#analyse photo
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basilepesso · 10 months ago
Sous cette photo de l'excellent Belge Tom Deleenheer, un des commentaires les plus débiles et agressifs que j'aie vue depuis une dizaine d'années sur les sites d'art.
Le iel qui vient agresser n'a aucune notion de rien en photo et n'a jamais rien prouvĂ© dans ce domaine. Iel pose une 1e merde de dix lignes expliquant que cette photo n'a "aucune qualitĂ© technique et aucun intĂ©rĂȘt", puis continue, encore, encore et encore.
Iel est secondé par une "plasticienne" asiatique parisienne qui n'a jamais fait de photo, et eux d'eux s'accordent à dire doctement que nous sommes tous des moutons.
Iel n'a rien compris de cette composition, qu'iel appelle une "simple vue de l'océan". Iel la déclare "surexposée" sans aucune raison sinon sa maladie mentale.
Composition scientifique en 4 ou 5 parties avec appui latéral droit parfaitement calculé.
Basile Pesso
Photographe, directeur de Yes We Are Magazine (Tumblr et Facebook) depuis 2 014, Ă©crivain, journaliste, ancien agent d'artistes et commissaire d'exposition (etc...) 2 mai 2 024 (Fb)
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rustyelias · 3 months ago
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oh they are so brassaï like I’m jumping up and down rn
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leopardom · 1 year ago
i saw this pic a bit late but now it’s stuck in my head. there’s probably no special meaning behind it, just some posing that could fit the theme of Everybody’s Waiting since it’s taken on the set of the mv, but i started having Thoughtsâ„ąïž so
 (more under the cut)
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i suppose we can all agree this photo is fitting the vibe of the song perfectly. it’s about how everybody’s waiting for them to do something pleasing for the audience, how they wanna see them shine at all times because well, they’re not that small band anymore, they’re certainly more famous and with fame comes pressure. all the phones around them, pretty much shoved on their faces, ready to capture every single detail, is a pretty valid representation of said pressure
now moving from left to right:
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both Nace and Kris seem to be cautious about their surroundings. Nace is probably a bit more alert since this is a bit newer to him than the rest of the guys, when Kris looks like he has accepted he’s being seen and he can’t really control it, especially now
there’s a hint of sadness in both their eyes, the result of pressure. but at least they are not alone; Kris has someone to lean on and Nace has a hand to hold on to when it’s getting too much. they’re in this together
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the same sadness Nace and Kris carry seems to be following Bojan too. except that Bojan doesn’t even dare to look up anymore because if he does, someone may see through him. he’s tired, defeated, the pressure has taken its toll on him and he doesn’t know what to do. he can only try to shield himself by not looking up and by crossing his arms, a sign that no one’s allowed in but also maybe some sort of hug from him to himself
him being more closed may come in contrast with Kris being more open while battling with emotions, but this way they kinda complete each other. they’re in this together
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while Bojan may not be able to look up, Jure is not able to look anywhere at all. this is supposed to be fun - he is supposed to be fun. but he doesn’t feel like that and that’s not something people will like so what’s better than closing up completely?
he’s attempting to hide, no one has to see what’s going on in his head. he doesn’t want anyone to see so he’s not only closing his eyes but is also trying to hide behind Bojan, who admittedly receives a lot more attention than he does. however, even if he’s leaning on his bandmate and friend, he’s aware that this attention is breaking him too, so he’s got his back. they’re in this together
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among everything else that make people notice the contrast between Jure and Jan (i.e. the looks: Jure is blond, Jan is dark haired), their reactions to the matter of pressure seem to be a bit different too. Jure is hiding, but Jan is trying not to. this doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s succeeding and he’s dealing with pressure just fine, because there is sadness in his eyes
you could say he’s trying to play it as cool as possible, no one needs to know what’s up. but he also looks cautious. cautious like Nace on the other end of the group picture. and he realises that not everyone can deal with pressure in the same ways so the least he can do is let Jure know he’s there for him by leaning his head against his. they’re in this together
and finally looking at the photo as a whole? they’re certainly on the spotlight, the centre of attention for so many people around them. they’re trapped and can’t escape from the watchful eyes and the pressure is definitely hitting them, each one of them in different ways
but at least they’re close to each other. each of them is trying to make sure the others know that they’re there and not going anywhere. not because they are trapped and can’t escape, but because they’re a group of friends after all and they’ll stand next to each other through good or bad
they’re in this together
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khihi · 1 year ago
the heartbroken belt buckle. the thumbs tucked into the leather. the dangling untied tie. the chest hair and the charm. the spikes around his arm. the cigerette. him being tucked in between the soft fuzzy jumper on the soft fuzzy floor. i feel like im looking at poetry.
