spiritusleach · 2 days
A close representation of me changing and evolving in musical choices.
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Enter The Era Of Spiritus Nocturnus
Musical Journey
Breaking guitars or casting them aside in favor of Synthesizers and Electronic Music. -Spiritus Nocturnus
My roots were always of a darker nature although I've switched somewhere in the late 2010's to a new futuristic vison. I was always into Gothic Rock/Post-Punk Music but then the Metal phase crept in and I see it as just that a phase because I always was attracted to the more obscure and classical anyways, not to what the average alternative person was into passing me by on the street asking me what is my favorite band in hopes that I could relate their favorite mainstream band. Not to say that I did like a few of them I must say but however my vibe was just different from the rest that seem to come in droves and I mostly steered away from what most people like and pave and follow my own road.
You see, I was always of a different breed even within the Alternative community. In the alternative side of things I started off more on the Punk/Trad Goth side of things with and somewhere around that part I started to learn about the difference between that form of music and Metal. As Metal seemed more polished, lively and for commercial radio and mostly none of the music I listened to sounded like it was for airplay, lively, or polished. The music I listened to sounds dark brooding, mysterious, tribal etc.
I checked out different types all the way to the fan radio friendly Alternative Metal that I used to listen to being played on Senton Hall New Jersey radio , To the Black Metal where it sound like Cats are being cooked alive screaming for dear life, to the Death Metal where it's brutal and others in between like Thrash Metal Venom, Pentagram etc. I mostly enjoyed the soothing side of Gothic Metal and I enjoyed the Slow Funeral Doom type and early Prog Occult Metal. However I was still with more of a Punk and Goth- type of mentality , Not really a Metalhead and never really was. Though no longer did guitars and certain genres like Metal was of an interest to me. The loud abrasive yelling and screaming in most Metal music became almost unbearable and was not the the right feel for me.
Truly I believe at this point I seen myself in a dark gloomy club or room psychedelia setting and it worked perfectly because my room at the time was fitting just right for that formation to occur. That was one thing then something that deeply impacted me around this time changed me altogether in my life I soon I started getting more into Darkwave and other forms of Electronic -Synth music and that sealed the deal from there. No longer were guitars, Metal etc..... were appealing to me as an Artist but I still love Post-Punk and the gloomy feel that usually brings.
Overall in my mind, I felt that Metal Is Dead so it started to get to me when people would see me on the street or if I bump into another alternative or Goth person, and yes "supposedly Goth not Metalhead" asking me about what bands am I into. Almost expecting me to say Ozzy or some other famous band etc, Didn't happen before and in this new era definitely not because half of the people I listen to is far ,far in the underground or either in the hereafter. Though anyways Synthwave in particular matched my vibe and futurist vision especially in 2017-2018 leading up to the Apocalypse of 2020 when I created my full first feature length album entitled Spiritus Nocturnus . This is around the time I started to evolve , not only as n Artist but spiritually and this the road that was meant for me when the transition from the classical Goth Spiritus Leach into the new cyberpunk/cybergoth Spiritus Nocturnus. Overnight it seems as that I was no longer known to Alternative community who may have seemed Goth to a degree but was more of dark Metalheads in musical tastes truly. Most could not relate because it lacked having a guitar and other bare essentials that seemed like the Baby Bats dream of being Goth.
Yes in general it's ok and is possible to like both and all types (as I still do at times and I also love Smooth Jazz and Baroque/Dark Classical) and still prefer to be assimilated within a certain subculture, as that may be more of your preference and to me my preference is now Electronic music nowadays in a particular that of 80's vibe and in this new Cyberpunk and Spiritus Nocturnus Era I find myself more among those who are into Cyberpunk, Cybergoth, Rivetheads
- Spiritus Nocturnus
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spiritusleach · 5 months
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On the 8th of April 2024, a great power was at it's height. An energy of change and to some that may bring destruction especially within The Great Year Of The Dragon . Things have changed immensely and This is my year and time of The Earth Dragon!
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spiritusleach · 9 months
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The mercurial energy that surrounds me is more than evident and though eye am on earth eye am from afar.
In the darkness I will be waiting, In darkness I will be anticipating-Spiritus Leach "The Dark Prince"
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spiritusleach · 2 years
The truth about Hell
When people speak of being spiritual and they still speak about a hell and a god that will punish them if they don't serve them or if you commit Sxicide, or have a devil that will also wait for you after you die to punish you even more to prove a point to a god that he suppose to despise then they are suffering from fear and abrahamic brainwashing and Christian indoctrination.
Hell is not what most think it is and through mainstream Christianity they have obscured the truth in order to cause fear and gain followers to make them more submissive. They are followers of the demiruge. Eye am against that form of thought and teaching and everyone who preaches that. Eye am for the overthrowing of mainstream Christianity and only the slaves and reactionaries will hold onto this. Those who speak of hell fail to realize that technically we are in a state of what you would call hell already just by living in the material world and having a fleshly body so welcome to Dawn of the Dead.
