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Digimon World Chapter 35 Page 13 :
Yes, I'm still on it ! I'm just extra ultra busy. This page was supposed to be the last one of the chapter. But 13 pages ? It's not enough ! So I drew few more pages, and the chapter extended to 19. After that, the arc of the Dinosaur region would be OVER (after six years, yeaaaah).
(And yes, first mention of ANALOGMAN !)
#digimon#digital chronicles#digimon world#gzaltan#comic-book#adaptation#videogame#meteormon#analogman
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Chaosdramon deck - tbh I see now it's mostly level 5s (which it needs tbh, but I topped up today and maybe I need to add more level fours in 馃う and... More tamers)
It started with the alt art Chaosdramon from my first booster pack. I'll see how it plays before changing it again tho 馃槄
#digimon#digimon tcg#digimon trading card game#digimon ccg#chaosdramon#machinedramon#analogman#dorimon#demimeramon#yokomon#hagurumon#tapirmon#jazamon#toyagumon#gotsumon#maki himekawa#deltamon#guardromon#andromon#metalmamemon#metaltyrannomon#cyberdramon#gigadramon#megadramon#metalgreymon
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You'll want to take a walk on Shakedown Street when playing today's pedal, the Block Logo Envelope Filter from Analog Man Guitar Effects!! An Estimated Prophet will create Fire On The Mountain as the funk pours from every crevice of your amplifier, channeling vintage auto-wah and filter sounds with ease...Demo Out NOW!!
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watching an episode of of that pedal show featuring a prominent pedal designer/builder and they're talking about the history of overdrive/distortion/fuzz effects and it's bringing me so much joy to watch these extremely knowledgable and passionate people nerd tf out about pretty much exactly my special interest. and it's not like music (and specifically guitar) effects technology can reasonably be formally, academically studied, so in all likelihood they're probably some of the preeminent experts in the whole world (analogman notwithstanding, analogman is the unimpeachable legend of guitar technology). and they're so excited that they keep getting ahead of themselves and needing to collectively dial it back so they can keep the episode at least a little bit coherent. like truly aha i do that. also i'm learning that opamp is its own circuit fit inside a teeny tiny chip?? and it's the reason that opamp technology is so ridiculously loud compared to other types of solid state amplification?? anyways moral of the story is, i'm in love with two weird nerdy middle-aged white british guys and an even nerdier middle-aged dude from kansas and their encyclopaedic knowledge of guitars and guitar accessories
#personal#guitar#pedals#im sane#fuzzface#dod#analogman#tps#jhs#i dunno why im tagging all this it's not like tungle.hellsite will let me ever find this post again 馃檭
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#pedalboard #jam with my @official_line6 #hxeffects @analogmike_piera #kingoftone @madebymikepedals #muff @tcelectronic #subnup mini and #cornfordamps #roadhouse #amplifier
I played my @fender #telecaster #guitar with @seymourduncanpickups
A voyage to trip out city 馃寙
#guitar#fender#music#telecaster#songwriter#singersongwriter#guitarist#pedalboard#shure#line 6#hx effects#madebymikepedals#cornfordamps#cornfordroadhouse#analogmankingoftone#analogman#simonlowesmusic#simonlowes#simonlowesmusician
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Who do you guys like the most on your team? Who do you hate the most on the enemy team?

"An interesting question... Although I'm not one for relationships since I'm a superior being... I must admit that Obake's intellect and Motivations truly seem to resonate with me. He's like a more intelligent Dr. Regal.

"As for who I hate on the enemy team... Probably my stupid brothers... Especially RiFT. So much power, yet he uses it to serve lower beings. What an insult..."

"Glad to know we can get along, Slur. I have always found you fascinating... But as a brilliant mind who loves potential, Eggman Nega is a man after my own heart."

"The feeling is mutual, Obake. I do have respect for Dr. Starline and the Analog Man as well."

"Oh, it's such an honor to hear you say that, Mr. Eggman Nega, sir. Know that you are my favorite here as well."

"As for who I hate... Though I haven't met them in person, that Peni Parker and her robot, SP//Dr remind me too much of Hiro and Baymax, which remind me of my past Failure! If I can't get my revenge on Hiro, then Peni will be the next Best thing..."

"I feel the same way about that key wielding Sonic that showed up not too long ago! Dimensional variant or not, he's still a Sonic, and Sonic ruined my plans many times! I want to destroy him personally...!"

"Hey! You lay off him, Egghead! That Sonic is mine, ya hear me!? I'm the one who's gonna destroy him! I hate him and every other Sonic out there! I'll destroy them all until the only one left is me!"

"You tell 'em, Scourgey! Now, tell them how I'm your favorite person here!"

"If by that, you mean my LEAST favorite person here, then yes, that's you, Rosy."

