#and I know I am going at it with a very wincest eye
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thedaughterofkings · 1 year ago
Dad's on a hunting trip and he hasn't been home in a few days
(Re-)Watching Supernatural, and god they are babiessssss (literally, how are they younger than I am)
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missmarveledsblog · 7 months ago
A kind of sex education part 2 (platonic cas x winchesters x reader)
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Summary : after the whole porn ordeal , castiel finds tumblr and the world of fanfiction has him asking more curious questions  which the residents of the bunker are not so happy to answer . 
warnings : mentions of smutty fics , cas being the curious baby in a trench coat we love .
After the whole angel porn ordeal , they were more careful with what cas was watching not wanting  history to repeat itself . Like monitoring a toddler on an iPad. Especially given that y/n wouldn't come out of her room for days not wanting to look any of them bar sam in the eyes .  Dean even limited his teasing when it came to the subject . Today he was luckily out while cas was on laptop , Sam and Y/N were looking over some incoming cases seeing which needed to be handled first .
" interesting this is very interesting " the angel spoke making them look over both slightly relieved not see or hear an explicit image on the laptop. 
" I've been on a interesting site that led me to many other over the last couple of days " he  spoke up .
" what was that buddy" she smiled over. Their joy short lived when he uttered the next few sentences out of his mouth .
" tumblr that led me to all these other sites , did you know there is fanfiction of us like the play we seen except it's classed as what they call smut " he looked up at the two .
" why didn't  I go on the supply run ,  why am I here when he finds this shit " she cursed up at the ceiling .
" could be nothing " sam offered a weak smile .
" did you know most popular is Dean x y/n fiction seems as though you are most shipped although there are some of Dean and sam with you too " he mused .
" but I could be wrong" sam winced taking the laptop off of cas completely .
" how do you find these things " he asked looking through the tabs .
" I'm very pop culture savvy now " cas said proudly . 
" what the hell man why are you reading all these " sam groaned wanting burning his eyes out seeing an explicitly  wrong image of Dean and himself (no to wincest) .  " you are actually popular with them Y/n " sam mused .
" that's after  that stupid ghost hunting  website and chuck " she grumbled  wondering where she was going to start her new life.
" hey there's even some with you and cas " he chuckled. 
" Alaska or maybe Australia would be better it further Away " she mused .
" wow these are extremely detailed " sam continued .
" would you call Dean daddy , the stories seem to think you would " cas asked .
" what the hell did I walk into " the man in question walked into the room .
" my resignation  " she mumbled hiding her head in her arms. 
" destiel  is another popular one " sam chuckled. 
" cas found smutty fanfictions " she looked up to see the clueless expression on Dean's face.
" they suggest that Y/n is a sub and you are a Dom " the angel stated.
" wanna see if they're right sweetheart " Dean winked .
" wanna kill me cause I can't be dealing with this" she countered wondering if she could also legally change her name.
" why are they so descriptive on the parts , have they seen them" cas sat looking between the three .
" the way Dean sleeps around they probably seen his " she reasoned.
" they also suggest you like..." .
" do not even finish that one" she growled .
"so many kinks cas did you google all these" sam asked eyes widening at the search history. 
" i was looking at chucks book and comments said to check out the tumblr versions " he said looking confused to what he did wrong. " they forgot to add that birthmark just below your tits " he added matter of factly .
" when did you see her ... what he got to see i didn't" dean turned to Y/n , who honestly rather be stuck with Crowley for eternity than this .
" he walked in while i was getting dressed and it not a birthmark it's a scar from a battle with an old favourite bra "she could feel her cheeks redder than they've been so far . "i'm going to my room to pack for my new life in australia" she stormed out her room .
" she's kidding right?" dean asked looking to the mean .
" you should dom her  and make her stay , they said she responds to good girl" cas explained .
" i wonder if she would let me come with her " sam mused walking out after her.  
another awkward dinner bobby was almost afraid to ask. Although dean was smiling more than the others.
" cas read fanfiction , pornographic fan fiction " dean explained .
" i've also read some theories too, like bobby is Y/N Dad and not her uncle" cas smiled making bobby choke on his water.
"  their theories cas they're not right ... right? " she laughed but stopped when she notice bobby expression or how he would barel look at her.
" i mean it's a possibility " he mused truthfully making her jaw drop
" great more daddy issue not like the place is drowning in them with these two " she pinched the bridge of her nose and point at sam and dean.
" so the theories of dean being her soulmate are true " cas asked.
" probably " dean shrugged winking at her .
" why did i ever come here, sam wanna move to australia with me " she ignored the other three men .
" look me and your mom had a brief thing , your dad well your dad agreed while he..." . 
" australia sound nice " sam agreed cutting bobby short .
" hey stop denying our love even nerds on internet think we'd be hot together"dean spoke up .
" cas from now on stop the curiosity or so help me i will make you eat the computer  " she  groaned learning too much information for the day .
"we need to do dna test " she turned to bobby .
" you can pick me up at 7 " she turned to dean before walking out leaving the men speechless . 
" i got punished" cas pouted .
" i got a kid  kinda " bobby gulped .
" i got a date " dean smirked .
" and i got a rock ... It's a thing on tiktok ... what cass isn't the only pop culture savvy one around here " sam shrugged .
part three
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according2thelore · 2 years ago
so dean selling his soul in "all hell breaks loose" probably already makes you insane, but it should shred you like cheese and here's why:
it's established in season 1 that sam wants out--after they find azazel and kill him, sam's done. he tells dean this outright in 1x16 "shadow".
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dean's not happy about it, obviously, but dean never argues with him outright. he asks sam to stay, and sam says no, and dean stops trying to argue. we get kicked-puppy dean, but dean's accepted this for the most part.
even in season two when things start to go sideways, sam doesn't really change this plan. sam's focus tilts more on being "saved," and it's implied that he'll be free when azazel dies--there's that endpoint again, when sam can be normal, "when it's over." when it's over, sam is done with hunting.
most importantly, sam doesn't tell dean that the endpoint has changed, doesn't even hint at it. going into AHBL, dean believes that sam has come with an endpoint, and that it's here if they kill yellow eyes.
after the deal's been struck and yellow eyes is dead, dean doesn't plan on telling sam anything. not only does he not plan on telling sam how they got him back, he's not planning on telling him how long the contract is, sam wheedles it out of him because dean's not very good at lying to him.
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that means, that when dean sells his soul in AHBLP2, dean is selling his eternal, mortal soul for a year with sam that he is not expecting to see.
sam is going to spend dean's year in california, with friends that sam's long-since fallen out of contact with, (some of which think he and his brother have been on a crime spree bc of 1x6 "skin") safe and as far away from dean as his legs can carry him--or, sam's just fucking off away from the life to god knows where, and dean's letting sam go because sam asked him to. not letting him die, never letting him die, but letting him go.
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dean in the season two finale is telling sam, "i love you, so i am making my death anonymous. i love you so much that i will die alone."
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the intense, silent devotion of making a sacrifice anonymous, of surrendering the right you have to your own death, of accepting an eternity of literal torture so sam can exist--that's it, just exist--away from dean but alive somewhere.
anyway, i'm chewing my leg off, have a nice wincest wednesday
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lenoue · 2 months ago
saw @holyfreaks 's beautiful wincest wednesday prompt on a thursday because the universe hates me
It's so very interesting and i keep turning it over in my head and
let's say sam kills azazel in john's body when he's hurting dean and its dean and sam's firing the colt before he knows what he's doing and dad- no not da- azazel-but also dad. azazel's going down and he's taking dad with him and i let him take my dad with him oh god
and dean's standing up now. he's looking at his father, on the floor, eyes glassy, blood pooling out of the hole in his head and he has the vague sense that he's trapped in a nightmare. he can see the smoke billowing from the colt's mouth and the trigger of the colt was on sam's finger just a minute ago. he doesn't want to think. he wants to sleep and never wake up.
but sam can think. his head has never been clearer he's thinking and he can see that dean is barely holding himself up and we need to leave right now we need to get you help dean
dean doesn't remember what happened but one second he's looking at his father's hand starting to stiffen like all corpses do and the next he's in the car. he looks to his left and sam's hands are on the steering. sam's hand on the colt. sam's hand on the steering. he can't stop staring at them
sam feels his stare burn hot and dean hears him say "dean hey hey just hold on okay we're only a few minutes out we'll get you help just hold on"
dean doesn't care about any of that. he just wants to know why, why "sam why'd you do it? "
"why'd you- why'd you shoot?"
and sam's turning to look at him now, he doesn't know what dean wants to hear but he knows that "he was hurting you dean. he was going to kill you."
"you shot him sam" and sam feels like someone clawed at his insides "you shot dad. what am i supposed to do now?" dean's voice breaks at that and sam is a gaping, open wound.
"dad wouldn't want you to die by his hands dean. you have to know that" he can't look at dean now. he needs to look at the road. it's not busy but he has to be careful with dean in the car.
and dean, dean feels the fire and oh how afraid he was that it got snuffed out in that room over his dead father and he's whirling to sam, litany of curses at his tongue and-
he's waking up at the hospital.
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thefirstradiant · 5 months ago
Suptober Day 8: Witch’s Brew
What’s My Flavor?
✨Wincest✨ Rating Explicit. Written for #suptober24 prompt: Witch’s Brew and kinktober kinks: choking, dubcon (but not really, just under the influence of magic), and tied up.
Words: 2.5k
Sam needs to willingly drink the antidote. Dean knows exactly how to pull that “yes” out of his brother.
A/N: Title is from a very Wincest-coded song, Sailor Song by Gigi Perez. Also this may be my new favorite lil thing I’ve written hehe
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The purple wisps of smoke continued to curl into the air and make Dean cough and splutter. Why did potion making always have to be so intense, he thought, annoyed at his own annoyance. It’s a magic potion, of course it’s gonna smell terrible and coat every bit of air in this tiny room.
That’s not the only thing Dean was annoyed at currently though. He stared at his stupid little brother. It was just supposed to be a regular witch-killing, or at least, witch-neutralizing. No need for annoying counter potions or dealing with this.. version.. of Sam.
But, of course, Sam’s sitting in a short wooden chair with ropes around his arms, legs, and chest, and a dopey smile on his face in this storm cellar of all places. He just had to take the knife, didn’t he?
“Well, boys, that’s my part done.”
