#and I can have them sell in (almost) any world I so choose
jujumin-translates · 3 days
[A3!] Sakuya Sakuma | [SR] A Creation Come to Life | Artistic Appreciation in a Certain Village
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Izumi: Thanks for coming shopping with me, Sakuya-kun.
Sakuya: It’s nothing! I’m glad I could help.
Izumi: That reminds me, you’re supposed to take PR photos that pay homage to the paintings for an exhibition at an art museum, right?
Izumi: Have you decided which painting you want to go with, Sakuya-kun?
Sakuya: They gave me a list of the paintings in the museum and I’ve looked at a lot of them, but I’m still lost.
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Sakuya: As I went through the list, I was like “That one’s nice” and “This one’s nice too”...
Izumi: There are just so many works it’s hard to decide, isn’t it?
Izumi: I hope you find a painting that you like, Sakuya-kun.
Sakuya: Yeah! I’ll try to look for one.
???: Ohh! May I have that one!?
Sakuya: …Hm? That voice…
Izumi: Citron-kun?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: I knew it, it’s Citron-kun.
Sakuya: It looks like he’s playing a game with some kids.
Citron: Sakuya! Director! Come over here!
Sakuya: Hello.
Children: Hello!
Citron: Were you two out shopping?
Sakuya: Yeah! What game are you playing with everyone, Citron-san?
Citron: It is a game where you build a village that we have been playing for a while now!
Izumi: Ah, that was a fireworks display just now!
Citron: Yes~. We will have another fireworks display next time because I would like you two to see it!
Citron: I am still playing back and forth between everyone’s villages.
Child A: He was just showing us some of the paintings from the art museum in the Village of Citron!
Child B: Citron’s collection is amazing!
Citron: It is thanks to everyone that I have been able to gather all of these! Everyone was giving the things that I had not collected yet to me!
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Sakuya: Waah, it’s just an art museum within a game, but those are really authentic paintings! 
Izumi: They really are, it’s incredible.
Child A: Anyway, this is probably the only one I can give you right now, Citron~.
Child B: Me too.
Citron: Thank you! That is perfect!
Sakuya: …
Sakuya: Um, Citron-san. Can you show me that art museum when we get back home?
Citron: Of course!
· ❀ —– ٠ ❀ ٠ —– ❀ ·
Sakuya: There really are so many different kinds of paintings!
Citron: I am glad to see you looking at them with such enthusiasm~. Is there any reason for that?
Sakuya: Actually, I need it for an upcoming art museum exhibition I’m participating in.
Sakuya: I’m supposed to take PR photos that pay homage to a painting, but I haven’t decided on one yet…
Citron: So that is why!
Citron: Then you may look at these paintings here whenever you like, for as long as you like!
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Sakuya: Really!?
Citron: It is for your sake too, Sakuya!
Citron: In exchange, there is one painting I have not found yet.
Citron: Sometimes there is a merchant that shows up to sell paintings, so while you are looking at the paintings, if the merchant is there, please look at the paintings they are selling.
Citron: Paintings that I do not have in the art museum will be marked with a star, so if you see one, I would like you to buy it for me!
Sakuya: Got it! We’ll keep an eye out for it.
Sakuya: Oh, right. Can Director look at them too? She seemed like she was interested in the art museum too, so…
Citron: Of course! I would be very happy if you and Director looked at it together~.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*Door opens*
Sakuya: Ah, Director!
Izumi: What’s up, Sakuya-kun?
Sakuya: I’m borrowing that game from earlier from Citron-san, so do you wanna look at the art museum with me?
Izumi: Really? I was a little bit interested in that too, so I’d love for you to show me.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: Even though we’re just looking at it like this, it really feels like we’re actually going around an art museum.
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Sakuya: It really does. It almost makes you forget that it’s a game world.
Izumi: …There, now we’ve finally seen the whole thing.
Sakuya: It was really impressive!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Option 1: Thanks for looking at it with me.
Izumi: Thanks for looking at it with me.
Sakuya: I had a really great time going around the art museum with you, Director.
Izumi: Haha, it’s almost like we went to an actual art museum.
Sakuya: I’d love to go around some other places too.
Izumi: Why don’t we ask Citron-kun to give us a tour next time
Sakuya: Yeah!
Option 2: It really makes you understand why someone would want to collect them, doesn’t it?
Izumi: It really makes you understand why someone would want to collect them, doesn’t it?
Sakuya: That’s what I was thinking. I really get why someone would wanna collect all the paintings and put them in the art museum.
Izumi: Even though it’s only a game world… Though I guess it probably makes you feel that way because it’s a game world.
Sakuya: I bet it’d feel really nice to have all the paintings in one place.
Sakuya: That reminds me, earlier, Citron-san asked me to check if the merchant that sells paintings stops by, so I’ll do that now.
Izumi: Ohh, so merchants just come in at random, then. That seems like the kind of thing that’d make you want to collect even more.
Sakuya: Ah, the merchant’s here! Let me talk to them.
Izumi: Why is this painting marked with a star?
Sakuya: That’s… I think that’s the last painting that Citron-san said he hasn’t found yet!
Izumi: Huh!? Really!?
Izumi: (There goes Sakuya-kun’s crazy pulling ability again…)
Sakuya: Now I just need to buy the painting and…
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Sakuya: …I think this is the painting that I’ll go with.
Izumi: You mean the one for the PR photos?
Sakuya: Yeah. I found the last one Citron-san needed, so I guess I kinda feel a connection to it… …Is that too simple of a reason to pick it?
Izumi: Not at all.
Izumi: I think it’s very like you to choose to feel a connection to something even for seemingly trivial reasons.
Sakuya: Director… Thank you so much!
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victorluvsalice · 2 days
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-->And then, right after noon, it was off to San MyShuno and Van Liddelton Groceries! Because I wanted my gang to sell some shit, damn it. XD I had Alice open the place up, then sent her and Smiler to grab some posters (don’t think they got any new ones though) while Marm and Victor went to one of the outdoor chess sets to play a game together as they waited for customers to show up. It didn’t take long for the first people of the day to walk through the big sliding doors, and Alice and Smiler had to hurry back from their poster-gathering adventures to greet Umber Grove and Ekram Elderberry respectively. The pair immediately put their customer service skills to work, and Alice ended up convincing Umber to buy a bottle of milk as the first sale of the day (possibly helped by the fact that Umber found her rather attractive), while Smiler “closed the deal” to encourage Ekram to purchase something from over by the herbalism shelves –
Only for poor Ekram to then run afoul of the “for some reason my Sims keep acting like they cannot get to you to ring you up” bug. *grimace* Oh, that just figures. I was thus forced to let Ekram just stand there until his shopping bubble timed out while sending the gang to tend to the other customers in the store (I mean, I kept TRYING to get them to ring him up, but it never worked). Sorry, Ekram! Maybe another day!
-->Fortunately, the rest of the sales day went pretty smoothly for the quartet –
I. Guy named Yosef yanked a cichlid out of the fish section while Smiler and Victor got their flirt on in the chess area, which was nice – not sure anyone has bought any fish before now!
II. Alice successfully rang up the first “proper” sale of the day: a guy named Asa buying one of Victor’s Potions of Emotional Stability, awesome
III. Smiler spent some time chatting with Leila, their semi-stalkerish buddy from Sulani (the one who kept interrupting the Valicer honeymoon) throughout the early afternoon – my INTENT was for them to talk her into letting them have some plasma, but they ended up accidentally convincing her to buy a can of green peas instead. XD They ended up getting their wanted drink from Brant Hecking instead – thanks Brant, it’s appreciated!
IV. Victor talked a guy named Valentino into buying some mayonnaise, then cleaned up some spoiled fizzy juice I spotted in the juice fridge (which is supposed to be a FLOWER fridge, admittedly, but it also works for that purpose) – once he was done with that he then rang up Clara Bjergsen for a single small mushroom. Which looks very funny written down XD
V. Marm kept trying to slip away from customers to mop some puddles outside (mood), but I did get him to talk to a guy named Tai for a while, which seemed to contribute to the old fellow buying a plantain. And then another customer who’d gone over to talk to Marm earlier while he was playing chess with Victor, Scarlet, bought another one right after, so I guess the robot inspires people to buy bananas. XD I eventually just let him mop the puddle (because it was bugging ME too), then told him to start recharging while he was out there because he wasn’t a fan of all the people anyway
VI. After some confusion about who was ringing up who during a rush because Victor insisted on walking all the way downstairs despite me canceling the “make waffles” interaction he had to ring someone up (*siiiiiigh*), Smiler eventually rang up a lady named Aleah (not the hermit, someone else) for a box of canned peas and a guy named Masara for some watermelon conserve, while Victor rang up Brent Hecking for a bottle of synthetic food tablets. Victor then tried to run off and make a hamburger on one of the outside grills until I went “just use Delicioso you fool” and had him conjure up some prosciutto-wrapped asparagus, which he went and ate on the edge of the big fountain I put on the side of the lot. *shrug* Okay then
VII. Speaking of the fountain, I caught Alice randomly playing in it as Victor was making his meal, and told her to go inside and ring up a guy named Tsutoma for a robot salvage part (first one we’ve sold!). She tried to slip back off to the fountain later, but fortunately ended up emptying the trash instead, yay. And then licked herself clean out there as she was getting a little manky and it was out of view of the judgmental customers. XD
VIII. While all this was going on, I woke up Marm to help Smiler with ringing up more people – he rang up a lady named Martina for some pumpkin conserve, while Smiler rang up a returning Leila for a jar of blueberry jam (she just can’t stay away from them!). Meanwhile, in the background, someone named Raven bought an egg, a returning Brant Hecking got a Gutsberry, and a lady named Mabel some chocolate milk. Talk about things just flying off the shelves!
IX. And finally, once he was done with his dinner, Victor rang up a guy named Masato for some canned fishcakes, while Smiler rang up a guy named Omar for some beeswax. All while Marm watched TV in the break room, Alice hung out by the trash can licking herself, and Thorne Bailey lingered by the robotics shelves attracting paparazzi and talking to fans.
Yeah, as you might imagine, at that point, I was done, and so were my Sims. XD Smiler officially closed up shop at 8 PM, right after ringing up Omar. As for the stats, our quartet had 19 total sales today, for a total profit of $996 – yeah, while there was a lot of buying going on, a lot of it was for pretty cheap items. *shrug* As I have said multiple times before, they do NOT need the money!
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shotmrmiller · 7 months
currently doing one of my most hated chores which is laundry and it got me thinking.
It's bloody laundry day again. You've got no extra clothes to really wear apart from a loose, grey, too thin pajama shirt and the shorts it came with.
Tragic, but not the end of the world. No one goes to wash their clothes looking like they're right off the runway. And it's also far too early for the laundromat to be packed.
You'll survive.
Slamming your trunk closed, you straighten and wipe the sweat that's beaded on your forehead. Damn muggy air. Even at this hour, the weather chooses violence.
Pulling the door open, you step inside and hiss out a breath through your teeth. In here it's not any better. And there's only one big fan on, out of the many that are in here.
God you hate laundry day.
At least it looks empty.
Tucking your hair away in a makeshift, sloppy bun, you drag your dirty clothes basket to a washer and throw them in.
Next is your detergent and when you pick up the fabric softener, it's almost empty.
God fucking damnit.
And the person that sells stuff isn't in behind the desk.
Slamming the lid closed, you kick your hamper into against the washer and walk toward the cursed fan that probably only circulates the hot ass air in here. But with the way your pathetic shirt is turning damp and sheer from the sweat, and short strands of hair that are starting to glue themselves to the back of your neck, worse is nothing.
And then you're standing in the corner of the laundromat, getting hot air weakly blown into your flushed face. "Goddamn it's hot. Useless fucking fan is just here for decor, i think."
"Ah think so too."
You choke back a scream and spin on the balls of your feet to the deep, accented voice behind you.
A muscular pretty boy with hair the color of damp soil and blue eyes that sparkle brightly, even under the dim light of the place sits with his back to a washer that's currently going.
Devastatingly handsome. And you've been throwing a hissy fit for the past half hour, only to appear in front of him resembling a drowned rat.
Flatlining right now would be great.
"Damned hot in here, alrigh'. Isnae tha' so, Simon?"
Who? Oh no.
How you missed that behemoth is beyond you, but he rises from the ground like a slumbering giant. Ash brown choppy hair and dark, sharp eyes with the rest of his face covered by a black cloth mask. 6'4 at least, and built like bloody fridge.
Someone kill you now.
His piercing eyes cut to you before flicking back to the man on the floor.
"Get the detergent."
"Aye." Scottish, it sounds like.
You briskly walk away from them two, face burning with embarrassment, back to the washer you're using.
Today of all days, you come across these two. You could cry, honestly.
They're there for as long as you are, and you've long since gotten past your self-consciousness. If you have to melt in this stifling heat for one more second, you just might scream.
