#and I could update because I have a couple more chapters already written after what's posted
ri-writes-if · 6 months
Chapter 2 is released
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It's here! Around 60K for the whole update, with an average of ~12K words for one playthrough.
I recommend replaying from the start because I edited a couple of variables in the first chapter and something could break if you use a save.
In this chapter
You call tell (or not) the demon of your choice about your curious vision from the first chapter.
Learn what the characters do for fun and have a small discussion about it.
Find new useful information about making most of your abilities and start training with some side help.
Visit the Abyss! Such a great experience.
First romantic choice. It's a light one, but it's a start 💛
Get princess carried if you want.
This chapter introduces the first “pushing away” choices. They will be counted and will affect how the characters react to some things you do or will add some flavor text now and then. These choices won’t lock you from the friendly/romantic routes. However, they do have some other side effects… At least in this chapter.
Small changes
Added ages to the characters’ profiles, including the MC.
Added the option to customize the characters’ gender.
Balanced the characters’ gender in the “both genders” option.
Updated the Codex with a bit more lore information.
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I hope you enjoy this update! If you do, I would love to hear your thoughts on it 💛
A bit of commentary on the "pushing away" choices and next plans under the line.
For the “pushing away” choice in this particular chapter, you will have a choice to apologize or change your mind about it in the next couple of chapters (tentatively) and speak about it with the affected character. I’m still on the fence whether it’ll decrease the overall “pushing” counter or not; I’ll probably decide that when I write these scenes.
This is an experimental feature (that I could delete or change at some point), but I hope I make it work in the story because I think it's a nice idea that negative choices won’t just decrease “relationship points” but also will be remembered by the characters and affect how they view some things you do or say or how they act around you the more you push them away. Especially if you want to smooch them at some point when you were cold to them just recently or for a while, lol.
It’s not perfect, but I’m satisfied with the chapter for now. It feels like I’ve been working on it a bit too long, and after rereading 10+ times to edit it, I’ve grown blind to weak places in it (and also kind of tired of it). I need to let it rest for a bit before returning to hone it, but I’ll probably do it only in the future when I have more chapters written or even after I finish the story since I want to keep moving forward and not stall in one place.
I'll continue planning details for the next chapter and then start drafting it. I've already thought of interesting things to include that could be very fun to write (and to read, hopefully, considering the main topic for the chapter is full of potential 🤭). I'm very excited to work on it, especially since I'm almost done with building the foundations in the story and soon will be able to get to the juicy parts of the plot. And there are also personal side stories of the cast, which will be starting in the next ~two chapters. Can’t wait to get to those too.
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joequiinn · 4 months
The Dos & Don'ts of Fake Dating | E.M. x reader | pt. 7
[chap six] | [all chapters here] | [chapter eight]
summary: You propose a crazy idea to the resident freak of Hawkins, Eddie Munson. But maybe he was even crazier for agreeing to it…
notes & tropes: fem reader, slow burn, faking dating, opposites attract, bratty rich bitch reader, super minor revenge plot, not-quite-enemies-to-lovers
a/n: Sooo, I did not mean to take a three week hiatus from this fic :) I had so much of this chapter written within a couple of days and then abruptly stopped writing entirely, literally couldn't work on any of my stories. But now the writers block has passed and we FINALLY have an update, and boy these chapters just keep getting longer as the story goes on. I hope this one makes up from my recent absence~
wc: 6.6k
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Chapter Seven
Wednesday morning was supposed to start like it always did - small talk with your mom over a bowl of cereal and then running out the door before the conversation whittled down to awkwardness. You wish you could appreciate your mother’s efforts to try to connect with you, but she never asked about anything beyond school and skating - once those two subjects were exhausted, it was as if you two had nothing more to talk about.
But today was different. Today, your dad was actually sitting at the breakfast table instead of rushing to his office before you even came downstairs. Today, your head was a little fuzzy from drinking the night before. Today, you wished you had just run out the door and skipped breakfast, because you could see right away that your parents wanted to have a conversation.
You paused briefly in the kitchen entry, looking between the two before trying to act casual, walking towards the pantry and preparing a quick breakfast. You could feel their eyes following you, and damn did you wish someone would just say something. Your father always acted like this before a serious conversation - he stayed silent to intimidate you, to put you on edge in hopes that it would make you more pliable to what he had to say. You’d always assumed he did this to clients and business associates as well, as if to suggest some kind of dominance over them. Well, you weren’t going to let it get to you that easily, you never did before.
You sat at the opposite end of the table from your father, your mom hovering at the kitchen sink although there were no dishes to be cleaned. You started to eat as if you were totally unphased by their watchful eyes, as if you were entirely oblivious to their stares, although you knew neither of them bought the act for a second. One of you was going to cave eventually, and it sure as hell wasn’t going to be you.
Sure enough, your mom spoke first as she approached the table, just like you expected her to, “You have practice after school today?”
You gave her a critical look before nodding - you knew that she knew you always skated on Wednesday, making that a pretty pathetic attempt at breaking the tension in the room.
“Are you actually going?” Your father asked in an accusatory tone, although he maintained a neutral expression so as not to give away what he was thinking.
You couldn’t help the mean look in your eyes as you met his intense gaze. Your tone was stubborn and cold, “Yes.”
“And will that boy be there?” The disdain in your father’s words was clear as day. Your brow knotted at the question, both because you didn’t like his tone and because you wondered how he found out about Eddie already.
“Boy?” Your tone was mocking - you weren’t feigning ignorance, but rather presenting your father with a challenge, daring him to elaborate on what had gotten his mood so twisted. And it was clear in his face that he didn’t appreciate your attitude one bit.
“Mrs. Redford saw you two together on Friday.” Your mother chimed in, hoping to serve as the calm mediary considering that you and your father were both intense, mean people.
Of course it was Mrs. Redford who told your mom about Eddie - she was such a damn gossip, and with her daughter participating in your skating lessons, you should have known she would have noticed you leaving with Eddie that night. She was drawn to drama and gossip as if it was the air she breathed, so it was certainly no surprise that she ran off to tell your parents about this new boy that she spotted you with.
“Why does it matter?” You dropped your spoon in the forgotten breakfast that sat in front of you, slouching into your seat in growing frustration.
“Because he’s clearly a troublemaker.” Your dad’s tone matched yours, causing you to roll your eyes, “Don’t you dare roll your eyes at me.”
Your jaw clenched at the threat in his voice, “How could you possibly know someone is trouble without even meeting them?”
Your father pressed his palm to the table firmly, “Because I know his type - a lazy punk only interested in skating by and disrespecting the establishment. I’m a good judge of character.”
“How?” You insisted with exasperation, causing your father to look down on you as if you were some stupid kid.
“You were out way past curfew last night - were you with him?” Your dad glowered, and evidently your expression gave him the answer he wanted, “You ran out the door without telling your mother where you were going or who you were with. She saw you climb into some van, for Christ sake. And the way Mrs. Redford described this hoodlum? The leather, the hair, the tattoos? What’s gotten into you?”
You held your ground firmly, glaring as you crossed your arms, “I don’t see what the issue is.”
“The issue is you’re acting out, you’re avoiding us, and this boy you’re seeing seems to be encouraging this behavior!” Your father raised his voice, “I don’t care that you’re eighteen now, you still live under my roof.”
“You don’t care about anything!” You can’t help but shout back, “You only care now because you’re worried I’ll make you look bad. You’re worried about stupid gossip!”
“That’s not what this is about!”
“We’re just worried about you,” Your mother tried to intervene in an even tone, drawing the attention of the both of you, “We don’t want you to lose sight of what’s important just because of a boy.”
You throw up your hands in defiance, your voice harsh, “What important things am I ‘losing sight of!?’”
“Don’t take that tone with your mother!” Your dad jumped back in, “The last thing you need your senior year is some punk distracting you from school, from skating. You need to consider your future. Don’t you want to get into a good school? Don’t you want to skate?”
“I don’t know what I want!” You admitted angrily, “Maybe I don’t want to go to college or skate or do the shit you tell me to! Maybe I just want to enjoy life a little.”
“Enjoying life doesn’t get you anywhere.” Your father glared, “We tell you these things to help you. So, stop hanging around this boy and start focusing on your future.”
“You didn’t care what I was doing before, why do you care now?” You challenged coldly, “You didn’t care when I was out late with Duncan, you didn’t care when I’d miss practice because I’d be out with Amelia or Janet. You only care now because it’s Eddie.”
You instantly realized you shouldn’t have mentioned his name. Not yet, at least, not in the middle of this argument. Yes, you wanted your parents to know you were “dating” some new, troublesome guy, but you didn’t want them to actually know who he was yet - you had hoped to build up a little more suspense first, a little more tension between you all. You hoped your face didn’t give away what you were thinking.
“Eddie?” Your father laughed as he said the name, “You call things off with this Eddie now, do you hear me?”
You looked between your parents’ faces - your father looked as stern and condescending as ever, and your mom looked like she was away somewhere in thought. Perhaps she was trying to pinpoint any Eddies she’d heard of before and figure out who the hell he is.
A frustrated sound leapt from your throat as you rose to your feet aggressively, the legs of your chair making a grating sound on the floor.
“Whatever,” You spun around to leave, seeing the time on the wall clock before shooting your parents a mocking look, “I’m going to be late. Great job getting me back on track.”
You knew just how rude your tone was, so you practically ran out of the kitchen to avoid your father’s wrath.
“Excuse me!?” His offended voice shouted after you. You scooped up your school bag and your car keys, running out the door without looking back.
Just like you suspected, you were late for your first period class, receiving a reprimanding from your teacher, which only served to piss you off even more. Today just wasn’t your fucking day. So, by the time you walked into your math class a couple hours later, it was actually something of a relief to see Eddie already there; why you were actually pleased to see him was a thought you weren’t quite ready to entertain.
He grinned once he spotted you, but the way you flopped into your seat caused his face to immediately twist with curiosity. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, his legs situated in the aisle between you two.
“Feeling hungover, princess?” He asked with only a small jest in his tone, as if he could tell that you weren’t in the mood right now. His eyebrows furrowed together as you glared, although you knew he wasn’t the one that deserved the cold look.
“No.” You groaned, your jaw clenched tight enough to hurt your teeth. You sighed through your nose, trying to collect yourself - it was stupid to let this frustration eat at you, although you were always prone to holding onto grudges.
Eddie nudged your knee softly, so you met his eyes again. He stared at you patiently and inquisitively, “So, what’s wrong?”
You considered for a moment whether or not you wanted to tell him. With a sigh, you sat up in your seat, turning so that you mirrored Eddie, legs in the aisle and knees brushing his. You let your knees rest there, allowing the small amount of contact as if you needed it to ground you, as if you even enjoyed it.
“It’s my parents.” You start, looking down at where your knees met his. Your skirt was short and his jeans were ripped, so you were skin-to-skin. It didn’t matter, of course, you were simply trying to find something else to focus on, “They aren’t thrilled about you.”
“Oh, so you told them?” Eddie gave you a small grin, hoping to lighten your mood a little. And you wouldn’t admit it, but it was already beginning to work.
“One of my neighbors saw us together.” The bell rang in the middle of your sentence, but neither of you faced forward, eyes staying locked on one another.
“You seem pretty worked up about it.” His quiet tone had a hint of question to it, clearly wondering what exactly happened with your parents. Your teacher began going down the attendance sheet and the focus of today’s lesson.
“My dad’s a dick.” You responded in a whisper, “Just grilling me about shit - about you - as if I were a damn criminal or something.”
The sound of your name on your teacher’s lips drew your attention, and you harshly met her stare, “Would you two like to join the class now?”
You rolled your eyes as Eddie smiled lazily, the both of you turning to face forward. He reached out to give your knee one more playful nudge, as if to assure you that all would be well.
As the teacher began her lesson, you and Eddie kept stealing glances at one another conspiratorially, which helped to slowly ease the tension in your shoulders, to slowly relax your mood. After another couple of minutes, Eddie held a folded piece of paper between the two of you, obviously intending for you to read it. You slyly took it from him, fingers brushing against his as you wondered what he possibly had to say right now.
I think I can win him over.
The silly little doodle accompanying the note emphasized the joke, and you couldn’t help but grin at it just a little. You side-eyed Eddie, catching the way he smiled mischievously at you. With a roll of your eyes, you scribbled down a reply and handed it to him.
All the charm in the world wouldn’t win him over.
You watched Eddie’s face out of the corner of your eye, awaiting his reply with a hint of eagerness. The note was back in your hand once again.
So you admit I’m charming?
A small huff of a laugh escaped you as you rolled your eyes, beginning to write a response. But a presence walking down the aisle drew your attention, noticing your teacher was walking right to you. Your stomach dropped a little, realizing you were caught, but you simply looked up at her as if you did nothing wrong.
“Is there something you two would like to share with everyone?” She asked accusatory, crossing her arms in reprimand. You held her eyes with a challenging stare - god, this day just kept giving you hit after hit.
“Nothing in particular.” You retorted, hearing someone in the room make a nonplussed sound. Your teacher glowered at your attitude.
“Then I suggest you follow along or take this little conversation to detention.”
You gave her a mean, mocking smile, baring your teeth almost as if it was a threat, “I’ll take the detention, please.”
Again, more surprised sounds from the teacher and from students. You dared to look over at Eddie, who looked both taken aback and impressed at how difficult you were being today.
“Excuse me?” Your teacher challenged you.
Your eyes were dark as you stood your ground, “Detention. Please.”
The teacher looked between both you and Eddie with a huff, but a moment later a decisive look crossed her features, which put you on edge.
“Fine, if that’s how you want it to be. You can go to detention. Mr. Munson will stay here.” You gaped, your eyes glaring at the back of her head as she turned to walk back towards her desk, “No point in sending the both of you, right?”
You hated the fact that even your teacher was now mocking you, resented the fact that this day just kept piling more shit on your shoulders. You shared a look with Eddie, who looked sorry for landing you in trouble; you thought that you should’ve been upset at him for it, but you weren’t. It seemed like Eddie was the only person not getting on your last nerve today.
You rose to your feet as your teacher walked back towards you, a slip of paper in her hand outstretched to you. Haphazardly, you threw all your belongings in your bag before aggressively snatching the note from your teacher.
“You give that to the detention attendant, I don’t want to hear that you ran out on it.” She instructed with that hint of satisfaction in her tone. You glowered back at her.
“Bite me.” You spun on your heels as various students made, yet again, sounds of excitement at the harsh tone and words you threw at the teacher. As she started spewing some kind of reprimand that you weren’t listening to, you marched out of the room.
What a fucking day. You stomped down the hall, steam practically coming from your ears with how pissed off you were. In annoyance, you balled up the detention slip and tossed it at the nearest trash can, although you missed, which irritated you even more.
