#anakin to himself: wait should i be married to my master??
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tennessoui · 10 months ago
wait lol au where post-war, the jedi order does a date auction a la every cliche ever where they auction off a date night with one of their jedi generals. it's supposed to raise credits for various post-war charities as well as stoke good feelings about the order (the smear campaign was pretty effective, even if sidious died before the genocide bit)
obviously both the hero with no fear and the negotiator are put on the metaphorical chopping block. anakin is a Good Husband™️ so he clears this with Padmé first, and she laughs and agrees and wishes him luck in surviving the hoards of fans that desire him carnally. she says as a senator, she will be expected to attend and maybe even bid. they both agree that it would be way too obvious for their super secret marriage if she bids on anakin, and anakin asks her to bid on obi-wan in a spur of the moment thing.
it's just. obi-wan was really hurt aboard the invisible hand and then he was hurt again when fighting with grievous. and is anyone vetting these random people who will get to go on a date with the jedi? anyone could win!! a disgruntled separatist could win obi-wan's attention for a night and then take him on a date and then kill him!!!! under anakin's very nose!!!
anakin actually gets like. super concerned about this possibility. like super concerned. he gets padmé to promise that she will bid however much it takes to win obi-wan's hand (she is after all generationally wealthy) and she agrees because she loves him and then also follows through because she's a woman of her word.
anakin gets bid on by several people, one woman wins, it's whatever, anakin doesn't care. what anakin cares about is making sure he and this person can go to the same restaurant as obi-wan and padmé. just like. to make sure obi-wan is alright. he was looking quite flushed during the bidding? anakin is Concerned.
and anakin's poor date, who paid millions of credits for his attention, has to deal with an anakin who is obsessed with what's happening a table over and why are they laughing and are their knees touching beneath the table and maybe anakin should go over and like? break it up? his master is obviously a bit uncomfortable in all this candlelight. he looks beautiful, obviously, but he's clearly uncomfortable and he would feel better if anakin were there. obviously.
and anakin's poor date ALSO has to deal with meeting obi-wan kenobi after/during dinner because anakin can't keep in his lane, and general kenobi is downright hostile and cold to her because he's feeling incredibly overprotective at the thought of anakin having to spend time with some woman who bought him. as if he were a slave again.
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fangirlforeversthings · 2 months ago
-Take me on a date first-
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---Teaser about a little fanfiction i'm working on, on how it came to codywans first date----
*The rough plot and outline of my first ever fanfiction wip
Ahsoka: So master obi wan when are you and cody getting together. Like when are you gonna tell the other you love them?
Obi wan choking on his tea: I dont love cody?!
Anakin: when are you gonna marry?
Anakin: but you agree that he is a handsome and kind man?
Obi pressed: well yeah obviously but i mea'
Ahoska yelling back over her shoulder to the boys: CODY OBI WAN SAID YOU ARE VERY HANDSOME AND KIND
Everyone: ahaaaa
Boil: I knew it!
Waxer: i hope we are getting an invitation
Rex: And drinks? on you of course *to cody leaning on his shoulder*
Fives: can i be the flower girl?🥺
Cody now joining: very first off all thank you sir and you are not that bad yourself. But i would much like to be taken on a date first. A nice restaurant with fine wine or a casual walk in the evening when it rains so we can share an umbrella
Obi wan fighting for his life to explain himself: I, listen to me guys.........wait. Would.....are you into such things?
Ahsoka: why are you asking him? did you plan something? did you hope he is?
Anakin: yeah did you?
Obi wan: i no it's..
Cody: so you don't want me?
Obi: no i mean yeah i mean'
Cody: Fine cause i'm taking you serious if you take me to a restaurant
Obi: *hrmph*oh yeah?
Cody: yeah
Obi: good
Cody: good
Obi: i'm serious. Like i'm gonna do it?.
Cody: yeah fine.
Obi: Fine. i'll pick you up later at eight then
Cody: fine
Obi: FINE.
Everyone watching excited, dead silent holding their breaths, constantly turning their heads switching looks between them as each one speaks.
-Later this evening-
Hiding behind an aquarium each head poking out to the nose behind its corners sit echo, fives, boil and waxer, spying on cody and obi wan who acutally went on their date actually having fine wine.
Waxer: its going well 🤭
Echo smirking: yeah they are really sweetly stupidly smiling at each other the whole time
Boil: we are so gonna get an invitation to the wedding! I mean we are the ones that brought them together atlast
Fives adorned with flowers in his hair he stole from the bush left to him his hands folded infront of his chest: and i get to be the flower girl🙏🏻🌷
Echo *sigh*: yes fives, you can be the flower girl
Fives: yes! :3 *before he returns his attention back to codywan, laughing sensually together at the moment
Boil whispering to echo: what is up with that guy? *points at fives behind upheld hand*
Echo:.......like right now or in general?
Fives: 😑
Boil comms anakin. Wearing leave brenches secured with a headband on their heads, spy glasses and Camouflage clothes, he and ahsoka are hiding inside the bushes and spy on codywan on obi wans side of the room:
Boil comm: Mission goes well sir.
Ahoska giving them a look from across the room and a thumbs up
-Next morning-
Boil and waxer: Good morning general🎶
Obi wan: Good morning🎶
They chat and giggle about the situation a bit more before boil goes silent suddenly.
Waxer:.....he is right behind me isn't he?
Suddenly a hand grips waxers throat from behind not hard, but firm
Waxer: 😬 good morning sir
Cody: Good morning.
Boil: you saw us didn't you
Cody: i would be a bad commander if i hadn't right?.......and blind. And deaf.
Waxer: right.
Cody bowing down and whispering: you will feel the wrongs of spying on your commander.
He then leaves to greet obi wan
Cody *clears his throat* uhm good morning.
Obi wan turning to him smiling *blushing*: good morning
Cody: i uh it was nice yesterday i liked it.
Obi wan: me too.
Moment of awkward silence
Obi wan: we uhm should repeat it again at some point.
Cody *blushing* yeah yeah definetly.
Cody:so uh i will go to my uhm i have matters to attend to you know commander stuff
Obi: of course
Cody leaves
Obi calling after him: have a nice day dear
(First time he called him that)
Cody nodding back and basically sprinting away to hide his corrie red, face neck and chest slapping his forehead while he walks: commander things?! Damnit cody. Just shut up next time. It was going so well ugh.
Obi wan smiling after him.
The others who were on spy mode again cheering and high five'ing each other as both had left.
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kavaeroexe · 3 years ago
The fic about the crossover that really good , i can't stop laughing when i image anakin would said that.
Anyway , the new chapter about Elysia make me sad ... I wanna have her so bad but the story aaaa i refused to believe
Can you image Elysia! Reader ,reader have personality like Elysia and the appearance too with Yandere! Star War ? Pretty please
I heard / read Elysia sometime 'gone' that make people panicc , she just like hiding cmiiw👀
Luvv you , have a nice day xoxo
i’ll give you the prettiest flower~!
Elysia!reader x yandere!star wars character (HC)
warning : typos, bad grammar  
attention! please do not try to repost my works, i only post my works on tumblr, if anyone see someone stole my works please inform me through the comments, tag me in the works, or message me!  
Anakin Skywalker
i would say these two is the chaotic together
Anakin is having a high-level of jealousy and you’re the friendly person that like to hangout with everyone
you two good together, its just the jealousy that makes your relationship weird
“You flirt with how many people today?”
“Flirt~? i’m just a sweet talking, and oh! only to Senator Amidala and Rex today!”
“that’s a new record, i hope tomorrow you’ll do none- thank lord the mercy”
because we talking about yandere, i think he ever locked you up once..
no- twice...
three times?
but all of that attempts of him locking you up, you managed to escape easily and without even thinking that he’s locking you up.
“Where did you go?”
“The council, Senator’s room, Visiting the padawans, and Master Kenobi’s room!”
“alright that seems like a nice place to go- wait- MASTER’S ROOM? WHAT FOR?”
“giving flowers~!”
“You giving flowers to many people but me? do you not love me anymore?”
“*gasp* Who said that? oh my sweety baby cheeks my lovey dovey, i prepare you something more than just flowers just for you!”
“Yeah~! come on walk with me! i’ll show them to you!”
honestly you’re just taking him around the Jedi Temple and then kiss him sweetly in the quiet place and the last, run!
but you guys a powerful couple, you good at negotiation, distracting and also you’re strong in force + able to masters many forms of lightsaber fight etc, while he’s a good pilot, strong, tall, dominating, and plus you both good at making sudden plan or well-prepared plan
so when you’re gone somewhere or he lost you he’s losing his patience
he kill anybody that he suspects while he’s searching for you
but after all he does, he can’t find you, so he’s badly coming back at his place
but then he saw you, sitting with a tea and wrapping yourself with a blanket, he thought he’s hallucinating
“Welcome home Ani! where have you been? i really miss you... :(”
“Is it really you? i should be the one asking where have you been, im worried sick about you..!!”
Obi-wan Kenobi
he’s the protective yandere
he can’t really like giving you limit about your friendship and locking you up or such, so he’ll just be very protective, so he’s watching you 24/7
he feels relieve when you don’t feel bothered by his appearance most of the time, making sure you’re okay
“You know, Obi, you are a true gentlemen, you guard and making me safe, thankyou for your love, i love it so much~”
you often find him looking out for you 24/7 when he’s free, even though he try to be sneaky 
“No Y/N don’t approach him, i have a bad feeling abut him”
“Remember if someone asking you to stay longer with them, tell them you have a husband” -Obi
“But i don’t have a husband?? we haven’t married ye.. you want us to married theenn~?”
if he’s jealous, he’ll just told himself that ‘come on, Y/N does this everyday’
but if you talking buddy acts to far, he’ll pulling your hand, and then “alright that’s it, you’re coming with me”
even though he’s watching you close, he sometimes just lose you, stupid maybe, but that’s what happened..
“Y/N? where are you? Y/N??”
he puts 100% effort on finding you, telling his clones, telling the other masters, but a bit with acting spice, they didn’t think that he search for you because he’s scared of losing you, just worried for general like losing a not-so-close friend.
and then in the middle of his searching, Cody carrying you, who’s holding a bucket of crown flowers
“Surpriseee, seems that you miss me, doesn’t it master Kenobi?”
this whole time you’re just wandering from place to another place, gathering everything that you catch your eyes on.
when you’re in private, he’ll scold you, but he manages to give you food, sweet drinks and dessert while scolding you, so you eat and listen.
“can you please stop hiding and roaming around the way you likes? i can’t always protect you from somebody who knows!”
but as a form of apologies, you place a kiss in his cheek and a warm tight hug, then let out a giggle
“I’m happy that you’re worried over me, such a gentlemen~”
“I love you, please don’t make me worried again, okay love?”
“Okie dokie!”
Padme Amidala
oh god the lovey dovey couple-
she’s a sweetheart, you’re a sweetheart
if you’re both going as a couple in a formal party, or even a normal party, everybody would say that you both are a happy, full of glitter, romance, fluff couple
y’all are the sweetest couple people could ever see
anything happens to you, she doesn’t insist on releasing her full power to solve it ngl
loves loves loves when you both having a skincare routine or a make up-ing session before both of you start your day
gifting is her way to show her love when she’s not able to show up and cuddles then sharing warmth, so she pick the best jewelry, dress, flower, accessory for you when she has to work most of the day
and every single Padme’s gift that you accept, you’ll wear it when you both have a chance to spend time together
when you’re gone, she’s surprisingly handle it well
connection and money baby
the longest record of her effort finding you that goes missing is 12 hours and 30 minutes
well she remembered it lmao
if you sweet talking or even flirt with your friend or sometimes stranger, she wouldn’t mind
that’s you being you anyway, so no problem she guess
but if somebody flirt with you... alright it depends actually
if you flirt back = soon to be friends 
if you’re silent = mayday mayday, red flag, you’re uncomfortable or worst case, you start to like them
“Alright here’s the plan, stop meeting them ever again”
“They play with at least one woman every day” she could be lying she could tell the truth
“Oh they’re bad... thankyou dear, i’ll take a distance from now on!”
Luke Skywalker
damn this boy is the protective and the paranoid yandere
“No don’t talk to them”
“stay here”
“Y/N, stay right here and wait for me, okay?”
“no don’t go there!”
“You can’t do that!?”
at first, he lets you to have fun with your friends
but the way you’re having fun is your friend makes him reconsider his decision
but he doesn’t want to put a limits on your life, he doesn’t want you to be sad
so he ask Leia, Han, or everyone in the rebellion to keep an eye on her or sumn
“we could watch after her, we promise”
well they lose you anyway
“kriff Luke, we lost her!”
well of course he check on the whole place at the base, so does with everybody, and then if he hasn’t found you, he’ll grab his helmet and then using his x-wing to search for you in the whole planet
i swear he drop at least one tear when he’s searching for you 
but guess what?
you’re at the back area of the base
how tf nobody find you in there?
feeding some animals...
okay he forgive you because you look pretty and cute while feeding them
but he will not let you go for the next 24 hours
“i swear you scared me, what if you’re not in the base? what if you’re being kidnapped by the empire and i late to save you? what if you’re being hunted by bounty hunter? oh i can’t lose you you know it!”
“hehe sorry, but at least i’m safe, and that’s all that matters right now right?”
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comfortwriting · 3 years ago
Through Thick and Thin - A.S
Anakin Skywalker x Fem Reader
masterlist, requesting rules, guidelines, taglist
About: When Obi-Wan learns of Anakin's turn to the dark side, he goes to Y/N to try and find him; what he gets instead changes everything and Anakin gets the answers he's been waiting for.
A/N: this is my first time writing in months, please be kind! Need to get back to my flow lol
Word Count: 2057
Warnings: murder, death, blood, mention of parent loss.
"He killed younglings, Y/N!" Obi-Wan stressed, pacing around the room "Tell me where he is, I beg you."
You stared at your husbands Jedi Master, contemplating if you should tell him the truth - betraying your husband and revealing his whereabouts or to lie and protect him. After all, you knew what Obi-Wan was going to do.
You knew that Anakin was capable of taking lives, especially the lives of women and children after he murdered the Tusken Raiders - you weren't afraid of him when he confessed and you certainly didn't shame him for it; you could understand his anger, his hate, his need for revenge.
Anakin's back was facing you, he stared at the wall, hot tears streaming down his face.
"I killed them." he paused, catching his breath "I killed them all. They're dead, every single one of them."
Anakin slowly turned around to face you, his face stained with tears, his eyes glassy and red.
You stared at him, trying not to judge him for what he had done - knowing that if you did, you would be the biggest hypocrite known to man.
"And not just the men," Anakin inched closer to you, shaking his head "but the women and the children too."
You froze.
Women, like you.
Children, like the ones you adored at the Jedi Temple, children you dreamed of having with Anakin.
Part of you died hearing his confession, but you remembered how you felt when you were finally left alone in a room with your fathers killer. You too would've killed his wife and the other women and children in their village. You would wipe them all out.
"They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals." Anakin started to raise his voice, his pearly white teeth shining in the light "I hate them!"
Anakin dumped himself to the floor, bringing his knees to his chest, more tears falling from his eyes; you placed your hand against his face, wiping away his tears with your thumb.
"It's okay to feel angry, it's okay to hate them after what they did." You said softly, casting circles on his cheek with your thumb.
"I'm a Jedi," his eyes searched yours, his hand reaching for yours, holding it tightly "I know I'm better than this."
You sighed, kissing his hand softly "Don't let what you've done define you, Ani."
"How can I come back from this?" He asked in frustration "How can I move forward if Obi-Wan is holding me back!"
"You find a way," you encouraged him "even if it means going against him... and the council."
"You're going to kill him, aren't you?" You asked quietly.
Obi-Wan didn't answer, he swallowed hard and looked at the pale lilac carpet.
"Why do I get the feeling you're going to be the death of me?"
"Don't say that Master... You're the closest thing I have to a father... I love you. I don't want to cause you pain."
"He has slain younglings, Y/N! I saw his callousness with my own eyes!" Obi-Wan raised his voice, "Anakin has sided with Palpatine! He's the sith lord!"
You started to laugh, waving your hand.
'Of course, Obi-Wan and the council are pinning this on Palpatine, making him the bad guy.' you thought.
"It's funny," you speak up swinging your right leg over your left knee "you and the council painting Palpatine as evil."
The Jedi Master stared at you in horror and couldn't believe the words coming out of your mouth - his heart splitting into tiny fragments, the young girl he raised was defending the chosen one - the young boy who had grown up with bouts of pent up hate and anger, and turned to the dark side.
"Palpatine is the only person other than me who truly cares for Anakin, who never lectures him for his feelings, who never holds him back."
Obi-Wan felt sick.
"I don't know where he is," you lied "even if I did, I'm not telling you."
"Don't make this harder for me than it needs to be," Obi-Wan warned you, remembering the Jedi Code, pushing his memories with you and Anakin aside.
You didn't flinch, instead, you sat back down on the sofa, staring at the beautiful sparkling wedding ring on your finger.
"I don't want to go back," you sighed, dragging your feet through inches of deep, sparkling snow "I've missed being home."
Anakin nervously fidgeted with the ring box in his pocket, practising his words over and over and over, making sure he got them perfect, his body freezing, his hair full of snowflakes.
"I'm so thankful you came here with me, Ani." You smiled, "My dad would've loved you."
Realising that Anakin wasn't following you, you stopped in your tracks and turned around, finding your boyfriend down on one knee.
"From the day we met, I have never been able to shake you from my mind and heart."  
Your eyes filled with tears and your goggles started to steam up.
"I never got to ask for your father's blessing, but that won't stop me."
You focused on the ring, realising it was the same one that your father always showed you as a child, with his plan to give to you in hopes that you would pass it on to your children.
"Y/N, my love, will you marry me?"
You nodded your head, removing your glove, exposing your warm skin to the freezing air that instantly started to nip at your skin.
"Yes," you smiled, more tears falling from your eyes "I will marry you, Anakin."
"Your father would be ashamed of you, you're becoming the very thing he hated, you're sleeping with the enemy!"
The rage you once felt started to ignite deep inside you as Obi-Wan tried to sour one of the greatest moments of your life.
You stood up, and walked over to him, staring him down.
"You know better than to bring up my father, Obi-Wan."
Anakin tried to catch his breath, stumbling backwards in extreme pain, the sound of your screams ringing in his ears. You were hurt, probably dead with the amount of pain Anakin was experiencing.
His heart started pounding, his ears ringing, feeling sick to his stomach - you couldn't be... could you? who could've done this? why?
"I have these nightmares..." Anakin opened up to you "what I see, happens."
You stroked Anakin's head, your fingertips massaging his scalp, your lips brushing against his neck.
"I had them about my mother before she died, I wasn't strong enough to save her."
You stopped massaging his scalp, and pulled away, looking into his blue eyes - full of tears that pooled up over his waterline.
"You are strong and you get even stronger the more you learn and experience," you paused "I was strong - not strong enough to save my dad, but now I probably would've had a better chance of doing so. We move forward."
Your fiance nodded his head, pursing his lips and kissing you softly, still emotional when he pulled away from the kiss.
"I don't want to dream of you like that- I don't want the nightmares - I can't... I can't lose you..."
You shook your head, cupping Anakin's face in your hands "You won't lose me, Ani."
Anakin didn't know but he would soon find out, killing the last of the separatist leaders on Mustafar, he boarded his ETA-2 Jedi Starfighter and set off in a hurry; desperate to find you.
You were in utter shock.
Your hands trembling, your forehead burning, the room closing in on you yet expanding at the same time and your throat like sandpaper from your constant screaming.
It all happened so fast - Obi-Wan striking for you, your leg being severed off faster than you could realise until you fell down and all you could feel was agonising pain, and the smell of burning flesh filling the room, the blood boiling in your veins.
You sat on the floor, your back propped up against the back of the sofa, dragging yourself across the floor proved difficult since you stopped practising your upper body workouts.
Looking across the room, your eyes landed on Obi-Wan, no longer breathing - how you did it? you didn't know - you managed to take control, more power than you ever had in your life, your fury spitting inside of you begging for release.
Do you feel guilty? Now that you think about it, no.
Obi-Wan attempted to end your life and he would take Anakin's life too.
Bringing the back of your hand up to your forehead, you wiped away the beads of sweat, your chest rising and falling.
Anakin jumped out of his Starfighter, his hood shielding his face, his long strides bringing him closer and closer to you, his eyes no longer a beautiful shade of blue, but like the two suns on Tatooine during sunset.
She can't be. Y/N can't be dead. Not now. Not ever.
Getting closer and closer, Anakin could sense death, pain, and suffering.