You grab your clothes from the dryer with haste, haphazardly throwing them in your basket and with a quick, 'Have a good day!', you're out the door.
As you're about to get in your car, the scot comes bustling out the front door of the laundromat.
"Lass! Ah think these're yers."
What he holds in his hands has tears springing into your eyes.
Undergarments. Why the hell is he-
You can see the tall brit leaning on a machine, with his arms crossed and he's looking right at you.
The walk of shame to the pretty one is almost unbearable. Your trembling hand reaches for your garment. "Thank you."
He chuckles under his breath. "Anytime. See ye around."
How mortifying.
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inky-duchess · 9 months
Fantasy Guide to Royal and Noble Jewellery
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Royal and Noble jewellery is a staple of their life, a statement of the who is person is, their rank and their wealth. Jewellery simply isn't a accessory, it's an exercise in showmanship and a way to link to a past.
(Disclaimer: Many stones in pieces often have a bloody past, usually stolen or worked from the earth under the reign of Colonialism. It is best to always take this into account when admiring real world pieces)
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Jewellery like this is usually inherited buy can also be bought or even given as a gift. There is three kinds of jewellery in this instance: private, owned by the crown or owned by the state.
Private jewellery is owned by a single person and worn or lent at their own descretion. Private jewellery can be no less grand than state owned jewellery. This jewellery can be inherited by anybody the owner chooses.
State jewellery is not privately owned, it belongs to the country itself. It is not inherited but used by royal family. If a royal family is deposed, the jewellery remains with the state. Such as the French Crown Jewels.
Owned by the Crown means that it can only pass monarch to monarch, worn only by consorts or the monarch and lent to anybody they choose.
Noble jewellery is not quite the same. Much of it is owned privately but there may be one or two pieces designated as official jewellery for the title such as a specific tiara.
The Rules
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Jewellery like this are not just trinkets to be borrowed by anybody. Usually the monarch (or titled noble) or sometimes the spouse, is in charge of designating who can be lent which pieces and for what occasion. Even if you are a super close member of the family, you still have to take what's on offer. Sometimes certain jewellery is worn exclusively by a certain rank say the Queen or the noble themselves and would not be offered to anybody else. For example, you will note that into today's royalty you will see certain royals repeating the same tiaras such as Kate Middleton who has only worn the Cambridge Lover's Knot, the Strathmore Rose Tiara, the Lotus Tiara and once, the Cartier Halo Tiara. These would be the tiaras available to them, which usually number only a handful. Certain pieces are designated by for the monarch/Consort as well, the Vladimir Tiara & the Girls of Britain and Ireland Tiara only graced the head of the Queen in her reign. Other pieces such as earrings or bracelets would also be distributed accordingly, more elaborate and expensive pieces would be worn by the higher ranking members. Certain collections are meant to be passed on, such as the Consort's jewels but many Dowager refused to pass on their jewels such as Empress Dowager Maria Feodorovna after the death of Tsar Alexander III.
Treasure Trove
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Now, just because a family has a throne or a grand title doesn't mean they have caches of jewels. Many noble families sold off their pieces to pay death duties, most only have a few pieces left today. As for tiaras most noble families would not have access to large quantities, usually only affording one or two. The Spencers for example own two, the Spencer Tiara and the Spencer Honeysuckle Tiara. This is an inaccurate protrayal in Downton Abbey, as the family have at least 6 but then again Cora is a Dollar Princess so it could be possible to own as many but it never made sense considering just how many times they almost loose the estate and never sell any off. Royal families are not exempt from this either, some families have vast stores of jewels such as the British Royal Family (I wonder where those all came from...) while the Greek Monarchy (discontinued) has only a few pieces. The Romanov collection is of course legendary and we may never know it's full extent.
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paniniichan · 1 month
Ballade of the Lost Child - Prologue
Characters: Niki, Yuzuru Proofreaders: Aru, Oli
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Niki: Nomnom…♪
Kuu~u. This “hashimaki¹” is super yummy! Guess I was lucky there was a food stand here.   
It’s so delicious, why don’t more people know about this?
This world truly is weird~. Society should acknowledge “hashimaki” so much more.
It’s a flour-based food and it’s super easy to eat. You can even choose its flavour.
(In falsetto) Welcome ♪ Which flavour sauce would you like? Soy sauce flavour? Or how about cheese? –Hm~m, I just can’t choose!  
…Whoops. Woah, that was close. I almost passed that place by accident…!
Nahaha. I suddenly forgot why I’d come out here since I came across such delicious food~. 
Ooh, this line is huge!? Is this for those doughy churros that are trending at the moment!?
I thought I could avoid the crowds by coming earlier, but there are already so many people here.
I guess people gather at places with delicious food after all~.
In other words, it’s not an exaggeration to say that “delicious food creates world peace”...!
Right, this is no time to be messing around. I need to get in line before it gets too long.
<At the same time>
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Yuzuru: Let’s see. I believe all the necessary purchases should be complete by now.
One, two, three… I bought this too, and that one just a moment ago. This one was sold out, so I shall have to come back at a later date.
… Hm, it appears all is in order. I don’t seem to have left any oversights.
Niki: I’m really looking forward to it~. Coming across new food is always so exciting. ♪
Yuzuru: Oh my, do I hear a familiar voice?
Ah, so it belongs to Shiina-sama. He seems to be at the end of a queue.
Season Avenue is always bustling. Hence it’s odd to see so many people lined up in a single queue.
They all seem to be queueing outside that stand. I wonder what exactly is being sold?
If Shiina-sama is lining up, it’s likely to be some type of food or drink.
… (Looking around)
… The people who’ve moved away from the stand all seem to have brightly-coloured sweets in their hands.
From their shape, I would guess they were donuts… No, perhaps churros?
Churros…? Come to think of it, I believe the Young Master mentioned those the other day…
Something about a speciality store selling cute churros on Season Avenue.
I see. He must’ve been referring to this stand.
Hm… He truly seemed to want to eat them, so perhaps I’ll buy them as a gift for the Young Master.
I wouldn’t usually let him eat this kind of thing, but…
Recently, he seems to be putting more and more effort into both his studies and work. Why not spoil him once in a while…♪
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Niki: Huh? Fushimi-kun?
How strange seeing you here~? Did you also come to try the churros? 
Yuzuru: I believe they would be a good gift for the Young Master. Would you mind if I accompanied you?
Niki: That’s fine by me~, let’s get these trending churros together! A journey is most fun with a companion after all²…♪
Yuzuru: It’s not a journey, we’re merely waiting together in line.
Niki: Nope nope. This line is the “Food Road”! In other words, it’s kind of like the Silk Road³, isn’t it?
Yuzuru: Well, um. Are you trying to compare this long queue to a road?
Niki: Yup! 
Yuzuru: sighs. Since the “Silk Road” isn’t about food, but rather silk, I feel like it’s a bit of a strange analogy in the first place. 
Niki: It’s instinct, Fushimi-kun. I thought I should express it to you in some way or another. Anyway, I don’t really care as long as we can get these churros. 
Yuzuru: Please stop talking based solely on reflex⁴. 
I don’t often find myself surrounded by your type, Shiina-sama. If I had to say, Hibiki-sama comes the closest.
Niki: Really? 
I don’t keep any company that’s like Fushimi-kun~. I only have irresponsible and weird people around me.
Oh well, thanks to that I can usually take it pretty easy, so that’s a plus.
Yuzuru: By the way, Shiina-sama. It seems that most people here are eating their churros as they leave, so do you know if I could order them to go? 
Since they’re not for me to eat and are instead a gift for the Young Master, I’d like to get them for takeout if possible. 
Niki: Hmm~? Is that so? I was also planning on eating while walking around here.
Truthfully, this kind of food is usually eaten on the spot or while walking, so I’m not sure if they’d be alright to take home.
Ah, Fushimi-kun. Take a look at that guy over there!
Yuzuru: Sure.
Niki: It looks like he only just bought some churros.
They’re wrapped in a paper bag from the stand too! I bet that means you can get them to go–
Man: Uwahh!?
Niki: Eh, what happened!? A fight!?
That guy was shoved over and knocked down by another man in black!?
Man: My bag! Wait, get back here! Bag thief!
Niki and Yuzuru: A bag thief!?
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¹ Hashimaki is Okonomiyaki wrapped around chopsticks
² Japanese proverb which means something alone the lines of “no road is long with good company”
³ The Silk Road was a series of trade routes connecting Europe and Asia spanning over 6,400km (4,000 mi) named for its primary use of trading silk. Niki is trying to liken the queue that they’re standing in to a long road where food will be traded at the end.
⁴The literal translation of what Yuzuru says is for Niki to stop talking based on “spinal reflexes”. These reflexes being involuntary and based on instinct without input from the brain. It’s effectively the same phrase as “knee-jerk reaction” in English.
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petalruesimblr · 3 months
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Organic Fresh Delights Grocery
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Sim File Share
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Welcome to Organic Fresh Delights, your one-stop destination for all things fresh and organic! We're committed to providing the highest quality organic goods sourced directly from our local farmers and fisherman offering a vibrant selection of vegetables, fruits, premium cuts of meat and fish. We also have an array of products ranging from lush plants to food, drinks and essential household items. Step into our store and immerse yourself in a world of freshness, flavor, and sustainability.
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Price: 72,780 Lot Size: 25x25 Lot Type: Visitors Allowed Store Content: Click here CC Used: Click here File Type: Package Min. Required Game Version: 1.42 Packs Needed: The Sims 3, Late Night (floor), Pets (buydebug object), Ambitions, World Adventures (food register, gate from ATS3)
Hi everyone! I was going to share one of my older builds from years ago but I found out that most of the objects I used for that lot were in sim3pack format and most of the CCs I transferred over to my current setup have been converted to package files, which messed up the appearance of the lot. So, I've recreated it this time and I'm sharing a new grocery lot: the Organic Fresh Delights Grocery!
Click on the ’Keep Reading’ below for more information and pictures on this lot.
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For the rabbit hole, I placed it in an empty stockroom/office and have also locked the fire escape door and fence at the back of the lot so that sims can only enter the door inside the building. This was the only option that worked during playtesting so that sims can enter in and out of the rabbit hole inside the room only. If you want to open those doors though, you can do it by editing the lot and click CTRL + Shift + Right Click to choose the unlock option. Due to the lack of windows on the first floor, I have placed a lot of buydebug lights and it may be too bright during the night so you can adjust it by enabling “testingcheatsenabled true” and “buydebug on” after. 📣This lot is a bit CC-heavy, as I have used more cc compared to game objects and these are not included on the download file. I’ve compiled a list for those interested in downloading them separately (please click the links above or go to WCIF Navigation page). The Late Night and World Adventures expansion pack is required due to the build items used in the lot but I'm not sure about buydebug items so Pets may be required as well. 📣There are two CCs that I was unable to locate the original link namely: mtk_signdoors and Public Signs - CAStable both from Macthekat. I tried the direct links and it doesn't work anymore so I had to check using the Wayback Machine site and was able to find her Terms of Use from the old site, Pink Rabbit that states "All our products is shear-friendly - just make sure to give proper credit. You may include my work in sims packages if you want to" and "You may include my stuff into almost anything – it would be nice if you mention my name, but I can live without it. You may share my stuff." With those terms, I have re-uploaded them to sfs and if there is an updated TOU from the creator (or if you are Macthekat) that states otherwise please do let me know and I will take the links down. 📣If you want a functional grocery store in your gameplay, you can use Ani's Sell From Inventory mod. I have used a few storage or chest-like CCs and a food register from ATS3 that you can use. If you prefer Ani’s Savvier Seller instead, you may have to replace most of the items and use ATS3 Savvy's Seller Collection set instead. You can also check out Mookymilksims guide and tutorial video for realistic function shops using Savvier Seller mod. It is very easy to follow and has detailed instructions to help you out to make it work! Let me know if you experience any problems on your end.
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cod-dump · 11 months
Time (another monster au fic)
Price hadn’t foreseen ‘non-human handler’ in his future. Two vampires, an insectoid, whatever the hell Nik was (a lycan of some kind?), and a demon? Definitely wasn’t how he thought his days would go. He especially didn’t plan on sort of adopting the vampires both being older than his grandparents. Well, Soap was. Gaz was much younger than that but still older than Price.
But, their youthful appearances have most certainly made him feel like they needed guidance even though they had far more life experience. Well, Gaz seemed to return the familial connection, at least. He would often come join Price in his office just sit and talk. It was nice having that connection since Price wasn’t in contact with any of his family, distant relatives or close family members.
“Cap… I have a question,” it wasn’t often when Gaz wanted to ask Price something.
He was smart, had seen more things than Price. He was also the type to try to figure things out on his own before asking questions (thankfully he doesn’t do this on the clock).
“Question? About what?”
