#ana flores is mentioned
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connie-taylor · 1 year ago
the fact that maria's disappearance has remained a cold case for decades... once ana & her friends died looking for her, they became cold cases too... ana & maria's mom alone after losing both of her daughters, not knowing (for the better, maybe) what cruelty took them from her.
hurts thinking how the victims go looking for maria, what they end up enduring, just to find her long gone (presumably) at black nancy's... the guilt ana would feel for bringing them there, knowing they're going to meet the same fate, that their families won't know what happened.
and of course, how could ana have known? who could have ever thought such horrors awaited them as they set up their camp site in the thicket? as they put up their tent, lit a fire and sat around together, sharing stories about maria and thinking they're close to finding her alive.
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calsvoid · 11 months ago
you’re telling me that at the end of an episode about parenthood they showed eddie and ana taking care of christopher and not eddie and buck
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notasecrettelepath · 5 months ago
In this chapter, Eddie starts to Lose It™ (not that he would admit it (it also for sure has nothing to do with buck having a new boyfriend btw)), Buck gets a new couch, and the word "Fine" is repeated 34 times.
Chapters: 5/20 Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) Rating: M | Words: 36k (slow burn babey)
Chapter Snippet:
Once, at Buck's request, Eddie had watched a documentary about a tribe deep in the Amazon rainforest. When the boys of the tribe reached twelve years old, they could go through a rite of passage to become men. For the rite, they had to put their hands inside gloves filled with Bullet Ants, one of the most painful insect bites on the entire planet. They kept their hands in the gloves as they danced and the ants stung. And Eddie was horrified. As a father, as a son, as a man himself. But he kept wondering about it. Wondering what it’d feel like for him — to earn his manhood through one single ritual. Not having to slowly learn and muddle his way through it. Not having to be repeatedly punched in the face by his failures at it. Thrown into the Texas dirt, dragged through the Afghanistan desert, crushed by 40 feet of Californian earth. The thought made him at ease. Attaining manhood by trading in a few days of semi-unbearable pain. Eddie had had quite a few of those already. But they didn’t make him feel more like a man. He just kept fucking failing.
Read Chapter 5 on AO3.
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dreamties · 1 year ago
Sonny is into natural history !! It's something he reads books on and takes notes about his favorite discoveries in a journal jam-packed with all his interests. He spends hours at the library perusing the history section, and then gardening and herbology and science. There is no specific natural history section, though he thinks there should be. He knows at least a dozen books that would fit into that section. Perhaps he should volunteer or get a job there, he thinks. But natural history is a hobby to him, not a career. It's something he loves, will spend an hour telling Leland and Ana about it. He's always patient with Leland, who can be slow with verbal information sometimes (but perfect with written ideas, always) and just needs a breather between topics. Sonny is always willing to respect that. He slows down and he shows Leland the pictures in his books- if he has any on him. He lets him look at the highlighted sections of his journal, doesn't pay too much mind to the scribbles in the margins and the excessive flow of ideas unrelated to the topic. Leland loves how passionate he is about this. Loves how caring he is.
Leland loves his friend nearly as much as Sonny loves his passions, loves his books, loves learning about natural history.
(Sonny loves Leland more than all those things. Sonny loves him as more than a friend, but not more than his other friends.)
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meatriarchived · 1 year ago
thinking about danny's career post-house and how in the scenarios where thomas has done a fuckin' number on him and it causes his more Dire injuries, all that work in his trade school nearly falls completely to shit.
repeated blunt force trauma to the head? likely causes long-term, chronic issues, may even prevent him from welding in deep water like he'd been training to do due to the water pressure on his skull? he'd probably have to be restricted to working at shipyards for any welding?
but then tack on the added layer of okay, where thomas struck on his head, is it a scenario where it cracked his brow bone open, hit his eye? caused him to likely have to get it removed post-house depending on how severe the damage to it / the socket / etc ended up? how it could affect him even getting hired in the first place if he's partly blind due to it?
like. all that work potentially for nothing? trying to return to normalcy post-house and he struggles to get into the line of work he'd spent all that time learning and honing? making work connections who then grow silent on him?
and then tack on all the post-house trauma.
how if they all made it out, alive, yes he's relieved and yes he's happy they all made it, that they found maria and got her home, but its all their collective and different ways of coping? his to shut down, grow quiet, reclusive. theres still so much rage and hate he's scared of lashing out on them. ana who throws on a brave face even then, shoves it all down, and moves on, but develops the habit of checking in constantly on where maria is, anxious when she doesnt hear from her immediately. and then maria, who depending on if things run thru wilted or shine post-house routes, if she stays in texas, after getting caught packing her place up, danny constantly checks in on her, scared of her trying to take off again like that, scared to return to the coast in fear of getting another call like the one he did about her being missing.
how if she does still take off to the pnw without a word to any of them, danny literally tries to hunt her down. takes off driving to all kinds of places he thinks she'd go - how he looks for places warm and sunny, beautiful and bright - thinking its obvious she'd go there instead of some consistently overcast, gloomy state.
how in the case that the rest of them get out but they know shes dead, hes always on the cusp of either breaking shit around him or crumbling into a heap of sobs on the ground. the guilt he feels not being there sooner, the guilt at what she must have gone through alone there, terrified the entire time she was kept alive. how following the little (likely empty-casket) funeral the flores' held for her, he couldnt stand going back there. because that isnt maria - that isnt his friend, there in some box surrounded by dirt, the one likely still decaying in that fucking basement like some kind of hunt trophy.
my guy is just. so lost post-house. feels like he failed maria, failed ana. failed mrs. flores. failed leland and connie, failed julie and sonny, failed donnie. failed all of them.
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screaming-universe · 1 month ago
Bashing Fics in the 9-1-1 Fandom
Inspired by @beforeastorm‘s very neat look at 9-1-1 bashing fics in August and in September 2024, I took another look at the numbers yesterday (23rd January 2025) and… it’s been interesting.
Methods and materials:
For that I selected the 9-1-1 (TV) tag on ao3 while logged into my account and thereby ensuring I would see both public and locked fics; beforeastorm only considered public fics so by god I hope that some of the increases can be explained by that. Then I used the Include filter function to search for [Character Name] Bashing. Where this returned nothing I employed the Search within result function to search for “[character name] bashing”, trying out variations (last or first or nickname). To double-check I also did this search for characters with established bashing tags, using the Exclude filter to ensure that I would not count any fic twice.
Some characters have a bashing tag for themselves and a couple bashing tag. For example: if you search for Margaret Buckley Bashing, you will be offered two tag: Margaret Buckley Bashing and Margaret Buckley and Phillip Buckley Bashing. As far as I could tell, searching for the individual bashing tag also always counts the couple bashing tag, so the couple bashing tags could be disregarded. A list of the characters I looked at is under the cut.
The numbers were collected in an excel file and assigned the characters categories: main (meaning main adult character), family, love interest and other. I also took note of the gender. I did some analysis in excel before having the smart idea that I might as well use this as a training exercise for R (and I am very bad at R).
Disclaimer: this will not include all bashing fics because sadly some people are not familiar with tagging or love letting people run into a fic they will not enjoy. Also while I much prefer it when people tag bashing, some are overly careful and may use bashing tags when not really needed. Still, I much prefer that to people not tagging.
Disappointing but hardly surprising at this point: the extremely dubious honour of being the most bashed character goes to Tommy Kinard with 660 bashing fics to his name. That obviously makes him the most bashed character of the love interest category, followed by Ana Flores (241) and then Taylor Kelly (118 ^^). The most bashed characters of the family category are the Buckley parents (347 and 325) followed by the Diaz parents (238 and 176), with the mothers being given more bashing fics than the fathers. In the other category, Vincent Gerrard leads with the 66 times his bashing tag was used. Chase Mackey is in third place with 26 fics, and in second place is the Firehouse 118 Crew (45) which probably could be rather counted to the main character category.
Which brings us to that category. Chimney has been bashed in 317 fics, making him the most bashed main character. Followed by Maddie with 223 fics and Bobby with 163. Out of all the main adult characters, Buck is the only one without an established bashing tag. There are 7 fics out there that you can find if you employ a variation of queries with his name + bashing; that is if I have made no mistake. Because honestly? Finding Buck bashing fics is hard. Athena and Buck are the only main characters with less than 10 bashing fics to their name.
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Fig. 1: This fucking barplot was a pain to make but here we are! Characters on the y-axis and number of fics that use respective bashing tag on the x-axis. The total number of respective fics are shown next to the bars; colour indicates the category the characters have been placed in. Top: continuous x-axis to allow for an easier overview of the proportions of the bars, bottom: x-axis with a break to allow a closer look.
Dishonourable mention: why the fuck would anybody write a fic with Christopher bashing?
Honourable mentions: Boeing and dolphin bashing. It did make the otherwise pretty depression task of data collection much better.
Gender-wise there are more bashing fics about men (54.3%) than there about women (44.3%) (of course I did not look at every character so I will have missed a few bashing fics). If nobody was writing Tommy bashing fics, that would be flipped (male: 43.0%, female: 55.3%).
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Fig. 2: A lovely pie-chart showing the bashing fics per gender, with male subdivided into Tommy, and the other male characters.