"Awww! You say the meanest things, Scourgey! You're one of my favorite people here, too..."

"But her... This one right here... She's my girl..."

"Aw, thank you, Rosy. I like you, too. Such an adorable little psychopath ready to smash some heads... It's like having a little sister... But of course, my favorite has to be Dark Mega for obvious reasons."

"You're my favorite, too, Dark Empress! A beautiful Darkloid queen like you has stolen my heart..."

"As much as that Empress chick terrifies me almost as much as Rosy does... Gotta agree with her. Dark Megz is my favorite member here. We both got beef with our goodie-goodie two shoes doppelgangers, and we both want to live in a world of chaos."

"Yeah... I'm disliking that Megaman more and more each day. He gets to keep his Lan, while I was rejected by mine when I became the ruler of the Darkloids."

"I feel the same way about Roll. She gets to keep her Mayl, but mine wouldn't accept the new me..."

"Can I help you smash that good Roll that makes you look bad, best friend?! Can I, can I, can I?!"

"Sure... As long as I get to land the last blow."


"Obake and Eggman Nega are inspirational. Their genius far exceeds mine, and I have much to learn from them. I don't have any personal beef with anyone on the enemy team... Yet... But that ARiA and her army of Guardiangemon might be a problem."

"CHYA HA HA HA HA HA!!! My favorite person here is obviously the Great Lord Brevon! No one can compare to his greatness...!

"As for who I hate the most, obviously it's that blasted Commander Torque! He and Squid Head have been getting in Lord Brevon's way far too many times! I promise to destroy them!"

"I can always count on you to praise me, General Serpentine. I, too, can't stand Commander Torque. That blasted dragon girl might not be with him now, but he can still be a problem... Especially with that new squad of his."

"My favorite member is Ophelia! Even if it's not official, she's awesome!
"And my favorite member on the other team is my beloved Nana..."

"You're supposed to be talking about the enemy members you hate, lover boy. Anyway, probably no surprise to anyone, but Mr. Tinker is my arch nemesis on the enemy team. I got over the grudge of him 'murdering' Dr. Eggman ever since meeting the superior Eggman Nega. That doesn't mean I don't want to show him up. What about you, Sync?"


"Gee, nice choices there, chatterbox."

