#and I have to remind myself that I am doing this for fun hahaha
vermin-fangs · 2 months
Why do I always feel like somebody is going to take me out back and shoot me for only being sort of okay at art!
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jimlingss · 3 months
Three years!
Hello, everyone and happy Jimlingss anniversary! Woohoo! It has been three years since my official retirement and eight years since I’ve began this blog. That’s absolutely crazy since it all feels like yesterday. Time flies when you’re having fun.
First and foremost, thank you to all who still send me messages and give me feedback on my stories! I do check back once in a while and read everything, so nothing goes unnoticed. Your kind words always make me miss the simpler days of writing. :’) It really gets me nostalgic.
Second, here is my yearly update!
I’ve finished my second year of law school! I finished off this year with a bang and did quite well, if I do say so myself. There’s one more year left to go and that’s insane since I remember the first day so vividly. I’m a bit sad for it to be all over — I never thought I’d ever feel this way. But I’ve made so many friends and created so many memories. When it’s all over, everyone will be going their own path. Luckily, I’m sure we’ll remain connected and be close friends no matter what.
I don’t think I’ve had such a positive experience quite like this in all my years of schooling. I’ve always been the type to just scurry on home, never liked what I was studying, and never had too many friends. So this change has been unexpected yet very welcome.
In terms of career, I’ve been working this summer and I have something lined up for when I’m finished school! So soon I’ll be racking in the dough, wooooooo!! Let’s get it!
My family is also doing well — and I feel very fortunate for that. 
Third, and most important, I am happy to announce that I have a boy I absolutely adore! We’ve officially been dating for four months? That seems so short on paper, but we’ve known each other for close to two years! I’m living out one of my friends to lovers fics, I swear (lol).
He’s been a close friend since the start of law school and somewhere along the line I gradually caught feelings (of course I did lmao). I was sure rejection was on the horizon and I wanted to preserve our dear friendship, so I was trying to get over it for months by myself. This included online dating and going on a string of dates (hahaha). I ended up cracking and calling him on the phone one night, but then aborted mission. Thanks to the advice of a friend, I stopped avoiding him and being an embarrassment, and I finally confronted him. He said we should give it a shot, and here we are!
He has brown, curly hair that reminds me of a poodle. And he made me realize why love is so loved — why it’s so revered — talked about — imprinted in each other’s minds. Everywhere. I’ve written countless love stories but never truly experienced the feeling before, and yet, he’s made the heart of my stories come to life. He’s let me live them in real time. 
I really hope it works out! LOL
Anyway, I’m always happy to do these updates and for all those who may be just a bit curious enough about me to check in. Although this is a very positive update (and I hope it continues to be), my life isn’t without its ups and downs either. It just seems to be in a general upwards trajectory. 
Thank you to everyone who still remembers me, and who may still read my stories! I definitely haven’t forgotten about you all, so I hope you haven’t forgotten me either.
Here’s to another year! See you again!
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ashipiko · 1 month
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SUMMON LINE: Ugh…! That wasn’t fair! My hair was blocking my view! Great, now I’m soaked…
additional voicelines below!
GROOVY: Haha— Hahaha! Ah… For some reason, I’m not really that upset about getting this wet…
SET TO HOME SCREEN: A sunny day, hm? At least there’s shade at this extravaganza.
HOME IDLE 1: Usually I don’t treat myself to… well, treats all that often, but Niko’s pawpsicles are sort of addicting. If I end up being a regular, I’ll be absolutely ashamed.
HOME IDLE 2: Hehe. Being surrounded by this many people sure is entertaining… You think I didn’t see that embarrassing thing that just now happened? Don’t worry, I did.
HOME IDLE 3: I do not scream like a girl, shut it—! It’s because whoever’s throwing these water balloons is filling them with ice cold water… And why am I the only one being hit with them?!
HOME IDLE LOGIN: I’ve been looking for you, you know! Gee, I swear all the other people here heard me before you. Learn to keep your ears open, okay?
HOME IDLE GROOVY: Brr… Why is it so cold in the shade now?! …Um— e-excuse me, would you happen to have a towel…?
HOME TAP 1: Thank the Seven I learnt how to conjure water-proof eyeshadow. Otherwise, I’d have to run back to Pomefiore every minute! I’m looking at the first years. Ugh.
HOME TAP 2: …! Wait, Uncle is here?! H-Hide me! I don’t need him reporting back to mother that I’m this disheveled right now!
HOME TAP 3: I always knew Niko as a shady salesman, but… I can actually hold a conversation with him! — That doesn’t mean that he’s the best option here, though.
HOME TAP 4: Doing karaoke like this reminds me of my older cousin. You might know her as one of Mr. Trein’s daughters. She was always fun to sing with. Even with all the noise complaints we got… What was that all about?
HOME TAP 5: Bubbles are so cute! But why are they so darn hard to make?! Augh, I’m so tired of watching them pop away before they even form!
HOME TAP GROOVY: Frankly, I don’t really know why Ashi recruited me for this. But.. I guess I’ll have to give her a heartfelt thanks soon for this experience.
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archivalofsins · 2 months
For Futa Jackalope really did just turn to camera and say chicken says what. Like he called the audience cowards. Too afraid to judge Futa because it would mean judging themselves.
Jackalope was on it. This end of trial report he hit all the right notes- He was in all the right places. He saw the audiences weaknesses and he hit them over and over.
He said you had your fun sowing lets chat before the reaping starts and he went in.
Like damn no remorse.
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"Or……maybe you just couldn’t bring yourself to find him “guilty”, because he reminded you too much of yourself……I’m just blabbing."
Even down to highlighting the faceless Futa showing that he could easily be any of us as he said it. Jackalope said,
"I take no prisoners; you will see an ending before the end. It will be shaped like every door you did not open and every life you did not live. Then in the face of your doubts you will keep walking forward because where you came from no longer exists. Time has an insatiable appetite and we are all on it's menu. Hahaha I'm such a kidder."
Back to what he really said and the thing that intrigues me the most. Jackalope throughout the second trial report kept highlighting that despite finding Kotoko guilty we proved through our verdict that her actions do work.
By finding everyone who she attacked/threatened Innocent. This continues the trend of Kotoko jumping on any sign of agreement to get to the conclusion she wants to end up at. That being her methods are correct. So just because we found her guilty doesn't necessarily mean we found her methods wrong.
The way Jackalope interprets the guilty prisoners change in verdict may be exactly how Kotoko will view it herself.
"But, to put it another way, if this is because he showed remorse, you could also say his “innocent” verdict was thanks to the actions of Kotoko Yuzuriha, right?"
Cuz think about it…….who knows how he would have acted without the pain, right?
Q.04 Would you make the same mistake again?
