#and I can't see a way for this to poison the image without taking away from that and basically covering up that detail work
thethingything · 7 months
trying to do a test run of Nightshade to see what it actually makes our art look like (I'm not sure confident it'll work well on our style without a bunch of visible artifacts) and the main thing I'm learning so far is that it's a great way to very quickly heat up our laptop and that the "5 minute" render setting keeps saying its going to take anywhere from 60 to 80 minutes even with no other applications open
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we initially tried to do the slowest render but after leaving it to do that for half an hour we came back and it said something like 337 minutes left so we cancelled it
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writeroutoftime · 4 months
true love's kiss
pairing: azriel x reader
summary: when azriel is hit with a powerful poison what - or who - will be able to save him?
warnings: talks of death, angst
words: 2.8k (buckle up)
a/n: my first azriel story and I'm so excited!! this idea just popped in my head the other day, and I ran with it lol. it was so much fun to write, so I hope you have just as much fun reading it!
(p.s. requests are open if you'd like to send anything in!)
Without warning, your heart began to pump furiously and an uneasy feeling settled over your body. Your muscles tensed up, as if preparing for an attack, and only moments later, you noticed Feyre's glazed over eyes widened in fear. Lunch suddenly postponed, she shot to her feet and ran towards the living room while you, Mor, and Amren quickly trailed behind. 
Before you even stepped foot in the room, your suspicions were confirmed as the scent of blood and fear smacked you in the face. There was a brief space of time in which you mourned for the anguish Feyre would feel over an injured Rhys. However, the image of Rhys and Cass heaving an unconscious Azriel onto the couch suddenly seared itself into your mind. 
"What happened?" you whispered the words over the commotion, though it rang out loud and clear to the Inner Circle despite its wobble. 
"We were ambushed in Windhaven." Cass explained while Rhys reached into the void to call for Madja. "Az's side was struck with a sword, but it must have been laced with poison. One second he was standing behind me, and the next thing I knew, he let out a shout before collapsing almost immediately." 
Tears lined your eyes at the thought, and the pain didn't register when you dropped to the ground beside Azirel, hands hovering over his body. The dark swirl of shadows that nearly obscured him from view parted for you, allowing you access to their master. 
"Oh, Azriel." you breathed out, only distinguishable to you and his shadows. The later wisping gently around your face, brushing a stray tear from your cheek. You leaned into the gesture, wishing it was Azriel's palm against your skin. 
Suddenly, you felt strong arms pull your shoulders away from Azriel as Madja stepped in and took your place, her gaze instantly drawn to his wound. Meanwhile, your family stepped back in fear. Rhys held Feyre tight in his grasp, and Cassian offered you and Mor each a comforting hand.
The only sounds for the next few minutes were Madja's grunts and huffs as she did her best to treat the injury. You couldn't help but cringe into Cass' side as her hands turned a dark-red, tinted from the blood that should have long ago clotted. It felt like an eternity before the healer turned around to face all of you, her face worn. 
"I've done what I can to stabilize him, but the sword that struck our Shadowsinger was indeed laced with a poison I have yet to see. Unfortunately, it still seems to be working his way through his system. I can't say for certain how much time he has, but I will work swiftly to find an answer." she explained solemnly, taking in the pained expressions of you and your friends. "All I do know is whatever the cure ends up being, it needs to be a strong source of magic. I'm sorry I can't offer better news."
Rhys was the first to break through the stunned silence. "Thank you, Madja. C-can we move him somewhere more comfortable?" 
The healer nodded before taking her leave. In her stead, all of you gaped in shock before Rhys and Cass worked together to move Azriel to a bed where they thought he would be more comfortable. Once they got him settled, you pulled a chair up, next to his bed, a stack of thick, dusty books beside you. If there was nothing you could do at the moment, by the cauldron you would at least help Madja research a cure. 
When your focus couldn't get past the first few sentences on a page, you shut the book with a sigh and furiously wiped at your eyes. The tears wouldn't stop, no matter what you did. Carefully, you reached out and interlaced your hand with one of Azriel's, placing a soft kiss against the marred skin. 
"Please, please wake up, Azriel." you whispered into the room. "I don't know what we'd do - what I'd do - without you." you told him, praying to the Mother and anyone else listening to heal your best friend. 
As day bled into night, Rhys and Cass came into the room, trying to relieve you even just for an hour. They tempted you with food, rest, or even just a moment alone, but you refused. How could you leave Azriel alone in his moment of need? Eventually they got the hint, and slowly, the rest of your family began to take up residence in the room alongside you.
"How can there be nothing on this subject?" you shouted, tossing the book to the floor with a loud thump. 
The rest of the Night Court looked up at your outburst, their own eyes red and bleary from the hours and hours of research. It had been three days since Madja first examined Azriel, and even the experienced healer was coming up empty. With every hour that passed, you felt the hope in your soul drain even further.  
"There has to be an answer somewhere." Cass placated, stretching out his wings from where he sat. "Someone has to have used this poison before." 
"That doesn't mean they had to write the antidote down, boy." Amren spoke cooly from her spot, ignoring your pointed glare. 
"What is it, Feyre?" Rhys asked, taking note of her trance like state. She shook her head slightly at her mate before turning her attention to the rest of the group. 
"Well...I was just thinking. Madja said whatever the cure ends up being will have to be powerful, but maybe we've been thinking about this too literally. Maybe it's not an answer that can be found in a book. What has been a powerful motivator for all of us over the years? Was even the answer to end Amarantha's reign?" she asked, the group shuddered at the mention of the name of that devil. "Love." 
You stared at your High Lady, head titled to the side. "Okay, but how is that going to help us now? It's not like any of us don't love Azriel." 
"And it's not exactly a position we can give him." Mor chimed in. 
Feyre reached out a tattooed hand and grasped Rhys' hand. "Or maybe it is." she countered. "I don't know about here in the Night Court, but haven't you ever heard fairytales? True love conquering all with a kiss, and all that?"  
"Do you think it would really work?" you ask, your tone warm and face full of light for the first time in days. 
All eyes fell to Rhys and Ameren for guidance. The two shared a look, silently communicating their opinions on the matter, but it was Rhys who spoke first. "I've never heard of an instance of true love's kiss being the answer, but since when have we been known to do anything traditionally?" he said with a small grin, inspiring a soft chuckle in the room. 
"Well," Cass dragged out. "I would try, but I don't think Az would appreciate me waking him up with a kiss." 
You rolled your eyes at the general, before considering the impact of his words. "Doesn't that leave us with a problem? Azriel hasn't found his mate, so we're still stuck and unable to break though." A small pang shot through you at the idea of Azriel's mated to an unknown female, but you quickly tamped that down. This was a matter of life or death. 
All eyes of the Inner Circle turned to face you. Looks of disbelief, amusement, and even understanding from Rhys, came your way. You caved in on yourself, suddenly feeling your cheeks heat under the scrutiny. This was not the time for their games. 
Mor spoke your name, gently, as her hand reached out to grasp yours. "Do we really need to spell it out?" she asked in your silence. 
"Spell what out?"
Amren, having had enough of the tiptoeing, finally spat it out. "That you're in love with the Shadowsinger, and have been for decades. If anyone in this room has the power to break this curse, it's you." 
A laugh bubbled up and out of your throat at her words, born out of sheer nerves that shot through your body. "N-no, no. I am not in love with Azriel. I mean, yes, I care for him - of course I do! I love him the way I love all of you. I'd do anything to help, but I really don't think this is going to work." you stuttered and stumbled over your words, bashful from the accusation. 
"We've all seen the way you look at each other, y/n." Feyre spoke gently, her eyes soft and she stared at you. "I think you love Azriel a bit differently than the rest of us." 
Her words brought tears to your eyes. Yes, you were in love with your best friend - how cliche. It had been that way for decades, but you never had the courage to speak up and say anything to him. And now, all these feelings were being dredged up in such a tense situation. What if it wasn't enough? What if you weren't enough to save him? 
"Okay, fine, you've caught me." you conceded, throwing your hands up in the air as your voice grew thick and heavy once more. "Is that what you want me to say? That I've been in love with Azriel for years, and it's killed me to just stay by his side as just a friend?" a defensive anger rose in your body as you looked at each member of your family. "But you're forgetting an important piece to this puzzle. Just because I'm in love with Azriel, doesn't mean I'm his true love." 
With that, you ran out of the room, collapsing against the wall in the hallway. You tried to take deep, steady breaths to calm your breathing, but it did little to help the situation. A few minutes later, you heard soft footsteps come up to your side, and Mor pulled you into a giant hug. The two of you stayed in silence for a few moments, grateful for the anchor she acted as in the moment. 
"I know that was a lot to throw on you, and for you to have to admit to us." she spoke, softly and cautiously. "And nobody judges you for how you feel or how you're reacting." 
"I'm so scared." you confessed. "W-what if I try and it doesn't work?" 
Mor looks at you with a gentle smile. "What if you try and it does work?" she countered. "I think you underestimate the extent of Azriel's feelings for you. And, if, Mother forbid, it doesn't work, then we'll figure something else out." 
Her words gave you a sense of comfort and the courage to wipe your tears and walk back towards Az's room. Before you stepped back in, you gave Mor's hand a grateful squeeze then rolled your shoulders back. 
All talking ceased as you walked back in, and you knew your family had to have been discussing what to do if you didn't agree with their plan. But this was Azriel's life on the line, and you would do anything to protect it. Even if that meant having your feelings revealed, or rejected. 
"Okay, let's try this." you told the Inner Circle, calmly and with conviction you tried to convince yourself you had. "But, all of you are waiting outside." 
There were no laughs or jokes at your expense, which surprised you, especially coming from Cassian. Instead, they all nodded their heads and solemnly and filed outside to wait. On his way out, Cassian squeezed your shoulder and nodded. 
"Bring him back to us." he whispered, board line pleading with you to save his brother's life. 
When it was just you and Azriel alone in the room, you took a deep breath and crossed the space until you knelt before his bed. You took the moment to study his features. His hazel eyes, normally full of life and mischief, now were shut off from you. His skin looked more swallow and the rise and fall of his chest seemed to slow with each breath that passed. Even the presence of his shadows seemed dimmer as Azriel's life slowly drained before your eyes. 
With a shaky hand, you reached out to brush away soft tendrils of hair that had fallen into Azriel's face. "Can you hear me, Az?"
The air was heavy as you waited a response that never came. 
"We all miss you so much. I miss you - my best friend. I-I know it's not fair of me to ask, but just keep holding on, keep fighting. Please." you whispered, leaning down to rest your forehead against his body, gathering your courage. "Look, Feyre has this crazy theory about what could save you. It's uh, true love's kiss." 
Again, no response. 
"This was not the way I expected to tell you, not that I thought I'd tell you if I'm being honest. But even though I don't want to jeopardize our friendship, I'd rather have you alive and never speak to me again than gone forever. So, here it goes." you took a deep breath. "I love you Azriel, I think I always have. You are so good and kind, and the kind of male I've dreamed about for years. I-it's okay if you don't feel the same," you forced yourself to say. "but I thought you should know given our situation."
Not sure what else to say, you took one more look at the male in front of you, placed a gentle kiss against his cheek, and then dipped your head down to meet his lips. They were chapped against your own after a few days without enough water. Az's normal smell of cedar and mist was faint, but still there, and comforted you as it surrounded your senses. 
You poured as much love and hope into the kiss as possible before slowly pulling away, falling to sit on your legs. The next few seconds that passed seemed to stretch for hours, waiting for a sign, a movement, anything. Just as you were about to sag and give up hope, a loud gasp sounded next to you and Azriel's frame jolted up. 
"Azriel!" you shouted, watching as the color returned to his face and his eyes darted around the room. 
Those hazel eyes finally landed on your frame, and Azriel quirked a small, albeit, sleepy smile at you. "y/n." he whispered, holding out a hand. 
Wasting no time, you grasped onto the anchor for dear life, and the tears immediately began to pour down your face. "I can't believe you're awake. Oh, I was so scared for you Azriel. How are you feeling? Are you in pain? We have to get Madja and the other's here. I'll go-" you rambled, before being cutting off my Azriel. 
"Hey, hey, calm down." he soothed, pulling you up onto the bed, flush against him. "I feel fine, considering I was just on the brink of death." he chuckled. 
"Don't make jokes like that." you swatted at his chest. "We almost lost you." 
"Yeah, but you saved me." he said, looking down at you in awe. 
Suddenly bashful again, you began to stutter. "Oh, no, I didn't do much. It was all Feyre's idea, and we all were here helping to research." 
"But Rhys and Cass weren't the one's to bring me back with a kiss." he said, and you felt as though your entire body was on fire at Azriel's words. 
"Y-you heard all that?" 
"I did." he nodded, nuzzling his nose against your neck. "And, I can't believe it took us until now to say anything, but I love you, y/n." he admitted, turning your face so you stared into his eyes. 
As the words left Azriel's lips, both of your gasped. This time, however, it wasn't because of a sleeping curse, but because of the taught, golden thread you felt connecting your soul to Azriel's. Your mind swirled with a thousand thoughts, but the loudest one was "mate, mate, mate." 
You stared at the male before you in awe, and Azriel grinned. "My mate. My knight in shining armor." he teased, then leaned down to capture your lips once more. 
This time, the kiss sent butterflies to your stomach and you revealed in the feeling of Azriel's strong arms around your body. His kiss was long and unhurried, as though you had all the time in the world to explore. And as you kissed him back, you found yourself giddy at the thought of the rest of your immortal life with Azriel.
It was only when the doors had been thrown open and the rest of your family came stumbling in did you and Azriel pull apart. The two of you looked at each other, then busted out laughing at the shocked faces of your family. 
"It worked!" 
"You're awake." 
"The two of you are mates?!" 
Their voices all overlapped, and you felt Az sigh against you, hugging you close. Yes, your family was a lot, but they meant well. And now, you could live happily ever after. 
a/n: ahh, I'm pretty impressed by how quickly this went from an idea to a story! kinda feel like I rushed the end, but oh well! hope you enjoyed!
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rainba · 4 months
Guilt and Jealousy ღ
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eee.. Sorry, this is messy.. I randomly wanted to write another fic. ^^;;;;;; Not really proofread..
Basically: Ace suddenly discovers that you're dating someone else without telling him, and he can't stand the idea of that. Can't think straight.
CWs: Noncon, possessive/toxic behaviors, mentions of blood and biting
MDNI. 18+
Reader is GN!
