#and I am not paying $60 for a switch game ...or am I
hystericfae · 7 months
I thought I wasn't gonna cry but then I did 😔
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maryse127 · 1 year
I have a very dangerous brain that is like "we didnt spend 45 euros on a dress last week because the store didnt have it in our size and we were to lazy to order online so now we can spend 45 euros on Other Things"
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platinumdragonchaos · 3 months
Answer asks 60-69. 😁
60. do you enjoy tumblr?
Sometimes. I like the artwork and pictures of nature and funny things but I don't like the lack of general communication and the fact that I get hardly any reblogs or anything.
61. have you ever had a tumblr experience that made you wanna delete the app?
I've met some really cool people and had some good talks and then one day they just vanish, delete their blog or simply never log in anymore. Oh and that massive influx of bots a few times over the years was really friggin annoying.
62. whats your least favorite game?
The game of life, lol. I had fun with retail WoW back in the day but then people started not playing or I didn't have good enough gear to join them in raids and I kept switching servers to play with other people I knew just to have them outlevel me, never wanna play and I found myself often playing alone which is pretty silly for a MMO I was paying a subscription for. I even bought it for a gal i knew cuz she wanted to play but then we hardly ever played together. Waste of time. I still play sometimes but on private servers. F paying money to play a game.
63. were you a markiplier fan?
I had to look this up, it sounded familiar but I wasn't sure. I never watched any of his YT. Never really been into watching other people play games.
64. how do you respond to compliments?
Generally I am taken aback and I say thank you. I always try to return a compliment with one.
65. whats something that would make you fall in love?
There's no one specific thing. I love milady but it's not like I can pick an event or words or anything other than time and realizing my life is better with her in it.
66. do you believe in marriage?
Sure. I dunno if I'll ever get married though. It's not like I'm anywhere close to being on that level or have money to buy a ring or afford any kind of ceremony.
67. do you have a crush on someone?
I guess I crush on my GF now but we kinda grew together. She crushed hardcore on me while we were friends for years and we just kinda ended up a couple but I never really had a thing for her like that.
68. do you like tumblr?
Like and enjoy are kinda the same thing so see question 60. In the end if i didn't get some pleasure out of it I wouldn't still be on here.
69. were you a voltron stan?
I never watched it. I was too young when it was first on in the mid 80's and too old when it was on in the late 90's. It's kinda like Might Morphon Power Rangers right? I never really got into that either.
Thank you for the asks! In return and without even looking at the list I say 40-49
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sol-consort · 8 months
Hallo! i know little to nothing about Mass Effect and tbh all ur posts on here are getting me curious so when i can i think i might buy the games :) it also looks?? so pretty?? Im excited 2 see this blog grow hopefully and i hope you have fun with it and the game!
That is the highest of praise, thank you so much <3
Okay so, I'm assuming you're on pc too. If not, then tell me and I'll search around for ps or xbox deals and price history.
I recommend getting the legendary edition! It's three whole games and their dlc in one pack. It's original price is 60$ but during sale it goes down to 6$ which is a steal honestly, the game is phenomenal so far as an rpg and shooter.
And there is romance in it too! The characters are reoccurring and you can import your save from the first game to the second and third so the people and quests will be shaped to fit your story and choices in the previous game.
Here is the steam db sale link.
The last time it went on sale was during steam winter feast, and based on it's history it goes on sale on the 19th of January too! So maybe very soon, hopefully. If not, then there is also lunar New years on 27th of January.
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Based on this chart, it's been going on sale very often, and the price keeps getting lower. So hopefully you'll get it even cheaper than I did. God knows I'd rather choke on acid than pay 60$ for a game. We don't count bg3 that was...a once a year purchase for my birthday.
I don't recommend paying full price at all, it falls off in comparison to today's 60$ games. Please wait for a sale.
I'm also new to this game! I've been playing it for the past week, and so, and oh my god, it stole all of my attention and heart. The fandom isn't...friendly, and it's mostly 35y+ people, so the fanfics are old-school millennial style.
But honestly, that's fine. We can make our own space. And I'm very open to requests for fanfics <3
The game does have some queer representation, which is nice. Even tho the first game is very old.
It's very easy, difficulty wise, and I am someone who sucks at shooter games. I've beaten far cry 4 with a bow. I can help you with anything you have questions about or need guidance for!
Again thank you so much Aaaa this made me very happy <3 it does feel lonely here by myself at times so I'm very grateful that you're willing to give this game a try. And it does have clear dnd themes in gith, drows and mindflayers if you're here from the bg3 blog. But they're just themes again and they take a lot of creatively in switching up these concepts. Mass effect is genuinely so beautiful! It feels like what starfield should've been at times. I keep staring at the planets and stars.
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badvgopinions · 1 year
In defense of TOtK’s $70 price. (Mostly)
I don’t think I actually need to say anything about this but I have the thoughts and I want to get them out.
Sony said that their PS5 games will be $70 because “video games cost too much to make these days,” but we know that this claim is bullshit because the same games on the PS4 are $60 and they get upgraded to the PS5 version when played on a PS5 system.
The newest Zelda game is going to be sold for $70 because it’s “higher quality” than any of Nintendo’s other games. This could easily just be their excuse because they know that people will buy the game regardless. The thing is, I believe them, and I will continue to believe them unless I see otherwise.
Nintendo made it very clear that this price tag will only be applied to huge projects like Tears Of The Kingdom.Games that are releasing after this game, are still $60.
Breath Of The Wild, though lacking in it’s story, was a huge video game in every other sense of the word. And that game was a launch title for the Switch as well as being made with the Wii U in mind. It’d make sense for them to go harder with Tears Of The Kingdom without the last gen to weigh them down. I 100% believe that it will deliver. (Though I also have a bias towards Zelda games, being my favorite franchise and all.)
With that said, I am annoyed when they justify the price tag because it costed them too much to make or whatever. I do believe them, but the easiest solution to that is to not make it so expensive to make.
Death Stranding for example had Monster Energy drinks because Kojima kept on spending money on huge celebrities to be in the game. He did not need to have Conan O’Brian have a cameo. He did not need Norman Reedus to play the main character. (Though I believe that he did an excellent job, I would’ve preferred it if it wasn’t somebody who’s face I recognized.) If that game was $70 because “it was too expensive to make,” I would’ve been annoyed because that’s why!
But because it’s Nintendo, I don’t expect unnecessary things to bring the price of the development up like bringing in Keanu Reeves into the game. The biggest celebrity that could be in the game is Matt Mercer. Who does a lot of voice acting in anime and video games anyway. And this is only a rumor. (Ganon’s voice actor hasn’t been confirmed yet, but people are saying that he sounds like Matt Mercer. Because he does.)
If anything, if the production of the game really did go too high, it’s probably because they weren’t paying attention to the money they were putting into the game until it was too late.
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thecaitychronicles · 2 years
Home for the Holidays
Finally, I embark on the long adventure back to Germany for the holidays. It has been four years since my last visit, so screw the travel anxiety- I’m going home!
I get to the airport and immediately start shaking knowing I’ll be cramped in a confined space for a long period of time.