You’d never gotten detention before. Under different circumstances, you probably would have been thrilled to be sent to detention, to finally be enough trouble for a teacher to send you off. But after the morning you’ve been having, all you could feel was frustration.
Less than a minute after you stomped out of math class, you heard a door swing open and hit a wall somewhere behind you, prompting you to turn towards the noise. And once you saw who it was, you couldn’t help but smile with a surprising sense of glee.
Eddie Munson, your knight in shining armor.
He dashed down the hall to catch up with you, smiling just as widely as you were as he practically skidded to a halt in front of you. A small laugh escaped you as he hunched over in an attempt to catch his breath. He looked up at you with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
“Let’s get out of here.” He instructed simply, grabbing your wrist and dragging you down the hall with him. You allowed yourself to be led through the school, your smile settling into a simple, pleased smirk, relieved to have Eddie’s company.
“And where are we off to?” You asked, receiving a shrug from Eddie. Once you two had turned into a new hallway, he slowed so you could walk side-by-side, experimentally sliding his hand into yours. Once again, you still felt hesitant at more intimate contact such as this, but you allowed it without cringing too hard.
“Anywhere but here, you troublemaker.” He teased with a content smile, guiding you towards the school exit.
“So, we’re skipping?” You inquired, and you had to admit the idea really appealed to you right now - you’d had enough of today, and if you didn’t escape you thought you might explode with utter frustration.
“If that’s alright with you, princess.” Eddie gave you a silly expression while bumping your shoulder.
“Please get me the hell out of here.”
The most time you’d ever spent in a video arcade was for one pathetic round of Galaga while on a date with a boy your freshman year. Following that, you decided arcades weren’t for you - they were always crowded with a bunch of kids running around and shouting, and you’d branded all the adults that spent time at arcades as total losers. What could possibly be so appealing about games designed for children?
So, when Eddie pulled up in front of the Palace Arcade, you gave him a critical look, which he chose to ignore entirely as he stepped out of the van. He rounded to your side and opened the door, offering you a hand like a royal stepping out of a coach. You looked between his hand and his face for a moment, still judging the choice to come to an arcade. Reading the look on your face all too well, Eddie pulled his own affronted expression.
“What, too good for arcade games?” He put on an over-the-top, almost Shakespearean tone while placing a melodramatic hand to his chest, “But I’ve brought you to the Palace, the finest establishment in town for the ice princess.”
You rolled your eyes and tried not to laugh at him, unwilling to admit that even Eddie’s dumbest jokes were starting to win you over. Nonetheless, you took his outstretched hand with a large sigh, stepping out of the van despite your lack of interest in this place. Eddie, of course, smiled triumphantly, closing the door behind you and leading you into the arcade.
Given that it was only about noon, the place was virtually dead, which was quite the relief - no need to worry about loud, annoying kids getting in the way. Aside from the two of you and the Palace employee, there was a group of three college-aged boys clustered around Frogger and a lone man focused on something called Paperboy. None of the patrons looked up when you and Eddie entered, and the only reason the employee took any note of you is because it was simply his job. Of course, once he spotted you, he did a double-take.
The employee’s jaw hung slack as if in disbelief, and he nervously greeted you two, trying to keep his attention on Eddie. It appeared that the two were familiar with one another, and you wondered if Eddie really spent that much time here or if maybe this was a guy that used to go to school with the two of you. Either way, their interaction wrapped up quickly, and Eddie dragged you to the change machine.
As Eddie inserted a few bills, you looked around at the other arcade patrons, who finally seemed to take notice of you. In the group near Frogger, one of the boys nudged his friends, insisting they both look up; none so subtly, they all looked at you as the music from their arcade cabinet seemed to signal game over. You looked back with a raised brow and cold eyes, causing them all to quickly look away, although you were certain you’d probably catch them spying again. As you gazed back at Eddie, you couldn’t help the grin that spread across your lips - there was something about being the only chick in the arcade that amused you, something about being totally out of place and totally out of Eddie’s league.
Eddie stashed the change in his pocket, holding out a few quarters that you tentatively took from his hand.
“What first, princess?” You looked at him with a judgmental expression, causing him to narrow his eyes critically, “Come on, this’ll be fun.”
“Sure…” You looked around and assessed the arcade, pointing at the nearest cabinet without any consideration, “That one.”
Eddie huffed out a laugh at your choice while shaking his head, knowing you didn’t care one bit what game you started with, “Dig Dug, huh?”
You made another face at him, so he simply rolled his eyes and led you towards the game. He leaned against the cabinet while crossing his arms, giving you an expectant look; in turn, your brow scrunched.
Eddie shrugged, “Well, go for it - this one was your idea.”
“I don’t want to.” You responded as if affronted by the suggestion, “You play.”
Eddie once again rolled his eyes with an exacerbated grin, “I don’t play Dig Dug.”
“Then play something else.” You instructed stubbornly.
“You aren’t getting out of this one.” Eddie countered, motioning towards the cabinet he still rested against, “So, be a big girl and play the game.”
You gaped at his response, feeling a slight stir at his word choice. There was a challenging glint in his eyes that suggested he wasn’t going to back down easily, that he could volley with you all damn day. As you closed your mouth with a small purse to your lips, you looked around the arcade with a raised brow.
“I don’t want to play that one.” You crossed your arms, to which Eddie once more smirked at your stubborn determination.
“Then choose a different one.” He responded while mimicking your body language.
You narrowed your eyes at him before your gaze studied the rows of arcade cabinets, recognizing none of the names. This was something you were grossly uneducated on, arcades making just about as much sense to you as a foreign language. It wasn’t until you finally recognized the name of one that you allowed yourself to meet Eddie’s stare again.
“Okay. That one.” You once again pointed past his shoulder, so Eddie twisted around to see which cabinet finally caught your interest. A faint laugh escaped him as he looked back to you with an amused expression across his face.
“Oh, you wouldn’t like Donkey Kong.” His tone seemed to be daring you to argue, to prove him wrong. You pulled another face at him.
“I don’t like any of these. But I’ve seen that stupid monkey before.” Eddie shrugged in acceptance of your response as he continued to grin, pushing off the Dig Dug cabinet.
“If you insist.” He taunted while turning to walk towards Donkey Kong, you following behind him with a huff. But as you were nearly there, the gang of college kids beat you to it, causing both you and Eddie to halt; he began to turn to you, prepared to ask what the new plan was now that the one cabinet you showed interest in was taken.
Of course, you weren’t about to have that. Sure, you didn’t care an ounce about these video games and you had zero interest in actually playing, but you’d already had enough today, and you’d be damned if you let these guys play Donkey Kong instead of you. So, you brushed past Eddie with a determined look, marching up to them with all the authority in the world.
“Excuse you,” You started rudely, drawing all their eyes in your direction. None of the three really looked like the nerdy type, so none of them backed down from you the way that you were used to, “I’m playing that one.”
They shared a laugh, clearly amused by your attempt to intimidate them. One of the boys countered, “You’re outta luck, we were here first.”
You insisted more firmly, “Just move.”
One of them looked between you and Eddie, provoked by your attitude, “There’s a whole arcade, go find something else to play.”
They returned to the arcade cabinet as if you weren’t even there, which pissed you off even more. You groaned loudly, looking at Eddie and pointing harshly at the boys as if there was something he could possibly do about them. He simply shook his head and grabbed your elbow, lightly tugging you along.
“They beat us to it.” He said as if there was some unspoken arcade rule that you weren’t familiar with. You glared at the boys as Eddie led you down the row, grinning as if to calm you down, “Come on, I got something I think you’ll like.”
“Doubtful.” You countered like a child, catching the way Eddie smiled to himself, both amused and enervated by your attitude. The two of you came to a halt in front of something called Tapper, and you glanced up at Eddie, awaiting an explanation.
“This one’s easy,” he started while presenting the cabinet to you, “Just serve drinks.”
“Okay…” You took in the pixelated graphics on the screen, hesitantly holding up a coin as you considered the game.
“Come on, just give it a try.” Eddie urged. You looked at the simple instructions next to the joystick while finally loading the coin into the machine. As the game began, Eddie turned his attention to the next cabinet over.
Eddie was right about this game being easy, at least for the first few rounds, although once you reached the first “game over” screen you groaned with frustration. That didn’t stop you from inserting another coin and trying again, much to Eddie’s amusement. You were getting the hang of this and, although you weren’t ready to admit it, you were coming to even enjoy Tapper.
Eventually, you ran out of coins, so you returned your attention to Eddie, who had been caught up in his own game. You watched him for a few moments before realizing the college boys were no longer at the Donkey Kong cabinet. Although you shouldn’t have cared so much, you nonetheless felt a sudden eagerness to run over and hog the game you previously missed out on. Hell, you didn’t even know what that game was about, but considering your previous snub, you now simply had to play this damn game.
So, you turned your gaze back to Eddie, who was incredibly focused on the shooting game he was in the middle of, “Donkey Kong is open.”
“So, go play.” He responded with a far off tone, clearly caught up in what he was doing.
“I don’t have any coins.”
In an almost silly motion, Eddie nudged his hip in your direction, “I have some in my pocket.”
You looked down towards his hips, wondering why he didn’t simply pull his hand from the game for a moment to give you a few coins.
Impatiently, his eyes flicked over to you for only a moment; he could tell what you were thinking, “Just reach in and grab a few.”
“Uh, no.” Your voice oozed with attitude.
“Then no Donkey Kong.” He replied with a simple shrug. With a slight glare, you looked between his face and the screen, watching his hectic game for a few long moments. Your gaze drifted back towards Donkey Kong with a mild longing, but you quickly righted yourself - you did not care that much about a stupid arcade game. You could wait until Eddie was done, you didn’t need to play it that bad.
The sound of the front door opening drew your attention as a new man entered the arcade, and your first thought was “shit, is he going to play Donkey Kong?” Why the hell did you care so much? But you couldn’t risk missing out on the game again, so you returned your attention back to Eddie, taking him by total surprise as you reached into his pocket and extracted a handful of coins quickly before you could think about how intimate that action was.
“Jesus, warn a guy before you go digging around in his pants.” Eddie chided with a playful grin, not allowing his gaze to stray from the shooter in front of him.
“Shut up.” You countered while marching towards Donkey Kong, determination etched across your face as you relished in the stupid victory of finally being about to play this damn game.
Of course, you very quickly learned why Eddie had told you before that you wouldn’t like Donkey Kong. Your dumb little man in overalls lost all his lives within the first minute of you playing, and you let out an exasperated sigh as you slapped your hand down on the control panel. With a glare, you loaded another coin in, but due to your frustration you died even quicker than you had the first time, letting out another upset sound before you marched away from Donkey Kong as if the game had personally offended you.
Eddie was still focused on Robotron as you returned to his side with a huff, the sound causing the corner of his mouth to pull up. You glared at his face, “That game is stupid.”
“I told you.” He answered simply, amused by how easily you gave up on it.
“Why doesn’t it work?”
“Have you considered that you’re just bad at it?” Eddie’s eyes briefly look at you, that annoying grin of his not faltering for a moment. Your glare darkened as you turned to walk off, but Eddie’s voice stopped you from going anywhere, “Oh, come on, just wait. I’ll show you how to play the stupid monkey game.”
So, you waited impatiently for Eddie’s game to end, your eyes repeatedly drifting over to Donkey Kong as if in fear that someone else would take the machine from you. Once he was finally done with Robotron, Eddie gave you a teasing look, knowing that you were eager to return to the game that you supposedly didn’t like. With an adamant look, you spun around and marched back towards the machine, knowing that he was following right behind you.
“Just watch, I’ll play the first level for you.” Eddie instructed while loading in the money. He craned his neck back and forth, shaking out his arm as if he were warming up for some epic fight; you nearly smiled, but kept it to yourself. You leaned over Eddie’s shoulder a little as he began, “You have to be fast - this machine has a bit of a lag, so you need to think ahead.”
So, you watched Eddie play, annoyed at just how easy he made it look; evidently, he had a fair amount of practice. And with the first level completed in what appeared to be record time, Eddie stepped back, yanking you quickly in front of the screen to take over the controls. Just as quickly as the level started, though, you lost a life, jumping right into the line of a pixelated enemy. A frustrated noise left you, causing Eddie to laugh from behind you.
“You’ve got two more lives,” He stepped up closer to you, reaching around to put his hand over the jump button, “Lemme help.”
Working together, you managed to make a little bit of progress, but you all too quickly lost again, shoving the joystick in the wrong direction. As you huffed in annoyance once more, Eddie placed his free hand on the small of your back as if to remind you to calm down, the touch nearly causing you to jump from its gentleness.
“Okay, new plan.” Eddie stepped behind you, close enough that your back bumped against his chest. Your shoulders stiffened as he settled his hands on top of yours, your heart skipping as you realized you were pinned between him and the stupid Donkey Kong machine. Thank god he was behind you, because otherwise he would’ve seen the way your cheeks went red, the way your eyes widened with surprise.
You could feel Eddie’s breath against your ear, practically causing you to shudder, “Alright, let’s do this.”
As the level started again, you were grateful that Eddie was taking the reins, controlling your hands with his own, because your brain was way too jumbled to think clearly. Why the hell were you so nervous? How was Eddie Munson doing this to you? You were certain it had more to do with your disdain for people touching you, but you were far too confused to even begin to entertain why you felt so anxious with Eddie practically flush against your back.
You were so zoned out that you hadn’t even realized that the level was complete until Eddie stepped back, a victorious little laugh escaping him. Before you had time to even get your head on straight, the third level began, but you all too quickly fumbled, your game coming to a pathetic end. Composing yourself, you meet Eddie’s eyes with total coolness, hoping that the redness of your cheeks had gone away. His expression didn’t seem to indicate that he noticed anything off about you, so you took a deep breath.
“Help me again.” You instructed as you fished a coin from your pocket. Eddie looked mildly surprised by the instruction, as if he too was just realizing how intimate his assistance was the first time. You simply raised a brow at him while loading the machine with money, straightening your shoulders as he came up behind you once again.
You tried to focus on the game this time as Eddie placed his hands on top of yours again, doing your best to ignore how warm he was behind you, the way his cheek brushed against the crown of your head, how his grip on your hands seemed to be a little bit more firm. You took a couple of deep breaths and focused, approaching this the same way you did skating - with attentiveness to the goal. And your goal was to ignore Eddie and actually beat a level of this god damn monkey game.
So, you watched your little man run and jump across the screen studying the timing as Eddie moved your hands with his own, noting the subtle delay between the control command and the character movement on the screen. Even as you began to understand, you still recognized that it wasn’t going to be easy for you to beat as a total novice to gaming. As the first level came to an end, Eddie began to step back, his hands hovering just over yours, but you turned your head quickly, practically bumping foreheads as he stopped pulling away.