"I think we can all assume he hates everyone equally, teammate and enemy alike. Anyway, it seems we reached our limit, time-wise. We need to get back to our plans of taking over the Multiverse."
#new data discovered (ask)#data analyzed (answered)#mystery data (anon)#slur will rule (ic)#obake's new experiment (ic)#eggman nega has a master plan (ic)#dr. starline takes control (ic)#all hail king scourge baby! (ic)#rosy crushes her scourgey poo (ic)#dark empress has logged in (ic)#dark mega has logged in (ic)#analogman unleashes his machinedramon (ic)#general serpentine reporting for duty (ic)#bow down to lord brevon (ic)#teseo hacks the world (ic)#sync attacks with fonic artes (ic)#megaman battle network#big hero six#sonic rush#sonic rivals#sonic archie comics#digimon#freedom planet#azure striker gunvolt#tales of the abyss
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some information on Fi-Sonic, last update 9/11/10:
"Phil Dreoni, Cronulla NSW. (per: Mick Liber, Dec 04)
New: 5/3/07 Phil Dreoni who made the Fi-Sonic had a shop in Marrickville, Sydney that he recently sold. Phil is still in contact with the guys there & they recently serviced my Fi there. The best contact there is a guy called Grey. Source: Don Macleod
New: 20/1/08 Don also writes that Phil is still building amps to order."
the unit shown turns out to be the "example currently owned by Analogman, Mike Piera."
cred: ozvalveamps.org/fisonic, tonemachinesblog.com
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Reimagine That Villain (Con)
Akito Sohma, Fruits Basket Abusive Family Head -> Big Pharma Drug Lord
Not much would fundamentally change about Akito as a character, but she'd now hold an extra position of power that gives an extra layer to how corrupted she's become as the God-like head of the Sohma family. In this revision, the Sohma family for years were the producers and sellers of medical herbs and tonics, to good and bad effect. In the modern day, this family business has transformed into a phamraceutical conglomerate that controls the supply and flow of all the drugs and medication in the land, which again go to good and bad effect. It's also how the Sohmas invented a serum specifically for the Zodiacs to keep their animal spirits at bay within them as they live their everyday lives avoiding physical contact with the opposite sex. Zodiac members Hatori and Kureno in particular would be crucial to this enterprise, always faithfully following Akito's orders. As you can probably guess, much of what Akito does with this business would be patently illegal, leading to consequences once she's come around.
Akihiro Kurata/Analogman, Digimon Xenophobic, Power-Mad Scientist -> Cyber Nazi
For one thing, a version of Analogman where he is explicitly the same character as Digimon Data Squad's Akihiro Kurata would be something new and interesting. And if he featured in something along the lines of Digimon Survive, he could go even darker and more depraved than in Data Squad or the Digimon World games of old. Instead of just one guy on his own, "Analogman" would now be the head of a large hacker organization that operates under Nazi-esque ideology about what the purpose of Digimon should be for humans and are out to cleanse the Digital World of all Digimon that don't fit that mold, and to weaponize those that do for purposes of world domination and persecuting "weak and feeble-minded detriments to society", as Kurata schemes to remake civilization in his image by using what can only be found in the Digital World and with Digimon.
Carmen Sandiego, Carmen Sandiego Master Thief -> Shadowy Criminal Mastermind
Here's a really interesting one: for those unsatisfied with the less villainous Carmen Sandiego we got most recently, how do you restore Carmen's villainy without seeming to just regress back to what's been done already? My solution: flip the script so that the very recognizable and often seen master criminal is...no longer that. Oh, there'd still be plenty of "Carmen Sandiego" sightings, still plenty of engagement with ladies in red hats and coats, but that would be Carmen, like an evil Padme Amidala, using decoys to fool ACME with. The real Carmen Sandiego sitting at the center of everything would now be a Dr. Claw-like figure, always giving directives from her control room, sitting in the shadows, never fully seen. So now even in capers where you end up catching Carmen, you've still not really caught Carmen. So long as the genuine article Carmen Sandiego remains uncaught and in control of VILE, the chases do not stop!
Chelsea Van Der Zee, Ruby Gillman: Teenage Krakken Nerissa's Alter Ego -> Nerissa's Spawn
This one's a no-brainer, since the twist about Chelsea being Queen Nerissa was beyond stupid in concept and in practice. She doesn't even need to be her actual daughter. Making her a shadow spawn like Lena to Magica in 2017 DuckTales makes just as much sense.
Claude Frollo, The Hunchback Of Notre Dame Hypocritical Religious Priest -> Hypocritical Religious Politician
I'd really love to see a modern day retelling of the The Hunchback Of Notre Dame story, and one angle that just writes itself would be to update Minister Frollo into not a man of the Church nor the law, but a Christian Nationalist politician who uses his faith and ties to the Church as justification to abuse his authority to do terrible things to people who he sees as lesser than himself. His guardianship of Quasimodo and attempt to rape Esmeralda could be whole political scandals he'd want to keep under wraps, and the influence he holds in his office could be used to create a narrative around Esmeralda and her people, thus swaying public opinion against them. Frollo's never stopped being relevent, so this is a good showcase of that.
(Image used is of actor John Noble, who'd be ideal for this part.)
Professor Cold Heart, Care Bears Silly Ice-Themed Villain -> Cold-Blooded Predatory Academic
Cold Heart actually started off as a fairly frightening bad guy, in like a legit uncomfortable way - he lured little children to his home, gave them drinks spiked with something that turned them into toad-like creatures devoid of feeling, and made them serve him as his slaves. In reappearances with his new sidekick Frostbite, he became more of an eccentric and comedic bungler with an ice and snow gimmick who invented various things to cause trouble, though is predatory nature around children was still there. Were he ever rebooted, the Professor should be returned to his roots and then some, situating him as a legitimate professor within an academic institution where he can prey on his students and twist their feelings into something cold and negative that serves his sinister purposes. This would obviously require he be a little less on the zany side, and a lot more, well, cold.
(Credit to the--jacobian on Deviantart for the design edit).
Dahlia Hawthorne, Ace Attorney Figurative Demoness -> Literal Demoness