Seat 32G. Let’s see just how uncomfortable this 11hr flight will be. I go to the desk and ask if I’ll be positioned by a window, aisle, or between two unhygienic nomads who won’t give up the arm rests. The attendant responds “it’s a middle seat.” Aw HAYEL nah, not today. I politely request to look up any other options. Alas! There is one more aisle seat available.
Luck seems to be in my corner, but I should ease the remaining anxiety with a beer. And perhaps a second.
I board the flight and arrive at my seat. Well what’s this?! A muthafuqin baby! It really is just my luck that switching to a more favorable seat would lead me to spend hours next to a dairy-smelling motza ball with exceptional vocal range who enjoys sharing its snacks by throwing them in my lap. And quite a coincidence that the infant’s name was “Kaiet” considering the only thing I wanted to say was “cállate” each time it tried to compete for American Idol.
Now to be fair, this was a pretty good baby. It slept most of the flight and only serenaded a few times throughout the flight. But it kept staring at me, and I don’t care for that shit.
Finally, my spaceship from San Diego to Munich lands. As I wander though the airport towards my connecting flight’s gate, passing those who forgot what walking is and screaming mothers declaring their child has to tinkle, I get a text message:
“Your flight is cancelled. We will be in touch shortly with a solution.”
Fucking wonderful.
I see a queue forming in front of the Lufthansa service desk near baggage claim, and a silly thought popped into my head. “Perhaps they can provide service.” LOL!
I am advised to go upstairs where I can get a train ticket from Munich to Stuttgart that Lufthansa will *reimburse.
We’re at line #2 now. Once at the desk, I am informed I’m in the wrong spot. Line #3 I pay for two tickets- one to an obscure Munich train station and another to Stuttgart. I arrive at the obscure station to find my second train situated next to a line-turn-mob around a hefty, bald character. After being pushed and interrupted by about six people, I assertively ask “excuse me, do you speak English, please?” Hefty, bald character replies with a stare (again- I don’t care for that shit). I repeat myself. Another stare. At this point I just state my issue in hopes a helpful response will present itself in verbal form from the hefty, bald man. Verbal response? Yes. Helpful? Nope. I am now to get another ticket to go back to Munich’s main station and ask for assistance there.
Now if we recall from the beginning of the story- my adventure begins in San Diego, meaning while I have a jacket ready to layer up, my leggings are not made of Thomas Burberry’s wind and weather resistant gabardine. This is important to note because line #4 is 60 people long in an outdoor train station. My anemic ass is cold as fuck and my knees are chattering.
After about 30 minutes, I make it to the desk where I plead with the employee who looked to be about 16 due to the video game-induced dead eyes and lack of skincare routine. He wakes up just enough to switch my train ticket to a non-stop ICE train that will take me to Stuttgart in about three hours. Bless you greasy, dead-eyed boy!
I board the train and I follow the masses forward in a failed search of empty seating which comes to a halt while in the dining car. We find that we are delayed an hour… in a sardine can so packed only standing is an option. Cool.
After a few stops, I spy a table opening up. I am now accompanied by a polite, aged-Matt Damon, German lad who watched my shit while I rushed to grab a beer. I take one sip followed by an audible sigh and am shoved to the window by an old couple flanking mine and Matt Damon’s table. While my German is beyond out of practice, the elderly’s sentiment was basically “ooo look, 4 inches of free space on this bench, lets occupy it aggressively to the point these other passengers uncomfortably shuffle against the window.” Mr. Damon and I comply, but not without a shared “we have a mutual enemy now” look. Now if I am to deal with potent old people breath for 2 hours, I’m gonna need another beer.
My eyes are making me mad at this point so I ask Sir Matt to wake me at my stop. While trusting a stranger to not tamper with your stuff while sleeping is probably ill-advised, I would have needed toothpicks to keep my eyes open at this point. Hours later, I feel a nudge followed by a friendly “we’re here!” I thank the Bourne Identity actor, and go on my merry way.
I see Poppy and Mutina, garbed in their Target brand nanopuffs I gifted them two years prior and tackle them each with a hug. I’m home!
Home sure, but don’t you worry, dear reader, the saga does not end there. Turns out, while I went on a detour, my bag had done the same. I go online to file a lost luggage report for my floral, neon orange L.L.Bean duffle bag (hard to miss, Lufthansa!). Fingers and toes are crossed at this point that my bag is found prior to us leaving for Italy in two days. But we all remember the kinda luck I have, right?
Dad lovingly drove me to a prestigious shopping outlet (the PX) to acquire at least enough pieces to fashion 7 outfits for our trip. If anyone knows the PX, they also know the options there are, well, subpar at best. But dammit I got a fashion degree for a reason!! Pair a few classic staples with a tapered pant here, a puffy sleeve there, all in this season’s color pallet, and we got the full runway show!
On day 5 without luggage, I lose hope that anyone actually works at the airport. I figure I’ll just have to search myself once we return to Germany.
Mom gets a phone call- an eager German lady excitedly announcing the discovery of my bag as though she should be praised with the highest honor. No bitch. I wore PX clothes for two weeks!
I retrieve my bag from the airport and open it to ensure no Christmas present has broken. While relieved that the ramen bowls are intact, I find that the apparel contents are soaked and smell like an old storage unit. Seriously?! (Bless laundry and Dad for doing it!)
*I send my email to Lufthansa customer service explaining both the cost of the train ticket to Stuttgart and the expenses necessary to not wander naked for two weeks need to be reimbursed.
The response I got was not favorable. Apparently because the second flight was cancelled due to “eXtReMe WeAtHeR” that was out of Lufthansa’s control, I will not be getting a refund for the train ticket.
Stay tuned for my upcoming edit on whether or not my Karen voice is successful in getting my clothing reimbursed.
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tiredfoxtf · 2 years
People who never played/didn't play much of ow1 will never quite understand my frustration with Blizzard for switching it to "f2p" model.
Listen, I have no issue with the game itself going f2p, it's actually a nice change that brings more players in the game. Even if I am a bit bitter that for paying game's full price and playing it for years and get a clown skin as "thanks". But I can get over that.
Just. The model they used is fucking disgusting. The prices are fucking outstanding. Being a free to play player who won't buy anything from the store is painful, because you get like 60 free currency from a week if you grind like crazy. IF YOU GRIND LIKE CRAZY. More casual players won't get shit. Battlepass costs 1000 btw. The whole model makes people (myself included) miss loot boxes!!! The scamiest thing from ow1. People used to hate them with passion. But you at least could get them by levelling up or playing in events and arcade, it gave players the reason to continue playing the game, gave them sense of progression even if they lost like 10 in the row.
The most disgusting thing however is that they hid a hero in the battle pass. Which f2p players will be able to open on 55 rank out like 80. And battle pass is greedy, it needs so much grind to just fucking get there. If you willing to pay however you immediately unlock the new hero. This is basically pay to win, especially how fucking busted new heroes are (I look disrespectfully).
ow2 is not fun.
