#and I didn’t have any ideas after about 10-20 minutes that I was satisfied with
haiku-every-day · 2 years
You’ve heard of the thing, /
known as writers block, now here, /
is a haiku block. /
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
Hickeys and Revenge - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: angst, crack, swearing, fluff
Summary: Bakugou learned his lesson from his cheating prank but you weren’t satisfied quite yet. The man really almost broke you so to get back at him, you decided to pull this little masterpiece.
A/N: H/T means Hair Type!!! This is also related to this fic which you should read in order to understand the beginning of this story.
“Mina. Get your ass over here, I need you to suck on my titts.”
You couldn’t hold your laughter as you demanded your best friend to come and give you hickeys over the phone.
Not too long ago, your lovely boyfriend, Bakugou Katsuki, decided to pull a little prank on you. It wasn’t uncommon. You were the type of couple to enjoy a laugh every now and then but there was only one rule. No cheating pranks, no breaking up pranks. That was all. However, after being on a losing streak, your boyfriend decided to pull a little prank that very much broke the rules. In the end, he was also hurt but at least you knew he wouldn’t be pulling anything stupid like that again.
After that, you both went back to normal. You guys were once again happy, loving, cuddly, all the good stuff. But something in the back of your mind knew you weren’t quite satisfied with Katsuki’s punishment. You decided you had to feed the flames just a bit more to have your revenge. This ended up with you pulling a little hickey prank.
Now you were a prank master! You were skilled, smart, creative, and maniacal. Things had to be just right when it came down to it. That is why instead of using makeup like anyone else would, you’re looking for real, authentic hickeys. Since you obviously can’t have your boyfriend be the one to give you these hickeys, it would have to be your bestie, Ashido Mina.
“What?!” Mina laughed on the other side of the phone.
“It’s for a prank! Remember Katsuki’s cheating prank?” You said with excitement.
“Yeah. The one where he failed miserably and you ended up breaking up with him until you figured out it was a prank and you guys got back together after 3 days.” She explained.
“Gee, thanks for the play by play of me almost walking out of my very happy relationship.” You sarcastically replied. “Anyway, as revenge, I’m gonna do a little hickey prank!”
“Revenge? Girl, were you not satisfied with him being devastated over your almost breakup?” She asked.
“It’s not enough!” You replied.
“Not enough? Honey, he locked himself in the house for days. Eijirou had to force him to bathe and eat. What do you mean not enough?” She explained.
“Awwww, my poor baby. Look, I know he went through shit but he caused it! I didn’t get any revenge. I’m feening for it.” You explained.
“Alright, alright,” Mina giggled. “I’ll be over in 10..you fucking sadist.”
“Thank you!”
Time had passed and you were expecting the arrival of your best friend any minute now. You figured it’d be fine for her to be over for a bit because Katsuki was out on his final patrol for the week. After that, you’d have him all to yourself since he’d be home for the rest of the day.
Finally, after waiting and waiting, a knock was heard from the front door. You ran to the wooden structure and opened it to be blessed with the pink sight.
“Hickey time!” Mina said in a sing-song voice. You both laughed as she came in and you pulled her to the couch. “Okay, how are we doing this.”
“Uh, I don’t know- fuck this is so weird!” You joked as you both laughed again. “Okay, ummm, I think I’ll take a few on my chest and then some on my neck.”
“Okay. Should we have them like, trail up. Do you want me to go and make it look like he went from here to here?” She said and pointed from your chest to your lips, to which you nodded. “Wow bitch, you’re bold, wearing a tube top and everything!”
“I know right!” You both laughed. You layed back and pulled your tube top down to reveal your bra. Before you started, you pulled out your phone and started recording. You needed proof to show Katsuki that this was the work of your best friend and not some rando. Finally, Mina leaned down as you both released giggles and she placed her lips on your left mound. “What the fuck, this is so weird!”
You both laughed and Mina pulled her lips away as she began dying. You both turned red in the face as tears filled your eyes due to all the laughing. You both finally settled and she began sucking on your boob.
“What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck,” was all you could say as you laughed. “Wow, oh my gosh, your lips are sooo soft! Kiri is getting a treat!” You teased as Mina pulled off to laugh again.
She finally created the first mark and pulled off as you both took a look at her work. “Holy shit! There’s a fucking hickey!” You said like a teenage girl.
“That’s a fucking hickey, all right.” Mina said, proud of what she had done.
“What the fuck? This is really good!” You laughed. “You’re so good at this, how often do you practice? Is there a hickey on Kirishima right now?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Mina laughed. You both joked around a little more as she continued to mark you. It’s safe to say the whole procedure was quite comical.
“Can you like..make it darker? Like suck harder.”
*Mina sucking on your neck harder*
“Yeah, yeah. Harder. Yeah.”
“Ow! Did you just bite me?”
“Sorry! Instinct!”
“Ow...does it look bad?”
“It looks more believable.”
“Oh.....do it again.”
“This is weird...it’s like..hot when Katsuki does it though.”
“Okay, can you not talk about how you like it better when your boyfriend gives you hickeys while I’m literally swallowing your neck right now?”
Finally, after about 20 minutes of sucking and laughing, you were finally marked with red and purple hickeys. You looked in the mirror and were stunned with the work. You turned to face your best friend and high fived her.
Encouraging her to stay for a bit, you both spent some girl time together before she had to go due to Katsuki’s arrival approaching. After saying your farewells, you shut the door and jumped in excitement.
“Shits about to get real.”
You sat on the couch waiting for Katsuki’s arrival. Soon enough, the sound of his car door shutting alerted you of your boyfriend’s presence. You quickly covered your hickeys with your hair and went back in your phone to appear natural. Finally, after the sound of jingling keys, your boyfriend walked through the door with his best friend.
“Hi baby!” You said with glee as you got up and went to greet Katsuki with a kiss. He happily returned the quick peck and took note of your attire.
“The hell? Why’re you wearing this?” He asked, looking down at your tube top and spandex. You rolled your eyes knowing how he was whenever you wore clothes that exposed a little more than necessary around others.
“Because I didn’t know you were bringing Kirishima over so I stayed comfy.” You explained as Katsuki held his arms around you, grumbling about how you made a fair point.
After speaking for a little bit at the doorway, Katsuki made his way over to his best friend who had already made himself comfortable in the kitchen with a beer in his hand. The two were like brothers so it wasn’t uncommon for them to act this way in each other’s homes. While the two men were in the kitchen, you made your way up to your shared bedroom. You would rather have Katsuki see the hickeys in a private setting so that your upcoming argument wouldn’t take place in front of Kirishima.
Katsuki spent about 20 minutes down there with Kirishima before deciding to check up on you. The red head was fine with waiting in the kitchen and nodded his head at his friend when he decided to check up on you.
The blonde finally walked in through the room to see you sitting criss-crossed on the bed, looking at your phone. He shut the door as he approached you and you looked up and smiled at his arrival.
“Hi.” You said as you sat up a little straighter.
“Hey.” He said as he walked over and wrapped his arms around you before picking you up to kiss you. You both held the tiniest make out session before you settled to just holding each other, with your arms wrapped around his neck.
Katsuki joined you on the bed for a bit as you both sat together while still cuddled up. “How was your day, baby?”
“It was fine I guess. Nothing really happened. I stayed home, waiting for you dummy.” You said, trying to make Mina’s markings more noticeable. He still didn’t see them though.
“Oh yeah? Waiting for me to do what?” He smirked at you.
“Shut up, you fucking horn-dog. Waiting to spend some time with you. That’s all.” You said and Katsuki jokingly pouted.
“So you didn’t want me to come home and fuck you stupid?” He asked, pulling you into his lap.
“No. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want you to now.” You said in a soft voice. He chuckled softly before kissing the clean side of your neck.
“Maybe after Shitty Hair leaves,” he said before picking up his little pecks again. “I’ll do you just how I want to.”
He finally shifted over to the other side of your neck where the markings remained and he finally took notice of the work Mina had done. He paused his teasing and pulled away with a confused look in his face and furrowed his brows. He licked his thumb and reached out to wipe at the mark but silently seethed when it didn’t wipe away.
“What?” You questioned and Katsuki gently took you off his lap before standing up to pace around a bit. You walked to Katsuki in a “confused” manner before he stopped you.
“Uhhh...hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on.” He ran his hand through his hair, like he usually did in stressful situations, before looking at you.
“Uh, what- what is that? On your Uh-“ he said and tapped his neck. You went to your vanity mirror before turning to face him again. “Is that a hickey?”
‘Showtime’ you thought to yourself. “N-no. No, it’s not a hickey-“
“Then what is it?” He eagerly questioned with fear and anger laced in his voice.
“I don’t know, I was running and I fell and-“
“And what? You fell and got bruises?” He said looking at your neck and chest. He walked to you and pulled down your shirt to reveal the hickeys Mina left on your mid-chest. Katsuki shook his head and backed up, more pissed off than before. “No. No- you don’t fucking fall and get bruises on your neck and chest like that. So is it a fucking hickey?”
“No, no it’s not a hickey I swear.” You said softly, walking up to hug him but he gently stepped out of your hold. “Babe, babe-“
“Mm, no that’s definitely a fucking hickey.” He said as he chewed on his lower lip. “S’a fucking hickey.”
“No it’s not, I was using the H/T iron and I guess I burned myself-”
“Your hair is naturally H/T. Why would you need to use a H/T iron?” He said. You were stunned in silence but wanted to smile, appreciating the fact that your boyfriend knew you so well.
“Y/N are you fucking serious?!” He said, raising his voice a bit to show his anger.
“It’s not a hickey! I swear!” You said and walked to the mirror and he followed you.
“You’re fucking lying! ‘Cuz you don’t fucking get hickeys on your chest and titts randomly.” He said as you turned to walk to him, causing him to step back.
“I- I was using makeup and-“
“I swiped at it already, it’s not fucking coming off!”
“No I was like, I was fighting-“
“Fighting with what?!”
“I don’t know I just-“
“No, no! Stop! Can you stop coming towards me right now? You’re fucking lying to me and making up excuses. Those are fucking hickeys.” He said at a good distance away as tears began to fill his eyes. “Are you serious, Y/N?”
“....I’m sorry.” You quietly said. Your apology pushed his tears to flow as he dropped his head back and used his hands to wipe away his tears.
“You’re sorry? You’re not fucking sorry! You’re a fucking hoe that cheated on me while I was away. Are you fucking serious?” He said looking at you with teary eyes and a red nose. “Hurry the fuck up and just say you cheated on me!”
“No!” You whined. Katsuki laughed and rolled his neck as he wiped more tears before taking some random thing and throwing it at the wall, creating a loud sound.
“The fuck is wrong with you?! Did I do something wrong?! Tell me!” He said, shouting at you.
“No! You didn’t do anything!” You said, standing still.
“I must’ve done something! Or what? Are you just a slut that likes fucking attention? Is that why you’re okay being dressed like that around Kirishima?” He asked with an angry voice as he looked at your attire once more. He watched as you shook your head ‘no’ before his eyes dropped down to the markings on your upper body.
“Why would you do this?!” He said with a cracked voice as he openly cried now and walked to you. “I fucking love you Y/N! How could you do this to me? We’ve been together for years! I spent years of my life with you and you do this?!”
After seeing his tears and hearing his broken voice, you decided this was enough.
“Katsuki...” you softly said as you reached out for his arm. You expected the argument to go on longer but Katsuki seemed like he was heartbroken and done as he tried to walk away from your touch. “No, no Katsuki wait!”
“Get off of me.” He said trying to shake you off but you lightened your voice and coated it with giggles to assure him.
“No wait! Baby it’s a prank! It’s a prank I swear!” You said standing in front of him, pushing him deeper into the room. He turned around to avoid you but you only clung to his back. “Mina did it! Mina came and did it!”
“Baby, I swear!” You said, turning him around and keeping his front facing you
“KIRISHIMA!” He called out and soon enough, the red head came in, cautious of what was going on.
“What happened?” Kirishima softly asked in confusion. A quiet silence filled the room and all that could be heard was your boyfriend’s heavy breathing.
“I’m shaking right now.” The blonde said in your hold.
“Why?” Kirishima asked, looking to you.
“He thinks I cheated on him because I have hickeys but Mina came over earlier and did it.” You said as the red head walked into the room.
Silence filled the room once more as Kirishima inspected the scene. He looked at your hickeys, to your face, to Katsuki’s shaking body and teary eyes. “I don’t believe that.”
“You don’t believe me?” You asked him.
“Not really. I want to but why would Mina come and give you hickeys on your chest and neck?” The red head said with his hands in his pockets and head tilted to the side.
“I swear she did it, I have the footage.” You said pulling out your phone.
“No- no, this is fucking dumb. I guess we’re over.” Katsuki said and began walking to the door but you quickly pulled up the video and jumped on him. He wouldn’t turn and so you put the video in front of his face as he began to watch, alongside Kirishima.
After finishing the video, Katsuki crouched down to the ground and allowed his head to drop as he gave a relieved sigh. You laughed at him and began to hug his shoulders as Kirishima laughed in the back.
“I’m sorry baby!” You said. Bakugou surprised you with tears of joy and a smile as he quickly turned to give you a hug while he stood up and assaulted your face in quick pecks.
“Alright, well how the fuck do we get rid of these Mina marks?” Katsuki asked, wiping at your neck.
“You could do it with a cold spoon.” Kirishima interjected causing you and Katsuki to settle.
“Oh..oh yeah, you would know.” You both simultaneously said and laughed at him. The red head blushed and turned to the same shade as his hair before coming up with a comeback.
“You guys are just weird!” Kirishima embarrassingly joked before walking out of the room, laughing and going back down to his beer.
Bakugou held you in his arms and swayed you as you allowed him to kiss your face. “I’m sorry~”
“Baby, that’s so messed up!” He laughed out with a sigh as he placed his head to your own. “I almost fucking left you!”
“I know, you were so mad.” You said in a sad but laughing voice as you wrapped your arms around his neck. “But that’s what you get! Now you know how I felt when you fucking pranked me last time.”
“I know, I’m sorry. I get it, this is why we don’t pull these types of pranks.” He said.
“Exactly.” You pecked his nose before continuing. “I’m sorry.” You whispered before he placed a long and hot kiss on your lips. He picked you up as you wrapped your legs around his torso while your arms tightened around his neck.
“Aww, I feel so bad!” You whimpered as you tucked your head into his neck. “Are you mad at me?”
“No. You’re my girl.” He said with his husky voice.
You pulled your head back to peck his lips and he did the same and kissed you back. You both went in for more small pecks before you pulled away the slightest bit to make fun of him.
“You got praaaannkkkeeddd!” You said before laughing again, to which he rolled his eyes and flopped onto the bed with you in his hold.
“I’m gonna get you back.” He said with determination in his eyes.
“You’re gonna get me back?” You questioned.
“No!” You giggled out.
“Mhm. I’m probably gonna cut your hair this time. Maybe throw all your makeup out the window, I don’t know.” He threatened.
“Those aren’t pranks! Those’ll actually do damage!” You said.
“Mhm!” He agreed and you both just laughed some more. You made it up to him with apology cuddles in bed for the next half hour before you both remembered you had a guest in your house. Katsuki quickly got up once he realized his friend was still in his house and went to kick the red head out.
“Why’re you making him leave?” You asked as Katsuki stood at the bedroom exit.
“Because apology cuddles aren’t enough. You’re making it up to me in another way.” He said with a wink and smirk before walking out the door. You laughed and sighed before flopping down on the bed with a blush. With his leave, you mentally began to prepare yourself for the hours of rough make-up sex that was to come.
Tag list: @sxcker4you @aomi04 @tessabrown101 @ebiharachan @is-this-ash @iris-shihabi @sxturn-stars @isolight
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kireimarkeu · 4 years
To You; l.dh
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+another repost! did not make any changes to this work :) p.s this is one of my fav fics i have written :)
summary; bored in quarantine, your boyfriend decides to film himself telling you how much he loves you.
3k words
this was like… ½ edited LMFAO so there might,,, be mistakes…??? this was so tiring to make omfg, enjoy!! lol 
also i mixed the name donghyuck and haechan bc i couldn’t choose one lmfao ok!!! bye gn enjoy!! :)))))))
warnings: there’s a word f*t in it
+Day 1 3:34PM
Haechan adjusted the camera, making sure he could be seen. Once he was sure the camera was reflecting him properly, he leaned back against his gaming chair. 
“Um,” your boyfriend started, looking everywhere but the camera. “This is awkward,” he says, looking back at the camera.
“I started this, since we won’t be able to see each other for a month- because of quarantine,” he explains, “I honestly have no idea what I’m doing right now,” he laughs. 
After a few minutes of pure silence, your boyfriend opened his mouth to continue speaking, “I just feel like— I never really show much love to you?” 
There were times where your boyfriend would purposely avoid saying ‘I love you’ or avoid holding your hands whenever the both of you were outside. Honestly, you didn’t really mind, knowing Donghyuck was never the type to show affection. 
“It’s hard,” he says truthfully, “The boys knows how much I love you, and it sucks that I don’t know how to show you— or tell you, that I love you.”
Haechan bit his lips nervously, “and, I think this video is- or will prove that I love you?”
He wasn’t sure if he was even making sense at this point. 
Your boyfriend groaned, throwing his head back, covering his face with his hands. After a while, he looked back at the camera, “you know what, babe? Just watch the whole thing, okay?”
+Day 4 11:47PM
“Hi,” he smiles, letting out a huff, “this is kinda late, I spent the whole night playing games,” he says guiltily, playing with his fingers, looking away from the camera.
He knows that you didn’t like it when he would stay up until ungodly hours just to play games with his friends. You hated how he would put his health aside just to play games. 
He brings his hands up to brush his wet hair. 
“Uh,” he sighs out loud, pouting. “I feel bad for staying up late last night, so I’m going to spend the whole night with you today,” he laughs. 
Another moment of silence pass. 
“I don’t know what to say,” he whines. 
He sat there in silence, staring at the ground, figuring out on what to say. Should he tell you about his day?
“Well, I woke up at 5PM today,” he tells you, “I ate dinner with my family— mom cooked chicken today!” he says happily, “Then, I went to call you for a bit because I missed you a little too much,” he pouts. 
He scratched his head, “then I showered and now this-“ he says, pointing to the camera. 
“Um, it has been 4 days and I miss you too much,” he says truthfully, “facetiming isn’t working, I think I’m going crazy,” he laughs. 
+Day 5 7:38PM
He was talking halfway, talking about how much he admires you when his phone started ringing. 
“Oh?” he turns around to grab his phone from his bed. A smile formed on his face when he saw you facetiming him. 
He turned to the camera to show his screen, “Baby, you’re calling me,” he giggles before quickly answering to your facetime. 
“Channie~” you whine cutely when your boyfriend answered your facetime, “what are you doing, hyuckie?”
Usually, your boyfriend would complain whenever you would speak in a cute voice, but he secretly likes it. He secretly likes being babied. 
He looks at the camera that was recording the both of you. 
“Nothing,” he lies, “why did you call me, loser?”
You huff, raising your arms so he could see you laying on the bed. “I’m bored, hyuckie~ entertain me~”
He leans back on his chair, “wanna play games with me?”
Your face beam at his words, “Okay! I’ll get my X-Box ready now.”
Your boyfriend was the one who bought for you the X-Box. Well, it was an old version, but you loved it, nonetheless. It wasn’t like you played daily— you only played with boyfriend. 
“I’ll call you in 5, baby,” he tells you, already walking over to turn on the tv. 
“Kay, bye-bye, love you, Hyuckie,” you say in a baby voice, bringing your phone closer to press your lips on the camera. 
Donghyuck scrunched his nose in disgust, “yeah, yeah,” he says before ending the call. 
He quickly grab the camera that was still recording, he moved the camera closer to press a kiss, “I love you too, y/n.”
+Day 7 3:01PM
“Do you remember when you gave me the teddy bear— Oh my gosh, I feel like a youtuber,” he cackles. He shook his head, focusing back to what he was saying. 
“So, do you remember when you gave me the teddy bear?” he asks, “wait,” he says, standing up to grab the tiny teddy bear that was sitting on his bed. 
You had bought him the bear during your 200th day with him. Donghyuck didn’t really give the reaction you wanted. 
“Do you not like it?” you had asked him, disappointment laced in your voice. You didn’t dare look at him, upset with yourself that you had bought something that he didn’t like. 
“No, no!” he quickly replied, wrapping an arm around your shoulder to pull you into his chest, the other holding the tiny bear. “I love it,” he says. 
You knew it was a lie. He didn’t seem to like it. 
“I love it,” he says, “I know I didn’t show like I did at that time, but I need it with me every time I go to bed.” 
He scratches his head, regretting his actions that has had happened months ago. 
“No one has ever bought me a bear before,” he explains, “and when you bought it for me, it just felt— I felt, I felt happy? I felt fulfilled? Do you know what I mean?” 
“I really wanted to tell you that I loved your present, especially when you had bought me another present a few days later,”
‘it was to make up for the previous present’ was your reason. 
It broke his heart when you said that while handing him a couple bracelet. He wanted to tell you how much he loved your gift, but it was so hard for him. 