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human-ithink17 · 10 months ago
okay, i'm probably overthinking this and seeing something that is not there but
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this is mr. scott's bike (or at least i assume that because it is outside his house in s1 ep6)
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this is a bike that was in that picture with a whole buch of bikes from the stranger things instagram groupchat thingy
look smilar? personally, i think so. now the fact that there is just one bike and not a duplicate makes me think that this is going to be for a minor charcter. so, will mr. scott come back in s5 riding his bike around hawkins? personally i really want him to interact with byler but i guess we'll just have to see.
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unordinary-diary · 8 months ago
I’ve discussed before the parallels between Blyke and John, but here I shall call attention to the way that the two of them are drawn.
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Unfortunately I don’t appear to have any good pictures of Blyke OR John where Blyke isn’t getting beaten up, but I’m here to point out how similar they look. They wear the same uniform, of course, they have similar builds, the same haircut/style, and the same eye color.
Even later on in the series, when Uru-chan began to vary the facial features of the characters (namely eye shape), Blyke and John remained strikingly similar.
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(There was also a point in time where Blyke’s hair was drawn more out to the sides, presumably to differentiate him from John post-hair gel, but it is not drawn that way anymore.)
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I’d like to point out this panel:
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This was taken from the season 2 part 1 recap.
It... really looks like john is beating up himself. Of course, we as the audience recognize that panel and we know that it’s Blyke, but the two of them could’ve been switched and it would look the same. I believe that this was an intentional choice; not all flashback panels have the same effects on them, and this particular effect happens to make Blyke’s hair look black. Also, with the panel that is chosen, Blyke’s face is not visible. Even if their faces did look significantly different, we wouldn’t be able to tell.
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croded · 1 month ago
me watching link click: i know this frame [insert literally any mildly symbolic frame from any part of the whole show] means SOMETHING but I don't know WHAT (im fucking stupid)
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rickybaby · 1 year ago
The class of 2024 photoshoot
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littleoddwriter · 6 months ago
Cooper Abbott (Trap, 2024) as a Firefighter | Mini-Analysis
Hi there and welcome back to me analysing the character Cooper Abbott (portrayed by Josh Hartnett) in the movie Trap (written, produced and directed by M. Night Shyamalan)! This one is a mini-analysis and interpretation of a particular aspect of his character, based on one short scene and things we've been told and given glimpses of during the movie: Cooper working as a firefighter. It's also mostly speculation after because I like to think further, of course. I'd be happy to know what others think about this aspect of him, so if this were to spark a conversation, that'd be great! :') <3 And for anyone, who might be interested, here is the more in-depth character analysis of Cooper that I wrote.
As we get to know Cooper Abbott in the beginning of the movie, one particular detail we're told about him is that he's a firefighter.
He tells Jamie, the vendor of the merch stand at the Lady Raven concert, that he works in the fire department, which allows him to garner trust from Jamie, who now sees him as 'one of the good guys' that he can tell details about the concert's function as a trap for Cooper's serial killer persona "the Butcher". Toward the end of the movie, when Dr. Grant - the FBI profiler - explains her psychological profile of Cooper to Rachel, his wife, we catch a glimpse of a photo of Cooper and some of his colleagues at the fire station advertising the firemen calendar. While Cooper talks to Lady Raven in her limousine, he also tells her that the houses he keeps his victims in, and also plans in, are vacant due to fire code violations, suggesting that he uses the resources he's given as a firefighter to help with his murders, like knowing which houses will be empty for longer periods of time. And during Cooper and Rachel's confrontation afterwards, she specifically mentions that the smell of cleaning fluid on him furthered her suspicions of his serial killing, because it's not the kind he would use at the station, but rather what she associates with hospitals.
Those are the things we are told and shown about Cooper when it comes to his work as a firefighter. But there is one scene about halfway through the movie, where we actually witness him working as a first aider.
In an attempt to avoid being seen by Dr. Grant when Cooper is backstage at the concert, he helps a teenage girl, who was about to collapse on the stairs behind the stage. He catches her when she's starting to fall over, lifts her up and carries her, and then asks a staff member where he should put her. Inside the medical tent, he sits her down on a chair and soothingly talks to her, while treating her for her possible low blood sugar and dehydration. He tells her that he'll get her some juice, while putting a cooling pack on the back of her neck, and that she'll feel a lot better within the next half hour. Even one of the medical staff members in the tent was impressed with his work, more or less jokingly asking to keep him because of how good he is with the patients.