Dean looked up as Rowena stepped back from the cauldron, nodding her head in satisfaction at the bubbling liquid. She had a flask poured out and set it down on the table.
“Now you need to get him to drink that. The whole thing.”
She spared a glance over at Sam, who was currently glaring at the potion, and continued.
“I don’t envy you. But, if you don’t, he’s going to be like this until he dies. Remember, he must agree to taking it. You can force him, convince him, anyway you like, but he must agree. Or else it will be useless, no matter how good a witch I am.”
Rowena took a long look at Dean like she was contemplating something, but then turned and climbed the stairs out without another word.
Dean felt the first spark of real fear cut through his annoyance. What if he couldn’t get him to drink it? They’d only reached one other victim in time, and had failed to get her to agree to the antidote.
The witch’s spell was a particularly awful one. As far as they could tell, she gave her victims a taste of genuine happiness and whatever they wanted until, inevitably, they died or killed themselves in some horrible, stupid way. None of them had wanted to turn back.
Dean sighed and looked back over at Sam, who hadn’t taken his eyes off the potion.
“We’re gonna get through this, Sammy. I don’t know how, but we will.”
Sam wriggled in his ropes and tried to sit up straighter. The glare at the potion became a glare at Dean.
“I’m never going back. I’m never drinking that potion.”
Damn. Not starting off great. Dean stood and advanced slowly toward Sam, ignoring the flask for now. The chill in the room became more and more apparent as he got closer. Was it Sam doing that? The witch? Or was it just worry trickling up and down Dean’s spine? He wasn’t sure.
He stood barely a few inches away from the chair, placed his hands around Sam’s bound arms, and leaned down to be even closer to him. He needed to make his brother see in no uncertain terms. Even through the haze of the potion, he should be able to get this. Dean made sure he was looking straight into Sam’s eyes before speaking in a slow, deliberate tone.
“Yes. You will be.”
Dean watched as Sam’s throat clenched and swallowed. He saw a shiver run through him and his face softened for just a second before glaring at him again.
Oh. Okay. Sure. If that’s how Sam wanted to play it, Dean could get behind it. He shook off the fact that it’s been years since Sam had asked for anything like this from him and the fact that he wasn’t really asking this time either.
Dean studied the man beneath him. His fists were clenched hard and he was trying to hide the heaving of his chest. So needy.
“Sammy. Look at me.”
Dean reached out a hand and forced Sam to look directly in his eyes again. He shuddered under the touch. Dean almost laughed. Sam’s been hit by a spell that gives him happiness and the desire to take whatever he’s always wanted, and this is what he responds to?
Dean lowered his voice to almost a whisper. He could feel himself already getting hard.
“Sammy, you idiot. You don’t need a potion for this.”
Sam groaned and immediately tried to pretend he hadn’t. He seemed like he was trying to look away, but couldn’t manage to tear his eyes away from Dean.
Dean could clearly see the bulge in his jeans where his legs were forced apart by the ropes. There wasn’t any denying it anymore. He’s kind of hot like this, Dean considered, surprising himself.
Sam eyes had shifted downward and locked onto Dean’s crotch, which he knew had a matching bulge. Sam began to whine. Standing over him, Dean felt very tall again, looking at a small, younger brother. So pretty, so eager.
“Shhhh, I’ll give you what you want, but you gotta drink the potion.”
Sam jerked up and stared Dean down. Apparently he wasn’t far gone enough yet.
Dean growled low in his throat. His hand came on to Sam’s chest and pressed him backward.
“I’ll fuck that yes out of you if I have to, Sammy, don’t challenge me.”
Sam, for his part, just moaned and leaned into the touch, closing his eyes. He was so responsive it was rushing to Dean’s cock everytime he made a noise.
“Fuck, you really like that don’t you?”
Good to know, he thought, filing these things away for a less dire situation.
“I’m gonna untie you now. If you leave, you get nothing. Nod so I know you understand.”
Sam looked angry, but nodded a tad too frantically anyway. He’s really desperate for it, I wonder how many years he’s kept this inside.
Dean slowly untied all Sam’s limbs and his chest and allowed him a moment to stretch out before he gave him another order.
“Now, take off your pants and get on the floor. Hands and knees.”
Dean was almost surprised at how easy this was for him. It felt.. natural, especially with the way Sam responded to everything like he wouldn’t want to be doing anything else.
Sam moaned again and unbuckled his belt with trembling hands. He looked at the wall while stepping out of his jeans and throwing them aside before kneeling down, facing away from the table that still held the potion.
Mmm. Dean stared at his brother presenting his ass up towards him with his head hanging low towards the floor. Goddamn. Dean’s own jeans were painfully tight, so he unzipped them and pulled them down slightly to give himself some freedom.
The sound of his zipper echoed around the room and he heard a small gasp from Sammy as he waited for Dean to come closer.
Not able to wait any longer, Dean’s eyes raked the table covered in potion ingredients. Rowena must have used something mm- ah that’ll work. Dean grabbed a bottle of some kind of basic oil and settled down on the floor behind Sam. The potion was still within reach. Good.
“Dean..” Sam sunk even lower to the floor, only keeping his ass up.
“Oh, Sam, I don’t think a pack of wild werewolves could stop me now.”
Dean ghosted his fingers over Sam’s sides, pushing his shirt up and grabbing his hips.
Sam let out a delicious moan that had Dean pulling down his boxer-briefs immediately and finally getting a good look. He groaned. Sam’s little pink hole looked much as he remembered and a rush of how it felt came back to him suddenly.
His fingers began to glide over Sam’s hole and he dribbled a small amount of the oil onto them.
Sam gasped.
“Yeah, Sam? You’re ready, aren’t you?”
Sam pushed his ass back against Dean in reply and moaned low into the floor as Dean pressed a slick finger into him. He chuckled softly.
“Son of a bitch, Dean. Come on.”
“Always so desperate for me, aren’t you?”
But Dean gave him another finger quickly and started pressing in and out as Sam moaned openly and reached down to touch himself. Damn, that was hot.
Dean added a third finger, probably before Sam was really ready, but he didn’t care, he needed to fuck Sam NOW.
“Mm, .. I’m gonna fuck you so hard.”
Sam was clearly done with the waiting and preparation. So was Dean, he could hear himself breathing heavily. Dean gave Sam a few more thrusts with his fingers, Sam moaning in response, and then pulled them out, purposefully snagging on his rim.
Sam was whining and pushing out toward Dean like he was trying to get his fingers back in him. Like he needed something in him.
“Mmm come on, Sammy, hold on. You know what’s coming.”
Dean smiled as he dragged his fingers back over Sam’s hole and he twitched delightfully. Mmm. Gorgeous.
Dean shifted back onto his knees and rested down on his legs. While Sam couldn’t see him, he grabbed the flask full of thick purple liquid and placed it behind himself. He was surprised he even had enough presence of mind to remember the potion, with Sam still stretched out on the floor in front of him, hair a complete mess and back covered in a soft pink blush.
“Turn over.” He ordered. “Now.”
Sam wasted no time at all and breathed out softly while turning to lay with his back down on the cold floor. Dean could see that the blush continued over his stomach and the part of his chest peeking out from under his shirt. There was a light dusting across Sam’s cheeks too. He was warm to the touch and Dean couldn’t help but run his hands all over Sam’s sides and hips.
“Mmm. So perfect.”
“Dean.. please.”
“I’ve got you, Sam. I got you.”
He shifted and pulled his jeans down a little more so he could get his boxers out of the way. Finally, with a deep groan, Dean pulled his cock out free. He gave it a few long strokes, the friction felt so good. And Sammy looked even better, zoned out and desperate for it. Open. Waiting. For him. Dean couldn’t hold on a second longer.
Dean grabbed Sam’s hips and lifted them over his own until he was practically in his lap. They were so close. He could feel every movement Sam made, while he tried to squirm closer to Dean’s hard cock. They were lined up perfectly.
“Alright, Sam, you ready?”
“YES. Dean, I’m ready.”
Dean took a deep breath and pulled Sam toward him, impaling him ever so slowly on his cock, until they were flush against each other and he couldn’t think anymore.
Fuck. Sammy.
Dean groaned loud against the walls of the cellar.
“Damnit Sam- Sammy. Oh god. So tight.”
Dean looked up at Sam’s face again. It was flushed red, but Sam was grinning, smiling like he’d gotten exactly what he wanted. Dean rolled his hips into him and felt a stab of pride at watching Sammy’s smile slip to an open mouthed moan of pleasure. He pulled moan after moan out of his brother’s mouth as he began rocking steadily into him. Damn his sounds are so hot.
Sam was breathing out a quiet stream of yes yes Yes YES with every thrust of Dean’s hips. Dean smiled to himself. Well, if he got a yes for that..then-
He reached behind himself to close his fingers around the now cold flask. Bending over Sam to reach his face pressed him in so deep, both of them let out a groan.
“Mm come on, it’s time.”
Sam opened eyes he had shut when Dean pressed into him and flicked his gaze to Dean, to the flask, back to Dean, and back to flask again. He looked like he was about to protest, so Dean changed the angle of his hips just slightly, where he knew Sam wouldn’t be able to resist.
Sam’s eyes rolled back in his head as Dean hit that perfect spot inside him and his hands flew out to either side. Then, very quietly, almost so Dean couldn’t hear, he replied.
“Yes, Dean.”
And Sam left his mouth hung open, waiting.
Dean was flooded with immense relief and red-hot lust at the same time. He dragged his free hand up to land on his brother’s neck and started to pour as much of the potion as he could into his mouth. Then he massaged his neck until he’d been forced to swallow all of it.
Without stopping the movement of his cock inside Sam, he kept this up until the flask was completely drained. Only a drop remained, dribbling from Sam’s lips as he tried to breathe. Dean released the flask and his hand that was holding Sam’s neck.
“There. You did it.”
But Sam looked desperately out at his brother and grabbed the hand that had been around his neck to bring it back to where it belonged. He patted Dean’s hand where he had rested it back on his throat in a silent, but blindingly clear, message.
A rush of heat went straight to Dean’s head and cock and he found his vision went a little hazy from the pressure. Damn, the things he does to me. He’s insane.
Dean closed his hand around Sam’s throat anyway, no longer trying to make him swallow, but instead trapping all his air. He brought his other hand to wrap around Sam’s throbbing cock, leaking a steady flow of precome.