“I hated myself for not being able to tell you the truth, it’s hard—and it still is,” he sighs, “I hope by doing this, I can assure you that I love you..?” 
+Day 10 9:34PM
He was in the middle of filming himself when his mother comes in. 
“Donghyuck-ah, what are you doing? Do you want some fruits?” his mother asks, looking at his son, not noticing the camera perched on the dressing table. 
Instead of answering his mother’s question, he grabs the camera to film his mother. 
“Eomma, say hello to y/n,” Donghyuck says. 
His mother raised her eyebrows in surprised, “hello my dear y/n~ how are you?”
Your boyfriend giggle from behind the camera, “tell her how much you miss her,”
“I think I miss you more than Donghyuck does,” she jokes. “What is this for, Donghyuck-ah?”
Haechan placed the camera back on the dressing table, turning to look at his mum.
“I’m making a video for y/n until quarantine is over,” he explains as his mother walks in, wrapping her arm around her son’s shoulder. 
His mother’s heart warmed at his son’s words. 
“You’re growing up way too fast, our Donghyuck~” she cooed, pulling your boyfriend’s cheeks as he whined in pain. 
You would also pinch his cheeks almost every time the both of you are together. Whenever you had Donghyuck’s cheeks between your fingers, he would whine, pulling away from your grip.
“Eomma! I want strawberries!” he shouts after his mother left his room. 
He turns his attention back to the camera, “Anyways—”
+Day 17 2:35AM
“I really like your eyes,” Haechan confesses dreamily, “your eyes are the colour of shit,” he jokes, “but they’re so shiny, baby,”
The first time he realizes he’s in love with your glimmering eyes was when he brought you out on a date to star gaze. You were staring at the sky, a smile plastered on your face, amazed at how beautiful the sky was. 
When you noticed your boyfriend staring at you, you turned to face him. Your eyes captured his heart. How could someone have such bright eyes?
“Oh! And when you smile, you make my heart beat like crazy!” he chuckles. 
The first thing that caught Hyuck’s eyes when he had a crush on you was your bright smile. He believes that was the main reason that he fell for you. How you would always have a beaming smile plastered on your face everywhere you go. 
He thinks it’s adorable. 
The small dimples that was on the side of your lips whenever you smile. 
And your adorable little laugh he adores so much. 
Or the little birthmark you had on the corner of your mouth. 
After talking about you for a while, he let out a satisfied sigh, “I’m so whip for you, you know?”
After 17 days of making videos for you, it started becoming easier for him to show his love for you. 
“Everything you do makes me go crazy, do you realise that?” he asks you, “do you realize that everything you do makes me happy? No, you don’t have to do anything, your presence makes me melt.”
He laughs at how he was flirting, “you’re probably laughing too,”
His laughter died down, letting out a tired sigh, “well, it’s late and I’m going to go to bed before you nag at me some more,”
He let out a yawn, “goodnight y/n, I love you so much, you don’t know how happy you make me,”
+Day 20 2:56PM
This time, it was different. 
He was filming himself at McDonalds drive-thru. 
“Guess who’s this for?” he asks the camera, his gaze on the road. “Yes, you.”
He turns to look at the camera for a second before paying attention on the road, “you didn’t ask me to get you anything but I wanted to get something for you,” he explains. 
He was lying, this was just an excuse to see you, even for a second. Even if it’s 6 feet apart. Even if there was a glass between the both of you. 
“I think you know the reason why I’m buying this for you,” he says, referring to the food. “To make you fat! You’re right, y/n,” he jokes. 
That was also a lie. You tend to eat less whenever you’re stressed. 
After he found out that you had a project, he knew how stress you would be, and decided to get food, making sure you eat healthily. 
Your boyfriend would never fail to remind you how much he loves your body. No matter shape or size. He has always made sure you feel loved with who you are. 
“I think you know the real reason why I’m coming over,” he adds. When he reaches a red light, he turns to look at the camera with a pout, “I can’t help it, I miss you too much, y/n,” he says in a baby voice. 
He grimaces at his actions, shaking his head disapprovingly, “I am never doing that ever again.”
A few minutes later, he reached your house. He had texted you to that he was waiting for you outside. 
It took you a while to come out, but when you did, you had one of his hoodies over your body. 
He loves it when you wear his clothes, it makes him feel all giddy. 
‘One day, I’m going to wear all of your clothes’ he would say whenever you steal his clothes. 
You walked over to his car, “what the hell are you doing here, dummy,” you ask him, maintaining the distance. 
He grabbed the bag of food from the passenger’s seat and passed it to you from the window of his car. 
“Brought you food, you unappreciative bitch,” he tells you while you walk up to grab the food from him. 
You open the bag to see your favourite food, “my favourite food, too?!” you squeal, “Haechan best boyfie~”
He rolls his eyes, “yeah, yeah, go and finish your project,”
You nodded, the smile not leaving your face. 
“I’ll facetime you later?” he asks. 
“At 11,” you confirmed. 
He nods, signalling for you to go back in. You blow a kiss to your boyfriend before turning around to go back in. 
He quickly fishes out his camera, filming you walking back in your house. 
“Look at my baby all happy because I brought her food,” he says, “enjoy your food, pretty,”
+Day23 6:07PM
“Day 23,” he breathes out. “I didn’t expect it to go by so fast,” he blurts out. 
He puffs his cheeks out, “I don’t want to stop making videos for you, but you would just make fun of me for being soft,”
He had started growing content on making videos for you every day. 
“But at the same time, I can finally see you after a month, babe!” he says happily. “I can finally hold you in my arms, we can kiss until the world ends, we can also do it,” he says, wiggling his eyebrows. 
Well, he can’t lie he did miss doing it with you. 
He sighs, “anyway, when we can finally get together, we can watch movies, then come back to my place and we can cuddle!”
He missed that. 
Personally, Donghyuck preferred going over to your place but you preferred going to his place because he had games and a huge bed, and it was just comfortable. 
“Ahh,” he groan, “I miss you like crazy! I think I have to end this video early because I wanna facetime you right now,”
He grabs his phone on the table to call you. 
“Okay, bye babe, I love you, I’m going to talk to you now!”
+Day 25 4:03AM
“Hi,” donghyuck greet the camera. 
Anyone could realise he wasn’t in the best mood. 
It took Donghyuck a while to start talking, “we had a fight earlier today,” he says, his voice lace with disappointment and… hurt?
You had texted him just an hour ago, ranting about your homework. When Donghyuck replied to you a minute later, you got angry at him because he was staying up again at ungodly hours. 
He didn’t understand why you were so angry because you were awake at the same timing as he is. 
“I’m going to give you space, because it’s what you need right now,” he says. “I hope you know I still love you no matter what,”
He bit his lip hesitantly, “I know you don’t like it when I stay up with the boys, but I don’t like you staying up to finish your work either, baby”
He closes his eyes shut for a moment, taking a deep breath. “I hope you don’t get too stressed over school, eat healthily, and make sure you rest from time to time, babygirl,”
He lets out another sigh before reaching for the camera, “I love you,”
+Day 28 7:36PM
 Haechan purses his lips, staring at the camera, “today is a bad day,” he starts. 
Today he had woke up a little earlier than normal after talking it out with you a few days ago. He decided to get up early and help his mom with cooking, which only resulted him in getting scolded by his mother for making a mess. 
After that, he decided to play games with his friends, however despite playing for 5 hours straight, he didn’t get a single win. 
Now, he has tried to contact you, but you have not replied to him. Probably busy with school. 
He let out a huff, “take a break y/n,” he whines, “focus on me too~”
Letting out a pout he shakes his head, “kidding babe, get those A’s!”
“Well, now I don’t really have anything to do so I’m going to facetime you again, bye babe!”
+Day 30 10:18AM
“Hyuckie!” you call out, running to your boyfriend. When you reached him, you threw your arms around your boyfriend’s neck, making him stumble back a few steps as he grabs on your waist. 
You hid your face in his neck, breathing in his scent. He smells so good.
“You’re not going to let go of me until I say so,” you mumble, tightening your grip around his neck.
He chuckles at you, “I won’t let go of you until you say so,” 
Donghyuck was satisfied with having his arms wrapped around your waist, his face covered in your hair. 
After a few moments of the both of you just holding each other, you finally pull away from your boyfriend. 
“Y/n,” he says, making you hum.
“Wait,” you stop him, making him stare at you with wide eyes as he froze on the spot. 
“Can you kiss me first?” you ask. His eyes soften at your request. Your fingers trace his bottom lips, “I miss your pretty lips.”
He smiles at your words and nodded. Pulling you closer by your waist, he pressed his lips against yours. Your hands rest on his chest while you both share a needy kiss. 
After a few minutes, you pull away, breathless with crimson red cheeks.
Haechan raised his eyebrows as he resumed, “I made something for you,”
You gasped, “what is it?”
He fishes out a CD player. The CD held videos of him explaining how much he loves and appreciates you throughout the whole month. 
He passes you the gift. 
“Watch this at home?” he tells you. 
You grab the CD from his grip, “okay? What is this all about?”
“Just promise me you’ll watch it at home?” he asks again, staring down at you. 
“I will! I will!” 
After making videos of himself for 29 days straight, Donghyuck have concluded that he was so utterly in love with you. He was so in love with you that he didn’t know how to express how much he adores you.
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the-iceni-bitch · 4 years
I Fear We’re Facing A Problem
Pairing: Carol Danvers x enhanced!Fem Reader
Words: sorry, laptop is still being a bitch so it’s another mobile
Summary: You convince Carol to join you on a night out and a good time is had by all!
Warnings: WLW, explicit language, explicit sexual content (spanking, oral sex (f receiving), mentions of using a dildo), violence (but nothing too gory, just standard canon stuff), SMUT, 18+ ONLY!!!!
A/N: Another from my WIP folder and my second WLW fic! (Which I really need to write more of btw cus this was a real treat). I also may have accidentally stumbled on a little something that I had never thought of before but that is most likely going to be coming in the future, see if you can pick up those hints! 😉
Check out my masterlist and join my taglist if you want!!!
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Carol dodged a beer bottle as she stepped into the bar, cursing to herself before scanning the room for additional threats.
And boy were there a lot of them.
When you had drunk dialed her 20 minutes ago, noting your intention to start a fight with some chauvinist assholes, she hadn’t really believed you. But there you were in the middle of a full on brawl, punching some idiot in an army uniform in the mouth before grabbing a pitcher and breaking it over his head.
Carol moved forward as one of your victim’s companions grabbed you around the middle and lifted you off the floor. She tossed aside some moron in a leather jacket easily as he came at her with a broken bottle before wrapping her arm around the neck of the jackass that had you in a hold.
He choked and released you, his hands scrabbling at Carol’s forearm. She ignored him as you launched yourself over the table and kicked another of the army boys in the face before turning and shooting her a grin.
“Hey Danvers!” You said, grabbing another assailant by the back of the neck and tossing him across the room with a shrug of your shoulders.
“Y/N, what have I told you about drinking by yourself?” She said, dropping the man she was holding with a thud as he had finally passed out. She ducked as someone across the bar threw a stool, catching it in midair and hefting it back at him.
“I wasn’t by myself.” You said as you ripped a leg off one of the tables and cracked it across some guys back. “Thor was here, and he brought some bomb-ass mead.”
“That asshole left you here by yourself after getting you drunk on Asgardian mead?” She was going to have to have a talk with that idiot next time she saw him.
“Unlike someone, Thor knows I can take care of myself.” You said with an eye roll before breaking a beer bottle and plunging it into the thigh of some new moron.
“You’re not the one I’m worried about, sweetheart.” She scolded as she caught the leg of one of the idiots and threw him across the room.
“Oh, it’s sweetheart now?” You said with a snort before head butting someone.
“I am so not having this discussion with you right now.” She said before punching some asshole in the ribs.
“We gotta have it sometime, though.” You laughed as you caught a fist in your palm and drove your other hand into the idiot’s elbow until you heard a snap.
“Well maybe if you tried asking me out when you were sober, we’d get somewhere.” She said sarcastically, dodging a punch and throwing the puncher one handed into the ceiling.
“What?!? Y/N, I leave to get you sustenance and you start a fight?” Thor thundered, absorbing a couple of blows before picking up one of the army brats with one hand and striding towards you, hefting the grease soaked bag above the fray.
“Thorsie baby, you got my burrito!!!” You said giddily, tossing the man who was trying to stab you aside as you hopped on a table and pounced on the Asgardian, making grabby hands at the food.
“I can’t believe you left her unsupervised after giving her mead.” Carol said as things finally started to calm down as the bar patrons eyed the god who had just strode in with wariness. She slapped down a giant wad of cash on the bar, hoping it would be enough to cover all the damages.
“She was hungry and getting insistent, I didn’t think she could start anything in half an hour.” He said with a bit of a pout as he ignored your eating, your legs still wrapped around him as you moaned around your burrito.
“You’re a fucking enabler, Odinson.” Carol said with a shake of her head. “Did you forget about Helsinki?”
“Ha, that was a good time!” You said around a mouth full of burrito.
“It was an international shitshow, Y/N.” She said as Thor guffawed. “Poor Nat had to do damage control for a month. What am I gonna do with you?”
“You could make me your housewife.” You said teasingly before taking another giant bite of your burrito, slowly unwrapping yourself from Thor as you arrived at Carol’s Jeep.
She rolled her eyes at you as you gave her the most ridiculous doe eyes she’d ever seen. “You’re so fucking manipulative.”
“Please, I’d be a damn amazing housewife.” You grumbled, waiting for Thor to crawl into the backseat. “Isn’t that right, Thorsie?”
“Her pancakes are delectable.” Thor said with an appreciative nod.
“See?! I’d make you pancakes everyday baby!” You whined as you buckled yourself in.
She just shook her head at you as she started the engine and pulled out.
You stuck out your tongue at her before turning to Thor over your shoulder. “Well, since Danvers here has a fear of commitment,” you said, ignoring her scoff. “ you want to make an honest woman out of me, Odinson?”
He threw his head back and laughed heartily before clapping a hand on your shoulder. “I would be honored to have you for my queen, Y/N.”
“Alright, that’s enough you two.” Carol growled. She was starting to get annoyed with your antics.
“Oh, are you jealous?” You said as you turned back to her, grinning like an idiot. “Cuz just say the word babe and I’d leave Mr. Asgard in a heartbeat, sorry Thor.”
He just chuckled at the two of you as Carol finally pulled into the compound, a scowl on her face.
“Let’s get you back to your room, Y/N.” She said resignedly, climbing down from the front seat and shaking her head at you.
“Are you gonna take advantage of me in my inebriated state, Danvers?” You teased as you stumbled out of the vehicle, Thor catching your arm and steadying you as he followed. “Cuz I’m down.”
“I’m gonna sober you up so you’re ready for the shitstorm that’s coming your way once your little bar brawl hits the news.”
“Ugh, lame!!!” You said with a roll of your eyes as you followed after her.
The three of you made your way to the living quarters, Thor holding you steady as you wobbled on still drunk legs, grinning and laughing with him as Carol marched in front of you. She shook her head at you two as you reached the door to your room. You leaned against the wall with a huff and a pout as she worked on unlocking your door.
“I’ve got her from here, Odinson.” She said as she got the door open, swinging it onwards and giving him his own look of reproach. “And don’t think your getting off easy, I already apprised Rogers of your role in this fiasco.”
“Ha, the Captain doesn’t scare me!” He said, doing a piss poor job of hiding the flash of worry that crossed his face. He turned to give you a grin and a kiss on the forehead before turning to leave. “Have a good night ladies.”
You turned to give Carol a knowing grin before she shoved you inside and followed after you, slamming the door behind her.
She finally let her face split into a massive grin now that the two of you were alone, a hearty laugh ripping from her chest that you reciprocated as she stepped into you.
“So, Thor knows then?” She said as she ripped off her leather jacket and tossed it aside, working on unbuttoning her flannel.
“Of course he knows, babe.” You said as you wrenched your tee over your head, moving to unbutton your jeans. “Pretty sure he figured it out as soon as it happened.”
“You didn’t tell him then?” She asked you with a cocked eyebrow as she stepped out of her boots and kicked them aside.
You rolled your eyes as you bent to untie your sneakers. “No, I don’t know why you want to keep it a secret though.”
“Mmm, I just like knowing that I get to do all these filthy things to you and no one has any idea about it.” She said as she watched you straighten back up, wearing nothing but your bralette and thong. “Now bend over the couch.”
“What?!?! Oh c’mon babe, we weren’t serious when we made that deal!”
“I was absolutely serious, sweetie. Now bend over and take your punishment like a good girl.”
You pouted and did as you were told, supporting yourself on your elbows as you presented your ass to her.
“Spread those legs further.” She ordered, tapping her toes against the inside of your ankle until you complied. “There she is. You’re lucky I’m feeling generous, we’re only gonna do 10 tonight, since you managed to keep your antics local.”
“Yes ma’am.” You said grudgingly, a shiver running up your spine as she ran her fingers up the back of your thigh.
The first smack jolted you forward suddenly, almost sending you tumbling over the couch as you dug your hands into the cushions. Carol ran her hand soothingly over the red handprint that she’d raised on your left ass cheek before bracing her other hand over your back and grinning down at you.
“That’s one.” She said, her fingers brushing over your clothed core and making you whine before she slapped your other cheek just has hard. “Two.”
She made the same soothing gesture over your right cheek before spanking you directly above your clenching pussy and making you scream.
“Ooh, three.” She said, biting her lip as she rubbed her hand in a big circle over your sex, feeling the dampening cloth of your panties with a satisfied smirk. “Fuck, baby.”
She gave two more slaps to each cheek in a quick succession that had you whimpering and sinking into the sofa, your knees starting to give out. Her next smack was over your core again, and you whined as a fresh rush of arousal flowed out of you and started to leak down your thighs, the fabric of your panties now soaked completely through.
“Love how wet my baby gets.” Carol cooed before shredding your panties with a quick twist of her wrist and flinging the ruins aside. She sucked in a breath as she got a look at the mess between your legs; plump swollen folds flushed with heat and pulsing with need as juices flowed out you. “Just two more. Think I can make you cum from just a spanking?”
Her ninth slap was right over your entrance and made you twitch as she kept her hand curled over your mound, just pressing against you as she felt the muscles of your core throbbing under her fingers. She took a layer of slick with her when she withdrew her hand, and you peeked over your shoulder to watch her suck your arousal from her fingers.
“Carol...” you whined, your breath coming in needy little pants as you waited for her to give you your last spank.
“Such a needy little baby. You better ask me real nice sweetie, otherwise I might just tie you up and leave you all frustrated. Maybe I’ll make you watch me fuck myself on that stormbreaker dildo you’ve been keeping secret. Would you like that?”
“Fuck, Carol! Please, please fucking spank me! I promise I’ll be your good girl!” You moaned, trying to press yourself back into her hand, desperate for release.
“Aww, but I don’t want you to be a good girl.” She said.
Her final spank was a direct hit to your clit, and you screamed as your entire body spasmed. Your fingers dug into the couch cushions as you squirted all over Carol’s hand, your knees finally giving out as you sobbed with pleasure.
“Oh, I knew you could do it baby.” She said as she started to press soft kisses down your back, her hand still in between your legs rubbing in big, slow circles over your pussy with just enough pressure to drive you crazy. “Love making my bad girl fall apart. Don’t you dare start behaving now.”
“Yes ma’am.” You sighed into the cushions as you came down.
Carol ran her lips and tongue over the swollen marks she’d left on you, her hand an your core starting to press into you harder. You gasped when she suddenly pulled you apart, her fingers spreading your folds and barely giving you a chance to adjust before her tongue ran over your slit in a heavy stripe.
“Shit!” You cried as you thumped your first against the sofa, your cunt clenching around nothing as Carol lapped at your sex like it was the first drink she’d had in weeks.
She grinned against you, slipping a finger inside you and making your keen as her lips wrapped around your clit. You had to fight to stay upright as she slipped in a second finger, scissoring them inside you and stretching you open as she suckled at your tiny button, making you clench around her.
You let out an inhuman shriek when she added the third finger, thrusting yourself backwards into her face and fucking yourself on her hand as her mouth still worked at taking you apart. She shook her head to bury her face even deeper and you lost it, sobbing as your body tried to curl in on itself as your orgasm crashed over you.
Carol brought both hands to keep you from collapsing at the same time she pressed the flat of her tongue over your pussy, moaning as you throbbed against her face and she caught your release as it squirted out of you, swallowing it greedily as her lips wrapped around your sex.
Your body finally stopped shaking and she stood up behind you, curling over your back and turning your head so she could press her lips against yours. She teased your lips with your tongue and you opened up to her, whining into her mouth as you tasted yourself.
“Mmm, how you feeling baby?” She asked with a grin as she pulled away from you, taking your breath with her.
“Pretty fucking fantastic.” You said, beaming back at her. You flipped yourself over until you landed on the couch with a huff, making her roll her eyes at you. “Really wanna make you feel good too, beautiful.” You said with a wink.
“Yeah? How you gonna do that?” She said as she watched you reach under the couch, searching for something.
“Oh, I’ve got a pretty good idea.” You said as you straightened back up, placing a long black box on your lap. “I don’t know how you found out about this, but it’s gonna blow your fucking mind. Say hello to the stormbreaker.”
