#and Elena’s going to come back from a run just in time to save her co-worker/crush from getting stabbed
rhetoricalrogue · 2 years
I probably should have paid more attention to the militia hierarchy in the last half of Days Gone so I can properly daydream potential story scenarios instead of getting sad that they took what normally looks like a Bob Ross painting and burned 90% of the landscape, like yes, I know this is part of the theme of the story but there are no happy little trees anywhere. Just sad little burnt stumps that did very little to keep the infected hordes away.
The Crater Lake area made me miss Lost Lake and the Cascade maps so much.
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athenamikaelson · 2 months
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Klaus Mikaelson x Soulmate!Reader x Elijah Mikaelson Pt. 11
Word Count- 3.8k
Warnings- Mentions of Suicide(Damon trying to die because of his wolf bite), swearing, death, blood, gun/gun-shot wounds, smaller chapter but big things happening cliffhanger ending
“Yes, Elena. Once again, I’m fine. I have to go run an errand and then I’ll see you guys at the square. OK? Toodles!”
I quickly hung up my phone, just in case Elena decided to ask what errand I was running. How the hell am I supposed to tell her I’m going to try to talk a dying Damon Salvatore off the ledge?
It’s been two days since Demon dropped the bomb that he was dying and then disappeared. He hasn’t answered my calls and whenever I ask Stefan about him he says “I’m working on it.” Not well enough, clearly, because the Bunny Eater called me 30 minutes ago telling me Damon just tried lighting himself on fire and he needs my help talking him down. I’m not sure why I’m the one he called for this since I’ve heard Damon on more than one occasion say he’d rather die than listen to me speak. 
Damon and Stefan have made me keep quiet about this, so no one else but us three knows. Which is why I fibbed a bit on my phone call with Elena. I’m not entirely on board with keeping this a secret. What do the Salvatores think is going to happen when the werewolf bite kills Damon? Just tell everyone Damon went upstate to a farm, just like what parents tell their children when their turtles or dogs die.
Although Damon and I have had our differences, I can admit the thought of him dying doesn’t sit well with me. Especially since he got bit trying to stop the ritual. Even though it didn’t stop it, it did save Tyler and Caroline. Who I guess was replaced by that bitch Jules and some random vampire Klaus had in his back pocket. 
I take a deep breath as I exit my car and walk up to the front door of the Salvatore house. I don’t bother knocking since everyone kind of just lets themselves in when it comes to this place. I’m about to call out for Stefan but within a moment he’s flashed in front of me. 
“Oh good lord,” I clutch my chest in surprise. At this Stefan’s eyes widen and he reaches out to me.
“I’m sorry, Y/n! Is it your heart again? Do you need anything? Here take some of my blood,” Stefan frantically says.
I put both of my hands up and shake them, “Stefan calm down dude, okay? I’m good, you just scared me. I’ve got to start getting you vamps little bells to wear around your necks.”
Stefan slightly laughs but I can still see the weariness in his eyes.
“Really Stefana, I’m good.”
Stefan sighs and nods, “Sorry, I just…with everything going on I’m just…,” Stefan rubs his hand over his face and now I can clearly see the exhaustion and sadness on it. 
I take a step closer and wrap my arms around him in a hug, “It’ll be ok, we’ll figure it out, alright?”
Stefan doesn’t say anything but I feel him nod as he wraps his arms around me tighter as if me hugging him is the only thing keeping him grounded. And after seeing his older brother trying to light himself on fire, it might just be. 
After another moment Stefan releases me and smiles at me but it doesn't reach up all the way. 
“He’s down here,” He says and I follow him down to where Elijah was when he was daggered. 
At the thought of the Original my heart sinks. It’s been three days since I’ve seen or heard from him. Each time I hear my phone ring a small part of me expects it to be him with his stupid posh accent telling me he’s sorry for ghosting me, but every time I answer it’s never him. I’ve tried to distract myself with hanging out with the girls, or Theo, and even the occasional phone call with Jenna who talks to me a lot now about the supernatural since we both learned about it recently. Bonnie and I have also been going through her deceased Gram’s grimoires and things to see if we can find anything on why my chest bled and then magically healed itself, but nothing comes up.  It’s disheartening but Bonnie says she won’t stop searching until she’s found the reason. Our time together has made me realize just how good of a friend Bonnie is. She’s loyal and kind and she’d fight for her friends until her dying breath. Which is sadly something she has already done once. I really like hanging out with her and her teaching me more about her world. I may not understand much about witches but it’s nice to see how excited she gets when she talks about it. 
“Are you going to be good down here by yourself,” Stefan leans down to whisper to me.
“What,” I question now realizing he’s been talking this entire time. 
“I have to go to the square to go speak to Elena but after I’ll be back. Just whatever he says, don’t let him out. Ric should be here soon too. He can take your place when he gets here.”
I do a soldier’s salute and he rolls his eyes as he walks back upstairs. Leaving me and Grumpy down here by ourselves. The door that separates us is big and wooden with a small window that has three metal bars. I look through and frown when I see Damon scrunched up, sitting on the far side of the room. 
“Are you going to eat me if I come in?”
“Drinking your blood would be a fate worse than death,” Damon’s scratchy voice speaks up after a moment. 
I roll my eyes as I unlock the door and push it open, I quickly make my way inside and close it. I lean against the door and cross my arms as I look at the dying vampire in front of me. 
“Stefan really thought you of all people would be the one to talk me off the ledge,” Damon grunts out as he puts his head up to look at me. 
“That’s exactly what I said. I told him you’d be more likely to do it again after hearing me speak,” I laugh out.
Damon’s upper lip twitches for a moment and he lets out a strangled laugh, “You’re not wrong. 
We’re both quiet for a moment before Damon speaks up again, “I’m going to die.”
I take a deep breath and sit down against the door mirroring Damon, “At the moment, yes you are.”
Damon raises an eyebrow at me, “So you’re not going to fill me with fairy tales about some special cure and that by tomorrow I’ll be fresh as a daisy?”
I shrug my shoulders, “Is that what you want me to do?”
Damon stares at me for a moment and then shakes his head, “No, I don’t.”
“Alright then. Works for me. You know, Stefan called me to try to talk you down because he thinks what you did was crazy. But… I understand why you did it.”
This captures Damon’s attention as he stares questioningly at me, “You do?”
I nod as I play with a loose thread on my shirt, “Ya. You’re scared. And in pain. You think this is the only way out, but it isn’t. And I’m not saying that because of some magical cure. I’m saying that because you still have time left to say your goodbyes and to be with those who actually care about you. Even though you’re an actual hellspawn. I know that this is scary, you’ve been alive for over a century and now you’re facing mortality for the first time in years. I would be scared too.”
Damon’s jaw clenches and for a moment I think he’s mad but when I see him turn his head to stare at the wall next to him I realize he’s trying to hide his emotions. 
“Damon you can stare at that wall all you’d like but I meant what I said.”
At the sound of footsteps, I stand up. 
“Ric’s here. Try not to be such an ass to him. You’re kind of like his only friend,” When he doesn’t make any noise about my joke I frown and start to unlatch the door, “I’m glad I met you, Damon. I don’t tell a lot of people that, but it’s true. Thanks for bringing out a fire in me I didn’t know I had.”
Damon says nothing and I quickly wipe a stray tear from my face as I open the door.
“I’m glad I met you too, Y/N. Even though you’re a pain in the ass,” I turn and make eye contact with Damon, and even though the room is dark, I swear I can see small tears building in his blue eyes, “I don’t believe in next lives or whatever…but if they somehow exist, I wouldn’t mind meeting you again in that one, Pukey.”
I let out a small sob as I run over to the seated man and throw my arms over him. He lets out a grunt of surprise and after a moment he wraps his arms around me and I can feel the dampness from his tears on my shirt.
“If you tell anyone about this I’ll kill you,” He tries to threaten but his voice comes out strained so it doesn’t hold much punch.
“Ya whatever, Demon.”
It’s night by the time I get to the square for whatever movie night the town’s having. Elena asked me to come earlier since she says everyone needs a break from all the chaos that has happened. I’m not excited to see how she’s going to react to the news about Damon. But for now, I’m grabbing my fluffy blanket and walking towards my friends and watching this stupid movie.
Jenna, Jeremy, Bonnie, and Caroline all sit together talking as I walk up behind them. 
“Hey guys,” I say and they all spin around to look at me. Bonnie and Jenna both send me warm smiles and waves, Caroline hops up and guides me over to the group talking my ear off already, and Jeremy tries to send me a smile but that dude looks like he would rather be anywhere else. 
“What errand took you so long,” Caroline questions.
“Oh, Theo just needed some help bringing back his football gear and stuff. I guess the coach has been bothering him to get it back for weeks since the season ended,” I say which isn’t a total lie since I did do that after leaving the Salvatores.
“How is Theo,” Jeremy asks. 
Ever since the funeral Jeremy and Theo have been gaming together. When I asked Theo about it,  he said he was doing it out of pity and that someone as cool as him wouldn’t hang out with an emo like Jeremy. But after passing by Theo’s room and hearing him and Jeremy laugh and make fun of each other over call, I don’t think Theo is really doing this out of pity anymore. After moving here and with everything that has happened with our parents it’s been hard for Theo to make friends. Even though he says otherwise. I know he has people to hang out with at school, but it’s all brainless jocks who probably don’t even care to know my brother’s favorite color. He needs a good friend like Jeremy in his life. 
“Theo’s good. Even though he was pissy this morning because he says you cheated last night,” I admit to him as I sit down next to Jenna and Caroline. 
Jeremy shoots me a look of disbelief, “I did not cheat! That jerk! He’s the one who cheated,” Jeremy lifts up his phone and starts angrily texting someone. A someone, who I’m guessing is my brother.
I look around noticing the absence of my best friend, “Where’s Elena?”
They all look at each other wearily before Bonnie grabs my hand, “You might want to prepare yourself for this.”
I look at her confused for a moment and whisper, “Is this about the Damon thing?”
“You knew?!’’
“Excuse me?”
They all yell out and I raise my hands in surrender, “Hey! Stefana and Demon made me keep quiet. They didn’t want to stress anyone else out more.”
“How long have you known,” Caroline asks me and I grimace, “Like… since John’s funeral.”
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! It just wasn’t my place to say.”
They think about this for a moment before nodding.
“Elena went to go talk to Damon and Stefan is off trying to find a cure,” Bonnie says.
“Let’s hope he finds one in time.”
We all quiet down after a moment and go back to watching the movie, but 5 minutes later I feel a tap on my right shoulder.
I shoot Jenna a questioning look as she leans down to whisper to me, “Anything from Elijah?”
I just send her a small shake of my head and she returns it with a comforting smile and a squeeze to my shoulder, “His loss then.”
Over the past few days of Jenna and I talking about the supernatural, we’ve also been chatting about other things like school and relationships. It took me a while to open up but after I did I brought up Elijah. Talking to Jenna about Elijah, and everything that’s happened with him has actually made me feel somewhat better. Jenna’s been more of a mother figure to me these past three days than my own mother has in almost 18 years. 
Out of the corner of my eye, Jeremy quickly stands up, capturing all of our attention. 
He hangs up the phone and turns back to us with a nervous look, “Damon escaped and Elena wasn’t there yet so Ric thinks he’s coming here to see her. Ric says the bite is making him hallucinate so he’s not himself right now.”
“Fantastic,” I mutter to myself and Jenna slightly elbows me and shoots me a disapproving look. 
“If Damon is off the rails, there is nothing you can do to stop him. Let us take care of it,” Bonnie gestures towards herself, and Caroline and I want to groan at this. It’s really starting to piss me off how the supernaturals keep pushing us humans away every time we want to help. Just because we don’t have super strength or heal within a split second doesn’t mean we’re useless.  
“You keep doing this! You left me behind before, and guess what, Elena was still killed,” Jeremy exclaims to his girlfriend, “I’m going to find my sister. You go ahead and try to stop me. Y/N, Jenna, you with me?” 
Jenna instantly nods and I shoot a look at Bonnie and Caroline before walking towards Jeremy, “Let’s go.”
“There he is!” 
I follow behind Jeremy as we see a wounded Damon staring off into space. Jenna left a while ago to go find Ric, leaving Little Gilbert and I to try to find Elena. “Damon,” Jeremy tries catching the attention of the delusional vamp and I watch with caution. 
“Where’s Elena? I need to see Elena now,” He frantically says and I send him a smile as Jeremy walks closer to him.
“Hey, let’s get you out of here first, alright,” Jeremy grabs Damon, who instantly falls into his arms. I go to the vampire’s other side and grab his arms trying to help Jeremy with the deadweight. 
After a bunch of odd stares and murmurs from passersby, we finally get Damon through the crowd and into the empty Grill.
Jeremy drops Damon off at a table and goes to tell Ric where we are. I’m still holding onto Damon's arm as I watch Jere, but turn around when I feel Damon do the same. And I freeze.
“Y/n, move I don’t want to hurt you,” Sheriff Forbes stands in front of us holding her gun and pointing at Damon. 
I go to try to reason to her but Damon flashes away, spooking Liz and all I hear is the sound of a gun and a piercing in my left arm. 
“Oh god,” Liz looks at me for a moment in shock but when she looks behind me her features go straight to fear. 
A strangled sob escapes my mouth as I watch Jeremy fall to the floor, his once-grey shirt turning red, as blood spills from his chest. 
“What the hell did you do,” I scream at Liz as I run over to Jeremy with tears in my eyes.
 I strip off my sweatshirt and place it over his bleeding chest.
“Come on Jeremy, you’re going to be alright,” I sob, “You’re going to be alright Jere,”
Another sob comes from my mouth as Jeremy’s shaking hand grabs mine for comfort. 
“I know this hurts but I have to keep pressure on it, okay. You’re going to be just fine.”
I can hear Liz call for paramedics as she tries to move my hands so she can hold down the sweatshirt.
“Don’t you dare,” I snarl at her and she sits back.
“Jeremy…Hey! Jere,” I shake my head as he closes his eyes. 
Bonnie and Caroline rush up to us and Caroline gently sets me back so she can try to help Jeremy. I sit there with silent sobs as I watch Bonnie tell Caroline that Jeremy’s ring won't bring him back since the sheriff is human. 
Caroline bites into her wrist and places it onto Jeremy’s mouth, “Go on, Jeremy. Drink.”
“What are you doing,” The sheriff questions her daughter even though she is not the one who should be speaking at all right now. 
“I’m helping him.”
I sit there with tears in my eyes as Jeremy doesn’t wake up and I know it’s because he’s dead. The others must realize this too because they all sit back with sobs of their own. The sound of a door opening captures my attention and I look up to see Ric and Jenna staring over at us.
“Bonnie what’s wrong,” Ric asks as he and Jenna run over to us. As soon as they see Jeremy though they halt. Jenna instantly falls to her knees crying and I crawl over to her ignoring the shooting pain in my arm. I grab her into my arms and she instantly latches to me and sobs into my shoulder. 
