#and I just. I need some happy edgejeanist
bisexual-queenie · 11 months
Could you please write more BNHA Pro Heroes as Incorrect Quotes. I need a Pt.2
OMG Im so happy that someone wanted a part 2 to one of my favorite posts that I made!! Here yall go!
(Few trigger warnings before we begin: Use if swearing, and mentions of violence an alcohol. Let me know if I missed anything!)
Ships mentioned (Vaugley and outright): Erasermic, Edgejeanist, Nightmight, and Kamui x Mount Lady
Eraserhead: You have to apologize to Takeyama.
Midnight: Fine.
Midnight: 'Unfuck you' or whatever.
All Might: You often use humor to deflect trauma.
Nighteye: Thank you!
All Might: I didn't say that was a good thing.
Nighteye: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny.
Present Mic: Do you remember that horrible roommate you had back in college?
Eraserhead: You mean you?
Mount Lady: Sometimes I feel like dying.
Kamui Woods: Wha-
Mount Lady: And then I remember that I won't be able to see you if I do.
Kamui Woods: *blushes*
Best Jeanist: Sometimes I feel like dying.
Edgeshot: Good for you.
Miruko: Do I look nice?
Fat Gum: You look like you're about to set someone on fire.
Miruko: Perfect.
Present Mic: A fistfight CAN be romantic.
Miruko: And you know what the worst part is?
Ryukyuu: That you're having to process your pain without vodka?
Miruko: No.
Miruko: Yeah.
Midnight: If you found out you only had one day left to live, what would you do with it?
Eraserhead: Say goodbye and mend my relationships.
Present Mic: Something illegal.
Shirakumo: Accept my fate.
Tensei: I would message ten people saying that if they didn't forward the message to 10 other people, I would die tomorrow.
Eraserhead: What?
Shirakumo: That's fucking awesome. Can I change my answer?
Eraserhead: Hizashi, just GO TO THE HOSPITAL
Present Mic: Who's stab wound is this???? Is it OUR stab wound???? No! Stay out of it!
Hawks: I'm the proud owner of an IQ of 5 (and a half)!
Endeavor: Not for long.
Hawks: Please. It's all I have.
Present Mic: "Ladies and gentlemen" is unnecessarily gendered, overly formal, lengthy, and honestly I'm falling asleep already.
Present Mic: "Cowards", on the other hand, is inclusive to all genders, casual and fun. Short and to the point, exciting, and dramatic.
Nighteye: You look like a corpse that was just pulled out of the river.
Present Mic: Wrong. I look like a cool rock star who just OD'd in their own pool. Big difference.
Gang Orca: I made lightly fried fish fillets for dinner.
Edgeshot: Kuugo, It’s 1:15 am, what the fuck.
Gang Orca: Do you want the lightly fried fish fillets or not.
Edgeshot: Well, I mean yeah.
Gang Orca: So come downstairs while they’re still hot.
Best Jeanist: Wait, you just made them?
Gang Orca: Yeah, I wasn’t tired so I decided to make lightly fried fish fillets.
Edgeshot: Say lightly fried fish fillets one more time Kuugo.
Present Mic: *speaking Spanish*
Eraserhead: I know, I know.
All Might: You speak Spanish?
Eraserhead: No. I just know the phrase, 'this is all your fault' in every language Hizashi speaks.
All Might: I would never say that Mirai is a bitch and I don’t don’t like him. That’s not true…Mirai is a bitch and I like him so much!
Edgeshot: Sometimes, I don’t realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a funny story and notice everyone is staring at me weird.
*Present Mic sneezes*
Eraserhead: Hizashi, are you sick? Here, let me wrap you in a blanket and hand-feed you some warm soup while singing you a lullaby!
*anyone else sneezes*
Eraserhead: Oh my god. Shut the hell up.
Hawks: Uptown Funk would've made it into the Shrek Soundtrack.
Miruko: That's the truest statement I've ever heard.
Fat Gum: Hey Sasaki?
Nighteye: Yeah?
Fat Gum: What's your favorite color of the alphabet? True or false?
Nighteye: ...What.
Ryukyuu: So, what's it like living with Hakamada?
Edgeshot: They once referred to sand as "heterosexual glitter."
Ryukyuu: ...
Edgeshot: I love them so much.
Fat Gum: I’m sorry, I really flew off the handle back there. It was like the handle was a bald guy going really fast, and I was his toupée.
Someone interviewing the Lurkers: What are the hardest things to say?
Mount Lady: I was wrong.
Edgeshot: I need help.
Kamui Woods: Worcestershire sauce.
Eraserhead: You’re drunk.
Present Mic: Correction: drinking. Present tense. Grammar, Shouta.
Endeavor: How did none of you hear what I just said?!
Hawks: I've been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.
Best Jeanist: I got distracted halfway through.
Edgeshot: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Hawks: If you put a milkshake in one yard and crack open a cold one in another yard, which yard would the boys go to?
All Might: Schrödinger's boys.
Miruko: FUCK!
Present Mic: What about cracking open a cold milkshake?
Nighteye: As we all know, the milkshake brings the boys to the yard. The presence of the boys is a prerequisite for the cracking open of a cold one, but cold ones do not have any inherent boy-attracting abilities. Milkshakes, however, do.
Nighteye: All else being equal, the boys would proceed to the milkshake yard. While it is possible to announce the presence of cold ones in the hope of attracting some boys, the pull of the milkshake is much more powerful by comparison.
Hawks: ...
All Might: ...
Miruko: ...
Present Mic: ...
Nighteye: Mind you, all of this nonsense hinges on whether or not the boys are back in town.
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In need of edgejeanist fluff......
Anyone have any ideas? ;-;
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reallyclevername · 3 years
Edgejeanist scenario where they're feeling Mayumi kick for the first time
In the evening, Tsunagu and Shinya are on the sofa, cuddling watching Disney movies, during the movie, Tsunagu feels some wriggle inside of his belly, like a kick, He then realizes that their little bundle of joy is kicking and Tsunagu beams with joy and tells Shinya to pause the movie, “Honey, pause the movie!“ Shinya then pauses the movie and turns his head to look at Tsunagu smiling, “Why are you so happy dear?“ Tsunagu then takes his hand and places it on his belly, Shinya feels a small kick on his palm and stifled a laugh, “Heh, she's finally kicking huh?“ Shinya then places his head on Tsunagu's round belly and Mayumi gives a few more kicks for Shinya, but then Mayumi kicks Tsunagu's rib and Shinya notices Tsunagu in pain, “You ok hun?“
“Yes darling I'm fine but, that kick was quite hard-“
Shinya lifts his head up a little to kiss Tsunagu's belly, then he starts to give gentle belly rubs on Tsunagu's stomach, Mayumi starts to calm down and fall asleep slowly, Shinya looks up at Tsunagu who is smiling and tired, trying to keep himself awake, Shinya gives Tsunagu a kiss on the cheek and pulls Tsunagu closer to him and tells him “You don't have to stay up sweetheart, just go to sleep if you need to dear...“ after Tsunagu is told that, He falls asleep quickly in Shinyas lap, Shinya then grabs a blanket right next to them and wraps it around Tsunagu, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Tsunagu is already passed out, Shinya continues the movie and looks at Tsunagu saying “*sigh* your so adorable when you sleep...“ Shinya then drifts off to sleep with Tsunagu in his arms.
Ahhhh I've been thinking about this for a few days so I finally did it!! :D
Really proud of how this turned out even though I'm a perfectionist- 😂😂😅
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theshisthings · 4 years
So I decided to share an idea with you that I had in mind for a while now. It's some edgejeanist stuff.
Warning: It's a bit angst and Jeanist is the biggest idiot of all.
-so the couple usually loves to spend time together, since they are heroes and there isn't all that much time left for the two of them
-so they really do enjoy their time when it is just the two of them
-but then one day Tsunagu finds one of his old middle school friends, he haven't seen him for years and the two of them want to catch up
-Shinya is fine with that. His husband is happy about having his friend back, so he is happy for him
-and he doesn't bother to give up some of their time, that they would've normally spend together, so that Tsunagu has time that he can spend with his schoolfriend
-Tsunagu talks with his friend daily for two weeks
-bur than the day comes where Shinya and Tsunagu have their anniversary. It's their first one, so it definitely is a special one
-they have decided a few weeks ago to meet after work in a restaurant to eat and than just spend some quality time together.
-when Shinya arrives his husband isn't there yet
Shinya is surprised because usually he is the one who is later
-he doesn't think much of it and just waits
-after an hour or two Shinya gets worried and he phones one of Tsunagus Sidekicks, since he couldn't reach Shinya (he had already tried that about 500 times, before he accepted that his husband wouldn't answer his phone)
-Jeanists sidekick is more than just confused because of the question since his boss has left 4 hours ago
-now really worried Shinya decides to go home which is for him the first place to look for him
-it saved him the search Tsunagu was at home sitting on the couch, chatting with his schoolfriend.