The door swung open as Anakin stormed in, searching for you frantically until his eyes landed on your amputated leg in the middle of the room, his face drained of all its colour.
Your screams came back to him, the searing sound of Obi-Wan's lightsaber severing your leg, the loud thud as you fell to the floor and then the walls shaking, everything shaking, your yells, Obi-Wan's voice breaking before his body dropped lifelessly to the floor.
Anakin glanced over to his Jedi Masters lifeless body and stared, his eyes burning holes into Obi-Wans back, wanting nothing more than to revive him just so he could have the pleasure of murdering him for what he had done to you.
You peeked your head out from behind the sofa, "Ani," you winced, "I'm back here."
Anakin rushed to your side, his eyes pouring with tears as he searched your face and body for more injuries; the sight of your wound hurt him deeply.
How could Obi-Wan do this to you? How could anyone do such a thing to the chosen one's wife?
"Are you-are you-"
"Ani," you tried to calm him down breathlessly "just my leg, nothing-nothing else."
Anakin scooped you into his arms as gently as he could, you held onto him for support, moving one of your arms around his neck, your tear-stained face hiding in his chest, his heartbeat thumping against your ear comforting you.
"I thought you were dead," Anakin croaked, carrying you away, his robes hiding you in his arms.
"Obi-Wan came to me, he needed to know where you were so he could kill you," you admitted, "he told me that you killed younglings."
Anakin slowed down, you pulled your head out of his chest and looked into his eyes.
"Did you believe him?" Anakin asked, his tone harsh.
You paused for a moment, slightly afraid that Anakin might drop you.
"I know that you have killed children before," you replied quietly, "he told me that Palpatine is the sith lord... that you are his apprentice-"
"What do you think of Palpatine?" Anakin's eyes rummaged through yours.
She can't turn against me - she won't. I won't let her.
"I think that he's the only other person aside from me who has ever encouraged you to show your emotions, to use them to make you stronger."
Anakin's eyes fixed on your face like glue "what if he is the sith lord, and I have joined him? what would you think of me"
You sighed, closing your eyes, imagining the perfect life with your husband; you and him never in harms way, children of your own growing up without a clue of what it's like to lose a parent, to be a slave.
"I would encourage you to overthrow him, and together you and I can rule the galaxy,"
You opened your eyes, everything coming back to you, your father's death, how it felt to slaughter a whole family.
"make things the way we want them to be."
Anakin gripped onto you tightly, a prideful grin spreading across his face.
"Everyone turned against me but you." He said softly, kissing you.
"What if you hate what I become?" your boyfriend stressed, pacing up and down.
"I could never hate you, Anakin," you walked over to him, linking your arm with his metal one"I'll be with you through thick and thin."
tags: @autobotrosestark
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phoenixyfriend · 4 years ago
Quinlan and the Interdimensional Ingenues (except not really)
Context: SW Suddenly Omegaverse AU (Original Post), Interior Design (Nesting Divots), Chrono Rating: T+ Relationships: Anakin & Obi-Wan, Quinlan/Obi-Wan
This is like 90% cuddles and scenting that’s a few steps to the side of a/b/o standard. There is a lot of non-sexual licking. It’s a little odd, but I’m assuming that’s what you’re here for. It’s also over 5k words, so, you know. There’s that.
Note: “Ternary” is to the number three as “binary” is to the number two. Binary gender/sex refers to IRL male/female distinctions, and ternary refers to alpha/beta/omega. Gender and sex are much more complicated than is touched on in this particular fic, and trans identities exist within both the binary system and the ternary system. (More notes at end.)
“Sorry to tell you this,” Quinlan says, sliding into the room as quickly as he can, “but we can smell omega distress from several rooms down the hall. What the hell is going on?”
“We’ve having a lot of feelings,” Kenobi says drily. He’s on the couch, looking damnably normal, and Skywalker’s got his face shoved into his master’s neck. Kenobi’s fingers card through the curls, and it’s... well, it would be easy to tell which of them was having said feelings even if Quinlan hadn’t already been able to tell them apart in scent.
“I’m distraught,” Skywalker moans, mushing himself somehow closer.
Kenobi’s eyes go to the ceiling, and he visibly prays to the Force for patience. “I know, Anakin.”
“You think I’m being dumb.”
“I think you’ve had a few months to prepare for this, but that your reaction is understandable nevertheless,” Kenobi says carefully. “Quinlan, would you like to take a seat?”
He hops the back of an armchair in a way that earns him a long-suffering, fond sigh. Quinlan grins encouragingly. “So, do I get to know what this is about?”
“I’m having trouble keeping it out of the Force, but at least I can do that,” Skywalker mutters. He does not lift his head. “I can’t control the scent stuff.”
“Yeah,” Quinlan says, because he’s not sure what else to say. “Do you want me to go get Tano? Might make you feel better.”
Skywalker just whines, high and pained, and tries to curl impossibly closer to Kenobi.
“Anakin,” Kenobi tries. “Anakin, do you want me to explain?”
“I want my--” Skywalker cuts himself off with a choking noise, and then keens. It’s a very omega noise, in the sense that his vocal cords can make it, and non-omegas have trouble mimicking it, and it makes Quinlan want to go over and do his best to fix things in whatever way he can.
(This, everyone is finding, is the truly awkward element to having Skywalker and Kenobi around. They don’t have any experience with controlling their ternary sex instincts, and it makes everyone else react poorly when they do, well, almost anything. They can’t be blamed, considering exactly how inconvenient this is for them, as well, but it’s not a great time for anyone.)
Quinlan tries to keep his own scent pleasant and calm, as soothing as he can make it through the blockers. He doesn’t think it works. “Your what?”
“His wife,” Kenobi says. “Because apparently that was the other way he broke the Code.”
“I looked her up,” Skywalker moans, dramatic as anyone. “She’s already mated and married, in this timeline. To that artist. She’s totally happy and she’s never met me and I’m never gonna be able to work with or around her because I won’t be able to act normal about it and I miss her.”
‘A lot of feelings‘ Kenobi mouths at Quinlan over Skywalker’s head.
“Well, at least it explains the position you’re in,” Quinlan tries to joke. The blank look he gets from Kenobi tells him clearly that the joke didn’t land. “Uh, scenting at the neck like that.”
“Inappropriate?” Kenobi hazards a guess. He doesn’t pull Skywalker away.
“Sort of,” Quinlan says. “You’re family, or as good as, so between that and the need for comfort, nobody’s really going to judge you for it, especially given your backgrounds, but that kind of prolonged neck-scenting for comfort is something kids outgrow in pre-adolescence. It’s only really used for either comfort for extreme emotions, like this, or, uh, between lovers. Post-coital, or during foreplay before, you know, mouths get involved.”
Kenobi grimaces. “Lovely. And what do you mean by ‘of our backgrounds’ in this case? That we have less control, or another factor?”
He doesn’t sound offended. Quinlan appreciates that. “You didn’t have ten years to get that comfort. It’s like... touch starvation, but for scenting. Anyone who knows what’s going on with you, even in the vague sense that doesn’t involve dimensional travel, is going to give you leeway on scenting because you didn’t have that, growing up.”
Kenobi’s grimace doesn’t go away until Skywalker’s breath hitches, hand curling in his master’s robes. “Anakin?”
“I don’t like feeling like this,” Skywalker mutters. “It sucks.”
“I know.”
“And we can’t delay the war much longer, and she was one of the only reasons I stayed even kinda sane through it.”
“I know, Anakin,” Kenobi sighs, running a hand through Skywalker’s hair and, awkwardly as anything, pressing a small kiss to the young man’s forehead. “You’ll have other ways to de-stress this time around. Maybe you’ll actually attend your meditative retreats.”
Skywalker huffs out a breath, in a laugh wet with what might be burgeoning tears. “Shut up.”
“I think you’ve known me far too long to think I’ll ever run out of words,” Kenobi says. He meets Quinlan’s eyes again, but before either of them can communicate about whether Quinlan should leave, Skywalker lurches to his feet, muttering something about a shower.
He’s gone before Kenobi can get more than two words out, and the man is left looking ruffled and confused by his former padawan’s sudden departure. He stays watching the door, and slowly wilts in a way that doesn’t speak well for his state of mind. The man sighs and drops his head into his hands, cradling it with his elbows on his knees, and whatever calm he’d had fades into pure stress, the air curdling with the smell of it.
Quinlan waits, unsure of how to handle this; Kenobi’s Quinlan Vos probably would have known how to deal with the change.
“What am I doing?” Kenobi breathes out, the words almost inaudible from behind his hands.
There are a few moments for Quinlan to consider the many complications and ramifications of getting involved, and then he decides to do so anyway. He stands up and steps around the caff table, and sits down next to Kenobi. He wraps an arm around the man’s shoulders, and brings him in close.
“You don’t have to do this,” Kenobi says, though he makes no move to pull away. “I know you don’t... this is just an obligation. The Council assigned you to gather information and keep an eye out for us in terms of the whole omega thing, since you already shared my heat, and... I know I’m not a friend to you. You barely know me, and the fact that you have to look out for me is something that truly grates. Such care shouldn’t...”
Quinlan waits for him to finish, but he doesn’t.
“I won’t say that they didn’t give me that assignment, because that would be a lie and you’d know it,” Quinlan says. “But I do want to be friends with you. We’re sort of there, already, even if that’s mostly you knowing my other self, and my psychometry, but I’ve seen what a friendship with you could be like, in what you let me see. We’ll never have that same dynamic, because I didn’t grow up with you, and the ternary sex adds an element that changes things, but I do want to be your friend.”
He hesitates, unsure if the rest will make things worse or better, but says it anyway. “As for taking care of you, looking out for you... I do feel a need to do that on an instinctual level, yes, but I can ignore it. It’s an instinct, but one that I, like everyone else that’s grown up as a human or near human in this galaxy, can work around. I am doing more than the minimum the Council requested, and it’s because I do actually like you as a person, and want to know you better.”
Kenobi’s head is resting on his shoulder by this point, tired and heavy, and Quinlan reaches up to brush his knuckles against the beard without looking. His blockers are still keeping his scent down, but the contact seems to make Kenobi relax more. His hands are mostly laced together, and falling into the dip between their legs.
“There’s a way I can help, but it’s, ah... not inherently sexual in nature, but generally only done by those whose relationship is already some degree of sexual,” Quinlan tells him. “To make you feel better, less stressed.”
“I’m assuming you’re not suggesting an orgasm,” Kenobi mutters, dry as anything. He laughs when Quinlan puts a hand on his knee.
“Not exactly feeling it,” Quinlan agrees. He squeezes Kenobi’s knee, and then says, “No, it’s mostly scenting in a way that’s usually only done by lovers; it’s more effective, but very intimate in a way many find uncomfortably sexual, because the amount of tongue involved is very reminiscent of foreplay.”
Kenobi laughs, a little harder, and nuzzles a little. He doesn’t seem aware of the fact that he’s doing it. “Alright, then.”
“I’d also suggest moving to one of the nests,” Quinlan says, and Kenobi immediately freezes. He gives it a moment, and then says, “I know you found it helpful after your heat, Kenobi. The nesting instinct is human here. It’s not shameful. There are people who don’t get anything out of it, but I’ve seen you nesting, and it’s good for you.”
Kenobi shudders and Quinlan thinks he might be fighting down a whine. “It’s a change, Quin. I mean, Quinlan. It’s... it’s just another thing out of many that’s different.”
“And one of the few you have control over?” Quinlan guesses. He tries to purr for support when Kenobi nods against his shoulder, and he thinks the deep rumble is soothing to Kenobi. “I get that.”
“Don’t stop,” Kenobi mutters, and Quinlan can guess he’s blushing about it.
“Into the nest,” Quinlan mutters. “It’ll help convince Skywalker to use it, and he really needs that kind of comfort.”
That’s the line of logic that actually works, and Quinlan isn’t the least bit surprised.
“Fine,” Kenobi sighs, and gets to his feet before Quinlan can offer to carry him or something similarly joking. The man walks to the communal nest at the edge of the room, and then looks down into the barely-used mess of blankets and pillows in the floor divot like he doesn’t even know how to get in.
Quinlan thinks there might be dust, even.
Fine. He can work with that. He’s taken this duo on as a project of his own free will, and he’s damn well going to follow through.
“Want to rearrange it?” he asks, in hopes that he can prompt Kenobi into figuring out what’s wrong.
“I don’t... know,” Kenobi says, frowning in a way that’s more worried and uncomfortable than angry. “I don’t know what’s wrong.”
Quinlan considers it, thinks of how the dust means nobody’s been here, that there’s not even a hint of scent, and then turns and grabs the throw pillows and thick, woven blanket from the couch.
“Wait,” Kenobi protests. “They don’t--”
“We can put them back later,” Quinlan assures him. He holds them out to Kenobi. “Trust me? I may not be an omega, but I do know enough of the theory.”
Kenobi takes the pillows and the blanket, stares down at them and then at the nest, and steps out of his slippers and into the nest. The layer already there is thin, and likely not doing much for anyone, but it’s the bare minimum and Quinlan can work with that.
He turns and scouts the room for spare fabrics, grabs all three of the outer robes from where they hang by the door, and the recently-used dishtowel that only barely carries Skywalker’s scent, and brings them to Kenobi.
“The robes aren’t clean!” Kenobi protests.
“I could grab something from your room instead,” Quinlan says. “Or you could just leave the hems on the outside. But you need more fabric that actually smells like someone.”
Quinlan wonders, idly, if Kenobi would have this kind of reaction to the suggestion without omega instincts at play, or if it’s just the instincts and he doesn’t realize, or maybe that he’s decided to let the instincts happen since Quinlan’s pushed him into nesting already anyway. The man had insisted in perfectly pressing his robes from the beginning, long before their bodies had had a chance to change, and Skywalker had found it normal, so it’s probably, at least a little, just the man’s personality. It probably doesn’t matter, overall, because all Quinlan has to do is sit at the edge of the nest until Kenobi--the person who actually lives here--is done arranging things.
Quinlan takes off another two layers and offers them, noting out loud that he can get them back later when Skywalker can fill in the gaps or something before too many protests can be voiced. Kenobi hesitantly takes them and tucks them in among his own additional layers. Quinlan’s seen enough communal nests to know that most of the placements are odd and not going to work out long-term, but that’s not the point right now. The point is getting Kenobi to recognize the his body, and more importantly, his mental health, rely at least somewhat on nesting now.
“Are you going to come in?” Kenobi asks, belatedly realizing Quinlan’s still outside the lip of the flooring divot.
“Not without permission,” Quinlan says, and sees the realization flicker in.
Kenobi holds out a hand, silent, and Quinlan lets himself get tugged in among the half-stale, half-new nest. It’s not great, but that’ll come with practice. He tucks himself around Kenobi, and rubs at the man’s arms in an attempt to ease some of the tension that’s clinging to every line of his body.
“What now?” Kenobi asks, just a shade more quiet than Quinlan thinks is really required by the situation.
“A lot of the stress you’re feeling is a feedback loop from being covered in your own distress scent,” Quinlan says. “You can shower to handle that, which is what Skywalker is doing, or you can manually remove it.”
“I’d imagine a wet towel,” Kenobi says, a touch wry, “but given that you mentioned tongue earlier, I’m guessing you intend to lick it away?”
“It’s more effective,” Quinlan admits. “Not at removing the scent, necessarily, but it removes enough to help while also generating comfort and relaxation hormones from the close contact, and being scented by a trusted individual.”
“Makes sense,” Kenobi admits. “You, ah, use scent blockers usually, right? Can you, er, scent me?”
Quinlan can see just how much Kenobi dislikes using the words. He tries to keep it quick. “I use a cream blocker over my scent glands, namely at the neck and wrists, since the rest are covered in fabric. It’s... well, it can be wiped off, or also removed orally. Most manually-applied blockers are formulated to be safe for contact with the mouth or genitals. Only really gets to be a problem if there are rare allergies or with specific species. It doesn’t taste like anything, if that matters.”
Kenobi’s discomfort is almost palpable, but Quinlan lets him work through that. This isn’t really something he can make a choice for Kenobi about, and the discomfort is... well, it’s not really the kind of discomfort usually associated with ternary sex and associated behaviors. Everything’s just very new, and comes with changes to the body that Kenobi never agreed to.
“Right,” Kenobi says. “I want to... to at least try it, I think.”
He turns and blushes, eyes anywhere by Quinlan’s face. “I don’t know how much longer Anakin will be. I’d rather he not think we’re, er...”
“Then I’ll take care of that part fast,” Quinlan promises, and is rewarded by Kenobi offering a wrist.
It’s... not sexual. Quinlan knows he has a hard time explaining this to near-humans that don’t have the scent glands, that don’t have the ternary dynamics. He’s had a similarly hard time explaining it to Kenobi and Skywalker. It’s not sexual, just intimate, when he pulls Kenobi’s wrist to his face, closes his eyes, and breathes in the scent of a distressed, uncomfortable, bitter omega that he’s shared a heat with and knows as almost-friend. The smell, this close and this strong, triggers the production of pheromones of his own, and when he feels Kenobi tentatively start pressing kisses to Quinlan’s own wrist, he relaxes. He brushes his lips against Kenobi’s wrist, and then puts his open mouth to it, the slightest press of teeth and his tongue laving across the skin. He hears Kenobi’s gasp, an almost-yelp, and pulls away long enough to press a kiss the the veins under his lips, and to say, “Relax, Kenobi.”
He forces a purr out, low and rumbling, and feels it work on Kenobi just like it did earlier. There’s a tongue pulling, a little dry, to rub away the blocker on the inside of his wrist, and he turns his attention back to Kenobi’s. The scent is even stronger on his tongue, bitter and unhappy, and his body continues to produce calm and comfort as he pulls away the uglier feelings painted on Kenobi’s skin.
More pheromones leak under his mouth, but less bitter. Less intense. He does what he can, opens his eyes and turns and sees that Kenobi is unduly focused on his wrist, mouthing and not quite purring, but oddly fuzzy in the Force. His eyes are closed, but Quinlan’s pretty sure they’d be glazed if not.
“Guess you haven’t encountered this outside of a heat before,” Quinlan mutters. He shakes his arm a bit, and puts his other hand on Kenobi’s shoulder. “Kenobi, hey, look at me?”
Kenobi pulls away, blinking, and then makes a face. “That...”
“Didn’t like losing control?” Quinlan guesses. The answer is clear enough. “It’s a matter of practice, especially for you.”
“Why did I... it smelled and tasted like... like I was safe,” Kenobi mutters lowly, eyes on the nest instead of on Quinlan. “I’ve never associated any sense with safety other than the Force.”
“You trust me,” Quinlan says, as if that’s not a little terrifying in its own way. He already knew that Kenobi trusted him, but he thinks that this strong of a reaction might make him Kenobi’s most trusted person after Skywalker and maybe Tano. “And since you trust me, your body subconsciously takes cues from mine, when it comes to pheromones. I project comfort and safety, and your body takes it as... not fact, but affirmation.”
“So I won’t react to anyone like this,” Kenobi says, not quite begging for Quinlan to confirm, but close to it. “Just you, and... does that same logic apply to those who aren’t Alpha designation?”
“Yeah,” Quinlan says. “Not in the same way, but familiarity and trust does affect which pheromones affect you, and how strongly. Children are largely unresponsive to aggression pheromones from their parents, by default, since their minds process it as aggression in defense of them, rather than aggression at them.”
Kenobi purses his lips, but nods and looks at Quinlan’s other wrist. “Moving on?”
“If you’re okay with it,” Quinlan says, but he brings his cleaned wrist to Kenobi’s and rubs them together until his own comfort scent is covering up what’s left of the distress. “Take a smell at that and see how you feel.”
Kenobi eyes him warily--he’s pretty sure he hasn’t done anything to deserve that, but allows it because, well, Kenobi--and sniffs at his own wrist. His brow furrows in confusion, and he sniffs again.
“Good?” Quinlan hazards.
“I... yeah,” Kenobi says. He sounds as confused as he looks. “I like it. It’s... the safe thing, again, but mixing with me?”
“That’s how it’s supposed to feel,” Quinlan assures him. “Other wrist?”
If he were actually the friend that Kenobi had grown up with, if he’d actually had a Kenobi to grow up with, he thinks he might have thrown in a few joking pet names by now.
But he’s not, and they didn’t, so he won’t.
He thinks he hears Skywalker finish up in the shower, but Kenobi pulls his mouth to the neck, and mutters that they have some time while Skywalker does something to his hair. Apparently, there are products needed for those curls.
The angle’s going to be a little uncomfortable if they try to get at each other’s scent glands simultaneously, so Quinlan suggests that Kenobi handle getting the blocker off first.