Which brings us to the tragedy that is the hate this fandom has for Tommy Kinard. If you add up all the bashing tags I found (which does not equal fics, some people are happily bashing away in their fics), then his account for about 20%. Which is insane, wtf.
This was really depressing tbh. I showed the bar plot to my sister and she asked me what bashing is. She’s been in fandom for years; she was in the supernatural fandom and has read fics and somehow I still had to explain bashing to her. So really: yay for us, this fandom really is something.
 If you look at beforeastorm’s tally from August, you’ll see that Tommy bashing fics began popping up in April 2024 and since then he has become the most bashed character (out of those I looked at, I’m pretty sure that this holds true).
Now you may be wondering why these characters are being bashed. Warning: the following part is based on my opinions. I did not read the fics of all 3291 bashing tag instances that I found.
In some cases it seems pretty straight forward: Vincent Gerrard, Chase Mackey, Doug Kendall and Olivia Ortiz need no further explanation. Other “villains” such as Jeffrey Hudson and Jonah Greenway have no bashing fics that I could find though.
The Buckley and Diaz parents getting bashed is also not surprising. Can’t say that I’m wild about it since my experience with reading fics that tag bashing was usually “here’s a random evil person I made up and then gave the name of an existing character”, but I understand where people are coming from.
Now the main characters… I’m just gonna say it: it’s people who have wronged Buck – according to some of the fandom at least. Chimney’s crime: the punch (no, I’m not defending it, but some people really have run with this). Maddie’s crime: not telling Buck about Daniel and then wanting to talk to him about it when he didn’t want to. Bobby’s crime: not allowing Buck back to work. Hen’s crime: idk, being Chimney’s bestie?
As for Eddie: I guess he’s a misogynist now, if you ask some people? Idk, it’s not like I read the summaries of all the fics because there are too many and also just no.
The love interests – which yes, in this case all happen to be Buck and Eddie’s love interests, imagine my surprise – happen to be “in the way” of shipping I guess. I did look at other love interest or ex-relationships and could find nothing.
Tommy’s crime: loving Evan.
If you write bashing please keep tagging it.
All the characters I looked at: characters with no bashing fics I could find, characters with an established bashing tag, characters with no established bashing tag but bashing fics can be found
Main adult characters:
Athena Grant, Bobby Nash, Hen Wilson, Chimney Han, Evan Buckley, Eddie Diaz, Maddie Buckley.
Recurring characters, family:
Michael Grant, David Hale, May Grant, Harry Grant, Beatrice and Samuel Carter, Emmett Washington;
Marcy Nash, Tim Nash;
Karen Wilson, Denny Wilson, Antonia Wilson, Nia and Mara;
Albert Han, Chimney’s father/Sang Han, The Lees, Jee-Yun Buckley-Han;
Margaret Buckley, Phillip Buckley, Daniel Buckley, Doug Kendall;
Christopher Diaz, Isabel Diaz, Helena Diaz, Ramon Diaz.
Recurring characters, love interests:
Tommy Kinard, Natalia Dollenmeyer, Taylor Kelly, Lucy Donato, Ali Martin, Abby Clark;
Kim, Marisol, Ana Flores, Shannon Diaz;
Eva Mathis;
Recurring characters, others:
Firehouse 118 Crew Bashing;
Chase Mackey, Vincent Gerrard, Jonah Greenway, Jeffrey Hudson, Councilwoman Olivia Ortiz;
Josh Russo, Lena Bosko, Ravi Panikkar, Claudette Collins, Brad Torrance;
Boeing, Dolphin.
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starstruckbyacomet · 4 months ago
Bullying – BoBs' Reason behind It, and Their Last Straw (probably)
BoBs have used every reason and tool they can think of to trash Tommy and to bully Lou online. A lot of their excuses could be broken easily, makes them look stupid, manipulative, or (most often) both. But they don't care.
Why do BoBs keep bullying Lou?
Because they think this strategy has served them in the past, several times.
They have bullied the actresses who played Buck's or Eddie's love interests: Gabrielle Walsh (who played Ana Flores), Megan West (who played Taylor Kelly), and Edy Ganem (who played Marisol). After the bullying, all the actresses had their characters broke-up with either Buck or Eddie.
They also bullied Kristen Reidel, then showrunner from Season 2 to Season 6, because Kristen has mentioned that she only viewed Buddie's relationship as platonic (link). After the interview was published (and the subsequent bullying happened), it was announced that Tim Minear would come back to the show, and took back the showrunner's mantle from Kristen Reidel.
Has the bullying strategy actually served BoBs in the past? NO! Because of the following reasons:
According to Tim Minear, Buck has been queer-coded at least since Season 2 (link). It means Buck would date a man at some point on the show. Until Buck dating a man happened on screen, it was logical to assume that every relationship he had with women would not last. The break-ups had been planned by the writers all along. There was no need to bully anyone to make them happened.
Right after Shannon's death, it has been coded that Eddie had unresolved feelings toward his late wife. Several clues: Eddie's confession that he was upset about Shannon's request for a divorce, his reluctant to open a dating app which he had downloaded himself, his half-hearted efforts to meet women (golfing, hiking, forced blind date), and his panic attack over the prospect of marrying Ana Flores. When he started to date Marisol, Eddie had not yet addressed his unresolved feelings. From the beginning, it was very possible that there would be a break up with Marisol in the horizon. It's reasonable to assume that Eddie would not have a lasting relationship until he addresses his issue. Bullying the actresses had nothing to do with the break-ups.
Tim Minear's return as the showrunner is most likely part of the deal between ABC and Fox. 9-1-1 is Tim's own brainchild. It is reasonable that ABC has wanted Tim to come back, to ensure the quality of the show. Kristen Reidel being bullied was not the cause of Tim's return.
However, too many positive coincidences apparently have made BoBs cocky and overestimated their power. The power that they don't actually have, as implied by Tim Minear who had said that the online responses had not reflected at all the number of viewerships shared by the network (link).
So, what's next for BoBs?
With Buddie goggles on, canon Buddie seems really close right now:
Buck has been out as bisexual.
Eddie will address his unresolved feelings about Shannon, and his supposed Catholic guilt, on the next episode (8x06).
The next steps would be: free from his mental burden, Eddie will realize his attraction to Buck. They will confess their love to each other. Buck will dump Tommy. And finally, Buddie canon ever after.
Is the above scenario going to happen? ABSOLUTELY NOT, because:
1)) Tim and Ryan have a mission with Eddie's current storyline: to break the stereotype that men who open up about their feelings must be weak, or gay.
Imagine what will happen if some straight boys / young men who grew up with toxic masculinity watch Eddie talks about his feelings, then watch him comes out as gay several episodes later. They will think 'talking about feelings = being gay'. This only perpetuates the stereotype Tim & Ryan want to break.
2)) The show made Eddie read a swimsuit magazine in front of half-naked Buck in a hospital setting.
This painfully shoehorned scene is a not-so-subtle way to show the audience that Eddie is sexually attracted to women, not to Buck.
3)) Viewership numbers show that General Audience loves Tevan, while on the other hand, BoBs have bullied Tim Minear and his actors. Why the hell would Tim replace Tevan with Buddie?
4)) There are tons of other reasons which I couldn't possibly list one-by-one. But you get the gist.
As predicted, BoBs are fully determined to ignore the above reasons.
What will be BoBs' last straw, probably?
From Buddie shippers' POV, once Eddie is free from his unresolved feelings and his Catholic guilt, there is nothing substantial in the way of canon Buddie. Buck has openly admitted his attraction to men. Now it's Eddie's turn.
If Tim Minear wants romantic Buddie to happen, then it's the right time. There is no reason to not make Buddie canon.
Unless, there is only one reason left. It is...
Tim actually DOESN'T WANT Buddie to be canon.
How do we know this?
Because he will give Eddie another FEMALE LOVE INTEREST,
which is something he doesn't need to do, because like Buck, Eddie will finally be free....
It's been 7 years already, how many more years he wants to drag this story on....
The longest slow-burn queer love-story must have been breaking all kinds of records by now...
Oh, I can't wait to see BoBs' reactions when this happens 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.
