#normally my head is full of angsty ideas and given the low moods I’ve been having recently i was expecting more
Hello, have some random edgejeanist and ectoloader cuddle headcanons/general rambles because I am in serious need of cuddles:
Shinya’s favourite thing to do is run and leap at Tsunagu, normally causing them to both fall over.
“It’s the best type of surprise hug” he says.
Because he can run from absolutely anywhere and it will always result in a hug.
And he’s super light so he just kinda glides straight into him. But still with quite a bit of force to knock them over.
This only happens if they’re alone though.
If not, just a simple nudge if they’re next to each other is fine.
And you can’t tell me that at any given chance, they don’t sneak lil’ kisses to each other.
Although this may not work properly as they’re constantly masked.....so they just kinda BONK each other on the top of the head - or in Shinya’s case, the shoulder.
Hugs everywhere.
There is never a time where hugs are not necessary.....except for missions and battles but shhh afterwards is fine-
Ecto is grading papers or just sitting there? BOOM, now there’s a cuddly gremlin tucked comfortably under his chin.
PL is working on something? BOOM, now there’s a lanky man draped sleepily over his shoulders.
They like surprise cuddles but both of them aren’t that good at being secretive at giving them.
They, as well, would most definitely sneak lil kissies when possible.......how does this work with Ecto and his lack of lips??
Well, you know those cute little nose nuzzles and forehead touches? Yeah. That’s how.
Over time that has been been their little way of showing affection to one another. And just a simple way of saying “I love you” when they find themselves short on words.
A simple forehead nuzzle on the shoulder, cheek or anywhere that is available is very common to see between them.
:) I currently find myself unable to write or think about any angst, so I can’t finish any of my drafts, and my brain has put me in a really snuggly and happy mood so here you go!!
Suggestions and ideas or general asks would be greatly appreciated!! Even if I only get to answer them after I wake up.
~Eclair ❤️
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the-purple-hero · 6 years
{{This is a drabble taking place several years into the future between Spyro and Sparx where the latter reaches the end of his life and passes away. An angsty idea I did want to try out.}}
🔥 The Passing Of A Friend 🔥
It had been a great long set of years in the Dragon Realms, peace had continued through Spyro’s efforts to help the realms no matter how many times a villain would invade or attack them. Over the years under the guidance of his fellow Artisans and being around the other dragons he picked up many skills, and grew up to be a large healthy adult dragon.
While Sparx on the other hand hadn’t grown too much bigger than he had been when Spyro was younger, only growing a mustache and later needing to wear glasses even though his sight wasn’t the worst, it was still not as clear without them. Leading to many jokes and playful brotherly like ribbing from Spyro along the lines of “Lookin’ good with your new glasses grandpa.” 
But the dragonfly knew that his friend was just playing around with him, as he still did right back at him too with a laugh. “Gee, thanks a lot! you purple putz!” 
And the dragonfly got more of that as his originally brown mustache turned grey, then white. While Spyro had matured a lot since he was young, he still loved to make jokes as he always had and soon had reached his prime.
As time passed they went on many adventures together by becoming essentially similar to one of the balloonists he was able to travel to vast and faraway places, wanting to explore and see the world. While he was out Nestor, sometimes would tell him to come home sometimes on account of something important. The elder dragon did consider Spyro to take his place as leader in the coming years, he wasn’t sure he’d make a fine leader he was sure given his amount of selflessness towards the realms and wanting to see it safe but for now. Spyro was away going on several adventures sometimes with his friends but always had Sparx right by his side just like he always had when he was younger.
But for now, he was allowed to explore as he wished getting to see many things and face many challenges including one day where he and Sparx entered the den of a giant spider. It didn’t look too good but Spyro was once again able to prevail as he always had. 
However, the victory of the day would not stop a more somber realization later that same week...
Lately Sparx had been feeling tired, slowing down and sometimes resting on Spyro’s shoulder when he felt tired enough to be unable to stay constantly in the air. It was known that dragonflies didn’t quite last as long as dragons, something that Spyro was trying not to think about as he didn’t want to think about the idea of losing his closest friend he’d known since he was born. The idea was devastating to him.