In canon it's implied that Dahlia was born the "evil twin" between herself and Iris, with a natural connection to the darker side of the spiritual realm that she never really understood herself, but that influenced her corruption into the person she became as she was increasingly cut off from any positive influences that could curb this corrosion of her soul. If Dahlia was ever reintroduced, I say to hell with her connection to demonic spirits being just a subconscious thing - let her be consciously aware of the demons and all too willing to channel all that dark spiritual energy to both commit her crimes and cover her tracks. The tired trope of "all the men go gaga for how pretty and pure she seems to be" could be elevated if there was actually something hypnotic that Dahlia was deliberately utilizing to keep people blind to the truth about her, and her battles against Mia Fey become that much more epic when both use spirit techniques.
Dewey Novak, Eureka Seven Prideful, Genocidal Colonel -> Prideful, Genocidal Media Mogul
Y'know how Holland and Gekko State ran their own tabloid paper where they tried to get the truth about the world and the Scub Coral out, only for Dewey to deride that because "the masses aren't interested in truth"? A better alternate continuity of this series than anything Masahiko Minami put out there would lean into this and make Dewey a Rupert Murdoch-esque media mogul rather than an army colonel, someone who bends the truth and spins information to suit his purposes, turns news into straight up propaganda, and has programmed the minds of many to believe what he wants them to, which is where most of his followers who do his criminal work come from. This would also add a more interesting dynamic to the struggle of the two Novak brothers; how does one wielding truth on a small platform stand up against one who weaves falsehoods from a larger platform? Such a conflict would be very relevent to today's era.
Eliza & Neil Regan, Candy Candy Smug Snake Troublemaking Bullies -> Manipulative Influencer And Consummate Wild Card Rogue Respectively
As I've said before, Candy Candy聽deserves to be rebooted and go the Voltron: Legendary Defender聽route in modernizing the storytelling and characterizations compared to the old anime, and Eliza and Neil could be two halves of a full Prince Lotor - Eliza being the scheming strategist with a charming facade who's an expert at manipulating others, and Neil being the one with the romantic attraction to Candy, which like Allura and Lotor would be in stark contrast to their original incarnations in that Candy would actually return the attraction only for Neil to end up betraying her trust and feelings. There鈥檇 be more depth and development of both their characters and their family background, and they鈥檇 even get some redemption by the end.
Father, Codename Kids Next Door Devilish Man -> Godly Man
Like with Frollo, this one would also lean into something all too commonplace in today's world: the abusive parent or patriarch who uses his religious faith to indoctrinate and control his children, and protect himself from reproach. Rather than be a dark figure with flaming Hell powers, this Father would embody the idea that the God that some religious radicals want people to both love and fear, and the Devil that they want people to hate and fear, are actually just two sides of the same coin, as they're both tools of control and ensuring complacency with the religious dogma. At times he's benevolent and beaming with bright holy light, but at other times he's furious and burning up with the fires of Hell, with the thing he hates most of all being rebellion against his supreme authority. In short, he would be the ulimate abusive adult for the Kids Next Door to go up against.
Ganondorf/Ganon, The Legend of Zelda Great Demon King Of Evil -> Demonically Evil Autocrat
Just once I'd like to see Legend of Zelda lore in a modern world setting get tackled, and an incarnation of Ganon who's like the Victor Orbans, Vladimir Putins, Donald Trumps, Elon Musks, and Jair Bolsonaros of the world would be threatening and loathsome in a new but equally powerful way compared to the Demon King.
Gwen Grayson, Sky High Costumed Supervillain -> Villainous Influencer
In hindsight, Gwen Grayson is a prime candidate for pulling off the Roderick Kingsley move of making the transition from costumed supervillain to a different type of supervillain who inspires the creation and deeds of others. In Gwen's case, I can see her going hard on becoming a villainous social media star and influencer. She's a technopath, and technology has advanced a lot since 2005. Big social media platforms are the sort of places she'd thrive, being able to manipulate, harrass, and do dealings with a whole lot of people.
Dr. Irie, When They Cry: Higurashi Medic And Scientist With Loli Maid Fetish -> Amoral Researcher With Deep Malice And Predatory Urges
In a new telling of Higurashi (maybe a more modern version set outside of the 80's), Dr. Irie should undergo Adaptational Villainy to bring him back around to his conceptual roots, being just as much an agent for Nomura as Okonogi except he flips to being a double agent for Tomitake and the faction he follows. Beneath his pleasant, patient and kindly persona would lie a vile, ruthless聽demon of a man that Irie's always struggled with suppressing, like a literal case of Jekyll & Hyde, embodying all the thematic ideas behind Hinamizawa Syndrome, which Irie passionately researches. While not keen on the idea of having to harm any of the kids, he is still willing to use them for his own ends and fiercely believes he鈥檚 doing what鈥檚 right for humanity so that, through the validation of Takano's findings on the swamp virus, none may surrender to their inner demons anymore. Even if that means he must hypocritically exploit his own inner demon to realize this ambition. He could make such a good villain!
Junko Enoshima, Danganronpa Ultimate Fashionesta -> Ultimate Influencer
Similar to Gwen Grayson, but this one's even more obvious. There was absolutely no excuse to go with "she exploited a brainwashing anime made by someone else in order to brainwash people into embracing despair" when social media rabbit holes and influencers that lead people to embracing dangerous ideas are a fucking thing.
Ken Ichijouji, Digimon Adventure 02 Abusive Megalomanic Tyrant -> Abusive "Law And Order" Tyrant
Ken as the Digimon Emperor's a funny deal: in the original version of the anime, he was an abusive sociopath on a power high pursuing delusions of grandeur in a world he believed was all made up and existed to service his desires. In the English dub, he adopted a more traditionally "evil" persona because in his darkened state of mind, he thoroughly enjoyed getting to play the villain as he pursued his quest for conquest of the entire Digital World. And in Adventure Tri...well, that wasn't really him, it was just some total nothing of a character impersonating him for no reason. If Adventure 02 got rebooted into a new continuity the way Adventure did, here's an idea: a Digimon Emperor who believes himself to be the good guy. Ken would maintain a sense of kindness and righteousness and a desire to do some real good in the world, but it's been perverted so that he's willing to embrace tyrannical, abusive, authoritarian means to uphold "law and order" in the Digital World. Imagine Kyle Rittenhouse if he was both powerful and actually intelligent. In this Ken's warped mind, he's the Big Good, his word is the law, and his deeds are justice. This would naturally make his Heel Realization even more devastating!