Futa: I don’t think so. I don’t think I could take this kind of pain again.
Q.07 What have you been into lately?
Futa: Finding a way to distract myself from the pain.
Well next up Kazui~
He’s a self-admitted liar, have you been able to solve the mystery?
Well given the little amount of information provided in contrast to Jackalope's statement on Yuno... I would have to say we haven't. Instead Jackalope just reiterates things that Es brought to attention in Kazui's second voice drama.
Not mentioning anything about cheating or marriage in the slightest.
Again very interesting in comparison to Yuno who Jackalope admits told us what she did herself without ever really honing in on what part of what she told us should be considered.
Just stating,
"She said it herself, so her crime became quite clear, hasn’t it? And that crime didn’t raise to the level of murder to you, I take it. Interesting. I guess that’s how it is in your era."
Yet in Yuno's second trial interrogation she said a lot of things. Including dismissing the audience previous judgments on her and the guards desire to project a sob story onto her.
Yuno Second Trial Interrogation
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This situations bothersome-ness has won out./I won't be bothered.
"So, I am extremely cooled off." (-273.15°C) "That is all."
"That’s the real Yuno Kashiki, you could say. Cold and logical. Practical and unromantic. Getting her to interact is gonna be a heavy lift, I’d say."
"You want to make clear the truth...huh? Fu... Haha!"
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"The result of doing looots of sugar-daddying: ...abortion."
"That's probably my murder. Well, please go ahead and partake of the truth."
"How is it? Satisfied? Then, can we be done already?"
"You don't surprise much, do you? As I thought, you knew it from the song extraction."
Cold and Logical
Well, yes. As one possibility, I thought it was likely. That, going by Milgram's scope of interpretation for murder, it was possible.
"I'm sure. Well, I generally got the sense that that's how it was. I could feel it."
You could feel it...you say?
"I can hear it, while I'm in Milgram. It's probably the same for everyone else."
Practical and unromantic.
"Voices peeking in, digging around, and discussing my sins."
Interesting that she uses sins plural here not singular. Didn't note this previously but probably should have.
Something like that...
"Are those not the thoughts you were having? Not that I would know."
But you get my point Jackalope's end of trial report on Yuno confirms that what she said in her second interrogation was in fact the truth and nothing but it. However, he speaks very little on how we interpreted what we were told in contrast to other prisoners.
Just making a sweeping statement,
Interesting. I guess that’s how it is in your era.
But he does ponder an interesting thing,
"I wonder though, what decides the worth of a life?"
Playing on the abortion debate that her trial turned into before plainly asking,
"……don’t tell me, did this murder seem smaller to you than the murders of the other prisoners? Thought-provoking!"
Again playing on the idea the fans have ran with that Yuno should not even be here because she hasn't committed murder like the other prisoners. He says a lot and not that much while discussing Yuno but Jackalope's statements on her can be used to further scrutinize what's not said about Kazui.
Like I said he basically confirms Yuno was in fact telling the truth throughout her second voice drama but doesn't mention any of what was brought up in Kazui's outside of reiterating Es' points.
Of Kazui being a liar and self-pitying going as far as to call him emo and even praise us for being so accommodating to him despite his woe is me routine.
Jackalope even comments that he can't bring himself to be interested in Kazui,
"It all feels very emo and I can’t bring myself to be very interested in him, but the fact that you’re so accommodating to him, is commendable."
However, he reiterates another point one that he brought up from the beginning that directly contradicts a statement that Kazui made in his second voice drama,
"He’s the only one who has the strength to fight off Kotoko and Mikoto after all."
Kazui states in his second voice drama that if Kotoko and Mikoto were to team up that would be the end of him and Milgram. Contradicting Jackalope's statement in Es' voice drama that if Milgram were an all out brawl then Kazui would come out victorious.
So Jackalope basically goes he's still lying have you figured out what the lies are and then just goes here's one of them for free.
Now onto the other interesting one- Amane.
Amane's is interesting because Jackalope basically goes her life would be this way in and out of Milgram. Showing that his focus with Amane is not us being tricked into going easier on her because she's a child but a desire for the audience to go harder on her because she is a child.
Coddling isn't going to prepare her for the real world but neither is being unnecessarily cruel to her either. Even admitting that he himself doesn't know what made the audience find Amane innocent this time around and stating he's curious about the judgement.
Despite how vocal people said Amane fans were being- This again highlights that no, they weren't. Amane fans weren't pushing super hard or really loud. They weren't going around shouting at people to vote her innocent or bribing people to. Hell, the staff couldn't even write a decent bit for her part of the video because they don't know what caused this.
"I remember feeling a sort of awe at your resoluteness to your duties, being a kid didn’t mean you couldn’t be “guilty”, right? So, what was it that made you choose “innocent” this time? I’m very curious. Is it her, or her beliefs, or her birthright, or her fate…."
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Whatever the circumstances may be, she is the one that has to bear the blame. That’s just how it is. Both in and out of MILGRAM, isn’t that right?
They were wrong for highlighting the tasing scene like this again. They went I'm about to make you feel bad if you voted this kid guilty fucking suffer rip to you I guess- you are the problem. Like there was no joking here Jackalope looked at the camera and went,
Jackalope: This is just how it is everywhere. Your vote won't change that. It won't lessen the weight of the blame on her shoulders. In or outside of Milgram.
The “It can’t be helped”, from the scum that can’t be helped. That makes them doubtlessly, clearly, absolutely, unequivocally, beyond any doubt, categorically, emphatically, GUILTY.
Then just went to Mikoto like that shit was nothing like it didn't just destroy my soul.
That concludes my fucked up things from the end of trial two report.
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taruruchi · 26 days
SR Taruchi [Music Week] Voice Lines - PASTEL BXMB!
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Thank you @raguiras for hosting this event!!!! Your idea is SOOO good and creative, I love all the groups and how much thought you put into it!! Tbh this is the first fan event I've officially participated in and it's all bc the concept is so fun HAHAHA ty again mionn <333
There are more voice lines + the non-pull looking card under the cut!
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Summon Line: Sometimes I forget this is just a short event thing. I'm having a lot more fun than I thought! Kinda makes me wish we could keep doing this.
Groovy: Is it time for our performance? All right, I'll give it everything I've got!
Set to Home: Shall we go practice?
Home Transition 1: I look so fire, right?! These clothes look so good! Though it's a little uncomfy, since it's not my usual style and all. I just gotta get used to it.
Home Transition 2: I won't lie, I'm… not so good at dancing. And my singing is kinda mid. Agh, I gotta practice more… Thank goodness Kalim is such a good leader! He's so understanding.
Home Transition 3: *sigh* I don't know if I'm cut out for all this. It sure drains someone's energy… But no way am I gonna drag down my group! I want us to win, after all!