-He doesn't even recognize Shinya when he walked in
-quietly Shinya goes to bed. His mind is filled with disappointed and sadness
-(confronting Tsunagu with it isn't really his thing so he just keeps quiet)
-he wishes nothing more than being in Tsunagus arms right now to feel save
-but instead he feels the same loneliness he hadn't felt since after the attack on his village
-he crys himself into a restless sleep
-the next morning Tsunagus schoolfriend is still there and they are chatting again
-Tsunagu really didn't seem to care about Shinya anymore he didn't even got a good morning
-nor did he got the usual "good morning"-kiss or the coffee Tsunagu usually makes for him every morning
-his husband didn't seem to realize how bad Shinya felt and man that hurts him so much
-so he decides to leave the house without coffee, breakfast and without having chatted with Tsunagu just once
-he winced a little because of the pain his heart was in
-the whole day he burries himself in work and is quiet for the most part
-when the day is over he refuses to go home and takes the night shift
-this goes on for a week, he works all day and night, doesn't go home and only eats what's really necessary
-of course he gets the rest of his team worried with it
-Kamui Woods and Mt. Lady try to ask Jeanist about what's going on with Shinya, but they quickly realize that Jeanist isn't even listening to them.
-so they decide to go to Ryukyu to talk to her, since she is a good friend of Shinya (and because they totally forgot that Shinya's sister exists)
-Ryukyu who is sharing an apartment with Rumi (none of them wants to live alone) is surprised to see them but let's them in anyways
-inside they see to their surprise not only Miruko, but Hawks and Endeavour as well
-Kamui is worried that they interrupted some important meeting between the top 5
-Hawks calms him down by telling him that this is just a random meeting between friends that was supposed to be a meeting between the top 5, but it isn't since Ryukyu is there and Jeanist and Edgeshot aren't there
-Miruko adds that the last two probably wanted to spend some time together
-that's when Mt. Lady decides to tell them why they are here
-after she finished the other 4 (even Endeavour) are shocked.
-they don't know such reckless behaviour from Edgeshot
-but they decide to find out why
-their first goal ist of course Jeanist, if someone knows what's wrong with Shinya than it's him
-so they all go to his house together
-they quickly figure out that Jeanist didn't even notice that his husband hasn't been home for a week
-this at least answers their question why Shinya acts the way he does.
-they would've done something about that, but before they could Ryukyu lost it
-Ryukyu usually didn't loose control over her emotions, it was bad for her quirk, but in that moment she was just so mad, she couldn't help it
-she turned into a dragon and smashed Tsunagu away (and destroyed the whole house with it by the way)
-Jeanist was lucky that Hawks was wise enough (and that means something) to know that killing him won't make Edgeshot happy, so he catched Jeanist with his feathers before he could crush into a building
-but Ryukyu wasn't done yet, she turned back into a human and just screamed at Tsunagu for over an hour
-Gang Orca who actually came by to talk with Tsunagu was terrified by her
-but when the others told him what happened, he joined Ryukyu without hesitation (Shinya was also his friend after all, not only Tsunagu and even if he wouldn't, Tsunagus Behaviour wasn't acceptable. He never thought Tsunagu would to something like this to Shinya)
-he eventually stopped after a while (Ryukyu had to be stopped by Rumi or she would've screamed all night, she was a dragon after all, it wouldn't have been a problem for her)
-Jeanists eventually realized during their screaming that he made a big mistake
-The questions was how he should fix this?
Well the whole thing still need an ending. I'll think about it later. I really have to sleep now.
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bisexual-queenie · 2 years
I have come back from writers block with another fun MHA AU (its not really too serious, this is all just for fun :) )
What if MHA characters were Strawberry Shortcake Characters (I would add pics, but Tumblr is being quite stupid so… feel free to google them, but I mostly got their personalities from the 2003 series, and I imagine that thats what their clothes would look like if they were in Strawberry Shortcake)
Deku: Strawberry Shortcake (Pretty Self Explanatory. Main character, One of the sweetest people you will ever meet).
Eri: Apple Dumpling (The little sister and liitle kid of the group. Also kinda self explanatory!)
Sero: Orange Blossom (I love Sero, I love Orange Blossom, perfect fit. Also its cannon that Sero likes Oranges!)
Momo: Peach Blush (“Momo” is the Japanese word for “peach”. In addition, her wiki says that “Peach is a delicate, generally nice and always polite southern bell. She can be a drama-queen sometimes and worries over the really simple things from time to time, even if nobody else has just yet.” Sounds like Momo!)
Bakugou: Pepermint Fizz (Peppermint and Bakugou are literally the same person lmfao. No but seriously, they share so many similarities, like their jealous and aggressive attitudes (especially to the main character), thats why I put them together)
Mic: Cherry Jam (Cherry Jam is the musician of the group, which to me fits Mic’s whole schtick)
Jirou: Ginger Snap (I could have made Jirou Cherry Jam, but she just fits Ginger Snap so much more, since they are the tomboys of their respective groups)
Shirakumo: Blueberry Muffin (Blueberry Muffin’s wiki says “Blueberry always tries to keep her friends in line and is almost always the first to admit her mistakes. Blueberry brings her sense and level-headedness to the group and really cares for her friends. That love for her friends helps her to be humble and modest and tells her that her friends mean more than anything to her.” That reminds me of Shirakumo very much)
Mount Lady: Lime Light (They act the same, and even had the same character development in their respective arcs. They also just look the same lmao).
Kamui Woods: Lime Chiffon (The wiki says she was the bubbly and kinda ditzy one, which kinda fits I think, but I just chose this for Kamui because he and Mount Lady could share the lime motif lmao)
Jeanist: Raspberry Torte (The wiki says Raspberry is “sarcastic and easily annoyed” in the 2003 version, and the 2009 version makes her a fashionista, so it kinda fits!)
Edgeshot: Lemon Meringue (Lemon’s wiki says “She is kind and caring to her friends and she always tries to work as hard as she can to make others happy”. She likes to chat and knows a bit of gossip, but she does never usually trifle with in anything that could hurt the feelings of someone else” which I think fits Edgeshot really well!)
Nighteye: Plum Puddin’ (Wiki says Plum Puddin’ is a prankster and loves to laugh. Need I say more :) )
Some extra notes:
- i couldn’t fit Aizawa, Midnight, All Might anywhere and Im so sad 😭
- Ok I have A LOT of notes about Best Jeanist and Edgeshot as per usual (im sorry i love these two so much) @wanderingchocolateeclair @quill-n come and get some Edgejeanist juice lmao
Raspberry Torte and Lemon Meringue are usually paired together in the series. They debuted together, and in the show they are best friends.
I wanted to share this quote from the wiki: “They used to live somewhere else until they moved to Strawberryland [Referring to Raspberry and Lemon]. They are often seen sitting together, or walking together and holding hands.” If this fact doesn’t fulfill my love for Egdejeanist I dont know what does.
Alright thats it for now! Thanks for reading! :)
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A little birthday ramble for my favourite jean man~
It’s my favourite characters birthday??? Woah! That means I gotta try and actually make something-
So here, have this rather rushed birthday edgejeanist ramble for my favourite lanky jeanist because I love them too much.
Tagging: @chaotic-trash-can @kouricaesar @kiriderp @theshisthings @chiggersmcnuggies :)
TW: none! It’s fluff!
Tsunagu blinked slowly, his eyes adjusting to the morning light as he woke up to see two silver eyes staring straight back at him.
*buzz buzz*
“Good morning~” A familiar voice cooed.
Startled by the sudden greeting, the blond man grumbled and opened his eyes to see Shinya facing him, head perched in his hands as he smiled at his sleepy husband.
“Hm.....good morning....” Tsunagu mumbled, stretching his arms out and plopping them back down over the duvet.
The silver haired man chuckled slightly at the other man’s confused expression. “Messages, love. It’s 7am. A rather special day, too, might I add~”
A rather special day?
Was he missing something?
Tsunagu now felt even more confused than before as he laid there trying to piece things together.
“Wha-” he started, before being interrupted by Shinya letting out a loud laugh and pulling him into a big hug. “-hmmph?”
“Hahah! Ahhh, you are so stupid in the mornings, I love you so much hahaha~” The smaller man snickered as he buried his face into the crook of his husbands neck.
The still-very-confused giraffe blinked. “Did- did you just call me stupid?!”
“Oi!” Tsunagu pouted, blushing slightly at the sound of Shinya’s adorable laughter. “Don’t make fun of me......I’m really confused, I don’t know what’s happening, and I’m worried now that I’m missing something very important-”
Shinya simply chuckled and rolled his eyes in response to Tsunagu’s weary mumbles.
“Yes, dear~”
Yawning loudly, Tsunagu slowly sat up and started to gather his thoughts. Did he have work today? Or was it his day off? He wasn’t sure. But he could definitely tell he was missing something.
“Hm?” Shinya hummed inquisitively as he also propped himself up, hooking his arms around Tsunagu’s waist and resting his head on the other man’s shoulder.
“What....what day is it?”
Shinya smiled and let out a small sigh.
“Tuesday!” He exclaimed brightly, his eyes sparkling mischievously as he toyed with his partner’s confused morning brain.
“Ah.....wait, no, I mean the date. ‘Cause it might- oh come on, Shinya, stop-” Tsunagu huffed, realising the smaller man’s intentions to mess with him even more than he already was. That little sneaky ninja....
