very close to his arrival, and you’ve been injured in the process. 
“Alright….I’ll just be here, if you need anything.” 
Before heading off to bed, he attempts to assess the situation to the best of his ability. 
Taehyung left shortly after you were feeling sick and was convinced that having you around was a bad call on his part. If Namjoon doesn’t hear from him tomorrow, it’s highly likely that he was able to figure the truth about your identity and decided to finish the job himself, ultimately failing. 
Eunjoo is nowhere inside the house. She doesn’t leave at sporadic times with informing him or leaving behind a notice, making it possible that she unintentionally found out who you were and decided to take action. 
There was only one simple method you could have used to render them silent. 
His back hits the wall as he squeezes his eyes shut, a deep remorseful sigh leaving his lips. 
“Why did the two of you need to get involved in this?” 
After that night, Namjoon sees a stark difference within you. It’s almost like there’s a deep crack within the surface of your mask, your own worries and concerns easily leaking out. 
And you make no move to sew it up. 
It brings him to the point where he even convinces you to go back home, that maybe leaving all this would grant some peace of mind to you. In the process, he was even able to keep the investigation under control and the spotlight away from you, as his involvement and words were trusted more than anything. 
But of course, your collective duties to your families reigns higher than anything. 
Ultimately, he knew solely getting involved in the investigation placed him in threatening territory. That as subjected, he would be able to easily decipher your actions and be given the opportunity to compromise your identity.  
So what better way was there, than to get rid of him? To pretend your husband met with an unfortunate incident, all while to cover up your tracks along the way? 
It was his last day ‒ he knew it. He would have to conclusively tie up your investigation in such a way that you would never be found out as the culprit. His perceived demise led to him parting a farewell gift for you as well, something he had hoped he would have survived long enough to see you wear. 
But when given the golden opportunity, you casted away your ensuing aim, choosing to save him instead.  
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After taking time to calm down, a question lingers in your mind for Namjoon. 
“A-Are you going to tell anyone?” You wonder, peering over at the opposite side of the bed where he sits, “About me…?” 
Namjoon looks away from the window, instantly shaking his head, “Of course not.” 
Although his answer spreads relief through you, a small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. “But I do have to say, having a wife that was prepared to secretly kill me would have made a really good brunch story.” 
You let out an exhale, shaking your head with a smile that manages to crack through, “My family won’t know about you either, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that my life is in danger.” 
At the mention of prior events, you crane your head to the side and narrow your eyes. 
“It’s strange.” You place a pondering finger on your lips, “No one ever informed me that the Kim family was being targeted….”
Eyes suddenly widening, an abrupt thought sparks in your mind. 
Your voice drops into a whisper, “My mission…” 
“Huh?” Namjoon leans forward, attempting to catch a glimpse of you. Turning around, there’s dread in your eyes. 
“My mission.” You repeat, firmer this time. “It’s been compromised.” 
Recognition spreads through his irises as you uncomfortably shift. 
The feeling of a target resting on your back as well makes your stomach wind up into a thousand knots. 
“Well, are you going to follow through with it?” 
Your brows furrow immediately, answer coming through without hesitation, “No.” 
“Then the best way to combat it is to act as if nothing ever happened.” Namjoon explains, “They don’t need to know that someone is aware of your true identity.” 
Your eyes twinkle with the information, “Then I’ll need to set up some kind of communication line with them.” 
For this to work, you’ll need to keep in touch and send false reports through. However, your hopes dwindle with the knowledge that you don’t have any of your equipment with you. 
As if he knows exactly what you're thinking, Namjoon quirks up a smile and slides off the bed. He reaches his hand out to you, which you take in confusion. 
“Come on, I still need to show you the rest of the house.” 
Namjoon ends up leading you to a separate hallway, one that’s extremely lengthy and almost never ending until you reach a door you wouldn’t have been able to find yourself. As Namjoon knocks against it and presses his ear against the door, you notice a handful of maids walking by, some sending you friendly smiles that you return. 
The door opens and Namjoon gestures you inside. 
You’re greeted to the sight of two men in the room. One of them leans against a wooden table with his arms crossed, a pair of glasses resting on the bridge of his nose and his brown hair considerably tousled. The other sits at the same table, his cheeks full and blonde hair parted to the side. 
The blonde haired man eyes are wide, staring at you in fascination.
“Is this her?” He immediately blurts out, and when Namjoon nods, he instantly gets up and rushes over. 
A breathtaking angelic smile spreads across his features as he reaches his hand out, “Hi, it’s great to finally meet you.” 
You return the gesture but are puzzled with the interaction, your eyes swaying over to Namjoon. The man with the glasses stands up straighter, walking over to you with his hands in his pockets. 
His gaze is scrutinizing and there’s a faint twinkle residing within his irises. “Do you know who we are?” 
You're hesitant to answer, shaking your head. 
He immediately scoffs, eyes blazing with anger, “You never mentioned us?!” 
At the sound of his spiking loud tone, Namjoon sheepishly smiles and just shrugs. The man scoffs again, shaking his head. 
The action makes your mind churn, and the more you stare at the two, the more bits and pieces of information begin to weave together. 
Something suddenly flickers within your eyes, jaw instantly dropping down. Your finger shakingly points towards him in awe. 
“K-Kim Seokjin….” Your sight moves over to the man you just shook hands with, pupils widening with more realization, “and Park Jimin?” 
A smug smile crosses Seokjin’s lips, “Ah so you do know who we are, Miss Y/N.” 
