#and 'cute robot boy' is like
not-poignant · 1 year
Howdy Pia
Have you ever had dreams that feel so real that you can't tell they're dreams?
Last night I dreamt that you'd written an enemies-to-lovers fic about a cute mistreated robot-boy who got gifted to a sadistic human mechanic with dubious morals in a dystopian sci-fi world and when I couldn't find it on ao3 the next day I was so sad and confused lmfao
This is actually such a cool idea! You could probably work on it!
I've definitely gotten story ideas and concept ideas from dreams before. But never in a way where I've woken up and thought that I'd written them (I have plenty of dreams where I think I've had a certain conversation with someone only to be shocked to find out I haven't, because those dreams tend to happen in hyperrealistic detail and I'm very 'why play my like that' to my brain about it lol.
'Sadistic human mechanic x cute mistreated robot-boy' is something that would never occur to me in a million years but sounds hot as fuck and really amazing. Honestly, your mind it awesome.
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recycledraccoon · 4 months
I have evolved into Scuttlespring anon, just say anything about them. I love them so much
Ok so. Gorgug likes Mary Ann because she absolutely infuriates him but also, and perhaps more importantly, because she has a type of confidence I think a younger Gorgug would have deeply envied. She's so weird, but entirely sure of herself. She likes what she likes and anyone who would have a problem with that is absolutely beneath her notice. She has friends not despite her oddities, but because she refuses to bend about them and that confidence is incredibly attractive in a person. Mary Ann Skuttle see's something she wants and she just...goes and gets it, easy peasy. Tiny little kobald strides, but when she puts her foot down with force, Gorgug thinks she could crush a mountain under with nothing so much as a blink or falter of her stride. She's certainly physically strong enough for it, and while Gorgug is undisputedly the better fighter, Mary Ann has a physical strength hidden under soft pastel pink hoodies and can, has, and will knock Gorgug on his ass. Gorgug got THRASHED at those Bloodrush field tryouts, and I'm certain he probably got his ass handed to him more than once during the year while at practice but before he quit the team. She made him so damn mad, everything that year was, and endlessly kind Gorgug got real mean to her over it. She was better than him, more casually confident, and didn't blink ONCE at his outburst. And later? When she was resurrected and freed from possession? He talks to her, acknowledges that it was just a game but he had been actually mad to be so easily knocked aside. He never really had to work at Bloodrush to be good at it, he just was, until suddenly she proved herself better.
And yet, without flinching, Mary Ann, famous for not giving a shit but listening to Gorgug say how much he had, just....asks if he has a girlfriend. Unparalleled confidence, shooting a shot he was unprepared for. Planets aligned even as his own orbit was knocked off course. And then, when he admits he doesn't even know where to get a quokki pet, something its been explicitly known to be something she really cares about? She writes down her number, letting him see that folded paper. She initiated this, and he got swept up in it, but instead of just handing over the number and allowing him to be swept up- Mary Ann Skuttle puts the number away and tells him shes gonna put it where you get quokki pets, and if he wants her number he's going to have to go get it. He's not allowed to just be swept up in the force of her, she wants him to put in effort, prove to her and himself that this isn't just a moment but a starting point. He cant be swept up by the tide, he's gotta swim. Gorgug liked Zelda, but their relationship started because they thought she was in danger and Gorgug had the best in. He stumbled into that relationship unsure and off balance, he never would have had the confidence to pursue Zelda without his friends hands on his back and their advice in his ears. Later on he gets more serious, he did love her and he put in the work to maintain that relationship, but it didn't work out and that's ok. Ever confident Mary Ann tho? She doesn't want unsure stumbling steps into this relationship. If Gorgug doesn't make the active decision to chase her, to WANT to be with her and putting deliberate effort to get there, then she doesn't want him at all. Gorgug, confused, asking where you even GET a quokki pet? And she smirks, calls him a loser, and walks away leaving him reeling and dumbfounded. Mary Ann Skuttle wants Gorgug to work for this. And who is Gorgug Thistlespring, but someone who puts in the work for things he wants? He did the seemingly impossible by creating his own subclass of Barbaficer, even if he had to take four years of schooling all at once. He puts in the work and makes the impossible possible, the greatest wizard of this age. So yeah. Yeah. Gorgug Thistlespring likes Mary Ann Skuttle because she makes him work for it.
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pushing500 · 20 days
What's it like being a mechanitor?
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Being a mechanitor is awesome!! It takes a bit of getting used to at first, having all those ultrafine wires settling into their places around your skull, but after that, you have so much power!! You can get mechanoids to do everything you want with little more than a thought! It's perfect for anybody who wishes to transcend their weak, useless bodies! The first step toward a perfected humanity!
... Of course, there are drawbacks. If you happen to be suddenly spawned into existence with every memory of being a mechanitor but none of the actual abilities, it will leave you feeling hollow and more useless than you ever felt before. Now you know what you could be, you feel the loss that much more sharply.
That would never happen, though, so we probably don't need to consider such a ridiculous, outlandish scenario.
