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𝐬𝐚𝐭����𝐦𝐢 𝐦𝐢𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐨 penned by 𝖍𝖊𝖈𝖆𝖙𝖊 for duskfellhq
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miyamctos · 3 years ago
    O’RILEY  ,  T .
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Eyebrows raised slightly as he nods. He didn’t know this would be her kind of scene, but then again he didn’t really know his own niece that well at all. They definitely weren’t a normal family and that’s putting it lightly. “Could be,” he told her honestly. He was disappointed with her answer as he’d like to fight here without having to cautiously avoid people. “Shame. ‘ woulda enjoyed fighting here”
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          THIS  CONVERSATION  BETWEEN  THEM  is  awkward  to  say  the  least  .  satomi  doesn’t  really  know  anything  about  this  man  .  they’ve  only  heard  of  him  .  and  they’re  not  exactly  a  fan  of  basing  their  initial  impression  of  someone  they’ve  never  met  on  other  people’s  perceptions  .  “  it’s  really  that  big  of  an  issue  for  you  ?  ”  quirks  a  brow  at  the  blond  .  “  it’s  not  like  they’re  here  all  the  time  .  ”
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miyamctos · 3 years ago
    LIN  ,  D .
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“ WHAT’S THAT SUPPOSED TO BE MEAN ? ”   thea narrows their eyes, naturally taking something as offensive when it’s likely not meant to be.   “ i mean, who doesn’t love free food ?   usually gifts are just STUFF anyway. and most people are old enough and have enough money to buy their own shit if they really want something, so gifts are usually just crap they don’t want. ”   at least that’s what thea tells herself, since she barely afford presents. she can barely afford herself.
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          THERE’S  A  MINUSCULE  FROWN  at  thea’s  sudden  change  in  demeanor  .  their  statement  wasn’t  meant  to  be  offensive  .  “  it’s  not  a  dig  ,  ”  satomi  clarifies  .  “  everyone  has  a  different  definition  of  family  .  some  have  an  appearance  they  show  to  the  world  but  it’s  different  behind  closed  doors  .  ”  and  they  would  know  .  the  hunters  are  good  at  presenting  a  united  front  .  “  yeah  but  then  you  run  into  the  occasional  greedy  relatives  that  think  they’re  entitled  to  a  gift  .  and  i  mean  you’re  not  wrong  .  gifts  should  be  of  some  use  to  the  receiver  .  ”
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miyamctos · 3 years ago
    O’RILEY  ,  A .
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        that’s  what  they  liked  about  satomi :  they  got  it  ,   coming  from  big  families  with  lots  of  drama  ,   they  were  two  sides  to  the  same  coin  .   it was  why  amelia  was  …  attached  for  their  bit  of  time  together  .    “  he’s  looking  at  potential  fight  clubs ?  ”    amelia  asks  with  a  raise  of  her  brow  ,   curiosity  getting  the  best  of  them  .  
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          THAT’S  THE  THING  WITH  families  like  theirs  ,  shit  gets  too  real  too  fast  .  satomi  can  appreciate  that  she  and  amelia  understand  one  another  .  if  it  weren’t  pressure  coming  from  both  families  ,  they’d  like  to  think  that  they  would  still  be  ...  together  .  in  a  sense  .  “  looks  like  it  .  otherwise  why  would  he  even  show  up  to  mine  ?  though  ,  he  didn’t  exactly  realize  i  owned  the  place  .  ”
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miyamctos · 3 years ago
    FERREIRA  ,  G .
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     GABRIEL SQUINTS OVER AT SATOMI as he finishes bandaging his bicep. it’s nothing bad, but it’s something he does need to cover up in order to keep practicing. because no, he most certainly isn’t going to let satomi win this because of course, he thinks this is a competition when it’s not. “barely grazing someone is still grazing someone,” he states, rolling his eyes as he moves his arm, completely bandaged. “that doesn’t make me feel any better, satomi.” gabriel says with an exasperated huff. “you’re telling me you meant to do that then?” probably because satomi loves to make his life hell. 
