#A Raven’s Crow ♝ Answer
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rosietrace · 1 year ago
『 Dearest Zenith 』
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◊ — The following is a recording of Zenith Devi and Headmaster Dire Crowley of Night Raven College, regarding Zenith's life before attending Royal Sword Academy — and transferring to Night Raven.
◊ Recorded by Dire Crowley
◊ The recording has been stored within the Night Raven College archives.
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『 Recording Begins 』
“You asked to see me, Headmaster?”
“Yes,” Crowley nodded his head, gesturing to the empty seat across his desk. “Do have a seat, Mr. Devi.”
And so he did. “So,” Zenith's voice sounded about as cheerful as his unmoving smile. “Why'd you ask to see me? I'm pretty sure it isn't because I just transferred here.”
The Headmaster let out a breath. “You are correct,” leaning back against his chair, Crowley crossed his arms. “I'm here to ask about your background.”
That got a snort out of Zenith. “My background? Why?” his smile remained, never fading no matter the atmosphere, no matter the situation.
Crowley didn't take kindly to such a situation being treated so casually. “Because,” Crowley began. “There seems to be no information regarding your background in your school file.”
“Don't you think that's a bit strange?”
The smile on Zenith's face faltered, but soon returned. “Strange, indeed!” he agreed. “Am I correct in assuming that I'm here to interrogate me, headmaster?”
Crowley nodded. “You are correct.”
Zenith took note of the hidden camera in the voice recorder but did not comment on it. He knew Crowley's suspicions and took them in stride.
“When were you born, Mr. Devi?”
That was a softball question, Zen thought. “February 24th, sir.”
Crowley continued. “And you were born in Rose Queendom soil…”
Zen's smile remained but twisted into something more tight-lipped. “Yes,” he leaned against his chair, continuing, “In the countryside. Nobility.”
Crowley arched his brow but said nothing about that.
“I've heard from Miss Shard that you and her are childhood friends.”
Zen's smile softened, reaching up to his eyes, crinkling. “Indeed we are,” he nodded, his demeanor calm. “We met during her fifth birthday.”
“I see,” Crowley didn't stop. Not yet. “What were the names of your parents?”
“Caelus and Ekta Devi,” Zenith answered. If he was disturbed by the way Crowley asked him these questions, he didn't show it.
“And were your parents in attendance during Miss Shard's birthday?”
“Not exactly.”
“And why is that?”
“Father was busy tending to his affairs,” Zen drawled, “And Mother…. Well, I can't say much about Mother.”
The headmaster's eyes narrowed, behind that crow-shaped mask. “What kind of relationship did you have with her?”
“She was lovely,” Zen looked off to the side, his tone vague. “But she died when I was six.”
“My condolences,” Crowley said quickly. “But do continue.”
Zen's smile turned crooked, and it didn't quite reach his eyes, this time around. “Fire away with the questions, then.”
“How did your Mother die, if that topic isn't too sensitive.”
“Natural causes. Fatal illness, died on Valentine's day.”
Perplexed, Crowley leaned back into his seat, arms crossed. “Is that so? Quite the bewildering predicament that must've been.”
“Very much so,” Zen confirmed. “I miss her dearly.”
If you do, Crowley couldn't help but ponder. Then why be so vague?
“Is that all the questions you have to ask, headmaster Crowley?” Zenith's smile faded, beginning to stand from his seat. “Me and Tori are going flower picking off campus.”
He paused. Then continued.
“If you so allow us, of course,” he tilted his head innocently. “For you are so gracious, are you not?”
Crowley's jaw clenched, sending a look of warning from behind his mask.
“You may.”
Zenith hummed in satisfaction, his hands behind his back. “Wonderful!” He declared, turning his back on Crowley and walking to the doors of his office — seemingly opening for him in one swift motion.
“Thank you for your time, headmaster Crowley,” a condescending tonality was laced between Zenith's lips. “Truly.”
The doors closed behind him, leaving Crowley alone. Isolated.