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supercalime · 10 months ago
hellooo, fellow bucktommy shipper (and casual b*ddie enjoyer, if it weren't for the horrors...) here! i really liked your take on b*ddie st*ns and how they are now making super wild assumptions based on some latest interviews.
you know one thing that irks me? somehow nobody seems to talk about is the fact that in canon, buck isn't written to be in love with eddie at all. like, can we please talk about this??? because I'm all for Death Of The Author. OS can talk about ships all he wants but in the end, only the canon narrative matters to me personally. i've watched long-form content with endgame couples being set up in the pilot episodes who become canon many seasons later (bones, castle, grey's anatomy, the mentalist, etc.), and the entire point of such couples is to establish that, yes, they have been having romantic feelings all this time since day one. they do so very very obviously. there is zero subtlety or room for questioning.
one of the most common tropes is to give one or both characters (of the endgame couple) another love interest so that the endgame couple can be full of jealousy and pettiness every time that other love interest is mentioned or shown. having another love interests always endangers the original closeness of the endgame couple, and then the breakup propels the endgame couple forward in their relationship. the love interest is always used for comparisons, to make it abundantly clear that everybody else is lacking in some way. at no point in 911 did they do so with buck and eddie??? these dudes go through various romantic relationships, and never ever has it been any issue to the b*ddie dynamic. never was it talked about. never were hints dropped that one of them is jealous. even now, with bucktommy, eddie shows not a single ounce of jealously. on the other side, look at how they showed us buck being obviously jealous because eddie monopolized tommy's time even though buck wanted tommy time himself! buck couldn't stand the jealousy even a little bit, and he ended up literally hurting his bestie because of it. but whenever eddie is involved romantically and sexually with someone, there are zero signs that buck is bothered or threatened or jealous. they both seem super chill? they do not question at any point that them dating other people might hurt their relationship? logically, that must mean buck's never wanted to be romantically or sexually involved with eddie (and vice versa). at it's core, b*ddie has been written as a friendship. to this day, we have no canon proof for anything else.
i would not hate b*ddie to happen or anything. i do enjoy b*ddie fics (those that aren't super misogynist ♥). and i think it could be a great couple if done well! but as you said, even when buck thought eddie was hot... well, so what? that's literally just an objective observation. RG is handsome based on societal standards. chim and hen also immediately acknowledged that eddie was hot in 2x01, and both of them are Not At All romantically or sexually attracted to eddie either. nobody is questioning chim's or hen's sexuality based on the comments they made about eddie being hot. because nothing about this equals real romantic feelings or the desire to be in a relationship. the fandom understands that logic just fine with chim and hen. why not with buck, though? also, we have yet to see a reversed moment for eddie staring at buck and finding him hot. they had no problem to show eddie Immediately having a crush on ana flores when he first met her. this shows that eddie feels sexual attraction just fine. he was, however, never shown in canon to feel it for buck.
also interesting: even though buck found eddie hot when they first met, it did not trigger buck to seriously question his sexuality at any point in the past like, 5 years or so. in all those years of canon b*ddie friendship, the show has never used the plethora of opportunities to propel b*ddie into romantic or sexual territory. the show could have! but the show never did, so i refuse to let b*ddie st*ns or OS retcon this. if it's not in the canon material, it isn't canon. with tommy, it took only a couple of weeks and a handful of interactions for buck to reach a point of clarity about his sexuality. the most logical deduction imo is that buck simply clocked that eddie's hot (like everybody else, duh, he isn't special in that regard), and it's never meant anything deep.
my only real probem with this entire situation is how hardcore b*ddie st*ns are now using this as a justification to harass others even more (especially bucktommy shippers). i'd love to enjoy canon bucktommy and fanon b*ddie in peace! but the hate that b*ddie st*ns are spreading everywhere again (like with every new season and newly introduced love interest) is so overwhelming.
sorry for the long ass rant btw oopsie. feel free to ignore this. i just wanted to let it out and it seemed like you would understand. anyway, thanks for reading in case you got this far!
I’d never ignore a sensible take, anon! (I feel bad that you had to go anon but I understand. We know the drill by now, some stans are scary lol)
But like, ALL OF THIS!!!
Discourse like this is what takes away the enjoyment of media for me. It sucks that fandom experience can have two very extreme opposing sides, specially when it comes to two “competing” ships. You can kinda tell by how bucktommy shippers behave (I’m not trying to flex at all because I am one. A good majority of us has zero problem with b*ddie endgame even though we prefer the other. We like what we are getting and are happy to see this storyline play out) compared to b*ddie shippers (of course not all of them, I’m talking about the entitled ones. That clog comment sections, bother actors, go to the other ships tag to complain about it and say how their preferred ship is better, etc).
Im not immune to bad takes and bad fan behavior. Ive surely acted like these stans in other fandoms and i do regret it, so i hate seeing it happen again and again, no matter where i go.
Not to quote mean girls, but I wish we could all get along…
All that being said, whichever ship “wins”, it’s no one’s call but the writers and producers of the show. Someone told me that Tim writes for himself and doesn’t take outside factors (at least to an extent cause it’s impossible to not know the fan reaction) into consideration when it comes to where he wants the story to go.
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wwe-supernaturalxbands · 1 year ago
Star Crossed Lovers
Summary: Buck has been into Eddie for years, he assumed his feelings were reciprocated, just the timing was always wrong. However, Eddie begins to date Ana and Buck begins to distance himself and begins to move on after meeting reader when Ana was expected to be introduced to the firefam
Word Count: 2128
Eddie had started to date Ana Flores and for some reason he was hesitant to introduce her to his family and the 118, he knows it probably has something to do with the way his heart flutters around Buck but he needs to think about Christopher and how his mom had reminded him that Chris needs a mother. He knew Ana was getting impatient and wanted to meet those close to him. He also started to notice that Chris seemed to get sad. Chris also stayed hidden in his room on Fridays and it was because Eddie would cancel Movie Night with Buck so that Ana and Chris can bond but Christopher seems to not want to bond with her. Ana told Eddie it might help if Chris sees that she is here to stay by having her meet the 118. 
The day before the monthly BBQ at the Grant-Nash house Eddie looks at everyone sitting at the table eating, "Hey I'll be bringing Ana tomorrow is that ok?" Everyone looks shocked, they assumed the reason Eddie hadn't brought her over was because they weren't serious and Eddie would soon realize he is in love with Buck. Bobby is the first to recover and quickly looks at Buck who just continues to eat but looks down at his food, "yeah Eddie, she's welcome to come" and Hen and Chimney glare at Bobby while Eddie pulls out his phone to text her. Suddenly Buck gets up and leaves the loft, before anyone can follow him the bell rings. Since Christopher hangs out with Buck during the Ana/Eddie dates, Buck and Chris talk. Chris admits that Ana treats him like a baby and he doesn't like her but his dad won't listen and keeps trying to force them to have movie nights together. Buck also tells Chris that with Eddie and Ana becoming so serious, Buck won't be around as much as he used to but he'll always be a phone call away. Christopher understands, he knows Ana doesn't like his Buck, he heard her complain over the phone with her friend about how Buck is always there and the more her and Eddie date the more she is going to convince him to stop bringing Buck home. 
The day of the BBQ Christopher is done getting ready and walks to the living room where his dad is waiting for him, "we need to go pick up Ana and then we will head over" Eddie explains and Chris just sighs and walks out the door. Eddie is able to tell Chris doesn't like Ana but he really hopes tonight will change that, maybe if he sees Buck accepting her he will too. Eddie feels a pit in his stomach though at the thought of Buck and Ana meeting each other. He kind of hopes they won't get along but he also knows he needs them to if he wants Ana to stop mentioning that he should stop hanging out with Buck. After picking her up they arrive at the Grant-Nash house and walk in. Right away Christopher goes over to Harry and Denny where they begin to whisper and all three boys glare at Ana, the adults not knowing that Buck had texted Chris and informed him that he won't be able to make it tonight. Chris knows it's because of Ana. Eddie notices the adults are all sitting and have their plates ready, "you're late" Athena chastises him. Eddie looks down, not wanting to explain it's because Ana took forever to get ready because she had to make a dramatic appearance. Eddie gets himself and Ana plates and sits down, he notices Buck isn't there and gets upset so he sits next to Karen. "Everyone meet Ana my girlfriend, Ana meet Karen, Hen, Chimney, Maddie, Athena, and Bobby" Eddie introduces. They all are pleasant with her but Eddie is able to tell they don't like her, especially Athena and Maddie who can't seem to stop glaring at Eddie for some reason. He is itching to text Buck and ask why he's late but he knows Ana will get irritated. After a bit of conversing he takes the plunge and asks, "where's Buck", everyone looks shocked, assuming Eddie would be the one to know. Chris who was sitting and eating with the other two boys hears his dad and says "he's not coming" before turning back to his friends. Everyone but Eddie (even Ana who can tell Buck's in love with Eddie) know the reason Buck isn't there is because he couldn't handle the heartache of seeing Eddie in a serious relationship. Karen decides to change the topic of conversation.
Meanwhile Buck is at the grocery store, buying ingredients so he can make Eddie's abuela's chicken soup, his new comfort meal. As he's going through the isle he accidently bumps carts with another person. "Oh I am so sorry" the person apologizes, turning to look at Buck. Buck immediately finds this person comforting and beautiful, "oh no my apologies!" They look at Buck and can tell something is wrong, "I know we don't know each other but how about we go get some Mexican food, you look like you need a friend", Buck looks shocked but ultimately agrees. 
After the BBQ and grocery store day, Buck had told everyone (but Eddie) about Y/N, the quirky woman he met and how they were getting closer. Everyone was happy that he was beginning to move on. Chris could also tell there was something different about Buck but he didn't ask because nothing about them changed. He still made sure to make his dad drop him off at Buck's every weekend that Buck didn't work. Eddie was struggling, Ana wanted to make things more permanent by wanting to move in but he kept dodging it. He could also tell that Buck was talking to him but there was a distance between them now. They no longer basically sat in each other's laps, they no longer had lingering touches, they no longer hung out together after work. It was driving Eddie insane because he needed Buck in his life and although he knew he'd never have Buck in the way he wanted because Chris needs a mom, he still hoped they would still be close but it was beginning to seem like that was not the case. 