Sam groaned, as much as he could while his airway was being blocked, and arched his back toward Dean. He’s so beautiful like this, Dean thought. Sam’s face wore an expression of absolute bliss and lust. Dean wondered vaguely how many times he’d ever get to see that look on his brother’s face.
“Sammy. Oh, Sammy. Come for me.”
That was all Sam needed to start shaking. His mouth opened in a silent scream or moan or gasp or something, Dean wasn’t sure, and he was coming all over Dean’s hand. It felt like he came forever, thick white stripes coating his palm, and rolling and clenching around Dean’s cock.
Would he?.. Dean wondered and decided to test his theory. He brought his filthy hand up to Sam’s face and covered his mouth with it. Dribbles of come started to mix with the remnants of the potion on Sam’s lips. He loosened the vice grip on Sam’s throat just enough so he could start gasping into his hand.
Sam’s eyes opened briefly, glanced at the hand with a flash of understanding, and closed again. Then his tongue came out and danced over Dean’s palm, licking up as much come as he could reach. No hesitation whatsoever.
Dean’s groan was so low it was almost impossible to hear.
“Fucking hell, Sam. Fuck- I’m coming.”
Dean’s hips gave one last wild thrust into Sam before he pressed in all the way and held there, head hanging down and limbs shuddering. The buildup of pressure that had begun with Sam tied to that damn chair released deep into him.
That was the most intense orgasm Dean’s had in.. well probably ever had. He looked up to check in on Sam who, for what it was worth, looked much more lucid than he had in awhile.
“Hey. Sam, you back?”
Sam’s voice was breathy and raspy as he coughed and attempted to respond.
“Yeah.. yeah, Dean, I’m back.”
It worked. Thank god. Dean sighed and reached out a tired hand to pat Sam on the chest. He sat back, not wanting to pull out of Sam just yet. He didn’t want to ever be apart from Sam again.
“Good. Welcome back, little brother.”
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allthesmutl0vers · 7 months ago
Entirely Forbidden and Completely Fucked- Chapter: 3
MDNI, 18+
Pairings: Wincest, Wincest + half sister, Implied John x Reader
“So, will I be able to hunt too?” I ask John as he drives to get coffee this morning.
John looks over at me with a confused expression written across his face. “You want to hunt?” He asks with a hint of pride mixed with the shock in his voice.
I shrug. “Maybe, I mean, Sam said it’s the ‘family business,’ and I just thought… I don’t know,” my words falter. Am I really a part of this family? Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything. 
John pulls into the gas station parking lot and puts the car in park. He looks over at me with an arm behind the back of the seat. “You are a part of this family. That’s not even a question,” he says seriously. “And yes, hunting is the family business, but that doesn’t mean that you can just dive into it feet first. It’s dangerous, and you could die, y/n.”
I nod in understanding. I’m not used to having a protective father, or a father at all for that matter. But John doesn’t speak down to me when he explains the danger that comes with hunting; he just tells it how it is. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to hunt. 
“I want to,” I tell him, looking up from my lap and meeting his eyes. “I want to be able to defend myself,” I half explain. I don’t need to tell him that I’m not planning on sticking around very long, but I should learn some things before I go off alone now that I know what’s out there.
John sighs and sits back in his seat. His expression is far away as if he’s weighing the risks. And after a few moments, he finally nods. “Alright, alright. We’ll teach you what we know so you can hold your own if you get separated from us,” he looks over at me again, raising a finger and pointing it at me. “But that doesn’t mean that you can go off on your own. You stick with one of us, always, especially if we’re working on a case. Understood?”
I smile and nod. “Understood,” I respond, holding my hands up. 
“Alright then, let's get coffee and hit the road,” John says, opening his door. I follow behind him, excitement coursing through me and a little bit of nerves, too. 
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By the time we enter Lawrence, Kansas, the sun has set into a pale shade of orange and pink across the sky. John pulls into an underground garage in the bunker, and I’m amazed at all of the different cars and trucks inside. Vintage vehicles line the walls as John pulls into an empty spot and parks the car. 
“Are all of these yours?” I ask, stepping out of the car and looking around.
“Yeah, we inherited them along with the bunker and everything else inside,” Dean explains.
They told me all they knew about the men of letters and explained how the society worked before they inherited it. Apparently, before John and the boys came along, the men of letters never hunted. Instead, they passed the buck to hunters and cataloged the information for their records. No hunters were allowed inside the bunker, and neither was anyone who wasn’t a member, which women never happened to be either, apparently.  
When we walk inside, I’m amazed at the sight I see. I don’t know what I expected it to look like inside, but it wasn’t this. 
The first room we walk into is massive. A long oak table in the middle of the room with chairs surrounding it. On top is a map of the entire country, with highways and city and county names. It’s incredible. 
Straight ahead is another room that resembles a library. Tall bookshelves cover the walls, filled with all kinds of books. In the center are a few tables and chairs with lamps on top. 
“To your right is the kitchen,” John says, pointing to the right side of the first room we came into. “On your left is the infirmary,” he says, pointing to the left side of the first room. “And straight ahead through the library is where all of the bedrooms are, as well as the bathrooms, armory and down to the dungeon and electrical room.”
“You guys have a dungeon?” I ask, bewildered. 
John nods. “We do, and you are not to go inside of it without direct orders from either me or the boys,” John says sternly. “We do interrogations in there from time to time, and I don’t want you getting hurt.”
I nod and purse my lips. “I understand.”
“Alright,” John says with a sigh of relief and grabs my other two bags, leading me through the library and down the long hallway. “Your bathroom is right across from your room,” he says, stopping in front of a closed door. He opens the door and holds it open for me to walk in. “This is your room. You can decorate it however you’d like. We didn’t get a chance to give it a really good deep clean, but you have fresh sheets, blankets, and a couple of pillows. You also have a dresser here, a desk, and a small closet in here,” he explains, showing me around the room. 
“Thank you,” I say politely. I look around the room as John sets my bags down by the bed. The bedroom reminds me of the college dorm rooms I’ve seen on TV, small but not extremely small. Just enough room for one person. 
“You’re welcome. I’m right down the hall, and Sam and Dean’s rooms are toward the front of the hall where we came in. I’ll have them write their names and hang them on their doors so you don’t get confused, and I’ll do the same with mine if you need anything,” John says with a small smile. “Also,” he pulls out his phone. “Take their numbers and my backup just in case,” he says, handing me his phone with his contacts pulled up.
I copy the numbers into my phone and save them under their names, and John’s back up as ‘John #2.’ “Done,” I tell him, handing him back his phone. 
John nods and pockets his phone again. He clears his throat and crosses his arms over his chest. “Well, I’ll leave you to unpack. We don’t have a case right now, but a call could come in at any time from the other hunters we work with. You’ll meet them soon enough. I’m going to my room to turn in. Knock or send me a text if you need anything,” he says, walking back to my bedroom door and opening it. “Welcome home, y/n,” he says over his shoulder before walking out of my room and closing the door behind him.
The word leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. This isn’t home to me. My home is Washington. The green trees, the waterfalls, the beautiful hiking trails, my house. 
From what I’ve seen, Kansas is flat, dull even. It’s all valleys and flat ground. There aren’t trees everywhere like Washington, no roaring waterfalls on the cliffsides. No ocean. 
I start unpacking my bags, at least for now. I’m not staying forever, just long enough to learn what I need to defend myself, and then I’m getting the Hell out of dodge. I hang out my shirts in the small closet, put my shorts, underwear, pajamas, and socks into the drawers, and put my favorite dark romance novels on the desk. Next, I pull out my blanket from home, take off the blanket already on the bed, and put mine on, along with my sheets. Call me what you want, but silk sheets are better than any other kind. Especially for my hair, and I will die on that hill. 
I’m putting the finishing touches up when I hear my phone buzz on the desk where it’s charging. I haven’t turned it on since I left. I don’t want to hear people’s pity for my mom being murdered. I don’t need it. My mom was the light in my life, and when she died, the world dimmed. Nothing anyone can say can bring her back, and heartfelt texts only make me want to break down and send me down the rabbit hole of anxiety and overthinking about who, or now, what killed her, her last moments, and the last thing I said to her, which I will never repeat to another living soul. 
I push the thoughts away and pick up my phone, seeing a text from John. 
John: Settled in?
Me: I guess so, as much as I can be. 
John: Do you want to talk?
Do I? Honestly, I don’t know. 
Me: Any word from the police?
I watch the three little dots that indicate he’s typing appear and disappear a few times before his text comes through.
John: No, none yet. Want me to light a fire under their asses?
I can’t help but chuckle and smile a little. 
Me: Think it would help?
John: Maybe, maybe not. But I will if you want me to. 
The sentiment makes my heart flutter, and a smile appear across my lips. 
Me: Thank you. But I don’t think Pug Face will move any faster unless there’s donuts involved.🍩
John: Pug Face? You mean Detective Sanders?
Me: Yeah, that’s what I call him. His face looks like a pug. 
John: Come here.
What does he mean? Like, to his room? 
Me: To your room?
John: Considering that’s where I am, yes.
I sigh, stand up from my bed, and walk out of my bedroom. Why does he need to talk to me in his room? What does he have to say that he can’t just text me? I knock on the door labeled with his name and his deep voice sounds from the other side. “Come in.”
I open his door and peek inside. He’s sitting at his desk with a laptop and his journal open on top. His room isn’t really decorated, but he has maps and charts all over his walls, along with newspaper clippings, and on his dresser is a picture of a younger version of him, a baby Sam and toddler Dean, and a beautiful woman with blonde hair. They’re smiling in the picture in front of a house. This must be Sam and Dean’s mom, John’s first wife, who he said was killed by a demon. 
“What did you need?” I ask, stepping further into his room when he waves me inside.
“Shut the door,” John says, nodding his head to the door behind me. It reminds me of when I would get in trouble with my mom. Getting me off to the side so she could lecture me about what I did wrong. 
I shut the door behind me and John motions for me to come closer until I’m standing right in front of him as he scoots his desk chair back. “Okay, the door is closed. Am I in trouble?” I ask, sounding more nervous than I’d like to.
“Is there something you should be in trouble for?” John asks, not answering my question. I hate it when adults do that.
I sigh and roll my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest. “I don’t know, that’s why I asked. You told me to come in here,” I respond. 
