#ancient avacados
cammy-mcspammy · 1 year
amaguji,,,,,,,,i beg of you,,,,,,,,,,, love ur art btw it's so skringly scrunkly /positive
😢😢😢 thats the nicest thing anybody has said 2 me...
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This ship is VERY interesting, I've seen it around but I've never fully divulged into why ppl ship it etc.. but it seems very cute!!
I also enjoy drawing them both so idk why I've never drawn them together 😔😔
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goosin-around · 4 months
This is so weird but I have so many headcanons about ouat and social media (mostly regina) so heres a lovely little list
people kept texting like they were writing a letter and it bothered Henry so bad he hosted a "learning how to text" session
Rumple and Granny both refused to attend
Regina went and still types like shes from last century but now she awfully misuses abbreviations and slang terms
Emma and Ruby are tiktok feins like they are so annoying
zelena adores AITA posts on tiktok with subway surfers gameplay
she regularly gets banned for offensive language and is on her 7th account
Emma tries to relate to Henry by using tiktok brainrot terms and he hates it
Snow and David have a joint spotify account and they argue daily about who gets to use it and when
they totally could get separate profiles but the refuse
Regina made a family life360 group and snow went ballistic when she got added and refuses to let Regina forget about it
belle is so deep into booktok
hook has an insane tiktok following because they think he's a pirate cosplayer
henry tried his best to explain his family tree on tiktok without explaining the curse and it does not go well
Ruby makes tiktoks following the swanqueen journey and people love it
Emma tried very hard to get Regina on social media but she ended up regretting it when Gina started commenting mean things on the charmings lovey dovey posts
(and dirty things on all of emmas)
the one and only tiktok post regina made on Henrys account got millions of likes
Emma makes a tiktok account for the sheriff's station and Regina doesn't know about it to this day
granny forces ruby to advertise the dinner and it is the worst video ever
(yk the one on youtube where ruby tells us to ask if theres avacado? imagine that but worse)
Regina had a flip phone and an ancient computer until Emma forced her to upgrade
Baby neal is a total and complete ipad kid (so is emma lets be honest)
henry hates the fact neal has an ipad with a passion; regina and him regularly send the charmings articles about the dangers of technology on youth)
regina claims to not have any socials and is a strong believer that its bad for you, but she secretly has accounts to keep an eye on henry and to watch horse videos
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oftenwantedafton · 7 months
Secret Smile - College English Professor/Vampire Steve Raglan/William Afton x Female Reader
Chapter 5
Rating - Explicit
Warnings - sexual content
Also available at AO3
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Your Art Appreciation class has a field trip to a museum in the city that’s an hour away.
The bus waits for departure in the parking lot outside the brick building you have the class in late afternoon. It’s a bright yellow specimen with seats the color and texture of an avacado skin that you’re jostled against every time the driver finds a pot hole or other break in the pavement. At least you have a seat all by yourself. The sun sets by the time you reach your destination. The instructor—a middle aged woman fond of bright colors and what you suppose could be considered hippie kind of attire—informs the class that they may wander the building as they like. You’re to pick one piece of art to write about, due the following class a week from today.
You disperse from the group and enter the first wing. Contemporary Art. There’s a broad variety here. Lots of works created in three dimensions. Abstract shapes. Bold colors. Contrasting sharply with the next exhibit area, Art of Europe. Enormous framed paintings line the walls. You’re looking at the pastel textures on a canvas when you hear a familiar voice behind you.
“Monet. Impressionism.”
You turn in surprise to find Steve Raglan standing behind you. V neck sweater, dark jeans, blazer. No glasses tonight.
“What are you doing here?” You resist the urge to throw your arms around him. No alluring scent at the moment, though you know that could change at any time.
“Heard mention of a field trip this evening. Thought I’d join in.”
“You like art?”
Your English professor nods. “Some art,” he corrects. “What do you think?” He nods towards the portrait of water lillies across from you.
“It looks so different in person. The scale. You just have no perception of it when it’s a photograph in a textbook.” You pause. “It’s weird to think you were around when all this was being created. I don’t even know what year you were born,” you say softly, aware of other visitors passing nearby.
“Hmm.” That hum you’ve come recognize which means he won’t be answering your indirect query. “Walk with me.”
You follow him through the room. Pausing here and there to admire a painting. Your eyes wander to his profile. Sometimes you find his eyes regarding you. A silent exchange. A promise for later.
The next room features Asian Art. Scrolls. Masks. Demons. Dragons. Buddhist statues. Swords. A Noh costume tucked safely behind glass. A tea set. Depictions of ancient battles. More peaceful landscapes featuring fields. Ocean waves. Steve’s knuckles graze yours. The room empties. “The ebb and flow of the tide. Restless desires.” His breath hot beside your cheek. A roaring sound in your ears. You can almost hear the sea crashing, accompanying the foamy crests depicted before you. You imagine the prow of Ahab’s ship. Choppy water. Pursuit. The book is nearly finished. Soon you’ll be starting a new assignment. You can smell the sea now. Buried in the shore, trapped in the atmosphere.
The scents and sounds dissipate. You’re no longer alone in the room, the vampire temporarily surrendering his sway. You blink several times. It’s like waking from a dream. You wonder how much of what you want is your own desire, and how much is driven by this supernatural creature’s prowess.
The Ancient Art gallery is next. A lot of pottery here. Figurines. Sculptures. Statues. Greece, Rome, Egypt. An Etruscan sarcophagus, the supine figures of a man and woman in a lover’s embrace sculpted on the lid. You find yourself drawn to the piece. Something about the intimacy shared across time. The romantic notion of being together in what they’d believed was eternity after this life.
“I have to write a paper on one of the pieces. I think I’m going to do this one.”
“What time do you have to be back to your bus?”
“Um, what time is it now?” Raglan holds up his wristwatch for you to read. “I’ve still got an hour.”
“Good. Come with me.” You’re once again following his lead. A marbled staircase. The building is nearly a work of art itself. To your left is a cordoned off area bearing a sign that says No Admittance. The guard on patrol frowns as if he’s trying to concentrate on hearing something, shaking his head and abandoning the vicinity.
You think back to the coffee shop that night when Steve had cleared out a lot of the customers. The way the Asian Art gallery room had emptied so suddenly. He’s doing it again. Exerting his influence. Exhibiting his power.
“Let’s go.” He lifts one of the heavy posts effortlessly and you tuck in against the wall. There’s a door nearby that you’re escorted to. Dimly illuminated inside the room, the sole light source from the skylight above. A sliver of moon. It smells like dust and linen and old books. Kind of like a library. The door closes and the vampire embraces you from behind.
“Little mouse, the restraint I’ve had to exercise. You’ve no idea.” He moves your hair aside and presses his lips to your neck. The unmarked side this time. One hand slides down the front of your shirt. The other wanders beneath the hem of it, stroking your abdomen. His touch has you aflame instantly. “What will you say about the art piece?”
“The intense intimacy of it. A private moment shared across the ages. A declaration. Defiance. Together even after death.”
“And how does that carving in volcanic stone compare to having eternity, warm and breathing, standing beside you?” You feel the points of his canine teeth teasing your throat. Not piercing the skin, just there, testing, tasting.
“It doesn’t. Are you going to drink from me tonight?”
“You’re so eager for it, little one. Maybe even more than I am.” Steve sighs against your unblemished skin. “I won’t mark you here. Somewhere else, perhaps…” He unfastens the button of your pants and unzips them, dipping his hands straight beneath the elastic border of your panties and sliding through your damp sex. “Where should I place our secret this time?”
Smoldering cinders. Perfumed lilac. Melting wax. Dried reeds. You’re released and pushed. A table at your back. The pale light from above spilling down over you. You’re lifted and placed on the wooden surface. Papers. Glass. Perhaps a restoration project for the museum. A coming attraction, giving way before this present one. You might have balked at this at one time; been worried about being discovered. But you know there’s something shielding you, some of his magic at work. Cloaking your intimacy. Keeping people away from this room. His body presses against yours, between your thighs. Your legs hold him there.
“I think you missed me,” you whisper against his cheek.
“I think you’re right.”
You can feel his clothed erection digging against your covered sex. “How did you even know I was in this class?”
“I’ve done my research.” You feel his lips curve in a smile against your throat. The marked side, now.
“Some people would call that stalking.” Your fingers weave through his hair.
“And what do you call it, little one?” His hips move forward, grinding his body against yours.
“Enthusiastic pursuit, maybe.” You’re once again reminded of your literary assignment. A feverish crusade that dismisses rational thought. Hunting for that impossible thing frustratingly just beyond reach. You gasp when the pressure against your rutting pussy hits just right.
“Now that I’ve caught you, what to do…” The vampire jerks aside the open collar of your shirt, his tongue dragging along your collarbone, his teeth scraping your shoulder. “Eros’ arrows striking true. Limbs loosened, mind feeble. Hesiod’s Theogony. Poetry on the origins and genealogies of the Greek gods. I have a copy. I’ll lend it to you.”
“Read it to me,” you insist. Your teeth pull on his bottom lip. “Bring me to your house and read it to me and fuck me in that dark room.”
A sharp hiss of surprise. You think he’s not accustomed to you being so direct. So vulgar. “Is that what you want, rabbit? You want me to take you home and mark you deep inside?”