Shinya simply chuckled at the taller man’s response and slid off the side of the bed, making his way to go and get ready for the day. “Heh...it’s the 5th of October....ring any bells?”
The 5th of October????
The 5th of October........
“Ah!” Tsunagu jumped up, accidentally startling the other man with his sudden enthusiasm. “It’s my sister’s birthday!!!”
Shinya stood there for a moment before bursting into laughter, though trying very hard to stifle it. ‘Oh my god he’s a fucking idiot-’
Tsunagu blinked. “W-why are you laughing?”
The silver haired man shook his head and tried to keep a straight face, thinking incredibly hard about his response before simply settling with a small, “it took ya long enough!”, before turning to head out of the bedroom.
“I’m phoning Ai, gonna pester her until she answers me- wait, where are you going?” Tsunagu questioned, rapidly unlocking his phone and dialling his sister’s number while managing to completely ignore the various messages and notifications that he had received.
“Ahh, it’s getting kinda late, I need to go and wake Izumi up for school, I have work, and I’m pretty sure you have a morning patrol, do you not?” Shinya scratched the back of his neck as he made his way out the door. “Make sure ehe- ahEm- make sure to tell her happy birthday for me!”
“Ah....yeah you have a point....okay then.”
Tsunagu looked down at the phone, making sure it was ringing, and waited for it to be answered.
“Hey, dumbass, happy birthday!! Hope you have a great day, love you lots!” Tsunagu sang down the phone, showing no hesitation to greeting his beloved sibling.
“Thanks, you lanky shit, happy birthday to you too! Sending love from all of us, have a great day yourself!” Ai chirped in reply. “Don’t get lost on patrol this time either, stupid, last time we waited for hours at mom’s for you to finally show up.”
Tsunagu blinked. What was that? “Happy birthday to me too?”
That’s when he finally fully woke up and actually realised what a literal dumbass he was being. A massive idiot. No wonder why Shinya was acting so smug and snickering to himself earlier.
“Oh my fucking god-” Tsunagu covered his face with his hands as he wallowed in his own embarrassment. “Ai, I’m a fucking idiot, it’s my birthday isn’t it?”
The line went silent for about ten seconds before the woman on the other side erupted into fits of laughter.
“Ai, stop, it’s my birthday-”
“OUR birthday! You somehow remembered that it was mine and forgot that it was yours as well- we’re TWINS Tsunagu, we have had the same birthday for over 37 years!! Hahaha~”
“Yeah, yeah, okay, whatever....” the blond man sheepishly muttered as he continued to hide his face in shame. This was going to be a long day...
After what seemed like a while of embarrassment and one-sided laughter, Tsunagu ended up hanging up and threw his phone to the side, huffing as he tried to shake off how embarrassed he felt.
He sat thinking about the day ahead of him for a little while before noticing some hushed whispers and muffled laughter coming from behind the door.
Smiling to himself slightly at how adorable his husband and daughter were, he rolled his eyes, laughing as he opened the door to reveal two sneaky silver haired troublemakers staring up at him with big mischievous eyes.
“Gotcha~” Tsunagu sang, reaching down to tickle Izumi under the chin playfully.
“Wahhhh!! He caught us!!!” The small child exclaimed, giggling as she jumped into her fathers arms. “Happy Birthday, dad!!”
“Oh, why thank you, sunshine!” The blond man happily responded, twirling his daughter around as he exchanged a soft gaze with his partner, who was now leaning against the door frame with a cup of warm tea.
“So you finally remembered? Got that old brain woken up finally~~” Shinya teased, a sly grin spread across his face.
Tsunagu chuckled. “Hey now, you’re only a few years younger than me y’know! And I’m only a year older than I was yesterday, leave me be!”
“Ahh, sorry sorry~”
“You better be. You weren’t any help this morning when I was oh so lost and confused! Laughing at me, unbelievable!”
“Papa said you were very silly and forgot your birthday!” Izumi chimed in, sticking her tongue out at her taller dad as he ruffled her hair.
“Did he now?” Tsunagu raised an eyebrow as he looked back up at Shinya.
“Noooo......” the sly ninja pouted, winking at their daughter in a very over exaggerated manner.
“I see.....”
Sharing plenty of mischievous joy, the three of them laughed and headed downstairs to get ready for the day.
Watching as their child whizzed around gathering all of her school items, the two parents stood silently together, smiling at Izumi’s enthusiasm as she twirled around.
Shinya wrapped his arm around Tsunagu and looked up at the taller figure gently as he felt the other return the same action, smiling as he felt his face heat up, ever so slightly, and familiarly.
“Happy birthday, hon.” The smaller figure said as he leant into his husband’s warm embrace. “Love you.”
Tsunagu sighed happily in response, feeling his heart flutter slightly as he looked down at his small husband, before leaning down and pecking Shinya’s forehead and smiling as he rested his head gently on top of his. “Thank you, dear.”
“Love you too.”
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Bnha Manga Spoilers for the recent chapters:
Just ranting, don’t mind me~
Where is Edgeshot? Like. He’s one of the top heroes. He was fine the last time we saw him, came out of his fight with Re-Destro with a bad arm but alive anyway so that’s that. And I doubt that he’d be one of the ones retiring. But where is heeeeeeee😩
I miss him......just let us see our lil ninja man.....
We’ve been so well fed with Jeanist content for the last few chapters, even got a massive dramatic entrance and some wonderful moments and that makes me happy that my favourite character is finally getting screen-time (and that he’s alive ahaha).....but......:(
The top three teaming up is brilliant...but I really really wanna just see Edge and Rumi burst in like “hey don’t forget about us, let’s get the whole of the top 5 together and yeah!!” Cuz that would make me incredibly happy. Just drag in the whole of The Lurkers too cuz why not, Kamui and Mt Lady have been here since the start.
Also.....Deku, mate, what are you doing?? Are you okay?? I mean, clearly not, but still. I can’t be bothered to deal with whatever tf you’re up to rn.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Hori please.......I just wanna see Shinya......
(Not to mention my desperate edgejeanist brain is screaming at me with a hunger for the hopes of a single panel with the two of them in it ahaha(vigilantes fed me well and I’m still happy about that tho).......and all I can think of is just lil moments that include the two of them and just asjfkdkfjg I wanna see them interact and I need domesticity between two pros aaaaaaaa help. I need to see jeans coming home from that conference to a tired ninja lying on the floor with a cup of coffee surrounded in paperwork just being like “hey....that went well, huh?......wtf were you wearing?!” Please I just need to see them again......and I’m just not gonna say anything else about jeans neck cuz ahhah)
^^ All of which is ✨never gonna happen✨ but still, I can dream y’know....
Well.....guess it’s just back to writing edgejeanist angst to make up for it......🥲
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Late night worries.
Hey! It’s been a while, but here I am with some edgejeanist fluff!!! I’ve been in a really big motivational flunk right now but am trying to work my way out of it!!
It’s a little shorter than my usual, but I am pretty happy with how it turned out!!
No warnings! Just fluff!
Tagging: @uncharted-darkness @kiriderp @cxssiopeiia and @theshisthings (it’s been a while so please let me know if you are still happy to be tagged in my works ❤️)
Tsunagu grumbled as he stood in the dark and unfamiliar kitchen, waiting for the kettle to finish boiling...It was rumbling rather loudly.
“Stupid brain. Overthinking again, this time when I actually need to sleep...” he complained, listening as the kitchen appliance clicked and turned quiet again.
They were all staying at some big fancy hotel, along with many other heroes, as they had been asked to attend a rather big celebrity gala. Usually, they’d be more than happy to do so, but this time they were not attending as the celebrities, but as the heavy security, due to many rumours and threats of an attack that could possibly happen the next evening.
So they were all there.
By ‘they’, I am referring to Endeavour, Hawks, Miruko, Ryukyu, Edgeshot, many others, and of course, our lovely Tsunagu over here...who was now pouring himself a hot cup of tea...
At 3 o’ clock in the morning....
Standing in the kitchen that sat in the middle of the massive hotel room that the top 5 were staying in together....
“That is quite a loud kettle...” he muttered to himself as he stirred his drink, “I hope I didn’t wake anyone-”
“Oh I don’t think you have to worry, most of them are awake anyway.”
Tsunagu jolted out of his deep train of thought at the sudden sound of somebody else’s voice and fumbled for the spoon that went flying across the counter, clattering as it fell onto the floor. He then proceeded to spill some of his freshly poured tea over himself, exclaiming rather loudly as he did so. “Wah- shoot!!! Shinya?!!!”
The ninja hero sat cross-legged on the kitchen counter, watching calmly at the commotion that unfolded from the other side of the spacious room. “Yes, it’s me. We live together, yet you are still always surprised that I notice when you’re awake.”
Tsunagu blinked at his partner’s comment before trying to come up with a reply. “Well- you’re quiet, and you know, I just- I was deep in thought, okay? You can’t blame me for being surprised!”
“Yeah, yeah, okay.” Shinya simply laughed at the other’s attempt at an excuse, sliding off of the counter and gently plodding over to where the taller figure was standing.