“Well… Ghost.”
Price felt his heart beat quicken, he knew where this was going, “What about him?”
“Why is he here? He’s a demon, they don’t do this kind of thing. Especially not on their own free will.”
He could hear what Gaz was wanting to say. The thing he hasn’t about to actually say out loud, the thing this was all about. Laswell had the worst reaction when she had found out. Tears, yelling— The works. Nik was much calmer in appearance but Price could tell he was devastated.
Price knew the risks, he knew what he was getting himself into. It was his soul after all, he could do what he pleased with it.
“I… contracted him. He’s a mercenary, after all. He works for me, and when the job’s done he gets his payment… then he’s gone. That simple.”
Gaz’s jaw as clenched, a pain in his eyes that just pierced Price’s soul, “That’s a funny fucking way to call selling you soul to him.”
Price had years to accept it. He’s the one who summoned the Ghost to this plane, the one who offered Simon Riley’s corpse for him to root him here so he had a physical form. Price gave him rank, this human mask that he could wear. Whether he kept it when everything was said and done is uncertain. Price had feeling he could make a hell of a business off of it.
“I had my time to accept it, I don’t expect you to get it.”
Gaz couldn’t look at him, choosing to stare at the wall instead. The angle allowed Price to see the light glint off his eyes, giving away his inhuman nature. Gaz was much more emotional than other vampires. He remembers being human, he cares about humanity. He was stealing blood bags almost his whole vampiric existence before Price found him and recruited him.
“You don’t have to worry about anything, Kyle. When I’m gone Nik will be taking you and Soap with him to Chimera. Kate will make you two disappear and can go on to Russia.”
“That’s supposed to be comforting?”
“Russia does have the highest population of any non-humans in the world. Plus Chimera is nothing but non-humans.”
“Fucking- I don’t care about finding somewhere safe!” Gaz stood quickly, knocking his chair back, “You fucking sold your soul to a demon! You have a timer on your life!”
Price watches Gaz wave his arms around, tears pricking in his eyes, “You’re dying!”
Price sighs. He had accepted this himself, he knows his fate. Unless the demon themself decides to break the contract, spare the human who made it with them… Price’s fate is sealed. There has been some recorded incidents where demons completed the contract only to just leave, not taking their client’s soul. It is possible to survive, but making a demon genuinely like you to the point they let you keep your soul is near impossible.
Ghost was going to kill him in the end. Eat his soul in probably the most painful way possible before fucking off to do whatever.
“How can you be so fucking calm? Did you even consider how anyone else would feel!?”
“I made that deal a long time ago. Before I had anyone in my life worth living for. I do not regret sacrificing my life for the greater good.”
Gaz was shaking, now quiet. Price swallows before standing, going around to the vampire and pulling him into a hug. Gaz almost instantly clung to him, a quiet sob in his chest.
“I don’t want you to die…”
“I’m sorry, Kyle. I can’t change anything.”
“There has to be another way.”
“Heh, you know trying to cheat a demon out of a soul is dangerous. You know how dangerous Ghost is.”
Gaz pulls away, wiping his face, “Fuck… Yea, I do…”
Price felt dread in his chest. The first time in years he had to truly acknowledge what he had done. He felt like this after he told Laswell, after Nik, and now Gaz. Their emotions reminded him how deeply upsetting this was. But Price couldn’t take it back. He wouldn’t if it meant he would still be able to do it. Save this world from it’s own self-destruction… all at the cost of a single soul. What he’s doing wouldn’t be permanent, the rot would always crawl back. but at least his soul would buy everyone some time.
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shakesthewizard · 5 months
Now I want to know some of your polycule dynamic ideas for the bad kids???
This is a dream come true, okay walk with me
Let's start out with a couple of what I would consider fundamental pairings. In most any configuration of the group you can think of, most if not all of these are gonna be necessary for me to really get invested.
Fabriz. Duh. Need I say more.
Fabadaine. It's my fucking roman empire and I WILL go on about it for another thousand words if you ask
Figadaine. Support women's wrongs! Going shopping! My girlfriend is a rockstar and we make out backstage! My girlfriend is the elven oracle and we make out twice because she has a vision of it happening first!
I've also got some pairings that are nice on their own, but that I don't find like, mandatory if you're gonna sell me on something.
GorgugxFig. She's so loudly angry to hide her fear; he's so quietly scared of his own anger. She made him join her band and he's probably the better musician. They're so nice to each other.
FigxKristen. Fall into temptation. Make out with the devil on your shoulder. She helps you kill your god. She becomes your devoted paladin. The ArchDevil of Rebellion pulls you into a cosmic war against the very divinity you were the Chosen One for.
Now as for larger groupings, things get pretty fun. There are so many to choose from. Like for example:
The Bad Boys. Like as a throuple. Think about it. You're the cool son of a famous pirate; you're already kicking ass at bloodrush; youre hot shit. A metalhead and a briefcase kid latch onto you like barnacles. This is so embarassing. Cut to a month later and you're all on a rooftop sharing a cigarette and looking at the stars. The briefcase kid kisses you, and metalhead is next in line. Briefcase kid is also your best friend, even without the insane new tension and the fact that he can dismantle your coolguy persona with seemingly no effort. He tastes like burnt coffee. Even ignoring how metalhead can crack skulls, but treats you with gentleness and even hesitation, like he's afraid you'll turn him down. As if. His bangs get in the way when he kisses you.
The Bad Girls as a throuple. This one feels almost too obvious for words. Three girls who are all trying so hard and failing to be normal, but from three different directions. Imagine one day seeing the uptight wizard girl with rich parents and girl who tried to convert you to fantasy mormonism on her first day both walk into school one day holding hands with that punk girl who's in a band and who has already turned like six other students gay just by being cool and pretty. Then at lunch, they're all sitting together, and the elf and the cleric both have the bard's lipstick on their lips and cheeks. The cleric looks at you. She winks. You go home confused.
Figaydadaine. Figayda I don't have to sell you on, but you can't tell me Ayda and Adaine aren't so fucking cute together it hurts. They make spells for each other! Adaine has the key to the Wizard's Synod! Adaine killed her dad with Ayda's spell. Come ON, this shit writes itself. Honestly Aydaine is so good by itself
There's also an extended world of qpr among the bad kids - Rizdaine would be a great example of this. I don't think of them as a Couple, but they are SO close and there's so much trust and intimacy there. That's a pair that cuddle while watching movies or doing mystery stuff.
qpr FigGug is another great possibility. Just take all the sweet support and kindness they already have and pry out the romance.
I think if you pitched me another pair/group I could find something interesting about it, but those are my off-the-dome thoughts. Thanks for asking!
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lushta1es0nm3 · 6 months
Pairing: Yoo Kihyun x fem reader
Summary: “So,” he sighed, cutting you off again, “am I just a good fuck for you then?”
Warning: Mature! 18+ you have been warned
Genre: Fluffy smut
A/N: Read at your own risk and if you choose to read please feel free to give feedback and request. Also, I did not proofread any of this, I wrote a while back and was reading through my drafts and found this and decided to post it cause, why the fuck not. I miss MONSTA X. I also post with phone wallpapers I made for each storyline, feel free to use them if you like. Please, do enjoy 😊
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“What the hell are you doing here?” You asked the man sitting on your couch as you clutched your chest in surprise. You’d just walked in the door, thinking you be able to think about your future.
He sighed and stood up “what do you think,” he started, “I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”
“For what, we’re not a couple, remember?” You cut him off with a scoff.
“All that changed when I found out.” He stated angrily.
“Found out what, Kihyun, we broke it off, a week ago-” You started
“But your pregnant, right.” He stated matter of factly cutting you off.
You froze and stared at him, “How’d I find out?” Kihyun asked the question you were thinking, “this,” he pulled out a positive pregnancy test and tossed it on the table, “I found it in the master bedroom at the condo. I went back to clean things up before selling it. Why didn’t you tell me? I had to search high and low to find you, is this why you wanted to stop? Is this why you broke it off.”
You sighed and dropped your head, “We’re not a couple, this was supposed to be a no strings attached thing. It was an accident, it wasn’t-”
“Accidentally or not,” he cut you off, “I had to find out this way. Why didn’t you tell me-,”
“Tell you for what,” you yelled, “so you can tell me to get rid of it!”
“You know me better than that,” he yelled back, you watched as tears formed in his eyes, “yes, we’ve been fucking for over a year,” a tears slipped from his eyes as he blinked and lowered his voice, “regardless of that, why didn’t you tell me, when you know I’d be glad to have a family.”
“We don’t love each other,” you stated, “we get our fill and go our separate ways.”
“That’s a lie,” he countered, “how many nights did we spend together talking without the sex? Did we not tell secrets?” He was laying down facts.
“It doesn’t matter now,” you replied, “it’s gone.”
“It’s gone?” Kihyun asked, hoping it wasn’t what he thought it was.
“I got rid of it.” You said, “I’m not ready for a kid.”
Kihyun dropped his head and fell silent, he was hurt, but deep down he knew he had to respect your decision because it was your body. He took a deep breath and decided it would be best to just leave. He took a step and almost tripped, you instinctively reached out a hand to catch him, but he snatched away from you and left without saying another word.
This, this thing that you both had was good and bad. You both stumbled upon each other by chance at a very small bar you had begun to frequent, he was alone and you. Both of you shared a drink or two and exchanged stories, which led to sleeping together. Hoping it was a one time thing, you let it go at that. But you ran into each other a few more times and then decided to just use each other as a way to find some relief in this world of madness.
Relief with no string attached, he bought the place and you both paid the extra expenses to keep this good thing going. It was so good it last well over a year. So good that after one night of drinking and talking you both went at each other with no protection. But really, the only thing you lacked, that couples shared was, the dates and introducing each other to your friends and family. Let’s or forget to mention the fact that you only meet up in the late evenings and night. But this was something hidden in plan sight.
You sighed and sat down on your couch and rested your hands in your hair for a brief moment and then reaching out and grabbing the pregnancy test off the table and placing a hand on your stomach. You lied to him, it was still with you, meaning you hadn’t made up your mind on rather or not to keep it or to get rid of it.
Another sigh passed your lips as you put the test down and stood up. This was just too much at one time for you, you were thinking, how’d he find out where you live? Neither of you had ever been to the others house, so how in the fuck did he find you? You abruptly threw the test against the wall in aggravation, shattering it into pieces. With that being enough for the night, you decided to just sleep, sleep would be the best stress relief. But sadly for you it didn’t come so easily.
To be honest, you couldn’t fall asleep properly for a week. And that was because by then you’d started the early symptoms of pregnancy. So that being said you kept it, it became her, your baby had grown to be a year old. But it wasn’t easy, the sleepless nights and constantly feeling like you weren’t a fit mother plagued you some days. But still you toughed it out and held your head up all while working to keep a steady flow of income.
That being said, today was one of those tough days, you had meetings back to back and you’d kept getting calls from your sitter, who kept saying she had to leave. But you had to complete this one last meeting before running off, for the day. It had gotten dark out, one more and your out. You took a deep breath before walking into the conference room, telling yourself it wouldn’t take long. There were only three people, plus you and your two team members and your boss. Easy right?
The moment you turned away from the board to introduce yourself, you froze at the sight of Kihyun sitting at the table glaring at you. Ah fuck, be cool sis. You cleared your throat and started the meeting as if he wasn’t there. It went smoothly because you didn’t look at him because you knew that if you did, you stumble over your words and that wouldn’t be good for anybody.
Once the meeting came to and everyone exited the conference room, spilling out into the hallway. They were conversing while you were trying to get away. The moment you began walking away from the crowd, you felt a light tap on your shoulder. You turned around, it was your sitter, she was frowning.
“Ms. Y/L/N,” she started handing you your little girl who smiled at you, “I’ve called your phone many times and you didn’t answer.”
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, “I’ll pay you extra,” you promised, “I’ve had meetings all day and I left my phone at my desk.” You apologized again after she complained about being late to hang out with her friends. She still agreed to come back the next day to babysit.
You sighed after she left and looked at child with a smile, “Let’s go Ki, mommy misses you.” You tossed her in the air a little making her giggle as if it’s the funny thing in the word. You kissed her cheek and started walking back to your desk to gather your things.
On your way out of the building, you froze at the sight of Kihyun sitting waiting on you. He approached you glancing between you and the child, you knew he wanted an explanation so, you spoke first.
“Let’s go somewhere and talk.” You suggested looking at your baby and then back at him, “it’s a little chilly out here, I don’t want her to get sick.”
Kihyun nodded and followed after you, to a small cafe. He didn’t say anything, he just stared at the little girl with eyes like his. He couldn’t fix his lips to say anything, he felt that he’d cry if he did.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, “I lied. I was lost and scared. I hurt you and I didn’t even think about your feelings at all. I was being selfish.”