“Very well then. It seems this is merely a placeholder for later.” His fingers sink into your hair, wrenching your head back, his tongue licking a stripe along your throat. “I’ll wait until then to spill your blood. The intensity that newly hollowed womb of yours will feel, so shallowly lined at the start of your next cycle, trembling against me.” Another roll of hips. “They’ll do a headcount on the bus. Make sure you’re present and accounted for. Otherwise I’d drive you there directly. Wait for me in the parking lot. I’ll take you home. And then…”
His mouth on yours. Something falls from the table when he pushes against you. Teasing you both about the promise made for later. Silver moonlight on silvered hair. His face between your hands. His fingers refasten your pants. The touches gentle. Lingering. Another stroke across your abdomen before he pulls the hem down properly. Now smoothing the bra strap that’s fallen over your shoulder back in place. His arms wrap around you in a warm embrace.
“Steve,” you say against his chest.
“William,” he corrects you in a voice barely above a whisper. “My real name is William.”
You feel something lurch inside of you. He trusts you enough to tell you. It’s only fitting you should give yourself to him. Maybe that’s the reason behind it. One of them.
A shuddering sigh. “I haven’t been called that in a long, long time.”
“How does it feel?”
“It feels…good. Everything with you feels good.” Another kiss. The hour is nearly up. Just enough time for you to emerge back into the forbidden hallway outside and leave the area you’ve trespassed into. You rejoin your fellow classmates outside. The ride back is slightly shorter now that the rush hour traffic has cleared. You linger in your car, waiting for the parking lot to empty. Now sliding back out to find your English professor’s vehicle nearby. His mouth is hungry on yours the instant you sit in the passenger seat.
“Seatbelt on,” he growls the reminder. The buckle clicks into place. Your hand rests on his thigh. A blur of colors outside the window, that strange sensation that things are being moved, distorted. Bent to the vampire’s whim. You’re already at his house. Up the stairs.
Inside of William’s bedroom.
The frenzy turns calmer once you’re lying nude in his bed.
He takes his time kissing you. Mouth slack and soft and unhurried. Pressed along your forehead and cheeks and jaw and ears before finding your lips. His book of Greek poetry resting open on the nightstand now. Your fingers lace together. You trace the calloused tips. “What were you before? Your job, I mean.”
“Really? I wouldn’t have guessed.”
“What would you have guessed?”
“Hmm. I don’t know. Something with physical labor to account for the roughness but I can’t envision it.”
“Working man’s hands.”
“I like them.” Your bring his fingers to your lips and kiss them. “What else have you done?”
“I was a social worker. Briefly. That job never felt right. I was good at it, but…”
“What job did you like best so far?”
He smiles. “This one has been rapidly rising to the top of the list, as of late.”
“I can’t imagine why,” you tease.
He steals another kiss. “Are you ready for me, rabbit?”
You nod. Your heart is racing. William’s hand slides from your neck, passing between your breasts, slotting between your thighs. An appreciative hum at your wetness. “My little wonder…”
“William…” That shudder again. The sound of his real name uttered. A shared secret between you.
He moves over you. His body is now tangent to your own. A sharp line set against curves. Your legs part to make room for him. A little gasp at the feel of his cock swiping against the pink petals. Sliding through the center between the folds. His eyes locked with yours, watching your reaction. Blood engorged flesh beginning to violate you. Stretching, filling. The vampire’s eyes rolling back at the sensation. A little whimper escapes you. Pain lanced with pleasure as he invades your tunnel further. Muscles clenching.
The man’s lips by your ear now. “Let me in, sweet girl, let me have you.” A louder whine. He soothes you with gentle kisses along your jaw and neck. The scarred areas are throbbing. Your blood is calling to him. One final thrust to seat him fully inside you. Your pelvis involuntarily grinding down into the mattress as if trying to retreat but he wastes no time closing that shallow distance. There is no escape. The hunter has caught his prey. You’re his. Aether hovering over Aer. Upper atmosphere above the Earth. The scent of brine, sweet berries warmed by the sun, and newly tanned leather permeates the air.
William’s cock begins to pump in and out of your pussy. Your nails drive into his shoulders. He pushes your lifted thighs back further. Burying himself deeper. His weight leans into you. His lips find yours with every forward rocking motion. Your hand abandons his shoulder and cups his bearded cheek. A wet kiss on the inside of your wrist. Your pulse firing against his lips. A flash of white pointed teeth. Upper cuspids preparing to part the layers of skin to find the deeper, larger vessels within. The moan when his cock strikes your cervix. New sparks of pain followed by pleasure when the needle-like points find their target. Sucking. Your blood stains his lips, his beard. A trickle escapes and he’s quick to lap along the trail.
The feeding is over as quickly as it had begun. Controlled. Precise. His attention is focused back on the wet cavity he’s pummeling. Your sounds are needy. You want him to take more. You want to give everything to him. Your hips are lifting to meet his now in careless jerks. Wanton. Seeking rapture, still riding the waves of euphoria from the bloodletting.
William’s index and middle fingers press into your mouth. Sit in the shallow depression on the surface of your tongue. Roughs whorls of the tips against tastebuds. Salted. Metallic. Bloodstained from where he’d clutched your arm. Tasting the musk of your arousal when he’d dipped into it earlier. Abruptly withdrawn and his mouth is back on yours. Rough. Teeth nipping. His cock pistoning faster. It’s like being in his car. The dizzying rush of speed. Blurring colors. Momentum the human mind can’t comprehend. A mortal given witness to this. This otherworldly creature. You shatter around him. Fingers carding through his hair. Desperately clinging. His mouth in the space where your neck meets your shoulder. A raw sound tearing itself free. You feel the hot liquid spurting inside you. Marking you as his own.
Later. You're tucked beside him. He’s reading to you. His unoccupied hand stroking through your hair. Eros and Psyche. Caught in his own trap, a victim of his own machinations. Doomed to love. The passage concludes. He closes the cover.
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gaykarstaagforever · 4 months
Ultraprocessed foods are bad for us.
Thank god CNN has stepped in to help us all out by suggesting healthier diet alternatives:
Get your personal chef to prepare these actual suggestions today!
Quinoa, sorghum, and wheat berries, stewed with fresh milk, honey, fruits and nuts! Assuming it is harvestime on your estate, of course.
Roast chicken and kale ricotta salad! Because the best salads are the ones that cost $12.
Warm ferro grain (?) salad with pomegranate! From your pomegranate trees!
Roasted almonds with za'atar spices! I guess I live in Tunisia now.
Homemade avacado salsa! Use all the acacados you purchased in lieu of a house.
Turkey tacos! (So taco shells aren't ultraprocessed now? Or is one of the tenement villages paying me rent in the form of daily fresh taco shells?)
"Mediterranean" tuna salad, which the author assures us will make EVEN HER like tuna. Because fish is icky. That's why only 98% of the human race eats it almost exclusively. And I assume this isn't canned tuna, but some kind of wild-caught tuna the Tuna Man drops off at the gatehouse on Saturdays.
Don't you dare cheat and eat garbage for dessert, either. Not when you can have strawberry ricotta granola parfaits! Man. Our ricotta cheese bill must be amazing. Or why not just have pears, poached in pomegranate juice or port that I of course juat have, with yogurt? Or just, you know, bake the pears in parchment?
CNN. We aren't all eating ramen and Vienna sausages because it is "easier" than POACHING PEARS IN PORT.
We all eat tons of garbage because it is made at-scale via industrial processes, so it is cheap. It also keeps for ages, so we aren't throwing out $30 of spoiled food every week because our plans changed. Many of us also live in places where we're not getting anything that Dollar General doesn't have. It isn't a good situation, but it is the one more and more of us are finding ourselves stuck in as time goes on, as the rich are increasingly allowed to destroy the world for personal profit.
I'm not picking pizza over ancient grains because I didn't have time to buzz over to the quinoa store. I don't have a quinoa store. And I assume I would, if that stuff was the same price as white rice.
Who is this article for? You have a lot of fucking nerve, acting like I eat like a rat in a dumpster exclusively because I'm too stupid to use all my money to import fresh cheeses from Italy. If the people your reporters are hanging out with are in that specific position, that's unfortunate for them, and embarrassing for the parents who raised them. But that isn't the problem for most of us. Acting like us eating like shit isn't almost entirely a symptom of us being financially exploited is either ignorance on your part, or you intentionally dodging the issue. I'm not sure which is worse.
There ARE inexpensive ways to avoid ultraprocessed foods. Beans are cheap and plentiful, either dry or canned (and you rinse the salt off). Potatoes and onions and rice fill out every meal very cheaply. Adding "spicy" stuff, like chilis and jalapeños and vinegar, to meals, after you gain the taste and stomach for it, makes meals more satisfying and tricks your body into eating less.
And for people worried about ultraprocessed crap, why are you telling anyone to eat meat and milk? Most animal products come from corporate farms and are infused with so many terrible things that no one should be eating.
Americans spend too much on shit food. People in other countries eat better for less. Many poor areas in the US DO now have access to Indian / Latinx / Southeast Asian markets, where many nutritious foods can be bought for very little money, you just have to learn what they are and how to prepare them. Why wasn't that even suggsted?