“More convenient,” Quinlan says, and then clasps Kenobi’s hands so their wrists rub together. He squeezes, just a little, a touch of reassurance, and smiles and tilts his head. “All yours, Kenobi.”
The man smiles, brittle, and almost giggles. Maybe Quinlan was doing something oddly similar to his counterpart from Kenobi’s dimension. Maybe it was an inside joke he didn’t know. It doesn’t matter, because Kenobi’s leaning in and mouthing along Quinlan’s neck and throat like a man possessed a half-second later.
Quinlan closes his eyes and threads a hand into Kenobi’s hair, focuses on warmth and comfort and protection, rather than anything aroused. Kenobi slows down, lapping at Quinlan’s neck and inhaling, and in the Force he radiates confusion.
“That’s it,” Quinlan mutters, and Kenobi makes a low chirruping noise that he immediately stifles with an annoyed huff. “Hey, no, those are normal. You don’t have to be embarrassed.”
“I want control over my own body, Quin,” Kenobi mutters, and switches to the other side. He rubs his face against Quinlan’s neck, and it’s another point on the list of things Kenobi does that he might not realize are based in newer instincts. “I don’t like something being wrong with me, and not understanding what it is.”
“Nothing is wrong with you,” Quinlan mutters, using the hand in Kenobi’s hair to guide him into actually removing the scent blocker instead of donating a case of beard burn. “Even going as fast as you did just now wasn’t something wrong. Your instincts got a bit confused, that’s all. You’re fine.”
He purrs until Kenobi is done, and gets that chirruping noise again. Kenobi’s still annoyed about it, but Quinlan’s just happy he’s getting less uncomfortable about it.
“Okay, sit up and turn around,” Quinlan says, and Kenobi eyes him again. “Have I steered you wrong yet?”
“So trust me,” Quinlan urges. “Just turn around.”
Kenobi does. Quinlan sits up and rearranges his legs so there’s one on either side of Kenobi, half-bent. He pulls the other man closer, blankets folding oddly beneath them, and wraps his arms around Kenobi’s waist.
He breathes for a moment, chin hooked over Kenobi’s shoulder, and asks, “Good?”
“Oddly so, yes,” Kenobi mutters. He might be blushing. “Er, should I... do anything?”
“Hands on mine, if you’d like,” Quinlan tells him. “We can lie back down and spoon after I clean up your left.”
The noise Kenobi makes is low, affronted in a way that speaks to his ongoing embarrassment. Quinlan ignores it, just gets to work taking away as much of Kenobi’s stress scent as he can, mouthing along the man’s neck and managing a purr that isn’t even forced. It rumbles out of him unprompted, his hindbrain piecing together the relaxing omega in his lap and the safety of the Temple and the pride he’s got in doing this right, the knowledge that Kenobi’s happier than he was an hour ago and it’s all Quinlan’s doing.
He rubs his face along Kenobi’s neck as he finishes up, scenting and being scented back, and is gratified when Kenobi starts purring too. The nuzzling is mostly soft, though Quinlan’s stubble is nothing to Kenobi’s beard; the hairs trap Quinlan’s scent where it’ll do the most good. He follows a hint of mischievous intent and tugs at Kenobi’s earlobe with his teeth, earning himself a little whine. He laughs, and licks the curve of Kenobi’s ear, immediately scenting further.
“Anakin’s going to be back soon,” Kenobi says, sounding almost sleep drunk.
Quinlan switches sides and guides them both down to lie, chest to front, in the nest. He works more slowly on the other side, keeps himself  propped up on his elbow, forearm slipped neatly under Kenobi’s neck. The scent gland at Quinlan’s wrist rests under Kenobi’s nose, right where it’ll have the most effect. His other hand rubs up and down Kenobi’s side, and by the time Skywalker reenters the room, Quinlan’s done with licking the stress off and rubbing his scent into anything he thinks will help. He’s lying fully on his side instead of having his head propped up, and just doing his best to spread comfort through the room through Force and smell. He maybe nibbles at the back of Kenobi’s neck, here and there, because the man has lothcat response, and
“Over here, Skywalker.”
The kid--not really a kid, but younger than Aayla, still, so he counts--rounds the couch, and sees them among the added cloaks and pillows and blanket. He stares. Kenobi starts to stiffen back up.
Quinlan increases his purring, and rubs his face against Kenobi’s neck, and glares up at Skywalker for good measure. Kenobi can’t see past Quinlan, probably, and squirms. Skywalker tilts his head, and then puts up a finger in a ‘one moment’ sort of gesture. He runs off.
“Kid’s fine,” Quinlan assures him, and Skywalker skids back into the room at unsafe speeds, arms full of what Quinlan’s pretty sure are his own duvet and pillow, and falls face-first into the nest. Kenobi jerks back into Quinlan, but Skywalker ignores this in favor of rearranging the nest into something approaching functional. He’s better at it than Kenobi.
Quinlan’s pretty sure Skywalker was more open to these things from the start. It tracks.
“Now Anakin, really,” Kenobi sputters, as Skywalker finishes layering things in the way he thinks is best. Skywalker beams at him, earlier melancholy forgotten for the moment, and flops down to drop his head somewhere near Kenobi’s chest.
“You haven’t been sleeping,” Skywalker says. “This is good for you.”
Kenobi blushes, and Quinlan scrapes his teeth against the back of his neck again.
“Quinlan!” Kenobi yelps, jolting. “Not--we’re not alone!”
“Helps you calm down, though,” Quinlan says, pressing a few close-mouthed kisses at Kenobi’s hairline.
“Different cultural standards,” Skywalker adds, half-guessing but sure of himself nonetheless. He seems entirely too delighted to be here. “You know what? We should invite Ahsoka.”
“She’s not your padawan here,” Kenobi scolds.
“Yet,” Skywalker corrects. “As soon as I get all my psych evals cleared, the Council’s going to promise. She’s basically my padawan already.”
Kenobi sighs, aggrieved in a manner that feels more fond than actually upset, in the Force, and places a hand lightly on Skywalker’s.
Skywalker chirrups and wriggles closer, pressing his face to Kenobi’s tunic with a smile.
“I see someone’s feeling better,” Kenobi notes, and moves his hand up to play with Skywalker’s hair. “The shower helped?”
“Mm-hm,” Skywalker says. “’nd some of the stuff they made me learn in therapy.”
Kenobi hums low in his throat, an aimless vocalization, as he continues to comb his fingers through Skywalker’s hair.
Skywalker blinks, slow and bleary, with a soft and dopey smile, and Kenobi stops.
“I like it when you play with my hair,” Skywalker says, almost too low to hear. His eyes close. “Feels nice. Cared for. Family.”
Kenobi freezes, breath hitching, and Quinlan shifts and lifts just enough to see the man is staring at his own hand in confusion and a slight bit of fear.
“I didn’t even question it,” Kenobi says faintly. “I don’t... I haven’t done that since he was just a child, but I didn’t even question it. I stopped myself from commenting that he’s too old to come to his master for cuddles, because he’s not, in this dimension, and I’m getting used to that, but I started playing with his hair like it was normal and it’s not.”
Quinlan puts his mouth to Kenobi’s trapezius, just enough pressure that he’s not biting, just there, and purrs.
It’s several inches away from anything resembling a mating bite, but Kenobi tilts his head and whines anyway.
“Obi-Wan?” Skywalker prompts, brow furrowed. “It’s not... I mean, I’m not going to say it’s okay, since I know we’re both still upset about our bodies being changed without our permission or input or even a warning, but we’re getting used to it. We’re working with it. The hair thing is fine with me, I like it and would have before. And now that you know you’ll want to do, uh, that sort of thing--”
“Subset of grooming behaviors,” Quinlan tells them, pulling away from Kenobi’s neck with a final open-mouthed kiss. He sees the face Skywalker makes in response to the words, and feels Kenobi’s discomfort, so he elaborates. They’ve compared most of what they hear with tookas and lothwolves, so he thinks he knows what this is about. “We’re not exactly going to start licking each other clean--excluding scent comfort, that’s different--like lothcats, but you’ve already noticed that humans and near-humans are more tactile than you’re used to. Most forms of care, especially of partners and children, ends up physical in some way.”
He gestures between the two of them. “You view Skywalker as family, for all that you shy away from defining it, and so naturally gravitate to care. The easiest way for that to manifest when sharing a nest is usually playing with someone’s hair. Since he’s younger than you, and you’ve spent as much time as you have being the adult in his life...”
Quinlan trails off before he can comment on the question of whether they’re closer to brothers or father-and-son. Kenobi’s already expressed discomfort with that topic, well before they started naturalizing to this dimension. Quinlan’s not going to push for Kenobi to acknowledge Skywalker’s importance to him.
(They’ll have to address it at some point, but that’s a job for the mind healers, not for Quinlan.)
(For all that it’s going to impact and be impacted by their dynamics, that much is definitely not Quinlan’s to handle.)
Kenobi shudders in his arms, but doesn’t shake him off, and doesn’t stop Skywalker from burrowing somehow closer. Quinlan settles back in as Kenobi returns to playing with Skywalker’s hair.
“We really should invite Ahsoka, though.”
“Not tonight, padawan.”
Additional notes:
I initially wrote “ternary gender,” but found that it didn’t strike true to how I envisioned gender and dynamic playing out among Jedi culture in particular. While the term ‘dynamic’ is used regularly in a more casual setting, Quinlan uses the term “ternary sex” when talking about it in the company of Anakin and Obi-Wan. I view it as a subconscious attempt to keep a clinical view of the ternary sex system present in the omegaverse dimension, in recognition that it’s new and unfamiliar and often unpleasant for Anakin and Obi-Wan, having come from a dimension that doesn’t have ternary sexes or the associated reproductive capabilities, instincts, or cycles.
I’d like to explore how the ideas of sex, gender, dynamic, and so on intersect within the context of this universe, because I think it’s something I’d have a lot of fun working with, but this is not the fic for that.
294 notes · View notes
nevertheless-moving · 4 years ago
Invisible Hand Chaos AU x 2
Star Wars Time Travel AU #31
Continuation from HERE
Anakin whirled to face his Master, “Did you know Yoda had a baby?” he asked incredulous and slightly betrayed.
“What? No. Also he could just be another of Yoda’s species. Obviously.” Internally Obi-Wan thought about the still unnamed larva in a hidden aquatic creche, but the Mandalorian’s associate even called him Baby Yoda...
“Unbelievable,” Dooku muttered. “That little green hypocrite.”
“Did you know about this?” Anakin asked the Sith Lord, temporarily forgetting about the fight in favor of the revelation that Yoda might also have a secret family.
“Of course not, the troll never tells anyone anything,” Dooku ranted, deliberately setting aside the fight in favor of unloading decades of suppressed irritation with his former Master.
“I feel we might be jumping to conclusions here-” Obi-Wan offered weakly. 
Anakin scoffed. “He literally just called him Baby Yoda,”
“Loathe as I am to admit it, your apprentice is correct. It would seem the Grandmaster of the order has been keeping some secrets.”
“This is absurd!” Obi-Wan protested as the small child on the balcony above tilted his head curiously, watching the conversation below with interest from the safety of his Buir’s arms. 
“I agree.” Anakin said self-righteously. “If Yoda can have a baby then- then everyone in the order should be allowed a family.”
“Anakin, as interesting is this all is, I’m still in somewhat of a bind over here,” the Chancellor called across the hall, irritated and somewhat alarmed by the sudden outbreak of peace in the room.
“We’ll be right with you Chancellor, don’t worry!” Obi-Wan called back. 
“We just need a minute to figure some Jedi business out!” Anakin added. 
“You there- Mandalorian” Dooku called up sharply. 
“...Yeah?” the Besker-clad warrior answered uncertainly.
“What is the parentage of the child in your arms? How did you come to possess him?” The count's question cut through everything else in the room, and the two Jedi held their breath as they waited for the answer.
The Mandalorian pulled Grogu in closer, “He is a foundling. I know his name as my child.”
“Mandalorians,” Obi-Wan and Dooku muttered, Obi-Wan fondly, Dooku with exasperation.
“What?” Anakin asked bewildered.
“The Mandalorian adopted him- hold on a second, I’m going to try something.” Obi-Wan said.
“Mando! Forgive me- Have you already attempted to return your foundling to his people and been denied? If not, we can show you where to find an elder of his kind.”
The Mandalorian stiffened. “I already found one of his people. It took a great deal of time; neither of us knew there were any others left in the galaxy. By the time I met Luke...the child was mine and we would not be parted long. The three of us began traveling together. He acted as mentor to Grogu, though he is too young to be considered the boy’s senior. In time...we decided it would be simpler to raise him as a warrior together. We are one.”
“Oh. How wonderful.” Obi-Wan said weakly. 
Anakin’s brow furrowed furiously and he lowered his voice “Master did I get that right? This guy is really good friend’s with one of Yoda’s people but the friend is not the Child’s biological father and they don’t know anyone else from the species?”
“He actually said he was married to one of one of Yoda’s people but other than that your conclusions are correct. Very good Padawan.” Obi-Wan nodded, attempting to wrap his head around the various implications.
Dooku made a triumphant hum, “Then, by simple inductive reasoning, and in the absence of an alternative candidate, we can assume that the Child is, in-fact, Yoda’s offspring.”
“Exactly!” Anakin agreed with Dooku excitedly. 
“Interesting that he would give the spawn to a Mandalorian, rather than the creche. Embarrassment, perhaps.” the Count mused. 
“Unbelievable.” Anakin agreed indignantly. 
“Ok, now hold on. Foundling is pretty literal most of the time-” Obi-Wan interrupted. “Mando- was the child entrusted to you or did was there a rescuing involved?”
“...I was assigned to find him as part of a bounty, but found the imps who I was supposed to give him to...unpleasant.”
“Imps?” Anakin asked. 
“There you go!” Obi-Wan said, with just a tinge of hysteria. “Yoda didn’t abandon the child- not that it necessarily is Yoda’s child- he was kidnapped.”
Anakin gasped, “Master! We have to save him!”
“Hold on now, Anakin- He seems perfectly safe at this point and we were here for the Chancellor remember?”
“You won’t be leaving here with the Chancellor or the child.” Dooku sneered. “I can sense the force potential- and I am in want of a new apprentice.”
“Over my dead body,” Anakin snarled.
“That can be arranged.”
“Hey Luke-” the Mandalorian said into the comm as the three swordsman began circling one another “-it looks like two of the Jedi are attacking the other- do you want me to get involved?”
“...Din, by any chance, are any of the laser swords red?”
“Yeah, the fanciest dressed one has a red lightsaber, the other guys are blue. Does it matter?”
“...Red lightsaber means not Jedi. I- hold on, I think I see you!”
The three combatants jumped apart again, looking up at the slight comm echo to the sound of footsteps and the absolutely blinding force presence of the approaching Jedi. 
Had he never learned shielding? Obi-Wan thought hysterically. “Or was he just so powerful that he never bothered restraining himself?”
He tried to exchange a glance with Anakin, but his padawan was too focused on straining to see the incoming Master force user of some kind- light, but not necessarily Jedi. He instead looked over at Dooku, shrugging in confusion. Dooku grimaced back at him in solidarity.
The being finally entered. He was- significantly taller and less green than Obi-Wan was expecting, but still probably shorter than anyone else in the room.
“Din- are you two alright?” The soft-faced man asked in a remarkably gently voice, appearance somewhat at odds with the overbearing power he exuded.
“We’re fine, Luke but look! More Jedi!” He gestured below. 
Luke peered over the balcony, eyes growing wide as they passed over the faces of everyone below. “hoLY KRIFF!” He shouted.
The ship shuddered and Obi-Wan glanced nervously out the view ports, suddenly remembered that the damaged ship only had so long before it fell out of orbit.
“Do you know them?” Din asked. 
“Do I- for fuck’s sake Din, I love you but I have literally shown you holopics of my father before.” Luke whispered furiously. The room unfortunately was utterly quiet and remarkably acoustic, meaning his words carried easily to the listeners below.
“FATHER!” Anakin yelled, causing Luke to wince, slapping a gloved hand to his face.
“FATHER!” He repeated loudly, head ping-ponging between Obi-Wan and Dooku as if trying to find a resemblance, before gasping to stare at the Chancellor, before gasping again to squint at Obi-Wan. 
“DOES EVERYONE HAVE A SECRET FAMILY!” He shouted, throwing his hands up in exasperation.
“Oh for force sake- I do not have a secret son. Honestly, Anakin, he’s clearly in his 20s, be reasonable. His birth would however fit into the timeline of Dooku’s withdraw from the order.” Obi-Wan said, raising a brow.
Dooku puffed out his chest, “I did not fail to meet the Code, like so many of the pathetic masses. Before I left the Order I followed the rules precisely. When my disagreements grew too great, and my attempt for structured reform were repeatedly rejected, I left for ethical reasons, not personal ones. I looked at the code and decided it was failing the Jedi.”
He smirked and lifted his chin at the chancellor, who was watching the proceedings with an inscrutable expression, “My, my Chancellor, this is an interesting surprise.”
Anakin rolled his eyes. “We’re not idiots, Dooku. Obviously the boy’s parents were force sensitive, look at him.” 
Dooku’s smirk grew wider.
“This is absurd! Again!” Obi-Wan threw up his arms and lifted his head to address the dark-robed young human, “Hello there, Luke, was it?” 
“Uh, yes. I’m Luke.” The powerhouse responded nervously. 
“My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi-”
“Yes, I know who you are.” Luke responded drily.
Anakin gasped. 
“He is not my son.” Obi-Wan muttered.
“I’m not Obi-Wan’s son.” Luke called down cheerfully.
“Oh.” Anakin slouched, oddly disappointed. He liked this guy for some reason, felt- connected to him. Maybe it was the dark robes, or the force signature that nearly rivaled his own (though it was somewhat lighter), or even the gloved hand that he suspected was mechanical. If he was Obi-Wan’s son than that would make him practically his brother! The Chancellor might be neat but Dooku...ugh.
“Would you be so kind as to tell us whose son you are? I realize its none of my business but you’ve peaked our curiosity. And then afterwards, regardless of your parentage, we would not mind help in rescuing the Chancellor of the Republic from this slowly crashing ship.”
“Right. Right.” Luke nodded. “Would you give me a second?”
He pressed his head to the side of Din’s helmet and started whispering rapidly, to quiet for anyone else to hear. 
The group below exchanged glances, beginning to tense up again. After a few seconds, the Mandalorian nodded and spoke, “Let’s do it. I trust your judgement.” Luke grinned and returned to the edge of the balcony. 
“Ok, I can help with the first, but not the second.”
“Perfectly understandable.” Obi-Wan replied.
Anakin bristled. “So Dooku is your father.”
Luke smiled at Anakin. “No. You are my father.”
Anakin blinked as Obi-Wan’s face twisted in confusion. “No...” he said slowly. “No, that’s not true. That’s impossible.”
Luke’s smile grew wider, “Search your feelings,” he said urgently, with the full weight of his force presence screaming honesty with every word, “You know it to be true.”
Anakin gasped as he reached out into the force to find...his son. Impossible, but true. The ground trembled, either with the immensity of the realization, or catastrophic engine failure.
“No.” Obi-Wan said clearly to Luke on the balcony.
“No.” He repeated firmly, snapping a finger in Anakin’s face to try and break him out of the trance he seemed to be in. “It’s not true.” He said to the room in general, incredulous it even needed to be said.
Dooku began slowly backing away. The confrontation was rapidly spinning out of his or his Master’s control; he had only stayed this long to indulge vain curiosity. Regardless if the boy was insane, lying, or a time-traveler, he was clearly powerful. The ship’s orbit was gradually decaying and with any luck he could use his dead man’s switch to speed up the crash as he departed, neatly killing everyone who could stand against him in one stroke.
“Anakin,” the lunatic on the balcony continued, “You can destroy the emperor. He has forseen this. It is your destiny! Join me, and together-”
Din cleared his throat.
Luke stopped and smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. “Sorry! Sorry. Got a little...carried away there.” He coughed awkwardly into his fist.
“Anyway- yeah. I’m Luke Skywalker. I’m from the future, I guess we... time-traveled accidentally somehow? I uh- was kind-of quoting something you said to me once and you kept going along with it and... yeah, definitely got carried away. Sorry, I really don’t know how we got here but, weird stuff happens around me- one time I was on Yavin IV and these ghosts started- anyway. Long story. Surprise!”
Obi-Wan took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Ok...I might believe you’re Anakin’s son.”
Dooku had nearly reached a side door when his treacherous Master called out- “Anakin! Master Kenobi! Dooku- he’s getting away.”
Skywalker’s- Anakin Skywalker’s- attention snapped over to the Count and with a outstretched arm, he crumpled the steel door, throwing a beam across it for good measure. The ship moaned alarmingly and several more red lights began blinking at the navigation panel, unnoticed by anyone.