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noxiatoxia · 2 years
hiiiiiiiii nox just checking up on your blog like the monthly news HOW ARE YOU!?! i completely forgor you were into warriors and pokemon I am severely missing out on some of this. did u get scarlet/violet ??! also are there any ouran pokemon crossovers (asking for a friend )))😼
omg HII!!! yes im big fan of warriors n pokemon in fact!! ive been replaying pokemon explorers of sky lately!!! Well, technically I'm playing a rom hack version of it, "explorers of skies". It's the same game, just has quality of life improvements + difficulty has been upped (look that game is hard enough as is but I've played and beaten it 5000 times so I need MORE challenge) also they added new pokemon you can play as so I'm playing as Alolan Vulpix! My partner is a Mudkip :) We're team Ryders, I'm Ren and he's Rayne! Very fun I'm so obsessed with the story and the characters (the whole guild and future crew I'd die for them all). Reminds me I need to buy the newer mystery dungeon games Gates to Infinity + Super Mystery Dungeon. I haven't played beyond EoS and it's a shame bc I love the series but tbh it's just nothing can top EoS for me sorry.... BUT I'd love to give the other ones a go.
As for ScVo I have not and don't plan to :( newer pokemon games......ok I'm gonna phrase this in the nicest Way Possible. I do not like newer mainline pokemon games. X/Y was fun and then after that it all went to shit. The issues that were present in X/Y I gave them slack for because well it's the first 3DS mainline game, but then they weren't fixed in SM and now they're doing it on the SWITCH so they have no excuse -- and I mean this to the Gamefreak not the dev team. The dev team are being abused by that awful work place and not only am I NOT gonna pay $60 for a buggy unfinished mess that rivals sonic 06, but I don't want to support the awful workplace abuse gamefreak employees are put through. I'm glad there are people who are enjoying the new games but I just cannot get into them. Stuck replaying all the DS game forever lol. That said non mainline games are usually pretty good since they're not developed by gamefreak lol. So if any cool spinoffs come out I may look into them.
Speaking of new games tho I maaay get Sonic Frontiers I've heard good things about it and it looks fun. Glad to see Sonic has had a good year at least.
ALSO ouran pkmn crossovers I'm SURE there are.... I made a joke once that if they were pokemon the Hitachiins would be Eevees and their whole identity crisis arc would be about that they are allowed to evolve into different things.... I think Hikaru would be an Umbreon and Kaoru an Espeon.
as for TEAMS .. I cant think of anything concrete but I have ideas.
So, Haruhi's would be pretty standard. She's not much a trainer, Pokemon to her are pets/friends and she doesn't really fight. I think her strongest Pokemon would be a Kadabra, but most of them are just normal or flying types. For a starter I think she has bulbasaur.
Tamaki's team would be all over the place. He'd have a really regal Pokemon and then this cool awesome dragon that spits fire. No core type. His starter would be charmander.
Kyoya's team is full of very strong, very refined Pokemon. Leans dark/ice but has a good spread. Starter was Snivy.
The twins are interesting in that they have different teams but they mirror each other. Kaoru has an Espeon, Hikaru has an Umbreon. Kaoru has a Seviper, Hikaru has a Zangoose. No core type. Both of their starters were Cyndaquill but Kaoru kept his a quilava while Hikaru evolved it to typhlosion.
Hani's is just. cutsey shit. many of them un-evolved but really fucking high level. Mostly elec type bc of all the Pikachu clones pachirisu etc. Starter was Pikachu
Mori love defense pokemon so he leans to rock/steel types. His team is a bunch of tanks. Starter was turtwig.
Renge has all those really loud/peppy pokemon like lopunny and sunflora. mostly "girly" pokemon, no core type. Starter was chikorita
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thedivinefish · 1 month
TGIWednesday: Switching into "dance mode"
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TGIWednesday News 📰
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Well it's my birthday week/month/year   ♌🦁 and you know what that means!  Presents for everyone!  Check the shop now for a 19% OFF automatic discount on digital downloads and unwrap what appeals to you!  Where was I....? Oh right, dancing...  So Bluey is an Australian cartoon/animated series about a family of dogs 🐾 that my granddaughters simply adore!  One of the cutest Bluey episodes they ever created is called "Dance Mode". No matter where the family is, grocery store, library, or walking through a park; at random, the younger pups 🐕 🐕 pull their parents' tail down like a switch.  When that happens music comes on and they all switch to "dance mode" like they're in a video game simulation and start dancing everywhere - so cute and fun! Many of the folks that I talk to lately worldwide seem to be frozen in anxiety, stress, tension, overwhelm, full moon, retrograde, can't get off the couch mode!  And my personal favorite "Why am I so tired?" 🥱 As you read this now, I am switching your prehistoric tail to dance mode.  This will cause you to go for a walk, read an inspirational book, do some yoga, 🧘🏽 Tai Chi, Qi Gong, channel Joseph Pilates ;-), listen to some music or all of the above while you're dancing 💃🏼 in an obscure room of the house!  Celebrate this week and life with me!  Less bickering & grumbling, more dance mode please! Or as I like to say, less arguing, more Barry White! 🎶  (you young cool kids can look him up on YouTube)  Enjoy!  Oh and thanks for the snail mailed cards, email's, texts, social media posts and the overwhelming adoration and well wishes that folks have sent.  I love you all and appreciate you more than you'll ever know! 🥰 Please join us for our monthly Zoom gathering (link below) because this month is all about improving relationships: past/present/future!  Now as the song goes, "Everybody Dance Now!" 🕺🏻
Jimmy's Bday Sale 🎧⬇️
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ALL DIGITAL AUDIOS, VIDEOS, PROCESSES AND EBOOKS ARE ON SALE FOR 19% OFF THROUGH 12AM TONIGHT!  STOCK UP YOUR CART AND ENJOY!! 🎣 The BDAY19 discount code will automatically show in your Cart/Checkout on all eligible items. *NOTE: It does NOT include sessions/prayers/masterclasses or certification.  🏆 Best Sellers
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ON DECK 🚢 Next Thursday August 29th - Join us for our Monthly Zoom all about Relationships!  Limited seating, sign up here.!
September    Aligning With Your Cosmic Financing Flow. An astounding new Audio MP3 due out in the Fall, different from the others.. we're calling it "a spiritual re-alignment". And just like it sounds, it can transform and reinvigorate your current financial status, and perhaps catapult you into the wave and frequency of wealth, abundance for good!
Get on my schedule today and let's get you back on course!  🧭 🎣 View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
TGIWednesday Video Download ▶️
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 ~ IN THE FLOW OF THE CURRENT ~ I believe, think, know and feel that I am wading back into the positive flow of life and the energies in, around and through me are improving daily. I know when, where, how and why to shake off the negative and switch into a more positive place, position and mindset! I am ready, willing and able to know the difference between laying on "anxiety beach" and being in the flowing current of calm. I am asking in all languages and throughout all timelines and so it is. Know that making daily progress will allow the rest of your life to be the best of your life. ▶️ Watch here on YouTube - Please Like 👍 and Subscribe 🔔
 Next LIVE  Zoom Event 💻
Our Clearing the 7 Well-Springs of Life monthly Zoom series has been outstanding!  Did you miss one? Get the replays below. Call #1 - Body Clearings - Download replay Call #2 - Mind Clearings - Download replay Call #3 - Spiritual Clearings - Download replay Call # 4 - Relationship clearings (Register below) next up... Health, Money, Work/Job/Career/Purpose
NEXT THURSDAY AUGUST 29, 2024 4:00pm ET  |  1:00pm PT  | 10:00pm UK Registration fee = $22 30 minutes live | Includes replay access 👉 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/7w-relationships
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Call #4 Theme:  Relationship Clearings: Past/Present/Future We're basically house plants requiring air and water just with more complicated feelings and relationships!   Even if you consider yourself a loner type, human beings are all about relationships, family and we're part of the fishing tribe. Often relationships from our family and loved ones from our past haunt us and negatively affect our current ones, so it is vital to clear and recalibrate ourselves. 