"We haven't had a day at the zoo, just you, me and Chris, so I expect us to go tomorrow, see you at 8am" Eddie tells Buck in the locker room on a Friday, it's been weeks since he's been with Buck in a nonwork related way. Ana had told him that he needed to prioritize her and he agreed because he knew he loved Buck but had to give Christopher a mother. Buck sighed, "You sure you want to come?" He asked surprised, he was planning on taking Christopher to a brunch place Y/N had introduced him to, so that Chris and Y/N could finally meet. He'd talked to both previously and they were both excited to meet each other. Chris was nervous about meeting Y/N because he was afraid she'd take his Bucky from him but Buck told him Y/N knew and accepted that Chris came first. Eddie nodded and walked away. 
*Next morning*
As Eddie was getting everything ready for when Buck came to pick them up, Ana walked in, she was still trying to convince him to move in together but he was still saying no, he knew the moment he said yes, he would absolutely lose Buck forever. "What are you doing here?" Eddie asked surprised, before she could answer Chris walked out, excited for his day with both Dad and Buck, he missed these. As soon as he saw Ana his smile was wiped of his face, "I thought Ms. Flores wasn't coming" Chris asked, and Eddie knew in this moment that maybe Ana wasn't the best option for Chris. Maybe everyone had been right in telling him to follow his heart. He thought with time Chris would come to love Ana but the fact that he refused to stop calling her Ms. Flores and refused to spend time with her was a major red flag. After the BBQ Bobby had admitted that when he was talking about moving on, on the q word day, he was actually talking about Buck. Now though, he noticed that no one talked about Buck in his presence, when he was at work, it was all professional, he was losing his family thanks to his attempt to make his parents proud. He decided that after the zoo he would convince Buck to have Chris sleep over so that he could break up with Ana tonight. After, he would come clean with Buck about why he started to date her and admit that he actually loves Buck. "Where are we going" Ana asked happily, while also going to help Chris with his shoes even though he didn't need the help. "Buck and I are taking Chris to the zoo" Eddie tells her firmly, she looks at him with her lips pursed, clearly upset. "I thought we were going to take Christopher to the zoo next weekend" she asked. "NO THE ZOO IS FOR ME AND BUCKY" Chris yells and walks back to his room. "Maybe he shouldn't spend so much time with Evan" Ana told Eddie for the millionth time, she also refused to call him Buck, because "it's childish". Eddie sighed. Suddenly, Chris walked out of his room with his phone and handed it to his dad, "it's Buck, he wants to talk to you" and then walked back to his room. Eddie grabbed the phone, "hello" he asked confused, wondering when Buck would arrive to pick them up. "Chris mentioned Ana is coming? I figured we could just meet at the zoo instead then. I'm about to head over there instead since I was almost at your place, see you soon" is all he says before hanging up. Eddie gets upset, he was looking forward to finally being in Buck's jeep again like old times. Great, he muttered. "You're not coming, today is all about Chris and Buck. You and I will have dinner at around 8pm" is all Eddie says to Ana, she smiles thinking it's going to be a good night, in their many months dating, they've only slept together about 3 times, but she was patient, she didn't know it was because he felt like he was cheating on Buck. Eddie goes to Chris' room and explains it's just the 3 of them and that they would meet Buck at the zoo, which didn't lift Chris' spirit much. 
When Eddie and Chris finally arrived at the zoo, at the entrance they noticed Buck was talking with someone, Eddie immediately got jealous. Buck spots them and frowns, wondering where Ana was. "Chris buddy! I have a very important friend here who's been wanting to meet you forever" Buck tells Chris. Y/N hugs Chris right away, "Christopher it is so nice to finally meet you! Listen, Buck told me about your fears but just know that if he EVER tries to put me before you, I will leave him right away! You come first! Also we're not official yet because I need to make sure I have your approval, so after the zoo just let me know if you approve or not and be completely honest, ok buddy" she tells him truthfully, which Chris likes, so he can tell he'll get along with her right away. "Oh Eddie, you haven't met Y/N yet, Y/N this is Eddie" Buck introduces his 2 partners. Y/N knows all about Eddie and Buck's unrequited love. She also knows he's finally healing and moving on from Eddie. Eddie gets jealous, has Buck found someone? When did this happen. "When did you meet" he can't help but ask. Buck gets flustered, he knows the moment he tells Eddie, Eddie might figure it out. "The day I didn't show up at the Grant-Nash get together, when you wanted to introduce Ana to all of us" he says. 
That's when Eddie's world collapses. He realized the reason Buck didn't show up was because of the heartbreak of seeing Eddie with someone else, that same heartbreak Eddie is having by seeing Buck with someone. Eddie pushed Buck into the arms of someone else that unfateful day. Here Eddie was hoping to have a fun day at the zoo with his boys with the promise of tomorrow professing his love for Buck and asking him on a date, only to find out Buck has slowly began to move on from him after Eddie made his relationship with Ana serious by introducing her to the team. 
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eddiediazismyhusband · 8 months ago
🙅🏻‍♀️ babe do i even have to send an emoji be so for real
i have no threat other than write it or i'll be sad and i'm already spiraling about that one thing so it won't end well for either of us lmao
oh would you look at that i seemed to have conveniently missed a homophobic marisol sneak peek ask! what prime opportunity to terrorize @mazzystar24 !!!! 😊😊😊😊😊😊
Eddie was introduced to Juanita Torres about a month after he and Marisol began dating.
Upon meeting her, she had immediately begun interrogating him on his upbringing, and asking if he was going to raise Christopher Catholic. When he told her he was allowing Christopher to form his own faith system, she sighed and said that when he and Marisol had children of their own, then they could be raised Catholic.
At the mention of children with Marisol, Eddie had felt the blood drain from his face- a chill rushing over him as he tried to regulate his breathing as he felt his heart begin to pound in his chest. At that point, he had never imagined having children with Marisol- they had only been together for a month for Christ’s sake! He hadn’t even thought about kids with Ana…
Of course the implication of he and Marisol having children implied that the two of them would eventually….
But of course they would! They’re in a relationship. How could Eddie expect her to be in a relationship without sex? He and Ana had dated for almost a year without taking that step, Eddie breaking things off with her as soon as it started getting serious enough for that to be on the table.
And aside from sex, Eddie wasn’t sure he wanted any more kids. He loved Christopher more than anything in the world- hell, Christopher was his world. He would be content for things to remain just him, Christopher, and Buck for the rest of his life.
He had been brought out of that conversation by Marisol playfully slapping her mother’s arm, admonishing her with a giggle as she said, “Mamá, we’ve only been dating for a month- at least wait until month two before you start pestering him about possible nietos.”
That had done nothing to assuage Eddie’s nerves that night.
(also before anyone asks, yes i did intentionally name Marisol “Marsiol Torres” for this fic bc “Torres” rhymes with “Flores” and i wanted that Ana easter egg in there)
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xxcocothekillerxx · 1 year ago
Behind Locked Doors
Pairing: Johnny slaughter x FemReader
Summary: Y/N recently moved into a somewhat small town, Newt, In Texas with her father. Y/N's father thought this would be a good opportunity for them, since things got rough back in California. Little do they know the trouble that awaited them..
Warning: This series will contain 18+ content & material! NSFW situations and possibly TRIGGERING topics such as- Depression, stalking, blood & gore, manipulation, mention of kidnapping and small amounts of self-harm, such as scars/cuts.
{{ Please proceed with care if you're sensitive to ANY of these topics }}
Author's Note: This is my first time really writing NSFW stories / stories in general. Tips and tricks on how to improve my writing and overall layout are welcome, though keep it respectful please. Other than that please enjoy! 💋
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CHAPTER 3: The Sunflower field
'The sun is warm and delicate as it hits your face, the cool air tickles at your skin as you lay there and your eyes flutter open. The blue sky greeting your (color) eyes and the puffy clouds slowly drifting by, song birds chirp as you lay there in the dirt and sunflowers surround you as they loom overhead. The scent of the sunflowers and fresh dirt, with a hint of cow manure, filled your nose as you gently gripped the dirt in your palms, your eyes started to slowly look around and as you did so small soft grunts and groans escaped your throat as you began to sit up. Your head felt foggy and dizzy as you sat up, your face flushed a light shade of pink as your naked body was exposed to the wind and yet you felt concealed within the sunflower field. You crossed your arms to hide your chest as you glanced around the field, only an endless ocean of yellow and an infinite blue sky greeted your eyes. Peace filled your body, a wave of comfort until you heard a loud rumbling pound on the ground behind you and suddenly the sky turned a crimson red, drops of red rain hitting your exposed body, drenching you in blood. The sunflowers started to dye around you as fear engulfed your body, with your eyes wide and the hairs on the back of your neck standing on edge as you heard another loud bang of a footstep, you heard the sound of a door creek open as you spinned around trying to find the direction of the sound. Your heart nearly pumping out of your chest as you felt a tight grip on your shoulder that quickly and harshly turned you around and all you saw was a evil grin and dark wild eyes looking down on you, before everything suddenly turned black…' you jolted up in your bed, breaking into a cold sweat, your breathing was fast and quick as you gripped onto your bedsheets. Your father sat next to you with a look of shock and concern.
"Y/N?.. you alright? I heard you start to thrash around when I came up the stairs.." your father explained, his hand gently placed on your shoulder as you sat there trying to calm yourself down. You take a few more deep breaths before you finally calmed yourself and look up at your father, tears filling your eyes as you quickly give your father a tight hug. Your father stayed silent as he stroked your head in a soothing motion and gave you gentle hush's as you quietly sobbed into his chest for the rest of that morning.