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          BROWS  RAISE  IN  AMUSEMENT  at  their  friend’s  quip  .  listen  ,  gabriel’s  not  wrong  but  again  ,  this  is  simply  a  learning  experience  .  and  their  intent  isn’t  to  put  him  in  harm’s  way  .  at  his  question  ,  they  pretend  to  think  about  it  for  a  moment  .  “  i  could  lie  and  say  no  if  it  makes  you  feel  better  .  ”  the  knife  in  satomi’s  hand  is  thrown  with  quick  precision  and  accuracy  .  it  lands  with  a  soft  thud  ,  the  tip  of  the  blade  embedding  itself  into  the  target  directly  adjacent  to  gabriel  .  “  i’m  simply  preparing  you  with  different  scenarios  .  it’s  all  about  quick  reflexes  .  ”
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miyamctos · 3 years ago
    CROWERS  ,  C .
        Cara’s eyes dart down before widening slightly. In usual circumstances, she’d thoroughly admire the tattoo, which set itself apart through both design and artistry. It’s a difference that’s apparent to some people upon a closer look. But whether or not Cara’s one of these people doesn’t matter right now, as she’s instead too busy imagining the pain of that tattoo being etched onto her own skin. This displeasure is only tempered by her internal recognition of the tattoo’s glory — recognition anyone with two eyes and an even casual appreciation for the finer things would employ.
        “Ooooh, I’m not gonna lie. I would’ve done a whole sleeve if I was inspired enough.” She laughs, but not sheepishly, “Good fucking thing I’m uninspired, huh?” The laugh that follows sounds relieved.
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        “Uhhh, yes please to the aftercare tips.” With a sardonic grin that covers a grimace, she reaches up to lightly cup her arm. “I mean, I got a pamphlet from O Fortuna. But tell me your secrets, Satomi!” She twists her face, looking desperate. “My poor, unmelanated skin begs of you.”
          SATOMI  PRIDES  THEMSELVES  WHEN  it  comes  to  their  tattoos  .  the  sight  of  bold  strokes  and  rich  black  ink  does  come  off  daunting  .  however  ,  the  pain  that  came  with  it  felt  like  a  distant  memory  .  instead  ,  it  became  associated  with  the  rigorous  hours  spent  training  to  be  the  best  hunter  in  their  family  .
“  again  ,  it’s  really  not  as  bad  as  it  seems  ,  ”  satomi  admits  with  a  light  laugh  .  “  sleeves  don’t  have  to  be  done  all  in  one  go  .  i  was  just  on  a  time  crunch  so  that  happened  ,  ”  they  admit  .  “  but  if  you’ve  got  a  specific  tattoo  style  you  like  then  you  can  take  your  time  building  the  piece  .  ”  
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“  it’ll  probably  be  mentioned  in  the  o  fortuna  pamphlet  but  this  is  just  my  experience  .  ”  they  spot  a  vacated  table  and  move  to  take  a  seat  ,  gesturing  for  cara  to  join  them  .  the  two  might  be  here  a  while  !  “  okay  so  whatever  you  do  ,  don’t  scratch  at  it  .  it’ll  get  itchy  after  a  few  days  because  of  the  healing  process  .  it’s  weird  but  whenever  it  itches  just  slap  at  it  .  it’s  kinda  like  resisting  the  urge  to  scratch  at  a  bug  bite  .  and  don’t  be  alarmed  about  the  slimy  feeling  .  that’s  just  plasma  .  ”
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miyamctos · 3 years ago
    HAWTHORNE  ,  S .
“I drank a whole bottle of pedialyte as soon as I woke up.” He responds, his words were drawled out as he spoke. “But, if there was one piece of advice my dad gave me before he passed, it was that the best cure to a hangover is to just drink more.” It wasn’t true, not for a long shot. With how the vibes were since the death, he desperately needed a beer. “It is surreal, I just wonder who did it.” His eyes lighting up as the bottle was placed in front of him, instantly taking a long drink. 