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Jealousy is a poison that can destroy anyone infected by it. The heat of a moment can makes a person’s mind melt or burn to ashes. A love too intense can make almost any person betray their morals.
Ace never wanted to hurt you.
Ace never wanted to make you cry.
But you were a flame, and he was an explosive. You lingered too close to the fuse that’s tied to him, and now you have to bear witness to the side of him he never wanted you to see.
Ace couldn’t understand how things ended up this way. Mere hours ago, you were jumping in the crowd, smiling for him, cheering him on and smiling so warmly. Mere hours ago, you were drinking and laughing and proudly wearing merchandise with his band’s logo printed on the front. But now…
“Please, let me go! I– I’m sorry!”
“Please, d-don’t hurt me! Ace, please!”
Your brand-new shirt was cast aside and ripped to shreds.
Your bright smile was replaced by a look of sheer terror paired with an onslaught of tears. What had you done to drag Ace down to this level…?
You kissed another man in front of him.
Remembering the way you kissed that other man made Ace’s mind spiral into a dark, frenzied mess. You and that other person– you and that purple-eyed freak in the crowd… Since when were the two of you dating? 
Why didn’t Ace know beforehand? 
How could you betray him like this…? Ace thought that you loved him. You always told him that you loved him.
How could you?
How could you hurt him like this?
You must’ve kept your relationship a secret from Ace. You must’ve kept it extremely well-hidden. But… Why?
“I- I’m sorry…!”
Ace could apologize all he wants, but he couldn’t make his body stop. His shaking hands were desperately tearing away at what little clothing you still had on. His watering eyes refused to stray away from yours. 
God, he felt guilty, but he was completely devoid of self-control.
The only way to get him to stop was for you to make him.
…But you couldn’t.
Ace apologized once more as his jaw opened wide, revealing his dangerous fangs. The sharp ends were pointed directly at your skin, ready to sink themselves into your flesh at any second. All you could do was brace for impact.
And right before he bit down, he softly mumbled the words, “I love you.”
By sinking his fangs deep into your shoulder, escape was no longer an option.
Everything was happening fast- way too fast. Ace refused to remove his teeth as he began to undo his pants, removing the pins from the heavy fabric as he also pushed down his boxers. His cock was already hard; precum leaking from the tip.
Images of you and that other man kept racing through Ace’s mind. You looked so happy… You looked so in love…
It should’ve been him.
Ace wishes it was him.
If you had just loved Ace from the start, none of this would’ve happened.
With his fangs still buried deep inside of your shoulder, Ace pried open your legs, trying his best to ignore the way you scream and beg for him to stop.
Ace needs this. 
He needs you more than anything.
His mind races: if he claims you here and now, there’s no chance of you leaving him for someone else. If he fucks you senseless and possesses you fully, you’ll never wish to leave his side. You’ll be his forever.
Does it make sense? No, not in the slightest. Is Ace aware that all he’s doing is traumatizing you and permanently ruining his relationship with you? Absolutely. But the irrational, animalistic side of his mind is taking control, and he can’t stop himself from giving in to his disgusting, depraved desires. 
He can’t let anyone else have you.
Ace positions his cock at your entrance, rubbing his tip against it lightly. His breathing is incredibly heavy; he’s partially afraid that he’ll cum within the first few pumps.
“N-no, please, don’t… Ace, you’re better than this! Don’t do this!”
Your words pierce him directly in his aching heart, and for a second, he considers listening to your pleas.
But it’s too late now. He’s gone too far.
With guilt written all over his face, he looks up at you with tears in his blue eyes. He can’t stand to hear your begging anymore– so he lifts his left hand and presses it firmly against your mouth. Silencing you.
And with nothing more left to lose, he thrusts himself deep inside of you, your walls instantly tightening around his length. Ace sweetly moans as his fangs sink deeper into you.
Ace tries to fuck you slowly at first, wanting things to be more ‘sensual’, but he quickly loses self-control in that aspect as well. His hips begin to move fast and erratically, sweat trickling down his pale skin as he pushes himself as deep inside of you as possible.
Inside of his messy mind, there's a part of him that feels warm and happy- excited at how he has finally become 'one' with you.
He moans and whimpers embarrassingly loud- his right hand grips one of your thighs and pries your legs open wider. He enjoys this for a while, but the position quickly becomes old- Ace is desperate to fuck you in so many ways.
Without a warning, he suddenly retracts his fangs from your shoulder, pain surging throughout your entire body as he laps up the blood that drips from your wound.
It tastes… Strange in his mouth. Your blood doesn’t taste like anything else he’s tried before. But your blood isn’t what he’s after– no, what he wants is your soft lips.
Ace removes his left hand from your face, but before you can utter even a single word, he forces his lips onto yours. You taste your own blood against your will as he shoves his tongue deep inside your mouth.
It’s strange- Ace seems so giddy as he explores your mouth. Every inch, every crevice- he goes over it with his tongue. His strong hands move down to your legs as he moves them as far up as he possibly can, firmly sandwiching you between himself and the surface beneath you. He fucks you even faster, thrusts his cock even deeper, and whimpers your name relentlessly.
It feels... Wrong being used by Ace like this. You can't help but feel dirty.
Yes- you cared for him deeply- but you're in love with someone else now.
Hell, you never thought it was even possible for Ace to be in love with you… He always seemed so busy with his band, seemed so busy living out his dreams…
You had a crush on him a long time ago, you used to always say that you love him, but all of those feelings had been cast aside.
And now, here you are… Being fucked by him against your will.
It made you want to scream. It made you want to cry. The feelings inside of your heart are conflicting– and this stinging pain is like nothing else you’ve experienced before.
Bitter tears keep streaming down your cheeks, but Ace doesn’t seem to notice them.
Deep down, there’s a small part of him that believes you secretly want this. A small part of him that believes you wanted him to chase you and forcefully claim you like this.
...Perhaps it’s his mind trying to cope with the fact that what he’s doing is morally reprehensible.
Ace loathes the idea of being a bad person.
He thrusts his cock deeper into you as he chases his high. He’s close- so close- and his body is begging for a release. Ace makes sure to grind against your most sensitive spots; he’s determined to make you cum as well.
His cock twitches as your walls tighten around him, involuntarily drawing him closer to his peak. Ace wrap his arms around your body as he pulls you into a warm embrace, hugging you gently as fucks you needily.
His breath hitches. He gasps loudly.
“C-cum… Cumming… I’m- I’m so- I’m sorry!”
It’s far too late to go back now. When he has you trapped in the cage of his arms like this, the only thing he can do is cum deep inside of you, his eyes rolling into the back of his head while he pushes you down onto his cock. It feels so good- it's heaven on earth.
His orgasm hits like a white-hot explosion.
And as he relishes in his high, he lowers his hand and rubs your most sensitive areas, forcing you to climax as well.
Ace’s breathing is heavy. His head lowers in both shame and remorse.
But when he looks down, he can’t help but admire the way his cum is spilling out of you. He regrets everything that has happened on this night- he regrets ever hurting you in any way, shape or form. He'll have to beg for forgiveness. But at the same time…
He can’t help but feel like he didn’t have a choice.
Now you’re his. You belong to him.
And that makes him happy.
If that other man dares to come near you again, Ace might do another thing that he’ll sincerely regret.
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mizading · 1 year
The poison of Akaza’s obsession penetrates you.
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Yandere Akaza X Reader
Warnings: Obsessive/Yandere themes, Dark themes, Abuse, Stockholm syndrome
Summary: A failed mission to put an end to Akaza, one of the twelve Kizuki almost killed you. Instead of being rescued by your fellow hashiras, Akaza took you for his own. You slowly realize that you're merely a replacement. 
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You awaken to the soft, uneasy breaths taken by the unknown presence beside you, causing you to jolt up. This was a mistake. You completely forgot about your unsuccessful battle that occurred not long ago; the pain you felt was enough for you to reconsider your position as a former demon slayer.
 "Please lie down; I can't have you getting too hurt love". 
“Love?” You said, turning to face the familiar voice that projected beside you. A cold sense of fear trickled down your body. At once realizing who the familiar voice belonged to, the demon in which you failed to get rid of. Akaza stroked your hair lightly, continuing his uneasy yet soft breathing pattern you had taken notice of before.
 "Relax; the tension in your body is starting to worry me. I couldn’t help but take you back here after you passed out.” Without thinking, you instinctively moved yourself as far away as possible. "Don’t run from me; it’s no use. I'm sure you know that by now, don’t you?". 
“What is it that you want..I don’t have anything to offer” you spoke, voice shaking slightly. Akaza crept up on you, picking your body up from the floor with ease, carrying you bridal style. "I don’t have time to deal with your childish behavior; I’m taking you to get dressed in clothes more fitting for you". Realization hit, and you realized how dangerous your situation really was. Not wanting to dig yourself further into this loop, you complied. As he was carrying you to what seemed to be a bedroom, you took time to look around what you assumed to be his home. It was more of a traditional style, with mainly wood on the inside and dimly lit candles. What caught your eye were picture frames with images of a woman on the inside. She was beautiful, definitely above average. Her expensive-looking pink polka-dot kimono stood out brightly in the photograph. As you study her, you also notice the man beside her; he looked awfully familiar. You quickly glanced at the demon carrying you and took a mental note of their similar appearance. They looked like twins, one just.. human.
You made it to the bedroom. Akaza softly placed you on a king-sized bed in the middle of the room. "Wait here for a moment while I grab your new clothes". Not wanting to find out what he would do to you if you moved, you once again complied. “Look, I don’t understand what this is about but please I just want to go home”. 
Akaza came back with what seemed to be a kimono. “I thought I explained this to you already? I couldn’t help myself, I've never seen anyone like you love”. Your eyes widen when you see the details of the kimono—pink with white polka dots. The same one seen in the photographs of the woman. 
"I’ll help you put this on, then I’ll work on your hair flower’. He then slowly started removing your clothes, taking deeper breaths as he saw more and more of your bare skin. “I didn’t ask for this, I’m asking nicely please, just let me leave”. You tried as hard as you could to suppress the fear in your voice. You still had slight hope that he would let you go.  
"You're so beautiful, I don’t think I can handle it; it’s taking everything in me to respect you and keep myself together seeing you like this". Your body slightly shook at the feeling of his cold, large hands caressing your soft, plush skin; he had a drunk, dazed look when staring down at you. It took all Akaza had to keep his intentions from becoming impure when it came to you. You're the first woman to make him feel anything since his wife Koyuki died; by this point, he’s not sure if his own former wife was able to make him feel such a way. 
The way you gaze at him, the way your pretty chest rises when you breathe, your soft touch, your beautiful smile that could put the sun to shame—all of it was too much for him to handle. He just needs you entirely.
 “You're being delusional just let me go.” Your meek sentence didn’t seem to affect him in any way. Akaza continued carefully wrapping your body into the different layers of the Kimono, despite your protests. 
The moment the two of you met, you did something to his heart. The fight that introduced you two ended shortly, Akaza knew you would be no match. With only a few hits, Akaza was able to knock you out into a short coma and bring you to his home.Throughout your week long deep sleep he took the opportunity to study you, study your body. With your presence, his once incomplete heart shattered by his former wife's death now felt whole again. For now, your only job is to replace his dead wife and stay with him, promising to never leave his side.  
Akaza finished dressing you and was now fixing your hair. You had to admit that the way his hands felt in your hair was enough to put you to sleep. He was so gentle with you despite the battle you two fought, however long ago. No matter how much you hate to admit it, his treatment towards you has been nothing but loving. He touched you as if you were fine china, one of a kind, and could break at any moment. In his presence, you got the strange feeling that nothing else could ever lay hands on you, even if attempted. You were uneasy, noticing how he was transforming you into the girl in the picture. Mustering up all your courage, you decide to ask who the woman was. Akaza hummed softly as he delicately pinned up your hair; he was in pure bliss just by being able to lay his hands on you. He hasn’t felt such love for another human since his wife, Koyuki. 
“A- Akaza..? You spoke softly.”
 "Yes, baby?" he hummed in response. 
The little name made you repulse. "Who’s the woman in the pictures around your home?" you said. He paused, resting his hands on your shoulders, massaging them slightly. You scoffed at the action, Akaza acting as if he didn’t kidnap you made your sanity drop even lower. Then he spoke. "Koyuki, a woman I once loved; she’s long gone now, so no need to worry, precious". No matter how he put it, you knew deep down that you were replacing her in a way; the way he dressed you up was enough proof.
 "Don’t worry about things like that Y/N soon you'll be replacing those pictures" said Akaza while placing a heavy, wet kiss on your neck. There was nothing you could do but accept his love and affection. You were simply no match, any type of fighting or protest beyond this point would be completely useless. It may even get you in more trouble.
You're already in too deep, and there's no escaping his "love" now. Akaza grabbed your face harshly, contrasting his previous sweet actions. He forced a hungry kiss onto your soft lips that revealed more than his words. “Stop! w-what are you doing” you frantically attempted to escape his harsh grip. Akaza still had a tight grip on your face, causing a stinging sensation in your cheeks.
 "Your mine; do you understand that? Trying to leave will have consequences". You had done nothing wrong..? Was playing into his game not enough for him? This delusion of his went on for weeks. You would dress up in Koyuki’s old clothes, and Akaza would pretend that you were his wife and always have been.
 Over time, you grew too tired to fight back. After months of Akaza being your only contact with another being, you slowly started to crave his touch, the way he coddled you, his dark but loving gaze, his love in general. You find yourself willing to do anything for a piece of his love; you desire and need it.
 “Akaza please! You pleaded, I promise to be a good girl, just don’t make me sleep alone again”.
 Earlier that night, you accidentally broke a plate during dinner, dropping it. His punishments for you were harsh, especially if your mistake disturbed the "perfect wife" role you played for him. Sleeping alone was one of the worst punishments; you needed his touch. Having nobody to come save you and no chance of escaping guaranteed your stay here.This was your new reality.  Being a replacement didn't matter to you anymore. You would do it all for him, as long as he kept his love for you. 
The poison of Akaza's obsession consumes you entirely; you need him more than ever now.
Word Count: 1493
A/N: Thank you for taking the time to read! This is my first story so bear with me. Feel free to leave me any type of criticism. Requests are open and I'm always available to chat about whatever. 