Later that evening you sat at the table down in the kitchen, eating your favorite cereal and drinking some orange juice, in your brown turtleneck sweater and brown bell-bottoms fixed up with a white belt,your father watching the local News on the TV. You listened to some of the news, only bits and pieces before one topic caught your ear which quickly made you perk your head up from your cereal bowl. ' ATTENTION: Four local highschool students went missing last night. They were last seen leaving a local roller skating rink, Leland McKinney, Julie Crawford, Connie Taylor, Sonny Williams and Ana Flores. If you have any information about their whereabouts PLEASE contact your local authorities', you almost felt your heart sink to your stomach as you heard their names. You got up so quickly and so fast you felt lightheaded and sick as you ran outside, nearly breaking the door off its hinges as you threw up on the wooden porch. You felt as if the world just hit you over the head with a cruelest joke in the world. Your stomach twisted and curled thinking about it, tears started streaming down your face as your first thought went to Leland and all of your friends, you felt so happy around them and suddenly they were gone. You heard your father quickly run out the door towards you, you felt his arms wrap around you in order to comfort you but you practically felt nothing, you felt numb and cold as you stood there. Seconds felt like hours to you all of a sudden as you gently, yet shakenly, placed yourself down on the porch steps. Your father quickly went inside to grab you water, you looked over across the road at the sunflower field. A shiver trailing down your spine as you watched the petals drift in the wind.
You sat there alone for a while looking at the sunflower field as you drank the water your father had given you, feeling relaxed enough to get up and go inside. So you brought in the cup and looked towards your father, "I'm gonna go for a walk… I'll be back soon I promise" you said wanting to be alone for a while, your voice strained and scratchy from the throw up and crying. Your father reluctantly nodded his head as he understood that you needed your alone time and didn't stop you as you walked back out the door, the dried tears staining your cheeks as you once again stepped outside and headed towards the field across the road.
The sunflower field greeted you as you took a few feet into its embrace, the ocean of yellow and green dancing around you as the flowers bellowed in the wind. You kept walking for a good few minutes before you hit a small clearing, an abandoned old rusty car sitting slightly slanted and surrounded by smaller colorful flowers. Your breathing calmed and slowed as your body relaxed, the fresh air seeping into your lungs as you leaned up against the old car. Pulling out a book from your brown bag that you brought with you, you sat on top of the hood of the car as you flipped through the book to get to the page you last left off on. You sat there reading for awhile before you heard something ruffling within the sunflowers, you jumped slightly as a rabbit quickly hopped passed you. Your breath hitched as the animal darted past you and right back into the field, your focus quickly snapping over to where the rabbit came from as you heard more Rustling. ‘crap..’ you thought as you think it's the predator the rabbit was running from. You kept still, clutching the book close to your face as you peered over it and waited for whatever monster to pop out of the bushes. Nothing came… and you started to relax yourself again, placing the book back into your bag as you lifted yourself off the hood of the car. Walking over to where you heard the movement, you leaned over to look through the tall stems of the sunflowers. As you looked into the flowers, your eyes darted around before your eyes met.. his darken, wild eyes meeting your, that devilish grin peering back at you. You felt your heart race as you quickly backed away from him, however he followed closely in hand, his grin trying to seem friendly as I kept approaching you. “What's the matter Y/N? Not happy to see a familiar face?” he condescendingly as his voice echoed through your ears as he tilted his head at you, desperately trying to look innocent. You felt your back reach the rusty old car again “what are you doing here?!” You yelled, your heart pounding through your chest. Johnny quickly pressed his pointer finger onto your lips, his eyes seemed to darken as his gaze met yours. “Shh~ don't mean no’ harm sunflower~” he whispered, his voice deep and scratchy even slightly harmonic as he whispered, his eyes never leaving yours as he slowly pulled his hand away as he straightened himself. You felt dumbfounded as if you shouldn't be scared and concerned for your safety, your brows furrowed in confusion as you kept your back firmly against the car. “I also went for a walk…my house is that way” Johnny explained almost sarcastically, tilting his head towards the direction he came from. You still felt nervous however you let your guard down slightly as he pulled his pack of cigarettes out and picked out to light it. “Those ain't good for ya know..” you sarcastically spoke, arms now crossed. Johnny didn't seem to care in the slightest as he ignored you and lit one of the cigarettes while placing the pack of cigs back into his pocket, you huffed in annoyance by his rudeness and just sat back onto the hood of the car once again. You reluctantly signed to yourself as you sat there Silently before gently moving over and patted the hood of the car. Johnny's eyes perked up from lighting his cigarette and looked at you in slight confusion, his eyes darting from you to the hood of the car back up to you. “Ya' gonna sit with me at least?” You huffed as you looked at him, Johnny's face turning from focused on his cig to slightly surprised, however he stayed silent.
Your eyebrows raised and eyes widened as you waited for him to either speak or do something. You wanted to talk about last night with him.. how he knew your name, why he was also in the sunflower field, why he creeped in the field next to you. “I don't feel like sittin’..” Johnny protested, focusing back onto his cigarette that sat firmly in between his lips. “Do you mind if you ask ya' something sunflower?” He softly spoke, his demeanor softened as his eyes drifted to you. You felt slightly surprised as you looked at him, yet something about the situation made you feel uneasy and softly said “don't call me sunflower..”. Johnny ignores you completely and faces towards you “Why are you out here?” He questioned as he walked closer, you unconsciously leaned back as he did so but Johnny didn't take notice or simply didn't care as he came within arms length of you and the car.
“Just needed a breather..” the pain in the heart slightly returned as you remembered the news and your friends, your eyes looked towards the ground as you felt a frog in your throat. You felt Johnny's eyes on you which made you look back up to him, his face almost unamused and blank of any expression that you could tell as you stood there. Suddenly his demeanor changed from not carrying to giving a reluctant sign as he shut his eyes, a groan of annoyance soon followed as he drew his head back and combing his hair back with his hand, you questioned his actions with a slight eyebrow raise before it decided to speak. “...wanna’ talk about it sunflower?” He seemed almost hesitant as he leaned against the hood of the car, his back facing towards you but you could still see the side of his face as his side eyes you from over his shoulder. You felt your body strangely relax as you watched him, everything about him felt off, you couldn't tell what he was thinking of feeling and yet he seemed calm.
“Some friends went missin’…”. You rubbed your arm as you felt the pain in your heart grow, Johnny's eyes slightly widened from what you said, although you could tell what emotion he was expressing as you felt his demeanor darken as he stayed silent. He almost seemed as if he was hiding something from you but you couldn't honestly tell as your eyes drifted away from Johnny and back over to the sea of yellow that surrounded you, you felt his stare on you once again however you didn't care to re-meet his gaze as you hugged your knees close to your chest and continued to look at the ocean of sunflowers. Johnny's weight shifted off the hood of the car and you could see him from the side of your eye move to being in front of you, your gaze slowly drifted over to him and up to his eyes. His expression hadn't changed however he did reach his hand out towards you, you looked at him confused until you saw his expression soften and a soft sign parted his lips, “want to head into town with me?..” he spoke somewhat softly, his hand still out for you to take. You still felt uneasy about him, although being in a town with a bunch of eyes probably wouldn't hurt so you took his hand, they felt rough and yet soft at the same time as his grip became slightly tighter around your hand as he helped pull you off the hood of the car. You felt insane for taking this stranger's hand but something about him made you feel at ease almost as Johnny led you to an edge of the sunflower field, a dirt road leading to a farm looking house on one end of it, you could tell its white paint was slowly peeling off. Johnny quickly blocked the view of the house as he pointed down the other way of the road, “towns that way sunflower” he chuckled as you two walked towards town.
You two ended up talking for a little while as you walked, you felt as if you missed judged him as he gave you a small side smile and kept up conversations with you. Soon enough you two ended up back in town and stopped in front of the same and only, roller skating rink where you first met… and where your friends went missing. Johnny quickly noticed your expression change from joyful to sad as he gently placed his hand onto your shoulder trying to comfort you, you took a deep breath to calm yourself. ‘I'll find’em soon enough…’ you thought to yourself, as now you wanted to enjoy yourself. Johnny's face gave a smile before walking into the rink with you by his side, you felt yourself stare at Johnny and wondered why he was doing this for ya. Johnny and you walked in and were greeted with the same boy from before with the most dead face you could imagine, you honestly still felt bad for the kid before he spoke, “Welcome to RollerSkate Jinx, let our-'' the boy was suddenly cut off by Johnny slamming a few bucks onto the counter, his face showing his uninterest. The boys just shrugged and took the money before walking to the back, Johnny let you grab some skates before you and him walked over to a table and sat down across from him. You looked at him wondering why he didn't also grab roller shoes, “I don't skate sunflower..” he huffed, as he noticed your confusion. You nodded to yourself before looking around and noticing there's little to no people here, you assumed it's because it was still early in the day. Nonetheless you didn't let it bother you and sat there for a while talking to Johnny.
Few hours pass and you and Johnny are talking and laughing together, standing at one of the claw machines. You felt frustrated trying to get your hands on one of the teddy bears, it's fluffy brown body with a satin red bow tie and black little beady eyes almost mocking you as you try and get it, Johnny standing next to you with his arms crossed and an honestly concerned look on his face as he watched you spend nearly all your quarters on this dumb game. You crossed your fingers as you put your last quarter into the machine, the claw roaring to life and the bright rainbow colors flashing in patterns in your eyes. Determination written on your face as you gripped onto the joystick of the machine and finger hovering anxiously over the button, Johnny watched in amusement and chuckled to himself.