Home Transition/Login: Hmhmhm~ Hmm~ Oh! Uhh… You heard nothing, all right?! Don't share that melody with anyone, please! It's supposed to be our group's song for the competition!
Home Transition/Groovy: Do you think I got better after all our practices? I sure don't feel as bad as before. Maybe I could become an idol one day… Haha, just kidding. No way.
Tap Home 1: This group is so cutesy. I like it a lot, but sometimes I get worried I don't really fit… Ah, what am I talking about? Idia and Sebek are here too, and they probably fit the concept less than I do.
Tap Home 2: I can't imagine Allen handling this entire event. But have you seen him while he's with his group? He's amazing! It makes sense he's supervising basically the whole thing, ‘cause he's 100% qualified!
Tap Home 3: Too bad the group doesn't use instruments. Maybe I could've shown off my crazy piano skills. Haha, I'm kidding! My skills aren't that good, trust me.an idol one day… Haha, just kidding. No way.
Tap Home 5: Hmm, I wonder who came up with the group's name? PASTEL BXMB! does seem very fitting, but it also reminds me of bath bombs… Wait, why am I talking about this? I don't even understand bath bombs.
Tap Home 1: This group is so cutesy. I like it a lot, but sometimes I get worried I don't really fit… Ah, what am I talking about? Idia and Sebek are here too, and they probably fit the concept less than I do.
Tap Home 2: I can't imagine Allen handling this entire event. But have you seen him while he's with his group? He's amazing! It makes sense he's supervising basically the whole thing, ‘cause he's 100% qualified!
Tap Home 3: Too bad the group doesn't use instruments. Maybe I could've shown off my crazy piano skills. Haha, I'm kidding! My skills aren't that good, trust me.
Tap Home 4: Have you seen Azul anywhere? He said he wanted to meet up after our individual practices with our groups so we can— Uh, ahem, you know what? Never mind. I'll go look for him myself.
Tap Home/Groovy: Performing like this is a lot harder than I thought. You have to be conscious of everything, from your expressions to your movements to your voice. Music artists, especially idols, must've had really rigorous training to get to where they are now…
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Taruchi's SR card w/o all the text stuff:
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Little rambles: I was initially just gonna make her mic sparkly, I've known that since the beginning, but. Idk there's something about me and glitters that makes it spread everywhere OAKSKDJSD also when I showed this to my sister, when she saw the stickers, she literally went "CUTIE MARKS??? SHE'S A PONY???" like girl 🧍‍♀️
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Credits: The event is Music Weeks at NRC! by @/raguiras, who also owns Allen who's mentioned in one of the voice lines. The dividers were made by @/firefly-graphics
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elly99 · 1 year
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Hanni was in Chicago for Lollapalooza. Just over five years ago she sat next to you everyday at school. Hanni was a Gucci ambassador. But in one of her pictures you see her wearing the socks you got for her way back when.
You were surprised to say the very least. It had been quite a while since you'd stopped communicating regularly. Maybe the occasional birthday greeting or 'how are you' only for things to fizzle out after a few days. Though you missed how it used to be, when not a day went by where you weren't talking, you understood that your lives were very different now. But still you wonder why she would do this now after all this time.
Would it be worth asking her? You did miss her after all. Why not ask an old friend how she was doing? You had nothing better to do at 3 in the morning.
"hey hanni! just wanted to ask you how you've been doing. i know you're probably quite busy right now so no worries if you can't reply right away. chookas for tomorrow!!"
You were going to leave it there and try to get some sleep, but to your astonishment she replies almost immediately.
"heeeyyy!! thank you!! i'm doing great! just a little nervous for tomorrow but i know it'll be fun. it's so nice hearing from you again!! how have you been? i was thinking about you recently"
"oh really? cuz i saw you posted a picture with those socks"
"yeah man! i'm never gonna lose these!! they mean a lot to me"
That hit somewhere deep in your heart.
"what do you mean really? don't act surprised!!"
"well i am! i mean we don't talk as much as we used to. and you haven't been back in melbourne for so long"
"doesn't mean i'd forget about one of my best friends!"
"you still consider me that?"
"of course! don't you?"
"pho-ever hahaha"
"pho-ever ❤️"
You take a minute to think about what to say next.
"hey hanni honestly the real reason i texted was because i've been missing you a lot recently. i went through high school and i'm in uni now but after you left i just never had another friend like you. nobody ever got me like you did. and i know we've changed and grown up a lot since then but i feel like you'd still get me. you've always been special to me. so yeah i've just been feeling a little lonely lately"
Instantly you regret sending something so heavy. And your worry only builds as the minutes go by without a reply. But she surprises you for the third time that night. Because she's calling.
"Hey, brooo! It's been so long! It's good to see you again!"
You'd seen so many photos and videos of her since she debuted but there was something so strange about seeing her like this on your screen. She was the perfect juxtaposition of dazzling stardom and warm, nostalgic familiarity. She was still the Hanni you loved from all those years ago but it felt like you were meeting her for the first time again.
"Sup, bro," you chuckle. "It's good seeing you, too! I wasn't expecting you to call. Sorry I look like a mess. It's 3 AM."
"Oh, yeah! It's really late for you! Well, I just wanted to call quickly to say that I miss you a lot, too. You know being here in Chicago has had me thinking a lot. Like, it's hard to believe that I've come so far and I'm really so grateful and honored."
"But you deserve it, Hanni! You've worked so hard to get where you are now. I'm so proud of you, by the way."
"Aw, thanks, man! But, yeah. Sometimes I find myself missing the simpler days. Everything's moving so fast now and sometimes I just wanna go back to the old days of just messing around at school. With you and all our old friends. That's why I wore those socks. Just to remind myself of where I came from. Of all the people that are so important to me."
You catch yourself tearing up at her words.
"Hey, Hanni, we didn't ever say 'I love you' to each other, did we? I don't think that's something we ever said to each other. I mean, kids don't really have a good grasp of that, right? But as I grew older and realized just how important you were to me, I was like, 'Yeah, I love this girl.' So, yeah. Just thought I should say that," you laugh nervously at your sudden confession.
"And I love you, too! I guess my way of saying that back then was sitting next to you everyday," she laughs with you, her radiant smile easing your nerves. "I know I haven't been able to visit in years and I'm really sorry about that! But I promise as soon as I'm able I'll come see you. I'm also sorry I haven't kept in touch as much recently but I hope you know I think about you a lot. I'm sure when we meet up again it'll be like nothing changed. We can go back to singing What Makes You Beautiful like there's no tomorrow."
"God, I miss that."
You make eye contact and you recognize her look just as she recognizes yours.
This time you laugh together and it really was as if nothing had changed.