『 Recording Ends 』
「✥」 Information regarding Zenith Devi post-interview with the Headmaster
◊ His school file had been updated, as before the interview, his date of birth was unknown — even to his previous headmaster, Ambrose the 63rd.
◊ There are no official records of a noble family known as ‘The Devis’ living in the Queendom of Roses’ countryside.
↳ This could be an oversight on the part of Crowley's research but that remains unseen.
◊ There are also no official records, historical or word of mouth, of any nobles with the names Caelus or Ekta Devi.
◊ Dire Crowley had an interview with Victoria Shard shortly after Zenith's interview, so as to confirm that he was in attendance during her fifth birthday.
↳ And although he was in attendance, Miss Shard had informed him that — apparently — there was no one with a name like his on the guest list.
◊ Headmaster Crowley believes it best to keep an eye on Zenith Devi until further notice of any ‘conspicuous’ behavior on his end.
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azotas · 2 years ago
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@akashicmuses Number 2 for Dhaos and Sync! Maybe some relative of the swamp behemoth took a bite out of Sync or something
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2: tending to their wounds
Eyes slowly flick open, noting instead of the bloody battlefield, they were instead inside a small cover behind some cliffs. They must have recently gotten here considering there wasn’t a fire. But fire didn’t seem to be the main concern of his latest travel companion. The warmth against him and the light glow told him a healing arte. Embarrassment and shame strangle him as the teen watches the way other for a moment. Vence had lost his touch. To get so injured that he passed out from the pain and blood loss. Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic!
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“Did you kill it? Or is it still roaming around the marsh looking to eat us?” Slowly Vence forces himself to sit up, gritting his teeth as pain shoots up his body. The thing ruined his shirt, leaving metal and a glyph in partial display under the drying blood. At least it was getting healed so infection would be the least of his worries. 
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azotas-archived · 4 years ago
Sakura is ~170 cm without her ears
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"You aren't that tall-"
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azotas · 2 years ago
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@iniquitousideals asked “you shouldn’t have seen that”
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"Yet I did, Fallen Hero. What about it?"
Sync only gives pause at those words, watching for a moment before he laughs. It's light and amused like Mithos had told him a joke. To Sync, Mithos had. Maybe a normal person would be upset, and would be afraid of what Mithos was doing, but Sync was just as dark and twisted. Something like this, it was hardly worth being upset.
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“Considering who I am, do you really think I’ll be upset about this?” He watches for a moment before stepping forward, close to the much older being.
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azotas · 2 years ago
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Luke may be loud, obnoxious, and impulsive, but let it never be said that the years he’d spent locked up in his family’s manor had not allowed him to hone a very distinct skill set. Luke is pretty good at hiding from people who want to find him. None of the maids were as well-trained as Sync, but they made up for it in numbers.
Even Guy had trouble sometimes.
So, as of right now, Luke is climbing a tree to get into a second story window. Both of his legs are wrapped tight around the branch while he reaches forward… only to see the door behind said window opening.
His eyes widened and, barely giving himself time to look down, he shifts to drop down to a lower branch out of view. The only sign he’d been there was a swaying branch.
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Despite the uselessness of this all, a children's game called hide and seek, part of him can't help but enjoy the challenge, the idea of beating Luke at this. Training as a God-General was certainly coming in handy, combing through every room with meticulous detail and making mental notes of where he had checked and the amount of time Luke would need to sneak past and loop around.
It's upon entering a room, he notices it right away, the shift of the tree. It could be the wind. He could write it off. But if he was wrong, he would lose, and Van didn't train him to the bone to lose a kid's game.
But oh how funny it'd be to let Luke think he's winning.
So he moves just enough to peek down, green eyes watching for any movement for any bit of red amount the vibrant green and dull dark browns of the tree. Did the Idiot really think he could hide from him?
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azotas · 2 years ago
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@asterisque​ asked:  “ be prepared. this'll sting like a motherfucker... “ vicious!
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“Do not coddle me like a child. I can handle it just fine,” the teen snaps, shooting a glare from behind his mask. It wasn’t even that bad of a wound but disinfecting and cleaning was better than getting an infection and the horrid effects it had.