“Luke- son- I don’t know what Emperor you’re talking about, but help us defeat Count Dooku and save Chancellor Palpatine! After that- after that I’m happy to, um, join you? And meet your... husband? And padawan? Sorry, we were kind-of in the middle of something...” 
“Wow. Ok. I’m not sure if-” Luke started to respond before being interrupted by the Mandalorian.
“Wait, Dooku! I know that name!” Din said suddenly. “The covert hated him! He was the evil Sif Emperor you defeated, right?”
“...Sith Emperor. Din, darling and light of my life, as always, your grasp of history and recent current events never fails to amaze me.” Luke sighed.
“You must stop him, before he becomes Emperor,” Palpatine shouted desperately. 
Luke sighed again, more heavily. “Fine. FINE! Kriff the timeline, I didn’t ask to be born anyway. Din- go help capture...Emperor Dooku. Grogu- Pod. I’ll go- free the Chancellor.” The floor beneath them gave a lurch. “Before this ship breaks apart. Go!” 
Luke and Din jumped off the balcony as a shiny metal pod with a transparisteel view screen closed around Grogu, hovering between them, well off easy reach of the ground.
Din landed between Obi-Wan and Anakin, helmet turning to face each of them in turn, “...I’ll follow your lead.” He finally said, arming his weapons.
Obi-Wan grinned fiercely, “Excellent, Anakin, stay with me.”
“I was just about to say the same thing.”
“Mando, you- Is that the DARKSABER- ARE Yoouu- ugh you know what, I will ask after the fight. I will ask after the fight. How did the Mand'alor- NEVERMIND. Let’s just- FORCE I have so many questions-” 
“No time, Master!”
And the battle began. 
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monamourbladie-mb · 4 years ago
19 Years Later... (Darth Vader x reader miniseries chapter 1)
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19 years have passed since Y/n’s husband Anakin’s death, and she has become the leading General of the newly founded Rebellion alongside her past Jedi friend Obi-Wan Kenobi, now known as Ben Kenobi. When her children Luke and Leia Skywalker gets kidnapped by Darth Vader, the man who killed her husband; her and Obi-Wan Kenobi must come rescue her. But when she finds out who’s behind Darth Vader’s mask, the truth is something she never thought she had to prepare herself for.
1. prologue
2. chapter 1
3. chapter 2 [Coming soon]
wc: 2.3k
warnings: cursing
Being the leader of the new Rebellion against the evil Galactic Empire had its perks. One of the things that was not a perk, however, was hiding one’s actual name from their people, and past.
None of Y/n’s rebels knew of her past as a former Jedi Knight that fought in the Clone Wars. Though she fought like a cunning warrior, the thought had never once crossed their minds, seeing as all the Jedi were dead.
She had raised her children Luke and Leia with Obi-Wan’s guidance to be trained as Jedi, seeing as both of them were very Force-Sensitive.
Watching Luke wield his father’s lightsaber brought such bittersweet feelings to both old Jedi Knights. Anakin was such a big part of both of their lives, that it was almost painful to see this without him there.
Anakin would be beyond proud of his son and daughter, for sure.
Y/n recalled the first time he and Leia held their lightsabers. They were both 9, the same age their Father was when he was brought him by Qui-Gon Jyn from Tattooine.
Luke had rushed up to Obi’s old trunk excitedly, admiring the strange silver object with big eyes as Leia crowded behind him, “What’s that, Uncle Obi?”
“This is your father’s lightsaber, my dear. He would’ve wanted you to have it,” Obi replied, a sad smile on his face as he held onto the hilt, activating its stellar blue glow.
“This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster—“ Obi handed it to Luke and his eyes widened, waving it around gently so he didn’t break it. “—an elegant weapon for a more civilized age.”
“Is it mine?” Luke’s eyes beamed in excitement. Obi-Wan nodded, sitting down as he picked up Leia, putting her on his knee.
“For over a thousand generations, the Jedi were the guardians of peace and justice. The old republic. Before the Empire...” he trailed off, turning his head towards the window.
Y/n rushed into the room, hearing the lightsaber and fearing there was an intruder, “Obi-Wan! What’s going on, I’m—“ she ignited her brilliant (l/c) saber, holding it in a protective stance before she realized it was just Luke. She sighed heavily and disengaged her saber, attaching it back to her belt loop, “Obi, you didn’t tell me you were doing this now...” she crossed her arms.
“Mom! Obi-Wan told me this was Dad’s! Look!” he started swinging it gently, making sure it didn’t hit anyone since he knew how deadly they could be. She began to smile sadly as she remembered a young Anakin as a padawan, rushing in to show her his lightsaber he constructed the day he finally got one.
She smiled sadly, tears welling up in her eyes. “You look so much like your father, Luke,” she said sadly. Obi looked back at Luke, and for a split moment, he was reminded of the small slave his old master brought back with him. He smiled to himself remembering how he helped Anakin with his padawan braid.
“Princess, come here. I’ll let you hold my lightsaber, okay?” she handed Leia her saber gently, and she took gingerly from her hand. Leia took it and igniting it, the blade’s glow reflecting in her excited little eyes.
“Mom? How did dad die? You never answered me,” Luke asked. Y/n felt herself freeze in place, a large lump in her throat forming. “Luke, I...”
“I’ll tell them, Y/n,” Obi-Wan replied solemnly. “Your father was killed by a young Jedi named Darth Vader. He was a close friend of mine before he fell. He helped the Emperor hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights. He betrayed and murdered your father.” The room fell silent, until Luke asked another question, “So you and Uncle Obi are the last remaining Jedi?”
Obi-Wan shook his head no, “There are others, but sparse. To name a few, Master Yoda and Ahsoka Tano, your father’s Padawan learner. The last remaining Jedi are being hunted down by Vader, which is why we hide.”
Leia spoke up softly, “Is that why we don’t use our actual last name, mommy?”
“Yes, sweetheart. As long as Vader’s reign continues, we must hide our names. Darth Vader does not know about the two of you, so you are safe. For us, on the other hand...” she trailed off, and the kids understood.
“Mom... Mom,” Leia spoke loudly. Y/n blinked in confusion and turned back around, looking at her daughter, “Yeah, my love?”
“Are you okay mom?” Leia asked, frowning. “We need to look at the Death Star plans.”
“Right,” she sighed heavily, turning to face from the window out looking Yavin 4. “I’m fine, princess. I just... was remembering Anakin, that’s all.” Leia sighed and laid her hand on her mother’s back, rubbing it gently, “Dad would be proud of everything you’ve done, mom.” She began to tear up as she pulled Leia into a tight hug, “I hope so. It’s been about 20 years and it still doesn’t feel right,” silent tears fell down her cheeks into her daughter’s bunned hair.
“I’m proud of you, Leia. If you were to be trained within the Order now, you’d be the same age your father was when he became a Jedi Knight, and when he married me...” she sniffled, wiping her tears. Leia smiled softly, holding her mom’s hand, “Do you think he’d be proud of me, too?”
“I know he would,” she rubbed her fingertips against hers, “He would pull you into the tightest hug, spin you a little and say softly, ‘That’s my baby girl,’” she replied, her voice cracking slightly. Leia began to tear up as she hugged her back, “I wish I knew him...” she said softly. “I wish so too, babe, so bad...” Y/n sighed. But I won’t let his memory be in vain. Let’s go look at these plans and destroy that Death Star, yeah?”
Leia and Y/n walked to the main board room, seeing how the map was already up on display. “General Jonas, we’ve been examining the Death Star plans. They’re on screen now,” one of her commanding officers recited. “Good, thank you, officer. Have we discovered a weak point yet? Or at least some form of entry point?”
“No, ma’am. We haven’t studied long enough. There are many ways in, but all most likely heavily guarded. We will have to find a way to go under the radar without getting detected, somehow,” he replied. She nodded, walking closer to examine it. She closed her eyes and felt out through the Force for some answer. No surprise to her, she could barely feel anything at all but an empty void. Ever since Anakin had died, she had felt more distanced from the Force than ever. Maybe she and Anakin possessed a rare Dyad, or maybe she had simply lost touch with the Force; but no matter what she did, she was nowhere near as powerful in the Force as she used to be.
“Alert me if you find anything, Officer, I would love to have this Death Star in shambles by the end of the month,” Y/n left to walk out and to ask Obi-Wan on the matter. “Yes, ma’am,” he responded, turning back to his computer to get back to work.
Elsewhere, Leia was pacing in Luke’s room, grumbling to herself, “I know Obi-Wan has taught us to not let our emotions guide us, but I can’t when it comes to him. He killed our father, he should be dead!” Leia huffed in anger, collapsing down onto her twin’s bed.
Luke grunted in response, his mouth full of food still, “It’s not like you can take him on yourself. You’d die!” he said, or at least, sounded like he said. “I will not let the lives of those lost who got us the plans in the first place’s memories die. We wouldn’t be this close to planning an attack without their sacrifices. Moreover, Mom has had these plans for two days now, and she hasn’t done a single thing about it!” Leia responded quickly. Luke shrugged, “Leia. Be real. It’s not like we can steal a ship and fly to the Death Star, find it’s a weak point, and get back in time for dinner.”
Leia sat up, looking at Luke as if he had just committed mass murder. “...What?” Luke asked warily. Leia grinned, “That’s it! We’ll do just that, Luke! We’ll take one of mom’s ships, fly around the death star undetected and find weak entry points, and get back like we were never even gone!”
“Leia, you can not be serious right now!” Luke gasped, setting his food down, “We can’t do this, we could get in so much trouble! Or spotted!”
“Do you want to sit idly while our mother and uncle do nothing, whereas our Father’s murderer is out on the lose on that moon!” Leia snapped at him. He narrowed his eyes, “That’s no moon, Leia. Also, no, I don’t! But do we have a choice? No. We’re staying here.”
“No, we’re leaving. Whether I go alone is up to you entirely, but at this point, I just want the man who killed my father dead,” Leia said, glaring at him. Luke huffed, “You think I don’t want him dead, too? But we are children, we literally can’t do anything!”
“We are 19 years old and I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to sit at home here and wait for Vader to kill more innocent people,” Leia frowned, crossing her arms. “I really need you with me, Luke. But I get it if you don’t go.” she stood up, grabbing her stuff to leave when Luke grumbled “Wait!” under his breath. “I’ll... go. Just to protect you. But this is a bad idea, and I don’t want to get caught,” he raised a brow to her. Leia grinned and hugged Luke tightly, “Thank you, thank you! You won’t regret this! But bring your lightsaber maybe, just in case?”
“What do you mean, YOU LET THEM GO?” Y/n snapped to C3-PO, enraged. Threepio raised his hands in defense, “I couldn’t stop them, mistress! I tried my best, I swear!”
“You let my children go confront Vader ALONE? You’re so lucky I don’t shut you down for that!” she growled, shoving past him with Obi-Wan following close behind her. “Oh, dear. I’m doomed,” Threepio whined.
“We have to go after them, we... I can’t... I can’t lose my kids,” Y/n said nervously, starting to pace once Obi got close. “Y/n, calm down sweetheart. I need you to breathe and think,” Obi said, holding onto her shoulders gently. “If we go, we have an equal chance of being caught since they’ll already be on high alert.”
She sighed heavily, shaking her head, “I hate you for being so levelheaded and smart, Obi,” she frowned. “That’s my specialty,” he winked. “Now, we need to stop and make sure that we can pull this rescue off without risking our lives, too.”
Meanwhile, at the Death Star, Vader was summoned by his leading captain because of an alert of an enemy ship flying nearby. “Bring them in, search them. They may know General Jonas.” “Yes, My Lord.”
Vader turned to leave the bridge towards the docking bay, to meet his guests personally. As he walked, his mind was filled with visions and memories from his dream the night before. Of her.
He sighed heavily, picking up speed as he neared the docking bay. Passing a group of stormtroopers, he pushed past them to be in front, crossing his arms. The door opened, and two stormtroopers walked out holding a young girl and boy, yelling at them to let go of them.
As soon as Vader looked at the two, he felt something... strange. A certain presence in the Force he had never felt before. What is this? Why do they feel familiar?
Vader dropped his arms, walking forward and raising his hand to stop the troopers, “Who are you? And why were you near my Death Star?”
His unmerciful, robotic voice rumbled through their chests, terrifying them. In all their years, they had never seen something so cold and unforgiving. “Don’t be petrified, answer me if you want to live,” Vader challenged, staring right at the boy.
“You killed our father,” Leia’s voice was cold, sad, and broken. She knew this was a bad idea, but it was too late now. “I wanted revenge.”
“You’ll have to forgive me, my princess, but I’ve killed many men. Your father was just another tick on my list, whoever he may be.”
“You son of a—!” Luke yelled, rushing to jump at him when the stormtroopers all turned their weapons on him, making him stop. Vader growled, “Insolent children. I don’t think you know who I am, truly. I’d crush you in a heartbeat, but seeing as you could have something of use to me... take them away, both of them,” Vader commanded. The two shouted in disagreement, and Vader simply stood and watched them struggle.
“You bitch! You’ll pay for what you did to our dad!” Luke yelled as he was taken away. Vader rolled his eyes from under the mask and walked back to his quarters. He knelt on the floor, taking his mask off as he called out to his Emperor through the force.
“What do you want, Lord Vader?” Palpatine growled, looking down at Vader’s hologram. “I felt something through the Force a few moments ago. My new hostages... they seem to be strong with it.”
“Really? Are you sure, my apprentice?”
“Yes, Master. More sure than anything.”
“Well, you know what you must do. Kill them. They could be Jedi if they tried opposing you,” Palpatine smirked. “They’re only children, which means they’re newer Jedi. Someone had to have trained them.”
“Children never stopped you before, don’t let it stop you now. Do it.”
“...Yes, my Master.” Vader ended the holomessage, sighing.
“Who are you two...?” he asked himself, reaching out through the Force and feeling they were still there.
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writing-is-thorapy · 3 years ago
Deadcember Day 29: Revenge AND Day 30: Broken
19 BBY
Obi-Wan tries to stay strong as he falls from the sky and hits the cold water below, as his once-loyal troops turn on him, as he escapes and meets up with Bail Organa and Yoda and Padmé. Brilliant lights in the Force are snuffed out like candles far too soon, each death leaving the galaxy a darker place.
He is nonetheless relieved to see that some of his allies, his friends, have escaped unscathed.
Bail Organa paints a nightmarish picture of what he witnessed at the Jedi Temple, describing how the clones (the 501st, he says, and Obi-Wan feels a pang in his chest, strengthening his shields. He isn’t ready to face the possibility of Anakin’s… well. He isn’t ready.) shot down a young Padawan without hesitation.
He takes a deep breath and attempts to release his anguish and worry into the Force, with little success.
Padmé, who is heavily pregnant (and how Obi-Wan had not noticed before, he does not know. She has always been quite talented at visual deception, he reasons.), is sitting in the co-pilot’s seat, attempting to soothe a fretful C-3PO.
Upon seeing Obi-Wan, she says, “Threepio, go help Senator Organa, ok?”
“Yes, my Lady,” he replies, toddling away.
“Sorry about him,” Padmé says as she turns to him. “I’m glad to see you’re alright.”
“It’s quite alright, Senator,” Obi-Wan assures. “And thank you.”
“Please, it’s Padmé, Master Kenobi. We are friends, are we not?”
“That we are, Se-Padmé. As such, feel free to call me Obi-Wan.”
She inclines her head in acknowledgement and silence falls in between them.
Obi-Wan’s worry grows and grows, pounding against his skill. He’s never been the straightforward type like Anakin, but he needs to know.
“Padmé, I—where is Anakin?”
Her face falls.
“I don’t know. Last I saw him he was heading to the Jedi Temple, and I knew something was off but he wouldn’t tell me, he insisted everything was fine. But then I looked outside and saw smoke coming from the Temple. I was determined to stay and fight for justice however I could, and to wait for Anakin, but Bail would not budge until I left with him.”
Obi-Wan sighs, his anxiety only increasing.
They both jolt as the ship’s comm goes off. Bail rushes in and Padmé rises to her feet unaided. “I’d best answer this,” he says ruefully. “You two should probably disappear.”
“Why me?” Padmé asks, incredulous.
“We don’t want to give them any cause to be suspicious of us; actually, they probably already are. Best not to make it worse.”
“Alright. Tell me what is said, alright?”
“Of course.”
Padmé and Obi-Wan vacate the cockpit and head to the bunks. Once they arrive, Obi-Wan helps the senator lie down on the bottom bunk, while he settle on the one across from her. They sit in silence for a while. Obi-Wan’s mind keeps returning to Anakin, to where he might be now. He refuses to entertain the possibility of his Padawan’s demise. Anakin is strong and cunning; if anyone could escape a seemingly-hopeless situation, it would be him.
And yet…
No. He must remain here. He can’t let himself wander, lest he lose himself to the painful possibilities, to the new reality he now inhabits, a reality in which he is a fugitive from an endangered population.
“Obi-Wan, are you ok?”
He looks up, silently grateful to Padmé for pulling him out of his tumultuous thoughts.
“Yes… I am alright. Thank you.”
He looks to her swollen abdomen, feels the magnetic pull from within.
“Your child… it’s Anakin’s, isn’t it.” A statement, not a question; he can feel that he is right.
“Yes,” she responds, the sorrow evident in her voice. “How could you tell?”
“Well, you two weren’t all that subtle,” he remarks. “Also, your child is remarkably Force-sensitive. I can feel it.”
“Oh.” Then, after a beat, “we were married, you know.”
It’s both a shock and yet the least surprising thing ever. Typical of Anakin—and Padmé, for she is most certainly dramatic in her own right—to do something so drastic.
“When?” Is all he can manage to say.
“Just after Geonosis.”
Force, they’ve been married since the very beginning of the war. How could Obi-Wan not have known? Why didn’t Anakin trust him enough tell him?
“Though I am disappointed he didn’t tell me, I… have seen how happy you make him. So… thank you for being there for him.”
He sees tears gather in the senator’s eyes as she inhales shakily.
“But I wasn’t there for him. I left without so much as a note. What if he returned to the apartment and needed help? What if he went out looking for me and got himself hurt or-or worse?”
Obi-Wan rises from the bunk and kneels by Padmé’s, taking her hand in his own.
“Padmé, we both know Anakin very well. Would you agree that he is quite creative when it comes to dramatic escape plans, yes?”
She nods.
“We also both know how determined he can be, especially when it comes to those he loves. I believe that if he could not find you, he would go somewhere safe as to ensure your reunion at a later point.”
“I-I guess you’re right. Thank you, Obi-Wan.”
“You are most welcome, Padmé.”
He can only hope that said reunion soon becomes reality.
“Obi-Wan?” Padmé suddenly says, a hint of panic in her voice.
“I think the baby’s coming.”
While Senator Organa and Yoda head to Coruscant, Obi-Wan and Padmé take a small ship from the hangar and fly to Polis Massa. It’s somewhat of a tight fit, but they make do.
The trip to Polis Massa is thankfully a short one. Obi-Wan helps her out of the ship and remains by her side even as she is swept into the medbay by a GH-7 medical droid. A midwifery droid soon joins them, monitoring Padmé’s progress.
She looks at Obi-Wan with wide eyes.
“I-I wish Anakin was here,” she pants.
“I do, too.”
He knows he could never be Anakin but provides what comfort he can, taking her hand within his own.
The baby’s birth is as smooth as birth can be, and soon the midwife droid is announcing that the baby is a boy and handing him to Padmé, who smiles tearfully at her newborn son.
“Hi, Luke,” she whispers, holding him tight.
“Congratulations,” Obi-Wan says. The baby’s presence in the Force is bright, just like his father’s.
“Thanks, I—” She cuts off with a grimace.
“There is another baby,” the midwife droid announces. Padmé quickly hands Luke to Obi-Wan.
“Another?” She half-screams through a contraction.
Obi-Wan doesn’t even want to know how she was unaware that there were two babies.
The second one is a girl, whom Padmé names Leia. The midwife droid goes to hand her to the senator, but Padmé waves it off.
“No. There’s… there’s something wrong.”
A Dark presence seems to explode into existence right there in the medbay, seizing Padmé with obsidian claws and an unbreakable grip. Obi-Wan quickly shields the twins and tries to fight it off or even loosen its grip, but the presence is too powerful, natural strength honed by years, decades, of experience.
The diagnostic machines blare in alarm and the babies’ cries reach a fever pitch and the darkness seems to shriek in triumph, bearing down hard against his shields, which creak and groan in protest. The darkness pushes more and more and more and just when he thinks they’ll finally give in the presence is gone, leaving little more than an echo to prove it was ever there.