Lila Rossi, MiraculousSquandered Character -> Chaotic Neutral Trickster
Lila may yet turn up in a sequel to the Ladybug & Cat Noir Movie, but the way I'd personally prefer to see her reinvented is close to what she was in Season 3 of the show except a lot more fleshed out with actual motivations and a purpose for being in the cast. She'd lie to get attention and adoration from others just like she did since she was first introduced, but she'd also be a morally dubious wild card who plays by her own rules and will decieve, manipulate, or even force others into compliance with her whims. A teen supervillain who doesn't need a costume or superpowers, which she'd relish being. In her off time, she could actually be pretty chill and friendly, even with Marinette, and her basic Chaotric Neutral morality could sometimes even shift her towards positions of helping the heroes when she feels it suits her interests or she just has nothing to lose from doing so.
Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish, Game Of Thrones "Chaos Is A Ladder" -> "Greed Is Good"
What would be the obvious modernization of a duplicitous, fiendish and entitled Master of Coin with a network of spies at his disposal who started a war and has much influence in what goes on in his realm? A corporate raider and bank manager who's also a Julian Assange-esque information broker holding just as much influence in the political and military affairs of his homeland. This one's so easy!
Lucy, Elfen Lied Tragic Homicidal Menace -> Analytical And Sadistic Trap Master
Plenty of people have stated interest in seeing Elfen Lied get remade and retold, and it got me thinking what a new take on Lucy might be like. I think you could potentially go even harder with her character. Like rather than just the vectors and the power they give her, Lucy possesses a wider asortment of psychic abilities and can use it to play mind games with her prey and opponents. Through her strength and her mental capabilities, she could lure people into whole Saw-like death traps and in fact would often do so to test humans' wills to survive, and just to fuck with them like she enjoys doing. Those that would actually make it out alive would be spared by her, deemed worthy of living in the world she seeks to create, and might even be singled out to be recipients of the Diclonius gene, gaining the Queen more followers to make use of when the time is right for them.
King Magnifico, Wish Charming And Vain Sorcerer Monarch -> Big Tech Mogul Mafioso This would be my Mirrorverse King Magnifico that I described here.
Mok Swagger, Rock And Rule Aged Sorcerer Rock Star -> Aged Sorcerer Media Mogul
Should somehow Mok Swagger returned, I think the ideal line of work for him would be a wealthy and influential master of media, like an unsettling cross between Rupert Murdoch and Harvey Weinstein. If you've seen the movie, you'd know why this would fit him too well.
Capit谩n Monasterio, Zorro Tyrannical Commandante -> Corrupt Police Comissioner/Governor
Zorro is another legend that's in need of a modern retelling, and the figure of the tyrant Monasterio lends himself well for an update in which he's now a corrupt and oppressive comissioner of a Californian police department who's also running for a Governor position. We've seen much reprehensible corruption from men who carry badges and abuse their authority to break laws rather than uphold them and to terrorize people rather than protect them, and such people entering politics has never been more relevant than nowdays (hello, Eric Adams!). A brutal officer turned statesman would be the natural adversary for El Zorro to fight and get others to rise up against.
(Image used is of Erik Estrada, both an actor and a police officer).
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the death of analogman in digimon world 1 will never not creep me out
like did they finished the renders and they were like, perfect slap it on the childrens game.
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(RECAP)聽Ejen Ali Season 2聽| Ali & His MATA Academy Friends
EJEN ALI聽tells the story about a young schoolboy named聽Ali, who was terrible in studies, a victim of bullying, and lack of parental love (his Mother Died By Being Deceased and his father is too busy to spend time with him), stumbles upon a prototype spy tech gadget called the聽I.R.I.S.聽(high tech goggles which calculates the optimum performance for the user when he decides a move) which was stolen by two evil spies. Since then, he has unwillingly been recruited as a secret agent in聽M.A.T.A.聽(an institute for secret agents) and he slowly discovers his true potential.
SUMMARY OF EJEN ALI SEASON 2聽: In the second season of聽Ejen Ali,聽Ali,聽Bakar,聽Alicia聽and聽Comot聽are brought to the M.A.T.A. Academy, a place where junior agents are trained.
EPISODES 1聽-聽Synopsis :聽Ali,聽Bakar,聽Comot聽and聽Alicia聽are going to聽M.A.T.A.聽Academy, but first, Ali must be prepared for the test to be qualified to enter.
EPISODES 2聽-聽Synopsis :聽After being accepted into the academy, Ali is welcomed greatly by everyone including the junior agents, except for one...
EPISODES 3聽-聽Synopsis :聽General Rama聽sends the agents of聽M.A.T.A.聽Academy for their first mission - to stop a villain who has hacked into the聽Cyberaya聽train station!
EPISODES 4聽-聽Synopsis :聽An unknown old man who despises technology is wreaking havoc across聽Cyberaya!
EPISODES 5聽-聽Synopsis :聽An agent working for聽Uno聽infiltrates M.A.T.A. Academy!
EPISODES 6聽-聽Synopsis :聽Chaos await when聽Ali聽has to babysit聽Aunty Faye's grandchild.
EPISODES 7聽-聽Synopsis :聽Rizwan聽returns to help the mentors in a mission.
EPISODES 8聽-聽Synopsis :聽Rizwan聽turns against聽M.A.T.A.聽while聽Ali聽turned himself into an outcast.
EPISODES 9聽-聽Synopsis :聽Ali聽must learn to understand the roles of each pillar. Meanwhile,聽Rizwan聽goes to find聽Cuatro.
EPISODES 10聽-聽Synopsis :聽Analogman聽returns with new allies to cause chaos in the聽Cyberaya, Meanwhile Ali created a new invention called聽I.R.I.S.聽Atlas.
EPISODES 11聽-聽Synopsis :聽This story focuses on聽Rizwan聽infiltrating the base of the聽Numeros, and the backstory of聽Rudy.
EPISODES 12聽-聽Synopsis :聽The聽M.A.T.A.聽agents prepares to defend聽Cyberaya聽as the聽Numeros聽are on their way to infiltrate M.A.T.A. Academy.
EPISODES 13聽-聽Synopsis :聽The聽M.A.T.A.聽agents must prevent聽Uno聽from accessing the M.A.T.A. Mainframe.
WATCH聽EPISODE 11, 12, 13聽@ 馃憞馃徎馃憞馃徎馃憞馃徎