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: After registration, Submit your Top 3 words/statements in the format below by Wed. the 28th to [email protected]  Be kind to our editors: please KEEP IT BRIEF :)
1) Clearing out past relationships ie: Release me from past relationships and their negative, lingering, traumatic effects that haunt me like:______ (poor treatment from mom or dad, siblings, teacher, authorities, friends - including abuse, mistreatment, injustice, betrayal, gaslighting, and narcissism)
2) Clearing out present relationships ie: Release me from the ill effects of ______ (a horrible/unfair boss, fair weather friends, a cheating spouse, children who are acting out, parents' disappointment, relationship burdens, addictions)
3) Clearing the energy of future relationships ie: Release me from the fear of/or help me create ___ (I'll never find great love, that I'll get hurt by love, future pain of losing loved ones/a child, create a greater relationship with money, with nature, create a space for humans to live in harmony and care for the planet and future generations.)
During this call #4, we'll clear relationships off all kinds ...and if your relationship with family, children, pets, work/job/career and your past are flawless, that is wonderful! Please write to me, I'd love to hear about that too.  For the rest of us you'll want to join our gathering and let's co-create some profound changes together!    
Register Here - $22
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From the Fish Box 📧
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    Dear Jimmy, Remember, since we met, I was convinced that love wasn't for me. Well, the last time we were "fishing" you said things would change within four weeks, and it seems you were right!  It's been about four weeks and the person who's made me believe in love again has gone from being quiet to regularly messaging me on WhatsApp. We're even planning to meet up next month!" So grateful, B
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Fish Food 😇📣
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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AUGUST 21ST "Today I will appreciate the apparent signs. I will accept that which is continually knocking on my door. I will recognize the obvious and welcome the new into my arms like a long lost friend. I will accept the good laid at my feel with a deserving heart and a thriving mind."
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Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. Looking for a new job?  Going through a court proceeding? Upcoming surgery scheduled for you or a loved one?  Need help selling or buying a property? Troubled times in your relationship? These are just some of the life at the crossroads events that are ideal for My Daily Prayer program.
30 Days of Daily Prayer (single month) - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  👉Click here After the 30 days, you will receive an email from Jimmy and have the opportunity to renew for an additional month plus update your list, but you are under no obligation.
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
**NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
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*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request.
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-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.sandybidinger.com
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divinefishingtips · 1 month
TGIWednesday: Switching into "dance mode"
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TGIWednesday News 📰
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Well it's my birthday week/month/year   ♌🦁 and you know what that means!  Presents for everyone!  Check the shop now for a 19% OFF automatic discount on digital downloads and unwrap what appeals to you!  Where was I....? Oh right, dancing...  So Bluey is an Australian cartoon/animated series about a family of dogs 🐾 that my granddaughters simply adore!  One of the cutest Bluey episodes they ever created is called "Dance Mode". No matter where the family is, grocery store, library, or walking through a park; at random, the younger pups 🐕 🐕 pull their parents' tail down like a switch.  When that happens music comes on and they all switch to "dance mode" like they're in a video game simulation and start dancing everywhere - so cute and fun! Many of the folks that I talk to lately worldwide seem to be frozen in anxiety, stress, tension, overwhelm, full moon, retrograde, can't get off the couch mode!  And my personal favorite "Why am I so tired?" 🥱 As you read this now, I am switching your prehistoric tail to dance mode.  This will cause you to go for a walk, read an inspirational book, do some yoga, 🧘🏽 Tai Chi, Qi Gong, channel Joseph Pilates ;-), listen to some music or all of the above while you're dancing 💃🏼 in an obscure room of the house!  Celebrate this week and life with me!  Less bickering & grumbling, more dance mode please! Or as I like to say, less arguing, more Barry White! 🎶  (you young cool kids can look him up on YouTube)  Enjoy!  Oh and thanks for the snail mailed cards, email's, texts, social media posts and the overwhelming adoration and well wishes that folks have sent.  I love you all and appreciate you more than you'll ever know! 🥰 Please join us for our monthly Zoom gathering (link below) because this month is all about improving relationships: past/present/future!  Now as the song goes, "Everybody Dance Now!" 🕺🏻
Jimmy's Bday Sale 🎧⬇️
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ALL DIGITAL AUDIOS, VIDEOS, PROCESSES AND EBOOKS ARE ON SALE FOR 19% OFF THROUGH 12AM TONIGHT!  STOCK UP YOUR CART AND ENJOY!! 🎣 The BDAY19 discount code will automatically show in your Cart/Checkout on all eligible items. *NOTE: It does NOT include sessions/prayers/masterclasses or certification.  🏆 Best Sellers
💸 The Prosperity Collection  🧘 The Body, Mind and Spirit Collection 🙂 The Improve Your Life Collection 💻 Access 50+ Videos in the Zoom Replay Collection 
Shop Here Now
ON DECK 🚢 Next Thursday August 29th - Join us for our Monthly Zoom all about Relationships!  Limited seating, sign up here.!
September    Aligning With Your Cosmic Financing Flow. An astounding new Audio MP3 due out in the Fall, different from the others.. we're calling it "a spiritual re-alignment". And just like it sounds, it can transform and reinvigorate your current financial status, and perhaps catapult you into the wave and frequency of wealth, abundance for good!
Get on my schedule today and let's get you back on course!  🧭 🎣 View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
TGIWednesday Video Download ▶️
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 ~ IN THE FLOW OF THE CURRENT ~ I believe, think, know and feel that I am wading back into the positive flow of life and the energies in, around and through me are improving daily. I know when, where, how and why to shake off the negative and switch into a more positive place, position and mindset! I am ready, willing and able to know the difference between laying on "anxiety beach" and being in the flowing current of calm. I am asking in all languages and throughout all timelines and so it is. Know that making daily progress will allow the rest of your life to be the best of your life. ▶️ Watch here on YouTube - Please Like 👍 and Subscribe 🔔
 Next LIVE  Zoom Event 💻
Our Clearing the 7 Well-Springs of Life monthly Zoom series has been outstanding!  Did you miss one? Get the replays below. Call #1 - Body Clearings - Download replay Call #2 - Mind Clearings - Download replay Call #3 - Spiritual Clearings - Download replay Call # 4 - Relationship clearings (Register below) next up... Health, Money, Work/Job/Career/Purpose
NEXT THURSDAY AUGUST 29, 2024 4:00pm ET  |  1:00pm PT  | 10:00pm UK Registration fee = $22 30 minutes live | Includes replay access 👉 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/7w-relationships
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Call #4 Theme:  Relationship Clearings: Past/Present/Future We're basically house plants requiring air and water just with more complicated feelings and relationships!   Even if you consider yourself a loner type, human beings are all about relationships, family and we're part of the fishing tribe. Often relationships from our family and loved ones from our past haunt us and negatively affect our current ones, so it is vital to clear and recalibrate ourselves. 