You opened the box to reveal a massive, pretty realistic looking dildo and Carol let out a guffaw as you wiggled your eyebrows at her suggestively.
“I love you sweetheart, but I’m not letting you fuck me with a dildo based off one of our best friends!”
“Don’t be such a square, baby!” You said, standing up to chase after her as she headed into the bedroom. “He’d be flattered!!”
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Just So I Could Call You Mine - Aaron Hotchner x fem!reader part 3
A/N: It's finally here!! I'm sorry the wait was so long but I'm hoping it'll be worth it. I'd just like to thank @ya-boi-is-dead for the inspiration for this fic. Please enjoy:)
Warnings: Swearing
*** = time skip
Word Count: 2744
Things with Aaron had been going great. After the incident at Rossi’s, we decided to take things slow but, us being who we were, fell right back into the pattern of things. Most weekends were spent with each other whether it was going for coffee, a stroll in the park, or (more often than not) we just stayed home enjoying each other’s company once again. We tried to hold off from telling the team to start with as we didn’t want the pressure of them knowing to somehow hinder things but trying to hide a relationship from a group of profilers is like trying to hide from an unsub behind a glass door. Impossible. When they all inevitably found out, Aaron got an earful from the lot of them considering how things went last time, but I can honestly say, he’s not going to hurt me. The one person we’ve decided it’s absolutely essential not to tell is the mega bitch herself – Haley. I can’t risk Aaron losing Jack for being in a relationship with me, I’d never forgive myself. So, while Haley knows me and Aaron are back on good terms, everything else is hidden from her.
I jolted upright as an alarm sounded right next to my head. I fumbled around beside me trying to find my phone to shut it off. As I pulled my phone towards me, JJ’s name flashed in my face.
“Oh my god finally, where the hell are you? Is Hotch with you?” She said sounding frustrated.
“What do you mean?” I replied, my voice heavy with sleep. As I was talking, I felt an arm snake around my waist pulling me backwards. Aaron buried his head in the crook of my neck, sighing happily. In that moment I wanted nothing more than to hang up the phone, cuddle up to him and just stay there forever. However, this being my life – that was not going to happen.
“You were meant to be here half an hour ago. Hotch has a meeting this morning that starts in 20 minutes and neither of you are anywhere to be seen.” JJ explained. That woke me up. I looked at the clock. 10:00. Shit.
“Aaron.” I jabbed him with my elbow causing him to groan while pulling me closer to him. “Aaron, seriously wake up. We’re so late. You have a meeting today.” I hissed. He shot up right.
“What?” He looked at the clock. “Fuck. What happened to the alarm?” He asked, rushing to get out of bed.
“I don’t know, we must have forgotten to set it.” I replied. “Okay Jayje we’re on our way, we’ll be there asap. See you soon.” I said hanging up the phone. Aaron tumbled into the bathroom, pulling his trousers on before grabbing his toothbrush. I pulled my shirt over my head whilst frantically trying to find my hairbrush.
“I can’t believe we let this happen.” I called out, trying not to laugh.
“I know, I could’ve sworn I set the alarm.” He replied.
“I mean we were a bit, well – preoccupied – last night.” I joked. He shot me a smirk before his face dropped.
“What is it?” I asked.
“I was meant to take jack to school today. He has a late start and Haley said she couldn’t make it. But I’ve got to the get to this meeting.” He dropped his head in his hands.
“Where is he now?” I questioned.
“He should still be at Jess’s, he stayed over last night.” He replied, doing his tie up.
“Well, I can grab him if you want. I can afford to be a few more minutes late to the office.” I offered. He shot me an uncertain look.
“Won’t that look a bit strange? If you turn up they might think somethings going on” he said. I stepped closer to him.
“I can just say I’m doing a favour for a friend. I’ll even throw in there that the rest of the team were busy, so I was a last resort if you want.” I suggested. He chuckled at my words but still looked hesitant.
“What’s on your mind Aaron?” I placed my arms round his neck as his gravitated towards my waist. He sighed.
“I just don’t want to risk things going wrong again. I don’t think I could handle losing you again.” He confessed. My heart melted. It gave me comfort to know he was serious about us this time.
“I get it. But I can promise you this. You are not going to lose me again, okay? I’m in this for the long haul. Not even the queen of manipulation herself can take me away from you.” I said, cupping his face in my hands. A smile graced his lips, one that I only ever saw at home. One that made me feel safe.
“But if you want me to call Emily and ask her to pick him up, I will.” I continued.
“No. I want you to go. Jack loves you anyway.” He replied before pulling me into a kiss. It was a whirlwind, one that I never wanted to break from. But considering neither of us had left the house yet – I was forced to.
“Okay, come on we need to leave.” I said grabbing my coat and heading outside. I gave him a quick kiss before jumping in my car and heading to Jess’ place.
The ride there was relatively quick considering I’d stayed at Aarons, and she only lived about 15 minuets away. I knew Jess quite well, and we got along. She’d never had an issue with me unlike her sister. But I couldn’t help from feeling slightly anxious as I knocked on the door. However, the last thing I expected was to see was the person I’d been trying my best to avoid.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” Haley questioned, raising her brow at me. I swallowed nervously. Don’t get me wrong, she didn’t intimidate me. I mean she’s the human equivalent to a chihuahua – mouthy as fuck but tiny. I just didn’t want to say anything that might jeopardise Aaron.
“Hey Haley, I’m here to take Jack to school. Hotch was running late for a meeting and didn’t think you were available. The rest of the team were busy, so he called me.” I said calmly. She looked me up and down, judging me heavily.
“A likely story. You’re not his mum you know, just because your suddenly all friendly with Aaron.” She said applying as much emphasis as she could onto his name. “It means nothing outside of work.” I could tell she was trying to provoke some type of reaction out of me, but me being the stubborn bitch I am, wasn’t about to give her what she wanted. Instead, I opted for a more entertaining route.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry.” I gushed. “If you ever thought I was overstepping I’m apologise, that was never my intent.” I said my voice oozing with as much fake soppiness I could handle. She rolled her eyes before walking away.
“I can’t believe he still tolerates you” She muttered. I’m assuming she was referring to Hotch. Before I could think on it any longer, Jack can bounding towards me.
“Y/N” He called happily.
“Hey little man” I replied bending down to wrap my arms around him. The happiness this kid brought me was insane.
“You ready for school?” I asked standing back up.
“Yep. We’re making decorations for the class today. We’re having a party on Friday” He replied, beaming up at me.
“That’s amazing buddy. Let’s get you there right away then shall we?” I replied.
“Okay. Bye mum.” He called before grabbing my hand and tugging me towards the car. I didn’t get a chance to see Haley’s face as we left but I could feel her eyes burning into the back of my head. Well, that was fun.
The rest of the day went fine, despite the rushed start. Luckily Hotch had made it in time for his meeting. We didn’t have a case today, so it was a pretty lazy day. I spent most of it either pestering Emily or gossiping with Garcia. I guess, technically, there was some paperwork I could’ve been doing but my ideas were so much more fun.
“I’m telling you now Garcia, I swore we’d set an alarm.” I said between laughter.
“Well, it’s nice to know he’s satisfying you this time round.” She quipped.
“Hey, satisfaction was never an issue” I replied. Her eyes widened mischievously.
“So” She begun. “He’s good in bed then?” She asked, twirling her fluffy pen in between her fingers as she leant back in her chair.
“Pen, I love you, but I’m not discussing this with you right now. We’re in a professional workspace.” I said, a fake authoritative tone laced in my voice. She shot me a look of pretend annoyance but before she could say anything Emily burst through the door.
“You alright there Em?” I asked turning to face her.
“You guys might wanna come and see this” she said before turning and walking back out the way she came. I swapped a confused look with Garcia before getting up and following Emily. The team was stood in the bullpen, not-so-subtly starring into Hotch’s office.
“What’s going on?” I asked Spencer. He just gestured at the window. I looked up and saw a very pissed off looking Haley standing in front of an equally pissed off Aaron. They were having a rather heated debated (argument) by the looks of things.
“Why is she here?” Garcia piped up. “We don’t know. She just showed up and barged in.” Derek replied. I felt my face flush red as my heart sunk.
“Hey.” Spencer nudged me with his elbow. “What’s wrong?” He questioned.
“I think it’s my fault.” I muttered. This caught the team’s attention, but before anyone could ask me about it, Haley stormed out of his office.
“No, I’m not having this Aaron. This isn’t fair” She yelled.
“You’re being unreasonable. I was running late, and you said you were busy. What did you expect me to do?” He replied, aggravated. Fuck, this was about me.
“You could have called anyone else. Not the woman who’s been trying to squeeze her way into my son’s life. She’s trying to replace me god dam it.” I felt the team’s eyes on me, but I refused to look at them. Aaron glanced at me before replying to Haley.
“You need to quit the bullshit Haley. Y/N knows full well that you are Jack’s mother, and she would never do anything to undermine or replace you. Stop trying to pin this all on her when she’s been nothing but nice to you.” He’d finally had enough of her and I’m not ashamed to admit that I was glad. It made my heart swell with pride to hear how he was defending me. That feeling didn’t last long as Haley’s shrill voice pulled me from my thoughts.
“Nice to me?? Aaron have you lost your mind?” She stepped towards him, placing her hands on his chest. This pissed me off. I went to go forward but JJ grabbed my arm.
“Do you not remember what she did? The phone call? She told everyone about you Aaron. I wouldn’t do that to you.” She blinked up at him, clearly trying to win him over. That was enough.
“No, you’d just shag some other guys behind his back wouldn’t you Haley” I called, shaking JJ’s hand from me. I walked up the stairs and stood next to Aaron, who’d pushed her hands away at this point.
“I would never do that. Aaron, listen to her spinning these lies about me.” She protested.
“Seriously Haley? Come off it. You’re making yourself look like a right twat. We all know you cheated, and we all know your just trying to ruin everything good in Aaron’s life because your bitter that he has a life outside of you. So just accept that he’s moved on and leave.” I said, trying my hardest not to yell at her.
“Honestly.” She scoffed. “At least I didn’t expose his secrets to the whole team. You might want to work on keeping your mouth shut. As well as your legs, it’s not attractive to sleep around the office you know honey.” She shot. It took everything inside of me not to smack the bitch right there.
“First of all, stop with the fucking lies okay. I told Aaron what really happened with that phone call. The fact that you tried to turn my own boyfriend against me purely to satisfy your own crazy, possessive fantasies is the most delusional fucked up thing you could have possibly done. He doesn’t love you anymore. When will you get that into your thick skull” I yelled. Safe to say I’d lost it. Haley just starred back at me, unable to talk. “Nobody wants you here. Grab your shit and get out.” I spat. This seemed to snap her back into reality. She shifted her eyes from me to Aaron.
“You are never going to see Jack again.” She hissed. She turned to walk away but I stepped in front of her.
“What was that?”
“I said he’s never going see jack again. I’m taking him to court and making sure I get full custody. If he’s choosing to side with you, there’s no way in hell I’m letting my son be in his life.” She explained, her tone was viscous.
“On what grounds are you going to take him to court for?” I pressed. This caught her off guard. “No please do tell me. Because as far as I’m aware, you don’t have a leg to stand on. Aaron has done nothing to prove he’s a bad father or should be denied custody. He has a house, a clean background, a stable career – I mean hell, he probably earns more than you. So, think about it, do you really want to kick up a big fuss for something you probably wont even win?” I asked, folding my arms over my chest. She opened and closed her mouth a few times, trying to string a sentence together but her words fell short. “Exactly. Now, Aaron will be picking Jack up later and we will bring him home tomorrow. Now, leave.” I concluded, a satisfied smile on my face. Haley glanced from me to Aaron, dumbfounded, before grabbing her bag and storming out. As soon as she left, I heard clapping coming from down below. I looked down and saw Derek grinning proudly as he applauded me.
“WHOOOH!” He called.
“Look at you go girl” Penelope jeered joining in. Soon enough the whole team were clapping and cheering up at me. I laughed at them, suddenly becoming shy. All Of a Sudden, I felt an arm snake around my waist, turning me around. Before I could process anything, Aaron had cupped my face in his hands and crashed his lips to mine passionately. My head was spinning. As cliché as it sounds, the rest of the world melted away as I allowed myself to get lost in the heat of the kiss. It was laced with nothing but love. Eventually, we pulled away from each other, but he pressed his forehead to mine. He wore a boyish, heart-warming smile on his lips.
“I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you.” He whispered. The sincerity in his voice shocked me.
“I-I love you too. I’m sorry to have caused a scene I just couldn’t stand to see her all over you like that and she was-“ I rambled but he cut me off by placing a finger to my lips.
“Shh. You did nothing wrong. Thank you. For everything.” He replied. I pulled away slightly and grinned up at him.
“Anytime love, anytime.” We starred into each other’s eyes for a moment longer. His arms round my waist, mine around his neck – just basking in our love for each other for a brief moment.
“Um guys, this is cute and all, but could you just get a room or something?” Rossi called, causing us all to laugh.
“Come on.” Aaron said, lacing his fingers in mine. “Let’s go home.” I’d never felt happier than I did it that moment. The moment I knew I’d be with him forever.
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dogbearinggifts · 4 years
What are your thoughts on tua S2? Did you feel like the characters grew? What did you like? What did you not? I’m interested in your perspective. Your analysis are super thoughtful and interesting!
Aw, thanks, Anon!
Overall, I really enjoyed S2 and thought it was a solid follow-up to S1. I do have my quibbles about it, so I think (for ease of reference and because my thoughts are a little scattered today) I’ll list some of my personal highlights (in no particular order) before getting into what I didn’t like as much.
Big spoilers ahead.
Allison. I thought they handled her storyline especially well. Of all the siblings, I think she had the most difficult obstacles placed in her way (not only is she a Black woman landing in 1961 Dallas, but she’s a Black woman landing in 1961 Dallas who can’t even speak in her own defense for a year) and they sugarcoated exactly none of it. The writers pulled no punches when showing what civil rights protesters went through, which just made their nonviolent response all the more breathtaking. Allison’s fear and anger during those scenes were palpable even as she kept them hidden. But along with that horror, we see the kindness and warmth of the Dallas Black community, the women who take her in simply because she needs their help, and her love for Ray, perhaps heretofore THE most thoughtful husband ever portrayed on screen. I loved him, and I loved him and Allison together. While I understand and respect his choice to stay in 1963, I wish they’d gotten more time together. They both deserved it.
Vanya. We got to see how much the baggage from her past affected her by glimpsing what she might be like if it were taken away. It’s an interesting philosophical question, and it was explored well, in my opinion. She finds it easier to love and be loved, and she stands up for herself more readily—but she also doesn’t hesitate to use powers she can’t quite control and threatens Five without fully realizing how dire her threat is (or how it might dredge up traumatic memories she doesn’t know exist). The moment where Ben finds her curled up, fully convinced she’s a monster, was heartbreaking. I loved watching her find happiness with Sissy, even if that was fleeting (and dear god, Sissy deserved her happy ending with Vanya, dammit, I don’t care if it would fuck up the timeline). Her patience and sweetness with Harlan were just beautiful. And the way she used the confidence she gained during her amnesia to fully come into her own not to exact revenge on her siblings, but to save them, was fucking phenomenal.
The humor. There was a lot more humor this season, and it was awesome. So many iconic scenes—Olga Foroga, Luther babysitting two homicidal Fives, Elliot awkwardly lecturing his guests on the history of Jello, “NEW TIMELINE NEW ME,” “Your vagina needs glasses,” AJ the fish gobbling up the cigarette bubbles, Five getting to say “fuck”….this season was a lot funnier than the previous one, and I think that was one of its strengths.
Klaus’ cult. It was played for laughs, which I both expected and thought was the best way to handle it. He didn’t want to start a new religion with himself at the center; he just wanted to not get thrown out of any more diners, but Destiny’s Children had other ideas. The “I too am a fraud!” scene was hilarious and tickled the question of whether or not a religion founded on false pretenses can still help those within it find meaning.
Luther. Getting him away from his dad, his siblings, and the Academy was exactly what he needed to become the pure of heart and dumb of ass genius we always knew he was, but his first major step in that direction was heartbreaking. We all knew he’d be rejected once he got to the Academy. We all knew Reginald would rip his heart out and stomp on it in his admittedly fashionable shoes. It gets Luther out on his own and forces him to become his own person apart from his dad, but that doesn’t make it any easier to watch. He got the positive character development he needed, but the catalyst was tragic.
Diego. We see, for the first time, exactly how Reginald kept him in line—not with meds or with PTSD-inducing torture, but with words. Even when he knows Diego as little more than a stranger, Reginald is able to rip off his skin and fling it in his face with a single diatribe; and even at 30, with years away from his dad, Diego is left unable to speak, feeling as if all of his accomplishments up to that point were the work of a dumb kid who thought he was smarter and more capable than he actually was.
Luther and Diego sharing a braincell. Luther has bad ideas. Diego has bad ideas. When they put their bad ideas together, they get terrible ideas. I loved watching them work together as a team, rather than being at each others’ throats for most of the season, even if I’m left hoping Olga Foroga had a pleasant and quiet day after that phone call.
Reginald. At first glance, it may look like the writers were trying to make him likable so they could parade him around as your average abusive-parent-with-a-soft-side. But it’s more nuanced than that. Abusive parents (and abusers in general) often fly under the radar because they fool outsiders into thinking they’re good people. They’re active in their communities. They give to charity. They have friends who attest to their virtue, significant others who think they’re the greatest. And that’s what we see with Reginald. We see him as the rest of the world did: an intelligent, eccentric man with a sharp sense of humor who cared deeply about scientific advancement. That’s how he evaded suspicion—because there were stories from years past of lively parties at his mansion, of what a gentleman he was to Grace and of how he did everything he could to save little Pogo. But those stories would all have come from people he considered his equals. When he’s with people he considers his inferiors—aka, the Umbrella kids—he’s openly condescending and demeaning. We get to see how he fooled the world, and it is chilling.
Elliot. He deserved better, and you can ship him with any one of the Hargreeves kids and get the cutest thing ever. 
The Swedes. They said so much while speaking very little.
Ben. He got more personality and screen time, and it was glorious. His love of his family and resentment toward Klaus practically leapt off the screen. The way he says “I’ve missed you all…so much” once they’ve all left was one of those right-in-the-feels moments; and watching him get so much of what he’s wanted for years when he possesses Klaus was beautiful.
Now, as for things I took issue with….
Ben. I understand why they ended his arc the way they did. I get that they were probably afraid the Klaus/Ben dynamic would grow stale if they didn’t change it somehow and wanted to give him a larger role in S3. His death(???) was heartbreaking and extremely well-done. But it also wasn’t foreshadowed. We never got any sense of what ghosts in the TUA ‘verse are, so the fact they can be destroyed by a ton of sound-turned-energy or by going too far into someone’s psyche or whatever happened….it’s not that it doesn’t make sense so much as there’s not enough evidence to determine whether or not it makes sense. It feels like the writers just kinda made that up so they’d have a reason to change Ben’s relationship dynamics, but if that’s the case, couldn’t they have done it another way? Couldn’t they have made it so the immense energy or psychic woo-woo or whatever gave him a power-up instead of destroying him? Vanya transferred some of her energy into Harlan and brought him back to life. Couldn’t something similar have happened with Ben? And if it tied him to Vanya as well as to Klaus, great! More fodder for angst and humor! (”Vannyyyyyyyy, stop hogging Ben!” “You got him for 17 years, Klaus, you can part with him for 20 minutes.” “Guys, don’t I get a say in this?”) I’m glad they didn’t write him out of the series entirely, but I still wish they’d kept him and all the character development he’d gotten throughout S2.
Episode 10. It looks like they tried to cram half a season’s worth of developments into 45 minutes. Twenty minutes in, I’d already said “Wait what the fuck” half a dozen times. A lot of those moments were explained later on, and I was able to make enough inferences to fill in any lingering plot holes, but…still. Too much stuff, too little time. E9 was a perfectly satisfying ending to the season. Yes, it leaves the siblings stranded in 1963, but they could’ve tied up those loose ends in the S3 premiere.
Lila. She’s an incredibly fun character, but her arc is kind of a mess. Most of that is due to E10, and I do feel that more time to let her arc breathe would’ve worked wonders, but I’m left feeling like her turn from “Handler is the best mom ever and I lurve Diego too” to “KILL DIEGO AND HIS EVIL FAMILY” to “Handler is a bad mom and Diego is right” happened too quickly.
The Commission. Okay, so, the Handler announces the entire Board has been killed, and she’s stepping in as director even though everyone appears to know she’s been demoted (and demoted pretty severely—she went from having an office bigger than some apartments to being a case management drone). There’s suspicion and lots of it. But then, La Resistance is….ten or so people in a single room? And when she calls the temps agents to her side, thousands of them show up ready and willing to fight and die? I dunno. Just seems like there should’ve been more splintering going on there. Again, I think they needed more time to tie everything up.
Aside from those complaints, I loved the season. I set aside most of a day to binge it, and I do not regret that decision at all.