“Why…….why didn’t you call me,” he started slowly, “you-,” he paused and looked away as he took at deep breath to control his emotions, “she looks just like me.” He stated the obvious. His eyes held longing.
You stood up abruptly and placed her in his lap, she immediately smiled at him and started baby babbling to him. A tear escaped his eyes as he finally smiled at his child, he apologized to her for not being there but that wasn’t his fault.
“Hi, I’m your dad.” He spoke softly as a small grin finally graced his face.
She giggled and stood up in his lap, before randomly giving giving him what was meant to be a kiss but ended up being a cheek full of baby drool. Kihyun let out a small yell as shock took over his face.
“You’re feisty.” He said looking at her with wide eyes, holding her a little distance from his face, to keep from her from doing it again, “where do we go from here?” He asked you.
“We can start slow,” you answered, “come and see her whenever you want, just let me know ahead of time.”
He agreed, you both slowly caught up that night, talking mainly about your child. At some point it felt like nothing happened as you two conversed back and forth like old times. Eventually you both parted ways, but he came by every chance he got. He wanted to see her as much as he could. And you, my dear, was fine with that.
A month turned into two and with it, you might as well say you were living together. Because somehow, Kihyun had begun to spend nights and days at your place, going so far as to leave some of his things there. Well ma’am, this was going on the third month, you woke up in a hurry. Both of you did.
Scrabbling to get dressed and ready for work, the sitter would arrive at any minute. You tossed your earrings in your purse as Kihyun fought with his necktie. He swore as you made your way over and helped him quickly. He kissed your cheek and said thanks. You paused after a second to realize what had just transpired. While Kihyun was oblivious to what he’d just done.
You opened your mouth to say something but the front door opened and your sitter walked in. You spoke to her hurriedly, trying to explain to her what was where and why, when Kihyun spoke cutting you off briefly.
“Good morning,” he greeted the sitter as he kissed the top of the babies head, “I’m leaving now honey, I’ll see you later tonight,” he spoke to you, “I’m going to be late, their so much going on. Bye.”
He full on pecked you lips before leaving, you stood there in a little shocked, the sitter grinned thinking it was cute.
“Stop that,” you told her, “we’re not together,” you explained, “what the hell is wrong with him?”
“Nothings wrong with him,” your sitter smirked, “what’s wrong with you?” She pointed and picked up your kid before walking away leaving you a little shook.
The day progressed slowly and as dinner time rolled around, you realized you’d be seeing Kihyun earlier than anticipated because your companies agreed to have a dinner gathering. I mean there was a joint project going on.
But all things were good and dandy as you sat at the large table alone scrolling on your phone looking at cute clothes to order for your baby. The chair beside you slid out and you looked up into Kihyun’s face.
“Oh that adorable.” He pointed out, taking a seat, he himself pulled his phone out to show you something he’d found, “take a look at this one,” he showed you as you leaned over to get a better look, “yellow would be so cute on her right?”
“Yes,” you answered, “adding a little bow would be to die for.” He swiped away from the item and you caught a glimpse of matching family wear. You sighed before speaking, it was just the two of sitting at the table anyway, “Kihyun,” you called his name and he looked at you curiously, “why’d you kiss me this morning?”
He thought for a second, “I don’t remember kissing you.” He honestly replied with a small shake of his head.
You were about to speak but was cut off by the sudden chatter of the others coming to join. You smiled and so did he but he didn’t miss the look of pure annoyance when a guy you work with made an appearance. He wasn’t working on the project so why was he there? To make matters worse, he sat next to you and Kihyun didn’t miss you rolling your eyes and letting out a low huff.
Halfway through dinner, when everyone was talking about dating, for some fucking reason. Your coworkers brought up the fact that you and said annoying coworker were both single. It was as if they were trying to hook you up with him. But as if on cue, Kihyuns coworkers also pointed out him and another guy being single and asked you which of the men you’d pick.
“I have a whole cute little baby girl,” you smartly answered, “I don’t think any one can top that.”
The table erupted with laughter, but the question was reiterated, almost as if they were pressing for an answer. But none came, so everyone went back to chatting about whatever. It was almost over when you let out a small sigh. As you did, Kihyun put his cup down after drinking from it, he got a little food on his sleeve.
Now bitch, as if on instinct, you reached over and started cleaning his sleeve with a paper towel. He smirked as you two started exchanging whispers. You made a remark about your child being clumsy and he giggled before saying that she got it from you. After a small bit of playful back and forth, you felt a tap on your shoulder, with that, your smile dropped as you turned to see what your coworker wanted.
“What’s so funny?” He asked looking between the two of you, “do you two know each other?” He added when he saw the look on both your faces.
“None of your business.” You answered coldly.
He smirked “Don’t be like that Y/N, you know how I feel about you.” He added.
You rolled your eyes, “I’ve told you no multiple times.” You flat out rejected him.
He sighed and went to speak, but you stood up and excused yourself to the restroom. Or more like to get some air, outside you stood taking a deep breath. The sudden presence beside was only one person.
“Are you alright?” Kihyun asked taking in your tired demeanor.
“I’m fine,” You replied, “I just wanna go home to our little cutie.” You looked at him and smiled a little.
“Honey,” he called you sweetly and unknowingly as pulled you into a hug, “the day will be done in no time, it’s almost over.”
“You just did it again.” You remarked pulling away from him.
He looked at you and for a second as shock took over his face, he apologized. Just as he did, your coworker appeared, he completely ignored Kihyun as he spoke directly to you.
“Are you okay,” he asked, “I don’t want anyone bothering the things I like.”
“Funny,” you huffed, “bye.”
You walked away and went back inside, after sometime of drinking a little bit, you could finally go home. But good old Kihyun offered you a ride in his car because, I mean of course you weren’t driving in that state. Him being caring and looking good while he was doing so brought back memories and with memories came feelings….the feelings brought up a flame, that you thought was put out and away. But no, this flame had begun to burn.
So imagine Kihyun’s expression when he tried to get you into his to take you home. You stopped him and pulled him closer by his tie and took a deep breath. Damn he smelled good.
“Y/N,” he bargained, “stop, this isn’t fair.”
“Why not,” you urged as one of your legs slowly moved up and around his waist, “you want it, just as much as I do,” your hand wrapped around his neck, pulling him even closer as you whispered in his ear, “I’ve missed you, I still remember everything about you. Especially your touch, please, burn me up, like only you know how.”
By now, he’d pulled away enough to lock eyes with you. So close to his lips and wanting so bad to taste them, you kissed him gently, but quickly.
“Y/N, you always like to tease,” he stated, by his tone, you knew he had folded, but he was holding back, “now isn’t the place for this.”
You scoffed and pulled away from him, opening the door to the back seat, you pulled him inside like some kind of alluring sagacious succubus. Once the door closed, you climbed on top of him and embraced him in a kiss as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
It didn’t take but a moment for Kihyuns hands to find your bra and undo it. He took off easily as he felt you up and down leaving no parts of you untouched. His hands cup your face he kissed you gently, damn you both were in a trance.
“Why are you doing this to me?” Kihyun muttered pulling away to get some air.
But you didn’t want to breathe, so you instead kissed his neck while his hands played in your hair. You began began to grind on him, feeling how hard he was through his pants, that had long since become uncomfortably tight. You wanted it, you wanted to feel him and experience his sinfulness.
You took it upon yourself to pull his member out and push your panties to the side. You slipped down onto him and let out a soft moan and a whimper. Fuck you missed him you thought as you buried your face into his neck again as his hands found your waist. He let out low grunts as you rode him steady and slow.
Damn you hadn’t been this needy in a long ass time. You let out a shaky “fuck,” you were so tight around him as he filled up. Your legs trembled the moment you felt his grip on your waist tighten as he started fucking up into you.
You wanted to let out a loud moan but stopped yourself by covering your mouth, luckily Kihyun pulled you into a kiss and slowed down his pace just in time. Outside, a group of people were walking and stopped at a car nearby.
Kihyun’s hand found the back of neck, he pulled away as he kept bouncing you up and down on his cock slowly as to not draw attention. All the while he’d locked eyes with you. Your face was scrunched up in pure bliss as you bit your bottom lip.
“Don’t make one fucking sound.” Kihyun lowly gritted out, making you take all of him. He kissed you and slapped you cheek before gripping your chin with his free hand, “fuck me,” he demanded, kissing you again, you did but couldn’t take how hard he was, “take all it,” he ordered thrusting into hard making you let out a soft muffled whimper.
You did the best you could, taking all of his stiff cock, he let go of your neck and your head fell backwards. You were about to come, so you put your hand over your mouth to stop the sound from coming out. You couldn’t see where the group of people were standing and they couldn’t see you but by the sound of their voice, they were close.
You legs began to shake and your body began to tremble, you wanted to stop. But Kihyun had other ideas, he again gripped your waist. Holding you in place, he kept thrusting into you hard, deep and slow. Until you creamed on him and your body began to convulse. Tears streamed down your cheeks, you wanted to moan, Kihyun knew that. So he kissed hard and let you go just as the group of people outside began walking away.
As the did, his slow thrust turned into a quick rough fuck that made you moan and grip his shirt for dear life “Take it,” he stated, “look what you made me do,” he gritted fucking you harder.
Kihyun’s grip remained tight as he used one had to rub your clit. He fucked you into another orgasm as he came finally, you panted as you shivered. Kihyun shoved you off of him, out of breath himself. You both fixed yourselves quickly, regardless of how fucked out you were. You stayed in the backseat as Kihyun got into the drivers seat. By his demeanor, you knew this wasn’t over………..
When you woke the next morning, you were baffled as you recounted the events of last night. Finally you sat upright in bed and looked around, why was it so quiet? You hurriedly jumped out of bed and rushed into the living room.
You were meet with the sight of your sitter watching tv on low volume as your baby slept quietly. She looked at you puzzled and confused as to why you woke up distraught and running through your apartment like that. When you asked where Kihyun was, she informed you that he’d left very early as he was the one to call her in so early.
You checked the time, damn it was a little passed nine. Letting out a sigh, you knew you needed to talk to him. So you pulled out your phone and was met with his voicemail. You shot him a text and quickly got dressed for work. You kissed your kid on the way out and made it to work.
You were instantly asked a million questions as to where you disappeared off too and with whom. You managed to lie your way out of the conversations and went right to preparing for the meeting you had later that day.
The time rolled around and you checked your phone for what felt like the millionth time, Kihyun still hadn’t answered or text back. You huffed and cursed at him in your head as you walked into the conference room to girlish giggles and flirting.
You looked up, Kihyun, the culprit of why you had an attitude, was chatting it up with a girl from your department. The stack of files you were holding, somehow managed to slam down on the table loud enough to startle the two.
“What the hell are you doing?” You asked without thinking.
“He was just showing me a cute picture,” she answered, not realizing you were talking to Kihyun, “you want to see?” She offered.
“No thank you.” You declined and plopped down in a seat. She shrugged and went back to gushing and giggling over whatever it was on his phone. With frustration you huffed and went about flipping through files and slamming down paperwork………Bitch don’t be jealous.
“Ms. Y/L/N are you okay?” She asked you full of concern. You went to speak, but someone called her out into the hallway, leaving you and Kihyun alone.
You stared at him as he started flipped through paperwork of his own, almost ignoring your existence. You frowned and huffed and just as you went to start swearing, the annoying guy coworker came into the room. Now it was Kihyun’s turn to get jealous, his was instantly though.
“Y/N,” the guy started sitting on the edge of the table looking down at you, ignoring the fact that Kihyun was in the room, “I was worried last night after you walked away,” you looked at him and it took everything in you not to roll your eyes, “I really like you, please, just go out with me just once.”
From the corner of your eye, you saw the quick look of anger on Kihyun’s face. But you weren’t one to play games. You sighed and stood up finally and took a step back.
“No thank you,” you answered calmly , “I’ve told you, I’m not interested,” you sighed and turned to walk away.
“Y/N,” he called your name as he grabbed your arm. He pulled you closer and began speaking lowly, so Kihyun wouldn’t hear, “I don’t think you understand. Go out with me and I’ll make sure you get a promotion and a raise. Why work hard when you can do it easily.”
This prick, all while speaking had begun snaking an arm around your waist and pulling you even closer, “I mean your really pretty, even with a bastard kid.”
That part, Kihyun heard, the book he was writing in somehow flew across the room and hit the guy in the back of the head. You shoved away from him and slapped him as hard as you could. All of these actions occurred simultaneously and quickly. You wanted to claw his eyes out, but Kihyun wanted him to bleed.
Thankfully what kept him from getting his ass whooped at that very moment was the others coming in, all them being very loud and chatty. Someone asked what was going on, but the guy dismissed himself and returned shortly. You rolled your eyes and sat down, you were pissed and annoyed beyond belief.