I'm fat because I used to eat like an American, and our rich are callously murdering us with terrible cheap psuedo-food. I'm sick of it. I'm also poor, so I have to figure this out. I'd love help from qualified experts. Apparently no one at CNN knows any, and doesn't fucking care.
...Also, for the millionth time, fuck kale. Broccoli and spinach are cheap and plentiful and don't taste like leather made of grass. STOP TRYING TO FEED ME KALE.
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cresvalkyrie · 2 years
🥕 🍑 🥑 for both?
🥕 [CARROT] How tough is your OC against certain situations? How weak are they against others? Both Orion and Hauyne are excellent battlers, both as trainers and as actual combatants themselves, so any situation involving a fight is where they excel in.
🍑 [PEACH] How do they show their kindness? How kind are they truly? Both Orion and Hauyne are extremely kind individuals, but the way they each express it couldn’t be any more different even if they tried.
Orion’s brand of kindness is the overt kind. When they’re trying to be kind, you’d know. Because half the time, they won’t even bother and will just outright tell you that they’re helping you because they’re genuinely concerned about you. No beating around the bush. Just pure honesty about their motives for showing you kindness (which is none) from the get-go.
Hauyne’s brand of kindness is the “tsundere” sort. She won’t hover around you all the time like a fretting mother hen, instead doing it in really subtle ways like offering you a drink when you’re exhausted, silently lending you a shoulder to cry on when you need to vent, or even going out of her way to fetch you something that you really want but cannot obtain due to circumstances beyond your control. And she’ll straight up calls it “favours” and claim-slash-threaten that she expects them to be repaid, but doesn’t actually care if they get repaid or not.
🥑 [AVACADO] What will they never back down about, even if it makes them seem bad? Orion’s insistence on playing the pacifist. It does make them seem overly soft, especially by the standards of a crapsack world like Reborn, but don’t ever mistake their abhorrence for violence as weakness. Being an Ancient and a direct descendant of the Viotto Clan, their sheer power alone meant that they are essentially a one-man army when their potential is honed to its logical extreme.
For Artemis, it’s her refusal to back down from her decisions once she’s made up her mind. She views it as a weakness, and will stubbornly keep to it even knowing the consequences of her actions. 
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dummy-kanji · 7 years
5B3A5941 por ninobrn99
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letmecaffeinate · 4 years
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❄️ 01/20/21 • My First Lavender Latte ❄️
I woke up to snow today for the first time since moving to the city which while nice also meant it was really cold which made it really difficult to wanna get outta bed but i did it!! Then i brushed my teeth, moisturised, put on some warm clothes, ordered a hot lavender latte and avacado salmon bagel ✨ and started my readings for todayy ✨
Read Prometheus Bound
Work on Research Assingment on Theatre in Ancient Greece
Update spotify playlists and notion spread
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magical-beginnings · 3 years
Cast your spell on Stretch Marks
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If you are a fan of Harry Porter, you will know using the vanishing spell :  Evanesco for any object to disappear, Well, you can pick up your magic wang for I have similar spell for vanishing the most unwanted marks on woman’s body during pregnancy. Yes - the stretch marks. 
Stretch marks are indented streaks that appear on the abdomen, breasts, hips, buttocks or other places on the body. They're common in pregnant women, especially during the last trimester but some woman can feel itchy as the skin expands from their second trimester. 
Though there are many cosmetic stretch marks cream available in the market, I am cautious of using anything that is remotely related to anything non-natural. 
Hence I discovered my own magic spell that worked wonders for clear and moist skin. 
The spell is a three letter word : O I L 
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The Sanskrit word for oil, sneha, means love. Being saturated with oil is believed to have a similar effect as being filled with love. 
Using oil as daily self care practice known as Abhyanga in the ancient Ayurveda can avoid stretch marks.  Abhyanga is a massage that’s done with warm oil. The oil is applied on the entire body, from the scalp to the soles of your feet. 
You can use various types of oil - plain base oils depending on your dosha or can infuse herbs for maximum benefit. 
Oils according to your body type 
If you are uncertain on what body type you are - please refer to Dr. Vasant Lad’s website to understand three different doshas according to ayurveda. 
Vata Body Type: 
Use base oil as Blackgram oil, organic sesame, almond, avacado and olive oil. These oil are warm and lubricate the delicate vata system providing vitality and vigor. 
You can also blend some herbs into the oil - ashwagandha, bala, and passionflower. The certified organic herbs nourish and ground vata,
Pita Body Type: 
Base oil can be ghee, sesame or sunflower infused with cooling herbs like brahmi/gotu kola, guduchiand manjistha. These herbs are traditionally used in Ayurveda to address pitta by removing excess heat while relaxing the tension associated with pitta.
Kapha Body Type:
Again, base oil can be safflower, sweet almond, or flaxseed oil with infusion of punarnava, chitrak, calamus, and rosemary. This energizing blend of herbs is activating and mobilizing, vital for balancing kapha.
It is also said that during pregnancy Kapha dosha is increased in the body. So mixing herbs for Kapha and vata was idle for me.  Ojas (pronounced oh-jas), or “primal vigor,” is the pure essence of the Kapha dosha and the water element and maintaining Ojas in pregnancy is key to healthy child birth. Abhyanga helps reducing stress as woman relaxes and ultimately revitalize ojas. 
Other oil infusions : 
waterhyssop, turmeric, lotus root, basil, cloves
To infuse your own oil:
Warm 1 cup carrier oil in a small saucepan. Add the herbs. Mix and remove from the heat. Cover the saucepan. Let sit for 24 hours.
Strain the herbs with a cheesecloth. Store in an airtight container.
You can also buy pre-blended oils at massage supply stores or Ayurveda spas.
Surya Spa in Santa Monica creates infused oil exclusive to you and your body type - https://www.suryaspa.com/
The key here is consistency - if you are religiously performing self massage is key to soft skin and moist skin. “A dry body, like a dry stick, breaks easily.”
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Here is the general technique for self-massage: Pour 1/2 cup oil in a clean copper (preferred) oil warmer, i prefer to use copper oil warmer - can be found on Etsy: https://etsy.me/3FKB2xI or simply soak the bottle of oil in hot water. 
You can learn the technique of self massage shown in the video below: 
Be gentle on your stomach while massaging. You can choose to leave oil on your stomach without any massage if it feels more comfortable to you. 
Remember : Listen to your body ! 
For an enjoyable self-massage, follow these tips:
Make sure the oil is warm but not too hot.
Take your time on each body part.
After massaging your soles with oil, be careful when walking. The oil could make you slip.
Do an abhyanga self-massage daily for optimal results.
Massaging oneself does not only provide moisture but also helps you maintain your blood pressure and promotes lymphatic drainage. 
It is my secret to non swollen feet even at 8 and half month of pregnancy and normal or sometimes low blood pressure. (Its ok to be low blood pressure during pregnancy, alarm bell goes off only with high blood pressure)
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I will also write a separate post on essential oils which provides information on specific time to use certain essential oil in pregnancy. 
Other Reasons for Stretch Marks 
Stretch marks can also occur due to lack of vitamins in the body. Have your prenatal vitamins along with balanced meal. Also sudden increase in weight can also cause skin to expand dramatically - so don't eat for two but eat enough calories for normal consistent weight gain that is prescribed by your ob gyn or mid wife. Cdc also has a detailed guidelines on weight gain and trackers for different scenarios. 
Get lot of sunshine but be careful of dehydration. Hydration is big during pregnancy. 
I would swear by this product as it has worked so well with me. 
Cleansing body with pine tar soap has been huge help in avoiding any itch on the stomach. Key is NOT TO RUB the scrub your skin. Instead gather foam by rubbing on soap with loaf and than dropping the foam on skin. Do not rub with loaf or scrub directly on your skin as your skin is very thin and sensitive esp. on and around stomach.  
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Here is the link if you are interested - look at the reviews, you will know why this is a raving product for pregnant woman: https://amzn.to/2YNg0NV
Some of the other products that I live in day and night : 
1. Coconut oil. I keep coconut oil near sofa, on my bed side, in bathroom - every possible corner of house where I chill - it is so important to oil your body whenever you can - yes whenever ! 
2. Aloe Vera : First two trimester of my pregnancy were in summer and aloe vera was so soothing on skin. It also helped me cool down when i had heat flash. 
3. Kokum Butter - I made kokum butter at home by whipping it with castor oil and few drops of lavender oil. This is my to-go cream for bed time. My husband gives me wonderful relaxing foot massage at the end of the day with kokum butter. Kokum butter applied on sole of your feet also helps you sleep better. You can apply these mix any where on body - its high on vitamin E and high on anti oxidant. 
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Fruit is a vessel by which the seeds of plants attempt to embed themselves into fecal matter through the digestive tract of animals in order to improve the chances of growing in good moist soil and also insuring that the animal spreads the seed far from the parent plant as the animal is likely to excreet at a distance from its food source, to do this fruit has to have a pleasing taste so that animals will want to eat it and as such most fruit is full of natural sugars making most of them sweet to the taste however others are more bitter or juicy enough to provide hydration, interestingly some give off spices in an attempt to defend themselves against being eaten. Fruits tend to be high in vitamins, natural minerals and benefitial chemicals. Fruits usually grow on trees, bushes and vines. The following is a partial list of fruits:
-Some fruits are poisonous, this will be dealt with in later posts.