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: After registration, Submit your Top 3 words/statements in the format below by Wed. the 28th to [email protected]  Be kind to our editors: please KEEP IT BRIEF :)
1) Clearing out past relationships ie: Release me from past relationships and their negative, lingering, traumatic effects that haunt me like:______ (poor treatment from mom or dad, siblings, teacher, authorities, friends - including abuse, mistreatment, injustice, betrayal, gaslighting, and narcissism)
2) Clearing out present relationships ie: Release me from the ill effects of ______ (a horrible/unfair boss, fair weather friends, a cheating spouse, children who are acting out, parents' disappointment, relationship burdens, addictions)
3) Clearing the energy of future relationships ie: Release me from the fear of/or help me create ___ (I'll never find great love, that I'll get hurt by love, future pain of losing loved ones/a child, create a greater relationship with money, with nature, create a space for humans to live in harmony and care for the planet and future generations.)
During this call #4, we'll clear relationships off all kinds ...and if your relationship with family, children, pets, work/job/career and your past are flawless, that is wonderful! Please write to me, I'd love to hear about that too.  For the rest of us you'll want to join our gathering and let's co-create some profound changes together!    
Register Here - $22
FREE Live Appearances 🎙️
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
From the Fish Box 📧
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    Dear Jimmy, Remember, since we met, I was convinced that love wasn't for me. Well, the last time we were "fishing" you said things would change within four weeks, and it seems you were right!  It's been about four weeks and the person who's made me believe in love again has gone from being quiet to regularly messaging me on WhatsApp. We're even planning to meet up next month!" So grateful, B
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Fish Food 😇📣
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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AUGUST 21ST "Today I will appreciate the apparent signs. I will accept that which is continually knocking on my door. I will recognize the obvious and welcome the new into my arms like a long lost friend. I will accept the good laid at my feel with a deserving heart and a thriving mind."
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy🙏
Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. Looking for a new job?  Going through a court proceeding? Upcoming surgery scheduled for you or a loved one?  Need help selling or buying a property? Troubled times in your relationship? These are just some of the life at the crossroads events that are ideal for My Daily Prayer program.
30 Days of Daily Prayer (single month) - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  👉Click here After the 30 days, you will receive an email from Jimmy and have the opportunity to renew for an additional month plus update your list, but you are under no obligation.
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
**NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
👉 PayPal for subscription Click here 
👉 Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request.
Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center 🖥️ "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
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All are welcome to CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT to access the NEW and IMPROVED My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple Basic Training Course. Anchors Away Masterclass:  Sustain and clear and sovereign energetic field of dark energies and anomalies. Life Force Energy Masterclass: Enhance your fishing practice by approaching from a deeper, numeric level. MLF Mastery & Advanced Practitioner Certification Courses
Visit now, Click Here!
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Jimmy Mack ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Appointments | FAQs View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 min www.jimmymackhealing.com Free Resources: Learn MLF for FREE | Videos on YouTube | Radio Show Archives Advanced Training: Masterclasses | Mastery and Practitioner Certification Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com ©1996-2024 All Rights Reserved.  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.sandybidinger.com
0 notes
TGIWednesday: Switching into "dance mode"
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TGIWednesday News 📰
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Well it's my birthday week/month/year   ♌🦁 and you know what that means!  Presents for everyone!  Check the shop now for a 19% OFF automatic discount on digital downloads and unwrap what appeals to you!  Where was I....? Oh right, dancing...  So Bluey is an Australian cartoon/animated series about a family of dogs 🐾 that my granddaughters simply adore!  One of the cutest Bluey episodes they ever created is called "Dance Mode". No matter where the family is, grocery store, library, or walking through a park; at random, the younger pups 🐕 🐕 pull their parents' tail down like a switch.  When that happens music comes on and they all switch to "dance mode" like they're in a video game simulation and start dancing everywhere - so cute and fun! Many of the folks that I talk to lately worldwide seem to be frozen in anxiety, stress, tension, overwhelm, full moon, retrograde, can't get off the couch mode!  And my personal favorite "Why am I so tired?" 🥱 As you read this now, I am switching your prehistoric tail to dance mode.  This will cause you to go for a walk, read an inspirational book, do some yoga, 🧘🏽 Tai Chi, Qi Gong, channel Joseph Pilates ;-), listen to some music or all of the above while you're dancing 💃🏼 in an obscure room of the house!  Celebrate this week and life with me!  Less bickering & grumbling, more dance mode please! Or as I like to say, less arguing, more Barry White! 🎶  (you young cool kids can look him up on YouTube)  Enjoy!  Oh and thanks for the snail mailed cards, email's, texts, social media posts and the overwhelming adoration and well wishes that folks have sent.  I love you all and appreciate you more than you'll ever know! 🥰 Please join us for our monthly Zoom gathering (link below) because this month is all about improving relationships: past/present/future!  Now as the song goes, "Everybody Dance Now!" 🕺🏻
Jimmy's Bday Sale 🎧⬇️
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ALL DIGITAL AUDIOS, VIDEOS, PROCESSES AND EBOOKS ARE ON SALE FOR 19% OFF THROUGH 12AM TONIGHT!  STOCK UP YOUR CART AND ENJOY!! 🎣 The BDAY19 discount code will automatically show in your Cart/Checkout on all eligible items. *NOTE: It does NOT include sessions/prayers/masterclasses or certification.  🏆 Best Sellers
💸 The Prosperity Collection  🧘 The Body, Mind and Spirit Collection 🙂 The Improve Your Life Collection 💻 Access 50+ Videos in the Zoom Replay Collection 
Shop Here Now
ON DECK 🚢 Next Thursday August 29th - Join us for our Monthly Zoom all about Relationships!  Limited seating, sign up here.!
September    Aligning With Your Cosmic Financing Flow. An astounding new Audio MP3 due out in the Fall, different from the others.. we're calling it "a spiritual re-alignment". And just like it sounds, it can transform and reinvigorate your current financial status, and perhaps catapult you into the wave and frequency of wealth, abundance for good!
Get on my schedule today and let's get you back on course!  🧭 🎣 View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
TGIWednesday Video Download ▶️
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 ~ IN THE FLOW OF THE CURRENT ~ I believe, think, know and feel that I am wading back into the positive flow of life and the energies in, around and through me are improving daily. I know when, where, how and why to shake off the negative and switch into a more positive place, position and mindset! I am ready, willing and able to know the difference between laying on "anxiety beach" and being in the flowing current of calm. I am asking in all languages and throughout all timelines and so it is. Know that making daily progress will allow the rest of your life to be the best of your life. ▶️ Watch here on YouTube - Please Like 👍 and Subscribe 🔔
 Next LIVE  Zoom Event 💻
Our Clearing the 7 Well-Springs of Life monthly Zoom series has been outstanding!  Did you miss one? Get the replays below. Call #1 - Body Clearings - Download replay Call #2 - Mind Clearings - Download replay Call #3 - Spiritual Clearings - Download replay Call # 4 - Relationship clearings (Register below) next up... Health, Money, Work/Job/Career/Purpose
NEXT THURSDAY AUGUST 29, 2024 4:00pm ET  |  1:00pm PT  | 10:00pm UK Registration fee = $22 30 minutes live | Includes replay access 👉 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/7w-relationships
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Call #4 Theme:  Relationship Clearings: Past/Present/Future We're basically house plants requiring air and water just with more complicated feelings and relationships!   Even if you consider yourself a loner type, human beings are all about relationships, family and we're part of the fishing tribe. Often relationships from our family and loved ones from our past haunt us and negatively affect our current ones, so it is vital to clear and recalibrate ourselves. 
