#and I don't think she'd go along with her husband and both kids all having the initials TTT
You know what I find like intensely bewildering about the FOP fandom.
Is the fact that somehow it's still a debate among people about whether the kids in the Channel Chasers flash forward, Tammy and Tommy, are Timmy's kids with Trixie or Tootie.
Like they're very obviously supposed to be Tootie's kids.
Even when I saw Channel Chasers' ending as a literal kid, I instantly clocked the fact that Tootie was the mom and not Trixie, because neither kid looks anything like Trixie, and both have stuff inherited from Tootie.
So I'm putting this debate to bed right now.
The girl looks essentially like a mix of Tootie and Timmy's design (with long-ish hair that's down), while the boy is just Timmy with black hair and Tootie's nose and skin tone.
[What Tootie's skin tone was at the time Channel Chasers came out.
The show runners change the saturation of the show like 3 or 4 times over the years, and outright change some character's skin tones at some points.
Wanda for example also originally had lighter pinker skin in the earlier seasons, but it was changed to the same tanner/more orange toned skin as Timmy and Cosmo's.
Tootie however retained the lighter pinker skin, it's just that as they upped the saturation, her skin turned more pink.]
The Twins:
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"But Trixie has black hair and blue eyes too, and the girl is wearing a headband just like Trixie's, so Trixie could still be the mom"-
Trixie is asian. Trixie is asian. Trixie. Is. Asian.
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We can see Tommy's eyes, and we can tell he didn't inherit Trixie's eye shape, even though that would be perfect for making him not look like Timmy with his hair dyed black.
Not to mention neither has Trixie's nose. Or her height. Neither are rocking a turtle neck sweater, or boots.
Neither have Trixie's straight across bangs, the girl doesn't have Trixie's winged little eyelash, she has the same tri-prong eyelashes as Tootie.
Not to mention the girl twin's styling. She wears a plaid skirt and glasses just like Tootie's.
Sure she's got a pink headband instead of high pigtails like Tootie, but you know what other female character wears a pink headband?
Both Timantha and Timeena (only showed up in the comics, and is also a fairy), Timmy literally as a girl, wear pink headbands:
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"What about the fact that Tootie has braces and Tammy doesn't?"
Tammy doesn't have any kind of tooth division at all, not even one showing where her top and bottom teeth separate in a lot of her scenes.
Even if the kids aren't a total one to one match with Tootie, they still look far far more like Tootie's kids than they do Trixie's.
Like even if the mom of Tammy and Tommy are someday confirmed to officially not be Tootie (which I doubt they'll ever do), I still wouldn't believe it's Trixie over just someone who looks pretty similar to Tootie and has a lot of the same features as Tootie.
As I've gotten older I've just become convinced that the people who honestly believe that Tommy and Tammy's mom is Trixie have just always been hardcore Timmy/Trixie shippers, and just didn't want to believe Timmy ended up with Tootie.
Which is fair. I don't want Timmy marrying into Vicky's family, or to Tootie at all. Girl has no boundaries, and is part of the worst possible family situation to marry into.
Considering A New Wish shows that Vicky hasn't changed at all in 20 years.
Also I know the show runners say that they have some traits of Trixie also thrown in to the kids to make it ambiguous who their mom is, but like where?
They don't have her eye shape, her eye color (they don't have Tootie or Timmy's eye colors either), her eyes being wide set (compared to Timmy and a lot of other characters), her nose, her height, her bangs, her eye lashes, her fashion sense, her straight hair.
They have literally nothing from Trixie, on either of the kid's designs.
Other than the fact that the girl wears pink and white, and a headband. But that's also just the color pallet of Tootie & Timmy combined (or just Timantha's), and all of Timmy's girl versions also wear some kind of headband.
They 100% designed Tommy and Tammy to be Timmy & Tootie's kids, and then decided that the mother was "intended to be ambiguous" when Timmy/Trixie shippers decided to head canon Trixie as the mom because we never see the mom or have her name dropped.
Because shipping drama fuels fandom interaction, which fuels ratings, and they didn't want to alienate the Timmy/Trixie part of the fandom by confirming Timmy/Tootie was endgame.
Though they tossed the idea of it being ambiguous who Timmy ends up with out the window in the live action trilogy and just made Tootie the end game of that canon.
So yeah, I've always thought Tootie was Tammy and Tommy's mom, but here's all my proof and reasoning.
Which as someone who did ship Timmy/Trixie as a kid, you could imagine that seeing Timmy's future kids look like Tootie and my main ship for the show wasn't endgame was kind of upsetting.
I could ramble on about the reasons why Tommy and Tammy are obviously Tootie's kids and not Trixie's for a whole lot longer. And the fact that they show up on Trixie's family tree on the wiki but not Tootie's, even though it's canonically supposed to be unconfirmed either way, irks me to no end.
But I'm going to cap this post right here. Maybe I'll bust out my punnet squares, and show why I think Tommy and Tammy being Trixie's is genetically impossible, some other time but I've thought about this too much today. But that day isn't today.
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jgracie · 3 months
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౨ৎ luke castellan x fem!reader | mentions of having kids
"baby, in the nicest way possible, i don't think your cousin's one year old child is going to care if you got her the pink dress with the bunny on it instead of the purple one." luke said, his arms getting tired from holding the two hangers up for you to compare
your brows furrowed at his comment - your cousin had done so much for you over the years, with you being a demigod and all, and you loved her daughter to bits, so it was only natural you wanted to get the perfect gift for her first birthday party next week
crossing your arms over your chest and narrowing your eyes at luke, you said, "you don't know that! maybe she doesn't even like bunnies or pink or purple and she'll hate the whole gift! how would you feel if a baby opened a gift you got it and it started bawling its eyes out, huh, lukey?"
luke could feel his face turning red at the nickname you sparingly used and you couldn't help but smile, knowing you'd unintentionally won yourself a little more time
and so you stood for another minute or two, critically analysing the almost identical dresses while luke critically analysed your face - dazzling eyes, and a pair of pouted lips he so wanted to make out with. unfortunately, making out wasn't very appropriate behaviour for the baby clothes section of a store (or any section, really)
"i still can't decide," you said, breaking the silence and snapping luke out of his lovestruck daze, which you luckily didn't notice. taking the two dresses from your boyfriend, you held them up for him to see and said, "if this was our kid, which one would you get her?"
luke's jaw dropped open. he hadn't been expecting that question at ten in the morning, or ever. sure, he wanted kids with you, but he was never sure if you wanted the same, his doubts about being a good dad clouding his judgement
just to confirm his suspicions, with a bright smile on his face, luke asked, "you wanna have kids with me?"
now it was your turn to get shy. you hadn't really thought your choice of scenario through, but you did want to have kids with luke. he was everything a girl could ever ask for and more in both a friendship and a relationship, so it was no wonder you wanted to take that step eventually
still, you couldn't let him get too cocky, "you know i didn't mean it like that, babe, it's just a hypothetical question!" unfortunately for you, luke caught the slight stammer in your voice
"there's a reason you thought of that though! c'mon, i know you do! they'd be really cute, our kids. imagine, a little girl with your eyes and my luscious locks? easily the prettiest at her kindergarten. d'you see the vision?"
you allowed yourself to slip into dreamland for a second. a big beautiful house, maybe on the coast, or with the most gorgeous garden, who knows? luke, your husband luke, carrying a girl who was the perfect mix of the two of you on his hip. he'd tell her all sorts of stories from your lives as demigods and she'd laugh and say something along the lines of, "silly daddy, there's no such thing as an empousa!" because your kids would never be exposed to the same mercilessness and wrath you were, that's for sure
"hello, earth to y/n?" luke said, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. all of a sudden, you were at the clothes store again
trying to calm your now rapidly beating heart, you said, "sorry, did you say something?"
"yeah, i said we're getting the pink one 'cause i'd never let my baby girl walk around looking like an eggplant."
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tiredandoptimistic · 1 month
I want to talk about Caryn Pines for a minute.
We know basically nothing about her, other than her job as a phone psychic. I've honestly always let her fade into the background, but thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com drops a piece of lore that's stuck in my brain: she was the only one to attend Stan's funeral. This tidbit has got me thinking, what was her life like in the years after her sons left? It doesn't seem like she'd have had any contact with Stanley, and yet she still clearly loved him. Did she feel guilty about not speaking up to defend him when Filbrick tossed him out on the street? Did she ever try to reach out, or did she quietly accept that she'd missed her chance? She must have seen his face on TV and his name in the paper, maybe she would have used that to keep track of his travels.
Then there's Ford, the golden boy. Something tells me he wouldn't be too eager to keep in touch with his folks once he left for college, and even less so once he was all the way on the west coast burying himself in research. Would Caryn try to keep a hold on her son, or would it be easier to let him slip away like his brother? Perhaps half of a set is worse than nothing at all.
By the time Stan faked his death, she must have been so incredibly lonely. I don't know if Filbrick was an abusive husband; but judging by the way he treated his kids, I can't imagine it was a happy marriage. Was he even still alive in 1983? Maybe he was, and Caryn insisted on going to the funeral whether or not he came along, standing up for the memory of her son even if she could never defend him in life. If Filbrick was dead though, I wonder if she was able to keep on avoiding that conflict. She could have told herself that of course Filbrick would be there if he was able, it's just tragedy that kept him away.
More than her husband though, I wonder how she felt about her sons. Shermie and Stanford both chose to forget their brother, as far as Caryn knew. Maybe that's to be expected from Shermie, since he couldn't have known Stan well, but how painful it must have been for Caryn to think that Ford was too bitter over the science fair to even support her in her grief. I doubt that Stan would ever try to pass as his brother in front of their mom, so for the rest of her life Caryn probably never saw him again. Just like when they were children, she couldn't have one without the other.
We only know about Caryn through her sons, and so she really only exists in Gravity Falls as a wife and mother. I don't think it's controversial to say that she could have done a better job raising her kids, but despite that, I hope that there was more to her life. I hope she was able to find some happiness and fulfillment as an individual, that she wasn't always stifled by Filbrick and haunted by her boys. She couldn't protect them from the world, but she clearly loved them as best she could, and that has to count for something.
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avatar-anna · 10 months
Just a Taste
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i was feeling inspired and i missed the young dadrry universe. enjoy!
Young Dad! Harry x Young Mom! Reader
"Harry Edward Styles, don't you touch that!"
Harry's hand paused on his way to a mixing bowl filled with royal icing, a guilty look on his face. He really thought he'd been quiet enough to sneak past her. "Come on, Mama. Just a little taste?"
Y/n pinned her husband with a stare until his hand backed away. He went over to where she was rolling out dough with a rolling pin, a mix of holiday themed cookie cutters scattered around her. Flour coated her hands and arms, and a little had found its way to her cheek. Harry quickly wiped it away as he came around, his arms circling around her waist as he kissed the spot her flour had been.
He continued to kiss her until a smile appeared on her face and she finally stopped what she was doing to rest her hands on top of his, which had been Harry's goal, of course. She'd been up before he was to bake cookies, and he was feeling thoroughly ignored.
"Don't think by distracting me you'll get what you want," Y/n said, her eyes fluttering closed as Harry continued to nuzzle her neck.