(Arthur side note: we're just gonna pretend Cheri Cheri Lady by Modern Talking came out 11yrs earlier, to me the song sits well with what I was imagining but you can also play any song… anyways!)
‘Cheri Cheri Lady’ started to play over the speakers, you where too focused on getting the teddy bear that you didn't hear Johnny come up behind you and lean over you to place his arms on either side of you and his head on one side of your head, he barely made a sound as his hand gently made their way onto yours. Shyness and slightnervousness filled you as your eyes grew wide and your face quickly flushed red as Johnny helped you move the stick to the correct position, his hot breath gently hitting the back of your neck as his focus was on your hands and the bear you were trying to get. You felt overwhelmed by his actions and his words of encouragement, “I got you sunflower” he gently whispered into your ear, his grip on your hands tightened as he made your finger pressed the red bottom slowly. Your shyness quickly turned in excitement as you watch the claw pick up the teddy bear, Johnny stepped away as you eagerly awaited the teddy. You heard Johnny chuckle to himself as you quickly grab the teddy bear from behind the flap of the machine, jumping up with excitement and joy as you hugged the teddy bear close to you. “I DID IT!” you yelled at you you practically shove the teddy bear into Johnny's face, Johnny only laughed and patted your shoulder. You two kept talking for a little while longer before you ended up leaving the roller rink and we're walking down the sidewalk back to your house, you noticed a familiar face as you two walked together, however as he noticed you and thwn johnny.. his face grew an angry expression. Johnny's eyes were focused on you before his eyes traveled to were yours where, you noticed he eyes widen as he gritted his teeth. The old man angryly waddled his way up to the two of you before smacking Johnny clean in the face, “the hell ya’ thinking hanging out with her?!” Drayton spat at Johnny, not giving your presence any mind as he completely ignored you, his focus locked onto johnny like an angry parents. You watched in shock as Johnny quickly sprung back at Drayton, his teeth gritted together so harshly they looked like fangs. “Leave it old man! … I can handle this!” Johnny snapped, yet he held himself back from actually throwing a punch. You unconsciously backed up as to not get in the way of the two, Johnny noticed and only got anger at the old man. His face red hot with rage as he looked into Drayton’s cold dead and expressionless face, the staring contest between the two made you feel uneasy until the old man quickly huffed and walked away quickly before spitting on the ground. Johnny's body relaxed as he watch the old man walk away, his focus still locked on him as he walked away. You gently placed your hand onto his shoulder as to relax him only to be greeted with Johnny snapping towards you with anger written on his face, his teeth gritted and bent into a snarl, his brows furrowed with build up rage and his eyes all seemed to dark as he looked at you like a wild animal. You quickly retracted you hand away from him in fear and backed away from his slightly, putting an arms length of distance between you before his face completely changed. Regret filling his eyes as he looked down at you, his shoulders dropped as his body relaxed and his hand reaches out in a way to say sorry. You only backed up more, confusion and fear in your eyes as your brows furrowed, Johnny sighed and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
“i'm.. sorry” Johnny spoke, his eyes locked onto the ground where your feet were. You could tell he felt sorry which made you relax somewhat. Johnny shit his eyes before taking a deep breath, he gave you a gentle look and took a step closer to you. It didn't take more then his one step for him you close together as he now was looking down on you, you didn't try to back away as you felt his hand land on your shoulders. He was gentle and calm as he tilted his head, giving you a ‘please forgive’ kind of expression. You signed before you gave him a nod, a smile quickly appearing onto his face. “Thank you sunflower…think I should take ya home now..” he smiled, gentle with his movements and words before turning to walked back to your house with you.
You two finally make it back to your house, your father now on the porch with his arms crossed looking over at you two at the end of the driveway. Johnny gave a wave to your father which made your father somewhat relax before walking inside to wait for you, you could tell your father was somewhat upset with you because you sad you'd only be a few hours and now the sun was starting to set. Johnny quickly, but gently, brought your attention back over to him by gripping onto you chin and lifting it to meet his gaze as he gave you a reassuring smile. “Thanks for hanging out with me sunflower.” He spoke as he backed up from you slightly, you smiled back at him as you nodded. “You're welcome.. should do it again soon” you shyly said, Johnny's face gave you a look of agreement. You stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before you two gave your goodbyes and him telling you to meet him on the dirt road to his house tomorrow, but not to go any further then the tree line. “See ya’ soon sunflower” You simply nodded before walking to the front of your door, however when you turned around to give Johnny one last wave goodbye… he was already gone.
You're father expressed worry about you being gone for so long and nervousness when he saw you with the Johnny boy, you gave him nods as you stayed silent as your mind was wondering about thinking about the day. After a little bit your father kinda gave up on speaking and went back to the couch, you went up to your room and changed into your PJ's and jumped into your bed to lay down. the stary night greeting your eyes as you looked out the window from your bed with a smile, snuggling under the sheets and your started to drift off to sleep.
‘see ya' soon sunflower’ echoing in the back of your head as you fell asleep with a smile staining on your face.
Now we got the ball rolling! Sorry this chapter took a little longer then I wanted to come out! However I hope you enjoy my series so far! Chapter 4 I hope to have out soon! 💋💋💋
Special Thanks and inspiration - @lil-spider 💋❤️
//Chapter 4//
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crystalclear97 · 1 year ago
hi hi hi!!
Name your favourite artists who inspire you! Your arts are so cute
Other ship aside Armin/Annie?
Do you plan to draw more Aruani?
oh hiiii !!! 😊
This is very difficult aaaaaa :_) obviously all the aruani related artists that I follow inspire me a lot, maybe we have very different art styles but I love seeing their art and they encourage me to embrace and enjoy the fandom as I am still a bit self-conscious about that "nerdy" part of myself.
I am kinda shy to mention specific people but let's see...... @nobluesea, @annawayne, @lidatan, @brbarou, @phyroblue, @ghostieking, @pepperjackets, @catfein ... aaand I have to mention @kalruani who I think is my fav aruani artist but I don't think they're on tumblr...... 👉👈 I don't wanna make anybody feel bad if I forget them, so if I follow you, consider yourself part of the list PLEASE :_)
some other non tumblr related people:
Ana Galvañ • Sara Soler • Gabriel Picolo • Bryan Lee O'Malley • alessandro barbucci • Núria Tamarit • Miguel Gallardo (RIP) • Maria Herreros • Laura Brouwers • Gretel Lusky • KAZLAND • Cristina Daura • So Lazo • Dakota Cates • Ingrid Arbiol • Paw Salcés • Xulia Vicente • Beatriz Fletes • LUCIA CUÑAT ORTEL • Paco Roca • Fran Riolobos • Ian • Sha'an d'Anthes • Lucy Zhang • David Ramírez • Julia Kaye • Alex Norris • AND some friends that are also great artists: [RAMUNE] - Alba Flores - Natalia Lucas - Joaquín Guirao
I'm forgetting people for sure aaaaaaaaa I tried my best.........
The alternative / punk / fanzine / local scene inspires me a lot, shows like Adventure Time, videogames like NITW or Omori with great art, and MUSIC!
at this moment tbh I am super aruani focused... but I've shipped a lot through my life haha when I was a child I was obsessed with TK + Kari (digimon) and I usually shipped my fav character from anything, which usually was the misfit / weird / nerd one (I still do btw) 😅 Some ships that I also like at this moment could be zutara, bubbline, tomgreg from succession (in a fun way tbh), OBVIOUSLY tayley from paramore but they are real people so..... HAHA idk if you ask me what do I think of some specific ship I'll tell you my take!
YES!! 🥰
thank you for asking!
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meatriarchived2 · 1 year ago
m'kay so -- mostly putting this together as both a quick look for new faces & a lil' refresher for those who've been following for a while but also as a general overview on not just how i run things but also on my muses, their portrayals, some blog updates, and so on! ♡ meant for clarity & hopefully ensure there's no confusion about certain things i may mention on the dash but always feel free to shoot me a message / ask for anything further! ♡
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starting off with my main girl, my pride & joy, my sunshine incarnate. i write maria as someone very warm & with a whole mess of love to shower on those she cares about. she is achingly sweet, doting, affectionate; she adores her friends, adores her mama & sister, has a complicated relationship with her father. i've done quite a bit to flesh her out beyond what gun's put out for her in the slightest & i love where she's grown over the months since adding her onto the roster. she is my main / primary muse -- so know i constantly yap and ramble about her, i have headcanons and lore posts sprinkled all over the blog & the archived blog. i love & adore her as a muse and she's become both incredibly special to me & easily one of my absolute favorite characters to write as. that being said, with how much i've added to her, i view my portrayal of her as more oc at this point than a character of gun -- unfridged my girl, yanked her away from them and took off with her lmao alot of what i've built with her was both greatly helped by the dynamics weaved together with my affiliates / mains' portrayals which i'll get to later on ♡ but know some things may not carry over into interactions between my maria & any duplicates of my affiliates' muses!