“Firstly, watch your tone,” John warns, holding up a finger. “Secondly, I wanted to talk to you about how you talk to the police,” he sits back in his chair, looking me up and down. “If you want to hunt, you’re going to have to learn respect. We portray law enforcement most of the time, and local police don’t appreciate the attitude,” John explains. “And that includes nicknames like ‘Pug Face.’”
I swallow and nod. His tone of voice isn’t condescending, but the firmness of it makes something tingle deep inside of me. Somewhere, it definitely shouldn’t. 
“Do I make myself clear?” John asks. 
“Yes,” I mutter, trying to ignore how his low voice makes me feel ashamed and dirty. 
“Yes?” John falters as if he’s waiting for me to finish speaking.
“Yes…sir,” I respond, wondering if that’s what he wants to hear. Hoping it’s what he wants to hear.
I see a flash of darkness in John’s eyes as he looks at me. He takes a shallow breath and then blinks a few times, clearing his throat. “You know you can call me ‘dad,’ too, right?” he asks in that same deep voice that stirs something deep in my core. 
“I know…I just,” I try to explain but can’t find the words. 
John holds his hands out for me to take and I find myself instantly going into them. He takes my small hands in his and pulls me just between his knees. “You call me whatever you feel is right. I’m not going to pressure you to call me dad when you’ve only met me a handful of times in your life,” one of his hands leaves mine, and he brushes a strand of hair out of my face, cupping my cheek. “That is my cross to bear, not yours. You call me whatever you like. But when it comes to orders, ‘yes, sir,’ is how you need to address me. Is that clear?” 
His touch heats my skin where he touches it, only fueling the feeling that’s growing deep in my core. It’s inappropriate, it’s wrong, but I can’t stop myself from taking a tiny step closer between his legs and letting my response come out in a breathy, bedroom voice. “Yes, sir.”
A groan escapes John’s throat, and he swallows hard. “You should go. Now,” he responds. But it’s not an order this time, his tone is almost begging me to go. And I should, I really should because I don’t know if I can control myself if I don’t. I know it’s wrong, but the way his hands hold mine and touch me ignite a flame inside of me that I don’t want to smother just yet. 
“Can I sleep here tonight?” I ask, trying my best to sound innocent. “I really don’t want to sleep alone. I get bad dreams,” it’s not a complete lie, but it’s a lie tonight. A lie to stay.
John nods and stands up, pulling me against him and hugging me tightly. I lean into his touch and hug him back. “You can sleep here whenever you want,” John assures me. He pulls back, keeping his hands on my waist. “Go change into some pajamas, and I’ll clear this stuff up,” he kisses me softly on my forehead and drops his hands. 
I quickly change into some pajamas. Flannel shorts and a tank top and make my way back to John’s room. On my way back, the sound of slapping skin on skin catches my attention behind me. I tip-toe back to the source of the sound behind a door and place my ear against it. 
“Fuck, just like that,” a man moans, sounding eerily similar to Sam. 
“That’s it, Sammy, take it,” another man says with a grunt. 
My eyes widen, and I take a step back.
Was that…Dean? Are they…? No, no fucking way… Does John know?! Should I be the one to tell him?
I almost have to slap myself to bring myself back to reality. They’re definitely fucking each other. “Holy fucking shit,” I whisper. I can’t help how it turns me on either, though. This is all so fucked up. What did I get myself into? 
I walk back to John’s room with a swirling mind and a pit of fire deep inside of my core that’s only growing stronger and stronger. Maybe I should sleep in my own room tonight. No, fuck that. I mean, I’m sure John knows, and if he doesn’t care, then why should I?
Am I really about to come onto my dad right now?
No, I won’t instigate it. But, I mean, if he starts something, I won’t stop him.  Fuck, I need to douse myself in holy water. Ice-cold holy water.
Chapter Four
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thedeadedhooman · 5 months ago
Favourite supernatural ship/s
thanks for the ask anon<3
samjess is my favourite I guess. it's tragic and sad and beautiful. It always makes me upset and I end up in a puddle of tears. It hurts my brain and heart. It's like a stabbing pain in the gut. what gets me is that even after such a long time, sam could never actually let go of jessica I think. I mean what am I supposed to feel after the i still think about jessica. he was shopping for rings, and he proposed to a ghost, to his past. a nice sweet normal figment of his life, that he held on to for a while until tragedy struck. sam probably doesn't even have any photos of jessica, they were all burnt in the fire. he probably had that voicemail that she sent when he went with dean to hunt the woman in white. which probably got deleted when they had to switch phones or simcards cuz of their shitty lifestyle. she's only a memory to him...fuck
sastiel cuz I love their autistic swag. of course there are moments that make me mad like cas breaking sam's wall but cas also took sam's pain. sam and castiel are so soft and tender with each other. I just know the sex would've been a galaxy brain moment.
samruby because they're toxic af but they truly loved each other at some point. they would've worshipped each other I think. it's bout the roles and the dynamics, there's also a lot of manipulation and betrayal going on and that adds to the more complex elements regarding the pairing. also the soft tender way ruby tries to cajole sam into believing that what he did was right scratches at my brain because she too sacrificed a lot to be the one who catalysed the whole thing. they could've ruled hell together. and their whole sex scene is like two lesbians fucking each other.
deanlisa because dean had a bit of normalcy and a cute son. dean and lisa made a cute pairing I think. he got to be a dad for a little while I guess. It's sad and tragic cuz when cas wiped Lisa and Ben's memories, it really hurt. Like you build this little family and they gave you something to hold on to for a while when you missed your brother and then have all of that taken away from you PERMANENTLY. that shit is sad af.
sambrady because I KNOW WHAT THEY HAD GOING ON. demon lover brady my beloved. I know they fucked. cuz brady is a demon and he died.
samsarah. they are so cute. and honestly out of all the partners sam had in the show I think sarah blake would have been perfect for sam imo. she wanted to help them during the hunt. she's a tough girl. they kiss for the first and the last time and she hopes that sam would visit again. she keeps waiting and waiting and waiting, days turn into weeks, weeks into months, months into years and then one day she gets married has a kid and that tall floofy haired boy with the puppy dog eyes turns up at her doorstep. she has moved on obviously but at what cost? she died cuz of the very man she waited for so long. and oh sammy. the only reason why he didn't go back was that he knew it was dangerous for her. later he had to go to her to save her but again at what cost? sarah still died and she had a husband and a kid...
wincest. do I need to even say anything? I mean where do I even start? It's not like I want them to fuck each other but it's the codependency. there's a lot going on with these two that can't be seen with the naked eyes. it's the subtext, the yearning, the longing looks, the roles...how dean can't function without sam, he's afraid to be alone, how sam loses it when dean is gone, the need to be the no. 1 person on their priority list, and the fact that they're canonical soulmates. yeah they're weird and that's what I like about it. sam and dean winchester are psychotically, irrationally, erotically codependent on each other.
sammadison how could I not mention this one. THIS IS MY FAVOURITE AS WELL. I mean it's so fucking tragic. like you think you saved the girl but for what? it didn't work and it's gonna happen again and there's no cure and you two share these tender moments of intimacy thinking everything's gonna be okay only to be met with the opposite. you gave her hope and now it's being taken away..it's never gonna be okay and she asks you to kill her. whatthefuck. now you slowly see yourself in her, what if I become a monster and there's no way back and what if someone I love so much has to put me down like a sick dog. GOSH. I cried while watching that episode.
I also like samwena and saileen and megstiel but I haven't watched the later seasons that well so can't say much.
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chiisana-sukima · 2 months ago
Happy Wincest Wednesday!
A normal person would ask a Christmas question, but I hate Christmas. So instead: what's a kink that one brother is really into and the other isn't? Do they indulge it to make their brother happy or shut it right down? Feel free to answer for both Sam and Dean's unreciprocated kinks!
... And yes, if you must you can also add Christmas headcanons.
- schizosamwincester
Happy Wincest I Am Late Again as Usual-day!
So, I think Dean, in keeping with his aro sex-is-for-fun lifestyle, enjoys lighthearted, kind of silly but uncomplicatedly enjoyable kinks like cosplay/light and silly roleplay, foodplay, maybe a bit of exhibitionist teasing, etc. This is a guy who digs "sexy rules" and thinks getting slapped by a girl wearing a zorro mask is risque. He would love bugging Sam into being that zorro girl and then laughing about how Sam should style his pretty princess hair to look like Wesley's from The Princess Bride, and Sam would say that makes Dean Princess Buttercup and Dean would be indignant, but ultimately Sam would 100% go along with it because he finds Dean's ridiculous humor endearing. Then Dean would legit get off on it and Sam would get off on making Dean happy.
Dean would order a tentacle dildo from Search the Web's equivalent of Adam & Eve and have it addressed to Sam and then mock Sam about how Sam finally saw that light that hentai is art but there's no need to keep his appreciation secret just because big brother realized it first. He would literally chase Sam around the bunker with Sam's new tentacle and leave it in various surprise locations with googly eyes stuck to it like a kinky besuckered Elf on a Shelf (there's my only Christmas reference lol). Sam would roll his eyes but eventually break down and they'd have hot tentacle monster roleplay sex.
I think Sam otoh pretends very, very hard not to have any kinks other than mildly rough sex. What you see on screen from Sam with regards to women (minus the knifeplay/bloodplay with Ruby) is basically how he conducts his sexual encounters with men too. Wall sex, maybe some biting but certainly not enough to break skin, etc. The combination of Sam being a beast of a sexual partner plus Dean's sense of adventure is plenty for them both to have a satisfying and enjoyable sex life.
...The only problem is they both have reciprocal, highly compatible trauma-related kinks that neither of them would admit to if their lives depended on it. Sam wants Dean to roleplay snuff with Sam as the victim. He wants Dean to cut him extensively with Ruby's knife. He wants Dean to recite the voicemail message that Dean doesn't even know exists at him, handcuff him to the pipes in the bathroom, and fuck the evil out of him. He wants Dean to strap him down in a devil's trap in the bunker's dungeon and show him what Alastair taught him.
Meanwhile, Dean would get off so hard on giving Sam all those things. He's been conditioned into sadism after all. And the thing is, over time, he becomes pretty aware Sam wants all that. They're terrible at keeping secrets from each other long term, so of course he would figure it out. But he would NEVER admit he knows or that he would enjoy it too, because he feels too guilty.
