#sync attacks with fonic artes (ic)
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fallen-symphony · 1 year ago
Who do you guys like the most on your team? Who do you hate the most on the enemy team?
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"An interesting question... Although I'm not one for relationships since I'm a superior being... I must admit that Obake's intellect and Motivations truly seem to resonate with me. He's like a more intelligent Dr. Regal.
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"As for who I hate on the enemy team... Probably my stupid brothers... Especially RiFT. So much power, yet he uses it to serve lower beings. What an insult..."
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"Glad to know we can get along, Slur. I have always found you fascinating... But as a brilliant mind who loves potential, Eggman Nega is a man after my own heart."
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"The feeling is mutual, Obake. I do have respect for Dr. Starline and the Analog Man as well."
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"Oh, it's such an honor to hear you say that, Mr. Eggman Nega, sir. Know that you are my favorite here as well."
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"As for who I hate... Though I haven't met them in person, that Peni Parker and her robot, SP//Dr remind me too much of Hiro and Baymax, which remind me of my past Failure! If I can't get my revenge on Hiro, then Peni will be the next Best thing..."
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"I feel the same way about that key wielding Sonic that showed up not too long ago! Dimensional variant or not, he's still a Sonic, and Sonic ruined my plans many times! I want to destroy him personally...!"
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"Hey! You lay off him, Egghead! That Sonic is mine, ya hear me!? I'm the one who's gonna destroy him! I hate him and every other Sonic out there! I'll destroy them all until the only one left is me!"
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"You tell 'em, Scourgey! Now, tell them how I'm your favorite person here!"
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"If by that, you mean my LEAST favorite person here, then yes, that's you, Rosy."
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"Awww! You say the meanest things, Scourgey! You're one of my favorite people here, too..."
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"But her... This one right here... She's my girl..."
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"Aw, thank you, Rosy. I like you, too. Such an adorable little psychopath ready to smash some heads... It's like having a little sister... But of course, my favorite has to be Dark Mega for obvious reasons."
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"You're my favorite, too, Dark Empress! A beautiful Darkloid queen like you has stolen my heart..."
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"As much as that Empress chick terrifies me almost as much as Rosy does... Gotta agree with her. Dark Megz is my favorite member here. We both got beef with our goodie-goodie two shoes doppelgangers, and we both want to live in a world of chaos."
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"Yeah... I'm disliking that Megaman more and more each day. He gets to keep his Lan, while I was rejected by mine when I became the ruler of the Darkloids."
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"I feel the same way about Roll. She gets to keep her Mayl, but mine wouldn't accept the new me..."
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"Can I help you smash that good Roll that makes you look bad, best friend?! Can I, can I, can I?!"
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"Sure... As long as I get to land the last blow."
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"Obake and Eggman Nega are inspirational. Their genius far exceeds mine, and I have much to learn from them. I don't have any personal beef with anyone on the enemy team... Yet... But that ARiA and her army of Guardiangemon might be a problem."
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"CHYA HA HA HA HA HA!!! My favorite person here is obviously the Great Lord Brevon! No one can compare to his greatness...!
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"As for who I hate the most, obviously it's that blasted Commander Torque! He and Squid Head have been getting in Lord Brevon's way far too many times! I promise to destroy them!"
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"I can always count on you to praise me, General Serpentine. I, too, can't stand Commander Torque. That blasted dragon girl might not be with him now, but he can still be a problem... Especially with that new squad of his."
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"My favorite member is Ophelia! Even if it's not official, she's awesome!
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"And my favorite member on the other team is my beloved Nana..."
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"You're supposed to be talking about the enemy members you hate, lover boy. Anyway, probably no surprise to anyone, but Mr. Tinker is my arch nemesis on the enemy team. I got over the grudge of him 'murdering' Dr. Eggman ever since meeting the superior Eggman Nega. That doesn't mean I don't want to show him up. What about you, Sync?"
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"Gee, nice choices there, chatterbox."
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"I think we can all assume he hates everyone equally, teammate and enemy alike. Anyway, it seems we reached our limit, time-wise. We need to get back to our plans of taking over the Multiverse."
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azotas-archived · 4 years ago
22 with older Sync and Ivar
22: …in a rush of adrenaline.