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: After registration, Submit your Top 3 words/statements in the format below by Wed. the 28th to [email protected]  Be kind to our editors: please KEEP IT BRIEF :)
1) Clearing out past relationships ie: Release me from past relationships and their negative, lingering, traumatic effects that haunt me like:______ (poor treatment from mom or dad, siblings, teacher, authorities, friends - including abuse, mistreatment, injustice, betrayal, gaslighting, and narcissism)
2) Clearing out present relationships ie: Release me from the ill effects of ______ (a horrible/unfair boss, fair weather friends, a cheating spouse, children who are acting out, parents' disappointment, relationship burdens, addictions)
3) Clearing the energy of future relationships ie: Release me from the fear of/or help me create ___ (I'll never find great love, that I'll get hurt by love, future pain of losing loved ones/a child, create a greater relationship with money, with nature, create a space for humans to live in harmony and care for the planet and future generations.)
During this call #4, we'll clear relationships off all kinds ...and if your relationship with family, children, pets, work/job/career and your past are flawless, that is wonderful! Please write to me, I'd love to hear about that too.  For the rest of us you'll want to join our gathering and let's co-create some profound changes together!    
Register Here - $22
FREE Live Appearances 🎙️
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
From the Fish Box 📧
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    Dear Jimmy, Remember, since we met, I was convinced that love wasn't for me. Well, the last time we were "fishing" you said things would change within four weeks, and it seems you were right!  It's been about four weeks and the person who's made me believe in love again has gone from being quiet to regularly messaging me on WhatsApp. We're even planning to meet up next month!" So grateful, B
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Fish Food 😇📣
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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AUGUST 21ST "Today I will appreciate the apparent signs. I will accept that which is continually knocking on my door. I will recognize the obvious and welcome the new into my arms like a long lost friend. I will accept the good laid at my feel with a deserving heart and a thriving mind."
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy🙏
Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. Looking for a new job?  Going through a court proceeding? Upcoming surgery scheduled for you or a loved one?  Need help selling or buying a property? Troubled times in your relationship? These are just some of the life at the crossroads events that are ideal for My Daily Prayer program.
30 Days of Daily Prayer (single month) - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  👉Click here After the 30 days, you will receive an email from Jimmy and have the opportunity to renew for an additional month plus update your list, but you are under no obligation.
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
**NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
👉 PayPal for subscription Click here 
👉 Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request.
Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center 🖥️ "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
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All are welcome to CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT to access the NEW and IMPROVED My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple Basic Training Course. Anchors Away Masterclass:  Sustain and clear and sovereign energetic field of dark energies and anomalies. Life Force Energy Masterclass: Enhance your fishing practice by approaching from a deeper, numeric level. MLF Mastery & Advanced Practitioner Certification Courses
Visit now, Click Here!
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Jimmy Mack ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Appointments | FAQs View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 min www.jimmymackhealing.com Free Resources: Learn MLF for FREE | Videos on YouTube | Radio Show Archives Advanced Training: Masterclasses | Mastery and Practitioner Certification Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com ©1996-2024 All Rights Reserved.  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.sandybidinger.com
0 notes
TGIWednesday: Switching into "dance mode"
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TGIWednesday News 📰
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Well it's my birthday week/month/year   ♌🦁 and you know what that means!  Presents for everyone!  Check the shop now for a 19% OFF automatic discount on digital downloads and unwrap what appeals to you!  Where was I....? Oh right, dancing...  So Bluey is an Australian cartoon/animated series about a family of dogs 🐾 that my granddaughters simply adore!  One of the cutest Bluey episodes they ever created is called "Dance Mode". No matter where the family is, grocery store, library, or walking through a park; at random, the younger pups 🐕 🐕 pull their parents' tail down like a switch.  When that happens music comes on and they all switch to "dance mode" like they're in a video game simulation and start dancing everywhere - so cute and fun! Many of the folks that I talk to lately worldwide seem to be frozen in anxiety, stress, tension, overwhelm, full moon, retrograde, can't get off the couch mode!  And my personal favorite "Why am I so tired?" 🥱 As you read this now, I am switching your prehistoric tail to dance mode.  This will cause you to go for a walk, read an inspirational book, do some yoga, 🧘🏽 Tai Chi, Qi Gong, channel Joseph Pilates ;-), listen to some music or all of the above while you're dancing 💃🏼 in an obscure room of the house!  Celebrate this week and life with me!  Less bickering & grumbling, more dance mode please! Or as I like to say, less arguing, more Barry White! 🎶  (you young cool kids can look him up on YouTube)  Enjoy!  Oh and thanks for the snail mailed cards, email's, texts, social media posts and the overwhelming adoration and well wishes that folks have sent.  I love you all and appreciate you more than you'll ever know! 🥰 Please join us for our monthly Zoom gathering (link below) because this month is all about improving relationships: past/present/future!  Now as the song goes, "Everybody Dance Now!" 🕺🏻
Jimmy's Bday Sale 🎧⬇️
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ALL DIGITAL AUDIOS, VIDEOS, PROCESSES AND EBOOKS ARE ON SALE FOR 19% OFF THROUGH 12AM TONIGHT!  STOCK UP YOUR CART AND ENJOY!! 🎣 The BDAY19 discount code will automatically show in your Cart/Checkout on all eligible items. *NOTE: It does NOT include sessions/prayers/masterclasses or certification.  🏆 Best Sellers
💸 The Prosperity Collection  🧘 The Body, Mind and Spirit Collection 🙂 The Improve Your Life Collection 💻 Access 50+ Videos in the Zoom Replay Collection 
Shop Here Now
ON DECK 🚢 Next Thursday August 29th - Join us for our Monthly Zoom all about Relationships!  Limited seating, sign up here.!
September    Aligning With Your Cosmic Financing Flow. An astounding new Audio MP3 due out in the Fall, different from the others.. we're calling it "a spiritual re-alignment". And just like it sounds, it can transform and reinvigorate your current financial status, and perhaps catapult you into the wave and frequency of wealth, abundance for good!
Get on my schedule today and let's get you back on course!  🧭 🎣 View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
TGIWednesday Video Download ▶️
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 ~ IN THE FLOW OF THE CURRENT ~ I believe, think, know and feel that I am wading back into the positive flow of life and the energies in, around and through me are improving daily. I know when, where, how and why to shake off the negative and switch into a more positive place, position and mindset! I am ready, willing and able to know the difference between laying on "anxiety beach" and being in the flowing current of calm. I am asking in all languages and throughout all timelines and so it is. Know that making daily progress will allow the rest of your life to be the best of your life. ▶️ Watch here on YouTube - Please Like 👍 and Subscribe 🔔
 Next LIVE  Zoom Event 💻
Our Clearing the 7 Well-Springs of Life monthly Zoom series has been outstanding!  Did you miss one? Get the replays below. Call #1 - Body Clearings - Download replay Call #2 - Mind Clearings - Download replay Call #3 - Spiritual Clearings - Download replay Call # 4 - Relationship clearings (Register below) next up... Health, Money, Work/Job/Career/Purpose
NEXT THURSDAY AUGUST 29, 2024 4:00pm ET  |  1:00pm PT  | 10:00pm UK Registration fee = $22 30 minutes live | Includes replay access 👉 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/7w-relationships
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Call #4 Theme:  Relationship Clearings: Past/Present/Future We're basically house plants requiring air and water just with more complicated feelings and relationships!   Even if you consider yourself a loner type, human beings are all about relationships, family and we're part of the fishing tribe. Often relationships from our family and loved ones from our past haunt us and negatively affect our current ones, so it is vital to clear and recalibrate ourselves. 