"Think I want something else now," he murmured. Harry reached beneath her sweater, splaying his fingers along her heated skin. He knew every inch of her by now, each and every place that was the most sensitive and would make her arch into him or sigh contentedly. He wanted to reacquaint himself upstairs while they had time. "Come on. Simone's down for her nap. We can sneak upstairs for a little while."
Y/n all but melted at the promise in his voice, but she held fast. "I have to get this done. I told my parents I would bring cookies to their party."
Ah, there it is, Harry thought.
This was the first time Y/n, Harry, and Simone would be spending Christmas with Y/n's family. For the last couple years they spent the holidays in London with his family, but her parents reached out for a chance to start over and make amends this year. Y/n hadn't wanted to accept, but Harry encouraged her to at least hear them out. It had been years since she'd seen them, and even though things had been rocky when she left home, he thought both her and her family deserved a chance to set things right.
Plus, who would be able to resist Simone? She was the most perfect kid on the planet. It would be impossible not to love her, let alone hold any resentment over her.
"Everything is going to be just fine, my love," Harry promised. "Why don't you tell me what's really going on?"
Harry felt her body slouch as she exhaled a long sigh. Y/n turned in the circle of his arms and came to rest against him. She didn't say anything for a while, just relaxed against him while she gathered her thoughts.
She smelled like cinnamon and sugar, and over the top of her head, he spotted the gingerbread cookies she made earlier cooling on racks on the stove. They were his favorites, and he couldn't wait to get his hands on a couple of the miniature gingerbread men she'd cut the cookies into. Y/n had a knack for baking that really only came out around the holidays. Harry never thought he'd had a sweet tooth, but he had a weak spot for his wife's baked goods, and if his schedule was slow she spoiled him and Simone with all kinds of sweets. It was enough to make him work out for weeks after the holidays.
Before his thoughts got too carried away, Harry looked back at Y/n. He tipped her head up so she had to look him in the eye. He kissed her nose once, then her forehead, then her lips, until a small smile appeared. "Talk to me, Mama."
She sighed again, but this time she spoke. "I just...I want them to know that I'm doing a good job, I want them to know I'm a good mom."
"What? Baby, you're a fantastic mum," Harry said, a frown marring his features. That's what this is about? "You don't need their stamp of approval, Y/n."
"I know, I know. It's just that we're raising Simone so differently to how I grew up, and that's fine she's a great kid," Y/n explained. "I just don't want to give them any ammunition to judge how we're living our lives, you know? Making memories around the holidays were huge for me growing up. Christmas cards, decorating the tree, cookies, matching sweaters, and I—I don't want them to think Simone is growing up without that. I—I know it's stupid, but—"
"It's not stupid if that's how you feel," Harry said, cupping her cheek. His eyes searched hers, trying to decide if there was more that she wasn't saying. He'd become quite good at reading her, and he decided there wasn't. "But I don't think Simone is missing out on anything. Do you?"
Y/n shook her head. "She's happy, right? I know we don't lead the most conventional lifestyle, but she's happy, isn't she?"
"I'd say so. And hey, conventional's overrated. Remember when Niall dressed up as Santa so we could have a family picture? Or when we brought a Christmas tree with us on tour so we could put Simone's presents under it?"
Y/n grinned at the memories. "Or when the boys covered for us so we could sneak out and go to a Christmas market."
"I don't remember that one," Harry said as his brow furrowed.
Stretching up onto her toes, Y/n kissed his cheek. "That's because we never actually made it to the Christmas market."
"That's right! Simone was in Liam's room, and we stayed in, and you were wearing that little red set with the bows—"
Y/n kissed him properly this time, her arms crossing around his neck to bring him closer. His skin was soft and freshly shaven, a preference of Y/n's as she brought her hands to his face, though Harry had been trying to grow a little facial hair during his time off. He probably could've stayed like that all day, but he knew there was work to be done, and Y/n would be upset with herself if her icing went to waste.
"Let's get these cookies done and then head upstairs, hm?" he said even as Y/n began to kiss up and down his neck and his hands slid past her waist.
"Then get your hands off my ass, Styles."
"As soon as you untangle yourself from me, L/n," he said.
When she finally did, Y/n's lips were swollen, and her hair was a little messy. But she looked relaxed, not as tense as she had been when Harry came downstairs.
"Where do you need me?" he asked her, going to the sink to wash his hands before slinging an apron over his neck. "I can help with the baking part. I did work in a bakery, you know."
"Don't get me started," she murmured before offering the rolling pin. "Cookie cutting or decorating?"
"Mm...cutting. And maybe we save some just for us and Simone to do later?"
Y/n's grin was as wide as he'd ever seen it, which practically melted his heart into a puddle of goo at his feet. "Yeah?"
"Course, Mama. Between us, our little tyke is bound to be a baking genius."
Y/n rolled her eyes and swatted him with the towel that had been over her shoulder. They got to work, music playing on speakers, but low enough to hear Simone through the baby monitor if she woke up. Harry stole glances at Y/n as she got to work decorating the gingerbread men. He knew she was nervous, but he was thrilled that everything was starting to fall into place. Harry was home now that the band was on hiatus, Y/n was starting to mend her relationship with her parents, and Simone was about to get everything she asked Santa for and then some. At four years old, she didn't ask for much, but she had lots of uncles who were eager for a reason to shower her with gifts.
To Harry, everything was perfect.
Or, nearly perfect. Once the last batch of cookies were cooling and Y/n had decorated enough gingerbread men to take to her parents' house, Harry hauled her upstairs. "I still have that cute little set that you love so much," she murmured as she hastily pulled off his shirt. Excitement zinged through Harry at the thought, but he was too eager.
"Next time," he promised, falling back against the pillows, decorative ones Y/n had bought the week before.
"How do you want me?" she asked him, crawling to his side to run a hand through his hair. When he didn't respond right away, her brow furrowed. "H? Am I losing you?"
"No, I'm trying to think how much time we have before we're inevitably interrupted," he said.
"And then we have to get ready," Y/n said with a sigh, flopping on the bed next to him so that they were shoulder to shoulder. "Kiss and cuddle?"
Harry grinned. "You read my mind, Mama."
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slasherx · 4 months
Hello again 👋🏽, Congratulations on passing your exam 🎉!!!, and I don't mind you calling me Diablo
Gurl your write Thomas so well like I can't help but ask for more 😌
Can you do just general Sfw or NSFW (or both 👀) head cannon for my man Tommy, I just love that man to much 😍
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Look at this man right here and tell me he isn't a full meal right there
Ah, hello again! Thank you Diablo! I did write some SFW headcanons for Thomas here, but so many people asked for a part two, so I suppose I'll indulge and give the people what they want <3
Content: Thomas Hewitt x gn!Reader
Warnings: This post contains NSFW, so 18+. Minors DNI
Notes: I'm thinking about doing this with Jason...hmm...
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Piggybacking off of this, I feel like Thomas is a huge family man
He would expect kids from you or some form of offspring, like a pet if you can't have or don't want children
Doesn't really care if you don't get along with Katherine (tea lady), or Henrietta. He's not particularly close with either of them, though he was close with Henrietta as kids since they're close in age
I feel like everybody but Thomas knows he's adopted, just nobody says anything. And when they let you in on that secret, don't you dare tell him either
He's definitely the big spoon while cuddling
He also takes his shirt off for bed and just wears old basketball shorts. The heat gets to him during the day and he can't wait to strip for bedtime
Definitely listens to metal music when it becomes a thing, he's a huge metal head. It allows him to vent all of his frustrations in one sitting
I feel like he would take more care of himself once you two get into a relationship. More showers, more brushing of his teeth, etc.
He wants to be squeaky clean for you
Below is for if you can have/want kids
Once you two have children, Henrietta is going to be super jealous. Not because she wants your man (ew, thats her cousin), but because SHE wants kids
She'd offer to help watch them if you and Thomas ever need some time alone, but you often entrust your children to Luda Mae
Tommy is SUPER excited to be a dad. He thought for a long time that he would never become a father, and that saddened him. He needed to continue the Hewitt bloodline, since Hoyt and Monty pretty much had no interest doing so
He would also be afraid that they would come out looking like him
He'd sew them all kinds of clothing, especially as they grow older
Let's say you have one boy and one girl - he would sew shirts and pants for the boy and dresses for the girl
But once they grow older and develop themselves a little more, he can sew clothes to their liking, no matter what Hoyt or Monty say
I don't see him using physical discipline like his family did growing up. He would probably consider it since it's all he knows, but once you start buying parenting books and he reads through a few of them, he realizes there's more ways to parent
When the actual babies are born/adopted, he has no idea what to do, and admittedly neither do you. All those parenting books did not prepare you in the slightest
But he knows one thing is for sure, he loves you and he loves the babies you created/adopted together, so he's going to try his hardest to be the best husband and father out there
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Definitely a dom at first, but the more comfortable he gets with sex the more he'll become a switch
LOOOOVES when you suck him off
Will fuck your throat all day if he had the chance, just be careful of your teeth if he ever takes over. He likes to move a lot
He loves having his hand in your hair, it makes him feel in control, and when he's not in control? Your hand in his hair. He will grab your hand and move it to his hair for you to grab
The sexiest thing he can do (if you like his hands) is when he grips surfaces hard, and you can see his veins pop out. Oh how you wish they were around your throat, or on your chest, or anywhere else you like them on you
Doesn't like giving oral as much as he likes receiving. But make no mistake, that doesn't mean he's a selfish lover. No, it's the opposite
Thomas always makes sure you cum at least once before he cums, or at least cum with him. He doesn't like it if you edge yourself but make him cum, or just make him cum first in general
Which was why he didn't understand in the beginning, how you were lasting so much longer than him. But soon he built stamina and could match you
I feel like Tommy would have a pregnancy kink, and a breeding kink. He loves stuffing you full of his cum at any chance he gets, even going so far as to go multiple rounds in a night
There was even a time where he went on and on before you finally cried and begged for him to stop, your hole was so raw
His favorite positions are one where he can see your face, but he's not opposed to fucking you hard in doggy
Speaking of hard, he's going to be gentle with you in the beginning of your sex life. But once he gets more accustomed to it, he'll go harder for you, if you wish
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Here's my masterlist, in case you like what you see and want to request more!
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celabi · 2 years
Hi Maggie!!!
So I apologize for the long post and cringy cliche topic but...
I was just thinking..  what if Scaras mom, ei, tends to babysit sometimes...
Perhaps it's a neighbour's kid or Scaras baby cousins or something but it always seems like scara wants nothing to do with them and tends to just slam his door closed when his mom asks for help.
Now just imagine one day, scummy scara finally got his darling to come over to his house once again, to maybe just chill, play games, watch movies and hopefully kiss...perhaps more than that too.
He is feeling so giddy, and confident that his plans to get to that point are full proof as he'd been secretly practicing for this day with his doll...
So imagine his smile fading as he is about to open the door but ei beats him to it, dressed up professionally and looking ready to go to work.
"Oh I'm glad your here, listen I have an important meeting in person, so I need you to look after the neighbour's kids/cousins"
Before he could complain she ran out and drove off leaving the two, to turn around only to be faces with said kids.