“Wait, one more round.” You instructed, his face so close to yours that you practically went cross-eyed trying to meet his gaze. You saw Eddie’s jaw clench slightly before you faced forward again, his hands settling on top of yours once way.
By the time you two completed the second level, you were grinning triumphantly, satisfied that you were winning, even if only because Eddie was helping you. As the screen went black for a brief moment, you glanced at the content expression of Eddie behind you, feeling his chin move against your head as he, too, smiled largely.
Instead of pulling away, Eddie asked simply, “One more?”
You hummed in agreement as the third level started, once more studying Eddie’s timing as he breezed through the game as if he’d played it a hundred times. For all you knew, he probably had. Just like with his guitar, Eddie’s hands moved with expertise, guiding yours with ease as you two once again completed the course on screen. This time, you let Eddie step back, feeling a little nervous as you realized you had to face Donkey Kong alone again. You also felt a very mild wave of disappointment, but you quickly shoved that aside so you could focus on your game.
But, of course, you struggled without Eddie’s assistance, fumbling the jump time and losing a life. You took a deep breath through your nose as you tried to focus, feeling Eddie’s gaze burning into you as the level started over. You tried to ignore the intensity of his stare as you started again, running through the level as fast as you could. You managed to get much farther than before, but you nonetheless made another mistake.
You looked towards Eddie, prepared to ask him for help, but he shut you down before you got a word out, “Oh no, you wanted to play this, remember? I can’t keep playing for you.”
You pouted only for a moment, returning your attention to the screen, trying and failing once more to beat the game. You threw your head back with an annoyed groan, stepping away from Donkey Kong while crossing your arms.
“I don’t see why people play this stupid game, it’s impossible.” You whined, causing Eddie to laugh while rolling his eyes.
“That’s the point - it’s challenging. You can’t be a winner all the time.” He teased while dipping his head down closer to yours, seeing right through your frustrations. To Eddie, it was obvious that you weren’t used to losing, and he loved how worked up you were getting over an arcade game of all things.
“If I’m not going to win, then I don’t want to play.” You countered childishly, your eyebrow raised as if daring him to comment on that. You spun on your heel and began to walk away from the offensive game cabinet, hearing Eddie following behind you.
“That’s part of the fun, ya know.” He started. You half expected him to sling his arm over your shoulders as he normally did, but this time he refrained, as if all that contact during Donkey Kong was just a little too much for one day. You threw him a look.
“Well, it’s not fun for me.” You weren’t sure where the hell you were walking off to considering that there wasn’t anywhere in the Palace to hide, but you were too caught up in simply being stubborn. Eddie laughed, rolling his eyes with a hint of fondness as he lightly snagged your arm and stopped you. You met eyes, Eddie grinning at your attitude that he was quickly becoming accustomed to.
“You say that now, but I guarantee you’ll be asking me to bring you back.” He teased, receiving a small glare from you in response. He shook his head a little, “Let’s go, your pouting is making this no fun.”
You could tell Eddie was just taunting you, so you gave his shoulder a small shove while pulling away from his hold. You wouldn’t dare admit that you actually had some fun, so instead you began for the exit, your tone nonchalant as you responded, “Thank god, if I stay here any longer the nerds might try to convert me.”
Behind you, Eddie shook his head fondly as he followed you out.
additional a/n: shoutout to Tapper for being my favorite arcade game
taglist: @a-queen-blr @avalon-wolf @costellation-hunter @daisy-munson
@daisyridleyss @damon-loves-pie @damp4eddie @delilaaahhh @eddiernunson
@em0220 @frogtape @fromasgardandback @fckyeahlames @kthomps914
@lotrefcp @love-anonymous-writer @marrowfrog00 @mewchiili @miaajaade
@munsonssweets @no-bueno-writer @rach5ive @sav12321 @sheneedsrocknroll92
@steeldaisies @stormgrl19
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itsyagurlchip · 4 months
٠ ˚ ※ ๋࣭ ᯓ⚝ ⋆ .˚✰Video Game Lover💜٠ ˚ ※ ๋࣭ ᯓ⚝ ⋆ .˚✰
✰⋆⁺warnings: cussing(!) (Y/N) is used (😱)(!) mentions of injury and bone (!)
✰⋆⁺Im actually really loving this plot that I'm coming up with. I hope the world around Player (that's what I'm calling reader) is making sense. Since I haven't written for this fic for a long time, I'm gonna try to finish this as i go thru the summer, and hope to finish it around august or september! Enjoyyyy!!!
✰⋆⁺ Chapter 2: What to Do...What to Do!?
(Chapter 1) | (Chapter 3)
WELCOME BACK! GAME START? (ok, back here...)
YES NO (here we go again)
{ tip:the shadows are sentient, its best to not ager them } (you spelt anger wrong lmao)
{ shut up! I'm trying to help you >:(( } (who even are you???)
{ It's me! } (who-!?)
That interaction was odd. you wondered who that could've been.
or better yet,
what the hell happened after you finished reading that semi-biography gnome obituary? And why didn't Nigel have enough paper???
what were you thinking about? your memory is fuzzy. oh well.
Now the area in looked vastly different than the previous one, which disoriented you a bit.
Looking around, you saw that the world still had a pastel palette. Except this time, instead if a forest, it looked more like a field.
The inconsistent style between the character design and the background pissed you off, as you were still pixels.
But, instead of worrying about that, you drive your attention to your surroundings once more.
The grass looked super stiff, and despite the sensation of wind showing on your sprite, nothing actually moved along with it.
Oddly enough, the creator didn't add any flowers, which honestly surprised you. Instead, there were soft and plump succulents (???) and small bunnies and insect-critter thingies crawling around.
Who the hell designed and produced this game?
while your headache was growing bigger, you decided to press that white check mark above your head once more.
(Update!!✨ New Page Unlocked✨!)
Lives: 1
Death Count: 0
Health: 25/30
Attack 2/20
4.Objectives (✨new✨)
The first thing that you noticed was the lack of health you had. Didn't you have full health? Then, looking towards the new page, you figured out why.
Honestly, you were lucky because it seemed that only hunger could personally damage you. Damn thirst.
Back in Donnie's lab, Mikey, Leo and Raph sat in silence.
"So Leo-"
"Guys look!, the screen!" Leo interrupted, shallowly 'saving' himself. On the computer, it showed a round world with a pixelated character right in the middle.
It was you! But not?
The outfit you wore was something that the real you would never wear. Being broke and all. *cough* snacks *cough*
"(Y/N)'s a royal!! My prayers have been answered!!" Mikey sighs comically, despite not intending for them to be sucked into a video game for his wishes to come true, "I'll take what I can get."
"I knew it! It was Mikey's fault!" Leo said, jabbing a finger at the little man. "He and his 'DoCter FeEliNgS' cursed Donnie to never find love, man I hope Jaquelin's okay, AND TOOK ONE OF OUR HUMAN FRIENDS! prayers for homegirl. " Mikey rolled his eyes.
"Dude, you tripped the girl and she ended up in a hospital because Donnie was buildin' her a gift instead of your dumbass 'uNicORn RocKeT'" Mikey then gestured to his leg. as Leo crossed his arms and looked away. "Her bone was sticking out of her knee!"
"I've already told you, !" Leo yelled, "Jaquelin just so happened to walk in front of my leg! And the building just so happened to come to an edge- which was totally not caused by my lack of perception!" Leo huffed and stomped out of the room.
"So that was....o-okay-" Raph blinked froggily. Focusing back on the screen, he watched as you adjusted the crown on your head, curiously looking around. Raph found it cute how your sprite blinks with wide eyes.
"Back to my favorite couple!" Mikey said, looking towards where Raph was. The music in this is annoying as hell, they both agreed.
On screen, they watched as you tried to figure the world out, cheering you on as they watched you grab a log to cross the rushing river. Despite being mouthless in the world, you still had a range of emotions on your face that both turtles enjoyed.
Now, you pressed on into the woods, your sprite skipping along in happiness. And suddenly stopped. A question mark appeared on your forehead before an exclamation mark popped up soon after. an idea?
Raph raised an eyebrow, before watching you reach your arm up to the white check mark above your head. Almost instantly, a page of black opened up. Purple lettering began to quickly type out across the page, a long with a note a the bottom.
Mikey was already sitting down in Donnie's gaming chair with a bag of popcorn, snuggling into the blanket as a voice actor began reading out the letter.
F in the chat for Nigel, he deserved better.
It was like a movie! A terribly illustrated, yet fully interesting, predictably flash backing, movie! Mikey wasn't gonna let this new form of entertainment go to waste.
He instead typed in the keyboard shortcut for screen recording, and sat back and watched.
Raph sighed and plopped himself down onto the floor, tired of standing anyway.
In a flash, the screen suddenly turned black, startling the boys as they leaned forward. Immediately they relaxed, seeing that it was simply a loading screen.
"[give player tips (?)]" The screen blinked, waiting for the "viewers" to make their choice.
Mikey chose the right answer- god forbid (Y/N) takes this for granted.
Tip: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
"Hey Raph! Can I borrow your phone real quick?" Mikey asked.
Raph, already knowing what to do, pulled up the wheel of names, and inserted each number twenty times, before spinning and landing on the number 2.
"Number 2!! Raph was rootin' for 4 tho-" He said, shaking his head solemnly.
Mikey, chuckling a bit, chose the number on the screen. There was a tingling sensation in his head, which he'll just get medication for later! This was way too fun.
In a flash, Mikey was dissipating into the computer screen.
"OH SHI-" *pop!*
Raph sat there, stunned, just as Leo walked back in the room with April.
April, being the badass she is, noticed something wrong.
"Where's Mikey?"
Tumblr media
i hope this is making you guys laugh. i literally i haven't touched this in weeks. I think im gonna stick to 2nd person, because i find that my silly shit is easier to reference and the narrating is funnier. I really wanted to make this longer but I just had to cut it off there or it would seem wayyyy to run-on for me.
Anything you guys wanna reference? some memes?
Also, do you guys recommend anything for the stats page? i feel like i shouldn't list all of that out (i may tire myself out as well as you guys) so i want to find a way to make that easier.
wait nvm- that lowkey gave me an idea. i think it'll help you guys visualize better as well too-
(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و tags: @kittykittyanon @radicallxser @oleander-nin @towomatos @thealphagirl
@ziipzeepzop-eez @spongejuice @nuncscioquidsitamor-13 @cyb3r-st4r
if you would like to be added, check my blog. if you would like to be added, check my blog. SEE? I SAID IT TWICE!!
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justatalkingface · 1 year
The 'Great' MHA Read Along, Part Three (Chapters 8-11): "Support" Gear and Dodging Death.
Well. You asked for this, so I deliver; upon your head be it.
So. We start off with talking about costumes... actually pretty interesting, though, with companies doing these costumes, I'm kind of surprised there's not brand names on them; All Might, Brought To You By Sony, or something. I guess that was a level of realism Hori wasn't prepared to deal with.... (Note Bakugou's costume comments; 'kill with my knees'?) but then we get to Izuku. And I can't help but feel jipped by this, in a couple of ways. Izuku ends up looking... well, like his mom made his costume, a sore, underdressed thumb compared to all the professionally dressed heroes... and he's also the only one whose face is entirely covered for some reason?
On the other hand, though, it is a nice touching scene, the family reconnecting, Inko admitting her mistakes and that she'll support Izuku.... but couldn't it have been done differently? As is, it feels like Inko is being used as a blatant emotional tool to make Izuku different, and that's rough since her character is barely existent in the first place, and quickly fades away into oblivion as time passes. In the same way that Izuku is the only one who can't actually use his Quirk, the same way he's the only one who is so completely unprepared for UA, he's now the only one who who doesn't actually have a proper costume.
I mean, I get it; on one hand, it's symbolic, and the way he eventually updates it shows his evolution as a hero. But at the same time, I've already made it clear what I think of Izuku starting off so behind, so I don't actually like that symbolism, and even if I was, the narrative feels like it's going a little too hard on the 'he doesn't belong' thing at this point. First time around, I was fine with how Izuku was, and even now my dislike of the starting situation is more on a meta scale than anything, despite the bad logic behind it, because it's written in so engagingly, but I never once liked the costume thing.
There's also the question of why she's OK with Izuku going to UA with either, A, no Quirk that she knows of, or B, a Quirk he just... randomly got, somehow, while applying? When, according to a literal doctor (Dr. Diabolus Ex Machina himself; is the fact that AFO's most loyal minion apparently was Izuku's doctor going to be relevent at some point or...?), that was never going to happen? Ever?
There's... there's a lot of questions she should be asking, here, and as far as we can tell, that just never happens. This whole dynamic here, there was all sorts of room to play with it, expand it, develop Inko as a character and Izuku's background more (and look at the fact that she found out her son was Quirkless and... got fat? Because she handled that guilt badly? The way they talk is like they never talked about Inko saying he couldn't be a hero until just then. Did they... did they really just never ever talk about this again until just now? The more you think about all, the more things don't make sense) and Hori didn't just drop the ball with this, he spiked it into the ground rather than use it.
I'm... sort of grudgingly OK with All Might being a not great teacher here, but not really. I mean, it's still in line with how his brain got ripped out of his head after Arc One, which at this point is something I have a well established history of being... not well pleased about, but it'd track that he wouldn't know how to train students in basic heroism, unlike exercising....
But that leads back to the question of, 'Then why is he a teacher if he can't teach?' Him doing something he explicitly has no idea how to do makes no sense. It's super double dumb though since, again, this is All Might's precious powered-time, and he's using it to... not just to teach kids when he could be saving lives, but teach kids badly, and again, that's stupid, and everyone involved, including Nezu, Super Genius, should realize this.
God, he's so badly shoe-horned into all this I'm actually wondering if he was supposed to die in Arc One and pass on his Quirk to Izuku that way, and him being in at all is Hori changing that plan at the last minute.
So, before I start on Bakugou vs Izuku... let's pause it here so I can go on a tangent: Bakugou's support gear.
There's several problems with it as an in-setting item, all focused around a simple fact: they're not there for 'support', they're weapons. Fundamentally, Bakugou's Gauntlets are just... giant explosive cannons, just like the literal grenades he gets, or the edgy machine guns in late story. No other hero's support gear we see are like that, pure weapons based only around harming others (I remember later, a Random Civilian gets his hand on support gear, I think from Detnerat gear, and that's a weapon, but A, that's from Detnerat, and so made to bring society to its knees, literally, and two, the entire point of that little scene was to show how stupid and helpless civilians are, and how they should dare get above themselves and try to defend themselves (which is clearly set up to support sheep narrative of civilians Hri loves to pull, while also making it make less sense since, if civilians doing anything backfires that badly, then yeah, maybe they're right to do literally nothing so they can't fuck it up) and so I am far from giving it the benefit of the doubt.)