"Speaking of what makes you beautiful, you should go get your beauty sleep. It's so late!"
"You're right. I should at least try to be a functioning human, right? But thanks so much for calling, Hanni. I really appreciate it. You're the best."
"Hey, no problem, man! I really missed hearing your voice. Reminds me of home."
You have no answer for her sweetness.
"And whenever you feel lonely, remember I'm always here, ok? Just text me any time! I'm always here for you. I'll do my best to send you my own updates from time to time as well."
"Alright, will do, bro. Have fun tomorrow! I know you're gonna devour it."
"I'll do my best!"
"You always do. See ya, Hanni!"
"Good night! Get lots of sleep, have sweet dreams and eat well tomorrow! Love yaaa!"
She was too good for the world.
After the call you smile to yourself in the dark. Deep down you knew that, no matter how much time passed or how much distance there was between the two of you, you both still had a piece of each other in your hearts. Since she left years ago she had gotten herself new jeans but she'd keep those old socks pho-ever.
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lorei-writes · 3 months
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[Overheard; Transcribed]
Leon x OC (OC Chart: Viva) Fluff ~500 words Prompts: Golden Hour + Colours of Sunrise
My for Sunshine & Starlight CC hosted by myself and @violettduchess >:) This time, written in dialogue alone.
Content Warnings: none
“Vivi, where are your shoes?” “It’s ‘Her Majesty, Queen Viva’ for you. And beats me. Ha! Probably at the bottom of the lake, together with our carriage. I don’t need them either way, it’s just a forest now.” “Oh? ‘Her Majesty’? The King doesn’t get any preferential treatment? C’mon, Vivi. Be my sunshine this once. We could have drowned, you know?”
“Vivi, where are your shoes?”
“It’s ‘Her Majesty, Queen Viva’ for you. And beats me. Ha! Probably at the bottom of the lake, together with our carriage. I don’t need them either way, it’s just a forest now.”
“Oh? ‘Her Majesty’? The King doesn’t get any preferential treatment? C’mon, Vivi. Be my sunshine this once. We could have drowned, you know?”
“So what? We haven’t even touched the water… Oh, stop it with that face! Fine, fine, let me think… But nope, no can do. It was a good try, though. Try some more, and who knows, maybe I’ll give you a briiight smile.”
“You’re smiling now.”
“And so do you, so shut it, lion cub.”
“You’re such a weasel.”
“Your Majesty, that’s… That’s… Ahaha, that’s some mighty crowing.”
“Anything for my king, of course. Do you want another round? I can go louder, Leon, I swear I can, just you watch me.”
“Vivi, there’s a —”
“COCK-A-DOODLE-DO! How is —”
“Gotcha. You need to watch where you’re going, there are stray roots everywhere. It’s still dark.”
“Oof, you’re a lifesaver… But you know… I can walk…”
“You really don’t have to carry me.”
“Leon, let me go.”
“Nope. Don’t wanna.”
“Hey, Vivi. You’re awake?”
“Of course I am… now.”
“Good. You’ve been too quiet.”
“Don’t tell me you actually want me to crow again? Haha… But I really could walk on my own. Aren’t you tired?”
“Aren’t you?”
“Pfft, it was fun. How often do you get to play a decoy, right? And if Chevik and Clavek caught our instigators… Then… aaahn… Then all the better. The further away from an uprising we are, the better.”
“Heh. You’re impossible.”
“You like it.”
“I do, my sweetest valiant rooster.”
“Cock-a… doodle...doo…”
“Hey, Leon?”
“Look at me.”
“Your hands are cold.”
“It’s all right… Your eyes look like gold, you know?”
“Your hair does too. If it wasn’t so soft, I’d think it was made from wire.”
“Oh… and the forest too… The dawn must be close.”
“Hey, Leon?”
“Which colour do you like best?”
“Of the sky, I mean. I used to really hate it when it was red – I needed to get up again, or the day was ending too fast… It was always too fast. And you know, I liked watching when the sun was all gold. I would dream about walking up to it and stealing some. Wouldn’t it be easier if I could buy bread for that? Hahaha, come on, stop with those sad eyes!
“The point is, I don’t really hate it now. No, no, it’s not even that. I actually like it. It feels so warm… And it kinda reminds me of you. You really had to pick that red for your cape, eh?”
“I think red is fine, yeah. But blue’s my favourite.”
“Why? I’d never guess.”
“Because when the skies are blue, nothing is obstructing the sun… Although I used to hate that too. But that was a long time ago.”
You've seen a typo? Let me know!
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onejellyfishplease · 1 year
Hi hi!! I have questions regarding snapdonnie (plant boy)
Can he talk? If he can what would it sound like? How would he try to hide this from his brothers if he does? Are your commissions open? Oh I wonder if he would just disappear. I imagine this is sensory hell for him. On top of having to eat bugs. eugh hahahaha I love this! He kinda reminds me of those mushroom zombies (/pos)!! What are your thoughts on him? I would love to hear more about this creature against nature (or with nature now, haha!!) I was originally here for open your wings but I have gotten thoroughly attached to the wacky Donnie fusions. Are you alright if people draw him?? How did you do this?? This is so cool!!! I love all of your Donnie designs but he is most definitely my favorite.
(Feel free to ignore, this turned into just gushing about him)
I was gonna keep going but it was going to get into weird unhinged cult territory really fast, hahaha!!!
Wow! Hi!
I will try to answer all your questions, me and @zeawesomeness were just throwing ideas around for SnapDonnie, so theres quite a bit to talk about!
What does he sound like:
I'd imaging real gurgly when he's like that, but he absolutely hates the sound of his voice, and the fact that most of what he says is muddled. So id say he mostly uses sign language to communicate. while he can still do that
How would he hide it from his brothers:
He would definitely try at the beginning! especially when it starts off as a small growth on his softshell, but eventually the consequences get too big and it gets revealed relatively quickly (at least compared to Open your Shell)
Are my commisions open:
uhhhh, not at the moment, but if there's enough interest in commissions for my art (which would be amazing) then i would be open to opening them!
Is this sensory hell for him?
Absolutely. especially now that flies are attracted to him. he hates it. his shell is consistently moving and it is hell.
My thoughts on him:
I live this creepy little dude. but now there is a little bit of trepidation with it. because now i want to turn this into a proper au and i need to stop doing this to myself.
More about SnapDonnie!
he was infected with this venus fly trap-like curse (from what I havent figured out yet, either kraang or mystic)
it started as a growth in his shell, which then sprouted those flytraps (which he couldnt hide)
the energy needed for the transformations makes Donnie ravenous, and the more he eats, the faster he turns. this is the part where his family find out.
yes he was compelled into eating raw (kinda rancid) meat.
they find out that this infection will continue until Donnie is fully turned into a carnivorous plant.
at the end of the transformation, Donnies face would split open and the single flower would bloom.
