spiritusleach · 3 years
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I proudly stand with BLM and NLM and I see how this country is trying to oppress ethnic monitories through systematic racism, redlining,  and much more . I am a proud Black Native. Different Race, Same Case. I stand for the cause as a proud Leftist against Racism, Fascism, and Capitalism.
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India: Supporters of the Socialist Unity Centre of India (Communist) rallied across the country to condemn attack on Lenin statue in Tripura by fascists of the BJP-RSS, March 6-7, 2018.
Photos: SUCI-C
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leandrosansarte · 4 years
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Estamos todos juntos nessa! Fiquem em casa quem puder. Respeite o próximo. 🙏🏻 🌍 🌎 🌏 👨‍🔬 👩‍🔬 🥼 🔬 ⚛️ 💉 #antifasicst #antifascista #paz #uniao #juntos #stayhome #fiqueemcasa #desenho #juntossomosmaisfortes #together #peace #love #power #sejabom #goodvibes #cometogether #vamosjuntos #semviolencia #noviolence #vamostodosjuntos #emcasasimsozinhonunca #vamostodosficarbem #illustration #draw #drawing #artstationhq #science #desenvolvimentopessoal #desenhostumblr https://www.instagram.com/p/CA6aubxgv-6/?igshid=e5058dkubard
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sowhenyoufeellike · 7 years
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Antifasicst tee via redbubble  https://www.redbubble.com/people/codenoir/collections/653615-antifa-antifascist-oi?asc=u
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g2megatron · 6 years
Also I've said this before but the message of "what if antifascists were the real fascists" re: the decepticons turning evil or whatever bc Violence or Space Racism is bad writing / intended to give you a bad view of antifasicst movements irl and I'm not saying you have to like or agree with the decpeticons I'm saying that on an above narrative level it's Bad that they're written that way
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dumbforhobi · 5 years
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3d-dragon · 7 years
Fuck off, you homophobic piece of shit
The fuck did I do?
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antifainternational · 10 years
A march organized by sympathizers of a Europe-based anti-Islam, anti-immigration group called PEGIDA was cancelled on Saturday after hundreds of people showed up to protest against PEGIDA itself.
Maybe they suddenly realized they were being bigoted shitbags that were going to get destroyed if they crawled out from under their rocks?
"There's no way that their demonstration will be able to go where they want to go. They won't be able to pass. The police have given them permission to march, but that doesn't mean people in the neighbourhood or anti-racist groups are giving them permission to march.” - Jaggi Singh, No One Is Illegal
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