I know later, Bakugou take one off and Izuku uses it, and so they're just... literally giant explosive guns, literally just a pair of guns he has strapped to his arms. Everyone else has gear that supports their Quirks, even Snipe with his actual gun (which enhances his Quirk, which is dependant on a projectile), while Bakugou alone has something that replaces it.
Thematically, that's weird and has bad vibes. On a more practical level, someone, somewhere, must have approved this thing, looked at this design with the more or less literal description of 'giant bomb', and said, 'Yeah, this is OK, let's do it'. This basiclly has no purpose other than to kill people or to cause massive property damage; there's no... safe mode, no limiting, it's just point and FIRE EVERYTHING!!! Why? Why did they just hand it to him? (And, as a side note, how was it full enough to use when Bakugou had just got it? There's no way he sweat enough to fill that thing; otherwise he would have collapsed from dehydration.)
So. Yeah. I have problems with that. And now the fight, and I find this fact distinctive:
Bakugou starts off this fight by proclaiming he's going to use this to beat up Izuku. I'm going to be honest here; if I was a teacher? I would absolutely respond to that, somehow, even if it's simple as, 'Bakugou, no, also now I'm watching you'. It's not exactly a reach to call that an obvious red flag.
(Side note; 'Rage You Damn Nerd' or 'Ferocity of a Fucking Nerd'? Really? What the hell is this chapter title.)
Flashback: Bakugou, as a kid, saying to murder those villains. God, really? Was nobody ever concerned about that?
And then Izuku counters Bakugou, and he just... loses it. Completely. Because of course; how dare Izuku fight back! How dare he resist Bakugou's righteous anger?!
And yet another reminder of the cringy fact that Bakugou was first place, despite the fact it's against his narrative set up of being the little fish, just because of how much Hori hypes him up.
Bakugou: I've been torturing you for all these years, and you've been sitting back and taking it. Clearly, you've been hiding your Quirk all this time, just so you could laugh at me!
Me: ????
Holy fuck, the ego on that comment. I've heard about 'everything being about you', but this is nuts.
Izuku builds up courage to face his fears/bully, and meanwhile Bakugou flashes back to how useless everyone else is, and how great he is, and how dare Izuku stand up to him, when he gave him the perfect name to describe how worthless he is? How dare he try to rescue him that one time when they were kids?! How dare he have concern?!?!?!
*leans back in chair*
Hoolyyy fuck, Bakugou, that is a lot of clusterfuck in such a small, three page sequence.
'Ah, Iida. What a wholesome palate cleanser', I think, more or less in lockstep with Uraraka. I love how his big plan is literally cleaning; I mean, I get the logic, but still.
Alas. All good things end.
So, for a lot of people, the big, defining moment of Bakugou's story and how bad they think he is is Chapter One and the suicide baiting. That's obviously shit, but to me, this is the big moment, the, if you pardon the drama (I can't think of a way to phrase it better), the 'original sin' of MHA as a whole: Bakugou tries to kill someone, and absolutely nothing happens.
This isn't an exaggeration, BTW; let me lay out the scene here:
Bakugou is armed with, as I said before, an insanely aggressive weapon, one that has no purpose other than to kill people or destroy things. He is given this weapon with, apparently, absolutely no comments about being careful with it, not to harm someone with it, or anything, and then takes it into an exercise with his classmates.
This exercise takes place in a building, one that can easily be damaged by the blast of that thing. As this is a multi-story building, even a blast not aimed at someone could easily get someone killed if part of the building collapses on top of them.
Bakugou takes this weapon, and he aims it at a human being. To top it off, All Might, who by all means should be an authority in, 'Yeah, this could definitely kill someone', explicitly tells him that, 'No, you'll kill him!' before he fires.
Bakugou's response? 'He'll be fine if he dodges!"
And then he fires.
And the fact that, not only does this happen at all, but this fight continues afterwords, is inexcusable. Blatantly, obviously, inexcusable. This is, unironically, Bakugou attempting to kill someone.
On tape, no less!
I mean, hell, with this one chapter, we have the means (the gauntlet), the motive (Izuku's... existence? The fact that he dares to stand against Bakugou?), and the opportunity (this entire exercise), along with witnesses watching him do it in real time. If this had hit Izuku, the trial against Bakugou would have been a cakewalk.
And the thing is? Everything before this, everything, is something that could be excused. Granted, it would strain the suspension of belief to the breaking point at times, but everyone could be that stupid and/or that biased, in theory.
But this? There is absolutely no way that this could happen, and be acceptable in the logic of this story. I don't care if All Might is literally missing his brain, I don't care if Aizawa just.... hates Izuku with a deep and unexplainable loathing (BTW, I think I forgot to mention last time that Aizawa sabotaged Izuku's scores? Well, considering how Izuku with his super toss was in a contest against a girl that only is invisible, there's no way he was in last place, so... yeah. Aizawa sabotaged him). Forget their heroic instincts, forget all of that; if they let this happen, everyone involved with this would have their lives destroyed. They can't cover it up, because at some point, Inko is really going to wonder, 'Hey, where is my kid at?' and the second she asks that everything crumbles.
That, and why would they try to cover it up? Bakugou's character is, in many ways, the cliche of the sports star from a small school, who the entire school, if not the town, bends over backwards to keep him in that position (which, ironically, never would have helped Aldera that much, because Bakugou, as is, would never give them credit, respect, or money. Bakugou, if he improved enough to give them that? Would give them shit for what they let him do instead. That plan was doomed from the start). The thing is? That tolerance only goes so far; sure, he can bully the nerd all day long, and hell, he can beat him half-to-literal-death if there's no one there of importance to serve as witness, but this? This isn't just attacking the nerd. This is chasing him in a car. And, when the nerd escapes into the school? The jock then drives into the school, and only stops when the car itself gets jammed in a wall.
There's a point, in other words, where all that tolerance ends. This is waay past that point.
That, and the fact that UA isn't a small school, with a sports department propped up by their one good athlete; UA is the school that athlete wants to go to. To UA, Bakugou the metaphorical athlete is completely replaceable; how many students were trying to get in again?
And all of that? All of that is assuming that every single one of them is, in fact, the absolute worse, trash, shallow self-serving shit versions of them possible, instead of being heroes, in a school for heroes, for whom there should be standards all over the place.
So the fact that he fires this shot, and that the flash-stepping All Might doesn't just bitch slap him out of it beforehand, or at least make it clear if he does his heroic life is over, and then afterwards he allows this fight to continue, and then after that, there's barely even a harsh word said in response to this, by anyone, much less any sort of consequences for it, school based or otherwise, shatters my SOD into dust.
The logic and foundation of this setting can not support this sequence of events. So... why? Why did this happen? Why was this allowed to happen?
Bakugou. The completely irrational, completely assholish Bakugou, who would do this, because this falls in line with his behavior from what we've seen of him thus far... if he was held to account for this? Given consequences, realistic consequences, for his realistically horrific behavior? He'd be gone, at least. Out of UA, out of Izuku's life (if only), and out of the story.
But... for whatever reason, even before all the polls came in (I think), Hori just wanted Bakugou to stay in the story. Why? Maybe there was a more proper redemption arc in the works. Maybe it was always going to be like it was now. Maybe Hori just likes Bakugou. Who knows?
The point is Bakugou, The Living Idiot Ball, is born into the story at this moment, a character who makes everyone around him their impossibly worse selves. His behavior will improve, somewhat, but the behavior of those around him won't.
Well, thankfully, the building doesn't collapse on all of them after that (thought maybe it should have? I'm not an expert, but that is a big hole there)... and here's something else that bothers me.
I can't understand All Might's motivation here for not stopping the match, as in I'm looking at his stated motivation for that, and it doesn't make sense.
In his head, he's talking about this will fuel Izuku's growth, basiclly. And, maybe it does, but that's not the problem here. The problem is Izuku could die, and is getting some serious injuries as Bakugou beats the living shit out of him; it's not worth all of that for some extra growth now, when he still has his entire school life to improve. And sure, we know that, in a meta sense, this is A, prep for the villains soon to show up, and that, B, Izuku does not, in fact, have his entire school life to get better. But All Might doesn't know that; All Might doesn't have any reason to think AFO is still alive, much less masterminding an attack. So... why the rush?
Before, he was rushing Izuku's training, but there was a concrete reason: Izuku needed to get into U.A. Well... mission accomplished; he's in. So why the push?
To give a somewhat in character reason, I guess, to try and excuse Bakugou, The Living Idiot Ball.
Meanwhile, all the characters can't stop talking up about how great a fighter Bakugou is, because it's not enough to excuse him from a murder attempt, apparently everyone needs to make sure the audience knows about how much of a 'beast' Bakugou is!
And, all of this, while Bakugou has this crazed sounding rant about how Izuku is 'looking down' on him, when until five seconds ago he thought he was beneath your boot. Even while they're fighting, Izuku can't help but talk up the person who single handedly ruined his entire life.
*sighs for forever*
Anyways, Izuku barely claims a win with teamwork, determination, and the magically ability to remember what his objective is!
(cue funny little omake where Mt Lady breaks her office with puns)
And... the last chapter of this arc: 'Bakugou's Starting Line'. Ugh.
Anyways, Bakugou beats Izuku half to death, but he loses. He loses, and has a mental break down because of that, and All Might is remarkably fine with this whole situation.
Then, Momo proves that she's smart and on top of things (enjoy that while it lasts), the other fights happen, which... brutally honest, I can't care much about, beyond Todoroki proving that, suprise suprise, he's actually the big fish in the 1A lake (enjoy that while it lasts as well! The nerfs are coming for everyone not named Bakugou or Izuku), which is yet more mental damage on Bakugou's oh so sensitive ego.
Izuku, unsurprisingly, ends up needing to be put back together after all that, and Recovery Girl has a rare positive portrayal where she says that Izuku getting beat to hell and back is, in fact, bad, which All Might agrees with like a sheepish child rather than an adult who has carried massive responsibilities for years now and who, need I remind you all, was not too long ago competent and did in fact avoid letting Izuku be permanently harmed... you know, the good old days.
Anyways, everyone is impressed by Izuku, cool, cool, and then... Izuku shits on it by telling Bakugou, 'This isn't my Quirk!', thus locking in his participation in late story stuff forever.
And again... why? Why does he feel responsible for this? Why does he need to make sure he's not... accidently, tricking Bakugou by letting him be an idiot and think he was just... holding back his entire life, and instead all but blows a secret of nigh incalculable value. To his bully. Because his bully felt bad.
*resists the urge to scream into my desk*
And, for a second time this sequence... why? Why would he do that? Why is he simping so damn hard for him?
*spreads hands*
Bakugou, The Living Idiot Ball, whom proximity to drives idiotic and irrational behavior into all.
And then Bakugou has tears in his eyes as he realizes he's not the top dog, and we're apparently supposed to feel sorry for him, and then All Might shows up, burning more of his precious time to talk to Bakugou, not long after his murder attempt, and rather than trying to... chastise him or anything, he rushes to tell Bakugou to cheer up!
I don't know about you, but if I could only give Bakugou one piece of advice, it would definitely be, 'protect your ego!'
Then Izuku affirms to the audience that Bakugou is still the standard he's chasing after, just in case we didn't get the message that Bakugou is the best, because Hori wants to make that very clear in our minds.
Finally: villians. ...Why is the mindless Nomu in the bar?
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Monthly Update - August 2024
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Well, this month we finally started Act 2! I'm excited to show everything I have planned for this story, especially after hearing this song that made me take notes upon notes about the ending of Remnants!
A bit early, I know, lol! But I've always had a clear idea of how it would be, and that song created a vivid image in my mind of how it will turn out :D. In fact, the ending of the whole story and each character is already written ;)
But that will have to wait a bit until we get there. For now, let's focus back on Act 2! I’ve already written the beginning of Chapter 2. It was supposed to be something simple, but the characters got a bit rebellious and wanted longer scenes for each of them, so that’s what I did. After all, they’re the ones telling the story, I’m just writing it down, haha! That said, we're close to a scene I've been eager to write for a long time. It’s a silly thing, but it makes me laugh a lot because it’s not just comedy for the sake of comedy, but the characters would genuinely act that way in that situation! You’ll see when it’s published, and I hope it amuses you as much as it does me, xD
By the way, I’ve started using the option to schedule posts on Patreon and now I regret not doing it sooner, lol! I’m really bad at social media :’). But anyway, I’m happy because I’ve got all this month’s posts, and part of next month’s, prepared and everything is more organized.
This weekend I’ll keep preparing stuff for Patreon. I want to publish a couple of Q&A sessions for the characters, but since I already know everything about them, it’s hard for me to come up with questions to ask them, ^^’. But it’s all right, I’ll think of something. And if any of you have questions for the ROs, Enid, or any other character, don’t hesitate to let me know! The characters would be happy to answer :D. Just be careful what you ask Belicar/Nisa… that could go very wrong xD
Without further ado, I’ll stop rambling and let you enjoy your weekend. I just want to end by thanking all of you for staying with me on this adventure, for reading, sharing, and buying this story. Thank you all for the tremendous support you’re giving me, it means so much to me <3
Have a great month, and see you at the end of September ;)
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shai-manahan · 1 year
Hollowed Minds Progress Update 5/08/23
Hi! I know I failed at making a progress update last month, so first of all, apologies for that! Things have just been busy tbh and life has been too stressful that at some points I just couldn't write. It's why I've been a bit inactive here as well, and why I've been barely answering the asks I've been receiving.
I cannot report yet how many words I've written for the update so far because I haven't really taken a look at it myself, but I will do so at the end of the month if there's still no confirmed schedule by then. My eye health has just been very consistent at making my life harder as well until recently, and here's hoping I'll at least be able to function properly for a whole month🤞
Some things that will be in the next update:
For Chapter 2's Part 2:
Everything still goes as planned, except now both routes are expected to be fast-paced and action-oriented, though one is still more intense than the other.
This will be a massive one, not because of the word count but because of the variations that will play out. There won't be much issues in arranging the transitions to Chapter 3, so there's at least that, but your choices will matter a lot. So you might have to be careful with them.
One of the routes gets Alonzo actively involved, but please be assured that this doesn't mean you have to romance them. I actually encourage you all to check out both routes once they come because you'll gain more discoveries that way. 👀
Alonzo's route will be so memeworthy, I have to admit. Please try it.
There's an info dump in Chapter 2's Part 1 that I'm not really a fan of, so I'll be moving some of those to this part instead if needed.
For the overall IF:
Alex will now have a set skin tone if a lighter one is chosen for the Ripper. I will discuss this in detail soon, but I just wanted to emphasize that Alex and Ripper's mother are canonically PoC.