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Playing next 0rder for the first time. I'm having an absolute blast. But I also know that knowing what I was getting myself into before hand is probably a huge portion of it. I've watched playthroughs of the original World, and review videos, as well as a playthrough of next 0rder itself and Re:Digitize. And also just knowing about how de-evolution is a near constant in this franchise probably also helps. I definitely probably couldn't recommend it cold, because who in their right mind would intuitively know that the cycle of "restarting" is part of the appeal and progress is marked more by the progress of the city than your monsters, which in turn helps you get better at raising your monsters. But as someone who also enjoys her 20th anniversary Digimon V-Pet this is just the same thing but faster with more options. It's great. Anyway the characters may not be super in depth (which is fine I'm here for my digimon partners and helping them grow big and strong). But Himari, despite her limited characterization has my attention. She's her sister's primary caregiver? It also feels like her sisters are her only family to her, she probably has a dad who in true anime dad fashion is busy with work. But she still acted like she was leaving her sisters completely alone, so what degree of responsibility is she taking on for her sisters. Definitely being parentified to an extent but to what extent? Does she have a proper support network? Also the wording "doesn't have a mom" could be anything. Is she dead? Digimon's never shied away from that before, so why wouldn't they just say it. Did her mom leave, or is the vagueness just to leave it to imagination? Also her sisters are 2nd graders? So, 7 or 8, which means they would have been babies at the time of the tournament 7 years ago. Was the tournament a last happy memory for her before, whatever left her motherless happened? I'm definitely overthinking it but there is just enough character there to be interesting enough for me to chew on for a bit. Also "Mameo" being a teacher is great. He really showed up trying to do his protaganist thing and then now has to mentor these new teen protags when he's been doing this since he was younger than them, for as long as they've been alive. So now he's basically this old wisened mentor despite being in like. His early 30s at most. And also it contrasts with analogman. An adult man who is the only human there with experience with the digital world. Mameo grew from an analogboy into a more benevolent analogman of sorts.
#himari oofuchi#digimon world next order#digimon#I've only finished chapter 1 of n0 but I have seen playthroughs so I know spoilers but also anything past chapter 1 is not fresh in my mind#so I could be wrong
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What if in Digimon World (the original one on the PS1) the protagonist was replaced with Hank Hill???
Hank and his Digimon partner reach the peak of Mt. Infinity and Boomhauer is in place of Analogman (Boomhauerman??? Analoghauer????)
"I tell you what man I didn't know my plans were ol' foiled by dang ol' Hank Hill man, tell you what man I was gonna take over dang ol' Net World and rule File Island man, dang ol' Machinedramon I tell you what"
"Digimon are not slaves to humans, I tell you h'what Boomhauer, I'm gonna kick your ass!!"
#I love Digimon World okay#this is funny to me at least#bugfox noises#digimon#digimon world#king of the hill#hank hill#shitpost#i guess idk
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Digimon World: Digital Card Battle (1999) - End game thoughts (20 hrs in)
Yay, this was really fun and easy to beat! Honestly, that's how I like my video games, I just want to chill at the end of the day, not stress out. There were one or two battles that presented a slight challenge and that's good enough for me.
This game had so much charm and was a fabulous companion to Digimon World 1. It's kind of like its quirky and more casual cousin. Kind of baffled that there isn't a fan translation (that I could find) because it's honestly a pretty short game with not a lot of dialogue.
I'm going to do a little bit of post-game poking around, but here are my immediate thoughts after beating it.
-I wonder if the lack of localization is 100% due to the Hitler stuff (which...fair) or if there's more to it than that. I get that it would have been difficult to cut that part out entirely, but maybe they could re-skin things to look less sus? I dunno...too late now.
-I was so happy with all the stats they give you during the end credits, that was such a nice touch! They gave me my playtime, how many times I saved, what decks I used and how I used them. Interesting stuff. I feel like TCG are for stats nerds lol (the only math class I enjoyed in high school)
-It was really cute how they recreated all of the scenes from the game with CGs. Of course, it would have been nice if those were just in the game proper, but oh well :/ it was fun looking back on all the battles and quirky events
-So...the Japanese was a bit tricky for me to follow, but it seems like this whole game had a gag plot? Like you spend the whole game trying to get to Mt. Infinity to retrieve a "bug card", but then you get to the final boss and he's like, "Huh? Who are you? What's going on? I've never heard of a bug card in my life." And then Betamon (who came with you for moral support) is like "oh yeah, I dropped that card and it was blown away by the wind to the top of this mountain teehee." Lol. So really, there was no villain...I guess. Really the MC and Babamon are the assholes for destroying Machinedramon's home for no reason.
-Speaking of gag plot, most of the plot of this game is on the very silly, toilet humor side. A majority of it is tracking down toilet paper and finding the culprit of who is breaking all of the toilets. In hindsight, this might be another reason this didn't get localized...
-So Babamon was Rosemon all along...okaaay. I didn't really get this twist because Rosemon switched back and forth between her two forms throughout the game before the bug card (which supposedly cause the transformation) was destroyed. Maybe it was a Fiona from Shrek situation.
-I was a little sad that I got all of these great "Sevens Cards," but then didn't want to use most of them. The only one I really ended up using was the holy one because it gave my digimon +1000 HP. Everything else seemed too risky to use. Honestly I used the same deck without many changes for 90% of the game. Kind of lame, but editing decks was sorta painful in how time consuming and clunky it was. It seems like arranging a deck would be a lot more fun IRL though, I kinda wish I had some actual cards to fool around with.
-I was surprised to see that there's no Analogman in this game. I guess that just goes along with this being a much chiller, parallel universe.
-I physically can't 100% this game (because of missable battles), so I'm just going to take it easy for post-game stuff. See how many more cards I can get and do a couple more battles. Excited for this game's sequel!
Despite the weirdo storyline and questionable content, this was one of the better Digimon games so far. Due to my high levels of enjoyment, I'm giving it a solid 7 out of 10.
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Multiverse War Part 9
(Contined from here on @fallen-symphony.)