The twins are unharmed and slowly calming down; hopefully, whatever or whoever that was did not detect them.
But Padmé…
It’s as if the presence stole her very life force. Padmé’s persistent will to live is evident by the fact that she is still breathing; she tried to fight back.
Obi-Wan knows she doesn’t have much time.
“M-make sure they are loved,” she whispers to him, her breaths becoming progressively more shallow. “A-and if you find A-Ani, tell him…” she halts mid-sentence and is still.
The babies begin to wail once more.
“I will,” Obi-Wan vows, softly closing Padmé’s eyes.
18 BBY
Tatooine’s suns have long since set. The planet’s three moons sit high in the sky, an expanse of stars spread out above him.
Standing on a sandy overhang, under which sits his little hut, Obi-Wan wonders how many of those stars are part of systems he has visited, are part of systems whose citizens are now under the oppressive rule of the Empire.
The Force calls to him, beckons him. He ignores its call, just as he has for the past year or so, ever since everything fell apart, since he last saw Leia, bundled up in Senator Organa’s arms, since he delivered Luke to his aunt and uncle.
He wonders where Anakin is. Where he last was.
Maybe tomorrow will be the day he arrives, he dares to hope, just as he has every day since he arrived on Tatooine. He knows of Anakin’s extreme dislike (because Jedi do not hate) of the planet and everything on it, but hopefully the Force would reunite them once more.
(“Nothing good comes out of Tatooine,” Anakin once told him.
“What about your mother?” Obi-Wan had asked in response.
“She wasn’t born on Tatooine,” his Padawan replied.
“And what about yourself?”
At this, Anakin shrugs.
The conversation is soon forgotten.)
The Force screams, all but demanding him to look, look and see.
Obi-Wan has been closed off to the Force, scared of what he might find.
But he will not allow himself to be ruled by fear; that is not the Jedi way. And no matter how many of them still exist in the galaxy, he still is and always will be a Jedi.
He settles on the ground, back straight, legs crossed, and palms resting on his legs.
He breathes deep, in and out. The cool breeze tousles his hair as it races across the desert.
The Force accepts him like an old friend, inviting him in.
Except… it’s empty.
All the twinkling lights that once wrapped him in warmth and made him feel welcome, all the knowledge, the wisdom, the experience, the lives—they’re all gone.
It’s cold.
He’s alone.
Obi-Wan scrambles, reaching frantically for his bonds. He gives them a sharp tug, staggering back as he meets no resistance.
There’s no one on the other end.
Finally, he reaches for the one he hadn’t yet touched—Anakin’s.
Maybe Anakin was just shielding really well? Obi-Wan remembers a time when Anakin’s presence was nearly blinding. Over time, however, his Padawan had become quite proficient and shielding his presence. Not enough to be virtually non-existent in the Force, but maybe he had improved? Desperate times call for desperate measures, after all.
He grasps their bond, takes a deep, steadying breath, and pulls.
The twisted, shimmering bond, nurtured and strengthened by time, extends into the abyss, the other end unanchored, hopelessly reaching like an outstretched hand.
And Obi-Wan extended his hand, hoping someone, anyone, was out there, but to no avail.
A twinkle of light on the periphery of his vision catches his attention and he whips around to face it.
Not one, but two sparks, small yet strong, their warm touch familiar.
The stars seem to reach out towards him.
Obi-Wan reaches back.
Obi-Wan comes back to himself with a gasp.
He’s still sitting on the overhang on Tatooine. The moons and stars are still overhead, casting the shifting sands in a dim, blue-white hue.
The Force showed Obi-Wan the truth: he’s alone. Anakin is dead—but his children are not. And they need him. He can no longer stare wistfully at the stars, hoping and waiting for someone who will never come.
He must stop dwelling on the past and start focusing on the future.
Obi-Wan must let go.
And so he does, starting with a single tear sliding down his cheek, a choked sob erupting from his throat. He finds himself unable to stop in the face of his overflowing anguish, his shoulders heaving with each cry as he curls in on himself, bent double under the weight of his grief and sorrow.
Obi-Wan’s tears fall to the sand and are quickly absorbed by the ravenous, uncaring desert.
Their footsteps echo ominously off of the pyramidal walls of the Sith temple. A piercing cold permeates his skin and bones, a sign of the Dark Side’s overwhelming presence on Malachor.
Obi-Wan and his Padawan had traveled to the planet in search of a Sith holocron. They had begun working for the Rebellion a year or two back. As a war hero of great renown, his expertise and skills are immensely helpful to the Rebels. Though he would rather not participate in another war, he’s glad to be able to assist in their efforts to restore democracy to the galaxy.
Though the ground beneath them seems somewhat stable, each step feels precarious. Obi-Wan feels uneasy, as if he is blindly walking along the edge of a cliff without even the Force to guide him. They tiptoe their way through a long-forgotten battlefield filled with broken lightsabers and the petrified, statuesque bodies of Jedi and Sith alike, relics of a war long gone.
Just like me, Obi-Wan thinks. He receives an admonishing poke from his Padawan through their bond, and allows himself to smile, just a little bit.
Force, I’m getting too old for this, Obi-Wan muses as he races through the temple in search of his Padawan.
This temple, it seems, is full of far more surprises than Obi-Wan had thought. Thus far, he has fought Inquisitors, encountered Maul, fought more Inquisitors alongside Maul, and then fought Maul himself after the zabrak inevitably turned on him (a much-needed bit of familiarity).
In the midst of all the chaos, he and his student had been separated. As much as he has faith in his student, this place is dangerous for any Jedi, no matter their experience.
He runs up flight after flight of stairs, using the Force to bolster his speed. Higher and higher he climbs, dodging and blocking shadowy hands that attempt to grab him and drag him away, searching through the inky black for his Padawan’s presence. Finally, he reaches the pinnacle of the temple, eyes darting around in search of his student.
Glowing red lines span the obsidian floor like geometric veins. In the middle of the wide, open space is a floating obelisk. An electric current seems to keep it suspended in place. Though the entire temple resonates unnaturally in the Force, here is where that energy is strongest.
Closer to the open edge of the temple, Obi-Wan sees his Padawan, his blond hair dirty and tousled. He holds his lit saber in one hand, the other clutching something close to his chest. Upon catching a glimpse of gold and scarlet, Obi-Wan recognizes it as the holocron they were sent to retrieve.
However, his student is partially obscured by the encroaching figure that towers above him, cloaked in black.
Said figure is not just another Inquisitor, Obi-Wan realizes. What stands before them is a Sith. They’re a black hole in the Force, a source of unending darkness that blots out all the light it encounters. The Sith ignites their saber, the blood-red blade humming. He goes to swing it and—
“Hello there!” Obi-Wan shouts, catching the attention of the other two. He sees his Padawan’s relieved expression and sends him some reassurance through their bond.
Meanwhile, the Sith turns to face Obi-Wan and walks towards him, each step a thunderclap against the glass-like floor.
Their opponent is dressed in all black, from his protective gauntlets and chestplate to his armor-weave clothing. Most notable is the skull-like helmet on his head, the face of the Empire’s power and strength. For some, such a sight is an omen of death, the last thing they will ever see.
The temple thrums with energy as the Dark attempts to overwhelm him, to break him. Obi-Wan fortifies his shields, sealing every crack.
They just have to escape with the Sith holocron. He focuses on that, focuses on distracting the Sith so that his Padawan can escape with their quarry.
He tells his student through their bond to go fetch their ship, to leave, to stay safe. Obi-Wan receives a myriad of protests in response, but can’t reply because he must focus on the threat in front of him. Hopefully, his Padawan will do the sensible thing and take advantage of the distraction.
Who is Obi-Wan trying to kid, of course he won’t.
He narrowly refrains from sighing in exasperation.
“Darth Vader,” he says. “A pleasure to finally meet face-to-face.”
The Sith Lord cocks his head.
“Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. It seems our reports stating your demise were exaggerated.” Darth Vader’s voice is deep and resonant, as if modified by a vocoder.
“I am glad I can still exceed expectations, even in my old age,” Obi-Wan smirks. Out of the corner of his eye, he can see the Sith’s grip on his still-lit saber tighten. The Jedi slowly inches his hand towards the hilt still clipped to his belt.
“This is a discrepancy that must be rectified,” Vader growls.
“You may certainly try to do so.”
In a flash, Obi-Wan’s azure lightsaber is alive in his hands, blocking what would have been a fatal strike.
The two are evenly matched; while Obi-Wan’s prowess lies in Soresu, in defense and serenity, Vader remains on the offensive, each strike straightforward and powerful, with the occasional flourish thrown in.
Obi-Wan can’t help but find the style oddly familiar in a way that he can’t place.
He deflects one of the Sith’s strikes and quickly parries, his lightsaber grazing Vader’s left arm.
With a sound of wordless fury, Vader shoves Obi-Wan with a powerful Force push, sending him catapulting backward. He smacks into the central obelisk and everything goes black.
Upon waking up, Obi-Wan immediately remembers where he is, thanks to the Dark Side’s almost-overwhelming presence. He hears electricity crackling right by his ear and blindly scrambles away from it. His head throbs as he opens his eyes. Everything is blurry and undefined. Two figures dance across his vision, wielding green and red beams of light.
He blinks rapidly in an attempt to clear his sight, trying to get his mind to focus.
He opens his eyes once more and—oh.
His Padawan is holding his own quite well against towering black Sith, but Obi-Wan can tell that his student is growing tired, his attacks and parries sloppier.
There was a holocron, too, right? Yes, there was. the Jedi doesn’t see it, though.
Obi-Wan has to help him, has to get to his Padawans’ side. He attempts to rise, but his head screams in protest and the world begins to tilt. He attempts to recruit the Force’s aid, but it slips through his grasp.
And then it happens.
His student leaves himself open—too open.
Like an anooba pouncing on its prey, Darth Vader goes in for the kill.
The sight of his Padawan speared in the chest with the Sith’s blood-red lightsaber, the blade protruding from his back, will forever be seared into his mind.
Always just out of reach.
Always too late.
Darth Vader extinguishes his blade, watching dispassionately as his opponent falls to the floor.
“LUKE!” He cries, his pain and dizziness forgotten as he rushes towards his Padawan, gathering him in his arms.
“Oh Luke, why didn’t you listen when I told you to leave?” His hand shakes as it flutters above the scorched saber wound in his Padawan’s chest.
Obi-Wan can feel him fading, knows there’s nothing he can do.
He’s powerless, useless.
“I coul’n’ leave you here by y’rself, Master. I coul’n’ let you g-get killed.”
“And you dying is better?”
Luke smiles, a mere shadow of the ones that could light up an entire room.
“It’ll-it’ll be ‘kay, Mas’er. ‘M gonna meet my mom an’ dad.”
The words threaten to shatter Obi-Wan into a million pieces, too broken to repair.
“Yes, y-you will. And-and I bet they’re so excited to finally meet you.”
Luke hums, resting his head on Obi-Wan’s shoulder. His eyes burn as he stares down at the boy gathered in his arms, the boy with Anakin’s relentlessness and Padmé’s kindness whom he helped raise.
“I-I’m so proud of you, Luke. You are not only a good Jedi, but a good man. It was an honor to be your Master.” He combs his fingers through Luke’s blond hair and the boy curls further into Obi-Wan’s chest.
“I-it w-was an honor to be your P-Padawan.”
Luke’s breath rattles and slows, becoming more and more labored until it finally stops altogether. The Force accepts him into its embrace, inviting Luke’s spirit to join his brethren in the Cosmic Force.
He’s gone.
Obi-Wan holds Luke tight, burying his face in the boy’s hair.
“Tell them ‘hello’ for me, ok?” He whispers.
Another Padawan gone. Another Skywalker dead at the hands of a Kenobi.
He allows himself a few more moments of insurmountable grief before delicately placing Luke’s body on the ground. His Padawan’s lightsaber rests nearby, and Obi-Wan clips it to his belt.
“I bet you consider your merciful for not killing me on the spot,” Obi-Wan says coolly, his back still to the Sith. “Or do you wish to gloat?”
“Careful, Master Kenobi,” Darth Vader taunts. “Anger is not the Jedi way.”
“And you would know, wouldn’t you?” Obi-Wan rises to his feet and turns to face his opponent. “Having killed so many of them.”
“They deserved to die. Every last one of them.”
Obi-Wan thinks of the mentors and friends he’s lost, the bright younglings and eager padawans. He thinks of his Padawan who now lies dead on the ground behind him, his former Padawan, whose body was likely disposed of like trash.
“You’re a monster,” Obi-Wan chokes out, fury burning in his eyes even as tears drip down his cheeks.
Vader huffs, amused.
He takes off his helmet.
“A monster of your own creation, Master.”
Fifteen years ago, Obi-Wan had finally accepted that Anakin was dead. He had cried and cried until he ran out of tears to shed, and resolved to move on, to look towards the future.
And yet a mockery of his best friend now stands before him, a ghost of the past. He looks sickly, with pale skin, dark bags, and hollow cheeks. There are wrinkles on his face that weren’t there before and streaks of grey in his hair, the passage of time leaving its mark.
His eyes, eyes that once looked to the sky in wonder, the azure hues of above reflected below, are now molten yellow.
Had he misinterpreted what the Force was trying to tell him? Had he missed the signs?
Where did he go so wrong?
What just occurred only adds to the tragedy, Obi-Wan realizes. The agony of the anagnorisis, the catastrophic and heartrending reveal of circumstances.
Obi-Wan wants to laugh. Not out of joy, certainly not; out of shock, a sharp outburst of emotion.
He can only imagine the look on Luke’s face when he realizes that Obi-Wan was wrong, that he lied.
“Oh, Anakin. You’ve always been far too impulsive for your own good, too quick to lash out instead of looking to the Force for answers that are there for the taking.”
Anakin Darth Vader (because despite his usage of the name, he refuses to think of the-the demon standing before him as the man whom he would travel the end of the universe for) glowers at him. “What are you trying to say, Kenobi?” He says Obi-Wan’s name like it’s an insult, a curse.
“Could you not see? The boy you just killed, my Padawan—he was your son.”
Darth Vader balks, anger coming off of him in waves.
“How dare you mock me! When she’s dead because of you!”
“I’m not! Look for yourself if you want!” Obi-Wan steps aside, allowing Vader to approach the body. The Sith does so warily, crouching down to peer at Luke’s still (too still) face.
He caresses the boy’s face with a gloved hand, eyes widening.
“Oh,” he murmurs under his breath, just loud enough for Obi-Wan to catch. “Oh, Force.” He chokes on a sob, his hand leaping up to cover his mouth.
He jolts to his feet and staggers backwards, breathing heavily. Then his eyes, nearly incandescent with anguish and fury, land upon Obi-Wan.
“How could you let me do this?” He screams. “Why didn’t you stop me?”
“I didn’t know it was you!” Obi-Wan exclaims in return. “I thought you were dead! I mourned you, but I had to move on, because I had your son to look after and protect. I never thought I’d have to protect him from his own father.
“You killed your son, Anakin. Not me. And now you must live with that, just as I must live with my failure.”
With an emotion-laden yell, Darth Vader ignites his lightsaber and runs to attack the man he used to call his brother.
And so the man formerly known as Anakin Skywalker and former Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi leap into battle once more as the temple falls apart around them.
The Sith temple that once existed on Malachor is now little more than a pile of rubble, utterly useless, little more than a bit of topography on an otherwise-uniform wasteland.
A hand peeks out from the rubble, an old battlefield transformed into a new grave.
However, the hand’s presence is unknown by all but one, a man who cares too much masquerading as a monster who cares too little. The Jedi it belonged to will eventually fade from legend.
And so it will remain.
Forever reaching.
Forever alone.
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primasveraas-writing · 4 years ago
i've heard them calling my name
Anakin Skywalker faces five people after the second great betrayal of his lifetime.
Inspired in part by @naberiie's "thirteen minutes".
Anakin Skywalker isn’t dead, but he is dying.
It hurts, and he is used to the pain, the ache in his lungs, and the throbbing in what remains of his limbs. He’s used to the grief and the guilt and the sorrow.
What’s new is the light flooding him, overwhelming his mind and senses. What’s new is love, the feeling returned after an eternity of bitterness and hatred. What’s new is his son, so much smaller than Anakin in his mechanical suit, dragging him through the hangar, and the determination and compassion that flow from him; Luke the bright epicenter of his suddenly recentered galaxy.
But dying sounds like a horrible, raspy breath, and the wheeze of a failing ventilator.
And love sounds like: “I won’t leave you here. I’ve got to save you.”
Dying is dimness creeping in at the corners, quickly enough to scare Anakin, to rush his goodbyes.
Love is the blue of his son’s eyes, and the kindness shining in his face that reminds Anakin so much of Padmé.
He thinks of his wife, and of his daughter who he never knew, and of his son, and he mourns them all in a second, because the darkness is closing in, and his consciousness is fleeing him as is air, and again Luke desperately promises not to leave him, and Anakin exhales for the last time and his son’s voice is the last thing he knows.
There is incredible darkness and Anakin does not know nor think until a voice calls out his name and recognition blossoms with a burst of light flooding the void.
There is shame, deep and consuming because Anakin has betrayed his son, but he was a brother long before he was a father, and he has ruined Obi-wan with no chance of salvation like there is for Luke, and-
“Master, I’m so sorry- so very, very-”
Obi-wan says his name again, and tells him that there is more, that there can be forgiveness and immortality, and Anakin wants but he does not deserve, but he wants to see Luke again and meet his daughter and Anakin has always been selfish despite the Jedi’s teachings.
And if Obi-wan is truly offering him this chance- Obi-wan, with his fair logic and pragmatism- then maybe he does indeed deserve this, even if all others, Anakin included, do not think the same.
“I failed you, Master.”
Silence. Then, the light ripples, and there is his master, and he is smiling gently, and he shakes his head.
“And I failed you, Anakin. You needed more from me than I ever offered, and I am sorry for that.”
“After all I’ve done-”
“You did what no other Jedi could, in the end, and that is as the Force wills it.”
“I wish-” Anakin’s voice catches. “I wish it were different.”
“As do I.” Obi-wan looks sad now, and that is familiar, but he opens his arms and steps closer to Anakin. They embrace, there is love and comfort between them, things that Anakin has not allowed himself to miss in thirty long years.
When they part, Obi-wan regards him for a long moment, then speaks again.
“I still have much to teach you,” he says slowly, and Anakin nods. This has not changed, even now. “You will see others who have missed you as I have. You will find forgiveness and anger in unexpected places, from those living and dead, but, my dear padawan,” Obi-wan smiles now, a true contentedness painting his features, “you will know peace again. That is what you deserve.”
His mother is before him in the emptiness, as if from a dream.
Anakin Skywalker is decades old and a Jedi Knight and a war hero and a tyrant and a Sith Lord and evil personified and the Chosen One, and he sees his mother and runs to her.
Her embrace is warm and tight, and he knows her from the way his head buries into her neck, and the length of her arms around him, and the faint smell of spice on her tunic, and every inflection of her voice as she murmurs his name, and calls him my son, and says how I’ve missed you, and he sobs into her, pulling them both to their knees as he does.
“Mom,” he gasps, and all the shame hits him anew. He is his mother’s son, his selfless, compassionate, angel of a mother, and he is a monster who turned against everything she believed in.
“I love you,” she tells him, and he ducks his head, unable to meet her eyes. Instead, he shakes his head, letting hot tears slip down his cheeks.
“Come now,” she chides, wiping the wetness away with her sleeve. It’s as if he were four again, and he had just scraped his knee, rather than-
“I don’t deserve you, Mom,” he chokes, and although he needs her, it’s true.
“No,” Shmi’s tone is firm and resolute, “it has always been my job to love you unconditionally, Anakin. I’ll not stop now.”
“I did such terrible things-”
“Yes. And I forgive you for them.”
“How? How can you?”
“You are my son,” she says, and she cups his face in her hands and smiles at him, and he knows warmth and love with startling clarity once more. “And you have earned my forgiveness and always deserved my love.”
Anakin sobs again and hides in her shoulder, and Shmi holds him close until the cries subside and he is nearly calm again.
“There is more,” she advises him after a long while, and her warmth and love are still there but Shmi is very serious. Anakin’s throat dries, and he knows they are thinking of the same person.
“Not yet,” she says. “Soon."
“How can I-” the words die in his throat, and Shmi presses a kiss to his brow and looks him in the eye.
“She lived and died for you, Anakin. That love does not mean nothing.”
She smiles at him, her crow’s feet wrinkling, and her love is familiar and good and palpable, and then she, and everything, disappears.