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azotas · 2 years ago
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@ofstarsandskies asked: ↕ — a memory that may or may not have happened
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The past was strung tightly to Sync, unwilling to be let go. Even in this world so far from his own, even the smallest of things reminded him of the past, the past, and the world he hated so deeply. But amidst the dark memories and scars drenched in manipulation, there were some things that seemed like little gems among the misery.
Purchasing on a whim and soon a caged bird in his arms, not the same as the one that sat in his office to deliver messages to him when paperwork had him tied down. It’s the same bird, but slightly different than the pure white one.
“How long have you been living in a cage waiting for someone to pick you?” A musing as he feeds the small bird a seed. It only chirps to him, cocking it’s head to the side before eating it’s seed happily. Green eyes watch for a moment longer before he undoes the door to the cage.
His messenger bird, Avitius, never seemed fond of it’s cage either. Restless fluttering it’s wings till Sync opened the cage in annoyance at the ruckus. It should be happier now, Sync thinks, now that it was pretty much free to fly as it pleased.
This bird takes off from it’s cage in an instant, flying high and circling before it swoops right back down to perch itself on his shoulder. Had it really imprinted on him from just two needless acts? A sigh leaves his lips at only leaves him frowning as he spots a certain four-eyed annoyance. He’s smiling…
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azotas · 2 years ago
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@mathcs asked: ✈ — an eye-opening memory!
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The thudding of his heart was almost as heavy as the sound of his boots as they pushed him back to the only place he could go. To that dingy shed, to the place where only Van would go. Not the clean and nice room of the replica better than him. Not the brightened and warm halls where his original walked with his guardian. There is something heavy in his chest, heavy and crushing that spreads to his throat. Tight. So very tight and choking him as the replica, barely even three months old, scrambles in and slams the door shut. 
It’s suffocating. So suffocating. Smothering him like the hot and ash thick air of Mount Zaleho. And someone is sobbing. Fingers grab and yank off his mask, throwing it to the side and the sound of it cracking makes the suffocation a little more bearable. So sync grabs a chair, throwing it off to the side with a satisfying thud. But the tight feeling is still there, still strangling him without a pause. It’s hard to breathe, more so than before. His knees crumple in on themselves as his body shakes from the strangulation. 
It’s when something dips on his collarbone does he look to the mirror, large green, and tear-filled eyes look back at him. Was he crying or looking at another replica? 
“There is no one for me to protect… and no one that would protect me…” He was all alone in this world. “Why? Why am I the one excluded from the world!? Why only me!!” Something akin to fury lights up the mirror's face, tears rolling down round cheeks before his fist flies into the glass. Blood drips from his knuckles, staining the dingy floor of the shed. And Sync laughs. Laughs even though his chest coils and aches.
He really would have been better off left dead in Mount Zaleho-
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azotas · 2 years ago
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@asterisque asked vicious vc: gotta give ya some advices on life, kid. save a horse, ride a knight. but yer not allowed to ride MY knight, he's be gettin' mad 'bout it thinkin' i'll let that happen, tch.
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"I can run faster than your knight friend, and if I had to travel by pack animal the 3rd division commander has readily available monsters, not to mention there are transport vehicles." Is he missing something? Are they referring to something else???
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azotas · 2 years ago
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@asterisque asked [ lean ] from vicious! (Oh no gravity is at work again).
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nonverbal  meme  prompts
It's a testament to how much Sync had let down his guard or how interesting the book in his hands was. Just reading the text in his hand and enjoying the silence that came with it, till someone decided to annoy him-
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"Oi!!" A falter as he almost drops his book before he snaps it shut, holding up the idiot with ease as he glares. "And why are you doing this?" People... did such weird things. "Attention?"