Imagine that the darling is actually fond of kids. Her motherly mode is turned on and she easily takes care of them, while getting along with them as well.
Scara is in awe of his darling. He knew she'd be great mother one day but actually seeing her in action really made his heart skip a beat while heat rushed to his face and even down there--- *slap*
Of course this feeds into his fantasy of a domestic life with his darling. His fantasy of making a family with her while enjoying the idea of the process of making babies.
Okay, now he is determined to show his darling that he is good with kids and can be a good father, as well as husband material for her.
So imagine as he tries to smile at the kids ( it's creepy cause he isn't use to it), cooing them to come to him as he brings a hand out for them to take, only for them to slap it away and run over to darling , hugging them and telling her that they don't wanna go him.
It irks him but can you blame them? After all, Scara wasn't someone who really interacted with them and when he did he was chasing them away and constantly yelling at them to stay out of his room. Which usually led to them crying to ei and her scolding him to be nicer.
Of course he didn't listen, shrugging off what she said. However, he'd come to regret it later since the kids figured out his weakness. A weakness they tended to use to get revenge...
Fast forward and Scara is livid at the fact that he can't seem get any time to spend with his darling as the kids are constantly taking all her attention away.
Either they were hungry, wanting her to play with them, look at the drawing they made of of them and her (scara is in the picture but he is underground like that one meme) or whatever! She barely paid any notice to him!
At some point he swore he saw them smirk but later it was confirmed that they were mocking him when she picked them up, hugging them cause they accidently fell and started crying. He  watched them pull their eye while sticking out their tongue as she soothingly rubbed their back.
Oh but if you thought that taking her attention away was bad, haha then your wrong. They were also constantly trying to bring out the worst of him, the side he usually showed to them and make him look incapable of being that ideal person he wanted to be in darlings eyes.
Now imagine his relief when they (she actually) eventually got the kids to sleep, tucking them in and closing the door behind them.
Oh, how Scara was mentally fisting the air, cheering that finally he was able to get his darling all to himself!
Now since he couldn't act out his original plan due to time, he had to skip some parts and head straight to the movie idea since they were both quite exhausted ( him especially as they nearly managed to get him to slip up a couple of times) and what better way to relax than to just watch a movie?
Shyly he asks if darling is up for a movie and after the confirmation, he jumped up and got ready, bringing all the snacks she enjoyed just for this day, before turning on the TV.
The movie choice was a thriller, and inspired by that one ask from anon  where the reader thinks he is frightened for the movie, she decides to comfort him, bringing him closer so he could rest on her, causing him to malfunction from this.
Skip and the movie has ended.
Reader is now stretching while expressing how amazing the show was while scara just agrees, unknowingly to the reader that he was not watching the movie at all, but focusing on how soft she was when she held him.
Oh but how his face lit up when he saw some crumbs on the readers face.
Perfect he thought. Just as he planned when he decided to buy some crumbly cookies for them.
Not wanting to miss the opportunity, he brings his hands up to readers face, cupping it while his thumb swiped away whatever was on it.
He says something along the lines "you had something on your face" but the way he stutters it out and how he was blushing furiously, made him wanna  kick himself. Though on the contrary, reader found it cute as she giggles, bringing her hand up to hold his hand that's cupping her face.
Now Imagine the two having a moment, Scara's awaited moment finally coming to reality when their faces were coming closer and closer,
so close that he nearly---
"What are you two doing?"
Startling the two and pulling back, reader is blushing profusely while scara is cursing at the timing.
Scara sighed in relief and disappointment when the day finally came to an end. The kids parents show up, thanking the two for looking after them before leaving. At the same time, Ei happened to arrive home too, which meant that there was really no alone time with reader.
How frustrating...
Ei offers reader a lift home as it's late and she was aware of readers curfew. So when she agrees, scara is bouncing to the car, opening the door for her and all.
Sadly though, he has to sit in the backseat while reader and his mom are chatting happily away.
Eventually they make it to readers house, Scara quickly gets out of the car to walk her to her door.
"I had a fun day"
She says smiling when they made it to the front door. Scara could only agree to her face, trying to smile but it came out forced as he thought of what a bitter day it was for him, and how he wasn't really able to accomplish his goals.
But then again.. if he thought about it...it wasn't all that bad... i mean, he did get to see a new side to her , a nurturing side, one that might have caused his obsession with her to grow... but he also was able to be comforted by her, so in all honesty it was progress.
Too bad he didn't get that kiss...
"Oh, I almost forgot something"
She says turning towards him, making him confused and nervous as he wondered if she noticed that he stole some of her stuff while she was distracted with the kids.
But no.
Instead she smiled at him, coming closer before pulling him down, her lips reaching up to meet his.
To say he was shocked was an understatement, as he was completely thrown off guard, so much so that he forgot that he was to kiss back.
When she pulled away, she chuckled at his beet red face and wide eyes.
"See you monday at campus"
She says, waving before opening her door and entering her home still leaving a dumbfounded scara.
When he finally came to it, he may or may not have punched the air, silently screaming and jumping in victory. Basically being a total weirdo outside her home.
Again I apologize but I tend to have a soft spot for pathetic guys trying to shoot their shot but ending up getting blocked.
Especially if they like scummy scara ໒꒰ྀི⸝⸝. .⸝⸝꒱ྀིა  
OH MY GOODNESS 🥺 just just just him falling even more in love when he sees you getting along with children. When he sees you taking care of a little child, he swears his heart is going to explode from all the cuteness you’re radiating. And I can imagine him literally dreaming about marrying and having kids with you, even going far as to plan it all out before he’s even started dating you.
PLEASE and the kiss at the end? I bet when he got home he beat himself up over not kissing back, like, that’s a one in a lifetime opportunity (for him) and he missed it— making a fool out of himself in the process. Wahh so embarrassing…
Also i imagine Ei watching from the car and giggling at the sight of her looser son melting into a puddle of goo on his darlings door step 😭 she probably thinks about finally having the ‘talk’ with him that she put off for so long— but doesn’t know that he is literally the definition of ‘freak’. Anyways, scara tells his mom to shut up when he gets back in the car, cause she already has that knowing smile on.
This is not cringy or clique at all!! I live for cute stuff like this omg 🥺 I really wanna write scummy scara when he’s settled down and had kids with reader 😭
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japhan2024 · 5 days
Anthony's Day prompt: Anthony/Amanda/Ian where in Ian realizes he likes both Amanda and Anthony because they look like each other.
Your kiss is on my list
Read on AO3
Words: 1.485
Inspired by this song
Amanda is over at Ian's place because she promised during lunch she'd watch The Pianist with him. This is why people don't sit next to Ian. He will convince them to suffer through extremely depressing war movies while he probably enjoys it.
It's quite inappropriate too, being over, alone, at her - very handsome - boss's home, at night. She texted her husband she was working overtime. Which is so much worse. She is contemplating submitting this situation to r/aita.
But Ian snaps her out of it.
"Hey, Amanda, you looked really serious right there, are you okay? Do you want something to drink? To smoke, maybe?"
The problem is Amanda really wants to relax. Should she, though? She usually struggles to contain her feelings and impulses as it is...
"Ooh! Do you have a vodka martini?" She says it with her signature wide eyed, Kramer-esque demeanor.
Ian smiles closed-mouthed and scuttles to his kitchen. "A classic drink for a classy lady," he jokes.
Amanda's mind is racing. "Is this okay? It's okay, right? It's a bit weird but then again, everything at Smosh is always weird. Nobody not working here could understand..."
"Mister Hecox," she involuntarily goes along with the bit. She can't help that she is such a great improv actress. "I didn't expect anything less from a Renaissance man like yourself."
"Renaissance man?" Ian scoffs, returning to the living room, handing Amanda her drink.
"I don't know, I'm just trying not to freak out! Aa! I'm watching a movie with Ian! I've wanted to see your house for a while now, you really got a nice place here!"
She puts down her empty glass in the window sill.
"Am I such a terrible person to watch a movie with?" Ian asks, still smiling. But then he suddenly pouts a bit. "I probably am, aren't I? Do I make you uncomfortable, Amanda?"
Seeing Ian vulnerable like this destroys all of Amanda's self-restraint and critical thinking abilities. She grabs Ian's arm and rubs it.
"NOOO are you kidding, Ian? You could never! You're way too sweet. I'm really glad I'm here with you. We don't get enough us-time at the office anyway." Something about the way she says this makes Ian's eyes widen ever so slightly behind his glasses, and his pout disappears.
They are just standing there like dumb idiots, Ian looking away as Amanda desperately seeks eye contact.
The door of Ian's apartment opens.
"Hey, Ian, I just came back from se- Amanda?"
They both are startled, and the visitor maybe even more so. "What's going on here?" He asks, unsure.
"Anthony!!! Fancy seeing you here, hahaha... yeah! Uhh, I kinda promised I'd watch a movie with Ian. Yeah! So that's why I'm here, I GUESS!"
Terrifying. Anthony gives her a look that tells a whole story. Anthony doesn't want her to be there, Anthony doesn't want her and Ian to do anything together. Anthony is jealous. Jealous? Why? Of course, she knows why. She looked it up.
Anthony recovers from his initial reaction and smiles warmly, hugging Amanda and Ian. "You promised you'd watch a movie with Ian? Rookie mistake, Amanda! You should know better. Now he won't let you go until you watched all of Band of Brothers. Or the entire Twilight saga, I don't know which genre he's hooked you on."
"You like Twilight?" Amanda is happily distracted from the whole moment they are having and tries to wrap her mind around Ian liking teen vampire movies.
"To each their own, Amanda," Ian plays defense. "They're good movies, actually." Anthony laughs. Amanda joins in.
"Oh I know, I've seen them! Just didn't think you'd like them too!"
"Uhh, yeah, so I'm just gonna chill here for now..." Anthony sits down in the middle of the couch, massively manspreading like he feels right at home here. He probably does as he even has the keys to the place.
To Amanda's surprise, Ian sits down next to Anthony and starts showing him memes on his phone. No "Hi Anthony" or anything. Just straight down to the bullshit they pull at the office as well.
Amanda sees two grown men SO obsessed with each other they forget the world around them altogether.
She makes herself another martini and downs that one in one go as well. Should she just go? It's probably the best idea.
"Amanda! You need to see this," Ian giggles. Anthony is wheezing.
"I don't know if I do," Amanda teases. Third-wheeling an Ian and Anthony date when she could be at home with her loving husband was not on her bingo card for today.
"Oh by the way, Ian, tell me again about that crush you had on that girl?" Anthony says all innocently, but Amanda senses some hostility from Anthony. At her?
"Uhh, what? Which one?" Ian lowers his phone and looks at Anthony.
"You know the one with the tats?"
"Oh yeah! Oof, she is so hot, oh my god, I'm so into tattoos..."
Anthony smiles at Amanda. He's so evil. But two can play this game, Amanda thinks. And she's not one to shy away from anything, certainly not this shit.
"I'm thinking of getting a tattoo," she says while sitting next to Ian on the very end of the couch. "Where do you think I should set it, Ian?"