And to make matters even worse, he feels so guilty he'd actually also love for Sam to beat him unconscious and then fuck him about it, but he can't admit to that either because it would just make Sam feel bad. And though Sam doesn't realize the specifics, it would be impossible for him not to understand that Dean feels guilty in general and enjoys being treated faux poorly and humiliated for getting-off purposes.
Consequently, they both have this second layer of sexual intimacy that they can't really deal with head on. But they do try to accommodate each other around it at the margins. Sam fucks Dean rough enough sometimes that he knows he's hurting him. Dean gets Sam drunk sometimes before they bang and then chokes him a bit. Some days vanilla is good. Some days the silly lighthearted kink is perfect. Some days one feels in the mood to be aggressive enough that the other gets a taste of their secret desire. And some days its unfortunately a tad mediocre because:
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the-gray-ghosty · 1 year ago
Sam trauma fics please!!! Anything with hallucifer/lucifer/demon blood just anything lmao
Thank you bestie<3
I am SO sorry this took so long bestie!! @ghost-go-roasty-mctoasty
I have SO many sam trauma fics bookmarked, so I'm going to rec specifically some of the hallucifer/lucifer/demon blood ones for you!
Through the Devil Softly by siamesedreams, hallucifer/implied/referenced noncon (no smut), gencest samdean, dean taking care of Sam as he suffers through anxiety attacks and ptsd from hallucinations in s7
Convalescence by impravidus, post!cage sam through the eyes of outsiders. Hallucifer and very protective dean
My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand by ad_castra
"5 times dean comforts sam by holding his hand (and one time he doesnt). Sam detoxing from demon blood, hallucinations, trials of hell, this fic goes through different times of sam trauma and sam having mental health issues
Leaning out for love by angelshotgun
Sam's been detoxing for years, but his powers stayed. He hid them from dean for years, but when Sam is sick dean finds out.
Help is never far away by wolfcry22
Sam gets dosed with demon blood against his will and has to detox again, but he also has the flu. Protective dean and Bobby, and ofc sam angst and pain
Through the Devil Softly by siamesedreams
Hallucifer, where Sam can't tell whats real and what's not. Sam has panic attacks and ptsd, with protective Dean and WINCEST (but no sex, just cuddling and protectivness)
Catching my death (staring out an open window) by ad_castra
Hallucifer/post cage sam and castiel, with enochian speaking sam and castiel, protective castiel and dean and unstable hurt sam
Trialculosis Sam by fogsrollingin
This is one of my favorite fanfictions of all time. The trials of hell are pretty much killing sam, and dean is trying his best (most of the time) to do his best to help sam. This has queerplatonic samdean, with hugging and comfort and lots of tears and hurt sam!
Buried at Sea by shadowhuntingdauntlessdemigod
With no leads on the darkness, sam and dean tour the queen Mary ship in long beach california. But when sam and dean are seperated, and a ghost locks sam inside an old cage elevator, post-cage hell trauma comes out. Poor sam! Lots of protective dean.
Hiraeth by inkandpaperqwerty
Season 4, when Sam and dean sre separated after dean finds out about the demon blood, sam overdoses on his antidepressants. Suicidal!Sam calls dean, and dean comes to his aid. Protective dean and very protective bobby, and a little bit anti castiel at the begining (he's kind of a jerk, but he does care about sam in his own way).
Let me know if any of the links dont work!! :)
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sloppyneedybmxboy · 9 months ago
fav supernatural episodes
3x03 rabbits foot bella episode 3x08 supernatural christmas super wincest so sweet so sad 3x10 dream a little dream of me, bobby i just love you 3x11 mystery spot, like groundhog day with dean dying a lot SO ANGST between sam and dean 3x12 jus in bello, super tense dude they're in a demon siege goood ep 3x13 ghostfacers, so so funny so spoofy
4x01 dean comes back from hell whole thing shot like gay porn i love it 4x03 and 02 not my fav episodes ever but incredibly gay destiel scenes at night 4x06 anxious dean 4x07 awesome ep. castiel meets sammie. DESTIEL scenes like the bench scene ZOMG 4x09 just a great ep loads of drama. anna !
4x10 good for drama. anna kisses dean and cas is like :o 4x15 uhh the reapers have been kindapped. castiel and also alistair and pamela. its a fun time (sort of ) 4x16 ON THE HEAD OF A PIN. my favest episode so far, so much drama. dean angst! torturing alistair! bloody cas. cas at deans bedside . i was getting too close to the humans in my charge etc etc 4x18 chuck, good ep ft dean praying to cas for first time
4x20 tense. not the best ep ever but ft jimmy novak aka cas' vessel and funny just for the complete lack of sexual tension between dean and jimmy without cas inside him and dean's confusion
4x21 oop. sam getting demon blood detoxed. angst and greatly enjoyable
4x22 best epppp so good so good. so fun always good to rewatch. much destiel
5x02 "i rebelled i did it all for you" destiel speech um also awesome ep war comes to small town etc rufus ellen involved very ethel cain 5x03 dean and cas go on a case together for the first time! very gay¬! 5x04 endverse cas and dean, apocalypse, gayness 5x06 good ep with the kid antichrsit it just pisses me offf 5x07 old dean, so funny, bobby angst, loves it 5x08 changing channels! it truly has it all. gabriel, cas, funny sam dean stuff, dr sexy …. 5x10 cas and jo and ellen and dean and bobby and stuff aaaa my heart. they tracked lucifer down. sexy cas scenes 5x11 a true fever dream of an episode … the boys admit themselves to a mental asylum … I don't know if this deserves to be on this list but it was kinda funny idk. minus points for no cas. 5x13 worth it only for the cas!whump scenes hurtcas ! he sends them back in time to fix things with john and mary 5x14 MY BLOODY VALENTINE! consumehimnatural destiel my beloved 5x16 worth it for the cas losing his faith in his father/god plotline. angst cas 5x17 DRUNK BITCH CAS ep.! always good fun to watch him be mean to sam. dean's like WHAAAA? one of my fav eps 5x18 "last time someone looked at my like that, I got laid" DESTIEL ALLEYWAY FIGHT SCENE, angst!dean, so many good scenes !!! one of my fav eps 5x20 wonderful crowley ep, really funny antagonistic & good gay times 5x21 cas in hospital! cas saves the day! not the best plot wise but plenty of fun and crowley involved too so all the boys :D
6x01 NOT the best episode at ALL but really fun to watch in terms of dean gender studies. dean living normcore life with ben and lisa 6x03 CAS IS ON ONE! "we do have a more profound bond" very funny iconic destiel lines, balthazar included
6x04 BOBBY POV EP! YAY! supa funny silly lighthearted I loves it 6x05 Twilight/vampire. I am hesitant to put this one on the list but it is homoerotic vampires dean gender studies moments so I think it has to be here. minus points for soulless sam and samuel cos they sukk 6x06 ICONIC destiel whiskey pouring scene.Rest of the ep is fairly skippable. I sometimes slow this scene down to x0.25 and watch it because there's so much being said nonverbally thru their body language and eyes so watch careffffully. much to unpack, ripe for analysis. sad!Cas
6x09 dean fight the fairies episode. so much fun 6x10 meg! crowley! cas! the boys! they're all fighting. supa funny cas/crowley bits and cas sexual awakening 6x15 HOLA MISHAMIGOS! meta ep. so funny so silly so light
6x18 this ep truly has it all ONE OF MY FAV OF ALL TIME dean gender silly dress up cowboy, b plot is gay cas and bobby getting angel fisted umm 6x19-22 obvs THE MAN WHO WOULD BE KING ARC !!!
7x01 GODSTIEL ARC 7x02 godstiel arc continued. for first 10 mins or something 7x06 -7x12 ok so these are by far not my fav episodes but. there's something to say for them. I thought season 7 was gonna be balls without cas but there's something quite Classic Supernatural going on in these eps which is comforting and/or dean gender studies and/or dean pining for cas which makes them good actually. ft frank & some garth . ALSO bobby being a dad and bobby death sequence eps 9/10 7x17 CAS RETURNS! Emmanual!Cas awesome destiel scenes like the trenchcoat bit ….. 7x18 party on garth. truly an incredible episode. garth-centric 7x20 CHARLIE CHARLIE CHARLIE! 1st charlie ep leviathian heist style plot quite fun and silly 7x21 crazy cas! off his rocker cas! cas and dean play a boardgame! cas is so charmingly aloof and offhand! "when castiel first laid hands on you in hell he was LOST!!!" ft. kevin tran 7x23 weird boy bestfriends behaviour … also "i'd rather have you, cursed or not" destiel scenes ft. the Iconic castiel crowley meg dean love triangle
8x01 unbelievably gay purgatory flashback episode. deranged dean. big gay benny! very queer coded. really fun !!! one of my favs ft kevin 8x02 "too much heart was always castiel's problem" OK? ft kevin tran and his MUM. also pining recently returned from purgatory dean. overall fun ep 8x05 dean x benny ep so Very gay ….. some purg flashback and destiel parallels …. 8x06 garth therapises the Boys! it's always a good time when it's a garth ep ok
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explainslowly · 7 months ago
Day 10 of @spnficrecfest - Crossovers
I am cringe, but I am free!!
x Good omens crossovers (shut up)
Misfire - Destiel, Azicrow fairly long and plot oriented, takes the tone of the GO book (including the footnotes) so don't expect it to really explore the darker parts of spn canon
The Man In The Long Black Coat - Azicrow abandoned but still worth it, to me - this is also a Lucifer crossover and personally I just enjoy to see someone trying to thread together like three disparate canons into a coherent whole
Strike Me Down and I'll Become More Powerful Than You Can Possibly Imagine - Destiel cute and fun, wrapping up season 5 with a bang
x Criminal minds (do you enjoy Winchesters under police scrutiny? I do)
Minimal Loss (series) - no relationships The best of the best in my opinion!!! They are in a cult, your honor!!
No Difference - no relationship Short and sweet, nicer to the Winchesters than minimal loss, I would say
Redux - no relationship shoutouts to @autisticandroids for digging this one up, it's great
Old Country - Harry Potter crossover (sorry. I know, it's 2024 and JKR is an open fascist... but I still think this one is interesting), Wincest Really fun approach to magic and very fun in general, personally I just skipped over the Wincest parts (sorry)
ghost eye for the queer guy - Queer eye crossover, Destiel fun and silly!!!