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          “  THAT  SOUNDS  LIKE  A  fast  track  to  alcoholism  ,  ”  they  comment  ,  an  amused  smirk  gracing  their  features  .  although  ,  satomi  shouldn’t  be  the  one  to  comment  given  how  high  their  drinking  tolerance  is  .  “  well  the  consensus  is  that  it’s  none  of  the  hunters  ––  which  thank  god  .  ”  sips  on  their  glass  of  whisky  .  “  it’s  insulting  because  we  are  not  messy  .  there’s  a  specific  craft  to  our  work  ,  y’know  ?  ”
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miyamctos · 3 years ago
    LIN  ,  D .
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“ I MEAN, NO, THEY ARE LIKE FAMILY. but that doesn’t mean i get everyone in my family presents, either. ”   maybe the lin and lichen pack just weren’t as warm-and-fuzzy as what satomi’s used to. then again, thea and her parents didn’t even exchange gifts this year, still pretending the other doesn’t exist.   “ i’m not a gift-giver, anyway, ”   thea tells them, with a shrug.   “ i don’t have enough money for myself, let alone to give people shit they don’t need. ”
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          “  I  GUESS  EVERYONE’S  GOT  a  different  definition  of  family  ,  ”  satomi  comments  with  a  light  shrug  .  it’s  interesting  to  learn  .  guess  the  lin  and  lichen  pack  were  just  as  in  keeping  with  appearances  behind  closed  doors  .  who  were  they  to  judge  them  ?  “  alright  that’s  fair  .  sometimes  i  just  opt  for  treating  them  out  for  a  meal  if  i  really  can’t  think  of  a  gift  idea  .  probably  doesn’t  make  me  the  best  person  but  it  does  the  job  .  ”
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miyamctos · 3 years ago
LOCATION  :  satomi’s  fight  club  (  on a non-fight day lmao  )
FEATURING  :  gabriel  ferreira  (  @gabrielferreiras​  )
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          “  I  BARELY  GRAZED  YOU  with  the  last  knife  i  threw  ,  ”  satomi  rolls  their  eyes  and  turns  back  to  the  table  .  their  weapons  (  mostly  knives  )  were  meticulously  laid  out  .  this  was  meant  to  be  a  learning  experience  for  gabriel  .  they  pick  up  another  throwing  knife  ,  tossing  it  up  in  the  air  and  catching  it  by  the  handle  each  time  .  “  i  think  you’re  just  making  a  big  deal  out  of  this  .  and  i’m  also  a  little  offended  you  think  my  aim  would  be  off  .  i’m  good  at  this  shit  ,  man  .  ”
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miyamctos · 3 years ago
    O’RILEY  ,  T .
Eyes still very much focused on the fight in front of them, eager to see if he’s right. Although there’s nothing in it for him either way.  “Yeah. Maybe both,“ He’s about to be proven right when the short one capitalises on a pre-existing injury the larger fellow has and takes him down to the ground. Placing bets would be easy money for him, it almost wouldn’t seem fair, but winning in a fight is definitely something he’d enjoy. Taking a moment to turn towards Satomi and give her his attention he asks “Amelia come here?”
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           ARMS  FOLD  ACROSS  THEIR  CHEST  ,  a  light  smirk  surfaces  on  their  features  when  the  crowd  erupts  into  an  array  of  mixed  emotions  .  his  question  doesn’t  take  them  off  guard  .  it’s  not  at  all  surprising  that  he’d  ask  .  in  fact  ,  part  of  satomi  was  expecting  the  question  about  amelia  to  pop  .  they  turn  to  face  torin  the  same  time  he  turns  to  face  them  .  leveling  his  gaze  ,  satomi  shrugs  .  “  from  time  to  time  .  that  shouldn’t  be  a  problem  ,  should  it  ?  ”
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miyamctos · 3 years ago
    O’RILEY  ,  A .