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
Flower Pedals Hisoka x reader Part 2
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Part 1
As the day went on, Hisoka volunteered as a chaperone to your younger cousins. They wanted to play in the water while Hisoka sat under a coconut tree, sipping on a strawberry margarita. It would be pointless for an intoxicated man to be a chaperone but he is quite immune to heavy alcohol. Somehow, the sun’s beautiful reflection made Hisoka look like the man you slowly fell for. His job as a bodyguard for the most dangerous mafia in the country, his ability to speak French like a flipped switch, and of course his bulging muscles. Seeing him interact well with your cousins made him seem father-like. But why did he have to act so egotistical? Why couldn’t he be like the guys you saw on the Hallmark channel? Is being loved that hard to ask for? Then the hurtful incident earlier that day entered your mind once again. You didn’t want to break up with Hisoka but it was the only choice.
A tear ran down your face, something you hadn’t done in a while. A silent weep is something everyone needs to do once in a while but weeping in front of others can feel humiliating. Suddenly, you hear a knock on your door and someone enters without your permission. You quickly wiped your tears away and turned around quickly expecting it to be Hisoka. Instead, it was your beloved uncle smiling with a DVD in one hand and popcorn in the other but once he got a quick glimpse of your sad face, his smile disappeared. This time he didn’t run to your rescue but rather asked what’s wrong from a distance. He already knew it had to do with Hisoka but he was curious to hear more.
“Is it about your boyfriend?”
“Did he hurt you?”
“Physically, no. Emotionally, yes. He has flirted with many people and disregards that I am there. He used to be all over me and now he acts as if I do not exist!”
“That’s horrible. But I have to break it to you. Some men like it when their significant others are jealous. It’s thrilling to them. If you dislike that, you should tell him.”
“I have! He will not listen to me!”
Your uncle grunted in anger and shook his head. He placed his index finger and thumb under his chin, thinking hard about something. Tears rolled from your eyes and felt like they could not stop.
“Come with me, darling.”
Following behind your uncle like a 5-year-old, he led the way to his newly renovated basement, and in that basement stood something that mimicked a lab. He removed a large blanket that covered a table full of glass test tubes and pink liquid. You were hopelessly confused as to why your uncle was smiling at his little creation.
“Uncle…what is all this?”
“Can you guess?”
“Sorry. I have no idea what it is.”
“It’s a love potion!”
You gasp and step back rather far from him. You frowned, not believing what your uncle has told you. Love potions were depicted and always fictional; they simply don’t exist. Hell, Cupid DOES NOT exist and yet he claims that he has made a love potion?! You have always known your uncle to be a wacky man but NOT THIS wacky! Not only did he have a small test tube of this love potion but he had at least 100 small bottles of it too!
“Uncle….don’t tell me…”
“Maybe Hisoka can take a shot of this…”
“U/N! No! That’s wrong!”
“If he doesn’t love me anymore, I’ll break up with him. Plain and simple.”
“But y/n!-“
“No buts!”
Gosh, you sound like your aunt!
“Why do you have that anyway? I could have sworn you and auntie madly in love anyway.”
“We are….” He stopped talking for a brief moment as he made his way to the door. He did not want your aunt to overhear him speak or else she’d have his head.
“We’ve had a few tiffs lately and she is being distant. I was thinking of giving her this potion.”
“You can’t just…give her that! What if she’s allergic to any ingredient you put in there?”
“SHHH! It’s not a drug, ok darling? It’s essentially a cupid’s arrow in liquid form.”
“Oh yeah! And Santa Claus is real, right? Come on Unc. I’m going to sleep now.”
“Y/N wait! Wait!” Your uncle ran up the stairs after you to try and have an actual heart-to-heart conversation with you. In reality, The love potion wasn’t anything that would harm Hisoka or your auntie; it was something that everyone had. This “love potion” has many variants in the market already. It has its own juice, pop, and merchandise line. When people gave testimonies about them falling madly in love with their partners, you thought it was an absolute joke!
The day had reached 11 PM. The sun had set for the day and the bright stars shined brightly against the beach. Chrollo and the others had left hours ago probably forgetting that you and Hisoka had tagged along. As you cleared the dinner table, the love potion sat there, in its small slender glass frame. This had been extracted so it could be digested but still, you didn’t go anywhere near it.
“Don’t leave this unattended. If a person drinks too much, they’ll become a fool for you and as romantic as that sounds, it can be VERY overwhelming.”
As you turned the lights off downstairs, the front door barreled open. Your eyes had been adjusted to light for the last few hours; seeing in the dark was nearly impossible. But one thing is for sure, that infamous bubble gum small dashed towards your nostrils.
The lights turned on once again and this time, they began to flicker a little. Hisoka’s piercing golden eyes were able to grab a hold of yours instantly. It felt like you were paralyzed with sudden fear and anger. So many emotions raged throughout your body; your brain sending many signals to the various parts of your body. Both of your cousins come running in, arms stuck out like airplanes zooming all through the living room. One flew underneath Hisoka’s legs and the other flew many times around you. Their sudden joy made you smile a little; they were so full of joy and hope…that is until they grow up.
“I like your boyfriend, y/n!”
“Yeah! He’s so fun! He taught me how to play Poker!”
“You what?!”
“Hey! She needs to know in case she needs to make some cash.”
“Ok, you two. Up to bed. Mom and Dad are waiting for you.”
Both of your cousins zoom into their rooms making loud airplane noises.
“I must admit, I see potential in those kids. They made their own marshmallows, mingled amongst people their age, and even reminded me when their bedtime was.”
He looked from the staircase to you. “Thank you for—“ he stopped as he looked at your angry face.
“—Are you still mad about earlier?”
“What do you think, jerk?”
“Would you stop playing hard to get? You haven’t given me a kiss today.” He bent down and puckered his lips, expecting you to respond. Instead, you turn the lights off leaving a kiss-less Hisoka in the dark. Hisoka stood in the middle of the dark living room beyond confused at your actions.
Finally! Alone at last. No one to interrupt your thoughts or sleep, just you in your auntie’s guest room. The bed was extra comfy! It was so fluffy that it almost made you get up and inside Hisoka to sleep with you.
“No. He needs to learn his lesson,” you thought to yourself. Besides, a non-married couple sleeping in the same bed together was NOT going to fly in this house. Before you knew it, your eyes were closed for what felt like 20 minutes but were actually 8 hours. The sun beamed through the curtains acting as your silent alarm clock. Stretching your muscles and yawing felt amazing after a good night’s sleep. Checking your phone was a reflex but feeling an odd source of shadows made you freeze. As you slowly turned around, Hisoka was laying in your bed, with his boxers on, smiling, and gawking at you; something he’d never done. You thought rubbing your eyes twice would make him go away, but he was still there in the flesh. Still angry about yesterday's encounter, you stare at him plainly.
“What in the world are you doing here, Hisoka?”
“To be with you, of course, my dear.” His tone was much softer; it felt as if he was barely moving his tongue. His lips slightly puckered as he spoke. Your boyfriend was always mysterious but it can be said that he was never predictable.
“What are you talking about?”
He scoots closer to you; his bare chest rubbing against your right arm. He places his left arm around your neck pulling you closer. So close that you could feel the heat radiating from his body. He took his index knuckle, placed it under your chin, and lifted.
“Oh, how I missed your face…the sound of your voice…my heart aches for you.”
You blink twice.
Am I dreaming? What is going on here?!
He placed his index finger over your lips; his long nail gently scratches the top part. “Shhh….” Quickly but softly, Hisoka gives you a kiss but not just an ordinary kiss, one that is very breathtaking. His lips were much softer than you remember and a lot moister. He didn’t force anything; he gently moved his lips to make you more comfortable. What felt like a lifetime was truly only 10 seconds and on the 11th, he parted. Gazing into his golden eyes this time made your heart skip a beat. You remained silent, slightly afraid to say a word as he stared into your eyes deeply. This was not his blood-lust look at all but awfully similar. His eyes were half-lidded but they were soft, much softer than you had seen before. Just as you were about to say something, he gently grabs your face and begins to kiss you all around without remorse. This overwhelming amount of affection not only made you bluff but be utterly embarrassed if your aunt and uncle caught you two in this state. It’s more of the family “aww’ ing” than anything else.
“How did Hisoka suddenly do a 360 from last night?”
“Might as well enjoy this while it lasts.”
Hisoka continued to place soft kisses. He began to pepper your lower jaw with them, earning a slightly satisfied grunt from yourself. He then professed his love for you as he kissed you in between phrases. The magician himself was as red as an apple while you were a giggling mess. He moved his lips to another part of your body. His hand kisses felt amazing once more. He moved his way up your arm and to your shoulder.
“You smell terrific, kitten,” he said in a lower huskier voice.
You growl in response; something so embarrassing that you are happy your nosy little cousins did not hear.
“You’re so adorable, kitten. So delicate that I’d be afraid to touch. So beautiful like the colors and aroma omitting from a blossom tree.”
“I love you to the moon and back.”
Before Hisoka said another word, he placed his right hand where the bottom of your head and neck met. He gently caressed it as he pressed his forehead against yours. The soft feeling of his nose moving swiftly against yours felt like ecstasy. Nothing could ruin this moment.
“Hisoka’s a simp!”
Both of you jerked your heads to the door. Through the crack, you could see two curious pairs of eyes, staring into your room. Before Hisoka could leave the bed, you jump over him and march to the door.
“You know, it’s rude to stalk people in their bedrooms.”
“And? It’s rude for you to be staying the night in my beach house and not giving us any money. Hand it over sis.”
You close the door and jump back into bed with your new boyfriend. Hisoka practically had hearts in his eyes. It’s as if he saw no one but you.
Maybe he has changed….
Your uncle’s voice could be heard a distance away and that’s when it hit you.
“Don’t leave this unattended. If a person drinks too much, they’ll become a fool for you and as romantic as that sounds, it can be VERY overwhelming.”
Oh shit! Where is the potion?! No! It was left on the table last night!”
"Really, Unc? I think I can deal with this. After all, he is less insufferable. I’ve always wanted my beau back and I hope he remains this way…falling on his knees before me."
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To be continued....
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guiltgoreglory · 4 years
Heat Waves (Chapter 1: A Warm Welcome)
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(Very) Brief Summary: Reader is a government contractor joining the team in Benghazi.  (Eventual Tanto x Reader) (2,684 words)
Chapter 2
Foreword: In this series, the reader will be loosely based off of Nikita from the TV show Nikita (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikita_(TV_series)). The reader has an extensive background in black-ops and is currently an independent contractor working with the department of defense in coordination with the executive branch. If you have any questions about the character, feel free to reach out to me and I can clarify. The story will generally follow the plot of the movie with the exception of a few scenes. Lastly, the POV will shift throughout the story, a change in POV will be signaled by a line.
Author’s Note: Hey guys! I have a full plot already set up but it has been a long time since I’ve written a fic. I’m so sorry if the writing is kinda shitty but I really wanted to get it down in writing. I hope you like it!
You closed your eyes and rested your head against the headrest, trying to find an ounce of comfort in the cramped seat. The dull hum of the plane was cut through by various murmurs amongst the travelers. After a minute or two, you deemed the effort fruitless, letting out a frustrated sigh. Instead, you opened your eyes and looked out the window, watching as the monotonous view trailed by. For the next several weeks, maybe even months, you’d once again become acclimated to discomfort. This shitty seat is probably as good as it gets, you thought. The department will likely have you shacked up in some storage closet on a grimy 20-year-old cot. You have had worse and at least you’d be occupied. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Silva shift. You turned, watching him from a row back, across the aisle. He grimaced as he took off his wedding ring, putting it into a small metal container. He didn’t appear to notice your gaze as you turned your attention back to the window, the heat already radiating in. You felt sorry for him. Leaving people behind is never easy, especially kids. Luckily, you didn’t have that problem. 
As the plane began its descent you skimmed the team comp in your head. You’d been thoroughly briefed on the contractors, on top of all the research you had done on your own. You were joining alongside Jack Silva. A family man in real estate. Pushed to fly back overseas for the money to support his family. From all that you had seen, he’s a good guy. He seemed to be good company. It’ll be nice to not be the only strange face, you thought.
You readied yourself. Benghazi is far worse than most believed. Ever since the department even suggested you might be helpful here, you’d been keeping track of the chaos. It was only a matter of time before it erupted into a full-blown civil war. 
As the landing zone came into view you checked your hijab, making sure not a hair was out of place. You wore a casual white button-down shirt with a gray tank top underneath. You unfolded the sleeves, covering as much of your skin as possible. Given the heat, you’d love to run out in something a little more breathable, but the beige cargo pants would have to do. Next, you checked your “cello” case that sat in the seat next to you. Moving the strap towards you for a quick and effortless disembark. Being you had its perks, one of which was bringing some of your own firepower. 
You cracked your neck as a familiar ding came over the com. 
“Welcome to Benghazi.”
The two men settled into the car, watching over all the civilians walking past. Rone leaned forward, pulling a handgun out of the back of his pants. “It’s loaded.” Jack accepted the gun readily, cocking it within his lap. 
“How’s the team here?” 
“Good. Three ex-marines, one ex-army ranger. It’ll be nice to have some more team guys around.”
Jack briefly glanced back at Rone. “Guys?”
“Yeah. We’re waiting on one more before we head out.”
“You work with him before?”
“Nope. Defense department assigned her.”
Jack furrowed his brow slightly, pursing his lips in surprise. “Alrighty then, what’s she look like?” Jack looked more intently for another westerner standing out like a sore thumb. 
“No idea. I’ve been told that she will find us.”
“Oh how ominous.” A smile tugged at the corner of his lip. 
Rone hummed in agreement as he eyed the rearview mirror. Out of the crowd, a body began to beeline towards the car. “Think that’s her.”
Jack nonchalantly stretched, turning towards the back of the car to catch a look. 
You approached the dust-covered truck, already craving shade from the burning sun. Your sunglasses did little to protect your eyes from the glare off of the ground. As you got closer, you could see Tyrone eying you from the side mirrors. You adjusted the straps of both your cello case and your duffel, making sure not to make any sudden movements. You made your way to the driver’s side door, turning to face him. “You Tyrone?” you asked, knowing full well it was.
“Yes, Ma’am. And you are?”
“Nice to meet you, Y/N. Hop in.”
You nodded, moving back towards the rear of the car. Swinging the back door open, you threw your stuff onto the ground next to the seat. Leaving just enough room for you to climb in. As you sat down, you angled yourself towards Jack so that you could have a proper introduction. He noticed your movement, turning back to face you. He reached out his hand for a handshake. 
“Jack Silva”
You took his hand. “Y/N.” 
He settled back into his seat as Rone started the car. “Just Y/N?”
“Just Y/N.” You affirmed. 
As Rone made his way through the city they began to catch up, making friendly jabs at each other. You yanked your duffel towards you, rummaging through the various clothes. You could feel Jack’s eyes peeking at you ever so often through the mirror, making sure you weren’t doing anything unsavory. Trust is earned.  Finally, you found your shoulder holster. You unbuttoned your shirt, throwing it on the seat beside you. You put on the holster, adjusting the straps as needed so that it sat comfortably. After you were satisfied you again began to look through your luggage, pulling out two black pistols. You loaded a magazine into both of the guns. The sound quickly drew the attention of both men as the conversation briefly paused before they returned to their conversation. You paid them no mind, knowing that any response would probably make them more antsy. You then cocked them before placing them within your holster. Grabbing your shirt, you put it back on, leaving it unbuttoned. It was opaque enough to conceal your firearms as long as no one looked too close. 
“So, Y/N,” Rone directing the conversation towards you, “The Defense Department didn’t tell me much about you. What branch you from?” 
You turned from watching out the side of the car. “Covert operations.” 
That definitely piqued his interest. Jack let Rone do the questioning, but it was clear he was just as curious as him. 
“Alright. SEAL Team?”
“Uh, no. It’s a little more complicated.”
“Oh I get it, you’re on some James Bond shit huh.” He chuckled to himself as you smiled and rolled your eyes.
“Pretty much.”
Rone left the questioning there, knowing he’d probably not get much more of an answer, at least not until you’d come to know him a bit better. The two of them shared a look before the car came to a sudden stop. 
“Shit. No, no, no, no, no this isn’t good.” Rone’s body tensed as he assessed the situation. 
Civilians began to run around the car, whimpering in fear. You straightened up, readying for a shit show. You positioned yourself in the middle of the back, between the two men so you could see as much as possible through the windshield. 
“Fuck.” Rone’s discomfort quickly seeped through his cool resolve. “Who the fuck are these guys?” 
“What do we got?” Jack stayed still, his eyes scanning over the various armed men.
“Brigade we coordinate with, February Seventeenth Martyrs. This ain’t them.” He looked back past you and he switched into reverse. Moving back a few feet, the path was blocked and the car jolted forward. “Shit we’re boxed in.”
You settled on your knees, carefully unclipping the straps keeping your guns in place, just in case. Both men leaned out of the window. Jack looking up towards the man on the balcony readied to run.
“We bailing?” He asked, voice calm and collected.
Rone, giving no response, pulled out his radio. “Base this is Rone. Come in, over.”
“This is Base, go Rone.”
“I’m in a Jam off Fifth Ring Road. I’m lookin’ at about 8 armed tangos here.”
“Copy that, sit tight.”
“Sit tight, that’s great advice.” Everyone in the car became increasingly more agitated as the armed militia made its way in your direction. 
You took a deep breath. “If we’re bailing we gotta do it now.” You glanced at your bags. You could leave the duffel. There wasn’t anything particularly important in there. The case on the other hand couldn’t be lost to a rampant terrorist cell, if you did, the government would be up your ass about it for at least another 10 years. You fidgeted slightly, knowing that the opportunity to flee was about to pass.
Jack clenched his jaw. “They got a KPV.”
Fuck this is bad. 
“Base we ain’t got all day.”
“Hey, Rone. They’re trying to get Feb 17 to back you up, but we’re coming.”
Deeming that transmission utterly useless, Rone whipped out his cell. “Oz I’m in a jam of Fifth Ring.”
“Ty.” Jack interjected as the men became uncomfortably close.
“Rone, 17 Feb QRF is being alerted.”
“Fuck that, the only Quick Reaction force I want is my guys.” Without an immediate response, Rone continued on. “Send them. I want my guys.” He said more adamantly. 
“Negative, Rone. Just hang in there.”
“Maybe I’m not making myself clear. I’m looking at multiple radical insurgents with AKs and a 50-cal technical set to blow my rover all the way back to Zimbabwe. Over.”
You watched as a man dressed in a disheveled suit made his way around the vehicles and debris. He’s the big guy.
“It’s not my call, brother.”
Goddamnit. Looks like we’re either talking our way through this, or we go out quick. The thought gave you the slightest bit of comfort.
Rone looked towards Jack frustrated. You could sense he felt an inch of guilt for getting his friend stuck in this hellhole.
“Here we go.” Jack said nonchalantly as he could given the circumstances.
You crossed your arms, giving yourself easy access to your handguns without looking too conspicuous. A man stood at the front of the rover, yelling something you couldn’t understand. He pointed his AK right at you, maybe it wasn’t on purpose but you couldn’t help but mentally scoff. Well, that’s not very nice.
“Welcome to Benghazi.”
The man in front banged on the hood as the leader moved towards the driver’s side window. Jack raised his hands up innocently as Rone smiled at the man. 
“Salaam.” Rone raised his badge up to the man in the suit as he gazed at him incredulously. “Libyan visa. Official. Libyan government.” The leader looked him up and down. 
The guy with the AK was now in Jack’s face. His gaze shifted forward, doing his best to remain calm despite the barrel of a gun being inches from his forehead.
“Friendly? Hm? Friendly?” Rone again gestured with his badge.
Rone whatever game you’re playing it better fucking work because last time I checked a friend of Al-Qaeda is no friend of ours. You did your best to blend into the back of the car, feigning as the harmless woman. 
“Pull over for inspection.” The leader said sternly.
Rone shook his head. “No.” 
“Pull over for inspection!” He was now angry, his voice shaking with every word.
Alright, this is how it’s gonna go. You crept your hands slightly closer to your guns.
Rone’s voice remained steady. “I’m sorry, sir. I can’t do that.”
The man at Jack’s door yelled once more. Banging his palm against the dirty surface. Then the slightest movement came from Jack. 
It’s showtime. You thought. You gripped your pistols and whipped them forward, pointing them as the secondary soldier positioned at the front of the rover. Jack and Rone acted similarly with Jack’s gun pointed across at the leader, and Rone’s gun pointed at the soldier beside the door. The soldier at the front adjusted his AK, pointing it more fervently towards the car. 
“Look up.” Rone pointed towards the sky with his empty hand, never moving his gaze from the leader’s eyes. “Go ahead, look up.” Some of the aggression left the leader as he looked towards the sky, confused. “You see the drone?” The man looked back down. “No? That’s okay. The drone sees you.”
Nice play, Rone. You thought to yourself. A couple of Americans? No problem. We don’t pose that much of a threat. But good ol’ American air support? Now that carries a little weight. 
“Sees your face. We know who you are.”
Jack, facing the soldier at his door, swallows hard. Keeping with Rone’s power play, he maintains eye contact.
“If anything happens to us, your home, your family, boom, gone. Give us the order to let us go.”
Jack, looking past the AK in his face, doesn’t flinch as the soldier gestures with his gun.