Alas the meeting went smoothly, despite the icy look that Kihyun was giving the asshole. It was during this meeting that you learned that he’d be joining the project and that he was paired up to work with you. It was already decided by the higher ups, leaving you no room for any say in the matter.
Two week later with more of Kihyun ignoring you, the only time you saw him was at work and briefly at home. He’d stop by to see y’all’s kid when you were out and then leave, claiming he was too busy to talk.
Adding to the fact that you had to work with the asshole. Whom you kept at arms length at all times, if it wasn’t at work around people or even about work for that matter. You kept interaction with him at bare minimum.
Well bitch, again, another company dinner was planned at you had no choice but to attend. You walked into the restaurant venue and instantly spotted Kihyun sitting at a table with the same woman from the other day, giggling it up.
You walked over and sat down on the other side of him and the moment you did, she got up and left, mumbling something about your attitude being bad lately. Kihyun scrolled through his phone, again ignoring you.
You huffed and tapped his shoulder, “What’s your problem?” You asked when he finally sat his phone down and looked at you.
“Be honest with me Y/N.” He started cutting straight to the point, “what do you see me as.”
“It’s hard to place,” you answered honestly “I couldn’t place my feelings about you into any specific category before.”
“So,” he sighed, cutting you off again, “am I just a good fuck for you then?”
“No, it’s not like that-,” you tried.
“So, you have no emotional attachment to me at all.” He cut you off.
“Kihyun,” you fumed “what do you want me to say? If I don’t see you, I get mad. If you don’t say anything I get worried. I hate seeing you sad and upset! Most importantly, damn it, why are always laughing and talking to her?”
“Why are you upset about it?”
“Because you’re making me feel complicated and fucking confused.” You huffed.
He went to speak but a certain person’s presence stopped him. The prick sat on the other side of you and throughout the entire dinner, you were doing a solid job of ignoring him and not dragging Kihyun out the door to yell at him.
You thought you were completely safe until…..
“Y/N,” a coworker called your name as you sat down your cup after taking a sip of water, you hummed at her in response, “why are you two not dating yet?”
You choked on invisibility because excuse me what the fuck, “I’m fine,” you choked out, “we’ve talked about this already guys.”
Instinctively Kihyun handed you your water and patted your back. He followed up by giving you a paper towel and asking if you were okay. Your coworker pricks hand somehow, someway thought that it would a good idea to put his hand on your leg.
Kihyun had turned his full attention towards the man, while everyone else was conversing oblivious to what was happening. Before you could reach over and shove his hand off, Kihyun did it for you. When your coworker looked in your direction, he was met with a glare Yoo Kihyun.
“Let’s get out of here,” you whispered to Kihyun noting how visibly pissed he was becoming.
It take but a moment to get him outside, the moment you thought you were in the clear, Kihyun went on a full rant.
“Who,” he started passing back and forth in front of you, “who the fuck is he? Huh? What right does he have to touch those legs…..my legs,” he pointed at your legs, and made an up and down motion with his hand “I should’ve punched him in the face instead of throwing a book across the room. Ugh! Also,” he redirected his thoughts towards you, “what are you wearing that skirt anyway, I thought I hid it.”
“You’re the one that hid it,” you cut him off, pointing a finger, “this is one of my favorite skirts.”
“Mines too, that’s why I hid it, you look too damn good in it!” He huffed.
“So, that’s the purpose!” You countered
“To look good for other guys or is it for yourself?” He asked.
“It’s your favorite color, you do the math.” You folded your arms and took a step towards him.
“It’s f-for me,” he stuttered out, lowering his voice the moment you got in his face, “well when you put it that way,” he cleared his throat, “I’m sorry for hiding it.”
You went to speak but was cut off by the sound of your name being called. You took a step back from Kihyun to see who it was. Low and behold it was the prick from work. You both sighed and swore. You told Kihyun not to say a word. But, he can only hold back so much aggression.
“Is he bothering you?” He asked gesturing toward Kihyun, who’s hands were on his hip.
“It’s none of your business, take a hint and leave me alone.”
You took a step and he stopped you, “why are you being difficult?” He asked.
You went to speak, but Kihyun cut in, he looked at your coworker and scoffed “Are you deaf, she said get lost.”
“I think you’re the one who should get lost.” He demanded.
This side of Kihyun, you’d only seen once and you didn’t want to see him like that again. You noted how his ears had begun to turn red. So you grabbed his hand “Nope,” you started, “not today.”
“Baby,” Kihyun started raising his voice a little, “this man, is bothering you and me, at this point-,”
“So what,” you went back at him, “that doesn’t mean start a riot.”
“Says who,” he yelled finally pulling his hand away as he expressed himself, “you can’t stop me.”
“Ummm, Yes I can!” You frowned.
“Ha,” he laughed at you, “how, you can’t even tell Y/baby’s/N to stop throwing her food.”
“Hey,” you yelled back, “she’s stubborn because of you!”
“I’m not stubborn!” He huffed.
“Than what are you being right now?” You asked.
“Being protective over my wife!” He yelled with his whole chest.
“I’m not your wife!” You stated.
“Then marry me already!”
“We’re already married!” You replied
It fell silent as you both registered the entire conversation or argument….
“Y/N, Kihyun…” you heard your names being called and looked up. Both of groups of coworkers all stood there stunned at what they had just heard.
“This is your fault!” You yelled at Kihyun, for no reason.
“How,” he countered, “it’s his fault to sticking his nose in our business.” He pointed.
“That’s bullshit,” you countered, “you’re the one that hid my fucking skirt and gave me the silent treatment for two damn week!”
���Honey,” Kihyun started after sighing again, ignoring everything else you said, “stop swearing, pretty lips shouldn’t curse.”
“These are my lips!”
“But they’re shaped like our little angels.” He stated matter of factly
“What you going to do about it,” you tested his patience like a dumbass, “ass, bitch fuck shit motherfucker!”
He just started at you with a unreadable expression for all of two seconds before you took off running. He called after you, apologized to everyone and then chased you down the street, leaving everyone shocked, speechless and confused…….
No shit, when he finally caught you, you begged for forgiveness as he picked you up and carried you to your apartment and took you to your bedroom. Where, let’s just say, he fixed your potty mouth.
Sometime later you both were sitting in the bathtub. Kihyun was sitting behind playing with you hands, while you rested you head in his chest. It was quiet for a while, then he sighed and you looked up at him.
“This is going to be fun to explain in the morning,” He started.
“Wanna just say we kept it a secret to keep our work separated from our personal lives?” You asked.
“Yeah,” he agreed as you stood up to get out of the tub, “sounds like a good idea.” he added getting out of the tub as well.
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thevelaryons · 7 months
An almost underrated relationship, that's not often talked about is that between Corlys & his youngest grandchild, Joffrey.
As I mentioned before, Corlys views the position of heir and descendant as separate from each other.
Corlys starts out being very reluctant to allow Laenor to name his first two children after his lover. But in the end, he does give in to Laenor's wishes:
Born in the waning days of 114 AC, the boy was a large, strapping lad, with brown hair, brown eyes, and a pug nose. (Ser Laenor had the aquiline nose, silver-white hair, and purple eyes that bespoke his Valyrian blood.) Laenor’s wish to name the child Joffrey was overruled by his father, Lord Corlys.
— Fire & Blood, Heirs of the Dragon
In 117 AC, on Dragonstone, Princess Rhaenyra bore yet another son. Ser Laenor was at last permitted to name a child after his fallen friend, Ser Joffrey Lonmouth.
— Fire & Blood, Heirs of the Dragon
It's evident that Corlys does care for Joffrey's well being:
Luke’s young brother Joffrey (Jace was still away on his mission north) swore a terrible oath of vengeance against Prince Aemond and Lord Borros. Only the intervention of the Sea Snake and Princess Rhaenys kept the boy from mounting his own dragon at once.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons
At the same time, Corlys chooses to bypass him in the Driftmark succession and instead name Addam as heir. Since Corlys is a blood purist, it's not surprising that he would not allow Joffrey to be his heir while at the same time letting him carry the family name. One of Corlys' most defining traits is that he refuses to harm children. Joffrey's older brothers are both betrothed to girls with Velaryon blood, so the situation is somewhat different with them. Joffrey's betrothal was to a girl of house Manderly (someone not of Corlys' blood).
At the time of this change in the Driftmark succession, Corlys had the upper hand against Rhaenyra. Any decision he made would have to be listened to, otherwise he could threaten to pull support from Rhaenyra's cause. With his wife having passed away recently, it presents Corlys an opportunity unlike anything he's had before. He can finally acknowledge his own sons. Except he doesn't call them as his sons. Instead they are his grandsons:
The Sea Snake seemed more than eager to accept these newfound grandsons.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons
Laenor was about as openly gay as a person could be in a closeted society like Westeros. When Corlys presents his own sons as actually being fathered by Laenor, it's not about selling the lie. It's all politics. He cannot legally claim his own sons AND make them his heirs (something he clearly wants to do) without first disinheriting Joffrey by exposing the truth of his bastardy. As Laenor's legal son, Joffrey would come before Addam & Alyn (Laenor's brothers) in the Driftmark succession. That is how the laws of succession work in Westeros: a son comes before a brother.
Laenor certainly would've preferred to have Joffrey as his heir, rather than the bastard children his father had with another woman.
But what we get is Corlys telling the world that Addam & Alyn are Laenor's sons, and with the two being older than Joffrey, they neatly fit ahead of him in the Driftmark succession. Although this does mean that Corlys can never claim his owns sons no matter how much he wants to, it does serve to protect another child.
The entirety of the succession crisis shows the core of who Corlys truly is: a political player who is always working for his own selfish ends and yet he will never go out of his way to directly endanger an innocent in the course of his plans.
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katiekatdragon27 · 2 months
Does anyone still care about this idea? No? Well I don't care you get more stuff anyway.
I am working on the playing cards dw, but this has been sitting in my gallery for months and I wanted to get it done.
(It is HIGHLY RECOMENDED that you read the first part of this au story thing. It provides a lot of context for the world and some other characters that are mentioned here.)
Also some updates on that: This story is now called "Rayman: The Sacred Dream" and it is the concepts for a possible fangame. If people show genuine interest in these characters or this Rayman prequal's story, PLEASE let me know. I would love to construct a team to make this idea a reality.
Anyways: To the character cards!!! (Please read below I worked hard on the ref sheets)
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Xavior the Athletic Monk:
Xavior is a teensy who utilizes a special kind of elemental magic over anything else. Choosing to hit hard and dodge over magic blasts, he has learned to manipulate the magic inside his own body to shapeshift into a gelatinous water version of himself. Ze is incredibly resilient and moldable too, able to fit through almost any space and dodge most attacks with ease. He is one of Umber's closest friends. They and he often spar to release energy and get better at combat in general. Ze is also very kind, but lacks a filter, so often comes off as rude unintentionally.
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Fier the Furious Paladen:
Fier is a teensy with fire in his heart. Literally. Being a resident of Gourmand Land, they have never turned down a hearty meal, especially if it's spicy. His love for spice was so high that it turned his teal skin yellow, making him look the way he does now. They're personality is no less spicy. He is a hot head with a stubborn thought process. They swing first and questions people after, often challenging Aurthr for leadership of the group. He is not blessed by Polokus, but he does have some sort of deity watching him. It's rumored one of the four wild kings has given him their blessing. He does make a banger meal though, so he is allowed to stick around.
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Ellixer the Mysterious Cleric:
No one knows Ellixer's story, nor do they ever share it themselves. They are the only naturally yellow teensy of the Glade, with has made them a puzzlement for most who come across them. They are a very talented magic user, but it can only be used for good (such as healing and boosts). Their inability for proper fighting has made them an easy target for capture, but to their captor's surprise, they always escape undetected. Some even assume that they are Polokus themselves, but they deny it. However, Ellixer did manage to help Aurthr with his bubble magic, so they're not beating the allegations.
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Zoron the Cursed Druid:
Zoron was not always the old grump he is now. There was a time where he was a thriving showman, bringing the magic of snow and combat to the hot climates of the Glade. His best clients were the minotaurs, a kind group of hell-dwellers just wanting to cool down and have a good spar. However, while traveling to one of his events, he got into a fight with a mother frostbite, who lost her life in the battle. From that day on, Zoron had been cursed with not only her primal hunger, but the ability to turn into any creature he has fought before (which has been a lot). He was also burdened with her kits, although this is no bother to him now. After learning how to control his hunger through Soria, he's been staying isolated in caves, not wanting to hurt anyone else.
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Pyren the Rouge Artificer:
Pyren is one of the strangest teensies around. Whereas most are born with large amounts of magic, Pyren was born with none. This lack of magic has made his life incredibly hard, making it almost impossible to properly bond with his peers and defend himself alone. As a result, he started utilizing his real talent, his brain. Learning that plums are quite flammable and explosive, he learned to harness their power into artillery like bombs and makeshift guns. He also sells these weapons to others, good and bad, who also struggle with no magic or are willing to pay the pretty gem. However, insecurity leads people down dark paths, so when a large, dark-hearted nightmare strikes a deal with Pyren for him get magic in exchange for his loyalty, he becomes his biggest weaponsmith.