Small teeth-like spines are growing down the middle of Donnies face.
Donnie has to balance, starving himself without rotting/wilting (bc yes he does that now), while not eating too much that the transformation continues at too fast a pace.
it doesnt help that sometimes he goes feral (and his face does the splitty open thing), and attacks and tries to eat anything in his path. including his family. Ah yes. Angst.
so they need to figure out how to help Donnie before they loose him forever.
Okay I think Im done with ranting lol.
Can you draw him?
ABSOLUTELY!! please tag me if you do! in fact I am completely on board with you drawing anything from my aus! I love receiving fanart!
I think thats all the questions answered! I love asks like this lol, theyre always so fun!
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otomiyaa · 10 months
Profile Tag Game 💕
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Hello - Lol hi I'm Ginny and this is a fun something I was about to do on my previous blog, and I remembered it! So I decided to still do it here. It's a random self introduction based on genshin impact character profiles! Maybe even a better fit for me to do it on this new account.
Chat: Tickling - I may have said this before, but I am a very bad tickler. In fact, I can barely remember tickling anyone properly so far in my life. I've done some quick pokes and scribbles, but I just can't go much further than that. Everything I wrote in my fics and hcs is just pure creativity and imagination. Not experience.
When It Rains - I get all cozy when I'm indoors and it's raining, like right now! But when I have to go out, it can make me frown and whine a lot.
When It Snows - I hope I don't fall down... I've got quite a number of experiences already, of slipping and falling in the snow.
Good Night - It's almost 1 AM. I should probably go to sleep. Ah, I'm too wide awake at night these days. And too tired during mornings hahaha.
About Me: Language - I speak Dutch, English, and Japanese and in all languages I sometimes struggle with formality levels at work. Especially when Japanese people call me by my first name without 'san', I am like..!!!! It's always a challenge to find the perfect balance of not being too impolite, and not being too formal and distant. I get the feeling I worry more about language and formality aspects than others.
Something to Share: Subscriptions - I've actually got way too many subscriptions running - Cinema, Spotify, Netflix, HBO Max, Amazon Prime, Disney+, Nintendo Switch Online, and Just Dance+. I kinda pay too much for things I don't always need, but I do need them a little and can't get myself to cancel any, even when they shamelessly increase their prices. Does it make me a money disaster? Hm.
My Hobbies: Journaling - My friends and I all have bullet journals and working on those while chatting and listening to some music is one of the most calming and satisfying things in life for me.
My Troubles - Needing a new laptop so I can play games like The Sims and Honkai Star Rail, but my current laptop isn't so old yet. Also, the Taylor Swift store doesn't ship to the Netherlands, I cry.
Favorite Food - Sushi, bibimbab, spaghetti with meatballs.
Least Favorite Food - Cheese.
About @ticklygiggles - On June 16, 2016, Mia sent me a message on Tumblr, starting a conversation. I messaged her back, and from that moment on we just... talked daily, grew closer and closer, watched anime together, wrote fics together, called and sent voice messages, and last month for the first time we FINALLY were able to play genshin together (Mia made a new acc because we weren't on the same server, huhu dedication girl). We did the Heart Island thing in Mia's world.
About @ragewerthers - We talked about it recently but our friendship started so smoothly and sudden. I was reminded it was because of Ragewerthers getting randomly shadowbanned on Tumblr, as well as our mutual interest in the soccer anime Days, Final Fantasy XV and Minecraft.
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Tagging some fellow genshin fans @ticklygiggles @wertzunge @lovelynim @shy-lee-chu @eliankrios @xsezzie @kusuguricafe @fuckparty and ofc anyone else who would like to do it:) Feel free to add more / use other lines or do literal voice-overs! I'll stick to just text hehe.
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ga-yuu · 8 months
Pregnancy stories - When Yoshino was pregnant with Izumi
Few days before Izumi was born...
Yoshino: "So...?"
Kurama: *touching her belly* "Ah. Baby feels healthy."
Yoshino: "Really! Thank god!....*rubs her belly* I can't wait to meet you."
Kurama: "You look happier than before."
Yoshino: "Of course I am. It's my first being a mom. I wonder how it's going to feel like. I'm really looking forward to it."
Kurama: "I see."
Yoshino: "Also thank you Kurama. You and all the Rebel members have been taking good care of me for the past 9 months. Thank you." *kisses his cheek*
Kurama: "For handling all your mood swings, I deserve more than a kiss on the cheek."
Yoshino: "Mm...." *kisses his lips*
Kurama: "Still...I don't understand, why those guys are excited more than me. I'm the father of the baby, yet they all are acting like it's their baby."
Yoshino: "Fufu...they're just excited about the fact that they're going to be uncles."
Yoshino: *looks at her belly* "You're so lucky. You're going to have some many people who's going to love you."
Kurama: "..........."
Kurama: "Yoshino."
Yoshino: "Hm?"
Kurama: "Why.....do you look so beautiful today?"
Yoshino: *blushing*
They both move close to kiss each other.
Yoichi: "Dinner's ready!"
Kurama and Yoshino: "Ah!" *moves away*
Sueharu: "I hope we didn't interrupt you guys."
Kurama: *glares*
Benkei: "Looks like we did."
Yoshitsune: "Yoshino, how are you feeling?"
Yoshino: "I'm doing fine Yoshitsune-sama, thank you."
Benkei: "Today, I made you your favorite Yoshino. Can you eat? Tell me if you need anything else."
Yoshino: "No no no. It's fine. I already feel bad for harassing you all with my mood swings for the past 9 months."
Yoshitsune: "Don't worry about that. We understand how hard it is for a woman who is going through this phase."
Sueharu: "That was really an experience. But it was fun."
Yoichi: "Yeah, we got to see so many fun things. Especially, angry Yoshino."
Yoshino: *blushing* "Please don't remind me that..."
Yoichi: "Do you remember that day, when Kurama asked Yoshino to peel oranges for him? And Yoshino was like 'You lazy-ass, do it yourself! How about for once, take ownership for what you did to me and feed me oranges!' "
Yoshino: *blushing* "Hey, I didn't go that far."
Kurama: "Yeah you did."
Yoshino: "Kurama!" *blushing*
Sueharu: "Yeah. And Kurama never asked again. From then on, he was the one feeding Yoshino oranges."
Kurama: "Because the doctor told me that Yoshino's body was weak and she needed a lot of food to stay healthy."
Benkei: "Yeah, and you were only feeding her oranges. "
Kurama: "What's wrong with oranges?"
Benkei: *sighs* "Nothing, but she needed to have more healthy food to survive the labor."
Yoshitsune: "Yes. That's why I also helped Kurama to make rice cakes."