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i haven't gone through much writing for ana yet -- but know when i do speak of ana in a general sense on here? i am specifically referring to my own ana & my personal flores' family lore! if i refer to other ana's in future posts i'll most likely note so either by, for example, ' renee's ana ' or if its to that point in plotting, then with a dynamics tag on the post! otherwise assume when i'm yapping about ana in general i'm referring to my own portrayal of her by default! c: ( note that all you cute ana mutuals are still more than welcome to interact with posts about her / her & maria / the flores' ♡ just something to keep in mind if i refer to her in a general sense in posts! )
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ya'll may know our just some guy danny by gun's canon of him -- danny gaines. the danny here however is technically my own portrayal of danny gaines that i developed before he was officially dropped & we got his last name. should i interact with others writing danny gaines? i'm completely gucci with considering my danny & gaines as entirely separate characters!
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* correction : i now consider danny to be entirely severed from guns danny gaines and is, now, an oc fully. he is entirely his own character. otherwise, the speedrun of danny is as follows : danilo alejo-osorio is mexican-colombian, befriended maria in their early teens. he comes from a broken family with a very fractured & a.busive father, his mother returned to colombia and started another family there believing he'd have a better life staying in the states. he went through a very rough period hanging with a real shitty crowd of so-called friends, got into a shitton of fights, broke into homes and businesses with them, stole shit, broke shit, just in general not great influences. a break-in went wrong, his "friends" scattered, and he was arrested when the police showed up, and spent time in juvie for it. none of those friends ever came by. his father didn't, none of his family did. maria, her mother and ana, instead, were his constant visitors. and it was her coming to see him, her encouragement and push for him to do better is what finally made him realize he needed to turn his shit around. at the point of maria going missing & the house, danny's going to trade school by the southern coast for ship & underwater welding courses & training. he & maria are best friends. he is her ride, die, kill. gun noted once upon a time how strong dannys' devotion to her is -- my danny is very much devoted to her. he would kill for her without hesitation -- and not in his dire au's, even, but just in general. danny would do anything for those he cares about. any of the friendgroup.
my personal take / lore is as follows basically : papa flores ( ramón ignacio ) & mama flores ( carmen ainara ) were long-term sweethearts whose marriage and little family seemed perfectly ideal. however, the closer that their eldest daughter, maria, got to her teen years, the sicker carmen started to become. she attempted to keep it under wraps, hush-hush from the girls' to not worry or scare them. but she was diagnosed with a lung disease ( p.ulmonary f.ibrosis fingerguns @ silver for same braincell lmao ) that is considered ( esp in the 70s likely ) to be terminal. while the girls' weren't aware of her being ill to that degree, ramon fully was. and the stress of coming to terms with his wife being sick and finding out that she may eventually pass due to it, so he claims, "caused" him to start an affair. carmen does find out, and ramon removes himself from the flores' family home to move in with his affair partner. maria, being forgiving and more gentle-hearted compared to ana, attempted to still paint him in a positive light so that ana wouldn't resent him. tried to give him the benefit of the doubt -- that he at least still did love them all. that he'd keep the promises to still be active in their lives, still show up when he said he would -- however, there's only so many excuses, so many promises broken, so many calls never ringing through, before that hope crumbles. ana would witness both her mother & maria deal with their fathers' heartbreak through closed bedroom doors, and it'd only make her despise him more for it. when maria later goes missing, ramon returns to try and help in whatever ways he can -- and ana is very unreceptive to him being there. he lost his chance in her eyes to play "dad" to them. and she makes it known clearly to him how much she resents him and reminds him he's got no place in their family, anymore. that he's there ONLY to help find maria and not to expect shit from any of them.
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by default, i say a giant fuck you to the difference in continuity's when it comes to the family! i write the hewitt's as an extension of the sawyer ( or, slaughter ) family tree. the hewitts & sawyers connected when luda mae married charlton hewitt sr. luda, in my personal canon, was born into the family through one of grandpa sawyers' many kids' he's taken in over his long-fuckin'-ass lifespan lmao alot of the family dynamics that are my canon here stem from lamb & i's back & forths. i find blending the various iterations of the family -- from originals to remakes etc -- as all just extended families to each other alot easier to work around and opens the door to more interactions with canons' from other versions of tcsm! c: i'm currently slow-piecing together a family tree of the hewitt-sawyers based on that blended concept. to the sawyers, luda is referred to by aunt or grandma ( sometimes ma luda, even ) and thomas is referred to as cousin tommy.
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i was going to make this its own post but i'll add to this one instead. but with the idea of the hewitts & sawyers being just on massive family unit? of course there's the question of how the fuck do both thomas & bubba ( or other iterations of LF ) work then? i'd argue its primarily due to the fact that those who don't personally know them both don't know their actual names, and simply refer to them by the most notable feature -- the masks. with my thomas, yes, he does take faces of victims and he does wear them. however. thomas' skin condition -- flesh-eating disease / tumor growths on his face -- is why he wears his animal-leather half-mask. that half mask is his primary mask. he is almost always wearing that or varying versions of it. when thomas DOES skin someones' face to wear? it is almost always out of rage. hatred. it's done to intimidate. to unsettle. its from back in september but, one of my thomas' replies to kels notes this about thomas! the masks of both animal & human leather are still very much a part of thomas as i write him -- but, when it comes to the hewitt-sawyers being one family unit & thomas & bubba co-existing? "l.eatherface" becomes a title in a sense -- two giant motherfuckers who wear masks?? they get confused for one another. despite thomas being arguably much larger both being beefy & being 6'9 compared to bubba. they both don't really stray far from home. how often do outsiders get a chance to see them both separately let alone close to one another? likely not a common sight. it'd be very easy to spot one of them and then assume they are one in the same, honestly. that's how i go about things here, at least! it ties into more, again, of the back-&-forths lamb & i have minecrafted especially but, i'm all for altering that for specific interactions for those who don't want to meddle with all of that! (:
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spooky momther will retain what her abilities have grown into by my personal headcanons across the board! however there are certain points to how i portray her that, from any posts about her i've made, are tied into lamb's johnny and so know that there will be differences in how she may be with other johnnys! i'm all ears to how different nancy & johnny's relationship can turn out! if theres anything i feel overlaps with other dynamics of theirs, i will let you know and we can work something else out c:
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mentioned it already but : all muses here are very heavily canon-divergent & built out from their canon lore by my own brainrot going wild with them all. with that in mind, i do just about consider each of my portrayals of these muses as my own oc's at this point with how much i've added onto them / built them up from literal nothing like in maria's case. i'm more than happy to either adapt how i write any of them to better fit into anyone elses' takes! and i'm more than happy to welcome more into the brainrot that i've minecrafted with the flores' or the hewitt-sawyers etc! that's something to come from plotting however! if we haven't really spoken ooc / etc then i default to a more general vision of the characters for the time being. i'm all up for taking different routes with new writing partners so please don't be shy about reaching out! c: if theres anything that conflicts with pre-existing personal lore of mine or is too similar to plots or dynamics i have already, i'll let you know and try to offer alternatives!
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i have a few writing partners who i am affiliated with & with their respective tcsm canon muses. kels' leland, rae's connie, & lamb's johnny -- when i refer to leland/lee or connie or johnny in general on my posts, do know i am specifically referring to their portrayals as my general lore across my blog takes their muses & the dynamics built between them into account ♡ like i mentioned in ana's lil section, i'll start to make note in posts when i am referring to duplicate johnnys / lelands / connie's / etc for when im mentioning others' portrayals specifically! by default though i am always referring to my affiliates' portrayals when i post c: just wanted to clarify that though in case it was at all confusing or unclear ♡ affiliate verses here are as follows so far : - cold case ( cc / maria's dire au ; with lamb's johnny ) - no one saved you / we saved us ( nosy / wsu / maria & leland's joint dire au ; with kels' leland & lamb's johnny ) - oath binded ( maria & johnny's red string & reincarnation au / with lamb's johnny ) and then the still babiest dire au for my danny, - choke chained ( with lamb's johnny ). these verses, for me, are strictly worked with lamb ( & with kels for nosy/wsu ) -- meaning i'm not writing in them or doing similar au's with other portrayals of johnnys or lelands! again in case i haven't been clear on it before and it causes any confusion or anything! ♡
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i am not going to be shipping maria in any romantic / intimate sense nor am i open to any prolonged captive plots & interactions with other portrayals of johnny sawyer. those types of dynamics & interactions i've decided from this point on to close that for my maria to lamb's johnny ( @johnnysslaughter ) ♡ there has been a lot of plotting & build up between my portrayal of maria & lamb's portrayal of johnny and their varying dynamics across verses / au's and their different trajectories. and because of how many different iterations of their dynamic has been pieced together, i personally am not going to be taking other plots / dynamics with other johnny's that fall under the same umbrella as the dynamic between our maria & johnny do -- again meaning, i personally won't be shipping romantically / intimately nor will I take on plots that run parallel to cold case / no one saved you re: maria being taken captive for a prolonged period of time with other johnnys. alot of this decision on my part is very much due to how much we have developed them together -- another big part of it is my trust & comfort level with lamb to explore those dynamics between maria & johnny. this doesn't mean we are exclusive to one anothers' portrayals -- i am happy to write with other johnny's! and lamb is welcome to interact with other maria's! but from this point onward, i will only ship maria & johnny with lamb. ♡
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neverlessyours · 4 months ago
A INDEPENDENT  - semi-canon portrayal to the video game character ANA FLORES created by TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE - blog  divined  by  RINA  (  she  /  they, 19)  primarily  dedicated  to  HORROR & FANTASY AND LOVECRAFTIAN. oc friendly as well! 