You will have options for your Ripper to wear contacts or glasses (or neither ofc).
You'll be able to bring a weapon with you in Chapter 2 depending on your choices so far.
You might remember a section of Chapter 1 where you can choose what your Ripper had been doing for the duration of the five months. I might reduce it to a few, just so I could have them properly recognized in the story.
There will be a couple of changes in the character descriptions in the game's stats page, with plans to make them shorter, too, for easier readability.
I will make sure you'll have saves at the end of this. So please don't be surprised if there'll be more page breaks in the future, as well as more choices (that are still as meaningful.)
In connection to above, I also plan to make the in-game descriptions snappier and easier to read while still maintaining the quality they should have. Your feedback will be very important for this, and this also applies to the beta testers (sorry I've been so silent. I swear I'll get back to you all soon lmao)
Not really too related here, but I also plan to be more consistent with my updates in the future. It's just that my irl schedule is still a huge mess, and it's very hard to be consistent when that happens.
Just a last piece of my mind. Some anons have been very aggressive with harassment the past few months, and I really have no interest for more drama right now. So if you have issues, if you think you can back your own words, send them through a DM or at least turn off anon so we could have a proper conversation.
It's honestly tiring. Being an Asian in this community can already be so tiring, so I am begging people to be mature and responsible with their words. After all, I've repeatedly said that you can always come to me with your concerns or whatever you have against me. As long as we can actually talk about it.
Anyway, that's all, and I hope the week will be good for everyone :) I have a few more things to post on Patreon tomorrow, so if you're a current patron, do look forward to that!
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greatideas-badwriter · 6 months
Sacrificed To The Banished Prince Ch. 22
I’ve had some serious computer issues this past week! The chapters I’ve pre-written were somehow deleted, and I’m trying to rewrite them from memory! I apologize for the late and short update, but I wanted to get a chapter out for you guys. For the time being, I’ll return to just one update a week. Sorry for the wait, and I hope you enjoy it!
Beauty couldn’t begin to describe Sakura’s appearance. Sasuke couldn’t tear his gaze from his bride’s as they danced their very first dance as a married couple. No longer did her hands shake. While watching her walk down the aisle earlier, the prince was concerned she’d be too overwhelmed to spend much time amidst the guests after the ceremony. 
The corner of his lips tugged into something resembling a hint of a smile as he twirled the gorgeous woman, ‘Ever since we kissed, she’s been more relaxed.’ 
Sakura broke his train of thought by smiling, a vision of purity and grace, “His Majesty planned a beautiful wedding.” 
Sasuke nodded, noticing the many other couples joining them on the dance floor, but said nothing because he wasn’t sure what to say. 
‘We’re married now. Any time, we’ll be leaving this castle to spend a week alone for the honeymoon,’ his hands unconsciously held his wife’s more firmly, ‘I’m supposed to kill this woman soon.’ Disgust brewed in the pit of his stomach. 
She seemed to sense his mood change and allowed herself to be pulled closer so only he’d hear her whisper, “If you’re concerned, we can excuse ourselves soon.” 
The pinkette had misunderstood. In her eyes, he was worried about the time, given that the sun would set within the next hour. He didn’t correct her, instead nodding without another word. While enjoying the last few minutes of their wedding dancing, the prince tried to memorize the image before him and the way it felt to hold the fragile woman so shamelessly. Regardless of what happened in the future, he knew that he’d never want to forget this day. 
Just as the song ended, the king gently struck the edge of his wine glass with a silver spoon, effectively silencing the room. As though he could read his nephew’s mind, he lifted the glass with a seemingly proud grin and announced, “A toast to the happy couple as they embark on their honeymoon! Let us wish them safe travels!” 
Goosebumps rose to Sasuke’s skin as he felt the hundreds of pairs of eyes on them. He didn’t let it show and bowed with his composure fully intact before guiding Sakura out of the massive ballroom. She sighed once they were in the nearby hallway, walking more leisurely, “What a relief….” He made a soft sound of agreement. Given how their life together had gone thus far, it wouldn’t be surprising for something unwanted to interrupt the wedding. 
Just when that thought crossed his mind, the couple stopped in their tracks as a familiar voice called out, “A moment, please.” 
Turning, the prince’s already souring mood dropped yet another level. Baron Haruno approached with poorly masked irritation. Once close enough, he asked without taking his eyes off his daughter, “May I speak to Sakura alone for a moment?” 
Sasuke looked at the woman in question, not missing the sudden tension in her demeanor. She glanced at him with a curt nod, though, so he bowed politely before excusing himself further down the hall and around the corner, where he froze because the man’s hushed voice carried far enough for him to mistakenly eavesdrop. 
“If you think my allowing you to live under my roof all these years comes free of cost, you’re sadly mistaken.” 
Sasuke’s brow furrowed angrily. He turned, ready to head back around the corner to confront the man who dared speak to Sakura that way, only to stop himself when he continued. “Either you seduce the prince like I asked, or I’ll inform the king of your illegitimacy and have your marriage annulled. You’ll have nowhere to go.” 
His blood ran cold as the air became silent. ‘She’s been trying to seduce me all this time?’ He thought back to all she’d done and endured for his sake and shook his head, ‘No. She’s not that type of girl.’ 
As if confirming his thoughts, Sakura’s voice came, though shaky and quiet, “Do as you please. Even when I’m dead, your son’s reputation will never recover.” She paused before adding more strongly, “That is, if he isn’t caught and put to death before you can rescue him.” 
Then, an unmistakable sound met Sasuke’s ears, and this time, he didn’t hold himself back. He turned the corner to see Sakura holding her cheek, Baron Haruno’s hand still raised from having slapped her. One moment he was staring at his wife’s tear-filled eyes, and in the next, he had her father pressed against the wall with a fistful of his shirt and rage burning his blood, “Do you know what the punishment is for harming a princess?” Even to himself, his voice was chilling. 
Sakura gasped, “...Sasuke…?” 
The prince was too angry to notice her unease, instead pressing harder still so that Baron Haruno’s face paled, “So much as laying a finger on her would would cost you a hand, and you’ve gone as far as committing an act of violence. Should I feed your to the royal family’s hounds?” 
Bloodlust with which he was unfamiliar flamed his actions, and he nearly lost control of it when a soft hand touched his back. His eyes widened, blood cooling in realization when Sakura’s voice met his ears, “Can we go now?” He turned his head, meeting her emerald-colored gaze in disbelief. She said softly, almost pleading, “Please. I want to leave.”
‘What am I doing? What was I thinking, acting so violently in front of her? I must be losing my mind…’ Sasuke turned his glare back onto the Baron, holding his terrified gaze one moment more before releasing him and stepping back to speak more calmly, “Be grateful your daughter knows mercy, for I do not, and I will not should you dare stand before either of us in the future.” 
Sakura seemed to naturally understand that he was livid and held onto his arm with trembling hands, guiding the way toward the back exit. Their carriage was waiting. Neither spoke until they were safely inside it and on the road. 
After a while, the prince stole a glance at his wife. She was looking out the small window as she sat by his side with a small space between them so they weren’t touching. Still in her wedding gown, he admired her elegant and foreign beauty while trying to figure out what to say to ease the tension. To say he was ashamed of his behavior would be putting it lightly. Of all the things he was, a violent man was never one of them. That adjective was saved for The Curse. 
‘Will she hate me now? I’ve acted no better than a demon, even if it was a result of her mistreatment.’ Sasuke never wanted her to fear him. He wanted her to see him as someone to be trusted, someone of comfort. 
“It was never my intention to seduce you. I simply-” “I know,” he cut Sakura off. 
He averted his gaze when she looked his way. His glare met the carpeted floor of the carriage. “I…. Allow me to apologize for losing my composure. I never wanted you to see that side of me.” Being vulnerable with anyone, much less the person he cares about the most, wasn’t easy. Sasuke had never opened up to anyone in his life. It was a foreign idea to the banished prince, but in his heart of hearts, he knew it was the proper thing to do, even if it was uncomfortable. 
Sakura didn’t respond for a long time. He couldn’t bring himself to look her way, afraid of what expression she might make. 
Eventually, a soft weight met his shoulder, and he nearly jumped in surprise, turning his head to see his wife had fallen asleep. Her head rested against him. For a moment, Sasuke didn’t do anything, but then his anxiety faded, and he sighed warmly. 
He gently pulled her closest hand into his and closed his eyes to attempt to get some rest, as well, ‘I know her well enough by now that I shouldn’t doubt her loyalty.’ For the first time in over a decade, the prince felt he was where he was meant to be. 
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recurring-polynya · 7 months
Writing/Art Update 2.20.2024
Well, I had another very solid week. I hesitate to call it good, because I didn't actually enjoy it very much, but I did grind out 8,642 words last week. I finished Chapter 8 and made a solid dent in Chapter 9a. Basically, I just tried to write at least a thousand words a day, which I accomplished almost every day. Yesterday, I only did 800, but I did 2000 on Sunday, plus the 800 was the ending scene for the chapter, so I deserve a little grace there. And it was a three-day weekend for my kids!
I am at the stage of the fanfic where most of the ambiguity is gone--I know what scenes are left and I just gotta write them. It doesn't matter if I want to or not, the fanfic isn't going to be done until I write them, so I just do it. I always worry that writing in this mindset is going to produce bad, unlovable writing--like, if I don't love writing this, how is anyone going to love reading it? Historically, though, that doesn't bear out--big chunks of Call Me Back and What We Do with Our Hearts were written in this exact fugue state, and I often end up loving them after the fact, and they still contain parts that are really funny or insightful or heartfelt or whatever. I literally do not know how this is possible, it just is. Also, like: there is going to be editing. It is truly astonishing how hard it is to slap anything at all down on a page and then how easy it is to shape it up into something good later on. It is a lot like throwing flat colors down on a piece of art and then adding a little texture and shading later.
The other thing I don't like about writing in this mode is that it makes me actually insane, which I don't like. I just roll word counts and percentages around in my head 24 hours a day and I'm not really able to relax and do things that are not grinding away at my writing. I can do it for short periods of time, but I think I have too much of this story left to tough it through, plus, like, what's the point? This is the thing I allegedly do for fun, and even though I really really really want to be finished, I feel like I should actually try to enjoy the process a little, at least.
So anyway! My first goal for this week is to be less insane about my fanfic. My second goal is to finish Chapter 9a (I think I have about 3-4k to go). My third goal is to edit Chapters 7 and 8 and send them to the beta.
After that, I'll just have 9b (of which I've already written about 4k) and the epilogue to do. After that, of course, there's still more editing, a beta pass for chapters 8->the end, and then I may try to read the whole thing through again from the beginning. So, 3 weeks, maybe, give or take a little?
In the interest of trying to have a little fun, I think I'm gonna try to post some previews for the next couple weeks? In the past, people have enjoyed previews. Today's is a little long, but it's the opening to the whole thing. It's below a cut for those who'd rather wait until the whole thing comes out.
“I don’t know if they’re trying to capitalize on Boy’s Day, or what,” Rukia said, idly inching her hand toward the plate of hot, steaming gyoza sitting on the countertop next to Renji’s stove, “but they’re having some sort of Seafood Festival out in East Sixth.”
A dish towel appeared out of nowhere, the tip whipping painfully against Rukia’s hand.
“Ow!” Rukia howled.
“They’re hot! It’ll hurt worse if you jam one of those in your mouth whole like I know you were gonna,” Renji replied, stuffing the dish towel back into his obi, and juggling the pan of gyoza he was currently frying. “What about a Seafood Festival? Why the Hell is the East Sixth having a Seafood Festival?”
“It’s being put on by the Train Museum, I hear,” Rukia continued grumpily, rubbing at her hand. “I guess they’re hauling a bunch of spring fish up from the Shiranui Sea at the other end of the line. It only takes a few hours to get out to Six. There’s probably carts making the run that we could take, but I would honestly just flash-step, at least on the way out. I want to eat my own body weight in katsuo. Possibly your body weight in katsuo.”
“Mmm,” Renji replied noncommittally, dumping the rest of his gyoza onto the plate and turning off the stovetop.
“I was thinking of asking Hisagi if he wanted us to take some pictures and do a little write-up for the Bulletin,” Rukia went on. “Get us a little walking-around money.” Not that Rukia lacked for pocket money, but it was a little more expensive than their usual weekend activities, and Renji got a little cagey when she tried to treat him to things.
“That’s a bad idea.”
“Why? We had fun the last time we played reporter!”
“Grab the bowl of sauce, would you?” Renji gestured with his chin as he picked up the plate of dumplings and the teapot to carry them to the table. “Don’t you remember when they built that damn train line? Took ‘em over over thirty years, and there were three to four articles every single Bulletin about the delays, the graft, the politics, the environmental impact, whatever. People got so mad about the idea of a train inside the Seireitei that it doesn’t even go anywhere useful. I didn’t even know they used it for anything aside from twee holidays for bored nobles.”
“I heard a story from my friend, Lady Akizuki, that the old head of the Seshimo clan actually lives on the train! He hasn’t set foot outside it in fifteen years!”
Renji cocked an eyebrow at her. He looked like he desperately wanted to hear about the Train Noble, but also did not want to be a guy who cared about Train Nobles. “Anyway, don’t mention the train to Hisagi unless you got six or seven hours to kill. Preferably when I’m not there.”
Rukia picked up the big, fragrant bowl of ginger dipping sauce with both hands. “It was just an idea. So what do you think? Do you want to go?”
“When is it again?” Renji asked, frowning.
“It’s running for all of May, but the weather has been so nice lately, I thought maybe we could go next weekend,” Rukia suggested. 
Renji was quiet for a moment, but Rukia figured that maybe he was just focused on serving her dumplings, which was, in her opinion, very important. 
“Ru,” he finally said slowly, as he poured her a cup of tea. “There’s something I need to tell you.”
“Is it that you want to go to the Seafood Festival with me?”
Renji took a big breath through his nose and let it out again. “If things work out, I’d love to go later in the month. Next weekend’s not gonna work, though.”
“Oh.” Rukia frowned. “That’s fine. That’s no big deal.” She looked down lovingly at her gyoza and then up at Renji hopefully. “Itadakimasu?” she asked hopefully.
Renji blinked. “Huh? Oh, yeah, please help yourself. That… that wasn’t the thing I had to say.”
“Well, spit it out, already,” Rukia groused, her mouth already crammed with gyoza. “Why are you being weird?”
Renji still hadn’t touched his own food. He had circled his right wrist with the thumb and middle finger of his left hand and was rotating it back and forth. He used to make that gesture a lot when he was young, and Rukia realized that she hadn’t seen him do it in years.
“I’m having some surgery,” Renji finally said. 