Ian is immediately engaged. He scans Amanda's body with a pondering look. Behind him, Anthony's annoyed noggin sticks out. Amanda stifles a laugh.
Before Ian can decide about the place of Amanda's first tattoo, Anthony jumps up from the couch and back into the game.
"I don't know Amanda, maybe you want some inspiration?" And he takes his shirt off. Well damn. He's extremely fit and those tats look unfairly good. But now Amanda is alone with her TWO bosses in various states of undress! She can't wait to tell Angela about this...
Ian stands up and looks at Anthony's tatted back. "Amanda," he beckons her. "These new ones are so badass, " and he traces a particularly crisp line over Anthony's skin. Anthony naturally leans into Ian's touch but stops again, glancing over at Amanda.
FUCK! Now she's witnessing her bosses do some kind of FOREPLAY.
"Oh sure, they really are!"
The alcohol finally kicks in. Amanda gets up and lets her flannel shirt fall low off her shoulders, revealing her mostly bare back to Ian as well.
"Where on my back should I get the tattoo?" She asks playfully. "The same place as Anthony?" She turns her head towards Anthony and wiggles her eyebrows at him like she's Macaulay Culkin.
"Hmm," Ian thinks out loud. He gently touches Amanda's bra strap, then strokes down to her lower back... what the fuck is happening? A bolt of electricity runs through Amanda's body, it feels so good but wrong at the same time.
"You look so similar, did you know?" Ian says suddenly.
"What?" Anthony asks. "Similar?" Amanda looks over her shoulder at Ian.
"Your skintone, hair color, your big ass egos," Ian glaughs. "Your eyes, your smile, should I go on? I only now just figured it out. You're both my type." And then he laughs as if he just made the best joke.
"But," Anthony walks around the side table so is was facing Ian, "I know you way longer than you know Amanda. So that's different." He doubles down on staying topless.
Amanda simply twirls around and pulls her shirt back up, but not before flashing Ian a little cleavage.
"True," Ian answered. "But it does feel like I have known you for ages as well, Amanda. One day you showed up at Smosh, you kissed me and here we are!"
Of course. Amanda started all of this. The awkward gray area between coworkers and 'friends' and sexual tensions and halfway cheating on her husband, or is it even halfway? "Why do I always kiss people..." she thought to herself.
Anthony is not happy. "Oh, this is all about your dick again. Haven't we been here before? Haven't we talked through that we're not letting relationships come between us anymore?"
Ian looks a bit nervous now. That does it. Amanda beats him to answer Anthony. "THERE IS NOTHING GOING ON BETWEEN IAN AND ME!" She bolts for the door. "I AM GOING HOME TO MY HUSBAND NOW! I AM NOT IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH IAN!!!" She desperately struggles to open the door. "Bye now, I love Smosh. See you at work." Shit, she used the iconic phrase Shayne said to Court and they are married now.
When she's outside, she collapses on the ground. "What did I get myself into?!" But then she can't help but overhear through the way too thin door of Ian's apartment.
"Anthony, of course I love you the most, what are you afraid of?"
"I'm not afraid, just staking my claim."
"I think you scared Amanda away."
"Good. I think you were on to something though. She did kiss you... first."
"Anth... mmm?" Soft noises ensue, of two people staggering toward the bedroom, soft laughter and- Amanda almost has a heart attack when she thinks she left her phone in the apartment, but then she finds it in her purse. She calls an Uber while fleeing downstairs.
Well, Ian has a type, apparently. And maybe in another life, her and Ian... but in this life, no way. Anthony has staked his claim, as he said. Are her bosses a 'thing' now? It sounded like it... And Amanda isn't even available. This was just a mistake on her part. One thing is for sure: she's never sitting next to Ian at lunch again.
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
The Perfect Tree | Arthur Shelby x Reader
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Request: no - part of my Countdown to Christmas Event
Pairing: Arthur Shelby x reader
Summary: In which Arthur and his family wait until the last minute possible to find their Christmas tree…will it still be perfect?
Warnings: one bad word
Word Count: 1365
A/N: this one feels personal given that I’ve only just got me tree this past Saturday. Only 5 more days, y’all! Enjoy! :)
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"Is today the day, mumma?" seven year old Stephen Shelby asked as he walked into the kitchen, where his mother and father were just finishing up with dealing with breakfast.
"I think it may be," (Y/N) answered her child, a smile on her face as she draped the dish towel over the sink.
"The day for what, son?" Arthur chimed in from where he was sitting with the newspaper, his brows furrowed in confusion.
"We're getting our tree today!" Stephen cheered, his smile just about touching his ears.
"Why don't you go make sure your sister is ready?" (Y/N) suggested to the boy, who eagerly jumped on the task that was presented to him.
"We're getting our tree today?" Arthur looked at (Y/N) the second Stephen left the room.
"I figured we would...given the fact that Christmas is now five days away," (Y/N) answered him, not shying away from placing emphasis on the lack of days that there was until Christmas.
It seemed like the Shelby family had really dropped the ball with the Christmas preparations this year. Like (Y/N) pointed out, there were only five days until the big day, and they'd only barely decorated. There was a good reason for this though.
"Well I thought that maybe you'd want to scale it back this year...with Leo being born and all," Arthur explained his thought process. Their youngest of three, Leo Shelby, had been born at the beginning of December, so it was only fair to assume that there was a potential of things looking a bit different this year.
Not in (Y/N)'s mind though. "Oh no, Arthur...if anything we need the tree even more now. We can't not have a tree on Leo's first Christmas," she stressed the importance of tradition. Her son was only going to have one first Christmas, and sure he'll most likely not remember it, but she damn sure will.
Arthur pursed his lips and nodded his head. She'd made some very good points. "What'll we do with Leo though? You plannin' on bringin' him with us?"
"No, having him out like that wouldn't be good for him. I'll call either Polly or Ada over to watch him while we're out," she explained her remedy for that roadblock.
"I suggest you call 'em now so they'll have some time to get over here," Arthur suggested, nodding his head towards where the phone was hung on the wall.
"Good idea," (Y/N) said with a grin, "how 'bout you go and check on the kids. I'm worried that Eileen's giving Stephen a hard time since they've not come down yet," she told him what he could in the meantime.
Arthur nodded as he stood, mumbling something about not being the best one to be put in for this situation. (Y/N) just rolled her eyes at his comments, ignoring them as she made her way over to the phone.
"Thank you so much for this, Ada," (Y/N) gushed as she opened the door to see her sister-in-law, who'd also brought her son, Karl, along.
"Of course, (Y/N)," Ada smiled back at the other woman, "I'll make sure Leo stays warm in here while the rest of you go out and find yourselves a tree," she said, stepping inside and following (Y/N) to the sitting room, where Leo was bundled up in his moveable bassinet.
"Stephen?! Eileen?! Are you ready to leave?" (Y/N) called out for her two older children then.
"Coming, mum!" they both shouted as footsteps were heard racing down the stairs then.
"Hi, auntie Ada!" Stephen greeted the other woman who was standing in the sitting room. Ada smiled at the two children as they moved over to hug her.
"Arthur! We're getting ready to go out!" (Y/N) called for her husband then.
"I'm comin’!" he called back from where he was in the kitchen. He appeared seconds later, working on getting his coat situated. "We all ready?" he asked once he was in front of his family.
"Yes we are," (Y/N) affirmed, a smile on her face before she let the two children go out the door first before following behind with Arthur.
"Are we almost back home?" Stephen asked as the family trudged their way back through the snow.
"We should be," Arthur answered, grunting as he continued pulling the tree across the ground, "don't know why we had to go out so far," he couldn't help but mumble.
"Because there were no good trees closer, and it had to be perfect," (Y/N) answered him, happy that Eileen had insisted on holding her hand. She didn't want to have any parts in the tree dragging.
"Well let's hope that there's still some branches on it by the time we get back," Arthur stated, squeezing his eyes shut as he used up whatever energy that he had left. He didn't expect to be pulling a tree through the forest today.
"I can see our house!" Stephen exclaimed, pointing out ahead of him.
"Thank Jesus," Arthur breathed.
"We're almost home," (Y/N) said with a smile, the excitement building up inside of her. Decorating the tree was her favorite part of getting ready for the holidays.
It only took them a few minutes to get to their door, and several more for Arthur to get the tree inside. Soon enough, it was standing upright in their front room, and the kids were bouncing with excitement as they prepared to begin decorating the tree. (Y/N) made sure that all of the materials were out before she spun around to see where Arthur was.
"Sitting this one out?" she asked him, looking to where he was sitting on one of the chairs; a glass in his hand.
"I'll let you and the kids have the fun," he answered her, fiddling with the glass in his hand then. He smiled as he looked at her, watching as she accepted his answer and turned back to their children so that they could begin working on the tree.
The tree was decorated rather quickly, and soon enough, all of the lights in the room were out so that Stephen and Eileen could bask in the warm glow of the candles that were positioned strategically around the garland, tinsel, and ornaments. (Y/N) was sitting on Arthur's lap, her arms hooked around his neck as she smiled down at her children.
"We picked a good tree this year," she started, looking it over once more, "I might even say it's perfect."
"You certainly have the eye for them," Arthur commented, a grin tugging the corners of his lips upwards.
"I'm sorry for getting upset with you in the woods today," she told him then as she turned to face him, a slight frown on her face. It wasn't obvious in the moment, because (Y/N) cared a great deal about her tree, but the fact that she and Arthur had what was on the verge of a full-blown argument over the type of tree that they'd be getting was a bit over the top thinking back on it.
"No need to apologize there, love," he brushed her off, "I should know by now that the tree is your area of business and that any feedback that I may give might only serve to complicate things more."
(Y/N) couldn't help but giggle at his statement. "I shouldn't 've said those things to you though," she said then, resting her head on his shoulder.
"The kids got a kick out of it at least. They're used to their dad saying shit like that...never would have expected it from their mumma," he said with a chuckle, his hand falling to rest on her kneecap. They both laughed at his comment before silence fell over them. A smile formed on (Y/N)'s face as she looked at her children again. "It does look perfect though," Arthur spoke up after a few moments had passed.
"It does," (Y/N) agreed, her eyes focused on the tree. Now they were officially ready for Christmas to come.
Tagged: @the-anxious-youth @mgcllovdrms @look-at-the-soul @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @stevie75 @dark-academia-slut @zablife @cillmequick @lovemissyhoneybee @letal-y-poetica @lora21 @just-a-blackhole @anotherblinder @christinasyellowflowers @insanitybyanothername
Countdown to Christmas MASTERLIST
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wrote a tiny lil ficlet about t4t steddie having a baby, kind of an amalgamation of all my many posts on the subject. yes i AM going through it rn why do you ask
Stevie's been taking Eddie's pregnancy pretty hard. She's excited of course, and it was her idea in the first place (not that Eddie's complaining), but sometimes Eddie catches her watching him with tears in her eyes, and it breaks his heart to see his wife upset over something so beautiful.
He's assuming it's a jealousy thing. They haven't talked about it much. Once, when his belly was just beginning to show, they lined up sideways in front of a mirror, Stevie in front, so that all that was showing of Eddie was his bump, sticking out behind Stevie like it was her belly swelling with their child. She'd cried then too, but before Eddie could say anything she'd covered his face in a thousand little kisses and pretty thoroughly distracted him for the next hour.