He reached his arms out to Tsunagu and smiled as the other man leant into his warm embrace.
“Couldn’t sleep?” The silver haired hero asked quietly into Tsunagu’s shoulder, his arms gently clasped around the other hero’s waist.
“Hmm...” Tsunagu hummed in response to his question, lifting his cup to his lips and wincing at the rather hot temperature of the drink that he had made for himself.
“Something on your mind, love?” Shinya whispered, looking up to question the tired man with a reassuring smile, before resting his head back on Tsunagu’s chest. “Do you wanna talk about it?”
“It’s not much....just worried...” the taller man bit his lip, trying not to show the other how hesitant he felt. “I don’t want anything to happen...”
Shinya’s eyes darted up to take in the concerned look on his partner’s face.
“Well. You know how I am, it’s fine, I’m okay! I know that everyone is surely feeling the same! I just...needed to distract myself, that’s all.”
“Yes, well of course. I feel incredibly worried too. I’m worried that something might happen...to.......well, I just- are you sure you’re okay?” Shinya reached up to place his hand on Tsunagu’s cheek, sweeping his long fringe away from his eyes and sharing a worried gaze, before bringing his arm back down to rest around Tsunagu’s waist once again.
The blond hero chuckled lightly and placed his cup down on the counter, using his other hand to gently stroke through Shinya’s hair. “You make it sound as if it’s something serious...”
“Yeah, well it could be! Knowing you, there’s always a chance it’s something serious and you just don’t think it’s anything to worry about!!” The smaller man huffed, stepping back slightly to look back up at the ever-so-slightly smug look on the fiber hero’s face.
“Oh? Is someone mad at me~”
“...what did you say?” Shinya glared at the taller man. Luckily for him, his hands were already in the perfect place for a surprise tickle attack...and Tsunagu realised this a tad bit too late.
“You seem mad...oh dear....poor me~”
No response came from the other man, he simply squinted and pouted even harder than he already was, edging closer as he waited for him to speak again.
“Hey, don’t pout....or do! It’s your choice, you look adorable either waAAH!”
Tsunagu was cut off by two small hands jabbing him in the sides rather gently, but with enough force to send him into a fit of laughter.
“What was that, you were saying?” Shinya enquired with a seemingly innocent look on his face.
“I- ahaha- I’m sorry, wai- hahahaa! I- I was jok- ahaha-”
“Hm? I didn’t quite catch that~”
“Ahah- okay, okay- I’m sorry, I- hahaha!! Stop- stop tickling me!”
“As you wish!” Shinya released his wriggling partner and laughed to himself at the chaos he’d caused.
Tsunagu leant on the counter to catch his breath and glared back at his tiny fiancé with mild vengeance in his eyes. “You are a menace...”
The silver haired man smiled and stretched his arms out in front of him. “Hm....maybe~”
Tsunagu straightened himself out and walked over to where Shinya was now standing, pulling the other man into another big hug.
“Did it work, though?”
The blond man tilted his head in a confused manner in response to the smaller man’s question. “What?”
“Well, you said you had something on your mind....and asked for a distraction, so....”
“Ah...” Tsunagu chuckled and rested their foreheads against each other. “Maybe just a little...”
“Oh?” Shinya smiled curiously, tilting his head up slightly so that he could gaze straight into the other man’s beautiful green eyes. “Only a little?”
The taller man hummed in response and brought his hands up to cup Shinya’s face gently, watching as his eyes happily scrunched up in a rather cute manner.
“So the tickling wasn’t enough of a distraction...” the smaller man teased lightly, leaning into the other man’s hands as he felt the familiar warmth comfort him.
“Well....” Tsunagu trailed off, pretending to think for a while before placing a small kiss on the tip of Shinya’s nose, smiling as he heard the other man giggle.
“Ah!” The silver haired hero gasped in an over exaggerated manner, raising both of his hands to cover his mouth in a classic ‘shocked’ pose. “Wait a second! What if I’m the distraction!!”
Tsunagu laughed and attacked his partner with a wave of unstoppable face smooches, causing the other to laugh loudly, his whole face lighting up in happiness and slight bashfulness.
“Well then, you’re the best distraction ever~” the blond man cooed, leaning in to press a soft kiss against Shinya’s lips and feeling even happier as he felt the other’s lips curl into a small smile against his own.
Shinya leant back and chuckled slightly. Pressing their lips together gently a second time, he leant further into the other’s comforting arms before burying his face into the taller man’s neck.
The aforementioned man looked down lovingly at the figure that fit so perfectly in his own embrace and smiled sweetly. “Yes, love?”
“I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.” Shinya muttered quietly, his voice becoming less bold and more clearly worried again.
Tsunagu hesitated at the sudden shift in Shinya’s tone, but continued smiling nonetheless.
“As long as you don’t get yourself hurt along the way.”
“I’ll try my best.”
They both paused to share a soft and understanding gaze, the two of them knowing exactly how easy it was to become overly worried about a mission that could either go perfectly, or sometimes horribly wrong.
“Love you...” Tsunagu whispered, pressing their foreheads together and watching as Shinya closed his eyes in a reassured way.
“Mm....I love you t-”
“Ahem! Sorry, I seem to be interrupting something!”
The two sleep deprived lovers were snapped out of their conversation by the sound of a particular winged hero’s voice.
Looking like two children that had just been caught trying to steal the cookies out of a cookie jar, they fumbled out of each other’s arms and stuttered, trying to comprehend how silently the younger man must’ve been moving to get there without them noticing.
“Do you two wanna go get a room and flirt somewhere else? Or should I just stand here and wait until I can go and get a snack? I mean, this kitchen is perfectly big enough! To be honest, I wouldn’t even need to switch rooms I could just walk to the other side and I wouldn’t see ya-”
Hawks yawned loudly and raised an eyebrow at the two that were still stood there, their expressions showing more shock than you could possibly imagine.
“H-how....how long have you....” Shinya started to question, slightly afraid of what the answer could be.
“Oh long enough, don’t you worry. You both just seemed way too happy, I didn’t want to interrupt you...” the winged man chirped, knowing deep down that comfort and company was what they all needed at a time like this.
“Oh.....thank you...?”
“Yeah. You’re welcome...”
Hawks watched as the two other heroes glanced at each other sheepishly, before making his way closer to them.
“Y’know with all the noise you were making, you’re lucky that none of us can sleep! Or else you’d have woken us up and we’d all be in here!”
Tsunagu looked down at the floor in embarrassment and rubbed the back of his neck. “Ah....sorry....”
“Doesn’t matter. Now move! I’m hungry and you are in the way!”
The smaller blond man pushed his way between the two ‘lovebirds’ and made his way towards the kitchen fridge, humming and appearing to be in his own little world as he did so.
“Hey-” Tsunagu started, but was interrupted by a hand being placed gently on his arm.
“Leave him be.” Shinya smiled fondly.
“Also, love?”
“Your tea has gone cold.”
Tsunagu looked over at the cup that was sitting patiently on the side of the counter, and sure enough, it had gone pretty cold at this point. “Ah.”
“Want another one?” Shinya asked, reaching out for the taller man to grab his hand as he made his way towards the kitchen counter.
“No it’s okay,” Tsunagu said with a smile, squeezing his partners hand in his own and pulling him into another warm embrace.
“I feel much better now.”
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Edgejeanist fluff, with their daughter, just having a lovely adorable time!
Gonna tag @ohpleaseiwillendyou @theshisthings @kiriderp and @kure-san because idk, I wanna give you some fluff and thought you guys might wanna see this? ❤️
No warnings! It’s fluff for once, but it’s actually pretty long so ->
I haven’t written fluff for a while (since my edgeshot birthday ramble, I think) and I think that you guys deserve some. Also, it’s based off of the introduction to my angst I was writing, and I just felt that I’d give you an alternate plot and ending than the one in that 👀
Shinya blinked at the light that his phone was emitting as he checked the time.
6:59am- no, 7:00am. He let out a small sigh and turned over to face the sleeping figure beside him. Tsunagu’s face looked so calm and still, and Shinya couldn’t help but smile at how peaceful he seemed in that moment. His husband was always so tense and stressed out from work, but in these rare moments, it made him oh so happy to see him finally relax.
Watching as his partner’s chest moved up and down slowly, he sighed and leaned forward to place a very gentle kiss on his forehead, sweeping the other’s blond hair out of his face slightly as he did so.
Tsunagu instinctively went to hug this source of heat closer to his body and Shinya ended up having to try (but fail) to awkwardly pry himself out of his grasp, their cheeks smushed together as the lanky blond hugged him tighter. His breath brushed across Shinya’s ear, causing him to chuckle slightly. No matter how long they could’ve been together, Shinya still found himself blush a bit at the sight of his adorable lanky husband, who was now pouting due to the lack of things to cuddle...maybe he was just having a cuddly dream...
Shinya slid carefully out of the warmth of the duvets and Tsunagu’s comforting embrace and stood up, shivering as the cold morning air hit his skin. Wow it was chilly, and he noticed the other man curl up at the lack of warmth and huff in a sleepy dismay.