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         ‘  i  can’t  say  the  men  in  my  family  -  outside  my  father  -  ever  knew  anything  about  boundaries  .  ’   their  uncle  is  a  bit  estranged  ,   even  more  so  than  they  were   (  which  was  by  choice  )  ,   and  amelia  really  doesn’t  know  a  lot  about  him  .   she  kinda  wishes  that  she  did  ,   but  there  would  be  nothing  to  do  about  that  .    ‘  not  like  ,   o’riley  to  o’riley  .   he  was  just  buying  some  grave  flowers  and  left  .  ’  
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          “  I  GUESS  THAT’S  NOT  SURPRISING  ,  ”  satomi  half  jokes  .  isn’t  that  how  it  always  is  with  big  families  ?  “  i  see  ,  ”  they  nod  ,  wondering  what  amelia  is  making  of  all  this  .  it  can’t  be  easy  seeing  an  estranged  family  member  .  they  would  know  .  there’s  a  whole  other  side  of  their  family  they  don’t  talk  about  .  “  i  guess  he’s  gotta  be  back  for  a  reason  .  especially  if  he’s  looking  at  potential  fight  clubs  .  ”
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miyamctos · 3 years ago
    CROWERS  ,  C .
        Cara nods, a perky grin curling at her lips as she surveys their vast arrangement of tattoos. As an amateur animator herself, she doesn’t have the authority to comment on anyone else’s technique. But she knows good craftsmanship when she sees it, and notices that the stranger clearly has a specific, high-quality vision for the ink on their body. Knowing that makes her ecstatic that they approve of her own tattoo enough to compliment it unpromptedly.
        “This is my first one! I was totally cool while getting it, but wow,” she says, grimacing slightly as her arm shifts while flexing, feeling skin together and wishing she could take her potion in secret, “this fucking smarts.”
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        Finally, Cara’s name is called out, and she grabs the caramel macchiato that the barista hands to her. Then, she turns back to her current subject of curiosity, nodding once at them. “That’s me, Cara! What about you?” She takes a sip.
          “  THAT’S  AWESOME  !  i  might  sound  crazy  for  saying  this  ,  but  you  kinda  get  used  to  it  after  your  second  or  third  one  ,  ”  satomi  chuckles  .  “  but  you’re  smart  for  starting  off  with  a  smaller  piece  .  my  first  piece  was  this  one  ––  ”  gestures  to  the  tattoos  peeking  out  from  the  collar  of  her  shirt  and  rolls  up  her  sleeve  to  show  how  far  their  first  piece  extended  .  however  ,  it  is  a  miyamoto  tradition  for  a  hunter  to  go  to  japan  to  get  inked  after  successfully  completing  training  .
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“  it’s  nice  to  meet  you  ,  cara  .  ”  before  satomi  could  introduce  herself  ,  their  name  is  called  out  and  they’re  presented  with  an  americano  .  “  i’m  satomi  .  ”  takes  a  sip  of  their  drink  .  “  while  we’re  still  on  the  topic  of  tattoos  ,  did  you  want  any  aftercare  tips  ?  ”
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miyamctos · 3 years ago
    HAWTHORNE  ,  S .
closed starter // @miyamctos​​
location // the red eye
“I feel like I’m stuck in an awful hangover.” Silas groaned, putting his hands over his face for a moment. “Like… I drank too much and then the whole murder thing, it’s a lot for my brain to cope with.” Was he being a tad dramatic about the hangover, most likely. 
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          “  I’M  SURE  SOME  GATORADE  will  help  with  the  hangover  ,  ”  they  comment  facetiously  .  “  i  can’t  say  there’s  anything  to  help  with  the  whole  murder  thing  .  ”  at  least  it  wasn’t  the  hunters  .  however  ,  satomi  did  feel  a  little  offended  when  the  hunters  were  called  into  question  about  it  .  “  it’s  still  surreal  though  .  ”
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miyamctos · 3 years ago
    O’RILEY  ,  T .
“Glad it’s open” he commented referring to the fight club. This was the ideal place for him to blow of steam when he needed to. Tonight wasn’t one of those nights. He was just checking the place out and possibly gauging the competition. “Yeah, I didn’t think I’d be back so soon either” he spoke casually, his eyes back on the fight which had most of his attention.