Rukia froze. After a long moment, she slowly finished chewing her dumpling and swallowed it. “Are you okay? What’s going on?”
“I’m getting my arm fixed.”
Rukia watched him rub his wrist for another few seconds. “Did it not heal correctly after the, um, accident?” “The accident” was when Byakuya had stabbed him through the forearm during a demonstration fight the week prior. Everyone was being very polite about it.
“Wellll…” Renji drew out. “I mean, no, that healed up fine. Very clean cut, Senbonzakura, as always. But, uh, while I was at the Fourth, the topic of my burnt-out kidou ducts came up. Captain Unohana thinks she can fix ‘em. And I’ve decided to, um, let her try.” “Oh,” said Rukia. Her chest was filling up with a lot of strange feelings. “Oh.”
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hadassahriv · 1 year
Fic Master List: TWEWY
I always feel like everyone who might be interested in my fics has already seen them. But then every once in a while I get new readers who leave wonderful comments, so that is clearly not the case. Everything is housed on AO3, clearly labelled, but this is the master list of my TWEWY fics to date.
Fate and Other Impossibilities (105,596 words) Chapters: 35/35 Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kiryu "Joshua" Yoshiya/Sakuraba Neku Characters: Kiryu "Joshua" Yoshiya, Sakuraba Neku, Misaki Shiki, Bito "Beat" Daisukenojo, Bito "Rhyme" Raimu, Hanekoma Sanae, Kanade Rindo, Mikagi "Haz" Hazuki, Sakurane Shoka, Furesawa "Fret" Tosai, Usui Nagi Additional Tags: Post-Game(s), Canon Compliant, Conductor Sakuraba Neku, Developing Relationship Summary: Neku's never wanted to be special. He just wants to be. After three years in Shinjuku, that may no longer be possible.
Notes: My love letter to TWEWY and the first fic I wrote after almost 10 years out of fandom. In May 2021, I heard that a TWEWY sequel was coming, so I replayed Final Remix and then, naturally, played Neo. And after beating the game, I really wanted a story that didn't exist. I actually did not originally intend to release it at all, but a few chapters in decided I might as well. And two years later, here we are!
The Life and Death of Joshua Kiryu (3,274 words) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kiryu "Joshua" Yoshiya/Sakuraba Neku Characters: Kiryu "Joshua" Yoshiya, Sakuraba Neku, Hanekoma Sanae Additional Tags: character backstory, Non-Linear Narrative, Established Relationship, pre- and post-canon, Canon-Typical Talk of Death and Dying Summary: There once was a boy named Yoshiya Kiryu. He died, and then his life began. - Joshua before, during, and after Fate and Other Impossibilities.
Notes: I've written a couple of additional fics within the Fate continuity and this is my non-linear, heavily stylized Joshua piece, highlighting different moments in his life and afterlife. You could read it standalone, but it will be better with context.
Being there together is enough (6,303 words) Chapters: 2/2 Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kiryu "Joshua" Yoshiya/Sakuraba Neku, Eri/Misaki Shiki Characters: Kiryu "Joshua" Yoshiya, Sakuraba Neku, Misaki Shiki, Bito "Beat" Daisukenojo, Bito "Rhyme" Raimu, Kanade Rindo, Furesawa "Fret" Tosai, Usui Nagi, Sakurane Shoka Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Sequel, Weddings, Romance Summary: Wedding parties, old friends, and happy endings to go around. Sometimes everyone really does get the life they deserve. - Or: six years later
Notes: The third fic set within the Fate continuity. This is the happy ending sequel, light and frothy, and it will be more emotionally satisfying if you have read the story it follows. But I am not here to tell anyone what to do.
Unreal Cities (16,550 words) Chapters: 4/22 Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kiryu "Joshua" Yoshiya/Sakuraba Neku Characters: Sakuraba Neku, Kiryu "Joshua" Yoshiya, Misaki Shiki, Bito "Beat" Daisukenojo, Bito "Rhyme" Raimu, Kanade Rindo, Furesawa "Fret" Tosai, Mikagi "Haz" Hazuki, Usui Nagi, Kariya Koki, Yashiro Uzuki, Hanekoma Sanae Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Developing Relationship, Conductor Sakuraba Neku, Post-Canon Summary: Three years is a long time to be dead, trapped in an endless loop of a city's final days and trying to understand what happened to it. No one told Neku that going back to his own life would be the hard part.
Notes: And here is my current ongoing fic! Slight canon divergence, rooted in a different take on the Shinjuku years. Eventual Conductor Neku, because that's my niche, but it's a different kind of story than Fate. Updating twice a month, if you want to come along for the ride!
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martsonmars · 2 years
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Hello friends! First SSS of the year for me. Also an early post because I want to write after sleeping and maybe some validation early in the day will help 💖 I have six snippets from six WIPs to share (only the fifth one written today, which makes me sad because I really wanted to share new new words, but it's okay) and I want to talk about them, so I'm throwing everything under the cut with the tags.
You can vote for the WIP you'd like me to continue the most (except Like We Had A Clue, because I know people are waiting for an update and it would skew the vote hahaha). Pick one of the other 5! Though as always I'll follow inspiration and not what the people want.
Love you all <3 hope you're taking care of yourself in these trying times.
1. First EGF WIP. I have many ideas for EGF, but considering a) possible writer's blocks, b) exams, c) other non EGF related WIPs, I honestly don't know how much I'll manage to write. This one is the most “urgent” one because it's a collab with @aroace-genderfluid-sheep and he's already done so many cool things for it and I'm so excited!!! The snippet I'm sharing is all I've written for this fic. Oh well!
“You could've at least sent us to Dante's inferno. That would've been intellectually stimulating.”
“This place is plenty stimulating.”
Of course it is. It's a fucking sex dungeon.
2. Second EGF WIP. I shared something from this already. There's hope I'll finish this one because it's short, but knowing myself I can't make promises hahaha.
“I’m sorry,” they say. Their voice is deep and smooth, like I imagine a cello would sound if it could talk. “I don’t think I can have dinner with you tonight.”
I can’t hide how much it stings. Of course my monster under the bed would come out just to reject me.
3. Like We Had A Clue. Chapter 5 is outlined in detail but I'm still struggling so much with it. Have some sentences I might have shared already in the past because I wrote them months ago!
“Are you trying to trap me, Snow? Keep me here to make food for you forever?”
“What if I am?”
I raise an eyebrow. His hand is still on my arm. He lets it fall.
4. WIP I shared from a couple of weeks ago. I want to have fun with this so I'm not forcing myself to write it, but I also really want to finish it. It's a struggle, always 🤣
(There's nothing innocent about four thousand words of Fangvald having a pity wank after Cherry spat on his face and demanded to know the true motives behind his betrayal.)
But it's fanfiction. Exploring fictional worlds and fictional characters and fictional relationships.
It would say nothing about me if he hadn't also linked two of my longest 4am rants about loneliness and deserving love.
5. Mystery WIP. I started plotting it yesterday and I've already lost steam. We'll see if it ever gets written.
25/12, 11:27AM
basiltea: Of course I'll help you.
basiltea: You can't be trusted to handle this alone and make it work.
Excalisbury: I LOVE YOU
basiltea: I'm just saving you from yourself.
6. Picture book story! The issue with this one is that I have to rewrite it completely. I have @johnwgrey's super useful notes, but I hate rewriting and editing with a burning passion, and this story needs so much work it hurts. But I'll do it!
Of course Snow had no reason to trust him. The fact that Baz had decided he’d never even try to hurt him again couldn’t erase five years of antagonism. Especially because Snow didn’t know about his change of heart. (It would’ve been ridiculous. Hey, Snow, I decided I don’t hate you anymore. Quite the opposite, instead. Can I kiss you?)
That was a lot. I feel like Simon and Baz are possessing me because I want to write SO MUCH, I literally can feel the words pushing to get out, but the second I open a doc it all fades out. Ugh. Hopefully I'll be more motivated in the morning.
So many no pressure tags for you lovelies:
@wellbelesbian @urban-sith @tea-brigade @sillyunicorn @mostlymaudlin @facewithoutheart @palimpsessed @otherpeoplesheartachept-2 @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @forabeatofadrum @fatalfangirl @prettylightsbigcity @whatevertheweather @jbrrring @confused-bi-queer @moodandmist @bookish-bogwitch @letraspal @dragoneggos @captain-aralias @takitalks @excalisbury (stealing your @ for Simon's Discord username hahaha) @otherworldsivelivedin @cutestkilla @ileadacharmedlife @gekkoinapeartree @bazzybelle @basiltonbutliketheherb @messofthejess @ivelovedhimthroughworse @nightimedreamersworld @artsyunderstudy @foolofabookwyrm-activated @ionlydrinkhotwater @yellobb @orange-peony @ic3-que3n @whogaveyoupermission @katmiscellanious @yeonjunenby @erzbethluna @larkral @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @shrekgogurt @raenestee @onepintobean @stitchyqueer @hushed-chorus
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ohgodmyeyes · 1 year
Hello love, I got someone else hooked to disassembly and we both can’t wait for updates to resume when possible ❤️
hey! i'd been meaning to do this for a couple of days, because you've been so unimaginably kind and patient.
i didn't anticipate ever needing such a long break from a creative project; but then, i've also never poured quite this much of myself into that kind of endeavour before. (*not sure whether i'm talking about disassembly by itself, or my anakin stuff in all its entirety, not that it especially matters in-context.)
anyway, because you trusted me enough to recommend it to someone new after watching it go so long without an update, i feel like i owe it to you to show you what i've written for it over the past couple of days. it's unedited, so there might be typos or notes or continuity problems or (most likely) egregious word repetition; despite that, i hope it measures up conceptually to the rest of the story.
i also hope it reassures anyone who's been in doubt that this fic means more to me than ever, and isn't far from being updated. i've loved working on it again, and i hope a few of the people who engaged with it before will enjoy coming back to it too.
i'm not going to shoot myself in the foot by deigning to offer a timeline, but i will say that there are approximately 700 words worth of SPOILERS for Disassembly behind the cut — including the baby's name!
if you would rather wait until the chapter is completed to read it, DO NOT LOOK BEHIND THE CUT.
for any/everyone else... well, i hope i'm off to a good start. (and for god's sake, pls be gentle if i'm not lol.)
"Liam. Do you like it?"
"Sure. I mean, I don't not like it. But I thought you said you wanted to pick something to make my dad happy, since Leia already used 'Ben'."
"...I thought I did. Didn't he ever tell you about his mom's old fiancé? They were going to get married; he treated your dad like he was his own kid, but he died before the wedding ever happened."
"...Oh. Right. I— I'm sure he must have mentioned him, at least once or twice."
Even now, you had no idea whether Luke had been feigning his familiarity with the name you'd chosen for your son. Maybe Anakin had told him; maybe he hadn't: Both possibilities seemed equally likely to you. All you really knew was that Anakin had disclosed the information to you while you'd been sitting on his couch with him, late one evening back at his old house. You'd been drinking that night, just passing a bottle back-and-forth while you watched the news scroll by together— not that you ever planned on revealing to Luke that particular bit of the story.
All Luke needed to know was the name itself, and the barest explanation as to why you'd picked it.
"I barely remember telling you about that," Anakin murmured from his seat next to your hospital bed, glancing up from the tiny bundle in your arms through a few stray strands of his own hair. His eyes were tired, but he looked happy anyway— happier, even, than you'd seen him since that last time he'd smiled at you in the car, after seeing his cardiologist. That hadn't been so long ago; now, though, it felt like another lifetime.
In more than one way, you supposed it sort of was.
Liam squirmed, prompting you to look down at him, too, but he didn't wake up. It had only been (maybe) an hour since he'd been pulled out of you; you'd placed him on your breast as soon as the nurse managing the ward had locked your bed into position and handed him off to you, but he hadn't suckled for very long before falling into what appeared to be a fairly restful sleep.
You hoped you'd fed him correctly: The next time he did wake up, you thought, you would have to ask someone for help.
"We'd both had a lot to drink that night," you said to Anakin, with as quiet a laugh as you could muster. "I'm actually almost surprised I remember— but something about it must have stuck with me."
Anakin chuckled back, but didn't appear to have anything else to say just then— evidently too wrapped up in the baby to give anything else very much of his attention. You recalled what you'd learned from Luke about how he and Leia had come into the world; by the time their dad had seen them with his own eyes, they were already more than a week old: Having been greeted, fed, changed, held, and dressed for days and days by people who weren't him.
Liam, in contrast, had almost certainly seen more of Anakin's face in his first sixty minutes of life than he had of yours— and it was Anakin who'd held him first, and taken photos of him first, too— not to mention given you the most helpful advice you'd received so far concerning diaper changes.
Fortunately for you, not knowing quite how to feel about any of that made it a lot easier to remember to try not to feel too much of anything about it at all.
"Have you heard anything from Luke yet?" you asked Anakin, not necessarily wanting to hear the answer.
"No, but I wouldn't expect him to call me. You should probably check your phone."
It had probably taken you the better part of an hour to shower and dress following your 'encounter' with Luke in the hallway, you thought; after that, you'd spent perhaps fifteen or twenty minutes in transit in the back of the taxi, and then another hour or so being evaluated before your c-section. Then there had been the operation itself, followed by your time in the recovery room, not to mention the time you and Anakin had already spent fawning over Liam—
"...You're right," you admitted, thinking about the way Luke tended to wake up early when he'd been drinking. "I probably should."
Your phone had been wrapped up in the clothes you'd come in wearing, and placed on the table next to the bed: Maybe by Anakin, or maybe by a nurse; you couldn't know. After gently depositing Liam into the bassinet on the opposite side of the bed (lifting your arms to do so precipitated a distinct stabbing sensation in the muscles close to where you'd been cut open, which you expertly ignored), you untangled it from your leggings and lit up the screen.
"Shit," you said— out loud, without meaning to.
"What?" asked Anakin, seeming almost to come out of a trance.
"...Luke thinks something happened to you. I— well, I think he might be on his way here soon." The prospect of Luke showing up at the hospital (maybe even still half-drunk) shouldn't have filled you with dread, but it did. By some miracle, your brain didn't even chastise you for your lack of enthusiasm; maybe, you thought, even it couldn't blame you.
Anakin paused, as if to think. He'd been doing a lot more of that recently, and so it wasn't difficult (for you, anyway) to remember to wait. It wasn't that his brain 'didn't work', as he seemed to have taken to characterizing it; rather, it was that it didn't work as quickly as he or anyone around him was accustomed to it working.
He was still himself, and he could even still act like it, too— just so long as you gave him enough time.
"...How does he know where we are?" he finally asked, all of a sudden making you regret your own patience, at least that time.
"What?" you asked back, this time intending to buy a few seconds for yourself instead.