This scene shows how natural his work is to him. Cooper is incredibly skilled and quick, just as he is when he's thinking of ways to cause distractions and find a way out of the venue for himself. He's focused and has a great way of making the other person feel safe and like they're in good hands with him with the way he's speaking in a low, soothing voice, and stays on a figurative, and even literal, eye level with them when he does. In short, Cooper seems to be in his element when he's helping the teenager. It also shows very clearly that he's been doing this for many years because of how natural his movements and words are for him.
Having been shown how he would be on the job, essentially, also raises the question why he chose to be a firefighter in the first place.
Personally, I think that he became a firefighter because it's a job that is thrilling and never the same, but with a certain degree of control he has over everything that happens; even if some situations can be rather unpredictable. He still decides the course of action (depending on his position within the department) and, to an extent, what happens to the people he's helping. This job allows him to be close to injury and death without being the initial cause. Whether or not he abuses his power to play around with what humans could potentially survive or not is up to debate. I think it's safe to say, though, that it taught him a lot of useful things for his future murders, while giving him a way to have several safe houses without anybody knowing, and without having to spend any money on them and therefore leaving no traces of his presence. It might have also allowed him to gain access to tools he uses, or at least know where to get them, what he can use, and how, without raising suspicions. This is especially evident when Cooper tells Lady Raven about the lethal effects of carbon monoxide on a person in a small and closed space, stating that "you need to know about these sorts of things as a firefighter", as he explains to her that he'll use it to easily kill Spencer, his current victim, if she refuses to help him out of the venue or signals the FBI. If his only reason to be a firefighter had been power, control, and being close to injury/death and danger, he could have just become a police officer, which could have even allowed him to manipulate what the police knows about his murders. But since he's a firefighter, there are more ways to interpret and speculate why he chose that profession.
On that note, I also want to add that another possible reason for his decision to be a fireman could be his upbringing and the abuse he experienced at the hand of his mother. This could go two ways; although they don't negate one another. One being that he wanted to actually help people out of situations where they are in danger and feel helpless because he never had a helping hand when he needed it most in his youth. Therefore, he would be using it as a kind of coping mechanism for his trauma. The other being that he uses this job to counteract "the monster", as his dark side has been dubbed by his mother and later himself. It is possible that he initially tried to be better and do something useful - something good - to prove his mother, and by extension himself, wrong about his being a monster. Both are potential explanations for his choice that can be true at the same time.
So far, those have been my thoughts about Cooper being a firefighter and why that's the chosen profession for him. Of course, there's also the simple reason that it's one of the best covers for him because people wouldn't immediately suspect a fireman to be a serial killer. But since Cooper has most definitely been a firefighter for much longer than he's been a murderer (presumably, at least), I also think that it's reasonable to consider different explanations for this choice.
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bruisedboys · 11 months ago
um so he keeps asking me how my crocheting is going?????? What if I married him rn
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leopardom · 1 year ago
i really posted the Bojan’s photos analysis for nothing huh đŸ„Č
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autistickaitovocaloid · 9 months ago
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Crazy gmod session today
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dandelion-network · 1 year ago
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[ID: Two photos. The photo on the left is the poetry collection The Tiny Journalist by Naomi Shihab Nye lying in a keffiyeh. The photo on the right is of a page in the collection of the poem called "Peace Talks". The poem goes "Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Trouble Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Nothing.]
I started and finished The Tiny Journalist by Naomi Shihab Nye today, a poetry collection about her perspective as a Palestinian American and how she inspiring she found Janna - a girl known as the "Youngest Journalist in Palestine."
What can I even say about this collection that would do it justice? 5/5
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merigoldaround · 2 years ago
I don't know if I can analyse this well, but to me all of the hardware concept photos could in some way be about trying to cover vulnerability in different ways. In the first one he's fully covered with the leather jacket, almost like an armour. The second one he's showing skin a little bit more, but he has the studs and the lip ring on his face. The third set is vulnerable for the obvious reason that he's appearing naked, yet covering his skin with metal spikes as if to say "you can look, but not touch".
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most-devious-bastard-in-nyc · 2 years ago
This article is gonna make me so absolutely insufferable
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233432121212121 · 2 years ago
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bicycle ring from scott street. 
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