Contrary to what he would have thought, Ivar’s fighting style and his own oddly meshed well together. There were no gaps between the onslaught of attacks and the silver-haired man seemed decently familiar with fighting with a martial artist to avoid getting in the way. And while Ivar wasn’t the type to follow his orders, the former general was used to making split-second decisions and altering his tactics. The best upside was that Ivar had enough brains to at least act as a decent enough buffer so he could cast a fonic arte. 
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A heavy breath as he jumped back. Had this been 5 years ago, he doubted he’d have as much trouble as he was. He was losing his edge and he didn’t know how to get it back. Was it the lack of purpose? A grumble as he hit the oncoming enemy, knocking them back before throwing a knife in its throat. Ivar wasn’t faring much better. A sigh adorned his lips as he darted forward, weaving fonons carefully before tapping Ivar’s shoulder. 
A simple little thing he tended not to do. By marking someone like this, he avoided accidentally hitting his teammates with a fonic arte. “Go ahead and die!” A split second was all he needed to cast absolute, covering their battlefield in shards of ice and deceased enemies. 
Sync turns back to Ivar, about to ask if the other was hurt before he found the front of his clothes grabbed and Ivar pulling his close. Green hues widen as lips press against his own before Ivar pulls back, too caught in the moment of their victory to realize what he had done. 
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“What the fuck was that???” Gross-
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fallen-symphony · 11 months ago
Anonymous Asked:
"Sync, it looks like they broke that red haired sprit with all they are doing to him. I got an Idea for you. Why not trying to bring that red haired to your side make him your apprentice teach him your ways? since he is turning into an Adapt now."
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"Me? Take an apprentice? That never crossed my mind. But the idea is to switch him to our side, so..."
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"I'm not letting that happen! I'm taking Roy back, you hear me?!"
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"You asked your question at a bad time. We're still in the middle of a battle..."
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"Solo, we need to focus on getting Roy out of here! If we don't hurry, Asimov will try to erase his memories!"
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"Grr... Fine... But I will make them pay for this once Roy is safe!"
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"You think I'm just going to let you take him?! I don't think so!"
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"This is a whole new low for you, Asimov! You did some terrible things... You're even part of the reason I may never see Joule again! But this!? Turning people into Artificial Adepts?! When you and I we both experimented on and were turned into Artificial Adepts ourselves?! What made you decide to turn into the same kind of monster that turned us into weapons and made us forget who we were in the past?!"
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"It's quite simple, Gunvolt... I want a world where everyone is an Adept rather than a pathetic, powerless human. That's why if this succeeds, I can turn everyone in every dimension into Adepts! The humans who feared us for our power will be erased, whether it's from being made into the very thing they feared... Or be destroyed!"
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"Quite the ambition you have there... You remind me of someone I used to work under... But whatever. I'll do my best to get these guys off your back while you continue the procedure..."
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"No... I have a score to settle with Gunvolt. I'm fighting, too!"
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"Suit yourself!"
The opposing sides clashed. It was Sync vs. Solo (Rogue), and Gunvolt vs Asimov.
Meanwhile where Roy was, his restrains were being removed by an invisible individual.
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"Psst... Roy..." the individual said, "My name Elise... I'm a friend of Solo and Gunvolt's. I'm using an Invisible Chip right now. Quickly! Let's get you out of here while the enemy is distracted."
To be continued...
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fallen-symphony · 1 year ago
"I will never surrender to the likes of you even if you experiment on me to try to turn me into this Adapt things."
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"So... We're turning him into an Adept now? I thought the plan was to lure Solo here so he can join our side..."
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"There's been a change of plans, Sync. After infiltrating RiFT's base, I discovered Solo wouldn't join us. So Slur decided we should try to convert the one we kidnapped with the help of our new recruit..."
Suddenly, there was a loud explosion.
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"General Serpentine! What was that?!"
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"Intruders, Lord Brevon! Solo and Gunvolt have Broken into the Dreadnought!"
Breaking through the door was Solo and Gunvolt.
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"Hands off my apprentice!"
"Oh... I'm afraid you're too late. The procedure is already done.You're apprentice is already an Adept..."
Gunvolt's eyes widened when he saw who it was who did the procedure.
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"You...! It can't be...!!"
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"Well, if it isn't my old pal, Gunvolt..."
To be continued...
(New Muse Coming Soon!)
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fallen-symphony · 2 years ago
Continued from here.
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"So... We have to do this the hard way then..." Dark Mega chuckled before nodding at his green haired ally.