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dindjarindiaries · 1 year
Hand Over Heart
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character: Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
prompts: "Talk to me." and 'Would it help if I stayed?"
warning: depiction of an anxiety attack
main masterlist • prompt masterlist
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The water inside the canteen sloshes when your shaking hand picks it up. You make your escape from the tent without making any other noises, aside from the gentle rustle of the flap when you step through it. You glance at it over your shoulder as you walk away. It's one of the bigger tents in the Nevarro encampment, but it had been closing in on you just moments ago.
You don't go far, just far enough to put a proper amount of distance between you and the ghosts that haunted your pillow this evening. You sit on the dirt and take a small sip from the canteen before you hold it between your hands.
The water ripples within it, lapping against the sides of the canteen to create a noise that's quickly drowned out by the pounding of your own heart within your ears.
You curse to yourself and squeeze your eyes shut. Your chest is inflamed with the same unpleasant spark you saw from that cyborg's staff as it aimed towards Din's motionless figure. It's getting harder and harder to breathe as if your lungs are filled with the Living Waters.
Your eyes reopen and you glance down at the canteen. The waters within it are sloshing loudly, now. They may as well be poison to you now.
The canteen gets set aside as you try to focus on getting a full breath, but you can't. Your fingertips run along your upper arms as your lungs fail you over and over and over again.
You're so in tune with your environment that it doesn't even scare you to hear footsteps crunching on the gravel towards you. You don't have to turn your head to see who's there. The fact they walked all the way out here to you is evidence enough of who they are.
"I'm sorry," you whisper, your voice at least a little bit stronger than you'd been expecting. You try to inhale again, but it's still as if you can only get half a breath in. "I was trying not to wake you."
"It's all right." Din's modulated voice is soothing, even amidst the tumultuous storm your mind's created for you. "You did nothing wrong."
You try to manage even half a smile for him, but you can't. Your gaze falls to the canteen at your side as you consider going for another sip. There's no reason to, except for the fact your stomach is in tightly wound knots.
"You're shaking."
Din fails to hide his concern as he speaks. He's still standing above you, but you can't bear to face him. The image of him had haunted you enough in your fitful slumber.
"Hey." Din kneels down and sets a gentle gloved hand upon your shoulder. His thumb runs over it. "Talk to me."
Your gaze finally meets his visor. His helmet's tilted at you as he scans you for any external injuries. You attempt to take another full breath and instead let out a partial gasp. "Sorry. Just..." you lift a hand to tap your chest, "hard to breathe."
Din's grasp on your shoulder tightens. "Are you okay?" His tone is as urgent and protective as ever.
You nod, trying to convince yourself with the motion as well. "Just anxiety."
Din gives you another quick once-over before he nods. "Okay." He runs his thumb over your shoulder again. "Would it help if I stayed?"
You nod once again. Din lifts his hand from your shoulder to help himself sit beside you. His visor never once leaves you, and while you can't always meet it, it's comforting. He's still gentle as he extends a gloved hand towards you.
"Is it okay if I take your hand?"
Rather than nodding a third time, you offer your hand to him. Din takes it and sets it between both of his, his thumb brushing over the back of it over and over again. You close your eyes and try to focus on regulating your breathing and soothing your racing heart.
"You're okay." Din's voice remains quiet. "You'll be able to breathe. Your mind will slow down to meet your body again." He pauses before adding one more thing. "I'll stay right here until it does."
His words draw the first genuine smile from you. You lose track of the minutes that go by as your tightened chest starts to loosen and your mind does just as Din said it would. It had tried to remind you of what had once happened to Din, but his presence and his safety alongside you tells another story that's more convincing.
After a long silence, Din takes your hand and offers it back to you. "When we're on Mandalore this time, I won't leave your side." He nods at you. "You have my word."
"Thank you, Din." You hesitate before going on. "I just..." You trail off, looking at the hand he was just holding as it rises towards the side of his helmet. Your pace is slow to allow him to stop you should he want to as you run your hand over his beskar cheek.
Din's gentle in covering your hand with his own. "I know, cyar'ika." He lowers your hand and gives it a squeeze before gesturing with his helmet back towards the tents. "Let's get you back to bed for now."
You nod and reveal the second genuine smile of the night at the realization you'll get to exchange your haunted pillow for the warmth of Din's protective embrace.
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leofiat-bunny · 11 months
After The Scene™
Chen Yi woke up, stumbled through getting dressed, and - when he couldn't find Ai Di - checked his phone. Then he sees the text from the night before. He sends his guys out searching for Ai Di while he goes to hq to speak to Boss about BZY.
When Boss tells him what happened - a bit exasperated but not surprised that Ai Di didn't let him know - he doesn't yell at Boss mostly because he's frozen. He's stuck trying to process "Ai Di will be in prison for as long as BZY is, which will be some years".
Since then he's been more uptight than ever about never setting a foot wrong. When he messes up THIS is what happens. He's legit traumatised by it.
(As said elsewhere, it's no small miracle Chen Yi didn't give himself alcohol poisoning after losing Ai Di.)
If someone else went over his head to leave the gang he'd be annoyed but accept it.
But Ai Di can't go over his head because Ai Di doesn't belong to the gang, he belongs to Chen Yi.
Chen Yi doesn't understand why he's being avoided because "Ai Di thinks I hate him" requires "Chen Yi hating Ai Di" to be a concept that computes and he'd have an easier time dividing by zero.
Chen Yi has long accepted that if Ai Di kills someone, that's on Chen Yi for not being there to stop him.
Of course "killing someone" and "betraying Chen Yi" are very different propects.
As for the betrayal of taking advantage of his drunken state, I don't think Chen Yi will process it like a normal person would. He was raised in a gang. It would be more strange if his moral compass wasn't a bit wonky.
Yes, he could process it by switching their places but I'm not sure he'd really allow it to rest with him?
Almost: if my pet bites me, that's bad; if I bite my pet, that's unforgivable?
(He doesn't think of Ai Di as sub-human or stupid, that was just the best simile that occured to me)
Even if he really allowed it to sit with him, by far the greatest betrayal was leaving.
Ai Di will do anything to avoid hearing Chen Yi say "I hate you". He knows😒 it but he can't take hearing it.
Except Chen Yi came for him, brought him back, prepared his favourite foods. Ai Di doesn't know what's going on but he does know that hope has no place here.
He's unforgivable and maybe Chen Yi wants to hear Ai Di's excuses before passing judgement, maybe he's been telling himself that Ai Di would never have done that to him.
Ai Di can't stay for the realisation.
He has no place by Chen Yi's side and never will again and he deserves whatever Chen Yi does to him but he can't.
Ai Di is collarless and will remain that way until he's ready to stop running.
Are we recovered from ep 9? No? Shame, I wanted to break you again.
Well, I have (spoilery) ammunition, so I'll give it my best shot.
I trawled their youtube channels for clues and!!!
(Partially ninja'd because I am a slow bunny)
Next ep
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Better pic of outfits for colour convo:
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And then
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Chen Yi has a tried and tested way of getting Ai Di to come back.
And it still works. Quelle surprise.
Remember what I said about collars? I thought that before finding this and I just lost it.
Give the wardrobe department a raise. And a bonus. And shares. And a prize.
But what is he trying to pinky promise?
"Even if you die tomorrow, you must wait for me to die first. Only then can you die."
"One second. I will give you just one second, then I'll follow."
(I transcribed the subs: 就算你快掛 也要等我先掛 你才能掛
一秒 只讓你一秒 我隨後跟上
According to google translate:
Even if you die quickly You have to wait for me to hang up first Only then can you hang up
One second Just give you a second I followed later
Then I tidied it up a bit, hopefully without moving away from the meaning
I found an official sub where they translate it as
"Promise me that you won't die before I do" "One second, Then I'll follow up right away"
Bonus point? Guess which outfits are in the cover image:
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They got to privacy but not home 😊)
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charmac · 4 months
I’m new to this fandom and was hoping you could provide some insight. How come people seem to really dislike Rob ? What are your thoughts on him?
We need a welcome packet to the Fandom at this point, honestly.
I'm not gonna go through the exhaustive list of things you could call Rob McElhenney out for, but I will give you some insight on the fandom relationship with Rob.
Rob was always the more "humble" of RCG, having actually come from Philly, growing up in the lower class, no college education, basically completely scraping by to become an actor and create Sunny.. well, you know that story. Up until very recently, Rob has always seemed to hold to his values in the core idea of Sunny, that creatives should have control of their work, that the best stuff comes from the people who have the ideas and create it.
Since meeting and going into business with Ryan Reynolds, he's kind of done a complete 180 in that regard. Buying into NFTs and Crypto, believing A.I. has a place in writing for television and we should be using it.. (you can look into his company Adim for more on that) and straight-up admitting he wants to be in the "Ownership business," and is moving away from the creative side of his endeavors. Every other thing out of Rob's mouth nowadays is to build this new image of "Ryan Reynolds magnitude": that he's a businessman, that he should be seen as Hollywood elite, that he wants to be worth billions...as opposed to, you know, a guy that has cool ideas and makes really cool things...
So the Fandom watched Rob go from a humble, "doing it for the love of it" guy to "owning as much as possible and exploiting new technology to get there" business man, and that's rough, and gross, and sucks (and backseats Sunny.. a lot). On top of that there's the history Rob has, especially with Sunny, satirising/commentating on certain subjects poorly and doubling down on having done it, and him having the political views of what I'd call an "Obama Democrat," (take a walk through his older Instagram posts and off-handed remarks on TASP)... It's enough to kind of pick your poison or pile on and actively dislike/hate Rob as a person.
My personal thoughts are.. complicated. I don't "stan" Rob (or any real person for that matter), I love the show, and I will continue to see and value what Rob has to say about it because it's his show. He's the creator of my favourite thing in the entire world, and he still does put a lot into that thing, and you can't shake that Sunny is not Sunny in any way shape or form without him. On top of that, I have met him and I can't understate how genuine he was to meet and talk to, and how kind he was to me holds a lot of weight in my opinion of him (unfortunately? lol?). So I can't say I dislike him, but I can say I continue to be disappointed by his recent endeavours, and I hope he snaps out of it (though I don't think he will).
I don't blame people who dislike him or even hate him, I don't think there's any expectation for a fan of Sunny to like RCG (whether they never talk about them or openly talk shit about them), and I don't think there's a reason for fans to argue over liking/disliking them as people. They're all white, cishet (presenting) middle-aged guys in Hollywood who live in million dollar houses, there's no brownie points for defending them and there's no morality awards being handed out for calling them out. Feel how you want, Sunny's the focus here
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bonefall · 1 year
I think you might be talking about me--i sent in the post thanking you for giving Sorreltail epilepsy and I told you about my daughter. We missed the post about Shadowsight now having full epilepsy, but I want to thank you again. Shadowsight is her favorite cat, and she's so happy.
Glad to see you around!! Yep, I fixed Shadowsight too, in a way I hope you'll both like.
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[ID: Better Bones Shadowsight. He is a large gray tabby with a black mohawk and red eyes. He has a jagged, red scar down his eye, splitting his ear in half, down his neck, and continuing down the arm.]
Since Sorreltail has absence seizures and her epilepsy is on the mild side, I went and gave Shadowsight a more severe type to get a better range of rep.
He has clonic-tonic seizures, which he was born with.
The seizures are NOT related to visions anymore! That's just a thing he has.
Tawnypelt's Clan is going to get reduxed into something less about needing to save the tribe again (which I have issues with as the narrative keeps taking away the tribe's competence and agency), to Tawnypelt seeking treatment for him.
Since his type is more severe than Sorrel's, his treatment plan includes chamomile.
Chamomile is poisonous to cats in high amounts, so its dose is carefully controlled.
I plan to show him growing more skilled as a medic with preparing his own medications, as measuring the dose is quite delicate.
It'll be served in broth form because the idea of him lapping up tea out of a little painted bowl is irresistible
And when he's possessed...
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[ID: Better Bones Shadowsight. He is a large gray tabby with a black mohawk and pink eyes. He has a jagged, blue scar down his eye, splitting his ear in half, down his neck, and continuing down the arm]
The split ear is made to look like radio antennae. Like he's picking up signals.
The lightning bolt is what gives him that connection to StarClan and its warriors. Ashfur had intelligently blocked off the rest of silverpelt, so Shadow was only hearing HIM.
It glows blue because the electric is running in it, also Ashfur Symbolism.
The final battle with Ashfur is MUCH different. It takes place in the land between StarClan and the Dark Forest-- The Meadow of Young Stars.
Ashfur absorbs several cats and becomes something so large and strong that it can't be killed by regular claws
And it's in this moment that Shadowsight confronts the man who used and controlled him.
"You're nothing without me, Shadowsight! What are you doing?! Stop!"
He blasts the lightning bolt right back at him, giving up the connection to StarClan that Ashfur had given him, using it like an electric tether to hold him in place
He can't hold him! Rootspring, Strikestone, and everyone else he'd lost in the Impostor's Tyranny leap into action to hold him as he holds down Ashfur
It's that moment where Bristlefrost realizes what she must do
Instead of falling into water, Briss lines up, charges, and body checks the eldrich horror out of the sky like a shooting star
They burn up in orbit, crashing down to Earth as a pair of meteorites. There is going to be a crater on the map from this point on.
After this, he starts to look like the first image. His blue scar fades to light red, and his eyes go back to scarlet.