There is a beautiful woman, with dark hair and eyes, and a short frame. Her features are sharp, but not harsh or unkind, except in the way that she looks at Anakin, which is with a mask of anger, her mouth set into a stern frown.
His wife’s name is on his lips, but there are differences, slight, but noticeable, and he realizes it’s because one woman aged while the other died, and when Sabé speaks, her voice rings out clearly in the tone of a queen with no time for mercy or forgiveness.
“You killed her.”
Anakin cannot breathe nor reply, so he nods instead, and stares at his feet.
“She was my life, and she died because of you, your selfishness, your rage. I worried from the second she married you, that you would be the death of her, and I was right.
“She let her love consume her, and so did you, but your love was poison,” Sabé spits. “You never deserved her.”
“No,” Anakin whispers. These are not the thoughts that made Darth Vader, but these are the ones that fueled him.
“I buried her. I loved her and I lived for her, and I brushed her hair and dressed her in her funeral gown and I tried to seek vengeance, and years later, a monster came to Naboo to find answers as I did, and I wondered why you didn’t kill us.”
“Because you look like her,” Anakin is still quieted by his shame. “Because I couldn’t destroy what was left of her.”
“I would have killed you then if I knew. I wanted to kill Vader with my bare hands, but you- you betrayed her. Death wouldn’t have sufficed for you.”
“I deserve that,” Anakin says, clear and loud. Sabé doesn’t disagree, but she regards him for a moment, studying his face, her own features still set in anger.
Then: “She forgives you.”
“She wants to see you.” Sabé sighs and confusion overtakes Anakin’s shock, his heart pounding in his chest. “She loves you.”
“I love her,” Anakin blurts, and he tries not to shrink under Sabé’s scrutiny. “I love her still.”
“So do I,” Sabé says bluntly. “Which is why you’re seeing me first.”
“To berate me?” It makes sense to Anakin, although he has not particularly enjoyed this conversation, but Sabé seems amused, her eyes glinting.
“To tell you that you have served a penance. To show you that many will not grant you forgiveness.”
“Do you?” He suspects the answer, but the question
“I love Padmé. I follow her lead.” Sabé tilts her head to the side. “Though I keep my own reservations.”
She smiles faintly at that, then she is gone.
Padmé stands three feet before him, and she smiles.
Anakin staggers forward and stumbles, sinking to his knees. Tears are already streaming down his face when he murmurs her name, mixed with apologies and said like a prayer.
“Anakin,” Padmé says, and she holds him, tangling her fingers in his hair. “Oh, Anakin.”
He breathes her in; he still remembers the scent of her perfume and the softness of her hair, and the way her body fits against his own larger frame, and the gentleness of her touch and her voice, and he has loved her since he was nine years old, and through war and darkness and villainy and death, he has not stopped loving her.
“I love you,” she tells him, and presses a kiss to his forehead. Anakin sobs, cradling Padmé against him, and begs her again for forgiveness. “I love you, Anakin.”
“I should have- I-”
“I know,” she says, and her tone is firm. “In the end, you have made things right. That is what matters to me”
“Our children,” he whispers. “Luke saved me.” He finally looks up at her, sees the warmth in her brown eyes. “He’s like you, Padmé.”
“I believed in him as I believed in you.” His wife smiles again. “I always did.”
“I missed you,” he breathes, and Padmé squeezes his hand.
“I missed you, too. I waited so long to see you again.”
“I’m here,” Anakin exhales, shaky. “All I wanted was to be with you again.”
“I have you now.” Padmé leans in, kissing him, then rests her forehead against his.
“Now I am complete.” Anakin echoes his mother’s words from all those years ago, and he knows they are true.
Padmé rises with him, wrapping both her hands around one of his, and reaches up to kiss him once more. He holds her with his free arm, never wanting to leave her embrace, and content in the fact that he does not have to let go.
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dracowars · 4 years ago
hideaway | anakin skywalker
pairing: anakin x nonjedi!reader
word count: 2,3k
summary: where y/n wants to surprise anakin but is in for a big surprise herself
a/n: anakin owns my whole heart. hope you enjoy it~
warnings: none
universe: star wars
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The smell of freshly roasted vegetables and meat fills your nostrils as you turn the stove up a notch, humming to yourself. You are by no means a five star chef, but your cooking skills are still very good. After all, your mother always made sure that you learn from her amazing skills in the kitchen. In the end what matters is how it tastes and until now you have never failed.
You keep checking the time on the clock on the wall, waiting for it to point at a certain time. You can't wait until he finally comes home. You've been counting the days and hours, even minutes until Anakin arrives back from his mission with Obi-Wan on Naboo. Anakin wasn't allowed to tell you anything about the mission of course, so you can only hope that it was a peaceful mission. Not only do you not want him to get injured, but then your planned surprise meal after his return would also be superfluous.
According to your calculation, it should take another half an hour for their spaceship to land on Coruscant, plus the time it takes Anakin to get to his apartment, where you currently are. The mission was scheduled for five days and you spent the entire time in his apartment. He gave you a spare key months ago because he noticed how much you always miss him every time he is not on the planet. In fact, it actually helped. Everything here makes it feel like he is only in the next room and not on a whole different planet and thus makes your fear for him less.
You've thought and talked about moving in together before, but there is one tiny little problem with that: nobody knows about your and Anakin Skywalker's relationship. Since he is a Jedi, a great and powerful one at that, he has to follow the Jedi Code. A Code that governs the behavior of its followers which, in this case, forbids Jedis from forming attachments. While they do not ban romantic feelings in general, Jedi's are not meant to get married or built up a family. Their only task is to bring peace to the galaxy.
And if the Jedi Order finds out about this relationship, it won't end well for neither of you. Until now you've always been able to hide it well, even if there were occasional moments when it almost got blown up. Somehow you always managed to keep it a secret though and you are very happy about that.
You stir the vegetables one more time and then throw yourself onto the large leather couch while you wait. And wait and wait. No matter how long you close your eyes and just breathe in the pleasent smell around you, time still doesn't go by faster.
You just want to hug him again, kiss him again and just be with him. It may have only been five days, but you still feel like you haven't seen him in months when it wasn't even a whole week. You have been a couple for two years now, have known each other for five of them and loved each other for four, and yet you love him like you did on the first day. There is just something special about him that makes your heart flutter every single time.
The way he looks at you, the way his eyes light up when he smiles - god, his whole apperance in general - you can't help but fall in love with him all over again. Anakin Skywalker is the love of your life and you can't imagine him to not be part of your life anymore.
While being indulged in your thoughts you don't even hear the steps approaching the front door at first and the electronic door opening a few seconds later. You jump up from the sofa immediately and are just about to go in the hallway leading directly to the door full of anticipation when you suddenly hear a different voice than Anakin's, which causes you to stiffly pause in your movement.
"I will send report about our successful mission to the Jedi Council instantly", you hear the male voice say, realizing that it is no other than Obi-Wan. Your eyes widen in shock. If Obi-Wan finds you here, in the middle of Anakin's apartment, it's over.
Looking back and forth, you search for a suitable hiding spot. You notice the cupboard at the end of the entrance area that would provide perfect protection, which you can only get to by walking past the hallway while risking to be seen. Since you can't think of anything better in this hurry, you sneak to the hallway as quietly as possible.
You look around the corner carefully just to see both men, still dressed in their full gear, standing in front of the entrance, Obi-Wan holding a holoprojector in his left hand and seemingly struggling with making it work the way he wants. Your gaze wanders to Anakin, who is standing in front of his master and trys to help him with the device. You can't help but stare at him for a few seconds. He looks breathtaking and you can feel your heart skip a beat.
And suddenly it feels like your heart completely stops at the exact moment where Anakins turns around and directly looks at you. The confusion is clearly written on his beautiful face, - which, to your surprise, doesn't have any bad injuries this time - but if you only knew how much he would love to just run to you and take you his his arms tightly, lifting you off the floor. But since Obi-Wan is still in the room, that turns out to be difficult.
With a slight head movement you indicate to the cupboard, Anakin understanding your intention immediately. Just as Obi-Wan looks up, Anakin steps in his way so that there is no possibility for him to spot you. "Let me see the holoprojector, master", Anakin tells him, reaching out for it, distracting him from what you are doing in the background.
You tiptoe across the hallway and climb into the cupboard without making any sound the very moment Anakin got the projector working. The closet is pretty narrow and you even keep your breathing quiet.
"I think I don't tell you this enough but you actually did very good out there. I'm proud of you, Anakin", Obi-Wan tells his Padawan as they walk past you and internally you feel how happy Anakin is about those words. "But was it really necessary to blow up the escaping droids?", Obi-Wan adds with serious tone but lets out a laugh soon after that.
You take in a deep breath which suddenly makes you realize that there still is something you haven't even thought about before: the food. It's still boiling on the stove, spreading a delicious smell through the rooms. How is Anakin supposed to explain that, when he didn't even know about it himself?
"Anakin. You should have listend to me when you- What is this burnt smell?", Obi-Wan interrupts himself while speaking, smelling the same odour as you did moments before. Seconds later you can hear their steps moving away as they run into the kitchen. "What is happening here?! Why is there food cooking?", Obi-Wan shouts but you can't hear more as the sound of steaming water drowns out their conversation. Anakin must have thrown the pan in the sink or otherwise you can't explain where the noise is supposed to be coming from.
"It was probably the.. the cleaning lady! Yes, the cleaning lady must have forgotten it by mistake", Anakin trys to talk his way out of the situation after the noise has quiet down. "Since when do you have a cleaner?", his master asks suspiciously. "Not very long. Since the last.. month?", Anakin explains - or tries to - not really convincingly.
Silence. There is an unbearable silence before Obi-Wan starts laughing out loud all of a sudden. "You should definetely find another one if she almost burns your appartment down. However, I could use one too..", he advises his Padawan and you can hear him coming back, lowering your breath again instantly.
"I better go now and send off the report to the Council. Master Yoda wanted to talk to me later anyway. You still have a bit of cleaning to do and..", Obi-Wan pauses in the middle of his sentence, making your breath hitch. "You should really get that lady out of your closet before she suffocates."
Your whole body stiffens at his words and the door to your hiding place opens. "Hello there", Obi-Wan looks at you expectantly. "Y/N, isn't it?" You nod carefully and look to the ground in shame after climbing out of the closet.
"It's- It's not what it looks like, master", Anakin stutters out and pulls you behind him, protecting you from whatever is coming towards you next. "Well, what does it look like?", Obi-Wan counters and crosses his arms.
You touch Anakin's arm lightly, searching for support, and look past him to Obi-Wan, who is watching you both closely. "I'm waiting", Obi-Wan sighs and puts his arms on his hips. "I don't have all day, you know."
You take all your courage and take a step forward. "It's my fault. I wanted.. I just wanted to surprise Anakin and welcome him back home", you explain with a low voice, not daring to look at Obi-Wan directly. "That still doesn't explain why you are in his appartment in the first place", he says with raised eyebrows and you look back at Anakin.
Anakin looks like he's contemplating about what to do next and then takes your hand in his as he made his decision, standing next to you now. "Master. I'm in love with Y/N and she loves me. We.. secretly dated and got together. I wanted to tell you. I always wanted to tell you, but there just wasn't the right opportunity and-"
"And you thought it would be better to not tell me about this at all? Ever?", Obi-Wan finishs Anakin's sentence. "Where do you think you are going with this? You know the Jedi Code, Anakin. You broke the rules."
"This stupid code is totally outdated and unnecessary anyway! We never meant to fall in love with each other, sometimes it just happens. We knew the day would come when someone finds out about us. We know that it.. has no future. But you can't just turn off your feelings. It is not possible", you rant and feel Anakin's hold on your hand tighten. "Please don't tell the Jedi Council and please don't throw Anakin out. You can punish me, but not him. He dedicated all his life to the Jedi Code and.. I don't want his life to get destroyed because of me."
You feel yourself get pulled to the side harshly. "What are you even saying, Y/N?! Stop that nonsense!", Anakin whisper-yells at you. "I can't live with the thought that I will destroy your future, Ani. I could never be happy agai-"
"Who said I would tell anyone?", Obi-Wan interrupts you two, making both of you look at him in confusion. "Listen, I don't support Anakin's or your actions but what happend, happend, we can't change that and I'm actually kind of happy that Anakin found someone who stays by his side."
Your mouth opens wide in shock and you look at him with pure disbelieve. "You.. what?", Anakin bursts out, seeming equally shocked and confused. "Why shouldn't I be happy for my Padawan, who is like a brother to me, when he finds the right woman, maybe his soulmate?", Obi-Wan tells you and the corners of his mouth rise. "I won't tell anyone about it, but you have to be really careful. If Master Windu oder Master Yoda find out about your relationship, I won't be able to help you. It will be over. You can be glad that it's just me who found out."
Without thinking twice, you happily hug Obi-Wan and Anakin does the same. "Thank you, Obi-Wan", Anakin smiles and lays an arm around your waist as soon as you move away from Obi-Wan. "I'll correct what I said earlier: You both still have a lot to clean up. Enjoy yourselves", Obi-Wan giggles and turns around to go back to the elevator.
Before he leaves though, he turns around one last time. "And for your information: I already felt that she is in here before we even got into the apartment. Good evening", Obi-Wan bows down slightly and leaves.
Silence spreads again, but this time a pleasant one. "What did just happen?", Anakin asks and shakes his head to get a clear thought, brushing through his hair with his mechanical hand. "I have no idea but I think we got away with it", you answer and turn to look at him, both of his hands now on each side of your waist.
"I missed you so much, Anakin", you smile and take in every feature of his beautiful structured face. Your hand comes up to his cheek and you softly stroke over his skin with your thumb. "I missed you more", he whispers and turns his face to lightly kiss the inside of your hand, which makes you giggle. He slowly leans in and finally connects your lips again. His scent flows around you and your hand clings to his brown locks.
When he breaks the sensual kiss, he leans his forehead against yours and smiles at you gently. You can feel his hands sneak around your hip as he suddenly lifts you off the floor and spins you around a few times, making you both laugh. After he puts you onto the ground again, he pecks your lips one more time before retreating completely, only keeping your hands connected.
"So, you wanted to surprise me with food?", he teases with that stupid smile on his face that you love so much. Feeling offended, you hit his arm playfully. In response, he chuckles and just pulls you behind him into the kitchen, where you clean up the mess you made before settling yourself up on the couch, cuddling for the rest of the day.
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tennessoui · 4 years ago
Will you bless us with a fae AU fic? 🥺 I love your writing and your AUs! I’ve not watched Birds of Prey but now I want to because of Mobi-wan 🙈
oh thank you!! i definitely think you should watch the movie, just because i like it a lot for reasons that aren't just ewan mcgregor's role and how much of that i've used for PBATMB!!!
anyway here's just a little bit of a fae au ficlet, more of a teaser to see if i can successfully write an actual fae au fic later on, but i hope you enjoy!! for those who have forgotten or don't even know where this au came from, here is the first post of the tag that is set about five years before the ficlet below (x) and here is the tag itself (x)
(872 words)
When Obi-Wan comes back from his mission, there’s a man in his bed.
This isn’t spectacularly unusual, of course. As a healthy male in his mid-twenties with a heavy interest in sexual pleasures and an apartment to himself for the first time since he was thirteen, there are quite a few nights he doesn’t spend alone.
But this time, he’s just coming back from a mission. He hasn’t been in these quarters for two standard weeks. And yet, there’s a man in his bed.
“Ah,” he says, dropping his rucksack onto the floor. “Do I know--”
“Obi-Wan!” The man says, quite happily, sitting up from the sheets to kneel on the mattress and beam at him.
What Obi-Wan wants to say gets knocked out of him by the sight of dainty, translucent wings sprouting from the man’s back. They vibrate in the air with this strange, sort of frenetic sort of energy.
“Ah,” he says again. “Um. I’m sorry, I don’t know your name.”
Or who you are, he wants to say, but doesn’t want to make this stranger mad, not when he doesn’t know what he’s dealing with. Somehow this man got past the Temple guards, knew Obi-Wan’s room, and the code to the door. This is an unpredictable, potentially dangerous man, despite his wide eyes and happy expression.
At his statement, the man’s wings flutter in something like annoyance, but he recovers quickly enough. “You were a bit dazed, and I suppose it has been a while,” the man admits, mostly to himself. “I forgive you,” he tells Obi-Wan magnanimously. “I’m Anakin.”
Obi-Wan narrows his eyes, trying to assess the threat. “Anakin,” he repeats slowly. The man seems to shiver at this, almost as if he’s preening.
“Your husband,” Anakin adds very helpfully. “Now that I’m of age. Like you swore.”
There are half-formed memories lurching forward from the back of his mind at these words. He doesn’t promise himself in marriage to many creatures he meets on strange planets. Anakin is right. He’d been disoriented from his fall off the back of his master’s speeder on a strange planet. He’d been accosted by a strange creature, a boy with an air of other about him so prevalent Obi-Wan had found himself both entranced and unnerved.
“Oh kark,” Obi-Wan swears, looking at his husband sitting cross-legged in the bed. Probably definitely naked underneath his bedcovers. And completely, definitely against the Jedi Code. “Oh kark,” he says again with more feeling. “I’m sorry, there’s been some confusion. I remember you--”
Anakin preens in the bed, his translucent wings fluttering and then stretching out and back as he tosses his head.
“But I can’t have a husband. It’s against the Jedi Code.”
The...creature--Obi-Wan knows Anakin had said the word before, the name of his species, but that had been five years ago--cocks his head. “All Codes have loopholes. That is the first law of the Fae.”
“Right,” Obi-Wan says awkwardly. “Only, I’m not a Fae.”
“I am,” the man...fae declares, fluttering his wings again. “And since you have married into us, our rules must supersede your own. If that were not true, the All-Matter would not have allowed me into your room.”
“The All-Matter,” he repeats, not knowing where else to start.
“Yes,” Anakin says simply. “The bindings of everything. We fae are keepers of its secrets as well as treasured users of its light.”
“You’re talking about the Force,” Obi-Wan realizes.
But Anakin wrinkles his nose. “That sounds so violent,” he criticizes. “You could never force the All-Matter to do anything it isn’t inclined to do already--”
As fascinating as hearing about how other cultures view the Force, Obi-Wan has to hold up his hand and stop him. “Anakin,” he says, fighting the urge to rub at his temple. “We cannot be husbands.”
“But we are though,” Anakin says, sounding very upset. His hands curl into the bedspread. “We are husbands.”
“But we don’t know each other,” Obi-Wan argues, spreading his hands out in front of him. “How can we be husbands if we don’t know each other? On Coruscant, people marry for love. Not because of...prior...agreements.”
Anakin pouts and pulls his knees up to his chest. “So you have to love me in order to be married to me,” he says slowly. “And you don’t love me yet.”
“Exactly,” Obi-Wan nods, before his brain catches onto that last word. “Wait, no--”
“I can make you love me,” Anakin decides, wings fluttering happily behind him. “I’ve been told that I’m very lovable. And then we can be proper husbands and everything! But until then,” and his face grows sharper and more dangerous, “we’re still married. Because you swore. And you do not break a promise to a fae, Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
Obi-Wan stares at him for several long seconds before deciding that actually, he cannot do this alone.
“We need to go see my former Master,” he decides aloud.
The fae’s expression changes immediately, back to his happy smile. “For his blessing?” Anakin asks energetically.
“Something like that,” Obi-Wan mutters, striding back into his common area and finally giving into the urge to wipe a hand down his face. A husband. A kriffing husband. Who saw this coming?
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parvulous-writings · 4 years ago
SFW alphabet// Obi-Wan Kenobi x reader
Request: There isn’t one- this is pure self indulgence. 
Submitted by:​ MEEEE
Genre/fandom: Fluff/Star Wars
Warnings:  None.
Summary: SFW alphabet for Obi-Wan Kenobi.
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A - Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Obi-Wan is pretty damn affectionate- when you both are alone. In public, it is often a different story. That’s not to say he doesn’t sweet talk you quietly when you’re out and about, but he rarely holds your hand when in places that the Jedi Order could see you. When you are alone though, either in his quarters, your Coruscant apartment or elsewhere out of sight, he is one of the most affectionate people you’ve ever met, giving you so many hugs and kisses it’s hard to count. One of his favourite things to do, during slower days, he’ll sit in his favourite chair whilst he reads, letting you sit in a nearby chair, your hands linking you both together.  B - Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? Where does the friendship start?)
Quite simply, Obi-Wan is one of the nicest and fairest beings in the galaxy, and the very best friend should you put the effort in to get to know him- though, even if you don’t, he’s still extraordinarily kind hearted, and ever the gentleman.  The friendship would probably start when he’s assigned to protect you- and of course he politely introduces himself, and you’re drawn to his friendly and calming presence. 
C - Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He ADORES cuddles. All of them. In bed, in comfy chairs, standing up- anywhere, anyhow, so long as you aren’t discovered. Given half the chance, he would cuddle you to the end of time. He’s a big one for physical affection. A lot of his favourite moments with you are spent curled up together, talking about both everything and nothing, basking in each others company.  D - Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking, cleaning, ect?) Obi-Wan would love to settle down- and he was incredibly ready to leave the Jedi Order for you, but you told him to stay, at least for Anakin’s sake.  He is a marvelous cook- and you can’t convince me otherwise. You don’t go out for secret date nights, oh no, Obi-Wan cooks you a delicious home-made meal.  He’s also quite clean, doing all the chores around his quarters almost every day or when he gets the chance between training sessions, meetings and the missions.  E - Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) If he had to, he would try and let you down slowly. He would try not to make a show of it and explain calmly to you why he think it would be best for you to go your separate ways. It would break him inside, but he’d keep his composure until he was alone.   F - Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? Do they wanna get married?) He would like very much to get married to you 😊 you are his one and only living love, after all. He’d leave the Order for you, if you let him. Enough said, really. G - Gentle (How gentle are they both physically and emotionally?) Very gentle physically, very very gentle indeed. His touches are always so soft, as if he’s nervous that you’re only a dream, and if he’s too rough with you, you’ll suddenly poof out of existence. It’s quite sweet, actually.  H - Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it, and what are they like?) Like with cuddles, Obi is a pretty big hugger. His hugs are warm, and full of all the love he holds for you. You almost always catch his scent- the faint smell of spices, and it always calms you down, it’s soothing. His hands often find the small of your back and the back of your head, supporting you as well as keeping you close to him. I - I Love You (How fast do they say the “love” word?) Not particularly quickly- he tries to suppress his feelings at first, and it takes many weeks of being around you for him to even admit to himself that he liked you, not to mention how long it took for him to muster up the courage to admit his feelings for you.  Even after he admits his love for you, he usually only says the L word when he thinks it’s a special occasion- though he makes sure that you know he loves you in other ways.
J - Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What are they like when jealous?)
Obi-Wan doesn’t often get jealous- he understands the need for close friendships outside of your relationship. But there have been one or two instances where his emotions have gotten the better of him. When he’s jealous, he can get rather possessive. He doesn’t mean to- he truly doesn’t- but he’ll put his arm around your waist, pull you close to his side, whilst giving a very dark glare to send them a message. (He’ll try not to do this in front of Jedi, and has so far succeeded in that regard.)  K - Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) Obi-Wan’s kisses are often quite light and brief- as most of them are given in public. Kisses in private are much deeper, much more passionate, much longer. His favourite place to kiss you is the very tip of your nose, he doesn’t know why really, he just thinks it’s a very endearing place to kiss you. His favourite place to be kissed is just under his jaw, your lips just seem to press against his skin so nicely there.  L - Little Ones (How are they around kids?) Oh, Obi-Wan is a dream around children! He is a wonderful mentor to the younglings in the temple- a brilliant father figure for those who see him as such. Absolute father/husband material, I tell you.  M - Morning (What are mornings like with them?) They are sometimes few and far between, but... Imagine the most idyllic scene you can think of. Sunlight streaming through the window and lightly hitting your face, as the wonderful smell of breakfast hits your nose, rousing you from your slumber. There he stands, in his nightclothes with his back to you, as he cooks you a glorious breakfast. He turns to smile at you as you get up, moving over to quickly give you a morning kiss on the cheek.  That is a morning with Obi-Wan. N - Nights (How are nights spent with them?) Just as heavenly as the mornings. They’re quiet, more often than not, but they’re still wonderful. Though just as rare as the mornings, if not rarer, you both spend the first part of the evening watching the sun set, before dining together, and finally ending up in each others arms, talking nonsense till you both find  slumber.  O - Open (When do they open up about themselves?) Usually late at night, a month or so into your relationship. It’s not about what most people would consider ‘secrets’, but to Obi-Wan these things are incredibly personal. He talks to you about the bond he had with his master, and how he felt when he lost him, he talks about how proud he is of Anakin, all of it. It takes a few weeks and countless late nights, but you’re both all the closer to one another for it.  P - Patience (How easily angered are they?) Man’s a Jedi. The King of patience. He doesn’t often get angry.  When he does, though... Yikes. He loses it. Thankfully his rage is almost never directed towards you. 
Q - Quizzes (How much do they remember about you?) He remembers everything you tell him, down to the last detail. You mention something as a throwaway comment? I guarantee you he’ll be doing or purchasing something  to do with that little throwaway line. Every detail goes into his head and never leaves.  R - Remember (Favorite memory with you?) A time he found you entertaining the younglings whilst waiting for you. You seemed so happy, your eyes sparkling and full of life, glinting as you laughed. He leant against the wall, just watching you as you played with them, letting them embrace their childhood for a little bit longer. It is something he’ll often play it over and over again in his head when he’s watching you sleep. 
S - Security (How protective are they?) Obi-Wan knows you have to fight your own battles, and he does try his best to let you do that, offering guidance if you need it. However, when he knows you’re out of your depth- whatever that may be- he will step in and defend you in whatever way he needs to.  T - Try (How much effort do they put in?) He puts in so much effort for you, trying to prove himself to you even though you constantly remind him he doesn’t need to. He also finds it his constant quest to make it up to you for not spending more time with you when in the Order. You tell him not to do that too, but he never seems to listen.  U - Ugly (What are their bad habits?) Apologising too much. For not spending enough time with you, for being late when he isn’t.. Little things. Little, pesky things. It started off sweet at first, but quickly you found it to be a little bit of a problem.  V - Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) Not really that concerned. He keeps himself clean of course, he has more than enough decency for that, but he’s not really that fussed. He’ll pay more attention to small things- like the style of his hair or how he wears his robe- if he wants to impress you, but he’s not exactly vain. W - Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) Oh he would definitely feel incomplete without you. He misses you deeply when on missions- and even goes as far to use his holocom to contact you when far off and he can’t bear not hearing your voice anymore.  X - Xtra (Random HC) Obi-Wan is an absolutely divine cook. You want a meal that the canteens or cafeteria don’t do a good job on? Say no more, he shall provide for you. He’d cook practically anything for you, just to see you smile.  Y - Yuck (Things they don’t like either in general or a partner?) Obi-Wan isn’t particularly fussy when it comes to partners, however there is one thing that almost always has to be there. Manners. Otherwise, you may just have a few ettiquete lessons from Master Kenobi. Z - Zzz (Sleep habits)
Obi-Wan is usually a sound sleeper, and has a regular sleeping pattern. This pattern is only slightly taken off track when you sleep in the same bed as him, and he’ll spend at least half an hour running his hands through your hair as you sleep, admiring the blissful smile that crosses your lips. 
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underworldobsessed · 4 years ago
To the Stars
Suggested by: @satikryze and @ajedilikehisfather
Prompt: Obi-Wan Leaves the Order and raises Korkie with Satine. 
Thank you for giving me the chance to write happiness for these two after I was broken to pieces because of Lawless. I hope you enjoy!! If anyone else has any prompts, feel free to let me know!
Can also be read here
Satine buried her face into the pillow as she felt fingers brushing through her hair, humming softly. It was still early, at least in her mind. She didn’t want to get up. Of course, she had responsibilities, but her bed was warm and if the man laying next to her continued to play with her hair, she was going to fall back asleep. 
“Satine,” Obi-Wan’s voice was gentle, and she lifted her head off the pillow. The sight of him shirtless in her bed was more than she could have asked for. “We need to get up. Korkie’s going to be up in a little over an hour and we want to make sure everything is ready for him.” 
Their darling boy, born four years ago on this day. She hadn’t known what was going to happen when she found out she was pregnant, when she, in a panic, called the Jedi Temple to speak to Obi-Wan to tell him. He had been there, and when he found out, he told her he was going to leave the order. He had been back on Mandalore within a few days and hadn’t left her side since. They had been married in a small ceremony, with Qui-Gon and her sister as the only witnesses. Korkie’s birth had been stressful too. Her small frame meant complications, but she had survived and their son was perfect in every sense of the word. She adored her son, and she knew Obi-Wan did too. 
“Satine, I see you dozing back off.” His lips pressed against her shoulder, the scratching of the beard he had been growing the past few years sending shivers down her spine. She hadn’t been sure about it at first, but the way it scratched at her skin sent pleasure through her and she couldn’t find it in herself to complain. “You don’t want the rude awakening that you’re going to get from Kork’ika, are you?” 
“Mm, no, I’m getting up.” She turned around and pressed their lips together in a chaste kiss. “Good morning, cyar’ika.” She sat up, moving to get herself ready. Bo-Katan was going to be running things for today. With Obi-wan by her side as she ruled, they were able to come up with a compromise about the warrior culture on Mandalore, preventing what could have been a fall out between the two sisters. They ruled together instead, and Bo had promised that they would have the day to spend with their son on his birthday. 
“Good morning, my dear.” Obi-Wan was behind her for a moment as she brushed her teeth, wrapping his arms tight around her for a moment, kissing her neck again before going to get himself ready for the day as well. “What did Korkie want to do for his birthday today?” 
“He wanted to go on a ship and see the stars.” He smiled, “Since you can’t see them super well from the city.” The one problem of living in a domed city was that you couldn’t see the stars, not truly. “I think it’s a great idea.” 
“I think so too,” She pulled on a simple outfit, nothing that displayed her royalty today, as she didn’t want to think about her role. Today was about her family, and that was the only thing that mattered to her. She stared at herself in the mirror for a moment, and smiled. 
“Are you feeling alright, cyare?” Obi-Wan asked as he came up, wearing an outfit styled after his jedi robes but in the Kryze colors. He had been uncomfortable in a lot of the outfits she had provided for him as her husband, and upon realizing the reason, got him outfits that were a little closer to what he was used to wearing, just in her house colors. The change in him was palpable, and she was more than happy to see him in her colors. “You look a little pale, more so than usual.” 
A smile crossed her lips and she laughed to herself. Of course she looked pale, but the reason for it wasn’t something she was ready to share with Obi-Wan… not until tonight anyway. She had a plan once Korkie was asleep tonight. “I’m fine, Obi. Come on, we have to get things set up.” She turned and brushed her fingers against his for a moment before leaving their room in their apartment and going to check on breakfast. 
It wasn’t long after the breakfast was being set up on the table that Satine heard footsteps hurrying towards her and tiny arms wrapping around her legs. 
“Buir!” Korkie giggled and looked up at her, his auburn hair getting in his face. 
“Good morning, ad’ika!” She picked up her son and held him in her arms, pressing kisses to his face to his giggling. “Happy Birthday, my little star.” 
“Is that my little youngling I hear?” Obi-Wan came out from the kitchen with the caf for him and Satine, setting it on the table. “Hello, darling Korkie. Happy Birthday.” He moved to wrap both her and Korkie in a hug and kissed his head. Korkie beamed under the attention of his parents. 
“Stars today?” Satine laughed. Her son truly had a one track mind. “Are we gonna see the stars today, buir?” 
“We are, ad’ika.” Satine reassured him “But you’re going to want to eat breakfast first, we made your favorite.” She had to hide her wince as she heard her son’s squeal. He was very loud when he wanted to be. She set him down in his seat at the table before taking hers next to him. She moved her caf away, not wanting to touch it. 
Besides the food ending up pretty much anywhere but in Korkie’s mouth for a while, breakfast went off rather smoothly. Korkie was off rushing around, finding the plush toy he wanted to take on his journey to see the stars. Obi-Wan was running after him, Satine smiling to herself as she watched. 
Her comlink going off distracted her briefly and she moved into another room to take the call, concerned that it was going to be Bo-Katan with something to report. But the kindly face of Qui-Gon filled her vision and she smiled. 
“Master Qui-Gon, it's good to see you,” Satine felt herself relaxing. “To what do we owe the pleasure of your call?” 
“I wanted to wish young Korkie a happy birthday,” Her heart warmed at his words. Qui-Gon had been like a father to her while she was on the run, and she owed him a great deal. And even though Obi-Wan was no longer in the order, she knew he checked up on him from time to time, to make sure all was well. Korkie too loved Qui-Gon, referring to him as-
“Ba’buir!” She heard her son’s voice as he ran into the room, reaching up at Satine to try and get picked up. She didn’t have to think twice as she picked him up and got him on eye level with the image of Qui-Gon. “Ba’buir! I’m four today!”
“So you are, Korkie.” She saw the smile on his face. It was hard to not fall in love with her son. “Happy birthday, young one. Young Padawan Anakin and I should be in the area in a few rotations to drop off your gift on our way to our next mission.” Satine had heard about Qui-Gon’s new padawan, and met him over a call once. He seemed like a bright young boy, and Satine couldn’t wait to meet him in person. 
Korkie giggled and clapped. “I miss you, Ba’buir!” Satine laughed and set him down “Bye Ba’buir! We’re gonna see the stars!” Korkie ran off again in search of Obi-wan. 
“He reminds me so much of Obi-Wan at that age.” Qui-Gon smiled “You must have your hands full… and it’s only going to get crazier around there, is it not?” 
Satine laughed. “It will, I’m going to be telling Obi tonight.” 
“Telling me what?” Obi-Wan smiled as he walked in, brightening at the sight of his former master. “Master! How are you?” 
“Just fine, Obi-Wan, and you don’t have to call me master anymore. You are no longer my padawan.” Qui-Gon reminded him “But I must be off, I just wanted to wish Korkie a happy birthday. I will see you both soon.” The communication ended and Obi-Wan’s arms once again wrapped around Satine’s waist. “What are you telling me tonight?” 
“Nothing, cyar’ika. Don’t worry about it.” She turned around “Now, we must head off to our ship. Korkie isn’t going to be patient for much longer.” She saw the concern in Obi-Wan’s face, but he masked it quickly to nod and go and hurry their son along. 
As they walked up to the ship, she could see the excitement in her son’s eyes dim and nerves take its place. She rested her forehead on Korkie's, trying to get him to relax. 
“It’s okay, Kork’ika. You’re going to see the stars, don’t forget.” She hoped her words calmed him as they boarded the ship and settled into the co-pilot’s chair. Korkie was seated in her lap. Obi-wan got into the pilot’s seat and they took off, heading outside the city and up towards the sky.
She never did that well flying, so at the turn of her stomach during take off, she swallowed, taking deep, even breaths. She felt a small hand on her face and she opened her eyes to Korkie looking at her with concern. 
“Are you okay, Buir?” Her heart ached at his tone, and she caught Obi-Wan glancing back at her briefly as he navigated them out of the atmosphere. 
“I’m fine, I’ve just never done well with take-off.” It was a partial lie, but not one either of her family seemed to notice. “I’m fine now, don’t worry.” Korkie nodded and settled back on her lap, gasping at the sight of the stars in the sky once they were finally in space. 
The small family enjoyed their time on the ship, having a meal Satine had packed underneath the stars. They only returned to their home as Korkie fell asleep in Obi-Wan’s arms, clutching a new plush Loth Cat that Satine had got him. They transferred him back to Satine as Obi-Wan got them back home. After they landed, Satine carried him to his room and tucked him into bed, kissing his head as Obi-Wan came up behind her and did the same. 
The two of them went to sit on the couch, Satine curling into her husband’s arms. 
“I can’t believe our son is four.” His voice rumbled in his chest and she smiled. “Time has flown so fast.” 
“It has,”
“I believe I overheard you tell Master Qui-Gon that you had something to tell me.” Obi-Wan looked down at Satine, who was smiling a little wider.
“I do.” 
“Are you going to tell me?” He could tell she was drawing it out, but as to why he wasn’t sure. “It’s nothing bad, right?” 
“No of course not!” Satine swallowed, where there had been excitement, there was also nerves. “You noticed this morning how I didn’t touch the caf you made me? And that I was a little bit pale this morning..” He nodded, waiting for her to continue. “Well… both of those things are tied together… Obi-Wan, how… would you feel if I told you that we’re having another kid?” 
Obi-Wan was quiet for a moment and Satine felt her nerves grow. She knew that he was great with Korkie, but what if he didn’t want to have another kid. What if he was just happy with the three of them. In the back of her mind, she figured they should have been more careful, that if they didn’t want this outcome, they should have been more conscious of protection. 
Before she could truly spiral down that path, she felt Obi-Wan cup her cheek and direct her gaze to his. He was smiling wide. 
“Are you certain? Are you pregnant?” At her nod, he moved and kissed her passionately. His fingers tangled in her hair and he kept her close to him. 
“You’re happy?” She asked, as if she was still unsure. He laughed and nodded. 
“Force, of course I’m happy. You’ve already given me one beautiful child, and now you’re carrying our second child. I couldn’t be happier!” He rested one hand on her still flat belly as he held her close. “I love you, Satine.” 
“I love you too, Obi-Wan.” She sank into his hold, her eyes closing slightly. She couldn’t imagine herself in a world where Obi-Wan hadn’t stayed, in a world where she had to raise Korkie on her own. The idea just felt like a bad dream, one that Obi-Wan’s arms around her waist as she dozed off chased away as she imagined a little girl with hair like hers and a smile so much like her Obi-Wan.
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elionwriter · 4 years ago
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While Ashoka on her own deserves the spot and I would normally slide Obi-Wan in the next position and I already pretty much gave Anakin Skywalker a position on the list I felt the need to stack them here not only because their family/friendship bond is one of the best in the entire saga but I also feel that these three really shine the most when put together!
While there are other noticeable characters from her species, Ashoka is the ultimate Togruta pride! Badass, sassy, awesome and wields the double lightsaber in the reverse grip like no one else. She goes from impertinent and immature kid to possibly the most mystical, wise and strong character of all. While never appearing in the movies, Ashoka is always there, snaking her way through all the major events of the Galaxy, facing the complexities and contradictions of each in her unique way. If Obi-Wan is the true Jedi, the one that marries completely the rules, responsibilities and philosophy of his title in it's purest form, Ashoka still pretty much manages to do the same while walking away from the order and its doctrine. They both represent what Jedi should be, the legendary figures the normal people in the Galaxy need and can place their faith in. In many ways, I think what doomed Anakin Skywalker (beyond a lifelong brainwashing from Palpatine) is that he was caught in the middle. He saw all the faults and corruption in the order and couldn't embrace it like his master but couldn't even cut ties like his padawan. Ashoka also gets cookie points for giving Anakin retribution headaches for all those he gave Obi-Wan throughout his own training.
5) R2D2 & C3PO =
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Repeat after me: droids are better than humans! Star Wars really does seem to firmly make a point of this since almost all droids introduced in the series are awesome! BB8, Chopper, IG-11, HK-47 (ok, he's not canon, but he's so cool and fun he at least deserves a mention), you name it, but nobody takes the cake quite like these two. They have truly stuck together through thick and thin, countless masters and the most suicidal missions always managing to come out on top. If you think about it, they have witnessed all the dramatic, key events of the Galaxy of their age first hand and have contributed to its history more than any singular hero/villain. The fact that they manage to keep their bolts together through not one but THREE generations of Skywalker drama should already be considered an incredible feat in and out of itself but they do that while remaining the most hilarious and consistent characters of the saga. Their "love /can't bare you" relationship is both hilarious and heartwarming and their personality is so fully fleshed out that at times their reaction to situations is more grounding and relatable than the humans'. These reasons and the fact that they are inextricably bonded to the Skywalker family, almost acting like their guardian angels or family spirits are proof that these two deserve this spot on the list. The force disappoints, R2 and 3PO do not. May the droids be with you!
6) Cal Kestis & BD1 =
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All hail the Poncho boy. Right off the bat I'm going to admit something: I have a type and my type is cute redheads. That said, I am very biased when considering Cal but I do honestly have solid reasons for placing him on the list. Not only was Cal caught in the whirlpool that was order66 at an incredibly young age, he has carried himself as a Jedi at heart throughout the entire time he was forced into hiding with an incredibly humble and kind personality holding dear the true principals of the order but he also managed to make incredibly difficult and brave decisions at the end of Jedi: Fallen Order. Cal has an incredibly rare force gift that sets him aside from the rest and a capacity to forgive and believe in others that matches Luke Skywalker's. And his adorable little droid that spends the entire game mostly perched on his shoulder is a perfect counterpart. While talking only in binary BD-1's sweet, loyal and hopeful personality really manages to shine through. I already said that droids are amazing but BD's willing sacrifice to forget his original master fully believing in Cal's ability to come through with the holocron mission even before knowing him really sets him aside from this already incredible category. Also, and it must be said, Cal delivers one of my favourite lines ever "I'm trash, just not approved trash". Oh boy do I hope EAgames and Ubisoft pull out a sequel to Jedi: Fallen Order, I just can't wait to get more of these two!