His Brother, His Brother, My Brother, Him and Me - MBMBAM crossover, Destiel also fun!! and silly!!
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according2thelore · 3 months ago
if you’re stiil doing the game what’s ‘teenager’ and ‘visions’?
i am! for this wip ask game here! and now, officially, we have done every single wip!!! omg, i'm so glad y'all have been liking these--they've been super fun and very motivating!!
based on this post here! it's about gadreel giving s9 dean an AU teenage sam to compensate for sam's loss. teenage!sam just lost dean to a hunt, and can't quite believe that dean is here, alive, and an adult--like he'll never get to be in his universe. it's been in our drafts since last december, and i've just been real slow, lol. it's full of shmoop, grief, and a plot twist! wahoo!
There's a man standing in the middle of the room, and Dean rounds the corner slowly, hand wrapping around the hilt of his knife. The man is hunched over, breathing quick, and Dean can hear his rapid, canned breaths echoing off the walls of the warehouse.
Dean takes another step forward, something so achingly familiar about his figure that it sets his teeth on edge. The man straightens, and Dean realizes that it's not a man at all. A boy.
Foreboding creeps up Dean's spine until it's screaming in his head. The boy is searching his surroundings, legs still bent. A hunter's stance. His head turns.
Dean knows this boy. He would know this boy anywhere.
2. visions
now THIS is the first samdean fic that i started and did not finish when i started writing wincest again last year. all of the others i finished, lmao. but this one was such a massive undertaking that i got distracted by other fics that i uploaded instead.
at the beginning of season 2, sam&dean reach an agreement that yeah, what they got going on is weird, and they start a relationship. however, sam has a vision that dean gets killed by the YED for being a distraction to sam's purpose after they have sex for the first time (up on the ceiling, like all madonnas do).
so now sam--whose visions predicting the future have all come true, one way or another--refuses to so much as look at dean for too long, and insists they put whatever is going on between them on hold until the YED is dead because sam's not going to take that chance.
so the fic is travelling through s2 (croatoan, playthings, born under a bad sign, heart, folsom prison blues, and of course, AHBL Pt 1+2) with sam and dean barely holding it together and wanting to be together but not being able to. longing central. angst central.
excerpt in which sam tries to pry dean off of the ceiling (WARNING, gore):
He won’t leave Dean in here, he can’t. The amulet swings, and it slaps against Sam’s cheek, sticking to his sweat and the blood and Sam’s own tears, and it burns, it scars. It boils his skin away, branding him. Sam knows that he’ll die with an outline of it against his cheek, the corner of his mouth, and he finds peace with it, even as his insides scream.
Dean, Dean, Dean, Dean.
It’s all Sam can feel, all he can hear, all he can taste, all he can smell. He looks up into Dean’s eyes, wraps his one good hand around Dean’s cheek, tries again to haul him down, but it’s no use. Sam’s knee buckles. Traitor. Sam’s body betrays him, and he falls. Dean is ripped from his arms, and Sam hits the motel carpet, hard. He screams, part pain but mostly agony, because now he can see Dean from afar. 
thank you all again for humouring me! i've had a lot of fun answering these asks!! <333
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future-dregs · 1 month ago
Hi Audie 😘
Wincest Wednesday question for you:
If you had to pick one character in the show that mirrors each of the boys, which do you think works the best? The reasoning is totally up to you—the show gives us so many, even side characters—and I would like to know which stick out to you the most!
~Rhea 🖤🖤
I see Dean mirrored in Ruby, Bela, and Anna.
Ruby is obvious, idk if you even want to count her because she was playing into Deanlike characteristics to make Sam comfortable with her.
Bela is because of their bravado and their fathers. Now, I don't think John abused Dean the way Bela's father abused her, but I think there is a comparison to be made between. I think Dean's feelings about John are complex. He loves John, respects the "Father" position. I, personally think there was a little bit of a one way thing between he and John on Dean's end, not that Dean was in love with his father exactly, but that he wanted the closeness of a partner with him. He's taking care of Sam, "the house" so to speak, he had a lot of responsibility at a very young age but was also almost entirely dependent on John and answered to him. Idk how much was discussed between the two about mundane scheduling but Dean was put into that partner position, but without the equal footing, respect or affectionate benefits. I think Dean often felt like a neglected spouse as well as a child. Now, this is not the same thing that Bela experienced, her father just straight up rapes her, but I think the comparisons are there and I think Dean recognizes them which is why he goes so low with "Daddy didn't give you enough hugs?" He doesn't like the things they share so he gets mean. Also they both try to play too cool for school, movie slick, to protect themselves from the things they're really scared of. They play into their archetypes, Dean is a Man, Bela a Femme Fatal, but they're always very aware of the act.
Anna, again, comes back around to the Father issue. She's an angel, child and soldier of God, who is questioning. Dean is also having to reevaluate his relationship to his father, his role in the world and his family, and just how much choice he really has.
Sam is more difficult. Early seasons Sam mirrors John and Mary of course. He has the anger of John, and when Jess, and then Dean die, we see he is driven by the same vengeance. He and Mary both wanted to get out of the life, both wanted to be "normal" both were brought back in by a death, they actually mirror each other almost step for step, except Mary had arguably more knowledge and more choice than Sam ever did.
But once we get to season six and beyond? I don't know. When Jack is introduced we see that he mirrors Sam quite a bit. There's a lot of beats that remind me of Sam's blood arc, but idk that you can also make the arrow reverse back to Sam. Jack is similar in ways to how Sam used to be, not the other way round. (Also not to go on a different tangent but its Wincest Wednesday so I'm allowed. When Sam is talking Dean around to Jack he uses the "for me" with his big ole eyes and I UGGGHHH I can't TAKE it. "For me??" "FOR ME?????" what kinda sappy ass romantic bullshit)
So yeah for Sam I'm not sure. As a child, teenager and a young adult he's much like his mother, in his twenties he has the wrath of his father, but then he grows up and becomes very much his own person, and aside from the fact that he and Dean sort of grow into each other as they age, and mirror each other, I'm kind of coming up short.
(Also going back I see you said one but I forgot.)
((Also I am SO SORRY it took me this long!! 😣😣😣))
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wincestdailyheadcanons · 2 years ago
TW: abusive relationship, dubcon, strangulation, murder, emotional/mental abuse, DEAN IS NOT A GOOD GUY)
Wincest Unhinged #7 Sam's scared, he's so fucking scared. 
"If you love me, you'll let me do this." Dean says low into his ear. 
"I do…I do love you, I'm just…"
Dean kisses his neck; "You don't trust me after all I've done for you?" He sounds hurt. Sam quickly shakes his head; "No, no, I do it's just…it's just a lot."
"If you can't do it, just say so. I can find someone else, and it'll be your fault. Just like last time."
Last time. The last time Sam said no to one of Dean's games. Dean offered Sam a beer, told him it was okay, he understood, and within a few minutes, Sam felt so fucking groggy. Dean came up behind him and wrapped an arm across his chest, pulling him backwards. 
"I love you."
Dean held him, the embrace loving and possessive.
Something was wrong. Very, very, wrong.
"It'll take effect in a minute, don't worry, you'll be fine." Dean promised.
"What?" Sam slurred, trying to get his eyes to focus.
If Dean said something, Sam doesn't remember. 
Sam remembers waking up, handcuffed to a bed. He remembers seeing someone, a man he didn't know laying beside him, staring at him without blinking, his eyes rolled back slightly, his mouth hung open.
He was dead. 
But more horrifying, he  looked like Sam.
 "He won't hurt you, he can't." Dean promised. Sam jerked his head to the side, looking at his brother. "What did you do?! What the fuck did you do?!"
Sam thrashed on the bed, pulling at the cuffs. Dean covered Sam's mouth, fingers pressing so hard, Sam knew there would be bruises. 
Dean pressed his forehead against Sam's; "Shh…Sammy, you need to be very, very, quiet, and listen to me. I need to take a shower."
Sam gave Dean a confused look.
"I am going to let you go, and I'm going to take a shower. In that time I want you to make a decision. You can either help me clean up this mess as an apology for  the trouble you caused or you can call the police. But I promise you, I will not be going to jail."
Dean didn't even give the option of Sam running.
They both knew he wouldn't.
Dean took a step back, releasing Sam.
"Tell me you understand." 
Sam bites his lip and nods; "Ill help."
"Thats my boy."
Sam got into the shower with his brother, washed his skin clean, kissed his fingertips, let Dean push those same fingers into him, and worked him open, slow and gentle.
"Feel good, doesn't it, baby boy? He didn't feel as good as you. You're so much tighter…"
Sam let out a soft moan, rolling his hips back. 
"Kid didn't tighten up until I had my hands on his throat." 
Dean curled his fingers around Sam's cock, pumping him, and fuck, it feels so fucking good.
"There's no shame in telling big brother what you need."
Sam pushes back, trying to get Dean's fingers deeper, trying to get him to touch that spot. 
He's getting off on the hands that just strangled someone. He knows this. But Sam can't get past the urge to fuck.
When he begs for Dean, so embarrassingly needy, Dean looks proud. 
That was the last time. This is now.
 Right now Dean has him naked on the bed, working him open, pushing the head of his cock in and out of Sam's unprepped hole. 
Dean doesn't speak, doesn't acknowledge that Sam is in pain, hell he seems to be enjoying it a little more because of the noises Sam makes.
'You can say no or stop at any time, but you know the consequences.' 
"Dean, Dean, please," Sam chokes out, voice breaking, " I wanna…" He pushes against Dean's chest.
Dean kissed him, cutting off his words; "You know I won't let anything happen to you, why don't you trust me? Don't you love me?" 
He does, he loves and trusts Dean so fucking much. "I do…I promise I do…"
"Then dont fight me."
Before Sam could react Dean grabbed his throat, Sam's hands flying instinctively to grab Dean's arms as his air was cut off 
"Relax." Dean growls, and gives a hard painful thrust pushing the entire length of his cock in at once.
Dean moans, and  when Sam lets his arms fall to the sides, Dean gives Sam that same look of pride he gave before, and for just a moment, the satisfaction that Sam made Dean happy, overshadowed the fear and panic of not being able to breathe.
Then Dean squeezed tighter, rolling his hips. "Feel so fucking good, doing great Sammy, little more, almost there…"
Despite his promise, Sam grabs at Dean's arm's he hits, and scratches, tries to beg with eyes for Dean to let up. 