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tumblingghosts · 3 months
How about a time traveling Livia where she stops Facet from running to the exit before the peacekeepers shot him , maybe velvreene is still shot and that breaks Facet and he yells at Livia for being insensitive to velvreene 's death and it starts an argument between them that he refuses to cooperate with her even when the interviews come and when he's in the games she is shocked that he can't fight or bring himself to kill someone and can't use weapons and if he sees another tribute he avoid them or leave them alone until the pack corners him and kill him. I personally feel like velvreene and facet didn't really stand much of a chance the only advantage they might have is that they aren't as malnourished as some of the other tributes but they are experiencing malnourishment for what could possibly be the first time in their lives and district 1 isn't involved in physically demanding labour the way other districts are so I feel like before the carrers became a thing they were harmless due to not having any skills with weapons and experiencing malnourishment for the first time
oooo i have a couple different ideas for this depending on how far in the future livia is coming from-
one scenario...
if she’s from way far in the future (e.g. married and probably poisoned by snow), i could see her being a bit more empathetic to facet just because after living so much, seeing facet again makes him look so young. too young. and she doesn’t quite believe this is real at first since time travel isn’t a thing.
and because she’s pretty sure she just died, and she’s lived long enough to not care as much about her social image as she did before, she’s a bit more willing to take some risks, bend some rules. facet is still mad at her because she hasn’t exactly been treating him well before this, and he’s not going to suddenly warm up to her just because she’s a bit nicer. it’s too little, too late, and velvereen is dead. they weren’t really friends, but she was the only piece of home he had. he’s not hopeful enough to believe he’s going to win by fighting. 
livia might be a bit nicer having grown with age, but she’s still lived with a lot of privilege. she can’t quite conceptualize the hardships that facet has had to live with, and even her attempts to help come off as condescending. facet probably refuses to do the interview, even if it hurts his chances at sponsors, just because he doesn’t want to work with livia. maybe livia sponsors some of her own money. 
facet survives for a while just on the things he’s sent, even through his reluctance to accept anything from her, especially since he’s a bit better fed than the others. but i do agree that his chances aren’t good going up in an actual fight, and he likely gets taken out by the snakes with no way to climb quickly enough.
this livia might do some work to undermine coriolanus, given that she’s lived through his ascension and just generally doesn’t like him. even if she can’t save facet or the classmates she lost in the bombing, she is far more willing to throw her money and influence around, especially now knowing that the snows don’t have anything.
if she’s from just after the hunger games end, that’s a whole different story. she’s mostly bitter that facet had the “audacity” to die in the arena bombing, “ruining her chances of winning the plinth prize”. she’s incredibly spoiled, but without any of the age or time to temper that, and when she stops facet from running away, she’s very upset by his reaction.
facet properly loses it at her when she yells at him that he “should be grateful to her” because “she saved his life”, and starts going on a rant about how if he’d tried to run, he would have gotten shot just like his district partner. facet does not take to livia talking about velvereen that way, and definitely isn’t taking well to livia speaking to him that way either. 
he starts shouting back, and doesn’t stop when the peacekeepers are raising their guns. he’s behind the bars of the cage and can’t physically attack her if he wanted to (and he does), but he can shout, and he can make her listen. he goes off on how spoiled she is, how entitled, how she’s been treating him terribly, yet expects him to perform for her. she hasn’t brought any food, yet expects him to still roll over to her like an obedient dog.
at that point, livia starts shouting back about how uncivilized he and the rest of the tributes are, about how they’ll be killing each other in a few days anyway, so why can’t he just do this for her? how she saved him, how arachne’s tribute murdered her, and blah blah blah. facet is not having this, and points out that her ‘rescue’ landed him back in a cage, and set to be slaughtered anyway, so what does she mean “saved”? and then points out that she only cares when her classmates die, but velvereen is dead, and why did she not matter?
livia is starting to repeat the same arguments over and over now in frustration, and facet just stonewalls her. he just entirely refuses to talk to her anymore- not for the interviews, not for strategy, not for anything. livia is getting progressively angrier because this is her second change, and her tribute won’t cooperate. why is he being so stubborn? she doesn’t get it.
then, they’re all being sent into the arena.
facet doesn’t bother for a weapon. he knows he won’t be able to use one. instead, he finds a place to hide in the tunnels. when he eventually comes out later, livia debates heavily on using the limited funds she has to send him something or not. she doesn’t think he’s done anything to ‘deserve’ being sent anything. but she also wants to win, so she does.
facet sticks to the sidelines, and livia starts to see that he isn’t the winning force she’d hoped him to be. he’s just a boy that she hasn’t been giving nearly enough food to. he’s starving and he’s not going to be fighting for her. more than that, it doesn’t seem like he can fight. and she slowly, barely, starts to shift in her views.
he can’t fight- and she remembers the little he told her about how they needed to work to produce jewelry for the capitol. there was no time to ‘train for the hunger games.’ this wasn’t some competition they were raring to go. it was just bad luck, and most likely a death sentence. livia resigns herself to not winning the plinth prize. 
i want to say that livia has this ✨big realization✨ and changes her ways, but i honestly doubt it. she probably feels bad, but for all the wrong reasons. like “i should have visited facet more for food” but because she thinks prepping him better would have given him a better shot at winning, not because he’s a person deserving of basic necessities. 
i feel like it would take more than just a single chance sent back - maybe a time loop where she keeps having to do it over until she learns a lesson. at first, her goal is to get facet to win. why else would she be given another chance? clearly, she’s special and even the universe itself wants her to win, right? (🙄🙄)
so that's what she does- it takes a bunch of loops of trial and error, but eventually, facet wins! she did it!
hooray for her!
except…facet isn’t happy to see her when he wins, even when she tells him that the win is all thanks to her and her strategy to keep him alive. he snaps at her that she wasn’t the one in the arena, he was. that his survival wasn’t because of her at all. livia tries to argue back (because he’s did in so many loops, how could this win be anything but hers?) but facet cuts her off, curses her out, and is promptly taken away by the peacekeepers to be sent home.
the loop still restarts.
livia is bitter after getting chewed out like that and decides the next loop that she’s not going to focus on facet at all. wouldn’t it hurt him if his mentor ignored him entirely? she tries to get close to velvereen instead (who isn’t too keen on her either, but that’s not stopping livia). the bombing happens and this time she makes sure both facet and velvereen are alive. she can’t get closer to velvereen if she’s dead, and livia can’t rub it in facet’s face if he’s dead. 
(yeah…character development is a slow process :/)
what this spiteful loop teaches her is that velvereen is a person too. facet has never gotten along with livia, but after so many loops, livia knows he’s not an uneducated barbarian, even if she still thinks he’s lacking in manners. but the rest of the tributes? they’re just background presences, as ‘savage’ as the rest of the districts. but velvereen- well, she’s alright too, livia decides. 
neither facet or velvereen make it to the end, but they do stick together in the arena. they split supplies, they even go grab some weapons. but when they’re cornered by the pack, it quickly becomes evident that neither of them know how to use them. livia decides that must be the problem - clearly the pair from four and ten are the problem. after all, the tributes from four are brutal, and she knows the girl from ten is perfectly capable of killing an innocent capitol citizen (blatantly ignoring that arachne was provoking her).
if livia wants them to make it further, she has to get them to ally with that pack. it takes several more loops with facet and velvereen extremely reluctant. if they join, it’s going to be obvious real fast that they don’t have fighting skills, and if/when the pack turns on them, it’s going to be bad. livia isn’t giving up on that though, and decides if she can’t convince the d1 tributes to ally with the pack, then she has to convince the pack to ally with them.
so, she starts to interact. she offers food, and the promise of sending more in the arena as long as they ally with velvereen and facet. she talks with them over this loop and the next and the next until she finally figures out a series of events that gets them to agree. except- now she’s talked to them, with them, plenty. and she finds that coral and mizzen and tanner and even brandy - they’re all normal. they’re not very cooperative (especially at the start), but they can talk with her just fine, and she thought that the districts were all uneducated.
this is when doubts properly start setting in. facet is a person, not just her tribute. velvereen is a person, not just facet’s district partner who died. every tribute in the pack is a person, not just a means to get facet and velevereen to last longer. she’s spoken with them, she’s had to get to know them to figure out the right ways to convince them, most importantly, she’s had to sympathize with them. and sympathy is just a hop away from empathy.
livia watches facet and velvereen and coral and mizzen and tanner and brandy die in the arena, and it’s getting more difficult to do. she has another chance, she always does, but she doesn’t know who she wants the victor to be anymore. it can only be one of them. but if facet wins, then velvereen and coral and (etc.) don’t. if velvereen wins, then facet doesn’t. if coral wins, then mizzen doesn’t.
...and so on.
she’s starting to see that more than one of them “deserve” to go home, and she doesn’t know who the “right” person is supposed to be. it can’t be lucy gray, she decides, because lucy gray has won plenty, and the loop still restarts. but facet didn’t end it either. so who?
livia spends even more loops trying to figure that out, fixing scenarios so different tributes win, talking with other mentors, other tributes- she speaks with them, she learns from them, she gains new perspectives without really realizing it. not until many, many, many loops later when she has her epiphany. 
she doesn’t want any of them to die.
no, not just that. none of them deserve to die.
but the hunger games only has one victor. livia decides that’s no longer good enough. everyone is going home. she has decided it, and she’s going to make it happen. she’s the heiress to the capitol banks, and everyone will be going home.
boom! character arc + a new goal :D
of course, change doesn’t happen easily, but she’s got as many chances as she needs. so she can do this over and over and over until something gives, and it won’t be her. it takes a lot- getting the rest of her classmates to connect with their tributes, to get them to see what took her dozens upon hundreds of loops to get, in just a week before the games. 
but eventually, it works! 
one voice of protest might not do much, especially coming from someone already marginalized. but sejanus’s arguments hold more weight when livia - born and raised in the capitol - is backing him. and from there, with the rest of their classmates, this isn’t something that can be silenced. they’re the children to the most important families in the capitol, and banded together, they cannot be ignored. not all of them.
the hunger games end.
livia understands now, why that was so important.
the loop ends.
anyway, thanks for the ask!
i love rambling about time travel, as i’m sure you could tell, considering how long this got - 2k+ words! that’s basically oneshot length. i might just clean this up and post it on ao3 later...
feel free to send more time travel thoughts! :D
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birdwonder · 2 years
hi, i saw that you want requests! are you willing to write for female characters? if so, could you write something domestic and sweet with poison ivy? you can choose the specifics, i just love ivy and it's hard to find content for her!
domestic bliss | poison ivy
【 ♥ 】 ⸻ i 100% write for all genders ! whether its the s/o or the canon. poison ivy the beloved . . . <3
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Nothing could beat this. Pefectly manicured nails dragged along whatever parts of your scalp could be reached, itching an non-existent scratch that would have you purring if you were a cat. Both seated on the couch, your head rested on Ivy's lap while the both of you stared at the TV screen before you. A man was yelling passionately about the news but you could hardly pay attention when all you could focus on was the woman giving you her time right now.
A cup of coffee was in Ivy's other hand, the actual cup green with ceramic vines covering it. You had found it at a charity shop and promptly gifted it to your girlfriend the next time you saw her, which earned a kiss on the cheek and praise for shopping sustainably. Who knew someone so dangerous could be so eco-friendly ? You suppoused that's what you loved about her. " You're kidding me, " Ivy hissed through her teeth, eyes narrowing at the image of a new industrial plant on the screen. You had heard something about coal or whatever and how they'd be taking down a part of a forest to make it. " Do those idiots ever learn ? Again and again I tell them to leave Mother Nature alone, and what do they do ? " " The opposite, " you chimed in, shifting so you could look up at her from her lap. A frown fell onto your lips when you saw her angered expression, wishing you could singlehandedly stop the industrial plant from being built. Ivy took a sip of her coffee while the hand that was once petting you curled into an angry fist. " Like hell I'd let them build that wasteland. First thing tomorrow, I'll make sure it never gets built. " The worst thing about not have kick-ass superpowers was that you had no real way of helping your girlfriend who did. Sure you could live a greener life and support her choices, but when it came to actually getting your hands dirty there was only so much you could do. Not to mention Ivy would never let you go with her, she said you were too soft and breakable but you knew she just didn't want to see you get hurt. Sitting up, you then moved yourself so that you were now sitting on her lap, which didn't bother her at all. Even with her powers, she still knew how to fight without them and in turn, her legs were strong enough to hold you. In fact she loved you sitting so close to her, the cup of coffee placed to the side so her arms could wrap around your waist. " You know I'll always support you babe, but what if you get hurt ? " The worry was plastered all over your face but it only made Ivy's perfectly red lips pull into a smile. You still can't believe you're dating someone as gorgeous as her. Ivy planted a kiss on your head, laughing softly, " trust me, I won't honey. I'll make sure I don't do enough to signal the big bad bat and I'll just scare them all into reconsidering. That's all. " You found that hard to believe, furrowing your brows a little but you knew nothing you could possibly say would deter her right now. So instead you lifted your head to plant a kiss onto her lips. It was meant to be short and sweet but that changed when she placed a hand onto the back of your head, deepending the kiss and even nipping your bottom lip. When you pulled away, you placed a hand on her cheek. " Just don't get thrown into Arkham, ok ? " " Mmh, as if I'd let them, " she hummed smoothly, already bending down to snag another kiss. She wasn't the only one with intoxicating kisses. Your arms wrapped around her neck as you both let the TV run and her coffee go cold.
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revelisms · 1 year
Excerpt: Not Your Child
Silco confronts Vi on her perceptions of Jinx. Vi shoots back.
From a work in progress set after 'heron blue,' an AU where Vi and Jinx reconnect under different terms. Slow, rocky relationship rebuilding, found family messiness, and a dash of hurt/comfort.
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"I'd like to ask you something." Silco's eyes do not stray, but Vi catches the way the teal one sharpens; hears the certain edge that deepens the shorn silk of his words. "That girl you're after. The idea you're clinging to. Is she still so far gone, to you?"
He means Powder. Means whether the girl they're both watching, just along the way, is indeed the fractured image Vi has made her out to be: a separation her sister herself has demanded.
Stop calling me that. It's Jinx, now.
Vi doesn't want to have this conversation, stuck on this Piltie cliffside, breathing in this bastard's venomous air, on her sister's damned name-day. 
"I don't follow—"
"You still won't acknowledge her."
Vi clenches her fists. "It's—"
"She's sought your approval for a lifetime, girl—even in your presumed grave." At last, she stares at him. His hawkish profile, his gaunt face, his graying hair swept loose from the gales. "Perhaps you see it as trite, now—but she's waiting for it, still."
Frustration bleeds into her chest. "I can't let her go." Her sister's parcel, yet to be handed off, sits like a coal burning through her waist. "She didn't—she didn't used to be like this."
You made her like this.
Silco crooks his head at her. His mismatched eyes hunt for something in her own. Pick and pull at the threads of it.
"The girl I found in that wreckage," he gravels, sharp as steel, "is still there. Her passion, her life, her wonder. That is who she is. Not whatever image you have in your head, of the thing she made of herself, in your own."
Forced into a misshapen mould.
Vi draws in a silent, simmering breath, rage broiling in it—skewing to old hurt, old cracks, old hate. Brown paper crinkles beneath the tightening of her fist.
"Are you talking about her?" she snaps, icily. "Or about you?"
Something crosses his face. A startle of the dark line of his lashes: a twitch of the fingers at his back.
Slowly, he turns back to the cliffs. For a breath, two, he stands in silence.
"Perhaps," he admits, gruffly, "I see too much of myself, in her." His hands turn white-knuckled at his back. "Too much of Vander, in you."
