#an ampora of sorts
a-sadclown · 11 months
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i drew this a while ago but i made a delta troll (i think that’s what were calling it idk)
i also doodled him with goggles instead of eridan’s glasses and that feels better to me so maybe ill draw him fr again
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junk-heart · 5 months
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Here are the promised sketches
I really like how I've drawn tz and vriska on the first page
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orangeno · 2 months
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eridan fit but cleaned up
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clay-pidgeon · 1 year
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homed of stuck. i dont have a favorite character btw
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mushroomjuice · 4 months
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the right side of my neck still smells like you
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rudecurator · 8 months
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transfem support group sleepover turns to violence: more at 8
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officialsollux · 4 months
I think one thing about erivris that is so important is the fact they made the weight on their shoulders a game. And, in some ways, Vriska hunting with Eridan meant that the trolls she would have to kill for her lusus were probably going to die anyway. Eridan's orphaning meant his kismesis would stay alive, and Vriska could help keep all trolls in general alive with him. But also. Fundamentally. They were playacting. It gave them a way to connect and cope through their trauma together. And while I'm not sure how much Vriska ever had pitch feelings for Eridan outside that make believe context, I do believe it was incredibly meaningful to both of them.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 9 months
Kanaya: *Stumbles Into Eridan In Her Kitchen Uninvited*
Kanaya: What Are You-
Eridan: i wwas just… checking out. your vvarious. food. items. as I wwas. quite. a bit. peckish.
Kanaya: Were You Going To Steal From Me?
Eridan: i just wwanted a nibble of wwhatever you wwere havvin but it turns out this grubtoast isnt actually edible
Kanaya: Unfortunately, It’s Just A Decoration.
Eridan: oh you and your clevver prankster shenanigans havve got me again!
Kanaya: …I Would Not Define Many Of My Activities As “Prankster Shenanigans”.
Eridan: so howwvve you been? wwhats up wwith you?
Kanaya: Well I Hear There Is A War Between The Newly Forming Teams, Better Be Careful.
Eridan: wwell, exactly, there are many things you might need to protect yourself in this wwar. for example, this cool wizardy fireball charm
Kanaya: So You’re Just Giving Me This- Is This A Bribe, Eridan?
Eridan: its not. so much. a bribe. as. a wway of defendin yourself. specifically defendin yourself from the other team once you join my side.
Kanaya: I’ll Think About It, Eridan, I’ll Think About It- Why Don’t You Just Go Down Here?
Kanaya: *Opens Secret Trapdoor In The Kitchen Floor*
Kanaya: Just Get In The Hole.
Eridan: wwhats in the hole
Kanaya: It’s Vriska’s Hole, It Leads To Vriska’s Hive.
Eridan: vvri- i don’t wwanna go in vvriska’s hole
Kanaya: Get In Vriska’s Hole
Eridan: okay goin in vvriskas hole. bye kan!
Kanaya: Goodbye!
Kanaya: *Starts To Walk Out Of The Room*
Eridan: oh wwoww wwhy is it so tight in here
Kanaya: *Barely Holding Herself Back From Laughter*
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tmos-time · 1 year
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my own gemstuck design thoughts are resurfacing after. checks notes. five years lmao
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florgesblooms · 1 year
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troll design ideas on aggie + dove
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tempest-teacup · 16 days
Would you do some EriKar please?
Red or pale your choice
Thank you and have a wonderful day
(Idk if you were looking for a text reply or a drawing but it will take SO LITTLE to convince me to draw this)
Okay, serious time
I love pale Erikar and I think Karkat is SUCH an important influence on Eridan no matter where we land re: ships and quadrants or whatever.
I don’t personally “””ship””” them in the traditional sense because they’re both stupid assholes BUT their friendship is so fucking important and special, how dare any Eridan haters dare ignore it? I spit in your general direction!!
First of all they most certainly crush on each other, possibly even at the same time— those who complain that Eridan hits on everyone, oh my god, where were you literally any time Karkat interacted with someone in his age group? Hashtag double standards. Hashtag sexism. Karkat would smooch anyone and you know what? That’s totally normal and fine. The difference is Eridan’s place in the bullshit social hierarchy which is — spoiler alert — kind of a whole point in Homestuck.