“I know what I need to do,” Bonnie says aloud as she stands, “I need you to grab him. T-Take him with us.”
“No, no, no, no. You can’t move him. This is a crime scene,” Liz tries denying which has me wanting to smack her. Jeremy’s dead all because of a prejudice she has.
“Mom, just let them go,” Caroline tells her mother and Liz stands up so Ric can grab Jeremy’s body.
“Okay. Alright, come here, buddy. I got you,” Ric says and I hug Jenna tighter.
Bonnie sits in front of us chanting over Jeremy’s body. Candles around us burn hotter as Bonnie shakes her head, “No.”
“What? What is it,” Ric asks.
“They’re angry at me for coming back here. They don’t wanna help.”
I shake my head in denial.
  “Well, they have to.”
Bonnie looks at Jeremy with tears in her eyes, “They said there’ll be consequences.”
“Well, he’s just a kid. Tell’em to shut up.”
Bonnie continues chanting and the witch house starts to shake.
“Emily! I know you’re there. Please help me. I love him.”
Jenna, Ric, and I watch in silent horror as everything stops and Jeremy is still lifeless. Bonnie cries holding him and Jenna crawls over to her dead nephew. 
I look down at Jeremy and let out a sob of relief as I see him flutter his eyes open. 
I sigh deeply as I watch Jenna and Bonnie hug Jeremy. 
I turn to Ric who is staring at my arm, I watch as he slowly lifts his fingers and touches my shirt. I fight the urge to groan in annoyance as I look at the fresh blood on his fingers. 
“Anyone want to take me to the hospital?”
“OK, so it appears you’ve lost quite a bit of blood,” The doctor tells me as he tapes gauze over the gunshot wound on my shoulder. I have a gunshot wound. I was shot. What the hell?! Somehow the bullet that killed Jeremy went right through the upper part of my shoulder. 
Ric and Jenna had dropped me off about an hour ago. They insisted on staying, but I told them my mother would be here soon and they should get back to Jeremy. 
“We’re going to have to give you some blood. Do you happen to know what you’re blood type is? It appears that on your medical records, your mother and father’s blood types are listed but yours isn’t.”
I shake my head, “I’ve never had to get blood drawn before so I don’t know.” 
The doctor nods, “That’s fine. We would give you the universal donor blood but for some reason, we’ve had a shortage in blood lately,” I nod along as if I don’t know exactly why that is, “But we’ll take some of your blood and do a test then find out what your type is.”
I nod and thank him.
“We called your mother but it seems she can’t get out of work and your father didn’t answer. Is there anyone else you’d like to call to be with you?”
My heart hurts as I think about how both my parents couldn’t bother to come to see their own daughter in the hospital, “Um...no thank you. I’m alright.”
The doctor sends me a smile, but he looks almost as hurt about my parents not being here as I am. Tell me about it man. I watch silently as he takes a vial of my blood, tells me he’ll have my results soon, and then leaves. 
Great who the hell is going to drive me home?
I’m awoken by a small shake to my uninjured shoulder. I squint my eyes to see the doctor from before looking down at me wearily. 
At this, I try to sit up but waves of pain stop me.
“Don’t move sweetheart it’ll just rip open your stitches,” The doctor gently pushes me back down. But the look on his face makes me nervous.
“Is everything ok,” I question. 
The doctor is silent before he shows me a blood bag, “I was able to find a match for you, but… your blood type is Type B,” His tone and words confuse me. Wouldn’t he be relieved he was able to find me blood?
“I don’t understand,” I shake my head in confusion.
“I don’t know if I should be telling you this without a parent present. I could be fired,” He says to himself as if he’s fighting some internal battle. 
“Please… what are you talking about?”
The doctor places a hand on my shoulder and frowns at me, “Your mother’s blood type is Type A, and your father’s is Type O,” At the confusion still clearly on my face he sighs, “Genetically those two blood types combinations can only produce Type A and O children. So…”
My entire world seems to come down crashing on top of me as he finishes his sentence.
“You can’t be related, biologically, to your father.”
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acotarxreader · 5 months
Azriel x Reader
Synopsis: The morning of your wedding your fears are enforced by an old way of thought, sending you running and Azriel to cope with the aftermath but will a reunion set you both back on the path you should both be living?
Warnings: Angsty
A/N: Right, you may find yourself hating Reader for a bit but I tried my best convey the panic and pressure.
“I can't do this I can't do this I can't do this”
“Shh YNN you'll be fine! This is what you want!” Mor caught you in her arms, your train half tangling your feet. You cried into her chest, not caring if your make-up was streaming down your face, your sister and maid of honour rocking you gently.
“YN, come on sweetie, it's just pre-wedding jitters, happens to most, Azriel will be waiting to see his beautiful bride!”
“Mor it's too soon! I was going to be a writer! Go off and live on the continent, I have never even been! There's still so much I want to go and do!”
“And you will! You will YN! You and Az will do that together and more! Marriage isn't going to change that!”
“You're right, you're right” You pulled from her, rubbed under your eyes and sat back down at the vanity. You looked into the mirror at the person you hardly recognised and silently went about reapplying your makeup.
“You look beautiful YN” You could only nod at her, afraid if you opened your mouth again it would set off a series of unfortunate events.
“I’m going to go check on Azriel” She gave you a smile before ducking out of the pastel room, leaving you alone. You steadied your breathing, batting your tears away with your lashes before they could fall further.  You loved Azriel, he was your life force, saved you from yourself and you returned the same to him. He was your everything. These thoughts brought ease to you. You ran a soft hairbrush through your flowing locks, a smile beginning to reappear on your face.
“Oh you look lovely my child” The sound of a weathered female's voice came up behind you, causing you to jump slightly. She was of pure Illyrian blood, a representative of a dying way of thought, a relic in her own right, Azriels only remaining relative he was in contact with.
“Thank you, Elena” You found your head bowing slightly to her, unsure of why, you out-ranked her and yet you felt the pressure of the millennia of the institution she represented weigh on you. 
“You're going to make a wonderful wife YN” She almost snaked up behind you as quietly as she entered the room as you watched her in the reflection. You tried not to stare at the clipped tattered wings that hung from the female, she tucked them in as if noticing your glance. 
“I just know you'll keep him a nice life”
“What do you mean?” You turned to face the skeletal woman, her bone-chilling words wrapping around your lungs.
“Well, I mean being the wife of a powerful Illyrian of course! And just think YN when the children come along you'll be so busy raising the next generation of warriors! Not much time for other things but what could be more important than the bloodline? Azriel is a hard worker, I know he'll provide in tenfolds” She smiled as if she wasn't throwing a live grenade, it began to smoke as the pin was pulled from it inside your head. You could feel your chest compressing further with the strangling tradition.
“Well, Az and I will be both working and you know we won't be having offspring until after we travel and even then we'll both be looking after them” You tried to calm yourself down but her shrill laughter put a quick stop to relief you had from your own words.
“Oh, my child don't we all think that! You're marrying an Illyrian, bastard born or not-” the words cut you, anger replacing anxiety for a moment until she continued “-He can’t suppress the urges of his blood. His life partner will be malleable, mute and well-behaved, does what is expected of her. Azriel has other things to be doing for his Court than raising children, female work” 
“I-” You couldn’t find the words through the magma-thick matter-of-fact speech she choked you with. 
“-Well, I must go make myself useful elsewhere child” Her crochet-hook-like fingers dug into your shoulders with a squeeze before she turned and left you in the solitude of your room once more. 
You could feel the air rush from your lungs as you fought to stop the oxygen from evaporating from your blood. You stood, pacing, blood rushing to your face as you stumbled on the train of your dress, hitting the carpet with unforgiving force. You lay for a moment on the carpet, hands splayed out in front of you, your engagement catching the light like you loved. It suddenly feeling much too tight. 
“Gods! Fuck! I can’t do this!” You stood on rattling knees, grabbing things frantically from the dresser before you could fully become cognisant of the actions.
You moved quickly and carefully through the door and into the empty hallway, avoiding the directions where laughs leaked out, them falling like battle cries in your ears. 
You reached the stone steps of the venue with quiet desperation, your adrenaline and anxiety now fully controlling your body as you bolted down the path, half stumbling. You whipped around to look back up to the hill where the hall of your friends and family waited for the blushing bride, tears claiming your face as their own as you dashed into the streets of Velaris before anyone inside became the wiser.
Funerals are a strange thing. They do strange things to people. You thought this as you stood at the back of a hall you had not been inside in almost 70 years, thought about how the female they were saying goodbye to today shook your entire life up like it was nothing. You looked around and imagined it the week after you left, the day you left, the hour after you left. You thought of the moments you missed with your chosen family since you fled the Night Court and all its wonderful attributes, you pushed the guilt you had been fighting ever since then back down
From the back row, your eyes landed on the backs of the three Archeron sisters, their stories meeting you on your travels around the globe. You smothered the smile that toyed at your mouth, the thoughts of your friends happy and in love warming you. Your gaze landed on the the back of Azriels head as it hung in respect. Too much, this was too much, you couldn’t deal with him seeing you. As you had 70 years previously, you slipped from the hall without anyone noticing. 
You were met with the warm Spring sun, a beautiful day in Velaris, as they all were. You wandered down the unforgiving steps, your name from a familiar voice stopping you.
“Yn!” She ran down the steps, taking you in her arms, the feeling of home rushing to you. You were so happy to hold your sister having worked through the issues that arose from your wedding day. At first, she rightfully iced you entirely but after two decades of silence, she reached out, asking to reconnect, missing her sister in the fray and yet you always found an excuse to not come home. 
“Yn I'm so happy you're back! You came back for the funeral?”
“Yeah I did, felt I needed to”
“Yeah I mean I suppose they were almost your family too” she smiled before realising her words and apologising, a weak smile grew on your face in acceptance of the throwaway comment. The two of you continued down a winding road away from the groups leaking out of the hall.
“So how long are you here?”
“Just the weekend, I have meetings on Monday, I’m staying at our old apartment, remember?”
“Oh yes! Just a flying visit so, the busy life of a successful big-time author I suppose”
“Oh yeah, I'm plagued with the title” you laughed, finally meeting the Sidra as it coursed, its glimmering water making you smile.
“Yeah, your success really boomed after leaving here” She almost sounded sad before beaming at you again and catching your hands in hers.
“I guess, I missed you though, I missed the Night Court”
“And Azriel?” The name struck pure pain into your heart, as if seeing the back of his head in the hall wasn't bad enough, hearing his name was almost catastrophic, you only nodded.
“Well, he misses you too YN” She squeezed your hands.
“He doesn't, he couldn't, not after what I did to him Mor” She looked at you with sympathy, looking back up the street you just walked down. 
“I have to get back, they’ll be looking for me” You gave her an understanding smile 
“Meet me for a drink later in Rita’s, we have so much to catch up on” as she kissed your cheek goodbye with her words before returning back up the street to the hall again.
You looked out over the Sidra, an empty plot of land ripping through your heart. It was there where you and Azriel were going to build, it still stayed empty. A mausoleum to your relationship. You peeled your eyes from it, looking elsewhere around the city you adored, deciding to spend the remainder of your evening re-acquainting yourself with it. 
Night fell in the city of stars as you found your way towards the Town House by muscle memory alone. You felt so alive being back, more alive than any amount of travel or success ever brought you. You leaned against the fence, waiting happily for your sister.
“Y-Yn?” his face dropped, his voice alone causing you to bite the inside of your mouth to almost bleed. The red flush from your walking was gone from your face growing pale at the sight of him standing on the other side of the street. He crossed slowly as if any sudden movement would send you running.
“H-Hi Az-Azriel, you look - you look well” 
“Thank- what are you doing here YN?” tones of confused sadness left Azriel, the anger towards you he felt so many years ago unable to be conjured back at will. He thought about this moment so often and yet, he couldn’t think of a single thing he’d said in those imaginary encounters.
“I-I’m meeting Mor, I-”
“Azriel, hey there you are!” The small beaming brunette Fae seemingly came from nowhere to his side, her hand tucking into his so effortlessly. You pushed every yearning thought from your head and plastered a smile onto your face that didn’t fully meet your eyes. 
“Maya, go tell Mor her sister is here, I’ll meet you inside” She raked her eyes up your and down your full body with such subtle brutality before kissing Azriel’s cheek goodbye, sauntering up the path to the house. 
“She seems nic-”
“She is” He almost bit, his eyes felt like daggers on your skin.
“-What are you doing here YN?” his tone matched his eyes.
“I just came for the funeral”
“And now what?”
“I’m meeting Mor and then heading to our old place to stay” “And then?” “Then, I’m heading back to the continent” You weren't sure why you were answering, you suppose you owed him that much, the heat of his eyes making you feel vulnerable.
“I heard your writing is doing pretty well there, pretty well everywhere”
“Hope it was worth it YN” Words like fire burning you all over, and yet you felt you deserved worse. He sighed when you didn't respond before pushing past you, following the path Maya had just trotted up.
“It wasn't," you said the words before you knew what you were saying, back towards him before looking over your shoulder, now fully meeting his eyes. He looked as though he was going to say something but Mor came flying out her front door.
“Sorry I'm late YN I was- oh, sorry am I interrupting something?”
“No Mor, I was just leaving” and then he did. Gone again.  
“How did that go?” Mor looped her arm through yours, prying you from leaning on the wall to head down the street again.
“Fine” you tried a smile and failed.
“You met Maya”
“Always one for sensitivity Mor” You smiled at your sister and she was instant apologies.
“I’m sorry, I forgot they were coming over tonight… Maya isn't anything like you if that helps. He went a bit off the walls when you left. Cassian thinks he's going to propose to that tonight, hope he's all wrong. He's totally settling especially since Rhys and Cass have their mates now. She's nothing like you and I think he knows that, just ignoring it. It's kinda sad and- oh hey YN I didn't mean to make you cry” she said the words like throwaway gossip, forgetting her audience only to have your rising tears land her back to earth. 
“No no it's okay Mor, I'm just going to go home”
“Aw come on, I'm sorry!” you stopped on the path, her soft eyes giving you no comfort. 
“Not as sorry as I am Mor” You took off then, in the direction of your old shared house.
You lay in your bed, rain threatening to come through the slate roof. Tossing and turning you finally decided to get up and wander your old house you had with Mor before meeting Azriel. Looking in drawers filled with old pictures, ones of you when you were a kid, playing with the Mor. More recent ones of you with Rhys, Cassian and Azriel,  Azriels arm draped around you. You ran your fingers over the tarnished picture, a tear dripping onto the film before you tucked it back into the worn drawer. 
You meandered through the living room, stopping at the old mahogany press. You knew what was in there and you didn't want to see it. Looking at that engagement ring again would be the end of you.
