#anarcho goth
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mourntomidnight · 5 months ago
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Fyi South Korea has a pretty bad history of genuine r*dfem/t*rf extremist movements that have committed literal violence in and out of the country there and that’s why I was always sus of movements like 4b. Which fyi is a very fringe movement that doesn’t represent why the birth rates in South Korea are declining (which is just a very intense cost of living crisis).
For further reference on the types of r*dfem groups to be aware of it’s:
Just a reminder that men are not born misogynistic, it is a learned behavior and anti men sentiments can quickly turn into transphobia and straight up racism.
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nugothrhythms · 6 months ago
"A Drop in the Ocean" by Los Angeles, California-based anarcho post-punk act Christ vs. Warhol off of 2024 album We, The Victims of History
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stencilites · 3 months ago
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Shrouds - grimoire
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hydrangea-shelters · 1 month ago
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Goth genre stamps. Show off your favorite goth genres with these stamps + can be an aesthetic stamp since i put some fancy pixel graphics
Ethereal and coldwave was difficult to me to think what i associate of, so i just slap some pixel "waves" or some abstract but ethereal background. Coldwave is just black and white since most of coldwave albums i see is minimal.
Goth genres:
Gothic Post punk (i.e. The Cure, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Bauhaus, Joy Division)
Anarcho-Goth - not really a genre but there are actually goth bands that also have anarchist tendencies (like Anarcho-Punk but well.. goth). Anarcho goth usually have a deathrock sound (especially with modern deathrock bands). Examples: Horror Vacui, Rudimentary Peni, Christ vs Warhol
Goth rock (i.e. Sisters of Mercy, Fields of the Nephelim, The Merry Thoughts)
Coldwave (i.e. Molchat Doma, Opera de Nuit, Asylum Party)
Darkwave (i.e. Clan of Xymox, London After Midnight, Switchblade Symphony, Twin Tribes, She Past Away)
Deathrock (i.e. Christian Death, 45 Grave, Scarlet's Remains, Nox Novacula). Modern deathrock bands may also call themselves "dark punk"
Ethereal Wave (i.e. Dead Can Dance, This Mortal Coil, Cocteau Twins)
feel free to use it to your personal page, carrd, neocities, strawpage, toyhouse, sheezy, deviantart, etc. No need to credit when using the stamps (like putting html embeds and stuff) but linking any of my pages is appreciated when reposted, reblog, or reupload on different places.
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rural-punk-realness · 7 months ago
What is Rural Punk?
i have decided to coin a new phrase for a subculture and movement that i have seen people take place in but not give a name.
I do not just mean punks who live in rural areas, although they very much as included.
Rural Punk is a term I use for the lifestyle of minorities who are isolated from others, as well as resources they need to live. This can mean people living in literally rural areas but also people who are kept separated from their necessary support structures and resources. People like this often stick out like a sour thumb and their existence alone is seen as being alternative and going against polite society, making them "punk" even if they don't dress punk or listen to the music. This is a separate subculture from the music scene, though i am sure it will overlap. This movement is designed to include and center the voices of People of Color, as they are often ingnored when discussing rural and southern environments.
How do i be rural punk? heres some rules and examples
be anti-authoritarian
think of that guy in your town who knows where all the speed traps and cop hiding spots are
dont report people for drug usage. That person going to prison wont fix anything
protest when injustice happens in your community
don't report shop lifters
2. honor and respect nature
dont litter
reduce, reuse, recycle. DIY is an essential part of punk
document nature around you via drawing, painting or photography
be kind to animals
3. serve your fellow man
advocate for others
listen to people talking about their experiences
speak up for, not over
vote in local elections
4. try to make your community better by spreading inclusivity and acceptance in hostile places
lgbtq+ clubs
organizing Black history events, especially if it's illegal to cover in school in your state
book clubs with diverse authors
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astrixplural · 3 months ago
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my wip patch pants (like a year in the making)
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bvggvoreacab · 4 months ago
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hel1houndz · 3 months ago
Shein and AliExpress are fast fashion but so is the average clothing store. Urban Outfitters, Forever 21, Hot Topic, all of it is fast fashion. Just bringing this up because you only used online examples.
ah thank you for bringing this up! and yes unfortunately those are all fast fashion and so are other physical shops like Zara, primark etc (we’re in the uk, these are uk examples!) with the constant cycles that are fashion trends a lot of shops are be coming more and more fast fashion and of course profits also. shopping second hand / diy or smaller businesses is always the best!
some links to our favourite smaller businesses!