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Apples are rounded fruit that can be yellow, green, red or pink or some combination of these colours. Apples are sweet and moist to the taste although some can be slightly bitter. Apples are produced by Apple Tree’s which are members of the rose family. Apples have soft interiors of white-green flesh and a hard central core containing seeds, the leftover cores become the bed for the seeds within when a new tree grows. Apples begin to grow in Spring and mature in Autumn. Apples have a long association with witchcraft from their depictions in fairytales such as the poison Apple in snow white to the theological depictions of Apples as the fruit of knowledge in the garden of Eden, making Apples in turn a symbol of knowledge and curses in fact the Latin word for Apple is “Malus” which has influenced the English language as “Malice” meaning “to do evil”. In the Paganism of ancient Greece, Apples were also depicted as golden immortality bestowing fruits guarded by the Earth Goddess Gaia’s own dragons and one carved with an inscription designed to provoke a fued amongst Goddesses was used by the Goddess of chaos Eris in an event which sparked the Trojan war. Apples are Venus ruled fruits with many associations with the Goddess including love, fertility and pregnancy, a slices Apple also reveals the five pointed star pattern associated with Venus and Apple tree leaves and flowers are also five pointed, staring into the centre of a cut Apples core can be used in divination practices. Apples once fermented produce alcoholic cider. Apples scents are associated with love and fertility in inscence. Apples have a number of medical uses, Apples can clean the teeth, improve blood sugar levels, reduce stomach acidity, neutralise gout, lower cholesterol, help to purify water when mixed, sooth fever and the crushed leaves can prevent infection when applied to fresh wounds as can Apple cider vinegar which can also help sore throats.
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Apricot is a fleshy peach-orange coloured round fruit bearing a central pip or stone which is its seed. Apricots grow on Apricot trees and have short seasons of maturing in early Spring. Apricots prefer warm climates. Apricots taste either sweet or tart and are not very juicy. Apricots are associated with Venus for their five pointed flowers and as such Apricots are associated with love, fertility, beauty, art and attraction. Apricots are most specifically associated with pregnancy due to the pip/kernal in their centre representing a baby within the womb they can therefore be used to promote fertility and health in pregnancy or as Curse effigies in attempting to cause miscarriages. The wooden kernal can also be carved for use in amulets or as runestones. Apricots are thought to be able to reduce tumours when refined as an oil salve. Apricots are also used for their juices in cosmetic skin care. Apricots also have antioxidant effects when ingested which is good for heart disease and diabetes treatments.
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Avocados are a tropical and Mediterranean fruit that grows on trees. Avocados are pear shaped or spherical and have dark green almost ribbed, hard cortex’s which soften and brown with ripeness. The inner flesh of an Avocado is a soft light green-cream colour. Avocados prefer warm enviroments with little to no wind, lots of water and require well aerated soil. Avocado can cause allergic reactions in people with allergies and is poisonous to some animals however to humans the fruit tastes savoury. Avocados have a central kernal and like all fruit which has this characteristic the Avacado therefore represents pregnancy and is related to fertility and child birth, this means that it can also be used as a curse effigy in attempting to cause miscarriage. The wooden kernal can also be carved for use in amulets or as runestones. Avocados are good for the heart and blood and contain chemicals which are good for the eyes they are also high in benefitial fats.
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Bananas are long curved yellow, red or purple fruits that grow in clusters on Banana plants often mistaken for trees. Bananas are somewhat crescent shaped and as such have a slightly phallic apperance. Bananas are green before ripening and turn brown or black when over ripe. Bananas are soft and have a creamy yellow-white, red, purple or brown interiors under their peel. Bananas have a sweet moist taste. Bananas grow in tropical climates. Bananas can be fermented to make alcoholic wines and beers. Due to their high levels of potassium Bananas generate minuet amounts of radioactivity. Banana peels can be used to extract heavy metals from contaminated river waters, when powdered and used for filtration by mixing over 45 minuets, up to 65% of heavy metals can be removed from the water this process can also be repeated for further purification. In some cultures such as in Thailand and Indonesia Bananas are believed to be inhabited by certain ghosts and spirits. Banana fibers and bark can be used to make paper and can be boiled and worked into fibres while Banana leaves are waterproof. Due to its crescent and phallic shape Bananas are associated with the moon and with fertility particularly in cures meant to prevent impotence and thus Bananas are sometimes associated with masculine energy. Bananas are also associated with luck and fortune. Bananas can be used as food medicine in the treatments of diabetes, hypertension, cancer, ulcers, diarrhoea, urolithiasis, Alzheimer's and infections. Bananas can also be used for slight pain relief and the leaves or peels can be used to dress wounds.
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Bell Pepper:
Bell Peppers are large slightly cubic shaped fruits which come in green, orange, red, yellow, purple and white colours. Although commonly thought of as vegetables Bell Peppers are actually berries. Bell Peppers prefer warm climates and moist soils. Bell Peppers have a slightly sweet but savoury juicy taste and are mostly hollow, Bell Peppers have a central lump of flesh with many small spicy yellow seeds attached to it, the walls of the Pepper are cut into slices or chunks when used in cooking. Bell Peppers contain chemicals which help the eyes and also reduce blood clotting, they also lower cholesterol and help to protect against cancers. Bell Peppers are also good for improving memory and promoting weight loss.
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Blackberries are small round purple-black berries which grow on thorny tangling bramble shrubs. Blackberries appear as though composed of lots of smaller berries as they have a bumpy surface of round juicy blobs in a spherical cluster that make up the berry as a whole. Blackberries contain red-purple juices which can be used as dyes. Blackberries have a sweet taste and can be fermented to produce alcoholic wine and cider, blackberries are also often ground or cooked into jellies and jams. While Blackberries are often harvested in Summer and Autumn but there are folklores that suggests fey and other spirits putrify Blackberries in mid October, this is because colder wet weather promotes molds in the fruit which may be toxic. Because Blackberry brambles are vine like and barbed they can be used in binding spells and curses, bramble thorns are often used in effigy cursing where the effigy is pierced by the thorn in an attempt to cause pain to the victim the effigy represents. Being member of the rose family and having five pointed white or pink flowers Blackberries are associated with Venus all be it with the dark side of the Goddess, this means that Blackberries take on association with love and fertility. Blackberries are effective barriers as their tightly-knit and barbed vines are difficult to pass through this means that smudge stricks made from the twigs are effective at creating spiritual barriers from the belief that as it is physically difficult to pass through so is its essence spiritually hard to pass through, this also means brambles symbolise protection. Blackberries are especially good for the liver and kidneys. The chewed leaves of Blackberries and the shoots brewed into teas can be used to treat mouth ailments such as sores. Tea made from bramble root, bark and leaves is also used in treating coughs. The bramble leaves and root can also be used to treat stomach and intestine problems such as diarrhoea. Bramble leaves also have antibacterial properties and can be used to clean wounds, they also have a cooling effect on burns and skin disorders. Blackberries are also thought to relieve menstrual issues such as period cramps.
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Blackcurrants are small spherical black berries that grow on flowering marshland shrubs. Blackcurrants taste sweet and are commonly used to create jams and jellies. Blackcurrants produce deep deep purple juices which can be used to make blue or purple dyes and when fermented produce alcohol cider. Blackcurrants rippen in midsummer and can be harvested through till late Autumn. The Blackcurrant shrub produces strong aromas which can make it useful in producing incenses. The entire Blackcurrant plant can be used to produce teas which are good for promoting blood flow, helping the immune system as well as promoting eye, gut and kidney health and may reduce risk of diabetes. Blackcurrants are full of antioxidants which are good for treating heart and brain diseases and has cosmetic applications in promoting healthy skin for anti-aging treatments. Blackcurrants can also soothe sore throats and treat flu symptoms. Blackcurrant leaves are antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antitoxin, antiseptic and provide treatment of cancer. Since Blackcurrants have anti-inflammatory properties they can also be used to treat pain, stiffness, soreness and reduce joint and musclar pains. Blackcurrant seed oil can also treat menstrual issues and relieve period cramps. Blackcurrant leaves are diaphoretic and diuretic promoting urination and relief for constipation when made into teas and drunk they are also good for the nerves and nervous system related ailments.
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fullmoonbayferry · 5 years
Tag Game ((
Tagged by:@shemalfoy13 thank you for tagging me. Sorry it took me forever to tag back.😂
Nicknames: Ferry. Zhuàn (means Whirling). Or Avacado, but only in emoji.🥑.
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: 168cm
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw yet sometimes Slytherine, guess I will never be a heroine of the story.
Last Thing I Googled: something about my major.
Song stuck in my head: recently it is AKB48's Flying Get.
Fav Musicians: I would say 秋元康
Following: some
Followers: none
Do you get asks: nope
Amount of Sleep: maybe 7. It's almost time of the finals and I want my body to be in its best condition.
Lucky Number: 7
What are you Wearing: a jacket, a pink shirt and blue jeans. It's still warm here.
Dream Jobs: a landlady. An heiress. You know, in my dreams. But I do really want to be a translator.
Dream trip: also Japan.
Instruments you play: had learnt the violin for four years. Know how to play a few old folk instruments, but not enjoyable for my audience. Cannot sing.