His voice gives off the inkling that he knows just as much about you as you know of him ‒ even doubting that his extensive knowledge is perceptive and aware of more. 
“I’ve only seen the two of you a handful of times,” You turn to Namjoon, “When I was familiarizing myself with individuals involved in the business, we had plenty of photographs and records on each person and the tasks they oversee.”
“‒But there were some individuals that barely had any information on them. They would be spotted near you from time to time and aside from just a name, those parties remained a mystery.” 
Your eyes flicker up again, oscillating between the two. Seokjin smiles, appearing impressed with your ability to remember the trivial matters. 
Namjoon steps forward, offering up an explanation, “I think it’s great that we don’t need an introduction, but it’ll probably surprise you to know that Seokjin and Jimin are shareholders within my company.” 
Your jaw instantly drops and Namjoon chuckles, “I’d like to call them my secret shareholders, because aside from funding and aiding me with my company, they’re both equipped with other skills.” 
At the mention of it, Jimin lets a small smile slip out and Seokjin’s eyes twinkle. “They’re the only ones I can truly trust and because of that, I don’t expose them to the world and they know to keep a low profile.” 
You nod, slowly processing the information. It's still baffling to know that despite the amount of rigorous training and memorization you’ve done to prepare yourself for this task, there was still something missing that you wouldn’t have known until Namjoon told you himself. 
And their ultimate purpose is something he eventually explains. 
“The reason why I’m introducing you to them is because they will be staying with us until it’s safe to return home,” He points to Seokjin, “And I wanted to bring you to someone that knows communication lines inside and out, so that you can send your reports back.” 
Your wide eyes come into contact with Seokjin’s, and he begins to back away, gesturing to you as he heads towards the door. You take it as a sign that you need to follow after him, leaving Namjoon and Jimin behind as you exit. 
He leads you down a separate hall, entering a room with multiple devices attached to the walls. There’s various cords and headsets that mimic your initial intelligence reporting within the dark corridor, alongside computers with jargon written on them. 
Your first reaction is to simply stare in awe, “Wow….” 
Seokjin smiles, flopping down on a chair and wheeling himself over to a computer. He hands you a headset, beginning to type frantically on one of the computers. 
“This is how you’re going to hear the signals being sent through.” Spinning around in his chair, he grabs onto a bronze and steel contraption and gives it to you, “This is an upgraded version of a telegraph sounder that connects to these computers and should allow you to send information via morse code.” 
Your eyes instantly light up in recognition and you begin to carefully tap against the metal, noticing a reception signal forecasting onto the screen. Seokjin points it out to you right away and begins to type something into the keyboard. 
“This technology is so advanced….” You mumble, eyeing the screen keenly. 
“It’s good for using multiple lines when the signal you’re sending out isn’t just being received by one location.” Seokjin explains. 
You hum, continue to test out the machinery. Seokjin hooks you up to the same line you were using to communicate previously and when a successful correspondence is sent through, he grins. 
After assisting you through the process, you start sending the information over like usual. Seokjin glances at his phone, slowly rising from his seat. 
“I have to get back to the others.” He guides you to sit where he was, letting you take over completely, “Namjoon wants to discuss the events of what happened with you two.” 
You nod, eyes glued with the screen and occupied with decoding and understanding the message you receive. “If you need anymore help, don’t hesitate to ask.” 
You quickly nod and Seokjin carefully exits the room, attempting to disturb you in the middle of communicating. Your hands work furiously to decode the messages, pupils rapidly flickering all over the screen. 
However in the midst of this process, you don’t notice the abrupt static coming through from a screen that was previously turned off.
By the time you leave the room, you are thoroughly exhausted. 
It seems so far things are under control, though you were vigorously questioned on the delay of your previous mission. A tumble of excuses are conjured within a spindle of minutes, differing from your simple inability to do so due to your husband constantly being occupied with your investigation and the fact that he has been remaining underneath the spotlight. Regardless, it seems acceptable enough and though displeased ‒ you’re reminded that the job must be conducted efficiently as soon as possible. 
Wiping your clammy hands against one another, you peer around the hallways. It’s still considerably mind spinning to understand where the long expansive pathways lead to, especially in such a small house, but a friendly smile greets you right away. 
“Miss Y/N?” 
You whirl around to see one of the maids you had passed by earlier on, and she bows before you. 
“Master Kim alerted me that you were in this room.” She explains, “He’s been waiting for you.” 
You nod in retaliation, following after her. Your eyes begin to roam around, noticing the fine wood carvings on each door and the way there are multiple rooms in the current corridor you’re in. It doesn’t seem much like a house but more so like a mansion with its endless ways. 
The maid leading you abruptly stops and you tilt your head to the side, attempting to see what was before her. The sight of a window greets you instantly and you raise an eyebrow, but suddenly it dawns upon you that you’re no longer in the same hallway anymore. 
Instantly, your eyes snap up and the maid swivels, her hands wrapping firmly around your mouth from behind. You erratically kick your legs and attempt to grab onto bundles of her hair, but your shoes are soon dragging against the carpet. 
Your brows shoot up in alarm when more maids begin to pool in ‒ one of them begins to strenuously wrap a broken wire around your hands as another gives the first maid a damp piece of cloth. They immediately switch places, the fabric pressed right against your nose as you furiously push away from them with muffled grunts. 
Suddenly a wave of vertigo hits you and your eyes begin to frantically dart around, barely being able to focus on the way a cool breeze hits your face. 
As seconds fly by, your limbs fall limp and your pupils roll back in your sockets, rendering you completely unconscious. 
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