Right now, they're sitting at the kitchen counter eating dinner. Stevie asks him to pass the salt.
Eddie looks down, where the salt shaker is sitting by his left elbow. “Hmm… I mean I would but I’m just… soo pregnant….. don't know if I should be doing all that heavy lifting.”
Stevie snorts and rolls her eyes. Eddie's been doing this for the entirety of his pregnancy, which he maintains is his right as a pregnant person. Most of their friends are pretty done with his shit, with the exception of Dustin, who's developed a case of baby stress that frankly concerns both Stevie and Eddie. If Eddie so much as sighs too hard Dustin is already up and asking what he can do to help Eddie and his future goddaughter. D&D has been interesting lately.
“Eddie. Please?”
Eddie puts a hand to his chest in mock offense. “I’m sorry Stevie, do you want to endanger our baby?”
He's expecting another laugh, or one of those dry, sarcastic remarks that made him fall in love with his wife in the first place, but instead he's met with silence. He turns to Stevie, who is once again staring at him with tears in her eyes.
“Hey, baby,” he says, rubbing one hand along her arm and bringing the other to her face to wipe the tears away. “I was just kidding, I know you don't want to hurt her. You can have the salt if you want.”
Stevie gives a wet laugh. “It's not about the salt, dumbass.”
“What is it about, baby? Because I feel like half the time I look at you these days you're on the verge of crying.”
“I just- I feel-” Stevie sighs, looking up to the heavens like that'll help her find her words. “We're going to be a family, y’know? Like, you're my husband, and we're going to have a daughter, and you're gonna be the dad and I’m gonna be the mom and every time I look at you I remember and I just- I love you so much, y’know? And I love her so much. So like. They're good tears, don't worry.”
Eddie smiles at his beautiful wife, who's always been so full of love he wondered if she might explode, and who now seems to be doing just that. “Jeez, I thought I was the one who was supposed to be all pregnancy-weepy,” he says, definitely not wiping away a tear of his own as he does so.
Stevie laughs. “I think it's a sympathy thing. I’m like this when Robin’s on her period too, I have no idea why.”
“Well you and Robin share a brain, so it's not that weird.”
Stevie shoves him, gently, and then her hand falls to the swell of his belly. “I love her so much, Eds. I can't stop thinking about it, like, doing her hair, teaching her to swim, coaching her softball team-”
“I’m gonna cut you off there, Steph. Bad enough I married a jock, I refuse to give birth to one too,” Eddie says, fondness in his voice betraying him. “I’m gonna teach her guitar and how to play D&D, and I’m reading her The Hobbit every night. Should counteract your DNA enough that she doesn't end up too cool.”
“Her godparents are Dustin and Robin, I think it's physically impossible for her to end up cool,” Stevie says with a laugh. Her gaze softens as she feels a gentle kick beneath her hand. “I don't want her to be cool, though. I just want her to be happy.”
Eddie places his hand over Stevie's, gives it a gentle squeeze. Their daughter shifts contentedly inside of him, and he thinks about how he completely understands Stevie being so happy and full of love that she cries every time she sees him.
“Yeah,” he says, focusing all his energy on their daughter, trying to telepathically communicate the love he and her mother feel for her through their shared bloodstreams. “I think we can do happy.”
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
any fun ideas or facts about your #new generation au?
:D!!!!!! for anyone new it's basically just a fun slice of life vibes au in which the clans attempt to erase the borders and laws separating them after oots....and struggle, a lot. some other changes include:
Squirrelflight leaves ThunderClan after Po3 and lives with Sol nearby.
Ash and Bramble actually had a tumultuous relationship that resulted in two kids.
Bramble flees during OotS and Hollyleaf steps up. I'm still iffy on the deputy, I'm thinking maybe Brightheart? She'd want a senior warrior to advise her.
I'd probably change up the other Clan leaders too?? mainly because AVOS doesn't really happen here and i don't like Rowanstar, probably make Tawnypelt the deputy and give her a promotion.
Leopardstar, Blackstar, and Mistystar would all be dead after this to just give some fresh blood a time to shine :D
and some more general ideas:
the family tree continues to be the bane of my existence <3
Hollystar and Leafpool still have a tense relationship, despite near death apologies. While Leafpool is an incredibly loving grandma and always loves to be with her grandbabies, Holly has a lot of anxiety over the idea that one day Leafpool will tell her son everything and he'll never look at her the same way again.
She does briefly try to keep the two separate when that anxiety starts to eat at her but Pool is downright miserable and Cinderheart has to coax her to stop it.
Speaking of Leafpool, she and Mothwing finally get together in this as older, weathered down cats. She spends her early retirement walking along the lakeside with her.
Jayfeather and Berrynose's brief relationship was unknown to a majority of the Clan until Ryekit suddenly popped up. Even Lionblaze, Berry's actual husband, was caught off guard.
Jay and Berry are both pretty good dads, I'm not keeping Jay's AVoS personality of being nasty to children. While they snark and take jabs one another in private, they're amicable for their daughter and spoil her rotten.
Lionblaze only wanted to help sire kits for Poppyfrost, Sunflare's interest in her biodad's legacy caught them both off guard.
Sunflare used to be very close with her mom but stories of the Firekin and their legacy pushed her into dedicating herself to becoming special. Poppyfrost tries to steer her away from such high expectations of herself...but Sunflare is intent on proving she's just as special as the rest of her bloodline.
Sasha's nickname for her and Scourge's daughter is Pancake :)
Speaking of Panny, if she ever met Mothwing and Hawkfrost....I don't think it would go very well. The two have some issues with how their mom left and Pandora is quick to anger.
Them meeting Timber would go even worse.
The three do not get along with their half-siblings Foxtail and Oakcloud. Jay finds them annoying at best, Holly is still reeling from Squilf leaving and then having *gasp* more not full-blooded ThunderClan cats (don't worry Holly goes through an arc of letting the code go), and Lionblaze is the one who tends to get suckered into their schemes.
To be fair it's more Foxtail they're not crazy about, Oakcloud is pretty chill and doesn't try to sucker them into hunting for them. Foxtail does win some points with the kits of ThunderClan after bringing some cat toys that had been thrown out.
aannnndd those are off the top of my head :D ty for asking!!!
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2n2n · 1 year
Tsunene headcanons in a modern au?
I'm not quite sure what 'modern AU' entails, as the manga as it is is 'modern' (events now take place in 2015)..... I am going to assume you mean something like "non-supernatural AU" or "mundane circumstances AU"?
I reaaally like the idea of them getting to meet as younger kids hehe, I feel like they would be very compatible then, just blithe, easily amused, interested in weird stuff. Nene-chan is such an eccentric girl, I really think she'd intrigue both the boys ... but Amane is naturally more standoffish, while Tsukasa can capriciously greet whoever, la la la la. I really like Nene-chan and Tsu meeting at age 4 or something...
I like to doodle Nene-chan with the twins at any ages ... Nene-chan at any age is a bit immature and naive, so the agegap is not a hurdle.
some WIPs from meee of the boys n Nene can give you an idea...
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[meeting in a daycare situation where many ages of toddlers muddle together-- the boys doing art projects, Nene-chan making spooky scary ghoulish things, which Tsukasa would find interesting. Amane is a little freaked out.]
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[meeting outside in a park on a random snow day, making respective snowmen-- the boys make dinosaurs, Nene-chan makes a hideous ghoul]
I find it pretty cute that when Nene-chan meets young Amane, she is actually at first scary xD
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when I think about AUs, I kind of like to retain the way Nene-chan is kind of 'off-putting' to Amane at first haha, maybe too eccentric, weird, forward, or doing something strange...
Nene-chan. she's incredibly woefully bad at first impressions. Generally. Chronically so perhaps. This is her charm point! But you know who else is terrible at first impressions with most people??? TSUKASA!! lol! In this way, shouldn't Nene-chan and Tsukasa somehow work out when meeting-- two strange people?!
I find it kind of interesting that Nene-chan instantly grab-tackles Tsukasa when meeting HIM, but he's actually receptive to it ...?
The comparisons here are so interesting. Circumstances be damned, its just funny... [Tsukasa mindlessly hugging her back....]
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my husband has also imagined ... that, as Tsukasa is all touchy and friendly, and Amane more flustered, it could be very funny, how 'well' TsuNene seem to get along ...kind of effortless.
My husband has ALSO drawn some Nene x boys, with the situation that Nene-chan has met Tsukasa before, as children, LOL, and is more familiar with him (SHOCKING Amane, they know eachother??? A)
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TsuNene... I think.... in any situation, in all these situations, it develops very slowly ... their natures, it diffuses tension, but it also lacks romantic tension, as kids. Amane is more of a pervert and a player... with the desire to present himself as cool or act flirty ... but Tsukasa when alive, I don't know that he really had that. If I imagine no supernatural elements, I think TsuNene have an unquestioning friendship, where it's not occurring to either of them they could 'be more' or 'do something' ... its almost easy to forget Tsukasa is a boy. I think Tsukasa naturally crushes on Nene-chan, but unlike Amane, he doesn't know what to 'do' with a crush, so he continues to play and just gets quiet when she's especially pretty or being cute. I don't think Tsukasa fully understands his feelings for Amane, either....
I think Nene-chan falling for Amane first is actually kind of essential for any TsuNene... Amane forces himself at Nene-chan, he actually injects that romantic and sexual tension, lol, he MAKES her see him as a potential boyfriend, even IF he's not instantly 'her type', and younger. He acts cool and captivating. Tsutsu can show her his toys and be fun to play with... but Amane makes her see them, 'differently'.
In a mundane modern AU setting, I like it like....
-Nene and Tsu meet very young, have fun playtimes, like eachother, good play chemistry! -Nene inevitably meets Amane, who is weirder, and briefly, is a little overwhelmed by both Tsu and Nene's roiling energy, steamrolled by them, the older brother of ALL suddenly. -Amane and Tsukasa both form a crush, but Amane's crush causes him to act more weird, wanting to impress her, creating tension. -as always Amane's methods work on Nene, but there is a splash damage effect where, as Nene contemplates Amane's attractiveness, him being Tsu's twin forces her to suddenly see Tsu in a new light, as well. Nene more seriously dwells on these being... two boys. And she wonders if Tsu likes her, idly, or if it's just Amane... -I think once opening her eyes to Tsukasa, she'll accrue evidence that Tsukasa has a crush, suddenly see things she just overlooked before-- moments of flustering, quiet, gazing at her, etc....
I think of TsuNene always as... such a 'playground romance'. Tsukasa as it is ... he likes to draw Nene-chan, he has been depicted doign so multiple times. It is cute to think of him cluelessly fixating on her, wanting to play with her hair, trying to draw her better... I think Nene-chan would actually like the sincere attention, haha. It's such a cute little crush, the way it manifests....
Nene-chan is a vixen when she knows she's liked!! She WANTS to be seen as hot and admired! She WANTS to be impressive, seductive, girlie whirlie--!!