"How does Luke know we're here, at the hospital? If he'd called, they would have told us."
Great job. Are you going to tell him about the dog tracker you put in his leg, now?
...No. No, fuck you.
"He must have told the computer at home that I lost my phone," you lied.
"Oh," said Anakin, followed by another long and thoughtful pause. "...Are you sure you're okay with that?"
You laughed, and laughed bitterly; you didn't mean to, exactly, but you also supposed that if anyone was liable to understand, it was almost certainly Anakin. "It doesn't matter whether or not I'm okay with it," you told him, stealing a guilty glance in Liam's direction as it occurred to you that you should probably start trying to be a bit more quiet for his sake.
"I think it matters," said Anakin. "If you don't feel like seeing him right now, then—"
"Then I'll see him anyway," you finished decidedly, looking down to offer a poke to your own still-tingling legs because you didn't want to look up at Anakin just then. Something like a cramp seemed to run through one of them; right up into where you'd been cut open, but it didn't hurt so much as it felt foreign: Enough to bother you, but not in a way that was liable to make you say 'ow'. "If I start treating him differently now, it's only going to make things worse for all of us."
"Before tonight I probably would have said the same thing, but—"
"But nothing. Did you forget what we talked about before— when I was still in the shower?"
Anakin shot you a look. "No. No, I didn't 'forget'— actually, I'm starting to think I remember it better than you do; I'm not the one who's been making excuses for him this whole time."
"I'm not 'making excuses'," you said, all of a sudden too tired to bother to mask the hurt in your voice. "I'm trying to hold all of this together long enough to give Liam the kind of life he deserves. He's only a baby; he can't grow up with Luke and I hating each other."
"He doesn't have to." Anakin looked past you, and over at the little hospital bassinet instead. "...I really wasn't joking when I said I thought you should call someone. If you leave now, Luke will—"
"Luke will dump you in the veteran's home, and none of us will ever see each other again," you hissed, cutting him off as sharply and deliberately as you could without shouting at him. "You say you haven't forgotten, but we've been over this more than once, and—"
"And every single time we do 'go over it', it gets worse! I didn't agree to move in because I thought it was a good idea; I did it to make you happy— because you thought we could keep flying under the radar, and I wanted to trust you. We're not anymore, though, whether we like it or not, and Luke—"
"Luke is going to be a great dad! You might not have been able to give him the tools to be a husband, but I know he's going to be a good father; all you have to do is let him try. Anyway, I need him as much as I need you... especially now," you added, with yet another glance in the direction of Liam's tiny, sleeping form.
"You don't need either of us," said Anakin, shaking his head. "You could do it alone, and I think you probably should."
You winced at his bluntness, not that you hadn't expected it. He'd said the same thing about Leia and her boyfriend, after all: Projecting his own fears around intimacy onto the people he cared about; pretending it was hard-earned wisdom instead. You supposed he could very well have been both 'correct' and 'projecting' at the same time, but...
AND THAT'S IT FOR NOW. i was tired last night and whatever else i wrote after that is still gibberish. back to it tonight, though, i hope. i would be lying if i said i didn't feel anxious and rusty, but it's okay to feel that way once in a while.
anyway... 'Liam' is a deliberate reference to Liam Neeson, because of course 'Qui-Gon' doesn't exactly fit into the AU. I wasn't sure whether it was a good idea to shoehorn a brand-new character into anakin's past for the sole purpose of justifying the name, but at the end of the day, it's not the clumsiest thing i've ever done as a writer (even within this story).
there's a chance i might go back and add a scene to an earlier chapter so that it isn't too jarring to new readers, but part of me also thinks it's fine the way it is. they've had lots of time to talk, frankly, and we were never going to hear all of the conversations, were we...?
anyway, i'm obviously not going to tag the ships or let people reblog this... but if you happen to know of someone who might appreciate it, you're more than welcome to link them. hopefully i'll see you again soon.
thank you, @lilahelynora — and everyone/anyone else who's been in any way patient with me recently (i'd tag a few other special people too, but frankly i don't want to bother them). it all means more than you know.
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fireflykaizoku · 2 years
Law x Reader | When You Remember Me | Chapter 4
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[1] - [2] - [3] i had about 4 or 5 chapters written already, but with works and college, the updates will probably be slower until early december when i finally have my summer breaks!
The first night was awkward, you had to admit it. Both of you knew that you wouldn’t want to sleep next to someone you just met… Well, kind of. So Law slept on the couch while you kept the bed. You didn’t even have to ask him to, he just grabbed his pillow and blankets and placed them over the couch.
Apparently, you found yourself a respectful man, at least. And you just started thinking how different he was from your ex. Law seemed so calm and patient while your ex was a bit of a hot headed guy.
After dinner, your favorite dish from your favorite restaurant (according to Law), you went to bed. It was obviously way more comfortable than the hospital bed, but you couldn’t sleep well. It was too much to absorb, it felt like you had a whole new life.
So after tossing and turning for what seemed like an eternity, you went to the kitchen to get some water, only to find your boyfriend/roommate. It was an awkward night for him as well.
— I’m sorry I’m making you go through all this. — you started. — I guess it isn't easy for you either. 
— It’s being harder for you than it is for me. — he shrugged, getting a cup of coffee. You thought it was a bit late for caffeine, but maybe it was his habit. — You’re the one who lost your memories and suddenly is living a life that you had no idea you had.
You nodded, looking down and starting to get lost in your thoughts. His surprisingly warm hand touched your shoulder, making you jump and look at him. His thumb caressed you softly.
— As I said, don’t worry and focus on recovering.
— Yes, of course. — you replied, taking a sip of your water. — Hey… If you’re not going to sleep so soon, can we… See what else is inside that box you brought to the hospital? — you smiled softly.
Law tried to hide a smile, but he was very glad to have this moment with you. Seeing that you wanted to bond with him instead of distancing yourself made his heart feel a bit more at ease. You followed the doctor back to the once shared bedroom and sat on the bed, waiting for him to get the little box.
You even lost track of time that night, looking at every picture, carefully listening to every story and forcing yourself to remember anything. Law even forgot to sleep, talking about the friends you two had, about the playlists you made and the story about how you got Bepo.
— Hey, Law… — you whispered as you looked at a picture of you two together, getting the man’s attention. — How did we meet?
Trafalgar rested his back against the headboard.
He wasn’t the best at telling stories, but right now, he wished he could describe the moment the best way he could, just so you could try to feel the same sensation you felt when you first met him. Oh well, how could he start?
Your love story started a year after you graduated college. Now that you dedicated enough time to your education and started to do well on your career, it felt like now you were able to recover from a bad breakup with your ex. Recently, you often thought it was a good moment to find someone nice, who wanted to grow with you.
It felt like destiny when your friend, Robin, had the perfect match for you. She had a few college classes with Law in the past, and also had some mutual friends with him. Maybe it was because the tattooed doctor had this serious, lonely and mysterious personality, so he was single for quite some time now.
The girl somehow knew that you two would get along very well. Call it intuition.
So that’s how, a couple of weeks later during a gathering at her place, you spotted Law, sitting in the corner trying to get away from Luffy’s shenanigans.
— Hey, you. — you smiled, sitting next to him, ignoring the fact that maybe he wanted to be alone. — Why are you here alone instead of being with the others?
He shrugged.
— They’re too loud. — that’s all he said, not really keeping the conversation.
However, you didn’t give up easily and kept talking to the man until finally finding a subject that you both liked.
That’s when you two simply… Clicked, and started talking until your friends interrupted the moment.
You giggled, imagining the scene in your head.
— I can see this happening. — you said. — They really can be too loud. So, we kept talking after that?
— Uhum. — Law hummed. — You asked for my number before we all went home. And ever since then, we never stopped talking.
Neither of you said anything, and all you could hear was the sound of your hands flipping the pictures and Bepo’s snoring.
— Hey… — Law broke the silence, awkwardly finding the right words to ask what he wanted to ask ever since you woke up. — Do you… Do you remember your ex, then?
You raised an eyebrow.
— Ah, Kid? — you asked, making him nod. — The last thing I remember is him wanting to talk to me, wanting to get back together. But… I’m glad that I apparently got over him and found a good person, right? — you smiled.
Your answer reassured Law. It’s not that he doubted your feelings for him, but things were different now. He was afraid that since you lost your memories, you’d only remember your ex and the good memories with him.
— Are you… Afraid that I have feelings for him? — you whispered. Law’s silence was the answer. — Don’t worry, Law. I may have lost my memory, and I know that… I don’t remember our relationship, but you don’t have to worry about Kid. I don’t have to recover my memories to know that I don’t have feelings for him anymore.
Law nodded, feeling a bit silly to start such a subject.
His thoughts were interrupted by his alarm, telling him that it was time to “wake up” and get ready for work.
— Are you sure you’ll be okay while I’m gone? — he asked, making his way to the door. 
— Yes. — you smiled. — Thank you for unlocking my phone, by the way. And if I need anything, I’ll call you or Robin, don’t worry. But honestly, I think I’ll sleep most of the day.
The doctor nodded, almost making his way to give you a kiss, but he figured it’d still be a bit awkward for both of you. Instead, he placed a kiss on your forehead before leaving.
You had no memories of Law, but by the butterflies you felt on your stomach when his lips touched your skin, it’s like your mind knew that Law was the love of your life.
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trickster-shi · 5 months
WIP Updates
Been a while since I did one of these, and I should honestly be trying to sleep so this damn sore throat/respiratory crap goes away, but I just can't breathe when I lay down >_< however, I'm feeling a bit better than a couple days ago so I'll do this update and see if I can concentrate long enough to get some words in on at least one of these projects.
Project Zander:
I finished chapter five last night and sent it off to the beta readers. That one took a while to really come together to my satisfaction, especially the past scene. I had over 10k words on this chapter at one point before figuring out what it needed and cutting it down to 6500.
I am now working on outlining the next five chapters before I dive into chapter six.
Untitled Original Project:
I decided to scavenge some parts from Teenage Vigilante Witch and build an original story out of it. So far I like what I've got, which is about 4k words and needs a lot of outlining. Still keeping the found family aspect, but I'm doing a lot of world building and outlining to ensure it's a very different story from Teenage Viginate Witch. Looking back on it now, there was a lot of stuff I wish I'd explored in that first story, but it was written very fast and thrown up on archive to prove to myself that I could still write. I never intend to go back and edit or rewrite any of it, so I'm going to take the potential it had and put it into another story and take it a couple jogs to the left. Mostly, I'm going to be exploring that guilty/vigilante mindset with a spell amnesia twist that slowly pulls back to reveal a truth better left forgotten with a different take on found family. Still working out a lot of the details but I'm excited for it.
Home Across the Universe #10:
It's a little over 3k at the moment but I have notes and scenes in my email that I need to get and stitch together in the draft, so it's likely closer to 5k. Also, I already have the ending outlined and I'm excited to get to that since it's a cliffhanger I'm gonna get yelled at over. Looking forward to that. I may poke at this one today and see if I can get some more written on it.
Rabbit Come Home part 4:
Also a little over 3k written, I'm still outlining the scenes to make sure I include everything I need to so it's a satisfying ending. I'm shooting for this to be the end of the series and there are a lot of threads to tie off.
Into the Black, Episode 3:
Also sitting at 3k, this has a couple of chunk sitting in my email I need to stitch in as well. I haven't worked on it in a couple weeks and need to sit down and outline my scenes to figure out where it needs to go. I have a vague idea but not enough to work on, especially today with my mind being fried from sickness.
Untitled Sequel to the supposed Jurassic World/Teen Wolf Oneshot:
I told myself it was a one shot and I believed it for a while, but a plot bunny bit me after a recent rewatch of Fallen Kingdom and I now have...5,515 words of a sequel. It goes a bit AU from Fallen Kingdom because I had high hopes for the promises that movie set up for Dominion that Dominion just did not deliver for me. I'm still let down about that, apparently. I'm aiming to keep the story small in scale, but it was fun pitting Stiles against dinosaurs the first time and this sequel has him showcasing some more of his smarts while injured and a little delirious from pain meds, so it should be entertaining.
Aaand, that's all I've been working on lately. Hoping to get the next Home Across the Universe oneshot finished and posted first, though I'm not making any promises or predictions on when that will be. Hopefully I can scrape together enough brain cells to work on it today and get it closer to the end scene.
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The Other Evans Girl [Part Twenty Four]
Fandom: Harry Potter [Marauder’s Era]
Pairing: Sirius Black x Original Female Character, Sirius Black x Daisy Evans, James Potter x Lily Evans
Characters: Sirius Black, Original Female Character, Daisy Evans, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Alice Fortescue, Frank Longbottom, Marlene McKinnon, Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort, Peter Pettigrew, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix LeStrange, Walburga Black, Orion Black, Jasper Thicknesse, Barty Crouch Jr, Mulciber, Walden McNair
Word Count: 2092
Rating: Mature
Summary: Hogwarts is a safe haven, a home for many, but it’s often a place where heartache, love and complex emotions dwell and none know that better than the Marauders. Lily Evans just wants to make it out as a successful witch though the oncoming war and the ongoing advances of James Potter threaten that. Daisy Evans, her twin, has other goals. Join the Evans sisters as they make their way through Hogwarts, prepare for war and eventually find love.
Tags/ Warnings: Hogwarts, Friends, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Marauder’s Era, Teenage Angst, Babies, Weddings, Dating, Crying, Loss of Virginity, First Wizarding War, Love, Kissing, Teenagers, James Potter is a bit of a dick, Hogsmeade, 1970s, Fighting, Loss of Parents, Grief, Babies, Injuries, Gore, Harm, Christmas,  The Potter’s Mansion // Daisy’s Dress // NYE Lily’s Dress // NYE Daisy’s Dress // Lily’s Ring // Daisy’s Ring
Notes: Okay so I’ve been working on updating this and I’ve finally gone through all the chapters already written before I start writing more. It’s changed a lot so I’ve decided it’s just better to completely re-upload it.  
If you want tagging let me know
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With Lily now at the help ironing out the details regarding recruiting others didn’t take too long. She was the perfect mix of logic and empathy that made the others see the cause which meant that by the end of the week they had gotten Alice, Marlene, and Frank on board and were eyeing up the possibility of convincing some more Gryffindors to join them at a later point. And, eager to get started they all decided there was no better time than Halloween to have their first meeting given that they shouldn’t be disturbed as everyone would be dining in the great hall. The only problem would be getting away. There was no chance that they could not attend or try to leave the feast at any point because as soon as McGonagall spotted so many of her students were absent she’d for sure come looking for them. So, what they needed was a distraction and whilst Lily had been a great help getting people on board and researching defensive tactics and hexes she wasn’t a prank mastermind. This called for the Marauders.