“Why do I have to go to work today?” Shinya grumbled to himself as he stumbled silently into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. “Surely, it didn’t have to be today....of all days? There’s no emergency calls so far, no urgent upcoming missions, Shinji and Yuu are both working today anyway.......and the only thing I’d be doing is patrol.....”
He trailed off, thinking as much as his fatigued brain would let him as he slipped out of his clothes and into the shower. ‘Maybe if I....’
Tsunagu woke up to the soft sound of his husband’s humming, masked ever so slightly by the sound of the running water of the shower. He blinked slowly as he tried to get his eyes to open, wincing at the sudden brightness of the room and pulling the bedsheets over his shoulders to warm himself up.
He glanced over at Shinya’s phone and watched as it buzzed across the table, showing the time and a couple of new unread messages.
‘7:30. Hm. It’s early.’ He thought as he reached out to move Shinya’s phone to the middle of the bedside table, to stop it from falling off from the constant stream of notifications. He turned back around to face the bathroom door and yawned loudly, listening out for the sudden silence and little taps of Shinya’s feet as he stops the shower and dries himself off.
The bathroom door opened with a little click and the silver haired man emerged from the now rather steamy room, wrapped in a long fluffy jumper and shorts. Toothbrush in hand, he ruffled his long wet hair with a small towel and turned to face the lanky figure that was now sitting up on the bed, smiling tiredly.
“Good morning!” Tsunagu called out brightly, well, as brightly as one could at 7:36 in the morning.
“Ah!” Shinya fumbled around for the toothbrush that slipped out of his hand in shock, startled by the blond man that was laughing at him from across the room. “You’re awake! Already? It’s so early, you didn’t need to be up! It’s....it’s, um, the time....”
“7:37am, dear.” Tsunagu interrupted informatively.
Shinya blinked, taking a second before he actually registered what the other had said, before trying to remember the point he was trying to make. “Yes! 7:37! Exactly. Early. Uh-huh, yes.”
Tsunagu chuckled and shook his head as he listened to his small husband try and rant about him waking up ‘too early’.
“Oi, don’ ‘augh ah ee!” (‘Oi, don’t laugh at me!’)Shinya huffed as he stood there brushing his teeth, putting off the fact that he needed to also get changed before work.
“Hm? I’m sorry, I didn’t get that. You might want to repeat that~” Tsunagu teased, his smile shifting into his usual characteristic smirk as he watched his partner glare at him with revenge in his eyes.
Shinya finished brushing his teeth and stood silently next to the older man, looming ominously as he decided his fate. Tsunagu realised his mistake and quickly regretted it when he noticed Shinya’s hands move very slowly out of his pockets.
Shinya gently but quickly jabbed the taller mans sides and smiled evilly at the harmless panic that he’d caused. He watched as his husband wriggled around,bursting out laughing at the sudden tickle attack.
“I said, don’t laugh at me. Or else you’ll pay the consequences.” He said in a mockingly formal manner.
“Okay- ahahokay, oka- okay! I get, ahaha, I get it! Please, stop- ahaha I’m sorry!!” Tsunagu barely managed to stutter out between laughs.
After surrendering to the tiny ninja, Tsunagu sighed and sat back up, shaking his head to move his hair out of his eyes. “Anyway, you got some messages. They might be important.”
“Oh, really? Who by?” Shinya moved to go and check his phone.
“I think you overestimate my eyesight and attention to detail at this time of day.”
“Oh come on, you could’ve at least read the name of- oh it’s Shinji.”
“Mhm. Anything important, or just a normal text before work?” Tsunagu inquired, pouting slightly at the idea of Shinya having to go to work today. Why couldn’t he just have the day off?
“Hm. Yeah.” Shinya briefly replied, taking in the message with a smile and feeling his shoulders relax a little bit more at the words that he’d just read. Well that was good, amazing even. What a brilliant idea!
Tsunagu looked at his husband blankly before giving a sarcastic reply. “Wow. Well that was informative....”
Shinya blinked at his phone before putting it down and changing into some clean clothes.
Tsunagu looked down at his phone as a slight hope for some explanation or context to what Shinya was so happy about, but shook his head as he yawned again. “Well, have you checked on Izumi? Is she awake yet?”
“Ah, no I haven’t. She is probably awake by now though.” Shinya replied, pulling a blue t-shirt over his head and giving his head a slight shake to get his hair out of it.
Tsunagu hummed in agreement and stretched his arms out, looking towards the open bedroom door in anticipation, and soon enough he heard exactly what he was waiting for.
Tiny but rapid footsteps could be heard thumping lightly against the carpet as they grew nearer to where the two tired pro heroes were, making them share a soft smile as they both turn towards the sound.
“Good morning, Papa!!!” The small bundle of energy yelled as she came bursting into the room and flew straight into Shinya’s open arms.
“Woah!! You’re up early today, petal! I thought you said you were gonna have a ‘nice sleepy morning’!” Shinya laughed as he spun Izumi around, making her giggle in excitement.
Izumi smiled innocently and leaned backwards in her father’s arms, her relatively short hair (that was a lighter shade of grey than Shinya’s) all ruffled and tangled.
“Well,” she pouted slightly, “I woke up and- and I was sleepy, and then I felt fidgety so...so I sat there for a little bit, because, cos I didn’t wanna wake you! But then I heard you and dad talking...and so, so you are awake!! So I wanted to see you before you go to work!!”
“Oh, oh I see! Well I guess we’re all awake now!” Shinya reacted in an over exaggerated manner, ruffling Izumi’s hair even more and placing her on the edge of the bed earning a few more giggles from the happy child.
Izumi looked down at her hands and thought for a moment.
“Hm? What is it, petal?”
“Do...do you have to go to work today?”
Shinya looked up at Izumi and saw big teal eyes staring back at him. Ouch. He peeked over their daughter’s shoulder to share an awkward hesitant silence with his husband, who was still bundled up in half of the duvet cover, before taking Izumi’s hands in his own.
“Oh ‘zumi........I’m afraid so, petal, but I tell you what,” Shinya motioned for her to get closer and whispered a short message in her ear, causing her face to light up again and making her look excited.
“And,” he made the last part a little louder so that Tsunagu could hear him, “go tackle Dad for me, will ya? He won’t know what hit him!”
Tsunagu smiled in amusement and started to act dramatically in front of his daughter.
“Oh! How tragic! Not even a single ‘good morning’ for me, what sadness is this!” The dramatic blond paused momentarily to peek at his daughters reaction, watching as she snuck closer with a mischievous look on her face. “Have I become invisible?! My own daughter not even giving me a single cuddle- oh nO! I must have been forgotten! Oh poor old me, poor poor little me-”
The lanky noodle’s theatrical performance was interrupted by a enthusiastic hug and a rather loud “Good morning, dad!!!!” and a lot of laughter.
“Augh! Good morning, sunshine!! What a surprise!! You’ve caught me, oh nooooo...” Tsunagu rolled off the edge of the bed in defeat before pulling Izumi into a big hug.
“Ahaha yay!! I got you, I got you!!” The light haired girl exclaimed excitedly.
Tsunagu fixed his hair slightly with a small chuckle. “Yes you did!!! Good job, ‘zumi, how did you sleep?”
“Hm. Good! I had a funny dream, can I tell you?!”
“Of course, sunshine, but maybe after we’ve all woken up first!”
They all headed downstairs, Tsunagu and Izumi both wrapped in matching fluffy pyjamas as they sat around the living room chatting and giggling. They just wanted to spend as much time as they could together. That’s all. They were just as happy as they could be, talking and playing around as they waited for it to be the time where Shinya had to go to work.
Their playful mood was cut short by the sound of Shinya’s phone beeping, signalling the time.
Shinya looked down at the time. 8:00am. Time for work.
Sighing, he looked over to see his husband and daughter pouting with almost identical faces, looking sad and down. ‘And people wonder if they look alike, huh? No no...she is definitely his daughter! Just look at that face!’ He thought to himself, never getting over how much Izumi looked like them both, especially Tsunagu (in his eyes, that is)....and how adorable they both were.
“Well, I guess I better head off then...” Shinya said, trying his best not to dishearten the other two, who were staring up at him with big, round puppy eyes. “Don’t get into too much trouble!”
“Which one of us?” Tsunagu inquired curiously.
“You of course! You know our little petal is always innocent!” He poked his tongue out at his lanky husband and gave his daughter a small wink.
“Haha yeah, okay.”
“It’s true, isn’t it?” Shinya asked the small child that was now approaching him for a cuddle before he walked out the door. “I’m putting you in charge for today!”
He gently flicked her nose, making her giggle in surprise, before burying her head deeper into the softness of his mother’s - her grandmother’s - scarf.
Tsunagu walked over quietly, noticing a suspicious glint in his husbands eyes. Hm. That’s never a good sign, especially with Shinya’s pranking antics. He seemed way too happy to be ‘going to work’, not to mention the texts this morning and the fact that he wasn’t leaving in his uniform like usual....it wasn’t anything bad! His instincts reassured him for that part, but still, it was a hint at some mischief and he was unsure as to whether he’d like it.