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nevertheless-moving · 4 years ago
Star Wars AU #20: MacenJar AU
Inspired by this meme and with permission from @simpskywalker
This au is dedicated to everyone who told me that this concept ‘gave them a headache’ or ‘psychic damage’. Especially that special someone who begged me to ‘please stop’ because ‘i hate this, i hate this so much’ and told me ‘please don’t say more words about this.’
Crack Lies Ahead, enough to consume a man. I have spoken.
“Ani. Ani. Anakin Skywalker.”
“Hmm?” The dulcet sounds of Padme calling his name dragged Anakin from sleep against his will. 
“Anakin, you have to get up.”
He groaned, rolling over. “...here’s my face...I’ll...be awake in a second...just sit down...I’m awake...”
“No, Anakin you have to leave, remember. You have a 5 AM take-off scheduled, and you made me promise I would get you up early this time, come on.”
She cruelly yanked the covers away. He gasped in betrayal. 
“My own wife...how could you.”
“Anakin if you’re not out of bed in the next 30 seconds the next time you beg to stay the night because ‘you can get up early, you swear’ I am kicking you out before anyone sits anywhere near anyone’s face, do you understand.”
He sat bolt upright and stumbled out of bed. “Ok, Ok, I’m up I- Padme!”
“Yes?” She asked sweetly, brushing her hair at the vanity. 
“It’s 3 AM!”
“Yes I know, you were going to stop at that bakery I recommended, remember?”
“You woke me up an hour and half early so I could stop at a bakery,” he asked, disbelieving.
“Yes, Anakin, it was your idea. It was going to be your cover, in case anyone wondered what you were doing in the building.”
“That is-” before he could call it the stupidest idea he had ever heard, the memory of promising Padme that staying the night was a good idea because it would facilitate his cunning ruse (he was distracted, ok? Padme was wearing a lot of layers) came rushing back.
“-right,” he finished lamely.
Padme just hummed and began braiding in her cosmetic forcefields. 
Anakin managed to stretch, complete his morning refresher run, and arrange his robes in a suitably decorous fashion by the time Padme had established the base layer of her hairstyle for the day.
A quick kiss- no goodbye, it hurt too much to say goodbyes in war - and Anakin was out the door. 
He idly scratched his chin, vacantly looking out the lift and vaguely considering growing a beard. The pre-dawn view was quickly replaced by metal walls as the ride dropped below the skyline.
The transparisteel pod began to slow scarcely one third of the way down. Anakin suppressed a groan and tried to arrange his expression in Jedi-stoic manner, hoping that whoever got in the lift with him would be too intimidated by seeing a Jedi close-up to think about what they were doing in a Senatorial Apartment building at 3:15 in the morning. If they ask, I’m visiting the famous Bebbisun Bakery. Bennison? BELLASAN. I’m visiting the Bellasan Bakery.
Actually, anyone getting into the elevator this early was probably also doing the walk of shame so it’s probably fi-KRIFFING SITH SPIT THAT’S
“Master Windu!” Anakin cleared his throat, trying to lower his voice an octave. “Good- Good Morning!”
Windu’s eyes widened almost imperceptibly. “Ah. Knight Skywalker. Good morning to you as well,” he replied, stepping in the elevator, doors closing behind.
The lift descended as Anakin’s heart rate skyrocketed. This was it. Windu had to be here for Anakin. What other possible explanation could there be? WHY WASN’T HE SAYING ANYTHING?
What other possible explanation...could...why wasn’t he saying ANYTHING?
Anakin scrutinized Master Windu out of the corner of his eye. Were those...the same robes he was wearing yesterday? They looked like the same robes but then again...pretty much all robes looked the same so this was probably a stupid way to figure things out. Fuck, it was too early for this.
Unsurprisingly, he couldn’t get a sense of the Master’s surface emotions. But his underlying aura seemed...happy? Typically Windu's serene presence had a tinge of righteous fury (something that had frightened him back when he was a child). But now that ever present vaapad edge was... softened? Anakin wracked his tired brain for a more reasonable explanation than- than the obvious but obviously impossible. He had to projecting. Right? Then again...couplings weren’t forbidden (even if Anakin couldn’t quite understand how people enjoyed just- having sex without any attachment).
The corners of Anakin’s lips twitched. The Master of the Order. Getting laid. Master Windu. In the Senatorial apartments. Mace Windu. What level had he gotten on? Above aides...diplomats probably. Should he ask? Force, this was too good- he couldn’t not ask.
Windu stared at him cooly and the knight instantly sobered. What was he thinking? Windu was obviously trying to trick him! If he said anything, Windu would turn it against him! Well, he wouldn’t be fooled so easily. Anakin spent the next several levels of descent staring forward, determined not to be the one to break the silence. 
He was so focused that he didn’t notice the lift slowing prematurely again until the doors opened; an elderly Rodian hobbled in. The two Jedi moved even further apart to allow the man some space.  The lift closed and newcomer glanced at the humans curiously. 
“Aren’t you Jedi? What are two Jedi doing here so early?”
“Bakery,” Mace and Anakin responded in unison, heads snapping to stare at the other in surprise.
The Rodian chuckled. “Oh, that Bellasan place, right?”
“Yes,” Windu replied smoothly. “They have a famously unique caf blend.”
“And you can’t get Sweesonberry rolls anywhere else,” Anakin added quickly, not letting the opportunity to firm up his cover go to waste.
“You mammals and your carbohydrates,” The elderly reptilian clucked, bemused.
Knight Skywalker and Master Windu exchanged wary looks. The door pinged open on level 4848. 
“Enjoy!” the overly entertained Rodian called out as they stepped out from the closing doors.
Anakin cleared his throat. “After you, Master Windu,” he said politely. CHECKMATE FUCKER.
But Windu just nodded serenely, striding confidently ahead, past the checkpoints and into the attached upper-crust market. After a very short walk, Anakin found himself in line behind Mace Windu at a pastry shop in the basement of his wife’s apartment building.
Anakin blearily thought that sentence through again, then subtly pinched the inside of his arm.
Nope, he was awake.
Every second that passed Anakin had to fight the steadily increasing urge to blurt out something stupid, and possibly incriminating, if not both. Just say something bland! Nothing about why they’re both here so early. Nothing about coming here before. Something casual.
“Smells good,” Anakin said.
Nailed it!
“Indeed,” Mace replied.
I’m a genius! He actually thinks I’m here for the bakery! He’s never going to suspect a thing! He was probably here for some boring pre-dawn meeting, and now I’ve got the perfect excuse to come visit Padme whenever! I can probably start sneaking off more often, I’ve just got to remember to bring back a pasty or something. And he can’t even say shit about un-Jedi like consumption!
Oh no. Please be about the bakery. Pleasebeaboutthe
“Believe me when I tell you that I’d rather not ask-”
“-But did you fly here in a temple speeder?”
Cold sweat started to trickle down Anakin’s back as they shuffled forward automatically in the surprisingly long queue. Guess that’s why Padme woke me up so early.
“Knight Skywalker? Did you hear me?”
“Yes, Master Windu, sorry- I was, uh, distracted by the specials board. I, um, have my own hoverbike. Built it myself. No temple resources involved.”
“Sounds...distinctive.” Windu’s tone seemed neutral, but the way he pinched the bridge of his nose was obviously irritated. They stepped forward again. Why are so many people at this bakery so early? Guess we’re far enough down that day/night cycles don’t matter so much. Oh kriff, he’s massaging his temples now. Why is he mad about the bike? Is he going to ask where I landed it? Fuck.
Anakin swallowed the lump in his throat. “I- I thought it would be better to take personal property. Since this isn’t exactly order business.”
“That’s very responsible of you. Such...separation of personal from professional is an important skill for a Jedi.” 
The trickle of sweat down his spine increased. The Chosen One discretely wiped his sweaty palms on the inside of his sleeves and prayed that his outer robe was hiding any growing pit stains. 
Are we...actually talking about this? Is he going to admit to having an affair? Is he going to tell me to keep this quiet? I CAN BARELY KEEP MY OWN RELATIONSHIP SECRET! Does he know about Padme? Does he know we’re married? Is this conversation still about the bakery visit? Is HE married?
“However...such a vehicle might not be the most discrete. And discretion is also an important skill.”
Is he giving me permission to use the temple landspeeders to visit padme? Is he telling me to take the bus? WAIT! IS THIS A METAPHOR? Is he telling me to come here less? Is this still about the bakery? Did I actually check that I wasn’t still asleep or did I just dream that I checked?
“Do you understand, Knight Skywalker”
“I- uhh. I mean- well, ummm- OH look, it’s your turn to order!”
Master Windu stepped up to the counter. 
“Hello, again! Same as last time?”
“The same blend please, but please add on one of your Sweesonberry rolls- a friend recommended them.”
...Did Mace Windu just call me his friend?
“Excellent choice! Your friend has good taste!”
Mace Windu stepped to the side and Anakin Skywalker stepped up. “...I’ll have what he had.” 
A minute or two later, they were walking back to the lift, matching disposamugs and flimsibags in hand. 
To try and delay the inevitable, the pale and now very sweaty young Jedi took a sip of caf. He raised both brows involuntary. “This is...really good. Holy kriff. I don’t usually drink caf for the flavor but...wow.”
“Worth the trip?” Windu asked. Anakin choked a little but successfully managed to swallow. He took another sip to avoid answering. 
Windu took a bite of his roll, making a small noise of appreciation, “The pastry is also excellent. I don’t have much of a sweet tooth but this is remarkably smooth...I can’t say I’ve ever had anything quite like it.”
“Floral, right?” Anakin said, grinning into his cup. 
“Yes, that’s a good description.” Ha! I told Padme I was paying attention.
They drank companionably as the lift indicator dinged closer. 
“Skywalker...you’re parked on 4970, right?”
The knight nodded, too afraid to speak. The force seemed to swirl at the precipice of something. 
The Master sighed. “Look- I’ve got an unregistered van- this one time only, stow the speeder, and I’ll give you a ride back. If you’re visiting the bakery in the future- please take something with a closed cab. Last thing we need is the tabloids wondering where you’re going...”
Anakin nodded again, more eagerly again. He was practically being given permission to visit Padme! That was totally worth an excruciatingly awkward flight back to the temple! He just had to chew slowly so he couldn’t blurt out anything marriage related! He was a genius!
The lift opened.
“Jar-Jar!” Anakin said, surprised and pleased. “Wow, are you also here for the bakery? This place really is popular!”
“Ani! Little Ani! Wassa you doin here?” Jar-Jar looked around wildly, then stumbled out, foot catching at the gap. Windu darted forward and effortlessly saved the Gungan before he hit the floor, while Anakin stuck his arm forward to catch the closing door.
“Bakery, Jar Jar!” he said as he stepped inside. “I’d love to talk, but we’ve actually got to get back to the temple!”
Windu struggled to untangle himself from Jar-Jar, who was being particularly unhelpful about it, even for him. Wow he’s even clingier than usual this early in the morning. It’s nice how patient Master Windu is being; I feel like even Obi-Wan can be too hard on Jar-Jar sometimes.
“Actually Skywalker, why don’t you go on ahead and stow the bike- I just remembered I meant to pick something up for Council; I won’t take long.”
“Uh. Alright,” Anakin said, catching the keys. I guess I can’t really be late if I arrive with Master Windu.
“Ossa no!” Jar-Jar exclaimed sadly. “I was justa saying to Macey lassa night thatsa I missed talkin wit little Ani!”
Anakin smiled reassuringly as the lift began to close. “Don’t worry Jar-Jar! We’ll- catch uh-HOLD ON did you say LAST NIGHT?!”
Mace’s eyes closed in resignation as the door shut on the pair, Jar-Jar still tangled around the Jedi.
Anakin stared blankly at the metal walls as they rushed past. The lone Jedi Knight took a long sip of caff, then carefully placed the pastry bag and drink on the floor. He systematically wadded up the sleeve of his robe and shoved in his mouth. He then spent the next few minutes squealing with unholy glee while literally bouncing off the walls in a manner only accessible to a force sensitive in an elevator. He was still panting slightly when the lift opened on the primary parking level.
We can double date! Padme and I can host! I can help Mace and Jar-Jar plan their wedding! We can reform the order to allow for romantic love! I can be Jar-Jar’s best man! Padme and I can have another ceremony and Obi-Wan can give me away while Mace officiates and  and then we’ll all have sweesonbury cake and Jar-Jar can help teach our kids how to swim! 
With those dreamy thoughts running through his mind, it was child’s work to follow the the force to the unremarkable hovervan. He was humming to himself when Master Windu opened the door. 
He beamed at the older Jedi. Windu scowled in reply. Anakin smiled wider, unintimidated. He genuinely liked the Gungan, but anyone who could spend hours with Jar-Jar had to have a soft side.
“You know, Jar-Jar is a long time friend of Senator-”
“No.” Windu cut the eager words brusquely. 
Anakin shrank back, a little hurt.
(Maybe a lot hurt.)
Mace glanced over at the obviously crestfallen young General and sighed before amending his words.
“Not- Not right now, alright? Maybe if you’re miraculously more discrete about this than you are about your affection for Senator Amidala, then we can talk, understood?”
Anakin nodded with absolute determination, glimmering images of fairytale weddings visible once more. Distant, perhaps- but the chance was worth any amount of tongue biting. Now that there was a real, possible future where he could have it all, now that he knew Windu had a heart somewhere under his robes- he could be patient. 
He could be very patient.
Anakin calmed his grin down to a smaller, more Jedi-like smile, taking a sip of the cool but still really good caf. He channeled Obi-Wan’s most neutral diplomatic grace.
“Thank you for the ride, Master Windu. I appreciate it.”
Windu gave him an approving glance. “You’re more than welcome, Knight Skywalker.”
Feeling bold, he continued on with his best non-mocking impression of Obi-Wan.
"Have you had a chance to read the latest report on helmet redesigns? I think they might really improve peripheral vision without compromising concussive resistance.”
Mace hummed thoughtfully. “I have. I’m somewhat concerned about deploying such a radical change mid-campaign. Even better gear requires an adjustment period, and I’d rather minimize needless deaths while the troops readjust to hud flow.”
“Yes, that’s a reasonable concern, I was talking to Captain Rex-”
They spent the remainder of the flight chatting comfortably about troop safety and absentmindedly eating (or possibly stress eating in response to the prolonged absence of interpersonal conflict) the box of pastries Mace had picked up. When they arrived at the temple, they divvied up the remainder between them, quietly agreeing that there weren’t enough to share anyway. 
They continued their conversation, Master Windu accompanying him to the orbital loading bay. 
Obi-Wan rushed over in alarm at the sight of them approaching. “Anakin, there you are- I was starting to wonder if you’d make it. Terribly sorry Master Windu- I hope he wasn’t too much of a bother-”
“He’s not your padawan anymore, you don’t have to apologize for him. Though I do appreciate the reflex.”
“I suppose the concern isn’t completely baseless.” Anakin said, tone deliberately mildly. Mace chuckled slightly and Obi-Wan took a step back, slightly frightened by the sudden camaraderie. Anakin pretended to take a sip from his now empty disposamug to avoid fist pumping the air or cheering.
“I- Yes well- the important thing is you’re here in time for departure. What- what is that in the bag.”
Moment of Truth. Don’t freak out. Focus. Prove you can be discrete, THEN double dates, THEN Jedi Wedding Ceremony.
“Sweesonbury Roll,” Anakin answered placidly. He pretended to take another sip of caf. “Master Windu was kind enough to give me a ride from the bakery.”
“That’s- I’m sorry, what?” Anakin bit the inside of cheek to keep himself from reacting to Obi-Wan’s palpable bewilderment.
“I had to double back and get more, but we came straight here after,” Mace added helpfully, with zero hint of intentional mischief. “Oh and Skywalker- you can call me Mace if we’re not discussing temple business.”
Anakin SCREAMED (internally, of course). Outwardly, he simply bowed politely. “And you’re welcome to call me Anakin, of course.”
He deliberately avoided looking directly at Obi-Wan, his former Master’s bug-eyed reaction already pushing him to the edge, even just visible as it was out of the corner of his eye.
Windu nodded in return. “Safe travels you two. May the force with you.”
“And with you.” Anakin replied.
“May the force be with you,” Obi-Wan rushed to say, after a short delay.
Master Windu turned and exited the cargo bay doors. Anakin threw out the mug in a nearby bin, pulling out a roll and biting into it before turning to face Obi-Wan. They made eye-contact, each waiting for the other to break first. Usually that would be Anakin, but he had goals now. The Knight chewed. His Master’s eyes narrowed. The older man (who may have aged significantly in the last 5 minutes) finally broke.
“Who are you?”
Anakin just sighed, maintaining the Kenobi impression. “Come on Master, we don’t want to keep the troops waiting.” With that, he walked forward, hiding his smile as Obi-Wan followed closely at his heels. 
“Since when does my apprentice visit bakeries with Mace Windu?” Obi-Wan asked, almost desperately.
“You’re making it sound like a bigger deal than it is.” 
Master Kenobi sputtered as the pair opened the airlock for the short-range shuttle. 
Anakin mustered up an earnest smile. “Master? Would you mind flying- I’m still eating and-”
Obi-Wan made an incoherent noise of horrified outrage before fumbling for his communicator. 
“What are you doing?”
Anakin burst out laughing. “Relax Obi-Wan, I’m messing with you, holy shit. Obviously I’m flying.”
Obi-Wan slumped into the co-pilot seat, rubbing at his eyes. “Don’t do that Anakin! My nerves are stretched thin enough by the war as it is-”
“Sorry, Sorry!”
They strapped in and took off, Anakin still chuckling occasionally, Obi-Wan scowling in irritation each time. 
They ascended above the towering skyline alongside the first rays of sunlight.
“So you didn’t go to a bakery with Master Windu this morning?”
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thewriterowl · 4 years ago
God bless the hashtag owl inbox I found so many beautiful AUs and headcanons.
The idea of a The Last of Us AU .... my god, can't wait.
Priest Din is hot as hell ...
All the AU about Vader / Anakin.
This place is amazing, is like a DinLuke wonderland.
Victorian Era AU is one of my favorites so far.
Lord Djarin .... my god, dressed in elegant clothes watching his handsome gardener plant flowers in his garden.
And Luke who is shy and worried about their social difference but can't help but be in love with him.
God, can we have some headcanons about this Victorian Era please?
Oh man, ok, let me think of Victorian Era...so something I like in the theme or Victorian Era is this horror/fantasy element. I've written (though it hasn't been updated in a bit) a Tony/Steve fic of this time as a Dark!Cinderella type thing with a Fae element. That stuff is my jam. But this should be original...so instead this would have LOADS of pining.
Luke is a twice-orphaned poor soul who is very talented with gardening to the point he is hired for the Djarin Estate to tend to the massive gardens that the mysterious lord put in for his young son. He makes everything bloom and get filled with so many colors that the young lord, Grogu, is constantly happy and just wants to be outside whenever he can. He is constantly grinning and follows after Luke like a puppy. The child doesn't speak but Luke can seem to understand him and teaches him all he can about botany and gardening.
Not much is known about the master of the house, lord Din Djarin, only that he showed up one day, with enormous wealth, and a mysterious child, and claimed his right to the estate. He is very selective on who he hires and seems to trust no one.
Luke, however, does notice a man watching out from the windows from time to time, gazing at the work and how his son is doing. Though, recently, Luke has felt the stare on himself often too.
Because of Grogu, they eventually begin to talk. Luke is fascinated and enamored with the handsome and quiet lord. But he keeps that to himself. He's a poor commoner without much talent or looks or personality to ever earn the attention of someone like Lord Djarin.
Yeah, Din is pretty enamored right back. Luke is beautiful and soft and amazing with Grogu. He's made everything around the estate beautiful and seems to always have a pleasant smile on his face.
Din starts to woo the younger man. At first he buys him items for his work, to make things easier...but then he starts to buy him journals and botany books, claiming to help with his interests. Then Luke's garden house he lives in is getting updated and he has amazing sheets and pillows, rich food and sweet bread...then he is earning days off where he can sleep and just spend time with Grogu and Din...then he's getting clothes and jewels and Luke is becoming very confused.
Din confesses his feelings for Luke in the garden. They probably sleep together for the first time there too.
Luke is all flustered and overwhelmed because he isn't anyone--why would a Lord want him?? He tries to pull back, worried that he would damage the man's reputation but Din won't have it. He could care less what others think. He's not dependent on others. He wants to marry Luke, so he will. He does not need permission from some backwards society to do so.
Luke still has a tendency of calling Din Lord Djarin...often times in bed which is something they both like lol
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