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: After registration, Submit your Top 3 words/statements in the format below by Wed. the 28th to [email protected]  Be kind to our editors: please KEEP IT BRIEF :)
1) Clearing out past relationships ie: Release me from past relationships and their negative, lingering, traumatic effects that haunt me like:______ (poor treatment from mom or dad, siblings, teacher, authorities, friends - including abuse, mistreatment, injustice, betrayal, gaslighting, and narcissism)
2) Clearing out present relationships ie: Release me from the ill effects of ______ (a horrible/unfair boss, fair weather friends, a cheating spouse, children who are acting out, parents' disappointment, relationship burdens, addictions)
3) Clearing the energy of future relationships ie: Release me from the fear of/or help me create ___ (I'll never find great love, that I'll get hurt by love, future pain of losing loved ones/a child, create a greater relationship with money, with nature, create a space for humans to live in harmony and care for the planet and future generations.)
During this call #4, we'll clear relationships off all kinds ...and if your relationship with family, children, pets, work/job/career and your past are flawless, that is wonderful! Please write to me, I'd love to hear about that too.  For the rest of us you'll want to join our gathering and let's co-create some profound changes together!    
Register Here - $22
FREE Live Appearances 🎙️
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
From the Fish Box 📧
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    Dear Jimmy, Remember, since we met, I was convinced that love wasn't for me. Well, the last time we were "fishing" you said things would change within four weeks, and it seems you were right!  It's been about four weeks and the person who's made me believe in love again has gone from being quiet to regularly messaging me on WhatsApp. We're even planning to meet up next month!" So grateful, B
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Fish Food 😇📣
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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AUGUST 21ST "Today I will appreciate the apparent signs. I will accept that which is continually knocking on my door. I will recognize the obvious and welcome the new into my arms like a long lost friend. I will accept the good laid at my feel with a deserving heart and a thriving mind."
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy🙏
Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. Looking for a new job?  Going through a court proceeding? Upcoming surgery scheduled for you or a loved one?  Need help selling or buying a property? Troubled times in your relationship? These are just some of the life at the crossroads events that are ideal for My Daily Prayer program.
30 Days of Daily Prayer (single month) - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  👉Click here After the 30 days, you will receive an email from Jimmy and have the opportunity to renew for an additional month plus update your list, but you are under no obligation.
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
**NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
👉 PayPal for subscription Click here 
👉 Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request.
Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
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tsubasaclones · 10 months
biggest regret is paying $60 for that bnha switch game back in like 2021 because my friend had it and it looked really fun only to instantly remember I am literally terrible at those kinds of games and then barely played it
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flygonscales · 11 months
I’ve made myself sad by thinking about Pokémon Mystery Dungeon but also game conservation in general. As I said in my last post, my second hand 3ds broke. To be honest I’m not to broken up about that. It’s a decade old piece of tech. What I am broken up about are the games that are now inaccessible in their original format. I can’t play Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate anymore. I feel so lucky that GU is on the switch for old world goodness but, like, I can’t walk around the everwood. Or listen to the different guild hall tracks. Or climb up Heaven’s Mount. My ace Palico is gone. And I can’t even restart again.
Similarly, I’ve lost my Pokémon mystery dungeon explorers of Darkness save. My partner Gara the torchic. I don’t think I realised how much that game meant until now that it’s gone. Or Grovyle? Or Marill and Azurill? Even Bidoof. I know the story was leading to a dramatic separation, I’ve listened to ‘Don’t Ever Forget’ many times. But not like this? I wasn’t done. And like before, I can’t even start it again without buying another 3DS destined to fail.
It feels so bad that these games are being lost due to only being on the 3DS. What makes it sting more is that GU got on the Switch and not 4U as well (I’m no game developer but porting a fourth gen monster hunter from 3DS to Switch can’t be that difficult, seeing as they did GU), and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon could be ported too. I even have online already. I’d pay more for online if it meant Pmd explorers. I’ve looked into playing other older games on the switch, it seems to have a good e-shop for those sorts of titles - resident evil 1 remake, devil may cry, rune factory 4 special. The framework is there. But for each game ported up to better, newer hardware, there’s many that aren’t.
If I can go back into the PS2 library for games that I’ve played on our one (that was also a wedding present for my parents, they’re cool like that) I would like to mention SSX Tricky. I’m not usually a sports game or dance music fan but I absolutely love Tricky. It’s easy to get the controls, hard to master, that commentator is great, great characters, the tracks are so fun and all very different and it has such cool crazy energy. This game deserves to be preserved! But it’ll be gone soon, locked onto old discs for broken consoles.
This also feeds into my feelings towards Silent Hill. Never played any of the games, listened to the SH2 soundtrack and watched enough video essays on the topic to obsess over the games though. If Konami can put the Metal Gear Solid games on switch, they can do Silent Hill. I don’t want a high fidelity remake, I want to play the original, not only because i find the lower quality graphics scarier in a ‘mind filling in the blanks, nothing is scarier’ kind of way. And I don’t have £60 for an old game on an obsolete console.
I just get such strong feelings of sadness and anger when these amazing games, not even obscure games, are stuck on old hardware. And for most of them, I don’t even want a remake. I want to come home and see all my friends and listen to the music in these virtual places! Please, I want ports of these games so I can play them with as close an experience to the original!
(I realise piracy exists and yes that is a valid method and games can be preserved that way too. While not all bad, I place a bit of value on playing the game the way it was intended on the console. I’ve played quite a few gen 3 Pokémon ROMs. They were how I got started with mainline Pokémon. I’m never going to forget the first time I played emerald. But I never got the music working. And I played using WASD keys. And the screen was a lot bigger than a Gameboy. And then I got a DS and played Pokémon sun, and everything really clicked. Games are at their best on the hardware they’re designed for, but some or most of that can be captured by porting them up. eg. MHGU. I’d much rather show my support for these ported or remade games that may not exist otherwise by buying a new port than pirate them.)
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nba2k24pcdownload · 1 year
NBA 2K24 PC Download
The new mechanism that NBA 2K24 has introduced to the shooting method is the new shot timing visual cue setting. While this may differ from the shot mechanism of NBA 2K23, it still is not that hard to get around. The show is a glimpse into upcoming gameplay and content updates that are coming into the franchise, as well as interviews for 2K developers and even NBA players. Each show features a number of questions that pop up on the bottom of the screen in 2K24. All of this is expected, of course, but what we had not foreseen was that the Switch would miss out on the MyCareer story mode this year — something that has been continued on Sony and Microsoft's consoles. Instead of watching your player make their way into the league and gradually accumulate minutes and respect (as was the case in 2K23 on Switch), the Nintendo version of '24 sees you dropped straight into a starting role with a 60 overall rating.