A loud banging came drumming against the door causing you to jump from the crushing thought. You wrapped the dressing gown tighter around yourself before opening the door to see the tormented, rain-soaked Illyrian before you. He waited for no invitation before blowing in past you, the cold leaking from him.
“Do what Azriel?! What's wrong?!”
“I couldn't ask Maya to marry me! There's fucking caution tape around my heart because of you! I would have been fine if you had just left me alone to wallow in anger all those years ago I would have been fine! But No! I just had to fuck around and get attached to you!” He threw his arms in the air, words hot with anger. 
“You're blaming me for loving you?!” You found his words caused you your own irritation.
“Yeah! Yeah I am! You just had to pay attention to me! You just had to care about me! You just had to-”
“Had to what?! Had to love you!” you couldn’t believe you snapped out the words as they floated to his ears. 
“YEAH! AND YOU JUST HAD TO LEAVE ME!” Knives to your mind would have been less painful, he almost rattled in anger, a mere metre away from you, his shadows vibrating at his feet in anger. 
“I had to leave Azriel I wasn't ready!”
“When we were together what was the thing you always said to me?! It was that you wouldn't leave me, that you wouldn't abandon me like everyone else. YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T AND YOU FUCKING DID!”
“I know Az I know” you were crying now, throwing yourself back on the couch, floods of memories of those very conversations threatening to drown you.
“You know?! Then why did you do it! The truth!”
“Elena came to me before the wedding and said all this stuff about what a wife should do and be and how I wasn't going to have time to write anymore and all the kids would be left to me and I wasn't ready! I WASN'T READY FOR THAT KIND OF PRESSURE THE ILLYRIANS WERE PUSHING ON ME!”
“YEAH! THE ILLYRIANS NOT ME! I NEVER EVER SAID ANYTHING LIKE THAT! NEVER EVEN THOUGHT IT!” you buried your head in your hands at his shouting, the action sending a ping of regret through Azriel but the repressed rage he felt towards you had to get out.
“You hurt me YN YLN. The wedding bells were just alarms to you”
“I don't know what to say but I want you to know that I understand that you hate me, I'll leave tomorrow, Ill go!” you swept the tears from your face, feeling you didn’t deserve to have them, the maker behind this mess.
“I missed you” his words completely caught you off guard as you brought yourself to look at him once again, his wild wrathful eyes replaced by utterly heartbroken ones.
“I miss you and I shouldn't. I can't move on from you! I haven't slept properly since you left! Every damn night it's a new nightmare and then I wake up and you're not there like you used to be and it's a different kind of nightmare! I miss you being there next to me at the dinner table, at Rita’s, at stupid fucking court functions, just doing absolutely fuck all with you! The number of times I thought about contacting you, visiting you, the amount of letters I wrote and never sent-” It was the first time he hadn't had a raised voice since he came into the house but being faced with the fallout of your actions in his ice tone made you miss the screaming to some degree.
“I'M SORRY! I AM WHAT ELSE CAN I SAY!” you found yourself shouting back, anything to deafen your inner voice.
“Do you miss me?” his icy tone melted slightly at your unfamiliar raised voice.
“Yes” you stood again from the sofa. 
“I'm with Maya”
“I know”
“But she's not you”
“I hate you YN" The words hurt every inch of your body, every cell felt searing unwavering pain, the sentence you never thought you’d hear him say. The familiar feeling of your lungs being strangled beat in your chest, unable to recover from the mortal wound.  You did what you did best and ran, out the door and into the rain-soaked Velarian streets.
“YN stop!” he followed you quickly as you made it halfway down the street, he would not have you slip from him again.
“No! I hurt you! I broke you and myself in the process all for selfish reasons and I still love you Azriel!” you went to run again but his firm hand on your forearm stopped you, spinning you to face him as his wild face dripped in rain.
“I hate that I love you YN”
“What?” you said softly over the thundering rain. Azriel looked from your face to over your shoulder. You turned to follow his eyes down the street, the plot of land haunting the other side of the Sidra.
“You ever wonder what we could have been? We were supposed to live there after we got married, we'd probably have kids and all now” his tone had softened at the sight of the overgrown plot.
“Yeah, we probably would” You stood next to him looking at the patch of home, you gave a weak smile.
“But you might not have your successful career”
“I'd have you, that would be worth more”
“You don't mean that YN”
“I do” he turned to completely face you then.
“Never thought I'd hear you say those words” You bit your lip and you could have sworn Azriel fought a slight smile at your discomfort.
“You should go propose to Maya -” Your mouth was betraying your heart “- And I should leave and live the life I chose because I can't be around the life I should be living”
“Do you think you'd want to live it if I gave you the choice now?” his eyes searched yours, fully softening for the first time since he landed on the doorstep. 
“I do”
“Yn I hate you and I love you but mostly I just hate that I love you” He felt no longer in control of his urges, leaning into you as he took hold of your soaked hips and leaned down to kiss swirls of what should have been and what could have taking you both over.
15 years later.
You lay down in the sun of the wildflower garden, your eyes took rest in the warm glow of the sun, taking a moment of rest after months of traveling with your new novel. 
“ARGH!” You shrieked at the rush of cold water soaking you down to your skin. 
“Azriel!” you bolted from where you lay, chasing your husband who clutched the hose down the length of the garden, only to be stopped dead by his sudden decrease in velocity. 
“Big mistake YNN” You looked at him puzzled only to hear the roaring laughter of your two children launch out of the hedges and armed with water balloons that they doused you with, gaining more screams of pure unadulterated joy. You collapsed to the grass as they overwhelmed you with their hysterics, climbing all over you, Azriel watching on so lovingly, so whole.
I promise the next fic will be more silly goofy! Let me know what you think!
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yarafic · 24 days
Imagine~ You get hurt while arguing with Stefan and Elijah finds you
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"Why do you still care about her?" I yelled
He rubbed his temple and gave me a look, and toon a deep breath.
"Y/n, you know what Elena means to me." He says as he takes a step forward.
"Stefan, you told me that you won't see her anymore. That you will let your brother and the rest of the Save Elena squad to do the saving." I retaliate back to him, I was done and beyond annoyed that he will drop anything to save her.
He looked at me and stayed silent, he took a step back and sat down on the couch. I knew he did not want to argue anymore but I was done with him putting Elena first then me. I am his girlfriend, he should put me first. I shook my head and said, "I'm sorry, I can no longer do this."
In that moment his head instantly look back right up, he replied angrily," You are being unbelievable! This is just your jealously talking. I only love you! How many times do I have to tell you? Just because Elena is my ex, who for a fact means nothing to me!"
"If she means nothing to you then why are you still helping her out. If she means nothing to you then why isn't when she is in trouble you drop everything to go and save her. If she means nothing to you then why you always go back to her."
I shook my head and sighed, "I can't do this anymore. This is over. I do not want to be in a relationship where my significant other is still attach to his ex. I do not want to feel like I am the second choice."
I walk toward the door and left, I heard Stefan calling for me to come back inside. I kept on walking.
I was now in the woods, tears fell down my face. I am such a fool to believe that he was over her. I sat down and look up at the starry sky, you have a better view of the stars.
Sat there alone with my thoughts, I am finally hearing my thoughts for the first in two years being in this relationship. I am scared to were my thoughts will lead me to.  The wind blows harder, shivers runs down my spine and I knew I'll be staying here for the night.
I slowly closed my eyes, then I heard a snap from my right. Fear rises through me, I was scared to see what will come at me. I slowly got on my feet and began to take steps back. I remembered myself to take deep breaths and to maintain calm. A small adorable bunny hop out of the bush, I began laughing hysterically because of the fear that I felt. A hand place itself on my shoulder, I jumped away from the mysterious silohoute and turn around, to see Elijah Mikaelson standing there.
"Y/n, do by telling me why are you in the woods?" He questions.
You gave a skeptical look and replied back, "Do tell Elijah, why are you back in Mystic Falls? Aren't you suppose to be New Orleans?"
He chuckles softly and shook a his head, "You still have that witty attitude."
You smiled softly and replied, "I got into an argument with Stefan."
He shook his head, took his hand out for me to hold, I careful put my hand on his. He locks his fingers with mine, he began walking forward. I stumble with my own feet, he wraps his arm around my waist.
"You're still clumsy." He retaliates.
I huff in annoyance, he has the nerve to drag me around as if I am a nuisance of a child that wants a piece of candy from the store and the mother sad no.
But here I am allowing him to drag me to that unknown place, I am a fool. Maybe those are the reasons why Stefan chose to hang out with Elena more than he ever did with me.
We come near to A house, wait a minute not a house, a freaking mansion. I took a better look it was the Mikaelson Manor, this was where they use to live until the business that Klaus had in New Orleans, he decided to leave Mystic Falls.
Elijah opens the door to the mansion, gesture for me to sit down and stay there. He came back with nightgown and a robe then told me to take a shower.
When I got of the shower I heard voices downstairs, I followed the voices until I reach to the study where they were at. There stood, Elijah and Klaus, they both look at me and smiled.
"Hello, love. How are you?" Klaus greets me and open his arms wide for a hug.
I accept the warm hug that I miss, he whispers into my ear saying that he knows that i I am having trouble in paradise.
He lets go and Elijah hands me papers, I took hold of the  stack of paper then gave ten both looks "what's is this for?"
"You have now where to stay so Klaus and I decided that the Mikaelson Manor will be yours now at the moment." He explains.
"I will pick up your belonging and put them in my old room and for right now we will be eating pizza." Klaus says.
You are very thankful for having them in your life, mostly Elijah. He has been the only one person to help in stressful situations.
𝔸/𝕟: 𝕚 𝕒𝕞 𝕤𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕪 𝕚𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕚𝕤 𝕙𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕓𝕝𝕖
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starlightsalvatore · 1 year
ripper / damon salvatore x reader
this was inspired by this blog post !!! idk if this is really what you wanted but this is where the spirit moved me lol - I hope everyone enjoys! as always lmk what you think!
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ripper / damon salvatore x reader
summary: Stefan flipped his switch and you and Damon have been trying your hardest to bring him home... but Stefan has other ideas.
word count: 1.9k
warnings: typical tvdu stuff (blood, fear, pain, etc)
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“Goodnight, Linda! I’ll see you next week,” you called out as you pushed the door to the boutique open, letting it shut behind you as you crossed the street to find your car. Your mind was swimming with unanswered questions, things in Mystic Falls had been topsy-turvy since Stefan flipped his switch and skipped town with Klaus. You and Damon had been hunting down every lead while keeping it from Elena, encouraging her to move on while the two of you ignored your own hypocrisy as you refused to do the same. On top of every dead end or trip down south to cover up the carnage Stefan left in his wake there was something brewing just beneath the surface with Damon the two of you were refusing to acknowledge. It wasn’t the time, there was too much on your plates but it didn’t stop the tension that seeped into every late night you spent with him poring over files Sheriff Forbes had given you.
You unlocked your car as it came into view, listening to the chirps echo down the empty street but stopped in your tracks when a figure appeared before you, “Stefan?” you asked, hope filling your voice but it faded just as soon as it had appeared when you looked into his eyes… so cold and dark, unlike the ones you’d come to know. “Where have you been? We’ve been looking for you.”
“I know,” he answered, “I’m here to tell you to stop.”
“Come on, Stefan… let us help you, I can help you,” you pleaded and he just chuckled darkly. He was someone you used to trust implicitly, he’d saved you from sudden death time and time again, taken you in and given you a home when Klaus had killed your parents to prove a point but this was not the Stefan you knew. 
“You can help me, sweetheart,” he said, fingers trailing along your collarbone and you felt sick to your stomach at his touch. “God, have I been dying to know what you taste like,” he muttered mostly to himself. You thought about running, but it was pointless… you thought about screaming for help, but he’d just kill whoever showed up… Damon. Damon was at the grill, just a handful of yards away. “So many nights hearing that heartbeat just down the hallway, like a siren call. How stupid was I to resist?” he asked rhetorically and while his attention was focused on the pulsing of your neck you slowly pulled your phone from your back pocket, dialing Damon’s number and praying to whatever god was listening that you didn’t hit the wrong buttons.
“So, what’s the plan, Stefan? Just going to kill me right here in front of the grill?” you asked, voice wavering as you tried to stall him. “Who are you trying to send a message to? Damon? Elena?” He growled in response.
“Maybe the message is for you,” he said, hand closing around your throat. “Did you think I wouldn’t know you’ve been helping him? That it wasn’t you who’s been covering my tracks?” he asked but you couldn’t answer. His hand disappeared and you sucked in a breath only to let out a cry of pain as he gripped your wrist, pulling your phone into view before he pried it out and you felt your bones crack under the pressure as he tossed it aside. “Stupid girl, are you trying to make this easier on me?”
“So this is hard for you?” you asked, clinging onto that as you took a step back and tried to ignore the pain in your wrist. “Good, lean into it. You don’t want to kill me, even with your humanity off you can’t tell me you don’t miss the fun we used to have together… dancing with Lexi to Bon Jovi, crushing Elena and Jeremy at pool…” you trailed off, trying to spark something in him. “Just, come home, Stefan. Let me help you, everything can go back to how it was.”
“Yes, I really do, because the real fun is what I’ve been denying myself all this time.” he sneered and you felt a gush of wind behind you.
“Whoa brother, just take it easy,” you heard Damon say and suddenly you were flipped around with your back pressed against Stefan, his arm a vice grip around your waist as his other hand held onto your throat. 
“You really should have stopped looking for me,” Stefan growled as you squirmed in his grasp, pain radiating through your arm as you struggled for air. “I don’t want to be found.”
“Yet you came all this way to Mystic Falls, to the middle of the town square. That doesn’t scream don’t find me,” Damon pointed out, taking a step closer but he stopped in his tracks when you let out a cry as the grip around you tightened. Damon could hear your heart thudding against your ribcage, quick and uneven as your eyes pleaded with him to do something. 
“Had to deliver a message,” Stefan responded. “But now that I’m here, she is a lot of fun, isn’t she, brother? Always was so brave, even in the face of death,” he chuckled as he brushed your hair from your neck. “You can’t tell me you haven’t thought about it,” he taunted. 
“Just let her go, we can talk this out… come to an understanding,” Damon said, slowly taking another step. He’d never felt so helpless, like control was slipping through his fingers like sand.
“Oh, I’m not in the mood for talking,” he replied and you felt his lips kiss along your carotid artery and you stiffened in his grasp before thrashing against him. “So responsive,” he chuckled and anger flared in Damon’s chest at the sight. “Come on, Damon… all this time you’ve been pushing me to have more fun, now you want to stop me?”
“You want real fun? You’re not going to find it here in Mystic Falls,” he said, gesturing to the empty town around him. “Let’s go on a good old fashioned brotherly road trip, find some girls that actually enjoy being fed on,” he said, and you didn’t miss the desperation in his voice as you tried to calm your breathing and focus on anything other than the ache throbbing in your wrist. Stefan wasn’t swayed and you let out a pained cry as his fangs sunk into your neck, opening you up as he drank you in and you struggled in his arms.