Pull the plug patches! : https://www.pulltheplugpatches.com/collections/new-releases
Vicious punks ! : https://viciouspunx.com/?srsltid=AfmBOoroUes_8-RZNc2tECTSMJ_FMgLr3IpWovuPWbTfoQrq0qtOozLA
Disturbia : https://www.disturbia.co.uk/collections/womens-new
Hellbunny ! : https://www.hellbunny.com/collections/all
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gothlisteningclub · 11 months ago
Goth Listening Club Day #58: Christ Vs. Warhol - Dissent
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"if you dont listen to the whole thing i beg of you at least listen to cross of lorraine...... song of the summer"
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spechblend · 10 months ago
(I have a go to hyper fixation and it’s partly because I lost my touch with diy and would love to reinspire myself)
I have a couple of questions: first, what are some bands you listened to first? (Refrain from saying Siouxzie and the Banshees or London After Midnight etc etc)
Also, what do you look for the trad goth look when thrifting? I understand that it really depends but I need brands. Or at least a starting point. I had this same issue with punk when I was first starting to get into it but it’s nice to have a starting point.
Thanks :3
(Some Goth/Post Punk I already listen to so don’t suggest them lol)
- London After Midnight
- Echo and the Bunnymen
- Bauhaus
- Sisters of Mercy
- The Cure
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mourntomidnight · 7 months ago
Yt feminists, r*dfems: “Women are incapable of violence and rape, I swear it’s just men that do it!”
Also yt women:
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stencilites · 6 months ago
Catholic Spit
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spiritusleach · 14 hours ago
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As a Goth -Punk, an Alternative. I am not for those who consider themselves true Goths or Punks and claim to be Conserative. It'a joke a very bad joke that's only on them. It's a complete Oxymoron to me because Punk/Goth came from the poor class rebelling against Conservatism and Fascist values, though of course sooner or later The Right Wing always like to copy and Co-OP things🙄🙄 I.E the term Libertarian is infamously known as a backwards little evil twin or clone like Bizzaro. Instead of helping the masses their version of freedom is oppression by Capitial and that is why they are viewed here in America as Right Wing Anarcho Captialist but however the term Libertarian was started on the left back in the 1800's standing for Libertarian Socialism.
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Now history repeats itself and I see a similar situation with Conservative Pagans and or counterfeit wannabe rebellious types of Goths that are for Trump or the Republican party as a whole. Being a Goth or Punk and being into conservatism goes against everything you suppose to stand for. I could understand some being misguided by Liberialism but it takes more to go after Fascism not to just subdue it but to kill it and leave it bleeding in a bloody pool in a dark alley with Far Leftist symbols on it's back never to be seen again. I came across a few racist bastards in the Alternative Community and I had to go off on them. Therefore I must say Nazi Punks Fxxk off and Goth Nazi's Fxxk off as well.
You see Punk is where Goth (as a Subculture) originated from and itself is more Anticapitalist and diverse in nature when it comes to Race, Religions and background...Except for the oblivious I'm mentioning of course. So no argument for being for a fascist like Trump is excusable or will ever make sense to me. You're not a Rebel, you're just a person who jumped from one version of Consevatism to a new Far Right Ideological one.
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Yes and with that I must say...Left Side Is The Best Side
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weirdlookindog · 11 months ago
Rubella Ballet - Vampire Wedding
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molten222 · 7 months ago
the feud between werewolves and vampires is a class conflict
vampires are wealthy and mysterious beings who live in magnificent castles preying upon the human populace
werewolves prowl the outskirts of society, revealing themselves only rarely, and in the wake of their havoc, more turn into werewolves, spreading class consciousness lycanthropy across the land
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uneasylisteningradio · 2 months ago
Transistor Sister #220: Favorites of 2024 part 5!
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De Rodillas
listen to the show
Freddy Cannon - Transistor Sister Chain Cult - Harrowing Times Golpe - Come Un Cappio / Mass Media / Cibernauti / Scenderemo Nelle Strade De Rodillas - Run Kodomo Gun - No Te Quiero Ver (Demo) XS Discharge - Across the Border Die Verlierer - Harmonie Fleur - Tu Es Un Être Parfait
Guerra Final - PRÁCTICAS OCULTAS Dirty Ass - Sebelum Mati Yellowcake - Mind Scarred Over Montaña - Batalla Alambrada - U.S. Oova - Antitesis The Shield - The Shield
Flower - Heel of the Next No Knock - PBS Added Dimensions - Impulsive Megarollo - Canarias PURPUR SPYTT - The Circumstances
Chumbawamba - The Day the Nazi Died
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