As Halloween rolled in and excitement started to build throughout the student body for the feast Daisy felt nervous. She didn’t know if it was the nerves of being caught or excitement of finally feeling as though she was doing something useful but whatever it was lingered inside her, not disappearing as Sirius nodded at her from where he was sitting way up the table, reassuring her they were set even though they’d decided to split into two groups. She nodded back to him and then turned away, trying to ignore the sickly feeling inside her as Lily slipped into her seat beside her looking just as nervous. In fact they seemed to be the only subdued students in the room, the entire hall abuzz with excitement as they prepared for the feast. In terms of eating Daisy never found Halloween much different, she thought the elves always did a great job, but the atmosphere was different as after eating they were all allowed to stay, to mingle with their friends and other students instead of being shepherded back to their common rooms or into quiet public spaces.
As the last couple of people sat down McGonagall stood up, causing the entire crowd to shush, and then gestured to Dumbledore who rose from his seat and thanked her with a kind smile before he said, ‘students. Thank you all for taking the time to join us on what promises to be another fulfilling Halloween night. It has been said before that I am a man of few words, alas, that is true especially when there is food and fun to be had. Tuck in.’
And with a flurry of his hands, food appeared in droves on the long tables and chatter arose once more as the students started their meal. Though as she loaded her plate up with a hot dog and some pumpkin pie Daisy couldn’t help but allow her gaze to shift down to James who was sitting next to Sirius who busy chatting to Remus across the table. From beside her she felt Lily’s gaze follow to where her sister was now watching the messy haired boy check his watch, the plate in her hand all but forgotten. Now that there was two of them ogling him he seemed to feel the weight of their gaze and looked up which made Lily turn away quickly, though not fast enough that both James and Daisy couldn’t see the tinge of pink on her cheeks. When she looked back at him he had a gigantic grin on his face which made her roll her eyes. Then as discreetly as she could she tapped her wrist, hoping he’d get her meaning, which fortunately he did, mouthing, ‘ten minutes,’ at her before turning back to whatever the boys were talking about. Daisy felt those nerves return. Whatever they had planned was happening soon and in an effort not to dwell on the anticipation Daisy decided to make the most of her chance to eat something and she scarfed down her entire plate so quickly she could feel a lump in her chest.
‘You’re going to make yourself sick,’ Lily said as Daisy crammed in another mouthful of pie. Lily, ever the prim and proper sister, was delicately lapping at her pea soup seemingly unbothered by the time limit. ‘Need-eat-quick,’ Daisy said her mouth full. Lily scrunched up her face in disgust. ‘You’re such a pig,’ she said before dropping her voice to a whisper, ‘besides how do you expect to practice hexes and spells that might throw you about with half a pie in your gob.’ ‘Fair point,’ Daisy said, instantly chewing slower. As she finished her second piece of pie and dropped her fork onto her plate there was an echoing thud.
And then another one.
And another.
As a curious look swept across the faculty the source of the noise then became apparent. There was another thud as a small pumpkin landed on the table in front of Dumbledore. It was raining pumpkins. Whilst students started ducking for cover the staff went into a flurry of panic, trying to stop the onslaught of raining pumpkins to no avail. Children started rising from the tables, trying to get away from what was now becoming a heavy downpour of all sizes of squash, and giggles and screams could be heard as the stone floor turned orange, blanketed underneath a layer of pumpkin rain.
‘Everybody remain calm,’ McGonagall shrieked as she gestured for everyone to go into the entryway. Other staff hurried the children along too all except Dumbledore who merely chuckled to himself as he made his way gracefully out of the hall, even if he did have to navigate around many a squash. As the dregs of students left the room, leaving the staff to battle the continuing assault of falling pumpkins, they discovered that there wasn’t much room in the entry way, their classmates already spilling up onto stairs towards the courtyards, dungeons and dormitories. In all the commotion Daisy moved to the edge of the room, Lily and Marlene close behind her, surveying the carnage to see if there was chance to slip away. The boys were nowhere to be seen as were Frank and Alice, though Lily had leaned in to whisper they’d gone out a door in the great hall, Frank kindly helping the first year’s to safety having made them invisible to the teachers. All they had to do was head towards astronomy tower and seeing that all eyes were not in their direction, watching the teachers try and fail to get a handle on the chaos or on students who had been hit in the downpour, Daisy clasped her hand around Lily’s wrist to pull her away. Yet as she did McGonagall appeared, her beady eyes trained across the crowd no doubt looking for the Marauders and yet only finding Daisy’s. Daisy paused, trying to look as innocent as she could as her teacher’s gaze lingered on her only breaking as Peeves appeared overhead, flying above them with a gleeful shriek.
‘Little round pumpkins falling from the skies, You better run and cover your eyes, For when they fall all over the place, They’ll go splat all over your face!’
He giggled as he zoomed above them, throwing pumpkins of his own that he’d conjured, and realising that this was their best opportunity to dart Daisy yanked Lily who grabbed Marlene and followed her through an ajar door to the dungeons. Daisy ran down the steps as quickly as possible, her friends close behind, only slowing as she got to the bottom and found Alice and Frank waiting nervously.
‘You made it then,’ Alice giggled as the girls came into view. ‘Just about,’ Lily said with a sigh of relief. ‘I thought for sure McGonagall had caught us for the prank but I think she thinks it’s Peeves now,’ Daisy said. ‘Oh Minnie definitely thinks it’s Peeves now,’ Sirius said appearing from the other end of the corridor with Remus, James and Peter in tow. ‘Well at least we hope so,’ James said, ‘we gave him a big bag of sweets to take the blame.’ ‘So,’ Lily said cutting through James’ laughter with a curt tone, ‘Remus and I have got some things we think might be useful but have you got us a place to practice?’ ‘Alright Evans keep your hair on,’ James said getting out the Marauder’s map and opening it in front of him, causing everyone to crowd around as it started to reveal it’s magic. Their names were in the middle of the map, largely drowned out by the masses of people congregated just above them, though as the prank had started to wane, no doubt becoming easier to handle for the teachers, those names started to filter back into the great hall. James didn’t pay attention to them, instead he pointed to a spot and explained, ‘Sirius and I were going over all the places and we think we’ve found the perfect place.’ ‘You want to go to the attic?’ Alice said sceptically looking at the elegant script just below his finger that read attic. ‘I didn’t even know there was one,’ Frank said. ‘We’ve been up there once or twice,’ Sirius said, ‘it’s away from literally everything. It’s on a quiet corridor and no one knows it’s there except Filch and Dumbledore it seems.’ ‘And if Filch comes?’ Lily butted in, ‘it’s only got one entrance. Which means only one exit.’ ‘We thought you could get up a nice silencing charm going. And we can watch the map to keep tabs on where Filch is,’ James said as if it were obvious. ‘Well it is a great map,’ Lily said, ‘even if it does break about fifty school rules.’ ‘You like it?’ James stuttered with a humble smile. ‘It takes talent, I can’t argue with that,’ Lily said. As no one offered any complaints James nodded and lead them in the direction the needed to go, Lily following behind quickly, her eyes roving over the map over his shoulder. Sirius and Daisy exchanged a smile.
Once up in the attic Remus and Lily started to put a muffling charm around the room whilst everyone else cleared a space. Fortunately once they’d pushed most of the stuff towards the back wall they found they had quite a good amount of room, even so much to allow them to lay a few old mattresses down as crash mats. Though once everything was set up they sort of loitered waiting for someone to initiate the first move.
‘So what now?’ Frank said, his eyes scanning the group as he threw an arm around Alice’s shoulders. ‘Well I guess we could start with some hexes,’ Lily said grabbing her book full of notes. ‘Why don’t we start by telling each other why we’re here?’ Remus said. ‘We know why we’re here,’ Sirius said rolling his eyes. ‘To learn spells, right?’ Frank said, ‘outside of those that they teach in school.’ ‘Well, yeah,’ James said. ‘But it’s more than that,’ Daisy said. ‘It’s war,’ Sirius said. ‘Padfoot!’ Remus chastised as seven scared faces looked at him. ‘What? I’m only being honest. We can pretend that we’re here just to learn defensive spells and yeah that might be why you’re all here but I’m here to learn how to defend myself. And how to fight. Because that’s what the Slytherins are doing. That’s what He is getting people to do. Fight. Kill…and I for one am not going to stand for it,’ Sirius said firmly. ‘Us either,’ James said putting his arms around his best mate and Remus. Peter loitered awkwardly beside Remus. ‘And me,’ Marlene said, ‘Sirius is right-’ ‘Woah never thought you’d say that again,’ Sirius chuckled earning him a scowl. ‘Sirius is right. Those death eaters,’ she said with a shudder, ‘they’re in more places than you think. They’re trying to convert people even within our school so we need as many people as possible.’ ‘Well count us in,’ Frank and Alice said, ‘are we starting?’ ‘Let’s do it,’ Daisy said, ‘Lil?’ Lily nodded and looked down at her notes, ‘okay…so first I wanted to go over something called the Imperius curse.’
@maeisafangirl @mysteriouslydelicateface @caitlin1996 @imthebadguyyy
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bomberqueen17 · 2 years
CHAPTER UPDATE Golden Towers ch 3
I got wayyyy off my schedule, not just because of farm work and Thanksgiving travel and such, but also because I have like. An embarrassing number of side projects I’m not officially working on AND YET.
But. here I am, and I have managed a chapter update AND know what the next chapter is going to be and have also written an embarrassing amount of material for what, it turns out, was not this chapter or the next. we’ll see how it all fits together.
MEANWHILE we are joining Ciri et al shortly after her first arrival at the City of the Golden Towers.
Golden Towers, chapter 3, on AO3
Could be better but it could be worse, Ciri thought, gazing at her own nude form in the enormous mirror adorning the wall of the dressing-room of the Emperor’s private baths.
She was in better condition than she’d been in years; these last couple of weeks of travel had been much easier than the prior several years, and she’d lost some of the sharp hungry edge she’d gained during her endless period of pursuit. Her boobs were almost worth the name, now, she thought with some delight, shimmying a little to see that there was actually spare flesh there now to jiggle, but the delight immediately turned to glumness: she’d get soft now, if she couldn’t think of a way to keep her exercise up. And it wasn’t like it would be such a bad thing, to put on a little flesh, but she feared being out of shape the next time something horrible was chasing her.
Being the Crown Princess to an Empire didn’t mean there were no more horrible things chasing her. She knew better than that.
But she also knew how to enjoy herself. The baths had been decadent and luxurious, and if she was being offered expensive and exquisite oils and unguents to anoint her various scabby bits and scars, she’d take it. She used the beautiful little mother-of-pearl-handled nail scissors to get her toenails into shape, and filed her fingernails with the delicate, tiny, matching rasp set out for the purpose.  Afterward she put on a ridiculously fluffy robe and delicate little house slippers, set out for her and surprisingly accurately-sized to her feet, and made her way back to the suite of rooms the Emperor had set aside for her, finding that her scant luggage had been brought in and there were already sets of new fine clothes waiting for her there.
It wasn’t that she’d never been treated like this, or that she hadn’t grown up accustomed to these sorts of things. It had just… been a long time, and she’d lost the knack.
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karalynlovescake · 2 years
2023 writing list
Not exactly a New Years resolution, as those don't often pan out, but more of a personal checklist. Please feel free to stroke my ego by asking me about any of these. If I remember I'll update with links as I finish.
I did not expect to start writing again in 2022, and the fact that I did is completely because of Sandman and the amazing tumblr fandom for it. So. Things I would like to write/finish in 2023:
1.) Black Unicorn AU: it has languished while I put off rereading the source material and write other things. I know HOW it ends but I don't like the ending scene I've written and until I do it won't click. But no one else is going to write this one so we'll keep working on it.
2.) He Would Not Say That: which has expanded to the point where I'm overwhelmed by it and overthinking the morality of fucking your boyfriend's dream subjects, which is a buzzkill because it was supposed to be very un serious sex comedy. Hob would give Chidi Anagonye a massive stomach ache if I could justify the crossover.
3.) Crack one-shot: Come Live With Me and Be My Cat - a spin-off of love to Avelera’s amazing fic and inspired by that great picture that @twottie-m8 did of Hob throwing Cat!Dream at the Corinthian
4.) Some kind of SandOmens side piece PROBABLY attached to Least of These so we can have a good fun "you built a what to whom" reaction from Aziraphale and Crowley.
4a.) The Next Level - wrote this instead, a very soft fluffy little piece where Dream asks Aziraphale and Crowley for advice on being the type of friends who hold hands. We'll see if that scratched my itch to write SandOmens.
5) Actually, let’s throw The Least of These on this list. Didn’t include it before because I started it in Nov/Dec, but it was SUPPOSED to be a soft smutty 5k and now it is 25k and is more plot than smut, and has taken up more of my time than I anticipated
6) As of yet untitled longfic #1: if published will be two separate works, part one a setup of "Dream shows up every couple of years for sex, but in a different disguise every time because he thinks he's smart" and part two is your standard fishbowl rescue/let's rewrite season 1, because we like them. I want this to be better than I feel I'm capable of writing but I keep plonking away at it, and it's 16k words already, which is too much for me to give up on.
7) A Secret Third Thing: (not actual title) where I come to terms with the fact that in killing off Morpheus by having him put half his soul in the Corinthian I accidentally made an OC that I'm kind of interested in.
8) Honeymoon piece: I don't want to write the wedding, that sounds exhausting, but Hob wants to honeymoon somewhere he hasn't been where they can just be themselves, and Dream takes him to a little side project he, Delirium and Destruction started a few centuries back: a friendly desert community where the sun is hot, the moon is beautiful, and mysterious lights pass overhead while everyone pretends to sleep. The King of Nightmares is a minor celebrity in Nightvale, and he gets to show off his new husband. Silly.
8a) I did, in the end, write a wedding, if a rather hasty one, so we have: Then maybe, maybe, maybe you'd stay which was written almost entirely in 72 hours in a tiny hotel room in a foreign country 6000 miles from home, after my husband's passport got stolen 15 hours before we were supposed to fly home, thus turning the end of our dream vacation into nearly a literal nightmare. Apparently I stress write. You learn things when you travel.
9) The Financial Crimes of Hob Gadling, only of I can think of a way to do it that shows off my special interest without publishing a "How to crime" guide.
10) Longfic #2, working title "All the Things That Lie Undone" - loosely based off the plot of a favorite out of print smutty historical romance novel. Basic plotline is worked out, but so far all that's written so far is the first two chapters and one sex scene.
11) Longfic #3 which has eclipsed all desire to work on Longfic #2, which will hopefully be my Centennial Husbands Big Bang entry.
12) Anything I want, there are no rules, I have permission to have fun and make myself feel happy.
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