“Stefan- don’t,” you choked out, fighting against him. Your words came out strained as blood poured from your neck and you felt tears slipping down your cheeks. “Elena will… she’ll never forgive you.”
“She’s right, brother. Just let her go, we can make this all go away,” Damon pleaded and he knew you didn’t have much time before he ripped your head off. You were already starting to go limp in his arms and Damon’s eyes were apologetic as he looked at you but you didn’t have enough time to process what it meant before you were flying through the air and hitting the ground with a thud that winded you. You groaned as you lifted your arms to press against the wound in your neck, each nerve ending protesting with a fiery jolt of pain as you tried to control the bleeding.
You couldn’t see anything, couldn’t move… all you could hear was a crack in the distance as your eyes fluttered closed before you felt your body being tugged upright. “Come on, drink…” Damon said, shaking you softly and when you didn’t respond he shook you harder. “You don’t get to do this, damn it! Drink,” he said again and your eyes opened as you wrapped your lips around his wrist, letting the sickly sweet liquid slide down your throat. You were alone again, vaguely making out Damon on the phone with somebody before you lost consciousness. 
“Hey, hey, easy, you’re safe now,” you heard as you sat up in bed, startled as your eyes darted around and you saw you were back in your room at the boarding house. Damon was looking down at you intensely as tried to ease you into laying back down but you just shook your head.
“Where is he?” you asked frantically, “please tell me we didn’t lose him.”
“He’s in the cellar,” he answered. You let yourself relax a little at this, knowing the hope you’d been clinging to all summer seemed a little more realistic now. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered and your face twisted in confusion. “This is all my fault.”
“What? Damon, this isn’t your fault,” you tried but he just shook his head.
“He knew the way to get to me was through you, I shouldn’t… he didn’t want to be found, I shouldn’t have pushed,” he said and your eyes softened as you took him in. He looked exhausted and the faint light peeking around your curtains let you know he must have been waiting a while for you to wake up. 
“He knew I was helping you, this was as much a message for you as it was for me,” you replied. “I’ll be okay.”
“But you’re not right now,” he said and you smiled sadly.
“But I will be,” you reassured, “nobody said bringing a ripper back from the depths of inhumanity would be easy.” 
“I’m so sorry,” he repeated and you just wrapped your arms around him, letting yourself move to straddle his hips to pull him closer into you. “You don’t deserve this, I… I should have protected you better. I can’t lose you,” he muttered into your chest as his arms snaked around your waist and held you tight.
“I’m not going anywhere,” you said and he pulled back to look up at you, eyes swimming with emotion. 
“You… you mean too much to me,” he said, fingers brushing your hair behind your ear before cupping your jaw. “I can’t lose you,” he repeated.
“And you won’t,” you promised, eyes sad as you knew this wasn’t really a promise you could keep, but you would try… for him. You let your fingers thread through his hair as you held him close, needing the comfort right now as much as he did. Putting on a brave face was what you were good at, you seemed to face a new evil every week in this town but this was different… This was Stefan, one of your closest friends who used you to prove a point, who made it look so easy to bring you within an inch of your life. You needed Damon as much as he needed you and with someone downstairs locked in a cell who was so important to the both of you, you didn’t have any fight left in you to pretend you didn’t need him.
“I love you,” he muttered against your skin and your heart skipped a beat, wondering if you’d heard him correctly. “I won’t let him hurt you ever again, I’m so sorry.” You shifted, leaning back to look down at him and those intense blue eyes held so much emotion you felt your heart crack wide open.
“Damon-” you started but he cut you off by cupping your face and pulling you down to meet his lips. You responded immediately, letting your lips move in tandem with his before pulling back breathless.
“I love you,” he repeated as you rested your forehead against his. 
“I love you too,” you responded, letting yourself smile genuinely for the first time all summer. “We’re going to get your brother back, okay? We’ll get him back and everything will be okay.”
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taglist: @caseysalvatore @minalblood @styxfly (if you’re name is struck through it means I couldn’t tag you - sorry!)
tagging you because you inspired this one! @tmhxll​ 
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rapz-rites · 2 years
Family Time
Damian Wayne x Reader Headcanon
Meeting Damian’s family and getting close with them
A/N: This is my first time writing ANYTHING so plz be nice. I won't do any major writings, just small head canons and maybe rabbles. Saving the big stuff for all you professional writers.
Word Count: 1,704
Warnings: Jealous Damian, injured reader, threats, implied smut
Meeting the Waynes
You and Damian have been dating for about 5 months now.
Damian has already met your parents and they LOVED HIM.
He was polite, respectable and always said the right things at the right moment. DAMN HIM!
Now it was time to meet his family.
You’re pacing back and forth questioning your entire existence while Damian is sitting on the edge of your bed trying to calm you down.
“Do my clothes look good enough? Does my hair look good? What if they think I’m with you for your money? What if they think that I’m a gold digger? Do they know that my family is also very wealthy? What if they think I’m a stuck up spoiled brat? OMG WHAT IF THEY HATE ME?”
You’re digging yourself a deep hole of negativity until Damian grabs you by your shoulders forcing you to look at him.
“Beloved. You’re going to be fine. Everything about you is perfect and my family will love you”
He always knew what to say and when. DAMN HIM!
“Thank you. Ok. I think I’m ready, let's go!”
As damian pulls up to the manor, you start to rethink your decision
“Is it too late to cancel lunch? Would they believe I suddenly got ill?”
“Beloved, as I said before they’re going to love you”
As always he was right.
You and his family immediately hit it off and got along well.
A little too well for his liking.
He knew his family would like you but what he didn’t know was that you would spend more time with them instead of him. DAMN HIM!
Bruce loved you for his youngest son
Damian as had a girlfriend before, Raven, but after they broke up, he thought Damian would never open himself up to anyone again
Even though you and Damian are a kind of opposites and balance each other out, you understand him and what he’s gone through
He was the one of the first people, after your parents and Alfred, to learn about your relationship
Though business isn’t your first option as a major, you still want to learn as a backup
Who better to learn from than the man who runs on of the top companies in the country
Bruce offers to teach you the basics and even a small internship at WE
You refuse the internship but gladly take the lessons
Dick is an acrobat
You did gymnastics for 4 year
What could go wrong?
Dick tries to teach you a double full out
You already perfected a full out
You’ve always had trouble perfecting your landings
It didn’t come a surprise to you when you were able to perfectly do the flip but mess up the landing to bad you twist your ankle
Damian is furious with Grayson for teaching you suck a difficult move knowing there was a chance of you getting hurt
Damian is about to lunge at Dock ready to attack until you stop him
“Damian, stop. I’ve twisted my ankle plenty of times trying new gymnastic moves. I’ll be fine in like 2 weeks. You don’t need to hurt Dick, I knew the risks”
“Ok. But if Grayson teaches you another move and you get hurt, he will need to sleep with both eyes open”
Normally, Dick would be somewhat frightened by one of Damian’s threats but he’s in shock from how quickly you calmed him down
He’s going to call you from now on everytime Damian is angry
You and Jason connect over your interests in books
You two form your own book club
You two discuss the book you picked out for the month and talk about many other books you two have read in the past
Both of you love to read a book and watch the movie/show that goes along with it
You two argue over which aspects were better in the book or the movie/show
“Elena and Katherine are blonde in the books though”
“I know that Jason. I read the book too. But let’s be honest Katherine is better as a brunette than a blonde. It fits her personality in the show way more.”
“You’re right.”
“I think it’s Nina Dobrev.”
“It definitely is.”
“I would have liked to see angel Elena though.”
Tim had a nack for tech
You were attached to your phone
Of course you two got along
Tim taught you tricks on the computer and showed you secret games companies hide
You had learned from Damian that Tim was a bit of a caffeine addict
Damian’s words were “Drake will be the caffeine addicted idiot in front of a screen or head deep in a case”
You take it upon yourself to find caffeine substitutes to try and help his addiction
He is reluctant at first but gives it a try
After a few months Tim is drinking less coffee than before
He still drinks coffee but limits himself to only 3 cups a day, much better than 2 an hour
He drinks more water and gets in more sleep than before
Damian who never openly admit it but he’s happy his older brother is being healthier and taking better care of himself
You and Duke bonded over your similar senses of humor
It also helps that he’s also on TikTok as much as you
The two of you jokingly talk in TikTok lingo
“Bombastic side eye”
“Criminal offense side eye”
“Duke this is probably the most important question I’m about to ask… Team Hailey or Team Selena”
“I’m offended that you even have to ask. Team Selena til the day I die. Alex Russo practically raised me”
Everyone else is looking at the two of you confused
Damian is used to this already
When you asked him the same question you went on a 3 hour tangent and it was evident who’s side you were on
Damian didn’t care about “silly celebrity drama” but since he knew it would make you happy, he chose Selena
Cass is a pretty quiet girl, almost mute
With family she barely ever talks, with strangers she uses sign language
Once you learned Cass communicated mostly with sign language you took it upon yourself to learn
When you we were first introduced to Cass you signed
“Hi! My name is Y/N, you must be Cass. My sign is rusty, I’m still learning. Nice to meet you”
Cass gave you a small smile and you were ecstatic
According to Damian Cass almost never smiles and even if she does its for a split second
You both enjoy each others quiet company, watching movies or painting nails and braiding hair with Stephanie
The more time you and spend with Cass the more she opens up to you
After a few months, she starts giving you short answers without signing
“If you could only wear one color nail polish for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?”
“Good answer”
You and Steph connect as feminists
“Anything a boy can do we can do better”
Steph often includes you in any competitions he has that are girls vs boys
Does she include you because you can be used against Damian?
Are you upset about it?
Absolutely not
You love beating Damian in any possible way
Other than competitions, you both love pranking the boys
You two prank damian the least because you know well enough that damian can hold grudge and you love to cuddle at night
Pranking Tim is best
Before he got better he would fall for anything because he was too sleep deprived
He would fall for the simplest broken screen video on youtube almost every time
Once he started getting better, you two had to up your game
Your favorite prank on Tim was the fake virus that played the SHrek opening over and over on blast
You couldn’t forget about Alfred now can you
Whenever you enter the manor Alfred is always the first one to greet you
Whenever you are waiting for Damian at the manor you go straight to Alfred and talk with him
You often assist him with whatever he’s doing
Baking, cooking, cleaning
He finds it refreshing a young person would help him
The others would try and help but often with miss up and make some kind of mess
One year they tried to make Alfred’s favorite cake for his birthday… and failed… miserably
They didn't include Damian because eventually he would take over and the cake would basically be made by him and not all of them, although he would’ve made it perfectly. DAMN HIM!
After 3 failed attempts they opted to buy a cake they knew Alfred would like from his favorite bakery downtown
Though they ruined the kitchen, Alfred was touched at the effort they put to try and make his favorite cake
Even though, none of them, except Damian, are allowed to cook or bake in the kitchen without his supervision
Back to Damian
It soon becomes evident as you spend more time with his family that Damian is jealous
Damian loves that you get along with his family, but he misses the quality time between just the two of you
You felt bad because you thought you were neglecting your boyfriend
So you made the executive decision to make it up to him
“My parents are out of town for the next two weeks”
“Business trip?”
“Yup. Do you want to spend the week?”
“No siblings?”
“Nope just you”
You lean in placing a soft kiss on his lips and pull back
You giggle when you see him lean in for more and he gives you an unamused look on his face because you refused to kiss him back
“So do you want to spend the week? We’ll have the place all to ourselves”
“Let's go. I already have my bag packed”
That entire week is just you and Damian hanging out and enjoying each others company
You give him all the kisses and cuddles he wants
He even knows just want to say to get more 😉
OMG OMG OMG!!! I did it. Took me a hot minute but I got it done. I wish it was this easy with my assignments and homework. But I hope you enjoyed this.
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wolverinesleftclaw · 6 months
Hey sweetheart! 😘 I hope I can ask for an Elijah Mikaelson imagine where you both fell in love during the events in Mystic Falls, even though he never wanted to show feelings again, but he couldn't help when he met you. So you started dating and he's always making sure you're okay and it's all just great. That changes when Klaus comes to town and sees you with Elijah. He kidnaps you to hurt his brother and Elijah gets furious. He finds you, but you're pretty hurt and barely alive, so he needs to make a decision and turns you in the end. After you wake up he's there for you and promises to be with you forever and you're accepting your new life ?
Hope this is okay with you 🫶🏼
Save Me
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18+ —— (masterlist)
He was going to be your downfall. You already knew that, but what you didn’t expect was for you’re fate to be in his brothers hands.
⋆˚✿˖° Thank you for the request my love @talesofreading ! I literally spent days working on this for you so i sincerely hope you love and enjoy every second of it. I also left it open for a second part of you wish <3 ⋆˚✿˖°
warnings: violence, mentions of kidnapping, Elijah being stubborn, Klaus being Klaus, possessive!Elijah, no mention of y/n, angst, heartbreak, biting, kinda beefy!elijah (i just always imagine him actually towering over my ocs), power dynamic, seems unfinished but i rly wanna write a second part lol
You had grown up in mystic falls you’re whole life, the quiet town where nothing ever happened. Well that was bullshit, the whole town crawled with the worlds most dangerous creatures. You had found out about Vampires after your best friend Elena started dating Stefan Salvatore then you heard about his less charming douche bag brother Damon and decided to stay away from them as a whole. Subsequently because Elena and you had been attached at the hip since preschool you didn’t have to interact with them but you sure did get filled in on all the gossip. Which was why you were currently in the car on your way to the lockwood mansion with her. Apparently the latter were on a mission to kill elena’s freako look alike great something grandma.
“this sucks” you said looking over at Elena who was driving the car — “we literally live in a town of vampires, werewolf’s and witches and the two of us are just human” you added
“yeah well i think i’d rather be human than a vampire” Elena declared stubbornly
“you know i think i have to agree because we both know that Stefan and Damon are going to do a terrible job at killing Katherine and if you were a vampire i think she’d make your life eternally miserable” you responded just as you pulled up to the Lockwood mansion. “i am so not dressed for the occasion” you muttered under your breath eyeing your oversized sweatpants and spaghetti strap tang top, you barley had time to put your shoes on before Elena was pulling you out of the house. you wrapped your arms around your body as Elena pulled you through crowds of people into the mansion. You and Elena quickly found bonnie and Jeremy quietly talking amongst themselves in the corner. Unfortunately you couldn’t get yourself to care about the conversation going on in front of you mainly because of the chill running down your spine at the sight of a man in a jester mask staring right back at you. You blinked and the man was gone just as Elena cried out in pain.
“I can’t believe Katherine did that to you” you rushed as you tried to keep up with Elena. The night had only gotten worse and when everything was said and done Elena was a bloody mess and you were freezing.