'Trust me, love me, trust me…" Deans words echo in his head, and fuck, he does. Dean's killing him, but he still loves him.
The world slips away…
Sam's eyes fly open as he takes in air, Sam feels Dean roll him onto his side.
"There you go." Dean says, rubbing his back. "Thought I lost ya there for a second. You did so fucking great Sammy, felt fucking amazing. You made me cum so fucking hard."
Dean gently lifted Sam's head onto his lap, fingers stroking through Sam's hair. 
"Thank you, baby, boy. We can do it again tomorrow since you liked it so much too."
Sam glanced down, saw his own thighs covered with cum.
He hated that. He fucking hated it.
But he loves Dean more.
"Anything for you, De."
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crashdevlin · 2 years ago
Forbidden Fruit 1- Just Helping Out
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Author’s Note: This is part one of Forbidden Fruit. It is a high-school set, adopted sister Wincest, non-Supernatural, a/b/o series. This is brand new, never been posted (not even to my patreon). There was an Omegaverse week over on @spnkinkevents and there was a prompt of Heat/Rut which I think this will fit pretty well.
Summary: When John and Mary Winchester adopted Y/n into their family, Dean never imagined he'd grow to think of her as anything other than a nuisance. Imagine his surprise when his sister becomes the single most important person in his life.
Pairing: Dean x Sister!Reader, Michael x Reader
Word count: 3342
Story Warnings: sister wincest, alpha!Dean, alpha!Michael, omega!reader, 18+! HERE BE SEX!! DON’T READ IF YOU’RE A YOUNG’UN!!!, masturbation, phone sex,
Dean Winchester stepped out of his car and slung his backpack over his shoulder, long bowed legs carrying him toward the last building in town he wanted to be in. His brother followed at a slower pace. His friend, Richie, approached him as soon as he entered the school, looking around pointedly.
"Where's your hot sister this morning?"
Dean rolled his eyes. He was more than tired of his friends trying to get with Y/n. Just like he was tired of reinforcing that she was adopted. "Fuck if I know, man. She was sick or something this morning. Mom told me and Sammy to head out without her."
"Sick, huh? She ain't pregnant, is she?" Richie asked. He always took it to a sexual place.
Dean scoffed. "Be real hard 'less it's the second coming of Christ, man. She's a virgin."
"You sure? 'Cause word around the locker room is-"
"You finish that sentence and I'm gonna rip your fuckin' lungs out. That's my sister and she is not a topic for your locker room bullshit," Dean growled. He knew there was no way the rumors might have substance but the very idea that Y/n let some guy touch her made his alpha show itself.
"No, no, man. Not me! I would never disrespect you and yours like that, but...I mean, Mike...Cas' big brother...he was sayin'..."
All anger flowed out of him. "They went to one movie and I escorted them. Nothing happened. He's a lying piece of shit."
"Maybe...but he's telling everybody that he nailed her so…"
"I'll deal with it."
Dean wasn’t sure how he'd deal with it, but he knew he would. There was no way he would let everyone think his sister was a ho.
"Well, don't hurt Mr. President too much. You don't want to get arrested."
"I'm not gonna hurt him," Dean argued. "Well, I might, but if I say that then it's premeditation and I don't have the 'crime of passion' thing to fall back on." He scoffed as the bell rang through the PA system. "See you in English, Richie."
"She wouldn't want you to fight with him. She likes him," Sam said, walking up to his brother as Richie rushed down the hall.
"She doesn't like liars and she doesn't deserve to have him spreading rumors like that about her."
"Then let her deal with it."
"She's not here today, is she?"
"And you gotta deal with it today?"
Dean turned on his little brother and let out a growl. "The longer he's out here spreading this shit with no pushback and no one defending her, the longer it has to take hold and the more people are gonna believe it. I am not going to let that happen."
Sam sighed, his hair swinging as he shook his head. "When she gets upset and cries about you beating up her boyfriend, I'm not gonna hold back the 'I told you so'."
"He ain't her boyfriend!" Dean called before heading into his homeroom. He threw his body down into his desk and rested his head against his fist.
He never would have thought he would end up so protective of Y/n. He hated that girl when his parents decided to foster her. They put a seven-year-old boy who only ever had a little brother with a brand new six-year-old 'sister', they were naive to not expect some pushback. She was living with them for almost a year before he called her anything other than 'Foster' and he remembered making every single thing a fight even after they decided to adopt her and make her his sister. He was an unbelievable ass to her and that still showed up sometimes.
But despite the genetics, despite the rocky start, Y/n was his sister. Y/n was his little sister and he was not about to let the student council president get away with telling everyone that she gave her virginity up to a piece of shit like him. Fuck Michael Novak.
Four other people mentioned "the rumors" before lunch. By the time he saw the tall green-eyed teen across the cafeteria, Dean was seething. He was laughing with a group of other wealthy, popular seniors and Dean was itching to hit the smile right off his face. At least it wouldn't be an unfair fight. Michael was the same age, same height, same build, and both were alphas. In a lot of ways, Michael Novak was just like Dean Winchester, so much so that people sometimes mistook them for each other in the halls during hotter months when Dean only wore t-shirts instead of his many layers of plaid and leather.
"So tell me, how'd you manage to get some from my sister when I was with you the whole damn night?" Dean asked without preface and definitely without tact as he walked up to the group.
The group collectively blanched before turning to the gruff boy. Michael's blank green eyes found Dean's rage-filled ones. "What are you going on about, Dean?"
"You been tellin' everybody that you had sex with my sister and I'm just wondering exactly how that could have happened when I was with you the whole date. I picked your lame, Abercrombie and Fitch-wearing ass up. I drove you to the theater. I sat next to her in the movie. I drove your lame, Abercrombie and Fitch-wearing ass home. When did you put her ankles behind her ears and make her see God?"
Michael looked caught for a moment, obviously unsure what to say. "You weren't around the whole night," he responded, eventually. "She and I were alone while you went to the anime store in the mall."
Dean nodded, angrily. There was a short gap where he let them out of his sight but… "I was gone for ten minutes. I just needed to grab the new Twilight Princess manga. My baby didn't smell like sex when I got back in and you really think anyone's gonna believe you talked Y/n out of her virginity in the backseat of my car in ten minutes? Also, dude, if you're only giving girls ten minutes of time, you're doing sex wrong. Have you ever had sex?"
Michael obviously took offense to the question, eyes going wide. "More than you, I'm sure, you...white trash, thrift store-shopping, piece of-"
"Well, you're wrong there. I steal my clothes and if you think I'm trash, what do you really think about Y/n?"
"I think she's been trying to get me to knot her for months and she would have been easy if you hadn't been a constant presence during the date!"
"Did you just call my sister 'easy'?! And like hell, she's been tryin' to get your dinky little dick!" Dean's fist clenched and he moved to step closer, but his phone vibrating in his pocket stopped him. He growled as he pulled it out, softening a little at his mom's contact pic on the screen. "Yeah, Mom?"
"Hey, I need you to take Sam over to Bobby's after school. You boys and your father are going to be staying there for a few days."
"Wait, wha--Why? What's goin' on?"
"Because Y/n's becoming a woman and having two alphas in the house when an omega is going through her first heat would make everything harder and Sam is going to want to be with you wherever you are so...meet your dad at Bobby's, we'll see you in a few days, okay?"
"Y-yeah." Dean turned away from Michael and his friends, phone pressed to his ear. His cheeks went hot as he heard Y/n moan in the background. "Is she...she okay?"
"She'll be fine. First one's the worst one. You remember your first rut, how you wanted to fight everyone and went through half a bottle of lotion?"
"Com'on, Mom," he groaned.
Mary laughed. "I'll take care of her. We'll see you when she's on the other side."
"Yes, ma'am. See ya then." He sighed before pushing his phone back into his pocket. "Stop lying about my sister, you dickbag...and lose her number because no way is she going out with you again," Dean called over his shoulder as he walked away. Y/n was under enough stress. She didn't need to come back to school to find out that Dean got in a fist fight with Michael over her.
"You didn't hurt him?" Richie couldn't believe he just witnessed Dean walk away from an opportunity to defend Y/n's honor. "Who was on that call, man?"
"My mom. I'm not gonna…not gonna hurt him. I called him out, his friends know he lied, and I'm never gonna let Y/n go out with him again so…" He shrugged and sat on the table, boots resting on the seat. "He really said she'd'a been easy if I hadn’t been on the date, blockin' him. He obviously doesn't know anything about her."
"You let that slide?! 'Cause your mommy called you?"
"Richie," Dean started, licking his lips. He had a hundred things he wanted to say to his friend, but his mind kept replaying the moan he heard in the background of his conversation with his mother. He adjusted how he was sitting as he started to get hard. "Shut up."
"So, we gotta sleep at Bobby's until Y/n's feeling better?" Sam asked from the passenger seat of Dean's Impala.
"Yeah. Dad brought clothes over for us and we're gonna be sleeping on the couches. Dad gets the guest bed, of course."
"How long does an omega stay in heat?"
Dean looked over at Sam for a second before looking back to the road. "Aren't you takin' sex ed? Isn't there a whole section in that book about gender presentation?"
"It's all vague. 'One to five days'. That's not helpful. Come on. You know stuff. Cassie was an omega, right?"
Dean rolled his eyes at the mention of his ex. "Yeah, Cassie was an omega...and her heats lasted three. Mom's last two. So...we'll probably have to stay at Bobby's 'til Saturday."
"Thank you. Was that so hard, jerk?"
"Harder than you think," Dean said, shifting on the bench seat. Just thinking about Y/n in heat gave him a hard on...which was wrong. So wrong. That's his sister.
Bobby's front door opened and Ellen stepped out. "Hey, boys. Jo Beth and I put pillows an' blankets out on the couch and loveseat and y'all can do your homework in the library. Bobby and yer dad'll be back from the body shop at 6 so you got plenty'a time to get that stuff finished before dinner. Fried chicken. Come on in." The Winchesters followed the brunette woman inside. "As always-" she started as soon as Dean walked in.
"'Hands off Jo'. Yes, ma'am," Dean finished for her.
"Good," she said before disappearing into the kitchen.
"Get caught playing doctor once, ten years ago...never let us live it down," Dean grumbled under his breath as he tossed his backpack through the open doorway into the library.
"She'll get over it one day," Jo said, walking up to pick Dean's bag up.