But he dismissed these curiosities and went to embrace his tiny husband, who still had an excitable child wrapped around his neck.
“Have a good day....stay safe...” Tsunagu mumbled quietly to the other, planting a small kiss on his cheek and touching their foreheads together in a gentle, familiar manner.
“Of course.” Shinya replied distantly, thinking about what he had planned for the day. “See you in a bit!”
“Bye Papa!!” Izumi waved, holding onto Tsunagu’s leg as she swayed back and forth.
“See you later!” Tsunagu called out, placing his hand on his daughters head as they watched the ninja turn the comer and glide away.
After a short silence, Tsunagu decided that he should start their fun day off and entertain his tiny daughter to the best of his ability, without Shinya there to ruin his plans with his pranks.
“Hey, sunshine...” he slyly poked the top of his daughter’s head.
“Yes, Dad?” Izumi looked up curiously.
“....you wanna make some pancakes?”
Izumi’s face lit up and she expressed her joy through a vigorous little dance.
After about an hour of very messy pancake making, they finally managed to make a batch that didn’t taste like burnt oranges, or have the texture of an over cooked rubber duck. (He can cook, but it’s a bit difficult when you’re trying to cook with the daughter of a particular prankster of a ninja....)
Rubbing the back of his head, Tsunagu looked back at his daughter with a smile, watching as she swung her legs back and forwards in delight as she munched on her breakfast. Her hair was now bunched into two cute little pigtails (you don’t think, of all people, Best Jeanist would let his daughter have messy hair all day? Haha no way.) and she looked up at her dad briefly, making a silly face in return.
Tsunagu let out a small laugh. “You little ball of sunshine, you! Are they nice? Did your good ol’ dad do a good job this time? I sure hope they don’t still taste like smelly socks!” He joked around, poking his daughters cheek softly.
“Mhm! Of course they’re good!” Izumi replied, her mouth still very full with pancake and her eyes sparkling happily.
“Oh good, I’m glad!” Tsunagu ruffled her hair in response and headed to the kitchen to clean up everything. “Right...what a mess...”
Using his quirk to pull all of the clean mugs and utensils around using the threads that he wove around each of them, he swiftly began to tidy up - his mind drifting slightly, wondering about what his husband could be up to at the moment.
Meanwhile, Izumi had been a little distracted by a ‘mysterious shiny string’...leading her to wander around to find something....
After dealing with the mess that was cluttering the kitchen, Tsunagu walked back into the living room to find that Izumi wasn’t sitting there.
“Sunshine?” He called out a couple of times, peeking round some of the doors to try and find his tiny daughter. “Sunshine, where’d you go?”
‘Maybe she’s outside?’ He reassured himself. He’d always been the more paranoid person, and becoming a parent of a child with not only a very very tricky quirk, but also the daughter (and ‘apprentice’) of a very mischievous ninja, did not help at all.
As he went to check, he noticed a small piece of string poking out from the door and hesitantly picked it up, only to notice that it was attached to a small note...which was attached to a much longer piece of string...leading outside.
He read the note and wondered slightly at the familiarity of the handwriting, before following the string to wherever it led.
‘I know you are probably wondering where Izumi is. Don’t worry too much, just follow the string, I’m sure your hunch will tell you all you need to know.
P.s. she is very happy and excited, hurry up you lanky bean.’
Before long, the lanky french fry had reached a small field with a couple of trees dotted around the edges. ‘Oh, I know where this is! Shinya and I used to have little picnic dates here, how cute.’ Tsunagu reminisced happily, still worried as to where his daughter was.
“‘zumi? Izumi?? Hello~ Izumi Kamihara? Sunshine, where are you??” He called out, trying to mask his concern.
“Dad!” A small voice called out from behind a tree and was followed by a series of giggles as the small girl poked her head out to face her worried parent.
“Oh! There you are! I was worried!!” Tsunagu rushed over and scooped his daughter up into his own embrace, spinning her around slightly as he did so.
A light tap was felt on his shoulder and he turned his head rapidly to try and find out what it was, only to be very pleasantly surprised by the face that was hovering in front of his.
“Hello, love!” A certain silver-haired man greeted the confused noodle with his familiar smile. “Sorry for the little surprise!”
“Ah, wha...” Tsunagu started to question.
Shinya laughed, leaning in to peck Tsunagu’s nose, before cupping the puzzled man’s face and kissing him - still laughing at the other’s stumped expression.
“Haha! Oh that’s priceless, you should’ve seen your face! Did ya get that, petal? Wasn’t that funny?” Shinya turned towards Izumi, who had somehow gotten hold of multiple phones and had taken several pictures of her dad’s baffled face. Ah. Blackmail.
“Hahaha!! Papa was right, dad, your face is so funny ahaha!!” The lighter haired child snickered at Tsunagu’s dismay.
“Wh- what is going on? I’m so confused...” Tsunagu questioned as Shinya took his hand in his own and led him to a quiet spot by the river, swinging Izumi with his other arm.
“Well, Shinji messaged this morning, yes? And he said that, since we’ve got no urgent missions today, both him and Yuu decided to do patrol and take care of things by themselves.” Shinya explained, motioning for the other to watch his head on an overhanging branch. “And well....since both of you are off today....and we never get to spend time as a whole family...they just thought that it would be nice to, you know, take a day off.”
Tsunagu sighed as he watched his husband smile gently. He’d always been such a workaholic and never really liked to take days off, though it’s always been obvious when he needed one, and deep down wished for more time with his family.
It’s pretty self-explanatory, but Shinya always, always wanted as much time as he could get to spend with his loved ones, and having a family that was finally with him, and was always there for him to come home to....it was like a dream to him....a dream that he never ever wanted to wake from.
“I see. Well, how nice of them!”
Shinya hummed in agreement. “Yeah....how nice....I’m so glad, I get time to spend with you both.”
Izumi looked up and saw her parents smiling softly at each others words and smiled happily to herself. ‘So exciting!! Time with papa and dad!! We can all be happy and eat food and relax!’
As they reached their destination, Tsunagu gasped at what he saw. There was a small blanket spread across the leaves, sitting next to a stream. On top of the blanket, was multiple snacks and drinks and some little trinkets and items for Izumi to play with.
Izumi squealed happily and immediately ran over to sit on the blanket, picking up one of the small puzzle boxes and giving it a gentle shake. Shinya smiled at her excitement and turned around to face his husband, who looked just as relaxed as he was, for once.
“D’ya like it?”
Tsunagu looked to be deep in thought for a moment before rushing forward and sweeping Shinya off of his feet and taking him into his arms, spinning his tiny husband around and pressing their foreheads together as they both laughed.
“Oh I love it, darling! You a never fail to surprise me, even after all these years!” Tsunagu exclaimed, kissing the other blissfully before setting him back down. “Shinya Kamihara, the man who never fails to make his family happy and proud!”
Shinya blushed at the lanky blond’s flattering words and reached down to ruffle Izumi’s hair. “I-I just thought it would be a nice little surprise, y’know, that it would make you and Izumi happy.”
“Well that it definitely did!” Tsunagu chuckled and embraced the younger man yet again. “Although...I’m still a bit confused as to why you still left the house this morning?”
Shinya let out a small sigh and reached down to pick up a couple of bags that were resting on the picnic blanket. “I decided to get lunch! I knew that I didn’t have to go to work, so instead I went out and bought a few things.”
The taller man hummed inquisitively. “What did you get?”
“Well first I got some meat buns, because we haven’t had any for a while. I also got donuts for our little petal,” the ninja paused, looking down at their daughter’s even more cheerful face looking back up at them, before continuing, “I got noodles for me and some sushi from that shop around the corner that we like because you said the other day that you wanted sushi!”
Tsunagu looked ecstatic as he sat down next to his daughter and pulled his husband down with him into a massive hug. “Oh Shinya, love, you really are the best!”
“Yeah papa’s the best! Papa’s amazing!” Izumi chirped cheerfully.
“You are very right with that, sunshine” Tsunagu laughed.
“Oh you two....” Shinya bashfully looked down before giving them both a loving little shake. “Thank you, petal, you little sweetheart. And you, love, stop being so sappy - it’s almost as bad as your puns.”
“Hey! They’re not that bad!”
“Uh-huh, sure, keep telling yourself that.”
“....you’re lucky I love you...”
Shinya snorted and picked up a couple of meat buns, shoving one into Tsunagu’s face to stop him from talking and nibbling on the other himself. The tall blond pouted at this gesture but sighed as he saw how amused their tiny daughter was.
Looking at them both, he smiled and nuzzled his face into the tops of their heads lovingly. They were all so happy, and thats exactly how it should be.
“What a lovely day!”
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Hello, have some random edgejeanist and ectoloader cuddle headcanons/general rambles because I am in serious need of cuddles:
Shinya’s favourite thing to do is run and leap at Tsunagu, normally causing them to both fall over.
“It’s the best type of surprise hug” he says.
Because he can run from absolutely anywhere and it will always result in a hug.
And he’s super light so he just kinda glides straight into him. But still with quite a bit of force to knock them over.
This only happens if they’re alone though.
If not, just a simple nudge if they’re next to each other is fine.