“honestly, i’m surprised you think she wouldn’t do this to me” Elena retorted storming to her car.
you followed closely behind, “okay well don’t get mad with me it’s not my fault that you almost died” you argued back crossing your arms over your chest. “i’m sorry okay? it’s just… she’s only doing this because she’s in love with Stefan” Elena sighed.
you saw the same man from earlier with the jester mask walk up behind Elena. You’re eyes widened in worry “Elena watch out” you yelled as you ran forward to push the man away from your friend. He grabbed you and threw you against the car slamming your head into the door.
When you wake up the first thing you notice is the rope around your arms and legs. You quickly try to get out of them but fail miserably.
“Stop trying to get out of the ropes. It’ll never work” a brunette said as she walked into the room. “who are you?” you asked flinching as she walked towards you and bent down.
“my names rose.” she responded voice dead “you weren’t supposed to be with the girl” she said sadly, undoing your restraints.
“where is Elena, what do you want with her” you shook as you replied.
“it’s not what we want. it’s what he wants” she said as she looked away from you — “who’s he?” you asked lowly, she moved her head back to face you and replied “Elijah”
“oh my god you’re okay” Elena said as she rushed towards you when rose took you into the other room. “yea i’m okay lena” you smiled sadly.
“he’s here. this was a mistake” a man rushed out as he paced around the room. “Trevor in order to get our freedom we must give him the girl. This is no mistake” the woman demanded grabbing the man to a stop. “I will bring him here, watch the girls.” she asserted as she walked out of the room.
“I’m not going to make it out of here am i?” you sighed trying to fight the tears in your eyes as you looked forward towards the covered up windows.
“hey, no don’t say that. I’m going to do everything i can to make sure we both get out here alive” Elena reassured you as she held you, you rested your head on her shoulder and sighed out a breath. The weight of this situation coming crashing down on you. While you both were human, Elena was more important to the supernatural world than you would ever be. You also knew if it came down to it Stefan and Damon would leave you to die if it meant saving her. You didn’t resent her for that, you were happy she had somebody who would do anything for her, you just wished you had someone who would do the same for you.
Your head snapped up at the sound of footsteps, your breathing became shallow as Elena pulled you onto your feet with her. You were terrified, you had no idea who Elijah was and from roses reaction to him you could tell he probably wasn’t going to be a saint.
In the blink of an eye you were throw behind Elena’s back as a man took place in front of her. You saw what you would say was the most handsome man you’d ever seen. You kicked yourself. you shouldn’t be thinking that when your best friends life was on the line, but you couldn’t help but notice the way his hair fell perfectly down around his handsome face, the powerful stance in which he stood. You noted he was dressed in a suit which probably cost more than your whole life together. His eyes drew you in from behind Elena and you couldn’t look away. If this was the way you went out you wouldn’t complain.
“human. It’s impossible” he breathed out in shock. “hello there” he smirked, you noticed his gaze went past Elena and right into your eyes. He was talking to you. why would he be talking to you? You felt your heartbeat quicken and you were sure you’d held your breath way beyond your lungs capability. You quickly shifted your gaze downwards biting your lip, suddenly remembering your lack of clothing moving closer to Elena.
“we have a long journey ahead of us we should be going” Elijah says grabbing Elena’s arm and turning them around.
“And the girl? What should we do with her.” Rose asked from across the room.
Elijah’s gaze moved to meet yours again. “leave her be. Do not harm her.” he ordered rose.
Elena looked at you with a pleading look before crying out towards rose “please, don’t let him take me.”
Elijah let go of Elena’s arm pushing her towards rose. “one last piece of business before we go”
Elijah stalks towards Trevor who shrinks down in fear “you have no idea how long i’ve waited for this day” he sputtered out. You noticed how Elijah held such an air of power around himself. You wondered how old he was, surely he was a vampire. You tuned out the rest of the conversation watching as Elijah ruled the two vampires in the room with just his presence. You suddenly hear rose cry out in sorrow as Elijah smacks Trevor’s head clean from his body. You noticed that Elijah had moved his body so he was in front of you, like he was intentionally blocking you from the scene in front. Your face paled as he grabbed both you and Elena dragging you to the front of the house. “who else is here” he demanded towards rose who shook her head “no one”
His grip tightened around your arm as he pushed Elena towards rose keeping you firmly planted next to him. Damon and Stefan were playing games with him. That probably wasn’t a smart idea you thought. You felt your body being ripped away from Elijah’s grasp and slammed up against a wall. Your head hitting the wall hard. Too hard. You cried out in pain and shook as the dizziness came in waves until everything went black.
When you woke up you took note of the fact you were still in the house, except it was night time now. You brushed the dirt off of your pants as you stood up and looked around. “Elena…” you yelled out wincing when you remembered that probably wasn’t a good idea. You were answered back with silence as you made your way towards the front of the stairs. You gasped as your eyes landed on a very dead Elijah, you walked quietly towards his seemingly sleeping body. Just as you reached out to pull the coat rack from his body he awoke with a gasp of his own. Anger displayed upon his face as he ripped the coat rack from his chest and threw it across the room at a very inhuman speed. He cracked his neck and fixed his jacket before his gaze landed on you.
“what did you do?” he roared taking large steps towards you. For every one step he took you had to take three steps back. “i — i didn’t do anything” you felt your face pale and mouth dry with fear. “y — you were dead” you stuttered trying to look anywhere but his angry eyes. “for centuries now. where did the girl go?” he demanded looking you up and down as if he was trying to decide what to do with you. “i really don’t know, i just woke up on the floor. I’m assuming Stefan and Damon took her… they left me, no way they actually left me here” you rambled out as your back hit the wall. You realized you had nowhere to go as Elijah’s frame blocked you in. You noticed how tall he was, you had always been short it didn’t take much for someone to be taller than you, but Elijah; he was tall. You stood just below his shoulders, your small frame feeling even smaller as he stood in front of you.
“what wonderful friends you have” he implied looking down from your eyes to your neck where he could see the blood rushing between your veins. “they aren’t my friends. only elena is” you mumbled shifting on your feet. “hm. we should get going then” he declared swiftly pulling his jacket from his shoulders and holding it out to you.
“do you always kidnap teenage girls?” you asked looking out of the window in Elijah’s car and wrapping his jacket tighter around. “do you consider this kidnapping?” he asked with a cocked head. “yes i do.” you stated firmly looking over at him “do you not?”. he looked fully at you now, “i consider this me doing you a favor, saving a poor defenseless girl from an abandoned home, to which your own friends didn’t save you from. Now i could have done what i originally intended and drained every single drop of blood from your body and left you there, but i didn’t. So No i would not say this is considered kidnapping” he replied putting his eyes back on the road. “why didn’t you kill me?” you pondered fidgeting with your fingers in your lap. you noticed his fingers tightened their grip around the steering wheel as he said “there’s something awfully interesting about you.”
From that moment on you and Elijah had been inseparable. He told you about his desire to not be seen in mystic falls just yet. So you returned home and acted as if some friendly stranger gave you a ride home.
It hadn’t taken long for you to fall head over heels for Elijah, but you noticed his hesitance when it came to you. How he never shared too much about himself. How he absolutely insisted you never speak of him to anyone, as if he was scared. You had learned he was one of the oldest vampires to ever exist. A thousand years old, he was strong, and wise and he surely had a copious amount of enemies. You knew all of that should have scared you away but you found it only intriguing you more and more each day. He handled you with such care, as if the smallest of things would break you and he’d lose you forever. Yet he never said what you wanted him to say.
It had been weeks since the day in the abandoned house and Elijah had finally made his presence known to mystic falls. You especially enjoyed pretending you didn’t spend all your time with the man. You knew in your gut Elijah feels the same way about you that you do him. It was just getting him to act on it that proved to be hard.
When you saw him at the founders party all dressed in his grey suit and hair slicked back, you didn’t care who noticed you decided that you had had enough of pining over him.
“so, Mr. Smith?” you quoted raising your champagne glass to your lips to hide your smile. “not everyone can be privy to my actual identity sweetheart” he replied looking down at you. You noticed his eyes raking over your form. “you look absolutely astonishing tonight” he said voice husky as his gaze returned to yours. You almost moaned at the tone of his voice. This was what you meant, you knew he was attracted to you but he never acted on it. You figured your best bet would be to show him what he was missing. “do i?” you questioned him with a smile “i thought you’d like this dress” you winked at him as his eyes darkened. “I didn’t think you would be bold enough to test your little theory here” he smiled licking his lips before raising his glass of champagne. “what theory would that be?” you pushed trying to get him to say it for himself but before he could answer a hand wrapped around your shoulder.
“Fancy seeing you here, my, my you look amazing” Damon stated, you winced out of his grasp moving away from him. You noticed the deadly look on Elijah’s face as he stared Damon down. “Damon i do believe it’s time we have a chat just the two of us” he said through gritted teeth. The two disappearing upstairs before you could say anything
You sat a the bar picking at the fruit tray when Elijah approached you again. “I’m sorry sweetheart, i had to take care of something” he said moving to stand behind you. “did you kill him” you accused taking a bite out of a strawberry. “No i did not, I should have.” he replied turning you in your seat so you were facing him. “why” you questioned looking up at him. “because i do not like the idea of him ever looking at you again.” Elijah moved his head down so he was level with your ear, “or anyone for that matter” he muttered moving your hair out of the way, inhaling your scent. “i know this is what you want, it’s what i want too. But it would be selfish of me to subject you to the life i live.” he confessed before he grabbed you and in the blink of an eye you were in a different room. “you don’t get to decide what’s right or wrong for me Elijah” you argued back pulling out of his embrace. “why are you scared, I know it’s not the reason you just gave. I know that because for months i have been living as apart of your life, i know you think giving me some noble reason will deter me from continuing this but it won’t, so what’s the real reason?” you semi shouted at him, you were angry and you had every right to be. He’d been playing that game since the day you met him, where he acted as if he wanted you and then decided he couldn’t be with you. “Because i have lost every single person i have ever loved!” he roared back with tears in his eyes “i have had every person i have ever cared for ripped away from me, for a millennium i have been dealt constant heartbreak. I would be a fool if i left myself care for another being ever again, and i would be eternally selfish if i let you in and you died at the hand of my enemies.. or worse me. But you have infiltrated my very being, every thought, every feeling is because of you, so i cannot just let you walk away, because no where is far enough for me to not crave you, you’re scent is engraved in my senses and i cannot stop it.” he confessed moving toward you, he lifted his arm and ran his knuckles down your face as he gazed lovingly into your eyes. you leaned into his hand and looked up at him through your eyelashes. He was staring at your lips, this was new he’d never done that before. Elijah leaned down until his lips were just above your own “can i kiss you” he asked against your lips. You nodded your head vigorously as he entwined his lips with yours. His lips are softer than anything you’ve ever known. The feeling in your chest was explosive, spreading all throughout your body. He tilted your head upward biting your lip in the process. you let out a moan of approval, moving your hands to lay underneath his suit jacket. You could feel every inch of his muscles tensing underneath your touch. You loved it, craved for more. His hand moved from your face into your hair, bunching it up and pulling you closer to him. You loved every second of this moment, how raw and beautiful it truly was.
When Elijah pulled away from the kiss he rested his forehead on yours, out of breath you closed your eyes.
Elijah had entrusted you with the secret of the curse placed upon his brother Klaus. You were sleeping one night when he came to see you, telling you that Elena would need to be sacrificed in order for him to kill his brother. Of course you asked him if he was sure he wanted to do this and he was. So tonight he was attending a dinner party at the Salvatore mansion in order to keep and eye on Damon. You had told him you thought it was a bad idea, that you got a bad feeling from it, but he insisted he would be alright. Now it was two days later and you hadn’t heard or seen from him. You were currently on a mission to find him when you entered the Salvatore mansion to find all your so called friends having some type of meeting. “where is Elijah” you announced as you walked in. “so you are sleeping with him” Damon said back smirking as he turned around to face her. “Yeah Damon i am, you know if you were going to have such an issue with it maybe you shouldn’t have left me for dead” you said walking more into the room. “well he’s not here, so no need for you to be here any longer” he dismissed her. You looked at Elena over his shoulder meeting her gaze. She quickly moved her eyes towards the basement door. You nodded your head and turned to walk away when Alaric called out to you. “hey wait up” he called after you following you outside.
“you’ve literally never talked to me before Alaric, so unless your going to tell me where Elijah is don’t start now” you said not stopping your stride heading to your car.
“cmon now love i just wanted a chat. seems we have to do this the hard way” Alaric replied grabbing your arm and slamming your head into your car window.
you awoke to a shooting pain in your side as you stirred. “welcome back to the land of the living love” a man said crouching in-front of you “i’m getting really tired of people knocking me out” you murmured groggily.
“ah yes, you see i’ve heard my brother was plotting my demise, and since i’ve got more at stake than him i figured an eye for an eye.” klaus said reaching to grab something above your head. His hand returned with a knife, your eyes widened as he covered your mouth and stabbed you in the thigh as your screams muffled. “now living for a thousand years you learn a few things about torture. except your human and you can’t handle as much as i’d like.” he said twisting the knife, the pain you felt was white hot and expanded through your whole body. “So i’ll resort to draining all but a drop of blood from you until Elijah comes to find you.” he said with a wicked smirk, grabbing your hair and tilting your head back. His whole face changed, you remember seeing Elijah’s vampire face which you loved but Klaus’ was just outright scary. You felt his sharp teeth rip into your carotid artery, you felt every drop of blood leave your body. The excruciating pain of his teeth in your skin. You head felt heavy as it rolled to the side when he finally pulled away. “cmon love the games are just beginning.” he taunted.
when Elijah had woken the first thing he demanded of Elena was to bring him to you. When she failed to find you red flags raised in his mind. You would never disappear and all he could think was you had hurt yourself in the process of trying to find him. what he wasn’t expecting was for his brother to have taken you captive. when Elijah found you, you were a bloody mess. Crimson red everywhere, you say in your own puddle of blood. Shallow breathing was all he heard as he rushed forward and held your face in his hand. “my love” he whispered trying to wake you up.
You failed to wake up after the fifth time he tried. You had bruises and cuts all over you. The wounds on your thighs bleeding the most. When you whimpered in response to him shifting you he was glad for a sign you were alive.
“Elijah” you cried out unable to move “i can’t it hurts so much” you reached out to grab his arm as he picked you up and speed the two of you to his apartment.
“i’m so sorry my love” he cried as he held your hand. “for what?” you asked weakly wiping his tears away from his eyes. “for not protecting you. I can give you my blood and it will heal you.”he said moving your body to lay down. in the process of moving you the wounds he had patched in your thighs had opened, resulting in you losing blood. Again you had become faint and in and out of consciousness.
Elijah had managed to get his blood down your throat but he knew he would lose you. he had waited to long to feed it to you. Within the next minute he whispered a quick apology into your ear and snapped your neck.
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klausysworld · 2 years
So this might be long and hopefully not confusing.