There's poison in those words. Poison, and pain, and prejudice.
"Vander was a good man," Vi seethes.
Silco tips his head back. Above them, chickadees flutter. "He was."
The revelation throws her from her axis. Ties a strange, uneasy knot in her throat. She scowls at the scuffed edges of her boots, at the whistling dryness of the fields, at the gulls cawing from the waves beyond.
"You hated him." She spits it out, flatly. It's all she knows—all she will let herself believe. To even entertain the opposite cuts her too deep to bear. 
Silco shifts his jaw, eases out a thin breath. There's a gleam in that teal eye, heavy-lidded and pensive, that Vi can't place.
"For years," he hushes, "I'd crafted myself in his likeness. To become what he admired. To be—worth something." He shakes his head, only slightly, as though the recollection still pits something in him, decades later; a story without a clean end. His mouth wrinkles at one corner, shadowing the grayish hollow of his cheek. "But to reflect a beast, so as to win its approval..." He huffs: a hairline reach at a laugh, too wearied and too quiet to be called one. "Well. A man takes no pride in the monster he makes."
He fidgets. Ticks his nail across his thumb, flexes his wrist: glancing down, and away, to study the rusted roll of the plain.
"What he saw in you," he continues, lowly, "feared in you, was not a consequence of your own, girl. You found strength, on your own terms." He looks across the way. "As has your sister."
The implication the words lay upon her makes her sick. That every dredge of pain she had felt before, striving to become everything in Vander that she cherished, that he'd seen and resented and crushed, she had done—is still doing—to Powder. That the snake poised beside her, uncharacteristically unkempt against the wind's pull, looking like a ghost of a man with twenty years shaved off the sallow of his skin, had lived and breathed that pain from Vander's own hand, and walked free from it, himself.
She can't take it.
She can't.
"You took her." The gun at her side burns through her skin. "You took her, you kept her—you think you haven't done the same thing? That she's not—she's not trying to be what you want?" 
A killer. A loose cannon. A monster. A weapon.
"What even is she, to you?" Vi scathes on. "You—you keep her in that bar, like a prisoner; you let her hang over your meetings, like she's a damn bodyguard; you hold her, like—"
His eyes knife into hers, warningly. Ice and fire, blistering and burning: ocean foam and cosmic dust.
She forces her mouth shut. Fumes heat out her nose.
"Like she's my own?" he amends, dangerously quiet.
Vi shakes her head, sharply. "She doesn't belong to you." Every word feels like it's pulling her teeth. "You don't own her."
"Nor did Vander." His eyes stay on hers, unblinking. "Nor do you."
"She's my sister—"
"Not your child." 
Something in her fractures: a years-old crack, splitting through her bones, splintering numbness into her lungs.
She blinks, while the earth swims around her. It opens its gaping jaws, and swallows her whole.
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yarugawitch · 1 year
hii! prompt wise i feel like nnoitra is concerned a lot with what he's "supposed" to be and he's overly cautious of how others view him (as weak or strong) so how do you think a carefree bold s/o would have an effect on him? someone who doesnt care about traditional roles, lets others be however they want to be, doesnt let others label and box them or the people around them? i feel like it would be a good influence even if he outright sneers them at first
Nnoitra/Reader: Headcanons for a bolder S/O
a great ask!! there are a lot of thoughts on the way i see nnoitra to add a little bit of context so i hope this doesn't read like a fucking character essay 🙈
>Masterpost | >Request Info
A love interest like this can be very poisonous for his own self-image at first. I think you have to be either very distant or cautious at least while he's trying to asses you or else he's likely to view you as a danger to his own peace which should be avoided or eliminated. But the thing is that that's the kind of person who'd work the best with him. Personally, I think to Nnoitra labeling and dividing people, over-simplifying some things and maintaining an image is something of a coping mechanism to keep his mind off things like the horrors of arrancar existence and his own insecurities. I mean... being purposefully ignorant is very fitting for someone missing an eye not because he somehow lost it in battle but because he was made this way. So people who also label him as either an idol like Tesla or a tyrant like everybody else and see him as nothing beyond these titles mean nothing to him. They might as well be grains of sand beneath his heel. And even though he's usually too self-absorbed and consumed with his own thoughts, wishes and fears to see others as they are Nnoitra actually hates people who are shallow with him. Ironically enough you have to fight or at least challenge him even when it comes to emotions and feelings in order for Gilga to acknowledge you
All that said I believe that once he's done spitting venom at you he'd find himself very entertained with any other conversations you share. This would help him slowly but surely open up even if it's hard sometimes. Painful even. Someone who doesn't see speaking about just anything as a weakness or unnecessary nonsense and constantly shows it will surely make him more talkative. I love thinking back to that one scene where he asked Ichigo about his name and promised to try to remember it, only to say "I already forgot your name sorry" like one chapter later. And because of it, I'm convinced Nnoitra is actually very fucking funny sometimes. So seeing someone almost rolling on the ground laughing without being scared of looking stupid would make him fall in love even more
Nnoitra is a troubled and miserable man... which doesn't take away the fact that he's also a terrible person but nonetheless he can't help but feel both intimidated and enamored with someone who sees his personality attractive without taking his strength, rank and number of battles he's won into account. No strong/weak talk. Just him. Being the man he is he'd probably think it's some sick joke or weird obsession with just plain bad people at first because of course it has to be this, can't have faith in you people, but once he gets his shit rocked because the s/o doesn't take no shit from anybody he'd start to feel something. To him being seen through his tough armor and still being taken seriously even after you realize what he's actually like is oh so very scary but also so thrilling and intimate he could die
Despite Tesla's dedication to Nnoitra and Nnoitra alone, I think this guy can be easily enamored by someone like this, too. Seeing Tesla all giddy and puppy-eyed with anyone beside him is a huge sign something is going on for Nnoitra. It means he's not just imagining things. And well, Gilga can run away and ignore everything all he wants but getting jealous is the biggest reality check he can get because this man's ego is a tad too big to let it slide
He won't take any of this without fighting back of course. At first, he'd try to do something about the person who makes him feel too much when he's not ready for it. And later on, he'd try to best you. Even though he'd start to open up I'm sure Nnoitra's not the one to let himself be on the receiving end all the time even if it's as small as taking him seriously 😭 At least because it's embarrassing. So as to not be outdone he'd try to be more genuine, more present. Of course, given his personality, height and the amount of arms he can possess, being physically affectionate is much easier for him. You can't do anything with him being bigger in general so it makes him feel more confident and imposing while he's trying to win the "who swoons first" game lol
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House Heisenberg: Karl Heisenberg- Grey Eyes
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Pairing: Bela Dimitrescu x Lord Heisenberg
Pov: Lord Karl Heisenberg
Warnings: fluff, smutish, falling in love with the wrong person, disapproval, falling in love, hiding, kissing. Making out/up, a Little bit of fighting, bela being disgusted with men, Karl being a dick, lady dimitrescu disapproval, enemies to lovers.
Summary: Karl loves being an asshole, so the only thing he does is makes Alcina Dimitrescu furious. He'll make her oldest daughter fall in love with him.
A/n- @ firefly - graphics for dividers, Smut is under the divider.
WC: 8.3k
Resi 8 Master List // House Heisenberg Mater List
Green Eyes
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She was just so damn tempting. She made my blood boil, and why not fuck around with her. See how long it would take to make the anger bubble up in her. There's no better way to fuck mentally with Mega big bitch than getting her daughter to fall for me. Just can't let the lines blur.
She was just so damn tempting. She made my blood boil, and why not fuck around with her. See how long it would take to make the anger bubble up in her. There's no better way to fuck mentally with Mega big bitch than getting her daughter to fall for me. I just can't let the lines blur.
Well, fuck if the lines didn’t blur almost automatically. She let me chase after her. She wanted me to chase, and run after her in the hallways of distraction. Twists and turns at every corner.
I was running on a wild goose chase with Bela Dimitrescu. Out of no other reason than to send a rather painful reminder to Alcina that she isn’t and will never be the favorite.
I could ruin anything for ‘mother Miranda’ she’d love me and still pick me. That’s how the tables rolled no matter the reason why. I knew that chasing after Bela was a fucking trick It was all about the chase the thrill of it for her I could plainly see it on her beautiful face. Plainly see how she tried desperately to look over at me at the wide dinner table. Her bitch of a mother sat her girls so far away from me
As if I was more poisonous than her. I could hear the mutter of bullshit when the four of them arrived. I didn’t give a shit where the hell I was so I treated every place as if I owned it. My boots were perched up on the side of the dining table. Boots crossed at the ankle, a rather calm tone to my entire behavior.
The daughters sit so far away from me, but for now, my attention is drawn to their mega bitch of a mother. Alcina Dimitrescu was a little too loud, and a little too bitchy for my tastes. She was the ideal show of what men hated in women. Or, at least that’s how I always saw her. Alcina wanted and never gave up without a bitching session. Dinner did not go by smoothly, for a moment. Only for a moment did I wonder if it was because of me. 
The thought came and passed just as quickly. Mother Miranda is here, she’s boasting about just how wonderful Alcina is. For hosting, for making this marvelous meal. Let’s be honest Alcina didn’t cook shit, and she’s not eating either. I swallow back a grunt and disapproving roll of my eyes. I eat in silence as I watch the others. I watch Alcina’s oldest. She’s looking, gazing. Bela is practically gawking at me from across the large dinner table. Alcina is just so wrapped up in Mother Miranda, in being her pet. I watch more closely, with a mental image of her oldest face burning into the back of my eyes. She’s beautiful, she’s much better looking than her mother. Bela Dimitrescu is the definition of perfection. Does she know that? She looks my way, I won’t back down. I can't help the way she catches my attention, all of my gaze. It’s all at once. She’s going to get up and walk out of the dining room. I would look around if I cared, but I can still hear Alcina buttering Mother Miranda up with her glossed-over words. 
I try to be quiet as I look around the maze of the castle Alcina has for herself. I can hear the distant clicks of heels. I run my boots and hit the marble floors harder than I intentionally mean. I slow down. I let the sounds guide me closer. I let her guide me like I’m blinded in the dark. She’s so innocent looking. Bela has a look in the back of her eyes that send me chasing after her even more. The chase is getting my heart, and cock thumping. Bela is bringing me someplace where we won’t get caught. I’m not lost, my factory is a maze in itself. Finally, there’s nowhere else for Bela to run.
I do the only other thing I can think of. I trap her against the hard wall behind her, and me. She won’t be slipping through my fingers any time soon. She won’t be going anywhere if I have a say in it. I can’t help the thought of tasting her soft and precious skin. I want to know what she tastes like. I want to know how she bucks and moans at my touches. I don’t give her time to understand, or how to get out of the trap I’ve set and now caught her in. 
Her hands don’t know what to do, so they fly through my hair. I feel the way my hair flops to the floor. I don’t give a shit anymore. Bela is right here stuck between me and me only. She’s got her skin laid out for the taking. The tops of her breasts are beautiful and the skin is so soft that it makes me want to drool. She moans at the touch of my hair or the way my tongue flicks between the valley of her pushed-up breasts. I don’t care which just that both options are being caused because of me. 
I lick a straight line from her neck to the top of her dress. My tongue makes haste to get near her ear once again to suck a deep and large bruise. I let my mind go haywire as I lick and suck at her skin more. When I suck at the tops of her breasts I can feel her rapid heartbeat up against my lips and it drives me to want to thrust up into the tiny space I left between us. 
I can’t wait any longer. Bela is too innocent. She’s so moldable. I move my hands that have caged her in against the wall. Now the only thing that stops her from running is me. She can’t process what’s going on, the fastest I’ve ever moved my arms. One second her feet are planted on the marble floor. The next I’ve got her pushed into the wall with all my might. I fear for only a quick second that I might have gotten us caught. The thought is pushed out automatically, all due to a little moan that slips out of Bela’s mouth. Her head falls back, eyes shut. 
I want to make her make that sound again. 
I wanna hear more of it. 
I wanna be the only one that makes her sound like that. 
A drop of walls is happening all too soon. This was only to fuck with Alcina. Now all my mind can think of is fucking Bela. Is taking her for my own. Ruining her for anybody else. As if anybody else will get her like this. She’s limp in my arms. So fucking confused, but her face looks like she’s ready to be fucked out. 
Her moans haven’t stopped as I pushed her further into the wall. “Oh, doll, aren't you a vocal one?” She blushes and tries to look away from my gaze, but her Grey eyes are stuck in my mind now. She’s not shy, but she’s not confident. When Bela finally does look back at me there’s a smile hidden by lust and a blush. It’s as if we’ve known each other for eternity. It’s as if Bela been making me chase after her, just to let me fuck her in the dark depths of her mother’s stupid fuckin’ castle. 
Had I chased after her intentionally? Most definitely I had chased after her with purpose. Like a predator with its prey. Except this was more like I was playing with my food. My food was playing right back into my hand. She wanted me, and I wanted her. Even if that reason had started off much differently in the beginning. 
I had met a few women in my lifetime already, but nothing like her. What, how many men had touched her like this? How dare they touch what’s always been mine! The duke, he’d be the only man that Alcina would allow to enter the castle. But Bela, poor sweet tasting Bela would never go after The Duke. He’s great but not as good as I am. Sure he might be good with his fingers, but well… I am good at everything else. 
God, if god was real. She must have created Bela with the best of everything. Bela was so much smaller than me. Her body was practically engulfed by mine. She smelt of roses, and the summertime. She felt happiness, god her skin tasted like I had died and gotten out of this fresh hell. I didn’t give a shit that Bela was smaller than me. I cared about how she rocked her head back as I sucked further hickies into her skin. Hidden at the base of her dress. Popping the shoulder of the dress to the side. A few on her shoulder, when I brought my teeth out her knees gave out and her legs dropped. 
Hastily I grabbed her legs and wrapped her legs around my hips. I wanted her to stay right there always, and forever. She liked the teeth, so I grazed my teeth over a few deepening bruises, near the back of her neck. Her hands dug into my back. I groaned out in satisfaction. Her eyes are wide with pleasure, and anticipation. I buckled forward, and the feeling of her soaked pussy hit the front of my clothed cock. My jeans will most definitely have a wet spot on them, from who? I’m not sure at this point. 