 “I want the car!” 
Within a brief moment, Jack and Rone switched their aim, with Jack now pointing his handgun at the soldier and Rone at the leader. You flinched ever so slightly at the movement, but you remained steady, watching for any worrisome movement amongst the militia. Adrenaline pumped through your veins as you could feel your heart pounding in your chest. You ignored the harsh metal of the rover digging into your knees. This was your guys’ only shot to make it out of this cramped alley. They had to think your little caravan of three had the power of the entire U.S. military revolving overhead when in reality, you were just three Americans with a couple of guns in the middle of fuckin nowhere.
“No, I’m not gonna do that.” Jack shakes his head, leaning forward towards the man. The energy around the car was beginning to shift. Despite the KPV having enough firepower to destroy your car, and about 5 cars behind you, you three possessed the upper hand. They recoiled at the barrel of your guns, not the other way around.
The leader’s eyes began to soften, his harsh exterior falling at the thought of losing everything. For a moment, you actually pitied him. “I earn the right to decide the future of my country.” You understood the sentiment behind his words. Once again the U.S. had shoved itself into the center of a country, with no right to do so. But you, and the men sat beside you, just wanted to keep others safe. You had no agenda.
“You’re talking to the wrong guy. How willing are you to die for your country? I’m ready to go right here, right now.” Easy, Tyrone. Don’t push it too far. 
The leader’s frown deepened as he considered the weight of Rone’s words. He slowly backed away from the car. “Leave here. While you still can.”
You stopped yourself from relaxing your figure even though it felt like the weight of the world had just been lifted off your shoulders. Rone leaned back into his seat, beginning to maneuver the car between the debris. Jack slowly lowered his pistol to the door as the car inched forward. You followed suit and lowered your guns into your lap. You could hear the leader yelling to his men, and their posture relaxed enough to show they weren’t an immediate threat. Air filled your lungs for the first time in what felt like 5 minutes, before you looked behind through the dusty back window, making sure the leader was true to his word and you weren’t about to get shot in the back. You settled back onto your seat, leaning back against the warm metal. You debated holstering your weapons but decided it was best to have them at the ready until you were within the walls of the base.
“We got air support?” Jack’s voice was calm but demanding. You knew the answer to his question but left Rone to give him the bad news. Rone didn’t take his eyes off of the road as he did his best to make it back to base in one piece. 
“We don’t have any fucking support.”
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let-it-raines · 3 years
I Hope We Never See October (5/?)
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When his personal life and football career go up in flames, Killian Jones escapes England for America, finding seclusion in Martha’s Vineyard in order to hide from his demons. It’s a fresh start, or at the very least a paused moment in his life, and all he needs is a few months alone to allow his heart to heal. He doesn’t count on meeting Emma Swan.
Emma’s life depends on tourists who come to the island every summer. It’s how she makes her money working in restaurants and clubs across the vineyard, but every year, she cannot wait until autumn comes and her life returns to normal. She especially cannot wait for Killian Jones to leave.
Rating: Mature
ao3 : beginning | current
tumblr: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Emma likes seafood.
She likes seafood, but she mostly eats like a ten-year-old boy. Apparently, there’s a little place near her house called Granny’s where she devours grilled cheese and onion rings like arteries aren’t a thing. It makes him laugh when she tells him because she eats how he’s always dreamed of eating. The only time he ever gets the chance is when he’s with his nieces and they convince him to get them food Elsa and Liam never let them get.
She also likes 80’s music, has been working at the Blue Dog for over half a decade, prefers her kickboxing classes to cycling ones, and her favorite color is blue.
That last one was a bit of a throwaway question, but he asked it anyway. Then, of course, he made sure to let her know that his eyes were blue. He got an eye roll and a ‘shut up’ for that before she started rolling her hips again. It was damn distracting, but he didn’t stop laughing at how frustrated she was that he wasted his one personal question a day on that.
One personal question a day.
It’s childish, but he thinks it works. It keeps the line between them defined. He knows what this is, has done it enough times before to not be blind to it. They’re both visitors in each other’s lives. They have expiration dates, and when there’s an expiration date, there’s no harm in spending time together.
There’s no commitment, so there’s no hurt.
He’s not an expert on Emma Swan, no matter how much she fascinates him, but he gets the feeling she’s avoiding relationships just as much as he is. There is a past hurt there, a damned painful one, and if anyone gets that, it’s him.
But he doesn’t ask about that in his one question a day. He asks for her favorite color and food and if she’d rather hike uphill for 10 miles or swim for 20.
For the record, she’d rather hike because she could sit down and eat along the way.
“Would you look at that?” Emma says as she runs her hands under the water of the sink at the bar. “You, sitting at this bar, again.”
He slices his salmon with his knife and grins. “I tried that Granny’s place, but the food had too much grease. Met a rather charming waitress, though.”
“Let me guess. Red streak in her hair, boobs on full display, argued with the owner the entire time?”
“How’d you know?”
“Because that’s Ruby, my best friend.”
“Is she now?” he asks, already knowing the answer.
“Is that your personal question of the day?”
“Nope,” he says, taking a bite of his food. “I’m saving that for a later time.”
“A later time,” Emma repeats, like she’s considering the words. She crosses her arms over her chest and leans back against the bar. “What makes you think you’re going to be seeing me at a later time? This isn’t enough for you?”
He looks around them and leans closer to her. “Too many clothes.”
Emma laughs, legitimately, and that feels surprisingly good. “I’m literally in a tank top and shorts. That’s about as dressed down as you can get.”
“I was talking about myself, actually. There are too many clothes on me, but it’s nice to know you think so highly of yourself.”
That gets him another laugh and a shake of her head, and he likes that too. He may have no real inclination to become overly attached to her, but he can at least admit to himself that he enjoys her company.
“Shut up.” Someone calls Emma’s name from across the restaurant, and she holds her arm up, putting up one finger. “I get off at The Oaks at eleven. I’ll drop by your place if I’m not too tired.”
“Why the hell are you working there so much?”
“I like the money. And, Jones, that counts as your personal question of the day. I’ll see you later...maybe.”
She grins and winks before walking away, and he swears she puts a little extra sway in her hips. Killian shakes his head as he feels his own smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
“What a bloody woman,” he whispers to himself before spearing another piece of his salmon.
“Right there,” she moans. “Like, seriously, right there. Don’t fucking change anything.”
Kilian smiles against her, but he’s quick to return to what he was doing. Emma’s legs tighten over his shoulders, her hands yank at the sheets, and as much as he is throbbing right now, it’s bloody glorious to have her like this. The filter is gone, so too are the reservations, and he gets a bit of satisfaction knowing this is him doing this to her.
His only skills aren’t on the football pitch after all.
He is definitely a bastard for thinking that right now, but he’s never claimed to be otherwise.
“Fuck,” Emma huffs after she comes down from her high. Her legs shiver over his shoulder, thighs tightening so all the sounds fade for a moment, but then her legs fall and all sounds come back in screaming color. “What did I do to deserve that so early in the morning?”
“It’s ten, love.”
“Yeah, that’s early on my day off.”
Killian laughs and kisses the inside of Emma’s thigh before making his way up her body, planting a final one underneath her collarbone before he collapses on his side of the bed and pulls the sheets above his waist.
“It’s not early for the rest of the world.” He smiles, which she doesn’t appreciate, and she sinks further into the bed, yanking the covers over her. He can still see her flushed cheeks and the slightest content smile on her face. “You should try it sometime. See the sunrise, dodge early morning joggers, eat breakfast at a normal time.”
“Trust me, I’m usually up early enough to want to drive into the early morning joggers while I have a Pop Tart hanging out of my mouth. My summer schedule is just...it’s different than usual.”
He has questions about that. It’s something she’s alluded to before, but he doesn’t know if she’ll count that as his question of a day.
He’s thirty-five years old, and he doesn’t know if he can ask the woman he’s sleeping with more than one question about her life. He knows he’s fucked up a lot, but this seems to be the culmination of several screw ups in his own life.
He doesn’t have time to dwell on that. Well, no, he has all the time in the world, but lately, the boredom has dissipated, the loneliness too.
Lately, he’s got a damn good distraction, and he’s not about to fuck that up.
Emma flips over on her side, her hair a wild, curly mess. She used his pool last night and didn’t wash her hair after. It’s made it even crazier than usual. He thinks he likes it. Makes her seem less reserved.
His phone rings on his bedside table, and he leans over to pick it up.
“Hello, darling.” Emma’s brow raises, but he ignores her. “How are you?”
“Good,” Elsa says. “We’re all good. The girls are in the garden right now, running around and getting all their energy out. I haven’t heard from you in a few days.”
“I’ve been...busy.”
Emma’s hand finds his thigh, and his leg jumps before steadying. She is not about to do what he thinks she’s about to do. Bloody hell.
“Busy?” Elsa asks, as Emma’s hand walks a little closer to his groin. “Doing what? Have you made friends?”
“Why do you always ask me that like I’m a child?”
“Because you’re basically my baby brother.” Killian laughs and then hisses as Emma’s hand wraps around him. She smirks, obviously satisfied with herself, and he knows she’s doing it for the reaction above anything else.
He doesn’t mind.
Except this is a poor idea.
“I believe I’m actually older than you.”
He laughs again, and Emma’s hand starts working a little more. Fuck. He needs her to stop, and even though she’s doing delicious things to him, she is looking away, acting as bored as can be. And maybe she is, but then he sees one corner of her mouth tick up.
“Mum, is that Killian?” he hears Ally ask, echoed by a squeal from Sophia, who is obviously having the time of her life. There’s a bit of a shuffle, some muted voices, and then his niece’s voice comes through. “When are you coming home?”
“Hello, Ally,” he says, his voice going high when Emma moves her thumb. “How is one of my favorite nieces doing?”
Emma immediately stops and yanks her hand away, practically falling off the bed. She catches herself and kicks up, moving the comforter up and nearly pulling it off him.
“What the actual fuck?” she whispers hisses, slapping him.
He ignores her as Ally asks again when he’s coming home.
“At the end of September, sweetheart,” he promises. “I’ll come home, and then I am going to kiss you right on the cheek.”
“Ew,” she complains, and he can imagine her nose scrunching.
“I also might give you a present.”
“I like that better.”
“Good. I thought you would.” he watches Emma get up and pull a t-shirt out of a drawer. It’s an old Man. United shirt, and he pretends that doesn’t do a damn thing to him, especially since she was just working him up a minute ago. “Listen, Ally, darling, will you hand the phone to your mum? I - ”
“Sophia, that is my hat! Do not wear it!”
And then the line goes dead, and he wonders how long it’ll be before Elsa gets back to her phone and calls him back.
“You let me do that to you while you were on the phone with your niece?” Emma mumbles, pulling the shirt down then pulling her hair into a mess of a knot on the top of her head. He’s not sure if she’s annoyed or amused. “I hate you.”
“Technically, at first it was my sister-in-law,” he corrects, tapping his head.
“That doesn’t make it any better.” Emma gets back in the bed, pulling the comforter all the way up to her chin, and then she shuffles a little further into the bed before sitting up against the headboard and groaning into her hands. “I am mortified.”
“I did stop you when Ally took the phone,” he points out before pulling at the arm of her shirt. “Nice shirt.”
Killian stands from the bed and walks toward his bathroom, grabbing his briefs along the way. “It’s comfortable,” Emma says. “Is this the team you played for?”
Killian stops, the tile cool against his feet, and then keeps moving, leaving the door cracked as he gets half dressed and starts brushing his teeth. As good as it was a few minutes ago, the mood is gone.
Especially now.
How the hell does she know he used to play football? And how long has she known that? Is that why...no, that couldn’t be why, but he knows that’s why a lot of women have.
“A long time ago,” he says, spitting out toothpaste. “I was with Chelsea when I retired.”
“Is that another team?”
“Uh, yeah,” he laughs, continuing to brush his teeth but sticking his head out of his bathroom door. “You didn’t know that?”
Emma shrugs as she types on her phone. “I don’t know anything about soccer. I only know you played because Ruby internet stalked you a few weeks ago and showed me your Instagram. I literally thought you were just one of those adults who is really into his hobbies.”
Killian nearly lets out a sigh, but he stops himself and turns back around to the sink to spit again before rinsing his brush. He looks up at the mirror. His hair is disheveled, there are lines around his eyes and on his forehead, and his stubble is growing to the point where a beard is beginning to form. He’ll shave later.
So Emma doesn’t know anything about football then. Or him, for that matter. He’s not sure he entirely believes her, that she didn’t look up any more about him, and he doesn’t like that uncertainty. Usually, when he meets someone, they have the upper hand and know the surface layer of all the dirty details of his life.
They usually don’t care to find out the real stories. Not that most of them redeem him in any way.
“Not a hobby,” he says, taming his hair with his hands. “It was a damn good job.” He leaves the bathroom and leans against the doorframe. “You ever play?”
She laughs and puts her phone down. “No.”
“Not even as a kid? Come on. I hear every lass in America plays as a kid.”
“Is that your question of the day?”
Damn. “No.” Killian walks toward the bed and puts his hands on either side of Emma’s head on the headboard, leaning in close. He sees her chest rise, and he smirks. “My question is to ask you to stay in bed with me all day. What do you say, Swan?”
She sits up, and her lips lightly brush against his mouth when she talks. “You should have asked me about the soccer because I was already planning on staying here the entire day.”
“Really now?”
“If we can get crepes delivered from this place that’s, like, ten minutes from here.”
Killian kisses her, long and slow until there’s heat simmering low in his belly. “As you wish.”
Emma doesn’t come over every night. Nor does he go to her place. But it seems that way as July rolls by, full of hot days that seem to linger forever. Killian finds himself busy during the days. Emma usually has work early in the mornings, so if she’s staying over, she leaves before eight. He doesn’t know how she has time to breathe working at both the Tavern and The Oaks, but she makes it work. When she leaves, he gets up and uses the gym in the basement of the house, going through his tried and true routines before he laces up his trainers and either runs on the beach or on the sidewalks through his little area of the vineyard. He finds the sidewalks are better for his knees, so he tends to stick with that and leaves walking on the beach for his afternoon phone calls with Elsa and the girls or Ariel and Eric.
It’s a routine, one that changes during the day, but for the first time since he got here, he doesn’t hate every damn day. He doesn’t spend his time actively having to try not drink or thinking about Liam or football. He practically buys out a local bookstore and goes through the novels faster than he has in years. He visits different restaurants, museums, goes along with some tourist activities he finds online, and he explores any shop that strikes his fancy.
And while his routine changes, there is one constant: he eats a meal at the Blue Dog Tavern.
At first, he thought Emma would kick him out for it, but now, she often comes and sits with him for a few minutes or sends him a drink from her office. He always sits in Ashley’s section and lets her talk about her growing belly even if he knows little about pregnancy, and he spends at least an hour eating and watching all the people around him.
It’s a hell of a lot better than the twenty-four-hour diners with sticky floors and bad coffee.
Killian shoves his keys in his pocket and pushes open the door to the Blue Dog. Marina greets him, telling him to seat himself anywhere in Ashely’s section, so he goes to his favorite booth and settles down. He can’t see the television from it, so it’s the perfect spot to completely escape from the world with no risk of his past showing up right before his eyes.
He may be feeling better, may be able to have a drink or too at night without wanting to have five more, but he knows he’s possibly only one bad day from it all coming undone, the thread unraveling faster than he can wind it back up.
“Tea or coffee today, Killian?” Ashley asks, notepad in hand.
“Tea, I think, but not the blasted stuff you gave me last time.”
She laughs and writes down his drink order. “Do you know what you want to eat already or should I come back?”
He hands her the menu. “The daily special and a side salad.”
“Perfect. I’ll be back with that as soon as possible.”
“No need to rush,” he says, smiling. “Is - ”
“She’s filling out orders for next week, but I’ll let her know you’re here.”
Ashley winks before walking away, and Killian wonders what the hell everyone in this restaurant thinks of him and Emma. It must be peculiar, but if he’s picked up anything from Emma, it’s that she likely doesn’t share much about her personal life with her employees. She surely won’t tell him that he’s the man she’s sleeping with for the summer, but they might pick up on that on their own.
The food here is good, but it’s not every day good.
He’s finished his salad and half of his sandwich when she comes out from the back. Today, she’s already in the black dress she wears to The Oaks, and her hair is pushed back into a ponytail. She looks exhausted, and unfortunately, the reason has nothing to do with him.
“I only have a second to say hi,” she says, sliding into the booth and grabbing a roll from the basket, breaking off a piece and popping it into her mouth. “We are having an issue with our fish orders, and it’s an absolute nightmare.”
“That sounds like I won’t be ordering any fish this week.”
Emma takes another bite of her bread. “I wouldn’t if I were you. Do you want to come to my place tonight? I’m off at ten.”
“Sure.” He picks at the bread on his sandwich. “Though, the last time I was at your place, that damn crab pillow ended up in the bed, and I didn’t appreciate that.”
Her nose scrunches with her laugh. “I hate that thing too, but Ariel loves it.”
“You live in that house the entire year. Why don’t you redecorate it for your taste?”
Her shoulders tense, and she stops chewing before slowly starting again. He already knows this is going to be his personal question of the day. Sometimes she forgets about it and lets the conversation flow freely, but when he hits a nerve, she’s more on her guard.
He gets it. He can be the same way.
“Personal question,” she says, and he knows her better than he should. “And I’ve redone my bedroom and little bits in the kitchen and living room, but I don’t know. I guess I keep it how the Fishers have it because it’s their home. There are memories there, and I don’t want to take any of those away for when I do eventually get another place. It’s....it’s good to have a family home with memories.”
Killian arches his brow, but Emma looks away, picking at the roll again. He never really had a family home, not after his mum died and his dad became obsessed with using Killian’s football skills for his own fortune, but he likes that sentiment.
A family home with memories. Good ones. That would be the dream.
“What about you?” she asks, changing the subject before he can press further. “Aren’t you excited to get back to your place where all the stuff is yours? You’re living in a place that’s not your own, so I’m sure you’re ready to get back to your family.”
She doesn’t mean anything by it, but her words cut. He’s here because he lost the one person in his family who he was closest to, but he doesn’t want to talk about that, not now. This is supposed to be a good time. It isn’t supposed to be about dark histories.
“I’m enjoying my time here,” he answers honestly. “There’s this woman who is an absolute spitfire, and she’s been occupying most of my time. I’ve been, well, metaphorically tied up in bed too much to think of returning home.”
“Ha, ha,” she monotones with a roll of her eyes. “That’s not what I - ”
They both turn, and Emma’s friend Mary Margaret is standing there, bouncing back and forth on her toes. “Hi, Marg,” Emma says. “You’re early.”
“I know. I got finished tutoring early, so I thought I’d drop by. I didn’t know you’d have...other company.”
“Nice to see you again,” Killian says, nodding at Mary Margaret.
“Yeah, nice to see you.” Mary Margaret seems hesitant, like she didn’t meet him weeks ago at dinner, and he wonders just how much she knows about his arrangement with Emma. From what he’s learned, they seem close, but he also knows Ruby is Emma’s more...accepting friend. “How are you?”
“I’m good, love. Just badgering Emma at work. I’m surprised she hasn’t kicked me out yet.”
“Annoy me a little too much, and I will.” Her ankle hooks with his under the table, and Killian bites his lip to keep from smiling too much. “So, what’s up, Marg? Why’d you want to drop by? Have you heard of this thing called phones?”
Mary Margaret chuckles before sliding into the booth next to Emma. Emma’s ankle unhooks from his, and he tucks his feet under the booth. “So, you know how David wants to have that big barbecue for all of our friends and neighbors?”
“Yeah, you guys do it every year because you’re insane.”
“Anyway,” she says, playfully rolling her eyes, “we were wondering if we could get the Blue Dog to cater some of the sides. I know you guys don’t cater, but we could pay extra. Please.”
“You do know there are restaurants who do cater who could handle this?”
“Yes, but we love the food here. Killian gets it, right?”
“Uh, yes,” he mumbles, not sure what he’s supposed to say. From Emma’s death glare, he knows he’s chosen incorrectly. Bloody hell. “I love it.”
“Exactly,” Mary Margaret says. “We’ll pay extra. Promise. In tips so the staff can get it instead of the owners.”
Emma sighs and sinks into the booth, crossing her arms over her chest. “I need to know the order at least two weeks ahead of time, and it’s going to take me some time to figure out how much you guys need to pay.”
“Ahhhh, perfect!” Mary Margaret hugs Emma before sliding out of the booth. “You’re the best! I can’t wait to call David! Oh, and Killian, you should come too. It’s on August 14th. We’d love to have you there.”
Killian scratches his ear and nods, flashing her a tight smile. He doesn’t think Emma would welcome him at a party full of her friends, so he doesn’t want to make her uncomfortable no matter how nice it might be to be in a large group of people.
“He’ll be there,” Emma says, surprising him, and he feels her toe tap his shin. “If he can make it, of course. You know, he has a very busy social calendar.”
“I wonder why that is, darling.” He winks, making Emma smile, and he taps his toes into hers right back. “I’ve heard you keep pretty busy as well.”
Emma’s mouth gapes before closing, and her green eyes widen, lashes nearly hitting against her brows. “Ass.”