Reader is of werewolf bloodline, Damon knows. Klaus and reader hook up after Damon breaks readers heart (reader in love with him… he in love with Elena) Klaus and readers one night stand becomes a regular thing (Klaus doesn’t know about readers werewolf bloodline) Damon asks Elijah for help, Elijah tells reader that Klaus when he finds out he will force reader to break the curse and become werewolf. Klaus ends things with reader as he feels betrayed that reader would think he would force her to break curse. Damon’s that one who forces reader to, to save Elena from (whatever) danger. Klaus comes back to reader to help reader though reader’s first full moon.
I’m so sorry if this is too much and totally understand if you choose not to write anything from it.
💜 you writing, thanks for sharing it.
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We’re together now, you’re safe
Damon had told you that he loved Elena. The same girl you had cried at him for and he assured you that she was nothing to him. But now he didn’t want you and he wanted her.
So when you were sat in the grill downing your sorrows and Klaus came over to buy you another drink you didn’t see the issue. When he brought you back to his house and kissed you hungrily, when he nipped down your neck and chest and when he stripped you both of your clothes. When he pushed you onto the mattress and hovered over you, pushing himself inside your tight entrance. When his hips snapped to yours and you moaned in his ear. When he had you coming around him and dragging your nails down his back.
It only made sense that you went back for seconds…and thirds and so on. It’s not like he doesn’t seek you out sometimes, because he did. It became difficult when you started staying longer after your…activities…When you would lay and chat together for hours before falling asleep in his hold. You could feel yourself falling for him, he had become softer with you and sometimes he would just pleasure you with his mouth and fingers before wrapping you in a blanket and holding you close saying he didn’t need anything that night. It was even harder when you learnt of your werewolf line, Damon, Stefan, Elena, everyone had told you that you should run the other way, Klaus would force you to kill someone and trigger your curse so he could make you his personal minion.
You didn’t mean to become so distant from him but you couldn’t help but be somewhat afraid, he didn’t exactly have the best reputation. It was when you flinched at his touch accidentally did he finally ask what was going on…or more yelled it which sort of made the situation worse. He was hurt and angry when he learnt of your secret, even more when he realised you feared what he could do. He asked you to leave, said that if you couldn’t clearly see how much he cared to know that he had no intention of causing you pain then he didn’t want to see you again.
A couple weeks later there was a new issue in town. Elena, being the danger magnet that she is, got caught in the middle, she was locked in a house with vampires and Stefan and Damon couldn’t get in due to the owner being human and compelled to stay inside so they couldn’t get invited in. It was then that Damon saw you as an opportunity. He dragged someone random from the street, forced a weapon into your hands and screamed at you to kill them. He yelled and put his hands on you shoving you in all directions, his grip was bruising and his voice was harsh. Eventually you couldn’t take it and tried to hit him but he vamp sped the human in the way and you ended up killing them. You sobbed on the floor trying to bring them back to life but it was no use. Damon proceeded to drag you back to where Elena was and trapped you inside the house making you face the vampires and figure out a way to save yourself and Elena. It had been a week since then and your first full moon was approaching, you had made a great effort to avoid basically everyone. Klaus because of the way he looked at you the few times you had seen him and everyone else because you couldn’t stand the sight, they made you think of the life you were made to take.
Tyler had told you that you could use the Lockwood cellar like he had his first time, he had set up the chains and you had brought your own wolves-bane. You locked yourself up and waited. When the first few bones cracked you screamed in pain, fell to the ground and struggles through staggered breaths. Your limbs bent in the wrong directions and you sobbed in your weakened state. It was then you heard footsteps and the gate open. You searched through glassy eyes until they landed on Klaus. He appeared pained as he got onto his knees and gently stroked your sweaty face while you panted as the snapping sound sounded through the room
“my love… i made Stefan tell me what happened…i shouldn’t have let them do this to you, you’re not a bad person sweetheart, you’re a sweet puppy, you understand me?” he spoke softly and you could feel him breaking the restraints you were wearing making you shake your head
“i’ll hurt someone” you whimpered and he pulled you into his arms ignoring the way you struggled
“i won’t let you, i’ll keep you safe, just ket the pain in love, you’ll feel so much better once you’ve turned”
You were both now outside in the woods but still in his hold. After another 15 minutes of pure agony you let the pain completely crash over you, the howls of pain becoming a regular howl and your body transformed into its new form. You frame was small and your fur soft.
Klaus rubbed behind your ears and kissed your head
“you look so beautiful love, going to be such a good girl tonight, you want to go for a run? stretch you legs and tests your strengths?” You whined in agreements before flashing off, Klaus follower closely behind the whole night, he watched in amusement as you taunted the bunny rabbit daring it to play with you. He guided your wolf away from any passing humans and eventually when the night was over and you turned back he slipped his jacket onto your bare body and carried you to his home.
He gently wiped the dirt from your skin and dressed you in his t-shirt and boxers before brushing through you hair and laying down with you, your body curled into him while you whimpered at the lasting ache in your bones.
When you woke you hurt and he was ready to help. Food and drinks were brought by all day by different people, he kept you warm and comfortable often with an arm around you while you watched movies of he read a book to you. Later he helped you into the bath and washed your hair for you, he massaged your tense muscles and aided your stress.
“i’m sorry i thought that you would do something to hurt me” you told him quietly while he spooned your fragile state
“it’s okay love, i understand your feelings. Please know that i would never wish any harm to you… you mean so much more to me then you realise and i’ll only turn you if you ask, you’ll never just be another hybrid”
“you mean a lot to me too, i missed you when we weren’t together”
“we’re together now, you’re safe.”
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fritzes · 4 months
rg draw, here we go:
thing are looking pretty good for iga. ostapenko is not in her quarter which is always a relief, and her projected qf opponent is marketa, who obviously has a great history at rg but has been really inconsistent lately. if she’s on top of her game she could be a threat, but that’s a big if. I think the more likely quarterfinalist is danielle, and I don’t think she can challenge iga on clay. marta kostyuk is also lurking in this quarter and could do some damage if she’s playing well, but again, is that good enough to beat iga at rg? probably not. iga could play naomi second round, and while that wouldn’t really be competitive, it could be nice to see!
across the draw, coco also has a pretty decent path to the semis but unlike iga, she isn’t rock-solid at rg and if she double faults the way she’s been doing the last few months, that’s gonna be a huge problem. she could play haddad maia in the round of 16, a semifinalist from last year. but haddad maia is super streaky and upset-prone, so it’s debatable whether she’ll get there. in the bottom half of this quarter is ons, who’s been having a really terrible season. I would love to see her make a deep run, but I could see her losing to ostapenko or garcia in the round of 16 if not earlier. in the quarterfinals, either of the two mentioned above could make things difficult for coco, especially if ostapenko is at the rg level we all know she’s capable of
if the projected semifinal does happen, it’s probably gonna be a repeat of the 2022 final if not worse. coco just doesn’t have a chance against iga on clay, and especially not at rg
I think the third quarter is gonna be pretty crazy. elena’s health has been in question lately and her recent slam results haven’t been great. of course, at any given moment she could play like the best in the world, so who knows. I could see elina or nastia being quarterfinalists here. elena is capable of beating both of them, but on clay I think they’re both capable of beating her. at the other end of this quarter is qinwen, who’s results since the ao haven’t been great. I don’t think she’s very comfortable on clay, and I would predict jasmine or kalinskaya as quarterfinalists over her. also, bianca andreescu is apparently back and in this quarter, so it will be interesting to see how she does
I would be really surprised if aryna doesn’t make the semifinals. her potential early seeded are boulter, navarro, and keys, none of whom are clay players. there’s also the potential of playing paula again, but paula would have to get there and if she does, aryna is the heavy favorite. I really don’t know who the other quarterfinalist will be. I’d love to have confidence in maria, but noskova and especially dasha could be threats. still, there’s no one aryna can’t beat in this quarter
if the projected semifinal for this half happens, I would majorly favor aryna. she just beat elena in madrid, and she’s way more comfortable on slow clay
interesting r1 matches: bronzetti/osaka, yastremska/tomljanovic, ostapenko/cristian, andreescu/sorribes tormo, azarenka/podoroska, boulter/badosa
people like to say that novak saves his best tennis for slams, that his recent slump will come to an end here. I’m not so sure about that. in his path to the quarterfinals he’s got potential musetti and cerundolo, both good rg players. even tommy paul could trouble him. and, if he has his usual thing of playing his way into form with tough early matches, he’s going to be exhausted if he does make qfs and plays rg specialist casper ruud. mensik is an early hurdle, but I really don’t think casper has a difficult draw at all. taylor in the round of 16 should be easy on clay, and his confidence against novak is at an all time high after monte carlo. if there was ever a time to get revenge for last year’s final, it’s now
the second quarter… I can’t believe this is real. rafa vs zverev in the first round. unfortunately zverev is the favorite to win, but it is rafa at rg. you never know. even with that aside, this quarter is crazy. holger is always a wild card at rg, and he is definitely capable of taking out zverev to make the qfs. and on the other end is the hard court specialist himself, daniil medvedev. this is honestly the best draw he could ask for, with bublik and de minaur as predicted seeds. I don’t think he could beat holger at rg, but I do think he could do what he’s been doing for so very long and beat zverev
I have very little faith in the projected semifinal actually happening. maybe one will get there, but I doubt both will
to the much more pleasant half of the draw, carlos has a decent path to the qfs. his projected early opponents, draper and korda, are both ridiculously inconsistent and not great on clay. ben or felix in the round of 16 shouldn’t be an issue either. on the other hand, the other potential quarterfinalists have a terrible draw with a ton of french people and of course each other: andrey and stefanos. will andrey’s few tools beat him again? I’m not sure. stefanos is great at rg and I think he can beat andrey, but his record against carlos is abysmal. stefanos has a better chance in the round of 16, but andrey has a better chance in the qf
jannik couldn’t have asked for a better draw, and if he’s healthy I think he can really go far here. baez isn’t a challenger to him and jarry is super inconsistent which jannik can take advantage of. the projected quarterfinalist is hubi, but I think it’s more likely to be grigor considering how much hubi relies on his serve. also, after the week he had in rome, maybe tabilo could make a deep run as well, who knows
words cannot express how much I want this projected semifinal to happen. and if it does, I think I would have to pick carlos to win because he’s jus that much more comfortable on clay. then again, jannik did beat carlos in the umag final, so you never know
interesting r1 matches: fritz/coria, etcheverry/cazaux, ruud/mensik, zverev/nadal, navone/carreño busta, arnaldi/fils, wawrinka/murray (I can’t believe this is real)
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andreal831 · 10 months
Excluding trying to kill hope/Hayley, what are your thoughts on the whole Klaus and Tyler situation?
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I told myself I wasn't going to answer any more asks today but I loved this one too much.
Tyler Lockwood is one of the most over-hated and underrated characters in TVD.
Just focusing on what Klaus did to him and not even his trauma from his parents and friends, Tyler's pain is so overlooked. I think the best way to discuss Tyler and Klaus is just to lay it all out.
Tyler and Klaus' first interaction is when Tyler is forced back to Mystic Falls because Klaus has someone attack his mother. This is their first interaction, Klaus harming Tyler's mother to manipulate him. Klaus could have chosen a different werewolf but targeted Tyler for whatever reason. Klaus then traps him with Caroline on a full moon and he nearly kills Caroline.
Their next interaction is Klaus killing Tyler. He does so with little remorse or concern about whether Tyler will survive the transformation as no one had before. He survives and becomes sired to Klaus, who abuses it and essentially enslaves his hybrids. Everyone likes to get mad at sired Tyler, but he has limited bodily autonomy. This is a major violation that the show glosses over. Klaus uses this to make Tyler harm the people he loves. The MFG seems to have a lot less sympathy for Tyler than anyone else who suffered from sire bonds or even villainous charm. Elena also did bad things under Damon's sire bond, but everyone blamed Damon. Tyler gets the full blame and anger from his friends instead of understanding or helping. Everyone likes to credit Klaus for saving Caroline's life on her birthday, but Klaus ruined her birthday by forcing her boyfriend to nearly kill her. Tyler, who hates Klaus, has to go to him and beg him to save the girl he loves.
Because of the sire bond to Klaus who forced him to harm his friends, specifically Caroline, Tyler recruits Bill Forbes, someone known for torturing supernaturals, to help break his sire bond. He then leaves to break the bond. He subjects himself to hours of torture and pain so that he won't ever have to hurt his family again. He comes back from this pain to find Klaus flirting with his girlfriend. Klaus then possesses Tyler's body without his consent for a matter of time.
Tyler then works with Hayley and the other wolves to free them of Klaus' enslavement. Klaus kills their friend, thanks to the help of the MFG. Not only does Klaus kill his friend, Caroline agrees to go on a date with Klaus in exchange for killing his friend.
Klaus then proceeds to murder all of Tyler's hybrid friends and then his mother, the last family member Tyler had. Klaus once again tries to kill Caroline to control Tyler and makes Tyler beg him to save her life. Klaus forces Tyler to run once again, forcing him from his friends and family. Before he leaves though, he leaves his home to Matt so Caroline will have a safe place to hide from Klaus. Even when Tyler tries to sneak back into town to have one dance with his girlfriend at prom, Klaus shows up to chase him out again.
Tyler then seeks revenge against Klaus.
Given everything, Tyler is completely justified in going after Klaus. Is it a bad plan? Sure. He can't kill Klaus and even if he could, he would die with him. But that's not the point. The point was Klaus cost Tyler everything. He tortured Tyler for months, attempting to steal his girlfriend while doing it. He murdered his mother in cold blood all because Tyler helped free the enslaved hybrids and himself. Klaus was a monster.
We see many characters seek revenge for things much less serious and are supported. Klaus is celebrated for murdering people for no reason. Tyler didn't even only act for himself but for all of the wolves Klaus planned to enslave. Tyler was completely in the right and the show/characters spent too much time trying to make Tyler seem like the bad guy.
I only wish Tyler had lived long enough to know Klaus died. Tyler deserved so much better than the hell Klaus put him through. He didn't get a break for years all because of Klaus' petty jealousies and insecurities.
Tyler was a better man than Klaus any day of the week. Yes, he's done some bad things but the fact that so many terrible men are celebrated and Tyler is constantly attacked is so questionable to me.
Thanks for the ask!