But also, Karkat’s willingness(???) to befriend any idiot from any idiot level of their entire idiot class system is so important that it makes my heart hurt. And I kind of don’t even care about Karkat. Protagonists bore me. BUT!! Eridan is lonely and for whatever reason Karkat is willing to be his friend. Even Feferi, whom Eridan thinks he is destined to be with, is jealous of the closeness of their relationship. Do I even need to get into their unspoken “pact”? Fuck.
Anyway I do think that FLUSHED, Eridan ultimately needs someone less tightly wound to put up with his bullshit, and likewise Karkat needs someone softer to envelop his entire being in a big hug.
But, these two do need each other as friends and I would have loved to have seen a Homestuck story that focuses on more than “yay Karkat good, boo Eridan evil.” ‘cause naw, Eridan isn’t evil, he’s just fucking stupid, like EVERY character in Homestuck is. (Sorry, I’m on my Eridan soapbox now, but it’s because I think these two guys are both equally idiots and I love them. )
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spryzenz · 1 year
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he wishes he were John Travolta 
i love john travolta
and elvis
and anyone with a leather jacket.
and cronus
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suncaptor · 4 months
it is soooooo something that a lot of Eridan's social sphere were dependent on him acting as the ophaner so when the game starts and that's unnecessary he suddenly drowns in lack of support.
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edraculation · 10 months
so i keep getting this post on my feed about how people hate vriska because she's a girl or whatever blah blah blah this is old, but their phrasing was? interesting? they compared her to eridan and gamzee (as usual), so I'm gonna break it down real quick. they said gamzee is worse because he's a serial killer, and eridan is worse because he's a genocide apologist and a ""sexpest"" (good lord, that's a thirteen year old.) let's start with the comparison to gamzee, because girly, vriska is also a serial killer. that's a whole thing. not to mention gamzee was LITERALLY NOT OF SOUND MIND WHILE RAMPAGING. anyway, on to the eridan part. yes, eridan did attempt genocide, we get it. i literally cannot go five minutes on homestuck tumblr without seeing somebody complain about it. obviously, not a cool thing to do, but we can't just completely ignore the fact that vriska also killed people? like, at the scale we're working on, mass murder is mass murder. vriska isn't innocent of being weird about lowbloods, either, which brings us to our next topic. now, do i think it's right to call thirteen year olds sexpests?? no, obviously not, what the fuck. but if we're bringing that up, I'm not gonna shy away from mentioning that vriska sexually harassed tavros quite a few times in canon. concept explored, rant over. they're all bad people to a pretty strong degree (maybe gamzee less so than people make him out to be since, y'know, he was experiencing extreme symptoms of withdrawal), but they're all kids who grew up in a society that practically encouraged them to be that way. extra point, do i like eridan and gamzee more than i like vriska? yes. is that because i hate vriska, or think she's worse than them, or dislike trans women? absolutely not, that's a ludicrous accusation to jump to off of such minimal information. do i have my own unique feelings and opinions on characters that frequently change as i understand them better and are heavily influenced by outside factors as well as canon ones, which have nothing to do with prejudice or blindly following other people's malcontent? yes! I won't say that nobody hates vriska for baseless reasons, of course such a controversy-fueled fandom will breed some strange opinions, but "transmisogynistic murder apologist incapable of forming unique opinions" is a rather harsh label to attach to a mostly harmless preference.
no negativity intended towards the person who made the post I'm referencing, even if i came off a little harsh, although i do have them blocked because of how triggering that post was to me so I doubt they'll actually see this at any point.
(you can really see where in this post kankri forced his way to the front to engage in his favorite kind of discourse, huh. being plural is so funny actually. anyway im letting this post out of the drafts, im sure he wont mind)
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xxsomedudexx · 1 year
vwhat tag do i search to find all this vriska discource back in the height of homestuck?? i vwanna read about idiots fighting and laugh howv emotion people are lmao
- cronus
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sopordeficiency · 6 months
hi guys!! pencil speaking, so you might have caught a glimpse of the Eridan Week if you follow me. The blog recently announced it is officially stopping its activity.
well, im officially announcing that from now on the blog and event is in my hands!! yay!! :3
(which i mean it was passed down to me by the original mod)
i have some experience already running the @erisolweek so im very excited to run another one! if youre a certified eridan enjoyer, please go follow the blog. around summer ill make a new eridan week 2024. my goal is to move the dates to the month of march in the following years tho.
see you soon!!!!!
===> @eridan-week <===
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