Yoichi: "Yeah and you two burned the entire kitchen."
Kurama: "I thought if I increased the flames, it would cook fast."
Yoshitsune: "I'm sorry Benkei.....I made a mess."
Benkei: "It's fine Yoshitsune-sama! You were only trying to help."
Yoichi: "Hey that's so unfair! Why is Yoshitsune-sama forgiven so easily while I and Sueharu was punished to clean the entire kitchen?"
Sueharu: "Yeah, that's unfair."
Benkei: "Because when you two were cooking, you burned the rice so much that it was stuck to the pot. Do you know how annoying it is to clean?"
Kurama: *picks up the Yoshino's dinner and starts feeding her*
Yoshino: "Ah! Kurama, it's fine. I can eat myself now."
Kurama: *glares* "Don't tell me what to do. Now, open your mouth."
Yoshino: "Aaahh...Mmph...Mm...This is actually yummy."
Benkei: "Isn't it? We all made it together for you."
Yoshino: *angelic smile* "Thank you, everyone."
Yoshino finishes her food.
Kurama: "Here have this orange."
Yoshino: "No, Kurama. I think I'm full----!!"
Everyone: "!?"
Yoshino: "Ah!"
Kurama: "What's wrong!? Is the baby coming out!?"
Yoshino: "It kicked."
Everyone: "!!"
Yoshino: "It kicked! The baby just kicked!!"
Yoichi: "Hahaha...looks like the baby really wants oranges."
Benkei: "Oh my god, is there going to be another Kurama who's only going to eat oranges for the rest of their life?"
Yoshitsune: "I guess so." *smiles*
Sueharu: "I wonder if it's going to be a boy or a girl. I'm curious."
Yoichi: "I bet it's girl. It would be cute to see a junior Yoshino running around here."
Sueharu: "Yep! I can't wait to bring her so many cute dresses to wear."
Benkei: "And cook her so many delicious food."
Yoshitsune: "And play with her."
Yoshino: "Fufu...you all are excited even more now. Kurama what do you think? Is it going to be a boy or a girl?"
Kurama: "Does the gender matter?"
Yoshino: "No...but it wouldn't hurt to take a guess, right?"
Kurama: "............" *closes his eyes*
Everyone else: *waits eagerly*
Yoshino: "Kurama?"
Kurama: "......I think it's a boy."
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onelittlemac · 3 months
Whoa! I got tagged by my mutual to participate in this little game! @simsofstrawberryhill Thank you so much, Vicky! 💚🍓This is a fun way to learn more about one another! I really appreciate you including me! 🥰
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1. my lockscreen (exposing myself as a swiftie lol, but my anxiety has been crippling the last few years and this lock screen was my reminder not to let it get in the way of joy - it's how I ended up with the courage to make this blog! So, make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it! You've got no reason to be afraid)
2. last song I listened to (I've been making playlists for my sims lately, and this is a song on a playlist for a sim that is somewhat based on me...it's for windslar's MBTI Legacy Challenge, but it's not ready yet. I was born in the 90s and am from Canada/Turtle Island, so I love me some Alannis!!)
3. last photo I took (I didn't take this photo, but it's the last one in my camera roll. My cousin just had a baby and they named him after my dad who just passed away in April. Baby's middle name is "Mack" which is what people called my dad. And I like to think the "K" on the end is for me hahaha! I cannot wait to meet him!)
4. last film I watched (I've not been watching movies, but I've been watching anything and everything on Dropout.tv! Especially this latest season of Dimension 20, Never Stop Blowing Up!)
I don't have many other mutuals, but I'll tag @growing-up-crumplebottom @seniorpollinationtechnician @stella-romano and my IRL friends @teejzr and @cvntygobbo
(please feel free to ignore this if you don‘t want to do it 🩷)
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candiid-caniine · 1 year
I wish I was you like, I want to be a denied edgetoy that has no chance to ever ever cum and is below everything and is just a thing, you have the greatest life T-T being able to be used by so many people and never escaping the humiliation of everyone knowing what you are,,, fuck,,, goals
Like it's been a while since I last came and I'm so horny but also everyone around me still sees me as a person, I want to be a nothing just like you 😵‍💫
aww honey 💕 first of all I gotta love the backhanded compliment "I want to be a nothing just like you," like believe me when I say that's hella validating lmao
second of all...I have to say, wanting it is usually a first sign that you're becoming it, in my experience hahaha. let's put it this way: live ur dreams. they may evolve, you may find you want to be a weekend toy at a kink club, or a pet owned by one person or shared, or someone like me with an irl owner and a side blog to slut it up! I was very shy at first and tbh I still am,, I think that tends to just make me more fun to play with, but the point is if you decide to start a blog or pursue your dream in other ways, you are worthy.
yea that's right I get self esteem from this shit! it's not about tearing myself down tho it may look like it. I started from the premise that I was worth the kind of attention I get, that I was worth being played with, and I think that'd the only healthy way to do it. don't start this journey bc you are using it as a way to hurt yourself. the only way you can be good to other ppl, and enforce boundaries so they'll be good to you, is if you start it from a place of love. you're worthy of being called the names that turn you on and egged on to do the things that make you feel good, point blank period, and worthy of discarding the names and actions and people who do not do so.
what I'm saying is, my life feeds me. I'm beyond happy that it fuels others' fantasies and imaginations, but especially with all these newer denial enthusiasts in my ask box, I want to take a time out and say that YOU are number one. it doesn't matter if you like being degraded or humiliated, you do matter, and in a casual kink environment like this where, I'll admit, I've gone through a lot of bad shit with people when we try to go personal and get more close, you HAVE to hold that shit true in your heart. do not do it without adequate safeguards, by which I mean aftercare, boundaries, the block button, and an equal or greater dose of validation and support outside the scene.
I understand this may spoil the mood for anyone scrolling with their hand down their pants - but I'm not sorry; in a scene I've found contains plenty of manipulative, selfish, predatory, and abusive folks, I wanna remind people newer to the scene that safety is key. there are a lot of good people here, but whether or not others will be good to you, you must be good to yourself, because if you can, you will ALWAYS have that! and if you're good to yourself, it's that much easier to tell who's being good to you and who isn't 💕
play safe, babies.
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trashpandacraft · 1 year
tour de fleece (crash)
ok, so the tour de fleece ended, and i...did not do so great. i did really well for the first bit, and then we went to sheep and wool. and sheep and wool was amazing and delightful and i had an amazing time, but also: i'm disabled, and the crash from putting out that much energy was, uh, intense. i basically couldn't do anything for a week, and even spinning on my eel wheel in bed was too much to manage.
so i didn't. i picked up over the weekend, the last two days of the tour, and (very slowly) managed to spin some lovely rambouillet that i think will stay a singles—we'll see what it looks like after it's had a week to chill out on the bobbin.