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your-turn-to-role · 1 year
so im getting to the end of my finally watching exu calamity
for the most part i haven't really made posts on my reactions here bc most of what i'd have to say has already been said, i've been seeing those meta posts around since calamity came out
but god the one unexpected thing about loquatius and laerryn i can't get over is just all of aabria's little reactions to quay's choices here
like. i know laerryn loves him as much as he loves her, but she's not good at showing it. she's deeply pragmatic, which means while loquatius is having huge moment after huge moment illustrating just how much he's willing to sacrifice for her, she's making sure she can do her job. because she has to. even if that means leaving him to die in the calix chamber, because she couldn't have saved him, and if she died trying then the whole world would be lost
but at the same time, she did all of this for him. it was so important to her to finish the leywright that solstice, because she has a longer lifespan than quay, and he wouldn't be with her to see the next one. she was distraught when she felt him slip away from her over the telepathic bond, even though she'd chosen to let it happen
part of the reason their marriage failed the first time is they just don't talk. there's so little communication between the two, not just on laerryn's side. quay has the big moments, yes, but how many of those does laerryn even know happened? she doesn't know that he fired elena to protect her from being blamed for evandrin. she doesn't know he prerecorded a broadcast to be played in the event of his death, that would tell the city not about laerryn's mistakes, but that it was loquatius himself who failed them, and laerryn tried everything she could to save the city. she doesn't know that he turned down a call from his queen and his family to come home and be protected from the apocalypse, bc he'd rather die trying to save laerryn, avalir, and his new family, than live without them
but aabria does.
and that gives way to the tiniest most hard hitting fourth wall breaks
like when quay turns his back on the seelie queen's offer - aabria immediately gives a small "no, no, you have to go"
laerryn needs him here. the story needs him here. there is no benefit to quay leaving, except that quay would be alive, and that's what laerryn desparantly wants, so it comes out in aabria
when we get to the climax, too, the big fight where all they're trying to do is keep laerryn alive long enough to activate the leywright, and it gets to quay's last turn? the first thing aabria says is "run. run."
laerryn is pragmatic. aabria knows this is a tragedy, and has been so far the most gung ho about playing into the tragedy. from a pragmatic perspective, loquatius should stay with laerryn, it gives the world a better chance of survival. narratively, loquatius should stay with laerryn bc that's how this story is supposed to go. and personally, loquatius should stay with laerryn because he can't bear to do anything else
but twice, she tells him to leave. because in this story where every single character is forced to reckon with which they love more, their city or their family - laerryn chose the city once. more than once. here at the end of all things, she won't do it again
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averseunhinged · 5 months
hello it's still wip wednesday. thank god.
this week's offering to the gods is more of last week's pornless porn with feelings. still no porn, but even more feelings. chronologically, this snippet is before last week's, if you want to read them in order.
“I assume we can lift the ban on Tyler as a topic of conversation.” He coughed again and snorted, wet-gross and deep in his sinuses.
He'd been like that for months now. Comfortable enough with her to be considerate of her feelings. It wasn't entirely true to say he'd been the only one around, but it wasn't entirely untrue either. Elena could only be forced up for air occasionally. She was shacked up with Damon, grieving Jeremy, and obsessed with getting revenge on Katherine, who was shacked up with Elijah, much to Klaus’s displeasure and Rebekah’s aggravation, and therefore unrevengable. So, Elena wasn’t exactly a party to be around. Caroline dragged her out to a town event in June and for shakes at the Sonic in Waynesboro a few times. Other than that, Elena kept to herself and Caroline let her.
Expression, as Lucy explained when she finally returned, was a little bit like meth for witches. Bonnie spent the first few weeks of summer detoxing alone with her before she gave Caroline and Elena exhausted hugs and let Lucy haul her off to try to repair her relationship with her mother. Something about confronting past family trauma to help clear out her witchy pipes.
Stefan left town indefinitely. Caroline understood why he had to go. Of course she did. It still sucked. They talked on the phone once a week, and he texted road trip pictures as proof of life in between, but she'd underestimated how much of her time and worrying had been spent on Stefan and his needs. The distance between them left her with a wistful aimlessness, like empty nest syndrome, except her child was a centenarian mass murderer with an unbearably shitty love life.
Matt drank his way through Europe for the entire month of June, having wild sex with strangers, if Rebekah was to be believed. He'd started working again the day after he returned, jetlagged and irritable, and hadn't had a day off since. As much as Caroline wished she could command more of his attention, she couldn't steal his time when he was working towards his future, the kind only humans had, limited and precious. She was proud of him for passing his classes and graduating and getting his life together. She was even proud of him for running off with Rebekah and having the experience of a lifetime with her. It was all she'd ever wanted for Matt, even back when she'd thought she'd wanted him herself. For him to enjoy himself and be appreciated and not have to be so very responsible all the time.
And then there was Tyler.
“You know, I'm starting to think maybe you don't want to get laid.” Caroline crossed her arms over her chest and cocked her hip, knowing it did miraculous things to her cleavage and the line of her leg in the short, flippy skirt.
“That,” he pointed at his face, still wincing from the burn of bourbon in his sinuses, “was entirely your fault. What sort of heathen springs that on a man out of nowhere?”
“Well, I couldn't not ask! What was I supposed to do? Just walk in and throw myself at you?"
"Seduction truly is a lost art," Klaus mused, relaxing further back into the corner and crossing his legs at the ankle. The birds on his shoulder rippled as he made a brief, languid gesture. "Perhaps I wish to be wooed."
"Like you're the master of seduction," she scoffed.
"Oh, come now. I saved your life and gave you a diamond bracelet on our first date."
"Okay." Caroline held up one index and tapped it against her forehead, squinching her eyes. "Let's put a pin in giving girls jewelry on a first date. We'll circle back around to that huge red flag."
"A recent development. It wasn't always inappropriate."
"But more importantly, that wasn't ever a first date. That was an attempted murder."
He let his head fall back on the sofa and looked at her, heavy lidded and slow blinking, and with a distant, barely curving smile said, "I liked you. We had a pleasant conversation. I met your mother and one of your friends. You even gave me a kiss at the end. Is that not a date?"
Caroline tried not to squirm at the flush burning across her cheeks. It hung over them with a strange weight she'd never understood, those times when he'd let her dig her teeth in and have him. His one stolen taste of her.
"That was not a—” she stuttered and wanted to cringe at the childishness of it, “a—"
"No?" His smile broadened and he traced his gaze down her bare throat. "There's more than one way to kiss, sweetheart.”
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Klaus Mikaelson x reader - nothing changes
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hello can you make headcanons about being katherine's younger sister and that klaus mikealson is in love with you (the reader is not a doppelgänger) - Anon💜
Holding your sisters hand, you looked at the human girl in front of her then right back at her with a small tilt of your head.
“I don’t like it.” You said.
“Neither do I, but what choice do we have?” She sighed.
You hummed and nodded your head as you turned back to Elena, glaring directly at her.
“So, you agree to our rules?” Elena asked.
“Fine, whatever. Just tell us what we need to do already.”
Elena explained their plan, and you had to admit it was pretty good.
But you’d been trying to stop Klaus for centuries, running from him time and time again in other to keep Kathrine safe.
You didn’t want to keep running anymore, and she didn’t either, and no matter how much she tried to tell you to just leave you didn’t.
If Kathrine goes down you’re going down with her, you didn’t care. She’s the only thing you’ve known your whole life, both human and vampire, you couldn’t leave her.
“(Y/N) will stay with us.” Elena said.
“Absolutely not.” You protested.
“You’re collateral, to make sure your sister plays nicely.” Damon smirked.
“We promise we won’t hurt you or her, it’s just to make sure she doesn’t betray us again.” Stefan smiled.
You looked at him, and then you sighed.
He was your best friend, and you trusted him, you trusted Damon too even though you wouldn’t admit that to him.
Turning to Kathrine she nodded her head but then turned to the trio.
“Fine, but if I find out you so much as laid a hand on her I swear to god I’ll rip Elena apart myself and make you watch.” She growled.
“Touch Elena and it will be the last thing you do.” Damon sneered.
You slammed your hand on the table, the wood cracking under the pressure.
“Enough! Let’s just get this over with.”
They all nodded and while you went with Stefan, Kathrine went the other way.
It felt weird, but you didn’t have much of a choice, you wanted to save Kathrine, they wanted to save Elena, so you had to work together.
You didn’t have much to do, wherever Elena went you had to follow her to keep her safe, so while she attended classes with her friends, you would hang about the hallways, glaring at anyone who looked your way.
“Seriously how long do you have to follow Elena for?” Bonnie sighed.
“Look I don’t like it either, but it’s until this is all over. I really couldn’t care less about hurting you guys that’s to much effort.”
“Right, so does that mean you’re following us to our dance?” Caroline asked you.
“Unfortunately yes, but don’t worry I’ll keep out the way.”
They nodded you trialed behind them as they left the school.
The moment you stepped outside you froze, eyes slowly looking around as you grabbed Elena by the back of her shirt.
You pulled her back and behind you.
“Elena go out the back way.”
“What’s going on?” She whispered.
“Just go, take Bonnie and Caroline with you…”
She nodded, grabbing her two friends she cast you one last glance before she ran back into the school with her friends.
You made your way to the parking lot, looking around before you started to walk towards the far side and towards the figure that was slowly retreating.
Whoever it was knew you were following them, and clearly that’s what they wanted.
So you kept going until you guys were away from everyone and finally they stopped, and you stopped not far away from them.
That’s when you saw who it was.
“Niklaus…” you grumbled.
“Come on now love, don’t be like that.”
He turned around and gave you a charming smile, opening his arms out to you.
“Can I get a hug at least?”
You scoffed and shook your head.
“Not a chance.”
You turned around to leave but Klaus immediately blocked your path, now frowning at you.
“Don’t be like this.” He sighed.
“Like what?! You tried to kill my sister! My only family and you’re hell bent on killing her! Now you’re going to kill some poor innocent girl?”
“Seriously you can’t be protecting Elena, you don’t even know her.”
“You’re right Niklaus, I don’t know her. But I know she deserves a chance at a good life, unlike me and Kathrine who had that torn away from us.”
Klaus walked over, bring his hand up to try touch your face but you slapped it away, giving him a warning look.
He just sighed and took a step back away from you.
“There was a time you were so happy to see me love, you would never go anywhere without me.”
“I was stupid.”
“You loved me.”
You shook your head and walked around him.
“I could never love someone like you, not while you’re trying to take my only family away.”
You tried to walk away again but Klaus wouldn’t let you, he grabbed your hand and spun you around.
He looked at you sadly, holding your hand tightly in his as he ran his thumb along the back of your knuckles.
“Please, just come back…” he whispered.
You looked down at his hand.
You had to admit, you missed how his hands felt in yours, how it felt to be in his embrace and how he showered you with all the love and affection in the world.
You missed how you were treated like everything, you spent so many years with him, but your family was more important.
No matter how much you missed this feeling you couldn’t go back to him knowing he would hunt your sister down, or try take Elena away from this world.
You slowly pulled your hand away, avoiding his sad gaze.
“I understand…” he whispered.
Klaus walked closer, he gently took your face between his hands and turned you to look at him.
“Let me hold you one more time?”
Klaus gave you a sad smile.
“Because if I knew that the last time I held you was going to be the last time I would have memorised the moment, burned it into my brain.”
You didn’t say anything for a moment, because you wished you could have memorised that moment as well.
Finally you nodded your head, and he carefully wrapped his arms around you.
One resting on the small of your back, the other holding your head to his chest.
You wrapped your arms around his waist, closing your eyes as you let out a small sigh.
Klaus kissed the top of your head, sending the familiar butterflies soaring through your stomach.
“I’m so sorry my love, I promise I will leave Kathrine be.”
You pulled away a little bit.
“And Elena?”
His gaze burned into yours.
He shook his head and you sighed, pulling yourself away from him.
“I expected as much.”
“(Y/N) please you have to understand.”
“There’s nothing to understand!” You growled.
You sighed, running a hand down your face.
Reaching up, you placed your hand on his cheek and kissed the corner of his lips before you pulled away.
Klaus looked so broken, so sad, and he just stood there and watched as you walked away from him once again.
He wanted to chase you, beg and plead for you to stay and never leave him, but he knew you, that wasn’t going to work.
He just had to watch as you walked out of his life once again, because he wasn’t going to stop you.
He loved you, the only person he had ever loved with such gentle fury, and he couldn’t be the man you needed him to be for his own selfish reasons, but he just couldn’t stop
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iknowshocker · 4 months
If damon would have actually left bonnie in season 6 and choose Elena would kai have saved her ?
oh anon, this is one of my TVD roman empires.
i'm a firm believer that yeah, kai was absolutely walking over to heal her himself. i swing between thinking a. that was always his plan and he never would have let her die for real and b. he decides halfway across the room that damon doesn't deserve the easy way out and he saves her to spite him. either way, he lost Jo tonight. he's not letting Bonnie go, too.
if i could rewrite it i'd do it something like this:
we'd get to hear the rest of his villain monologue and it would end with him crouching down beside her and being like "you really need better friends bonster - that could have been me if you weren't so easily manipulated"
she's glaring up at him, gasping for air: "f - uck .... o - ff"
and he'd laugh, bite his wrist, and go "is that anyway to talk to the man about to save your life??? nooo, didn't think so" and while she's drinking and clinging to him he'd get that blood sharing rush and start babbling and in my perfect world that's the moment she learns about him helping on her birthday.
"i've done this before you know, without the - the weirdly intense blood thing, bon stop looking at me you're making me lightheaded close your eyes, thanks - yeah, anyway, i've done this before. can't believe i'm playing the hero after nuking the whole coven. the irony is not lost on me, lemme tell you - what? don't squint at me, why would i make that up? i saved you on your birthday bon-,"
and she'd rip away from him and go "jeremy saved me-,"
"jeremy ? hold on, thiS WHOLE TIME YOU THOUGHT IT WAS OKay, okay sure he opened the garage door, but who do you think gave him the power to do it?"
bonnie stares up at him in horror, realizing that a witch being involved actually does make so much more sense. kai would lean in closer to her, she's probably still holding his hand so he's got the other braced by her head and she's too shocked to move away.
"i saved you, bonnie. me."
she's looking up at him, eyes frantically bouncing between his, and whispers: "but why?"
"i already told you," he'd sneer, "i felt bad. i regretted leaving you. you're the one who didn't listen. you're the one who didn't believe me. you trusted your stupid friends, and look what it got you. damon left. he picked elena. you gave up everything for him and-,"
"stop," she'd say, trying to get away. but he'd grab her chin and make her look at him.
"they don't care about you, bonnie. you're just a magical help button to them. they call you because they know you won't say no. and you know the worst part about all this? the part i hope keeps you up at night?" he'd lean in even closer, whispering in her ear: "i would have picked you."
and then he'd leave. straight vanish at vamp speed into the night. and bonnie's laying there, in the wreckage of the wedding, all alone.
she cry's.
it makes no sense...and yet it makes perfect sense. damon lies as much as kai. damon is selfish. of course he'd pick elena. shit, bonnie would probably pick elena. what does that say about her? how has she let them convince her she's not worth picking? no, enough. that ends right now. she'd pull herself together, and she'd start walking home.
she'd go straight to the salvatore house. the doors open so she walks in. everyone is there, regrouping and crying and sitting quietly in shock. no one is looking for her. what did damon even tell them, when he came back without her? why did no one come back for her body?
caroline sees her first. she stands on shaky legs, staring at her wide eyed. "oh my god, bonnie? how - damon said you - he said that kai-,"
ah, so he blamed it on kai. funny, he seems to be doing that an awful lot lately.