Language you speak: three different kinds of Chinese, English. I'm learning Spanish and Japanese now.
Fav Song: recently 爱不释手-李丽芬
Random fact: I've never seen snow.
Cats or dogs: cats.😘
Aesthetic: ancient building, bright afternoon, the sound of cicadas, with something nice to read.
Tagging: I'll pass. I barely know anyone in Tumblr.
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rosykims · 6 years
rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better. 
tagging: @trvelyans @synthzander @chuukitten @denerims @drthamen @feeshies @lelibela @blckwall @f3nharel if you guys want to !! and whoever else reads this and feels up to it bc 21 people is a lot gthgtrhugtrh
i was tagged by @nordxz @noonvraith & @falkreathh thank you guys so much !!
nickname: tay or tay tay are both Endorsed and Approved nicknames! also my boyfriend calls me taylee-waylee sometimes and it literally makes me see red so dont even try it
zodiac: aquarius but like,,, i swear it doesnt suit me at all 
height: like 175cm which is 5′8 i think
last movie i saw: bandersnatch i think??? i really didnt like it tbh
last thing googled: “how to stop hiccups” gterhuhtrugtr OKAY SO my boyfriend had rly bad hiccups last night and he asked me to scare him in order to stop it, but i am so unbelievably unscary it did Nothing so we had to look for alternatives jfc
favorite musician: i have a lot ! regina spektor is my favourite single artist of all time, but i also love radiohead and ......... twenty one pilots shhhhhhhh
song stuck in my head: holding out for a hero (the cover version from nothing but thieves tho !)
other blogs: just this one :) i used to have a multifandom blog a few years ago as my main, plus an aesthetic sideblog, but i quit tumblr for like 2 years and now just have this one
do I get asks: more than i would expect because i don’t actually have that many followers !! mostly mutuals and responses to ask memes, though i recently had to turn anon off AGAIN bc of weird messages lol
following: 343
amount of sleep: usually between 7 and 9 hours oof but i also nap during the day so uh 
lucky number: i hate anything to do with numbers  and m*ths
what i’m wearing: ridiculously comfy 3 quarter black leggings and a grey tshirt 
dream job: a counsellor !! alternatively if i had 1 million confidence i would love to be a professional streamer tgrhhtrguhgt 
dream trip: greece because i love ancient greek history more than anything, but i also would love to go to new orleans 
favorite food: anyone who knows me knows im a slut for garlic aioli so like ANYTHING that has that as a condiment lmao. but i also love curries, thick soups, avacadoes and olives and anything that has a lot of flavour i guess
play any instruments: no i have absolutely no musical talent. i used to be a good singer and then i hit puberty oof
languages: i’m only fluent in english which is my first language. i used to be pretty decent at arabic because i lived in egypt for a bit, but i’ve forgotten most of it unfortunately. i did start to teach myself russian for a time which was fun, and i’d like to keep going with it. 
random fact: uh oh god i have absolutely no idea ???? okay well i have an intense fear of balloons and if you even pretend to pop a balloon in front of me i like??? curl into a ball and die?? they scare me so much and im always on edge around them ik its dumb but i fucking hate balloons dude. 
describe yourself as aesthetic things: im very......monochrome i think. maybe like grainy blacks and clean whites and greys. comfy sweaters and clean sheets and driving down an empty highway in the dark during a rainstorm. messy hair and comfortable silences and cosy nights in. idk im a simple woman ghgthgt
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mcnystorcies · 6 years
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NAME!  ♡   Kelly HEIGHT! ♡   4′8″ NATIONALITY!  ♡   American. FAVORITE  FRUITS! ♡   Pears, grapes & grapefruit FAVORITE  SEASONS!  ♡   Fall & Winter FAVORITE  SCENTS!  ♡   Puppy breath, rain, burning firewood, fresh books, and garlic (thats being cooked). FAVORITE  ANIMALS!  ♡   Dogs, bats, koala bears, polar bears, pandas, etc. TEA  /  COFFEE  /  HOT  COCOA! ♡   Hot cocoa AVERAGE  HOURS  OF  SLEEP!  ♡   8 hours at most. WHEN  MY  BLOG  WAS  CREATED!  ♡   10/26/18 RANDOM   FACT! ♡   I have a physical disability called Hypotonia. Basically it’s a muscle weakness in my right leg and causes me to limp. FAVORITE  FOOD(S)!  ♡   Macaroni & meatballs, sandwiches, sweets, sausage mcmuffins, pancakes, etc. FAVORITE SHOWS!  ♡   This is Us, About a Boy (NBC), The Ancient Magus' Bride, Naruto, etc. FAVORITE  MOVIE! ♡   (Changes a lot); Halloween, Interview with the Vampire, Newsies, The Fault in Our Stars, etc. FAVORITE  VINE!  ♡   It’s an Avacado!.. thanks!
SEXUALITY! ♡   Demisexual PRONOUNS! ♡   she/her or he/him. FAVORITE  BOOK  SERIES! ♡   Interview with the Vampire, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod, etc. FAVORITE  VIDEO  GAMES! ♡   Sims, Spyro, Silent Hill, Zoo Tycoon, Backyard Baseball, Lego Island, Detroit: Become Human, etc. FAVORITE  BANDS!  ♡   Evanescence, Within Temptation, My Chemical Romance, etc. FAVORITE  SUBJECT!  ♡   Art & English. GUYS   OR   GIRLS!  ♡   Guys LAST  TIME  I  CRIED! ♡   I can’t remember.. WHAT  I  SHOULD  BE  DOING!  ♡   Starters & Replies.. FAVORITE  FANDOM! ♡   FNAF and Life is Strange. (Currently)
tagged by: Stole from @allnostalgic tagging:  whoever wants to do this!
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theresah331 · 2 years
Power of Trade
Theresa HulongbayanIn a number of books the Power of Trade is supposed to protect our main trading characters, but it seems that human lust for power, and simple greed cause havoc on this idea, are the Traders trusting in something that is not there, or is there truely the reprocussions they suspect truly what occurs?over a year ago · Delete Post
 Paige ComstonI believe that we all will pay for what we have done, in one way or another. (The rest of my religion is a bit murky.) But without the looming idea of what is to come, "civilization" would be lost...and it's something, I feel, we are losing today. It doesn't matter if the power of trade is concrete or abstract....I think it's more about the power the people put behind the idea of the power of trade that makes it tick.over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post
 Kathleen O'Neal GearMichael and Kathleen: Trade is a very old and venerated practice in the PEOPLE books. From the archaeological data we know it dates back at least to the Clovis culture 13,000 years ago. Goods were moved all over North America, and throughout prehistory. The trick is, people who didn't have a cultural mechanism to encourage traders, did without. Given that for most native peoples, spiritual forces underlay every aspect of life, it is reasonable to suppose they extended that to trade. Hence, the Power of trade.over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post
 Katherine Perry CookWish Power of Trade was in effect now-a-days. Got ripped off at the grocery store again when they charged me for an avacado I didn't get. The ancient Romans had a saying for that: "Let the buyer beware!" This same attitude covers almost all TRADE today.
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13x17 watching notes
*vague muffled noises*
Expectations: got to come down from an all-time great episode but it's Davy so I'm not worried about a huge drop off, and I'm legitimately intrigued, of all things, to meet Asmodeus written by someone other than Buckleming. Davy in season 12 briefly fooled me with 12x15 that the Crowley and Lucifer subplot might be worth watching, alas to no greater end as no one else wrote it for the rest of the year really. But in any case, he gets the honour of writing Gabriel so much better him to sell me on it than Buckleming :P I am therefore far more prepared to have Gabriel back on these terms and conditions...
The MoL recap skipped showing Cas with popcorn and I'm automatically deducting an entire out of ten score. This episode may end up being perfect in every other respect but would only get 9/10
They also didn't show Cas booping Ketch to sleep for no reason other than it being funny. 8/10
NOW: "1925"
This is super illuminati. Aka what Dean was worried about in 8x13 when they were first snooping around the Bunker... to this point, they never discovered anything worse than racist old men, or the weird British chapter. No signs of SERIOUS cult activity among the Americans, rather than it being a supernatural book club with a heroic purpose.
Leave that poor flapper alone.
Er are they literally doing the same spell? Terrified flappers make the WORST interdimensional travellers.
Honestly, though, the illuminati MoL aquarian star is super cool in a really spooky way
Retroactively makes me wonder about 6x21 and if HP Lovecraft's friends were MoL and up to some nonsense. Obviously that was purgatory not an AU but it's all curiosity and who knows anything about all this stuff :P they all probably just want to see monsters, you know. The show's presentation of Lovecraft definitely made home look like the profile of a MoL they use later when these are a thing.
DEAN, LEAVE YOUR BROTHER ALONE. If he's sleeping on the table he's overworked and doesn't need this nonsense :P
Sam... go to bed.
Since their mom is still in an AU I'm taking over
Considering Dean has coffee he probably came in here with coffee, saw Sam like that, and went to get post it notes. If Sam was alert he'd be questioning that Dean's coffee was already on the table when Dean is pretending to just come into the room.
Oh no re: 6x21 - Dean called it Kryptonite.