“Well, I know you like - ”
“Okay.” Mary Margaret claps her hands together. “I’ve got to go. Emma, I’ll send you the menu after I talk to David tonight. And Killian, we really would love to have you there.”
“I’ll see,” he says as he fights to keep from smiling too widely. “May I recommend the cheddar bites for the menu. They’ll kill you, but you’ll enjoy it.”
“I have never once seen you get the cheddar bites,” Emma scoffs.
He leans over the table, pressing his chin in his hand and smirking the way he knows she likes. She tells him he’s obnoxious when he does it, but sometimes he can see past that hard shell exterior. “I’m full of surprises, darling.”
“That you are, Jones. That you are.”
Tag list: @qualitycoffeethings @marrtinski @klynn-stormz @scarletslippers @elizabeethan @jrob64 @snowbellewells @therealstartraveller776 @thejollyroger-writer @galadriel26 @galaxyzxstark @idristardis @karenfrommisthaven @teamhook @spartanguard @searchingwardrobes @jamif @shireness-says @ultimiflos @onepunintendid @bluewildcatfanatic @superchocovian @killianswannn @carpedzem @captainkillianswanjones @mayquita @mariakov81 @jennjenn615 @onceuponaprincessworld @a-faekindagirl @scientificapricot @xellewoods @ultraluckycatnd @stahlop @kmomof4 @tiganasummertree @singersdd @tornadoamy @cluttermind @lfh1226-linda @andiirivera @itsfabianadocarmo @captain-emmajones @ilovemesomekillianjones @taylrsversion​ @dramioneswan​ @jonesfandomfanatic​ @wefoundloveunderthelight
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Two Worlds.
I’am planning on doing a part two IF this part gets enough interest. Thank you to @detective-giggles & @beccabarba​​​ for letting run this idea by you both and being supportive.
Warnings: It’s in the name, just the back story and we are going to pretend Miguel is divorced for this one.
WC: 1354
Enjoy x
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When you had taken on the job as the assistant for the infamous Bryan Kneef you didn’t know how deep you would be getting. Bryan didn’t make it easy for you at first, but it all made sense once he let you into his other world completely. He needed to trust you completely, he couldn’t risk you blowing up everything he had worked to build in and out of the office. He never crossed either worlds, using his work office for out of work business or using his home office for his day job business. Most nights after finishing at STR Laurie you went straight to your desk in Bryan’s apartment office doing work for his ‘other’ clients.
The meeting in LA had been in motion for over a month after a phone call from Miguel Galindo needing a new lawyer to take care of some business. Bryan got you to do some research before he agreed to the meeting. You both working out why Miguel needed a lawyer out of the state and Bryan gave you the go ahead to organise everything for the trip. You were both flying out late on a Friday night coming home late Sunday night for work on Monday, a dinner set up at a very popular restaurant in LA.
You weren’t naive when it came to life, you had seen more than your fair share of stuff, nothing surprised you, which Bryan liked, he didn’t need to treat you with kid gloves with any cases, worry about how you would react with what came in and you took everything in your stride no matter what the situation or who you were dealing with. You were the best assistant he had ever had, and as much as he wanted nothing more than to see your lips wrapped around his cock, he never crossed that line with you, not wanting to risk having to find another assistant that would match up to you, because he was sure there would never be one.
You had settled into your seat next to Bryan in your business class seats. You felt cold so you grabbed the blanket, threw it over your body up to your chin,
“You’re always cold. Need my jacket to?” Bryan said not taking his eyes off his phone.
“I’ am good thanks Bry” you smiled at the side of his face.
You had just slipped on your black pointed heels and fixed up the white non see through sheer cross over shirt into your knee length skin tight skirt when there was a knock on the door. You grabbed your leather covered iPad for you to take notes and your clutch walking to the door, looking through the peep hole and swinging the door open to Bryan in a charcoal grey suit with a navy button down, no tie and one hand in his pocket,
“Ready” Bryan smirked at you.
“Yep” you stepped out closing the door behind you. You and Bryan made your way towards the lifts to head down to get into a town car “Don’t forget you need to be back here by 10 for your Singapore call”
The town car pulled up at the restaurant you booked a table at and you both got out walking in. The host confirmed your name and booking number leading you both to your table. As you walked through the roof top bar, Bryan in front of you, you noticed some men standing and sitting in different parts of the restaurant all in black suits watching you and Bryan, their eyes glued on you’s,
“Mr Kneef nice to meet you finally”  
“Like wise Mr Galindo”
You looked around Bryan to one the sexiest men you had ever set eyes on other than Bryan.  His hair gelled back in place, his salt and peppered beard shaped perfectly, his cologne making your knees weak, his light grey suit perfectly pressed and his off white button down showing off his tanned skin. His beautiful brown eye’s met yours with a smile,
“You must be Y/N” Miguel held his hand to you, Bryan stepping out of the way for Miguel to take your one hand in his two warm big ones “Nice to finally put a face to the voice. It’s been a pleasure dealing with her Mr Kneef your lucky to have found an assistant like her” Miguel smiled at you again.
“Nice to meet you Mr Galindo, you’re too kind” You smiled over at him batting your eye lashes a shiver running down your spine.
You all moved to sit down after Miguel let go of your hand. Drinks and food were ordered and it was decided to get straight to business so you could all relax when dinner arrived. You noticed how Miguel looked over at you every so often with a smug look on his face while you took notes of the meeting while him and Bryan discussed what Miguel needed.
“That should all be straight forward, Y/N can draft up the paperwork and email them over for approval and then I can file them with the courts by Wednesday at the latest”
“Great” Miguel nodded and Bryan and he shook hands just as dinner arrived.
The night had got away from you all, laughing and drinking and dessert had been ordered when your phone pinged with a new email. You nudged Bryan’s side and lent over informing him the Singapore meeting had been moved forward 10 minutes, it starting in 20 minutes, it taking 15 to get back to hotel.
“You stay and have dessert, I can come back and get you after the meeting”  
“I can get her back” Miguel smiled over at you “My car is out back”
Bryan nodded, shook Miguel’s hand back and left to get back for the meeting.
“Tell me a little about yourself Y/N” Miguel sat back in his chair with a grin and his head tilted slightly.
“What would you like to know” You smiled back leaning onto the table as you started to eat your chocolate mousse.
“Is there a special someone?” Miguel grinned.
“I don’t really have time for that with working for Mr Kneef”
“Is he at least satisfying you?”
You chuckled and shook your head, “No, its all business”
Miguel nodded with a smile and reached over to grab your hand taking yours in his, running his thumb over your knuckles,
“Let’s get you back to the hotel, we can order some wine, maybe I can take care of that situation for you.”
“I would like that” you smiled big.  
The meeting had gone an hour over what it was meant to and Bryan needed to get to your room so he could dictate too you what happened so you could type it out before he forgot. His jacket was long gone just leaving him in his pants and dress shirt, his sleeves now rolled up, grabbing a small bottle of wine and a bottle of beer from his mini bar before stepping out of his room and walking up the hall way too your door. He knocked and stood back waiting for an answer and he heard a man’s voice muffled through the door and then it opening. 
Bryan stood frozen in place as he set eyes on a bare chested Miguel and you sitting on the edge of the bed with Miguel’s shirt around your naked body. You jumped up your cheeks burning as you rushed to the door and stepped in front of Miguel,
“Bryan, I-I”
“She isn’t part of the contract” Bryan frowned his eyes on Miguel.
“I’ am sorry Bryan” Your face going bright red and Miguel put his hand on the small of your back to try and comfort you, puffing his chest out protectively.
“Y/N” Bryan’s voice was deep and your eyes snapped up to his. Bryan raised an eye brow looking between you both, a wicked smile pulling to his face, one also pulling to Miguel’s when he seen Bryan’s expression “Are you going to invite me in and make this a real party”      
 Tags: @thatesqcrush​​​​​ @teamsladsandgents​​​​​ @lovebennycolonmiguelgalindo​​​​​ @permanentlydizzy​​​​​ @madamsnape921​​​​​ @amorestevens​​​​​​ @annabelleb49​​​​​ @alwaysachorusgirl​​ @storiesofsvu
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ghostburs-blue · 4 years
Peace Is Momentary
Summary: soulmate!au where your soulmate will appear to you in a time of need. Spencer’s gone 20 years without meeting his; so has y/n. What will happen when fate finally connects them together?
Warnings: angst if you squint, nothing else really
Word count: 2.2k
a/n: this might become a series if people like it enough!! we’ll see ;)
Spencer knows there’s a chance he’ll never meet his soulmate. He knows the statistics, he’s done the research. Yet, he always feels a little bit better at the thought that someone was made just for him, someone who’ll stay with him through it all.
Of course, he assumed he would have found his soulmate much earlier in life. Most people found theirs when they were as young as 16, though always in the same fashion. Spencer was turning 22, 6 years older than the average age of finding your one true love.
Your soulmate would come to you in a time when you need them the most; when your soul calls out to its other half in a cry for help.
Every time Spencer broke down or cried, whether it be over a case at work, his mother’s condition, or quite literally anything else, he prayed that his soulmate would magically appear in front of him. Alas, the cards simply haven’t been in his favor.
Unknown to Reid, about 20 minutes away, you were in the exact same predicament. All of your life, you had waited to find your soulmate. When your parents passed in your high school years, there was a small part of you that was hoping you would find your soulmate right then and there. That... didn’t exactly work out.
You had moved in with your aunt and uncle in a different city and had turned into the epitome of a rebellious child. You wore clothes your modest family would have a heart attack upon seeing, listened to music the church choir you were a part of would scoff at. However, if there was one thing you were good at, it was school.
You didn’t have a ton of money growing up, so you worked harder than anyone you knew to get scholarships to college. You juggled a full time job at your local coffee shop while still in school to get your engineering degree, and boy was it tiring.
“Excuse me lady? I’ve been waiting for 10 fucking minutes. What have I got to do to get a coffee already?” A man with a thick (Boston?) accent leered at you. You groaned internally, proceeding to plaster a much too bright smile on your face in an attempt to hide your obvious disdain for him.
“So sorry sir! Your cold brew will be coming right up,” you exclaimed cheerily, though you felt anything but. Turning away from him, you let your hands fly over the coffee machine to make a drink you’ve made a thousand times over. Your mind starts to wander as you brew the espresso. Did you even have a soulmate? What if they hate you? What if they’re dead? What if-
Your thoughts were cut short as the espresso machine beeps, jolting you back to reality. You quickly finish off the cup, gratefully sliding it across the bar to the rude man waiting close by. You turned around and caught your coworker’s bemused expression; you were too tired to complain.
Spencer frowned as he gazed at the crime scene photos. What wasn’t clicking?
He was shaken out of his thoughts by the sound of Emily’s heels clacking on the linoleum floor. He turned with his chin resting on his hand to see her wearing a pitying look on her face. In one hand, she held a cup of coffee.
He reached out, pointing to the styrofoam cup. “Is that for me?” Spencer asked, secretly hoping it wasn’t so he could get some rest.
Thankfully, Emily shook her head. “No, Reid.” She sighed, looking back up at him sadly. “Listen, I know you really want to solve this case. Don’t get me wrong, we all do. But you’ve been awake for what? 30 hours straight? You might be a genius but even Einstein needed rest,” she finished. Before Reid could protest, she lifted a hand. “Go back to your hotel room and sleep. That’s a direct order from Hotch.”
Spencer frowned unhappily at the brunette in front of him, but he knew when the conversation was over. Grabbing some files he was fully planning to mull over on the comfort of his stiff hotel mattress, he brushed past Emily and headed towards his car.
After a long shift, you groaned as you pushed open the door to your tiny apartment. Immediately, you stripped off your clothes and headed straight for the shower in an attempt to scrub off the now nauseating scent of coffee.
Emerging 20 minutes later with bright red and freshly exfoliated skin, you felt like you were about to collapse at any second. You were asleep before your head hit the pillow.
Reid sat on the bed, papers and crime scene photos splayed out in front of him. The heels of his hands dug into his eyes as he tried to prevent tears from running down his unshaven cheeks.
You wake with a start, sweating slightly. Looking around, you frown. This isn’t your hotel room, you think to yourself, confused. You gasped when you noticed a man sitting on the bed, looking like he hadn’t slept in months. His clothes were misshapen, hair messy and clearly not brushed. He was boyishly handsome, you decided with a satisfied nod.
The gasp you let out caused him to look up; you both realized what was happening at the same moment.
“You’re my soulmate,” Spencer breathed out, at the same time you muttered “Oh my fucking god.”
For a few more moments, both stared at each other, unsure how to act and what to do.
Reid made the first move, awkwardly scooting over slightly and clearing his throat, patting the now empty space next to him.
You quietly shuffled over, perching politely on the edge of the bed.
“So um... where are you right now?” You offered, genuinely curious as to why he was in a hotel room in seemingly the middle of nowhere.
Spencer laughed. “I uh- I guess it’s a long story,” his voice trailed off slightly as he noticed the look you gave him, the one that said Really?. “I guess that was a stupid thing to say,” he mumbled.
You laughed, hitting his arm gently. “Don’t worry about it. For now, we have all the time in the world.”
And so the night progressed; Reid told you all about working at the BAU and you told him all about, well, working at a coffee shop. You quickly found out Spencer was a literal genius, and you, completely serious of course, asked if he would do all your homework for you. (Spoiler alert: he said no because it “goes against his morals”. What does that even mean???)
You could feel yourself fading as Spencer got happier and happier. You both seemed to realize you didn’t have much time left. You grabbed his hand, staring deep into his eyes. You could feel yourself leaning in, Reid too-
“Wait!” You exclaimed, and the two of you jumped apart. “What’s your name?” You asked breathlessly.
“Oh!” He replied, seemingly surprised that you two had never exchanged names. What he didn’t know, however, was that you were slipping away from him much faster than either of you could have realized. “It’s Sp-“
And just like that, you were gone. You woke up in your own bed to find it was morning, sunlight streaming through your windows. Racking your brain, you tried to remember what he said his name was. Unfortunately, all you could remember was the short 2 letters you heard before you vanished. He hadn’t even gotten your name! How was he supposed to find you now?
Across the country, Spencer woke up with his head pounding. Bleary eyed, he tried to make sense of what just happened. He met his soulmate, then lost her just as fast. He didn’t even get her name!, Reid kicked himself.
The next few days for the both of you seemed like hell. You found out it was practically impossible to find records of government employees, especially from divisions like the BAU. You grew increasingly frustrated while scouring through database after database.
Spencer had immediately called Garcia, but made her swear to keep it a secret. He attempted to give her an idea of what you looked like, only to hear the disappointed sound of Penelope’s voice letting him know that she had a list of about 10,000 people who fit the description. Of course, knowing Penelope, no secret ever stayed a secret for long. No more than a few hours later he was met with a chorus of congratulations from his fellow colleagues, including Morgan’s “I knew you had it in you!”, which was met with a sad frown as Spencer explained the unlucky situation.
Unfortunately, nothing much happened after that. You gave up your search on this mystery man, he did the same. Every day, however, you both woke up and hoped today would be that one special day where they found each other again. Every day, they were met with another heart wrenching disappointment, until one fateful afternoon.
Your back ached as you scrubbed down the counter for what felt like the thousandth time that day. It had been a few years since what you liked to call “the incident”, and you liked to keep it out of your head at this point. You were now in grad school, in a different city. You still worked at a coffee shop, though this one was much more busy and frankly much more stressful.
You stretched slightly, pulling your arms up in the air as you readjusted your torso. You turned when you heard your coworker call your name; he was going to take a break. You nodded at him, letting him know you would take over for him.
There was a lull in the customers in the shop, which made sense considering it was 2:00 on a Tuesday afternoon.
You decided to make the most of the break and started to clean the espresso machine in front of you. As you grabbed a dish cloth from the sink, you heard bells in the doorway tinkle slightly as the door was pushed open.
You looked up with your customer service grin automatically painted on, ready to greet the customer. The welcome died on your lips, however, as you realized who it was. It was him.
Your eyes widened in horror as you realized something else; he was kissing a girl who was definitely not you.
You forced yourself to walk over to the cash register, clearing your throat to break the intense lip-locking session apart. A faint look of annoyance crossed Spencer’s face as he looked up at who interrupted them.
His first reaction was exactly what you thought it would be. He froze slightly, then slowly walked up to the register with what looked like a death grip on his (girlfriend’s?) hand.
Though it was the girl who spoke, you found your attention kept flitting to the man next to her. You couldn’t tell if she was oblivious, or just didn’t care.
He had... changed to say the least. Stubble covered the bottom portion of his face, and his hair had grown out. His cheekbones looked more defined, and he walked with an aura of confidence that he didn’t have before. Still, you had to admit he looked very handsome.
You were shaken out of your stupor when you felt the gaze of the girl. She looked at you with, was that impatience? You asked for her payment and her name, Stacy, noting it down on both cups before you took her credit card.
You hurried around behind the bar in an attempt to give them the drinks as quickly as possible and get them to leave. How were you supposed to talk to him now? He literally has a girlfriend!
You finished making the two coffees and set them on the counter, calling out her name to let her know the drinks were ready.
“One nitro cold brew for you, and one iced vanilla latte for him,” you handed over the drinks directly to each of them, making a point to shift Spencer’s drink slightly, causing him to look down. He caught your drift as he noticed a little extra writing underneath Stacy’s name.
His girlfriend grabbed his hand, throwing a quick and insincere “thank you!” over her shoulder at you as they left the store. You slumped against the sink, grabbing the countertop with your hands. What in Gods’ green Earth was this?
Outside, Spencer finally got the chance to look at the cup. He smiled as he read what you had scribbled on there.
Underneath your phone number, you had written, “It’s a really long story but I hope you have the time. Let’s talk soon?”
It was nearing 9 pm when you were starting to lose all hope. What if you made a mistake, and that wasn’t actually your soulmate? You shoved a pillow over your face with irritation and groaned, collapsing onto the sofa next to your phone. As you lay in silence, you heard a noise. Your phone was vibrating.
Sitting up quickly, you picked up the phone.
“Hello?” You asked breathlessly.
A familiar amused chuckle rang on the other end of the line.
“Hi, soulmate.”
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horansqueen · 4 years
Stuck With You - Chapter 28
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Chapter 28: She Looks So Perfect
🡪chapter 1  🡪chapter 2  🡪chapter 3  🡪chapter 4  🡪chapter 5  🡪chapter 6   🡪chapter 7  🡪chapter 8  🡪chapter 9  🡪chapter 10  🡪chapter 11 🡪chapter 12 🡪chapter 13 🡪chapter 14 🡪chapter 15 🡪chapter 16 🡪chapter 17 🡪chapter 18 🡪chapter 19 🡪chapter 20 🡪chapter 21 🡪chapter 22 🡪chapter 23 🡪chapter 24 🡪chapter 25 🡪chapter 26 🡪chapter 27
College Enemies To Lovers AU
characters // masterlist // instagrams // mood board
You look so perfect standing there In my American Apparel underwear And I know now, that I'm so down Your lipstick stain is a work of art I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart And I know now, that I'm so down
You look so perfect standing there In my American Apparel underwear And I know now, that I'm so down I made a mixtape straight out of '94 I've got your ripped skinny jeans lying on the floor And I know now, that I'm so down
click here to be on the update list
                                           For the very first time, Devon was already up when I woke up the next morning. I ran my hand on the cold sheet and my eyes fluttered open when I realized she was not there anymore. I groaned and turned around in bed, pressing my face against the pillow for a few seconds, and my heart jumped in my chest when her unique scent invaded my nose. I wished it was possible to bottle up an odor and I inhaled deeply before forcing myself to get up. I stopped by the bathroom but when I opened the door again, I just looked at myself in the mirror, trying to do something with my messy hair.  I heard a very low giggle and when I turned my head, I noticed Devon taking a picture of me. I raised my eyebrows, a bit surprised, and she pressed her lips together.
"I had time to take three before you noticed me."
"I only noticed because of your laugh." I admitted, taking a step closer as my lips curled more.
She snapped an other picture with her camera and I chuckled, shaking my head slightly.
"I think my caption will be, 'he just woke up like that'." she laughed, tilting her head. "Or perhaps, 'he's modeling only for me this morning'."
Her last suggestion made my heart jump in my chest and she took a step back as I took an other in her direction. Her words suggested something was happening between us, it would make anyone who would read it know we had something going on, and although I shouldn't, I really liked it.
"It could be something like, 'he's about to make me cum'." I proposed with a smirk. "What do you say?"
This time, she laughed and licked her lips, raising her eyebrows. "That would be a lie."
"Why? You don't think I can make you cum?"
Her facial expression changed into something more serious with a hint of a tease, and fuck, I loved it. "No, I know you can." she explained in a low voice as her butt hit the side of the couch before she sat on the arm. "But we're not doing anything now. I'm busy snapping pictures of a famous model and a future famous musician."
She brought her camera up and took an other photo of me. I pushed her camera gently on the side and bent down to kiss her lips as a sensation of warmth invaded my whole body.
"So you're going to post pictures of me in only my boxers on instagram?" I asked with a cheeky smile, kissing her mouth a few times. "People are gonna talk."