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(yeah, there's a couple little pigtaily bits, but (1) i literally finished the spin about thirty seconds before taking this photo, and (2) i prefer to spin at very low tension for most things, so it doesn't always wind on evenly. i suspect they'll go away.)
i'm not thrilled about how this ended for me, but when i made my tour de fleece plans, we hadn't decided to go to bendigo yet, so they were sort of overly ambitious. i also, uh, thought that the tour de fleece ran the entirety of july, and not just the first three weeks? so i thought that i had more time that i did, right until i started seeing people posting about the final stretch and went WAIT WHAT?
goals (link to original) and how they went:
spin a chunky yarn. i absolutely did not do this, and didn't even really think about it. i may just...keep not doing it. i still don't enjoy chunky yarns. maybe that's fine.
spin a singles yarn. see above! this one actually worked out ok, i think. i'm pretty sure it's going to stay a singles, and at minimum, it could stay a singles if i wanted it to.
spin some sock yarn. i didn't expect to finish this in july, but actually, yes i did! unwashed, it's about 25 wpi, which i'm pleased with. (it'll puff up some, but it's fairly firm, so i think not a ton.) unfortunately, i once again succumbed to the fallacy that i knit socks from 100g of commercial yarn, so 100g of fibre should be plenty for socks! it. is not. i think that washed up, i'll have about 225m, which might be enough for like, ankle socks. i'm gonna try, anyhow, but next time i say the words 'spinning for socks', someone please remind me that i want to spin at least 150g.
spin a breed i've never spun before. not a breed, and not much of it, but i actually did spin some bamboo fibre this month, and that's the first time i spun it and it wasn't a blend, so i think that counts.
spin this chunk of polwarth i dyed a few weeks back and am desperate to get my hands into. this was a just-for-fun addition that i absolutely did not get to, and am mad about. it's probably what i'm spinning next.
dye some wool in colours i don't usually use—the red-orange-yellow end of things. this was meant to be my second dye of the month, but didn't happen—the spin above is from fibre i dyed a couple years ago. i think it'll still happen in the near future, as my kid picked up a spindle at sheep and wool, and they fuckin love orange.
dye something brightly coloured. this one happened! i dyed some grey and white merino into a vivid purple. i'm thinking about blending in a little silk and sparkle.
make 20 rolags with hand cards. hahaha ha hahahaha no. i think i made four. the rolags will continue until the rolags improve, but i did not meet this goal even a little
stretch goals:
spin a four ply. surprisingly, yes! the sock yarn mentioned above is four ply, and i'm pretty pleased with it. i would, obviously, be more pleased if i'd remembered the whole density issue, but it's a very consistent four-ply sock weight, so i'm calling it a win.
spin a textured yarn. i did not do this. maybe later? maybe not, honestly. i feel like i should like textured yarns and chunky yarns and art yarns, but in my heart, i just don't. i'm impressed when other people make them, but maybe that's not reason enough to make them myself.
ok, spelling it all out like that makes me feel a little less bad. at no point did i say that i couldn't combine goals, so i achieved exactly half of those things. which isn't great, but isn't as bad as i thought. maybe next year i'll remember that 'do things you don't enjoy' doesn't really make for fun challenges for yourself, too.
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woodstoneb-b · 7 months
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So another day dawns at Woodstone! And here are two of our heroes getting down to the business of reading.
Hetty: Is that sarcasm I detect? As ghosts we're unable to turn pages of books, I am truly jealous of these... pixels?
Alberta: That reminds me...Sam has the new People come in?
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Thor: Thor far prefers the moving picture box, a whole world is contained in there -
Sass: The fact you can't actually read has nothing to do with that -
Thor: Also plenty of attractive people, removing clothes because of increasing temperature.
Sass: Actually...television may be a far better use of one's time...
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Isaac: Well, I for one am far more partial to the written word than the trivial tales of man versus temperature. I imagine I'm reacquainting myself with the plays of Shakespeare or one of the great poets.
It was actually a children's book about rocket.
Isaac: Well, one must start somewhere.
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Hetty: I must say, this is quite a faithfully recreation of my beloved family home.
Thanks, Hetty. By the way, to all our readers if you come to stay at our fine B&B you'll find my discerning eye in all dishes, which are all prepared on site.
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Hetty: Well, once again I'm impressed by the accuracy of these little pixels.. Isaac and I often discuss the nature of death...
Isaac: It's spectre does tend to haunt us...
Right, yeah...haunts you.
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Meanwhile here's No-Pants showing his amazing *heh* dart skills.
Trevor: Hey! I haven't played in 20 years, I'd like to see you do better.
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Flower: Gee, Thor, I didn't think this show of yours was so literal.
Sass: No, Flower, this is Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares.
Thor: Thor often have nightmares involving flames...
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Thor: Wait, what is this?! Who is this hairy man that has captured my Flower's attention?! I will rip his head from his body and -
Woooah, OK, let's settle down, it's just a game, Thor.
Flower: Yeah, although...I like the furriness -
No, no, let's move right on.
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Hetty: Hmm, Isaac and I usually have a pondering sessions in the Upstairs Den, but I think this location is far better.
Uh, no, the Library of Woodstone is for use of guests, at least in the daytime.
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Yikes, whoa...what is this all about?
Hetty: I imagine Pixel me is realising that the life of a ghost awaits her and is suitably distressed by this.
Right...uh...well, in the real B&B, there's no screaming in the night.
Alberta: Well, not screaming, but -
There's no disturbing noises at all in this place, I promise you.
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Er, this is an interesting development...No-Pants and the Lady of the House talking?
Trevor: Hey, we've got heaps in common!
Hetty: That's true, we both partook in the magical medicine known as coca-
COCOA, yep, hot cocoa is another speciality here at Woodstone B&B, we purchase it fresh from the local market in the nearby town. You can request it be brought to your room every morning.
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Hetty: Oh, the portable telephone device! I can't believe Pixel Trevor has one of his very own!
Actually, in this game, you all -
Trevor: Shut up and let me have this, bro.
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We also have this fine lake on our property (where there's absolutely nothing like a dead body submerged in it or anything like that)
Thor: But does it have cod? Thor would be very happy to find out!
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Alberta: Well, when I was alive I had to wash my clothing myself, and not with these new-timey automatic washing machines, so I won't even complain about doing it.
Flower: Besides! Washing Machines are fun.
DON'T continue that sentence, please.
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Hahaha this is just hilarious!
Hetty: Excuse me! The Lady of the Manor should not be shown in such manner, even in pixelated form.
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Now, usually the well-stocked and appointed kitchen of Woodstone is the domain of yours truly, but here in the game, our heroes are free to use it.