How are there always more rooms in the Bunker? ... I have like 9 messages from Trisscar I haven't been looking at but suddenly I can guess :P
It appears to be opposite 7d, meaning this may be 7c, and a boring archive room rather than room 7b, which is the smaller archive room with a DUNGEON behind it
Dean is great in the research montage
Also that implies Sam had the post it notes the entire day, which given the half life of post it note glue is stretching credibility :P
Uh... They need to be more careful about just assuming random glowing rocks people dig up in the holy land are definitely the thing they are looking for.
I mean the cold open seems to imply it genuinely IS, but that's no excuse for being like glowing rock + glowing rock = success
*sexy driving montage*
Okay this place is both spooky AND unlocked. Maybe because Jensen doesn't have another flip over a fence in him, but it's also pretty ominous about the useage of this place.
I love how in the modern age you just put the coordinates of your creepy destination into your phone and follow it and then get out at the first abandoned building dead on the spot and be like welp google told us to go get murdered by cultists here so
"Ask questions get answers" Are you not going to ask about the EYE?
That's a disturbing lack of concern for something essentially thematically "alter the sigil alter the spell" - the MoL vs the weird cultist chapter which clearly has a difference from the one they're used to because of the different symbol. Whatever level the MoL Sam and Dean know about, knew in turn about these guys, whether they disowned or quietly let them get on with it or what... this is not meant to mean the same as just casually finding another home base...
Just dropping in for a cup of tea and a seal of solomon
Uhoh the books all over the floor don't bode well
"Looks familiar, huh?"
*Sam finally spots an eyeball aquarian star* "Except for that"
you don't say
"Great. More books."
"You love books."
Honestly Dean kinda does and half of this goofing off from earlier was performative... He DOES find some types of research super boring but that doesn't mean he doesn't read for fun and also retain information well from books and hit the books when necessary.
Sam's just much more driven right now, meaning that Dean's being played off in contrast as mostly normal. Aka not wildly driven to do the reading himself, which in turn isn't just a usual character trait but shows how desperately Sam's at it.
uhoh those photos look like kidnappable flapper research
Sandy Porter :D
I hope that's supposed to say "age: 23" but I can't unread it as "eyes: 23" and the handwriting is weird.
I think we have found the thing... now the question is did this weird cult appear BECAUSE of the seal or was it they were already weird and they ended up bagging it for their experiments?
Their letter header already has the aquarian eye...
Sam/Jared casually breaking everything on the shelf
why did they leave that take in
Oh I guess he had to make noises to make Sandy start yelling for help
(I assume it's her or something that LOOKS like her)
I love Dean's photographic memory. And when we get flashes of him remembering stuff on screen like this
Sam's like What the Fuck
Aha it's Ketchmodeus time
I love how Sam n Dean are wearing grey and they plop Dean's bi plaid over Sandy's grey flapper dress.
(She's called Sandy with blonde hair and Mary's middle name is Sandra)
Query: where WAS Dean keeping the plaid, or did he go up first, get a rope and a shirt and then we skipped all the stuff where they get a lil person who can't just hop up and reach the manhole cover again out of the hole in the ground :P
She's also skipped ahead in time from being a flapper and is now a millenial, possibly possessed by an Elder God hence the long life etc :P But she and Mary share the backstory in a way of being transported out of their right time
Is Ketch reading one of Crowley's old books from when he was raising Amara? Pfft. It's not uncle hoppity but it is obviously for a child, and is a way of demeaning him... He's reading it probably out of both boredom and spite... :P
... But the demons are apparently too fussed about cat videos to pay attention to him...
wha t is this episode
I have to admit at some undisclosed point I went to yoga, fell asleep on the floor in a rec hall and have since eaten my weight in chocolate avacado cake and coffee, so I am fairly addled :P
Oh, yep, Asmodeus is beefing himself up with angel juice, who EVER would have guessed it
it also reads like an addiction, and as this was introduced in season 9 around the time of Crowley's demon blood addiction and Dean with the Mark and Cas eating grace, it's almost surprising the needle was only ever implied to be for extraction.
But now we have Lucifer eating grace, and Asmodeus injecting it - the question is if he's addicted to it or not.
I'd assume as well if this was planned from the start, his colonel sanders look might also have been, social commentary aside, because the wanted a demon dressed all in white and looking clean and shiny like an angel
*demon minion comes blundering in a minute late* "I tried to stop him!"
This is absolutely 100%, no, 1000% vagueblogging Buckleming and how idiotic the Hell plot is and I am living for it
Poor squeaky Gabriel
They take Sandy to the most retro diner they can find... Inside, we meet patrons and staff with names immediately, before the Winchesters enter... The apparent owner, Joanne, amused by "Buck and Amy", one of her staff and a teenage boy, then says she'd hit it with Buck if Amy won't, which is SUPER creepy... Her cook apparently doesn't speak English or speak at all, so she feels free to say horrible things in front of him
Buck looks vaguely Jack-like just because he's a teenage boy with floppy hair
They really are easing her in slow with the modern age, this diner is decrepit, but just this many electric lights is enough for now >.>
Plus, they arrived in a car from the 60s
And she's messing with an ancient jukebox
This is adorable
i mean there's some high level creepiness in the diner, which I assume is Still Too Local and they ought to have crossed state lines...
I wonder at this point if their immediate vicinity to Asmodeus's lair is relevant. They'd know from Cas now that he's still using it. I mean, do you detour in your road trip to an ancient MoL bunker because you know the demon currently running Hell is camped out just down the road?
They're getting Sandy the meatloaf... Pretty sure that was what Mary said she got from the Piggly Wiggly in 12x02
Oh great, people who tattoo the aquarian eye on their arms. "Marco"'s name is in quotation marks.
"Wait, these men of letters were the ones who... chained you down there?" Sam, you KNOW the MoL aren't perfect... are you really going to struggle with this? :P She was in THEIR secret Bunker chained up in the secret bunker's secret basement, surrounded by corrupted Aquarian stars. It's like 99% likely this was an inside job, especially as it's the longest pay off for a character defamation fraud ever otherwise :P
More tentacles!
Okay, look, you guys need Mary back and on your side because I swear to god if she goes into the bathroom and gets kidnapped because you're an all dude team then I'm going to scream.
you NEED women to support women because sometimes we really do go to the bathroom in a pack to avoid being kidnapped by cultists who want to feed us to tentacle monsters from another dimension
Oh no, they're all just being poisoned so they can be ritually murdered later
Aw "pet angel" again. Gabriel is overhearing this intel, so he knows the Winchesters are alive, doing shit, and Cas is still alive and doing shit with them... All good basic intel you should probably not let the one angel who cared about them in season TWO know. I mean, Azazel and Gabriel are the ONLY players who cared about them back when the status quo of the world was still in balance - from season 3 onwards everyone wanted a piece of Sam, and Dean's soul was rapidly heading towards breaking the first seal so everyone now had a stake in them. But Gabriel? He's a total hipster about bothering the Winchesters when they were wee little babby hunters to see if they were up to the task... and found they were.
Now he's back in canon I'm going to be evaluating him as carefully as I can with such a retconned and fandom beloved and fanon-bedecked character, and I think in our advantage for having him back, he's in a state we've never seen him before... genuinely in trouble :P
And Gabriel peers curiously through the bars as Asmodeus starts explaining their plans
"It's time we talk about us" please stop trying to make Ketchmodeus happen
A shot of them from a million miles away, a million miles between them, sliced off by a pillar. Ketch standing in the light. Asmodeus in the dark with yellow candles around him.
I am pretty sure this room is 10000x more candle-y than before.
When I was doing my rewatch of the early seasons a few summers ago I was so amused by the bajillion candles, a trend which died out with the colour format of the show changing, and any time a character shows up who needs a billion candles (e.g. Abaddon in 9x02) I get disproportionately excited that they *understand* the show :P
In this case, Asmodeus really needs all the links back to the start he can get, because he's a new, weak demon, one specifically called out in 13x12 of being the weakest of Lucifer's creations, and here shown juicing up on poor Gabriel, all a meta commentary on him being a rubbish character inserted as the last of the retconned princes of hell, his literal strength as a character weak and flimsy when it comes to caring about him, because after all the show has been through, retroactively adding ancient powers is a serious problem about "where were they before?" and so many of them need to have been lost, disinterested, locked away, buried and hidden and forgotten. In Asmodeus's case, possibly just looked over and neglected, and he's been having a pissy sulk about not being invited to the apocalypse for the last 10 years, since we know nothing about where he was before, but he's at least seemed to have his liberty and he waited out every single major player more powerful than him, and is appearing as a desescalation of a threat as a big bad so ridiculous the show is mocking him for being comically weedy, petty and out of touch or useless, or plain stupid. Even *Buckleming* seem aware he's an idiot at times.
And now Perez is writing this fucker and I actually have to character profile him >.>
Anyway Ketch is talking about their relationship, Asmodeus is trying to escalate his control over Ketch to "owning" him and pushing his luck really - Ketch being humiliated with the kid's book is a power play but Asmodeus really sucks at power plays and plans and all round... doing things...
I love watching Ketch get beaten up even if it is Asmodeus
Ah well
Was Asmodeus almost scary?
I mean, I suppose if we were supposed to care about Ketch a bit
After season 12 it's more like... Can we just have everyone beat him up once?