"They're gonna talk about how good you look, probably." she chuckled, shaking her head slightly and slowly, making her nose rub against mine. "If they talk about anything else, I really don't care. I was never the type to care about gossips or rumors, and a few weeks ago, I decided I was not the type to care about what people thought about me anymore."
"Same here." I admitted in a whisper. "You can post any picture of me you want, with any caption you want."
She glanced down at my boxers as I moved closer, pressing my half-hard cock between her legs. When she looked up at me, she was sending me an amused smile and fuck, I liked it. I wanted to see that smile every single day of my life.
"I'd love to take a nude of you." she let out with a chuckle, making me raise my eyebrows in a curious way.
"Have you ever taken that kind of pictures?"
"Not with that camera, no." she admitted with a smirk. "Took a few special selfies with my phone, who hasn't?"
"That's the difference between art and porn, you know that, right?" I joked, making her laugh. "Did you ever take pictures of you and someone else having sex?"
Her smile faltered a bit but her lips curled again on the right. "You're a pervert, you know that?"
"Oh yea, and you're a prude perhaps? A saint. A virgin-"
Quickly, she moved up a bit to crush her mouth against mine. I kissed her back but ended up laughing against her lips. "So, did you?"
She remained close to me, her eyes running on my face, and pressed her lips. I could feel how embarrassed she was but I wasn't sure if it was because she had, in fact, taken those kind of pictures, or just because of the thoughts running in her head.
"It's not easy to hold a camera and ride a dick at the same time."
"Not easy, but not impossible." I pointed out, amused by the simple fact that she was considering it. "I can take pictures of you choking on my cock instead."
This time, she laughed and shook her head, her eyes never leaving mine. I loved the smile on her face and I loved being the cause of it. I hadn't felt that good with a girl in a long time. It was not just a sex thing, or an unrequited story.. What I felt for Devon, she seemed to feel for me too, whatever it was, and having her so close to me, happy and soft, made me realize that perhaps, I didn't really know what love was. Maybe she didn't know either. Maybe what me and her went through with our exes was not what love should be like, or what a relationship really was. I let that possibility sink in and my lips curled slowly.
"No?" I asked a bit lower, raising my eyebrows.
"I don't know." she whispered, her lips still parted as she tilted her head. "Make me."
"You may regret those words, you know."
She licked her lips and tilted her chin more as she sent me a daring look. It made me want to bury my cock deep inside her but I pushed the thought back in my mind again, trying to focus on the moment.
"Listen carefully, Niall Horan." she let out before moving slightly closer to me. "Make. Me."
My eyes roamed quickly on her face and her small satisfied smile made my dick twitch against her inner thighs. I remembered what it felt when she sucked on my tongue and I just knew it would feel incredible on my cock. I waited half a minute and when she moved back slightly, I gripped her hair and tilted her head a bit more. I didn't expect the whimper that escaped her lips and pressed myself more on her left thigh as my dick swelled again. I took a small step back, bringing her with me, and I didn't even have to ask : she fell on her knees in front of me like I wanted her to.
"Touch me."
She didn't wait, she just ran both her hands over my boxers, grabbing my cock and running her hand on it while the other reached for my balls. I groaned low, still holding her by the hair, and I immediately knew It would be one of the shortest blowjobs I ever had. Her hands were warm for once and I focused on how they felt before looking down at her. I saw her move closer but held her tighter to stop her.
"Pull my boxers down." I ordered in a breath. It took her a second to do it and I noticed her lips parting when her eyes met my dick. She tilted her head and ran her lips on the side before I grabbed it in my hand and moved it up. "Start here."
She bent down enough to run her tongue on my balls slowly and when she took one in her mouth to suck on it, I let out a groan. I had no idea how she did it, but I felt my cock throb in my hand and she had barely touched it. I pulled on her hair to move her head back and stared down at her, feeling extremely horny, probably hornier than I had in a very long time.
"Stick your tongue out, let me use it." I let out firmly. "And look at me."
She did exactly what I asked and when her eyes met mine, I swallowed a curse word. I loved how she submitted to all my whims and it gave me a bunch of ideas that I wanted to try with her. Slowly, I ran the tip of my cock on her tongue, wetting it, and moved the length on it too. I moved back a bit, stroking myself slowly with her spit, and she let out a low whimper when I tapped the tip of my cock on her tongue.
"Alright darling, show me you're a good little whore, yea?" I murmured. "Suck it good, like it's the last thing you'll do."
When she wrapped her lips around my tip and started sucking like her life depended on it, I let my head fall back on my shoulders and my eyes rolled back in my head before they closed. I couldn't remember the last time I had a blowjob let alone that kind of blowjob. She used her hands to stroke me and let her tongue slip under my tip, making me groan. I pushed her head slightly closer as my hips jerked and my dick slid on her tongue to go deeper in her mouth.
"Fuck, you're good at this." I groaned low again, letting go of her hair to hold her head with both hands. "Just keep your mouth open."
Looking at her squirming a bit, sitting on her legs with her mouth wide open made my heart jump in my chest and I pushed my cock in her mouth until she gagged. I held her head and let out a curse word before moving back and she coughed a few times but quickly opened her mouth again.
"Your mouth is amazing." I whispered, shaking my head. "I can't stop thinking about fucking it."
My words made her open her lips wider and I couldn't wait anymore. I started fucking her mouth slowly at first but harder with every thrust. I came close to an orgasm every time she choked on it as it hit the back of her throat and after a few minutes, I pulled out completely. I bent down to wipe the spit from her chin as she panted, her lips open, and sent her a smirk while holding my throbbing cock with my free hand.
"You want my cum?" She nodded so fast it actually made me chuckle and I licked my lips, standing back up. "Beg me."
"Mm, please Niall, I really want to taste you." she confessed in a very low tone, nibbling gently on her bottom lip. "I've been thinking about it way too much. Please..."
I was a bit surprised by how needy she seemed but when she stuck her tongue out again, I rubbed and tapped my cock on it, pushing the rest of my thoughts away. I felt an orgasm coming and jerked off quicker, feeling the tip of my dick rub on her wet tongue at the same time until I moaned louder than intended and let out a few curse words.
An ecstatic feeling invaded me and I forced myself to keep my eyes open only to see my cum spurt on her tongue and cheeks. The sight was amazing and I held my breath when she put her mouth around my cock again, sucking harder as I finished cumming in her mouth.
"Jesus Christ." I whispered, holding her hair again, watching her swallow.
I felt my knees wobble a bit and pulled my boxers up quickly, my heart still racing. I heard her light laugh as I let myself fall on the couch and breathed in deeply. She got closer to me on her knees and licked her lips, putting her hands on my thighs and tilting her head.
"I'm still horny, do you mind if I touch myself?"
My eyes roamed on her and I slowly shook my head. "Fuck no babe, go ahead."
She smiled more and quickly straddled me. I didn't expect that but she just slipped her hand in her pants as I stared at her a bit in shock. I was still in my post orgasm feeling but I knew the sight would drive me insane. I knew immediately when her fingers reached her pussy because her smile fell and her lips parted. Instead to rub herself, she started moving her hips against her fingers (or so I guessed) and I was suddenly disappointed that I couldn't see her drip on her own hand.
"Fuck, don't stop." I breathed out, my eyes traveling from her face, down her arm and until her pants, watching her hand disappear in them. "Bet sucking my cock made you soak yourself."
"Mm fuck." she murmured, closing her eyes.
I pulled down on her sweatpants a bit just to see her grinding her hips on her fingers and groaned low at the sight.
"You need to cum petal, or you're gonna make me hard again."
She opened her eyes again and with her free hand, she moved her shirt up over her breasts before bending down a bit. Without thinking, I stuck my tongue out to reach one of her nipples and ended up with one of her tits in my mouth. I held her with my hands on her thighs and she started going faster and whimpering louder. She started shaking over me and my hand reach for her other breasts, squeezing it tight as she came and when she came down from her high, she sat on my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck to kiss me. She didn't pull her shirt back down and I could feel her nipples rub against my chest, making me groan in her mouth.
"I'm sorry." she said, pressing her lips together. "It should have been only about you, but I was so horny."
"Are you kidding me?" I asked, raising my eyebrows and letting out a chuckle. "That was hot, I totally wanted to see that!"
She pulled away and bit her bottom lip as a smile crept on her lips. Slowly, she pulled her shirt back and I watched her breasts until they disappeared under the fabric.
"Come back closer, pet." I proposed in a soft tone with a small head movement, making her smile.
She did as I asked and kissed me again as I wrapped my arms around her chest, pulling her closer to me. I don't know how long we kissed but I didn't want it to stop and when she pulled away, she licked her lips and I did the same to taste her a bit more.
"What do you want to do, today?" I asked, a happy smile gracing my lips.
I didn't know how she did that but whenever she was with me, I was happy. I could blame it on the orgasm I got a few minutes before but I knew it was more than that, I knew that her simple presence made me want to sing more, write more songs, make more jokes... Is that what it feels like to be with the right person? Wanting to actually be a better person? For them but also for yourself?
"Maybe we could go for a walk? We've been locked here for a while. Fresh air wouldn't be bad."
I sent her a small but fond smile and nodded. "Okay, good idea."
She got up and I watched her disappear in the hall before getting up too. I found clothes and dressed up quickly as I decided we would get some food before coming back inside. When I reached for the front door, she was there, typing and smiling at her phone. I felt a wave of jealousy rush inside me at the thought that she was texting her ex boyfriend but I swallowed it and tried to calm the beatings of my heart.
"What are you doing?" I asked cautiously, pushing my hands in the pockets of my pants as they formed fists.
"Oh." she looked up and then back at her phone, smiling more. "Adding the pictures of you on instagram."
She moved her phone up and I blinked a few times before realizing I was seeing a picture of myself, staring in the mirror and playing with my hair. I was surprised by how good the picture was and when I looked up, she raised her eyebrows.
"You like it?" she wondered, genuinely interested. "There's a few more."
She handed me her phone and I grabbed it from her hand gently, swiping to look at the other pictures she took. They seemed professional but I was not really surprised: I already knew she was an amazing artist and I was pretty sure I had made a comment about the photos she took and put on instagram in the first few days after we met.
Two of the other pictures she had posted had been taken without me knowing and I had no idea how she made me look so vulnerable. The truth was, It was exactly how I felt when I was around her, but I didn't even mind. In fact, I loved it, and I was just waiting for the day that she'd let herself be completely vulnerable in front of me, too. I couldn't lie and say she didn't exposed herself that way sometimes, or that she didn't seem unguarded a few times, but to be completely vulnerable in front of someone was a big proof of trust, and it hit me. I trusted her. I trusted her with my feelings, I trusted her with my body, I trusted her with my soul, and even with my mind. And she probably didn't even see it yet.
I looked up and swallowed hard as she smiled more at me. I wanted to tell her so many things but I didn't know how to word things properly. It had always been my problem and I knew it. I blinked a few times and looked back at her phone, staring some more at a smiling picture of me, probably the last one she had taken when I was coming closer to her, but it's only when I saw the actual caption that I felt my heart twist and jump in my chest so hard that I had to swallow again.
'I'm so lucky to have him'
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teenwolfsnippets · 3 years
The Sitter
"Hey, kid," his dad calls
Stiles grunts at him as he continues to lie on the couch, playing his video game
"Stiles," the man sighs
He can’t tear his eyes from the TV, so his father plants himself in front of.
"Hey, whoa, not cool!" he gripes, hastily pausing it
His dad just scowls and folds his arms.
"Have you even looked for a job today?" he asks.
"Yeah, totally. I didn’t find anything interesting in the paper. I’m gonna search online just as soon as I finish this level," Stiles lies
He’s perfectly content to sit on this couch forever to be honest.
"Isn’t that what you said yesterday?" his dad asks, frown deepening
Stiles shrugs, not seeing his point. The man sighs heavily, glare in full force
"That’s it. You’re going to take that sitter job Melissa found for you. No arguments."
"Dad, you can’t be serious," he whines.
"I said no arguments, Stiles. Either you take the job or you can go live with Scott," he says.
Stiles cringes at the mere idea. He tried living with Scott once before and only made it about a week. They may be best friends, but they were horrible, terrible roommates.
"Ugh, fine, I’ll take the stupid job," he groans.
His dad grins like the evil man he is and tosses a piece of paper at him.
"Call the number and tell them you’ll be delighted. It’s a full time sitter job. Good luck," he says, chuckling.
He then strolls out the door for another night shift. Stiles flops further onto the couch, bemoaning his terrible future. After about 20 minutes of that, he’s fully annoyed himself and finally looks at the paper. There’s only a father listed, a Mr. Hale. The info doesn’t say how many kids or what the hours are, just that the guy needs a full time sitter.
Before he lets the anxiety ramp up any further, he pulls out his phone and dials the number.
"What?" a gruff voice answers.
"Um, hello, my name is Stiles. I’m calling about the sitter job?" he asks.
"You’re the guy Melissa recommended?"
"Yes, I mean, yeah, that’s me," he stutters.
"Good. If you want the job, I expect you to be at my house by 7 tomorrow morning," he says.
Mr. Hale then rattles off an address and hangs up. Stiles frowns at the phone and then glances at the address he copied down. It was up by the nature preserve. He didn’t even know people lived up there. The guy still didn’t give him any more information, but at least it was a job.
The next morning, Stiles arrived right on time. He takes a few minutes to gape at the mansion standing in front of him. Seriously, it was like something out of a celebrity magazine. Yet it also had a homey feel to it.
He strolls up the cobblestone path, taking the stairs two a time, before finally ringing the bell. The click-clack of stiletto heels echoes through the door. A gorgeous blonde answers the door, making Stiles’ jaw drop. She was seriously a bomb-shell. This was so not what he was expecting. The woman is texting furiously on her phone and briefly glances at him before motioning him inside.
"My name is Erica. I’m Mr. Hale’s assistant," she explains, quickly walking through the foyer and into a bright kitchen.
"He had to be at the office early this morning, which is why he’s not here to greet you. The children are still sleeping, but he wants them all awake no later than 9 am," she says.
Yikes, that was harsh. Back when he was still in school, he slept until noon every day during the summer. Hell, he still sleeps that late now.
"This first week will be a trial run. Your hours will normally be from 7 in the morning to 7 at night, but they may change depending on Mr. Hale’s schedule. You work Monday through Friday, but may need to be called in on weekends as well. Will that be a problem?" she asks.
Those were some ridiculously long hours. At his hesitance, Erica turns to him and says, "It pays a hundred an hour."
Stiles didn’t even have to think about that one. That was 10 times what he was making at his past three jobs combined.
Erica nods, satisfied.
"There’s a list of acceptable daytime activities, along with a schedule for the little ones. There’s also a list of rules that should be followed by you and also the children. I sincerely advise you," she says, finally making direct eye contact. "To follow all rules and schedules the way Mr. Hale has written them."
"Right, of course," Stiles says, nodding a little frantically.
This was starting to make him even more nervous, but he did genuinely like kids, so, it couldn’t be that bad.
"If or when there are plans that involve driving one of the children somewhere, you are expected to use the car provided to you, which is in the garage. The keys are on the hook by the side door. Following me so far?" she asks, perfect blonde brow raised.
"Yes, got it," he replies.
"In case of emergencies that don’t immediately need the police, an ambulance, or the fire department, my number is on the fridge, along with Mr. Hale’s second assistant. Mr. Hale’s number is also listed, but do not call him without trying one of us first," she says.
"Now, for the children. Considering your background, I don’t see you being easily overwhelmed, but I should warn you that this won’t be an easy job."
"I’m good with kids. Seriously, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it all," he says, nodding reassuringly.
Erica snorts, but lets it go.
"Their ages range from 1 to 12. Most of them are decent, but some are downright awful," she says, frowning.
"There is one major rule that you will not break if you want to keep this job," she says.
Erica waits, making sure he’s paying attention.
"Do not, under any circumstances, ask about their mothers."
Stiles frowns at that, already curious about the story, but the expression on her face tells him not to ask. He also didn’t miss how she said ‘mothers’ plural. He wonders briefly how many kids there are and how many mothers. Also, it doesn’t happen often that the father gets custody.
"What if the kids specifically ask about them?" he wonders.
"I highly doubt that will happen, but if they do, just give them a general answer and then leave a note about it on the counter for Mr. Hale," she says.
Erica seems to finally take a breath after that and looks him over.
"If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call me. You seem like a nice guy, but the sitter before you left in tears," she says.
With that ominous statement, she hurries out the front door, leaving him gaping in the kitchen.
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eldritchamy · 4 years
I watched “Happiest Season” and no it fucking wasn’t.
Here’s a review so you don’t have to suffer like I did: if I wasn’t watching it as the host of a movie night, I would not have made it past 20-30 minutes in.
It was very uncomfortable to watch.  I feel like I just spent two hours on a plane with a crying baby.  Except the baby was a homophobic rich white Republican that I was forced to campaign for.  All of the people I watched it with, including myself, found it stressful, anxiety inducing, and deeply unpleasant.  The first thing I did when it was over was warn my best friend not to watch it.
90% of the movie is rich white straight people drama forcing lesbians into the closet.  It’s not fun.  It’s not happy.  It wasn’t enjoyable.  At all.  Watching this was an uncompromisingly depressing and miserable experience.
It was marketed as a romantic comedy and it was neither of those things.   I feel repressed for having seen it.  
Every relationship in this movie is toxic and hard to watch, with the sole exception of two other characters who aren’t part of the family both having much better chemistry with Kristen Stewart’s character than her girlfriend.
Aubrey Plaza playing Gay Aubrey Plaza one of two redeeming things in the movie and she’s in it for about ten minutes, and even one of her scenes was hard for me to sit through (the awkward and dubiously written drag bar scene)  The other 90 minutes are agonizingly drawn out and unbearable.
If you are determined to support this movie because god knows we need more (and MUCH better) representation and we live in a hellscape where money is the only way to ask for such things, press play on it and then take out your headphones and go read a book instead until it’s over.
For your own sake please do not watch this.  
I genuinely can’t tell who it’s even FOR.  If anything about this movie resonates with you, I am SORRY to hear that, because you are probably the lesbian daughter of a very rich white man running for office as a Republican, and watching any of the rich housewife reality shows probably gives you PTSD because those are the kind of people you grew up with.  
And even IF that is the case, spare yourself the trauma of watching your own life and watch something else instead.  This movie will only hurt you.
Nothing about the experience of seeing this was worth it.
Plot spoilers ahead.
The plot is as follows:
Abby (Kristen Stewart) loves her girlfriend Harper (Mackenzie Davis).  But she does not love Christmas.  After a night out together, Harper asks her to join her when she visits her family for the holidays.  Abby says yes, and gets her gay male friend John (that guy from Schitt’s Creek) to cover pet sitting for her. While running a few errands with him, she goes to pick up an engagement ring which looks completely unattainable for a woman who makes a living as a pet sitter.
When they are almost to Harper’s family’s home, she awkwardly brings up that she lied about coming out to them earlier in the year.  They still don’t know she’s gay and they have to make sure the family is perfect and scandal free because her dad is running for mayor or something and one of his donors? campaign manager? is going to be there.  So they have to pretend Abby is her straight roommmate.  They fight about it before Abby very reluctantly agrees.  This is a pattern that repeats until Abby can’t take any more.
The family is like upper-class-Republican terrible.  They are AWFUL people.  The parents treat their children like trophies in a display case, and the children all feel forced into brutal competition with each other to see who the parents will actually be proud of.  One of Harper’s sisters (Jane) is actually an okay person who does nothing wrong, but she’s an aspiring writer who has spent 10 years not finishing her book and she’s played like she belongs in a different movie, and it feels like she’s meant to be seen as the useless layabout sibling, in a cruelly funny way.  
The other sister is a nightmare of a woman (Sloane? I think?) played by a completely unrecognizable Allison Brie.  She’s a lawful evil cutthroat monster who is straight up VICIOUS to the other two, and is especially terrible to Harper, because neither of them even see Jane as competition.  Her own family is the thing she uses to try to be worthy of her parents’ pride and affection.  
The dad is focused entirely on his campaign and is more or less indifferent to all of them unless they aren’t “presentable” and “scandal free” enough to keep his potential donor/campaign manager satisfied, in which case he “expects better of them” until they behave.  The children are like 30.  
The mom is maybe the worst of all of them.  She’s invasive, ignorant in that forceful way where she doesn’t give a shit about anything except her own bubble of reality that she thinks she’s living in and blows past any contradiction to it like it’s not even there, nitpicky about what everyone’s doing, is willfully out of touch with everything she’s told (Abby’s parents died when she was 19, and she spends the movie acting like she thinks Abby grew up in an orphanage made of dirt and never had a Christmas before).  And she will not leave the two of them alone.  She insists it’s ridiculous for two grown women to share a bedroom and gives Abby a room without a lock in a basement that’s bigger than my whole house, while Harper’s room is upstairs.  Everyone is constantly barging into Abby’s room with less than two seconds of notice, which leads to the kind of tension and awkwardness you’d expect.  The first morning, Abby wakes up to Sloane’s children staring at her.
Abby is clearly MISERABLE.  And so are you, because you’re watching this movie.  Abby and Harper are constantly pushed apart by the family, and Harper pushes Abby away while pretending to be perfect and straight for her family.