"he lied," bonnie says. "he does that. damon. he lies."
caroline would run to her, breathlessly laughing, but bonnie doesn't return the hug.
"stefan!" caroline yells. "stefan, come here!"
he comes vamping in, sees the look in bonnie's eyes, and goes perfectly still. there's a phone in his hand, and quietly he says: "damon, i think i know why elena's not waking up. i'm gonna call you back in a minute."
from there i want them all realizing that bonnie has to be protected from damon. in this situation he's gone full rouge and he's proved he's willing to kill bonnie to get elena back. i don't think there's a world where they go back to prison world status besties after that.
kai, of course, is probably still lurking in town. maybe he went back to portland for a bit but he always comes back...he just can't leave bonnie alone.
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sergeantpixie · 2 months
I was tagged by @morocorra, thank you!!!
just like the top 5 favorite characters: Make a poll with 5 of your favorite rarepairs/crackships. See which one is everyone's favorite!
Here's some more info under the cut:
Dean Winchester (Supernatural) x Elena Gilbert (The Vampire Diaries)
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There are 22 stories for them on AO3 (and 10 of them were written by me, I am the captain, baby!!!!)
how do I describe them without sounding like a crazy person? Cannot, I fear, so I'm just going full shipper. They're soulmates. Every part of them matches up. A fun ship, a tragic ship, an everything ship! She is sad and he is sad and they both fake not being sad a lot. All of her love interests suck and all of his are dead. Everyone is so obsessed with them and they are both drowning in loneliness.
Alison DiLaurentis x Aria Montgomery (Pretty Little Liars)
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There are 8 stories for them on AO3
So there's this girl. And everyone is obsessed with her. But also they all hate her. And she scares everyone, including you. But for some reason she treats you like her equal. And for some pretty complex reasons, she develops this alter ego that's basically you. And when she meets a college guy, she pretends to be you to impress him. And also she takes pictures of you while you're sleeping? But she's only bi for this other girl you're both friends with. And like, you spend years thinking she's dead. So all of your stories are about her. And when you write your villains, you think about her, and you can't bear to have her lose. But she's not really dead. And even though she's spent years hiding, all it takes is you saying her name and she's ready to come back to life. But she really loves that other girl. And you love your boyfriend who was obsessed with her first.
Elena Gilbert x Caroline Forbes (The Vampire Diaries)
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There are 90 stories for them on AO3 (we've come so far, babes! Anyway 7 of them are by me)
You've been best friends since you were six. Everyone says it's not a competition but you know it is - and she always wins. She's so pretty and nice and you're so messy and too tall and too blonde and too pushy and mean. Every boy you meet wants to date her so you run after them just in case they might taste like her. Or, wait, because you're competing, and you want to win. And then you do win, and it's horrible. He hurts you and he fucks with your head and you're covered in scars and losing your mind and she's the one who tries to save you. She chases him down and shoves him and threatens him and picks you up off the ground like you're worth it, worth all the trouble. And eventually he moves on and he picks other victims and you date a nice boy (her ex-boyfriend, naturally) and you've gotten really good at pretending it never happened. And you're still competing because that's what you've done your whole life, and your boyfriend is still obsessed with her even though she's got a boyfriend and only sees him as a friend. But now you're competing for real - for the Miss Mystic Falls pageant, and you want to win so bad. And you work so hard, to make up for how messy and pushy and mean you are; you do charity and you plan events and you lead your cheer squad. But she's sad and pretty and perfect, so of course she'll win, you complain. But then she's sad and pretty and perfect and she only did this for her mom and her boyfriend's acting crazy, and you can't let her give up. So you tell her it's okay. You tell her to try. And she does, because you're friends, and that means something to her. And then you win - for real this time. A pretty sash, and a title, and she's standing next to you, shining in blue, the loser, and she's smiling so hard for you, and hugging you, and congratulating you, like your win tastes just as good to her as her own might've. And for a split second, you wonder if you're really competing or if you've just really too scared to just be her friend - maybe you've never wanted to be her friend. But she's got a boyfriend, and so do you.
Katniss Everdeen x Madge Undersee (The Hunger Games)
Not pictured bc Madge isn't in the movie adaptations bc they hate femslash :/
There are 85 stories for them on AO3 (and one of them is mine!)
Madge gives Katniss two gifts!!! The mockingjay pin, and a kiss to the cheek!!!! And maybe they were really friends all along.
Kate Fuller x Santanico Pandemonium/Kisa (From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series)
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not so fun fact this is their only scene together in the show!
There are 17 stories for them on AO3
It's like this: you've been trapped in a temple for five hundred years, luring people to their death to feed your masters. You are a goddess, you are a monster, you are a slave. But once upon a time you were just a girl. And you loved the sunlight and didn't want to hurt anyone, so they punished you for it. But you're five hundred years away from that girl and you can never go back. So you start to plot. You find an ally, a lover, and you don't trust him, and he doesn't trust you, but he's power hungry enough to serve your purposes. And when the day that marks the end of your sentence comes, she is there. Just a girl, like you were all of those centuries ago. And they always need an effigy - there always has to be someone to burn - and you orchestrate your escape while they try to turn her into you. At every turn, someone is trying to turn her into you. But she hates you, and she blames you. So you keep your distance, and you try not to watch while she becomes just like you, another puppet on a string.
tagging: @purplesigebert, @randomestfandoms, @forasecondtherewedwon, and anyone else who wants to!
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bihanspookies · 9 months
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First of all thank you to @fizzygator for making my girl come to life. Y’all this girl has come a LONG way lmao. She started off as an oc in a fanfic I wrote years ago in high school and her personality and overall characterization has changed (for the better 💀).
Name: Alora De Toro
Age: 29
Birthplace: Manhattan, New York (Earthrealm)
Race: Half Edenian (Father)/Earthrealmer (Mother, Spain)
Birthday: June 23rd, Cancer
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Gray/blue
Skin Tone: Tan
Distinguishing Features: Dark circles, long slender and sharp nose
Languages: English and Spanish
Height: 5’9
Build: Lean with muscle and flexible
Scars: Over her mouth from Mileena, under her right eye from Kano, top of right shoulder to elbow from tarkatan blade, puncture wound on left side of stomach from kytinn stinger, left thigh is mangled bc of tarkatan bite
Piercings: One on each lobe and two on each cartilage
Tattoos: None
Clothes: Wears a lot of either sleeveless or loose fitting clothing since her body temps always warm
Family: Kyro (Father deceased), Taron (Older brother alive), Elena (Mother alive)
Nicknames: Bullhead and ChAloraform (Taron), Little Love (father), Dulcita (mother), Killer (Alex @chadillacboseman), Red (Kano)
Ring Names: Herculean Bull, Crimson Snake
Likes: Gardening, her greenhouse, her hair, her pet rat Michi, winter, painting her nails dark colors, her stuffed bear that Kyro gifted her as a baby
Dislikes: Invasive bugs, onions, being talked to when she’s already upset, people chewing with their mouth open, being in debt to Kano
Flaws: Reserved, guarded, tends to prioritize missions over everything else, loner most of the time (practically lives in her greenhouse), blunt
Fighting Style: MMA/street fighting
Powers & Abilities: Enhanced strength and high pain tolerance
Personality: She’s usually blunt, straightforward but can be funny when she wants to be while also being ornery and sarcastic, mostly in a deadpan manner. She carries out her orders with little to no questions, just wanting to get it done so she can be alone. Usually level headed, hard to anger but when she is she tends to be more aggressive. The longer it goes on the more chaotic and brutal she can get, getting tunnel vision to complete her mission no matter what. She’s plagued with nightmares of being forced to fight for Shang Tsung and Shao Kahn and her dad being killed. She’s always on high alert and can be tense if she’s in an unknown environment or situation, but knows how to hide it well.
History: Her father Kyro once resided in Edenia as a guard for the Empire but left once Shao Kahn reigned terror and merged their realm with Outworld and it was too late to help. He fought until the last minute, managing to escape along with a few other Edenians and made his way to Earthrealm, specifically New York. There he found work doing odd jobs under the table and it was on one job that he met Elena, a psychiatrist from Spain who needed a new desk put together. It wasn’t long that they dated and soon enough married, with Kyro eventually telling Elena the truth of his past and where he came from. Soon she was pregnant with Taron and it was 5 years later when they had Alora.
Alora was born prematurely and had to be kept under close watch but doctors told Kyro and Elena the odds of her surviving were very slim, so Kyro in a moment of weakness decided to go back to Outworld and search for Shang Tsung to beg for his help, knowing that the sorcerer shouldn’t be trusted but Kyro was desperate to save his child. Elena pleaded with him not to go but as time went by she was running out of options and couldn’t risk it anymore. Kyro returns to Outworld and finds Shang Tsung who more than happily agrees. Kyro was so engrossed in saving his baby that he didn’t truly think about the fact that the sorcerer didn’t ask for anything in return. Once the sorcerer was finished, Shang Tsung bid them farewell but not before giving Kyro a certain look, one that struck a chord of fear in him.
As Alora grew up, her parents would notice how she had an unusual amount of strength for someone her age. How she seemed to pick up certain objects with ease that any other child would have trouble doing so, how as a baby her grip was like iron. It fully came to light when at age 7, when Alora and Taron (12) were roughhousing. They were outside in the backyard, messing around when suddenly Taron screamed out in pain, tears streaming down his eyes. Elena and Kyro ran out to find Alora holding his limp hand, arm broken in several places from her own strength.
Shang Tsung’s magic had given Alora an abnormal amount of strength to save her life. Not only that but it also gave her a high pain tolerance along with better resistance to certain elements. Her parents, figuring it had something to do with his magic, could only warn their daughter to be more careful and cautious and keep a watchful eye on her.
It’s later that same year when Alora (7) suddenly falls incredibly ill. She was in the hospital, hooked up to machines but doctors couldn’t figure out what exactly was wrong with her. Eventually they were told that her heart had become weak, an unexpected decline in her health. Once again Kyro makes the gut wrenching decision to go back to Shang Tsung and ask for help. Kyro was surprised when the sorcerer was waiting for him in the hallway, a sinister smirk on his lips. It was then that Kyro realized that it was all an elaborate plan in the making, Shang Tsung purposefully having his magic run out when Alora reached a certain age. The sorcerer promised to heal her only if Kyro swore to return back to Outworld with him and serve under Shao Kahn. With a heavy heart he agrees, keeping a smile on his face as he watches Alora’s color slowly return to her. He pulls Elena to the side, explaining the situation and bids her a tearful goodbye while hugging and kissing his children for the final time. Before Elena can even get a word out, Shang Tsung pulls Kyro into a portal, leaving her alone with her children.
Later on Elena tells her children the truth of their father and where he came from, showing them a notebook that they kept full of information and knowledge that Kyro has shared.
10-16 Elena enrolls Alora in anger management and MMA classes, noticing that the leaving of her father changed her, her daughter becoming more angry. As time goes on she’s excels past her peers to the point that she enters tournaments, remaining undefeated against her opponents and most of her wins coming from K.O’s. Deciding that it wasn’t enough, she finds and starts fighting underground, gaining more money and better notoriety. It’s at a certain underground fight that Kano approaches her, who had been watching her fight for quite some time and brings up the idea of fighting more dangerous people, more thrill than this and promising more money than she could get from these tournaments. At first she brushes him off, calling him a weirdo until he brings up Outworld, and to her horror and surprise her father. Frozen in her tracks, the notebook left by Kyro burning bright in her mind as she looks at Kano. She makes the hard decision to leave with him, only leaving a note on her bed for her mother to find and then leaving with Kano the next day.
Kano brings her to the Koliseum, putting her through weeks of fighting, giving her money and thrill as promised. Every day she would ask where Kyro was, where were they keeping him, how did she even know if he was still alive. Kano would brush her off, claiming that she’d seem him soon.
She had been fighting mercilessly, absolutely beating her enemies into a pulp. She had even been in a match against Mileena who left her with the gracious gift of a deep cut across her mouth from her sai but not without the repayment of a few shattered ribs. She fought viciously, drenched in blood, exhausted but ready to fight her final opponent and get the day over with.
Her blood had stilled when her father stood across the arena from her, years of fighting aging him and battle scars adorning his body. They refused to fight each other, ready to receive the beating that usually came when denying the emperor of something. An ultimatum was given: fight until one man remained or be killed.
After a few moments of painful silence, Kyro got into his fighting stance and gave his dear daughter a fearful and sorrowful nod. At first Alora held back when they fought, wanting to savor the moment of seeing her father after 9 years, taking in his features before the end came. But eventually her father pushed her to not hold back, to fight because her life depended on it.
With hurtful eyes he lands a kick to her stomach, sending her across the arena. She collapses to her knees, claiming she is unable to fight, secretly hoping they would put a stop this. With Kyro as the winner the match is done and they think they are safe for another day until Shang Tsung and a few of his experiments appear behind Kyro. Before Alora can even speak a word out, Shang Tsung grabs Kyro by the collar of his torn shirt and Alora can only watch in horror as the sorcerer takes his soul from him, his screams of agony tearing through Alora’s ears.
When her fathers body hits the ground she goes into a blind fit of rage and lunges forth, Shao Kahn’s minions attempting to hold her back but they were no match for her strength. Alora takes down the sorcerer and beats his face in, her fists pounding him to a pulp. It isn’t until Kano is hauling her away that the bloody sorcerers body transformed into someone else, revealing that he had used his magic to create a decoy and had gotten away. Kano tells Alora that because she lost the match she owed him money, forcing her to enlist in the Black Dragon and if she refused he would go find her mother and brother. Still fueled by the image of her father dying, she lashed out against Kano who took her down and cut her under the eye, leaving a permanent scar.
Now at age 29, Alora is the silent cold hearted muscle, having paid off the debt owed but too fearful to return home for the fact that Kano could still very possibly find her and her mother and brother. With the money she gets from missions she secretly sends it to her family, along with updates on her and to not look for her.
Alora hopes to one day be free of the Black Dragon claws, dreaming of returning to her mother and brother and finally putting her dark past behind her.
Fun Facts:
- She finds solace in her greenhouse, spending most of her free time in there tending to her garden and allowing herself to forget the life she lives currently
- She has a pet rat named Michi
- Claw machine and classic arcade games are her guilty pleasure
- Whenever she’s on a mission in Outworld, she likes to spar with Reiko since they have the same fighting style
- Is a heavy drinker but can handle her liquor extremely well
- Switches in between Spanish and English when she’s going off on somebody
- As much as she loves her father, she harbors immense guilt, blaming him for everything that happened. She wishes that he would’ve just let her die as a baby rather than seeking out Shang Tsung, ultimately sealing his fate and hers years to come.
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