And with that, the cast has been fully shared! Yes, there is going to be like 10 main characters in this, but some are more main than others lol. If anyone has any questions at all, I will be more than happy to answer.
Thank you for all the support and have a wonderful afternoon!
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pigeonwhumps · 7 months
The Little Android
Everything taglist: @painful-pooch @i-eat-worlds @a-funeral-romance @rainydaywhump
My entry for the Once Upon a Blade anthology by @thewhumpyprintingpress (which is really good btw, you should buy it if you can) which I've been meaning to post for months.
An android whump retelling of The Little Matchgirl by Hans Christian Anderson.
CWs: android whump, torture, dehumanisation, slavery, denial of basic needs, threats of death, implied major character death
The android sits down against the wall of a crowded metal walkway, box of batteries in its hand. One arm is made up of loose wires and artificial nerve endings left when the attachment was ripped from its socket, and as they brush against the wall they send a jolt of pain through its systems, almost causing it to drop the box. If only its owner had deactivated its pain circuits after the experiment was completed, but he thought they would be useful to control it. And as a synthetic life form, it does not have the right to deactivate them itself.
It needs to sell these batteries. Oh, they look so tempting, they could power it for the day it’s sure, it would have constant heating and a properly working voice and its power wouldn’t flicker out so often. But it’ll get credits if it sells them, and it’s therefore less likely to end up on the scrap heap.
It tries for eight point seven hours, but it doesn’t make a single credit. Passers-by barely give it a second glance. If it’s lucky. Some step around it with a wide berth, giving it dirty looks and whispering behind their hands (sometimes not even whispering, it doesn’t matter, it’s not a human after all). A few teenagers make a game of tugging at its exposed nerve endings to see who can make it scream the loudest, and nobody stops them, they just look annoyed at the noise. It’s moved on by security more than once.
Finally the lights in the station switch to night mode, dimming and turning slightly orange, reducing the blue light. Usually the android would adjust its vision to compensate so it could keep working with ease but that function no longer works.
The place it was last moved along to, where it is now, gets almost no night traffic. There’re no shops or clubs or living hubs, there’s no reason to come here unless you’re maintenance staff, who can’t, or won’t, buy from it anyway. There’s no point staying.
Except if it goes back to the shop with no credits again, it will be deemed useless and stripped for parts. Maybe even without its pain circuits being deactivated first.
Its power flickers out for a few seconds. When it restarts, the android is on the floor. It doesn’t know how long it was out, which is unnerving but common recently.
Maybe just a little boost of battery power. Just to keep it going.
It chooses a battery, unwraps it with stiff, creaky fingers, and plugs it into a port on its side.
The power zaps around its body and it feels a simulation of warmth for the first time in so long. It’s almost comfortable.
In the distance, it sees its makers’ workshop. They’re laughing and joking together as they start up the charger, preparing to test parts that the android knows are custom-made. It used to help with the more dangerous parts of the job, before they ran out of money and were forced to sell it.
It feels so warm and cosy, and as the light envelopes it, it opens its mouth to speak.
The light disappears. The warmth disappears. The android tries to hang on but it must have had a power surge in its decision-making module.
It feels even colder now. Any warmth is gone, any semblance of care from someone else. What does it have in its life, really? No-one does anything except order it around and stimulate its pain circuits. Nobody even interferes when the pain is malicious. Not anymore.
It takes out another battery. If it’s going to be scrapped anyway it might as well make it worth it.
As soon as it’s plugged in, the station disappears. It’s inside a charging station, one of the ones for VIPs and their androids. It had a job cleaning these, once. Mobile charging packs, as much premium oil as the android can drink, oiled joints, comfortable places to stand or sit… it has dreamed about them, sometimes. It was allowed to drink the last dregs of oil and it really was premium.
This one is busy with humans in fancy clothes and the latest models, so much more advanced than itself. No-one is paying attention to the android, and it walks through the central aisle, approaching a serving station. It reaches out a hand for an oil can, wires jittering in anticipation at the taste, the feel of its body afterwards—
The illusion fades.
The android is left cold and alone on the floor of the space station. There’s not much use for softness for androids but oh, how it wishes. It’s been so long since it had oil, only getting just enough lubrication to stop it from rusting entirely. It doesn’t deserve anything more until it starts to be useful. But it won’t be, and it just feels empty.
It’s startled out of its reverie by a beep beep beep of warning. Its power is depleting even faster than normal. If it doesn’t get to a charging point soon it’ll power down for good.
Surprisingly, the android finds itself not caring overly much anymore. What does it have to go back to, after all?
The android plugs in another battery.
It’s on a starship deck in night mode. The observation deck. It’s always wished to be stationed on one of these. It’s charging against a wall, sitting down, and it can see the stars.
They’re bright spots against the darkness, mostly, but in the distance it can see nebulas, colourful clouds of dust and stars. That’s when it realises its vision is fixed. It can see properly, for the first time is years. Who bothered to fix that?
Then reality hits it. Nobody did. The android here, the one with the fixed vision and someone who cares and such a good posting, it doesn’t exist. This is a dream. An illusion. Something it’ll never get.
It touches its reflection in the glass, feeling a pang from somewhere inside that shouldn’t exist. It’s been fixed, like a patchwork, different colours and textures of paintwork, but it’s more than it will ever really have, more than it deserves. Engine oil leaks slightly from the edges of its vision sensors. Good quality oil too. It really is getting the best on this dreamship.
It can feel itself fading. Its consciousness is fading. And it’s nowhere near a power socket really, so it’ll deactivate permanently this time.
But it doesn’t have anything to lose. There’s no-one who cares, no-one who won’t take it apart for scrap as soon as it returns with no credits and barely any batteries. No-one will mourn it if it stays here. Someone will take the batteries and someone will take its parts and they’ll sell both but they won’t care. What’s the point?
The android sinks back down, leaning back against its comfortable charging wall. It closes its eyes for the last time to an exploding supernova.
The science doesn’t really make sense. But it’s far too tired to care.
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Pairings: Daisy Jones x reader, Eddie Roundtree x reader
Warnings of the chapter: spoilers of the series and the book, bad grammar, no beta we die like men
Dreams' Marterlist
"On October 4, 1977, Daisy Jones & the Six performed to a sold-out crowd at Soldier Field in Chicago Illinois. They were one of the biggest bands in the world at the time, fresh off their award-winning multiplatinum-selling album "aurora". It would be their last performance. In the 20 years since members of the band and their inner circle have refused to speak on the record about what happened... until now"
"Thanks for accepting this interview, it means a lot to me" Julia said as she entered Y/N´s living room. The space was dark and cozy, only lit up by the fireplace that was on the opposite end of the door. "You deserve to be heard and seen, and I need to know what happened, everyone needs to really"
Julia could sense y/n anxiousness, it was clear to see too, y/n was fidgeting with her hands, touching her hair, and making excuses to not sit down on the sofa and start the interview. Even tho y/n was 43, she was acting like a teenager procrastinating on doing her homework. Julia could perfectly understand her, y/n hadn´t had an interview since the Scandal that came up after the infamous Rolling Stone article that almost ended her career.
"To be honest, I don´t know if it's something I deserve, I´ve been hurt by a lot of people, yes, especially your dad. A big part of the guilt It´s also mine, I was the one that caused myself the most grief... But It is something I need, to finally close that chapter and clear the air " y/n confesses while serving them a cup of tea, her hands finally getting steady.
y/n had that graciousness that comes with being sure of your skin and accepting yourself, something she cannot say when she was younger.
"Do you wanna start somewhere? It´s there something you want me to speak about specifically? Do they even want me here speaking to you? I don´t care about painting a bad image of your dad, but I do care about the rest" y/n finally said, accepting the reality of the impending interview. She sipped her tea like she was preparing for a war to come, holding the cup for dear life.
"They all agreed to tell everything, so don´t inhibit yourself, start from the beginning" Julia said while finished putting up the camera and equipment
y/n inhaled and exhaled
Julia signaled her to start
Y/N Y/LN (sound engineer and producer of The Six, co-owner of Pheonix records): Is this on? Can you hear me? Tommy, can you hear me? (she laughs) That one never gets old, oh, you needed a sound bite, right? (she smiles quietly to herself) You need to understand, It wasn´t easy at the time, being any type of different, it was alienating, othering, you were considered a second-class citizen everywhere, and being surrounded by lucky, privileged people, only made you.... angrier.... because what was our difference really? It wasn't the talent, I was far more talented than the entirety of the six combined, and they can testify to that. It was my sexuality? my skin? my clothes? my size? my gender? my face? my personality? I don´t know, choose your pick, I only knew that instead of helping me, like a family would AND should, daisy jones and the six only brought me down.
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tallerthantale · 8 months
What Does Aziraphale Actually Believe, Part 8: Armageddidn’t Continued
This is a series of my takes on what Aziraphale believes through the timeline of the show. It is all my personal interpretation, and I am happy to hear others. You don’t need to read them all in order, but know that I am coming from a perspective on Aziraphale’s machinations that can be difficult for people without a psychology background to follow without the first two as a primer. The quick version is that Aziraphale has a set of beliefs that exist in some form or another within his mind. However, at any given moment, only some of them exist ‘with awareness.’ The context of the moment will determine what lives on the surface and what stays buried, whatever arrangement best prevents a threat to Aziraphale’s sense of self and makes whatever he is inclined to do feel right.
In this post I will be wrapping up the major events of Season 1. The focus is mostly on how Aziraphale experiences the shift from being privately opposed to many of heaven's decisions to being outwardly rebellious against heaven in full view, to becoming separated from heaven on paper. About 2.5k words.
Outwardly Aziraphale seems alarmingly unconcerned with the fact that Crowley is in imminent danger of being destroyed by hell, because he has convinced himself that if he can get in touch with God he can sort this all out. I think he isn’t as confident as he is selling, which is frustrating because he’d come across better if he wasn’t selling it. Crowley says “How can someone so clever be so stupid?” Just as Aziraphale underestimates how much it hurts Crowley when he does the ‘hereditary enemies’ thing, I think Crowley underestimates how much it hurts Aziraphale when Crowley calls him stupid. This time Aziraphale says “I forgive you.” While it’s still not what Crowley will respond positively to at that moment, it is a substantial departure from the very recent “May you be forgiven.” Aziraphale is owning the act of forgiveness as his own feelings and judgement, and that is a big step for him. 
Aziraphale is ambushed by the archangels outside of his bookshop. They accuse him of being a traitor and call Crowley his boyfriend. He argues the traitor point. Aziraphale makes his case that keeping the world running to let humans have free will to choose between good and evil should be their role as angels. There obviously needs to be two sides, so that the humans can have things to choose. That’s the whole point of the universe. But the choices are for the humans. Celestials aren’t meant to do the choosing sides thing, they just keep things running. This echoes his comments in Edinburgh. Alignment with good and evil is a choice for humans, celestial entities don’t have the same choice. It seems the same on the surface, but there is a big difference this time.
In Edinburgh the idea was that angels are good by definition, demons are evil by definition. They are on a side they have no capacity to choose. Here, when Aziraphale says choosing is for humans, he is rejecting Uriel’s demand that he choose a side, not by arguing that he is with heaven by definition, but by saying angels should be maintaining the existence of the earth for humans, not being on a side themselves. He isn’t saying that he can’t choose a side, he is expressing that he would prefer not to. He wants to remake heaven such that angels and demons aren’t on different sides. He doesn’t specify what he thinks the demon’s role is, he only mentions angels. My personal impression is that he’d be inclined to pardon them all back to angels if he could, making a universal order of grey angels. As they are recalled to heaven, Aziraphale calls the ambush party ‘bad angels,’ almost like someone might say ‘bad dog.’ It reads childish, but I think in truth it’s more condescending.
A Higher Authority
Aziraphale still plans to take the matter of Armageddon up with God. Even though the institution of heaven has just declared him a traitor, he still thinks it’s a good idea to ring the Almighty, because he has been able to believe that no one in the institution of heaven properly represents God for a few thousand years now. As I brought up early on when discussing ineffability, it is notable that Aziraphale has absolutely no time for The Metatron claiming to speak for God. He is part of The Institution, not an extension of God’s ineffable will. 
In the last post I brought up my take that if Aziraphale combines ineffability, God’s will is literally incapable of being expressed in words, and the fact that God is willing to play games and misrepresent Her own will, that means that Aziraphale can’t be told what God’s will is by anyone, including God. It is also my view that Aziraphale believes in an absolutely omniscient God whereas Crowley doesn’t. If we take both of those takes as givens, why is it that Crowley talks to God by shouting at the ceiling in his flat, and Aziraphale tries to talk to God by getting The Metatron on the phone and asking to exchange words with God?