Alberta: Eating something prepared by Flower? Boy, that could end up very interesting, if you know what I mean.
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Sass: Yeah, I know exactly what you mean, Alberta, and I'm not going to risk it.
Flower: Come on, guys, I'm not going to slip weed in your food, I mean unless you want me to.
This is something that will not happen at Woodstone, where all state and federal laws are strictly followed.
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Oh geeze, isn't in bad enough you're No-Pants? You want to be No-Shirt too?
Trevor: Hey, if you've got it...flaunt it ;O)
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Isaac: I have to admit, your confidence in yourself is quite something, Trevor. How exactly did you come by it?
Trevor: Well, you know a lot of it is just natural, but you -
Let's move right on from that.
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Thor: Alberta did not actually do final part of cloth-washing process, drying.
Alberta: Why would I do that when we've got a clean-freak like you to do it?
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Hahahaha, did you get sent to the naughty corner, No-Pants?
Trevor: Hey, my favourite colour is green, so I'm just enjoying the ambience here.
Isaac: He was being extremely annoying and when I told him so, he went off to sulk.
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Thor: By the Mighty Fist of Odin! How does so much clothing accumulate in this game?!
Well, there are 8 of you, and you change clothes at least once a day, so do the maths.
Thor: Thor is not good with numbers.
Speaking of numbers...once again we've reached the maximum photos allowed! Stay tuned to see Thor's continual fight with the laundry and No-Pants refusing to even put a shirt on.
Until next time.
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4townlove · 2 years
Happy New Year from 4⭐Town !!!
Here are some messages from the boys wishing you a happy new year, and from me also, happy new year also. i wish you all the best in the year to come 🫶⭐
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"Bon soir, my little rose~
You have made this year a symphony of spectacular moments, and I only hope I have done the same for you.
The year has at last come to a close, but that doesn't mean this is the end of your great journey.
As one chapter closes, another opens up, and it's up to you to write your story!
As we bloom with the new year, I only wish you all the beauty and delight in the universe. It is all you deserve and more, mon cher~
Happy New Year!
Love from
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"Hey there!
It's been great getting to know you this year. I couldn't have ever thought I'd be as lucky to meet someone like you.
Time really does fly quickly, but that encourages me to make the most of every second we have, together and individually.
We should remember that.... these moments of reflection let us plan ahead, making it a little easier to make tomorrow even more special.
I can't wait to see the new year with you!
Happy New Year!
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Ah~ we're at that time again, the time where we have to watch the doves of this winter fly away into the clear sky. It's... bittersweet, and sometimes sad, but... but it makes me smile anyway because... I know that in one way or another, I'll feel the joy they brought to me in a new way, with new doves or new experiences that remind me of them and inspire me to keep going!
That's what I'm hoping for most... more joy and happiness... e-especially with you!
Happy New Year! I'm so excited to see all the good times we share together!
Much love,
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Hahaha... yeah... it's a bit strange huh? I mean, it feels like only yesterday that we met, only like a few hours ago that we became so close... inseperable almost... BUT knowing I have you at my side only makes me more excited for the new year!!!
I've already got a list of all the fun we're gonna have. and it's gonna be awesome because we'll be together!!!
Here's to the New Year!! HAHA!!! LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See you on the other side!!!!!
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Time's almost up for this year.
We've accomplished so much, had so many experiences, good and bad, but I think the mixture makes it all worth going through.
The new year will be hard sometimes, but it'll be good sometimes too.
I have no doubt you'll do great things. I'm just as hopeful for you as I am for myself so, don't worry ok?
A new year is new beginnings. Let's take it on... together.
Happy New Year x
See you there. Love...
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illbestarryeyedforyou · 8 months
15 (+1) questions tag game - tagged by the ever full of whimsical energy 🩷💫 @bunniexmai 💫🩷
thank you for the tag!! I don't think I can answer these as creative and fun as you especially on mobile, but I'll tryyy
🌲 1. Are you named after anyone?
Actually , yessss, Me and my twin were both each named after our grandparents!! So he, my brother was named after my mother's father, while I was named after my father's dad!!
🌲 2. When was the last time you cried?
Tonight, but it's not because of self pity or anything like that. I mean yes, I'm a little bit sad about my life and am scared of the unknown of it, but I'll be okay 😊😊
I cried because my head hurts so much from my sinuse infection :/
🌲 3. Do you have kids?
No and honestly, I'm slowly accepting and being at peace with never having one in the future. SIGH.
🌲 4. What sports do you play/ have you played?
Oooh, Basketball, American football, football, baseball, and track!! I really want to try ice skating someday!!
🌲 5. Do you use sarcasm?
I'll use this again, What the fuck is sarcasm? Who is sarcasm? No, WHY is sarcasm?
yes, I dooooooo. But only in close friendships or with family because that shit is annoying and rude haha
🌲 6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Like last time, their personalities and demeanor. I really don't really care about appearance unless it's something derogatory? But other than that, I like to keep it to myself, but characteristics are a huge radar for me.
🌲 7. What's your eye color?
Still these sexy, irresistible, and all consuming brown eyes 😌😌
🌲 8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings ALL THE WAY. I will only watch scary movies with my niblings or my future partner. Never by myself.
🌲 9. Any talents?
hahaha, I wishhhh 🫤
🌲 10. Where were you born?
TEXAS, but like the south side by the border!!
🌲 11. What are your hobbies?
Oooooh, reading, drawing, walks, jogs, basketball, gaming, cooking, baking, and visiting random stores like comic book stores, thrift stores, etc!!
🌲 12. Do you have any pets?
I used to have a cat named Ebony and a dog named esperer 💕
I miss them so much.
🌲 13. How tall are you?
5'7 or 5'8
🌲 14. Favorite subject in school?
ELA!! Something about going over about something I just read and trying to dissect it was fun for me!!
🌲 15. Dream job?
Working as an LPC in foster care centers/orphanages, homeless shelters, and retirement homes!!
However, more truthful, any stable financial job in which i can pay my bills, but still have enough for groceries, take out, or treat myself and loved ones to gifts would be enough for me 😊😊😊
🌲 16. BONUS/in place of 10- what reminds you of home (doesn't have to mean house... just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
Hmm, this is a little difficult, but grocery shopping, walks at the park, every time I visit adoration at the chapel, playing soccer or in the playground with my nephews, walking from one place to another without having to rely on anyone to let me down or force to wait for them, music, movies/shows, playing video games - these all help me escape and daydream about feeling safe and cozy. A feeling that I think home would feel like; free, adventurous, grounded, safe, warm, and comfortable.
Did I make sense? I'm half asleep 😅 almost passing in and out!!
Thanks again for the tag!!
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