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"Heh! I was hoping we had to do this the hard way! Now I can test if this Fonon Crystal works. I'm known as Sync the Tempest, and I'm gonna make you wish you came quietly!"
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"Don't go overboard, Sync. I want some action as well. Plus, we were told to bring him alive."
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"Yeah, yeah! I know!"
The crystals attached to Sync's gloves began to glow green, and power quickly flowed into faster than natural Fonons.
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"Let's see if you escape this! THUNDER BLADE!!"
Sync shot a sharp green bolt of electricity towards Roy, hoping to hit him.
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fallen-symphony · 2 years ago
"Sync, what is your planning with this red hair guy?"
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"I don't see why I have to tell you anything...!"
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"Now, now, Sync. There will be no harm in humoring them. They can't do anything to stop us anyway."
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"Hmph! Well, if you must know, it's not just that red haired guy Slur wants. She wants to try and persuade Solo to join our team, so we're going to use his apprentice to lure him here."
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"Right. Solo isn't exactly the most friendly of RiFT's team. In fact, our intel suggests he hates everything to do with bonds and friendship. That's why Slur has eyes for him. And honestly, so do I. He would make an excellent Darkloid. And maybe we could even get Roy and that Ceruledge to join us as well."
Oh, if only you guys knew about Solo's character development...
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fallen-symphony · 2 years ago
Suddenly, a blue card falls right in front of Slur, and the words are when read. "To the one that who wants a war to happen, I'm the narrator of the multiverse protecting the time resume throne with a narrative barrier so I won't make the same mistakes my past life did many years ago and as your hideout, it will be destroyed alongside your hacker friend." And just like that, the engine exploded causing the to fall.
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"Hmph! Someone must think they're real funny..."
An explosion was heard, the the Dreadnought was falling fast.
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"Something has attacked my ship! The engines are down!"
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"Curse these blasted fools trying to stop me from ruling the Multiverse! Scourge...!!"
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"Yeah, yeah! I know what to do! Just let me get to my Anarchy Beryl!"
After reaching for his throne and touching it, the green hedgehog transformed into Super Scourge, flew out the ship and lifted it with his Chaos enhanced super strength.
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"Okay! I got the ship! Now start fixing that engine! And Slur, send us to a place I can land this thing! I'm under a time limit here!"
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"Very well. Nega, Starline, with me. The three of us have the brains to fix an engine to an alien ship."
The three evil geniuses rushed towards the engine room to repair the damage as fast as they can. While that was going on, Slur opened a dimensional rift to take them to an asteroid so Scourge can land the ship and save his energy. As repairs were being made, she noticed Teseo was missing and asked where he was.
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"Oh, Tessy? Yeah, he went to visit his dream girl over at your baby brother's place to thank her for the new computer. Ah, I hope Scourgey will show me that kind of love and thank me when I smash him to bits...❤"
Slur was furious. No matter how many times she told him not to, that foolish child is being friendly with the enemy and even went and fell in love with one of them. That boy just doesn't listen.
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"Teseo... You're far too useful to erase from this world at the moment, and you probably already figured that out... But I will find a way to punish you for this... Somehow... I'LL THINK OF SOMETHING!!!"
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fallen-symphony · 2 years ago
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"Scourgey! When are you going to use the G-word on me?!"
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"Is there even a curse word that begins with a 'G'?"
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"You silly little bugger ball! I meant 'Girlfriend!'"
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"Oh, that's easy; NEVER!!"
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"Well in that case; Oh, Syncie! Can I borrow your Fonic Artes to change Scourgey's mind?"
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"Hmph! As much as I despise you and your insanity...
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"I must admit... This could be quite fun..."
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"Oh, (BLEEP) this! I'm outta here!!"
Scourge dashes away at sonic speed.
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Poor Scourge...
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fallen-symphony · 2 years ago
Suddenly, Tesec would get hacked by the Famous HorrorHacker which isn't known by slur and his team and has inserted a song all over the speakers!
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"Teseo! What is the meaning of this?!"
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"Don't look at me! Someone's trying to outhack me... #Not cool... 😥"
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"That's calling the kettle black! #Irony!😝"
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"Someone better turn this (BLEEP)ing music off before I (BLEEP)ing lose it and (BLEEP)ING MURDER SOMEONE!!!"
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"Aw, c'mon! It ain't THAT bad, dude. Splatoon is awesome!"
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Now look what you did, HorrorHacker...
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