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... so once she knows both boys like her, and observes proof gradually, she'll be their nightmare ... yabai... ! I think Tsukasa would be incredibly easy to fluster given any effort, haha ... it's not a popular headcanon, but I really think he's misunderstood ... personally I think if Nene-chan pointed ANY!!!!! of this ^^^ energy at TSUKASA!!! he'd fall out of time . nonverbal .no mouth
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not know what happening.
... but I think that would be rewarding ^^ for Nene-chan ... unlike Amane, I think Tsu could earnestly call her pretty.
I don't know if that's really what you wanted to hear... but I hope it gives you an idea of TsuNene as I see it. Without the spooky yorishiro stuff and crazy shenanigans, I think it's very simple and cute ...
Kinda innocent. Ball in Nene-chan's court. Tsukasa naturally rather clueless about his romantic/sexual desires, given his life of only focusing on his brother. No protocol for crush on girl. Dunno what to do when flirted with. Chu.....?
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neechees · 2 years
I know she's not much of a character beyond "sweet beloved dead wife," but what is your take on Lysandra, the Spartan wife of Kratos? It came to me because I had this idea that Lysandra, as a good Spartan woman, would probably not get along with Faye at any level
That's an interesting thought! I firstly like to imagine she would like Faye just because 1. I need to see Kratos catch a goddamn break & be happy with his wives & kids!! Omg. & 2. I think she's a little unconventional as far as Spartans go, and 3. For her characterization & interactions in game, it kinda depends on how we navigate cultural, historical, & mythological accuracy in terms of correlation with the game series' canon, which takes a LOT of artistic license for all. If we're being strictly historically accurate & assume Lysandra is a good Spartan woman, I think you'd be right!
But with Lysandra herself, I say she's "unconventional" as a Spartan just because of some of her actions & the way she is in the games: when Calliope is seen to be sick when she's born, Lysandra reacts by refusing the throw Calliope off Mount Taygetos & instead demands she be given a chance to live so Kratos find a cure for her, but a more "proper" Spartan wife & mother might've reacted by letting Calliope die. Additionally, Lysandra also is the one to tell Kratos to his face that he was being too crazed & violent when he was serving under Ares, despite being a very successful Spartan General & doing it under the command of a literal war God. So in the very least, this lets us know that Lysandra is more than willing to go against Spartan custom, especially regarding her family. To me, in addition to being a kind person & loving & devoted wife/mother, she's a very independent & outspoken person who doesn't care much about what people think of her & doesn't have a problem with telling people what she thinks of THEM. Lysandra is a tough lady, maybe a little intimidating. She's the cookie monster pjs girl in high school. I imagine she's also very sexually liberated as well, & I headcanon that she met Kratos when they were younger & convinced their parents (usually who set up arranged marriages, which was the norm) to let them marry.
& as her possible feelings towards Faye & their resulting family dynamic, I think it could even depend on the time period for Lysandra and Faye? Like, afterlife wise, I don't imagine they'd have anything to beef over (assuming they're in a happy afterlife & have reconciled with the events in their lives, which seems to be canon), they're already dead & have lived their lives, & both loved Kratos, so I imagine they'd at least both appreciate that about each other. Like, "well, I loved my husband, he loved me, and he must've loved you for a very good reason, so I'll try to get along with you." As for their kids, I actually think they'd LOVE each others' kids as well in any scenario, & they'd probably be a big reason why they'd try to get along.
I've also thought about this with Kratos & Faye, because I actually thought they were going to meet (or there was going to be a reference to her) in the Egyptian era comic, & that was when Kratos was still a VERY different person vs the Norse era. There was a lot of time between gow3-4 for him to improve as a person (which I think he did a lot on his own, I don't think Faye singlehandedly "fixed" him, but she definitely helped) and ruminate on his actions. Like if gow3 Kratos met a younger Faye, I don't think they'd initially like each other at ALL. He'd obviously be attracted to her, but I imagine he'd still be in his Spartan mindset that Northern peoples are "barbarian" or generally not as good as Spartans & probably see her kindness as naïvete, she'd think he was a mean asshole all around & would probably hate being around him & would never in the world imagine marrying him ("you are the last man in the world I could ever be prevailed upon to marry" Elizabeth Bennet chewing out Mr Darcy type shit). But I could still imagine them getting together, it would just have to be WAY later & either the slowest burn in the universe or separating & then meeting each other again in the Norse era & THEN falling in love lol
So in terms of Lysandra, depending on the setting & situation, it could be the same deal as above? If Lysandra was somehow alive & met Faye pre-Norse gow4 era, it might be the same as above with gow3 Kratos. However, I could also see Lysandra in the very least being impressed with Faye's abilities and combat skills & going "okay I see why he likes you" sort of way, probably also feel a lot of sympathy for her since Atreus was sick all the time, & think Faye was a good mother. If in some kind of setting where Lysandra would be alive & Kratos married Faye as well (or even just slept with her), best case scenario, if we assume Lysandra keeps that very Spartan mindset, then I imagine it would be something like an extremely awkward relationship similar to the Triss/Yennefer/Geralt (complete with the Raven haired lady vs redhead aspect) love triangle from the Witcher, but tolerating each other for their kids & Kratos. I like to think she'd eventually like Faye at least to some degree (they do seem to have some stuff in common), but it'd be weird & tense, maybe some jealousy there. Worst case scenario we'd probably end up with a Ragnar/Lagertha/Aslaug from Vikings dynamic LOL.
But the Norse & gow4/5 era setting changes EVERYTHING. if Lysandra was alive during gow4/5 & changed in a similar way Kratos did (becoming more open minded & not xenophobic) or if we assume that Lysandra is not a conventional Spartan (which gives her possible reactions to Faye more leeway, dead or alive), then I think her relationship with Faye would be a LOT better. Lysandra loves Kratos & wanted him to make better choices & forgive himself, so once/if she realizes that's precisely what Faye helped him to do & made him happy, I think she'd appreciate that about her. Not only that, but the game devs have said that Kratos's ashes are FADING, possibly because of the gesture of Faye getting Kratos to come to terms with her death by asking him to spread HER ashes & going on the adventure. That, I think, would absolutely cement Lysandra's respect for Faye, in addition to admiring her combat ability & her care for Atreus. & from there we could get the Fayetosandra polycule development lol. (& in an afterlife setting, this is what I think she thinks of her)
So yeah, I guess it really depends!! But that's just my thought on her. There's really no way of knowing how she'd react to Faye for sure since she died before they could ever meet, so any setting you put them in would have to be an AU, & there's a lot of factors for that depending on what kind. And unfortunately, we don't have a lot to go off of for Lysandra in the first place (which sucks). Great question!!
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itsjeonjk · 2 years
💕 — all of the above for jungia.
Send me a 💕 and a ship: In-depth Edition
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How did they meet?
She DMed me when she joined and then we became close friends with her 'tricking' me on a date with her ㅋㅋㅋ
Who flirted with who first?
I want to say me, actually I believe it was me. But I can't be sure because we both danced around each other for a while..
Was it love at first sight or a slowburn romance?
I'd say more of love at first sight? But we weren't in love. It was simple crushes on both parts.
Did they start dating right away or were they friends before things became romantic?
We started off as friends, bonded over our mutual singleness while both not knowing the other had a crush on them.. #singlesclub.
What was their first date?
Our first official date was a day packed with activities; arcade, movie theatres, midnight drive, ect. But the first, first date was the one we went on as friends with mutual attraction; an arcade where I won her a plushy.
What are their favourite things to do on date nights?
We don't go on many conventional dates, I like to keep them few and far in between to keep her on her toes. If I don't she'd come to expect it, and I like watching her face when I surprise her. A lot of our date nights consist of 'movie nights'.
Do they still go on dates after being together for a while?
It's been nearly 5 months at this point and we often have our movies nights with dates sprinkled within. I don't think that'll ever stop.
What is their love language?
Oh, both of our main love languages is physical touch and quality time.
Who kissed who first?
Oh, uh... I did.
Who started the relationship?
Again, me. There was a lot of uncertainty, but I wanted to give it a chance and I'm really glad I did.
Monogamy or Polyamory?
Monogamy. I hate sharing and being shared.
Are they/do they plan on getting married?
We do plan on getting married, in fact we already call one another wife and husband.. We talk about it all the time.
Who proposed? Was it a yes or no?
Hasn't happened yet but when it does it'll be me and hopefully a yes /j
Do they want kids? Who brought it up first?
We do want kids, it's another thing we talk about often. I believe it was Chaewon who brought it up, I think. Could've been me, don't remember.
Do they already have kids, together or from previous relationships?
No kids, we're each other's first and last.
Do they have any routines/rituals in their relationship?
We're open about everything and it's kind of routine to watch something every other night.
How do they take care of each other when they are sick/hurt?
I often force her to rest, grab her blankets and give cuddles. I also often prepare baths with bath salts or a bath bomb for her, in the case of the former I sit outside, give soft kisses and hold her hand. Other time's I join her and hold her. Stomach kisses and caresses in case of cramps and of course.. orgasms. When I'm sick or not feeling well we'll rest and she'll run her fingers through my hair, tell me to drink water and reminds me to eat.
How do they like to spend time together?
Cuddles, lots of cuddles. During which we usually watch something or play a game.
What are their favourite non-sexual forms of intimacy?
Cuddles as mentioned above, but usually naked. Soft kisses, I love playing with her hair and caressing over her skin.
What are some of their favourite things about their partner?
She's.. everything I never knew I needed. I love how sweet she is, and I truly believe she's got a heart of gold. She's not hard to love; romantic or platonic. I love her sense of humor, how she takes care of me, the fact we've got so much in common.
How do they comfort the other when they are upset?
I hold her, press kisses along her shoulder and neck and caress her back while she cries into my neck or shoulder. If we're mutually upset we tend to hesitate, but when she knows i'm upset she usually settles down a little and we talk. We talk and I pull her into my lap.
Who buys the other spontaneous gifts?
I'd like to say us both. She'll surprise me with something and I'll buy things that remind me of her.
What position do they sleep in?
More often we're cuddled up facing one another, legs intertwined and arms around each other. Sometimes I'll be on my back, with her head resting on my chest, sometimes she'll be on top of me and then sometimes my head is on her chest. So I guess it depends.
Do they bathe/shower together?
We do, yes.
Do they do anything else in the bath/shower other than wash?
Of course we do ~
In the bedroom - Vanilla, a little spice, or kinky af?
Right now I'd say a healthy mix of vanilla and a little spicy. Though we're starting to experiment so kinky soon ㅋㅋㅋ
For applicable ships - who tops/bottoms?
We both do, depends on what we feel like.
For applicable ships - who is more dominant/submissive?
I'm definitely the more dominant one, though Chaewon's got that dominance in her too.
What is their favourite sex position?
I personally love when she's on top of me so I can touch where ever I want ~
Do either of them enjoy bringing sex toys into the bedroom?
We haven't really experimented much with them, but yes. There's a couple.
Favourite place to have sex?
We don't really have a favorite, it just happens our bedroom is most common.
Most adventurous place they’ve had sex?
Mm... it's between a party, car or my studio. Or all of the above.
How often do they fight? What about?