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  A STUDY IN : heavily trauma, survivor guilt, aftermath, PTSD, final girl trope.
18+  ONLY.  minors,  personals,  please  do  not  interact, this is strictly rp account and I would like it as such, original  character  friendly.  semi-duplicate  friendly.  
—  PROMPTS:  open and accepting
(  twitter )  (  pinterest  )  
  001. this account is 18+ for any interactions,  strictly no minors, if i find out you’re under 18 you will be blocked, no exceptions. this account has mature themes including gore, torture, cannibalism, physical abuse and mental abuse, it also has some sexual themes.
002. I’ll try to tag and add warnings to any of my rp posts, sometimes i forget to add warnings so if that’s the case, please kindly tell me and i will add the warnings to the desired place.
003. i am now getting back to roleplaying, so excuse if i am not up to date. i have left roleplaying since like a year ago and am just now getting back to it, because i miss it, so i would appreciate if you are understanding and patient with me.
004. this is a judge-free zone, any bullying or harassment is not tolerated here, do not bring drama to my space as well, as i mentioned before, this is a strict rp account and nothing more, if there is something you need to tell me that is non-related, dm me or dm my main @mellowfluffzzz
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hazard-15 · 1 year ago
Call of duty cold war oc information (Bell oc)
[Credit to @shinmiyovvi for post format, this goes for other info/ref posts like this]
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Name: Mariana Flores Reyes
Age: 29 (1981) 32 (1984)
Birthday: November 9, 1952
Height: 5’6
Weight: 130.5 lbs
Nationality: American/Boricua
Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latina American
Languages: English, Spanish, German, Russian
Place of Birth: Bronx, New York
Rebel (By other Perseus members/friends)
Маленький кролик/ Little Bunny (By Stitch)
My Love (By Stitch)
Bell (By Adler and Co)
Perseus’s little lapdog (Arash)
Soviet Union (Formerly)
Perseus (Formerly, second in command, returns after events of Solovetsky)
CIA (Formerly, implanted memories)
Commander (Perseus)
Agent (CIA)
Alma Reyes (Mother)
Andres Reyes (Father)
Perseus Faction
(Note that these are a few/the most important relationships.)
Nikita "Reaper" Romanov (Best friend, partner)
Vikhor “Stitch” Kuzmin (Romantic interest/lover)
“Perseus” (Leader, father figure)
Kapano “Naga” Vang (Best friend, ally)
Arash Kadivar (Rivial)
Anton Volkov (Former ally)
Freya “Wraith” Helvig (Friend)
Kaori “Kitsune” Tanaka (Friend)
Owethu "Jackal" Mabuza (Friend)
Russell Adler (Ally to former ally)
Alex Mason (Ally to former ally)
Frank Woods (Ally to former ally)
Helen Park (Ally to former ally)
Eleazor “Lazar” Azoulay (Ally to former ally)
Lawrence Sims (Ally to former ally)
Mariana is a childish goofball but can be serious when need be. She’s a highly intelligent and fiercely loyal woman who seeks a sense of belonging. She’s always eager to make new friends and her goofball-like personality helps her put a smile on almost anyone's face.
Underneath that childish facade is a woman filled with insecurities and anxiety that she desperately tries to hide from her fellow Perseus members. She tries to simply make them smile and focuses on her work. (These insecurities and anxiety would bubble up to the surface and have a solid hold on her after learning about MK Ultra, the betrayal of her CIA “allies” and her own betrayal)
Mariana is the firstborn and only child of her parents, Alma and Andres. Her parents found themselves in a difficult situation following the second Red Scare, her father was accused of being a communist spy and had most of their rights revoked as a result. Their community shunning them. Andres was later arrested and jailed, where he later died.
Mariana herself was just a baby when all this occurred but she felt the bite of its effects growing up. The shunning of her community, and the badmouthing of her father whom she never met. Her relationship with her own mother was strained. Mariana grew up feeling betrayed by the United States/Capitalists, taking what was basically everything to her before she was even able to form a sentence. It’s what led to her turning to the idea of communism which advertised “equality”, feeling that its lifestyle could provide a better life for not only her but others as well. Using her skills and intelligence, she was able to master the art of cryptology and use that skill to send out an encoded message to any other communist spies in the area. Mariana ends up in contact with one, Nikita who’s a member of Perseus, he has her do some things to see her value and skills and makes mention of her to Perseus himself. She would work up in the ranks before meeting with the leader and later joining his faction.
Mariana is known for her signature black lipstick she always wears
Mariana has a tattoo of the Perseus symbol above her right breast/near her collarbone and a snake tattoo on her right arm
Mariana got her facial scars during a mission, a scar on her shoulder from getting shot by Adler, and one on her right arm during a mission as well
While knowing a good bit of Russian, Stitch still gave her some tips
During her time as “Bell”, there was some underlying romantic tension between her and Adler though the two never acted on them. Despite having her memories erased, Mariana was vaguely aware of a man that she was close to and that kept her from acting on any feelings she could’ve had for Adler, ofc that man was Stitch
Mariana also swore that if she wasn’t already aware of her sexuality, Park would’ve been her Bi-Awakening
Mariana has a bit of a New York accent along with a Spanish one
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darkhazard19 · 1 year ago
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Bell OC Information:
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Name: Mariana Flores Reyes 
Age: 29 (1981) 32 (1984)
Birthday: November 9, 1952
Height: 5’6
Weight: 130.5 lbs
Nationality: American/Boricua
Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latina American 
Languages: English, Spanish, German, Russian
Place of Birth: Bronx, New York  
Rebel (By other Perseus members/friends)
Маленький кролик/ Little Bunny (By Stitch) 
My Love (By Stitch)
Bell (By Adler and Co)
Perseus’s little lapdog (Arash)
Soviet Union (Formerly)
Perseus (Formerly, second in command, returns after events of Solovetsky) 
CIA (Formerly, implanted memories)
Commander (Perseus) 
Agent (CIA)
Alma Reyes (Mother)
Andres Reyes (Father)
Perseus Faction
(Note that these are a few/the most important relationships.)
Nikita “Reaper” Romanov (Best friend, partner) 
Vikhor “Stitch” Kuzmin (Romantic interest/lover)
“Perseus” (Leader, father figure)
Kapano “Naga” Vang (Best friend, ally) 
Arash Kadivar (Rivial)
Anton Volkov (Former ally)
Freya “Wraith” Helvig (Friend)
Kaori “Kitsune” Tanaka (Friend)
Owethu "Jackal" Mabuza (Friend)
Russell Adler (Ally to former ally)
Alex Mason (Ally to former ally)
Frank Woods (Ally to former ally)
Helen Park  (Ally to former ally)
Eleazor “Lazar” Azoulay (Ally to former ally)
Lawrence Sims (Ally to former ally)
Mariana is a childish goofball but can be serious when need be. She’s a highly intelligent and fiercely loyal woman who seeks a sense of belonging.  She’s always eager to make new friends and her goofball-like personality helps her put a smile on almost anyone's face. Underneath that childish facade is a woman filled with insecurities and anxiety that she desperately tries to hide from her fellow Perseus members. She tries to simply make them smile and focuses on her work. (These insecurities and anxiety would bubble up to the surface and have a solid hold on her after learning about MK Ultra, the betrayal of her CIA “allies” and her own betrayal)
Mariana is the firstborn and only child of her parents, Alma and Andres. Her parents found themselves in a difficult situation following the second Red Scare, her father was accused of being a communist spy and had most of their rights revoked as a result.   Their community shunning them.
Andres was later arrested and jailed, where he later died. Mariana herself was just a baby when all this occurred but she felt the bite of its effects growing up. The shunning of her community, and the badmouthing of her father whom she never met. Her relationship with her own mother was strained.
Mariana grew up feeling betrayed by the United States/Capitalists, taking what was basically everything to her before she was even able to form a sentence. It’s what led to her turning to the idea of communism which advertised “equality”,  feeling that its lifestyle could provide a better life for not only her but others as well. 
Using her skills and intelligence, she was able to master the art of cryptology and use that skill to send out an encoded message to any other communist spies in the area. Mariana ends up in contact with one, Nikita who’s a member of Perseus, he has her do some things to see her value and skills and makes mention of her to Perseus himself. She would work up in the ranks before meeting with the leader and later joining his faction.
Mariana is known for her signature black lipstick she always wears
Mariana has a tattoo of the Perseus symbol above her right breast/near her collarbone and a snake tattoo on her right arm
Mariana got her facial scars during a mission, a scar on her shoulder from getting shot by Adler, and one on her right arm during a mission as well
While knowing a good bit of Russian, Stitch still gave her some tips
During her time as “Bell”, there was some underlying romantic tension between her and Adler though the two never acted on them. Despite having her memories erased, Mariana was vaguely aware of a man that she was close to and that kept her from acting on any feelings she could’ve had, ofc that man was Stitch
Mariana also swore that if she wasn’t already aware of her sexuality, Park would’ve been her Bi-Awakening 
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