I don’t reach down to touch. I just tease her. From the bite of my lips to the words falling out of my mouth. Bela looks so fuckin’ innocent, as if she’s never been touched, or never touched herself in any possible way. ‘Such a wet little pussy you’ve got. Can you feel it?” Her eyes roll into the back of her as I dry hump into her pussy. 
There are too many fuckin’ clothes in the way. I wish I had taken her clothes off, and stripped her right there in the dark corner of the castle. I just should have taken her for what was able to give me, then taken more.
Bela is mumbling a mess in front of me. Her eyes are shut tight, but the half smile on her face shows she’s more than enjoying the friction I’m causing for the both of us. For some reason to watch her, to watch her enjoy being right here in my arms. Watching her enjoy getting off with me makes my heart pump faster and all that blood rushes down my already hard cock. Restrained by jeans. 
“I… You… We can’t.” It’s a plea. For more? Or for less, I don’t know, and couldn’t give a fucking shit in the world. She stays in the mumble mess, she tries to push into the dry thrusts. “Oh, are you enjoying yourself? Are you enjoying the way my cock is teasing at your pussy?” It’s the best fucking question I’ve asked her tonight. I want her to respond. 
I’m coaxing her. 
Stubborn I can see it in her eyes. She won’t give me answers. She won’t let me see past the thousands of walls she created. I sense a rather annoying presence. “GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF MY DAUGHTER THIS INSTANT.” I can hear Alcina yelling, and screaming. I try to bite back the groan that wants to fall from my mouth, I stick my head, and bury my head into Bela’s shoulder. I breathe in the scent of roses. I try to steady my rapid heartbeat. Alcina will blame me, we all know it. I scoff as I hear the tapping of her shoe against the marble floor. 
I don’t care how she’s found us. I care more about the way that the second I look up at Bela her eyes say it all The pain she goes through with her mother, how degrading her mother is every sense of horror. I can see her pain even through her grey eyes. I bite down another bout of hateful words. I wink instead and set her down on the floor. Gently almost like we hadn’t ever gotten caught. 
There isn’t time to kiss her properly. There isn’t time for my hands to gaze at the small of her back as she moves quickly almost being dragged by her mother. I watch as Alcina talks to Bela. Degrading me in every word, then slapping it in Bela’s face. It causes a raging fire to grow in my belly. 
It’s not quite soft. Alcina is loud on purpose so I can hear her talk. Talk about me to her daughter like I’m not even there.“I can’t believe I told you, Bela. I told you never to talk to this man, or even go near him. Just as always, you’re the one that acts like a damn fool. Curses the Dimitrescu house name.” Alcina says loudly in her daughter’s face. She grabs hard around her wrist, and it’s takes everything in me to not stab Alcina in the heart. 
With what I  don’t know but for sure don’t care enough. 
Alcina is dragging her away from me. I continue to watch. I reach down and grab my hat dusting it off. Figuring i’ll make it out unscathed for the most part. Bela turns she’s looking over her shoulder. Eyes gleaming, asking for help. Yearning to be back in my arms all over again. 
“As for you Lord Heisenberg, you are to never come back to my castle. I will tell Mother Miranda what you’ve done. Do you understand? You absolute traitor.” It’s her way of stabbing me with shabby words. Shabby threats. She forgets I’m Mother Miranda’s favorite. 
I look over my shades one last time. Our eyes connect. For the first time, a first clear time I’ve seen her eyes. Dark, almost like burnt charcoal. She’s enticing in every possible way. I go back to the factory with a cock that’s chub up. Hard against my irrating jeans. I travel faster than ever before. I nearly don’t get my jeans off before I land in front of my sink. 
My hand wraps around my cock. My hands are cock compared to just how hot my cock is. The mirror is dirty, and with a few broken cuts through the glass, I can’t see myself. I don’t need to my eyes are closed. My eyes are closed, and thinking of Bela. Thinking of Bela kneeling for me, with her mouth caught open and waiting for me. Waiting for everything I have to give her. 
I bring my thumb over the head of my cock and let my precum act as lube. The head of my cock is red and swollen. I can still feel the way that Bela’s skin feels, I can still smell her all over me. I imagine her in my head. Her lips came down around the top of my head, engulfing her warm mouth around my head. I work my fist faster, and pump quicker. My eyes roll into the back of my head. My hand squeezes the sink and I can hear the porcelain almost break. 
I can feel the tip of my cock hit the back of Bela’s throat. I can hear her gag, as she tries to keep up with me thrusting into her face. Nothing would be better than getting Bela right here and right to finish what was so rudely interrupted. I yearn for Bela to be back in my arms, for Bela to be laying underneath me, to hear her moan again. 
My head falls back, and the moan that falls out of my mouth is godly. My load shoots out and covers the sink along with my own hand. The aftermath of coming on yourself is cause for showering. I drop my shades and hat onto the bed and let the water run until it’s hot. I clean my body with haste and make my way toward my bed. Getting into warmer clothes. I don’t bother with factory toys tonight. All I can see is Bela’s face. All I can see are her eyes staring back into mine. That’s what I dream about that night, but the morning is shadowed by the feeling of Alcina’s words finally hitting me. 
I can hear the banging on the garage door, and rage fills my heart and stomach. I get up storming up toward the garage doors. Mother Miranda is standing there, in all her fake glory. “Mother Miranda to what do I owe this pleasure?” It’s a fake voice, the fakest use, and only around her. With excitement written on her face which is more than scary. “I’ve heard the story from Lady Dimitrescu. Is it true that you and Bela are lovers now?” She asks with curiosity. I swallow hard. “I’m sure Lady Dimitrescu told you a whole story worth the truth,” I said blankly. “Oh this is wonderful, I will see you tomorrow at the church. I have the best of ideas for you and Bela.” Like that she’s gone a puff of hundreds of blackbirds. 
Always for Mother Miranda. She always has what she wants, but the thought of it sending Alcina into an overdrive of rage is a laughing stock in itself, And seeing Bela again sends a shiver down my spine. I start to think about her all over again. My pants grow tight, and I distract myself by building new toys to play with in the factory down below. 
I distract myself for the rest of the day. Tinker here and there. I don’t worry about Bela. I don’t worry about the growing admiration that I have for Alcina. In a fucked up way to make an effort to have Mother Miranda hate me. She loves me, for whatever fuckin’ reason. 
The next day comes quickly. The sun sets and rises with haste. I try to curve my beating heart. As I walk towards the Church. I know I’m already late, but Mither Miranda will never start until I’m there. She starts the second I sit down. My shades and hat are still on, and Alcina has forced Bela to sit on the side of her furthest away from me. I laugh internally at the notion, Alcina has no idea what’s about to come into her mind. 
Her precious girl is mine. Mine is for the taking with Mother Miranda’s signature written all over it. “Alright, I have heard you Alcina. I do think that in efforts to be the best he possibly can be, along with your sweetheart of a daughter. They might have come up with the most brilliant wonderful idea.” The shock written on Alcina’s face was like the rain had finally come down during the horrible summer months. Alcina’s face shows anger, and complete and utter frustration with everyone involved. I’m trying desperately to not laugh. I have to keep my face blunt, relaxed. All in the same way my insides are churning, burning at the bit to know that Mother Miranda is more then okay with the entirety of the situation. My shoulders come to lay against the back of the churchs unused pew. As if the lord just won’t give me what I so desperately want from life. 
Alcina just can’t keep her mouth shut, she needs to fight with mother miranda. She just has to get the last word in, thinking she might win an already lost fight she’s put herself in. “What are you talking about… Mother miranda you must know that Lord heisenberg isn’t actually trying to do shit right?” Alcina rips out. Her mouth can’t move fast enough to get ehw rods out. I’m used to the way that Alcina talks about me. Talks about me as if I’m not in the room, as if I’m just a child in need of discipline. 
I scoff, it almost turns into a laugh. Of course I’m not doing, not shit for Mother Miranda I do what I want, when I want. I take what I want. Alcina doesn’t seem to understand that stuck behind the rules and plans that Mother Miranda sets out for us all. I try to look for Belas beautiful face, but once again I’m stopped by Alcina larger then life body. 
Mother Miranda speaks with authority and it rips through the broken church building. “Now if you’re done. I have a new plan for finding myself a new daughter. I think that your daughter. Bela, and Lord Heisenberg should have this grand of a new relationship. I think this might work out very well for all of us.” Mother Miranda is gone. As always she needs no introduction, or exit. I swallow down a yawn, this whole conversation had been redundant. Mother Miranda could have simply brought Bela to my garage door instead, but she was always about the formality of things. 
Needed things to go prefectly. 
I was more then excited to get back to the scene we had been taken out of. I cracked my neck, standing and stretching my sore muscles. My back ached, and the more I listened to Alcina mumble on about how ‘how dare’ ‘Mother Miranda do that me’ I was growing rather massive headache. I was never afraid of this mumbling women. I stood up walking towards the both of them. Standing in front of them I waited for Alcina to throw her fit. Her traumatic fit that every three old had when they weren’t given what they wanted. 
As Bela sat there. Her ankles crossed in a beautiful dress that gave a few things to the imagination. I wondered what she looked like under her dress. Under the confinement of her tights clothes. I dropped my glasses just enough to be able to see Bela under better light. She looked so innocent, warm, and bright under the morning glow. Alcina on the other hand was raging. Red in the face as she fought with the idea of running towards me or Mother Miranda. 
Mother miranda had made her choice and it went agasint everything that Alcina believed in. i winked at Bela before turning to speak with her mother. “So alcina are you in the helping mood for Mother Miranda?” I question her. She scoffs, practically get’s up and throws me across the room. It’s all in her eyes, she doens’t. Alcina face changes, going from anger, and red around the tips of her ears. To a softness, and white glow. “Anything for Mother Miranda isn’t that right heisenberg.” are words a supposed to be deep throat cutting. If anything Alcina knows what I am, but I know what Alcina is. 
Leaving it there. I leave the church without saying anything else. I gather myself as I walk towards my factory. Like magic Mother Miranda is back infront of me. Her eyes are wide with excitement and a fringe of happiness A scary look on her almost regal attitude. “So Heisenberg, what are you’re plan with our dear Bela?” It’s a rather pressing question since i’m not sure what Mother Miranda wants to hear. “Depends on what you need me to do, Mother” I say with ease. 
Best to get the roundabout of what she wants. I can figure it’s only a small list. “I want nothing more for the two of you to be happy. It would be wonderful if the two of you could manage to give us a child. A wonderful family. Both of Dimitrescu blood, and Heisenberg blood.” Mother Miranda starts to walk, walking towards my bridge and factory. “Just a little project for me. Everything else would of course benefit the two of you” Mother Miranda speaks with such a grace, and I follow next to her. She stops short of the bridge 
“I will have bela at your door in the next few days. Then she will be staying with you Lord heisenberg. We don’t need her abbdoning this plan.” Mother Miranda said, a serious look on her face. She was truly and hopefully wishing that this endevor came with a wonderful surprise all for her to use to gain what she wanted. I smiled, a tight smile. “Yes Mother Miranda.” It was all that was said between the two of us before she walked away and exploded into a few hundred black birds. 
Days passed with horrible slowness. Every fuckin’ moring I think of Bela moans, and her beautfil innocnet face as I push her upagasint the wall. I feel the hard on that grows in my tight jeans. I feel the way that my heart aches for something that wasn’t supposed to turn out like this. 
I sit on the side of my bed. Thinking, imagining how Bela would look on her knees, her fingers working magic has they wrap around my cock. I imagine how Bela eyes, oh her grey eyes might light up in excitement, in fear. As I slip my cock into her tight pussy. I pump my cock, soft rhtymes of my plam. Each morning I jerk off to the thoughts of Bela. Each night I jerk off to more thoughts of Bela. 
I think of her sopping wet pussy, as I dive my head between her thighs. How she would squeeze my head harder and harder until I wasn;t able to breathe anymore. The taste of her cunt, as my nose bumped up agasint her clit. How’d she pull my hair was pleasure and scream out my name. 
My thoughts run wild for days as I wait for Mother Miranda to show up with Bela. My thoughts die down after I wait for four days, and three nights. There’s banging on the garage door and I hope that it’s not a freadily stop from Moreau, or a crazy call from Beneviento. I get up from the messy work bench that has my next craft on it. I’m not fast, but not slow. I try to not be crazy about how normal I have to walk towards the garage door. 
When it does finally open. Mother Miranda there with a rather happy smile on her face. Bela is standing next to her. A dress similar to her other, but she’s layered as if she needs an protection from the burning sun that is casting down. 
Mother Miranda is the first to say a word between the three of us. “Ah, Lord Heisenberg. You and Bels are going to make a lovely fa… a lovely couple.” I bow my head at her sinetly and she’s gone. Then it’s just the two of us. Tanding inside and outside. A ying and yang sort of feeling is happening. It’s the first time i’ve seen her since the church meeting where I meantally undressed her, wished that I had fucked her right there. 
So her mouth could see her precious daughter get ruined by none other then me. Regardless I remember my manners. She looks so terrified, she’s a young women who’s been sheltered by her mother. Bela been told her whole life how horrible men are and here she is with such me. She sutters, but nothing comes out of her mouth. I walk closer, and out into the daylight. I take her hand. Her hands are warm to the touch, and mine are in contrast so cold. Being able to touch her without hte confinements of worrying about Alcina or anyone else brings a level of excitement into my old bones. 
I struggle to not harshly drag her behind me into the garage. I try to be gentle, as gentle as my rough hands can get. “It’s not great, but it’s home Buttercup.” The nickname slips out of my mouth without meaning. I turn and look, Bela’s mouth is gaping open. Light blush on her cheeks, and the tips of ears. 
I want to call her buttercup now more often. I wanna hear her call out my name, not that stupid title Mother Miranda gave me. I wanna hear her call out “Karl” with excitement, with anger, with love. I want it all, and I want all of her. I slow down my beating heart. 
Bela has yet to say anything yet. I wonder about the reading but soon the thought passes and I notice that I’m still holding onto her wrist. “Also, the names Karl. None of that Lord bullshit, or Heisenberg bullshit.” My words aren’t to harsh, it’s just a rule that I want. No need for bullshit in a place of rather quite simplicity. 
She still isn’t speaking, so I add something else. “Bela I assume is still okay?” She hum, but isn’t looking up at me. She instead is looking down at my hand. It’s still wrapped around her wrist, so I move it gentle into her palm. 
Hand to hand. 