We don't really 'fight'. We have small arguments like any other couple, and have had a few. What it's about will remain between us.
Have they ever broken up?
No, never. And we never will.
Messy breakup, amicable split, remain friends, ride or die or til death do us part?
She's my ride or die, 100%! My soulmate. The one I'll love in ever universe and every timeline.
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jerzwriter · 2 years
Would Ethan x Kaycee / Tobias x Casey do the Elf on the Shelf for their kids? Would they be basic, or go all out with crazy scenes for them every day. Do the parents agree, or does one like it and the other hate it?
I should point out I am traumatized by this f-ing elf. lol I HATED it. Stressed out, working Momma who had to remember to move that little f-er every night or I'd wake to shrieks of children thinking they were bad. WHY? lol
Luckily for me, at that stage, people were not AS insane with the scene setting because then we would have had to have a sit down where I explained Mommy was allergic to elves, so they could not be in our house, but I digress (as you can see, I was triggered). lol
Tobias & Casey
They start when Samantha and Brooke are both in school because all their little friends talk about it. They're hesitant to do it, but they (especially Tobias) are like, "we don't want them to be the only ones not doing it."
Tobias gets very creative and does big, elaborate, silly, funny scenes every day. Sometimes he bickers with Casey because when it's her turn, she's like, "The elf is sitting on a shelf like he was meant to do!" Sh reminds her husband HE was the one who wanted this. lol So Tobias does it, grumbling the whole time. Casey rewards him for being such a good Daddy when he gets to bed. But the next morning, when the girls are glowing with excitement, Tobias is over the moon happy and planning the next one. (Casey feels a tiny bit guilty, but just a tiny bit. She gets over it.)
Ethan & Kaycee
Sienna bought it for Emma and got death stares from Ethan and Kaycee. Poor Si just thought it was cute. She had no idea all that went along with it. Partially because she felt guilty and partially because she was just Sienna, she started coming up with these big, fancy ideas. Each day at work, she'd give Ethan or Kaycee a little shopping bag with all they needed (and instructions) to set up an adorable little Elf-scape the next morning.
They appreciated it, and it was nice of her, but they were still a little bitter when they were up at 1:00 AM doing these things. But, as with all things Emma, Ethan was just whipped. So in time, he took over the process, all too happy to make his little princess happy. :)
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missizzy · 7 months
Habeas for Superheroes, Part 12: Saving the Liebermans(Daredevil, Matt/Foggy)
Read full work on AO3
It was late in the evening when Foggy headed out to Queens for the second time that day. Sarah, as she'd told Foggy to call her, was waiting outside. "I managed to get my father to look after the kids," she said, "but they're all three of them wondering what's going on. My son got aggressive about it." She sighed at that. "I don't know what we're going to tell them."
"We'll figure it out," said Foggy. "Situations like this, you always have to figure out things like that as you go along. You can try preparing things beforehand, but whatever you're planning, it won't work out. Trust me."
She, for instance, didn't yet know exactly what she was going to say to Matt when he met them in Manhattan to lead them to where David Lieberman was hiding. They had only communicated by email since her first visit to Queens that morning. She was determined not to apologize, because she wasn't sorry. But she was aware that just telling him why she'd done it would probably lead to the kind of argument they did not want to have in front of a stranger.
Maybe Matt himself realized, that, though. When Foggy and Sarah emerged onto the street to find him waiting there, as soon as Foggy had called out his name he was stepping forward and offering his hand, saying, "Good evening, Mrs. Lieberman. My name is Matt Murdock. I'm Ms. Nelson's husband. Your husband is staying near the river. This way." Then he just turned and walked off, making a show of using the cane, but not taking Foggy's arm. Or getting anywhere near her, even though she'd worn shoes more than loud enough to avert any suspicions.
Sarah threw Foggy a concerned look at this. Foggy looked away, just saying, "Come on, let's get this over with."
They kept close to him as they reached the river, walking through the dark corners of New York that they'd both avoided before now, even as those they loved had plunged into them. It wasn't a cold night, but Sarah was shivering anyway, and at least looked distracted enough she might have not noticed the ease with which Matt made his way, even though there wasn't much to mark the route for a blind man. Not much for even a seeing one, honestly. The buildings all looked the same in the dark, at least until they saw the one with a light in its entrance.
David Lieberman was waiting for them there. He was a fairly tall man with dirty blonde hair and beard, extremely disheveled at the moment, and his clothes were in worse shape. The minute his wife laid eyes on him, she strode up to him and shoved him into the door. Which wasn't very stable; it gave way behind him and sent him stumbling further back. Sarah didn't even seem to notice. She just moved forward into the broken doorframe and shoved him again, and again.
Foggy couldn't make out all of her words. There was "What did you do?" and "We saw you die!" (that one was loud and she yelled it multiple times) and something about months.
As Matt moved forward to intervene, Foggy quietly said, "I think you should let her have it out with him, Matt. In fact, I think we should move out of earshot. Or at least far enough away. Unless you think there's anyone dangerous around."
"We're the only people in the immediate area," said Matt. "Back to the river and I won't even catch their voices without concentrating." They didn't have to worry about being overheard by the Liebermans; they could hear enough from inside the building to know that.
They walked back to the river in silence. Foggy could feel the tension rising, but she also felt their surroundings, despite Matt's belief they were safe for the moment. She might refrain from yelling at him just for that, lucky him.
When they got there, and Foggy was staring out at water barely visibly in the darkness, Matt spoke first, his voice very cool as he asked, "You are aware you may have just gotten all four of them killed?"
A harsh cut, but one Foggy had anticipated. "I admit I didn't anticipate her taking matters into her own hands like that. I made it pretty clear I wasn't planning for anyone to do anything in response to my telling her."
"I think her husband did. I think he had a pretty damn good reason for keeping her in the dark, that being he knew her and he knew she might react like this."
Probably neither of them anticipated the nerve that one touched. "So you're just assuming men like you two know what's best for your wives? I thought I told you what I thought of that nonsense back in college!" It was very hard not to yell. "We wives are not just pets to be protected from our own foolish impulses."
Matt looked a little hangdog and like he wanted to protest that whole thing, but a moment later he instead said, "But you're not like Mrs. Lieberman. You're not incapable of taking care of yourself, and you actually have some idea of what you're up against, and anyway, the people who would go after you can't so long as they don't know I'm Daredevil, so we've never quite been in their current situation."
"And if we were?" Foggy asked, because that was an important question, and this might be her best chance to get it answered.
Matt fell silent. After half a minute or so, Foggy gave up on an immediate answer, and continued, "While you're chewing on that, let me also point out that if David had slipped up-and do remember he had no experience with anything even remotely like this-Sarah would've had no way to know they were coming for her or their children."
"I'm pretty sure he could've called her very fast, if it came to that. The kids, too, even if they'd been at school or otherwise out of the house. I couldn't tell everything about the set-up he's got in there-and I don't think anyone who wasn't an IT professional could've either-but I know enough about his activities that it would shock me if he couldn't."
Maybe that was true. But Foggy still went on, "She's told me a bit more about what the past months have been like for her, too. She's been very alone, you know. Most of the friends she and her husband had snubbed her after he was condemned as a traitor. And the kids have suffered similar in school, and the son, Zach, has basically become a problem kid in response. And she truly was devastated to lose him. I don't usually believe traditional claptrap about women and men, but I am becoming convinced that a woman absolutely can get herself so invested in her husband that losing him can break her."
"Foggy," Matt's stricken response to this wasn't a surprise. She was a little more caught off guard by just how hard seeing him that way still got to her. It took her time to pull her thoughts or feelings together enough to say anything more.
Too much time. First, Matt said, "Everything he did in there was for them, you know. What he did to get them in this predicament might not have been, but he's no noble crusader wanting to dedicate even half of his life to this. His main goal now is finding a way home he can live with."
There was a romanticism to that, Foggy acknowledged. But if there was one thing she had learned over the past year and a half, it was that romance didn't really get you anything in the end, not even emotional comfort.
But the pause in the argument had made her realize she was tired, and didn't want to get off onto that tangent with Matt. She seemed to get tired more easily than she had even a year ago.
She found herself asking, "So, what are we doing anyway? Do we want to get the Avengers involved in this?"
"Perhaps," said Matt. "They could even conceivably get the entire Lieberman family out of the country if they're willing to go, and even if we shouldn't involve Stark right now, they could get the incriminating documents leaked probably within days. And that's if they even bother trying to not be connected to it. It would probably be a stronger case if they weren't, but I'm not sure Rogers has ever cared about such things."
"Either way, that probably would solve the current dilemma, if Lieberman didn't know anything the world hadn't heard about, too, and his getting killed again would only make them look worse." As Foggy said this, she observed her husband's reaction. She would've liked him to be a lot more pleased by this.
He only said, "We don't know how much he knows, not really, especially when he's had half a year to do nothing but hack into all the government's systems. It would be safer for him and his family if we handled this more quietly. Romanov could probably think of some way to do it."
"I can guess the real reason you don't want to go public, you know," Foggy snapped, because she already had. "You just don't want to feel responsible when Frank finds out and of course he's probably going to want to kill everyone involved, and ultimately, he's only likely to hold back for the sake of our cases for so long. But I don't know if he'd even succeed, Matt. He's never gone after anyone truly powerful."
"That's not my only reason," Matt sighed, which probably was true enough. "But I think he probably would succeed, at least for one of them. Possibly get himself killed in the process, which of course he doesn't care about, but Karen would."
"And she wouldn't be the only one, would she?" Foggy asked, because Karen was the one more obviously emotionally entangled with Frank, but she had already thought Matt was, too, in a weird way. Though really, if she was being extremely honest, she wasn't indifferent to his fate herself.
Matt might have even looked embarrassed for a second. Then he said, "Either way, we still need to get the Liebermans out. Do you think they'll refuse to be evacuated?"
"I hope not," said Foggy. "Though maybe we'd better go check in on them, make sure Sarah hasn't stormed off alone in the dark part of town in the middle of the night."
She hadn't; when Matt and Foggy returned to the building, they found both Liebermans standing together in front of the entrance. "So," Foggy asked them, "do you two have any idea what you want to do now?"
"Only that we want to be fully reunited as a family," said Sarah, "in any way that's relatively safe for us."
"So you would be willing to leave the country?" Matt asked.
The two of them looked at each other. "Is the situation really that hopeless?" David Lieberman asked.
Foggy saw Matt consider it, as she did the same. "Anything we attempt to do that's legal will inevitably take time," she said, "and we'd definitely have to hide you somewhere to keep you from getting killed, I'm afraid."
"And probably you and your children as well," said Matt, "because as soon as the people responsible for this realize you're still working against them, well, if they can't get to you, they'll get to anyone you care about that they can reach. In fact, do you two have anyone else who might need protecting?"
"My father," said Sarah. Looking at her husband, she added, "Maybe your sister, too? Even if I'm not sure anyone's heard from her since the sit shiva. I sure haven't."
"It might not have to be forever, though," Foggy offered. "You might be able to come back when everything is resolved."
"I think we both know enough to know that's going to take a long time," said David. "Thanks for offering the hope of us returning eventually, though."