Dean is also stuck on the MoL being tweed wearing and harmless
And Sam avoiding carbohydrates... like... at least he ordered a couple of plates of food but he is a Big Guy, he needs to eat more than this!!
In some ways it reflects their endgame, e.g. Dean is still self-destructing and you could imagine either sticking a middle finger to any higher purpose supposed to affect him, or else bitter that he is never allowed off the ride... away from that, just the belief that it's winning to be killed by food rather than a monster. And he's been killed on the job enough to know the difference.
Sam, keeping himself sharp, suppoesdly (even if he is falling asleep on the table) and keepnig healthy long term, which may or may not be to some eventual endgame, that he plans on winning
I swear if anything skeezy happens to Buck...
Oh good, he's just noticed the cultists first while the professional hunters are busy eating... Maybe we all just get locked in here or something
Aaaand Sam's asleep on the table again. This is why you carb load
I guess no one's sticking post it notes on him this time
ALSO if it's that fast acting and the service is so slow here, you have a problem :P
The cultists' robes are similar colour to the wait staff uniform
I love the new fight coordinator
Cmon Sam, you only had one bite
Whoops he's being kidnapped
where is Sandy???
Nice one, eldritch flapper! :D :D
She has the "i just killed someone" look so I figure that whatever the monster did to her, she's not totally lost to it
Are they just keeping Sam as a hostage exchange? They're still just surrounding the diner...
At least Dean knows how to make a weapon out of anything
oh dear sweet cinnamon roll "we have to call the police!"
... Yep, one of the cultists is part of the local police. At which point me, having written a novel with red-robed cultists running around a town sacrificing girls and secretly being local authority figures is like... welp...
Aw, Dean, don't go charging after Sam. He already was like no don't go to the creepy bunker alone.
At least weigh your options and get a lay of the land first :/
I mean I would assume they want Sandy in exchange which means not happening, but...
Yep, they want the monster/god
Sandy is not very much of either :(
"our family was men of letters" "so was ours..." "kinda"
Okay so they want a clean start with this God, from another dimension, which is exactly what Michael wants, and it's currently in the Mary mirror.
Oh boy
"oh boy" indeed, it ate everyone and they bound it again, but it's still inside Sandy... Glowy purple eyes which is pretty ominous. She's also a Rowena mirror in a sense, including the monster, and there would be an interesting meta after this probably, when it's all said and done, to compare the scale of bound, hungry women
in this case, they accidentally made a devouring mother goddess which is more like... Amara... But it wants a mate
Aaaand the MoL banned all the members who were involved in this nonsense. See, you guys literally have the box of members who were banned... Bit of digging on the history of this chapter house and it would be like, dude, a dozen of these guys were banned for SUMMONING AN ELDRITCH MONSTROSITY
Ow, wow, Asmodeus has 4 vials of archangel grace knocking around... he seems to really have an issue here if he needs that much, constantly
menas stealing Gabriel from him will dry him out quickly, but also motivate him to get him back, unlike how he's just like pfft whatever about losing Cas and Lucifer
He and Ketch are getting deep and philosophical... First of all, I am a little concerned that Asmodeus is OOC for not having the depth of thought of a teaspoon, and very little will get me interested in their inner lives in any case because I refuse to let Ketch be made sympathetic on the grounds that he's a dick and I'm allowed to draw a line.
Anyway they're having a conversation about a MoL code which means these stories sort of metaphorically overlap and that's weird and I'm not certain how to handle thematic balance with them because we're actually exploring what it means to be a legacy here, and all the different toxic threads that each family is upholding etc
Fortunately Asmodeus keeps calling Ketch "boy" so the squicky Ketchmodeus I fear is just enough to keep me on edge through this scene :P
(to be clear, I don't fear it in the show so much as fearing that fandom will Kylux latch onto it and everyone will be shipping the shit out of it to an intolerable level, despite the aforementioned emotional ranges of teaspoons for these boring racist-coded white dudes)
But there's some blah about redeeming Ketch which is making me very nervous they're going to try
The was Asmodeus talks about Ketch belonging to him makes me wonder that whatever deal they struck to get into this partnership, there's some magical connection, more than just this emotional weakness that Asmodeus is talking about exploiting. Mostly because one is nuanced and one will be appropriate for Buckleming to play with, should they choose to acknowledge another writer's continuity.
(And I think half the reason Dabb's banished them to a separate plot is that they disrespect others' attempts to write the story that in leiu of collaboration, he's stuck them over here to do their own thing where they can't mess anything up...)
oh no don't send Buck out there with a kitchen knife
What is Dean doing? Amy and Joanne can't be in control of this situation??
That sounds very un-feminist of me but they did just send Buck out with a tiny weeny knife, like, not even a steak knife
Awhooops, the more the other MoL cultists talk, the more they sound like they're just managing a mistake their grandfather made, and Sam and Dean blundered into it as the bad guys, inadvertently "rescuing" Sandy (WHO I STILL LIKE) in their own quest for personal gain. Aka selfish actions beget consequences
Oh, that's a lot of dead cultists.
Oh, Sandy no don't eat Buck
RIP Buck
Dean is still distracted trying to do whatever to save Sam, and while stockpiling weaponry has missed both Sandy slipping away AND Joanne and Amy sending Buck out to get eaten
Also it's so unsettling having a monster wandering around in one of his most iconic shirts... I'll have to worry about that later but yikes. The imagery is unsettling to say the least. It's a really memorable one.
DRAMATIC EYE CONTACT between Ketch and Gabriel
Trying not to think about how that looked weirdly like the Claire Kaia intro eye contact
To be fair they've looked at each other a bunch and whatever Ketch thinks of Gabriel, they've had time to form their opinions of each other
He presents his undamaged side of his face to Gabriel while realising he has to free him
This is a hilarious rescue. Ketch isn't good at being a convincing good guy and Gabriel is freaked the heck out
Understandably, I wouldn't go with Ketch
Although idk maybe Gabriel is too traumatised to notice that Ketch was having a personal revelation of sorts
I am so disappointed that "if I had half your power" line didn't lead to Ketch being like "... but Asmodeus does" and grabbing the spare vials from the box he was keeping it all in. Maybe he took it with him
should have been a seduce the bad guy to steal the vials while he sleeps thing
... oh shit, they got me
Okay, the archangel blade works on other things... it's clearly potent
Sam nearly got frying panned by creepy Joanne
Meanwhile also in much older women going for young lads (proportionately), Dean has been picked as ideal mate material, in a season where he's already been whammied with a love spell, and just last episode Cas got married.
How comes all this imagery keeps hittnig them?
I ask the void
when today the void is represented by Eldritch Flapper Sandy from the void.
Okay, I don't know how to spell her eldritch name, but "star of madness ravager of galaxies mother of faceless hordes" is hecka cool
I'm sad that Sandy is dead but this eldritch thingy is still sorta badass
Mittens just told me this is set the same place as the open of 6x21, the same place HP Lovecraft is from, so that confirms my musings at the top of this :D I am delighted
She just misses her love from another universe.
"It's like a hallmark movie... with tentacles!"
that is not a deal breaker for Dean, I think
Anyway. Dean being confronted with this sweet love story. Now he will be the host to an epic, galaxy-crushing romance! Awww!!
She's gonna lay eggs in him though
i hope that's a dealbreaker
Also the whole... possession threat... when we've had spoilers jensen's playing something else
I assume not this guy
I feel like this has to be Gabriel again unless Raphael or Michael fucked up at some point and we're gonna find out later, just from the fact only one of them wasn't bound for most of human history or in Heaven, but actually slumming it on earth
We know literally nothing of Gabriel's history except that he dated Kali so there's that
Okay the tentacles are a deal breaker, Dean's grossed out
Bye bye eldritch flapper... you were fun
(RIP Sandy)
Guess they will go back to ravaging stars together in the darkness
ALSO I really hope there's a way to STEER THIS FUCKING SPELL
elizabethrobertajones Huh. Tentacles are the dealbreaker for Dean who knew after 13 years there's something weird and kinky he isn't at least curious about :P
elizabethrobertajones Oh wait never mind "not that there's anything wrong with that" he is a consentacles guy
mittensmorgul BAHAHAHAHA
mittensmorgul He's not gonna kink shame
Also Dean is wondering if there's a way to steer the spell as well
Okay so they actually know how to work it - you can only go to AUs you already have a part of, and a time limit which will be for drama when they finally open this thing...
Do they have to bring this back to them afterwards? I hope so :P
Dean coming down the stairs joking about nearly being an interdimensional booty call after collecting one of the spell ingredients directly mirrors Cas coming down the stairs yelling about how he had to get married to get one of the OTHER ingredients.
I LOVE their Ketch reaction
Okay so Gabriel has said nothing all episode, and I assume Ketch is about to produce him, so the question is... how does Gabriel introduce himself? What's the play? These are the questions I am most curious about because this episode has been defining a lot of characterisation for the previously woefully undercharacterised Asmodeus, fleshing out WTF is Ketch's deal right now, and now Davy has the abilityto set the course (hopefully) for Gabriel.
We have 5 minutes to go
Oh hey he's still bloody and has his mouth sewn
he's just... hauling Gabriel into a chair
Like you do get how this looks suspicious, mate
And Sam and Dean are like uuuuh he's dead so wtf
Which is my reaction too so get to the backstory snap snap
Gabriel's eyes are so panicky I'm worried he's gonna be half-mad
well "HMMM!!! HMM!!!!!!!!! !!!!!"