The silence is killing me, but she still looking. I wonder for a moment if i’ve made her uncomfortable. So I let go, there’s a look on regret on her face. But I’m quick to move on. I walk towards the door leading down to the next further part of my factory.”I’m going to show you around the factory. MInd you this isn’t your perfect little cushy castle you’ve got up there. This place is dangerous and you can get lost and hurt easily. I do not need either women I hate tearing down my walls looking for you. Do you understand?” I’m trying to sound like her mother. Make her understand just how dangerous this place can get. I want her by my sides a all times. 
More not responding. I wonder again for a slight moment how much she doesn’t speak. She’s so different now that she’s here. She even more quite, and she’s even more scared. I swallow down my pride and ego. 
“Do you understand?”
A long moment of silence then her beautiful voice shines through. 
I wunder lor…” I give her a look. An arched brow of annoycne over a stupid title. 
“I understand Karl.” Bela says softly. 
I start the tour with ease. I bring her down and around into each room. Reminding her to stay close, but I guess I’m moving to quickly for her. Everytime I move from one room to another. If the soldats move or creak Bela is up against my arm. Her smalls wamr hands wrapped around my bicep or hand. All over again I have to get my breathing and heartbeat under control. 
It isn’t until I route us back up the upper level of the factory does Bela let go of my arm. I sadden at the loss of her warm hand on my arm. “Why do you always wear your glasses?” She asks. God it’s the first questions she’s asked since arriving here at the factory. It causes a second beat in my heart. I can’t help but be a shit head towards her. See if she’ll play back into my hand. “Why Bela?” It’s a short questions to another question. 
I don’t really care what I’m asking. I rather care more about how she reacts. She rambles to get something out of her mouth. “I… you… I just think you’d; You’re eyes are very pretty is all. They’re all I think about, ever since that night in the castle. How you looked at me in the church.” She doens’t mumble any of it out, but rather she tires to get her words out like she’s trying to stop before she can anything else. 
 I still can’t help being a shit head. “You like the way I look at you.” I drop my voice. It’s deeper, thicker like a curse. She turns red, bright red in the cheeks, and she plays with her fingers as she tries not to look at me. Bela isn’t paying attention enough that she doens’t even notice me move frantically across the room, and in front of her. 
“Look at you a trembling, wordless mess Buttercup.” I coax her. She looks up at me, hums like it’s the only things she’s got. I’m within reaching distance, not yet wanting to give in to her needful look. She closes distance between us. Chest pressed against each other. Hearts almost beating at the same time. 
She throws sass into the small space between us. “I asked you a question Karl.” Bela says my name again, straining my knees to almost give out. I push my glasses down, and then off completely throwing them off into the far distance of the room. More sass gets thrown out into the conversation, but from my counterpart. “And I asked you one, now are you going to answer?” I ask. I look down at her, lust is driving every single emotion of mine. I try to not lock my lips with hers for right now. 
Her eyes are wide and so grey. Almost silver how they bounce between each of my own eyes. I can’t let my mind mangle with what is important and not important. “I’m sure you’ll figure out soon enough. I want to get back to what was rudely interrupted by your mother.” I say harshly into Bela ear. I pick her up. Not caring about how she yips at the forceful move. 
“What do you think Bela, huh?” It’s a rather grand rhetorical question. Not something I actually want Bela to answer. I grab her ass in an effort to keep her close in my arms. Her legs instinctively wrapped around her around my hips. Bela was getting more comfortable with me I was hoping that. 
I walked us towards the back bedroom. It was a messy conglomerate of clothes, old and new parts of metal, dirty clothes that are devoted to Bela in a strange and creepy way. My cock is begging to feel her wet pussy. My cock knows what’s happening. My mind knows what is about to happen. My heart is beating faster then I can possibly understand. I wonder if Bela can feel the growing erection in my trousesr. I wonder if she knows how much I want her right now. She wraps her arms around my neck, and moans into my ear, in the same motion she grabs at my hat and throws it off. 
She runs her fingers, her smooth small fingers comb through my hair. It sends shivers down my spine, makes me wanna melt down to the grounds na d praise her for the rest of my long life. It causes a misstep in my walk towards my bedroom. I have to calibrate myself, let go of the tension that finding it ways to my shoulders. But the moan still falls, the moan out of simple pleasure that Bela gives me. 
She doesn’t understand how much I’ve thought about her. How many nights I’ve sat here in my bedroom and burnt the imagine of her face into the back of my head.  Iconiune once I level out from the moan and groan that Bela is trying to pull out of me. I throw her down to her bed, there’s no need to be gentle. Mother Miranda words come back out in my head. 
“She won’t be leaving anytime soon” 
Bela is utterly mine in every single way. 
My bed is big enough for me, and another person. Another person to be sprawled out, legs pinned out and arms pinned out. I wanna see Bela starfished out and in no way able to get away from me. I don’t let my fantasy go to far away from me. I’ve got her right here and right now. I look down at her. 
She’s beautiful, she’s perfect in every way and I want to tell her. But she’s just so fuckin’ mischievous. There’s a look in her eyes, written all over her face that tells a rather lustfilled story. “You’re such a brat you know that?” I ask her, yet again it rather rhetorical question. She doens’t answer, but she shakes her head in protest. 
I grab at my zipper on my jeans. Sliding the zipper down grabs Bela’s attention. She watches as my jeans fall to floor. Bela stares with intensity, her eyes widden as the bludge in my boxers gives nothing to the imagination. Her eyes fill with wonder then worry almost automatically I sooth the worrying thoughts that are passing throug hehr innocent mind.
“Oh don’t worry buttercup I’ll make it fit.” The way it comes out is so rough and tight. It comes out less like a promise and more a good threat. One that has worth and meaing behind it. I breathe slowly and with purpose. I take myself out of the boxers, my cock loves the feeling of the cold air that pumps through the factories walls. I’m begging her in my mind to just wrap her mouth around just the tip of my cock. 
Even just a little will do it for me. She gasps as she sees just how huge my cock is. There’s nothing for her to compare it to, nothing for her to by disappointed or underestimated by. I smirk the effect that Bela has on my body in mind controlling. Is an effect in a whole different way. It pushes further into my already larger ego. 
“You know how to suck cock right?” I graon out, I can feel my cock anticpating her mouthg or her hand or any touch. She mumbles quietly alkmost to quite “No”. Poor innocent soul that this girl has never been treated to a good ole cock. Might as well be my cock that take her thraot virginity. I roll my eyes. I wodner for a moment, and regret the action that I take next. My cock goes back up into it confinements. Boxers rough fabric rubbing against my hard on. 
“WAIT don’t… could you show me please Karl?” She begs, she says it so softly so genuinely innocently. My mind pauses, and then starts up again. I breathe, and look down at her beautiful face. My hand coming down to rub her cheeks gently with my thumb. “Fuck buttercup… alright I’ll show you” I mutter between my teeth. I get as close as possible, Dropping my boxers back down. 
“Don’t you dare close your eyes at all. I want you looking at me during this entire thing okay.” I say strongly. Bela shakes her head with great eager. “Open” I say simply, she follows along. Her mouth isn’t open wide enough for my fingers nor my cock. So I do what any goodman would. I use my fingers to widden her mouth just a little bit more. When I bring my fingers out, she tries desperately to follow them. 
I chuckle at the thought. But I’d rather have her follow after my cock. She licks her lips like she’s waiting her the best meal of her life. Okay relax your mouth, and take me slow buttercup.” I encouraged Bela. She did, and taking me fully for the first time being a cock sucker I eyes rolled into the back of my head. Groaning out in pleasure. I wondered if she really was a first time cock sucker. I can’t help the graons and bucking that happens. Bucking to Bela face. 
“Fuck, I told you slow buttercup. But whatever you want I see.” It’s said in a breathless chance as I feel her tongue lick around the sides of my cock, and towards the head of my cock. I let my head roll back, and let myself feel the way Bela’s mouth works my cock. 
I want to feel her hand, her pussy. I wanna feel eveything. 
In every single possible way. 
“Fuck…Shit” “Fuckin’ hell buttercup.” The curse that drop from my mouth are hardly quiet, this way that Bela has her mouth wrapped around my cock is sending me into insanity in the best fuckin’ way. I reach down, my hand grabbing a chunk of her hair. Soft at the first touch, but I can’t help to drag my finger through her hair and tug hard. Her mouth is like heaven, sucking and grazing her teeth softly over the ridges of my cock. “Fuck, Buttercup!” I can’t helpt but mumble out. The overstimulation is hard to ignore, I have to pull my cock from her mouth before… 
As I pull my cock from her mouth she wasn’t having it and let mind over mouth win. Bela followed with not only her mouth but all her hands. I wasn’t able to warn her as I felt the knot in my lower stomach explode. I continued to fuck her sweet, small mouth as I rolled my head back over the back of my shoulders. 
Her eyes roll back into satisfaction. She was hot, and warm. Sticky to the touch, as I fumbled with my trousers. Trying to get both the jeans and boxers off my boots covered ankles. Throwing clothes off into the distance, and my boots alone with them. I stood and stared at her. 
Comparivlty she was beautiful. In every single way, she cleaned off her chin, and mouth with her delicate fingers. “Fuck, Karl can I get out of my dresses. I’m hot as shit, and I need!” She begs, Bela begs for me to undress her. Undress the clothes that have kept her body so far away from my touch and gaze. 
I stumble, and have to catch myself as I stumble towards her. “Fuck yeah. Sorry. Give me a second.” I plead with her. To barely strip the rest of my clothes, my shirt still buttoned up. I ripped down through the buttons, not giving a shit about my torn clothes. All while I’m stripping from my clothes I can’t help but keep my gaze on her grey eyes. They’re glowing in the afternoon light that is streaming into the room. 
When I’m finished, I come up to her small body. I jut my thumb out and run them over her lips. Her plump and delicious looking lips before diving my thumb into her mouth. She suckles and plays with the tip of my thumb. 
I sigh in contentment. “Such a good girl.” I encourage her, She vibisly melt. Unfortunately to get her clothes off I have to reseed my thumb from her warm mouth. I rip into her dress, I’ll get her more. I doubt she doens’t have more. But as the dress falls and get’s scattered across the room. The more the realization hits my forehead. I would love to see Bela prance around my factory naked as the day she was born. I’d love to be able to suckle at her skin, or slap her ass. 
Her breasts come falling out, bouncing out. Her nipples don’t get the chance to react to the coolness of the factory. My mouth is already on them, I can’t help the need to taste her skin once again. I need her to be closer. I don’t know what to do if she’s not close enough to me. 
Skin to Skin 
Her skin makes my knees shake. Her moans as I nip and tug at her taught nipples. The crane of my neck hurt but anything to have her right next to me. To have her in my space. I look up at her even with the crane in my neck I enjoy the way I see her neck fell back against her shoulders. Her gaping mouth left opened, as she lets loud and breathless moans fall from her mouth. 
“Fuck buttercup. Such a good lookin’ pair of tits you’ve got. So tiny and squeezeable.” I mumble into her breasts. She giggles just a little, and breaths deeply. I play with breasts in an effort to keep her moaning. I would love to coniute to suck at her flesh, but the urge to get her on my bed. Finally get her to let me between her legs. Her warm flesh, her legs squeezing me tighter around me. 
She falls with a sort of grace onto the mattress and I can’t wait any longer. I’m on her in seconds of her back hitting the mattress. I can feel her thigh, wet and thick pressing up against my already hard cock. My cock has been hard and tick agasint my trousers since Mother miranda dropped her off earlier. The more we walked in the deeper parts of the factory the harder my cock got restrained in my trousers. 
Everything is on the edge of something great. 
At the edge of loud moans, and the slap of skin. 
A dream I’ve only dreamt a few times in my whole life. 
I want to feel her lips pressed up against mine. For the first time I want something fully for myself and myself alone. 
“Karl” She says sharply. It takes me out of everything happening. I worry for the spilt second before I’m falling back into the rythme. “Such a pretty girl. Such a pretty girl that’s all mine.” I manage to get out. My weight shifts as I cage her in against the mattress in an effort to keep her close as possible. 
I want to feel more, so I take advantage. I run just the tips of my fingers down one side of her body. Down the side of her breast, down her rib cage, until I hit her hip. I remove my hand from her skin, and let the surprise of my padded, and rough fingers that play with her pussy. She reacts in the best way. So responsive that I almost cum right there just from her on-going noises. 
I’m tryin’ not to be rough with her. I’m trying to soft, gentle and slow for her benefit. She rolls her eyes as if I’m not working hard enough. I scoff at the attitude even if she isn’t talking to me directly. Bela is looking down between the two of us. I figure that I must a mess. I can feel my hair stuck to my forehead. My tongue juts out of my mouth stuck between my teeth. I look down between the two of us. 
I continue to play with her soaked pussy. I play, and play until I feel like Bela will be able to take my cock. I nudge the head of my cock up to ther soaked enterance. There’s of moment of resistance between her legs like Bela is trying to close me in, or rather get me out the words that drip from Bela mouth are shouted at me. 
“I’M A VIRGIN, HEISENBERG.” She screams out at me. I don’t stop fully. I take a moment to look up at her, there’s a feel of hesitation in every single movement now. “I was assuming so Buttercup, do you not?” I go questions Bela, there’s an answer automatically, “NO I do want you cock. I promise I just you… I just wanted to tell you before…” That’s was a proper scream for a good ole fuck.  
I make her words die in the back of her throat. I thurst forward, and hard into her spongy pussy. She screams, and out comes the panic. “Fuck, Shit… Karl… that hurts…” She mumbles out. Tears are brimming in her eyes, but the way she’s squeezing my cock makes me dizzy enough to almost fall and leave my whole weight on her. Before that can fall I wipe them away on her cheeks. She blsuhes and looks away. “I’ll move in a second. I just couldn’t wait any longer. I should have just taken it back in that big dumb castle. Should havelet your mother find me fucking you. I wanna hear your moans. I wanna hear my name on your breath Buttercup.” Its a bare whisper into the cusp of her ear. 
The pain subsides as I see tears turn into her eyes rolling back into her head. 
“I want…” Bela mumbles out 
“Yeah what do you want” I encourage her. 
“ I want you to move please… please just move already Karl” She begs me, bucking into my pelvic bone, fucking herself on my cock. A new layer of fresh tears fall. I wonder if the tears mean something new now. Tears of joy, you know that saying. “Alright, calm down. I’ll start movin’ now Buttercup.” I whisper gently into her ear before kissing the shell of it. I back up and rest my hand on her hip dips. My finger sprawled out for some sort of advantage. 