"So... In your dimension, you were a creation of my grandfather's.... And you were the reason I became more like him. I admit, I wasn't as close to Maria, but I knew she had a kind heart. I believe that heart of hers was an unconscious inspiration of the heart I placed in Belle and Terios... And I can clearly see you share that kind heart, Rodea."

"Thank you, Fa... I mean Mr. Tinker."
Mr. Tinker placed a hand on the robot boy's shoulder.
"I met a Belle from a different dimension who I still consider my daughter. If the Mr. Tinker of your dimension is a father to you, I... Wouldn't mind if you called me 'father.'"
Rodea smiled at Mr. Tinker's words and nodded. Soon enough, however, a dimensional rift opened, and it wasn't created by RiFT.
"Oh... That must be her," Rodea said as he noticed the rift.

"Is this the one you spoke of earlier? The one who has been putting a team together as well? You said her name was 'ARiA?'"
Before anyone could answer, someone stepped out of the portal. Similar to RiFT, she had the qualities of both an agel and a warrior.

"...Greetings, my friends."
"Hey... Aren't you Subaru, a player from the earlier build of the World?"
"I understand why you would think so, Haseo. I am using her character model, after all. But no. I am not Subaru. I'm not even a human player. My name is ARiA, and much like how RiFT is using the body of Copy X, I am using this body so I can interact with my friends."
"Does that make you... A dimensional variant of me?" RiFT asked.
"Yes... And no," ARiA answered, "My origin is... A bit of a strange case. I was the first to be created, much like Symphony, the one who now calls herself 'Slur'. However, the creators went with the idea of a sentient dimensional rift first, which is what I really am. So in a sense, I am a dimensional variant of both RiFT and Symphony."
"I see..." RiFT said, "And are you from a Parodox Dimension like Rodea is?"
"Yes," ARiA answered, "In my case, it's a combination of Haseo's dimension and the Analogman's dimension. The game is known as 'The Digital World," rather than just 'The World.' Players team up with Digimon in the game to protect the Digital World from the Dark Masters."

