
The whole chapter 35 :
Miracle can happen - I finished the chapter 35 of Digital Chronicles. It's been long, I went from no color to all full color (because no color is so sad). Long pause between some pages because a lot of work with others projects (as publishing two comics all by myself and working on my next ones). But still, I love doing the Digimon comics and I can't wait to begin the next one. AND THE NEXT ONE, A WHOLE NEW ARC ! Yes, because I began the arc of the dinosaur country a long, long, VERY LONG TIME AGO, 2018 something like that. There was the intro, the Piximon fight, the fight against these two mysterious human girls, the meeting with Centarumon, the fight against Tyrannomon, and then, the adventure in the Speedy time zone (with METEORMON <3). The new arc, let's spoil a tiny bit, will change stuff, in the group, in the "friendship", some old characters will come back, and a lot of surprises will happen, I promise ! How long would be the next arc in time of making ? Let's say if I finish it on ten years, I would be happy ... sorry to be that long.
And yes, one day, a translation would happen, one day. Someday ...
Thanks to everyone who follow my little frenchy comic-book about Digimon World.
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Digimon World Chapter 35 Page 13 :
Yes, I'm still on it ! I'm just extra ultra busy. This page was supposed to be the last one of the chapter. But 13 pages ? It's not enough ! So I drew few more pages, and the chapter extended to 19. After that, the arc of the Dinosaur region would be OVER (after six years, yeaaaah).
(And yes, first mention of ANALOGMAN !)
#digimon#digital chronicles#digimon world#gzaltan#comic-book#adaptation#videogame#meteormon#analogman
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Digimon World Chapter 35 Page 10, 11 and 12 :
Three pages ! And yes, colours are back. Because they are ...
Next page was supposed to be the last one of this chapter ... but ... 13 pages, what scam it is ? So I decided to draw two, may be three more pages to conclude (at last) this chapter. Dinosaur region arc is almost over (it's been like 5 or 6 years since I introduce it), I can't wait to go to the next one !
#digimon#digital chronicles#digimon world#gzaltan#comic-book#adaptation#forum rp#videogame#meteormon
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Digimon World Chapter 35 Page 8 and 9 :
Oupsie, I forgot to make more "chochottement" to the voice of Meteormon in the second page. Shame on me !
#digimon#digital chronicles#digimon world#gzaltan#comic-book#adaptation#tentomon#videogame#meteormon
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Digimon World Chapter 35 Page 6 and 7 :
I didn't create the Meteormon tribe, Digimon World did. But still, SO MUCH QUESTION ! Is the Champion Digimon goes into space to evoleve into Meteormon ? Or is it some kind of Jogress shinka from Baby to Perfect ? Let's be honest, the game developer probably didn't think it through. BUT I THINK ABOUT IT NOW !
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Digimon World Chapter 35 Page 4 and 5 :
It's not Odaiba day yet, still, here is two pages of Digimon (I know, it's been a long time since the last ones).
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13 reasons Why- S3 E12 : One sequence :
So, even if I'm used to draw an adaptation of an episode of Degrassi, I was really willing to draw this sequence from 13 reasons Why. It really thrives me in, mostly after everything the character of Tyler went through. I really love the message behind this scene, about how rebuilding yourself could be a long process, one where you will probably not recognize yourself at the end, thing who can be scary, to be fair. Here, Tyler took the time to capture every step of his own journey through pictures. I read before that in all these pictures, there is only in the last one where he is smiling. But after redrawing all the shot, we can see it's not true. For some moments, Tyler is back to smile and sometimes, you feel how bad was his day through his face on the picture. And it's means a lot about going through depression or a trauma. Somedays are better than others, someday, you feel like everything will be better now, and some others, you feel like you will never make it. But that's the thing, even in the bad is always there, sometimes, waiting to come back, the good also is waiting, and will be back. On how you see it, it can only give you hope of a brighter future.
I also very love the friendship built between Alex and Tyler. Where Tyler would be a kinda dark version of Clay (notably in season 1 and 2), Alex is more of a character who shares the same sensibility than Tyler, and kinda completed each other. This incredible moment and sentence "Are you okay ?", only by looking at the face of his friend also prove how Tyler learn to use his empathy to help people around him. Because he's been through hard stuff, he learn himself to recognize the signs. Like he said to Jessica : "May be it's different with guys." May be it's why he is able to see that Alex is suffering right now, only by a look on his face.