And you can’t tell me that at any given chance, they don’t sneak lil’ kisses to each other.
Although this may not work properly as they’re constantly masked.....so they just kinda BONK each other on the top of the head - or in Shinya’s case, the shoulder.
Hugs everywhere.
There is never a time where hugs are not necessary.....except for missions and battles but shhh afterwards is fine-
Ecto is grading papers or just sitting there? BOOM, now there’s a cuddly gremlin tucked comfortably under his chin.
PL is working on something? BOOM, now there’s a lanky man draped sleepily over his shoulders.
They like surprise cuddles but both of them aren’t that good at being secretive at giving them.
They, as well, would most definitely sneak lil kissies when possible.......how does this work with Ecto and his lack of lips??
Well, you know those cute little nose nuzzles and forehead touches? Yeah. That’s how.
Over time that has been been their little way of showing affection to one another. And just a simple way of saying “I love you” when they find themselves short on words.
A simple forehead nuzzle on the shoulder, cheek or anywhere that is available is very common to see between them.
:) I currently find myself unable to write or think about any angst, so I can’t finish any of my drafts, and my brain has put me in a really snuggly and happy mood so here you go!!
Suggestions and ideas or general asks would be greatly appreciated!! Even if I only get to answer them after I wake up.
~Eclair ❤️
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Just a ramble! Not anything big, just a usual long ramble so :)
@uncharted-darkness tagging you so you can see it.
Spoilers for bnha manga:
Okay uhhhh so. If you know me. You’ll know that edgejeanist is the only thing that is on my brain. Basically all of the time.
So as usual I just wanted some nice domestic fluffy edgejeanist. (Also I’m still incredibly happy for people to send in scenarios and headcanons for them or ideas if you’d like, they really have been making me feel better, I just haven’t gotten the time to fully answer them yet so please do if you’d like!)
And so I was just thinking about them just being all happy and relaxing at home. And just being together because :)) and suddenly my brain went “okay now look at this weeks chapter leaks and merge the fluff with the current timeline!”
So then that made me think of them just being all stressed and if you saw this post of mine, you will know that I am now absolutely ecstatic that edgeshot is speaking and he’s here and I am very happy about it. But now they are working together in the same team so there is more of a chance for me to see a panel with the two of them in it (I don’t even need them to be talking I just get happy to see them both....I think that says something about me...)
But then I saw Deku. And just thought about Bakugou and I was like “oh yeah....Bakugou” (I don’t pay attention to the main characters that much if you haven’t noticed, I love them all to bits but I just don’t focus on them aha)
Also I have a headcanon linking to Bakugou and edgejeanist, that just kinda popped up one day but I liked it so????? And cuz my main focus most of the time is edgejeanist it just kinda stuck with me.....so if ya wanna hear more please ask n let me know cuz I will probably forget to write it down.
Which also reminds me I had another ramble I started with edgejeanist and the others that are grouped together with deku at the moment and it involves edgejeanists house....and in some variations of the scenario it includes lil Izumi.....so if you wanna hear about that one please let me know again cuz my memory is terrible.
Anyway. Enough getting sidetracked, Eclair.
Here’s the situation that I just was randomly thinking about....at the edgejeanist house....with Bakugou:
So jeans is back now. We know that. And now they’re all dealing with whatever the hell is going on rn. We’ve seen Tsunagu talk to Bakugou for like two seconds in the hospital and battlefield but that’s about it.
Bakugou has gone through a lot and he’s changed, we know this too.
So, can you imagine, it’s all calm at the edgejeanist house and they’re just trying to sort out hero stuff and maybe talk about stuff and recovering and just making the most of time(Jeans was “missing” for a rather long time yknow so.....there’s another thing I need to write things for...). When there’s just this really loud knock at the door and they are both full wary mode because of everything that’s going on. Until the door gets gently knocked on again.
Tsunagu opens the door and it’s just Bakugou standing there, looking kinda angry (like. His usual angry. Not angry angry. Just Bakugou face) but also kinda hesitant I guess? Shinya is peeking out from behind cuz he’s a curious little ninja and doesn’t trust anything.
And then he’s kinda just “Can we talk? You said that I can come and talk to you when I needed to, so here I am...”
Jeans is just “that’s true I did”
Edge is just confused cuz “how tf did you find our house”
Turns out Bakugou went to Jeanist’s agency and asked an intern and they were just kinda on edge and intimidated anyway so they said where (they knew it was Bakugou since obviously he went there and stuff idk).
They tell him to come inside because it’s safer, and Shinya goes to make him a cup of tea or whatever as Tsunagu walks him to the living room and just asks him how he is generally.
(It would help if I had elaborated my headcanon that I mentioned earlier but it’s long so summary: Bakugou already knows about edgejeanist so they aren’t worried about him finding out)
Our human stick of dynamite over here just starts crying. Like. Idk just, he just needs to let it all out y’know? They’ve all been through so much and for gods sake they are only kids- they did not need to be put through all of that.
He starts talking about everything that’s on his mind, he’s worried about deku and whatever to he’s doing rn, there’s so many heroes that he’s probably worried about, his classmates, teachers possibly retiring/not really alive anymore.....(;-;) and he just breaks down, either asking for advice or not, knowing that they’ll listen until he’s finished.
The two heroes are just sat there and kinda look at each other and are like “ah.....right....” and Shinya kinda just leaves it to Tsunagu to talk to him mainly, cuz he’s his teacher intern person thingy yknow?
Explody boy asking Shinya how he dealt with Tsunagu going missing for that long......Shinya just replying quietly and trying to give some form of advice from it?
And. Idk just deep and meaningful discussions and emotions and everything and I just....wanna see that :)
I just wanna see domestic and parental edgejeanist.....and this time it’s with bakugou for some reason so yeah.
I don’t remember much else from this daydream but here you go! Feel free to send stuff in to ask me to elaborate or discuss it because my brain has not got the organisation skills for that right in this post right now...Or ask me about those headcanons or scenarios that I’ve mentioned and stuff! ❤️
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Ahhhhh Edgejeanist! Brain. Won’t. Stop. Thinking. About. Them!!!
I am in desperate need for domestic edgejeanist fluff right now if anyone could give me some........but uh, feel free to send in some headcanons.....👀
I’d love it if you guys could send me some happy, fluffy edgejeanist scenarios and headcanons and little ideas........if you’d like to! I’ve just been feeling a little stressed out recently and it’s all that my brain can think about 😅
Love you guys! ❤️❤️❤️
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(When I first got on your other blog I was wondering where the ask box was and then realized I was on the other account and was like ‘i’m an idiot’)
Anyway: New ask game! Tag three creator's names and tell them what you love most about their work and why you followed them then put this message in someone's inbox to pass the message.
Hope your having a good day!
More opportunities to talk about my beautiful mutuals!!!
@theshisthings I love you, first of all!! Your little rambles and writings and headcanons are wonderful and amazing and you always leave really really sweet comments on my work that never fail to make my day one hundred times better!! I often go back and re-read your work and also your comments as they always give me the motivation to carry on making stuff and cheer me up when I need it so thank you!!!
I’m not sure when I started following you, but I think it was after reading some of your edgejeanist posts and honestly, I’m always just so overjoyed whenever I see someone else ship them and yeah!! I just remember suddenly following you and it was one of the best things that’s ever happened to me! Love you ❤️
@kiriderp aaahhh your headcanons give me life and your art is so cute!!! Seeing your posts cross my dash always makes me happy!
I’m not actually sure when I started following you?? I remember seeing you like a couple of my first posts and then noticed you around here more often and then I followed you at some point, I don’t remember, but I know that I saw your love for Edgeshot and was just “yes!” love you ❤️
@ana-list I’m not sure if you’ll see this, but goodness, I love you and your art so so much!! I actually would not have gotten this far if I hadn’t seen your Edgeshot art and seen all of your posts about him, it made me immeasurably happy to see someone appreciate him as much as I did and also seeing someone make art for best jeanist too? Even more happy! So when you were one of the first people to follow me, and I got that notification, I actually jumped out of my seat in shock! My initial reaction was just “I cannot believe it!” And it made me so happy and every time I see your art I just get so happy and aaaaaaa I love you! ❤️
🥺I just love all of you.....so so much....
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So since you were asking for agnst or working on that stuff and you also asked for ideas
How about the rest of the top five comforting Shinya after his sister may have died and its just been a really rough week for him and he’s thrown himself into his work
(Kamui and Mount Lady headcanons with that is welcome too)
Oooohh thank you for the angsty suggestion!! You always have great ideas for me to ramble about! This was gonna be a short one but, unsurprisingly, turned out rather long, and I may have thrown a bit of edgejeanist in there as well(also I hope you don’t mind me shoving my own OCs in there)
I made it a bit too long so imma shove it under the cut :)
Warning: mention of death and everything that goes with it - rather angsty.
“She’s dead.”
That’s all Shinya heard as he stood in the kitchen, phone pressed against his cheek. It was dark outside, the wind smashing against the window, when he was woken up by his phone buzzing violently across the bedside table. He didn’t particularly want to answer it at 2:00am but being a hero he had no choice - it could be an emergency - so he glanced to his side to make sure the lanky figure beside him was still asleep and slid out of bed, taking the phone down into the kitchen where he couldn’t disturb anyone.