The purple dragon acted as if things were okay even as Sparx was seeming more tired than usual but he wasn’t turning a blind eye he still checked if he was alright, stopping for a moment whenever he needed him to. 
Another one of those moments came as his flying came to a stop just as they returned home to the Artisan home.  Sparx nearly fell to the ground but was saved as Spyro held his hand out so he’d land right on his palm safely. “Hey Sparx, you feelin’ okay? I think maybe we should stop a second if you’re hungry I can get you some more butterflies.” He reached his hand over to him letting him crawl up onto his palm and he gently pat him on the head, and the dragonfly hugged him around the finger. “Spyro...you know there is something I think you’ve been trying to turn a blind eye to.” 
“What do’ya mean Sparx, it’s just another day right?” Spyro sat down looking down at the dragonfly, it was true and he wasn’t doing too good trying to hide it as his eyes looked back and forth. It didn’t slip his mind that his closest friend seemed tired lately and not as full of energy as he normally was. While Spyro was officially in his prime and may be an adult but was considered young compared to many of the others, on the other hand Sparx seemed to be getting weaker and older at a more rapid rate than a dragon.
Sparx looked up at him with a knowing expression like he knew what he was talking about, soon making him cave. “Well...I notice you’re seemin’ a little sick old pal. I’m just tryin’ to help ya feel better is all and you’ll be back on your feet in no time!” He spoke in an upbeat manner but as Sparx sighed and shook his head knowingly, realizing full well he wasn’t sick it was something more, permanent, something Spyro had dreaded. Sparx didn’t even have to really say anything else. “No, no I’m sure you’re just not feelin’ well it’s gotta be just a little cold you’ll get better right!” 
But as he was denying it a bit Sparx let him keep speaking until he finally had to accept it. “I have something to tell you Spyro...you already know I’ve been feeling tired lately and it’s not because I’m sick or anything like that, it’s because I think my time...is almost up.” Sparx was sorry he didn’t tell him a bit sooner, but he knew he wouldn’t accept it so he decided to have fun with his best friend without him having to worry about him. “You know it Spyro, it’s almost time to... let me go.” His little claw moved along Spyro’s hands as he looked up at the purple dragon’s violet eyes through his small little glasses.
Already however, as the dragonfly spoke Spyro noticeably looked distressed and like he was desperately thinking of a solution while at the same time trying to retain the confidence he was known for but couldn’t keep up the front. “Y-y’can’t be serious Sparx...no, no that can’t be what you’re sayin’! I can’t lose you not after havin’ you as my best pal for all this time.” Spyro just never really thought about what he’d do if anything ever happened to Sparx even though inevitably he’d pass. 
Sparx knew that he’d be missed, so he decided to try and help his friend calm down. “You’ll never lose me, you purple, putz.” Sparx smiled up at him trying to leave a small joke with him and lighten his mood giving small jokes to try and lighten the mood. “Even when I go you know I’m not ever gonna really be gone...” 
Either way Spyro could feel his stomach heating up and it felt uncomfortable, his heart beating at a rapid rate as well against his chest. Regardless of what was about to happen he decided on something he wanted to do if this really was true, he wanted to spend his last bit of time with his best friend and companion for years. “If what you’re sayin’ is...true, lets take a walk pal, one more time.” 
With that he walked with Sparx still holding the dragonfly carefully in his hand, taking him around to Dragon Shores for a few activities even getting his increasingly weakening friend something to drink and a few butterflies he was able to still eat, intending to make this day count if it was really his final moments as his best friend suggested. Taking a long walk on the beach and leading to Stone Hill next, walking along the trail while some of the other elders were away after he told them the news and let them continue doing their own activities leaving him so he and Sparx could just spend time with one another.
Then soon they stopped at a tall tower with a great view of the meadows as the sunset was coming. But as they came to a stop, Spyro still couldn’t accept it for one of the few times in his life he felt true fear about losing his best friend and voiced it to the dragonfly whose glow was still there but not as bright.
Sparx again tried to help him with happier memories between them as good friends, and he remembered everything they’d been through together.  “All those years ago, you remember when we first met? I was just a little larvae, and I told you how great the outside world was? I couldn’t wait for you to hatch so you could join me...and after you did I wanted to stick around you and stayed with you more than a few times until we were always right by each other...and I helped you every time a new adventure came along, I’m glad we were able to do all that you and I....I’ll really miss you, Spyro.” 