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chaos-bringer-13 · 23 days
My brain just hit an old hyperfixation (is this what it's called? I hope I used the word right) and oh dear am I losing my mind now. I need to write a story I think. About this one old guy. He's unhinged. There's so much information about him and yet not enough. I want to explore his character so much. He's definitely a criminal - at least he was one - and I'm 95% sure he can do actual real magic, and he's a musician and an artist and an actor and a magician and a philosopher and a traveler and a conman and so much more and also I think he's some kind of immortal. Maybe he just has a VERY long life. It's strongly implied he was a pirate at some point of his life. He started a cult by accident several times. My conspiracy theories about him include him being a secret god.
He's also a freaking round blue raven. Someone save me from my mind.
#seriously why is he so cool#he's like. a ball.#he's ROUND#if no one stops me I'm gonna make an au and introduce all my mutuals to a russian cartoon that lives in my head rent-free#it has an obviously mysterious old man and an old woman who seems to be very normal but actually has some weird past as well#and they're in love you can fight me on this THEY. ARE. IN LOVE.#there's a disastrous scientist who keeps forgetting to sleep and is kinda cute in a nerdy way#there's a mechanic guy who lives a bit away from everyone surrounded by tech and he's actually unhinged#he's a single father btw. he made a robot baby because he was lonely. it's very important for his character.#I WILL ship the scientist and the mechanic because no one can stop me <3#there's a local farmer who was a famous disco dancer an archeologist and a VERY famous actor in the past. he doesn't care about it anymore.#he was like. Captain America actor kind of famous. or Superman.#and then he just committed a bunch of crimes for his new friends and left to live in a village far away from big cities#all those people with very suspicious past raise a bunch of children together#absolutely inseparable adhd and autism best friends boys who I think are capable of destroying the world#and toxic teenagers couple:#a girl who honestly needs to figure herself out first before dating anyone and a poet boy who is SO deeply in love with her it's not okay#the farmer dude also has a rebellious teenager niece who visits him sometimes#and the mechanic's kid is usually in space but sometimes returns and I am not ashamed to admit that I cried during some of those episodes#I am going to think about them. they are so important to me.#I am going insane.#also yes they are all round animals. if you're wondering.#someone just tranquillise me already or something. it's 5 a.m. and I am losing my sanity
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Hehehe I'm thinking of doing a series where I yassify the fo4 companions, starting of course with X6-88 >:)c
Bonus stuff under the cut
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boxwinebaddie · 13 days
this just in: uncle nina started writing again ( please clap; i thought i was going to sustain permanent brain damage and only be able to read and write at a third grade level like rav--someone we know! <3 )
welcome to my favorite past time ( aka me writing something nonsensical that nobody asked for ) which is hotshot raven of crimson dawn displaying anxious normal stan boy mannerisms and vile kyle ( aka jersey ) experiencing human emotions about it and being both disgusted and frightened animal curious about it.
( idk where this goes? in the #hate chapter i deleted idk )
hyh and enjoy the worst part of your day <3,
no longer metal but still #hardcore uncle nina xx ;)
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magentakat · 2 days
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Made these silly lil’ Mammet bois for the Voidsent!AU I’ve got chilling on a back burner—dunno if they’d have these outfits in it but they’re cute so it’s fiiiiine. :P
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tedthetalk · 3 months
I wish I could do something cute with early 20s college wife and teen antagonist but tragically I’m the peak understander of them and am therefore cursed with the knowledge that they wouldn’t be able to STAND each other
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bsaka7 · 9 months
sorry the funniest thing about hockey is that they really make these guys play in. des moines. st paul. loser ass sports cities.
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zackcollins · 2 years
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Mama’s Boy (via the Maple Leafs Instagram)
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electrocandii · 9 months
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hehe gay people (me n my bf’s characters)
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p2ii · 11 months
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Ok quick denkou. I'm done now
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jakethefurry · 1 year
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My new oc: punch bot
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cloudsrust · 2 years
May not have died going out for lunch but it sure took out a lot of my social energies- still haven't recovered.
But thank you so much to who sent me kind messages <3 they were so nice to read,, I'll do my best to answer once I have more time/energy-
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airyairyaucontraire · 2 years
"Mind Over Mayhem" is not a very good or believable Columbo, but the part I'm having the most difficulty with is a psychologist's alibi being that she was supervising an all-night encounter group therapy marathon session.
which sounds unbelievably shady, psychologically damaging, and just plain impractical!
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clownboy-yeehonk · 7 months
My 6 year old cousin saw a picture of me without makeup and glasses and said in shock, awe, and delight "you look like a BOY! But it's weird, because then with makeup and glasses you look like a GIRL!" And like its hard to be offended when he was so impressed with my apparent shape shifting abilities.
He also thinks I have a robot wrist bc I told him that when they did the surgery to fix my broken wrist they gave me a robotic one (ive fully committed to the bit and make robot sounds when we thumb wrestle), so I'm loving the weird lore I'm developing for myself here.
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