But I can read subtext
Ketch is just giving them EVERYTHING
they don't even know what that blade IS
Hey, gabriel, just smash your forehead on the grace vial and eat the grace
it's not dignified but who cares :P
Ketch came to the "only safe place he knew" aka a MoL bunker, which, after all, is very very safe. He has to bargain with Sam and Dean, knowing their spell, because "i saved this random archangel I found" isn't probably convincing enough on its own???
LOL "Dibs on the top bunk?"
Dean... sweetie... you do remember all your subtext with Ketch last year? You know you can't just agree to him taking the top bunk like that?
You're even negotiating either side of the war table again
And Dean will let pretty much ANYTHING happen to get Mary and Jack back
the question is, Cas must be at the farmer's market or something all episode because he wasn't there when they were researching and he wasn't there to stop Ketch coming in, so... where is he?
Anyway Dean is speaking on his behalf re: getting Jack back
Sam seems to want to do this on their own and Dean is making compromises again to get what they need
So, uh, Gabriel?
Aw, the Sastiel shippers will be happy, Sam was the one who ended up freeing his mouth, which is probably symbolic regardless, re: giving the Trickster back his main weapon
Omg Dean is ready to go before Gabriel says a word. Dean. Chill. Cas isn't even HERE.
And that makes me feel like whatever Gabriel has to say to break his long silence is even more important that Dean interrupted it (it's gonna not be, now, isn't it?)
"Shouldn't we wait?"
"We have everything we need, everything else is just burning daylight"
Dean is again trying to leave Sam behind to manage things, and go in and do it alone. Dude, you literally nearly had eggs laid in you by an interdimensional flapper, you need to think about this.
LOL Ketch wants to go with them because it's safer than staying here being hunted by Asmodeus
I mean fair enough, and he's scarily competent
But it's making it look to Sam like Dean would rather have Ketch around than Sam???
"I don't care if he dies. I'm sort of rooting for it."
Crack episode next where because Dean has interdimensionally travelled before, he ends back up in French Mistake Verse where he's Jensen and Ketch is DHJ (again? see also: 13x07 notes) and they have to get back before they can do the dramatic stuff
Anyway Dean is doing the sacrificial play, Sam watches his cholesterol so he has to stay on earth
I can't believe they're just opening a portal in the library and for 24 hours there's just a glowy back and forth hole there
But of course, as long as Dean finds Jack, the time limit doesn't matter
I can't believe Ketch is his BFF for the rest of the season
I can't believe Gabriel didn't SAY anything
What is he going to SAY next? I WANT TO KNOW
I am unbelievably frustrated, because now it passes it on to Buckleming again, and for all I know Davy thinks the whole Gabriel thing is silly, or is nervous of writing the iconic character so he just shoves it all off on them to break canon as they please and he gets something suitably dramatic and tension building and intentionally frustrating out of it but at the end of the day he doesn't have to directly ENGAGE with the Gabriel is back story, and it's all gonna be Bucklemninged next week
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fmp-alex-stewart · 5 years
Aztec Language and Symbols
I thought about what way I could depict the font as well as alternate alphabets/symbols to align with it. searched the following websites and developed some ideas.
[Samples are in brackets]  
Aztec Language
[Languages similar to the Aztec language have existed in Central Mexico for perhaps 1400 years. As early as 600AD, languages known as Nahuan were spoken by peoples in the area. It is believed that these language speakers came from the north in waves, settling in central Mexico.]
[Speakers of languages such as Nahuatl began to gain power, and by 1000AD (CE) it is likely that Nahuatl speakers were the dominant power.] [One of the last Nahuatl speaking groups to come to the area was the Mexica, who would become a powerful force in the founding of the Aztec empire.] [As the empire grew, so did the influence of Nahuatl (also called Classical Nahuatl, Mexicano or Aztec). Naturally, those who wanted to get along with the powers-that-were needed to speak it. It was a language of trade, and a language of prestige. It was used in literature extensively.]
I hadn’t realized quite how ancient the Aztecs were, and it’s even more fascinating how prominent and long-lasting their language is. While not necessarily relevant for my title creation, it  respects background information to about the language and subsequently, the alphabet’s origin.
What was the Aztec language like?
[You can learn more about the letters of the Aztec language here.  The Nahuatl language is an agglutinant language, which means that words and phrases are put together by combining prefixes, suffixes, and root words, in order to form an idea. For example, in Tetelcingo Nahuatl (a modern dialect), there is an 18-syllable word that means "you honorable people might have come along banging your noses so as to make them bleed, but in fact you didn't". That's right, you can just keep stringing those ideas together!]
Personally, It was interesting to learn the meaning of ‘agglutination,’ a word to categorize languages with words that consist of a lot of words strung together. I like the idea of using the Nahuatle language to string together words that I would voice record on Premier Pro. If I were to do this though, I would need to carefully consider whether I could do that without the aesthetic requirement of recording all other sounds associated with the scene. The most sound recording there would be as of the moment are voice acting segments that are delivered artistically, as opposed to letting sound play as a component piece of the art overall.
[Actually, many forms of Nahuatl are still spoken today.  It's likely that there were various dialects during the time of the Aztecs, just as there are today.  Some dialects are so different that speakers can't understand one another!]
I don’t know how I would incorporate the variety of dialects into my the brief story that I have developed. This is because the scenes that I am going to depict are at least motion orientated if not fast paced and as such, there wouldn’t be adequate moments for subjects to express their difficulty in understanding each other. The main point is that I actually don’t know what or how I would create artistically, the expression of divers Nahuatl.
Some words in a foreign language sound curious or interesting. As such, I wanted to consider words relevant to my story, such as ascendance, purification, and sacrifice.
Upon learning how their literature was comprised of symbols, I had this idea of incorporating such symbols into my own title.
The Aztec alphabet as it was
[The Aztec alphabet before the Spanish was not actually an alphabet but a series of pictures. How were these used? There were actually three different ways...]
[1. Pictograms This means basically that the symbol meant exactly what it looked like. For example, this picture of a snake would simply mean "snake". Simple, yes. But to have a meaningful language hundreds and thousands of pictures would be needed (and there were a lot!).] [2. Ideograms These would represent the idea behind the symbol. So maybe a snake would represent a ruler (such as Itzcoatl - Obsidian Snake), or maybe footprints would represent a trip or the passage of time in a certain direction.] [3. Phonogram A phonogram is the closest we get to an Aztec alphabet. In this case, the picture actually represents a sound. Sometimes we do this just for fun in English - for example, you could use the picture of a bee to represent the word "be" (as in "to be"). If you say the word the picture represents, and put it together with others, you can get words and sentences totally unrelated to the objects the pictures look like.] [In addition to the importance of the picture itself, colours were also important. When symbols looked very similar, they could easily be told apart by their colours.]
[When telling a story, there wouldn't usually be a long line of glyphs, but rather a page with a few, positioned in such a way as to tell a story. It was kind of like looking at a scene in a story, a photograph of one moment. The glyphs would be used to remind you of various aspects of the story, and you would have to fill in the blanks.] [Here's an example. Below is the symbol for "flint." If it just means flint, that's a pictogram. But it was also a calendar symbol, representing a specific day.]
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[Next is a combined symbol, tree and teeth. It means, literally, place with lots of avacados. The teeth are read as tlan, and ahuacatl is the avacado tree. The glyph actually means ‘Ahuacatlan,’ a place name.]
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This get’s me thinking that a single symbol could represent my title. It’s also worth mentioning that I find putting jaws on a tree has a quaint look to it. I brought that up because it allows me to put aside early criticize of creating my own merging of Aztec symbols. Due to how I like to create vibrant and surreal effects, I’m contemplating merging symbols in Photoshop as well as changing their orientation, treating them as 3D looking figures. That way I can create thematic box art that carries additional meaning.
[The Aztecs counted by 20s (as we usually count by 10s). They would use dots, as you can see on the Aztec calendar. Sometimes fingers would be used as well. 20 was a flag, then 20x20 (20 flags=400) was a feather or fir tree. 20x20x20 (20 trees=8000) was a bag or pouch (containing 8000 cocoa beans, commonly used for currency). Then, to show multiples of something, a line would be drawn to connect the numbers to the object  For example, below you can see a snake with 4 flags. 4x20=80, so the picture represents 80 snakes.]
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vorelxirthos-a · 7 years
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Human Alias: Saryx Volos
Real Name: Summer
Birthday: Summer Solstice
Mortality: Immortal
True Age: Ancient
Age Appearance: Mid-Twenties
Sexuality: Bisexual, Biromantic
Height: 5'5"
Status: Eldest of the Volos, first born of Mother Earth
Hobbies: Cloud gazing, attending barbeques and bonfires, playing the acoustic guitar, reading novels, flying
Fears: Dragon Hunters
Favorite Foods: Avacados, Papayas and Mangos, Hamburgers, Ice Cream/ Milkshakes
Positive Qualities: Fun loving, Intelligent, Open, Agreeable
Negative Qualities: Willful, Leisurely, Boisterous, Quick to React
Abilities and Powers: Water Manipulation including Water Walking, Sound Sculpting, Telekinesis with the other Volos children
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