In Crowley’s case he doesn’t really have the option to call heaven, and taking this up with management is kind of the origin point of his whole situation. It isn’t that he isn’t inclined to speak to the manager, it's that he already tried that and it went about as badly as it could. Now he’s doing the equivalent of chucking pebbles at Her window. 
Aziraphale is a more complicated question. I think he usually doesn’t bother trying to talk to God because his most common beliefs don’t find there to be any merit to it. He is informed of God’s will through his faith in his intuition, not through the use of language. When God appears before Job, Aziraphale is in awe of God’s presence, but doesn’t seem to express the jealousy that Crowley does. Crowley wants to ask God questions to Her face. Aziraphale might not bother. He comments that Job isn’t likely to get any answers out of the exchange.  
So why try to talk to Her now? Because for this stretch, his faith is wavering, just a little. At the bandstand he seemed resigned that The Great Plan was going forward, heaven will win, and there is no indication that Crowley will be saved. Aziraphale was wavering on his team up with Crowley because the only plans Crowley offered were kill a child or hide in lifeless space and Aziraphale wasn't willing to do either of those things. He wants a sign from God that the hypothetical Ineffable Plan where Armageddon fails is the real one.
We might be inclined to say that he doesn’t get a sign from God, just silence, but that's the thing about faith and signs, they are very ineffable. Had God answered the call and said some words at Aziraphale, that could mean anything. It could be games, a test, who knows. The sign Aziraphale needed to break with heaven on The Great Plan was heaven ordering him to do something he intuitively knew he absolutely could not do. He was ordered to go to war, and he knew with no hesitation that he could not do that. He got his sign from God, clearer than if She had spoken to him. 
The Anti-Climax
He goes straight to Crowley, spills the beans about the antichrist. He’s getting himself and Crowley to the airbase, and they will figure something else out from there. He won’t go in Crowley’s body though. Angel, demon? Probably explode. He wants to remake heaven so angels and demons aren’t putting themselves on opposite sides, but he still thinks mixing an angel and a demon together in one body would cause an explosion. (It’d cause something to explode, that's for sure.)
Crowley pushes Aziraphale into shooting at Adam in the name of the greater good, and it's something Aziraphale believes in enough to let himself be pushed. Madam Tracey can feel how much it hurts him and stops it, though the shot wouldn't have done anything anyway. Aziraphale finds his peaceful solution by proving that Gabriel and Beelzebub didn’t know if the Great Plan was the Ineffable Plan either, to Crowley’s genuine shock. Aziraphale and Crowley stand together against their bosses and make the case for not war. They win the argument, and I’m commandeering a few paragraphs of this character study instalment to make one of my own.
I have seen dozens of posts arguing that Crowley and Aziraphale did nothing to prevent the apocalypse, that they didn’t even need to be in the story, they contributed nothing to the resolution, they didn’t save the world, ect…. With every fiber of my being I disagree. The story is about heaven and hell being determined to fight a war to destroy all of existence to prove who’s side is best. ‘The war is to be won, not avoided.’ The theatrics of the Great Plan were not the only problem. Adam and the Them stopping Satan and the Horsemen was necessary but not sufficient.
It took Aziraphale and Crowley working together and arguing the point together, with both of their philosophies merged over thousands of years of collaboration, to convince Gabriel and Beelzebub to make peace. And love. Without that the forces of heaven and hell would still have destroyed all creation to have their war anyway. 
Do not look at the state of the world and tell me that convincing people that finding peace by stopping the war is better than destroying the enemy by winning the war is an easy or trivial thing to do. For the record I do believe self defence is better than not self defence, that goes to the not being trivial part.
You Don’t Have a Side
Crowley signed the document that started the Apocalypse, and Aziraphale signed the document ending it. He knows what he has done, and how it will be received, but his habits die hard. Aziraphle’s life is certainly going to go through a dramatic change after Armagediddn’t. He is incredibly normalised to his life reporting his deeds back to heaven and running his embassy, having his role in the system, being a part of the institution even though he keeps his own opinions. However, I think being separated from heaven on paper changed his day to day experiences more than it changed his perspective on the universe.
Armagediddn’t changed Aziraphale’s relationship to the institution of heaven in the sense that his disloyalty is now visible, but he was already not taking them seriously as an authority on God or goodness or truth. That’s been something he can believe for more than 4000 years. Aziraphale has been keeping his private opinions since Uz, even if they are sometimes so hidden he can’t see them himself. And heaven has always had the power to find out about it if they went looking. The sword of Damocles has been over his head since Job. His opinion of heaven didn’t change, their opinion of him caught up. Aziraphale’s opinion of God wasn’t changed by Armagediddn’t, he doesn’t think the Great Plan was the Ineffable Plan. He participated in stopping the Great Plan, not the Ineffable Plan. As far as he sees it, him and God are still cool. 
At the Tadfield bus stop Crowley wonders if the almighty planed it this way, all along. Aziraphale calmly replies that he wouldn't put it past Her. I imagine him going back in his mind to Uz, remembering saying to Crowley "I don't think that is what God wants," wanting to exclaim at Crowley now, 'that's what I've been trying to tell you for thousands of years.'
Crowley offers for Aziraphale to stay the night at his place. Aziraphale responds that his ‘side’ wouldn’t like that. Sometimes when Aziraphale refers to his ‘side’ he is referring to his status as an agent of heaven on paper, often as a component of a faux protest, and sometimes he is referring to his genuine allegiance to God. In this scene it feels like a bit of both. I think he was caught off guard a bit by the offer, and still had some lingering ‘feels wrong’ about it, which he tends to interpret as ‘God doesn’t want me to do this,’ and jumped to his default style of turning Crowley down. He forgot that excuse wasn’t going to work anymore. 
Crowley softly but bewilderedly reminds Aziraphale “you don’t have a side anymore,” as if Aziraphale hasn’t realised he is cast out of heaven. I think Crowley hasn’t realised that Aziraphale’s opinion of his relationship to heaven actually isn’t that different even knowing he is cast out. His actual ‘side’ is his personal take on the heaven of God that ought to exist, not the dystopian skyscraper of Gabriel and The Metatron. Aziraphale finds he can ‘feel right’ about going back to Crowley’s flat with him, and they hold hands for the bus ride back. 
Aziraphale is surprised to find Michael assisting in the execution. He has always labelled her a bit of a stickler, and feared what she might do to him if she discovered his demon contact. It wasn’t that he was wrong to fear that either. Michael is the one who uncovered their agreement and made a thing out of it, while Gabriel of all people presumed there must be a perfectly innocent explanation. Perhaps he was already having regular chats with Beelzebub, or wanting to at least.
Michael also outed Crowley as unreliable to hell through a back channel. Keep in mind, this would be like if in the middle of the Cold War, a CIA agent called the Kremlin to let them know which of their agents aren’t sufficiently loyal to the USSR. She isn’t serving the interests of heaven by doing that, she is siding with order over heaven the same way Aziraphale sides with his interpretation of God over heaven.  
Aziraphale and Crowley reconvene after the failed executions. Heaven has fully disavowed Aziraphale. They have sentenced him to death. They have attempted to kill him. They refer to him as a former angel. And yet…
“With your curly little… and you’re neat white…” 
Openly rebelling against heaven didn’t make him fall. Heaven declaring him a traitor and trying to execute him didn’t make him fall. Aziraphale’s ethereal angelic status is fucking titanium. He didn’t lose his ‘side,’ he gained the ability to be honest about being on God’s side, not heaven’s. The 4500 year old sword of Damocles is what fell, and it missed.
Part 8/10
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sapphire-mage · 2 years
So You Want to Get Into Classic Final Fantasy? (A Guide to Final Fantasy I-VI for Those Who Want To Check Them Out)
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You may have seen recently that the HD Remixes of Final Fantasy 1-6 are coming to Switch and PS4 in Spring (or that they're already on Steam or mobile), and you might be thinking, "Should I try one of them?" Maybe you've played VII/VII Remake or XIV, and you're like, "Maybe I should give one of these a go!" Maybe you're thinking to start in numerical order? Maybe you already have one in mind?
Either way, I want to throw my 50 cents into this conversation as someone who has played every number but 11. This isn't going to be a critique. I like all six of them. To varying degrees? Yeah. But I'll be honest about pros and cons of each. Let's begin, shall we?
-Take note that ALL of these games are turn based combat JRPGS. They may have something different between each of them, but they are all turn based combat driven.
-FF1-FF3 have a turn based style where you can decide the actions of all of your characters, and their actions will be played out on a basis of their speed, kind of like Pokemon. FF4-FF6 allows characters and enemies to act freely while you decide their next move, which can be more dangerous, but take note, there is a 'Wait Mode' you can activate that will stop the flow of battle while you scroll through the magic or item menus.
-If by some chance, Final Fantasy isn't vibing with you: By all means quit. Maybe pick up one with a story that interests you more. Maybe turn based combat isn't your thing. Maybe you want a better leveling system. Maybe you would rather do more modern adaptations. It varies, but don't be afraid to step away. If it's not your thing, it is not your thing. That's okay.
-When it comes to any of these games: Wait until they are on sale. Square tends to put their games on sale pretty often, and pretty often, those sales are a steal. So keep that in mind!
OKAY! Let's begin!
Final Fantasy I
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Despite being the first in the series, it's a difficult sell as 'your first Final Fantasy' or 'your first classic Final Fantasy'. But it isn't a bad choice, especially if you have a decent amount of JRPG experience anyway. The story exists, but more in a 'world building' way and not a 'character' way. It is also the shortest out of all six being discussed here.
What may be a pro or con for some is that the main four characters are self-inserts. You choose their battle job (a choice that is permanent, by the way), name them, and then use them for battle and adventure. But they barely speak a word of dialogue, if at all. This is bad for people who want characters to feed off of, but great for people who want to put their OCs as the characters (I'm those people at times).
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General Tip: Feel free to use whatever character class selection you want, but for a general idea: Warrior is powerful but expensive to keep powerful, Thief is the fastest but slightly fragile compared to the other two fighters, Black Belt is almost has powerful as Warrior but significantly less expensive, White Mage has access to insane healing spells but very expensive, Black Mage has access to insane attacking spells but very expensive, and Red Mage has access to half the spells W and B Mage have but has the versatility to use a sword and both of their spell options.
Final Fantasy II
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This is the Final Fantasy that I have to inform you is 'The Bad One'™ of the six. Personally, I love this game. Has a surprisingly deeper story than you'd expect, dealing with a rebellion trying to bring down a facist overlord (which is awesome). But it is probably the hardest of the six. Walk in the wrong direction and high level monsters will eviscerate you.
It also has a very unique leveling system. Where most games in the series require EXP and give you stats as you level, this game gives you stats as you USE those stats. Want your HP and Defense to go up? Take some damage, and you'll have a chance to level those stats. Want your Fire spell to grow stronger? Use the spell in battle, and the spell will grow stronger with your MP and magic power, possibly. Want to get better with swords? Keep using swords, baby!
Also, has the coolest villain of the first three games in the form of The Emperor. He looks like The Goblin King from Labyrinth and is such a bastard. Very entertaining.
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General Tip: Keep characters focusing on a specific thing, but have everyone be a 'mage knight'. Give each character a weapon to focus, and a magic type to focus (white magic or black magic, don't cross types). If you want a very specific suggestion, consider making Firion and Guy handle weapons of your choice, but use white mage to heal. Have Maria use a bow, but utilize black magic and being your mage.
Final Fantasy III
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It is my least favorite of these six, but it is a beloved game in the series for a reason. Most importantly, it is the game that inspired a lot of XIV. Hell, XIV fans may recognizes many songs (including the above one), enemies, and characters throughout.
The big thing I should mention is that this game has two versions on Steam: The Classic Remix (sprites, insert characters that you can name but have no character arcs) and The 3D Version (3D figures, actual main characters with names). The decision is yours and yours alone, Steam users.
Otherwise, this is the first game to allow a Job Sytem. As you progress, you unlock jobs that your characters can select and become, but you can't do it as freely as you may like. Also, when your character is that select job (let's say Black Mage, for instance), they can only be that job and nothing else until you change it. Once you do, the skills and abilities that character was able to use before may not be usable anymore unless you change them back. You'll see.
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General Tips: Kind of figure out what kind of jobs you want each characters to handle, and stick with they general realm for each of them. Fighters be fighters, mages be mages. There may be times where you'll want to break that, but that's up to you to strategize.
Final Fantasy IV
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We're finally reaching the 'epic stories' of Final Fantasy now, so I'll be talking a bit more about story. IV is the first real dramatic epic that Final Fantasy is known for being, and the characters and story prove that. Is it the best in the series? Arguably not, but it is very good. Dealing heavily with themes of redemption, revenge, and forgiveness.