There is so much to say about this sequence. My relathinship with Season 3 is complicated. I feel like the direction taken, with the murder mostly, was going too far for being really realistic for a teen-show (but hey, it's a drama, and sometimes, it needs a strong red line, I was still curious to know who was the killer). But this season is probably the one with the most poignant scene. For me, it really revealed how Devin Druid was a skilled actor, notably in emotional scene.
And I'm stopping here, because there is so much to say. And I love tumblr for that. Instead of Instagram, we can really write and write and write about our favorite subject here.
I hope you enjoy this tiny hommage. I really love doing it, even if it took me so long to do it (one year). Still, I'm willing to do more scene, from other serie. I already have some ideas. I will post them here of course, but also on my instagram : Gzaltan_gonera - if you want to read them on it, or discover all my silly little adventure in travel =).
Thank you if you read until here.
#13 reasons why#Tyler Down#alex standall#Devin Druid#miles heizer#adaptation#tv series#netflix#gzaltan#comic book#sequential art#sequential practice
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If there is any french fan of Digimon AND fan of roleplay forum, here is the link of my (still in testing) roleplay forum Digimon.
Pourquoi est-ce que j'écris ça en anglais, alors que je m'adresse aux français ? Je récapitule : s'il y a des fans de Digimon et des fans de forums rp, je viens de créer un forum rp Digimon, toujours en phase de test. N'hésitez pas à venir vous inscrire si le cœur vous en dit !
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Digimon World Chapter 35 Page 1, 2 and 3 :
Is that ? Yes, it is ! The three first pages of chapter 35 ! I don't even know how I found the time to finish those.
#digimon#digital chronicles#digimon world#gzaltan#comic-book#adaptation#tentomon#videogame#monochromon
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Digimon World Chapter 34 Page 16 et 17 :
Aaaaaand, the chapter is over !
Back to my favorite part, sketching a new chapter !
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Digimon World Chapter 34 Page 13, 14, 15 :
We're near the end of the chapter ! I can't wait to be back on drawing the chapter 35 !
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Digimon World Chapter 34 Page 10, 11, 12 :
Let's just say, I'm on fire recently, not stopping myself to finish my Digimon pages who was waiting for ages !
Let's be honest, not coloring everything makes me win a lot of time now. Still frustrating, but better than nothing.
(Oh, and should I say it ? I still wonder if Simeon is my favorite or my most hated character in this comic-book. He is just so funny to draw).
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Digimon World Chapter 34 Page 7, 8, 9 :
More pages ! Even another one in colour !
Bad news, I told myself february will be the ones where I draw the next sequence of Degrassi - Tears are not enough. So will probably give less time to Digimon. Still, I will try to continue to colour the last pages of the chapter in parallel. Really want to finish this chapter and draw the next one !
#digimon#digital chronicles#digimon world#gzaltan#comic-book#adaptation#tentomon#videogame#seadramon#monochromon
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Digimon World Chapter 34 Page 4, 5, 6 :
So, going back to Black and White doesn't mean I can't color a page sometimes, when it's worth it.
#digimon#digital chronicles#digimon world#gzaltan#comic-book#adaptation#betamon#tentomon#videogame#monochromon
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Digimon World Chapter 34 Page 1,2,3 :
Littler heartbreak here, and some kind of coming back to the roots of my project. I have too much things to do, between work, activities and others art projects. And the thing is, I don't find the time to work on Digimon (even so, I always feel that the time I put in it is a time I could use to my others projects). But I love this project and I'm definitely willing to let it down. SO, I decide to go back working in B/W and winning little bit of time to finished my pages. May be when I will have time, I will go back in time and add the colours. But even if it's not perfect, it's still better than nothing.
#digimon#digital chronicles#digimon world#gzaltan#comic-book#adaptation#tentomon#betamon#meteormon#videogame#gotsumon
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Another preview =D.
One last page and the ink of the characters is complete. And back to work on something else before to color it. Promise, I will try to finish it before February.
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