"Not fucking likely. But it doesn't matter, does it?" Dean chuckled as he slid the door closed and sat at Bobby's desk. "Her threats didn't actually stop us."
"Hush yer mouth," Jo whispered, furiously. "Momma would kill us!"
"She'd kill Dean." Sam flopped down on the loveseat and dropped his backpack to his feet. "No big loss."
"Yeah, shut up, you little bitch."
"Are you going to do your work or just-" Sam cut himself off when Dean put his feet up on Bobby's desk and pulled out a comic book from his bag. "Right." Sam rolled his eyes.
"I don't need to do the homework to pass the tests and all my teachers know that shit, man. They don't fuck with me about it."
Sam just rolled his eyes again.
Dean's phone ringing on the floor beside the couch woke him at a little after midnight. He was barely awake enough to recognize Y/n's contact picture before he had answered and put the phone to his ear.
"Dean?" Her whisper through the phone made him sit up, more awake.
"Yeah? You okay?" he whispered back to keep Sam from waking.
"Mom told you?"
"I don't like this," she whined and Dean was struck with the desire to go home and comfort her. "I've never been so…"
"Horny?" Dean guessed.
"I was going for 'uncomfortable' but...yeah," she admitted. Dean swallowed thickly and licked his lips as blood rushed southward. He felt a little bad about getting hard over his little sister's first heat, but it wasn’t something he could control. "I don't know what to do. I just wanna...make it go away."
"O-only thing that would m-make it stop for a few hours would be...an alpha, but, um...you can...you know...and that'll...take some of the edge off."
"I can't," she squeaked.
"Can't...what, masturbate? It's totally natural and okay to-"
"No, I just...maybe I'm too stupid or I'm doing it wrong but it...I've tried before and it d-doesn't work."
Dean's face went hot as his dick twitched. "Um...you could--you aren't stupid, you just don't--um, I could send you a few videos from Pornhub and-"
"I can't watch those kinds of things!"
"Don't be such a prude," he snapped before sighing. "Sorry. That was rude. I'm an ass."
"It's okay. I'm sorry, too. I'm just...I'm not eighteen yet. I really shouldn't look at those videos."
"Right, well…" An idea came to his head and it left his mouth before he could realize how wrong the idea was. "I've seen a lot of those videos. Maybe I could help you."
There was silence on her side for a minute and Dean almost laughed it off and pretended it was a joke until he heard, "You could do that?" Her voice was so small and hopeful that he couldn't call it a joke.
"Y-yeah. I could do that...for you."
"And that’s...okay? It's not-"
"I'm your big brother. If I can help make this a little more bearable for you...I should. So, uh." Dean shot a look at Sam's sleeping form and got up to tip-toe into the bathroom at the foot of the stairs. "You in bed?"
"Yeah," she said on a breath.
"Okay, so...I guess, just get comfortable and, um, close your eyes."
"And just get a clear picture in your head of somebody that you'd wanna touch you. It's better if you can imagine someone...when you can think about their voice and how they might look when they're hovering over you...looking down at you...runnin' their hands down your body like you're about to be doing."
"So, I should run my hands down my body?"
"Did you come up with someone to imagine?"
"Okay, now, imagine that guy and let your hands drift until you find a place that feels good. Imagine him kissing your neck and telling you how fucking pretty you are." A sharp gasp from Y/n made Dean's dick twitch and he reached down to run his hand across the front of his pajama pants. "Some girls really like their nipples being played with. Some like tugging and pinching real hard, but others like it to be all light like a feather touch. So you should-"
"Oh my god!" she whispered through a moan and Dean had to bite his lip to keep from moaning himself...and to keep from asking how she likes her nipples played with.
"Now, um, put your hand in your underwear, whichever hand feels better...usually dominant hand, but sometimes that left hand is just a bit different and that can be fun." He wrapped his fingers around his erection through his pants and tried to control himself. "Keep your other hand playing with your nipples and don't just go straight for it. Tease yourself before you get the fingers going."
"T-tease what? My…"
"You need to play with your clit, baby," he said, cursing himself for calling her that before squeezing his erection and moving on. "Gentle pressure, circular motions...when you-"
"Oh! Oh, fuck!" Hearing her curse was too much. His goody-two-shoes, Student Council Vice President, church choir soloist little sister was playing with her clit and moaning for him. It was so wrong...and a-fucking-mazing. He reached into his pants and boxers and pulled out his cock, sweeping his thumb over the head. "It feels so good."
"If you're...if you think you're wet enough, you can slip your middle finger in-inside you and...just kinda feel around. Don't thrust, just press your fingertip into your pussy." His hand started moving slowly down his erection and back to the tip. "Gotta find the spots you're gonna be aimin' for when you start thrusting."
"How do you know-"
"Dirty movies, nasty mangas, and some hands-on experience. Now...fuck...um, take as long as you want with the teasing, ya know. There's no such thing as too much foreplay, even when you're playing with yourself."
He started tugging at his cock as he listened to her breathing heavily. Something in the rhythm of her breaths told him she had found her pace and started fingering herself. "How's that workin' for you, baby sis?" He needed to hear her voice. He needed to know what she sounded like all wrecked with bliss.
"It's workin'," she whimpered.
"Yeah? You think you can make yourself cum like that?"
"Yeah. Oh, I'm so close."
"I bet you are. Bet you're about to gush all over those pretty little fingers, aren't you?"
"Fuck, so close. Alpha, I'm so close."
Dean dropped his phone in the sink as his whole body jerked and his toes curled, a powerful, unexpected orgasm taking his breath as he shot cum all over the counter. "Shit!" he hissed, grabbing his phone as he continued fucking his fist. He got the phone to his ear just in time to hear Y/n let out a shuddering breath and a relieved moan. "You...you feel better, Y/n?"
"Uh-huh. I...I'm sorry I called you that. It just came out."
Dean chuckled, grabbing some toilet paper to clean up the evidence of what her calling him that did to him. "It's okay. It's natural. You're an omega in heat. I'm an alpha you trust...you were doing that. It's not a big deal. As long as you're feeling better, that's the important thing."
"I'm feeling a lot better. Thank you. I knew it was the right choice to call you."
Dean tossed the toilet paper in the bowl and flushed before securing his boxers and pants. "Why did you call me?"
"Something in me said you'd be able to help."
Dean licked his lips and swallowed. "I'm glad I could help. Um...but we should probably not tell anybody that I did, ya know?"
"Yeah. People probably would think-"
"Thank you for helping, Dean. This won't be so miserable now."
"Try to get some sleep, Y/n."
"You too. Sorry I woke you up for this."
Dean smiled. "Don't be sorry. I'm glad I could help."
"Oh, um...can you collect my schoolwork for the week? It's gonna be in the front office tomorrow."
"Yeah. I'll, uh, grab it and drop it off for you tomorrow."
"Okay. Thank you. Love you, Dean. Night."
"Night." Dean disconnected the call and stared at himself in the mirror over the sink. "That’s your little sister, man. What's wrong with you?"
He shook his head and sighed, checking the time on his phone and wiping at his tired eyes. "Nobody has to know. Doesn't have to be a thing. I was just helpin' her out like any good big brother would." He flicked the light off and headed back to the couch in the library.
The Kitchen Sink Tags- @flamencodiva @sacriceria @lyarr24 @440mxs-wife @nancymcl @mariekoukie6661 @alwayskeepfightingsweetheart @cosicas-cuquis @queenoftheunderdark @myheartbelongsintz @squirrelnotsam @akshi8278 @muhahaha303 @agirlwithdemonblood @this-is-me19 @mrswhozeewhatsis  
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zmediaoutlet · 2 years ago
happy wincest wednesday! what type of gimmick episode do you think they should have done on supernatural (and made wincesty) that they missed out on? body swap between sam and dean is a free space i guess. i think they should have had an episode where sam and dean can't/aren't allowed to speak during a case and have to communicate nonverbally, maybe with the occasional stupid subtitle for their gestures.
happy wincest wednesday, frauke <333
Your idea for a deaf&dumb episode is hysterical and I am now So Sad we didn't get it. Dean's cute lil vamp gesture but for 40 minutes? Sign my bitchass up. Plus, to make it wincesty, we could finally have had canon Dean Winchester do the blowjob imitation thing where you push your tongue into your cheek, and Sam would roll his eyes so hard but then push Dean to his knees anyway, and you know what, Dean'll go with that option too. Turnabout's fair play.
One thing about this is that we had so many gimmick episodes that are canon, lol. A Christmas ep! A Halloween ep! The ep where it's all a dream! Outsider POV! A whole ep full of AUs to other shows! The gimmick to end all gimmicks, crushing the fourth wall down to dust not once but... what, 4 or 5 times? It's actually bizarre that they never did Sam-Dean bodyswap because that's just so... obvious. Maybe they physically wouldn't have been able to stop themselves from making dick jokes and haircut threats the whole time and decided to avoid the whole thing.
The one thing I can think of that we legit didn't get is a birthday episode. (I am not counting the four seconds of it in the Mrs Butters ep.) It'd be an obvious one, too, because Dean's birthday would've fit perfectly into the return from the midseason hiatus, and all sorts of nonsense could've happened. Because it's SPN, it'd end up being a No Good Terrible Very Bad Day, and so Dean would keep trying to have nice things for his birthday and oh gosh, it just wouldn't go right. :( Sam disappears on him in the middle of the night to go on some trip. The Impala gets a flat tire. He tries to order happy birthday waffles for himself at the diner but they're soggy and the waitress turns out to be a ghost or some shit. He has to dig a grave but it's January and it's cold af. The liquor store is closed. His favorite jeans develop a hole. He tries valiantly to hit on a girl at the bar but she's a perfectly nice lesbian. What is a birthday boy to do. :(
Luckily, when he finally gets back to the bunker/motel, Sam's there with a full spread of like KFC and a twelve-pack and bourbon and special porn ordered just for him, like, man, where were you all day? (Wincest parenthetical: And then they boink mightily, after a brief pause where Dean gets a charlie horse in his calf. Luckily Sam is there to kiss it better. And then he'll lever himself sweatily out of bed to take a piss, and--) Sam picked up a (cream) pie, special, and holds out his lighter for Dean to blow out to make his wish, and Dean rolls his eyes and says, dude, what do you take me for, but he blows it out anyway. And then creampies. The crash to credits can have party favor noises. :)
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