"This is all interesting and all... But if you don't mind me asking... How are Paradox Dimensions possible? I get that there are branching paths that create a different version of a dimension, but two completely different dimensions merging into one? How do you explain that?"
ARiA lowered her head before she answered.
"I guess you can say... The existence of dimensional travel is the reason Parodox Dimensions exist..."
"So, the theories were true, then?" said RiFT, "If someone from a different dimension visits another, a Parodox Dimension of those two world may form?"
ARiA nodded.
"Well..." RiFT said, "It can't be helped. Dimensional travel has existed before we were even created. All we can do is protect the Multiverse. Old and new."
"Indeed," said ARiA, "Which is why I wish to help you. If we combined our teams, we can stand a better chance against Slur's forces. There are others from different Parodox Dimensions that will join us soon. And I plan to find more. I hope you will except my help..."
"Of course," RiFT answered, as he reached ut a hand to ARiA, "We're glad to have you, ARiA and Rodea."
ARiA smiled and took RiFT's hand, shaking it.

"Thank you for having us, RiFT. Let's protect the Multiverse together!"
(ARiA and Parodox Rodea have joined the party!)
To be continued...
#The is Official Business!#file folder (drabble)#multiverse war#mr. tinker can fix it! (ic)#rodea is online (ic)#sentient dimensional rift (RiFT)#aria is connected (ic)#surprise muse#haseo has logged in (ic)#(Eugene Chaud)
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Last week's top 20 videos (2023, week 29)
Top 20 videos last week (July 16-22)
See why the Black Volt FDR has been dubbed the ?KLON KILLER? (by Black Volt Amplification)
Did You Know That Klon Made This? (Bass Model Full Demonstration On Electric Guitar And Bass) (by JHS Pedals)
Analogman King of Tone Teardown! See what's inside! (by Gray Bench Electronics)
Monolord Where Death Meets The Sea Boss HM-2 Fuzzlord HM-6 Shootout #shorts (by Fuzzlord Effects)
Bondi Effects Del Mar MK2 - The Most Well Rounded Overdrive? (by Buddy Blues)
How Does the Aguilar AG Preamp Compare to the Tone Hammer? (by Bassic Gear Review)
Rosac Nu-Fuzz & Distortion Blender Shootout (by John Seventy)
Drum Thing (by Electro-Faustus)
Occvlt Pedals Old Hag (New Model) (by Occvlt Pedals)
Jamming with the OBNE Excess v2 (by Megan L.)
The TWA Dynamorph is one WEIRD fuzz/distortion. (by Godlyke)
Explaining Guitar Effects, Episode 9. ? #synthpedal #guitar #guitareffects #guitarpedal #guitarfx (by StompboxTV)
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???????? ???? TS-3 Tube Star (by Chas Stompboxes)
JETTER 45/100 pedal (by Retro Channel)
Wren & Cuff : Pickle Pie B - Fuzz | Bass / Bass VI | theoandhispedals (by Amateur Effects Reviews)
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JVM Combo Demo with Tone Of The Gods Pedal (by JD Analog)
Overviews of the previous weeks: https://www.effectsdatabase.com/video/weekly
from Effects Database https://bit.ly/3Yb9XNZ
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Percy appears in a portal
"Uh... where am I now?"
The alarms start going off.

"Lord Brevon...!"

"I know, I know. Another intruder. Just put them on screen, Serpentine."
General Serpentine put up the screen where they saw Percy coming from a portal looking confused.

"Isn't that the brat with the Omnimon Zwart?"

"Oh yeah! I remember him. Is there something different about him today, or is it just me?"

"Whatever the case, I'll go see what this is about."
Slur teleports to Percy's location in the Dreadnought.

"You, there! What brings you to the Dreadnought this time?"
#thepersonaking56#general serpentine reporting for duty (ic)#bow down to lord brevon (ic)#analogman unleashes his machinedramon (ic)#teseo hacks the world (ic)#slur will rule (ic)#freedom planet#digimon#azure striker gunvolt#megaman battle network
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