At this point Spyro’s eyes were beginning to sting and burn, soon making the purple dragon realize he had tears welling up in his eyes. Something that only happened very rarely, as he wasn’t one to cry it was a rarity. The purple hero couldn’t even remember the last time he did but, now he couldn’t stop himself. “I remember pal, I though you sounded like a great guy and you made it sound excitin’.” 
The dragonfly smiled and wrapped his little hands around his finger momentarily as a bit of a hug. “You’re a great dragon Spyro, taking care of the baby dragons and taking care of everything more than a few times. Even when I’m gone I know you’ll keep bein’ the great dragon you’ve always been I know since I’ve spent my entire life with you because you’re strong, stronger than me for sure...I love you Spyro.” If the purple dragon could hug him back he would, but he made due with his other hand gently petting him along his back carefully, feeling his gentle breathing. 
The longtime duo stayed there for a few moments in silence, Spyro down low on his knee holding his friend but within moments his breathing slowly began to slow down, at the same time his glow began to dim further and further until...both had ceased while he closed his eyes and the grip on his finger from Sparx loosened and fell away. Spyro moved his hand calling the dragonfly’s name, only to get no response or movement from him. 
“Please, answer me Sparx, wake up.”
No answer would come, it would feel like his chest was having a lot of weight pushed against it as tears began to flow down his scaly cheeks and down into his palms. His stomach began to feel upset and began to hurt. The dragon started off the day cheerful and happy with his friend but now he was here, holding his companion and felt shattered over it. 
Spyro couldn’t move from the spot, despite the inner pain he felt this whole thing felt unreal as much as he wished it wasn’t true. All he could do was carefully hold him close to him in a hug, wishing he hadn’t just lost Sparx he had to come to accept the reality as much as he didn’t want it to be...
Later he’d be found by his friends, who he’d simply look up to with silence and his eyes slightly red from the tears and it would become clear what had just happened upon taking a closer look.
It took a bit of time but once he was found still holding Sparx in his hand he would later place him down to rest in a special place in the Artisan home, near the spot they first met in Stone Hill when he was just an egg thinking it as a special way to honor their life long friendship. 
After giving his farewells to him in a memorial held by Nestor, pretty much every one of the dragons was in attendance as were his other friends. Spyro stood up and sang a short song prepared by Tomas, even though he didn’t consider himself a bard or singer of any kind, he still did it...for Sparx.
But afterward he stood by Sparx’s grave, wanting to just be left alone and given space and he was allowed to, not leaving that area often or even when he did he still spent most of his time there. Talking to him, and he knew he shouldn’t be doing this and should continue to be strong like Sparx said he was...but it hurt, it really hurt to be without him things just didn’t feel the same not having a dragonfly at his side.
Even while he was out one day he nearly spoke up to him only to realize he wasn’t there. “Hey Sparx, what do’ya think about-.” Stopping himself mid sentence as he realized what he was doing, momentarily forgetting that Sparx wasn’t there anymore...proving to himself once again proceeding without his best friend would be one of the hardest things he’ll ever be able to do.
It wouldn’t be for a while before he’d be able to get over such a heavy loss for him but once he was starting to feel better with the guidance and condolences from his friends and the other dragons who tried to help him, he started to be more active again but would rest a lot but still not be entirely well as he still missed his best friend’s company, he didn’t go too far for a while.
In the coming months Spyro would receive a gift from Nils in a massive box, as he was starting to feel better he unwrapped his gift to see a well sized lifelike sculpture of Sparx one that he could place in his room and one that was to be set as a memorial with the engraving. 
“Sparx...A true friend that will never be forgotten.” 
And forgotten he’d never be, as for years to come Spyro would gain the strength to continue on his adventures, but visiting Sparx often. Spyro would also later tell the baby dragons and any younger dragons stories of his adventures alongside his best friend Sparx, the bravest little dragonfly he’d ever met and the best friend any dragon could ask for.
Stories such as that would continue to be told and once Spyro’s time would come as well thousands of years later, a statue of the duo together young and adults would be crafted in memory of the two greatest heroes the realms had ever known.
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