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          THEY’RE  TRYING  TO  GET  a  read  on  their  ex-partner’s  uncle  ,  but  so  far  ,  he’s  not  giving  much  .  not  that  satomi  can  blame  him  .  the  dude’s  been  gone  for  how  long  now  ?  “  you  looking  for  a  new  place  to  fight  ?  ”  they  question  ,  eyes  darting  from  the  fight  to  the  blond  every  so  often  .  the  fight  starts  to  ramp  up  and  in  this  moment  ,  satomi  predicts  that  there  will  be  a  lot  of  disappointed  patrons  about  to  walk  away  .  “  or  just  somewhere  to  place  some  bets  ?  ”
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miyamctos · 3 years ago
    LIN  ,  D .
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“ WHAT DO WE DO ? ”   she echoes incredulously, not really sure what satomi’s asking at first.   “ oh, fuck that. i don’t get gifts for everyone in the pack. we celebrate them in one way or another—acknowledge them, i guess you can say—but it’s not like my brother bakes everyone a cake to blow out some candles. why, do you celebrate every cousin of yours’ birthday ? ”
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          IT’S  DEFINITELY  AN  ATTEMPT  to  strike  up  a  conversation  with  their  ...  friend  .  “  so  the  whole  your  pack  is  like  your  extended  family  is  just  propaganda  ?  ”  not  surprising  but  it’s  still  amusing  to  hear  .  “  i  think  it’d  be  concerning  if  your  brother  bakes  a  cake  for  everyone’s  birthday  .  but  it’s  just  a  curious  question  ,  ”  they  shrug  .  “  i  don’t  really  celebrate  all  of  my  cousin’s  birthdays  .  unless  they  want  to  .  ”  and  it’s  not  like  their  family  is  as  big  as  a  wolf  pack  .
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miyamctos · 3 years ago
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THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER Episode 4: The Whole World is Watching
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miyamctos · 3 years ago
    GODFREY  ,  A .
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     apollo  looks  more  sophisticated  than  usual  ;   black  tailored  trousers  ,  button-down  white  shirt  and  black  vest  .   and  he’s  extending  the  tray  of  glasses  to  guests  every  now  and  then  ,  with  a  smile  plastered  on  lips  .   though  ,  the  action  is  rather  done  on  automatic  .   thus  ,  when  he’s  approached  by  the  other  ,  the  tray  is  extended  to  them  too  ,  but  the  smile  ?   well  ,  it  dies  a  little  .   “  that’s  rude  ,  miyamoto  .  ”   he  looks  at  the  direction  of  the  host  of  the  event  ,  who  looks  distracted  enough  ,  and  pluckers  a  glass  for  himself  from  his  own  tray  ,  downing  the  drink  quickly  .   “  am  i  really  not  that  memorable  ?  ”
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           THEY  MERELY  SHRUG  IN  RESPONSE  .  satomi  grabs  a  drink  off  his  tray  and  takes  a  sip  .  “  i  wouldn’t  say  that  you  aren’t  that  memorable  ,  godfrey  ,  ”  a  teasing  smirk  graces  their  features  .  “  you’re  not  always  working  here  so  can  you  really  blame  a  person  for  forgetting  ?  ”  they  definitely  didn’t  forget  but  it’s  all  said  in  light  jest  .  “  and  i’ll  be  honest  ,  you  never  struck  me  as  the  type  of  person  to  work  at  a  distillery  .  ”
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miyamctos · 3 years ago
    FERREIRA  ,  G .
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     GABRIEL WINCES, looking around to see how many people are around. “hopefully, we’re here just early,” he answers because at least he’ll able to leave early before the crowd starts to appear. “a little bit of both. though i don’t really know what to get anyone. gift shopping is always a struggle.”
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          THEY  CAN’T  HELP  BUT  CHUCKLE  lightly  at  his  reaction  .  “  then  you  better  avoid  this  place  the  closer  it  gets  to  the  holidays  ,  ”  satomi  half-jokes  .  “  either  way  i  think  this  market  is  great  to  get  some  stocking  stuffers  so  you’ll  at  least  not  have  to  worry  about  that  part  .  ”
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