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azotas · 3 years ago
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‘ stay with me! ’
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“SHUT UP!” Eyes narrowed as he tried to shove the lady off him. He wanted to die, he wanted to go ahead and just fade. But he wasn’t. His body’s fonons still held together tightly together. Eyes flick up as he forces himself up, ignoring the way the shattered bones in his chest shift or the way his leg wants to give out under his own body weight. It’s painful, but he could walk It was bad enough some stranger had to save his life from the jaws of a monster, he didn’t want or needed to be coddled by that person as well.
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azotas · 4 years ago
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@ofstarsandskies​ asked: "Not-son, as your father-in-spirit, I'd rather you not attempt to pick fights against the kind of folks who'd be willing to paint the walls with your blood. It's beneath you." Not-Dad Julius here to lecture his cocky not-son.
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“Tch. If anything, he’ll say it’s beneath him to take out trash like me.” As much as they bickered back and forth, and as much as they hated each other, neither had really tried to kill the other. “Or maybe he will, he had killed the first or so I’ve been told.” A hum of thought. Ion hadn’t killed him yet and Van would be displeased if he tried killed his original. 
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azotas · 4 years ago
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@thx-crxscxndo​ asked:   TRUTH 'Who are your least favorite people in the Rays base?'
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“They are a cesspool of idiocy. But if I had to pick someone from the Heimdallr…. The Idiot Chosen.”
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azotas · 4 years ago
♢ OOC ♝ Luci  ♢  ♢ Score Shattered ♝ Open Rp ♢ ♢ Chess Game ♝ Meme  ♢ ♢ A Raven’s Crow ♝ Answer  ♢  ♢ Loathing and Hate ♝ Musing ♢ ♢ Busted Mirror ♝ Vanity ♢ ♢ Duty ♝ Starter Call ♢  ♢ Out on Mission ♝ Queue ♢ ♢ Pawns across the board ♝ Promo ♢ ♢ Crowning the Pawn ♝ Self Promo ♢ ♢ Screw the rules I have green hair♝ Crack ♢ ♢ Behind the Mask ♝ Headcanon ♢ ♢ Snarky Observation ♝ Dash Comm. ♢ ♢ World of Jade ♝ Dash Game. ♢
♢♢ Mid Game ♝ Without a Core ♢♢ ♢♢ Post Game v1 ♝ Unwritten Future ♢♢ ♢♢ Post Game v2 ♝ Clipped Wings ♢♢ ♢♢ Post Game v3   ♝  Caged Tempest ♢♢    ♢♢ Rays ♝ Mirror Devour ♢♢ ♢♢ Crestoria ♝ Fury like a Tempest ♢♢ ♢♢ Genshin ♝ Kaiadas Thuellai ♢♢ ♢♢ Modern ♝ Teenaged Rebellion ♢♢ ♢♢ CLOSED AU (Genshin) ♝ Disillusioned Envy ♢♢ ♢♢ CLOSED AU (Crestoria) ♝ Elder Brother ♢♢
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azotas · 4 years ago
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@thisominousblog​ “  take a seat, we’re gonna be here a while.  ”
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Sync frowns as he crosses his arms over his chest, shifting ever so slightly so not to crumble the tags. The man reminds him of Largo, an imposing giant lump of flesh. He’d prefer to be in the company of his coworker than some stranger.
“I prefer standing. And unless you’d like to mind my fist through your chest, I suggest you don’t force me to do otherwise.” If he was on his feet, he had a better chance of escape, a better chance to fight. He was better of in a position to readily move than not to. Sync could careless about what this stranger wanted of him.
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azotas · 4 years ago
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@aeternale-carmen​ asked: “You’re better than this.”
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“Better than what?” Sync knows what Ivar meant, he doesn’t need to think hard on it. Eyes watch for a moment as he closes them. Better than Van. Better than being a tool for someone who would only cast him aside when he became a hassle. Sync wasn’t a fool, he understood his place. And he understood it was more than what he outright deserved.  “I don’t think you have any room to criticize me on my place as someone's tool. At least I don’t hopelessly wait and expect Van to suddenly care and need me like you do with Maxwell.”
“I could do better, but I’m not. Van is the only one who can do what I want.” The only one willing to destroy everything on this rotten world.
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