Her family invited Harper’s ex boyfriend, who thinks they should rekindle things.  Super fun thing that I always love to see in my lesbian media.
While out at dinner, Abby and Harper have another mini fight in the bathroom.  Harper promises she had no idea Connor(?) was going to be there and that there won’t be any more surprises.  They walk out of the bathroom, right into Harper’s OTHER ex, her first girlfriend Riley (Aubrey Plaza, who literally just plays herself and is the only good thing about the movie).
This is the first 20 minutes.
There’s a party that leaves Abby feeling isolated and pushed away.  She goes outside to make a phone call.  She makes regular texts and phone calls to John for support and advice throughout the movie.  He’s terrible at taking care of fish, but he’s genuinely a good friend to her and it’s clear he cares about her a lot.  It’s probably unfair not to say his friendship is the second redeeming thing in the movie.  After Abby gets off the phone with him the first time, Riley comes out from around the corner and tries to be nice, saying she could relate to what she’s going through.  Abby kind of closes off from her and she takes the hint without any fuss and leaves her alone.
The movie slogs on with compounding stress and anxiety and a moment when Abby is LITERALLY forced to hide in a closet and pretend she was sleepwalking on her way to Harper’s bedroom at night.  It MIGHT have been an attempt at a joke?  I’m genuinely not sure because I did not come close to laughing once in the entire 100 minutes of this nightmare.  Harper instead sneaks into Abby’s room while she’s awkwardly trying to get away from Harper’s mom.  That’s where the gifs of the sneak-snuggle from behind the door come from.  Enjoy the gifs because everything that wasn’t giffed is not worth seeing.  Harper spends the night there.
Bright and early, Harper’s mom comes knocking on the door, trying to open it and barge in again but Abby blocked the door with something heavy claiming it was to “keep her from sleepwalking again” (her excuse for being in the closet) while Harper frantically gets almost-dressed and hides behind the door as BOTH parents come to bother them, and the evil sister’s children see her partially dressed through the crack in the door.
Later that day Abby has to go shopping for a present for the “White Elephant” Harper didn’t warn her about.  She bumps into Sloane at the mall, who dumps her kids off on her before quickly leaving.  The kids very intentionally frame Abby for shoplifting by putting a necklace in her bag, and there’s a really awkward and uncomfortable scene with her being interrogated by overly forceful mall cops who are yelling at her.  When she finally gets back to the house, Harper’s entire family now thinks she’s a criminal.
Abby spends the night alone during another (campaign?) party that Harper told her she’d probably be happier getting left out of, and she bumps into Riley on the street and gets to talking with her, still more frustrated by Harper and her family.  She says she needs some alcohol, Riley takes her to a drag bar which gave me really bad vibes and bonds with her there, telling her a bit about her relationship with Harper.  They dated secretly (obviously) in their first year of high school (which implies she knew she was gay before she dated Connor, and used him as a cover).  They would sneak each other romantic notes.  When someone found one in Harper’s locker, she threw Riley under the bus completely, outed her, and said she was obsessed with her so she could go on pretending to be straight.  They bond a bit and seem like they could be friends, at a minimum.  They have a few more scenes together over the next hour (yeah there’s still that much movie left, and if you’re wondering how it could be that bad, you’re welcome for the warning, because I was wondering that too) and they have better chemistry than Abby and Harper by miles.
Eventually Abby becomes so miserable she checks the movie-specific version of Uber to try to go home by herself, but it’s running at holiday rates so it would cost over $1000 for her to leave.  She’s still tempted to do it, and calls John again for advice and says she feels awful, completely alone, and with no way out of this horrible situation.  He gives her some more friendly support.
Abby still needs a White Elephant gift, but has no way to go by herself because Harper drove them there.  So she calls Riley to go with her.  They spend a day hanging out together while Harper is doing some other thing with her dad’s campaign, and Abby makes text excuses to Harper, who then immediately sees Riley and Abby walking by on the street together.  Before she gets a chance to run out and say something, she gets interrupted by something I thankfully don’t remember (I long for the moment this is true of the rest of it).
Riley and Abby bond some more but nothing romantic happens.  The plot only wants them to be good friends, even though their chemistry is really good.
At the end of the day Abby comes in and Harper immediately almost starts a fight with her but they get interrupted again somehow.
I have willed most of the next 20 minutes out of my mind, apparently.
There’s yet another party at this gigantic house because I hate the rich, Abby and Riley talk more.  This is the one with the really gay outfit.  Abby admits to Riley that she was planning on proposing to Harper, but at this point it’s like she’s a completely different person and she can’t tell who the real Harper is.  Riley says it’s probably both of them.
SURPRISE JOHN IS HERE.  He comes in the front door and calls for Abby.  After Abby’s last phone call he arranged for his therapist to do the pet sitting and he drove all the way here just so he could take her home.  Seriously, John has incredible Good Friend Energy.  Yet more awkwardness ensues, while John mixes some awkward flirting with Connor into his poor attempt to come off as straight.  Abby then walks right up to Harper, says “we’re done” and goes to grab some things to leave.  Harper follows her into the room and tries to get her to stay, Abby says she can’t take the hiding and the general misery, the whole experience has been terrible and she’s not sure if Harper is the person she thought she was.  Harper argues for her to stay and says she’s caught between being afraid of losing her family if she comes out and knowing she’ll lose Abby if she doesn’t.  She promises to come out to them as soon as the holidays are over because Abby is more important to her.  They kiss briefly and realize Sloane is in the doorway.
Sloane tries to run to tell the rest of the family because burning Harper’s reputation forever means she’ll be the one their parents love most.  They fight in the many hallways of this stupidly enormous rich people house (this is when “Stay out of it, Sappho” happens) and on the way to ruin her sister’s life Sloane finds her husband making out with another ....campaign person? in the pantry and or closet which is big enough to fit two people inside.   Now Harper has something to use against Sloane.  This family is fucking horrible.  Sloane gets to where everyone else is first, and outs Harper.
Harper tries to swear she’s not gay, and sees Abby watching her.  She silently turns and walks out the door with John.  Harper then grabs a giant painting that Jane spent 100 hours on for the white elephant and smashes it over Sloane’s head and yells at her before falling apart.
Abby and John have another heartfelt conversation where John asks how she came out to her parents, and she said they loved and supported her.  Then he said his dad kicked him out on the street and didn’t talk to him for thirteen years.  He says everyone’s story is different, and Harper was still going through hers, and it was a hard one.  I THINK he acknowledges that if Abby doesn’t feel like she belongs in that story, she shouldn’t force herself to?  But that might have been wishful hindsight.  Abby comes back into the house to grab her things and leave, Harper comes out to her family right in front of her, Abby says it was too late and leaves anyway.  Harper is crushed and the rest of the family starts to see how fucked up they all are.
And then in the span of 7 fucking minutes the parents realize they were shitty to Sloane and Harper and the only reason Jane turned out okay is because they gave up on her, they give a minimal apology to their children, who also realize they were shitty to each other, and then it’s the next day and Abby is there with them, Harper has the ring on her finger, and everyone is magically happy now because the dad turned down his campaign advisor who said she could still work with him if he kept Harper’s “problem” a secret.
Jane’s book becomes a best seller and she’s friends with John now, because he was the only person who seemed genuinely interested in her passion.  He sits next to her at her book signing.  The end.
No, I’m not kidding.
As soon as it was over, I thought, wow that felt like a rushed happy ending that got slapped onto the end with nothing building up to or deserving it.
After further consideration, that gives it too much credit.
Because honestly? after the first hour and thirty five minutes of this hell, Abby and Harper being together at the end is not even something I would consider a happy ending.  I wasn’t satisfied at all.  It DEFINITELY felt like Abby ending up with Riley would have been a better movie.
If I had been told beforehand that a lesbian romcom starring Kristen Stewart and Mackenzie Davis, and featuring Aubrey Plaza as Gay Aubrey Plaza would have been an absolutely miserable experience that was hard to sit through and nothing but unpleasant to watch, I would probably have been shocked and disappointed.  
But at least I would have not seen this movie.  That is my gift to you.  Please do NOT watch this.
It was marketed as a romantic comedy and it lived up to neither of those claims.  Absolutely terrible movie.  The happiest season of all is one where you don’t watch this stressful, uncomfortable disaster.
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sevlgi · 4 years
requested: no
group: (g)i-dle
pairing: shuhua x fem!reader
genre: fluff
contents: college!au, photographer!shuhua. [4/33]
warnings: none
synopsis: An accidental photo of you gives Shuhua a mission to find the love her life.
a/n: none
word count: 0.9k
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Shuhua didn’t believe in love at first sight until she accidentally took a photo of the most beautiful girl on earth.
Well, that’s almost completely a lie- she’s always been a bit of a hopeless romantic, and she’s loved the idea of love at first sight forever. But she didn’t think it could ever happen, at least not to her.
She wasn’t even paying attention to what she was taking pictures of; the assignment in her Photography class was to simply photograph her surroundings. To be honest, Shuhua thought that it was a stupid assignment that she couldn’t get anything out of.
As she went through her camera that night, though her jaw fell open when she saw you, standing unassumingly right in the center of a shot. Scruffy hair, messy clothes, and no makeup didn’t set you apart from all the other students around you, but the sunlight hit your eyes in a way that was perfectly mesmerizing.
Just like that, it was settled- Shuhua’s going to find you. After all, love at first sight can’t  just be ignored.
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“Why the hell are you putting up missing posters?” Soojin frowns, bending so that she could view the poster correctly. “These are useless, they don’t even have a name.”
“That’s cause I don’t know her name,” Shuhua shrugs, stapling another one to a bulletin board. The only information on the photo is the picture she took of you, and her own name and phone number, in case anyone was kind enough to actually call. “I want to find out.”
The older girl straightened up, staring skeptically. “Seriously? Why’re you trying to find her, anyway? Do you know her at all?”
“Nope!” Shuhua announces cheerfully, picking up a fresh stack from her bag. The posters surprisingly didn’t cost much to make, though any amount would’ve been worth it to satisfy her curiosity. “I took a photo of her, and I think she’s pretty, that’s all.”
“You’re so gay,” Soojin sighs, picking up her own backpack. “Well, I’m off to class, good luck finding your true love or whatever.”
Completely missing the sarcasm, the shorter girl answers, “Thanks!”
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Not a single person calls or texts for nearly 2 weeks, to Shuhua’s disappointment. Her posters are all still there, too- nobody bothers to take them off, so maybe it’s just that no one recognizes you.
When she finally gets a text, she’s so overjoyed that she opens it right in class, as her professor drones on about Cartesian planes.
Unknown Number [2:09]     who are you and why are you putting up missing posters about me?
You [2:10]    hi!!!
You [2:10]    my name is yeh shuhua, i accidentally took a photo of you and thought you were pretty
Her cheeks flame at her own honesty, but she stares at her phone, hoping a reply (a.k.a. a quick release) comes soon.
Unknown Number [2:11]     that’s it?
You [2:11]   yea, should there be more?? 
You [2:11]   could we go for coffee or something? i might have to use your picture for an assignment, maybe we should meet first
Unknown Number [2:11]     are you not in class right now?
Shuhua ignores the nudges of her class mate Yuqi beside her, elbowing back as she types.
You [2:12]     anything for true love!
Unknown Number [2:13]     that’s cheesy
Unknown Number [2:13]     but alright. let’s meet at the cafe on campus in 20 minutes, I assume you know what I look like
Unknown Number [2:13]     and by the way, my name is Y/N Y/L/N.
“Y/N,” Shuhua tests out on her tongue, smiling as she stuffs her phone into her bag and stands up. “I’m going to go,” she whispers to Yuqi, who smiles knowingly and bats a hand. “Take notes for me!”
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“Hi,” the brunette smiles as she plops down opposite you and sticks her hand. “I’m Shuhua.”
You look surprised to see her, but your lips curve into a soft, amused smile as you accept the handshake. “Y/N. I’m not going to lie, I thought you were going to be some kind of creepy dude.”
“You’re not disappointed, are you?” the girl jokes, taking out her notebook where she pressed the photo. “Here it is, by the way. The photograph I took of you.”
Warmth seems to spread through her entire body when  your fingers brush against hers, but Shuhua tries to hide her slight blush. “Huh. It’s honestly a really good photo of me. Are you a photography major?”
“Nah,” she answers, watching you look over the photo. To be honest, you’re much more beautiful in real life- a camera could never capture the way your eyes sparkle in real life, even in the dim lighting of the cafe. “I really enjoy it, though.”
“What was the assignment?” At the obvious confusion on the other girl’s face, you clarify, “You said you needed the photo for an assignment? What was it?”
“Ah!” Shuhua grins, hands moving as she explains. “I was supposed to take a photo of my surroundings, and I wasn’t really paying attention to what I was taking pictures of. I just wanted to finish the assignment, and- oh, I’m rambling.”
You laugh, the sound a bit louder than she expected but just as pretty. “No, no, it’s cute. You know what? How about let’s order something, and you can explain your assignment to me? I might even hire you to take photos of me next time.”
“Sure,” Shuhua breathes out, unable to hide the grin taking over her face. Maybe there was something to get out of the assignment after all.
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chilly-me-softly · 3 years
Every Little Thing’s Gonna Be Alright • Chapter 21
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18 - Chapter 19 - Chapter 20
"Morning" Jack's hoarse voice reaches Evelyn's ears just a moment after she dials his number.
"Did I wake you up?"
"Nah the alarm went off just a few moments ago"
"So you're up already?"
"What's on your mind?"
"Nothing it's just that I'm out here, I was hoping you could open the gate for me" there is silence over the line where Evelyn can only hear a few indistinct rustles and noises.
"Oh my god you're really here" she hears him murmur before the gate in front of her opens slowly, he had probably run to the video intercom to make sure she wasn't messing around. And she giggles moving forward those few metres so she can park and get out of the vehicle.
"Hurry up!" he rushes her, opening the door swinging nervously as she settles the blanket over Cece before grabbing the car seat and taking those few steps that separate her from him.
"You're so impatient. You know how cold it is, you should have put some clothes on before answering the door" Jack rolls his eyes absentmindedly running a hand over his bare chest, waiting for her to put the car seat down not taking his eyes off her for a moment. And when she finally does, nothing more can keep him from holding the girl in his arms. Evelyn sighs against his chest, closing her eyes enjoying the moment.
"Are you really here? How?"
"Well you know I took the car and..." her derisive tone is replaced by her laughter as Jack moves his hands over her body tickling her. They move without realising it eventually crashing into the sofa and falling over it. They both laugh this time before Evelyn reaches up to his face to leave a tender kiss on his lips.
"The holidays are over and I wanted to see you. You know spending some time with you without time running on us"  
"I like that"
"Yeah? Because I'm a little tired to get into driving again" Jack chuckles holding her close, burying his head in her neck and inspiring her natural scent. He only raises his head then as Cece starts to draw attention, smiling as he pulls away from her on the couch to get closer to the little one.
"Hi little one. You're right, your mommy isn't the only pretty girl in this room" he cooed picking her up from the carrier as Evelyn settled down properly on the couch.
"Isn't it time for you to go get ready for training?"
"Mom is a tad jealous"
"I'm not! I'm just bringing you back down here to remind you you're busy"
"You can't just show up here and then kick me out like this" he complains making her laugh as she approaches him, stroking his arm lightly.
"All I'm saying is that we're here now. And we'll be here when you get back"
"Promise" so Jack sighs dramatically gently handing Cece to her before leaving a kiss on her lips and disappearing down the stairs. Evelyn catches up with him more slowly, settling both of them into his bed and watching him go back and forth across the room to get ready as he occasionally reaches out to leave her a kiss, for no reason yet the smile on her face never stops widening.
Eventually Jack leaves the house only ten minutes later than usual, after making sure he gave her a quick overview of where to find what if she needed something and after kissing her countless times and telling her to get comfortable and practically forcing her to do the dirty work.
And she's bringing in her things to keep herself together when Ben rings her up. "Hey bro"
"I didn't dream it did I, are you really at Jack's?" the disbelief in her brother's voice is so palpable she can't help but laugh.
"I left you a note"
"You expected that to be enough for me? Anyway oh you definitely need to see this. Kitchen. Bottom drawer"
"What? If he's got some horrible secret I don't want to find out right now Ben"
"Just check it out" he chuckles as she puts the phone on speaker laying it on the table before looking at the drawer itself unsure of what to do.
"Come ooon!" her brother's voice comes behind her making her huff but finally she decides to open that drawer.
"Oh my god, look at this!" she can't believe what she sees as she brushes a hand over a mountain of candies and different kinds of sweets before her eyes. Everything anyone could want is in there.
"He says they're for his nephews and nieces but we lads don't believe that so much" Ben continues and she laughs.
"Do you need me to be a spy?"
"You're a good sister Lyn" he solemnly states causing her to shake her head as she closes the drawer and absentmindedly adjusts Cece's t-shirt who's starting to get a little restless.
"What is it? Is your nappy dirty? Hell sometimes I feel like I'm raising you as a newborn version" she comments lightly giving both of them some attention and noting that indeed there was a need for a change.
"Better me than someone else"
"Ben" she admonishes him throwing a glance at her phone before grabbing it along with her bag and heading for the bathroom.
"What?" she rolls her eyes, that tone of challenge from her brother has always rattled her since she was little. God knows how many times she wanted to slap him for that sassy tone he used, the one that seemed to say 'come on, challenge me. I'm ready to fight'. Just like that time.
And she knows exactly what her brother was implying. If she had decided to put the whole Lucas story behind her, her brother had not been of the same opinion. To say he'd been furious that day doesn't even come close, she honestly doesn't know what had stopped him from walking all over town to confront him. But still, she doesn't want her daughter to grow up feeling other people's hatred for her father, she wants her to have her own feelings about the matter, and the sooner she makes that clear to her family, the sooner the damage will be limited. She may be weak or too naive but it's better for her not to talk about something rather than talk badly about it.
So she takes a deep breath, shifting her gaze for a moment to her little girl who is already looking at her expectantly. "Cece says she misses her favourite uncle"
"Yeah sure use her to soften me up" he sighs from the other end of the phone, "I miss you too sweety. Your mean mama didn't even let me say goodbye to you"
"Hmph like you're never gonna see her again"
"Well I don't know how long you're gonna stay away for"
"I don't know, I still have to talk to Jack"
"Ooh look at you, you really are a couple"
"Shut up" she giggles, "it's still his house you know, his space"
"Yeah I know, but I wouldn't worry about it that much. I'm sure if it was up to him he wouldn't let you come back here"
"We'll see..." but honestly she didn't mind that idea at all...
"You think Jack will ever stop staring at us like that huh?" Evelyn cooed, playing with Cece's chin and not taking her eyes off her as Jack shook his head, smiling and finally approaching the two of them. Coming home to find them there carefree, with Cece on Evelyn's lap watching her intently and curiously, as if it was a normal thing, had made him feel something totally new and he had simply stood there admiring that scene captivated without saying anything so as not to ruin the moment.
"Sorry, you seemed so wrapped up in it. I didn't mean to bother you" Evelyn laughed reaching out to leave a kiss on his lips.
"How was your day?"
"I couldn't wait to get back here. Is it that bad?" a fake worried expression accompanies his hand going to caress the little one's.
"The captain getting distracted by a girl, mmh..."
"Two girls"
"Well I didn't want to tell you this but you will likely lose your place. Just be strong Jack" she smiles sarcastically patting him on the knee as he opens his mouth wide in shock before scoffing at her.
"Your mommy is so mean. Come with me you, I have a surprise for you" he turns to Cece leaving her a kiss on one cheek settling her in his arms carefully before getting up and starting to head for the door leading to the garage.
"What did you do?"
"You stay there. Only my favourite girl is allowed to follow me" Evelyn can see the derisive smile on his face though as he quickly turns around one last time before walking out the door. And it goes without saying that she eventually caught up to them, not taking long to see what he had done.
"Jack you-" the words catch in her throat as she takes a few tentative steps forward, under Jack's smiling face.
"Gave her a more comfortable place to sleep than that car seat? Yeah I did"
"She seems to like it" Jack's voice shows how proud he feels of that gesture and she can't take her eyes off that little cot her daughter is now in, mesmerised by the little bee hanging over her head.
"You're amazing" she sighs as he wraps his arms around her body from behind, allowing her back to lie against his chest. "Really, I have no words at all. You've been doing so much for us lately"
"No need to thank me, I wanted to. I actually wanted to do it earlier but I didn't want to put pressure on you in any way"
"You wouldn't have. Well I mean I probably would have messed up my plans for the holidays" Jack chuckles leaving her a kiss on the temple before suggesting to bring that cot into the room and set it up.
Between chatting with each other and entertaining the baby, the rest of the day comes to an end. There's a sense of familiarity to it all, bathing Cece before putting on her pajamas and putting her to sleep; sitting on the couch to relax in each other's arms; getting into bed together for once finally without any thoughts, not thinking the other has to go away just a few hours later, just enjoying the moment. And as they fall asleep at the end of that day, a common thought floats through both of their minds: they could get used to this.
I'm not very satisfied with this chapter so if you've made it this far thank you! I'll make it up with the next one, I hope.
Tag: @alexajanecollins @emwritesfootball @rosie7703
Chapter 22
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