From a gameplay stand point, it's probably the most challenging of the 4-6 era. There isn't that much freedom with your characters, as each of them have their designated skills, abilities, and talents set from the start of leveling to the end of leveling. And you can't change those things. So instead, you need to level your characters, figure out how to best beat the upcoming bosses, and use what you have.
And the music is fantastic in this game. Songs ranging from gorgeous melodies of feeling safe and home, to some stressful and tense songs as you come face to face with the enemy. You may recognize some from Endwalker, as Endwalker pulled a lot from this game.
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General Tips: Learn everything that your characters can do, and utilize them to the best of your ability. Maybe your healer needs to focus on buffing or attacking, while another character heals with magic or items. Maybe you need to better research your enemies with what you have. Everything is creativity in this game with your limited options.
Final Fantasy V
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I'm not gonna sugar coat it: This is my favorite in the series. But I'll try not to be biased. For starters, the story steps down from its epic roots to be more comedic. Somehow, this game managed to be a parody of FFIV and every Final Fantasy that would follow V, before any of them would be created. You'll have a lot of goofball good guys and bad guys, while also having a mean as hell main villain who has a strange, almost comedic origin story.
CW worth noting: There is a character who goes through some gender clash. Basically, you're introduced to them as one gender, when it is revealed later that they only disguised themselves as that gender because people of their born gender don't get respect in their occupation. Feelings on how this character was handled vary, but the character is beloved regardless and stays true to themselves to the end. I wouldn't say it was outright transphobic, but I wouldn't say it was handled with grace (one piece of dialogue makes me wince). And it may get some side glances from players now. But ultimately, the cast and fans accept and love this character regardless.
The music is very Pokemon Hoenn region: TRUMPETS EVERYWHERE! Somebody was having a trumpet party while this game was being made. Still, the music is great, especially the boss themes as you go further into the game. The track you're listening to is my personal favorite from this game.
But I haven't even spoke of the strongest aspect: The gameplay! It has a job system like Final Fantasy III, BUT you can carry over things you've learned from previous jobs! Got a Black Mage, but you want to utilize Time Magic? Good news, you can equip the Black Magic you've mastered while using Time Mage! Want to try out Monk, but you want to keep stealing items with your Thief? Have your Thief master 'Steal', and then equip it as a Monk. The strategy and creativity is unlimited!
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General Tips: At the start of the game, you have access to a job known as 'Freelancer'. On the surface, this job is useless. But later on, you'll find that it automatically equips ALL passive abilities (ie HP +20%, Dual Wield, Equip Armor) without using up any of your slots! So take note: Freelancer is a secret endgame class! Strategize with that in mind! LEARN WHAT PASSIVE ABILITIES YOU CAN!
Also: Don't. Underestimate. Blue Mage. If you can figure things out, Blue Mage is insanely powerful. Then again, I speak as a devout Blue Mage fanatic.
Final Fantasy VI
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As far as epic Final Fantasy games go, this is the biggest and baddest one from 1-6. Action, comedy, romance, horror, tragedy, joy! Everything and more in this theatrical adventure! By far, the strongest story of the six in my eyes and the eyes of many. Often argued to be one of the strongest stories of the entire series even beyond the classic six, and I agree! Lovable main characters all around, some kick ass female characters who take the forefront over most of the guys often times, and a psycho clown who serves as the central villain! I would argue, from a story stand point, this game is the quintessence of classic Final Fantasy.
Music is out of this world. Some of the best tracks you'll hear in the series, along with an opera song that will warm your heart and a final boss theme that will make you question what anyone saw in a certain One Winged Angel.
And then there's the gameplay. While I will admit that I find V's gameplay better, VI's gameplay is still quite good. Like IV, all characters come with skills and abilities that are unique to each character, which makes party formation important. But once you get past the first act, you gain the ability to teach magic to ANY CHARACTER IN THE GAME (except two late game secret characters, but you don't have to use those)! As long as they keep a certain item equipped, they were learn the spells those items have to offer over a span of battles. This turns all of your characters into battle mages, and creates for some interesting strategy.
THE ONLY DOWNSIDE is the final act. The final act removes every party member from your team but one, and with that one, you have to reunite EVERYONE. And those quests vary in difficulty and time, although almost all are optional. And that wouldn't be an issue save for the fact that the final dungeon will force your to create THREE TEAMS of FOUR PARTY MEMBERS (maximum, you can enter with one party member on each team if you want). As such, you might want to consider leveling and teaching spells to as many party members as you can. This hurts a lot of fans of this game, but it never bothered me.
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General Tip: This is less of a general tip and more of a demand. When you get your airship for the first time, UNLOCK MOG! I don't care if you think or were told Mog is bad. If I can beat the final boss with him, you can make use of him! Look up how to unlock him and make sure you do it! Hell, it may make the final dungeon easier, cause you'll have him as a party member. You can always recruit him later, but during that early part of the game (before you lose every party member), Mog can learn a water dance ability that is surprisingly useful. But that's just me. Some people hate Mog, but I'm not some people.
Alright, that's all six. Now, from a stand point of which of the six should be your first. Well... Ranking them from best to worst starting option...
Final Fantasy V or VI
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy I
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy II
This isn't ranking them in quality, but whether they are a good starting place. At the end of the day, I would recommend picking up V or VI if you've never played a classic Final Fantasy. If you've never played a Final Fantasy period, then maybe also consider VII, IX, or X. But that's up to you (and if I do a post on those).
As for whether you should pick V or VI...
Or play both. They're both really good.
If you've played one or both or want a reason to pick up one of these others:
Play Final Fantasy I so you can connect with the most classic of the series, as it won't take up too much time.
Play Final Fantasy II if you want a real JRPG challenge that rips you from your safe zone.
Play Final Fantasy III if you want to connect with a lot of the creation of XIV.
Play Final Fantasy IV because it's awesome.
Play Final Fantasy V because it's awesome.
Play Final Fantasy VI because it's awesome.
So yeah, that's everything. Again: You don't have to play any of these. Or all of these. You could play VI, and I promise, I won't be like, "Wow. You didn't play V? Cringe." If someone does, screw them. Play and try what you want to play and try. I'm just here to guide the way.
As for 7-15... Maybe I'll discuss them. But that's up to you for now.
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petrolstationflowers · 9 months
You've been all over - Lucky Palms, Strangetown, Neighborhood 1 - but have you ever headed for the bright lights of Vegas and the wasteland beyond? For those who are looking for a cheap place to live and employment that's open to anyone, the New Simfornia Republic Army might be the career for you! Based on Fallout: New Vegas' New California Republic Army faction, but with a Sims twist!
This is a branched career that splits at level five. You can choose to take the Combat or Political branch -- are you looking to become President of the New Simfornia Republic, or are you looking to be at the helm of the Rangers? The choice is yours. As always, you will need NRaas Careers for this to work!
Levels and other info under the cut!
For the initial five levels, there are a few custom tones:
Run Laps (builds Athletics), Maintain the Barracks (builds Handiness), and Tend Crops (builds Gardening).[/list]
For the Combat branch, we have:
Perform Weapons Drills (builds Athletics), Spar With Fellow Recruits (raises Martial Arts), and Write Reports (builds Writing).
The Political branch, on the other hand, has:
Prepare Talking Points (builds Charisma), Study (builds Logic), and Network With Other Politicians (builds Gambling). As this is a hidden skill that comes with Lucky Palms and the casino content, you will need that world downloaded for the skill to work correctly. Otherwise you may be able to alter this through MasterController.
I have made three opportunities that appear for Level 10 at both branches. These are to read a book, throw a party and invite a coworker, and attend a meeting. This is my first time making these so please let me know if you have any problems! There are also no carpools as thematically they wouldn't make sense1
Here are the levels and descriptions for the initial five before the branch:
[*]Wastelander - 10 simoleans p/h - M-F Description: New Simfornia is an okay place to live. Electricity runs for at least six hours a day, and the water supply is mostly clean. But there’s bills to pay and food to put on the table; scavenging pipes from the scrapyard and selling mutated wildflowers just doesn’t pay like it used to. The New Simfornia Republic Army is looking more appealing by the second… Recruit - 20 simoleans p/h - M-F Description: You’ve hiked your way out to the barracks and impressed the recruiters with your enthusiasm. Now it’s time to show them what you’re truly made of; mud, sweat, and dubious rations shipped from Strangetown. Hope you like green meatloaf and hard tack so solid you could use it as a weapon! Labourer - 25 simoleans p/h - M-F Description: Boot camp is over and done with, thank the Watcher. Now you’re stuck with menial labour; dull, but safe. You’ll spend your days planting crops, making flour, or putting together weapons on the factory line. Long hours for half decent pay, it’s not a bad life (unless you actually like scavving or fistfighting the creatures in the mine for food). Auxiliary - 30 simoleans p/h - M-F Description: An actual uniform, your own dog tags, and a waterproof pair of cowplant hide boots, it’s like every Snowflake Day come at once! At least now you’re inside most of the time, even if the most exciting thing you do is drop off letters from Sunset Valley and listen to gossip from Vegas. At least there’s free coffee. Private - 40 simoleans p/h - M-F Description: Your commanders have made a big deal about how they’re trusting you with patrols now, where you’re let loose with a basic weapon and have the tiniest bit of authority. Citizens might respect you and you’ll get to see the sights of Strangetown and Lucky Palms, but you know what they say; patrolling the Simoran almost makes you wish for…
Then for the combat branch levels:
[*]Captain - 70 simoleans p/h - M-F Description:You’ve spent your years slogging away as a cog in the machine and now the higher ups have finally recognised your efforts. You’re leading your own team, which can somewhat be like herding cats, but at least you get to go on more interesting missions now and have so say in the logistics. Even if those command meetings could have been an email. Major - 80 simoleans p/h - M-F Description:Your own office, specialised assignments, and the authority to get someone else to clean the bathrooms… the life of a major isn’t a bad one. But it does come with a price; you’ll be leading troops into battle and having to command the bigger outposts, which is a headache in itself. Solving squabbles over caravan routes and shipments of energy drinks, followed by a firefight at the New Simfornia border? All in a day’s work. Colonel - 200 simoleans p/h - M-F Description:You’ve moved somewhat away from petty disputes, but even if the pay is better, the responsibilities increase with it. You’re looking after entire regions and their platoons, making sure troops are dispatched to the right areas and civilian areas are kept safe (as much as they can be). Ranger - 500 simoleans p/h - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Description:You’re finally the ranger with the big iron on their hip and hefty bounties to track down. You’re the one they call when the alien threat gets out of hand and the two-headed bears start rummaging through cabins on the Hidden Springs lakesides. You’ve got the chance to earn decent money on your own terms, provided the ghouls or yetis don’t take you out first. Chief - 750 simoleans p/h - Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Description:You’re out in the field less these days and spend more time dispatching the rangers under your command to get the jobs done. Still, you get a cut of the bounty that they bring back, and you don’t have to scramble through radioactive swamps to take out a target! It doesn’t get much better than that.
And the political branch levels:
Intern - 50 simoleans p/h - M-F Description:You’ve got a knack for bright ideas and saying the right things at the right time. This hasn’t gone unnoticed, and your superior has suggested working in the political branch of the New Simfornia Republic Army. At the moment it’s more running missives and making coffee of dubious quality, but everyone has to start somewhere! Law Maker - 75 simoleans p/h - M-F Description:After many, many years of dealing with the general public and your fellow squaddies, you’ve gained enough knowledge to know what needs to change – and spent plenty of time daydreaming how to do it. It might not be a seat of power, but determining which laws make it to the senate and writing detailed bills is a step in the right direction. Senator - 250 simoleans p/h - Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday Description:Finally, you’re where you deserve to be. Away from the dust and dirt of the Wasteland, your days involve a freshly cleaned suit and arguing with your fellow senators about the day’s agenda. Even if people don’t know you, they still have a healthy amount of respect for you (and maybe some fear). What you say, goes, and after all – you know best. Councillor - 500 simoleans p/h - Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Description:Unlimited power! … almost. You’re the one pulling the strings, whispering in the President’s ear and making sure they’re steered along the right track. You mostly work from the shadows now, only making appearances when needed, but your words are weighted like the finest Aqua Pura. Use them wisely. President - 1000 simoleans p/h - Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Description:The sky’s the limit; everything the light of the bomb touches is your kingdom. Whether New Simfornia flourishes or fails is entirely dependent on your whims. The army? Your personal bodyguards and playthings. The populace? Dolls to rearrange and position as you please. Watch out, Vegas; a new sheriff’s in town…
Translations: I've included the English Strings in the file; if anyone is talented enough to translate, I would be incredibly grateful, so please let me know in the comments!
With thanks: A huge thank you to all the kind people on MissyHissy's Discord server for helping me to test and troubleshoot, and to the person who requested this career and very kindly made the icon for me!
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