She so fucking soft, all over. Compared to me. 
It’s the soft vs rough 
I remember hearing her screams of pain, passion, and lust all in one. I remember feeling the flex in her body as she arched her back off the bed, and tried desperately to get even more close to me. I remember the half crestan moon she made with her filed down nails into my skin. I remember how tight she felt as I filled her pussy with cock, and cum. How Bela skin marked up with such beauty. How my name floated off her lips and right into my pussy drunk mind. 
Most importanly i remember Grey eyes looking back up at me. I remember how she kept looking at me as I rolled my own eyes back. Her pussy keeping me close by and not letting me go just yet. I remember how she hugged me tighty when my arms and legs gave out. I remember how fast her felt against my own. 
Grey eyes was what I remember as I fell asleep and when i woke up the next morning they were still there.
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Posted on: 04/05/23
Completed on: 03/29/23
House Heisenberg-
21 notes · View notes
yuesya · 1 year
First of all thanks for the chapter it was a very good one and I appreciate your work , and sorry for the multitude of questions
Second, I was thinking in the past few days about how much shiki could change things and a sudden though hit me, shiki could possibly kill mahogara right? And if she did so, would that mean Megumi is getting slapped with a special class rank? (And if she did that, how would satoru and the others react)
Third, I was thinking about the balance between the 3 great families and well, I can't really understand why the kamo are among them, like , the gojo have the six eyes and infinity, the zenin have the 10 shadows and mahoraga, but what do the kamo have? Blood manipulation, don't get me wrong it's a cool as hell technique, but I don't think it measures up to the other two(like choso and the death paintings are an exception because their curse blood gives them both poisonous/acidic properties and allows them to turn cursed energy into more blood), idk what do you think?
Fourth, I can't stop imagining geto watching shiki's dance during obon, like I can imagine him being far away enough so satoru doesn't find him, but I can't take the image of geto just being there watching things unfold out of my head
Fifth, do you plan on continuing your Tokyo ghoul or your One piece stories? And i heard you're gonna move your works completely to AO3 , is that true?
Hello and thanks for reading! To answer your questions:
1: To my understanding, in order for the user of Ten Shadows to add a new shikigami to their roster, they must summon and defeat it by themselves.
Quoting Fushiguro from c.117: "You can exorcise a shikigami with multiple people, but doing so nullifies the technique's effect after the exorcism is done."
So, they can pull others into this ritual -but it's a 'useless exorcism,' as the sorcerer won't actually be able to summon the shikigami even if it's defeated. (Unless the shikigami is summoned for a similar purpose as in Fushiguro v. Shigemo, in which case Fushiguro wasn't actually trying to subdue Mahogara.)
TLDR: Neither Shiki nor Satoru can defeat Mahogara for Fushiguro to gain it as a shikigami.
2: I mean... given that the three clans are all stated to be descended from the Three Great Vengeful Spirits, I'd assume that means the three clans all have powerful sorcerers? In some ways you could argue that Blood Manipulation seems to fall short of Limitless and Ten Shadows, but maybe it also has to do with the situation as a whole. For example, say that there's a generation where there's only a Limitless user without Six Eyes and no Ten Shadows, I could easily see a sorcerer with Blood Manipulation from the Kamo Clan come out on top.
If there was ever a blood manipulator at some point in the past who could also manipulate other people's blood in addition to their own, I'd imagine that would be quite terrifying as well.
3: I don't think Geto would've taken the risk to watch Shiki's performance during Obon in person, but he definitely would've learned of it in short order.
4: left hand upon a mirror is discontinued; I don't see myself picking it back up and continuing it. and much madness must make is complete, with a nonzero chance of random au updates if the muse strikes in the future.
Any new stories that I write going forward will be posted on AO3 and not FFN.
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illumins · 10 months
Beginning Change
This dream felt like poison, searing beneath her skin, burning through every cell and molecule. She reached out, desperate to escape, but her body remained anchored, trapped in the torment. Her voice, silenced. Sora felt like a caged bird in flames, the roaring fire muting her screams.
Images invaded her mind—some bloody and grotesque, others steeped in sorrow and despair. One portrayed a man in torn, bloodied clothes, a scar snaking across his face from forehead to jaw, yelling futile cries as he struggled against chains. But these terrifying visions dissipated as fear fought to reclaim her consciousness. Her soul felt ablaze, embers igniting along her body.
In an unwanted moment, she was thrust into a vision of a woman, not pleading for her own life but for another's. Sora felt the agony as if it were her own, drowning in tears, suffocating amidst a world awash in red. Brunette hair turned jet black from dried blood, a white gown tattered and soiled. '’Please, spare him. Even in death, I'll surrender my soul to the inferno if you let him live.’ The woman's wails echoed in her own throat, tearing at her being. ‘'NO!’ The final cry echoed, plunging her into darkness.
Sora jolted awake, sheets tossed in disarray, one leg entangled while the other dangled off the bed. Her chest heaved with the same fear that gripped her in the dream. Were they dreams? They felt too real to be mere dreams. Her hand reached from her stomach to her throat, fingers brushing sore spots, traces of night sweats dampening her hair.
A shower might help. Grabbing a discarded towel, she weakly made her way to the bathroom—a modest space with the usual amenities. With trembling hands, Sora removed her sweatpants, feeling the cool air against her skin. Gazing at her reflection, a sense of unease gnawed at her. They're just nightmares. Anyone can have them. Calm down… She turned on the shower, watching the mirror fog up until her reflection became a blur. Before stepping behind the curtain into the warm water, she noticed a spot of bright red on her reflection, trailing from her nose to her lips. A nosebleed? Wiping it away, she stared at the stain on her finger. I've never had nosebleeds. The memory of a conversation from four years ago at the hospital resurfaced, a conversation about potential future health issues.
Sora rejected the frightening thought. It can't be. I knew it was a possibility, but not now… Fearing the worst, she looked away from her reflection, stepping into the warm water to wash away the haunting thoughts.
Her shift at the café began in the afternoon, affording Sora more time than usual to assist her grandmother.
The shower had eased the night's tension that weighed heavily on her head and shoulders. As she moved, her limbs trembled at every step, yet with each movement, strength returned. Sitting by her grandmother's bedside, her fingers traced the contours of her face. Nana used to do this for her, sharing the love Sora had lacked. Memories from the past resurfaced.
“I wonder sometimes if I should remember…”
As her grandmother drifted into sleep, Sora's phone buzzed in her pocket. Heading to her room to get dressed, she saw a text from Mark proposing a day out by the lake. Without hesitation, she agreed and prepared for the day.
An hour passed since their plan. The thought of seeing Mark shifted her focus from the morning's turmoil to complete bliss. She admired herself in a white flowy romper dress, donning a cardigan for the incoming winter. She texted Areum to take care of her Nana but found herself too busy, so she asked Sicheng for the favor, and he agreed. The assurance that her grandmother would be cared for eased her mind.
As she locked the door, a grey car pulled up. Through the passenger seat window, she saw Mark's bright smile that always melted her. He was clad in all black, exuding charm. With excitement, Sora hurried towards the car, feeling his gaze on her.
“What?” she asked.
Shyly, Mark straightened himself and drove off, “Nothing, you look beautiful in white.”
Sora pursed her lips, fighting the urge to grin widely. Her heart raced, her cheeks flushed, but she kept her composure. Next to her, she heard him chuckle, his attention on the road as he hummed.
“What?” His grin slipped out.
“Nothing, just focus on the road,” Sora said seriously but with a gleam of delight in her eyes.
Mark parked outside the park, a medium-sized lake at its center, inviting for those seeking a leisurely swim. Stepping out into the winter breeze, Sora adjusted her wool cardigan, relishing the frigid air that made her fingers numb yet felt as fresh as mint. In the midst of a season that seemed lifeless, she found herself invigorated. Mark, already halfway in, stood waiting, hands in his pockets, his eyes exuding warmth. Jogging to meet him, Sora took a moment to absorb the surroundings—minimal trees, cut grass, a gravel path, and benches. The usually lively lake lay deserted, its waters shimmering like an ocean of diamonds moved by gentle waves.
Unbeknownst to her, Mark once again found himself captivated by the girl, his gaze lingering on her behind parted lips. He discerned a heaviness behind her cheery smile, visible when they shared moments of silence. Wondering if this was a constant behavior or a recent development, he snapped out of his thoughts when he noticed her catching his stare.
“Is something wrong?” Sora shyly inquired.
Sighing, he glanced at her hands, withdrawing one from his pocket to intertwine with hers. “Let's go, we still have four hours to kill.”
Nodding, she followed, her excitement apparent in every step, perhaps even skipping along the way.
They reached the lake's edge, a gentle descent into the water surrounded by rocks and plants. As they stood there, admiring the glistening view, Sora heard Mark draw in a deep breath. Observing him, she watched as he glowed like the moon, a captivating presence. His black hair took on a dark gold hue from the reflecting lake, his chest rising and falling with every calm breath, eyes closed in contemplation.
“Your eyes will burn if you don't blink,” Mark advised with closed eyes, still gazing toward the water.
Flustered, Sora covered her face, apologizing, “Sorry.”
This time, Mark laughed and looked down at her. “Don't feel bad.”
Despite his assurance, regret crept into her mind. He probably thinks I'm weird. Oh god. Sora mentally facepalmed, but outwardly, she stared into the water, still hiding her face from him.
Suddenly, two arms wrapped around her waist, lifting her off the ground. Instinctively, she held onto the playful boy, looking down at him with confusion and a reddened face. He flashed his signature smile.
“You were too in your thoughts.” Without warning, Mark headed into the cold lake, teasingly starting slow as if to gauge Sora's reaction. Realizing his plan, she began to squirm, the prospect of cold water leaving her frozen in worry.
“Relax, the water isn't as cold as you think.”
“Yeah? Then how come there's no one in it, Mark?”
“Well, we're going in anyway,” he smirked.
“Mark, I swear—” Sora playfully threatened, but he cut her off, now at the water's edge.
“What? Tell me, Miss Sora, what will you do?” he laughed.
For a moment, they locked eyes. She above him, he smiling mischievously. This provoked a chuckle from her, and that was all Mark needed. With her in his arms, he ran into the lake, loud splashes echoing through the quiet park. The moment the water touched her, Sora shuddered and yelped.
“Holy crap!” Instead of resisting his grip, she clung tightly, trying to absorb his warmth.
In return, he held onto her as they both started feeling the sting of the freezing water. “Shit, it's cold,” he said, letting out shivering laughs. When the water reached mid-thigh, Mark decided they had ventured far enough and let her go. Sora moved a couple of feet away, her breaths long and heavy as she tried to control her freezing body.
Damn it, Mark. He continued to watch her with amusement, hugging himself. Sucks to be cold, huh? With swift hands, Sora started splashing water at him, and in return, he retaliated. Exhausted, both from the cold water and the effort, they continued their playful duel.
Unable to endure it any longer, Sora raised her hands in defeat. “Stop! Stop! You win, damn it. I'm too cold and drenched to continue.”
With her hair damp and clinging to her face, Mark heaved in exhaustion, laughing at the pouty girl. He reached out for her arm and pulled her toward him, enveloping her in warmth. Instinctively, she moved her arms between them, shielding themselves from the open, cold air.
The moment lingered, quiet yet filled with tension. Even though he's holding me, he doesn't know how crazy my heart is going now. Resting her forehead on his chest, Sora counted down from a hundred, hoping to calm herself.
He was the first to break the silence. “Sora... can I kiss you?”
Her breathing hitched. If she was cold before, now she was frozen. How do I respond?
“Sora?” He called out to her quietly.This time, she lifted her head from his chest and looked up at him, seeing the worry in his eyes. He probably thinks he made me uncomfortable. It took her another second until she knew her answer. I don't have to say anything… Instead, Sora smiled, and with that, she watched as his face transformed from worry to delight. Holding tightly to her, he leaned down and planted the softest kiss, one that melted the cold.
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cqnniballecter · 11 months
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Image from: https://pin.it/5HGA8W4
There is nothing more I love about this show than Hannigram being canon. I love them so much. The only couple I have been attached to as long as I have.
There are 2 songs that remind me of them.
Daylight By David Kushner:
Telling myself I won't go there
Oh, but I know that I won't care
Tryna wash away all the blood I've spilt
This lust is a burden that we both share
Two sinners can't atone from a lone prayer
Souls tied, intertwined by our pride and guilt
There's darkness in the distance
From the way that I've been livin'
But I know I can't resist it
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
You and I drink the poison from the same vine
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
Hidin' all of our sins from the daylight
From the daylight, runnin' from the daylight
From the daylight, runnin' from the daylight
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
Tellin' myself it's the last time
Can you spare any mercy that you might find
If I'm down on my knees again?
Deep down, way down, Lord, I try
Try to follow your light, but it's night time
Please, don't leave me in the end
There's darkness in the distance
I'm beggin' for forgiveness (ooh)
But I know I might resist it, oh
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
You and I drink the poison from the same vine
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
Hidin' all of our sins from the daylight
From the daylight, runnin' from the daylight
From the daylight, runnin' from the daylight
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
You and I drink the poison from the same vine
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
Hidin' all of our sins from the daylight
From the daylight, runnin' from the daylight
From the daylight, runnin' from the daylight
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
Skyfall By Adele:
This is the end
Hold your breath and count to ten
Feel the Earth move and then
Hear my heart burst again
For this is the end
I've drowned and dreamt this moment
So overdue, I owe them
Swept away, I'm stolen
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together
At Skyfall
At Skyfall
Skyfall is where we start
A thousand miles and poles apart
Where worlds collide and days are dark
You may have my number, you can take my name
But you'll never have my heart
Let the sky fall (let the sky fall)
When it crumbles (when it crumbles)
We will stand tall (we will stand tall)
Face it all together
Let the sky fall (let the sky fall)
When it crumbles (when it crumbles)
We will stand tall (we will stand tall)
Face it all together
At Skyfall
Where you go, I go
What you see, I see
I know I'd never be me
Without the security
Of your loving arms
Keeping me from harm
Put your hand in my hand
And we'll stand
Let the sky fall (let the sky fall)
When it crumbles (when it crumbles)
We will stand tall (we will stand tall)
Face it all together
Let the sky fall (let the sky fall)
When it crumbles (when it crumbles)
We will stand tall (we will stand tall)
Face it all together
At Skyfall
Let the sky fall
We will stand tall
At Skyfall
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