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Returning to an era where guys like Vlade Divac and Hedo Turkoglue were key players in the NBA is a treat, especially for those of us who were first exposed to basketball around that time. Badge progression, a mechanic that helps differentiate players from one another within specific contexts (such as the “Spot Finder” badge, which gives a small speed boost when off-ball and trying to get into open space), can now move both ways. This meant that when I wasn’t actively focusing on improving a specific badge, it would begin to regress to a worse version. Where i Can Download NBA 2K24 For example, if I am working on a badge that improves my long-range shooting ability but come across a matchup that dictates less three-point shooting and more driving to the basket, I now risk that badge progression by altering my gameplan. Not only does this dampen the enjoyment of being creative, it encourages maxing out my stats as quickly as possible so I don’t have to deal with bad matchups in the first place. Even without competing against others online, MyCareer placed me in the NBA as an up-and-coming starter on a team of my choice.
As a result, I was thrust into an environment where I was regularly guarding players with a major attribute difference, making playing good defense or offense virtually impossible. When I did step on a court with other players online, no amount of skill or precision allowed me to compete with players who had dumped money (likely hundreds of dollars) into their created character. Within just a day or two of release, I was so far behind the curve that the idea of grinding out more VC felt sickening. Effectively, the only way to play here is to pay, and that’s just offensive. NBA 2K24 PC Download, the latest entry in the long-running basketball video game franchise, is getting a little more Hollywood with the addition of virtual celebrities watching players dunk, dribble and dish out dimes in the game.
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If you played NBA 2k23 on the switch and are looking for fresh new content, DO NOT BUY THIS GAME. Feels like 90% of the new content is only available on the new PlayStation and Xbox (next gen) versions of this game. However, NBA2k24 is being sold nba 2k24 download to PC and switch (current gen) consumers as if it’s the same thing.Current gen is so so disappointing this year. To me, it feels like a blatant money grab after being so hype for 2k24 and getting the same game as 2k23 with updated rosters.
Singh himself also appears in NBA 2K24, and to the millions of players worldwide he’s almost as well known as names like Kobe, MJ or Shaq. Standing at 6’6′, Singh sees eye-to-eye with many NBA players themselves, and fans look up to him as their go-to ambassador for all things culture, music and brand partnerships in the 2K world. The NBA 2K24 How to Download NBA 2K24 Kobe Bryant Edition launched last week, as the latest release in the annual video game franchise. The athletes chosen to appear on the cover of the game are always a hotly-debated topic (last year’s NBA 2K23 cover featured Devin Booker of the Phoenix Suns) but this year’s cover art is a no-brainer, with No. 24 fronting the 2024 edition.
It’s another nice escape from in-game purchases, and much more welcoming for beginners. Following up on NBA 2K23’s Jordan Challenge, NBA 2K24 introduces Mamba Moments to celebrate Kobe Bryant’s historic career. It’s not as impressive as the Jordan Challenges, but it still does a decent job of getting into the tone and atmosphere of some of Kobe’s marquee games.
This year's city is a new beachfront city complete with sidequests, stores, modes of transport and the side streetball courts where players grind it out in pickup action while other players watch. New substitution behavior that doesn't just swap out five players at once makes for a more realistic, fun experience against A.I. It appears to favor keeping scorers on the court at all times, leading to a notable lack of major scoring droughts NBA 2K24 Download from the computer to exploit. For the first time, NBA 2K24 will feature cross progression between MyTEAM and MyCAREER to help players quickly earn all the rewards Season 1 has to offer. In addition to the free Season Pass, players can now also purchase the Pro Pass and the Hall of Fame Pass to receive every reward in the game. For instance, players rarely celebrate big moments such as game-winning shots in a convincing way.
Even when THQ only focus on one series, all entries got almost equal experience on all platforms. I found a lot of 2K WWE games though having better graphics lack the realistic models and design of past games. The WWE games were more fun to play on Nintendo hardware back then too, leaving Where i Can Download NBA 2K24 Nintendo out of this means they lose the vast audience they could had gotten. Beginning with the newbie, Mamba Moments sees you playing through seven iconic games from Kobe Bryant's 20-year career, replicating historic plays in an attempt to collect stars and 'beat' the game mode.
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My Thoughts On: Nintendo for $70
Being a Nintendo fan is getting harder and harder for me. Don't get me wrong, I love a lot of Nintendo IPs, but when I think about Nintendo games and consoles I love, I don't generally jump to the Switch... Not to mention, Nintendo consoles have always been underpowered compared to the competition, but now that they're aiming at this hybrid console thing, while it's still a neat idea, it's very very hard to justify paying industry standard prices for games that are comparable to the Xbox 360 and PS3... from more than 15 years ago.
(thoughts continue under the cut)
This only gets worse when I see them charging $70 for Tears of the Kingdom. Sony and Microsoft are charging $70 for their biggest current-gen games because they're bigger than any games of the past have been, but Nintendo charged $60 for WiiU ports of games that weren't that impressive to begin with, and retailed for $40 at release on the WiiU. A lot of the best PS3 and Xbox 360 games resell online now for $10-$30, and I'm buying games of the same power and scope from Nintendo for $60... soon, that could be $70. Am I the only one that feels weird about that? Does this feel wrong to anyone else?
The sequel to the Switch is rumored to be on par with a PS4/Xbox One, which is a big step up and could lead to not only great Nintendo originals, but also better third party support. However, PS4 games sold $60 MSRP. It feels right for Nintendo to start making games on that level, and charging on that level... but instead, their prices are trying to compete with the scope of PS5/Xbox Series games at $70.
In my mind, and take this with a grain of salt as my opinion only, I want Nintendo to properly justify their game prices. Return to the home console/handheld console split, and make a home console on par with the competitors, plus a handheld that is probably weaker, costs less, etc. but still offers unique gaming experiences! Make home console games that run on comparable hardware and offer comparable experiences to what people from Sony and Microsoft are giving us, and then I'll be more willing to pay $70 for it.
OR, if Nintendo wants us to accept that some games are just worth more, they need to accept that some games are just worth less. So many Nintendo games come out with little content or unfinished/unpolished aspects, and they charge us full price regardless. Not to mention, these games rarely go on sale, so this is essentially the "new" price forever. Lots of games, including ports and smaller remasters, deserve a $40-$50 price point, and just don't earn the full $60.
I haven't bought a new Switch game in a long time, mostly because I just can't tell if it's going to be worth my $60. I didn't buy Tears of the Kingdom (at $70!!); I didn't buy Kirby and the Forgotten Land; I didn't buy Pikmin 4. I love all of these series! And in hindsight, I really want to play Pikmin 4, but I'm still torn on TotK and Forgotten Land. I wasn't willing to risk that much money at launch, and I'm still not sure if I'm willing to pay that much, and will most likely buy these games at a discount, used. I love Nintendo games and consoles, they're the reason that I'm as in love with games as I am, but if they can't rectify their content versus their prices... well, they won't be seeing much money from me outside of console purchases.
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