"Very well, then," said Matt. "There are people who can help you, and I expect to be in contact with them next week. Until then, Mrs. Lieberman, we have to decide where you and your children will stay. We have other friends who can take you in, or can even watch over them if you choose to stay in your own house, though I would advise against that."
"We'll have to go back there, though," said Sarah. "The kids and my father are there." Foggy heard the terror when it first came into her voice, when it at last hit her just how much danger her entire family was now in.
"I've seen no signs of them paying any more attention to the three of you at the moment," said David. "Even if we did anything today that might change that, surely there'll be at least a few hours' lag."
"Probably," Matt agreed. "Foggy and I should both take you home. I'll call one of my friends to try to meet us there."
The friend he had in mind turned out to be Danny Rand. That made sense; Luke Cage was far too high profile to work for this, and Jessica Jones might refuse to help. Foggy was happy to leave Matt to deal with him and keep nearer to Sarah.
She spent a few minutes debating with herself whether to ask it, but when they were almost out of the deserted area, she did: "Should I not have told you?"
"Absolutely you should have," said Sarah. "I mean, I suppose you really should ask me that in a few more days...but I think my answer will be the same. Whatever happens to the four of us now...at least provided we all survive it, we'll probably all four be better off."
"Wow," said Foggy, because while Sarah had told her about her various woes, she hadn't realized it was *that* bad.
Matt finished his phone call with the news that Danny hoped to reach Queens in one or two hours. "Maybe longer, if what he's dealing with right now takes more time than he's expecting."
They couldn't talk as much on the train, but when they emerged into the Liebermans' neighborhood, Matt said, "I think you'll like Danny. He'd a good guy, very nice."
She, Foggy thought, probably would. On the other hand, she wasn't looking forward to how her son was likely to deal with him.
Very early the next morning
After it was decided they should stagger their departures from the Liebermans' house, Foggy left first. Not caring to travel too far alone in the dark, she called a cab to pick up her from a few blocks away, arriving back in Hell's Kitchen as the sun was just starting to peek out from between the buildings.
She headed up the stairs, trying to figure out, in her exhausted state, exactly how late to work she could get away with being that day. When she took as glance at her email as she walked into the apartment, she did so with the thought that hopefully there wouldn't be anything important.
Instead, she found herself reading an email from Jessica, asking her to call as soon as she could, regardless of the late/early hour. Foggy spent a good two minutes trying to mentally stretch the definition of the word "could," before sighing and calling.
The third ring had come and gone, and Foggy was a split second from sighing in relief and disconnecting, when she heard Jessica's, "Oh, now you're answering, Ms. Nelson?"
"I only saw your email now. It's been a very busy night. What have you got?"
"Some real dirt on our friend Carson Wolf. Turns out along with everything else, he's been dealing in heroin. Not only that, he's been smuggling it out of Afghanistan with the bodies of military personnel killed in action. I haven't found how he's been selling it yet, or what he's then doing with the money, since it doesn't look like he's been keeping most of it-which in itself probably means more dirt, and I can think of one possibility."
Foggy, too, had a pretty good idea of just what that money had been spent on, and a guess on who'd sold the heroin as well. Her first impulse was to tell Jessica that, but not only was it way too dangerous to do that over the phone, but Matt had mentioned he'd left out Lieberman's still being alive in what he told her, and she thought perhaps it would be better if they moved him and his family to safety first.
Still, if the government had tried to murder at least two people who had both only known part of what was going on, she couldn't keep silent completely. "Listen," she said, after thinking over her words for a few moments. "I'd like you to actually sit on this information for possibly a few days, and just leave everything be; suspend the investigation. I hope I'll be able to explain why eventually, but I don't think I can yet."
"Really?" Jessica did not sound at all impressed. "If Wolf or any of his friends determines for sure that they've been snooped on-and they are almost certainly prepared for that possibility already-it's going to get way harder to find out anything else."
"I trust you to handle all that," said Foggy. "I'll get back to you later, I promise."
"Have it you way, then. But don't say I didn't warn you."
"I won't. Good..." she glanced at the clock, and just sighed, "Goodbye, then."
There was nothing else important in her emails. Foggy stayed awake just long enough to send a few of her own, notifying everyone she would probably be in late that day. Then she crawled between the sheets with her blouse still on and was asleep within seconds.
She didn't think it was long after that when she was woken by a second body collapsing onto the bed. She might have made some vague, bleary noises in response to this, before she felt a familiar hand stroke her head, and her husband's voice murmur, "Go back to sleep, Foggy."
When she woke again, late in the morning, she found Matt asleep on top of the bed, still in most of his clothes, though he had at least taken his shoes off. She pulled his socks off as well; the smell was already going to linger on his feet and pester him for probably a day or so as it was.
He stirred slightly when Foggy was in the shower; she came out to find he'd spread himself out, his head moved to where hers had been, before falling back asleep. He'd probably been drawn to her scent. Even now, she couldn't help but smile.
It was late enough she was definitely taking a cab to the office. For most of the walk down the stairs, she contemplated exactly what she was going to tell Karen and when, but, she then realized, there were probably only reasons not to tell her at the moment. She could cite them to her friend if she ever had to defend herself to her over it. And she absolutely, positively, should not feel like she was letting her down, not telling her.
She would, on the other hand, have to tell Marci and Jennifer everything that both Jessica and David had found out about Wolf. Although she couldn't tell Jennifer until she came back to New York again, and Foggy wasn't even sure when she was going to do so. Hell, even when she did, it might be Matt who ended up talking with her.
Marci, on the other hand, she could tell today. And then she would have to tell her, too, to sit on it without explaining why. She wasn't looking forward to that. Especially since she would also want to leave Frank's still being alive out of it, too, and that might be a little tricky.
It filled her with enough dread that when her phone rang just after she got into the cab, she nearly jumped. But it wasn't Marci, or Karen. It was Cheryl. Foggy would probably have to tell her a few things, too, but at the moment she had no idea how much.
When she answered the phone, Cheryl said to her, "Hey, Foggy, I think you picked the wrong morning to sleep in. Stark announced something like twenty minutes ago he's holding a press conference, in which, the announcement says, 'he will address general recent unfortunate events related to the Avengers,' although he also said he's going to talk about Colonel Rhodes' condition."
Rhodes still hadn't been seen publicly since he'd been shot down during the fight in Germany. All else aside, she was genuinely very curious to see how he was doing. The way things were going, it might just prove relevant to their activities.
She wanted to believe the rest at least wouldn't prove too bad for them. Were he a sensible person, he might have realized by now he couldn't just trust Ross's latest claims that they'd be doing everything legally and properly from there in. But of course, it was well known he was not, and Foggy did not quite trust him to not hide behind the government's current front.
"So how long do I have to get there?" Foggy asked, trying to gauge the current traffic. She was late enough the worst of it might have passed, at least.
"Officially it starts in about half an hour. You can always hope he'll be late."
Foggy wasn't going to rely on that. She went through the news websites after ending the call. Several had already started up their liveblogs, none of which yet had much to tell. There were also a lot of reports of people claiming they'd spotted Rogers or another one of his rogue Avengers near where they lived, none of which Foggy believed, but too many newly published news articles were reiterating them all.
Perhaps a little more interesting were a couple of them also listing a couple of reports of Hank Pym possibly being spotted in a bus station in Oakland. Ross and the government's other representatives hadn't ever mentioned their names when talking to the press. Even Lang's indictment hadn't mentioned them too much, and none of the other indictments had. Presumably they'd been worried about the populace's reaction to noticing that someone who had reportedly denounced the Avengers was getting charged just because they'd used his technology. That was a dangerous step to take, after all.
If the mainstream media was, at last, noticing the existence of these two people, that was probably good for their cause. Even if none of them were yet asking if they should've been charged, instead treating them as more normal fugitives from actual justice who needed to be found.
They were maybe about ten minutes away from the office, with the press conference scheduled to start in five, when she got the text from Karen. I'd say sorry in advance, but... She actually didn't groan. She was too resigned for that.
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Some thoughts on my oldest ship
I know the Big Bang Theory is old as hell, and I mostly watched it as a kid and lost interest as I got older and the show really just became all of the characters morphing into bland normal people instead, and realized that my ship Shenny was never going to happen in canon.
Which was when I was about 11/12 so I dropped the show completely at like season 7. I only really know bits and paces of what happened after that because of clips on youtube.
Anyways I keep seeing posts by people insisting that because of the similarities between Sheldon's sister Missy and Penny there are there's no way that they could have ever ended up together.
As if it's not common to end up marrying a person with a personality similar to a family member's (parents or siblings) in real life, literally all the time. To the point that I have seen it in action in my own life.
My sister is married to a man who's personality is a mixture of mine and our dad's. It's honestly terrible, he's an absolute troll, I don't know why she'd choose to do this to herself.
She complains about it when he'll get really annoying (because, he's a troll), and be all "I married a male version of you" and I just have to be like "Yeah I don't know why you did that either".
You get used to certain kinds of personalities over the course of your life (part of the reason why people who have unstable home lives as children often end up drawn to unhealthy relationships as adults), and humans are drawn to consistency.
If you have a good, healthy relationship with your siblings, then there's a pretty good chance you'll end up with someone with at least a similar temperament to them.
Think about it. You've spent your whole childhood learning how to get along with that kind of personality type, and if you grow up to still mesh well, it just kind of makes sense that that would be a personality type you'd end up getting along with more easily than other personalities. Even if you don't realize it.
[Note that this is specifically about siblings who have positive relationships, and generally got along the vast majority of their childhood.
Siblings who constantly fought and were never really close, obviously don't really have personality types that work well together in the first place. So rather obviously would be unlikely to end up in relationships with people similar to their sibling in personality.]
So I don't know why people are insisting that Penny and Missy being similar in personality is some kind of irrefutable proof against even the hypothetical existence of the Shenny ship.
To those Shamy shippers I sometime (still) see occasionally pop up in the comments of Shenny fics, don't bother replying or commenting about how Shamy is cannon, and how Shenny will never be cannon. I know that, and I don't care.
I'm just pointing out how this specific argument against Shenny doesn't really hold water.
There are plenty of other reasons as to why Shenny wouldn't work out romantically, but I don't really care about them either, because I like the ship, so I shall choose to ignore them.
It's not even that I hate Amy or the Shamy ship, I don't like the ship, but I don't hate it, or Amy.
Amy is hilarious, but I also think she wasted her time with Sheldon, trying to change him into the boyfriend and eventual husband that she wanted. I think she should have just given up on him and dated someone else who treated her like the bad bitch she is from the start.
Girl is amazonian tall, a literal genius, and super pretty in her own unconventional way. I'm 100% sure she could have found some other guy who would have treated her like a princess from the start with her newfound confidence from being friends with Penny and Bernie.
What I dislike about the ship is that it was basically the start of the show's crusade to turn the entire cast into boring "realistic" adults, and that both Sheldon and Amy had to be changed in order to work out as a couple.
I liked the characters how they were, and it just really felt like they were pushing the narrative that you have to sand off all of the aspects of your personality that your SO finds unlikable.
But most of the canon ships in the show are like that. It's a comedy, and the characters were the butt of the joke more often than they were the hero of the story.
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