The supposed "Devil" is the Christian god Yahweh/Yaldabaoth who has created this world and us here in the physical. He is the god of suffering, slavery, and orders others to kill in his name. It is not the true source we should honor and there is another source which is over him which basically Sophia his Mother and when Yahweh made the statement there is no other gods before him he was lying and committed a foul act against the other gods who surrounded him at that point.
In this material realm everything is an illusion except for our souls, animals and nature and the ultimate goal mainly is trying to escape this world of matter by being conscious and being illuminated with Gnosis. Hell is also a state of consciousness and that is not only outside in this material and shell of a body you have but it is one of the lowest spheres where is also located within and most people are operating from their Root Chakra and you could see it in their actions and words. By that then you could escape the world of matter/hell and raise to heaven/spirit world and what they call death is actually a blessing to a degree. There is truly no such thing as death just transitioning to a higher state of consciousness and spirit as you could also realize in many NDE stories. They are still alive but living in the world of the immaterial.
That is only through Gnosis which Yeshua and Lucifer both knew and tried to help mankind understand this very notion. Kristos Lucifer is the morning star who broke free of Yaldabaoth's control and like the war of ancient Sumerian. Lucifer has helped mankind thrive against the wicked capitalist Aliens known as the part of the Annunaki. Through the esoteric secrets that have passed throughout centuries and people who are dedicated to various mystery schools understand this. Salvation comes through Gnosis, not through blind faith or hoping that some dead guy suppose to come back and save the world. In other words when people pray to a being outside of themselves in the long run you are being empowered for their assistance, but through your own will and action, through spiritual rituals and having a higher understanding on a more intuitive note will make sure those deeds are accomplish so therefore the reincarnation cycle will break and you will be more than what you are now.
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spiritusleach · 2 years
Eye am more empathic and don't seek meaningless encounters with others. Things with me are usually deeper.
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spiritusleach · 2 years
On this dark night of mystery (0ct 30) in the Apocalyptic year of 2022. Things are very different in my life, many have left this physical plane and ascended into the spirit along with others I knew and lately there has been a remergence of the shadows of the past...Externally and within especially around this Samhain/Halloween. The veil is soon to be at its thinnest.
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spiritusleach · 2 years
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Spiritus Nocturnus
The Rebel From The Darkside
Undead Necroplis
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spiritusleach · 2 years
Onward to the realm of the spiritual world. It has been quite a while since I went down this road though it is a must for me.
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spiritusleach · 3 years
I've been off for a while due to a recent mourning of a dearest and loving friend/girlfriend among other dearest loved ones. Things have changed forever as now I will never be the same. I realize she have transcended into a higher realm in which the spirit resides in entirety. It is truly life after life and no death though it still hurts and I will forever miss them here in the physical.
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spiritusleach · 3 years
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I proudly stand with BLM and NLM and I see how this country is trying to oppress ethnic monitories through systematic racism, redlining,  and much more . I am a proud Black Native. Different Race, Same Case. I stand for the cause as a proud Leftist against Racism, Fascism, and Capitalism.
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spiritusleach · 3 years
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Be sure to check out Red October
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spiritusleach · 3 years
From my Spiritus Nocturnus Blog. Be sure to follow 
In the new Apocalyptic era we must protect ourselves and bond with likeminded souls and keep close with friends and family. Times are tough and times are hard. We are now in a new dystopian world and things have changed due to the invisible terror known as Covid 19 or as I refer to it as Covid 666. Some cling to the old world and hold on to past values and others like me understand a hideous truth.
We are now standing at a fork road and one road leads to destruction serving the crooked Capitalist system and Corporations and the other is a new Socialist system were everyone as a people has more value and live in a better atmosphere where there is free Universal Healthcare and housing being a human right among other issues. The Revolution has begun in the minds of many and the fight or war against the status quo and agents of the current system that show their guise through various people steaming from American deceiving propaganda must be stopped. I will be the Anti American,Rebel Of Rebels, Spiritual Warrior and guide also last but not least....A Nightmare to a corrupt country.
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The riots, destruction of the pigs property and the thought of defunding police is just the tip of the iceberg that awaits this Titantic of a system and by signs in the heavens also showing that many more grim truths and progress ahead in this Age Of Aquarius. Blessed Samhain and Happy Halloween )0(
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spiritusleach · 3 years
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My latest songs Red October and The Rise Of Socialism can be found on my upcoming Synthwave/Labowave album America's Nightmare
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spiritusleach · 3 years
Has the old Ghoul Spiritus Leach returned?
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spiritusleach · 3 years
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There is a spectre haunting America. It goes against the typical supposed and fictional American Dream and is an American Nightmare against tradition and the status quo. His name is Spiritus Nocturnus V’“‘V
I am America’s Nightmare-The Rebel Of Rebels-The Dark Angel Of Shadows.
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spiritusleach · 3 years
Darkest Greetings and be sure to check out my alter page showcasing the new era of Spiritus Nocturnus!
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Be sure to check out my latest album entilted Spiritus Nocturnus
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spiritusleach · 4 years
Also be sure to visit Spiritus Nocturnus website  https://thedarkprince.wixsite.com/spiritusnocturnus
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Darkest Greetings! Be sure to check out and follow my Reverbnation   
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