As he answered the phone, he was greeted by a shaky voice. He was confused, this wasn’t someone he was familiar with and suddenly his instincts were screaming at him that nothing good was going to come out of this conversation. But he pressed on, listening to what this mysterious voice had to say. It was only when they mentioned Hana’s name that alarm bells started going off in his head.
‘What happened to her? Where is she? Where is my sister?’ His head was racing at this point. He had a bad feeling but he was hoping, praying that it wasn’t right. But it was, as usual, and yet again he felt his world collapse around him. She had been severely injured by a villain in her nightly patrol, and died shortly after, before Shinya could even be notified. He couldn’t believe it. It was exactly like what happened all those years ago, except that this time he wasn’t there. This time he couldn’t even get close to helping...and to him that felt somewhat worse than the feeling of watching his own mother die in front of him. Maybe it was how long it had been since then, who knows, but he didn’t care at that point. His sister was dead and he couldn’t save her.
After putting the phone down, Shinya gazed over to the window beside him and watched as a few raindrops started to dance their way down the cold glass. He smiled gently. It reminded him of a time when he was a kid, watching as his family danced through the streets of his village, hand in hand. He remembered how Hana would race him to the riverside and use her quirk to create beautiful illusions that lead to a big tree that stood in the middle of the forest. They called it their special little “secret hideout”...they were fond memories, but the remnants of them stung a little too much when he was reminded of the real time that he currently stood in.
As his mind came back to reality, his head was spinning, his balance faltered and he felt the ground get closer. But he didn’t do anything to stop it, he just prepared himself for the harsh embrace of the cold kitchen floor that lay beneath him. However, it didn’t happen, and he was confused at this - surely he should of hit the ground by now... so why hadn’t he? His mind was put at ease when he felt a pair of thin arms winding around him, guiding him gently to the floor. Shinya looked up to see Tsunagu looking down at him in return, eyes weary but gentle, reassuring him that he is safe and that nothing is going to happen to them in that moment.
Shinya scrambled to find words to tell the other what had happened, needing to let it all out, but the words were all caught in his throat. “She’s...I can’t...Tsu-”
“I know. It’s okay, I know.” Tsunagu reassured the shivering figure that he held in his arms, “I heard you wake up, and you were longer than usual so I decided to see if everything was okay but once I got here I realised that, well, you know...” he trailed off. He knew exactly what Shinya was thinking in that moment and knew that all he needed was to not be alone. So they stayed there, huddled in each others arms on the kitchen floor, spending the early hours in a deeply solemn mood.
A few days had passed, and the others had heard about what happened. Shinya had fully absorbed himself into his work and allowed himself to spend endless nights on patrol as a distraction from his grief, some nights not even coming home. During daily hero work, he ended up taking on the majority of the main work while he left Kamui and Mt. Lady with barely anything to do. Normally, they would do everything to prevent this from happening but they knew that in this situation, it’s the only thing that he needed. So they just had to tag along, and watch as the older man worked himself to the bone.
Telling Hana’s friends about it was the hardest part for him. Seeing the shattered look on Mao’s face when she hears that the bashful little fairy she loved to joke around with would no longer be there to walk with her to her apartment. Or watching as her students came to the realisation that their teacher would no longer be there every morning with her classic bubbly smile. All of her friends, breaking down when they hear that someone they cared for had died...and I guess that was the difference this time. People cared, and they were there to grieve alongside him. It all felt so strangely odd to him, since the last time something like this had happened, they were simply ignored by everyone around them.
He walked through his old village, making his way to the place where his family lay resting. Kneeling before the ground that held Hana’s fallen sister, he cried, apologising for everything - for not being there to protect her. He let all of his grieving words be carried to the hearts of his family and all those that had cared for them, resting in front of him, feeling them surrounding him in comfort. He knew deep down there was nothing he could’ve done but he still had to apologise to all those that had tasked him with taking care of her. Her sister, his mother, the kind old lady that had taken them in. All of them were there for them when they were alive, and so he knew that revealing his thoughts to them would allow his mind to be more at ease.
Everyday Hawks would swing by Shinya’s office, bringing snacks and drinks and checking if there’s anything he needs. Rumi offered - no - insisted on taking care of some of his patrol areas, allowing him to stay closer to his main area and not have to put his mind to getting to those places. Enji took care of some of the bigger assignments that he had been tasked, not saying much about it but just doing so to ease the other’s conscious off of those things. Tsunagu had already made sure to take care of Shinya’s massive pile of paperwork and put his own work on hold to help the other cope with what he was going through.
They all worked so hard together to make sure that Shinya knew that he wasn’t going through it alone, because unlike all those years ago, he had people who were there for him...and he was more than grateful for that.
And that’s all!! Sorry it was originally supposed to be a short list of headcanons but I couldn’t resist the urge to ramble in the form of endless writing... I really enjoyed writing this - it has gotten me in a great angsty mood to continue with my angsty drawing!
Thank you again for the wonderful ask @ohpleaseiwillendyou!
Anyone feel free to send me asks, questions and suggestions about my favourite ships and characters and anything really!! I’m more than happy to answer most things so if you have any please swing them my way, I’m off of college currently and have got quite a lot of time to answer things!!
~Eclair ❤️
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For the OC headcanons, 7, 14, 15, and 27. You pick which ones would fit them! (but you don't have to do all of them)
Ooohhh thank you!
7. Wants to just lay down and not move.
me. Um. Probably a lot of them. After a hard day at work, Mao, Hana and Ai (and her husband) most definitely would after a busy day at work. Mao has had enough of the paperwork she has to fill in for her boss, Hana is just tired from patrol, Ai and her husband have to deal with their kids on top of work which I think is enough in itself...
14. Is painfully obvious on who they like.
Hana. Hana and Mao. Need I say anything else? It’s way too obvious that Shinya physically cannot stand it anymore-
15. Would get a tattoo on a whim.
Oh hmmm... Hana already has tattoos, same as Shinya’s, but I don’t think that she would get any others. Tbh I don’t think any of them would do this, but maybe Ai or Mao would get a few. Oh! Wait I do have an oc that would fit this but I have not introduced or drawn her yet so ahaha yeah...I might introduce her and her wife and son at some point 👀👀
27. Questions everything.
Aahhhhh!! Definitely Snipes daughter, my Edgejeanist baby oc (who I have now decided to make an official oc wooh!) and Yuna!! Especially when Yuna was younger and first adopted by EctoLoader, she would be very intrigued by the things around her, and not being able to see these things anymore she would be quite inquisitive with how things have changed and her own memory of them! Snipes daughter is a curious lil bean in general and loves to learn new things!! Same with the Edgejeanist baby!!!
Thank you thank you for sending this in!! It truly made me happy!!!
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No-one asked for this but I drew another one of my bnha OCs :)
I have one more that I want to draw and share eventually (actually my ectoloader oc to be specific) but I’ve got to finish the drawings I’m currently working on first aha. Anyway here’s some general info:
Name -> Mao Ayami
Age -> 30
Quirk -> “Teleportation” - she can teleport objects from one place to another as long as she can visualise exactly where. She can also teleport herself + whatever she is holding onto, but it takes a lot more energy and requires her to rest for a while before teleporting again.
Occupation -> She’s basically like a secretary to a fashion based pro-hero or something like that. Has to handle all of the scheduling and the appointments.
Current status -> Alive
Family -> Mother (alive), Father (deceased), Two younger sisters - twins (both alive)
Likes -> Tiramisu, snowy weather, anything romantic
More info:
Her quirk works as long as she is holding onto what ever she wishes to teleport and she has tried to teleport herself with another person before but it didn’t end very well since she just passed out for the rest of the day. She is working on strengthening that so she can get her and her boss from one place to another without having to drive anywhere.
Her quirk uses her own energy when she teleports, so the bigger the item, the more tired she gets. This means that she ends up incredibly reliant on anything with caffeine - it makes her feel more awake so she can teleport more things. For example, if she were to get a full 8 hours sleep, she’d be able to teleport herself a maximum of about 4 times before almost passing out.
She is very focused on work and handles most things very seriously and professionally. However, she is also quite playful.
In this I mean that she can be quite the relentless flirt. So much so that she purposefully approaches a certain bashful fairy with the intent of flustering the life out of them...(see my other oc for this to make more sense lmao)
She loves to listen to calm music when she’s working.
She has two younger sisters, they are twins who are complete opposites to each other, who she loves to bits and she had to look after them when they were children since their parents were always bust with work.
So she’s definitely the responsible one but will be the chaotic older sibling when needs be.
She also doesn’t tend to show her emotions often, always just appears kinda neutral/happy/generally approachable, but that changes if you get her drunk. She is an emotional drunk. Will cry about work most probably.
Knows exactly what to cook for someone precisely when they need it.
So there we are!! I’m working on some ectoloader and edgejeanist Valentine’s Day stuff at the moment so there’s that, and hopefully I’ll be able to convince myself to draw my other oc and post her at some point :)
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